diff --git "a/librispeech39.tsv" "b/librispeech39.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/librispeech39.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,4653 @@ +filename transcript speaker +3436-172171-0000.wav where he was brought up in total ignorance of arms and chivalry he was allowed no weapon Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0001.wav which was the only thing of all her lordes faire gere that his mother carried to the wood with her in the use of this he became so skilful that he could kill with it Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0002.wav not only the animals of the chase for the table but even birds on the wing at length however perceval was roused to a desire of military renown by seeing in the forest five knights who were in complete armor Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0003.wav he said to his mother mother what are those yonder they are angels my son said she by my faith i will go and become an angel with them and perceval went to the road and met them Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0004.wav tell me good lad said one of them sawest thou a knight pass this way either today or yesterday Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0005.wav such an one as i am said the knight if thou wilt tell me what i ask thee i will tell thee what thou askest me gladly will i do so said sir owain for that was the knight's name Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0006.wav and perceval in return gave him such information as he had then perceval returned to his mother and said to her mother those were not angels but honorable knights then his mother swooned away Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0007.wav and perceval went to the place where they kept the horses that carried firewood and provisions for the castle and he took a bony piebald horse which seemed to him the strongest of them and he pressed a pack into the form of a saddle Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0008.wav and with twisted twigs he imitated the trappings which he had seen upon the horses when he came again to his mother the countess had recovered from her swoon my son said she desirest thou to ride forth Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0009.wav yes with thy leave said he go forward then she said to the court of arthur where there are the best and the noblest and the most bountiful of men and tell him thou art perceval the son of pelenore Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0010.wav and ask of him to bestow knighthood on thee and whenever thou seest a church repeat there thy pater noster Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0011.wav for thus shalt thou acquire fame yet freely give it to another for thus thou shalt obtain praise if thou see a fair woman pay court to her for thus thou wilt obtain love Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0012.wav perceiving in one corner of the tent some food two flasks full of wine and some boar's flesh roasted he said my mother told me whenever i saw meat and drink to take it Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0013.wav and he ate greedily for he was very hungry the maiden said sir thou hadst best go quickly from here for fear that my friends should come and evil should befall you but perceval said Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0014.wav and he gave the maiden his own ring in exchange for hers then he mounted his horse and rode away perceval journeyed on till he arrived at arthur's court and it so happened Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0015.wav for when her page was serving the queen with a golden goblet this knight struck the arm of the page and dashed the wine in the queen's face and over her stomacher then he said Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0016.wav let him follow me to the meadow so the knight took his horse and rode to the meadow carrying away the golden goblet and all the household hung down their heads and no one offered to follow the knight to take vengeance upon him Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0017.wav for it seemed to them that no one would have ventured on so daring an outrage unless he possessed such powers through magic or charms that none could be able to punish him just then behold Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0018.wav perceval entered the hall upon the bony piebald horse with his uncouth trappings in the centre of the hall stood kay the seneschal tell me tall man said perceval is that arthur yonder Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0019.wav what wouldst thou with arthur asked kay my mother told me to go to arthur and receive knighthood from him by my faith said he thou art all too meanly equipped with horse and with arms Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0020.wav then all the household began to jeer and laugh at him but there was a certain damsel who had been a whole year at arthur's court Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0021.wav and the king's fool footnote a fool was a common appendage of the courts of those days when this romance was written a fool was the ornament held in next estimation to a dwarf he wore a white dress with a yellow bonnet Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0022.wav and carried a bell or bawble in his hand though called a fool his words were often weighed and remembered as if there were a sort of oracular meaning in them Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0023.wav till she had seen him who would be the flower of chivalry now this damsel came up to perceval and told him smiling that if he lived he would be one of the bravest and best of knights truly said kay Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0024.wav thou art ill taught to remain a year at arthur's court with choice of society and smile on no one and now before the face of arthur and all his knights to call such a man as this the flower of knighthood Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0025.wav that she fell senseless to the ground then said kay to perceval go after the knight who went hence to the meadow overthrow him and recover the golden goblet and possess thyself of his horse and arms and thou shalt have knighthood Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0026.wav i will do so tall man said perceval so he turned his horse's head toward the meadow and when he came there the knight was riding up and down proud of his strength and valor and noble mien tell me said the knight Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0027.wav didst thou see any one coming after me from the court Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0028.wav and to take from thee the goblet and thy horse and armor for myself silence said the knight go back to the court and tell arthur either to come himself Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0029.wav and unless he do so quickly i will not wait for him by my faith said perceval choose thou whether it shall be willingly or unwillingly for i will have the horse and the arms and the goblet Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0030.wav upon this the knight ran at him furiously and struck him a violent blow with the shaft of his spear Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0031.wav my mother's servants were not used to play with me in this wise so thus will i play with thee and he threw at him one of his sharp pointed sticks and it struck him in the eye and came out at the back of his head so that he fell down lifeless Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0032.wav verily said sir owain the son of urien to kay the seneschal thou wast ill advised to send that madman after the knight for he must either be overthrown or flee and either way it will be a disgrace to arthur and his warriors Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0033.wav therefore will i go to see what has befallen him so sir owain went to the meadow and he found perceval trying in vain to get the dead knight's armor off in order to clothe himself with it Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0034.wav sir owain unfastened the armor and helped perceval to put it on and taught him how to put his foot in the stirrup and use the spur Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0035.wav and urged on his horse with a stick then owain would have had him return to the court to receive the praise that was his due but perceval said i will not come to the court till i have encountered the tall man that is there Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0036.wav to revenge the injury he did to the maiden but take thou the goblet to queen guenever and tell king arthur that wherever i am i will be his vassal and will do him what profit and service i can and sir owain Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0037.wav went back to the court and related all these things to arthur and guenever and to all the household Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0038.wav and he came to a lake on the side of which was a fair castle and on the border of the lake he saw a hoary headed man sitting upon a velvet cushion and his attendants were fishing in the lake Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0039.wav when the hoary headed man beheld perceval approaching he arose and went into the castle perceval rode to the castle and the door was open and he entered the hall Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0040.wav and the hoary headed man received perceval courteously and asked him to sit by him on the cushion when it was time the tables were set and they went to meat and when they had finished their meat the hoary headed man asked perceval Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0041.wav if he knew how to fight with the sword i know not said perceval but were i to be taught doubtless i should and the hoary headed man said to him i am thy uncle thy mother's brother i am called king pecheur Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0042.wav footnote the word means both fisher and sinner thou shalt remain with me a space in order to learn the manners and customs of different countries and courtesy and noble bearing and this do thou remember Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0043.wav if thou seest aught to cause thy wonder ask not the meaning of it if no one has the courtesy to inform thee the reproach will not fall upon thee but upon me that am thy teacher Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0044.wav while perceval and his uncle discoursed together perceval beheld two youths enter the hall bearing a golden cup and a spear of mighty size with blood dropping from its point to the ground Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0045.wav and when all the company saw this they began to weep and lament but for all that the man did not break off his discourse with perceval and as he did not tell him the meaning of what he saw he forebore to ask him concerning it Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0046.wav now the cup that perceval saw was the sangreal and the spear the sacred spear and afterwards king pecheur removed with those sacred relics into a far country one evening Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0047.wav perceval entered a valley and came to a hermit's cell and the hermit welcomed him gladly and there he spent the night and in the morning he arose and when he went forth behold a shower of snow had fallen in the night and a hawk Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0048.wav had killed a wild fowl in front of the cell and the noise of the horse had scared the hawk away and a raven alighted on the bird and perceval stood and compared the blackness of the raven and the whiteness of the snow Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0049.wav to the hair of the lady that best he loved which was blacker than jet and to her skin which was whiter than the snow and to the two red spots upon her cheeks which were redder than the blood upon the snow Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0050.wav now arthur and his household were in search of perceval and by chance they came that way know ye said arthur who is the knight with the long spear that stands by the brook up yonder lord said one of them Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0051.wav i will go and learn who he is Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0052.wav and who he was but perceval was so intent upon his thought that he gave him no answer then the youth thrust at perceval with his lance and perceval turned upon him and struck him to the ground Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0053.wav and when the youth returned to the king and told how rudely he had been treated sir kay said i will go myself and when he greeted perceval and got no answer he spoke to him rudely and angrily Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0054.wav and perceval thrust at him with his lance and cast him down so that he broke his arm and his shoulder blade and while he lay thus stunned his horse returned back at a wild and prancing pace then said Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0055.wav surnamed the golden tongued because he was the most courteous knight in arthur's court it is not fitting that any should disturb an honorable knight from his thought unadvisedly for either he is pondering some damage that he has sustained Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0056.wav or he is thinking of the lady whom best he loves if it seem well to thee lord i will go and see if this knight has changed from his thought and if he has i will ask him courteously to come and visit thee Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0057.wav and perceval was resting on the shaft of his spear pondering the same thought Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0058.wav if i thought it would be as agreeable to thee as it would be to me i would converse with thee i have also a message from arthur unto thee to pray thee to come and visit him Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0059.wav and two men have been before on this errand that is true said perceval and uncourteously they came they attacked me and i was annoyed thereat then he told him the thought that occupied his mind Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0060.wav and gawain said this was not an ungentle thought and i should marvel if it were pleasant for thee to be drawn from it then said perceval tell me is sir kay in arthur's court Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0061.wav and truly he is the knight who fought with thee last verily said perceval i am not sorry to have thus avenged the insult to the smiling maiden then perceval told him his name and said Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0062.wav who art thou and he replied Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0063.wav i am right glad to meet thee said perceval for i have everywhere heard of thy prowess and uprightness and i solicit thy fellowship thou shalt have it by my faith and grant me thine said he Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0064.wav gladly will i do so answered perceval so they went together to arthur and saluted him Anders Lankford +3436-172171-0065.wav him whom thou hast sought so long welcome unto thee chieftain said arthur and hereupon there came the queen and her handmaidens and perceval saluted them and they were rejoiced to see him and bade him welcome Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0000.wav the adventure of the cart it befell in the month of may queen guenever called to her knights of the table round and gave them warning that early upon the morrow she would ride a maying into the woods and fields beside westminster Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0001.wav and i warn you that there be none of you but he be well horsed and that ye all be clothed in green either silk or cloth and i shall bring with me ten ladies and every knight shall have a lady behind him Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0002.wav and every knight shall have a squire and two yeoman and all well horsed for thus it chanced one morn when all the court green suited but with plumes that mock'd the may had been their wont a maying Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0003.wav so they made them ready and these were the names of the knights sir kay the seneschal sir agrivaine sir brandiles sir sagramour le desirus Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0004.wav sir dodynas le sauvage sir ozanna sir ladynas sir persant of inde sir ironside and sir pelleas and these ten knights made them ready Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0005.wav so upon the morn they took their horses with the queen and rode a maying in woods and meadows as it pleased them in great joy and delight now there was a knight Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0006.wav son to king brademagus who loved queen guenever passing well and so had he done long and many years now this knight sir maleagans learned the queen's purpose and that she had no men of arms with her Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0007.wav but the ten noble knights all arrayed in green for maying so he prepared him twenty men of arms and a hundred archers to take captive the queen and her knights Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0008.wav in the merry month of may in a morn at break of day with a troop of damsels playing the queen forsooth went forth a maying old song so when the queen had mayed Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0009.wav traitor knight said queen guenever what wilt thou do wilt thou shame thyself bethink thee how thou art a king's son and a knight of the table round and how thou art about to dishonor all knighthood and thyself Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0010.wav be it as it may said sir maleagans know you well madam i have loved you many a year and never till now could i get you to such advantage as i do now and therefore i will take you as i find you Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0011.wav then the ten knights of the round table drew their swords and the other party run at them with their spears Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0012.wav then they lashed together with swords till several were smitten to the earth so when the queen saw her knights thus dolefully oppressed and needs must be slain at the last then for pity and sorrow she cried sir maleagans Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0013.wav slay not my noble knights and i will go with you upon this covenant that Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0014.wav madame said maleagans for your sake they shall be led with you into my own castle if that ye will be ruled and ride with me then sir maleagans charged them all that none should depart from the queen Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0015.wav for he dreaded lest sir launcelot should have knowledge of what had been done then the queen privily called unto her a page of her chamber that was swiftly horsed to whom she said go thou when thou seest thy time Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0016.wav and bear this ring unto sir launcelot and pray him as he loveth me that he will see me and rescue me and spare not thy horse said the queen neither for water nor for land Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0017.wav and lightly he took his horse with the spurs and departed as fast as he might and when sir maleagans saw him so flee he understood that it was by the queen's commandment for to warn sir launcelot Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0018.wav then they that were best horsed chased him and shot at him but the child went from them all then sir maleagans said to the queen madam ye are about to betray me but i shall arrange for sir launcelot that he shall not come lightly at you Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0019.wav then he rode with her and them all to his castle in all the haste that they might and by the way sir maleagans laid in ambush the best archers that he had to wait for sir launcelot Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0020.wav and the child came to westminster and found sir launcelot and told his message and delivered him the queen's ring alas said sir launcelot Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0021.wav unless i may rescue that noble lady then eagerly he asked his armor and put it on him and mounted his horse and rode as fast as he might Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0022.wav and men say he took the water at westminster bridge and made his horse swim over thames unto lambeth then within a while he came to a wood where was a narrow way and there the archers were laid in ambush Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0023.wav and they shot at him and smote his horse so that he fell then sir launcelot left his horse and went on foot but there lay so many ditches and hedges betwixt the archers and him that he might not meddle with them Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0024.wav alas for shame said sir launcelot that ever one knight should betray another but it is an old saw a good man is never in danger but when he is in danger of a coward Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0025.wav then sir launcelot went awhile and he was exceedingly cumbered by his armor his shield and his spear and all that belonged to him then by chance there came by him a cart that came thither to fetch wood Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0026.wav carts were little used except for carrying offal and for conveying criminals to execution but sir launcelot took no thought of anything but the necessity of haste for the purpose of rescuing the queen so he demanded of the carter Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0027.wav that he should take him in and convey him as speedily as possible for a liberal reward the carter consented and sir launcelot placed himself in the cart and only lamented that with much jolting he made but little progress Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0028.wav he drew near to see who it might be then sir launcelot told him how the queen had been carried off and how in hastening to her rescue his horse had been disabled and he had been compelled to avail himself of the cart rather than give up his enterprise Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0029.wav then sir gawain said surely it is unworthy of a knight to travel in such sort but sir launcelot heeded him not at nightfall Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0030.wav but to admit his companion whom she supposed to be a criminal or at least a prisoner it pleased her not Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0031.wav at supper sir launcelot came near being consigned to the kitchen Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0032.wav neither would the damsels prepare a bed for him he seized the first he found unoccupied and was left undisturbed next morning he saw from the turrets of the castle a train accompanying a lady whom he imagined to be the queen Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0033.wav the lady of the castle supplied sir launcelot with a horse and they traversed the plain at full speed they learned from some travellers whom they met that there were two roads which led to the castle of sir maleagans here therefore the friends separated Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0034.wav sir launcelot found his way beset with obstacles which he encountered successfully but not without much loss of time as evening approached he was met by a young and sportive damsel who gayly proposed to him a supper Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0035.wav at her castle the knight who was hungry and weary accepted the offer though with no very good grace he followed the lady to her castle and ate voraciously of her supper but was quite impenetrable to all her amorous advances Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0036.wav suddenly the scene changed and he was assailed by six furious ruffians whom he dealt with so vigorously that most of them were speedily disabled when again there was a change and he found himself alone with his fair hostess Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0037.wav which she told him would by its changes of color disclose to him all enchantments and enable him to subdue them sir launcelot pursued his journey without being much incommoded except by the taunts of travellers Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0038.wav who all seemed to have learned by some means his disgraceful drive in the cart one more insolent than the rest had the audacity to interrupt him during dinner and even to risk a battle in support of his pleasantry launcelot Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0039.wav after an easy victory only doomed him to be carted in his turn at night he was received at another castle with great apparent hospitality but found himself in the morning in a dungeon and loaded with chains Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0040.wav consulting his ring and finding that this was an enchantment he burst his chains seized his armor in spite of the visionary monsters who attempted to defend it broke open the gates of the tower and continued his journey Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0041.wav at length his progress was checked by a wide and rapid torrent which could only be passed on a narrow bridge on which a false step would prove his destruction launcelot leading his horse by the bridle and making him swim by his side Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0042.wav passed over the bridge and was attacked as soon as he reached the bank by a lion and a leopard both of which he slew and then exhausted and bleeding seated himself on the grass and endeavored to bind up his wounds Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0043.wav offered him his assistance and informed him that the queen was safe in his castle but could only be rescued by encountering maleagans launcelot demanded the battle for the next day and accordingly it took place at the foot of the tower Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0044.wav and under the eyes of the fair captive launcelot was enfeebled by his wounds and fought not with his usual spirit and the contest for a time was doubtful Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0045.wav ah launcelot my knight truly have i been told that thou art no longer worthy of me these words instantly revived the drooping knight he resumed at once his usual superiority and soon laid at his feet his haughty adversary Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0046.wav moved by the entreaties of brademagus ordered him to withhold the blow and he obeyed the castle and its prisoners were now at his disposal launcelot hastened to the apartment of the queen threw himself at her feet Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0047.wav and was about to kiss her hand when she exclaimed ah launcelot why do i see thee again yet feel thee to be no longer worthy of me after having been disgracefully drawn about the country in a she had not time to finish the phrase Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0048.wav for her lover suddenly started from her and bitterly lamenting that he had incurred the displeasure of his sovereign lady rushed out of the castle threw his sword and his shield to the right and left ran furiously into the woods and disappeared Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0049.wav it seems that the story of the abominable cart which haunted launcelot at every step had reached the ears of sir kay who had told it to the queen as a proof that her knight must have been dishonored Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0050.wav three days elapsed during which launcelot wandered without knowing where he went till at last he began to reflect that his mistress had doubtless been deceived by misrepresentation Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0051.wav and that it was his duty to set her right he therefore returned compelled maleagans to release his prisoners Anders Lankford +3436-172162-0052.wav had the satisfaction of meeting him the next day Anders Lankford +196-122159-0000.wav at his back was the dark night with the clear stars whose distant glitter disposed in retreating planes lured the eye into the depths of a greater darkness Stewart Wills +196-122159-0001.wav and yet a mysterious light seemed to show me his boyish head as if in that moment the youth within him had for a moment glowed and expired you are an awful good sort to listen Stewart Wills +196-122159-0002.wav like this he said it does me good you don't know what it is to me you don't words seemed to fail him it was a distinct glimpse he was a youngster of the sort you like to see about you Stewart Wills +196-122159-0003.wav of the sort you like to imagine yourself to have been of the sort whose appearance claims the fellowship of these illusions you had thought gone out extinct cold and which as if rekindled at the approach of another flame Stewart Wills +196-122159-0004.wav you don't know what it is for a fellow in my position to be believed make a clean breast of it to an elder man it is so difficult so awfully unfair so hard to understand Stewart Wills +196-122159-0005.wav the mists were closing again i don't know how old i appeared to him and how much wise not half as old as i felt just then not half as uselessly wise as i knew myself to be Stewart Wills +196-122159-0006.wav surely in no other craft as in that of the sea do the hearts of those already launched to sink or swim go out so much to the youth on the brink looking with shining eyes upon that Stewart Wills +196-122159-0007.wav glitter of the vast surface which is only a reflection of his own glances full of fire there is such magnificent vagueness in the expectations that had driven each of us to sea such a glorious indefiniteness Stewart Wills +196-122159-0008.wav such a beautiful greed of adventures that are their own and only reward what we get well we won't talk of that but can one of us restrain a smile Stewart Wills +196-122159-0009.wav in no other kind of life is the illusion more wide of reality in no other is the beginning all illusion the disenchantment more swift the subjugation more complete Stewart Wills +196-122159-0010.wav hadn't we all commenced with the same desire ended with the same knowledge carried the memory of the same cherished glamour through the sordid days of imprecation what wonder that when some Stewart Wills +196-122159-0011.wav heavy prod gets home the bond is found to be close that besides the fellowship of the craft there is felt the strength of a wider feeling the feeling that binds a man to a child he was there before me believing that Stewart Wills +196-122159-0012.wav and he had been deliberating upon death confound him he had found that to meditate about because he thought he had saved his life while all its glamour had gone with the ship in the night what more natural Stewart Wills +196-122159-0013.wav and his voice spoke i was so lost you know it was the sort of thing one does not expect to happen to one it was not like a fight for instance Stewart Wills +196-122159-0014.wav he appeared changed as if he had suddenly matured one couldn't be sure he muttered ah you were not sure i said Stewart Wills +196-122159-0015.wav and was placated by the sound of a faint sigh that passed between us like the flight of a bird in the night well i wasn't he said courageously it was something like that wretched story they made up it was not a lie Stewart Wills +196-122159-0016.wav but it wasn't truth all the same it was something one knows a downright lie there was not the thickness of a sheet of paper between the right and the wrong of this affair Stewart Wills +196-122159-0017.wav how much more did you want i asked but i think i spoke so low that he did not catch what i said he had advanced his argument as though life had been a network of Stewart Wills +196-122159-0018.wav his voice sounded reasonable suppose i had not i mean to say suppose i had stuck to the ship well how much longer say a minute half a minute Stewart Wills +196-122159-0019.wav i interjected i would have meant to be he retorted and that's more than i meant when i he shivered as if about to swallow some nauseous drug jumped Stewart Wills +196-122159-0020.wav he pronounced with a convulsive effort whose stress as if propagated by the waves of the air made my body stir a little in the chair he fixed me with lowering eyes don't you believe me he cried i swear Stewart Wills +196-122159-0021.wav i ought to have known i am i am a gentleman too yes yes i said hastily he was looking me squarely in the face and withdrew his gaze slowly Stewart Wills +196-122159-0022.wav now you understand why i didn't after all didn't go out in that way i wasn't going to be frightened at what i had done and anyhow if i had stuck to the ship i would have done my best to be saved Stewart Wills +196-122159-0023.wav men have been known to float for hours in the open sea and be picked up not much the worse for it i might have lasted it out better than many others there's nothing the matter with my heart Stewart Wills +196-122159-0024.wav a hair's breadth he muttered not the breadth of a hair between this and that and at the time it is difficult to see a hair at midnight i put in Stewart Wills +196-122159-0025.wav a little viciously i fear don't you see what i mean by the solidarity of the craft i was aggrieved against him as though he had cheated me Stewart Wills +196-122159-0026.wav keep up the illusion of my beginnings as though he had robbed our common life of the last spark of its glamour and so you cleared out at once jumped he corrected me incisively jumped mind Stewart Wills +196-122159-0027.wav he repeated and i wondered at the evident but obscure intention well yes perhaps i could not see then but i had plenty of time and any amount of light in that boat and i could think too Stewart Wills +196-122159-0028.wav nobody would know of course but this did not make it any easier for me you've got to believe that too i did not want all this talk no yes i won't lie Stewart Wills +196-122159-0029.wav i wanted it it is the very thing i wanted there do you think you or anybody could have made me if i i am i am not afraid to tell and i wasn't afraid to think either i looked it in the face Stewart Wills +196-122159-0030.wav i wasn't going to run away at first at night if it hadn't been for those fellows i might have no by heavens i was not going to give them that satisfaction they had done enough they made up a story and believed it for all i know Stewart Wills +196-122159-0031.wav but i knew the truth and i would live it down alone with myself i wasn't going to give in to such a beastly unfair thing what did it prove after all i was confoundedly cut up sick of life Stewart Wills +196-122159-0032.wav no the proper thing was to face it out alone for myself wait for another chance Stewart Wills +196-122150-0000.wav chapter two after two years of training he went to sea and entering the regions so well known to his imagination found them strangely barren of adventure he made many voyages Stewart Wills +196-122150-0001.wav he knew the magic monotony of existence between sky and water he had to bear the criticism of men the exactions of the sea and the prosaic severity of the daily task that gives bread but whose only reward is in the perfect love of the work Stewart Wills +196-122150-0002.wav the edge of his temper and the fibre of his stuff that reveal the quality of his resistance and the secret truth of his pretences not only to others but also to himself Stewart Wills +196-122150-0003.wav there are many shades in the danger of adventures and gales and it is only now and then that there appears on the face of facts a sinister violence of intention that indefinable something which forces it upon the mind and the heart of a man Stewart Wills +196-122150-0004.wav that this complication of accidents or these elemental furies are coming at him with a purpose of malice with a strength beyond control with an unbridled cruelty that means to tear out of him his hope and his fear Stewart Wills +196-122150-0005.wav the sunshine the memories the future which means to sweep the whole precious world utterly away from his sight by the simple and appalling act of taking his life jim Stewart Wills +196-122150-0006.wav disabled by a falling spar at the beginning of a week of which his scottish captain used to say afterwards man it's a pairfect meeracle to me how she lived through it spent many days stretched on his back dazed battered hopeless Stewart Wills +196-122150-0007.wav and tormented as if at the bottom of an abyss of unrest he did not care what the end would be and in his lucid moments overvalued his indifference the danger when not seen has the imperfect vagueness of human thought Stewart Wills +196-122150-0008.wav he lay there battened down in the midst of a small devastation and felt secretly glad he had not to go on deck but now and again an uncontrollable rush of anguish would grip him bodily Stewart Wills +196-122150-0009.wav and then the unintelligent brutality of an existence liable to the agony of such sensations filled him with a despairing desire to escape at any cost then fine weather returned and he thought no more about it Stewart Wills +196-122150-0010.wav his lameness however persisted and when the ship arrived at an eastern port he had to go to the hospital his recovery was slow and he was left behind Stewart Wills +196-122150-0011.wav afflicted by some mysterious tropical disease who held the doctor for an ass and indulged in secret debaucheries of patent medicine which his tamil servant used to smuggle in with unwearied devotion they told each other the story of their lives Stewart Wills +196-122150-0012.wav played cards a little or yawning and in pyjamas lounged through the day in easy chairs without saying a word the hospital stood on a hill and a gentle breeze entering through the windows always flung wide open Stewart Wills +196-122150-0013.wav brought into the bare room the softness of the sky the languor of the earth the bewitching breath of the eastern waters there were perfumes in it suggestions of infinite repose the gift of endless dreams Stewart Wills +196-122150-0014.wav jim looked every day over the thickets of gardens beyond the roofs of the town over the fronds of palms growing on the shore at that roadstead which is a thoroughfare to the east at the roadstead dotted by garlanded islets Stewart Wills +196-122150-0015.wav lighted by festal sunshine its ships like toys its brilliant activity resembling a holiday pageant with the eternal serenity of the eastern sky overhead and the smiling peace of the eastern seas Stewart Wills +196-122150-0016.wav he associated naturally with the men of his calling in the port these were of two kinds some very few and seen there but seldom led mysterious lives Stewart Wills +196-122150-0017.wav had preserved an undefaced energy with the temper of buccaneers and the eyes of dreamers they appeared to live in a crazy maze of plans hopes dangers enterprises ahead of civilisation in the dark places of the sea Stewart Wills +196-122150-0018.wav had remained as officers of country ships they had now a horror of the home service with its harder conditions severer view of duty and the hazard of stormy oceans they were attuned to the eternal peace of eastern sky and sea Stewart Wills +196-122150-0019.wav how this one had an easy billet in japan somewhere and that one was doing well in the siamese navy and in all they said in their actions in their looks in their persons could be detected the soft spot the place of decay Stewart Wills +196-122150-0020.wav the determination to lounge safely through existence to jim that gossiping crowd viewed as seamen seemed at first more unsubstantial than so many shadows but at length he found a fascination in the sight of those men Stewart Wills +196-122150-0021.wav in their appearance of doing so well on such a small allowance of danger and toil in time beside the original disdain there grew up slowly another sentiment and suddenly giving up the idea of going home Stewart Wills +196-122150-0022.wav she was owned by a chinaman chartered by an arab and commanded by a sort of renegade new south wales german very anxious to curse publicly his native country but who apparently on the strength of bismarck's victorious policy Stewart Wills +196-122150-0023.wav brutalised all those he was not afraid of and wore a blood and iron air combined with a purple nose and a red moustache after she had been painted outside and whitewashed inside eight hundred pilgrims more or less Stewart Wills +196-122150-0024.wav they streamed aboard over three gangways they streamed in urged by faith and the hope of paradise they streamed in with a continuous tramp and shuffle of bare feet without a word a murmur or a look back Stewart Wills +196-122150-0025.wav and when clear of confining rails spread on all sides over the deck flowed forward and aft overflowed down the yawning hatchways filled the inner recesses of the ship like water filling a cistern Stewart Wills +196-122150-0026.wav like water flowing into crevices and crannies like water rising silently even with the rim eight hundred men and women with faith and hopes with affections and memories they had collected there Stewart Wills +196-122150-0027.wav coming from north and south and from the outskirts of the east after treading the jungle paths descending the rivers coasting in praus along the shallows crossing in small canoes from island to island passing through suffering Stewart Wills +196-122150-0028.wav meeting strange sights beset by strange fears upheld by one desire they came from solitary huts in the wilderness from populous campongs from villages by the sea at the call of an idea Stewart Wills +196-122150-0029.wav they had left their forests their clearings the protection of their rulers their prosperity their poverty the surroundings of their youth and the graves of their fathers they came covered with dust with sweat with grime with rags Stewart Wills +196-122150-0030.wav the strong men at the head of family parties the lean old men pressing forward without hope of return young boys with fearless eyes glancing curiously shy little girls with tumbled long hair Stewart Wills +196-122150-0031.wav the timid women muffled up and clasping to their breasts wrapped in loose ends of soiled head cloths their sleeping babies the unconscious pilgrims of an exacting belief Stewart Wills +196-122150-0032.wav said the german skipper to his new chief mate an arab the leader of that pious voyage came last he walked slowly aboard handsome and grave in his white gown and large turban a string of servants followed loaded with his luggage Stewart Wills +196-122150-0033.wav and on the secret purposes of their hearts the steamer pounded in the dusk the calm water of the strait and far astern of the pilgrim ship a screw pile lighthouse planted by unbelievers on a treacherous shoal seemed to wink at her Stewart Wills +196-122150-0034.wav its eye of flame as if in derision of her errand of faith she cleared the strait crossed the bay continued on her way through the one degree passage she held on straight for the red sea under a serene sky Stewart Wills +196-122150-0035.wav enveloped in a fulgor of sunshine that killed all thought oppressed the heart withered all impulses of strength and energy and under the sinister splendour of that sky the sea blue and profound remained still without a stir Stewart Wills +196-122150-0036.wav without a ripple without a wrinkle viscous stagnant dead the patna with a slight hiss passed over that plain luminous and smooth unrolled a black ribbon of smoke across the sky Stewart Wills +196-122150-0037.wav glided past on his descent and sank mysteriously into the sea evening after evening preserving the same distance ahead of her advancing bows the five whites on board lived amidships isolated from the human cargo Stewart Wills +196-122150-0038.wav the awnings covered the deck with a white roof from stem to stern and a faint hum a low murmur of sad voices alone revealed the presence of a crowd of people upon the great blaze of the ocean Stewart Wills +196-122150-0039.wav such were the days still hot heavy disappearing one by one into the past as if falling into an abyss for ever open in the wake of the ship and the ship lonely under a wisp of smoke Stewart Wills +196-122150-0040.wav held on her steadfast way black and smouldering in a luminous immensity as if scorched by a flame flicked at her from a heaven without pity Stewart Wills +196-122152-0000.wav he said speaking of the ship she went over whatever it was as easy as a snake crawling over a stick the illustration was good the questions were aiming at facts Stewart Wills +196-122152-0001.wav and the official inquiry was being held in the police court of an eastern port he stood elevated in the witness box with burning cheeks in a cool lofty room Stewart Wills +196-122152-0002.wav the big framework of punkahs moved gently to and fro high above his head and from below many eyes were looking at him out of dark faces out of white faces out of red faces out of faces attentive spellbound Stewart Wills +196-122152-0003.wav as if all these people sitting in orderly rows upon narrow benches had been enslaved by the fascination of his voice it was very loud it rang startling in his own ears it was the only sound audible in the world Stewart Wills +196-122152-0004.wav for the terribly distinct questions that extorted his answers seemed to shape themselves in anguish and pain within his breast came to him poignant and silent Stewart Wills +196-122152-0005.wav outside the court the sun blazed within was the wind of great punkahs that made you shiver the shame that made you burn the attentive eyes whose glance stabbed the face of the presiding magistrate Stewart Wills +196-122152-0006.wav clean shaved and impassible looked at him deadly pale between the red faces of the two nautical assessors the light of a broad window under the ceiling fell from above on the heads and shoulders of the three men Stewart Wills +196-122152-0007.wav as if facts could explain anything after you had concluded you had collided with something floating awash say a water logged wreck you were ordered by your captain to go forward and ascertain if there was any damage done Stewart Wills +196-122152-0008.wav looking at jim with thoughtful blue eyes the other a heavy scornful man thrown back in his seat his left arm extended full length drummed delicately with his finger tips on a blotting pad in the middle the magistrate Stewart Wills +196-122152-0009.wav i was told to call no one and to make no noise for fear of creating a panic i thought the precaution reasonable i took one of the lamps that were hung under the awnings and went forward after opening the forepeak hatch i heard splashing in there Stewart Wills +196-122152-0010.wav his fingers played incessantly touching the paper without noise i did not think of danger just then i might have been a little startled all this happened in such a quiet way and so very suddenly Stewart Wills +196-122152-0011.wav i knew there was no other bulkhead in the ship but the collision bulkhead separating the forepeak from the forehold i went back to tell the captain i came upon the second engineer getting up at the foot of the bridge ladder he seemed dazed and Stewart Wills +196-122152-0012.wav told me he thought his left arm was broken he had slipped on the top step when getting down while i was forward he exclaimed my god that rotten bulkhead'll give way in a minute Stewart Wills +196-122152-0013.wav he did not strike him again he stood bending over him and speaking angrily but quite low Stewart Wills +196-122152-0014.wav stop the engines instead of making a row about it on deck i heard him say get up run fly he swore also the engineer slid down the starboard ladder and bolted round the skylight to the engine room companion Stewart Wills +196-122152-0015.wav which was on the port side he moaned as he ran he spoke slowly he remembered swiftly and with extreme vividness he could have reproduced like an echo the moaning of the engineer for the better information of these men Stewart Wills +196-122152-0016.wav who wanted facts after his first feeling of revolt he had come round to the view that only a meticulous precision of statement would bring out the true horror behind the appalling face of things Stewart Wills +196-122152-0017.wav the facts those men were so eager to know had been visible tangible open to the senses occupying their place in space and time requiring for their existence a fourteen hundred ton steamer Stewart Wills +196-122152-0018.wav perdition that dwelt within like a malevolent soul in a detestable body he was anxious to make this clear this had not been a common affair everything in it had been of the utmost importance Stewart Wills +196-122152-0019.wav and fortunately he remembered everything he wanted to go on talking for truth's sake perhaps for his own sake also and while his utterance was deliberate his mind positively flew round and round the serried circle of facts Stewart Wills +196-122152-0020.wav he seemed calm enough only he stumbled several times and once as i stood speaking to him he walked right into me as though he had been stone blind he made no definite answer to what i had to tell Stewart Wills +196-122152-0021.wav felt a shiver run down his back the big assessor had dropped his eyelids and drummed on without a sound careless and mournful the eyes of the other above the sunburnt clasped fingers Stewart Wills +196-122152-0022.wav the magistrate had swayed forward Stewart Wills +196-122152-0023.wav he rested his temple in the palm of his hand the wind of the punkahs eddied down on the heads on the dark faced natives wound about in voluminous draperies on the europeans sitting together very hot Stewart Wills +196-122152-0024.wav and in drill suits that seemed to fit them as close as their skins and holding their round pith hats on their knees while gliding along the walls the court peons buttoned tight in long white coats flitted rapidly to and fro Stewart Wills +196-122152-0025.wav rested upon a white man who sat apart from the others with his face worn and clouded but with quiet eyes that glanced straight interested and clear jim answered another question and was tempted to cry out Stewart Wills +196-122152-0026.wav what's the good of this what's the good he tapped with his foot slightly bit his lip and looked away over the heads he met the eyes of the white man the glance directed at him was not the fascinated stare of the others Stewart Wills +196-122152-0027.wav it was an act of intelligent volition jim between two questions forgot himself so far as to find leisure for a thought this fellow ran the thought looks at me as though he could see somebody or something past my shoulder Stewart Wills +196-122152-0028.wav he had come across that man before in the street perhaps he was positive he had never spoken to him for days for many days he had spoken to no one but had held silent incoherent and endless converse with himself Stewart Wills +196-122152-0029.wav like a prisoner alone in his cell or like a wayfarer lost in a wilderness at present he was answering questions that did not matter though they had a purpose but he doubted whether he would ever again speak out as long as he lived Stewart Wills +196-122152-0030.wav the sound of his own truthful statements confirmed his deliberate opinion that speech was of no use to him any longer that man there seemed to be aware of his hopeless difficulty jim looked at him then turned away Stewart Wills +196-122152-0031.wav and audibly perhaps it would be after dinner on a verandah draped in motionless foliage and crowned with flowers in the deep dusk speckled by fiery cigar ends the elongated bulk of each cane chair Stewart Wills +196-122152-0032.wav harboured a silent listener now and then a small red glow would move abruptly and expanding light up the fingers of a languid hand part of a face in profound repose or flash a crimson gleam into a pair of pensive eyes Stewart Wills +196-122152-0033.wav overshadowed by a fragment of an unruffled forehead and with the very first word uttered marlow's body extended at rest in the seat would become very still as though his spirit had winged its way back into the lapse of time Stewart Wills +7447-91187-0000.wav the piano bard the piano rhapsodist the piano mind the piano soul is chopin said rubinstein tragic romantic lyric heroic dramatic fantastic soulful dasbury +7447-91187-0001.wav sweet dreamy brilliant grand simple all possible expressions are found in his compositions and all are sung by him on his instrument dasbury +7447-91187-0002.wav in these few bold strokes one who knew him by virtue of close art and race kinship presents an incomparable outline sketch of the polish tone poet dasbury +7447-91187-0003.wav who explored the harmonic vastness of the pianoforte and made his own all its mystic secrets born and bred on poland's soil son of a french father and a polish mother frederic chopin dasbury +7447-91187-0004.wav combined within himself two natures each complementing the other both uniting to form a personality not understood by every casual observer he is described as kind courteous dasbury +7447-91187-0005.wav possessed of the most captivating grace and ease of manner now inclined to languorous melancholy now scintillating with a joyous vivacity that was contagious dasbury +7447-91187-0006.wav his sensitive nature like the most exquisitely constructed sounding board vibrated with the despairing sadness the suppressed wrath and the sublime fortitude of the brave haughty dasbury +7447-91187-0007.wav unhappy people he loved and with his own homesickness when afar from his cherished native land patriot and tone poet in every fibre of his being dasbury +7447-91187-0008.wav his genius inevitably claimed as its own the soul's divinest language pure music unfettered by words the profound reserve of his nature made it peculiarly dasbury +7447-91187-0009.wav agreeable to him to gratify the haunting demands of his lyric muse through the medium of the one musical instrument that lends itself in privacy to the exploitation of all the mysteries of harmony dasbury +7447-91187-0010.wav strong conviction in regard to his own calling and clear perception of the hidden powers and future mission of the piano early compelled him to consecrate to it his unfaltering devotion dasbury +7447-91187-0011.wav he evolved from its more intimate domain effects in sympathy with those of the orchestra yet purely individual he enriched it with new melodic harmonic and rhythmic devices adapted to itself alone dasbury +7447-91187-0012.wav and endowed it with a warmth of tone coloring that spiritualized it for all time to the piano he confided all the conflicts that raged within him all the courage and living hope that sustained him dasbury +7447-91187-0013.wav in giving tonal form to the deep things of the soul which are universal in their essence and application he embodied universal rather than merely individual emotional experiences dasbury +7447-91187-0014.wav and thus unbared what was most sacred to himself without jarring on the innate reticence which made purely personal confidences impossible dasbury +7447-91187-0015.wav although his mode of expression was peculiarly his own he had received a strong impulse from the popular music of poland dasbury +7447-91187-0016.wav they were his earliest models on them were builded his first themes dasbury +7447-91187-0017.wav so chopin glorified those of the poles the national tonality became to him a vehicle to be freighted with his own individual conceptions i should like to be to my people dasbury +7447-91187-0018.wav what uhland was to the germans he once said to a friend he addressed himself to the heart of this people and immortalized its joys sorrows and caprices by the force of his splendid art dasbury +7447-91187-0019.wav those who have attempted to interpret him as the sentimental hero of minor moods the tone poet in whom the weakness of despair predominates have missed the leaping flames the vivid intensity dasbury +7447-91187-0020.wav true art softens the harshest accents of suffering by placing superior to it some elevating idea so in the most melancholy strains of his music one who heeds well may detect the presence of a lofty ideal dasbury +7447-91187-0021.wav that uplifts and strengthens the travailing soul it has been said of him that he had a sad heart but a joyful mind the two teachers of chopin were dasbury +7447-91187-0022.wav zwyny a bohemian violinist who taught the piano and joseph elsner a violinist organist and theorist from zwyny and elsner even the greatest dunce must learn something he is quoted as saying dasbury +7447-91187-0023.wav neither of these men attempted to hamper his free growth by rigid technical restraints their guidance left him master of his own genius at liberty to soar like the lark into the ethereal blue of the skies dasbury +7447-91187-0024.wav he respected them both a revering affection was cherished by him for elsner to whom he owed his sense of personal responsibility to his art his habits of serious study dasbury +7447-91187-0025.wav and his intimate acquaintance with bach there is food for thought in the fact that this prince charming of the piano whose magic touch awakened the sleeping beauty of the instrument of wood and wires never had a lesson in his life dasbury +7447-91187-0026.wav from a mere piano specialist liszt once said chopin was the only pianist he ever knew that could play the violin on the piano if he could do so it was because he had harkened to the voice of the violin dasbury +7447-91187-0027.wav and resolved to show that the piano too could produce thrilling effects in the same way he had listened to the human voice and determined that the song of his own instrument should be heard dasbury +7447-91187-0028.wav those who give ear to the piano alone will never learn the secret of calling forth its supreme eloquence we can see and hear this raphael of music at the piano dasbury +7447-91187-0029.wav so many and so eloquent have been the descriptions given of his playing it is easy to fancy him sweeping the ivory keys with his gossamer touch that enveloped with ethereal beauty dasbury +7447-91187-0030.wav the most unaccustomed of his complicated chromatic modulations we can feel his individuality pulsating through every tone evoked by those individualized fingers of his as they weave measures for sylphs dasbury +7447-91187-0031.wav we marvel at his softly whispered yet ever clearly distinct pianissimo at the full round tone of its relative fortissimo that was never harsh or noisy dasbury +7447-91187-0032.wav and at all the exquisitely graded nuances that lay between with those time fluctuations expressive of the ebb and flow of his poetic inner being dasbury +7447-91187-0033.wav no wonder balzac maintained that if chopin should but drum on the table his fingers would evoke subtle sounding music and what an example he has left for teachers delicately strung as he was dasbury +7447-91187-0034.wav he must often have endured tortures from the best of his pupils but so thoroughly was he consecrated to his art that he never faltered in his efforts to lift those who confided in him dasbury +7447-91187-0035.wav to the aerial heights he had found a vivid picture of his method of teaching is given in the lectures on frederic chopin's works and their proper interpretation by the pole jean kleczynski dasbury +7447-91187-0036.wav the basis of this method consisted in refinement of touch for the attainment of which a natural easy position of the hand was considered by chopin a prime requisite he prepared each hand with infinite care dasbury +7447-91187-0037.wav before permitting any attempt at the reproduction of musical ideas in order to place it to advantage he caused it to be thrown lightly on the keyboard so that the five fingers rested on the notes e f sharp g sharp a sharp and b dasbury +7447-91187-0038.wav and without change of position required the practice of exercises calculated to insure independence the pupil was instructed to go through these exercises first staccato effected by a free movement of the wrist dasbury +7447-91187-0039.wav an admirable means of counteracting heaviness and clumsiness then legato staccato then accented legato then pure legato dasbury +7447-91187-0040.wav and the movement from andante to prestissimo he was exceedingly particular about arpeggio work and insisted upon the repetition of every note and passage until all harshness and roughness of tone were eliminated dasbury +7447-91187-0041.wav he never hesitated about placing it on a black key when convenient and had it passed by muscle action alone in scales and broken chords whose zealous practice in different forms of touch accent rhythm and tone dasbury +7447-91187-0042.wav were demanded by him individualization of the fingers was one of his strong points and he believed in assigning to each of them its appropriate part in a good mechanism he said dasbury +7447-91187-0043.wav the aim is not to play everything with an equal sound but to acquire beautiful quality of touch and perfect shading of prime importance in his eyes was a clear elastic singing tone dasbury +7447-91187-0044.wav one whose exquisite delicacy could never be confounded with feebleness dasbury +7447-91187-0045.wav and he knew how to augment the warmth and richness of tone coloring by setting in vibration sympathetic harmonics of the principal notes through judicious employment of the damper pedal dasbury +7447-91187-0046.wav by precept and example he advocated frequent playing of the preludes and fugues of bach as a means of cultivating musical intelligence muscular independence and touch and tone discrimination his musical heroes were bach and mozart dasbury +7447-91187-0047.wav for they represented to him nature strong individuality and poetry in music at one time he undertook to write a method or school of piano playing but never progressed beyond the opening sentences dasbury +7447-91187-0048.wav a message directly from him would have been invaluable to students and might have averted many unlucky misapprehensions of himself and his works those of his contemporaries who have harkened with rapture to his playing have declared that he alone dasbury +7447-91187-0049.wav could adequately interpret his tone creations or make perfectly intelligible his method pupils of his and their pupils have faithfully endeavored to transmit to the musical world the tradition of his individual style dasbury +7447-91187-0050.wav the elect few have come into touch with his vision of beauty but it has been mercilessly misinterpreted by thousands of ruthless aspirants to musical honors in the schoolroom the students recital and the concert hall dasbury +7447-91187-0051.wav whoever plays chopin with sledge hammer fingers will deaden all sense of his poetry charm and grace whoever approaches him with weak sentimentalism will miss altogether his dignity and strength dasbury +7447-91187-0052.wav it has been said of him that he was woman in his tenderness and realization of the beautiful and man in his energy and force of mind the highest type of artist and human being is thus represented dasbury +7447-91187-0053.wav to interpret him requires simplicity purity of style refined technique poetic imagination and genuine sentiment not fitful fictitious sentimentality dasbury +7447-91187-0054.wav serenely fancying they are heeding the master's design reckless out of time playing disfigures what is meant to express the fluctuation of thought the soul's agitation the rolling of the waves of time and eternity dasbury +7447-91187-0055.wav the rubato from rubare to rob represents a pliable movement that is certainly as old as the greek drama in declamation and was employed in intoning the gregorian chant dasbury +7447-91187-0056.wav indications of it in bach are too often neglected beethoven used it effectively chopin appropriated it as one of his most potent auxiliaries in playing he emphasized the saying of mozart dasbury +7447-91187-0057.wav its leaves tremble with every breath of the wind but the tree remains unshaken that is the rubato there are storms to which even the tree yields to realize them to divine the laws which regulate the undulating tempest tossed rubato dasbury +7447-91187-0058.wav requires highly matured artistic taste and absolute musical control too sensitive to enjoy playing before miscellaneous audiences whose unsympathetic curiosity he declared paralyzed him dasbury +7447-91187-0059.wav chopin was at his best when interpreting music in private for a choice circle of friends or pupils or when absorbed in composition it is not too much to say for him that he ushered in a new era for his chosen instrument dasbury +7447-91187-0060.wav spiritualizing its timbre liberating it from traditional orchestral and choral effects and elevating it to an independent power in the world of music besides enriching the technique of the piano he augmented the materials of musical expression dasbury +7447-91187-0061.wav harmony and rhythm new chord extensions passages of double notes arabesques and harmonic combinations were devised by him dasbury +7447-91187-0062.wav and he so systematized the use of the pedals that the most varied nuances could be produced by them in melody and general conception his tone poems sprang spontaneously from his glowing fancy dasbury +7447-91187-0063.wav but they were subjected to the most severe tests before they were permitted to go out into the world every ingenious device that gave character to his exquisite cantilena and softened his most startling chord progressions dasbury +7447-91187-0064.wav discussing the compositions of chopin in his delightful and inspiring book chopin the man and his music calls the studies titanic experiments dasbury +7447-91187-0065.wav the preludes moods in miniature the nocturnes night and its melancholy mysteries dasbury +7447-91187-0066.wav faery dramas the polonaises heroic hymns of battle the valses and mazurkas dasbury +7447-91187-0067.wav to write of the four impromptus in their own key of unrestrained feeling and pondered intention would not be as easy as recapturing the first careless rapture of the lark unquestionably dasbury +7447-91187-0068.wav the poetry of chopin is of the most exquisite lyric character his leadership is supreme so original was his conception so finished his workmanship so sublime his purpose dasbury +7447-91187-0069.wav that we may well exclaim with schumann he is the boldest proudest poetic spirit of the time his greatness is his aristocracy says oscar bie he stands among musicians in his faultless vesture dasbury +7447-91186-0000.wav how soon keys were added to the monochord as this measuring instrument was named cannot positively be ascertained we may safely assume it was not slow in adopting the rude keyboard ascribed by tradition to pan pipes dasbury +7447-91186-0001.wav and applied to the portable organ of early christian communities after the tenth century the development of the monochord seems to have begun in earnest two or more strings of equal length are now divided dasbury +7447-91186-0002.wav and set in motion by flat metal wedges attached to the key levers and called tangents because they touched the strings in response to the demand for increased range as many as twenty keys dasbury +7447-91186-0003.wav were brought to act on a few strings commanding often three octaves dasbury +7447-91186-0004.wav the famous sight reading music teacher of the eleventh century advised his pupils to exercise the hand in the use of the monochord showing his knowledge of the keyboard the keyed monochord gained the name dasbury +7447-91186-0005.wav clavichord its box like case was first placed on a table later on its own stand and increased in elegance not until the eighteenth century was each key provided with a separate string dasbury +7447-91186-0006.wav or keyboard instruments that came into use dance music found in them a congenial field dasbury +7447-91186-0007.wav i answer that you cannot yet owing to your youth understand that playing is only suited for volatile frivolous women whereas i desire you to be the most lovable maiden in the world dasbury +7447-91186-0008.wav also it would bring you but little pleasure or renown if you should play badly dasbury +7447-91186-0009.wav consider a moment whether this would become you if your friends wish you to play in order to give them pleasure tell them you do not desire to make yourself ridiculous in their eyes and be content with your books and your domestic occupations dasbury +7447-91186-0010.wav a different view was entertained in england during queen elizabeth's reign where claviers were in vogue styled virginals because as an ancient chronicle explained virgins do most commonly play on them dasbury +7447-91186-0011.wav the virginal was usually of oblong shape often resembling a lady's workbox with the virgin queen it was a prime favorite although not named expressly for her as the flattering fashion of the time led many to assume dasbury +7447-91186-0012.wav if she actually did justice to some of the airs with variations in the queen elizabeth virginal book she must indeed have been proficient on the instrument quaint doctor charles burney dasbury +7447-91186-0013.wav seventeen twenty six eighteen fourteen declares in his history of music that no performer of his day could play them without at least a month's practice dasbury +7447-91186-0014.wav the clavier gave promise of its destined career in the elizabethan age shakespeare immortalized it and william byrd dasbury +7447-91186-0015.wav became the first clavier master he and doctor john bull dasbury +7447-91186-0016.wav represent the two types which run through the entire history of the clavier byrd was the more intimate delicate spiritual intellect bull the untamed genius the brilliant dasbury +7447-91186-0017.wav executant the less exquisitely refined artist it is significant that these two types stand together on the threshold of clavier art dasbury +7447-91186-0018.wav the founding of whose chair of music is popularly attributed to alfred the great as early as the year fourteen hundred claviers had appeared whose strings were plucked by quills dasbury +7447-91186-0019.wav attached to jacks at the end of the key levers to this group belonged the virginal or virginals the clavicembalo the harpsichord or clavecin and the spinet stops were added as in the organ dasbury +7447-91186-0020.wav that varied effects might be produced and a second keyboard was often placed above the first the case was either rectangular or followed the outlines of the harp a progenitor of this clavier type dasbury +7447-91186-0021.wav the secular music principle of the sixteenth century that called into active being the orchestra led also to a desire for richer musical expression in home and social life than the fashionable lute afforded dasbury +7447-91186-0022.wav and the clavier advanced in favor in france by fifteen thirty the dance that promoter of pure instrumental music was freely transcribed for the clavier little more than a century later jean baptiste lully dasbury +7447-91186-0023.wav extensively employed the instrument in the orchestration of his operas and wrote solo dances for it dasbury +7447-91186-0024.wav now well nigh forgotten although once mentioned in the same breath with moliere wrote the pioneer clavier instruction book in it he directs scholars how to avoid a harsh tone and how to form a legato style dasbury +7447-91186-0025.wav he advises parents to select teachers on whom implicit reliance may be placed and teachers to keep the claviers of beginners under lock and key that there may be no practicing without supervision his suggestions deserve consideration to day dasbury +7447-91186-0026.wav he was the first to encourage professional clavier playing among women his daughter marguerite was the first woman appointed official court clavier player he composed for the clavier little picture tunes dasbury +7447-91186-0027.wav designed to depict sentiments moods phases of character and scenes from life he fashioned many charming turns of expression introduced an occasional tempo rubato foreshadowed the intellectual dasbury +7447-91186-0028.wav element in music and laid the corner stone of modern piano playing jean philippe rameau dasbury +7447-91186-0029.wav continued couperin's work what is generally recognized as the first period of clavier virtuosity begins with the neapolitan domenico scarlatti dasbury +7447-91186-0030.wav and johann sebastian bach dasbury +7447-91186-0031.wav the german of germans the style of scarlatti is peculiarly the product of italian love of beautiful tone dasbury +7447-91186-0032.wav kept well in view the technical possibilities of the harpsichord his cat's fugue and his one movement sonatas still appear on concert programmes in a collection of thirty sonatas he explained his purpose in these words dasbury +7447-91186-0033.wav amateur or professor whoever thou art seek not in these compositions for any profound feeling they are only a frolic of art meant to increase thy confidence in the clavier dasbury +7447-91186-0034.wav in germany with grand old father bach the keyboard instrument was found capable of mirroring a mighty soul the germ of all modern musical design lies in his clavier writings dasbury +7447-91186-0035.wav it has been aptly said of this master of masters that he constructed a great university of music from which all must graduate who would accomplish anything of value in music men of genius from mozart to the present time dasbury +7447-91186-0036.wav have extolled him for the beauty of his melodies and harmonies the expressiveness of his modulations the wealth spontaneity and logical clearness of his ideas and the superb architecture of his productions dasbury +7447-91186-0037.wav students miss the soul of bach because of the soulless mechanical way in which they deface his legacy to them his twelve little preludes alone contain the materials for an entire system of music the inventions dasbury +7447-91186-0038.wav too often treated as dry as dust studies are laden with beautiful figures and devices that furnish inspiration for all time as indicated by their title which signifies a compound of appropriate expression dasbury +7447-91186-0039.wav and just disposition of the members they were designed to cultivate the elements of musical taste as well as freedom and equality of the fingers his well tempered clavichord has been called the pianist's sacred book dasbury +7447-91186-0040.wav its preludes and fugues illustrate every shade of human feeling and were especially designed to exemplify the mode of tuning known as equal temperament introduced into general use by bach dasbury +7447-91186-0041.wav and still employed by your piano tuner and mine forkel his biographer has finely said that bach considered the voices of his fugues a select company of persons conversing together dasbury +7447-91186-0042.wav each was allowed to speak only when there was something to say bearing on the subject in hand a highly characteristic motive or theme as significant as the noblest typical phrase dasbury +7447-91186-0043.wav developing into equally characteristic progressions and cadences is a striking feature of the bach fugue his suites exalted forever the familiar dance tunes of the german people his wonderful chromatic fantasia and fugue dasbury +460-172357-0000.wav i know no way in which a writer may more fittingly introduce his work to the public than by giving a brief account of who and what he is by this means some of the blame for what he has done is very properly shifted to the extenuating circumstances of his life Dave Ranson +460-172357-0001.wav my parents migrated to canada in eighteen seventy six and i decided to go with them my father took up a farm near lake simcoe in ontario this was during the hard times of canadian farming Dave Ranson +460-172357-0002.wav and my father was just able by great diligence to pay the hired men and in years of plenty to raise enough grain to have seed for the next year's crop without buying any by this process my brothers and i were inevitably driven off the land Dave Ranson +460-172357-0003.wav that is induced by honest manual toil i was educated at upper canada college toronto of which i was head boy in eighteen eighty seven from there i went to the university of toronto where i graduated in eighteen ninety one Dave Ranson +460-172357-0004.wav at the university i spent my entire time in the acquisition of languages living dead and half dead and knew nothing of the outside world in this diligent pursuit of words i spent about sixteen hours of each day Dave Ranson +460-172357-0005.wav in other words i was what is called a distinguished graduate and as such i took to school teaching as the only trade i could find that need neither experience nor intellect i spent my time from eighteen ninety one to eighteen ninety nine on the staff of upper canada college Dave Ranson +460-172357-0006.wav an experience which has left me with a profound sympathy for the many gifted and brilliant men who are compelled to spend their lives in the most dreary the most thankless and the worst paid profession in the world Dave Ranson +460-172357-0007.wav and by means of this and some temporary employment by mc gill university i survived until i took the degree of doctor of philosophy in nineteen o three the meaning of this degree is that the recipient of instruction is examined for the last time in his life and is pronounced completely full Dave Ranson +460-172357-0008.wav after this no new ideas can be imparted to him from this time and since my marriage which had occurred at this period i have belonged to the staff of mc gill university first as lecturer in political science and later as head of the department of economics and political science Dave Ranson +460-172357-0009.wav i am able to regard myself as singularly fortunate the emolument is so high as to place me distinctly above the policemen postmen street car conductors and other salaried officials of the neighbourhood Dave Ranson +460-172357-0010.wav while i am able to mix with the poorer of the business men of the city on terms of something like equality in point of leisure i enjoy more in the four corners of a single year than a business man knows in his whole life i thus have what the business man can never enjoy Dave Ranson +460-172357-0011.wav an ability to think and what is still better to stop thinking altogether for months at a time i have written a number of things in connection with my college life a book on political science and many essays magazine articles and so on Dave Ranson +460-172357-0012.wav a few years ago i went all round the british empire delivering addresses on imperial organization when i state that these lectures were followed almost immediately by the union of south africa the banana riots in trinidad and the turco italian war Dave Ranson +460-172357-0013.wav nor to construct even the smallest section of the transcontinental railway this however is a form of national ingratitude to which one becomes accustomed in this dominion apart from my college work i have written two books one called literary lapses Dave Ranson +460-172357-0014.wav and the other nonsense novels each of these is published by john lane london and new york and either of them can be obtained absurd though it sounds for the mere sum of three shillings and sixpence any reader of this preface for example ridiculous though it appears Dave Ranson +460-172357-0015.wav could walk into a bookstore and buy both of these books for seven shillings yet these works are of so humorous a character that for many years it was found impossible to print them the compositors fell back from their task suffocated with laughter and gasping for air Dave Ranson +460-172357-0016.wav many of my friends are under the impression that i write these humorous nothings in idle moments when the wearied brain is unable to perform the serious labours of the economist my own experience is exactly the other way Dave Ranson +460-172357-0017.wav but to write something out of one's own mind worth reading for its own sake is an arduous contrivance only to be achieved in fortunate moments few and far between Dave Ranson +460-172357-0018.wav in regard to the present work i must disclaim at once all intentions of trying to do anything so ridiculously easy as writing about a real place and real people mariposa is not a real town on the contrary it is about seventy or eighty of them Dave Ranson +460-172357-0019.wav you may find them all the way from lake superior to the sea with the same square streets and the same maple trees and the same churches and hotels and everywhere the sunshine of the land of hope similarly the reverend mister drone is not one person but about eight or ten Dave Ranson +460-172357-0020.wav to make him i clapped the gaiters of one ecclesiastic round the legs of another added the sermons of a third and the character of a fourth and so let him start on his way in the book to pick up such individual attributes as he might find for himself Dave Ranson +460-172357-0021.wav mullins and bagshaw and judge pepperleigh and the rest are it is true personal friends of mine but i have known them in such a variety of forms with such alternations of tall and short dark and fair that individually i should have much ado to know them Dave Ranson +460-172357-0022.wav and needs a teller as for mister smith with his two hundred and eighty pounds his hoarse voice his loud check suit Dave Ranson +460-172357-0023.wav all of this is known by everybody to be a necessary and universal adjunct of the hotel business the inspiration of the book Dave Ranson +460-172357-0024.wav a land of hope and sunshine where little towns spread their square streets and their trim maple trees beside placid lakes almost within echo of the primeval forest is large enough Dave Ranson +460-172357-0025.wav the fault lies rather with an art that is deficient than in an affection that is wanting Dave Ranson +460-172359-0000.wav it was not until the mining boom at the time when everybody went simply crazy over the cobalt and porcupine mines of the new silver country near the hudson bay Dave Ranson +460-172359-0001.wav there were always people going in and out of the barber shop mullins the manager of the exchange bank took his morning shave from jeff as a form of resuscitation with enough wet towels laid on his face to stew him and with jeff moving about in the steam razor in hand Dave Ranson +460-172359-0002.wav as grave as an operating surgeon then as i think i said mister smith came in every morning and there was a tremendous outpouring of florida water and rums essences and revivers and renovators regardless of expense Dave Ranson +460-172359-0003.wav what with jeff's white coat and mister smith's flowered waistcoat and the red geranium in the window and the florida water and the double extract of hyacinth the little shop seemed multi coloured and luxurious enough for the annex of a sultan's harem but what i mean is that Dave Ranson +460-172359-0004.wav till the mining boom jefferson thorpe never occupied a position of real prominence in mariposa Dave Ranson +460-172359-0005.wav everybody knew jeff and liked him but the odd thing was that till he made money nobody took any stock in his ideas at all it was only after he made the clean up that they came to see what a splendid fellow he was level headed i think was the term indeed Dave Ranson +460-172359-0006.wav in the speech of mariposa the highest form of endowment was to have the head set on horizontally as with a theodolite as i say it was when jeff made money that they saw how gifted he was and when he lost it but still there's no need to go into that Dave Ranson +460-172359-0007.wav i believe it's something the same in other places too the barber shop you will remember stands across the street from smith's hotel and stares at it face to face it is one of those wooden structures i don't know whether you know them Dave Ranson +460-172359-0008.wav with a false front that sticks up above its real height and gives it an air at once rectangular and imposing it is a form of architecture much used in mariposa and understood to be in keeping with the pretentious and artificial character of modern business Dave Ranson +460-172359-0009.wav and the shop itself has a large square window out of proportion to its little flat face painted on the panes of the window is the remains of a legend that once spelt barber shop executed with the flourishes that prevailed in the golden age of sign painting in mariposa Dave Ranson +460-172359-0010.wav through the window you can see the geraniums in the window shelf and behind them jeff thorpe with his little black scull cap on and his spectacles drooped upon his nose as he bends forward in the absorption of shaving Dave Ranson +460-172359-0011.wav as you open the door it sets in violent agitation a coiled spring up above and a bell that almost rings inside there are two shaving chairs of the heavier or electrocution pattern Dave Ranson +460-172359-0012.wav it is the current supposition of each of jeff's customers that everyone else but himself uses a separate mug one corner of the shop is partitioned off and bears the sign hot and cold baths fifty cents Dave Ranson +460-172359-0013.wav only old newspapers and a mop still it lends distinction somehow just as do the faded cardboard signs that hang against the mirror with the legends turkish shampoo seventy five cents and roman massage one dollar Dave Ranson +460-172359-0014.wav they said commonly in mariposa that jeff made money out of the barber shop he may have and it may have been that that turned his mind to investment but it's hard to see how he could a shave cost five cents and a hair cut fifteen or the two if you liked for a quarter Dave Ranson +460-172359-0015.wav and at that it is hard to see how he could make money Dave Ranson +460-172359-0016.wav and then in the other you see in mariposa shaving isn't the hurried perfunctory thing that it is in the city a shave is looked upon as a form of physical pleasure and lasts anywhere from twenty five minutes to three quarters of an hour in the morning hours perhaps there was a semblance of haste about it Dave Ranson +460-172359-0017.wav the razor would go slower and slower and pause and stop move and pause again till the shave died away into the mere drowse of conversation at such hours the mariposa barber shop would become a very palace of slumber Dave Ranson +460-172359-0018.wav and as you waited your turn in one of the wooden arm chairs beside the wall what with the quiet of the hour and the low drone of jeff's conversation the buzzing of the flies against the window pane and the measured tick of the clock above the mirror Dave Ranson +460-172359-0019.wav your head sank dreaming on your breast and the mariposa newspacket rustled unheeded on the floor it makes one drowsy just to think of it the conversation of course was the real charm of the place you see jefferson's forte or specialty was information Dave Ranson +460-172359-0020.wav where he got it all i don't know but i am inclined to think it came more or less out of the newspapers in the city people never read the newspapers not really only little bits and scraps of them but in mariposa it's different there Dave Ranson +460-172359-0021.wav they read the whole thing from cover to cover and they build up on it in the course of years a range of acquirement that would put a college president to the blush Dave Ranson +460-172359-0022.wav and of course the peculiarity of jeff's conversation was that he could suit it to his man every time Dave Ranson +460-172359-0023.wav there was a certain kind of man that jeff would size up sideways as he stropped the razor and in whose ear he would whisper i see where saint louis has took four straight games off chicago and so hold him fascinated to the end in the same way he would say to mister smith Dave Ranson +460-172359-0024.wav i see where it says that this flying squirl run a dead heat for the king's plate to a humble intellect like mine he would explain in full the relations of the keesar to the german rich dog Dave Ranson +460-172359-0025.wav the huge fortunes that a man with the right kind of head could make i've known jefferson to pause in his shaving with the razor suspended in the air as long as five minutes while he described with his eye half closed Dave Ranson +460-172359-0026.wav exactly the kind of a head a man needed in order to make a haul or a clean up it was evidently simply a matter of the head and as far as one could judge jeff's own was the very type required i don't know just at what time or how jefferson first began his speculative enterprises Dave Ranson +460-172359-0027.wav it was probably in him from the start there is no doubt that the very idea of such things as traction stock and amalgamated asbestos went to his head and whenever he spoke of mister carnegie and mister rockefeller the yearning tone of his voice made it as soft as lathered soap Dave Ranson +460-172359-0028.wav i suppose the most rudimentary form of his speculation was the hens that was years ago he kept them out at the back of his house which itself stood up a grass plot behind and beyond the barber shop and in the old days jeff would say with a certain note of pride in his voice Dave Ranson +460-172359-0029.wav that the woman had sold as many as two dozen eggs in a day to the summer visitors but what with reading about amalgamated asbestos and consolidated copper and all that the hens began to seem pretty small business and in any case the idea of two dozen eggs at a cent apiece almost makes one blush Dave Ranson +460-172359-0030.wav i suppose a good many of us have felt just as jeff did about our poor little earnings anyway i remember jeff telling me one day that he could take the whole lot of the hens and sell them off and crack the money into chicago wheat on margin and turn it over in twenty four hours he did it too Dave Ranson +460-172359-0031.wav after that the hen house stood empty and the woman had to throw away chicken feed every day at a dead loss of perhaps a shave and a half Dave Ranson +460-172359-0032.wav and right at our very doors you could see as i saw the night express going north every evening for all one knew rockefeller or carnegie or anyone might be on it Dave Ranson +460-172359-0033.wav so no wonder the town went wild all day in the street you could hear men talking of veins and smelters and dips and deposits and faults the town hummed with it like a geology class on examination day Dave Ranson +460-172359-0034.wav within a fortnight they put a partition down robertson's coal and wood office and opened the mariposa mining exchange and just about every man on the main street started buying scrip then presently young fizzlechip who had been teller in mullins's bank and that everybody had thought a worthless jackass before Dave Ranson +460-172359-0035.wav came back from the cobalt country with a fortune and loafed round in the mariposa house in english khaki and a horizontal hat drunk all the time Dave Ranson +460-172359-0036.wav they all went in jim eliot mortgaged the inside of the drug store and jammed it into twin tamagami pete glover at the hardware store bought nippewa stock at thirteen cents and sold it to his brother at seventeen and bought it back in less than a week at nineteen they didn't care they took a chance Dave Ranson +460-172359-0037.wav judge pepperleigh put the rest of his wife's money into temiskaming common and lawyer macartney got the fever too and put every cent that his sister possessed into tulip preferred and even when young fizzlechip shot himself in the back room of the mariposa house mister gingham buried him in a casket with silver handles Dave Ranson +460-172359-0038.wav they all went in or all except mister smith you see mister smith had come down from there and he knew all about rocks and mining and canoes and the north country he knew what it was to eat flour baked dampers under the lee side of a canoe propped among the underbrush Dave Ranson +460-172359-0039.wav but jeff thorpe was in the mining boom right from the start he bought in on the nippewa mine even before the interim prospectus was out Dave Ranson +460-172359-0040.wav and he and johnson the livery stablekeeper next door formed a syndicate Dave Ranson +460-172359-0041.wav and then unloaded them on one of the sausage men at netley's butcher shop at a clear cent per cent advance jeff would open the little drawer below the mirror in the barber shop and show you all kinds and sorts of cobalt country mining certificates Dave Ranson +460-172359-0042.wav blue ones pink ones green ones with outlandish and fascinating names on them that ran clear from the mattawa to the hudson bay and right from the start he was confident of winning there ain't no difficulty to it he said Dave Ranson +460-172359-0043.wav i don't say he used to continue with the scissors open and ready to cut Dave Ranson +460-172359-0044.wav but if a feller knows the country and keeps his head level he can't lose jefferson had looked at so many prospectuses and so many pictures of mines and pine trees and smelters that i think he'd forgotten that he'd never been in the country anyway what's two hundred miles Dave Ranson +460-172359-0045.wav to an onlooker it certainly didn't seem so simple i never knew the meanness the trickery of the mining business the sheer obstinate determination of the bigger capitalists not to make money when they might till i heard the accounts of jeff's different mines take the case of corona jewel Dave Ranson +460-172359-0046.wav there was a good mine simply going to ruin for lack of common sense she ain't been developed jeff would say there's silver enough in her so you could dig it out with a shovel she's full of it but they won't get at her and work her Dave Ranson +460-172359-0047.wav then he'd take a look at the pink and blue certificates of the corona jewel and slam the drawer on them in disgust worse than that was the silent pine a clear case of stupid incompetence Dave Ranson +460-172359-0048.wav utter lack of engineering skill was all that was keeping the silent pine from making a fortune for its holders the only trouble with that mine said jeff is they won't go deep enough Dave Ranson +460-172359-0049.wav if they'd just go right into her good they'd get it again she's down there all right but perhaps the meanest case of all was the northern star that always seemed to me every time i heard of it a straight case for the criminal law the thing was so evidently a conspiracy Dave Ranson +460-172359-0050.wav i bought her said jeff at thirty two and she stayed right there tight like she was stuck Dave Ranson +460-172359-0051.wav and i held on to her and they shoved her down to twenty one this morning they've got her down to sixteen but i don't mean to let go no sir in another fortnight they shoved her the same unscrupulous crowd down to nine cents and jefferson still held on Dave Ranson +460-172359-0052.wav a few days after that the same criminal gang had her down further than ever they've got her down to three cents said jeff but i'm with her yes sir they think they can shove her clean off the market but they can't do it i've boughten in johnson's shares Dave Ranson +460-172359-0053.wav and then and then well that's just the queer thing about the mining business why sudden as a flash of lightning it seemed the news came over the wire to the mariposa newspacket that they had struck a vein of silver in the northern star as thick as a sidewalk Dave Ranson +460-172359-0054.wav and that the stock had jumped to seventeen dollars a share and even at that you couldn't get it and jeff stood there flushed and half staggered against the mirror of the little shop with a bunch of mining scrip in his hand that was worth forty thousand dollars Dave Ranson +460-172359-0055.wav excitement it was all over the town in a minutes Dave Ranson +460-172359-0056.wav and in less than no time there wasn't standing room in the barber shop and over in smith's hotel they had three extra barkeepers working on the lager beer pumps Dave Ranson +460-172359-0057.wav and people were just clutching for them then at night there was a big oyster supper in smith's caff with speeches and the mariposa band outside and the queer thing was that the very next afternoon was the funeral of young fizzlechip Dave Ranson +460-172359-0058.wav a perfect iliad while he was clinging to her the whole thing was in the city papers a few days after with a photograph of jeff taken specially at ed moore's studio upstairs over netley's it showed jeff sitting among palm trees as all mining men do Dave Ranson +460-172359-0059.wav with one hand on his knee and a dog one of those regular mining dogs at his feet and a look of piercing intelligence in his face that would easily account for forty thousand dollars i say that the recognition meant a lot to jeff for its own sake Dave Ranson +460-172359-0060.wav that unless you hear about them separately and one by one you can't for a moment understand what they're like Dave Ranson +460-172359-0061.wav on her high stool with a steel cap on jabbing the connecting plugs in and out as if electricity cost nothing well Dave Ranson +460-172359-0062.wav there was myra who treated lovers like dogs and would slap them across the face with a banana skin to show her utter independence and there was miss cleghorn who was sallow and who bought a forty cent ancient history to improve herself and yet if she'd hit any man in mariposa with a banana skin Dave Ranson +460-172359-0063.wav he'd have had her arrested for assault mind you i don't mean that myra was merely flippant and worthless not at all she was a girl with any amount of talent you should have heard her recite the raven at the methodist social simply genius Dave Ranson +460-172359-0064.wav and when she acted portia in the trial scene of the merchant of venice at the high school concert Dave Ranson +460-172359-0065.wav so of course as soon as jeff made the fortune myra had her resignation in next morning Dave Ranson +460-172359-0066.wav and become a leading actress but as i said the public recognition counted a lot for jeff the moment you begin to get that sort of thing it comes in quickly enough brains you know are recognized right away that was why of course within a week from this Dave Ranson +460-172359-0067.wav jeff received the first big packet of stuff from the cuban land development company with coloured pictures of cuba and fields of bananas and haciendas and insurrectos with machetes and heaven knows what they heard of him somehow it wasn't for a modest man like jefferson to say how Dave Ranson +460-172359-0068.wav for all i know this cuban stuff may have been sent from morgan himself some of the people in mariposa said yes others said no there was no certainty anyway they were fair and straight this cuban crowd that wrote to jeff Dave Ranson +460-172359-0069.wav and that touches you no they asked no guarantee just send the money whether by express order or by bank draft or cheque they left that entirely to oneself as a matter between cuban gentlemen and they were quite frank about their enterprise Dave Ranson +460-172359-0070.wav bananas and tobacco in the plantation district reclaimed from the insurrectos you could see it all there in the pictures Dave Ranson +460-172359-0071.wav they made no rash promises just admitted straight out that the enterprise might realise four hundred per cent Dave Ranson +460-172359-0072.wav i liked it about jeff that he didn't stop shaving he went on just the same even when johnson the livery stable man came in with five hundred dollars and asked him to see if the cuban board of directors would let him put it in jeff laid it in the drawer and then shaved him for five cents in the same old way Dave Ranson +460-172359-0073.wav a few days later he got a letter from the cuban people from new york accepting the money straight off without a single question and without knowing anything more of johnson except that he was a friend of jeff's they wrote most handsomely any friends of jeff's were friends of cuba Dave Ranson +460-172359-0074.wav all money they might send would be treated just as jeff's would be treated one reason perhaps why jeff didn't give up shaving was because it allowed him to talk about cuba Dave Ranson +460-172359-0075.wav and that spread round him a kind of halo of wealth and mystery and outlandishness oh something spanish perhaps you've felt it about people that you know anyhow they asked him about the climate and yellow fever and what the negroes were like and all that sort of thing Dave Ranson +460-172359-0076.wav and for fruit they say it comes up so fast you can't stop it and then he would pass into details about the hash enders and the resurrectos and technical things like that till it was thought a wonder how he could know it still it was realized that a man with money has got to know these things Dave Ranson +460-172359-0077.wav look at morgan and rockefeller and all the men that make a pile they know just as much as jeff did about the countries where they make it it stands to reason did i say that jeff shaved in the same old way not quite Dave Ranson +460-172359-0078.wav i thought that perhaps getting so much money well you know the way it acts on people in the larger cities it seemed to spoil one's idea of jeff that copper and asbestos and banana lands should form the goal of his thought when if he knew it Dave Ranson +460-172359-0079.wav in fact i had perhaps borne him a grudge for what seemed to me his perpetual interest in the great capitalists he always had some item out of the paper about them Dave Ranson +460-172359-0080.wav he would say and another day he would pause in the course of shaving and almost whisper did you ever see this rockefeller it was only by a sort of accident that i came to know that there was another side to jefferson's speculation that no one in mariposa ever knew or will ever know now Dave Ranson +460-172359-0081.wav you could see the light of the lamp behind the blind and through the screen door as you came along Dave Ranson +460-172359-0082.wav there was a round table that the woman used to lay for supper Dave Ranson +460-172359-0083.wav and beside it jeff would sit with his spectacles on and the paper spread out reading about carnegie and rockefeller near him but away from the table was the woman doing needlework and myra when she wasn't working in the telephone exchange was there too with her elbows on the table reading marie corelli Dave Ranson +460-172359-0084.wav jeff laid down what he was reading and started to talk about carnegie this carnegie i bet you would be worth said jeff closing up his eyes in calculation as much as perhaps two million dollars if you was to sell him up Dave Ranson +460-172359-0085.wav i may say in parentheses that it was a favourite method in mariposa if you wanted to get at the real worth of a man to imagine him clean sold up put up for auction as it were it was the only way to test him and now look at em jeff went on Dave Ranson +460-172359-0086.wav they give it away and who do they give it to why to those as don't want it every time they give it to these professors and to this research and that and do the poor get any of it not a cent and never will i tell you boys continued jeff Dave Ranson +460-172359-0087.wav there were no boys present but in mariposa all really important speeches are addressed to an imaginary audience of boys i tell you if i was to make a million out of this cubey i'd give it straight to the poor yes sir divide it up into a hundred lots of a thousand dollars each and give it to the people that hadn't nothing Dave Ranson +460-172359-0088.wav so always after that i knew just what those bananas were being grown for indeed after that though jefferson never spoke of his intentions directly he said a number of things that seemed to bear on them Dave Ranson +460-172359-0089.wav he asked me for instance one day how many blind people it would take to fill one of these blind homes and how a feller could get ahold of them Dave Ranson +460-172359-0090.wav a feller could get enough of them to make a showing Dave Ranson +460-172359-0091.wav but still what's the use of talking of what jeff meant to do nobody knows or cares about it now the end of it was bound to come even in mariposa some of the people must have thought so Dave Ranson +460-172359-0092.wav else how was it that henry mullins made such a fuss about selling a draft for forty thousand on new york and why was it that mister smith wouldn't pay billy the desk clerk his back wages when he wanted to put it into cuba oh yes some of them must have seen it Dave Ranson +460-172359-0093.wav and yet when it came it seemed so quiet ever so quiet not a bit like the northern star mine and the oyster supper and the mariposa band it is strange how quiet these things look the other way round Dave Ranson +460-172359-0094.wav you remember the cuban land frauds in new york and porforio gomez shooting the detective and him and maximo morez getting clear away with two hundred thousand no of course you don't why even in the city papers it only filled an inch or two of type and anyway the names were hard to remember Dave Ranson +460-172359-0095.wav that was jeff's money part of it mullins got the telegram from a broker or someone and he showed it to jeff just as he was going up the street with an estate agent to look at a big empty lot on the hill behind the town the very place for these incurables Dave Ranson +460-172359-0096.wav and jeff went back to the shop so quiet have you ever seen an animal that is stricken through how quiet it seems to move Dave Ranson +460-172359-0097.wav and since that though it's quite a little while ago the shop's open till eleven every night now and jeff is shaving away to pay back that five hundred that johnson the livery man sent to the cubans and pathetic tut tut you don't know mariposa Dave Ranson +460-172359-0098.wav jeff has to work pretty late but that's nothing nothing at all if you've worked hard all your lifetime Dave Ranson +460-172359-0099.wav they were glad enough to get her and she says now that if there's one thing she hates it's the stage and she can't see how the actresses put up with it anyway things are not so bad Dave Ranson +831-130739-0000.wav the principal character in the story if you presuming you are of the sex that does such things if you had gone into the drapery emporium which is really only magnificent for shop Nick Gallant +831-130739-0001.wav a perfectly fictitious co by the bye of putney on the fourteenth of august eighteen ninety five had turned to the right hand side where the blocks of white linen and piles of blankets rise up to the rail from which the pink and blue prints depend Nick Gallant +831-130739-0002.wav you might have been served by the central figure of this story that is now beginning he would have come forward bowing and swaying Nick Gallant +831-130739-0003.wav what he might have the pleasure of showing you under certain circumstances as for instance hats baby linen gloves silks lace or curtains Nick Gallant +831-130739-0004.wav and making a kind of circular sweep invited you to step this way and so led you beyond his ken Nick Gallant +831-130739-0005.wav huckaback blankets dimity cretonne linen calico are cases in point Nick Gallant +831-130739-0006.wav under which happier circumstances you might if of an observing turn of mind and not too much of a housewife to be inhuman have given the central figure of this story less cursory attention Nick Gallant +831-130739-0007.wav now if you had noticed anything about him it would have been chiefly to notice how little he was noticeable he wore the black morning coat the black tie and the speckled grey nether parts descending into shadow and mystery below the counter of his craft Nick Gallant +831-130739-0008.wav hair of a kind of dirty fairness greyish eyes and a skimpy immature moustache under his peaked indeterminate nose his features were all small but none ill shaped a rosette of pins decorated the lappel of his coat Nick Gallant +831-130739-0009.wav we could show you something better of course no trouble madam i assure you such were the simple counters of his intercourse so i say Nick Gallant +831-130739-0010.wav he would have danced about behind the counter have neatly refolded the goods he had shown you have put on one side those you selected extracted a little book with a carbon leaf and a tinfoil sheet from a fixture Nick Gallant +831-130739-0011.wav made you out a little bill in that weak flourishing hand peculiar to drapers Nick Gallant +831-130739-0012.wav sayn then a puffy little shop walker would have come into view Nick Gallant +831-130739-0013.wav have scribbled a still more flourishing j m all over the document have asked you if there was nothing more have stood by you supposing that you were paying cash until the central figure of this story reappeared with the change Nick Gallant +831-130739-0014.wav one glance more at him and the puffy little shop walker would have been bowing you out with fountains of civilities at work all about you Nick Gallant +831-130739-0015.wav but real literature as distinguished from anecdote does not concern itself with superficial appearances alone literature is revelation modern literature is indecorous revelation Nick Gallant +831-130739-0016.wav it is the duty of the earnest author to tell you what you would not have seen even at the cost of some blushes and the thing that you would not have seen about this young man and the thing of the greatest moment to this story Nick Gallant +831-130739-0017.wav the thing that must be told if the book is to be written was let us face it bravely the remarkable condition of this young man's legs let us approach the business with dispassionate explicitness Nick Gallant +831-130739-0018.wav let us assume something of the scientific spirit the hard almost professorial tone of the conscientious realist let us treat this young man's legs as a mere diagram and indicate the points of interest with the unemotional Nick Gallant +831-130739-0019.wav and so to our revelation on the internal aspect of the right ankle of this young man you would have observed ladies and gentlemen a contusion and an abrasion on the internal aspect of the left ankle a contusion also Nick Gallant +831-130739-0020.wav on its external aspect a large yellowish bruise on his left shin there were two bruises one a leaden yellow graduating here and there into purple and another obviously of more recent date of a blotchy red Nick Gallant +831-130739-0021.wav tumid and threatening proceeding up the left leg in a spiral manner an unnatural hardness and redness would have been discovered on the upper aspect of the calf Nick Gallant +831-130739-0022.wav and above the knee and on the inner side an extraordinary expanse of bruised surface a kind of closely stippled shading of contused points Nick Gallant +831-130739-0023.wav the right leg would be found to be bruised in a marvellous manner all about and under the knee and particularly on the interior aspect of the knee so far we may proceed with our details Nick Gallant +831-130739-0024.wav fired by these discoveries an investigator might perhaps have pursued his inquiries further to bruises on the shoulders elbows and even the finger joints of the central figure of our story Nick Gallant +831-130739-0025.wav he had indeed been bumped and battered at an extraordinary number of points but enough of realistic description is as good as a feast Nick Gallant +831-130739-0026.wav even in literature one must know where to draw the line now the reader may be inclined to wonder how a respectable young shopman Nick Gallant +831-130739-0027.wav one might fancy that he had been sitting with his nether extremities in some complicated machinery a threshing machine say or one of those hay making furies but sherlock holmes Nick Gallant +831-130739-0028.wav would have fancied nothing of the kind Nick Gallant +831-130739-0029.wav considered in the light of the distribution of the other abrasions and contusions pointed unmistakably to the violent impact of the mounting beginner upon the bicycling saddle and that the ruinous state of the right knee was equally eloquent Nick Gallant +831-130739-0030.wav of the concussions attendant on that person's hasty frequently causeless and invariably ill conceived descents one large bruise on the shin is even more characteristic of the prentice cyclist Nick Gallant +831-130739-0031.wav for upon every one of them waits the jest of the unexpected treadle you try at least to walk your machine in an easy manner and whack you are rubbing your shin so out of innocence we ripen Nick Gallant +831-130739-0032.wav two bruises on that place mark a certain want of aptitude in learning such as one might expect in a person unused to muscular exercise blisters on the hands are eloquent of the nervous clutch of the wavering rider and so forth Nick Gallant +831-130739-0033.wav until sherlock is presently explaining by the help of the minor injuries that the machine ridden is an old fashioned affair with a fork instead of the diamond frame a cushioned tire well worn on the hind wheel Nick Gallant +831-130739-0034.wav rises a vision of a nightly struggle of two dark figures and a machine in a dark road the road to be explicit from roehampton to putney hill and with this vision is the sound of a heel spurning the gravel Nick Gallant +831-130739-0035.wav a gasping and grunting a shouting of steer man steer a wavering unsteady flight a spasmodic turning of the missile edifice of man and machine and a collapse then you descry dimly through the dusk Nick Gallant +831-130739-0036.wav thus even in a shop assistant does the warmth of manhood assert itself and drive him against all the conditions of his calling against the counsels of prudence and the restrictions of his means Nick Gallant +831-130739-0037.wav to seek the wholesome delights of exertion and danger and pain and our first examination of the draper reveals beneath his draperies the man to which initial fact among others we shall come again in the end Nick Gallant +831-130739-0038.wav but enough of these revelations the central figure of our story is now going along behind the counter a draper indeed with your purchases in his arms to the warehouse where the various articles you have selected will presently be packed by the senior porter and sent to you Nick Gallant +831-130739-0039.wav and gripping the corners of the folds in his hands begins to straighten them punctiliously near him is an apprentice apprenticed to the same high calling of draper's assistant Nick Gallant +831-130739-0040.wav a ruddy red haired lad in a very short tailless black coat and a very high collar who is deliberately unfolding and refolding some patterns of cretonne Nick Gallant +831-130739-0041.wav the assistant is dreaming of the delicious time only four hours off now when he will resume the tale of his bruises and abrasions the apprentice is nearer the long long thoughts of boyhood and his imagination rides cap a pie Nick Gallant +831-130739-0042.wav through the chambers of his brain seeking some knightly quest in honour of that fair lady the last but one of the girl apprentices to the dress making upstairs Nick Gallant +831-130739-0043.wav he inclines rather to street fighting against revolutionaries because then she could see him from the window jerking them back to the present comes the puffy little shop walker with a paper in his hand the apprentice becomes extremely active Nick Gallant +831-130739-0044.wav they're going fairly well sir Nick Gallant +831-130739-0045.wav the shop walker brings up parallel to the counter any particular time when you want your holidays he asks hoopdriver pulls at his skimpy moustache no don't want them too late sir of course Nick Gallant +831-130739-0046.wav how about this day week hoopdriver becomes rigidly meditative gripping the corners of the gingham folds in his hands his face is eloquent of conflicting considerations can he learn it in a week that's the question Nick Gallant +831-130739-0047.wav otherwise briggs will get next week and he will have to wait until september when the weather is often uncertain he is naturally of a sanguine disposition Nick Gallant +831-130739-0048.wav all drapers have to be or else they could never have the faith they show in the beauty washability and unfading excellence of the goods they sell you the decision comes at last Nick Gallant +831-130739-0049.wav the next in the strict scale of precedence of the drapery emporium mister hoopdriver in alternating spasms anon straightens his gingham and anon becomes meditative with his tongue in the hollow of his decaying wisdom tooth Nick Gallant +831-130739-0050.wav at supper that night holiday talk held undisputed sway mister pritchard spoke of scotland miss isaacs clamoured of bettws Nick Gallant +831-130739-0051.wav i said hoopdriver when the question came to him why cycling of course you're never going to ride that dreadful machine of yours day after day said miss howe of the costume department i am Nick Gallant +831-130739-0052.wav said hoopdriver as calmly as possible pulling at the insufficient moustache Nick Gallant +831-130739-0053.wav you stow it said mister hoopdriver looking hard and threateningly at the junior apprentice and suddenly adding in a tone of bitter contempt Nick Gallant +831-130739-0054.wav i'm getting fairly safe upon it now he told miss howe at other times hoopdriver might have further resented the satirical efforts of the apprentice but his mind was too full of the projected tour to admit any petty delicacies of dignity Nick Gallant +831-130739-0055.wav when the gas was turned off for the night he was sitting on the edge of his bed rubbing arnica into his knee a new and very big place and studying a road map of the south of england Nick Gallant +831-130739-0056.wav was sitting up in bed and trying to smoke in the dark briggs had never been on a cycle in his life but he felt hoopdriver's inexperience and offered such advice as occurred to him have the machine thoroughly well oiled said briggs Nick Gallant +831-130739-0057.wav carry one or two lemons with you don't tear yourself to death the first day and sit upright never lose control of the machine and always sound the bell on every possible opportunity you mind those things and nothing very much can't happen to you hoopdriver you take my word Nick Gallant +831-130739-0058.wav save perhaps for a curse or so at his pipe and then break out with an entirely different set of tips avoid running over dogs hoopdriver whatever you do Nick Gallant +831-130739-0059.wav never let the machine buckle there was a man killed only the other day through his wheel buckling don't scorch don't ride on the foot path keep your own side of the road and if you see a tramline go round the corner at once and hurry off into the next county Nick Gallant +831-130739-0060.wav and always light up before dark you mind just a few little things like that hoopdriver and nothing much can't happen to you you take my word right you are said hoopdriver good night old man good night said briggs Nick Gallant +831-130739-0061.wav hoopdriver rode off into dreamland on his machine and was scarcely there before he was pitched back into the world of sense again something what was it never oil the steering it's fatal Nick Gallant +831-130739-0062.wav a voice that came from round a fitful glow of light was saying and clean the chain daily with black lead you mind just a few little things like that Nick Gallant +831-130746-0000.wav the ostler being a fool rushed violently down the road vociferating after them then he returned panting to the vicuna hotel and finding a group of men outside the entrance who wanted to know what was up stopped to give them the cream of the adventure Nick Gallant +831-130746-0001.wav that gave the fugitives five minutes then pushing breathlessly into the bar he had to make it clear to the barmaid what the matter was and the gov'nor being out they spent some more precious time wondering what ever was to be done Nick Gallant +831-130746-0002.wav there were also moral remarks and other irrelevant contributions there were conflicting ideas of telling the police and pursuing the flying couple on a horse that made ten minutes Nick Gallant +831-130746-0003.wav then stephen the waiter who had shown hoopdriver up came down and lit wonderful lights and started quite a fresh discussion by the simple question which that turned ten minutes into a quarter of an hour and in the midst of this discussion Nick Gallant +831-130746-0004.wav making a sudden and awestricken silence appeared bechamel in the hall beyond the bar walked with a resolute air to the foot of the staircase and passed out of sight you conceive the backward pitch of that exceptionally shaped cranium Nick Gallant +831-130746-0005.wav incredulous eyes stared into one another's in the bar as his paces muffled by the stair carpet went up to the landing turned reached the passage and walked into the dining room overhead Nick Gallant +831-130746-0006.wav it wasn't that one at all miss said the ostler i'd swear well that's mister beaumont said the barmaid anyhow their conversation hung comatose in the air switched up by bechamel Nick Gallant +831-130746-0007.wav they listened together his feet stopped turned went out of the diningroom down the passage to the bedroom stopped again poor chap said the barmaid she's a wicked woman sssh said stephen Nick Gallant +831-130746-0008.wav after a pause bechamel went back to the dining room they heard a chair creak under him interlude of conversational eyebrows i'm going up said stephen to break the melancholy news to him bechamel looked up from a week old newspaper Nick Gallant +831-130746-0009.wav as without knocking stephen entered bechamel's face suggested a different expectation beg pardon sir said stephen with a diplomatic cough well said bechamel wondering suddenly if jessie had kept some of her threats Nick Gallant +831-130746-0010.wav if so he was in for an explanation but he had it ready she was a monomaniac leave me alone with her he would say i know how to calm her missus beaumont said stephen well has gone Nick Gallant +831-130746-0011.wav he rose with a fine surprise gone he said with a half laugh gone sir on her bicycle on her bicycle why she went sir with another gentleman this time bechamel was really startled Nick Gallant +831-130746-0012.wav an other gentlemen who another gentleman in brown sir went into the yard sir got out the two bicycles sir and went off sir about twenty minutes ago bechamel stood with his eyes round and his knuckle on his hips Nick Gallant +831-130746-0013.wav but as yet he seemed merely stunned brown clothes he said and fairish a little like yourself sir in the dark the ostler sir jim duke Nick Gallant +831-130746-0014.wav then with infinite fervour he said but let us put in blank cartridge he said i might have thought he flung himself into the armchair damn her said bechamel for all the world like a common man Nick Gallant +831-130746-0015.wav i'll chuck this infernal business they've gone eigh yessir Nick Gallant +831-130746-0016.wav making a memorable saying let em go who cares and i wish him luck and bring me some bourbon as fast as you can there's a good chap Nick Gallant +831-130746-0017.wav stephen was too surprised to say anything but bourbon sir go on said bechamel damn you stephen's sympathies changed at once yessir he murmured fumbling for the door handle and left the room marvelling Nick Gallant +831-130746-0018.wav she had evidently gone off with him and that little business was over and he was here stranded and sold Nick Gallant +831-130746-0019.wav and his only ray of hope was that it seemed more probable after all that the girl had escaped through her stepmother in which case the business might be hushed up yet and the evil hour of explanation with his wife indefinitely postponed Nick Gallant +831-130746-0020.wav knickerbockers went frisking across his mind again and he reverted to his blasphemies he started up in a gusty frenzy with a vague idea of pursuit and incontinently sat down again with a concussion that stirred the bar below to its depths Nick Gallant +831-130746-0021.wav he banged the arms of the chair with his fist and swore again Nick Gallant +831-130746-0022.wav i bechamel when with an abrupt tap and prompt opening of the door stephen entered with the bourbon Nick Gallant +831-130746-0023.wav the moonlight ride and so the twenty minutes law passed into an infinity Nick Gallant +831-130746-0024.wav the wretched creature has already sufficiently sullied our modest but truthful pages we leave the eager little group in the bar of the vicuna hotel we leave all bognor as we have left all chichester Nick Gallant +831-130746-0025.wav and midhurst and haslemere and guildford and ripley and putney and follow this dear fool of a hoopdriver of ours and his young lady in grey out upon the moonlight road how they rode Nick Gallant +831-130746-0026.wav how their hearts beat together and their breath came fast and how every shadow was anticipation and every noise pursuit for all that flight mister hoopdriver was in the world of romance had a policeman intervened because their lamps were not lit Nick Gallant +831-130746-0027.wav hoopdriver had cut him down and ridden on after the fashion of a hero born had bechamel arisen in the way with rapiers for a duel hoopdriver had fought as one to whom agincourt was a reality and drapery a dream Nick Gallant +831-130746-0028.wav it was rescue elopement glory and she by the side of him he had seen her face in shadow Nick Gallant +831-130746-0029.wav he had seen her troubled and her eyes bright with tears but what light is there lighting a face like hers to compare with the soft glamour of the midsummer moon the road turned northward going round through the outskirts of bognor Nick Gallant +831-130746-0030.wav then amidst villas again some warm and lamplit some white and sleeping in the moonlight then between hedges over which they saw broad wan meadows shrouded in a low lying mist Nick Gallant +831-130746-0031.wav they scarcely heeded whither they rode at first being only anxious to get away turning once westward when the spire of chichester cathedral rose suddenly near them out of the dewy night pale and intricate and high Nick Gallant +831-130746-0032.wav at a footfall at a roughness in the road she seemed to be too intent upon escape to give much thought to him Nick Gallant +831-130746-0033.wav his mind became an enormous appreciation of the position the night was a warm white silence save for the subtile running of their chains Nick Gallant +831-130746-0034.wav he looked sideways at her as she sat beside him with her ankles gracefully ruling the treadles now the road turned westward and she was a dark grey outline against the shimmer of the moon Nick Gallant +831-130746-0035.wav and now they faced northwards and the soft cold light passed caressingly over her hair and touched her brow and cheek there is a magic quality in moonshine it touches all that is sweet and beautiful and the rest of the night is hidden Nick Gallant +831-130746-0036.wav it has created the fairies whom the sunlight kills and fairyland rises again in our hearts at the sight of it the voices of the filmy route Nick Gallant +831-130746-0037.wav white dust hot underfoot blinding to the eye is now a soft grey silence with the glitter of a crystal grain set starlike in its silver here and there overhead riding serenely through the spacious blue is the mother of the silence Nick Gallant +831-130746-0038.wav she who has spiritualised the world alone save for two attendant steady shining stars and in silence under her benign influence under the benediction of her light rode our two wanderers side by side through the transfigured and transfiguring night Nick Gallant +831-130746-0039.wav nowhere was the moon shining quite so brightly as in mister hoopdriver's skull at the turnings of the road he made his decisions with an air of profound promptitude and quite haphazard the right he would say or again Nick Gallant +831-130746-0040.wav the left as one who knew so it was that in the space of an hour they came abruptly down a little lane full tilt upon the sea Nick Gallant +831-130746-0041.wav hullo said mister hoopdriver sotto voce they dismounted abruptly stunted oaks and thorns rose out of the haze of moonlight that was tangled in the hedge on either side Nick Gallant +831-130746-0042.wav you are safe said mister hoopdriver sweeping off his cap with an air and bowing courtly where are we safe but where chichester harbour he waved his arm seaward as though it was a goal do you think they will follow us Nick Gallant +831-130746-0043.wav we have turned and turned again it seemed to hoopdriver that he heard her sob she stood dimly there holding her machine and he holding his could go no nearer to her to see if she sobbed for weeping or for want of breath Nick Gallant +831-130746-0044.wav are you tired he asked i will do what has to be done the two black figures in the broken light were silent for a space do you know she said i am not afraid of you i am sure you are honest to me Nick Gallant +831-130746-0045.wav he was taken with a sudden shame of his homely patronymic it's an ugly name he said but you are right in trusting me i would i would do anything for you this Nick Gallant +831-130746-0046.wav promised to help and protect me i was unhappy at home never mind why a stepmother idle unoccupied hindered cramped that is enough perhaps then he came into my life and talked to me of art and literature and set my brain on fire Nick Gallant +831-130746-0047.wav to be a human being not a thing in a hutch and he i know said hoopdriver and now here i am i will do anything said hoopdriver she thought you cannot imagine my stepmother no i could not describe her Nick Gallant +831-130746-0048.wav i am entirely at your service i will help you with all my power i have lost an illusion and found a knight errant she spoke of bechamel as the illusion mister hoopdriver felt flattered but he had no adequate answer Nick Gallant +831-130746-0049.wav what we had best be doing you are tired you know and we can't wander all night after the day we've had that was chichester we were near she asked if he meditated with a tremble in his voice Nick Gallant +831-130746-0050.wav you would make me your brother miss beaumont yes we could stop there together she took a minute to answer i am going to light these lamps said hoopdriver he bent down to his own and struck a match on his shoe Nick Gallant +831-130746-0051.wav grave and intent how could she ever have thought him common or absurd but you must tell me your name brother she said er carrington said mister hoopdriver after a momentary pause Nick Gallant +831-130746-0052.wav who would be hoopdriver on a night like this but the christian name christian name my christian name well chris he snapped his lamp and stood up if you will hold my machine i will light yours he said Nick Gallant +831-130746-0053.wav the mute emotion of his face affected her strangely she had to speak Nick Gallant +831-130746-0054.wav she said with a laugh to break the intensity he opened his mouth and shut it again and with a sudden wincing of his features abruptly turned and bent down to open the lantern in front of her machine she looked down at him Nick Gallant +831-130746-0055.wav almost kneeling in front of her with an unreasonable approbation in her eyes it was as i have indicated the hour and season of the full moon Nick Gallant +831-130746-0056.wav and it was chiefly by good luck and the fact that most roads about a town converge thereupon that chichester was at last attained it seemed at first as though everyone had gone to bed but the red hotel still glowed yellow and warm Nick Gallant +831-130746-0057.wav but that night he was in the mood to dare anything so you found your young lady at last said the ostler of the red hotel Nick Gallant +831-130746-0058.wav quite a misunderstanding said hoopdriver