{"id": "0", "contents": "tophus. 1. chalki deposit sodium urat occur gout; tophi form often around joint cartilage, bone, bursae, subcutan tissu extern ear, produc chronic, foreign-bodi inflammatori response. 2. dental calculus."} {"id": "1", "contents": "tophi: illustr refer guide. tophi lump uric acid crystals. tophi plural tophus, mean stone. start small jelly-lik lump gout patient skin. left untreated, grow harden form disfigur tumors. eventually, tophi burst skin destroy joints. also damag kidneys, heart organ"} {"id": "2", "contents": "tophus: nodular mass uric acid crystals. tophi characterist deposit differ soft tissu area bodi chronic (tophaceous) gout."} {"id": "3", "contents": "introduction. gouti tophi nodular mass monosodium urat crystal deposit soft tissu body. late complic hyperuricaemia develop half patient untreat gout"} {"id": "4", "contents": "tophi plural tophus. singl small tophu easi miss, grow clump together, form larg lump mani tophi. usual pain burst skin. eventu grow worse, destroy joint damag organs. tophu (from latin stone) deposit crystal uric acid normal found skin. commonly, occur ear, finger toe around ankl elbow. small alway obvious, appear movabl lumps."} {"id": "5", "contents": "tophi gout. tophi gout mistaken normal gout, actual form complic gout. fact, almost similar manifest symptom caus almost same. tophi gout anoth form gout itself."} {"id": "6", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. tophu (latin: stone, plural tophi) deposit uric acid crystals, form monosodium urat crystals, peopl longstand hyperuricemia (high level uric acid blood). tophi pathognomon diseas gout. uric acid level gout symptom cannot control standard gout medicin decreas product uric acid (e.g., allopurinol, febuxostat) increas uric acid elimin bodi kidney (e.g., probenecid), refer refractori chronic gout (rcg)."} {"id": "7", "contents": "gout often result nodul call tophi; imag show affect elbow. gout, also call gouti arthritis, diseas bodi process nutrient (metabolism) crystal uric acid deposit joints, tendons, skin."} {"id": "8", "contents": "higher indian rupe us dollar exchang rate last 12 month compar averag rate last 10 year serv indic long term trend inr/usd (strengthen us dollar indian rupee).th highest currenc rate inr/usd last 12 month 63.65. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term."} {"id": "9", "contents": "forex rate give free currenc convert calcul indian rupe (inr) usd dollars, eur euros, gbp pounds. 12th octob 2015 16:59."} {"id": "10", "contents": "forex rate give up-to-d exchang rate forecast chart convert us dollar indian rupee, (calcul usd inr). 16th octob 2015 02:03. want use currenc converter, checkout today' foreign currenc exchang rate calcul us dollar indian rupe calculation, calcul us dollar indian rupe converter, calcul us dollar indian rupe forecast calcul us dollar indian rupe quotes. 16th octob 2015 02:03."} {"id": "11", "contents": "euro rupe forecast 2015, 2016 2017. dollar indian rupe exchang rate forecast decemb 2016. forecast begin decemb 69.35. rate end 69.71. maximum rate 71.1, minimum 68.32. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 69.53 decemb 2016. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 65.28 decemb 2015. usd inr forecast januari 2016. forecast begin januari 65.92. rate end 66.05."} {"id": "12", "contents": "forecast currenc exchang rate indian rupe target month indicated, shown rupe per us dollar (inr/usd). rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term."} {"id": "13", "contents": "market low achiev may, 2014.forecast-chart.com' histor research cover indian rupe data back january, 1973. averag exchang valu period histori 28.63 inr/usd. highest rate 63.65. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term."} {"id": "14", "contents": "usd inr chart let see pair' currenc rate histori 10 years! xe use highli accurate, live mid-market rates."} {"id": "15", "contents": "market commentari 16964august, 2014 data:th 12 month forecast indian rupe tabl top page. forecast-chart.com forecast exchang rate indian rupe roughli 64.59 indian rupe usd. rise inr/usd exchang rate juli august provid evid short term trend inr/usd up. words, strengthen us dollar indian rupe short term."} {"id": "16", "contents": "forecast averag dollar exchang rate 65.99 januari 2016. dollar rupe forecast week. dollar indian rupe forecast september, octob novemb 2015. expect averag usd/inr exchang rate 65.28 decemb 2015. usd inr forecast januari 2016. forecast begin januari 65.92. rate end 66.05."} {"id": "17", "contents": "child pornographi law australia prohibit sexual depict children age 18 (or 16 states). law also cover depict sexual act involv peopl age 18 simul otherwis allud underage, even involv legal age. furthermore, zero-toler polici place, cover pure fiction children well real children"} {"id": "18", "contents": "new zealand law, minor person 18 year age well, right adulthood assum lower ages: example, enter contract legal possibl age 15. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments."} {"id": "19", "contents": "tasmania defenc child 15 year age accus person year older child, child 12 year age accus person year older child. detail state found tabl 2. legal age consensu sex vari across australian state territori jurisdict (see tabl 1). age consent 16 year age australian capit territory, new south wales, northern territory, victoria western australia. tasmania south australia age consent 17 year age."} {"id": "20", "contents": "law, minor person certain age\u2014usu age major \u2014which legal demarc childhood adulthood. age major depend upon jurisdict application, gener 18. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments."} {"id": "21", "contents": "child may will engag sexual behaviour; however, psycholog capac give consent accord law, sexual interact adult person age consent consid abus (barbare marshall, 2006). legal age consensu sex vari across australian state territori jurisdict (see tabl 1). age consent 16 year age australian capit territory, new south wales, northern territory, victoria western australia. tasmania south australia age consent 17 year age."} {"id": "22", "contents": "person 16 year age depend child legal responsibility, either alon jointli anoth person, day-to-day care, welfar develop child child care care previou period claim for."} {"id": "23", "contents": "england wale northern ireland minor person age 18; scotland, age 16. age crimin respons england wale northern ireland 10; 12 scotland, formerli 8, lowest age europe. italy, law nr. 39 march 8, 1975, state minor person age 18. citizen age 18 may vote (to vote senators, 25), elected, obtain drive licens automobil issu sign legal instruments."} {"id": "24", "contents": "sexual behaviour child age consent adult abus (the age consent 16 year australian states; see age consent law detail discussion). therefore, australia, consensu sexual activ 20-year-old 15-year-old consid abusive, jurisdict activ 20-year-old 17-year-old consid abusive."} {"id": "25", "contents": "juli 2005 victoria, age jurisdict crimin divis children' court increas 17 18 years. queensland, purpos juvenil justic act 1992 child person turn 17 years. doli incapax mean presumpt child incap crime legisl common law."} {"id": "26", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) genet disord character growth numer cyst kidneys. kidney two organs, size fist, locat upper part person' abdomen, toward back. kidney filter wast extra fluid blood form urine."} {"id": "27", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) inherit disord cluster cyst develop primarili within kidneys. cyst noncancer round sac contain water-lik fluid. cyst vari size and, accumul fluid, grow large."} {"id": "28", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) one common life-threaten human genet disorders. incur genet disord character format fluid-fil cyst kidney affect individuals. cyst multipli time."} {"id": "29", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas disord affect kidney organs. cluster fluid-fil sacs, call cysts, develop kidney interfer abil filter wast product blood. growth cyst caus kidney becom enlarg lead kidney failure."} {"id": "30", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas (pkd) inherit kidney disorder. caus fluid-fil cyst form kidneys. pkd may impair kidney function caus kidney failure. accord univers chicago medicin (ucm), pkd fourth lead caus"} {"id": "31", "contents": "polycyst kidney diseas (also call pkd) caus numer cyst grow kidneys. cyst fill fluid. mani cyst grow get big, kidney becom damaged. pkd cyst slowli replac much kidneys, reduc kidney function lead kidney failure."} {"id": "32", "contents": "one-half peopl common type pkd progress kidney failure, also call end-stag renal diseas (esrd). pkd also caus cyst liver problem organs, blood vessel brain heart."} {"id": "33", "contents": "intuit peak livingston island south shetland islands, antarctica name appreci role scientif intuit advanc human knowledge. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition."} {"id": "34", "contents": "right brain popularli associ intuit process aesthet gener creativ abilities. scientist contend intuit associ innov scientif discovery. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition."} {"id": "35", "contents": "intuit right brain process tap subconsci inform provid guidanc everyday life. use intuition, make better decis consist improv life. peopl often experi intuit as:"} {"id": "36", "contents": "seem greater natur abil use intuition. i'm suggest part natur strategi heighten awar what' go system. folk easi observ mind sport people. first group answer use similar, relat also vagu term hunches, sixth sense, instinct insight. second group point answer describ not. consciou process."} {"id": "37", "contents": "above! possibl intuit combin contradictori things. natural, improv learning. someth born with, unless use practis access power intuition. first group answer use similar, relat also vagu term hunches, sixth sense, instinct insight. second group point answer describ not. consciou process."} {"id": "38", "contents": "site find intuition-what is, come from, whether magical, mystical, human capac like iq. site design use differ age group level understanding."} {"id": "39", "contents": "intuition, phenomenon mind, describ abil acquir knowledg without infer use reason. book medit first philosophy, descart refer intuit preexist knowledg gain ration reason discov truth thing think it, definit commonli refer ration intuition."} {"id": "40", "contents": "intuit know someth without abl explain came conclus rationally. mysteri gut feel instinct often turn right, retrospect. whittl option stuck crossroads, get touch intuit help."} {"id": "41", "contents": "answer question ye no. purest intuit alway right ting thought emot may partial correct even complet wrong. practice, learn assess intuit experi identifi like right. tune respons intuition. peopl describ feel follow true intuition: openness; relaxation; joy; sens connect belonging; lack doubt; clarity; surprise; awe; excitement; fulfillment; inspiration; brightness. naturally, curios heightened."} {"id": "42", "contents": "like mani people, may alreadi good idea intuit role play life. perhap experi like these: intuit experienc certain gift people. actually, intuit normal human experi report cultur throughout world. howev peopl learn intuit use it, awar work life."} {"id": "43", "contents": "evid (his) play perform shakespear wrote (possibl one written before). lot written before; almost noth shakespeare\u2019 life seem written down. also, there\u2019 evid shakespear improv play former condit wrote them."} {"id": "44", "contents": "elizabethan document support claim shakespeare' play poem written someon else, actor shakespear author shakespeare. also evid suggest name use man craft plays, sonnets, poem pseudonym."} {"id": "45", "contents": "it\u2019 especi interest note span two centuri death, one even suggest shakespear stratford author plays."} {"id": "46", "contents": "believ written wm. shakespeare, actor stratford avon. oh, write two differ version plays. print version play often done peopl tri copi play performed."} {"id": "47", "contents": "marlow wrote edward ii, shakespear wrote play king john, henri iv, henri v, henri vi, richard iii, henri viii. first play henri vi popular wrote sequel prequel. tragedi told unhappi tale often end deaths, like shakespeare\u2019 romeo juliet."} {"id": "48", "contents": "number theori surround authorship shakespeare\u2019 plays, base one follow three ideas: william shakespear stratford-upon-avon william shakespear work london two separ people. fals connect historians."} {"id": "49", "contents": "contemporari evid document life william shakespear stratford link plays, anti-stratfordian posit shakespear front secret author."} {"id": "50", "contents": "william shakespear stratford-upon-avon william shakespear work london two separ people. fals connect historians. someon call william shakespear work burbage\u2019 theater compani globe, write plays."} {"id": "51", "contents": "cost. cost file dba vari base citi counti clerk busi operates. busi file dba may expect pay anywher $10 $100, accord entrepreneur website. cost file format document llc vari state state. example, cost $500 file articl organ illinoi $125 file articl organ ohio, 2010"} {"id": "52", "contents": "counti file fee regist dba texa vari depend county, case $16 brazo counti (a august 2012). keep mind dba regist busi llc corpor need file first texa secretari state counti clerk county."} {"id": "53", "contents": "locat cost file depend upon location. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas."} {"id": "54", "contents": "much dba cost texa llc onlin book store. llc help avoid person liabil debt wrong commit busi transactions. onlin book store onlin book store busi (includ home, mobile, onlin businesses) need a(n) spring businesses, must obtain a(n) busi licens busi permit. 77388. harri counti much dba cost texa llc small new business."} {"id": "55", "contents": "warnings. texa dba certif good 10 years. busi still function time, sure re-apply. busi legal structur corporation, llc, llp limit partnership must submit differ assum name certif texa secretari state. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else\u2019 legal right name. search online, visit state texas\u2019 so direct websit request account. search run cost $1."} {"id": "56", "contents": "dba short busi as.. texas, often call assum name.. dba legal declar conduct busi name differ legal, person name. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else\u2019 legal right name. search online, visit state texas\u2019 so direct websit request account. search run cost $1."} {"id": "57", "contents": "conduct busi county, also contact texa secretari state conduct avail busi name search. also submit written request form counti search assum busi name alreadi filed. cost usual $5 $10. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas."} {"id": "58", "contents": "texa file dba (aka trade name, assum name fictiti busi name) local counti clerk' office. or, use legal document servic legalzoom handl entir process you. legalzoom charg $99.00 (plu state file fees) texa dba's."} {"id": "59", "contents": "warnings. texa dba certif good 10 years. busi legal structur corporation, llc, llp limit partnership must submit differ assum name certif texa secretari state. regist dba name allow use name would infring someon else\u2019 legal right name. search online, visit state texas\u2019 so direct websit request account. search run cost $1."} {"id": "60", "contents": "cost file assum busi name certif counti level approxim $15 texa counties. also print sign form front notari public. cost file author form less, approxim $8 $10. notari public like charg fee service. example, texas, sole proprietorship may need file county, corpor may need file number counties. read find creat dba texas."} {"id": "61", "contents": "introduction. previou chapter mention differ type microorgan interact human bodi regular basis. harmless, harm beneficial. harm microorganim also call pathogenic. chapter look disease-caus bacteria viruses. bioterror deliber use microorganisms, toxins, caus death disease. biolog chemic agent could use includ anthrax, small pox, west nile viru cholera."} {"id": "62", "contents": "pathogen bacteria caus diseas certain conditions, entri skin via cut, sexual activ compromis immun function. streptococcu staphylococcu part normal skin microbiota typic resid healthi skin nasopharang region. pathogen speci usual distinct usual harmless bacteria normal gut flora. differ strain speci may pathogenic."} {"id": "63", "contents": "pathogen organisms. come food supply, pathogen organ introduc number differ ways. common vector includ water, soil, wast fecal matter, human animals. ubiqu pathogen organ leav us open develop foodborn illness, chronic condit deadli diseases. reasons, studi control pathogen organ compris larg part food safeti systems."} {"id": "64", "contents": "harm bacteria caus bacteri infect diseas call pathogen bacteria. bacteri diseas occur pathogen bacteria get bodi begin reproduc crowd healthi bacteria, grow tissu normal sterile. harm bacteria may also emit toxin damag body. common pathogen bacteria type bacteri diseas caus include: escherichia coli salmonella caus food poisoning. helicobact pylori caus gastriti ulcers. neisseria gonorrhoea caus sexual transmit diseas gonorrhea."} {"id": "65", "contents": "microorgan be, accord characteristics, divid sever groups: bacteria, viruses, certain fungi parasites. pathogen (capabl caus disease), non-pathogenic, opportunist (caus diseas opportunity, like peopl low immun system). exampl bacteria pathogen human are: staphylococcu aureus, caus skin infections, pneumonia, infect heart valves, etc. streptococcu pyogenes, caus \u201cstrep throat\u201d, cellulitis, etc. neisseria gonorrheae, caus gonorrhea."} {"id": "66", "contents": "although bacteria harmless often beneficial, sever pathogenic. one bacteri diseas highest diseas burden tuberculosis, caus bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis, kill million peopl year, mostli sub-saharan africa. pathogen speci usual distinct usual harmless bacteria normal gut flora. differ strain speci may"} {"id": "67", "contents": "invas multipl pathogen microorgan bodi call infection. infect pathogen becom sick, mean bodi stop function properly. infecti agents, bacteria, virus, fungi protozoa caus communic diseases. bioterror deliber use microorganisms, toxins, caus death disease. biolog chemic agent could use includ anthrax, small pox, west nile viru cholera."} {"id": "68", "contents": "definit pathogen organ organ capabl caus diseas host. human pathogen capabl caus ill humans. common exampl pathogen organ includ specif strain bacteria like salmonella, listeria e. coli, virus cryptosporidium. common vector includ water, soil, wast fecal matter, human animals. ubiqu pathogen organ leav us open develop foodborn illness, chronic condit deadli diseases. reasons, studi control pathogen organ compris larg part food safeti systems."} {"id": "69", "contents": "although vast major bacteria harmless beneficial, pathogen bacteria caus infecti diseases. sever substrat includ pathway pathogen invad host. princip pathway differ episod time frames, soil contamin longest persist potenti harbor pathogen. diseas caus organ human known pathogen diseases."} {"id": "70", "contents": "microorganisms, like certain bacteria yeasts, live human skin nose, mouth, throat, small larg intestin vagina, part normal human flora; prevent overgrowth harm microorganisms. microbes, overgrow, may becom pathogenic, though. exampl bacteria pathogen human are: staphylococcu aureus, caus skin infections, pneumonia, infect heart valves, etc. streptococcu pyogenes, caus \u201cstrep throat\u201d, cellulitis, etc. neisseria gonorrheae, caus gonorrhea."} {"id": "71", "contents": "at-risk. adj. endangered, exposur diseas lack parent famili guidanc proper health care: effort make vaccin avail at-risk group children."} {"id": "72", "contents": "risk, state individu popul vulner particular diseas event. factor determin risk may environmental, psychosocial, psychologic, physiologic. exampl environment factor exposur harm substanc organisms."} {"id": "73", "contents": "at-risk student law legal definition. at-risk student student experienc success school potenti dropouts. usually, low academ achiev exhibit low self-esteem. gener low socioeconom statu families."} {"id": "74", "contents": "at-risk-invest financ definition. expos danger loss. concept risk use limit partnership investor deduct loss must prove intern revenu servic chanc never realiz profit invest may lost well."} {"id": "75", "contents": "definit 'at risk rules'. tax law limit amount loss investor (usual limit partner) claim. amount actual risk deducted. break 'at risk rules'. example, $20,000 risk invest gener $5000 tax loss year, loss may use year (or investor put money in)."} {"id": "76", "contents": "rel risk disease, death, outcome, ratio incid rate among individu given risk factor incid rate among without it. (risk), idiomat english one risk of, for, disease, injury, untoward event. risk, possibl peril relat particular condit treatment. risk may come directli condit indirectli process method involv treatment application."} {"id": "77", "contents": "law allow polic stop peopl believ seriou risk violence. 2. use verb. someon risk something, may happen result someth els do. risk break leg jumped. e. type loss polici drawn. 3. expos chanc injuri loss; hazard: risk one' life. 4. ventur upon; take chanc of: risk fall. risk, immin danger injury, damage, loss: home risk flooding."} {"id": "78", "contents": "risk. risk noun verb. 1. use noun. risk someth unpleasant, possibl happen. littl risk infection. e. type loss polici drawn. 3. expos chanc injuri loss; hazard: risk one' life. 4. ventur upon; take chanc of: risk fall. risk, immin danger injury, damage, loss: home risk flooding."} {"id": "79", "contents": "jugg softcor pornographi adult magazin publish unit state special photograph women extrem larg breasts. call magazin choic breast men.. publish maveti media group, origin known publish gay pornographi magazin unit states, distribut larri flynt publications. magazin readership mostli blue-collar men american south midwest. jugg publish review artist john currin' exhibit 1998, magazine' approv still use defin artist' work 11 year later. 1986 2001, jugg helm dian hanson edit multipl pornograph magazin sinc 1977."} {"id": "80", "contents": "full definit jug. 1. chiefli british: small pitcher (1) larg deep usual earthenwar glass contain narrow mouth handl (2) content container: jugful. 2. jail, prison. see jug defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "81", "contents": "upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "82", "contents": "upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "83", "contents": "hypernym (jug kind of...): bottl (a glass plastic vessel use store drink liquids; typic cylindr without handl narrow neck plug capped). hyponym (each follow kind jug): bellarmine; greybeard; long-beard; longbeard (a stonewar drink jug long neck; decor caricatur cardin bellarmin (17th century)). water jug (a jug hold water)."} {"id": "84", "contents": "link slang definition. link term web page blog, insert following. link term wiki wikipedia, insert following. wiki use differ format links, sure check documentation."} {"id": "85", "contents": "bussin jugg juggin sell drugs, trappin, make plays, make money ect.... nigka! juggin lastnite. man phone stay juggin da time."} {"id": "86", "contents": "1. larg bottl narrow mouth. 2. quantiti contain jug. familiar information: jug use noun rare. jug (verb). verb jug senses: 1. lock confine, jail. 2. stew earthenwar jug. familiar information: jug use verb rare. hyponym (each follow kind jug): bellarmine; greybeard; long-beard; longbeard (a stonewar drink jug long neck; decor caricatur cardin bellarmin (17th century)). water jug (a jug hold water)."} {"id": "87", "contents": "dian hanson, magazine' editor 15 years, describ epitom bad taste... humor magazine, sexual sideshow.. magazin title, slang term breasts, becom perenni punch line joke requir pornograph magazine. jugg publish review artist john currin' exhibit 1998, magazine' approv still use defin artist' work 11 year later. 1986 2001, jugg helm dian hanson edit multipl pornograph magazin sinc 1977."} {"id": "88", "contents": "endothelium type epithelium line interior surfac blood vessel lymphat vessels, form interfac circul blood lymph lumen rest vessel wall. thin layer simpl squamou cell call endotheli cells. endotheli cell direct contact blood call vascular endotheli cells, wherea direct contact lymph known lymphat endotheli cells. vascular endotheli cell line entir circulatori system, heart smallest capillaries."} {"id": "89", "contents": "keratin 20: ck20 found predominantli gastrointestin epithelium tumors. ck 20 posit tumor cell found vast major adenocarcinoma colon, mucin ovarian tumors, transitional-cel merkel cell carcinoma also adenocarcinoma stomach, bile system pancreas."} {"id": "90", "contents": "two type cytokeratins: acid type cytokeratin basic neutral type ii cytokeratins. cytokeratin usual found pair compris type cytokeratin type ii cytokeratin. basic neutral cytokeratin includ ck1, ck2, ck3, ck4, ck5, ck6, ck7, ck8. acid cytokeratin ck9, ck10, ck12, ck13, ck14, ck16, ck17, ck18, ck19 ck20. subset cytokeratin epitheli cell express depend mainli type epithelium, moment cours termin differenti stage development. thu specif cytokeratin fingerprint allow classif epithelia upon cytokeratin express profile."} {"id": "91", "contents": "term cytokeratin began use late 1970 (for example, see intermediate-s filament human endotheli cell franke, schmid, osborn weber) protein subunit keratin intermedi filament insid cell first identifi characterized. subset cytokeratin epitheli cell express depend mainli type epithelium, moment cours termin differenti stage development. thu specif cytokeratin fingerprint allow classif epithelia upon cytokeratin express profile."} {"id": "92", "contents": "keratin cocktail-posit tumors, 8/61 case (13%) focal posit k7 (figur 5). mani cases, contribut perivascular smooth muscl element cell could definit rule out. k1 detect 24/39 (62%) cases, usual focally. peripher schwannomas, three 22 posit gfap neg ae1/ae3 keratin cocktail, cytokeratin evalu tumors. retroperiton schwannomas, 104/115 case (90%) posit gfap (14+) (figur 3)."} {"id": "93", "contents": "high endotheli venul posit cd31, cd34, vwf. lymph node capsule, reticular pattern stain also seen cd34, probabl correspond cd34-posit mesenchym cells. sinu histiocyt posit cd31 neg cd34 vwf. cd31, member immunoglobulin superfamily, 130-kda transmembran glycoprotein also design pecam-1 (platelet endotheli cell adhes molecul 1). present surfac platelets, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophil constitu endotheli intercellular junction."} {"id": "94", "contents": "(a) cd31 express lymph node show posit margin (subcapsular) sinuses, high endotheli venul (hev), capillaries. contrast, margin sinus neg cd34 (b) vwf (c). (d) cell present lymph node includ ec capillari hev stain fli-1. cd31, member immunoglobulin superfamily, 130-kda transmembran glycoprotein also design pecam-1 (platelet endotheli cell adhes molecul 1). present surfac platelets, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophil constitu endotheli intercellular junction."} {"id": "95", "contents": "note epithelium endotheli cell negative. find vessel non-stain endothelium. figur 4. vimentin. stain vimentin, present cytoplasm filaments, also strongli posit tumor cells. presenc vimentin specif tumor: cell bodi stain it. note endotheli cell stromal cell also positive. further, stain collagen iv basement membran posit around tumor cell. stain s100 (neural marker) negative. vessel non-stain endothelium. return. diagnosi malign glomu tumor. predominantli round cell central nuclei, vascular component, posit stain smooth muscl actin, vimentin, pericellular collagen iv (neg stain keratin chromogranin) featur glomu tumor."} {"id": "96", "contents": "figur 4. total, 62% retroperiton schwannoma (and none peripher schwannomas) posit ae1/ae3 (1\u20134+); similar distribut gfap, keratin cocktail concentr adjac capsule, myxoid degen areas, perivascular distribut (a, b). peripher schwannomas, three 22 posit gfap neg ae1/ae3 keratin cocktail, cytokeratin evalu tumors. retroperiton schwannomas, 104/115 case (90%) posit gfap (14+) (figur 3)."} {"id": "97", "contents": "symptom hypothyroid usual appear slowli month years. symptom sign may include: coars thin hair. dri skin. brittl nails. yellowish tint skin. slow bodi movements. cold skin. inabl toler cold. feel tired, sluggish, weak."} {"id": "98", "contents": "symptom sign hypothyroid may subtl nonspecific, may alway clearli signal thyroid problem. sometimes, patient may notic specif symptom relat hypothyroidism. common symptom hypothyroid includ fatigue, depression, mild weight gain, cold intolerance, sleepiness, constipation. symptom includ dri coars hair, dri skin, muscl cramps."} {"id": "99", "contents": "type sever symptom hypothyroid vari individuals. onset disease, symptom vagu develop slowly. may includ weakness, weight gain, cold sensitivity, cold hand feet, fatigue, dri skin, brittl nails, thinning, brittl hair."} {"id": "100", "contents": "hypothyroid symptoms. symptom hypothyroid mild severe, often subtle. peopl mild form condit may symptom all. seriou form hypothyroid call myxedema, lead coma even death."} {"id": "101", "contents": "social worker special children famili welfar made median salari $42,120 2013, accord bls. best-paid 10 percent field earn around $72,350, lowest-paid made approxim $27,420."} {"id": "102", "contents": "(unit states). averag pay famili support worker $30,758 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year field. highest pay skill associ job data entri spanish language. $24,799 $40,567."} {"id": "103", "contents": "averag pay famili support worker $30,758 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year field. highest pay skill associ job data entri spanish language. $24,799 $40,567."} {"id": "104", "contents": "famili support worker salary. famili support worker averag salari $30,470, median salari $30,160 salari rang $25,397 $36,358. famili support worker salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. famili support worker salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "105", "contents": "averag salari $46,060 per year, child famili social worker earn slightli mental health counselor ($43,700) substanc abus behavior disord counselor ($41,090). however, earn less professionals."} {"id": "106", "contents": "averag famili support worker salari job post nationwid 14% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "107", "contents": "drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl 125 miles. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful."} {"id": "108", "contents": "drive miami naples. distance: 110 miles. drive time: hours, 10 minutes. west coast florida bring lap luxury. naples' opul relax great way escap hustl bustl life miami, especi off-season crowd light. drive miami key west. distance: 160 miles. drive time: hours, 30 minutes. slow drive caus 160 mile trip take four hours, scenic drive part pleasur keys!"} {"id": "109", "contents": "long take drive miami airport napl florida? accord googl maps, three possibl rout time vari hour minut hour 15 minutes. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful."} {"id": "110", "contents": "long take drive venic florida miami florida? mapquest give estim drive time hour 26 minutes. drive time would approxim hour drive non-stop good conditions. (the driv ing time take consider condit weather, road work rush hour traffic urban areas.) 123.60 mile accord mapquest. person found useful."} {"id": "111", "contents": "drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl. total drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl 125 mile 201 kilometers. trip begin miami, florida. end naples, florida."} {"id": "112", "contents": "total drive time hour, 52 minutes. trip begin miami, florida. end naples, florida. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc miami, fl naples, fl. also calcul cost drive miami, fl naples, fl base current local ga price estim car' best ga mileage. meet friend, might interest find citi halfway miami, fl naples, fl."} {"id": "113", "contents": "famili consid vacat fli miami, drive napl day visit explor key second half week. drive miami napl napl keys? much cram week?"} {"id": "114", "contents": "florida sunris 33.08 mile north miami second sunris gulf coast near saint petersburg 220.90 mile miami, hower sun rise ea ch day sunshin state alway manag rise east set west. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut"} {"id": "115", "contents": "long take drive miami airport hollywood? approxim drive time mileag inform between: miami, fl and: hollywood, ca drive miles: 2735 drive time: 42 hr base travelin non-stop good drive conditions. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut"} {"id": "116", "contents": "3.5 hours-mayb depend road construction. hardest part get miami key largo-then lane highway key key west alot traffic light between. come miami-definit take toll road. mapquest give estim drive time hour 23 minutes. 279.86 mile accord mapquest. 279.86 mile estim drive time hou rs 25 minut"} {"id": "117", "contents": "coat bake sheet cook spray non stick foil. small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes."} {"id": "118", "contents": "bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. bake 20-22 minutes, fish flake fork. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture."} {"id": "119", "contents": "point, turn salmon. instead, transfer whole skillet preheat oven. let salmon continu roast oven anoth 6-10 minutes. long cook depend thick fillet desir doneness-- peopl like salmon littl rare side. preheat oven 425 degre f. time, let salmon come room temperature, cook faster evenli way (but stress, i'm hurri straight fridge). sprinkl salmon fillet gener salt pepper."} {"id": "120", "contents": "preheat oven 500*f. coat bake sheet cook spray non stick foil. small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes."} {"id": "121", "contents": "small bowl, whisk togeth mayonnaise, mustard, parsley orang zest. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet. roast salmon flake easili fork, 10 12 minutes. sprinkl salmon salt pepper. coat fish fillet mayonnaos mixtur set foil line bake sheet."} {"id": "122", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre f. season salmon salt pepper. place salmon, skin side down, non-stick bake sheet non-stick pan oven-proof handle. bake salmon cook through, 12 15 minutes. serv toast almond parsley salad squash, desired. minc shallot add small bowl."} {"id": "123", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 425 degre f. butter 8-inch baking. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture."} {"id": "124", "contents": "butter 8-inch baking. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture. rins salmon steak pat dry. bowl mix/whisk melt butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, worcestershir sauce, salt, pepper, paprika garlic powder; add glass bake dish. add salmon steaks; turn coat well evenli butter/mayo mixture."} {"id": "125", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre f. sprinkl salmon teaspoon oliv oil, salt, pepper. stir tomatoes, shallots, tablespoon oil, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, salt pepper medium bowl blend. place salmon fillet, oil side down, atop sheet foil. wrap end foil form spiral shape."} {"id": "126", "contents": "aluminum potassium sulfate. type alum find groceri store pickl bake powder. also use leather tanning, floccul water purification, ingredi aftershav treatment fireproof textiles. chemic formula kal(so 4) 2."} {"id": "127", "contents": "solubl water mainli use floccul agent purif drink water wast water treatment plants, also paper manufacturing. aluminium sulfat sometim refer type alum. alum doubl sulfat salts, formula am(so 4) 2\u00b712h 2o, monoval cation potassium ammonium trival metal ion aluminium. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid,"} {"id": "128", "contents": "aluminium sulfate, altern spell either aluminum sulphate, chemic compound formula al (so4) 3. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid,"} {"id": "129", "contents": "aluminum foil, make use compound commonli call alum (specifically, aluminum potassium sulfate, kal(so 4) 2). mani practic use alum, product isol today. use industri manufactur dye dye fabric."} {"id": "130", "contents": "product easy-to-dissolv solution, aluminum sulfat especi suit drink water paper sizing. kemira aluminum sulfat solut (kemira als) iron-fre aluminum sulfat solut (48%) coagul water treatment base trival (al 3+) aluminum compounds. use water wastewat clarification, papermaking, mani industri applications. aluminum sulfat solut also made avail smaller amount iron formul (kemira avl). kemira dri ferric aluminum sulfat granul (kemira avr), easy-to-dissolv coagulant, use wastewat treatment processes."} {"id": "131", "contents": "aluminum sulfat come contact water, form aluminum hydroxid much dilut sulfur acid solution, alter soil acidity. garden plant hydrangea appli properti chang flower color (blue pink) hydrangea sinc plant sensit soil ph. common use aluminum sulfat found within home. compound often found bake soda, although there\u2019 controversi whether it\u2019 appropri add aluminum diet."} {"id": "132", "contents": "use aluminum sulfate. aluminum sulfat mani differ use day-to-day life, well use sever essenti industries. fact, probabl come contact daili basi without even know it! household uses. common use aluminum sulfat found within home. compound often found bake soda, although there\u2019 controversi whether it\u2019 appropri add aluminum diet."} {"id": "133", "contents": "form aluminum sulfat could call alum, includ toxic version chemical. however, type alum find use pickl deodor potassium alum, kal(so 4) \u00b712h o. sodium aluminum sulfat type alum use commerci bake powder."} {"id": "134", "contents": "aluminium sulfat sometim use reduc ph garden soil, hydrolyz form aluminium hydroxid precipit dilut sulfur acid solution. exampl chang ph level soil plant visibl look hydrangea macrophylla. aluminium sulfat may made ad aluminium hydroxide, al(oh) 3, sulfur acid,"} {"id": "135", "contents": "land cost bean came $30 acr tax annual adjust net rent $132 total $182. total cost per acr amount $524 (off percent prior year). northern illinoi soybean yield among fbfm grower averag 56 bushel last year."} {"id": "136", "contents": "fact, cost coffe bean report rise significantli year. accord u.s. depart labor, singl bag coffe bean cost averag $5 per pound. instance, coffe bean direct italian roast retail $35 pound bag, come"} {"id": "137", "contents": "cost pinto bean go depend factor time year, locat bean shipped, merchant, factors. pinto bean often purchas pound. average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound."} {"id": "138", "contents": "accord u.s. depart labor, singl bag coffe bean cost averag $5 per pound. instance, coffe bean direct italian roast retail $35 pound bag, come"} {"id": "139", "contents": "average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound. purchase, abl save per pound. example, 25 pound box pinto bean manufactur angelina\u2019 gourmet retail $38 entir box."} {"id": "140", "contents": "energi water use cook beans: $0.01 per cup, estimated. save per cup use dri beans: approxim $0.34 per cup, cooked. roughli everi cup cook bean prepar (approxim 1/8 lb. dri bean cook cup cook beans), save $0.34, includ addit costs."} {"id": "141", "contents": "averag price per pound around $5. also coffe bean sold less averag price mentioned. indexmundi.com made comparison price coffe robusta per pound year. known said type coffe less costli others."} {"id": "142", "contents": "pinto bean often purchas pound. average, one pound bag vari anywher $3 $5 per pound. purchase, abl save per pound. example, 25 pound box pinto bean manufactur angelina\u2019 gourmet retail $38 entir box."} {"id": "143", "contents": "nonland cost per bushel grow bean last year $6.11, total cost $9.36. 2007-10 averag soybean yield northern illinoi farm 52 bushels, nonland cost $6.58 bushel averag across past three years."} {"id": "144", "contents": "ingest tapeworm larvae, however, develop adult tapeworm intestin (intestin infection). adult tapeworm consist head, neck chain segment call proglottids. intestin tapeworm infection, tapeworm head adher intestin wall, proglottid grow produc eggs. adult tapeworm live 30 year host. intestin tapeworm infect usual mild, invas larval infect caus seriou complications. symptoms."} {"id": "145", "contents": "eat raw undercook meat infect animal, ingest larvae, develop adult tapeworm intestines. adult tapeworm measur 50 feet (15.2 meters) long surviv long 30 year host. ingest larva cyst meat muscl tissue. anim tapeworm infection, tapeworm larva muscl tissue."} {"id": "146", "contents": "tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. introduction. tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. tapeworm known medic cestodes."} {"id": "147", "contents": "treatment tapeworms. suspect tapeworms, see doctor. differ type worm tapeworm infect people, diagnos tapeworm infect may requir stool sampl identifi type worm. worm detect stool, doctor may order blood test check antibodi produc fight tapeworm infection."} {"id": "148", "contents": "diagnos tapeworm infect need treatment get rid it. beef tapeworm live intestin easili treat tablets. tapeworm lead seriou complic develop larva bodi difficult treat. introduction. tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect commonli seen develop countri rare uk. tapeworm known medic cestodes."} {"id": "149", "contents": "adult human tapeworm grow 30 feet live human bodi 30 years. hooks, spini structures, sucker head flat ribbon like bodies. cook meat fish thoroughli practic good hygien two way prevent infest human tapeworms. tapeworm parasit enter bodi eat somth tapeworm egg it. stay stomach, feed food eat, sometim even stomach itself! info, go relat link."} {"id": "150", "contents": "tapeworm come bodi via contamin food. mani organ live human body. tapeworm easili surviv thrive indefinit insid us. tapeworm human rang length 1/250 inch (.0063 cm) incred 50 feet (15.23 meters)! tapeworm digest tract must eat food alreadi digest anoth anim"} {"id": "151", "contents": "tapeworm parasit live person' intestin (bowel). alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. alway caus symptom often mistaken anoth illness. known medic cestodes. may know tapeworm infect see segment worm stool (poo). tapeworm infect alway caus symptoms, symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect typic caus stomach pain sometim vomit diarrhoea."} {"id": "152", "contents": "symptom tapeworm larva infection. type tapeworm may develop adult form intestine. instead, larva (newli hatch worms) burrow intestin wall enter bloodstream. travel to, settl in, place around body. may know tapeworm infect see segment worm stool (poo). tapeworm infect alway caus symptoms, symptom often mistaken anoth illness. tapeworm infect typic caus stomach pain sometim vomit diarrhoea."} {"id": "153", "contents": "adult tapeworm measur 50 feet (15.2 meters) long surviv long 30 year host. tapeworm attach wall intestines, caus irrit mild inflammation, other may pass stool exit body. ingest larva cyst meat muscl tissue. anim tapeworm infection, tapeworm larva muscl tissue. eat raw undercook meat infect animal, ingest larvae, develop adult tapeworm intestines."} {"id": "154", "contents": "underli depress anxieti common pm pmdd, possibl hormon chang trigger menstrual period worsen symptom mood disorders. treatment pmdd direct prevent minim symptom may include: antidepressants. although regular pm pmdd physic emot symptoms, pmdd caus extrem mood shift disrupt work damag relationships. pmdd pms, symptom usual begin seven 10 day period start continu first day period."} {"id": "155", "contents": "premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) severe, sometim disabl extens premenstru syndrom (pms). although regular pm pmdd physic emot symptoms, pmdd caus extrem mood shift disrupt work damag relationships. pmdd pms, symptom usual begin seven 10 day period start continu first day period."} {"id": "156", "contents": "premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). pm pmdd character unpleas physic psycholog symptom occur second half woman' menstrual cycle, commonli day preced menstrual period. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning. pmdd occur 3% 8% menstruat women"} {"id": "157", "contents": "premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) facts. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning. pmdd occur 3% 8% menstruat women. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) consid sever form premenstru syndrom (pms), symptom interfer daili activ functioning."} {"id": "158", "contents": "much sever form collect symptom known premenstru syndrom (pms), premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) affect approxim percent percent women reproduct age consid sever chronic medic condit requir attent treatment."} {"id": "159", "contents": "premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). like pms, premenstru dysphor disord follow predictable, cyclic pattern. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom affect 3\u20138% women."} {"id": "160", "contents": "symptom [edit]. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). like pms, premenstru dysphor disord follow predictable, cyclic pattern. symptom begin late luteal phase menstrual cycl (after ovulation) end shortli menstruat begins. premenstru dysphor disord (pmdd) sever form premenstru syndrom affect 3\u20138% women."} {"id": "161", "contents": "article. premenstru dysphor disorder, pmdd, sever form premenstru syndrom (pms). symptom pmdd similar pm sever enough interfer work, social activities, relationships. symptom pmdd includ following: mood swings. depress mood feel hopelessness. mark anger, increas interperson conflicts. tension anxiety. irritability."} {"id": "162", "contents": "premenstru syndrom (pms) term use mood, sometim physical, symptom occur cyclic (predict relat menses) second half menstrual cycl interfer woman' qualiti life. women experi even sever symptoms."} {"id": "163", "contents": "toss togeth arepa flour, cheese, 1/8 teaspoon salt bowl, stir water incorporated. let stand enough water absorb soft dough form, minut (dough continu stiffen). preparation."} {"id": "164", "contents": "advertisements. combin arepa flour salt medium bowl. make well center add 1/2 cup warm water. use wooden spoon, gradual incorpor dri ingredients, stir dri lump remain. heat tablespoon oil larg nonstick skillet medium heat. add arepas, cover, cook golden brown, 6\u20138 minutes. uncover, flip, cook (keep uncovered) side golden brown, 6\u20138 minutes. transfer arepa wire rack. repeat remain tablespoon oil dough"} {"id": "165", "contents": "arepa (. [a\u02c8\u027eepa]) flatbread made ground maiz dough cook flour promin cuisin colombia venezuela. eaten daili countri serv variou accompani chees (cuajada), avocado, (especi venezuela) split use make sandwiches. arepa flour special prepar (cook water, dried) make arepa maiz dough-bas dishes, hallacas, bollos, tamales, empanada chicha. flour may call masarepa, masa de arepa, masa al instante, harina precocida."} {"id": "166", "contents": "stir salt arepa flour. pour 3/4 cup hot water flour mix well wooden spoon. stir melt butter. cover dough plastic wrap let rest 15 minutes. prepar thicker arepas, separ dough 12 pieces. shape piec smooth ball. preparation. stir salt arepa flour. pour 3/4 cup hot water flour mix well wooden spoon. stir melt butter. cover dough plastic wrap let rest 15 minutes. prepar thicker arepas, separ dough 12 pieces. shape piec smooth ball."} {"id": "167", "contents": "preparation. 1. lightli spoon flour dri measur cup; level knife. combin flour salt larg bowl. add 1/2 cup boil water; stir wooden spoon well combin smooth (about minute). cover let stand minutes. 2. scrape dough onto sheet plastic wrap. shape dough 2-inch-thick disk. cut dough equal portions."} {"id": "168", "contents": "combin arepa flour salt medium bowl. make well center add 1/2 cup warm water. use wooden spoon, gradual incorpor dri ingredients, stir dri lump remain. let rest minut hydrate. heat tablespoon oil larg nonstick skillet medium heat. add arepas, cover, cook golden brown, 6\u20138 minutes. uncover, flip, cook (keep uncovered) side golden brown, 6\u20138 minutes. transfer arepa wire rack. repeat remain tablespoon oil dough"} {"id": "169", "contents": "1/4 cup veget oil. toss togeth arepa flour, cheese, 1/8 teaspoon salt bowl, stir water incorporated. let stand enough water absorb soft dough form, minut (dough continu stiffen). preparation."} {"id": "170", "contents": "virginia, instance, direct cremat rang low $1145 high $2995 funer home, cremat societi cost $595 includ transport (within city) paperwork required."} {"id": "171", "contents": "survey cremat cost last year, texa commun near dallas, found charg direct cremat rang $710 high $3820, depend funer home one used. make number even amaz is; funer home use crematori pay fee!"} {"id": "172", "contents": "cost cremat typic rang $2,000 $4,000 arrang funer home $1,500 $3,000 arrang directli crematory."} {"id": "173", "contents": "purchas rent casket container. although incident charg add hundr thousand dollar cost cremation, item that' potenti priciest casket, rang $500 simpl wooden version $35,000 ornat style."} {"id": "174", "contents": "carolina cremat offer low cost altern tradit funer services. goal make cremat afford easy. knowledg staff avail help even difficult decis regard cremat memori"} {"id": "175", "contents": "cost definit signific factor rise cremat rate. averag burial cost $7,755 (nfda 2012), includ cost cemeteri plot, wherea averag cremat cost around $3,000. mandatori 24-hour wait period north carolina cremat performed."} {"id": "176", "contents": "welcome. contact us directions. carolina cremat offer low cost altern tradit funer services. goal make cremat afford easy. knowledg staff avail help even difficult decis regard cremat memori"} {"id": "177", "contents": "protozoan diseas humans. import protozoan diseas are: malaria: mosquito-born tropic diseas caus plasmodium speci protozoa. variou type speci p. vivax, p. falciparum, p. ovale, p.malariae."} {"id": "178", "contents": "symptom includ mucusi stools, diarrhea, nausea, abdomin pain upset stomach. african sleep sick diseas caus protozoa, carri tsets fli transmit human tsets fli bites. diseas fairli damag human bodi caus seriou illness."} {"id": "179", "contents": "protozoan diseas anim human caus parasit genu trypanosoma, found blood plasma, variou bodi tissu fluids. transmission: trypanosoma transmit primarili glossina spp., tsets fly, stomoxys, tabanid reduviid bugs, vener contact."} {"id": "180", "contents": "protozoa live blood tissu human transmit human arthropod vector (for example, bite mosquito sand fly). entamoeba histolytica protozoan. microscop necessari view parasite."} {"id": "181", "contents": "parasit organ live host organ get food expens host. three main class parasit caus diseas humans: protozoa, helminths, ectoparasites."} {"id": "182", "contents": "infecti diseas caus small microb invis eye. microb includ bacteria, protozoans, fungi, yeast virus. bacteria protozoan common diseas caus agents. bacteria caus diseas plant animals."} {"id": "183", "contents": "african sleep sickness. african sleep sick diseas caus protozoa, carri tsets fli transmit human tsets fli bites. diseas fairli damag human bodi caus seriou illness."} {"id": "184", "contents": "3. african sleep sick diseas caus protozoa, carri tsets fli transmit human tsets fli bites. diseas fairli damag human bodi caus seriou illness."} {"id": "185", "contents": "thrombectomy, clot usual access via catheter, remov may follow placement stent filter. medic might use prevent clot area. however, actual remov clot may remov line blood vessel too, creat futur risk."} {"id": "186", "contents": "variou modif procedur improv success rate. venou thrombectomi surgic remov vein clot. procedur commonli use treat rare complic deep vein thrombosi (dvt) call phlegmasia cerulea dolens. procedur rare perform unit states."} {"id": "187", "contents": "patient deep vein thrombosi (dvt) pulmonari embol (pe) endovascular thrombectomi may performed. procedur design rapidli break clot, restor blood flow within vein, potenti preserv valv function minim risk post-thrombot syndrome."} {"id": "188", "contents": "venou thrombectomi surgic remov vein clot. procedur commonli use treat rare complic deep vein thrombosi (dvt) call phlegmasia cerulea dolens. procedur rare perform unit states."} {"id": "189", "contents": "overviewa thrombectomi surgic procedur use remov blood clot (thrombus) vessel. thrombu obstruct blood flow may caus tissu death even loss limb circul restor promptly. thrombosi occur vein arteries."} {"id": "190", "contents": "wave construct [constructive: wave help build materi beach. tend low frequenc strong swash.] destruct [destructive: wave remov materi beach. swash weaker backwash.] wave breaks, water wash beach."} {"id": "191", "contents": "destruct wave creat storm conditions. creat big, strong wave wind power blow long time. occur wave energi high wave travel long fetch. tend erod coast. occur wave energi high wave travel long fetch. tend erod coast. stronger backwash swash. short wave length high steep."} {"id": "192", "contents": "rug coastlin west coast region new zealand. coastlin seashor area land meet sea ocean, line form boundari land ocean lake. precis line call coastlin cannot determin due coastlin paradox"} {"id": "193", "contents": "wave coastal interact construct destruct wave wave refract tides. wave essenti movement water molecul within ocean, restrict surfac layer ocean seas. involv circular orbit water molecul agent coastal change."} {"id": "194", "contents": "construct coastlin form construct waves, deposit load carri waves. map plan california coastlin trip california' coastlin stretch 800 miles. start san diego south, border pacif ocean central coast, past san francisco nor\u2026. scandinavian vacat denmark, norway, sweden known scandinavian countries."} {"id": "195", "contents": "split merg it. answer helloitsme123. confid vote 72. construct coastlin form construct waves, deposit load carri waves. featur construct coastlin beach spit. map plan california coastlin trip california' coastlin stretch 800 miles. start san diego south, border pacif ocean central coast, past san francisco nor\u2026. scandinavian vacat denmark, norway, sweden known scandinavian countries."} {"id": "196", "contents": "effect high wave. destruct wave creat storm conditions. creat big, strong wave wind power blow long time. occur wave energi high wave travel long fetch. tend erod coast. occur wave energi high wave travel long fetch. tend erod coast. stronger backwash swash. short wave length high steep."} {"id": "197", "contents": "coastal geographi studi dynam interfac ocean land, incorpor physic geographi (i.e. coastal geomorphology, geolog oceanography) human geographi (sociolog history) coast. port campbel southern australia high-energi shoreline. wave differ strength constantli hit shorelin primari mover shaper coastline. despit simplic process, differ wave rock hit result huge vari shapes."} {"id": "198", "contents": "coastal categories: clif coast abras coast one marin action produc steep decliv known cliffs. flat coast one land gradual descend sea. grade shorelin one wind water action produc flat straight coastline. coastlin seashor area land meet sea ocean, line form boundari land ocean lake. precis line call coastlin cannot determin due coastlin paradox"} {"id": "199", "contents": "npl import compon us club soccer' 10-year vision refin landscap competit youth soccer. vision recogn that: properly-structur youth soccer club vehicl player develop occur unit states. club play leagu provid meaning games, allow establish proper training-to-gam ratio, elimin calendar congestion."} {"id": "200", "contents": "home program leagu npl. npl nation competit platform creat elev chang competit youth soccer landscap by: extend development principl espous u.s. soccer age group clubs. npl final formerli known npl champion cup featur champion 19 npl across unit state u-13 u-18 boy girl age groups. team play group game advanc knock-out round determin npl nation champion everi age group."} {"id": "201", "contents": "nation premier leagu (npl) nation associ footbal (soccer) competit australia act second tier sport countri a-league. npl consist highest level state leagu state-bas feder within australia. ffa member feder join npl 2013, footbal west, northern new south wale footbal footbal feder victoria join 2014 season, footbal feder northern territori expect adopt partial model time future."} {"id": "202", "contents": "npl (nation premier league) pre-npl team princeton sa compris highest level player compet highest level competition. pre-npl team age u8-u11 npl team start u12. princeton sa pre-npl team play highest level avail age groups. princeton sa npl team compet new york club soccer leagu (nycsl) npl division, leagu game new jersey, new york, connecticut. team also play tournament cours year also compet usysa nation state cup"} {"id": "203", "contents": "npl held inaugur npl showcas march 2014, brought team npl across countri one site intra-leagu competit player showcasing. featur u-16, u-17 u-18 boy team heritag park suburban la vegas, nev. properly-structur youth soccer club vehicl player develop occur unit states. club play leagu provid meaning games, allow establish proper training-to-gam ratio, elimin calendar congestion."} {"id": "204", "contents": "heel success 2014-15 npl showcas (girls) us club soccer announc plan return palm coast, fla., dec. 31, 2015 jan. 2, 2016 second edit showcase. 2015-16 npl showcas (girls) also featur top u-15 u-17 girl team around country. npl final formerli known npl champion cup featur champion 19 npl across unit state u-13 u-18 boy girl age groups. team play group game advanc knock-out round determin npl nation champion everi age group."} {"id": "205", "contents": "nation premier leagu (npl) divis top tier new york club soccer leagu boy girls. npl creat provid nation development platform highest level competit given geograph areas, elev chang competit youth soccer landscap base upon fundament principl us club soccer 10-year vision."} {"id": "206", "contents": "nation premier leagu (npl) premier leagues: collect top us club soccer leagu around country, provid unified, league-bas nation platform long-term player development."} {"id": "207", "contents": "varieti robiola produc across piedmont provinc cuneo, asti alessandria lombardy. one specialti aosta valley. tast appear robiola vari depend upon produced. however, summa lacticiniorum, fifteenth-centuri dairi produc expert pantaleon da confienza describ manufacture, prais quality, chees name. robiola gener serv tabl cheese, either alon oil, salt pepper. must store properli purchased, keep fresh one month. tangi tast attribut infus wild herb anim pastur"} {"id": "208", "contents": "pleas tri later. learn make stracchino cheese, place avail (ie. outsid northern italy). take amaz kitchen, like use cook show :). best watch 480p. land canaan therion (googl play emus amazonmp3). education."} {"id": "209", "contents": "crescenza. crescenza cheese, also known stracchino, type italian fresh cheese, typic lombardy, piedmont, veneto. name 'crescenza' deriv italian word 'stracca', mean 'tired' english. crescenza soft chees creamy, spreadabl textur rind. usual mild delic flavour. rich, fresh chees ideal eaten pair fresh rocket salad prosciutto. also use pizzas, risotto bake focaccia. part chees board, crescenza usual serv besid select jam honey"} {"id": "210", "contents": "robiola italian soft-ripen chees stracchino family. langh region made vari proport cow\u2019s, goat\u2019 milk sheep milk. however, summa lacticiniorum, fifteenth-centuri dairi produc expert pantaleon da confienza describ manufacture, prais quality, chees name. robiola gener serv tabl cheese, either alon oil, salt pepper. must store properli purchased, keep fresh one month. tangi tast attribut infus wild herb anim pastur"} {"id": "211", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. stracchino. stracchino also known crescenza type italian cow\u2019s-milk cheese, typic lombardy, piedmont, veneto. eaten young, rind soft, creami textur normal mild delic flavour. normal squar form. name chees deriv lombard word stracch, mean tired."} {"id": "212", "contents": "stracchino-cow-get name word 'tired' (in lombard dialect: stracco), refer fact use made milk cow tire transhum valley alpin summer. caprino-goat-an age version also exists. bel paes (trade mark) cow -. sinc area origin big part defin cheese' properties, mani italian chees protect denomin european union law (pdo protect design origin, dop denominazion di origin protetta italian)."} {"id": "213", "contents": "drop tablespoon crescenza-stracchino chees onto stretch dough, spread dollop evenly. roll anoth piec dough before, stretch fit first dough sheet cheese. stretch, pull, seal dough chees enclos sheet dough."