11608 Creates a new BoidSim 11610 Creates a new boid 11622 Send a request to the api 13684 convert JSON string to google protobuf descriptor instance 21007 DiME pi mu sigma cmap None 21013 DPMixtureModel nclusts niter 1000 burnin 100 last None 21014 fit the mixture model to the data 21015 get the results of the fitted mixture model 21017 get the results of the fitted mixture model 21026 Generates spill matrix and indexes capabale of being passed to loadFCS 21045 Plots a surface plot for 2D data 47753 Pack a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of lists 47755 Makes all dictionary keys tuples of the same length 47779 Put data into semi equal bins 47784 A friendly scatter plot 47802 Adds a level onto a dataframe s column index 55670 Perform a transform on the elements of lst len lst must 55676 Iterate a unary function through many test cases 55677 Iterate a binary function through many test cases 55678 Iterate a ternary function through many test cases 55679 Iterate the format method through many test cases 55684 Initialization is from the C context 55690 Check if results of decimal s power function are within the 55702 Converts code combinations to either a single code integer 55771 Set the current cell from the entry widget 55827 Converts a textual representation of integer numbers and ranges 55847 Generator function that computes the set of acceptable 55853 input should be a str object 55914 Source w o bytecode small 55915 Source writing bytecode small 55916 Source w bytecode small 55974 Compute matches when text is a simple name 55976 makedirs name mode 0o777 exist ok False 56010 Closest Fraction to self with denominator at most max denominator 56030 Will be round self ndigits in 3 0 56153 Process a GROUP command Argument 56204 Create a new Snapshot instance with a filtered traces sequence filters 56211 fork pid master fd 56215 Create a spawned process 56219 Read at most size bytes from the chunk 56220 Skip the rest of the chunk 56245 Optimize a pickle string by removing unused PUT opcodes 56311 Read all data from the file returned as bytes 56337 Read and decode the next chunk of data from the BufferedReader 56374 Convert a cmp function into a key function 56375 New function with partial application of the given arguments 56376 Make a cache key from optionally typed positional and keyword arguments 56379 Computes the method resolution order using extended C3 linearization 56380 Calculates the method resolution order for a given class cls 56382 Single dispatch generic function decorator 56442 Create a new socket and send a PORT command for it 56469 Password based key derivation function 2 PKCS 5 v2 0 56530 Add the TarInfo object tarinfo to the archive If fileobj is 56534 Extract the TarInfo object tarinfo to a physical 56549 Provide an iterator object 56588 Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object 56594 Get the mapping of arguments to values 56596 Get information about a frame or traceback object 56603 Retrieve attributes without triggering dynamic lookup via the 56609 Private helper to calculate how wrapped sig signature will 56615 Private helper to parse content of text signature 56626 Set default values for missing arguments 56627 Constructs Signature from the given list of Parameter 56638 Return the per file header as a string 56639 Construct an appropriate ZipInfo for a file on the filesystem 56646 Read and return up to n bytes 56675 Override for issubclass subclass cls 56688 Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent 56717 Decodes data from the stream self stream and returns the 56718 Read one line from the input stream and return the 56745 Parse a config h style file 56755 sum data start type sum count 56765 Return the 50th percentile median of grouped continuous data 56793 Shuffle list x in place and return None 56794 Chooses k unique random elements from a population sequence or set 56801 Gamma distribution Not the gamma function 56819 Read configuration from a dictionary 56821 Get an option value for a given section 56830 Parse a sectioned configuration file 56831 Create a sequence of lookups with vars taking priority over 56842 Flush and close the file 56861 m None name None globs None verbose None report True 56862 Test examples in the given file Return failures tests 56894 Run the examples in test and display the results using the 56932 read the object at offset 56980 Internal read data in query string format 56981 Internal read a part that is itself multipart 56992 Discard cache entries that are out of date 57001 Get the hardware address on Windows using NetBIOS calls 57028 Get the one line summary out of a module file 57050 Generate documentation for an object 57098 Use SequenceMatcher to return list of the best good enough matches 57108 Returns generator yielding marked up from to side by side differences 57115 Return list of triples describing matching subsequences 57119 Return an upper bound on ratio relatively quickly 57128 Yields from to lines of text with a change indication 57160 Return True if this path matches the given pattern 57214 Join two or more pathname components inserting as needed 57223 Expand shell variables of form var and var Unknown variables 57224 Normalize path eliminating double slashes etc 57236 Recursively copy a directory tree 57255 Get the size of the terminal window 57257 Copy extended filesystem attributes from src to dst 57264 Return a dict of possible docstring positions 57270 param count true iff it should count number of times each 57276 Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name 57305 Returns a single string identifying the underlying platform 57316 Merge multiple sorted inputs into a single sorted output 57317 Find the n smallest elements in a dataset 57318 Find the n largest elements in a dataset 57328 wrap chunks chunks string string 57339 Flush and close the file 57367 Override this method to support alternative mo formats 57390 Split the extension from a pathname 57455 Convenience method to create a new Enum class 57462 Combine two caller lists in a single list 57465 Expand all abbreviations that are unique 57466 Byte compile all modules in the given directory tree 57467 Byte compile one file 57484 Execute events until the queue is empty 57539 Add message and return assigned key 57542 Replace the keyed message raise KeyError if it doesn t exist 57543 Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError 57559 Update table of contents mapping 57577 Append message to mailbox and return start stop offsets 57585 Generate key to start stop table of contents 57589 Generate key to start stop table of contents 57591 Add message and return assigned key 57593 Replace the keyed message raise KeyError if it doesn t exist 57594 Return a Message representation or raise a KeyError 57610 Re name messages to eliminate numbering gaps Invalidates keys 57620 Generate key to start stop table of contents 57693 Create and return a temporary file 57730 Create a StackSummary from a traceback or stack object 57760 Compute the hash value of a set 57787 Create a new dict for the current thread and return it 57796 Return type hints for a function or method object 57805 Helper to run code in nominated namespace 57809 Execute code located at the specified filesystem location 57877 Summarize a network range given the first and last IP addresses 57878 Loops through the addresses collapsing concurrent netblocks 57894 The subnets which join to make the current subnet 57918 Instantiate a new IPv4 network object 57940 Instantiate a new IPv6 Network object 57999 Return an estimate of the number of items in obj 58053 This command performs an entire mail transaction 58093 Put terminal into a raw mode 58106 Adjust canvas and scrollbars according to given canvas size 58107 Adjust scrollbars according to window and canvas size 58118 Configure polygonitem polyitem according to provided 58120 Configure lineitem according to provided arguments 58148 Set up a user defined coordinate system 58193 Draw a circle with given radius 58203 Return or set the pencolor and fillcolor 58240 Turns pen clockwise by angle 58259 Set the size and position of the main window 58271 Run command with arguments and return a CompletedProcess instance 58277 Create new Popen instance 58278 Interact with process Send data to stdin Read data from 58285 Wait for child process to terminate Returns returncode 58288 Construct and return tuple with IO objects 58293 Wait for child process to terminate Returns returncode 58342 Integer approximation to M log x M with absolute error boundable 58360 Converts a float to a decimal number exactly 58366 Compare the two non NaN decimal instances self and other 58370 Express a finite Decimal instance in the form n d 58384 Return self other self other 58388 Remainder nearest to 0 abs remainder near other 2 58394 Round if it is necessary to keep self within prec precision 58407 Three argument version of pow 58409 Return self other modulo 58411 Normalize strip trailing 0s change anything equal to 0 to 0e0 58416 Rounds to a nearby integer 58418 Return the square root of self 58419 Returns the larger value 58420 Returns the smaller value 58426 Compares self to other using the abstract representations 58442 Compute a lower bound for the adjusted exponent of self ln 58443 Returns the natural base e logarithm of self 58445 Returns the base 10 logarithm of self 58452 Compares the values numerically with their sign ignored 58453 Compares the values numerically with their sign ignored 58456 Returns the number closest to self in the direction towards other 58459 Returns a rotated copy of self value of other times 58460 Returns self operand after adding the second value to its exp 58461 Returns a shifted copy of self value of other times 58571 Return a 3 tuple containing ISO year week number and weekday 58596 Construct a datetime from a POSIX timestamp like time time 58608 Return a new datetime with new values for the specified fields 58638 Split a pathname into drive UNC sharepoint and relative path specifiers 58647 Expand shell variables of the forms var var and var 58649 Return a relative version of a path 58657 Display the syntax error that just occurred 58670 Guess the type of a file based on its URL 58684 Read a pickled object representation from the open file 58695 Attempt to synthesize a controller base on existing controllers 58706 Read until a given string is encountered or until timeout 58722 Read until one from a list of a regular expressions matches 58734 Instantiate a line oriented interpreter framework 58735 Repeatedly issue a prompt accept input parse an initial prefix 58745 Return the next possible completion for text 58746 List available commands with help or detailed help with help cmd 58754 Handle one request possibly blocking 58775 Fork a new subprocess to process the request 58798 Wait until notified or until a timeout occurs 58802 Acquire a semaphore decrementing the internal counter by one 58816 This constructor should always be called with keyword arguments Arguments are 58841 Create a new HMAC object 58849 Call every command that was set for the current active breakpoint 58895 Helper function for break clear parsing may be overridden 58935 Like dict update but add counts instead of replacing them 58936 Like dict update but subtracts counts instead of replacing them 58993 Equivalent of map can be MUCH slower than Pool map 58994 Like imap method but ordering of results is arbitrary 58997 Helper function to implement map starmap and their async counterparts 59017 Returns pair of connection objects at either end of a pipe 59018 Return a connection object connected to the pipe given by address 59020 Wait till an object in object list is ready readable 59089 Request forkserver to create a child process 59115 Feed SSL record level data into the pipe 59116 Feed plaintext data into the pipe 59130 Called when some SSL data is received 59189 A socket pair usable as a self pipe for Windows 59225 Add a reader callback 59226 Remove a reader callback 59227 Add a writer callback 59228 Remove a writer callback 59241 Read chunk of data from the stream until newline b 59263 Add a handler for a signal UNIX only 59310 Run one full iteration of the event loop 59314 Fills call queue with WorkItems from pending work items 59315 Manages the communication between this process and the worker processes 59319 Wait for the futures in the given sequence to complete 59332 Returns an iterator equivalent to map fn iter 59335 Serialize obj as a JSON formatted stream to fp a 59336 Serialize obj to a JSON formatted str 59338 Deserialize s a str instance containing a JSON 59345 Constructor for JSONEncoder with sensible defaults 59348 Encode the given object and yield each string 59583 Return a newly created Tcl function If this 59666 Construct a widget with the parent widget MASTER a name WIDGETNAME 60075 Load external XML document into element tree 60172 Install the callbacks needed to build the DOM into the parser 60218 Return a context manager that will return the enclosed block 60244 An unordered sequence comparison asserting that the same elements 60286 Given an arbitrary possibly callable object try to create a suitable 60298 Restore the mock object to its initial state 60305 assert that the mock was called with the specified arguments 60321 Test that the deprecated methods raise a DeprecationWarning See 9424 60343 Return lineno matchobj or None for forward backward search 60414 Return a MultiCall class which inherits its methods from the 60480 Return a value for configType section option or default 60527 Update the keybindings after they are changed 60533 Add appropriate entries to the menus and submenus 60537 Show the autocomplete list bind events 60555 Create a frame holding the widgets to configure one extension 60646 Return slice from index1 to index2 default is index1 1 60647 Delete slice from index1 to index2 default is index1 1 60764 Set a parameter in the Content Type header 60790 Encode a message header into an RFC compliant format 60873 dot atom CFWS dot atom text CFWS 60953 Copy an entire directory tree src to a new location dst 60967 Parse a config h style file 60968 Parse a Makefile style file 61010 Invoke 2to3 on a list of Python files 61011 Recursively copy a directory only copying new and changed files 61017 Launch vcvarsall bat and read the settings from its environment 61038 Reinitializes a command to the state it was in when first 61082 Process arguments and decide which source files to compile 61090 Compile one or more source files 61124 Parse command line options in args Store as attributes on object 61149 Generate list of package src dir build dir filenames tuples 61158 Construct a source file just like try cpp run it through 61206 Returns warnings when the provided data doesn t compile 61228 Draw a rectangle with corners at the provided upper left 61242 Accepts a list of fixers and returns a dictionary 61254 Refactors a parse tree modifying the tree in place 61281 Replace this node with a new one in the parent 61314 Initializer Takes optional type content and name 61315 Match the pattern s content to the node s children 61317 Optimize certain stacked wildcard patterns 61321 Helper to iteratively yield the matches 61326 Recursively adds a linear pattern to the AC automaton 61327 The main interface with the bottom matcher The tree is 61347 Check that something isn t an attribute or function name etc 61353 Returns the node which binds variable name otherwise None 61354 Will reuturn node if node will import name or node 61358 Internal function Reduces a compiled pattern tree to an 61359 Picks the most characteristic from a list of linear patterns 61361 Internal method Returns a characteristic path of the 61368 Compiles a node recursively 61394 The generate tokens generator requires one argument readline which 61431 3 2 Insertion unsort coding 61438 Open the database file filename and return corresponding object 61467 Initialize a logging record with interesting information 61508 Get a logger with the specified name channel name creating it 61549 Read the logging configuration from a ConfigParser format file 61561 Convert values to an appropriate type dicts lists and tuples are 61581 Work out the rollover time based on the specified time 61583 Determine the files to delete when rolling over 61589 Try to create a socket using an exponential backoff with 61633 Monitor the queue for records and ask the handler 61648 Create an opener object from a list of handlers 61663 Return an HTTPResponse object for the request using http class 61746 Get the response from the server 61836 Clear all cookies and reload cookies from a saved file 61859 Setup importlib by importing needed built in modules and injecting them 61861 Acquire the module lock If a potential deadlock is detected 61898 Return a module spec based on a file location 61919 Write bytes data to a file 61941 Fill the cache of potential modules and packages for this directory 61975 Trigger the load of the module and return the attribute 61992 A brutal shutdown of an SSL server should raise an OSError 61993 Connecting to an SSLv2 server with various client options 62020 Check that a partial write when it gets interrupted properly 62022 Check that a buffered write when it gets interrupted either 62084 helper for testing IAC cmd 62092 Construct a bunch of n threads running the same function f 62098 Test that a reset on a barrier frees the waiting threads 62099 Test that a barrier can be reset after being broken 62105 Remove frame opcodes from the given pickle 62117 Pure python version shown in the docs 62120 Pure python version shown in the docs 62122 Pure python version shown in the docs 62145 Ensure SAX2DOM expands nodes as expected 62146 Given a web browser instance method name along with arguments and 62203 Tabulate sort speed for lists of various sizes 62204 Main program when invoked as a script 62286 Test subiterator with a broken getattr implementation 62303 Test that temp dir creates and destroys its directory 62306 Test passing a directory that already exists with quiet True 62315 Graph the vertices of which are edges of G 62323 Correctly rounded true division for integers 62333 type set bases must check for reentrancy upon finishing its job 62348 approx equal x y tol rel True False 62391 succeed iff pyclbr readmodule ex modulename corresponds 62458 Setup the default logging stream to an internal StringIO instance 62459 Remove our logging stream and restore the original logging 62483 Test module level functions 62513 Test the specified socket method 62656 compare with walk results 62694 Full precision summation Compute sum iterable without any 62700 Test upgrading an existing environment directory 62704 Test that the sys executable value is as expected 62741 Calculate strides of a contiguous array Layout is C or 62742 Convert flat item list to the nested list representation of a 62754 Verify that the parameters represent a valid array within 62760 Create lshape rshape tuple lslices tuple rslices such that 62775 Common code for chown fchown and lchown tests 62810 Reference implementation for the slice indices method 62834 Build timestamps used to test rounding 62861 Run a single test 62868 Import and return a module deliberately bypassing sys modules 62882 Return a context manager that creates a temporary directory 62892 Return a context manager that raises ResourceDenied when various issues 62921 Assert that the all variable of module contains all public names 62930 Restore Windows ErrorMode or core file behavior to initial value 62950 Temporarily create each named module with an attribute named attr 67692 blends img with checkerboard pattern to visualize transparency in opencv 67699 crop BGRA image to the minimal straight rectangle 76350 Find any ValuesQuerySets in the view s returned dictionary 88343 Creates an AST out of the tokenized template 89292 Set column in buffer by byte 89304 Set turn on pixel 97188 inline extended controls into paragraph texts 97189 make paragraphs children of the listheader 97598 Render a panel with a progress bar and a Cancel button 100794 Returns the distance between two colors 100795 Add the instance to the dataset 113157 Split cells equally by the amount of interactions between agents in 113161 Test that neighbors are withing the correct distance from each other 120307 Override as this involves nested writes 120337 Test flashcard weight generator for words 122680 Build the model graph 122682 Build the evaluation graph 125154 get FIFO average Rate from Queue 125204 Automatically select batch no for outgoing items in item table 125259 Get amounts for current and past periods 125421 Get raw materials considering sub assembly items 126303 Sort merge sub results generating a flat sequence 126305 Returns instances of self v brains or whatever is passed 126309 deletes a row from the meta data schema 126314 Adds an object to the Catalog by iteratively applying it to 126319 Iterate through the indexes applying the query to each one If 126328 Return the object for this record 126371 Test an empty FieldIndex 126372 Test a populated FieldIndex 126385 Return a list of unique values for name 126386 Apply the index to query parameters given in request which 126403 Perform the actual search 126406 If the value matches the indexed one insert into treeset 126407 Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId 126422 Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId 126429 Apply the index to query parameters given in the request arg 126432 returns the unique values for name 126717 Ritorna una stringa binaria corrispondente al comando passato 126733 Crea il layout del programma finestra dell emulatore 126736 Esegue il metodo step del calcolatore didattico ed aggiorna 126746 Aggiorna lo stato dei Registri 136802 Find circular edges in a 2D image using hough transforms 136803 Find bright ellipse contours on a black background 136805 Returns indices of features that are closer than separation from other 136806 Returns the slice and origin that belong to slice image 136814 Obtains the sliced image displayed on ax 136818 Annotates an ellipse on an image 136832 From deviatory radius as function of theta calculates the power 136833 From an iterable of coordinates calculates average DFT powerspectrum 136834 Unwraps an circular or ellipse shaped feature into elliptic coordinates 136836 Interpolates the image along lines perpendicular to the ellipse 136837 Refines coordinates of a 3D ellipsoid starting from given parameters 136838 Refines coordinates of a 3D ellipsoid starting from given parameters 136842 Returns points and normal unit vectors on an ellipse 136843 Returns points and normal unit vectors on an ellipse on only 136844 Locates maxima by fitting parabolas to values around the maximum 136847 Test finding single particle 136848 Test find single noisy particle 136849 Test finding multiple particles noisy 136850 Test locating single particle noisy 196535 Converts the suds request into requests request and HTTP POSTs 204602 Initialise our surface where the actual drawing happens 220558 Hand craft an xor ish dataset 220574 Set min and max values and give it some padding 220575 Helper function to evaluate the total loss on the dataset 220578 Hand craft an xor ish dataset 255050 Loads what drivers and plugins are appropriate for the selected 255059 Get the currently active profile for the specified device This will 255096 Get the list of macros sorted 255140 Disconnect the driver Callers should use this and s 255161 This handles the default action bindings The actions may have 255165 Get all macros including those in parent profiles By default the 255250 Handle a position update event from the joystick either by translating 255303 Initializes and opens the USB device 255304 Loads image from given file 255366 Recalculate the timer schedulers 255373 Switch to next state within normal workflow 255423 Send a ClientMessage event to the root 255557 The molecule is rotated around the first largest molecule 274335 Estimates possible eps values to be used with DBSCAN 274338 This is an implementation of general Sift4 274340 Compute a similarity score for two documents 274342 Initialize with a list of terms 274359 Prune terms which are totally subsumed by a phrase 274370 The first pass consists of converting documents 274379 Disambiguates a list of tokens of a given PoS 274381 Computes the semantic similarity between two concepts 274385 Builds lexical chains as an adjacency matrix 274386 Computes the score for a lexical chain 274388 Returns a description of a concept 274401 Adds new sentences to the internal indexing of the model 276882 Alter the DB schema for the changes related to colored tags 277220 Test the model when we delete a project with a group 277221 Test the model when we delete a project with users 277222 Test the model when we delete a project with Colored tags 277983 Test the renew api token endpoint 278154 Test the add issue dependency of pagure lib query 278616 When the pattern matches update the text 278617 When the pattern matches update the text 278649 Return whether the user is an admin of the provided repo 278651 Return whether the user has some access in the provided repo 278705 Set up the argument parsing 279054 Returns the next identifier of a project ticket or pull request 279078 Create a new project based on the information provided 279079 Create a new issue for the specified repo 279081 Create a new pull request on the specified repo 279089 List a users projects 279090 Get a project from the database 279095 Retrieve the specified pull requests 279121 Return the groups based on the criteria specified 279139 Returns list of all the projects which the user is watching 279146 Return the activity of the specified user on the specified date 279156 Searches the API tokens corresponding to the criterias specified 279167 Retrieve the family of the specified project ie all the forks 279233 Returns some statistics about commits made against the specified 279234 Returns the evolution of the commits made against the specified 279432 For a given text searches using regex if the text contains 279448 Display the api information page 279484 Update pull request information 279488 Comment on a pull request 279512 Create a new project 279520 Modify ACLs on a project 280103 Returns a list of utility programs 280118 Removes unnecessary files from LNP Graphics pack 315244 Extract wanted information from info 315932 Initialize the data oject 315994 Generate EB service endpoint from region if not presents or overwrite 315998 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 316002 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 316103 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 316141 Build the body for a multipart form data request 316157 Iterates over the response data one line at a time This 316206 Receives a Response Returns a generator of Responses 316234 All arguments except server hostname have the same meaning as for 316305 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 316309 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 316410 Make API call and translate AWSServiceException to more specific exception 318308 All interleavings of two sequences 325447 Split a dict of variables up into sharded dummy 325453 Given prob over words for every last beam wordLk and attention 325456 Embed the words or utilize features and MLP 325463 Construct a data set 325471 Return a new dictionary with the size most frequent entries 329687 Checks whether dictionary is a superset of subset 330945 calculates cube root of a num using binary search 330954 bubbles down and deletes and element specified by index 334907 A wrapper function around the maximum impact estimation algorithm 334908 An expectation maximization technique that produces pathway definitions 335045 Returns a random hand containing n lowercase letters 335098 d1 d2 dicts of int keys and int values 340731 param features array like of shape w h num of features 344406 Assume that Y ndim 2 344407 Use Cholesky decomposition to invert the variance matrix 344408 Each input array should be of shape subjects regions contrasts 352558 Activate a user s account 352569 Given a username email address and password register a new 352601 Activating a user within the permitted window makes the 352602 Attempting to activate outside the permitted window does not 352625 Test re sending of activation emails via admin action 352626 Test re sending of activation emails via admin action when 356827 Return the 1D vector of 1 labels for all examples 356831 Identify A trials to use in boosted ensemble 356836 construct and train a scikits svm model 356838 Performs normalizations before training on a list of feature array label 367484 Create relationships of resource 367485 Update relationships of resource 367486 Remove relationships of resource 367501 Get compound documents of resources 367561 Detects all fields and wires everything up These class attributes are 367570 Add in the decorated processors 367583 Tags decorated processor function to be picked up later 375245 Constructor for training algorithm 375247 Cycles through alternately training the shared parameters and the 375249 Train the language model for 400 steps of minibatches of 64 375251 Fixes the shared parameters and updates the controller parameters 375252 Evaluate on the validation set 375265 Embeds inputs with the dropped out embedding weight matrix 375271 Make labels for a given set of Label objects 378062 Plot two digits frequency counts using matplotlib 379267 Define sub commands and command line options 384258 captures a frame from the camera 411591 Check that a set of boxes are valid 411594 Return the roidb indices for the next minibatch 411599 Compute bounding box regression targets for an image 411600 Pure Python NMS baseline 411606 Clip boxes to image boundaries 411609 Return the boxes on image grid 411611 Mean subtract and scale an image for use in a blob 417248 Returns the row echelon form of A 420008 Implements 2 s complement inc dec method with linear steps 447113 Returns a list of potential owner distance from dir tuples a 447182 Retrieves all the text between matching open and close parentheses 447189 Processes a single line in the file 447253 Find the percentile of a list of values 447269 Instantiate a WildCardIterator for the given StorageUri 447273 Python iterator that gets called when iterating over cloud wildcard 447324 inspect the source file to found encoding problem or fixmes like 447361 return the line type docstring comment code empty 447373 check size of inheritance hierarchy and number of instance attributes 447375 check function name docstring arguments redefinition 447413 check that if assigning to a function call the function is 447453 set different default options with default dictionary 447555 Returns newly created key 447571 Finds an AuthHandler that is ready to authenticate 447652 Start a multipart upload operation 447653 Complete a multipart upload operation 447726 Determine how long until the next scheduled time for a Task 447731 Utility method to handle calls to ECS and parsing of responses 447818 return an iterator on statements inferred by each statement in stmts 447855 infer a function argument value according to the call context 447927 filter statements to remove ignorable statements 447955 visit a Arguments node by returning a fresh instance of it 447958 visit a Assign node by returning a fresh instance of it 447965 visit a CallFunc node by returning a fresh instance of it 447966 visit a Class node to become astng 448057 return an iterator on the node base classes in a prefixed 448068 return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given 448121 recursive function doing the real work for get cycles 448182 get an apropriate handler according to given parameters 460684 Given a salt and an index to combine computes the hash 460702 Drives for search of state space to find solutions 460704 each side is 2n 1 461658 Generate a pixbuf of a widget 461673 Apply various configuration options 461725 Split the axis of a terminal inside us 461795 Initialise anything that isn t already 461811 Layout operations have finished record that fact 461830 Parse bindings and mangle into an appropriate form 461855 Default axis splitter This should be implemented by subclasses 461857 Handle button presses on a Pane 461858 Evenly divide available space between sibling panes 461867 Default rotation This should be implemented by subclasses 461871 Handle the taking prompting and saving of a terminalshot 467421 Calculate the player s Bedwars level 472461 Get port number optional 472479 Verify number of hosts switches and nodes at each layer 472483 Verify port numbering between selected nodes 472868 Use pcolormesh to draw latitude longitude data on map 473524 Clebsch Gordan coefficient for the hyperfine transition dipole matrix 478542 Returns a list of squares around a given square 482450 Parse a dsn to parts similar to urlparse 482626 Convert accent from latex to unicode style 492306 Add a BBTagNode of name name onto the tree 492374 Elastic deformation of images as described in Simard2003 492375 xx is a list numpy matrices 492376 xx is a list numpy matrices 516434 Return the nb th layer that is an instance of cls 517635 soup should be a BeautifulSoup instance selector is a CSS selector 533308 Generator that yields dictionaries of all models that have this 533310 Returns a list of value URL tuples 533312 Splits the arguments to the autopaginate tag and formats them correctly 536664 Computes the error k for the specified values of k 538689 Make a new image rendering of the map 539088 Send one line to the printer 539106 Print Image Requires Python Imaging Library pillow 539113 Reset the printer to factory defaults 539123 Validate data against the bar code type 544955 Save a network make sure it s valid 545278 Get raw materials considering sub assembly items 546836 Generate port mapping for new edge 546875 Monitor a set of hosts or all hosts by default 546924 Internal method configure a single parameter 547009 Create veth link to another node making two new interfaces 547022 Verify that link delays are accurate within a bound 547085 Add a new node to our canvas 547100 Finish creating a link 547132 Create a and return a new canvas with scale markers 547142 Create a grid of consoles in a frame 555112 Returns a list of absolute paths to modified js files 555126 Return True if metrics were actually sent 555128 Decorator to instrument Cloud Endpoint methods 555131 Create pseudorandom fake dependency graphs 555185 Keeps a critical section from executing concurrently using a file lock 555187 Keeps a critical section from executing concurrently using a file lock 555189 Runs the task in a loop for a given duration 555242 Prune old desired state entries 555250 If bugdroid should send email for a given commit message 555269 Get recent gerrit commits as a list of GitLogEntry items 555290 Runs one iteration of the loop Useful for testing 555309 The part of start that runs in the child process 555315 Collapses a list of MetricData objects into a single MetricData object 555326 Entry point when build event type is passed 555374 Checks out projects listed in projects into root dir 555387 Creates a new environment in home dir 555471 Issue one HTTP request 555472 Get an authentication token 555489 Check HTTP response status is expected 555650 True if current identity has any of roles in bucket 555651 Returns buckets available to the current identity 555654 Checks Build invariants before putting 555664 Returns builds available for leasing in the specified buckets 555665 Leases the build makes it unavailable for the leasing 555667 Marks build as STARTED Idempotent 555670 Marks a build as completed Used by succeed and fail methods 555674 For all building expired builds resets their lease key and state 555687 Creates a swarming task for the build and mutates the build 555694 Returns defined swarmbucket builders 555749 Creates a list of TextFragment objects based on text 555763 base dir defaults to from the file s directory 555776 Decorator that processes the patch id argument 555777 Decorator that processes the patch id argument 555807 Converts an ndb Model instance into a dict 555816 Return a nickname for an email address 555835 Generates an access token to impersonate the current user if any 555845 Remove the specified patchset as a dependent 555850 Patch a patch set into individual patches 555855 Internal version of RenderDiff2TableRows 555857 Helper that returns comments for a patch 555859 Helper function to render side by side table rows 556000 Returns all swarming tasks related to one build 556019 Finds suspects by matching stacktrace and changelogs in regression range 556021 Finds changelists suspected of being responsible for the crash report 556025 Parse fracas stacktrace string into Stacktrace instance 556034 Parse clusterfuzz stacktrace string into Stacktrace instance 556040 Parse line into a StackFrame instance if possible 556056 Converts to Stacktrace object 556071 Determines if two paths represent same path 556072 Annotate a crash report with dependencies 556105 Generate all possible suspects for the reported crash 556106 Returns a lineup of the suspects in order of likelihood 556111 Merge multiple FeatureValue changed files lists into one 556184 An arbitrary test to get 100 code coverage 556286 Assert that two Suspect objects are equal 556321 Finds at most one change point in the given series 556369 Sets duplicate status to analyses of duplicating build failures 556375 Gets All triaged CLs which were found by heuristic approaches 556376 Gets All triaged CLs which were found by try job approaches 556377 Queries all CLs and calculates confidence of each type of results 556379 Appends a triage history record to the given analysis 556410 Create and store dummy data 556418 Iterates entities queried by query 556424 Set old new path and old new mode 556448 De serializes from element list to an MetaDict 556458 Decorator to cache a generator function 556488 Tests that vsum works for list of float like objects 556534 Saves the current entity but as a new version 556547 Returns True if a notification for the culprit should be sent 556560 Strips extension and common suffixes from file name to guess relation 556561 Checks if two files are related 556564 Gets changed line numbers for file in failure log 556572 Returns a BuildInfo instance for the specified build 556579 Downloads swarming test results for a step from previous build 556626 Downloads build data and returns a WfBuild instance 556684 Pipeline to determine the regression range of a flaky test 556689 Schedules an analysis if needed and returns the MasterFlakeAnalysis 556691 Merges the new request into the previous request 556692 Checks if a new analysis is needed for the requested flake 556696 Generates a comment based on the analysis result 556700 Calculates and returns the steppiness of the data points 556704 Finds the matching Waterfall step and checks whether it is supported 556706 Finds the next commit position to analyze or gets final result 556708 Runs a try job at a revision to determine its flakiness 556721 Returns a list of dependency rolls between the given Chromium revisions 556734 Take a commit message and parse out any numberings 556740 Return statistics about the scan times of all repositories 556782 Finds all occurrences in the current flakiness period 556785 Updates an issue on the issue tracker 556797 points is expected to be a list of float namedtuple pairs 556799 Returns a generator for raw attempts 556841 Deletes a package along with all its instances 556845 Makes new PackageInstance entity if it is not yet there 556856 Adds a bunch of tags to an existing package instance 556858 Returns package instances with a given tag 556883 Transactionally modifies ACLs for a bunch of packages and roles 556888 Dict role list of PackageACL entities PackageACL message 556896 Returns information about a package 556899 Common implementation for hide package and unhide package 556903 Registers a new package instance in the repository 556905 Lists package instance refs newest first 556909 Returns package instances with given tag in no particular order 556914 Increments a counter on a package instance 556915 Increments a counter on a package instance 556919 Lazily opens zip file and reads its directory 556946 Initiates an upload operation if file is missing 556957 Register page and form handlers for the issue tracker 556958 Register page and form handlers for framework functionality 556959 Register page and form handlers that aren t associated with projects 556965 Get the projects to display in the user s profile 557013 Return a list of grid row items for display by EZT 557016 Return the requested attribute values of the given artifact 557042 Return a permission lookup key appropriate for the user and project 557053 Return True if the given user may view a user group 557076 Return True if the user can use the given permission 557087 Chip away at deletable projects until they are gone 557096 Return an accessor function for a single simple UI column 557134 Given num and start params determine Prev and Next links 557139 Return a list of list row objects for display by EZT 557148 Store all the given data for later access by EZT 557150 A retry decorator with exponential backoff 557163 Implements the x86 32 bit version of Murmur Hash 3 0 557170 Gather EZT variables needed for the unified user settings form 557217 Compose and execute an SQL SELECT statement on this table 557220 Insert all the given rows 557250 Make the getters template friendly 557298 Initialize the MonorailRequest object 557332 Re apply all filter rules to all issues in a project 557336 Compute derived field values for an issue based on filter rules 557345 Compare users based on email addresses 557346 Compare the values specified in the rule and the issue 557358 Process the hotlist create form 557370 Return lists of open and closed issues referenced by these comments 557374 Apply autolink regex and substitution function to each text run 557376 Returns data from MakeTableData after adding additional information 557403 Formulate emails to be sent 557407 Generate Email PBs to notify interested users after a bulk edit 557426 Parse a quick edit command into assignments and labels 557438 Updates an issue based on the parsed commands 557446 EZT template values to render a Table View of issues 557467 Process the posted form when the user pressed Save 557506 Initialize a MemberView with the given information 557514 Returns a project protocol buffer with the given attributes 557522 Partially construct a config object using info from a DB row 557523 Partially construct a template object using info from a DB row 557525 Partially construct a FieldDef object using info from a DB row 557527 On RAM and memcache miss hit the database 557529 Initialize this object so that it is ready to use 557535 Look up a label ID optionally interning it 557545 Look up a status ID for the given status string 557553 Update an issue config in the database 557554 Update the templates part of a project s issue configuration 557555 Update the labels part of a project s issue configuration 557556 Update the status part of a project s issue configuration 557557 Update project s issue tracker configuration with the given info 557558 Completely delete the specified project config from the database 557559 Create a new field definition with the given info 557566 Update the specified field definition 557568 Create a new component definition with the given info 557569 Update the specified component definition 557587 Store a user PB in the database 557588 Update the preferences of the specified user 557589 Apply action limit updates to a user s account 557595 Convert user id to API AtomPerson PB 557597 Convert API IssueRef PBs to global issue ids 557599 Convert Monorail IssueComment PB to API IssueCommentWrapper 557601 Convert a list of Monorail Amendment PBs to API Update 557607 Convert ComponentDef PB to Component PB 557612 Make the GAE search index documents for the given issue batch 557613 We only index the comments that are not deleted or banned 557623 Create and store a Project with the given attributes 557628 Return all user visible live project ids 557634 Update the DB with the given project information 557639 Load the project update the member s extra perms and store 557650 Partially construct an issue object using info from a DB row 557653 Retrieve and deserialize issues 557654 Initialize this object so that it is ready to use 557666 Return the requested issues in separate open and closed lists 557669 Store the given issue in SQL 557670 Update the given issues in SQL 557673 Update the Issue2Label table rows for the given issues 557674 Update the Issue2FieldValue table rows for the given issues 557675 Update the Issue2Component table rows for the given issues 557676 Update the Issue2Cc table rows for the given issues 557678 Update the IssueRelation table rows for the given issues 557684 Copy the given issues into the destination project 557685 Move the given issues into the destination project 557687 Completely delete the specified issues from the database 557699 Construct an Amendment PB from a DB row 557700 Consoliodate amendments of the same field in one comment into one 557702 Turn rows into IssueComment PBs 557703 Retrieve comments from SQL 557706 Return all IssueComment PBs by comment ids 557709 Store the given issue comment in SQL 557712 Create and store a new comment on the specified issue 557714 Load a IssueAttachment from database and its comment ID and IID 557723 Sort blocked on dependencies by rank and dst issue id 557724 Updates rankings of blocked on issue relations to new values 557757 Read the given keys from memcache return key value missing keys 557774 On RAM and memcache miss hit the database to get memberships 557777 Delete groups members and settings It will NOT delete user entries 557788 Fetch addr member count usergroup settings for all user groups 557799 Set up all services 557812 Extends endpoints method by performing base checks 557817 List all comments for an issue 557821 Add a new issue 557824 Create a new user group 557825 Get a group s settings and users 557834 Returns item id uid of users who starred these items 557839 Sets or unsets stars for the specified item and users 557868 Process the flagging request 557874 Return a ProjectIssueConfig with the given values 557881 Make a FieldDef PB for the given FieldDef table row tuple 557897 Make an issue template PB 557899 Combine several ProjectIssueConfigs into one for cross project sorting 557900 Put the given label defs into a logical global order 557902 Accumulate strings into a combined list while its maintaining ordering 557925 Produce a displayable string for an Amendment PB 557933 Merge the fields to add remove into the current field values 557934 Splits issue relation rankings by some target issue s rank 557954 Processes a POST command to delete components 557966 Check that the user has permission to even visit this page 557970 Create view objects that help display parts of an issue 557975 Validate and store the contents of the issues tracker admin page 557982 The user wants to edit this component definition 557986 Make one FieldValue PB from the given user supplied string 557996 Compute rankings for moved ids to insert between the 558010 Decides which flipper class to use 558013 Load and paginate the visible comments for the given issue 558033 Return a view on the issue s field value 558038 Store relevant values for later display by EZT 558041 Get IssueComment PB and make its fields available as attrs 558045 Make several values related to this field available as attrs 558046 Gather data for the issue section of a project admin page 558053 Return the template to show to the user in this situation 558057 Process the issue entry form 558064 Validate and store the contents of the issues tracker admin page 558066 The user wants to edit this field definition 558072 EZT template values to render a Table View of issues 558073 Return a dict of values to drive on page user help 558084 Returns global IDs from the local IDs provided in the cond 558092 Preprocess a label names cond into label id IDs 558093 Preprocess a component or component name cond into component id IDs 558128 Convert a label or custom field sort directive into SQL 558148 Trim the IIDs to keep at least num needed items 558154 Calculate info needed to show the issue flipper 558156 Return a dict shard key iid sample issue 558157 Select a scattering of issues from the list leveraging RAM cache 558159 Fetch matching issues and paginate the search results 558316 Main application entry point 558353 Send a ChromeInfraEvent filled with a BuildEvent 558361 Generate MetricsPayload for global monitor send 558362 Generate MetricsCollection for global monitor send 558375 Fill in the fields attribute of a metric protocol buffer 558472 Prints out the digits of PI 558513 Calculates a Charikar simhash with appropriate bitlength 561047 Read tables in PDF with a Tabula App template 561615 Method to update a key value pair in a nested document 561620 Lookup a key in a nested document yield a value 586281 Return a biopython 1 model entity from a structure file 592199 Search from the middle of the array for a plateau 592426 Fletcher checksum for OSPF LSAs returned as a 2 byte string 597162 Defines a new yara context with specified yara sigs 597169 Scanner base Scanner class 597179 memory multi threaded create scan than destroy 598328 Verify that related models are deleted even if the relation is 602099 block Command if Expression then single gen Command 602100 Command single Command single Command 602102 sec Command Identifier Expression Param 602103 Expression primary Expression Operator primary Expression 602105 primary Expression Integer Literal 602106 Declaration sec Declaration func declaration sec Declaration func declaration 602107 sec Declaration const Identifier Expression 602111 Scan a single token from input text 603037 Parser generation without considering flag settings 603040 Parser generation without considering flag settings 603043 Break value into set of case dependent groups 603045 Create the table for parsing a name reference 603077 Returns a pp formatted tag table entry as string 603083 Creates a lookup table that matches the words in l 603084 A fast replacement for string replace 603085 Analogon to string replace returns a string with what all occurences 603089 A faster replacement for string split 605547 Returns a list of Bag IndexEntry tuples to load 611591 Get the positional and keyword arguments from a request 611602 Pure version of dispatch no logging no optional parameters 611603 Dispatch a request or requests to methods 616359 Checks rules from the C style rules section of cppguide html 616371 Processes a single line in the file 622390 Generate a cartesian product of input arrays 638005 Similar to tornado concurrent return future but uses the auth 664345 Create a Batch from a list of examples 667756 The recursive algorithm that finds solutions by backtracking 667770 TODO to be tested 667790 Cleans the sem storage corpus of a document removing unwanted fields 667792 Return a document after it passed through a pipeline 672660 Convert bytes to string in lists tuples and dicts 672707 Pull apart IMAP FETCH responses as returned by imaplib 692103 Gets text and trains a segmenter with NLTK or reads in 692104 NLTK currently splits sentences between 2 initials Hacking 694618 Write your forwards migration here 694630 Write your forwards migration here 694631 Write your backwards migration here 709404 Generate computational art and save as an image file 709426 Initialize a pip obstacle at the specified x coordinate pos x 709427 Get the drawables that constitute a pipe obstacle 709897 Calculates the great circle distance between two points law of cosines 709901 Performs a proximity radius fetch on the given query 709903 Returns the edges of the rectangular region containing all of the 709913 Computes the geocell containing the given point to the given resolution 709914 Computes the rectangular boundaries bounding box of the given geocell 710065 initialization None lecun glorot he glorot he orthogonal uniform range 712686 param private key A PrivateKey instance 727364 Add a command line argument list to the config 730767 Parse command line options 731060 Parse a whole row 731085 Parse a number of input parameters 731086 Parse the remaining parameters as a running number 742414 Plot spectrum filter and intermediate waveforms produced by wav2sq 762756 Get fully qualified calling function name 762760 Construct exception tree from trace 762781 Merge an object into an existing object 762841 Test raise exception if method exceptions 762848 Test copy method behavior 762857 Trace support module class 762867 Test copy method behavior 762882 Test copy method behavior 762887 Test load and save methods behavior 762933 Make data filter definition consistent 762998 Make data filter definition consistent 763004 Validate column identifier s 764683 Fetch url and parse config num threads threads 765774 Eval CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 765778 Reads and parses examples from CIFAR10 data files 765781 Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops 765782 Train CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 779226 Transfer the latest pose to the transform nodes 779229 Create the transform and the observer for the camera 779230 Create the mrml structure to represent a hand cursor if needed 779232 Create the mrml structure to represent the table if needed 780368 Create a sparse representention of x 780369 return the next batch 780372 Create a sparse representention of x 781586 Recursively find all packages and data directories rooted at path Note 781603 path A list of path elements 783020 An unfortunate evil All because Python s traceback cannot 783033 Generates the clean state object magic Here be dragons 790859 Test that we can add an image via the s3 backend 790860 Test that having http s in the s3serviceurl in config 791418 Shortcut wrapper to the Connection s rpc command using its callback 791430 Build internal class Response Response object 791439 Iterates over the response data one line at a time This 791474 Constructs and sends a class Request Request 794778 A decorator to set the cache control and expires headers 795253 Returns the ranges missing between start and end 795433 Evaluate a let form with parameters VALS in environment ENV 795442 Evaluate Scheme expression EXPR in environment ENV 796500 The forward propagation used to get recommendation scores given 796504 Transform to sequence form 808237 This is generic record driver 808241 Trim string s to at most width columns including ellipsis 808248 Interactively filter patch chunks into applied only chunks 808289 Toggle folded flag of specified item defaults to currently selected 808293 str return short help used in the top status window 814116 Metadata about the game session 816475 Custom sned mail for sending HTML emails rendered from a template 826534 Puts calculates a matrix from parameters 826538 Puts calculates a matrix from parameters 826540 build and return a 3x3 transformation matrix from a quaternion 826544 Evaluate the gradient with respect to the parameters central difference 826981 add the given column to this collection removing unaliased 826999 Rewrite any a JOIN b JOIN c expression as 827021 sort a collection of Table objects in order of 827050 clone the given expression structure allowing element 827062 Associate a SQL expression with a particular type without rendering 827095 Produce a bound expression 827110 Produce a CASE expression 827247 Return a copy of this class Table associated with a different 827250 Create a copy of this Column unitialized 827262 Construct a class Sequence object 827268 Construct a CHECK constraint 827269 Construct a composite capable FOREIGN KEY 827315 Construct an class Update object 827372 Construct a new class Select 827645 Construct a new Connection 827665 Execute a schema ColumnDefault object 827666 Execute a schema DDL object 827667 Execute a sql ClauseElement object 827670 Create an class ExecutionContext and execute returning 827671 Execute a statement params on the given cursor 827702 Initialize execution context for a string SQL statement 827707 Given a cursor and ClauseParameters call the appropriate 827708 Generate default values for compiled insert update statements 827886 Extract mapped classes and relationships from the class MetaData and 827912 Establish this type as a mutation listener for the given 827962 Return an instance based on the given primary key identifier 828024 Initialize the inter mapper relationships of all mappers that 828029 Return a new class Mapper object 828055 Create a map of all equivalent columns based on 828066 assemble a WHERE clause which retrieves a given state by primary 828067 Iterate each element and its mapper in an object graph 828103 Provide a relationship between two mapped classes 828222 Establish event listeners on object attributes which handle 828237 Construct a new Session 828268 Return True if the given instance has locally 828348 Return an ORM result as an iterator 828349 Merge a result into this class Query object s Session 828351 Load the given identity key from the database 828352 Produce a mapper level row processor callable 828453 establish actions and dependencies related to a flush 828454 Issue INSERT and or UPDATE statements for a list 828456 Issue DELETE statements for a list of objects 828460 Identify sets of values to use in INSERT statements for a 828462 Identify sets of values to use in UPDATE statements for a 828465 Emit INSERT statements corresponding to value lists collected 828466 Emit UPDATE statements corresponding to value lists collected 828468 finalize state on states that have been inserted or updated 828493 Return an unordered sequence of all classes related to cls 831130 Given target name find all matching source names 831145 Returns transitive change time 831159 Calculate dependencies for a py python3 source file 832954 Evaluate an expression in environment 832965 Evaluate an expression in environment 832977 Evaluate an expression in an environment 846498 Checks the tensor shapes after each phase of the ResNet model 846513 Input function which provides batches for train or eval 846519 Standard building block for residual networks with BN before convolutions 846520 Bottleneck block variant for residual networks with BN before convolutions 846521 Creates one layer of blocks for the ResNet model 846538 Ensure that model trains and minimizes loss 846540 Build an estimator appropriate for the given model type 846553 DNN with three hidden layers and dropout of 0 1 probability 846586 Returns all the expected value for goodies for the entire model 846616 Create a lower bound in three parts normalized reconstruction 846695 Computes the IWAE lower bound on the log marginal probability 846700 Implements one timestep of IWAE computation 846701 Implements one timestep of FIVO computation 846710 Creates the evaluation graph 846731 Computes one timestep of the VRNN 846744 Builds a dictionary representing the parse tree of a sentence 846862 Initializes the ComponentBuilder from specifications 846873 Builds a training loop for this component 846874 Builds an inference loop for this component 846875 Constructs a single instance of a feed forward cell 846876 Runs the network and advances the state by a step 846879 Requires stride otherwise see base class 846885 Creates learning rate var with decay and switching for CompositeOptimizer 846895 Builds an inference pipeline 846943 Returns root selection potentials computed from tokens and weights 846954 Adds a variable for the embedding of a given fixed feature 846956 Looks up fixed features and passes them through embeddings 846963 Looks up activations from tensor arrays 846964 Looks up activations from tensors 846966 Applies dropout if so configured to an input tensor 847001 Extracts features and advances a batch using the oracle path 847003 Extracts features and advances a batch using the oracle path 847007 Extracts feature IDs and advances a batch using the oracle path 847008 Advances a batch using oracle paths returning the overall CE cost 847009 Annotates a batch of documents using network scores 847021 Sanitize the given tensor 847023 Compute the sanitized gradients 847024 Minimize using sanitized gradients 847027 Compute differentially private projection 847031 Clip an array of tensors by L2 norm 847032 Soft threshold a tensor by the mean value 847036 Maps xs to consumers 847041 conv2d run separately per example to help compute per example gradients 847047 Compute the log moment of Gaussian mechanism for given parameters 847050 Accumulate the privacy spending 847058 Compute 0 to t th differential moments for Gaussian variable 847059 Compute high moment of privacy loss 847062 returns Pr outcome winner 847063 returns Pr outcome winner 847069 This aggregation mechanism takes the softmax logit output of several models 847070 This aggregation mechanism takes the softmax logit output of several models 847076 Subtracts mean of image and divides by adjusted standard variance for 847082 Load the original SVHN data 847095 This function contains the loop that actually trains the model 847096 Compute softmax activations probabilities with the model saved in the path 847118 Resize the image and run feature extraction and keypoint selection 847120 Converts DELF features to DelfFeatures proto 847121 Converts data saved in DelfFeatures to numpy arrays 847126 Creates data to be used in tests 847153 Find the best lambda given a desired epsilon FLAGS max divergence 847157 Sample some episodes and train on some episodes 847177 Sample an action from a distribution 847178 Calculate entropy of distribution 847179 Calculate KL of distribution with itself 847180 Calculate log prob of action sampled from distribution 847182 Calculate KL between one policy output and another 847208 Train policy using trust region step 847349 Creates the Image2Image Translation Discriminator 847357 Defines the default arg scope for inception models 847361 Defines the default MobilenetV1 arg scope 847392 Matches dimension of prev layer to the curr layer 847507 Distort the color of the image 847793 Runs beam search caption generation on a single image 847884 Generates a random batch for training or validation 847887 Sets up all components of the computation graph 847889 Predict the labels on a single batch of examples 847890 Predict the labels on an episode of examples 847893 Queries memory for nearest neighbor 848021 Runs evaluation over FLAGS num examples examples 848039 Sets up and runs training loop 848060 Virtual adversarial loss for bidirectional models 848062 Returns weighted KL divergence between distributions q and p 848066 Builds labeled sequence from input sequence 848073 Generates Documents for IMDB dataset 848219 Writes SavedModel to disk 848222 Restores the model in a tensorflow session 848226 Sets up reader prefetcher and returns input queue 848228 Creates loss function for a DetectionModel 848229 Training function for detection models 848235 Merges all detection and groundtruth information for a single example 848279 Builds an SSD detection model based on the model config 848341 Compute precision and recall 848342 Compute Average Precision according to the definition in VOCdevkit 848352 Cosine decay schedule with warm up period 848353 Manually stepped learning rate schedule 848366 Adds groundtruth for a single image to be used for evaluation 848367 Adds detections for a single image to be used for evaluation 848394 Gather boxes from BoxList according to indices and return new BoxList 848399 Clip bounding boxes to a window 848436 Returns the tensor zero padded to the specified multiple 848446 Position sensitive crop and pool rectangular regions from a feature grid 848447 Transforms the box masks back to full image masks 848448 Merges boxes with same coordinates and returns K hot encoded classes 848449 Python function to merge numpy boxes 848464 Decodes serialized tensorflow example and returns a tensor dictionary 848505 Creates a prefetch queue for tensors 848522 Batched assignment of classification and regression targets 848524 Assign classification and regression targets to each anchor 848526 Returns a regression target for each anchor 848528 Create classification targets for each anchor 848545 At very high logit scale all predictions will be 0 33 848549 Generates a collection of bounding boxes to be used as anchors 848556 Normalizes pixel values in the image 848557 Retains boxes whose label score is above a given threshold 848564 Randomly flips the image and detections horizontally 848565 Randomly flips the image and detections vertically 848566 Randomly rotates the image and detections 90 degrees counter clockwise 848568 Scales the image size 848577 Randomly crops the image 848579 Randomly crops and pads the image 848580 Randomly crops an image to the specified aspect ratio 848581 Randomly zero pads an image to the specified aspect ratio 848582 Randomly adds some black patches to the image 848585 Compute new static shape for resize to range method 848586 Compute new dynamic shape for resize to range method 848587 Resizes an image so its dimensions are within the provided value 848590 See tf image resize images for detailed doc 848594 Random crop preprocessing with default parameters as in SSD paper 848595 Random crop preprocessing with default parameters as in SSD paper 848596 Random crop preprocessing with default parameters as in SSD paper 848599 Preprocess images and bounding boxes 848601 Function for adding one patch to the image 848602 Applies random crop image to selected result 848607 Computes encoded object locations and corresponding confidences 848611 Computes encoded object locations and corresponding confidences 848626 Prunes bounding boxes that fall completely outside of the given window 848653 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848654 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848656 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848657 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848658 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848659 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848660 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848661 Tests image resizing checking output sizes 848674 Runs NMS on a single image and returns padded output 848678 Extracts second stage box classifier features 848684 Extract features from preprocessed inputs 848686 Extract features from preprocessed inputs 848689 Extract features from preprocessed inputs 848696 Extracts second stage box classifier features 848711 Extract features from preprocessed inputs 848722 Generates a collection of bounding boxes to be used as anchors 848724 Creates MultipleGridAnchorGenerator for SSD anchors 848734 Predicts unpostprocessed tensors from input tensor 848740 Creates tensorflow summaries for the input boxes and anchors 848742 Decodes a batch of box encodings with respect to the anchors 848744 Set up mock SSD model 848746 Predicts the output tensors from 2nd stage of FasterRCNN 848757 Predicts unpostprocessed tensors from input tensor 848758 Predicts the output tensors from second stage of Faster R CNN 848764 Converts first stage prediction tensors from the RPN to proposals 848765 Unpads proposals and samples a minibatch for second stage 848766 Helper function for preparing groundtruth data for target assignment 848769 Converts predictions from the second stage box classifier to detections 848770 Decodes box encodings with respect to the anchor boxes 848781 Performs matching when the rows of similarity matrix are non empty 848984 Parses a serialized sequence example into views sequence length data 849318 Test the translation model 849338 Read the images and labels from filenames 849349 Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops 849614 Evaluate the formula with the given valuation 860537 Test from theta under Q 860538 Test conversion to Q 860544 Test GBM parameter class 860545 Test Vasicek parameter class 860546 Test dependent variables of Heston model 860547 Test realized moments with variable instruments of Heston model 860548 Test constant instrument of Heston model 860549 Test vol P realized moments of Heston model 860550 Test realized moments of Heston model 860551 Test realized moments of Heston model 860556 Test AJD drift function for Heston model 860557 Test AJD drift function for CT model 860561 Test AJD diffusion function for Heston model 860562 Test AJD diffusion function for CT model 860567 Test from theta under Q 860568 Test conversion