with splendid readiness my sister had gone to bognor but i brought her back here i've took a fancy to this place and the moonlight's simply dee vine we've had supper thenks and we're tired said mister hoopdriver Nick Gallant +831-130746-0059.wav i suppose you won't take anything jessie the glory of having her even as a sister and to call her jessie like that but he carried it off splendidly as he felt himself bound to admit good night sis he said and pleasant dreams Nick Gallant +831-130746-0060.wav but this was living indeed he told himself Nick Gallant +6454-107462-0000.wav patrick deasey described himself as a philosopher psychologist and humorist it was partly because patrick delighted in long words and partly to excuse himself David Wales +6454-107462-0001.wav for being full of the sour cream of an inhuman curiosity his curiosity however did not extend itself to science David Wales +6454-107462-0002.wav at first when deasey retired from the police force with a pension and an heiress with three hundred pounds and time hung heavy on his hands he would try to satisfy this craving through the medium of a host of small David Wales +6454-107462-0003.wav flirtations with everybody's maid in this way he could inform himself exactly how many loaves were taken by the sweeneys for a week's consumption as compared with those which were devoured by all the cassidys David Wales +6454-107462-0004.wav for whom the bottles at the presbytery went in by the back door and what was the real cause of the quarrel between the twin miss mc inerneys but these were but blackbird scratchings as it were David Wales +6454-107462-0005.wav upon the deep soil of the human heart what deasey cared about was what he called the secrets of the soul never met a man he was wont to say with no backstairs to his mind David Wales +6454-107462-0006.wav to ring at the front door of ordinary intercourse was not enough for him when deasey invested his wife's money in a public house he developed a better plan it was the plan which made him ultimately describe himself David Wales +6454-107462-0007.wav he would gently close the door of the bar parlour pick up a tumbler breathe on it polish the breath lean one elbow on the bar look round him once again David Wales +6454-107462-0008.wav and setting the whisky bottle betwixt his customer and himself with a nod which said help yourself he would lean forward with the soft indulgent grin of the human man of the world and begin now David Wales +6454-107462-0009.wav but as between frien's certain delicate little facts in your past life have come inadvertently to me hearing sometimes he would allude to a certain document or David Wales +6454-107462-0010.wav incriminating facts or certain letters he would ring the changes on these three according to the sex and temperament with which he had to deal David Wales +6454-107462-0011.wav but always whatever the words whatever the nature or sex the shot would tell first came the little start the straightened figure the pallor or flush David Wales +6454-107462-0012.wav the shamed and suddenly lit eyes and then who told you mister deasey sir or where did you get the letter ah now that would be telling David Wales +6454-107462-0013.wav deasey would make reply but twas from a certain person whom perhaps we need not name then the whiskey bottle would move forward like a pawn in chess and the next soothing words would be David Wales +6454-107462-0014.wav and your secret is safe with me forthwith the little skeleton in that man's cupboard would lean forward and press upon the door until at last the door flew open and a bone or two David Wales +6454-107462-0015.wav and sometimes the whole skeleton would rattle out upon the floor he had played this game so often that almost at first sight he could classify his dupes David Wales +6454-107462-0016.wav under the three heads into which he had divided them those who demanded with violent threats which melted like snow before the sunshine of john jamieson the letter or the name of the informant David Wales +6454-107462-0017.wav those who asked after a gentle sip or two how the letter had come into his hands and those who asked immediately if the letter hadn't been destroyed as a rule from the type that demanded the letter back David Wales +6454-107462-0018.wav he only caught sight of the tip of the secret's ears from those they were nearly always the women who swiftly asked if he hadn't destroyed the letters he caught shame faced gleams of the truth David Wales +6454-107462-0019.wav but those who asked between pensive sips how the facts or the letter had come his way these were the ones who yielded deasey the richest harvest of rattling skeleton bones David Wales +6454-107462-0020.wav indeed it was curiously instructive how john jamieson laid down a causeway of gleaming stepping stones so that deasey might cross lightly over the turgid waters of his victims souls David Wales +6454-107462-0021.wav has been inadvertently revealed to me but is for ever sacred in me breast it was strange to see how from the underworld of the man's mind there would trip out the company of misshapen hobgoblins David Wales +6454-107462-0022.wav and gnomes which had been locked away in darkness maybe this many a year well how would i get the time to clane the childer and to wash their heads and i working all the day at curing stinkin hides David Wales +6454-107462-0023.wav and he fell over on the side and busted all his veins or well an wouldn't you draw two pinsions yourself mister deasey if you'd a wife with two han's like a sieve for yellow gold David Wales +6454-107462-0024.wav there was one of this nature which troubled his rest long well the way of it was you see he put it up the chimbley but when the chimbley sweepers come he transferred it in his weskit David Wales +6454-107462-0025.wav to my place and i dropped it down the well they found it when they let the bucket down but i wasn't his accomplice at all twas only connivance with me when he had spoken of the chimney and the well David Wales +6454-107462-0026.wav deasey concluded at once it was a foully murdered corpse but then again you could not well conceal a corpse in someone's waistcoat and gold coins would melt or be mislaid amongst the loose bricks of a sooty chimney David Wales +6454-107462-0027.wav deasey had craved for corpses but nothing so grim as that had risen to his whisky bait until he tried the same old game on missus geraghty what subtle instinct was it that had prompted him to add David Wales +6454-107462-0028.wav to the first unvarying words but all that is now past and over and safe beneath the mouldering clay at these last words the widow geraghty knew well the barrier was down David Wales +6454-107462-0029.wav that fences off one human soul from another all the same she shook her trembling head when deasey drew the cork at her refusal deasey was struck with the most respectful compassion David Wales +6454-107462-0030.wav until that hour he had never known one single lacerated soul decline this consolation and to look at me she wept forthwith David Wales +6454-107462-0031.wav no ma'am returned deasey to look at you ye'd think ma'am ye could never kill a fly and respectfully he passed the peppermints sometimes the widow muttered i hears it David Wales +6454-107462-0032.wav and the two bright eyes of it and the little clay cold feet deasey knew what was coming now and he twitched in every vein and she so white haired and so regular at church David Wales +6454-107462-0033.wav and the black bonnet on the head of her an all it was the only little one she had went on the widow bowed almost to the bar by shame and it always perched up on her knee and taking food from her mouth David Wales +6454-107462-0034.wav but i had bad teeth in me head and i couldn't get my rest with the jaws aching and all the whiles it screeching with the croup twould madden you all the same deasey whispered David Wales +6454-107462-0035.wav maybe it wasn't your fault twas maybe your man egged you on to do the shameful deed David Wales +6454-107462-0036.wav let you get up and cut its throat says he and then we will be shut of the domned screechin thing then you got the knife ma'am prompted deasey it was the bread knife she answered with the ugly notches in the blade David Wales +6454-107462-0037.wav this touch of the grey feet laid a spell on deasey's hankering morbidity what turned the feet grey he whispered David Wales +6454-120342-0000.wav ours are not the carollings of your poor shivering little east angles or south mercians where they have to plod round afoot in countries where they do not know what a sleigh ride is David Wales +6454-120342-0001.wav i had asked harry to have sixteen of the best voices in the chapel school to be trained to eight or ten good carols without knowing why we did not care to disappoint them if a february thaw setting in on the twenty fourth of december David Wales +6454-120342-0002.wav should break up the spree before it began then i had told howland that he must reserve for me a span of good horses and a sleigh that i could pack sixteen small children into tight stowed David Wales +6454-120342-0003.wav howland is always good about such things knew what the sleigh was for having done the same in other years and doubled the span of horses of his own accord because the children would like it better and it would be no difference to him David Wales +6454-120342-0004.wav sunday night as the weather nymphs ordered the wind hauled round to the northwest and everything froze hard monday night things moderated and the snow began to fall steadily so steadily David Wales +6454-120342-0005.wav and so tuesday night the metropolitan people gave up their unequal contest all good men and angels rejoicing at their discomfiture and only a few of the people in the very lowest bolgie being ill natured enough to grieve David Wales +6454-120342-0006.wav and without fatigue to horse or man so it was that when i came down with lycidas to the chapel at seven o'clock i found harry had gathered there his eight pretty girls and his eight jolly boys David Wales +6454-120342-0007.wav and had them practising for the last time carol carol christians carol joyfully carol for the coming of christ's nativity i think the children had got inkling of what was coming David Wales +6454-120342-0008.wav or perhaps harry had hinted it to their mothers certainly they were warmly dressed and when fifteen minutes afterwards howland came round himself with the sleigh he had put in as many rugs and bear skins David Wales +6454-120342-0009.wav as if he thought the children were to be taken new born from their respective cradles great was the rejoicing as the bells of the horses rang beneath the chapel windows and harry did not get his last da capo for his last carol David Wales +6454-120342-0010.wav under the full moon on the snow still white with sixteen children at the happiest David Wales +6454-120342-0011.wav there can be nothing better than two or three such hours first driver out on commonwealth avenue that will tone down the horses stop on the left after you have passed fairfield street David Wales +6454-120342-0012.wav so we dashed up to the front of haliburton's palace where he was keeping his first christmas tide and the children whom harry had hushed down for a square or two broke forth with good full voice under his strong lead in David Wales +6454-120342-0013.wav shepherd of tender sheep singing with all that unconscious pathos with which children do sing and starting the tears in your eyes in the midst of your gladness the instant the horses bells stopped their voices began David Wales +6454-120342-0014.wav in an instant more we saw haliburton and anna run to the window and pull up the shades and in a minute more faces at all the windows and so the children sung through clement's old hymn David Wales +6454-120342-0015.wav little did clement think of bells and snow as he taught it in his sunday school there in alexandria but perhaps to day as they pin up the laurels and the palm in the chapel at alexandria David Wales +6454-120342-0016.wav they are humming the words not thinking of clement more than he thought of us as the children closed with David Wales +6454-120342-0017.wav haliburton came running out and begged me to bring them in but i told him no as soon as i could hush their shouts of merry christmas that we had a long journey before us and must not alight by the way David Wales +6454-120342-0018.wav and the children broke out with hail to the night hail to the day rather a favorite quicker and more to the childish taste perhaps than the other and with another merry christmas we were off again David Wales +6454-120342-0019.wav we ran the sleigh into a bank on the slope of pinckney street in front of walter's house and before they suspected there that any one had come the children were singing carol carol christians carol joyfully David Wales +6454-120342-0020.wav kisses flung from the window kisses flung back from the street merry christmas again with a good will and then one of the girls began when anna took the baby and pressed his lips to hers David Wales +6454-120342-0021.wav and all of them fell in so cheerily o dear me it is a scrap of old ephrem the syrian if they did but know it and when after this harry would fain have driven on David Wales +6454-120342-0022.wav because two carols at one house was the rule how the little witches begged that they might sing just one song more there because missus alexander had been so kind to them when she showed them about the german stitches David Wales +6454-120342-0023.wav and then up the hill and over to the north end and as far as we could get the horses up into moon court that they might sing to the italian image man who gave lucy the boy and dog in plaster David Wales +6454-120342-0024.wav though chrysostom should have made a few remarks to them seventeen times in the chapel then the italian image man heard for the first time in his life now is the time of christmas come and David Wales +6454-120342-0025.wav jesus in his babes abiding and then we came up hanover street and stopped under mister gerry's chapel where they were dressing the walls with their evergreens and gave them hail to the night hail to the day David Wales +6454-120342-0026.wav and so down state street and stopped at the advertiser office because when the boys gave their literary entertainment mister hale put in their advertisement for nothing and up in the old attic there David Wales +6454-120342-0027.wav and the in general man from his more serious views and the daily the next morning wished everybody a merry christmas with even more unction and resolved that in coming years it would have a supplement David Wales +6454-120342-0028.wav large enough to contain all the good wishes so away again to the houses of confectioners who had given the children candy David Wales +6454-120342-0029.wav to the palaces of millionnaires who had prayed for these children with tears if the children only knew it to doctor frothingham's in summer street i remember where we stopped because the boston association of ministers met there David Wales +6454-120342-0030.wav and out on dover street bridge that the poor chair mender might hear our carols sung once more before he heard them better sung in another world where nothing needs mending David Wales +6454-120342-0031.wav king of glory king of peace hear the song and see the star welcome be thou heavenly king David Wales +6454-120342-0032.wav and all the others rung out with order or without order breaking the hush directly as the horses bells were stilled thrown into the air with all the gladness of childhood David Wales +6454-120342-0033.wav everywhere a little crowd gathered round us and then we dashed away far enough to gather quite another crowd and then back perhaps not sorry to double on our steps if need were and leaving every crowd with a happy thought of David Wales +6454-120342-0034.wav the star the manger and the child at nine we brought up at my house d street three doors from the corner and the children picked their very best for polly and my six little girls to hear David Wales +6454-120342-0035.wav begged that they might stay till the last moment they could walk back from the stable and rather walk than not indeed David Wales +6454-93938-0000.wav what seemed at the moment an incomprehensible puzzle had as we afterwards learned a very simple explanation one of the g s directors mister baldwin who had come in on mister camp's car David Wales +6454-93938-0001.wav seeing through the device the party had at once gone to this ranch where the owner baldwin mounted them and it was their dust cloud we had seen as they rode up to ash forks David Wales +6454-93938-0002.wav to make matters more serious baldwin had rounded up his cowboys and brought them along with him in order to make any resistance impossible i made no objection to the sheriff serving the paper David Wales +6454-93938-0003.wav and the stars in their courses are against sisera with the sheriff and mister camp i then walked over to the saloon where judge wilson was waiting to dispose of my case David Wales +6454-93938-0004.wav and answered that i asked an adjournment of the case so that i might be heard by counsel it was denied as was to have been expected indeed why they took the trouble to go through the forms was beyond me David Wales +6454-93938-0005.wav i told wilson i should not produce the letters and he asked if i knew what that meant i couldn't help laughing and retorting it very appropriately means contempt of the court your honor David Wales +6454-93938-0006.wav seeing that i understood the moves too well to be bluffed the judge mister camp and the lawyer held a whispered consultation my surprise can be imagined when at its conclusion mister camp said David Wales +6454-93938-0007.wav on the night of october fourteenth and ask that he be taken into custody on that charge i couldn't make out this new move and puzzled over it while judge wilson ordered my commitment David Wales +6454-93938-0008.wav but the next step revealed the object for the lawyer then asked for a search warrant to look for stolen property the judge was equally obliging and began to fill one out on the instant David Wales +6454-93938-0009.wav this made me feel pretty serious for the letters were in my breast pocket and i swore at my own stupidity in not having put them in the station safe when i had first arrived at ash forks David Wales +6454-93938-0010.wav there weren't many moments in which to think while the judge scribbled away at the warrant but in what time there was i did a lot of head work without however finding more than one way out of the snarl David Wales +6454-93938-0011.wav and when i saw the judge finish off his signature with a flourish i played a pretty desperate card you're just too late gentlemen i said pointing out the side window of the saloon there come the cavalry David Wales +6454-93938-0012.wav the three conspirators jumped to their feet and bolted for the window David Wales +6454-93938-0013.wav as he did so i gave him a shove towards the three which sent them all sprawling on the floor in a pretty badly mixed up condition i made a dash for the door and as i went through it David Wales +6454-93938-0014.wav i grabbed the key and locked them in when i turned to do so i saw the lot struggling up from the floor and knowing that it wouldn't take them many seconds to find their way out through the window David Wales +6454-93938-0015.wav as only western horses will stand it didn't take me long to have those bridles back in place and as i tossed each over the peak of the mexican saddle David Wales +6454-93938-0016.wav i gave two of the ponies slaps which started them off at a lope across the railroad tracks i swung myself into the saddle of the third and flicked him with the loose ends of the bridle in a way which made him understand that i meant business David Wales +6454-93938-0017.wav and considering that he had covered over forty miles that afternoon in pretty quick time it was not surprising that there wasn't very much go left in him David Wales +6454-93938-0018.wav two hundred feet therefore brought me to the edge of the town and i wheeled my pony and rode down behind the rear of the buildings in turning i looked back and saw half a dozen mounted men already in pursuit David Wales +6454-93938-0019.wav but i lost sight of them the next moment as soon as i reached a street leading back to the railroad i turned again and rode towards it my one thought being to get back if possible to the station David Wales +6454-93938-0020.wav and put the letters into the railroad agent's safe when i reached the main street i saw that my hope was futile for another batch of cowboys were coming in full gallop towards me very thoroughly heading me off in that direction David Wales +6454-93938-0021.wav to escape them i headed up the street away from the station with the pack in close pursuit they yelled at me to hold up and i expected every moment to hear the crack of revolvers David Wales +6454-93938-0022.wav in expectation of hearing the shooting begin and to know that any moment may be your last i don't suppose i was on the ragged edge more than thirty seconds but they were enough to prove to me that David Wales +6454-93938-0023.wav to keep one's back turned to an enemy as one runs away takes a deal more pluck than to stand up and face his gun fortunately for me my pursuers felt so sure of my capture David Wales +6454-93938-0024.wav that not one of them drew a bead on me the moment i saw that there was no escape i put my hand in my breast pocket and took out the letters intending to tear them into a hundred pieces but David Wales +6454-93938-0025.wav as i did so i realized that to destroy united states mail not merely entailed criminal liability but was off color morally i faltered David Wales +6454-93938-0026.wav balancing the outwitting of camp against state's prison the doing my best for madge against the wrong of it i think i'm as honest a fellow as the average but i have to confess that i couldn't decide to do right David Wales +6454-93938-0027.wav till i thought that madge wouldn't want me to be dishonest even for her i turned across the railroad tracks and cut in behind some freight cars that were standing on a siding David Wales +6454-93938-0028.wav this put me out of view of my pursuers for a moment and in that instant i stood up in my stirrups lifted the broad leather flap of the saddle and tucked the letters underneath it as far in as i could force them David Wales +6454-93938-0029.wav it was a desperate place in which to hide them but the game was a desperate one at best and the very boldness of the idea might be its best chance of success David Wales +6454-93938-0030.wav i was now heading for the station over the ties and was surprised to see fred cullen with lord ralles on the tracks up by the special for my mind had been so busy in the last hour David Wales +6454-93938-0031.wav that i had forgotten that fred was due the moment i saw him i rode towards him pressing my pony for all he was worth my hope was that i might get time to give fred the tip as to where the letters were David Wales +6454-93938-0032.wav but before i was within speaking distance baldwin came running out from behind the station and seeing me turned called back and gesticulated evidently to summon some cowboys to head me off David Wales +6454-93938-0033.wav afraid to shout anything which should convey the slightest clue as to the whereabouts of the letters as the next best thing i pulled a couple of old section reports from my pocket David Wales +6454-93938-0034.wav intending to ride up and run into my car for i knew that the papers in my hand would be taken to be the wanted letters and that if i could only get inside the car even for a moment the suspicion would be that i had been able to hide them David Wales +6454-93938-0035.wav hide them fred was quick as a flash and grabbing them off the ground sprang up the steps of my car and ran inside just escaping a bullet from my pursuers David Wales +7190-90542-0000.wav the identity of the final victim Tony Posante +7190-90542-0001.wav as an excuse i talked over cases with him but he seldom volunteered an opinion often was obviously uninterested truth to tell i was not there for his opinion but to see his granddaughter a detective in love sounds something like an absurdity Tony Posante +7190-90542-0002.wav but such was my case and since zena's manner did not suggest that she was particularly interested in me my love affair seemed rather a hopeless one my association with christopher quarles has however Tony Posante +7190-90542-0003.wav led to the solution of some strange mysteries and since my own achievements are sufficiently well known i may confine myself to those cases which single handed i should have failed to solve i know that in many of them i was credited with having unraveled the mystery Tony Posante +7190-90542-0004.wav but this was only because professor quarles persisted in remaining in the background if i did the spade work the deductions were his they were all cases with peculiar features in them Tony Posante +7190-90542-0005.wav he was often as astonished at my acumen in following a clew as i was at his marvelous theories Tony Posante +7190-90542-0006.wav perhaps his curious power was never more noticeable than in the case of the withan murder a farmer returning from medworth the neighboring market town one night in january Tony Posante +7190-90542-0007.wav by evening the clouds had gone the moon sailed in a clear sky and looking round to find the cause of his horse's unusual behavior the farmer saw a man lying on a heap of snow under the opposite hedge he was dead more he was headless Tony Posante +7190-90542-0008.wav it was not until some days later that the case came into my hands and in the interval the local authorities had not been idle it was noted that the man was poorly dressed that his hands proved he was used to manual labor but there was no mark either on his body or on his clothing Tony Posante +7190-90542-0009.wav nor any papers in his pockets to lead to his identification so far as could be ascertained Tony Posante +7190-90542-0010.wav and apparently no struggle had taken place footprints nearly obliterated Tony Posante +7190-90542-0011.wav soon after the storm began and that snow had hidden the murderer's tracks from the wood that snow had drifted on to the dead body seemed to establish this theory Tony Posante +7190-90542-0012.wav and would be found buried in the wood it was not found however and the countryside was in a state bordering on panic for a few days the withan murder seemed unique in atrocities and then came a communication from the french police Tony Posante +7190-90542-0013.wav some two years ago an almost identical murder had been committed outside a village in normandy in this case also the head was missing and nothing had been found upon the body to identify the victim he was well dressed and a man who would be likely to carry papers with him but nothing was found Tony Posante +7190-90542-0014.wav and the murder had remained a mystery these were the points known and conjectured when the case came into my hands and my investigations added little to them one point however impressed me i felt convinced that the man's clothes which were shown to me had not been made in england Tony Posante +7190-90542-0015.wav they were poor worn almost threadbare but they had once been fairly good and the cut was not english that it was french i could not possibly affirm but it might be and so i fashioned a fragile link with the normandy crime Tony Posante +7190-90542-0016.wav on this occasion i went to quarles with the object of interesting him in the withan case and he forestalled me by beginning to talk about it the moment i entered the room here i may mention a fact which i had not discovered at first Tony Posante +7190-90542-0017.wav whenever he was interested in a case i was always taken into his empty room at other times we were in the dining room or the drawing room it was the empty room on this occasion and zena remained with us Tony Posante +7190-90542-0018.wav the foreign cut of the clothes may be of importance he said i am not sure is this wood you mention of any great extent no it runs beside the road for two or three hundred yards toward withan no it was near the withan end of it that the dead man was found Tony Posante +7190-90542-0019.wav any traces that the head was carried to the wood the local authorities say yes and not a trace afterward the ground in the wood was searched at the time and i have been over it carefully since through one part of the wood there runs a ditch Tony Posante +7190-90542-0020.wav which is continued as a division between two fields which form part of the farm land behind the wood by walking along this the murderer might have left the wood without leaving tracks behind him a good point wigan and where would that ditch lead him eventually to the high road Tony Posante +7190-90542-0021.wav which runs almost at right angles to the withan road much water in the ditch asked quarles half a foot when i went there Tony Posante +7190-90542-0022.wav there was a moon that night wasn't there full or near it i returned and how soon was the alarm raised along the countryside Tony Posante +7190-90542-0023.wav and after going to the village the farmer returned to medworth for the police Tony Posante +7190-90542-0024.wav said zena and if he were met on the road carrying a bag he would arrest attention why carrying a bag asked quarles with the head in it she answered that's another good point wigan chuckled quarles of course Tony Posante +7190-90542-0025.wav the head may be buried in the wood said zena quarles looked at me inquiringly Tony Posante +7190-90542-0026.wav one or two doubtful places i had dug up i think the murderer must have taken the head with him to bury somewhere else asked quarles Tony Posante +7190-90542-0027.wav a mad doctor bent on brain experiments is that your theory wigan Tony Posante +7190-90542-0028.wav january the seventeenth nearly the same date as the english one said zena two years intervening i returned Tony Posante +7190-90542-0029.wav at that date said quarles you have a theory professor an outlandish one which would make you laugh no no i do not like being laughed at i never mention my theories until i have some facts to support them Tony Posante +7190-90542-0030.wav i took the trouble to make inquiry whether any similar crime had happened in england in the january of the preceding year and had the same inquiry made in france there was no record of any murder bearing the slightest resemblance to the withan tragedy Tony Posante +7190-90542-0031.wav a few days later quarles telegraphed me to meet him at kings cross and we traveled north together wait he said when i began to question him i am not sure yet my theory seems absurd we are going to find out if it is Tony Posante +7190-90542-0032.wav we took rooms at a hotel in medworth quarles explaining that our investigations might take some days next morning instead of going to withan as i had expected he took me to the police court Tony Posante +7190-90542-0033.wav the next afternoon he arranged a drive i thought we were going to withan but we turned away from the village and presently quarles stopped the carriage Tony Posante +7190-90542-0034.wav five or six miles the road winds a lot it's a deal nearer as the crow flies you need not wait for us driver my friend and i are going to walk back the coachman pocketed his money and drove away couldn't keep him waiting all night as we may have to do Tony Posante +7190-90542-0035.wav said quarles mind you wigan i'm very doubtful about my theory at least i am not certain that i shall find the facts i want a few hours will settle it one way or the other after walking along the road for about a mile Tony Posante +7190-90542-0036.wav quarles scrambled through a hedge into a wood by the roadside Tony Posante +7190-90542-0037.wav should we meet anyone blame me say i am a doddering old fool who would walk under the trees Tony Posante +7190-90542-0038.wav do you go armed always i answered i do sometimes he said tapping his pocket we might come up against danger if my theory is correct if i tell you to shoot shoot and quickly Tony Posante +7190-90542-0039.wav your life is likely to depend upon it and keep your ears open to make sure no one is following us he had become keen like a dog on the trail and old as he was seemed incapable of fatigue Tony Posante +7190-90542-0040.wav whether he had studied the topography of the neighborhood i cannot say but he did not hesitate in his direction until he reached a high knoll which was clear of the wood and commanded a considerable view we were trespassers in a private park Tony Posante +7190-90542-0041.wav to our right was a large house only partially seen through its screen of trees but it was evidently mellow with age to our left toward what was evidently the extremity of the park was hilly ground which had been allowed to run wild Tony Posante +7190-90542-0042.wav to this quarles pointed that is our way he said we'll use what cover we can we plunged into the wood again and were soon in the wilderness forcing our way sometimes with considerable difficulty through the undergrowth Tony Posante +7190-90542-0043.wav once or twice the professor gave me a warning gesture but he did not speak he had evidently some definite goal and i was conscious of excitement as i followed him for an hour or more he turned this way and that exploring every little ravine he could discover Tony Posante +7190-90542-0044.wav grunting his disappointment each time he failed to find what he was looking for i said i wasn't certain he whispered when our path had led us into a damp hollow which looked as if it had not been visited by man for centuries my theory seems Tony Posante +7190-90542-0045.wav and yet this is such a likely place there must be a way he was going forward again the hollow was surrounded by perpendicular walls of sand and chalk it was a pit in fact which nature had filled with vegetation the way we had come seemed the only way into it Tony Posante +7190-90542-0046.wav ah this looks promising quarles said suddenly in a corner of the wall or to be more precise filling up a rent in it was a shed roughly built but with a door secured by a very business like lock i think the shed is climbable Tony Posante +7190-90542-0047.wav said quarles let's get on the roof i am not so young as i was so help me up it was not much help he wanted in a few moments we were on the roof as i thought he said Tony Posante +7190-90542-0048.wav we'll go carefully said quarles there may be worse than poachers traps here without help from me he dropped from the roof and i followed him the natural passage was winding and about fifty yards long and opened into another pit of some size Tony Posante +7190-90542-0049.wav a pit i call it but it was as much a cave as a pit part of it running deeply into the earth and only about a third of it being open to the sky the cave part had a rough sandy floor and here was a long shed of peculiar construction Tony Posante +7190-90542-0050.wav the back part being closed in the roof was thatched with bark and dried bracken and against one end of the veranda was a notched tree trunk serving as a ladder as i expected said quarles with some excitement we must get onto the veranda for a moment Tony Posante +7190-90542-0051.wav i think we are alone here but keep your ears open the shed was evidently used sometimes there was a stone slab which had served as a fireplace and from a beam above hung a short chain on which a pot could easily be fixed we'll get away quickly said quarles Tony Posante +7190-90542-0052.wav when in about thirty hours time the professor's sense of direction was marvelous Tony Posante +7190-90542-0053.wav i daresay one would be allowed to see over the house Tony Posante +7190-90542-0054.wav he was always as secret as the grave until he had proved his theory and then he seemed anxious to forget the whole affair and shrank from publicity Tony Posante +7190-90542-0055.wav we go there again this evening he said after lunch next day so a restful afternoon will suit us it was getting dark when we set out and again quarles's unerring sense of locality astonished me he led the way without hesitation Tony Posante +7190-90542-0056.wav i think we are first but great care is necessary he whispered we crept forward and concealed ourselves among the scrub vegetation which grew in that part of the pit which was open to the sky it was dark the long shed barely discernible Tony Posante +7190-90542-0057.wav but the professor was particular about our position we may have to creep a little nearer presently he whispered from here we can do so silence wigan and don't be astonished at anything the waiting seemed long moonlight was presently above us Tony Posante +7190-90542-0058.wav throwing the cave part of the pit into greater shadow than ever i cannot attempt to say how long we had waited in utter silence when quarles touched my arm someone was coming and with no particular stealth Tony Posante +7190-90542-0059.wav i heard footsteps on the raised floor of the shed a man's step and only one man's i heard him moving about for some time i think he came down the ladder once and went up again Tony Posante +7190-90542-0060.wav then there was a light and sudden tiny flames in the dark he had evidently got fuel and had started a fire on the stone slab as the flames brightened i watched his restless figure he was not a young man Tony Posante +7190-90542-0061.wav he was short thick set and quick in his movements Tony Posante +7190-90542-0062.wav when he got down again i saw that a bundle was suspended over the fire Tony Posante +7190-90542-0063.wav only the smoke curled about it then the man moved the wooden block to the side of the fire and sat down facing us the flickering flames throwing a red glow over him wigan do you see whispered quarles not clearly we'll go nearer carefully Tony Posante +7190-90542-0064.wav from our new point of view i looked again the man's face was familiar but just then i could not remember who he was it was the bundle hanging over the fire which fascinated me tied together and secured in a network of string Tony Posante +7190-90542-0065.wav were five or six human heads blackened shriveled faces which seemed to grin horribly as they swung deeply from side to side lit up by the flicker of the flames do you see wigan quarles asked again yes Tony Posante +7190-90542-0066.wav and the man who is he on the bench yesterday sir henry buckingham Tony Posante +7190-90542-0067.wav for an hour two three i don't know how long that horrible bundle swung over the fire and the man sat on his block of wood staring straight before him Tony Posante +7190-90542-0068.wav and i waited expecting some further revelation listening for other footsteps none came the fire flickered lower and went out the moon had set and the cold of the early morning got into my bones Tony Posante +7190-90542-0069.wav in the darkness before the dawn the man moved about the shed again and presently i heard him go patience whispered quarles as i started up to go after him he will not run away Tony Posante +7190-90542-0070.wav my dear wigan he said when at last he condescended to talk it was zena who first set me on the right road when she remarked that a man who had walked in a ditch carrying a bag would arrest attention two points were suggested first Tony Posante +7190-90542-0071.wav that the man might not have far to go to reach a place of safety secondly that he had come prepared to take a head away with him a mere speculation you may say Tony Posante +7190-90542-0072.wav why should a head be required what kind of man would be likely to want a head Tony Posante +7190-90542-0073.wav i sought for some peculiarity in his manner and found none yet his history coincided with my theory you know nothing about him i suppose nothing rather an interesting career but with an hereditary taint in it quarles went on Tony Posante +7190-90542-0074.wav his mother was eccentric her husband was rich enough to have her looked after at home had she been a poorer person she would have died in a madhouse religious mania hers was and her son has inherited it in a curious fashion Tony Posante +7190-90542-0075.wav how have you learnt all this he is important enough to have some of his doings chronicled and he wrote some interesting articles for a country gentlemen's newspaper about his normandy tour nature studies and such like another point both these murders happened at the time of the full moon Tony Posante +7190-90542-0076.wav i am not absolutely sure but i think you will find that for the last half dozen years sir henry has not been in england in january you think i think there would have been other heads missing if he had been quarles answered Tony Posante +7190-90542-0077.wav he was sane enough to be somewhere where he was not known when this time of the year came round at the full moon he is always queer witness last night but he is only dangerous in january dangerous i mean without provocation Tony Posante +7190-90542-0078.wav to preserve his secret i have little doubt he would go to any length that is why i warned you to be ready to shoot when we went upon our journey of discovery now this year he was in england illness had kept him to his house yonder Tony Posante +7190-90542-0079.wav and the insane desire proved irresistible he was cunning too he must know everybody in the neighborhood yet the man he killed was unknown we shall find presently i have no doubt that the victim was some wanderer returning unexpectedly to friends in withan Tony Posante +7190-90542-0080.wav sir henry waiting in the wood perhaps for hours may have allowed others to pass before this man came he realized that he was a stranger and attacked him but the head Tony Posante +7190-90542-0081.wav was among those hanging over the fire sir henry was for many years in borneo wigan and for a large part of the time was up country helping to put down the head hunting which still existed there and still does exist according to all accounts when the natives think they can escape detection Tony Posante +7190-90542-0082.wav the horrible custom proved too much for his diseased brain and fascinated him you see how my theory grew then i looked for the actual proof which we found last night Tony Posante +7190-90542-0083.wav the arrest of sir henry buckingham caused an enormous sensation he was subsequently put into a lunatic asylum where he died not many months afterward fortunately he had no children to run the risk of madness in their turn Tony Posante +7190-90543-0000.wav however obscure a mystery may be there is always some point or circumstance which if rightly interpreted will lead to its solution even in those crimes which have never been elucidated this point exists only it has never been duly appreciated Tony Posante +7190-90543-0001.wav for which the detective first looks and since few crimes if any are committed without some definite reason it is most frequently found in the motive his almost superhuman power of recognizing this key clew was the foundation of christopher quarles's success Tony Posante +7190-90543-0002.wav and his solution of the mysterious burglaries which caused such speculation for a time was not the least of his achievements sir joseph maynard the eminent physician of harley street had given a small dinner party one evening the guests left early Tony Posante +7190-90543-0003.wav and soon after midnight the household had retired neither sir joseph nor lady maynard nor any of the servants were disturbed during the night but next morning it was found that burglars had entered they had got in by a passage window at the back Tony Posante +7190-90543-0004.wav not a very difficult matter and had evidently gone to the dining room and helped themselves to spirits from a tantalus which was on the sideboard three glasses with a little of the liquor left in them were on the table and near them were some biscuit crumbs Tony Posante +7190-90543-0005.wav there were several silver articles on the sideboard but these had not been touched the burglars appeared to have given all their attention to sir joseph's room which was in a state of confusion two cupboards and every drawer had been turned out and the contents thrown about in all directions Tony Posante +7190-90543-0006.wav but of an old fashioned type presenting little difficulty to experts in it besides papers and about seventy pounds in gold in a canvas bag Tony Posante +7190-90543-0007.wav presentations which had been made to him and some unique specimens of the queen anne period all this silver was upon the floor also the bag of money intact Tony Posante +7190-90543-0008.wav it looked as if the box had been knocked down and trodden on by mistake for the counters were in a little heap close to the broken fragments it appeared that the burglars must have been disturbed and had made off without securing their booty Tony Posante +7190-90543-0009.wav this was the obvious explanation but it did not satisfy me i questioned sir joseph about his papers had he any document which for private or public reasons someone might be anxious to obtain he said he had not Tony Posante +7190-90543-0010.wav was inclined to laugh at my question and proceeded to inform me that he had no family skeleton Tony Posante +7190-90543-0011.wav had never been in touch with any mysterious society Tony Posante +7190-90543-0012.wav but there were certain points against this idea no one had moved about the house during the night Tony Posante +7190-90543-0013.wav the silver on the floor was scattered Tony Posante +7190-90543-0014.wav and it looked as if it had been thrown aside carelessly as though it were not what the thieves were in search of and surely had they left in a hurry the bag of money would have been taken Tony Posante +7190-90543-0015.wav moreover the cigarette ends and the dirty glasses suggested a certain leisurely method of going to work and men of this kind would not be easily frightened the cigarette ends puzzled me they were of a cheap american brand Tony Posante +7190-90543-0016.wav had not been taken from sir joseph's box which contained only turkish ones and although they had apparently been thrown down carelessly there was no ash upon the carpet nor anywhere else Tony Posante +7190-90543-0017.wav if my idea were correct it would mean that they had been put there on purpose to mislead i examined the three glasses on the dining room table there was the stain of lips at the rim of one but not of the other two only one had been drunk out of Tony Posante +7190-90543-0018.wav and probably a little of the liquid had been emptied out of this into the other two on inquiry one of the servants told me that only a very little of the spirit had been taken she also said there was only one biscuit left in the box last night and it was there now Tony Posante +7190-90543-0019.wav by doing so i certainly saved one valuable life possibly more than one that he was interested was shown by our adjournment to the empty room Tony Posante +7190-90543-0020.wav he said i think there was only one burglar but for some reason he thought it important that it should be believed there were more a very important point and a reasonable conclusion i fancy said quarles if you are right it narrows the sphere of inquiry Tony Posante +7190-90543-0021.wav narrows it very much taken with the other facts of the case exactly i answered there is a suggestion to my mind of amateurishness in the affair i grant the safe was not a difficult one to break open but it had not been done in a very expert manner Tony Posante +7190-90543-0022.wav the cigarette ends the dirty glasses and the biscuit crumbs seem to me rather gratuitous deceptions and wait said quarles you assume a little too much they would have deceived nine men out of ten you happen to be the tenth man Tony Posante +7190-90543-0023.wav amateur or not we have to deal with a very smart man so don't underestimate the enemy wigan assuming this to be the work of an amateur to what definite point does it lead you to this question i replied did sir joseph maynard burgle his own house Tony Posante +7190-90543-0024.wav why should you think so his manner was curious then there is only his own statement that nothing has been taken but supposing he wished to get rid of papers or Tony Posante +7190-90543-0025.wav would he not have robbed himself of something to make the affair more plausible said quarles the amateur constantly overlooks the obvious i answered the professor shook his head Tony Posante +7190-90543-0026.wav i think that would entirely depend on the man's temperament professor Tony Posante +7190-90543-0027.wav sir joseph's standing is very high sudden temptation or necessity may subvert the highest character i answered Tony Posante +7190-90543-0028.wav when i questioned sir joseph about his papers his manner seemed curious as i have said he at once declared that he had no part in any government secret or mysterious society gratuitous information you understand Tony Posante +7190-90543-0029.wav not in answer to any direct question of mine showing that the ideas were in his mind why the explanation would be simple if he were the burglar of his own papers Tony Posante +7190-90543-0030.wav i admit the argument is sound wigan but it does not creep into my brain with any compelling influence there is a link missing in the chain somewhere and he looked at zena his often repeated statement that she helped him by her questions had never impressed me very greatly Tony Posante +7190-90543-0031.wav when a mystery was cleared up it was easy to say that zena had put him on the right road and i considered it a whim of his more than anything else Tony Posante +7190-90543-0032.wav it was so now you do not seem interested in the broken box of counters she said turning toward her grandfather i wonder wigan is that the clew quarles said quickly it creeps into my brain the counters were in a heap i said Tony Posante +7190-90543-0033.wav asked quarles no that would have scattered them more they were round and might have fallen over after having been put one upon another as one gathers coppers together when counting a number of them sir joseph picked them up Tony Posante +7190-90543-0034.wav did that strike you as significant asked quarles i cannot say it did Tony Posante +7190-90543-0035.wav they are significant wigan but i cannot see yet in which direction they lead us we must wait for the moment there is nothing to be done i had become so accustomed to quarles jumping to some sudden conclusion that i was disappointed Tony Posante +7190-90543-0036.wav naturally i was not idle during the next few days but at the end of them i had learnt nothing then the unexpected happened on consecutive nights two doctors houses were burgled the first was in kensington Tony Posante +7190-90543-0037.wav rather than intended robbery nothing had been stolen but everything in his room was in disorder and a small and unique inlaid cabinet with a secret spring lock had been smashed to pieces several cigarette ends were on the floor Tony Posante +7190-90543-0038.wav he had several cabinets in his room containing specimens and everything had been turned on to the floor and damaged more or less in fact although nothing had been taken the damage was considerable on the night of the burglary doctor wood was away from home Tony Posante +7190-90543-0039.wav only servants being in the house the cook suffering from faceache had been restless all night but had heard nothing Tony Posante +7190-90543-0040.wav for a revolver loaded in every chamber was found on one of the cabinets apparently having put it ready for use he had forgotten to take it away the doctor was furious at the wanton destruction of his specimens Tony Posante +7190-90543-0041.wav the unexpected has happened i said no no the expected Tony Posante +7190-90543-0042.wav i've read every report but tell me yourself every detail i did so the same brand of cigarettes he asked no but all cheap american ones Tony Posante +7190-90543-0043.wav you still think that nothing has happened Tony Posante +7190-90543-0044.wav no i hold to the one man theory and you are right he snapped i admit i might not have got upon the right track had you not made that discovery it was clever wigan it did not seem to help you to a theory i answered true Tony Posante +7190-90543-0045.wav much depended upon the answer if he had Tony Posante +7190-90543-0046.wav if the thief had not found what he wanted he would continue his search i argued for some reason he connected sir joseph maynard with the object of his search Tony Posante +8419-293473-0000.wav the dignified walking sticks three walking sticks from the forest had come to live in the big maple tree near the middle of the meadow nobody knew exactly why they had left the forest where all their sisters and cousins and aunts lived Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0001.wav perhaps they were not happy with their relatives but then if one is a walking stick you know one does not care so very much about one's family these walking sticks had grown up the best way they could with no father or mother to care for them Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0002.wav they had never been taught to do anything useful or to think much about other people when they were hungry they ate some leaves and never thought what they should eat the next time that they happened to be hungry when they were tired they went to sleep Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0003.wav and when they had slept enough they awakened they had nothing to do but to eat and sleep and they did not often take the trouble to think they felt that they were a little better than those meadow people who rushed and scrambled and worked from morning until night and they showed very plainly how they felt Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0004.wav they said it was not genteel to hurry no matter what happened one day the tree frog was under the tree when the large brown walking stick decided to lay some eggs he saw her dropping them carelessly around on the ground and asked Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0005.wav do you never fix a place for your eggs a place said the brown walking stick waving her long and slender feelers to and fro a place oh no i think they will hatch where they are it is too much trouble to find a place Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0006.wav some mothers do not think it too much trouble to be careful where they lay eggs that may be said the brown walking stick but they do not belong to our family she spoke as if those who did not belong to her family might be good but could never be genteel Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0007.wav she had once told her brother the five legged walking stick that she would not want to live if she could not be genteel she thought the meadow people very common the five legged walking stick looked much like his sister he had the same long slender body Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0008.wav the same long feelers and the same sort of long slender legs if you had passed them in a hay field you would surely have thought each a stem of hay unless you happened to see them move the other walking stick their friend was younger and green Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0009.wav he knew just what to expect so when the nuthatch set him down on the bark to look at him he unhooked his feet from the bark and tumbled to the ground the nuthatch tried to catch him and broke off one of his legs but she never found him again although she looked and looked and looked and looked Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0010.wav that was because he crawled into a clump of ferns and kept very still his sister came and looked at him and said now if you were only a spider it would not be long before you would have six legs again Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0011.wav of course you know spiders never do have a hundred and a walking stick wouldn't be walking without any but that was just his way of speaking and it showed what kind of insect he was his relatives all waved their feelers one at a time and said Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0012.wav ah he has the true walking stick spirit then they paid no more attention to him and after a while he and his sister and their green little friend left the forest for the meadow on the day when the grass was cut they had sat quietly in their trees and looked genteel Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0013.wav their feelers were held quite close together and they did not move their feet at all only swayed their bodies gracefully from side to side now they were on the ground hunting through the flat piles of cut grass for some fresh and juicy bits to eat Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0014.wav the ants were scrambling around as busy as ever and life went on quite as though neither men nor horses had ever entered the meadow see cried a spider who was busily looking after her web there comes a horse drawing something and the farmer sitting on it and driving Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0015.wav when the horse was well into the meadow the farmer moved a bar and the queer looking machine began to kick the grass this way and that with its many stiff and shining legs a frisky young grasshopper kicked in the same way and happened just happened of course Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0016.wav then there was a great scrambling and the crickets frolicked with them the young walking stick thought it looked like great fun and almost wished herself some other kind of insect so that she could tumble around in the same way she did not quite wish it you understand Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0017.wav and would never have thought of it if she had turned brown ah said the five legged walking stick what scrambling how very common yes indeed said his sister why can't they learn to move slowly and gracefully Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0018.wav perhaps they can't help being fat but they might at least act genteel what is it to be genteel asked a grasshopper suddenly he had heard every word that the walking stick said why said the five legged walking stick Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0019.wav it is just to be genteel to act as you see us act and to just here the hay tedder passed over them and every one of the walking sticks was sent flying through the air and landed on his back Jon Kissack +8419-293473-0020.wav the walking sticks looked very uncomfortable and the brother and sister could not think of anything to say it was the young green one who spoke at last Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0000.wav in all the meadow there was nobody who could tell such interesting stories as the old tree frog even the garter snake who had been there the longest and the old cricket who had lived in the farm yard could tell no such exciting tales as the tree frog Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0001.wav all the wonderful things of which he told had happened before he came to the meadow Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0002.wav none of his friends had known him then but he was an honest fellow and they were sure that everything he told was true besides they must be true for how could a body ever think out such remarkable tales from his own head Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0003.wav when he first came to his home by the elm tree he was very thin and looked as though he had been sick the katydids who stayed near said that he croaked in his sleep and that you know is not what well and happy frogs should do Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0004.wav one day when many of the meadow people were gathered around him he told them his story when i was a little fellow he said i was strong and well and could leap farther than any other frog of my size Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0005.wav i was hatched in the pond beyond the farm house and ate my way from the egg to the water outside like any other frog perhaps i ought to say like any other tadpole for of course i began life as a tadpole Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0006.wav i played and ate with my brothers and sisters and little dreamed what trouble was in store for me when i grew up we were all in a hurry to be frogs Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0007.wav oh how happy we were then i remember the day when my hind legs began to grow and how the other tadpoles crowded around me in the water and swam close to me to feel the two little bunches that were to be legs Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0008.wav my fore legs did not grow until later and these bunches came just in front of my tail your tail cried a puzzled young cricket Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0009.wav i did have when i was a tadpole said the tree frog i had a beautiful wiggly little tail with which to swim through the waters of the pond but as my legs grew larger and stronger my tail grew littler and weaker until there wasn't any tail left Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0010.wav the knobs on the ends of my toes were sticky so that i could climb a tree and then i was ready to start on my travels some of the other frogs started with me but they stopped along the way and at last i was alone Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0011.wav i was a bold young fellow and when i saw a great white thing among the trees up yonder i made up my mind to see what it was there was a great red thing in the yard beside it but i liked the white one better Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0012.wav i hopped along as fast as i could for i did not then know enough to be afraid i got close up to them both and saw strange big creatures going in and out of the red thing the barn as i afterward found it was called Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0013.wav the largest creatures had four legs and some of them had horns the smaller creatures had only two legs on which to walk and two other limbs of some sort with which they lifted and carried things Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0014.wav the queerest thing about it was that the smaller creatures seemed to make the larger ones do whatever they wanted them to they even made some of them help do their work you may not believe me but what i tell you is true Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0015.wav as you may guess i stayed there a long time watching these strange creatures work Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0016.wav there were some bright colored flowers near the house and i crawled in among them there i rested until sunset and then began my evening song while i was singing one of the people from the house came out and found me Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0017.wav she picked me up and carried me inside oh how frightened i was my heart thumped as though it would burst and i tried my best to get away from her she didn't hurt me at all but she would not let me go Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0018.wav she put me in a very queer prison at first when she put me down on a stone in some water i did not know that i was in prison i tried to hop away and bump went my head against something Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0019.wav wonderful indeed and at the top continued the tree frog was something white over the doorway into my prison in the bottom were water and a stone and from the bottom to the top was a ladder Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0020.wav i had enough to eat but anybody who has been free cannot be happy shut in i watched my chance and three times i got out when the little door was not quite closed twice i was caught and put back Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0021.wav in the pleasant weather of course i went to the top of the ladder and when it was going to rain i would go down again every time that i went up or down those dreadful creatures would put their faces up close to my prison Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0022.wav and i could hear a roaring sound which meant they were talking and laughing the last time i got out Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0023.wav after they stopped hunting the wind blew the door open and i hopped out you don't say exclaimed a grasshopper Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0024.wav but for a long time i could not sleep without dreaming that i was back in prison and i would croak in my sleep at the thought of it i heard you cried the katydid and i wondered what was the matter matter enough said the tree frog Jon Kissack +8419-293469-0025.wav it makes my skin dry to think of it now and friends the best way i can ever repay your kindness to me is to tell you to never never never never go near the farm house and they all answered Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0000.wav the dance of the sand hill cranes one fine day in spring a great flock of sand hill cranes came from the south they were flying high and quietly because the weather was bright if it had been stormy Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0001.wav or if they had been flying by night as they usually did they would have stayed nearer the ground and their leader would have trumpeted loudly to let his followers know which way he was going they would also have trumpeted but more softly to tell him that they were coming after Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0002.wav they were a fine company to look upon orderly strong and dignified their long necks were stretched out straight ahead their long legs straight behind and they beat the air with slow regular strokes of the strong wings Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0003.wav as they came near the pond they flew lower and lower until all swept down to the earth and alighted tall and stately by the edge of the water they had eaten nothing for several days and were soon hunting for food some on land Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0004.wav and some in the water for they had stopped to feed and rest those who hunted in the water did so very quietly a crane would stand on one leg with his head against his breast so quietly that one might think him asleep but as soon as anything eatable came near Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0005.wav he would bend his body stretch out his neck open his long slender bill and swallow it at one gulp then he would seem to fall asleep again while most of the cranes were still feeding some of them were stalking through the woods and looking this way and that Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0006.wav they were those who thought of staying there for the summer when the flock arose to fly on again eight cranes stayed behind they watched their friends fly away and stood on the ground with their necks and bills uplifted and mouths open Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0007.wav while they trumpeted or called out good bye stop for us in the fall the flying cranes trumpeted back we will don't forget us that night they slept near together as they had done when with the large flock Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0008.wav and one crane kept awake to watch for danger while the others tucked their heads under their wings they were fine looking even when they slept and some people never look well unless they are awake they were brownish gray with no bright markings at all Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0009.wav and their long legs gave them a very genteel look the tops of their heads were covered with warty red skin from which grew short black feathers that looked more like hairs one morning when the cranes awakened Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0010.wav a fine young fellow began to strut up and down before the rest bowing low and leaping high into the air and every now and then whooping as loudly as he could the gulls who had spent the winter by the pond screamed to each other the crane dance has begun Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0011.wav even the frogs who are afraid of cranes crept quietly near to look on it was not long before another young crane began to skip and hop and circle around drooping his wings and whooping as he went Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0012.wav every crane danced brothers and sisters and all and as they did so they looked lovingly at each other and admired the fine steps and enjoyed the whooping this went on until they were so tired they could hardly stand and had to stop to eat and rest Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0013.wav when they were eating the young fellow who had begun the dance stalked up to the sister of one of his friends as she stood in the edge of the pond gracefully balanced on one leg she did not turn her head towards him although having such a long and slender neck Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0014.wav she stood with her head on her breast and looked at the water after a while he trumpeted softly as though he were just trying his voice then she gave a pretty little start and said oh are you here how you did frighten me Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0015.wav i am sorry he said i did not want to frighten you and he looked at her admiringly it was just for a minute she answered Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0016.wav then they stood and fished for a long time without saying anything when she flew away she said that is a very pleasant fishing place he stood on the other leg for a while and thought how sweet her voice sounded as she said it Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0017.wav then he thought that if she liked the place so well she might come there again the next day he wondered why he could not come too although everybody knows that a crane catches more if he fishes alone the next morning when the cranes danced Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0018.wav he bowed to her oftener than to any of the rest and he thought she noticed it they danced until they were almost too tired to move Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0019.wav as she stalked off toward the pond she passed him and she said over her shoulder i should think you would be hungry i am almost starved after she had gone he wondered why she had said that Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0020.wav if he had been an older crane and understood the ways of the world a little better he would have known that she meant aren't you coming to that fishing place i am going now Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0021.wav still although he was such a young crane and had never danced until this year he began to think that she liked him and enjoyed having him near so he flew off to the fishing place where he had seen her the day before and he stalked along to where she was Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0022.wav he pitied short necked people then he said pooh i can take bigger mouthfuls than that you ought to see what big mouthfuls i can take she changed and stood on her other leg i saw you dancing this morning she said Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0023.wav for all the eight cranes had danced together but he thought it very wonderful did you notice to whom i bowed he asked he was so excited that his knees shook and he had to stand on both legs at once to keep from falling Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0024.wav when a crane is as much excited as that it is pretty serious to my sister she asked carelessly as she drew one of her long tail feathers through her beak no said he i bowed to her sister Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0025.wav and she said she couldn't remember that she never could remember what she had forgotten it made him feel very badly to have her leave him so he wanted a chance to tell her something yet whenever he tried to it seemed to stick in his bill he began to fear that she didn't like him Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0026.wav and the next time the cranes danced he didn't bow to her so much but he strutted and leaped and whooped even more and she strutted and leaped and whooped almost as loudly as he when they were all tired out and had stopped dancing she said to him i am so tired Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0027.wav let us go off into the woods and rest you may be very sure he was glad to go and as he stalked off with her he led the way to a charming nesting place he didn't know just how to tell what he wanted to but he had seen another crane bowing to her Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0028.wav and was afraid she might marry him if he was not quick now he pointed with one wing to this nesting place and said how would you like to build a nest there she looked where he had pointed i she said why Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0029.wav it is a lovely place but i could never have a nest alone let me help you he said i want to marry and have a home why said she as she preened her feathers that is a very good plan Jon Kissack +8419-286667-0030.wav when did you think of it so they were married and missus sand hill crane often told her friends afterward that mister crane was so much in love with her that she just had to marry him they were very very happy and after a while Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0000.wav the clever water adder none of the pond people were alone more than the water adders the snapping turtle was left to himself a great deal until the day when he and belostoma drove away the boys after that Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0001.wav his neighbors began to understand him better and he was less grumpy so that those who wore shells were soon quite fond of him belostoma did not have many friends among the smaller people and only a few among the larger ones they said that he was cruel Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0002.wav and that he had a bad habit of using his stout sucking tube to sting with still belostoma did not care he said a giant water bug does not always live in the water i shall have my wings soon and leave the water and marry Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0003.wav after that i shall fly away on my wedding trip missus belostoma may go with me if she feels like doing so after laying her eggs here i shall go anyway and i shall flutter and sprawl around the light and sting people who bother me and have a happy time Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0004.wav that was belostoma's way he would sting people who bothered him but then he always said that they need not have bothered him and perhaps that was so with the water adders it was different they were good natured enough Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0005.wav yet the mud turtles and snapping turtle were the only ones who ever called upon them and found them at home the small people without shells were afraid of them and the clams and pond snails never called upon any one the minnows said they could not bear the looks of the adders Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0006.wav they had such ugly mouths and such quick motions the larger fishes kept away on account of their children who were small and tender one might think that the sand hill cranes the fish hawks and the other shore families would have been good friends for them but when they called Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0007.wav the adders were always away people said that the adders were afraid of them the yellow brown frog wished that the adders could be scared badly scared some time so scared that a chilly feeling would run down their backs from their heads clear to the tips of their tails Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0008.wav i wish said he that the chilly feeling would be big enough to go way through to their bellies their bellies are only the front side of their backs anyway he added because they are so thin of course this was a dreadful wish to make Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0009.wav but people said that one of the adders had frightened the yellow brown frog so that he never got over it and this was the reason he felt so the water adders were certainly the cleverest people in the pond Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0010.wav she could do almost anything and she knew it she talked about it too and that showed bad taste and was one reason why she was not liked better she could swim very fast could creep glide Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0011.wav catch hold of things with her tail hang herself from the branch of a tree lift her head far into the air leap dart bound and dive all her family could do these things but she could do them a little the best one day she was hanging over the pond in a very graceful position Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0012.wav with her tail twisted carelessly around a willow branch the snapping turtle and a mud turtle father were in the shallow water below her her slender forked tongue was darting in and out of her open mouth Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0013.wav it is useful in feeling of things she said and then i have always thought it quite becoming she could see herself reflected in the still water below her and she noticed how prettily the dark brown of her back shaded into the white of her belly Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0014.wav you see she was vain as well as clever the snapping turtle felt cross to day and had come to see if a talk with her would not make him feel better the mud turtle was tired of having the children sprawl around him Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0015.wav and of missus mud turtle telling about the trouble she had to get the right kind of food the clever water adder spoke first of the weather it must be dreadfully hot for the shore people she said Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0016.wav and fly around in the sunshine to find food for their children ah yes said the mud turtle how they must wish for shells humph said the snapping turtle what for to fly with Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0017.wav let them come in swimming with their children if they are warm and tired the water adder laughed in her snaky way and showed her sharp teeth i have heard she said that when the wild ducks bring their children here to swim Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0018.wav they do not always take so many home as they brought the snapping turtle became very much interested in his warty right foreleg and did not seem to hear what she said the mud turtle smiled i have heard she went on Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0019.wav that when young ducks dive head first they are quite sure to come up again but that when they dive feet first they never come up Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0020.wav asked the snapping turtle and he was snappy about it oh nothing replied the water adder swinging her head back and forth and looking at the scales on her body i know what you mean said the snapping turtle Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0021.wav and you know what you mean but i have to eat something and if i am swimming under the water and a duckling paddles along just above me and sticks his foot into my mouth i am likely to swallow him before i think the water adder saw that he was provoked by what she had said so she talked about something else Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0022.wav i think the ducks spoil their children said she they make such a fuss over them and they are not nearly so bright as my children why mine hatch as soon as the eggs are laid and go hunting at once they are no trouble at all Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0023.wav i never worry about mine said the mud turtle although their mother thinks it is not safe for them all to sleep at once as they do on a log in the sunshine it isn't said the adder decidedly i never close my eyes Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0024.wav most of them remarked the turtles all of them she said except us adders and the turtles i even think that some of the turtles are a little queer don't you we have thought so said the mud turtle Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0025.wav they certainly are agreed the snapping turtle who was beginning to feel much better natured what did you say asked the adder who like all her family was a little deaf ouch exclaimed the snapping turtle Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0026.wav ouch ouch what is the matter asked the mud turtle then he began to slap the water with his short stout tail and say ouch Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0027.wav two naughty young water boatmen had swum quietly up on their backs and stung the turtles on their tails then they swam away pushing themselves quickly through the water with swift strokes of their hairy oar legs Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0028.wav and he backed into the mud knowing that fine soft mud is the best thing in the world for stings Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0029.wav if i could only reach my tail with my head or even with one of my hind feet Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0030.wav asked the water adder in her sweetest voice nothing is easier and she wound herself around the willow branch in another graceful position and took the tip of her tail daintily between her teeth humph said the snapping turtle Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0031.wav and he pulled his tail out of the mud and swam away Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0032.wav said the mud turtle and he swam away with the snapping turtle what a rude person she is they said always trying to show how much more clever she is than other people we would rather be stupid and polite after a while the snapping turtle said Jon Kissack +8419-286676-0033.wav but then you know we are not stupid of course not replied the mud turtle Jon Kissack +4014-186176-0000.wav chapter eight the death of the spy Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0001.wav the young lieutenant it seemed had been following a trail which he believed was leading him closer and closer to the object of the hunt and it was in forging the links of this chain of circumstantial evidence that the young officer was led into the lower depths of the ship Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0002.wav presumably from the engine or boiler room throw aside something as he hurried along the passageway leading from the wireless room Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0003.wav and you stooped to pick up whatever it was that had been thrown away Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0004.wav evidently also from the boiler or engine room brushed by us he had disappeared when the sailor said to me i think that was the fellow the one that just went by not wanting to arouse his suspicions i ended the conversation with a casual remark and then strolled away until i was out of the sailor's sight Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0005.wav i was groping my way along when i thought i heard steps just ahead of me i stopped to listen and when the sound was not repeated i proceeded onward Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0006.wav before i could utter a word i was a prisoner behind a locked door i called several times and Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0007.wav every moment it became more stifling in there and i had no doubt that i had walked directly into a death trap it was then i began signaling on the steam pipe i guess it was a mighty lucky thing for me that slim goodwin strolled out on deck just at the time he did Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0008.wav and that was all that lieutenant mackinson could tell the mysterious stranger remained what he had been from the first a desperate and dangerous and unknown spy Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0009.wav put their heads together to devise a scheme of capture we've got more than one good reason for wanting to get this fellow slim reminded the others with considerable warmth Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0010.wav to which he is an enemy and a traitor but in addition to that there is that knockout that he handed to joe and the midnight scare he gave jerry and me and finally his effort to kill lieutenant mackinson by slow suffocation Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0011.wav well said joe i think i've got a plan that will work but Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0012.wav well what's your suggestion slim demanded that we divide our forces answered joe solemnly lie in wait and try to ambush the foe right cried jerry joe you'll be a general before this war's over Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0013.wav along what lines do we disperse our forces general asked slim along what lines would his royal stoutness suggest demanded jerry oh you don't have to keep reminding me that i'm a trifle heavy slim replied in a peevish tone Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0014.wav a trifle heavy get that will you echoed jerry with a gale of laughter a trifle heavy oh my you'll find out if i sit on you slim threatened in a belligerent tone Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0015.wav won't do it slim muttered oh yes you will counseled joe shake hands the two of you slim's good nature overcame his feigned reluctance but as jerry grasped his hand he gave jerry a jerk that nearly took him off his feet now we're square said slim Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0016.wav and to do that he will have to use the wireless somehow it seems likely that he would make his effort at night Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0017.wav the lieutenant could be in the wireless room and one of us in the battery room while the other two did duty outside Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0018.wav it would be tiresome and monotonous work all right Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0019.wav i'm willing said jerry but you and i will have to do the outside work Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0020.wav well i'll cover the battery room said slim ignoring jerry's remark let's see lieutenant mackinson then suggested joe and they went to find the young officer who was convalescing from his encounter with the spy when he had approved the plan they got the o k of the captain Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0021.wav to the three boys unable to see or talk to each other and joe and jerry scarcely daring to move the minutes lagged like hours Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0022.wav black endless nights dawn came Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0023.wav there were mutual feelings of disappointment but none of weakened determination what luck Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0024.wav i will arrange for another man to stay in the wireless room during to day Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0025.wav the sea is calm and we readily could discern a periscope a long distance away truly it was a beautiful night and it was in this alluring quiet of seemingly absolute peace Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0026.wav the brighton boys and their friend and superior officer the lieutenant had been in their appointed places hardly more than an hour when joe and jerry at the same instant caught the sounds of some sort of scuffle on the deck above Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0027.wav it came nearer and clearer until finally as it reached a point near to the top of the stairway under which joe was concealed the latter could discern the fog horn voice of the first assistant engineer Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0028.wav the first assistant engineer was a mighty mountain of a man but his voice broke off as the commotion started again certainly he must have a rough customer to deal with thought jerry Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0029.wav ye will will ye hissed the voice of the engineer again Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0030.wav ye dirty hound i've a mind to boot ye into the sea Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0031.wav and whin i asked him what he was about Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0032.wav so said the captain in a voice so stern it made joe wince Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0033.wav he's a third class machinist sir the engineer replied Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0034.wav yes and i believe he's worse than that the captain added Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0035.wav there was a strained silence for a moment then Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0036.wav it looks as though we'd caught the man the doctor whispered Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0037.wav there was a gasp of astonishment from joe followed by a louder holy smoke from slim do you recognize this man the captain asked in a sharp tone i should say i do sir joe responded Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0038.wav he is the man who was planting ammunition in the waters near the navy yard that night before we sailed the very same one sir slim exclaimed with equal positiveness the ship's surgeon who had followed the others upon deck stepped closer for a better inspection of this enemy Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0039.wav at the same instant the prisoner Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0040.wav and thrust the engineer from him before anyone could interfere he was dashing down the deck toward the stern just as he took a wild headlong leap over the rail the captain fired while the captain through a speaking tube was instructing the man in the pilot house to signal below reverse engines Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0041.wav the others rushed to the stern of the ship far behind them in the foamy trail left on the moonlit water by the vessel they saw what seemed to be the head of a man bobbing up and down and then it entirely disappeared the ship was turned Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0042.wav gone said the captain in tones of very evident relief well it was death for him one way or another and he took his choice as the captain and surgeon moved away from the stern rail of the everett Tom Clifton +4014-186176-0043.wav and made me run a mile in nothing flat added jerry and fought me to a knockout finish later mused joe and nearly smothered me to death spoke the lieutenant and was finally corralled by an irish engineer said slim gone concluded jerry Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0000.wav the following morning all of those who had arrived on the transports were established in a concentration camp but it was merely for the purpose of inspection of men and equipment and was not to be for long Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0001.wav it was that same day that the three boys from brighton were for the first time assigned to a regular unit of the signal corps also with a real thrill they learned that they were almost immediately to see war service for american troops were already in the trenches Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0002.wav his three assistants on the trip across were the first ones named the other two were tom rawle a fellow proportioned like their first friend in the service sergeant martin and a wiry energetic quick speaking youth named frank hoskins Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0003.wav we have a long trip before us lieutenant mackinson informed them and we leave here on a special train in two hours in a short time we will be in the thick of it Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0004.wav knowing they have important work to do and feeling capable of doing it well Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0005.wav got here two weeks ago the big fellow answered Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0006.wav did you get within sound of the big guns asked slim excitedly i should say so answered tom rawle and so will you within a few hours isn't that so hoskins yes answered frank Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0007.wav hoskins knows explained rawle for he got nearer than i did only for a short time frank corrected modestly but they called it my baptism of fire i was out one night with an advance party we were nearly ambushed and had to beat a quick retreat Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0008.wav well tell them all about it demanded tom rawle impatient at frank's unwillingness to talk much about himself Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0009.wav and it was a surprise party for fair i can tell you Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0010.wav then we all dropped on our stomachs and wriggled our way back into our own lines without any further damage but we did some rapid wriggling you can bet there wasn't any time wasted by any of us and inasmuch as we were apparently outnumbered Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0011.wav say that must be thrilling to be a member of an advance party like that said jerry his enthusiasm as fiery as his hair i wonder if we'll get any work like that you sure will responded rawle and plenty of it you needn't worry on that score Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0012.wav all ready they answered and the lieutenant led the way to the train Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0013.wav also there was a wire company of the signal corps which was going to join another american unit for the first three or four hours of the trip the lads Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0014.wav and from them they heard many serious and amusing stories many true tales of the attack and retreat of shot and shell and shrapnel and the hand grenade and the poisonous gas bombs thrown by the boches and then one by one the soldiers of uncle sam dropped off into long Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0015.wav and restful slumber slumber that was to fit them for hard and difficult duties ahead this is where we get off finally announced lieutenant mackinson shaking the lads into wakefulness Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0016.wav without the waste of a moment they climbed in lieutenant mackinson our three friends young hoskins and the towering rawle in another instant they were speeding across the country with the break of dawn Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0017.wav where in that country they had seen big concentration camps and Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0018.wav in the eastern part of france they came upon actual war in all its fateful progress with whole towns demolished forests and orchards blotted out stark ruin written over the face of the earth Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0019.wav long strings of powerful motor trucks driving toward the scene of action they came upon towns and villages in that area known as behind the lines where french american belgian and british soldiers were recuperating after hard days and nights in the front line trenches Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0020.wav by this time they were well within sound of the heavy guns and their driver told them that the artillery duel then going on had been in progress for forty eight hours at least Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0021.wav in preparation for a great infantry advance but i understand that this time they expect to go forward before the end of to day which means added lieutenant mackinson Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0022.wav on and on they went and nearer and nearer to the scene of actual battle they came they passed the third line trenches and now in places they seemed to be in a straight line with some of the concealed artillery Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0023.wav that was pounding away at the enemy in terrible detonations that shook and rocked the ground every minute at the second line trenches their orders called for a halt they did not have to be told that there was something doing Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0024.wav was a constantly moving line of motor trucks coming forward with men and shells while out ahead of them tremendous and menacing big tanks Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0025.wav were pursuing their uneven course toward the front in preparation for a new kind of assault they look like miniature battleships on land don't they exclaimed slim Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0026.wav equipped with guns and men that could travel with their own power practically anywhere across shell holes over trenches through barbed wire Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0027.wav await me here he said to the five men under his immediate command Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0028.wav and the latter immediately began a quick examination of his engine and tires which promised another early move we go forward as far as we can by automobile again the lieutenant informed them Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0029.wav and after dark to night we are to establish an outlying communication from the farthest skirmish points to headquarters almost as he finished the sentence they were started Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0030.wav joe remarked upon it in tones of open admiration it's nothing the youthful chauffeur replied you'll get used to it too as he turned the automobile and started backward slim suddenly remembered that they hadn't even heard his name don't know it said hoskins Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0031.wav they had been directed to the quarters of major jones in charge of the signal corps men in that section and it was with considerable surprise that the boys learned upon arriving there that they were to accompany the lieutenant into the superior officer's presence for instructions Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0032.wav he was a man they found about forty years old already grizzled and hardened by his field experience and he knew how to convey orders and transact business without a moment's delay you are to follow the red ink lines on this map he told lieutenant mackinson Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0033.wav as they all leaned over his desk to follow the tracing of his pencil with which he showed them the course they were to take Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0034.wav you will seek a suitable location from which to establish communications you will determine whether it can be done by wireless as soon as you can do so report what progress you have made use every caution for you will be in the country occupied by the enemy Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0035.wav you should leave here about seven o'clock this evening it is now six fifteen minutes later they had examined their arms and equipped themselves with a full supply of small arms ammunition portable wireless instrument and antennae and three rations each of eating chocolate Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0036.wav and if wounded might otherwise starve to death Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0037.wav and promptly at seven o'clock they started upon the dangerous mission with nightfall the big cannonading had noticeably shut down Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0038.wav it was a black night and they proceeded with the greatest caution they did not dare use the flashlights that each of them carried and frequently all of them would have to drop suddenly flat upon the ground as a big rocket went up from either side Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0039.wav in this way they went forward yard by yard until they reached a thick clump of trees there after listening intently for several minutes without hearing a dangerous sound they spread out their coats tent like while lieutenant mackinson with gingerly flashes of his light Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0040.wav examined the map again to make certain of their location Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0041.wav while tom rawle quietly chuckling at the fat lad's misfortune aided him to his feet down flat said mackinson again as he discerned several shadows moving across a space a considerable distance to the north of them Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0042.wav for fully ten minutes which seemed like an hour they lay there not daring to move they watched the enemy scouting party get a like scare and then after what seemed to be a whispered consultation turn back to the german lines Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0043.wav what did you fall over the lieutenant finally asked of slim in a scarcely audible tone i just found it replied slim Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0044.wav copper exclaimed the lieutenant hoskins let me have that kit Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0045.wav a very small telegraph instrument the instant it was attached to the wire the receiver began to tick irregularly neither rawle nor hoskins understood german but to the others they were words easy to translate they had accidentally struck an enemy wire and had tapped it Tom Clifton +4014-186179-0046.wav lead enemy to believe whole attack centered from your position Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0000.wav frank hoskins elbow wound healed quickly without any serious results and tom rawle who had been under treatment at the field hospital was able to get about the camp Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0001.wav but on the eighth day a veritable fury launched itself upon that section of the american french front in the shape of seemingly endless brigades of boches that were hurled over the top of their own breastworks across no man's land and upon the first line trenches of the allies Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0002.wav for several days the american and french aviators had been reporting heavy german formations in that region evidently with the design of a terrific assault but the allied commanders had not expected it so soon and in truth they were not fully prepared for it Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0003.wav it was a surprise attack in every sense of the word with all the terrible carnage that such a battle brings Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0004.wav and their hidden artillery to the rear of them this was kept up for about seven hours and the duel of heavy guns shook the earth like a quake and was deafening then just as dawn was breaking the infantry onslaught Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0005.wav including food and ammunition trains Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0006.wav everything moved like clockwork and with the greatest possible speed and throughout it all men on both sides were shooting shouting shrieking Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0007.wav or lifeless before superior numbers Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0008.wav a stationary balloon showed where jerry and an observation officer were doing duty on that fateful day jerry was operating a telephone that ran directly to division headquarters and hardly a moment passed when he was not repeating some observation of the other man in the basket with him Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0009.wav every detail of that tremendous battle jerry knew his own occasional glimpses over the side informed him of the temporary reverses his own army was suffering while the remarks of the officer told him where the germans were meeting their bitterest repulses Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0010.wav where they were drawing up their heaviest forces of reserves what quick changes were being made in their general line of formation and how far back their forces seemed to extend slim goodwin Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0011.wav to make sure that thus far his friend was still safe Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0012.wav the wavering swaying target was watched from time to time and speculations made as to how long it could remain without being punctured by a bullet Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0013.wav it was now well into the afternoon the germans had swept into the places vacated by the americans and french and still the battle raged it was now that slim began to wait anxiously for the new development Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0014.wav the americans and french had retreated to a general line which permitted a quick re mobilization to the best advantage there their front line ranks held firm while the new formation was being effected behind them it was about four o'clock in the afternoon when this was complete Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0015.wav and soon in great measure at least hostilities would be suspended for the night their work completed Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0016.wav so you can judge pretty well for yourself guess he had a pretty good bird's eye view of the whole thing said joe as they passed on to meet again before mess except for spasmodic outbursts here and there the trench duel had almost entirely subsided Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0017.wav and the heavy roar of the artillery also was punctuated with longer pauses Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0018.wav while each side took account of stock and made necessary repairs or altered their plans to meet the new situation our young friends were busy with wash basin soap and water Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0019.wav taking off the grime in preparation for the evening meal and wondering where jerry was keeping himself all the while when suddenly a very strange thing happened beyond the enemy's line Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0020.wav more easily handled aeroplanes and used in great numbers by the germans shot into the air at great speed from behind the boche entrenchments Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0021.wav it simply indicated that those manning the american and french anti aircraft guns Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0022.wav and even this might have been considered a well designed hoax Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0023.wav still going at maximum speed and now on a straight line toward the american side without seeking a further height the taube several times wavered and a moment later almost turned over but the pilot righted her Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0024.wav he pointed her nose downward toward the american lines four american planes sailed off and upward to meet the oncoming german air armada but from the ground it could be seen that the man in the observer's place in the taube was making desperate signals Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0025.wav the american planes maneuvered in such a way as to encircle the taube Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0026.wav and the other german planes turned back toward their own lines the taube continued on its wavering crippled downward course toward the allied lines Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0027.wav as the taube came within a hundred yards of the ground and righted herself for a landing Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0028.wav of its own momentum it rolled to within a two minutes run of where the lieutenant and the others had been standing in another instant it was entirely surrounded by a crowd of curious american soldiers Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0029.wav and after descending a little by permitting some of the gas to escape we jumped over the side of the basket and came down on our parachutes Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0030.wav but some other german aviators saw the affair apparently recognized our uniforms and hardly gave us time to make a decent start say jerry concluded they certainly did pebble us with machine gun bullets Tom Clifton +4014-186183-0031.wav opening them the boys could hardly suppress their jubilation stripped of their official verbiage the letters informed the young men that each of them was made a corporal joe for valorous service in saving the lives of three americans entombed in a cave Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0000.wav chapter seven the timely rescue it was no pleasant thought to contemplate the presence of a bold Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0001.wav that he was capable of going any lengths if necessary already had been proved and the evidence of his evil genius might come in horrible form at any instant nevertheless Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0002.wav was sufficient to prevent jerry and slim from taking a full eight hours of much needed sleep while lieutenant mackinson joe and three other officers whom the captain had taken into his confidence in the matter followed out every possible clue in pursuit of a solution of the baffling mystery Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0003.wav it was a case of watch everybody take every precaution and be prepared for anything only nine men on the vessel however including the spy himself knew anything about it Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0004.wav refreshed by their sleep jerry and slim arose about four o'clock that afternoon joe who had rested easily throughout the later excitement of the preceding night was still in the midst of the investigation and was not then to be found Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0005.wav jerry had some letters to write so slim went to the upper deck alone Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0006.wav and his mind weighted anyway with the menacing mystery of the strange happenings of the night before he sat down on a coil of rope just in the lee of the forward smokestack to think the whole matter over for the twentieth time he was thus absorbed when something at first vague and indefinite then clearer Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0007.wav like the awakening call that comes to a man in a sound sleep Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0008.wav to find someone standing directly over him loudly and insistently calling his name Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0009.wav a crackling merely from the pressure within for a moment slim thought an over wrought imagination was playing tricks upon him but he rose hastily and crossed the short intervening distance Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0010.wav was rapping desperately upon that pipe and in the long and short dashes of the international code that someone was repeating a single word help help help in another instant using the heavy end of his jackknife as a crude transmitter slim was tapping off the reply Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0011.wav who are you and where lieutenant mackinson the message began to come back Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0012.wav can't make self heard can you help this is slim the youth rapped back upon the pipe caught your message on deck am coming with help at once and he dashed down the deck toward the captain's quarters almost bowling over the captain's aide as he hurtled into the sanctum of the ship's commander unannounced Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0013.wav well the captain demanded sternly why all the haste lieutenant mackinson slim blurted out he's locked in a closet down near the engine room locked in a closet the captain repeated incredulously how do you know Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0014.wav he gave a telegraphic call for help on the steam pipe which runs through there and connects with the whistle the lad explained i was on deck and heard it i talked with him over the pipe there is no time to lose then come with me and the captain himself hurriedly led the way down through the lower depths of the ship Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0015.wav for a few steps they felt their way along and then stopped to listen there was nothing but the dull and constant hum of the engines and the almost insufferable heat Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0016.wav they stood silent a moment and then faint and indistinct apparently from somewhere several feet ahead of them they both heard repeated that which had made slim stop Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0017.wav the lad repeated them for the information of the captain Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0018.wav m o t h e r i n g Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0019.wav and he started down the passageway toward a narrow stairs leading to a still lower chamber in the vessel three turns two to the right and one to the left and the captain stopped again to listen seemingly from within the wall right at their elbows there came a feeble knock Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0020.wav the officer whipped out a pocket flashlight they were directly in front of a heavy wooden door it was locked Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0021.wav and slim hastened away to return two minutes later with all three tools Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0022.wav but there was no response from within Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0023.wav two more attempts and the panel fell in strips to the floor thus given something for a grip hold the captain who was a massive man took hold with both hands Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0024.wav brought the entire door from its hinges Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0025.wav the unconscious form of lieutenant mackinson tumbled out upon the floor his face was almost blue from suffocation the captain sounded three short sharp blasts upon a whistle which he had taken from his pocket and two oilers came running to the spot Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0026.wav help us carry this man to fresh air immediately he ordered he has been overcome Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0027.wav he had relapsed again and there was another wait of several minutes but this time the lieutenant's mind was clearing somebody shoved me in that closet he gasped and then slammed and locked the door he recognized the captain and the doctor Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0028.wav found him locked in a small compartment down near the auxiliary engine room the commander said briefly Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0029.wav he made his whereabouts known by tapping a message on a steam pipe Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0030.wav nearly suffocated too Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0031.wav his heart action is pretty weak even yet Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0032.wav at that moment jerry came hurrying down the deck he was visibly excited but Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0033.wav and so even as two men carried lieutenant mackinson away he remained standing at salute waiting for the captain to recognize him with a return of the salute and now what asked the captain jerry stepped forward with difficulty repressing his excitement Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0034.wav when i returned i found this lying upon the table he opened his left hand in it lay a piece of light chain both ends broken beside it he continued was this note from his pocket he extracted a piece of paper the edges of which were roughly torn Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0035.wav let this be a warning that no further interference will be of avail the captain looked from the note to the chain Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0036.wav and no signature i believe sir said jerry Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0037.wav the senior officer of the vessel took from his pocket the cross with its two bits of chain still dangling from it he placed the ends to the chain which jerry had found in the wireless room you are right he said simply and there could be no doubt about it Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0038.wav appeared equally anxious a man is discovered at night in the battery room of the wireless department of this ship clearly upon an unfriendly mission said the captain half to himself and half for the benefit of the others summing up the evidence thus far known to them Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0039.wav a few hours later that same night he returns to the battery room and succeeds in recovering the portable instrument to day lieutenant mackinson while pursuing an investigation of the affair Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0040.wav is shoved into a closet and only escapes death from suffocation by making himself heard as he telegraphs for help over a steam pipe it must have been while we were rescuing the lieutenant that the same man again enters the wireless room and leaves there this chain Tom Clifton +4014-186175-0041.wav we are not safe while he is free Tom Clifton +5390-30102-0000.wav chapter seven louise scents a mystery louise merrick was the eldest of uncle john's nieces having just passed her eighteenth birthday Charles Bice +5390-30102-0001.wav led a mere butterfly existence her two cousins frankly agreed that louise was shallow insincere and inclined to be affected but of the three girls Charles Bice +5390-30102-0002.wav and men usually admired her graceful figure and her piquant pretty face with its crown of fluffy blonde hair and winning expression there was a rumor that she was engaged to be married to arthur weldon Charles Bice +5390-30102-0003.wav a young man of position in the city but uncle john ignored the possibility of losing one of his cherished nieces and declared that louise was still too young to think of marriage when away from her frivolous mother Charles Bice +5390-30102-0004.wav and the inconsequent home environments the girl was more unaffected and natural in her ways and her faults were doubtless more the result of education than of natural tendency one thing was indisputable however Charles Bice +5390-30102-0005.wav louise merrick was a clever girl possessing a quick intellect and a keen insight into the character of others her apparent shallowness was a blind of the same character as her assumed graciousness Charles Bice +5390-30102-0006.wav and while she would have been more lovable without any pretence or sham she could not have been louise merrick and allow others to read her as she actually was patsy and beth thought they knew her Charles Bice +5390-30102-0007.wav and admired or liked rather than loved their cousin uncle john thought he knew her too and was very proud of his eldest niece in spite of some discovered qualities that were not wholly admirable Charles Bice +5390-30102-0008.wav an extensive course of light literature not void of detective stories had at this moment primed louise with its influence to the extent of inducing her to scent a mystery in the history of captain wegg Charles Bice +5390-30102-0009.wav the plain folks around millville might speculate listlessly upon the queer doin's at the farm and never get anywhere near the truth indeed the strange occurrences she had just heard Charles Bice +5390-30102-0010.wav were nearly forgotten in the community and soon would be forgotten altogether unless the quick ear of a young girl had caught the clue so long ignored at first she scarcely appreciated the importance of the undertaking Charles Bice +5390-30102-0011.wav it occurred to her that an effort to read to the bottom of the sea captain's romance would be a charming diversion while she resided at millville and in undertaking the task she laughingly accused herself of becoming an amateur detective Charles Bice +5390-30102-0012.wav an occupation that promised to be thrilling and delightful warned however by the rebuff she had met with from uncle john the girl decided not to confide either her suspicions or her proposed investigation to anyone for the present Charles Bice +5390-30102-0013.wav louise set to work to tabulate the information she had received thus far noting the element of mystery each fact evolved first captain wegg must have been a rich man in order to build this house Charles Bice +5390-30102-0014.wav secondly the captain a surly and silent man had brought hither perhaps by force a young woman as his wife who was so unhappy that she pined away and died who was this woman Charles Bice +5390-30102-0015.wav what had rendered her so unhappy and despairing thirdly the captain's only friend had been a crazy man named will thompson was he crazy before the captain's death or had he become crazed at that time Charles Bice +5390-30102-0016.wav the boy fled and left his sweetheart without a word why unless something had occurred that rendered their marriage impossible in the fifth place there was old hucks and his blind wife to be considered Charles Bice +5390-30102-0017.wav what did they know about their old master's secret history what tragic memories lurked beneath the man's perpetual smile and the woman's composed and sightless face surely there was enough here to excite the curiosity Charles Bice +5390-30102-0018.wav and warrant an effort to untangle the mystery and as instruments to the end there were several people available who could be of use to her mc nutt the agent who evidently knew more than he had cared to tell old hucks and his wife Charles Bice +5390-30102-0019.wav and ethel thompson the school teacher there might be others but one or another of these four must know the truth and it would be her pleasant duty to obtain a full disclosure so she was anxious to begin her investigations at once Charles Bice +5390-30102-0020.wav when her uncle returned from his visit to the pigs louise said to him i've been thinking dear that we ought to call upon that young lady who arranged our rooms and thank her for her kindness that's true he replied Charles Bice +5390-30102-0021.wav can't we drive over to thompson's this morning uncle beth and patsy have planned a tramp to the lake and a row after water lilies then let us make our call together we can invite the girl to come here and spend a day with us Charles Bice +5390-30102-0022.wav when patsy and beth will be able to meet her that's a good idea louise i was wondering what i'd do this morning tell old hucks to get the nag harnessed the girl ran eagerly upon her errand Charles Bice +5390-30102-0023.wav but he turned without a word to harness the horse louise stood watching him your fingers are quite nimble thomas considering the fact that you were once a sailor she said but sailors have to be nimble miss he returned Charles Bice +5390-30102-0024.wav buckling a strap unmoved who tol ye i were once a sea farin man i guessed it as he appeared indisposed to say more on the subject she asked did you sail with captain wegg partly miss dan's already now Charles Bice +5390-30102-0025.wav don't jerk the bit fer his mouth's tender an it makes him balky ef he balks jest let him rest a time an then speak to him dan ain't vicious he's jest ornery she climbed into the dilapidated old buggy and took the reins Charles Bice +5390-30102-0026.wav dan groaned and ambled slowly around to where uncle john stood awaiting his niece Charles Bice +5390-30102-0027.wav i understand dan well i don't returned uncle john in his whimsical way as he mounted to the seat beside her i don't understand how he's happened to live since the landing of columbus or what he's good for Charles Bice +5390-30102-0028.wav or why someone don't knock him on the head dan turned his long lean face as if to give the speaker a reproachful look then he groaned again leaned forward and drew the buggy slowly into the stony lane Charles Bice +5390-30102-0029.wav do you know where the thompsons live inquired uncle john no whoa dan that was the best thing the nag did he knew how to whoa thomas called uncle john turning in his seat Charles Bice +5390-30102-0030.wav and at the summons old hucks came from the barn and approached them how do you get to miss thompson's place miss ethel's another fleeting expression of surprise yes we're going over to thank her for her kindness to us Charles Bice +5390-30102-0031.wav thompson's stammered hucks glancing up at them with his bright elusive smile well we're going anyhow growled mister merrick Charles Bice +5390-24512-0000.wav for although the jewish family of the herods reigned over judea they only held their throne under the roman emperor this the jews could not endure they longed to be a free and independent nation once again Charles Bice +5390-24512-0001.wav when our messiah comes he will be a great warrior they said he will utterly destroy all our enemies he will make jerusalem the greatest and richest city Charles Bice +5390-24512-0002.wav had jesus of nazareth been willing to become their earthly king and to lead the nation against the romans the jews would probably have followed him to a man Charles Bice +5390-24512-0003.wav the saviour sought to heal it he called out the faith and gratitude of the roman centurion and his answer to the jewish leaders render to caesar the things that are caesar's Charles Bice +5390-24512-0004.wav showed them the right attitude in which to regard the roman rule Charles Bice +5390-24512-0005.wav the roman government had no quarrel with him thine own nation hath delivered thee unto me Charles Bice +5390-24512-0006.wav had not the jews prevented it if thou let this man go thou art not caesar's friend they cried Charles Bice +5390-24512-0007.wav to crucify jesus of nazareth and to free barabbas but in choosing the rebel barabbas Charles Bice +5390-24512-0008.wav as their hero the nation started on their downward road as the story of the forty years which followed the saviour's crucifixion clearly shows for the jews were determined at all costs to throw off the roman yoke Charles Bice +5390-24512-0009.wav and the history of those years is one long list of terrible risings and massacres while cities were ruined villages wrapped in flames and men women and children perished with hunger Charles Bice +5390-24512-0010.wav yet the keener the suffering the more desperate the jews became their whole souls were possessed with a wild and mad passion for revenge Charles Bice +5390-24512-0011.wav then if any man shall say unto you lo here is christ or there believe it not matthew Charles Bice +5390-24512-0012.wav yet no sooner did a daring rebel or murderer gather a band of robbers around him and begin to kill and plunder than multitudes of jews cried the christ or messiah has come Charles Bice +5390-24512-0013.wav where the roman soldiers were quartered and cried out to the garrison within that their lives should be spared if they would lay down their weapons the roman soldiers hesitated but the jews promised most faithfully to keep their word Charles Bice +5390-24512-0014.wav the romans believed them and opened their gates but no sooner were they in the power of the jewish mob than they were fallen upon and murdered to the last man as they died the roman soldiers whom not even death could terrify Charles Bice +5390-24512-0015.wav lifted up their hands to heaven as though calling upon god to witness that the jews had broken their solemn oath the roman emperor could not overlook such rebellion and treachery Charles Bice +5390-24512-0016.wav and he sent a great army against jerusalem the jews shut the gates of their city and so began the awful siege of jerusalem and when ye shall see jerusalem compassed with armies Charles Bice +5390-24512-0017.wav he was a prisoner in the roman camp during the siege of jerusalem and he watched with dismay the great battering rams and war engines crashing through the walls of the holy city his ears rang with the cries of rage and despair which broke from the jews within Charles Bice +5390-24512-0018.wav as one by one their defences fell and the end drew near then food failed in the city men fought like demons in the streets for a tiny loaf of barley bread so frantic were the people with hunger Charles Bice +5390-24512-0019.wav that mothers even snatched the bread from their own children's mouths look over the walls o people of jerusalem the roman soldiers are crucifying all the prisoners they have taken and the line of crosses is as long as our city is wide Charles Bice +5390-24512-0020.wav hard merciless as was the roman general even he grew sick with horror at last and he sent his jewish prisoner josephus to the jews promising them their lives if they would give up the city Charles Bice +5390-24512-0021.wav but a furious madness had possessed the people and they refused to yield josephus pleaded in vain he was not a christian but he could see plainly enough that god was no longer with his people Charles Bice +5390-24512-0022.wav ah my countrymen he cried we did nothing without god in the past but now you are fighting against him had god judged you worthy of freedom he would have punished the romans as he did the assyrians long ago Charles Bice +5390-24512-0023.wav even a jew who had no faith in jesus christ could see plainly that the ancient power and glory of his nation had gone at last the end came the first wall fell Charles Bice +5390-24512-0024.wav which still glittered like a hill of snow in the morning sunshine or sparkled as though wrapped in flame when the sunbeams struck full on its golden roof then redder flames than ever the sunshine made leapt above the golden roof Charles Bice +5390-24512-0025.wav pillars fell beams crumbled to ashes while round the altar of sacrifice the people of jerusalem lay heaped together slain in such numbers in the holy place that their blood flowed down the broad marble steps in a heavy crimson stream Charles Bice +5390-24512-0026.wav and the golden candlestick and the book of the law were carried away in triumph into heathen rome alas for the holy city over which the saviour of the world had stood and wept forty years before Charles Bice +5390-24512-0027.wav knowing the suffering that lay before her these jews are dangerous we must not allow them to rebuild their city or to become a separate people again as a nation they must cease to exist Charles Bice +5390-24512-0028.wav so the roman conquerors of jerusalem agreed and from that day onward the jewish people have had no country of their own they have indeed been led away captive into all nations Charles Bice +5390-24512-0029.wav exactly as the lord foretold there is scarcely a country in the world where jews may not be found but jerusalem lies still in the hands of strangers and is the property of the turkish nation Charles Bice +5390-24512-0030.wav the jews were now no longer a nation they had become merely a body of people led by their rabbis or teachers of the law but they were still the people of the book Charles Bice +5390-24512-0031.wav they allowed the jewish teachers to continue the synagogue services in other parts of palestine and to teach in their colleges the most famous jewish college of these days was at tiberius on the shores of the sea of galilee Charles Bice +5390-24512-0032.wav over whose clear depths