} {"id": "214", "contents": "essenti tv, broadband call packag perfect want freeview. get 70 freeview channel access demand tv-on tv-with bbc iplayer, itv player, 4od, demand5, milkshak dave. also paus rewind live tv 30 minutes. youview box provid essenti tv come great featur youview+ box like day catchup abil paus rewind live tv abil record. want benefit abl record live tv, sign talktalk plu tv, broadband calls."} {"id": "215", "contents": "sky could axe tv on-demand servic one million bt talktalk televis customers, accord reports. potenti rift concern technolog use bt talktalk provid stream on-demand services. moment, anyon pay sky' \u00a310 tv box \u00a35 month subscript access catch-up servic popular show game throne wire."} {"id": "216", "contents": "custom access live channel well, includ sky sports, depend package. tv use bt talktalk' specially-built box use technolog youview compani live channel work. potenti rift concern technolog use bt talktalk provid stream on-demand services. moment, anyon pay sky' \u00a310 tv box \u00a35 month subscript access catch-up servic popular show game throne wire."} {"id": "217", "contents": "demand: sky custom watch show catch stream use tv box. said sky longer split traditional, subscript pay tv custom fork \u00a360 month on-demand custom pay littl \u00a35 month. potenti rift concern technolog use bt talktalk provid stream on-demand services. moment, anyon pay sky' \u00a310 tv box \u00a35 month subscript access catch-up servic popular show game throne wire."} {"id": "218", "contents": "sky tv custom get sky movi \u00a316/month top standard sky entertain pack (\u00a321.50/month). also take sky movi entertain extra pack (\u00a326.50/month) you\u2019r fuller package. new movi avail sky movi tv six month they'v finish run uk cinemas. older titl first three spider-man movi da vinci code also avail watch near futur again, exclus sky movi tv limit period."} {"id": "219", "contents": "front cost besid talktalk plu broadband package, talktalk tv one cheapest way get sky movi tv. talktalk plu sky movies: \u00a314.50 \u00a315.00 \u00a329.50/month. new movi avail sky movi tv six month they'v finish run uk cinemas. older titl first three spider-man movi da vinci code also avail watch near futur again, exclus sky movi tv limit period."} {"id": "220", "contents": "talktalk tv digit tv servic let user watch live tv on-demand content via broadband-en phone line. talktalk one youview partners, they\u2019r abl offer free youview box custom (save \u00a3299 high-street box). unlik rival youview partner bt, talktalk abl offer sky sport sky movi channel talktalk service. find inform youview talktalk here: talktalk plu tv."} {"id": "221", "contents": "tv youview. tv provid youview custom host options, pay monthli unlimit access sky movies, rent singl movi simple, pay-as-you-go basis. find inform tv website. discov brilliant rang tv boost find talktalk player rent films, buy content much more. well this, find rang player offer subscript pay per view content demand enjoy via youview box."} {"id": "222", "contents": "tv players. talktalk tv servic great rang extra purchas customis tv plan favourit seri shows, ensur there' alway someth great watch box. discov brilliant rang tv boost find talktalk player rent films, buy content much more. well this, find rang player offer subscript pay per view content demand enjoy via youview box."} {"id": "223", "contents": "per diem rates. must follow instruct view fy2015 prior years' rates. select fy2015 appropri year drop-down box search state map, click directli state map wish view rate. abl see prior year rate enter anyth search city, state zip code box page."} {"id": "224", "contents": "accord latest mps\u2019 expenditur report, mp spent total $6,507,808.37 hous per diem expens ottawa april 1, 2011 march 31, 2012."} {"id": "225", "contents": "allow unit state america canada paid us funds. note: refer appendix unit state america (outsid continent usa only: guam, hawaii, northern marianas, puerto rico virgin islands) meal incident allowances,"} {"id": "226", "contents": "actual meal expens reimburs maximum amount per diem rate. current per diem rate $46.00 employe travel least 24 hours. current per diem rate top rate citi $71.00. pleas see link list top rate cities. top rate citi elig $71.00 per diem rate. one half per diem rate allow travel statu least 12 consecut hour less 24 hours."} {"id": "227", "contents": "dermatologist privat practic earn highest annual salary, report averag compens $300,000 higher. accord medscap dermatolog compens report 2011 regard dermatologist salari compensation. specialti recruit firm report median salari first year practic $234,000. sixth year practice, dermatologist earn averag salari $365,450 per year."} {"id": "228", "contents": "base data report, dermatologist salari vari significantli region region. profession employ north east earn averag annual salari $274,000, base mid-atlant region make $284,000 annually, dermatologist work southeast earn around $332,000 year. averag start salari dermatologist less year experi rang $76,302 $260,398 year accord payscale. profession report get $1,000 year bonus"} {"id": "229", "contents": "comparisons. dermatologist overal averag annual salari $176,800 2012, say averagedermatologysalary.com. 2011 dermatolog compens report medscap found 2010, 17 percent dermatologist report annual incom $500,000 more. meanwhile, may 2011 report bureau labor statist list averag yearli salari $184,650 physician surgeon whole."} {"id": "230", "contents": "median salari dermatologist work unit state $223,117 year accord payscale, $301,808 year accord salary.com. averag bonus depend varieti factors, includ year experience. averag start salari dermatologist less year experi rang $76,302 $260,398 year accord payscale. profession report get $1,000 year bonus"} {"id": "231", "contents": "median salari profession, report 2013 dermatologist compens report releas medscape, $306,000 year, men earn $321,000 year average, women paid averag salari $284,000 year. averag start salari dermatologist less year experi rang $76,302 $260,398 year accord payscale. profession report get $1,000 year bonus"} {"id": "232", "contents": "accord simpli hired, averag dermatolog nurse\u2019 salari work us around $55,000. nursingschools.net report type nurs usual earn $30,000 $75,000 per year. dermatologist\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a3123,750, 30 earn \u00a3161,700, 40 earn \u00a3191,400 50 earn \u00a3191,400. averag hourli wage dermatologist uk \u00a382.5."} {"id": "233", "contents": "averag salary. averagedermatologysalary.com report 2012 averag salari cosmet dermatologist $257,550 year. averag start pay $212,100 rang $169,680 low end $254,520 high end. 2011 dermatolog compens report medscap found 2010, 17 percent dermatologist report annual incom $500,000 more. meanwhile, may 2011 report bureau labor statist list averag yearli salari $184,650 physician surgeon whole."} {"id": "234", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-dermatolog unit state $314,017, 50% peopl perform job physician-dermatolog unit state expect make less $314,017. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. annual salari someon job titl physician-dermatolog may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "235", "contents": "entri level dermatologist receiv median salari $125,000 per year dermatologist 10 year experi receiv $194,000 per year. top paid dermatologist self-employ receiv annual salari $300,000. salari dermatolog average. dermatologist\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a3123,750, 30 earn \u00a3161,700, 40 earn \u00a3191,400 50 earn \u00a3191,400. averag hourli wage dermatologist uk \u00a382.5."} {"id": "236", "contents": "*tuition fee univers colorado denver establish board regent subject chang time. **non-resid tuition fee year would approxim $26,800. student requir resid statu begin year 2. mandatori fee averag $450 per semester. *** special in-stat tuition elig"} {"id": "237", "contents": "undergradu tuition. univers colorado denver tuition $7,272 per year in-stat residents. 13% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $6,815 48% cheaper averag colorado tuition $14,087 year colleges. net out-of-pocket total cost end pay financ though student loan known net price. report cu denver net price in-stat student $12,580* 2013/2014 academ year."} {"id": "238", "contents": "$33,110. $16,555. tuition charg per-credit-hour basi credit hour enrollment/p semest ($1,035/credit hour). 12- 18-credit hours, full-tim rate note applies. enrol beyond 18-credit hour charg per-credit-hour basis."} {"id": "239", "contents": "follow breakdown estim minimum expens undergradu intern student univers denver 2015-2016 academ year. estim includ intern travel. contact. merit-bas scholarship $13,000 $23,000 per year first-year student $9,000 $13,000 per year transfer students. admiss standard intern student vari base educ system countri attend school."} {"id": "240", "contents": "total cost du educ includ direct cost appear univers bill, tuition, fees, charg room board, well estim indirect cost books, transport person expenses. figur reflect sampl budget 2015-16 academ year (exclud summer quarter). actual cost depend number factors, number credit hour take discretionari expenses."} {"id": "241", "contents": "total list price in-stat colorado resid go cu denver $21,240 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess colorado resid expect one year cost $35,592. net out-of-pocket total cost end pay financ though student loan known net price. report cu denver net price in-stat student $12,580* 2013/2014 academ year."} {"id": "242", "contents": "metropolitan state colleg denver tuition $4,973 per year in-stat residents. 23% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,114 65% cheaper averag colorado tuition $14,087 year colleges."} {"id": "243", "contents": "msu denver\u2019 tuition afford colorado\u2019 large, four-year univers offer undergradu degrees. graduat start career higher salari degre holder institut colorado. msu denver 2015\u201316 tuition fee per semest 15 credit hours."} {"id": "244", "contents": "191,700 page wiki. cheney deriv french word chene, mean oak, came use origin normandi england signifi resid probabl progenitor. certain cheney, chine, cheyney cheyne, various spelled, earliest surnam use england."} {"id": "245", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean cheney name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name cheney check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "246", "contents": "first thing know consid cheney baby' name countri world name cheney boy name. name cheney french origin, use mostli french speak countri also countri languag world."} {"id": "247", "contents": "cheney uncommon first name men popular surnam peopl (#2563 150436, top 2%). (2000 u.s. census). display babi name popular cheney boys. cheney yet record top 1000 far."} {"id": "248", "contents": "cheney /ch-eney/ [2 sylls.] name boys. cheney' root french old english, name cheney mean oak tree; oak-hearted. cheney altern form chaney (french): actor lon chaney. cheney also form chesney (old english): place name refer camp. cheney also use form cheyn (french)."} {"id": "249", "contents": "overview edit. cheney deriv french word chene, mean oak, came use origin normandi england signifi resid probabl progenitor. certain cheney, chine, cheyney cheyne, various spelled, earliest surnam use england."} {"id": "250", "contents": "nondeduct tradit ira contribut report form 8606, line 1. amount shown box form 5498 includ contribut made tradit ira design previou tax year. contribut roth ira report tax return. amount shown box 10 form 5498 reflect contribut made roth ira design previou tax year. contribut sep ira simpl ira report form 1040, line 28, self-employed."} {"id": "251", "contents": "contributions. vanguard report contribut type ira ir form 5498, ira contribut information. tax year 2014 contributions, we'll mail form 5498 may 2015, document records."} {"id": "252", "contents": "ira roth ira-excess contributions. total ira contribut (both tradit roth combined) greater allow amount year situation, withdrawn excess contributions, must complet form 5329 calcul 6% penalti tax excess contribution."} {"id": "253", "contents": "roth ira ira that, except explain below, subject rule appli tradit ira. cannot deduct contribut roth ira. satisfi requirements, qualifi distribut tax-free. make contribut roth ira reach age 70 \u00bd."} {"id": "254", "contents": "form 5498: ira contribut inform report ira contribut irs. ira truste issuer-not you-i requir file form ir may 31. save retir individu retir arrangement, probabl receiv form 5498 year."} {"id": "255", "contents": "fidel report roth ira convers amount distribut form 1099-r contribut roth ira(s) tax year form 5498."} {"id": "256", "contents": "form 5498: ira contribut inform report ira contribut irs. ira truste issuer requir file form ir may 31. find form turbotax, file tax return. copi receiv mail copi records."} {"id": "257", "contents": "roth ira contribut tax time contribut fund roth ira. however, contribut come post-tax income. pay tax incom today, future."} {"id": "258", "contents": "listeriosi causes. listeriosi diseas caus infect gram-positive, rod-shap bacterium call listeria monocytogenes. listeria monocytogen ubiquitous, usual found soil, water, decay vegetation. mani farm anim domest wild anim harbor bacterium."} {"id": "259", "contents": "listeriosi (listeria monocytogen infection) facts. listeriosi diseas caus gram-posit bacterium name listeria penetr replic insid human cells."} {"id": "260", "contents": "listeriosis, seriou infect usual caus eat food contamin bacterium listeria monocytogenes, import public health problem unit states."} {"id": "261", "contents": "l. monocytogen gram-posit bacterium, divis firmicutes, name joseph lister. motil via flagella 30\u00b0c below, usual 37\u00b0c, l. monocytogen instead move within eukaryot cell explos polymer actin filament (known comet tail actin rockets). l. monocytogen gram-positive, nonspore-forming, motile, facult anaerobic, rod-shap bacterium. catalase-posit oxidase-negative, express beta hemolysin, caus destruct red blood cells."} {"id": "262", "contents": "listeriosi bacteri infect caus listeria monocytogenes. mani bacteria gener infect specif locat within human body, listeria may infect mani differ sites, brain spinal cord membran bloodstream."} {"id": "263", "contents": "caus listeriosis. listeriosi caus type bacteria call listeria. mainli spread contamin food. listeria widespread throughout environ found soil, wood, decay veget water. contamin food. case listeriosi caus eat food contamin listeria. listeria commonli found unpasteuris milk dairi product made unpasteuris milk. listeria also found food manufactur environ contamin food product product"} {"id": "264", "contents": "listeria monocytogen bacteria commonli found soil; dust; water; sewage; unpasteur chees brie, mozzarella, blue cheese; uncook vegetables. bacteria enter bodi contamin food water. food contamin listeria monocytogen caus outbreak meningitis. mening caus listeria monocytogen bacteria occur often newborns, older adults, peopl long-term ill impair immun systems."} {"id": "265", "contents": "listeriosi ill aris infect caus eat food contamin bacterium listeria monocytogenes. listeriosi low incid humans. however, pregnant women much like rest popul contract it."} {"id": "266", "contents": "listeriosis, seriou infect usual caus eat food contamin bacterium listeria monocytogenes, import public health problem unit states. diseas primarili affect older adults, pregnant women, newborns, adult weaken immun systems. person listeriosi usual fever muscl aches, sometim preced diarrhea gastrointestin symptoms. almost everyon diagnos listeriosi invas infection, bacteria spread beyond gastrointestin tract."} {"id": "267", "contents": "pseudomona infect diseas caus bacterium genu pseudomonas. bacteria found wide environment, soil, water, plants. usual caus infect healthi people. infect occur healthi person, gener mild. pseudomona infect caus free-liv bacterium genu pseudomonas. pseudomona gram-neg bacteria. found wide soil water. favor moist areas. mani speci caus disease. common speci caus infect call pseudomona aeruginosa"} {"id": "268", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa). methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) type staph bacteria resist certain antibiot call beta-lactams. antibiot includ methicillin common antibiot oxacillin, penicillin, amoxicillin. community, mrsa infect skin infections. acinetobact [asz\u2212in\u2212ee\u2212\u00e9e\u2013toe\u2212back] ter group bacteria commonli found soil and. water outbreak acinetobact infect typic occur intens care unit healthcar set hous ill. patient"} {"id": "269", "contents": "seriou pseudomona infect usual occur peopl hospit and/or weaken immun systems. infect blood, pneumonia, infect follow surgeri lead sever ill death people. however, healthi peopl also develop mild ill pseudomona aeruginosa, especi exposur water. hospitals, seriou infect occur, pseudomona spread hand healthcar worker equip get contamin properli cleaned."} {"id": "270", "contents": "meticillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) one number bacteria resist lot differ antibiotics. pseudomona aeruginosa rel common find long-stand ear diseas wounds. pseudomona aeruginosa. pseudomona aeruginosa common bacterium abl colon mani natur manmad environments. commonli found soil water also found anim surfaces."} {"id": "271", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa common gram-neg bacterium caus diseas plant animals, includ humans. citrate, catalase, oxidas positive. found soil, water, skin flora, man-mad environ throughout world."} {"id": "272", "contents": "pseudomona infect caus strain bacteria found wide environment; common type caus infect human call pseudomona aeruginosa. imag bacterium, search public health imag library. hospitals, seriou infect occur, pseudomona spread hand healthcar worker equip get contamin properli cleaned."} {"id": "273", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa. pseudomona infect caus strain bacteria found wide environment; common type caus infect human call pseudomona aeruginosa. seriou pseudomona infect usual occur peopl hospit and/or weaken immun systems. acinetobact [asz\u2212in\u2212ee\u2212\u00e9e\u2013toe\u2212back] ter group bacteria commonli found soil and. water outbreak acinetobact infect typic occur intens care unit healthcar set hous ill. patient"} {"id": "274", "contents": "a. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh). healthi peopl often carri bacteria around without know without problems. topic overview. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh)."} {"id": "275", "contents": "contact info j.k. rowling. jo rowl request write via publishers: j.k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publishing. 38 soho square. london w1v 5df. unit kingdom. u.s. publishers: j.k. rowling. c/o scholastic. 555 broadway. new york, ny 10012. publish list: follow list j.k. rowling\u2019 publisher\u2019 around globe. applicable, visit publisher\u2019 web site contact info."} {"id": "276", "contents": "fan mail, question comment j.k. rowl sent write address below: j.k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publish plc. 50 bedford square. j.k. rowl rare interview public speaking, usual around new project charit commitment. pleas note undertak fee-pay public speak engagements."} {"id": "277", "contents": "want send fan mail harri potter actor/director/th queen fan mail addresses. j. k. rowling: j. k. rowling. c/o scholast inc. 555 broadway new york, ny 10012. or. j. k. rowling. c/o bloomsburi publishing. 38 soho squar london w1v 5df. uk."} {"id": "278", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: reach uk publishers, pass everi letter get her. address is: j.k.rowl c/o. bloomsburi publish plc 38 soho squar london w1d 3hb understand good repli mail. good luck!"} {"id": "279", "contents": "c/o scholast books. 555 broadway. new york, ny 10012. usa. uk address: jk rowling. c/o bloomsburri publishing, plc. 38 soho square. london, england, w1v5df. uk. could send letter wo addresses: j. k. rowl c/o scholast inc. 555 broadway new york, ny 10012 j. k. rowl c/o bloomsburi publish 38 soho squar london w1v 5df uk 30 other found useful. emale sickles. kimberli harwood-lapierr"} {"id": "280", "contents": "search tirelessli prior question j.k.rowling' fan mail address; seem current uphold one email form. however, continu appreci pen paper technology, repli mani letter sent uk publishers: bloomsburi publish build soho square."} {"id": "281", "contents": "middl man. rowling' website, suggest send fan mail one two publish u.s. u.k. publish hous serv middl man forward mail author. best results, address letter j.k. rowling, c/o scholast inc., 557 broadway, new york, ny 10012-3999. rowl admit can't answer question comment idea includ letter"} {"id": "282", "contents": "contact jk rowling. jk rowl author harri potter seri books. appreci fan mail, sinc receiv much it, ask sent via publishers. ad. tips. jk rowl provid public email address contact. popular author celebrity, cannot answer everi item mail received. announc upcom adult book, see http://www.jkrowling.com/"} {"id": "283", "contents": "find $30 phone cell store wal mart, buy, turn on, got work phone. internet servic though. need phone ask direct call hotel, tech savvy, probabl best solution. phone sell locked, mean can't use carriers. tell carrier store cell store carrier' name, colors, logo, etc. claro store carrier store. kolbi store movistar store."} {"id": "284", "contents": "list unit state wireless commun servic providers. cellular telecommun internet associ (ctia), list approxim 30 facilities-bas wireless servic provid unit state members. competit carrier associ (cca) 100 members."} {"id": "285", "contents": "common carrier offer servic gener public licens author provid regulatori body. regulatori bodi usual grant ministeri author legisl creat it. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service."} {"id": "286", "contents": "cellular band edit. costa rica oper cellular servic 850 mhz. first thing check phone equip 850 mhz band. higher-end smartphon come band, one problems. phone sell locked, mean can't use carriers. tell carrier store cell store carrier' name, colors, logo, etc. claro store carrier store. kolbi store movistar store."} {"id": "287", "contents": "common carrier common law countri (correspond public carrier civil law systems, usual call simpli carrier) person compani transport good peopl person compani respons possibl loss good transport. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service."} {"id": "288", "contents": "gener carrier servic overview use deliveri servic major packag carriers? gener carrier servic (gcs) modul fast, easi solv problem ship parcels. use gc ship via ltl carriers, local deliveri servic even company' deliveri trucks. gc includ cp packages. servic support label document sampl label report gc handl individu multipl piec shipment singl entry, automat print label needed, save complet shipment information. gc also record actual carrier name, packag shipment weight, ship charges."} {"id": "289", "contents": "common carrier distinguish contract carrier (also call public carrier uk english), carrier transport good certain number client refus transport good anyon else, privat carrier. person physic transport good mean transport refer actual carrier. carrier subcontract anoth provider, independ contractor third-parti carrier, common carrier said provid substitut service."} {"id": "290", "contents": "a. phone verizon wireless network a. card. said statement, [icdma devic sim card oper verizon' network gsm sim card oper at&t' network. re: list gsm phone carriers. specify: work (the sim realli used) verizon wireless custom unit states. sim card way link verizon wireless network."} {"id": "291", "contents": "cdma phone verizon wireless network sim card. said statement, [icdma devic sim card oper verizon' network gsm sim card oper at&t' network. ][/i], 100% accurate. re: list gsm phone carriers. specify: work (the sim realli used) verizon wireless custom unit states. sim card way link verizon wireless network."} {"id": "292", "contents": "here' resourc use tho find carrier mobil cellular phones: http://www.reversephonedetective.com/. http://www.tracenumber.com/ give locat carrier type phone (land line cellular/mobile). http://il-phone.info/. problem peopl move phone carrier, site good person move phone new carrier. example, test phone show origin carrier sign phone with, at&t i'm current use (iphone.....). hope helps!"} {"id": "293", "contents": "ligand protein attach (binds) anoth protein call receptor; receptor protein specif site ligand fit like key locks. endogen ligand produc body, introduc body, certain drugs."} {"id": "294", "contents": "bident ligands. bident ligand two atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. ethane-1,2-diamin (shown image) exampl bident ligand. nitrogen molecul act electron donors, bind central metal atom ion."} {"id": "295", "contents": "ligand. organ molecul donat necessari electron form coordin coval bond metal ions. also, ion part molecul specif bind form complex anoth molecule. ligand. [lig\u2032\u0259nd, l\u012b\u2032g\u0259nd]. etymology: l, ligare, bind. molecule, ion, group bound central metal atom chemic compound, oxygen molecul oxyhemoglobin, bound central iron atom. organ molecul attach specif site cell surfac tracer element."} {"id": "296", "contents": "monodent ligands. monodent ligand one atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. nh exampl neutral monodent ligands. ligand, oxygen donor atom bind metal. nh ligand, nitrogen donor atom bind metal. bident ligand two atom capabl bind central metal atom ion. ethane-1,2-diamin (shown image) exampl bident ligand. nitrogen molecul act electron donors, bind"} {"id": "297", "contents": "biochemistri pharmacology, ligand substanc form complex biomolecul serv biolog purpose. protein-ligand binding, ligand usual signal-trigg molecul bind site target protein. bind typic result chang conform target protein. dna-ligand bind studies, ligand small molecule, ion, protein bind dna doubl helix. bind occur intermolecular forces, ionic bonds, hydrogen bond van der waal forces. dock (association) usual revers (dissociation)."} {"id": "298", "contents": "ligand definition. ligand atom, ion, molecul donat share one electron coval bond central atom ion. complex group coordin chemistri stabil central atom determin reactivity. monodent ligand one atom bind central atom ion. water (h o) ammonia (nh 3) exampl neutral monodent ligands. polydent ligand one donor site."} {"id": "299", "contents": "coordin chemistry, ligand (/l\u026a\u0261\u0259nd/) ion molecul (function group) bind central metal atom form coordin complex. bond metal ligand gener involv formal donat one ligand' electron pairs."} {"id": "300", "contents": "ligand. definition. noun, plural: ligands. (1) molecule, ion atom bond central metal atom coordin compound. (2) substanc (e.g. hormone, drug, function group, etc .) bind specif revers anoth chemic entiti form larger complex. supplement. ligand may function agonist antagonist"} {"id": "301", "contents": "definit ligand. group, ion, molecul coordin central atom molecul complex. advertisement."} {"id": "302", "contents": "login register. learn crochet five-part beginner' guid crochet. read beginn crochet instruct watch beginn crochet video section master techniqu use crochet projects. complet novic craft, know begin crochet difficult. first, need crochet hook basic yarn. \u201ch\u201d hook often recommend beginn inexpens acryl yarn. american size rang (smallest) (biggest), get idea size sits. use imag guid hold hook yarn."} {"id": "303", "contents": "begin crochet usual start learn chain stitch first. chain stitch one import basic crochet stitch need know; chain stitch form foundat crochet projects. enjoy resourc learn chain stitch: chain stitch video. order save space, certain word crochet pattern usual abbreviated. abbrevi chain stitch ch, sometim ch plural form. usual see ch follow number -- example, ch 135; would mean crochet 135 chain stitches."} {"id": "304", "contents": "chain stitch first stitch beginn learn. abbrevi stitch: ch, ch, ch. example, ch mean need make chain stitch (the slip knot begin usual mention counted). crochet slip knot. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once."} {"id": "305", "contents": "pleas click subscrib get updat new videos! donna wolf naztazia http://naztazia.com show crochet. video right hand version two-part seri design absolut beginn crochet-a well crochet want review basic concepts."} {"id": "306", "contents": "step 1: hold crochet hook right hand make slip knot hook. step 2: bring yarn hook back front grab hook. step 3: draw hook yarn slip knot onto hook. make one chain stitch. begin anoth row, work stitch previou row. step 8: make one singl crochet stitch first stitch remain stitch previou row. sure work last stitch. chain 1, turn. repeat step block measur long."} {"id": "307", "contents": "learn crochet. find best free crochet instruct crochet tutori web. learn crochet learn hottest crochet stitch next project."} {"id": "308", "contents": "abbrevi slip stitch is: sl st sl st. insert crochet hook spot want make slip stitch, hook yarn draw spot loop crochet hook once. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once."} {"id": "309", "contents": "learn chain stitch, want learn basic crochet stitches. singl crochet stitch one these; essenti stitch know. we'v post sever resourc help get comfort singl crochet stitch: edna kurtzman' singl crochet stitch video. order save space, certain word crochet pattern usual abbreviated. abbrevi chain stitch ch, sometim ch plural form. usual see ch follow number -- example, ch 135; would mean crochet 135 chain stitches."} {"id": "310", "contents": ":)\ufeff. one way make crochet slip knot: make loop around hook, place short end yarn hook, hook draw loop. step-by-step instruction: make slip knot. step 1: insert hook stitch previou row (it begin chain first row). step 2: yarn hook. step 3: draw loop: loop crochet hook. step 4: yarn draw loop once."} {"id": "311", "contents": "perform role relat audienc (society), role frontstag perform (behavior) open judgment observ it. backstag region place actor discuss, polish, refin perform without reveal audience."} {"id": "312", "contents": "dramaturg sociolog sociolog perspect studi social interactions, emphas way involv work create, maintain, dismantle, present share understand reality."} {"id": "313", "contents": "front-stage/backstag behavior. one erv goffman\u2019 brilliant insight extent peopl engag present self. front-stag behavior display meant \u2018public\u2019 consumption: witty, urbane, dangerous, smart, smooth, down-to-earth, intellectual, anti-intellectual."} {"id": "314", "contents": "present self everyday life book publish 1959, written sociologist erv goffman. it, use imageri theater order portray import human social action interaction."} {"id": "315", "contents": "1950s, erv goffman introduc term front stage back stage lexicon sociolog anthropology. commonli understood social sciences\u2014and even popular culture, today\u2014soci actor play roles, relat others."} {"id": "316", "contents": "call impress management. goffman make import distinct front stage back stage behavior. term implies, front stage action visibl audienc part performance. peopl engag back stage behavior audienc present."} {"id": "317", "contents": "goffman make import distinct front stage back stage behavior. term implies, front stage action visibl audienc part performance. peopl engag back stage behavior audienc present."} {"id": "318", "contents": "social interaction, like theatric performances, front region actor stage audience. also back region, back stage, individu get rid role ident play front others."} {"id": "319", "contents": "wed heighten exampl sociologist erv goffman call front stage behavior. goffman view social life someth akin performance, attempt manag impress make others."} {"id": "320", "contents": "among type anemia inherit are: sickle-cel anemia. peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia."} {"id": "321", "contents": "sickle-cel anemia. peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. result, red blood cell produc sickl shape. caus pain episod call crises, even stroke heart attacks,\u201d murray says. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia."} {"id": "322", "contents": "caus decreas product includ iron deficiency, lack vitamin b12, thalassemia number neoplasm bone marrow among others. caus increas breakdown includ number genet condit sickl cell anemia, infect like malaria autoimmun diseas among others. anemia common disord blood affect quarter peopl globally. iron-defici anemia affect nearli billion. 2013 anemia due iron defici result 183,000 death 213,000 death 1990."} {"id": "323", "contents": "anemia condit develop blood lack enough healthi red blood cell hemoglobin. hemoglobin main part red blood cell bind oxygen. abnorm red blood cells, hemoglobin abnorm low, cell bodi get enough oxygen. symptom anemia -- like fatigu -- occur organ get need function properly. inherit disord affect body\u2019 product red blood cells. thalassemia caus bodi make fewer healthi red blood cell less hemoglobin -- may treat blood transfusions. among peopl hemolyt anemia, red blood cell destroy clean bloodstream quickly."} {"id": "324", "contents": "peopl sickle-cel anemia gene caus blood protein hemoglobin form abnormally. result, red blood cell produc sickl shape. caus pain episod call crises, even stroke heart attacks,\u201d murray says. peopl born genet abnorm caus certain type anemia, includ sickl cell anemia, thalassemia, fanconi anemia."} {"id": "325", "contents": "fanconi anemia condit affect mani part body. peopl condit may bone marrow failure, physic abnormalities, organ defects, increas risk certain cancers. major function bone marrow produc new blood cells. fanconi anemia often inherit autosom recess pattern, mean copi gene cell mutations. parent individu autosom recess condit carri one copi mutat gene, typic show sign symptom condition."} {"id": "326", "contents": "peopl form anemia, red blood cell abnorm small (microcytic) pale (hypochromic). symptom iron-refractori iron defici anemia includ tired (fatigue), weakness, pale skin, complications. iron-refractori iron defici anemia one mani type anemia, group condit character shortag healthi red blood cells."} {"id": "327", "contents": "ancient mine town taxco character cobbl wind lanes, tradit plaza antiqu hous eleg coloni facades. small citi taxco, sit north state guerrero, one popular tourist destin mexico, understand so. beauti town embed region shelter roll hill mountains, histor past also major draw tourist visitors."} {"id": "328", "contents": "arriv spanish mexico, indigen commun known \u201ctaxco\u201d locat modern citi now. name refer villag ten kilomet south, refer taxco el viejo (old taxco). pre-hispan times, villag import area seat aztec governor presid tribut collect surround seven districts. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebasti\u00e1n surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof"} {"id": "329", "contents": "taxco locat north-centr part state, 36 kilometr (22 miles) citi iguala, 135 km (84 mi) state capit chilpancingo 170 km (106 mi) southwest mexico city. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebasti\u00e1n surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof"} {"id": "330", "contents": "matter choos enjoy taxco, either perus taxco jewelri one mani taxco silver shop simpli take charm coloni feel, taxco peac getaway mexico vacation. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive."} {"id": "331", "contents": "taxco. taxco beauti picturesqu coloni town locat north state guerrero. mani workshop silver worked. origin, develop peak result material, therefore, perfect place buy jewelri craft made preciou metal. small citi taxco, sit north state guerrero, one popular tourist destin mexico, understand so. beauti town embed region shelter roll hill mountains, histor past also major draw tourist visitors."} {"id": "332", "contents": "renown beach acapulco ixtapa silversmith taxco, guerrero known mecca ocean-lov tourist sport fisherman. main econom driver state\u2019 central valley region agricultur livestock breeding. taxco silver taxco, mountain town access small stone-pav roads, famou silversmith silver shops. surround borda plaza center town numer shop offer extens display fine silver jewelry, goblets, platter decor articles."} {"id": "333", "contents": "citi almost 1,000 taxco silver store tourist choos wide varieti taxco jewelry. price moderate, real, qualiti taxco jewelri piec rang cost $1 $200 high-end trinkets. shop also featur nice mix local produc stone sculptures. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive."} {"id": "334", "contents": "taxco known throughout world silver capit mexico. 1524, cort open silver mine taxco hill sierra madre, discov use aztec make silver years. main attract taxco shop silver, also festiv taxco mexico worth check travel plan allow. reach citi taxco, tourist may choos take bu drive via rental car. mexico city, taxco 3-4 hour drive."} {"id": "335", "contents": "name taxco like deriv nahuatl place name tlachco, mean \u201cplace ballgame.\u201d however, one interpret name come word tatzco mean \u201cwhere father water is,\u201d due high waterfal near town center atatzin mountain. citi taxco, 50,000 people, lie rug terrain. center town parish santa prisca san sebastian, sebasti\u00e1n surround sea of-spanish, style-r tile. roof"} {"id": "336", "contents": "taxco: taxco de alarcon, mexico' silver capital, charm coloni town nestl mountain guerrero state mexico citi acapulco. hotel locat love site outsid taxco, view cathedral. room decor 1950 style hotel pool. taxco silver shopping: find wide rang silver select taxco, high-qual hand-craft origin piec mass-produc cheap trinkets."} {"id": "337", "contents": "diet. sea otter eat urchins, abalone, mussels, clams, crabs, snail 40 marin species. sea otter eat approxim 25% weight food day support high metabolism."} {"id": "338", "contents": "1969 1970, 59 sea otter reintroduc washington coast amchitka island, alaska. sea otter list state endang speci 1981, due small popul size, restrict distribution, vulnerability. 1989 recent survey 2004, popul grow averag annual rate 8.2%."} {"id": "339", "contents": "sea otter (enhydra lutris) marin mammal nativ coast northern eastern north pacif ocean. adult sea otter typic weigh 14 45 kg (30 100 lb), make heaviest member weasel family, among smallest marin mammals. sea otter one smallest marin mammal species. male sea otter weigh 22 45 kg (49 99 lb) 1.2 1.5 (4 ft) length. femal smaller, weigh 14 33 kg (30 73 lb) measur 1.0 1.4 (3 ft ft in) length"} {"id": "340", "contents": "endang species. giant otter south american cousin sea river otter north america, well europ africa. giant otter grow feet (2 meters) long 70 pound (32 kg), nearli twice larg american counterparts."} {"id": "341", "contents": "mention previously, river otter endang species. river otter hunt mani years. fur attract quit durable. 1983-1984, 135 otter taken averag sell price $1,871 per pelt."} {"id": "342", "contents": "sea otter endangered. sea otter marin mammal live coast northern pacif ocean. primari form insul thick coat fur, densest fur known anim kingdom. although sea otter abil walk land, capabl live exclus ocean. trait made otter endang speci"} {"id": "343", "contents": "canada, sea otter protect manag speci risk act. unit states, sea otter protect marin mammal protect act 1972 (mmpa) southwest alaska california, endang speci act 1973 (esa). u.s. fish wildlif servic (service) feder agenc respons conserv management. unit states, two subspeci sea otter list threaten (e. lutri kenyoni sw alaska e. lutri nerei california) due precipit popul declin alaska slow growth (and vulner anthropogen factors) small subpopul california."} {"id": "344", "contents": "one speci otter low risk list orient small claw otter. sever speci though list vulner endangered. includ southern river otter, hairi nose otter, giant otter, india smooth coat otter. unit state otter protect endang speci act. due fact condit live could compromis easili could lead signific reduct number littl time. otter conserv status. mani differ speci otter heavili hunt past. result number quit low. conserv effort place help continu survive. main reason otter hunt though fur."} {"id": "345", "contents": "general, liqueur sweeten spirit variou flavors, oils, extracts. liqueur alcohol content rang low 15 percent (30 proof) 55 percent (110 proof), potenc distinguish factor. rum, whiskey, brandy, liquor serv base spirit liqueurs."} {"id": "346", "contents": "liqueurs. liqueurs, cordials, obtain infus fruits, herbs, spice plant base spirit serv activ flavor agent mani popular cocktails."} {"id": "347", "contents": "kumquat liqueur corfu. liqueur (u /l\u026a\u02c8k\u025cr/ uk /l\u026a\u02c8kj\u028a\u0259r/) alcohol beverag made distil spirit flavor fruit, cream, herbs, spices, flower nut bottl ad sugar sweeten (such high-fructos corn syrup)."} {"id": "348", "contents": "mani liqueur use finish spirit brandy, rum, tequila, whiskey, vodka base. sinc type alcohol distinct taste, amount sugar flavor need obtain flavor profil differ liqueur liqueur."} {"id": "349", "contents": "can\u2019t simpli go spirit flavor classifi liqueur mani spirt flavor rum, vodka, etc. like state above, realli set liqueur apart spirit contain ad sugar, spirit not. liqueur usual rang 14% 35%."} {"id": "350", "contents": "chocol liqueurs. chocol liqueur tast like chocol commonli made crme de cacao. keep mind crme (or cream) liqueur alcohol lot addit sugar added, give almost syrupi consistency. godiva liqueur chocol liqueur produc godiva chocolatier."} {"id": "351", "contents": "common liqueur use bar around world. liqueurs, cordials, obtain infus fruits, herbs, spice plant base spirit serv activ flavor agent mani popular cocktails."} {"id": "352", "contents": "liqueur sweet and, times, creamy. stand alone, mix cocktail often flavor fruits, herb spices. word liqueur come latin word liquifacere, mean \u201cto dissolve.\u201d refer dissolv flavor use make liqueur."} {"id": "353", "contents": "milne-surnam mean origin surnam miln genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name mitchell, plu find genealog famili tree mitchel surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname."} {"id": "354", "contents": "morin-surnam mean origin surnam morin genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name morris, plu find genealog famili tree morri surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname."} {"id": "355", "contents": "reagan-surnam mean origin surnam reagan genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name reed, plu find genealog famili tree reed surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname."} {"id": "356", "contents": "surnam mean?. ever ask question wonder origin last name, find surnam may answer one question ancestor lived, living, person like, look mani hundr year ago. use surnam origin adopt order distinguish two individu first name, and, first, last name pass next generation."} {"id": "357", "contents": "marshall-surnam mean origin surnam marshal genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name martin, plu find genealog famili tree martin surname. metz-surnam mean origin surnam metz genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name meyer, plu find genealog famili tree meyer surname."} {"id": "358", "contents": "exampl occup name like smith name descript person like surnam red. also brake surnam tell put togeth way was. tell lot last name famili histori behind surname. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name."} {"id": "359", "contents": "reilly-surnam mean origin surnam reilli genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name reyes, plu find genealog famili tree rey surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname."} {"id": "360", "contents": "famili histori import mani people, display last name mean surnam excel way show famili heritage. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name."} {"id": "361", "contents": "famili plaqu describ last name mean surname, classif heraldri list surnam coat arms. one shown flat black, offer differ colors. type famili tree plaqu add christma list. click picture. name origin decor beauti color give detail surnam last name classif brake name itself. refer mention well import bit histori last name."} {"id": "362", "contents": "richard-surnam mean origin surnam richard genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name richardson, plu find genealog famili tree richardson surname. reynolds-surnam mean origin surnam reynold genealogy. share. learn mean origin last name ricci, plu find genealog famili tree ricci surname."} {"id": "363", "contents": "human respiratori system. respiratori system made mouth, throat, nose, sinuses, bronchial tubes, lungs. diaphragm' main function control breathing. respiratori abdomin organs. exchang gase lungs, oxygen blood usual enter circulatori system reach part body. disturb compon regul breath process affect function"} {"id": "364", "contents": "respiratori system group tissu organ bodi enabl breathe. system includ airways, lung blood vessel muscl attach work togeth breathe. respiratori system' primari function suppli oxygen part body. accomplish breathing: inhal oxygen-rich air exhal air fill carbon dioxide, wast gas. respiratori system works: first breath air nose mouth, wet warm air irrit lungs. air travel voic box, windpip though two bronchii (bronchial tubes)"} {"id": "365", "contents": "respiratori system. primari function respiratori system exchang oxygen, need body' cells, carbon dioxide, produc wast product cellular metabolism."} {"id": "366", "contents": "respiratori system made airway (your nose, mouth, voic box, windpip bronchial tubes) lung muscl blood vessel connect them. respiratori system works: first breath air nose mouth, wet warm air irrit lungs. air travel voic box, windpip though two bronchii (bronchial tubes)"} {"id": "367", "contents": "primari function respiratori system allow lung take atmospher oxygen inhal dispos wast product bodi need exhalation. inhal activ motion caus diaphragm contract. respiratori system. sever organ respiratori system respons process breathing. nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lung work togeth allow ga exchang occur cellular level."} {"id": "368", "contents": "main function respiratori system exchang gase oxygen carbon dioxid lungs. breathing, respiration, allow import function take place. exchang gase lungs, oxygen blood usual enter circulatori system reach part body. disturb compon regul breath process affect function respiratori system."} {"id": "369", "contents": "http://www.nucleusinc.com. main function respiratori system suppli blood oxygen order blood deliv oxygen part body. respiratori system breathing. upper respiratori tract (upper airway) consist nose, mouth, sinuses, pharynx (upper section throat), larynx (voic box). lower respiratori tract consist trachea (windpipe), bronchial tubes, lungs."} {"id": "370", "contents": "respiratory. everi tissu within bodi requir oxygen function. respiratori system, includ air passages, pulmonari vessels, lungs, breath muscles, provid oxygen blood bodi tissu remov wast gases. read more. depth: respiratory. respiratori system, includ air passages, pulmonari vessels, lungs, breath muscles, aid bodi exchang gase air blood, blood body\u2019 billion cells."} {"id": "371", "contents": "human mammals, anatom featur respiratori system includ trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, diaphragm. molecul oxygen carbon dioxid passiv exchanged, diffusion, gaseou extern environ blood. passag air lung suppli bodi oxygen known inhalation, passag air lung expel carbon dioxid known exhalation; process collect call breath ventilation."} {"id": "372", "contents": "criminologist salari usa. accord bureau labour statistics, criminologist sociologist earn averag hourli wage $36.28. per total, salari criminologist $75,460 year. entri level salari criminologist $30,000 average, reach $54,000. highest criminologist salari $122,000 lowest salari criminologist us $40,720 only. highest criminologist salari record new jersey $105,750. averag criminologist salari base experience, educ one has, position, location. organ criminologist work also influenc much earn. regardless factors, averag criminologist salari around $70,000 expect us."} {"id": "373", "contents": "give idea possibl averag start salary, north carolina state univers show averag salari criminologist hold bachelor\u2019 degre typic entry-level requir $33,160 year. however, earn may differ this. criminolog area sociolog focus studi crime causes, effects, social impact. criminologist\u2019 job respons involv analyz data determin crime commit find way predict, deter, prevent crimin behavior."} {"id": "374", "contents": "averag salari master criminolog crimin justic would misleading. salari make crimin justic degre start $24,000 year experi lucr posit field could end make much $170,000 year. averag salari master criminolog crimin justic terribl difficult pin down. mani job held degre like look job work factor list here. degre take mani places."} {"id": "375", "contents": "gender. gender gap wage aliv well criminology. average, women earn less men career, even educ background experience. 2011, femal criminologist earn $29,300 low end $51,492 high end. criminology. survey conduct nation associ colleg employ show bachelor\u2019 degre criminolog translat start salari $33,160 year. florida state univers found similar number survey. average, criminolog graduat earn $32,220 year, 2012."} {"id": "376", "contents": "criminolog studi crime social perspective: caus crime, social impact crime, crimin involv crime. criminologist studi criminolog attempt better understand motiv crimin act crimin manner."} {"id": "377", "contents": "employer. criminologist work feder govern often greater earn potenti state local level. feder government, criminologist earn upward $84,098 year. state local level, salari rang $40,695 $56,993 year. criminology. survey conduct nation associ colleg employ show bachelor\u2019 degre criminolog translat start salari $33,160 year. florida state univers found similar number survey. average, criminolog graduat earn $32,220 year, 2012."} {"id": "378", "contents": "experience. job, experi affect salaries, criminologist exception. one four year experience, criminologist expect make $31,800 $65,169 year. criminology. survey conduct nation associ colleg employ show bachelor\u2019 degre criminolog translat start salari $33,160 year. florida state univers found similar number survey. average, criminolog graduat earn $32,220 year, 2012."} {"id": "379", "contents": "salari range. accord bureau labor statistics, sociologist -- includ criminologist -- earn median annual salari $72,430, may 2013. criminologist earn wage 10th percentil make $39,790 per year, 90th percentil earn salari $127,590 per year"} {"id": "380", "contents": "need electr smoker meat thermomet cook smoke chicken breasts. cook smoke chicken breast home, cook four halv bone-in chicken breast (good two persons). also need dri rub season add flavor smoke chicken."} {"id": "381", "contents": "soak chicken simpl brine hours. quart cold water 1/3 cup non-iod salt 1/4 cup sugar. preheat smoker 275 degre fahrenheit, 325 degre smoker it. add smoke wood (appl cherri littl pecan great!). there' realli much it. rins whole chicken. trim excess skin fat. soak chicken simpl brine hours. quart cold water 1/3 cup non-iod salt 1/4 cup sugar."} {"id": "382", "contents": "cook low slow advantages, hour bit long. abl complet pound chicken 1/2 hour 275\u00b0f [135\u00b0c]. thing rememb might help out: go intern temp 160\u00b0f [70\u00b0c] breast meat 170\u00b0f [75\u00b0c] thigh. tri smoke chicken twice time taken least hours. put chicken (about lbs) smoker 40 coal add wood."} {"id": "383", "contents": "place chicken breast smoker shut grill lid. cook hour 15 minutes. check smoke chicken breast make sure temperatur still hold 250 degrees. flip chicken breast close lid again. mix chicken season togeth mix bowl along enough barbecu sauc coat chicken breast coat chicken breasts. place chicken breast smoker shut grill lid."} {"id": "384", "contents": "preheat smoker 275 degre fahrenheit, 325 degre smoker it. add smoke wood (appl cherri littl pecan great!). season chicken, includ bodi cavity, favorit dri rub. put chicken smoker. there' realli much it. rins whole chicken. trim excess skin fat. soak chicken simpl brine hours. quart cold water 1/3 cup non-iod salt 1/4 cup sugar."} {"id": "385", "contents": "depend size whole chicken go smoke, cook time may take anywher hour smoke whole chicken fulli cook throughout. problem smoke chicken long period time tendenc meat dri out. smoke chicken recipe. smoke chickensmok whole chicken use recip long satisfi process delici end result. smoke chicken long slow temperatur 225 degre fahrenheit allow meat cook slowli absorb smoki flavor wood chips."} {"id": "386", "contents": "chicken cook 165 degre (75 degre c) smoke want cook it. look temperatur around 185 degre (85 degre c). test temperatur thickest part chicken breast."} {"id": "387", "contents": "use horizont smoker, place chicken rais rack shallow bake pan. smoke 1-1/2 hours. breast reach 160 thigh 170, remov let rest 20 minutes. there' realli much it. rins whole chicken. trim excess skin fat. soak chicken simpl brine hours. quart cold water 1/3 cup non-iod salt 1/4 cup sugar. preheat smoker 275 degre fahrenheit, 325 degre smoker it."} {"id": "388", "contents": "smoking. you\u2019ll see peopl slow smoke chicken 225 sever hours, i\u2019v found cook higher temperatur produc better results. fire smoker 300 degre throw chunk fruit wood. appl wood choic chicken its\u2019 sweet, mild flavor."} {"id": "389", "contents": "cook hour 15 minutes. check smoke chicken breast make sure temperatur still hold 250 degrees. flip chicken breast close lid again. 30 minutes, check intern temperatur chicken meat thermometer. mix chicken season togeth mix bowl along enough barbecu sauc coat chicken breast coat chicken breasts. place chicken breast smoker shut grill lid."} {"id": "390", "contents": "14 complet superannu guarante charg statement quarterli 03 superannu guarante shortfal choic liabil worksheet exampl photocopi worksheet calcul sg shortfal choic liabil employee. employee\u2019 total salari wage paid employe quarter. detail superannu contribut paid quarter. superannu guarante charg calcul superannu guarante charg made three components."} {"id": "391", "contents": "inform sheet superannu contract servic superannu guarante charg (sgc)? sgc quarterli levi charg impos feder govern payabl employ fail provid prescrib level superannu support employees. oper provis sgc contain superannu guarante (administration) act 1992 (cth) (the act)."} {"id": "392", "contents": "superannu guarantee. superannu guarante compulsori system superannu support australian employees, paid employers. system introduc 1992."} {"id": "393", "contents": "superannu guarante charg (sgc)the charg paid tax offic employ pay (or sufficient) superannu contribut employe correct compli fund time (that is, 28th day end quarter). employee\u2019 total salari wage paid employe quarter. detail superannu contribut paid quarter. superannu guarante charg calcul superannu guarante charg made three components."} {"id": "394", "contents": "superannu guarante charg statement calcul tool. recent legisl chang allow late payment offset contribut paid super guarante charg (sgc) assess raised. information, refer late payments. (refer superannu guarante charg statement busi portal helpextern link assist use sgc calcul busi portal). paper lodgment, use sgc statement calcul toolextern link. refer use sgc statement calcul tool assistance)"} {"id": "395", "contents": "superannu australia refer arrang peopl make australia accru fund replac incom retirement. superannu australia government-support encouraged, minimum provis compulsori employees."} {"id": "396", "contents": "information, see superannu guarante guid employ (nat 1987) avail websit www.ato.gov.au/sup phone inform line 13 10 20. almost superannu guarante charg collect tax offic paid employees\u2019 superannu funds. employee\u2019 total salari wage paid employe quarter. detail superannu contribut paid quarter. superannu guarante charg calcul superannu guarante charg made three components."} {"id": "397", "contents": "super guarante charg combin total sg shortfal paid due date, choic liabil (a shown subtot (j)), nomin interest (k) administr compon (l). number employe claim late payment offset match record tabl top page. total super guarante charg payabl amount need pay. super guarante charg (m) less late payment offset amount (n). inform statement correct, tick declar 'electron sign' sgc statement."} {"id": "398", "contents": "super guarante charg statement. use form unsur whether paid enough superannu time employees, correct fund. total super guarante charg payabl amount need pay. super guarante charg (m) less late payment offset amount (n). inform statement correct, tick declar 'electron sign' sgc"} {"id": "399", "contents": "great day aliv lyrics. music video. great day aliv written scott, darrell. great day aliv written scott, darrell."} {"id": "400", "contents": "born aliv song written french singer patrick hernandez. becam worldwid smash hit reach number one us disco chart. first conceiv hard rock song."} {"id": "401", "contents": "great aliv written mercer, johnni dolan, robert e.. great aliv written mercer, johnni dolan, robert e.. great alive. work nine five. piec land farm. great alive. car drive. babi arm. spite bills. minor ills. somehow manag survive."} {"id": "402", "contents": "aliv song american rock band pearl jam. aliv pearl jam' first single, appear band' debut album, ten (1991). written guitarist stone gossard, aliv origin instrument titl dollar short includ demo tape circul hope find singer group."} {"id": "403", "contents": "chorus: caus beauti day run sun, beauti day begun. beauti day want dooo ah-hah. caus beauti day alive, beauti day glad i'v got. beauti day i'd like share you! .... i'd like share -- you! ...."} {"id": "404", "contents": "often hear song commerci add know drive sale song one sure it! catchi pop/techno sound song sound similar product style alvin risk. didnt think would song mia first heard it. basketball/gamer/hip hop head readi new nba 2k14 come out. tell commerci game enough get pumped. great idea tap old school raptur (step world) krs-one theme song year. perfect lyric describ lebron game."} {"id": "405", "contents": "publish sep 23, 2014. stacey levin sag/aftra studio session singer nature' way alive! vitamin tv commerci latest!!! alive!"} {"id": "406", "contents": "report abuse. broil steak oven. turn oven broil set temp 350 degre cook twenti minutes. cook littl less littl longer, depend like steak"} {"id": "407", "contents": "directions. preheat oven broiler. marin flank steak lime juice, salt pepper. right paper steak come wrap easi clean up. place broiler pan cook, turn medium rare, minut per side. remov cut board rest."} {"id": "408", "contents": "add oil. place steak middl pan sear minutes. flip sear extra minutes. side well browned. place skillet insid oven cook extra minut medium rare littl longer medium."} {"id": "409", "contents": "line broiler pan aluminum foil, add top, spray top nonstick cook spray. broil steak minut per side: remov steak marinade, shake excess, place middl broiler pan. slide directli broil. cook minutes, flip over, broil anoth minut (8 12 minut total)."} {"id": "410", "contents": "step 5. remov pan oven spray lightli oliv oil. place skirt steak pan return oven minutes, depend well done like steak. then, flip steak bake half time cook first side. place steak serv platter spoon saute mushroom top. cook skirt steak oven. cook skirt steak pomegran gastrique. photo credit jb325/istock/getti images. skirt steak known strong beefi flavor typic found mexican fajita philadelphia, philly, cheesesteak sandwiches."} {"id": "411", "contents": "turn oven broil let preheat. place skirt steak lightli greas broiler pan equivalent. let steak broil minutes, flip broil side. remov steak oven let rest minut serving. pan sear skirt steak. time light grill, conveni method produc tasti steak: heat teaspoon cook oil cast iron skillet fri pan stove. lay skirt steak pan one layer. cook steak minut side"} {"id": "412", "contents": "attempt open .seg file, pc display error: window can't open file error caus two issu window system registry: i) seg file type registr miss ii) host applic .seg file properli associ file type registration."} {"id": "413", "contents": "help open seg files: file type meant open directly, softwar could open work directly, inform avail public sourc open file type. usual case intern data files, caches, temporari file etc."} {"id": "414", "contents": "far know, .seg file type can't convert file format. usual case system, configuration, temporary, data file contain data exclus one softwar use purposes."} {"id": "415", "contents": "seg file opener. download \u00bb. fastest easiest way open seg file double-click it. allow intellig window decid correct softwar applic open seg file."