to Q 860574 Test realized moments of GBM model 860575 Test cython simulation for GBM 860576 Test cython simulation for Heston 860577 Test simulation update of the GBM model 860578 Test simulation update of the Vasicek model 860579 Test simulation update of the CIR model 860580 Test simulation update of the Heston model 860581 Test simulation update of the Central Tendency model 860582 Test simulation of the GBM model 860583 Test simulation of the Vasicek model 860584 Test simulation of the CIR model 860585 Test simulation of the Heston model 860586 Test simulation of the Central Tendency model 860587 Test simulation of realized values of the GBM model 860588 Test simulation of realized values of the Vasicek model 860589 Test simulation of realized values of the CIR model 860590 Test simulation of realized values of the Heston model 860592 Test simulation of realized values of the Central Tendency model 860598 Test CIR parameter class 860599 Test dependent varibales of Central Tendency model 860600 Test variable instruments of Central Tendency model 860601 Test constant instrument of Central Tendency model 860602 Test vol P realized moments of Central Tendency model 860603 Test realized moments of Central Tendency model 860604 Test realized moments of Central Tendency model 860606 Try simulating and plotting Heston model 860608 Simulate and plot marginal distribution of the data in Heston model 860609 Simulate realized data from Heston model and plot it 860610 Simulate realized data from Heston model under P and Q measures 860611 Simulate realized data from Heston model Estimate parameters 860614 Estimate Heston model parameters with real data 860615 Simulate realized data from Heston model Estimate parameters 860616 Try simulating and plotting Central Tendency model 860617 Try simulating and plotting Central Tendency model 860618 Simulate and plot marginal distribution of the data 860619 Simulate realized data from Central Tendency model and plot it 860620 Simulate realized data from Central Tendency model 860621 Simulate realized data from Central Tendency model Estimate parameters 860622 Estimate Central Tendency model parameters with real data 860623 Simulate realized data from Central Tendency model Estimate parameters 860767 Simulate observations from the model 860768 Simulate realized returns and variance from the model 860769 Simulate realized data from the model under both P and Q 860771 Estimate model parameters using Integrated GMM 861324 Decorator to wrap a class or instance method with a memoizing 861638 Randomly place a city on the stated map 873076 Run the event loop until 876354 Given a PyTypeObjectPtr instance wrapping a gdb Value that s a 876488 Subroutine to create a form entry 876490 Create nested frames with a border and optional label 876534 Match data to pattern with variable extraction 876815 Return an iterator which yields the paths matching a pathname pattern 877344 Return a value for configType section option or default 877858 Initialize a logging record with interesting information 877931 Read the logging configuration from a ConfigParser format file 878006 Check that a partial write when it gets interrupted properly 878008 Check that a buffered write when it gets interrupted either 878023 Construct a bunch of n threads running the same function f 878119 Test module level functions 881446 https en wikipedia org wiki Elliptic curve point multiplication Point addition 881469 Segwit version of signature form 881498 General power of 2 base conversion 881502 Returns a binary digest for the PBKDF2 hash algorithm of data 882269 Least recently used cache decorator 882270 Least frequenty used cache decorator 896764 Get lates data for sensors in the macs list 896774 Takes two lat lon tuples and returns the distance between them 896939 Dump a Python object pyObject into an io IOBase subclass typically 900014 Set some common histogram options 900015 Load a list of datasets from a CSV file 900018 Compute limits in a Bayesian way with a likelihood function 900025 Convolve with a Gaussian detector resolution function 901637 A generator returning files under the given directory with optional 901638 Return filenames using a generator 901664 Returns an iterator of Test objects 902120 Capture the specified area of the virtual screen 902140 Accepts rect as x y w h 902200 Displays the region in a preview window 902201 Highlights the region with a colored frame Accepts the following parameters 902205 Waits until the specified pattern is not visible on screen 902231 Returns a section of the region as a new region 902362 Capture the specified area of the virtual screen 902440 add a task based on task type also for proxies 902441 get a task based on task type also for proxies 902898 Return matrix to rotate about axis defined by point and direction 902899 Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix 902900 Return matrix to scale by factor around origin in direction 902902 Return matrix to project onto plane defined by point and normal 902904 Return matrix to obtain normalized device coordinates from frustum 902907 Return sequence of transformations from transformation matrix 902908 Return transformation matrix from sequence of transformations 902909 Return orthogonalization matrix for crystallographic cell coordinates 902915 Return quaternion from Euler angles and axis sequence 902917 Return homogeneous rotation matrix from quaternion 902918 Return quaternion from rotation matrix 902919 Return multiplication of two quaternions 902924 Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions 902925 Return uniform random unit quaternion 902928 Return sphere point perpendicular to axis 902930 Return length i e Euclidean norm of ndarray along axis 902931 Return ndarray normalized by length i e Euclidean norm along axis 902945 Update current cursor window coordinates 989990 Add nodes for a distribution and its dependencies 989991 Build the dependency graph for the whole working set 993076 Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops 993106 Build CIFAR image and labels 993132 Evaluate model on Dataset for a number of steps 993140 Return the next batch size examples from this data set 993566 Convert 6 part time tuple into datetime object 993578 Returns file like object class RarExtFile 993601 Read from potentially multi volume archive 993603 Zero copy read directly into buffer 993604 Zero copy read directly into buffer 995337 Return the contents of a tree as a list of Resources 1008479 Calculates principal stresses for 2D state of stress 1008481 Calculates principal stresses for 3D state of stress 1009021 Determine whether two sequences are equal by elementwise comparison 1009038 Support for the iterator protocol 1016413 Returns remotely sensed image for given bands and terrain 1016414 Returns a list of pixels 1042680 Start handshake between TLS client and server 1042682 L TLSMemoryBIOProtocol reports errors in the handshake process to the 1042692 If a L TLSMemoryBIOProtocol loses its connection unexpectedly this is 1042710 Non streaming producers get wrapped as streaming producers 1042712 If a producer is registered after the transport has disconnected the 1042736 Test pause inside raw date receiving 1042757 Strings can be received in chunks of different lengths 1042811 Class decorator that ensures support for the special C cmp method 1042885 Write a failure to the log 1042943 Run the given function wrapped with seteuid setegid calls 1042960 Initializes the group access list 1043049 Initialize me with an explanation of the error 1043547 Constants can be looked up by their associated value defined 1044035 Create and connect an HTTP page getting factory 1044085 Handle a redirect response checking the number of redirects already 1044101 Convert time tuple in GMT to seconds since epoch GMT 1044395 L FileBodyProducer startProducing starts writing bytes from the input 1044399 L FileBodyProducer pauseProducing temporarily suspends writing bytes 1044400 L FileBodyProducer resumeProducing re commences writing bytes from the 1044412 L HTTPConnectionPool closeCachedConnections closes all cached 1044445 If a custom L WebClientConnectionCreator like object is passed to 1044465 L client HTTPConnectionPool creates 1044611 Assert that the C responses matches the C expected responses 1045149 Load a file containing email aliases 1045157 Map this alias to its ultimate destination 1045507 A classmethod for constructing a new L OPTHeader from the 1045514 param id A 16 bit identifier assigned by the program that 1045520 Construct a new L EDNSMessage 1045521 Convert to a standard L dns Message 1045523 Construct and return a new L EDNSMessage whose attributes and records 1045719 L client Resolver queryUDP should issue queries to its 1045724 L client Resolver connectedProtocol returns a new 1045735 An errback on the deferred returned by 1045736 When the TCP connection attempt fails the 1045798 L server DNSServerFactory buildProtocol builds a protocol by calling 1045806 If C allowQuery returns C False 1045815 L server DNSServerFactory handleQuery adds 1045816 L server DNSServerFactory handleQuery adds 1045817 L server DNSServerFactory gotResolverResponse accepts a tuple of 1045818 L server DNSServerFactory gotResolverResponse calls 1045834 L server DNSServerFactory gotResolverError does not allow request 1045835 L server DNSServerFactory gotResolverResponse does not allow request 1045890 Test L dns Record NAPTR encode and decode 1046139 L dns EDNSMessage can decode OPT records regardless of their position 1047039 Call the triggers added to this event 1047146 Start talking to standard IO with the given protocol 1047152 param port A port number on which to listen 1047157 Called when my socket is ready for reading 1047229 Utility function for disconnecting a selectable 1047255 Return a multi line human readable representation of this DN 1047281 Create an OpenSSL context SSL connection context factory 1047388 Private method for removing a descriptor from the event loop 1047420 Convert a description string into a list of positional and keyword 1047495 Run the function C f but with some warnings suppressed 1047505 Poll the poller for new events 1047563 Run the chain of callbacks once a result is available 1047570 internal Callback for when one of my deferreds fires 1047622 L ITCPTransport loseConnection ends a connection which was set up with 1047693 Calling L IConnector stopConnecting in C Factory startedConnecting 1047694 Calling L IConnector connect in C Factory clientConnectionLost causes 1047696 When a connection is lost an informative message should be logged 1047767 Helper for getReaders and getWriters tests 1047775 Any file descriptors added to the reactor have their C connectionLost 1047803 Calling L Deferred cancel on the L Deferred returned from 1047817 Default values are set for the optional parameters in the endpoint 1047820 The parameters for spawnProcess stored in the endpoint are passed when 1047864 Calling L Deferred cancel on the L Deferred returned from 1047867 If a connection attempt initiated by 1047873 Calling L Deferred cancel on the L Deferred returned from 1047877 The endpoint returns a connection to the IPv4 address 1047878 The endpoint returns a connection to the IPv6 address 1047879 Once the endpoint returns a succesful connection all the other 1048401 Run the test case storing the results in C result 1048410 Run a single method either a test method or fixture 1048411 Run C setUp a test method test cleanups and C tearDown 1048476 Spawn local worker processes and load tests After that run them 1048571 L LocalWorker processEnded calls C connectionLost on itself and on 1049084 When the connection is secure start the authentication process 1049167 Iterate over the host entries in this file 1049273 getPublicKey should return None getPrivateKey should return a 1049380 When the command closes the channel the protocol s C connectionLost 1049381 Test handling of non zero exit statuses or exit signals 1049400 If the connection is cancelled before the SSH transport layer has 1049408 If L SSHCommandClientEndpoint is initialized with an 1049543 L CharacterAttribute s must have matching character attribute values 1049708 Test that multiple instances have distinct states 1049738 Test that the KEXDH REPLY message verifies the server 1049755 Test that setKeys sets up the ciphers 1050057 Both sides of SSL connection close connection the connections should 1050182 L ThreadPool callInThreadWithCallback calls the function it is 1050185 As the worker receives and completes work it transitions between 1050210 Full test using a custom server limiting number of connections 1050391 Assert that the error number of the ConnectionRefusedError is 1050394 The factory passed to L IReactorTCP listenTCP should be started only 1050398 L IReactorTCP connectTCP calls C Factory clientConnectionFailed with 1050399 L IListeningPort getHost returns the same address as a client 1050467 Create a loopback TLS connection with the given trust and keys 1050496 Test that setstate getstate round trips properly 1050500 Check that anonymous connections are refused when certificates are 1050503 Test a successful connection with validation on both server and client 1050504 Check certificates verification building custom certificates data 1050511 Connect a server and a client 1050520 Hostnames are encoded as IDNA 1050701 Test one of the permutations of client server host peer 1050911 Verify that path instances are usable as dictionary keys 1051036 Assert that C firstValueOne is equal to C secondValueOne but not 1051267 L Deferred chaining is transitive 1051328 Construct module objects for either modules or packages 1051500 Constructs a class Request Request prepares it and sends it 1051886 param method One of SSLv2 METHOD SSLv3 METHOD SSLv23 METHOD or 1051918 Create a new Connection object using the given OpenSSL SSL Context 1051974 Load a PKCS12 object from a buffer 1053058 Fetch a set of items with IDs less than current set 1053599 sort CDXCaptureResult by closest to timestamp 1053606 iterate over each record 1053619 14 digit rest ignored 1057753 Wait until task is ready and return its result 1057894 Store return value and status of an executed task 1059140 Guess the most appropriate Response class based on the given arguments 1059154 Return a weak reference like instance for a bound method 1059160 Set self isDead to true when method or instance is destroyed 1059161 Connect receiver to sender for signal 1059168 Remove receiver from connections 1059172 Kill old sendersBack references from receiver 1059176 Send signal from sender to all connected receivers catching errors 1059587 Return the argument name list of a callable 1059602 Look for Spider objects and replace them with spider references 1059603 Look for spider references and replace them with Spider objects 1059608 Return the request fingerprint 1059639 Like send catch log but supports returning deferreds on signal handlers 1059669 Like reactor listenTCP but tries different ports in a range 1059682 Process each Request Item given in the output parameter returned 1059684 ItemProcessor finished for the given item and returned output 1059703 Upload file to S3 storage 1059707 Return the fields to export as an iterable of tuples name 1059719 Do the real extraction work 1059750 Start warcprox and run until shut down 1059753 The doctests are copied from GoogleURLCanonicalizerTest java 1059757 The input url is a handyurl instance 1060035 Add or remove a parameter to a given url 1060268 Format a single row if necessary 1072839 Test if in the right location based on the connected ssid 1072840 Test if in the right locatoin based on the connected ssid 1072842 Test the network check method 1087417 Returns a fully connected set of hub components using default filenames 1087431 Represents a single track stanza base class for other track types 1088829 Solve the POMDP by computing all alpha vectors 1088831 Remove dominated alpha vectors using Lark s filtering algorithm 1088841 Initialize an instance of the POMCP solver 1088850 Compute optimal action given a belief distribution 1088875 Plot the current set of alpha vectors over the belief simplex 1089392 Uses phase shift algorithm to convert channels depth for spatial resolution 1089403 Apply BatchNorm Relu 1x1 Conv2D optional dropout and Maxpooling2D 1093412 Constructs a Conv1D module 1093413 Constructs a Conv2D module 1093414 Constructs a Conv3D module 1093417 Constructs a BatchNorm module 1093425 Decorate a function to cast inputs outputs to different precision 1093427 Decorator to cast inputs and outputs for mixed precision 1093454 Split the first dimension of a tensor 1093458 Performs a static unroll of an RNN 1093459 Performs a dynamic unroll of an RNN 1093462 Performs a single RNN step optionally accounting for variable length 1093465 Compute one step of an LSTM 1093468 Efficient CPU specialization of class UnrolledLSTM 1093488 Construct an unrolled LSTM 1093492 Constructs a convolutional LSTM 1093513 Constructs a Conv1DTranspose module 1093514 Constructs a Conv2DTranspose module 1093515 Constructs a Conv3DTranspose module 1093519 Applies the given getter when getting members of given classes 1093520 Applies the given getter when getting variables of given classes 1093542 Setup of rank specific values 1093546 Constructs an InstanceNorm module 1093548 Returns a wrapt style decorator 1093562 Decorator which ensures a wrapped method is only ever run once 1093571 Test a basic save load cycle 1093572 Checks that a checkpoint created for one instance can restore another 1093573 Tests that Variable values are restored on creation 1093577 Constructs a CrossReplicaBatchNorm module 1093582 Computes a single RMSProp update 1093583 Constructs an RMSProp module 1093584 Applies updates to parameters 1093586 Applies updates to parameters 1093588 Generates deterministic random parameters and gradients 1093592 Applies updates to parameters 1093595 Applies updates to parameters 1093602 Connects the module to some inputs 1093604 Connects the module to some inputs 1093607 Connects the module to some inputs 1093613 Returns tuple of Tensors output from segmenting input Tensor along dim 1102961 Usually used for display pubdate of some article blog post etc 1103244 Parse whens from strings 1103245 Parse date from a string 1103255 Save shapelyGeometries using the given proj4 and fields 1103261 Determine geometry type for layer 1103271 Save points in the given shapePath 1105841 Renders the welcome server or database dashboard 1105901 Build a list of treeview nodes from the child nodes 1105923 Return a JSON document listing the server groups for the user 1105926 Return list of attributes of all servers 1105927 Return list of attributes of a server 1105928 Add a server node to the settings database 1106379 Build a list of treeview nodes from the child nodes 1106797 This function will update an existing table object 1106799 This function will truncate the table object 1107089 This function will update an existing table object 1107090 This function will truncate the table object 1107419 This function will iterate through session directory and check the last 1107426 Store a managed session 1107456 Find completion matches for the given text 1107462 Find all columns in a set of scoped tables 1107477 yields tuples of TableReference namedtuples 1107485 Simplify a query by converting CTEs into table metadata objects 1107487 yields tuples of TableReference namedtuples 1107490 Class for describing a postgresql function 1107491 Returns a list of input parameter ColumnMetadata namedtuples 1107511 Release the connections for the sessions which have not pinged the 1107515 To fetch query result and generate CSV output 1107516 This function executes the given query asynchronously and returns 1107521 This function is a wrapper around connection s poll function 1107685 This function is used to check whether the last successful query 1107787 This function is used to get the url 1107796 This function iterate through data and check for any place holder 1116078 Transform from conic section format to general format 1116079 Transform from conic section format to general format 1116080 Transform from conic section format to general format 1116085 C style inverse of a flattened 3 by 3 matrix 1116087 C style inverse of a symmetric flattened 3 by 3 matrix 1116088 C style inverse of a symmetric flattened 3 by 3 matrix 1116089 C style inverse of a flattened 3 by 3 matrix 1116090 C style inverse of a flattened 3 by 3 matrix 1116092 Perform QR factorisation in double floating point precision 1116093 Tridiagonalize a square matrix to upper Hessenberg form using Householder reflections 1116096 Performs a series of inverse iteration steps with a known 1116097 The straight QR algorithm for finding eigenvalues 1116098 The QR algorithm with largest value shift for finding eigenvalues 1116099 The QR algorithm with largest value shift for finding eigenvalues 1116101 The QR algorithm with Wilkinson shift for finding eigenvalues 1116102 Performs a Givens rotation QR algorithm step in double precision 1116103 Performs a Givens rotation QR algorithm step in integer precision 1116117 Gets a approximate polygon array representing the ellipse 1116120 Returns a center of weight for the object 1116128 Returns ratio of overlap between two B2ACGeometricShapes 1116130 Test by definition of ellipse 1116137 Sutherland Hodgman polygon clipping 1116140 Calculates the convex hull of an arbitrary 2D point cloud 1116148 Ellipse fitting in Python with improved B2AC algorithm as described in 1116152 Calculates the upper triangular scatter matrix for the input coordinates 1116156 Calculates the upper triangular scatter matrix for the input coordinates 1127073 Return a reasonably sparse entity vector for a parameter vector 1127075 Calculate marginal probabilities using the cardinality probabilities 1127080 Calculate probability of each unit with the current mean field approximation 1127086 Get semantic functions from given weights 1127093 Get SimLex 999 data split by part of speech 1127094 Get WordSim 353 data separated into similarity and relatedness subsets 1127101 Get GS2011 data assigning an index to each unique triple 1127119 Get a testing function for a specific pred lookup 1127124 Calculate the average similarity across all preds weighted by frequency 1127131 Test a scoring function on the relpron data 1127181 Average over random seeds 1127182 Get maximum score from all hyperparameter settings 1127191 Calculate pointwise mutual information 1127207 Generate a random set of tuples 1127208 Convert a list of SVO triples with missing arguments 1127212 Create a fantasy particle with a given number of 1127213 Initialise the data interface 1127214 Load data from a list 1127232 Resample a latent entity given links to other entities 1127235 Sample a vector using the cardinality probabilities 1127243 Calculate link weight gradients for all links of a node 1127245 Calculate multiple gradients for a node 1127252 Find the closest pairs of preds 1127257 Sample entity vectors conditioned on a lexicalised graph 1127262 Sample entity vectors from an unlexicalised graph 1127277 Produce histograms of weights 1127291 Calculate multiple gradients for a node 1127305 Initialise arrays for sampling with the alias method 1127308 Get the links from a PointerNode 1127317 Initialise the training setup 1127332 Start worker processes to manage updates 1127338 Construct an update function for a link weight matrix 1127339 Initialise as TrainingSetup but also initialise shared square gradient matrices 1127341 Divide step lengths by the sum of the square gradients 1127342 Construct an update function for a link weight matrix 1127343 Construct an update function for a link weight matrix 1127345 Update a pred weight matrix 1127346 Update a link weight matrix 1127347 Update a pred weight matrix 1134659 Get one or multiple random members from a set 1140537 Initialize s this request s Facebook client 1141814 Return the next segment in the input geometry 1141821 Read an unstructured quad mesh in the gmsh msh format 1141824 Read an ArcInfo ASCII file into a gridded data set 1141862 Executes a select query 1142196 Returning the submodels of a model available within the project 1145470 Input n 6 Returns a list of primes 2 p n 1145475 Input n 6 Returns an array of primes 2 p n 1146709 Returns RadixTrie as a list object 1147709 predict the output for the given input 1147710 update the function approximator to return something closer 1147725 run one interaction between agent and environment The state from 1147745 apply transformations to action and return it 1147759 draw random move with probability proportional to the action s value 1147768 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147779 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147785 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147792 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147794 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147809 go through whole episode and make Q value updates 1147829 integrate self action and set new self state and self reward 1147841 append one state action reward and nextstate to the respective arrays 1147842 appends the given episode to this one 1147843 set the states actions rewards and nextstates arrays manually they need 1147853 goes through dataset and only stores the interesting 1147894 append one input target and optionally importance to the respective arrays 1172154 Save a Datasource instance to a named OGR datasource 1172157 Simplify the polygonal linework 1172425 Listen for notifications from the device forever 1178582 Given a node add this to the reverse index tokenTypeToStreamIndexesMap 1178591 Match in tree parser has special meaning Skip node or 1185444 calculate a running cross correlation between two vectors 1185445 generate a running auto correlation estimate 1185448 evaluate the line opacity at the given wavelengths 1185449 cross correlate two arrays of the same size 1185455 a representation of a spectrum object 1185466 generate a resampling matrix R which when multiplied against a vector 1185469 estimates a normalization curve for the input spectrum 1185481 convert a set of coordinates into a coordinatization 1185482 generates a matrix which carries a vector sampled at coordinates 1185484 convert array indexes to coordinates 1185485 convert array of coordinates to the associated indexes 1185488 generates a simple query for the associated database session 1185505 does a fast approximate feature fit by expanding a quadratic polynomial 1185527 detect spectral features using an arbitrary statistic 1185529 return a set of x values which partition x into bins 1185532 determine the optimal scaling of source such that 1185534 perform iteratively reweighted least squares searching for a solution of 1185547 coefficients the coefficients of the monomial terms 1185549 represents a piecewise polynomial function which transitions from one polynomial 1185551 integrate each polynomial and set their constants of integration 1185552 if the provided coefficients represent a monotonic function then 1185556 a piecewise polynomial with multiple input variables 1185558 divides up data attempting to minimize maximize the sum of the 1185559 fits optimal multivariate piecewise polynomials to the data with 1185572 Parses the SPECTRE HISTORY tags 1185578 Readin ascii tables as a spectrum 1185586 Create and handle dialog asking user for feedback 1203806 Adds counts for elements in other 1203812 Learn the vocabulary dictionary and return the count vectors 1203824 Cs all correlations y X 1203826 Split data into training testing 1203827 Movie neighbor based classifier 1203828 Estimate all review ratings 1203829 freqsets support apriori dataset minsupport maxsize 1203830 for assoc rule in association rules dataset freqsets support minlift 1203834 Apply k nn model 1203837 Learn a simple threshold model 1203840 Plots decision boundary for KNN 1203841 Plots decision boundary for KNN 1216034 Removes an item from the index 1216048 Creates a pygit2 Signature while making time and offset optional By 1216051 Return an iterator which yields the paths matching a pathname pattern 1216078 Register an available serialization format 1218783 iterate over all the groups organizations and process 1218846 Train a LDA classifier from the training set 1218847 Apply the trained LDA classifier on the test data 1225882 return hash of this record 1228059 run a problem of size n 1228060 private function to compute the boundary stencil 1228062 Compute the grid metrics 1234414 Return Time instances sunrise midday sunset 1234415 Calculate temp for every hour in the day 1264494 make sure adding and removing StudyUnits work 1264495 Make sure that Schedulers are added when Students change the courses 1273055 Return a copy of this class Table associated with a different 1273131 Construct an class Update object 1273601 Given a Table object load its internal constructs based on 1273811 Load the given identity key from the database 1273952 Set the given class Mapper as the inherits for this 1274184 Restore the restoration state taken before a transaction began 1274301 Produce a mapper level row processor callable 1274962 Check if bare tag is being used a a decorator 1274968 Recursively searches children for tags of a certain 1275923 Run a distutils setup script sandboxed in its directory 1277653 Get list of payments as on 1277656 Constructs url with passed in headers and makes post request via 1285826 Returns a dict with years as keys containing year specific 1285827 Generates a plot of the year specific topic proportion for the 1285830 Generates a plot indicating which topics are over or 1297577 Combine tokens to groups 1298022 Gather information from the Version Control System git 1300318 Compare the local files and remote list of items 1314440 Get loss function of VAE 1335472 Grabs all things in the usr model that are different and 1335482 Recreate a container An intermediate container is created so that 1335486 Returns a list of this project s services filtered 1335543 Walks the specified root path for all files 1335564 Factory function for making a container or multicontainer 1335609 In order to use with you need an object 1335610 Formats and draws banner and tables in screen 1335611 Turn on and populate table environments in screen with data 1335642 This function is currently only intended for environmant names 1336737 eol info from text TEXT EOL SUGGESTED EOL 1336746 A version of os walk with a couple differences regarding symlinks 1336747 paths from path patterns path patterns file paths 1384489 Pop value off top of setofstacks 1384490 Pop value off top of specified stack in setofstacks 1384508 Remove node at position 1384515 Remove node at position 1385138 Plot a bar graph of the coincidence data for all states 1385491 return a set with spelling1 distance alternative spellings 1412430 Finds the point in the file to split 1415874 Replace begin character to a zA Z 1432442 Function to add table of contents to markdown files 1432579 Every function in the pipeline recieves the same meta 1432583 Every function in the pipeline recieves the same meta 1435313 Creates budget files for current day year 1467955 Make a stack of MC and Data and save it 1470103 Load amount number of bytes into the buffer 1470115 Dump all requests and responses including redirects 1470120 Return the requested content back in unicode 1473975 Return the boundary points and true texts of one img 1478849 Low level logging routine which creates a LogRecord and then calls 1479213 Generate 2 Gaussians samples with different covariance matrices 1693498 Run pylama after mercurial commit 1693502 Run code checkers with given params 1735401 Find existing user or create new user 1737420 Update and check the current repo for the most recent commit 1771006 Parses each row and merges indices as they are found 1772818 Return Pearson correlation for pairs 1773052 Generate predictions from the RNN 1773054 Load parameters from source where source may be 1774462 Takes a list of byte strings or asn1crypto x509 Certificates objects 1774464 Allows adding an other cert that is obtained from doing revocation 1774466 Retrieves a list certs via their subject name 1774550 Runs the tests while measuring coverage 1779551 Builds and makes the OAuth2 Request catches errors 1822758 Convert STDF to a dictionary of DataFrame objects 1826864 Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b 1826865 Calculates minimal distance between two names 1826919 Searches query in book title field 1826945 tests adding authors to book 1830176 Instantiates a new Calendar 1830182 Instantiates a new class ics event Event 1830207 Instantiates a new class ics todo Todo 1843144 Returns dictionary containing player plackett luce parameter keys 1846052 Builds a DSSM structure in a Lasagne Theano way 1846058 Transforms a string into a n gram count representation 1846062 Transforms a string into a n gram count representation 1861297 adjust video dimensions If one dimension 1861300 trim leftmost side from start of the clip 1872794 Returns mean and standard deviation of absolute data 1879350 integrate the func set on the section a b 1879351 build the func set from the interpolation result 1898000 Poly Risch Differential Equation No cancelation deg b small enough 1942143 Decorator to handle selecting the proper module for loaders 1942163 Helper for load module able to handle either source or sourceless 1942167 Concrete implementation of InspectLoader get code 1942173 Write bytes data to a file 1942235 Temporarily create each named module with an attribute named attr 1963995 Return the directed graph as predecessor successors where nodes 1964020 Main function builder for clingo 1964024 True if given atom is in inputs 1964025 Decorator for functions accessed by ASP using type annotations to 1964028 Run the solver on given files with given options and return 1964054 Perform the formatting of the answer set according to 1968010 type height List int 1968014 type grid List List int 1968015 type nums List int 1968458 This function is called when a xlib event is fired 2012577 Transition to the specified state of the led 2012590 Get the maximum number of steps needed for a transition 2012591 Get a transition stage at a specific step 2012594 Convert a RGB color to a RGBW color 2012596 Apply the current stage of the transition based on current time 2019020 Break up a bezier curve into smaller curves each of which 2026660 Simplifies a given array of points 2031435 Constructs the ELF object required to generate ELF binaries 2031441 Builds the program headers 2031443 Builds the section headers 2031445 Builds the final binary file by interlinking the headers 2031454 Constructs the datastructures required for code generation 2031459 Handles the add instruction of IR 2031468 Handles the call instruction of IR 2031469 Handles the cmp instruction of IR 2031470 Handles the div instruction of IR 2031472 Handles the mul instruction of IR 2031475 Handles the load instruction of IR 2031476 Handles the store instruction of IR 2031477 Handles the sub instruction of IR 2031501 Identifies the connected components in the graph 2046428 Returns a stemmed version of the argument string 2086068 Return two lists the original filepaths and the destination filepaths 2091103 str one str two 2091104 str one str two 2094432 Generates the sprout segments as lists of blobs 2094442 Morphological operation for shape detection The notation for the 2094444 Retrives the longest increasing subsequence LIS from the given list 2094445 Generator for circular coordinates starting from the x vector and 2094446 Returns a descriptor of the analysis 2094449 Extracts circle features from the target image using the circular 2110176 field a field in which the line exists 2110182 returns points of an adapted polyline 2119290 Custom filter with single instance behavior added 2119371 Add some initial default streams for an account 2120553 Instantiate a new twitter Api object 2120555 Set the consumer key and consumer secret for this instance 2120578 Post one or more twitter status messages from the authenticated user 2120603 Common method for GetFriendIDs and GetFollowerIDs 2120609 Fetch the sequence of twitter User instances one for each friend 2120640 Fetch the sequence of twitter User instances one for each member 2120642 Destroys the subscription to a list for the authenticated user 2120736 Get hash for a given value 2120740 Add key to the index 2120758 Match arrays that contain all elements in the query 2120761 Compile each expression in query recursively 2120768 Return store key for documents that satisfy expression 2120848 Construct a new all grants in one server 2120854 Initialize a client with commonly used attributes 2120964 Convert Half width Hankaku Katakana to Full width Zenkaku Katakana 2120965 Convert Full width Zenkaku Katakana to Half width Hankaku Katakana 2123634 Get a list of all the traits of this class 2123636 Get a list of all the traits of this class 2127792 Parse the given code string 2127793 Continue parsing block elements that could span multiple lines 2148312 Compute the modularity of a partition of a graph 2148315 Find communities in the graph and return the associated dendrogram 2148319 Compute one level of communities 2175983 This function generates a nested list representing the bracket 2176256 Shorten colors from AABBCC to ABC where possible 2176291 Make a md5 hash based on data 2201279 returns cancel error ok 2201592 Return the cbc encoding of plaintext 2201619 Compute the total score for a player s game of bowling 2204205 Return new dask with only the tasks required to calculate keys 2204208 Return new dask with the given keys inlined with their values 2204209 Inline cheap functions into larger operations 2204235 Convert many collections into a single dask graph after optimization 2204237 Extract collections in preparation for compute persist etc 2204238 Optimize several dask collections at once 2204241 Persist multiple Dask collections into memory 2204249 Order nodes in dask graph 2204250 Number of total data elements that depend on key 2204251 Number of total data elements on which this key depends 2204254 Structural matching of term S to discrimination net node N 2204262 Add a rule to the RuleSet 2204298 Threaded cached implementation of dask get 2204300 Normalize a python object and merge all sub graphs 2204301 Normalize a python object and merge all sub graphs 2204308 Multiprocessed get function appropriate for Bags 2204332 Helper function for derived from to ease testing 2204352 Parse timedelta string to number of seconds 2204369 Fuse nearby layers if they don t have dependencies 2204374 Do the actual work of collecting data and executing a function 2204376 Get the immediate tasks on which this task depends 2204380 Perform a substitution on a task 2204395 Get a dict mapping funcs to colors from palette 2204396 Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot 2204413 Read set of avro files 2204416 Write bag to set of avro files 2204418 Given a task remove unnecessary calls to list and reify 2204420 Inline lists that are only used once 2204431 Numbers from zero to n 2204435 Apply a function elementwise across one or more bags 2204436 Apply a function to every partition across one or more bags 2204444 Apply a function using argument tuples from the given bag 2204446 Return elements from bag with probability of prob 2204449 Select item from all tuples dicts in collection 2204455 Reduce collection with reduction operators 2204465 Joins collection with another collection 2204466 Cartesian product between two bags 2204467 Combined reduction and groupby 2204468 Take the first k elements 2204473 Coalesce bag into fewer partitions 2204474 Repeatedly apply binary function to a sequence accumulating results 2204506 From https github com dask dask ml issues 206 issuecomment 395869929 2204517 Optimize dask for array computation 2204518 Find keys to avoid fusion 2204521 Fuse stacked slices together 2204524 Apply a generalized ufunc or similar python function to arrays 2204527 Iterate over the nested list applying 2204531 Coarsen array by applying reduction to fixed size neighborhoods 2204536 Chunk and combine function of argtopk 2204537 Final aggregation function of argtopk 2204539 Final aggregation function of slice with int dask array on axis 2204544 Master function for array slicing 2204546 Fancy indexing along blocked array dasks 2204547 Dask array indexing with slices and integers 2204548 Returns a dict of blocknum slice 2204551 Construct a plan to slice chunks with the given index 2204552 Index array with an iterable of index 2204553 Flip negative indices around to positive ones 2204557 Normalize slices to canonical form 2204562 Slice x with one or more dask arrays of bools 2204563 Generate blockwise sorted index pairs for shuffling an array 2204566 Read a stack of images into a dask array 2204569 Wrap numpy random function to produce dask array random function 2204571 Direct Tall and Skinny QR algorithm 2204572 Direct Short and Fat QR 2204574 Randomly sample matrix to find most active subspace 2204575 Randomly compressed rank k thin Singular Value Decomposition 2204583 Private function to perform Cholesky decomposition which returns both 2204584 Return the least squares solution to a linear matrix equation using 2204594 Return num evenly spaced values over the closed interval start 2204600 Helper function for finding shapes and chunks of end pads 2204601 Helper function to find the linear ramp for a chunk 2204602 Helper function for padding edges 2204606 fractional slice x 5 1 0 2 doctest SKIP 2204607 Get all neighboring keys around center 2204608 Share boundaries between neighboring blocks 2204610 Trim sides from each block 2204612 Copy a slice of an array around to its other side 2204613 Reflect boundaries of array on the same side 2204614 Each reflect each boundary value outwards 2204618 Pads an array which has none as the boundary type 2204619 Map a function over blocks of the array with some overlap 2204626 Reshape array to new shape 2204627 Transform np creation function into blocked version 2204630 Wrap up numpy function into dask array 2204634 Blocked variant of func numpy histogram 2204640 Normalize an array to appropriate meta object 2204648 Tensor operation Generalized inner and outer products 2204667 Save array to the zarr storage format 2204671 Find the common block dimensions from the list of block dimensions 2204672 Unify chunks across a sequence of arrays 2204674 Assemble an nd array from nested lists of blocks 2204675 Concatenate arrays along an existing axis 2204686 Broadcast an array to a new shape 2204688 Chunks tuple from nested list of arrays 2204693 Stack arrays along a new axis 2204700 Point wise indexing with only NumPy Arrays 2204704 locations 0 2 1 2204731 General version of reductions 2204734 A reduction to count the number of elements 2204736 Merge intermediate results from arg functions 2204737 Generic function for argreduction 2204738 Create an argreduction callable 2204753 Find an intermediate rechunk that would merge some adjacent blocks 2204754 Find an intermediate rechunk that would split some chunks to 2204755 Plan an iterative rechunking from old chunks to new chunks 2204756 Compute the rechunk of x to the given chunks 2204760 Convert chunks from Dask Array into an SVG Image 2204770 Test the cumdims label and breakpoints and 2204771 Convert 1 D chunks 2204772 Convert 1 D chunks 2204791 Remove nans from divisions 2204792 Group DataFrame by index 2204799 Splits dataframe into groups 2204800 Construct percentiles for a chunk for repartitioning 2204805 Merge and sort percentile summaries that are already sorted 2204810 Replace series with column names in an index wherever possible 2204820 Wrapper for cumulative groupby operation 2204825 Mutually partition and align DataFrame blocks 2204826 Align DataFrame blocks if divisions are different 2204838 Concatenate indexed dataframes together along the index 2204839 Concatenate partitions on axis 0 by doing a simple stack 2204840 Concatenate DataFrames along rows 2204844 Convert categorical variable into dummy indicator variables 2204855 Shard a DataFrame by ranges on its index 2204859 Replace any unknown categoricals with empty categoricals 2204860 Set categories to be unknown 2204866 Are the provided divisions valid 2204870 Elementwise operation for Dask dataframes 2204873 Apply a function to blocks then concat then apply again 2204878 Rename columns of pd DataFrame or name of pd Series 2204884 take last row Series of DataFrame last value of Series 2204886 Repartition a timeseries dataframe by a new frequency 2204889 Repartition dataframe to a smaller number of partitions 2204890 Split a Dask dataframe into new partitions 2204895 Generic constructor for dask dataframe objects 2204898 Computes the prefix sums of f on df 2204899 Computes the suffix sums of f on df 2204913 Generic row wise reductions 2204920 Random sample of items 2204928 Approximate row wise and precise column wise quantiles of DataFrame 2204929 Wrapper for cumulative operation 2204955 Set the DataFrame index row labels using an existing column 2204960 bind operator method like DataFrame add to this class 2204962 Parallel version of pandas DataFrame apply 2204969 Categorize a dataframe with given categories 2204970 Convert columns of the DataFrame to category dtype 2204978 Aggregate using one or more operations 2204989 some np ufuncs doesn t call array wrap 2204994 Convert a block of bytes to a Pandas DataFrame 2204999 Read any slicable array into a Dask Dataframe 2205000 Construct a Dask DataFrame from a Pandas DataFrame 2205001 Read BColz CTable into a Dask Dataframe 2205002 Get DataFrame from bcolz ctable 2205003 Create a Dask DataFrame from a Dask Array 2205008 Find division locations and values in sorted list 2205014 Create dataframe from an SQL table 2205016 Store Dask Dataframe to Hierarchical Data Format HDF files 2205028 Get the set of names from the pandas metadata section 2205036 Read a Parquet file into a Dask DataFrame 2205037 Read a part of a parquet dataset 2205038 Store Dask dataframe to Parquet files 2205041 Apply filters onto parts statistics pairs 2205044 Read file footer metadata from each individual piece 2205045 Determine number of row groups in each dataset piece 2205187 Filters the selection set only as opposed to also including 2205217 Get or set the text representation of sub nodes 2205220 prepend value to nodes 2205222 add value after nodes 2205224 insert value before nodes 2206306 Simple decorator that match again the json file 2213394 type nums List int 2213398 type timePoints List str 2213405 type matrix List List int 2213408 type nums List int 2213414 type nums List int 2213998 Tokenize a raw text 2214006 Scatter args flush results 2214028 Build an article row instance 2214107 Assemble a database row 2214144 Assemble a database row 2214162 Assemble a database row 2214190 Assemble a database row 2214228 Assemble a database row 2214259 Assemble a database row 2214297 Build a text row instance 2219076 Return nearest neighbor to point 2219160 Try to find a NGI project ID in the sample names 2219956 Run the actual unit tests 2219959 Run the actual unit tests 2219998 Convert a cmp function into a key function 2220004 return tuple of registration declaration code creator classes 2220008 property is legal if it does not hide other declarations 2220040 return important information hints tips warning message Py has about 2220060 returns list of internal declarations that should could be exported 2220065 returns an explanation list of str why wrapper is needed 2220088 Return list of problematic functions for function calldef 2220104 this functions returns reference to class class declaration 2220160 writes module to multiple files 2220167 param extmodule code creators tree root 2220169 references to all class declaration code creators 2220171 return the content of a cpp file 2220174 Write non class creators into a particular h cpp file 2220178 writes out the module 2220185 creates files defined in mod code repository package 2225233 list list of lists 2233804 Initialize the world by placing all the blocks 2233833 Configure OpenGL to draw in 3d 2233844 creates a base of stone with grass over it 2233845 creates random portions of different materials 2233864 Returns the current motion vector indicating the velocity of the 2233866 Private implementation of the update method This is where most 2233874 Configure OpenGL to draw in 3d 2250776 Create a 24 bit wav file 2250781 Plot a spectrogram and a waveform of a given sound file 2251449 returns the zernike polyonimal by classical n m enumeration 2265732 A helper method that does the actual sending 2270213 Move file to dstdir Works with symlinks including relative ones 2270225 Return a set of requested and supported Python versions 2270243 Return deprecated paths to site packages directories 2270255 Move files to the right location 2270272 Fake the pydist data for impl Returns a cleanup function 2273305 Train CIFAR 100 for a number of steps 2273307 Eval CIFAR 100 for a number of steps 2273312 Reads and parses examples from CIFAR100 data files 2310342 h1 1 64 112 112 2310344 res3 1 512 28 28 2313962 Build and install the MultiMarkdown shared library 2314740 Build a function from a string containing a SQL query 2314773 Do the bypass overriding the calling function 2315640 read data in sheet to be used at writing time 2315644 compute y axis limits and units 2315645 compute x axis limits and units 2315654 Given a value infer the correct data type 2315655 Given a value infer type and display options 2315706 Returns a squared range based on the range string parameter 2315715 Convert from python datetime to excel julian date representation 2315721 Wrapper to start an xml tag 2333037 Compute the histogram of the RGB channels separately 2333039 Define a function to extract features from a list of images 2333040 Define a function that takes an image 2333042 Define a function you will pass an image 2353802 Return multiplication of two quaternions 2353807 Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions 2353808 Rotate points by rotation as defined by rotation type 2353814 Return matrix to rotate about axis defined by point and direction 2353815 Return the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about 2353816 Return quaternion from Euler angles and axis sequence 2353817 Return homogeneous rotation matrix from quaternion 2353818 Return rotation angle and axis from rotation matrix 2353821 Return quaternion from rotation matrix 2353822 Return ndarray normalized by length i e Euclidean norm along axis 2356775 Remap the indices to a compact range makes for nicer storage 2357651 Blocks until process is complete 2357652 Runs the current command and passes its output to the next 2366294 Safely copies server root to temp dir and returns copied files 2366458 Finds the best vhost for a target name 2366497 Perform the configuration related challenge 2366513 Returns a list of annotated challenges to test on plugin 2366675 Return a new dict containing only items relevant for renewal 2366681 Fixes symlinks in the event of an incomplete version update 2366772 Find challenge path with server hints 2366783 Returns tuple of completed failed 2366804 Given TLSSNI01 and HTTP01 with appropriate combos 2366851 Run ACME server on specified port 2366855 Perform achallenges without IDisplay interaction 2366944 Probe SNI server for SSL certificate 2366967 Poll and request issuance 2367046 Serialize fields to JSON 2375842 Find all cascaders that match the given patterns although 2376410 return False if slice is filled incorrectly for clues 2376412 print puzzle to terminal curses 2390320 Line diff algorithm originally from diff2html 2390321 Simplify the output of WF 2390866 Configure the web clients that 2401987 Load an FCS file specified by the filename 2416274 Find something in hardware info 2416277 Builds a recursive map of the minions currently assigned to this 2416288 Get some info about facts 2416330 Applies the supplied configuration to the system 2416331 Permantly applies configuration obtained through the list method to the system 2416407 Get a list of groups 2416408 Get a set of hosts 2419703 Load a database from passed in buffer bytes 2419724 Initialize a new Group object with optional attributes 2419729 Initialize a Entry instance with provided attributes 2426133 return all subtrees in flattened format as well as the labels 2426134 flattena a PTB tree return 2426140 Build a word co occurrence list for the given corpus 2426141 Run a single iteration of GloVe training using the given 2426145 Draw Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix 2426146 Helper function returning a list of gradients 2427010 Parses labeled averages and confidence intervals from the provided file 2428741 x setitem i y x i y 2428752 Partially parse text following thing as grammar and return the 2428756 Create an XML etree from a thing 2428758 Create thing from an XML element 2429539 Find the first match for the buffer from a list of 2438867 Compute the Kramers Kronig integral of the form 2438869 This routine computes the smooth part of the Y function 2438870 Generate the points inside a regular square 2438872 This subroutine computes the array convolution kernel which contains the 2438875 This subroutine computes the array convolution kernel which contains the 2438878 Prepare some arrays necessary to perform the k p perturbation 2438880 Compute the frequencies and polarization vectors 2438884 All quantities are built here It will be crucial to make 2438891 Writes the results of a computation to a netcdf file 2439248 Training algorithm for the naive bayes network 2440597 Wait for packets to send to the client 2440619 Establish or upgrade to a WebSocket connection with the server 2440660 Handle a client connection request 2440662 Monitor connected clients and clean up those that time out 2440679 Handle a client connection request 2440698 Waits and returns received messages 2453183 Initialize Console object All API calls are made with this object 2455130 beriter is an iterator over a sequence of ber encoded values 2456307 Find the memory footprint of a Python object 2466667 Decorator for registering view functions and adding 2466672 Performs a synchronization Articles that are already syncronized aren t 2472897 Compute the stationary frame and current pendulum state in that frame 2472900 Compute pendulum controls for the current simulation step 2472906 Compute math omega s for a given path index 2472909 Compute the path index corresponding to a given time 2472911 Compute the value of math omega t 2472912 Plot math lambda s and math omega s 2 curves 2472913 Plot math lambda t and math omega t 2 curves 2480306 processes the given layout file and applies the geometry to 2493357 Save an image array and return its path 2493371 Return the frames of a video file or webcam stream 2497044 Generate computational art and save as an image file 2497051 Draw side of snowflakkkkkkeee 2498447 Run a Celery task All args and kwargs except callback are 2498450 Run a function in a Process All args and kwargs except 2502915 Change a key in this cycler to a new name 2503360 Try to get version string of a package 2503669 Sum of array elements over a given axis 2503678 Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis 2503679 Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis 2503681 Return the product of array elements over a given axis 2503688 Compute the arithmetic mean along the specified axis 2503689 Compute the standard deviation along the specified axis 2503690 Compute the variance along the specified axis 2504278 Compute the qth percentile of the data along the specified axis 2504306 Compute the histogram of a set of data 2505447 Yield op arg pair for each operation in code object code 2505474 Open a urllib2 request handling HTTP authentication 2505559 Filter filenames for package s data files in src dir 2508343 Return a new block try to preserve dtype if possible 2508379 replace the to replace value with value possible to create new 2508519 Returns number of unique elements in the group 2509276 Convert argument to a numeric type 2509331 return the join indexers 2509560 formatd is a dictionary mapping dtype name mlab Format instances 2509563 r is a numpy record array 2509569 Create an inset axes with a given width and height 2509570 Create an anchored inset axes by scaling a parent axes 2509575 Helper function to obtain a Path from one bbox to another 2509609 pad fraction of the axes height 2509613 Create the four images rgb r g b 2509619 Build an class Grid instance with a grid nrows ncols 2509629 Create a colorbar for a ScalarMappable instance 2509638 Update the colorbar associated artists filled and 2509639 Create patches from extended ends and add them to the axes 2509644 Draw lines on the colorbar It deletes preexisting lines 2509645 select a suitable locator 2509646 Set the attr boundaries and attr values attributes 2509656 Toggle the gridlines and optionally set the properties of the lines 2509661 tick loc tick angle tick label 2509662 label reference position in transAxes 2509663 tick loc tick angle tick label 2509685 return ticks loc angle ticklabels loc angle label 2509687 Toggle visibility of ticks ticklabels and axis label 2509688 Extend the path to make a room for drawing arrow 2509698 tick loc tick angle tick label optionally tick label 2509706 tick loc tick angle tick label optionally tick label 2509710 return Nx2 array of x y coordinate of the boundary 2509716 transform transform from the image coordinate which will be 2509723 Look for unit kwargs and update the axis instances as necessary 2509730 Convenience method to set or retrieve autoscaling margins 2509734 Set 3D x limits 2509735 Set 3D y limits 2509736 Set 3D z limits 2509749 Create the projection matrix from the current viewing position 2509771 Set the lower and upper numerical bounds of the z axis 2509773 Plot 2D or 3D data 2509776 Shade color using normal vectors given by normals 2509777 Plot a 3D wireframe 2509779 Extend a contour in 3D by creating 2509781 Create a 3D contour plot 2509783 Create a 3D contourf plot 2509784 Add a 3D collection object to the plot 2509785 Create a scatter plot 2509788 Plot a 3D field of arrows 2509789 To calculate the arrow head uvw should be a unit vector 2509802 Convert a path to a 3D segment 2509804 Convert a path to a 3D segment with path codes 2509828 Optimize points for projection 2509833 Set the alpha tranparencies of the collection alpha must be 2509872 Adds a non resampled image to the figure 2509888 make a hashable key out of args and kwargs 2509889 Add an axes at position rect left bottom width 2509890 Add a subplot Examples 2509897 Get the current axes creating one if necessary 2509902 Create a colorbar for a ScalarMappable instance mappable 2509920 Output the text and boxes belonging to the most recent page 2509959 Create a figure with a set of subplots already made 2510057 A PostScript tokenizer Yield token value pairs such as 2510061 Save an array as in image file 2510064 interpolation and cmap default to their rc settings 2510069 Retuen a transform that does 2510070 draw unsampled image The renderer should support a draw image method 2510072 Test whether the mouse event occured within the image 2510088 Get the cursor data for a given event 2510095 Test whether the mouse event occured within the image 2510108 Create a new path with the given vertices and codes 2510119 Make a compound path from a list of Path objects 2510120 Iterates over all of the curve segments in the path Each 2510133 Return a class Path for a unit regular star 2510137 Return a class Path of the right half 2510138 Return an arc on the unit circle from angle 2510155 returns the alpha channel 2510157 return width heigth and descent of the text 2510160 Convert Gregorian float of the date preserving hours minutes 2510182 Helper function for replacing substrings sub1 and sub2 2510196 Set the view limits to include the data range 2510201 Pick the best locator based on a distance 2510228 Given the quadratic bezier control points bezier2 returns 2510230 Being similar to get parallels returns control points of two quadrativ 2510274 Compute the cross spectral density 2510280 The coherence between x and y Coherence is the normalized 2510291 Bivariate Gaussian distribution for equal shape X Y 2510295 Get the distance of a point to a segment 2510296 Return True if s1 and s2 intersect 2510306 Returns the identity matrix of shape n n n rank r 2510307 Return the representation of a number in any given base 2510317 r is a numpy record array 2510323 Returns a textual representation of a record array 2510326 This function provides simple but somewhat less so than 2510327 func slopes calculates the slope y x 2510331 Given a sequence of x ylower and yupper return the polygon 2510339 Converts a quadratic Bezier curve to a cubic approximation 2510350 Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points 2510354 Calculate the bounding box of the text Unlike 2510355 Create a class matplotlib text Text instance at x y 2510363 return the extent bbox of the text together with 2510366 Update the location and the size of the bbox This method 2510367 Update the location and the size of the bbox 2510374 Returns the distance from the given points to the boundaries 2510377 Draws the class Text object to the given renderer 2510461 Return the offset transform 2510470 Update the pixel positions of the annotation text and the arrow 2510471 Draw the class Annotation object to the given renderer 2510472 Return a class matplotlib transforms Bbox object bounding 2510473 Temporarily adjust the figure so that only the specified area 2510477 Draws mathtext markers using TextPath object 2510522 Pan numticks can be positive or negative 2510534 Try to choose the view limits intelligently 2510549 Try to choose the view limits intelligently 2510553 Try to choose the view limits intelligently 2510558 Return the locations of the ticks 2510564 lc coordinates of vertices 2510565 Label a contour plot 2510566 Return False if contours are too short for a label 2510568 Return x y and the index of a label location 2510570 This computes actual onscreen label width 2510573 Find a good place to plot a label relatively flat 2510582 Process args and kwargs override in derived classes 2510591 Finds contour that is closest to a point Defaults to 2510594 Create and return allsegs and allkinds by calling underlying C code 2510597 Return custom data dictionary of r g b conversion functions which 2510604 convert the string s to vertices and codes using the 2510619 Search for fonts in the specified font directory or use the 2510653 Returns a match score between the list of font families in 2510663 Fetch historical data for ticker between date1 and date2 date1 and 2510675 Represent the time open high low close as a vertical line 2510681 Add a bar collection graph with height vals 1 is missing 2510686 Given a math expression renders it in a closely clipped bounding 2510711 Insert class Kern nodes between class Char nodes to set 2510738 update offset of childrens and return the extents of the box 2510740 update offset of children and return the extents of the box 2510781 Update the offset func which depends on the dpi of the 2510793 Draw the class Annotation object to the given renderer 2510854 Find index ranges where mask is False 2510862 Covert continuous line to pre steps 2510870 register func to be called when a signal s is generated 2510887 Join given arguments into the same set Accepts one or more 2510896 Modify the endpoints of a range as needed to avoid singularities 2510907 Returns True if this bounding box overlaps with the given 2510911 Returns True if this bounding box overlaps with the given 2510914 Return a copy of the class Bbox shifted to position c 2510919 Count the number of vertices contained in the class Bbox 2510926 Return a class Bbox that contains all of the given bboxes 2510927 Return the intersection of the two bboxes or None 2510962 Performs transformation on a set of angles anchored at 2510995 Create a new Sankey instance 2510996 Return the codes and vertices for a rotated scaled and translated 2511009 Add tool to ToolManager 2511010 Toggle tools need to untoggle prior to using other Toggle tool 2511018 Create an N element 1 d lookup table 2511036 Make a colormap from a list of colors 2511039 Homogenize the input value for easy and efficient normalization 2511040 Normalize value data in the vmin vmax interval into 2511083 Redraw the canvases update the locators 2511089 the press mouse button in zoom to rect mode callback 2511091 the release mouse button callback in zoom to rect mode 2511098 parent the artist that contains the legend 2511101 Helper function to locate the legend using the location code 2511102 Draw everything that belongs to the legend 2511110 Returns list of vertices and extents covered by the plot 2511125 Determine the best location to place the legend 2511130 return lists of bottom and top position of rows left and 2511133 Update the current values If any kwarg is None default to 2511137 return a dictionary of subplot layout parameters 2511141 update the subplot position from fig subplotpars 2511146 Initialization delayed until first draw 2511149 length is in arrow width units 2511150 The constructor takes one required argument an Axes 2511152 This function actually creates the wind barbs u and v 2511160 The following kwarg properties are supported 2511218 Set the vertices of the polygon 2511220 Draws an arrow starting at x y direction and length 2511223 For line segment defined by x1 y1 and x2 y2 2511269 Return the mutated path of the arrow in the display coord 2511270 Connect point xyA in coordsA with point xyB in coordsB 2511274 Return the mutated path of the arrow in the display coord 2511286 Clip the path to the boundary of the patchA and patchB 2511296 The call method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method 2511298 Return the paths for arrow heads Since arrow lines are 2511331 Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc 2511338 Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc 2511348 Iterate through all of the major and minor ticks 2511352 Update ticks position and labels using the current data 2511354 Return a bounding box that encloses the axis It only accounts 2511355 Draw the axis lines grid lines tick lines and labels 2511370 Copy the props from src tick to dest tick 2511376 get the tick instances grow as necessary 2511377 get the minor tick instances grow as necessary 2511390 Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks 2511396 Test whether the mouse event occured in the x axis 2511402 Returns the amount of space one should reserve for text 2511412 Test whether the mouse event occurred in the y axis 2511429 Implement the default mpl key bindings for the canvas and toolbar 2511435 Draws a collection of paths selecting drawing properties from 2511448 return the text path and transform 2511503 x y in figure coords 0 0 bottom left 2511562 the press mouse button in pan zoom mode callback 2511563 the press mouse button in zoom to rect mode callback 2511569 the release mouse button callback in zoom to rect mode 2511570 Redraw the canvases update the locators 2511587 Draws streamlines of a vector flow 2511588 2nd order Runge Kutta algorithm with adaptive step size 2511589 Simple Euler integration step that extends streamline to boundary 2511590 Fast 2D linear interpolation on an integer grid 2511597 Return x y grid coordinates of trajectory based on starting point 2511622 Given a hatch specifier hatchpattern generates Path to render 2511643 TABLE cellText None cellColours None 2511654 Test whether the mouse event occurred in the table 2511657 Calculate row heights and column widths 2511665 Point prep for drawing and hit testing 2511676 Set the linestyle s for the collection 2511691 Set the sizes of each member of the collection 2511694 This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices 2511703 set the positions of the events to the specified value 2511721 Converts a given mesh into a sequence of 2511722 Converts a given mesh into a sequence of triangles each point 2511726 Create a class matplotlib lines Line2D instance with x 2511761 copy properties from other to self 2511800 Return the string width including kerning and string height 2511801 Return the string bounding box 2511833 Draw lines on the colorbar 2511834 Return the sequence of ticks colorbar data locations 2511843 Given a set of color data values return their 2511938 Get a dict mapping fullname alias for each alias in 2511949 Recursively find all class matplotlib artist Artist 2511964 update the slider position 2511968 Add check buttons