the lord jesus christ had sailed so often and beside whose shores he had done so many wonderful deeds of love and mercy a great and beautiful college it was with broad terraced gardens Charles Bice +5390-24512-0033.wav so all day long they studied and copied the old hebrew bible as we have seen the jewish scribes had not been content with taking the word of god just as it stood they had begun even in our lord's day Charles Bice +5390-24512-0034.wav that they declared a man to be a blockhead if he knew only the scriptures and not the talmud explanation the law of moses is like salt but the talmud is balmy spice they would say Charles Bice +5390-24512-0035.wav yet although they heeded so little the true meaning of god's book they guarded its words more and more carefully and the rules for copying any portion of the holy books were strict indeed my son an old teacher would say to his pupil Charles Bice +5390-24512-0036.wav before you copy a single word you must wash your body all over and clothe yourself in full jewish dress preparing your mind with solemn thoughts the parchment you write upon must be made from the skins of clean animals only Charles Bice +5390-24512-0037.wav that is clean according to the law of moses the ink you write with must be of a pure black made only from a mixture of soot charcoal and honey Charles Bice +5390-24512-0038.wav though you know the whole book of the law by heart you must not write a single word from memory but raise your eyes to your copy and pronounce the word aloud before trusting it to your pen Charles Bice +5390-24512-0039.wav before writing any of the names of god you must wash your pen before writing his most sacred name you must wash your whole body if after your copy has itself been examined three corrections have to be made Charles Bice +5390-24512-0040.wav that copy must be destroyed not satisfied with all these directions the master taught his scholar to count the letters of every book Charles Bice +5390-24512-0041.wav is the middle letter of all the five books of moses Charles Bice +5390-24512-0042.wav is the middle of all the words Charles Bice +5390-24512-0043.wav is the very centre of all the verses the letter a that is the hebrew letter which stands for a occurs forty two thousand three hundred seventy seven times the letter b thirty five thousand two hundred eighteen Charles Bice +5390-24512-0044.wav and so on not only this but every scribe was required to know from memory exactly how many letters of each kind there should be in his sheet before he began to write every sheet of parchment must contain an equal number of lines Charles Bice +5390-24512-0045.wav and the breadth of each column had to be thirty letters wide there are eleven verses in the book of the law beginning and ending with n there are forty verses in which lo is read three times and so on and so on Charles Bice +5390-24512-0046.wav how tedious and meaningless such information appears of what value were all these details to spend all his days in learning such things as these could have no influence on a man's character nor make him a power for good in the world Charles Bice +5390-24512-0047.wav not for this purpose had god revealed his will to man some years ago in the coffin of an egyptian mummy a little jar of wheat was found for thousands of years it had lain there shut up in the dark Charles Bice +5390-24512-0048.wav while out in the fields the corn which had been sown had grown up and been reaped every year and men and women had been fed but this jar of corn was useless because it had been prevented from doing the work in the world for which it was created Charles Bice +5390-24512-0049.wav just so was it with the hebrew copies of god's word locked up in a dead language kept close away from the world they were like the jar of wheat which could not grow Charles Bice +5390-30096-0000.wav chapter one uncle john's farm how did i happen to own a farm asked uncle john interrupting his soup long enough to fix an inquiring glance upon major doyle who sat opposite Charles Bice +5390-30096-0001.wav replied the major composedly it's a part of my duty in attending to those affairs you won't look afther yourself to lend certain sums of your money to needy and ambitious young men who want a start in life oh uncle Charles Bice +5390-30096-0002.wav do you do that exclaimed miss patricia doyle who sat between her uncle and father and kept an active eye upon both so the major says answered uncle john dryly and it's true Charles Bice +5390-30096-0003.wav asserted the other he's assisted three or four score young men to start in business in the last year to my certain knowledge by lending them sums ranging from one to three thousand dollars Charles Bice +5390-30096-0004.wav and it's the most wasteful and extravagant charity i ever heard of but i'm so glad cried patsy clapping her hands with a delighted gesture it's a splendid way to do good Charles Bice +5390-30096-0005.wav without capital you know many a young fellow would never get his foot on the first round of the ladder and many will never get it there in any event declared the major with a shake of his grizzled head Charles Bice +5390-30096-0006.wav and how can i tell whether they're desarving or not retorted major doyle fiercely do ye want me to become a sleuth or engage detectives to track the objects of your erroneous philanthropy Charles Bice +5390-30096-0007.wav i just have to form a judgment an take me chances and whin a poor devil goes wrong Charles Bice +5390-30096-0008.wav but some of them must succeed ventured patsy in a conciliatory tone some do said john merrick and that repays me for all my trouble Charles Bice +5390-30096-0009.wav queried the major you mane all my throuble well and your money Charles Bice +5390-30096-0010.wav with one thing and another what of it retorted the little round faced millionaire leaning back in his chair and staring fixedly at the other that's what i employ you for now now gentlemen cried patsy earnestly Charles Bice +5390-30096-0011.wav of his falling down and worshiping him john merrick was a multi millionaire to be sure but there were palliating circumstances that almost excused him he had been so busily occupied in industry Charles Bice +5390-30096-0012.wav that he never noticed how his wealth was piling up until he discovered it by accident then he promptly retired to give the other fellows a chance and he now devoted his life to simple acts of charity Charles Bice +5390-30096-0013.wav and the welfare and entertainment of his three nieces he had rescued major doyle and his daughter from a lowly condition and placed the former in the great banking house of isham marvin and company Charles Bice +5390-30096-0014.wav simple in his tastes modest and retiring lacking the education and refinements of polite society but shrewd and experienced in the affairs of the world the little man found his greatest enjoyment in the family circle Charles Bice +5390-30096-0015.wav that he had been instrumental in founding being no longer absorbed in business he had come to detest its every detail and so allowed his bankers to care for his fortune and his brother in law to disburse his income Charles Bice +5390-30096-0016.wav while he himself strove to enjoy life in a shy and boyish fashion that was as unusual in a man of his wealth as it was admirable he had never married Charles Bice +5390-30096-0017.wav patricia was the apple of uncle john's eye and the one goddess enshrined in her doting father's heart glancing at her Charles Bice +5390-30096-0018.wav in her plain muslin gown a stranger would be tempted to wonder why she was red haired freckled as a robin's egg pug nosed and wide mouthed but her blue eyes were beautiful Charles Bice +5390-30096-0019.wav and they sparkled with a combination of saucy mischief and kindly consideration for others that lent her face an indescribable charm everyone loved patsy doyle Charles Bice +5390-30096-0020.wav and people would gaze longer at her smiling lips and dancing eyes than upon many a more handsome but less attractive face she was nearly seventeen years old not very tall and her form to speak charitably Charles Bice +5390-30096-0021.wav he wanted capital to patent the pump and put it on the market the thing looked pretty good john so i lent him a thousand of your money quite right returned uncle john nodding but pretty soon he came back with a sad tale Charles Bice +5390-30096-0022.wav he was in a bad fix another fellow was contesting his patent and fighting hard to head him off it would take a lot of money to fight back three thousand at least Charles Bice +5390-30096-0023.wav but he was decent about it after all his father had left him a little farm at millville he couldn't say what it was worth but there were sixty acres and some good buildings and he would deed it to you as security Charles Bice +5390-30096-0024.wav if you would let him have three thousand more so you took the farm and gave him the money i did sir perhaps i am to blame Charles Bice +5390-30096-0025.wav making five thousand in all well it's gone john and you've got the farm the other fellows were too clever for my young friend joseph wegg and knocked out his patent i'm so sorry said patsy sympathetically Charles Bice +5390-30096-0026.wav he replied what became of the young man asked the girl he's a competent chauffeur and so he went to work driving an automobile where is millville inquired uncle john thoughtfully somewhere at the north of the state i believe Charles Bice +5390-30096-0027.wav have you investigated the farm at all i looked up a real estate dealer living at millville and wrote him about the wegg farm he said if any one wanted the place very badly it might sell for three thousand dollars humph Charles Bice +5390-30096-0028.wav but his best information was to the effect that no one wanted it at all patsy laughed poor uncle john she said the little man however was serious Charles Bice +5390-30096-0029.wav for a time he ate with great deliberation and revolved an interesting thought in his mind years ago Charles Bice +5390-30096-0030.wav beth is still with louise you know and they must find the city deadly dull just now the farm's the thing and the major can run up to see us for a couple of weeks in the hot weather and we'll all have a glorious lazy time Charles Bice +5390-30096-0031.wav and we can take mary along to do the cooking suggested patsy entering into the idea enthusiastically and eat in our shirt sleeves said uncle john with a glowing face and have a cow and some pigs cried the girl Charles Bice +5390-30096-0032.wav you talk as if it were a real farm instead of a place no one would have as a gift uncle john looked sober again anyone live on the place major he inquired Charles Bice +5390-30096-0033.wav it's gone to ruin and decay the last few years Charles Bice +201-127786-0000.wav happy and fortunate were the times when that most daring knight don quixote of la mancha was sent into the world Joplin James +201-127786-0001.wav but also of the tales and episodes contained in it which are in a measure no less pleasing ingenious and truthful than the history itself which resuming its thread carded spun and wound relates that just as the curate was going to offer consolation to cardenio Joplin James +201-127786-0002.wav all this was heard distinctly by the curate and those with him and as it seemed to them to be uttered close by as indeed it was they got up to look for the speaker and before they had gone twenty paces they discovered behind a rock seated at the foot of an ash tree Joplin James +201-127786-0003.wav a youth in the dress of a peasant whose face they were unable at the moment to see as he was leaning forward bathing his feet in the brook that flowed past they approached so silently that he did not perceive them being fully occupied in bathing his feet Joplin James +201-127786-0004.wav crush clods or to follow the plough and the oxen as their owner's dress suggested and so finding they had not been noticed the curate who was in front made a sign to the other two to conceal themselves behind some fragments of rock that lay there Joplin James +201-127786-0005.wav which they did observing closely what the youth was about he had on a loose double skirted dark brown jacket bound tight to his body with a white cloth he wore besides breeches and gaiters of brown cloth and on his head a brown montera and Joplin James +201-127786-0006.wav as this is not luscinda it is no human creature but a divine being the youth then took off the montera and shaking his head from side to side there broke loose and spread out a mass of hair that the beams of the sun might have envied Joplin James +201-127786-0007.wav by this they knew that what had seemed a peasant was a lovely woman nay the most beautiful the eyes of two of them had ever beheld or even cardenio's if they had not seen and known luscinda Joplin James +201-127786-0008.wav the long auburn tresses not only covered her shoulders but such was their length and abundance concealed her all round beneath their masses so that except the feet nothing of her form was visible she now used her hands as a comb Joplin James +201-127786-0009.wav and if her feet had seemed like bits of crystal in the water her hands looked like pieces of driven snow among her locks all which increased not only the admiration of the three beholders but their anxiety to learn who she was with this object they resolved to show themselves Joplin James +201-127786-0010.wav her delicate feet being unable to bear the roughness of the stones seeing which the three hastened towards her and the curate addressing her first said stay senora whoever you may be for those whom you see here only desire to be of service to you Joplin James +201-127786-0011.wav you have no need to attempt a flight so heedless for neither can your feet bear it nor we allow it taken by surprise and bewildered she made no reply to these words they however came towards her and the curate taking her hand went on to say Joplin James +201-127786-0012.wav what your dress would hide senora is made known to us by your hair a clear proof that it can be no trifling cause that has disguised your beauty in a garb so unworthy of it and sent it into solitudes like these where we have had the good fortune to find you Joplin James +201-127786-0013.wav if not to relieve your distress at least to offer you comfort for no distress so long as life lasts can be so oppressive or reach such a height as to make the sufferer refuse to listen to comfort offered with good intention and so senora Joplin James +201-127786-0014.wav but on the curate addressing some further words to the same effect to her sighing deeply she broke silence and said since the solitude of these mountains has been unable to conceal me and the escape of my dishevelled tresses will not allow my tongue to deal in falsehoods Joplin James +201-127786-0015.wav it would be idle for me now to make any further pretence of what if you were to believe me you would believe more out of courtesy than for any other reason Joplin James +201-127786-0016.wav this being so i say i thank you sirs for the offer you have made me which places me under the obligation of complying with the request you have made of me though i fear the account i shall give you of my misfortunes will excite in you as much concern as compassion Joplin James +201-127786-0017.wav for you will be unable to suggest anything to remedy them or any consolation to alleviate them however that my honour may not be left a matter of doubt in your minds now that you have discovered me to be a woman Joplin James +201-127786-0018.wav i feel bound to tell what i would willingly keep secret if i could all this she who was now seen to be a lovely woman delivered without any hesitation with so much ease and in so sweet a voice that they were not less charmed by her intelligence than by her beauty Joplin James +201-127786-0019.wav and as they again repeated their offers and entreaties to her to fulfil her promise she without further pressing first modestly covering her feet and gathering up her hair seated herself on a stone with the three placed around her and Joplin James +201-127786-0020.wav after an effort to restrain some tears that came to her eyes in a clear and steady voice began her story thus Joplin James +201-127786-0021.wav lowly in origin but so wealthy that if birth had conferred as much on them as fortune they would have had nothing left to desire nor should i have had reason to fear trouble like that in which i find myself now Joplin James +201-127786-0022.wav for it may be that my ill fortune came of theirs in not having been nobly born it is true they are not so low that they have any reason to be ashamed of their condition Joplin James +201-127786-0023.wav they are in short peasants Joplin James +201-127786-0024.wav and as the saying is old rusty christians but so rich that by their wealth and free handed way of life they are coming by degrees to be considered gentlefolk by birth and even by position Joplin James +201-127786-0025.wav and as they have no other child to make their heir and are affectionate parents i was one of the most indulged daughters that ever parents indulged Joplin James +201-127786-0026.wav all their wishes centred and mine were in accordance with theirs for i knew their worth and as i was mistress of their hearts so was i also of their possessions through me they engaged or dismissed their servants Joplin James +201-127786-0027.wav through my hands passed the accounts and returns of what was sown and reaped the oil mills the wine presses the count of the flocks and herds the beehives all in short that a rich farmer like my father has or can have i had under my care Joplin James +201-127786-0028.wav for experience taught me that music soothes the troubled mind and relieves weariness of spirit such was the life i led in my parents house and if i have depicted it thus minutely it is not out of ostentation or to let you know that i am rich but Joplin James +201-127786-0029.wav and unseen as i thought by any except the servants of the house for when i went to mass it was so early in the morning and i was so closely attended by my mother and the women of the household and Joplin James +201-127786-0030.wav for that is the name of the younger son of the duke i told of the moment the speaker mentioned the name of don fernando Joplin James +201-127786-0031.wav for he began to suspect who she was she however without noticing the excitement of cardenio continuing her story went on to say Joplin James +201-127786-0032.wav and i was not displeased at seeing my praises in his letters for however ugly we women may be it seems to me it always pleases us to hear ourselves called beautiful but that my own sense of right was opposed to all this Joplin James +201-127786-0033.wav as well as the repeated advice of my parents who now very plainly perceived don fernando's purpose for he cared very little if all the world knew it they told me they trusted and confided their honour and good name to my virtue Joplin James +201-127786-0034.wav and rectitude alone and bade me consider the disparity between don fernando and myself from which i might conclude that his intentions whatever he might say to the contrary had for their aim his own pleasure rather than my advantage Joplin James +201-127786-0035.wav and if i were at all desirous of opposing an obstacle to his unreasonable suit they were ready they said to marry me at once to anyone i preferred either among the leading people of our own town or Joplin James +201-127786-0036.wav and i never gave don fernando a word in reply that could hold out to him any hope of success however remote all this caution of mine which he must have taken for coyness had apparently the effect of increasing his wanton appetite for Joplin James +201-127786-0037.wav or at least to secure additional protectors to watch over me and this intelligence or suspicion made him act as you shall hear one night as i was in my chamber with no other companion than a damsel who waited on me with Joplin James +201-127786-0038.wav i had no power to utter a cry nor i think did he give me time to utter one as he immediately approached me and taking me in his arms for overwhelmed as i was i was powerless i say to help myself he began to make such Joplin James +201-127786-0039.wav professions to me that i know not how falsehood could have had the power of dressing them up to seem so like truth and the traitor contrived that his tears should vouch for his words and his sighs for his sincerity Joplin James +201-127786-0040.wav and i began in some degree to recover myself i said to him with more courage than i thought i could have possessed Joplin James +201-127786-0041.wav i have my self respect as much as you a lord and gentleman with me your violence will be to no purpose your wealth will have no weight your words will have no power to deceive me nor your sighs or tears to soften me Joplin James +201-127786-0042.wav were i to see any of the things i speak of in him whom my parents gave me as a husband his will should be mine and mine should be bounded by his and my honour being preserved even though my inclinations were not Joplin James +201-127786-0043.wav and this i say lest you should suppose that any but my lawful husband shall ever win anything of me if that Joplin James +201-127786-0044.wav be the only scruple you feel fairest dorothea for that is the name of this unhappy being see here i give you my hand to be yours and let heaven Joplin James +201-127786-0045.wav but he was unwilling to interrupt the story and wished to hear the end of what he already all but knew so he merely said what Joplin James +201-127786-0046.wav i have heard of another of the same name who can perhaps match your misfortunes but proceed by and by i may tell you something that will astonish you as much as it will excite your compassion dorothea was struck by cardenio's words as well as by his strange and miserable attire Joplin James +201-127786-0047.wav and begged him if he knew anything concerning her to tell it to her at once for if fortune had left her any blessing it was courage to bear whatever calamity might fall upon her as she felt sure that none could reach her capable of increasing in any degree what she endured already Joplin James +201-127786-0048.wav i would not let the occasion pass senora replied cardenio of telling you what i think Joplin James +201-127786-0049.wav and one of his vassals i told him not to let my beauty such as it was blind him Joplin James +201-127786-0050.wav for marriages so unequal never brought happiness nor did they continue long to afford the enjoyment they began with all this that i have now repeated i said to him and much more which i cannot recollect but it had no effect in inducing him to forego his purpose Joplin James +201-127786-0051.wav at the same time i argued the matter briefly in my own mind saying to myself i shall not be the first who has risen through marriage from a lowly to a lofty station nor will don fernando be the first whom beauty or as is more likely a blind attachment Joplin James +201-127786-0052.wav has led to mate himself below his rank then since i am introducing no new usage or practice Joplin James +201-127786-0053.wav passed through my mind in a moment but the oaths of don fernando the witnesses he appealed to the tears he shed and lastly the charms of his person and his high bred grace which accompanied by such signs of genuine love Joplin James +201-127786-0054.wav these were the things that more than all began to influence me and lead me unawares to my ruin i called my waiting maid to me that there might be a witness on earth besides those in heaven and again don fernando renewed and repeated his oaths Joplin James +201-127786-0055.wav called down upon himself a thousand curses hereafter should he fail to keep his promise shed more tears redoubled his sighs Joplin James +201-127786-0056.wav and so i was left by my maid and ceased to be one and he became a traitor and a perjured man the day which followed the night of my misfortune did not come so quickly i imagine as don fernando wished Joplin James +201-127786-0057.wav who was indeed the one who had admitted him gained the street before daybreak but on taking leave of me he told me though not with as much earnestness and fervour as when he came that i might rest assured of his faith and of the sanctity and sincerity of his oaths Joplin James +201-127786-0058.wav and to confirm his words he drew a rich ring off his finger and placed it upon mine he then took his departure and i was left i know not whether sorrowful or happy all i can say is i was left agitated and troubled in mind and almost bewildered by what had taken place Joplin James +201-127786-0059.wav and i had not the spirit or else it did not occur to me to chide my maid for the treachery she had been guilty of in concealing don fernando in my chamber for as yet i was unable to make up my mind whether what had befallen me was for good or evil Joplin James +201-127786-0060.wav i told don fernando at parting that as i was now his he might see me on other nights in the same way until it should be his pleasure to let the matter become known but except the following night he came no more nor for more than a month could i catch a glimpse of him in the street or in church Joplin James +201-127786-0061.wav while i wearied myself with watching for one Joplin James +201-127786-0062.wav i remember too how my maid heard those words in reproof of her audacity that she had not heard before and how i was forced to put a constraint on my tears and on the expression of my countenance not to give my parents cause to ask me why i was so melancholy Joplin James +201-127786-0063.wav and drive me to invent falsehoods in reply but all this was suddenly brought to an end for the time came when all such considerations were disregarded and there was no further question of honour when my patience gave way and the secret of my heart became known abroad Joplin James +201-127786-0064.wav it was said too that her name was luscinda and that at the betrothal some strange things had happened Joplin James +201-127786-0065.wav dorothea however did not interrupt her story but went on in these words this sad intelligence reached my ears Joplin James +201-127786-0066.wav and whom i entreated to accompany me to the city where i heard my enemy was Joplin James +201-127786-0067.wav an affair of such notoriety in the city that it was the talk of every knot of idlers in the street he said that on the night of don fernando's betrothal with luscinda as soon as she had consented to be his bride by saying yes she was taken with a sudden fainting fit Joplin James +201-127786-0068.wav and that on the bridegroom approaching to unlace the bosom of her dress to give her air Joplin James +201-127786-0069.wav on seeing this don fernando persuaded that luscinda had befooled slighted and trifled with him assailed her before she had recovered from her swoon and tried to stab her with the dagger that had been found and would have succeeded had not her parents and those who were present prevented him Joplin James +201-127786-0070.wav it was said moreover that don fernando went away at once and that luscinda did not recover from her prostration until the next day when she told her parents how she was really the bride of that cardenio i have mentioned i learned besides that cardenio Joplin James +201-127786-0071.wav according to report had been present at the betrothal and that upon seeing her betrothed contrary to his expectation he had quitted the city in despair leaving behind him a letter declaring the wrong luscinda had done him and his intention of going where no one should ever see him again Joplin James +201-127786-0072.wav all this was a matter of notoriety in the city and everyone spoke of it especially when it became known that luscinda was missing from her father's house and from the city for she was not to be found anywhere to the distraction of her parents who knew not what steps to take to recover her what i learned Joplin James +201-127786-0073.wav revived my hopes and i was better pleased not to have found don fernando than to find him married for it seemed to me that the door was not yet entirely shut upon relief in my case and i thought that perhaps heaven had put this impediment in the way of the second marriage Joplin James +201-127786-0074.wav to lead him to recognise his obligations under the former one and reflect that as a christian he was bound to consider his soul above all human objects all this passed through my mind and i strove to comfort myself without comfort Joplin James +201-127786-0075.wav indulging in faint and distant hopes of cherishing that life that i now abhor but while i was in the city uncertain what to do as i could not find don fernando i heard notice given by the public crier offering a great reward to anyone who should find me Joplin James +201-127786-0076.wav and giving the particulars of my age and of the very dress i wore and i heard it said that the lad who came with me had taken me away from my father's house a thing that cut me to the heart showing how low my good name had fallen since it was not enough that i should lose it by my flight Joplin James +201-127786-0077.wav but they must add with whom i had fled and that one so much beneath me and so unworthy of my consideration the instant i heard the notice i quitted the city with my servant who now began to show signs of wavering in his fidelity to me and the same night for fear of discovery Joplin James +201-127786-0078.wav he laid aside the entreaties which he had employed at first and began to use violence but just heaven that seldom fails to watch over and aid good intentions so aided mine that with my slight strength and with little exertion Joplin James +201-127786-0079.wav i pushed him over a precipice where i left him whether dead or alive i know not and then with greater speed than seemed possible in my terror and fatigue i made my way into the mountains without any other thought or purpose save that of hiding myself among them and escaping my father Joplin James +201-127786-0080.wav and those despatched in search of me by his orders it is now i know not how many months since with this object i came here where i met a herdsman who engaged me as his servant at a place in the heart of this sierra Joplin James +201-127786-0081.wav but all my care and pains were unavailing for my master made the discovery that i was not a man and harboured the same base designs as my servant Joplin James +201-122255-0000.wav then up got little john and taking the bag of gold which he thrust into his bosom Joplin James +201-122255-0001.wav and on the other as well little john knew to the merry blue boar inn here little john suddenly ceased whistling and stopped in the middle of the path first he looked up and then he looked down and then tilting his cap over one eye he slowly scratched the back part of his head for thus it was Joplin James +201-122255-0002.wav at the sight of these two roads two voices began to alarum within him the one crying there lies the road to the blue boar inn a can of brown october and a merry night with sweet companions such as thou mayst find there the other Joplin James +201-122255-0003.wav looking up into the blue sky across which bright clouds were sailing like silver boats and swallows skimming in circling flight quoth he Joplin James +201-122255-0004.wav for i know my good master would not have me wet to the skin so without more ado off he strode down the path that lay the way of his likings now there was no sign of any foul weather but Joplin James +201-122255-0005.wav fresh cans of ale were brought and with jest and song and merry tales the hours slipped away on fleeting wings none thought of time or tide till the night was so far gone that little john put by the thought of setting forth upon his journey again that night and so Joplin James +201-122255-0006.wav bided at the blue boar inn until the morrow now it was an ill piece of luck for little john that he left his duty for his pleasure and he paid a great score for it as we are all apt to do in the same case as you shall see Joplin James +201-122255-0007.wav and taking his stout pikestaff in his hand he set forth upon his journey once more as though he would make up for lost time in the good town of blyth there lived a stout tanner celebrated far and near for feats of strength and many tough bouts at wrestling and the quarterstaff Joplin James +201-122255-0008.wav besides all this he dearly loved the longbow Joplin James +201-122255-0009.wav so that the king's rangers kept a shrewd eye upon him and his doings for arthur a bland's house was apt to have aplenty of meat in it that was more like venison than the law allowed now arthur had been to nottingham town the day before little john set forth on his errand Joplin James +201-122255-0010.wav there to sell a halfscore of tanned cowhides at the dawn of the same day that little john left the inn he started from nottingham homeward for blyth his way led all in the dewy morn past the verge of sherwood forest where the birds were welcoming the lovely day with a great and merry jubilee Joplin James +201-122255-0011.wav across the tanner's shoulders was slung his stout quarterstaff ever near enough to him to be gripped quickly and on his head was a cap of doubled cowhide so tough that it could hardly be cloven even by a broadsword now quoth arthur a bland to himself Joplin James +201-122255-0012.wav mayhap i may chance to catch a sight of the dainty brown darlings thus early in the morn for there was nothing he loved better than to look upon a tripping herd of deer Joplin James +201-122255-0013.wav accordingly quitting the path he went peeping this way and that through the underbrush spying now here and now there with all the wiles of a master of woodcraft and of one who had more than once donned a doublet of lincoln green Joplin James +201-122255-0014.wav that springing from the dewy grass hung aloft on quivering wings in the yellow sunlight pouring forth its song that fell like a falling star from the sky his luck led him away from the highway not far from the spot where arthur a bland was peeping this way and that through the leaves of the thickets Joplin James +201-122255-0015.wav hearing a rustling of the branches little john stopped and presently caught sight of the brown cowhide cap of the tanner moving among the bushes i do much wonder Joplin James +201-122255-0016.wav quoth little john to himself what yon knave is after that he should go thus peeping and peering about i verily believe that yon scurvy varlet is no better than a thief and cometh here after our own and the good king's dun deer for Joplin James +201-122255-0017.wav by much roving in the forest little john had come to look upon all the deer in sherwood as belonging to robin hood and his band as much as to good king harry nay Joplin James +201-122255-0018.wav little john trod upon a stick which snapped under his foot whereupon hearing the noise the tanner turned quickly and caught sight of the yeoman seeing that the tanner had spied him out little john put a bold face upon the matter Joplin James +201-122255-0019.wav but an honest craftsman as for my countenance it is what it is and for the matter of that thine own is none too pretty thou saucy fellow ha quoth little john in a great loud voice wouldst thou give me backtalk Joplin James +201-122255-0020.wav i and my friends do take good care of our good sovereign's deer i care not who thou art answered the bold tanner and unless thou hast many more of thy kind by thee thou canst never make arthur a bland cry a mercy Joplin James +201-122255-0021.wav for i will give thee such a drubbing as ne'er hast thou had in all thy life before take thy staff in thy hand fellow for i will not smite an unarmed man Joplin James +201-122255-0022.wav for he too had talked himself into a fume big words ne'er killed so much as a mouse who art thou that talkest so freely of cracking the head of arthur a bland if i do not tan thy hide this day as ne'er i tanned a calf's hide in all my life before Joplin James +201-122255-0023.wav nay i pass not for length answered the tanner my staff is long enough to knock down a calf so look to thyself fellow i say again so without more ado each gripped his staff in the middle and with fell and angry looks they came slowly together Joplin James +201-122255-0024.wav now news had been brought to robin hood how that little john instead of doing his bidding had passed by duty for pleasure and so had stopped overnight with merry company at the blue boar inn instead of going straight to ancaster Joplin James +201-122255-0025.wav so being vexed to his heart by this he set forth at dawn of day to seek little john at the blue boar or at least to meet the yeoman on the way and ease his heart of what he thought of the matter Joplin James +201-122255-0026.wav as thus he strode along in anger putting together the words he would use to chide little john he heard of a sudden loud and angry voices Joplin James +201-122255-0027.wav at this robin hood stopped and listened surely quoth he to himself that is little john's voice and he is talking in anger also methinks the other is strange to my ears Joplin James +201-122255-0028.wav now heaven forfend that my good trusty little john should have fallen into the hands of the king's rangers i must see to this matter and that quickly thus spoke robin hood to himself all his anger passing away like a breath from the windowpane Joplin James +201-122255-0029.wav at the thought that perhaps his trusty right hand man was in some danger of his life so cautiously Joplin James +201-122255-0030.wav ha quoth robin to himself here is merry sport afoot now i would give three golden angels from my own pocket if yon stout fellow would give little john a right sound drubbing it would please me to see him well thumped for having failed in my bidding Joplin James +201-122255-0031.wav i fear me though there is but poor chance of my seeing such a pleasant sight so saying he stretched himself at length upon the ground that he might not only see the sport the better but that he might enjoy the merry sight at his ease Joplin James +201-122255-0032.wav each watching for a chance to take the other unaware and so get in the first blow at last little john struck like a flash and rap the tanner met the blow and turned it aside and then smote back at little john who also turned the blow and so this mighty battle began Joplin James +201-122255-0033.wav never had i thought to see little john so evenly matched in all my life belike though Joplin James +201-122255-0034.wav his cudgel flying from his hand as he fell then raising his staff stout arthur dealt him another blow upon the ribs hold roared little john Joplin James +201-122255-0035.wav hast thou had enough asked the tanner grimly holding his staff aloft ay marry and more than enough and thou dost own that i am the better man of the two yea truly and a murrain seize thee Joplin James +201-122255-0036.wav said little john sitting up and feeling his ribs where the tanner had cudgeled him i make my vow my ribs feel as though every one of them were broken in twain Joplin James +201-122255-0037.wav i did think there was never a man in all nottinghamshire could do to me what thou hast done this day and so thought i also cried robin hood bursting out of the thicket and shouting with laughter till the tears ran down his cheeks Joplin James +201-122255-0038.wav hand and foot to any man in all merry england i was seeking thee to chide thee for leaving my bidding undone but thou hast been paid all i owed thee Joplin James +201-122255-0039.wav marry a did reach out his arm full length while thou stood gaping at him and with a pretty rap tumbled thee over as never have i seen one tumbled before so spoke bold robin Joplin James +201-122255-0040.wav and now what may be thy name ha arthur a bland quoth robin i have heard thy name before good fellow thou didst break the crown of a friend of mine at the fair at ely last october the folk there call him jock o nottingham we call him will scathelock Joplin James +201-122255-0041.wav this poor fellow whom thou hast so belabored is counted the best hand at the quarterstaff in all merry england his name is little john and mine robin hood Joplin James +201-122255-0042.wav nay quoth little john testily at the same time rising carefully as though his bones had been made of glass i can help myself good fellow without thy aid and let me tell thee had it not been for that vile cowskin cap of thine Joplin James +201-122255-0043.wav i will follow thee to the ends of the earth good master and not a herd of dun deer in all the forest but shall know the sound of the twang of my bowstring as for thee little john said robin turning to him and laughing Joplin James +201-122255-0044.wav there are other inns that thou knowest yet hereabouts Joplin James +1081-125237-0000.wav before the sittings of the great assembly had come to an end a young statesman destined to play the leading part in the government of the dutch republic during two decades had already made his mark Fracture +1081-125237-0001.wav his readiness and persuasiveness of speech his industry and his gifts at once of swift insight and orderly thoroughness Fracture +1081-125237-0002.wav but the old sores remained open moreover the refusal of the states general to receive the parliamentary envoys the murder of doreslaer and the protection afforded to royalist refugees had been additional causes of resentment Fracture +1081-125237-0003.wav but the english council had not felt strong enough to take action the death of the prince of orange Fracture +1081-125237-0004.wav appeared at first to open out a prospect of friendlier relations between the two neighbouring republics in january sixteen fifty one the great assembly formally recognised the commonwealth Fracture +1081-125237-0005.wav and determined to send back to his old post in london the veteran ambassador joachimi who had been recalled the english government on their part anticipated his return by despatching in march oliver saint john and walter strickland Fracture +1081-125237-0006.wav and saint john and strickland greeted with loud cries of regicides and many abusive epithets remembering the fate of doreslaer were in fear of their lives Fracture +1081-125237-0007.wav on april fourth a conference was opened between the envoys and six commissioners appointed by the states to consider the proposals of the english government for a more strict and intimate alliance and union between the two states the dutch quickly perceived Fracture +1081-125237-0008.wav that what the english really wanted was nothing less than such a binding alliance or rather coalition as would practically merge the lesser state in the greater but the very idea of such a loss of the independence that they had only just won was to the netherlanders unthinkable Fracture +1081-125237-0009.wav the negotiations came to a deadlock Fracture +1081-125237-0010.wav foremost amongst them prince edward son of the queen of bohemia the parliament threatened to recall the envoys but consented that they should remain on the undertaking of the estates of holland to protect them from further attacks and to punish the offenders Fracture +1081-125237-0011.wav new proposals were accordingly made for an offensive and defensive alliance without any suggestion of a union coupled with the condition that both states should bind themselves not to allow the presence within their boundaries of avowed enemies of the other in other words Fracture +1081-125237-0012.wav the expulsion of the members and adherents of the house of stewart including the princess royal and the queen of bohemia with their children Fracture +1081-125237-0013.wav even the estates of holland dared not consider such terms and the states general would have angrily rejected them after some further parleying therefore about fisheries and trade restrictions it was felt that no agreement could be reached Fracture +1081-125237-0014.wav and saint john and strickland returned to england on july thirty first sixteen fifty one their failure created a very bad impression upon the parliament all the old complaints against the dutch were revived and Fracture +1081-125237-0015.wav as they had refused the offer of friendship that had been made to them it was resolved that strong measures should be taken to obtain redress for past grievances and for the protection of english trade interests at the instance of saint john Fracture +1081-125237-0016.wav the famous navigation act was passed by the parliament october ninth sixteen fifty one this act struck a mortal blow at the dutch carrying trade by forbidding the importation of foreign goods into english ports except in english bottoms or in those of the countries which had produced the goods Fracture +1081-125237-0017.wav scarcely less injurious was the prohibition to aliens to fish in british waters and the withdrawal of the rights based on the magnus intercursus for the maintenance of which dutch statesmen had so long and strenuously fought Fracture +1081-125237-0018.wav there was consternation in holland and the states general determined to send a special embassy to london Fracture +1081-125237-0019.wav a man in whose ripe judgment they had confidence to the office of council pensionary Fracture +1081-125237-0020.wav who having been given letters of marque to prey upon french commerce Fracture +1081-125237-0021.wav the english government however met the dutch complaints by raking up the long list of grievances that had stirred up a bitter feeling of popular hatred against the united provinces in england and by demanding reparation Fracture +1081-125237-0022.wav they further demanded that dutch commanders should acknowledge england's sovereignty by striking flag and sail and by firing a salute whenever any of their squadrons met english ships in the narrow seas it was these last two questions Fracture +1081-125237-0023.wav the right of search and the striking of the flag that were to be the real causes of the outbreak of a war that was desired by neither of the two governments but popular feeling and the course of events was too strong for them the news of the seizure of their vessels Fracture +1081-125237-0024.wav not merely by privateers but by an english squadron under ayscue in the west indies had caused intense indignation and alarm in holland and especially in amsterdam pressure was brought to bear on the states general and the admiralties Fracture +1081-125237-0025.wav who in pursuance of economy had reduced the fleet to seventy five ships it was resolved therefore on february twenty second Fracture +1081-125237-0026.wav the council of state on hearing of this began also to make ready for eventualities negotiations were still proceeding between the two countries when martin tromp the victor of the battle of the downs Fracture +1081-125237-0027.wav now lieutenant admiral of holland was sent to sea with fifty ships and instructions to protect dutch merchantmen from interference and to see that the states suffered no affront nothing was actually said about the striking of the flag Fracture +1081-125237-0028.wav it came suddenly through a misunderstanding the dutch admiral while cruising past dover met on may twenty ninth fifteen english ships under blake Fracture +1081-125237-0029.wav tromp declared that he had given orders to strike the flag but that blake again fired before there was time to carry them out be this as it may the two fleets were soon engaged in a regular fight and the english being reinforced tromp withdrew at nightfall Fracture +1081-125237-0030.wav to the french coast having lost two ships great was the anger aroused in england where the dutch were universally regarded as the aggressors in the netherlands where the peace party was strong many were disposed to blame tromp despite his protests Fracture +1081-125237-0031.wav adrian pauw himself left hastily for london john de witt being appointed to act as his deputy during his absence pauw's strenuous efforts however to maintain peace were all in vain despite the strong leanings of cromwell towards a peaceful solution Fracture +1081-125237-0032.wav but popular feeling on both sides was now aroused Fracture +1081-125237-0033.wav if humiliating terms were submitted to stiffened their attitude the result was that the envoys left london on june thirtieth sixteen fifty two and war was declared the dutch statesmen who sought to avoid hostilities were right Fracture +1081-125237-0034.wav all the advantages were on the side of their enemies the dutch merchant fleets covered the seas and the welfare of the land depended on commerce the english had little to lose commercially Fracture +1081-125237-0035.wav was superior in almost all other respects the stuarts had devoted great attention to the fleet and would have done more but for lack of means charles much abused ship money was employed by him for the creation of the first english professional navy Fracture +1081-125237-0036.wav it had been largely increased by the parliament after sixteen forty eight and its generals blake penn and ayscue had already acquired much valuable experience in their encounters with the royalist squadron under prince rupert Fracture +1081-125237-0037.wav and in long cruises to the west indies for the purpose of forcing the english colonies to acknowledge parliamentary rule the crews therefore were well trained and the ships were larger stronger and better armed than those of the dutch Fracture +1081-125237-0038.wav the position of england lying as it did athwart the routes by which the dutch merchant fleets must sail was a great advantage even more important was the advantage of having a central control Fracture +1081-125237-0039.wav whereas in the netherlands there were five distinct boards of admiralty to some extent jealous of each other and now lacking the supreme direction of an admiral general the war began by a series of english successes and of dutch misfortunes Fracture +1081-125237-0040.wav early in july sixteen fifty two blake at the head of sixty ships set sail for the north to intercept the dutch baltic commerce and to destroy their fishing fleet off the north of scotland Fracture +1081-125237-0041.wav he left ayscue with a small squadron to guard the mouth of the thames tromp meanwhile had put to sea at the head of nearly a hundred ships ayscue succeeded in intercepting a fleet of dutch merchantmen near calais Fracture +1081-125237-0042.wav all of them being captured or burnt while blake with the main force off the north coast of scotland destroyed the dutch fishing fleet and their convoy after these first blows against the enemy's commerce good fortune continued to attend the english Fracture +1081-125237-0043.wav tromp was prevented from following blake by strong northerly winds he then turned upon ayscue whose small force he must have overwhelmed but for a sudden change to a southerly gale the dutch admiral now sailed northwards and july twenty fifth Fracture +1081-125237-0044.wav found the english fleet off the shetlands a violent storm arose from the force of which blake was protected while the dutch vessels were scattered far and wide on the following day out of ninety nine ships tromp could only collect thirty five Fracture +1081-125237-0045.wav and to meet and convoy back the home coming ships Fracture +1081-125237-0046.wav ayscue had previously sailed up channel with forty men of war and five fireships for a similar purpose the two fleets met on august sixteenth and despite his inferiority of force de ruyter forced ayscue to withdraw into plymouth and was able to bring his convoy home to safety Fracture +1081-125237-0047.wav the ill success of tromp though he was in no way to blame for it caused considerable alarm and discontent in holland his enemies of the states party in that province took advantage of it to suspend the gallant old seaman from his command he was an orangist Fracture +1081-125237-0048.wav and as the orange partisans were everywhere clamorously active the admiral was suspect in his place cornelisz witte de with was appointed a capable sailor but disliked in the fleet as much as tromp was beloved de with effected a junction with de ruyter Fracture +1081-125237-0049.wav and with joint forces they attacked blake on october eighth near the shoal known as the kentish knock the english fleet was considerably more powerful than the dutch and the desertion of de with by some twenty ships decided the issue the dutch had to return home with some loss Fracture +1081-125237-0050.wav but they were deceived in thinking that the struggle in the channel was over for the winter the deserters at the kentish knock were punished Fracture +1081-125237-0051.wav full of resentment though he was at the bad treatment he had received tromp was too good a patriot to refuse at the end of november the old admiral at the head of one hundred warships put to sea for the purpose of convoying some four hundred fifty merchantmen through the straits Fracture +1081-125237-0052.wav stormy weather compelled him to send the convoy with an escort into shelter but he himself with sixty ships set out to seek the english fleet which lay in the downs after some manoeuvring the two fleets met on december tenth off dungeness Fracture +1081-125237-0053.wav while many english prizes were captured this state of things was however not to last long towards the end of february sixteen fifty three blake put to sea with nearly eighty ships and on the twenty fifth off portland met tromp at the head of a force nearly equal to his own in number Fracture +1081-125237-0054.wav and he had moreover been at sea without replenishment of stores ever since the fight at dungeness while the english had come straight from port the fight Fracture +1081-125237-0055.wav had lasted for two whole days when tromp found that his powder had run out and that on the third day more than half his fleet were unable to continue the struggle but inspiring his subordinates de ruyter evertsen and floriszoon with his own indomitable courage Fracture +1081-125237-0056.wav tromp succeeded by expert seamanship in holding off the enemy and conducting his convoy with small loss into safety Fracture +1081-125237-0057.wav meanwhile both nations had been getting sick of the war the dutch were suffering terribly from the serious interference with their commerce and carrying trade and from the destruction of the important fisheries industry Fracture +1081-125237-0058.wav while the english on their side were shut out from the baltic where the king of denmark as the ally of the united provinces had closed the sound and from the mediterranean where admiral van galen Fracture +1081-125237-0059.wav destroyed a british squadron off leghorn march twenty third in both countries there was a peace party Fracture +1081-125237-0060.wav and was averse to war in the dutch republic the states party especially in holland the chief sufferer by the war was anxious for a cessation of hostilities and it found its leader in the youthful john de witt Fracture +1081-125237-0061.wav had been appointed council pensionary cromwell took pains to let the estates of holland know his favourable feelings towards them by sending over in february a private emissary Fracture +1081-125237-0062.wav thus early did the new council pensionary initiate a form of diplomacy in which he was to prove himself an adept this first effort was not a success the parliament published the letter with the title humble supplication of the states of holland Fracture +1081-125237-0063.wav he induced the states general by a bare majority four provinces to three to send a conciliatory letter the date of which april thirtieth sixteen fifty three coincided with cromwell's forcible dissolution of the rump parliament and the assumption by him Fracture +1081-125237-0064.wav with the support of the army of dictatorial powers Fracture +1081-125237-0065.wav and their insistence now on the full satisfaction of all the english demands made a continuation of hostilities inevitable tromp after successfully bringing in two large convoys of merchantmen encountered june twelfth Fracture +1081-125237-0066.wav near the gabbard the english fleet under monk and deane each fleet numbered about one hundred sail but the dutch ships were inferior in size solidity and weight of metal for two days the fight was obstinately and fiercely contested Fracture +1081-125237-0067.wav tromp was obliged to retreat having lost twenty ships he complained bitterly as did his vice admirals de ruyter and de with to the board of admiralty of the inferiority of the vessels of his fleet as compared with those of the adversary Fracture +1081-125237-0068.wav the english now instituted a blockade of the dutch coast which had the effect of reducing to desperate straits a land whose welfare and prosperity depended wholly on commerce amsterdam was ruined in these circumstances direct negotiation was perforce attempted Fracture +1081-125237-0069.wav four envoys were sent representing the three maritime provinces at first it seemed impossible that any common ground of agreement could be found cromwell was obsessed with the idea of a politico religious union between the two republics which would have meant the extinction of dutch independence Fracture +1081-125237-0070.wav una respublica which nothing but sheer conquest and dire necessity would ever induce the dutch people to accept accordingly the war went on though the envoys did not leave london hoping still that some better terms might be offered Fracture +1081-125237-0071.wav but in order to gain breathing space for the efforts of the negotiators one thing was essential the breaking of the blockade the admiralties made a supreme effort to refit and reinforce their fleet but it lay in two portions eighty five sail under tromp in the maas Fracture +1081-125237-0072.wav monk with about one hundred ships lay between them to prevent their junction on august fourth tromp sailed out and after a rearguard action off katwijk out manoeuvred the english commander and joined de with he now turned and with superior numbers attacked monk off scheveningen Fracture +1081-125237-0073.wav the old hero fell mortally wounded at the very beginning of what proved to be an unequal fight Fracture +1081-125237-0074.wav the states though much perplexed to find a successor to martin tromp were so far from being discouraged that great energy was shown in reorganising the fleet Fracture +1081-125237-0075.wav meanwhile negotiations had been slowly dragging on the accession of cromwell to supreme power in december sixteen fifty three with the title of lord protector Fracture +1081-125237-0076.wav for the new ruler of england had always professed himself an opponent of the war which had shattered his fantastic dream of a union between the two republics many conferences took place but the protector's attitude and intentions were ambiguous and difficult to divine Fracture +1081-125237-0077.wav at last cromwell formulated his proposals in twenty seven articles the demands were those of the victor and were severe all the old disputes were to be settled in favour of england an annual sum was to be paid for the right of fishing Fracture +1081-125237-0078.wav compensation to be made for the massacre of amboina and the officials responsible for it punished the number of warships in english waters was to be limited the flag had to be struck when english ships were met and the right of search to be permitted these demands Fracture +1081-125237-0079.wav article twelve stipulated that the prince of orange should not at any time hold any of the offices or dignities which had been held by his ancestors or be appointed to any military command Fracture +1081-125237-0080.wav was perfectly aware that it would be useless to present such proposals to the states general not only would they indignantly reject them but he had not the slightest hope of getting any single province even holland to allow a foreign power to interfere with their internal affairs Fracture +1081-125237-0081.wav and to bid them to treat with harsh ingratitude the infant heir of a family to which the dutch people owed so deep a debt there was nothing for it but to prepare for a vigorous resumption of the war strong efforts were therefore made at de witt's instigation Fracture +1081-125237-0082.wav to increase the fleet and secure the active co operation of denmark and france both friendly to the states but cromwell really wanted peace and showed himself ready to yield on certain minor points but he continued to insist on the exclusion of the prince of orange Fracture +1081-125237-0083.wav not till the dutch envoys had demanded their passports did the protector give way so far as to say he would be content to have the exclusion guaranteed by a secret article what followed forms one of the strangest chapters in the history of diplomacy Fracture +1081-125237-0084.wav he was able to reach the private ear of cromwell and to enter into clandestine negotiations with him the council pensionary knew well the hopelessness of any attempt to get the assent of the states general to the proposed exclusion even in a secret article Fracture +1081-125237-0085.wav of the state of public feeling on this point with the result that the protector gave the envoy to understand that he would be satisfied if the estates of holland alone would affirm a declaration that the prince should never be appointed stadholder or captain general whether this concession was offered by cromwell proprio motu Fracture +1081-125237-0086.wav in any case the council pensionary being convinced of the necessity of peace resolved to secure it by playing a very deep and dangerous game not only must the whole affair be kept absolutely from the cognisance of the states general Fracture +1081-125237-0087.wav but also de witt was fully aware that the assent of the estates of holland to the proposed exclusion article could only be obtained with the greatest difficulty he was to prove himself a very past master in the art of diplomatic chicanery and intrigue Fracture +1081-125237-0088.wav the council pensionary first set to work to have the treaty from which the exclusion article had been cut out ratified rapidly by the states general Fracture +1081-125237-0089.wav the estates adjourned for a recess on april twenty first sixteen fifty four on the following day he presented the treaty to the states general Fracture +1081-125237-0090.wav and such was his persuasive skill that he accomplished the unprecedented feat of getting this dilatory body to accept the conditions of peace almost without discussion Fracture +1081-125237-0091.wav the treaty ratified and signed was sent back to london only one article aroused opposition Fracture +1081-125237-0092.wav the so called temperament clause but cromwell had insisted upon it by this article Fracture +1081-125237-0093.wav or commander of military or naval forces Fracture +1081-125237-0094.wav addressed to the estates of holland not at the moment in session Fracture +1081-125237-0095.wav the cleverness and skill now shown by the council pensionary were truly extraordinary a summons was sent out to the estates to meet on april twenty eighth without any reason being assigned the members on assembly were sworn to secrecy Fracture +1081-125237-0096.wav and then the official letter from london was read to them Fracture +1081-125237-0097.wav to the act of exclusion came upon the estates like a thunder bolt the sudden demand caused something like consternation and the members asked to be allowed to consider the matter with their principals before taking so momentous a decision three days were granted Fracture +1081-125237-0098.wav but as it was essential to prevent publicity it was settled that only the burgomasters should be consulted again under oath of secrecy at the meeting on may first Fracture +1081-125237-0099.wav that the act should be placed in his hands within two days after the ratification of the treaty was peremptory and threatening unless he received the act he would consider the treaty as not binding upon him using all his powers of advocacy Fracture +1081-125237-0100.wav de witt succeeded after an angry debate in securing a majority for the act five towns however obstinately refused their assent and claimed that it could not be passed without it but de witt had made up his mind to risk illegality Fracture +1081-125237-0101.wav and overruled their protest the act was declared to have been passed and was on may fifth sent to van beverningh and nieuwpoort with instructions not to deliver it until circumstances compelled them to do so Fracture +1081-125237-0102.wav but for some five weeks the existence of the act was unknown to the states general and during that period Fracture +1081-125237-0103.wav early in june a bribe induced one of de witt's clerks to betray the secret to count william frederick the news soon spread and loud was the outcry of the orange partisans and of the two princesses who at once addressed a remonstrance to the states general Fracture +1081-125237-0104.wav all the other provinces strongly protested against the action of the estates of holland and of the council pensionary de witt attempted to defend himself and the estates by vague statements avoiding the main issue but insisting that nothing illegal had been done his efforts were in vain Fracture +1081-125237-0105.wav all the secret instructions they had received from holland and the act of exclusion meanwhile the estates of holland themselves frightened at the clamour which had been aroused began to show signs of defection Fracture +1081-125237-0106.wav they went so far as to pass a vote of thanks to the envoys for not having delivered the act to cromwell de witt's position appeared hopeless Fracture +1081-125237-0107.wav his efforts to prevent the resolution of the states general from taking immediate effect proving unavailing he put forward the suggestion that on account of its importance the despatch should be sent to the envoys in cipher Fracture +1081-125237-0108.wav this was agreed to and on june seventh the document was duly forwarded to london by the council pensionary Fracture +1081-125237-0109.wav informing them that the estates of holland assented to the request made by the states general and that they were to send back the secret correspondence and also the act if it were still undelivered the result answered to his expectations Fracture +1081-125237-0110.wav while the clerk was laboriously deciphering the despatch the envoys read between the lines of de witt's letter and without a moment's delay went to whitehall and placed the act in cromwell's hands the states general had thus no alternative between acceptance of the fait accompli Fracture +1081-125237-0111.wav and the risk of a renewal of the war no further action was taken and the protector professed himself satisfied with a guarantee of such doubtful validity it is impossible to withhold admiration from de witt's marvellous diplomatic dexterity Fracture +1081-125237-0112.wav and from the skill and courage with which he achieved his end in the face of obstacles and difficulties that seemed insurmountable but for the course of double dealing and chicanery by which he triumphed the only defence that can be offered is that the council pensionary Fracture +1081-125237-0113.wav really believed that peace was an absolute necessity for his country and that peace could only be maintained at the cost of the act of exclusion Fracture +1081-125237-0114.wav there is however every reason to believe that de witt was prompted to take the risks he did by purely patriotic motives and not through spite against the house of orange Fracture +1081-125237-0115.wav not merely by the orange partisans but by popular opinion generally in the united provinces Fracture +1081-128618-0000.wav clean the fish dip in flour then in beaten egg then in crumbs and fry in plenty of fat drain and garnish with lemon and parsley Fracture +1081-128618-0001.wav season with salt and pepper dip in egg and corn meal and fry in deep fat Fracture +1081-128618-0002.wav strain the liquid thicken with butter and flour season to taste pour over the fish and serve boiled perch with oyster sauce prepare and clean the fish and simmer until done in salted and acidulated water Fracture +1081-128618-0003.wav drain and serve with oyster sauce perch a l'allemande put two large cleaned perch into a saucepan with two chopped carrots a sprig of parsley a celery root a sliced onion and a pinch of salt Fracture +1081-128618-0004.wav cover with white wine and simmer for twenty minutes drain and keep warm take out the onion parsley and celery root add half a cupful of chopped mushrooms and cook for five minutes Fracture +1081-128618-0005.wav cook with a tablespoonful each of butter and flour thickened together take from the fire add a tablespoonful of butter and the juice of two lemons pour over the fish and serve Fracture +1081-128618-0006.wav to which has been added chopped cooked carrots and mushrooms and a tablespoonful of minced parsley add also to the sauce a tablespoonful of butter and grated nutmeg Fracture +1081-128618-0007.wav and put into a stewpan with a chopped onion a bunch of parsley a pinch of salt and enough white wine to cover simmer for fifteen minutes Fracture +1081-128618-0008.wav put into a saucepan one tablespoonful of malt vinegar one tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar a teaspoonful of minced parsley a small chopped onion a bay leaf and four pepper corns Fracture +1081-128618-0009.wav boil for ten minutes strain and cool cook together four tablespoonfuls of butter and two of flour when brown add a pint of beef stock and cook until thick stirring constantly take from the fire Fracture +1081-128618-0010.wav add the strained vinegar the beaten yolks of six eggs and two tablespoonfuls of grated horseradish bring to the boil pour over the fish and serve perch a la stanley Fracture +1081-128618-0011.wav take from the fire add the yolks of four eggs beaten with the juice of a lemon and three tablespoonfuls of butter bring to the boil add a dozen parboiled oysters pour over the fish and serve baked perch Fracture +1081-128618-0012.wav prepare and clean the fish stuff with seasoned crumbs Fracture +1081-128618-0013.wav bake with a little white wine and melted butter perch salad Fracture +2136-5147-0000.wav lady knollys pursued her enquiries and why does not madame make your dresses my dear i wager a guinea the woman's a milliner did not she engage to make your dresses i Great Plains +2136-5147-0001.wav she is my governess a finishing governess missus rusk says finishing fiddle hoity toity and my lady's too grand to cut out your dresses and help to sew them and what does she do Great Plains +2136-5147-0002.wav but she is ill i answered and all this time i was ready to cry for vexation thinking of my dress which must be very absurd to elicit so much unaffected laughter from my experienced relative Great Plains +2136-5147-0003.wav is she up or in bed in her room but not in bed i should so like to see her my dear it is not mere curiosity i assure you in fact curiosity has nothing on earth to do with it Great Plains +2136-5147-0004.wav but she may also be about the most pernicious inmate imaginable she may teach you a bad accent Great Plains +2136-5147-0005.wav and heaven knows what beside send the housekeeper my dear to tell her that i am going to see her i had better go myself perhaps i said fearing a collision between missus rusk and the bitter frenchwoman very well dear Great Plains +2136-5147-0006.wav not sorry somehow to escape before captain oakley returned as i went along the passage i was thinking whether my dress could be so very ridiculous as my old cousin thought it and trying in vain Great Plains +2136-5147-0007.wav to recollect any evidence of a similar contemptuous estimate on the part of that beautiful and garrulous dandy i could not quite the reverse indeed still i was uncomfortable and feverish Great Plains +2136-5147-0008.wav girls of my then age will easily conceive how miserable under similar circumstances such a misgiving would make them it was a long way to madame's room i met missus rusk bustling along the passage with a housemaid Great Plains +2136-5147-0009.wav how is madame i asked quite well i believe answered the housekeeper drily nothing the matter that i know of she eat enough for two to day Great Plains +2136-5147-0010.wav i try to swallow a little to please her and your cold is it better she shook her head languidly her elbow resting on the chair and three finger tips supporting her forehead and then she made a little sigh Great Plains +2136-5147-0011.wav looking down from the corners of her eyes in an interesting dejection Great Plains +2136-5147-0012.wav but i am quaite appy Great Plains +2136-5147-0013.wav and with these words she turned a languid glance of gratitude on me which dropped on the ground lady knollys wishes very much to see you only for a few minutes if you could admit her Great Plains +2136-5147-0014.wav vous savez les malades see never visitors she replied with a startled sort of tartness and a momentary energy besides i cannot converse Great Plains +2136-5147-0015.wav of head and of the ear the right ear it is parfois agony absolutely and now it is here and she winced and moaned with her eyes closed and her hand pressed to the organ affected Great Plains +2136-5147-0016.wav simple as i was i felt instinctively that madame was shamming she was over acting her transitions were too violent and beside she forgot that i knew how well she could speak english and must perceive that she was heightening the interest of her helplessness Great Plains +2136-5147-0017.wav by that pretty tessellation of foreign idiom i there fore said with a kind of courage which sometimes helped me suddenly oh madame don't you really think you might without much inconvenience see lady knollys for a very few minutes Great Plains +2136-5147-0018.wav but it is impossible you must see quite impossible i never you know refuse to take trouble when i am able never never and madame shed some tears which always came at call Great Plains +2136-5147-0019.wav and with her hand pressed to her ear said very faintly be so good to tell your friend how you see me and how i suffer Great Plains +2136-5147-0020.wav since the pain will not allow me to remain longer so with a few words of comfort which could not well be refused Great Plains +2136-5147-0021.wav i returned to the drawing room Great Plains +2136-5147-0022.wav has gone to the billiard room i think Great Plains +2136-5147-0023.wav that then accounted for the rumble and smack of balls which i had heard as i passed the door i have been telling maud how detestably she is got up very thoughtful of you monica said my father Great Plains +2136-5147-0024.wav yes and really austin it is quite clear you ought to marry you want some one to take this girl out and look after her and who's to do it Great Plains +2136-5147-0025.wav and it is really such a pity for she's a very pretty creature and a clever woman could make her quite charming Great Plains +2136-5147-0026.wav eight and twenty years ago or more with a hundred and twenty thousand pounds well you know she has got ever so much now Great Plains +2136-5147-0027.wav and though you would not have her then she has had her second husband since i can tell you i'm glad i was not the first said my father well they really say her wealth is absolutely immense her last husband Great Plains +2136-5147-0028.wav the russian merchant left her everything she has not a human relation and she is in the best set you were always a match maker monica said my father stopping and putting his hand kindly on hers Great Plains +2136-5147-0029.wav but it won't do no no monica we must take care of little maud some other way i was relieved we women have all an instinctive dread of second marriages Great Plains +2136-5147-0030.wav and think that no widower is quite above or below that danger and i remember whenever my father which indeed was but seldom made a visit to town or anywhere else it was a saying of missus rusk Great Plains +2136-5147-0031.wav i shan't wonder neither need you my dear if he brings home a young wife with him so my father with a kind look at her and a very tender one on me went silently to the library as he often did about that hour Great Plains +2136-5147-0032.wav i suppose they did not wish a revolution and all its consequences at knowl and thought it no harm to excite my vigilance but it was impossible long to be vexed with cousin monica Great Plains +2136-5147-0033.wav you know my dear your father is an oddity she said i don't mind him i never did you must not cracky my dear cracky decidedly cracky and she tapped the corner of her forehead with a look so sly and comical Great Plains +2136-5147-0034.wav that i think i should have laughed if the sentiment had not been so awfully irreverent well dear how is our friend the milliner madame is suffering so much from pain in her ear that she says it would be quite impossible to have the honour honour fiddle Great Plains +2136-5147-0035.wav pain in her ear you say poor thing well dear i think i can cure that in five minutes i have it myself now and then come to my room and we'll get the bottles so she lighted her candle in the lobby and with a light and agile step Great Plains +2136-5147-0036.wav she scaled the stairs i following and having found the remedies we approached madame's room together i think while we were still at the end of the gallery madame heard and divined our approach for her door suddenly shut Great Plains +2136-5147-0037.wav and there was a fumbling at the handle but the bolt was out of order Great Plains +2136-5147-0038.wav there was no answer so she opened the door and we both entered madame had rolled herself in the blue coverlet and was lying on the bed with her face buried in the pillow and enveloped in the covering perhaps she's asleep said lady knollys Great Plains +2136-5147-0039.wav getting round to the side of the bed and stooping over her madame lay still as a mouse cousin monica set down her two little vials on the table and stooping again over the bed began very gently with her fingers to lift the coverlet that covered her face Great Plains +2136-5147-0040.wav madame uttered a slumbering moan and turned more upon her face clasping the coverlet faster about her madame it is maud and lady knollys we have come to relieve your ear pray let me see it Great Plains +2136-5143-0000.wav chapter six a walk in the wood two little pieces of by play in which i detected her confirmed my unpleasant suspicion from the corner of the gallery i one day saw her when she thought i was out and all quiet Great Plains +2136-5143-0001.wav with her ear at the keyhole of papa's study Great Plains +2136-5143-0002.wav her eyes were turned in the direction of the stairs from which only she apprehended surprise her great mouth was open and her eyes absolutely goggled with eagerness she was devouring all that was passing there Great Plains +2136-5143-0003.wav indignation however quickly returned and i came back treading briskly as i did so when i reached the angle of the gallery again madame i suppose had heard me for she was half way down the stairs Great Plains +2136-5143-0004.wav i am so glad to find you and you are dress to come out we shall have so pleasant walk at that moment the door of my father's study opened and missus rusk with her dark energetic face very much flushed stepped out in high excitement Great Plains +2136-5143-0005.wav the master says you may have the brandy bottle madame and i'm glad to be rid of it i am madame courtesied with a great smirk that was full of intangible hate and insult better your own brandy if drink you must exclaimed missus rusk Great Plains +2136-5143-0006.wav you may come to the store room now or the butler can take it and off whisked missus rusk for the back staircase there had been no common skirmish on this occasion but a pitched battle madame had made a sort of pet of anne wixted an underchambermaid Great Plains +2136-5143-0007.wav with a brandy bottle under her apron stealing up stairs Great Plains +2136-5143-0008.wav madame had commissioned her to buy it in the town and convey it to her bed room upon this missus rusk impounded the flask and with anne beside her rather precipitately appeared before the master he heard and summoned madame Great Plains +2136-5143-0009.wav madame was cool frank and fluent the brandy was purely medicinal she produced a document in the form of a note doctor somebody presented his compliments to madame de la rougierre and ordered her a table spoonful of brandy Great Plains +2136-5143-0010.wav and some drops of laudanum whenever the pain of stomach returned Great Plains +2136-5143-0011.wav she claimed her medicine man's estimate of woman is higher than woman's own perhaps in their relations to men they are generally more trustworthy perhaps woman's is the juster and the other an appointed illusion Great Plains +2136-5143-0012.wav i don't know but so it is ordained missus rusk was recalled and i saw as you are aware madame's procedure during the interview it was a great battle a great victory madame was in high spirits Great Plains +2136-5143-0013.wav the air was sweet the landscape charming i so good everything so beautiful where should we go this way i had made a resolution to speak as little as possible to madame i was so incensed at the treachery i had witnessed Great Plains +2136-5143-0014.wav but such resolutions do not last long with very young people and by the time we had reached the skirts of the wood we were talking pretty much as usual i don't wish to go into the wood madame and for what poor mamma is buried there Great Plains +2136-5143-0015.wav is there the vault demanded madame eagerly i assented my faith curious reason you say because poor mamma is buried there you will not approach Great Plains +2136-5143-0016.wav how solemn murmured madame what noble tomb Great Plains +2136-5143-0017.wav as i approached i happened to look i can't tell why suddenly over my shoulder i was startled for madame was grimacing after me with a vile derisive distortion she pretended to be seized with a fit of coughing Great Plains +2136-5143-0018.wav but it would not do she saw that i had detected her and she laughed aloud Great Plains +2136-5143-0019.wav do you think your house of knowl down there is what you call haunt my dear why said i flushing and growing pale again i felt quite afraid of madame and confounded at the suddenness of all this because anne wixted Great Plains +2136-5143-0020.wav she says there is ghost how dark is this place and so many of the ruthyn family they are buried here is not so how high and thick are the trees all round and nobody comes near Great Plains +2136-5143-0021.wav and madame rolled her eyes awfully as if she expected to see something unearthly and indeed looked very like it herself come away madame i said growing frightened and feeling that if i were once by any accident Great Plains +2136-5143-0022.wav to give way to the panic that was gathering round me i should instantaneously lose all control of myself oh come away do madame i'm frightened no on the contrary sit here by me Great Plains +2136-5143-0023.wav un gout bizarre vraiment but i love very much to be near to the dead people Great Plains +2136-5143-0024.wav do madame pray speak of something else wat little fool but no you are not afraid i av seen the ghosts myself i saw one for example last night shape like a monkey sitting in the corner Great Plains +2136-5143-0025.wav with his arms round his knees very wicked old old man his face was like and white eyes so large come away madame you are trying to frighten me i said in the childish anger which accompanies fear madame laughed an ugly laugh and said Great Plains +2136-5143-0026.wav wat good man is your father very the kindest darling i don't know why it is madame i am so afraid of him and never could tell him how much i love him this confidential talking with madame strange to say Great Plains +2136-5143-0027.wav doctor bryerly i think they call him yes a doctor bryerly who remained a few days shall we begin to walk towards home madame do pray Great Plains +2136-5143-0028.wav oh no ma foi i have heard nothing but if the doctor came it was not because he was quite well but that doctor is a doctor in theology i fancy i know he is a swedenborgian and papa is so well he could not have come as a physician Great Plains +2136-5143-0029.wav but still you know your father is old man Great Plains +2136-5143-0030.wav oh yes he is old man Great Plains +2136-5143-0031.wav as he made his will my dear every man so rich as he especially so old Great Plains +2136-5143-0032.wav there is no need of haste madame it is quite time enough when his health begins to fail Great Plains +2136-5143-0033.wav but you are not such fool as you feign yourself no no you know everything come tell me all about it is for your advantage you know what is in his will and when he wrote but madame i really know nothing of it Great Plains +2136-5143-0034.wav i can't say whether there is a will or not let us talk of something else Great Plains +2136-5143-0035.wav he will not come to lie here a day sooner by cause of that Great Plains +2136-5143-0036.wav would not that be pity i really don't know anything of his will Great Plains +2136-5143-0037.wav he has never spoken of it to me i know he loves me that is enough Great Plains +2136-5143-0038.wav you do know everything of course Great Plains +2136-5143-0039.wav otherwise i will break your little finger tell me everything i know nothing of papa's will you don't know madame how you hurt me let us speak of something else you do know and you must tell petite dure tete Great Plains +2136-5143-0040.wav with which words she seized that joint and laughing spitefully she twisted it suddenly back i screamed while she continued to laugh will you tell yes yes let me go i shrieked she did not release it immediately however Great Plains +2136-5143-0041.wav but continued her torture and discordant laughter at last she finally released my finger Great Plains +2136-5143-0042.wav what do you cry for little fool you've hurt me very much Great Plains +2136-5143-0043.wav what cross girl i will never play with you again never let us go home madame was silent and morose all the way home she would not answer my questions and affected to be very lofty and offended Great Plains +2136-5143-0044.wav this did not last very long however and she soon resumed her wonted ways and she returned to the question of the will but not so directly and with more art Great Plains +2136-5140-0000.wav as already detailed that i was one night sitting at the great drawing room window lost in the melancholy reveries of night and in admiration of the moonlighted scene i was the only occupant of the room Great Plains +2136-5140-0001.wav hardly reached to the window at which i sat the shorn grass sloped gently downward from the windows till it met the broad level on which stood in clumps or solitarily scattered some of the noblest timber in england Great Plains +2136-5140-0002.wav hoar in the moonbeams stood those graceful trees casting their moveless shadows upon the grass and in the background crowning the undulations of the distance in masses were piled those woods among which lay the solitary tomb Great Plains +2136-5140-0003.wav to me funereal but glorious woods which formed the background of the picture my thoughts recurred to my father's mysterious intimations and the image of the approaching visitor and the thought of the unknown journey saddened me Great Plains +2136-5140-0004.wav in all that concerned his religion from very early association there was to me something of the unearthly and spectral when my dear mamma died i was not nine years old and i remember two days before the funeral Great Plains +2136-5140-0005.wav there came to knowl where she died a thin little man with large black eyes and a very grave dark face he was shut up a good deal with my dear father who was in deep affliction and missus rusk used to say Great Plains +2136-5140-0006.wav and good mister clay ready at call in the village much good that little black whipper snapper will do him with that little black man on the day after the funeral i was sent out for some reason for a walk my governess was ill i know Great Plains +2136-5140-0007.wav and there was confusion in the house and i dare say the maids made as much of a holiday as they could i remember feeling a sort of awe of this little dark man but i was not afraid of him for he was gentle though sad and seemed kind Great Plains +2136-5140-0008.wav he led me into the garden the dutch garden we used to call it with a balustrade and statues at the farther front laid out in a carpet pattern of brilliantly coloured flowers we came down the broad flight of caen stone steps into this Great Plains +2136-5140-0009.wav and we walked in silence to the balustrade the base was too high at the spot where we reached it for me to see over but holding my hand he said Great Plains +2136-5140-0010.wav well you can't but i can see beyond it shall i tell you what i see ever so much i see a cottage with a steep roof that looks like gold in the sunlight Great Plains +2136-5140-0011.wav growing by the walls and windows and two little children are playing among the stems of the trees and we are on our way there and in a few minutes shall be under those trees ourselves and talking to those little children Great Plains +2136-5140-0012.wav yet now to me it is but a picture in my brain and to you but a story told by me which you believe come dear let us be going so we descended the steps at the right Great Plains +2136-5140-0013.wav and there we stood in rich sunlight among the many objects he had described is this your house my little men he asked of the children pretty little rosy boys who assented and he leaned with his open hand against the stem of one of the trees Great Plains +2136-5140-0014.wav the same on which i was now looking in the distance every now and then he made me sit down to rest Great Plains +2136-5140-0015.wav would relate some little story reflecting even to my childish mind a strange suspicion of a spiritual meaning Great Plains +2136-5140-0016.wav and somehow startling in its very vagueness thus entertained though a little awfully i accompanied the dark mysterious little whipper snapper through the woodland glades Great Plains +2136-5140-0017.wav we came to me quite unexpectedly in the deep sylvan shadows upon the grey pillared temple four fronted with a slanting pedestal of lichen stained steps Great Plains +2136-5140-0018.wav the lonely sepulchre in which i had the morning before seen poor mamma laid at the sight the fountains of my grief reopened and i cried bitterly repeating oh mamma mamma little mamma Great Plains +2136-5140-0019.wav and so went on weeping and calling wildly on the deaf and the silent there was a stone bench some ten steps away from the tomb sit down beside me my child said the grave man with the black eyes very kindly and gently Great Plains +2136-5140-0020.wav now what do you see there he asked pointing horizontally with his stick towards the centre of the opposite structure oh that that place where poor mamma is Great Plains +2136-5140-0021.wav yes a stone wall with pillars too high for either you or me to see over but here he mentioned a name which i think must have been swedenborg Great Plains +2136-5140-0022.wav i only know that it sounded to me like the name of a magician in a fairy tale i fancied he lived in the wood which surrounded us and i began to grow frightened as he proceeded but swedenborg sees beyond it over and through it Great Plains +2136-5140-0023.wav and has told me all that concerns us to know he says your mamma is not there she is taken away i cried starting up and with streaming eyes gazing on the building which though i stamped my feet in my distraction Great Plains +2136-5140-0024.wav i was afraid to approach oh is mamma taken away where is she where have they brought her to i was uttering unconsciously very nearly the question with which mary Great Plains +2136-5140-0025.wav in the grey of that wondrous morning on which she stood by the empty sepulchre accosted the figure standing near your mamma is alive but too far away to see or hear us swedenborg standing here can see and hear her Great Plains +2136-5140-0026.wav and tells me all he sees just as i told you in the garden about the little boys and the cottage and the trees and flowers which you could not see Great Plains +2136-5140-0027.wav so i can tell you now as i did then and as we are both i hope walking on to the same place just as we did to the trees and cottage Great Plains +2136-5140-0028.wav how true the description is which i give you i was very frightened for i feared that when he had done his narrative Great Plains +2136-5140-0029.wav and of shadows where the dead were visible he leaned his elbow on his knee and his forehead on his hand which shaded his downcast eyes in that attitude he described to me a beautiful landscape Great Plains +2136-5140-0030.wav radiant with a wondrous light in which rejoicing my mother moved along an airy path ascending among mountains of fantastic height and peaks melting in celestial colouring into the air Great Plains +2136-5140-0031.wav he said the same words he had spoken before come dear let us go oh no no no not now i said resisting and very much frightened home i mean dear Great Plains +2136-5140-0032.wav we cannot walk to the place i have described we can only reach it through the gate of death to which we are all tending young and old with sure steps and where is the gate of death i asked in a sort of whisper as we walked together Great Plains +2136-5140-0033.wav holding his hand and looking stealthily he smiled sadly and said when sooner or later the time comes as hagar's eyes were opened in the wilderness and she beheld the fountain of water Great Plains +2136-5140-0034.wav so shall each of us see the door open before us and enter in and be refreshed for a long time following this walk i was very nervous more so for the awful manner in which missus rusk received my statement Great Plains +2136-5140-0035.wav with stern lips and upturned hands and eyes and an angry expostulation i do wonder at you mary quince letting the child walk into the wood with that limb of darkness it is a mercy he did not show her the devil Great Plains +2136-5140-0036.wav or frighten her out of her senses in that lonely place of these swedenborgians indeed i know no more than i might learn from good missus rusk's very inaccurate talk two or three of them crossed in the course of my early life Great Plains +2136-5140-0037.wav but i grew after a day or two so nervous that i laid it aside it is enough for me to know that their founder either saw or fancied he saw amazing visions which so far from superseding confirmed Great Plains +2136-5140-0038.wav and interpreted the language of the bible and as dear papa accepted their ideas i am happy in thinking that they did not conflict with the supreme authority of holy writ leaning on my hand i was now looking upon that solemn wood Great Plains +2136-5140-0039.wav white and shadowy in the moonlight where for a long time after that ramble with the visionary i fancied the gate of death hidden only by a strange glamour and the dazzling land of ghosts were situate Great Plains +2136-5140-0040.wav and i suppose these earlier associations gave to my reverie about my father's coming visitor Great Plains +2843-152918-0000.wav they had undergone a remarkable change since our arrival at the butcher's shop they now wandered about fat sleek and contented and their former voracity had completely disappeared ricell +2843-152918-0001.wav as regards ourselves a day or two longer made no difference our most important article of diet the pemmican was practically left untouched as for the time being dog had completely taken its place ricell +2843-152918-0002.wav there was thus no great sign of depression to be noticed when we came back into the tent after finishing our work and had to while away the time as i went in i could descry wisting a little way off kneeling on the ground ricell +2843-152918-0003.wav and engaged in the manufacture of cutlets the dogs stood in a ring round him and looked on with interest the north east wind whistled and howled the air was thick with driving snow and wisting was not to be envied ricell +2843-152918-0004.wav to whatever age i may live in the course of the night the wind had gone back to the north and increased to a gale it was blowing and snowing so that when we came out in the morning we could not see the sledges they were half snowed under ricell +2843-152918-0005.wav the temperature was not so very low ricell +2843-152918-0006.wav we had all taken a turn outside to look at the weather and were sitting on our sleeping bags discussing the poor prospect it's the devil's own weather here at the butcher's said one it looks to me as if it would never get any better ricell +2843-152918-0007.wav this is the fifth day and it's blowing worse than ever we all agreed there's nothing so bad as lying weather bound like this continued another it takes more out of you than going from morning to night personally i was of the same opinion ricell +2843-152918-0008.wav one day may be pleasant enough but two three four ricell +2843-152918-0009.wav no it was awful shall we try it no sooner was the proposal submitted than it was accepted unanimously and with acclamation when i think of my four friends of the southern journey ricell +2843-152918-0010.wav it is the memory of that morning that comes first to my mind all the qualities that i most admire in a man were clearly shown at that juncture courage and dauntlessness without boasting or big words ricell +2843-152918-0011.wav amid joking and chaff everything was packed and then out into the blizzard it was practically impossible to keep one's eyes open the fine drift snow penetrated everywhere ricell +2843-152918-0012.wav the dogs were not much inclined to start and it took time to get them into their harness but at last we were ready one more glance over the camping ground to see that nothing we ought to have with us had been forgotten ricell +2843-152918-0013.wav which we now thought would not be required were left behind the last thing to be done was planting a broken ski upright by the side of the depot it was wisting who did this thinking presumably that an extra mark would do no harm ricell +2843-152918-0014.wav that it was a happy thought the future will show and then we were off it was a hard pull to begin with both for men and beasts as the high sastrugi continued towards the south ricell +2843-152918-0015.wav and made it extremely difficult to advance those who had sledges to drive had to be very attentive and support them so that they did not capsize on the big waves and we who had no sledges found great difficulty in keeping our feet ricell +2843-152918-0016.wav as we had nothing to lean against we went on like this slowly enough but the main thing was that we made progress the ground at first gave one the impression of rising though not much the going was extremely heavy ricell +2843-152918-0017.wav it was like dragging oneself through sand meanwhile the sastrugi grew smaller and smaller and finally they disappeared altogether and the surface became quite flat the going also improved by degrees ricell +2843-152918-0018.wav for what reason it is difficult to say as the storm continued unabated and the drift now combined with falling snow was thicker than ever it was all the driver could do to see his own dogs the surface ricell +2843-152918-0019.wav which had become perfectly level had the appearance at times of sinking in any case one would have thought so from the pace of the sledges now and again the dogs would set off suddenly at a gallop the wind aft no doubt helped the pace somewhat ricell +2843-152918-0020.wav but it alone could not account for the change i did not like this tendency of the ground to fall away in my opinion we ought to have done with anything of that sort after reaching the height at which we were a slight slope upward ricell +2843-152918-0021.wav possibly but down no that did not agree with my reckoning so far the incline had not been so great as to cause uneasiness but if it seriously began to go downhill we should have to stop and camp ricell +2843-152918-0022.wav would be madness we might risk falling into some chasm before we had time to pull up hanssen as usual was driving first strictly speaking i should now have been going in advance but the uneven surface at the start ricell +2843-152918-0023.wav and the rapid pace afterwards had made it impossible to walk as fast the dogs could pull i was therefore following by the side of wisting's sledge and chatting with him suddenly i saw hanssen's dogs shoot ahead ricell +2843-152918-0024.wav and downhill they went at the wildest pace wisting after them i shouted to hanssen to stop ricell +2843-152918-0025.wav by twisting his sledge the others who were following stopped when they came up to him we were in the middle of a fairly steep descent what there might be below was not easy to decide nor would we try to find out in that weather ricell +2843-152918-0026.wav we trampled down a place for the tent in the loose snow and soon got it up it was not a long day's march that we had done eleven and three quarter miles but we had put an end to our stay at the butcher's shop and that was a great thing ricell +2843-152918-0027.wav the boiling point test that evening showed that we were ten thousand three hundred feet above the sea and that we had thus gone down six hundred twenty feet from the butcher's we turned in and went to sleep as soon as it brightened ricell +2843-152918-0028.wav one has to seize every opportunity in these regions if one neglects to do so it may mean a long wait and much may be lost we therefore all slept with one eye open ricell +2843-152918-0029.wav and we knew well that nothing could happen without our noticing it at three in the morning the sun cut through the clouds and we through the tent door to take in the situation was more than the work of a moment ricell +2843-152918-0030.wav the sun showed as yet like a pat of butter and had not succeeded in dispersing the thick mists the wind had dropped somewhat but was still fairly strong this is after all the worst part of one's job ricell +2843-152918-0031.wav turning out of one's good warm sleeping bag and standing outside for some time in thin clothes watching the weather we knew by experience that a gleam like this a clearing in the weather might come suddenly and then one had to be on the spot ricell +2843-152918-0032.wav the gleam came it did not last long but long enough we lay on the side of a ridge that fell away pretty steeply the descent on the south was too abrupt but on the south east it was better and more gradual ricell +2843-152918-0033.wav and ended in a wide level tract we could see no crevasses or unpleasantness of any kind it was not very far that we could see though only our nearest surroundings of the mountains we saw nothing ricell +2843-152918-0034.wav had now broken loose again and the north easter was doing all it could ricell +2843-152918-0035.wav since we had discovered the nature of our immediate surroundings if we once got down to the plain we knew that we could always feel our way on after putting ample brakes on the sledge runners ricell +2843-152918-0036.wav we started off downhill in a south easterly direction the slight idea of the position that we had been able to get in the morning proved correct the descent was easy and smooth and we reached the plain without any adventure ricell +2843-152918-0037.wav we could now once more set our faces to the south and in thick driving snow we continued our way into the unknown with good assistance from the howling north easterly gale we now recommenced the erection of beacons ricell +2843-152918-0038.wav which had not been necessary during the ascent ricell +2843-152918-0039.wav the last of them that we encountered the surface was now fine enough smooth as a floor and without a sign of sastrugi if our progress was nevertheless slow and difficult this was due to the wretched going ricell +2843-152918-0040.wav which was real torture to all of us a sledge journey through the sahara could not have offered a worse surface to move over ricell +2843-152918-0041.wav the weather improved in the course of the day and when we camped in the afternoon it looked quite smiling the sun came through and gave a delightful warmth after the last few bitter days it was not yet clear ricell +2843-152918-0042.wav so that we could see nothing of our surroundings the distance according to our three sledge meters was eighteen and a half miles taking the bad going into consideration we had reason to be well satisfied with it ricell +2843-152918-0043.wav our altitude came out at nine thousand four hundred seventy five feet above the sea or a drop of eight hundred twenty five feet in the course of the day this surprised me greatly what did it mean ricell +2843-152918-0044.wav instead of rising gradually we were going slowly down ricell +2843-152918-0045.wav but what according to dead reckoning our latitude that evening ricell +2843-152918-0046.wav the night was filled with sharp gusts from the north the morning came with a slack wind but accompanied by mist and snowfall this was abominable here we were advancing over absolutely virgin ground and able to see nothing ricell +2843-152918-0047.wav the surface remained about the same possibly rather more undulating that it had been blowing here at some time and violently too was shown by the under surface which was composed of sastrugi as hard as iron ricell +2843-152918-0048.wav luckily for us the snowfall of the last few days had filled these up so as to present a level surface it was heavy going though better than on the previous day as we were advancing still blindly ricell +2843-152918-0049.wav and fretting at the persistently thick weather one of us suddenly called out hullo look there a wild dark summit rose high out of the mass of fog to the east south east it was not far away ricell +2843-152918-0050.wav on the contrary it seemed threateningly near and right over us we stopped and looked at the imposing sight but nature did not expose her objects of interest for long the fog rolled over again thick heavy and dark ricell +2843-152918-0051.wav and blotted out the view we knew now that we had to be prepared for surprises after we had gone about ten miles the fog again lifted for a moment and we saw quite near a mile or so away ricell +2843-152918-0052.wav two long narrow mountain ridges to the west of us running north and south and completely covered with snow these ricell +2843-152918-0053.wav they were between nine thousand and ten thousand feet high and would probably serve as excellent landmarks on the return journey there was no connection to be traced between these mountains and those lying to the east of them ricell +2843-152918-0054.wav they gave us the impression of being entirely isolated summits as we could not make out any lofty ridge running east and west ricell +2843-152918-0055.wav we continued our course in the constant expectation of finding some surprise or other in our line of route the air ahead of us was as black as pitch as though it concealed something ricell +2843-152918-0056.wav it could not be a storm or it would have been already upon us but we went on and on and nothing came our day's march was eighteen and a half miles i see that my diary for november twenty eighth ricell +2843-152918-0057.wav does not begin very promisingly fog fog and again fog also fine falling snow which makes the going impossible poor beasts they have toiled hard to get the sledges forward to day ricell +2843-152918-0058.wav but the day did not turn out so badly after all as we worked our way out of this uncertainty and found out what was behind the pitch dark clouds during the forenoon the sun came through and thrust aside the fog for a while and there ricell +2843-152918-0059.wav to the south east not many miles away lay an immense mountain mass from this mass right across our course ran a great ancient glacier the sun shone down upon it and showed us a surface full of huge irregularities ricell +2843-152918-0060.wav on the side nearest to the mountain these disturbances were such that a hasty glance was enough to show us the impossibility of advancing that way but right in our line of route straight on to the glacier ricell +2843-152918-0061.wav and waited for decently clear weather so that we might survey the ground at our ease and choose the best way going forward without an idea of what the ground was like was not very pleasant ricell +2843-152918-0062.wav but how long should we have to wait for clear weather that question was unanswerable possibly a week or even a fortnight and we had no time for that better go straight on then and take what might come ricell +2843-152918-0063.wav what we could see of the glacier appeared to be pretty steep but it was only between the south and south east under the new land that the fog now and again lifted sufficiently to enable us to see anything ricell +2843-152918-0064.wav we could see that the big crevasses lost themselves in it and the question of what the glacier looked like on the west ricell +2843-152918-0065.wav it was plain enough that we should have stiff work it was therefore important to have as little as possible on the sledges we set to work at once to build the depot the snow here was excellent for this purpose ricell +2843-152918-0066.wav as hard as glass in a short time an immense erection of adamantine blocks of snow rose into the air containing provisions for five men for six days and for eighteen dogs for five days ricell +2843-152918-0067.wav a number of small articles were also left behind while we were thus occupied the fog had been coming and going some of the intervals had been quite clear and had given me a good view of the nearest part of the range ricell +2843-152918-0068.wav it appeared to be quite isolated and to consist of four mountains one of these mount helmer hanssen lay separated from the rest the other three mounts oscar wisting ricell +2843-152918-0069.wav and olav bjaaland lay closer together behind this group the air had been heavy and black the whole time showing that more land must be concealed there suddenly ricell +2843-152918-0070.wav and the summits of a colossal mountain mass appeared our first impression was that this mountain mount thorvald nilsen must be something over twenty thousand feet high it positively took our breath away ricell +2843-152918-0071.wav so formidable did it appear but it was only a glimpse that we had and then the fog enclosed it once more we had succeeded in taking a few meagre bearings of the different summits of the nearest group ricell +2843-152918-0072.wav they were not very grand but better ones were not to be obtained for that matter the site of the depot was so well marked by its position under the foot of the glacier that we agreed it would be impossible to miss it ricell +2843-152918-0073.wav having finished the edifice which rose at least six feet into the air ricell +2843-152918-0074.wav so as to be able to see it still more easily on the way back an observation we had contrived to take while the work was in progress ricell +2843-152918-0075.wav this did not agree very well with the latitude of our dead reckoning ricell +2843-152918-0076.wav and a fine light snow was falling we had taken a bearing of the line of glacier that was most free of crevasses and so we moved on again ricell +2843-152918-0077.wav the crevasses at its foot were not large but we had no sooner entered upon the ascent than the fun began there was something uncanny about this perfectly blind advance among crevasses and chasms on all sides ricell +2843-152918-0078.wav we examined the compass from time to time and went forward cautiously ricell +2843-152918-0079.wav but that after all was not much of a help to our drivers ricell +2843-152918-0080.wav as the crevasses were often rendered quite invisible by a thin overlying layer of snow ricell +2843-152918-0081.wav to have to cross such a surface as the effect of light and shade is usually to show up the edges of these insidious pitfalls but on a day like this when everything looked alike one's advance is doubtful we kept it going however ricell +2843-152918-0082.wav by using the utmost caution wisting came near to sounding the depth of one of these dangerous crevasses with sledge dogs and all as the bridge he was about to cross gave way thanks to his presence of mind ricell +2843-152918-0083.wav and a lightning like movement some would call it luck he managed to save himself in this way we worked up about two hundred feet but then we came upon such a labyrinth of yawning chasms and open abysses ricell +2843-152918-0084.wav that we could not move there was nothing to be done but to find the least disturbed spot and set the tent there as soon as this was done hanssen and i set out to explore we were roped and therefore safe enough ricell +2843-152918-0085.wav it required some study to find a way out of the trap we had run ourselves into towards the group of mountains last described which now lay to the east of us ricell +2843-152918-0086.wav in all directions and evoked a picture of violent confusion thank god we were not here while this was going on i thought to myself as i stood looking out over this battlefield it must have been a spectacle like doomsday ricell +2843-152918-0087.wav and not on a small scale either to advance in that direction then was hopeless but that was no great matter since our way was to the south on the south we could see nothing the fog lay thick and heavy there ricell +2843-152918-0088.wav this ridge led us on to an icewave about twenty five feet high a formation which was due to the pressure having ceased before the wave had been forced to break and form hummocks ricell +2843-152918-0089.wav we saw well enough that this would be a difficult place to pass with sledges and dogs but in default of anything better it would have to be done from the top of this wave formation we could see down on the other side ricell +2843-152918-0090.wav which had hitherto been hidden from us the fog prevented our seeing far but the immediate surroundings were enough to convince us that with caution we could beat up farther from the height on which we stood ricell +2843-152918-0091.wav as we saw absolutely nothing our object was to make tracks for the following day's journey the language we used about the glacier as we went was not altogether complimentary we had endless tacking and turning to get on ricell +2843-152918-0092.wav a fissure had opened making a gateway about six feet wide this formation like every thing else on the glacier was obviously very old and for the most part filled with snow ricell +2843-152918-0093.wav from this point the glacier as far as our view extended to the south looked better and better ricell +2843-152918-0094.wav our companions were no less pleased with the news we brought of our prospects our altitude that evening was eight thousand six hundred fifty feet above the sea that is to say at the foot of the glacier ricell +2843-152918-0095.wav we had reached an altitude of eight thousand four hundred fifty feet or a drop from the butcher's of two thousand five hundred seventy feet we now knew very well that we should have this ascent to make again perhaps even more ricell +2843-152918-0096.wav and this idea did not arouse any particular enthusiasm in my diary i see that i conclude the day with the following words what will the next surprise be i wonder it was in fact ricell +2843-152918-0097.wav an extraordinary journey that we were undertaking through new regions new mountains glaciers and so on without being able to see ricell +2843-152918-0098.wav what i liked least about this feeling one's way forward in the dark was that it would be difficult very difficult indeed to recognize the ground again on the way back but with this glacier lying straight across our line of route ricell +2843-152918-0099.wav a mistake there might be serious enough and it will appear later in this narrative that my fear of our not being able to recognize the way was not entirely groundless the beacons we had put up came to our aid ricell +2843-152918-0100.wav and for our final success we owe a deep debt of gratitude to our prudence and thoughtfulness in adopting this expedient next morning november twenty ninth brought considerably clearer weather ricell +2843-152918-0101.wav and allowed us a very good survey of our position we could now see that the two mountain ranges ricell +2843-152918-0102.wav with summits from ten thousand to fifteen thousand feet mount thorvald nilsen was the most southerly we could see from this point mounts hanssen wisting bjaaland and hassel formed as we had thought the day before ricell +2843-152918-0103.wav a group by themselves and lay separated from the main range the drivers had a warm morning's work they had to drive with great circumspection and patience to grapple with the kind of ground we had before us ricell +2843-152918-0104.wav a slight mistake might be enough to send both sledge and dogs with lightning rapidity into the next world it took nevertheless a remarkably short time to cover the distance we had explored on the previous evening before we knew it ricell +2843-152918-0105.wav we were at hell's gate bjaaland took an excellent photograph here which gives a very good idea of the difficulties this part of the journey presented in the foreground ricell +2843-152918-0106.wav below the high snow ridge that forms one side of a very wide but partly filled up crevasse the marks of ski can be seen in the snow this was the photographer who in passing over this snow bridge ricell +2843-152918-0107.wav struck his ski into it to try the strength of the support close to the tracks can be seen an open piece of the crevasse it is a pale blue at the top but ends in the deepest black in a bottomless abyss ricell +2843-152918-0108.wav the photographer got over the bridge and back with a whole skin but there could be no question of risking sledges and dogs on it and it can be seen in the photograph that the sledges have been turned right round to try another way ricell +2843-152918-0109.wav but taking into account all the turns and circuits we had been compelled to make it was not so short after all we set our tent on a good solid foundation and were well pleased with the day's work ricell +2843-152918-0110.wav the altitude was eight thousand nine hundred sixty feet above the sea the sun was now in the west and shining directly upon the huge mountain masses it was a fairy landscape in blue and white ricell +2843-152918-0111.wav clear as it now appeared to be one could understand that the weather was not all that could be wished for the south eastern end of mount thorvald nilsen lost itself in a dark impenetrable cloud ricell +2843-152918-0112.wav which led one to suspect a continuation in that direction though one could not be certain mount nilsen ah anything more beautiful taking it altogether i have never seen ricell +2843-152918-0113.wav peaks of the most varied forms rose high into the air partly covered with driving clouds some were sharp but most were long and rounded here and there one saw bright shining glaciers ricell +2843-152918-0114.wav plunging wildly down the steep sides and merging into the underlying ground in fearful confusion but the most remarkable of them all was mount helmer hanssen its top was as round as the bottom of a bowl ricell +2843-152918-0115.wav and covered by an extraordinary ice sheet which was so broken up and disturbed that the blocks of ice bristled in every direction like the quills of a porcupine it glittered and burned in the sunlight a glorious spectacle ricell +8098-278252-0000.wav much pomp and several circumstances from willoughby we went to cleveland my route through the beautiful city lay along one of the finest residence streets in america the famous euclid avenue Arnold +8098-278252-0001.wav from there we marched to superior street where cheers greeted us on every hand the papers had heralded my advent and as in the other towns and cities Arnold +8098-278252-0002.wav the newspaper artists had taxed their imaginations to picture pod and mac Arnold +8098-278252-0003.wav and when i rode out on to the stage the house shook with laughter and cheers i made a short address and announced that i would sell photos of mac a'rony and his master at the door Arnold +8098-278252-0004.wav that theatre put me way ahead financially thursday morning i called on the mayor mark hanna and senator garfield and added the autographs of all three to my album Arnold +8098-278252-0005.wav mister garfield invited me to attend the weekly dinner and reception of the beer and skittles club that evening i went and enjoyed myself Arnold +8098-278252-0006.wav only making thirteen miles Arnold +8098-278252-0007.wav a mile beyond two men reminded me it was a very wintry day then a woman drove past and tossed me the comforting reminder don't you find it awfully cold i did not reply to the last two Arnold +8098-278252-0008.wav twenty minutes later a boy from a cozy home yelled to me i had passed to some distance and did not understand it sounded like Arnold +8098-278252-0009.wav i hesitated a moment in the biting wind then retraced my steps and called to the lad what's that you said Arnold +8098-278252-0010.wav yelled the scamp i was mad enough to unload my winchester but i didn't Arnold +8098-278252-0011.wav rubbed my ears and continued my journey like an ice covered volcano a mile beyond a wagon with a family in it passed me and the man said cold my friend at dusk a farmer inquired Arnold +8098-278252-0012.wav i shouted several times before the rig stopped a fur clad head stuck out to one side and a male voice called Arnold +8098-278252-0013.wav i ambled up put a foot on the hub of a wheel and said i simply want to say it's a cold day you as soon as he had finished i said by way of civil explanation Arnold +8098-278252-0014.wav my dear sir do you know a hundred people have stopped me to day and told me it is cold i have tramped nearly twenty miles without stopping to warm or eat Arnold +8098-278252-0015.wav and i resolved to let the next fellow have the same dose i have been taking half hourly all day now if you are satisfied that it is a cold day i will bid you good night Arnold +8098-278252-0016.wav with this i returned to my companions somewhat warmer physically but cooler in spirit the hotel in cuyahoga falls received us most hospitably Arnold +8098-278252-0017.wav i never shall forget the kindnesses of its landlady the village dates back to pioneer days it is built on the hunting grounds of the old cuyahoga indians monday march first at twelve thirty p m Arnold +8098-278252-0018.wav waving hats and arms and calling to me to be their guest i was puzzled to know which invitation to accept while deliberating one of the landlords approached and taking my arm led me to his comfortable hostelry Arnold +8098-278252-0019.wav where he royally entertained me and my animals the pageant that celebrated the departure of william mc kinley to the seat of government was a fair estimate of the regard in which his fellow citizens held him Arnold +8098-278252-0020.wav canton did him honor i witnessed the leave taking at his house his ride to the train in the coach drawn by four greys under escort of a band Arnold +8098-278252-0021.wav and heard him deliver his farewell address from the rear platform of his private car i spent wednesday night in massillon and next morning returned to canton to take some interior photographs of mc kinley's home Arnold +8098-278252-0022.wav i was successful beyond my hopes and expectations securing fine pictures of his study and parlor the president's inauguration at washington called forth a deafening demonstration Arnold +8098-278252-0023.wav cannon boomed steam whistles shrieked and the citizens shouted and hurrahed and i was glad mac was not with me to add his salute Arnold +8098-278252-0024.wav i saw a meadow lark on the first of march this day i heard blue birds and robins singing gaily it looked as though spring had come to stay i expected that day to reach dalton only eight miles distant Arnold +8098-278252-0025.wav that once i was compelled to crawl along the top of a rail fence two hundred feet and more and drag my jackass at dusk i had covered only three miles then i sought lodgings Arnold +8098-278252-0026.wav a store loomed into view shortly i was elated according to the sign over the entrance the younger generation was the ruling power it read hezekiah brimley and father Arnold +8098-278252-0027.wav i made for hez he said the town hadn't reached the hotel stage of development yet but that he would gladly take me in provided i'd sleep with his clerk in the garret Arnold +8098-278252-0028.wav i found the store full of loungers who patronized the chairs soap and starch boxes mackerel kits and counter forming a silent circle round a towering stove in the center Arnold +8098-278252-0029.wav the village treasurer wore a boiled shirt and brass collar buttons but no collar or coat his companions were generally attired in flannel shirts of different hues and patterns Arnold +8098-278252-0030.wav and felt boots encased in heavy overshoes these rural men eyed me with suspicion until i mentioned mac a'rony then there was a rush to the door as it swung open in leaped my great dog Arnold +8098-278252-0031.wav came several queries in a bunch no i said he has killed a bull chewed up a ram made thanks giving mince meat of several dogs chased a pig up a tree Arnold +8098-278252-0032.wav and only this morning ate two chickens and a duck and chased a farmer into his hay loft but he doesn't bite my statement had a sensational effect on the assembly who one by one sneaked out of the door Arnold +8098-278252-0033.wav leaving hez and his odd guest alone as soon as the junior member hez's father came in hez took my animals to the shed and fed them and told me to help myself to the best in the store Arnold +8098-278252-0034.wav a pint of corned oysters light weight some crackers and leaf lard to take the place of butter and a cake of bitter chocolate i left a few things unmolested such as soap Arnold +8098-278252-0035.wav to be good chocolate must be well dissolved no pot was to be had save a flower pot with a hole in the bottom a great idea popped into my head Arnold +8098-278252-0036.wav did you ever try it if not don't let your curiosity get the better of you chocolate belongs to the bean family and the bean is a very treacherous thing Arnold +8098-278252-0037.wav chocolate bean castor oil bean pork bean and all kinds i first ate the cake of chocolate then some sugar and drank two dippersful of hot water then shook myself Arnold +8098-278252-0038.wav that mixture might suit my stomach i thought but it doesn't delight my palate i felt i had eaten a heavy meal unwittingly and sat down to digest it i hadn't sat long before i felt myself swelling Arnold +8098-278252-0039.wav something within was sizzling and brewing and steaming gas and steam choked me i was sure there was going to be a demonstration in my honor that i had not bargained for the yeast cake came to mind then i knew the cause Arnold +8098-278252-0040.wav after which i excused myself to the clerk and went to bed and dreamed i was being cremated alive Arnold +8098-275181-0000.wav their sharp cur like barks used often to rouse us and of a dark evening we would hear them out in the fields mousing around the stone heaps making a queer squeaking sound like a mouse Arnold +8098-275181-0001.wav to call the real mice out of their grass nests inside the stone heaps this indeed is a favorite trick of reynard at the time of my story my friend tom edwards ten years of age Arnold +8098-275181-0002.wav and myself were in the turkey business equal partners we owned a flock of thirty one turkeys these roosted by night in a large butternut tree in front of tom's house in the very top of it Arnold +8098-275181-0003.wav and by day they wandered about the edges of the clearings in quest of beech nuts which were very plentiful that fall all went well till the last week in october when on taking the census one morning a turkey was found to be missing Arnold +8098-275181-0004.wav the thirty one had become thirty since nightfall the previous evening it was the first one we had lost we proceeded to look for traces our suspicions were divided Arnold +8098-275181-0005.wav tom thought it was the twombly boys nefarious sam in particular i thought it might have been an owl but under the tree in the soft dirt where the potatoes had recently been dug we found fox tracks Arnold +8098-275181-0006.wav and two or three ominous little wads of feathers with one long tail feather adrift thereupon we concluded that the turkey had accidentally fallen down out of the butternut had a fit perhaps Arnold +8098-275181-0007.wav and a casualty such as turkey raisers are unavoidably heirs to and we bore our loss with resignation we were glad to remember that turkeys did not often fall off their roosts Arnold +8098-275181-0008.wav this theory received something of a check when our flock counted only twenty nine the next morning there were more fox tracks and a great many more feathers under the tree this put a new and altogether ugly aspect on the matter Arnold +8098-275181-0009.wav no algebra was needed to figure the outcome of the turkey business at this rate together with our prospective profits in the light of this new fact it was clear that something must be done and at once too Arnold +8098-275181-0010.wav or ruin would swallow up the poultry firm rightly or wrongly we attributed the mischief to a certain silver gray that had several times been seen in the neighborhood that autumn Arnold +8098-275181-0011.wav it would take far too much space to relate in detail the plans we laid and put in execution to catch that fox during the next two weeks i recollect that we set three traps for him to no purpose Arnold +8098-275181-0012.wav had succeeded in getting two more of the turkeys heroes it is said are born of great crises this dilemma of ours developed tom's genius i'll have that fox he said when the traps failed Arnold +8098-275181-0013.wav each a wad of fine dry grass as large as a quart box these were gathered up and filled the great basket there said he triumphantly don't them smell mousey they did certainly Arnold +8098-275181-0014.wav they savored as strongly of mice as tom's question of bad grammar and don't foxes catch mice demanded tom confidently yes but i don't see how that's going to catch the fox i said Arnold +8098-275181-0015.wav well look here then i'll show ye said he Arnold +8098-275181-0016.wav and you was prowling around the fields go off now out there by that stump full of wonder and curiosity i retired to the stump tom meantime turned out the mass of nests Arnold +8098-275181-0017.wav and with it completely covered himself the pile now resembled an enormous mouse nest or rather a small hay cock Arnold +8098-275181-0018.wav inside the nest evidently there were mice in it and feeling my character as fox at stake i at once trotted forward then crept up and as the rustling and squeaking continued made a pounce into the grass Arnold +8098-275181-0019.wav as i had heard it said that foxes did when mousing instantly two spry brown hands from out the nest clutched me with a most vengeful grip as a fox i struggled tremendously Arnold +8098-275181-0020.wav then in dumb show knocked my head with a stone d'ye see now he demanded i saw but a fox would bite you i objected let him bite said tom Arnold +8098-275181-0021.wav with the dusk we stole out into the field where the stone heaps were and where we had oftenest heard foxes bark selecting a nook in the edge of a clump of raspberry briars which grew about a great pine stump Arnold +8098-275181-0022.wav tom lay down and i covered him up completely with the contents of the big basket he then practiced squeaking and rustling several times to be sure that all was in good trim his squeaks were perfect successes Arnold +8098-275181-0023.wav made by sucking the air sharply betwixt his teeth now be off said tom and don't come poking around nor get in sight till you hear me holler Arnold +8098-275181-0024.wav and being amidst nice cozy straw i presently went to sleep quite unintentionally i must have slept some time though it seemed to me but a very few minutes what woke me was a noise a sharp suppressed yelp Arnold +8098-275181-0025.wav it took me a moment to understand