} {"id": "416", "contents": "symptoms. inabl open .seg file critic malfunct aris window oper system becom overload invalid system references, well corrupt delet registri files. problem commonli occur due lack regular pc maintenance."} {"id": "417", "contents": "first-th seg file may incorrectli link (associated) applic instal support it. case, need chang link yourself. this, right-click seg file want edit, click open select program list installed."} {"id": "418", "contents": "summary. chlorofluorocarbon cfc chemic compound contain carbon, chlorine, fluorine. throughout 20th century, cfc mass produc popular refriger spray cans. 1970' evid began show evid harm effect cfc earth' ozon layer. ozon depletion. one unintend properti cfc caus chlorin compound. cfc come contact uv light, chlorin break away molecule."} {"id": "419", "contents": "noun. 1. cfc-a fluorocarbon chlorine; formerli use refriger propel aerosol cans; chlorin cfc caus deplet atmospher ozone. chlorofluorocarbon. achiev goal, cfc lookthrough rule essenti treat related. one entity, disregard payment (includ dividends, interest, rents, royalties) related."} {"id": "420", "contents": "definition. cfc short compound, chlorofluorocarbon, contain carbon, chlorine, fluorine. chlorofluorocarbon commonli refer cfcs, use refriger cfc also known freon. ozon depletion. one unintend properti cfc caus chlorin compound. cfc come contact uv light, chlorin break away molecule."} {"id": "421", "contents": "chlorofluorocarbon (cfc) organ compound contain carbon, chlorine, fluorine, produc volatil deriv methane, ethane, propane. also commonli known dupont brand name freon. common repres dichlorodifluoromethan (r-12 freon-12). cfc contribut ozon deplet upper atmosphere, manufactur compound phase montreal protocol, replac product hydrofluorocarbon (hfcs) (e.g., r-410a), hydrocarbons, co 2."} {"id": "422", "contents": "simpler alkanes, carbon cfc hcfc tetrahedral. fluorin chlorin atom differ greatli size effect charg hydrogen other, methane-deriv cfc deviat perfect tetrahedr symmetry. cfc contribut ozon deplet upper atmosphere, manufactur compound phase montreal protocol, replac product hydrofluorocarbon (hfcs) (e.g., r-410a), hydrocarbons, co 2."} {"id": "423", "contents": "freon-ani one chlorofluorocarbon (or relat compounds) use aerosol propellant, organ solvent, refrigerant. greenhous emission, greenhous gas-a ga contribut greenhous effect absorb infrar radiation. translations. abbr chlorofluorocarbon cfc m. 954(c)(6)--dividends, interest, rents, royalti receiv a. relat person respect recipint. treat fphci extent attribut properli alloc incom payer."} {"id": "424", "contents": "sever simpl gaseou compound contain carbon, chlorine, fluorine, sometim hydrogen, use refrigerants, clean solvents, aerosol propel manufactur plastic foams, believ major caus stratospher ozon deplet \u2014abbrevi cfc. ga commonli use variou product (such aerosols) believ caus damag ozon layer earth' atmosphere."} {"id": "425", "contents": "definit 'control foreign corporation-cfc'. corpor entiti regist conduct busi differ jurisdict countri resid control owners. control foreign compani defined, u.s., accord percentag share own u.s. citizens."} {"id": "426", "contents": "chlorofluorocarbon. noun chlo\u00b7ro\u00b7fluo\u00b7ro\u00b7car\u00b7bon \\\u02ccklo\u0307r-\u014d-\u02ccflo\u0307r-\u014d-\u02c8kaer-\u02c8k\u00e4r, -b\u0259n-\\. \u02ccflu\u0307r. tweet ga commonli use variou (product as) aerosol believ caus damag ozon layer the'earth s. atmospher ga commonli use variou product (such aerosols) believ caus damag ozon layer earth' atmosphere."} {"id": "427", "contents": "vike came three countri scandinavia: denmark, norway sweden. name 'viking' come languag call 'old norse' mean 'a pirat raid'. peopl went raid ship said 'go viking'."} {"id": "428", "contents": "homeland vike scandinavia, countri scandinavia know today exist end vike age. wherev lived, viking-ag scandinavian share common featur hous forms, jewellery, tool everyday equipment."} {"id": "429", "contents": "file under: geographi leav comment. scandinavia region compris countri norway, sweden, denmark. finland iceland sometim consid part scandinavia. scandinavia extend arctic circle, mild weather gulf stream."} {"id": "430", "contents": "19th century, peopl scandinavian lands\u2014norway, sweden, denmark, finland, iceland\u2014had often visit north america."} {"id": "431", "contents": "english call vike invad 'danes' came norway well denmark. norwegian vike 'norse' sail scotland, made settlement north orkney shetland islands. vike also settl isl man."} {"id": "432", "contents": "norwegian independ daycelebration, chicago, 1907. 19th century, peopl scandinavian lands\u2014norway, sweden, denmark, finland, iceland\u2014had often visit north america. came exploration, came launch coloni adventures, came stay follow faith."} {"id": "433", "contents": "edward steiner, 1906. immigr us scandinavian countri sweden, norway, denmark, finland increas dramat late 19th century, due mount econom pressur overpopulation."} {"id": "434", "contents": "oregano (u /\u0254\u02d0\u02c8r\u025b\u0261\u0259no\u028a/ /\u0259\u02c8r\u025b\u0261\u0259no\u028a/ uk /\u02cc\u0252r\u026a\u02c8\u0261\u0251\u02d0no\u028a/ scientif name origanum vulgare) common speci origanum, genu mint famili (lamiaceae). nativ warm-temper western southwestern eurasia mediterranean region."} {"id": "435", "contents": "type oregano. americans, oregano simpli season pizza spaghetti. botanists, word oregano real headache. 40 plant four botan famili go name oregano. mani similar tast differ medicin qualiti differ potencies. thu oregano properli refer flavor rather one particular plant."} {"id": "436", "contents": "although call marjoram, pot marjoram (origanum onites) speci oregano. sharp flavor stronger type leav use fresh. pot marjoram shrubbi perennial, grow feet tall small gray-green leaves."} {"id": "437", "contents": "cook garden refer herb known oregano, may sever differ plant mind. less hardi true oregano plants, woodi shrub grow evergreen perenni usda zone 9b 11 grow back spring winter die-back zone 9a 8b flower provid ornament addit warm climat herb gardens."} {"id": "438", "contents": "true oregano, use medicin purposes, confin sever speci wild oregano plants. oregano spice peopl use correctli call marjoram (origanum majorana) also call sweet marjoram sweeter mild tast somewhat piquant oregano. botanists, word oregano real headache. 40 plant four botan famili go name oregano. mani similar tast differ medicin qualiti differ potencies. thu oregano properli refer flavor rather one particular plant."} {"id": "439", "contents": "ornament varieties. garden use oregano varieti ornament plants. hopflow oregano (origanum libanoticum) primarili ornament varieti hardi usda zone 4b. lavend bract resembl hop flowers, trail growth habit make attract landscap plant. less hardi true oregano plants, woodi shrub grow evergreen perenni usda zone 9b 11 grow back spring winter die-back zone 9a 8b flower provid ornament addit warm climat herb gardens."} {"id": "440", "contents": "hardi perenni zone 5. marjoram hand, tender plant, grown annual zone 5. smaller leav milder taste. often use rice dishes, butter sauces, poultri recipes. marjoram grow wild mediterranean ador centuries. check recip section idea use oregano marjoram kitchen. find great oregano recip here! compar differ oregano marjoram varieti offer click here. find varieti carri click one blue link below, simpli type plant name search box"} {"id": "441", "contents": "cold flu season, there\u2019 old natur remedi that\u2019 get new attention: oil oregano. 40 differ type oregano plants, oil oregano confus cook spice (origanum marjoram). oil oregano steam distil leav origanum vulgar oregano plant, reput one nature\u2019 power antibiotics."} {"id": "442", "contents": "although common oregano leav littl flavor, less aggress varieti produc aromatic, pungent leav edibl dri fresh. cook spaghetti sauc mediterranean dishes, greek oregano (origanum vulgar hirtum) probabl alreadi kitchen. less hardi true oregano plants, woodi shrub grow evergreen perenni usda zone 9b 11 grow back spring winter die-back zone 9a 8b flower provid ornament addit warm climat herb gardens."} {"id": "443", "contents": "contact metamorph occur typic around intrus igneou rock result temperatur increas caus intrus magma cooler countri rock. area surround intrus contact metamorph effect present call metamorph aureole. metamorph chang miner geolog textur (distinct arrang minerals) pre-exist rock (protoliths), without protolith melt liquid magma (a solid-st change). chang occur primarili due heat, pressure, introduct chemic activ fluid"} {"id": "444", "contents": "metamorph rock aris transform exist rock types, process call metamorphism, mean chang form. origin rock (protolith) subject heat (temperatur greater 150 200 \u00b0c) pressur (1500 bars), caus profound physic and/or chemic change. protolith may sedimentari rock, igneou rock anoth older metamorph rock."} {"id": "445", "contents": "metamorph rock third type rock. meta change; morph shape form. metamorph rock produc sedimentary, igneou metamorph rock subject suffici pressur heat chang crystal structur size."} {"id": "446", "contents": "sinc small area surround intrus heat magma, metamorph restrict zone surround intrusion, call metamorph contact aureole. outsid contact aureole, rock affect intrus event. classif classif metamorph rock depend visibl rock degre metamorphism. note classif gener loos practic name adapt describ rock satisfactori way convey import characteristics."} {"id": "447", "contents": "temperatur and/or pressur increas bodi rock say rock undergo prograd metamorph grade metamorph increases. metamorph grade gener term describ rel temperatur pressur condit metamorph rock form. classif classif metamorph rock depend visibl rock degre metamorphism. note classif gener loos practic name adapt describ rock satisfactori way convey import characteristics."} {"id": "448", "contents": "question contain part answer, 'metamorphic' rock product process process call metamorphism-th solid-st recrystal pre-exist rock result chang heat, pressure, and/or introduct fluids."} {"id": "449", "contents": "contact metamorph occur local rock metamorphos heat igneou intrusion, limeston turn marbl along contact zone. chang occur older rock due simpli heat radiat igneou mass pressur creates. extens alter produc fluid gase given igneou mass; metamorph type rare caus foliation. metamorph type metamorph infoplease: metamorphism: type metamorphism-typ metamorph local metamorph contact metamorph occur local rock ... metamorphism-metamorph metamorphism, geology, process chang structure, texture, composit ..."} {"id": "450", "contents": "four type metamorph 1.contact metamorphism: result rock adjac igneou intrusions. character high temperatur activ chemic fluid (diverg plate boundary) 2. dynam metamorphism: result direct pressur along faults."} {"id": "451", "contents": "igneou rock form cool solidif magma lava. igneou rock may form without crystallization, either surfac intrus (plutonic) rock surfac extrus (volcanic) rocks. magma deriv partial melt pre-exist rock either planet' mantl crust"} {"id": "452", "contents": "innermost three primari germ layer embryo (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm); deriv epitheli line primordi gut epitheli compon gland structur (e.g., lower respiratori system) develop outgrowth gut tube. endoderm. innermost three primari germ layer embryo; deriv epithelium pharynx, respiratori tract (except nose), digest tract, bladder, urethra. call also endoblast, entoderm, entoblast, hypoblast."} {"id": "453", "contents": "triploblast anim ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm layers. embryon tissu layer develop differ tissu structur found adult animal. endoderm innermost germ layer develop intern structures. mesoderm middl germ layer form organ systems. ectoderm outer layer embryo develop epidermis, deriv epidermis, part mouth eye, nervou system. definition. development, anim form gastrula. gastrula embryo undergon gastrulation, process produc differ germ layers. germ layer initi tissu layer embryo, anim three. ectoderm outermost layer cells."} {"id": "454", "contents": "ectoderm. outermost three primit germ layer embryo; deriv epidermi epiderm derivatives, claws, hair gland skin, nervou system, extern sens organ (eye, ear, etc.) mucou membran mouth anus. facebook. twitter. outermost three primari cell layer embryo. ectoderm give rise nervou system, organ special sense, epidermis, epiderm tissu fingernails, hair, skin glands."} {"id": "455", "contents": "ectoderm one three primari germ layer earli embryo. two layer mesoderm (middl layer) endoderm (most proxim layer), ectoderm exterior (or distal) layer. emerg origin outer layer germ cells. posit ectoderm rel germ layer embryo govern select affinity, mean inner surfac ectoderm strong (positive) affin mesoderm, weak (negative) affin endoderm layer."} {"id": "456", "contents": "outermost three primari cell layer embryo. ectoderm give rise nervou system; organ special sense, eye ears; epidermi epiderm tissue, fingernails, hair, skin glands; mucou membran mouth anus. see also embryo, endoderm, mesoderm. ectodermal, ectodermic, adj. outermost three primari cell layer embryo. ectoderm give rise nervou system, organ special sense, epidermis, epiderm tissu fingernails, hair, skin glands."} {"id": "457", "contents": "mesoderm. bilaterian animals, mesoderm one three primari germ layer earli embryo. two layer ectoderm (outsid layer) endoderm (insid layer), mesoderm middl layer them. mesoderm form mesenchyme, mesothelium, non-epitheli blood cell coelomocytes. mesothelium line coeloms."} {"id": "458", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. surfac ectoderm (or extern ectoderm) form follow structures: skin (onli epidermis; dermi deriv mesoderm) (along glands, hair, nails). epithelium mouth nasal caviti salivari glands, gland mouth nasal cavity. epithelium mouth nasal caviti salivari glands, gland mouth nasal cavity. tooth enamel (a side note, dentin dental pulp form ectomesenchym deriv ectoderm (specif neural crest cell travel mesenchmy cells)."} {"id": "459", "contents": "(en'd\u014d-d\u0115rm), innermost three primari germ layer embryo (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm); deriv epitheli line primordi gut epitheli compon gland structur (for example, lower respiratori system) develop outgrowth gut. endoderm. innermost three primari germ layer embryo; deriv epithelium pharynx, respiratori tract (except nose), digest tract, bladder, urethra. call also endoblast, entoderm, entoblast, hypoblast."} {"id": "460", "contents": "overview: origin one, firg flat-fac seri stucchi. develop 1982, stucchi suppli origin iso 16028 interchang coupling, still continu suppli seri due good performance, long life competit price series. technic characteristics:"} {"id": "461", "contents": "products. everi one 1500 articl product rang idea given form. find here, includ accessori new items."} {"id": "462", "contents": "product specif develop applic almost everi industri market, stucchi abl meet need exceed custom expectations. stucchi manufactur wide varieti quick coupler size 1/8 2-1/2 brass, steel, stainless steel. stucchi also make multi-coupl plate array design applic front-end loaders, excavators, snow plows, skid steers, inject mold equipment."} {"id": "463", "contents": "product qualiti assur document throughout suppli chain...begin raw materi certifications. ongo improv product material, autom production, fatigu testing, pressur test part prior ship iso qualiti manag system. u.s. oper began 2001 support grow need oem custom base u.s. set north america distribut network support oem\u2019 aftermarket."} {"id": "464", "contents": "mani hydraul quick coupler look alik outside, performance, eas use overal reliabl vari greatli brands. invit tri product compar stucchi current supplier learn stucchi choic lead oem\u2019 distributor globally. u.s. oper began 2001 support grow need oem custom base u.s. set north america distribut network support oem\u2019 aftermarket."} {"id": "465", "contents": "stucchi iso 9001 vision 2000 certifi manufactur hydraul quick disconnect base brignano, itali u.s. oper romeoville, il. u.s. oper began 2001 support grow need oem custom base u.s. set north america distribut network support oem\u2019 aftermarket."} {"id": "466", "contents": "stucchi usa subsidiari stucchi spa famili own manag corpor locat northern itali provinc brignano, town pagazzano. compani found 1960 manag stucchi brothers: innocent lorenzo. u.s. oper began 2001 support grow need oem custom base u.s. set north america distribut network support oem\u2019 aftermarket."} {"id": "467", "contents": "valeri dore italo disco music project form 1984 produc roberto gasparini. monik use stage name monica stucchi (born may 28, 1962 monaco). valeri dore project launch 1984 night, italo disco ballad written barbara lynn addom nicolosi brother novecento."} {"id": "468", "contents": "1892 stucchi prinetti stucchi began manufactur bicycles. 1914 alfonso calzolari rode stucchi victori giro d'italia, 1919 giro d'italia costant girardengo stucchi. 1899 prinetti stucchi start manufactur motor tricycl quadricycles. tipo 1, motor tricycl util two de dion engin rochet-schneid frame, design ettor bugatti. 1900 bugatti particip targa rignano quadricycle."} {"id": "469", "contents": "legal assist (famili law). client look legal assist famili practice. must least year experi work knowledg famili law.... legal assistant-famili law:. famili law experience. look *legal assistant*. work client, gener practic law firm, locat *edmonton..."} {"id": "470", "contents": "legal assistant' research work may help support argument court case. legal assist may respons conduct preliminari interview court witnesses. legal assist must strong write skills. paraleg may also notari public. ador anim famili make aww. paraleg legal assist train person, often certif state govern agencies, perform varieti support job supervis lawyers."} {"id": "471", "contents": "example, legal assist special marriag famili law would, work experience, becom familiar draft variou legal document pertain adoptions, divorces, custodi agreements, prenupti agreements. ador anim famili make aww. paraleg legal assist train person, often certif state govern agencies, perform varieti support job supervis lawyers."} {"id": "472", "contents": "averag salari famili law paraleg $45,012, accord 2010 salari survey publish nation associ legal assistants. sensit natur case handl famili law attorneys, famili law paraleg must excel interperson skills. famili law paraleg work specialti difficult extrem rewarding. opportun make posit differ people\u2019 live stress difficult times."} {"id": "473", "contents": "famili law legal assistant. look legal assist assist famili law matters. knowledg famili law rules. year prior experi famili law.... legal assistant-famili law:. famili law experience. look *legal assistant*. work client, gener practic law firm, locat *edmonton..."} {"id": "474", "contents": "famili law paraleg often perform client intak procedur behalf attorney. famili law legal assist respons support work famili law attorney play integr role function domest law practice. commun court staff oppos counsel. domest litigation, legal assist may contact court staff oppos counsel order keep case move forward. oppos counsel may contact law offic arrang settlement negoti make discoveri requests."} {"id": "475", "contents": "famili law paraleg legal assist attorney special famili law cases. famili law paraleg job descript larg depend attorney organ work for, howev thing perform same."} {"id": "476", "contents": "true legal secretari paraleg whatev assign assist attorney keep law offic run smoothly. job skill requir paralegal, legal assist legal secretary. perform legal task assign attorney, legal staff member must possess certain skills. comput skill requir grow number law offices, courts, paperless. instance, attorney give paraleg legal plead draft, may type document rather dictat document secretari type. paraleg may also offic filing, copi mail out instead give task staff members."} {"id": "477", "contents": "cleric secretari duties. addit direct work legal case, famili law legal assist may also call upon perform cleric secretari duti attorney. task may includ make copies, send letter oppos parti edit plead grammar formatting. commun court staff oppos counsel. domest litigation, legal assist may contact court staff oppos counsel order keep case move forward. oppos counsel may contact law offic arrang settlement negoti make discoveri requests."} {"id": "478", "contents": "lean manufacturing. lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, lean production, often simply, lean, product practic consid expenditur resourc goal creation valu end custom wasteful, thu target elimination."} {"id": "479", "contents": "core idea maxim custom valu minim waste. simply, lean mean creat valu custom fewer resources. lean organ understand custom valu focus key process continu increas it. ultim goal provid perfect valu custom perfect valu creation process zero waste. true. lean appli everi busi everi process. tactic cost reduct program, way think act entir organization. busi industri services, includ healthcar governments, use lean principl way think do."} {"id": "480", "contents": "definition. less employ 'lean thinking.' lean manufactur involv never end effort elimin reduc muda (japanes wast activ consum resourc without ad value) design, manufacturing, distribution, custom servic processes. use lean manufactur sentence. show usag examples... forev thorn side cotton picker macon, georgia lean manufacturing, cotton gin invent need half worker field, make lean time too."} {"id": "481", "contents": "lean manufactur includ set principl lean thinker use achiev improv productivity, quality, lead-tim elimin wast kaizen. kaizen japanes word essenti mean chang better good change.. lean manufactur term commonli use describ toyota product system (tps). figure, tp house. base, oper stability, mean creat consist method tasks, equipment, workplac organization, output work"} {"id": "482", "contents": "lean manufactur lean production, often simpli lean systemat method elimin wast muda within manufactur system. toyota' view main method lean tools, reduct three type waste: muda (non-value-ad work), muri (overburden), mura (unevenness), expos problem systemat use tool ideal cannot achieved."} {"id": "483", "contents": "lean extens lean manufactur lean servic principl develop manag inform technolog (it) product services. central concern, appli context it, elimin waste, wast work add valu product service."} {"id": "484", "contents": "lean acronym (\u201clean\u201d). list thing lean not: lean set manag practic base toyota product system (tps). phrase \u201clean production\u201d coin group mit research wrote book machin chang world. lean skinni it\u2019 \u201ccut bone.\u201d lean right resourc place right work customer, right quality, right time. lean \u201cmean\u201d (although word rhyme, unfortunately)."} {"id": "485", "contents": "essentially, lean center make obviou add valu reduc everyth else. lean manufactur manag philosophi deriv mostli toyota product system (tps) (henc term toyot also prevalent) identifi lean 1990s. toyota' view main method lean tools, reduct three type waste: muda (non-value-ad work), muri (overburden), mura (unevenness), expos problem systemat use tool ideal cannot achieved."} {"id": "486", "contents": "lean product assembly-lin methodolog develop origin toyota manufactur automobiles. also known toyota product system just-in-tim production. lean product principl also refer lean manag lean thinking."} {"id": "487", "contents": "read more. moon river song compos johnni mercer (lyrics) henri mancini (music) 1961, year' academi award best origin song. well-known sung movi breakfast tiffany' audrey hepburn, although cover mani artists."} {"id": "488", "contents": "moon river lyrics. moon river lyric written johnni mercer use audrey hepburn' movi theme song 1961 movi breakfast tiffany's. moon river actual real river savannah, georgia mercer grew up. home overlook river fond memori area."} {"id": "489", "contents": "moon river song compos johnni mercer (lyrics) henri mancini (music) 1961, year' academi award best origin song. well-known sung movi breakfast tiffany' audrey hepburn, although cover mani artists."} {"id": "490", "contents": "1962 grammi award record year. moon river lyric written johnni mercer use audrey hepburn' movi theme song 1961 movi breakfast tiffany's. moon river actual real river savannah, georgia mercer grew up. home overlook river fond memori area."} {"id": "491", "contents": "mani peopl consid procedur ask question. average, lasik eye surgeri consid perman way reshap cornea thu correct vision. that\u2019 fairli incredible, given procedur take roughli 30 minut total. lasik eye surgeri approv canada earli 1990 unit state shortli thereafter. therefore, around commerci roughli 25 years."} {"id": "492", "contents": "may minor chang glass prescript time, may slight chang vision time laser eye surgery. natur changes, person may need enhancement, touch-up procedure, lasik eye surgery. lasik eye surgeri approv canada earli 1990 unit state shortli thereafter. therefore, around commerci roughli 25 years."} {"id": "493", "contents": "lasik lasik (laser-assist situ keratomileusis), commonli refer laser eye surgeri laser vision correction, type refract surgeri correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism."} {"id": "494", "contents": "research uk monitor vision 46 prk patient period 18 years. prior surgery, patient nearsighted, averag eyeglass prescript -4.86 (range: -2.75 -7.37 d). info. patient age 40 time lasik procedur averag regress -0.54 18-year follow-up period. age 40 underw lasik averag regress -0.05 d. also signific differ patient sort sex"} {"id": "495", "contents": "procedure. lasik eye surgeri typic take 10 minutes, accord webmd. perform local anesthesia. variou type laser technology, wide use type cut thin flap cornea, peel back underli tissu remov reshap laser. functions. vision impair condit light focus retina eye, determin shape cornea. cornea window front eye, give major focus power."} {"id": "496", "contents": "sinc correct laser vision correct surgeri must made either short long sight, problem accommod continue, necessit need glass least time. way avoid glass contact lens entir procedur call monovision. averag pair glass come cheapest around \u00a340. look properli last, peopl least pair time chang everi years. len free life 20\u2019 30\u2019s, arm facts, laser eye surgeri seem worth it."} {"id": "497", "contents": "lasik procedur remark success rate, 96% patient achiev 20/20 vision better, accord american societi cataract refract surgery. lasik eye surgeri cost explained. laser eye procedures-listed. best lasik surgeri candidates. cases, patient may still need wear glass contact lens follow lasik eye surgery, howev post-op prescript visual acuiti level typic much lower lasik. surgeri excel safeti record, like surgeri post-op complic occur."} {"id": "498", "contents": "recoveri time. recoveri time laser eye surgeri rapid, accord webmd. prescript eye drop given prevent infect keep eye moist heal time. eye feel dri patient like blurri vision one two days. functions. vision impair condit light focus retina eye, determin shape cornea. cornea window front eye, give major focus power."} {"id": "499", "contents": "lasik eye surgeri typic correct need read glasses. option monovision, produc abil read close-up far away. peopl test monovis eye surgeri use monovis contact lens find don\u2019t like type vision correction. lasik eye surgeri approv canada earli 1990 unit state shortli thereafter. therefore, around commerci roughli 25 years."} {"id": "500", "contents": "toffe sauce: melt butter medium saucepan medium heat. foams, add brown sugar vanilla extract seeds, stir once, heat bubbl color mapl syrup, minutes. cake: heat oven 350\u00b0f arrang rack middle. coat (6-ounce) ramekin butter flour; set aside. combin dates, water, bake soda small saucepan high heat. bring boil, remov heat"} {"id": "501", "contents": "sticki toffe pud british steam dessert consist moist spong cake, made fine chop dates, cover toffe sauc often serv vanilla custard vanilla ice-cream. one largest best known produc sticki toffe pud locat villag cartmel cumbria (cartmel also locat tradit area known lancashir sands), call cartmel villag shop. 2,000 sticki toffe pud made week."} {"id": "502", "contents": "make sauce, melt butter thick bottom pan medium heat. add brown sugar, vanilla pod cream stir well. simmer five minutes. serve, spoon portion pud onto plate pour hot toffe sauce."} {"id": "503", "contents": "directions. sauce: heavi saucepan medium heat, combin 1/4 cup heavi cream, sugar, corn syrup butter. cook, stir often, dark amber color, 40 minutes. care add remain 1/4 cup heavi cream. bubbl hot!"} {"id": "504", "contents": "origin [edit]. franci coulson develop serv sticki toffe pud sharrow bay countri hous hotel lake district 1970s. food critic simon hopkinson claim coulson told got recip patricia martin claughton lancashire. one largest best known produc sticki toffe pud locat villag cartmel cumbria (cartmel also locat tradit area known lancashir sands), call cartmel villag shop. 2,000 sticki toffe pud made week."} {"id": "505", "contents": "combin dates, water, bake soda small saucepan high heat. bring boil, remov heat set aside. place salt flour medium bowl, whisk combine, set aside. bring medium pot water simmer high heat water bath. cake: heat oven 350\u00b0f arrang rack middle. coat (6-ounce) ramekin butter flour; set aside. combin dates, water, bake soda small saucepan high heat."} {"id": "506", "contents": "sticki toffe pud rich cake moist date cover luscious sticki toffe sauc soak wonder rich creat someth quit magic eat. origin sticki toffe pud bit mixed. rumour come sharrow bay hotel lake district yet other claim come udni arm hotel aberdeenshire."} {"id": "507", "contents": "sticki toffe pudding, sticki date pudding, invent british kind cross pud cake."} {"id": "508", "contents": "use raw coconut oil weight loss benefici oil consist primarili medium-chain fatti acid (mcfas), kind good you, essenti brain function, muscl function (includ heart muscle!), healing, energi more. come use raw coconut oil weight loss, anoth fad diet. scienc behind help burn fat we'll look below. import disclaimer: none health topic present sustain babi step evalu approv fda."} {"id": "509", "contents": "coffe hot drinks. one favorit way consum coconut oil daili cup hot coffe tea morning. trick blend mixtur enough oil emulsify, creat creami rich consist oili consist (which person don\u2019t like). like make slightli sweet coconut oil treat blend togeth banana, 1/3 cup almond butter, honey, 1/2 cup soften coconut oil. pour shallow glass pan, chill fridge, cut solid."} {"id": "510", "contents": "easiest way start use coconut oil weight loss eat spoonful. use small amount bodi get use it. get good amount medium chain fatti acid research recommend adult consum 1/2 tablespoon spread throughout day. come use raw coconut oil weight loss, anoth fad diet. scienc behind help burn fat we'll look below. import disclaimer: none health topic present sustain babi step evalu approv fda."} {"id": "511", "contents": "way incorpor coconut oil diet. easiest way eat coconut oil substitut half butter bake recipe. cooki especi amazing, cakes, brownies, pie crust fudg equal delicious. holi schmoley folks! that\u2019 lot great reason eat coconut oil oddly, health benefit coconut oil health benefit butter rememb coconut oil high smoke point, make ideal fri baking."} {"id": "512", "contents": "honest, don\u2019t measur amount coconut oil consum singl day. what\u2019 import i\u2019m consum wonder oil daily! cook it, bake it, add smoothi tea coffe morning. may read amaz coconut oil health. medium chain fatti acid (mct) coconut oil known speed metabolism, boost immun system reduc inflammation. bu ad tablespoon diet day reap mani benefit coconut oil diet."} {"id": "513", "contents": "something: tri coconut oil tri first time tri new recipe. use place oliv oil you\u2019r cook dinner veget oil you\u2019r make dessert. you\u2019v tri it, make goal consum regularli diet. holi schmoley folks! that\u2019 lot great reason eat coconut oil oddly, health benefit coconut oil health benefit butter rememb coconut oil high smoke point, make ideal fri baking."} {"id": "514", "contents": "use coconut oil ingredi smoothies. add 1-2 tablespoon coconut oil smoothi along ingredients. example, pour cup kind milk cup ice blender. add tablespoon coconut oil ripe banana. replac shorten coconut oil, mix coconut oil butter equal proportions. use amount call recipe. example, recip ask use cup shortening, use coconut oil cup butter make mixtur total cups."} {"id": "515", "contents": "coconut oil make great choic make popcorn. add coconut oil popcorn togeth heavy-bottom pan. use enough coconut oil coat bottom pan, use enough kernel make singl layer. stir shake make sure kernel coat well coconut oil. replac shorten coconut oil, mix coconut oil butter equal proportions. use amount call recipe. example, recip ask use cup shortening, use coconut oil cup butter make mixtur total cups."} {"id": "516", "contents": "cat also love tast coconut oil eat without problem. mani similar supplements, cat won\u2019t eat food, put dab coconut oil paw meals. larg amount coconut oil given dog caus diarrhea greasi stool bodi adjust chang diet. start small amounts, teaspoon per day small dog puppi teaspoon larg dogs, even dab dog\u2019 constitut sensitive."} {"id": "517", "contents": "coconut oil weight loss best fat choose, due plethora healthi medium chain satur fatti acid (mcts) boost metabol immedi energy. bonus, mct coconut oil don\u2019t end store bodi fat like longer chain fatti acid sometim can. coconut oil natur solidifi 76f best liquifi hot water consum weight loss aid. twenti minut mealtim best time take coconut oil significantli reduc appetit help feel full quickli satisfi smaller portions."} {"id": "518", "contents": "good dog owner, best readi life' littl surprises. emergencies, chronic illnesses, disast unplan expens amount hundr even thousand dollar per year. cost emerg vet hospit visit start around $500 go $2000 more. advanc surgeri somewher around $1500-$5000. sick pet need stay icu, could look $200-500 per day more. vet bill young puppi like rang $100-300 depend puppy' health region live. puppi need visit vet everi week 16 week age, visit run $100-300 depend pup' needs. next major expens dog supplies."} {"id": "519", "contents": "generally, well-br rottweil go cost $800 $1,500. uncommon find rottweil cost littl $200 $500. lower prices, dog tend vagu history; potenti unhealthi older. much cost? depend dog\u2019 past, bloodline, affili promin clubs, cost rottweil rang anywher littl $300 much $1,600."} {"id": "520", "contents": "addit handi 'rottweil puppi growth chart tips' help figur much weight rotti pup gain grows. average' pup may gain oz per day first months. averag weight gain 10lb per month month age common."} {"id": "521", "contents": "insur companies, rottweil consid danger breed insur lot higher, find one cover you. doberman insur compani drop us breed. but, find one, insur hous dog $1200 year."} {"id": "522", "contents": "cost own dog estim $700-3000 per year (see chart bottom page). way save money depend choic make. contribut factor includ dog' size age, region live, lifestyle, dog' individu needs. vet bill young puppi like rang $100-300 depend puppy' health region live. puppi need visit vet everi week 16 week age, visit run $100-300 depend pup' needs. next major expens dog supplies."} {"id": "523", "contents": "rottweil cost $800 $1,500 depend dog\u2019 quality, accord angelfire.com. hand, puppyfind.com said price rottweil differ depend age breeder. much cost? depend dog\u2019 past, bloodline, affili promin clubs, cost rottweil rang anywher littl $300 much $1,600."} {"id": "524", "contents": "cost depend lot things, much dog get taken vet, food feed dog etc. larger dog, money spend. set amount, depend well dog taken care such. bottom line, dog expensive. \u0253\u0454\u01a1\u026f\u028b\u056c\u0192 year ago."} {"id": "525", "contents": "hi, nz cost approx $1200 $1500 show puppi top breeder anywher $400 upward backyard breeder. best seek number breeder talk get one backyard breeder caus lot heartache, lot health issues. 4500 month approx. training-rs. 3000 4000 per month supplements-rs. 1000 approx. basic budget hand, one easili realis themself. trader breeder afford sell pup cheaper rate."} {"id": "526", "contents": "depend dog\u2019 past, bloodline, affili promin clubs, cost rottweil rang anywher littl $300 much $1,600. generally, well-br rottweil go cost $800 $1,500. uncommon find rottweil cost littl $200 $500. much cost? depend dog\u2019 past, bloodline, affili promin clubs, cost rottweil rang anywher littl $300 much $1,600."} {"id": "527", "contents": "cage pair breed parakeet minimum size 20 20 20, contain wooden nest box least 12 12. parakeet breeder place wooden insert bottom nest box prevent splay legs. proper nest material, pine shavings, provided."} {"id": "528", "contents": "best answer: least one year old... want breed bird, addit male(who also least year old), get nest box. also make sure bird healthi diet. unhealthi bird problem lay eggs."} {"id": "529", "contents": "nest requirements: cage pair breed parakeet minimum size 20 20 20, contain wooden nest box least 12 12. parakeet breeder place wooden insert bottom nest box prevent splay legs. proper nest material, pine shavings, provided."} {"id": "530", "contents": "parakeet least one year old start breeding. parakeet need good breed condition, too, breed them. mean eat well-balanc diet plenti fruits, veggies, extra calcium."} {"id": "531", "contents": "make condit favor pair bird breed. start male/femal pair. bird compat pair-bond even think mating/breeding. parakeet least year old allow breed. see pair-bond behavior, put nest box, bird ready, like mate produc offspring."} {"id": "532", "contents": "keet lay egg young month age, however, put breed situat age. allow grow first befo becom parents! femal keet least year old allow breed."} {"id": "533", "contents": "fusion latin music jazz predat rock jazz 20 years. jazz musician began employ latin rhythm 1940s, latin band long featur jazz musician improvisatori roles. jazz. combin element european african traditions, jazz style music origin african american earli 20th century. character improvisatori nature, rhythmic vital (i.e., \u201cswing\u201d) emot expressiveness."} {"id": "534", "contents": "father dentist; mother, music teacher. 1941 began play trumpet semiprofession st. loui jazz bands. skill there. four year later, father sent studi new york' juilliard school music. continu perform record next four years, diseas kept career low gear clean 1954. follow year, form group drummer philli joe jones, bassist paul chambers, pianist red garland and, first major exposure, tenor saxophonist john coltrane. incarn mile davi quintet quickli establish decade' premier jazz group"} {"id": "535", "contents": "dixieland music new orlean jazz, sometim refer hot jazz earli jazz, style jazz music develop new orlean start 20th century, spread chicago new york citi new orlean band 1910s. repertoir band base music joe king oliver, jelli roll morton, loui armstrong, w.c. handy. band play west coast style use banjo tuba rhythm sections, play 2-to-the-bar rhythmic style."} {"id": "536", "contents": "rock group drew jazz idea (like soft machine, colosseum, caravan, chicago, spirit frank zappa) turn blend two style electr instruments. davis' fusion jazz pure melodi tonal color, frank zappa' music complex unpredictable. chick corea form band return forev 1972. band start latin-influenc music (includ brazilian flora purim vocalist airto moreira percussion), transform 1973 becom jazz-rock group took influenc psychedel progress rock."} {"id": "537", "contents": "central figur white danc band world detroit 1920 without doubt jean goldkette. evid ever learn play hot music himself, employ music director musician among lead white jazz musician decade. among white societi bands, import jazz historian probabl one led paul specht. specht came detroit late teen band addison hotel includ musician record earli jazz side 1922 1923 name georgians(9)."} {"id": "538", "contents": "user: author surrealist manifesto?user: trumpet form two studio band hot five hot seven record hotter thatn thatweegy: two surrealist manifesto issu surrealist movement, 1924 1929. trumpet form two studio band hot five hot seven record hotter thatn that. two surrealist manifesto issu surrealist movement, 1924 1929. first written andr andr\u00e9, breton second supervis by."} {"id": "539", "contents": "creat around late 1960s. term jazz-rock often use synonym jazz fusion well music perform late 1960 1970s-era rock band ad jazz element music. chick corea form band return forev 1972. band start latin-influenc music (includ brazilian flora purim vocalist airto moreira percussion), transform 1973 becom jazz-rock group took influenc psychedel progress rock."} {"id": "540", "contents": "author weari blues, describ listen blue singer harlem club; mani poem inspir jazz rhythm heard club busboy dishwasher. across."} {"id": "541", "contents": "kde power open sourc graphic desktop environ unix workstations. combin eas use, contemporari functionality, outstand graphic design technolog superior unix oper system. xfce lightweight desktop environ variou *nix systems. desktop environment. gnome project provid two things: gnome desktop environment, intuit attract desktop users, gnome develop platform, extens framework build applic integr rest desktop."} {"id": "542", "contents": "uniti desktop environment-bas gnome. gnome desktop environ use gtk+ gui toolkit. kde anoth desktop environment. like window gener style use qt gui toolkit. good news qt applic run fine unity. medium news applic written kde use quit lot kde desktop pull lot dependencies."} {"id": "543", "contents": "known plasma desktop, desktop environ provid default work environ mani linux distributions, opensuse, mageia, kubuntu. also default desktop environ pc-bsd, bsd oper system. name kde intend wordplay exist common desktop environment, avail unix systems. cde x11-base user environ jointli develop hp, ibm, sun x/open consortium, interfac product tool base motif graphic widget toolkit."} {"id": "544", "contents": "default desktop environ fedora gnome, prefer altern desktop environ kde plasma desktop xfce, download spin prefer desktop environ use instal fedora, pre-configur desktop environ choice."} {"id": "545", "contents": "gnome, kde xfce popular desktop environ linux. peopl end use default desktop environ ship prefer linux distribution. experienc user prefer one year either usability, performance, design customiz considerations. kde one them; gnome not. however, linux mint avail version default desktop mate (a fork gnome 2) cinnamon (a fork gnome 3). default aside, gnome kde support popular gnu/linux bsd distributions."} {"id": "546", "contents": "kde plasma workspac provid modern customiz environ run favourit applic access inform wherev may be. plasma desktop, home/workst desktop target workspace, default one plasma netbook also provided."} {"id": "547", "contents": "desktop environ (kde) found 1996 matthia ettrich, student eberhard karl univers tuebingen. t\u00fcbingen the, time troubl certain aspect unix. desktop among concern none applications, looked, felt worked. alik name kde intend wordplay exist common desktop environment, avail unix systems. cde x11-base user environ jointli develop hp, ibm, sun x/open consortium, interfac product tool base motif graphic widget toolkit."} {"id": "548", "contents": "computing, desktop environ (de) implement desktop metaphor made bundl program run top comput oper system, share common graphic user interfac (gui). desktop environ seen mostli person comput rise mobil computing."} {"id": "549", "contents": "kde gnome complet desktop environ consist larg number tightli integr yet still separ piec software. gnome use window manag call metacity, kde use kwin. desktop use window manag like default choice. linux like lego. build desktop environment. kde gnome big packag softwar aim look feel way, work well togeth gener give nice experience. dislik component, replac someth else. simpl"} {"id": "550", "contents": "kde\u00ae commun intern technolog team dedic creat free user-friendli comput experience, offer advanc graphic desktop, wide varieti applic communication, work, educ entertain platform easili build new applic upon."} {"id": "551", "contents": "uses. clindamycin use treat wide varieti bacteri infections. antibiot work stop growth bacteria. antibiot treat bacteri infections. work viru infect (e.g., common cold, flu). use clindamycin hcl. take medic mouth without food, usual time day (everi hours), direct doctor. take full glass water (8 ounc 240 milliliters) unless doctor direct otherwise."} {"id": "552", "contents": "use treat seriou infections. clindamycin may also use purpos list guide. discuss veterinarian give clindamycin pet: use medic pet allerg clindamycin lincomycin (bactramycin, l-mycin, lincocin). import inform know clindamycin: use medic pet allerg clindamycin lincomycin (bactramycin, l-mycin, lincocin). give clindamycin togeth erythromycin (e-mycin, e.e.s., ery-tab, others)."} {"id": "553", "contents": "clindamycin antibiot use treatment number bacteri infections. includ middl ear infections, bone joint infections, pelvic inflammatori disease, strep throat, pneumonia, endocard among others. lincosamid class work block make protein. clindamycin first made 1967. world health organization' list essenti medicines, import medic need basic health system. avail gener medic expensive."} {"id": "554", "contents": "a: clindamycin antibiot use treat seriou infect caus bacteria. common side effect clindamycin includ chang bowel habits, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, joint pain, rash, itching. a: clindamycin drug class call lincomycin antibiotics. clindamycin use treat certain seriou bacteri infect -- infect cannot treat certain antibiotics. clindamycin use treat serious: respiratori tract infections; skin infections; blood infections; infect femal reproduct organ organ"} {"id": "555", "contents": "clindamycin prescript antibiotic. avail sever differ form approv varieti differ uses. oral inject form clindamycin approv treat follow infections: clindamycin lotions, gels, solution, foam appli skin approv treatment acne. acn medic combin clindamycin benzoyl peroxide, anoth acn treatment. vagin form (cream suppositories) approv treat bacteri vaginosis."} {"id": "556", "contents": "clindamycin prescript antibiot use treatment seriou infect soft tissu infections, dental infections, bone infections. \u2022. give medic entir length time prescrib veterinarian. symptom may get better infect fulli treated. import inform know clindamycin: use medic pet allerg clindamycin lincomycin (bactramycin, l-mycin, lincocin). give clindamycin togeth erythromycin (e-mycin, e.e.s., ery-tab, others)."} {"id": "557", "contents": "clindamycin gener name prescript drug cleocin, antibiot use treat certain seriou bacteri infections. clindamycin belong group medicin known lincosamid lincomycin antibiotics. a: clindamycin drug class call lincomycin antibiotics. clindamycin use treat certain seriou bacteri infect -- infect cannot treat certain antibiotics. clindamycin use treat serious: respiratori tract infections; skin infections; blood infections; infect femal reproduct organ organ"} {"id": "558", "contents": "use medicine. clindamycin belong famili medicin call antibiotics. topic clindamycin use help control acne. may use alon one medicin use skin taken mouth acne. topic clindamycin may also use problem determin doctor."} {"id": "559", "contents": "flower plants, sporophyt compris whole multicellular bodi except pollen embryo sac. bryophyt (mosses, liverwort hornworts) domin gametophyt phase adult sporophyt depend nutrition. embryo sporophyt develop cell divis zygot within femal sex organ archegonium, earli develop therefor nurtur gametophyte. sporophyt produc spore (henc name) meiosis, process also known reduct divis reduc number chromosom spore mother cell half. result meiospor develop gametophyte."} {"id": "560", "contents": "young sporophyt common moss tortula muralis. mosses, gametophyt domin generation, sporophyt consist sporangium-bear stalk grow tip gametophytes. sporophyt (/sp\u0254\u02d0ro\u028a\u02ccfa\u026at/) diploid multicellular stage life cycl plant alga. sporophyt produc spore (henc name) meiosis, process also known reduct divis reduc number chromosom spore mother cell half. result meiospor develop gametophyte."} {"id": "561", "contents": "pine gametophyt (outside) surround embryo (inside). gametophyt haploid multicellular stage altern gener life cycl plant algae. develop spore mitot cell division. spore product meiosi sporophytes. gametophyt produc haploid gamet mitosis. fusion male femal gamet produc diploid zygote, develop repeat mitot cell divis multicellular sporophyte. bryophyt (mosses, liverworts, hornworts), gametophyt repres longer lived, nutrit independ visibl stage life cycle."} {"id": "562", "contents": "gametophyt stage occur cell reproduct organ undergo meiosi produc haploid cells. sporophyt stage join haploid sex cells. two stage lp product new plant. other found useful."} {"id": "563", "contents": "life cycl bryophyt (moss). moss sporophyt depend gametophyt free\u2010liv independ plant. spore form meiosi germin develop male femal gametophytes. moss sperm produc cell antheridia male gametophyte. moss egg locat base archegonia, femal gametophyte. sperm two flagella. sperm swim egg fertilization, zygot develop sporophyte."} {"id": "564", "contents": "sporophyt stage. fern sporophyt stage spore-bear frond call sporophyl produc cluster sporangia undersides. contain cell becom spore mother cells, split meiospores. sporangia erupt mature, shoot dust-lik spore air"} {"id": "565", "contents": "first, plant undergo altern generations, haploid gametophyt stage diploid sporophyt stage. primit plants, like mosses, gametophyt domin (i.e. big green). higher plant like fern fern allies, sporophyt stage dominant. gametophyt produc gamet (sperm eggs) special structur call gametangium (-ia), sporophyt produc spore special structur call sporangium (-ia). second, plant need get water cells."} {"id": "566", "contents": "brightfield digit imag galleri fern sporophyt fern common name cryptogam (spore-producing) plant belong divis filicophyta, also call filicinophyta pterophyta seedless vascular plants. primit vascular plant true roots, stems, complex leaves. asexu form, sporophyt form, repres fern plant commonli known diploid (2n). sporophyt reproduc either veget clone via rhizom spore format via meiosis."} {"id": "567", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 375. spray bake dish non-stick spray. place frozen chicken breast dish. top sauce. bake 45 minutes. options: add veggi one dish meal. use cheese, put last minut cook time. this. give time melt brown like way. spray bake dish non-stick spray. place frozen chicken breast dish. top sauce. bake 45 minutes. options: add veggi one dish meal. use cheese, put last minut cook time. this. give time melt brown like way."} {"id": "568", "contents": "cook chicken breast frozen, need increas standard cook time 50 percent. chicken breast would usual cook 20 30 minut cook 30 45 minut put frozen. need tbsp. spices, depend upon mani chicken breast plan cook. use salt pepper littl lemon, want simpl recipe. want tangi dish, pour barbecu sauc anoth wet sauc onto chicken breast non-stick pan."} {"id": "569", "contents": "answer: it\u2019 fine cook frozen chicken oven (or stove top) without defrost first, say u.s. depart agriculture. bear mind, though, it\u2019ll gener take 50 percent longer usual cook time thaw chicken. so, instance, you\u2019r prepar chicken breast recip call 40 minut cook time oven stove top, you\u2019ll need hour you\u2019r use frozen chicken. determin cook chicken safe eat, sure use food thermometer."} {"id": "570", "contents": "frozen meat pie averag size cook 350 degre cover foil 35-40 minutes. check center temperature. temperatur reach 165 degrees, un cover cook anoth 5-8 minut crust reach desir color. simpli add 50% normal time would bake. cook whole chicken pounds, normal cook thaw hour. frozen cook hour 1/2. need vari care however. end burn chicken that' still raw middle."} {"id": "571", "contents": "accord usda safe bake (in oven) frozen chicken. simpli add 50% normal time would bake. cook whole chicken pounds, normal cook thaw hour. frozen cook hour 1/2. need vari care however. 350of, roast whole (thawed)chicken 20 minut per pound, plu 15 minutes. stuffed, cook chicken addit 15 minutes. 4.5 lb stuf chicken, cook hours."} {"id": "572", "contents": "8. place pan oven. set timer 30 minutes, 45 minut aren\u2019t plan add sauc chicken. cook chicken breast frozen, need increas standard cook time 50 percent. need tbsp. spices, depend upon mani chicken breast plan cook. use salt pepper littl lemon, want simpl recipe. want tangi dish, pour barbecu sauc anoth wet sauc onto chicken breast non-stick pan."} {"id": "573", "contents": "accord usda safe bake (in oven) frozen chicken. simpli add 50% normal time would bake. cook whole chicken pounds, normal cook thaw hour. frozen cook hour 1/2. need vari care however. end burn chicken that' still raw middle."} {"id": "574", "contents": "test shorter cook time thermometer. poaching. poach boneless, skinless chicken breasts, place larg skillet add 1-2 cup water chicken broth. bring boil, reduc heat, cover, cook 9-14 minut chicken reach 160 degre f. 15 minutes. also poach oven."} {"id": "575", "contents": "preheat oven 375. spray bake dish non-stick spray. place frozen chicken breast dish. top sauce. bake 45 minutes. options: add veggi one dish meal. use cheese, put last minut cook time. this. give time melt brown like way. spray bake dish non-stick spray. place frozen chicken breast dish. top sauce. bake 45 minutes. options: add veggi one dish meal. use cheese, put last minut cook time. this. give time melt brown like way."} {"id": "576", "contents": "coffe bean actual seed coffe cherri fruit, grow coffe trees. plant (which look like tall bush shrub) known grow mani countri along equator, coffe bean major export. significance. coffe plant produc fruit call coffe cherri berry, similar appear common cherri eat much larger pit. pit, seed, contain two beans, later clean roast flavor."} {"id": "577", "contents": "countri coffe grown export tend line equator, never frost. coffe plant grow year-round climat lifespan anywher 60 100 years, usual produc first year planting. significance. coffe plant produc fruit call coffe cherri berry, similar appear common cherri eat much larger pit. pit, seed, contain two beans, later clean roast flavor."} {"id": "578", "contents": "favorit bean from. naturally, starbuck sourc arabica coffe three key grow regions, latin america, africa, asia-pacific, spokesperson coffe empir confirms, signatur coffe blend mostli asia-pacif region. know from, know like it,\u201d tour guid said. figur coffe hard. scour websit local coffe shop see figur way."} {"id": "579", "contents": "coffe major export commodity: top agricultur export twelv countri 2004, world' seventh-largest legal agricultur export valu 2005, second valuabl commod export develop countries, 1970 circa 2000. coffe cultiv first took place ethiopia. earliest credibl evid coffee-drink appear middl 15th centuri sufi shrine yemen. horn africa yemen, coffe use local religi ceremonies."} {"id": "580", "contents": "illi blend made nine bean sourc via direct trade latin america, india, africa, accord master barista giorgio milos. compani recent launch monoarabica, first single-origin coffe compani 80 years, come brazil, guatemala, ethiopia. know from, know like it,\u201d tour guid said. figur coffe hard. scour websit local coffe shop see figur way."} {"id": "581", "contents": "first multi-part seri coffe help educ customers. first, two type coffe beans. coffe bean come two basic versin coffe plants: either robusta (aka coffea robusta, coffea canephora) arabica (aka coffea arabica) version. toomer\u2019 coffe roaster roast sell robusta beans."} {"id": "582", "contents": "coffe brew drink prepar roast coffe beans, seed berri coffea plant. coffe plant cultiv 70 countries, primarili equatori region americas, southeast asia, india, africa. coffe cultiv first took place ethiopia. earliest credibl evid coffee-drink appear middl 15th centuri sufi shrine yemen. horn africa yemen, coffe use local religi ceremonies."} {"id": "583", "contents": "histori coffe goe least far back 10th century, number report legend surround first use. nativ (undomesticated) origin coffe thought ethiopia. earliest substanti evid either coffe drink knowledg coffe tree 15th century, sufi monasteri yemen. 16th century, reach rest middl east, persia, turkey, horn africa, northern africa"} {"id": "584", "contents": "bean coffea robusta plant collect known robusta; cheaper, lower-qu bean higher caffein bitter tast (and cheaper produc well). bean come coffea arabica plant, known gener arabica. coffe obvious prove popular time time country, mani peopl familiar coffe come from? two main kind coffea (a fanci scientif name coffe plant) magic coffe bean emerges, grow differ qualiti coffee."} {"id": "585", "contents": "cerebr hemispher divid four lobes; frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital. lobe deal higher level cognit function like reason judgment. sometim call execut function, associ pre-front cortex. inferiorly, divid tempor lobe fissur sylviu also call later fissur"} {"id": "586", "contents": "cerebr hemispher divid four lobes; frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital. frontal lobe anterior lobe brain. inferiorly, divid tempor lobe fissur sylviu also call later fissure. lobe deal higher level cognit function like reason judgment. sometim call execut function, associ pre-front cortex."} {"id": "587", "contents": "cerebr cortex cerebrum 's (brain) outer layer neural tissu human mammals. divid two cortices, along sagitt plane: left right cerebr hemispher divid medial longitudin fissure."} {"id": "588", "contents": "cerebr cortex divid two hemispheres-th left right hemispheres. part hemispher exhibit call contralater control: mean left hemispher control right side bodi right hemispher control left side. set way motor cortex (see pictur right) bottom cortex respons top bodi top cortex respons bottom body. occipit lobes. locat back brain, occipit lobe respons eyesight."} {"id": "589", "contents": "share. cerebr cortex layer brain often refer gray matter. cortex (thin layer tissue) gray nerv area lack insul make part brain appear white. cortex cover outer portion (1.5mm 5mm) cerebrum cerebellum. portion cortex cover cerebrum call cerebr cortex. cerebr cortex consist fold bulg call gyri creat deep furrow fissur call sulci."} {"id": "590", "contents": "cerebr hemispher divid four lobes; frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital. frontal lobe anterior lobe brain. posterior boundari fissur rolando, central sulcus, separ pariet lobe."} {"id": "591", "contents": "inform process occur cerebr cortex. cerebr cortex divid lobe specif function. function: cerebr cortex involv sever function bodi including: determin intelligence. determin personality. motor function. plan organization. touch sensation."} {"id": "592", "contents": "cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action. cerebr cortex divid four sections, call lobes: frontal lobe, pariet lobe, occipit lobe, tempor lobe."} {"id": "593", "contents": "brain lobe functions. brain divid four sections, known lobe (a shown imag above). frontal lobe, occipit lobe, pariet lobe, tempor lobe differ locat function support respons action human body. occipit lobe, smallest four lobes, locat near posterior region cerebr cortex, near back skull. occipit lobe primari visual process center brain."} {"id": "594", "contents": "phosphat group polar head region molecul hydrophil (attract water), fatti acid tail hydrophob (repel water). place water, phospholipid orient bilay non-polar tail region face inner area bilayer."} {"id": "595", "contents": "phospholipid, two fatti acids. one outer carbon glycerol attach phosphat group, or, often, group includ phosphat group."} {"id": "596", "contents": "medic definit phospholipid. numer lipid (a lecithin phosphatidylethanolamines) phosphor acid well fatti acid esterifi glycerol found live cell bilay cell membranes\u2014cal also phosphatide, phospholipin."} {"id": "597", "contents": "phospholipid contain \u201cdiglyceride\u201d, phosphat group simpl organ molecul choline, water-solubl essenti nutrient. water base solution, phospholipid automat arrang doubl layer, \u201cphospholipid bi layer\u201d."} {"id": "598", "contents": "phospholipid compos two fatti acids, glycerol unit, phosphat group polar molecule. photo credit: imag credit: tie van brussel tiesworks.nl. phospholipid belong lipid famili biolog polymers."} {"id": "599", "contents": "phospholipid class lipid major compon cell membranes. form lipid bilay amphiphil characteristic. structur phospholipid molecul gener consist two hydrophob fatti acid tail hydrophil head consist phosphat group. two compon join togeth glycerol molecule. phosphat group modifi simpl organ molecul choline."} {"id": "600", "contents": "definit phospholipid. numer lipid (a lecithin phosphatidylethanolamines) phosphor acid well fatti acid esterifi glycerol found live cell bilay cell membranes. advertisement."