to class matplotlib axes Axes instance ax 2511973 Trigger which radio button to make active 2511979 on mouse motion draw the cursor if visible 2511985 return True if event should be ignored 2512005 on button release event 2512008 Return index and pixel distance to closest index 2512024 Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to x 2512046 Draw the math text using matplotlib mathtext 2512053 Restore the saved region If bbox instance of BboxBase or 2512078 adapted from http aspn activestate com ASPN Cookbook Python Recipe 189744 2512120 Copy the image from the Agg canvas to the qt drawable 2512138 GtkDrawable draw event like expose event in GTK 2 X 2512151 Exit raster mode All of the drawing that was done since 2512175 return a wx Colour from RGB format 2512218 Make sure pixmap is at least width height 2512223 adapted from http aspn activestate com ASPN Cookbook Python Recipe 189744 2512242 Create a new hatch pattern 2512278 Draw the text rotated 90 degrees other angles are not supported 2512279 Create a pango layout instance for Text s with properties prop 2512294 Unpack the image object im into height width data alpha 2512297 Return name of a marker XObject representing the given path 2512308 Set clip rectangle Calls self pop and self push 2512309 Copy properties of other into self and return PDF commands 2512319 The Type 3 specific part of embedding a Truetype font 2512321 Determine if we should use the simple or woven method 2512323 Outputs text using the woven method alternating 2512325 This function will be called to apply changes 2512330 Create a QFont from tuple 2512352 Add text to the axes 2512353 Add a horizontal line across the axis 2512354 Add a vertical line across the axes 2512355 Add a horizontal span rectangle across the axis 2512356 Add a vertical span rectangle across the axes 2512357 Plot horizontal lines at each y from xmin to xmax 2512359 Plot identical parallel lines at specific positions 2512361 Plot with data with dates 2512372 Plot a pie chart 2512373 Plot an errorbar graph 2512374 Make a box and whisker plot 2512375 Drawing function for box and whisker plots 2512382 Make filled polygons between two horizontal curves 2512383 Display an image on the axes 2512384 Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2 D array 2512385 Plot a quadrilateral mesh 2512386 pseudocolor plot of a 2 D array 2512389 Make a 2D histogram plot 2512390 Plot the power spectral density 2512391 Plot the cross spectral density 2512393 Plot the angle spectrum 2512394 Plot the phase spectrum 2512399 Make a violin plot 2512400 Drawing function for violin plots 2512402 private function to compute error bars 2512406 Only advance the cycler if the cycler has information that 2512426 Clear the current axes 2512452 Add a class matplotlib collections Collection instance 2512458 update the data limits for patch p 2512465 Look for unit kwargs and update the axis instances as necessary 2512479 Autoscale the view limits using the data limits You can 2512498 Set the lower and upper numerical bounds of the x axis 2512511 Set the lower and upper numerical bounds of the y axis 2512542 return a list of child artists 2512546 Return the tight bounding box of the axes 2512567 Test tight layout for subplot2grid 2512569 Test tight layout for gridspec 2512572 test that eventplot produces the correct output 2512651 Github issue 6025 pointed to incorrect ListedColormap resample 2512660 Array comparison test for the default hsv blend mode Ensure the 2512662 Compare the current hillshading method against one that should be 2512663 Ensure that the illumination intensity is correct for planar 2512688 Compare two images expecting a particular RMS error 2512691 Checks the continuity of interpolator and its derivatives near 2512696 This is an adaptation of the original window application 2512737 Use Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x b 2512738 Inversion of arrays of 2 2 matrices 2512740 Inversion of arrays of 2 2 SYMMETRIC matrices returns the 2512745 Builds an array of matrices from individuals np arrays of identical 2512746 Extracts selected blocks of a matrices M depending on parameters 2512750 Fast vectorized function to compute barycentric coordinates alpha 2512759 Builds K and F for the following elliptic formulation 2512763 Builds the nelems x 3 weights coeffs of triangles angles 2512764 Compute the global gradient component of f assumed linear f 2512772 Factors to rescale the triangulation into a unit square 2512773 Returns a measure of the triangulation triangles flatness 2512774 Eliminates excessively flat border triangles from the triangulation 2512775 Compress if masked the encapsulated triangulation 2512778 Process args and kwargs 2512779 Create and return allsegs and allkinds by calling underlying C code 2512780 Create a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangular grid 2512793 Computes an uniformly refined triangulation refi triangulation of 2512813 Create a new Epoch object 2512898 Set the angles at which to place the theta grids these 2512899 Set the radial locations and labels of the r grids 2512905 Extract the convex hull from the triangulation information 2512910 Compute a quality factor the quantity r 2 from TOMS792 2518043 Run a command routing stderr to stdout and return the output 2518066 Monitor dict of hosts to popen objects 2518092 Add edge to graph 2518094 Iterator return graph edges optionally with data and keys 2518111 Generate port mapping for new edge 2518144 Add a link from node1 to node2 2518158 Monitor a set of hosts or all hosts by default 2518252 Internal method configure a single parameter 2518330 x dimension of torus in x direction 2518331 name interface name e g h1 eth0 2518343 Internal method configure a single parameter 2518351 Create veth link to another node making two new interfaces 2518480 Drag a node around on the canvas 2518484 Finish creating a link 2518518 Ping subsets of size chunksize in net of size netsize 2518568 Create pair of interfaces 2518579 Distribute nodes evenly over servers 2518633 Verify that each target is pinged at least once and 2518634 verify that intf config is correctly limiting traffic 2518656 Verify that we receive one ping per second per host 2518667 Verify that there are no dropped packets for each host 2524569 Cancels all active scheduled tasks and deletes all completed tasks 2524583 Get the similarity coefficient of two pages 2524587 Cancels all active scheduled tasks and deletes all completed tasks 2524708 Creates and prepopulates an index 2527249 Get the top 25 stems or words found in a document 2527416 Extract messages from Mako s lexer node objects 2537470 Convert a list of images into a network input 2542896 Show the autocomplete list bind events 2548078 Accept the entered values and initialize a sample 2548081 Set up the data panel for a sample 2548084 Draw a Nyquist plot for the isotherm chosen 2548327 Cs all correlations y X 2548328 freqsets baskets apriori dataset minsupport maxsize 2550825 This jumpunit determines if the condition for jumping is met 2550829 Implements some kind of caching 2550831 Represents the programcounter PC 2550832 This represents the ALU of the microcontroller 2550833 This is the IR decoder 2550838 Check if the status flags are set properly 2550842 Tests if the tristate works correctly 2550845 Generates a Simulation Object 2550846 Generates a Simulation Object 2550848 Generates a Simulation Object 2550849 Check if register 0 is always 0 2550850 Check if writing and reading register works 2550852 Check if different register give different results 2550853 Checks if the reading is done before writing 2550854 Checks if X and Y give different Result 2552995 Sign an XP Install XPI file 2555281 Compute gradients of loss for the variables in var list 2576175 Train CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 2576227 Eval CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 2576380 Write a props file to disk 2631638 Send this confirmation key 2632073 Set a default config for the specified output format 2632074 Parse command line arguments and config file s 2632088 param node The node to parse a job from 2639425 Predictor for species from model 52952081035d07727e01d836 2639426 Predictor for species from model 52952081035d07727e01d836 2639919 Put the pieces on the board set the turn 2639921 If play is True moves to that position 2642426 Tests A B C 2642427 Tests A B C 2642429 Checks handling of implications that can be shown to be 2645156 Return a thumbnail filename for the given thumbnail options 2645173 Handle scaling and cropping the source image 2645705 Extract blobs by watershed 2647714 Return a colored character based on the value and relative deviation 2651673 Set or change the target and or inputs 2651686 Just count the target attr val occurences 2651691 With k 1 find the point closest to example 2676835 From https gist github com signed0 2031157 2676836 Crop an image using pillow 2676866 Build a Badge image using a source 2686189 Get the lat lon coordinates of a pixel 2688378 Reload an already imported Test Library 2688403 Add Keywords for opening un named sessions 2688408 The actual decoration logic 2688413 The actual Keyword method decorator function 2688419 Call the Keyword s actual function with the given arguments 2688421 Initialize with a name 2688427 List all Robot Variables UPPER CASE 2688453 Alternative to func robot libdoc with the following extra features 2699138 Colorizes items in print display 2699210 Returns list of items processed for screen output 2703734 Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar 2703737 Run method that performs all the real work 2704481 Possibly update the index and then write its tree 2704483 Absorb the temp patch C temp name into the given patch 2704486 Generate a new commit for the current or given patch 2704488 Pushes the given patches or the first unapplied onto the stack 2704489 Repair inconsistencies in StGit metadata 2704493 Pop the given patches or the topmost one from the stack 2704502 Update the given L CommitData stgit lib git CommitData with the 2704505 Edit the patch noninteractively in a couple of ways 2704509 Write files used by the old infrastructure 2704904 Takes a base url to connect to and read from 2704952 Runs the module tasks 2704969 Scan the file system for failed merges and return any found 2705017 ebuilds cpv metadata mapping simulating available ebuilds 2705092 The matching contents entry is returned which is useful 2705094 Get set of relative paths for libraries to be preserved When 2705382 Like glib MainContext iteration runs a single iteration In order 2705396 Takes an unreduced and reduced deplist and removes satisfied dependencies 2705582 In some cases dep check will return deps that shouldn t 2705592 This will raise InvalidDependString if necessary If trees is 2705601 Select packages that are installed 2705603 Get a package instance from the cache or create a new 2705615 Check if candidate pkg satisfies all of existing pkg s non 2705663 Add a new package to the tracker Records conflicts as necessary 2705664 Add an installed package during vdb load These packages 2705665 Removes the package from the tracker 2705667 Iterates over the packages matching atom 2707252 Starts a TCP server 2707266 Validate important properties of incoming messages to avoid abuse and 2707302 Create a message from a tuple received from the network 2707317 Test if connection cleanup works 2707332 Test if mixing ack and no ack works 2707334 Test if batch cross ping works 2707336 Test if the code work with a slow handler 2707337 Test if batch cross send works 2707338 Test if half sync cross send works 2707340 Test if batch send with a close in between works 2707341 Test if bidir batch send works 2707343 Test if message answering sets identity correctly 2707349 Test if complete config can handle a object 2707372 Test if the processes can send all messages without crashes 2707373 Test if the processes can send all messages without crashes 2707375 Parse args and setup server 2708984 Iterate over all descendant element nodes in breadth first order 2709031 Add switches and hubs 2713050 Public interface to the rough page view 2729365 Linear detrend where the baseline is estimated excluding outliers 2729367 Sliding window mode filter 2729370 Given a set of success failure events occurring at different positions 2729424 Return a resampled copy of this trace 2729436 Sliding scale invariant template matching algorithm 2729443 Downsample data by averaging n points together across axis 2729452 Function approximating a PSP shape with double exponential decay 2729471 Return a list of SquarePulse instances describing square pulses found 2729506 Run the simulation until a number of samples have been acquired 2729523 Return command value at time t 2729718 build a spacer that occupies the horizontally indented space between 2729722 builds a list element for given position in the tree 2754165 Run on a k regular graph Returns uncontrolled controlled df costs 2754166 Run on a scale free graph Returns uncontrolled controlled df costs 2754167 Returns uncontrolled controlled df costs 2756306 the complete example from the slides 2766518 Add a patch to a definition residue 2766531 Change the chiangle of the reference coordinate using the 2766533 Find the quaternion q and left rotation matrix u that minimizes 2766535 Generate a left rotation matrix from a normalized quaternion 2766536 Center a molecule using equally weighted points 2766537 Translate a molecule using equally weighted points 2766565 Initialize the new Atom object by using the old object 2766599 Uses recursion to find the shortest path from one node to 2766613 Calculate the angle using the four atoms 2766640 Creates the minimum set of combinations that will make available 2766649 Yields pair residue set 1rst residue index 2nd residue index for 2766663 Performs construction variable substitution on a pre digested 2766731 Append values to existing construction variables 2766733 Append values to existing construction variables 2766760 returns a list of all source files 2766909 Emitter function for POTUpdate builder 2766930 Return nodes paths strings relative to current working directory 2767027 1 check if pKa values are calculated 2767041 checking Coo Arg exception 2767042 checking Coo Coo hydrogen bond exception 2767117 returning the electrostatic energy of this residue at pH pH 2767126 rotate residue theta radians around axis with center center 2767127 making a copy of this residue 2767139 get the translation for the back tracking in the alignment mutation 2767142 replaces a single atoms list with that of a template 2767164 This routine creates a composite atoms dictionary 2767182 find the default configuration key 2767248 Finds bonds for a side chain 2767249 Finds bonds for all atoms in the molecule 2767252 Finds all bonds for a list of atoms 2767258 adding side chain determinants perturbations 2767277 checking Coo Arg exception 2767350 constructer of the protein object 2767362 Calculates the pKa values of each configuration and averages them 2767396 Constructer of chain object 2767424 calculates the Coulomb interaction pKa shift based on Coulombs law 2767425 calculates the Coulomb interaction pKa shift based on Coulombs law 2767438 Finds coupled residues in protein 2767442 Adding the Coulomb iterative interaction an acid pair 2767443 Adding the Coulomb iterative interaction a base pair 2767444 Adding the Coulomb iterative interaction an acid base pair 2767447 Contructer of the iterative object 2767452 Dot product scalar and matrix multiplication 2767458 setting up Euler rotation matrix 2767462 making cross product vector1 x vector2 2767465 rotate the position dictionary theta around axis 2767467 rotate an atoms list theta around axis 2767471 rotate a residue using rotation matrix R 2767493 sets properties of the atom object 2767494 making a copy of this atom 2783905 Draw a picture of the results from the given paramters 2787015 Invalidate something in the api cached calls 2787109 Return keys for prefix 2795106 Give list of recommendations 2799260 Matches whether two fusion objects are the same prediction 2799271 This tests whether intergenic fusions are taken into account 2799295 Tests whether files of input format Chimera prettyPrint can 2799297 Tests whether files of input format from Star Fusion can 2799503 The function that s called each time through the event loop 2800577 Entry point for generic scrape managment command 2808078 Modification of ntpath abspath that avoids doing an import 2808102 Handle state change notifications from the debugge 2808157 Sign args and possibly encrypt 2808159 Manage messages ids to prevent replay of old messages 2808166 Handle breakpoint updates that arrive via the event dispatcher 2808180 Get frame at index depth down the stack 2808181 Get globals and locals of frame 2808185 Set trace callback of frame 2808189 Initial trace method for thread 2808191 Trace method used for frames in which unhandled exceptions 2808215 Let debugger run until temp breakpoint as defined in the arguments 2808220 Switch focus to specified thread 2808224 Send series of events that define the debugger state 2808225 Send event with stack depth and exception stack depth 2808234 Execute suite Python statement in context of frame at 2812089 Returns a map of servers to connected interfaces If any 2812120 Auto fade out the Bubble 2812141 Reimplemented trezorlib transport all transports so that we can 2812195 Find a quadratic residue mod p of a p 2812213 Validate a Bech32 string and determine HRP and data 2812214 General power of 2 base conversion 2812215 Decode a segwit address 2812241 effect of tx on wallet 2812249 Acquisition price of a coin 2812274 Returns a list of DeviceInfo objects one for each connected 2812276 encode v which is a string of bytes to base58 2812344 Returns a list of bucket sets 2812345 Returns a list of bucket sets preferring confirmed coins 2812354 Decrypt the passed in bytes 2812410 Called by comparison operations if rich comparison is not defined 2852892 Return most likely super concept 2852895 Takes in list of subconcepts and superconcepts and generates probase 2856816 Return a human readable dictionary from the inibin 2864489 Try to consume a noun from a word sequence 2874430 Param message str string 2874431 Param proto type proto message 2887118 Populate these settings for the current MailingList instance 2903381 Refreshes strong authentication details 2912568 Reconstruct pandas object from R matrix vector 2913456 Test of the OverlayDict 2935078 Read a kafka topic in batches 2935079 Read messages from a given partition offset range 2935096 Decompress a list of output ks to a string 2943184 Knight 1 1 move options 2943185 King 5 5 5 1 move options doctest NORMALIZE WHITESPACE 2972296 Returns a keras model for a CNN 3035756 Logic used by both map to and map from 3039957 Wrapper function to extract features from base network attaching extra 3039963 Reweight loss according to focal loss 3052339 Equivalent to the main program for the application 3065934 a k a BIBI 0 3066271 Search the B Tree for the key k 3066500 Dot product of multiple arrays with ndim 2 3066502 mdot for three arrays 3066503 Return a np array which encodes the opimal order of mutiplications 3082179 Return tuple of 3 tuples 3088604 Add results to the view 3088605 Remove a result given as a Track object or an integer 3088621 Load a station from google 3088627 Load the tracks of a related artist 3088638 Cast the currently focused result 3088662 The OK button was pressed 3088679 Save the track to disk 3088715 Try to log in then call callback 3088736 Add track to playlist 3088738 Delete a station both from Google and the local database 3088741 select an artist from artists and call 3088749 Make a dialog with the artist names 3095927 Erases everything where a wall was 3095937 Given the location and datetime object computes the current 3096257 Convert uncompressed Plan 9 image file to pair of metadata 3096533 Calculate the entropy of a chunk of data 3096534 Recalculates the SizeOfImage SizeOfCode SizeOfInitializedData and 3096542 Fetch the PE file sections 3096544 Parse the resources directory 3096546 Parse a directory entry from the resources directory 3096547 Parse version information structure 3096548 Parse the export directory 3096549 Walk and parse the delay import directory 3096551 Parse the imported symbols 3098371 Load a FASTA formatted file 3098933 Look up an option value 3098937 Parse the config files from config file and config dir 3101490 This method proposes values for stochastics based on the empirical 3101491 This method proposes values for stochastics based on the empirical 3109654 Check if value is an actual Money value If not attempt 3110301 Perform a DNS query 3110306 Perform an MDNS query 3116421 We want to merge the islands belonging to the adjacent pixels 3119327 Profile code string Usage 3119588 Return the value of register at address location 3119589 Return True if value is correctly written 3120781 Set up a new instance 3123357 Retrieve pairs of date ranges based on interval number 3124234 Put in cache every offer s ratio in threads 3124704 Remove inactive nodes considering the given date 3128530 Create a cast function if it is not cached 3128556 Fetch the next set of rows of a query result 3128558 Copy data from an input stream to the specified table 3128559 Copy data from the specified table to an output stream 3128574 Simplified functools lru cache decorator for one argument 3128623 Create a cast function if it is not cached 3128671 Get the value of a run time parameter 3128679 Get or set the primary key of a table 3128692 Empty a table or set of tables 3128694 Get a table as a dictionary 3128704 Convert boolean and decimal values back 3128711 Make sure required exceptions exist and are in the 3142714 Decipher cases what of I J and X paddings 3142760 Partitions dataset The dataset is modified in the function 3142768 Returns a tuplle containing the ith and jth element 3142772 This is basically the sum of two integers problem solved previously 3142976 Long short term memory cell LSTM 3142978 Long short term memory cell LSTM 3143550 Convert a cmp function into a key function 3145992 Return n random points laying in a swiss roll 3155413 Tree structure and array storage 3162674 Return a new Collection created from module 3162697 Creates a new config object 3162716 Return a list of Argument objects representing this task s signature 3162792 Transform arbitrary task list w various types into Call objects 3171057 I create a filter that relabels columns 3171108 Insert a node with this key and value into the tree 3182483 Called recursively and puts one piece at each recursion level 3182484 Solve the given task 3182493 Return 4 options of the board 3182566 translate FROM TO TEXT 3182588 Callback for loadHistory s QtDo 3182608 movies in common person ID person ID 3182919 Retrieve the index file of this repository It can use network 3182928 Update repositories and install new packages versions 3182948 Load backends listed in config file 3182992 Fill an object with the wanted fields 3182999 Evaluates a dot separated path against JSON data Path can contains 3183008 Create a storage object 3183013 This static method can be called to run the application 3183017 This REPL method is overrided to catch some particular exceptions 3183036 Ask a question to user 3183037 Handler for an exception inside the CallErrors exception 3183040 Format an object to be human readable 3183082 Get a thread and its messages 3183107 Reads boilerplate PDF formatting around the data of interest 3183108 Read transaction description which can span over multiple lines 3183131 Get a thread and its messages 3183135 Attempt to log in 3189040 Orthogonal Least absolute deviations fitting via ADMM 3199233 Convert a cmp function into a key function 3199323 Function that generates sample from theta distribution given sample from 3199332 Returns ln of likelihood for kinematic model 3205224 unit tests get nearby checkpoints 3205227 unit test for search user checkpoints 3205265 get UserCheckpoints in a given radius sorted according to proximity 3205268 faux notification returns Checkpoints that were recently created by friends 3205281 Creates a Checkpoint record in the database with the supplied arguments 3207146 Create multiple flow sessions with a single gopp 3207185 returns a class GradeInfo 3207223 Return a scale that has sensible intervals for assigning points 3211453 Fast Function eXtraction model 3211457 Helper function Performs simple cull algorithm 3227357 keep gamma items grad to zero 3227358 keep gamma users grad to zero 3227362 minimize e s e t 3228927 Test that we can add an image via the swift backend 3228930 Tests that adding an image with a non existing container 3228931 Tests that adding a very large image We simulate the large 3228983 Test that we can add an image via the s3 backend 3228984 Test that having http s in the s3serviceurl in config 3229068 Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend 3229072 Takes a glance store location Location object that indicates 3229075 Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend 3229082 Configure the Store to use the stored configuration options 3236123 Updates the set of best checkpoints based on the given result 3236324 subtree mul h l r 3237267 Sorts a list of Post objects and writes the nest level 3240213 Insert nodes with notation id a b 3240214 Recieves 4 1 2743 y 8 2 x 2 0 3248113 Main method that is invoked by dcc 3279150 Make an ellipse shaped binary structuring element mask 3279151 param size int or 2 tuple of height width 3279247 Show image in numpy array format using matplotlib 3279255 Uh instead of using this use np fft ifft fft norm 3317969 Execute a shell command and return the output and stderr 3317979 Parse arguments and run the default action 3322138 Reduce response object to make it compatible with pickle 3322139 Restore response object after unpickling 3322308 Adds the provided items to the XBMC interface 3322509 Simply crawl out and cover all the territory 3322515 This is the code that pushes rows of blocks 3322527 Turns a levels file into a Levels object 3323070 Command line entry point 3341848 Return the persistent object with oid oid 3344520 A single run of k means assumes preparation completed prior 3345324 Private method to perform a galois multiplication of 1 column the 3345332 Public method to perform the encryption operation 3345333 Public method to perform the decryption operation 3345811 Tells you whether current script already has Administrative rights 3346272 Send packet to nameserver and return response 3346277 Diff records recursively diff sections sorting RRs 3346289 address port upstream server 3346358 Create a new Connection object using the given OpenSSL SSL Context 3346381 Get CAs whose certificates are suggested for client authentication 3346469 Set the serial number of the certificate 3346493 Set the reason of this revocation 3346494 Set the reason of this revocation 3346501 Export a CRL as a string 3346578 Reads the response body or up to the next amt bytes 3346591 Creates an HTTP 2 connection to a specific server 3346610 This receive function handles the situation where the underlying socket 3346715 Read some data from the socket 3346739 Add the element val to the list 3346740 Splits sublists that are more than double the load level 3346741 Update the list by adding all elements from iterable 3346743 Remove the first occurrence of val 3346745 Delete the item at the given pos idx 3346748 Build an index for indexing the sorted list 3346749 Remove the element at idx Supports slicing 3346750 Return the element at idx Supports slicing 3346751 Replace the item at position index with value 3346757 Return the number of occurrences of val in the list 3346779 Add the element val to the list 3346780 Splits sublists that are more than double the load level 3346781 Update the list by adding all elements from iterable 3346785 Delete the item at the given pos idx 3346791 Replace the item at position index with value 3346797 Return the number of occurrences of val in the list 3346816 A SortedSet provides the same methods as a set Additionally a 3346841 A SortedDict provides the same methods as a dict Additionally a 3346855 Update the dictionary with the key value pairs from other overwriting 3347330 Parse the given C source This registers all declared functions 3347361 Remove and return an item from the queue 3347840 Internal helper to create an entity from an EntityProto protobuf 3347980 Returns full yaml text 3348002 Initializes an empty AppEngineWebXml object 3348122 This function performs common merge operations 3348123 This function merges an app yaml file with referenced builtins includes 3348128 Applies settings from the indicated backend to the AppInfoExternal 3350883 send fake cert to client 3350884 deploy fake cert to client 3355934 The body of the parent process 3355935 The body of the child process 3355942 The main loop of worker 3374084 Add a new rule to this security group 3374085 Create a copy of this security group in another region 3379351 Extracts the Wireless settings from the page contents 3391981 Predict labels tags for samples X 3391983 F score for BIO tagging scheme as used by CoNLL 3391987 Fit HMM model to data 3391993 Make a sparse transition matrix for y 3394484 Convert dictionary into instance allowing access to dictionary keys using 3397818 from django contrib gis geos import LineString 3397833 Test de primalit de Miller Rabin 3397857 Retourne le n terme de la suite de Fibonacci 3398837 Get or create a logger 3398841 picks a random time step difference then randomly subsamples from 3398842 sample a minibatch of reward images each image is a random 3419899 Builds a JSON POST object 3419901 Deserializes dict list str into an object 3419902 Makes the HTTP request synchronous and return the deserialized data 3419904 Get parameters as list of tuples formatting collections 3419914 Deserializes list or dict to model 3419917 Sets the logger file 3420140 InlineResponse20020Result a model defined in Swagger 3420174 InlineResponse20024 a model defined in Swagger 3420190 InlineResponse200DraftTimings a model defined in Swagger 3420210 InlineResponse20015 a model defined in Swagger 3420240 InlineResponse2009 a model defined in Swagger 3420302 InlineResponse20025 a model defined in Swagger 3420578 InlineResponse20017Ranks a model defined in Swagger 3420596 InlineResponse20032 a model defined in Swagger 3420612 InlineResponse20031 a model defined in Swagger 3420628 InlineResponse20026 a model defined in Swagger 3420658 InlineResponse2006 a model defined in Swagger 3420692 InlineResponse20019Rankings a model defined in Swagger 3420798 InlineResponse20017RanksFields a model defined in Swagger 3420828 InlineResponse2001 a model defined in Swagger 3420848 InlineResponse20017Mmr a model defined in Swagger 3420884 InlineResponse2003 a model defined in Swagger 3420928 InlineResponse2004 a model defined in Swagger 3420974 InlineResponse20014 a model defined in Swagger 3421010 InlineResponse2001Profile a model defined in Swagger 3421038 InlineResponse20017CountryMmr a model defined in Swagger 3421106 InlineResponse20013 a model defined in Swagger 3421150 InlineResponse200Chat a model defined in Swagger 3421254 InlineResponse20017CountryMmrFields a model defined in Swagger 3421286 InlineResponse20030 a model defined in Swagger 3421316 InlineResponse20021 a model defined in Swagger 3421346 InlineResponse2005 a model defined in Swagger 3423565 cz in microns relative to the center 3423574 Calculates the focus field for a bessel lattice 3423582 sets up the internal variables e g propagators etc 3423585 see help for biobeam focus field lattice plane 3423609 initialize the pin positions 3427464 Assemble the given assembly language statement If the statement 3429744 Mouse motion notify event handler 3446980 Estimate the correlation length of a time series 3446982 Compute the CDPP in a given time window 3453739 Runs a 10 armed bandit simulation for multiple trials 3454823 Updates ongoing move if it exists 3454826 Initialize the pieces at their starting coordinates 3454827 Returns the refined future positions for given stone 3454828 Removes positions that don t have moves and 3454829 Returns a list of captured stones according to the capture type 3455084 define the AutoEncoder model mini batch 3469957 A wrapper around os walk which handles exclusion patterns and multiple 3469983 Does a map operation while displaying a progress bar with 3469992 Parses genre information from genre str 3470001 Reset all tag data 3470010 Check the current frame set against target version for frames 3470016 Add an image of type a type constant from ImageFrame 3473558 asynchronous ldap search returning a generator 3473559 Turn dictionary criteria into ldap queryFilter string 3474124 Helper function to train an unsupervised HMM The function determines the 3474126 Uses the forward algorithm to calculate the alpha probability 3474127 Uses the backward algorithm to calculate the beta probability 3474129 Generates an emission of length M assuming that the starting state 3484013 Test of the Pad approximation of math l on matrices 3484026 Evaluate the polynomial on a matrix using matrix multiplications func dot 3484532 Update status by copying attribute from another torrent 3484547 Update attributes based on a tvdb object 3484602 Locates the video object of an episode within the package 3489559 Send local file as HTTP response 3491292 http stackoverflow com a 13821695 3494368 Initialize the basic NLSTM cell 3494369 use recurrence to traverse the nested structure 3505784 Internal helper to turn an entity into an EntityProto protobuf 3505785 Internal helper to create an entity from an EntityProto protobuf 3505932 Iterate over records in input files 3506247 Converts a record from logbook to logging 3506254 Format a replacement field 3506255 Same as str format and unicode format in Python 2 6 3506292 Records a log record as ticket 3506317 Returns an iterator over all objects for the combined 3506462 Write this commit element to a file 3518572 Uses the decrypted private key to sign the message 3519830 Opens a file dialog returns the dialog s result or none 3526188 Compute the two dimensional pair correlation function also known 3526189 Compute the three dimensional pair correlation function for a set of 3526190 Generate a domain of a given width filled with hexagonally packed 3526643 Return a value indicating the ranking of a hand 3527762 Append a point and its target value to the known data 3527763 Allocate enough memory to store num points 3527768 Run internal consistency checks to ensure that data structure 3527774 Initialization method to kick start the optimization process It is a 3528251 Retrieves items in the given number of batches 3552640 Loads all configuration files contained within conf path sites available directory 3563807 Create a new whoosh index in the given directory path 3563810 Create a new whoosh index in the given directory path 3578184 Creates a check on the entity with the specified attributes The 3578267 Establishes authenticated connections to the various cloud APIs 3578349 Handles the communication with the API when getting 3578661 Returns the total bytes for the specified path optionally ignoring 3578781 Label and path expansion method 3579047 Sends PreparedRequest object Returns Response object 3579081 Receives a Response Returns a generator of Responses 3579083 Constructs a class Request Request prepares it and sends it 3582901 Make QuerySet return dicts instead of objects 3582926 Removes one or more of instances from the relation 3593074 Return socket connections If pid 1 return system wide 3593075 Call callable into a try except clause and translate ENOENT 3593083 Decorator which translates bare OSError exceptions into 3593091 Return a generator yielding a Process instance for all 3593095 Return a float representing the current system wide CPU 3593096 Same as cpu percent but provides utilization percentages 3593109 Utility method returning process information as a 3593126 Return a float representing the current process CPU 3593131 Return process mapped memory regions as a list of nameduples 3593164 Return network I O statistics for every network interface 3593165 Return disk I O statistics for every disk installed on the 3593167 Decorator which translates bare OSError and IOError exceptions 3593169 Parse proc net tcp and proc net udp files 3593171 Return process s mapped memory regions as a list of nameduples 3593182 Return disk usage associated with path 3593198 Return socket connections If pid 1 return system wide 3593200 Decorator which translates bare OSError and WindowsError 3593208 Calculate IO usage by comparing IO statics before and 3593460 Use simple linear regression to tune parameters self slope and 3593469 param trigrams The trigram frequency distribution upon which to base 3593638 Draws and outputs in PNG for ipython 3593804 A helper function that ensures that self index is 3594059 Initialize the tag position mapping the rule related 3594061 Update the rule data tables to reflect the fact that 3594066 Check if we should add or remove any rules from consideration 3594302 Distance metric that takes into account partial agreement when multiple 3594766 Identifies boundaries at the peaks of similarity score 3594804 Calculate modified ngram precision 3594862 Return the final parse Chart from which all possible 3594957 Convert the data in a nodelist into a networkx 3595016 Calculate the update values for the classifier weights for 3595030 param labels A list of the known labels for this encoding 3595031 Construct and return new feature encoding based on a given 3595034 param labels A list of the known labels for this encoding 3595035 Construct and return new feature encoding based on a given 3595042 Return a list of the most informative features used by this 3595043 param labeled featuresets A list of classified featuresets 3595048 param rtepair a RTEPair from which features should be extracted 3595360 Return the standard interpretation of the string region RV 3595371 Stem a Norwegian word and return the stemmed form 3598387 Metodo para calcular la relevancia 3609085 Calculate the charges from the fileobj 3609094 Create a Vasp calculator 3609095 Generate resort list and make list of POTCARs to use 3609121 Control function to wait until all calculators are ready 3609122 Control function to wait until all calculators are ready 3609124 Returns images energies if available or runs the job 3609178 Read the OUTCAR and get the eigenvectors Return value depends 3609179 Returns an array of frequencies in wavenumbers 3609180 Calculate infrared intensities of vibrational modes 3609188 Calculate band structure along param kpts path 3609201 Compile vasp calculation information into a database 3612645 Calculate KL divergence for two multivariate Gaussian distributions 3625123 Find the repeated words of length l in a given string 3626159 Return the position of regex match in data starting at cur 3649637 Collects metadata from all templates found in the source directory 3663213 Send notification regardless of the approach 3667083 Estimate the temporal pattern of an ERP component 3667086 Fit the beamformer to the data 3667088 Fit the beamformer to the data 3667091 Test the infer temporal pattern function 3669854 See the backtracking function below This helper compute the best 3669857 This algorithm calls greedy compute the average inter word break 3670062 bin insert list element 3670063 display name db args get display opts options argv 3670092 Internal function called to refresh the keymap cache 3703662 Expand a polygon iteratively 3703665 Compute pendular COM or ZMP support area for contact set 3705138 Calculates the diagonal of two fragments 3705139 Estimates the penalty of joining the fragment checker with checked 3706594 Return a copy of beatmap with difficulty modifiers applied 3707527 Calculates the perspective coefficients that would affect 3707529 Make an upper and lower banner of text on an image 3711377 Return a new class Mapper object 3711451 Provide a relationship between two mapped classes 3716729 Send expired proxy to validator 3728425 Test cascade deleting with an object 3728918 Recursively creates more than 1 record if need be 3728919 Should we flush self record into 1 or more pieces 3875222 Simulates typing into the element 3875247 Creates a new instance of the chrome driver 3882279 Return move for square NORTH SOUTH WEST EAST STILL 3883304 Add the newly created driver to the database 3901361 Return the next batch size examples from this data set 3904255 A list of projects that match the arguments 3904280 Init a Project object 3904287 Get all existing local branches 3904293 Prunes any stale published refs 3904294 List any branches which can be uploaded for review 3904298 Perform only the local IO portion of the sync process 3904301 Checkout a local topic branch 3904303 Prune any topic branches already merged into upstream 3912072 Apply a rule method to some args 3923140 Normalize an array of log values along an axis Returns a 3929427 Plot a light curve with changes over two different time scales 3929429 Add one or more frequencies to model 4015339 Returns N 100 n minority samples synthetic minority samples 4015342 read article ids Set 4015350 Fit Gaussian Naive Bayes according to X y 4015353 Compute the Anova F value for the provided sample 4015359 Trains the Bayes Classifier 4015363 read article ids Set 4015369 doc should be instance of mongodb models Article 4015394 See gensim corpora textcorpus for details 4045717 Return a series of WHERE clauses against 4046595 Re implement almost the same code from crispy forms but passing 4059972 Initialize the minefield with attr n mines mines 4065760 Check if the key k is part of the slice s 4065764 Update the sorted keyspaces stored in key parts 4073237 Concurrently download images listed in url file to out dir 4073558 type matrix List List str 4098878 Finds the best position for a rectangle of the given dimensions 4098879 Integrates a new rectangle into the height slice table 4105774 Apply the transform using matrix multiplication creating a 4105785 Defines which areas of the screen represent which areas in the 4105833 Defines which areas of the screen represent which areas in the 4110594 Creates a morphological perceptron that only uses its max part 4110595 Creates a morphological perceptron that only uses its min part 4110597 Creates a new MorphologicalPerceptron instance using a set of coefficients 4110602 Computes the gradient of the perceptron s weights given an input 4110603 Computes the gradient of the perceptron s coefficients exponents 4110631 Given a confusion matrix for a binary classification problem calculates 4110632 Performs normalization by feature scaling on a set of data 4110633 Performs discounting on a set of patterns of different classes 4110636 Computes a Locally Linear Embedding of a given set of data 4110637 Finds the point that minimizes the total hamming distance from other 4110638 Creates a new LinearLayer with the specified dimensions 4110648 Creates a new MorphologicalLayer object 4110652 Creates a new GenericLayer object 4110654 Creates a new GenericLayer object 4110662 Creates a new TropicalOutputLayer with a specified set of parameters 4110666 Creates a new Autoencoder operating on a set of data 4110670 Creates a new ReverseAutoencoder operating on a set of data 4110681 Fits a morphological perceptron to a sinusoidal function whose formula 4110683 Splits data randomly into training and test sets 4110686 Tests the 2D rhombus consisting of points 4110690 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110692 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110694 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110702 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110706 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110708 Performs binary classification on the WDBC dataset after training a 4110710 Performs binary classification on Ripleys dataset after training a 4110716 Evaluates the results over a set of testing patterns given two 4110718 Evaluates the results over a set of testing patterns given two 4110721 Trains a convex morphological perceptron using a set of training data 4110727 Evaluates the results over a set of testing patterns given two 4110731 Compare all available methods for classification 4110736 Loads the pickled MNIST dataset from a specified file 4117916 Returns a smart copy of the request object 4117918 Creates a new request object from a Django request object 4118088 Returns the validators associated with the field 4118198 Add a child element within this element 4118412 Updates the value based on a dictionary popping it out afterwards 4118413 return the used webelements variables as a dictionary 4118426 Sets the integer value of the input 4118459 Constructs a new Position Controller Object 4118460 Sets the index to start returning results from 4119655 Async Query bugzilla for all the project information 4125632 Execute program MS Windows version 4125646 A version of os walk with a couple differences regarding symlinks 4125647 paths from path patterns path patterns file paths 4125657 Return a dictionary of emacs style local variables in the head 4125658 Return a dictionary of emacs style local variables in the tail 4125799 Create a CodeIntel manager 4125804 Called by register functions in language support modules 4125841 Generate all dirs under the given dirs including the given dirs 4125842 Parse out a short summary from the given doclines 4125846 Get 1 based line numbers from positions 4125848 dedentlines lines tabsize 8 skip first line False dedented lines 4125913 See citadel py ImportHandler find importables in dir for 4125914 Given the buffer scan the buffer tokens for CSL UDL tokens 4125918 Get the JS return type for this function JSDoc gets precedence 4125944 Everything in the function is applied to the supplied scope namelist 4125960 Return what CodeIntel considers a canonical version of the given path 4125983 Resolve the given CITDL expression starting at the given 4125985 Find all possible hits for the first token in the submitted 4126008 Return a list of PHPArg objects 4126014 Determine any necessary information from the provided comment 4126027 This code is handled only when in the following conditions 4126040 See citadel py ImportHandler find importables in dir for 4126047 For JavaScript in the browser the top level scope is the 4126056 Resolve the first part of the expression 4126069 Return a styled HTML snippet for the current buffer 4126103 Return all hits of the given lookup path 4126104 Return completion info for all top level names matching the 4126117 Return the set of imports under the given prefix 4126118 Return all blobs that match the given base path 4126124 Return completion info for all top level names matching the 4126125 Return the blobnames defining the given toplevelname 4126156 Return the set of imports under the given prefix 4126157 Yield all blobnames in the currently selected catalogs 4126158 Return completion info for all top level names matching the 4126190 Merge expired on deck changes with self data 4126191 Return completion info for all top level names matching the 4126192 Return the blobnames of the given lang defining the given 4126826 Calculate the uncertainty score for each object in an objects matrix 4128060 Return the path from row column to x 1 y 1 4128063 Quick sort is default sorting algo in many standard libraries 4128065 Shell sort partitions the original list into 4128068 Divide and conquer algorithm creates smaller sub problems 4128958 Convert from XYZ to CIE L a b 4128959 Convert from RGB to XYZ 4141026 Process options passed either via arglist or via command line args 4143051 Intelligently split a string on capitalized words 4143056 Get the next item or n items of the iterator 4143061 Return a listified version of x 4143104 Helper method for defining space delimited indentation blocks such as 4143129 Execute the parse expression with the given string 4144107 busy waits until the thread state changes to RUN 4144115 returns False in case expression is partially correct 4144118 Display the syntax error that just occurred 4144126 Test case to validate custom property 4144242 Enable event loop integration with GLUT 4144252 Run the wx event loop by processing pending events only 4144285 Convert a cmp function into a key function 4144662 Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object 4144670 Initialize the completion machinery 4144709 returns the unittests given a list of modules 4144714 param tests list PydevTestSuite 4144799 Auxiliary method for L notify exit thread 4144800 Auxiliary method for L notify exit process 4144801 Auxiliary method for L notify unload dll 4144823 Returns all breakpoint objects as a list of tuples 4144832 Enables all disabled breakpoints in all processes 4144833 Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints in all processes 4144836 Enables all disabled breakpoints for the given process 4144837 Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints for the given process 4144838 Disables all breakpoints for the given process 4144839 Erases all breakpoints for the given process 4144840 Notify breakpoints of a guard page exception event 4144841 Notify breakpoints of a breakpoint exception event 4144842 Notify breakpoints of a single step exception event 4144860 Used by L watch variable and L stalk variable 4144866 Used by L watch buffer and L stalk buffer 4144917 Search for the given pattern within the process memory 4144920 Fetch extra data from the L Event object 4144985 Starts a new process for debugging 4144988 Kills a process currently being debugged 4144990 Detaches from a process currently being debugged 4144993 Calls the debug event notify callbacks 4144994 Resumes execution after processing a debug event 4144995 Stops debugging all processes 4145005 Close all Win32 handles the Python garbage collector failed to close 4145014 Notify of a Microsoft Visual C exception 4145041 Traverses the exception record linked list and builds a Python list 4145073 Class constructor Don t forget to call it when subclassing 4145239 Moves and or resizes the window 4145261 Private method used when disassembling from process memory 4145264 Disassemble around the given address 4145270 Determines if the process is running under WOW64 4145289 Parse the environment block into a Python dictionary 4145385 Starts a new process for instrumenting or debugging 4145388 Populates the snapshot with running processes and threads 4145390 Populates the snapshot with running processes 4145391 Populates the snapshot with running processes 4145402 Internally used by L find processes by filename 4145406 Notify the creation of a new process 4145410 x next the next value or raise StopIteration 4145417 Returns a L win32 MemoryBasicInformation object using the data 4145421 Retrieve all crash dumps in the database optionally filtering them by 4145457 process s address address search string 4145458 process sh address address hexadecimal pattern 4145489 Retrieves the execution context i e the registers values for this 4145540 Find threads by name using different search methods 4145543 Populates the snapshot with running threads 4145635 Resolves a debugging symbol s address 4145640 Resolves a function exported by this module 4145654 Populates the snapshot with loaded modules 4145697 Instance a new structure from a Python native type 4145698 Convert a structure into a Python dictionary 4145711 type wp L WindowPlacement or L WINDOWPLACEMENT 4145744 type mbi L MEMORY BASIC INFORMATION or L MemoryBasicInformation 4145800 Overrides to provide plugin hooks and defer all output to 4145826 The generator function may yield either 4145827 Load all tests from module and return a suite containing 4145992 Parse the source to find the interesting facts about its lines 4146016 Add arcs for things that can be decorated classes and functions 4146057 Find the FileReporters we ll report on 4156112 MongoDb update wrapper function 4158904 Lists all vCards in the contacts folder can take a regex 4161609 Select the next state and consider if it should be expanded 4162492 Start the IRC bot and the syslog listen server 4164181 Test that list images returns the right list of images 4164182 Test that list only images returns the right list of images 4172800 Introduces a new overloaded function and registers its first implementation 4172802 Registers func as an implementation on dispatcher 4172804 Gathers information about the call signature of func 4172806 Computes an indicator for the complexity of type 4172809 Compares two normalized type signatures for validation purposes 4172813 Collect the nearest type variables and effective parameters from the type 4188226 Write your forwards methods here 4194171 View method Renders a page where student can submit PhD abstract 4194173 View method Renders a page where student can submit PhD synopsis 4194175 View method Renders a page for student to upload thesis document 4194182 Handles a user request to delete a thesis keyword 4194194 Checks the validity of the reset link 4201533 Parse a single planet given tokenized input from the game environment 4201541 Parse a single ship given tokenized input from the game environment 4201550 Test whether a line segment and circle intersect 4230844 Mapping source spectral feature x to target spectral feature y 4230845 Mapping source spectral feature x to target spectral feature y 4232264 When an event is sent run all relevant handlers Relevant 4233246 Returns an array of class Arrow arrow arrow Arrow objects representing 4235687 Simulate bottom most layer 4235701 Determine number of active hours in period 4235705 Simulated bottom most layer 4235715 Determine number of active hours in period 4235718 Simulate bottom most layer 4237474 Calculates PMAC of optional user submitted header 4237486 Rijndael s key expansion 4237492 Galois multipication of 1 column of the 4x4 matrix 4237500 NIST AES Known Answer Test KAT 4244592 Generates a Spotify playlist based on a passed message 4266743 Process a hashed PIR query 4266758 Takes the logarithm of x in base alpha 4266759 Inverts a numServers x numServers Vandermonde matrix V in base base 4266763 Generates one PIR query for each server in the system 4285316 Draw in the drawing area 4296870 Adds a watermark to an image 4310969 Handles the wx EVT KEY UP event 4310989 Opens an editor at the current position 4310990 Close the editor and save the new value to the ListCtrl 4310991 Catch event TAB Shift TAB cursor DOWN UP key code 4321359 Receive Feedback tuples from APNS 4321384 Build payload via struct module 4321387 Try to find executable in the directories listed in path a 4333249 Returns a list of keys within a bucket 4351793 ads is a list of new ads 4356399 Check compatibility between requirements and constraints 4356415 Cap requirements to version in freeze 4362362 Most parts are copied from 4362363 Most parts are copied from torch nn LSTMCell 4362366 Initialize parameters following the way proposed in the paper 4371650 Updates the duration of the project s time 4389368 Activate a vertex with index V by recursively calling activate on 4390833 Wrapper around feedparser that deletes objects when gone 4391264 receive the next packet 4391899 Calculates a possible new position with added gaussian noise 4391907 Gives cell coordinates in the specified cone 4422205 Register this document for later building as runnable code file 4424676 download the images to temp disk and set their dimensions 4433730 Extract messages from Mako s lexer node objects 4447892 Note no point keeping track of attempted vertexs because as the 4475903 Probability density function PDF 4475923 Probability density function PDF 4475929 Marginal drobability density functions 4475937 Probability density function PDF 4475946 Probability density function PDF 4475947 Cumulative density function CDF 4475958 Probability density function PDF 4475966 Probability density function PDF 4478074 Compute the prefix edit distance 4478075 Finds all entities y with PED x y 4489086 Build subject matters security pools 4572969 Calculate the bounding box of the stroke 4572985 Draw a single stroke on the widget 4572987 Draw the search marker on the widget 4573016 Save all documents to files named autosave directory cnl documentname json 4573483 Creates a one representation of indexes with N possible entries 4573484 Computes the precision k for the specified values of k 4573509 Computes the norm over all dimensions except dim 4573511 adjusts according to current epoch or steps and regime 4574123 A function executing max pooling with each feature map 4574124 A function executing max uppooling with each feature map 4581873 Creates a 2 layer LSTM model with dropout 4581881 The actual execution of learning training 4588011 Compute mean score across cross validation folds 4593381 Create batches of sequences from a list of sequences where each 4593383 Randomly generates positive and negative example minibatches 4593384 Compute the Bhattacharyya distance between samples of two random variables 4594924 Test of formula for general reciprocal frame of three vectors 4594929 Given a sentence s consisting of conjunctions and disjunctions 4594933 takes clauses in CNF puts them into integer representation 4594940 Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence 4594941 Compute satisfiability in a partial model 4594942 Compute satisfiability in a partial model 4595246 Performs indefinite integration of rational functions 4595251 change mul node x 4595252 The idea for integration is the following 4595253 Returns a set of all functional components of the given expression 4595255 Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm 4595258 line integrate field Curve variables 4595261 Calculate the anti derivative to the function f x 4595294 Call a function on all elements of composite objects 4595306 Generates all k subsets of n element set 4595308 Returns all the variations of the list of size n 4595311 Write source code for the given expressions in the given language 4595389 Returns a dictionary of point angle entries containing the 4595409 The angle bisectors of the triangle in a dictionary where the 4595416 Cancel common factors in a given formal rational expression 4595417 Compute partial fraction decomposition of a rational function 4595430 Collect with respect to a product 4595445 Given relatively prime univariate polynomials f and g 4595459 Return True if expr belongs to Order self expr self symbols 4595461 Compute the limit of e z at the point z0 4595479 Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite matrix 4595533 Computes of the Jacobi elliptic sn function in terms 4595534 Computes of the Jacobi elliptic cn function in terms 4595535 Computes of the Jacobi elliptic dn function in terms 4595605 Univariate polynomial pseudo division with remainder 4595612 Half extended Euclidean algorithm 4595613 Computes resultant of two univariate polynomials 4595614 Computes subresultant PRS of two univariate polynomials 4595615 Compute square free decomposition of a univariate polynomial 4595616 Computes functional decomposition of a univariate polynomial 4595618 Returns the discriminant of a polynomial with respect to symbol 4595621 Cancel common factors in a fractional expression 4595637 Remove GCD of monomials from self 4595650 Efficiently evaluate polynomial at a given point 4595656 Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial 4595658 Returns a list of roots of a binomial polynomial 4595660 Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial 4595661 Returns all factors of a univariate polynomial 4595665 Find roots using formulas and some tricks 4595674 Returns the leading term and it s order 4595683 Matches Add Mul pattern to an expression expr 4595712 Separate variables in partial differential equation either by additive 4595715 Separate expression into two parts based on dependencies of variables 4595716 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 4595717 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 4595718 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 4595746 Return a dictionary containing pairs k1 k2 km C kn 4595759 Return the product of a sequence of factors with multiplicities 4595767 Simplify an expression using assumptions 4595769 Handler for instances of Pow 4595770 Handler for exponential function 4595793 Test for global assumptions 4597290 Applies this pipeline stage to the given dataframe 4603666 Turns a right angle triangle into a rectangle Shape 4603667 Return a rectangle of equal area such that height width 2 4603668 Return a square of equal area to the rectangle 4603673 A generator function that returns frames of converting a polygon 4603694 Return the angle at the ith point 4603697 Return a new triangle rotate clockwise by angle around pivot 4603699 Splits the triangle into two right angled triangles 4603706 Return the convex hull of the shape 4610414 Creates favicons from a source file and upload into storage 4610466 Set options for printing Items shamelessly taken from Numpy 4610468 Splits the tensor into equally sized chunks if possible 4610499 Repeats this tensor along the specified dimensions 4610547 Applies alpha dropout to the input 4610550 Poisson negative log likelihood loss 4610554 Function that measures Binary Cross Entropy between target and output 4610579 Slices variables into approximately equal chunks and 4610580 Scatter with support for kwargs dictionary 4610583 Computes the norm over all dimensions except dim 4610586 Clips gradient norm of an iterable of parameters 4610588 Pads a packed batch of variable length sequences 4610663 regsplex returns the coordinates of the vertices of a 4610665 Check gradients of gradients computed via small finite differences 4611112 Recursively find AST nodes that match the given spec 4614640 Check a number of files for whitespace abuse 4614654 Execute the test from the run py file 4614880 Combine a number of data files together 4614887 The main entry point to Coverage 4614896 Implementation of coverage run 4614927 Parse the source to find the interesting facts about its lines 4614953 Get the actual path of path including the correct case 4614978 Find the FileReporters we ll report on 4626383 Remove and return any key value pair from the dictionary 4626386 Resize the dictionary to at least minused 4626404 type nums List int 4626410 type matrix List List int 4626421 type nums1 List int 4626424 type matrix List List int 4626431 type nums List int 4629318 Create and return a new Objective C class 4631308 Parses emphasis markers like and in a string 4631314 Get Platypus flowables for the title page 4631326 Parse the title page 4631341 Make an image from the QR Code data 4631784 merge position file bookmark None pages None import bookmarks True 4631814 Initialize with either a slice giving the equivalent page range 4632236 A heavily modified Python standard library tokenizer 4632252 Returns the scope in which the user resides This includes flows 4632269 Basically to process atom nodes The parser sometimes doesn t 4632309 Returns a list of param names 4632310 Returns the values of a param or an empty array 4632313 Search a name in the directories of modules 4632317 Returns a list of paths of possible pkgutil pkg resources 4632357 Base for completions goto Basically it returns the resolved scopes 4632360 Used for goto assignments and usages 4632361 Return class classes Definition objects which contain all 4633445 Executes meth step until the given criterion until is met 4633467 Test that subscribe works if a process waits for another one 4633492 Interrupts on dead processes are discarded If there are multiple 4633499 A process may be interrupted while waiting for a resource but 4633501 Resource with context manager receives an exception 4633511 Tests that interrupts are raised while the victim is waiting for 4633512 Tests that interrupts are raised while the victim is waiting for 4633513 If a process is interrupted while waiting for another one it 4633518 Results of conditions should not change after they have been 4633521 Stopped simulation can be resumed 4633525 Test multiple calls to run 4633747 given a list of ParaFrags we return a list of ParaLines 4633751 Returns a broken line structure There are two cases 4633752 Initially the dumbest possible wrapping algorithm 4633753 Draws a paragraph according to the given style 4633766 Parses CSS attribute source strings and return as an inline stylesheet 4634747 Accept an input and write a MIDI compatible variable length stream 4634793 Parse short form date strings 4634794 Parse long form date strings 4634795 Evaluate the C datetimeString text and determine if 4634803 Utilizes parse after making judgements about what datetime information belongs together 4634894 id is A F for the various keys used by ssh 4634905 Communication with the Pageant process is done through a shared 4634960 Return a dict of config options with expanded substitutions 4634965 Read from the standard output of the forked program 4634980 Given a password passphrase or other human source key scramble it 4634986 Increament the counter and return the new value 4635134 Create the SSH2 MIC filed for gssapi with mic 4635159 Create a new channel The channel is not associated with any 4635196 You are already holding the lock 4635198 Start the GSS API SSPI Authenticated Diffie Hellman Key Exchange 4635199 Parse the next packet 4635203 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS COMPLETE message client mode 4635204 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS INIT message server mode 4635207 Parse the next packet 4635209 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS GROUP message client mode 4635210 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS INIT message server mode 4635213 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS COMPLETE message client mode 4635217 Read up to length bytes from this file starting at position 4635218 Write data into this file at position offset Extending the 4635989 Return package names sorted in the order as they should be 4636015 Function to calculate default fill value for an object 4636022 make mask m copy 0 flag 0 4636030 Returns true if all components of a and b are equal 4636031 True if all entries of a and b are equal using 4636039 repeat elements of a repeats times along axis 4636047 average a axis None weights None 4636049 Returns array shaped like indices with elements chosen from t 4636061 Concatenate the arrays along the given axis 4636096 Execute the call behavior 4636098 Execute the call behavior 4636104 Special hook for ufuncs 4636142 Add other to self in place 4636143 Add other to self in place 4636144 Subtract other from self in place 4636145 Divide self by other in place 4636208 Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object 4636215 Solve the tensor equation a x b for x 4636216 Solve a linear matrix equation or system of linear scalar equations 4636221 Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix 4636223 Compute the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a square array 4636231 Return the least squares solution to a linear matrix equation 4636241 Return the weighted average of array over the given axis 4636242 Compute the median along the specified axis 4636249 Return the dot product of two arrays 4636257 Private function for the computation of covariance and correlation 4636258 Estimate the covariance matrix 4636259 Return correlation coefficients of the input array 4636273 Creates a mrecarray from a flat list of masked arrays 4636274 Creates a MaskedRecords from a list of records 4636287 Returns a view of the mrecarray 4636315 Tests conversions and indexing 4636317 Test of take transpose inner outer products 4636318 Tests inplace w scalar 4636319 Tests inplace w array 4636326 Private function validating the given fill value for the given dtype 4636354 Mask using floating point equality 4636358 Flatten a structured array 4636365 Returns element wise base array raised to power from second array 4636369 Function version of the eponymous method 4636371 Concatenate a sequence of arrays along the given axis 4636377 Changes elements of an array based on conditional and input values 4636407 Execute the call behavior 4636409 Execute the call behavior 4636410 Reduce target along the given axis 4636414 Execute the call behavior 4636425 Create a new masked array from scratch 4636428 Special hook for ufuncs 4636429 Return a view of the MaskedArray data 4636453 Check whether other equals self elementwise 4636454 Check whether other doesn t equal self elementwise 4636474 Raise self to the power