where i was and why i was there a sound of scuffling and tumbling on the ground at some distance assisted my wandering wits and i rushed out of the barn and ran toward the field Arnold +8098-275181-0026.wav as i ran two or three dull whacks came to my ear got him tom i shouted rushing up tom was holding and squeezing one of his hands with the other and shaking it violently Arnold +8098-275181-0027.wav he said not a word and left me to poke about and stumble on the limp warm carcass of a large fox that lay near bite ye i exclaimed after satisfying myself that the fox was dead some said tom Arnold +8098-275181-0028.wav and that was all i could get from him that night we took the fox to the house and lighted a candle it was the silver gray tom washed his bite in cold water and went to bed Arnold +8098-275181-0029.wav his left hand was bitten through the palm and badly swollen there was also a deep bite in the fleshy part of his right arm just below the elbow several minor nips in his left leg above the knee and a ragged grab Arnold +8098-275181-0030.wav these numerous bites however were followed by no serious ill effects the next day tom told me that the fox had suddenly plunged into the grass that he had caught hold of one of its hind legs Arnold +8098-275181-0031.wav i just determined to have it out with him considering the fact that a fox is a very active sharp biting animal and that this was an unusually large male i have always thought tom got off very well Arnold +8098-275181-0032.wav i do not think that he ever cared to make a fox trap of himself again however we sold the fox skin in the village and received thirteen dollars for it whereas a common red fox skin is worth no more than three dollars Arnold +8098-275181-0033.wav how or by what wiles that fox got the turkeys out of the high butternut is a secret Arnold +8098-278278-0000.wav by mac a'rony you do ill to teach the child such words he teaches him to kick and to hack which they'll do fast enough of themselves and to call horum fye upon you Arnold +8098-278278-0001.wav merry wives of windsor frequently since crossing the mississippi pod had received letters from proud parents informing him that they had named their latest boy after him Arnold +8098-278278-0002.wav at that time in cripple creek several boys ranging from a day to six weeks old whose destinies were thought to be promising were afflicted with my master's ponderous name Arnold +8098-278278-0003.wav a little green eyed irish girl five days old was named pythagorina podina mulgarry Arnold +8098-278278-0004.wav the happy father called personally on pod and asked him to act as godfather at the baptismal service sunday afternoon the impressive ceremony took place at the cabin of miss pythagorina Arnold +8098-278278-0005.wav as the aged grandmother wished to witness it pod said he was somewhat embarrassed about attending since he had forgotten almost all his latin Arnold +8098-278278-0006.wav but he arranged with one of the pall bearers to give him nudges and kicks when it was expected of him to make a response and so he got through fairly well better than the kid did he said the babe was an unruly child Arnold +8098-278278-0007.wav and kicked so frantically when the priest took her in his arms that two flatirons were tied to its feet to keep them down it was simply nervousness because the high altitude affected the child's nerves Arnold +8098-278278-0008.wav there was great excitement and surprise because the flatirons didn't float and the undertaker or what you call em overturned the barrel of water and set everybody afloat drenching the sponsors and guests Arnold +8098-278278-0009.wav pod said the scene was without a parallel he was soaked to his equator the half christened half drowned pythagorina podina was picked up from the flood with a tablespoon and the ceremony finished Arnold +8098-278278-0010.wav then she was rolled on the barrel to get all the water out of her and put to bed with hot flatirons at her feet to prevent croup and mumps then the wake broke up i don't believe the child understood a word that the priest said Arnold +8098-278278-0011.wav pod didn't that night he got up a fine supper and invited some old friends he bought a big porterhouse steak thick and tender and personally broiled it on his patent folding stove Arnold +8098-278278-0012.wav just when everything was on the table and the guests were finding stones and tin plates to sit on don not having had a thing to eat for an hour coolly pulled the hot steak off the platter and dropped it on the ground Arnold +8098-278278-0013.wav pod didn't say anything though but just forked it on to the platter and scraped off some dry grass and a sliver and a bug and carved it up Arnold +8098-278278-0014.wav the ladies looked at the dog and then at pod not knowing which to thank then feeling sensitive about accepting the best part of the steak insisted upon pod's having one of their pieces and coonskin the other Arnold +8098-278278-0015.wav after supper don feasted on the tougher parts of the steak and we donks were fed the scraps of potatoes and bread and tin tomato and peach cans when the banquet was over the guests went home Arnold +8098-278278-0016.wav about six o'clock we went into camp on the margin of a famous petrified forest pod objected at first because of the scarcity of fire wood Arnold +8098-278278-0017.wav lots of petrified wood chips lying around i remarked and they'll last ordinary wood burns up too fast bright idea exclaimed pod and coonskin went to work gathering petrified wood for the supper fire Arnold +8098-278278-0018.wav the only trouble will be in starting the fire said pod just as soon as it's once going it ought to burn smoothly enough Arnold +8098-278278-0019.wav coonskin's opinion didn't benefit pod much his hard wood fire wasn't very satisfactory but with some dry brush the men got the meal under way next morning we visited the noted petrified stump Arnold +8098-278278-0020.wav measuring upwards of forty five feet in circumference several saws were imbedded in it for many futile attempts had been made to take off some slices for the denver exposition Arnold +8098-278278-0021.wav it has been estimated by various ornithologists botanists and entomologists that the stump is millions of years old i think they were guessing at it for i couldn't see the rings Arnold +8098-278278-0022.wav several times i had a suspicion that we had been misdirected when we came to the end of a narrow wood road i was sure of it Arnold +8098-278278-0023.wav best to go through the woods said the valet so we were headed for the timber our tramp through the forest i cannot soon forget up and down the rocky heights through thickets of quaking asp and pine Arnold +8098-278278-0024.wav and realized we were lost coonskin said he was an experienced woodman and would blaze the trees so we would get out again wonderful the amount of learning he had gleaned from dime novels Arnold +8098-278278-0025.wav he lagged behind to do the blazing and pretty soon i smelt smoke the professor snuffed smells as if the woods were on fire somewhere hinted pod look behind you they are i exclaimed Arnold +8098-278278-0026.wav and pod caught that erudite valet back woodsman in the act of setting a tree on fire with oil and matches fortunately for us the wind wasn't blowing strong Arnold +8098-278278-0027.wav but we had to change our course some and hustle faster for the blazing trail chased us coonskin learned a new lesson and turned down the corner of the page so he'd recollect it Arnold +8098-278278-0028.wav a board sign informed us it was simply turkey creek i couldn't see any turkeys but there was good pasturage around the hot trip through the timber made us all hungry Arnold +8098-278278-0029.wav it was three o'clock when we donks were picketed and allowed to graze then coonskin went fishing he said he had seen some trout in the stream by supper time he had caught a nice mess Arnold +8098-278278-0030.wav pod said he would fry the fish and went at it so enthusiastically that he forgot to put the bag of corn meal back in its place after the meal was over he began to look around for the bag it was nowhere to be found Arnold +8098-278278-0031.wav i had eaten the corn meal and bag it was comical how those two men puzzled their brains about that missing commodity when coonskin detected some meal stamped in the ground pod pointed at me and said Arnold +8098-278278-0032.wav that's the thief there next morning coonskin was the first to return from fishing and looked much excited when pod returned he told him he had seen huge bear tracks he was going bear hunting pod laughed at him Arnold +8098-278278-0033.wav that was my experience in the woods of wisconsin the men at the saw mill said we should see bear in this forest Arnold +8098-278278-0034.wav its skin would fetch fifty dollars or more let's look for bear what would you do if you saw a bear pod asked well now leave that to me said coonskin Arnold +8098-278278-0035.wav in the first place it would be worth a hairbreadth escape to see one wild i've only seen bears in circuses or traveling chained to italians in the second place i can run i've plenty of medals for sprinting Arnold +8098-278278-0036.wav pod went fishing that afternoon with a gun and took the whole arsenal along with him including the axe somewhere about five o'clock pod came into camp with a good mess of trout after cleaning the fish he took off his guns Arnold +8098-278278-0037.wav and laid down on the grass and wondered if that crazy valet had run across any more bear tracks he wasn't there long when suddenly i heard yells issuing from the canyon down stream round the bend Arnold +8098-278278-0038.wav the shouting sounded nearer every second and i soon distinguished coonskin's voice pod got up from the ground excitedly coonskin's in trouble plain enough said pod aloud to himself i must run to his aid Arnold +8098-278278-0039.wav so he started on a trot down stream to the bend and then quickly turned falling all over himself and ran toward the cabins faster than i ever saw him run before or since Arnold +8098-278278-0040.wav and immediately coonskin came flying into view with the biggest bear at his heels i ever want to see Arnold +8226-274371-0000.wav you speak of jealousies and fears lay your hands on your hearts and ask yourselves whether i may not likewise be disturbed with fears and jealousies and if so i assure you that this message has nothing lessened them Adam Picot +8226-274371-0001.wav what would you have have i violated your laws have i denied to pass any bill for the ease and security of my subjects i do not ask what you have done for me Adam Picot +8226-274371-0002.wav all this considered there is a judgment of heaven upon this nation if these distractions continue god so deal with me and mine as all my thoughts and intentions are upright for the maintenance of the true protestant profession Adam Picot +8226-274371-0003.wav and for the observance and preservation of the laws and i hope god will bless and assist those laws for my preservation no sooner did the commons despair of obtaining the king's consent to their bill than they instantly voted Adam Picot +8226-274371-0004.wav that those who advised his majesty's answer were enemies to the state and mischievous projectors against the safety of the nation that this denial is of such dangerous consequence that if his majesty persist in it Adam Picot +8226-274371-0005.wav it will hazard the peace and tranquillity of all his kingdoms unless some speedy remedy be applied by the wisdom and authority of both houses and that such of the subjects as have put themselves in a posture of defence against the common danger Adam Picot +8226-274371-0006.wav with the terrors of invasion with the dread of english and irish papists and the most unaccountable panics were spread throughout the nation lord digby having entered kingston in a coach and six Adam Picot +8226-274371-0007.wav attended by a few livery servants the intelligence was conveyed to london and it was immediately voted that he had appeared in a hostile manner to the terror and affright of his majesty's subjects Adam Picot +8226-274371-0008.wav had been sufficient to open the eyes of many and to recover them from the astonishment with which at first they had been seized Adam Picot +8226-274371-0009.wav and they proceeded to frame an ordinance in which by the authority of the two houses without the king's consent they named lieutenants for all the counties and conferred on them the command of the whole military force of all the guards Adam Picot +8226-274371-0010.wav garrisons and forts of the kingdom he issued proclamations against this manifest usurpation Adam Picot +8226-274371-0011.wav as he professed a resolution strictly to observe the law himself so was he determined he said to oblige every other person to pay it a like obedience the name of the king was so essential to all laws Adam Picot +8226-274371-0012.wav and so familiar in all acts of executive authority that the parliament was afraid had they totally omitted it that the innovation would be too sensible to the people in all commands therefore which they conferred Adam Picot +8226-274371-0013.wav they bound the persons to obey the orders of his majesty signified by both houses of parliament and inventing a distinction hitherto unheard of between the office and the person of the king Adam Picot +8226-274371-0014.wav those very forces which they employed against him they levied in his name and by his authority it is remarkable how much the topics of argument were now reversed between the parties the king Adam Picot +8226-274371-0015.wav while he acknowledged his former error of employing a plea of necessity in order to infringe the laws and constitution warned the parliament not to imitate an example on which they threw such violent blame and the parliament Adam Picot +8226-274371-0016.wav while they clothed their personal fears or ambition under the appearance of national and imminent danger made unknowingly an apology for the most exceptionable part of the king's conduct Adam Picot +8226-274371-0017.wav that the liberties of the people were no longer exposed to any peril from royal authority so narrowly circumscribed so exactly defined Adam Picot +8226-274371-0018.wav might be maintained upon very plausible topics but that the danger allowing it to have any existence was not of that kind great urgent inevitable which dissolves all law and levels all limitations Adam Picot +8226-274371-0019.wav were undoubtedly not of a civil but of a religious nature the distempered imaginations of men were agitated with a continual dread of popery with a horror against prelacy with an antipathy to ceremonies and the liturgy Adam Picot +8226-274371-0020.wav and more actuated by principle Adam Picot +8226-274371-0021.wav never were there individuals who possessed more capacity more courage more public spirit more disinterested zeal the infusion of one ingredient in too large a proportion had corrupted all these noble principles Adam Picot +8226-274371-0022.wav and converted them into the most virulent poison to determine his choice in the approaching contests every man hearkened with avidity to the reasons proposed on both sides the war of the pen preceded that of the sword Adam Picot +8226-274371-0023.wav lord falkland had accepted the office of secretary a man who adorned the purest virtue with the richest gifts of nature and the most valuable acquisitions of learning by him assisted by the king himself Adam Picot +8226-274371-0024.wav were the memorials of the royal party chiefly composed so sensible was charles of his superiority in this particular that he took care to disperse every where the papers of the parliament together with his own Adam Picot +8226-274371-0025.wav by comparison to form a judgment between them the parliament while they distributed copies of their own were anxious to suppress all the king's compositions Adam Picot +8226-274371-0026.wav to the ordinance of the parliament concerning the militia the king opposed his commissions of array the counties obeyed the one or the other according as they stood affected and in many counties where the people were divided Adam Picot +8226-274371-0027.wav mobbish combats and skirmishes ensued the parliament on this occasion went so far as to vote that when the lords and commons in parliament which is the supreme court of judicature Adam Picot +8226-274371-0028.wav upon the same principles they pretended by a verbal criticism on the tense of a latin verb to ravish from the king his negative voice in the legislature Adam Picot +8226-274371-0029.wav would admit him with his retinue after which he might easily render himself master of the place but the governor was on his guard he shut the gates and refused to receive the king Adam Picot +8226-274371-0030.wav who desired leave to enter with twenty persons only charles immediately proclaimed him traitor Adam Picot +8226-274371-0031.wav though they had already levied a guard for themselves had attempted to seize all the military power all the navy and all the forts of the kingdom and had openly employed their authority in every kind of warlike preparations yet immediately voted Adam Picot +8226-274371-0032.wav that the king seduced by wicked counsel intended to make war against his parliament who in all their consultations and actions had proposed no other end but the care of his kingdoms Adam Picot +8226-274371-0033.wav were traitors to the fundamental laws of the kingdom the armies which had been everywhere raised on pretence of the service in ireland were henceforth more openly enlisted by the parliament for their own purposes Adam Picot +8226-274371-0034.wav and the command of them was given to the earl of essex in london no less than four thousand men enlisted in one day and the parliament voted a declaration which they required every member to subscribe Adam Picot +8226-274371-0035.wav they issued orders for bringing in loans of money and plate in order to maintain forces which should defend the king and both houses of parliament for this style they still preserved within ten days Adam Picot +8226-274371-0036.wav and wait till the treasurers could find leisure to receive them such zeal animated the pious partisans of the parliament Adam Picot +8226-274371-0037.wav near the moiety too of the lower house absented themselves from counsels which they deemed so full of danger the commons sent up an impeachment against nine peers for deserting their duty in parliament Adam Picot +8226-274371-0038.wav their own members also who should return to them they voted not to admit till satisfied concerning the reason of their absence charles made a declaration to the peers who attended him Adam Picot +8226-274371-0039.wav that he expected from them no obedience to any commands which were not warranted by the laws of the land the peers answered this declaration by a protest Adam Picot +8226-274371-0040.wav in order to remove all jealousy he had resolved that their usurpations and illegal pretensions should be apparent to the whole world and thought that to recover the confidence of the people was a point much more material to his interest Adam Picot +8226-274371-0041.wav than the collecting of any magazines stores or armies which might breed apprehensions of violent or illegal counsels but the urgent necessity of his situation no longer admitted of delay Adam Picot +8226-274371-0042.wav he now prepared himself for defence with a spirit activity and address Adam Picot +8226-274371-0043.wav he employed all the advantages which remained to him and roused up his adherents to arms the resources of this prince's genius increased in proportion to his difficulties Adam Picot +8226-274371-0044.wav and he never appeared greater than when plunged into the deepest perils and distresses from the mixed character indeed of charles arose in part the misfortunes in which england was at this time involved Adam Picot +8226-274371-0045.wav that the king might despair of all composition Adam Picot +8226-274371-0046.wav their demands contained in nineteen propositions amounted to a total abolition of monarchical authority they required that no man should remain in the council who was not agreeable to parliament Adam Picot +8226-274371-0047.wav that none of the royal family should marry without consent of parliament or council Adam Picot +8226-274371-0048.wav that the votes of popish lords should be excluded that the reformation of the liturgy and church government should have place according to advice of parliament that the ordinance with regard to the militia be submitted to Adam Picot +8226-274371-0049.wav that the justice of parliament pass upon all delinquents that a general pardon be granted with such exceptions as should be advised by parliament that the forts and castles be disposed of by consent of parliament Adam Picot +8226-274371-0050.wav and that no peer be made but with consent of both houses should i grant these demands said the king in reply i may be waited on bareheaded i may have my hand kissed Adam Picot +8226-274371-0051.wav the title of majesty may be continued to me and the king's authority signified by both houses may still be the style of your commands i may have swords and maces carried before me Adam Picot +8226-274371-0052.wav but the picture but the sign of a king war on any terms was esteemed by the king and all the counsellors preferable to so ignominious a peace Adam Picot +8226-274371-0053.wav and the hearts of his loyal subjects which with god's blessing he doubted not would recover all the rest collecting therefore some forces he advanced southwards Adam Picot +8226-274369-0000.wav every measure pursued by the commons Adam Picot +8226-274369-0001.wav besides numberless vexations and persecutions which the clergy underwent from the arbitrary power of the lower house the peers while the king was in scotland Adam Picot +8226-274369-0002.wav having passed an order for the observance of the laws with regard to public worship the commons assumed such authority that by a vote alone of their house they suspended those laws though enacted by the whole legislature Adam Picot +8226-274369-0003.wav they complained of the king's filling five vacant sees and considered it as an insult upon them Adam Picot +8226-274369-0004.wav they made a demand the most absurd in the world that the bishops being all of them parties should be refused a vote with regard to that question after the resolution was once formed by the commons Adam Picot +8226-274369-0005.wav of invading the established government of church and state it could not be expected that their proceedings in such a violent attempt would thenceforth be altogether regular and equitable but it must be confessed that Adam Picot +8226-274369-0006.wav in their attack on the hierarchy they still more openly passed all bounds of moderation as supposing no doubt Adam Picot +8226-274369-0007.wav had already risen to a great height and gave sufficient warning of their future attempts upon that order they muttered somewhat of their regret that they should be obliged to save the kingdom alone Adam Picot +8226-274369-0008.wav and that the house of peers would have no part in the honor nay they went so far as openly to tell the lords that they themselves were the representative body of the whole kingdom Adam Picot +8226-274369-0009.wav and that the peers were nothing but individuals who held their seats in a particular capacity and therefore if their lordships will not consent to the passing of acts necessary for the preservation of the people the commons Adam Picot +8226-274369-0010.wav together with such of the lords as are more sensible of the danger must join together and represent the matter to his majesty so violent was the democratical enthusiastic spirit diffused throughout the nation Adam Picot +8226-274369-0011.wav that a total confusion of all rank and order was justly to be apprehended and the wonder was not that the majority of the nobles should seek shelter under the throne Adam Picot +8226-274369-0012.wav but the tide of popularity seized many and carried them wide of the most established maxims of civil policy among the opponents of the king are ranked the earl of northumberland lord admiral a man of the first family and fortune Adam Picot +8226-274369-0013.wav and endowed with that dignified pride which so well became his rank and station the earl of essex who inherited all his father's popularity and having from his early youth sought renown in arms Adam Picot +8226-274369-0014.wav united to a middling capacity that rigid inflexibility of honor which forms the proper ornament of a nobleman and a soldier lord kimbolton soon after earl of manchester a person distinguished by humanity generosity Adam Picot +8226-274369-0015.wav affability and every amiable virtue these men finding that their credit ran high with the nation ventured to encourage those popular disorders which they vainly imagined Adam Picot +8226-274369-0016.wav they possessed authority sufficient to regulate and control in order to obtain a majority in the upper house the commons had recourse to the populace who on other occasions had done them such important service Adam Picot +8226-274369-0017.wav amidst the greatest security they affected continual fears of destruction to themselves and the nation and seemed to quake at every breath or rumor of danger Adam Picot +8226-274369-0018.wav however ridiculous were willingly attended to and were dispersed among the multitude to whose capacity they were well adapted beale a tailor informed the commons that walking in the fields Adam Picot +8226-274369-0019.wav he had hearkened to the discourse of certain persons unknown to him and had heard them talk of a most dangerous conspiracy a hundred and eight ruffians as he learned had been appointed to murder a hundred and eight lords and commoners Adam Picot +8226-274369-0020.wav and were promised rewards for these assassinations Adam Picot +8226-274369-0021.wav forty shillings for each commoner upon this notable intelligence orders were issued for seizing priests and jesuits a conference was desired with the lords Adam Picot +8226-274369-0022.wav and the deputy lieutenants of some suspected counties were ordered to put the people in a posture of defence the pulpits likewise were called in aid Adam Picot +8226-274369-0023.wav and resounded with the dangers which threatened religion from the desperate attempts of papists and malignants multitudes flocked towards westminster and insulted the prelates and such of the lords as adhered to the crown Adam Picot +8226-274369-0024.wav the peers voted a declaration against those tumults and sent it to the lower house but these refused their concurrence some seditious apprentices being seized and committed to prison immediately received their liberty Adam Picot +8226-274369-0025.wav during this time of disorder and danger offered their service to the king between them and the populace there passed frequent skirmishes which ended not without bloodshed by way of reproach Adam Picot +8226-274369-0026.wav these gentlemen gave the rabble the appellation of roundheads on account of the short cropped hair which they wore these called the others cavaliers and thus the nation Adam Picot +8226-274369-0027.wav which was before sufficiently provided with religious as well as civil causes of quarrel was also supplied with party names under which the factions might rendezvous and signalize their mutual hatred Adam Picot +8226-274369-0028.wav being distinguishable by their habit and being the object of violent hatred to all the sectaries were exposed to the most dangerous insults williams now created archbishop of york Adam Picot +8226-274369-0029.wav that though they had an undoubted right to sit and vote in parliament yet in coming thither they had been menaced assaulted affronted by the unruly multitude and could no longer with safety attend their duty in the house Adam Picot +8226-274369-0030.wav for this reason they protested against all laws votes and resolutions as null and invalid which should pass during the time of their constrained absence this protestation which Adam Picot +8226-274369-0031.wav that house desired a conference with the commons whom they informed of this unexpected protestation the opportunity was seized with joy and triumph Adam Picot +8226-274369-0032.wav the king was betrayed into another indiscretion much more fatal an indiscretion to which all the ensuing disorders and civil wars ought immediately and directly to be ascribed Adam Picot +8226-274369-0033.wav this was the impeachment of lord kimbolton and the five members when the commons employed in their remonstrance language so severe and indecent they had not been actuated entirely by insolence and passion Adam Picot +8226-274369-0034.wav their views were more solid and profound they considered that in a violent attempt such as an invasion of the ancient constitution the more leisure was afforded the people to reflect Adam Picot +8226-274369-0035.wav the less would they be inclined to second that rash and dangerous enterprise that the peers would certainly refuse their concurrence nor were there any hopes of prevailing on them but by instigating the populace to tumult and disorder Adam Picot +8226-274369-0036.wav that the employing of such odious means for so invidious an end would at long run lose them all their popularity and turn the tide of favor to the contrary party and that if the king only remained in tranquillity Adam Picot +8226-274369-0037.wav they were therefore resolved if possible to excite him to some violent passion Adam Picot +8226-274369-0038.wav it was not long before they succeeded beyond their fondest wishes charles was enraged to find that all his concessions but increased their demands Adam Picot +8226-274369-0039.wav were again roused to sedition and tumults that the blackest calumnies were propagated against him and even the irish massacre ascribed to his counsels and machinations Adam Picot +8226-274369-0040.wav he was apt to ascribe them in a great measure to his own indolence and facility the queen and the ladies of the court further stimulated his passion and represented that Adam Picot +8226-274369-0041.wav if he exerted the vigor and displayed the majesty of a monarch the daring usurpations of his subjects would shrink before him lord digby a man of fine parts but full of levity and hurried on by precipitate passions Adam Picot +8226-274369-0042.wav that they had traitorously endeavored to subvert the fundamental laws and government of the kingdom to deprive the king of his regal power and to impose on his subjects an arbitrary and tyrannical authority that they had endeavored Adam Picot +8226-274369-0043.wav by many foul aspersions on his majesty and his government to alienate the affections of his people and make him odious to them that they had attempted to draw his late army to disobedience of his royal commands Adam Picot +8226-274369-0044.wav and to side with them in their traitorous designs Adam Picot +8226-274369-0045.wav seem to be common between the impeached members and the parliament Adam Picot +8226-274369-0046.wav than so far as they concurred with the majority in their votes and speeches though proofs might perhaps be produced of their privately inviting the scots to invade england Adam Picot +8226-274369-0047.wav how could such an attempt be considered as treason after the act of oblivion which had passed and after that both houses with the king's concurrence had voted that nation three hundred thousand pounds for their brotherly assistance Adam Picot +8226-274369-0048.wav while the house of peers are scarcely able to maintain their independency or to reject the bills sent them by the commons will they ever be permitted by the populace supposing them inclined Adam Picot +8226-274369-0049.wav but surely was never before attempted in opposition to a faction during the full tide of its power and success but men had not leisure to wonder at the indiscretion of this measure Adam Picot +8226-274369-0050.wav messengers were employed to search for them and arrest them their trunks chambers and studies were sealed and locked the house voted all these acts of violence to be breaches of privilege Adam Picot +8226-274369-0051.wav and commanded every one to defend the liberty of the members the king irritated by all this opposition resolved next day to come in person to the house with an intention to demand perhaps seize in their presence Adam Picot +8226-274369-0052.wav the persons whom he had accused this resolution was discovered to the countess of carlisle sister to northumberland a lady of spirit wit and intrigue she privately sent intelligence to the five members Adam Picot +8226-274369-0053.wav and they had time to withdraw a moment before the king entered he was accompanied by his ordinary retinue to the number of above two hundred armed as usual some with halberts Adam Picot +8226-274369-0054.wav yesterday i sent a serjeant at arms to demand some who by my order were accused of high treason instead of obedience i received a message i must here declare to you Adam Picot +8226-274369-0055.wav that though no king that ever was in england could be more careful of your privileges than i shall be yet in cases of treason no person has privilege Adam Picot +8226-274369-0056.wav i never did intend any force but shall proceed against them in a fair and legal way for i never meant any other and now since i see i cannot do what i came for Adam Picot +8226-274369-0057.wav he asked the speaker who stood below whether any of these persons were in the house the speaker falling on his knee prudently replied i have sir Adam Picot +8226-274369-0058.wav neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as the house is pleased to direct me whose servant i am and i humbly ask pardon Adam Picot +8226-274369-0059.wav who were appointed for that purpose or perhaps actuated by their own terrors ran from gate to gate crying out that the cavaliers were coming to burn the city and that the king himself was at their head Adam Picot +8226-274369-0060.wav next morning charles sent to the mayor and ordered him to call a common council immediately about ten o'clock he himself attended only by three or four lords went to guildhall Adam Picot +8226-274369-0061.wav he told the common council that he was sorry to hear of the apprehensions entertained of him that he was come to them without any guard in order to show how much he relied on their affections Adam Picot +8226-274369-0062.wav and that he had accused certain men of high treason against whom he would proceed in a legal way and therefore presumed that they would not meet with protection in the city after many other gracious expressions Adam Picot +8226-274369-0063.wav he heard the cry privilege of parliament privilege of parliament resounding from all quarters Adam Picot +311-124404-0000.wav i would here willingly have proceeded to exhibit the whole chain of truths which i deduced from these primary but as with a view to this it would have been necessary now to treat of many questions deadwhitemales +311-124404-0001.wav i believe that it will be better for me to refrain from this exposition and only mention in general what these truths are that the more judicious may be able to determine whether a more special account of them would conduce to the public advantage deadwhitemales +311-124404-0002.wav i have ever remained firm in my original resolution to suppose no other principle than that of which i have recently availed myself in demonstrating the existence of god and of the soul deadwhitemales +311-124404-0003.wav and to accept as true nothing that did not appear to me more clear and certain than the demonstrations of the geometers had formerly appeared and yet i venture to state that not only have i found means deadwhitemales +311-124404-0004.wav to satisfy myself in a short time on all the principal difficulties which are usually treated of in philosophy but i have also observed certain laws established in nature by god in such a manner deadwhitemales +311-124404-0005.wav and of which he has impressed on our minds such notions that after we have reflected sufficiently upon these we cannot doubt that they are accurately observed in all that exists or takes place in the world and farther by considering deadwhitemales +311-124404-0006.wav but like the painters who finding themselves unable to represent equally well on a plain surface all the different faces of a solid body select one of the chief on which alone they make the light fall and throwing the rest into the shade deadwhitemales +311-124404-0007.wav fearing lest i should not be able to compense in my discourse all that was in my mind i resolved to expound singly though at considerable length my opinions regarding light then deadwhitemales +311-124404-0008.wav to take the opportunity of adding something on the sun and the fixed stars since light almost wholly proceeds from them on the heavens since they transmit it on the planets comets and earth since they reflect it and particularly deadwhitemales +311-124404-0009.wav on all the bodies that are upon the earth since they are either colored or transparent or luminous and finally on man since he is the spectator of these objects deadwhitemales +311-124404-0010.wav further to enable me to cast this variety of subjects somewhat into the shade and to express my judgment regarding them with greater freedom without being necessitated to adopt or refute the opinions of the learned deadwhitemales +311-124404-0011.wav i resolved to leave all the people here to their disputes and to speak only of what would happen in a new world if god were now to create somewhere in the imaginary spaces deadwhitemales +311-124404-0012.wav matter sufficient to compose one and were to agitate variously and confusedly the different parts of this matter so that there resulted a chaos as disordered as the poets ever feigned deadwhitemales +311-124404-0013.wav and after that did nothing more than lend his ordinary concurrence to nature and allow her to act in accordance with the laws which he had established on this supposition i in the first place described this matter deadwhitemales +311-124404-0014.wav and essayed to represent it in such a manner that to my mind there can be nothing clearer and more intelligible except what has been recently said regarding god and the soul deadwhitemales +311-124404-0015.wav for i even expressly supposed that it possessed none of those forms or qualities which are so debated in the schools nor in general anything the knowledge of which is not so natural to our minds deadwhitemales +311-124404-0016.wav i endeavored to demonstrate all those about which there could be any room for doubt deadwhitemales +311-124404-0017.wav that even if god had created more worlds there could have been none in which these laws were not observed thereafter i showed how the greatest part of the matter of this chaos must in accordance with these laws dispose and arrange itself in such a way deadwhitemales +311-124404-0018.wav as to present the appearance of heavens how in the meantime some of its parts must compose an earth and some planets and comets and others a sun and fixed stars and making a digression at this stage on the subject of light deadwhitemales +311-124404-0019.wav i expounded at considerable length what the nature of that light must be deadwhitemales +311-124404-0020.wav and how thence in an instant of time it traverses the immense spaces of the heavens and how from the planets and comets it is reflected towards the earth to this i likewise added much respecting the substance the situation the motions deadwhitemales +311-124404-0021.wav and all the different qualities of these heavens and stars so that i thought i had said enough respecting them to show that there is nothing observable in the heavens or stars of our system that must not or at least may not appear precisely alike in those of the system which i described deadwhitemales +311-124404-0022.wav i came next to speak of the earth in particular and to show how even though i had expressly supposed that god had given no weight to the matter of which it is composed this should not prevent all its parts from tending exactly deadwhitemales +311-124404-0023.wav to that observed in our seas as also a certain current both of water and air from east to west such as is likewise observed between the tropics how the mountains seas fountains and rivers might naturally be formed in it deadwhitemales +311-124404-0024.wav and the metals produced in the mines and the plants grow in the fields and in general how all the bodies which are commonly denominated mixed or composite might be generated and among other things in the discoveries alluded to deadwhitemales +311-124404-0025.wav i knew nothing except fire which produces light i spared no pains to set forth all that pertains to its nature the manner of its production and support and to explain how heat is sometimes found without light and light without heat deadwhitemales +311-124404-0026.wav to show how it can induce various colors upon different bodies and other diverse qualities how it reduces some to a liquid state and hardens others how it can consume almost all bodies or convert them into ashes and smoke deadwhitemales +311-124404-0027.wav and finally how from these ashes deadwhitemales +311-124404-0028.wav for as this transmutation of ashes into glass appeared to me as wonderful as any other in nature i took a special pleasure in describing it i was not however disposed from these circumstances deadwhitemales +311-124404-0029.wav to conclude that this world had been created in the manner i described deadwhitemales +311-124404-0030.wav but this is certain and an opinion commonly received among theologians that the action by which he now sustains it is the same with that by which he originally created it deadwhitemales +311-124404-0031.wav so that even although he had from the beginning given it no other form than that of chaos provided only he had established certain laws of nature and had lent it his concurrence to enable it to act as it is wont to do deadwhitemales +311-124404-0032.wav it may be believed without discredit to the miracle of creation that in this way alone things purely material might in course of time deadwhitemales +311-124404-0033.wav from the description of inanimate bodies and plants i passed to animals and particularly to man deadwhitemales +311-124404-0034.wav but since i had not as yet sufficient knowledge to enable me to treat of these in the same manner as of the rest that is to say by deducing effects from their causes and by showing deadwhitemales +311-124404-0035.wav nature must produce them i remained satisfied with the supposition that god formed the body of man wholly like to one of ours as well in the external shape of the members as in the internal conformation of the organs deadwhitemales +311-124404-0036.wav of the same matter with that i had described and at first placed in it no rational soul nor any other principle in room of the vegetative or sensitive soul beyond kindling in the heart one of those fires without light deadwhitemales +311-124404-0037.wav and which i thought was not different from the heat in hay that has been heaped together before it is dry or that which causes fermentation in new wines before they are run clear of the fruit for when i examined the kind of functions which might deadwhitemales +311-124404-0038.wav as consequences of this supposition exist in this body i found precisely all those which may exist in us independently deadwhitemales +311-124404-0039.wav consists in thinking functions in which the animals void of reason may be said wholly to resemble us but among which i could not discover any of those that as dependent on thought alone belong to us as men deadwhitemales +311-124404-0040.wav while on the other hand i did afterwards discover these as soon as i supposed god to have created a rational soul and to have annexed it to this body in a particular manner which i described deadwhitemales +311-124404-0041.wav will afford the means of readily determining what should be thought of all the rest deadwhitemales +311-124404-0042.wav to take the trouble of getting dissected in their presence the heart of some large animal possessed of lungs deadwhitemales +311-124404-0043.wav and to have shown to them its two ventricles or cavities in the first place that in the right side with which correspond two very ample tubes viz the hollow vein vena cava deadwhitemales +311-124404-0044.wav which is the principal receptacle of the blood and the trunk of the tree as it were of which all the other veins in the body are branches and the arterial vein vena arteriosa inappropriately so denominated deadwhitemales +311-124404-0045.wav presently disperse themselves all over the lungs in the second place the cavity in the left side deadwhitemales +311-124404-0046.wav two canals in size equal to or larger than the preceding viz the venous artery arteria venosa likewise inappropriately thus designated because it is simply a vein which comes from the lungs deadwhitemales +311-124404-0047.wav where it is divided into many branches interlaced with those of the arterial vein and those of the tube called the windpipe through which the air we breathe enters and the great artery which issuing from the heart sends its branches all over the body deadwhitemales +311-124404-0048.wav i should wish also that such persons were carefully shown the eleven pellicles which like so many small valves open and shut the four orifices that are in these two cavities viz deadwhitemales +311-124404-0049.wav three at the entrance of the hollow veins where they are disposed in such a manner as by no means to prevent the blood which it contains from flowing into the right ventricle of the heart and yet exactly to prevent its flowing out three at the entrance to the arterial vein deadwhitemales +311-124404-0050.wav which arranged in a manner exactly the opposite of the former readily permit the blood contained in this cavity to pass into the lungs but hinder that contained in the lungs from returning to this cavity and in like manner deadwhitemales +311-124404-0051.wav two others at the mouth of the venous artery which allow the blood from the lungs to flow into the left cavity of the heart but preclude its return and three at the mouth of the great artery which suffer the blood to flow from the heart deadwhitemales +311-124404-0052.wav but prevent its reflux nor do we need to seek any other reason for the number of these pellicles beyond this that the orifice of the venous artery being of an oval shape from the nature of its situation can be adequately closed with two deadwhitemales +311-124404-0053.wav whereas the others being round are more conveniently closed with three besides i wish such persons to observe that the grand artery and the arterial vein are of much harder and firmer texture deadwhitemales +311-124404-0054.wav and there form as it were two pouches denominated the auricles of the heart which are composed of a substance similar to that of the heart itself and that there is always more warmth in the heart than in any other part of the body deadwhitemales +311-124404-0055.wav and finally that this heat is capable of causing any drop of blood that passes into the cavities rapidly to expand and dilate just as all liquors do when allowed to fall drop by drop into a highly heated vessel deadwhitemales +311-124404-0056.wav for after these things it is not necessary for me to say anything more with a view to explain the motion of the heart except that when its cavities are not full of blood deadwhitemales +311-124404-0057.wav into these the blood of necessity flows from the hollow vein into the right and from the venous artery into the left because these two vessels are always full of blood and their orifices which are turned towards the heart cannot then be closed deadwhitemales +311-124404-0058.wav because the orifices through which they pass are wide deadwhitemales +311-124404-0059.wav are immediately rarefied and dilated by the heat they meet with in this way they cause the whole heart to expand and at the same time press home and shut the five small valves that are at the entrances deadwhitemales +311-124404-0060.wav of the two vessels from which they flow and thus prevent any more blood from coming down into the heart and becoming more and more rarefied they push open the six small valves that are in the orifices of the other two vessels through which they pass out deadwhitemales +311-124404-0061.wav causing in this way all the branches of the arterial vein and of the grand artery to expand almost simultaneously with the heart which immediately thereafter begins to contract as do also the arteries deadwhitemales +311-124404-0062.wav and the six small valves close and the five of the hollow deadwhitemales +311-124404-0063.wav venous artery open anew and allow a passage deadwhitemales +311-124404-0064.wav which cause the heart and the arteries again to expand as before and because the blood which thus enters into the heart passes deadwhitemales +311-124404-0065.wav it thence happens that their motion is the contrary of that of the heart and that when it expands they contract but lest those who are ignorant of the force of mathematical demonstrations and who are not accustomed to distinguish deadwhitemales +311-124404-0066.wav true reasons from mere verisimilitudes should venture without examination to deny what has been said i wish it to be considered that the motion which i have now explained follows as necessarily deadwhitemales +311-124404-0067.wav from the very arrangement of the parts which may be observed in the heart by the eye alone and from the heat which may be felt with the fingers and from the nature of the blood as learned from experience as does the motion of a clock from the power deadwhitemales +311-124404-0068.wav the situation and shape of its counterweights and wheels but if it be asked how it happens that the blood in the veins flowing in this way continually into the heart is not exhausted deadwhitemales +311-124404-0069.wav and of having been the first to teach that there are many small passages at the extremities of the arteries through which the blood received by them from the heart passes into the small branches of the veins deadwhitemales +311-124404-0070.wav so that its course amounts precisely to a perpetual circulation of this we have abundant proof in the ordinary experience of surgeons who by binding the arm with a tie of moderate straitness above the part where they open the vein deadwhitemales +311-124404-0071.wav cause the blood to flow more copiously than it would have done without any ligature whereas quite the contrary would happen were they to bind it below that is between the hand and the opening or were to make the ligature above deadwhitemales +311-124404-0072.wav the opening very tight for it is manifest that the tie moderately straightened while adequate to hinder the blood already in the arm from returning towards the heart by the veins cannot on that account prevent new blood deadwhitemales +311-124404-0073.wav from coming forward through the arteries because these are situated below the veins and their coverings from their greater consistency are more difficult to compress and also that the blood which comes from the heart tends to pass through them deadwhitemales +311-124404-0074.wav to the hand with greater force than it does to return from the hand to the heart through the veins and since the latter current escapes from the arm by the opening made in one of the veins there must of necessity deadwhitemales +311-124404-0075.wav which is in the body may flow out of it in a very short time through a single artery that has been cut deadwhitemales +311-124404-0076.wav so as to prevent the supposition that the blood flowing out of it could come from any other quarter than the heart but there are many other circumstances which evince that what i have alleged deadwhitemales +311-124404-0077.wav is the true cause of the motion of the blood thus in the first place the difference that is observed between the blood which flows from the veins and that from the arteries can only arise from this deadwhitemales +311-124404-0078.wav and more vivid and warmer immediately after leaving the heart in other words when in the arteries than it was a short time before passing into either in other words when it was in the veins deadwhitemales +311-124404-0079.wav and if attention be given it will be found that this difference is very marked only in the neighborhood of the heart deadwhitemales +311-124404-0080.wav in parts more remote from it in the next place deadwhitemales +311-124404-0081.wav sufficiently shows that the blood is impelled against them with more force than against the veins and why should the left cavity of the heart deadwhitemales +311-124404-0082.wav and the arterial vein were it not that the blood of the venous artery having only been in the lungs after it has passed through the heart is thinner and rarefies more readily and in a higher degree deadwhitemales +311-124404-0083.wav whence it happens that if the blood be withdrawn from any part the heat is likewise withdrawn by the same means and although the heart were as hot as glowing iron it would not be capable of warming the feet and hands deadwhitemales +311-124404-0084.wav and that in children who cannot use them while in the womb deadwhitemales +311-124404-0085.wav when it is considered that it is distilled by passing and repassing through the heart perhaps more than one or two hundred times in a day deadwhitemales +311-124404-0086.wav and the production of the different humors of the body beyond saying that the force with which the blood in being rarefied passes from the heart towards the extremities of the arteries causes certain of its parts to remain in the members at which they arrive deadwhitemales +311-124404-0087.wav and there occupy the place of some others expelled by them and that according to the situation shape or smallness of the pores with which they meet some rather than others flow into certain parts deadwhitemales +311-124404-0088.wav which by being variously perforated serve to separate different species of grain and in the last place what above all is here worthy of observation deadwhitemales +311-124404-0089.wav is the generation of the animal spirits which are like a very subtle wind or rather a very pure and vivid flame which deadwhitemales +311-124404-0090.wav ascending in great abundance from the heart to the brain thence penetrates through the nerves into the muscles and gives motion to all the members so that to account for other parts of the blood which as most agitated and penetrating deadwhitemales +311-124404-0091.wav proceeding towards the brain it is not necessary to suppose any other cause than simply that the arteries which carry them thither proceed from the heart deadwhitemales +311-124404-0092.wav in the most direct lines and that according to the rules of mechanics which are the same with those of nature when many objects tend at once to the same point deadwhitemales +311-124404-0093.wav which flow forth from the left cavity of the heart and tend towards the brain the weaker and less agitated parts must necessarily be driven aside from that point by the stronger which alone in this way reach it deadwhitemales +311-124404-0094.wav i had expounded all these matters with sufficient minuteness in the treatise which i formerly thought of publishing and after these i had shown what must be the fabric of the nerves and muscles of the human body deadwhitemales +311-124404-0095.wav to give the animal spirits contained in it the power to move the members as when we see heads shortly after they have been struck off still move and bite the earth although no longer animated what changes must take place in the brain to produce deadwhitemales +311-124404-0096.wav waking sleep and dreams how light sounds odors tastes heat and all the other qualities of external objects impress it with different ideas by means of the senses how hunger deadwhitemales +311-124404-0097.wav thirst and the other internal affections can likewise impress upon it divers ideas what must be understood by the common sense sensus communis in which these ideas are received by the memory which retains them deadwhitemales +311-124404-0098.wav by the fantasy which can change them in various ways and out of them compose new ideas and which by the same means distributing the animal spirits through the muscles can cause the members of such a body to move in as many different ways deadwhitemales +311-124404-0099.wav to those who are acquainted with the variety of movements performed by the different automata or moving machines fabricated by human industry and that with help of but few pieces compared with the great multitude of bones deadwhitemales +311-124404-0100.wav muscles nerves arteries veins and other parts that are found in the body of each animal such persons will look upon this body as a machine made by the hands of god which is incomparably better arranged deadwhitemales +311-124404-0101.wav and adequate to movements more admirable than is any machine of human invention and here i specially stayed to show that were there such machines exactly resembling organs and outward form an ape or any other irrational animal deadwhitemales +311-124404-0102.wav we could have no means of knowing that they were in any respect of a different nature from these animals but if there were machines bearing the image of our bodies and capable of imitating our actions as far as it is morally possible deadwhitemales +311-124404-0103.wav our thoughts to others for we may easily conceive a machine to be so constructed that it emits vocables and even that it emits some correspondent to the action upon it of external objects which cause a change in its organs deadwhitemales +311-124404-0104.wav for example if touched in a particular place it may demand what we wish to say to it if in another it may cry out that it is hurt and such like deadwhitemales +311-124404-0105.wav appositely to reply to what is said in its presence as men of the lowest grade of intellect can do the second test is that although such machines might execute many things with equal or perhaps greater perfection than any of us deadwhitemales +311-124404-0106.wav these organs on the contrary need a particular arrangement for each particular action whence it must be morally impossible that there should exist in any machine a diversity of organs sufficient deadwhitemales +311-124404-0107.wav that there are no men so dull and stupid not even idiots as to be incapable of joining together different words and thereby constructing a declaration by which to make their thoughts understood deadwhitemales +311-124404-0108.wav destitute of the organs which others use in speaking are in the habit of spontaneously inventing certain signs by which they discover their thoughts to those who being usually in their company have leisure to learn their language deadwhitemales +311-124404-0109.wav and this proves not only that the brutes have less reason than man but that they have none at all for we see that very little is required to enable a person to speak deadwhitemales +311-124404-0110.wav and since a certain inequality of capacity is observable among animals of the same species as well as among men and since some are more capable of being instructed than others it is incredible that the most perfect ape or parrot of its species deadwhitemales +311-124404-0111.wav should not in this be equal to the most stupid infant of its kind or at least to one that was crack brained unless the soul of brutes deadwhitemales +311-124404-0112.wav and we ought not to confound speech with the natural movements which indicate the passions and can be imitated by machines as well as manifested by animals nor must it be thought with certain of the ancients that the brutes speak although we do not understand their language deadwhitemales +311-124404-0113.wav since they are endowed with many organs analogous to ours they could as easily communicate their thoughts to us as to their fellows deadwhitemales +311-124404-0114.wav that though there are many animals which manifest more industry than we in certain of their actions the same animals are yet observed to show none at all in many others so that the circumstance that they do better deadwhitemales +311-124404-0115.wav and could surpass us in all things on the contrary it rather proves that they are destitute of reason and that it is nature which acts in them according to the disposition of their organs thus it is seen that a clock composed only of wheels and weights deadwhitemales +311-124404-0116.wav can number the hours and measure time more exactly than we with all our skin i had after this described the reasonable soul and shown that it could by no means be educed from the power of matter deadwhitemales +311-124404-0117.wav as the other things of which i had spoken but that it must be expressly created and that it is not sufficient that it be lodged in the human body exactly like a pilot in a ship unless perhaps to move its members deadwhitemales +311-124404-0118.wav but that it is necessary for it to be joined and united more closely to the body in order to have sensations and appetites similar to ours and thus constitute a real man deadwhitemales +311-124404-0119.wav there is none that is more powerful in leading feeble minds astray from the straight path of virtue deadwhitemales +311-124404-0120.wav and consequently that after this life we have nothing to hope for or fear more than flies and ants in place of which when we know how far they differ we much better comprehend the reasons which establish deadwhitemales +311-124404-0121.wav because no other causes are observed capable of destroying it deadwhitemales +3374-298032-0000.wav the children are justified when they peep so curiously and timidly at a company of unknown faces each individual atom of everlasting time is capable of comprising a world of joy Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0001.wav and at the same time of opening up a fathomless abyss of pain and suffering Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0002.wav i understand now the old fairy tale about the man whom the sorcerer allowed to live a great many years in a few moments for i know by my own experience the terrible omnipotence of the fantasy Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0003.wav since the last letter from your sister it is three days now i have undergone the sufferings of an entire life from the bright sunlight of glowing youth to the pale moonlight of sagacious old age Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0004.wav every little detail she wrote about your sickness taken with what i had already gleaned from the doctor and had observed myself confirmed my suspicion that it was far more dangerous than you thought Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0005.wav indeed no longer dangerous but decided past hope lost in this thought and my strength entirely exhausted on account of the impossibility of hurrying to your side Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0006.wav my state of mind was really very disconsolate now for the first time i understand what it really was being new born by the joyful news that you are well again Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0007.wav i did not think of it as about to happen in the future or even in the present everything was already past for a long time you had been wrapt in the bosom of the cold earth Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0008.wav flowers had started to grow on the beloved grave and my tears had already begun to flow more gently mute and alone i stood and saw nothing but the features i had loved and the sweet glances of the expressive eyes Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0009.wav now and then the pale face smiled and seemed asleep just as it had looked the last time i saw it then of a sudden the different memories all became confused Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0010.wav with unbelievable rapidity the outlines changed reassumed their first form and transformed themselves again and again until the wild vision vanished Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0011.wav only your holy eyes remained in the empty space and hung there motionless even as the friendly stars shine eternally over our poverty Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0012.wav now a piercing pain from dark suns burned me with an insupportable glare now a beautiful radiance hovered about as if to entice me then i seemed to feel a fresh breath of morning air fan me Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0013.wav i held my head up and cried aloud Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0014.wav why should you torment yourself in a few minutes you can be with her Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0015.wav i was already hastening to you when suddenly a new thought held me back and i said to my spirit Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0016.wav unworthy man you cannot even endure the trifling dissonances of this ordinary life and yet you regard yourself as ready for and worthy of a higher life go away and do and suffer as your calling is Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0017.wav and then present yourself again when your orders have been executed Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0018.wav is it not to you also remarkable how everything on this earth moves toward the centre how orderly everything is how insignificant and trivial so it has always seemed to me Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0019.wav and for that reason i suspect if i am not mistaken i have already imparted my suspicion to you that the next life will be larger and in the good as well as in the bad stronger wilder bolder and more tremendous Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0020.wav as when a person suddenly finds himself alone in the midst of immeasurable mountains of ice everything about me and in me was cold and strange and even my tears froze Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0021.wav wonderful worlds appeared and vanished before me in my uneasy dream i was sick and suffered great pain but i loved my sickness and welcomed the suffering Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0022.wav i hated everything earthly and was glad to see it all punished and destroyed i felt so alone and so strangely Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0023.wav and as a delicate spirit often grows melancholy in the very lap of happiness over its own joy and at the very acme of its existence becomes conscious of the futility of it all Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0024.wav so did i regard my suffering with mysterious pleasure i regarded it as the symbol of life in general i believed that i was seeing and feeling the everlasting discord Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0025.wav and the lovely forms of refined culture seemed dead and trivial to me in comparison with this monstrous world of infinite strength and of unending struggle and warfare Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0026.wav even into the most hidden depths of existence on account of this remarkable feeling sickness acquired the character of a peculiar world complete in itself Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0027.wav i felt that its mysterious life was richer and deeper than the vulgar health of the dreaming sleep walkers all around me and with the sickliness which was not at all unpleasant Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0028.wav this feeling also clung to me and completely separated me from other men just as i was sundered from the earth by the thought that your nature and my love had been too sacred Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0029.wav it seemed to me that all was right so and that your unavoidable death was nothing more than a gentle awakening after a light sleep i too thought that i was awake when i saw your picture Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0030.wav which evermore transfigured itself into a cheerful diffused purity serious and yet charming quite you and yet no longer you the divine form irradiated by a wonderful light Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0031.wav now it was like the terrible gleam of visible omnipotence now like a soft ray of golden childhood Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0032.wav because every earthly sentiment was entirely strange to me and the feeling never left me that i was consecrated to death Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0033.wav the years passed slowly by and deeds and works advanced laboriously to their goal one after the other a goal that seemed as little mine as the deeds and works seemed to be what they are called Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0034.wav to me they were merely holy symbols and everything brought me back to my one beloved Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0035.wav and the one eternal and indivisible humanity all existence was an uninterrupted divine service of solitary love Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0036.wav finally i became conscious that it was now nearly over the brow was no longer smooth and the locks were becoming gray my career was ended but not completed Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0037.wav the best strength of life was gone and still art and virtue Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0038.wav stood ever unattainable before me i should have despaired had i not perceived and idolized both in you gracious madonna and you and your gentle godliness in myself Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0039.wav then you appeared to me beckoning with the summons of death Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0040.wav an earnest longing for you and for freedom seized me i yearned for my dear old fatherland and was about to shake off the dust of travel when i was suddenly called back to life by the promise and reassurance of your recovery Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0041.wav and only in that way does a human being become one and a complete entity that is by regarding and poetically conceiving himself as the centre of everything and the spirit of the world Craig Campbell +3374-298032-0042.wav but why poetically conceive since we find the germ of everything in ourselves and yet remain forever only a fragment of ourselves Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0000.wav an old man in agony but still genial and full of delicate wit drapes the motley spectacle of his lifelike writings with the costly tapestry of a preface which in itself is a beautiful and romantic painting Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0001.wav but what shall my spirit bestow upon its offspring which like its parent is as poor in poesy as it is rich in love just one word a parting trope Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0002.wav it is not alone the royal eagle who may despise the croaking of the raven the swan too is proud and takes no note of it Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0003.wav human beings and what they want and do Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0004.wav a fresh warm breath of life and love fanned me rustling and stirring in all the branches of the verdant grove i gazed and enjoyed it all the rich green the white blossoms and the golden fruit Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0005.wav and in my mind's eye i saw too in many forms my one and only beloved now as a little girl now as a young lady in the full bloom and energy of love and womanhood Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0006.wav and now as a dignified mother with her demure babe in her arms i breathed the spring and i saw clearly all about me everlasting youth smiling i said to myself Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0007.wav from this feeling or thought nothing could have turned me neither general despair nor personal fear for i believed Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0008.wav but i gladly lost myself in all those blendings and intertwinings of joy and pain from which spring the spice of life and the flower of feeling spiritual pleasure as well as sensual bliss Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0009.wav a subtle fire flowed through my veins Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0010.wav it was not only the wish to relieve the tormenting sting of my desire and to cool the sweet fire by gratification it was not for your lips that i longed or for your eyes or for your body Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0011.wav a marvelous mingling of memories and desires all the mysteries of caprice in man and woman seemed to hover about me when suddenly in my solitude Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0012.wav and yet with calm presence of mind i watched for the slightest sign of joy in you so that not one should escape me to impair the harmony i not only enjoyed but i felt and enjoyed Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0013.wav the enjoyment you are so extraordinarily clever dearest lucinda that you have doubtless long ere this begun to suspect that this is all nothing but a beautiful dream Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0014.wav not long ago i was standing by the window how long i do not know for along with the other rules of reason and morality i completely forgot about the lapse of time well i was standing by the window and looking out into the open Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0015.wav the morning certainly deserves to be called beautiful the air is still and quite warm and the verdure here before me is fresh and even as the wide land undulates in hills and dales Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0016.wav so the calm broad silvery river winds along in great bends and sweeps until it and the lover's fantasy cradled upon it like the swan pass away into the distance and lose themselves in the immeasurable Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0017.wav my vision doubtless owes the grove and its southern color effect to the huge mass of flowers here beside me Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0018.wav all the rest is readily explained by psychology Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0019.wav all except that not long ago i was standing by the window and doing nothing and that i am now sitting here and doing something something which is perhaps little more than nothing perhaps even less Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0020.wav i was just on the point of unfolding to you in clear and precise periods the exact and straightforward history of our frivolities and of my dulness i was going to expound to you step by step Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0021.wav in accordance with natural laws the misunderstandings that attack the hidden centre of the loveliest existence and to confess to you the manifold effects of my awkwardness Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0022.wav i was about to describe the apprenticeship of my manhood Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0023.wav a period which taken as a whole or in parts i can never look back upon without a great deal of inward amusement a little melancholy and considerable self satisfaction Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0024.wav still as a refined lover and writer i will endeavor to refashion the coarse occurrence and adapt it to my purpose for me and for this book however for my love of it and for its inner development Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0025.wav there is no better adaptation of means to ends than this namely that right at the start i begin by abolishing what we call orderly arrangement keep myself entirely aloof from it Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0026.wav frankly claiming and asserting the right to a charming confusion this is all the more necessary inasmuch as the material which our life and love offers to my spirit and to my pen is so incessantly progressive Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0027.wav and so inflexibly systematic if the form were also of that character this in its way unique letter would then acquire an intolerable unity and monotony Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0028.wav so i use my incontestable right to a confused style by inserting here in the wrong place one of the many incoherent sheets which i once filled with rubbish Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0029.wav it was written in a mood of impatient longing due to my not finding you where i most surely expected to find you in your room on our sofa in the haphazard words suggested by the pen you had lately been using Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0030.wav the selection is not difficult for since among the dreamy fancies which are here confided to you in permanent letters the recollection of this most beautiful world Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0031.wav is the most significant and has a certain sort of resemblance to what they call thought i choose in preference to anything else a dithyrambic fantasy on the most lovely of situations Craig Campbell +3374-298025-0032.wav for once we know to a certainty that we live in a most beautiful world the next need is obvious Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0000.wav it looks at me joyously out of its deep eyes and opens its arms to embrace my spirit Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0001.wav the holiest and most evanescent of those delicate traits and utterances of the soul which to one who does not know the highest seem like bliss itself Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0002.wav are merely the common atmosphere of our spiritual breath and life the words are weak and vague Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0003.wav furthermore in this throng of impressions i could only repeat anew the one inexhaustible feeling of our original harmony a great future beckons me on into the immeasurable Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0004.wav each idea develops a countless progeny Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0005.wav i remember everything even the griefs and all my thoughts that have been and are to be Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0006.wav the blood rushes wildly through my swollen veins my mouth thirsts for the contact of your lips and my fancy seeks vainly among the many forms of joy for one Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0007.wav which might at last gratify my desire and give it rest and then again i suddenly and sadly bethink me of the gloomy time when i was always waiting without hope Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0008.wav and madly loving without knowing it when my innermost being overflowed with a vague longing which it breathed forth but rarely in half suppressed sighs Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0009.wav oh i should have thought it all a fairy tale that there could be such joy such love as i now feel and such a woman who could be my most tender beloved my best companion and at the same time Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0010.wav a perfect friend for it was in friendship especially that i sought for what i wanted and for what i never hoped to find in any woman in you i found it all and more than i could wish for Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0011.wav you know nothing the womanliness of your soul aside from minor peculiarities consists in its regarding life and love as the same thing for you all feeling is infinite and eternal Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0012.wav you recognize no separations your being is an indivisible unity that is why you are so serious and so joyous why you regard everything in such a large and indifferent way Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0013.wav that is why you love me all of me and will surrender no part of me to the state to posterity or to manly pleasures i am all yours we are closest to each other Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0014.wav and we understand each other you accompany me through all the stages of manhood from the utmost wantonness to the most refined spirituality in you alone i first saw true pride Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0015.wav and true feminine humility the most extreme suffering if it is only surrounded without separating us Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0016.wav would seem to me nothing but a charming antithesis to the sublime frivolity of our marriage why should we not take the harshest whim of chance for an excellent jest and a most frolicsome caprice since we Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0017.wav like our love are immortal i can no longer say my love and your love they are both alike in their perfect mutuality marriage is the everlasting unity and alliance of our spirits Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0018.wav as that last glass of champagne we drank together when i said and so let us drink out the rest of our lives Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0019.wav and so i say again let us live and love i know you would not wish to survive me you would rather follow your dying husband into his coffin gladly and lovingly would you descend into the burning abyss Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0020.wav even as the women of india do impelled by a mad law the cruel constraining purpose of which desecrates and destroys the most delicate sanctities of the will Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0021.wav on the other side perhaps longing will be more completely realized i often wonder over it every thought and whatever else is fashioned within us Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0022.wav seems to be complete in itself as single and indivisible as a person one thing crowds out another and that which just now was near and present soon sinks back into obscurity Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0023.wav and then again come moments of sudden and universal clarity when several such spirits of the inner world completely fuse together into a wonderful wedlock and many a forgotten bit of our ego shines forth in a new light Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0024.wav and even illuminates the darkness of the future with its bright lustre as it is in a small way Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0025.wav i think in a large way that which we call a life is for the complete inner immortal man only a single idea an indivisible feeling Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0026.wav and for him there come too moments of the profoundest and fullest consciousness when all lives fall together and mingle and separate in a different way Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0027.wav the time is coming when we two shall behold in one spirit that we are blossoms of one plant or petals of one flower we shall then know with a smile Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0028.wav that what we now call merely hope was really memory do you know how the first seed of this idea germinated in my soul before you and took root in yours Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0029.wav weave our love ever and ever more closely and firmly together just as a child like an echo doubles the happiness of its gentle parents nothing can part us Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0030.wav and certainly any separation would only draw me more powerfully to you i bethink me how at our last embrace you vehemently resisting i burst into simultaneous tears and laughter Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0031.wav i tried to calm myself and in a sort of bewilderment i would not believe that i was separated from you until the surrounding objects convinced me of it against my will Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0032.wav but then my longing grew again irresistible until on its wings i sank back into your arms suppose words or a human being to create a misunderstanding between us Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0033.wav the poignant grief would be transient and quickly resolve itself into complete harmony how could separation separate us when presence itself is to us as it were too present Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0034.wav we have to cool and mitigate the consuming fire with jests and thus for us the most witty of the forms and situations of joy is also the most beautiful Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0035.wav it is not merely the delight of exhaustion or the anticipation of revenge i see in it a wonderful and profoundly significant allegory of the development of man and woman Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0036.wav into complete humanity that was my dithyrambic fantasy on the loveliest situation in the loveliest of worlds i know right well what you thought of it Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0037.wav and how you took it at that time and i think i know just as well what you will think of it and how you will take it here here in this little book in which you expect to find genuine history plain truth and calm reason Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0038.wav yes even morality the charming morality of love Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0039.wav how can a man wish to write anything which it is scarcely permissible to talk about which ought only to be felt Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0040.wav i replied Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0041.wav a man feels it he must wish to talk about it and what a man wishes to talk about he may write Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0042.wav i wanted first to demonstrate to you that there exists in the original and essential nature of man a certain awkward enthusiasm which likes to utter boldly that which is delicate and holy Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0043.wav and sometimes falls headlong over its own honest zeal and speaks a word that is divine to the point of coarseness this apology would indeed save me Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0044.wav but perhaps only at the enormous expense of my manhood itself for whatever you may think of my manhood in particular you have nevertheless a great deal against the sex in general Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0045.wav meantime i will by no means make common cause with them but will rather excuse and defend my liberty and audacity by means of the example of the little innocent wilhelmina Craig Campbell +3374-298026-0046.wav since she too is a lady whom i love most tenderly Craig Campbell +3857-182315-0000.wav how i hate the man who talks about the brute creation with an ugly emphasis on brute as for me i am proud of my close kinship with other animals Epistomolus +3857-182315-0001.wav i take a jealous pride in my simian ancestry i like to think that i was once a magnificent hairy fellow living in the trees and that my frame has come down through geological time via sea jelly and worms Epistomolus +3857-182315-0002.wav and amphioxus fish dinosaurs and apes who would exchange these for the pallid couple in the garden of eden w n p barbellion Epistomolus +3857-182315-0003.wav last sunday potter took me out driving along upper broadway where those long rows of tall new apartment houses were built a few years ago it was a mild afternoon and great crowds of people were out Epistomolus +3857-182315-0004.wav sunday afternoon crowds they were not going anywhere they were just strolling up and down staring at each other and talking there were thousands and thousands of them Epistomolus +3857-182315-0005.wav i turned and asked why what about them i wasn't sure whether he had an idea or a headache other creatures don't do it he replied with a discouraged expression Epistomolus +3857-182315-0006.wav are any other beings ever found in such masses but vermin aimless staring vacant minded look at them Epistomolus +3857-182315-0007.wav i can get no sense whatever of individual worth or of value in men as a race when i see them like this it makes one almost despair of civilization i thought this over for awhile Epistomolus +3857-182315-0008.wav and yet at other times i too feel like a spectator an alien but even then i had never felt so alien or despairing as potter let's remember i said it's a simian civilization Epistomolus +3857-182315-0009.wav potter was staring disgustedly at some vaudeville sign boards yes i said those for example are distinctively simian why should you feel disappointment at something inevitable and i went on to argue that it wasn't as though we were descended from Epistomolus +3857-182315-0010.wav eagles for instance instead of broadly speaking from ape like or monkeyish beings being of simian stock we had simian traits our development naturally bore the marks of our origin Epistomolus +3857-182315-0011.wav what could you expect two if we had been made directly from clay the way it says in the bible and had therefore inherited no intermediate characteristics Epistomolus +3857-182315-0012.wav if a god or some principle of growth had gone that way to work with us he or it might have molded us in much more splendid forms but considering our simian descent it has done very well Epistomolus +3857-182315-0013.wav the only people who are disappointed in us are those who still believe that clay story or who unconsciously still let it color their thinking there certainly seems to be a power at work in the world Epistomolus +3857-182315-0014.wav by virtue of which every living thing grows and develops and it tends toward splendor seeds become trees and weak little nations grow great but the push or the force that is doing this the yeast as it were Epistomolus +3857-182315-0015.wav has to work in and on certain definite kinds of material because this yeast is in us there may be great and undreamed of possibilities awaiting mankind but because of our line of descent Epistomolus +3857-182315-0016.wav there are also queer limitations three in those distant invisible epochs before men existed before even the proud missing link strutted around through the woods Epistomolus +3857-182315-0017.wav little realizing how we his greatgrandsons would smile wryly at him much as our own descendants may shudder at us ages hence the various animals were desperately competing for power they couldn't or didn't live as equals Epistomolus +3857-182315-0018.wav certain groups sought the headship many strange forgotten dynasties rose met defiance and fell in the end it was our ancestors who won and became simian kings and bequeathed a whole planet to us Epistomolus +3857-182315-0019.wav and kept us in cages or show us for sport in the forest while they ruled the world so potter and i developing this train of thought began to imagine we had lived many ages ago and somehow or other had alighted here from some older planet Epistomolus +3857-182315-0020.wav familiar with the ways of evolution elsewhere in the universe we naturally should have wondered what course it would take on this earth even in this out of the way corner of the cosmos we might have reflected and on this tiny star Epistomolus +3857-182315-0021.wav it may be of interest to consider the trend of events we should have tried to appraise the different species as they wandered around each with its own set of good and bad characteristics which group we'd have wondered would ever contrive to rule all the rest Epistomolus +3857-182315-0022.wav and how great a development could they attain to thereafter Epistomolus +3857-182315-0023.wav we might first have considered the lemurs or apes they had hands aesthetically viewed the poor simians were simply grotesque but travelers who knew other planets might have known what beauty may spring from an uncouth beginning in this magic universe Epistomolus +3857-182315-0024.wav still those frowsy unlovely hordes of apes and monkeys were so completely lacking in signs of kingship they were so flighty too in their ways and had so little purpose and so much love for absurd and idle chatter Epistomolus +3857-182315-0025.wav they are not easily left behind even after long stages and they form a terrible obstacle to all high advancement Epistomolus +3857-182315-0026.wav the bees or the ants might have seemed to us more promising their smallness of size was not necessarily too much of a handicap they could have made poison their weapon for the subjugation of rivals Epistomolus +3857-182315-0027.wav and in these orderly insects there are obviously a capacity for labor and co operative labor at that which could carry them far we all know that they have a marked genius great gifts of their own Epistomolus +3857-182315-0028.wav in a civilization of super ants or bees there would have been no problem of the hungry unemployed no poverty no unstable government no riots no strikes for short hours Epistomolus +3857-182315-0029.wav no derision of eugenics no thieves perhaps no crime at all ants are good citizens they place group interests first but they carry it so far they have few or no political rights Epistomolus +3857-182315-0030.wav an ant doesn't have the vote apparently he just has his duties this quality may have something to do with their having groups wars the egotism of their individual spirits is allowed scant expression Epistomolus +3857-182315-0031.wav so the egotism of the groups is extremely ferocious and active is this one of the reasons why ants fight so much we have seen the same phenomenon occur in certain nations of men and the ants commit atrocities in and after their battles that are Epistomolus +3857-182315-0032.wav i wish i could truly say inhuman but conversely ants are absolutely unselfish within the community they are skilful ingenious their nests and buildings are relatively larger than man's Epistomolus +3857-182315-0033.wav the scientists speak of their paved streets vaulted halls their hundreds of different domesticated animals their pluck and intelligence their individual initiative their chaste and industrious lives Epistomolus +3857-182315-0034.wav darwin said the ant's brain was one of the most marvelous atoms in the world perhaps more so than the brain of man yes of present day man who for thousands and thousands of years has had so much more chance to develop his brain Epistomolus +3857-182315-0035.wav a thoughtful observer would have weighed all these excellent qualities when we think of these creatures as little men which is all wrong of course we see they have their faults to our eyes they seem too orderly for instance Epistomolus +3857-182315-0036.wav repressively so their ways are more fixed than those of the old egyptians and their industry is painful to think of it's hyper chinese but we must remember this is a simian comment Epistomolus +3857-182315-0037.wav the instincts of the species that you and i belong to are of an opposite kind and that makes it hard for us to judge ants fairly but we and the ants are alike in one matter the strong love of property Epistomolus +3857-182315-0038.wav and instead of merely struggling with nature for it they also fight other ants the custom of plunder seems to be a part of most of their wars this has gone on for ages among them and continues today Epistomolus +3857-182315-0039.wav raids ferocious combats and loot are part of an ant's regular life ant reformers if there were any might lay this to their property sense and talk of abolishing property as a cure for the evil Epistomolus +3857-182315-0040.wav but that would not help for long unless they could abolish the love of it ants seem to care even more for property than we do ourselves we men are inclined to ease up a little when we have all we need Epistomolus +3857-182315-0041.wav they can't bear to stop they keep right on working this means that ants do not contemplate they heed nothing outside of their own little rounds it is almost as though their fondness for labor had closed fast their minds Epistomolus +3857-182315-0042.wav conceivably they might have developed inquiring minds but this would have run against their strongest instincts the ant is knowing and wise but he doesn't know enough to take a vacation Epistomolus +3857-182315-0043.wav would they have been able therewith to rule their instincts or to stop work long enough to examine themselves or the universe or to dream of any noble development probably not reason is seldom or never the ruler Epistomolus +3857-182315-0044.wav it is the servant of instinct it would therefore have told the ants that incessant toil was useful and good toil has brought you up from the ruck of things reason would have plausibly said Epistomolus +3857-182315-0045.wav it's by virtue of feverish toil that you have become what you are being endlessly industrious is the best road for you to the heights Epistomolus +3857-182317-0000.wav some had over trustful characters like the seals or exploitable characters like cows and chickens and sheep such creatures sentence themselves to be captives by their lack of ambition dogs they have more spirit Epistomolus +3857-182317-0001.wav but they have lost their chance of kingship through worshipping us the dog's finer qualities can't be praised too warmly there is a purity about his devotion which makes mere men feel speechless but with all love for dogs Epistomolus +3857-182317-0002.wav one must grant they are vassals not rulers they are too parasitic the one willing servant class of the world and we have betrayed them by making under simians of them Epistomolus +3857-182317-0003.wav loving us they let us stop their developing in tune with their natures and they've patiently tried ever since to adopt ways of ours they have done it too but of course they can't get far it's not their own road Epistomolus +3857-182317-0004.wav dogs have more love than integrity they've been true to us yes but they haven't been true to themselves pigs the pig is remarkably intelligent and brave but he's gross Epistomolus +3857-182317-0005.wav and grossness delays one's achievement it takes so much time the snake too though wise has a way of eating himself into stupors if super snake men had had banquets they would have been too vast to describe Epistomolus +3857-182317-0006.wav and well should the elephant know it he had the best chance of all wiser even than the lion or the wisest of apes his wisdom furthermore was benign where theirs was sinister consider his dignity his poise and skill Epistomolus +3857-182317-0007.wav he was plastic too he had learned to eat many foods and endure many climates once some say this race explored the globe their bones are found everywhere in south america even Epistomolus +3857-182317-0008.wav so the elephants columbus may have found some road here before ours they are cosmopolitans these suave and well bred beings they have rich emotional natures long memories loyalty they are steady and sure Epistomolus +3857-182317-0009.wav and not narrow not self absorbed for they seem interested in everything what was it then that put them out of the race could it have been a quite natural belief that they had already won and when they saw that they hadn't Epistomolus +3857-182317-0010.wav and that the monkey men were getting ahead were they too great minded and decent to exterminate their puny rivals it may have been their tolerance and patience that betrayed them they wait too long before they resent an imposition or insult Epistomolus +3857-182317-0011.wav just as ants are too energetic and cats too shrewd for their own highest good so the elephants suffer from too much patience their exhibitions of it may seem superb such power and such restraint combined are noble Epistomolus +3857-182317-0012.wav more live and let live in allowing other species to stay here our way is to kill good and bad male and female and babies till the few last survivors lie hidden away from our guns Epistomolus +3857-182317-0013.wav all species must surrender unconditionally those are our terms and come and live in barns alongside us or on us as parasites the creatures that want to live a life of their own we call wild if wild Epistomolus +3857-182317-0014.wav then no matter how harmless we treat them as outlaws and those of us who are specially well brought up shoot them for fun some might be our friends we don't wish it we keep them all terrorized Epistomolus +3857-182317-0015.wav when one of us conquering monkey men enters the woods most animals that scent him slink away or race off in a panic it is not that we have planned this deliberately but they know what we're like race by race they have been slaughtered Epistomolus +3857-182317-0016.wav soon all will be gone we give neither freedom nor life room to those we defeat if we had been as strong as the elephants we might have been kinder when great power comes naturally to people Epistomolus +3857-182317-0017.wav it is used more urbanely we use it as parvenus do because that's what we are the elephant being born to it is easy going confident tolerant he would have been a more humane king Epistomolus +3857-182317-0018.wav the elephant is stupid when it comes to learning how to use tools so are all other species except our own isn't it strange a tool in the most primitive sense is any object lying around Epistomolus +3857-182317-0019.wav that can obviously be used as an instrument for this or that purpose many creatures use objects as materials as birds use twigs for nests but the step that no animal takes is learning freely to use things as instruments Epistomolus +3857-182317-0020.wav when an elephant plucks off a branch and swishes his flanks and thus keeps away insects he is using a tool but he does it only by a vague and haphazard association of ideas if he once became a conscious user of tools Epistomolus +3857-182317-0021.wav he would of course go much further we ourselves who are so good at it now were slow enough in beginning think of the long epochs that passed before it entered our heads Epistomolus +3857-182317-0022.wav and all that while the contest for leadership blindly went on without any species making use of this obvious aid the lesson to be learned was simple the reward was the rule of a planet yet only one species our own Epistomolus +3857-182317-0023.wav has ever had that much brains it makes you wonder what other obvious lessons may still be unlearned it is not necessarily stupid however to fail to use tools to use tools involves using reason Epistomolus +3857-182317-0024.wav instead of sticking to instinct now sticking to instinct has its disadvantages but so has using reason whichever faculty you use the other atrophies and partly deserts you we are trying to use both Epistomolus +3857-182317-0025.wav but we still don't know which has the more value a sudden vision comes to me of one of the first far away ape men who tried to use reason instead of instinct as a guide for his conduct i imagine him perched in his tree Epistomolus +3857-182317-0026.wav torn between those two voices wailing loudly at night by a river in his puzzled distress my poor far off brother Epistomolus +3857-182317-0027.wav and thereafter achieve a high civilization but that wasn't the problem the real problem Epistomolus +3857-182317-0028.wav some quenchless desire to urge them on and on and also adaptability of a thousand kinds to their environment the rhinoceros cares little for adaptability he slogs through the world but we Epistomolus +3857-182317-0029.wav we are experts adaptability is what we depend on we talk of our mastery of nature which sounds very grand but the fact is we respectfully adapt ourselves first to her ways Epistomolus +3857-182317-0030.wav we attain no power over nature till we learn natural laws and our lordship depends on the adroitness with which we learn and conform adroitness however is merely an ability to win Epistomolus +3857-182317-0031.wav back of it there must be some spur to make us use our adroitness why don't we all die or give up when we're sick of the world because the love of life is reenforced in most energized beings Epistomolus +3857-182317-0032.wav by some longing that pushes them forward in defeat and in darkness all creatures wish to live and to perpetuate their species of course but those two wishes alone evidently do not carry any race far Epistomolus +3857-182317-0033.wav in addition to these a race to be great needs some hunger some itch to spur it up the hard path we lately have learned to call evolution the love of toil in the ants and of craft in cats are examples Epistomolus +3857-180923-0000.wav the preceding pages have outlined the career of the second connecticut heavy artillery and have narrated some of the more memorable events of its history enough has been told of what it did to furnish grounds for deducing what it was Epistomolus +3857-180923-0001.wav but to deal with the regiment on the personal side is hardly possible within the limits of such a sketch as this though it is a matter that cannot be entirely passed by Epistomolus +3857-180923-0002.wav made up the organization whose not uneventful existence has been described that they were better men or worse braver men or more patriotic than their descendants and successors would prove under similar conditions Epistomolus +3857-180923-0003.wav or than the hundreds of thousands of their contemporaries who devoted themselves to the same service is not to be believed yet to have passed through such experiences as have been recounted which became for them for a time the commonplaces of every day life Epistomolus +3857-180923-0004.wav is enough to place them apart from ordinary men in the eyes of our peace knowing generation in fact to have passed the tests of so fierce a course of education gives them a title to a place thus apart the university man of to day Epistomolus +3857-180923-0005.wav as the burden of the baccalaureate sermons so frequently testifies is consigned to a special place of responsibility in life because of his training these men surely earned one of special honor by reason of theirs which was too Epistomolus +3857-180923-0006.wav not like the other preparation alone but also fulfilment the realization of how typical it all was of that generation and that time brings the clearest understanding of the real scope of the civil war Epistomolus +3857-180923-0007.wav a number of the officers and men were college graduates when they enlisted and others gained degrees after the war ended the list which follows is however necessarily incomplete in fact an absolutely correct list is no doubt hopelessly impossible Epistomolus +3857-180923-0008.wav and was enlisted as captain of a company which he had been active in recruiting lieutenant colonel nathaniel smith of woodbury entered the yale law school in the class of eighteen fifty three but did not graduate Epistomolus +3857-180923-0009.wav ill health forced him to relinquish his commission early in eighteen sixty four and until his death in eighteen seventy seven he was a leading citizen of the county judge augustus h fenn major and brevet colonel Epistomolus +3857-180923-0010.wav came back from the war having lost an arm at cedar creek to take a course in the law school at harvard and yale made him a master of arts in eighteen eighty nine his prominence for many years in public life and as judge in the highest courts in the state is well known Epistomolus +3857-180923-0011.wav at the time of his death in eighteen ninety seven he was a lecturer in the yale law school and member of the supreme court of errors Epistomolus +3857-180923-0012.wav captain and brevet major was a graduate of williams in the class of eighteen fifty seven he was pastor of the congregational church at east canaan when the regiment was organized and was one of its recruiting officers adjutant theodore f vaill Epistomolus +3857-180923-0013.wav the historian of the regiment was a student before the war at union college but did not graduate captain george s williams of new milford was a member of the class of eighteen fifty two at yale for a time Epistomolus +3857-180923-0014.wav and received a degree from trinity in eighteen fifty five surgeon henry plumb and assistant surgeons robert g hazzard and john w lawton were all graduates of the yale medical school in the classes of eighteen sixty one Epistomolus +3857-180923-0015.wav and after the war was for some years rector of saint john's church in salisbury he was later connected with a church college in missouri where he died in eighteen ninety eight Epistomolus +3857-180923-0016.wav studied after the war at the berkeley divinity school and has been for many years rector of saint john's church in bridgeport lieutenant and brevet captain lewis w munger Epistomolus +3857-180923-0017.wav sergeant theodore c glazier was a graduate of trinity in the class of eighteen sixty and was a tutor there when he enlisted he was later made colonel of a colored regiment and served with credit in that capacity Epistomolus +3857-180923-0018.wav corporal edward c hopson a graduate of trinity in eighteen sixty four was killed at cedar creek sergeant garwood r merwin who had been a member of the class of eighteen sixty four at yale Epistomolus +3857-180923-0019.wav colonel mackenzie graduated at west point in eighteen sixty two but he was never a resident of the county or of connecticut and his only connection with either was through his commission from governor buckingham Epistomolus +3857-180923-0020.wav there are not a few other names upon the rolls of the regiment which upon more thorough investigation than has been possible in the present case would certainly be added to the list Epistomolus +3857-180923-0021.wav a complete history of the organization would also give a large place to the association of its veterans formed shortly after the war whose frequent gatherings have more than a superficial likeness to the reunions of college classes Epistomolus +3857-180923-0022.wav memorable among these meetings was the one held on october twenty first eighteen ninety six the occasion being the dedication of the regiment's monument in the national cemetery at arlington Epistomolus +3857-180923-0023.wav as a whole the regiment was a body thoroughly representative not only of the army of which it was a fraction an army as has been often said unlike any other the world has known but also of the population from which it was drawn Epistomolus +3857-180923-0024.wav it was made up of men of almost all conditions of life and of widely different ages though naturally with young men in a large majority of mechanics from the housatonic and naugatuck valleys and farmers boys from the hills of men of education and men of none Epistomolus +3857-180923-0025.wav though the large addition to its numbers which the increase in size necessitated made it perhaps somewhat less homogeneous than at first it did not greatly alter its essential characteristics Epistomolus +3857-180923-0026.wav the records kept by the association referred to furnish suggestive revelations as to the various elements that composed it the names of men of every sort and kind are found upon the rolls there were veterans of the mexican war Epistomolus +3857-180923-0027.wav there were refugees from the revolutionary uprisings in europe of eighteen forty eight there were some who had served under compulsion in the armies of the south there were men whose obviously fictitious names concealed stories which could be guessed to be extraordinary Epistomolus +3857-180923-0028.wav there were names which have been for years among the best known and most honored in this state and there were those of outcasts and wrecks a large part of these men came back after their service ended to resume the peaceful life of citizenship Epistomolus +3857-180923-0029.wav and every town among us has known some of them ever since among its leading figures while some in quarters far distant have also attained to honors and responsibilities as the records show Epistomolus +4018-103416-0000.wav the winter which preceded the entrance of the united states into the war was socially an extraordinary one it was marked by an almost feverish gayety as though having apparently determined to pursue a policy dictated purely by self interest Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0001.wav mills and factories took on new life labor was scarce and high it was a period of extravagance rather than pleasure people played that they might not think washington convinced that the nation would ultimately be involved Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0002.wav kept its secret well and continued to preach a neutrality it could not enforce war was to most of the nation a great dramatic spectacle presented to them at breakfast and in the afternoon editions Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0003.wav for the red cross and kindred activities but although the war was in the nation's mind it was not yet in its soul life went on much as before an abiding faith in the allies was the foundation stone of its complacency Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0004.wav the great six months battle of the somme with its million casualties was resulting favorably on the east the russians had made some gains there were wagers that the germans would be done in the spring Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0005.wav but again washington knew that the british and french losses at the somme had been frightful that the amount of lost territory regained was negligible as against the territory still held that the food problem in the british islands was acute Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0006.wav that the submarine sinkings were colossal our peace was at a fearful cost and on the edge of this volcano america played when graham spencer left the mill that tuesday afternoon it was to visit marion hayden Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0007.wav he was rather bored now at the prospect he would have preferred going to the club to play billiards which was his custom of a late afternoon he drove rather more slowly than was his custom and so missed marion's invitation to get there before the crowd Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0008.wav three cars before the house showed that she already had callers and indeed when the parlor maid opened the door a burst of laughter greeted him the hayden house was a general rendezvous there were usually by seven o'clock whiskey and soda glasses Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0009.wav and tea cups on most of the furniture and half smoked cigarets on everything that would hold them including the piano marion herself met him in the hall and led him past the drawing room door Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0010.wav i kept the library as long as i could we can sit on the stairs if you like which they proceeded to do quite amiably from various open doors came subdued voices the air was pungent with tobacco smoke Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0011.wav permeated with a faint scent of late afternoon highballs tommy marion called when she had settled herself yes from a distance did you leave your cigaret on the piano Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0012.wav no toots dear but i can easily mother marion explained Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0013.wav well do you remember half the pretty things you told me last night not exactly but i meant them he looked up at her admiringly he was only a year from college and he had been rather arbitrarily limited to the debutantes Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0014.wav since the night before he had been rankling under a sense of youth was i pretty awful last night he asked you were very interesting and i imagine rather indiscreet Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0015.wav about the new war contracts oh business Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0016.wav and i like big figures poor people always do has it really gone through i mean those things do slip up sometimes don't they it's gone through all right signed sealed and delivered Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0017.wav encouraged by her interest he elaborated on the new work he even developed an enthusiasm for it to his own surprise and the girl listened intently leaning forward so that her arm brushed his shoulder Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0018.wav her eyes slightly narrowed watched him closely she knew every move of the game she was determining to play marion hayden at twenty five knew already what her little world had not yet realized that such beauty as she had had Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0019.wav was the beauty of youth only and that that was going late hours golf perhaps a little more champagne than was necessary at dinners and the mornings found her almost plain and too Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0020.wav she had the far vision of the calculating mind she knew that if the country entered the war every eligible man she knew would immediately volunteer at twenty five she already noticed a change in the personnel of her followers Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0021.wav were now sending flowers to the debutantes and cutting in on the younger men at balls her house was still a rendezvous but it was for couples like the ones who had preempted the drawing room the library and the music room that afternoon Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0022.wav they met there smoked her cigarets made love in a corner occasionally became engaged but she was of the game no longer in it men still came to see her a growing percentage of them married Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0023.wav they brought or sent her tribute flowers candy and cigarets Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0024.wav but more and more her dinner invitations were from the older crowd like natalie spencer's stupid party the night before so she watched graham and listened he was a nice boy and a handsome one Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0025.wav also he promised to be sole heir to a great business if the war only lasted long enough imagine your knowing all those things she said admiringly you're a partner aren't you he flushed slightly Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0026.wav not yet but of course i shall be when you really get going i wonder if you will take me round and show me how shells are made i'm the most ignorant person you ever knew i'll be awfully glad to Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0027.wav we'll go in and stir up some of the lovers she suggested and if tommy hale hasn't burned up the piano we can dance a bit you dance divinely you know it was after seven when he reached home he felt every inch a man Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0028.wav he held himself very straight as he entered the house and the boyish grin with which he customarily greeted the butler had given place to a dignified nod natalie was in her dressing room at his knock she told the maid to admit him Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0029.wav his new found maturity seemed to be slipping from him somehow here at home they always managed to make him feel like a small boy honestly mother i'd rather go to father and tell him about it Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0030.wav she ignored his protest as she always ignored protests against her own methods of handling matters i'm accustomed to it was her sole reply but her resigned voice brought her as it always had Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0031.wav the ready tribute of the boy's sympathy sit down graham i want to talk to you he sat down still uneasily fingering the roll of bills Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0032.wav when at a sound in clayton's room he stuck the money hastily into his pocket have you noticed a change in your father since he came back her tone was so ominous that he started he's not sick is he Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0033.wav she was holding out both hands to him piteously you wouldn't go would you i might have to go he evaded you wouldn't graham you're all i have all i have left to live for you wouldn't need to go it's ridiculous you're needed here Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0034.wav your father needs you he needs me the hell of a lot the boy muttered but he went over and stooping down kissed her trembling face don't worry about me he said lightly i don't think we've got spine enough to get into the mix up anyhow Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0035.wav and if we have you won't go promise me you won't go when he hesitated she resorted to her old methods with both clayton and the boy she was doing all she could to make them happy she made no demands none Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0036.wav but when she asked for something that meant more than life to her it was refused of course she had gone through all sorts of humiliation to get him that money and this was the gratitude she received graham listened Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0037.wav she was a really pathetic figure crouched in her low chair and shaken with terror she must have rather a bad time there were so many things she dared not take to his father she brought them to him instead her small grievances Nicholas Clifford +4018-103416-0038.wav and she had helped him out of a hole just now all right i promise he said at last but you're worrying yourself for nothing mother she was quite content then cheered at once consulted the jewelled watch on her dressing table Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0000.wav morley paused as he recognised egremont then advancing to gerard followed by his companion he said this is mister hatton of whom we were speaking last night and who claims to be an ancient acquaintance of yours Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0001.wav perhaps i should rather say of your poor dear father said hatton scanning gerard with his clear blue eye and then he added he was of great service to me in my youth and one is not apt to forget such things Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0002.wav and i venture to believe my prayers and vigils have been accepted Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0003.wav and as he was speaking these words he turned and addressed them to sybil she beheld him with no little interest this mysterious name that had sounded so often in her young ears Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0004.wav and was associated with so many strange and high hopes and some dark blending of doubt and apprehension and discordant thoughts hatton in his appearance realised little of the fancies Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0005.wav that appearance was prepossessing a frank and even benevolent expression played upon his intelligent and handsome countenance his once rich brown hair still long though very thin Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0006.wav detract from the favourable effect that he always at once produced Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0007.wav is the privilege of the people of whom i am one said hatton bowing well recollecting that he was addressing the daughter of a chartist delegate but is your labour their labour said sybil Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0008.wav is yours that life of uncomplaining toil wherein there is so much of beauty and of goodness that by the fine maxim of our church it is held to include the force and efficacy of prayer Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0009.wav then hesitating while a soft expression came over her countenance she held forth her hand which he retained for a moment and withdrew i was with him more than an hour continued morley at first he recollected nothing Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0010.wav he doubtless had them now as he never destroyed papers would order a search to be made for them and so on i was about to withdraw when he asked me carelessly a question about your father what he was doing and whether he were married and had children Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0011.wav this led to a very long conversation in which he suddenly seemed to take great interest at first he talked of writing to see your father and i offered that gerard should call upon him Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0012.wav he took down your direction in order that he might write to your father and give him an appointment when observing that it was westminster he said that his carriage was ordered to go to the house of lords in a quarter of an hour and that if not inconvenient to me Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0013.wav he would propose that i should at once accompany him i thought whatever might be the result it must be a satisfaction to gerard at last to see this man of whom he has talked and thought so much and so we are here Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0014.wav you did well good stephen as you always do said sybil with a musing and abstracted air no one has so much forethought and so much energy as you he threw a glance at her and immediately withdrew it their eyes had met Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0015.wav hers were kind and calm and this egremont said morley rather hurriedly and abruptly and looking on the ground how came he here when we discovered him yesterday your father and myself agreed that we should not mention to you the Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0016.wav the mystification of which we had been dupes and you did wrong said sybil there is no wisdom like frankness had you told me he would not have been here today he met and addressed me and i only recognised an acquaintance Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0017.wav had he not accompanied me to this door and met my father which precipitated an explanation on his part which he found had not been given by others i might have remained in an ignorance which hereafter might have produced inconvenience Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0018.wav you are right said morley looking at her rather keenly we have all of us opened ourselves too unreservedly before this aristocrat i should hope that none of us have said to him a word that we wish to be forgotten said sybil Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0019.wav he chose to wear a disguise and can hardly quarrel with the frankness with which we spoke of his order or his family and for the rest he has not been injured from learning something of the feelings of the people by living among them Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0020.wav and yet if anything were to happen to morrow said morley rest assured this man has his eye on us he can walk into the government offices like themselves and tell his tale for though one of the pseudo opposition the moment the people move Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0021.wav the factions become united sybil turned and looked at him and then said and what could happen to morrow that we should care for the government being acquainted with it or us do not they know everything do not you meet in their very sight Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0022.wav you pursue an avowed and legal aim by legal means do you not what then is there to fear and why should anything happen that should make us apprehensive all is very well at this moment said morley and all may continue well Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0023.wav but popular assemblies breed turbulent spirits sybil your father takes a leading part he is a great orator and is in his element in this clamorous and fiery life it does not much suit me i am a man of the closet Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0024.wav morley shrugged his shoulders and then said an easy question questions are always easy the fact is in active life one cannot afford to refine i could have wished the movement to have taken a different shape Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0025.wav lawfully meeting in open day and their delegates from the whole realm declaring their grievances in language which would not disgrace the conquering race which has in vain endeavoured to degrade them Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0026.wav there can be other than one and the same object a thousand said morley we have already as many parties as in saint stephen's itself you terrify me said sybil i knew we had fearful odds to combat against Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0027.wav my visit to this city alone has taught me how strong are our enemies but i believed that we had on our side god and truth they know neither of them in the national convention said morley Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0028.wav the factions and the failures of our oppressors at this moment gerard and hatton who were sitting in the remote part of the room rose together and advanced forward and this movement interrupted the conversation of sybil and morley Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0029.wav saying in a voice which could only be heard by the individual whom he addressed you understand i have not the slightest doubt myself of your moral right i believe on every principle of justice that mowbray castle is as much yours Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0030.wav as the house that is built by the tenant on the lord's land but can we prove it we never had the legal evidence you are in error in supposing that these papers were of any vital consequence mere memoranda Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0031.wav very useful no doubt i hope i shall find them but of no validity if money were the only difficulty trust me it should not be wanting i owe much to the memory of your father my good gerard i would fain serve you and your daughter Nicholas Clifford +4018-107338-0032.wav i'll not tell you what i would do for you my good gerard you would think me foolish but i am alone in the world and seeing you again and talking of old times i really am scarcely fit for business Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0000.wav the chief street of mowbray called castle street after the ruins of the old baronial stronghold in its neighbourhood was as significant of the present civilization of this community as the haughty keep had been of its ancient dependence Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0001.wav the dimensions of castle street were not unworthy of the metropolis it traversed a great portion of the town and was proportionately wide its broad pavements and its blazing gas lights indicated its modern order and prosperity Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0002.wav while on each side of the street rose huge warehouses not as beautiful as the palaces of venice but in their way not less remarkable magnificent shops and here and there though rarely some ancient factory built among the fields Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0003.wav in the infancy of mowbray by some mill owner not sufficiently prophetic of the future or sufficiently confident in the energy and enterprise of his fellow citizens to foresee that the scene of his labours Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0004.wav would be the future eye sore of a flourishing posterity pursuing their course along castle street for about a quarter of a mile gerard and stephen turned down a street which intersected it Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0005.wav and so on through a variety of ways and winding lanes till they arrived at an open portion of the town a district where streets and squares and even rows disappeared and where the tall chimneys