} {"id": "601", "contents": "colorado state three major rivalries. rams' footbal team play univers colorado, often invesco field mile high denver, game call rocki mountain showdown .. within mountain west, colorado state big rivalri air force. winner csu-air forc footbal game receiv ram-falcon trophy."} {"id": "602", "contents": "luke murray begin first season colorado state volleybal coach staff 2014. assist coach hire head coach tom hilbert may 20, 2014. murray work team\u2019 middl blockers, addit program\u2019 scout coordin handl larg portion recruiting."} {"id": "603", "contents": "mani famili base club choic specif coach court child. good! team colorado proud coach staff, coach develop program. club 1-2 coach meet preseason, let coach wing rest season."} {"id": "604", "contents": "america' sourc high school sport lead volleybal organ team honor nation' best. (week 9/2-10/4)."} {"id": "605", "contents": "america' sourc high school sport lead volleybal organ team honor nation' best. (week 10/5-10/11). america' sourc high school sport lead volleybal organ team honor nation' best. (week 10/12-10/18)."} {"id": "606", "contents": "volleybal team sport two team six player separ net. team tri score point ground ball team' court organ rules. part offici program summer olymp game sinc 1964. volleybal court 18 (59 ft) long (29.5 ft) wide, divid halv one-met (40-inch) wide net. top net 2.43 (8 ft in) center court men' competition, 2.24 (7 ft in) women' competition, vari veteran junior competitions."} {"id": "607", "contents": "colorado boy high school volleybal associ colorado non-profit corpor created, funded, administ volunt express purpos promot provid boy volleybal 300 high school state colorado. 2015 annual cbhsva meeting. thanks, mitzi moran."} {"id": "608", "contents": "women' volleyball. culbert record fifth triple-doubl sweep wyom 10/13/2015 fort collins, colo. 21st-rank colorado state ram defeat wyom cowgirl three set tuesday night mobi arena. ram face wyom matchup top mountain west team tomorrow 10/12/2015 21st-rank colorado state ram volleybal team host wyom mobi arena tuesday night p.m. mt. csu set host new mexico, air forc mobi arena week 10/6/2015 21st-rank colorado state volleybal team aim remain unbeaten mountain west play play host new mexico air forc mobi arena week."} {"id": "609", "contents": "domin histor figur colorado state men' basketbal jim williams. william coach csu 26 season begin 1955, win 352 game take team ncaa tournaments, includ quarterfin 1969. also led team upset ucla, led legendari coach john wooden. rams' footbal team play univers colorado, often invesco field mile high denver, game call rocki mountain showdown .. within mountain west, colorado state big rivalri air force. winner csu-air forc footbal game receiv ram-falcon trophy."} {"id": "610", "contents": "three standard volleybal format known 4\u20132, 6\u20132 5\u20131, refer number hitter setter respectively. 4\u20132 basic format use beginners' play, 5\u20131 far common format high-level play. volleybal court 18 (59 ft) long (29.5 ft) wide, divid halv one-met (40-inch) wide net. top net 2.43 (8 ft in) center court men' competition, 2.24 (7 ft in) women' competition, vari veteran junior competitions."} {"id": "611", "contents": "mohanda karamchand gandhi, bynam mahatma gandhi (born octob 2, 1869, porbandar, india \u2014di januari 30, 1948, delhi), indian lawyer, politician, social activist, writer becam leader nationalist movement british rule india."} {"id": "612", "contents": "indian nationalist leader mohanda karamchand gandhi, commonli known mahatma gandhi, born octob 2, 1869, porbandar, kathiawar, india, part british empire. father, karamchand gandhi, serv chief minist porbandar state western india."} {"id": "613", "contents": "gandhi indian independence. 21 year south africa, gandhi return india 1915. becam leader indian nationalist movement campaign home rule swaraj. gandhi success instig seri non violent protest. includ nation strike one two days."} {"id": "614", "contents": "real name mohanda karamchand gandhi, peopl call mahatma great soul. one foremost spiritu polit leader 20th century. civil right leader south africa nativ india, propon india' independ england."} {"id": "615", "contents": "earli life. indian nationalist leader mohanda karamchand gandhi, commonli known mahatma gandhi, born octob 2, 1869, porbandar, kathiawar, india, part british empire. father, karamchand gandhi, serv chief minist porbandar state western india."} {"id": "616", "contents": "mahatma gandhi promin indian polit leader campaign indian independence. employ non-viol principl peac disobedience. assassin 1948, shortli achiev life goal indian independence. india, known \u2018father nation\u2019."} {"id": "617", "contents": "mohanda karamchand gandhi (mahatma gandhi) born octob 2, 1869, hindu modh famili porbanadar, gujarat, india. father, name karamchand gandhi, chief minist (diwan) citi porbanadar."} {"id": "618", "contents": "although individu less five years' experi earn $41k average, peopl five 10 year benefit notabl larger averag $48k. work 10 20 years, biomed equip technician make median salari $54k. earn gener vari $15.95 per hour $29.18. experi level biggest factor affect pay group, follow geographi particular employer."} {"id": "619", "contents": "accord simpli hired, certifi biomed equip technician\u2019 salari around $46,000. payscale, hand, report salari $55,625 average. inde show lower $35,000 per year. averag biomed equip technician\u2019 salari around $47,120. top 10% earn around $72,660 per year, bottom 10% took home $26,930 less. share facebook. share twitter."} {"id": "620", "contents": "biomed equip technician salari us. payscal report show typic biomed equip technician salari rang $33,241 $63,772, median salari $48,276. hourli rate rang $15.42 $28.91, overtim pay rang $21.34 $44.55. averag biomed equip technician\u2019 salari around $47,120. top 10% earn around $72,660 per year, bottom 10% took home $26,930 less. share facebook. share twitter."} {"id": "621", "contents": "compar biomed equip technician\u2019 salari citi city, anchorage, alaska rank first annual pay $69,670. top pay citi spokane, washington, bmet earn annual pay $67,070; newark, new jersey, $64,780; salt lake city, $64,600; san diego, $63,160. averag biomed equip technician\u2019 salari around $47,120. top 10% earn around $72,660 per year, bottom 10% took home $26,930 less. share facebook. share twitter."} {"id": "622", "contents": "averag salari biomed equip technician $60,000 year start salari $45, 000 senior salari $70,000. wage base education, skills, experi employers. worker profess work averag forti hour week. annually. annual basi median biomed equip technician salari $44,180. lowest 10% earn salari $26,930 per year upper 10% earn $72,660 per year. salari calcul averag"} {"id": "623", "contents": "pay biomed equip technician unit state sit ballpark $20.89 per hour. earn gener vari $15.95 per hour $29.18. experi level biggest factor affect pay group, follow geographi particular employer. job satisfact biomed equip technician high"} {"id": "624", "contents": "salari state. biomed equip technician work utah report highest averag salari state 2011, $59,830 year. arizona rank second averag annual salari $57,800 bmets, follow alaska $55,390, minnesota $55,140 maryland $54,560. north dakota report lowest salari country, averag $33,190 per year. relat reading: job descript medic deliveri set-up technician. 2011, bmet report mean hourli wage $22.60 mean annual incom $47,010 bureau labor statistics. median earn report $21.57 hour $44,870 per year, median-earn 50 percent bmet work unit state made $33,640 $58,40"} {"id": "625", "contents": "averag biomed equip technician salari job post nationwid 37% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "626", "contents": "forteo use men postmenopaus women osteoporosi high risk fractures. forteo use peopl fractur relat osteoporosis, sever risk factor fracture, use osteoporosi treatments."} {"id": "627", "contents": "forteo inject osteoporosis. forteo (teriparatide) prescript osteoporosi medication. manufactur version parathyroid hormone, work help regul calcium phosphat body. specif approv use peopl high risk fractur (broken bones)."} {"id": "628", "contents": "forteo use men women osteoporosi due use glucocorticoid medicines, prednisone, sever months, high risk broken bone (fractures)."} {"id": "629", "contents": "forteo (teriparatid [rdna origin]) inject man-mad form parathyroid hormon exist natur bodi use treat osteoporosi men women high risk bone fracture. common side effect forteo includ dizzi fast heartbeat within hour use medication."} {"id": "630", "contents": "forteo use men postmenopaus women osteoporosi high risk fractures. forteo use peopl fractur relat osteoporosis, sever risk factor fracture, use osteoporosi treatments."} {"id": "631", "contents": "forteo man-mad form hormon call parathyroid exist natur body. forteo increas bone densiti increas bone strength help prevent fractures. forteo use treat osteoporosi men women high risk bone fracture."} {"id": "632", "contents": "teriparatid synthet form natur human parathyroid hormon use inject treat osteoporosis. teriparatid form new bone, increas bone miner densiti bone strength, result reduc chanc get fractur (broken bone). teriparatid use men postmenopaus women osteoporosi high risk fractures. teriparatid use peopl fractur relat osteoporosis, multipl risk factor fracture, cannot use osteoporosi treatments."} {"id": "633", "contents": "forteo use men women osteoporosi due use glucocorticoid medicines, prednisone, sever months, high risk broken bone fractures."} {"id": "634", "contents": "noun. medicin cause, set causes, manner causat diseas condition: import sunlight aetiolog melanoma [count noun]: group distinct diseas differ aetiologies."} {"id": "635", "contents": "etiology, aetiology. 1. branch medic scienc studi caus diseas factor underli spread. 2. accumul knowledg diseas causes. etiologist, n. etiologic, etiological, adj. e\u2022ti\u2022ol\u2022o\u2022gy. 1. a. studi caus diseases. b. caus origin disease. 2. a. studi causes, causation, causality. b. caus postul something."} {"id": "636", "contents": "environment influenc may implic causat perpetu diseas process. etiology, system factors, gener biolog factor implic causation, modification, perpetu diseas entity. within oral cavity, action system factor modifi interact local factors."} {"id": "637", "contents": "definit etiology. 1. cause, origin; specifically: caus diseas abnorm condition. 2. branch knowledg concern causes; specifically: branch medic scienc concern caus origin diseases. see etiolog defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "638", "contents": "major causes. pulmonari embol (pe) usual begin blood clot deep vein leg. condit call deep vein thrombosis. clot break free, travel bloodstream lungs, block artery."} {"id": "639", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. etiolog studi causes. number disciplin util etiology, rang anthropolog physics, commonli associ medic world."} {"id": "640", "contents": "etiology, aetiology. 1. branch medic scienc studi caus diseas factor underli spread. 2. accumul knowledg diseas causes. etiologist, n. etiologic, etiological, adj. etiology. aetiological, adj."} {"id": "641", "contents": "assign cause, caus assigned: etiolog folkway. scienc caus origin disease. caus specif disease. etiology. pl. -\u00b7gies. assign cause, caus assigned: etiolog folkway. scienc caus origin disease. caus specif disease."} {"id": "642", "contents": "thwack (noun). noun thwack sense: 1. hard blow flat object. familiar information: thwack use noun rare. thwack (verb). verb thwack sense: 1. deliv hard blow to. familiar information: thwack use verb"} {"id": "643", "contents": "thwack. tr.v. thwacked, thwack\u00b7ing, thwacks. strike hit flat object; whack. n. hard blow flat object; whack. imit .]. (\u03b8waek). \u03b8w\u00e6k \u02c8thwacker."} {"id": "644", "contents": "thwack. tr.v. thwacked, thwack\u00b7ing, thwacks. strike hit flat object; whack. n. hard blow flat object; whack."} {"id": "645", "contents": "verb. 1. thwack-deliv hard blow to; teacher smack student misbehaved. smack. hit-deal blow to, either hand instrument; hit hard face."} {"id": "646", "contents": "directions: 1. cut pork 2-inch strip grain. bring water boil add pork cook, uncovered, 10 minutes. drain, discard liquid. let meat cool, cut grain 1/4-inch slices. 2. peel taro cut l4-inch slices, 1/2-inch cubes. stir-fri times. add pork stir-fri heat (about minute). stir sherri evaporates. 5. add red bean chees mixtur stir-fri pork complet coated."} {"id": "647", "contents": "thrice cook chips, however, cook three separ times. cannot one longer/hott cook. use thrice descriptive, order complet understood, use thrice. want sell chips, market survey target audienc go majority."} {"id": "648", "contents": "twice cook pork (simplifi chinese: \u56de\u9505\u8089; tradit chinese: \u56de\u934b\u8089; pinyin: hui hu\u00ed gu\u014d; rou: r\u00f2u jyutping; wui4 wo1yuk6 liter return; pot meat also call double) cook pork is-a well-known sichuan style. chines dish dish' ingredi includ pork, simmer slice stir fried, commonli stir fri veget cabbage, bell peppers, onions, scallion sauc may includ shaox rice wine, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, sugar, ginger, chili bean past tianmianjiang bean paste."} {"id": "649", "contents": "full definit rice. starchi seed annual southeast asian cereal grass (oryza sativa) cook use food; also: cereal grass wide cultiv warm climat seed by-product compar wild rice. see rice defin english-languag learners. see rice defin kids. advertis"} {"id": "650", "contents": "thrice cook bit archaic. correct english would tripli cook opinion. tripl cook cooki rather sound like tripl cooki rather tripli cooked. use thrice descriptive, order complet understood, use thrice. want sell chips, market survey target audienc go majority."} {"id": "651", "contents": "turkish coffe (turkish: tuerk t\u00fcrk, kahvesi armenian, coffe arabic, coffe greek, coffe cypriot) coffe method prepar unfiltered. coffe roast fine ground coffe bean boil (pot), cezv usual with, sugar serv cup ground allow to. settl call arab coffe (qahwa \u2018arabiyya, \u0642\u0647\u0648\u0629 \u0639\u0631\u0628\u064a\u0629). construct egyptian coffee, syrian coffee, lebanes coffee, iraqi coffe draw distinct flavor, preparation, present differ kind turkish coffee."} {"id": "652", "contents": "process cook twice cook pork involv first simmer pork belli steak water spices, e.g. slice ginger, cloves, star anise, jujub salt. refriger firm meat, next cut thin slices. dish' ingredi includ pork, simmer slice stir fried, commonli stir fri veget cabbage, bell peppers, onions, scallion sauc may includ shaox rice wine, hoisin sauce, soy sauce, sugar, ginger, chili bean past tianmianjiang bean paste."} {"id": "653", "contents": "addit beauti rich reds, spinel found shade orang beauti pastel pink, well purple. particular interest vivid, hot pink ting orang mine burma, one spectacular gemston color unlik gem."} {"id": "654", "contents": "wealth stone includ aquamarine, morganite, blue topaz, yellow imperi topaz, amethyst, citrine, green quartz, smoki quartz, rose quartz, variou color tourmaline, rhodonite, iolite, others. brazilian consum often goe color rather higher-pr gemstones."} {"id": "655", "contents": "anoth contribut factor wealth gemston avail there. brazil one signific produc varieti color gemstones, often incorpor jewelri designs. liber use gemston color creat bold look."} {"id": "656", "contents": "love magic, especi magic science, you\u2019ll love alexandrite, color-chang gem. outsid daylight, cool bluish mossi green. insid lamplight, red gem warm raspberri tone. watch flick back forth switch fluoresc incandesc light."} {"id": "657", "contents": "sinc hundr color variat color gems, organ list around base color color families. red-orang gem would fall orang categori blue-green stone would green category."} {"id": "658", "contents": "one today\u2019 popular blue gemstones, tanzanit come varieti shapes, size strike assort blue tones. rare pure blue, tanzanit almost alway display signatur overton purple. smaller sizes, tanzanit usual contain lighter tone lavend color common."} {"id": "659", "contents": "color ocean, glitter aquamarin one beauti gemston buy. mani tradit belief connect gem. aquamarin said help digestive, eye, teeth problems."} {"id": "660", "contents": "aquamarine. color ocean, glitter aquamarin one beauti gemston buy. mani tradit belief connect gem. aquamarin said help digestive, eye, teeth problems. past, sailor often use aquamarin bring luck sea."} {"id": "661", "contents": "major type condit hemophilia (also known classic hemophilia factor viii deficiency) hemophilia (also known christma diseas factor ix deficiency). although two type similar sign symptoms, caus mutat differ genes. femal (who two chromosomes), mutat would occur copi gene caus disorder. unlik femal two alter copi gene, rare femal hemophilia."} {"id": "662", "contents": "x-link recessive: red-green color blindness, hemophilia a. gene inherit biolog parent specif ways. one basic pattern inherit gene call x-link recess inheritance. express femal male same. gene chromosom exactli pair gene chromosome. x-link recess gene express femal two copi gene (one chromosome)."} {"id": "663", "contents": "exampl x-link recess condit includ red-green color blind hemophilia a: red-green color blindness. red-green color blind simpli mean person cannot distinguish shade red green (usual blue-green). visual acuiti (abil see) normal. express femal male same. gene chromosom exactli pair gene chromosome. x-link recess gene express femal two copi gene (one chromosome)."} {"id": "664", "contents": "hemophilia a, blood clot disord caus mutat factor viii gene lead defici factor viii. thought royal diseas found descend queen victoria. known hemophilia (see below). common x-link recess disord are: red-green color blindness, common trait human frequent use explain x-link disorders. seven ten percent men 0.49% 1% women affected."} {"id": "665", "contents": "example: hemophilia a. hemophilia x-link recess diseas caus lack coagulant, blood clot agent, call factor viii (factor 8). caus mutat gene chromosom call f8. father affected, daughter carrier hemophilia son unaffected. x-link domin condition, one copi gene chromosom whether femal two chromosom male chromosom must chang mutat individu affect condition."} {"id": "666", "contents": "back top causes. hemophilia caus inherit x-link recess trait, defect gene locat chromosome. femal two copi chromosome. factor ix gene one chromosom work, gene chromosom job make enough factor ix."} {"id": "667", "contents": "x-link inherit mean gene caus trait disord locat chromosome. femal two chromosomes; male one one y. gene chromosom recess dominant. express femal male same. gene chromosom exactli pair gene chromosome. x-link recess gene express femal two copi gene (one chromosome)."} {"id": "668", "contents": "anoth form disorder, known acquir hemophilia, caus inherit gene mutations. rare condit character abnorm bleed skin, muscles, soft tissues, usual begin adulthood. femal (who two chromosomes), mutat would occur copi gene caus disorder. unlik femal two alter copi gene, rare femal hemophilia."} {"id": "669", "contents": "x-link inherit mean gene caus trait disord locat chromosome. femal two chromosomes, male one one chromosome. common x-link recess disord are: red-green color blindness, common trait human frequent use explain x-link disorders. seven ten percent men 0.49% 1% women affected."} {"id": "670", "contents": "hemophilia hemophilia inherit x-link recess pattern. gene associ condit locat chromosome, one two sex chromosomes. femal (who two chromosomes), mutat would occur copi gene caus disorder. unlik femal two alter copi gene, rare femal hemophilia."} {"id": "671", "contents": "investor canada consid option safest option, put hard-earn money. matur period could vari month year. buyer usual advis hold bill full period maturity, choice, free risk. interest fact canadian t-bill avail us well canadian dollars.th smallest amount may invest five thousand period three month one year. investor might also put twenti five thousand period one two months."} {"id": "672", "contents": "canada treasuri bills. canada treasuri bill similar counterpart unit states, fact fulli guarante nation government. similar end here, sinc canadian t-bill offer highli attract rate interest. interest fact canadian t-bill avail us well canadian dollars.th smallest amount may invest five thousand period three month one year. investor might also put twenti five thousand period one two months."} {"id": "673", "contents": "definit 'senat bill'. piec propos legisl either origin modifi unit state senate. order becom law, senat bill must win major approv senat hous repres approv presid unit states."} {"id": "674", "contents": "definition: canada, royal assent symbol final stage legisl process bill becom law. royal assent ceremony, repres sovereign, either governor gener canada suprem court justice, enter senat chamber, senat seats."} {"id": "675", "contents": "susan munroe. definition: canada bill propos law piec legisl put canadian legislatur approval. bill initi govern privat member."} {"id": "676", "contents": "bill introduc canada' hous parliament, assign number base chronolog order introduct hous origin except govern bill number one 200 privat members' bill start #201. see also bill exchange, bill lade bill attainder. unit states, bill requir approv branch us congress (the hous repres senate) signatur presid becom law."} {"id": "677", "contents": "bill c-6 second attempt pass bill c-52, new name. 2009 question concern member canadian senate, peopl canada health freedom groups. shawn buckley gave evid senat committe consid bill, nationwid letter-writ campaign senators."} {"id": "678", "contents": "short-term debt oblig back u.s. govern matur less one year. t-bill sold denomin $1,000 maximum purchas $5 million commonli matur one month (four weeks), three month (13 weeks) six month (26 weeks)."} {"id": "679", "contents": "(juli 2010). canadian bill right feder statut bill right enact parliament canada august 10, 1960. provid canadian certain quasi-constitut right canadian feder law relat feder statutes. canadian bill right protect numer rights, later includ charter. exampl include: freedom speech canada freedom religion canada (now section charter)."} {"id": "680", "contents": "answers. best answer: bio textbook understands, five gener sensori receptors: 1. pain receptors, detect pain, locat everywher except brain 2. thermoreceptors, detect temperature, locat skin, bodi core, hypothalamus. 3. mechanoreceptors, sensit touch, pressure, stretch muscles, sound, motion, locat skin, skelet muscle, inner ears. 4. chemoreceptors, sensit chemic extern environment, locat tast bud nose."} {"id": "681", "contents": "touch receptors, mechanoreceptors, also locat skin, well inner ear skelet muscles. govern touch, motion, stretch muscles, balanc sound. receptor transmit sens touch movement. also affect sens balanc physic distortion. thermoreceptor detect temperatures. receptor locat skin, hypothalamu gland bodi core certain organs. without temperatur receptors, human bodi cannot detect variat temperature. thermoreceptor enabl bodi detect danger extrem heat cold."} {"id": "682", "contents": "tow type sensori receptor skin mani type sensori receptor skin i.e., cutan receptor mechanoreceptors. the: meissner' corpuscles, merkel' disc, paccinian corpuscles, ruffini' end organs, free nerv end hari follicel organs. sensori receptor sensori nerv end respond stimulu intern extern environ organism. sensori receptor initi sensori tra nsduction creat grade potenti action potenti cell adjac one."} {"id": "683", "contents": "sensori receptor involv tast smell contain receptor molecul bind specif chemicals. odor receptor olfactori receptor neurons, example, activ interact molecular structur odor molecule. receptor mechanoreceptor photoreceptor respond physic stimuli. example, photoreceptor cell contain special protein rhodopsin transduc physic energi light electr signals."} {"id": "684", "contents": "cell special neuron (a. visual receptors) special epitheli cell (b. auditori receptors) gener receptor potenti contain synapt vesicles. one type sensori receptor cell somatosensori system, merkel cells, found skin. vast major somatosensori receptor special receptor cells."} {"id": "685", "contents": "certain receptor sensit certain type stimuli (for example, differ mechanoreceptor respond best differ kind touch stimuli, like sharp blunt objects). receptor send impuls certain pattern send inform intens stimulu (for example, loud sound is). stimulu modal (sensori modality) type physic phenomenon sensed. exampl temperature, taste, sound, pressure. type sensori receptor activ stimulu play primari role code stimulu modality."} {"id": "686", "contents": "sensori system, sensori receptor sensori nerv end respond stimulu intern extern environ organism. respons stimuli, sensori receptor initi sensori transduct creat grade potenti action potenti cell adjac one. receptor mechanoreceptor photoreceptor respond physic stimuli. example, photoreceptor cell contain special protein rhodopsin transduc physic energi light electr signals."} {"id": "687", "contents": "mechanoreceptor sensori receptor respond mechan pressur distortion. normal four main type glabrou skin: pacinian corpuscles, meissner' corpuscles, merkel' discs, ruffini endings."} {"id": "688", "contents": "report abuse. actual type sensori receptor within body. tast receptor tongu help tell taste. light receptor eye let detect light thu see vibrat receptor inner ear interpret sound move ear drum let hear. also heat/cold receptors-thes sens chang temperature. also pain receptors. also balanc receptor (thi one give sensat movement well). mani (which uncommon nonetheless within body)."} {"id": "689", "contents": "use fatsecret food diari track diet. thousand food recip fatsecret databas choos from, detail nutrit inform includ calories, fat protein serv size. may also add one mani great recip food idea submit member"} {"id": "690", "contents": "nutrit flatbread. 6-inch flatbread 220 calories, 4.5 gram fat, 38 gram carbohydr gram protein, 14 percent daili value. valu similar 6-inch sandwich bread subway. flatbread 340 milligram sodium compar 270 milligram italian nine-grain wheat bread 1,240 milligram sodium roast garlic bread."} {"id": "691", "contents": "carb flatbread. favorit choic term flatbread slice italian flatbread focaccia 27 gram carbohydrate. total carbohyrate, sugar, fiber estim net carb (non-fib carbs) varieti type serv size flatbread shown below. view nutrit valu (such calori fats) use filter below: calori total carb total fat protein sodium cholesterol vitamin"} {"id": "692", "contents": "flatbread pizza appar long, subway offer new flatizzas. new menu item basic take squar flatbread (i.e. roughli six-inch flatbread) top marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese, one four top combinations. avail choic are: cheese, pepperoni, spici italian, veggie."} {"id": "693", "contents": "calori burn nordic walk (with poles): 3.5 mph (17 minut per mile). calori burn nordic walk (with poles): mph (15 minut per mile). calori burn nordic walk (with poles): 4.6 mph (13 minut per mile). calori burn nordic walk (with poles): 2.5 mph (24 minut per mile). calori burn nordic walk (with poles): 3.5 mph (17 minut per mile). calori burn nordic walk (with poles): mph (15 minut per mile)."} {"id": "694", "contents": "calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, mph (10 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 6.6 mph (9 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 7.5 mph (8 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 5.45 mph (11 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, mph (10 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 6.6 mph (9 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 7.5 mph (8 minut per mile)."} {"id": "695", "contents": "disclaimer. pleas note nutrit valu estim base standard serv portions. food serv may slight varianc time visit, pleas expect valu 10% +/- actual meal. question nutrit calculator, pleas contact nutritionix. pleas select item step 1. blog: nutritionix launch free io app!"} {"id": "696", "contents": "zinc defici result impair function special senses, night blind often due zinc deficiency. loss sens tast and/or smell common complaint elderly."} {"id": "697", "contents": "sickl cell disease. take zinc mouth seem help reduc symptom sickl cell diseas peopl zinc deficiency. take zinc supplement also appear decreas risk complic infect relat"} {"id": "698", "contents": "zinc defici crohn\u2019 disease. common caus zinc defici peopl suffer crohn\u2019 diseas diarrhea. increas bowel movement caus diarrhea empti content gastrointestin tract macronutri micronutri absorbed."} {"id": "699", "contents": "zinc defici caus inadequ intak absorption, increas zinc excretion, increas bodili need zinc. zinc defici symptom includ growth develop problems, hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye skin conditions, loss appetite."} {"id": "700", "contents": "sickl cell disease. take zinc mouth seem help reduc symptom sickl cell diseas peopl zinc deficiency. take zinc supplement also appear decreas risk complic infect relat sickl cell disease. leg ulcers."} {"id": "701", "contents": "male infertil may caus decreas sperm count due zinc deficiency, zinc supplement may increas sperm count motility, particularli men low testosterone. zinc defici may contribut factor high rate prostat enlarg country."} {"id": "702", "contents": "zinc compon two hundr enzym bodies. fact, zinc function enzymat reaction mineral. although sever zinc defici rare develop countries, mani individu u.s. margin zinc deficiency."} {"id": "703", "contents": "zinc defici caus inadequ level zinc diet. zinc import miner requir number function involv energi metabolism. one signific role support immun system, protect us pathogens, infect disease."} {"id": "704", "contents": "mani type medic doctor capabl perform autopsies, state local govern law mandat appoint forens pathologist work. appointe call medic examin offici posit counti medic examin system. counti use medic examin system. counti use coron coroner' system. two major differ medic examin coron correspond systems. event non-med coron need autopsi performed, sent medic examiner. states, govern provid coron medic examin autopsy."} {"id": "705", "contents": "information, check coroner' court state read specif legisl state. even though 128,500 australian die year, rel small percentag (10.5%) end need autopsy. victoria. approxim 32, 000 peopl die victoria year. one main coroni facil melbourne, approxim 4,003 death per year report coroner, 2,423 full autopsy."} {"id": "706", "contents": "expensive. autopsi cover medicare, medicaid insur plans, though hospit -- teach hospit particular -- charg autopsi individu pass away facility. privat autopsi outsid expert cost $3,000 $5,000."} {"id": "707", "contents": "1,500 counti oper coron system, qualif expect vary, accord nation associ medic examiners. kansas, ohio, louisiana requir coron certifi forens pathologists. nebraska coron often also counti attorney. north dakota requir coron licens physicians, counti 8,000 people. georgia requir least 25 year old, feloni convictions, high-school educ complet week' train cours death investig take job."} {"id": "708", "contents": "128 500 peopl die australia everi year, 13.4% death refer coroner' offic even fewer requir coroni investig autopsy. victoria. approxim 32, 000 peopl die victoria year. one main coroni facil melbourne, approxim 4,003 death per year report coroner, 2,423 full autopsy."} {"id": "709", "contents": "approxim 45, 400 peopl die year new south wales. sydney three major coroni facilities, approxim 6,000 death per year report coroner-of approxim 90% (5400) full autopsy. victoria. approxim 32, 000 peopl die victoria year. one main coroni facil melbourne, approxim 4,003 death per year report coroner, 2,423"} {"id": "710", "contents": "princip aim autopsi determin caus death, state health person died, whether medic diagnosi treatment death appropriate. western countri number autopsi perform hospit decreas everi year sinc 1955."} {"id": "711", "contents": "coron like earn averag pay level 48000 72000 base tenur industri expertise. coron expect averag pay level sixti five thousand dollar per year. coron obtain salari district columbia, earn averag pay level $77520. employe work job receiv highest salari information, receiv pay levels, average, $75450. nation wage distribut shown below."} {"id": "712", "contents": "survey 60 nation' largest medic examin coron offic propublica, pb frontlin npr found 105 doctor pass exam -- doctor full-tim part-tim staffs."} {"id": "713", "contents": "states, like louisiana, requir coron forens pathologists, counti coron system not. event non-med coron need autopsi performed, sent medic examiner. states, govern provid coron medic examin autopsy."} {"id": "714", "contents": "commonli allow size carry-on luggag 56 36 23 cm (22 14 inches) includ handles, side pockets, wheels. vari airlin allow slightli larger smaller bags, check airlin plan travel with."} {"id": "715", "contents": "addit carry-on person item airlin allow extra articl jacket, umbrella, small bag food, bag duti free items. check airlin allow vary. weight concern carri rather pack things."} {"id": "716", "contents": "store wed dress overhead bin provid within carry-on baggag size restrict (23 cm 40 cm 55 cm 15.5 21.5 in). dress store garment bag fold half reduc wrinkling."} {"id": "717", "contents": "size weight limit carry-on bag vari airline. maximum weight carry-on bag high 40 pound (18.2 kg), low 11 pound (5 kg). airlin also maximum allow size carry-on bags."} {"id": "718", "contents": "avianca flights, passeng allow one (1) carry-on bag one (1) person item. carry-on hand luggag must weigh 22 pound (10 kilos) extern dimens (h+l+w) must exceed 115 centimet (45 inches)."} {"id": "719", "contents": "exampl item bring board addit carry-on allowance: coat outer garment, small purs measur 25cm 30cm 14cm (10in 12in 5.5 in). larger purs includ carry-on allowance."} {"id": "720", "contents": "lan baggag polici peru. hand luggage: passeng carri one piec hand luggag exceed kg (17 lbs), dimens 55 cm height, 35 cm wide 25 cm depth (premium economi premium busi passeng may carri one item hand luggag weigh 16 kg/35 lb)."} {"id": "721", "contents": "polici check bag impact carry-on policy. custom still allow one carry-on bag must exceed 14 inch inch 22 inch (35 cm 23 cm 56 cm) 45 linear inch (114 cm) one person item. view carry-on baggag page information."} {"id": "722", "contents": "hand luggage: passeng carri maximum kg (17 lb) hand luggage, exceed follow measurements: 40cm 32cm 20cm. one except rule cusco-lima flight, maximum baggag weight kg (11 lb)."} {"id": "723", "contents": "travel carry-on luggag avoid airlin luggag fees, risk bag lost, long wait baggag carousel arrival. make sure take bag plane need familiar airlin restrict bag certain size weight allowed."} {"id": "724", "contents": "bake potatoes: bake potato directli oven rack, place inch apart foil-lin bake sheet. bake potato 50 60 minutes. flip everi 20 minut check done pierc fork."} {"id": "725", "contents": "cook temperatur bake potatoes. convent oven, bake potato 45 minut 400\u00b0 60 minut 350\u00b0. time temperatur vari accord size potatoes. check see bake potato readi poke toothpick test tenderness. come bake potatoes, cook time vari dramatically, depend method you\u2019r using. answer frequent ask question cook time bake potatoes. long bake potato. bake potato 45 minutes, oven 400\u00b0. clean potato thoroughly, wrap foil, vent fork times, place cooki sheet directli onto oven rack. test potato\u2019 properli cooked, poke toothpick check"} {"id": "726", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre f. place potato directli rack center oven bake 30 minutes. pierc potato coupl spot fork continu bake tender, 30 minut more. remov potato oven, turn heat 375 degre f. hold potato oven-mit towel, trim top potato make canoe-lik shape. reserv tops."} {"id": "727", "contents": "preheat oven. prick sweet potato 2-3 time fork, place directli oven rack middl oven, foil. turn oven 425. bake 45 minut sweet potatoes/yam 2-3 inch diameter. turn oven 425. bake 45 minut sweet potatoes/yam 2-3 inch diameter. sweet potato inch diameter, bake hour. super larg sweet potatoes, bake hour 15 minutes. time elapsed, open oven turn off."} {"id": "728", "contents": "bake 45 minut sweet potatoes/yam 2-3 inch diameter. sweet potato inch diameter, bake hour. super larg sweet potatoes, bake hour 15 minutes. time elapsed, open oven turn off. turn oven 425. bake 45 minut sweet potatoes/yam 2-3 inch diameter. sweet potato inch diameter, bake hour. super larg sweet potatoes, bake hour 15 minutes. time elapsed, open oven turn off."} {"id": "729", "contents": "may well cook microwave. place potato directli oven rack. bake 40 60 minutes, depend upon size potato. potato hard brick raw. time it\u2019 cook you\u2019ll abl squeez it."} {"id": "730", "contents": "oven-bak potatoes. see do: bake potato oven. preheat oven 425\u00b0f. rub potato oliv oil, sprinkl salt pepper, prick tine fork. wrap potato foil lay bottom slow cooker. place lid top set slow cooker low eight 10 hours. bottom line: potato bake work"} {"id": "731", "contents": "potato may also bake lower temperatur longer times. process tend give outsid spud crisper skin. 350 degre (175 c) approxim 1/2 hour 375 \u00b0f (191 \u00b0c) approxim hour 15 minut good guideline. cook time vary."} {"id": "732", "contents": "new england town macintyr river centr divers rural district preciou product gemstones, particular sapphires. inverell' main tourist attract pioneer village, compris impress collect histor build reloc surround district tingha road. origin build includ paddy' pub (1847), grove homestead (1840), nullamanna villag church (1901)"} {"id": "733", "contents": "shire includ town inverel small town villag includ gilgai, stannifer, elsmore, bukkulla, ashford, bonshaw, yetman, wallangra, graman, oakwood, delungra mount russell. median age peopl inverel shire 41 years; slightli higher nation median 37 years. children age 14 year made 21.3 per cent popul peopl age 65 year made 19.2 per cent population."} {"id": "734", "contents": "inverel shire local govern area north west slope region new south wales, australia adjac macintyr river gwydir highway. mayor inverel shire council cr. paul harmon, unalign polit party. median age peopl inverel shire 41 years; slightli higher nation median 37 years. children age 14 year made 21.3 per cent popul peopl age 65 year made 19.2 per cent population."} {"id": "735", "contents": "connections. commun website. link togeth centre. inverel situat new england north west region new south wale thrive commerci servic centre, local popul 16 075 district popul 18 000."} {"id": "736", "contents": "map inverell, nsw 2360. new england town macintyr river centr divers rural district preciou product gemstones, particular sapphires. inverel known 'sapphir city' one world' lead supplier gems. fossick popular pastim surround district hope discov worthwhil gem bring mani visitor inverell. inverell' main tourist attract pioneer village, compris impress collect histor build reloc surround district tingha road. origin build includ paddy' pub (1847), grove homestead (1840), nullamanna villag church (1901)"} {"id": "737", "contents": "inverel town northern new south wales, australia, situat macintyr river. also centr inverel shire. inverel locat gwydir highway western slope northern tablelands. temper climate. 2011 census, popul inverel 9,347. last section inverel branchline, delungra inverell, open 10 march 1902. last train ran inverel 22 june 1987, delungra inverel section line close decemb 1987. 1871, popul inverel 509, increas 1,212 1881."} {"id": "738", "contents": "inverell. welcom inverel tourism website!inverel situat new england north west region new south wale thrive commerci servic centr local popul 16075 district popul 18000."} {"id": "739", "contents": "1848, alexand campbel held 50,000-acr (20,000 ha) inverel station macintyr river. name deriv name mr. macintyre' estate. word gaelic origin, signifi meet place swans; inver, meet place, ell, swan. last section inverel branchline, delungra inverell, open 10 march 1902. last train ran inverel 22 june 1987, delungra inverel section line close decemb 1987. 1871, popul inverel 509, increas 1,212 1881."} {"id": "740", "contents": "detail map inverel near places. welcom inverel googl satellit map! place situat inverell, new south wales, australia, geograph coordin 29\u00b0 47' south, 151\u00b0 7' east origin name (with diacritics) inverell. see inverel photo imag satellit below, explor aerial photograph inverel australia."} {"id": "741", "contents": "suggest chang folder option show super hidden file check folder show up. a. open folder option click start button, click control panel, click appear personalization, click folder options."} {"id": "742", "contents": "cause. use usernam computers, password. comput share folder (run window 7), usernam joe logon password. comput tri access share folder (run window xp), usernam joe"} {"id": "743", "contents": "name share folder network (see above, topic share files/folders) comput name laptop, use command (a shown folder area): \\\\laptop\\network. chang name laptop name specif comput network."} {"id": "744", "contents": "connect share folder unc format. click start, click run. type share name use unc format (\\\\. \\. ), click ok. window 2000 display share folder printer computer."} {"id": "745", "contents": "strang problem. home network computers. share file comput others. recently, bought new lenovo laptop e530 window profession instal it. problem can't access share folder home network \\\\com-name. can't even access comput share folder inside, specifi name prefix \\\\. however, ping even remot desktop comput network."} {"id": "746", "contents": "list network computers, probabl see list media devic access. double-click doubl tap comput network, see comput share network. access share resources, double-click double-tap it. network comput share resourc user account, \u201cwindow security\u201d prompt shown."} {"id": "747", "contents": "folder shared, user comput connect folder network. user connect share, can: oper user carri depend level permiss granted."} {"id": "748", "contents": "serotonin neurotransmitt serotonin neurotransmitt involv transmiss nerv impulses. neurotransmitt chemic messeng within brain allow commun nerv cells. packet serotonin (vesicles) releas end presynapt cell synapt cleft."} {"id": "749", "contents": "neurotransmitt affect sleep cycl melatonin, adenosine, dopamin serotonin. furthermore, hormon interact sleep includ cortisol, thyroid hormon growth hormone."} {"id": "750", "contents": "estrogen primari \u201cfemale\u201d hormone, it\u2019 intim relat serotonin, neurotransmitt help us feel peac happy. fact, studi shown estrogen function like natur prozac, inhibit breakdown serotonin, make serotonin potent brain."} {"id": "751", "contents": "serotonin also precursor critic neurotransmitt call melatonin. melatonin produc cyclic process driven reduct light avail serotonin. melatonin one power hormon relat sleep."} {"id": "752", "contents": "seroton act ne urotransmitter, type chemic help relay signal one area brain another. although serotonin manufactur brain, perform primari functions, 90% serotonin suppli found digest tract blood platelets."} {"id": "753", "contents": "key point serotonin. detail support inform main article. serotonin import chemic neurotransmitt human body. commonli regard chemic respons maintain mood balance. serotonin creat biochem convers process."} {"id": "754", "contents": "serotonin. chemic produc brain function neurotransmitter. low serotonin level associ mood disorders, particularli depression. medic known select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris) use treat bdd disord character depress mood."} {"id": "755", "contents": "serotonin import chemic neurotransmitt human body. commonli regard chemic respons maintain mood balance. serotonin creat biochem convers process."} {"id": "756", "contents": "arab offici languag algeria, egypt, iraq, jordan, kuwait, lebanon, libya, mauritania, morocco, oman, saudi arabia, sudan, syria, tunisia, unit arab emirates, western sahara, yemen well one six offici languag unit nations. use neither conversation, non-religi writing. such, classic arab primarili learn read recit islam religi texts. formal modern standard arab offici languag arab world."} {"id": "757", "contents": "phoenician usual written right left, although text written boustrophedon. 2005, unesco regist phoenician alphabet memori world programm heritag lebanon. phoenician adapt alphabet extrem successful, variant adapt around mediterranean 9th centuri bc, notabl give rise greek, old italic, anatolian paleohispan scripts."} {"id": "758", "contents": "first document record written arab date earli 4th centuri ad, use earli 7th centuri languag qur\u2019an led arab becom major world languag today. islam spread throughout world, chosen languag well. use neither conversation, non-religi writing. such, classic arab primarili learn read recit islam religi texts. formal modern standard arab offici languag arab world."} {"id": "759", "contents": "sever previou attempt write chines use letter roman alphabet, 58-symbol write system final adopt 1958. main aim facilit spread nghu, learn chine's characters. pin-yin widespread use. possibl identifi 'clusters' languag certain featur common, 50 lolo languages, spoken around million peopl part burma, thailand, vietnam, laos, china. 80 naga, kuki chin languag spoken burma india, compris anoth group."} {"id": "760", "contents": "chinese, burmes tibetan two main languag family. burmes spoken 25 million peopl burma mother tongue, sever million use second languag throughout region. written record date 11th century. possibl identifi 'clusters' languag certain featur common, 50 lolo languages, spoken around million peopl part burma, thailand, vietnam, laos, china. 80 naga, kuki chin languag spoken burma india, compris anoth group."} {"id": "761", "contents": "8th centuri b.c., phoenician alphabet spread greece, refin enhanc record greek language. phoenician charact kept, other removed, paramount innov use letter repres vowels."} {"id": "762", "contents": "phoenician alphabet deriv egyptian hieroglyph becam one wide use write systems, spread phoenician merchant across mediterranean world, evolv assimil mani cultures. paleo-hebrew alphabet directli deriv phoenician. phoenician adapt alphabet extrem successful, variant adapt around mediterranean 9th centuri bc, notabl give rise greek, old italic, anatolian paleohispan scripts."} {"id": "763", "contents": "written languag evolut write system use eastern slav histori plan languag chang reform. process chang begin written languag present-day write system explain cite four import events."} {"id": "764", "contents": "phoenician alphabet contain 22 letters, consonants, describ abjad, matr lectioni use vowel certain late varieties. use write phoenician, northern semit language, use civil phoenicia. phoenician adapt alphabet extrem successful, variant adapt around mediterranean 9th centuri bc, notabl give rise greek, old italic, anatolian paleohispan scripts."} {"id": "765", "contents": "cuneiform. cuneiform system write use extens ancient middl east. cuneiform employ write number languag end 4th millennium bc 1st centuri bc. spread develop cuneiform. although begun sumerians, eventually, sumerian write system adopt akkadians, semit invad establish mesopotamia middl 3rd millennium."} {"id": "766", "contents": "averag lvn salari job post houston, tx 13% higher averag lvn salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "767", "contents": "averag salari lvn job houston, tx $35,000. averag lvn salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term lvn anywher job listing."} {"id": "768", "contents": "annual start salari lvn, licens vocat nurse, $25,000 $40,000 range. hourli basis, salari start lvn vari $14 $24. addit larg region variances, start salari also depend specialti nurse."} {"id": "769", "contents": "averag lvn salaries. averag salari lvn job houston, tx $35,000. averag lvn salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term lvn anywher job listing."} {"id": "770", "contents": "licens vocat nurs (lvn) austin, texa earn averag wage $20.51 per hour. skill geriatr associ high pay job. peopl move job 20 years' experi career. $30,201 $61,277."} {"id": "771", "contents": "averag salari lvn job san antonio, tx $22,000. averag lvn salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term lvn anywher job listing."} {"id": "772", "contents": "bromin common endocrin disruptor found number place everyday world, includ pesticides, plastic (use make computer), bakeri goods, soda, medications, fire retardants, bromine-bas hot tub swim pool treatments."} {"id": "773", "contents": "pure bromin diatomic, br 2. bromin nonmetal element liquid ordinari temperatures. dense, reddish-brown liquid evapor easili room temperatur red vapor strong, chlorine-lik odor. bromin less reactiv chlorin fluorin reactiv iodine."} {"id": "774", "contents": "bromin (from greek: \u03b2\u03c1\u1ff6\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2, bromos, br\u00f3mo meaning-strong smell or) stench chemic element symbol, br atom number. 35 a. halogen diatom element br occur naturally. instead, bromin exist exclus bromid salt diffus amount crustal rock. owe leaching, bromid salt accumul sea water 65 part per million (ppm), less chloride."} {"id": "775", "contents": "believ 10 fact people. bromin nonmetal chemic element bear distinct nonmetal element liquid room temperature. highli toxic extrem reactive, requir extrem care handled."} {"id": "776", "contents": "bromine. bromin element belong group chlorin iodine. pure state, bromin reddish-orang liquid give unpleas odor, natur combin substanc form salt."} {"id": "777", "contents": "element bromin fume red-brown liquid room temperature, corros toxic, properti chlorin iodine. diatom element br occur naturally. instead, bromin exist exclus bromid salt diffus amount crustal rock. owe leaching, bromid salt accumul sea water 65 part per million (ppm), less chloride."} {"id": "778", "contents": "bromin natur occur element liquid room temperature. brownish-r color bleach-lik odor, dissolv water. breath bromin ga could caus cough, troubl breathing, get headache, irrit mucou membran (insid mouth, nose, etc.), dizzy, wateri eyes. get bromin liquid ga skin could caus skin irrit burns."} {"id": "779", "contents": "bromid chemic compound contain bromid ion ligand. bromin atom ionic charg \u22121 (br \u2212); example, caesium bromide, caesium cation (c +) electr attract bromid anion (br \u2212) form electr neutral ionic compound csbr. term bromid also refer bromin atom oxid number \u22121 coval compound sulfur dibromid (sbr 2)."} {"id": "780", "contents": "element bromin exist diatom molecule, br 2. dense, mobile, slightli transpar reddish-brown liquid, evapor easili standard temperatur pressur give orang vapor (it color resembl nitrogen dioxide) strongli disagre odor resembl chlorine. diatom element br occur naturally. instead, bromin exist exclus bromid salt diffus amount crustal rock. owe leaching, bromid salt accumul sea water 65 part per million (ppm), less chloride."} {"id": "781", "contents": "bromin non-metal element liquid room temperatur standard pressure. red liquid easili evapor smells. bromin approxim 3,12 time heavier water. temperatur 58,8 \u00b0c becom gaseous, wherea \u20137,3 \u00b0c lower temperatur solid. bromin substanc disinfect use altern chlorine. swim pools, bromin use format growth algae, bacteria odor swim water. unit states, bromin use sinc 1936 treat"} {"id": "782", "contents": "haemophilu influenza type (hib) also caus mening adult children. mening children becom less common children receiv hib vaccin infanc well pneumococc vaccin (prevnar). bacteri mening occur number reasons. mening usual caus one number bacteria. common streptococcu pneumoniae. neisseria meningitidi caus outbreak crowd conditions, colleg dormitori militari barracks. haemophilu influenza type (hib) also caus mening adult children"} {"id": "783", "contents": "lead caus bacteri mening unit state includ haemophilu influenza (most often caus type b, hib), streptococcu pneumoniae, group streptococcus, listeria monocytogenes, neisseria meningitidis. germ caus bacteri mening contagious. bacteria spread exchang (e.g., kissing) respiratori throat secret (e.g., saliva mucus). fortunately, bacteria caus mening contagi virus caus common cold flu."} {"id": "784", "contents": "haemophilu influenza type (hib) common caus mening infant young children hib vaccin introduc infants. vaccin avail neisseria meningitidi streptococcu pneumoniae. they'r recommend children adult special risk. viral mening common bacteri form gener -- alway -- less serious. trigger number viruses, includ sever caus diarrhea. peopl viral mening much less like perman brain damag infect resolves."} {"id": "785", "contents": "haemophilu mening frequent caus haemophilu influenza type b, also known hib. effect vaccin becam avail wide used, hib frequent caus bacteri mening children year age younger. illinois, averag 230 case report annually. viral mening (also call asept meningitis) common type mening less sever bacteri meningitis. illinois, averag 600 case asept mening report annually, occur late summer earli autumn."} {"id": "786", "contents": "mening almost alway caus bacteri viral infect began elsewher body, ears, sinuses, upper respiratori tract. less common caus mening includ fungal infection, autoimmun disorders, medications. viral mening common bacteri form gener -- alway -- less serious. trigger number viruses, includ sever caus diarrhea. peopl viral mening much less like perman brain damag infect resolves."} {"id": "787", "contents": "bacteri mening caus one sever bacteria. common bacteria caus mening children adult u.s. neisseria meningitidi (meningococcus), streptococcu pneumonia (pneumococcus) and, older patient decreas immunity, listeria monocytogenes. viral mening common bacteri form gener -- alway -- less serious. trigger number viruses, includ sever caus diarrhea. peopl viral mening much less like perman brain damag infect resolves."} {"id": "788", "contents": "inflamm may caus infect viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, less commonli certain drugs. mening life-threaten inflammation' proxim brain spinal cord; therefore, condit classifi medic emergency. common symptom mening headach neck stiff associ fever, confus alter consciousness, vomiting, inabl toler light (photophobia) loud nois (phonophobia)."} {"id": "789", "contents": "meningococc meningitis, caus neisseria meningitidis, primarili diseas young children, incid case declin older year age. diseas common winter spring. persons, bacteria caus sever blood infect call meningococcemia. viral mening (also call asept meningitis) common type mening less sever bacteri meningitis. illinois, averag 600 case asept mening report annually, occur late summer earli autumn."} {"id": "790", "contents": "recommend facebook tweet sharecompartir. mening diseas caus inflamm protect membran cover brain spinal cord known meninges. inflamm usual caus infect fluid surround brain spinal cord. mening may develop respons number causes, usual bacteria viruses, mening also caus physic injury, cancer certain drugs. thus, import know specif caus meningitis. bacteri mening bacteria, like neisseria meningitidi streptococcu pneumoniae, caus life-threaten infect need immedi medic attention. vaccin prevent kind bacteri"} {"id": "791", "contents": "gener motor compani (gm) ownership summari provid snapshot institut hold activ particular stock. institut hold summari data encompass hold chang recent 13f filings."} {"id": "792", "contents": "gm good stock own? find bought gener motor company, sold gener motor compani (gm) stock, hold larg posit gener motor company."} {"id": "793", "contents": "2011, gener motor produc vehicl 37 countri thirteen brands: alpheon, chevrolet, buick, gmc, cadillac, holden, hsv, opel, vauxhall, wuling, baojun, jie fang, uzdaewoo. gener motor hold 20% stake imm, 77% stake gm korea."} {"id": "794", "contents": "current company, gener motor compani llc, (new gm), found 2009, bankruptci gener motor corpor (old gm). new, smaller, compani purchas mani asset old gm, includ name gener motors."} {"id": "795", "contents": "gener motor company, commonli known gm, american multin corpor headquart detroit, michigan, designs, manufactures, market distribut vehicl vehicl part sell financi services."} {"id": "796", "contents": "ford motor compani owns: lincoln small stake mazda. gener motor owns: buick, cadillac, chevrolet, gmc. gm own control interest opel vauxhal europ holden australia. (the u.s. treasuri depart process sell remain gm stock holidngs.). honda owns: acura."} {"id": "797", "contents": "profession installation, lamin countertop cost $40-$65 per squar foot; $1,200-$1,950 typic kitchen. home improv store lowe' home depot sell prefabr section lamin countertop $50-$200 per section. sheet lamin cost $30-$150 per sheet, depend size sheet color style laminate. lamin sheet mani sizes, 30-60 inch wide 36-144 inch long sold lowe's."} {"id": "798", "contents": "solid surfac countertop cost $40-$80 per squar foot, $1,200-$2,400 typic kitchen. tile countertop cost $1-$255 per squar foot, $30-$7,650 typic kitchen. tile countertop cost $1-$255 per squar foot, $30-$7,650 typic kitchen. wood countertop cost $30-$105 per squar foot, $900-$3,1"} {"id": "799", "contents": "videos. average, expect countertop rang price $40 $100 per squar foot installed, accord 2013 report consum reports. granit countertop rang $50 $250 per squar foot, tile counter start littl $10; butcher block $30, solid surfac $35."} {"id": "800", "contents": "averag cost new countertop instal $3,401, import realiz much vari project project. price depend size kitchen, simplic layout materi used."} {"id": "801", "contents": "stone countertops, includ granite, natur stone quartz resin (engin stone) cost $4-$150 per squar foot, $120-$4,500 typic 30 squar foot kitchen countertop. stone tile cost $4-$20 per squar foot; slab stone countertop cost $50-$150 per squar foot. tile countertop cost $1-$255 per squar foot, $30-$7,650 typic kitchen. wood countertop cost $30-$105 per squar foot, $900-$3,1"} {"id": "802", "contents": "lamin countertop cost $7-$30 per squar foot, $210-$900 typic kitchen. solid surfac countertop cost $40-$80 per squar foot, $1,200-$2,400 typic kitchen. tile countertop cost $1-$255 per squar foot, $30-$7,650 typic kitchen. tile countertop cost $1-$255 per squar foot, $30-$7,650 typic kitchen. wood countertop cost $30-$105 per squar foot, $900-$3,1"} {"id": "803", "contents": "new countertop cost $50 $100 per squar foot. countertop 27 ft.\u00b2 cost countertop would rang anywher $1350 $2722."} {"id": "804", "contents": "custom lamin countertops--with lamin cut glu base factori custom specifications--cost $7-$30 per squar foot, depend brand, color, finish edg style. typic kitchen 30 squar feet countertop area cost $210-$900, includ profession installation. sheet lamin cost $30-$150 per sheet, depend size sheet color style laminate. lamin sheet mani sizes, 30-60 inch wide 36-144 inch long sold lowe's."} {"id": "805", "contents": "gener speaking, cost instal wood countertop averag $3,000 $6,000, cost vari depend type wood countertop fashioned. wood countertop popular, also requir monthli sealing. granit countertop among popular countertop kitchen today. averag cost instal granit countertop $3,100 $4,500, depend surfac size materials."} {"id": "806", "contents": "cost instal 100-square-foot slate countertop averag $7,700 $10,800. slate hard, nonpor materi subdu finish. come variat black, brown gray, found blue, green red highlight throughout. granit countertop among popular countertop kitchen today. averag cost instal granit countertop $3,100 $4,500, depend surfac size materials."} {"id": "807", "contents": "ham thaw safely? three safe way thaw ham: refrigerator, cold water (in airtight leak-proof bag), microwave. best plan ahead slow, safe thaw refrigerator. take hour per pound. cold water thaw faster refriger thaw requir attention. put ham leak-proof packag plastic bag submerg cold tap water, chang water everi 30 minutes. estim 30 minut per pound ham."} {"id": "808", "contents": "web site visit say thaw refriger take hour per pound small ham, hour larg ham. thaw cold water, take hour small ham 30 minut per pound"} {"id": "809", "contents": "three safe way thaw ham: refrigerator, cold water (in airtight leak-proof bag), microwave. best plan ahead slow, safe thaw refrigerator. take hour per pound. cold water thaw faster refriger thaw requir attention. put ham leak-proof packag plastic bag submerg cold tap water, chang water everi 30 minutes."} {"id": "810", "contents": "chang water everi 20 30 minut ham thawed. thaw time depend larg shape ham, flat cut thaw quickly, expect 5-pound ham need least hours. cook water-thaw ham day."