I0324 23:27:39.675526 22540180823424 data_model.py:84] Loading graph from out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_3.json I0324 23:27:41.182916 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:31] Splitting graph at depth 1, selecting 20/41 nodes I0324 23:27:42.939422 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 0: 100.00% nodes in train, 100.00% nodes in test. 100.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 1 nodes. I0324 23:27:42.946445 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:82] Depth 0: 60.98% edges in train, 87.80% edges in test. 48.78% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 41 edges. I0324 23:27:42.946881 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 1: 60.98% nodes in train, 87.80% nodes in test. 48.78% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 41 nodes. I0324 23:27:42.954306 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:82] Depth 1: 61.08% edges in train, 72.89% edges in test. 34.18% shared edges. 99.78% covered edges. Total 1372 edges. I0324 23:27:42.955219 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 2: 69.89% nodes in train, 72.50% nodes in test. 42.39% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 1229 nodes. I0324 23:27:42.972094 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:82] Depth 2: 56.75% edges in train, 52.69% edges in test. 10.66% shared edges. 98.79% covered edges. Total 16461 edges. I0324 23:27:42.977106 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 3: 59.33% nodes in train, 49.87% nodes in test. 9.58% shared nodes. 99.62% covered nodes. Total 12615 nodes. I0324 23:27:42.993045 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:82] Depth 3: 43.27% edges in train, 41.82% edges in test. 3.66% shared edges. 81.43% covered edges. Total 10501 edges. I0324 23:27:42.993982 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:92] Spliting graph of 13886 nodes into test 7219 (51.99%) and train 8369 (60.27%) nodes. 1750 shared nodes. I0324 23:27:43.008542 22540180823424 train_test_split.py:101] Spliting graph of 28375 edges into test 14100 (49.69%) and train 14749 (51.98%) edges. 2627 shared edges.