and bulky barrack looking buildings Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0006.wav that rose in all directions clustering yet isolated announced that they were in the principal scene of the industry of mowbray crossing this open ground they gained a suburb but one of a very different description Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0007.wav to that in which was situate the convent where they had parted with sybil this one was populous noisy and lighted it was saturday night the streets were thronged an infinite population kept swarming to and fro Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0008.wav by narrow archways like the entrance of hives so low that you were obliged to stoop for admission while ascending to these same streets from their dank and dismal dwellings by narrow flights of steps Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0009.wav the subterraneous nation of the cellars poured forth to enjoy the coolness of the summer night and market for the day of rest the bright and lively shops were crowded and groups of purchasers were gathered round the stalls Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0010.wav still offered many temptations to many who could not purchase and so it is widow said a little pale man wistfully come come it's getting late and your wife's ill you're a good soul Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0011.wav or the mayor of mowbray at least wages said the man i wish you may get em those villains shuffle and screw have sarved me with another bate ticket and a pretty figure too Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0012.wav oh the carnal monsters exclaimed the widow if their day don't come the bloody minded knaves and for small cops too small cops be hanged am i the man to send up a bad bottomed cop widow carey Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0013.wav you sent up for snicks i have known you man and boy john hill these twenty summers and never heard a word against you till you got into shuffle and screw's mill oh they are a bad yarn john Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0014.wav they do us all widow they pretends to give the same wages as the rest and works it out in fines you can't come and you can't go but there's a fine you're never paid wages but there's a bate ticket Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0015.wav i've heard they keep their whole establishment on factory fines soul alive but those shuffle and screw are rotten snickey bad yarns said mistress carey Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0016.wav weal indeed you look very like a soul as feeds on weal continued missus carey in an under tone as her declining customer moved away well it gets late said the widow Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0017.wav and if you like to take this scrag end home to your wife neighbour hill we can talk of the rest next saturday and what's your will sir said the widow with a stern expression to a youth who now stopped at her stall Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0018.wav he was about sixteen with a lithe figure and a handsome faded impudent face his long loose white trousers gave him height he had no waistcoat but a pink silk handkerchief was twisted carelessly round his neck Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0019.wav a high crowned dark brown hat which relieved his complexion and heightened the effect of his mischievous blue eye well you need not be so fierce mother carey said the youth with an affected air of deprecation Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0020.wav don't mother me said the jolly widow with a kindling eye go to your own mother who is dying in a back cellar without a winder while you've got lodgings in a two pair dying she's only drunk said the youth Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0021.wav what makes her drink but toil working from five o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock at night and for the like of such as you that's a good one said the youth i should like to know what my mother ever did for me but give me treacle and laudanum when i was a babby Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0022.wav to stop my tongue and fill my stomach by the token of which as my gal says she stunted the growth of the prettiest figure in all mowbray and here the youth drew himself up and thrust his hands in the side pockets of his pea jacket well Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0023.wav i never said missus carey no i never heard a thing like that what not when you cut up the jackass and sold it for veal cutlets mother hold your tongue mister imperence said the widow it's very well known you're no christian and who'll believe what you say Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0024.wav it's very well known that i'm a man what pays his way said the boy and don't keep a huckster's stall to sell carrion by star light but live in a two pair if you please and has a wife and family or as good Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0025.wav said a good humoured voice it came from one of two factory girls who were passing her stall and stopped they were gaily dressed a light handkerchief tied under the chin their hair scrupulously arranged they wore coral neck laces and earrings of gold Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0026.wav she added in a lower tone well i have left mister trafford's mill said the girl that's a bad job said missus carey for those traffords are kind to their people Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0027.wav so it is said the girl but then it was so dull i can't stand a country life missus carey i must have company well i do love a bit of gossip myself said missus carey with great frankness Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0028.wav and then i'm no scholar said the girl and never could take to learning and those traffords had so many schools learning is better than house and land said missus carey though i'm no scholar myself but then in my time things was different Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0029.wav but young persons yes said mick i don't think i could get through the day if it wurno for our institute and what's that asked missus carey with a sneer the shoddy court literary and scientific to be sure said mick Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0030.wav we have got fifty members and take in three london papers one northern star and two moral worlds and where are you now child continued the widow to the girl Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0031.wav if you will take a dish of tea with us to morrow we expect some friends i take it kindly said missus carey and so you keep house together all the children keep house in these days times is changed indeed Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0032.wav and we shall be happy to see you mick and julia if you are not engaged continued the girl and she looked at her friend a pretty demure girl who immediately said but in a somewhat faultering tone oh that we shall Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0033.wav well we had no thoughts but i said to harriet as it is a fine night let us walk about as long as we can and then to morrow we will lie in bed till afternoon Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0034.wav but at this season of the year i must have life the moment i came out i bathed in the river and then went home and dressed he added in a satisfied tone and now i am going to the temple i'll tell you what julia has been pricked to day with a shuttle Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0035.wav i'll stand treat and take you and your friend to the temple well that's delight said caroline there's no one does the handsome thing like you dandy mick and i always say so oh i love the temple tis so genteel Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0036.wav i was speaking of it to harriet last night Nicholas Clifford +4018-107312-0037.wav i proposed to go with her but two girls alone you understand me one does not like to be seen in these places as if one kept no company very true said mick and now we'll be off good night widow Nicholas Clifford +6019-3185-0000.wav that series of terrific events by which our quiet city and university in the northeastern quarter of germany were convulsed during the year eighteen sixteen has in itself and considered merely as a blind movement of human tiger passion DerekP +6019-3185-0001.wav ranging unchained among men something too memorable to be forgotten or left without its own separate record but the moral lesson impressed by these events is yet more memorable DerekP +6019-3185-0002.wav and deserves the deep attention of coming generations in their struggle after human improvement not merely in its own limited field of interest directly awakened but in all analogous fields of interest DerekP +6019-3185-0003.wav as in fact already and more than once in connection with these very events this lesson has obtained the effectual attention of christian kings and princes assembled in congress DerekP +6019-3185-0004.wav i knew familiarly all the parties who were concerned in it either as sufferers or as agents i was present from first to last and watched the whole course of the mysterious storm which fell upon our devoted city DerekP +6019-3185-0005.wav in a strength like that of a west indian hurricane and which did seriously threaten at one time to depopulate our university through the dark suspicions which settled upon its members and the natural reaction of generous indignation in repelling them DerekP +6019-3185-0006.wav by sacrificing whenever circumstances allowed them their houses and beautiful gardens in exchange for days uncursed by panic and nights unpolluted by blood nothing i can take upon myself to assert DerekP +6019-3185-0007.wav in every one of which these precautionary aids had failed to yield the slightest assistance the horror the perfect frenzy of fear which seized upon the town after that experience baffles all attempt at description DerekP +6019-3185-0008.wav the astounded police after an examination the most searching pursued from day to day DerekP +6019-3185-0009.wav had finally pronounced that no attempt apparently had been made to benefit by any of the signals preconcerted that no footstep apparently had moved in that direction then and after that result DerekP +6019-3185-0010.wav and the general feeling as it was described to me by a grave citizen whom i met in a morning walk for the overmastering sense of a public calamity broke down every barrier of reserve and all men talked freely to all men in the streets DerekP +6019-3185-0011.wav as they would have done during the rockings of an earthquake was even among the boldest like that which sometimes takes possession of the mind in dreams when one feels oneself sleeping alone utterly divided from all call or hearing of friends DerekP +6019-3185-0012.wav doors open that should be shut or unlocked that should be triply secured the very walls gone barriers swallowed up by unknown abysses nothing around one but frail curtains and a world of illimitable night DerekP +6019-3185-0013.wav whisperings at a distance correspondence going on between darkness and darkness like one deep calling to another and the dreamer's own heart the center from which the whole network of this unimaginable chaos radiates DerekP +6019-3185-0014.wav and in which the heart beats in conscious sympathy with an entire city through all its regions of high and low young and old strong and weak such agencies avail to raise and transfigure the natures of men DerekP +6019-3185-0015.wav in that respect therefore i had an advantage being upon the spot through the whole course of the affair for giving a faithful narrative as i had still more eminently from the sort of central station which i occupied DerekP +6019-3185-0016.wav with respect to all the movements of the case i may add that i had another advantage not possessed or not in the same degree by any other inhabitant of the town i was personally acquainted with every family of the slightest account belonging to the resident population DerekP +6019-3185-0017.wav a nobleman connected with the diplomacy of russia from which i quote an extract i wish in short to recommend to your attentions and in terms stronger than i know how to devise DerekP +6019-3185-0018.wav a young man on whose behalf the czar himself is privately known to have expressed the very strongest interest he was at the battle of waterloo as an aide de camp to a dutch general officer and is decorated with distinctions won upon that awful day DerekP +6019-3185-0019.wav however though serving in that instance under english orders and although an englishman of rank he does not belong to the english military service he has served young as he is DerekP +6019-3185-0020.wav which may account for his somewhat moorish complexion though after all that is not of a deeper tinge than i have seen among many an englishman he is himself one of the noblest looking of god's creatures DerekP +6019-3185-0021.wav mister wyndham's succession to the vast family estates is inevitable and probably near at hand meantime he is anxious for some assistance in his studies intellectually DerekP +6019-3185-0022.wav as i am sure you will not be slow to discover but his long military service and the unparalleled tumult of our european history since eighteen o five have interfered as you may suppose with the cultivation of his mind DerekP +6019-3185-0023.wav for he entered the cavalry service of a german power when a mere boy and shifted about from service to service as the hurricane of war blew from this point or from that DerekP +6019-3185-0024.wav and ten years hence you will look back with pride upon having contributed your part to the formation of one whom all here at saint petersburg not soldiers only but we diplomates look upon as certain to prove a great man DerekP +6019-3185-0025.wav he was to keep a table and an establishment of servants at his own cost was to have an apartment of some dozen or so of rooms the unrestricted use of the library with some other public privileges willingly conceded by the magistracy of the town DerekP +6019-3185-0026.wav that all was closed before the end of september and when once that consummation was attained i that previously had breathed no syllable of what was stirring now gave loose to the interesting tidings and suffered them to spread through the whole compass of the town DerekP +6019-3185-0027.wav it will be easily imagined that such a story already romantic enough in its first outline would lose nothing in the telling an englishman to begin with which name of itself and at all times is a passport into german favor DerekP +6019-3185-0028.wav next an englishman of rank DerekP +6019-3185-0029.wav then a soldier covered with brilliant distinctions and in the most brilliant arm of the service young moreover and yet a veteran by his experience fresh from the most awful battle of this planet since the day of pharsalia DerekP +6019-3185-0030.wav radiant with the favor of courts and of imperial ladies DerekP +6019-3185-0031.wav an antinous of faultless beauty a grecian statue as it were into which the breath of life had been breathed by some modern pygmalion such a pomp of gifts and endowments settling upon one man's head DerekP +6019-3185-0032.wav on his arrival at my house i became sensible of a truth which i had observed some years before the commonplace maxim is that it is dangerous to raise expectations too high this DerekP +6019-3185-0033.wav which is thus generally expressed and without limitation is true only conditionally it is true then and there only where there is but little merit to sustain and justify the expectation but in any case where the merit is transcendent of its kind DerekP +6019-3185-0034.wav it is always useful to rack the expectation up to the highest point in anything which partakes of the infinite the most unlimited expectations will find ample room for gratification while it is certain that ordinary observers possessing little sensibility DerekP +6019-3185-0035.wav the warning at any rate put me on the lookout for whatever eminence there might be of grandeur in his personal appearance while on the other hand this existed in such excess so far transcending anything i had ever met with in my experience DerekP +6019-3185-0036.wav that no expectation which it is in words to raise could have been disappointed these thoughts traveled with the rapidity of light through my brain as at one glance my eye took in the supremacy of beauty and power DerekP +6019-3185-0037.wav which seemed to have alighted from the clouds before me power and the contemplation of power in any absolute incarnation of grandeur or excess DerekP +6019-3185-0038.wav universally received with favor and distinction in reality his wealth and importance his military honors and the dignity of his character as expressed in his manners and deportment DerekP +6019-3185-0039.wav were too eminent to allow of his being treated with less than the highest attention in any society whatever but the effect of these various advantages enforced and recommended as they were by a personal beauty so rare DerekP +6019-3185-0040.wav was somewhat too potent for the comfort and self possession of ordinary people and really exceeded in a painful degree the standard of pretensions under which such people could feel themselves at their ease he was not naturally of a reserved turn DerekP +6019-3185-0041.wav had communicated to his manners a more than military frankness but the profound melancholy which possessed him from whatever cause it arose necessarily chilled the native freedom of his demeanor DerekP +6019-3185-0042.wav unless when it was revived by strength of friendship or of love the effect was awkward and embarrassing to all parties every voice paused or faltered when he entered a room dead silence ensued DerekP +6019-3185-0043.wav not an eye but was directed upon him or else sunk in timidity settled upon the floor and young ladies seriously lost the power for a time of doing more than murmuring a few confused half inarticulate syllables DerekP +6019-3185-0044.wav either as actors or spectators certainly this result was not a pure effect of manly beauty however heroic and in whatever excess it arose in part from the many and extraordinary endowments which had centered in his person DerekP +6019-3185-0045.wav were there then no exceptions to this condition of awestruck admiration yes DerekP +6019-3185-0046.wav never was there so victorious a conquest interchanged between two youthful hearts never before such a rapture of instantaneous sympathy i did not witness the first meeting of this mysterious maximilian and this magnificent margaret DerekP +6019-3185-0047.wav and do not know whether margaret manifested that trepidation and embarrassment which distressed so many of her youthful co rivals but if she did it must have fled before the first glance of the young man's eye which would interpret past all misunderstanding DerekP +6019-3185-0048.wav on the part of margaret it seemed as if a new world had dawned upon her that she had not so much as suspected among the capacities of human experience like some bird she seemed with powers unexercised for soaring and flying DerekP +6019-3185-0049.wav and for a mere possibility which he had long too deeply contemplated fearing however that in his own case it might prove a chimera or that he might never meet a woman answering the demands of his heart he now found a corresponding reality that left nothing to seek DerekP +6019-3185-0050.wav here then and thus far nothing but happiness had resulted from the new arrangement but if this had been little anticipated by many far less had i for my part anticipated the unhappy revolution which was wrought in the whole nature DerekP +6019-3185-0051.wav who had died in giving birth to this third child the only one who had long survived her anxious that his son should go through a regular course of mathematical instruction now becoming annually more important in all the artillery services throughout europe DerekP +6019-3185-0052.wav and that he should receive a tincture of other liberal studies which he had painfully missed in his own military career the baron chose to keep his son for the last seven years at our college until he was now entering upon his twenty third year DerekP +6019-3185-0053.wav for the four last he had lived with me as the sole pupil whom i had or meant to have had not the brilliant proposals of the young russian guardsman persuaded me to break my resolution ferdinand von harrelstein had good talents DerekP +6019-3185-0054.wav not dazzling but respectable and so amiable were his temper and manners that i had introduced him everywhere and everywhere he was a favorite and everywhere indeed except exactly there where only in this world he cared for favor DerekP +6019-3185-0055.wav she it was whom he loved and had loved for years with the whole ardor of his ardent soul she it was for whom or at whose command he would willingly have died early he had felt that in her hands lay his destiny DerekP +6019-3185-0056.wav that she it was who must be his good or his evil genius at first and perhaps to the last i pitied him exceedingly but my pity soon ceased to be mingled with respect DerekP +6019-3185-0057.wav and the sole resource for him as i said often was to quit the city to engage in active pursuits of enterprise of ambition or of science but he heard me as a somnambulist might have heard me dreaming with his eyes open DerekP +6019-3185-0058.wav starting fearful agitated sometimes he broke out into maniacal movements of wrath invoking some absent person praying beseeching menacing some air wove phantom DerekP +6019-3185-0059.wav for more than i saw enough to fear some fearful catastrophe lead us not into temptation said his confessor to him in my hearing for though prussians the von harrelsteins were roman catholics lead us not into temptation DerekP +6019-3185-0060.wav reverend father do not you with the purpose of removing me from temptation be yourself the instrument for tempting me into a rebellion against the church do not you weave snares about my steps snares there are already and but too many DerekP +6019-3185-0061.wav the old man sighed and desisted then came but enough from pity from sympathy from counsel and from consolation and from scorn DerekP +6019-3185-0062.wav whose convent stood near the city gates there goes one ready equally for doing or suffering and of whom we shall soon hear that he is involved in some great catastrophe it may be of deep calamity DerekP +6019-3185-0063.wav for the costliness of the entertainment was understood to be an expression of official pride done in honor of the city not as an effort of personal display it followed from the spirit in which these half yearly dances originated DerekP +6019-3185-0064.wav that being given on the part of the city every stranger of rank was marked out as a privileged guest and the hospitality of the community would have been equally affronted by failing to offer or by failing to accept the invitation DerekP +6019-3185-0065.wav upon the evening at which i am now arrived the twenty second of january eighteen sixteen the whole city in its wealthier classes was assembled beneath the roof of a tradesman who had the heart of a prince DerekP +6019-3185-0066.wav in every point our entertainment was superb and i remarked that the music was the finest i had heard for years our host was in joyous spirits proud to survey the splendid company he had gathered under his roof DerekP +6019-3185-0067.wav happy to witness their happiness elated in their elation joyous was the dance joyous were all faces that i saw up to midnight very soon after which time supper was announced DerekP +6019-3185-0068.wav and that also i think was the most joyous of all the banquets i ever witnessed the accomplished guardsman outshone himself in brilliancy even his melancholy relaxed in fact how could it be otherwise DerekP +6019-3185-0069.wav hanging upon his words more lustrous and bewitching than ever i had beheld her there she had been placed by the host and everybody knew why that is one of the luxuries attached to love all men cede their places with pleasure DerekP +6019-3185-0070.wav women make way even she herself knew though not obliged to know why she was seated in that neighborhood and took her place if with a rosy suffusion upon her cheeks yet with fullness of happiness at her heart DerekP +6019-3185-0071.wav the music again began to pour its voluptuous tides through the bounding pulses of the youthful company again the flying feet of the dancers began to respond to the measures DerekP +6019-3185-0072.wav again the mounting spirit of delight began to fill the sails of the hurrying night with steady inspiration all went happily already had one dance finished some were pacing up and down leaning on the arms of their partners DerekP +6019-3185-0073.wav some were reposing from their exertions when o heavens what a shriek what a gathering tumult every eye was bent toward the doors every eye strained forward to discover what was passing DerekP +6019-3185-0074.wav but there every moment less and less could be seen for the gathering crowd more and more intercepted the view so much the more was the ear at leisure for the shrieks redoubled upon shrieks miss liebenheim had moved downward to the crowd DerekP +6019-3185-0075.wav and had lived with her uncle a tradesman not ten doors from margaret's own residence partly on the terms of a kinswoman partly as a servant on trial at this moment she was exhausted with excitement and the nature of the shock she had sustained DerekP +6019-3185-0076.wav mere panic seemed to have mastered her and she was leaning unconscious and weeping upon the shoulder of some gentleman who was endeavoring to soothe her a silence of horror seemed to possess the company DerekP +6019-3185-0077.wav most of whom were still unacquainted with the cause of the alarming interruption a few however who had heard her first agitated words DerekP +6019-3185-0078.wav now rushed tumultuously out of the ballroom to satisfy themselves on the spot the distance was not great and within five minutes several persons returned hastily and cried out to the crowd of ladies that all was true which the young girl had said DerekP +6019-3185-0079.wav what was true that her uncle mister weishaupt's family had been murdered that not one member of the family had been spared namely mister weishaupt himself and his wife neither of them much above sixty DerekP +6019-3185-0080.wav but both infirm beyond their years two maiden sisters of mister weishaupt from forty to forty six years of age and an elderly female domestic DerekP +6019-3185-0081.wav an incident happened during the recital of these horrors and of the details which followed that furnished matter for conversation even in these hours when so thrilling an interest had possession of all minds many ladies fainted among them DerekP +6019-3185-0082.wav and she would have fallen to the ground but for maximilian who sprang forward and caught her in his arms she was long of returning to herself and during the agony of his suspense he stooped and kissed her pallid lips DerekP +6019-3185-0083.wav that sight was more than could be borne by one who stood a little behind the group he rushed forward with eyes glaring like a tiger's and leveled a blow at maximilian it was poor maniacal von harrelstein DerekP +6019-3185-0084.wav many people stepped forward and checked his arm uplifted for a repetition of this outrage one or two had some influence with him and led him away from the spot DerekP +6019-3185-0085.wav while as to maximilian so absorbed was he that he had not so much as perceived the affront offered to himself margaret on reviving was confounded at finding herself so situated amid a great crowd DerekP +6019-3185-0086.wav and yet the prudes complained that there was a look of love exchanged between herself and maximilian that ought not to have escaped her in such a situation if they meant by such a situation one so public DerekP +6019-3185-0087.wav that it was a situation of excessive agitation but if they alluded to the horrors of the moment no situation more naturally opens the heart to affection and confiding love than the recoil from scenes of exquisite terror DerekP +6019-3185-0088.wav were marked by the coolest nay the most sneering indifference the first thing he did on being acquainted with the suspicions against himself was to laugh ferociously and to all appearance most cordially and unaffectedly DerekP +6019-3185-0089.wav gold repeaters massy plate gold snuff boxes untouched that argument certainly weighed much in his favor and yet again it was turned against him for a magistrate asked him how he happened to know already that nothing had been touched DerekP +6019-3185-0090.wav true it was and a fact which had puzzled no less than it had awed the magistrates that upon their examination of the premises many rich articles of bijouterie jewelry and personal ornaments had been found lying underanged DerekP +6019-3185-0091.wav for the private celebration of mass this crucifix as well as everything else in the little closet DerekP +6019-3185-0092.wav for hither had one of the ladies fled hither had one of the murderers pursued she had clasped the golden pillars which supported the altar had turned perhaps her dying looks upon the crucifix DerekP +6019-3185-0093.wav for there with one arm still wreathed about the altar foot though in her agony she had turned round upon her face did the elder sister lie when the magistrates first broke open the street door and upon the beautiful parquet DerekP +6019-3185-0094.wav or inlaid floor which ran round the room were still impressed the footsteps of the murderer these it was hoped might furnish a clew to the discovery of one at least among the murderous band they were rather difficult to trace accurately DerekP +6019-3185-0095.wav those parts of the traces which lay upon the black tessellae being less distinct in the outline than the others upon the white or colored most unquestionably so far as this went it furnished a negative circumstance in favor of the negro DerekP +6019-3185-0096.wav for the footsteps were very different in outline from his and smaller for aaron was a man of colossal build DerekP +6019-3185-0097.wav and as to his knowledge of the state in which the premises had been found and his having so familiarly relied upon the fact of no robbery having taken place as an argument on his own behalf DerekP +6019-3185-0098.wav he contended that he had himself been among the crowd that pushed into the house along with the magistrates that from his previous acquaintance with the rooms and their ordinary condition DerekP +6019-3185-0099.wav that in fact he had seen enough for his argument before he and the rest of the mob had been ejected by the magistrates but finally that independently of all this he had heard both the officers as they conducted him DerekP +6019-3185-0100.wav in six weeks or less from the date of this terrific event the negro was set at liberty by a majority of voices among the magistrates in that short interval other events had occurred no less terrific and mysterious DerekP +6019-3185-0101.wav attacked them singly in flight for in this first case all but one of the murdered persons appeared to have been making for the street door and in all this there was no subject for wonder except the original one as to the motive DerekP +6019-3185-0102.wav in sad leisurely or in terrific groups seemed to argue a lethargy like that of apoplexy in the victims one and all the very midnight of mysterious awe fell upon all minds DerekP +6019-3185-0103.wav three weeks had passed since the murder at mister weishaupt's three weeks the most agitated that had been known in this sequestered city we felt ourselves solitary and thrown upon our own resources DerekP +6019-3185-0104.wav all combination with other towns being unavailing from their great distance our situation was no ordinary one had there been some mysterious robbers among us the chances of a visit divided among so many DerekP +6019-3185-0105.wav would have been too small to distress the most timid while to young and high spirited people with courage to spare for ordinary trials DerekP +6019-3185-0106.wav but murderers exterminating murderers clothed in mystery and utter darkness these were objects too terrific for any family to contemplate with fortitude DerekP +6019-3185-0107.wav had these very murderers added to their functions those of robbery they would have become less terrific DerekP +6019-3185-0108.wav from the roll of those who were liable to a visit while such as knew themselves liable would have had warning of their danger in the fact of being rich and would from the very riches which constituted that danger have derived the means of repelling it but as things were DerekP +6019-3185-0109.wav no man could guess what it was that must make him obnoxious to the murderers imagination exhausted itself in vain guesses at the causes which could by possibility have made the poor weishaupts objects of such hatred to any man DerekP +6019-3185-0110.wav true they were bigoted in a degree which indicated feebleness of intellect but that wounded no man in particular while to many it recommended them true their charity was narrow and exclusive but to those of their own religious body it expanded munificently DerekP +6019-3185-0111.wav and being rich beyond their wants or any means of employing wealth which their gloomy asceticism allowed they had the power of doing a great deal of good among the indigent papists of the suburbs DerekP +6848-252322-0000.wav said craggs pushing billy towards them as he spoke faix and ye might have got worse muttered a very old man billy traynor has the lucky hand how is my lord now nelly KarlHenning +6848-252322-0001.wav asked the corporal of a woman who with bare feet and dressed in the humblest fashion of the peasantry appeared he's getting weaker and weaker sir i believe he's sinking i'm glad it's billy is come i'd rather see him than all the doctors in the country KarlHenning +6848-252322-0002.wav follow me said craggs giving a signal to step lightly and he led the way up a narrow stone stair with a wall on either hand KarlHenning +6848-252322-0003.wav traversing a long low corridor they reached a door at which having waited for a second or two to listen craggs turned the handle and entered the room was very large and lofty and seen in the dim light of a small lamp upon the hearthstone KarlHenning +6848-252322-0004.wav the better to admit air to the sick man as billy drew nigh with cautious steps he perceived that although worn and wasted by long illness the patient was a man still in the very prime of life KarlHenning +6848-252322-0005.wav muttered he as he finished and then gently displacing the bedclothes laid his hand upon the heart with a long drawn sigh like that of utter weariness the sick man moved his head round and fixed his eyes upon him KarlHenning +6848-252322-0006.wav turning as he went to look back towards the bed and evidently going with reluctance is it fever asked the sick man in a faint but unfaltering accent it's a kind of cerebral congestion a matter of them membranes that's over the brain KarlHenning +6848-252322-0007.wav the accentuation of these words marked as it was by the strongest provincialism of the peasant attracted the sick man's attention and he bent upon him a look at once searching and severe what are you who are you KarlHenning +6848-252322-0008.wav cried he angrily what i am is n't so aisy to say but who i am is clean beyond me are you a doctor asked the sick man fiercely i'm afear'd i'm not KarlHenning +6848-252322-0009.wav and billy obeyed without speaking what do you mean by this craggs said the viscount trembling with passion who have you brought me what beggar have you picked off the highway or is he the travelling fool of the district KarlHenning +6848-252322-0010.wav but the anger that supplied strength hitherto now failed to impart energy and he sank back wasted and exhausted the corporal bent over him and spoke something in a low whisper but whether the words were heard or not the sick man now lay still KarlHenning +6848-252322-0011.wav breathing heavily can you do nothing for him asked craggs peevishly nothing but anger him to be sure i can if you let me KarlHenning +6848-252322-0012.wav said billy producing a very ancient lancet case of boxwood tipped with ivory i'll just take a dash of blood from the temporal artery to relieve the cerebrum and then we'll put cowld on his head and keep him quiet KarlHenning +6848-252322-0013.wav it's the same as opening a sluice in a mill dam he s better already he looks easier said craggs ay and he feels it continued billy just notice the respiratory organs and see how easy the intercostials is doing their work now KarlHenning +6848-252322-0014.wav i'll have that hair off of him if he is n't cooler towards evening so saying he covered the sick man with the wetted cloths and bathed his hands in the cooling fluid KarlHenning +6848-252322-0015.wav asked the corporal eagerly he ll do he ll do said billy he's a sanguineous temperament and he'll bear the lancet it's just like weatherin a point at say if you have a craft that will carry canvas there's always a chance for you KarlHenning +6848-252322-0016.wav he perceived that you were not a doctor said craggs when they reached the corridor KarlHenning +6848-252322-0017.wav but for all that it would be going too far to say that i was n't a doctor t is the same with physic and poetry you take to it or you don't take to it there's chaps ay and far from stupid ones either KarlHenning +6848-252322-0018.wav that could n't compose you ten hexameters if ye'd put them on a hot griddle for it and there's others that would talk rhyme rather than rayson and so with the ars medicatrix everybody has n't an eye for a hectic or an ear for a cough non contigit KarlHenning +6848-252322-0019.wav hush be still muttered craggs here's the young master and as he spoke a youth of about fifteen well grown and handsome but poorly even meanly clad approached them have you seen my father KarlHenning +6848-252322-0020.wav relieve the gorged vessels and don't drown the grand hydraulic machine the heart them's my sentiments turning from the speaker with a look of angry impatience the boy whispered some words in the corporal's ear what could i do sir was the answer KarlHenning +6848-252322-0021.wav it was this fellow or nothing and better a thousand times better nothing said the boy than trust his life to the coarse ignorance of this wretched quack and in his passion the words were uttered loud enough for billy to overhear them KarlHenning +6848-252322-0022.wav don't be hasty your honor said billy submissively and don't be unjust the realms of disaze is like an unknown tract of country or a country that's only known a little just round the coast as it might be once ye're beyond that KarlHenning +6848-252322-0023.wav one man is as good a guide as another KarlHenning +6848-252322-0024.wav what have you done have you given him anything broke in the boy hurriedly i took a bleeding from him little short of sixteen ounces from the temporial said billy proudly KarlHenning +6848-252322-0025.wav and i'll give him now a concoction of meadow saffron with a pinch of saltpetre in it to cause diaphoresis d'ye mind meanwhile KarlHenning +6848-252322-0026.wav just as he may have a knowledge of nature by observation what is sickness after all but just one of the phenomenons of all organic and inorganic matter a regular sort of shindy in a man's inside like a thunderstorm or a hurry cane outside KarlHenning +6848-252322-0027.wav he turned to the corporal and said look to him craggs and let him have his supper and when he has eaten it send him to my room billy bowed an acknowledgment and followed the corporal to the kitchen that's my lord's son i suppose KarlHenning +6848-252322-0028.wav said he as he seated himself and a fine young crayture too puer ingenuus with a grand frontal development and with this reflection he addressed himself to the coarse but abundant fare which craggs placed before him KarlHenning +6848-252322-0029.wav and with an appetite that showed how much he relished it this is elegant living ye have here mister craggs said billy as he drained his tankard of beer and placed it with a sigh on the table many happy years of it to ye i KarlHenning +6848-252322-0030.wav the life is not so bad said craggs but it's lonely sometimes life need never be lonely so long as a man has health and his faculties said billy give me nature to admire a bit of baycon for dinner KarlHenning +6848-252322-0031.wav and my fiddle to amuse me and i would n't change with the king of sugar candy i was there said craggs it's a fine island my lord wants to see the doctor said a woman entering hastily and the doctor is ready for him KarlHenning +6848-252323-0000.wav there's eight or nine of us here would miss him if he was gone troth he doesn't give much employment but we couldn't spare him croaked out a third when the entrance of the corporal cut short further commentary and the party gathered around the cheerful turf fire KarlHenning +6848-252323-0001.wav said billy i'll have to be up at the office for the bags at six o'clock faix KarlHenning +6848-252323-0002.wav sorra taste of it muttered another there's a sea runnin outside now that would swamp a life boat i'll not lose an illigant situation of six pounds ten a year KarlHenning +6848-252323-0003.wav my duty added he somewhat pretentiously is to carry the king's mail and if anything was to obstruckt or impade or delay the correspondience it's on me the blame would lie KarlHenning +6848-252323-0004.wav the letters wouldn't go the faster because you were drowned broke in the corporal no sir said billy rather staggered by the grin of approval that met this remark no sir what you ob sarve is true KarlHenning +6848-252323-0005.wav but nobody reflects on the sintry that dies at his post if you must and will go i'll give you the yawl said craggs and i ll go with you myself spoke like a british grenadier cried billy with enthusiasm KarlHenning +6848-252323-0006.wav carbineer if the same to you master said the other quietly i never served in the infantry KarlHenning +6848-252323-0007.wav which is as much as to say to storm the skies or lay siege to the moon give me one of the line or a heavy dragoon it's the same to me as the poet says and a low murmur of the company seemed to accord approval to the sentiment KarlHenning +6848-252323-0008.wav said one coaxingly or a song would be better observed another faix cried a third tis himself could do it and in frinch or latin if ye wanted it the germans was the best i ever knew for music KarlHenning +6848-252323-0009.wav broke in craggs i was brigaded with arentschild's hanoverians in spain and they used to sit outside the tents every evening and sing by jove how they did sing all together like the swell of a church organ yes you're right KarlHenning +6848-252323-0010.wav said billy but evidently yielding an unwilling assent to this doctrine the germans has a fine national music and they re great for harmony but harmony and melody is two different things and which is best billy asked one of the company KarlHenning +6848-252323-0011.wav said billy with a degree of confusion that raised a hearty laugh at his expense well but where's the song exclaimed another ay said craggs we are forgetting the song now for it billy KarlHenning +6848-252323-0012.wav since all is going on so well above stairs i'll draw you a gallon of ale boys and we ll drink to the master's speedy recovery it was a rare occasion when the corporal suffered himself to expand in this fashion and great was the applause at the unexpected munificence KarlHenning +6848-252323-0013.wav billy at the same moment took out his fiddle and began that process of preparatory screwing and scraping which no matter how distressing to the surrounders seems to afford intense delight to performers on this instrument in the present case KarlHenning +6848-252323-0014.wav it is but fair to say there was neither comment nor impatience on the contrary they seemed to accept these convulsive throes of sound as an earnest of the grand flood of melody that was coming KarlHenning +6848-252323-0015.wav i have it now ladies and gentlemen he said making a low obeisance to the company and so saying he struck up a very popular tune the same to which a reverend divine wrote his words of KarlHenning +6848-252323-0016.wav the night before larry was stretched and in a voice of a deep and mellow fulness managed with considerable taste sang a fig for the chansons of france whose meaning is always a riddle KarlHenning +6848-252323-0017.wav the music to sing or to dance is an irish tune played on the fiddle to your songs of the rhine and the rhone i m ready to cry out i am satis just give us something of our own in praise of our land of potatoes KarlHenning +6848-252323-0018.wav in fact it possessed the greatest of all claims to their admiration for it was partly incomprehensible and by the artful introduction of a word here and there of which his hearers knew nothing KarlHenning +6848-252323-0019.wav the poet was well aware that he was securing their heartiest approval nor was billy insensible to such flatteries the irritabile genus has its soft side and can enjoy to the uttermost its own successes KarlHenning +6848-252323-0020.wav less confident of his own merits but under no possible change of places or people could the praise have bestowed more sincere pleasure you're right there jim morris said he KarlHenning +6848-252323-0021.wav when i haven't tuppence to buy tobacco and without a shoe to my foot and my hair through my hat i can be dancin wid princesses and handin empresses in to tay musha musha KarlHenning +6848-252323-0022.wav and your own heart but what ye are to others that without that sacret bond between you wouldn't think of you at all i remember once on a time i was in the north of england travelling partly for pleasure and partly with a view to a small speculation in sheffield ware KarlHenning +6848-252323-0023.wav cheap penknives and scissors pencil cases bodkins and the like and i wandered about for weeks through what they call the lake country a very handsome place KarlHenning +6848-252323-0024.wav like what we have here in ireland more wood forest timber and better off people but nothing beyond that well one evening it was in august i came down by a narrow path to the side of a lake where there was a stone seat KarlHenning +6848-252323-0025.wav running out into the lake and there was two islands all wooded to the water's edge and behind all in the distance was a great mountain with clouds on the top and it was just the season when the trees is beginnin to change their colors KarlHenning +6848-252323-0026.wav and i stretched myself down at the water's edge and i fell into a fit of musing it's often and often i tried to remember the elegant fancies that came through my head and the beautiful things that i thought i saw that night out on the lake fornint me KarlHenning +6848-252323-0027.wav ye see i was fresh and fastin i never tasted a bit the whole day and my brain maybe was all the better for somehow janius real janius thrives best on a little starvation and from musing KarlHenning +6848-252323-0028.wav and blended in with the slight splash of oars that moved through the water carefully as though not to lose a word of him that was speakin it's clean beyond me to tell you what he said and maybe if i could KarlHenning +6848-252323-0029.wav for he was discoorsin about night and the moon and all that various poets said about them ye'd think that he had books and was reading out of them so glibly came the verses from his lips i never listened to such a voice before so soft so sweet KarlHenning +6848-252323-0030.wav so musical and the words came droppin down like the clear water filterin over a rocky ledge and glitterin like little spangles over moss and wild flowers it wasn't only in english but scotch ballads too and once or twice in italian that he recited KarlHenning +6848-252323-0031.wav till at last he gave out in all the fulness of his liquid voice them elegant lines out of pope's homer as when the moon refulgent lamp of night o'er heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light KarlHenning +6848-252323-0032.wav when not a breath disturbs the deep serene and not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene around her throne the vivid planets roll and stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole o'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed KarlHenning +6848-252323-0033.wav and top with silver every mountain's head then shine the vales the rocks in prospect rise a flood of glory bursts from all the skies the conscious swains rejoicing in the sight KarlHenning +6848-252323-0034.wav eye the blue vault and bless the useful light the lord forgive me but when he came to the last words and said useful light i couldn't restrain myself but broke out that's mighty like a bull anyhow KarlHenning +6848-252323-0035.wav is it you said he with a quiet laugh that accuses pope of a bull it is says i and what's more there isn't a poet from horace downwards that i won't show bulls in there's bulls in shakspeare and in milton KarlHenning +6848-252323-0036.wav there's bulls in the ancients i ll point out a bull in aristophanes what have we here said he turning to the others a poor crayture says i like goldsmith's chest of drawers KarlHenning +6848-252323-0037.wav with brains reduced a doable debt to pay to dream by night sell sheffield ware by day well with that he took a fit of laughing and handing the rest out of the boat KarlHenning +6848-252323-0038.wav he made me come along at his side discoorsin me about my thravels and all i seen and all i read till we reached an elegant little cottage on a bank right over the lake and then he brought me in and made me take tay with the family and i spent the night there KarlHenning +6848-252323-0039.wav and for many an hour afterwards when i just think over their kind words and pleasant faces more than one of the company had dropped off asleep during billy's narrative and of the others their complaisance as listeners appeared taxed to the utmost KarlHenning +6848-252323-0040.wav while the corporal snored loudly like a man who had a right to indulge himself to the fullest extent there's the bell again muttered one that's from the lord's room and craggs starting up by the instinct of his office hastened off KarlHenning +6848-76049-0000.wav two gentlemen were coming towards her across the atlantic whose minds it chanced were very busily occupied by her affairs one of these was her father who was lying in his brass bed in his commodious cabin on the hollandia KarlHenning +6848-76049-0001.wav regretting his diminishing ability to sleep in the early morning now even when he was in the strong and soothing air of mid atlantic and thinking of v v because she had a way of coming into his mind when it was undefended KarlHenning +6848-76049-0002.wav and the other was mister gunter lake on the megantic one day out from sandy hook who found himself equally sleepless and preoccupied and although mister lake was a man of vast activities and complicated engagements KarlHenning +6848-76049-0003.wav he was coming now to europe for the express purpose of seeing v v and having things out with her fully and completely because in spite of all that had happened she made such an endless series of delays in coming to america KarlHenning +6848-76049-0004.wav old grammont as he appeared upon the pillow of his bed by the light of a rose shaded bedside lamp was a small headed grey haired gentleman with a wrinkled face and sunken brown eyes years of business experience KarlHenning +6848-76049-0005.wav mitigated only by such exercise as the game of poker affords had intensified an instinctive inexpressiveness under the most solitary circumstances old grammont was still inexpressive KarlHenning +6848-76049-0006.wav he was not even trying to sleep why he meditated had v v stayed on in europe so much longer than she need have done and why had gunter lake suddenly got into a state of mind about her KarlHenning +6848-76049-0007.wav why didn't the girl confide in her father at least about these things what was afoot she had thrown over lake once and it seemed she was going to turn him down again well KarlHenning +6848-76049-0008.wav whatever else you called her and no one could call grammont blood all ordinary fluid old grammont had never had any delusions about lake if lake's father hadn't been a big man KarlHenning +6848-76049-0009.wav lake would never have counted for anything at all suppose she did turn him down in itself that wasn't a thing to break her father's heart what did matter was not whether she threw lake over but what she threw him over for KarlHenning +6848-76049-0010.wav if it was because he wasn't man enough well and good but if it was for some other lover some good looking worthless impostor some european title or suchlike folly KarlHenning +6848-76049-0011.wav entertaining a lover being possibly most shameful thought in love like some ordinary silly female sinking to kisses to the deeds one could buy and pay for his v v KarlHenning +6848-76049-0012.wav what have you found out against her he had asked in a low even voice absolutely nothing sir said the agent suddenly white to the lips KarlHenning +6848-76049-0013.wav old grammont stared at his memory of that moment for a while that affair was all right quite all right of course it was all right and also happily caston was among the dead KarlHenning +6848-76049-0014.wav but it was well her broken engagement with lake had been resumed as though it had never been broken off if there had been any talk that fact answered it and now that lake had served his purpose KarlHenning +6848-76049-0015.wav old grammont did not care in the least if he was shelved v v could stand alone old grammont had got a phrase in his mind that looked like dominating the situation he dreamt of saying to v v KarlHenning +6848-76049-0016.wav as an able young business man perhaps some day a long time ahead she might marry there wasn't much reason for it but it might be she would not wish to be called a spinster take a husband KarlHenning +6848-76049-0017.wav thought old grammont when i am gone as one takes a butler to make the household complete in previous meditations on his daughter's outlook old grammont had found much that was very suggestive in the precedent of queen victoria KarlHenning +6848-76049-0018.wav she had had no husband of the lord and master type so to speak but only a prince consort well in hand why shouldn't the grammont heiress dominate her male belonging if it came to that in the same fashion KarlHenning +6848-76049-0019.wav never fear yet it was a curious anomaly that while one had a thousand ways of defending one's daughter and one's property against that daughter's husband there was no power on earth by which a father KarlHenning +6848-76049-0020.wav his protective duty to them these companions these seyffert women and so forth were all very well in their way there wasn't much they kept from you if you got them cornered and asked them intently KarlHenning +6848-76049-0021.wav straight and lovely desirable and unapproachable above that sort of nonsense above all other masculine subjugation v v i'm going to make a man of you his mind grew calmer KarlHenning +6848-76049-0022.wav whatever she wanted in paris should be hers he'd just let her rip they'd be like sweethearts together he and his girl old grammont dozed off into dreamland section five KarlHenning +6848-76049-0023.wav don't i know my dear girl that you don't love me yet let that be as you wish i want nothing you are not willing to give me nothing at all all i ask is the privilege of making life happy KarlHenning +6848-76049-0024.wav and it shall be happy for you all i ask all i ask protect guard cherish for to mister gunter lake it seemed there could be no lovelier thing in life than a wife KarlHenning +6848-76049-0025.wav he is the sort of man who can arrange things like that there'll be someone at falmouth to look after us and put us aboard the liner i must wire them where i can pick up a telegram to morrow wells in somerset KarlHenning +6848-76049-0026.wav looking out dreamily over beautiful views they would lunch in shaftesbury and walk round it then they would go in the afternoon through the pleasant west country where the celts had prevailed against the old folk of the stonehenge temple KarlHenning +6848-76049-0027.wav and the romans against the celts and the saxons against the romanized britons and the danes against the saxons a war scarred landscape abounding in dykes and entrenchments and castles sunken now into the deepest peace to glastonbury KarlHenning +6848-76049-0028.wav thence they would go on to wells to see yet another great cathedral and to dine and sleep glastonbury abbey and wells cathedral brought the story of europe right up to reformation times that will be a good day for us KarlHenning +6848-76049-0029.wav said sir richmond it will be like turning over the pages of the history of our family to and fro KarlHenning +6848-76049-0030.wav i want to show you something of our old river severn we will come right up to the present if we go through bristol there we shall have a whiff of america our new find from which the tobacco comes KarlHenning +6848-76049-0031.wav mother of i don't know how many american gloucesters bath we'll get in somehow and then as an anglo american showman i shall be tempted to run you northward a little way past tewkesbury KarlHenning +6848-76049-0032.wav just to go into a church here and there and show you monuments bearing little shields with the stars and stripes upon them KarlHenning +6848-76049-0033.wav the washington family monuments it was not only from england that america came said miss grammont but england takes an american memory back most easily and most fully KarlHenning +6848-76049-0034.wav and the baltic northmen past the emperors and the corinthian columns that smothered latin europe for you and me anyhow this is our past this was our childhood and this is our land KarlHenning +6848-76049-0035.wav and tell them to send their instructions to wells KarlHenning +7067-76048-0000.wav i leave you to it his round face betrayed little or no vestiges of his overnight irritation ought you to leave me to it smiled sir richmond i shall be interested to learn what happens but if you won't stay to see Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0001.wav now sir please said the guard respectfully but firmly and doctor martineau got in sir richmond walked thoughtfully down the platform towards the exit what else could i do he asked aloud to nobody in particular Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0002.wav section two for the better part of forty hours sir richmond had either been talking to miss grammont or carrying on imaginary conversations with her in her absence Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0003.wav and she repeated no remembered comments and prophets of her contemporaries about herself she either concealed or she had lost any great interest in her own personality Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0004.wav but she was interested in and curious about the people she had met in life and her talk of them reflected a considerable amount of light upon her own upbringing and experiences and her liking for sir richmond was pleasingly manifest Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0005.wav she liked his turn of thought she watched him with a faint smile on her lips as he spoke and she spread her opinions before him carefully in that soft voice of hers like a shy child showing its treasures to some suddenly trusted and favoured visitor Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0006.wav as a crisis in which they were called upon to do something they did not yet clearly know what into this topic they peered as into some deep pool side by side and in it they saw each other reflected Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0007.wav its delight was particularly manifest in the cream and salad it produced for lunch both miss grammont and miss seyffert displayed an intelligent interest in their food after lunch they had all gone out to the stones and the wall Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0008.wav to a happy use by clambering to the top of it and sliding on their little behinds down its smooth and sloping side amidst much mirthful squealing Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0009.wav sir richmond and miss grammont had walked round the old circumvallation together but belinda seyffert had strayed away from them professing an interest in flowers Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0010.wav that it would be possible to take this confused old world and reshape it set it marching towards that new world of yours of two hundred and fifty million fully developed beautiful and happy people why not Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0011.wav nobody is doing anything with the world except muddle about why not give it a direction you'd take it in your hands like clay obdurate clay with a sort of recalcitrant unintelligent life of its own Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0012.wav her imagination glowed in her eyes and warmed her voice i believe what you say is possible if people dare i am tired of following little motives that are like flames that go out when you get to them Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0013.wav i am tired of seeing all the world doing the same i am tired of a world in which there is nothing great but great disasters here is something mankind can attempt that we can attempt and will i believe that as mankind grows up Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0014.wav and pride ourselves upon our freedom from the sin of presumption not quite that well how do you put it we are afraid she said it's too vast we want bright little lives of our own Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0015.wav sensible little piggy wiggys we have a right to life and happiness first said sir richmond as much right as a pig has to food but whether we get life and happiness or fail to get them we human beings Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0016.wav who have imaginations want something more nowadays of course we want bright lives of course we want happiness just as we want food just as we want sleep but when we have eaten when we have slept when we have jolly things about us it is nothing Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0017.wav we have been made an exception of and got our rations the big thing confronts us still Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0018.wav i do not know why it should be so but i am compelled by something in my nature to want to serve this idea of a new age for mankind i want it as my culminating want i want a world in order Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0019.wav a disciplined mankind going on to greater things don't you now you tell me of it she said with a smile i do but before no you've made it clear it wasn't clear before Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0020.wav i've been talking of this sort of thing with my friend doctor martineau and i've been thinking as well as talking that perhaps is why i'm so clear and positive i don't complain that you are clear and positive i've been coming along the same way Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0021.wav it's refreshing to meet you i found it refreshing to meet martineau a twinge of conscience about doctor martineau turned sir richmond into a new channel he's a most interesting man he said rather shy in some respects Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0022.wav devoted to his work and he's writing a book which has saturated him in these ideas only two nights ago we stood here and talked about it the psychology of a new age the world he believes is entering upon a new phase in its history Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0023.wav the adolescence so to speak of mankind it is an idea that seizes the imagination there is a flow of new ideas abroad he thinks widening realizations unprecedented hopes and fears Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0024.wav there is a consciousness of new powers and new responsibilities we are sharing the adolescence of our race it is giving history a new and more intimate meaning for us Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0025.wav making them matter as formerly they didn't seem to matter that idea of the bright little private life has to go by the board i suppose it has she said meditatively as though she had been thinking over some such question before Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0026.wav incidentally he smiled i want to get a lasso over the neck of that very forcible and barbaric person your father i am doing my best to help lay the foundation of a scientific world control of fuel production and distribution Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0027.wav but controlling father as distinguished from managing him she reviewed some private and amusing memories he is a most intractable man section three Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0028.wav they had gone on to talk of her father and of the types of men who controlled international business she had had plentiful opportunities for observation in their homes and her own Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0029.wav gunter lake the big banker she knew particularly well because it seemed she had been engaged or was engaged to marry him all these people she said are pushing things about affecting millions of lives Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0030.wav you will find my father extremely difficult but some of our younger men would love it and she went on there are american women who'd love it too we're petted we're kept out of things we aren't placed Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0031.wav we don't get enough to do we're spenders and wasters not always from choice while these fathers and brothers and husbands of ours play about with the fuel and power and life and hope of the world as though it was a game of poker Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0032.wav with all the empty unspeakable solemnity of the male and treat us as though we ought to be satisfied if they bring home part of the winnings that can't go on she said her eyes went back to the long low undulating skyline of the downs Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0033.wav she spoke as though she took up the thread of some controversy that had played a large part in her life that isn't going on she said with an effect of conclusive decision Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0034.wav sir richmond recalled that little speech now as he returned from salisbury station to the old george after his farewell to martineau he recalled too the soft firmness of her profile and the delicate line of her lifted chin Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0035.wav he felt that this time at any rate he was not being deceived by the outward shows of a charming human being this young woman had real firmness of character to back up her free and independent judgments Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0036.wav in the composition of so sure and gallant a personality martineau was very fine minded in many respects but he was an old maid and like all old maids he saw man and woman in every encounter Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0037.wav but passion was a thing men and women fell back upon when they had nothing else in common when they thought in the pleasantest harmony and every remark seemed to weave a fresh thread of common interest then it wasn't so necessary it might happen Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0038.wav her views about america and about her own place in the world seemed equally fresh and original to sir richmond i realize i've got to be a responsible american citizen she had said Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0039.wav that didn't mean that she attached very much importance to her recently acquired vote she evidently classified voters into the irresponsible who just had votes and the responsible who also had a considerable amount of property as well Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0040.wav she had no illusions about the power of the former class it didn't exist they were steered to their decisions by people employed directed or stimulated by father and his friends and associates the owners of america the real responsible citizens Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0041.wav or they fell a prey to the merely adventurous leading of revolutionaries but anyhow they were steered she herself it was clear was bound to become a very responsible citizen indeed Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0042.wav she would some day she laughed be swimming in oil and such like property her interest in sir richmond's schemes for a scientific world management of fuel was therefore she realized a very direct one but it was remarkable to find a young woman seeing it like that Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0043.wav father it seemed varied very much in his attitude towards her he despised and distrusted women generally and it was evident he had made it quite clear to her how grave an error it was on her part to persist in being a daughter and not a son Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0044.wav at moments it seemed to sir richmond that she was disposed to agree with father upon that when mister grammont's sense of her regrettable femininity was uppermost Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0045.wav and then he would direct his attention to a kind of masculinization of his daughter and to schemes for giving her the completest control of all he had to leave her provided she never married nor fell under masculine sway after all Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0046.wav he would reflect as he hesitated over the practicability of his life's ideal there was hetty green this latter idea had reft her suddenly at the age of seventeen from the educational care of an english gentlewoman warranted to fit her for marriage with any prince in europe Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0047.wav after a swift but competent training into a shirt waist and an office down town she had been entrusted at first to a harvester concern independent of mister grammont because he feared his own people wouldn't train her hard Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0048.wav she had worked for ordinary wages and ordinary hours and at the end of the day she mentioned casually a large automobile with two menservants Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0049.wav this masculinization idea had also sent her on a commission of enquiry into mexico there apparently she had really done responsible work but upon the question of labour mister grammont was fierce Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0050.wav he discovered his daughter displaying what he considered an improper familiarity with socialist ideas Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0051.wav and the idea of a matrimonial alliance with gunter lake gunter lake sir richmond gathered wasn't half a bad fellow generally it would seem miss grammont liked him and she had a way of speaking about him that suggested that in some way Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0052.wav mister lake had been rather hardly used and had acquired merit by his behaviour under bad treatment there was some story however connected with her war services in europe upon which miss grammont was evidently indisposed to dwell Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0053.wav still quite vaguely guessing so much fact about miss grammont as we have given had floated up in fragments and pieced itself together in sir richmond's mind in the course of a day and a half the fragments came up as allusions or by way of illustration Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0054.wav the sustaining topic was this new age sir richmond fore shadowed this world under scientific control the utopia of fully developed people fully developing the resources of the earth Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0055.wav for a number of trivial reasons sir richmond found himself ascribing the project of this new age almost wholly to doctor martineau and presenting it as a much completer scheme than he was justified in doing it was true that doctor martineau had not said many of the things sir richmond ascribed to him Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0056.wav but also it was true that they had not crystallized out in sir richmond's mind before his talks with doctor martineau the idea of a new age necessarily carries with it the idea of fresh rules of conduct and of different relationships between human beings Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0057.wav and it throws those who talk about it into the companionship of a common enterprise to morrow the new age will be here no doubt but today it is the hope and adventure of only a few human beings so that it was natural for miss grammont and sir richmond to ask Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0058.wav what are we to do with such types as father and to fall into an idiom that assumed a joint enterprise they had agreed by a tacit consent to a common conception of the world they desired as a world scientifically ordered Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0059.wav an immense organization of mature commonsense healthy and secure gathering knowledge and power for creative adventures as yet beyond dreaming Matthew Wall +7067-76048-0060.wav and replaceable structures indeed both these two people found themselves thinking in this fashion with an unwonted courage and freedom because the other one had been disposed to think in this fashion before Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0000.wav after twenty four eventful hours our two students of human motives found themselves together again by the fireplace in the old george smoking room they had resumed their overnight conversation in a state of considerable tension Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0001.wav a broad and original thinker as you are thought is one matter rash inconsiderate action quite another and above all if i spend another day in or near the company of miss Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0002.wav and bit his lower lip and considered we might drop belinda he suggested turning to his friend and speaking in low confidential tones she is quite a manageable person quite Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0003.wav she could for example be left behind with the luggage and sent on by train i do not know if you realize how the land lies in that quarter it needs only a word to miss grammont there was no immediate reply Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0004.wav for a moment he had a wild hope that his companion would agree and then he perceived that the doctor's silence meant only the preparation of an ultimatum i object to miss grammont and that side of the thing more than i do to miss seyffert Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0005.wav sir richmond said nothing it may help you to see this affair from a slightly different angle if i tell you that twice today miss seyffert has asked me if you were a married man and of course you told her i was Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0006.wav on the second occasion sir richmond smiled again frankly said the doctor this adventure is altogether uncongenial to me it is the sort of thing that has never happened in my life this highway coupling Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0007.wav don't you think said sir richmond that you are attaching rather too much what shall i say romantic flirtatious meaning to this affair Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0008.wav but isn't your attitude rather unfair unjust indeed and almost insulting to this miss grammont after all she's a young lady of very good social position indeed Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0009.wav she doesn't strike you does she as an undignified or helpless human being her manners suggest a person of considerable self control and knowing less of me than you do she probably regards me as almost as safe as a maiden aunt say Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0010.wav i'm twice her age we are a party of four there are conventions there are considerations aren't you really my dear martineau overdoing all this side of this very pleasant little enlargement of our interests Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0011.wav am i said doctor martineau and brought a scrutinizing eye to bear on sir richmond's face i want to go on talking to miss grammont for a day or so sir richmond admitted then i shall prefer to leave your party Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0012.wav there were some moments of silence i am really very sorry to find myself in this dilemma said sir richmond with a note of genuine regret in his voice it is not a dilemma said doctor martineau with a corresponding loss of asperity Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0013.wav i grant you we discover we differ upon a question of taste and convenience but before i suggested this trip i had intended to spend a little time with my old friend sir kenelm latter at bournemouth nothing simpler than to go to him now Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0014.wav i shall be sorry all the same i could have wished said the doctor that these ladies had happened a little later the matter was settled nothing more of a practical nature remained to be said Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0015.wav but neither gentleman wished to break off with a harsh and bare decision when the new age is here said sir richmond then surely a friendship between a man and a woman will not be subjected to the the inconveniences your present code would set about it Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0016.wav and honour than they have ever been before in matters of property economics and public conduct it will probably be just the reverse then there will be much more collective control and much more insistence legal insistence upon individual responsibility Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0017.wav but we are not living in a new age yet we are living in the patched up ruins of a very old one and you if you will forgive me are living in the patched up remains of a life that had already had its complications Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0018.wav this young lady whose charm and cleverness i admit behaves as if the new age were already here well that may be a very dangerous mistake both for her and for you this affair if it goes on for a few days more Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0019.wav may involve very serious consequences indeed with which i for one do not wish to be involved sir richmond upon the hearthrug had a curious feeling that he was back in the head master's study at caxton Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0020.wav and in many ways interesting i have been watching her i have not been favoured with very much of her attention but that fact has enabled me to see her in profile Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0021.wav miss seyffert is a fairly crude mixture of frankness insincerity and self explanatory egotism and i have been able to disregard a considerable amount of the conversation she has addressed to me Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0022.wav now i guess this miss grammont has had no mother since she was quite little your guesses doctor are apt to be pretty good said sir richmond you know that she has told me as much Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0023.wav well she impressed me as having the air of a girl who has had to solve many problems for which the normal mother provides ready made solutions that is how i inferred that there was no mother i don't think there has been any stepmother Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0024.wav her manner with miss seyffert an excellent manner for miss seyffert by the bye isn't the sort of manner anyone acquires in a day or for one person only she is a very sure and commanding young woman sir richmond nodded Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0025.wav i suppose her father adores and neglects her and whenever she has wanted a companion or governess butchered the thing has been done these business americans i am told neglect their womenkind give them money and power let them loose on the world Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0026.wav it is a sort of moral laziness masquerading as affection still i suppose custom and tradition kept this girl in her place and she was petted honoured amused Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0027.wav talked about but not in a harmful way and rather bored right up to the time when america came into the war theoretically she had a tremendously good time i think this must be near the truth of her biography said sir richmond Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0028.wav i mean that she was surrounded by a retinue of men who wanted to marry her or who behaved as though they wanted to marry her or who made her happiness and her gratifications and her condescensions seem a matter of very great importance to them Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0029.wav she had the flattery of an extremely uncritical and unexacting admiration that is the sort of thing that gratifies a silly woman extremely miss grammont is not silly Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0030.wav probably bored her more than she realized to anyone too intelligent to be steadily excited by buying things and wearing things and dancing and playing games and going to places of entertainment and being given flowers sweets jewellery Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0031.wav and that she had already read and thought rather more than most young women in her position before she was twenty i guess she was already looking for something more interesting in the way of men than a rich admirer with an automobile full of presents those who seek find Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0032.wav what do you think she found what would a rich girl find out there in america i don't know i haven't the material to guess with in london a girl might find a considerable variety of active interesting men rising politicians university men of distinction Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0033.wav she would find that life was worth while to such people in a way that made the ordinary entertainments and amusements of her life a monstrous silly waste of time with the facility of her sex she would pick up from one of them the idea that made life worth while for him Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0034.wav harsh educational experience and very profound mental disturbance there have been love experiences experiences that were something more than the treats and attentions and proposals that made up her life when she was sheltered over there Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0035.wav and something more than that what it is i don't know the war has turned an ugly face to her she has seen death and suffering and ruin perhaps she has seen people she knew killed perhaps the man has been killed Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0036.wav or she has met with cowardice or cruelty or treachery where she didn't expect it she has been shocked out of the first confidence of youth she has ceased to take the world for granted it hasn't broken her but it has matured her Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0037.wav that i think is why history has become real to her which so attracts you in her history for her has ceased to be a fabric of picturesque incidents it is the study of a tragic struggle that still goes on Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0038.wav she sees history as you see it and i see it she is a very grown up young woman it's just that said sir richmond it's just that if you see as much in miss grammont as all that why don't you want to come on with us you see the interest of her Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0039.wav i see a lot more than that you don't know what an advantage it is to be as i am rather cold and unresponsive to women and unattractive and negligible negligible that is the exact word to them you can't look at a woman for five minutes Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0040.wav seems to imply necessarily a certain imaginative fixity miss grammont has an impulsive and adventurous character and as i have been saying she was a spoilt child with no discipline Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0041.wav you also are a person of high intelligence and defective controls she is very much at loose ends you on account of the illness of that rather forgotten lady miss martin leeds Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0042.wav you i say are also at loose ends can you deny it my dear sir don't we both know that ever since we left london you have been ready to fall in love with any pretty thing in petticoats that seemed to promise you three ha'porth of kindness Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0043.wav grotesquely happen he said she knows nothing of martin leeds you must remember that and then he added if she and you fall in love Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0044.wav as the phrase goes what is to follow there was a pause sir richmond looked at his toes for a moment or so as if he took counsel with them and then decided to take offence Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0045.wav really he said this is preposterous you talk of falling in love as though it was impossible for a man and woman to be deeply interested in each other without that and the gulf in our ages in our quality Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0046.wav from the psychologist of a new age i find this amazing are men and women to go on for ever separated by this possibility into two hardly communicating and yet interpenetrating worlds Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0047.wav is there never to be friendship and companionship between men and women without passion you ought to know even better than i do that there is not for such people as you two anyhow Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0048.wav and at present the world is not prepared to tolerate friendship and companionship with that accompaniment that is the core of this situation a pause fell between the two gentlemen Matthew Wall +7067-76047-0049.wav they had smoothed over the extreme harshness of their separation and there was very little more to be said well said sir richmond in conclusion i am very sorry indeed martineau Matthew Wall +374-180298-0000.wav chapter sixteen i might have told you of the beginning of this liaison in a few lines but i wanted you to see every step by which we came i to agree to whatever marguerite wished kumarei +374-180298-0001.wav marguerite to be unable to live apart from me it was the day after the evening when she came to see me that i sent her manon lescaut from that time seeing that i could not change my mistress's life i changed my own kumarei +374-180298-0002.wav i wished above all not to leave myself time to think over the position i had accepted for in spite of myself it was a great distress to me thus my life generally so calm kumarei +374-180298-0003.wav assumed all at once an appearance of noise and disorder never believe however disinterested the love of a kept woman may be that it will cost one nothing kumarei +374-180298-0004.wav nothing is so expensive as their caprices flowers boxes at the theatre suppers days in the country which one can never refuse to one's mistress as i have told you i had little money kumarei +374-180298-0005.wav my father was and still is receveur general at c he has a great reputation there for loyalty thanks to which he was able to find the security which he needed in order to attain this position kumarei +374-180298-0006.wav i came to paris studied law was called to the bar and like many other young men put my diploma in my pocket and let myself drift as one so easily does in paris kumarei +374-180298-0007.wav my expenses were very moderate only i used up my year's income in eight months and spent the four summer months with my father which practically gave me twelve thousand francs a year and in addition the reputation of a good son kumarei +374-180298-0008.wav for the rest not a penny of debt this then was my position when i made the acquaintance of marguerite you can well understand that in spite of myself my expenses soon increased kumarei +374-180298-0009.wav marguerite's nature was very capricious and like so many women she never regarded as a serious expense those thousand and one distractions which made up her life so wishing to spend as much time with me as possible kumarei +374-180298-0010.wav she would write to me in the morning that she would dine with me not at home but at some restaurant in paris or in the country i would call for her and we would dine and go on to the theatre often having supper as well kumarei +374-180298-0011.wav forgive me if i give you all these details but you will see that they were the cause of what was to follow what i tell you is a true and simple story and i leave to it all the naivete of its details kumarei +374-180298-0012.wav and all the simplicity of its developments i realized then that as nothing in the world would make me forget my mistress it was needful for me to find some way of meeting the expenses into which she drew me then too kumarei +374-180298-0013.wav my love for her had so disturbing an influence upon me that every moment i spent away from marguerite was like a year and that i felt the need of consuming these moments in the fire of some sort of passion kumarei +374-180298-0014.wav as not to know that i was living them i began by borrowing five or six thousand francs on my little capital and with this i took to gambling since gambling houses were destroyed gambling goes on everywhere kumarei +374-180298-0015.wav formerly when one went to frascati one had the chance of making a fortune one played against money and if one lost there was always the consolation of saying that one might have gained whereas now except in the clubs kumarei +374-180298-0016.wav where there is still a certain rigour in regard to payments one is almost certain the moment one gains a considerable sum not to receive it you will readily understand why gambling is only likely to be carried on by young people kumarei +374-180298-0017.wav very much in need of money and not possessing the fortune necessary for supporting the life they lead they gamble then and with this result or else they gain and then those who lose serve to pay for their horses and mistresses kumarei +374-180298-0018.wav which is very disagreeable debts are contracted acquaintances begun about a green table end by quarrels in which life or honour comes to grief and though one may be an honest man one finds oneself ruined by very honest men kumarei +374-180298-0019.wav whose only defect is that they have not two hundred thousand francs a year i need not tell you of those who cheat at play kumarei +374-180298-0020.wav i flung myself into this rapid noisy and volcanic life which had formerly terrified me when i thought of it and which had become for me the necessary complement of my love for marguerite what else could i have done kumarei +374-180298-0021.wav the nights that i did not spend in the rue d'antin if i had spent them alone in my own room i could not have slept jealousy would have kept me awake and inflamed my blood and my thoughts kumarei +374-180298-0022.wav while gambling gave a new turn to the fever which would otherwise have preyed upon my heart and fixed it upon a passion which laid hold on me in spite of myself until the hour struck when i might go to my mistress then kumarei +374-180298-0023.wav and by this i knew the violence of my love i left the table without a moment's hesitation whether i was winning or losing pitying those whom i left behind because they would not like me find their real happiness in leaving it kumarei +374-180298-0024.wav for the most of them gambling was a necessity for me it was a remedy free of marguerite i should have been free of gambling thus in the midst of all that i preserved a considerable amount of self possession kumarei +374-180298-0025.wav i lost only what i was able to pay and gained only what i should have been able to lose for the rest chance was on my side i made no debts and i spent three times as much money as when i did not gamble kumarei +374-180298-0026.wav it was impossible to resist an existence kumarei +374-180298-0027.wav as for her she continued to love me as much or even more than ever as i told you i began by being allowed to stay only from midnight to six o'clock then i was asked sometimes to a box in the theatre kumarei +374-180298-0028.wav then she sometimes came to dine with me one morning i did not go till eight and there came a day when i did not go till twelve but sooner than the moral metamorphosis a physical metamorphosis came about in marguerite kumarei +374-180298-0029.wav i had taken her cure in hand and the poor girl seeing my aim obeyed me in order to prove her gratitude i had succeeded without effort or trouble in almost isolating her from her former habits my doctor kumarei +374-180298-0030.wav whom i had made her meet had told me that only rest and calm could preserve her health so that in place of supper and sleepless nights i succeeded in substituting a hygienic regime and regular sleep in spite of herself kumarei +374-180298-0031.wav marguerite got accustomed to this new existence whose salutary effects she already realized she began to spend some of her evenings at home or if the weather was fine she wrapped herself in a shawl put on a veil and we went on foot kumarei +374-180298-0032.wav like two children in the dim alleys of the champs elysees she would come in tired take a light supper and go to bed after a little music or reading which she had never been used to do the cough kumarei +374-180298-0033.wav had almost completely disappeared at the end of six weeks the count was entirely given up and only the duke obliged me to conceal my liaison with marguerite and even he was sent away when i was there kumarei +374-180298-0034.wav under the pretext that she was asleep and had given orders that she was not to be awakened the habit or the need of seeing me which marguerite had now contracted had this good result that it forced me to leave the gaming table just at the moment kumarei +374-180298-0035.wav when an adroit gambler would have left it settling one thing against another i found myself in possession of some ten thousand francs kumarei +374-180298-0036.wav the time of the year when i was accustomed to join my father and sister had now arrived and i did not go both of them wrote to me frequently begging me to come to these letters i replied as best i could kumarei +374-180298-0037.wav always repeating that i was quite well and that i was not in need of money two things which i thought would console my father for my delay in paying him my annual visit just then one fine day in summer kumarei +374-180298-0038.wav marguerite was awakened by the sunlight pouring into her room and jumping out of bed asked me if i would take her into the country for the whole day kumarei +374-180298-0039.wav we sent for prudence and all three set off after marguerite had given nanine orders to tell the duke that she had taken advantage of the fine day kumarei +374-180298-0040.wav prudence was one of those women who seem made on purpose for days in the country with her unchanging good humour and her eternal appetite she never left a dull moment to those whom she was with and was perfectly happy in ordering eggs cherries milk kumarei +374-180298-0041.wav stewed rabbit and all the rest of the traditional lunch in the country we had now only to decide where we should go it was once more prudence who settled the difficulty do you want to go to the real country she asked yes kumarei +374-180298-0042.wav armand order an open carriage an hour and a half later we were at widow arnould's perhaps you know the inn which is a hotel on week days and a tea garden on sundays kumarei +374-180298-0043.wav there is a magnificent view from the garden which is at the height of an ordinary first floor on the left the aqueduct of marly closes in the horizon kumarei +374-180298-0044.wav beyond distinct in the sunlight rise little white houses with red roofs and manufactories which at that distance put an admirable finish to the landscape beyond that paris in the mist kumarei +374-180298-0045.wav as prudence had told us it was the real country and i must add it was a real lunch it is not only out of gratitude for the happiness i owe it kumarei +374-180298-0046.wav i have travelled a good deal and seen much grander things kumarei +374-180298-0047.wav the breeze the shining solitude of fields or woods however much one loves a woman whatever confidence one may have in her whatever certainty her past may offer us as to her future one is always more or less jealous kumarei +374-180298-0048.wav if you have been in love you must have felt the need of isolating from this world the being in whom you would live wholly it seems as if however indifferent she may be to her surroundings the woman whom one loves loses something of her perfume kumarei +374-180298-0049.wav and of her unity at the contact of men and things as for me i experienced that more than most mine was not an ordinary love i was as much in love as an ordinary creature could be kumarei +374-180298-0050.wav and who had no concern with us alone with nature in the spring time of the year that annual pardon and shut off from the noise of the city i could hide my love and love without shame or fear kumarei +374-180298-0051.wav the courtesan disappeared little by little i had by me a young and beautiful woman whom i loved and who loved me and who was called marguerite the past had no more reality and the future no more clouds kumarei +374-180298-0052.wav the sun shone upon my mistress as it might have shone upon the purest bride we walked together in those charming spots which seemed to have been made on purpose to recall the verses of lamartine or to sing the melodies of scudo kumarei +374-180298-0053.wav marguerite was dressed in white she leaned on my arm saying over to me again under the starry sky the words she had said to me the day before and far off the world went on its way kumarei +374-180298-0054.wav add to this that from the place where i was i could see on the shore a charming little house of two stories with a semicircular railing through the railing in front of the house a green lawn smooth as velvet kumarei +374-180298-0055.wav and behind the house a little wood full of mysterious retreats where the moss must efface each morning the pathway that had been made the day before climbing flowers clung about the doorway of this uninhabited house kumarei +374-180298-0056.wav mounting as high as the first story i looked at the house so long that i began by thinking of it as mine so perfectly did it embody the dream that i was dreaming i saw marguerite and myself there kumarei +374-180298-0057.wav by day in the little wood that covered the hillside in the evening seated on the grass and i asked myself if earthly creatures had ever been so happy as we should be what a pretty house marguerite said to me kumarei +374-180298-0058.wav where asked prudence yonder and marguerite pointed to the house in question ah delicious replied prudence do you like it very much kumarei +374-180298-0059.wav well tell the duke to take it for you he would do so i am sure i'll see about it if you like marguerite looked at me kumarei +374-180298-0060.wav my dream vanished at the last words of prudence and brought me back to reality so brutally that i was still stunned with the fall kumarei +374-180298-0061.wav yes an excellent idea i stammered not knowing what i was saying well i will arrange that said marguerite freeing my hand and interpreting my words according to her own desire kumarei +374-180298-0062.wav let us go and see if it is to let the house was empty and to let for two thousand francs would you be happy here she said to me am i sure of coming here kumarei +374-180298-0063.wav and for whom else should i bury myself here if not for you well then marguerite let me take it myself you are mad not only is it unnecessary but it would be dangerous kumarei +374-180298-0064.wav you know perfectly well that i have no right to accept it save from one man let me alone big baby and say nothing that means said prudence that when i have two days free i will come and spend them with you kumarei +374-180298-0065.wav we left the house and started on our return to paris talking over the new plan kumarei +374-180299-0000.wav chapter seventeen next day marguerite sent me away very early saying that the duke was coming at an early hour and promising to write to me the moment he went and to make an appointment for the evening kumarei +374-180299-0001.wav in the course of the day i received this note kumarei +374-180299-0002.wav be at prudence's to night at eight kumarei +374-180299-0003.wav well it is all settled she said as she entered the house is taken asked prudence yes he agreed at once i did not know the duke but i felt ashamed of deceiving him kumarei +374-180299-0004.wav but that is not all continued marguerite what else is there i have been seeing about a place for armand to stay in the same house asked prudence laughing kumarei +374-180299-0005.wav no at point du jour where we had dinner the duke and i kumarei +374-180299-0006.wav i took it was i right i flung my arms around her neck and kissed her it will be charming she continued you have the key of the little door and i have promised the duke the key of the front door kumarei +374-180299-0007.wav he has asked me how i loving paris as i do could make up my mind to bury myself in the country i told him that i was ill and that i wanted rest he seemed to have some difficulty in believing me kumarei +374-180299-0008.wav and we shall have everything perfect the duke is going to look after every single thing ah my dear she added kissing me you're in luck it's a millionaire who makes your bed for you kumarei +374-180299-0009.wav and when shall you move into the house inquired prudence as soon as possible will you take your horses and carriage i shall take the whole house and you can look after my place while i am away kumarei +374-180299-0010.wav a week later marguerite was settled in her country house and i was installed at point du jour then began an existence which i shall have some difficulty in describing to you kumarei +374-180299-0011.wav prudence on her side brought down all the people she knew and did the honours of the house as if the house belonged to her the duke's money paid for all that as you may imagine but from time to time prudence came to me kumarei +374-180299-0012.wav asking for a note for a thousand francs professedly on behalf of marguerite you know i had won some money at gambling i therefore immediately handed over to prudence what she asked for marguerite kumarei +374-180299-0013.wav and fearing lest she should require more than i possessed i borrowed at paris a sum equal to that which i had already borrowed and paid back i was then once more in possession of some ten thousand francs without reckoning my allowance kumarei +374-180299-0014.wav however marguerite's pleasure in seeing her friends was a little moderated when she saw the expense which that pleasure entailed and especially the necessity she was sometimes in of asking me for money the duke kumarei +374-180299-0015.wav and having fallen upon a party of fifteen who were still at lunch at an hour when he was prepared to sit down to dinner he had unsuspectingly opened the dining room door and had been greeted by a burst of laughter kumarei +374-180299-0016.wav marguerite rose from table and joined the duke in the next room where she tried as far as possible to induce him to forget the incident but the old man wounded in his dignity bore her a grudge for it kumarei +374-180299-0017.wav and could not forgive her he said to her somewhat cruelly that he was tired of paying for the follies of a woman who could not even have him treated with respect under his own roof and he went away in great indignation kumarei +374-180299-0018.wav since that day he had never been heard of in vain marguerite dismissed her guests changed her way of life the duke was not to be heard of i was the gainer in so kumarei +374-180299-0019.wav far that my mistress now belonged to me more completely and my dream was at length realized marguerite could not be without me not caring what the result might be she publicly proclaimed our liaison kumarei +374-180299-0020.wav and i had come to live entirely at her house the servants addressed me officially as their master prudence had strictly sermonized marguerite in regard to her new manner of life but she had replied that she loved me that she could not live without me kumarei +374-180299-0021.wav and that happen what might she would not sacrifice the pleasure of having me constantly with her adding that those who were not satisfied with this arrangement were free to stay away so much i had heard one day when prudence had said to marguerite kumarei +374-180299-0022.wav that she had something very important to tell her and i had listened at the door of the room into which they had shut themselves not long after prudence returned again i was at the other end of the garden when she arrived and she did not see me kumarei +374-180299-0023.wav well said marguerite well i have seen the duke what did he say that he would gladly forgive you in regard to the scene which took place kumarei +374-180299-0024.wav and that he will never forgive that let marguerite leave the young man he said to me and as in the past i will give her all that she requires if not let her ask nothing more from me kumarei +374-180299-0025.wav and you replied that i would report his decision to you and i promised him that i would bring you into a more reasonable frame of mind only think my dear child of the position that you are losing kumarei +374-180299-0026.wav and that armand can never give you he loves you with all his soul but he has no fortune capable of supplying your needs and he will be bound to leave you one day when it will be too late and when the duke will refuse to do any more for you kumarei +374-180299-0027.wav would you like me to speak to armand marguerite seemed to be thinking for she answered nothing my heart beat violently while i waited for her reply no she answered i will not leave armand kumarei +374-180299-0028.wav and i will not conceal the fact that i am living with him it is folly no doubt but i love him what would you have me do and then now that he has got accustomed to be always with me kumarei +374-180299-0029.wav i will do without it but what will you do i don't in the least know prudence was no doubt going to make some reply but i entered suddenly and flung myself at marguerite's feet kumarei +374-180299-0030.wav covering her hands with tears in my joy at being thus loved my life is yours marguerite you need this man no longer am i not here shall i ever leave you and can i ever repay you for the happiness that you give me kumarei +374-180299-0031.wav no more barriers my marguerite we love what matters all the rest oh yes i love you my armand she murmured putting her two arms around my neck i love you as i never thought i should ever love kumarei +374-180299-0032.wav and i will say good bye forever to the life for which i now blush you won't ever reproach me for the past tell me tears choked my voice i could only reply by clasping marguerite to my heart well kumarei +374-180299-0033.wav said she turning to prudence and speaking in a broken voice you can report this scene to the duke and you can add that we have no longer need of him from that day forth the duke was never referred to kumarei +374-180299-0034.wav marguerite was no longer the same woman that i had known she avoided everything that might recall to me the life which she had been leading when i first met her never did wife or sister surround husband or brother with such loving care as she had for me kumarei +374-180299-0035.wav any one who had seen us leaving the house to go on the river in the charming little boat which i had bought would never have believed that the woman dressed in white wearing a straw hat kumarei +374-180299-0036.wav was that marguerite gautier who only four months ago had been the talk of the town for the luxury and scandal of her existence alas we made haste to be happy as if we knew that we were not to be happy long kumarei +374-180299-0037.wav for two months we had not even been to paris no one came to see us except prudence and julie duprat of whom i have spoken to you kumarei +374-180299-0038.wav i passed whole days at the feet of my mistress we opened the windows upon the garden and as we watched the summer ripening in its flowers kumarei +374-180299-0039.wav we breathed together that true life which neither marguerite nor i had ever known before her delight in the smallest things was like that of a child there were days when she ran in the garden like a child of ten kumarei +374-180299-0040.wav after a butterfly or a dragon fly this courtesan who had cost more money in bouquets than would have kept a whole family in comfort would sometimes sit on the grass for an hour examining the simple flower whose name she bore kumarei +374-180299-0041.wav it was at this time that she read manon lescaut over and over again i found her several times making notes in the book and she always declared that when a woman loves she can not do as manon did kumarei +374-180299-0042.wav the duke wrote to her two or three times she recognised the writing and gave me the letters without reading them sometimes the terms of these letters brought tears to my eyes he had imagined that by closing his purse to marguerite kumarei +374-180299-0043.wav he would bring her back to him but when he had perceived the uselessness of these means he could hold out no longer kumarei +374-180299-0044.wav as before no matter on what conditions i read these urgent and repeated letters and tore them in pieces without telling marguerite what they contained and without advising her to see the old man again kumarei +374-180299-0045.wav though i was half inclined to so much did i pity him but i was afraid lest if i so advised her she should think that i wished the duke not merely to come and see her again but to take over the expenses of the house kumarei +374-180299-0046.wav i feared above all that she might think me capable of shirking the responsibilities of every consequence to which her love for me might lead her it thus came about that the duke receiving no reply ceased to write kumarei +1867-154075-0000.wav chapter twelve the strange bargain ronicky drew his gun and waited good said the man of the sneer go ahead it was down in the cellar that we found the first tracks Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0001.wav that dropped him into the coal bin did he get coal dust on his shoes right and he didn't have sense enough to wipe it off an amateur a rank amateur i told you said the man of the sneer with satisfaction Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0002.wav you followed his trail up the stairs to the kitchen and down the hall and up to harry's room we already knew he'd gone there but he left that room again and came down the hall yes Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0003.wav and where did it lead right to this room ronicky stepped from among the smooth silks Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0004.wav the time had almost come for one desperate attempt to escape and he was ready to shoot to kill a moment of pause had come a pause which in the imagination of ronicky Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0005.wav that's a likely story i can show you the tracks Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0006.wav you fool they simply grew dim when they got to this door i've been here for some time go back and tell them to hunt some more go up to the attic and search there that's the place an amateur would most likely hide Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0007.wav the man growled some retort and left closing the door heavily behind him while ronicky doone breathed freely again for the first time now said the man of the sneer tell me the whole of it ruth ronicky set his teeth Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0008.wav had the clever devil guessed at the truth so easily had he sent his follower away merely to avoid having it known that a man had taken shelter in the room of the girl he loved go on the leader was repeating let me hear the whole truth Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0009.wav i i stammered the girl and she could say no more the man of the sneer laughed unpleasantly let me help you it was somebody you met somewhere Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0010.wav you smiled so much in fact that he followed you and found that you had come here the only way he could get in was by stealth is that right Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0011.wav so he came in exactly that way like a robber but really only to keep a tryst with his lady love a pretty story a true romance Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0012.wav my dear girl john began ruth tolliver her voice shaking tush he broke in as smoothly as ever let me tell the story for you and spare your blushes Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0013.wav although you were glad to see him you warned him that it was dangerous to play with fire fire being me do i gather the drift of the story fairly well finally you have him worked up to the right pitch Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0014.wav you show him that it is possible Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0015.wav yes said the girl unevenly that is ah murmured the man of the sneer you seem rather relieved that i have guessed he left the house in that case ronicky doone had held the latch of the door turned back for some time Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0016.wav now he pushed it open and stepped out he was only barely in time for the man of the sneer was turning quickly in his direction since there was only one hiding place in the room Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0017.wav he was brought up with a shock by the sight of ronicky's big colt held at the hip and covering him with absolute certainty ruth tolliver did not cry out but every muscle in her face and body seemed to contract Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0018.wav as if she were preparing herself for the explosion you don't have to put up your hands said ronicky doone wondering at the familiarity of the face of the man of the sneer he had brooded on it so often in the past few days that it was like the face of an old acquaintance Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0019.wav he knew every line in that sharp profile thank you Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0020.wav i congratulate you on your good taste a regular apollo my dear ruth he turned back to ronicky doone and i suppose you have overhead our entire conversation the whole lot of it said ronicky Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0021.wav though i wasn't playing my hand at eavesdropping i couldn't help hearing you partner the man of the sneer looked him over leisurely western he said at last decidedly western are you staying long in the east my friend Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0022.wav i dunno said ronicky doone smiling faintly at the coolness of the other what do you think about it meaning that i'm liable to put an end to your stay maybe tush tush Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0023.wav i suppose ruth has filled your head with a lot of rot about what a terrible fellow i am but i don't use poison and i don't kill with mysterious x rays i am as you see a very quiet and ordinary sort Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0024.wav ronicky doone smiled again you just oblige me partner he replied in his own soft voice just stay away from the walls of the room don't even sit down stand right where you are Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0025.wav you'd murder me if i took another step asked the man of the sneer and a contemptuous and sardonic expression flitted across his face for the first time i'd sure blow you full of lead said ronicky fervently Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0026.wav i'd kill you like a snake stranger which i mostly think you are so step light and step quick when i talk certainly said the other bowing i am entirely at your service he turned a little to ruth Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0027.wav i see that you have a most determined cavalier i suppose he'll instantly abduct you and sweep you away from beneath my eyes she made a vague gesture of denial go ahead said the leader by the way Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0028.wav my name is john mark i'm doone some call me ronicky doone i'm glad to know you ronicky doone i imagine that name fits you now tell me the story of why you came to this house of course it wasn't to see a girl Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0029.wav you're wrong it was ah in spite of himself the face of john mark wrinkled with pain and suspicious rage i came to see a girl and her name i figure is caroline smith Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0030.wav relief wonder and even a gleam of outright happiness shot into the eyes of john mark caroline you came for that suddenly he laughed heartily but there was a tremor of emotion in that laughter Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0031.wav the perfect torture which had been wringing the soul of the man of the sneer projected through the laughter i ask your pardon my dear said john mark to ruth i should have guessed you found him he confessed why he was here you took pity on him Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0032.wav and he brushed a hand across his forehead and was instantly himself calm and cool very well then it seems i've made an ass of myself but i'll try to make up for it now what about caroline Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0033.wav leave this house and take a ride or a walk with me as much as that if you have to talk to her why not do the talking here i dunno replied ronicky doone i figure she'd think too much about you all the time Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0034.wav yes i have a curious stock of useless information well you're right i'm going to try to get her back for bill but you can't expect me to assent to that i sure do and why Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0035.wav this caroline smith may be a person of great value to me i have no doubt she is but i got a good argument Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0036.wav the gun partner and if you couldn't get the girl but see how absurd the whole thing is ronicky doone i send for the girl i request her to go down with you to the street and take a walk because you wish to talk to her Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0037.wav heavens man i can't persuade her to go with a stranger at night surely you see that i'll do that persuading said ronicky doone calmly and when you're on the streets with the girl Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0038.wav do you suppose i'll rest idle and let you walk away with her once we're outside of the house mark said ronicky doone i don't ask no favors let your men come on Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0039.wav i ain't terrible backward with the trigger finger john mark not that i figure on bragging but i want you to pick good men for my trail and tell em to step soft is that square Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0040.wav suppose we shake hands to bind the bargain said ronicky you send for caroline smith i'm to do the persuading to get her out of the house we're safe to the doors of the house the minute we step into the street Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0041.wav you're free to do anything you want to get either of us will you shake on that for a moment the leader hesitated then his fingers closed over the extended hand of ronicky doone and clamped down on them like so many steel wires contracting Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0042.wav at the same time a flush of excitement and fierceness passed over the face of john mark ronicky doone taken utterly by surprise was at a great disadvantage Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0043.wav a great rage came in the eyes of john mark a great wonder came in the eyes of the westerner where did john mark get his sudden strength well said ronicky we've shaken hands and now you can do what you please Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0044.wav sit down leave the room anything Rowdy Delaney +1867-154075-0045.wav that brought a start from john mark and a flash of eagerness but he repressed the idea after a single glance at the girl we've shaken hands he admitted slowly as though just realizing the full extent of the meaning of that act Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0000.wav chapter twelve the first day mile after mile of the rough trail fell behind him and still the pony shambled along at a loose trot or a swinging canter the steep upgrades it took at a steady jog Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0001.wav and where the slopes pitched sharply down it wound among the rocks with a faultless sureness of foot certainly the choice of nash was well made an eastern horse of blood over a level course Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0002.wav but it would have broken down after ten miles of that hard trail dawn came while they wound over the crest of the range and with the sun in their faces they took the downgrade it was well into the morning before nash reached logan Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0003.wav i s'pose you're here askin after bard Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0004.wav bard who's he logan considered the other with a sardonic smile Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0005.wav you'll wear out the snapper on it i'm on my way to the a circle y listen i'm all for old man drew you know that tell me what bard has on him never heard the name before did he rustle a couple of your sheep Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0006.wav d'you think i'm on somebody's trail don't you know i've been through with that sort of game for a hell of a while when rocks turn into ham and eggs i'll trust you steve i'll tell you what i done to bard anyway yesterday Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0007.wav then he hinted around about learnin the way to eldara because he knows that town is pretty close to drew's place i guess i told him sure i did he should of gone due west but i sent him south there is a south trail Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0008.wav only it takes about three days to get to eldara maybe you think that interests me it don't logan overlooked this rejoinder saying is it his scalp you're after your ideas are like nest eggs logan Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0009.wav an you set over em like a hen they look like eggs they feel like eggs but they don't never hatch that's the way with your ideas they look all right they sound all right but they don't mean nothin so long Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0010.wav what you say cuts both ways steve this feller bard Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0011.wav he sounds like a tenderfoot but he ain't a tenderfoot feeling that this parting shot gave him the honours of the meeting he turned away whistling with such spirit that one of his dogs overhearing stood still and gazed at his master Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0012.wav his eastern course nash pursued for a mile or more Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0013.wav he was weary like his horse and he made no attempt to start a sudden burst of speed he let the pony go on at the same tireless jog clinging like a bulldog to the trail about midday Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0014.wav hello young feller lo stranger what's the chance of bunking here for three or four hours and gettin a good feed for the hoss never better gimme the hoss Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0015.wav feed him grain no you won't put him up i'll tend to that looks like a bad un that's it Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0016.wav unsaddled him and gave him a small feed the horse first rolled on the dirt floor and then started methodically on his fodder having made sure that his mount was not off his feed nash rolled a cigarette and strolled back to the house with the boy Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0017.wav where's the folks he asked ma's sick a little and didn't get up to day pa's down to the corral cussing mad but i can cook you up some chow all right son i got a dollar here that'll buy you a pretty good store knife Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0018.wav the boy flushed so red that by contrast his straw coloured hair seemed positively white maybe you want to pay me he suggested fiercely maybe you think we're squatters that run a hotel Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0019.wav recognizing the true western breed even in this small edition nash grinned speakin man to man son i didn't think that but i thought i'd sort of feel my way which i'll say you're lucky you didn't try to feel your way with pa Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0020.wav and set about frying ham and making coffee this with crackers formed the meal he watched nash eat for a moment of solemn silence and then the foreman looked up to catch a meditative chuckle from the youngster let me in on the joke son nothin Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0021.wav i was just thinkin of pa what's he sore about come out short at poker lately no he lost a hoss ha ha ha he explained Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0022.wav nash sipped his coffee and waited on the mountain desert one does not draw out a narrator with questions Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0023.wav he was a sure enough tenderfoot leastways he looked it an he talked it but he wasn't the familiarity of this description made steve sit up a trifle straighter was he a ringer maybe i dunno Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0024.wav pa meets him at the door and asks him in Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0025.wav the boy paused to remember and then with twinkling eyes he mimicked that's very good of you sir but i'll only stop to make a trade with you this horse and some cash to boot for a durable mount out of your corral Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0026.wav the brute has gone lame you see Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0027.wav an i won't ask much cash to boot i begin wonderin what pa was drivin at but i didn't say nothin' jest held myself together and waited look over there to the corral says pa and pointed Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0028.wav it's the best hoss i've ever had it was the best horse pa ever had too it was a piebald pinto called jo after my cousin josiah who's jest a plain bad un and raises hell when there's any excuse the piebald Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0029.wav he didn't even need an excuse you see Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0030.wav when he leaves the corral he likes to have another hoss for a runnin mate and he was jest as tame as anything i could ride him anybody could ride him but if you took him outside the bars of the corral without company first thing he done Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0031.wav when he seen that he was all laid out to make a trip by himself Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0032.wav which jo can raise more hell for his size than any hoss i ever seen he's what you call an eddicated bucker he don't fool around with no pauses he jest starts in and figgers out a situation Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0033.wav an he always used to win out in fact he was known for it all around these parts he begun nice and easy Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0034.wav and the end was the rider lyin on the ground whenever the boys around here wanted any excitement they used to come over and try their hands with jo Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0035.wav and tame down the bruises after jo laid em cold on the ground Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0036.wav well this tenderfoot he looks over the hoss in the corral and says Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0037.wav aw twenty five dollars is enough says pa all right says the tenderfoot here's the money and he counts it out in pa's hand he says what a little beauty it would be a treat to see him work on a polo field pa says Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0038.wav then he steps on my foot to make me wipe the grin off'n my face down goes the tenderfoot and takes his saddle and flops it on the piebald pinto and the piebald was jest as nice as milk then he leads him out'n the corral and gets on Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0039.wav but he didn't see none then the circus started an b'lieve me it was some circus jo hadn't had much action for some time Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0040.wav thinkin up new ways of raisin hell Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0041.wav which maybe you sort of gather that he had to keep on performin because the tenderfoot was still in the saddle he was an he never pulled leather no sir he never touched the buckin strap but jest sat there with his teeth set Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0042.wav and his lips twistin back the same smile he had when he got into the saddle but pretty soon i s'pose jo had a chance to figure out that it didn't do him no particular harm to be alone the minute he seen that he stopped fightin Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0043.wav and started off at a gallop the way the tenderfoot wanted him to go which was over there damn my eyes says pa Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0044.wav there wouldn't be no drawin card to get the boys around the house no more but you're lookin sort of sleepy stranger i am answered nash well if you'd seen that show you wouldn't be thinkin of sleep not for some time maybe not Rowdy Delaney +1867-148436-0045.wav but the point is i didn't see it d'you mind if i turn in on that bunk over there help yourself said the boy what time d'you want me to wake you up never mind i wake up automatic s'long bud Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0000.wav chapter eight two apparitions Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0001.wav