Unnamed: 0
10 values
1 value
Give me what I want or I will release the records
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the CIA has argued that the release of any of its JFK records would threaten national security
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Imagine spending all that time studying Islam and yet still misunderstanding its true peaceful message
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
We can only hope that learned imams such as Pope Francis and HRMcMaster will go to Virginia forthwith and explain to Mohamad Jamal Khweis the proper understanding of the Religion of Peace
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
I ruined my life and my familys life
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
executed his plan to perfection
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
This is not the Soviet Union this is not Iran or Riyadh this is America
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
still the incompetent clueless authorities know nothing
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
local and federal authorities are refusing to fill in the blanks
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Thats the information they seek to blackout
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
I have done what I believe God wanted me to do
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
bolstered my own Great Clarifier theory
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the poor poor woman
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
brave defenders of the status quo
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
cheap and vulgar ritual humiliation
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
midget bishops and minicardinals
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the cool kids in the Vatican
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
with whom I guess she has also no choice but to have sexual relationsBecause of kindheartedness
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
falsely elevated to the rank of a decisive question of Catholicism and a measure of ideological comparison in order to decide whether one is conservative or liberal in favor or against the pope
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
To teach with such an intentional lack of clarity inevitably risks sinning against the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
dont speak out publicly for fear they will be marginalized or worse
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
theyll be marginalized or worse if they speak out
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Presumably because adultery itself is no longer sinful
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
even threatening to go into schism if they didnt get their way
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the American people are clearly not being told the truth
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
authorities are actually actively covering up what really happened
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a reign of terror
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
admitted perjurer and convicted liar
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
one of the most brilliant and cunning ruses in history
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
gets Earl Warren and Sen Richard Russel to join the Warren Commission by telling them that the assassination could lead to World War III
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
one of the most ingenious and cunning plots ever designed
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The coverup of this particular US regimechange operation
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the CIA succeeded in keeping secret from the American people
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
kept secret from the American people since 1963
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
unelected rightwing proUS military general
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The Guatemalan operation was brilliant and ingenious
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The CIAs coverup in the JFK assassination was even more brilliant and ingenious
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the brilliance ingenuity and cunningness of the coverup
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
There could be only one answer communistsSoviet and Cuban communists to be more specific
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The communist part and the nuclearwar part were concoctedThat was all part of the plan
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
to never reveal the meeting to the American people
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
commentators should do more complete research maybe even use Google before they jump to conclusions
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
he failed to conclude his article with one great big important point about former CIA Director Richard Helms
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
great big important point
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Shapira failed to note that Helms was convicted in a federal district court of lying to Congress under oath
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
harass abuse humiliate persecute or prosecute him
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
without nary a care in the world
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The answer Helms lied
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
There is no reasonable doubt that Oswald was a US intelligence agent
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
keeping secret from the American people
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
when Oswald was claiming that he was being framed there could be only one entity that he could have been thinking about the CIA
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
were secretly monitoring his activities in the weeks leading up to the assassination no doubt to ensure that Oswald had not figured out what was about to happen to him
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Thats why the CIA has to continue keeping those records secret
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Then why the hidden rifleBecause its consistent with a frameup
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
ingenuity and cunning come into play
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Thats why they had shots fired from the front and placed Oswald in the rear
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a secret fraudulent and bogus autopsy
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
See my book The Kennedy Autopsy
appeal to authority fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
as a communist sympathizer or a conspiracy theorist
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
to continue keeping 98 percent of the CIAs decadeslong secret records secret from the American people
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
continues to work brilliantly today
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
ingenious and cunning plots
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
orders him to shut down any investigation of a conspiracy because it might lead to nuclear war
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
pernicious campaign of hate
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a campaign of hate laced with blatant antiSemitic overtones
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
public and humiliating reversals
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The malevolent BDS campaign
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
But Democratize SSMU was anything but democratic
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
repulsive display leftistfascist bigotry at its worst
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The bigoted BDS provocateurs
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
