--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 language: - en tags: - code pretty_name: README --- ![TGB logo](logo.png) **TGB 2.0** Overview of the Temporal Graph Benchmark (TGB) pipeline: - TGB includes large-scale and realistic datasets from five different domains with both dynamic link prediction and node property prediction tasks. - TGB automatically downloads datasets and processes them into `numpy`, `PyTorch` and `PyG compatible TemporalData` formats. - Novel TG models can be easily evaluated on TGB datasets via reproducible and realistic evaluation protocols. - TGB provides public and online leaderboards to track recent developments in temporal graph learning domain. ``` pip install py-tgb ``` ### Links and Datasets The project website can be found [here](https://tgb.complexdatalab.com/). The API documentations can be found [here](https://shenyanghuang.github.io/TGB/). all dataset download links can be found at [info.py](https://github.com/shenyangHuang/TGB/blob/main/tgb/utils/info.py) TGB dataloader will also automatically download the dataset as well as the negative samples for the link property prediction datasets. if website is unaccessible, please use [this link](https://tgb-website.pages.dev/) instead. ### Running Example Methods - For the dynamic link property prediction task, see the [`examples/linkproppred`](https://github.com/shenyangHuang/TGB/tree/main/examples/linkproppred) folder for example scripts to run TGN, DyRep and EdgeBank on TGB datasets. - For the dynamic node property prediction task, see the [`examples/nodeproppred`](https://github.com/shenyangHuang/TGB/tree/main/examples/nodeproppred) folder for example scripts to run TGN, DyRep and EdgeBank on TGB datasets. - For all other baselines, please see the [TGB_Baselines](https://github.com/fpour/TGB_Baselines) repo. ### Acknowledgments We thank the [OGB](https://ogb.stanford.edu/) team for their support throughout this project and sharing their website code for the construction of [TGB website](https://tgb.complexdatalab.com/). ### Citation If code or data from this repo is useful for your project, please consider citing our paper: ``` @article{huang2023temporal, title={Temporal graph benchmark for machine learning on temporal graphs}, author={Huang, Shenyang and Poursafaei, Farimah and Danovitch, Jacob and Fey, Matthias and Hu, Weihua and Rossi, Emanuele and Leskovec, Jure and Bronstein, Michael and Rabusseau, Guillaume and Rabbany, Reihaneh}, journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2023} } ```