other in place 4636483 Set storage indexed locations to corresponding values 4636486 Check if all of the elements of a are true 4636621 Returns a list of files named fname from 4636627 Find mandatory and optional libs in expected paths 4636682 create a recarray from a list of records in text form 4636683 create a read only record array from binary data contained in 4636685 Construct a record array from a wide variety of objects 4636690 View inputs as arrays with at least two dimensions 4636813 Cross correlation of two 1 dimensional sequences 4636816 Compute tensor dot product along specified axes for arrays 1 D 4636819 Return the cross product of two arrays of vectors 4636823 Return an array representing the indices of a grid 4636834 Set how floating point errors are handled 4636857 Return a partitioned copy of an array 4636858 Perform an indirect partition along the given axis using the algorithm 4636873 Sum of array elements over a given axis 4636885 Return the product of array elements over a given axis 4636913 Return evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval 4636924 Convert a Laguerre series to a polynomial 4636926 Generate a Laguerre series with given roots 4636930 Multiply one Laguerre series by another 4636931 Divide one Laguerre series by another 4636933 Differentiate a Laguerre series 4636934 Integrate a Laguerre series 4636935 Evaluate a Laguerre series at points x 4636940 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4636942 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degrees 4636944 Return the companion matrix of c 4636949 Convert a Legendre series to a polynomial 4636951 Generate a Legendre series with given roots 4636955 Multiply one Legendre series by another 4636956 Divide one Legendre series by another 4636958 Differentiate a Legendre series 4636959 Integrate a Legendre series 4636960 Evaluate a Legendre series at points x 4636965 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4636967 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degrees 4636974 Convert a Hermite series to a polynomial 4636976 Generate a Hermite series with given roots 4636980 Multiply one Hermite series by another 4636981 Divide one Hermite series by another 4636983 Differentiate a Hermite series 4636984 Integrate a Hermite series 4636985 Evaluate an Hermite series at points x 4636990 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4636992 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degrees 4636994 Return the scaled companion matrix of c 4636999 Convert a Hermite series to a polynomial 4637001 Generate a HermiteE series with given roots 4637005 Multiply one Hermite series by another 4637006 Divide one Hermite series by another 4637008 Differentiate a Hermite e series 4637009 Integrate a Hermite e series 4637010 Evaluate an HermiteE series at points x 4637015 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4637017 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degrees 4637019 Return the scaled companion matrix of c 4637030 Generate a monic polynomial with given roots 4637035 Divide one polynomial by another 4637039 Evaluate a polynomial at points x 4637044 Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4637048 Return the companion matrix of c 4637053 Divide the first z series by the second 4637057 Convert a Chebyshev series to a polynomial 4637059 Generate a Chebyshev series with given roots 4637064 Divide one Chebyshev series by another 4637066 Differentiate a Chebyshev series 4637067 Integrate a Chebyshev series 4637068 Evaluate a Chebyshev series at points x 4637073 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degree 4637075 Pseudo Vandermonde matrix of given degrees 4637077 Return the scaled companion matrix of c 4637098 The inverse of fftshift 4637103 Build a matrix object from a string nested sequence or array 4637127 Make function raise KnownFailureTest exception if given condition is true 4637149 Raise an assertion if two objects are not equal 4637176 Broadcast any number of arrays against each other 4637177 Create an ndarray of shape with increments along specified axis 4637183 Prepend linear ramp along axis 4637193 Pad axis of arr by reflection 4637194 Pad axis of arr by symmetry 4637207 Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers 4637235 Apply a function to 1 D slices along the given axis 4637240 Split an array into multiple sub arrays 4637247 Kronecker product of two arrays 4637307 Find the unique elements of an array 4637309 Find the set exclusive or of two arrays 4637313 Compute the future value 4637315 Compute the number of periodic payments 4637316 Compute the interest portion of a payment 4637323 Modified internal rate of return 4637341 Write an array to an NPY file including a header 4637342 Read an array from an NPY file 4637345 Compute the histogram of a set of data 4637349 Evaluate a piecewise defined function 4637350 Return an array drawn from elements in choicelist depending on conditions 4637353 Calculate the n th order discrete difference along given axis 4637356 Unwrap by changing deltas between values to 2 pi complement 4637363 Estimate a covariance matrix given data 4637373 Compute the median along the specified axis 4637374 Compute the qth percentile of the data along the specified axis 4637375 Integrate along the given axis using the composite trapezoidal rule 4637376 Adds documentation to obj which is in module place 4637377 Return coordinate matrices from two or more coordinate vectors 4637379 Insert values along the given axis before the given indices 4637381 Return arrays with the results of pyfunc broadcast vectorized over 4637401 Load data from a text file 4637417 Open path with mode and return the file object 4637426 Searches for path and returns full path if found 4637429 Test if path exists 4637440 Return an antiderivative indefinite integral of a polynomial 4637442 Least squares polynomial fit 4637467 param nx nx1 Integers specifying the column position of the 4637482 param nx nx1 Integers specifying the column position of the 4637483 param nx nx1 Integers specifying the column position of the 4637485 param nx nx1 Integers specifying the column position of the 4637492 Build an class Grid instance with a grid nrows ncols 4637657 Determine whether the difference between s and t is smaller 4637659 linspace a b n returns a list of n evenly spaced 4637672 Calculates a sum containing a finite number of terms for infinite 4637673 Computes the dot product of the iterables A and B 4637692 This routine solves the ordinary eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric 4637693 This routine solves the ordinary eigenvalue problem for a complex 4637698 This routine computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix A 4637699 This routine computes the singular value decomposition of a matrix A 4637702 Solve the lower part of a LU factorized matrix for y 4637709 A b H p x res 4637712 Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite matrix A 4637717 Compute a QR factorization A QR where 4637723 Computes a logarithm of the square matrix A i e returns 4637727 This routine computes the Hessenberg decomposition of a square matrix A 4637730 This routine computes the Schur decomposition of a square matrix A 4637733 This routine computes the eigenvalues and optionally the left and right 4637734 This routine sorts the eigenvalues and eigenvectors delivered by eig 4637743 Create matrix m x n filled with zeros 4637744 Create matrix m x n filled with ones 4637905 Evaluates the q Pochhammer symbol or q rising factorial 4637908 Evaluates the basic hypergeometric series or hypergeometric q series 4637912 Evaluates the bilateral hypergeometric series 4637921 Gives the Lerch transcendent defined for z 1 and 4637929 Computes the number of zeros of the Riemann zeta function in 4637943 Returns the number theoretic nome bar q given any of 4637944 Returns the elliptic half period ratio tau given any of 4637945 Returns the elliptic modulus k given any of 4637946 Returns the elliptic parameter m given any of 4637952 Evaluates the Carlson completely symmetric elliptic integral 4637953 Evaluates the Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind 4637954 Called with a single argument m evaluates the Legendre complete 4637957 Evaluates the von Mangoldt function Lambda n log p 4637982 Returns a generator that yields the sequence of derivatives 4637983 Given a list of N iterables or generators yielding 4637989 Computes a Pade approximation of degree L M to a function 4637993 Computes a polynomial of degree N 1 that approximates the 4637994 Computes the Fourier series of degree N of the given function 4637998 Evaluates an infinite series of an analytic summand f using the 4638002 Computes an estimate of the limit 4638011 Draws a collection of paths selecting drawing properties from 4638037 Adds a non resampled image to the figure 4638052 make a hashable key out of args and kwargs 4638053 Add an axes at position rect left bottom width 4638054 Add a subplot Examples 4638061 Return the current axes creating one if necessary 4638066 Create a colorbar for a ScalarMappable instance mappable 4638115 Add an axes to the figure 4638120 Create a figure with a set of subplots already made 4638214 Save an array as in image file 4638217 interpolation and cmap default to their rc settings 4638222 Retuen a transform that does 4638223 draw unsampled image The renderer should support a draw image method 4638225 Test whether the mouse event occured within the image 4638260 Create a new path with the given vertices and codes 4638270 Make a compound path object to draw a number 4638271 Make a compound path from a list of Path objects 4638287 Return a class Path of the unit circle 4638289 Return an arc on the unit circle from angle 4638293 Draws a stacked area plot 4638310 Convert Gregorian float of the date preserving hours minutes 4638338 Set the view limits to include the data range 4638343 Pick the best locator based on a distance 4638369 Given the quadratic bezier control points bezier2 returns 4638371 Being similar to get parallels returns control points of two quadrativ 4638400 The power spectral density by Welch s average periodogram method 4638401 The cross power spectral density by Welch s average periodogram 4638403 The coherence between x and y Coherence is the normalized 4638407 Returm the levy pdf evaluated at x for params gamma alpha 4638416 Bivariate Gaussian distribution for equal shape X Y 4638420 Get the distance of a point to a segment 4638432 Return the representation of a number in any given base 4638442 r is a numpy record array 4638448 Returns a textual representation of a record array 4638451 This function provides simple but somewhat less so than 4638452 func slopes calculates the slope y x 4638456 Given a sequence of x ylower and yupper return the polygon 4638464 Converts a quadratic Bezier curve to a cubic approximation 4638472 Add scalar x and y to the queue 4638484 Create a class matplotlib text Text instance at x y 4638491 return the extent bbox of the text together with 4638494 Update the location and the size of the bbox This method 4638495 Update the location and the size of the bbox 4638582 Update the pixel positions of the annotation text and the arrow 4638583 Update the location and the size of the bbox This method 4638584 Draw the class Annotation object to the given renderer 4638586 adjust bbox for png Agg format 4638587 adjust bbox for pdf eps format 4638610 Find a good place to plot a label relatively flat 4638628 Finds contour that is closest to a point Defaults to 4638630 Process args and kwargs 4638631 Create and return allsegs and allkinds by calling underlying C code 4638641 convert the string s to vertices and codes using the 4638654 Fetch historical data for ticker between date1 and date2 date1 and 4638656 quotes is a sequence of time open close high low sequences 4638663 Add a bar collection graph with height vals 1 is missing 4638678 update offset of childrens and return the extents of the box 4638680 update offset of children and return the extents of the box 4638693 s a string to be displayed 4638732 Draw the class Annotation object to the given renderer 4638768 make directory newdir recursively and set mode Equivalent to 4638822 Modify the endpoints of a range as needed to avoid singularities 4638833 Returns True if this bounding box overlaps with the given 4638840 Return a copy of the class Bbox shifted to position c 4638845 Count the number of vertices contained in the class Bbox 4638852 Return a class Bbox that contains all of the given bboxes 4638887 Performs transformation on a set of angles anchored at 4638918 Create a new Sankey instance 4638919 Return the codes and vertices for a rotated scaled and translated 4638944 Clear the current axes 4638955 Convenience method for manipulating the x and y view limits 4638969 Add a class matplotlib collections Collection instance 4638973 update the data limits for patch p 4638994 Autoscale the view limits using the data limits You can 4639052 return a list of child artists 4639062 Add text to the axes 4639064 Add a horizontal line across the axis 4639065 Add a vertical line across the axes 4639066 Add a horizontal span rectangle across the axis 4639067 Add a vertical span rectangle across the axes 4639070 Plot identical parallel lines at specific positions 4639072 Plot with data with dates 4639082 Make a bar plot 4639086 Plot a pie chart 4639087 Plot an errorbar graph 4639088 Make a box and whisker plot 4639095 Make filled polygons between two horizontal curves 4639096 Display an image on the axes 4639097 Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2 D array 4639098 Plot a quadrilateral mesh 4639099 pseudocolor plot of a 2 D array 4639107 Make a 2D histogram plot 4639108 Plot the power spectral density 4639114 Return the tight bounding box of the axes 4639117 fig is a class matplotlib figure Figure instance 4639129 Create an N element 1 d lookup table 4639130 convert rgb values in a numpy array to hsv values 4639131 convert hsv values in a numpy array to rgb values 4639145 Make a colormap from a list of colors 4639147 Homogenize the input value for easy and efficient normalization 4639169 parent the artist that contains the legend 4639173 Draw everything that belongs to the legend 4639196 Determine the best location to place the legend 4639201 return lists of bottom and top position of rows left and 4639204 Update the current values If any kwarg is None default to 4639218 length is in arrow width units 4639219 The constructor takes one required argument an Axes 4639221 This function actually creates the wind barbs u and v 4639228 The following kwarg properties are supported 4639232 Updates this class Patch from the properties of other 4639279 Draws an arrow starting at x y direction and length 4639282 For line segment defined by x1 y1 and x2 y2 4639354 The call method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method 4639356 Return the paths for arrow heads Since arrow lines are 4639389 Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc 4639396 Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar loc 4639411 Update ticks position and labels using the current data 4639413 Return a bounding box that encloses the axis It only accounts 4639449 Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks 4639455 Test whether the mouse event occured in the x axis 4639459 Update the label position based on the sequence of bounding 4639471 Test whether the mouse event occurred in the y axis 4639475 Update the label position based on the sequence of bounding 4639486 Implement the default mpl key bindings for the canvas and toolbar 4639492 Draws a collection of paths selecting drawing properties from 4639516 Copy properties from gc to self 4639563 Mouse event processor which removes the top artist 4639617 the press mouse button in zoom to rect mode callback 4639618 push the current view limits and position onto the stack 4639625 Update the viewlim and position from the view and 4639632 Draws streamlines of a vector flow 4639633 2nd order Runge Kutta algorithm with adaptive step size 4639685 TABLE cellText None cellColours None 4639695 Test whether the mouse event occurred in the table 4639698 Calculate row heights and column widths 4639706 Point prep for drawing and hit testing 4639717 Set the linestyle s for the collection 4639732 This allows one to delay initialization of the vertices 4639763 Create a class matplotlib lines Line2D instance with x 4639837 Return the string bounding box 4639869 Draw lines on the colorbar 4639870 Return two sequences ticks colorbar data locations 4639879 Given a set of color data values return their 4639964 Get a dict mapping fullname alias for each alias in 4639973 return a dictionary mapping property name value 4639975 Recursively find all class matplotlib artist Artist 4640007 on button release event 4640012 return True if event should be ignored 4640048 Draw the math text using matplotlib mathtext 4640055 Restore the saved region If bbox instance of BboxBase or 4640093 Use Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x b 4640106 Fast vectorized function to compute barycentric coordinates alpha 4640131 Compress if masked the encapsulated triangulation 4640134 Process args and kwargs 4640135 Create and return allsegs and allkinds by calling underlying C code 4640136 Create a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangular grid 4640147 Computes an uniformly refined triangulation refi triangulation of 4640160 Maximize image contrast based on histogram This completely 4640161 Create a new Epoch object 4640246 Set the radial locations and labels of the r grids 4640252 Extract the convex hull from the triangulation information 4640257 Compute a quality factor the quantity r 2 from TOMS792 4640307 Return the series expansion for an integral curve of the field 4640308 Return the differential equation for an integral curve of the field 4640332 Apply on a list of vector fields 4640355 Change and Equivalent into and That is return an 4640369 Return the simplified version of bool1 and the mapping of variables 4640376 Return the mapping that equates variables between two 4640379 Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence 4640389 Check satisfiability of a propositional sentence 4640396 Make a literal assignment 4640429 Derivative of f in form expected by find substitutions 4640433 Strategy that makes an AlternativeRule out of multiple possible results 4640434 Returns the steps needed to compute an integral 4640438 Lazard Rioboo Trager algorithm 4640441 Add formulae for the function meijerg lookup table 4640472 Helper that does not attempt any substitution 4640486 Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm 4640497 The backend function for Laplace transforms 4640519 Return True only if ex1 ex2 False only if ex1 ex2 4640541 Integration of primitive polynomials 4640547 The Risch Integration Algorithm 4640562 Rothstein s Special Polynomial Differential Equation algorithm 4640578 Perform the integration using any hints given 4640579 Evaluate the derivative of the current Integral object by 4640580 Calculate the anti derivative to the function f x 4640588 Generate a system for the constant solutions 4640672 Construct spatial object of given length 4640797 Generates the bell permutations of length n 4640809 Initialize a Routine instance 4640844 Internal function that actually runs the tests 4640895 Return True if type o can be printed with LaTeX 4640927 Starting from an object in the existing structure on the grid 4640928 Given the slightly preprocessed morphisms of the diagram 4640929 Produces the generic layout for the supplied diagram 4640974 Construct a new instance of Diagram 4640980 If objects is a subset of the objects of self returns 4641018 Return True if o is on this Line or False otherwise 4641025 Is other GeometryEntity contained in this Ray 4641031 Calculates the distance between a point and a line segment 4641045 Is a sequence of points collinear 4641066 Rotate angle radians counterclockwise about Point pt 4641082 The foci of the ellipse 4641087 Tangent lines between p and the ellipse 4641093 Find the intersection of a LinearEntity and the ellipse 4641094 The intersection of an Ellipse and a Circle 4641096 The intersection of this ellipse and another geometrical entity 4641117 Return True if p is enclosed by is inside of self 4641230 Attempt to simplify expression by using transformation rules given 4641234 Replace all hyperbolic functions with trig functions using 4641235 Replace all trig functions with hyperbolic functions using 4641252 Find optimization opportunities in Adds Muls Pows and negative 4641253 Perform raw CSE on expression tree taking opt subs into account 4641254 Perform common subexpression elimination on an expression 4641272 http functions wolfram com 07 34 03 0984 01 4641278 Compute buckets for the fours sets of parameters 4641292 For convenience if reduction is not possible return None 4641293 Cancel b sign s and a sign s 4641300 Collect additive terms of an expression 4641307 Return expr with terms having common square roots collected together 4641315 Return eq with generic symbols made positive and a restore 4641319 Collect exponents on powers as assumptions allow 4641324 Make all Add sub expressions canonical wrt sign 4641325 Simplifies the given expression 4641326 Replace all reals in expr with rationals 4641331 Simplifies exponential trigonometric hyperbolic functions 4641352 Simplify products of gamma functions further 4641364 Helper that denests the square root of three or more surds 4641366 Given an expression sqrt a b sqrt b return the denested 4641368 denest expr sqrt a b sqrt r 4641382 Return a probability distribution of random variable func x 4641397 Probability that a condition is true optionally given a second condition 4641477 Return an Euler Maclaurin approximation of self where m is the 4641488 Handle products containing a KroneckerDelta 4641489 Handle summations containing a KroneckerDelta 4641496 Replace instances of the given dummy variables with explicit dummy 4641525 Return a TensorSymmetry object 4641532 Get a list of components with their associated indices 4641533 Create a new TIDS object from components and indices 4641536 The algorithms performing the multiplication of two TIDS instances 4641537 Returns a TIDS with sorted components 4641539 Returns a TIDS instance corresponding to the permutation g 4641541 Utility function to correct the values inside the data ndarray 4641564 Multiply two tensors using Einstein summation convention 4641569 Return a tensor with free indices substituted according to index tuples 4641575 A plot function to plot implicit equations inequalities 4641632 This is the function which interprets 4641668 Return True if expr belongs to Order self expr self variables 4641670 Compute the limit of e z at the point z0 4641676 Returns a sign of an expression e x for x oo 4641681 e x the function 4641783 The generate tokens generator requires one argment readline which 4641809 Returns time elapsed for evaluating f Optionally arguments 4641811 Plots the given complex valued function f over a rectangular part 4641830 Calculates a sum containing a finite number of terms for infinite 4641831 Computes the dot product of the iterables A and B 4641865 Create matrix m x n filled with zeros 4641866 Create matrix m x n filled with ones 4641898 Compute cos x sin x as fixed point numbers assuming x 4641915 Sums the rational part of Stirling s expansion 4641936 Computes the Euler numbers E n which can be defined as 4642015 Evaluates the q Pochhammer symbol or q rising factorial 4642018 Evaluates the basic hypergeometric series or hypergeometric q series 4642029 Returns xd0 xd1 xdr yd0 yd1 ydr where 4642031 Gives the Lerch transcendent defined for z 1 and 4642035 If we know which zero of this block is mine 4642063 Evaluates the Legendre incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind 4642064 Called with a single argument m evaluates the Legendre complete 4642065 Called with three arguments n phi m evaluates the Legendre 4642092 Returns a generator that yields the sequence of derivatives 4642104 Computes the Fourier series of degree N of the given function 4642162 Cancel common factors in a rational function f g 4642175 Make complex isolating intervals disjoint and sort roots 4642190 Construct a new RootSum instance carrying all roots of a polynomial 4642259 Compute the LMQ upper bound for f s positive roots 4642320 Returns a list of roots of a quadratic polynomial 4642321 Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial 4642324 Returns a list of roots of a binomial polynomial 4642326 Compute roots of cyclotomic polynomials 4642330 Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial 4642331 Returns all factors of a univariate polynomial 4642333 Find roots using formulas and some tricks 4642334 Denest and combine rational expressions using symbolic methods 4642369 Handle simple domains e g ZZ QQ RR and algebraic domains 4642733 Transform expressions into a multinomial form and figure out generators 4642752 Subresultant PRS algorithm in K x 4642754 Resultant algorithm in K x using subresultant PRS 4642756 Subresultant PRS algorithm in K X 4642758 Resultant algorithm in K X using subresultant PRS 4642826 Compute partial fraction decomposition of a rational function 4642871 helper function for minimal polynomial sq 4642873 return the minimal polynomial for op ex1 ex2 4642893 Give a rational isolating interval for an algebraic number 4642895 Construct a new algebraic number 4642975 Compute GCD of a list of polynomials 4642977 Compute LCM of a list of polynomials 4642979 Remove GCD of terms from f 4642993 Helper function for func symbolic factor 4643011 Reduces a polynomial f modulo a set of polynomials G 4643141 Compute numerical approximations of roots of f 4643190 Computes LCM of two polynomials using Groebner bases 4643191 Computes GCD of two polynomials using Groebner bases 4643624 Convert an ordinary decimal instance to a Rational 4643635 expt is symbolic object but not equal to 0 1 4643653 decorator to sympify arg argument for function func 4643663 Returns the leading term and it s order 4643667 Return integer i such that 1 x 10 i 1 4643670 Return self evaluated if possible replacing free symbols with 4643673 Returns evaluation over an interval For most functions this is 4643702 Series expansion of self around x x0 yielding either terms of 4643741 Return eq with non commutative objects replaced with Dummy 4643753 Return Factors of gcd self other The keys are 4643806 This function should only be used internally 4643810 Simplify a Union using known rules 4643812 Simplify an intersection using known rules 4643828 Transform strings into instances of class Symbol class 4643829 Create symbols and inject them into the global namespace 4643837 Return atom like quantities as far as substitution is 4643847 Return a boolean indicating whether a b on the basis of 4643862 Substitutes old for new in an expression after sympifying args 4643863 Substitutes an expression old new 4643869 Replace matching subexpressions of self with value 4643876 Rewrite functions in terms of other functions 4643879 Return a well formed unevaluated Mul Numbers are collected and 4643882 Return commutative noncommutative and order arguments by 4643898 Return a key that can be used for sorting 4643908 Assemble the args and kw args to compute the hash 4643920 Return a representation integer or expression of the operations in expr 4643921 Make all Rationals in expr Floats except those in exponents 4643928 This function does compute series for multivariate functions 4643929 Returns the first derivative of the function 4643952 With no 1 computes ceiling expr 4643957 Sum a rapidly convergent infinite hypergeometric series with 4643959 Evaluate the given formula to an accuracy of n digits 4643989 Liu s algorithm for pre determination of the Elimination Tree of 4643990 Symbolic cholesky factorization for pre determination of the 4644080 Return self other raising ShapeError if shapes don t match 4644093 Get a slice submatrix of the matrix using the given slice 4644136 Compute matrix determinant using Bareis fraction free 4644151 Return list of triples eigenval multiplicity basis 4644206 Evaluates the function along the sym in a given interval ab 4644215 Sequentially allocate values to localzeros 4644254 Returns this function as a complex coordinate 4644263 Construct c b1 d b2 4644287 Compute the radius of convergence of the defining series 4644312 Return the number of k sized partitions of n items 4644318 canonicalize tensor formed by tensors of the different types 4644349 Attempt to decompose a permutation using a possibly partial BSGS 4644375 Return the strong generators for dummy indices 4644464 Load up a Cycle instance with the values for the cycle 4644518 Returns the next permutation in Trotter Johnson order 4644577 Return permutations for an nxn Rubik s cube 4644589 Solve a polynomial inequality with rational coefficients 4644590 Solve a system of rational inequalities with rational coefficients 4644591 Reduce a system of rational inequalities with rational coefficients 4644592 Reduce an inequality with nested absolute values 4644595 Reduce a system of inequalities with rational coefficients 4644600 Checks if the given solution satisfies the partial differential 4644605 Separate variables in partial differential equation either by additive 4644608 Separate expression into two parts based on dependencies of variables 4644617 Given linear recurrence operator operatorname L of order k 4644664 Simplifies ODEs including trying to solve for func and running 4644667 Simplifies an expression with arbitrary constants in it 4644668 Renumber arbitrary constants in expr to have numbers 1 through N 4644672 Solves a 1st order differential equation with homogeneous coefficients 4644673 Solves a 1st order differential equation with homogeneous coefficients 4644677 The general Riccati equation has the form 4644685 Helper function to match hint linear coefficients 4644694 Helper function for the method of variation of parameters 4644700 The first heuristic uses the following four sets of 4644706 This heuristic assumes the presence of unknown functions or known functions 4644709 We need to have an internal recursive function so that 4644712 Test if expr fits the proper form for undetermined coefficients 4644787 Calculates the Delta coefficient of the 3 angular momenta for 4644788 Calculate the Racah symbol W a b c d e f 4644790 Calculate the Wigner 9j symbol 4644792 Return a list of matching units names 4644802 We evaluate KroneckerDelta symbols in the expression assuming Einstein summation 4644876 Conjugation relation for gaussian beams 4644895 Returns a Dirac gamma matrix gamma mu in the standard 4644911 Sets the acceleration of this point with the 1 point theory 4644943 Angular velocity from time differentiating the DCM 4644944 Returns a dictionary which expresses the coordinate variables 4644948 Defines the orientation of this frame relative to a parent frame 4644957 Dot product of two vectors 4644961 Outer product between two Vectors 4644964 Outer product between two Vectors 4644967 The cross product operator for two Vectors 4644980 Global function for express functionality 4644981 Calculate the time derivative of a vector scalar field function 4644999 Please read the online documentation 4645000 Finds all non supplied dynamicsymbols in the expressions 4645004 Supply all the generalized speeds in a list 4645007 Supply all the kinematic differential equations in a list 4645008 Form the generalized active force 4645009 Form the generalized inertia force 4645010 Method to form Kane s equations Fr Fr 0 4645013 Supply the following for the initialization of LagrangesMethod 4645016 Augments the coefficients of qdots to the mass matrix 4645017 Returns the forcing vector from lagranges equations method 4645037 Try to simplify and combine TensorProducts 4645250 simplify a product of gamma matrices 4645256 Method for inferring properties about objects 4645265 Simplify an expression using assumptions 4645292 Imaginary integer Imaginary if integer 2 1 4665645 Return the rank of 0 as defined in the problem statement 4687732 Get the summary stats for all or a single metric 4687736 Same as query columns but returns a numpy rec array instead 4694113 API method for returning a dictionary of employees 4699141 Average across models to produce the BMA estimate for coefficients 4713673 param input tree decision tree implemented through diction 4732909 Converts a 33 byte compressed pubkey into an ecdsa VerifyingKey 4732967 Internal function that computes the cashaddr checksum 4732970 General power of 2 base conversion 4732971 Pack addr data with version byte 4733940 This function preps the matrix for wall generation 4734863 Execute a multi row query 4734883 Create a connection to the database It is strongly recommended 4746337 param value either an integer numerator a 4750060 Returns a broken line structure There are two cases 4750062 Draws a paragraph according to the given style 4752607 Randomized Singular Value Decomposition 4752612 Randomized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 4752614 Randomized eigendecompostion using the Nystroem method 4752615 Randomized eigendecompostion using the Nystroem method 4752616 Sparse Principal Component Analysis SPCA 4752617 Randomized Sparse Principal Component Analysis rSPCA 4752629 perform subspace iterations on Q 4781082 crop image by scale without aspect ratio distortion 4787203 Constructs a class PreparedRequest PreparedRequest for 4787385 Update repositories and install new packages versions 4787491 Ask a question to user 4787678 Returns w x y z quaternion from angles in radians 4790556 Renders a django crispy forms field 4790564 Returns safe html of the rendering of the layout 4792140 E mail verification mails are sent 4792178 Instantiates and populates a SocialLogin model based on the data 4806508 From GTIs obtain bad time intervals 4806510 Detection level for a PDS 4806515 Filter an event list for a given dead time 4806521 Calculate the PDS averaged over equal chunks of data 4806523 Calculate the CPDS averaged over equal chunks of data 4806537 Main function called by the MPcreategti command line script 4806538 Run the tests using py test http pytest org latest 4806543 Read from a netCDF4 file 4806553 Load generic data in netcdf format 4806561 Load event lists and GTIs from one or more files 4806569 Rebin any pair of variables 4806570 Given a PDS bin it geometrically 4806582 Filter a light curve for GTIs 4806586 Main function called by the MPlcurve command line script 4806652 Produce common products for all subsequent tests 4806653 Test that the Leahy PDS goes to 2 4807419 temporary add permissions to user 4808208 Return a dictionary of user ids sorted based on measurement 4812378 type grid List List int 4814904 Devuelve la profundidad o nivel del dato en el rbol 4814919 Agrega el elemento en la posici n indicada 4814934 Devuelve la profundidad o nivel del dato en el rbol 4815253 Add real experience to model then simulate experience with model 4815258 Add real experience to model then simulate experience with model 4815264 Compute maximum value of a distribution T given some constraints 4815266 Solve model using value iteration 4815560 Calculates the quadratic weighted kappa 4816527 Create a command that will execute jobs one by one 4816530 The minimum amount of edits needed to make s2 into s1 4816542 Wait for the element to be disabled 4816543 Wait for the element to be enabled 4816544 Wait for the element to not be displayed any longer 4816545 Wait for the element to be displayed 4816571 Decorator for passing kwargs with your args through the use of 4820262 Function to mimic the fspecial gaussian MATLAB function 4820263 Return the Structural Similarity Map between img1 and img2 4820264 Return the MS SSIM score between img1 and img2 4820270 Return the nearest neighbour sentences to query 4822986 Get the sites that have less than self numclassads offline ads 4824490 Convenience function that uses the QImage constructor to read an 4824919 Decode the geohash to its exact values including the error 4824921 Encode a position given in float arguments latitude longitude to 4826794 Initialize this extension for the given app 4827367 Run the SocketIO web server 4829049 Return a bytestring representation of the value 4832656 Loads configuration from a ZConfig file 4832689 Returns field value of an object 4860594 Create a remote subprocess 4860603 Parse the connection string into its parts 4860615 Launch remote core as a background task 4860622 Execute a py obj implant core Command in a remote process 4860624 Connect to a remote and pool it 4860638 Read exactly n bytes from the stream 4860640 Sort and filter items by type and instance creation 4861382 Camera degree changing on mouse movement 4863526 Calculates the cosine similarity between vector space representations 4889120 Takes a corpus and trains your language model 4889125 Build a preprocessing function which swaps one or more instances 4903294 src file is a npy file 4921028 Fetch the public URL from the Compute service for 4932504 Return a sublist of CIRCUMSTANCES that is a relevant configuration 4939847 Take a list of props and prepare them 4939849 Return groups for properties 4947592 Find center of eye using Fabian s algorithm 4951714 brief Returns a list of django model instances that have a 4952974 Renders all the templates found in template kwargs and sets 4952979 Initializes a Router instance using the provided config object 4953047 Setup all modules and routes 4957584 Update needs to be called every frame in the main loop 4958010 Returns number of issues 4958020 Returns list of issues 4963626 Installs the package and it s sub packages and 4972920 Adds a watermark to an image 4982799 Compute a pairwise correlation matrix and return as a similarity matrix 4982805 Used for testing the SeparateData class 4982822 Impute missing values in a pd DataFrame 4982825 Assigns reassigns points to clusters based on the minimum unweighted distance 4982830 Brute force optimization of k medoids or fuzzy c medoids clustering 4982832 Load OTU counts file phylum genus or species level 4982834 Calculates pairwise log ratios between all OTUs for all samples 4982844 Custom matplotlib legend with colors and labels etc 4982846 Compute all OR neccessary for a catcorr graph 4982855 Determine the reliability of clusters using a bootstrap 4982856 Determine the reliability of clusters using a bootstrap 4982857 Results match R survit with 4982859 Replaced by cumulative contrast 4982863 Wilson s confidence interval for a single proportion 4982865 Conditional test based on a fixed number of events 4982866 Compute CI for the ratio of two binomial rates 4982868 Score interval for difference in proportions 4982869 Private function used by diffscoreci 4982878 Compute paiwrwise distances among all sequences using global NW alignment 4982902 Computes sequence similarity based on the substitution matrix 4982911 Can be passed a numba jit d distance function and 4982913 Determines whether pepitde covers epitope 4982917 Assuming two vectors contain the same elements to a 4982947 Equivalent to list combinations iterable r index 4982949 This is a work in progress but the idea was 4982950 This only works if two sequences share a significant identical overlap 4982951 Compute the gap statistic varying the number of clusters K 4982953 Sum of the intra cluster distances Wk 4982954 Returns a copy of data with row bootstraped values 4982964 Count the number of non NA data points for 4982966 Removes all columns and rows that don t have at least 4982969 Generate a pd DataFrame of log IC50 binding affinities 4982975 Heatmap of IC50 for a set of HLA alleles and peptides 4982980 Compute paiwrwise distances among all sequences using global NW alignment 4982986 Calculate power for detecting difference in two groups 4982988 Computes power to detect effect in df with a smaller sample 4982993 Returns probability of a positive outcome given that 4982995 Compute sensitivity and confidence interval 4982996 Compute specificity and confidence interval 4982998 Compute stats for a 2x2 table 4983008 Based on seaborn boxplots and swarmplots 4983014 Compute percentile bootstrap of the performance metric for the classification model 4983053 Compute ROC stats for a continuous predictor 4983056 Kernel regression of Y adjusting for covariates in X 4983057 Compute the statistic that is subjected to permutation testing 4983062 Compute and assemble a pairwise distance matrix 4983063 Convenient function for doing p value adjustment 4983083 Given a list of responses find the minimum 4983086 Determine overlap region common amongst all responses in the island 4983091 Build an x vector and AA vector 4983103 Test the association between two columns of observations 4983106 Apply Fisher s Exact test n times 4983113 Determine overlap region common amongst all responses in the island 4983136 For a objhist of AA frequencies compute the heights 4983137 Compute heights for a sequence logo plot of relative entropy 4983141 Computation for pairwise diversity using a vector optimized hamming distance 4983152 Create a list of overlapping kmers from a single sequence 4983156 Calculates mutual information between the paired iterables x and y 4983158 Uses group permutations to calculate a p value for a 4983159 Uses a bootstrap to calculate a p value for a 4983161 Uses a bootstrap to calculate a p value for a 4983174 Normalize along the specified axis by 4983180 A function factory that creates a function for standardizing all columns 4983184 Compute stats for a 2x2 table derived from 4983185 Compute stats for a 2x2 table derived from 4983187 Compute the 2x2 probabilities a b c d from sensitivity 4983188 Fix the marginals of the outcome and biomarker prevalence 4983192 Compute the alpha shape concave hull of a set 4983202 Two dimensional embedding of data in df 4983204 Compute pairwise distance matrix between features 4983215 Compute the relative entropy between the frequencies 4983222 Generate a random sequence of the objects in keys 4983232 Extract functions from the GatingSet DataFrame and 4983234 Extract functions from the GatingSet DataFrame and 4983248 Compute all pairwise ICS distances among samples indicated by index columns 4983249 Compute a positive symetric distance between two frequency distributions 4984915 Helper method for to nutmeg message 4984916 param timeout Timeout in ms 4984929 Parellize multiple calls to func with values from argList 4989458 Counts pages in a TIFF document 4989523 Returns an integer value and the end character 5024682 Solve eigenvalue problem for sparse matrix 5024690 Solve eigenvalue problem for sparse matrix 5024695 Convert matrix to Compressed Sparse Row format fast 5024706 Compute normalized random walk Laplacian from similarity matrix 5024709 Evaluate interpolator at the given points 5024710 Evaluate gradient of interpolator at the given points 5024712 Draw samples from the swiss roll manifold 5025266 loads an image prepares it for play 5025274 set pygame surface collision array and hitmap 5025280 propagate and interpret events 5025285 generate surface and alternative maps 5025296 repercute collisions projectiles and alpha maps of sprites 5028763 Finds the greatest n such that phi n phi max 5028772 Given two points on an elliptic curve subtract them pointwise 5028777 Multiplies each element of p by d Multiplication is on 5028778 Outputs points in Weierstrass form given input in Suyama 5028782 Generates factors of n 5028862 make a random data iteration plan 5029970 Try to guess markup format of given input 5039288 Build a MultiIndex from a design table 5039289 Build a MultiIndex from a list of labels and matching regex 5058024 drange generates a set of Decimal values over the 5068652 Returns a code to coverage percentage dict for 5094472 The colors of the plotted points Columns correspond to RGB values 5094475 The alpha values of the plotted points 5094481 The edge widths of the plotted points 5094484 The size of the plotted points This is the square of 5094592 Are the x and y values almost correct 5094594 Are the number of lines correct 5094595 Are the x and y values correct 5094596 Are the x and y values almost correct 5094599 Are the linewidths correct 5094613 Are the alphas correct 5094618 Are the x and y values almost correct 5094620 Are the x and y values almost correct 5094622 Are the widths almost correct 5094624 Are the colors almost correct 5094626 Are the edgecolors almost correct 5094628 Are the alphas almost correct 5094630 Are the linewidths almost correct 5098394 A helper method that does the actual sending 5120373 Helper function to get events in provided period 5120383 Get today s events 5120460 Cget team best submissions for grades optionally reruns submissions 5120472 Returns a single submission by id 5121566 Similar to the docker build command Either path or fileobj 5121609 Creates a container Parameters are similar to those for the docker 5121781 Maze Generation and the backbone of the recursive backtracking 5121787 takes an openend world file as argument 5121788 takes an openend world file as argument 5121789 takes an openend world file as argument 5121790 takes an openend world file as argument 5126037 computes the minimal renamings of the action parameters such 5126039 returns the renamings from unbalanced renamings for which 5126040 returns a constraint system that is solvable if lhs implies 5126041 Remove duplicate axioms duplicates within axioms and dominated axioms 5126057 Build DTGs for all variables of the SASTask task 5126067 Return a PropositionalAction which corresponds to the instantiation of 5126070 tmp effect has the following structure 5126076 Create a DownwardExperiment with some convenience features 5126082 Create a DownwardExperiment with some convenience features 5126089 Build combos combo names lists for the given planner revisions 5126092 Create a DownwardExperiment with some convenience features 5126136 Return all files in the working directory that match the 5126422 Return two lists list MWELexicalItem list MWELexicalItem 5126458 Print comments in CoNLL UP format 5126501 Append instances of MWEOccur to output sentence mweoccurs 5126510 Yield a Skipped MWE or nothing at all 5126512 Yield pairs MWELexicalItem MWEOccur for Skipped MWEs in all sentences 5137190 Returns snapshot as QImage 5137192 Saves page as a pdf file 5137208 Opens a web page 5138205 convert value types where appropriate 5144939 This is different than the Processing function arc 5144940 See the Processing function text 5148826 Recursively iterate through the APIDoc objects produced by epydoc 5156621 Dump filters to a 2D array 5156643 Return a function that can merge increment the model 5156644 Returns a function that returns the cost in the last layer 5156645 Merge increment the model using the given batch 5163029 Crop the image into a square This is sometimes useful especially 5163037 Calculate an estimate for image quality based on the 5163041 Run the image quality analysis on the power spectrum 5163045 A function to rescale image intensities to range define by 5163050 Calculate the azimuthally averaged radial profile 5163052 Calculate the radially averaged azimuthal profile 5163055 Prepare surface with all titles 5163056 Prepare surface to render 5163062 Create a checkered field 5163066 Put mines after the first click 5163067 Return pairs of indices of neighbor cells 5163072 Update view for game over state 5163073 Compute tile indices to highlight as being pressed 5163074 Update view in running state 5163087 Handle mouse button up 5163088 Prepare data for render called as necessary 5163095 Create tiles for mine counts 5163100 Initialize screen and compute rectangles for different regions 5163102 Place GUI element according to the current settings 5164157 After a selection is changed reflect possible values in field controls 5164159 Alternate between controls of new field and existing field 5164164 Initialize and show the expression builder dialog 5164174 Terminates all SIGNAL SLOT connections created by this class 5164176 Borrowed and adapted from 5193811 Example call parse Exp 3 x b G 5193843 Return a tuple WATER ZEBRA indicating their house numbers 5193857 Test cases for the functions in poker program 5193881 Solve the missionaries and cannibals problem 5193892 Add all possible suffixes and accumulate start word pairs in results 5193898 Return the total score for this play 5193924 Add all possible suffixes and accumulate start word pairs in results 5207796 Collect events and write them to an output sink 5207801 Converts dates to python dates if necessary 5209696 Multisplit version of re split 5210338 Pass in an array of arrays to convert to integers 5212398 Initialize the GnuCash database with extra tables 5212402 Updates the creditor s entry in the database 5212413 Updates the Creditor s properties those which are not None 5212419 Test if retrieval works 5212560 Get some time and return the oldest of them 5212594 Generator which will yield Pages modified by username 5212595 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212605 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212615 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212624 The function expects two image page objects 5212651 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212652 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212662 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212668 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212672 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212685 Apply all replacements to the given text 5212691 Fetch redirects of the title so we can check against them 5212711 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212712 Extract redirects from dump 5212713 Yield Pages that are redirects 5212715 Return a generator that yields tuples of data about redirect Pages 5212716 Generate redirects to recently moved pages 5212736 Treat a page item 5212763 Private function to move category contents 5212799 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212814 Check if the protection level is valid or asks if necessary 5212828 Process command line arguments and invoke bot 5212882 Load the given page does some changes and saves it 5212892 Generator which loads pages details to be processed 5212927 Test fileIsShared on file page with local file only 5212950 Test various methods that rely on API 5213005 Try to confirm that generator returns Pages for all namespaces 5213133 Test cases for methods manipulating namespace names 5213138 Test site methods for getting links to and from a page 5213182 Test the siteinfo property 5213238 Test pages being added to a DequePreloadingGenerator 5213285 Test cases for methods manipulating namespace names 5213292 Test archivebot for one site 5213471 Sort sites according to local interwiki sort logic 5213481 Extract templates with params using a regex 5213492 Take the rightmost match and replace with marker 5213498 Check for the plural variants in message and replace them 5213506 Fetch information about the current revision of an Subversion checkout 5213532 Return first matching formatted date value 5213533 Add or subtract months from the date 5213585 Show help for the Bot 5213651 Set the nominal delays in seconds Defaults to config values 5213685 Yield preloaded pages taken from another generator 5213687 Yield preloaded pages taken from another generator 5213710 Yield a list of pages based on a MySQL query 5213713 Generate pages that result from the given WikidataQuery 5213718 Return the combination of all accumulated generators 5213806 Resolve namespace identifiers to obtain Namespace objects 5213860 Return a siteinfo property 5213876 Convenience method that returns an API generator 5213942 Iterate all pages that link to the given page 5213944 Convenience method combining pagebacklinks and page embeddedin 5214054 Read passwords from a file 5214069 Ask the user and returns a value from the options 5214280 Intersect generators listed in genlist 5214285 A decorator to add full name to the function being decorated 5214287 Decorator to output a deprecation warning 5214313 Run the generator and store the results on the queue 5214360 Detect the response encoding 5219738 Create a dataset for further processing 5219744 Required before using texts to sequences or texts to matrix 5220143 Serialize obj and yield chunks 5221898 Recursively split boolean and into separate constraints 5223306 Creates the patcher data for all pickups in the game 5223378 Adds hints for the locations 5223383 Helper function for add ammo 5223384 Creates a Pickup for the given MajorItem 5223385 Creates a Pickup for an expansion of the given ammo 5223396 Adds precision to all hints that are missing one 5223398 Runs the filler logic for the given configuration and item pool 5224763 Essentially the only subtle case 5225261 Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text 5225262 Do highlighting of multi line strings delimiter should be a 5239362 Calculate the Jacobi symbol a n 5239366 Perform the Lucas probable prime test 5241400 Returns True iff all given nodes have the same structure 5241401 Finds the smallest context of a change 5270585 Use BIP0038 wiki specification to encrypt a private key with a 5270587 Returns a bitcoin address if the cfrm38 code is confirmed or 5271374 Compute a spectral flux onset strength envelope 5271376 Compute a spectral flux onset strength envelope across multiple channels 5271382 Remix an audio signal by re ordering time intervals 5271384 Trim leading and trailing silence from an audio signal 5271385 Split an audio signal into non silent intervals 5271395 Sub divide a segmentation by feature clustering 5271396 Bottom up temporal segmentation 5271397 Multi angle path enhancement for self and cross similarity matrices 5271420 Create a Filterbank matrix to convert STFT to chroma 5271422 Construct a constant Q basis 5271427 Helper function to construct a multirate filterbank 5271432 Build a two dimensional diagonal filter 5271437 Dynamic time warping DTW 5271438 Calculate the accumulated cost matrix D 5271439 Backtrack optimal warping path 5271441 RQA dynamic programming implementation 5271446 Viterbi decoding from binary multi label discriminative state predictions 5271450 Construct a localized transition matrix 5271452 Estimate the tempo beats per minute 5271453 Predominant local pulse PLP estimation 1 5271454 Internal function that tracks beats in an onset strength envelope 5271457 Core dynamic program for beat tracking 5271460 Decompose a feature matrix 5271461 Median filtering harmonic percussive source separation HPSS 5271463 Nearest neighbor filter helper function 5271469 Compute p th order spectral bandwidth 5271470 Compute spectral contrast 1 5271471 Compute roll off frequency 5271474 Get coefficients of fitting an nth order polynomial to the columns 5271476 Compute a chromagram from a waveform or power spectrogram 5271479 Computes the tonal centroid features tonnetz following the method of 5271485 Short term history embedding vertically concatenate a data 5271486 Estimate the tuning of an audio time series or spectrogram input 5271488 Pitch tracking on thresholded parabolically interpolated STFT 5271489 Short time Fourier transform STFT 1 chapter 2 5271491 Compute the instantaneous frequency as a proportion of the sampling rate 5271492 Instantaneous frequencies based on a spectrogram representation 5271493 Time reassignments based on a spectrogram representation 5271504 Per channel energy normalization PCEN 1 5271522 Convert Hz to Mels 5271523 Convert mel bin numbers to frequencies 5271531 Compute the A weighting of a set of frequencies 5271536 Compute the constant Q transform of an audio signal 5271537 Compute the hybrid constant Q transform of an audio signal 5271538 Compute the pseudo constant Q transform of an audio signal 5271540 Generate the frequency domain constant Q filter basis 5271546 Approximate constant Q magnitude spectrogram inversion using the fast Griffin Lim 5271549 Populate a harmonic tensor from a time frequency representation 5271550 Populate a harmonic tensor from a time frequency representation with 5271552 Load an audio buffer using audioread 5271553 Stream audio in fixed length buffers 5271555 Resample a time series from orig sr to target sr 5271556 Compute the duration in seconds of an audio time series 5271572 Non negative least squares 5271573 Jaccard similarity between two intervals 5271575 Numba accelerated interval matching algorithm 5271587 Fix the length an array data to exactly size 5271590 Normalize an array along a chosen axis 5271591 Find local maxima in an array x 5271592 Uses a flexible heuristic to pick peaks in a signal 5271593 Return a row sparse matrix approximating the input x 5271597 Synchronous aggregation of a multi dimensional array between boundaries 5271598 Robustly compute a softmask operation 5271600 Sets all cells of a matrix to a given value 5272013 Computes the discrete wavelet transform for a 1D signal 5272014 Computes the inverse discrete wavelet transform for a 1D signal 5282298 Allows the user to enter a bid as an integer 5323432 Ngl graphics function with modifications applied 5323450 Generate the coordinates of the top left corner of each plot 5340391 Score each decrypted text 5349208 convert a sequence to a bytes type 5349240 Write to port controlling RTS before and after transmitting 5349258 Open port with current settings This may throw a SerialException 5349320 Set communication parameters on opened port 5349324 Output the given byte string over the serial port 5349347 Set communication parameters on opened port 5349426 Loop and copy console serial until self exit character character is 5350148 Initialize the application based on a configuration file 5350198 Takes a spectrogram and creates a thumbnail from it 5350539 Add unique constraint to collection slug 5350555 Take away all of the privileges passed as arguments 5350556 Take away all of the privileges passed as arguments 5350568 Send out notifications about a new comment 5360283 Calculates all of the required astronomic parameters needed for the 5360286 What to do with the missing values 5360317 Opens input file and if available the definition file If the 5360583 This renders the form or if needed does the http redirects 5373931 Load the benchmark datasets from Zenodo downloading it if necessary 5373945 Compute out of bag score 5373950 Make and configure a copy of the base estimator attribute 5373951 Implement a single boost using the SAMME R real algorithm 5373975 Create a balanced batch generator to train tensorflow model 5373976 Detect if samples are Tomek s link 5373987 Try to import keras from keras and tensorflow 5383646 This function returns a WSGI application 5390378 Feature points are in 109x109 5410261 Get a set of records 5410313 You can paginate a Crud 5416261 Return the JSON representation of the collection resources 5416266 Return the resources in collection possibly filtered by a series of 5416274 Upsert a resource identified by the given key and return the 5416292 Return a list of model classes generated for each reflected database 5438120 Updates the counts for the edges 5438138 Set up parameters for a streaming kmeans algorithm demo 5445179 Initializes a visualization with the specified parameters 5445185 Parses the map file and constructs a directed graph 5445186 Finds the shortest path between buildings subject to constraints 5446059 Open a connection to a lightblue data service 5449171 A multiprocessing Process target 5449219 Accept new Ssh connect in thread 5449261 Execute database command and return results to session queue 5449291 Watches incomming data for Telnet IAC sequences 5449294 Process a DO command option received by DE 5449296 Process a DONT command option received by DE 5449298 Process a WONT command option received by DE 5449317 Check for NEW ENVIRON negotiation 5449324 Accept new connection from server spawning an unmanaged thread 5449331 Main event loop Never returns 5449382 Return quoted body of given message msg 5449420 Returns editor positioned at location of current selection 5449422 Merges line editor content as a replacement for the currently 5449434 Returns a tuple of keystroke offset mappings 5449472 Build listing for regular folder 5449479 Screen resized adjust layout 5449483 React to input event processing commands 5449521 Prompt user for session node Returns node session attributes 5449562 Given char and current position apply wind and return new 5449575 view rss article summary by target rss url 5449701 Move selection down one page return string suitable for refresh 5449807 Callback for telnetlib Telnet set option negotiation callback 5449863 In stabilize mode the pitch and roll axes control the current 5449864 In Velocity mode the roll throttle and pitch axes control 5449874 In stabilize mode the pitch and roll axes control the current 5466382 Legal transitions for arc eager dependency parsing 5478278 inspect the source file to found encoding problem or fixmes like 5504832 Sets vendor specific data 5504852 Initialises a DHCP packet 5504855 Creates a copy of an existing packet 5504858 Extracts all of the options from the packet 5504859 Extracts all of the options from the packet 5504860 Assembles all data into a single byte encoded string 5504875 Retrieves the value of a field or option from the packet 5504878 Changes the set of selected options 5504914 Runs select over all relevant sockets providing data if available 5504928 Creates and configures a raw socket on an interface 5509805 songs list of tuples song name song len song size 5509808 Runs simulations and plots graphs for problem 5 5509837 Runs simulations and plots graphs for problem 5 5509852 Stochastically determines whether this virus particle reproduces at a 5509864 Stochastically determines whether this virus particle reproduces at a 5534851 Return True if object matches given mtime ctime atime 5534944 Compiles a directory of Jinja2 templates to python code 5534952 Implementation of CapabilityService IsEnabled 5534996 ISO 8601 week number of year weeks starting on Monday 5536159 Compute the training loss 5536160 Compute scores on the validation set 5554862 Buys cards in this order 5604383 Takes an array of hough lines and separates them by slope 5628964 Reads and parses examples from CIFAR10 data files 5628967 Construct input for CIFAR evaluation using the Reader ops 5628968 Train CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 5635652 Converts filesystem directories to a sequences of backups 5635723 This learning the weights of a multilayer perceptron with the backpropagation 5648040 Clean up a docstring 5648088 Track nickname changes and maintain our chanops list accordingly 5648101 Accepts arguments for the decorator 5662110 Loops through the addresses collapsing concurrent netblocks 5662128 Instantiate a new IPv4 object 5662142 Instantiate a new IPv6 object 5662179 Handles when connect button is clicked 5662205 Updates the reference dictionaries 5662690 some recursive magic about closed ways problem 5664638 looks into the filesystem to get the highest numbered 1 5664701 Returns two vectors in a plane with given miller index 5664704 Rotates coordinate system to have standardized z axis 5664708 Masks points being unique in the unit cell 5664714 Generates list of lattice points containing all points in a cuboid 5664716 Returns the coordinates and index of each atom inside the cells 5664720 Returns the edges of the containing cuboid see Body class 5664721 Decides which atoms are inside the body see Body class 5664725 Decides which atoms are inside the body see Body class 5664751 Auto renewal stops after lock is garbage collected 5705891 Sets item to cache 5705898 The main solver function 5705900 The main solver function 5705903 The main solver function 5705904 The main solver function 5705908 The main solver function 5705913 The main solver function 5705916 The main solver function 5705921 The main solver function 5705923 The main solver function 5712016 Return all the UserSocialAuth instances for given user 5712018 Create a Nonce instance 5712088 Return deafault extra data to store in extra data field 5712201 Return request for unauthorized token first stage 5712209 Completes loging process must return user instance 5712273 Update user details using data from provider 5723128 Increment the count by 1 5723129 Decrement the count by 1 5725035 Checks if two objects collide and not just their rects 5738773 Start a server serving the given HTML and open a browser 5738826 Re run the constraints solver in response to a resize or 5738837 Build the layout and offset tables for this container 5738844 Dispatches mouse event to child components until it is handled 5738853 Calculates the tick interval for a range 5738882 Perform an iteration of the solver for the new width and 5738884 Run an iteration of the solver with the suggested size of 5738912 Generate the linear box constraints 5738917 Generate the grid constraints 5738996 Binarizes a tree by choosing the leftmost split point 5739522 Rows should behave like so 5770745 A more refined approach but has a much slower run time 5770749 Calculates the contribution from each corner in 2D there are three 5770752 Calculates the contribution from each corner in 2D there are three 5770755 Init all the screen based on params provided by main py 5774165 A better insertion sort algorithm 5778691 This is a wrapper for beamEnts beamPoints and beamEntPoint You can 5778709 Creates a simple rectangular square by entity indexes and or coordinates 5778710 Creates a simple rectangular box by entity indexes and or coordinates 5778988 Outputs a Summary protocol buffer with images 5779008 Make a grid of images 5779550 Creates a lazy property 5779983 Return the indices of the widest leftmost pair or None 5813749 Training objective Computes the marginal label probabilities and returns 5813751 Computes the CTC cost using just the forward computations 5813754 Construct a permutation matrix and tensor for computing CTC transitions 5813755 Uses dynamic programming to compute the path probabilities 5813899 Fit a semi supervised label propagation model based on input data 5813900 Fit a semi supervised label propagation model based on input data 5822286 Search the node of least total cost first 5827477 The divide and conquer implementation of the Longest Common 5827478 Shifts the inserts deletes of identical lines in order to join 5827508 Add default reviewers to this review request based on the diffset 5827520 Creates a draft based on a review request 5827521 Add default reviewers to this draft based on the diffset 5827532 Creates a new review request optionally filling in fields based off 5827662 Compute the mean and std value of dataset 5828542 type nums List int 5828551 type matrix List List int 5837813 Given an element type and sequence of expressions denoting each dimension 5837815 Pull out a slice if the array has the given axis 5837816 Create an expression which acts as an LHS output location 5837825 Given the arguments to an adverb higher order array operator and 5837851 Assume the current codegen block is the unrolled loop 5837853 Given expressions for start stop and step of an iteration range 5837874 Like combine with actuals but returns a dictionary 5837876 If both sides of a flow merge are a locally created 5837879 Like combine but not symmetric the other value 5837882 If function is a simple binary operator then return its prim 5837896 Simpler approximation of the cumulative normal density 5844131 Multiplies two ints a and b 5844144 Returns a sorted version of the list l 5890736 Atomically update instance setting field value pairs from kwargs 5890785 Return dashboard settings for a given group or a user 5890836 Run the command and returns a tuple with stdout stderr returncode 5892068 Save a storage werkzeug FileStorage with the specified 5901280 Collects b factors temperature factors from ATOM 5901281 Gets atoms within a specified radius given a 3D coordinate 5902064 param str key rate limit key to acquire an entry in 5911101 A basic document feature extractor that returns a dict indicating 5911347 Notify all previous commentors on a Task about a new comment 5929829 Validate the model is still valid after the merge 5929830 export a queryset to csv file 5929834 Merge other into master 5944424 Parses chunks of bytes into responses 5983039 Test buffer parsing for Communicator 5983041 Parses message from buffer 5983042 Creates an packet ready for sending 5983060 Tests designed to fail 6027760 Get loop without the first intersection 6027890 Add point if it is within the horizontal bounds 6028199 Read settings from a text 6028205 