} {"id": "811", "contents": "common question consult interviews. call \u201cestim question\u201d. see either chapter book case interview secret http://www.caseinterviewsecrets.com similar chapter titl search articl topic http://www.caseinterview.com/search. so, two-sect article, i'll first address key question interview ask speak candidates. second section, i'll outlin key stage within consult interview offer quick tip help ensur convey right answer questions."} {"id": "812", "contents": "hi, name victor cheng. i'm former mckinsey consultant, resum screener, case interviewer. discov pass 60 61 case interview land consult job offers, get free hour case interview train video case secret email newslett i'm famou for. receiv members-onli resources, regist free instant access:"} {"id": "813", "contents": "case interview kind job interview commonli use consultancies. specif interview type use assess candidates. case interview well suit find candidate\u2019 quantit qualit skill necessari consulting."} {"id": "814", "contents": "get cash consult case interview question email learn more! find link common type manag consult case interview question. case question taken directli 'ace case' guid (2015 edtion)."} {"id": "815", "contents": "\u201ccase interview frameworks\u201d one search phrase consult prep. indeed, it\u2019 one core concept case interview everi candid understand realli well. simpli put, case interview framework like standard templates, use structur break common busi problems."} {"id": "816", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. case interview job interview applic given question, situation, problem challeng ask resolv situation. case often busi situat busi case interview work real life. case interview also conduct group exercise. sever candid given brief materi busi problem ask discuss agre upon solution."} {"id": "817", "contents": "improv consult interview performance, help get back fundamentals. legendari basketbal coach john wooden famou tell player first practice, gentleman, basketball.. so, two-sect article, i'll first address key question interview ask speak candidates. second section, i'll outlin key stage within consult interview offer quick tip help ensur convey right answer questions."} {"id": "818", "contents": "tackl consult interview (which i'll refer interchang case interview common term), quit possibl experi sort mental overload associ case interview frameworks, tips, feedback come dozen differ sources. so, two-sect article, i'll first address key question interview ask speak candidates. second section, i'll outlin key stage within consult interview offer quick tip help ensur convey right answer questions."} {"id": "819", "contents": "case interview uniqu type job interview techniqu use predominantli manag consult firm (and increasngli invest bank tech companies) better screen candidates, assess analyt skill pressur real-tim environment. consult firm even take hand written note interview conclud help assess discuss perform candid colleagues. light convers \u201cget know you\u201d type questions, interview pose case question."} {"id": "820", "contents": "article. bacteri viral infect mani thing common. type infect caus microb -- bacteria viruses, respect -- spread thing as: cough sneezing. contact infect people, especi kiss sex."} {"id": "821", "contents": "acut viral infections. acut viral infect character rapid onset disease, rel brief period symptoms, resolut within days. usual accompani earli product infecti virion elimin infect host immun system"} {"id": "822", "contents": "viral infect common name sever kind diseas caus viruses. diseas common, asid viruses, symptom like fever fatigue, make feel miserable. viral infect diseas caus differ kind viruses, influenza-viru best known."} {"id": "823", "contents": "infect invas organism' bodi tissu disease-caus agents, multiplication, reaction host tissu organ toxin produce. infecti disease, also known transmiss diseas communic disease, ill result infection. bacteri viral infect caus kind symptoms. difficult distinguish caus specif infection. import distinguish, viral infect cannot cure antibiotics."} {"id": "824", "contents": "viral diseas extrem widespread infect caus viruses, type microorganism. mani type virus caus wide varieti viral diseases. common type viral diseas common cold, caus viral infect upper respiratori tract (nose throat)."} {"id": "825", "contents": "mechan natur resist viral infect poorli understood, suscept particular viru somehow species-specific; example, chickenpox, caus varicella zoster virus, seen humans. techniqu also use diagnosi caus viral infection, includ serolog tests, fluoresc antibodi microscop examination, microscop examination, skin tests. mani viral diseases, includ mumps, smallpox, measles, one attack confer perman immunity."} {"id": "826", "contents": "viral infection, diseas caus one approxim 200 virus pathogen humans. communic danger diseas known; caus mild transient condit pass virtual unnoticed. cell damag viral attack, diseas exists. techniqu also use diagnosi caus viral infection, includ serolog tests, fluoresc antibodi microscop examination, microscop examination, skin tests. mani viral diseases, includ mumps, smallpox, measles, one attack confer perman immunity."} {"id": "827", "contents": "viral infection: infect caus presenc viru body. depend viru person' state health, variou virus infect almost type bodi tissue, brain skin. viral infect cannot treat typic antibiot (antibacteri antibiotics); fact, case use antibacteri antibiot may caus side-effect complic viral infection."} {"id": "828", "contents": "might think, bacteri infect caus bacteria, viral infect caus viruses. perhap import distinct bacteria virus antibiot drug usual kill bacteria, effect viruses."} {"id": "829", "contents": "viral diseas (or viral infection) occur organism' bodi invad pathogen viruses, infecti viru particl (virions) attach enter suscept cells. contents."} {"id": "830", "contents": "esteban carlo rey (1960-2012) mayor tijuana boss mexican drug, arm human traffick organ featur season 4. one mani folk devil ultim best nanci botwin-bloom. primari antagonist season 6. demian demi\u00e1n. bichir esteban carlo (reyes-1960) 2012 mayor tijuana boss mexican, drug arm human traffick organ featur season. one mani folk devil ultim best nancy-botwin. bloom primari antagonist season and."} {"id": "831", "contents": "demian demi\u00e1n. bichir esteban carlo (reyes-1960) 2012 mayor tijuana boss mexican, drug arm human traffick organ featur season. one mani folk devil ultim best nancy-botwin. bloom demian demi\u00e1n. bichir esteban carlo (reyes-1960) 2012 mayor tijuana boss mexican, drug arm human traffick organ featur season. one mani folk devil ultim best nancy-botwin. bloom primari antagonist season and."} {"id": "832", "contents": "first mention esteban' sibling. sum famili up, esteban son gladi diego ricardo montoya de la rosa ramirez, ram\u00edrez a, (daughter'esteban s) sister 17 year old, estecarlotta brother farm central. america 2005, esteban start friend zack, cody, maddie, london, help troubles, etc. 2008, knew twin london go s.s. tipton. season suit life deck, came aboard s.s. tipton wed there."} {"id": "833", "contents": "filmmak debut ryan conley mike raine. estaban documentari film explor life time former number nation rank high school basketbal prospect, estaban weaver. written direct by: ryan conley mike raine. shot by: mike raine. music by: zach huston. facebook.com/estabanweaverdocumentary. sports."} {"id": "834", "contents": "1992, esteban' sister, estecarlotta born. 1995 esteban hector start studies, esteban especi hoteleri studies. finish 1998, travel unit state hector, dream basebal player. 2005, esteban start friend zack, cody, maddie, london, help troubles, etc. 2008, knew twin london go s.s. tipton. season suit life deck, came aboard s.s. tipton wed there."} {"id": "835", "contents": "actor produc director. demian demi\u00e1n bichir najera born mexico, city, mexico maricruz (najera n\u00e1jera maria mar\u00eda de la), cruz najera, n\u00e1jera botello (actress alejandro), bichir alejandro bichir. batr theatr director parents. met theatr two brothers. also actor actor produc director. demian demi\u00e1n bichir najera born mexico, city, mexico maricruz (najera n\u00e1jera maria mar\u00eda de la), cruz najera, n\u00e1jera botello (actress alejandro), bichir alejandro bichir."} {"id": "836", "contents": "report abuse. esteban (born 1948 pittsburgh, pa) stage name guitarist stephen paul. recogniz bolero hat sunglasses, esteban gain commerci success sell cd guitar qvc hsn. earli life esteban son steelwork one four children. earliest influenc benni goodman, andr andr\u00e9s, segovia vincente. gomez was'esteban uncl bought first, guitar a-nylon stringed, goya eight a. half"} {"id": "837", "contents": "actor produc director. demian demi\u00e1n bichir najera born mexico, city, mexico maricruz (najera n\u00e1jera maria mar\u00eda de la), cruz najera, n\u00e1jera botello (actress alejandro), bichir alejandro bichir. batr theatr director parents. met theatr actor produc director. demian demi\u00e1n bichir najera born mexico, city, mexico maricruz (najera n\u00e1jera maria mar\u00eda de la), cruz najera, n\u00e1jera botello (actress alejandro), bichir alejandro bichir."} {"id": "838", "contents": "nat hickey 1947-48 provid steamrollers, 46, oldest player nba history. shaquil o'neal oldest player current play nba 38 years, 331 days."} {"id": "839", "contents": "robert parish third-oldest nba player. oldest player ever play nba nat hickey play one game 1947\u201348 season 45 year 363 day old. hickey, coach provid steamrol time, decid activ play game steamrollers. bull 1997 finals, parish becam oldest player ever win nba championship. 22 player play nba turn 40. oldest activ player andr miller, 39 year old."} {"id": "840", "contents": "answer thegman30. confid vote 472. oldest player ever play nba nat hickey play one game 1947-48 season 45 year 363 day old. shaquil o'neal oldest player current play nba 38 years, 331 days."} {"id": "841", "contents": "youngest: 2005, lo angel laker draft high school senior name andrew bynum. skip colleg ball enter nba less week 18th birthday. oldest: 21 nba player ever hit court 40th birthdays. nat hickey oldest. play provid steamrol earli year nba, play final game januari 1948, three day shi 46th birthday. heaviest player nba history: oliv miller, play five team 1990 weigh 375 pounds. smallest: 5\u20197\u201d\u2014a full foot leagu average, two full feet shorter gheorgh muresan\u2014spud webb tie fourth place list shortest-ev nba players."} {"id": "842", "contents": "nat hickey, age 46, oldest nba player time. play provid steamrol 1947-48 season. play one game season. shaquil o'neal oldest player current play nba 38 years, 331 days."} {"id": "843", "contents": "youngest player ever play nba andrew bynum play first game age 18 year day old. bynum, also youngest player ever select nba draft, went nba straight high school. bull 1997 finals, parish becam oldest player ever win nba championship. 22 player play nba turn 40. oldest activ player andr miller, 39 year old."} {"id": "844", "contents": "oldest nba player ever? oldest player ever play nba nat hickey play one game 1947-48 season 45 year 363 day old. shaquil o'neal oldest player current play nba 38 years, 331 days."} {"id": "845", "contents": "youngest player ever play nba andrew bynum, play first game six day 18th birthday. oldest activ player minnesota timberwolv guard andr miller, 39 year old. bull 1997 finals, parish becam oldest player ever win nba championship. 22 player play nba turn 40. oldest activ player andr miller, 39 year old."} {"id": "846", "contents": "legal way avoid brokerag fee import good usa canada courier compani like ups, fedex, without drive hundr mile port entry. cbsa offici repli up forc custom pay outrag custom brokerag fee illegally."} {"id": "847", "contents": "example: leas commiss percent 5-year leas $12,000 per month, multipli $12,000 60 month arriv $720,000 broker paid percent, $28,800. fee paid broker execut trade, base number shares, bonds, options, and/or dollar value. 1975, deregul led establish discount brokers, charg lower commiss full servic brokers."} {"id": "848", "contents": "brokerag fee fee charg brokerag compani facilit transact buyer sellers. two main type brokerag fees: flat fee, fee base percentag transaction. example, brokerag compani may charg flat fee $7 stock price $1 above. stock $1, brokerag compani may charg flat fee $7 plu 0.5% transaction. usual extra brokerag fee charg option trading. example, brokerag compani may charg flat fee $7 plu $1.25 per contract option ord"} {"id": "849", "contents": "brokerag firm act intermediari purchas seller. broker deal commun buyer seller accept price anyth sold purchased."} {"id": "850", "contents": "$1,000. cases, fee pay brokerag split 50/50 agent. $3,600 broker fee, agent show apart receiv $1,800. often, though, broker show apart repres exclus anoth firm. rent fee apart broker, simpli mean landlord pay broker, fee alreadi built rent. often case luxuri high rise buildings, apart difficult rent"} {"id": "851", "contents": "broker fees. 70% 80% homeown use real estat agent broker buy sell home. sinc agent work commissions, they\u2019r paid home sell don\u2019t receiv payment settlement. agent go work hard you."} {"id": "852", "contents": "definit 'brokerag fee'. fee charg agent, agent' compani facilit transact buyer sellers. brokerag fee charg servic negotiations, sales, purchases, deliveri advic transaction. next up. break 'brokerag fee'. mani type brokerag fee ad area insurance, realty, deliveri servic stocks. brokerag fee usual base either percentag transact flat fee. also combin two. exampl fee breakdown typic stock brokerage: stock price $2: per share 999 share"} {"id": "853", "contents": "broker fee new york. manhattan, typic broker fee 15% year\u2019 rent. mean $2,000/month apartment, you\u2019ll pay broker 12 $2,000 0.15 $3,600, once, time leas signing. words, pay 1.8 month extra. rent fee apart broker, simpli mean landlord pay broker, fee alreadi built rent. often case luxuri high rise buildings, apart difficult rent"} {"id": "854", "contents": "scabies, known seven-year itch, contagi skin infest mite sarcopt scabiei. common symptom sever itchi pimple-lik rash. occasion tini burrow may seen skin. first infected, usual two six week requir symptom occur. person develop second infect later life, symptom may begin within day."} {"id": "855", "contents": "pruritis, itchi skin, mani causes. learn more. dri skin. itchi skin caus dri skin. bruises. learn caus bruises, prevent them. paronychia (nail infection). nail infect one common skin problems. find causes, treatment prevent nail infections. impetigo highli contagi bacteri skin infection. read symptoms, caus treatment impetigo. mrsa (methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureusis). mrsa bacterium harder treat strain staph infect resist commonli use antibiotics."} {"id": "856", "contents": "review laura j. martin, md. march 24, 2011 -- itching, like yawning, may contagious, caus peopl feel urg scratch see anoth person scratching. that\u2019 accord new studi publish british journal dermatolog"} {"id": "857", "contents": "scabi one three common skin disord children, along ringworm bacteri skin infections. 2010 affect approxim 100 million peopl (1.5% world population) equal common sexes. common symptom sever itchi pimple-lik rash. occasion tini burrow may seen skin. first infected, usual two six week requir symptom occur. person develop second infect later life, symptom may begin within day."} {"id": "858", "contents": "infecti skin diseas dog includ contagi non-contagi infect infestations. contagi infect includ parasitic, bacterial, fungal viral skin diseases. one common contagi parasit skin diseas sarcopt canin scabies. anoth mang caus demodex (demodicosis), though form mang contagious. anoth contagi infest caus mite, cheyletiella. dog infest contagi lice"} {"id": "859", "contents": "highli contagi itchi skin parasites. skin parasit itchi biti practic drive crazy. ladi writes, \u201cwe restaurant. use toilet came contact water seat. say can\u2019t get diseas toilet seats, disagree."} {"id": "860", "contents": "review laura j. martin, md. march 24, 2011 -- itching, like yawning, may contagious, caus peopl feel urg scratch see anoth person scratching. that' accord new studi publish british journal dermatology."} {"id": "861", "contents": "dog skin disord among common health problem dogs. skin disord dog mani causes, mani common skin disord afflict peopl counterpart dogs. condit dog' skin coat also import indic gener health. one common contagi parasit skin diseas sarcopt canin scabies. anoth mang caus demodex (demodicosis), though form mang contagious. anoth contagi infest caus mite, cheyletiella."} {"id": "862", "contents": "common symptoms. common symptom scabies, itch skin rash, caus sensit (a type \u201callergic\u201d reaction) protein fece parasite. sever itch (pruritus), especi night, earliest common symptom scabies."} {"id": "863", "contents": "certain bacteria commonli live skin mani peopl without caus harm. however, bacteria caus skin infect enter bodi cuts, open wounds, break skin. symptom may includ redness, swelling, pain, pus. group streptococcu (gas) strep common bacterium (bacterium singular form plural, bacteria) found skin throat (strep throat). peopl carri ga symptom ill may develop rel mild skin infections, includ impetigo."} {"id": "864", "contents": "roth ira individu retir account offer tax-fre growth tax-fre withdraw retirement. roth ira rule dictat long own account years* age 59\u00bd older, withdraw money want owe feder taxes."} {"id": "865", "contents": "includ gross incom qualifi distribut distribut return regular contribut roth ira(s). also includ distribut roth ira roll tax free anoth roth ira. unlik tradit ira, cannot deduct contribut roth ira. but, satisfi requirements, qualifi distribut (discuss later) tax free. contribut made roth ira reach age 70\u00bd leav amount roth ira long live."} {"id": "866", "contents": "roth ira ira that, except explain below, subject rule appli tradit ira. cannot deduct contribut roth ira. satisfi requirements, qualifi distribut tax-free. make contribut roth ira reach age 70 \u00bd. leav amount roth ira long live. account annuiti must design roth ira set up."} {"id": "867", "contents": "roth ira withdraw tax free if: withdraw amount origin contributions, regardless age. age 59 older roth five year longer (a measur first year first establish contribut roth)."} {"id": "868", "contents": "defin qualifi distribution. distribut roth ira qualifi may subject incom tax addit 10% early-distribut penalty. qualifi distribut meet follow two categori requirements: 1."} {"id": "869", "contents": "withdraw made age 59 1/2 normal retir withdraw taxed. paid tax incom first contribut roth ira. withdraw made age 59 1/2 amount contribut roth ira incom tax charged. withdraw contribut tax-free. whether withdraw roth ira tax depend factors. first, fund must roth ira least five year withdrawn. addit factor include: withdraw made."} {"id": "870", "contents": "roth ira, may impress never owe feder incom tax withdrawals. true. even worse, withdraw sock 10% penalti top incom tax bill. here' need know."} {"id": "871", "contents": "don\u2019t pay tax roth ira distribut withdraw earnings, aren\u2019t consid withdraw earn roth ira total amount you\u2019v withdrawn roth ira greater total amount contribut roth iras, includ rollov contributions. tax penalti apply. receiv non-qualifi distribut earn ira don\u2019t meet test describ above, must pay two taxes: regular incom tax plu addit 10% earli withdraw penalti tax. example: contribut $2,000 roth ira."} {"id": "872", "contents": "distribut tax ordinari income. distribut taxable, you\u2019r requir treat ordinari income. can\u2019t treat capit gain, even ira receiv earn capit gain. example: contribut $2,000 roth ira invest stock. tax penalti apply. receiv non-qualifi distribut earn ira don\u2019t meet test describ above, must pay two taxes: regular incom tax plu addit 10% earli withdraw penalti tax. example: contribut $2,000 roth ira."} {"id": "873", "contents": "roth ira contribut tax time contribut fund roth ira. however, contribut come post-tax income. pay tax incom today, future. whether withdraw roth ira tax depend factors. first, fund must roth ira least five year withdrawn. addit factor include: withdraw made."} {"id": "874", "contents": "coval bond one main type intramolecular forces, along ionic bond metal bonds. coval bond result atom share valenc electrons. coval bond polar nonpolar, depend electronegativi atom involv bond."} {"id": "875", "contents": "answer: molecul compound made two atom form chemic bond, link together. two type bond ionic bond coval bonds. ionic bond, atom bound togeth attract oppositely-charg ions. example, sodium chlorid form ionic bond, make nacl, tabl salt. coval bond, atom bound share electrons. electron share equal atom form coval bond, bond said nonpolar. usually, electron attract one atom another, form polar coval bond. example, atom water, o, held togeth polar coval bonds."} {"id": "876", "contents": "coval chemic bond involv share pair valenc electron two atoms, contrast transfer electron ionic bonds. chemic bonding. chemic compound form join two atoms. stabl compound occur total energi combin lower energi separ atoms. bound state impli net attract forc atom ..."} {"id": "877", "contents": "coval bond includ mani kind interactions, includ \u03c3-bonding, \u03c0-bonding, metal-to-met bonding, agost interactions, bent bonds, three-cent two-electron bonds. term coval bond date 1939. doubl bond two given atom consist one sigma one pi bond, tripl bond one sigma two pi bonds. coval bond also affect electroneg connect atom determin chemic polar bond."} {"id": "878", "contents": "coval bond form (right) two hydrogen atom share two electrons. coval bond chemic bond involv share electron pair atoms. doubl bond two given atom consist one sigma one pi bond, tripl bond one sigma two pi bonds. coval bond also affect electroneg connect atom determin chemic polar bond."} {"id": "879", "contents": "chemic bond. two extrem case chemic bond are: coval bond: bond one pair electron share two atoms. ionic bond: bond one electron one atom remov attach anoth atom, result posit neg ion attract other. type bond includ metal bond hydrogen bonding. chemic bonding. chemic compound form join two atoms. stabl compound occur total energi combin lower energi separ atoms. bound state impli net attract forc atom ..."} {"id": "880", "contents": "share. coval bond definition: coval bond chemic link two atom electron share them. examples: coval bond oxygen hydrogen water molecul (h o). coval bond contain two electrons-on hydrogen atom one oxygen atom. atom share electrons. return chemistri glossari index"} {"id": "881", "contents": "chemic bond attract atom allow format chemic substanc contain two atoms. bond caus electrostat forc attract opposit charges, either electron nuclei, result dipol attraction."} {"id": "882", "contents": "molecul good exampl first type coval bond, nonpolar bond. atom molecul equal attract (or affinity) electrons, bond electron equal share two atoms, nonpolar coval bond formed. chemic bond atom result compound differ parent atoms. module, second seri chemic reactions, describ atom gain, lose, share electron form ionic coval bonds."} {"id": "883", "contents": "coval bond form two atom small (nearli insignificant) differ electronegativity. valu differ electroneg two atom coval bond less 1.7. coval bond often form similar atoms, nonmet nonmet metal metal. coval bond signal complet share electrons."} {"id": "884", "contents": "human fece (or faec british english; latin: faex) f\u00e6x (fece solid waste) product human digestive, system including. bacteria vari significantli (appearance.i. e, size, colour), textur accord state digestive, system diet general. health bristol stool scale medic aid design classifi form human fece seven categories. sometim refer uk meyer scale, develop k. w. heaton univers bristol first publish scandinavian journal gastroenterolog 1997."} {"id": "885", "contents": "bacteria commonli found fece infect anim food product contamin bacteria process preparation. raw undercook chicken one common sourc human infection. cryptosporidiosi cryptosporidiosi caus infect tini parasit call cryptosporidium parvum. parasit produc cyst (eggs), pass stool infect peopl animals. cyst surviv month moist environ commonli found lake streams."} {"id": "886", "contents": "bacteria commonli found fece infect anim food product contamin bacteria process preparation. raw undercook chicken one common sourc human infection. campylobacterosis. bacteria shed stool infect anim humans. infect happen person eat food drink water milk contamin salmonella bacteria."} {"id": "887", "contents": "cryptosporidiosi diarrheal diseas caus microscop parasites, cryptosporidium, live intestin human anim pass stool infect person animal. becom infect accident swallow parasite. cryptosporidium may found soil, food, water, surfac contamin fece infect human animals."} {"id": "888", "contents": "stool cultur test detect identifi bacteria caus infect lower digest tract. test distinguish type bacteria caus diseas (pathogenic) type normal found digest tract (normal flora). test help determin pathogen bacteria caus gastrointestin symptom (gastroenteritis)."} {"id": "889", "contents": "cryptosporidiosi diarrheal diseas caus microscop parasites, cryptosporidium, live intestin human anim pass stool infect person animal. diseas parasit commonli known crypto.. becom infect accident swallow parasite. cryptosporidium may found soil, food, water, surfac contamin fece infect human animals. crypto spread contact blood."} {"id": "890", "contents": "increasingly, klebsiella bacteria develop antimicrobi resistance, recent class antibiot known carbapenems. klebsiella bacteria normal found human intestin (where caus disease). also found human stool (feces). healthcar settings, klebsiella infect commonli occur among sick patient receiv treatment conditions. mani type \u201cspecies\u201d acinetobact caus human disease, acinetobact baumannii [asz\u2212in\u2212ee\u2212\u00e9e\u2013toe\u2212back ter\u2013b\u014d\u2013maa\u2013nee] ie account about80 reported. infect acinetobact infect rare occur outsid healthcare. set"} {"id": "891", "contents": "human fece (or faec british english; latin: faex) f\u00e6x (fece solid waste) product human digestive, system including. bacteria bristol stool scale medic aid design classifi form human fece seven categories. sometim refer uk meyer scale, develop k. w. heaton univers bristol first publish scandinavian journal gastroenterolog 1997."} {"id": "892", "contents": "campylobacteriosi bacteri infection. bacteria commonli found fece infect anim food product contamin bacteria process preparation. raw undercook chicken one common sourc human infection. toxocariasis, roundworm infection, caus parasit commonli found intestin dog cats. roundworm eggs, surviv long period time environment, present infect dog cat feces."} {"id": "893", "contents": "brain one largest import organ human body. weigh three pounds, organ wide rang responsibilities. coordin movement manag emotions, brain all. name suggests, brainstem resembl stem branch. midbrain upper part branch connect forebrain. region brain send receiv information. data senses, eye ears, sent area dir"} {"id": "894", "contents": "hindbrain posterior inferior part brain connect spinal cord. consist three parts: pons, medulla oblongata cerebellum. caviti hindbrain form fourth ventricle. pon situat midbrain medulla oblongata anterior cerebellum. mainli compos nerv fiber connect two halv cerebellum. addition, also contain ascend descend fiber connect forebrain, midbrain"} {"id": "895", "contents": "midbrain is, human beings, smallest part brain. connect hindbrain forebrain, contain sever pathway import hear vision. much larger lower anim human fetus. largest and, psychologists, interest part brain forebrain."} {"id": "896", "contents": "pon part hindbrain locat medulla. form kind bridg medulla cerebellum. structur relay messag cerebellum cerebrum, part forebrain. also help control movement play role sleep."} {"id": "897", "contents": "cerebellum: cerebellum second largest part brain (after cerebrum). lie within posterior cranial fossa beneath tentorium cerebelli. posit hindbrain posterior pon medulla oblongata. connect midbrain superior cerebellar peduncles, pon middl cerebellar peduncl medulla inferior cerebellar peduncles. pon situat midbrain medulla oblongata anterior cerebellum. mainli compos nerv fiber connect two halv cerebellum. addition, also contain ascend descend fiber connect forebrain, midbrain spinal cord."} {"id": "898", "contents": "brainstem consist midbrain hindbrain. name suggests, brainstem resembl stem branch. midbrain upper part branch connect forebrain. region brain send receiv information. data senses, eye ears, sent area direct forebrain."} {"id": "899", "contents": "brain made three main parts: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain. forebrain consist cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamu (part limbic system). midbrain consist tectum tegmentum. hindbrain made cerebellum, pon medulla. often midbrain, pons, medulla refer togeth brainstem. cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action. cerebr cortex divid four sections, call lobes: frontal lobe, pariet lobe, occipit lobe, tempor lobe."} {"id": "900", "contents": "hindbrain homolog part arthropod brain known sub-oesophag ganglion, term gene express posit brain nerv cord. hindbrain subdivid variabl number transvers swell call rhombomeres. human embryo eight rhombomer distinguished, caudal rostral: rh8-rh1."} {"id": "901", "contents": "person would like die,or atleast go vegit state. hindbrain contain reflex part nervou system. includ involuntari muscl es includ cardiac muscl (heart) diegest tract muscles."} {"id": "902", "contents": "hindbrain rhombencephalon development categor portion central nervou system vertebrates. includ medulla, pons, cerebellum. togeth support vital bodili processes. hindbrain subdivid variabl number transvers swell call rhombomeres. human embryo eight rhombomer distinguished, caudal rostral: rh8-rh1."} {"id": "903", "contents": "exampl organ compound sugar, alcohol, acetone, butane, formalin, oil, albumin, vinegar starch exampl organ compound muriat acid, sand, water, bake soda, lye, limestone, milk magnesia, tabl salt lime water. exampl useful? organ compounds. organ compound member larg class gaseous, liquid, solid chemic compound whose molecul contain carbon."} {"id": "904", "contents": "mani differ exampl organ compounds. includ monosaccharides, polysaccharides, lipids, protein nucleic acid disaccharid among ot hers. ch4, ch3cooh....anyth carbon except co2 c(carbon) co... also note organ compound rare put ratio form, function group (-ch3 -cooh-cho etc) alway shown."} {"id": "905", "contents": "salt (sodium chloride, nacl) inorgan compound. classif organ compound molecul contain carbon atom. everyth els consid inorganic. molecul contain carbon also inorgan carbon dioxid calcium carbonate. 23 other found useful."} {"id": "906", "contents": "name organ compound page explain write formula organ compound given name-and vice versa. cover alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, simpl compound contain halogens, alcohols, aldehyd ketones. bottom page, find link type compound. modern organ name simpli code. part name give use inform compound. example, understand name 2-methylpropan-1-ol need take name pieces. prop middl tell mani carbon atom longest chain (in case, 3)."} {"id": "907", "contents": "organ compound quit simpli molecul contain carbon atoms. definit also includ need contain hydrogen atoms, carbon hydrogen compon necessari live things. definit hold molecules, regardless state matter in. includ cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, hemicellulose, arabinoxylan, sucrose, maltose, lactose, fructose, galactose, glucose, ribose. 3. lipids. lipid classifi organ compound due presenc carbon molecul makeup. lipid fatti waxi substanc produc natur cell plant animals, multipl function"} {"id": "908", "contents": "exampl organ compound sugar, alcohol, acetone, butane, formalin, oil, albumin, vinegar starch exampl inorgan compound muriat acid, sand, water bake soda, lye, limestone, milk magnesia, tabl salt lime water. ch4, ch3cooh....anyth carbon except co2 c(carbon) co... also note organ compound rare put ratio form, function group (-ch3 -cooh-cho etc) alway shown."} {"id": "909", "contents": "lipid fatti waxi organ compound. exampl are: n-acylethanolamine. adipocere. 2-arachidonyl glyceryl ether. arachidonyl-2'-chloroethylamide. arachidonylcyclopropylamide. archaeol. biolipid."} {"id": "910", "contents": "report abuse. organ compound (onc live organisms), gener contain carbon. (oxid carbon (like co2 co) carbon bicarbon (..co3 ..hco3), organic. organic: hydrocarbons: e.g..."} {"id": "911", "contents": "organ compound member larg class chemic compound whose molecul contain carbon; histor reason discuss below, type compound carbonates, carbon oxid cyanides, well element carbon consid inorganic. each: classif organ compound molecul contain carbon atom. everyth els consid inorganic. molecul contain carbon also inorgan carbon dioxid calcium carbonate. 23 other found useful."} {"id": "912", "contents": "planet uranu tilt 97\u00b0, henc rotat side, north pole almost plane orbit. cours orbit, obliqu change, orient axi remain rel background stars. earth 's orbit plane known eclipt plane, earth' tilt known astronom obliqu ecliptic, angl eclipt celesti equat celesti sphere. denot greek letter \u03b5. earth current axial tilt 23.4\u00b0."} {"id": "913", "contents": "astronomy, axial tilt, also known obliquity, angl object' rotat axi orbit axis, or, equivalently, angl equatori plane orbit plane. differ orbit inclination. earth 's orbit plane known eclipt plane, earth' tilt known astronom obliqu ecliptic, angl eclipt celesti equat celesti sphere. denot greek letter \u03b5. earth current axial tilt 23.4\u00b0."} {"id": "914", "contents": "geolog time chart. earth' axi tilt perpendicular plane eclipt 23.45\u00b0. tilt give us four season year-spring, summer, autumn (fall) winter. sinc axi tilted, differ part globe orient toward sun differ time year."} {"id": "915", "contents": "axi tilt critic life. tilt earth' spin axi respect plane orbit sun (the eclipt plane) import habit earth. earth' spin axi tilt 23.5\u00b0 respect ecliptic, give moder season prevent temperatur extrem anywher planet. illustration, pattern ward brownlee, summar effect differ tilt angl respect eclipt plane."} {"id": "916", "contents": "earth' axi tilt chang either. chang earth' orient rel sun. earth spin axis, also travel around sun orbit revolution. one full orbit around sun 365 earth days, one year. earth' spheric shape axi tilt, incom radiat absorb evenli across planet, distribut chang seasons. earth' rotat caus differ daytim nighttim spin axis."} {"id": "917", "contents": "planet revolv around differ axi rotation. axial tilt obliqu angl axi rotat planet perpendicular orbit plane. planet glide majest orbit around sun, leav perceiv trace gravit constraint lead. rotat axi never perpendicular orbit plane planet, inclin angl vari accord planet (see pictur against). case earth, angl januari 2013 23 26'15, 32"} {"id": "918", "contents": "2.2.3: precess climat change: precess gener climat chang without tilt axi rotation. chang orient angl earth rotat axis. caus season migrat slowli 26,000-year cycl relat solar calendar."} {"id": "919", "contents": "obliqu zero, line point direct i.e. rotat axi perpendicular orbit plane. axial tilt differ inclination. planet venu axial tilt 177\u00b0 rotat consid retrograde, opposit planets. earth 's orbit plane known eclipt plane, earth' tilt known astronom obliqu ecliptic, angl eclipt celesti equat celesti sphere. denot greek letter \u03b5. earth current axial tilt 23.4\u00b0."} {"id": "920", "contents": "axial tilt angl plane planet' rotat sun, axi rotates. earth' axial tilt 23.5 degre account seasonality. north pole point away sun northern hemispher winter, toward sun northern hemispher summer. 23 degre 26 minutes. angular differ earth' axi rotat plane ecliptic, plane earth' orbit around su n. tilt chang slowly; fraction minut arc decade."} {"id": "921", "contents": "share. tip old san juan, find fort san felip del morro, better known el morro. 16th-centuri citadel construct protect town attack sea, el morro one highlight tour old city, rocki web tunnel barracks, tower prisons."} {"id": "922", "contents": "el morro fort, offici castillo de san felip del morro, stand guard entranc san juan harbor remind by-gon era invad countri would attempt sea attack take prize citi harbor. el morro cruis ship come go harbor, you\u2019ll notic near west side fort. amaz sight see see old (fort) new (ship) right next other, old new, massive."} {"id": "923", "contents": "puerto rico map. nowadays, puerto rico el morro one visit tourist attract island. overlook old san juan one side azur caribbean other, el morro pictur ops, photo taken found everi postcard avail san juan area. 16th-centuri citadel construct protect town attack sea, el morro one highlight tour old city, rocki web tunnel barracks, tower prisons."} {"id": "924", "contents": "el morro world heritag site cover 70 acr craggi northwestern tip san juan. puerto rico el morro rise almost 150 air featur number garitas-dom cover sentri outpost becom one defin icon island itself. 16th-centuri citadel construct protect town attack sea, el morro one highlight tour old city, rocki web tunnel barracks, tower prisons."} {"id": "925", "contents": "el morro spanish term mean promontory, english may use refer resembl variou promontories. may refer to: may refer to: el morro nation monument, northwest new mexico. el morro del tulcan, tulc\u00e1n ancient pyramid southern. colombia el, morro new, mexico unincorpor villag northwest new. mexico"} {"id": "926", "contents": "castillo san felip del morro also known fort san felip del morro morro castle, 16th-centuri citadel locat san juan, puerto rico. development. castillo san felip del morro also known fort san felip del morro morro castle, 16th-centuri citadel locat san juan, puerto rico. contents."} {"id": "927", "contents": "histori el morro, castillo san felip del morro, also known, see construct sturdi fort begin 1539 author king charl spain. interest fact el morro, part sizeabl u.s. armi post year 1898 1961. this, fort overtaken u.s. nation park servic becam part san juan nation histor site."} {"id": "928", "contents": "el morro fort old san juan. brian 19 comments. locat headland overlook entranc san juan bay, el morro fort (castillo san felip del morro) built protect citi san juan seaborn enemies. arriv sea today, see impos fortress command respect attempt defeat it. 1625, dutch attack san juan, el morro resist leadership spanish governor de haro captain help local puerto rico militia. 1630, construct citi wall start complet around 1678."} {"id": "929", "contents": "el morro, new mexico, unincorpor villag northwest new mexico. castillo san felip del morro, part san juan nation histor site puerto rico. morro castl (fortress) entranc havana, cuba. may refer to: el morro nation monument, northwest new mexico. el morro del tulcan, tulc\u00e1n ancient pyramid southern. colombia el, morro new, mexico unincorpor villag northwest new. mexico"} {"id": "930", "contents": "full name castillo de san felip del morro, better known el morro, mean \u201cpromontory.\u201d perch northwestern-most point old san juan, daunt citadel must intimid sight enemi ships. el morro fell once, 1598, earl cumberland took fortress land.you\u2019l follow earl\u2019 footstep cross larg green field get fort. today, peopl come relax, picnic, fli kites; sky full clear day."} {"id": "931", "contents": "question: happen joseph father jesus. answer: know littl year jesu prior public ministry. gospel without notat childhood event beyond christ' birth except one refer found luke. matthew 1:24-25 says, joseph woke up, angel lord command took mari home wife. union gave birth son."} {"id": "932", "contents": "suppos joseph, father jesus, die quiet year jesus' life. know train jesu trade, carpenter. know joseph mari children jesu born: james, joses, simon, others. perhap caus time death nearli import strength charact displayed. first hear mary' pregnancy, joseph want subject mari public scorn. hear angel confirm mary' incredul story, joseph obedi accept role surrog father babi jesus, christ child. matthew 1:24-25 says, joseph woke up, angel lord command took mari home wife. union gave birth son."} {"id": "933", "contents": "q. gospel accounts, luke goe detail life jesus\u2019 earthli dad, joseph. luke, talk mari go back jerusalem find 12 year old jesu end left behind. course, know found temple; talk teachers."} {"id": "934", "contents": "answer: last time joseph mention bibl jesu twelv year old. return trip jerusalem, jesu becam separ parents, eventu found templ convers teachers. theori joseph die time jesu adult given credibl fact jesus, cross, made arrang mother care apostl john (john 19:26-27)."} {"id": "935", "contents": "report abuse. re: st. joseph, much known....it assum live jesus' ministri began 30 year age...but conjecture. bless virgin mari live long life...sh jesus' crucifixion bless apostl john took home care death."} {"id": "936", "contents": "profil joseph father jesu christ: god chose joseph earthli father jesus. bibl tell us gospel matthew, joseph righteou man. action toward mary, fiance, reveal kind sensit man. mari told joseph pregnant, everi right feel disgraced."} {"id": "937", "contents": "mothers' name mary. marri joseph. joseph actual father jesu adopt upon birth. jesu conceiv holi spirit. joseph promin account surround jesus' birth, flight egypt, return. mention stori jesu templ"} {"id": "938", "contents": "joseph husband mari biolog father jesus. new testament make quit clear. birth jesu christ came about: mother mari pledg marri joseph, came together, found child holi spirit (matthew 1:18). marri joseph. joseph actual father jesu adopt upon birth. jesu conceiv holi spirit. joseph promin account surround jesus' birth, flight egypt, return."} {"id": "939", "contents": "joseph (hebrew \u05d9\u05d5\u05b9\u05e1\u05b5\u05e3, yosef; greek: \u1f30\u03c9\u03c3\u03ae\u03c6, ioseph) figur gospels, husband mary, mother jesus, vener saint joseph christian traditions. christian tradit place joseph jesu foster father. accord matthew 1:16 jacob begat joseph husband mary, accord luke 3:23, joseph said [the son] heli scholar reconcil genealog view solomon lineag matthew joseph' major royal line, nathan lineag luke mary' minor line."} {"id": "940", "contents": "ivdd dogs: canin intervertebr disc diseas (ivdd) common orthoped problem seen veterinarians. disc thick plate-or disc-lik cushion lie boni vertebra spine. compos fibrou outer layer call annulu fibrosu pulpy, gelatin center call nucleu pulposus. help cushion spine dog walks, trots, runs, twists, jumps."} {"id": "941", "contents": "type ivdd typic occur chondrodystroph breeds. dog short, stubbi leg includ american cocker spaniel, basset hound, beagle, corgi, dachshund, french bulldogs, shih-tzu pekingese. poodl also predisposed. type ivdd usual come suddenli painful."} {"id": "942", "contents": "ivdd affect dogs. intervertebr disk diseas (ivdd) caus number symptom domest dogs, rang sign mild pain partial complet paralysis. case fall somewher two extremes. type acut traumat injuri ivdd, although symptom similar. ivdd involv degen process result mere sudden trauma, although sudden trauma caus ruptur herniat intervertebr disk dog whose disk alreadi weaken ivdd."} {"id": "943", "contents": "intervertebr disc diseas (ivdd) condit disc develop problem materi insid escap spinal column, ultim caus pain, nerv damage, even paralysis. two type ivdd: hansen type i, involv acute, explos herniat disc, hansen type ii, gradual, progress protrus disc material."} {"id": "944", "contents": "stori at-a-gl +. intervertebr disc diseas (ivdd) condit disc develop problem materi insid escap spinal column, ultim caus pain, nerv damage, even paralysis. condit seen often dog cats. two type ivdd: hansen type i, involv acute, explos herniat disc, hansen type ii, gradual, progress protrus disc material."} {"id": "945", "contents": "intervertebr disc diseas (ivdd) condit cushion disc vertebra spinal column either bulg burst (herniate) spinal cord space. disc press nerv run spinal cord caus pain, nerv damage, even paralysis."} {"id": "946", "contents": "intervertebr disk disease: ivdd debilit costli diseas affect multipl breeds, includ corgis, papillons, doberman pinschers, german pinschers, miniatur pinschers. ivdd particularli preval dachshunds, estim dog affected."} {"id": "947", "contents": "sinc degener disc occur earlier dogs, type ivdd. usual show first year age. type ii disc disease, tear outer layer smaller tend occur gradual period time. disc thick plate-or disc-lik cushion lie boni vertebra spine. compos fibrou outer layer call annulu fibrosu pulpy, gelatin center call nucleu pulposus. help cushion spine dog walks, trots, runs, twists, jumps."} {"id": "948", "contents": "ivdd diseas injury. trauma spinal cord result harden disc due disease. ivdd caus disc age earlier life. disc lose moistur harden longer cushion vertebra along spine. ivdd occur breed dachshunds, poodles, corgis, beagles, limit breeds. dog ivdd, disc problem happen age."} {"id": "949", "contents": "intervertebr disk diseas dog common caus back pain, rear limb paralysis, inabl walk feel back legs. lead sign intervertebr disk disease. sign thoracolumbar intervertebr disk diseas includ back pain, pelvic limb ataxia (walk wobbly), inabl stand, inabl move rear legs, even inabl feel back legs. grade scale use dogs:"} {"id": "950", "contents": "anoth essenti stori element character. charact defin person, animal, figur repres literari work. mani type charact exist literature, develop function. charact person, animal, figur repres literari work. charact essenti good story, main charact greatest effect plot affect event story."} {"id": "951", "contents": "antagonist definition. literature, antagonist charact group charact stand opposit protagonist main character. term antagonist come greek word antagonist\u0113 mean opponent, competitor rival."} {"id": "952", "contents": "protagonist definition. protagonist central charact lead figur poetry, narrative, novel story. protagonist sometim call \u201chero\u201d audienc readers. word origin came greek languag greek drama refer person led chorus. later on, word start use term first actor order performance."} {"id": "953", "contents": "definit antagonist. literature, antagonist character, group characters, forc present obstacl direct conflict protagonist. antagonist often one charact goal oppos protagonist\u2019 goal tri stop protagonist get wants. differ antagonist villain. definit antagonist state charact charact work opposit protagonist. mean, however, antagonist necessarili villain antagonist\u2019 motiv inher evil."} {"id": "954", "contents": "protagonist. definition: protagonist one root novel\u2014th charact whose life we'r concern whose inner life we'r given access to. protagonist often oppos antagonist sort, keep main charact conflict triumph it. not."} {"id": "955", "contents": "definit protagonist. protagonist main charact work literature, theater, cinema. protagonist often \u201cthe good guy\u201d odd villain antagonist, protagonist also antihero. whether protagonist good evil, audienc gener suppos empath person understand motiv propel charact does."} {"id": "956", "contents": "label term provid exampl stori exampl select appear in. example: protagonist-th protagonist \u201cmiggles\u201d miggles, attract woman live invalid partner. genre: form categori literature, epic, tragedy, comedi satire."} {"id": "957", "contents": "definition. protagonist main charact work literatur movie. mani charact surround protagonist, find main charact sometim confusing. protagonist gener experi sort chang transform charact throughout story. key defin characterist protagonist. also, stori realli focus protagonist. charact show twice disappear"} {"id": "958", "contents": "opposit protagonist antagonist. antagonist charact oppos protagonist. book series, tri oppos eric, sadist trainer, jeanin matthews, cold-hearted, prejud scientist. charact person, animal, figur repres literari work. charact essenti good story, main charact greatest effect plot affect event story."} {"id": "959", "contents": "averag salari physic therapist assistant? accord apta (american physic therapi association) median incom pta $70,000 depend position, year experience, degre education, geograph location, practic setting."} {"id": "960", "contents": "common requir becom physic therapist colleg degre physic therapi state licensure. physic therapist need strong understand health, anatomy, nutrition, along good interperson skills. need strength stamina job physic demanding. education. previou years, bachelor' degre commonli requir becom physic therapist. however, recent times, physic therapist degre program shift graduat level."} {"id": "961", "contents": "physic therapist help peopl recov ill physic injuries. work physic therapist, need earn graduat degre becom licensed. inform educ requir physic therapists, read"} {"id": "962", "contents": "physic therapist assist (pta) education, obtain capte-accredit two-year associ degre program, prepar graduat take nation licensur examin enter field physic therapi requir knowledge, skills, behavior pta."} {"id": "963", "contents": "essenti information. physic therapist work patient help retrain injur debilit muscl moving, stretch strengthen variou part body. becom physic therapist, person must obtain profession degree, usual doctor physic therapy. learn educ prepar need becom physic therapist. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti licens find career you. view 10 popular school \u00bb."} {"id": "964", "contents": "educ requir becom physic therapist. student aspir becom physic therapist requir maintain master degree. major cases, doctor degre therapi mandatory. coursework colleg usual combin classroom lectur rotat clinic set"} {"id": "965", "contents": "state requir pt becom licensed. licens requir set individu states, includ pass nation physic therapi examin (npte), administ feder state board physic therapi (fsbpt). npte computerized, multiple-choic exam."} {"id": "966", "contents": "physic therapist (pt) profession educ refer didact clinic educ prepar graduat entri practic physic therapy. educ advanc practic physic therapist term post-professional. profession (entry-level) physic therapist educ program unit state offer doctor physic therapi (dpt) degre new student enroll."} {"id": "967", "contents": "answer: pressur canning put quart water jars. place jar water come half way jar possibl shoulders. item realli long process time (corn meats) start quart water instead 3."} {"id": "968", "contents": "put fill jars, lid ring on, onto canner rack use handl lower rack water. may fill canner, one jar time, jar lifter. obviously, need quick, first jar could bath substanti longer last jar add."} {"id": "969", "contents": "jar sit danger temperatur zone long. want cool get good vacuum seal, too. also, peopl get lid pressur canner stuck come reheat canner it, jar come unseal lost food, anyway."} {"id": "970", "contents": "search want see it. .....remov jar canner place cool racks. jar seal cool, remov ring store cool, dark place. never leav process jar pressur canner overnight."} {"id": "971", "contents": "remov jar canner place kitchen towel. you\u2019v boil water bottom pot, pour content jar back canner. water level look good, dump water jar sink. fill jar prepar beans."} {"id": "972", "contents": "done, turn heat remov lid canner. use jar lifter remov jar place towel without tip tilt them. water lid leav there. evapor gentli wipe paper towel jar cooled."} {"id": "973", "contents": "water bath process readi fill jar set area. remov hot jar canner dishwash set towel. use jar lifter pour water jar. place funnel jar fill recipe."} {"id": "974", "contents": "return jar water bath use jar lifter. water simmer boiling. place jars, without tilt canner make sure rack bottom."} {"id": "975", "contents": "turn heat time up, remov canner lid leav jar insid canner minutes. remov jar canner use jar lifter/tongs, place immedi onto clean towel-cov bench overnight seal."} {"id": "976", "contents": "canner depressurized, remov weight vent port. wait minutes, unfasten lid, remov carefully. lift lid away steam burn face. leav jar canner 10 minutes. remov jar lifter, place towel cool rack, desired."} {"id": "977", "contents": "reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more."} {"id": "978", "contents": "author: brian eckert. reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more."} {"id": "979", "contents": "metro atlanta i'v given sever quot lawn care rang $60 per visit (they encourag visit month) $90 visit. 1/2 acr lot, includ trim shrub clean-up includ fertilizing. less $60 find small one-man operations."} {"id": "980", "contents": "lawn care price vari want servic hour, week month. price rang $100 $200 per month want find good price, recommend get estimates. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. fertil ($350) lawn fertil ensur soil stabil plant health."} {"id": "981", "contents": "lawn care prices. reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging."} {"id": "982", "contents": "get instant estim cost maintain lawn! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost lawn mainten project. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost maintain lawn rang $0.08 $0.34 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchas"} {"id": "983", "contents": "look barest basic services, averag cost lawn care servic small town, usa run somewher neighborhood $30 per week, put anywher $120-150 per month. set stone averag cost lawn care servic u. s. $30 week good start point consid get better idea shop around local specif area."} {"id": "984", "contents": "step 1. establish base price. averag cost cut lawn $20 $40. determin base price small, medium large-s properties. example, may charg $20 cut front back small properti take 30 60 minutes, charg $40 properti take twice long complete. step 2. encourag repeat business, give previou custom discount everi second third cutting. example, custom pay regular price two lawn cuttings, agre reduc everi third lawn servic $5 $10."} {"id": "985", "contents": "lisa edelstein star abbi mccarthi bravo' first origin script series, girlfriends' guid divorce. edelstein recogn role dr. lisa cuddi hit medic drama house, garner people' choic award favorit tv actress."} {"id": "986", "contents": "lisa edelstein paul adelstein chat access premier \u201cgirlfriend guid divorce\u201d lo angeles. attract new bravo script series?"} {"id": "987", "contents": "credit: stefani keenan/getty. 'twa weekend love! day kim kardashian kany west 's massiv european wed extravaganza, hous star lisa edelstein tie knot artist robert russel sunday, may 25, sourc confirm us weekly. photos: celeb wed 2014."} {"id": "988", "contents": "actress produc soundtrack. lisa edelstein began profession act career studi theater n.y.u.' tisch school arts. perform wide rang product broadway, author perform aids-rel music posit ellen stuart' la mama, manhattan."} {"id": "989", "contents": "lisa current star fox' medic drama, hous dr. lisa cuddy, dean medicin chief administr fiction princeton-plainsboro teach hospital. lisa edelstein someth foil protagonist, dr. gregori house."} {"id": "990", "contents": "lisa edelstein (/\u02c8li\u02d0s\u0259 \u02c8\u025bd\u0259lsti\u02d0n/ born may 21, 1966) american actress playwright best known play dr. lisa cuddi fox medic drama seri house. current star abbi mccarthi bravo seri girlfriends' guid divorce."} {"id": "991", "contents": "fallopian tube symptoms: symptom affect femal fallopian tubes. see detail inform list caus fallopian tube symptoms, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes. review caus fallopian tube symptoms: caus symptom checker \u00bb."} {"id": "992", "contents": "3) distal tubal blockag occur open fallopian tube ovaries. due infect hydrosalpinx caus chlamydia trachomati sexual transmit infection. damag part fallopian tube caus ectop pregnancy, endometriosi uterin fibroids. fallopian tube damag also occur degrees. partial complet blockage. partial blockag fallopian tube pregnanc risk ectop pregnancy."} {"id": "993", "contents": "use treat infect caus bacteria differ part body. flopen antibiot belong group medicin call penicillins. antibiot work kill bacteria caus infection. flopen work infect caus viruses, colds. take flopen pregnant plan becom pregnant unless doctor discuss risk benefit involved. take breast feed plan breast feed."} {"id": "994", "contents": "hsg (hysterosalpingogram) commonli use establish whether tube clear-or not-bi flush water-bas dye tubes. creat x-ray imag flow dye show dye either spill end tube, block unabl pass through. chlamydia often symptomless women allow organ caus block tube even know hidden infection. antibodi test show prior infect chlamydia. common tube block way, shape form."} {"id": "995", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid) gener term infect upper femal genit tract, includ uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. pid usual result ascend infect cervix. common seriou complic sexual transmit diseases, especi chlamydia gonorrhoea. damag fallopian tube tissu near uteru ovaries. complic include: infertility: risk infertil follow pid relat number episod pid severity. ectop pregnancy. chronic pelvic pain. perihepat (fitz-hugh curti syndrome): caus right upper quadrant pain. tubo-ovarian abscess. reiter' syndrom (reactiv arthritis)"} {"id": "996", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas sexual transmit infect occur bacteria gain access cervix uteru fallopian tubes, caus pain, fever, inflamm along (often) vagin discharg pain urination."} {"id": "997", "contents": "pid caus sexual transmit organ common chlamydia, current common sexual transmit disease. chlamydia often symptomless women allow organ caus block tube even know hidden infection. antibodi test show prior infect chlamydia. common tube block way, shape form. tubal factor infertil common variou caus manifest"} {"id": "998", "contents": "antibiot medicin use treat infect diseas caus bacteria (e.g. respiratori tract infect pneumonia whoop cough). antibiot use rang infect caus bacteria, includ urinari tract infections, skin infect infect wounds. antibiot save million live sinc first introduc 1940 1950s."} {"id": "999", "contents": "flucloxacillin (inn) floxacillin (usan) narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiot penicillin class. use treat infect caus suscept gram-posit bacteria. unlik penicillins, flucloxacillin activ beta-lactamase-produc organ staphylococcu aureu beta-lactamas stable."} {"id": "1000", "contents": "tell doctor pharmacist take medicines, includ medicin buy without prescript pharmacy, supermarket health food shop. medicin may interfer flopen. includ probenecid (e.g. pro-cid), medicin commonli use treat gout. take flopen pregnant plan becom pregnant unless doctor discuss risk benefit involved. take breast feed plan breast feed."} {"id": "1001", "contents": "vma test order doctor either suspect child neuroblastoma want rule possibility. doctor may order it, along homovanil acid (hva) test, child abdomin mass symptom suggest neuroblastoma. vma test may also order child treat neuroblastoma order period monitor recurrence. vma test may order along one metanephrin catecholamin test doctor suspect person pheochromocytoma."} {"id": "1002", "contents": "perform evaluation. value-ad model gener use measur specif impact influenc perform outcome. value-ad model use often area health care, educ economics, example. new! annual legisl report teacher evaluation-2013-14 evalu (pdf). whether vam requir compon specif teacher' evalu depend cours taught teacher. section 1012.34(7)(b), florida statutes, requir district measur student learn growth use formula approv commission cours associ statewid assessments."} {"id": "1003", "contents": "vma test frequent order detect pheochromocytomas, prefer test plasma free metanephrines, urin metanephrines, urin plasma catecholamin tests. vma test may still order along one test help detect rule pheochromocytoma. vma test may also order child treat neuroblastoma order period monitor recurrence. vma test may order along one metanephrin catecholamin test doctor suspect person"} {"id": "1004", "contents": "manner, value-ad model seek isol contribution, valu added, teacher provid given year, compar perform measur teachers. way, value-ad model attempt isol teacher' contribut factor outsid teacher' control known strongli affect student test performance, includ student' gener intelligence, poverty, parent involvement."} {"id": "1005", "contents": "mean 1899 coin vam-x also? no, vam number uniqu assign year mint mark. vam-1 \u201cnormal\u201d unremark die year mint mark, vam number mean thing differ coin differ mint mark differ years. vam page site contain price histori information. vamview also publish retail price guid year contain inform top 100 vams, 200 morgans, top 50 addit peac dollars."} {"id": "1006", "contents": "value-ad models, vams, attempt measur teacher' impact student achievement\u2014that is, valu adds\u2014apart factor affect achievement, individu ability, famili environment, past schooling, influenc peers. estim ad value, statistician obtain 4th 5th grade test score students, well inform background (such whether gift program special educ program)."