their manifestly antiSemitic campaign antics were beyond the pale
exaggeration/minimisation fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
manifestly antiSemitic campaign antics
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The vitriolic BDS campaign
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Judging by past investigations conducted by other schools SFSU CUNY and UCI to name a few I am not optimistic
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
He was warned by others who had prior dealings with the SSMU to keep his Jewish identity secret lest he sabotage his chances
appeal to fear fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Slowly but surely we are beginning to see the truth about the horrific attack come to light despite authorities desperately trying to prevent it from reaching the American people
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
authorities desperately trying to prevent it from reaching the American people
flag waving fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Sadly the picture emerging is one that includes a shocking amount of evidence pointing towards a classic deep state false flag operation
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
classic deep state false flag operation
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a chronic confusion seems to mark your pontificate
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
To teach with such a seemingly intentional lack of clarity inevitably risks sinning against the Holy Spirit the Spirit of truth
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Pharisaic stonethrowers who embody a merciless rigorism
name calling/labeling fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
The only answer that comes to mind is that Jesus wants to manifest just how weak is the faith of many within the Church even among too many of her bishops
causal oversimplification fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Ironically your pontificate has given those who hold harmful theological and pastoral views the license and confidence to come into the light and expose their previously hidden darkness
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
from deep within the postconciliar ecclesial establishment things that exceed in their candor
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
a withering indictment of a papacy that constitutes nothing less than a menace to the Church
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
meaning he hasnt bothered to do any serious investigation beyond a few Google searches
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
And what inference might one draw from the coincidence that Saint Francis prophecy of a future destroyer in the papal office seems to correspond rather well with the pontificate of the only Pope who has taken Francis name as his own
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel destroy the universal flame of the Church reject her ornaments and make her feel remorse for her historical past
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits themLike Mary Magdalene weeping before the empty tomb
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
t what he claimed were factual errors elsewhere in the Roche biographyBut he had no evidence that the quotation as such was a fabricationHe simply wished that it was so
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Lets give our neoCatholic friends another apocryphal quotation to dismiss out of hand
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the malice of the wicked will increaseThe devils will have unusual power the immaculate purity of our Order and of others will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who obey the true Supreme Pontiff and the Roman Church with loyal ears and perfect charity
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Those who persevere in their fervor and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth will suffer injuries and persecutions as rebels and schismatics
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
phony quotations of the saint
loaded language fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Act bravely my brethren take courage and trust in the Lord
appeal to authority fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
the fact remains that the official story has been proven time and time again to be absolutely false and in fact nothing more than a pathetic attempt at a coverup
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
strobes it remains unlikely
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
While we may never know
Doubt fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence
Theres no other way you can coin it
black and white fallacy
You are a propaganda techniques classifier and fallacies detector indetifying 10 propaganda techniques within news paper articles. Here is some context about the 10 fallacies. An argument has 2 parts: Claim: The statement expressing what the arguer is trying to persuade others to accept, whether or not it actually is true. Evidence: The statements that the arguer (or other participants in the debate) provide to show that the claim is true. The evidence answers the question, “Why do you believe [the claim] to be true?” The claim and evidence might appear in any order. A fallacy is an argument where the evidence does not support the claim. - An appeal to authority fallacy (also known as argument from authority fallacy, argumentum ad verecundiam) is an argument in which an arguer asserts that something is good or bad based on the opinion of an authority on a topic. It is a fallacy because the primary premise is that "this is right because so-and-so said that". If an arguer adds further some facts to support the opinion of the authority, then it is no longer a fallacy. Keep in mind that providing supporting evidence makes the argument non-fallacious, it does not matter if the arguer is right or wrong. Note that the authority can be relevant (eg: quoting a doctor's opinion on a medical issue) but, if there is no fact or evidence to supplement what the authority says, it will still be a fallacy. - A black or white fallacy (also called false dilemma fallacy, false dichotomy fallacy, fallacy of bifurcation) is an argument in which an arguer wrongly limits the conclusion to only one of few (usually two), often extreme, possibilities and refuses to acknowledge that there could be more possibilities. Of course there are cases with only two possibilities, and if the arguer lists out all of them, then it is not considered a fallacy. - A causal oversimplification fallacy is assuming a single cause or reason when there are actually multiple causes for an issue. It includes transferring blame to one person or group of people without investigating the complexities of the issue - An appeal to fear is a fallacy when a person seeks to build support for an idea by instilling anxiety and panic in the population towards an alternative. In some cases the support is built based on preconceived judgements. - A Name calling/labeling is a fallacy when labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as either something the target audience fears, hates, finds undesirable or loves, praises. - A Loaded Language is a fallacy when using specific words and phrases with strong emotional implications (either positive or negative) to influence an audience. - An Exaggeration/Minimisation fallacy is when either representing something in an excessive manner: making things larger, better, worse (e.g., "the best of the best", "quality guaranteed") or making something seem less important or smaller than it really is (e.g., saying that an insult was just a joke). - A Flag Waving fallacy is when playing on strong national feeling (or to any group; e.g., race, gender, political preference) to justify or promote an action or idea - A Doubt is a fallacy when questioning the credibility of someone or something. - A Slongs is a brief and striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Slogans tend to act as emotional appeals. What fallacy/technique is used in this sentence