found a big double room that ran across the whole length of the house from the back it looked down on the lights glimmering on the black east river and across to the flare of brooklyn to the left the whole arc of the fifty ninth street bridge was exposed Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0002.wav here they took up the vigil Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0003.wav bill gregg shook his head that's not the one she's all different a pile different ronicky ronicky sighed Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0004.wav go on back to sleep i'll call you again if anything happens Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0005.wav ghost hours of the early morning they did not relax their vigil Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0006.wav apparently the place was a harmless rooming house of fairly good quality not a sign of caroline smith appeared even during the second day Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0007.wav by this time the nerves of the two watchers were shattered by the constant strain and the monotonous view from the front window was beginning to madden them it's proof that she ain't yonder said bill gregg Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0008.wav and he grew pale at the thought partner said ronicky doone if they are trying to keep her away from us they sure have the sense to keep her under cover for as long as two days ain't that right Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0009.wav it's just about our last chance bill we've done our hunting pretty near as well as we could if we don't land her this trip i'm about ready to give up Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0010.wav one week was decided on as a fair test if at the end of that time caroline smith did not come out of the house across the street they could conclude that she did not stay there Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0011.wav peering through the slit between the drawn curtains which sheltered him from being observed at his spying when he called out softly the sound brought gregg with one long leap out of the chair where he was sleeping to the window there could be no shadow of a doubt about it Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0012.wav there stood caroline smith in the door of the house she closed the door behind her and walking to the top of the steps paused there and looked up and down the street bill gregg groaned Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0013.wav snatched his hat and plunged through the door and ronicky heard the brief thunder of his feet down the first flight of stairs then the heavy thumps as he raced around the landing Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0014.wav and so swift was that descent that when the girl idling down the steps across the street came onto the sidewalk bill gregg rushed out from the other side and ran toward her Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0015.wav for never had the miner seemed so clumsily big and gaunt never had his clothes seemed so unpressed and shapeless while his soft gray hat to which he still clung religiously appeared hopelessly out of place in contrast with the slim prettiness of the girl Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0016.wav she wore a black straw hat turned back from her face with a single big red flower at the side of it Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0017.wav the same distinction between their clothes was in their faces the finely modeled prettiness of her features and the big careless chiseling of the features of bill gregg ronicky doone did not wonder that after her first fear her gesture was one of disdain and surprise Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0018.wav he went a long slow step closer to her with both his hands outstretched Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0019.wav ronicky doone followed that glance and he saw all hidden save the profile of the face Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0020.wav what a face it was never in his life had ronicky doone seen a man who in one instant filled him with such fear and hatred such loathing and such dread such scorn and such terror Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0021.wav the nose was hooked like the nose of a bird of prey the eyes were long and slanting like those of an oriental the face was thin almost fleshless so that the bony jaw stood out like the jaw of a death's head Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0022.wav the girl hesitated a moment Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0023.wav for she made a slight outward gesture with one hand if this were in her mind however it vanished instantly she turned with a shudder and hurried away down the street Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0024.wav as for bill gregg he bore himself straight as a soldier and came back across the pavement but it was the erectness of a soldier who has met with a crushing defeat and only preserves an outward resolution while all the spirit within is crushed Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0025.wav what a contrast between the ascent and the descent he had literally flown down now his heels clumped out a slow and regular death march as he came back to the room when gregg opened the door Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0026.wav ronicky doone blinked and drew in a deep breath at the sight of the poor fellow's face gregg had known before that he truly loved this girl whom he had never seen Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0027.wav now in the very moment of seeing his dream of the girl turned into flesh and blood he had lost her and there was something like death in the face of the big miner as he dropped his hat on the floor and sank into a chair Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0028.wav after that he did not move so much as a finger from the position into which he had fallen limply his legs were twisted awkwardly sprawling across the floor in front of him one long arm dragged down toward the floor Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0029.wav as if there was no strength in it to support the weight of the labor hardened hands his chin was fallen against his breast when ronicky doone crossed to him and laid a kind hand on his shoulder he did not look up it's ended Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0030.wav said bill gregg faintly now we hit the back trail and forget all about this he added with a faint attempt at cynicism i've just wasted a pile of good money making time from the mine that's all Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0031.wav said ronicky doone bill look me in the eye and tell me man to man that you're a liar he added can you ever be happy without her man the cruelty of that speech made gregg flush Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0032.wav said gregg huskily ain't there that's where you and me don't agree Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0033.wav look at the way things have gone you start out with a photograph of a girl now you've followed her found her name Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0034.wav ain't that something done after you've done all that Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0035.wav not you bill you're going to buck up and go ahead full steam Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0036.wav bill gregg smiled sourly Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0037.wav d'you know what she said well bill gregg she says i don't remember any such name that took the wind out of me i only had enough left to say Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0038.wav the gent that was writing those papers to the correspondence school to you from the west the one you sent your picture to and sent my picture to she says and looks as if the ground had opened under her feet you're mad she says Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0039.wav and then she looks back over her shoulder as much as to wish she was safe back in her house d'you know why she looked back over her shoulder just for the reason i told you no bill there was a gent standing up there at a window watching her and how she acted Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0040.wav he's the one who's kept her in that house Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0041.wav that sent out the girl with exact orders how she should act if you was to come out and speak to her when you seen her bill what that girl told you didn't come out of her own head it come out of the head of the gent across the way when you turned your back on her Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0042.wav she looked like she'd run after you and try to explain but the fear of that fellow up in the window was too much for her and she didn't dare bill Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0043.wav you got to get that gent i seen grinning from the window grinning asked bill gregg grinding his teeth and starting from his chair was the skunk laughing at me sure every minute bill gregg groaned i'll smash every bone in his ugly head Rowdy Delaney +1867-154071-0044.wav shake said ronicky doone that's the sort of talk i wanted to hear Rowdy Delaney +5808-48608-0000.wav when it was the three hundred and forty seventh night she said it hath reached me o auspicious king that ibrahim son of al mahdi continued now when the housemaster heard my name he sprang to his feet and said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0001.wav indeed i wondered that such gifts should belong to any but the like of thee and fortune hath done me a good turn for which i cannot thank her too much but haply this is a dream for how could i hope that one of the caliphate house should visit my humble home jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0002.wav and carouse with me this night jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0003.wav as to the cause of my visit in the most courteous terms so i told him the whole affair first and last hiding naught and said to him now as to the food i have had my will but of the hand and wrist i have still to win my wish jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0004.wav quoth he thou shalt have thy desire of the hand and wrist also inshallah then said he to the slave girl ho such an one bid such an one come down and he called his slave girls down one by one and showed them to me jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0005.wav but i saw not my mistress among them and he said o my lord there is none left save my mother and sister but by allah i must needs have them also down and show them to thee so i marvelled at his courtesy and large heartedness and said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0006.wav may i be thy sacrifice begin with the sister and he answered with joy and goodwill so she came down and he showed me her hand and behold she was the owner of the hand and wrist quoth i jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0007.wav seeketh in marriage my sister such an one and i call you to witness that i give her in wedlock to him and that he hath settled upon her ten thousand dinars and he said to me i give thee my sister in marriage at the portion aforesaid jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0008.wav i consent answered i and am herewith content whereupon he gave one of the bags to her and the other to the witnesses and said to me o our lord i desire to adorn a chamber for thee where thou mayst sleep with thy wife jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0009.wav but i was abashed at his generosity and was ashamed to lie with her in his house so i said equip her and send her to my place jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0010.wav and by thy being o commander of the faithful he sent me with her such an equipage that my house for all its greatness was too strait to hold it and i begot on her this boy that standeth in thy presence jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0011.wav then al maamun marvelled at the man's generosity and said gifted of allah is he never heard i of his like and he bade ibrahim bin al mahdi bring him to court that he might see him he brought him and the caliph conversed with him jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0012.wav and his wit and good breeding so pleased him that he made him one of his chief officers and allah is the giver the bestower men also relate the tale of the woman whose hands were cut off for giving alms to the poor jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0013.wav a certain king once made proclamation to the people of his realm saying if any of you give alms of aught i will verily and assuredly cut off his hand jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0014.wav wherefore all the people abstained from alms deed and none could give anything to any one now it chanced that one day a beggar accosted a certain woman and indeed hunger was sore upon him and said to her jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0015.wav give me an alms and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say when it was three hundred and forty eighth night she said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0016.wav it hath reached me o auspicious king that quoth the beggar to the woman give me an alms however small but she answered him how can i give thee aught when the king cutteth off the hands of all who give alms jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0017.wav then he said i conjure thee by allah almighty give me an alms so when he adjured her by the holy name of allah she had ruth on him and gave him two scones jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0018.wav the king heard of this whereupon he called her before him and cut off her hands after which she returned to her house now it chanced after a while that the king said to his mother i have a mind to take a wife jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0019.wav so do thou marry me to a fair woman quoth she there is among our female slaves one who is unsurpassed in beauty but she hath a grievous blemish the king asked what is that and his mother answered jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0020.wav she hath had both her hands cut off said he let me see her so she brought her to him and he was ravished by her and married her and went in unto her and begat upon her a son jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0021.wav now this was the woman who had given two scones as an alms to the asker and whose hands had been cut off therefor and when the king married her her fellow wives envied her and wrote to the common husband that she was an unchaste jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0022.wav having just given birth to the boy so he wrote to his mother bidding her carry the woman into the desert and leave her there the old queen obeyed his commandment and abandoned the woman and her son in the desert jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0023.wav whereupon she fell to weeping for that which had befallen her and wailing with exceeding sore wail as she went along she came to a river and knelt down to drink being overcome with excess of thirst jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0024.wav for fatigue of walking and for grief but as she bent her head the child which was at her neck fell into the water then she sat weeping bitter tears for her child and as she wept behold came up two men who said to her jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0025.wav what maketh thee weep quoth she i had a child at my neck and he hath fallen into the water they asked wilt thou that we bring him out to thee and she answered yes jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0026.wav so they prayed to almighty allah and the child came forth of the water to her safe and sound jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0027.wav yes replied she whereupon they prayed to allah extolled and exalted be he jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0028.wav and with the profit he laid in daily bread for his household one morning he went out and sold the day's yarn as wont when there met him one of his brethren who complained to him of need so he gave him the price of the thread and returned empty handed to his family jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0029.wav who said to him where is the cotton and the food quoth he such an one met me and complained to me of want whereupon i gave him the price of the yarn and they said how shall we do we have nothing to sell jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0030.wav so he took them to the bazar but none would buy them of him however presently as he stood in the market there passed by a man with a fish and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0031.wav and ceased saying her permitted say when it was the three hundred and forty ninth night she said it hath reached me o auspicious king jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0032.wav that the man took the trencher and jar to the bazar but none would buy them of him however there presently passed by a man with a fish which was so stinking and so swollen jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0033.wav and he said to the jew wilt thou sell me thine unsaleable ware for mine yes answered the jew and giving him the wooden trencher and jar took the fish and carried it home to his family who said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0034.wav what shall we do with this fish quoth he we will broil it and eat it till it please allah to provide bread for us so they took it and ripping open its belly found therein a great pearl and told the head of the household who said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0035.wav see ye if it be pierced if so it belongeth to some one of the folk if not tis a provision of allah for us so they examined it and found it unpierced jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0036.wav now when it was the morrow the jew carried it to one of his brethren which was an expert in jewels and the man asked o such an one whence haddest thou this pearl jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0037.wav it was a gift of almighty allah to us and the other said it is worth a thousand dirhams and i will give thee that but take it to such an one for he hath more money and skill than i so the jew took it to the jeweller who said jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0038.wav it is worth seventy thousand dirhams and no more then he paid him that sum and the jew hired two porters to carry the money to his house as he came to his door a beggar accosted him saying jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0039.wav quoth the jew to the asker but yesterday we were even as thou take thee half this money so he made two parts of it and each took his half jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0040.wav the baker and other tradesmen dunned and importuned me and my misery became extreme for i knew of no resource nor what to do things being on this wise there came to me one day certain of my servants and said to me jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0041.wav at the door is a pilgrim wight who seeketh admission to thee quoth i admit him so he came in and behold he was a khorasani we exchanged salutations and he said to me jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0042.wav tell me art thou abu hassan al ziyadi and i replied yes what is thy wish quoth he i am a stranger and am minded to make the pilgrimage but i have with me a great sum of money which is burdensome to bear jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0043.wav so i wish to deposit these ten thousand dirhams with thee whilst i make my pilgrimage and return if the caravan march back and thou see me not then know that i am dead in which case the money is a gift from me to thee but if i come back jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0044.wav it shall be mine i answered be it as thou wilt an thus please allah almighty so he brought out a leather bag and i said to the servant fetch the scales jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0045.wav and when he brought them the man weighed out the money and handed it to me after which he went his way then i called the purveyors and paid them my liabilities jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0046.wav and shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say when it was the three hundred and fiftieth night she said it hath reached me o auspicious king jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0047.wav that quoth abu hassan al ziyadi i called the purveyors and paid them my liabilities and spent freely and amply saying to myself by the time he returns allah will have relieved me with one or other of the bounties he hath by him jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0048.wav however on the very next day the servant came in to me and said thy friend the khorasan man is at the door admit him answered i so he came in and said to me i had purposed to make the pilgrimage jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0049.wav and i have resolved to return so give me the monies i deposited with thee yesterday when i heard this i was troubled and perplexed beyond measure of perplexity known to man and wotted not what reply to make him jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0050.wav for if i denied it he would put me on my oath and i should be disgraced in the world to come whilst if i told him that i had spent the money he would make an outcry and dishonour me before men jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0051.wav so i said to him allah give thee health jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0052.wav so i rose and bade the boy saddle me the she mule answered he o my lord it is yet but the first third of the night and indeed we have hardly had time to rest i returned to my bed jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0053.wav but sleep was forbidden to me and i ceased not to awaken the boy and he to put me off till break of day when he saddled me the mule and i mounted and rode out not knowing whither to go jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0054.wav whilst she fared on with me to the eastward of baghdad presently as i went along behold jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0055.wav expound to me thy case so i recounted to him my case and he wept sore and said to me jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0056.wav woe to thee succour abu hassan al ziyadi i awoke a second time but knowing thee not i went to sleep again and he came to me a third time and still i knew thee not and went to sleep again then he came to me once more and said out on thee jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0057.wav succour abu hassan al ziyadi after that i dared not sleep any more but watched the rest of the night and aroused my people and sent them on all sides in quest of thee then he gave me one myriad of dirhams saying this is for the khorasani jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0058.wav and other ten thousand saying spend freely of this and amend thy case therewith and set thine affairs in order jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0059.wav and behold presently came the khorasani so i carried him into the house and brought out to him one myriad of dirhams saying here is thy money quoth he it is not my very money how cometh this jeandelfrio +5808-48608-0060.wav so i told him the whole story and he wept and said by allah haddest thou told me the fact at first i had not pressed thee jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0000.wav five years is but a short time in the life of a man and yet many things may happen therein for instance the whole way of a family's life may be changed good natures may be made into bad ones jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0001.wav and out of a soul of faith grow a spirit of unbelief the independence of respectability may harden into the insolence of defiance and the sensitive cheek of modesty into the brazen face of shamelessness jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0002.wav it may be true that the habits of years are hard to change but this is not true of the first sixteen or seventeen years of a young person's life else kitty hamilton and joe could not so easily have become what they were jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0003.wav it had taken barely five years to accomplish an entire metamorphosis of their characters in joe's case even a shorter time was needed he was so ready to go down that it needed but a gentle push to start him and once started jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0004.wav there was nothing within him to hold him back from the depths for his will was as flabby as his conscience and his pride which stands to some men for conscience had no definite aim or direction jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0005.wav hattie sterling had given him both his greatest impulse for evil and for good she had at first given him his gentle push but when she saw that his collapse would lose her a faithful and useful slave jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0006.wav she had sought to check his course her threat of the severance of their relations had held him up for a little time and she began to believe that he was safe again he went back to the work he had neglected drank moderately jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0007.wav and acted in most things as a sound sensible being then all of a sudden he went down again and went down badly she kept her promise and threw him over jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0008.wav then he became a hanger on at the clubs a genteel loafer he used to say in his sober moments that at last he was one of the boys that sadness had spoken of he did not work jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0009.wav but he soon tired of being separated from hattie and straightened up again after some demur she received him upon his former footing it was only for a few months he fell again for almost four years this had happened intermittently jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0010.wav finally he took a turn for the better that endured so long that hattie sterling again gave him her faith then the woman made her mistake she warmed to him she showed him that she was proud of him jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0011.wav he went forth at once to celebrate his victory he did not return to her for three days then he was battered unkempt and thick of speech she looked at him in silent contempt for a while as he sat nursing his aching head jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0012.wav she said finally with cutting scorn you ought to be put under a glass case and placed on exhibition he groaned and his head sunk lower a drunken man is always disarmed jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0013.wav his helplessness instead of inspiring her with pity inflamed her with an unfeeling anger that burst forth in a volume of taunts jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0014.wav no one had ever looked at you until i picked you up and you ve been strutting around ever since jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0015.wav and now this is the way you pay me back drunk half the time and half drunk the rest well you know what i told you the last time you got loaded i mean it too you re not the only star in sight see she laughed meanly jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0016.wav and began to sing you ll have to find another baby now for the first time he looked up and his eyes were full of tears tears both of grief and intoxication there was an expression of a whipped dog on his face jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0017.wav he pleaded stretching out his hands to her her eyes blazed back at him but she sang on insolently tauntingly the very inanity of the man disgusted her jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0018.wav and on a sudden impulse she sprang up and struck him full in the face with the flat of her hand he was too weak to resist the blow and tumbling from the chair fell limply to the floor where he lay at her feet jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0019.wav alternately weeping aloud and quivering with drunken hiccoughing sobs jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0020.wav you sha'n't lay around my house he had already begun to fall into a drunken sleep but she shook him got him to his feet and pushed him outside the door now go you drunken dog jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0021.wav and never put your foot inside this house again he stood outside swaying dizzily upon his feet and looking back with dazed eyes at the door then he muttered pu me out wi you pu me out damn you well jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0022.wav and he half walked half fell down the street sadness and skaggsy were together at the club that night five years had not changed the latter as to wealth or position or inclination jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0023.wav and he was still a frequent visitor at the banner he always came in alone now for maudie had gone the way of all the half world and reached depths to which mister skaggs's job prevented him from following her however jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0024.wav he mourned truly for his lost companion and to night he was in a particularly pensive mood some one was playing rag time on the piano and the dancers were wheeling in time to the music jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0025.wav skaggsy looked at them regretfully as he sipped his liquor it made him think of maudie he sighed and turned away i tell you sadness he said impulsively dancing is the poetry of motion jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0026.wav yes replied sadness and dancing in rag time is the dialect poetry the reporter did not like this it savoured of flippancy jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0027.wav and he was about entering upon a discussion to prove that sadness had no soul when joe with blood shot eyes and dishevelled clothes staggered in and reeled towards them drunk again jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0028.wav said sadness really it s a waste of time for joe to sober up hullo there as the young man brought up against him take a seat he put him in a chair at the table jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0029.wav oh a hair of the dog some men shave their dogs clean and then have hydrophobia here jack they drank and then as if the whiskey had done him good joe sat up in his chair jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0030.wav lucky dog you might have known it would have happened sooner or later better sooner than never skaggs smoked in silence and looked at joe jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0031.wav then bracing himself up again he broke out suddenly jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0032.wav he never stole that money know he di n he threatened to fall asleep now but the reporter was all alert he scented a story by jove he exclaimed did you hear that jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0033.wav come come wake up here three more jack what about your father father jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0034.wav here here tell us about your father and the money if he did n't steal it who did who did tha s it who did ol man di n steal it know he di n oh let him alone skaggsy jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0035.wav yes he does a drunken man tells the truth in some cases said sadness oh let me alone man jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0036.wav and if this story is one i m a made man the drink seemed to revive the young man again jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0037.wav at its close he relapsed into stupidity murmuring she throwed me down well sneered sadness you see drunken men tell the truth and you don't seem to get much guilt out of our young friend jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0038.wav you re disappointed are n't you i confess i am disappointed jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0039.wav oh you have well don't handle it carelessly it might go off and sadness rose the reporter sat thinking for a time and then followed him leaving joe in a drunken sleep at the table jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0040.wav there he lay for more than two hours when he finally awoke he started up as if some determination had come to him in his sleep a part of the helplessness of his intoxication had gone but his first act was to call for more whiskey jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0041.wav this he gulped down and followed with another and another for a while he stood still brooding silently his red eyes blinking at the light then he turned abruptly and left the club jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0042.wav it was very late when he reached hattie's door but he opened it with his latch key as he had been used to do he stopped to help himself to a glass of brandy as he had so often done before jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0043.wav then he went directly to her room jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0044.wav his voice was steadier now but grim what do you want jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0045.wav get out or i ll have you taken out she sprang up in bed glaring angrily at him his hands twitched nervously as if her will were conquering him and he were uneasy jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0046.wav he said yes and i m going to do it again jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0047.wav she started to rise but he took a step towards her and she paused he looked as she had never seen him look before his face was ashen and his eyes like fire and blood she quailed beneath the look jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0048.wav he took another step towards her you put me out to night he repeated like a dog his step was steady and his tone was clear menacingly clear she shrank back from him jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0049.wav back to the wall still his hands twitched jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0050.wav still he crept slowly towards her his lips working and his hands moving convulsively joe joe she said hoarsely what s the matter jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0051.wav the gown had fallen away from her breast and showed the convulsive fluttering of her heart jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0052.wav and his hands sought each other while the fingers twitched over one another like coiling serpents you put me out you you and you made me what i am jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0053.wav the realisation of what he was of his foulness and degradation seemed just to have come to him fully you made me what i am and then you sent me away you let me come back and now you put me out jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0054.wav she gazed at him fascinated she tried to scream and she could not this was not joe this was not the boy that she had turned and twisted about her little finger jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0055.wav this was a terrible terrible man or a monster jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0056.wav for an instant she lost their steady glare and then she found her voice the scream was checked as it began his fingers had closed over her throat just where the gown had left it temptingly bare they gave it the caress of death jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0057.wav she struggled they held her her eyes prayed to his but his were the fire of hell she fell back upon her pillow in silence he had not uttered a word he held her jeandelfrio +5808-54425-0058.wav finally he flung her from him like a rag and sank into a chair jeandelfrio +8425-291444-0000.wav of this venerable and ancient city gradually slipping from our grasp trembling on the lips of narrative old age and day by day dropping piecemeal into the tomb in a little while thought i and those revered dutch burghers Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0001.wav who serve as the tottering monuments of good old times will be gathered to their fathers their children engrossed by the empty pleasures or insignificant transactions of the present age will neglect to treasure up the recollections of the past Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0002.wav and posterity will search in vain for memorials of the days of the patriarchs the origin of our city will be buried in eternal oblivion and even the names and achievements of wouter van twiller Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0003.wav strange as it may seem though such multitudes of excellent works have been written about this country there are none extant which give any full and satisfactory account of the early history of new york Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0004.wav or of its three first dutch governors i have however gained much valuable and curious matter from an elaborate manuscript written Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0005.wav excepting a few errors in orthography which was found in the archives of the stuyvesant family many legends letters and other documents have i likewise gleaned in my researches among the family chests and lumber garrets of our respectable Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0006.wav by that admirable and praiseworthy institution the new york historical society to which i here publicly return my sincere acknowledgments in the conduct of this inestimable work i have adopted no individual model Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0007.wav and the strictest adherence to truth throughout my history i have enriched it after the manner of sallust with various characters of ancient worthies drawn at full length and faithfully colored Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0008.wav sweetened it with the graces of sentiment like tacitus and infused into the whole the dignity the grandeur and magnificence of livy i am aware that i shall incur the censure of numerous very learned and judicious critics for Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0009.wav of the historian and entice him to turn aside and refresh himself from his wayfaring but i trust it will be found that i have always resumed my staff and addressed myself to my weary journey with renovated spirits Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0010.wav yet the loose and unconnected manner in which many of the facts herein recorded have come to hand rendered such an attempt extremely difficult this difficulty was likewise increased by one of the grand objects contemplated in my work Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0011.wav but the chief merit on which i value myself and found my hopes for future regard is that faithful veracity with which i have compiled this invaluable little work Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0012.wav carefully winnowing away the chaff of hypothesis and discarding the tares of fable which are too apt to spring up and choke the seeds of truth and wholesome knowledge had i been anxious to captivate the superficial throng Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0013.wav the infant years of our city to introduce a thousand pleasing fictions but i have scrupulously discarded many a pithy tale and marvelous adventure whereby the drowsy ear of summer indolence might be enthralled Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0014.wav jealously maintaining that fidelity gravity and dignity which should ever distinguish the historian for a writer of this class observes an elegant critic must sustain the character of a wise man writing for the instruction of posterity Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0015.wav to decay who gathers together their scattered fragments as they rot and who piously at length collects their ashes into the mausoleum of his work and rears a triumphant monument Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0016.wav to transmit their renown to all succeeding ages what has been the fate of many fair cities of antiquity whose nameless ruins encumber the plains of europe and asia and awaken the fruitless inquiry of the traveler Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0017.wav they have perished from remembrance for want of a historian the philanthropist may weep over their desolation the poet may wander among their mouldering arches and broken columns Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0018.wav and indulge the visionary flights of his fancy but alas alas the modern historian whose pen like my own is doomed to confine itself to dull matter of fact Larry Wilson +8425-291444-0019.wav reunite the thread of generations the same sad misfortune which has happened to so many ancient cities will happen again and from the same sad cause to nine tenths of those which now flourish on the face of the globe Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0000.wav the bridge the lonely bridge cuts dark across the marsh Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0001.wav palely reflected in the amber colored water among them a constant banjo twanging of frogs and shrilling Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0002.wav dark with crumbling railing and planks the bridge leads into the sunset across it many lonely figures their eyes a flare with the sunset their faces glowing with its colors Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0003.wav salvation army a drum pounds out the hymn loud with gaudy angels tinsel cherubim to drown the fanfare of the street and with exultant lilting beat Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0004.wav and dinning market stalls where women shout their wares and meat hangs out grotesque distorted by the gas flare's light into one sacred rhythm for the devil's spite a woman's thin raucous voice carries the tune bids men rejoice Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0005.wav bathe in god's mercy draw near and learn salvation see with their own eyes the mystery cymbals at the hands of a tired girl slim wisp amid the swirl of crowded streets take up the tune Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0006.wav faces are wan in the arc light's livid glare a wind gust carries the band's flare of song Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0007.wav till with distance dimming it fades away among the silent dark array of city houses where no soul stirs Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0008.wav as i go hastily by in the turbulent darkness an oval olive face with the sweetly sullen grace of the virgin when first she sees amid her garden's silver lilies the white robed angel gleam Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0009.wav an old italian painter laboriously has played his soul away his love all his desire for fragrant things afar from earth shines the madonna as with a veil overlaid by incense smoke and dust age old Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0010.wav at whose feet in time of dearth or need a myriad men have laid their sorrows and arisen bold incessantly the long rain falls slanting on black walls but through the dark interminable streets Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0011.wav along pavements where rain beats its sharp tattoo and gas lamps shine greenish gold in the solitude the vision flames through my mood of that italian woman's face Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0012.wav memory between rounded hills white with patches of buckwheat whose fragrance fills the little breeze that makes the birch leaves quiver beside a rollicking swift river Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0013.wav light green in the deeps like your eyes in sunshine winds the canal lazy and brown as a water snake full of dazzle and sheen where the breeze sweeps the water with gossamer garments that shake the reeds standing sentinel Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0014.wav and the marginal line of birches and willows our little steamer pulls its way with jingle of bells and panting throb of old engines in stiff array the water reeds wave and solemnly sway to the wash and swell of our passing Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0015.wav among the reeds the ripples sob and die away till the canal is still again Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0016.wav i stood beside you in the bow watched the sunlight lose itself among your hair that the breeze tugged at bright as the shattered sun rays where the prow cut the still water the warm light caught and tangled there Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0017.wav education agreed that unless something were changed disaster would come to the nation you smiled when i pointed where a group of birches shivered in the green wood shadow up to their knees in water Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0018.wav white and fair as dryads bathing a row of flat white houses and a wharf glided in sight the hoarse whistle shrieked for a landing bells jangled Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0019.wav the lake waves were flakes of red gold burnished to copper gold red as the tangled gleam of sunlight in your hair saturnalia Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0020.wav in men's hearts the mad gods rise and fill the streets with revelling with torchlight that glances on frozen pools with tapers starring the thick fogged night a dance like strayed fireflies Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0021.wav to earth's brood of souls of old with covered heads and aspen wands mist shrouded priests do ancient rites the black ram's fleece is stained with blood that steams dull red on the frozen ground Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0022.wav and pale votaries shiver with the cold that numbs the earth and etches patterned mirrors on the ponds whan that aprille Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0023.wav is it the song of a meadow lark off the brown sere salt marshes or the eager patches in dooryards of yellow and pale lilac crocuses Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0024.wav rhythmed clank of train couplings at night and the stormy gay tinted sunrises that shade with purple the contours of far off unfamiliar hills night piece Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0025.wav a silver web has the moon spun a silver web upon all the sky where the frail stars quiver every one like tangled gnats that hum and die Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0026.wav the moon has tangled the dull night in her silver skein and set alight each dew damp branch with milky flame and huge the moon broods on the night my soul is caught in the web of the moon Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0027.wav behind those walls in those dark streets like the sound of a river swift unseen flowing in darkness oh the hoarse half heard murmur swirling beneath the snowy beauty of moonlight Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0028.wav low a grey moon shrouded in sea fog air pregnant with spring rasp of my steps beside the lapping water within the dark Larry Wilson +8425-292520-0029.wav down the worn out years a sob of broken loves old pain of dead farewells and one face fading into grey a silver web has the moon spun a silver web over all the sky Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0000.wav before the morning leopold lay wound in the net of a low fever almost as ill as ever but with this difference that his mind was far less troubled and that even his most restless dreams Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0001.wav to the final execution of the law she thought she could follow it all in his movements and the expressions of his countenance at a certain point the cold dew always appeared on his forehead Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0002.wav talking face to face with jesus Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0003.wav was amazing in its beauty for helen herself she was prey to a host of changeful emotions at one time she accused herself bitterly of having been the cause of the return of his illness Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0004.wav the next a gush of gladness would swell her heart at the thought that now she had him at least safer for a while and that he might die and so escape the whole crowd of horrible possibilities Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0005.wav for george's manipulation of the magistrate could but delay the disclosure of the truth even should no discovery be made leopold must at length suspect a trick and that would at once drive him to fresh action Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0006.wav but amongst the rest a feeling which had but lately begun to indicate its far off presence now threatened to bring with it a deeper and more permanent sorrow it became more and more plain to her Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0007.wav that she had taken the evil part against the one she loved best in the world that she had been as a satan to him had driven him back stood almost bodily in the way to turn him from the path of peace Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0008.wav while she for the avoidance of shame and pity for the sake of the family as she had said to herself had pursued a course which if successful would at best have resulted in shutting him up as in a madhouse Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0009.wav with his own inborn horrors with vain remorse and equally vain longing her conscience now that her mind was quieter from the greater distance to which the threatening peril had again withdrawn Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0010.wav without committing the suicide of surrender she could not see that confession was the very door of refuge and safety towards which he must press george's absence was now again a relief Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0011.wav and while she feared and shrank from the severity of wingfold she could not help a certain indiscribable sense of safety in his presence at least so long as leopold was too ill to talk for the curate Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0012.wav he became more and more interested in the woman who could love so strongly and yet not entirely who suffered and must still suffer so much and who a faith even no greater than his own might render comparatively blessed Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0013.wav but to so many of the secret chambers of the souls of the congregation for what a man dares not could not if he dared and dared not if he could say to another even at the time and in the place fittest of all Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0014.wav he can say thence open faced before the whole congregation and the person in need thereof may hear it without umbrage or the choking husk of individual application irritating to the rejection of what truth may lie in it for him Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0015.wav then would men soon understand that not the form of even soundest words availeth anything but a new creature when wingfold was in the pulpit then he could speak as from the secret to the secret but elsewhere he felt Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0016.wav in regard to helen like a transport ship filled with troops which must go sailing around the shores of an invaded ally Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0017.wav is it an infirmity of certain kinds of men or a wise provision for their protection that the brightest forms the truth takes in their private cogitations seem to lose half their lustre Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0018.wav and all their grace when uttered in the presence of an unreceptive nature and they hear as it were their own voice reflected in a poor dull inharmonious echo and are disgusted but on the other hand Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0019.wav or missing him gloomed back into the land of visions the tenderness of the curate's service the heart that showed itself in everything he did even in the turn and expression of the ministering hand Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0020.wav was a kind of revelation to helen for while his intellect was hanging about the door asking questions and uneasily shifting hither and thither in its unloved perplexities Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0021.wav had he not gone farther than his right had he not implied more conviction than was his words could not go beyond his satisfaction with what he found in the gospel or the hopes for the range of his Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0022.wav conscious life springing therefrom but was he not now making people suppose him more certain of the fact of these things than he was Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0023.wav even if he had been so carried away by the delight of his heart as to give such an impression it mattered little what was it to other people what he believed or how he believed if he had not been untrue to himself Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0024.wav no harm would follow was a man never to talk from the highest in him to the forgetting of the lower was a man never to be carried beyond himself and the regions of his knowledge if so then farewell poetry and prophecy Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0025.wav yea all grand discovery for things must be foreseen ere they can be realized apprehended ere they be comprehended this much he could say for himself and no more that he was ready to lay down his life for the mere chance Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0026.wav but to the truth to the loveliness and harmony and righteousness and safety that he saw in the idea of the son of man as he read it in the story he dared not say what in a time of persecution torture might work upon him Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0027.wav but he felt right hopeful that even were he base enough to deny him any cock might crow him back to repentance at the same time he saw plain enough that even if he gave his body to be burned Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0028.wav nothing could satisfy him of that less than the conscious presence of the perfect charity without that he was still outside the kingdom wandering in a dream around its walls Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0029.wav and with every fresh conflict every fresh gleam of doubtful victory the essential idea of the master looked more and more lovely and he began to see the working of his doubts on the growth of his heart and soul Larry Wilson +8425-246962-0030.wav he had much time for reflection as he sat silent by the bedside of leopold sometimes helen would be sitting near though generally when he arrived she went out for her walk but never anything came to him he could utter to her Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0000.wav chapter eight duco van der staal had taken a large vault like studio with a chilly north light up three flights of stairs in the via del babuino here he painted modelled and studied Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0001.wav in the little shops along the tiber or in the mercato dei fiori that was his passion to hunt through rome for a panel of an old triptych or a fragment of ancient sculpture Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0002.wav in this way his studio had not remained the large chilly vault like workroom bearing witness to zealous and serious study but had become a refuge for dim coloured remnants of antiquity Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0003.wav and ancient art a museum for his dreaming spirit already as a child as a boy he had felt that passion for antiquity developing he learnt how to rummage through the stocks of old jewish dealers Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0004.wav he spent all his pocket money on it and later without reserve the little that he was able to earn for sometimes very seldom he would finish something and sell it Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0005.wav when he had the money to keep himself going and his personal needs were very small he felt rich and was content in his studio or would wander perfectly content through the streets of rome Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0006.wav and his favourite headgear was a faded hat battered out of shape by the rain Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0007.wav he would wander for hours through the ruins and see in a dazzling vision of phantom columns ethereal temples and translucent marble palaces looming up in a shimmering sunlit twilight and the tourists going by with their baedekers Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0008.wav who passed this long lean young man seated carelessly on the foundations of the temple of saturn would never have believed in his architectural illusions of harmonious ascending lines crowned by an array of statues in noble Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0009.wav and god like attitudes high in the blue sky but he saw them before him he raised the shafts of the pillars he fluted the severe doric columns he bent and curved the cushioned ionic capitals Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0010.wav the temples rose in the twinkling of an eye the basilicas shot up as by magic the graven images stood white against the elusive depths of the sky and the via sacra became alive Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0011.wav he in his admiration lived his dream his past it was as though he had known preexistence in ancient rome and the modern houses the modern capitol Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0012.wav roman life came into being with a toga'd gesture a line of horace a sudden vision of an emperor's murder Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0013.wav eaten up with age crumbled martyred mutilated with hammers till only a few occasional pillars lifted and bore a trembling architrave that threatened to come crashing to the ground Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0014.wav and the browns and greys were so richly and nobly gilded by splashes of sunlight the ruins were so exquisitely beautiful in decay so melancholy in their unwitting fortuitousness of broken lines Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0015.wav and caused them to burst asunder and shake and tremble for the sake of their wistful aftermath of beauty then his eyes grew moist his heart became more full than he could bear Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0016.wav and he went away through the arch of titus by the colosseum through the arch of constantine Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0017.wav neither in his mother nor in his sisters did he find a strain that sympathized with his eccentric tendencies and since that one friend who died he had never found another and had always been lonely within Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0018.wav and without as though the victim of a predestination which would not allow him to meet with sympathy but he had peopled his loneliness so densely with his dreams that he had never felt unhappy because of it Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0019.wav and even as he loved roaming alone among the ruins and along the country roads so he cherished the privacy of his lonely studio with the many silent figures on an old panel of some triptych Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0020.wav on a tapestry or on the many closely hung sketches all around him all with the charm of their lines Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0021.wav or a shadowy antique cabinet and in between all this lived his china and bronze and old silver while the faded gold embroidery of an ecclesiastical vestment gleamed faintly Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0022.wav and the old leather bindings of his books stood in comfortable brown rows ready to give forth when his hands opened them images which mistily drifted upwards living their loves and their sorrows in the tempered browns and reds and golds Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0023.wav of the soundless atmosphere of the studio such was his simple life without much inward doubting because he made no great demands upon himself and without the modern artist's melancholy Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0024.wav being by nature a little shy of baedekered tourists of short skirted english ladies with their persistent little exclamations of uniform admiration and feeling entirely impossible in the half italian Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0025.wav half cosmopolitan set of his rather worldly mother and smart little sisters who spent their time dancing and cycling with young italian princes and dukes Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0026.wav and again until in his musing he seemed to hear it once more on her own lips until she joined the busts and torsos in his studio and appeared before him in the lily like frailness of her visible actuality Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0027.wav against the preraphaelite stiffness of line Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0028.wav his life had never known more than the natural virile impulse and the ordinary little love affair with a model Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0029.wav and unreal balance between a woman who showed herself in the nude for a few lire and petrarch's laura Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0030.wav and pregnant sense of the word and when he began to think and to think long and often of cornelie de retz Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0031.wav and dreamed for days for a week about a woman in a poem Larry Wilson +8425-287387-0032.wav never and that he irritated by some of her sayings had nevertheless seen her stand with her lily like outline Larry Wilson +2436-2481-0000.wav doctor frank's face had gone white snap stood like a statue of horror the deck here was patched as always with silver radiance from the deck ports the empty deck chairs stood about the scream Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0001.wav was stilled but now we heard a commotion inside the rasp of opening cabin doors questions from frightened passengers i found my voice anita anita prince come on Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0002.wav he was dashing for the lounge archway doctor frank and i followed i realized that we passed the deck door and window of a twenty two but they were dark and evidently sealed on the inside Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0003.wav passengers standing at their cabin doors i shouted go back to your rooms we want order here keep back we came to the twin doors of a twenty two and a twenty both were closed doctor frank was in advance of snap and me now Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0004.wav he paused at the sound of captain carter's voice behind us was it from in there wait a moment carter dashed up he had a large heat ray projector in his hand he shoved us aside let me in first is the door sealed Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0005.wav doctor frank went back into the room and banged the cabin door upon snap and me i was unarmed weapon in hand snap forced the panic stricken passengers back to their rooms snap reassured them glibly Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0006.wav moa with a nightrobe drawn tight around her thin tall figure edged up to me what has happened set haljan Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0007.wav i could see only carter but i heard the murmuring voice of doctor frank Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0008.wav the captain rasped get out haljan Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0009.wav he admitted the older officer and slammed the door upon me again and immediately reopened it gregg keep the passengers quieted tell them everything's all right miss prince got frightened that's all then go to the turret Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0010.wav tell blackstone what's happened but i don't know what's happened carter was grim and white Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0011.wav i don't mean that tell snap to watch his radio room arm yourselves and guard our weapons i stammered if if she dies will you flash us word he stared at me strangely Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0012.wav i'll be there presently gregg he slammed the door upon me i followed his orders but it was like a dream of horror the turmoil of the ship gradually quieted snap went to the radio room Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0013.wav blackstone and i sat in the tiny chart room how much time passed i do not know i was confused anita hurt she might die murdered Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0014.wav but why by whom had george prince been in his own room when the attack came i thought now i recalled hearing the low murmur of his voice in there with doctor frank Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0015.wav doctor frank and her brother are with her they're doing all they can he told us what had happened anita and george prince had both been asleep each in his respective room someone unknown Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0016.wav had opened anita's corridor door wasn't it sealed yes but the intruder opened it burst it Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0017.wav it wasn't broken the assailant opened it somehow and assaulted miss prince shot her in the chest with a heat ray her left lung shot her yes but she did not see who did it Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0018.wav nor did prince her scream awakened him Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0019.wav i was glad enough to get away i would lie down for an hour and then go to anita's stateroom i'd demand that doctor frank let me see her i went to the stern deck where my cubby was located my mind was Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0020.wav it had only a bunk my tiny desk a chair and clothes robe there was no evidence of any intruder here i set my door and window alarm then i audiphoned to the radio room snap yes Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0021.wav i told him about anita carter cut in on us from the chart room stop that you fools we cut off fully dressed i flung myself on my bed anita might die i must have fallen into a Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0022.wav tortured sleep i was awakened by the sound of my alarm buzzer someone was tampering with my door then the buzzer ceased the marauder outside must have found a way of silencing it but it had done its work awakened me Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0023.wav someone outside trying to unseal the door in the darkness cylinder in hand i crept softly from the bunk crouched at the door this time i would capture or kill this night prowler Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0024.wav the sizzling was faintly audible my door seal was breaking upon impulse i reached for the door jerked it open no one there Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0025.wav was empty but i leaped and struck a solid body crouching in the doorway a giant man Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0026.wav his electronized metallic robe burned my hands i lunged against him i was almost as surprised as he i shot but the stab of heat evidently missed him the shock of my encounter short circuited his robe he materialized in the starlight a brief Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0027.wav savage encounter he struck the weapon from my hand he had dropped his hydrogen torch and tried to grip me but i twisted away from his hold so it's you quiet gregg haljan i only want to talk without warning a stab of radiance shot from a weapon in his hand Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0028.wav it caught me ran like ice through my veins seized and numbed my limbs i fell helpless to the deck nerves and muscles paralyzed my tongue was thick and inert i could not speak nor move Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0029.wav and hear him i don't want to kill you haljan we need you he gathered me up like a bundle in his huge arms carried me swiftly across the deserted deck Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0030.wav his warning siren rang out to alert the ship his spotlight clung to us miko ran with me a few steps then he cursed and dropped me fled away i fell like a sack of carbide to the deck Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0031.wav my tongue was thick but it moved yes i was soon revived i sat up with doctor frank vigorously rubbing me i'm all right i told them what had happened Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0032.wav she told us before she died died i leaped to my feet she died yes gregg an hour ago Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0033.wav miko got into her stateroom and tried to force his love upon her she repulsed him he killed her it struck me blank and then with a rush came the thought Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0034.wav we must get him i gathered my wits a surge of hate swept me a wild desire for vengeance why by god where is he Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0035.wav doctor frank gripped me the captain said gently we know how you feel gregg she told us before she died i'll bring him in here to you but i'll kill him i tell you no you won't lad Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0036.wav we don't want him killed not attacked even not yet we'll explain later they sat me down calming me anita dead Seth Adam Sher +2436-2481-0037.wav the door of the shining garden was closed a brief glimpse given to me and to her of what might have been and now Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0000.wav i told him what snap and i had learned the rays from the moon proving that grantline had concentrated a considerable ore body i also told him of grantline's message we'll stop on the way back as he directs gregg he bent closer to me Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0001.wav at ferrok shahn i'm going to bring back a cordon of interplanetary police the secret will be out of course when we stop at the moon we have no right even now to be flying this vessel as unguarded as it is he was very solemn Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0002.wav and he was grim when i told him of the invisible eavesdropper you think he overheard grantline's message who was it you seem to feel it was george prince i told him i was convinced the prowler went into a twenty Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0003.wav when i mentioned the purser who seemed to have been watching me earlier in the night and again was sitting in the smoking room when the eavesdropper fled past carter looked startled johnson is all right gregg does he know anything about this grantline affair no Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0004.wav but why didn't johnson hear that eavesdropper and what was he doing there anyway at that hour of the morning the captain ignored my questions i'm going to have that prince suite searched we can't be too careful go to bed gregg you need rest Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0005.wav i went to my cabin it was located aft on the stern deck near the stern watch tower a small metal room with a chair a desk and a bunk i made sure no one was in it i sealed the lattice grill and the door Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0006.wav set the alarm trigger against any opening of them and went to bed the siren for the midday meal awakened me i had slept heavily i felt refreshed i found the passengers already assembled at my table when i arrived in the dining salon Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0007.wav it was a low vaulted metal room with blue and yellow tube lights at its sides the oval windows showed the deck with its ports on the dome side through which a vista of the starry firmament was visible we were well on our course to mars Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0008.wav the moon had dwindled to a pin point of light beside the crescent earth and behind them our sun blazed visually the largest orb in the heavens it was some sixty eight million miles from the earth to mars Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0009.wav a flight ordinarily of some ten days there were five tables in the dining salon each with eight seats snap and i had one of the tables we sat at the ends with the passengers on each of the sides Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0010.wav gregg this is sero ob hahn i met the keen somber gaze of a venus man of middle age a small slim graceful man with sleek black hair his pointed face accentuated by the pointed beard was pallid Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0011.wav upon his breast was a huge platinum ornament a device like a star and cross entwined i am happy to meet you sir his voice was soft and deep ob hahn i repeated Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0012.wav i should have heard of you no doubt but a smile plucked at his thin gray lips Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0013.wav my mission is that all the universe shall hear of me he's preaching the religion of the venus mystics snap explained and this enlightened gentleman said ob hahn ironically nodding to the man Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0014.wav has just termed it fetishism Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0015.wav protested the man at ob hahn's side Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0016.wav and as a matter of fact we've an argument gregg laughed snap this is sir arthur coniston an english gentleman lecturer and sky trotter that is he will be a sky trotter he tells us he plans a number of voyages Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0017.wav the tall englishman in his white linen suit bowed acknowledgement my compliments mister haljan i hope you have no strong religious convictions else we will make your table here very miserable Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0018.wav the third passenger had evidently kept out of the argument snap introduced him as rance rankin an american a quiet blond fellow of thirty five or forty i ordered my breakfast and let the argument go on Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0019.wav i deal in tricks how to fool an audience his keen amused gaze was on ob hahn this gentleman from venus and i have too much in common to argue Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0020.wav i like to eat in quiet arguing passengers always annoy me there were still three seats vacant at our table i wondered who would occupy them i soon learned the answer for one seat at least rankin said calmly Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0021.wav his glance went to the empty seat at my right hand the venza isn't that her name she and i are destined for the same theater in ferrok shahn so venza was to sit beside me it was good news Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0022.wav ten days of a religious argument three times a day would be intolerable but the cheerful venza would help she never eats the midday meal said snap she's on the deck having orange juice i guess it's the old gag about diet eh Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0023.wav as a man who looked hardly twenty five he was at this moment evidently in a gay mood his clean cut handsome profile with its poetic dark curls Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0024.wav there seemed little of the villain about him and i saw anita prince now as a dark haired black eyed little beauty in feature resembling her brother very strongly she presently finished her meal she rose with him after her Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0025.wav i answered her greeting and met george prince's casual gaze he too smiled as though to signify that his sister had told him of the service i had done her or was his smile an ironical memory of how he had eluded me this morning when i chased him Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0026.wav i gazed after his small white suited figure as he followed anita from the salon and thinking of her i prayed that carter and halsey might be wrong whatever plotting against the grantline expedition might be going on Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0027.wav my attention was brought suddenly back to the reality of our table i heard ob hahn's silky voice we passed quite close to the moon last night mister dean yes said snap we did didn't we always do Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0028.wav it's a technical problem of the exigencies of interstellar navigation explain it to them gregg you're an expert i waved it away with a laugh there was a brief silence i could not help noticing sir arthur coniston's queer look Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0029.wav and i have never seen so keen a glance as rance rankin shot at me were all three people aware of grantline's treasure on the moon it suddenly seemed so i wished fervently at that instant that the ten days of this voyage were over captain carter was right Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0030.wav coming back we should have a cordon of interplanetary police aboard sir arthur broke the awkward silence magnificent sight the moon from so close though i was too much afraid of pressure sickness to be up to see it Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0031.wav when another incident shocked me the two other passengers at our table came in and took their seats a martian girl and man the girl had the seat at my left with the man beside her all martians are tall Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0032.wav the girl was about my own height that is six feet two inches the man was seven feet or more both wore the martian outer robe the girl flung hers back her limbs were encased in pseudomail Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0033.wav she looked as all martians like to look a very warlike amazon but she was a pretty girl she smiled at me with a keen eyed direct gaze mister dean said at breakfast that you were big and handsome you are Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0034.wav the martian equivalent of mister and miss Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0035.wav not spindly like most martians this fellow for all his seven feet in height was almost heavy set he wore a plaited leather jerkin beneath his robe and knee pants of leather out of which his lower legs showed as gray hairy pillars of strength Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0036.wav he had come into the salon with a swagger his sword ornament clanking a pleasant voyage so far he said to me as he started his meal his voice had the heavy throaty rasp characteristic of the martian he spoke perfect english Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0037.wav both martians and venus people are by heritage extraordinary linguists Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0038.wav had a touch of martian accent worn almost away by living for some years in greater new york the shock to me came within a few minutes Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0039.wav inadvertently pushed back his robe to bare his forearm an instant only then it dropped to his wrist but in that instant i had seen upon the gray flesh a thin sear turned red a very recent burn Seth Adam Sher +2436-2476-0040.wav as though a pencil ray of heat had caught his arm my mind flung back only last night in the city corridor snap and i had been followed by a martian i had shot at him with a heat ray i thought i had hit him on the arm Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0000.wav i was i think of the planetara's officers the most expert handler of the mathematical calculators the locating of our position and charting the trajectory of our course was under ordinary circumstances about all i had to do Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0001.wav and it took only a few minutes every twelve hours i had a moment with carter in the isolation of his chart room this voyage gregg i'm getting like you too fanciful we've a normal group of passengers apparently Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0002.wav but i don't like the look of any of them that ob hahn at your table snaky looking fellow i commented he and the englishman are great on arguments did you have princes cabin searched my breath hung on his answer yes Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0003.wav nothing unusual among his things we searched both his room and his sister's i did not follow that up instead i told him about the burn on miko's thick arm he stared i wish we were at ferrok shahn gregg Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0004.wav tonight when the passengers are asleep come here to me snap will be here and doctor frank we can trust him he knows about about the grantline treasure yes and so do balch and blackstone balch and blackstone were our first and second officers Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0005.wav we'll all meet here gregg say about the zero hour we must take some precautions then he dismissed me i found venza seated alone in a starlit corner of the secluded deck a porthole Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0006.wav with the black heavens and the blazing stars was before her there was an empty seat nearby she greeted me with the venus form of jocular intimate greeting hola lo gregg sit here with me Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0007.wav i have been wondering when you would come after me i sat down beside her why are you going to mars venza i'm glad to see you many thanks but i am glad to see you gregg so handsome a man do you know from venus to earth Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0008.wav no man will please me more Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0009.wav don't be silly venza i enjoyed her i gazed at her small slim figure reclining in the deck chair her long gray robe parted by design i have no doubt to display her shapely satin sheathed legs Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0010.wav her black hair was coiled in a heavy knot at the back of her neck her carmine lips were parted with a mocking alluring smile the exotic perfume of her enveloped me she glanced at me sidewise from beneath her sweeping black lashes Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0011.wav be serious i added i am serious sober intoxicated by you but sober i said what sort of a contract a theater in ferrok shahn good money gregg Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0012.wav she sat up to face me there's a fellow here on the planetara rance rankin he calls himself at our table a big good looking blond american he says he is a magician ever hear of him Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0013.wav that's what he told me no i never heard of him nor did i and i thought i had heard of everyone of importance he is listed for the same theater i am nice sort of fellow she paused then added Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0014.wav if he's a professional entertainer i'm a motor oiler it startled me why do you say that instinctively my gaze swept the deck an earth woman and child Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0015.wav but not within earshot why do you look so furtive she retorted gregg there's something strange about this voyage Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0016.wav so you must know it as well as i do rance rankin i prompted she leaned closer toward me he could fool you but not me i've known too many magicians she grinned i challenged him to trick me Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0017.wav do you know ob hahn i interrupted she shook her head never heard of him but he told me plenty at breakfast by satan what a flow of words that devil driver can muster he and the englishman don't mesh very well do they Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0018.wav she stared at me i had not answered her grin my mind was too busy with queer fancies halsey's words things are not always what they seem were these passengers masqueraders were they put here by george prince Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0019.wav i parried i mean a lot of things what we've just been talking about and what was the excitement you were in just before breakfast this morning excitement gregg you may trust me for the first time she was wholly serious Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0020.wav they anyone something's going on you know it you are in it i saw you this morning gregg wild eyed chasing a phantom you and i heard the phantom a man's footsteps a magnetic Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0021.wav deflecting invisible cloak you couldn't fool an audience with that it's too commonplace if rance rankin tried i gripped her don't ramble venza you saw me yes my stateroom door was open i was sitting with a cigarette Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0022.wav i saw the purser in the smoking room he was visible from wait venza that prowler went through the smoking room i know he did i could hear him Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0023.wav the purser looked up followed the sound with his gaze i thought that was queer he never made a move and then you came along and he acted innocent why what's going on that's what i want to know i held my breath venza Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0024.wav where did the prowler run to can you she whispered calmly Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0025.wav i saw the door open and close i even thought i could see his blurred outline she added why should george prince be sneaking around with you after him and the purser acting innocent Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0026.wav i well i do trust you really i do but the whole thing isn't mine to tell the somber pools of her eyes were shining Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0027.wav here's something i can tell you now we've two high class gold leaf gamblers aboard do you know that who are they shac and dud ardley every detective in greater new york knows them Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0028.wav they had a wonderful game with that englishman sir arthur this morning stripped him of half a pound of eight inch leaves a neat little stack a crooked game of course those fellows are more nimble fingered than rance rankin ever dared to be Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0029.wav i sat staring at her she was a mine of information this girl and gregg i tried my charms on shac and dud nice men but dumb whatever's going on they're not in it Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0030.wav they wanted to know what kind of a ship this was why because shac has a cute little eavesdropping microphone of his own he had it working last night he overheard george prince and that Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0031.wav i gasped venza softer against all propriety of this public deck she pretended to drape herself upon me her hair smothered my face as her lips almost touched my ear Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0032.wav something about treasure on the moon shac couldn't understand what and they mentioned you then the purser joined them her whispered words tumbled over one another Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0033.wav a hundred pounds of gold leaf that's the purser's price he's with them whatever it is he promised to do something or other for them she stopped well i prompted that's all Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0034.wav shac's current was interrupted tell him to try it again venza i'll talk with him no i'd better let him alone can you get him to keep his mouth shut Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0035.wav he's a man find out what you can she drew away from me abruptly there's anita and george prince they came to the corner of the deck but turned back venza caught my look and understood it Seth Adam Sher +2436-2477-0036.wav she turned solemn you may be interested to know she loves you i could see it i knew it when i mentioned you to her this morning me why we've hardly spoken is it necessary Seth Adam Sher +3699-19402-0000.wav could have vented such an insinuation he was however frank and generous in his nature and at all times open to conviction so that he had scarce got to the last word of this ungracious retort Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0001.wav when his conscience smote him my mother was then conjugally swinging with her left arm twisted under his right in such wise that the inside of her hand rested upon the back of his Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0002.wav she raised her fingers and let them fall it could scarce be call'd a tap or if it was a tap Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0003.wav whether twas a tap of remonstrance or a tap of confession my father who was all sensibilities from head to foot Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0004.wav conscience redoubled her blow he turn'd his face suddenly the other way and my mother supposing his body was about to turn with it in order to move homewards by a cross movement of her right leg Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0005.wav a thin blue chill pellucid chrystal with all its humours so at rest the least mote or speck of desire might have been seen at the bottom of it had it existed Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0006.wav my mother madam was so at no time either by nature by institution or example a temperate current of blood ran orderly through her veins in all months of the year Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0007.wav which having little or no meaning in them nature is oft times obliged to find one and as for my father's example twas so far from being either aiding or abetting thereunto Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0008.wav that twas the whole business of his life to keep all fancies of that kind out of her head nature had done her part to have spared him this trouble and what was not a little inconsistent my father knew it Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0009.wav and here am i sitting this twelfth day of august seventeen sixty six in a purple jerkin and yellow pair of slippers without either wig or cap on a most tragicomical completion of his prediction Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0010.wav for certainly key holes were made for other purposes and considering the act as an act which interfered with a true proposition and denied a key hole to be what it was Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0011.wav it became a violation of nature and was so far you see criminal it is for this reason an please your reverences that key holes are the occasions of more sin and wickedness than all other holes Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0012.wav though the corporal had been as good as his word in putting my uncle toby's great ramallie wig into pipes yet the time was too short to produce any great effects from it it had lain many years squeezed up in the corner of his old campaign trunk Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0013.wav twould have cost her ladyship a smile it curl'd every where but where the corporal would have it and where a buckle or two in his opinion would have done it honour he could as soon have raised the dead Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0014.wav such it was or rather such would it have seem'd upon any other brow but the sweet look of goodness which sat upon my uncle toby's assimilated every thing around it so sovereignly to itself Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0015.wav and nature had moreover wrote gentleman with so fair a hand in every line of his countenance that even his tarnish'd gold laced hat and huge cockade of flimsy taffeta became him Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0016.wav in a period of fifteen or sixteen years since they had been made by a total inactivity in my uncle toby's life for he seldom went further than the bowling green Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0017.wav and to shorten all description they shone so bright against the sun that morning and had so metallick and doughty an air with them that had my uncle toby thought of attacking in armour nothing could have so well imposed upon his imagination Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0018.wav and with his hair tuck'd up under his montero cap which he had furbish'd up for the occasion Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0019.wav a whiff of military pride had puff'd out his shirt at the wrist and upon that in a black leather thong clipp'd into a tassel beyond the knot hung the corporal's stick my uncle toby carried his cane Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0020.wav like a pike it looks well at least quoth my father to himself Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0021.wav my uncle toby turn'd his head more than once behind him to see how he was supported by the corporal and the corporal as oft as he did it gave a slight flourish with his stick Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0022.wav but not vapouringly and with the sweetest accent of most respectful encouragement bid his honour never fear now my uncle toby did fear and grievously too Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0023.wav infinite was his pity nor would the most courteous knight of romance have gone further at least upon one leg to have wiped away a tear from a woman's eye Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0024.wav and yet excepting once that he was beguiled into it by missus wadman he had never looked stedfastly into one and would often tell my father in the simplicity of his heart Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0025.wav she cannot quoth my uncle toby halting when they had march'd up to within twenty paces of missus wadman's door she cannot corporal take it amiss Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0026.wav your honour replied the corporal knows of tom's misfortunes but this affair has nothing to do with them any further than this Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0027.wav that if tom had not married the widow or had it pleased god after their marriage that they had but put pork into their sausages the honest soul had never been taken out of his warm bed and dragg'd to the inquisition Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0028.wav when once a poor creature is in he is in an please your honour for ever tis very true said my uncle toby looking gravely at missus wadman's house as he spoke nothing Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0029.wav said my uncle toby musing whilst a man is free cried the corporal giving a flourish with his stick thus Bruce Pirie +3699-19402-0030.wav a thousand of my father's most subtle syllogisms could not have said more for celibacy my uncle toby look'd earnestly towards his cottage and his bowling green Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0000.wav chapter four i am by no means sure that if the good people of milby had known the truth about the countess czerlaski they would not have been considerably disappointed to find that it was very far from being as bad as they imagined Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0001.wav nice distinctions are troublesome it is so much easier to say that a thing is black than to discriminate the particular shade of brown blue or green to which it really belongs Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0002.wav besides think of all the virtuous declamation all the penetrating observation which had been built up entirely on the fundamental position that the countess was a very objectionable person indeed Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0003.wav and which would be utterly overturned and nullified by the destruction of that premiss missus phipps the banker's wife and missus landor the attorney's wife had invested part of their reputation for acuteness Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0004.wav had no compensating superiority in virtue to set against the other lady's manifest superiority in personal charms miss phipps's stumpy figure and unsuccessful attire Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0005.wav instead of looking down from a mount of virtue with an aureole round its head would then be seen on the same level and in the same light as the countess czerlaski's diana like form and well chosen drapery Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0006.wav miss phipps for her part didn't like dressing for effect she had always avoided that style of appearance which was calculated to create a sensation Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0007.wav then what amusing innuendoes of the milby gentlemen over their wine would have been entirely frustrated and reduced to nought if you had told them that the countess had really been guilty of no misdemeanours which demanded her exclusion from strictly respectable society Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0008.wav had subsequently given dancing lessons in the metropolis that mister bridmain was neither more nor less than her half brother who by unimpeached integrity and industry Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0009.wav had won a partnership in a silk manufactory and thereby a moderate fortune that enabled him to retire as you see to study politics the weather and the art of conversation at his leisure Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0010.wav mister bridmain in fact quadragenarian bachelor as he was felt extremely well pleased to receive his sister in her widowhood and to shine in the reflected light of her beauty and title Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0011.wav every man who is not a monster a mathematician or a mad philosopher is the slave of some woman or other mister bridmain had put his neck under the yoke of his handsome sister and though his soul was a very little one Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0012.wav of the smallest description indeed he would not have ventured to call it his own he might be slightly recalcitrant now and then as is the habit of long eared pachyderms under the thong of the fair countess's tongue Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0013.wav and there was always the possibility that mister bridmain's first nuptials might occur before the countess was quite sure of her second as it was however he submitted to all his sister's caprices Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0014.wav as personages on the debatable ground between aristocracy and commonalty instead of settling in some spot where his five hundred a year might have won him the definite dignity of a parochial magnate Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0015.wav whom he initiated into the mysteries of the pas de bas and the lancers quadrilles she had had seven years of sufficiently happy matrimony with czerlaski who had taken her to paris and germany Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0016.wav not indeed any very ripe and comprehensive wisdom but much external polish and certain practical conclusions of a very decided kind Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0017.wav one of these conclusions was that there were things more solid in life than fine whiskers and a title and that in accepting a second husband Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0018.wav was difficult to be met with at watering places which were already preoccupied with abundance of angling beauties and were chiefly stocked with men whose whiskers might be dyed and whose incomes were still more problematic Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0019.wav so she had determined on trying a neighbourhood where people were extremely well acquainted with each other's affairs and where the women were mostly ill dressed and ugly Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0020.wav and give him at least a sort of cousinship to the quarter sessions all this which was the simple truth would have seemed extremely flat to the gossips of milby who had made up their minds to something much more exciting Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0021.wav there was nothing here so very detestable it is true the countess was a little vain a little ambitious a little selfish a little shallow and frivolous a little given to white lies but Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0022.wav who considers such slight blemishes such moral pimples as these disqualifications for entering into the most respectable society indeed Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0023.wav the severest ladies in milby would have been perfectly aware that these characteristics would have created no wide distinction between the countess czerlaski and themselves and since it was clear there was a wide distinction Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0024.wav why it must lie in the possession of some vices from which they were undeniably free hence it came to pass that milby respectability refused to recognize the countess czerlaski Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0025.wav in spite of her assiduous church going and the deep disgust she was known to have expressed at the extreme paucity of the congregations on ash wednesdays Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0026.wav so she began to feel that she had miscalculated the advantages of a neighbourhood where people are well acquainted with each other's private affairs Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0027.wav and shuns a coldly satirical eye as she would shun a gorgon and she was especially eager for clerical notice and friendship not merely because that is quite the most respectable countenance to be obtained in society Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0028.wav and had an uneasy sense that she was not altogether safe in that quarter she had serious intentions of becoming quite pious without any reserves when she had once got her carriage and settlement Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0029.wav the countess did not quote sophocles but she said to herself only this little bit of pretence and vanity and then i will be quite good and make myself quite safe for another world Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0030.wav for you have already perceived that there was one being to whom the countess was absorbingly devoted and to whose desires she made everything else subservient namely caroline czerlaski nee bridmain Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0031.wav thus there was really not much affectation in her sweet speeches and attentions to mister and missus barton Bruce Pirie +3699-47246-0032.wav still their friendship by no means adequately represented the object she had in view when she came to milby and it had been for some time clear to her that she must suggest a new change of residence to her brother Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0000.wav s'death cried my great grandfather clapping his hand upon his nose Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0001.wav now my great grandfather's nose was for all the world like unto the noses of all the men women and children whom pantagruel found dwelling upon the island of ennasin Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0002.wav by the way if you would know the strange way of getting a kin amongst so flat nosed a people you must read the book find it out yourself you never can Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0003.wav you must mean your uncle's replied my great grandmother my great grandfather was convinced he untwisted the paper and signed the article Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0004.wav so that my father had the jointure to pay a hundred and fifty pounds half yearly on michaelmas and lady day during all that time no man discharged pecuniary obligations with a better grace than my father Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0005.wav as soon as ever he enter'd upon the odd fifty he generally gave a loud hem Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0006.wav inserted his hand cautiously betwixt his head and the cawl of his wig look'd at both sides of every guinea as he parted with it and seldom could get to the end of the fifty pounds without pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his temples Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0007.wav and feel pity for the force of education and the prevalence of opinions long derived from ancestors for three generations at least this tenet in favour of long noses Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0008.wav so that the whimsicality of my father's brain was far from having the whole honour of this as it had of almost all his other strange notions for in a great measure he might be said to have suck'd this in with his mother's milk Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0009.wav that he did not conceive how the greatest family in england could stand it out against an uninterrupted succession of six or seven short noses and for the contrary reason he would generally add Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0010.wav that it must be one of the greatest problems in civil life where the same number of long and jolly noses following one another in a direct line Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0011.wav i mean the external organ of smelling or that part of man which stands prominent in his face and which painters say in good jolly noses and well proportioned faces should comprehend a full third that is measured downwards from the setting on of the hair Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0012.wav did he read such books and observe such facts and think such thoughts as would eternally be making him change sides now my father as i told you last year detested all this he pick'd up an opinion sir Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0013.wav as a man in a state of nature picks up an apple it becomes his own and if he is a man of spirit he would lose his life rather than give it up Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0014.wav the apple is as much frank's apple as john's pray mister shandy what patent has he to shew for it and how did it begin to be his was it when he set his heart upon it or when he gathered it Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0015.wav or when he chew'd it or when he roasted it or when he peel'd or when he brought it home or when he digested or when he for tis plain sir if the first picking up of the apple made it not his that no subsequent act could Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0016.wav brother didius tribonius will answer now tribonius the civilian and church lawyer's beard being three inches and a half and three eighths longer than didius his beard Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0017.wav that the sweat of a man's brows and the exsudations of a man's brains are as much a man's own property as the breeches upon his backside Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0018.wav they had cost him moreover as much labour in cooking and digesting as in the case above so that they might well and truly be said to be of his own goods and chattels accordingly he held fast by em both by teeth and claws Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0019.wav would fly to whatever he could lay his hands on and in a word would intrench and fortify them round with as many circumvallations and breast works as my uncle toby would a citadel Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0020.wav by the trotting of my lean horse the thing is incredible and i am quite lost in my understanding when i am considering what a treasure of precious time and talents together has been wasted upon worse subjects Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0021.wav what was to be had however he set the greater store by and though my father would oft times sport with my uncle toby's library which by the bye was ridiculous enough Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0022.wav but that was not thy transgression my dear uncle here but why here rather than in any other part of my story i am not able to tell but here it is my heart stops me Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0023.wav whilst i am pouring forth the warmest sentiment of love for thee and veneration for the excellency of thy character that ever virtue and nature kindled in a nephew's bosom Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0024.wav devouredst no man's bread gently with faithful trim behind thee didst thou amble round the little circle of thy pleasures jostling no creature in thy way for each one's sorrows thou hadst a tear Bruce Pirie +3699-175950-0025.wav for each man's need thou hadst a shilling whilst i am worth one to pay a weeder thy path from thy door to thy bowling green shall never be grown up Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0000.wav my father had such a skirmishing cutting kind of a slashing way with him in his disputations thrusting and ripping and giving every one a stroke to remember him by in his turn Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0001.wav for that the taylor in ripping them up in order to turn them had found they had been turn'd before then turn them again brother said my father rapidly for there will be many a turning of em yet before all's done in the affair Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0002.wav they are as rotten as dirt said the corporal then by all means said my father bespeak a new pair brother for though i know continued my father turning himself to the company Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0003.wav that widow wadman has been deeply in love with my brother toby for many years and has used every art and circumvention of woman to outwit him into the same passion yet now that she has caught him her fever will be pass'd its height Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0004.wav into a corps no matter whether he loves the service or no being once in it he acts as if he did and takes every step to shew himself a man of prowesse Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0005.wav the hypothesis like the rest of my father's was plausible enough and my uncle toby had but a single word to object to it in which trim stood ready to second him but my father had not drawn his conclusion Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0006.wav for this reason continued my father stating the case over again notwithstanding all the world knows that missus wadman affects my brother toby and my brother toby contrariwise affects missus wadman Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0007.wav and no obstacle in nature to forbid the music striking up this very night yet will i answer for it that this self same tune will not be play'd this twelvemonth Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0008.wav we have taken our measures badly quoth my uncle toby looking up interrogatively in trim's face i would lay my montero cap said trim Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0009.wav now trim's montero cap as i once told you was his constant wager and having furbish'd it up that very night in order to go upon the attack it made the odds look more considerable Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0010.wav i would lay an please your honour my montero cap to a shilling was it proper continued trim making a bow to offer a wager before your honours there is nothing improper in it said my father Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0011.wav that widow wadman an please your worship cannot hold it out ten days and whence cried slop jeeringly hast thou all this knowledge of woman friend Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0012.wav by falling in love with a popish clergy woman said trim twas a beguine said my uncle toby doctor slop was too much in wrath to listen to the distinction Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0013.wav and my father taking that very crisis to fall in helter skelter upon the whole order of nuns and beguines a set of silly fusty baggages slop could not stand it and my uncle toby having some measures to take about his breeches Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0014.wav and perhaps it is as well for thee tho not so well for me that thou hast occasion for a letter of instructions upon that head and that i am able to write it to thee had it been the good pleasure of him who disposes of our lots Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0015.wav missus shandy being now close beside me preparing for bed i have thrown together without order and just as they have come into my mind such hints and documents as i deem may be of use to thee Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0016.wav though i perceive from a glow in my cheek that i blush as i begin to speak to thee upon the subject as well knowing notwithstanding thy unaffected secrecy how few of its offices thou neglectest Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0017.wav yet i would remind thee of one during the continuance of thy courtship in a particular manner which i would not have omitted and that is never to go forth upon the enterprize whether it be in the morning or the afternoon Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0018.wav without first recommending thyself to the protection of almighty god that he may defend thee from the evil one shave the whole top of thy crown clean Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0019.wav once at least every four or five days but oftner if convenient lest in taking off thy wig before her thro absence of mind she should be able to discover how much has been cut away by time how much by trim Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0020.wav whatever thou hast to say be it more or less forget not to utter it in a low soft tone of voice silence and whatever approaches it weaves dreams of midnight secrecy into the brain Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0021.wav for this cause if thou canst help it never throw down the tongs and poker avoid all kinds of pleasantry and facetiousness in thy discourse with her Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0022.wav they are all books which excite laughter and thou knowest dear toby that there is no passion so serious as lust stick a pin in the bosom of thy shirt before thou enterest her parlour Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0023.wav there is nothing further for thee which occurs to me at present unless the breaking out of a fresh war so wishing every thing dear toby for best i rest thy affectionate brother walter shandy Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0024.wav whilst my father was writing his letter of instructions my uncle toby and the corporal were busy in preparing every thing for the attack as the turning of the thin scarlet breeches was laid aside at least for the present Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0025.wav there was nothing which should put it off beyond the next morning so accordingly it was resolv'd upon for eleven o'clock Bruce Pirie +3699-19401-0026.wav but the account of this is worth more than to be wove into the fag end of the eighth alluding to the first edition volume of such a work as this Bruce Pirie +4267-78186-0000.wav as we approached the inn at amherst the clockmaker grew uneasy it's pretty well on in the evening i guess said he and marm pugwash is as onsartin in her temper as a mornin in april Ric F +4267-78186-0001.wav it's all sunshine or all clouds with her and if she's in one of her tantrums she'll stretch out her neck and hiss like a goose with a flock of goslin's Ric F +4267-78186-0002.wav the old minister had an orchard of most particular good fruit for he was a great hand at buddin graftin and what not and the orchard it was on the south side of the house stretched right up to the road well Ric F +4267-78186-0003.wav there were some trees hung over the fence i never seed such bearers the apples hung in ropes for all the world like strings of onions and the fruit was beautiful nobody touched the minister's apples Ric F +4267-78186-0004.wav so i said to him one day minister said i how on airth do you manage to keep your fruit that's so exposed when no one else can't do it nohow why says he they are dreadfully pretty fruit ain't they Ric F +4267-78186-0005.wav that are outward row i grafted myself with the choicest kind i could find and i succeeded they are beautiful but so etarnal sour no human soul can eat them well Ric F +4267-78186-0006.wav the boys think the old minister's graftin has all succeeded about as well as that row Ric F +4267-78186-0007.wav if pugwash had a watery mouth when he married i guess it's pretty puckery by this time however if she goes to act ugly Ric F +4267-78186-0008.wav i'll give her a dose of soft sawder that will take the frown out of her frontispiece and make her dial plate as smooth as a lick of copal varnish it's a pity she's such a kickin devil too for she has good points good eye good foot Ric F +4267-78186-0009.wav neat pastern fine chest a clean set of limbs and carries a good but here we are now you'll see what soft sawder will do when we entered the house the travelers room was all in darkness Ric F +4267-78186-0010.wav and on opening the opposite door into the sitting room we found the female part of the family extinguishing the fire for the night missus pugwash had a broom in her hand and was in the act the last act of female housewifery of sweeping the hearth Ric F +4267-78186-0011.wav the strong flickering light of the fire as it fell upon her tall fine figure and beautiful face revealed a creature worthy of the clockmaker's comments good evening marm said mister slick how do you do Ric F +4267-78186-0012.wav and how's mister pugwash he said she why he's been abed this hour you don't expect to disturb him this time of night i hope oh no said mister slick certainly not Ric F +4267-78186-0013.wav and i am sorry to have disturbed you but we got detained longer than we expected i am sorry that so am i said she but if mister pugwash will keep an inn when he has no occasion to his family can't expect no rest Ric F +4267-78186-0014.wav here the clockmaker seeing the storm gathering stooped down suddenly and staring intently held out his hand and exclaimed well if that ain't a beautiful child come here my little man Ric F +4267-78186-0015.wav and shake hands along with me well i declare if that are little feller ain't the finest child i ever seed what not abed yet ah you rogue Ric F +4267-78186-0016.wav well i wish my old mother could see that child it is such a treat in our country said he turning to me the children are all as pale as chalk or as yaller as an orange lord Ric F +4267-78186-0017.wav that are little feller would be a show in our country come to me my man here the soft sawder began to operate missus pugwash said in a milder tone than we had yet heard go my dear to the gentleman Ric F +4267-78186-0018.wav go dear mister slick kissed him asked him if he would go to the states along with him told him all the little girls would fall in love with him for they didn't see such a beautiful face once in a month of sundays black eyes let me see Ric F +4267-78186-0019.wav she ought to be proud of you he continued well if i live to return here i must paint your face and have it put on my clocks and our folks will buy the clocks for the sake of the face did you ever see said he Ric F +4267-78186-0020.wav again addressing me such a likeness between one human and another as between this beautiful little boy and his mother i am sure you have had no supper said missus pugwash to me you must be hungry and weary too Ric F +4267-78186-0021.wav i will get you a cup of tea i am sorry to give you so much trouble said i not the least trouble in the world she replied on the contrary a pleasure we were then shown into the next room Ric F +4267-78186-0022.wav where the fire was now blazing up but mister slick protested he could not proceed without the little boy and lingered behind to ascertain his age and concluded by asking the child if he had any aunts that looked like mama Ric F +4267-78186-0023.wav as the door closed mister slick said it's a pity she don't go well in gear the difficulty with those critters is to git them to start arter that there is no trouble with them if you don't check em too short if you do they'll stop again Ric F +4267-78186-0024.wav run back and kick like mad and then old nick himself wouldn't start em pugwash i guess don't understand the natur of the crittur she'll never go kind in harness for him when i see a child said the clockmaker Ric F +4267-78186-0025.wav i always feel safe with these women folk for i have always found that the road to a woman's heart lies through her child you seem said i to understand the female heart so well i make no doubt you are a general favorite among the fair sex Ric F +4267-78186-0026.wav any man he replied that understands horses has a pretty considerable fair knowledge of women for they are jist alike in temper and require the very identical same treatment encourage the timid ones Ric F +4267-78186-0027.wav and i tell you there ain't one in a thousand that knows a grain about either on em you hear folks say oh such a man is an ugly grained critter he'll break his wife's heart jist as if a woman's heart was as brittle as a pipe stalk Ric F +4267-78186-0028.wav the female heart as far as my experience goes is jist like a new india rubber shoe you may pull and pull at it till it stretches out a yard long Ric F +4267-78186-0029.wav their hearts are made of stout leather i tell you Ric F +4267-78186-0030.wav i never knowed but one case of a broken heart and that was in t'other sex one washington banks he was a sneezer he was tall enough to spit down on the heads of your grenadiers and near about high enough to wade across charlestown river Ric F +4267-78186-0031.wav and as strong as a tow boat i guess he was somewhat less than a foot longer than the moral law and catechism too he was a perfect pictur of a man you couldn't fault him in no particular he was so just a made critter Ric F +4267-78186-0032.wav when they all came out together an amazin handsom sight too near about a whole congregation of young gals banks used to say i vow young ladies i wish i had five hundred arms to reciprocate one with each of you Ric F +4267-78186-0033.wav but i reckon i have a heart big enough for you all it's a whopper you may depend and every mite and morsel of it at your service well how you do act mister banks half a thousand little clipper clapper tongues would say Ric F +4267-78186-0034.wav all at the same time and their dear little eyes sparklin like so many stars twinklin of a frosty night well when i last seed him he was all skin and bone like a horse turned out to die he was teetotally defleshed Ric F +4267-78186-0035.wav a mere walkin skeleton i am dreadful sorry says i to see you banks lookin so peaked why you look like a sick turkey hen all legs what on airth ails you i'm dyin says he Ric F +4267-78186-0036.wav no says he shakin his head i hope i have too much clear grit in me to take on so bad for that what under the sun is it then said i why says he i made a bet Ric F +4267-78186-0037.wav the fore part of the summer with leftenant oby knowles that i could shoulder the best bower of the constitution frigate i won my bet but the anchor was so etarnal heavy that it broke my heart Ric F +4267-287369-0000.wav rather odd commented mister jenks black paper and white ink white ink is easy enough to make stated mister parker Ric F +4267-287369-0001.wav i fancy they wanted it as conspicuous as possible yes agreed tom Ric F +4267-287369-0002.wav together with the antics of the thing in white last night shows that they are aware of our presence here and perhaps know who we are we will have to be on our guard do you think that fellow munson Ric F +4267-287369-0003.wav whom we left in the forest could have gotten here and warned them asked mister damon it's possible admitted tom but now let's see if the person who pinned this warning on our tent took any of our things Ric F +4267-287369-0004.wav a hasty examination however showed that nothing had been disturbed Ric F +4267-287369-0005.wav everyone talking during the progress of the meal about the events of the day and the rather weird culmination of it well we haven't had a great deal of success so far admitted tom Ric F +4267-287369-0006.wav good idea commented mister jenks we'll do it and move our camp i only hope those fellows don't find our airship and destroy it we'll have a hard time getting back to civilization again Ric F +4267-287369-0007.wav if we have to walk all the way this contingency caused tom some uneasiness he did not like to think that the unscrupulous men might damage the red cloud Ric F +4267-287369-0008.wav that had been built only after hard labor but he knew he could accomplish nothing by worrying and he tried to dismiss the matter from his mind Ric F +4267-287369-0009.wav they rather expected to see the thing in white again that night but it did not appear and morning came without anything having disturbed their heavy sleep for they were tired from the day's tramp Ric F +4267-287369-0010.wav it took them the greater part of the day to make a circuit of the base of phantom mountain in order to get to a place where a sort of trail led upward it's too late to do anything to night Ric F +4267-287369-0011.wav mister parker he asked as he saw the scientist tramping a little way up the side of the mountain i am going to make some observations was the answer and no one paid any more attention to him for some time Ric F +4267-287369-0012.wav supper was nearly ready when mister parker returned his face wore a rather serious air and mister damon noting it asked laughingly well Ric F +4267-287369-0013.wav did you discover any volcanoes that may erupt during the night and scare us to death no replied mister parker calmly but there is every indication that we will soon have a terrific electrical storm Ric F +4267-287369-0014.wav from a high peak i caught a glimpse of one working this way across the mountains then we'd better fasten the tent well down called tom we don't want it to blow away Ric F +4267-287369-0015.wav was mister parker's opinion from what then asked mister jenks from the discharges of lightning among these mountain peaks which contain so much iron ore Ric F +4267-287369-0016.wav we will be in grave danger the fact that the scientist had not always made correct predictions was not now considered by his hearers and tom and the two men gazed at mister parker in some alarm Ric F +4267-287369-0017.wav as the iron ore extends for miles we can not get out of the danger zone before the storm will reach us it will be here in less than half an hour then we'd better have supper remarked tom practically Ric F +4267-287369-0018.wav and get ready for it perhaps it may not be as bad as mister parker fears it will be bad enough declared the gloomy scientist and he seemed to find pleasure in his announcement Ric F +4267-287369-0019.wav for now low mutterings of thunder could be heard off toward the west black clouds rapidly obscured the heavens and the sound of thunder increased Ric F +4267-287369-0020.wav fitful flashes of lightning could be seen forking across the sky in jagged chains of purple light it's going to be a heavy storm tom admitted to himself Ric F +4267-287369-0021.wav i hope lightning doesn't strike around here the storm came on rapidly but there was a curious quietness in the air that was more alarming than if a wind had blown the campfire burned steadily Ric F +4267-287369-0022.wav and there was a certain oppressiveness in the atmosphere it was now quite dark save when the fitful lightning flashes came and they illuminated the scene brilliantly for a few seconds then by contrast Ric F +4267-287369-0023.wav it was blacker than ever suddenly as tom was gazing up toward the peak of phantom mountain he saw something that caused him to cry out in alarm he pointed upward and whispered hoarsely Ric F +4267-287369-0024.wav they must have followed us said mister jenks in a low voice slowly the figure advanced it waved the long white arms as if in warning Ric F +4267-287369-0025.wav at times it would be only dimly visible in the blackness then suddenly it would stand out in bold relief as a great flash of fire split the clouds the thunder meanwhile Ric F +4267-287369-0026.wav had been growing louder and sharper indicating the nearer approach of the storm each lightning flash was followed in a second or two by a terrific clap still there was no wind nor rain Ric F +4267-287369-0027.wav and the campfire burned steadily all at once there was a crash as if the very mountain had split asunder and the adventurers saw a great ball of purple bluish fire shoot down Ric F +4267-287369-0028.wav as if from some cloud and strike against the side of the crag not a hundred feet from where stood the ghostly figure in white that was a bad one cried mister damon Ric F +4267-287369-0029.wav shouting so as to be heard above the echoes of the thunderclap almost as he spoke there came another explosion even louder than the one preceding a great ball of fire pear shaped Ric F +4267-287369-0030.wav leaped for the same spot in the mountain there's a mass of iron ore there yelled mister parker the lightning is attracted to it his voice was swallowed up in the terrific crash that followed Ric F +4267-287369-0031.wav the figure in white could be seen hurrying back up the mountain trail evidently the electrical storm with lightning bolts discharging so close was too much for the ghost Ric F +4267-287369-0032.wav in another instant it looked as if the whole place about where the diamond seekers stood was a mass of fire great forked tongues of lightning leaped from the clouds and seemed to lick the ground Ric F +4267-287369-0033.wav and there was a strong smell of sulphur in the air we are in the midst of the storm cried mister parker we are standing on a mass of iron ore any minute may be our last Ric F +4267-287369-0034.wav but fate had not intended the adventurers for death by lightning almost as suddenly as it had begun the discharge of the tongues