} {"id": "1007", "contents": "like vam numbers, letter also assign one-up fashion. keep mind vam number specif date mint mark exclus date mint mark. crossover. example, 1880-o vam-2 distinguish characterist 1882- vam-2. know die featur vam design (number) shows, thu essenti appropri refer books. 1996 michael s. fey, ph.d. jeff oxman publish top 100 vam keys. end, everi morgan dollar exist either alreadi vam vam. continu process, new varieti continu discov ad list. vam-1 alway normal die state specif date/mint distinguish characteristics."} {"id": "1008", "contents": "24-hour urin collect simpl diagnost procedur measur compon urine. test noninvas (the skin pierced), use assess kidney (renal) function. twenty-four hour urin collect perform collect person' urin special contain 24-hour period. contain must kept cool time return lab analysis. result 24-hour urin collect may provid inform help doctor make confirm diagnosis. relat procedur may use diagnos kidney diseas includ kidney ultrasound, kidney scan, kidney biopsy, renal arteriogram."} {"id": "1009", "contents": "valu vam hard question answer. price combin mani factor includ rarity, grade, desir vam featur reasons. vam exceedingli rare, other common. becom rare certain grade. vam page site contain price histori information. vamview also publish retail price guid year contain inform top 100 vams, 200 morgans, top 50 addit peac dollars."} {"id": "1010", "contents": "expand references. today found actress play tv\u2019 \u201cblossom\u201d phd neuroscience. star tv show blossom, mayim bialik decid go colleg rather continu act career full time point. accept harvard yale, decid stay closer home go ucla receiv bachelor\u2019 neurosci 2000. bonu facts: bialik\u2019 first name, \u201cmayim\u201d, mean \u201cwater, water feet, urin danger, refreshment\u201d hebrew. wasn\u2019t thing list above, bialik studi danc learn play piano, trumpet, bass guitar."} {"id": "1011", "contents": "blossom american sitcom broadcast nbc juli 5, 1990 may 22, 1995. reo creat seri star mayim bialik blossom russo, teenag live father two brothers. blossom rubi russo (play mayim bialik) youngest child daughter nick maddi russo. best friend six longtim on-again off-again girlfriend vinnie."} {"id": "1012", "contents": "mayim bialik. actress soundtrack producer. mayim bialik grew san diego got first act job (pumpkinhead (1988)) 12 year old. number tv role follow 1990 cast blossom (1990), role made famou"} {"id": "1013", "contents": "mayim chaya bialik (/\u02c8ma\u026a\u0259m bi\u02c8\u0251\u02d0l\u0268k/ my-im bee-ah-lik; born decemb 12, 1975) american actress neuroscientist. 1991 1995, play titl charact nbc 's blossom. prior join cast, episod bat jar conjectur raj suggest recruit real-lif bialik physic bowl team, say know who' appar smart girl play tv' blossom. got ph.d. neurosci something.."} {"id": "1014", "contents": "nbc/getti images. then: mayim bialik play titl character, blossom, youngest daughter divorc father. blossom two brother best friend name six, togeth learn valuabl life lesson tougher element life. nbc/fx. then: role blossom' eldest brother, tony, play michael stoyanov. toni recov alcohol drug addict, eventu met fell love woman name rhonda relaps got drunk vegas."} {"id": "1015", "contents": "two year first appear ami show, mayim mention (though name) episod bat jar conjectur raj suggest recruit actress play tv' blossom join physic bowl team."} {"id": "1016", "contents": "bialik play young version bett midler' charact 1988 film beaches, went star televis show, blossom, 1990 1995. bialik pursu ph.d. neurosci ucla return acting, coincident land role neuroscientist big bang theori 2009. american actress mayim bialik best known role film beach hit televis show blossom big bang theory."} {"id": "1017", "contents": "blossom back! actress jenna von oy, play blossom' best friend six, tweet pictur excit cast reunion writing, check us @hubtvnetwork juli 7th! older, still together!!. sinc blossom went air 1995, cast gone pursu mani avenu differ televis comedies."} {"id": "1018", "contents": "know format. mla style, emb refer citat text, includ work cite page end essay. 2. cite websit text. directli sentenc refer inform website, put refer work cite page. put period end sentenc (yet). put refer parentheses. start parenthes one space away last word."} {"id": "1019", "contents": "step 4. find author inform online. cite articl author' name, use author rather websit part citation. author listed, need includ website' name. write author' name citat within text. example, accord harvey wise, sea turtl becom increasingli endangered.. may also cite refer use author' last name."} {"id": "1020", "contents": "cite text first word refer list entri (usual title) year. use doubl quotat mark around titl abbrevi title.: (all 33 chile miners, 2010). note: use full titl web page short parenthet citation."} {"id": "1021", "contents": "however, cite particular document piec inform website, includ refer list entri in-text citation. key creat refer list entri determin type content web page. basically, provid follow four piec information:"} {"id": "1022", "contents": "includ actual websit onlin refer fail includ author' name. example, cite whitehouse.gov reference, could cite refer like this: barack obama becom presid unit state 2009 (white house). includ onlin refer work cite page."} {"id": "1023", "contents": "summari flint. averag list price flint home sale trulia $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week declin 2.4%, $1,278, compar week end sep 09. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "1024", "contents": "cost live flint, michigan (mi) lower averag cost live state michigan lower nationwid citi average. averag annual pay flint $40,317.00, $6,814.00 lower salari averag michigan lower u.s. averag yearli wage $9,491.00."} {"id": "1025", "contents": "34.5%. median home valu flint 60.7% less michigan averag 72.2% less nation average. median rental rate flint 13.8% less michigan averag 26.8% less nation average. flint offer mani differ type apart rental mani differ apart communities."} {"id": "1026", "contents": "flint michigan residenti rent rental statistics. median monthli gross residenti rent flint, mi (the flint metro area) $705 2013 accord censu ac survey. averag gross rent flint $693 2013. median rent accur depict rental rate middl distribut rent thu prefer analysi below. 2014 flint median averag rent data releas septemb 2015. trend flint, mi rent fraction income. fraction median flint household incom requir pay median monthli gross rent peak 2010 (rel 2005 seri origin) 21.05%. sinc fallen 0.54% 20.51%."} {"id": "1027", "contents": "download .xls. cost live indic base us averag 100. amount 100 mean flint, michigan cheaper us average. cost live index 100 mean flint, michigan expensive. overall, flint, michigan cost live 72.50."} {"id": "1028", "contents": "median home valu michigan $120,000. michigan home valu gone 3.3% past year zillow predict rise 2.1% within next year. median rent price michigan $958. read more. mortgag delinqu first step foreclosur process"} {"id": "1029", "contents": "ask local experts. averag list price flint home sale trulia $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week declin 2.4%, $1,278, compar week end sep 09. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "1030", "contents": "averag list price home sale flint mi $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week. school flint. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "1031", "contents": "matryoshka (matrioshka, matreshka), babushka, nest doll, stack doll, nest doll world renown symbol maternity, continuity, layer personality, russia itself. nest doll uniqu russian gift, toy, home decoration."} {"id": "1032", "contents": "though russian matryoshka doll design creat abramtsevo coloni 1890, nest doll concept popular china japan long malyutin zvyozdochkin inspir put new spin abramtsevo estate."} {"id": "1033", "contents": "matryoshka doll symbol russia culture. truli doll\u2014a child' plaything\u2014but began histori 100 year ago highli collect art form."} {"id": "1034", "contents": "background. matryoshka doll symbol russia culture. truli doll\u2014a child' plaything\u2014but began histori 100 year ago highli collect art form. matryoshka doll (or, simply, matryoshka) nest doll two halv pull apart."} {"id": "1035", "contents": "1890, first matryoshka doll design paint sergey malyutin carv wood vasili zvyozdochkin. malyutin zvyozdochkin russian folk artist live patronag wealthi industrialist savva mamontov renown abramtsevo estate."} {"id": "1036", "contents": "definition: matryoshka (plural: matryoshki) russian nest doll. nest doll often use symbol russian culture, matryoshka doll origin similar doll made japan. matryoshka doll popular souvenirs. possibl buy simpl matryoshki set five seven."} {"id": "1037", "contents": "article. polymyalgia rheumatica infrequ occurring, inflammatori condit caus pain ach larg muscl groups, especi around shoulder hips. polymyalgia liter mean mani muscl pains. rheumatica mean chang flux.."} {"id": "1038", "contents": "introduction. polymyalgia rheumatica (pmr) condit caus pain, stiff inflamm muscl around shoulders, neck hips. main symptom muscl stiff morn last longer 45 minutes. may also caus symptoms, including: high temperatur (fever) sweating."} {"id": "1039", "contents": "polymyalgia rheumatica disord muscl joint character muscl pain stiffness, affect side body, involv shoulders, arms, neck, buttock areas. patient polymyalgia rheumatica typic 50 year age. polymyalgia rheumatica abbrevi pmr."} {"id": "1040", "contents": "definition. polymyalgia rheumatica inflammatori disord caus muscl pain stiffness, especi shoulders. symptom polymyalgia rheumatica (pol-e-my-al-juh rue-mat-ih-kuh) usual begin quickli wors morning. peopl develop polymyalgia rheumatica older 65. polymyalgia rheumatica relat anoth inflammatori disord call giant cell arteritis, caus headaches, vision difficulties, jaw pain scalp tenderness. possibl condit togeth"} {"id": "1041", "contents": "polymyalgia rheumatica inflammatori disord caus pain stiff variou part body. part bodi commonli affect includ shoulders, neck, arms, thighs, hips. disord common peopl age 55. caus polymyalgia rheumatica unknown."} {"id": "1042", "contents": "polymyalgia rheumatica (which take name word \u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03c5\u03bc\u03c5\u03b1\u03bb\u03b3\u03af\u03b1 polymyalgia mean pain mani muscl medical-scientif greek) abbrevi pmr, syndrom pain stiffness, usual neck, shoulders, upper arms, hips, may occur body. wide rang symptom indic person polymyalgia rheumatica. classic symptom include: pain stiff (moder severe) neck, shoulders, upper arms, thighs, hips, inhibit activity, especi morning/aft sleeping."} {"id": "1043", "contents": "polymyalgia rheumatica disord result sever pain stiff larg muscl group body. although exact caus known, may due disrupt function body\u2019 immun system."} {"id": "1044", "contents": "la vegas: take i-15 south bound, 55 mile nipton road, 10 mile nipton, ca laughlin: take highway 95 northbound searchlight 40 miles, go west highway 164 21 mile nipton. 1991 east mojav subdivis complet involv clear titl elimin railroad station ground parcel san bernardino counti records. 1990-91 nipton trade post largest sale volum locat lotteri ticket california."} {"id": "1045", "contents": "mani years, nipton highest sale ticket california state lottery. store california side primm, nevada began sell lotteri tickets, nipton lost top ranking, primm easier quicker get la vegas-area resid tourists. popul 60 people. nipton origin found februari 9, 1905, come first train newli construct san pedro, lo angel salt lake railroad."} {"id": "1046", "contents": "behind scene edit. real nipton unincorpor town california, locat west california/nevada state line (a sign show border found in-game). nipton small town southern mojav wasteland ravag caesar' legion 2281."} {"id": "1047", "contents": "outsid look similar normal nipton residence, door name suggests, hotel. specul nipton hotel offic building, interior small multipl seats, file cabinets, recept desk cash register."} {"id": "1048", "contents": "shift tradit role mining, ranch railroading. twentieth centuri chronolog histori nipton, ca 1900 gold discov crescent district-new york mountain near crescent peak, nevada mile east small commun wagon crossroad ivanpah valley. apex claim, given name nippeno, stake jan 1, 1900.(nippeno patent-u.s. 1991 east mojav subdivis complet involv clear titl elimin railroad station ground parcel san bernardino counti records. 1990-91 nipton trade post largest sale volum locat lotteri ticket california."} {"id": "1049", "contents": "real nipton unincorpor town california, locat west california/nevada state line (a sign show border found in-game). legion lotteri may also refer fact nipton highest lotteri ticket sale california state lottery. background [edit edit source]. town san bernardino county, california, nipton origin found 1900, place gold miner reside. remain small town great war"} {"id": "1050", "contents": "nipton unincorpor commun san bernardino county, california, northern edg mojav nation preserve, west searchlight, nevada access via nevada state rout 164. popul 60 people. nipton origin found februari 9, 1905, come first train newli construct san pedro, lo angel salt lake railroad."} {"id": "1051", "contents": "real nipton unincorpor town california, locat west california/nevada state line (a sign show border found in-game). nipton small town southern mojav wasteland ravag caesar' legion 2281."} {"id": "1052", "contents": "hotel nipton nippeno camp confer center welcom worldli set travelers, individu groups, open vista relax atmospher mojav desert experience."} {"id": "1053", "contents": "square-foot size skatepark $40 skatepark creation cost estim +/- project cost factors. averag price design build skatepark $40 per squar foot. skatepark rare $50 per squar foot, sometim low $20 per squar foot. averag cost $40 per squar foot: 3,000 squar foot skate spot $120,000 support skater time"} {"id": "1054", "contents": "accord suburbanrails.com 10, 000 squar foot park rang $75,000 $500,000. $75k good park 1/2 million world class indoor skatepark. 1/2 million dollar park would everi element could imagin park...depend avail build size.. 1996, intern park institut estim new park garag cost $4,500 $15,000 per space (depending, course, type construction, special features, etc.). reliabl averag approxim $7,000 per space multi-level garages."} {"id": "1055", "contents": "arvc estim cost build new park $15,000 $20,000 space. that' aw lot money, consid new park 150 spaces, said gorin. cost buy exist park much less, gorin said deal structur buyer make 10-to-15 percent return invest first year."} {"id": "1056", "contents": "cost averag $24 sq ft. concret park concret start low $24 sq. ft. averag $35 sq. ft. depend excavation, grading, drainage, irrigation, water tabl etc. must work qualifi design builder build concret park. start $3,000 averag $15,000. ramp park littl $50,000 $300,000 averag park 10,000 sq.ft feet cost around $100,000 requir regular maintenance-surfac may birch, skatelit skatelit pro. spot spot rel new."} {"id": "1057", "contents": "buy empti lot land, obtain permit local build authority, may take three years. build rv park scratch, may cost $15,000 $20,000 per rental space. build 150 space $20,000 each, would pay $3 million construct cost alone."} {"id": "1058", "contents": "perhap best way estim cost new park garag look number space contains. 1996, intern park institut estim new park garag cost $4,500 $15,000 per space (depending, course, type construction, special features, etc.). reliabl averag approxim $7,000 per space multi-level garages."} {"id": "1059", "contents": "cost build water park would driven follow factors. size park locat access land cost infrastructur avail equip heme. current estim run $350 per squar foot. acr water park cost around 45 million. 1996, intern park institut estim new park garag cost $4,500 $15,000 per space (depending, course, type construction, special features, etc.). reliabl averag approxim $7,000 per space multi-level garages."} {"id": "1060", "contents": "construct park might cost someth around $1.5 billion. similar amount took build world' biggest theme parks. accord video, disney spend $11.7 billion year park oper expenses, astound $32 million per day. cost feed, groom, nurtur dinosaur would around $307 million year."} {"id": "1061", "contents": "move easily. start $3,000 averag $15,000 ramp park littl $50,000 $300,000 averag park 10,000 sq.ft feet cost around $100,000 requir regular maintenance-surfac may birch, skatelit skatelit pro. spot spot rel new. start $3,000 averag $15,000. ramp park littl $50,000 $300,000 averag park 10,000 sq.ft feet cost around $100,000 requir regular maintenance-surfac may birch, skatelit skatelit pro. spot spot rel new."} {"id": "1062", "contents": "vswr, voltag stand wave ratio, measur well compon rf network match impedance. imped improperli matched, lose signal power, result weak transmissions, poor recept both."} {"id": "1063", "contents": "swr meter vswr (voltag stand wave ratio) meter measur stand wave ratio transmiss line. meter use indic degre mismatch transmiss line load (usual radio antenna), evalu effect imped match efforts."} {"id": "1064", "contents": "power stand wave ratio (pswr) defin squar vswr, howev terminolog physic relat actual power involv transmission. swr measur instrument call swr meter. differ length transmiss line, sourc see differ imped load may may good match source. sometim deliberate, quarter-wav match section use improv match otherwis mismatch sourc load."} {"id": "1065", "contents": "vswr stand voltag stand wave ratio, also refer stand wave ratio (swr). vswr function reflect coefficient, describ power reflect antenna. reflect coeffici given by, vswr defin follow formula: reflect coeffici also known s11 return loss. see vswr tabl see numer map reflect power, s11 vswr."} {"id": "1066", "contents": "vswr alway real posit number antennas. smaller vswr is, better antenna match transmiss line power deliv antenna. minimum vswr 1.0. case, power reflect antenna, ideal. reflect coeffici given by, vswr defin follow formula: reflect coeffici also known s11 return loss. see vswr tabl see numer map reflect power, s11 vswr."} {"id": "1067", "contents": "swr usual thought term maximum minimum ac voltag along transmiss line, thu call voltag stand wave ratio vswr (sometim pronounc viswar). differ length transmiss line, sourc see differ imped load may may good match source. sometim deliberate, quarter-wav match section use improv match otherwis mismatch sourc load."} {"id": "1068", "contents": "vswr measur voltag variances. ratio highest voltag anywher along transmiss line lowest voltage. sinc voltag vari ideal system, vswr 1.0 or, commonli express ratio 1:1. reflect occur, voltag vari vswr higher, exampl 1.2, 1.2:1."} {"id": "1069", "contents": "imped mismatch result stand wave along transmiss line, swr defin ratio partial stand wave 's amplitud antinod (maximum) amplitud node (minimum) along line. differ length transmiss line, sourc see differ imped load may may good match source. sometim deliberate, quarter-wav match section use improv match otherwis mismatch sourc load."} {"id": "1070", "contents": "vswr (voltag stand wave ratio) metric commonli use antenna system ham shortwav radio communication. vswr normal defin ratio 1:1 vswr, indic exact perfect match antenna system elements."} {"id": "1071", "contents": "physic mean vswr. vswr determin voltag measur along transmiss line lead antenna. vswr ratio peak amplitud stand wave minimum amplitud stand wave, seen follow figure: figur 1. voltag measur along transmiss line. reflect coeffici given by, vswr defin follow formula: reflect coeffici also known s11 return loss. see vswr tabl see numer map reflect power, s11 vswr."} {"id": "1072", "contents": "credit card compani surprisingli open negoti number issues. especi true you\u2019r custom good stand you\u2019v made consist on-tim payment haven\u2019t charg credit card\u2019 limit. credit card compani probabl won\u2019t hand interest rate reduct silver platter. ask. and, chanc mention found better interest rate deal elsewhere, compani reduc interest rate keep business. credit limit."} {"id": "1073", "contents": "lender forgiv least $600 worth princip debt, must report amount ir via 1099-c form. so, example, lump sum payment $2,500 settl $4,500 credit card bill mean like pay tax addit $2,000 incom next year. workout arrangement. typically, counselor negoti lower interest payments, reduc drop fee lower payments, cunningham says. need know: pay entir amount owed, cunningham says. credit card account includ program closed."} {"id": "1074", "contents": "yes. possibl work credit card issuer negoti partial settlement, workout agreement even reduct bill months. get deal need slam dunk. typically, counselor negoti lower interest payments, reduc drop fee lower payments, cunningham says. need know: pay entir amount owed, cunningham says. credit card account includ program closed."} {"id": "1075", "contents": "negoti process. call credit card compani explain financi situation. unemployed, credit card compani will accept settlement. answer question credit card compani asks. may ask question help assess complet financi picture. experienc financi difficulti good idea seek type debt relief negoti payoff settlement. experienc financi distress afford make payment may want negoti payoff."} {"id": "1076", "contents": "negoti pay settlement credit card, portion debt forgiven (if exceed 600.00) consid forgiven debt. creditor debt owner often send ir 1099c amount forgiven follow january."} {"id": "1077", "contents": "example, may need lower monthli payment. or, goal may elimin debt one larg payment. when, clear understand you\u2019r tri accomplish, make negoti credit card compani easier. you\u2019r unabl negoti credit card compani satisfaction, don\u2019t want hassl stress call lender, want work compani consid entir financi situation, contact debt relief agenc profession work you."} {"id": "1078", "contents": "also tri negoti settlement amount owe. step take option avail depend situat credit card compani deal with. (find tip strategi deal credit card debt .). often negoti better interest rates, payment dates, even long-term payment plan settlement credit card debt. relat products."} {"id": "1079", "contents": "credit card compani may negoti thing credit line increases, due date even minimum payments. thing like special offer term aren\u2019t realli negotiable. key understand negoti on, well negotiate. credit card compani probabl won\u2019t hand interest rate reduct silver platter. ask. and, chanc mention found better interest rate deal elsewhere, compani reduc interest rate keep business. credit limit."} {"id": "1080", "contents": "autoimmun disease. 80 diseas occur result immun system attack body' organs, tissues, cells. common autoimmun diseas includ type diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, system lupu erythematosus, inflammatori bowel disease."} {"id": "1081", "contents": "autoimmun disord condit person' immun system attack body' cells, caus tissu destruction. autoimmun accept caus wide rang disorders, suspect respons mani more."} {"id": "1082", "contents": "immun system disord caus abnorm low activ activ immun system. case immun system activity, bodi attack damag tissu (autoimmun diseases). immun defici diseas decreas body' abil fight invaders, caus vulner infections."} {"id": "1083", "contents": "hashimoto' diseas condit immun system attack thyroid, small gland base neck adam' apple. thyroid gland part endocrin system, produc hormon coordin mani body' activities."} {"id": "1084", "contents": "autoimmun disease: ill occur bodi tissu attack immun system. immun system complex organ within bodi design normal seek destroy invad body, includ infecti agents. patient autoimmun diseas frequent unusu antibodi circul blood target bodi tissues."} {"id": "1085", "contents": "understand autoimmun disorders, help understand work immun system. purpos immun system defend bodi attack infecti microb (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi) foreign materi (e.g., chemicals, poisons)."} {"id": "1086", "contents": "disast covered, earthquak flooding, homeowner\u2019 polici cover normal age house. homeowner\u2019 insur also may includ liabil coverage, cover person injuri peopl happen due negligence. polici provid coverag for: damag home structur property, garage, deck swim pool. loss damag person possessions, wherev may kept."} {"id": "1087", "contents": "lawyer correct. homeown insur renter insur cover person liabil medic expens others. subject term polici course. cover section ii policies. deduct gener appli either. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: homeown renter insur cover person injuri protection, person injuri liabil protection. protect case caus injuri anoth person take action you."} {"id": "1088", "contents": "tenant oblig insur premises; howev consid purchas renter' insur sinc landlord' insur cover tenant' person properti liabil person injuri third parti occur premises. whether landlord tenant, import insur liabil aris ownership, operation, mainten premises. properti owner may liabl tenant guest injuri fail keep premis safe them."} {"id": "1089", "contents": "updat 2: advis lawyer homeowners/rent insur cover liabilti person injuri occur property...if busi insur definit answer would appreci one..again thank you. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: homeown renter insur cover person injuri protection, person injuri liabil protection. protect case caus injuri anoth person take action you."} {"id": "1090", "contents": "could case landlord\u2019 insur cover injuri occur residenti tenant\u2019 apartment. landlord\u2019 insur cover claim tenant renter\u2019 insur assets, may sourc recoveri premis liabil claim."} {"id": "1091", "contents": "tenant insur protect you. landlord like properti insur actual build live, landlord' polici provid financi protect person belongings, upgrad made home/unit, person liabil others."} {"id": "1092", "contents": "premis liability. main type coverag provid homeowner\u2019 insur injuri occur property. guest injur broken step, fall slipperi surface, fall toy left floor, defect balconi deck suddenli collapses."} {"id": "1093", "contents": "yes. insur polici compens landlord damag loss due fire, flooding, earthquakes, burglary, among things, insur purchas cover damag tenant injuries. cheap, comprehens gener liabil polici often necessary, particularli owner multipl unit properties. insur polici cover financi damag result defect properti condit provid attorney defend lawsuit brought tenant."} {"id": "1094", "contents": "a: generally, homeowner\u2019 insur cover replac home person properti certain limits. disast covered, earthquak flooding, homeowner\u2019 polici cover normal age house. polici provid coverag for: damag home structur property, garage, deck swim pool. loss damag person possessions, wherev may kept."} {"id": "1095", "contents": "call baby' doctor if: baby' vomit 24 hours. show sign becom dehydrated. vomit contain blood. violent, persist vomit within half hour eating. notic yellow baby' skin white eyes, sign jaundice. littl blood vomit usual noth worri about, forc vomit caus tini tear blood vessel line esophagus. baby' vomit may also ting red he' swallow blood cut mouth noseble within last six hours."} {"id": "1096", "contents": "children fel quit sick chickenpox may vomit. may find page help chickenpox-symptoms-nh choic vomit lot, diarrhoea, drink much nappies, would good idea contact gp nh direct 0845 46 47 advice. hope get well soon rachel. 25-03-11, 11:58 #3. may alreadi blood taken chickenpox immunity, definit good idea check-hop already. good luck rest pregnanc hope littl one better"} {"id": "1097", "contents": "chickenpox common infect caus varicella zoster virus. it\u2019 commonli seen children 10, catch age. chickenpox, you\u2019r unlik catch again. people, chickenpox usual goe away week so. symptom clear up, viru stay dormant bodi rest life. time later life, viru reactivated. caus shingles, relat diseas caus varicella zoster virus."} {"id": "1098", "contents": "introduct symptom chickenpox. symptom chickenpox begin one two day low-grad fever tiredness. earli symptom alway occur chickenpox rash develops. earli chickenpox symptom follow itchi blister first appear trunk, face, scalp."} {"id": "1099", "contents": "spit babies: what' normal, what' not. spit rite passag mani babies. here' what' behind spit might signal seriou problem. fed babi breast milk formula watch spit seem like it. normal spit interfer baby' well-being. long babi seem comfort eat well gain weight, there' littl caus concern. babi gain weight, harm calori lost spit up."} {"id": "1100", "contents": "spit-up happens. babi swallow milk, glide past back throat goe muscular tube, call esophagus, stomach. ring muscl connect esophagu stomach. open let milk go stomach, close back up."} {"id": "1101", "contents": "baby' first months, vomit probabl caus mild feed problems, tummi full. first months, sudden onset vomit like caus tummi infection, gastroenteritis. type infect often accompani diarrhoea. tell babi vomiting, rather bring small quantiti milk (possetting), lot come out. vomit frighten baby, he' like cry. everyth car sick indigest caus babi sick."} {"id": "1102", "contents": "children get chickenpox young usual mild illness. babi caught virus, take 10 day 21 day symptom show. babi infecti two day rash appear spot dri up."} {"id": "1103", "contents": "share. common babi vomit often earli week adjust feed bodi develop. tell babi vomiting, rather bring small quantiti milk (possetting), lot come out. vomit frighten baby, he' like cry. everyth car sick indigest caus babi sick. even prolong bout cri cough trigger reflex. may see quit lot vomit baby' first years. attack vomit gener subsid six hour 24 hour start"} {"id": "1104", "contents": "treatment usual reliev symptoms. easili spread either direct contact (ie touching) person chickenpox, fluid droplet air cough. fever rash common sign chickenpox. person chickenpox infecti other one two day rash first appear last blister dri up. children adult age get chickenpox common children."} {"id": "1105", "contents": "accord cia world factbook unit state america' govern type constitution-bas feder republ strong democrat tradition. broken further... constitution-based: constitut unit state america act highest suprem law union."} {"id": "1106", "contents": "report abuse. unit state democrat republic. two largest polit parti u.s. call democrat republican. govern democracy, compris three branches: legislative, executive, judici branch."} {"id": "1107", "contents": "unit state offici oper feder constitut presidenti democrat republ form government.th unit state feder republ repres democracy."} {"id": "1108", "contents": "unit state america republic. republ form govern law limit power government. unit state democracy. democraci major rules. often without regard right minority. example."} {"id": "1109", "contents": "unit state america republic. republ form govern law limit power government. unit state democracy. democraci major rules."} {"id": "1110", "contents": "great sourc inulin. inulin obtain supplements; however, alway best get ingredi closest natur sourc possible. best natur food sourc inulin includ bananas, asparagus, jerusalem artichoke, jicama, leeks, onions, garlic, chicori dandelion root. inulin does. dietari fiber surviv stomach acid pass small intestine. along way mix water, ferments, becom food life-support probiot bacteria larg"} {"id": "1111", "contents": "inulin polysaccharid produc plant onions, leeks, jerusalem artichokes, garlic. also refer neosugar, alant starch, alantin, diabet sugar. mani manufactur put process food tremend health benefits. onion garlic excel natur sourc dietari inulin. jerusalem artichoke, sun choke, good sourc inulin. inulin produc plant spring onions. much inulin lead diarrhea people. much inulin caus ga bloating."} {"id": "1112", "contents": "inulin overview information. inulin starchi substanc found wide varieti fruits, vegetables, herbs, includ wheat, onions, bananas, leeks, artichokes, asparagus. inulin use medicin commonli obtain soak chicori root hot water. inulin use high blood fats, includ cholesterol triglycerides. also use weight loss, constipation, food addit improv taste."} {"id": "1113", "contents": "inulin use plant mean store energi typic found root rhizomes. plant synthes store inulin store form carbohydr starch. use replac sugar, fat, flour. advantag inulin contain 25-35% food energi carbohydr (starch, sugar). addit versatil ingredient, inulin mani health benefits."} {"id": "1114", "contents": "inulin type fiber that' found certain plant foods. chicori root main sourc inulin supplement form. chicori origin found europ asia. egyptian grew thousand year ago medicine. increas help bacteria colon. effect, inulin call prebiotic. prebiot may numer health benefits. may: help increas amount calcium miner absorb food. support healthi immun system. reliev intestin problems."} {"id": "1115", "contents": "inulin natur storag carbohydr present 36,000 speci plants, includ wheat, onion, bananas, garlic, asparagus, sunchok chicory. plants, inulin use energi reserv regul cold resistance. solubl water, osmot active. use replac sugar, fat, flour. advantag inulin contain 25-35% food energi carbohydr (starch, sugar). addit versatil ingredient, inulin mani health benefits."} {"id": "1116", "contents": "inulin type fiber, mean plant-bas carbohydr whose bond cannot broken human digest enzymes. inulin also known \u201cprebiotic\u201d fiber base fact highli ferment friendli bacteria guts. prebiot are, essence, like food probiot ;\u201d or, sourc nutrit gut bacteria help nourish enabl thrive."} {"id": "1117", "contents": "coconut milk benefits. coconut milk liquid drain coconut cut open like mani peopl assume. order make coconut milk take coconut process flesh, steep hot water squeez milk cheesecloth. liquid sits, cream rise top, use creami applic like curries."} {"id": "1118", "contents": "coconut milk, name suggest liquid extract grate coconut. don\u2019t confus coconut water latter obtain insid coconut shells. due rich creami consistency, use milk substitute. southeast asia, often use common food ingredient. coconut milk use make-up remover. mix coconut oil milk ratio 1:2 use concoct remov eye make-up well moistur skin. thus, great altern harsh alcohol ridden chemic get rid make-up around sensit area face."} {"id": "1119", "contents": "coconut milk creamy, rich liquid made meat matur coconuts. popular beverag philippines, caribbean anyplac coconut tree abundant. coconut milk scent coconut slightli sweet taste."} {"id": "1120", "contents": "rich, creami flavor coconut milk deriv high percentag coconut oil meat. make coconut milk, meat shred mix water. mash simmer strain cheesecloth, squeez much essenc pulp possible. asian tropic countries, can coconut milk found sever grades, thin thick. thin milk lower fat, less coconut cream, use soups. thicker milk, even paste-lik consistency, use curri dri preparations."} {"id": "1121", "contents": "traditionally, coconut milk acquir grate brown coconut, mix result substanc small amount water dissolv fat present grate meat. grate process carri manual modern grate machine. coconut milk made home process grate coconut hot water milk, extract oil aromat compounds. fat content 17-24% depend fat level coconut meat quantiti ad water."} {"id": "1122", "contents": "coconut milk liquid come grate meat brown coconut. confus coconut water. color rich tast coconut milk attribut high oil content. fat satur fat. coconut milk made home process grate coconut hot water milk, extract oil aromat compounds. fat content 17-24% depend fat level coconut meat quantiti ad water."} {"id": "1123", "contents": "coconut milk deriv flesh coconut. liquid drain coconut punctured, although mani peopl assum this. get coconut milk coconut requir processing, ingredi also avail can bottles. make coconut milk, coconut flesh must fine grate steep hot water. next, soak piec squeez cheesecloth, liquid collect coconut milk."} {"id": "1124", "contents": "look fat content note amount satur fat coconut milk 450-500 calori cup contain 50 gram fat, 45 gram saturated. \u201cmani peopl confus coconut milk coconut water. water thin liquid high potassium often use sourc fluid quench hydration,\u201d say taub-dix. coconut water much lower calori coconut milk. coconut water 45 calori per cup wherea coconut milk contain 500 calories. (that\u2019 six time find cup skim milk dairi replac not.)."} {"id": "1125", "contents": "coconut water consum drink fresh coconut many, also use recipes. coconut milk differ thing entirely, process recip ingredi drink made meat mature, brown, coconut. properli made, littl coconut flavor sweet. asian tropic countries, can coconut milk found sever grades, thin thick. thin milk lower fat, less coconut cream, use soups. thicker milk, even paste-lik consistency, use curri dri preparations."} {"id": "1126", "contents": "coconut milk deriv flesh coconut. liquid drain coconut punctured, although mani peopl assum this. get coconut milk coconut requir processing, ingredi also avail can bottles."} {"id": "1127", "contents": "ma\u2026. run/walk next half marathon new runner, particip half marathon fun way encourag new form exercise. even readi run whole 13 mile 192 1/2 yard \u2026."} {"id": "1128", "contents": "long walks: key get readi finish half marathon long walk, progress increas distanc weekend. period 12 weeks, longest walk increas 10 miles. worri make final jump 10 mile practic 13.1 mile race."} {"id": "1129", "contents": "averag though, mile walk 15-20 minutes. therefor walk half-marathon take averag 3-4 hour depend fast walk per mile. cours depend live prefer are."} {"id": "1130", "contents": "run little, figur anywher 1/2 1/2 hour beginner. walk exclusively, expect hour beginner. note want check cut time race big citi usual open cours traffic hour time frame."} {"id": "1131", "contents": "major half marathon runner --but walker too. one advantag half marathon full marathon need spend much time course. reason fit individu abl walk 13.1 mile around four hours. fun."} {"id": "1132", "contents": "take four hour walk half marathon (13.1 miles)."} {"id": "1133", "contents": "re: possibl walk half marathon (13.1miles) 3.5hours? i'm take part run beat half marathon i'm think walk mile everi 15 minut would complet cours hour 15 minutes! sound unreason walk mile everi 15minutes!"} {"id": "1134", "contents": "assum man' suit, i'd buy minimum yard jacket trouser 45-60 fabric. add yard vest, anoth yard fabric plaid one way design. add yard high qualiti lining. cost labor suit high, realli make sens use high qualiti fabrics."} {"id": "1135", "contents": "pants. averag amount fabric need pair men' pant 2.5 yards. three yard 45 inch wide fabric need make pair suit pant man waist wider 36 inches. tailor may need use extra fabric match pattern fabric add cuf hems. jacket small averag size man usual requir yard 45 inch wide fabric. larger men may need yard fabric. fabric 60 inch wide, less yardag need"} {"id": "1136", "contents": "length front jacket 38 cm, choos lengthen jacket littl buy 40cm zip, insert 35cm zip, space collar waist, shorten jacket 35cm. safest way use pattern piec calcul amount need. taken pattern piec use differ garment use differ fold sheet (to simul width fabric) place this. guess could floor mark fabric width."} {"id": "1137", "contents": "respons buy fabric much need. says: 2012/10/25 13:51. mani birdsey materi buy want make 1175 crewneck t-shirts. t-shirt panel collar, back, front, right left short sleev neck. safest way use pattern piec calcul amount need. taken pattern piec use differ garment use differ fold sheet (to simul width fabric) place this. guess could floor mark fabric width."} {"id": "1138", "contents": "make men' suit one hardest garment sew. but.. yard pant yard jacket. includ line interfac need need match strip plaid pattern fabric. drip year ago. add yard vest, anoth yard fabric plaid one way design. add yard high qualiti lining. cost labor suit high, realli make sens use high qualiti fabrics."} {"id": "1139", "contents": "averag club chair, example, requir 1/2 yard fabric. keep mind, however, guideline, rule. mani factor -- includ fabric' pattern, upholsterer' work style, variat individu piec furnitur -- influenc yardage."} {"id": "1140", "contents": "best answer: depend width fabric used. ballpark would 1/2 yard jacket match stripe back front shoulders. 1/2 yard lining. look width fabric choic back pattern envelop size fabric. yardag matching, use add extra 1/2 yard. also take account extra length needed. want go store yet, go pattern compani websites. let look back envelop tell much fabric need. also tell line fabric thing need make jacket."} {"id": "1141", "contents": "jacket. jacket small averag size man usual requir yard 45 inch wide fabric. larger men may need yard fabric. fabric 60 inch wide, less yardag need"} {"id": "1142", "contents": "boe world' largest aerospac compani lead manufactur commerci jetlin defense, space secur systems. public tour boeing' everett factori avail seven day week. everett, wash., facil home 747, 767, 777 787 dreamlin product line world' largest build volume."} {"id": "1143", "contents": "boe compani (/\u02c8bo\u028a.\u026a\u014b/) american multin corpor designs, manufactures, sell airplanes, rotorcraft, rocket satellites. year, boe creat airlin name boe air transport, merg year later pacif air transport boe airplan company. first airmail flight airlin juli 1, 1927."} {"id": "1144", "contents": "beyond travel exhibit. boe underwrit interact exhibit explor marvel aerospac innovation, design technology. global tour debut aug. 1, 2015, smithsonian' nation air space museum washington, d.c. worldwid tour follow. boe team lead educ partner co-creat free k-12 educ resources, video profiles, interact learn modul design challenges."} {"id": "1145", "contents": "compani organ two busi units: boe commerci airplan boe defense, space security. commerci airplan segment develops, produc market commerci jet aircraft provid relat support services, princip commerci airlin industri worldwide. global servic support segment' intern oper includ boe defenc uk ltd., boe defenc australia, alsalam aircraft co., joint venture. boe capit segment facilitates, arranges, structur provid select financ solut commerci airplan customers."} {"id": "1146", "contents": "boe compani (nyse: ba) world' largest aerospac defens company. compani oper 90 countri claim titl america' largest exporter."} {"id": "1147", "contents": "boe co. aerospac compani manufactur commerci jetlin defense, space secur systems. global servic support segment' intern oper includ boe defenc uk ltd., boe defenc australia, alsalam aircraft co., joint venture. boe capit segment facilitates, arranges, structur provid select financ solut commerci airplan customers."} {"id": "1148", "contents": "boe among largest global aircraft manufacturers, second-largest defens contractor world base 2013 revenue, largest export unit state dollar value. year, boe creat airlin name boe air transport, merg year later pacif air transport boe airplan company. first airmail flight airlin juli 1, 1927."} {"id": "1149", "contents": "boe co. aerospac compani manufactur commerci jetlin defense, space secur systems. product tailor servic includ commerci militari aircraft, satellites, weapons, electron defens systems, launch systems, advanced..."} {"id": "1150", "contents": "boe organ five primari divisions: boe commerci airplan (bca); boe defense, space secur (bds); engineering, oper technology; boe capital; boe share servic group. year, boe creat airlin name boe air transport, merg year later pacif air transport boe airplan company. first airmail flight airlin juli 1, 1927."} {"id": "1151", "contents": "boe compani (pronounc /\u02c8bo\u028a.\u026a\u014b/ boh-ing) american multin aerospac defens corporation. found 1916 william e. boe seattle, washington, boe expand years, merg mcdonnel dougla 1997."} {"id": "1152", "contents": "everi goal objective, intermediari step overarch objective, made s.m.a.r.t. such, brought closer reality. corpor life, smart goal set one effect yet least use tool achiev goals. chart outlin project, time set specific intermediari goals. smart checklist, evalu objectives."} {"id": "1153", "contents": "fit smart new fit tracker adida that' intend peopl want improv workouts, whether workout involv run fit train sports, includ soccer, footbal basketball."} {"id": "1154", "contents": "fit abil function effici activ environ suit person interest goals. uniqu definit creat baselin build throughout life. fit condit physic fit healthi involv attribut include, limit mental acuity, cardiorespiratori endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, bodi composition, flexibility."} {"id": "1155", "contents": "fit set attribut peopl achiev relat abil perform physic activity. center diseas control prevent (cdc) cite five compon physic fitness-muscular strength, flexibility, cardiorespiratori endurance, muscular endur bodi composition. fit condit physic fit healthi involv attribut include, limit mental acuity, cardiorespiratori endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, bodi composition, flexibility."} {"id": "1156", "contents": "smart goal! goal like this, it\u2019 good idea set action-ori smart goal game plan. examples: walk day everi week 30 minut each. drink water instead soda everi day week."} {"id": "1157", "contents": "m: stand measurable.. set time, distanc way track progress. establish measur goal progress. mani peopl find write thing help put idea goal action. one way measur progress track goal calendar. a: stand attainable.. ensur set goal attainable, import develop necessari attitud determin this. rememb set success. build environ around ensur meet goals."} {"id": "1158", "contents": "fit unhealthiness, sickness, unsound illness. abl live moment energized, balanced, center tension free. abil physic mental exactli want desir want help other same. fit condit physic fit healthi involv attribut include, limit mental acuity, cardiorespiratori endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, bodi composition, flexibility."} {"id": "1159", "contents": "start write objectives, complet worksheet benefici help build object s.m.a.r.t. also list sampl complet worksheet convenience. s.m.a.r.t."} {"id": "1160", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. winter solstic (and summer solstice) ocur interest reason. sun 'moves' around earth path tilt earth' equator. sun farthest path north equator, summer solstice. twice year. -summer solstice, juli 23rd-winter solstice, decemb 13th fact appli northern hemisphere-dur summer solstice, north pole fa ce directli sun, sun ray hit directli tropic cancer, longest day year, start summer."} {"id": "1161", "contents": "northern hemisphere, occur sun directli tropic capricorn, locat 23.5\u00b0 south equat run australia, chile, southern brazil, northern south africa. year, northern hemispher winter solstic occur 4:03 pm mst decemb 21, 2014. complet list date winter summer solstice' spring fall equinox' 2020, check site u.s. naval observatory. summer solstic occur sun directli tropic cancer, locat 23.5\u00b0 north, run mexico, bahamas, egypt, saudi arabia, india, southern china. earth' tilt, sun directli tropic cancer near june 21."} {"id": "1162", "contents": "winter solstic usual occur believ decemb 21st northern hemispher june 21st southern hemisphere. -summer solstice, juli 23rd-winter solstice, decemb 13th fact appli northern hemisphere-dur summer solstice, north pole fa ce directli sun, sun ray hit directli tropic cancer, longest day year, start summer."} {"id": "1163", "contents": "northern hemisphere, winter solstic occur either decemb 21 22, sun shine directli tropic capricorn; summer solstic occur either june 20 21, sun shine directli tropic cancer. southern hemisphere, winter summer solstic reversed."} {"id": "1164", "contents": "summer winter solstice. summer solstic occur year decemb sun' track across australian sky reach highest point. day daylight hour year. summer solstic usual occur 21 december, occur 20 22 december. winter solstic day year least daylight hour year usual occur 21 june occur 20 22 june."} {"id": "1165", "contents": "decemb solstice: shortest day year northern hemisphere. decemb solstic either decemb 20, 21, 22 23. call winter solstic northern hemisphere, shortest day year. southern hemisphere, summer solstic longest day year. north pole tilt furthest sun."} {"id": "1166", "contents": "winter solstic (and summer solstice) ocur interest reason. sun 'moves' around earth path tilt earth' equator. sun farthest path north equator, summer solstice. -summer solstice, juli 23rd-winter solstice, decemb 13th fact appli northern hemisphere-dur summer solstice, north pole fa ce directli sun, sun ray hit directli tropic cancer, longest day year, start summer."} {"id": "1167", "contents": "winter solstic (and summer solstice) ocur interest reason. sun 'moves' around earth path tilt earth' equator. twice year. -summer solstice, juli 23rd-winter solstice, decemb 13th fact appli northern hemisphere-dur summer solstice, north pole fa ce directli sun, sun ray hit directli tropic cancer, longest day year, start summer."} {"id": "1168", "contents": "winter solstic occur specif time, day. year, 12:11 p.m. est saturday, dec. 21, sun shone directli tropic capricorn, farthest south sun reaches. southern hemisphere, longest day year."} {"id": "1169", "contents": "twice year. -summer solstice, juli 23rd-winter solstice, decemb 13th fact appli northern hemisphere-dur summer solstice, north pole fa ce directli sun, sun ray hit directli tropic cancer, longest day year, start summer."} {"id": "1170", "contents": "univers locat town princeton, divers popul 30,000 resid situat new york citi philadelphia, rail servic cities."} {"id": "1171", "contents": "description. princeton citi patoka township, gibson county, indiana, unit states. popul 8,175 2000 census, part greater evansville, indiana, metropolitan area. citi counti seat gibson county."} {"id": "1172", "contents": "confid vote 52.5k. princeton univers locat princeton, new jersey, usa. central new jersey, midway philadelphia new york city. university' main campu locat town princeton boro princeton. also substanti research campu offic park mile away plainsboro, new jersey."} {"id": "1173", "contents": "central new jersey, midway philadelphia new york city. university' main campu locat town princeton boro princeton. also substanti research campu offic park mile away plainsboro, new jersey."} {"id": "1174", "contents": "commun information. princeton one rapid grow citi collin county, texas. princeton locat northeast collin counti citi mckinney greenvil texa u.s. highway 380. time, collin counti fastest grow counti texas. princeton approxim 30 mile northeast dalla 38 mile dfw intern airport."} {"id": "1175", "contents": "search english word abnorm mean urdu \u062e\u0644\u0627\u0641 \u0645\u0639\u0645\u0648\u0644 khilaaf-e-mamool. abnorm mean search 8928 (eight thousand nine hundr twenty-eight) time till 10/7/2015. also find abnorm mean translat urdu, arabic, hindi, spanish, french languages. english urdu."} {"id": "1176", "contents": "search english word normal mean urdu \u0627\u0635\u0644\u06cc asli. normal mean search 9881 (nine thousand eight hundr eighty-one) time till 10/7/2015. also find normal mean translat urdu, arabic, hindi, spanish, french languages."} {"id": "1177", "contents": "first offlin urdu english dictionari web 27000 words, urdu word urdu fonts, entir dictionari download edit download. --- ~\u0646\u0627 n. --- diversity. --- v\u0627; \u0646\u06a9\u00a1 a. --- drippy."} {"id": "1178", "contents": "urdu english dictionary. english urdu dictionari english urdu dictionari english urdu translat internet realli gift peopl want learn english languag urdu. day electorn devic taken charg everi thing."} {"id": "1179", "contents": "doctor test blood sugar level fast hour it\u2019 higher 126 mg/dl. oral glucos toler test. fast hours, get special sugari drink. two hour later sugar level higher 200. random check. fast plasma glucos test. doctor test blood sugar level fast hour it\u2019 higher 126 mg/dl. oral glucos toler test."} {"id": "1180", "contents": "oral glucos toler test. test, fast overnight, fast blood sugar level measured. drink sugari liquid, blood sugar level test period next two hours. blood sugar level less 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/l) normal. test, fast overnight, fast blood sugar level measured. drink sugari liquid, blood sugar level test period next two hours."} {"id": "1181", "contents": "person prediabet fast blood glucos level 100 125 mg/dl. blood glucos level rise 126 mg/dl above, person diabetes." "\u2022an a1c 5.6% normal. prediabetes, a1c level rang 5.7%-6.4%. sara: doctor want test type diabetes. normal fast blood glucos target rang individu without diabet 70-100 milligram per decilit (mg/dl) 3.9-5.6 millimol per liter (mmol/l)."} {"id": "1182", "contents": "person sign symptom diabet hyperglycemia, non-fast glucos level (random blood sample) equal greater 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) indic diabetes. follow inform summar mean test results. one-step 2-hour oral glucos toler test (ogtt). fast glucos level measured, woman given 75-gram dose glucos drink glucos level measur hour hour dose. one valu need cutoff valu diagnosis. two-step."} {"id": "1183", "contents": "a. present, diagnosi diabet prediabet base arbitrari cut-off point normal blood sugar level. normal sugar level current consid less 100 mg/dl fast less 140 mg/dl two hour eating. healthi people, sugar level even lower."} {"id": "1184", "contents": "blood sampl taken overnight fast. fast blood sugar level less 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l) normal. fast blood sugar level 100 125 mg/dl (5.6 6.9 mmol/l) consid prediabetes. 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) higher two separ tests, diabetes. test, fast overnight, fast blood sugar level measured. drink sugari liquid, blood sugar level test period next two hours. blood sugar level less 140 mg/dl (7.8"} {"id": "1185", "contents": "normal fast blood glucos target rang individu without diabet 70-100 mg/dl (3.9-5.6 mmol/l). american diabet associ recommend fast plasma glucos level 70\u2013130 mg/dl (3.9-7.2 mmol/l) meal less 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l). sara: doctor want test type diabetes. normal fast blood glucos target rang individu without diabet 70-100 milligram per decilit (mg/dl) 3.9-5.6 millimol per liter (mmol/l)."} {"id": "1186", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. impair fast glucos (ifg), commonli known pre-diabet refer condit fast blood glucos level consist elev consid normal levels; however, high enough diagnos diabet mellitus. impair fast glucos defin fast glucos higher upper limit normal, high enough classifi"} {"id": "1187", "contents": "fast blood sugar level less 100 mg/dl (5.6 mmol/l) normal. fast blood sugar level 100 125 mg/dl (5.6 6.9 mmol/l) consid prediabetes. 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/l) higher two separ tests, diabetes. oral glucos toler test. test, fast overnight, fast blood sugar level measured. drink sugari liquid, blood sugar level test period next two hours. blood sugar level less 140 mg/dl (7.8"} {"id": "1188", "contents": "last pool dive ten meter olymp board 16 feet deep. accord fina (the intern swim regulatori body), minimum depth pool allow 10m platform dive 5m. dive pool london olymp minimum depth 4.5 meters, prefer depth meter (16 feet inches). peopl found useful."} {"id": "1189", "contents": "must least 1.5m space plummet pool wall behind dive board 1-meter 3-meter springboards; plummet pool wall front dive board, must meter space 1-meter 10.25m space 3-meter springboards, respectively. pool deeper, never shallow specified. water must 3.4m deep directli plummet 1-meter springboard 3.7m deep 3-meter springboards. depth must extend front plummet distanc 5m 1-meter springboard 6m 3-meter."} {"id": "1190", "contents": "origin custom want pool 12ft deep deep end dive area pool manufactur provid dig spec pool deeper 10ft deep. custom also want order commerci dive stand 12ft long dive board. depend depth pool slope shallow end, vinyl pool could safe instal 1/2 meter board, 3/4 meter meter board. interfab techni-beam 10 ft board could suitabl practic board for."} {"id": "1191", "contents": "kid pool without dive board, useless pool without water! lib favor non-div pools. we'v inground pool instal first home (1996) present home (2004). first pool tradit deep end, present pool feet deepest point. pool without deep end like go theme park decid forgo roller coaster merry-go-round small slide. oldtim 40' pool 91/2' deep. pool 42 year need new dive board."} {"id": "1192", "contents": "actual answer feet board size would foot board. pool deeper board larger strict requir pool builder come instal dive boards. source(s): year pool service. melissa year ago. usual dive board 12 foot deep pool (at least public one i'v to) race dive shallower. think, i'm base public pool sign public pools. (when dive sign end, etc.). katsi laugh"} {"id": "1193", "contents": "pool dimensions. click enlarg dive pool separ dive well part competit swim pool. competit dive pool least 60 feet (18.29 meters) length 75 feet-11 inch (22.89 meters) width. pool deeper, never shallow specified. water must 3.4m deep directli plummet 1-meter springboard 3.7m deep 3-meter springboards. depth must extend front plummet distanc 5m 1-meter springboard 6m 3-meter."} {"id": "1194", "contents": "american pool spa associ (apsp) requir 8.5 foot pool depth minimum 6-8 foot board proper slope deep end shallow end. pool owner want even depth dive board, depth pool 15 feet."} {"id": "1195", "contents": "meter sheffield coventri last pool dive ten meter olymp board 16 feet deep. accord fina (the intern swim regul atori body), minimum depth pool allow 10m platform dive 5m. deep olymp dive pool london? dive pool london olymp minimum depth 4.5 meters, prefer depth meter (16 feet inches). peopl found use"} {"id": "1196", "contents": "includ sliev league, donegal, ireland? 1972ft\u2026 one highest sea cliff world\u2026. vote impress sea cliff world goe milford sound, new zealand. reach 1600 stun thing imaginable."} {"id": "1197", "contents": "2. kalaupapa cliffs, hawaii, unit state locat shore pacif ocean molokai island hawaii, kalaupapa cliff highest sea cliff world height 1,010 meter (3,315 feet) the."} {"id": "1198", "contents": "locat world' highest sea cliff depend also definit 'cliff' used. guin world record state kalaupapa, hawaii, 1,010 high. anoth contend north face mitr peak, drop 1683 metr milford sound, new zealand."} {"id": "1199", "contents": "answer jallurun. confid vote 18. highest cliff europ achil island, mayo, ireland, stand 664 metr claim nearli top 700 metres. cliff sliev leagu doneg highest fals advertised, stand 595 metr (ordin survey, 2008)."} {"id": "1200", "contents": "locat hawaiian island molokai, kalaupapa villag base highest sea cliff world, record guin book world records, drop 1,010 meter (3,315 feet) pacif ocean. view sea cliff featur movi jurass park iii."} {"id": "1201", "contents": "#10 cliff moher rise 120 meter (394 ft) atlant ocean hag\u2019 head, reach maximum height 214 meter (702 ft) north o\u2019brien\u2019 tower. cliff boast one ireland\u2019 spectacular view probabl famou cliff (if rock formation) world."} {"id": "1202", "contents": "largest sea cliff world locat kalaupapa nation histor park molokai, hawaii. molokai one eight main island hawaiian archipelago situat geograph northwest island maui southeast yo island oahu, home state capit honolulu."} {"id": "1203", "contents": "largest sea cliff world locat kalaupapa nation histor park molokai, hawaii. molokai one eight main island hawaiian archipelago situat geograph northwest island maui southeast yo island oahu, home state capit honolulu."} {"id": "1204", "contents": "cash scrap metal scrap copper. frog metal offer competit price metal scrap scrap copper transport scrap metal copper yard paid spot recycl item depot. exampl kind scrap metal buy recycle. electr cabl copper wiring. soft metal aluminium extrus aluminium cans."} {"id": "1205", "contents": "us. brisban scrap metal emerg scrap metal buyer brisbane, qld. offer best scrap metal price country! collect unwant scrap metal kind offer junk car removal, tow servic wreck car removal. scrap metal buyer brisbane, principl base belief recycl best way preserv environment."} {"id": "1206", "contents": "may search scrap metal price per kg brisban number reasons, may scrap yard brisban check opposit price may one thousand peopl want cash scrap metal simpli want best price it."} {"id": "1207", "contents": "metal recycl brisban never easier metal biz. we\u2019ll take unwant metal pay cash scrap metal, brisban area see map below. whether it\u2019 recycl aluminium, brass, copper, steel, iron whatev scrap metal, we\u2019ll pay cash."} {"id": "1208", "contents": "metal processing. metal recycl brisban never easier auto metal. we\u2019ll take unwant metal pay cash scrap metal, brisban area see map below. whether it\u2019 recycl aluminium, brass, copper, steel, iron whatev scrap metal, we\u2019ll pay cash."} {"id": "1209", "contents": "re-discov western world. 