Set setting dictionary to a setting line globalSettingReplacements 6028215 Add this to the dialog 6028330 Get the menu button 6028367 Add this to the dialog 6028383 Add entities to the dialog 6029323 Add voronoi point to loop 6029327 Get voronoi loop enclosing the inside 6029982 Get the radio plugins and add the plugin frame 6030035 Delete the selection of a listbox setting 6030053 Add this to the dialog 6030121 Parse gcode text and store the vector output 6030124 Initialize the skein window setWindowNewMouseTool 6030125 Add a ruling to the horizontal ruler 6030153 Get statistics for a helical move 6030174 Move a colored thread to the skein pane 6030176 Parse gcode text and store the vector output 6030183 Initialize the skein window 6030185 Draw rulings for the axis line 6030231 Maximize the vector3 over the loops paths and edges 6030232 Minimize the vector3 over the loops paths and edges 6030265 Print line text and connection line 6030268 Draw the selected line and text 6030345 Set the repository insets to the canvas 6030388 Set the latitude and longitude 6030401 Move the motion viewpoint given the motion coordinates 6030528 Add flow rate line 6030531 Get gcode line with feed rate 6030698 Create the skirt loops 6030783 Add a path between the edge and the fill 6030891 Set the boundary layers 6030993 Set maximum and minimum corners and z 6057845 Return a tuple containing the user defined settings to follow 6058384 For unconstrained solver Returns inf for contrainst are not met 6059175 Plot data with errors marked by a filled region 6059176 Returns the NYSE open dates 6059179 Get the index the closer date given as parameter 6059199 Returns a list with the file paths of the symbols 6070671 Constructed with the help of the lovely howto at 6123514 Like counter most common n but includes elements with 6125238 Solves knapsack problem in iterative manner 6125240 Input A unsorted array 6125242 Merge sorts and counts inversions for array of DISTINCT integers 6125245 Reads input from file 6125246 Loops through entire graph and executes DFS 6125250 Randomized contraction algorithm for min cuts Karger 1993 6125252 Uses heap to store weights and lengths of Huffman codes 6125253 Implements naively Papdimitriou s Algorithm 6125267 Stochastically determines whether this virus particle reproduces at a 6125316 If r c has a better neighbor return the neighbor Otherwise 6126126 Calculate correlation between two spike trains 6141537 Build an instance of cls using data 6146722 Move veh up to top 6146723 Move veh down to bottom 6146729 Display CheckBoxes for channels 6146740 param chs ch to plot 6155338 Generates ANSI escape sequences for the specified settings 6155380 Appends a class ExpressionNode or text to this node 6164463 Alternative constructor creates a a Markov Chain from the transitions 6164464 Create a Markov chain by projecting an existing 6164467 This method get a trajectory of a dynamical system starting from 6164468 Computes the attractors and basins of the current discrete state 6186492 deepnn builds the graph for a deep net for classifying digits 6187041 Run viewers as needed when data changes 6187042 Run the bar asynchronously until a worker quits or something fails 6187059 Extend a set to support waiting for additions 6187075 Start the worker terminating it and its children on exit 6188195 Initializes an msf module object 6194169 Save new ids file if needed 6204950 Place random stairs then set their positions in a dict 6204990 Resets drawing variables before each draw 6205215 Draw a glyph color attribute at hexagonal coordinates projected on a 6205441 h0 sample v1 sample gibbs sampling 6205447 h0 sample v1 sample gibbs sampling 6206125 Fits a model line to the SpecX SpecY data 6221912 Tries to parse the input string and return a valid address 6221916 Puts a phrase into the word list incrementing 6227666 front is a list of individuals 6232640 Generates SQL statements for category and question entities 6279378 Compare the chained gradient with the known simplified gradient 6279379 Evaluate the numeric gradient for a given function 6279383 Draw a decision boundary for a binary classification model 6279384 Draw a decision boundary for a multinomial classification model 6280183 Return MetricResults from a query 6280192 Replace the loop clock with a manually advanceable clock 6280200 Remove a query if it will never work 6286933 Test queue behavior over many inserts removals 6311806 Check that the supplied args are sufficient for calling a function 6317005 Update the properties of the node to ones given in it 6318912 Parse arguments specified and raise an exception when something goes 6318913 Validate data using validators 6319040 Create new Field instance 6319787 Return a dictionary of all available mechanism types 6319810 Update the list of distributed mechanisms in this segment 6321287 Calculates the intensity of a scattering halo from intergalactic 6321293 Calculates the optical depth from dust distributed uniformly in the IGM 6323110 starts the client and connects to the server 6323171 executes a shell command 6352970 Run sextractor in single output mode 6352971 Run sextractor in single output mode 6352980 Runs swarp on the given imgfns possibly with the supplied header 6397487 Filter the commit graph 6397496 Remove three commits and root commit 6397500 Test a slightly larger DAG 6398891 Gerneral class for making the Gamma Rph R0 6413947 Re order attributes based on attribute order list Any attributes 6423664 Find the closest xterm 256 approximation to the given RGB value 6472340 Connect up a Projection 6472347 Connect up a Projection 6472378 Evaluate all lazy arrays contained in the parameter space using the 6472386 Build the model defined in the class network model with parameters 6472391 Calculate the distance matrix between two sets of coordinates given 6472406 Return recorded data as a dictionary containing one numpy array for 6472457 Create the cells in the population 6472502 Conductances are in millisiemens S cm2 since A 1e 3 6472508 Get command line arguments 6472559 partition indices in case of Assemblies 6472560 determine which group the postsynaptic index belongs to 6472573 Create a new specification for an STDP mechanism by combining a 6472639 Create a population of neurons all of the same type 6472693 Advance the simulation until time point in ms 6476731 Site is an abstraction of a Crotal site 6476744 Load Archive Categorie and Tag objects created from this Post 6476792 Prints out a table of data padded for alignment 6486196 Serialize as a URL for a GET request 6512249 Cuts out sections of the text between anchors 6512338 Add an action with the given discriminator callable and arguments 6512339 Execute the configuration actions 6526424 Splits the arguments to the autopaginate tag and formats them correctly 6529406 Histogram Binwidth Optimization Method 6536576 isPrime N long false positive prob float randfunc callable bool 6536595 The Rabin Miller algorithm to test possible primes 6536623 Expand a string of size keySize into a larger array 6536625 Mix the four bytes of every column in a linear way 6536629 decrypt a block array of bytes 6536635 decrypt a block array of bytes 6536643 Use state to encrypt input string returns string 6538187 Wrap different functions and make sure they don t interfere 6538188 Wrap a function that is called with hashable arguments 6538189 Wrap a function that is called with unhashable args 6538190 Wrap a function that is called with hashable args and kwargs 6538192 Clear the stored function call results 6538193 store past answers in a dict of the form 6538705 Calculates the file length of the shp file 6539579 Constructor for the PSFcube from a FITS image file 6539581 Interpolate the wavefront pixels to expand the data along lambda 6539582 Compute the broadband PSF from the cube of monochromatic PSFs 6539587 Weight function for the wavelength dependent detector PRF 6539588 Weight function for the AOCS contribution 6539805 Retrieve a versioned page 6563534 Add a file to the index 6585180 determine the maximum parental depth permitted from both parents 6601223 Serialize bit array into a byte string aligning either 6632034 Handle exceptions that are raised during phorth operations 6632043 Run a phorth session 6632524 Returns a list of the QuerySetSequence items with the ordering changed 6632542 De references and returns the photo struct of a photo referred 6641102 Takes a user input and decides what to do about it 6661653 Our grammar should be LL k grammar 6663779 Method thats called upon by 6663781 This method is called upon by others 6676061 Returns the number of parameters that are going to be tested 6676070 Parameters and how they affect score calculations 6676303 Executes a single multi oid GETNEXT request 6676308 Runs a bulk get operation and returns a py class BulkResult 6676338 Given one octet extract the separate fields and return a TypeInfo 6676347 Delegates to py func puresnmp api raw mulkget but returns simple 6676358 Executes a single multi oid GETNEXT request 6676363 Runs a bulk get operation and returns a py class BulkResult 6680186 Loads the MovieLens dataset via the ratings dat file 6680317 Day 17 part 2 6680322 Day 3 part 2 6680344 Day 12 part 2 6680355 Recursive function for calculating duplicates 6699757 Converts given text with whitespaces between words 6699762 Perform replacement in given string 6699841 Returns a subsequence from given tuple omitting specified indices 6699848 Creates composition of the functions passed in 6699849 Merge a collection with functions as items into a single function 6699851 Creates a function that returns true for given arguments 6699852 Creates a function that returns false for given arugments 6699853 Creates a function that returns false for given arguments 6699854 Creates a function that returns true for given arguments 6699857 Emulate a try block 6699877 Creates an attribute function for given attribute name s 6699878 Creates a key function based on given keys 6700083 provided k a dataset and a new vector get the top 6705839 Return header object from the stream 6705847 Add field definition to the header 6705850 Return a field definition by numeric index or name string 6709640 Generates the rotation matrix of angle around the vector v 6709670 image must be a pygame surface 6709680 Adds text with top left corner located at position 6709689 TODO Emit event when the model is created 6709707 Perform one step of the verlet velocity algorithm 6709708 Euler Richardson Method step 6718638 Replace item at position index with value 6720391 Load and return the Kaggle Ames Iowa House Prices dataset 6727916 Code to get independent rows in A using QR decomposition 6727928 Uses finite differencing to compute approximate jacobian for provided 6727930 Solves for 2 28 2 29 in Betts2010 6727932 Dispatch to QP algorithm taking care of slack variables infeasabilities etc 6727934 Used to call appropriate methods for finding a feasible point 6727936 Steplength procedure already in place placed into a function to maybe 6727940 Find independent fixed extra columns of A 6727941 Initializer for the problem class 6727942 Initializer for nitro class instance 6727943 Compute single step for an iterate 6727944 Function for computing optimality condition of the barrier problem 6727946 The normal step seeks to improve constraint violations 6740594 Return user Profile from datastore creating new one if non existent 6740602 Query Conferences in Datastore 6740603 Get Conferences the calling user is attending i e registered for 6740612 Register or unregister user for selected conference 6741967 Add Strauss plot to matplotlib Axes instance ax 6742285 Select the first shape created which contains this point 6742289 Create a new action and assign callbacks shortcuts etc 6743700 Hyphenize given number list 6743705 Power rank algorithm by Bill Chen 6747976 Load the store from its path if it has one 6748335 1 Lowercase it all 6764377 Given lines of data extracts features 6792267 Reads notifications from stdin and triggers replication 6792345 Create a SeqIO style iterator from parameters 6816534 Polycoherence between freqs and sum of freqs 6816536 Polycoherence with fixed frequency sum f0 as a function of f1 6860539 Reloading approach Overwrite old objects on reload 6860540 Reloading approach Overwrite old objects on reload 6877960 return a Tango colour from a particular scheme shade 6889939 Play out 1 generation 6890264 Selects and returns one of the patterns in the list 6890266 Constructs combined pattern out of the individual ones 6890269 Selects and returns one of the patterns in the list 6890274 Create pattern matrices from x and y vectors and rotate 6890279 Return the mean value around the edge of an array 6890296 Given a list of BoundingBoxes computes a new BoundingBox that is 6890314 Radial arc with Gaussian fall off after the solid ring shaped 6890319 Perform a real Discrete Fourier Transform DFT implemented 6903792 Raise Material Request if projected qty is less than qty required 6929524 Move focus to searchField if text is being entered 6929540 Creates a UrlHistoryItem based on the current entry s heading and 6929548 Fills the book combobox with available books 6929555 Paint the horizontal handle as a gradient paint 6933889 list list num num list list num num 6937422 Compute gradient penalty L2 norm dy dx 1 2 6937426 Train StarGAN within a single dataset 6937427 Train StarGAN with multiple datasets 6937485 Run the scrapy crawler bounded to registered spiders 6938191 Return the neighboring nodes of the input node point 6938490 Decorator that applies the tracestack exception handler to one function 6938493 Install the tracestack exception handler as the system exception 6938528 Sort the query in the given QueryBuilder 6938532 Join an alias of foreignClass return the alias 6938565 Fill up the game language menu 6938566 Fill up the UI language menu 6938567 Create and show the About box 6938697 Get metadata that all tracks have in common 6938700 Get metadata for a given key 6938743 Preprocess tags slightly to reduce the amount and don t 6938763 Score tags taking a scoremod into account 6938767 Merge all tag groups using different score modifiers 6946823 Logs the histogram of a list vector of values 6948270 Return a sublist of CIRCUMSTANCES that is a relevant configuration 6948690 Log in to a Dropbox account via OAuth 2 6948691 Log in to a Dropbox account via OAuth 1 6983209 Computes the activation energy delta U over both sides 6996021 Initialize a unicode dictionary The signature is changed because the 6996036 x getslice i j x i j 6996057 S rfind sub start end int 6996077 Remove all elements of another set from this set 6996080 Update a set with the intersection of itself and another 6996113 Initialize a unicode dictionary The signature is changed because the 6996128 x getslice i j x i j 6996149 S rfind sub start end int 6996169 Remove all elements of another set from this set 6996172 Update a set with the intersection of itself and another 7057989 Create a new empty Multiset object 7057993 Return a new multiset with all elements from the others removed 7076422 Pre A list if lables and coordinates 7076423 Pre self tour is a randomly generated graph 7076427 Pre self new edge1 and self new edge2 is present 7076474 Return the nearest neighbour sentences to query 7084263 Internal function that actually does the work for generate feed urls 7094378 Returns the num neighbors nearest points in dataset for each point 7094381 Loads an index previously saved to disk 7094384 Runs kmeans on pts with num clusters centroids Returns a 7096786 Instantiate a new IPv4 network object 7096804 Instantiate a new IPv6 Network object 7101082 setup is a decorator which takes a function 7101088 Download the anime using the url or search for it 7104444 Put item into the queue 7104450 Check if item exists in usual or processing queues i e 7165575 Parse hl7 DTM string value py class datetime datetime 7165578 Recursive function to split the text into an n deep list 7165792 Initialize a config entry 7165808 Update a config entry 7165831 Handle entity registry entry update 7165835 Return list of custom integrations 7165882 Merge package into conf recursively 7165888 Get an integration with all requirements installed including the dependencies 7165889 Install the requirements for a component or platform 7165897 Start a configuration flow 7165921 Initialize new Home Assistant object 7165927 Add a job from within the event loop 7165936 Stop Home Assistant and shuts down all threads 7165953 Initialize a new state 7165993 Update the configuration from a dictionary 7166007 Set up a component for Home Assistant 7166054 Test if state matches requirements 7166056 Test if current time matches sun requirements 7166061 Test if local time condition matches 7166063 Test if zone condition matches 7166132 Write the state to the state machine 7166156 Get config for an entity id 7166159 Extract all entities for state changed listener from template string 7166162 Expand out any groups into entity states 7166244 Add entities for a single platform async 7166280 Migrate old data to a store and then load data 7166298 Add a listener that track state changes with template condition 7166306 Add a listener that will fire if time matches a pattern 7166329 Return area registry instance 7166358 Validate and transform time offset 7166370 Validate a complex jinja2 template 7166378 Log key as deprecated and provide a replacement if exists 7166389 Check if key is in config and log warning 7166398 Return device registry instance 7166403 Get device Create if it doesn t exist 7166432 Get the set of states which should be stored 7166468 Stream websession request to aiohttp web response 7166469 Stream a stream to aiohttp web response 7166479 Return OAuth2 implementations for specified domain 7166519 Return entity registry instance 7166558 Extract a list of entity ids from a service call 7166562 Handle an entity service call 7166563 Handle a function call 7166564 Register a service that requires admin access 7166565 Ensure permission to access any entity under domain in service call 7166567 Check user permission and raise before call if unauthorized 7166575 Calculate the next specified solar event 7166576 Calculate the astral event time for the specified date 7166618 Initialize the data object 7166725 Set up the Google travel time platform 7166851 Set up the Yamaha platform 7166853 Initialize the Yamaha Receiver 7166854 Get the latest details from the device 7166888 Initialize the cast device 7166891 Set the cast information and set up the chromecast object 7166893 Set the cast information and set up the chromecast object 7167061 Set up Ambient PWS sensors based on a config entry 7167094 Set up Ambient PWS binary sensors based on a config entry 7167125 Set up the platform for a Skybell device 7167144 Set up the Fibaro Component 7167233 Initialize the binary sensor 7167255 Retrieve the latest data 7167263 Update Game List Correct data if different 7167309 Set up the utility meter sensor 7167313 Determine cycle Helper function for larger than daily cycles 7167357 Return the device state attributes 7167446 Configure the platform and add the sensors 7167458 Set up the Web scrape sensor 7167477 Update the sleep state data 7167478 Update the sleep summary data 7167483 Get a data manager for a config entry 7167503 Call an api method and handle the result 7167513 Reproduce a single state 7167530 Set up the Steam platform 7167580 Find the active zone for given latitude longitude 7167582 Set up zone as config entry 7167714 Reproduce a single state 7167848 Set up the Dyson fan components 7167849 Handle the Dyson services 7167914 Set up the calendar platform for event devices 7167925 Set up the Google platform 7168001 Handle PTZ service call 7168061 Set up the departure sensor 7168143 Parse configuration device mapping 7168144 Set up the CEC capability 7168188 Iinitialize the PJLink device 7168202 Initialize the DOODS entity 7168689 Return entity ids with group entity ids replaced by their members 7168691 Set up all groups found defined in the configuration 7168695 Handle dynamic group service functions 7168724 Initialize a light group 7168742 Query all members and determine the light group state 7168747 Send message to all entities in the group 7168749 Initialize a CoverGroup entity 7168750 Update dictionaries with supported features 7168767 Update state and attributes 7168931 Set up the Demo alarm control panel platform 7169230 Turn on dimmer child device 7169231 Turn on RGB or RGBW child device 7169249 Set up the mysensors platform for switches 7169250 Set IR code as device state attribute 7169258 Turn the IR switch on 7169264 Return device specific state attributes 7169273 Set up the MySensors device scanner 7169288 Return gateway after setup of the gateway 7169290 Discover platforms for devices loaded via persistence file 7169310 Set new target temperature 7169336 Handle a child update 7169353 Set up IQVIA sensors based on a config entry 7169397 Validate the configuration and returns a Netgear scanner 7169413 Initialize a generic camera 7169428 Set up the Synology NAS Sensor 7169429 Wait until Home Assistant is fully initialized before creating 7169441 Set up the HomematicIP Cloud sensors from a config entry 7169508 Set up the HomematicIP Cloud lights from a config entry 7169529 Turn the light on 7169532 Set up the HomematicIP switch from a config entry 7169555 Remove entity device from registry 7169562 Return the state attributes of the generic device 7169605 Return the current preset mode 7169624 Set up the HomematicIP weather sensor from a config entry 7169651 Set up the HomematicIP Cloud binary sensor from a config entry 7169688 Set up the RESTful sensor 7169701 Get the RESTful notification service 7169714 Set up the REST binary sensor 7169757 Instruct the light to turn on 7169818 Set up the Xiaomi component 7169924 Turn on or control the light 7170050 Instruct the light to turn on optionally set colour brightness 7170126 Set up light for KNX platform configured within platform 7170143 Turn the light on 7170175 Set up cover for KNX platform configured within platform 7170197 Set up climate for KNX platform configured within platform 7170220 Set up binary senor for KNX platform configured within platform 7170278 Set up the IMAP platform 7170343 Set up the SQL sensor platform 7170367 Return the optional state attributes 7170443 Initialize an Amcrest camera 7170445 Return an MJPEG stream 7170515 Set up the Atome sensor 7170567 Register state update callback 7170594 Unload a config entry 7170676 Set up Netgear LTE sensor devices 7170682 Set up Netgear LTE component 7170718 Draw a bounding box on and image 7170784 Update entities of this platform when entities are listed 7170952 Update sensors from the bridge 7170981 Update either groups or lights from the bridge 7171010 Get items that are removed from api 7171079 Initialize the SimpliSafe alarm 7171219 Set up the Telegram bot component 7171221 Handle sending Telegram Bot message service calls 7171237 Make a list of InlineKeyboardButtons 7171310 Initialize a proxy camera component 7171324 Reproduce a single state 7171328 Process extra data for turn light on request 7171333 Handle a turn light on service call 7171381 Set up the Monoprice 6 zone amplifier platform 7171419 Once registered add listener for events 7171450 Copy over all Minio client options 7171497 Set up the Satel Integra binary sensor devices 7171547 Handle calls to homeassistant turn on off 7171556 Reload the scene config 7171596 Turn the specified light on 7171758 Update the sensor s state if needed 7171774 Get the latest status information from device 7171808 Set up the XS1 sensor platform 7171820 Set up the XS1 thermostat platform 7171911 Read new state data from the library 7171915 Set up a new BMWConnectedDriveAccount based on the config 7171955 Set up a Tradfri config entry 7171975 Load Tradfri lights based on a config entry 7171995 Load Tradfri switches based on a config entry 7172018 Create an entry from data 7172041 Set up the IHC lights platform 7172046 Turn the light on 7172172 Set up the Waze travel time sensor platform 7172185 Set up the sensor platform 7172197 Set up actuator platform 7172223 Initialize a WindowCovering accessory object 7172224 Move cover to value if call came from HomeKit 7172226 Initialize a new Light accessory object 7172231 Update fan after state change 7172269 Initialize a Switch accessory object 7172292 Initialize a Valve accessory object 7172298 Initialize a new Light accessory object 7172305 Update light after state change 7172306 Initialize a Thermostat accessory object 7172307 Return min and max temperature range 7172312 Update thermostat state after state changed 7172313 Initialize a WaterHeater accessory object 7172314 Return min and max temperature range 7172317 Update water heater state after state change 7172341 Retrieve latest state of the device 7172358 Set up the Volkszaehler sensors 7172415 Set up an emulated roku server from a config entry 7172455 Set up RainMachine switches based on a config entry 7172501 Turn the light on 7172514 Set up SMA WebConnect sensor 7172516 Update all the SMA sensors 7172583 Set up the AlarmDecoder binary sensor devices 7172588 Return the state attributes 7172603 Enable the Home Assistant views 7172873 Init August data object 7172928 Get the HTML5 push notification service 7172944 Send a message to a user 7172947 Set up the LCN sensor platform 7172963 Set up the LCN light platform 7172978 Set up the LCN switch platform 7172992 Initialize the LCN scene 7173017 Set cover states when LCN input object command is received 7173026 Initialize of a LCN climate device 7173044 Set up the LCN binary sensor platform 7173085 Get the latest details from the device 7173227 Set up the device 7173284 Turn the light on 7173325 Set up discovered WeMo humidifiers 7173367 Set up of Fronius platform 7173388 Set up the simulated sensor 7173442 Set up the ecobee thermostat 7173521 Send event with new plates and store data 7173621 Reset and initialize the VL53L1X ToF Sensor from STMicroelectronics 7173643 Initialize the Feed Entity Manager 7173664 Update the internal state from the provided feed entry 7173680 Set up the pizone internal discovery 7173766 Connect camera methods to signals 7173791 Set up the PCAL9535A devices 7173799 Set up the PCAL9535A binary sensors 7173832 Set up AdGuard Home sensor based on a config entry 7173854 Set up AdGuard Home from a config entry 7173868 Set up AdGuard Home switch based on a config entry 7173971 Initialize Home Assistant MQTT client 7174088 Move the cover to a specific position 7174091 Find the 0 100 value within the specified range 7174092 Find the adjusted value for 0 100 within the specified range 7174104 Initialize the climate device 7174107 Re Setup the entity 7174133 Set a preset mode 7174138 Return the list of supported features 7174160 Initialize the MQTT fan 7174163 Re Setup the entity 7174212 Re Setup the entity 7174243 Initialize a MQTT Template light 7174246 Re Setup the entity 7174247 Re Subscribe to topics 7174265 Initialize MQTT JSON light 7174268 Re Setup the entity 7174269 Re Subscribe to topics 7174353 Handle sending notification message service calls 7174416 Complete device setup after being added to hass 7174417 Get the latest data and update the states 7174459 Set up the Axis camera video stream 7174756 Set up the MyLink platform 7174787 Create the Tautulli sensor 7174844 Validate and coerce a 48 bit MAC address 7174889 Send a list of commands to a device 7174891 Learn a list of commands from a remote 7174969 Init the manual alarm panel 7175074 Set up the access to Netatmo binary sensor 7175081 Set up Elgato Key Light from a config entry 7175251 Return supported Google modes 7175254 Execute a temperature point or mode command 7175276 Execute an SetModes command 7175413 Update the device state and if necessary re connect 7175421 Update the device state and if necessary re connect 7175430 Handle tracked device state changes 7175439 Set up the serving of the frontend 7175464 Decorate function to provide data 7175467 Provide user specific data and store to function 7175519 Return the state attributes 7175530 Set up the Crime Reports platform 7175552 Create a new person 7175563 Return the state attributes of the person 7175600 Set color of array of lights 7175673 Set up the service listeners 7175759 Return the device specific state attributes 7175767 Get the Notifications for Android TV notification service 7175777 Set up the KWB component 7175819 Unload a config entry 7175887 Set up Abode binary sensor devices 7175967 Use for validating user control permissions 7175996 Set up The Things Network Data storage sensors 7176009 Set up a Nest sensor based on a config entry 7176010 Get the Nest sensors 7176096 Set up a Nest binary sensor based on a config entry 7176097 Get the Nest binary sensors 7176106 Set up the Environment Canada sensor 7176114 Set up the Environment Canada camera 7176348 Return the state attributes 7176410 Return the device state attributes 7176482 Set up Sonos from a config entry 7176505 Record that this player was seen right now 7176555 Restore snapshots for all the entities 7176572 Pause all current coordinators and restore groups 7176576 Set up the Sonos component 7176607 Handle Alexa Flash Briefing request 7176624 Process a turn on request 7176625 Process a turn off request 7176640 Process an adjust volume request 7176843 Yield the supported interfaces 7176852 Yield the supported interfaces 7176894 Process config and create list of entities 7176957 Set up the OpenTherm Gateway component 7176979 Receive and handle a new report from the Gateway 7177067 Set up the Email sensor platform 7177176 Set up the RaspyRFM switch 7177338 Set up the Modbus sensors 7177339 Initialize the modbus register sensor 7177361 Read configuration and create Modbus devices 7177369 Initialize the register switch 7177373 Set up the Modbus Thermostat Platform 7177460 Load the actual config 7177570 Set up the History Stats sensor 7177578 Get the latest data and updates the states 7177713 Find music media and return a Plex media object 7177730 Set up Plex from a config entry 7177731 Unload a config entry 7177733 Initialize a Plex server instance 7177814 Initialize the Statistics sensor 7177824 Get the latest data and updates the states 7177863 Reproduce a single state 7177872 Return the optional state attributes 7178005 Return the forecast array 7178013 Initialize a MJPEG camera 7178015 Return a still image response from the camera 7178101 Set up the SNMP switch 7178127 Decorate to delay calls on a certain method 7178144 Set up Pilight Binary Sensor 7178152 Handle received code by the pilight daemon 7178186 Convert Speech audio to text 7178201 Turn the specified or all lights on 7178249 Set up the Netio platform 7178434 Add listeners and get 1st state 7178448 Set up the Ness Alarm platform 7178631 Return information about current run 7178698 Set up the available OctoPrint sensors 7178766 Instruct the light to turn on 7178821 Create a new instance of the DeviceBroker 7178843 Turn the light on 7178885 Update the attrs of the cover 7178894 Add climate entities for a config entry 7178895 Return all capabilities supported if minimum required are present 7178899 Set new operation mode and target temperatures 7178916 Set new target temperature 7179001 Set up the cover platform for ADS 7179031 Turn the specified light on 7179058 Calculate new interval between two API fetch in minutes 7179067 Initialize the iCloud device 7179068 Update the iCloud device 7179199 Initialize of Tado climate device 7179329 Return the device state attributes 7179415 Set up the Alert component 7179462 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation sensor from config entry 7179477 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation light from config entry 7179479 Initialize the ZHA light 7179498 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation switch from config entry 7179510 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation Door Lock from config entry 7179523 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation device tracker from config entry 7179538 Add a new ZHA group 7179539 Remove the specified ZHA groups 7179555 Set up the web socket API 7179567 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation fan from config entry 7179589 Set up the Zigbee Home Automation binary sensor from config entry 7179639 Get a deduped list of channels for configuration 7179642 Gather and execute a set of CHANNEL tasks 7179656 Process an endpoint on a zigpy device 7179660 Dispatch single cluster matches to HA components 7179681 Get or create a ZHA device 7179695 Get matched input output cluster pairs for 2 devices 7179711 Issue a squawk command 7179712 Issue a start warning command 7179948 Process a single entry 7179955 Reproduce a single state 7180106 Retrieve the latest data 7180232 Set up the ISY994 binary sensor platform 7180294 Set up the automation 7180359 Set up the TensorFlow image processing platform 7180360 Initialize the TensorFlow entity 7180408 Call service to notify you see device 7180417 Notify the device tracker that you see a device 7180418 Notify the device tracker that you see a device 7180433 Update state of entity 7180499 Get the latest data from Enviro pHAT 7180528 Turn on a LED 7180666 Set up the Repetier Server component 7180686 Set up the Wink component 7180741 Set up the Wink platform 7180808 Return the minimum temperature 7180809 Return the maximum temperature 7180878 Listen for keyboard events 7180891 Reproduce a single state 7180925 Set up the HERE travel time platform 7180931 Return the state attributes 7180964 Initialize the Neato Connected Vacuum 7180973 Return the state attributes of the vacuum cleaner 7181017 Set up the Command Sensor 7181055 Set up the Command line Binary Sensor 7181096 Calculate the Air Quality Score 7181101 Get the latest data from the BME680 and update the states 7181111 Update the internal state from the provided feed entry 7181116 Return the device state attributes 7181120 Initialize the Feed Entity Manager 7181149 Reproduce a single state 7181163 Change the counter s settings with a service 7181164 Set up a single GEM temperature sensor 7181242 Load the sensor with relevant data 7181273 Set up the buienradar platform 7181285 Return the forecast array 7181335 Set up WLED light based on a config entry 7181391 Set up the Kodi platform 7181457 Set up the GeoRSS component 7181491 Initialize the Sony Bravia device 7181575 Set up the manual MQTT alarm platform 7181576 Init the manual MQTT alarm panel 7181699 Set up the Lightify bridge 7181701 Update the groups objects with the latest info from the bridge 7181719 Turn the device on 7181732 Create a new request for configuration 7181740 Set up a request for configuration 7181747 Set up an Avion switch 7181823 Set up the RPi cover platform 7181866 Return states changes during UTC period start time end time 7181867 Return the last number of states 7181868 Return the states at a specific point in time 7181876 Apply the include exclude filter on domains and entities on query 7182018 Set up the Spotify platform 7182061 Set up the OpenGarage covers 7182082 Set up Sensibo devices 7182113 Set up the aREST sensor 7182123 Set up the aREST switches 7182209 Initialize the RFXtrx sensor 7182263 Calculate internal absolute time boudaries 7182264 Turn to to the next day 7182277 Initialize a Todoist Project 7182291 Instruct the light to turn on 7182392 Turn on or adjust property of a group 7182450 Set up the Sharp Aquos TV platform 7182504 Set up for Vera devices 7182626 Initialize the climate device 7182938 Set up the Bose Soundtouch platform 7182970 Set up the generic thermostat platform 7183002 Process config and create list of entities 7183052 Get events for a period of time 7183059 Set up the FFmpeg component 7183131 Set up the StarLine device from a config entry 7183388 Set up the RMV departure sensor 7183525 Set up the Epson media player platform 7183528 Update state of device 7183623 Initialize a generic HomeMatic device 7183633 Load first value from pyhomematic 7183707 Return the state attributes 7183772 Set up the Tellstick sensors 7183830 Set up an input datetime 7183835 Run when entity about to be added 7183884 Set up the NMBS sensor with iRail API 7183921 Initialize the media player 7184076 Set up an EnOcean sensor device 7184131 Flag media player features that are supported 7184199 Set up the oemthermostat platform 7184213 Calculate the current season 7184237 Set up the NAD platform 7184278 Set up the deCONZ sensors 7184279 Add sensors from deCONZ 7184285 Return the state attributes of the sensor 7184300 Set up a deCONZ bridge for a config entry 7184359 Refresh available devices from deCONZ 7184428 Return the state attributes of the sensor 7184454 Set up the EverLights lights from configuration yaml 7184465 Turn the light on 7184477 Return the state attributes 7184491 Return the state attributes of the sensor 7184528 Get the latest data from Sense HAT 7184562 Set up the Obihai sensor platform 7184595 Load all known devices 7184605 Set up a config entry 7184642 Create handlers and setup dictionaries to keep track of them 7184644 Start monitoring of events and devices 7184647 Monitor asynchronously for device connection disconnection or permissions changes 7184662 Set up the Fido sensor 7184673 Initialize the LG speakers 7184806 Initialize the Template switch 7184833 Initialize the Template cover 7184876 Initialize the Template binary sensor 7184933 Set up N26 Component 7185139 Set up the Konnected platform 7185205 Update the data from the thermostat 7185223 Set up the WebDav Calendar platform 7185398 Validate the configuration and return a Traccar scanner 7185416 Register state update callback 7185628 Turn the light on 7185665 Subscribe to MQTT events 7185671 Handle new MQTT messages 7185672 Reproduce a single state 7185691 Initialize the HTTP Home Assistant server 7185735 Call either a specified or active child s service 7185762 Flag media player features that are supported 7185855 Set up of an enigma2 media player 7185886 Create Z Wave entity device 7185904 Handle new added value to a node on the network 7185935 Perform final initializations after Z Wave network is awaked 7185936 Initialize the values object with the passed entity schema 7185977 Update internal properties based on zwave values 7186017 Create Z Wave entity device 7186131 Get mapping of value to another component 7186132 Get mapping of value to a workaround 7186170 Set up the EcoNet water heaters 7186171 Handle the service calls 7186209 Component to allow users to login 7186293 Initialize config entry which represents the HEOS controller 7186328 Get the latest date and update device state 7186358 Set up the MCP23017 devices 7186366 Set up the MCP23017 binary sensors 7186428 Return the specific state attributes of this vacuum cleaner 7186477 Fetch state from the device 7186498 Fetch state from the device 7186517 Initialize the plug switch 7186560 Initialize the plug switch 7186576 Initialize the plug switch 7186850 Set up the departure sensor 7186956 Set up the pi hole integration 7186983 Set up LIFX from a config entry 7186985 Find the desired color from a number of possible inputs 7186994 Start a light effect on entities 7187019 Set a color on the light and turn it on off 7187028 Send a color change to the bulb 7187129 Sync the updated preferences to Alexa 7187161 Update config for a Google entity 7187162 Update config for an Alexa entity 7187163 Set the username that is logged in 7187242 Set up the Nissan Leaf component 7187246 Initialise the data store 7187334 Return the id of the network closest to provided location 7187344 Set up the DNS IP sensor 7187356 Send notification to specified LAMBDA ARN 7187357 Send notification to specified SNS ARN 7187394 Get the latest data and updates the states 7187428 Init Google Cloud TTS service 7187455 Scan I2C HATs digital inputs and fire callbacks 7187484 Handle the POST request for registration 7187526 Call when entity about to be added to Home Assistant 7187617 Return the state attributes 7187899 Determine if an entity should be exposed on the emulated bridge 7187917 Process a request to set the state of an individual light 7187941 Set up the available CO2 sensors 7188106 Register the API with the HTTP interface 7188125 Set up the Monoprice Blackbird 4k 8x8 HDBaseT Matrix platform 7188144 Validate the configuration and return an Automatic scanner 7188153 Fetch the latest vehicle info from automatic 7188253 Import configuration to config entry options 7188282 Update POE port state from the controller 7188306 Update tracked device state from the controller 7188339 Manage the device tracker options 7188359 Configure the platform and add the sensors 7188441 Create a new user 7188458 Initialize an auth manager from config 7188581 Return a flow to login 7188647 Initialize async logging handler wrapper 7188676 Convert one unit of measurement to another 7188684 Initialize the unit system object 7188715 Convert a temperature from one unit to another 7188742 Convert from RGB color to XY color 7188744 Convert from XYZ to RGB 7188745 Convert a hsb into its rgb representation 7188768 Get the closest matching color within the gamut of the light 7188770 Check if the supplied gamut is valid 7188802 Like BaseRepresenter represent mapping but does not issue the sort 7188925 Test that we re saving and loading correctly 7189013 Initialize the mock module 7189635 Test for async requests call works with a semaphore 7189638 Test parallel updates with 1 sequential 7189639 Test parallel updates with 2 parallel 7189722 Test the polling of only updated entities 7189723 Test the updated entities that not break with an exception 7189770 Test track point in time 7189776 Test tracking time interval 7189777 Test track the sunrise 7189778 Test track the sunrise 7189779 Test track the sunset 7189780 Test tracking time change 7189781 Test periodic tasks per minute 7189782 Test periodic tasks per hour 7189784 Test periodic tasks with the time rolling backwards 7189786 Test periodic task behavior when entering dst 7189787 Test periodic task behavior when leaving dst 7189961 Set up Mock Media Player 7189968 Test that media attributes are fetched 7189969 Test that media attributes are loaded 7189970 Test that device info is set correctly from status update 7189998 Construct a mock feed entry for testing purposes 7190032 Test the whole component lifecycle 7190068 Test successful processing of an image 7190123 Learn a command from a device 7190178 Test set climate temperature 7190534 Test open cover function 7190535 Test close cover function 7190536 Test toggle cover function 7190537 Test stop cover function 7190538 Test set cover position function 7190539 Test open tilt function 7190540 Test close tilt function 7190541 Test toggle tilt function 7190542 Test stop tilts function 7190543 Test set tilt position function 7190550 Create Update a group 7190590 Test the setting of the target temperature with range 7190591 Test setting the target temperature range without attribute 7190609 Test closing the cover 7190610 Test opening the cover 7190611 Test toggling the cover 7190612 Test moving the cover to a specific position 7190613 Test stopping the cover 7190614 Test closing the cover tilt 7190615 Test opening the cover tilt 7190616 Test toggling the cover tilt 7190617 Test moving the cover til to a specific position 7190618 Test stopping the cover tilt 7190659 Test if methods call the services as expected 7190660 Test service calls for unsupported vacuums 7190662 Test vacuum service to set the fan speed 7190716 Test storing data for different days 7190779 Test Remove of hmip device 7190780 Test Remove of hmip group 7190818 Get and test basic device 7191129 Test probability update function 7191157 Turn all or specified light on 7191158 Turn all or specified light on 7191233 Test addition to hass 7191411 Set up test variables 7191432 Test async setup with auto start disabled and test service calls 7191441 Test HomeKit stop method 7191447 Test if accessory is updated after state change 7191448 Test if accessory is updated after state change 7191452 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191454 Test if Outlet accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191455 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191456 Test if Valve accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191457 Test if switch accessory is reset correctly 7191471 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191473 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191477 Test if unsupported HVAC modes are deactivated in HomeKit 7191492 Test battery service with linked battery sensor 7191494 Test call service method 7191498 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191499 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191500 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191501 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191506 Test fan with char state 7191507 Test fan with direction 7191508 Test fan with oscillate 7191511 Test if television accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191514 Test light with char state 7191518 Test if accessory and HA are updated accordingly 7191853 Construct a mock feed entry for testing purposes 7192492 Test for US filtered thermostats 7192683 Test the case that the ADB shell command returns None 7192829 Test the flux switch with multiple light entities 7192878 Test the event send with the updated device 7192961 Construct a mock feed entry for testing purposes 7193295 Test the conversion from templates to period 7193492 Set up things to be run when tests are started 7193610 Try to send proper data with delay afterwards 7193620 Test that throttling actually work 7193680 Test hls stream timeout 7193749 Test saving and restoring a state 7193750 Test saving and restoring an event 7193903 Set up the SmartThings platform and prerequisites 7193915 Fixture representing a config entry 7193997 Test zha binary sensor platform 7194014 Test ZHA core channel configuration for input clusters 7194021 Test config flow validator 7194036 Test zha light platform 7194041 Test on off functionality from hass 7194043 Test zha lock platform 7194047 Fixture representing a zha gateway 7194049 Test zha sensor platform 7194066 Test zha device tracker platform 7194147 Test the automation services for turning entities on off 7194187 Test for firing on change with for 7194298 Test for firing at 2 minutes every hour 7194387 Test the rendering of the YAML configuration 7194394 Test the entity attributes 7194422 Call service to notify you see device 7194560 The config entry and configuration yaml are in sync 7194561 The config entry and configuration yaml are not in sync 7194619 Test increment decrement and reset methods 7194620 Test increment decrement and reset methods with configuration 7194886 Check if significant states are retrieved 7194989 Test with 1 light 7195167 Configure the component with specific mock data 7195290 Test next previous track 7195366 Test restore from a strange state 7195379 Test retrieving sun setting and rising 7195619 Test is on turn on turn off methods 7195716 Test setup entry is successful 7195717 Test setup entry is successful with multiple gateways 7196069 Test is on turn on turn off methods 7196364 Test active child state property 7196368 Test media player with children and master state 7196369 Test volume level property 7196371 Test is volume muted property w children only 7196390 Test invalid device config 7196408 Test the creation of a new entity 7196415 Test platform ignore device 7196437 Test zwave set config parameter service 7196442 Test zwave change association service 7196443 Test zwave change association service 7196486 Test values changed for climate device 7196487 Test values changed for climate device 7196488 Test values changed for climate device 7196498 Test values changed for climate device 7196563 Test dimming transition on a dimmable Z Wave light 7196585 Test value changed for Z Wave lock using alarm type 7196605 Test turning on a zwave fan 7196607 Test value changed for zwave fan 7196609 Test turning on a Z Wave switch 7196611 Test value changed for refresh on update Z Wave switch 7196697 Test load connects to heos retrieves players and loads platforms 7196957 Test that we cache services 7197206 Create web client for emulated hue api 7197392 Create the UniFi controller 7197484 Test if response answers request 7197535 Test we correctly load with no existing data 7197703 Test the ordered enum class 7197755 Testing calling fire coroutine threadsafe from inside an event loop 7197756 Testing calling run callback threadsafe from inside an event loop 7197767 Test color RGB to xy brightness 7197768 Test color RGB to xy 7197769 Test color xy brightness to RGB 7197775 Test color hs to xy 7197828 Test daylight saving time for find next time expression time 7197834 Test errors are raised when invalid units are passed in 7197910 Validate and generate zeroconf data 7197960 Set up NEW NAME from a config entry 7198013 Promote x and y to a common type 7198014 Return a promotion of many elements to the most generic type 7198017 Define the promotion rule for the pair of types T1 T2 7198067 Decorator used to define a generic function 7198068 Return dispatch conditions from func s argument annotations 7198078 Runs the dispatch algorithm to return the best available 7198082 Register a method factory 7198083 Decorator used to register method overloads 7198091 Creates a generic arithmetic operator with the given name 7198092 Creates a generic arithmetic operator with the given name 7198672 This fact can be defined entirely using other facts so 7201506 Construct and return tuple with IO objects 7201588 Construct a datetime from a POSIX timestamp like time time 7204553 Setup the default logging stream to an internal StringIO instance 7224538 adds edge info to changelog DAG walk suitable for ascii 7230135 Returns fold change from a to b 7276198 Initialize me with an explanation of the error 7276242 internal Callback for when one of my deferreds fires 7290295 Find the intersection point between two given lines 7290296 Sort points returning them in this order 7290301 Warp the given image into the given box coordinates 7290308 Draw four circles where the image will be mapped after 7290315 Infer pattern from positions a numpy array of values returns 7290316 Apply a sliding window to each lines only keep pixels surrounded 7290317 Apply a sliding window to each column only keep pixels surrounded 7290870 Bind to an instance 7322421 Cull items of a particular value from a collection 7335420 default subparser selection Call after setup just before parse args 7366955 Si q son digitos busca por c digo de barra 7366960 Devuelve un listado de cadenas cercanas 7366966 process each line in the input file 7366974 dado un producto y sucursal devuelve una lista de diccionarios 7394428 A list of projects that match the arguments 7394461 Init a Project object 7398182 Simple stop and reverse triple moving average crossover 7407284 Calculate interval for checks as average 7407289 Adds a qtags property in every post object in a page 7407303 Sets cache data for a site 7407310 Skip posts with exactly same GUID 7407311 Skip posts with fuzzy matched threshold levenshtein distance length title 7412062 Creates a Uri object which corresponds to the URI string 7412063 Construct an HTTP request 7412068 Makes an HTTP request using httplib 7437336 Returns the levenshtein edit distance between two strings 7437749 Build system of linear equations whose solution would provide image 7437751 Computes solution of a reduced system of linear equations 7438069 Calculate the regression for one line given as two lists one 7449193 BFS search to find the shortest path to the pacman 7449327 Return type of newline used in source 7449331 Separate line at OPERATOR 7449340 Break first line of multi line code 7449344 Return line numbers that are within multiline strings 7449348 Return fixed source code 7449366 Fix a badly indented line 7449396 Fix indentation and return modified line numbers 7449790 reload all linters optionally filtering by module 7537833 Adds an class ACE entry to the ACL 7537867 Use get nowait construct until Py 3 4 4 7538515 Triage SeqRecords into those that can cannot be used 7541341 Generate x y coordinates in a circle of a given size 7600965 This function returns the mean specific intensity emitted by a black 7600968 This converts a vector from Cartesian coordinates to 7600969 This converts a vector from spherical polar coordinates to 7600970 This converts a vector from cylindrical coordinates to 7602489 Returns a user based on an authentication token 7602496 Create a services mapping for use with webapp2 7606501 Write the score report to the terminal 7610473 Get a project by its id 7614655 Convert this value into the rich txkoji objects if applicable 7614668 Get information about all builds of a package 7614709 Return the average build duration for list of packages or containers 7614718 Estimate remaining time for all tasks in this channel 7617101 Add OAuth parameters to the request 7617144 Constructs and sends a class Request Request 7651882 Format a date to an human readable string 7652626 Sets the images to be viewed 7656765 Return a list of component lists Components are grouped together 7657982 Drehimplus L als Funktion von Ort und Geschwindigkeit 7657986 Plot updaten und DGL integrieren 7658088 Calculate quantiles of a histogram 7658090 Select random realizations of generated expansion histories 7658095 Calculates the dark energy density evolution 7658101 Converts comoving distances DC z to mu z 7658104 Calculates growth functions phi and f 7658105 Calculates accel parameter q 7669645 Start handling streaming data from the board Call a provided callback 7670014 Update the utxos to reflect the current blockchain state 7670016 Creates a transaction which sends money to some receivers 7670020 Apply all transactions of the block to the utxo set 7676433 Set timeout to 0 to disable key expiration 7676434 Set timeout to 0 to disable key expiration 7676500 nw generate nonce word preserve case True 7676501 templates simple word nonce word 7678808 Returns the constraints of a Sudoku puzzle 7682906 get token with or without user context 7685161 Unifies product names and tries to remove duplicates which only differ 7686212 Respond with a file from GridFS 7693349 type nums List int 7693351 type costs List List int 7693367 type preorder List int 7693372 type head1 head1 ListNode 7693377 type nums List int 7693381 type nums List int 7693406 type dungeon List List int 7693416 type prices List int 7693419 type matrix List List str 7693424 type words List str 7693432 type nums List int 7693439 type matrix List List int 7693440 type matrix List List str 7693443 type nums List int 7693446 initialize your data structure here 7693469 type buf Destination buffer List str 7693472 type nums List int 7693493 type nums List int 7693518 type nums List int 7693520 type costs List List int 7693543 type prices List int 7693545 type nums List int 7693550 type obstacleGrid List List int 7693555 type nums List int 7693564 type height List int 7693565 type intervals List Interval 7693574 type inorder List int 7693576 type matrix List List int 7693578 type nums List int 7693604 type grid List List int 7693607 type matrix List List int 7693611 type nums List int 7693612 type grid List List int 7693616 type matrix List List int 7693617 type nums List int 7717660 computes f1 precision and recall on the entity class 7717662 Reads a csv of sentences tag sequences into a pandas dataframe 7717664 Resets the iterator to the beginning of the data 7717665 Returns the next batch of data 7719316 Plot the given tree using matplotlib or pylab 7719321 Create a mapping of each clade to its vertical position 7754281 Generic request returned as dict 7761133 General method for scan and collect data 7761141 Scan packages and ebuilds in porttree 7772860 Updates global policy and value networks using the local networks gradients 7772866 Returns a minibatch of self batch size transitions 7772879 envs list of gym environments to run in subprocesses 7777878 here we re constructing a closure for our streamreader callback this 7778058 Asserts that the DataFrame is monotonic 7778165 initialize emitter register events initialize internal variables 7779665 Create or update existing route 7796052 store rdflib Graph Graph 7796056 Given a RDF predicate and object return the equivalent Python object 7796057 Given a Python predicate and object return the equivalent RDF object 7796416 batch size specifies the number of experiences to add 7801819 Very fast uniqify routine for numpy arrays 7801820 Very fast uniqify routine for numpy record arrays or ndarrays with 7801822 Indices of elements in a sorted numpy recarray or ndarray with 7801823 Indices of elements in a numpy array that appear in another 7802043 Go through marking the entire text with color codes used to 7805916 Send the message to the referenced contact using a cached protocol 7805917 Attempting to send a message to the referenced contact using a 7805929 Only the stale items should be removed from the cache 7805948 Set up a new throw away event loop 7805972 Ensure the function to handle incoming DHT SET requests recovers 7805986 Ensures that both the public and privte RSA keys are appropriately 7806045 Ensures a valid store message is correctly parsed 7806046 Ensures a valid findnode message is correctly parsed 7806047 Ensures a valid nodes message is correctly parsed 7806048 Ensures a valid findvalue message is correctly parsed 7806049 Ensures a valid value message is correctly parsed 7806080 Ensures the class is instantiated correctly 7806085 Make sure that for every message reveived the associated contact 7806090 Ensure a Store message results in the data being checked data 7806107 Ensure the referenced task is resolved with referenced exception The 7806121 Ensure duplication value of 1 or more 7806126 Ensure the Lookup object is created properly 7806240 Ensure instantiating the Lookup class creates an object with the 7806250 Ensure the pending request that triggered the response being handled 7806254 Ensures an expired Value is handled correctly 7806263 Ensures the lookup method works with some pending slots available and 7806403 Splits the specified bucket into two new buckets which together 7806412 Attempt to remove the contact PeerNode with the specified public key 7815129 Complete the observation table 7815137 Compute and save the PDF of analysed variables 7815139 Save the best reduced versus analysed variables 7815141 Function used to estimate the normalization factor in the SED fitting 7815156 Get the SED corresponding to the module and parameter lists 7815184 Build the model for a given set of parameters 7815188 Build the model for a given set of parameters 7815197 Compute the Calzetti et al 2000 A E B V 7815201 Compute the complete attenuation curve A E B V 7815223 Get the nebular emission lines out of the database and resample 7815295 Add a new luminosity contribution to the SED 7815297 Compute the F flux density in a given filter 7815312 Procedure to interpolate the luminosity components given the wavelengths 7838252 Configures the model for training 7838253 Evaluates the model on a data generator 7838266 Processes and saves MagnaTagATune dataset using multi processes 7838271 Trainer extension to output graph 7851611 Handles the acquisition of metadata for both collection mode and single 7851615 Configures and generates a Logger object openaccess epub based on common 7851616 This utility function will remove a previous Logger FileHandler if one 7851656 Standard workflow for creating an EPUB document 7853036 Return the right transformer for the given target object 7862350 Inner fit for one mini batch 7862351 Compute the pseudo likelihood of v 7867326 Implemented as generator to track computation 7912793 This separate setup function allows me to pass a different 7912816 adjusts frame for animation 7912847 Action when in the RESTING state 7912861 Creates the initial images for the score 7912876 Updates info based on what state the game is in 7912880 Draws overhead info based on state 7912881 Draws info for main menu 7912882 Draws info for loading screen 7912884 Draws info when game over 7912885 Draws info when on the time out screen 7912886 Sets up various values for enemy 7912910 Action when the coin is in the SPIN state 7912918 Determines Mario s behavior based on his state 7912923 Shoots fireball allowing no more than two to exist at once 7912925 This function is called when Mario is in a walking state 7912931 Changes Mario s image attribute based on time while 7912939 State where Mario is sliding down the flag pole 7912948 Adjusts Mario s image for animation 7912954 Returns images and rects to blit onto the screen 7912956 Update the position of the cursor 7912965 Called when the State object is created 7912966 Sets the background image rect and scales it to the correct 7912969 Create collideable rects for all the steps 7912970 Creates all the breakable bricks for the level Coin and 7912972 Creates the flag pole at the end of the level 7912979 Updates mario in a transition state like becoming big small 7912981 Updates the location of all sprites on the screen 7912982 Detect if checkpoint collision occurs delete checkpoint 7912983 Creates the points that appear when Mario touches the 7912986 Check for collisions after Mario is moved on the x axis 7912991 Checks for collisions when Mario moves along the y axis 7912993 Mario collisions with coin boxes on the y axis 7912998 Mario collisions with all enemies on the y axis 7912999 Mario collisions with Koopas in their shells on the y axis 7913001 Enemy collisions along the x axis Removes enemy from enemy group 7913002 Enemy collisions on the y axis 7913009 Mushroom collisions along the y axis 7913018 Fireball collisions along y axis 7913025 sets the new game values after a player s death 7913031 Blit all sprites to the main surface 7914208 Test for make immutable method 7914242 Test for iter entries method 7914267 Test build keydir build the hints 7914268 Test that build keydir build the hint only for immutable files 7914272 Test that build keydir build the hint with TOMBSTONE rows 7914280 Basic test for the put method 7914281 Basic test for the delete method 7914291 Test a simple merge 7914292 Test a single file merge a k a compactation 7914293 Test auto merge in startup 7914294 Test auto merge in startup 7914295 Test possible merge of a immutable file with 100 dead data 7914296 Test merge of 2 immutable files one with 100 dead data 7914298 Test that setitem correctly update the stats 7914301 Test that remove correctly update the stats 7914304 Test the get stats method 7914339 Write an entry to the file 7914340 Read a single entry from the current position 7914356 Return a generator over the hint entries 7914374 Load keydir info from a data file 7916061 Testing common life cycle with existing and non existant collections This 7916219 Deserializes dict list str into an object 7922594 Write the session to redis and set the cookie 7922649 Serve a self refreshing page of the ranks 7926366 Evaluate the biomechanical cost of moving from one node to another 7926374 Given a note get all the candidate string fret pairs 7926379 Add an integer number of semitones to the note 7928060 Iterate over the terms of the ontology graph 7928061 Iterate over the relationships of the ontology graph 7928066 Iterate over the terms t verifying self r t 7928067 Get an iterator over the superclasses of this Term 7928068 Get an iterator over the subclasses of this Term 7947549 Get count of reached objective between start date and end date 7956794 Adds removes objectProperties to from input nodes 7956795 Returns the materials related to nodes 7956796 Returns the shapes related to nodes 7956808 Add change the Displacement Control vray displacement attribute to input meshes 7968953 Load data from a text file 7968970 Utility function compares two calls for equality 7976493 Parse the given XML file 7993304 Determine shortest distance from point to line segment Taken from 7994700 Returns the primal representation 7994779 Solves the optimisation problem with a conjugate gradient method 7994790 Performs a linesearch on obj starting from m in direction s 7994795 Computes the Cauchy point x c x0 tg 8034268 Get adjacent pixels of the same color 8034285 Without nested while loops 8034290 Create a binary tree from array a with notation like 8034307 Two lists contain digits stored in reverse order 8034318 Return a tuple of hits and pseudo hits 8034323 get max sum2 variant that returns start and end of 8034331 Use a temporary list to hold compressed characters 8034334 O m n space solution 8035974 Build a matrix of genre features no items no features 8035975 Return train interactions test interactions 8035980 Randomly split interactions between training and testing 8035982 Fit the user item id and feature name mappings 8035994 Run an individual epoch 8035995 Compute the recommendation score for user item pairs 8035996 Predict the rank of selected interactions Computes recommendation 8041396 Initialize the parameters for the multilayer perceptron 8041397 Allocate a LeNetConvPoolLayer with shared variable internal parameters 8052190 Get the essential details about this object 8052226 Set this object s location to the provided object 8052252 Get the essential details about this property 8052275 Return a dictionary of environment variables supplied by the parser results 8052276 Look for an object with the optional specifier in the area 8052280 Get the object for the given preposition If there was no 8062768 This method installs exception catching mechanisms Any exception caught 8062827 Called to implement evaluation of self key 8062918 The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an IP 8062919 The function for retrieving and parsing whois information for an IP 8063350 Reconnect the client after a disconnect Can only be called after 8063352 Publish a message on a topic 8063402 run event loop for WebSocket framework 8064323 Share library content with the specified user 8064325 Update the specified user s share settings 8064343 Load attribute values from Plex XML response 8064347 Download video files to specified directory 8064369 Load attribute values from Plex XML response 8064447 Manually update the progress bar useful for streams 8064452 Set modify postfix additional stats 8064464 Paramters internal use only 8064482 Test purely dynamic miniters and manual updates and del 8064484 Test smoothed dynamic miniters 8064485 Test smoothed dynamic miniters with mininterval 8064518 Test on multiple bars one not needing miniters adjustment 8064523 Test overhead of iteration based tqdm 8064524 Test overhead of manual tqdm 8064527 Test overhead of iteration based tqdm vs simple progress bar hard 8064528 Test overhead of manual tqdm vs simple progress bar hard 8064542 Subscribe all engine plugins and start the engine 8064948 Given a document tries to find its declared encoding 8065018 Removes a job preventing it from being run any more 8065248 Return the response obtained after sending a query via UDP 8065251 Return the response obtained after sending a query via TCP 8065260 Convert unicode text into a Name object 8065308 Process one line from the text format question section 8065309 Process one line from the text format answer authority or 8065382 Validate the specified TSIG rdata against the other input parameters 8072158 Return the return of each day a list 8072163 Find the peak within the retrospective window 8072177 Write the content of the Portfolio to a csv file 8072184 Find the peak within the retrospective window 8072241 Initializes class variables and formats api url string 8072248 run algo has two steps 8072251 Post Process algo data 8072252 Finding the event dataframe 8072794 Plot a sample of data 8073761 color s opponent has won 8075767 Do some extra initializations 8075874 Test the tridiagonal matrix solver 8075934 return the corresponding keysym for keycode in column 8076863 Parse a document and convert to doctree 8076874 Return the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings a and b 8076912 Register a new object type 8076938 Parse text and generate a document tree 8076963 Handles Assign node and pick up a variable comment 8076965 Handles Expr node and pick up a comment if string 8076988 Get a translation function based on the catalog and namespace 8077029 Fix href attributes for genindex pages 8077045 Find or create a spot to place footnotes 8077095 Call cell wrap on all cells and measure each column width 8077099 split text string string 8077119 Sphinx build main command