of fire ceased in the immediate vicinity of our friends Ric F +4267-287369-0035.wav they stood still awed not knowing what to do then once more came a terrific clap a great mass of fire like some red hot ingot from a foundry Ric F +4267-287369-0036.wav was hurled through the air straight at the face of the mountain and at the spot where the figure in white had stood but a few minutes before instantly the earth trembled as it had at earthquake island Ric F +4267-287369-0037.wav but it was not the same it was over in a few seconds then as the diamond seekers looked they saw in the glare of a score of lightning flashes that followed the one great clap Ric F +4267-72637-0000.wav she durham july something or other at farmer hendry's we left york this morning and arrived in durham about eleven o'clock it seems there is some sort of an election going on in the town Ric F +4267-72637-0001.wav and there was not a single fly at the station mister copley looked about in every direction but neither horse nor vehicle was to be had for love or money at last we started to walk to the village Ric F +4267-72637-0002.wav mister copley so laden with our hand luggage that he resembled a pack mule we called first at the three tuns where they still keep up the old custom of giving a wee glass of cherry brandy to each guest on his arrival but alas Ric F +4267-72637-0003.wav they were crowded and we were turned from the hospitable door we then made a tour of the inns but not a single room was to be had not for that night nor for two days ahead on account of that same election hadn't we better go on to edinburgh Ric F +4267-72637-0004.wav i asked as we were resting in the door of the jolly sailor edinburgh never she replied Ric F +4267-72637-0005.wav and write up a record of our entire trip from winchester while the impressions were fresh in my mind Ric F +4267-72637-0006.wav said mister copley that is i hoped to finish off my previous sketches which are in a frightful state of incompletion and spend a good deal of time on the interior of this cathedral which is unusually beautiful Ric F +4267-72637-0007.wav in her opinion the constant consumption of malt liquors prevents a more dangerous indulgence in brandy and whisky she is gathering statistics but as the barmaids can never collect their thoughts while they are drawing ale Ric F +4267-72637-0008.wav for my part said i with mock humility i am a docile person who never has any intentions of her own but who yields herself sweetly to the intentions of other people in her immediate vicinity are you Ric F +4267-72637-0009.wav asked mister copley taking out his pencil yes i said so what are you doing merely taking note of your statement that's all now miss van tyck Ric F +4267-72637-0010.wav i have a plan to propose i was here last summer with a couple of harvard men and we lodged at a farmhouse about a mile distant from the cathedral if you will step into the coffee room for an hour Ric F +4267-72637-0011.wav i'll walk up to farmer hendry's and see if they will take us in i think we might be fairly comfortable can aunt celia have apollinaris and black coffee after her morning bath i asked i hope katharine Ric F +4267-72637-0012.wav if mister copley can secure apartments for us i shall be more than grateful so here we are all lodging together in an ideal english farmhouse Ric F +4267-72637-0013.wav and the butter and cream and eggs and mutton are delicious and i never never want to go home any more i want to live here for ever and wave the american flag on washington's birthday Ric F +4267-72637-0014.wav i am so happy that i feel as if something were going to spoil it all twenty years old to day i wish mamma were alive to wish me many happy returns the cathedral is very beautiful in itself Ric F +4267-72637-0015.wav and its situation is beyond all words of mine to describe i greatly admired the pulpit which is supported by five pillars sunk into the backs of squashed lions but mister copley when i asked him the period said pure brummagem Ric F +4267-72637-0016.wav not jenny wren christopher architecture has had in england especially no legitimate development this is the only cathedral with a bishop's throne or a sanctuary knocker he Ric F +4267-72637-0017.wav durham july nineteenth Ric F +4267-72637-0018.wav how did it happen to be election time why did the inns chance to be full Ric F +4267-72637-0019.wav i do not know i only know fate smiles that kitty and i eat our morning bacon and eggs together Ric F +4267-72637-0020.wav and dine with kitty and walk in the gloaming with kitty Ric F +4267-72637-0021.wav and after a day of heaven like this like lorna doone's lover ay and like every other lover i suppose i go to sleep and the roof above me swarms with angels having kitty under it she was so beautiful on sunday Ric F +4267-72637-0022.wav and when she looks up i am never ready for her to look down if it had been a secular occasion and she had dropped her handkerchief seven eighths of the students would have started to pick it up but i should have got there first well Ric F +4267-72637-0023.wav for there are facts to be considered delightful warm breathing facts we were coming home from evensong kitty and i i am anticipating for she was still miss schuyler then but never mind Ric F +4267-72637-0024.wav we were walking through the fields while missus benedict and aunt celia were driving as we came across a corner of the bit of meadow land that joins the stable and the garden we heard a muffled roar Ric F +4267-72637-0025.wav and as we looked around we saw a creature with tossing horns and waving tail making for us head down eyes flashing kitty gave a shriek we chanced to be near a pair of low bars i hadn't been a college athlete for nothing Ric F +4267-72637-0026.wav flung herself bodily into my arms crying jack jack save me it was the first time she had called me jack and i needed no second invitation i proceeded to save her in the usual way Ric F +4267-72637-0027.wav by holding her to my heart and kissing her lovely hair reassuringly as i murmured you are safe my darling not a hair of your precious head shall be hurt don't be frightened she shivered like a leaf Ric F +4267-72637-0028.wav i am frightened she said i can't help being frightened he will chase us i know where is he what is he doing now looking up to determine if i need abbreviate this blissful moment Ric F +4267-72637-0029.wav comfortable durham cow that somewhat rare but possible thing a sportive cow is he gone breathed kitty from my waistcoat yes he is gone she is gone darling but don't move Ric F +4267-72637-0030.wav it may come again my first too hasty assurance had calmed kitty's fears Ric F +4267-72637-0031.wav i did not facilitate the preparations and a moment of awkward silence ensued might i inquire i asked if the dear little person at present reposing in my arms will stay there with intervals for rest and refreshment Ric F +4267-72637-0032.wav for the rest of her natural life she withdrew entirely now all but her hand and her eyes sought the ground i suppose i shall have to that is if you think at least i suppose you do think Ric F +4267-72637-0033.wav she replied i was frightened within an inch of my life i told you this morning that i was dreadfully afraid of bulls especially mad ones and i told you that my nurse frightened me when i was a child with awful stories about them Ric F +4267-72637-0034.wav and that i never outgrew my childish terror i looked everywhere about the barn was too far the fence too high i saw him coming and there was nothing but you and the open country of course i took you it was very natural i'm sure Ric F +4267-72637-0035.wav she cried putting her hand over my lips and getting it well kissed in consequence Ric F +1455-134435-0000.wav the girl who came into the world on that night when jesse ran through the fields crying to god that he be given a son had grown to womanhood on the farm webslog +1455-134435-0001.wav and when not angry she was often morose and silent in winesburg it was said that she drank her husband the banker webslog +1455-134435-0002.wav but louise could not be made happy she flew into half insane fits of temper during which she was sometimes silent sometimes noisy and quarrelsome she swore and cried out in her anger she got a knife from the kitchen and threatened her husband's life webslog +1455-134435-0003.wav sometimes on summer afternoons she came out of the house and got into her carriage dismissing the driver she took the reins in her own hands and drove off at top speed through the streets webslog +1455-134435-0004.wav to the people of the town it seemed as though she wanted to run them down when she had driven through several streets tearing around corners and beating the horses with the whip she drove off into the country on the country roads webslog +1455-134435-0005.wav she became thoughtful and muttered words sometimes tears came into her eyes webslog +1455-134435-0006.wav but for the influence of her husband and the respect he inspired in people's minds webslog +1455-134435-0007.wav he was too young then to have opinions of his own about people but at times it was difficult for him not to have very definite opinions about the woman who was his mother david was always a quiet orderly boy webslog +1455-134435-0008.wav and for a long time was thought by the people of winesburg to be something of a dullard his eyes were brown and as a child he had a habit of looking at things and people a long time without appearing to see what he was looking at webslog +1455-134435-0009.wav when he heard his mother spoken of harshly or when he overheard her berating his father he was frightened and ran away to hide sometimes he could not find a hiding place and that confused him webslog +1455-134435-0010.wav he closed his eyes and tried not to think of anything he had a habit of talking aloud to himself and early in life a spirit of quiet sadness often took possession of him on the occasions when david went to visit his grandfather on the bentley farm webslog +1455-134435-0011.wav something happened to david he could not bear to go into the house where his mother and father lived and on an impulse he decided to run away from home webslog +1455-134435-0012.wav the boy's imagination was excited and he fancied that he could see and hear strange things in the darkness into his mind came the conviction that he was walking and running in some terrible void where no one had ever been before webslog +1455-134435-0013.wav the darkness about him seemed limitless the sound of the wind blowing in trees was terrifying when a team of horses approached along the road in which he walked he was frightened and climbed a fence through a field he ran until he came webslog +1455-134435-0014.wav into another road and getting upon his knees felt of the soft ground with his fingers but for the figure of his grandfather whom he was afraid he would never find in the darkness he thought the world must be altogether empty webslog +1455-134435-0015.wav when his cries were heard by a farmer who was walking home from town and he was brought back to his father's house he was so tired and excited that he did not know what was happening to him by chance david's father knew that he had disappeared webslog +1455-134435-0016.wav on the street he had met the farm hand from the bentley place and knew of his son's return to town when the boy did not come home an alarm was set up and john hardy with several men of the town went to search the country webslog +1455-134435-0017.wav the report that david had been kidnapped ran about through the streets of winesburg when he came home there were no lights in the house but his mother appeared and clutched him eagerly in her arms david thought she had suddenly become another woman webslog +1455-134435-0018.wav for an hour the woman sat in the darkness and held her boy all the time she kept talking in a low voice david could not understand what had so changed her her habitually dissatisfied face had become he thought webslog +1455-134435-0019.wav the most peaceful and lovely thing he had ever seen webslog +1455-134435-0020.wav on and on went her voice it was not webslog +1455-134435-0021.wav but she made him hide and be silent until she had sent them away he thought it must be a game his mother and the men of the town were playing with him and laughed joyously webslog +1455-134435-0022.wav into his mind came the thought that his having been lost and frightened in the darkness was an altogether unimportant matter webslog +1455-134435-0023.wav he thought that he would have been willing to go through the frightful experience a thousand times to be sure of finding at the end of the long black road a thing so lovely as his mother had suddenly become webslog +1455-134435-0024.wav during the last years of young david's boyhood he saw his mother but seldom and she became for him just a woman with whom he had once lived still he could not get her figure out of his mind and as he grew older it became more definite webslog +1455-134435-0025.wav when he was twelve years old he went to the bentley farm to live old jesse came into town and fairly demanded that he be given charge of the boy the old man was excited and determined on having his own way he talked to john hardy webslog +1455-134435-0026.wav it is an atmosphere not corrupted by my presence she said sharply webslog +1455-134435-0027.wav different with him louise turned and went out of the room leaving the two men to sit in embarrassed silence as very often happened she later stayed in her room for days webslog +1455-134435-0028.wav even when the boy's clothes were packed and he was taken away she did not appear the loss of her son made a sharp break in her life and she seemed less inclined to quarrel with her husband john hardy thought it had all turned out very well indeed webslog +1455-134435-0029.wav and so young david went to live in the bentley farmhouse with jesse two of the old farmer's sisters were alive and still lived in the house they were afraid of jesse and rarely spoke when he was about webslog +1455-134435-0030.wav one of the women who had been noted for her flaming red hair when she was younger was a born mother and became the boy's caretaker every night when he had gone to bed she went into his room and sat on the floor webslog +1455-134435-0031.wav when he became drowsy she became bold and whispered things that he later thought he must have dreamed her soft low voice called him endearing names webslog +1455-134435-0032.wav and he dreamed that his mother had come to him and that she had changed so that she was always as she had been that time after he ran away he also grew bold and reaching out his hand stroked the face of the woman on the floor so that she was ecstatically happy webslog +1455-134435-0033.wav began to think that at last his prayers had been answered although he was at that time only fifty five years old he looked seventy and was worn out with much thinking and scheming webslog +1455-134435-0034.wav the effort he had made to extend his land holdings had been successful and there were few farms in the valley that did not belong to him but until david came he was a bitterly disappointed man webslog +1455-134435-0035.wav there were two influences at work in jesse bentley and all his life his mind had been a battleground for these influences first there was the old thing in him he wanted to be a man of god and a leader among men of god webslog +1455-134435-0036.wav his walking in the fields and through the forests at night had brought him close to nature and there were forces in the passionately religious man that ran out to the forces in nature the disappointment that had come to him when a daughter webslog +1455-134435-0037.wav but he no longer demanded such recognition instead he prayed for it sometimes he was altogether doubtful and thought god had deserted the world webslog +1455-134435-0038.wav he had grown into maturity in america in the years after the civil war and he like all men of his time had been touched by the deep influences that were at work in the country during those years when modern industrialism was being born webslog +1455-134435-0039.wav jesse formed the habit of reading newspapers and magazines he invented a machine for the making of fence out of wire faintly he realized that the atmosphere of old times and places that he had webslog +1455-134435-0040.wav always cultivated in his own mind was strange and foreign to the thing that was growing up in the minds of others the beginning of the most materialistic age in the history of the world when wars would be fought without patriotism when men would forget god and webslog +1455-134435-0041.wav only pay attention to moral standards when the will to power would replace the will to serve and beauty would be well nigh forgotten in the terrible headlong rush of mankind toward the acquiring of possessions was telling its story to jesse the man of god webslog +1455-134435-0042.wav as it was to the men about him the greedy thing in him wanted to make money faster than it could be made by tilling the land more than once he went into winesburg to talk with his son in law john hardy about it you are a banker and you will have chances i never had webslog +1455-134435-0043.wav big things are going to be done in the country webslog +1455-134435-0044.wav you get into it i wish i were younger and had your chance webslog +1455-134435-0045.wav at one time in his life he had been threatened with paralysis and his left side remained somewhat weakened as he talked his left eyelid twitched later webslog +1455-134435-0046.wav and the stars came out it was harder to get back the old feeling of a close and personal god who lived in the sky overhead and who might at any moment reach out his hand touch him on the shoulder webslog +1455-134435-0047.wav and it seemed to him that god had at last looked with favor upon him as for the boy on the farm life began to reveal itself to him in a thousand new and delightful ways the kindly attitude of all about him expanded his quiet nature webslog +1455-134435-0048.wav and he lost the half timid hesitating manner he had always had with his people at night when he went to bed after a long day of adventures in the stables in the fields or driving about from farm to farm with his grandfather he wanted to embrace everyone in the house webslog +1455-134435-0049.wav if sherley bentley the woman who came each night to sit on the floor by his bedside did not appear at once he went to the head of the stairs and shouted his young voice ringing through the narrow halls where for so long there had been a tradition of silence in the morning when he awoke and lay still in bed webslog +1455-134435-0050.wav the sounds that came in to him through the windows filled him with delight he thought with a shudder of the life in the house in winesburg and of his mother's angry voice that had always made him tremble there in the country all sounds were pleasant sounds webslog +1455-134435-0051.wav when he awoke at dawn the barnyard back of the house also awoke in the house people stirred about eliza stoughton the half witted girl was poked in the ribs by a farm hand and giggled noisily in some distant field a cow bawled and was answered webslog +1455-134435-0052.wav by the cattle in the stables and one of the farm hands spoke sharply to the horse he was grooming by the stable door david leaped out of bed and ran to a window all of the people stirring about excited his mind and he wondered what his mother was doing webslog +1455-134435-0053.wav six seven he said slowly wetting his finger and making straight up and down marks on the window ledge david ran to put on his trousers and shirt a feverish desire to get out of doors took possession of him webslog +1455-134435-0054.wav when he had run through the long old house shutting the doors behind him with a bang he came into the barnyard and looked about with an amazed air of expectancy webslog +1455-134435-0055.wav henry strader an old man who had been on the farm since jesse came into possession and who before david's time had never been known to make a joke made the same joke every morning it amused david so that he laughed and clapped his hands webslog +1455-134435-0056.wav they rode in a comfortable old phaeton drawn by the white horse the old man scratched his thin white beard and talked to himself of his plans for increasing the productiveness of the fields they visited and of god's part in the plans all men made webslog +1455-134435-0057.wav sometimes he looked at david and smiled happily and then for a long time he appeared to forget the boy's existence webslog +1455-134435-0058.wav when he had first come out of the city to live on the land webslog +1455-134435-0059.wav jesse and his grandson were driving in a distant part of the valley some miles from home a forest came down to the road and through the forest wine creek wriggled its way over stones toward a distant river webslog +1455-134435-0060.wav all the afternoon jesse had been in a meditative mood and now he began to talk his mind went back to the night when he had been frightened by thoughts of a giant that might come to rob and plunder him of his possessions webslog +1455-134435-0061.wav and again as on that night when he had run through the fields crying for a son he became excited to the edge of insanity webslog +1455-134435-0062.wav when a rabbit jumped up and ran away through the woods he clapped his hands and danced with delight webslog +1455-134435-0063.wav jesse bentley went along under the trees with his head bowed and with his mind in a ferment his earnestness affected the boy who presently became silent and a little alarmed webslog +1455-134435-0064.wav that the presence of the boy and man on their knees in some lonely spot in the forest would make the miracle he had been waiting for almost inevitable webslog +1455-134435-0065.wav it was in just such a place as this that other david tended the sheep when his father came and told him to go down unto saul he muttered webslog +1455-134435-0066.wav he climbed over a fallen log and when he had come to an open place among the trees he dropped upon his knees and began to pray in a loud voice a kind of terror he had never known before took possession of david webslog +1455-134435-0067.wav it seemed to him that he was in the presence not only of his grandfather but of someone else someone who might hurt him someone who was not kindly but dangerous and brutal webslog +1455-134435-0068.wav when jesse bentley absorbed in his own idea suddenly arose and advanced toward him his terror grew until his whole body shook in the woods an intense silence seemed to lie over everything and suddenly out of the silence came the old man's harsh and insistent voice webslog +1455-134435-0069.wav gripping the boy's shoulders jesse turned his face to the sky and shouted the whole left side of his face twitched and his hand on the boy's shoulder twitched also make a sign to me god he cried here i stand with the boy david webslog +1455-134435-0070.wav come down to me out of the sky and make thy presence known to me with a cry of fear david turned and shaking himself loose from the hands that held him ran away through the forest webslog +1455-134435-0071.wav the man did not look like his grandfather the conviction that something strange and terrible had happened that by some miracle a new and dangerous person had come into the body of the kindly old man took possession of him webslog +1455-134435-0072.wav on and on he ran down the hillside sobbing as he ran when he fell over the roots of a tree and in falling struck his head webslog +1455-134435-0073.wav and he awoke to find the old man's hand stroking his head tenderly that the terror left him webslog +1455-138263-0000.wav chapter eighteen grave questions webslog +1455-138263-0001.wav and barbicane and his two companions watched with scrupulous attention the brilliant rays which the celebrated mountain shed so curiously over the horizon what was this radiant glory what webslog +1455-138263-0002.wav some twelve miles others thirty miles broad webslog +1455-138263-0003.wav and seemed to cover particularly toward the east the northeast and the north the half of the southern hemisphere one of these jets extended as far as the circle of neander situated on the fortieth meridian webslog +1455-138263-0004.wav another by a slight curve furrowed the sea of nectar breaking against webslog +1455-138263-0005.wav with a luminous network what was the origin of these sparkling rays which shone on the plains as well as on the reliefs at whatever height they might be all started from a common center the crater webslog +1455-138263-0006.wav they sprang from him herschel attributed their brilliancy to currents of lava congealed by the cold an opinion however which has not been generally adopted webslog +1455-138263-0007.wav because the regularity of these luminous lines and the violence necessary to carry volcanic matter to such distances is inexplicable webslog +1455-138263-0008.wav by jove replied michel ardan webslog +1455-138263-0009.wav indeed said barbicane indeed continued michel it is enough to say webslog +1455-138263-0010.wav well replied barbicane smiling and what hand would be powerful enough to throw a ball to give such a shock as that the hand is not necessary answered nicholl not at all confounded webslog +1455-138263-0011.wav the shock which produced that rent webslog +1455-138263-0012.wav a contraction something like a lunar stomach ache said michel ardan besides added barbicane this opinion is that of an english savant webslog +1455-138263-0013.wav that nasmyth was no fool replied michel webslog +1455-138263-0014.wav their projectile saturated with luminous gleams in the double irradiation of sun and moon must have appeared like an incandescent globe webslog +1455-138263-0015.wav to intense heat nature was thus preparing them to become selenites become selenites that idea brought up once more the question of the habitability of the moon after what they had seen could the travelers solve it webslog +1455-138263-0016.wav would they decide for or against it michel ardan persuaded his two friends to form an opinion and asked them directly if they thought that men and animals were represented in the lunar world webslog +1455-138263-0017.wav i think that we can answer said barbicane but according to my idea the question ought not to be put in that form i ask it to be put differently put it your own way replied michel webslog +1455-138263-0018.wav here it is continued barbicane the problem is a double one and requires a double solution is the moon habitable has the moon ever been inhabitable good webslog +1455-138263-0019.wav replied nicholl first let us see whether the moon is habitable to tell the truth i know nothing about it answered michel and i answer in the negative continued barbicane webslog +1455-138263-0020.wav in her actual state with her surrounding atmosphere certainly very much reduced her seas for the most part dried up her insufficient supply of water restricted vegetation sudden alternations of cold and heat webslog +1455-138263-0021.wav her days and nights of three hundred fifty four hours the moon does not seem habitable to me nor does she seem propitious to animal development nor sufficient for the wants of existence as we understand it webslog +1455-138263-0022.wav agreed replied nicholl but is not the moon habitable for creatures differently organized from ourselves webslog +1455-138263-0023.wav seemed to us to move on the moon's surface webslog +1455-138263-0024.wav and what have we seen everywhere and always the geological works of nature never the work of man if then there exist representatives of the animal kingdom on the moon webslog +1455-138263-0025.wav they must have fled to those unfathomable cavities which the eye cannot reach which i cannot admit for they must have left traces of their passage on those plains which the atmosphere must cover however slightly raised it may be webslog +1455-138263-0026.wav these traces are nowhere visible there remains but one hypothesis that of a living race to which motion which is life is foreign one might as well say living creatures which do not live replied michel webslog +1455-138263-0027.wav the scientific commission assembled in the projectile of the gun club after having founded their argument on facts recently observed decide unanimously upon the question of the habitability of the moon no the moon webslog +1455-138263-0028.wav said nicholl let us attack the second question an indispensable complement of the first i ask the honorable commission if the moon is not habitable has she ever been inhabited citizen barbicane webslog +1455-138263-0029.wav my friends replied barbicane i did not undertake this journey in order to form an opinion on the past habitability of our satellite but i will add that our personal observations only confirm me in this opinion webslog +1455-138263-0030.wav i believe indeed i affirm that the moon has been inhabited by a human race organized like our own that she has produced animals anatomically formed like the terrestrial animals webslog +1455-138263-0031.wav but i add that these races human and animal have had their day and are now forever extinct webslog +1455-138263-0032.wav relatively the organizing force of matter has been much more violent in the interior of the moon than in the interior of the terrestrial globe the actual state of this cracked twisted and burst disc abundantly proves this webslog +1455-138263-0033.wav the moon and the earth were nothing but gaseous masses originally webslog +1455-138263-0034.wav continued barbicane an atmosphere surrounded it webslog +1455-138263-0035.wav for example its days and nights of three hundred fifty four hours at the terrestrial poles they last six months said michel an argument of little value since the poles are not inhabited let us observe my friends continued barbicane webslog +1455-138263-0036.wav that if in the actual state of the moon its long nights and long days created differences of temperature insupportable to organization it was not so at the historical period of time the atmosphere enveloped the disc with a fluid mantle webslog +1455-138263-0037.wav vapor deposited itself in the shape of clouds this natural screen tempered the ardor of the solar rays and retained the nocturnal radiation webslog +1455-138263-0038.wav light like heat can diffuse itself in the air hence an equality between the influences which no longer exists now that atmosphere has almost entirely disappeared and now i am going to astonish you webslog +1455-138263-0039.wav astonish us said michel ardan i firmly believe that at the period when the moon was inhabited the nights and days did not last three hundred fifty four hours and why webslog +1455-138263-0040.wav asked nicholl quickly because most probably then the rotary motion of the moon upon her axis was not equal to her revolution an equality which presents each part of her disc during fifteen days to the action of the solar rays webslog +1455-138263-0041.wav granted replied nicholl but why should not these two motions have been equal as they are really so because that equality has only been determined by terrestrial attraction webslog +1455-138263-0042.wav and who can say that this attraction was powerful enough to alter the motion of the moon at that period when the earth was still fluid just so replied nicholl and who can say that the moon has always been a satellite of the earth webslog +1455-138263-0043.wav exclaimed michel ardan that the moon did not exist before the earth their imaginations carried them away into an indefinite field of hypothesis barbicane sought to restrain them webslog +1455-138263-0044.wav those speculations are too high said he problems utterly insoluble webslog +1455-138263-0045.wav let us only admit the insufficiency of the primordial attraction and then by the inequality of the two motions of rotation and revolution webslog +1455-138263-0046.wav besides even without these conditions life was possible and so asked michel ardan humanity has disappeared from the moon yes replied barbicane webslog +1455-138263-0047.wav after having doubtless remained persistently for millions of centuries webslog +1455-138263-0048.wav as the terrestrial globe will one day become by cooling by cooling certainly replied barbicane as the internal fires became extinguished webslog +1455-138263-0049.wav and the incandescent matter concentrated itself the lunar crust cooled by degrees the consequences of these phenomena showed themselves in the disappearance of organized beings and by the disappearance of vegetation soon the atmosphere was rarefied webslog +1455-138263-0050.wav probably withdrawn by terrestrial attraction then aerial departure of respirable air and disappearance of water by means of evaporation at this period the moon becoming uninhabitable was no longer inhabited it was a dead world webslog +1455-138263-0051.wav and have they calculated the time which our unfortunate sphere will take to cool certainly and you know these calculations perfectly webslog +1455-138263-0052.wav but speak then my clumsy savant exclaimed michel ardan for you make me boil with impatience very well my good michel replied barbicane quietly we know what diminution of temperature the earth undergoes in the lapse of a century webslog +1455-138263-0053.wav be brought down to zero four hundred thousand years exclaimed michel ah i breathe again really i was frightened to hear you i imagined that we had not more than fifty thousand years to live webslog +1455-138263-0054.wav barbicane and nicholl could not help laughing at their companion's uneasiness webslog +1455-138263-0055.wav which had just been considered again has the moon been inhabited he asked the answer was unanimously in the affirmative but during this discussion fruitful in somewhat hazardous theories webslog +1455-138263-0056.wav the projectile was rapidly leaving the moon the lineaments faded away from the travelers eyes mountains were confused in the distance and of all the wonderful strange and fantastical form of the earth's satellite there soon remained nothing webslog +7367-86737-0000.wav chapter thirty three roman bandits NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0001.wav what is the matter said albert entering no carriage to be had just so returned franz you have guessed it well your eternal city is a nice sort of place NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0002.wav but from now till sunday you can have fifty if you please ah that is something said albert to day is thursday and who knows what may arrive between this and sunday ten or twelve thousand travellers will arrive replied franz NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0003.wav which will make it still more difficult my friend said morcerf let us enjoy the present without gloomy forebodings for the future at least we can have a window where in the corso ah a window exclaimed signor pastrini NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0004.wav utterly impossible there was only one left on the fifth floor of the doria palace and that has been let to a russian prince for twenty sequins a day the two young men looked at each other with an air of stupefaction well NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0005.wav it is to pass the carnival at venice there we are sure of obtaining gondolas if we cannot have carriages ah the devil no cried albert i came to rome to see the carnival and i will though i see it on stilts NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0006.wav bravo an excellent idea we will disguise ourselves as monster pulchinellos NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0007.wav and we shall have complete success do your excellencies still wish for a carriage from now to sunday morning parbleu said albert NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0008.wav i hasten to comply with your excellencies wishes only i tell you beforehand the carriage will cost you six piastres a day and as i am not a millionaire like the gentleman in the next apartments said franz i warn you NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0009.wav that as i have been four times before at rome i know the prices of all the carriages we will give you twelve piastres for to day tomorrow and the day after and then you will make a good profit NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0010.wav but excellency said pastrini still striving to gain his point now go returned franz or i shall go myself and bargain with your affettatore who is mine also he is an old friend of mine who has plundered me pretty well already and NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0011.wav in the hope of making more out of me he will take a less price than the one i offer you you will lose the preference and that will be your fault do not give yourselves the trouble excellency NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0012.wav returned signor pastrini with the smile peculiar to the italian speculator when he confesses defeat i will do all i can and i hope you will be satisfied and now we understand each other NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0013.wav in an hour in an hour it will be at the door an hour after the vehicle was at the door it was a hack conveyance which was elevated to the rank of a private carriage in honor of the occasion but in spite of its humble exterior NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0014.wav the young men would have thought themselves happy to have secured it for the last three days of the carnival excellency cried the cicerone seeing franz approach the window NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0015.wav shall i bring the carriage nearer to the palace accustomed as franz was to the italian phraseology his first impulse was to look round him but these words were addressed to him franz was the excellency NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0016.wav was the palace the genius for laudation characteristic of the race was in that phrase franz and albert descended the carriage approached the palace their excellencies stretched their legs along the seats NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0017.wav where do your excellencies wish to go asked he to saint peter's first and then to the colosseum returned albert but albert did not know that it takes a day to see saint peter's and a month to study it the day was passed at saint peter's alone NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0018.wav suddenly the daylight began to fade away franz took out his watch it was half past four they returned to the hotel at the door franz ordered the coachman to be ready at eight he wished to show albert the colosseum by moonlight NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0019.wav as he had shown him saint peter's by daylight when we show a friend a city one has already visited we feel the same pride as when we point out a woman whose lover we have been NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0020.wav the temple of antoninus and faustina and the via sacra they sat down to dinner signor pastrini had promised them a banquet he gave them a tolerable repast at the end of the dinner he entered in person NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0021.wav but at the first words he was interrupted excellency said pastrini i am delighted to have your approbation but it was not for that i came NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0022.wav when you are told anything cannot be done there is an end of it it is much more convenient at paris when anything cannot be done you pay double and it is done directly that is what all the french say returned signor pastrini somewhat piqued NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0023.wav for that reason i do not understand why they travel but said albert emitting a volume of smoke and balancing his chair on its hind legs only madmen NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0024.wav or blockheads like us ever do travel men in their senses do not quit their hotel in the rue du helder their walk on the boulevard de gand and the cafe de paris it NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0025.wav signor pastrini remained silent a short time it was evident that he was musing over this answer which did not seem very clear but said franz in his turn interrupting his host's meditations NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0026.wav you had some motive for coming here may i beg to know what it was ah yes you have ordered your carriage at eight o'clock precisely i have you intend visiting il colosseo you mean the colosseum it is the same thing NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0027.wav what do you not know him i have not that honor you have never heard his name never well then he is a bandit compared to whom the decesaris and the gasparones were mere children NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0028.wav now then albert cried franz here is a bandit for you at last i forewarn you signor pastrini that i shall not believe one word of what you are going to tell us having told you this begin NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0029.wav once upon a time well go on signor pastrini turned toward franz who seemed to him the more reasonable of the two we must do him justice he had had a great many frenchmen in his house but had never been able to comprehend them NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0030.wav excellency said he gravely addressing franz if you look upon me as a liar it is useless for me to say anything it was for your interest albert does not say you are a liar signor pastrini said franz NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0031.wav but that he will not believe what you are going to tell us but i will believe all you say so proceed but if your excellency doubt my veracity signor pastrini returned franz NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0032.wav you are more susceptible than cassandra who was a prophetess and yet no one believed her while you at least are sure of the credence of half your audience come sit down and tell us all about this signor vampa NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0033.wav well what has this bandit to do with the order i have given the coachman to leave the city by the porta del popolo NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0034.wav this replied signor pastrini that you will go out by one but i very much doubt your returning by the other why asked franz because after nightfall you are not safe fifty yards from the gates NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0035.wav on your honor is that true cried albert count returned signor pastrini hurt at albert's repeated doubts of the truth of his assertions i do not say this to you but to your companion who knows rome NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0036.wav and knows too that these things are not to be laughed at my dear fellow said albert turning to franz here is an admirable adventure we will fill our carriage with pistols blunderbusses and double barrelled guns NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0037.wav luigi vampa comes to take us and we take him we bring him back to rome and present him to his holiness the pope who asks how he can repay so great a service then we merely ask for a carriage and a pair of horses and we see the carnival in the carriage NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0038.wav and doubtless the roman people will crown us at the capitol and proclaim us like curtius and the veiled horatius the preservers of their country NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0039.wav signor pastrini's face assumed an expression impossible to describe and pray asked franz where are these pistols blunderbusses and other deadly weapons with which you intend filling the carriage not out of my armory NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0040.wav for at terracina i was plundered even of my hunting knife NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0041.wav and level their pieces at you eh parbleu they should kill me the inn keeper turned to franz with an air that seemed to say your friend is decidedly mad my dear albert returned franz NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0042.wav your answer is sublime and worthy the let him die of corneille only when horace made that answer the safety of rome was concerned NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0043.wav albert poured himself out a glass of lacryma christi which he sipped at intervals muttering some unintelligible words well signor pastrini said franz now that my companion is quieted and you have seen how peaceful my intentions are NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0044.wav tell me who is this luigi vampa is he a shepherd or a nobleman young or old tall or short describe him in order that if we meet him by chance like bugaboo john or lara we may recognize him NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0045.wav you could not apply to any one better able to inform you on all these points for i knew him when he was a child and one day that i fell into his hands going from ferentino to alatri he fortunately for me NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0046.wav recollected me and set me free not only without ransom but made me a present of a very splendid watch and related his history to me let us see the watch said albert NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0047.wav bearing the name of its maker of parisian manufacture and a count's coronet here it is said he peste returned albert i compliment you on it i have its fellow he took his watch from his waistcoat pocket NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0048.wav and it cost me three thousand francs let us hear the history said franz motioning signor pastrini to seat himself NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0049.wav at the moment signor pastrini was about to open his mouth that you knew luigi vampa when he was a child NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0050.wav a young man he is only two and twenty he will gain himself a reputation what do you think of that albert at two and twenty to be thus famous yes and at his age alexander caesar and napoleon NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0051.wav he was born at pampinara and entered the count's service when he was five years old his father was also a shepherd who owned a small flock and lived by the wool and the milk which he sold at rome when quite a child the little vampa displayed a most extraordinary precocity NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0052.wav one day when he was seven years old he came to the curate of palestrina and asked to be taught to read it was somewhat difficult for he could not quit his flock but the good curate went every day to say mass at a little hamlet too poor to pay a priest and which NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0053.wav every day luigi led his flock to graze on the road that leads from palestrina to borgo every day at nine o'clock in the morning the priest and the boy sat down on a bank by the wayside NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0054.wav at the end of a week he wrote as well with this pen as with the stylus the curate related the incident to the count of san felice who sent for the little shepherd made him read and write before him ordered his attendant to let him eat with the domestics and to give him two piastres a month NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0055.wav with this luigi purchased books and pencils he applied his imitative powers to everything and like giotto when young he drew on his slate sheep houses and trees NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0056.wav it was thus that pinelli the famous sculptor had commenced a girl of six or seven that is a little younger than vampa tended sheep on a farm near palestrina she was an orphan born at valmontone and was named teresa the two children met NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0057.wav had been able to gain any influence over him or even to become his companion his disposition always inclined to exact concessions rather than to make them kept him aloof from all friendships teresa alone ruled by a look NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0058.wav the two piastres that luigi received every month from the count of san felice's steward and the price of all the little carvings in wood he sold at rome were expended in ear rings necklaces and gold hairpins so that thanks to her friend's generosity NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0059.wav teresa was the most beautiful and the best attired peasant near rome the two children grew up together passing all their time with each other and giving themselves up to the wild ideas of their different characters NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0060.wav thus in all their dreams their wishes and their conversations vampa saw himself the captain of a vessel general of an army or governor of a province teresa saw herself rich superbly attired NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0061.wav and attended by a train of liveried domestics then when they had thus passed the day in building castles in the air they separated their flocks and descended from the elevation of their dreams to the reality of their humble position NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0062.wav and prowl around his flock the steward gave him a gun this was what vampa longed for this gun had an excellent barrel made at breschia and carrying a ball with the precision of an english rifle but one day the count broke the stock NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0063.wav and had then cast the gun aside this however was nothing to a sculptor like vampa he examined the broken stock calculated what change it would require to adapt the gun to his shoulder and made a fresh stock NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0064.wav so beautifully carved that it would have fetched fifteen or twenty piastres had he chosen to sell it but nothing could be farther from his thoughts for a long time a gun had been the young man's greatest ambition in every country where independence has taken the place of liberty NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0065.wav the first desire of a manly heart is to possess a weapon which at once renders him capable of defence or attack and by rendering its owner terrible often makes him feared from this moment vampa devoted all his leisure time to perfecting himself in the use of his precious weapon NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0066.wav he purchased powder and ball and everything served him for a mark the trunk of some old and moss grown olivetree that grew on the sabine mountains the fox as he quitted his earth on some marauding excursion the eagle that soared above their heads NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0067.wav and thus he soon became so expert that teresa overcame the terror she at first felt at the report and amused herself by watching him direct the ball wherever he pleased with as much accuracy as if he placed it by hand NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0068.wav one evening a wolf emerged from a pine wood hear which they were usually stationed but the wolf had scarcely advanced ten yards ere he was dead proud of this exploit vampa took the dead animal on his shoulders and carried him to the farm NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0069.wav these exploits had gained luigi considerable reputation the man of superior abilities always finds admirers go where he will he was spoken of as the most adroit the strongest and the most courageous contadino for ten leagues around NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0070.wav and although teresa was universally allowed to be the most beautiful girl of the sabines no one had ever spoken to her of love because it was known that she was beloved by vampa and yet the two young people had never declared their affection NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0071.wav they had grown together like two trees whose roots are mingled whose branches intertwined and whose intermingled perfume rises to the heavens only their wish to see each other had become a necessity and they would have preferred death to a day's separation NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0072.wav teresa was sixteen and vampa seventeen NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0073.wav the brigands have never been really extirpated from the neighborhood of rome sometimes a chief is wanted but when a chief presents himself he rarely has to wait long for a band of followers the celebrated cucumetto NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0074.wav driven out of the kingdom of naples where he had carried on a regular war had crossed the garigliano like manfred and had taken refuge on the banks of the amasine between sonnino and juperno NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0075.wav he strove to collect a band of followers and followed the footsteps of decesaris and gasperone whom he hoped to surpass many young men of palestrina frascati and pampinara had disappeared NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0076.wav their disappearance at first caused much disquietude but it was soon known that they had joined cucumetto after some time cucumetto became the object of universal attention NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0077.wav the most extraordinary traits of ferocious daring and brutality were related of him one day he carried off a young girl the daughter of a surveyor of frosinone the bandit's laws are positive a young girl belongs first to him who carries her off NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0078.wav then the rest draw lots for her and she is abandoned to their brutality until death relieves her sufferings when their parents are sufficiently rich to pay a ransom a messenger is sent to negotiate the prisoner is hostage for the security of the messenger NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0079.wav when she recognized her lover the poor girl extended her arms to him and believed herself safe but carlini felt his heart sink for he but too well knew the fate that awaited her however as he was a favorite with cucumetto NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0080.wav as he had for three years faithfully served him and as he had saved his life by shooting a dragoon who was about to cut him down he hoped the chief would have pity on him he took cucumetto one side NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0081.wav while the young girl seated at the foot of a huge pine that stood in the centre of the forest made a veil of her picturesque head dress to hide her face from the lascivious gaze of the bandits there he told the chief all his affection for the prisoner NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0082.wav their promises of mutual fidelity and how every night since he had been near they had met in some neighboring ruins NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0083.wav cucumetto seemed to yield to his friend's entreaties and bade him find a shepherd to send to rita's father at frosinone carlini flew joyfully to rita telling her she was saved and bidding her write to her father to inform him what had occurred NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0084.wav and that her ransom was fixed at three hundred piastres twelve hours delay was all that was granted that is until nine the next morning the instant the letter was written carlini seized it and hastened to the plain to find a messenger NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0085.wav he found a young shepherd watching his flock the natural messengers of the bandits are the shepherds who live between the city and the mountains between civilized and savage life the boy undertook the commission promising to be in frosinone in less than an hour NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0086.wav carlini returned anxious to see his mistress and announce the joyful intelligence he found the troop in the glade supping off the provisions exacted as contributions from the peasants but his eye vainly sought rita and cucumetto among them NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0087.wav saying to the health of the brave cucumetto and the fair rita at this moment carlini heard a woman's cry he divined the truth seized the glass broke it across the face of him who presented it and rushed towards the spot NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0088.wav whence the cry came after a hundred yards he turned the corner of the thicket he found rita senseless in the arms of cucumetto at the sight of carlini cucumetto rose a pistol in each hand the two brigands looked at each other for a moment NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0089.wav the one with a smile of lasciviousness on his lips the other with the pallor of death on his brow a terrible battle between the two men seemed imminent but by degrees carlini's features relaxed his hand which had grasped one of the pistols in his belt NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0090.wav this young girl is charming and does credit to your taste now as i am not egotistical we will return to our comrades and draw lots for her have determined then to abandon her to the common law said carlini NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0091.wav why should an exception be made in her favor i thought that my entreaties' what right have you any more than the rest to ask for an exception is true NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0092.wav continued cucumetto laughing sooner or later your turn will come carlini's teeth clinched convulsively now then said cucumetto advancing towards the other bandits are you coming NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0093.wav he continued to follow the path to the glade but to his great surprise carlini arrived almost as soon as himself let us draw lots let us draw lots cried all the brigands when they saw the chief NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0094.wav their demand was fair and the chief inclined his head in sign of acquiescence the eyes of all shone fiercely as they made their demand and the red light of the fire made them look like demons the names of all including carlini were placed in a hat NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0095.wav and the youngest of the band drew forth a ticket the ticket bore the name of diovolaccio he was the man who had proposed to carlini the health of their chief NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0096.wav and to whom carlini replied by breaking the glass across his face a large wound extending from the temple to the mouth was bleeding profusely diovalaccio seeing himself thus favored by fortune burst into a loud laugh captain NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0097.wav diavolaccio said he calmly and he drank it off without his hand trembling in the least then sitting down by the fire my supper said he my expedition has given me an appetite NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0098.wav that is acting like a good fellow and they all formed a circle round the fire NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0099.wav carlini ate and drank as if nothing had happened the bandits looked on with astonishment at this singular conduct until they heard footsteps they turned round NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0100.wav that every one rose with the exception of carlini who remained seated and ate and drank calmly diavolaccio advanced amidst the most profound silence and laid rita at the captain's feet NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0101.wav i now understand why carlini stayed behind all savage natures appreciate a desperate deed no other of the bandits would perhaps have done the same but they all understood what carlini had done now then cried carlini NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0102.wav rising in his turn and approaching the corpse his hand on the butt of one of his pistols does any one dispute the possession of this woman with me NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0103.wav returned the chief she is thine carlini raised her in his arms and carried her out of the circle of firelight cucumetto placed his sentinels for the night and the bandits wrapped themselves in their cloaks and lay down before the fire NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0104.wav at midnight the sentinel gave the alarm and in an instant all were on the alert it was rita's father who brought his daughter's ransom in person here said he to cucumetto here are three hundred piastres give me back my child NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0105.wav but the chief without taking the money NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0106.wav the old man obeyed they both advanced beneath the trees through whose branches streamed the moonlight cucumetto stopped at last and pointed to two persons grouped at the foot of a tree there said he demand thy child of carlini NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0107.wav he will tell thee what has become of her and he returned to his companions the old man remained motionless he felt that some great and unforeseen misfortune hung over his head at length he advanced toward the group the meaning of which he could not comprehend NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0108.wav as he approached carlini raised his head and the forms of two persons became visible to the old man's eyes a woman lay on the ground her head resting on the knees of a man who was seated by her as he raised his head NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0109.wav the woman's face became visible the old man recognized his child and carlini recognized the old man i expected thee said the bandit to rita's father NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0110.wav i loved her therefore i slew her for she would have served as the sport of the whole band the old man spoke not and grew pale as death now continued carlini if i have done wrongly avenge her NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0111.wav and withdrawing the knife from the wound in rita's bosom he held it out to the old man with one hand while with the other he tore open his vest NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0112.wav returned the old man in a hoarse voice embrace me my son carlini threw himself sobbing like a child into the arms of his mistress's father these were the first tears the man of blood had ever wept now said the old man NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0113.wav aid me to bury my child carlini fetched two pickaxes and the father and the lover began to dig at the foot of a huge oak beneath which the young girl was to repose when the grave was formed the father kissed her first and then the lover NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0114.wav then extending his hand the old man said i thank you my son and now leave me alone NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0115.wav i command you carlini obeyed rejoined his comrades folded himself in his cloak and soon appeared to sleep as soundly as the rest it had been resolved the night before to change their encampment NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0116.wav an hour before daybreak cucumetto aroused his men and gave the word to march but carlini would not quit the forest without knowing what had become of rita's father he went toward the place where he had left him NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0117.wav he found the old man suspended from one of the branches of the oak which shaded his daughter's grave he then took an oath of bitter vengeance over the dead body of the one and the tomb of the other NIneFive83 +7367-86737-0118.wav he should have received a ball between his shoulders that astonishment ceased when one of the brigands remarked to his comrades that cucumetto was stationed ten paces in carlini's rear when he fell on the morning of the departure from the forest of frosinone NIneFive83 +7505-258964-0000.wav he multiplies many others we have noted many kinds of depreciation destruction and wearing out of wealth but the normal thing in a healthy society is an increase on the whole of rent bearers Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0001.wav the increase of rents is due to two causes changes in the agents by which they become more efficient technically or more numerous and changes taking place outside of the agents Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0002.wav affecting the utility of the products the first of these will be considered in this section the increase of the efficiency of agents is usually the aim of the individual producer Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0003.wav and thus is brought about an increase of the stock of wealth in some cases however improvements such as the dredging of harbors or as the protecting of forests are made by men collectively through the agency of governments Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0004.wav somewhere however the desire for these changes must arise in the minds of individuals increase of most things involves cost or sacrifice in the psychological sense Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0005.wav other tracts less fertile or for some reason less available are ditched tiled and diked and fertilizers are carried up steep hillsides to make a soil upon the very crags Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0006.wav enabling them to carry a greater amount of freight within a year Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0007.wav that make machines stronger quicker and better this proposition is not logically different from the preceding a machine is an arrangement of material things Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0008.wav through which force may be indirectly applied to move matter no fast line divides machinery as regards form purpose or cause of value from the artificially improved natural agents Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0009.wav that we have been discussing just as a field is drained plowed and cultivated to fit it better to yield a crop so is the iron ore shaped into a form Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0010.wav if the quality or efficiency of looms is doubled it is as if their number had grown in like proportion in its economic function the beast of burden may not illogically be classed with inanimate machines Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0011.wav and there was much comment on this evidence of a declining industry it was not at once recognized that there was embodied in horse flesh more horse power than ever before Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0012.wav so as to make a more efficient agent and machines in turn may be adjusted as parts of a larger system of production the ideal of the modern factory system is so to arrange the machinery Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0013.wav that no bit of material will make an unnecessary motion the log once started through the mill is carried automatically from one machine to another until it emerges as a roll of paper Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0014.wav or as a box of tooth picks ready for use in an american watch factory one man tends twelve or fifteen automatic machines a small brass rod is fed automatically to the machine Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0015.wav where it is ready for the assembling of the watch as the machinery improves factories making allied products are grouped to make a system still more efficient as the number of agents increases Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0016.wav they are distributed so as to be where most useful to the owner a man having two umbrellas keeps one at his office and the other at home a student having two books of the same kind Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0017.wav which capture the natural forces of the world put them into the right place at the right time and make them do the right thing or which group and relate the materials of the world in the right ways Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0018.wav some of the groupings in the chemical and physical world that do not fit man's purposes may be made to do so Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0019.wav but in doing that he affects the agents owned and controlled by others the ideal from a social standpoint is to increase not rent but the welfare of society Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0020.wav and this is not always the ideal of individuals seeking their own interest however as the efficiency of some agents rises it becomes unnecessary and unprofitable to use the less fertile fields Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0021.wav they cease to be rent bearers and the rent of the richer fields falls under the influence of the new supply of products some inventions suddenly increase the efficiency of free goods to such a degree Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0022.wav that the less efficient rented agents are thrown out of use and the margin of utilization is moved to a higher plane than it was on before improved types of machinery more or less rapidly displace the older Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0023.wav less efficient types which therefore more or less completely lose their rent bearing power long before they are physically worn out Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0024.wav when improvements in agriculture that are applicable to a considerable area of land take place and the product thus is increased and cheapened the poorer land is abandoned Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0025.wav agents of the same kind may diminish in number either absolutely or relatively Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0026.wav such a lucky find has lifted the mortgage from a farm in eastern pennsylvania from which in two or three years has been taken feldspar exceeding in value the agricultural products Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0027.wav of the same land in the last fifty years the discovery of building stone coal natural gas or oil land may make the annual rent or royalty Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0028.wav of land tenfold its former total value fitness to produce nettles is not ordinarily a virtue in land Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0029.wav but the discovery that certain fields produce a superior quality of the nettle used for heckling cloth causes them to take on a new value a mineral spring because of the Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0030.wav may be as good as a mine to the owner peculiar fitness for the cultivation of celery may convert marsh land into a substantial source of income Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0031.wav social changes are constantly causing agents to shift from lower to higher uses as population grows and groups about new industries farm land is used for residence lots Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0032.wav and in turn for business purposes rents therefore rise and this rise is reflected in the higher selling value of the land if a new demand arises for the product of any machine Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0033.wav its rent rises although it may continue to turn out the same product Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0034.wav may be relatively permanent or temporary business conditions sometimes change quickly an urgent demand for special machinery raises quickly its rent and value Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0035.wav it is said that lace machinery is sometimes thrown out of use for several years until a sudden renewal of the demand for lace causes the rental to equal in two years Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0036.wav more than the original cost at such times the value of factories increases greatly but after a few years of prosperity business again collapses Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0037.wav such prosperous periods are the opportunity of the business man and of the promoter to sell the factory at its highest price machinery adapted only for a special product Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0038.wav will not sell as readily when less needed for its special use as that which like a turning lathe can be used for many purposes but the more special the appliances needed for a certain product the higher Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0039.wav more abnormal will be their temporary value when they are suddenly needed land near the site of an exposition takes on a very Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0040.wav puts a check or sets a limit to the rise in this search for new devices the man who can see most quickly and clearly has a key to wealth Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0041.wav some kinds of agents as rare minerals or tools that can be produced only by highly skilled labor cannot be increased rapidly in number and remain high in price for a long period Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0042.wav and favorably located building sites illustrate the same principle in some cases it is true the demand may be due to some temporary cause Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0043.wav waterworks gas works street railways ferries and wharves this evidently is only a special illustration of the principle just stated where it is not easy to find a substitute for certain agents Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0044.wav public franchises entitle the owners to special sometimes exclusive privileges and protect them legally from competition not all franchises are valuable Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0045.wav many street railways are unfortunate ventures the earnings being insufficient to pay expenses to say nothing of interest on the investment but when they pay greatly Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0046.wav their high value is due to the impossibility of competition the cars mules dynamos steam engines Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0047.wav due to accidental and social causes raising the rents of wealth the term unearned increment may be defined as an increase in rents or value of agents Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0048.wav due to something other than the efforts or merits of the owner in fact it is that of which we have been speaking in some cases powerful or wealthy men Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0049.wav can bring about social changes in entirely legitimate ways the owner of a large factory moving it into the country may buy up surrounding land and found a city converting pasture lands and corn fields Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0050.wav is powerless to affect the result he can only adapt his conduct in some measure so as to reap an advantage he can strive to increase the number and quality Ron Lockhart +7505-258964-0051.wav as well as of gain the term unearned increment has been frequently used in recent years Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0000.wav satisfaction and gratification being only temporary conditions economic wants appear in more or less regularly recurring series impressions are short lived sensations are temporary Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0001.wav wants that have been satisfied recur wants recur for the same reason that they first arose no impression on the nerves or on the senses is lasting Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0002.wav the utility to that person of that thing or service for that particular moment falls it may be even to zero to keep wants satisfied is impossible we cannot do next year's reading or next week's eating now Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0003.wav in its power to gratify wants the closer the correspondence between the two series that of wants and that of goods the greater will be the total of gratification Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0004.wav or by society during the income period the term national or social income may be contrasted with individual or private income in the objective sense Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0005.wav only when goods are produced individuals may acquire income by gift bequest theft or other modes of transfer from other individuals in many cases the two kinds of income however agree Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0006.wav the objective income of society being the algebraic sum of the goods acquired or parted with by all the individuals we should not understand that either social or private objective incomes include only material goods Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0007.wav for many utilities and labor services that never take on a material or money expression are included in either case indeed we are close here to the conception of psychic income Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0008.wav must be a net addition but the term gross income is not without popular and practical meaning gross income is sometimes spoken of in the sense of total receipts Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0009.wav as the total of goods secured net income is the remainder after deducting expenditures and after replacing the goods employed to secure the income in order to produce some goods technically Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0010.wav men make use of other goods while they are storing up a supply of wood or coal it may be looked upon as the income but they may burn it to help grow hothouse plants Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0011.wav while they gather flowers with one hand they destroy fuel with the other only the net increase in value can be accounted income in the second period Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0012.wav the goods that come into a man's possession in any period are of many sorts to get some he has destroyed many previously existing goods Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0013.wav while to get others he has not needed to use up the accumulations of the past or to mortgage the future the one kind is gross the other net income Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0014.wav of a series of gratifications is a regular series of consumption goods but many things existing which could be used to secure a gratification are not in fact treated as consumption goods Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0015.wav a crop of corn is not all income in a time of famine it could be used but seed corn was saved from last year Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0016.wav it is true that everything called wealth is expected to contribute sooner or later in some way to the sum of gratifications it is for that reason it is called wealth it is however Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0017.wav a mere figure of speech to say indirect want gratifiers become want gratifying goods for example the engine transporting a load of coal is indirectly gratifying wants Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0018.wav between present and future incomes the value of the mass of wealth in possession and yielding income rests in large part upon its power of contributing to income in some future period thus Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0019.wav such as lands railroad stocks government bonds et cetera the income is funded because it corresponds to an abiding fund of wealth the income arising from current labor is unfunded Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0020.wav because there is no permanent fund of accumulated wealth corresponding to it the idea of regularity connected with funded income is not essential to the idea of income in general Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0021.wav if it is part of the sum of goods that flows in that is newly available for the man's use it is income but funded income is the more abiding for income from wages stops Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0022.wav the real income but certainly it is not income in the most essential sense things outside of men cannot be feelings they can only call out or occasion feeling Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0023.wav and reducible to psychic income some portions at least of the objective incomes of goods are continually by use becoming subjective incomes of enjoyment Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0024.wav men talk of material income as consisting of bushels of wheat head of cattle et cetera and of immaterial income as the uses that durable goods yield directly Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0025.wav or that men perform for each other e g those of the singer physician teacher judge all services that do not take on material form Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0026.wav there was a long standing dispute in economic literature regarding the difference between productive and unproductive labor productive labor was said to be that which embodied itself in abiding material form Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0027.wav the distinction led to some peculiar puzzles and paradoxes the bartender mixing drinks adds to the value of those ingredients in a minute that value is dissipated Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0028.wav according to the distinction in question he is a productive laborer because his services are embodied in material form whereas the lecturer is regarded as an unproductive laborer Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0029.wav but whether or not the service has for a moment embodied itself in material form is of no essential economic import Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0030.wav but a similar distinction is inconsistently preserved by many writers in the case of material things a building used as a factory is called productive Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0031.wav but used by the owner as a dwelling it is called unproductive because the service it renders does not appear in material form but the use of the house or that of land for a school ground or campus Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0032.wav and thus his felt dependence on goods extends over a series of future productive agents in order to simplify the problem we have spoken of the economic man as living only in and for the moment Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0033.wav if he had no more knowledge memory or imagination than is necessary to compare goods here only present goods could have value to him even the higher animals and much more the savages Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0034.wav to be used by a hungry man for food for a sheep to be kept for breeding or for wool to be made into cloth next year he may overlook the difference in the grade of wants compared in this case a gratification Ron Lockhart +7505-258958-0035.wav of the present moment is compared with a gratification of a very different kind at a future time the problem involved is complex because of differences in time in place and in the nature of the want gratifiers Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0000.wav their culture myth which he has recorded Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0001.wav the blood gushed from him at every step and as it fell turned into flint stones the victor returned to his grandmother and established his lodge in the far east on the borders of the great ocean whence the sun comes in time he became the father of mankind Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0002.wav of the early native traditions so strong is the resemblance ioskeha bears to michabo that what has been said in explanation of the latter will be sufficient for both Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0003.wav yet i do not imagine that the one was copied or borrowed from the other we cannot be too cautious in adopting such a conclusion the two nations were remote in everything but geographical position Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0004.wav i call to mind another similar myth in it a mother is also said to have brought forth twins or a pair of twins and to have paid for them with her life again the one is described as the bright Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0005.wav scholars likewise have interpreted the mother to mean the dawn the twins either light and darkness or the four winds yet this is not algonkin theology nor is it at all related to that of the iroquois Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0006.wav it is the story of sarama in the rig veda and was written in sanscrit under the shadow of the himalayas centuries before homer such uniformity points not to a common source in history Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0007.wav but in psychology man chiefly cognizant of his soul through his senses thought with an awful horror of the night which deprived him of the use of one and foreshadowed the loss of all therefore Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0008.wav light and life were to him synonymous therefore all religions promise to lead from night to light from night to heavenly light therefore he who rescues is ever the light of the world Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0009.wav a messiah fairer than the children of men fulfilled in that day when he appeared in garments so white as no fuller on earth could white them Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0010.wav language itself is proof of it many algonkin words for east morning dawn day light Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0011.wav are derived from a radical signifying white Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0012.wav but pachacama attacked and drove him to the north irritated at his defeat he took with him the rain and consequently to this day the sea coast of peru is largely an arid desert now when we are informed that the south wind Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0013.wav for asked the incas Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0014.wav for he was attacked with murderous intent by the beings whom he had created when however scorning such unequal combat he had manifested his power by hurling the lightning on the hill sides and consuming the forests Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0015.wav they recognized their maker and humbled themselves before him he was reconciled and taught them arts and agriculture institutions and religion meriting the title they gave him of pachayachachic Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0016.wav teacher of all things at last he disappeared in the western ocean four personages companions or sons were closely connected with him Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0017.wav to a third the east to a fourth the west Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0018.wav and that of michabo both precede and create the sun both journey to the west overcoming opposition with the thunderbolt both divide the world between the four winds both were the fathers gods and teachers of their nations Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0019.wav nor does it cease here michabo i have shown is the white spirit of the dawn viracocha all authorities translate Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0020.wav for his high priest always bore his name but he himself is a pure creation of the fancy and all his alleged history is nothing but a myth his emblematic name the bird serpent and his rebus and cross at Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0021.wav i have already explained others of his titles were Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0022.wav yolcuat the rattlesnake tohil the rumbler huemac the strong hand Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0023.wav the same dualism reappears in him that has been noted in his analogues elsewhere he is both lord of the eastern light and the winds as the former he was born of a virgin in the land of tula or tlapallan in the distant orient Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0024.wav he was figuratively said to sweep the road for him since in that country violent winds are the precursors of the wet seasons wherever he went all manner of singing birds bore him company emblems of the whistling breezes Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0025.wav the hill of shouting with such a mighty voice that it could be heard a hundred leagues around the arrows which he shot transfixed great trees the stones he threw levelled forests Ron Lockhart +7505-83618-0026.wav and when he laid his hands on the rocks the mark was indelible yet as thus emblematic of the thunder storm he possessed in full measure Ron Lockhart +8629-261139-0000.wav all the witnesses who had anything to say had long ago given in their testimony and when at or near noon Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0001.wav it was to find in two faces only any signs of the eagerness and expectancy which filled his own breast to suffocation but as these faces were those of agnes halliday and amabel page Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0002.wav he soon recognised that his own judgment was not at fault and that notwithstanding outward appearances and the languid interest shown in the now lagging proceedings Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0003.wav but vital consequence frederick was not visible in the great hall but that he was near at hand soon became evident from the change sweetwater now saw in amabel Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0004.wav for while she had hitherto sat under the universal gaze with only the faint smile of conscious beauty on her inscrutable features Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0005.wav and glanced at the great door of entrance with an evil expectancy that startled even sweetwater so little had he really understood the nature of the passions labouring in that venomous breast Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0006.wav smiled as she met his eye with that curious slow dipping of her dimples which had more than once confounded the coroner and rendered her at once the admiration and abhorrence of the crowd Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0007.wav looked away as soon as possible Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0008.wav from which he had removed the ring which up to this hour he had invariably worn on his third finger in this glance of hers and this action of his began the struggle that was to make that day memorable in many hearts Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0009.wav and to him a full attention was being given in the hope that some real enlightenment would come at last to settle the questions which had been raised by amabel's incomplete and unsatisfactory testimony but no man can furnish what he does not possess Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0010.wav and the few final minutes before noon passed by without any addition being made to the facts which had already been presented for general consideration as the witness sat down the clock began to strike as the slow Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0011.wav hesitating strokes rang out sweetwater saw frederick yield to a sudden but most profound emotion the old fear which we understand if sweetwater did not had again seized the victim of amabel's ambition Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0012.wav with a fell and steady purpose he found his right hand stealing toward the left in the significant action she expected better to yield than fall headlong into the pit one word of hers would open Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0013.wav he had not meant to yield but now that the moment had come now that he must at once and forever choose between a course that led simply to personal unhappiness and one that involved not only himself Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0014.wav but those dearest to him in disgrace and sorrow he felt himself weaken to the point of clutching at whatever would save him from the consequences of confession moral strength and that tenacity of purpose Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0015.wav which only comes from years of self control were too lately awakened in his breast to sustain him now as stroke after stroke fell on the ear he felt himself yielding beyond recovery Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0016.wav and had almost touched his finger in the significant action of assent which amabel awaited with breathless expectation when was it miracle or only the suggestion of his better nature Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0017.wav the memory of a face full of holy pleading rose from the past before his eyes and with an inner cry of mother he flung his hand out and clutched his father's arm in a way to break the charm of his own dread Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0018.wav and end forever the effects of the intolerable fascination that was working upon him next minute the last stroke of noon rang out and the hour was up which amabel had set as the limit of her silence a pause Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0019.wav which to their two hearts if to no others seemed strangely appropriate followed the cessation of these sounds then the witness was dismissed and amabel Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0020.wav when frederick leaping with a bound to his feet drew all eyes towards himself with the cry let me be put on my oath i have testimony to give of the utmost importance in this case the coroner was astounded Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0021.wav everyone was astounded no one had expected anything from him and instinctively every eye turned towards amabel to see how she was affected by his action strangely evidently Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0022.wav ever forgot though it conveyed no hint of her real feelings which were somewhat chaotic frederick who had forgotten her now that he had made up his mind to speak waited for the coroner's reply if you have testimony Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0023.wav said that gentleman after exchanging a few hurried words with mister courtney and the surprised knapp you can do no better than give it to us at once mister frederick sutherland will you take the stand Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0024.wav with a noble air from which all hesitation had vanished frederick started towards the place indicated but stopped before he had taken a half dozen steps Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0025.wav go he whispered but in so thrilling a tone it was heard to the remotest corner of the room spare me the anguish of saying what i have to say in your presence i could not bear it you could not bear it later Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0026.wav if you will wait for me in one of these rooms i will repeat my tale in your ears but go now it is my last entreaty there was a silence no one ventured a dissent Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0027.wav no one so much as made a gesture of disapproval then mister sutherland struggled to his feet cast one last look around him and disappeared through a door which had opened like magic before him then and not till then Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0028.wav did frederick move forward the moment was intense the coroner seemed to share the universal excitement Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0029.wav this you will believe when i tell you that i was the person miss page followed into missus webb's house and whom she heard descend the stairs during the moment she crouched behind the figure of the sleeping philemon it was more Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0030.wav infinitely more than anyone there had expected Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0031.wav and the shock the surprise Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0032.wav was almost appalling in its intensity had it not been for the consciousness of mister sutherland's near presence the feeling would have risen to outbreak and many voices were held in subjection by the remembrance of this venerated man's last look Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0033.wav that otherwise would have made themselves heard in despite of the restrictions of the place and the authority of the police to frederick it was a moment of immeasurable grief and humiliation Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0034.wav on every face in every shrinking form in subdued murmurs and open cries he read instant and complete condemnation and yet in all his life from boyhood up to this hour never had he been so worthy of their esteem and consideration Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0035.wav he did not lose his determined attitude he had observed a change in amabel and a change in agnes and if only to disappoint the vile triumph of the one Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0036.wav he withstood the clamour and began speaking again before the coroner had been able to fully restore quiet i know said he Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0037.wav but if anyone who listens to me thinks me guilty of the death i was so unfortunate as to have witnessed Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0038.wav doctor talbot and you gentlemen of the jury in the face of god and man i here declare that missus webb in my presence and before my eyes Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0039.wav gave to herself the blow which has robbed us all of a most valuable life she was not murdered it was a solemn assertion but it failed to convince the crowd before him as by one impulse men and women broke into a tumult Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0040.wav she was too good it's all calumny a wretched lie broke in unrestrained excitement from every part of the large room in vain the coroner smote with his gavel in vain the local police endeavoured to restore order Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0041.wav the tide was up and over swept everything for an instant Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0042.wav of amabel smoothing out the folds of her crisp white frock with an incredulous almost insulting smile that at once fixed attention again on frederick he seized the occasion and spoke up in a tone of great resolve Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0043.wav i have made an assertion said he before god and before this jury to make it seem a credible one i shall have to tell my own story from the beginning am i allowed to do so mister coroner you are Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0044.wav was the firm response then gentlemen continued frederick still without looking at amabel whose smile had acquired a mockery that drew the eyes of the jury toward her more than once during the following recital Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0045.wav you know and the public generally now know that missus webb has left me the greater portion of the money of which she died possessed i have never before acknowledged to anyone not even to the good man who awaits this jury's verdict Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0046.wav on the other side of that door yonder that she had reasons for this good reasons reasons of which up to the very evening of her death Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0047.wav or that i was the special object of her attention or that we were under any mutual obligations in any way why then i should have thought of going to her in the great strait in which i found myself on that day Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0048.wav i cannot say i knew she had money in her house this i had unhappily been made acquainted with in an accidental way Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0049.wav and quite capable of doing a very unselfish act still this would not seem to be reason enough for me to intrude upon her late at night with a plea for a large loan of money had i not been in a desperate condition of mind Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0050.wav which made any attempt seem reasonable that promised relief from the unendurable burden of a pressing and disreputable debt i was obliged to have money a great deal of money and i had to have it at once Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0051.wav as i had been told early in the evening a small entertainment was being given which would insure its being open even at so late an hour as midnight miss page who will i am sure pardon the introduction of her name into this narrative Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0052.wav has taken pains to declare to you that in the expedition she herself made into town that evening she followed some person's steps down hill this is very likely true and those steps were probably mine for after leaving the house by the garden door Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0053.wav and so hastened on till i came to the gate on high street here i had a moment of hesitation and thoughts bitter enough for me to recall them at this moment came into my mind Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0054.wav but they passed thank god and with no more desperate feeling than a sullen intention of having my own way about this money i lifted the latch of the front door and stepped in Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0055.wav or at least to hear the sound of merry voices and laughter in the rooms above but no sounds of any sort awaited me indeed the house seemed strangely silent for one so fully lighted and astonished at this Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0056.wav i pushed the door ajar at my left and looked in an unexpected and pitiful sight awaited me Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0057.wav i saw the master of the house with his head sunk forward on his arms asleep the expected guests had failed to arrive and he tired out with waiting had fallen into a doze at the board Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0058.wav this was a condition of things for which i was not prepared missus webb whom i wished to see was probably up stairs and while i might summon her by a sturdy rap on the door beside which i stood i had so little desire to wake her husband Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0059.wav of whose mental condition i was well aware that i could not bring myself to make any loud noise within his hearing yet i had not the courage to retreat all my hope of relief from the many difficulties that menaced me Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0060.wav lay in the generosity of this great hearted woman and if out of pusillanimity Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0061.wav nothing but shame and disaster awaited me yet how could i hope to lure her down stairs without noise i could not and so yielding to the impulse of the moment without any realisation Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0062.wav i slipped up the narrow staircase Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0063.wav for she rose and meeting my eye with a gaze in which shock and some strange and poignant agony totally incomprehensible to me were strangely blended she cried out no no frederick you don't know what you are doing Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0064.wav if you want my money take it if you want my life Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0065.wav don't stain yours don't i did not understand her i did not know until i thought it over afterward that my hand was thrust convulsively into my breast in a way which taken with my wild mien Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0066.wav give then i want hundreds thousands now now to save myself disgrace shame prison await me if i don't have them give give and my hand went out toward it not toward her Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0067.wav but she mistook the action mistook my purpose and Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0068.wav more than the outward seeming of her life can hardly measure plunged against it and i can tell you no more her blood and batsy's shriek from the adjoining room swam through my consciousness and then she fell as i supposed Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0069.wav and i in scarcely better case fell also this as god lives is the truth concerning the wound found in the breast of this never to be forgotten woman the feeling the pathos the anguish even to be found in his tone made this story Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0070.wav seemed appear for the moment plausible and batsy asked the coroner must have fallen when we did for i never heard her voice after the first scream but i shall speak of her again Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0071.wav what i must now explain is how the money in missus webb's drawer came into my possession and how the dagger she had planted in her breast came to be found on the lawn outside when i came to myself and that must have been very soon i found Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0072.wav that the blow of which i had been such a horrified witness had not yet proved fatal the eyes i had seen close as i had supposed forever were now open and she was looking at me with a smile that has never left my memory and never will Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0073.wav there is no blood on you she murmured you did not strike the blow Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0074.wav there are five hundred dollars on that table take them and let them pave your way to a better life Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0075.wav do these words this action of hers seem incredible to you sirs alas alas they will not when i tell you and here he cast one anxious deeply anxious glance at the room in which mister sutherland was hidden Shivansh Dhar +8629-261139-0076.wav that unknown to me unknown to anyone living but herself unknown to that good man from whom it can no longer be kept hidden agatha webb was my mother Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0000.wav and gradually subside so this crowd yielded to its awe and man by man sank back into his seat till quiet was again restored and only a circle of listening faces confronted the man who had just stirred a whole roomful to its depths Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0001.wav seeing this and realising his opportunity frederick at once entered into the explanations for which each heart there panted this will be overwhelming news to him who has cared for me since infancy Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0002.wav you have heard him call me son with what words shall i overthrow his confidence in the truth and rectitude of his long buried wife and make him know in his old age that he has wasted years of patience upon one who was not of his blood Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0003.wav or lineage the wonder the incredulity you manifest are my best excuse for my long delay in revealing the secret entrusted to me by this dying woman an awed silence greeted these words Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0004.wav the astounding fact which i have just communicated to you was made known by my mother with the dagger still plunged in her breast she would not let me draw it out she knew that death would follow that act Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0005.wav and she prized every moment remaining to her because of the bliss she enjoyed of seeing Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0006.wav the love the passion Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0007.wav transformed me in an instant from a selfish brute into a deeply repentant man i knelt before her in anguish i made her feel that wicked as i had been i was not Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0008.wav and when i saw by her clearing brow and peaceful look that i had fully persuaded her of this i let her speak what words she would and tell as she was able Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0009.wav it is a sacred story to me and if you must know it let it be from her own words in the letters she left behind her she only told me that to save me from the fate of the children who had preceded me Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0010.wav and under circumstances calculated to deceive mister sutherland consequently he had never known i was not his own child Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0011.wav she enjoined me not to enlighten him now if by any sacrifice on my part i could rightfully avoid it that she was happy in having me hear the truth before she died that the joy which this gave her was so great Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0012.wav she did not regret her fatal act violent and uncalled for as it was for it had showed her my heart and allowed me to read hers Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0013.wav and she made me promise i would care for him to the last with tenderness saying that i would be able to do this without seeming impropriety since she had willed me all her fortune under this proviso finally Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0014.wav and though her strength and breath were fast failing her she made me understand that she was worried about the zabels who had not come according to a sacred custom between them to celebrate the anniversary of her wedding Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0015.wav and prayed me to see the two old gentlemen before i slept since nothing but death or dire distress would have kept them from gratifying the one whim of my father's failing mind i promised Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0016.wav she pointed to the dagger in her breast but before i could lay my hand upon it she called for batsy i want her to hear me declare before i go said she that this stroke was delivered by myself upon myself Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0017.wav but when i rose to look for batsy i found that the shock of her mistress's fatal act had killed her Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0018.wav in case my presence in this house of death should become known Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0019.wav for fear it would make her last moments miserable Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0020.wav but was too terrified to move or speak and this satisfied my mother and made her last breath one of trust and contented love she died as i drew the dagger from her breast Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0021.wav and flung it wildly from the window then i lifted her and laid her where you found her on the sofa Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0022.wav james zabel much less that it bore his initials on the handle he paused and the awe occasioned by the scene he had described was so deep and the silence so prolonged that a shudder passed over the whole assemblage Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0023.wav when from some unknown quarter a single cutting voice arose in this one short mocking comment oh the fairy tale was it amabel who spoke some thought so and looked her way Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0024.wav as if begging pardon for the wicked doubts which had driven him to this defence frederick met that look with one so severe it partook of harshness then resuming his testimony he said Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0025.wav and of how one of them james by name came to be involved in this affair when i left my dead mother's side i was in such a state of mind that i passed with scarcely so much as a glance the room where my new found father sat sleeping Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0026.wav but as i hastened on toward the quarter where the zabels lived i was seized by such compunction for his desolate state that i faltered in my rapid flight and did not arrive at the place of my destination as quickly as i intended when i did Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0027.wav but i did not turn away remembering my mother's anxiety an anxiety so extreme it disturbed her final moments i approached the front door and was about to knock when i found it open greatly astonished i at once passed in Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0028.wav and seeing my way perfectly in the moonlight entered the room on the left the door of which also stood open it was the second house i had entered unannounced that night and in this as in the other Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0029.wav i encountered a man sitting asleep by the table it was john the elder of the two and perceiving that he was suffering for food and in a condition of extreme misery i took out the first bill my hand encountered Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0030.wav as i did so he gave a sigh but did not wake Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0031.wav i hastened away and took the shortest path home had i been more of a man or if my visit to missus webb had been actuated by a more communicable motive i would have gone at once to the good man who believed me to be of his own flesh and blood Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0032.wav and told him of the strange and heart rending adventure which had changed the whole tenor of my thoughts and life Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0033.wav in which i found myself placed but the memory of a thousand past ingratitudes together with the knowledge of the shock which he could not fail to receive on learning at this late day Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0034.wav was neither of her blood nor his rose up between us and caused me not only to attempt silence but to secrete in the adjoining woods the money i had received in the vain hope that all visible connection between myself and my mother's tragic death Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0035.wav would thus be lost you see i had not calculated on miss amabel page Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0036.wav startled the crowd and gave sweetwater already suffering under shock after shock of mingled surprise and wonder Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0037.wav and that something besides justice had actuated amabel in her treatment of this young man this feeling was shared by others and a reaction set in in frederick's favour which even affected the officials who were conducting the inquiry Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0038.wav frederick himself felt the change and showed it by the look of relief and growing confidence he cast at agnes of the questions and answers which now passed between him and the various members of the jury i need give no account Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0039.wav they but emphasised facts already known and produced but little change in the general feeling Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0040.wav when he was allowed to resume his seat Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0041.wav she rose with a bound nought that she had anticipated had occurred facts of which she could know nothing had changed the aspect of affairs and made the position of frederick something so remote from any she could have imagined Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0042.wav that she was still in the maze of the numberless conflicting emotions which these revelations were calculated to call out in one who had risked all on the hazard of a die and lost she did not even know at this moment whether she was glad or sorry he could explain so cleverly Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0043.wav she had not a pure enough heart to do so to her all self sacrifice was an anomaly no woman of the mental or physical strength of agatha webb would plant a dagger in her own breast just to prevent another person from committing a crime Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0044.wav were he lover husband or son so amabel believed and so would these others believe also when once relieved of the magnetic personality of this extraordinary witness Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0045.wav yet how thrilling it had been to hear him plead his cause so well it was almost worth the loss of her revenge to meet his look of hate and dream of the possibility of turning it later into the old look of love yes yes she loved him now Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0046.wav not even for his money for she could contemplate its loss but for himself who had so boldly shown that he was stronger than she and could triumph over her by the sheer force of his masculine daring Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0047.wav with such feelings Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0048.wav how conduct herself under questions which would be much more searching now than before she could not even decide in her own mind she must let impulse have its way happily she took the right stand at first Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0049.wav she did not endeavour to make any corrections in her former testimony only acknowledging that the flower whose presence on the scene of death had been such a mystery had fallen from her hair at the ball and that she had seen frederick pick it up and put it in his buttonhole Shivansh Dhar +8629-261140-0050.wav beyond this and the inferences it afterward awakened in her mind she would not go Shivansh Dhar +8770-295462-0000.wav chapter eighteen how emancipation came to pass when abraham lincoln was a small boy he began to show the keenest sympathy for the helpless and oppressed the only time he betrayed anger as a child Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0001.wav when he saw the other boys hurting a mud turtle in his first school composition on cruelty to animals his stepsister remembers this sentence an ant's life is as sweet to it Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0002.wav as ours is to us as you have read on an earlier page when abe grew to be a big strong boy he saved a drunken man from freezing in the mud by carrying him to a cabin Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0003.wav not only from mud and cold but also from a drunkard's grave for that tall lad's love and mercy revealed to the poor creature the terrible slavery of which he was the victim Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0004.wav he delivered an address before the washingtonian temperance society in which he compared white slavery with black in which he said and when the victory shall be complete Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0005.wav this is the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the birth of washington we are met to celebrate this day washington is the mightiest name of earth long since the mightiest in the cause of civil liberty Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0006.wav still mightiest in moral reformation on that name no eulogy is expected it cannot be to add to the brightness of the sun or glory to the name of washington is alike impossible Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0007.wav which did so much to bring about in time a double emancipation from white slavery and black once as president he said to a boy who had just signed the temperance pledge now sonny Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0008.wav keep that pledge and it will be the best act of your life president lincoln was true and consistent in his temperance principles in march eighteen sixty four he went by steamboat with his wife Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0009.wav and little tad to visit general grant at his headquarters at city point virginia when asked how he was during the reception which followed his arrival there the president said as related by general horace porter Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0010.wav that's the best remedy i know of for sea sickness no no my young friend replied the president i've seen many a man in my time seasick ashore from drinking that very article Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0011.wav and the bitterest name his enemies called him worse in their minds than fool clown imbecile or gorilla was a black republican Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0012.wav the more they needed his sympathetic help the more certain they were to receive it my sympathies are with the under dog said mister lincoln one day though it is often that dog that starts the fuss Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0013.wav did not make him forfeit abraham lincoln's sympathy that was only a good lesson to him to look out and do better next time the question of emancipation Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0014.wav if the government could not back up such a declaration the other party did not wish the matter tampered with as cheap labor was necessary for raising cotton sugar and other products on which the living of millions of people depended Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0015.wav the extreme abolitionists who wished slavery abolished whether or no sent men to tell the president that if he did not free the slaves he was a coward and a turncoat Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0016.wav and they would withhold their support from the government and the army delegations of abolitionists from all over the north arrived almost daily from different cities to urge coax and threaten the president Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0017.wav washington the national capital would have been surrounded and forced to surrender besides at this time the armies of the north were losing nearly all the battles Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0018.wav it would be like the pope's bull or decree against the comet a delegation of chicago ministers came to beg mister lincoln to free the slaves he patiently explained to them Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0019.wav compels me to say to you in reply that it is a message from our divine master through me commanding you sir to open the doors of bondage Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0020.wav now isn't that strange the president replied instantly here i am studying this question day and night and god has placed it upon me too Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0021.wav don't you think it's rather odd that he should send such a message by way of that awful wicked city of chicago the ministers were shocked at such an answer from the president of the united states Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0022.wav they could not know for mister lincoln dared not tell them that he had the emancipation proclamation in his pocket waiting for a federal victory before he could issue it the proclamation Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0023.wav then came the news of antietam a terrible battle but gained by the northern arms at last the time had come to announce the freeing of the slaves that they might help in winning their liberties Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0024.wav the president had not held a meeting of his cabinet for some time he thought of the occasion when as a young man he went on a flatboat trip to new orleans and saw Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0025.wav i'll hit it hard now the chance to hit that thing the inhuman monster of human slavery had come and he was going to hit it hard he called the cabinet together Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0026.wav edwin m stanton the secretary of war has described the scene on the twenty second of september eighteen sixty two i had a sudden and peremptory call to a cabinet meeting at the white house Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0027.wav i went immediately and found the historic war cabinet of abraham lincoln assembled every member being present the president hardly noticed me as i came in Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0028.wav let me read you a chapter that is very funny not a member of the cabinet smiled as for myself i was angry and looked to see what the president meant it seemed to me like buffoonery Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0029.wav he however concluded to read us a chapter from artemus ward which he did with great deliberation having finished he laughed heartily without a member of the cabinet joining in the laughter Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0030.wav well he said let's have another chapter i was considering whether i should rise and leave the meeting abruptly when he threw the book down heaved a long sigh and said Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0031.wav gentlemen why don't you laugh with the fearful strain that is upon me night and day if i did not laugh i should die and you need this medicine as much as i do Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0032.wav he then put his hand in his tall hat that sat upon the table and pulled out a little paper turning to the members of the cabinet he said gentlemen i have called you here upon very important business Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0033.wav it is due to my cabinet that you should be the first to hear and know of it and if any of you have any suggestions to make as to the form of this paper or its composition i shall be glad to hear them Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0034.wav which was to take effect the first of january following secretary stanton continued i have always tried to be calm but i think i lost my calmness for a moment and with great enthusiasm i arose Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0035.wav approached the president extended my hand and said mister president if the reading of chapters of artemus ward is a prelude to such a deed as this the book should be filed among the archives of the nation Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0036.wav and the author should be canonized henceforth i see the light and the country is saved and all said amen and lincoln said to me in a droll way just as i was leaving Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0037.wav that declaration young abe lincoln first read in the gentryville constable's copy of the statutes of indiana at noon on the first of january eighteen sixty three Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0038.wav william h seward secretary of state with his son frederick called at the white house with the emancipation document to be signed by the president it was just after the regular new year's day reception Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0039.wav mister lincoln seated himself at his table took up the pen dipped it in the ink held the pen a moment then laid it down after waiting a while he went through the same movements as before Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0040.wav turning to his secretary of state he said to explain his hesitation Paul Simonin +8770-295462-0041.wav looking up at the sewards father and son he smiled and said with a sigh of relief Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0000.wav chapter twenty one lieutenant tad lincoln patriot there was no more sturdy little patriot in the whole country than lieutenant tad lincoln the child of the nation Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0001.wav nor had the president of the united states a more devoted admirer and follower than his own small son a word from his father would melt the lad to tears and submission or bring him out of a nervous tantrum with his Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0002.wav wreathed with smiles and a chuckling in his throat of papa day my papa day no one knew exactly what the boy meant by papa day it was his pet name for the dearest man on earth Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0003.wav and it was his only way of expressing the greatest pleasure his boyish heart was able to hold it was the sweetest word ever heard by the war burdened crushed and sorrowing soul of the broken hearted president of the united states Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0004.wav mister lincoln took his youngest son with him everywhere on his great mission to fortress monroe and they the long and the short of it the soldiers said marched hand in hand through the streets of fallen richmond Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0005.wav became perfectly right and proper when certain unknown facts were taken into account waving the stars and bars out of a white house window for instance one night Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0006.wav in a soldier's uniform if he don't know any better than that said one man he should be taught better it's an insult to the north and the president ought to stop it and apologize too Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0007.wav but that his heart went out also to the boys in gray the soldiers were all boys to him they knew he loved them they said among themselves he cares for us he takes our part Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0008.wav we will fight for him yes we will die for him and a large part of the common soldier's patriotism was this heart response of the boys to the great boy in the white house Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0009.wav for the younger soldiers the real boys of the army going always with the president he had heard his papa day say of several youths condemned to be shot for sleeping at their post or some like offense Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0010.wav that boy is worth more above ground than under or a live boy can serve his country better than a dead one give the boys a chance was abraham lincoln's motto Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0011.wav and he wanted all other boys to have a fair show his own father had been too hard with him and he was going to make it up to all the other boys he could reach this passion for doing good to others Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0012.wav began in the log cabin when he had no idea he could ever be exercising his loving kindness in the executive mansion the home of the nation with malice toward none with charity for all was the rule of his life Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0013.wav in the backwoods as well as in the national capital and the boys in gray were his boys too but they didn't understand so they had wandered away they were a little wayward but he would win them back Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0014.wav the great chivalrous south has learned since those bitter ruinous days that abraham lincoln was the best friend the south then had in the north tad had seen his father show great tenderness to all the boys Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0015.wav