4000 year ganoderma lucidum recogn chines medic profession highest rank herb found chines pharmacopoeia. chines name ganoderma lingzhi, mean \u201cspiritu potency\u201d. harveyscoffehouse.organogold.com. incred health one sachet coffee, ganoderma lucidum pills, god bless mr. barnei chua, make great product everyon drink creat habits, bess thank mr. chua. thanks. http://simeonnava.net"} {"id": "1210", "contents": "ganoderma genu polypor mushroom grow wood, includ 80 species, mani tropic regions. extens use tradit asian medicines, potenti bioremediation, import genu economically. ganoderma pseudoferreum-respons root rot cacao, coffee, rubber tea trees. ganoderma tsugae-a polypor grow conifers, especi hemlock; thu common name, hemlock varnish shelf."} {"id": "1211", "contents": "ganoderma lucidum alkalin food world! one rever herb tradit chines japanes medicine, document histori 2000 years. ganoderma known ling zhi china reishi japan. ganoderma lucidum scientif name speci red mushroom grew wild cultiv special farms, pristin grow conditions. histor background 1970 china japan success plant ganoderma laboratory. 1975 commerci product japan."} {"id": "1212", "contents": "products. ganoderma mushroom transformed, ad organo gold famili products, includ beverag gourmet black coffee, gourmet cafe caf\u00e9, latt gourmet cafe, caf\u00e9 mocha organic. green tea"} {"id": "1213", "contents": "organ ganoderma lucidum natur occur varieti colors, one commonli cultiv red variety. mushroom beautiful, isn\u2019t benefici beauty. often, mushroom refer reishi ling zhi, chines \u2018herb spiritu potency\u2019. peopl consid use type medicin product need certain get authent product organ offer high amount fungus, product includ filler 20% 30% content ganoderma lucidum."} {"id": "1214", "contents": "one applic organ ganoderma lucidum coffee. ganoderma coffee, commonli known gano coffee, offer differ type coffe peopl enjoy includ varieti health benefits. peopl consid use type medicin product need certain get authent product organ offer high amount fungus, product includ filler 20% 30% content ganoderma lucidum."} {"id": "1215", "contents": "organ ganoderma lucidum fungu found tree stump log decaying. part chines tradit medicin 4,000 years, commonli use treat hypertension, liver disorders, arthriti well medic conditions. peopl consid use type medicin product need certain get authent product organ offer high amount fungus, product includ filler 20% 30% content ganoderma lucidum."} {"id": "1216", "contents": "ganoderma, also call reishi mushroom chines ling zhi, one popular medicin mushroom china, japan, unit states. mushroom also known lingzhi china, reishi japan, youngzhi korea.ganoderma lucidum rare, special mushroom creat condit right."} {"id": "1217", "contents": "ganoderma coffe sooth beverage, also contain numer health benefits. wide popular chines medicine, ganoderma coffe brew use coffe bean infus certain type mushroom fungu known ganoderma lucidum, reishi. accord univers maryland medic center, take 150 300 milligram ganoderma lucidum extract two three time per day may reliev urinari tract infections. however, take blood thin medication, avoid drink larg amount ganoderma coffe high dose thin blood."} {"id": "1218", "contents": "head golf profession salary. (unit states). three five head golf profession unit state season employe 10 year experi field. pay rang $30k $87k per year, averag come $47k per year. head golf profession report high level job satisfaction."} {"id": "1219", "contents": "averag profession golfer salaries. averag salari profession golfer job $42,000. averag profession golfer salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term profession golfer anywher job listing."} {"id": "1220", "contents": "u.s. bureau labor statist includ golf teach profession sport instructor within coach scout category. earn averag annual salari $36,680 may 2012, accord bls. top 10 percent made $65,910 per year."} {"id": "1221", "contents": "golf teach profession earn highest annual salari $52,480 washington, d.c., accord 2012 bl data. also earn consider high salari arkansas, maryland florida $48,900, $48,850 $48,150 per year, respectively."} {"id": "1222", "contents": "work feder govern colleg univers also earn rel high salari $58,110 $49,860, respectively. golf teach profession employ amus recreat industries, countri club golf courses, earn averag industri salari $36,450. civic social organizations, made $33,140 per year. relat reading: averag salari profession orchestr tuba player."} {"id": "1223", "contents": "place babi carrot 1/2-inch water butter, sugar, salt. bring water boil, cover pan, reduc heat simmer. cook carrot minutes, remov lid, rais heat medium high. reduc water almost evaporates, coupl minutes. turn carrot sauc tast adjust season serve."} {"id": "1224", "contents": "carrot usual take 12 week (3 months) grow. depend type. chantenay red core take 65-75 days. carrot seedl take 10-12 (or weeks) emerge. carrot take longer. abl harvest 1-3 month later. grow carrot need protect wind, plant near wall outside, somewher wind blow hard. they'r chop up, probabl 5-8 minut water boils. they'r whole, probabl 10-15 minut boil. frozen carrot take longer, bu usual tast nice. though, size matters...if they'r big, they'll take longer cook!"} {"id": "1225", "contents": "cut carrot half lengthwis cut 1/2 inch long pieces. place carrot bake sheet lightli coat veget oil. season carrot salt pepper taste. bake oven 20 30 minut carrot tender-crisp lightli browned. serv hot. clean peel carrots. cut carrot half lengthwis cut 1/2 inch long pieces. place carrot bake sheet lightli coat veget oil. season carrot salt pepper taste. bake oven 20 30 minut carrot tender-crisp lightli brown"} {"id": "1226", "contents": "recip says: 15-30 minut cook 11/2 hour high 4-6 low crockpot. 25-45 minut cook 3-4 hour high 6-10 hour low crockpot. 50 minut hour cook 4-6 hour high 8-18 hour low crockpot. carrot potatoes, recip call 30-45 minut cook items. translat 6-10 hour crock pot."} {"id": "1227", "contents": "cook pound carrots, covered, small amount boil salt water crisp-tender: minut 1/4-inch slices. minut strips. 10 minut babi carrots. bake 425 degre oven 30 minutes. remov foil; stir carrots. bake, uncovered, 10 minut carrot tender."} {"id": "1228", "contents": "directions. cook babi carrot covered, microwave-saf dish tbsp. water high (100%) power minutes. (16-oz.) package, microwav minutes: let stand, covered, minut longer."} {"id": "1229", "contents": "add carrot water. cook, covered, carrot done like them. take anywher minut half hour depend cut cook like them. tri test fork. fork slide easili enough. drain, season serve. boil carrots. carrot washed, trimmed, cut way like them, readi boil them. hard all. here' do. bring pot water boil. use littl water possible. want veget bare cover add them, minim nutrient loss."} {"id": "1230", "contents": "cook carrot microwave. place pound carrot casserol dish tablespoon water. microwave, covered, 100 percent power (high) crisp-tender, stir once: -- minut 1/4-inch slices. -- minut strips. -- minut babi carrots. bake 425 degre oven 30 minutes. remov foil; stir carrots. bake, uncovered, 10 minut carrot tender."} {"id": "1231", "contents": "bring carrot, celeri water mixtur boil. lower temperatur stove top water simmer cover pan lid. step 3. cook carrot celeri 10 15 minut soft desire. pour content pan coland strain water serve. also season tast salt, pepper, butter, bit sugar favorit spice seasonings."} {"id": "1232", "contents": "system includ lamellae, osteocytes, lacunae, canaliculi haversian canal. lamella thin layer compil eventu form bone. contain collagen fiber arrang parallel array. lamella also contain small amount proteoglycan addit collagen."} {"id": "1233", "contents": "haversian canal central canal within haversian system network canal insid compact bone."} {"id": "1234", "contents": "haversian canal (sometim canal havers, name british physician clopton havers) seri microscop tube outermost region bone call cortic bone allow blood vessel nerv travel them. haversian canal gener contain one two capillari nerv fibres."} {"id": "1235", "contents": "definit haversian canal. small canal blood vessel ramifi bone."} {"id": "1236", "contents": "haversian canal occur center compact bone contain blood vessels, connect tissues, nerv fiber lymphat vessels. osteons, structur form compact bone, surround canal outer compon haversian system."} {"id": "1237", "contents": "haversian canal (noun). noun haversian canal sense: 1. mani tini canal contain blood vessel connect tissu form network bone. familiar information: haversian canal use noun rare."} {"id": "1238", "contents": "haversian canal anastomos channel haversian system compact bone, contain blood lymph vessels, nerves. hunter' canal fascial tunnel middl third medial part thigh, contain femor vessel saphen nerve. call also adductor canal."} {"id": "1239", "contents": "rub chicken insid garlic rosemari blend place roast pan. place pan oven roast chicken 40 50 minutes, juic run clear. test this, insert thermomet thickest part leg. regist 160 degre intern temperature. remov chicken oven allow cool 10 15 minut carving."} {"id": "1240", "contents": "kitchen fact: safe intern temperatur cook chicken 165\u00b0 fahrenheit (75\u00b0 celsius). meat instant-read thermomet best bet determin temperatur chicken, cook whole bird, insert thickest part thigh touch bone. 165 degre fahrenheit safe intern temperatur white meat dark meat. thermometer, easi visual clue juic come chicken run clear pink."} {"id": "1241", "contents": "handl chicken properly, cook lower temperature, may expos slight risk food poisoning, eat consist tasti chicken. tri never roast chicken beyond 160\u00b0f breast, choice. goe heart liberal/conserv debat and, imagine, pretty. govern say cook whole chicken temperatur measur thigh 180\u00b0f (82\u00b0c). cook chicken pieces, govern says, thigh, wings, drumstick 180\u00b0f, breast reach 170\u00b0f (77\u00b0c)"} {"id": "1242", "contents": "set oven 350\u00ba f, start check intern temperatur 35 minutes, realiz could take well hour. forget notion time temperatur estim done holi grail. sure it\u2019 much easier cook way, also great way get cook chicken. you\u2019v seen direct roast chicken recipes: \u201croast done.\u201d gee, thank help. direct found recip grill chicken, sauteed, pan fri way cook favorit bird."} {"id": "1243", "contents": "1. preheat oven ... meat chicken. mash togeth ... roast pan. roast 45 minutes, bast ... intern temperatur thigh reach ... veget section)."} {"id": "1244", "contents": "directions. let chicken tablespoon butter stand room temperatur 30 minutes. preheat oven 425 degrees. remov discard plastic pop-up timer chicken one. remov giblet excess fat chicken cavity. place oven, roast skin deep golden brown crisp juic run clear pierced, 1/2 hours. chicken seem done, insert instant-read thermomet breast, thigh."} {"id": "1245", "contents": "press read button gaug temperature. whole chicken done inner temperatur read 155 157 degre fahrenheit. chicken breast done inner temperatur read 162 163 degrees. cover bird loos aluminum foil let rest 10 15 minutes. rest period, bird' temperatur rise 165 f. slice bird rested."} {"id": "1246", "contents": "temperatur check. cook proper temperatur critic step. insert thermomet meati part leg (avoid bone). temperatur reach 165\u00b0, pull bird oven. let rest 10 minutes. view recipe: asian-glaz chicken thighs. kitchen tip: thigh meat forgiving, even overcooked. fact, becom tender cook least 160\u00b0"} {"id": "1247", "contents": "keep carryov cook mind roast sort meat, allow temperatur readings. example, roast whole chicken, take oven breast read intern temperatur 155\u00ba f-157\u00ba f, cover let rest, allow temperatur rise 165\u00ba f. you\u2019v seen direct roast chicken recipes: \u201croast done.\u201d gee, thank help. direct found recip grill chicken, sauteed, pan fri way cook favorit bird."} {"id": "1248", "contents": "confid vote 10. transvers wave wave displac medium perpendicular direct propag wave. exampl transvers wave rippl pond wave string. transvers wave may occur wave, throughout solid surfac wave. transvers wave cannot propag ga liquid mechan drive motion perpendicular propag wave."} {"id": "1249", "contents": "transvers wave move wave consist oscil occur perpendicular (or right angled) direct energi transfer. transvers wave move posit x-direction, oscil direct lie y-z plane. exampl transvers wave rippl pond wave string. transvers wave may occur wave, throughout solid surfac wave. transvers wave cannot propag ga liquid mechan drive motion perpendicular propag wave."} {"id": "1250", "contents": "transvers waves. transvers wave displac medium perpendicular direct propag wave. rippl pond wave string easili visual transvers waves. longitudin wave displac medium parallel propag wave. wave slinki good visualization. sound wave air longitudin waves."} {"id": "1251", "contents": "transvers wave, medium particl vibrat direct perpendicular direct propag wave. format crest trough take place. polar transvers wave possible. discuss transvers waves, examples, properties. import thing wave propag wave perpendicular disturb medium; example, wave string."} {"id": "1252", "contents": "transvers wave s. transvers wave wave motion medium right angl direct wave. wave rope transvers wave. light electromagnet wave also transvers waves. longitudin waves. longitudin wave, motion medium parallel direct wave. mean particl move left right turn make particl start oscillate."} {"id": "1253", "contents": "transvers wave, particl medium oscil direct perpendicular direct propag shown figure. exampl given transvers wave move direct oscil occur y'z plane. discuss transvers waves, examples, properties. import thing wave propag wave perpendicular disturb medium; example, wave string."} {"id": "1254", "contents": "transvers wave move wave consist oscil occur perpendicular (or right angled) direct energi transfer. transvers wave move posit x-direction, oscil direct lie y\u2013z plane. light exampl transvers wave. regard transvers wave matter, displac medium perpendicular direct propag wave. rippl pond wave string easili visual transvers wave"} {"id": "1255", "contents": "longitudin wave vibrat particl medium direct wave propag transvers wave particl medium vibrat direct perpendicular direct propag wave. discuss transvers waves, examples, properties. import thing wave propag wave perpendicular disturb medium; example, wave string."} {"id": "1256", "contents": "american famili insur may score biggest coup 2014 super bowl. seattl seahawk quarterback russel wilson star new 60-second commerci ogilvi mather/chicago madison, wi.-bas insur company. 60-second american famili insur commerci also featur voiceov narr note singer actor harri belafonte. enlarge."} {"id": "1257", "contents": "2015 nfl enterpris llc. nfl nfl shield design regist trademark nation footbal league.th team names, logo uniform design regist trademark team indicated. nfl-relat trademark trademark nation footbal league. nfl footag nfl product llc."} {"id": "1258", "contents": "former unlv nfl player ickey wood famou shuffl celebr time it\u2019 geico\u2019 newest commercial. commerci set dentist offic dentist saying, \u201chuh, 15 minut could save 15-percent car insurance,\u201d see\u2019 geico ad tv."} {"id": "1259", "contents": "american famili insur commerci featur seattl seahawk quarterback russel wilson set debut select local media market super bowl sunday, compani announced."} {"id": "1260", "contents": "place salmon roast pan: place salmon roast pan, skin-sid down. transfer oven. roast minut per half-inch thick salmon: roast time depend thick salmon, determin thickest part salmon fillet. everi half-inch salmon, roast minut minut give salmon still touch rare, minut thoroughli cook it."} {"id": "1261", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 450 degre f. season salmon salt pepper. place salmon, skin side down, non-stick bake sheet non-stick pan oven-proof handle. bake salmon cook through, 12 15 minutes. serv toast almond parsley salad squash, desir"} {"id": "1262", "contents": "place salmon lightli oil sheet pan shallow bake dish, fold thin outer edg fillet even cooking. top salmon chop tomato green onions, season salt pepper. cook salmon preheat oven, uncovered, approxim 20 minutes."} {"id": "1263", "contents": "set heat 425 convection-bak (must use hot oven). bake salmon 20 minut cook (do turn salmon, cook time vari depend size fillets). serv cook fillet lemon wedges. place well-greas rack greas bake dish set salmon (skin-sid down) onto rack. sprinkl top fillet season salt. point cover refriger readi bake. set heat 425 convection-bak (must use hot oven)"} {"id": "1264", "contents": "bake opaqu flaky. preheat oven 450 degre fillet 350 degre dress fish. bake fillet lower temperature, desired, rememb increas cook time. bake salmon fillet steaks, uncovered, minut per 1/2-inch thickness. dress salmon, bake minut per ounc fish. test doneness, insert fork salmon gentli twist"} {"id": "1265", "contents": "fillet one thickest cut 2\u2033 thickness, come middl section fish. best way cook thicker fillet use 400\u00b0 set temperatur bake fish 18-20 minutes. lower heat desired, season fillet wrap foil, seal tightli bake 350\u00b0 25-30 minutes. thin fillet."} {"id": "1266", "contents": "favorit way cook salmon oven, low slow, pan water moist heat. read utterli simple, foolproof way produc moist, flavorful, lusciou salmon fillets. pin three import aspect method: low oven, moist heat, fresh herbs."} {"id": "1267", "contents": "report abuse. bake salmon time. line pan aluminum foil, place salmon fillet pan, put favorit seasonings/toppings, seal up, bake preheat 400\u00ba oven. top thick, like mayonnais top onion powder dill sprinkl it, oz piec salmon take 30 minut cook."} {"id": "1268", "contents": "progress corpor one largest provid car insur unit states. compani also insur motorcycles, boats, rv commerci vehicles, provid home insur select companies. progress seven u.s. patent cover usage-bas insur method systems, patent pending. progress began work concept mid-1990 continu refin concept bring mass market."} {"id": "1269", "contents": "instance, car owner' liabil limit $10,000 properti damage, caus $17,000 properti damag accident, non-own insur would cover last $7,000 provid liabil limit least $17,000. happi current auto insur carrier, find need state file -- sr-22 fr-44 -- current carrier offer them, take addit polici satisfi state' requirement."} {"id": "1270", "contents": "choices, get right amount protection. progress advantag sm life insurance, power efinanci give rang option ensur family' well-being. anoth way give love one life deserve."} {"id": "1271", "contents": "confid vote 261k. insur car, offer 3rd party, windscreen insurance, breakdown recovery, accident dammage. claim low prices, dont all. progress insur offer mani type home owner insurance. three separ level coverag one choos standard polici full coverag e. full detail home insur coverag found progress website, home insur policies."} {"id": "1272", "contents": "insurer, insur carrier, sell insurance; insured, policyholder, person entiti buy insur policy. amount money charg certain amount insur coverag call premium. earthquak insur form properti insur pay policyhold event earthquak caus damag property. ordinari home insur polici cover earthquak damage. earthquak insur polici gener featur high deductible."} {"id": "1273", "contents": "1. liabil insurance. liabil insur cover event cover car accid determin accid result actions. liabil insur cover cost repair properti damag accid well medic bill result injuries. cover accident, collis coverag pay repair car. car total (where cost repair exce valu vehicle) accident, collis coverag pay valu car."} {"id": "1274", "contents": "progress worst insur compani have. hit run accid semi. semi kept go never stop progress insur compani call lier even polic report put fault semi. decid add 16 year old polici without permission."} {"id": "1275", "contents": "purchas type insur list via progressive, may actual insur company. similar geico home insurance, progress actual \u201cwrite\u201d much insur beyond auto, commerci auto motorcycl insurance. progress insur rel uniqu way distribut (and company\u2019s) insur products. sell insur direct public progress direct via independ insur agents."} {"id": "1276", "contents": "coverage, fine vari state rang suspens license, point drive record, fine $500 $1,000. drive without auto insur accident, fine probabl least financi burden."} {"id": "1277", "contents": "\u201caddit yucca schidigera extract (yse) product canin felin diet improv charact reduc intens faecal aroma monitor human panel. gener condit anim advers affect monitor faecal ph, food retent time, blood cell counts. i\u2019m mere tri rais questions. now, i\u2019m go stop feed cat food ingredient. yucca schidigera extract use mani high-end pet foods, includ brand feed cats. it\u2019 also dog food. past i\u2019v read ad pet food reduc odor fece urin"} {"id": "1278", "contents": "use. boil root yucca plant make tea. nutrient miner contain yucca herb steep tea pour dog' food. alternately, grind root powder sprinkl onto dog' food. sourc yucca root. buy yucca root health food store order onlin yucca root supplier distributor. buy yucca root natur form grind brew yourself, buy product powders, tea capsul suppliers."} {"id": "1279", "contents": "yucca extract dog food. yucca plant grow mostli desert area unit state mexico. extract yucca plant said natur help bodi remov toxin facilit digestion. yucca extract may also reduc bodi odour well smell urine/feaces."} {"id": "1280", "contents": "yucca schidigera, also known mojav yucca spanish dagger, flower plant nativ mojav desert, chihuahuan desert sonoran desert southeastern california, baja california, new mexico, southern nevada arizona."} {"id": "1281", "contents": "agriculture: yucca schidigera extract high steroid saponin content properti natur surfactant. ad soil, abil interact cell root plants, increas water nutrient absorption. recent studi england, feed yucca extract dog cat shown reduc fecal odor reduc emiss volatil compound contribut fecal odor. mani pet food kitti litter product contain yucca extract reduc noxiou odors."} {"id": "1282", "contents": "yucca schidigera flower plant nativ mojav desert, chihuahuan desert sonoran desert southeastern california, baja california, new mexico, southern nevada arizona. commonli use name includ yucca, mojav yucca spanish dagger. yucca schidigera fairli popular ingredi 20% dog foods."} {"id": "1283", "contents": "yucca like safe consum amount normal found foods. yucca possibl safe taken mouth short-term. caus side effect stomach upset, bitter taste, nausea, vomiting. enough known safeti take yucca mouth long-term appli skin. yucca overview information. yucca common name 40 speci plant yucca genus. root non-flow plant use make medicine. yucca use osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, migrain headaches, inflamm intestin (colitis), high cholesterol, stomach disorders, diabetes, poor circulation, liver gallbladd disord"} {"id": "1284", "contents": "yucca schidigera, desert shrub-tre herbac plant lili family. yucca extract known caus loos stools. saponin (ha soap-lik foam action) caus red blood cell burst (hemolysis) test tubes. use medicine, pepper may ad extract sold healing, aromatherapy, flavoring. addit black pepper pet food ingredi appear \u201cnatur health food\u201d trend dog cat need it."} {"id": "1285", "contents": "symbol use symbol signifi idea qualiti give symbol mean differ liter sense. symbol take differ forms. generally, object repres anoth give entir differ mean much deeper significant. sometimes, however, action, event word spoken someon may symbol value. common exampl symbol everyday life. daili life, easili identifi objects, taken exampl symbol following: dove symbol peace. red rose red color stand love romance. black symbol repres evil death"} {"id": "1286", "contents": "dove symbol peace. red rose red color stand love romance. black symbol repres evil death. ladder may stand symbol connect heaven earth. common exampl symbol everyday life. daili life, easili identifi objects, taken exampl symbol following: dove symbol peace. red rose red color stand love romance. black symbol repres evil dea"} {"id": "1287", "contents": "countri one symbol. instance, eagl symbol u.s., mapl leaf symbol canada. ross symbol christianity, star david symbol judaism. arrow symbol direct movement. shine sun sometim use symbol happiness. heart symbol love. symbolism, word power picture. example, name rome conjur associ empir histori pictur citi not. photograph eiffel tower may repres paris, name pari repres cosmopolitanism, cuisine, love, much mor"} {"id": "1288", "contents": "red octagon symbol stop even without word. symbol object concept represents, stand suggest anoth idea, visual image, belief, action materi entity. symbol take form words, sounds, gestures, idea visual imag use convey idea beliefs. example, red octagon may symbol stop"} {"id": "1289", "contents": "broadest sens term, word symbols. (see also sign .) literari sense, say william harmon, symbol combin liter sensuou qualiti abstract suggest aspect (a handbook literature, 2006). languag studies, symbol sometim use anoth term logograph. see exampl observ below. although symbol work power suggestion, symbol mean moral. symbol cannot abstraction. rather, symbol thing point abstraction. poe' 'the raven,' death symbol; bird is."} {"id": "1290", "contents": "noun. jack o'lantern symbol halloween. jack o'lantern symbol halloween. definit symbol someth stand repres someth else. exampl symbol jack o' lantern repres halloween."} {"id": "1291", "contents": "flag symbol country. countri one symbol. instance, eagl symbol u.s., mapl leaf symbol canada. cross symbol christianity, star david symbol judaism. arrow symbol direct movement. shine sun sometim use symbol happiness. heart symbol love."} {"id": "1292", "contents": "swan river colony. \u2018swan river colony\u2019 name given origin british settlement western australia. may 1829 captain charl fremantl claim coloni britain. fremantl anchor garden island near mouth swan river, downstream modern citi perth."} {"id": "1293", "contents": "swan river coloni pre 1850. swan river coloni mark new chapter britain\u2019 colonis australia. two main coloni new south wale van dieman\u2019 land first popul primarili convicts. swan river colony, found 1829, someth different, coloni free settlers. first year settlement swan river coloni struggl number fronts."} {"id": "1294", "contents": "swan river coloni new ventur colonis australia. new south wale van diemen\u2019 land convict settlements, smaller coloni outpost melvil island, norfolk island, westernport king georg sound also found soldier convicts. 2. reason establish swan river colony. jame stirling, coloni botanist charl frazer (or fraser), artist frederick garl among sail success explor south west new holland swan river."} {"id": "1295", "contents": "though swan river coloni found 'free settlement', initi settler mani difficulties, compel seek help british, offer accept convicts. western australia therefor becam penal coloni 1850. brief histori swan river coloni relat reilli famili history. 1829, captain jame stirl board hm parmelia, anchor fremantl garden island."} {"id": "1296", "contents": "swan river colony. fremantle, first known \u201cthe swan river coloni found 1829 establish free settlement approxim four hundr settler (civilian military) arriv hm sulphur parmelia june 1829. 1832 fifteen hundr peopl swan river colony.. first 20-30 year life hard new settlers. issu one fertility."} {"id": "1297", "contents": "swan river coloni british settlement establish 1829 swan river, western australia. name par pro toto western australia. first ship reach swan river hm challenger. anchor garden island 25 april 1829, captain charl fremantl declar swan river coloni britain may 1829."} {"id": "1298", "contents": "problem new coloni life smooth sail new coloni problem arose. click link explor problem were."} {"id": "1299", "contents": "captain charl fremantl declar swan river coloni may 1829. first fleet settler arriv june 1829, disembark possess sandi beach north swan river."} {"id": "1300", "contents": "port fremantle. fremantle' port role began immedi swan river coloni found 1829, entranc swan river estuari block rocki bar, made mouth river virtual impass sea-go vessels. first steamship enter port h.m.s. driver decemb 1845. 1832 fifteen hundr peopl swan river colony.. first 20-30 year life hard new settlers. issu one fertility."} {"id": "1301", "contents": "nerv conduct veloc (ncv) test determin quickli electr signal move particular peripher nerve. also sometim known nerv conduct studi use diagnosi nerv damag nerv dysfunction. doctor may use test suspect pinch nerve. alternately, may use wish check presenc nerv disease. test often perform electromyographi (emg), test record electr signal move muscles."} {"id": "1302", "contents": "test result tell doctor damag nerv lead muscle. magnet reson imag (mri). test use power magnet field radio wave produc detail view bodi multipl planes. test may use doctor suspect nerv root compression. doctor ask symptom conduct physic examination. doctor suspect pinch nerve, may undergo tests. test may include: nerv conduct study. test measur electr nerv impuls function muscl nerves. specialist place electrod ski"} {"id": "1303", "contents": "find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. problem may includ herniat disc, amyotroph later sclerosi (als), myasthenia gravi (mg). find caus weakness, paralysis, muscl twitching. emg done to: find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. find caus weakness, paralysis, muscl twitching."} {"id": "1304", "contents": "diagnost testing. order fulli determin extent damag nerve, doctor may order emg ncv, electr conduct test determin passag electr current nerves. test sometim done actual surgeri patient sedated."} {"id": "1305", "contents": "electromyogram (emg) measur electr activ muscl rest contraction. nerv conduct studi measur well fast nerv send electr signals. nerv control muscl bodi electr signal call impulses. impuls make muscl react specif ways. nerv muscl problem caus muscl react abnorm ways. leg pain numbness, may test find much nerv affected. emg done to: find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. find caus weakness, paralysis, muscl twitching."} {"id": "1306", "contents": "emg done to: find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. problem may includ herniat disc, amyotroph later sclerosi (als), myasthenia gravi (mg). emg done to: find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. find caus weakness, paralysis, muscl twitching."} {"id": "1307", "contents": "electromyographi nerv conduct test order learn health peripher nerves. test establish nerv pinched, give numer valu sever pinch often pinched. test last anywher half hour hour. muscl receiv adequ signal sick nerve, broadcast signals, show muscl confused. nerv conduct test emg's, doctor correl nerv pinch serious condition."} {"id": "1308", "contents": "single-fib emg special type emg test. test, small needl insert muscl see singl muscl fiber contracts. use test myasthenia gravis, diseas affect nerve-muscl (neuromuscular) junctions. test done, electrod removed. nerv conduct studi done emg test done. nerv conduct test may take 15 minut hour more, depend mani nerv muscl studied."} {"id": "1309", "contents": "language. thirty-thre languag spoken mozambique. offici languag adopt govern portuguese. however, estim 30,000 peopl mozambiqu speak language, 27 percent speak second language. urban centers, particularli maputo, english becom popular mani neighbor countri use english offici language."} {"id": "1310", "contents": "portugues offici languag mozambique. spoken 50.3% population. 10.7% popul speak first language, remain 39.7% speak second language."} {"id": "1311", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: offici languag mozambiqu portuguese, spoken approxim quarter popul receiv school education. portugues languag mozambican education, business, legal systems, pose problem great major popul cannot read speak it. approxim 60 languag dialect spoken mozambique. bantu origin, roughli categoris geography."} {"id": "1312", "contents": "number bantu languag indigen mozambique. portuguese, inherit coloni period (see: portugues mozambique), offici language, mozambiqu full member commun portugues languag countries. ethnologu list 43 languag spoken country. wide spoken languag includ swahili, makhuwa, sena, ndau, shangaan (tsonga) indigen languag mozambiqu includ lomwe, makonde, chopi, chuwabu, ronga, kimwani, zulu, tswa. languag deaf commun mozambican sign language."} {"id": "1313", "contents": "portugues offici language, although gener spoken educ amongst mozambique' population. besid this, 60 differ dialect bantu languag found mozambique. english gener spoken hotel beach lodges."} {"id": "1314", "contents": "portugues current offici languag mani african languag spoken variou part countri (shona, shangana, nyungwe, etc). english, definitely. spoken vast major citizen (around 85%), alway histor tradit part country. alway spoken language, need stay way, make offici keep way."} {"id": "1315", "contents": "former coloni portugal, includ macau china, angola, mozambique, sever african nations, continu use portugues offici language. portugues also offici languag african union european union. root language: like romanc languages, portugues root latin, brought iberian peninsula roman empir"} {"id": "1316", "contents": "portugues european languag that' offici languag brazil. wide spoken, understood, languag throughout country. languag country' first european explor settlers. portugese. english, definitely. spoken vast major citizen (around 85%), alway histor tradit part country. alway spoken language, need stay way, make offici keep way."} {"id": "1317", "contents": "[\u0281\u025b\u02c8publik\u0250 di mus\u0250\u0303\u02c8biki]), countri southeast africa border indian ocean east, tanzania north, malawi zambia northwest, zimbabw west, swaziland south africa southwest. separ madagascar mozambiqu channel east. capit largest citi maputo (known lourenco louren\u00e7o marqu before). independ 1st 5th centuries, ad-bantu speak peopl migrat farther north and. west four centuri portugues rule, mozambiqu gain independ 1975, becom people' republ mozambiqu shortli thereafter. two year independence, countri descend intens protract civil war last 1977 1992."} {"id": "1318", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost small lawn mow project. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost mow lawn rang $0.03 $0.14 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchas"} {"id": "1319", "contents": "mow average-s residenti lawn cost $20-$40. mow larg one-acr lot start $40 visit goe accord access condition. price weekli mowing, leaf blowing, hedg shrub trim (a needed) run $65-$90. mow lawn, rotari mower typic run $100-$700. larg parcel half acre, ride mower run $1,100-$6,500. edger start around $50-$170 run $230-$410 homedepot.com."} {"id": "1320", "contents": "step 1. establish base price. averag cost cut lawn $20 $40. determin base price small, medium large-s properties. example, may charg $20 cut front back small properti take 30 60 minutes, charg $40 properti take twice long complete. step 2."} {"id": "1321", "contents": "lawn care prices. reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. author: brian eckert"} {"id": "1322", "contents": "hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. local cost gasolin affect price. author: brian eckert. reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month."} {"id": "1323", "contents": "averag cost lawn servic depend exactli sign for. typic estim includ price weekli lawn cut, weed beds, spring cleanup, trim hedges, fall cleanup, chemic program. item may price individu lump togeth monthli mainten price."} {"id": "1324", "contents": "lawn care price vari want servic hour, week month. price rang $100 $200 per month want find good price, recommend get estimates. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. fertil ($350) lawn fertil ensur soil stabil plant health. use right fertil avoid diseas addit repairs."} {"id": "1325", "contents": "hire profession care grass help avoid patches, brown pest diseases. average, homeown spend $165 lawn servic although vari base type treatment lawn needs. cost consider your look services. nation averag estim lawn mow mainten $214 $322. often includ cut, weeding, trim pesticid treatment. servic price individually, other monthli weekli packages. averag lawn mow price rang $30 $80 per visit, depend squar footage, larg cut project cost result."} {"id": "1326", "contents": "glomerulu network (a tuft) capillari locat begin nephron kidney. serv first stage filter process blood carri nephron format urine. glomerulu surround cup-lik sac known bowman' capsule. blood plasma filter capillari glomerulu capsule."} {"id": "1327", "contents": "bowman' capsul empti filtrat proxim tubul also part nephron. glomerulu receiv blood suppli affer arteriol renal circulation. glomerulu surround cup-lik sac known bowman' capsule. blood plasma filter capillari glomerulu capsule."} {"id": "1328", "contents": "filtrat form liquid forc pass wall glomerulus. stuff left paper call residue, stuff pass paper call filtrate. generally, filtrat action process filter something. 54 other found useful. khayce morales."} {"id": "1329", "contents": "glomerular filtration. process glomerular filtrat formed, involv balanc pressur across wall glomerular capillaries. inher filtration. attenu primari x-ray beam result passag x-ray tube insul medium tube window. glomerular. pertain natur glomerulus, especi renal glomerulus. glomerular basement membrane. structur locat endotheli cell renal capillari viscer epitheli cell glomerulus. function barrier filtrat larg molecules."} {"id": "1330", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer community. make world better, one answer time. filtrat form liquid forc pass wall glomerulus. form process filtration. stuff left paper call residue, stuff pass paper call filtrate. generally, filtrat action process filter something. 54 other found useful. khayce morales."} {"id": "1331", "contents": "glomerular filtration, renal process wherebi fluid blood filter across capillari glomerulu urinari space bowman' capsule. glomerular. pertain natur glomerulus, especi renal glomerulus. glomerular basement membrane. structur locat endotheli cell renal capillari viscer epitheli cell glomerulus. function barrier filtrat larg molecules."} {"id": "1332", "contents": "reabsorbtion. occur commonli within nephron system filtration, form activ transport take use substanc bodi tubul place back blood fill capillaries."} {"id": "1333", "contents": "pariet layer. external, superfici layer sipl squamous, cup like structure, form outer wall capsule. captur filtrat prevent diffus away, direct proxim convul tubule. forgot password? format filtrat renal corpuscle. 15 term silvanajaffe. study. studi only. play. play only. play. play only. like studi set? creat free account save it."} {"id": "1334", "contents": "urin form kidney collect _____ drain kidney _____ transport _____. (activ 44a). filtrat form fluid forc wall glomerulu and, initially, collect structur indic letter _____."} {"id": "1335", "contents": "data entri clerk salary. (unit states). median pay data entri clerk unit state lie neighborhood $11.88 per hour. compens rang $9.10 per hour lower end $15.66 higher end. locat biggest factor affect pay group, follow tenure. job satisfact data entri clerk high. worker field two-fifth award benefits."} {"id": "1336", "contents": "determin nation averag wage index 2013 level consist nation averag wage index seri prior years, multipli 2012 nation averag wage index 44,321.67 percentag chang averag wage 2012 2013 (base tabul wage data). retirement, elig age 62. person reach age 62 2015, example, 2015 person' year eligibility. alway index individual' earn averag wage level two year prior year first"} {"id": "1337", "contents": "chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job data entri clerk unit state make less annual salary. view data entri clerk job description. view -- job salari range: categories: -- all, administrative, support, clerical, entri level. industries: aerospac defense, biotechnology, busi services, chemicals, construction, edu., gov't."} {"id": "1338", "contents": "averag data entri clerk salari job post nationwid 61% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "1339", "contents": "determin nation averag wage index 2013. determin nation averag wage index calendar year 2013, multipli 2012 nation averag wage index 44,321.67 percentag chang averag wage 2012 2013, measur annual wage data tabulated. retirement, elig age 62. person reach age 62 2015, example, 2015 person' year eligibility. alway index individual' earn averag wage level two year prior year first"} {"id": "1340", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic data entri clerk unit state $28,884 50% peopl perform job data entri clerk unit state expect make less $28,884. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $28,884. salary. view data entri clerk job description. view -- job salari range: categories: -- all, administrative, support, clerical, entri level. industries: aerospac defense, biotechnology, busi services, chemicals, construction, edu., gov't."} {"id": "1341", "contents": "data entri clerk iii job descript follow full job descript data entri clerk iii. requir respons data entri clerk iii along statistics."} {"id": "1342", "contents": "data entri clerk salary. (canada). data entri clerk earn averag wage c$14.09 per hour. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. peopl job move posit 20 year field. popular skill data entri clerk. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay."} {"id": "1343", "contents": "team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl data entri clerk unit states. view data entri clerk job description. view -- job salari range: categories: -- all, administrative, support, clerical, entri level. industries: aerospac defense, biotechnology, busi services, chemicals, construction, edu., gov't."} {"id": "1344", "contents": "tb airborn diseas caus bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis. (m. tuberculosis). m. tuberculosi seven close relat mycobacteri speci (m. bovis, m. africanum, m. microti, m. caprae, m. pinnipedii, m. canetti m. mungi) togeth compris known m. tuberculosi complex."} {"id": "1345", "contents": "secondari tuberculosis: seen mostli adult reactiv previou infect (or reinfection), particularli health statu declines. granulomat inflamm much florid widespread. typically, upper lung lobe affected, cavit occur."} {"id": "1346", "contents": "patholog traumat discontinu tissu loss function part. lesion broad term, includ wounds, sores, ulcers, tumors, cataract tissu damage. rang skin sore associ eczema chang lung tissu occur tuberculosis."} {"id": "1347", "contents": "publish summary. chapter discuss patholog chang tuberculosis. tubercl bacilli omnipresent, contact tissu cells, necessarili mean state"} {"id": "1348", "contents": "unit states, major tb case caus m. tuberculosis. m. tuberculosi organ also call tubercl bacilli. figur 2.1 mycobacterium tuberculosi transmiss tb m. tuberculosi carri airborn particles, call droplet nuclei, 1\u2013 micron diameter."} {"id": "1349", "contents": "gener features. mycobacterium tuberculosi organ caus agent tuberculosi (tb). atyp mycobacteria m. kansasii may produc similar clincal patholog appear disease."} {"id": "1350", "contents": "specif diseas caus infect mycobacterium tuberculosis, tubercl bacillus, affect almost tissu organ body; common site lungs."} {"id": "1351", "contents": "causes. pulmonari tuberculosi (tb) caus bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosi (m. tuberculosis) tb contagious. mean bacteria easili spread infect person someon else. get tb breath air droplet cough sneez infect person."} {"id": "1352", "contents": "anergy, absenc ppd reactiv person infect tb, occur immunocompromis persons, may even occur person newli infect tb, person miliari tb. inject ppd intracutaneously, gross. properli place tb skin test, gross. posit"} {"id": "1353", "contents": "liatri spicata warm bitterish tast use local applic sore throat treatment gonorrhoea. l. squarrosa, call 'the rattlesnake' root use cure rattlesnak bite, handsom plant long narrow leaves, larg head love purpl flowers. l. scariosa also use snake-bit recogn involucr scale margin purple. ---habitat---north america: cultiv england. ---description---herbac perenni plant, composit distinguish nake receptacle, oblong, imbricated, involucre, featheri pappus, fleshi basal leav obolanceolate, termin flatten stalk. leav stem clasp base. leav use flavour tobacco"} {"id": "1354", "contents": "re: deer tongue. wed, april 27, 2005 5:40 pm. sweet grass, website, (they temporarili stock) sell plants...they donat portion proce veteran nativ american schools. fern thin long smooth, leatheri surface. mani fern deer' tongu family."} {"id": "1355", "contents": "deer' tongu refer type fern. fern thin long smooth, leatheri surface. mani fern deer' tongu family. here, hawai'i, deer' tongu grow wild forest, well indigen lau'a fern type mule ferns, characterist smooth leatheri leav releas love vanilla-lik scent upon dri"} {"id": "1356", "contents": "nativ florida wildflowers. blog celebr beauti divers florida' wildflowers-with bit focu grow plant home landscape. wildflow featur grown sold hawthorn hill nativ wildflow rare plant nurseri"} {"id": "1357", "contents": "deer' tongue: vanilla leaf, wild vanilla, trilissia odorata. part used-leaves. herbac perenni plant distinguish nake receptacle, oblong, imbric involucre, featheri pappus, fleshi basal leav obolanceolate, termin flatten stalk. leav clasp base. fern thin long smooth, leatheri surface. mani fern deer' tongu family."} {"id": "1358", "contents": "that' say deer tongu leav collected, ingest great number humans. fact, back manufactur start use artifici ingredients, deer tongu signific flavor agent tobacco. smell come chemic coumarin, found leav plant. fresh green, leav littl smell. dry, becom pungent, almost overpowering. one leaf suffici perfum whole room."} {"id": "1359", "contents": "deer' tongu leaf (trilisa odoratissima). plant sometim call vanilla leaf, wild vanilla, distinct smell vanilla leav crushed. trilissia odorata known diuret effects, also use sore throat gonorrhea. leav use give tobacco vanilla flavor. perfum larg due coumarin, seen crystal upper side smooth spatul leaves. coumarin blood-thinning, anti-fungicid anti-tumor activities."} {"id": "1360", "contents": "deer' tongu use mani folk luck love affair court cases. plant' leaf thought resembl tongu reason, folk follow so-cal doctrin signatur ascrib mysteri power grant eloqu pleas speech anyon carri it."} {"id": "1361", "contents": "rhododendron minu exist two botan varieties, carolinianum minus. commonli call carolina rhododendron varieti carolinianum sometim call punctatum deer tongu laurel mountain communitites. minu smallest leav smallest flower nativ rhododendron species."} {"id": "1362", "contents": "five month later, betsi ross, philadelphia seamstress, sew rememb first \u201camerican flag,\u201d featur thirteen white star laid circl blue background surround thirteen red white stripes. 1778-1794 altern version american flag continu produc use variou promin militari outfit sail vessel spite offici adopt ross design. version util red, white, blue theme."} {"id": "1363", "contents": "stated: resolved, flag unit state thirteen stripes, altern red white; union thirteen stars, white blue field, repres new constellation.. observ flag day june 14 year. sinc first flag, american flag\u2019 design chang 26 times. today\u2019 flag consist 13 horizont stripe seven red altern six white. stripe repres origin 13 colonies. 50 star repres 50 state make unit state"} {"id": "1364", "contents": "1822-1867 fourteen star ad flag inclus missouri, arkansas, michigan, florida, texas, iowa, wisconsin, california, minnesota, oregon, kansas, west virginia, nevada nebraska. thirti seven star american flag. 1778-1794 altern version american flag continu produc use variou promin militari outfit sail vessel spite offici adopt ross design. version util red, white, blue theme."} {"id": "1365", "contents": "describ american flag design chang 28 th time differ turn histori accord circumstances. american flag ad star new state enter union eventu flag ad 50 star 1960. design 50 star american flag robert g. heft (1941-2009) school teacher later colleg professor. robert g. heft mayor napoleon, ohio. let review histori american flag know design american flag differ times. articl provid us best comparison neighbor countri canadian flag facts, histori pictures."} {"id": "1366", "contents": "american flag use today design th juli 1960 robert g. heft. design current american flag professor robert g. heft. own prestigi honor; design flag one longest continu design last 53 years. let review histori american flag know design american flag differ times. articl provid us best comparison neighbor countri canadian flag facts, histori pictures."} {"id": "1367", "contents": "th juli 1776 unit state got independ kingdom great britain. 14 juli 1777, congression act 13 star 13 horizont strip unit state flag introduced. congressman franci hopkinson design american flag offici flag 30 april 1795. let review histori american flag know design american flag differ times. articl provid us best comparison neighbor countri canadian flag facts, histori pictures."} {"id": "1368", "contents": "old glory. origin first american flag unknown. historian believ design new jersey congressman franci hopkinson sewn philadelphia seamstress betsi ross. name old glori given large, 10-by-17-foot flag owner, william driver, sea captain massachusetts. resolut stated: \u201cresolved, flag unit state thirteen stripes, altern red white; union thirteen stars, white blue field, repres new constellation.. aug. 3, 1949 presid harri s. truman offici declar june 14 flag day."} {"id": "1369", "contents": "design flag modifi 26 time offici sinc 1777. 48-star flag effect 47 year 49-star version becam offici juli 4, 1959. 50-star flag order presid eisenhow august 21, 1959 adopt juli 1960. man credit design current 50 star american flag robert g. heft. 17 year old time creat flag design 1958 high school class project live grandpar ohio. receiv b\u2212 project."} {"id": "1370", "contents": "histori american flag. accord popular legend, first american flag made betsi ross, philadelphia seamstress acquaint georg washington, leader continent army, influenti philadelphians. known first unoffici nation flag, call grand union flag continent colours, rais behest gener washington near headquart outsid boston, mass., jan. 1, 1776."} {"id": "1371", "contents": "week start foods, soon eat longer need mother readi sell...wev sold three litter week old :). answer #13 13. puppi start eat sofr puppi food weeks."} {"id": "1372", "contents": "entir process usual take littl month so, mani puppi complet wean they'r week old. however, puppi begin eat soft-textur food soon wean begin -- think week old, instance."} {"id": "1373", "contents": "start puppi solid food puppi reach age four weeks, start eat solid food. best suppli food puppi allow mama dog tech babi do, it."} {"id": "1374", "contents": "best time introduc water puppi food around week age. time start slowli wean puppi mother\u2019 milk care becom independent. patient take time this."} {"id": "1375", "contents": "start weaning. start introduc puppi puppi food age 3.5 weeks. allow gradual transit mother' milk solid puppi food. time independ week old, eat solid food."} {"id": "1376", "contents": "time puppi 6\u00bd-7 week age, fulli wean dam' milk, eat dri food, drink water. wean rushed, natur start decreas milk production, puppi increas intak solid food."} {"id": "1377", "contents": "puppi begin eat puppi mush week age, start chang bitch' diet back adult food also help decreas milk production. start replac 1/4 puppi food adult food."} {"id": "1378", "contents": "wean puppi eat solid food. wean earli help conserv mother strength. provid milk larg litter put strain chihuahua give birth. start wean soon chihuahua pup becom mobile, usual somewher week old."} {"id": "1379", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. sensori neuron nerv cell transmit sensori inform (sight, sound, feeling, etc.). activ sensori input, send project element nervou system, ultim convey sensori inform brain spinal cord."} {"id": "1380", "contents": "adult stem cell identifi mani organ tissues, includ brain, bone marrow, peripher blood, blood vessels, skelet muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian epithelium, testis. thought resid specif area tissu (call stem cell niche). indic above, scientist report adult stem cell occur mani tissu enter normal differenti pathway form special cell type tissu reside. normal differenti pathway adult stem cells."} {"id": "1381", "contents": "(2) numer short process soma, call dendrites; and, (3) singl long nerv fiber, axon. describ figur 2.1. bodi nerv cell (see also (schad ford, 1973)) similar cells. cell bodi gener includ nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasm reticulum, ribosomes, organelles. cell exhibit voltag differ across cell membrane. nerv cell muscl cell excitable. cell membran produc electrochem impuls conduct along membrane. muscl cells, electr phenomenon also associ contract cell."} {"id": "1382", "contents": "8.1 introduct neuron glial cells. human nervou system estim consist roughli 360 billion non-neur glial cell 90 billion nerv cells. furthermore, hundr differ type neuron base morpholog alone. cone-shap region cell bodi axon origin term axon hillock. area free ribosom cell organelles, except cytoskelet element organel transport axon."} {"id": "1383", "contents": "cells, gland cell ciliat cells, believ membran voltag import execut cell function. origin membran voltag nerv cell muscl cells. cell types, membran gener impuls consequ excitation. impuls propag cell type manner. follow short introduct anatomi physiolog nerv cells. cell exhibit voltag differ across cell membrane. nerv cell muscl cell excitable. cell membran produc electrochem impuls conduct along membrane. muscl cells, electr phenomenon also associ contract cell."} {"id": "1384", "contents": "typic neuron consist cell bodi (soma), dendrites, axon. term neurit use describ either dendrit axon, particularli undifferenti stage. neuron (/\u02c8nj\u028a\u0259r\u0252n/ nyewr-on /\u02c8n\u028a\u0259r\u0252n/ newr-on; also known neuron nerv cell) electr excit cell process transmit inform electr chemic signals. signal neuron occur via synapses, special connect cell"} {"id": "1385", "contents": "type neuron (nerv cells). human bodi made trillion cells. cell nervou system, call nerv cell neurons, special carri messag electrochem process. human brain approxim 100 billion neurons. learn neuron carri messages, read action potential. neuron come mani differ shape size"} {"id": "1386", "contents": "cell tissu organ renew differenti yield the. major special cell type tissu organ. primari role adult stem cell a. live organ maintain repair tissu found."} {"id": "1387", "contents": "adult stem cell renew differenti yield major special cell type tissu organ. primari role adult stem cell live organ maintain repair tissu found. indic above, scientist report adult stem cell occur mani tissu enter normal differenti pathway form special cell type tissu reside. normal differenti pathway adult stem cells."} {"id": "1388", "contents": "averag digniti health salaries. averag salari digniti health job $53,000. averag digniti health salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term digniti health anywher job listing."} {"id": "1389", "contents": "average, digniti health employe receiv $28.94 per hour. overtim pay included, wage rise $45.81. digniti health paycheck larg negoti base geography, though experi level role compani also considered. overview base answer payscale' salari questionnaire. employer: digniti health. hourli rate rang job. check salari info job \u00bb."} {"id": "1390", "contents": "averag digniti health salari rang approxim $16,000 per year certifi nurs assist $200,000 per year vice presid human resources. salari inform come 898 data point collect directli employees, users, job indeed."} {"id": "1391", "contents": "patent lawyer cost vari base geograph locat attorney credentials. mind, expect pay somewher around $100 $500 per hour, mean hourli cost closer $250 $450. major metropolitan hours, however, patent lawyer fee could doubl amount. term total patent attorney fees, might pay approxim $5,000 $10,000 simpl invention, $10,000 $15,000 moder complex invention, $15,000+ complex invention. example, profession patent search might run around $500 $1,500, get patent opinion lawyer would cost approxim $1,000 $2,000."} {"id": "1392", "contents": "consider also given rel new procedur defer costs. procedur involv initi file provision patent application. cost would $1,900 attorney fee plu $65 govern fee plu $250, needed, estim draft fee two sheets. draft fees: $125 per sheet. cost later file non-provision patent applic would addit $1,500 attorney fee plu $400 govern fee. non-refund fee $1,500 requir begin work provision applic"} {"id": "1393", "contents": "file fee $130 small entiti draw typic cost $100 $125 per page, high qualiti provision patent applic mechan electr devic typic prepar file $2,500 $3,000. nevertheless, rough guidanc regard expect pay attorney fee file nonprovision patent application. obviously, speak patent bar whole, base experi work inventor client businesses."} {"id": "1394", "contents": "price include? often, patent attorney bill time hourli rate (averag $200-300 per hour) addit fix patent offic file fee (about $750 initi filing). may also charg cost mechan draw need hire outsid firm."} {"id": "1395", "contents": "cost add quickli doubt, post-fil cost patent examin start examin applic filed, subject futur article. still, budget least anoth $5,000 $7,500 prosecut issu fee patent office. nevertheless, rough guidanc regard expect pay attorney fee file nonprovision patent application. obviously, speak patent bar whole, base experi work inventor client businesses."} {"id": "1396", "contents": "addit actual patent attorney cost, also need pay patent file fee (individu rang hundr thousand dollars) draw fee (around $75 $150 per patent drawing). example, profession patent search might run around $500 $1,500, get patent opinion lawyer would cost approxim $1,000 $2,000."} {"id": "1397", "contents": "$400 per hour. hourli fee charg attorney write patent. \u201conc patent lawyer enough inform invention, file patent application, take averag 25 hour write cost $10,000.\u201d $10,000/25 hour $400/hour. ip attorney fees. hour per"} {"id": "1398", "contents": "25 hours. averag time take attorney write patent. \u201conc patent lawyer enough inform invention, file patent application, take averag 25 hour write cost $10,000.\u201d $10,000/25 hour $400/hour. ip attorney fees. hour per"} {"id": "1399", "contents": "possibl handl bulk patent applic consult attorney specif matters. example, profession patent search might run around $500 $1,500, get patent opinion lawyer would cost approxim $1,000 $2,000."} {"id": "1400", "contents": "no-not 48 hours. grit readili avail quick grit format. depend tast is. experi water grit ratio thickness. usual minut high boil. splatter like crazi use screen lid cook them."} {"id": "1401", "contents": "common food southern portion the. depend prepared, grit eaten part breakfast, lunch dinner. plain grit take minut prepar 40 minut cook. instant grit avail (quote) \u201cno true southern would serv instant grits\u201d."} {"id": "1402", "contents": "pour cup water cup milk 4-quart sauc pan. add salt taste. 1/4 teaspoon salt it. place pan stove heat high mixtur begin boil. add tsp. butter return boiling. add grit water begin boil again."} {"id": "1403", "contents": "make two serv grits, measur 1/2 cup grits\u2026. \u2026and 1/4 cup water. measur one tablespoon butter 1/2 teaspoon salt. (i person felt much salt, recip call for.). put grits, butter salt sauc pan add water."} {"id": "1404", "contents": "grit favorit grain dish south, usual eaten breakfast dish. instruct basic boil grits. difficulty: easy. time required: 45 minutes. here' how: 3- 4-quart saucepan, bring 1/2 cup water season teaspoon salt boil."} {"id": "1405", "contents": "cup coarsely-ground grits. cup water stock (4 1/2 want thicker grits). teaspoon salt. tablespoon butter (or taste, go heart). large, heavy-bottom saucepan, bring water boil."} {"id": "1406", "contents": "biomark testing. biomark test center person medicine. word biomark refer body' molecul measur assess health. molecul obtain blood, bodi fluids, tissue. biomark test group test look molecular sign health doctor plan best care. biomark test may also call molecular test genet testing.. biomark tests, first see genet counselor. genet counselor give inform guidanc test make inform decis whether get tested. undergo biomark testing, may also want check insur cover test"} {"id": "1407", "contents": "biomark substanc introduc organ mean examin organ function aspect health. example, rubidium chlorid use isotop label evalu perfus heart muscle. may indic either normal diseas process body. biomark specif cells, molecules, genes, gene products, enzymes, hormones. complex organ function gener characterist chang biolog structur also serv biomarkers."