line entry 8077123 Set up BuildEnvironment object 8077128 Merge global information gathered about docnames while reading them 8077134 Return added changed removed sets 8077152 Process the docinfo part of the doctree as metadata 8077155 Process docutils generated dependency info 8077158 Assign a section number to each heading under a numbered toctree 8077159 Assign a figure number to each figure under a numbered toctree 8077164 Utility Cut a TOC at a specified depth 8077166 Return the global TOC nodetree 8077168 Return TOC entries for a toctree node 8077174 Parse a list of arguments separated by commas 8077189 Return a role adapter function that always gives the registered 8077190 Return a directive adapter class that always gives the registered 8077228 parameters that is specified by pytest mark sphinx for 8077246 Return name and bases for all classes that are ancestors of 8077256 Convert DVI file to PNG image 8077257 Convert DVI file to SVG image 8077266 Load all intersphinx mappings into the environment 8077280 Build the text of the file and write the file 8077291 Return a listener that removes the first pre and last post 8077310 Add content from docstrings attribute documentation and user 8077311 Return members check module members where members is a 8077328 Insert items described in autosummary to the TOC tree but do 8077338 Import a Python object given its full name 8077340 Try to import the given names and return a list of 8077344 Find out what items appear in autosummary directives in the 8077348 Process the docstring for a given python object 8077357 Get the next item or n items of the iterator 8077363 Contextmanager to pend logging warnings temporary 8077366 Prepend prefix to all records for a while 8077368 Setup root logger for Sphinx 8077375 param list locale dirs 8077377 Copy asset files to destination recursively 8077402 Get all file names in a directory recursively 8077429 Convert a docstring into lines of parseable reST Remove common leading 8077435 Extract translatable messages from a document tree 8077481 m measures the number of consonant sequences between k0 and j 8077502 Create a usable data structure for serializing 8077503 Remove data for all docnames not in the list 8077504 Feed a doctree to the index 8077658 Gets latest n updates from friends 8077668 The basic Kademlia iterative lookup operation for nodes values 8077669 Generates the NodeID by solving two cryptographic puzzles 8077673 type responseMsg kademlia msgtypes ResponseMessage 8077711 lst list of hashes 8079471 Initialize and return the main frame 8079478 Update the current item from the fields 8079491 Frame for the currently selected item 8079557 Convert an iterable number or level string to a tuple 8079622 Create a new document 8085212 get sub rectangles images 8085213 convert images to PIL images nq 0 8085214 write gif to file file images durations loops xys disposes 8085219 Search for biased BGR values 8091317 Checks the gradient grad against the numerical gradient of f 8091323 Energy gradient for phase model 8091324 Energy gradient for phase model with bias term 8092931 Load the data for a single letter label 8131048 Decorator that converts a function into a hamcrest matcher 8132429 get data for a PV over time range 8132434 return data arrays for timestamp and value for a PV 8195954 Return a LIST of the latest profile related games limited by 8195958 Return a Player instance with field equal to points 8195970 Query the server using gamespy1 protocol and sanitize the response 8196004 Perform an aggregation over fields defined in items 8196841 return an array with arrays of pos representing opponent s 8196843 return next pos for defined pattern 8196844 generate 1 step and returns the new board 8196846 Determine the state of the next step for given pos 8204906 Parses nouns from the node s description 8204911 Builds a graph around the given node id 8204913 Display a marquee of node descriptions when hovering over a node 8204916 Draws a marquee box displaying messages 8204918 Additional drawing and events for sense selection buttons 8204921 Draws a number of generations at the given position 8204931 Returns an alliteration of the given word 8204934 Combines this noun with another 8204937 Draws a central point named with given name 8204954 Attempts to simulate humor 8204957 Draws a central point named with given name 8204959 Boids keep a small distance from other boids 8204964 Cages the flock inside the x y w h area 8204965 Calculates the next motion frame for the flock 8204966 Converts CIE Lab to RGB components 8205046 An edge weight map indexed by node id s 8205047 Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest paths 8205052 The graph displays the different senses of a noun 8205053 The graph displays semantic relations for a noun 8205061 Interacts with the graph by clicking or dragging nodes 8205062 Drags given node to mouse location 8205065 Rotates the queued texts and determines display time 8205066 Draws a popup rectangle with a rotating text queue 8205088 Compute a cubic Bezier approximation of an elliptical arc 8205102 Draws a small list scheme 8205106 Draws a tree network scheme 8205107 Experimental tornade style pixie text 8205133 Calculate the intersections of a convex shape and a set of 8205134 Calculate the intersections of an ellipse or two elliptical arcs 8205135 Calculate the Bezier path segments defining a circular rounded 8205136 Round a polygon defined by connecting segments by a specified 8205137 Offset polygon defined by points by amount d 8205159 Generates a range of values according to a proportional distribution 8205180 Fills the given box with text number or image 8205181 Returns a random value between 0 0 and 1 0 8205184 Guesses keywords in a piece of text 8205194 Returns the plural of a given word 8205199 Chunks sentence and feeds its parts to function f 8205276 Returns true when x y is on the path stroke outline 8205278 Update runs each frame to check for mouse interaction 8212989 returns a list of variable names inside the file 8213001 get longitudes and latitudes of the fields in the rpn file 8213022 first dimension is time 8213049 Basemap integration test makes sense only if you have basemap installed 8213054 Construct latitudes and latitude bounds for a Gaussian grid 8213063 Convert ps x y coordinates to lat lon 8219119 Waits until all class Thread s have synchronized or terminated 8229173 Generate object transform matrix 8229191 Data objects geometry material textures armatures etc 8229686 Confirm that a SecretField originally stored with obsolete work 8231215 Iterates a locations sheet yielding a Location object with id 8231219 Returns the most similar location stored in locations dict to 8234427 Detects if the archive has a root directory or not 8239430 Extract cover image from doc 8239434 Traverse tree from element in preceding order 8240982 Wraps a file described in request in a Response object 8248159 Fetch a URL optionally caching for a specified time 8248211 Return a list of DividendYear namedtuples ordered by most recent year 8248218 Return a list of DividendYear namedtuples ordered by most recent year 8249853 Returns a 2D Gabor Filter real and imag 8250151 A interactive and flexible genomic anotation 8250152 Merge gaps smaller or equals the specified amount 8397916 param original data A line to parse 8408784 param dataset set of itemsets 8408785 Generate the joint transactions from candidate sets 8408786 Generate a list of candidate item sets 8415291 Takes a dictionary of word doc frequency in sample 1 8416203 Build XML structure from dictionaries and save file 8416243 All table properties should be known by now 8416292 All table properties should be known by now 8416325 Test if pythonpoint pdf can be created from pythonpoint xml 8416333 Test story with TOC and a cascaded header hierarchy 8416389 Get a list of all objects defined somewhere in a package 8416641 diff http query string or post string hashmap keywords without order 8430812 vcosmic Compute a cosmic velocity correcting for the Virgo Cluster 8430818 Calculate the angular distance between two points Require decimal positions 8430825 Wrapper function for fitsopen Will load and appropriately arrange a fits 8430826 Opens infile and converts it to a dictionary 8430827 When passed a votab object return a dictionary with the votab 8430828 Take a dictionary and write it to a VOTable 8432419 Create a Twilio REST API client 8511774 Add a point to a grid like cluster structure 8535089 Returns a dict of dates to arrays of records 8542670 Initialize a return value 8542671 Creates an Routine object that is appropriate for this language 8542768 Assume that there is only one file 8542769 assume greyscale c 1 individual image N 1 8542771 Average over non overlapping square image blocks 8542772 Precomputes filter transfer functions All computations are done on the 8542775 Return the sum of the gradient of the source imgae 8567782 Returns an image frame of this render list at time t 8567832 Creates a color based on a string 8580063 Find the Organisation s this user is entitled to view 8580130 Load the Supply Tables when needed 8580133 Create a catalog item in for this item 8580140 appends controller specific options to global menu 8580143 Represent a location given its id 8580181 Load the Request Tables when needed 8580199 Produce a representation for a list reference field 8580219 Write the Postcode Street Address fields from the Location 8580220 Write the Postcode Street Address fields from the Location 8580223 Set retract the Org Site staff role 8580224 On accept routine for HR records 8580229 This callback will be called when importing records 8580242 Send a single message to a Person Entity or list thereof 8580244 Function to send Email 8580284 Get the master query for the specified field s 8580286 Returns a sub query for this search option 8580296 Returns a sub query for this search option 8580329 Get a query for candidate matches between the missing 8580354 Read the request vars prepare for a record insert update 8580373 Updates the super entity links of an instance record 8580377 Create a hyperlink between resources 8580378 Remove a hyperlink between resources 8580417 Get the ID of the target record of a S3Request 8580425 Set the current location of instance s at the given time 8580426 Bind the presence of the instance s to another instance 8580427 Make the last log entry before timestmp independent from 8580429 Get the base location of the instance s 8580430 Set the base location of the instance s 8580444 Delete an uploaded file and the corresponding import job 8580448 This will take a s3 import upload record and 8580450 Get the stylesheet for transformation of the import 8580458 get all the importItems for the the uploadID 8580467 Authorize the import of this item sets self permitted 8580471 Resolve the references of this item look up all foreign 8580472 Helper method to update a foreign key in an already written 8580477 Find referenced elements in the tree 8580480 Commit the import job to the DB 8580484 Restore the job s reference structure after loading items 8580496 Creates a resource element from a record 8580506 Converts JSON into an element tree 8580507 Converts an element into JSON 8580520 Lookup the Facility Access Role from the ID of the Facility 8580527 Take ownership of the HR records of the person record 8580530 Back end method to create roles with ACLs 8580533 Assigns a role to a user 8580534 Removes a role assignment from a user account 8580535 Check whether the currently logged in user has a role 8580537 Back end method to update an ACL 8580542 Get the person record ID for the current logged in user 8580545 Checks if user is member of group id or role 8580553 Get the ACL for a page 8580554 Get the ACL for a table 8580556 Establish the ownership of a record 8580557 List of modules to hide from the main menu 8580558 Return a URL only if accessible by the user otherwise False 8580617 initialize a DataFrame object 8580618 loads tabulated data from a plain text file 8580619 assign a column in the table 8580650 val the colname to place as the data in the table 8580705 DS update E F None 8580763 given numpy array X returns the Windsorized trimmed samples in 8580787 Compares two files d and r cell by cell Float comparisons 8583328 Build the body for a multipart form data request 8587267 RMSprop is a more intelligent update method Written by newmu TheanoTutorials 8588703 Generates a reverse mapping of physical addresses 8588764 Traverses windows in their Z order bottom to top 8588899 Scan forward from the lowest IAT entry found or 8588901 Disassemble a block of data and yield possible 8590667 Open a URL and return output 8590894 param console The console dns or ip address 8614053 Apply ebs option to optional device 8654788 Merge duplicate history records 8656202 Read the whole stack to numpy array 8657537 Makes JSON API request and returns response as dictionary 8662101 Make sure opening a connection creates a new file 8668525 QR factorization of B 8668529 Return the number of leap seconds since 6 i 1980 8668530 Base navigation class that contains raw data date and PRN number 8668537 ECEF coordinates of the satellite based algorithm described in RTKlib manual 8668541 Details are taken from 5 IS GPS 200H Fig 20 4 8668549 see 1 p 512 8668550 Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm 2006 8668551 Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm 8668552 Fukushima implementation of the Bowring algorithm 8668553 Satellite coordinates in ENU at users position R u 8668570 Returns TEC in a position pos of ionosphere 8668572 Compute ionospheric pierce point ipp position and slant factor 8668636 Helper method to shell out and execute a command through subprocess 8668883 Convert raw bytes in goTenna firmware to the hex encoded INTELHEX 8669843 This decorator allows a function to collect tokens The function s 8674431 Compile the given source using this compiler s dialect 8674460 Return the best command for the given undocked ship 8675818 Returns two different primes up to n bits long 8675829 Return x y using Karatsuba divide and conquer multiplication 8675833 Multiply dot product of two square matrices using Strassen s 8675834 Multiply dot product of two square matrices using the naive 8675836 Merge two lists of numbers s1 and s2 8675838 Perform Karatsuba multiplication of positive integers x and y 8675839 Perform naive divide and conquer multiplication of positive integers x and 8676926 Calculates the composition expressed in weight fractions of a chemical 8676967 Compute math phi rho z of all experiments 8677022 Parses a Requirement from a non editable requirement 8691080 Propagates a sensation through the medium to its contents and 8691168 Perform a regular expression replacement across the specified range 8691214 Find bans of a specific type with matching attribute values 8691355 Perform a match against registered literal parsers 8691389 Capture player input for a prompt and call the callback corresponding 8691399 Also match the player s possessed object s context 8691405 Retrieve a dictionary whose keys are either objects or the string 8691427 Create a server session that corresponds to an already established 8691433 type player L mudsling objects BasePlayer 8691633 Traverse obj s MRO firing any implementation of the named hook 8691634 Get a dictionary of hook implementations for the given class 8691708 ISO 8601 week number of year weeks starting on Monday 8695363 Perform a high speed bulk insert 8695412 Defines the download processes for scripts that utilize the default 8695464 Return list of all available datasets 8697087 Robust principal components analysis 8697090 Compute self similarity features 8697091 m number of trees i e n tree 8697093 Image convolution with a triangle filter 8697095 Compute gradient magnitude and orientation at each image location 8714321 address width Address width in bytes If it is None it 8728759 Resize image to fit it into width height box 8729567 Simulates typing into the element 8729584 Creates a new instance of the chrome driver 8735793 checks whether the list ind contains 8743616 Create all unique variations from the selected options 8743686 Test that ratings can be posted and avarage count are calculated 8743689 Test that the keywords string field is correctly populated 8743721 Return a list of Keyword objects for the given model instance 8743813 Test that slug generation is done for the default language and 8748040 Generate x set of length N with transient T 8759863 Reads a file or string to a dictionary 8765685 Performs indefinite integration of rational functions 8765687 Lazard Rioboo Trager algorithm 8765688 Convert complex logarithms to real arctangents 8765691 The idea for integration is the following 8765694 Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm 8765700 Calculate the anti derivative to the function f x 8765710 Rewrite an expression as sorted list of terms 8765711 Compare two terms using data from Printer analyze 8765856 Computes partial fraction decomposition of a rational function 8765884 Given relatively prime univariate polynomials f and g 8765927 Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive definite matrix 8765955 Computes the gamma function of a real floating point argument 8765980 Computes the Euler numbers E n which can be defined as 8766018 For nonzero x calculate x eps with directed rounding where 8766037 Numerically computes the derivative of f f x Optionally 8766038 Returns a generator that yields the sequence of derivatives 8766042 Computes a Pade approximation of degree L M to a function 8766045 Computes a polynomial of degree N 1 that approximates the 8766046 Computes the Fourier series of degree N of the given function 8766047 Evaluates a Fourier series in the format computed by 8766048 Add c x i to f in K x 8766050 Subtract c x i from f in K x 8766066 Add dense polynomials in K x 8766067 Add dense polynomials in K X 8766068 Subtract dense polynomials in K x 8766069 Subtract dense polynomials in K X 8766074 Multiply dense polynomials in K x 8766075 Multiply dense polynomials in K X 8766076 Square dense polynomials in K x 8766077 Square dense polynomials in K X 8766080 Polynomial pseudo division in K x 8766081 Polynomial pseudo remainder in K x 8766084 Polynomial pseudo division in K X 8766085 Polynomial pseudo remainder in K X 8766088 Univariate division with remainder over a ring 8766089 Multivariate division with remainder over a ring 8766090 Polynomial division with remainder over a field 8766091 Polynomial division with remainder over a field 8766108 Returns a list of roots of a cubic polynomial 8766110 Returns a list of roots of a binomial polynomial 8766111 Returns a list of rational roots of a polynomial 8766112 Computes symbolic roots of a univariate polynomial 8766113 Returns all factors of a univariate polynomial 8766115 Find roots using functional decomposition 8766116 Find roots using formulas and some tricks 8766120 Unify representations of two GFP polynomials 8766235 Unify representations of two multivariate polynomials 8766313 Unify a multivariate fraction and a polynomial 8766314 Unify representations of two multivariate fractions 8766321 Add two multivariate fractions f and g 8766322 Subtract two multivariate fractions f and g 8766323 Multiply two multivariate fractions f and g 8766325 Computes quotient of fractions f and g 8766330 Unify representations of two algebraic numbers 8766379 Create K x polynomial from a dict 8766381 Create K X polynomial from a dict 8766396 Exclude useless levels from f 8766398 Convert f from K X Y to K X Y 8766399 Convert f from K X Y to K X Y 8766401 Remove GCD of terms from f in K X 8766404 Apply h to pairs of coefficients of f and g 8766405 Apply h to pairs of coefficients of f and g 8766417 Create GF p x polynomial from a dict 8766426 Add polynomials in GF p x 8766427 Subtract polynomials in GF p x 8766428 Multiply polynomials in GF p x 8766429 Square polynomials in GF p x 8766433 Division with remainder in GF p x 8766436 Computes exact quotient in GF p x 8766439 Computes f n in GF p x using repeated squaring 8766440 Computes f n in GF p x g using repeated squaring 8766442 Extended Euclidean Algorithm in GF p x 8766449 Compute polynomial trace map in GF p x f 8766452 Ben Or s polynomial irreducibility test over finite fields 8766453 Rabin s polynomial irreducibility test over finite fields 8766457 Returns square free decomposition of a GF p x polynomial 8766458 Calculate Berlekamp s Q matrix 8766459 Compute a basis of the kernel of Q 8766461 Cantor Zassenhaus Deterministic Distinct Degree Factorization 8766462 Cantor Zassenhaus Probabilistic Equal Degree Factorization 8766463 Kaltofen Shoup Deterministic Distinct Degree Factorization 8766464 Gathen Shoup Probabilistic Equal Degree Factorization 8766472 Fateman s GCD benchmark trivial GCD 8766473 Fateman s GCD benchmark trivial GCD 8766474 Fateman s GCD benchmark linearly dense quartic inputs 8766475 Fateman s GCD benchmark linearly dense quartic inputs 8766476 Fateman s GCD benchmark sparse inputs deg f vars f 8766477 Fateman s GCD benchmark sparse inputs deg f vars f 8766486 Low level implementation of Laguerre polynomials 8766492 Construct field isomorphism using PSLQ algorithm 8766493 Construct field isomorphism via factorization 8766496 Construct a new algebraic number 8766507 One step in Hensel lifting in Z x 8766508 Multifactor Hensel lifting in Z x 8766513 Factor square free non primitive polyomials in Z x 8766514 Factor non square free polynomials in Z x 8766517 Wang EEZ Compute correct leading coefficients 8766522 Factor non square free polynomials in Z X 8766523 Factor polynomials over algebraic number fields 8766524 Factor polynomials over algebraic number fields 8766526 Simplify factorization in Z X as much as possible 8766527 Factor polynomials into irreducibles in K X 8766655 Find closest rational to n d up to max denom 8766736 Convert a DMP object to dtype 8766879 Construct c b1 d b2 8766885 Recursively solves reduced polynomial systems 8766890 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 8766891 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 8766892 Given linear recurrence operator L of order k with polynomial 8766943 Handler for instances of Pow 8799090 Function to addROI at an event screen position 8799091 Add an ROI to the ViewBox 8799094 Copy current ROI Offset from original for visibility 8802230 Estimator Black box function that has a predict method 8804149 Create a tar file from all the files under base dir 8804259 verify that select on a channel works 8804441 turns a long int into a normalized byte string 8804684 Start the GSS API SSPI Authenticated Diffie Hellman Key Exchange 8804689 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS COMPLETE message client mode 8804690 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS INIT message server mode 8804696 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS INIT message server mode 8804699 Parse the SSH2 MSG KEXGSS COMPLETE message client mode 8804703 Read up to length bytes from this file starting at position 8804704 Write data into this file at position offset Extending the 8833025 draw a border for a n column layout 8833039 check if all available piles are full 8833041 get the piles which can accept another card 8834202 Creates a linear equation constraint i e destination scale source offset 8837230 Move the ball and change its settings 8837249 Display a msg a title and a set of buttons 8838471 start end are Point 8846611 Helper method for func exhale graph ExhaleRoot reparentAll Adds 8846682 Update leaf values of a data structure nested dictionaries and lists 8846739 Validate generated namespace rst listings are correct based on exclusions 8849417 Join one of the many distribution roles available 8849418 Leave a distribution role that is currently assigned to you 8851741 Ask a question to user 8851742 Handler for an exception inside the CallErrors exception 8861900 Validate a single transaction Used in various contexts so the 8861907 NamedTuple flavored serialization from JSON 8862091 Calculates a Swedish ID number checksum using the Luhn algorithm 8871338 add a single revision to an existing map 8871343 iterate revisions from upper to lower 8871410 Configure a class MigrationContext within this 8871422 Issue an alter column instruction using the 8872101 Returns ordered filtered and limited query 8873301 Create a new revision file 8884924 create directory structure for prepared images and chop each image 8884938 move co ordinates to fit box within image 8888242 merges corpora and computes probabilities 8888436 insert oid as filename into tree possibly including subdirectories 8888438 remove filename from tree recursivly removing empty subdirectories 8888439 Recurse through tree If filename is in tree returns tree entry 8888440 Convert list of operations into nested dictionaries of 8892103 Initialize the base class DynamicList object 8892120 Load the list of items from the item map 8892124 Custom virtual columns sorter 8892138 Delete files in the list control 8892139 Handle col right click 8892148 Display full file path in status bar on item mouseover 8892153 Open file s in editor 8892154 Copy the content time from the result list 8892155 Get selected files filtering out duplicates 8892156 Show context menu on right click 8892163 Get secondary sort values 8892164 Display full file path in status bar on item mouseover 8892169 Open file at in editor with optional line and column argument 8892170 Open file s in editor 8892171 Copy the content time from the result list 8892172 Get selected files filtering out duplicates 8892245 Load a previously selected choice to the TextCtrl on dismiss 8892249 Autocomplete on text change event 8892264 Select item and dismiss popup on return key 8892343 Create the taskbar for the application and register it 8892348 Call windows API to show notification 8892349 Display the taskbar icon 8892403 Execute the rummage command and gather results 8892407 Reset rummage arguments to defaults 8892408 Initialize the Rummage frame object 8892417 Refresh the regex module options 8892422 Initiate search or stop search depending on search state 8892425 Determine rumcore flags from RummageArgs 8892429 Set the search arguments 8892431 Check if updates to the result lists can be done 8892436 Validate regular expression compiling 8892440 On resize check if the client size changed between 8892501 Copy regex to parent Rummage Dialog search input 8892529 Handle idle events process progress 8892540 Add modify chain in list 8892597 Handle idle events process progress 8892612 Prompt with yes no type object 8892618 Setup the appropriate buttons for the dialog 8892855 Get the image as a PyEmbeddedImage 8892961 Tint the image and return a byte string 8893002 Prepare regex search pattern flags for regex module 8893003 Prepare regex search pattern flags for regex module 8893025 Initialize the file search object 8893026 Get context info for binary file 8893029 Get context info about the line 8893030 Get line number where result is found in file 8893032 Find all occurrences of search pattern in file 8893034 Update the file content 8893038 Search target file or buffer returning a generator of results 8893040 Compile or format the inclusion exclusion pattern 8893059 Walk through a given directory searching files via the provided pattern 8904432 If an active action adapter is renamed keep it active 8904442 expects value as csv text string stores as list of lists 8904453 generate fields on the fly also primes request with 8904490 Returns the mail body with footer 8905074 Init a Project object 8905092 Perform only the network IO portion of the sync process 8905093 Perform only the local IO portion of the sync process 8905099 Update dotgit to reference gitdir using symlinks where possible 8905660 Computes the modified n gram precision on a list of sentences 8905663 Computes BLEU on a corpus with multiple references using uniform 8909444 Create an Artificial Neural Network ANN 8909448 Returns the outputs from all layers from input to output 8909451 Calculate the derivatives of the error function Return a matrix 8909461 Calculates the second order derivatives using finite difference For each 8909470 Hellinger distance similarity measure 8909473 Plot the mean predicted values and 95 confidence interval two times 8909479 Principal Component Analysis PCA 8909485 Sample autocorrelation As used in statistics with normalization 8922890 Merge package content into the given root if not exists 8925124 Runs the compliation step before running any tests If this fails 8926749 Compute utility lists for non uniform sampling from discrete distributions 8926752 Simulate a random walk starting from start node 8926755 Preprocessing of transition probabilities for guiding the random walks 8926769 A distance metric between two probability distributions 8926771 A distance metric between bags of words representation 8926786 Get similarities of document query to all documents in the corpus 8926787 For each index document compute cosine similarity against all other 8926798 Merge another dictionary into this dictionary mapping same tokens to the 8926811 Save the object to file also see load 8927955 Run format code on a file 8927967 Run recursively run pyformat on directory of files 8952445 This function merges two given subarrays and counts 8952600 Mark fn for profiling 8952603 Wrap fn and print its execution time 8952622 Stop profiling and print profile information to sys stderr 8953074 overridden from install lib class 8953195 test base properties and method of a astng module 8953335 overridden from install lib class 8956742 Compute MFCC features from an audio signal 8956743 Compute Mel filterbank energy features from an audio signal 8956745 Compute Spectral Subband Centroid features from an audio signal 8956750 Frame a signal into overlapping frames 8956751 Does overlap add procedure to undo the action of framesig 8963067 Check if towns is a correct towns map in format of 8964105 trans set trans id item 8973170 Choose times and uncertainties and make radial velocity curves 8984061 Get a rotation matrix that aligns given vector upwards 8984074 Calculate the angle between the main faces 8984078 Create an Island from a single Face 8984084 Creace an UVFace from a Face and a fixed edge 8984096 Return a vector of a random vertex on a quad polygon 8984106 Divide the poly into the wanted number of polygons 8984107 Function to divide each of the selected polygons 8984109 function to generate the doodads 8984130 turn quads into triangles 8984155 name fpmodel fpl object g 8984162 find intersection point x for rail and post 8984184 End the current path and add its subpaths to art 8984291 Get one complete object starting at s i 8984328 Return a PolyArea representing a single subpath 8984331 Use even segment lengths to approximate a cubic bezier segment 8984335 Use successive bisection to approximate a cubic bezier segment 8984337 Approximate an elliptical arc with line segments according to options 8984338 Return angle between two vectors 8984350 Process a polygon SVG node updating art 8984355 Return a Subpath for a full ellipse 8984361 Parse an SVG paint definition and return our version of Paint 8984371 Parse an elliptical arc specification 8984380 return faces aloop bloop 8984381 iterate using a kdtree fr the branchpoints 8984382 only add idx if not edge prime 8984386 Make new geometry delete old first 8984425 item type float int list Vector list of Vector 8984429 snap to active selected visible snap to mesh bone 8985555 attempt to do some inference of types 8985558 enforces throttling of some action per user with defined limits 8986645 Generate the right click menu 8990566 Fills call queue with WorkItems from pending work items 8990569 Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance 8990573 Wait for the futures in the given sequence to complete 8990586 Returns an iterator equivalent to map fn iter 8990599 Backward compat for python2 7 8990620 Close all the file descriptors except those in keep fds 8990643 Test the recovery from callback crash 8990644 Errors in the callback execution directly in queue manager thread 8990648 Test reusable executor termination handling 8990650 Test reusable executor resizing 8990654 Test custom serialization for process executor 8990658 behavior of Process variables and functional connection objects 8990673 Return a context manager used by captured stdout stdin stderr 8993769 Retrieves entities from datastore by applying cursor pagination 8995993 Pack a raw WaveBird message given button states and axis values 9004536 Used to test let there be color 9004543 Return batches of images 9004549 Function removes files that are the oldest to release some space 9006918 simple command line entry point for executing flume programs 9006981 contextmanager to simply handle the redirection of stdout stderr and 9006984 A B B A 9006985 A B C A B C 9006993 A B B A 9006994 A B C A B C 9007002 A B B A 9007003 A B C A B C 9022977 Parse a sectioned configuration file 9032735 Returns the log joint distribution over legal labels and the datum 9032739 Initialize weights and bias with randomness 9032757 Outside shell to call your method Do not modify this method 9032758 This method solves the quadratic programming with the following form 9032759 Fill in this function 9032760 Classify the data based on the posterior distribution over labels 9032765 Outside shell to call your method 9032769 Fill in this function 9033275 Crop buttons based on Pillow s built in getbbox 9048451 Initialization of the Zoomify tile tree 9048459 Initialization of the input raster reprojection if necessary 9048463 For given dataset and query in cartographic coordinates 9048464 Scales down query dataset to the tile dataset 9048972 Permanently deletes all interfaces from a bridge 9048973 Applies supplied configuration to system 9048974 Applies running configuration to startup configuration 9049095 Partially ordered sort with multiple comparators 9056546 This behaves exactly like the signal decorator but notifies the 9056555 Invokes all the connected signal accumulating the result with 9068415 Copy filename lineno context followed by the current line or selected 9070465 Iterate through characters of the string 9070493 Iterate through characters of the string 9070496 Iterate through characters of the string 9070515 Uppercase or lowercase the next character 9070516 Using the template expand the string 9077648 Plots a route through the blueprint then does ztransforms 9077649 Performs ztransform repetitions given some ztransforms 2 d 9077658 A simple function to converts XML data into native Python object 9077660 Find the nearest plottable area corner from start 9077664 Apply the requested transformation to 2D lists a and possibly b 9077694 Applies aliases dict aliasname keystrokes to layers FileLayer 9077703 Break up lines into z layer subsets separated by or 9077714 Finds the largest areas that can currently be built from each 9079859 Calculates the periodic continued fraction for the square root of a 9079872 bron kerbosch algorithm This version looks for cliques of 9079892 Get the digits of a unit fraction 9079908 Patches namespace name with value for name value in values 9080375 Generates K training validation pairs from the items in X 9080403 Recursively walks directory d yielding files which satisfy filterfn 9080452 Find a cheap alignment of X and Y 9080456 Determine Pareto frontier returns list of sorted points 9080466 Numerically estimate the proximal operator Prox s f x 9080480 Compute the F1 measure on two bit vectors 9080481 Element wise relative difference of two arrays 9080491 Project point a to the probability simplex 9081047 Constructs a graph from the data dictionary using a config file 9081048 Adds the dataset metadata to the graph 9081050 Adds a set of observations to the RDF graph 9083810 Perform A search Return None if no path is found 9089160 Returns a list of equivalence pairs that handle spectral 9089162 Return the equivalency pairs for the radio convention for velocity 9089163 Return the equivalency pairs for the optical convention for velocity 9089164 Return the equivalency pairs for the relativistic convention for velocity 9089166 Returns a list of equivalence pairs that handle the conversion 9089167 Defines the conversion between Jy beam and brightness temperature 9089223 Given a list of sequences modules or dictionaries of units or 9089231 Factory function for defining new units 9089252 Returns True if this unit is equivalent to other 9089258 Return the simplest possible composite unit s that represent 9089259 Converts this unit into ones belonging to the given system 9089263 Return a list of registered units with the same physical type 9089288 Check inplace works with non quantity input and quantity output 9089289 Check that inplace operations check properly for casting 9089310 Test photon luminosity density conversions 9089312 Test using quantites with array values 9089318 Test Quantity insert method This does not test the full capabilities 9089327 Perform a more complicated test 9089331 Ensures we can convert from regular quantities 9089336 Check various LogUnit subclasses are equivalent and convertible 9089338 Check various LogUnit subclasses are equivalent and convertible 9089339 Check that multiplication division with other units is only 9089346 Check that multiplication division with other quantities is only 9089347 Check that raising LogQuantities to some power is only possible when 9089348 Check that addition subtraction with quantities with magnitude or 9089460 Use new instead of init to output a class instance that 9089462 Convert to potentially timezone aware datetime datetime object 9089465 Parse the time strings contained in val1 and set jd1 jd2 9089486 This is the key routine that actually does time scale conversions 9089502 Turn argmin argmax output into an advanced index 9089518 This is the key routine that actually does time scale conversions 9089533 Check models give different answers yet are close 9089554 Test that Time objects holding arrays are properly subscriptable 9089562 Test datetime format including guessing the format from the input type 9089593 Test using a callable method 9089596 Check time arithmetic as well as properly keeping track of whether 9089597 Check time arithmetic as well as properly keeping track of whether 9089602 T X dT None or T X Quantity time like 9089610 Check adding substracting comparing a time valued quantity works 9089644 An example function that will turn a nested dictionary of results 9089649 Fetch the item and do string interpolation 9089667 Change a keyname to another without changing position in sequence 9089678 Decode infile to unicode Using the specified encoding 9089701 Return numbers from inputs or raise VdtParamError 9089703 A check that tests that a given value is a float 9089706 Check that the value is a list of values 9089708 Check that the supplied value is a string 9089763 Transform values using this interval 9089778 Test interpolationolating saturated pixels 9089792 Draw the minor ticks 9089799 Set the location and properties of the ticks 9089815 Find the range of coordinates to use for ticks grids 9089816 Draw a curve taking into account discontinuities 9089823 Get a coordinate slice 9089826 Transform one set of coordinates to another 9089852 Reloads the value of this ConfigItem from the relevant 9089862 Returns a new NDData object whose values have been converted 9089863 Decorator to wrap functions that could accept an NDData instance with 9089872 Write CCDData object to FITS file 9089902 Downsample a data array by applying a function to local blocks 9089903 Upsample a data array by block replication 9089923 Extract 1 d arrays 9089924 Extract 1 d arrays 9089952 Test for the WCS test files that keyword removall works as 9089957 Calculate the resulting data 9089958 Calculate the resulting uncertainty 9089984 Two dimensional Gaussian function 9089985 Two dimensional Gaussian function derivative with respect to parameters 9090009 Two dimensional Ellipse model function 9090018 Two dimensional Box model function 9090020 One dimensional Trapezoid model function 9090022 Two dimensional Trapezoid Disk model function 9090027 Two dimensional Airy model function 9090030 One dimensional Moffat model derivative with respect to parameters 9090033 Two dimensional Moffat model derivative with respect to parameters 9090034 Two dimensional Sersic profile function 9090054 Wraps the method calculating the Jacobian of the function to account 9090059 Calculate blackbody flux per steradian math B nu T 9090099 Calculates the extent of a box encapsulating a rotated 2D ellipse 9090109 Evaluates a model on an input array Evaluation is limited to 9090118 Internal implementation of repr 9090143 Evaluate a model at fixed positions respecting the bounding box 9090150 Creates a new instance of cls that shares its underlying parameter 9090154 Implementation of the Model param sets property 9090170 Computes the Vandermonde matrix 9090171 Evaluates the polynomial using Clenshaw s algorithm 9090172 Computes the Vandermonde matrix 9090173 Calculate the individual Hermite functions once and store them in a 9090174 Derivatives with respect to the coefficients 9090175 Derivative of 1D Hermite series 9090176 Computes the Vandermonde matrix 9090178 Computes the Vandermonde matrix 9090179 Multivariate Horner s scheme 9090180 Calculate the individual Chebyshev functions once and store them in a 9090181 Derivatives with respect to the coefficients 9090182 Derivative of 1D Chebyshev series 9090183 Calculate the individual Legendre functions once and store them in a 9090184 Derivatives with respect to the coefficients 9090185 Derivative of 1D Legendre polynomial 9090208 Rotate x y about angle 9090210 Test evaluating a subexpression from an expression tree 9090211 Test bounding box evaluation for a 3D model 9090215 Test the option to evaluate a model respecting 9090222 Test bounding box evaluation 9090223 Test if the parametric model works with the fitter 9090227 Test bounding box evaluation 9090228 Test if the parametric model works with the fitter 9090232 Test forward and inverse SIP againts astropy wcs 9090233 A few tests that degree 0 polynomials are correctly evaluated and 9090240 Proceed if the data has units but the model doesn t 9090256 Create 2 gaussian models and some data with noise 9090258 Tests the fitting routine with similar procedure 9090260 Tests fitting multiple models simultaneously 9090261 Tests fitted multiple 2 D models simultaneously 9090263 Tests fitting a polynomial model set with a fixed parameter 6135 9090264 Tests fitting a 2d polynomial model set with fixed parameters 6135 9090267 Tests results from LevMarLSQFitter against scipy optimize leastsq 9090268 Tests results from LevMarLSQFitter with weights 9090271 A basic test for the SimplexLSQ fitter 9090278 1 set 1D x 2 sets 1D y 2 param sets 9090293 Polynomial evaluation of multiple data sets with different domain 9090319 Check astropy model eval against wcslib eval 9090321 Check astropy model eval against wcslib eval 9090323 Regression test for https github com astropy astropy issues 2396 9090325 Regression test for https github com astropy astropy issues 2400 9090330 A simple example consisting of two rotations 9090339 Tests a couple basic examples of the Mapping model specifically examples 9090345 Ensure that the standard broadcasting flag is properly propagated when 9090363 Test if the parameter arithmetic operators work 9090365 Unit tests for parameters 9090380 Test multiple parameter model with array valued parameters of the same 9090385 Test setting a custom inverse on a model 9090388 Tests against all Euler sequences 9090457 Calculate sigma clipped statistics on the provided data 9090458 Perform sigma clip by comparing the data to the minimum and 9090459 Perform sigma clipping on the provided data 9090464 Performs the Rayleigh test of uniformity 9090465 Performs the Rayleigh test of uniformity where the alternative 9090467 Compute the biweight location 9090469 Compute the biweight midvariance 9090470 Compute the biweight midcovariance between pairs of multiple 9090473 Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous 9090478 Performs bootstrap resampling on numpy arrays 9090479 Upper limit on a poisson count rate 9090480 Upper limit on a poisson count rate 9090486 Return the optimal histogram bin width using the Freedman Diaconis rule 9090489 Evaluate the Knuth function 9090494 Fit the Bayesian Blocks model given the specified fitness function 9090505 Determine a suitable frequency grid for data 9090506 Compute Lomb Scargle power at automatically determined frequencies 9090507 Compute the Lomb Scargle power at the given frequencies 9090510 Compute the Lomb Scargle design matrix at the given frequency 9090511 Compute the Lomb Scargle model fit at a given frequency 9090518 Extirpolate the values x y onto an integer grid range N 9090519 Compute approximate trigonometric sums for a number of frequencies 9090523 Generate some data for testing 9090528 Test list data with input mask or mask value 3268 9090536 Test a 2D array with the axis keyword 9090537 Test a 3D array with the axis keyword 9090538 Test a 2D array with the axis keyword 9090539 Test a 3D array with the axis keyword 9090545 This test is from 9090571 Angular separation between two points on a sphere 9090582 hms sign UINT HOUR 9090583 dms sign UINT DEGREE 9090619 Generates and returns the CompositeTransform for a transformation 9090623 Converts this transform graph into a networkx graph 9090640 Create a new instance applying a method to the underlying data 9090642 Transform this coordinate to a new frame 9090662 Combine components x y z into a single Quantity array 9090712 Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian 9090718 Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian 9090733 Combine two differentials or a differential with a representation 9090738 Combine two differentials or a differential with a representation 9090742 Combine two differentials or a differential with a representation 9090745 Location on Earth initialized from geodetic coordinates 9090752 Convert to geodetic coordinates 9090769 Calculate the barycentric position and velocity of a solar system body 9090772 Calculate the apparent position of body body relative to Earth 9090787 Generate matrices for rotation by some angle around some axis 9090788 Angle of rotation and rotation axis for a given rotation matrix 9090808 Checks that the input is a CartesianRepresentation with the correct 9090822 Computes the precession matrix from one Besselian epoch to another using 9090824 Computes nutation components following the IAU 2000B specification 9090826 Test positions against those generated by skyfield 9090833 Gets the barycentric correction of the test data from the 9090842 When initializing from an existing coord the representation attrs like 9090846 Tests miscellaneous operations like len 9090852 Tests positional inputs using components COMP1 COMP2 COMP3 9090853 Tests positional inputs using components COMP1 COMP2 for spherical 9090854 Tests positional inputs using components COMP1 COMP2 COMP3 9090855 Tests positional inputs using components COMP1 COMP2 for spherical 9090857 Test the search around methods 9090864 Issue https github com astropy astropy issues 3920 9090867 Issue https github com astropy astropy issues 4033 9090878 Ensures that FK4 and FK5 coordinates precess their equinoxes 9090880 Check Galactic Supergalactic and Galactic ICRS conversion 9090884 Tests functionality for Coordinate class distances and cartesian 9090886 test that distance behaves like a proper quantity 9090892 Test passing in an explicit differential class to the initializer or 9090894 Test the full transform from ICRS AltAz 9090897 Check a few cases of ICRS CIRS for consistency 9090898 Check ICRS GCRS for consistency 9090899 Check that with and without distance give different ICRS GCRS answers 9090901 Check basic GCRS ITRS transforms for round tripping 9090903 Check GCRS CIRS transforms for round tripping More complicated than the 9090914 Tests GCRS self transform for objects which are nearby and thus 9090915 We test that using different ephemerides gives very similar results 9090919 Tests operations on Angle objects 9090932 Test angular separation functionality 9090951 Test creating coordinates from arrays 9090952 Test creating coordinates from arrays and distances 9090961 Check input is parsed correctly 9090962 Check invalid input raises exception 9090963 Test that different ellipsoids are understood and differ 9090964 Tests the class based OO syntax for creating transforms 9090965 Tests the decorator syntax for creating transforms 9090966 Tests the spherical cartesian transform functions 9090976 Test that transforms to from ecliptic coordinates work on array coordinates 9090989 Return the e terms of aberation vector 9090993 Use the inverse argument to get the inverse transformation matrix and 9091004 Get barycentric position and velocity and heliocentric position of Earth 9091046 Returns a wrapped function that displays an 9091048 Utility function for wraps 9091066 Accepts a URL downloads and optionally caches the result 9091068 Downloads multiple files in parallel from the given URLs Blocks until 9091074 Decorator to time a function or method 9091083 Set the current science state value 9091088 Determines the module package from which this function is called 9091089 Returns all the public attributes of a module referenced by name 9091097 Prints colors and styles to the terminal uses ANSI escape 9091106 Does a map operation while displaying a progress bar with 9091120 Given a sliced object modify its indices 9091121 Utility method to merge and validate the attributes attrs for the 9091146 Fills call queue with WorkItems from pending work items 9091147 Manages the communication between this process and the worker processes 9091148 Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance 9091150 Wait for the futures in the given sequence to complete 9091163 Returns a iterator equivalent to map fn iter 9091254 Test that open by default reads a finals2000A all file 9091255 Mixin safe version of Column copy with copy data True 9091257 Return a copy of the current instance 9091300 Return rows whose keys have a prefix in the given range 9091310 Convert the input rows to the sliced coordinate system 9091315 Retrieve an item from the list of indices 9091325 Find values in the given range 9091329 Replace all rows with the values they map to in the 9091337 Stack tables vertically along rows 9091338 Stack tables along columns horizontally 9091348 Return a wrapped auto format func function which is used in 9091349 Format val according to format for a plain format specifier 9091359 This is the same code as BaseRepresenter represent sequence 9091369 Get groups for column on specified keys 9091377 Add a key data pair 9091386 Remove data corresponding to the given key 9091395 Remove data from the given key 9091403 Replace rows with the values in row map 9091420 Initialize table from an ndarray structured array 9091424 Initialize table from a list of Column or mixin objects 9091425 Create a new table as a referenced slice from self 9091443 Remove rows from the table 9091446 Convert string like columns to from bytestring and unicode internal only 9091454 Sort the table according to one or more keys This operates 9091461 Create a Table from a class pandas DataFrame instance 9091522 Test that a table round trips from QTable Table QTable 9091570 Test that comparing a bytestring Column MaskedColumn with various 9091571 Test the fix for 6839 from 6899 9091598 Test initialisation with lists tuples dicts of arrays 9091616 Test whether a new Table inherits the primary key attribute from 9091638 Test for https github com astropy astropy pull 4080 demonstrating 9091647 Wrapper for ERFA function eraCal2jd 9091648 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEpb 9091649 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEpb2jd 9091650 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEpj 9091651 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEpj2jd 9091652 Wrapper for ERFA function eraJd2cal 9091653 Wrapper for ERFA function eraJdcalf 9091654 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAb 9091655 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApcg 9091656 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApcg13 9091657 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApci 9091658 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApci13 9091659 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApco 9091660 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApco13 9091661 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApcs 9091662 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApcs13 9091663 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAper 9091664 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAper13 9091665 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApio 9091666 Wrapper for ERFA function eraApio13 9091667 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtci13 9091668 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtciq 9091669 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtciqn 9091670 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtciqz 9091672 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtic13 9091673 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAticq 9091674 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAticqn 9091675 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtio13 9091676 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtioq 9091677 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtoc13 9091678 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtoi13 9091679 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAtoiq 9091680 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLd 9091681 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLdn 9091682 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLdsun 9091683 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPmpx 9091685 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPvtob 9091686 Wrapper for ERFA function eraRefco 9091687 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEpv00 9091688 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPlan94 9091689 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFad03 9091690 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFae03 9091691 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFaf03 9091692 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFaju03 9091693 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFal03 9091694 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFalp03 9091695 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFama03 9091696 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFame03 9091697 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFane03 9091698 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFaom03 9091699 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFapa03 9091700 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFasa03 9091701 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFaur03 9091702 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFave03 9091703 Wrapper for ERFA function eraBi00 9091704 Wrapper for ERFA function eraBp00 9091705 Wrapper for ERFA function eraBp06 9091706 Wrapper for ERFA function eraBpn2xy 9091707 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2i00a 9091708 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2i00b 9091709 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2i06a 9091710 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2ibpn 9091711 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2ixy 9091712 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2ixys 9091713 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2t00a 9091714 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2t00b 9091715 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2t06a 9091716 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2tcio 9091717 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2teqx 9091718 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2tpe 9091719 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2txy 9091720 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEo06a 9091721 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEors 9091722 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFw2m 9091723 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFw2xy 9091724 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLtp 9091725 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLtpb 9091726 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLtpecl 9091727 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLtpequ 9091728 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNum00a 9091729 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNum00b 9091730 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNum06a 9091731 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNumat 9091732 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNut00a 9091733 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNut00b 9091734 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNut06a 9091735 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNut80 9091736 Wrapper for ERFA function eraNutm80 9091737 Wrapper for ERFA function eraObl06 9091738 Wrapper for ERFA function eraObl80 9091740 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPb06 9091741 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPfw06 9091742 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPmat00 9091743 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPmat06 9091744 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPmat76 9091745 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPn00 9091748 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPn06 9091750 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPnm00a 9091751 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPnm00b 9091752 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPnm06a 9091753 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPnm80 9091754 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPom00 9091755 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPr00 9091756 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPrec76 9091757 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS00 9091758 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS00a 9091759 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS00b 9091760 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS06 9091761 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS06a 9091762 Wrapper for ERFA function eraSp00 9091763 Wrapper for ERFA function eraXy06 9091764 Wrapper for ERFA function eraXys00a 9091765 Wrapper for ERFA function eraXys00b 9091766 Wrapper for ERFA function eraXys06a 9091767 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEe00 9091768 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEe00a 9091769 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEe00b 9091770 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEe06a 9091771 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEect00 9091772 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEqeq94 9091773 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEra00 9091774 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGmst00 9091775 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGmst06 9091776 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGmst82 9091777 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGst00a 9091778 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGst00b 9091779 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGst06 9091780 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGst06a 9091781 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGst94 9091782 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPvstar 9091783 Wrapper for ERFA function eraStarpv 9091784 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFk52h 9091785 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFk5hip 9091786 Wrapper for ERFA function eraFk5hz 9091788 Wrapper for ERFA function eraHfk5z 9091790 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEceq06 9091791 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEcm06 9091792 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEqec06 9091793 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLteceq 9091794 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLtecm 9091795 Wrapper for ERFA function eraLteqec 9091796 Wrapper for ERFA function eraG2icrs 9091797 Wrapper for ERFA function eraIcrs2g 9091798 Wrapper for ERFA function eraEform 9091799 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGc2gd 9091800 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGc2gde 9091801 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGd2gc 9091802 Wrapper for ERFA function eraGd2gce 9091803 Wrapper for ERFA function eraD2dtf 9091804 Wrapper for ERFA function eraDat 9091805 Wrapper for ERFA function eraDtdb 9091806 Wrapper for ERFA function eraDtf2d 9091807 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTaitt 9091808 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTaiut1 9091809 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTaiutc 9091810 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTcbtdb 9091811 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTcgtt 9091812 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTdbtcb 9091813 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTdbtt 9091814 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTttai 9091815 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTttcg 9091816 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTttdb 9091817 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTtut1 9091818 Wrapper for ERFA function eraUt1tai 9091819 Wrapper for ERFA function eraUt1tt 9091820 Wrapper for ERFA function eraUt1utc 9091821 Wrapper for ERFA function eraUtctai 9091822 Wrapper for ERFA function eraUtcut1 9091823 Wrapper for ERFA function eraA2af 9091824 Wrapper for ERFA function eraA2tf 9091825 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAf2a 9091826 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAnp 9091827 Wrapper for ERFA function eraAnpm 9091828 Wrapper for ERFA function eraD2tf 9091829 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTf2a 9091830 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTf2d 9091831 Wrapper for ERFA function eraRxp 9091832 Wrapper for ERFA function eraRxpv 9091833 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTrxp 9091834 Wrapper for ERFA function eraTrxpv 9091835 Wrapper for ERFA function eraC2s 9091836 Wrapper for ERFA function eraP2s 9091837 Wrapper for ERFA function eraPv2s 9091838 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS2c 9091839 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS2p 9091840 Wrapper for ERFA function eraS2pv 9091971 Convert this VO Table to an astropy table Table instance 9091972 Create a Table instance from a given astropy table Table 9092052 Wrap the X format column Boolean array into an UInt8 array 9092073 Construct a Column by specifying attributes All attributes 9092099 Read a Table object from an FITS file 9092110 The meat of Header fromfile in a separate method so that 9092129 Update the Header with new keyword values updating the values of 9092149 Used to implement Header setitem and CardAccessor setitem 9092153 Helper for implementing setitem on CardAccessor subclasses slices 9092211 Iterate the nested structure as a list of strings with appropriate 9092222 See FITSDiff for explanations of the initialization parameters 9092226 See FITSDiff for explanations of the initialization parameters 9092244 A view of a Column s data as an array 9092258 Similar to file read but returns the contents of the underlying 9092269 Prints FITS header s in a machine readable table format 9092286 Test basic functionality of tables with columns containing 9092314 Regression test for https github com astropy astropy issues 5969 9092425 Tests basic slicing a single group record 9092483 Test for https aeon stsci edu ssb trac pyfits ticket 152 9092490 Test files that have some identical HDUs but a different extension 9092491 Test files that have some identical HDUs but one different HDU 9092584 Regression test for https github com astropy astropy issues 2356 9092600 Provides the bulk of the internal implementation for readfrom and 9092626 Translated from FITS Checksum Proposal by Seaman Pence and Rots 9092628 Encodes the checksum value using the algorithm described 9092634 Update the table header header to the compressed 9092666 Get the group parameter value 9092670 Get the group parameter values 9092674 Basically copy pasted from ImageBaseHDU writedata internal but 9092678 Get an HDU from the HDUList indexed by number or name 9092685 Insert an HDU into the HDUList at the given index 9092708 Get the table data from an input HDU object 9092717 Update the header when one of the column objects is updated 9092722 Calculate the value for the DATASUM card given the input data 9092743 Initialize the header Column objects from the table lines 9092756 Write table as list of strings 9092766 Process the data in multidimensional columns 9092768 Set columns from header names handling multicolumns appropriately 9092782 Write the input table to filename Most of the default behavior 9092789 Apply names include names and exclude names to a table 9092801 Return an iterator over the table lines where each iterator output 9092813 Replace string values in col str vals 9092822 Write table as list of strings 9092828 Search lines for special continuation character to determine number of 9093011 Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents 9093012 Pickle an object to a specified file 9093024 Tests the fnpickle and fnupickle functions ability to pickle 9093039 Mass of neutrino species 9093057 Neutrino density function relative to the energy density in 9093060 Function used to calculate H z the Hubble parameter 9093081 Comoving volume in cubic Mpc at redshift z 9093089 Function used to calculate H z the Hubble parameter 9093090 Function used to calculate math frac 1 H z 9093096 Function used to calculate H z the Hubble parameter 9093097 Function used to calculate math frac 1 H z 9093098 Function used to calculate H z the Hubble parameter 9093099 Function used to calculate math frac 1 H z 9093115 Test if the right units are being returned 9093116 Test array shape broadcasting for functions with single 9093121 Tests if setting params to 0s always respects that 9093122 Tests a few varying dark energy EOS models against a mathematica 9093124 Test that efunc and inv efunc give inverse values 9093126 Test against the tabulated values generated from icosmo org 9093127 Calculate values from a known redshift and then check that 9093135 Calculates the footprint of the image on the sky 9093136 Create a distortion paper type lookup table for detector to 9093293 Expand catalog db to a list of catalogs 9093328 Valid coordinates should not raise an error 9093366 Add two 1D kernel arrays of different size 9093367 Add two 2D kernel arrays of different size 9093372 Discretize model by performing a bilinear interpolation 9093374 Discretize model by taking the average on an oversampled grid 9093376 Discretize model by integrating the model over the pixel 9093418 Check that if normalize kernel is False then the normalization 9093425 Test GaussianKernel against SciPy ndimage gaussian filter 9093449 Check if adding of two 1D kernels works 9093450 Check if adding of two 1D kernels works 9093465 test that a convolve model can be fitted 9109862 Figure out whether to show this week or next week 9130964 Central connection where all the lines generated are unified 9132252 Gets the next man on duty 9147117 Create an intent type for a given set of arguments 9151596 We iterate through the categories in our classifier 9151605 Prepares instance variables associated with a query and it s results 9151608 Using the existing node strengths as well as the selected target 9151610 Updates database with new node strengths 9151628 Created a distributed probability graph 9151630 Divides the data into classes according to their match 9151635 Loads the extended data set and formats the data to something 9151638 Nonlinear classifier Calculates the rbf between the point 9165106 Should update your weights based on transition 9165120 Your value iteration agent should take an mdp on 9165141 Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first 9165142 Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first 9165143 Search the node of least total cost first 9165164 Your extreme ghost hunting pellet nabbing food gobbling unstoppable 9165166 Design a better evaluation function here 9167577 Classifies list elements into categories Number Variable etc 9170195 Creates a new PygcurseSurface object 9181257 Predict from the inputs the state of the system 9182457 Frame a signal into overlapping frames 9182458 Does overlap add procedure to undo the action of framesig 9182463 Compute delta features from a feature vector sequence 9182465 Compute Mel filterbank energy features from an audio signal 9182469 Compute MFCC features from an audio signal 9182472 Compute log Mel filterbank energy features from an audio signal 9201748 Determines if string is valid Python identifier using the ast module 9201756 remove jinja2 template tags from a string 9201779 Manipulate IPv4 IPv6 subnets 9214220 Allocate a LeNetConvPoolLayer with shared variable internal parameters 9214228 type output dist Distribution 9214245 Return the next batch size examples from this data set 9214337 Implicitly saves settings as a global fake dict 9214368 Draw the area and predict the collision inside 9215275 Add an argument to the graph 9223965 Returns a numpy array of weights vocab size word dim 9234192 Computes the precision k for the specified values of k 9240126 get the permutation of specified range 9240672 Eval CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 9240675 Taken from https gist github com kukuruza 03731dc494603ceab0c5 9240678 Train CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 9241863 Executes principal component analysis on data 9241876 Executes the non optimized meanshift 9241878 Executes the optimized meanshift algorithm on the passed image data 9241879 Preprocesses the image and executes meanshift 9243837 A pos equal to self with interval semitone added 9243840 Poss a set of pos 9243854 return the set of note i e no repetition 9243869 Add the chord to this set considering pattern name and kind 9243876 Whether self is worse than other 9247056 Suggest terms that would possibly yield more relevant results 9258132 Create a typecheck from some value t This behaves differently 9281971 Retrieve a list of recent donations 9281972 Retrieves a list of donators sorted by total donation amount 9287220 Test the make ready all method 9287225 Test when a task has been executed 9287250 Test fetching the unignored source list 9287303 Expand a single token as necessary appending the 9287331 Test execution of command Actions 9287340 Test contents of a CommandGeneratorAction generated FunctionAction 9287341 Test creation of a function Action 9287361 Test calling whatever s returned from an ActionFactory 9287426 Test the CacheRetrieve function 9287427 Test the CacheRetrieveSilent function 9287430 Test handling no strfunction for an action 9287446 This prepends newpath elements to the given oldpath Will only 9287447 This appends new path elements to the given old path Will 9287474 Test use of the current file attribute 9287477 Calling a Memoized dict method 9287478 Calling a Memoized value method 9287504 Test the print tree function 9287507 Test generic Proxy class 9287545 Test Builder with single source flag set 9287615 Append values to existing construction variables 9287642 returns a list of all source files 9287690 Test the arg2nodes method 9287814 Start the job This will begin pulling tasks from the taskmaster 9287842 Tries to build the given nodes immediately Returns 1 on success 9287883 Test the Tool function 9287913 Add dialect specific construction variables 9288010 Emitter function for POTUpdate builder 9288137 Compiles the tagset and returns a str containing the result 9288183 This method scans a single object node is the node 9288266 Update an environment with the option variables 9288350 Test fetching the source scanner for a Node 9288353 Test fetching the non ignored children of a Node 9288354 Test fetching all the children of a Node 9288407 Fetch a node s build information 9288500 Locate the directory of a given python module name 9288701 Performs an individual run of the default SCons invocations 9289047 Helper function for convertElementTree 9289048 Convert the given tree of etree Element 9289734 minimal possible weight difference between stone piles 9327626 Prepocita denormalizovane statisticke udaje o hernach v obci 9327656 Pridame pres klasicky formik stejny zaznam o obci vedouci na totozne 9327687 Projede obsah adresare KML OUTPUT DIR vyparsuje z kazdeho KML souboru 9329384 Decorator to add caching with support for ETag and Last modified 9329411 Handle a login request 9329434 Given a username email address and password register a new 9329451 This method creates a new django User and ClientCertificate record 9349131 Attach one or more events to the bot instance 9349132 Detach one or more events from the bot instance 9349231 update list on new nick 9351440 Do a generic request 9357708 Send push notification to single or multiple recipients 9358563 Returns pairs of atoms which are within close contac distance cutoff 9358564 Returns pairs of acceptor donor atoms which meet H bond criteria 9358566 Returns pairs of acceptor halogen atoms which meet halogen bond criteria 9358568 Returns pairs of rings which meet pi stacking criteria 9358584 shape shape of a NN given as a tuple 9407819 Sets the status led to blink in the given color 9407822 Updates the status LED to match the given state 9449560 Computes logistic regression cost and gradient of cost using theta 9449561 Computes linear regression cost and gradient of cost using theta 9449563 cost function for linear regression to be used 9453551 Make sure existing limit choices to are taken into consideration 9453552 Generate the accessors for this model by recursively generating its 9453776 Gather all transactions for the given account from Coinbase Calculate 9467726 Make sure the data will fit in our fields 9469257 Parse text as a Location 9469288 Parse line as a Message 9469304 Split line at separators kept at the end of each lines 9469305 Split line at operators kept at the start of each lines 9469306 Split line with indent on next level 9469307 Split and indent lines to fit max width 9469389 Collect defs their stamp name sort and type 9469416 Yield variables from pattern 9469419 Parsed and merged locs at node 9469425 Next locs and nodes 9469502 T FLOAT T INT 9476754 Initialize a rbm object 9478770 Mixed in class decorator 9478790 Take the average of gradients across devices 9478864 Processes and saves list of images as TFRecord in 1 thread 9478870 Returns layers to be shared by the variational autoencoder This 9487415 Defines the implementation for hash based symetric encryption Note that 9487432 feature with version feature FORWARDSLASH version 9487445 Yield prime integers using the Croft Spiral sieve 9487447 This is a really simple method for finding primes 9492561 Update multiple rows in a single table 9492725 Recursively finds differences in dicts 9492880 Calculates the next possible time to run an iteration based off 9494596 Identify sets of values to use in INSERT statements for a 9494881 Sends PreparedRequest object Returns Response object 9494931 Receives a Response Returns a generator of Responses 9495141 Initialize WSGI Server instance 9495189 Read a single line from rfile buffer and return it 9495203 Read a chunk from rfile buffer and return it 9495204 Read a single line from rfile buffer and return it 9495253 Wrap and return the given socket plus WSGI environ entries 9495296 Start cherryd in a subprocess 9495302 Convert data structure into a list of etree Element 9495303 Convert etree Element into a dictionary 9495304 Convert etree Element into a dictionary 9495314 Load all parsers from hachoir parser module 9495352 Build a Huffman tree from a list of lengths 9495354 Generate whole regex merging all string and regex patterns 9495359 parseRepeat a 0 1 b 2 9495377 Try to find a common prefix of two string regex returns 9495379 Add a value in a RegexRangeItem list 9495381 createRange a createRange b 9495386 RegexString abc RegexString 123 RegexString plop RegexString 456 9495409 Create a generator to iterate on each field may create new 9495413 Can only write in existing fields address self current size 9495425 Search some bytes in start address end address Addresses must 9495426 Setup search tool parameter 9495428 Search all subfiles in the stream call processParser for each parser 9495439 Scroll view so that start end is in view 9495495 Convert a raw data type bytes into a long integer 9495516 key is the name of the field before which new fields 9495519 Create a weak reference to an editable field EditableField for the 9495529 Convert metadata to python Dictionary and skip datas 9495544 Subscribe all engine plugins and start the engine 9495580 Read application x www form urlencoded data into entity params 9495635 A decorator for cp dispatch 9495671 Return output of all subscribers for the given channel 9495767 Parse a query given as a string argument 9495819 Iterate through config and pass it to each namespace handler 9495826 Workaround for python 3 5 ast Call signature docs found here 9495947 Start cherryd in a subprocess 9496216 Parse an torrent id or torrent hashString 9496340 The constructor for the class 9498937 Test all unauthenticated interactions with the Submissions endpoint 9498938 Test all authenticated interactions with the Submissions endpoint 9540396 Carry out any replacements that were attached to the 9540568 leak addr n str 9540598 Instantiates an object which can resolve symbols in a running binary 9540619 dump libs False readonly False 9540667 Merge consecutive atoms based on size 9540819 Explicitly set sp by using a leave ret gadget 9540838 local kwargs context manager 9540902 Downloads a file from the remote server 9541030 from os path import exists 9541037 search needle writable False generator 9541129 Create dictionaries over register sizes and relations 9541131 de bruijn alphabet None n None generator 9541198 pidof target int list 9541199 pid by name name int list 9541225 findall l e l 9541229 make packer word size None endianness None sign None number str 9546478 set bit number bitno to true 9546479 clear bit number bitno set it to false 9546482 set bit number bitno to true 9546483 clear bit number bitno set it to false 9555114 Display a dialog window with the given message 9569483 tests creation and removal of a backend via dbus 9571268 Render as a colour bar with a white border 9571275 Yield hexagon grid coords for hexagons near point x y 9571276 solve P0 m v0 P1 n v1 9599377 Convert to a default datetime on egress from the DB 9600919 Run checks on the class whose UID is C doc 9600921 Run checks on the function whose UID is C doc 9607088 Search game to determine best action use alpha beta pruning 9607089 Search game to determine best action use alpha beta pruning 9607106 returns true if state is a goal state 9607144 Update a state by carrying out the given move 9608908 Test TCP set flags 9608913 Test manipulation with VLAN tags 9608925 Test WPA2Data PN0 to PN5 getter and setter methods 9608939 Test WPAData TSC0 to TSC5 getter and setter methods 9608955 Test Management Reassociation Response Supported rates getter setter methods 9608970 Test Management supported rates getter setter methods 9608999 Test WEPData ICV getter and setter methods 9609014 Test Management Ressociation Request Supported rates getter setter methods 9609034 Test Management supported rates getter setter methods 9609055 Test Management Association Response Supported rates getter setter methods 9609071 Test Management supported rates getter setter methods 9609073 ProtocolPacket Initial size getters test 9609075 ProtocolPacket size getters hierarchical update test 9609079 Test RadioTap frame sizes 9609085 Test RadioTap unset field 9609086 Test RadioTap flags getter setter 9609087 Test RadioTap rate getter setter 9609088 Test RadioTap channel getter setter 9609089 Test RadioTap FHSS getter setter 9609090 Test RadioTap dBm Antenna Signal getter setter 9609091 Test RadioTap dBm Antenna Noise getter setter 9609096 Test RadioTap Antenna getter setter 9609097 Test RadioTap dB Antenna Signal getter setter 9609098 Test RadioTap dB Antenna Noise getter setter 9609099 Test RadioTap FCS in header getter setter 9609102 Test RadioTap xchannel getter setter 9609149 Convenience method to create a new Enum class 9609241 Assume a square field 9609243 Unit unit interaction method combining a separation force and velocity 9609266 Find a new position for the player 9615112 Generate pages that are in the recent changes list including duplicates 9615168 Generate pages that result from the given SPARQL query 9619389 Example Eric owes Kristi 100 9619747 Convert given internal object instance into representation dict 9619748 Convert given representation dict into internal object 9619749 Validate given internal object returned by to representation 9619800 Require all defined parameters from request query string 9658894 Start processing of incoming requests 9659157 Matches the chains of two different structures using 9670525 Returns the complete amazon hierarchy given in a list of graphs 9670541 Ensure nested groutine 2 or more gyield works 9670542 Ensure nested groutine 2 or more yield works 9670550 A decorator that makes a function asynchronous and returns the result 9670552 This is functionally equivalent to the yield statements used in a 9675554 Test the add component method 9675555 Test the remove component method 9675556 Test the delegate method 9675557 Test the getattr method 9675559 Test the interface functionality 9675569 Test the wrap decorator 9675583 Test the release method 9675613 Test the detach method 9678390 exchanging integral order Works in this way 9678391 Trick to maximally pull out constant elements and summation from the 9678392 Trick to push every factors into integrand or summand 9678393 replace powers of an Integral integer order with multiple integral 9678394 replace powers of Sum integer order with multiple Sum 9678395 Look for Integral of the form exp I k x dx 9678396 Traverse and exressions tree or list thereof and conditionally apply a 9678397 Simplify an expression containing operators 9678404 Drop terms contaning factors in the list e drops 9678408 Perform a unitary transformation 9678409 Apply an unitary basis transformation to the Hamiltonian H 9678418 Perform a unitary transformation 9678419 Apply an unitary basis transformation to the Hamiltonian H 9678469 Plots multiple images side by side for comparison 9678474 Extract all the glyphs in a column 9678475 Combines a list of words containing glyphs into one square ndarray 9678476 Plots multiple images side by side for comparison 9698394 Name refers to the string identifier for this sensor plot 9706400 This function takes care of the integration of Imsigma over 9711834 Brutal force this could be smarter 9711837 Run tests Clears the model first 9718294 Retrieve the values of a number of records starting 9718326 Return a dictionary describing all the file datasets 9718350 Return a dictionary describing every dataset dimension 9719057 writes the orbit out file 9732004 Returns a list of all files specified 9733267 colorize a ray by linear interpolation 9741583 Defines the PatchGAN discriminator with the specified arguments 9741584 Build layers from the bottom up 9742536 AAfilledRoundedRect surface rect color radius 0 4 9756240 Improves the given assignment with household allocation 9758684 This takes the mask image and returns an array 9782493 keedi keyboard usage stats for words 9788848 Returns 0 if benchmark expects all verification tasks to be correct 9789460 Split the strength section into 2 sections announcements and the actual 9789462 EBCF uses PHP style query args that support nested dictionaries 9789627 Devuelve la URL para descargar un BORME 9789635 Descarga las urls a path indicado versi n multihilo 9789650 Genera BORME JSON a partir del archivo PDF 9789669 Crop file according to BORME PDF format 9789671 Parse file according to BORME PDF format 9802853 fit a circle to data returns x y radius 9802854 makes polar histogram plot returns wrapped data n bins binCenters axes 9844955 returns state prediction or state loss depending on train 9845874 f can be a filename str or a file object 9850042 A square hermitan matrix 9850687 Return generator of fields matching searches 9850688 Return fields that match searches 9855445 Abstract method to loop over some data in batches 9895751 expects command to run and optionally a timeout in seconds 9902311 Construct a 3D parametric surface 9902312 Spiral the shape specified by points around the z axis 9902313 Make a tube along the curve specified by xyz 9902315 Chamfer the top with a 30 degree chamfer 9902316 Taper the top starts 9905416 Performs all of the logic 9928932 Generates a random instance of the DICP 9929605 Draw the given channel on the backbuffer 9929606 Draw a grid to the given drawable at the given size 9929627 Creates a window containing a GraphUI widget 9929644 Draw grid lines on our backing store using the current gridPhase 9929649 Draw a grid to the given drawable at the given size 9933691 K Nearest Neighbors algorithm 9933697 calculate information gain for data set and specific entry 9933699 create a decision tree branch 9933702 generating some groups of points 9933704 return some demo clustered points and a specific unclustered point 9938627 Predict using the ELM model 9938640 Test partial fit for classification 9938641 Test partial fit for regression 9938644 Test that recursive lsqr return the same result as standard lsqr 9938646 Test that sparse and dense input matrices yield equal output 9938649 Check class weight impact on AUC 9939177 Gzip and base64 encode files and BytesIO buffers 9949317 Test 15 vals backwards 9949349 Return sorted list as copy 9949364 Delete and remove edges 9949517 Insert a node into the tree 9949564 Return sorted list list 9953431 Initialise a new download result 9953435 Downloads the file in a post 9953437 Download the files contained within a list of posts 9969773 Converts pair of words to concatenation of their embeddings 9972663 get month matrix year month 9979976 Draw to the window Write to files Release the frame 9986845 Parse a command into a state change and optionally commit it 9987098 Stream decorator to be applied to methods of an ActionManager subclass 9997030 Updates the commands available on user s PATH 9997044 First time iterate over XML file on the fly 9997206 This cannot be wrapped and needs almost full override 9997210 state is comala workflow state here 9997472 Run bitcoin cli command Deserializes returned string as python object 10027496 Show list of all available pages 10040530 Returns the list of all series found related to media ids 10040624 parses any tag in the block creating child nodes as necessary 10040830 Gets the gravimetric uptake 10040832 Gets the symbols of the initial set of atoms 10040837 Gets the volume of the unit cell 10040846 Gets an iterator that iterates over the variable parameters 10040852 Ensures that the given value is a list of strings 10040854 Dumps the result into a text file 10041846 computes p n the polynomial interpretation of the given pairs 10041871 Compute the continued fraction representation of the 10045610 Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar 10052032 Find optimization opportunities in Adds Muls Pows and negative 10052034 Perform common subexpression elimination on an expression 10071731 return a list of paths that matches the extensions 10091051 Sample simulated data at arbitrary observation times 10091052 Marginalise over all possible start times 10097171 Takes the input words and builds the Markov chain 10113533 Builds a neural network using the dataset provided 10113534 Ready the supervised dataset for training 10113556 Apply the TrailingStop criteria to the data frame provided 10113568 Apply the InRange criteria to the data frame provided 10113570 Apply the CrossingAbove criteria to the data frame provided 10113571 Apply the CrossingBelow criteria to the data frame provided 10113577 Fits the model as configured 10113579 Activates the network for all values in the dataframe specified 10113587 Perform LONG EXIT action in the market 10113588 Perform SHORT EXIT action in the market 10113589 Finalizes all report metric calculations such as average gains 10113616 Does the actual fetching and storage of the data in the 10115659 GetHashofDirs computes SHA256 hash for directory and its contents 10121914 Return dict from ImageJ metadata tag value 10121925 Read data from sequence of TiffPage and stack them vertically 10121940 Initialize instance from file 10121947 Return series of TiffPage with compatible shape and properties 10121949 Return image series in OME TIFF file s 10121957 Read image data from file and return as numpy array 10121959 Return offset and size of contiguous data else None 10121982 Read tag structure from open file Advance file cursor 10122315 All the recurrent layers share the same interface 10122349 Configure the learning process 10122388 Required for featurewise center featurewise std normalization and zca whitening 10122391 required before using texts to sequences or texts to matrix 10122421 Iterates over the time dimension of a tensor 10122441 Iterates over the time dimension of a tensor 10128091 Creates a ResNeXt model with specified parameters 10128092 Creates a ResNeXt model with specified parameters 10128099 Instantiate the Squeeze and Excite ResNet architecture Note that 10132489 Call interface as specified by WSGI Wraps the environment in user 10132663 Determine if the p tags around paragraph node can be omitted 10132682 Store each component s default transforms with default priorities 10132684 Move transitions at the end of sections up the tree Complain 10139425 The callback called by IPTables for each egress packet 10139440 Run the connection tracking process 10139455 Condition to jump to action chain 10139458 Condition to jump to action chain 10139873 Add the transaction to the transaction storage thread safely 10139878 Overridden method comparing to the implementation in C PeerBook 10139888 Implements the abstractmethod from 10139904 Implements the abstractmethod from 10139905 Implements the abstractmethod from 10139927 Create indices for some set of DocStore collections 10139941 Create magnetlink for certain file local dataset and user 10139976 Get all the hosts possibly filtered somehow 10139993 param locales the possibly non reiterable iterable 10140067 Get the chunks that consitute the dataset and maybe its files 10140068 Get the blocks that consitute the dataset and maybe its files 10140074 Get the hosts actually UUIDs which have these chunks 10140086 Create a new dataset containing the file version 10140092 Get the iterable over the trusted hosts 10140099 Merge some sync style datasets into new one s 10140104 Get host space stat for a group by its UUID 10140105 Get the space stats per every available user group 10140108 Get presence history for a particular user 10140121 Request info on datasets 10140190 Configure logging for the Host 10140198 Get the list of announced URLs including both autodetected ones 10140253 Initiate an HTTP session and send out a message 10140299 Take the snapshop of the directory maybe it is a subdirectory 10140319 precondition self is outgoing 10140381 Set the setting no matter was any value present 10140383 Get all settings name value last update time tuples 10140384 Get the URLs announced by this host 10140387 Set the user groups for the current user 10140406 Returns the base directory at host ID 10140432 The decorator that can be put on any function returning 10140475 Given a new chunk write it to the storage 10140479 For a given host UUID return the list of the files 10140510 from uhost fs notify events import 10140521 Returns the recently changed hot file paths 10140540 Internal implementation of starting watching a directory 10140542 Internal implementation of stopping watching a directory 10140544 Get the contents of a directory 10140625 param username The username to who the host should be bound 10140659 Calculate what number of what kind of chunks should be uploaded 10140671 What to do when there are no more chunks to restore 10140696 Ordering rule see the comment on the whole class 10140794 returns The byte stream for this chunk 10140829 Implementation of interface from C AbstractTransactionManager 10140837 Implementation of interface from C AbstractTransactionManager 10140839 Add the transaction to the transaction storage thread safely 10140929 param app The abstraction containing all the app specific features 10141021 Coroutine version of C reshape bytestream 10141045 Get a preferred class to be used for file log handling 10141046 Initialize the whole logging subsystem 10141049 Perform rollover of the log compressed log files 10141093 The function decorator that generates an error log in case if 10141143 Generate a certificate given a certificate request 10141173 Given a message name create an appropriate message object 10141201 Create a data stream from the sequence of files 10141208 Arrange the files from multiple directories into 10141210 Given a base directory scan it recursively and return the iterable 10141211 Overrides the implementation from C DatasetOnVirtualFiles 10141213 Overrides the implementation from C DatasetOnVirtualFiles 10141254 Given a setting name and value encode the value 10141292 Given a dataset UUID return the basic Dataset structure or None 10141293 Given a dataset object update it in the database 10141299 Check whether the dataset is accessible to the user according to 10141300 return last dataset uuid for rel path and username so that 10141302 Given the host UUID and the dataset UUID 10141305 Get the chunks by their UUIDs 10141348 During cloning some files on restoring process returns the query 10141350 str FileLocal get latest uniq rel paths by group expr 10141351 The query accepts three bound parameters C username C rel path 10141364 Create some directory and fill it with pseudorandom data 10141373 Kind of upload multiple files to the cloud 10156908 Generic top level archive of date based objects 10156924 Generic list of objects 10156925 Generic detail of an object 10157410 View decorator that checks for the given permissions before allowing the 10158159 Dispatches incoming messages to type based handlers asynchronously 10158187 Backport of RegexPattern match for Django versions before 2 0 Returns 10177524 Make one or more passphrases using the given params 10180850 Set display mode settings 10180860 Send a nibble 4 bit value 10189989 Detailed view of an user 10190063 save installed requirements which is missing in the requirements files 10196579 param filename Full path of file to download 10196580 param liveview Return the liveview image 10196788 Prepares a graph for display This includes 10196857 Test that delete many does the right thing 10210094 Check paddle inputs and apply to paddle 10210095 Compute AI and move paddle 10213148 Get the composite reflectivity for a noaa radar site 10213149 Get the base reflectivity for a noaa radar site 10213150 Get the storm relative motion for a noaa radar site 10213151 Get the base velocity for a noaa radar site 10213152 Get the one hour precipitation for a noaa radar site 10213153 Get the storm total precipitation for a noaa radar site 10215732 Derive a secret from the vector of components 10215767 Produce the PKCS 1 OAEP encryption of a message 10215782 Implement the EMSA PSS ENCODE function as defined 10215896 Create a new CMAC object 10222816 Get Metadata for account team monitors and geography 10227781 Fast implementation of radix sort for any size num 10228019 Create shape and attach it to a body 10229602 Return a generator yielding a start end tuple for all dates 10242980 Return window s class pywo core basic Extents 10242982 Return window s class pywo core basic Geometry 10242983 Move or resize window 10245300 Return a cumulative coadd 10245312 Compute the chisquared value for placing the model in every position 10248210 Send signal to a process 10249337 map tokens in a sentence into word Id with word map 10259362 randomize the values of a data set preserve column associations 10259669 Batch normalization on convolutional maps 10259673 Batch normalization on convolutional maps 10259881 Read a tree from a string of input 10290995 Test the behavior of masked points with interp on off 10290997 Consider to sum a reference function to make the test harder 10291000 Creates another test with random window lenghts 10291003 Test the behavior of masked points with interp on off 10291012 Test if masked data is not considered in the average 10291015 Distance from itself around a full circle 10291019 Test the behavior of masked points with interp on off 10291021 Apply weights w into data 10291033 Right now I m doing for Masked Arrays only 10291034 Apply weights w into data 10303975 Print the max KL info for the first image 10303978 See class docstring for args 10303981 Computes log ship iceberg probabilities and KL divergence of posterior 10303984 Return a test train validation split of the given proportions 10303985 Normalize each image to mean 0 stddev 1 10305169 Creates Client object with key and secret for server 10305182 Sets up pump instance 10305209 Get items from feed cache while trying to emulate 10305855 plot a spectrum with the given filters 10305863 Calculate the blackbody spectral density per unit wavelength 10309228 Creates a discrete action from a 10309277 Compare Y1 s with best matching pixel in Y2 s n 10309282 Compare Y1 s with best matching pixel in Y2 s n 10309302 Update the uncertainties for the action by the improved uncertainty 10309357 Displays the intrinsic geometry of a learned DDS 10309358 Displays the intrinsic geometry of a learned DDS 10309395 Returns descriptions for all objects defined here 10309418 Creates a report for symbolically defined DDS 10309430 Zoom an image with zoom center 10309431 yields topic data t but data already a numpy array 10309432 Reads from data Stream 10309440 Fompare Y1 with best matching pixel in the neighbourhood in Y2 10309441 Distance from s to best matching pixel in Y2 10309443 Constructor Any message fields that are implicitly explicitly 10309445 serialize message into buffer 10309446 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance 10309447 serialize message with numpy array types into buffer 10313074 return left eye right eye 10319842 Class method which provide checking input file and teturn tuple of 10333414 Decorator around method callable by Server API 10333415 password the password expected to register 10333467 Create and return the payload 10333468 Send and retrieve the answer through TCP socket 10346180 Build a query string from passed arguments Will handle 10346207 Update internal dictionary in a way that ensures no duplicate 10346273 Returns the error estimations in the trajectories from the given foldername 10346284 Initializes parameters to uses the function implemented below 10346419 Returns the error estimations in the trajectories from the given foldername 10346513 Return the next batch size examples from this data set 10346535 Perform batch regularized regression 10346559 Returns the error estimations in the trajectories from the given foldername 10346565 Input foldername name of the folder that contain trajectory 10346614 Computes the cost on final step if the target is reached 10346615 Computes the cost on final step if the target is reached 10346623 Direct geometric model of the arm 10346627 Inverse geometric model of the arm 10346631 Reads the setup file 10363990 Assigns watched variable with livesource listing 10400913 Do an atomic expansion of the given source data creating and 10400927 Install a new filter None means no filter Handle all the 10400962 Scan for the next single or triple quote with the specified 10420472 splits a list of hatids into a dictionary of lists 10420513 This converts UNIX time in seconds to a julian date 10420530 This calculates the great circle angular distance in arcseconds between two 10420545 This updates a user s email access groups or allowed services 10422768 Checkout or update the given source directory 10423787 compress CIDRs into limit by allowing min extra IPs required 10429939 Testing that record vote increments votes properly 10429954 Test that you can submit with 2 options 10429958 Test that you can still select just one option even though 10429969 Test saving two answers is valid when max answers 2 10430240 Compute the argmin of the bit wise hamming distance between samples 10430241 Compute the mode of the packed binary samples in x 10448854 Prints out a table of data padded for alignment 10452119 Get the requested resource from the database 10452184 Process a request to edit a battle 10452192 Create a new battle 10452200 Return all the DB records corresponding to the listed trainers 10452280 Process a flavor editing form 10452297 Process a request to super edit a Pok mon 10452305 The dex page of a Pok mon species 10452361 Return any promotions this trainer is eligible to receive 10457077 Checks the number of processes running on your GPUs 10457078 Gets the number of processes running on each gpu 10457232 Args y 1D signal 10458599 Get features and labels of commit messages and file stats 10458600 Get features and labels of commit messages and file patches 10465673 Get a rotation matrix representing this rotation 10465680 Calculate both forward and backward matrices for these parameters 10465681 Calculate forward inverse matrices for this transform element 10465687 Convert a VRML rotation to rotation matrices 10465691 Calculate an orthographic projection matrix 10465697 Given set of N normals return weighted combination 10465698 Determine if points are coplanar 10465701 Cross product of 3D vectors stored in 4D arrays 10471121 Calculate a 2d slice of the target function 10517529 Function to crossover design with other design and create offspring 10517530 Function to mutate q of the stimuli with another stimulus 10517538 Function to compute some arguments depending on other arguments 10517541 This function generates the canonical hrf 10517542 Function to compute a drift component 10517546 This function generates the population 10517549 Function to run natural selection for design optimization 10517551 Function will generate an order of stimuli 10532188 A list of projects that match the arguments 10566320 Find a minimal subsequence of path in the JSON document doc 10579799 Given a dns rdtypes ANY DNSKEY compute and return its keytag 10588887 This is the main entry point method 10589351 type key store folder str 10589356 type fpath str unicode 10589364 type fp str unicode 10589383 type object id str unicode None 10589417 type serverconfig ServerConfig None 10589430 type secret str None 10589461 test password derivation bcrypt 10589475 test encrypt single file smp 10589477 test encrypt file smp pickle 10589488 test password store extensive 10589507 test crypto doc crc 10589508 test encrypt decrypt debug one proc 10589510 test encrypt decrypt tempfile 10589511 test encrypt decrypt tempfile 10589512 test encrypt decrypt two files 10589513 test encrypt decrypt simple 10589514 test double encrypt decrypt check hash 10589518 test large crypto doc 10589519 test encrypt decrypt simple 10589520 test encrypt partial blob 10589526 test encrypt partial blob stringio 10589532 test load chunk small partial 10599488 Compose a single string using RFC3986 specified escaping using 10639040 integrate the equations of motion using Euler s method 10639041 integrate the equations of motion using Euler Cromer s method 10639042 integrate the equations of motion using Euler s method 10639045 integrate the equations of motion using 4th order R K 10639049 diffuse phi implicitly through timestep dt 10639050 the main evolution loop Evolve 10639055 R K 4 integration 10639066 integrate the equations of motion using 4th order R K 10639069 integrate the equations of motion using Euler s method 10639070 integrate the equations of motion using Euler Cromer 10639071 integrate the equations of motion using Euler Cromer 10639079 integrate the equations of motion using Euler s method 10639080 integrate the equations of motion using Euler s method 10639081 integrate the equations of motion using 2nd order R K 10639082 integrate the equations of motion using 4th order R K 10639085 J i j df i dy j 10639090 perform a backward Euler integration 10639091 perform an implicit trapezoid integration 10639092 4th order explicit Runge Kutta for comparison 10639096 given points xp fp fit a lagrange polynomial and return 10639098 integrate the system using 4th order Runge Kutta 10640683 estimates N microscope orientations from common lines l 10640687 mrc file string of MRC file name 10640688 Produce n images of mol of different orientations 10641274 Decrypts the masterkey with the given encryption key 10641292 Try to decrypt the blob 10641303 Internal use Decrypts data stored in DPAPI structures 10642850 Delete the members of the named mailing list 10642957 Bump the digest number and volume 10642959 Add a member right now 10642974 Wrap and fill the text to the specified column 10642989 Import members lists from a config pck configuration dictionary 10643137 The mailman command dispatcher 10643220 Filter out recipients based on topics 10643272 Display the members of a mailing list 10643324 Create a switchboard object 10643536 Return and clear all the messages in the given queue 10643543 Helper for subscribing a sample person to a mailing list 10655304 Return a list of field names to exclude from model validation 10660600 param center rgb vector in focus 10660610 Recenters each point around the closest center 10660621 More robust line fitting for many points 10670862 Reads and parses examples from CIFAR10 data files 10670868 Train CIFAR 10 for a number of steps 10676736 Returns model perm for all models that match models exclude patterns 10689740 Post to the metric at name with value Allow for custom 10690385 Initialize the media stream 10691592 A generator that yields token hex fail time pairs retrieved from 10697573 param commands list ParallelCmd 10698026 Spawns a new rock if required 10702738 Render the node as a tree returning a list of lines 10703460 generates a Dockerfile builds an image and pushes it to DockerHub 10715587 Generate a random MDP with ns total states na total 10717115 Return iterator of words that is the best segmenation of text 10717119 Return max of candidates matching text given previous word 10719116 Calculate best split of a MST according to MI objective 10719118 Incremental change in cluster informations when moving one point 10719119 MeanNN implementation using incremental information updates 10719120 Make a large circle containing a smaller circle in 2di 10751245 Construct a new RemotePool 10772930 check if a change is required 10782134 Yes this is from Wikipedia 10790524 Doesn t directly append the function to our own namespace 10790633 Internal function called from GDB that will execute the chain 10792832 Combine closely related trace items 10793305 q p cqtfft X fs 10795404 param target Node or list of Nodes 10801874 The code uses optimal interpolation to map irregular spaced observations 10815677 Print file list of a dump file 10815704 Parses the commandline and executes the eolfix 10815719 Convert EOL of a node 10815723 Parses the commandline and executes the diff 10815748 Compares the nodes of the current revision of two dump files 10815791 Get a list of tags end is an empty line 10815830 Check the md5sum for the current node 10815882 Copies a revision from inDump dumpIndex to outDump 10816051 The fit method fits gradient boosting models for regressors and 10816063 Recursively build a decision tree 10816076 Python only function to find the split feature index feature value 10816103 Test for the same predictions at several shallow depths 10823490 Return the bending angle between atoms indexed i j k 10823491 Return the torsion angle between atoms indexed i j k l 10823495 Return a partition according to different non bonded molecules 10823517 Read cclib data and convert to TheoDORE format 10823527 Exports NTO coefficients given in the MO basis 10823528 Sort MOs by symmetry in case they are sorted by energy 10823555 Read the standard output of RASSI 10823901 Preprocess the brainfuck code with debugging in mind 10866362 Execute command cmd with subprocess module 10866364 url url to fetch 10866378 Returns a list of Bugreport objects 10869987 Asserts that every declared term specification can actually be 10869994 This function inspects a function to find its arguments marked for 10869995 This decorator can be used to specify injection rules for decorated 10870072 Simulates a network of leaky integrate and fire neurons 10870081 Random linearly separated data 2 dimensions 10870087 Train a single layer MLP on provided data 10870088 The list sizes contains the number of neurons in the 10870092 Return a tuple nabla b nabla w representing the 10877895 Decorator to temporarily change django settings during a test 10918265 Return the next batch size examples from this data set 10918308 Advance one step of benchmarking 10918317 Evaluate a model every self params eval interval secs 10918320 Build the image pre processing portion of the model graph 10918321 Build the TensorFlow graph 10918323 Build the TensorFlow graph for multiple replicas in a single session 10918324 Add ops for forward pass and gradient computations 10918325 Returns the image preprocessor to used based on the model 10918332 Distort the color of the image 10918337 Get synthetic image batches 10925455 Collect the given number of rollouts 10925456 Train a policy on the CartPole v0 environment 10925458 Run at least num steps in the environment and return 10925459 Run a single rollout and return the observations 10925466 Sample a sequence from the model 10925467 Feed the strings into the TextSequences 10925471 Load and train a model 10925472 Generate images from the model 10925476 Create a new GAN with random weights 10925480 Get the objective loss for the discriminator 10925492 Create train and validate the MLP 10926131 Wrap self data with limit awareness yielding objects 10926133 Load the data set from the database 10926145 Given an rid and a value associate them 10926146 Given an rid remove it from all indices 10926148 Find all resources at or below path within the limits given 10927875 Neural network tagger by dos Santos and Zadrozny ICML 2014 10955032 Gets the property list 10955072 Returns a set of all mandatory or optional packages not installed 10967435 Convert the signature spec in module info to add to signatures 10967488 Reduce without guarantee of ordered reduction 10988099 i is the beginning of the range inclusive 10988101 calculates the cycle length of individual 10988105 i is the beginning of the range inclusive 10996504 Test that get client cert picks the right cert 10996505 Test that get client cert picks the right cert 10996927 Extract features from aligned graph pair limiting scope to selected 10996999 Partition a collection of parallel graph corpora into development 10997009 Extract features from corpus files producing instance files and true 10997384 Convert x to a common fraction 11015401 Write the session to redis and set the cookie 11024869 Metaclass for every implicit component 11024875 Set the given instance as ready 11024877 Instanciate the plugin for a given component instance 11028599 This function returns a list of desired joints data 11028602 Compute the mean and std of distance between features 11028616 This function compute the relative proportion of each class 11028622 returns a list of files in a folder 11038295 clear where the previous game objects were whatever rects are specified 11038307 split the sprite into various pieces 11038335 The object that that the user controls 11038357 Through the data that the player is holding 11038385 a function to give the player 11038394 Makes the step objects and returns them 11038402 initialize the game and all the game objects 11038417 Handles keypresses from the a keyboard 11038418 Handles keypresses from the ArcadeX tankstick 11044604 param event receiver Function to be called with every emitted event 11044693 You can only move to adjacent squares 11046296 Retrieves a file from an S3 Key 11055765 param image PIL image 11072690 Convert a GeoJSON document into CSV format 11072695 Inner main function If anything fails in here file handles and 11072974 Add some test data 11083939 Diff two ini files 11096624 Train the model and gives a frozen graph output 11096658 Create batch operator from two queued operators 11096668 Decode special characters found in NSIS strings 11096674 Output instruction s operand in textform 11099197 Initialize the FacebookHub object with some variables 11099220 Ensures handlers are attached and resets some vars 11109199 Convert an article into a list of lowercase sentences 11109238 Compute gradients for every weight matrix and embedding by 11109240 Computes the vector embedding for a node from the vector embeddings 11109252 Compute gradients for every weight matrix and embedding by 11109261 Computes embeddings for all nodes in the graph by recursively 11109262 Compute the gradients for the LSTM cells corresponding to each 11109263 Compute gradients at a given node provided the gradients of its 11109264 Compute the state of the LSTM cell corresponding to the supplied 11109266 Use gradients to update all of the LSTM weights 11109268 Compute gradients for every weight matrix and input word vector 11109277 Build a vocabularly of words from word frequency counts 11109297 Compute gradients at each node by backpropogating while using info 11109305 Train the model for the specified number of iterations 11109307 Adapt training regime to accomodate recurrent encoder structure 11109308 Adapt training regime to accomodate recursive encoder structure 11109309 Use input sentences to compute weight updates on encoder 11109311 Update a DNN encoder based on the current training iteration by 11109315 Produce a vector whose approximate and exact inverses are equivalent 11118833 simpleLiteralCols are strings where the column name is the 11119021 Callback that is triggered when there is probably a message 11119023 Shut down all the callbacks 11119253 Return Matrices A B C D 11119258 param idcs indices w r t the overall state vector 11136129 Returns the peakness of the data 11136406 Performs gradient descent to learn theta 11150234 Get a graph of chengdu by date 11162249 get this line s point at distance d from xy min 11162255 build a bisecting line to this one along xy 11162260 split this face into multiple faces at position on axis 11163802 Get the URL to authorize the application 11164831 transfer bytes using using bit banged SPI 11164940 Test minibatch RNN training using pack pad sequence 11164953 Computes natural parameters for a Gaussian product of experts model 11164954 Maximum Parameter Likelihood Generation MLPG 11164957 Compute MLPG matrix assuming input is normalized to have unit variances 11164959 Post filter used in Merlin 11164962 Mel cepstrum distortion MCD 11164963 Mean squared error MSE 11164964 Mean squared error MSE for log F0 sequences 11164965 Voice unvoiced error rate computation 11164966 Mapping source spectral feature x to target spectral feature y 11164978 Adjust frame length given a feature vector or matrix 11164979 Adjust frame lengths given two feature vectors or matrices 11164980 Mean variance computation given a iterable dataset 11164990 Parameter trajectory smoothing by removing high frequency bands of MS 11164991 Coutinuous F0 interpolation from discontinuous F0 trajectory 11165000 Returns silence frame indices 11165005 Apply function for each trimmed 2d slice 11165006 Apply function for each padded 2d slice 11165258 Convert a graph in a tuple nodes edges classes 11165259 Create a graph from the given nodes edges classes tuple 11173558 Generate a Permission instance list and exclude parts of it 11173563 return True False if use has permission stored in UsergroupsModelField 11173605 Send a mail in txt and html format 11173655 Asserts that html response contains must contain nodes but no 11180073 Returns a heap of lines around land given the input line 11180082 Decorator that creates a function wrapper that accepts multiple 11180088 Load polars from file Currently three formats are supported 11180100 Get boat speed for relative wind 11180101 Return wind angles for min and max VMG at wind speed 11180106 This tests the ColorStyle elements of the given ColorStyle derived 11180122 Scalar function search for alpha that satisfies strong Wolfe conditions 11180223 returns count sum and optionally sum centre 2 by label 11180876 Solve real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix eigenvalue problem 11181593 Regression test for 1375 11181932 Recursively add files under data path to data files list 11181952 Try to get version string of a package 11186923 param word doc docx Document 11186993 param other songs of BaseSong 11187474 BLSTM logits build from the input 11187477 tensor batch size the loss for each example 11187489 Train a given net 11187492 Computes EKG from a heartbeat phase timeseries 11187493 Transform a pro phase to a real phase 11206213 Instantiates class and passes back application object 11206226 Given list of resources retrieve the quotas for given quota class 11206227 Retrieve quotas for a project 11206230 Check quotas and reserve resources 11206424 Compares this version to the specified min max range 11206445 Convert a minidom node to a simple Python type 11206452 Recursive method to convert data members to XML nodes 11206469 WSGI method that controls de serialization and method dispatch 11206475 Decorator for versioning API methods 11209074 If in duplex mode this function will copy the given attribute 11209212 Makes the popup visible 11209229 Listen to key events on the entry widget 11209247 Shows popup on selected row when right clicking 11219195 Create a set of fake observations in the database 11219199 Given a sequence of link aliases return a query 11219205 Compute node weights with relaxed constraints using scipy 11219206 Compute node weights with strict constraints using scipy 11219208 Compute coverage matrix I 11219210 Compute final decision rule for each node in tree 11219211 Compute coverage matrix of a single tree 11219214 Remove all subtrees that only contain nodes with weight of 0 11239766 Get recipes matching the given criteria 11239779 Given a title string a description string and a list of 11239793 Return True if the word is an ingredient False otherwise 11269212 Carry out a SQL query 11271493 Get the length according to the type 11271495 Convert the data to python type 11271496 Serialize the data according in the data 11271588 Generate socket power packet 11271589 Test reading RFM packets 11271594 Generate testing attribute packet 11271598 Generate testing attribute packet 11279473 Setup logging stream handlers according to the options 11279625 A heavily modified Python standard library tokenizer 11279635 Side effect Alters the list of nodes 11279653 Evaluates a string node looking for an annotation 11279692 This is the part where statements are being stripped 11279704 Returns a list of param names 11279710 Search a name in the directories of modules 11279716 param only modules Indicates wheter it s possible to import a 11279731 Imitate CompiledObject obj behavior and return a builtin slice 11279757 Return the first definition found while optionally following imports 11279759 Return class classes Definition objects which contain all 11279766 Returns the scope in which the user resides This includes flows 11279768 Autocomplete inherited methods when overriding in child class 11279799 The Param index of the current call 11288414 Iterate grapheme cluster breaking opportunities for every 11308936 Computes CIECAM02 appearance correlates for the given tristimulus 11309501 If list is sorted return the smallest index i such that 11312003 calculate bearing between two points 11312005 origin is lat lon in decimal degrees 11312007 bearing in degrees from two points 11312600 Provide a hash value for the given set of attributes 11312743 Makes temporary testing resources and starts tor blocking until it 11312815 Makes assertions that the protocolinfo response s attributes match those of 11312839 Test that the convenient method protocolinfo works 11312844 Exercises creating ephemeral hidden services and methods when they re 11312877 Check that we can both receive asynchronous events while hammering our 11312884 Checks if a given authentication method can authenticate to our control 11312962 Basic sanity check that we can parse a microdescriptor with minimal 11312975 Parses a relay server descriptor from 2005 11313006 Test making a descriptor with a missing required attribute 11313045 Parses a minimal v3 router status entry 11313071 Parse a certificate from a real server descriptor 11313144 Parses a minimal network status document 11313145 Parses a minimal network status document 11313177 Includes microdescriptor flavored router status entries within the 11313178 Includes a couple directory authorities in the document 11320990 The function reads a given VTK file 11321000 Vectorised computation of derivatives equation 21 and 22 11340058 Initialise the object in a way that is consistent 11340059 Do a Metropolis proposal 11371447 Run shell operator synchronously to eat in batches 11371488 Run shell operator synchronously to eat in batches 11386357 Return the items in a section without including defaults 11387205 It assigns labels to proposals from RPN 11387206 Calc targets of classification labels and bbox regression 11387208 Clip boxes to image boundaries 11387210 Calc indicies of anchors which are inside of the image size 11387211 It takes numpy or cupy arrays 11387212 Calculate RoIs or losses and RoIs 11396755 Populates the internal plugin cache of each placeholder 11396791 Assigns given user to page and gives him requested permissions 11396977 Test that a page can be copied via the admin 11397025 User can copy a plugin if he has change permissions 11397026 User can t copy a plugin if he 11397087 Tests permmod when moving trees of pages 11397172 For help understanding what this tests for see 11397185 Test adding a plugin to a PAGE 11397188 Test adding a NON PAGE plugin 11397236 Test that a page can be created 11397282 Returns users queryset containing all subordinate users to given user 11397283 Similar to get subordinate users but returns queryset of Groups instead 11397284 Load all view restrictions for the pages 11397291 Gets the current page from a request object 11397294 Fetch all plugins for the given placeholders and 11397297 Reorder the plugins according the order parameter 11397322 Copy this plugin and return the new plugin 11397339 Returns queryset containing all instances somehow connected to given 11397341 Sets the given page as the homepage 11397352 returns True if page was successfully published 11397353 Removes this page from the public site 11397417 Shows the add plugin form and saves it on POST 11397426 Creates the root node used to store all page types 11397441 Prior to 3 5 pages would be marked as pending 11429463 compute scores for a set of cards 11429466 get the piles which can accept another card 11433173 Compute MFCC features from an audio signal 11433174 Compute Mel filterbank energy features from an audio signal 11433176 Compute Spectral Subband Centroid features from an audio signal 11433181 Frame a signal into overlapping frames 11433182 Does overlap add procedure to undo the action of framesig 11438355 Based on dynesty utils resample equal 11438360 Gelman Rubin convergence test on a MCMC chain of parameters 11438361 Calculate the potential scale reduction factor PSRF of the 11438366 Compute the log prior for a given sample neglecting constant terms 11438367 Compute the highest posterior density credible region for a 11438373 Plot the RMS vs binsize curve 11438394 Return a posterior distribution removing the burnin initial iterations 11439563 Recursively merge datasets of a and b together so that 11442335 Find a symplectic basis for an anti symmetric alternating matrix 11442337 Find a symplectic basis for an anti symmetric alternating matrix 11442342 Compute a saturation matrix of A 11442343 The index of A in its saturation 11442399 Gives the local density should be called by the user 11442400 Gives the local primitive density should be called by the user 11442414 Determines if the current quadratic form is equivalent to the 11442524 Computes the diagonal factor of Conway s p mass 11442528 Computes the standard generic Conway Sloane p mass 11442529 Returns the infinite product of the standard mass factors 11442530 Compute the mass by using the Conway Sloane mass formula 11442564 Returns a list of inequivalent reduced representatives for the 11442644 Return the Shapley value for self 11442691 This function generates different types of integral lattice bases 11442794 Apply the Blum Goldwasser scheme to decrypt the ciphertext C 11442795 Apply the Blum Goldwasser scheme to encrypt the plaintext P using 11442813 Return linear approximation matrix A for this S box 11442897 Returns a list of Sage graphics arrays containing the graphs in 11442913 Finds the first ear in a graph 11442925 Accesses the generator of isomorphism class representatives 11442929 Returns a generator which creates fusenes and benzenoids using 11442934 Returns all tournaments on n vertices using Nauty 11442940 Returns the Kautz digraph of degree d and diameter D 11442985 Given a triangulated graph g and a normal labeling constructs the 11443009 Returns a bipartite graph with n1 n2 vertices 11443118 Returns the Johnson graph with parameters n k 11443131 Returns the Harary graph on n vertices and connectivity k where 11443132 Returns the hyper star graph HS n k 11443135 Perform one iteration of the Mycielski construction 11443141 Returns the 9 forbidden subgraphs of a line graph 11443142 Returns the Petersen family 11443184 Add labelled vertices to self 11443186 Deletes the edge u v with label l 11443190 True if self has an edge u v with label l 11443202 Get set whether or not self allows multiple edges 11443207 Label the edge u v by l 11443272 Return True if elements of S can be coerced into this 11443283 Construct an element of this fraction field 11443305 Construct a Laurent series from x 11443365 Return an random element of QQ 11443436 Given a sequence of elements of either AA or QQbar 11443447 Multiply or divide two elements represented as elements of number fields 11443448 Add or subtract two elements represented as elements of number fields 11443505 Given generators alpha and beta 11443520 Returns the print representation of this number 11443550 Test two algebraic numbers for equality 11443587 Compute the sign of this algebraic number return 1 if negative 11443619 Produce an expression which will reproduce this value when evaluated 11443651 Produce an expression which will reproduce this value when evaluated 11443659 Returns either an ANRational or an 11443690 Produce an expression which will reproduce this value when evaluated 11443721 Create a univariate or multivariate power series ring over a given 11443725 Initializes a power series ring 11443732 Coerce object to this power series ring 11443767 Return form as defined by a homogeneous polynomial 11443944 The rings that canonically coerce to the MPFR complex field are 11443969 List of all positive primes powers between start and 11443971 Return a list of the primes leq n 11443979 Returns a list of all positive integer divisors of the nonzero 11444008 Return a dictionary containing pairs 11444016 Return the Farey sequence associated to the floating point number 11444017 Returns the continued fraction of x as a list 11444018 Return the Hirzebruch Jung continued fraction of x as a list 11444020 Return all the partial convergents of a continued fraction defined 11444032 Write the integer n as a sum of four integer squares 11444037 Compare two complex numbers in a pretty but mathematically 11444050 Plot the Moebius function 11444051 Return the Moebius function evaluated at the given range of values 11444054 Check comparison with infinity 11444055 Test consistency of infinity representations 11444228 Return the numerator of the n th partial convergent computed 11444278 Creates a visualization of this p adic ring as a fractal 11444327 Create an extension of this p adic ring 11444328 Test addition of elements of this ring 11444329 Test subtraction on elements of this ring 11444330 Test multiplicative inversion of elements of this ring 11444331 Test multiplication of elements of this ring 11444332 Test division of elements of this ring 11444333 Test the negation operator on elements of this ring 11444460 Return generators for self as a ring 11444524 Compare an ideal of a number field to something else 11444569 Factorization of this ideal in terms of prime ideals 11444580 Returns a iterator through a list of representatives for the invertible 11444588 Returns the discrete logarithm of x with respect to the generators 11444638 Create a unit group of a number field 11444657 Create a Galois group 11444681 This function determines the bounds on the roots in 11444702 Coerce the non number field element x into this number field 11444720 PARI polynomial with integer coefficients corresponding to the 11444768 Given an embedding from a number field to either RR or 11444773 Create a number field 11444805 Compare a number field with something else 11444831 Compute S class group and units 11444833 Compute the group K S m 11444873 Return generators for the unit group modulo torsion 11444875 Return the S unit group including torsion of this number field 11444883 Coerce a non number field element x into this number field 11444894 Internal function common code for optimized subfields and subfields 11444903 Compute all Galois automorphisms of self 11444931 Create an element of this cyclotomic field from x 11444938 Return all embeddings of this cyclotomic field into the approximate 11444950 Create a quadratic number field 11444987 Return a list of all the elements of self 11445005 Return a list of all the elements of self 11445167 Convert f from a univariate polynomial over the rational function 11445204 Return the irreducible characteristic polynomial of the 11445220 Create with the command IntegerModRing order 11445273 Return the defining polynomial of this field as an element of 11445289 Return the pseudo Conway polynomial of degree n in this 11445326 Imports various modules after startup 11445344 This is called implicitly by arithmetic methods 11445349 Returns the polynomial name 11445435 Convert x into this univariate polynomial ring 11445439 The rings that canonically coerce to this polynomial ring are 11445475 Return the Newton divided difference coefficients of the n th 11445547 Evaluate this multi variate polynomial at x where 11445588 Quotient of division of self by other This is denoted 11445591 Compute the irreducible factorization of this polynomial 11445624 Return a new system where linear leading variables are 11445626 Find solutions of this boolean polynomial system 11445631 LCM for monomials Coefficients are ignored 11445635 Return a list of all monomials that divide t coefficients are 11445654 Division of Infinite Polynomials 11445664 Comparison of leading terms by Symmetric Cancellation Order sc 11445676 Create an element of the quotient of a polynomial ring 11445705 Computes formal derivative of this polynomial with respect to 11445718 Returns the quotient and remainder of the Euclidean division of 11445720 Returns a tuple quotient remainder where 11445722 Extended gcd of self and polynomial other 11445723 Create a quotient of a polynomial ring 11445772 Recomputes the list of coefficients 11445777 Returns the coefficient of x n if n is an integer 11445778 Returns the sum of self and right 11445779 Returns the sum of self and right 11445780 Multiplies self and right 11445781 Returns self multiplied by a constant 11445783 Returns a new polynomials whose coefficients are multiplied by p shift 11445784 Returns a new polynomial whose coefficients are p adiclly 11445789 Returns relative precision information about self 11445790 Returns valuation information about self s coefficients 11445793 Return f a X 11445802 Initialize self Type QuiverHomSpace for more information 11445805 A homomorphism of quiver representations of one and the same 11445817 Create the QuiverRep of self as a module over the opposite 11445837 Return a key for the specified module 11445854 Initialize self Type QuiverRep for more information 11445859 Return the submodule specified by the data 11445876 Returns the submodule generated by the data 11445877 Return the quotient of self by the submodule sub 11445882 Compute the linear dual Hom k M k of the module 11445885 Return the direct sum of self with the given modules 11445890 Initialize self Type QuiverRep with path basis for more 11445893 Initialize self Type QuiverRep with dual path basis for 11445916 List of all paths between a pair of vertices start end 11445926 Return self with other deleted from the beginning 11445930 Initialize self Type QuiverRepHom for more information 11445994 Return an optimal solution and the optimal value of self 11446017 Construct a feasible dictionary for self 11446053 Update self using previously set entering and leaving variables 11446057 Return the column of constraint coefficients corresponding to v 11446065 Return the c B vector objective coefficients of basic variables 11446082 Minimize a function with constraints 11446084 Finds numerical estimates for the parameters of the function model to 11446132 Return a sage graphics object containing geometric representation of 11446163 Return the rank n wheel 11446193 Create a formal symbolic function with the name s 11446360 Takes the variable list from another 11446470 Routine used for constructing the spin polynomial 11446473 Return the cospin polynomial associated to part weight and 11446525 This function returns the Bell Polynomial 11446528 Return the nth Bernoulli polynomial evaluated at x 11446641 A latex representation of self using the tikzpicture package 11446657 Return the Tamari insertion of an integer i into the 11446681 Return the renormalized sub poset of self consisting solely 11446711 Recursive generation we iterate through all interval posets of 11446734 Generate pairs consisting of centralizer cardinalities of orbits in 11446770 Return a list of all partition diagrams of order k 11446771 Return a list of all Brauer diagrams of order k 11446775 Return True if the diagram corresponding to the set partition sp 11446782 Return a tuple consisting of the composition of the set partitions 11446973 Perform the Robinson Schensted Knuth RSK correspondence 11447020 See class FSMState for more information 11447037 See class FSMTransition for more information 11447048 See class FiniteStateMachine for more information 11447054 Returns a sub finite state machine of the finite state machine 11447062 Returns True if the two finite state machines are equal 11447073 Set coordinates of the states for the LaTeX representation by 11447075 Returns the adjacency matrix of the underlying graph 11447076 Determines the input and output alphabet according to the 11447095 Returns whether the finite state machine is complete 11447103 Constructs a finite state machine from a transition function 11447108 Returns a new finite state machine with the accessible states 11447113 Returns a new finite state machine whose states are 11447115 See meth composition for details 11447116 See meth composition for details 11447121 Returns a new transducer where all transitions in self with input 11447124 Returns a list of equivalence classes of states 11447126 Merges transitions which have the same from state 11447130 Returns the graph of the finite state machine with labeled 11447132 Lists all predecessors of a state 11447139 Returns a deterministic automaton which accepts the same input 11447152 Makes one step in processing the input tape 11447183 Return the alternating sign matrix obtained by applying the gyration 11447184 Return True if self and B are compatible alternating sign 11447285 Returns a transducer counting the number of possibly 11447341 Return an iterator over the row indices of the incremental 11447819 Returns the action of a scalar on self 11447836 Returns the image of x under the module morphism defined by 11447917 Face constructor See class doc for more information 11448021 Check if self is noncrossing 11448025 