--- configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* dataset_info: features: - name: audio dtype: audio: sampling_rate: 16000 - name: text dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 361607522962 num_examples: 98600 download_size: 256213612292 dataset_size: 361607522962 license: cc0-1.0 task_categories: - automatic-speech-recognition - text-to-speech language: - da pretty_name: Nota size_categories: - 10K - **Point of Contact:** [Dan Saattrup Nielsen](mailto:dan.nielsen@alexandra.dk) - **Size of the dataset:** 361.62 GB ### Dataset Summary This data was created by the public institution [Nota](https://nota.dk/), which is part of the Danish Ministry of Culture. Nota has a library audiobooks and audiomagazines for people with reading or sight disabilities. Nota also produces a number of audiobooks and audiomagazines themselves. The dataset consists of audio and associated transcriptions from Nota's audiomagazines "Inspiration" and "Radio/TV". All files related to one reading of one edition of the magazine "Inspiration" or "Radio/TV" has been segmented into bits of 2 - 50 seconds. The dataset has been published as a part of the initiative sprogteknologi.dk, within the [Danish Agency for Digital Government (DIGST)](www.digst.dk). ### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards Automatic speech recognition and speech synthesis are the intended tasks for this dataset. No leaderboard is active at this point. ### Languages The dataset is available in Danish (`da`). ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances - **Size of the dataset:** 361.62 GB An example from the dataset looks as follows. ``` { 'audio': {'path': 'RMHL20190028_000140.wav', 'array': array([-0.04023849, -0.06235407, -0.04545404, ..., 0.00014322, 0.00017925, 0.00018811]), 'sampling_rate': 16000}, 'text': '13:05: 24syv Dokumentar 14:05: Spørge Jørgen Vært: Jørgen Leth' } ``` ### Data Fields The data fields are the same among all splits. - `audio`: an `Audio` feature. - `text`: a `string` feature. ### Dataset Statistics There are 98,600 samples in the dataset. #### Transcription Length Distribution ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/60d368a613f774189902f555/vyyeMoH3XUXsjgRRxCUuB.png) ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators [Dan Saattrup Nielsen](https://saattrupdan.github.io/) from the [The Alexandra Institute](https://alexandra.dk/) reorganised the dataset and uploaded it to the Hugging Face Hub. ### Licensing Information The dataset is licensed under the [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/).