he met in the gray uniform but the president had few opportunities to show his tenderness to the south though there was a secret pigeonhole in his desk stuffed full of threats of assassination he was not afraid of death Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0016.wav and the country any good but it hurt him deep in his heart to know that some of his beloved children misunderstood him so that they were willing to kill him it was no one's bullet which made abraham lincoln a martyr Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0017.wav all his life he had shown the spirit of love which was willing to give his very life if it could save or help others all these things little tad could not have explained Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0018.wav but they were inbred into the deep understanding of the big father and the small son who were living in the white house as boys together Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0019.wav mister lincoln had written a short address for the occasion the times were so out of joint and every word was so important that the president could not trust himself to speak off hand a friend stepped out on the northern portico with him Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0020.wav to hold the candle by which mister lincoln was to read his speech little tad was with his father as usual and when the president had finished reading a page of his manuscript he let it flutter down like a leaf or a big white butterfly Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0021.wav for tad to catch when the pages came too slowly the boy pulled his father's coat tail piping up in a muffled excited tone give me nother paper papa day Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0022.wav it seemed ridiculous that the president of the united states should allow any child to behave like that and hamper him while delivering a great address which would wield a national if not world wide influence Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0023.wav we meet this evening not in sorrow but gladness of heart the evacuation of petersburg and richmond and the surrender of the principal insurgent army at appomattox give hope of a righteous and speedy peace Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0024.wav and will be duly promulgated give us dixie boys then he went on outlining a policy of peace and friendship toward the south showing a spirit far higher Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0025.wav and more advanced than that of the listening crowd on concluding his address and bidding the assembled multitude good night he turned to the serenading band and shouted joyously give us dixie boys play dixie Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0026.wav we have a right to that tune now there was a moment of silence some of the people gasped as they had done when they saw tad waving the confederate flag at the window Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0027.wav as mister lincoln came in through the door after speaking to the crowd missus lincoln who had been with a group of friends looking on from within exclaimed to him you must not be so careless Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0028.wav some one could easily have shot you while you were speaking there and you know they are threatening your life the president smiled at his wife through a look of inexpressible pain and sadness and shrugged his great shoulders Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0029.wav but still he answered not a word the separation of the two boys at a late hour good friday night that same week little tad came in alone at a basement door of the white house from the national theater Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0030.wav and some of the company had made a great pet of him Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0031.wav like a wounded animal seeing thomas pendel the faithful doorkeeper he wailed from his breaking heart tom pen tom pen they have killed papa day they have killed my papa day Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0032.wav and now his mother was desperately ill and his father had been killed tad of course could not comprehend why any one could be so cruel and wicked as to wish to murder his darling papa day Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0033.wav who loved every one so he wandered through the empty rooms aching with loneliness murmuring softly to himself papa day where's my papa day i'm tired Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0034.wav tired of playing alone i want to play together please papa day come back and play with your little tad young though he was he could not sleep long at night Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0035.wav his sense of loneliness penetrated his dreams sometimes he would chuckle and gurgle in an ecstacy as he had done when riding on his father's back romping through the stately rooms Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0036.wav tad opened his eyes wide with wonder is papa day happy in heaven he asked eagerly yes yes i'm sure he's happy there taddie dear now go to sleep Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0037.wav papa day's happy i'm glad so glad sighed the little boy for papa day never was happy here then he fell into his first sweet sleep since that terrible night Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0038.wav give the boys a chance the fond hearted little fellow went abroad with his mother a few years after the tragedy that broke both their lives by a surgical operation and by struggling manfully Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0039.wav he had corrected the imperfection in his speech but the heart of little tad had been broken while still a lad he joined his fond father in the beyond give the boys a chance had amounted to a passion with abraham lincoln Paul Simonin +8770-295465-0040.wav for this as for all the inequities the great heart of the white house was prepared his spirit had shone through his whole life as if in letters of living fire with malice toward none with charity for all Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0000.wav chapter nineteen the glory of gettysburg the battle Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0001.wav if lee had been victorious there he might have destroyed philadelphia and new york by such a brilliant stroke he could have surrounded and captured baltimore and washington this would have changed the grand result of the war Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0002.wav in point of numbers bravery and genius the battle of gettysburg was the greatest that had ever been fought up to that time glorious as this was Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0003.wav the greatest glory of gettysburg lay in the experiences and utterances of one man abraham lincoln president of the united states of america it came at a terrible time in the progress of the war Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0004.wav accounted victory enough for the president to issue his emancipation proclamation proved to be a drawn battle with terrific losses on both sides lee was driven back from maryland then it is true Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0005.wav but he soon won the great battles of fredericksburg and chancellorsville and had made his way north into pennsylvania the night after the battle of chancellorsville Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0006.wav was the darkest in the history of the civil war president lincoln walked the floor the whole night long crying out in his anguish o what will the country say Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0007.wav after winning the battle of gettysburg which the president hoped would end the war general meade instead of announcing that he had captured the confederate army stated that he had driven the invaders from our soil Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0008.wav believing he was on god's side he felt that the cause of right could not lose for the lord would save his own the next day july fourth eighteen sixty three came the surrender of vicksburg Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0009.wav the stronghold of the great west Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0010.wav calling on general sickles in a washington hospital for the general had lost a leg on the second day of the battle of gettysburg the president was asked why he believed that victory would be given the federal forces at gettysburg Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0011.wav i will tell you how it was in the pinch of your campaign up there when everybody seemed panic stricken Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0012.wav that if he would stand by our boys at gettysburg i would stand by him and he did and i will the president's call on general sickles was on the sunday after the three days battle of gettysburg Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0013.wav before the arrival of the gunboat at cairo illinois with the glad tidings from vicksburg which added new luster to the patriotic joy of independence day the telegraph wires Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0014.wav had been so generally cut on all sides of vicksburg that the news was sent to cairo and telegraphed to washington in proof that his faith even included the mississippi blockade he went on besides Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0015.wav i have been praying over vicksburg also and believe our heavenly father is going to give us victory there too because we need it in order to bisect the confederacy Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0016.wav prominent in national and educational affairs and the greatest living orator was invited to deliver the grand oration the president was asked if he could to come and make a few dedicatory remarks Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0017.wav but mister everett was to be the chief speaker of the occasion the sunday before the nineteenth of november eighteen sixty three the date of the dedication the president went with his friend noah brooks Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0018.wav to gardner's gallery in washington where he had promised to sit for his photograph while there he showed mister brooks a proof of everett's oration which had been sent to him as this printed address covered two newspaper pages Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0019.wav when mister brooks asked about his speech for that occasion mister lincoln replied i've got it written but not licked into shape yet it's short short short Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0020.wav during the forenoon of the eighteenth secretary john hay was anxious lest the president be late for the special presidential train which was to leave at noon for gettysburg don't worry john said mister lincoln Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0021.wav don't hurry boys there won't be anything going on till i get there when the train stopped on the way to gettysburg a little girl on the platform held up a bouquet to mister lincoln lisping flowerth for the prethident Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0022.wav he reached out took her up and kissed her saying you're a sweet little rosebud yourself i hope your life will open into perpetual beauty and goodness Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0023.wav about noon on the nineteenth of november the distinguished party arrived in a procession and took seats on the platform erected for the exercises the president was seated in a rocking chair placed there for him Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0024.wav there were fifteen thousand people waiting Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0025.wav watching her while the president of the united states was fanning her tenderly this was too much for her she gasped i feel better now i want to go back to my husband Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0026.wav the fact that the president was speaking was sufficient no matter what he said the people would have applauded abraham lincoln if he had merely recited the multiplication table Paul Simonin +8770-295463-0027.wav which the president decided to attend taking secretary seward with him he called on an old cobbler named john burns of whose courage in the battle of gettysburg mister lincoln had just heard Paul Simonin +1723-141149-0000.wav ponsonby sound build wigwams and settle the fuegians bifurcation of the beagle channel glaciers return to the ship second visit in the ship to the settlement equality of condition amongst the natives Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0001.wav having now finished with patagonia and the falkland islands i will describe our first arrival in tierra del fuego a little after noon we doubled cape saint diego and entered the famous strait of le maire Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0002.wav we kept close to the fuegian shore but the outline of the rugged inhospitable statenland was visible amidst the clouds in the afternoon we anchored in the bay of good success while entering we were saluted in a manner becoming the inhabitants of this savage land Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0003.wav a group of fuegians partly concealed by the entangled forest were perched on a wild point overhanging the sea and as we passed by they sprang up and waving their tattered cloaks sent forth a loud and sonorous shout the savages followed the ship Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0004.wav and just before dark we saw their fire and again heard their wild cry the harbour consists of a fine piece of water half surrounded by low rounded mountains of clay slate which are covered to the water's edge by one dense gloomy forest Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0005.wav a single glance at the landscape was sufficient to show me how widely different it was from anything i had ever beheld at night it blew a gale of wind and heavy squalls from the mountains swept past us Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0006.wav and we as well as others may call this good success bay in the morning the captain sent a party to communicate with the fuegians when we came within hail Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0007.wav and began to shout most vehemently wishing to direct us where to land when we were on shore the party looked rather alarmed but continued talking and making gestures with great rapidity it was without exception the most curious and interesting spectacle i ever beheld Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0008.wav i could not have believed how wide was the difference between savage and civilized man it is greater than between a wild and domesticated animal Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0009.wav the chief spokesman was old and appeared to be the head of the family the three others were powerful young men about six feet high the women and children had been sent away these fuegians are a very different race from the stunted miserable wretches farther westward Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0010.wav and they seem closely allied to the famous patagonians of the strait of magellan their only garment consists of a mantle made of guanaco skin with the wool outside this they wear just thrown over their shoulders leaving their persons as often exposed as covered Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0011.wav his face was crossed by two broad transverse bars one painted bright red reached from ear to ear and included the upper lip the other white like chalk extended above and parallel to the first so that even his eyelids were thus coloured Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0012.wav the other two men were ornamented by streaks of black powder made of charcoal the party altogether closely resembled the devils which come on the stage in plays like der freischutz their very attitudes were abject Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0013.wav and the expression of their countenances distrustful surprised and startled after we had presented them with some scarlet cloth which they immediately tied round their necks they became good friends this was shown by the old man patting our breasts Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0014.wav as people do when feeding chickens i walked with the old man and this demonstration of friendship was repeated several times it was concluded by three hard slaps which were given me on the breast and back at the same time he then bared his bosom for me to return the compliment which being done Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0015.wav he seemed highly pleased the language of these people according to our notions scarcely deserves to be called articulate captain cook has compared it to a man clearing his throat but certainly no european ever cleared his throat with so many hoarse guttural and clicking sounds Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0016.wav they are excellent mimics as often as we coughed or yawned or made any odd motion they immediately imitated us some of our party began to squint and look awry but one of the young fuegians whose whole face was painted black excepting a white band across his eyes Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0017.wav succeeded in making far more hideous grimaces they could repeat with perfect correctness each word in any sentence we addressed them and they remembered such words for some time yet we europeans all know how difficult it is to distinguish apart the sounds in a foreign language Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0018.wav which of us for instance could follow an american indian through a sentence of more than three words all savages appear to possess to an uncommon degree this power of mimicry i was told almost in the same words of the same ludicrous habit among the caffres Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0019.wav the australians likewise have long been notorious for being able to imitate and describe the gait of any man so that he may be recognized how can this faculty be explained is it a consequence of the more practised habits of perception and keener senses common to all men in a savage state Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0020.wav as compared with those long civilized when a song was struck up by our party i thought the fuegians would have fallen down with astonishment with equal surprise they viewed our dancing but one of the young men when asked had no objection to a little waltzing Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0021.wav little accustomed to europeans as they appeared to be yet they knew and dreaded our fire arms nothing would tempt them to take a gun in their hands they begged for knives calling them by the spanish word Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0022.wav they explained also what they wanted by acting as if they had a piece of blubber in their mouth and then pretending to cut instead of tear it i have not as yet noticed the fuegians whom we had on board Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0023.wav during the former voyage of the adventure and beagle in eighteen twenty six to eighteen thirty captain fitz roy seized on a party of natives as hostages for the loss of a boat which had been stolen to the great jeopardy of a party employed on the survey Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0024.wav and some of these natives as well as a child whom he bought for a pearl button he took with him to england determining to educate them and instruct them in religion at his own expense to settle these natives in their own country Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0025.wav was one chief inducement to captain fitz roy to undertake our present voyage and before the admiralty had resolved to send out this expedition captain fitz roy had generously chartered a vessel and would himself have taken them back the natives were accompanied by a missionary Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0026.wav r matthews of whom and of the natives captain fitz roy has published a full and excellent account two men one of whom died in england of the small pox a boy and a little girl were originally taken and we had now on board Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0027.wav york minster jemmy button whose name expresses his purchase money and fuegia basket york minster was a full grown short thick powerful man his disposition was reserved taciturn morose Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0028.wav and when excited violently passionate his affections were very strong towards a few friends on board his intellect good jemmy button was a universal favourite but likewise passionate the expression of his face at once showed his nice disposition Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0029.wav he was merry and often laughed and was remarkably sympathetic with any one in pain when the water was rough i was often a little sea sick and he used to come to me and say in a plaintive voice poor poor fellow but the notion after his aquatic life Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0030.wav of a man being sea sick was too ludicrous and he was generally obliged to turn on one side to hide a smile or laugh Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0031.wav poor poor fellow he was of a patriotic disposition and he liked to praise his own tribe and country Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0032.wav and he abused all the other tribes he stoutly declared that there was no devil in his land jemmy was short thick and fat but vain of his personal appearance he used always to wear gloves Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0033.wav his hair was neatly cut and he was distressed if his well polished shoes were dirtied he was fond of admiring himself in a looking glass and a merry faced little indian boy from the rio negro whom we had for some months on board soon perceived this and used to mock him Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0034.wav too much skylark it seems yet wonderful to me when i think over all his many good qualities that he should have been of the same race and doubtless partaken of the same character with the miserable degraded savages whom we first met here lastly Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0035.wav fuegia basket was a nice modest reserved young girl with a rather pleasing but sometimes sullen expression and very quick in learning anything especially languages this she showed in picking up some portuguese and spanish Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0036.wav although all three could both speak and understand a good deal of english it was singularly difficult to obtain much information from them concerning the habits of their countrymen this was partly owing to their apparent difficulty in understanding the simplest alternative Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0037.wav every one accustomed to very young children knows how seldom one can get an answer even to so simple a question as whether a thing is black or white the idea of black or white seems alternately to fill their minds so it was with these fuegians Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0038.wav and hence it was generally impossible to find out by cross questioning whether one had rightly understood anything which they had asserted their sight was remarkably acute it is well known that sailors from long practice can make out a distant object much better than a landsman Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0039.wav and jemmy when he had any little quarrel with the officer on watch would say me see ship me no tell it was interesting to watch the conduct of the savages when we landed towards jemmy button Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0040.wav they immediately perceived the difference between him and ourselves and held much conversation one with another on the subject the old man addressed a long harangue to jemmy which it seems was to invite him to stay with them Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0041.wav but jemmy understood very little of their language and was moreover thoroughly ashamed of his countrymen when york minster afterwards came on shore they noticed him in the same way and told him he ought to shave yet he had not twenty dwarf hairs on his face whilst we all wore our untrimmed beards Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0042.wav they examined the colour of his skin and compared it with ours one of our arms being bared they expressed the liveliest surprise and admiration at its whiteness just in the same way in which i have seen the ourangoutang do at the zoological gardens Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0043.wav we thought that they mistook two or three of the officers who were rather shorter and fairer though adorned with large beards for the ladies of our party Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0044.wav that i dare say he thought himself the handsomest man in tierra del fuego after our first feeling of grave astonishment was over nothing could be more ludicrous than the odd mixture of surprise and imitation which these savages every moment exhibited Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0045.wav the next day i attempted to penetrate some way into the country tierra del fuego may be described as a mountainous land partly submerged in the sea so that deep inlets and bays occupy the place where valleys should exist Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0046.wav the mountain sides except on the exposed western coast are covered from the water's edge upwards by one great forest Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0047.wav and are succeeded by a band of peat with minute alpine plants and this again is succeeded by the line of perpetual snow which according to captain king in the strait of magellan descends to between three thousand and four thousand feet Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0048.wav is most rare i recollect only one little flat piece near port famine and another of rather larger extent near goeree road in both places and everywhere else the surface is covered by a thick bed of swampy peat even within the forest Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0049.wav the ground is concealed by a mass of slowly putrefying vegetable matter which from being soaked with water yields to the foot finding it nearly hopeless to push my way through the wood i followed the course of a mountain torrent Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0050.wav at first from the waterfalls and number of dead trees i could hardly crawl along but the bed of the stream soon became a little more open from the floods having swept the sides i continued slowly to advance for an hour along the broken and rocky banks Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0051.wav and was amply repaid by the grandeur of the scene the gloomy depth of the ravine well accorded with the universal signs of violence on every side were lying irregular masses of rock and torn up trees other trees though still erect Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0052.wav were decayed to the heart and ready to fall the entangled mass of the thriving and the fallen reminded me of the forests within the tropics yet there was a difference for in these still solitudes death instead of life seemed the predominant spirit Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0053.wav had cleared a straight space down the mountain side by this road i ascended to a considerable elevation and obtained a good view of the surrounding woods the trees all belong to one kind the fagus betuloides Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0054.wav for the number of the other species of fagus and of the winter's bark is quite inconsiderable this beech keeps its leaves throughout the year but its foliage is of a peculiar brownish green colour with a tinge of yellow as the whole landscape is thus coloured Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0055.wav it has a sombre dull appearance nor is it often enlivened by the rays of the sun Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0056.wav about fifteen hundred feet high which captain fitz roy has called after sir j banks in commemoration of his disastrous excursion which proved fatal to two men of his party and nearly so to doctor solander the snow storm which was the cause of their misfortune Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0057.wav we followed the same water course as on the previous day till it dwindled away and we were then compelled to crawl blindly among the trees these from the effects of the elevation and of the impetuous winds were low thick and crooked Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0058.wav at length we reached that which from a distance appeared like a carpet of fine green turf but which to our vexation turned out to be a compact mass of little beech trees about four or five feet high Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0059.wav they were as thick together as box in the border of a garden and we were obliged to struggle over the flat but treacherous surface Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0060.wav a ridge connected this hill with another distant some miles and more lofty so that patches of snow were lying on it as the day was not far advanced i determined to walk there and collect plants along the road Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0061.wav it would have been very hard work had it not been for a well beaten and straight path made by the guanacos for these animals like sheep always follow the same line when we reached the hill we found it the highest in the immediate neighbourhood Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0062.wav and the waters flowed to the sea in opposite directions we obtained a wide view over the surrounding country to the north a swampy moorland extended Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0063.wav well becoming tierra del fuego there was a degree of mysterious grandeur in mountain behind mountain with the deep intervening valleys all covered by one thick dusky mass of forest the atmosphere likewise in this climate Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0064.wav where gale succeeds gale with rain hail and sleet seems blacker than anywhere else in the strait of magellan looking due southward from port famine the distant channels between the mountains appeared from their gloominess to lead beyond the confines of this world Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0065.wav and on the succeeding day favoured to an uncommon degree by a fine easterly breeze we closed in with the barnevelts and running past cape deceit with its stony peaks about three o'clock doubled the weather beaten cape horn the evening was calm and bright Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0066.wav and we enjoyed a fine view of the surrounding isles cape horn however demanded his tribute and before night sent us a gale of wind directly in our teeth we stood out to sea and on the second day again made the land Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0067.wav when we saw on our weather bow this notorious promontory in its proper form veiled in a mist and its dim outline surrounded by a storm of wind and water great black clouds were rolling across the heavens and squalls of rain with hail Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0068.wav that the captain determined to run into wigwam cove this is a snug little harbour not far from cape horn and here at christmas eve we anchored in smooth water the only thing which reminded us of the gale outside Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0069.wav was every now and then a puff from the mountains which made the ship surge at her anchors Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0070.wav rises to the height of seventeen hundred feet the surrounding islands all consist of conical masses of greenstone associated sometimes with less regular hills of baked and altered clay slate this part of tierra del fuego Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0071.wav may be considered as the extremity of the submerged chain of mountains already alluded to the cove takes its name of wigwam from some of the fuegian habitations but every bay in the neighbourhood might be so called with equal propriety the inhabitants Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0072.wav living chiefly upon shell fish are obliged constantly to change their place of residence but they return at intervals to the same spots as is evident from the piles of old shells which must often amount to many tons in freight Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0073.wav the fuegian wigwam resembles in size and dimensions a haycock it merely consists of a few broken branches stuck in the ground and very imperfectly thatched on one side with a few tufts of grass and rushes the whole cannot be the work of an hour Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0074.wav and it is only used for a few days at goeree roads i saw a place where one of these naked men had slept which absolutely offered no more cover than the form of a hare the man was evidently living by himself Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0075.wav on the west coast however the wigwams are rather better for they are covered with seal skins we were detained here several days by the bad weather the climate is certainly wretched the summer solstice was now passed Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0076.wav yet every day snow fell on the hills and in the valleys there was rain accompanied by sleet the thermometer generally stood Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0077.wav from the damp and boisterous state of the atmosphere Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0078.wav one fancied the climate even worse than it really was while going one day on shore near wollaston island we pulled alongside a canoe with six fuegians these were the most abject and miserable creatures i anywhere beheld Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0079.wav on the east coast the natives as we have seen have guanaco cloaks and on the west they possess seal skins amongst these central tribes the men generally have an otter skin or some small scrap about as large as a pocket handkerchief Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0080.wav which is barely sufficient to cover their backs as low down as their loins it is laced across the breast by strings and according as the wind blows it is shifted from side to side but these fuegians in the canoe were quite naked and even one full grown woman was absolutely so Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0081.wav it was raining heavily and the fresh water together with the spray trickled down her body in another harbour not far distant a woman who was suckling a recently born child came one day alongside the vessel and remained there out of mere curiosity Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0082.wav their voices discordant and their gestures violent viewing such men one can hardly make one's self believe that they are fellow creatures and inhabitants of the same world it is a common subject of conjecture what pleasure in life some of the lower animals can enjoy Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0083.wav how much more reasonably the same question may be asked with respect to these barbarians at night five or six human beings naked and scarcely protected from the wind and rain of this tempestuous climate sleep on the wet ground coiled up like animals Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0084.wav whenever it is low water winter or summer night or day they must rise to pick shell fish from the rocks and the women either dive to collect sea eggs or sit patiently in their canoes and with a baited hair line without any hook jerk out little fish Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0085.wav if a seal is killed or the floating carcass of a putrid whale is discovered it is a feast and such miserable food is assisted by a few tasteless berries and fungi they often suffer from famine Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0086.wav i heard mister low a sealing master intimately acquainted with the natives of this country give a curious account of the state of a party of one hundred and fifty natives on the west coast who were very thin and in great distress Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0087.wav a succession of gales prevented the women from getting shell fish on the rocks and they could not go out in their canoes to catch seal a small party of these men one morning set out and the other indians explained to him that they were going a four days journey for food Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0088.wav as soon as the blubber was brought into a wigwam an old man cut off thin slices and muttering over them broiled them for a minute Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0089.wav who during this time preserved a profound silence mister low believes that whenever a whale is cast on shore the natives bury large pieces of it in the sand as a resource in time of famine and a native boy whom he had on board once found a stock thus buried Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0090.wav the different tribes when at war are cannibals from the concurrent but quite independent evidence of the boy taken by mister low and of jemmy button it is certainly true that when pressed in winter by hunger Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0091.wav they kill and devour their old women before they kill their dogs the boy being asked by mister low why they did this answered doggies catch otters old women no this boy described the manner in which they are killed by being held over smoke and thus choked Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0092.wav he imitated their screams as a joke and described the parts of their bodies which are considered best to eat horrid as such a death by the hands of their friends and relatives must be the fears of the old women when hunger begins to press are more painful to think of Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0093.wav but that they are pursued by the men and brought back to the slaughter house at their own firesides captain fitz roy could never ascertain that the fuegians have any distinct belief in a future life they sometimes bury their dead in caves Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0094.wav and sometimes in the mountain forests we do not know what ceremonies they perform jemmy button would not eat land birds because eat dead men they are unwilling even to mention their dead friends we have no reason to believe that they perform any sort of religious worship Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0095.wav though perhaps the muttering of the old man before he distributed the putrid blubber to his famished party may be of this nature each family or tribe has a wizard or conjuring doctor whose office we could never clearly ascertain jemmy believed in dreams Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0096.wav though not as i have said in the devil i do not think that our fuegians were much more superstitious than some of the sailors for an old quartermaster firmly believed that the successive heavy gales which we encountered off cape horn were caused by our having the fuegians on board Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0097.wav the nearest approach to a religious feeling which i heard of was shown by york minster Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0098.wav in a wild and excited manner he also related that his brother one day whilst returning to pick up some dead birds which he had left on the coast observed some feathers blown by the wind his brother said york imitating his manner what that Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0099.wav and crawling onwards he peeped over the cliff and saw wild man picking his birds he crawled a little nearer and then hurled down a great stone and killed him york declared for a long time afterwards storms raged and much rain and snow fell Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0100.wav as far as we could make out he seemed to consider the elements themselves as the avenging agents it is evident in this case how naturally in a race a little more advanced in culture the elements would become personified what the bad wild men were Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0101.wav has always appeared to me most mysterious from what york said when we found the place like the form of a hare where a single man had slept the night before Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0102.wav but other obscure speeches made me doubt this i have sometimes imagined that the most probable explanation was that they were insane the different tribes have no government or chief yet each is surrounded by other hostile tribes speaking different dialects Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0103.wav and separated from each other only by a deserted border or neutral territory the cause of their warfare appears to be the means of subsistence their country is a broken mass of wild rocks lofty hills and useless forests Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0104.wav and these are viewed through mists and endless storms the habitable land is reduced to the stones on the beach in search of food they are compelled unceasingly to wander from spot to spot and so steep is the coast that they can only move about in their wretched canoes Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0105.wav they cannot know the feeling of having a home and still less that of domestic affection for the husband is to the wife a brutal master to a laborious slave was a more horrid deed ever perpetrated than that witnessed on the west coast by byron Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0106.wav who saw a wretched mother pick up her bleeding dying infant boy whom her husband had mercilessly dashed on the stones for dropping a basket of sea eggs how little can the higher powers of the mind be brought into play what is there for imagination to picture Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0107.wav for reason to compare or judgment to decide upon to knock a limpet from the rock does not require even cunning that lowest power of the mind their skill in some respects may be compared to the instinct of animals for it is not improved by experience Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0108.wav the canoe their most ingenious work poor as it is has remained the same as we know from drake for the last two hundred and fifty years whilst beholding these savages one asks whence have they come what could have tempted Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0109.wav or what change compelled a tribe of men to leave the fine regions of the north to travel down the cordillera or backbone of america to invent and build canoes which are not used by the tribes of chile peru and brazil Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0110.wav and then to enter on one of the most inhospitable countries within the limits of the globe although such reflections must at first seize on the mind yet we may feel sure that they are partly erroneous there is no reason to believe that the fuegians decrease in number Rob Whelan +1723-141149-0111.wav therefore we must suppose that they enjoy a sufficient share of happiness of whatever kind it may be to render life worth having Rob Whelan +2159-179156-0000.wav how the subject feels under hypnotization doctor cooper's experience effect of music doctor alfred marthieu's experiments Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0001.wav the sensations produced during a state of hypnosis are very interesting as may be supposed they differ greatly in different persons Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0002.wav one of the most interesting accounts ever given is that of doctor james r cocke a hypnotist himself who submitted to being operated upon by a professional magnetizer Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0003.wav he was at that time a firm believer in the theory of personal magnetism a delusion from which he afterward escaped on the occasion which he describes the operator commanded him to close his eyes Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0004.wav but he did open them at once again he told him to close the eyes and at the same time he gently stroked his head and face and eyelids with his hand doctor cocke fancied he felt a tingling sensation in his forehead and eyes Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0005.wav which he supposed came from the hand of the operator afterward he came to believe that this sensation was purely imaginary on his part then he says a sensation akin to fear came over me Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0006.wav the operator said you are going to sleep you are getting sleepy you cannot open your eyes i was conscious that my heart was beating rapidly and i felt a sensation of terror Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0007.wav he then made passes over my head down over my hands and body but did not touch me he then said to me you cannot open your eyes the motor apparatus of my lids would not seemingly respond to my will Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0008.wav yet i was conscious that while one part of my mind wanted to open my eyes another part did not want to so i was in a paradoxical state i believed that i could open my eyes and yet could not Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0009.wav the feeling of not wishing to open my eyes was not based upon any desire to please the operator i had no personal interest in him in any way but be it understood i firmly believed in his power to control me Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0010.wav then he stroked the arm and said it was growing numb he said you have no feeling in it have you doctor cocke goes on i said no and i knew that i said no Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0011.wav the operator went on pricking the arm with a pin and though doctor cocke felt the pain he said he did not feel it and at the same time the sensation of terror increased i was not conscious of my body at all he says further on Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0012.wav but i was painfully conscious of the two contradictory elements within me i knew that my body existed but could not prove it to myself i knew that the statements made by the operator were in a measure untrue Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0013.wav i obeyed them voluntarily and involuntarily this is the last remembrance that i have of that hypnotic experience after this however the operator caused the doctor to do a number of things which he learned of from his friends after the performance was over Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0014.wav it seemed to me that the hypnotist commanded me to awake as soon as i dropped my arm and yet ten minutes of unconsciousness had passed on a subsequent occasion doctor cocke who was blind was put into a deep hypnotic sleep Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0015.wav by fixing his mind on the number twenty six and holding up his hand this time he experienced a still greater degree of terror and incidentally learned that he could hypnotize himself the matter of self hypnotism Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0016.wav we shall consider in another chapter in this connection we find great interest in an article in the medical news july twenty eighth eighteen ninety four Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0017.wav in which he describes the effects of music upon hypnotic subjects while in vienna he took occasion to observe closely the enthusiastic musical devotees as they sat in the audience at the performance of one of wagner's operas Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0018.wav he believed they were in a condition of self induced hypnotism in which their subjective faculties were so exalted as to supersede their objective perceptions music was no longer to them a succession of pleasing sounds Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0019.wav but the embodiment of a drama in which they became so wrapped up that they forgot all about the mechanical and external features of the music and lived completely in a fairy world of dream Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0020.wav this observation suggested to him an interesting series of experiments his first subject was easily hypnotized and of an emotional nature wagner's Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0021.wav was played from the piano score the pulse of the subject became more rapid and at first of higher tension increasing from a normal rate of sixty beats a minute to one hundred twenty then Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0022.wav as the music progressed the tension diminished the respiration increased from eighteen to thirty per minute great excitement in the subject was evident his whole body was thrown into motion his legs were drawn up his arms tossed into the air Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0023.wav the state of mind brought up before him in the most realistic and vivid manner possible the picture of the ride of tam o'shanter which he had seen years before the picture Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0024.wav soon became real to him and he found himself taking part in a wild chase not as witch devil or tam even but in some way his consciousness was spread through every part of the scene being of it Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0025.wav and yet playing the part of spectator as is often the case in dreams doctor warthin tried the same experiment again this time on a young man who was not so emotional and was hypnotized with much more difficulty Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0026.wav this subject did not pass into such a deep state of hypnotism but the result was practically the same the pulse rate rose from seventy to one hundred twenty the sensation remembered was that of riding furiously through the air Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0027.wav the experiment was repeated on other subjects in all cases with the same result Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0028.wav to him it always expressed the pictured wild ride of the daughters of wotan the subject taking part in the ride it was noticeable in each case that the same music played to them in the waking state produced no special impression Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0029.wav at first it seemed to produce the opposite effect for the pulse was lowered later it rose to a rate double the normal and the tension was diminished the impression described by the subject afterward Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0030.wav and the subject seemed to contemplate a landscape of lofty grandeur a different sort of music was played Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0031.wav appears to summon sigmund to valhalla Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0032.wav it became slow and irregular and very small the respiration decreased almost to gasping the face grew pale and a cold perspiration broke out readers who are especially interested in this subject Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0033.wav will find descriptions of many other interesting experiments in the same article doctor cocke describes a peculiar trick he played upon the sight of a subject says he i once hypnotized a man Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0034.wav and call the letters as i directed stimulation was in this case impossible as i made him read fifteen or twenty pages he calling the letters as suggested each time they occurred the extraordinary heightening Matthew Westra +2159-179156-0035.wav and clairvoyance if the powers of the mind are so enormously increased all that is required of a very sensitive and easily hypnotized person is to hypnotize him or herself when he will be able to read thoughts Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0000.wav and it is true that a person can deliberately hypnotize himself when he wishes to till he has become accustomed to it and is expert in it so to speak it does away at a stroke with the claims of all professional hypnotists and magnetic healers Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0001.wav that they have any peculiar power in themselves which they exert over their fellows one of these professionals gives an account in his book of what he calls the wonderful lock method he says that Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0002.wav though he is locked up in a separate room he can make the psychic power work through the walls all that he does is to put his subjects in the way of hypnotizing themselves Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0003.wav he shows his inconsistency when he states that under certain circumstances the hypnotizer is in danger of becoming hypnotized himself in this he makes no claim that the subject is using any psychic power Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0004.wav but of course if the hypnotizer looks steadily into the eyes of his subject and the subject looks into his eyes the steady gaze on a bright object will produce hypnotism in one quite as readily as in the other Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0005.wav hypnotism is an established scientific fact but the claim that the hypnotizer has any mysterious psychic power is the invariable mark of the charlatan Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0006.wav probably no scientific phenomenon was ever so grossly prostituted to base ends as that of hypnotism later we shall see some of the outrageous forms this charlatanism assumes Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0007.wav and how it extends to the professional subjects as well as to the professional operators till those subjects even impose upon scientific men who ought to be proof against such deception Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0008.wav moreover the possibility of self hypnotization carefully concealed and called by another name opens another great field of humbug and charlatanism of which the advertising columns of the newspapers are constantly filled Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0009.wav namely that of the clairvoyant and medium we may conceive how such a profession might become perfectly legitimate and highly useful but at present it seems as if any person who went into it Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0010.wav however honest he might be at the start soon began to deceive himself as well as others until he lost his power entirely to distinguish between fact and imagination before discussing the matter further Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0011.wav let us quote doctor cocke's experiment in hypnotizing himself it will be remembered that a professional hypnotizer or magnetizer had hypnotized him by telling him to fix his mind on the number twenty six and holding up his hand Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0012.wav i was intensely cold my heart seemed to stand still i had ringing in my ears my hair seemed to rise upon my scalp i persisted in the effort and the previously mentioned noise in my ears grew louder and louder Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0013.wav the roar became deafening it crackled like a mighty fire i was fearfully conscious of myself having read vivid accounts of dreams visions et cetera it occurred to me that i would experience them Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0014.wav i felt in a vague way that there were beings all about me but could not hear their voices i felt as though every muscle in my body was fixed and rigid Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0015.wav the roar in my ears grew louder still and i heard above the roar reports which sounded like artillery and musketry then above the din of the noise a musical chord i seemed to be absorbed in this chord i knew nothing else Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0016.wav secondly i wished to be hypnotized these together with a vivid imagination and strained attention brought on the states which occurred Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0017.wav his descriptions of dreams bear a wonderful likeness to de quincey's dreams such as those described in the english mail coach de profundis and the confessions of an english opium eater Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0018.wav all of which were presumably due to opium the causes which doctor cocke thinks produced the hypnotic condition in his case namely belief desire to be hypnotized and strained attention united with a vivid imagination Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0019.wav are causes which are often found in conjunction and produce effects which we may reasonably explain on the theory of self hypnotization Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0020.wav for instance the effects of an exciting religious revival are very like those produced by mesmer's operations in paris the subjects become hysterical and are ready to believe anything or do anything Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0021.wav by prolonging the operation a whole community becomes more or less hypnotized in all such cases however unusual excitement is commonly followed by unusual lethargy Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0022.wav in fact it is a sort of intoxication the same phenomena are probably accountable for many of the strange records of history the wonderful cures at lourdes of which we have read in zola's novel of that name Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0023.wav are no doubt the effect of hypnotization by the priests some of the strange movements of whole communities during the crusades are to be explained either on the theory of hypnotization or of contagion Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0024.wav and possibly these two things will turn out to be much the same in fact on no other ground can we explain the so called children's crusade in which over thirty thousand children from germany from all classes of the community Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0025.wav tried to cross the alps in winter and in their struggles were all lost or sold into slavery without even reaching the holy land again hypnotism is accountable for many of the poet's dreams Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0026.wav gazing steadily at a bed of bright coals or a stream of running water will invariably throw a sensitive subject into a hypnotic sleep that will last sometimes for several hours doctor cocke says Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0027.wav that he has experimented in this direction with patients of his says he they have the ability to resist the state or to bring it at will many of them describe beautiful scenes from nature or some mighty cathedral Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0028.wav with its lofty dome or the faces of imaginary beings beautiful or demoniacal according to the will and temper of the subject perhaps the most wonderful example of self hypnotism which we have in history Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0029.wav is that of the mystic swedenborg who saw such strange things in his visions and at last came to believe in them as real the same explanation may be given of the manifestations of oriental prophets Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0030.wav for in the orient hypnotism is much easier and more systematically developed than with us of the west the performances of the dervishes and also of the fakirs who wound themselves and perform many wonderful feats Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0031.wav their impersonations are ridiculous in the extreme one man i remember believed himself to be controlled by the spirit of charles sumner being uneducated he used the most wretched english Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0032.wav and his language was utterly devoid of sense while on the other hand a very intelligent lady who believed herself to be controlled by the spirit of charlotte cushman personated the part very well doctor cooke says of himself Matthew Westra +2159-179157-0033.wav i can hypnotize myself to such an extent that i will become wholly unconscious of events taking place around me and a long interval of time say from one half to two hours will be a complete blank Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0000.wav courting a broomstick the side show let us now describe some of the manifestations of hypnotism to see just how it operates and how it exhibits itself Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0001.wav the following is a description of a public performance given by doctor herbert l flint a very successful public operator it is in the language of an eye witness a new york lawyer Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0002.wav in response to a call for volunteers twenty young and middle aged men came upon the stage they evidently belonged to the great middle class the entertainment commenced by doctor flint passing around the group Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0003.wav who were seated on the stage in a semicircle facing the audience and stroking each one's head and forehead repeating the phrases close your eyes think of nothing but sleep you are very tired you are drowsy Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0004.wav you feel very sleepy as he did this several of the volunteers closed their eyes at once and one fell asleep immediately one or two remained awake Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0005.wav while a few were wide awake and smiling at the rest these latter were dismissed as unlikely subjects when the stage had been cleared of all those who were not responsive the doctor passed around and snapping his finger Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0006.wav at each individual awoke him one of the subjects when questioned afterward as to what sensation he experienced at the snapping of the fingers replied that it seemed to him as if something inside of his head responded Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0007.wav and with this sensation he regained self consciousness this is to be doubted as a rule subjects in this stage of hypnotism do not feel any sensation that they can remember Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0008.wav that you can't pull them apart they are fast you cannot pull them apart try you can't the whole class made frantic efforts to unclasp their hands but were unable to do so the doctor's explanation of this is Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0009.wav that what they were really doing was to force their hands closer together thus obeying the counter suggestion that they thought they were trying to unclasp their hands was evident from their endeavors Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0010.wav one young fellow aged about eighteen said that he was addicted to the cigarette habit the suggestion was made to him that he would not be able to smoke a cigarette for twenty four hours after the entertainment he was asked to smoke as was his usual habit Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0011.wav he was then away from any one who could influence him he replied that the very idea was repugnant however he was induced to take a cigarette in his mouth but it made him ill and he flung it away with every expression of disgust Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0012.wav this is an instance of what is called post hypnotic suggestion doctor cocke tells of suggesting to a drinker whom he was trying to cure of the habit that for the next three days anything he took would make him vomit Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0013.wav they immediately began and twirled them faster and faster in spite of their efforts to stop one of the subjects said he thought of nothing but the strange action of his hands and sometimes it puzzled him to know why they whirled Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0014.wav at this point doctor flint's daughter took charge of the class she pointed her finger at one of them and the subject began to look steadily before him at which the rest of the class were highly amused Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0015.wav presently the subject's head leaned forward the pupils of his eyes dilated and assumed a peculiar glassy stare he arose with a steady gliding gait Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0016.wav then he stopped miss flint led him to the front of the stage and left him standing in profound slumber he stood there stooping eyes set and vacant fast asleep Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0017.wav in the meantime the act had caused great laughter among the rest of the class one young fellow in particular laughed so uproariously that tears coursed down his cheeks and he took out his handkerchief to wipe his eyes Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0018.wav just as he was returning it to his pocket the lady suddenly pointed a finger at him Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0019.wav but the moment the gesture was made his countenance fell his mirth stopped while that of his companions redoubled and the change was so obvious that the audience shared in the laughter but the subject neither saw nor heard Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0020.wav his eyes assumed the same expression that had been noticed in his companion's he too arose in the same attitude as if his head were pulling the body along and following the finger in the same way as his predecessor Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0021.wav another was given a broomstick and told to hunt game in the woods before him another was given a large rag doll and told that it was an infant and that he must look among the audience and discover the father Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0022.wav he was informed that he could tell who the father was by the similarity and the color of the eyes these suggestions were made in a loud tone miss flint being no nearer one subject than another Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0023.wav the bare suggestion was given as now think that you are a newsboy and are selling papers or now think that you are hunting and are going into the woods to shoot birds so the party was started Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0024.wav at the same time into the audience the one who was impersonating a newsboy went about crying his edition in a loud voice while the hunter crawled along stealthily and carefully Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0025.wav the newsboy even adopted the well worn device of asking those whom he solicited to buy to help him get rid of his stock one man offered him a cent when the price was two cents the newsboy chaffed the would be purchaser Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0026.wav and taking him into the center of the stage showed him a small riding whip he looked at it indifferently enough he was told it was a hot bar of iron but he shook his head still incredulous Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0027.wav the suggestion was repeated and as the glazed look came into his eyes the incredulous look died out every member of the class was following the suggestion made to the subject in hand all of them had the same expression in their eyes the doctor said Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0028.wav that his daughter was hypnotizing the whole class through this one individual as she spoke she lightly touched the subject with the end of the whip the moment the subject felt the whip he jumped and shrieked as if it really were a hot iron Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0029.wav she touched each one of the class in succession and every one manifested the utmost pain and fear one subject sat down on the floor and cried in dire distress Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0030.wav had the suggestion been continued it would undoubtedly have raised a blister one of the amusing experiments tried at a later time was that of a tall young man diffident pale and modest being given a broom carefully wrapped in a sheet Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0031.wav and told that it was his sweetheart he accepted the situation and sat down by the broom he was a little sheepish at first but eventually he grew bolder and smiled upon her such a smile as malvolio casts upon olivia Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0032.wav the manner in which little by little he ventured upon a familiar footing was exceedingly funny but when in a moment of confident response to his wooing he clasped her round the waist and imprinted a chaste kiss upon the brushy part of the broom Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0033.wav disguised by the sheet the house resounded with roars of laughter the subject however was deaf to all of the noise he was absorbed in his courtship and he continued to hug the broom and exhibit in his features Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0034.wav all the world loves a lover as the saying is and all the world loves to laugh at him one of the subjects was told that the head of a man in the audience was on fire Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0035.wav he looked for a moment and then dashed down the platform into the audience and seizing the man's head vigorously rubbed it as this did not extinguish the flames he took off his coat and put the fire out in doing this he set his coat on fire Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0036.wav then he calmly resumed his garment and walked back to the stage the side show closed the evening's entertainment a young man was told to think of himself as managing a side show at a circus Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0037.wav when his mind had absorbed this idea he was ordered to open his exhibition he at once mounted a table and in the voice of the traditional side show fakir began to dilate upon the fat woman and the snakes Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0038.wav that for the small sum of ten cents they could see more wonders than ever before had been crowded under one canvas tent he harangued the crowd as they surged about the tent door Matthew Westra +2159-179154-0039.wav he pointed to a suppositious canvas picture he chaffed the boys he flattered the vanity of the young fellows with their girls telling them that they could not afford for the small sum of ten cents to miss this great show Matthew Westra +4406-16883-0000.wav and the change that had come upon us we had husband and father and children and sisters and friends and relations and house and home and many comforts of this life but now we may say as job Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0001.wav and he lighted upon that comfortable scripture i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0002.wav even as the psalmist says to declare the works of the lord and his wonderful power in carrying us along preserving us in the wilderness while under the enemy's hand and returning of us in safety again and his goodness Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0003.wav in bringing to my hand so many comfortable and suitable scriptures in my distress but to return Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0004.wav and in the morning we must go over the river to philip's crew Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0005.wav which was the first time to my remembrance that i wept before them although i had met with so much affliction and my heart was many times ready to break yet could i not shed one tear in their sight but rather Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0006.wav by the rivers of babylon there we sate down Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0007.wav then came one of them and gave me two spoonfuls of meal to comfort me and another gave me half a pint of peas which was more worth than many bushels at another time then i went to see king philip he bade me come in and sit down Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0008.wav and asked me whether i would smoke it a usual compliment nowadays amongst saints and sinners but this no way suited me for though i had formerly used tobacco yet i had left it ever since i was first taken Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0009.wav it seems to be a bait the devil lays to make men lose their precious time Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0010.wav when i had taken two or three pipes i was presently ready for another such a bewitching thing it is but i thank god he has now given me power over it surely there are many who Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0011.wav whereupon they fell to boiling of ground nuts and parching of corn Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0012.wav during my abode in this place philip spake to me to make a shirt for his boy which i did for which he gave me a shilling i offered the money to my master but he bade me keep it and with it i bought a piece of horse flesh Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0013.wav afterwards he asked me to make a cap for his boy for which he invited me to dinner i went and he gave me a pancake about as big as two fingers it was made of parched wheat beaten and fried in bear's grease Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0014.wav and bear together and invited my master and mistress to dinner but the proud gossip because i served them both in one dish would eat nothing except one bit that he gave her upon the point of his knife Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0015.wav hearing that my son was come to this place i went to see him and found him lying flat upon the ground i asked him how he could sleep so he answered me that he was not asleep but at prayer and lay so that they might not observe what he was doing Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0016.wav i pray god he may remember these things now he is returned in safety at this place the sun now getting higher what with the beams and heat of the sun and the smoke of the wigwams i thought i should have been blind Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0017.wav who owned that mary thurston came running after me and got it away again Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0018.wav i put it in my pocket to keep it safe yet notwithstanding somebody stole it but put five indian corns in the room of it which corns were the greatest provisions i had in my travel for one day Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0019.wav and sell me for powder for so they had sometimes discoursed i was utterly hopeless of getting home on foot the way that i came i could hardly bear to think of the many weary steps i had taken to come to this place the ninth remove Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0020.wav but instead of going either to albany or homeward we must go five miles up the river and then go over it here we abode a while here lived a sorry indian who spoke to me to make him a shirt when i had done it he would pay me nothing Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0021.wav but he living by the riverside where i often went to fetch water i would often be putting of him in mind and calling for my pay at last he told me if i would make another shirt for a papoose not yet born he would give me a knife which he did when i had done it Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0022.wav and i was not a little glad that i had anything that they would accept of and be pleased with when we were at this place my master's maid came home she had been gone three weeks into the narragansett country to fetch corn Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0023.wav where they had stored up some in the ground Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0024.wav i turned homeward again and met with my master he showed me the way to my son when i came to him i found him not well and withall he had a boil on his side which much troubled him we bemoaned one another a while as the lord helped us Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0025.wav and then i returned again when i was returned i found myself as unsatisfied as i was before Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0026.wav my son was ill and i could not but think of his mournful looks and no christian friend was near him to do any office of love for him either for soul or body and my poor girl i knew not where she was nor whether she was sick or well or alive or dead Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0027.wav i repaired under these thoughts to my bible my great comfort in that time and that scripture came to my hand cast thy burden upon the lord and he shall sustain thee psalm fifty five Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0028.wav for fear they would get it from me and there it lay all that day and night in my stinking pocket Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0029.wav but now that was savory to me that one would think was enough to turn the stomach of a brute creature one bitter cold day i could find no room to sit down before the fire Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0030.wav and gave me some ground nuts and bade me come again and told me they would buy me if they were able and yet these were strangers to me that i never saw before the tenth remove Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0031.wav and put it into my pocket and never let her see it afterward then they packed up their things to be gone and gave me my load i complained it was too heavy whereupon she gave me a slap in the face and bade me go Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0032.wav i lifted up my heart to god hoping the redemption was not far off and the rather because their insolency grew worse and worse but the thoughts of my going homeward for so we bent our course Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0033.wav much cheered my spirit and made my burden seem light and almost nothing at all but to my amazement and great perplexity the scale was soon turned for when we had gone a little way on a sudden my mistress gives out Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0034.wav and would have had him gone back also but he would not but said he would go on and come to us again in three days my spirit was upon this i confess very impatient and almost outrageous Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0035.wav be still and know that i am god psalm forty six Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0036.wav which were some refreshment to me towards night i gathered some sticks for my own comfort that i might not lie a cold but when we came to lie down they bade me to go out and lie somewhere else for they had company they said come in more than their own Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0037.wav i told them i could not tell where to go they bade me go look i told them if i went to another wigwam they would be angry and send me home again then one of the company drew his sword and told me he would run me through if i did not go presently then Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0038.wav was i fain to stoop to this rude fellow and to go out in the night i knew not whither mine eyes have seen that fellow afterwards walking up and down boston under the appearance of a friend indian and several others of the like cut Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0039.wav i went to one wigwam and they told me they had no room then i went to another and they said the same at last an old indian bade me to come to him and his squaw gave me some ground nuts Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0040.wav and a good fire we had and through the good providence of god i had a comfortable lodging that night in the morning another indian bade me come at night and he would give me six ground nuts which i did Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0041.wav we went in the morning to gather ground nuts to the river and went back again that night i went with a good load at my back for they when they went though but a little way would carry all their trumpery with them i told them the skin was off my back Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0042.wav but i had no other comforting answer from them than this that it would be no matter if my head were off too the thirteenth remove instead of going toward the bay which was that i desired Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0043.wav where we abode almost a fortnight here one asked me to make a shirt for her papoose for which she gave me a mess of broth which was thickened with meal made of the bark of a tree and to make it the better Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0044.wav and a few roasted ground nuts i had not seen my son a pretty while Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0045.wav and asked him when he saw him he answered me that such a time his master roasted him Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0046.wav as big as his two fingers and that he was very good meat but the lord upheld my spirit under this discouragement Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0047.wav that makes the least conscience of speaking of truth in this place on a cold night as i lay by the fire i removed a stick that kept the heat from me Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0048.wav yet upon this and the like occasions i hope it is not too much to say with job Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0049.wav but when i was without and saw nothing but wilderness and woods and a company of barbarous heathens my mind quickly returned to me which made me think of that spoken concerning sampson who said i will go out and shake myself as at other times Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0050.wav but he wist not that the lord was departed from him about this time i began to think that all my hopes of restoration would come to nothing i thought of the english army and hoped for their coming and being taken by them but that failed Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0051.wav i hoped to be carried to albany as the indians had discoursed before but that failed also i thought of being sold to my husband Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0052.wav as my master spake but instead of that my master himself was gone and i left behind so that my spirit was now quite ready to sink i asked them to let me go out and pick up some sticks that i might get alone and pour out my heart unto the lord Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0053.wav they all gathered about the poor man asking him many questions i desired also to go and see him and when i came he was crying bitterly supposing they would quickly kill him whereupon i asked one of them whether they intended to kill him he answered me they would not Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0054.wav he being a little cheered with that i asked him about the welfare of my husband he told me he saw him such a time in the bay and he was well but very melancholy by which i certainly understood though i suspected it before Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0055.wav that whatsoever the indians told me respecting him was vanity and lies some of them told me he was dead and they had killed him some said he was married again and that the governor wished him to marry and told him he should have his choice Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0056.wav and that all persuaded i was dead so like were these barbarous creatures to him who was a liar from the beginning as i was sitting once in the wigwam here philip's maid came in with the child in her arms Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0057.wav i told her i would tear her coat then with that my mistress rises up Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0058.wav were going to the french for powder but by the way the mohawks met with them and killed four of their company which made the rest turn back again for it might have been worse with him had he been sold to the french Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0059.wav than it proved to be in his remaining with the indians i went to see an english youth in this place Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16883-0060.wav he told me he was very sick of a flux with eating so much blood they had turned him out of the wigwam and with him an indian papoose almost dead whose parents had been killed Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0000.wav belonging to our garrison but none of them would stir though another time if any indian had come to the door they were ready to fly upon him and tear him down the lord hereby would make us the more acknowledge his hand and to see that our help is always in him Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0001.wav but out we must go the fire increasing and coming along behind us roaring and the indians gaping before us with their guns spears and hatchets to devour us Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0002.wav in or near the throat fell down dead whereat the indians scornfully shouted and hallowed and were presently upon him stripping off his clothes the bullets flying thick one went through my side and the same as would seem Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0003.wav through the bowels and hand of my dear child in my arms one of my elder sisters children named william had then his leg broken which the indians perceiving they knocked him on his head Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0004.wav standing amazed with the blood running down to our heels my eldest sister being yet in the house and seeing those woeful sights the infidels hauling mothers one way and children another and some wallowing in their blood Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0005.wav and her elder son telling her that her son william was dead and myself was wounded she said and lord let me die with them which was no sooner said but she was struck with a bullet and fell down dead over the threshold Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0006.wav i hope she is reaping the fruit of her good labors being faithful to the service of god in her place in her younger years she lay under much trouble upon spiritual accounts till it pleased god to make that precious scripture take hold of her heart and he said unto me Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0007.wav oh the doleful sight that now was to behold at this house come behold the works of the lord Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0008.wav and relations lie bleeding out their heart blood upon the ground there was one who was chopped into the head with a hatchet and stripped naked Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0009.wav as if they would have torn our very hearts out yet the lord by his almighty power preserved a number of us from death for there were twenty four of us taken alive and carried captive i had often before this said that if the indians should come Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0010.wav i should choose rather to be killed by them than taken alive but when it came to the trial my mind changed their glittering weapons so daunted my spirit that i chose rather to go along with those as i may say ravenous beasts Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0011.wav than that moment to end my days and that i may the better declare what happened to me during that grievous captivity i shall particularly speak of the several removes we had up and down the wilderness the first remove now away we must go with those barbarous creatures Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0012.wav with our bodies wounded and bleeding and our hearts no less than our bodies about a mile we went that night up upon a hill within sight of the town where they intended to lodge there was hard by a vacant house deserted by the english before for fear of the indians Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0013.wav i asked them whether i might not lodge in the house that night to which they answered what will you love english men still this was the dolefulest night that ever my eyes saw oh the roaring and singing and dancing and yelling of those black creatures in the night Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0014.wav some roasting some lying and burning and some boiling to feed our merciless enemies who were joyful enough though we were disconsolate Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0015.wav and the dismalness of the present night my thoughts ran upon my losses and sad bereaved condition all was gone my husband gone at least separated from me he being in the bay and to add to my grief the indians told me they would kill him as he came homeward Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0016.wav my children gone my relations and friends gone our house and home and all our comforts within door and without all was gone except my life and i knew not but the next moment that might go too there remained nothing to me but one poor wounded babe Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0017.wav and it seemed at present worse than death that it was in such a pitiful condition bespeaking compassion and i had no refreshing for it nor suitable things to revive it little do many think what is the savageness and brutishness of this barbarous enemy Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0018.wav by one eyed john and marlborough's praying indians which captain mosely brought to boston as the indians told me the second remove but now the next morning i must turn my back upon the town and travel with them into the vast and desolate wilderness Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0019.wav i knew not whither it is not my tongue or pen can express the sorrows of my heart and bitterness of my spirit that i had at this departure but god was with me in a wonderful manner carrying me along and bearing up my spirit Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0020.wav that it did not quite fail one of the indians carried my poor wounded babe upon a horse it went moaning all along i shall die i shall die i went on foot after it with sorrow that cannot be expressed at length i took it off the horse Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0021.wav and carried it in my arms till my strength failed and i fell down with it then they set me upon a horse with my wounded child in my lap and there being no furniture upon the horse's back as we were going down a steep hill we both fell over the horse's head Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0022.wav at which they like inhumane creatures laughed and rejoiced to see it though i thought we should there have ended our days as overcome with so many difficulties but the lord renewed my strength still and carried me along that i might see more of his power Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0023.wav by a little fire and a few boughs behind me with my sick child in my lap Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0024.wav my own wound also growing so stiff that i could scarce sit down or rise up yet so it must be that i must sit all this cold winter night upon the cold snowy ground with my sick child in my arms Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0025.wav and we were both alive to see the light of the next morning the third remove Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0026.wav one of the indians got up upon a horse and they set me up behind him with my poor sick babe in my lap a very wearisome and tedious day i had of it what with my own wound and my child's being so exceeding sick and in a lamentable condition with her wound Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0027.wav this day in the afternoon about an hour by sun Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0028.wav my wounds stink and are corrupt i am troubled i am bowed down greatly i go mourning all the day long i sat much alone with a poor wounded child in my lap which moaned night and day having nothing to revive the body or cheer the spirits of her but instead of that Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0029.wav in this miserable condition without any refreshing of one nature or other except a little cold water i cannot but take notice how at another time i could not bear to be in the room where any dead person was Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0030.wav by my master in this writing must be understood quinnapin who was a sagamore and married king philip's wife's sister not that he first took me but i was sold to him by another narragansett indian who took me when first i came out of the garrison Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0031.wav there was no resisting but go i must and leave it when i had been at my master's wigwam Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0032.wav when i came i asked them what they had done with it then they told me it was upon the hill Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0033.wav and there they told me they had buried it Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0034.wav god having taken away this dear child i went to see my daughter mary who was at this same indian town at a wigwam not very far off Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0035.wav she was about ten years old and taken from the door at first by a praying indiana and afterward sold for a gun Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0036.wav and ye will take benjamin also all these things are against me Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0037.wav and as i was going along my heart was even overwhelmed with the thoughts of my condition and that i should have children and a nation which i knew not ruled over them whereupon i earnestly entreated the lord that he would consider my low estate and show me a token for good and if it were his blessed will Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0038.wav i had not seen him before since the destruction of the town and i knew not where he was till i was informed by himself that he was amongst a smaller parcel of indians whose place was about six miles off with tears in his eyes he asked me whether his sister sarah was dead Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0039.wav and told me he had seen his sister mary and prayed me that i would not be troubled in reference to himself the occasion of his coming to see me at this time was this there was as i said about six miles from us a small plantation of indians where it seems he had been during his captivity Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0040.wav all the company for those that belonged to the other small company came through the town that now we were at but before they came to us oh the outrageous roaring and hooping that there was they began their din about a mile before they came to us Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0041.wav by their noise and hooping they signified how many they had destroyed which was at that time twenty three Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0042.wav and every time that the other went over their number these at home gave a shout that the very earth rung again and thus they continued till those that had been upon the expedition were come up to the sagamore's wigwam and then Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0043.wav i cannot but take notice of the wonderful mercy of god to me in those afflictions in sending me a bible one of the indians that came from medfield fight had brought some plunder came to me and asked me if i would have a bible he had got one in his basket Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0044.wav and turn all those curses upon our enemies i do not desire to live to forget this scripture and what comfort it was to me now Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0045.wav some one way and some another there were now besides myself nine english captives in this place all of them children except one woman Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0046.wav they being to go one way and i another i asked them whether they were earnest with god for deliverance they told me they did as they were able and it was some comfort to me that the lord stirred up children to look to him Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0047.wav i wished her not to run away by any means for we were near thirty miles from any english town Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0048.wav and another child in her arms two years old and bad rivers there were to go over and we were feeble with our poor and coarse entertainment i had my bible with me i pulled it out and asked her whether she would read Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0049.wav be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say on the lord the fourth remove and now i must part with that little company i had Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0050.wav she would be often asking the indians to let her go home they not being willing to that and yet vexed with her importunity gathered a great company together about her and stripped her naked and set her in the midst of them and when they had sung and danced about her in their hellish manner Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0051.wav as long as they pleased they knocked her on head and the child in her arms with her when they had done that they made a fire and put them both into it Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0052.wav the children said she did not shed one tear but prayed all the while Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0053.wav we came about the middle of the afternoon to this place cold and wet and snowy and hungry and weary and no refreshing for man but the cold ground to sit on and our poor indian cheer Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0054.wav this was a sweet cordial to me when i was ready to faint many and many a time have i sat down and wept sweetly over this scripture at this place we continued about four days the fifth remove Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0055.wav and then they made a stop and chose some of their stoutest men and sent them back to hold the english army in play whilst the rest escaped and then like jehu they marched on furiously with their old and with their young some carried their old decrepit mothers Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0056.wav some carried one and some another four of them carried a great indian upon a bier but going through a thick wood with him they were hindered and could make no haste whereupon they took him upon their backs and carried him one at a time till Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0057.wav upon a friday a little after noon we came to this river Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0058.wav and were gathered together i thought to count the number of them but they were so many and being somewhat in motion it was beyond my skill in this travel because of my wound i was somewhat favored in my load i carried only my knitting work and two quarts of parched meal Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0059.wav being very faint i asked my mistress to give me one spoonful of the meal but she would not give me a taste they quickly fell to cutting dry trees to make rafts to carry them over the river and soon my turn came to go over by the advantage of some brush Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0060.wav which they had laid upon the raft to sit upon i did not wet my foot which many of themselves at the other end were mid leg deep which cannot but be acknowledged as a favor of god to my weakened body it being a very cold time i was not before acquainted with such Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0061.wav the first week of my being among them i hardly ate any thing the second week i found my stomach grow very faint for want of something and yet it was very hard to get down their filthy trash but the third week Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0062.wav i told them it was the sabbath day and desired them to let me rest and told them i would do as much more tomorrow to which they answered me they would break my face and here i cannot but take notice of the strange providence of god in preserving the heathen Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0063.wav they were many hundreds old and young some sick and some lame many had papooses at their backs the greatest number at this time with us were squaws Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0064.wav if we had been god would have found out a way for the english to have passed this river as well as for the indians with their squaws and children and all their luggage oh that my people had hearkened to me and israel had walked in my ways Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0065.wav they set their wigwams on fire and went away it was a cold morning and before us there was a great brook with ice on it some waded through it up to the knees and higher but others went till they came to a beaver dam and i amongst them Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0066.wav we came that day to a great swamp by the side of which we took up our lodging that night when i came to the brow of the hill that looked toward the swamp i thought we had been come to a great indian town Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0067.wav though there were none but our own company the indians were as thick as the trees it seemed as if there had been a thousand hatchets going at once if one looked before one there was nothing but indians and behind one nothing but indians Matthew Scott Surprenant +4406-16882-0068.wav and an exceeding high and steep hill before it before i got to the top of the hill i thought my heart and legs and all would have broken and failed me what through faintness and soreness of body it was a grievous day of travel to me Matthew Scott Surprenant +4813-248641-0000.wav many of the cars are moderately priced affairs the tonneau well filled with children of miscellaneous ages and enlivened by a family dog or two for this is the way that the average american household spends its modern sabbath holiday Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0001.wav for a road originally marked by the moccasined feet of indians and widened gradually by the toilsome journeyings of rough colonial carts and coaches Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0002.wav it is difficult to say which feature of the steadily moving travel would most forcibly strike the original puritan settlers of the town the fact that even the common man the poor man could own such a vehicle of speed and ease or the fact that america Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0003.wav such a short time ago a wilderness could produce not as the finest flower on its tree of evolution but certainly as its most exotic the plutocrat who lives in a palace with fifty servants to do his bidding Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0004.wav and the fine lady whose sole exercise of her mental and physical functions consists in allowing her maid to dress her yes new england has changed amazingly in the revolutions of three centuries Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0005.wav and here under the shadow of this square plain building hingham's old ship church while we pause to watch the sunday pageant of nineteen twenty we can most easily call back the sabbath rites and the ideals which created those rites Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0006.wav this wooden meeting house with the truncated pyramidal roof and belfry to serve as a lookout station has just been built a stage ahead architecturally of the log meeting house with clay filled chinks thatched roof oiled paper windows Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0007.wav earthen floor and a stage behind the charming steeple style made popular by sir christopher wren and now multiplied in countless graceful examples all over new england Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0008.wav the old ship is entirely unconscious of the distinction which is awaiting it the distinction of being the oldest house for public worship in the united states which still stands on its original site and which is still used for its original purpose Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0009.wav in the year sixteen eighty one it is merely the new meeting house of the little hamlet of hingham the people are very proud of their new building the timbers have been hewn with the broad axe out of solid white pine Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0010.wav the marks are still visible particularly in those rafters of the roof open to the attic the belfry is precisely in the center of the four sided pitched roof to be sure this necessitates ringing the bell from one of the pews Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0011.wav but a little later the bellringer will stand above and through a pane of glass let into the ceiling he will be able to see when the minister enters the pulpit the original backless benches were replaced by box pews with narrow seats like shelves Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0012.wav no paint no decorations no colored windows no organ or anything which could even remotely suggest the color the beauty the formalism of the churches of england Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0013.wav since in sixteen thirty five the general court decreed that no dwelling Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0014.wav of any new plantation thus eliminating the excuse of too great distance every one is expected nay commanded to come to church in fact after the tolling of the last bell the houses may all be searched Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0015.wav each ten families is under an inspector if there is any question of delinquents hiding in them and so in twos and threes often the man trudging ahead with his gun and the woman carrying her baby while the smaller children cling to her skirts Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0016.wav sometimes man and woman and a child or two on horseback no matter how wild the storm how swollen the streams how deep the whirling snow they all come to church Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0017.wav the congregation either waits for the minister and his wife outside the door or stands until he has entered the pulpit once inside they are seated with the most meticulous exactness according to rank age sex and wealth Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0018.wav and the slaves and indians are in the rear to seat one's self in the wrong pue is an offense punishable by a fine here is the church and here are the people as the old rhyme has it what then of the services Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0019.wav that they are interminable we know the tithing man or clerk may turn the brass bound hourglass by the side of the pulpit two and three times during the sermon and once or twice during the prayer interminable Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0020.wav the old ship was not heated until eighteen twenty two the only relief from the chill and stiffness comes during the prayer when the congregation stands kneeling of course would savor too strongly of idolatry and the church of rome Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0021.wav they stand too while the psalms and hymns are lined out and as they sing them very uncertainly and very incorrectly this performance alone sometimes takes an hour as there is no organ nor notes Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0022.wav and only a few copies of the bay psalm book of which by the way a copy now would be worth many times its weight in gold after the morning service there is a noon intermission in which the half frozen congregation stirs around Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0023.wav one sometimes wonders how the little things had any impulse to laugh in such an abysmal atmosphere but apparently the puritan boys and girls were entirely normal and even wholesomely mischievous as proved by the constantly required services of the tithing man Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0024.wav these external trappings of the service sound depressing enough but if the message received within these chilly walls is cheering maybe we can forget or ignore the physical discomforts but is the message cheering hell damnation eternal tortures Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0025.wav painful theological hair splittings harrowing self examinations and humiliating public confessions this is what they gather on the narrow wooden benches to listen to hour after hour searching their souls for sin with an almost frenzied eagerness Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0026.wav appealing to the emotions quite as vividly although through a different channel as the most elaborate ceremonial when the soul is wrought to a certain pitch each hardship is merely an added opportunity to prove its faith Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0027.wav from the mother church and the mother country and fortify them in their struggle in a new land it was religious zeal which furnished this motive power different implements and differently directed force are needed to extract the diamond from the earth Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0028.wav having done its work having founded soundly and peopled strongly an exceptional region the new england conscience had no further necessity for being those whom it now tortures with its hot pincers of doubt and self reproach Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0029.wav are sacrificed to a cause long since won the puritans themselves grew away from many of their excessive severities but as they gained bodily strength from their conflict with the elements so they gained a certain moral stamina Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0030.wav by their self imposed religious observance and this moral stamina has marked new england ever since and marked her to her glory one cannot speak of hingham churches indeed one cannot speak of hingham Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0031.wav without admiring mention of the new north church this building of exquisite proportions and finish within and without built by bulfinch in eighteen o six is one of the most flawless examples of its type on the south shore Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0032.wav you will appreciate the cream colored paint the buff walls the quaint box pews of oiled wood with handrails gleaming from the touch of many generations with wooden buttons and protruding hinges proclaiming an ancient fashion Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0033.wav but the unique feature of the new north church is its slave galleries these two small galleries between the roof and the choir loft held for thirty years in diminishing numbers negroes and indians Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0034.wav the last occupant was a black lucretia who after being freed was invited to sit downstairs with her master and mistress which she did and which she continued to do until her death not so very long ago Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0035.wav hingham its main street alas for the original name of bachelors rowe arched by a double row of superb elms on either side is incalculably rich in old houses old traditions old families Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0036.wav even motoring through too quickly as motorists must one cannot help being struck by the substantial dignity of the place by the well kept prosperity of the houses large and small which fringe the fine old highway Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0037.wav the town has preserved a cranford like charm and why not when the very house is still handsomely preserved where the nameless nobleman francis le baron was concealed between the floors Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0038.wav and as we are told in missus austen's novel very properly capped the climax by marrying his brave little protector molly wilder why not when the lincoln family ancestors of abraham Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0039.wav named after the indian chief who granted the original deeds of the town has found quarters in an extremely interesting house dating from sixteen eighty in the spacious living room are seventeen panels on the walls and in the doors Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0040.wav painted with charming old fashioned skill by john hazlitt the brother of the english essayist the reverend daniel shute house built in seventeen forty six is practically intact with its paneled rooms Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0041.wav and wall paper a hundred years old hingham's famous elms shade the house where parson ebenezer gay lived out his long pastorate of sixty nine years and nine months and the garrison house built before sixteen forty Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0042.wav sheltered in its prime nine generations of the same family the rainbow roof house so called from the delicious curve in its roof is one of hingham's prettiest two hundred year old cottages and miss susan b willard's cottage Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0043.wav is one of the oldest in the united states derby academy founded almost two centuries and a half ago by madam derby still maintains its social and scholarly prestige through all the educational turmoil of the twentieth century Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0044.wav that john albion andrew who proved himself so truly one of our great men during the civil war courted eliza jones hersey and here that the happy years of their early married life were spent Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0045.wav later another governor john d long was for many years a mighty figure in the town with its ancient churches and institutions its pensive graveyards and lovely elms Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0046.wav hingham typifies what is quaintest and best in new england towns possibly the dappling of the elms possibly the shadow of the old ship church Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0047.wav however it may seem to its inhabitants to the stranger everything in hingham is tinctured by the remembrance of the stern old ecclesiasticism even the number of historic forts seems a proper part of those righteous days Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0048.wav for when did religion and warfare not go hand in hand during the trouble with king philip the town had three forts one at fort hill one at the cemetery and one on the plain about a mile from the harbor and the sites may still be identified Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0049.wav were landed on their salty decks for fifty years between eighteen eleven and eighteen sixty the rapid sailed as a packet between this town and boston making the trip on one memorable occasion in sixty seven minutes Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0050.wav she was carried up the weymouth river and covered masts and hull with green bushes so that the marauding british cruisers might not find her and as we read we find ourselves remembering that camouflage is new only in name Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0051.wav or would they realize that their sowing had brought forth richer fruit than they could guess it has all changed since puritan days and yet perhaps in no other place in new england does the hand of the past lie so visibly upon the community Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0052.wav you cannot lift your eyes but they rest upon some building raised two centuries and more ago the shade which ripples under your feet is cast by elms planted by that very hand of the past even your voice repeats the words which those old patriarchs Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0053.wav well versed in biblical lore chose for their neighborhood names accord pond and glad tidings plain might have been lifted from some pilgrim's progress while the near by sea of galilee and jerusalem road Steve Mattern +4813-248641-0054.wav are from the good book itself which way to egypt is this an echo from that time when the bible was the corner stone of church and state of home and school what's the best road to jericho beach surely it is some grave faced shade who calls Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0000.wav a town of enterprise and character ever since the first water power mill in this country the first powder mill in this country the first chocolate mill in this country and thus through a whole line of first things the first violoncello Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0001.wav few people to day think of milton in terms of industrial repute but rather as a place of estates too aristocratic to be fashionable Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0002.wav and of charming walks and drives and views many of the old families who have given the town its prestige still live in their ancestral manors and many of the families who have moved there in recent years Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0003.wav as the stranger passes through milton he is captivated by glimpses of ancient homesteads settling behind their white colonial fences topped with white colonial urns half hidden by their antique trees with an air of comfortable ease Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0004.wav of breeding that neither parades nor conceals its quality yes this is milton this is modern milton boston society receives some of its most prominent contributions from this patrician source Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0005.wav but modern milton is something more than this as old milton Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0006.wav that swims forever against the sky that marches forever around the horizon the rounded summits of the blue hills to which the eye is irresistibly attracted before entering the town which principally claims them are the worn down stumps of ancient mountains Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0007.wav and although so leveled by the process of the ages they are still the highest land near the coast from maine to mexico these eighteen or twenty skyey crests form the southern boundary of the so called boston basin Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0008.wav and are the most prominent feature of the southern coast from them the massachuset tribe about the bay derived its name signifying near the great hills which name was changed by the english to massachusetts Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0009.wav and applied to both bay and colony although its indian name has been taken from this lovely range the loveliness remains all the surrounding country shimmers under the mysterious bloom of these heights Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0010.wav so vast that everything else is dwarfed beside them and yet so curiously airy that they seem to perpetually ripple against the sky the great blue hill especially the one which bears an observatory on its summit swims above one's head Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0011.wav it seems to have a singular way of moving from point to point as one motors and although one may be forced to admit that this may be due more to the winding roads than to the illusiveness of the hill still the buoyant effect is the same Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0012.wav ruskin declares somewhere with his quaint and characteristic mixture of positiveness and idealism that inhabitants of granite countries Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0013.wav that clearly distinguishes them from the inhabitants of less pure districts perhaps he was right for surely here Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0014.wav each has through its own fair name done honor to the fair names which have preceded it one of the very first to be attracted by the lofty and yet lovely appeal of this region was governor thomas hutchinson Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0015.wav and the wide flat twist of the neponset river winding through it for all the world like a decorative panel Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0016.wav this is the view that the governor so admired and tradition tells us Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0017.wav he walked on foot down the hill shaking hands with his neighbors patriot and tory alike with tears in his eyes as he left behind him the garden and the trees he had planted and the house where he had so happily lived Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0018.wav the view from the back holds even more intimate attraction here is the old old garden and although the ephemeral blossoms of the present springtime shine brightly forth the box full twenty feet high speaks of another epoch Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0019.wav that visitors on entering from the street might see the gleam of his gold knee buckles as he stood on the distant porch the avenue however was never completed as belcher was appointed governor of and transferred to new jersey shortly after Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0020.wav two other men of note who since the days of our years are but threescore and ten chose that their days without number should be spent in the town they loved were wendell phillips and rimmer the sculptor who are both buried at milton Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0021.wav not only notable personages but notable events have been engendered under the shadow of these hills the suffolk resolves which were the prelude of the declaration of independence were adopted at the vose house Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0022.wav still retains in its broad hospitable lines some shred of its ancient charm milton is full of history from the revolutionary days when the cannonading at bunker hill shook the foundations of the houses but not the nerves of the milton ladies Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0023.wav when the fourth liberty loan of two million nine hundred fifty five thousand two hundred fifty dollars was subscribed from a population of nine thousand all the various vicissitudes of peace and war have been sustained on the high level Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0024.wav that one might expect from men and women nobly nurtured by the strength of the hills how much of its success milton attributes to its location for one joins indeed a distinguished fellowship when one builds upon a hill Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0025.wav or on several hills as roman as well as bostonian history testifies can only be guessed by its tribute in the form of the blue hills reservation this state recreation park and forest reserve Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0026.wav of about four thousand acres a labyrinth of idyllic footpaths and leafy trails of twisting drives and walks that open out upon superb vistas is now the property of the people of massachusetts the granite quarry man Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0027.wav far more interested in the value of the stone that underlay the wooded slopes than in ruskin's theory of its purifying effect upon the inhabitants had already obtained a footing here when under the able leadership of charles francis adams Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0028.wav the whole region was taken over by the state in eighteen ninety four as you pass through the reservation and if you are taking even the most cursory glimpse of milton you must include some portion of this park Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0029.wav the race track with its judges stands is still there but there are no more horse races although the forbes family still holds a conspicuous place Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0030.wav you may see too a solitary figure with a scientist's stoop or a tutor with a group of boys making a first hand study of a region which is full of interest to the geologist circling thus around the base of the great blue hill Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0031.wav erected in eighteen eighty four by the late a lawrence rotch of milton who bequeathed funds for its maintenance it is now connected with harvard university Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0032.wav once at the top the eye is overwhelmed by a circuit of more than a hundred and fifty miles it is almost too immense at first almost as barren as an empty expanse of rolling green sea but as the eye grows accustomed to the stretching distances Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0033.wav objects both near and far begin to appear and soon if the day is clear buildings may be identified in more than one hundred and twenty five villages we are six hundred and thirty five feet above the sea on the highest coastland Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0034.wav from agamenticus near york maine to the rio grande and the panorama thus unrolled is truly magnificent facing northerly we can easily distinguish cambridge somerville and malden Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0035.wav and far beyond the hills of andover and georgetown a little to the east boston with its gilded dome then the harbor with its islands headlands and fortifications Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0036.wav as far as eastern point lighthouse in gloucester forty miles to the northeast appear the twin lighthouses on thatcher's island seeming from here to be standing not on the land but out in the ocean Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0037.wav while beyond it stretches massachusetts bay turning nearly east the eye passing over chickatawbut hill three miles off and second in height of the blue hills follows the beautiful curve of nantasket beach Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0038.wav and the pointing finger of minot's light facing nearly south the long ridge of manomet hill in plymouth thirty three miles away stands clear against the sky while twenty six miles away in duxbury one sees the myles standish monument Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0039.wav and far beyond it is the grand monadnock in jaffrey Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0040.wav with its two equal summits the next group to the right is in lyndeboro at the right of lyndeboro and nearly over the readville railroad stations is joe english hill and to complete the round nearly north northwest are the summits Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0041.wav of the uncanoonuc mountains fifty nine miles away this then is the great blue hill of milton those who are familiar with the state of massachusetts and new england can stand here and pick out a hundred distinguishing landmarks Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0042.wav and those who have never been here before may find an unparalleled opportunity to see the whole region at one sweep of the eye from the point of view of topography the summit of great blue hill is the place to reach but for the sense of mysterious beauty Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0043.wav the hill itself seen from a distance floating lightly like a vast blue ball against a vaster sky is dreamily suggestive in a way which the actual view superb as it is is not Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0044.wav one remembers stevenson's observation that sometimes to travel hopefully is better than to arrive so let us come down for after all love is of the valley down again to the old town of milton Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0045.wav we have not half begun to wander over it not half begun to hear the pleasant stories it has to tell when one is as old as this for milton was discovered by a band from plymouth who came up the neponset river in sixteen twenty one Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0046.wav which drifts to us with a turn of the wind comes from a chocolate mill whose trade mark of a neat handed maid with her little tray is known all over the civilized world Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0047.wav and those mills stand upon the site of the first grist mill in new england to be run by water power this was in sixteen thirty four and one likes to picture the sturdy colonists trailing into town their packs upon their backs Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0048.wav like children in kindergarten games to have their grain ground israel stoughton was the name of the man who established this first mill a name perpetuated Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0049.wav all ground is historic ground in milton that rollicking group of schoolboys yonder belongs to an academy which handsome and flourishing as it is to day was founded as long ago as seventeen eighty seven Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0050.wav set against a stone wall near its original site this early church and early school was a log cabin with a thatched roof and latticed windows if one may believe the relief Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0051.wav but men of brains and character were taught there lessons which stood them and the colony in good stead one fancies the students roving eyes may have occasionally strayed down the indian trail directly opposite the old site a trail which Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0052.wav although now attained to the proud rank of a lane churchill's lane still invites one down its tangled green way along the gray stone wall yes every step of ground has its tradition here Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0053.wav yonder railroad track marks the spot where the very first tie in the country was laid and laid for no less significant purpose than to facilitate the carrying of granite blocks for bunker hill monument from their quarry to the harbor granite from the hills Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0054.wav again we are drawn back to the irresistible magnet of those mighty monitors yes wherever one goes in milton either on foot to day or back through the chapters of three centuries ago the blue hills dominate every event Steve Mattern +4813-248638-0055.wav and the great blue hill floats above them all Steve Mattern