Return the standardization of self 11448027 Return the action of an ordered set partition s on self 11448030 Return all strict coarsenings of self 11448034 Return an iterator for the set partitions with block sizes 11448068 Return the undirected graph obtained from the tree nodes and edges 11448069 Return the poset obtained by interpreting the tree as a hasse 11448140 Returns True if the diagram corresponding to the set partition is 11448146 Returns a tuple consisting of the composition of the set partitions 11448265 Return a pair describing the ribbon decomposition of a composition 11448266 Return the join of self with a composition other of the 11448267 Return the meet of self with a composition other of the 11448418 Returns an iterator for the coefficients of self y 11448558 Return the arithmetic product of self with g 11448748 Return the unique minimal non trivial annihilating linear 11448825 Returns the long Weyl group element hardcoded data 11449140 The canonical scalar product between the weight lattice and 11449175 Return a plot of a family of vectors 11449176 Return the cone generated by the given rays and lines 11449276 Return the value of varphi i on self 11449277 Return the value k e with respect to i and self 11449278 Return the value k f with respect to i and self 11449279 Return the action of e i on self 11449280 Return the action of f i on self 11449288 Return the action of e i on self 11449330 Computes the one dimensional configuration sum 11449348 Return the action of f i on self 11449484 Returns the outer shape of the pm diagram 11449502 Classcall to mend the input 11449506 Compute the one dimensional configuration sum 11449509 Merges consecutive positively parallel steps present in the path 11449559 Return the action of e i on self 11449560 Return the action of f i on self 11449575 Returns the action of e i on self 11449576 Returns the action of f i on self 11449577 Returns the action of e i on self 11449578 Returns the action of f i on self 11449595 Return the weight of self 11449596 Return the reduced form of self 11449669 Return the multiplicity of self 11449677 Build the Kleber tree 11449679 Iterate over all children nodes 11449716 Update the vacancy numbers of a rigged partition 11449722 Update the vacancy numbers during the bijection 11449785 Module generators for this set of rigged configurations 11449786 Iterate over all possible riggings for a particular block 11449794 Return the fermoinic formula associated to self 11449799 Module generators for this set of rigged configurations 11449802 Convert rc into a rigged configuration in the virtual crystal 11449803 Convert vrc in the virtual crystal into a rigged configution of 11449808 Convert rc into a rigged configuration in the virtual crystal 11449809 Convert vrc in the virtual crystal into a rigged configution of 11449813 Convert rc into a rigged configuration in the virtual crystal 11449814 Convert vrc in the virtual crystal into a rigged configution of 11449845 Apply the complement rigging morphism theta to self 11449849 Action of the crystal operator f a on self 11449853 Return the classical weight of self 11449926 Return the image of the complete non commutative symmetric function 11449937 The monomial basis defined in Tevlin s paper Tev2007 It 11449940 The immaculate basis of the non commutative symmetric 11449949 Return the immaculate function corresponding to the 11449954 Return the left padded Kronecker product of self and 11449968 Return the image of the noncommutative symmetric function 11449990 Return the image of the monomial quasi symmetric function 11449999 Return the transition matrix from the basis of Quasisymmetric 11450008 Compute the transition matrices between self and the 11450009 Compute the transition matrices between self and the 11450015 Return the inner coproduct of self in the basis of self 11450070 Converts self to an explicit suffix tree It is obtained by 11450096 Internal iterating over the symbols of the standard episturmian 11450097 This function finds and returns the minimal smooth prefix of length 11450100 Returns the word q n defined by the recurrence below 11450114 Returns the Schuetzenberger involution of the word self which is obtained 11450153 Returns the longest common suffix of self and other 11450162 Returns the defect of self 11450181 Returns the Lyndon factorization of self 11450192 Returns the index of the first occurrence of sub in self 11450209 Returns the standard permutation of the word 11450210 Implements Lascoux and Schutzenberger s s i operator swapping the 11450217 Returns the balance of self 11450218 Returns True if self is q balanced and False otherwise 11450221 Tells whether self is a tangent word 11450243 Returns a vector Graphics object illustrating self Each letter 11450259 Compares two words lexicographically according to the ordering 11450260 Returns True if self is equal to other and False otherwise 11450267 Returns an iterator over the letters of an integer representation of 11450275 Returns an iterator over the iterated f palindromic closure of self 11450281 Iterator over the diffences of consecutive letters of self 11450321 Return the path projected into the space orthogonal to the given 11450324 Returns an animation object illustrating the path growing step by step 11450352 Returns True if self is equal to other and False otherwise 11450368 Iterate over all morphisms with domain self and the given 11450423 Construction of the morphism 11450453 Returns True if self is primitive 11450468 Returns a dictionary giving the projection of the canonical basis 11450471 Return True if letter is a growing letter 11450472 Returns the list of growing letters 11450476 Return a Permutation object that represents an isotopism for rows 11450543 Internal function for find disjoint mates 11450549 Return a Steiner Quadruple System on 2n points 11450550 Return a Steiner Quadruple System on 3n 2 points 11450551 Return a Steiner Quadruple System on 3n 8 points 11450562 Return a Steiner Quadruple System on 14 points 11450568 Sets a value in the OA cache of existence results 11450574 Return a relabelled version of the OA 11450575 Return an Orthogonal Array from a Quasi Difference matrix 11450576 Return an Orthogonal Array from a V m t 11450577 Return an OA k n from a PBD 11450589 Get the i th item in the current node 11450602 Tests is the two incidence structures are equal 11450610 Return the degree of a point p 11450616 Return a maximum packing 11450617 Test whether self is a t v k l design 11450619 Return the subgroup of the automorphism group of the incidence graph 11450637 Helper function for Wilson s construction with one truncated column 11450638 Helper function for Wilson s construction with two trucated columns 11450639 Return an OA k rm sum u i from Wilson construction 11450640 Finds a decomposition for construction 3 3 from AC07 11450641 Return an OA k nm i 11450642 Finds a decomposition for construction 3 4 from AC07 11450643 Return a OA k nm rs 11450644 Finds a decomposition for construction 3 5 from AC07 11450645 Return an OA k nm r s t 11450646 Finds a decomposition for construction 3 6 from AC07 11450647 Return a OA k nm i 11450679 Generate all possible rigging sequences for a fixed 11450682 Returns the weight of a rigging 11450685 Compute the transition matrices between self and another 11450688 Compute the transition matrices between self and the powersum 11450696 Return an element u of another basis of the ring of 11450819 Returns the K lambda mu q t by computing the change 11450848 Returns a function which gives the coefficient of a partition in 11450853 Returns the value of the nabla operator applied to self The 11450854 Returns the value of the nabla operator applied to self The 11450855 Formula from LLM1998 Corollary 4 3 p 970 11450932 Return the plethysm of x by expr 11450933 Applies morphism specified by f on x y 11450941 Return the inner plethysm between the power sum symmetric 11450951 Return the outer plethysm of self with x This is 11450956 Return the image of self under the q t deformed omega 11450957 Return the internal tensor product of self and x in the 11450959 Return the left padded Kronecker product of self and x in 11450961 Return the arithmetic product of self and x in the 11450963 Return standard scalar product between self and x 11450977 Expand the symmetric function as a symmetric polynomial in n 11451105 Return the image of the symmetric function self under the 11451147 Determine if a NCSym function expressed in the 11451149 Iterate through all matchings of the sets A and B 11451155 Return mathbf m A in terms of the powersum basis 11451160 The product on monomial basis elements 11451161 Return the coproduct of a monomial basis element 11451162 Return the internal coproduct of a monomial basis element 11451166 Return mathbf e A in terms of the homogeneous basis 11451170 Return mathbf h A in terms of the elementary basis 11451174 Return mathbf p A in terms of the elementary basis 11451175 Return mathbf p A in terms of the homogeneous basis 11451177 Return the coproduct of a monomial basis element 11451184 Return mathbf x A in terms of the powersum basis 11451216 Generate a random poset on n vertices according to a 11451238 Construct a finite poset from various forms of input data 11451240 Iterate through the Ford Fulkerson algorithm for an acyclic directed 11451241 Normalizes the arguments passed to the constructor 11451258 Returns a Graphic object for the Hasse diagram of the poset 11451281 Returns True if f is an EL labelling of self 11451311 Returns the poset containing elements with partial order induced by 11451320 Returns all maximal chains of this poset 11451321 Returns the order complex associated to this poset 11451336 Return the Greene Kleitman partition of self 11451337 Return a P partition enumerator of self 11451433 Returns a weak order ideal defined by a predicate 11451522 Create an ideal of this ring 11451559 Return the multiplicative orbits of q in the ring 11451599 Test that self zero is an element of self and 11451686 Return an iterator for the elements of this cartesian product 11451702 Test the distributivity of on on not necessarily 11451725 Return the birational free labelling of self 11451726 Return the result of applying the birational v toggle T v 11451729 Return the Panyushev orbits of antichains in self 11451735 Return the lattice of order ideals of a poset self 11451794 Return the graph of the categories in Sage 11451819 Run generic tests on this category 11451911 Construct a module morphism by linearity 11451914 Apply this morphism to args 11451919 Return the section partial inverse of self 11451998 Test that the assumptions on a euclidean degree are met 11451999 Test that the assumptions on a quotient with remainder of an 11452019 Returns the multiplication table of this multiplicative group 11452068 Returns the successors of self in the parabolic quantum Bruhat graph 11452157 Test that self one is an element of self and is 11452190 Returns the derivative of this rational function with respect to the 11452226 Return the q dimension of self 11452453 Returns the Zorich representative of this connected component 11452476 Return a plot of the interval exchange transformation as a 11452479 Returns an iterator over labelled permutations 11452563 Defines a natural lexicographic order 11452585 Defines a natural lexicographic order 11452586 Returns a list representation of self 11452700 Plot walls i e 2 d cones and their labels 11452711 Construct the face fan of the given rational polytope 11452712 Construct the normal fan of the given rational polytope 11452713 Construct the maximal 2 d fan with given rays 11452730 Return the set of generating cones containing the i th ray 11452759 Return the facets bounding cone with their induced 11452760 Return the chain complex of the fan 11452806 Check if self forms a face of another cone 11452818 Return the quotient of self by the linear subspace 11452827 Return the Hilbert basis of the cone 11452859 Return the cone over the hyperplane arrangement 11452860 Return the intersection poset of the hyperplane arrangement 11452862 Return the characteristic polynomial of the hyperplane arrangement 11452873 Return the essentialization of the hyperplane arrangement 11452879 Return the regions of the hyperplane arrangement 11452881 Return the relatively bounded regions 11452884 Return the Whitney numbers 11452890 Return the Varchenko matrix of the arrangement 11452915 Return hyperplane defined by primitive equation 11452934 Return a graphical representation of a 2 d triangulation 11452956 Returns an ellipsoid centered at center whose semi principal axes 11452959 Returns the Klein bottle in the figure 8 parametrization given by 11453020 Tests whether the interior of the halfspace excluding its 11453050 Construct a polyhedron object 11453051 A matrix of rational approximations to orthonormal vectors to 11453057 Return an icosahedron with edge length 1 11453059 Return an Archimedean solid with 24 vertices and 26 faces 11453060 Return an Archimedean solid with 48 vertices and 26 faces 11453066 Return the standard 24 cell polytope 11453067 Return the standard 600 cell polytope 11453073 Return the parallelotope spanned by the generators 11453122 The integral subgroup of the restricted automorphism group 11453143 Register actions with the coercion model 11453156 Return a 3d rendering of the Schlegel projection of a 4d 11453157 Return the vertices rays in cyclic order if possible 11453159 Create a stereographic projection function 11453163 Initialize the projection of a Polyhedron object 11453172 Internal function Initialize from polyhedron with 11453177 Internal function Initialize compact and non compact edges 11453179 Internal function Initialize facet polygons for 3d polyhedron 11453232 Validate the double description pair 11453245 Return an initial double description pair 11453246 Return a new double description pair with the inequality a added 11453268 Return the solution as a 3D Graphic object 11453344 Return the parabolic Kazhdan Lusztig polynomial P u v J 11453361 Return the natural action of this Coxeter group element on a 11453590 Return the convex hull of the two intervals 11453591 Return the intersection of the two intervals 11453628 Returns True if elt is in self 11453645 Return the next element of elt in self 11453733 Initializes the Cremona database with name name If name is 11453852 Calculate the necessary parameters to construct a list of points 11453871 Plots a 2D disk actually a 52 gon in 3D 11453932 Return a matplotlib figure object representing the graphic 11453947 Save the graphics array to a png called filename 11453951 Create the line through the given list of points 11453976 Plots a 2D circle actually a 50 gon in 3D 11453988 A point of size size defined by point x y 11454083 Helper function for creating graphics arrays 11454131 Plots a 2D polygon in 3D with default height zero 11454146 Recursive triangulation function for plotting 11454153 Adaptive 3d plotting of a function of two variables 11454184 Return a parametric three dimensional space surface 11454185 Draw a 3d line joining a sequence of points 11454189 Draw correct labels for a given frame in 3 D Primarily 11454190 Draw a ruler in 3 D with major and minor ticks 11454207 Creates an instance of the Tachyon class 11454301 Constructs the odd pair of duadic codes associated to the 11454305 Implements the Hamming codes 11454311 Given a finite field F of order q let 11454331 Returns Plotkin upper bound for number of elements in the largest 11454332 Returns the Griesmer upper bound for number of elements in the 11454366 Convert x into self 11454405 Initialize and return the two parameter Iwahori Hecke algebra self 11454498 Convert x into self 11454632 True if self contains x 11454761 Intersects the ZZ modules with basis matrices the full rank 4x4 11454763 Given a and b and an even prime ideal p find 11454811 Return the ternary quadratic form associated to this order 11454828 Return normalized theta series of self as a power series over 11455147 The coincidence index of the string S 11455229 Multiply 2 free monoid elements 11455251 Returns the probability space of character frequencies The output 11455293 Return the rules that form the rewritig system 11455303 Return the direct product of self with finitely presented 11455304 The semidirect product of self with H via hom 11455339 Return the left normal form of the braid in permutation form 11455359 Construct a Free Group 11455386 Return the normal form of the word word Helper function for 11455395 Return canonical presentation of finitely generated abelian group 11455477 Totally generic discrete log function 11455479 Pollard Lambda algorithm for computing discrete logarithms It uses 11455482 Generic function to find order of a group element given only 11455487 internal use to minimize the number of group operations 11455535 Create element of an affine group 11455569 The full symmetric group of order n as a permutation group 11455587 The dicyclic group of order 4 n as a permutation group 11455599 The split metacyclic group of order p m 11455601 The semidihedral group of order 2 m 11455656 Compare self and right 11455702 Return a finitely presented group isomorphic to self 11455709 Returns the matrix of values of the irreducible characters of a 11455842 Iterate over the elements of the group 11455855 Element of a matrix group over a generic ring 11455871 Return the Coxeter graph of self 11456002 Issue an XML RPC request 11456117 Returns a list of lists nlists different lists of prime ideals 11456118 Returns integral elements of the number field representing the images of 11456126 Constructor of number field cusps See NFCusp for full 11456139 Returns AB matrix associated to the cusp self 11456159 Return whether self and other are equivalent modulo the action of 11456166 Return the q expansion of the series 11456167 Return the q expansion of the standard theta series 11456216 Compute the dimension of the Eisenstein submodule 11456278 Return all systems of eigenvalues for self for primes 11456279 Return the absolute values of all systems of eigenvalues for 11456319 Return the period of self with respect to M 11456324 Return True if self equals other and False otherwise 11456325 Compare self with other 11456340 Return the L series of the weight k modular form 11456350 Compute coefficients for self an Eisenstein series of the form 11456352 Return defining parameters for self 11456363 Return the q expansion of Delta modulo N Used internally by 11456365 Given the q expansion f of a modular form with character 11456477 Construct a Manin Symbol from the given data 11456478 Return the modular symbol 0 alpha in this space 11456480 Construct a modular symbol sum 11456511 Return compact systems of eigenvalues for each Galois conjugacy 11456712 Return the Dirichlet character associated to the specific 11456994 Returns the maximal decomposition of this Hecke module under the 11457099 Compute data used for determining the canonical coset 11457102 Compute a canonical form for a given Manin symbol 11457155 Return the list of cusp widths 11457273 A subring of the endomorphism ring 11457283 Compare this finite subgroup to other 11457311 Compare self and right 11457542 This function returns a supersingular j invariant over the finite 11457553 This function returns the L text th Hecke matrix 11457728 Make a formal sum in self from x 11457787 Returns the exponential integral E 1 x If the optional 11457835 Used internally to compute the square root of x 11457877 list of pairs is a list of pairs I fcn where 11457890 Returns the piecewise line function defined by the trapezoid rule 11457898 By default returns the indefinite integral of the function 11457899 Returns the convolution function 11457905 A helper function for the construction of Fourier series The 11457917 Returns the Laplace transform of self with respect to the variable 11457920 Returns the piecewise defined function which is the product of one 11458193 For points P Q in the same residue disc 11458198 Gives the residue disc of P 11458204 Returns the Coleman integral int P Q w 11458205 Returns the p th power lift of Frobenius of P 11458209 Given a finite Weierstrass point P and a point S 11458210 Given a finite Weierstrass point P and a point S 11458212 Computes the Coleman integral int S Q w 11458215 Computes bound on number of p adic digits needed to recover 11458219 Compute the charpoly of frobenius as an element of ZZ x 11458230 Count points on a single extension of the base field 11458253 For a non Weierstrass point P a b on the hyperelliptic 11458254 For a finite Weierstrass point on the hyperelliptic 11458256 Calls the appropriate local coordinates function 11458341 We use this to solve for the linear combination of 11458411 Returns a morphism from this affine scheme into an ambient 11458415 Return the i th affine patch of this projective scheme 11458417 Return an affine algebraic subscheme isomorphic to a 11458418 Test whether the algebraic subscheme is smooth 11458424 Return the affine patch corresponding to cone as an affine 11458426 Return an toric algebraic scheme isomorphic to neighborhood of 11458469 Call syntax for schemes 11458519 Create a key that uniquely determines the Hom set 11458652 Iterate over all distinct homogeneous coordinates 11458655 Construct a crepant partially resolved Fano toric variety 11458750 Construct a class CohomologyClass 11458769 Return the naive subideal 11458770 Return the ideal quotient J x n infty 11458785 Return the Cartesian product of self with other 11458787 See meth CPRFanoToricVariety field anticanonical hypersurface for 11458788 See meth CPRFanoToricVariety field nef complete intersection for 11458795 Return the number of points of the toric variety 11458803 Reverse self ray map 11458824 Return the fiber over a given torus orbit in the codomain 11458927 Removes the gcd from the coordinates of self including 1 11458956 Return a matrix whose kernel consists of the coefficient vectors 11458975 Return dictionary of points 11458993 Return a generator object for the rational points on this curve 11459030 Return the Taylor series of this L series about a to 11459055 Internal function to compute the periods real embedding case 11459070 Return the elliptic exponential of a complex number 11459126 Computes the cyclotomic p adic regulator of this curve 11459283 Return polynomials with real floating point coefficients got 11459375 Interface to Simon s gp script for two descent 11459381 Returns the Tate parameter q such that the curve is isomorphic 11459406 Return a new isogeny class with the curves reordered 11459425 This function computes the codomain from the kernel polynomial as 11459430 Computes isomorphism from E1 to an intermediate domain and an 11459435 Function that implements the call ability of elliptic curve 11459436 Function that implements the hash ability of Isogeny objects 11459445 Private function that computes and initializes the rational 11459447 Private function to set the pre isomorphism and domain and 11459450 Private function that initializes the isogeny from a list of 11459451 Private function that sorts the list of points in the kernel 11459453 Private function for Velu s formulas helper function to help 11459455 Private function for Velu s formulas to perform the 11459457 Private function for Velu s formulas helper function to 11459460 Private function that initializes the isogeny from a kernel 11459462 Private function that initializes the omega polynomial from 11459476 Returns True if this isogeny is normalized An isogeny 11459490 Determine whether this curve is a quadratic twist of another 11459556 Returns a short Weierstrass model for self 11459559 Find a basis for the p primary part of the torsion 11459625 Returns a list of l isogenies with domain E 11459626 Returns a list of l isogenies with domain E 11459627 Returns the Hilbert class polynomial for discriminant D 11459656 Given a sequence returns a class SageInputExpression 11459918 Flattens a nested list 11459939 Return an ASCII art reprensentation of obj 11459977 Returns the class inheritance graph of a module class or object 11460023 Returns a numerical approximation of an object x with at 11460032 Show a graphics object x 11460115 Iterate over the changed files 11460381 Compare self and other 11460396 Return the free module over R obtained by coercing each 11460543 Homomorphism defined by giving the images of self gens in some 11460605 Solve numerically a system of first order ordinary differential equations 11460641 The chain complex associated to this Delta complex 11460650 Return the connected sum of self with other 11460652 Construct an epimorphism from a standard simplex to a 11460710 The reduced homology of this cell complex 11460719 Define a chain complex 11460735 Sort the degrees in the order determined by the differential 11460743 The homology of the chain complex 11460754 List of maximal matchings between the sets A and B 11460764 A minimal triangulation of the complex projective plane 11460765 Returns a pure simplicial complex of dimension 8 with 490 facets 11460766 A triangulation of the Poincare homology 3 sphere 11460771 The simplicial complex of all graphs on n vertices which are 11460772 The matching complex of graphs on n vertices 11460773 The chessboard complex for an n times i chessboard 11471845 TAKES IN LABELS IN YOLO FORMAT AND CREATES ANNOTATED IMAGE 11471847 Takes in text file of yolo coords and converts from 11471848 Takes in a list coordinates and converts the array 11473756 Set values in the save dictionary from the GUI inputs 11474121 Initializer Sets up boards places mines via call to method counts 11474127 Handles clearing adjacent sections of board from empty cell 11474128 In Cell to find neighbors of 11518588 type language sentence language SentenceLanguage 11540525 Renders a Brev template 11540527 Decorator for view functions 11540758 name the name of the network 11540799 Returns a response body string from the server 11541095 param str unicode key Option name 11541312 Adds cron The interface to the uWSGI signal cron facility 11541442 Registers the given socket s for further use 11541603 Sets mules related params 11541611 param str unicode name Section name 11541617 param str unicode name Section name 11563500 Device Factory chain address mask 11563553 Family name word width address width program size reg width 11563588 Trains the projector with the features of the given frames 11563605 Selects frames and returns them in a FrameContainer 11563614 call frames annotations None preprocessed 11575430 Attempts to update the instance record in the database 11576235 Sort the metas into the order that they must be built 11576236 Given a dictionary mapping a package to its dependencies return a 11588993 Construct a blueprint Extra arguments are used to create a dict 11588994 Subtracting one blueprint from another allows blueprints to remain 11589049 Given a function for choosing a Blueprint object based typically on 11589083 Create a service resource and subscribe to its dependencies 11593046 Will execute a command read the output and return it back 11593536 Creates the Viewer GUI 11608846 Iterate through composed assignment Message s 11608849 Iterate through composed student Message s 11608850 Construct a Message notfiying a student of grade 11608853 Construct a Message notfiying a professor of all grades to date 11608886 Iterate through emails and mail them off one by one 11608890 Yield Person s that match name email and group 11608895 from pgp mime email import encodedMIMEText 11615388 Compute weighted area under ROC curve 11619429 Guess the series of the resistor 11654096 Makes a prime pairs graph 11654098 Inspired by https math stackexchange com a 89453 100900 11658587 Returns dictionary in the form of 11658588 Returns a dictionary in the form of 11663649 Calculates a time axis 1 shift invariant distance matrix 11663661 which dataset choose between short and long 11663662 The outputs of this function are the reconstructed filtered 11663663 The outputs of this function are the higher order 11663666 The outputs of this function are the reconstructed filtered 11663667 The outputs of this function are the reconstructed filtered 11672549 Converts Python objects into similar objects which can be JSONified 11687395 Will return some terminal size If no terminal size can be 11687405 Use a matlab like pcolor function to display the large elements 11687424 Consider such a model class 11695472 Method used to update the information in the root 11709254 TODO Docstring for eq arr 11709300 Takes a chromosome and decodes it 11713709 Return the fields to export as an iterable of tuples 11713765 Since the original function always creates the directory to resolve 11713794 Return the argument name list of a callable 11713816 Return the request fingerprint 11713883 Compose a component list from a class order dictionary 11713891 Like reactor listenTCP but tries different ports in a range 11713907 ItemProcessor finished for the given item and returned output 11713965 Upload file to S3 storage 11713967 Do the real extraction work 11722488 INTERNAL process one rule 11723860 Write data to the file There is no return value 11724336 Ensure that DBRef items in ListFields are dereferenced 11724337 Ensure that ReferenceFields can reference their own documents 11724406 Ensure that the list fields can be updated using the positional 11724432 Ensure nullification of references to deleted documents 11724446 Ensure that custom QuerySetManager instances work as expected 11724450 Ensure that values used in updates are converted before use 11724454 Ensure bulk querying by object id returns a proper dict 11724455 Ensure that geospatial queries are working 11724456 Ensure that spherical geospatial queries are working 11724458 Ensure that custom QuerySet classes may be used 11724459 Ensure that custom QuerySet classes may be used 11724460 Ensure that custom QuerySet classes may be used 11724461 Ensure that custom QuerySet classes may be used 11724464 Ensure that cloning clones complex querysets 11724471 Ensure that Q objects correctly AND together 11724474 Ensure that Q objects handle ORing ANDed ORed components 11724494 Cheaply dereferences the items to a set depth 11724497 Recursively finds all db references to be dereferenced 11725056 Initialize and start this connection 11725199 Get an update message 11725202 Get a delete message 11725214 Update a document s in this collection 11725248 Replace DBRefs with embedded documents 11725272 Create a new cursor 11725275 Get a clone of this cursor 11725295 Refreshes the cursor with more data from Mongo 11727896 Parse cssText as class cssutils css CSSStyleSheet 11741651 Return a storm store Store object 11741652 If a TransactionRollbackError occurs due to a concurrent update this 11745147 Copy everything specified in the config to the build directory 11747493 Test success event empties the failure queue 11747494 Test a successful task doesn t empty queue with different task 11749392 set these urls to local media urls if not specified 11760883 For a list of words returns the scores of each emotion 11762688 Very similar to shellish autocommand but curry init args so the 11762693 Validate the args work with our worker by instantiating it here 11763376 Calculates the detector plane noise products 11763381 Add a source to the model cube 11763389 Trim spectrum to wavelength range specified by wmin and wmax 11763537 The weight matrix for the spectroscopic modes creates a separate strategy 11763579 Calculate the variance of a specified MULTIACCUM slope 11763580 Calculate the variance due to read noise only 11763582 Calculate the slope variance 11764228 docstring for cost gradient 11769259 Decorate an action to return a JSON format 11770414 Generator which returns start end date for each chunk 11795718 Add a list of components to the Frame with positioning 11795719 Called whenever the component s container changes size 11795722 send source event None loop 0 11795775 Send message from sender to all handlers passing the 11795780 Send the given message and associated data to all handlers 11795781 Return a list of points approximating the given arc 11795782 Return a list of points approximating the given Bezier curve 11811349 Creates a list of family data from a PED file 11811406 initialise the class object 11811408 identify candidate variants in exome data for a single trio 11811411 rejig variants included under multiple inheritance mechanisms 11811449 loads the variants for a trio or singleton 11811467 initialise the object with all the symbols for an alt allele 11811472 initialise the object with the definition values 11811560 loads the pedigree details for a prband 11811648 define a family and variant and start the Inheritance class 11811666 test that set trio genotypes works correctly 11811741 test that has enough overlap works correctly 11813423 Test the punch ballot method of the Vote manager 12019377 Implements the dylib search as specified in Apple documentation 12019405 Remove a function from the schedule 12019537 Return a dictionary of left right kerning 12019552 Place image within this texture 12019657 Convert CFNumber to python int or float 12019728 Create an empty Texture 12019729 Create a Texture with dimensions at least min width min height 12019730 Get the image data of this texture 12019732 Blit this texture tiled over the given area 12019738 Construct a grid for the given image 12019747 Read a GIF file stream 12019840 Draw vertices in the domain 12019851 Draw vertices in the domain 12019855 Draw a primitive with indexed vertices immediately 12019866 Draw only some vertex lists in the batch 12019876 Allocate memory in the buffer 12019910 Remove some data from beginning of packet All events are 12019913 Import all video frames into memory as an Animation 12062860 creates a Doc instance 12068871 converts UTC to gpsWeek secsOfWeek gpsDay secsOfDay 12068876 By Brian Boates boates 12068877 return float accuracy score for classification model e 0 1 12068880 Parses pos file for data 12081815 Parse LSCSCT line LSCSCT 074 Main Lohr M N4959700 E00934900 12081818 Obtain only thermal phases 12081819 Obtain only cruise phases 12081820 Obtain all phases cruise and thermal 12081821 Get part of phase that falls within a specified leg 12081822 Get part of phase that falls within the trip 12089576 Computes the Transverse Comoving Distance Mpc 12089622 Transverse Comoving Distance Mpc 12089764 A Path Finding Algorithm 12090433 Create includes of all consumers 12093266 Recursively approximates the length by straight lines 12093272 The length of an elliptical arc segment requires numerical 12093273 Examples from the SVG spec 12093277 These is the path in the SVG specs 12093278 The paths that are in the SVG specs 12093853 param video src video source 12094984 a and b are Revisions 12122173 Write necessary build files for our software 12122175 Write config files for all our servers 12122181 Returns a drawable nodelist 12135929 Starts the parsing process which detects records and notifies 12135931 Starts the parsing process which detects records and notifies 12135936 Partitions a target IP subnet on an exclude IP address 12136018 param other an IPAddress or ranged IP object 12136053 Calculate IPSet supernet IPSet subnets 12136079 param other an IP set 12161173 Display a msg a title and a set of buttons 12161369 Multiple strikes selected per random 12161482 returns dx dy toward player if inside sniffrange 12161492 Bresenham s Line Algorithm 12161505 create a black surface and paint a blue ball on it 12161511 calculate movement position and bouncing on edge 12161515 Initialize pygame window background font 12161524 update movement gets the seconds passed since last frame as parameter 12161525 create a black surface and paint a blue ball on it 12161527 painting ships on the surface 12161545 elasitc collision between 2 sprites calculated as disc s 12161546 return a width x height surface filled with tiles 12161554 calculate movement position and bouncing on edge 12161558 painting on the surface once and create sprites 12161563 create a black surface and paint a blue ball on it 12161619 painting on the surface 12161623 Simple example with stationary and moving balls 12161630 blinking text bouncing around the screen 12161639 Check at first 4 sides of the player rectangle 12161650 drawing the bullet and rotating it according to it s launcher 12161651 overwriting the method because there are some differences 12161665 calculate movement position and bouncing on edge 12161667 painting on the surface once and create sprites 12161671 elasitc collision between 2 sprites calculated as disc s 12161677 create a black surface and paint a blue ball on it 12161678 calculate movement position and bouncing on edge 12161686 drawing the bullet and rotating it according to it s launcher 12161693 bounce sprite if it touches the screen borders 12161702 check if Sprite is touching screen edge 12161703 Initialize pygame window background font 12161704 painting on the surface 12161709 elasitc collision between 2 sprites calculated as disc s 12161717 this function is called when the program starts 12161725 returns a sound which is echoed of the last one 12161735 Display multiple images bounce off each other using collition detection 12161742 Execute a musical keyboard example for the Church Organ instrument 12161750 Populate the keyboard with key instances 12161755 Return a new Key instance 12161772 show an interactive image scaler 12161786 Initialize pygame window background font 12161789 painting on the surface once and create sprites 12161823 Tests whether two particles overlap 12161827 Change velocity based on gravatational attraction between two particle 12161830 Tests whether a particle has hit the boundary of the environment 12161833 Initialize pygame window background font 12161840 create a black surface and paint a blue ball on it 12161844 calculate movement position and bouncing on edge 12161846 create the game world with background picture sprites walls and grid 12161872 A dialog to get a file name 12161891 painting on the surface and create sprites 12166576 Delegates emails by querying for the list of recipients who should 12166588 Test that celery handles permanent SMTPDataErrors by failing and not retrying 12173578 x y ndarray of dtype bool 12173587 return a PTE function given a reduction function 12173596 assume data is dict 12173613 array of type numpy ndarray 12173630 taper mask with width in place 12173660 create a Holoviews dynamic map that slice through each column 12173662 enhance seaborn s distplot with hue support 12173669 convert DataFrame with MultiIndex to ndarray 12173686 a decorator to add keyword stdout stderr to the function args 12173692 paths list of strings 12187391 Generate a 2D radially symmetric Gaussian kernel for sextractor 12188229 Generator function for a timed range on an easing function 12198375 Select traces from a particular subplot cell and or traces 12198379 Helper called by code generated select methods 12198380 Helper to select annotation like elements from a layout object array 12198388 Add traces to the figure 12198400 Build a dispatch plan for a list of key path strings 12198404 Perform a Plotly update operation on the figure 12198406 Convert batch trace edits and batch layout edits into the 12198408 Perform the batch animate operation 12198431 Determine whether object contains a property or nested property 12198442 Set the value of a simple property 12198443 Set the value of a compound property 12198444 Set the value of a compound property 12198452 Recursive equality function that handles nested dicts tuples lists 12198505 Process layout delta message from the frontend 12198514 Transform to data into from data and return relayout style 12198538 Add a new Area trace 12198540 Add a new Barpolar trace 12198542 Add a new Candlestick trace 12198543 Add a new Carpet trace 12198544 Add a new Choropleth trace 12198545 Add a new Choroplethmapbox trace 12198549 Add a new Densitymapbox trace 12198551 Add a new Funnelarea trace 12198553 Add a new Heatmapgl trace 12198557 Add a new Image trace 12198558 Add a new Indicator trace 12198561 Add a new Ohlc trace 12198562 Add a new Parcats trace 12198563 Add a new Parcoords trace 12198565 Add a new Pointcloud trace 12198566 Add a new Sankey trace 12198572 Add a new Scattermapbox trace 12198576 Add a new Splom trace 12198578 Add a new Sunburst trace 12198580 Add a new Table trace 12198581 Add a new Treemap trace 12198612 Create and add a new annotation to the figure s layout 12198616 Create and add a new image to the figure s layout 12198620 Create and add a new shape to the figure s layout 12198681 Construct a new Waterfall object 12198733 Construct a new Volume object 12198787 Construct a new Violin object 12198830 Construct a new Treemap object 12198852 Construct a new Table object 12198901 Construct a new Surface object 12198942 Construct a new Sunburst object 12198990 Construct a new Streamtube object 12199025 Construct a new Splom object 12199073 Construct a new Scatterternary object 12199121 Construct a new Scatterpolargl object 12199171 Construct a new Scatterpolar object 12199214 Construct a new Scattermapbox object 12199266 Construct a new Scattergl object 12199312 Construct a new Scattergeo object 12199358 Construct a new Scattercarpet object 12199407 Construct a new Scatter3d object 12199469 Construct a new Scatter object 12199492 Construct a new Sankey object 12199527 Construct a new Pointcloud object 12199578 Construct a new Pie object 12199599 Construct a new Parcoords object 12199621 Construct a new Parcats object 12199661 Construct a new Ohlc object 12199722 Construct a new Mesh3d object 12199773 Construct a new Isosurface object 12199793 Construct a new Indicator object 12199826 Construct a new Image object 12199883 Construct a new Histogram2dContour object 12199937 Construct a new Histogram2d object 12199988 Construct a new Histogram object 12200031 Construct a new Heatmapgl object 12200086 Construct a new Heatmap object 12200129 Construct a new Funnelarea object 12200183 Construct a new Funnel object 12200225 Construct a new Densitymapbox object 12200275 Construct a new Contourcarpet object 12200334 Construct a new Contour object 12200384 Construct a new Cone object 12200426 Construct a new Choroplethmapbox object 12200467 Construct a new Choropleth object 12200500 Construct a new Carpet object 12200540 Construct a new Candlestick object 12200592 Construct a new Box object 12200636 Construct a new Barpolar object 12200702 Construct a new Bar object 12200725 Construct a new Area object 12200808 Construct a new Layout object 12200817 Add a new Area trace 12200819 Add a new Barpolar trace 12200821 Add a new Candlestick trace 12200822 Add a new Carpet trace 12200823 Add a new Choropleth trace 12200824 Add a new Choroplethmapbox trace 12200828 Add a new Densitymapbox trace 12200830 Add a new Funnelarea trace 12200832 Add a new Heatmapgl trace 12200836 Add a new Image trace 12200837 Add a new Indicator trace 12200840 Add a new Ohlc trace 12200841 Add a new Parcats trace 12200842 Add a new Parcoords trace 12200844 Add a new Pointcloud trace 12200845 Add a new Sankey trace 12200851 Add a new Scattermapbox trace 12200855 Add a new Splom trace 12200857 Add a new Sunburst trace 12200859 Add a new Table trace 12200860 Add a new Treemap trace 12200891 Create and add a new annotation to the figure s layout 12200895 Create and add a new image to the figure s layout 12200899 Create and add a new shape to the figure s layout 12200955 Construct a new Marker object 12201035 Construct a new ColorBar object 12201094 Construct a new Marker object 12201136 Construct a new Line object 12201185 Construct a new ColorBar object 12201332 Construct a new ColorBar object 12201420 Construct a new Baxis object 12201476 Construct a new Aaxis object 12201545 Construct a new Marker object 12201586 Construct a new Line object 12201630 Construct a new ColorBar object 12201717 Construct a new ColorBar object 12201784 Construct a new Marker object 12201809 Construct a new ErrorY object 12201825 Construct a new ErrorX object 12201854 Construct a new Line object 12201898 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202024 Construct a new Marker object 12202114 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202172 Construct a new Marker object 12202212 Construct a new Line object 12202261 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202324 Construct a new Marker object 12202354 Construct a new ErrorY object 12202370 Construct a new ErrorX object 12202396 Construct a new Line object 12202440 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202503 Construct a new Marker object 12202544 Construct a new Line object 12202588 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202653 Construct a new Marker object 12202695 Construct a new Line object 12202744 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202853 Construct a new ColorBar object 12202974 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203084 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203178 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203343 Construct a new Marker object 12203358 Construct a new Line object 12203383 Construct a new ErrorZ object 12203399 Construct a new ErrorY object 12203415 Construct a new ErrorX object 12203478 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203540 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203643 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203725 Construct a new ColorBar object 12203856 Construct a new Marker object 12203898 Construct a new Line object 12203947 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204042 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204193 Construct a new Axis object 12204252 Construct a new Line object 12204316 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204384 Construct a new Marker object 12204428 Construct a new Line object 12204472 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204566 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204630 Construct a new Marker object 12204662 Construct a new ErrorY object 12204678 Construct a new ErrorX object 12204703 Construct a new Line object 12204747 Construct a new ColorBar object 12204798 Construct a new Header object 12204818 Construct a new Cells object 12204929 Construct a new ColorBar object 12205031 Construct a new YAxis object 12205106 Construct a new XAxis object 12205125 Construct a new Updatemenu object 12205175 Construct a new Slider object 12205195 Construct a new Shape object 12205209 Construct a new Scene object 12205273 Construct a new Legend object 12205289 Construct a new Image object 12205308 Construct a new Grid object 12205339 Construct a new Geo object 12205401 Construct a new Annotation object 12205431 Construct a new Layer object 12205514 Construct a new ColorBar object 12205600 Construct a new Rangeselector object 12205663 Construct a new Caxis object 12205702 Construct a new Baxis object 12205741 Construct a new Aaxis object 12205905 Construct a new RadialAxis object 12205955 Construct a new AngularAxis object 12206039 Construct a new Data object 12206095 Construct a new ZAxis object 12206151 Construct a new YAxis object 12206207 Construct a new XAxis object 12206259 Construct a new Annotation object 12206379 Construct a new Marker object 12206414 Construct a new Line object 12206458 Construct a new ColorBar object 12206514 Construct a new Marker object 12206582 Construct a new ColorBar object 12206628 Construct a new Line object 12206652 Construct a new Dimension object 12206696 Construct a new ColorBar object 12206811 Construct a new Node object 12206829 Construct a new Link object 12206978 Construct a new Marker object 12207010 Construct a new ErrorY object 12207026 Construct a new ErrorX object 12207052 Construct a new Line object 12207101 Construct a new ColorBar object 12207210 Construct a new ColorBar object 12207320 Construct a new ColorBar object 12207402 Construct a new ColorBar object 12207550 Construct a new ColorBar object 12207576 Get font color for annotations 12207582 Set up for RK4 function based on Bokeh s streamline code 12207585 Get streamlines by building trajectory set 12207594 Returns data for a scatterplot matrix 12207603 Normalize facecolor values by vmin vmax and return rgb color strings 12207604 Refer to FigureFactory create trisurf for docstring 12207619 Refer to FigureFactory create violin for docstring 12207626 Refer to create gantt for docstring 12207627 Refer to FigureFactory create gantt for docstring 12207628 Refer to FigureFactory create gantt for docstring 12207629 Returns figure for a gantt chart 12207640 Utility function for contour trace 12207641 Utility function for contour trace 12207647 Separate increasing data from decreasing data 12207648 Separate increasing data from decreasing data 12207655 Zip data to create OHLC shape 12207669 Creates x and y startpoint and endpoint pairs 12207673 Create z matrix to make heatmap with striped table coloring 12207685 Return the entire axes space for figure 12207716 Process a matplotlib line and call renderer draw line 12207751 Helper function for assert dict equal 12207799 A sunburst plot represents hierarchial data as sectors laid out over 12207800 A treemap plot represents hierarchial data as nested rectangular 12207814 Create a plotly graph locally as an HTML document or string 12207820 Move style properties from fig obj to template obj 12207826 Helper function for merge templates that merges exactly two templates 12207829 Backport unmodified of shutil which command from Python 3 6 12207872 Perform external rendering for each ExternalRenderer specified 12208895 Returns a list of all nodes ultimately downstream 12208901 Returns a topological ordering of the DAG 12211352 Tarjan s strongly connected components algorithm 12211354 Dijkstra s shortest paths algorithm 12211487 Solve the knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming 12211488 Compute items selected by the Dynamic Programming algorithm 12216472 Finds intersection of point to line 12226074 Integrate a function f between a and b with accuracy eps 12226086 Given a number of points in 1 1 according to 12226095 Compute some helper quantities used in 12226099 Given an input array with lists of options e g 12226104 Get all exponent combinations of dimension dim and maximum degree 12226105 This function takes the values and exponents of a given monomial 12226120 From the article Liu Vinokur 12226124 Get the determinant of the transformation matrix 12226126 Get all permutations of r s s of length n 12226140 Creates the tridiagonal sympy matrix tridiag b a b 12226151 Test the custom Gauss generator with the weight function x 2 12226152 Test Gautschi s famous example from 12228877 Use Redis to hold a shared distributed lock named name 12242669 Inspired by jbornschein s implementation 12242734 To set the text of text folder to the folder selected 12242736 Llena el tree view 12242888 type nums List int 12269892 Runs program name with the arguments of args 12289513 Returns a list of POSes in that system 12318090 Return node independent paths between two nodes 12318091 Compute vertex connectivity between source and target 12318094 Compute vertex connectivity between all pairs of nodes 12318095 Compute vertex connectivity between all pairs of nodes and return a 12319505 Test plain HTTP access and return three values 12325636 return variables in query 12325676 ADD THE value SUFFIX TO ALL VARIABLES 12325689 RETURN LIST OF ALL EDGE QUERIES 12325693 TAKE SHORTLIST RETURN IT SORTED 12325698 RETURNS LIST OF coord values TUPLES WHERE 12325699 SLICE THIS CUBE IN TO ONES WITH LESS DIMENSIONALITY 12339618 Decorator that wraps a class member function with caching capabilities 12346121 Updates the toggle menu check states 12346159 Pastes data into grid filling the selection 12346160 Pastes data into grid starting from the current cell 12346175 Fills the main toolbar with QActions 12346177 Fills the format toolbar with QActions 12346180 Fills the main toolbar with QActions 12346197 Sets up dialog UI 12346210 Pyspread selection based on self s QSelectionModel 12346266 Quote cells event handler 12346300 Paint border lines around the cell 12346307 Paint cell contents for rotated cells 12346316 Changes grid size and deletes cell code outside the new shape 12346318 param parent The parent object normally class pyspread MainWindow 12346322 actions for Format menu 12346334 Creates the File menu fills it with QActions and returns it 12346335 Creates the Edit menu fills it with QActions and returns it 12346336 Creates the View menu fills it with QActions and returns it 12346337 Creates the Format menu fills it with QActions and returns it 12346351 Button pressed event handler 12346357 Returns attribute dict for a single key 12346376 Deletes all cells beyond new shape and sets dict grid shape 12346380 Accepts index and slice keys 12346387 Generator traversing cells specified in key 12346389 Adjusts row and column sizes on insertion deletion 12346390 Returns an updated merge area 12346391 Adjusts cell attributes on insertion deletion 12346392 Inserts no to insert rows cols tabs before insertion point 12346393 Deletes no to delete rows cols starting with deletion point 12346401 Evaluates one cell and returns its result 12346406 Executes all macros and returns result string 12346407 Generator that yields sorted keys starting with startkey 12346430 Unit test for cell array generator 12346433 Unit test for adjust cell attributes 12346446 Unit test for sorted keys 12346473 Returns True iif cell is in selection 12346474 Shifts selection down and or right 12346478 Returns top left bottom right of bounding box 12346481 Returns a new selection that is shifted by rows and cols 12346501 Create and return an augmented default context menu 12346505 Return a cursor selecting the misspelled word at pos or None 12346509 Do highlighting of multi line strings delimiter should be a 12346515 Method for Python highlighter 12346533 Convenience function that uses the QImage constructor to read an 12354751 Read a package requires txt 12360510 List the domains using the auth mechanism setting in the kolab 12361086 Calculate Gregorian calendar date from Julian day 12361097 Calculate Jalali date from Julian day 12361906 Send a command to Alexa 12361907 Sends multiple requests to AVS concurrently 12362208 play one game between two agents p1 and p2 12369611 Creates new task class from any callable 12369636 Tests that a worker pool has workers 12369637 Tests that a worker pool has workers 12396157 Turns packets to inputs for Noc Block 12396160 Tests the noc block fir filter module using random coefficients and 12399628 reads in negative data set removes sequences that match positive examples 12399631 read in the training data 12399632 determines performance of model 12399633 classifies input as true binding site or not 1 or 0 12399635 learns the parameters for the model 12399640 generates datasets for crossvalidation 12399641 takes in a dataset 12399643 classifies input as true binding site or not 1 or 0 12399645 learns the parameters for the model 12401276 Prepare the sequences used by the Neural Network 12401281 Prepare the sequences used by the Neural Network 12401282 create the structure of the neural network 12401462 Circular correlation using fourier transform 12401465 Extract line scan from an image 12401469 Zeropad in the frequency domain 12401470 Circular subpixel shift a 1D array 12401471 Find the maximum value in an image using cubic interpolation 12401472 Find peaks in an array 12401476 Interactively plot a functions values 12401490 Test algorithm without subpixel registration 12401491 The dft upsample function should be equivalent to 12401495 Calculates a distribution using the given classifier From that distribution the 12401530 Counts the number of different Persons who act speak or show 12401541 The appearance analyzer counts how many persons were introduced in the 12409804 Base class for Keplerian orbital elements 12409805 Keplerian orbital elements for a single orbit 12409808 Keplerian orbital elements for a two body system 12409818 Evaluate the predicted velocity at the specified time 12409825 Compute the unscaled radial velocity of the body at the specified 12409827 Compute the orbit at specified times in the two body barycentric 12416568 Load tests from a single test select pattern sel 12416604 Parse output of gdisk 12418223 Check that repository is clean and given branches tags files 12418475 Update the changelog with a range of commits 12418570 Create a patch of diff between two repository objects 12418829 Parse and filter out bug tracking system related meta tags from 12443752 Serialize odict into yaml string 12447385 Return my weird list date format 12447386 Given a list of words determine whether the list 12468250 Extract year and month from date field specific to django packages 12478193 Transform routes into urlpatterns 12478285 Returns a match object that matches the next block separator taking 12478287 Used by the updateElementOffsets to ensure start and end offsets in 12478290 Returns the indentation of a string 12508464 Perform a matrix discrete Fourier transform with selectable 12508465 Perform a matrix discrete Fourier transform with selectable 12523785 Decode a control packet into the list of sensors 12547394 inner product on the curve between two points 12547396 z 1 mod q for z 0 12547636 Given a handle and base address of the loaded DLL 12547644 Removes the hardware breakpoint from the specified address or slot 12547646 Removes the memory breakpoint from target address 12547651 Sets a hardware breakpoint at the designated address 12547657 Check for and process a debug event 12547669 This is the default CREATE THREAD DEBUG EVENT handler 12547713 Unwind the the Structured Exception Handler SEH chain of 12547720 Enable or disable single stepping in the specified thread or 12547723 Unwind the stack to the best of our ability 12547736 Write to the debuggee process space 12547774 Constructs a class SupervisedDataset from the given data 12547797 Does nothing only initializes self composite and self indexes 12547807 Initializes the dataset loads corpora sets devel and test offset 12547811 Controls dataset behavior what kind of dataset the dataset should 12547821 Given a file with tab separated docname imagename pairs returns 12547849 Typical hidden layer of a MLP units are fully connected 12547857 Initialize the parameters of the logistic regression 12547887 Stochastic approximation to the pseudo likelihood 12547892 Links a model instance to the link layer index th layer 12547919 Initialize the parameters of the logistic regression 12547925 Initialize the parameters of the Denoising Autoencoder 12547948 Initialize the parameters for the multilayer perceptron 12547976 Runs the theano compiled function that implements clamped sampling 12547986 Utility function to write multiple images from their docnames 12547997 Creates the default t2i mapping object from two corpora and their 12547998 Creates the default t2i mapping object from two corpora and their 12548013 Checks if the pipeline has been serialized using the given class 12548027 Initialized with a corpus Estimates the scaling coefficients for 12548061 Creates all corpora necessary for the creation of the 12548062 Creates the SAFIRE MultimodalDataset If corpora are not generated 12548088 Builds the embeddings data structure 12548097 Parses the whole document Returns both the sentences and the 12548098 Parses one vtext document into sentences based on self colnames and 12548107 Filters the given set of sentences so that tokens that appear 12548108 Initializes the mulitmodal dataset loader 12548168 Initializes the sharded mulitmodal dataset loader 12548190 Input list of tokens doc iid 12548229 param iid This will be the iid of the input text 12548275 Prepares the train model validate model and test model methods 12548284 Prepares the train model validate model and test model methods 12548300 Prepares the train model validate model and test model methods 12548307 Initialize the parameters of the Denoising Autoencoder 12548360 Retrieves the valid id2word object that can handle getitem 12548377 Checks if the pipeline has been serialized using the given class 12548400 Initializes the ImageNet image vector corpus 12548403 One iteration of get images should yield one document which means 12548405 Constructs a class SupervisedDataset from the given data 12548460 Initializes the dataset loads corpora sets devel and test offset 12548485 Parses one vtext document into sentences based on self colnames and 12548510 Creates the SAFIRE MultimodalDataset If corpora are not generated 12548564 Creates a ShardedMultimodalDataset If corpora are not generated 12551984 Data is assumed to be in the format 12551990 Note only works post optimization 12551991 Sample worker parameters according to model 12551995 Sample worker parameters according to model 12551998 Runs the 1d model on the data to initialize the 12573900 Extend the 1D array at both the beginning and the end 12573903 Implements the forward 1D Dual tree Complex Wavelet Transform 12573904 Implements the inverse 1D Dual tree Complex Wavelet Transform 12573908 Extend the 1D array at both the beginning and the end 12573911 Implements the forward 1D Dual tree Complex Wavelet Transform 12573912 Implements a version of the forward 1D Dual tree Complex 12573913 Implements the inverse 1D Dual tree Complex Wavelet Transform 12573919 A function to do filtering along both rows and columns 12573921 Computes the 2d inverse DTCWT from lo and hi inputs 12573924 Convert all of the high pass decimated filtered arrays into 12573928 Return an array that consists of the input array 12573931 Test against data generated using NGK s Matlab toolbox 12573933 Test against data generated using NGK s Matlab toolbox 12575782 Renders obj using the attr template set on the class 12575803 Convert a model field or dict value into a serializable representation 12575811 Convert any object into a serializable representation 12575820 Given some content return a Form instance bound to that content 12581045 Decode a message header value without converting charset 12584236 Print a horizontal pretty table from data 12584245 Parse and return Data into more usable Data 12603090 construct the 4D 3D projection matrix 12605770 A decorator that performs type checking using type hints at runtime 12612202 Returns first found element This method uses 12623137 Creates the layers of neurons in a neural network 12643184 Create the actions of the main toolbar 12643185 Rewritten KeyPressEvent to get other behavior while Shift is pressed 12643186 Rewritten KeyReleaseEvent to get other behavior while Shift is pressed 12643201 Instance is called prior to plotting the shapes It creates 12643227 An example function that will turn a nested dictionary of results 12643342 Create all plotting related parts of one shape 12643367 Generate a rotation matrix such that toRefVector matrix orgRefVector 12643370 Standard method to initialize the class 12643376 This method populates a row of the Entities treeView It is 12643377 Update the layers list order to reflect the TreeView order 12643387 This code updates the parents checkboxes for a given entity 12643388 Slot that updates the tool s diameter speed and start radius 12643389 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643390 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643391 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643392 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643393 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643394 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643395 Slot that updates the above tools parameter when the 12643397 This function restore defaults for tools parameters widgets 12643398 Display the current tools settings fill the QLineEdit 12643402 This function is used to effectively update the state of a 12643403 Enable disable all the columns from a row except the first 12643405 Add a custom GCode object into the treeView just after the 12643432 Initialisation of the class 12643436 Method for painting the arrow 12643437 Override inherited function to enlarge selection of Arrow to include all 12643445 The initialisation of the Postprocessor class This function is called 12643480 Get the intersections between the finite line and arc 12643485 With multiple slices end point could be start point 12643505 Returns the distance between a line and a given Point 12643508 Writes the GCODE for a Break 12643509 This function called to create the start move It will 12643517 Generates the absolute geometry based on itself and the parent This 12643522 App Cont or Calc IntPts 12643527 check ellipse fitting tolerance 12643533 This function does read the geometry 12643536 App Cont or Calc IntPts 12643550 Read Blocks Read the block geometries 12643558 Find Common Points Find common points 12643560 Search Contours Find the best continuous contours 12643561 Search Paths Search the paths through the Contour 12643573 check diff to pts 12643578 check biarc fitting tolerance 12643582 Berechnen eines Punkts des NURBS und der ersten Ableitung 12643590 App Cont or Calc IntPts 12643596 App Cont or Calc IntPts 12643611 Std method to initialise the class 12643612 calc O1 O2 k 12643618 get biarc fitting error 12645378 Obtain an authorization token for the GitHub API 12648887 Yields each node of object graph in postorder 12671974 Convert spectral values based on string outunit First converts 12672013 Wrapper function for Haiss method 3 Estimates diamter of gold nanoparticles 12672261 The second moments of area of the polygon 12677553 Test the general grid and its rotation 12677556 Add method mul to a class 12677558 Calculate open grids and centered grids 12677569 Calculate first order partial derivatives Returns a list of 1D arrays 12677578 Calculate a transform representing a rotation in 3D 12677579 Calculate a transform representing integration 12677580 Calculate a transform representing cumsum operation 12682443 Add parameters to the given ext for the given package 12700546 Compute the mask and the components 12700547 Compute Pearson correlation coefficient 12742484 Check that the basis functions sum up to one 12742493 Geodesic on the 2n 1 sphere embedded in C n 1 12743183 Augment the given images using the given augmentation matrices 12743186 Augments a batch of images 12743194 Loads the data weights history plot of a previous experiment 12759160 Create boot a new server 12760658 Filter a list by name ID and arbitrary meta data 12760670 Filter a list by a single range expression 12760713 List all available ports 12760726 List all available servers 12760731 List all available floating IPs 12760825 Add a floating IP to a server from a given pool 12760831 Wait for a server to reach ACTIVE status 12760845 Get the headers and body of an object 12761008 Delete the named server and any attached volumes 12774871 For each word middle letter combination board 12774872 This function takes a list of children and sorts them into 12781210 Updates a URL s query parameters 12781226 Gets the default credentials for the current environment 12781350 Exchanges an authorization code for an OAuth2Credentials object 12781616 Retries an HTTP request multiple times while handling errors 12782825 Issue the initial query in order to start scraping 12782899 Accept an input and write a MIDI compatible variable length stream 12782901 Returns a three byte transform of a frequencyTransform 12782906 Return a hash code for the object 12783967 Generates a batch iterator for a dataset 12783982 Return the B spline basis 12813336 Search database objects based on query 12813342 Will delete files that are not present in document 12813348 This method will return the document with files texts 12813349 This method will parse a document find files within it 12813352 Cria rotas para aplica o do gerador de bases 12822556 Count font size for the image 12825326 Generate a list which maps words to teams 12829487 Calls TranscodeJob transcode then verifies the derived files exist 12842928 Inject all the query fields as handler context To prevent accidentally 12842937 Make an async function shared The function should accept only kwargs 12850544 A simple posterior probability function that sums the log likelihood of 12854490 Update the degree of freedom parameter with 12854492 Estimate the log likelihood with samples from 12854493 Sample a truncated normal with the specified params This 12854495 samples log probability array along specified axis 12861928 Creates a new HIT 12863060 Search for the first cumulative 12863081 Create a cumulative distribution table using stored vocabulary label counts for