} {"id": "1408", "contents": "medicine, biomark traceabl substanc introduc organ mean examin organ function aspect health. example, rubidium chlorid use radioact isotop evalu perfus heart muscle. one exampl commonli use biomark medicin prostate-specif antigen (psa). marker measur proxi prostat size rapid chang potenti indic cancer."} {"id": "1409", "contents": "conclusions. conclud biomark genet mutations, neurotransmitters, cytokin use identif depress condit patients. present, mechan develop depress well understood. recogn multifactori disease, total contribut genet factor origin disease, heritability, estim nearli 40%.[ 11 notably, mode inherit complex ambiguous."} {"id": "1410", "contents": "biomark (short biolog markers) biolog measur biolog state. definition, biomark characterist object measur evalu indic normal biolog processes, pathogen process pharmacolog respons therapeut intervention.. biomark use predict seriou ill diabet cardiovascular disease. individu biomark indic whether diseas health state combin provid detail pictur healthi person whether diagnosi need made."} {"id": "1411", "contents": "medicine, biomark measur indic sever presenc diseas state. gener biomark anyth use indic particular diseas state physiolog state organism. may indic either normal diseas process body. biomark specif cells, molecules, genes, gene products, enzymes, hormones. complex organ function gener characterist chang biolog structur also serv biomarkers."} {"id": "1412", "contents": "genetics, biomark (identifi genet marker) dna sequenc caus diseas associ suscept disease. use creat genet map whatev organ studied. one exampl commonli use biomark medicin prostate-specif antigen (psa). marker measur proxi prostat size rapid chang potenti indic cancer."} {"id": "1413", "contents": "biomarker, biolog marker, gener refer measur indic biolog state condition. term also occasion use refer substanc presenc indic exist live organism. one exampl commonli use biomark medicin prostate-specif antigen (psa). marker measur proxi prostat size rapid chang potenti indic cancer."} {"id": "1414", "contents": "propos biomark validated, use diagnos diseas risk, presenc diseas individual, tailor treatment diseas individu (choic drug treatment administr regimes). may indic either normal diseas process body. biomark specif cells, molecules, genes, gene products, enzymes, hormones. complex organ function gener characterist chang biolog structur also serv biomarkers."} {"id": "1415", "contents": "answer 2: sunlight provid energi form electromagnet radiation. sunlight actual made photons, small particl carri electromagnet force. first step photosynthesis, plant captur photon har energi order start photosynthesis. photosynthesis, plant take carbon dioxid (which present throughout air) water (which also air dirt) turn sugar, among compounds. plant convert harvest sunlight chemic energi (atp). then, use atp make type store fuel sugars. make sugar (carbohydrates) carbon dioxid water."} {"id": "1416", "contents": "process photosynthesi substanc captur sunlight call chlorophyl chloroplast grader 11 year old southwood midl vicki:) mr. peters ns class. peopl found useful. autotroph captur energi sunlight use process call photosynthesis. sunlight hit chloroplasts, bounc electrons, creat energ y."} {"id": "1417", "contents": "chloroplast cell captur sunlight. chloroplast contain chemic chlorophyll, gather light energy, kind like solar plate work. sunlight energi use along water carbon dioxid perform photosynthesis. autotroph captur energi sunlight use process call photosynthesis. sunlight hit chloroplasts, bounc electrons, creat energ y. peopl found useful."} {"id": "1418", "contents": "photosynthesis, plant captur light energi sun break weak bond reactants, carbon dioxid water, form. carbon-contain molecules, glucose. carbon-contain molecul used."} {"id": "1419", "contents": "process photosynthesi substanc captur sunlight call chlorophyl chloroplasts. grader 11 year old southwood midl vicki:) mr. petersen class. light captur chlorophyl chloroplast plant cells. specifically: thylakoid membran made photosystem ii. light hit photo system ii first, plant use water molecul break up."} {"id": "1420", "contents": "chemic energi store carbohydr molecules, sugars, synthes carbon dioxid water henc name photosynthesis, greek \u03c6\u1ff6\u03c2, ph\u014ds, light, \u03c3\u03cd\u03bd\u03b8\u03b5\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2, synthesis, put together. plants, alga cyanobacteria, sugar produc subsequ sequenc light-independ reaction call calvin cycle, bacteria use differ mechanisms, revers kreb cycle."} {"id": "1421", "contents": "process, call photosynthesis, essenti global carbon cycl organ conduct photosynthesi repres lowest level food chain (figur 1). figur 1: photosynthet plant synthes carbon-bas energi molecul energi sunlight. photosynthet cell contain chlorophyl light-sensit pigment captur solar energy. presenc carbon dioxide, cell abl convert solar energi energy-rich organ molecules, glucose."} {"id": "1422", "contents": "water lake sea well ground. sun provid light heat energy. plant use have: carbon dioxide, water, light. process call photosynthesis, plant captur energi use carbon dioxide, water, light make sugar call glucose. also releas oxygen water molecul air. pictur actual happens: let' see happen here. carbon import compon plant tissues. chloroplast captur energi sun also captur carbon dioxid molecul air dissolv water.. make food plant whatev anim eat plant."} {"id": "1423", "contents": "photosynthesi process use plant organ convert light energy, normal sun, chemic energi later releas fuel organisms' activities. plants, alga cyanobacteria, sugar produc subsequ sequenc light-independ reaction call calvin cycle, bacteria use differ mechanisms, revers kreb cycle."} {"id": "1424", "contents": "see result fast. \u201ccortison inject quickest way make acn disappear. acn cyst liter shrink within four eight hour inject continu improv next sever days. pain swell cyst improve, too. cortison shot improv symptoms. it\u2019 antibiot therefor kill bacteria. medic prescrib acn continu treatment patient practic elimin clear acne,\u201d explain gross."} {"id": "1425", "contents": "downsid cortison inject cystic acn expensive, plu time spent wait doctor\u2019 office, seriously, skin atrophi inject site end look sunken in. usual temporari take month heal. traditionally, acn cyst treat dermatologist\u2019 offic either oral antibiotics, quick, fast remedy, cortison inject given."} {"id": "1426", "contents": "see qualifi doctor dermatologist determin whether cortison inject right cours action you. treat root caus acne, need prescript medication, obtain skin doctor. cortison inject work, reserv treat larg breakouts, advanc special occas prom wedding. doctor dermatologist administ inject as-need basis."} {"id": "1427", "contents": "dr. schweiger note that, \u201cat clear clinic, reserv number same-day appoint patient need stop cortison injection. patient understand method flatten pimpl within 24-48 hours, without increas risk scarring.\u201d. cortison shot, notic immedi chang skin. may return directli work social engagements, may even appli makeup cover area prior leav office."} {"id": "1428", "contents": "cortison shot work acn inflammatori reaction skin p. acn bacteria. cortison shot, notic immedi chang skin. may return directli work social engagements, may even appli makeup cover area prior leav office."} {"id": "1429", "contents": "cyst nodul larg acn lesion (5mm diameter). deep within skin therefor sometim resist topic treatment. sometim cyst nodul last week even month left untreated, scar. cyst nodul big event horizon like prom, wedding, etc., cortison shot way quickli reduc swell heal lesion. cortison shot also help reduc scarring. cortison shot need reserv special occasions. feel free make appoint dermatologist doctor inject as-need basi"} {"id": "1430", "contents": "intra-lesion inject steroid benefit skin reduc inflamm promptli reduc risk scar pigmentation. cortison inject work, reserv treat larg breakouts, advanc special occas prom wedding. doctor dermatologist administ inject as-need basis."} {"id": "1431", "contents": "leav comment. stop dermatologist\u2019 offic cortison shot singl effect safest method get rid new pimpl skin. cortison shot, notic immedi chang skin. may return directli work social engagements, may even appli makeup cover area prior leav office."} {"id": "1432", "contents": "doctor provid cortison inject acne. cortison hormon that' releas respons inflammation. sometim inject directli area inflammation, cystic acn lesion, promot healing, accord daniel kern acne.org. although cortison inject allevi inflamm quickly, side effects."} {"id": "1433", "contents": "inject painful; care use smallest needl possibl particular medication. cortison shot, notic immedi chang skin. may return directli work social engagements, may even appli makeup cover area prior leav office."} {"id": "1434", "contents": "alexandria largest citi delta estim popul million. larg citi delta includ shubra al khaymah, port said, el-mahalla el-kubra, el mansura, tanta, zagazig. nile consid arcuat delta (arc-shaped), resembl triangl lotu flower seen above. outer edg delta eroding, coastal lagoon seen increas salin level connect mediterranean sea increases."} {"id": "1435", "contents": "nile delta northern egypt nile river drain mediterranean sea. around 160 kilometr (100 miles) length spread 240 kilometr (149 miles) coastline."} {"id": "1436", "contents": "area nile delta 20.000 km2. nile valley nile delta rank among world' fertil farm area surround highli arid environment. nile longest river world. origin near equat flow nearli 7000 km northward. delta begin approxim 20 km north cairo extend north 150 km. coast delta 250 km wide, alexandria west port said east."} {"id": "1437", "contents": "one world' largest river deltas\u2014from alexandria west port said east, cover 240 kilometr (150 mi) mediterranean coastline\u2014and rich agricultur region. north south delta approxim 160 kilometr (99 mi) length. nile consid arcuat delta (arc-shaped), resembl triangl lotu flower seen above. outer edg delta eroding, coastal lagoon seen increas salin level connect mediterranean sea increases."} {"id": "1438", "contents": "clue: nile delta city. nile delta citi crossword puzzl clue spot times. relat clue (shown below). cairo. like relat crossword puzzl clues. illinoi city. mideast capital. african capital. citi nile. egypt' capital. north african capital. capit nile. aida premiered. africa' largest city. 10 nile city."} {"id": "1439", "contents": "gill. definition: flow 5584 km (3470 miles), nile longest river world. delta empti mediterranean sea. begin nile river south delta, make peopl northern hemispher think flow wrong direction. lake victoria, egypt' largest lake second largest freshwat bodi world, feed nile. classic period three domin channel nile delta, pre, ptah amun, accord tour egypt. homer knew nile egypt' river; hesiod knew neilos, accord nile oxford dictionari classic world. ed. john roberts."} {"id": "1440", "contents": "thmui half kilomet south tell el rub\u2019a, site ancient citi mendes, report littman. mend domin citi delta egypt\u2019 history, end fourth millennium fourth centuri bc, part import port."} {"id": "1441", "contents": "nile delta situat northern egypt, river nile reach mediterranean sea. nile longest river world. origin near equat flow nearli 7000 km northward. delta begin approxim 20 km north cairo extend north 150 km. coast delta 250 km wide, alexandria west port said east."} {"id": "1442", "contents": "cairo apex delta. across river cairo see three big pyramid sphinx giza. suez canal right delta. here' interact map nile delta. use and-on left zoom out. botoom choos show map satelit normal map."} {"id": "1443", "contents": "uct switchboard: 021 650 9111. web manag assist website-rel queries, it-rel queries. latter (includ queri onlin system email), pleas contact helpdesk (021 650 4500). queri vula, pleas contact vula helpdesk"} {"id": "1444", "contents": "gener contacts. queri relat undergradu admissions, registration, curriculum, etc, pleas complet onlin queri form locat right side bar page. rondebosch. queri relat postgradu admissions, registration, curriculum, etc, pleas complet onlin queri form locat right side bar page. physic address"} {"id": "1445", "contents": "want let other know good work council engag in-that' sponsor uct photo contest. simple-y send us best photo council' commun servic effort quarter and, photo chosen winner, council receiv $500! 6:30 pm uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. oct 14 2015 6:30 pm aug 10 2017 6:30 pm. uct bingo wednesday even 6:30 pm. purchas card almost stores. bingo uct est mainten tou le mercredi soir de 18hr30. cart en vent dan presqu tou le magasin."} {"id": "1446", "contents": "octob 13, 2015 10:21 am. year uct sponsor annual safeti poster contest student public, privat parochi school student intellectu disabilities. school across north america elig participate, contact uct local council. 6:30 pm uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. oct 21 2015 6:30 pm aug 17 2017 6:30 pm. uct bingo wednesday even 6:30 pm. purchas card almost stores."} {"id": "1447", "contents": "octob 13, 2015 10:21 am. year uct sponsor annual safeti poster contest student public, privat parochi school student intellectu disabilities. school across north america elig participate, contact uct local council. 6:30 pm uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. uct 827 bingo roger tv channel 9-10 tv roger canal 9-10. oct 14 2015 6:30 pm aug 10 2017 6:30 pm. uct bingo wednesday even 6:30 pm. purchas card almost stores. bingo uct est mainten tou le mercredi soir de 18hr30. cart en vent dan presqu tou le magasin"} {"id": "1448", "contents": "subscrib icts-newsletter-l mail list. ask ict-rel question. send email icts-feedback@uct.ac.za follow ict tweet schedul maintenance, known problems, system changes, project gener information. follow icts_feedback twitter read icts-rel articl media. go media page. ict use number method keep campu inform and, instances, choic would like receive. want to... need to... receiv announc projects, ict services, schedul mainten slot known problem affect larg number user campus."} {"id": "1449", "contents": "contact us school economics. school econom locat new school econom building\u201a middl campus\u201a uct."} {"id": "1450", "contents": "sure specif product part number, pleas give brief descript comment field. uniqu applic sure need, give us detail descript project goal contact recommend proper equipment."} {"id": "1451", "contents": "annelid (annelida, latin anellus, littl ring), also known ring worm segment worms, larg phylum, 17,000 extant speci includ ragworms, earthworms, leeches. annelid consid member lophotrochozoa, super-phylum protostom also includ molluscs, brachiopods, flatworm nemerteans. basic annelid form consist multipl segments."} {"id": "1452", "contents": "annelid phylum includ earthworms, leeches, polychaet worms, worm groups(3). annelid also call segment worm defin featur share bodi divid segments, contain part basic bodi system (2). learn article. annelida group commonli refer segment worms, found worldwid deepest marin sediment soil citi park yards. 20th centuri annelida split three major groups; polychaeta, oligochaeta (earthworm etc.) hirudinea (leech"} {"id": "1453", "contents": "annelida. anim annelida segment worms. legs, hard skeleton. unlik mollusks, annelid bodi divid mani littl segments, like ring join together. mani kind worms, annelid segment way. three main group annelids, earthworm (and relatives), leeches, big group live ocean call polychaet (pol-ee-keets)"} {"id": "1454", "contents": "segment worm make phylum annelida. phylum includ earthworms, leeches, larg number mostli marin worm known polychaetes. polychaet (mean mani bristles) mani bristl body, earthworm leech fewer bristles. parasitic, leeches; other filter-fe prey invertebrates. segment wormsmak phylum annelida. phylum includ earthworms, leeches, larg number mostli marin worm known polychaetes."} {"id": "1455", "contents": "annelida. member phylum may familiar: common earthworm, leech nightcrawl belong group. three gener type segment worms. one group entir marin (the polychaetes), two group either terrestri live freshwater."} {"id": "1456", "contents": "annelid (phylum annelida) also call segment worm due segment bodies. group includ familiar invertebr worms. earthworms, freshwat worms, leeches, marin worm annelids. group also call bristl worm annelid tini chitin bristl call setae. seta help terrestri annelid grip surroundings, aid aquat form swimming. learn article. annelida group commonli refer segment worms, found worldwid deepest marin sediment soil citi park yards. 20th centuri annelida split three major groups; polychaeta, oligochaeta (earthworm etc.) hirudinea (leeches)"} {"id": "1457", "contents": "marin speci member one two classes, polychaeta (polychaet worms) hirudinea (leeches). third class, oligochaeta, includ well-known earthworms. phylum revis recent research reveal leech probabl join oligochaetes, togeth earthworms. so, annelid inlcud segment unseg worms. come huge varieti shape colors. mani worm live live buri sand other stand like flowers. microscop size, other reach length meters."} {"id": "1458", "contents": "segment worm (annelida) group invertebr includ 12,000 speci earthworms, ragworm leeches. segment worm live marin habitat intertid zone near hydrotherm vents. segment worm divid follow taxonom groups: polychates-th polychaet includ 12,000 speci character multipl hair segment. nuchal organ neck function chemosensori organs."} {"id": "1459", "contents": "fexofenadin use reliev allergi symptom season allerg rhiniti (''hay fever''), includ runni nose; sneezing; red, itchy, wateri eyes; itch nose, throat, roof mouth adult children year age older."} {"id": "1460", "contents": "allegra brand name fexofenadine, over-the-count medic use treat sign symptom allergi hives."} {"id": "1461", "contents": "fexofenadin antihistamin reduc effect natur chemic histamin body. histamin produc symptom sneezing, itching, wateri eyes, runni nose."} {"id": "1462", "contents": "a: allegra (fexofenadine) antihistamin commonli use treat symptom season allergi includ sneezing, runni nose, cough, itchi wateri eyes. adult children take allegra (fexofenadine) allergi symptoms."} {"id": "1463", "contents": "fexofenadin antihistamin use reliev allergi symptom wateri eyes, runni nose, itch eye /nose, sneezing, hives, itching. work block certain natur substanc (histamine) bodi make allerg reaction."} {"id": "1464", "contents": "allegra (fexofenadin hydrochloride) antihistamin use treat allerg symptom season allerg rhiniti (sneezing, runni nose, itchi wateri eyes), urticaria (hives). allegra avail gener drug term fexofenadin hydrochloride."} {"id": "1465", "contents": "fexofenadin (trade name allegra, fexidine, telfast, fastofen, tilfur, vifas, telfexo, allerfexo) antihistamin pharmaceut drug use treatment allergi symptoms, hay fever, nasal congestion, urticaria."} {"id": "1466", "contents": "uses: fexofenadin antihistamin use reliev allergi symptom wateri eyes, runni nose, itch eyes/nose, sneezing, hives, itching. work block certain natur substanc (histamine) bodi make allerg reaction."} {"id": "1467", "contents": "fexofenadin antihistamine. use reliev symptom hay fever (season allerg rhinitis) hive skin (chronic idiopath urticaria) antihistamin work prevent effect substanc call histamine, produc body."} {"id": "1468", "contents": "garnet deep-r burgundi gem similar stone palms. gem-ston mytho garnet known stone provid protect user evil. garnet seen talk much. garnet wear shade cover third eyebal forehead. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "1469", "contents": "trivia. garnet deep-r burgundi gem similar stone palms. gem-ston mytho garnet known stone provid protect user evil. garnet seen talk much. garnet wear shade cover third eyebal forehead. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "1470", "contents": "steven imprison starship two short star-cross lesbians. steven univers belong rebecca sugar. xajathembo belong nick dodge. end music belong studio ghibli/disney/jo hisaishi, (howl' move castle)."} {"id": "1471", "contents": "amethyst main protagonist steven universe. one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "1472", "contents": "amethyst must accid construct beach hous time steven move in, evidenc fact outfit longer sleev strap steven' song, welcom steven hous garnet pearl, outfit gem glow one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "1473", "contents": "\u201e. garnet one main four protagonist steven universe. leader crystal gems. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "1474", "contents": "also first gem regener season 2, peridot second. amethyst gem retreat gemston corrupt gem. pearl stab holo-pearl, garnet hit gem destabil jasper. one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "1475", "contents": "accord jeff liu, storyboard artist steven univers anim sequenc episode, garnet\u2019 final move inspir tengen toppa gurren-lagann. steven steven bombs! ask garnet day, tell tell thought done day. steven proce tell stori did."} {"id": "1476", "contents": "steven, half-gem, goe adventur human friend help gem protect world kind. sugar develop seri work anim adventur time, premier novemb 4, 2013 cartoon network' first seri creat woman. pilot episod steven univers releas cartoon network' video platform may 21, 2013, edit version juli 20. pilot also exhibit 2013 san diego comic-con, rebecca sugar host 30-minut panel steven univers 2013 new york comic con octob 13."} {"id": "1477", "contents": "skin reaction drug therapi extrem common. drug may induc skin reactions, although occur usual mild, however, skin reaction seriou potenti life-threatening."} {"id": "1478", "contents": "sensit light. type chemotherapi make skin sensit light, call photosensitivity. best way prevent sensit skin burn cover clothing, hat, and/or use sunscreen go outside."} {"id": "1479", "contents": "take care skin radiat treatment important. skin chang one primari side effect radiat therapy. goal radiat target cancer cell tumor, healthi cell around area also affected."} {"id": "1480", "contents": "radiation-rel skin problems. radiat treatment kill cancer cells, also kill healthi cells. caus skin peel, itch, hurt. damag skin radiat treatment often start one two week treatment. cases, get better week treatment ends."} {"id": "1481", "contents": "3rd treatment chemo, receiv burn medicin drip iv unto skin. skin turn black week later. six week sinc happened."} {"id": "1482", "contents": "radiat burn take month skin return normal. surgeri done chemo drs. like wait week allow bodi recov chemo. rememb bodi recov effect chemo whole system, spot wrist."} {"id": "1483", "contents": "mitochondri dna small portion dna eukaryot cell; dna found cell nucleu and, plants, chloroplast. humans, 16,600 base pair mitochondri dna encod 37 genes. human mitochondri dna first signific part human genom sequenced. species, includ humans, mtdna inherit sole mother. unlik nuclear dna, inherit parent gene rearrang process recombination, usual chang mtdna parent offspring. although mtdna also recombines, copi within mitochondrion."} {"id": "1484", "contents": "mtdna thu inherit maternally; mtdna use infer pedigre well-known mitochondri eve.. \u201d. sexual reproduction, patern mitochondria found sperm activ decomposed, thu prevent patern leakage. patern mtdna inherit anim varies. example, mytilida mussels, patern mtdna transmit sperm establish male gonad.. test 172 sheep, mitochondri dna three lamb two half-sib famili found show patern inheritance.."} {"id": "1485", "contents": "matern inheritance. autosom recess inherit easi one; matern inherit (also known mitochondri cytoplasm inheritance) complic all. matern inherit mitochondri disord rare, possibl common autosom recess mitochondri disorders."} {"id": "1486", "contents": "mitochondri inheritance. mitochondria cellular organel respons product energy. matern inherit suppli egg fertilization. mitochondria contain dna, includ 39 gene suscept mutat rate 10-20 time higher nuclear dna."} {"id": "1487", "contents": "thought mtdna predominantli matern inherit higher plant [38] one known except coast redwood sequoia sempervirens, mtdna cpdna patern inherit [39] ptdna/cpdna, varieti pattern inherit known. angiosperm species, arabidopsi thaliana, mtdna ptdna matern inherit [54] [55] a. thaliana, activ degrad patern mtdna ptdna take place pollen develop [56]"} {"id": "1488", "contents": "midd inherit mitochondri pattern, also known matern inheritance. pattern inherit appli gene contain mitochondri dna. egg cells, sperm cells, contribut mitochondria develop embryo, femal pass mitochondri condit children."} {"id": "1489", "contents": "nuclear mitochondri dna thought separ evolutionari origin, mtdna deriv circular genom bacteria engulf earli ancestor today' eukaryot cells. theori call endosymbiot theory. unlik nuclear dna, inherit parent gene rearrang process recombination, usual chang mtdna parent offspring. although mtdna also recombines, copi within mitochondrion."} {"id": "1490", "contents": "genetics, patern mtdna transmiss patern mtdna inherit refer incid mitochondri dna (mtdna) pass father offspring. patern mtdna inherit anim varies. example, mytilida mussels, patern mtdna transmit sperm establish male gonad.. test 172 sheep, mitochondri dna three lamb two half-sib famili found show patern inheritance.."} {"id": "1491", "contents": "embryogenesis, therefore, involv charact matern inherited. mitochondria, chloroplasts, cytoplasm factor physiolog effect throughout life individu transmit directli one parent offspring, often mother (kirkpatrick lande, 1989). mitochondria, dna molecul (mtdna), genet unit method inheritance. mitochondri genes, contrast gene nucleus, exclus matern mode inherit mammal (gile et al., 1980). numer mechan respons matern inheritance."} {"id": "1492", "contents": "depend ask, drive lyft uberx either gold mine exploit labor practice. uber last year infam claim mani driver made $90,000 per year, account cost driver expens like ga car maintenance. drive uber san francisco bay area. stori realli make much uber driver. guess peopl misconcept uber driver make ton money due advertising. reality, rang $3 $35 hour depend distanc ride."} {"id": "1493", "contents": "uber need partner like you. drive uber earn great money independ contractor. get paid weekli help commun rider get ride around town. boss get paid fare drive schedule."} {"id": "1494", "contents": "busi insid wrote piec call here' much money realli earn uber driver uber claim $15/hour. articl state tolls, uber' 20% cut, gas, car insurance, vehicl financing, self employ taxes, driver realli made $54.50 12 hour driving. 56.5k views. end last year survey driver earn subset uberx driver across unit state see much driver making. addition, rate chang year heard driver 35 48 citi rate changes."} {"id": "1495", "contents": "uberx, essenti anyon car sign driver. uber make pretti easi do. first step head website. least 21 year old, license, person auto insurance, four-door car good condition, sign driver. next step pass uber' background check."} {"id": "1496", "contents": "ultimately, it\u2019 driver choos whether uber make sens them, result seem speak themselves. unit states, uber says, 160,000 driver partner compani end 2014, almost 40,000 new u.s. driver provid first trip decemb last year. indeed, slightli half uber driver becam inact one year join service, suggest quit found work. isn\u2019t necessarili bad thing. one uber\u2019 major sell point anyon drive car earn littl extra money, clearli succeed regard."} {"id": "1497", "contents": "also thing uber driver salary. describ above, driver paid portion fare everi ride given. promised, exampl pay one 10 hour day: $256.30 10.5 hour $24.41 hour. close $19 hour averag uber driver make around country. i\u2019v found hour drive, make per hour. drive 30 hour week usual make closer $25 hour."} {"id": "1498", "contents": "alreadi explained, much money uber driver make depend numer factors. practic example, let\u2019 assum make $20 hour tax expenses, work 40 hour week, like regular full-tim job: $19 40 hours/week= $760 week. close $19 hour averag uber driver make around country. i\u2019v found hour drive, make per hour. drive 30 hour week usual make closer $25 hour."} {"id": "1499", "contents": "want make live uber, go drive insan number hours. order make $75,000 year drive uberx san francisco, work 3,000 hour per year, effect 58-hour work week, financi journalist felix salmon concluded. first step head website. least 21 year old, license, person auto insurance, four-door car good condition, sign driver. next step pass uber' background check."} {"id": "1500", "contents": "uber driver pay vari depend live mani hour drive. make $20 $25 hour lo angeles. studi across nation show uber driver make $19 hour average. new york city, averag uber driver make $30 hour. close $19 hour averag uber driver make around country. i\u2019v found hour drive, make per hour. drive 30 hour week usual make closer $25 hour."} {"id": "1501", "contents": "submucosa. muscular layer. serosa (if tissu intraperitoneal) adventitia (if tissu retroperitoneal) -- last two tissu type differ slightli form function accord part gastrointestin tract belong (see section detail). mucosa made three layers: epithelium innermost layer. lamina propria layer connect tissu within mucosa. musculari mucosa thin layer smooth muscle."} {"id": "1502", "contents": "next layer mucosa musculari mucosa submucosa, seen connect tissue. similar esophagus. gland seen submucosa stomach. follow photo illustr regions."} {"id": "1503", "contents": "order identifi differ type cell line stomach function type cell necessari describ inner-lay stomach (i.e. layer mucosa). (1). above: diagram stomach wall. epitheli cell line stomach form mucos epithelium layer. stomach empti mucosa lie larg fold call ruga look like wrinkles."} {"id": "1504", "contents": "mucosa made three layers: epithelium innermost layer. digestive, absorpt secretori process occur. lamina propria layer connect tissu within mucosa. mucosa made three layers: epithelium innermost layer. lamina propria layer connect tissu within mucosa. musculari mucosa thin layer smooth muscle."} {"id": "1505", "contents": "gastric mucosa mucou membran layer stomach contain gland gastric pits. human mm thick surfac smooth, soft, velvety. consist epithelium, lamina propria, musculari mucosae."} {"id": "1506", "contents": "mucosa parts: epithelium form innermost line esophagu normal made flat, thin cell call squamou cells. lamina propria thin layer connect tissu right epithelium. musculari mucosa thin layer muscl lamina propria. submucosa: layer connect tissu mucosa contain blood vessel nerves. part esophagus, layer also includ gland secret mucus."} {"id": "1507", "contents": "musculari mucosa small intestin form thin layer (onli muscl fiber thickness) beneath deep end crypts. submucosa small intestin rel unspecialized, except duodenum pack mucous-secret brunner' glands."} {"id": "1508", "contents": "gastrointestin tract, submucosa layer dens irregular connect tissu loos connect tissu support mucosa, well join mucosa bulk overli smooth muscl (fiber run circularli within layer longitudin muscle)."} {"id": "1509", "contents": "next layer mucosa call submucosa. layer thick layer loos connect tissue. although layer sub-layers, blood vessels, vessel belong lymphat system, nerves, control digestion. tissu digest tract four layers. layer call mucosa, submucosa, musculari externa, serosa. layer innermost part digest tract call mucosa. mucosa serv line caviti tract. mucosa consist three sub-lay call epithelium, lamina propria, musculari mucosa"} {"id": "1510", "contents": "1654, present lord, wuertzberg princebishop johann philipp von schoenborn, elector archbishop mainz, method tartar fabric return privileg grant 1652. seem littl justif view glauber refus patronage. made live wine industri time, later, dess teutschlands-wohlfahrt (1656-1661), advoc export wine beer, give recip concentr stabl easili exported."} {"id": "1511", "contents": "scarce. glauber born karlstadt, germany, larg self-educated, visit laboratori paris, basel, salzburg, vienna studi chemistri alchemy. was, short time 1635, court apothecari giessen. settl amsterdam remain rest lif"} {"id": "1512", "contents": "studi realschule, karlstadt (later renam johann-rudolph-glaub realschul karlstadt); polytechn institut graz, austria; univers pragu 1870s, tesla move budapest, time work central telephon exchange. nikola tesla born juli 10, 1856, smiljan, croatia. tesla' interest electr invent spur mother, djuka mandic, invent small household applianc spare time son grow up."} {"id": "1513", "contents": "johann rudolf glauber (10 march 1604 10 march 1670) german-dutch alchemist chemist. historian scienc describ one first chemic engineers. discoveri sodium sulfat 1625 led compound name him: glauber' salt. work first manufactur mirror later two period apothecari court giessen, second time chief apothecary, leav thirti year war. amsterdam built busi manufactur pharmaceut (includ chemic glauber' salt)."} {"id": "1514", "contents": "born 1604 karlstadt main, son barber, one larg famili finish school, thought studi pharmaci visit laboratories. work first manufactur mirror later two period apothecari court giessen, second time chief apothecary, leav thirti year war. amsterdam built busi manufactur pharmaceut (includ chemic glauber' salt)."} {"id": "1515", "contents": "erich pietsch, johann rudolph glauber (munich, 1956), attempt make glauber\u2019 theori salt fire respect explic standpoint modern energi concepts. glauber son barber, rudolph glauber von hundsbach, second wife, gertraut gosenberger. unlik iatrochemists, attend univers instead set quest spagyr wisdom, visit laboratori paris, basel, salzburg, vienna."} {"id": "1516", "contents": "treatises, 30 number, collect publish frankfort 1658-1659, amsterdam 1661, and, english translat packe, london 1689. geograph names. johann rudolf glauber (1604-1668), german chemist, born karlstadt, bavaria, 1604 die amsterdam 1668. littl known life resid success vienna, salzburg, frankfurt cologn settl holland, made live chiefli sale secret chemic medicin preparations."} {"id": "1517", "contents": "chemic garden (or silica garden) first observ glauber describ 1646. origin form, chemic garden involv introduct ferrou chlorid (fecl 2) crystal solut potassium silic (k sio 3, water glass). work first manufactur mirror later two period apothecari court giessen, second time chief apothecary, leav thirti year war. amsterdam built busi manufactur pharmaceut (includ chemic glauber' salt)."} {"id": "1518", "contents": "glauber, johann rudolph (ca. 1604-1670). german apothecari alchemist. glauber born karlstadt grew franconia. travel wide germani seek alchem knowledg eventu settl amsterdam, holland, 1648. prolif writer left mani treatis medicin alchemy. glauber son barber, rudolph glauber von hundsbach, second wife, gertraut gosenberger. unlik iatrochemists, attend univers instead set quest spagyr wisdom, visit laboratori paris, basel, salzburg, vienna."} {"id": "1519", "contents": "fox8news@fox8live.com. baton rouge, la (wvue) expect tax refund state louisiana, may long wait. state lawmak say they'v field complaint resid say they'v wait week get back money owed. senat presid john alario ask la."} {"id": "1520", "contents": "file electronically. averag process time refund ten day use electron option louisiana file online, state\u2019 free tax file web application. paper returns, process time 12 16 weeks. visit louisiana file onlin www.revenue.louisiana.gov/fileonline. averag process time refund ten day use electron option louisiana file online, state\u2019 free tax file web application."} {"id": "1521", "contents": "file paper return, depart say could take 16 week processing. taxpay file electronically, check process quickly. still, depart say onlin filer still expect wait least 21 day submiss tax forms. baton rouge, la (wvue) expect tax refund state louisiana, may long wait. state lawmak say they'v field complaint resid say they'v wait week get back money owed. senat presid john alario ask la."} {"id": "1522", "contents": "return check form r-6642 (it-710), statement claimant refund due behalf deceas taxpayer, copi death certificate. form r-6642 (it-710) found web site tax form individu incom tax gener form area. submit paper incom tax return, process time return take 8-10 weeks. returns, whether electron paper, randomli select review. return select review, review process take 16 weeks."} {"id": "1523", "contents": "length time take get louisiana state refund e-fil return vary. februari 2014, state state e-fil return may take around 21 day processing."} {"id": "1524", "contents": "electron file incom tax return, expect refund issu within 21 busi days. submit paper incom tax return, process time return take 8-10 weeks. returns, whether electron paper, randomli select review. return select review, review process take 16 weeks. alway check statu refund www.revenue.louisiana.gov/refund, updat everi night latest inform process return"} {"id": "1525", "contents": "length time take get louisiana state refund e-fil return vary. februari 2014, state state e-fil return may take around 21 day processing. peopl found useful. 4-5 busi days. file state tax return turbotax e-file. feder direct deposit take day state return vari week month. i'm massachusett resid close 30 day still receiv direct deposit."} {"id": "1526", "contents": "louisiana file online, can: check statu individu incom refund. view busi account data, includ post payments. view busi tax inform previou years. creat uniqu user name password protect information. amend tax returns. arriv louisiana file online, gateway file pay state tax electronically. louisiana file onlin fast, easi use, absolut free public servic louisiana depart revenue. engin innov tool unmatch conveni security."} {"id": "1527", "contents": "autom incom tax refund status. taxpay may check statu individu incom tax return refund via department' refund statu web page use department' autom telephon system (dial 1-888-829-3071 toll-free, 922-3270 baton roug area)."} {"id": "1528", "contents": "list countri western eastern hemispher along 180th meridian, order north south: russia. unit state (unit state islands). kiribati. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "1529", "contents": "western hemispher geograph term half earth lie west prime meridian (which cross greenwich, london, unit kingdom) east antimeridian, half call eastern hemisphere. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "1530", "contents": "australia/oceania, like north america, locat two hemispheres. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia. asia locat northern hemispher"} {"id": "1531", "contents": "prime meridian refer line use measur longitude. prime meridian divid globe eastern western hemispheres, equat divid globe northern southern hemispheres. prime meridian degre longitude, equat degre latitude. prime meridian greenwich, england. nation maritim museum."} {"id": "1532", "contents": "addition, countri west prime meridian western hemispher east prime meridian eastern hemisphere. gener eastern hemispher includ africa, half antarctica, asia australia/oceania, europe. western hemispher includ half antarctica north south america, includ caribbean, central america greenland. red vertic imaginari line call prime meridian, 0\u00ba degre longitude, twin line longitude, opposit prime meridian 180\u00ba longitude, divid earth eastern western hemispheres."} {"id": "1533", "contents": "map list countri eastern western hemispheres, go here, countri northern southern hemispheres, tri page. red vertic imaginari line call prime meridian, 0\u00ba degre longitude, twin line longitude, opposit prime meridian 180\u00ba longitude, divid earth eastern western hemispheres."} {"id": "1534", "contents": "sense, western hemispher consist americas, western portion europ africa, extrem eastern tip russia, numer territori oceania, portion antarctica, exclud aleutian island southwest alaskan mainland. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "1535", "contents": "place left prime meridian western hemisphere, place right prime meridian eastern hemisphere. unit states, contin north america, locat western hemisphere. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia."} {"id": "1536", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. eastern hemisphere. eastern hemispher geograph term half earth east prime meridian (which cross greenwich, england, unit kingdom) west 180\u00b0 longitude. also use refer europe, asia, africa, australia, vis-a-\u00e0 vi western, hemispher includ (america north america south). america hemispher call oriental. hemispher in, addit may use cultur geopolit sens synonym old '. world"} {"id": "1537", "contents": "europ locat northern hemisphere, prime meridian run part continent. so, europ also locat three hemispheres, eastern, western, northern hemispheres. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia."} {"id": "1538", "contents": "import hpv abil establish dormant (latent) infection. peopl hpv infect know infect mani type viru remain latent caus symptoms. fda say peopl shouldn\u2019t worri dormant infection. cbcd say otherwise."} {"id": "1539", "contents": "tuberculosi (tb) diseas caus germ call mycobacterium tuberculosi spread person person air. tb usual affect lungs, also affect part body, brain, kidneys, spine."} {"id": "1540", "contents": "latent infect viral genom maintain intact specif sensori neuron genet equival present viral particle, highli regul product cycl cascad gene expression, characterist herpesviru infections, occur."} {"id": "1541", "contents": "person latent infect still pass viru others. latent infect situat viru present body, remain dormant. infect never fulli flush bodi becom latent. herp simplex, often caus cold sores, type latent infection. fever potenti warn sign"} {"id": "1542", "contents": "due reactiv organ present dormant focus, occur tuberculosis, etc. exogen infection. caus organ normal present bodi gain entranc environment."} {"id": "1543", "contents": "infect m. tuberculosis, tb disease. sign tb infect posit reaction tuberculin skin test tb blood test. person latent tb infect infecti cannot spread tb infect others."} {"id": "1544", "contents": "first car invent year 1769 french man name nicola joseph cugnot, build instruct pari arsen mechan brezin. ca wheel use carri heavi artilari war. car could go 22 mile per hour power steam."} {"id": "1545", "contents": "1885 karl benz (mercedes-benz) invent consid first automobile, though henri ford wide credit bring car mass perfect concept assembl line abl mass produc earli 1900's."} {"id": "1546", "contents": "tomo januari 19, 2011. first car steam power invent ferdinand verbiest 1672 china. nichola cugnot one design build first car self propel 1769 three wheels."} {"id": "1547", "contents": "invent first car? first car invent built 1885 unveil 1886 karl benz. first car, benz patent motorwagen, first car ever made histori power gasolin engin motor intern combustion."} {"id": "1548", "contents": "1807, francoi fran\u00e7oi isaac de rivaz design first car power intern combust engin fuel by. hydrogen 1886 first petrol gasolin power automobil benz-pat motorwagen invent karl. benz"} {"id": "1549", "contents": "1886 first petrol gasolin power automobil benz patent-motorwagen invent karl benz. also consid first product vehicl benz made sever ident copies."} {"id": "1550", "contents": "karl benz patent three-wheel motor car 1886. first true, modern automobile. benz also patent throttl system, spark plugs, gear shifters, water radiator, carburetor fundament"} {"id": "1551", "contents": "karl benz god father gasolin power cars. wide recogn automobil histori today. this, first steam power car invent ferdinand verbiest said first ever car made china."} {"id": "1552", "contents": "postag stamp correspond values. old postag stamps, especi rare stamps, worth newer stamps. valu old postag stamp depend avail similar stamp specimens. mean rarer old postag stamp is, valuabl be. meanwhile, stamp condit gener appear stamp. old stamp valu decreas miss short perfor teeth, tear creas stamp paper, fade stamp design, on. give attent gum. stamp gum glue found backsid stamp."} {"id": "1553", "contents": "valu old postag stamps. found box fill old postag stamp attic. sure identifi old postag stamp gut feel found grandfather' old stamp collect date back 19th century. meanwhile, stamp condit gener appear stamp. old stamp valu decreas miss short perfor teeth, tear creas stamp paper, fade stamp design, on. give attent gum. stamp gum glue found backsid stamp."} {"id": "1554", "contents": "stamp values. stamp valu provid onlin stamp price guid catalog includ mani popular stamp world. websit one exampl categori easi navig others. however, imag clear valu posted."} {"id": "1555", "contents": "stamp valu stamp collection, old stamp current rate stamps. custom postag stamps-design stamp person mail. custom postag stamps-design stamp person mail. postag stamp pictur gallery-photo earli us worldwid stamps. postag stamp pictur gallery. singl stamp level, mani factor dramat affect stamp collect valu but, part, come suppli demand. mani stamp rare valuabl enough demand drive price up. find rare high demand stamp watch out."} {"id": "1556", "contents": "enter search term, stamp value, color stamp addit inform have. hit enter key search. brows stamp search results. click stamp see it. next page tell valu stamp. make note value. repeat search everi stamp collection. add valu togeth determin total valu collection. instructions. navig stamp collect website. press regist button. fill form information, includ email address full name. necessary, enter credit card information. click search.. enter term search box describ pictur stamp."} {"id": "1557", "contents": "stamp valu stamp collection, old stamp current rate stamps. custom postag stamps-design stamp person mail. custom postag stamps-design stamp person mail. postag stamp pictur gallery-photo earli us worldwid stamps. postag stamp pictur gallery."} {"id": "1558", "contents": "however, determin valu stamp involv design itself. follow step tell find valu stamp look factor affect provid resourc research worth. cases, stamp' approxim age determin design it, stamp issu honor histor event time event. older stamp also made differ grade paper modern stamps."} {"id": "1559", "contents": "pleas tri later. learn valu old stamps.check site http://www.onstampcollecting.com/stam... addit inform addit learn pastim stamp collect http://www.onstampcollecting.com. howto style."} {"id": "1560", "contents": "7. determin rare stamp is. rariti stamp depend mani copi stamp produc begin with. stamp produc within last 60 year gener worth face valu mail postag mani existence. cases, stamp' approxim age determin design it, stamp issu honor histor event time event. older stamp also made differ grade paper modern stamps."} {"id": "1561", "contents": "protect cell (glial cells) surround mani nerv processes. protect cells, make 90% nervou tissu cells, call neuroglia occur central nervou system (brain spinal cord), schwann cell occur peripher nervou system."} {"id": "1562", "contents": "type cell neuron (nerv cells), transmit inform electrochem impuls neuroglia (glial cells), protect support neurons."} {"id": "1563", "contents": "2. peripher nervou system (pns) nerv extend toward away cn ganglia (aggreg nerv cell bodi outsid cns). nervou tissu consist two major type cells, 1. neurons-respons conduction, propagation, recept nervou impulses."} {"id": "1564", "contents": "nervou tissu consist two main type cells: neuron neuroglia. nerv cells, neuron (also written neurons). move inform around body. neuroglia also known simpli glia variou function support nerv cell but. themselves."} {"id": "1565", "contents": "nerv tissue. although nervou system complex, two main type cell nerv tissue. actual nerv cell neuron. conduct cell transmit impuls structur unit nervou system. type cell neuroglia, glial, cell."} {"id": "1566", "contents": "pleas god pray other want everyon save come knowledg truth (1 tim. 2:3-4). rememb salvat person choic even forc someon accept him. however, prayer caus holi spirit exert strong influenc peopl pray for, make difficult resist."} {"id": "1567", "contents": "addition, jesu said pray anyth want name within answer it. want person saved, reason can\u2019t ask god work person\u2019 life bring salvation. peopl say bibl never instruct us pray salvat individu people. say bibl instruct us pray labor (luke 10:2), salvat specif people. therefore, sinc prayer biblical, god answer them."} {"id": "1568", "contents": "mani peopl believ right ask god save anoth person. would say someth like, \u201chey, can\u2019t make decis like someon else. ask god save them, would decid etern destini them. peopl say bibl never instruct us pray salvat individu people. say bibl instruct us pray labor (luke 10:2), salvat specif people. therefore, sinc prayer biblical, god answer them."} {"id": "1569", "contents": "salvat prayer. prayer salvation. learn effect pray someon saved. powerful, effect prayer salvat others. prayer base vers bible, pray accord bible, know pray accord god\u2019 will. add name unsav friend love ones."} {"id": "1570", "contents": "pray specifically, name (\u201cfor the. \u201d), target group saved. paul\u2019 prayer encourag pray, name, specif peopl whose salvat long see. unsav rel friend like target name prayer god salvation. illustr widely-target prayer salvat mani people. pastor church southern oregon\u2019 rogu valley, part weekli pastors\u2019 prayer group met everi thursday 15 year pray soul save throughout geograph region."} {"id": "1571", "contents": "seriou thing say someon saved. unsur salvat someone, pray person, ask god work person' life, ask lord give wisdom. tweet. author matt slick presid founder christian apologet research ministry."} {"id": "1572", "contents": "ye can. although person pray still want saved. pray peopl etern everyday, feel (just like god wants) soul save heaven him, second chance."} {"id": "1573", "contents": "god make clear bibl desir answer prayers. so, consist pray someon else\u2019 salvation, good chanc god answer prayer. although sound great, kind leav recipi without say matter. peopl say bibl never instruct us pray salvat individu people. say bibl instruct us pray labor (luke 10:2), salvat specif people. therefore, sinc prayer biblical, god answer them."} {"id": "1574", "contents": "believ god\u2019 word tell us eventu win battl us. word tell us prayer righteou person power effect (jame 5:16), righteous god come faith jesu christ believ (roman 3:22). rememb salvat person choic even forc someon accept him. however, prayer caus holi spirit exert strong influenc peopl pray for, make difficult resist."} {"id": "1575", "contents": "pray salvation, pray god would open mind mind saint way would allow gospel preach authorit equal effective. prayer chang heart line god' commun it. pray someon mean god forc salvat upon would violat free will. god desir forc saved."} {"id": "1576", "contents": "peopl often say stay marri sake kids. all, logic goes, parent miserable, hurt kids. better kids, say, two happi parent lead separ live expos sadness, emot distanc conflict family. stay togeth sake kids; get happi sake kids! gift lifetime. michel weiner-davi author divorc bust sex-starv marriag founder www.divorcebusting.com."} {"id": "1577", "contents": "stay marriag because, time, still love spouse. stay marriag because, spouse, see grow stronger, happier person. stay marriag you\u2019v made choic so. get marriag you\u2019v made choic so, too. everi marriag saved. tri everyth improv marriage. spous forc walk two feet-a grownup should-h might grow seek treatment. end, stay marriag want to, think to. stay marriag believ potenti"} {"id": "1578", "contents": "billion dollar question divorces: stay togeth kids? expert take co-parenting, divorc help decid best kid stay togeth split good. meet experts: paula bisacre."} {"id": "1579", "contents": "spous make major money -- regardless gender, make certain understand state\u2019 law well enough know financi commit former spous children may decid pursu divorce. secur financi future, matter decide, go bank open bank account name. stop directli deposit marit bank accounts. check sent deposit send new account."} {"id": "1580", "contents": "p.s. marriag danger separ divorce, call us (866) 903-0990 speak someon use form request inform marriag helper 911 workshop troubl marriages."} {"id": "1581", "contents": "michel weiner-davis, yourtango.com. peopl often say stay marri sake kids. all, logic goes, parent miserable, hurt kids. read: search perfect age kids."} {"id": "1582", "contents": "4. talk spouse. tell you\u2019r think see seek marriag counsel resolv issu may have. abus involved, it\u2019 better save marriag possible, particularli children involved. secur financi future, matter decide, go bank open bank account name. stop directli deposit marit bank accounts. check sent deposit send new account."} {"id": "1583", "contents": "marriag repaired: take marriage, improv yourself, deal children; look realist divorce. digniti make work. and, there\u2019 digniti start fresh right reasons. take look harvil hendrix john gottman' work rehabilit marriage."} {"id": "1584", "contents": "though linda say wrong stay marriag sake kids, experi work thousand couples, state unequivoc wrong divorc without first consid children. consid children\u2019 present. children sometim desir thing bad them. \u201cif happy, divorc spous move whatev might next. let children deter decision. may hurt while, adapt eventually; therefore, make happi let thing work kid later.\u201d."} {"id": "1585", "contents": "food enter mouth pass anu hollow organ gi tract. liver, pancreas, gallbladd solid organ digest system. digest system help bodi digest food. bacteria gi tract, also call gut flora microbiome, help digestion."} {"id": "1586", "contents": "first food enter mouth, saliva teeth help break down. saliva also help mush food easier chew. food goe esophagus. enter stomach, chemic acid"} {"id": "1587", "contents": "digest system home. chew food swallow, food travel esophagu -- passageway connect mouth stomach. stomach, strong acid enzym digest, break down, food small particles. particl probabl familiar you."} {"id": "1588", "contents": "journey digest system. chew food swallow, food travel esophagu -- passageway connect mouth stomach. stomach, strong acid enzym digest, break down, food small particles. particl probabl familiar you."} {"id": "1589", "contents": "digest work move food gi tract. digest begin mouth chew end small intestine. food pass gi tract, mix digest juices, caus larg molecul food break smaller molecules."} {"id": "1590", "contents": "food' journey digest system continued... act swallow take place pharynx partli reflex partli voluntari control. tongu soft palat -- soft part roof mouth -- push food pharynx, close trachea."} {"id": "1591", "contents": "order earthworm' digest system simple. first food enter mouth, onto pharynx (throat), crop (stomach), gizzard, intestine, inal anus."} {"id": "1592", "contents": "main part digest system mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, larg intestine, liver, gull bladder, pancreas. food actual pass thro ugh liver, gull bladder pancreas, produc green liquid call bile help digestion."} {"id": "1593", "contents": "continent tropic air mass form name suggests: land region tropic (up 25\u00b0 equator). north america, occur north ern mexico. air mass character clear sky neglig rainfall. continent tropic air mass (ct) continent tropic air mass form interior subtrop contin 15o 35o north south latitude. ho dri air mass due temperatur moistur characterist sourc region"} {"id": "1594", "contents": "continent polar cp air mass air mass form land cold region cold dri air maritim tropic mt air mass air mass form water warm region warm wet air. continent tropic air mass (ct) continent tropic air mass form interior subtrop contin 15o 35o north south latitude. ho dri air mass due temperatur moistur characterist sourc region. other found useful."} {"id": "1595", "contents": "continent tropic air mass form name suggests: land region tropic (up 25\u00b0 equator). north america, occur north ern mexico. air mass character clear sky neglig rainfall. continent tropic air mass (ct) continent tropic air mass form interior subtrop contin 15o 35o north south latitude. ho dri air mass due temperatur moistur characterist sourc region. other found useful."} {"id": "1596", "contents": "meteorology, air mass volum air defin temperatur water vapor content. air mass cover mani hundr thousand squar miles, adopt characterist surfac them. classifi accord latitud continent maritim sourc regions. colder air mass term polar arctic, warmer air mass deem tropical. continent superior air mass dri maritim monsoon air mass moist. weather front separ air mass differ densiti (temperatur and/or moisture) characterist"} {"id": "1597", "contents": "air masses. air mass around north america includ continent arctic (ca), maritim polar (mp), maritim tropic (mt), continent tropic (ct), continent polar (cp) air masses. credit: noaa. air everywhere."} {"id": "1598", "contents": "five air mass affect unit state cours typic year: continent polar, continent arctic, continent tropical, maritim polar, maritim tropical. continent air mass character dri air near surfac maritim air mass moist. air mass affect continent u.s. air mass rel larg bodi air fairli horizont uniform characteristics. rel uniform temperatur moistur content; region separ two differ air mass call front."} {"id": "1599", "contents": "preheat oven 425 degre (220 degre c). place asparagu mix bowl, drizzl oliv oil. toss coat spears, sprinkl parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, pepper. arrang asparagu onto bake sheet singl layer. directions. prep. cook. readi in."} {"id": "1600", "contents": "roast asparagus. preheat oven 450 degre f. place asparagu bake sheet bake dish drizzl tablespoon oliv oil. toss lightli coat. desired, season salt black pepper. roast, uncovered, 15 minut crisp-tender, lightli toss twice roasting. steam asparagus, lay spear larg skillet top inch water. lightli salt water bring simmer. cook, covered, minut crisp-tender."} {"id": "1601", "contents": "preheat oven 350\u00b0. wash asparagu spear cut tough ends. lay spear paper towel soak excess water. gentli spray larg flat bake pan oliv oil flavor cook spray. use 9x13 metal glass pan). lay asparagu spear pan. directions. preheat oven 350\u00b0. wash asparagu spear cut tough ends. lay spear paper towel soak excess water. gentli spray larg flat bake pan oliv oil flavor cook spray."} {"id": "1602", "contents": "broil minut done. place pan top rack oven, inch (10 13 cm) away top heat element. check asparagu minut passed. spear pierc knife, finished. not, flip spear side cook addit minutes. 2. give asparagu flavor boost pull spear oven. certain juic vinegar drizzl asparagu immedi pull oven. drizzl tbsp (15 30 ml) lemon juic lime juic fresh zing."} {"id": "1603", "contents": "roast asparagus: turn oven, put asparagu oven, cook brown tender. seriously, pretti much easy\u2014just add bit cook oil asparagu keep dri oven. sprinkl salt mayb squirt lemon juic serving, inclined. \u00bb."} {"id": "1604", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 400 degre f. place asparagu larg plastic bag. drizzl half oliv oil asparagus, seal bag shake asparagu coat evenli oliv oil. necessary, add enough remain oliv oil coat asparagus."} {"id": "1605", "contents": "place asparagu mix bowl, drizzl oliv oil. toss coat spears, sprinkl parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, pepper. arrang asparagu onto bake sheet singl layer. bake preheat oven tender, 12 15 minut depend thickness. directions. prep. cook. readi in. preheat oven 425 degre (220 degre c). place asparagu mix bowl, drizzl oliv oil. toss coat spears, sprinkl parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, pepper."} {"id": "1606", "contents": "new student opportun select one mani welcome-week programs. pleas note freshman servic experi discov d.c. two largest programs, close thousand particip programs. freshman servic experience. welcom week long stand au tradit american university. student particip eagl summit it\u2019 \u201cwelcom back\u201d campu washington, dc begin academ year."} {"id": "1607", "contents": "welcom week begin saturday, august 22, first day student move resid halls, come close friday, august 28, all-american bbq. week class begin, first-year student particip one au\u2019 hallmark welcom programs. welcom week long stand au tradit american university. student particip eagl summit it\u2019 \u201cwelcom back\u201d campu washington, dc begin academ year."} {"id": "1608", "contents": "welcom week second step (after new student orientation) transit univers minnesota. welcom week first-year, first-time, freshmen attend u. univers dine servic contract, opportun pre-regist meal offer wednesday, septemb 2-sunday, septemb complet welcom week event selection. also use onlin tool indic dietari needs."} {"id": "1609", "contents": "flexdin avail student meal plan prior welcom week meal starting. univers dine servic contract, opportun pre-regist meal offer wednesday, septemb 2-sunday, septemb complet welcom week event selection. also use onlin tool indic dietari needs."} {"id": "1610", "contents": "realli depend degre subject choices. bachelor softwar engin first year uni 4-5 day week 20-35 contact hour week."} {"id": "1611", "contents": "registration. registr avail welcom week 2015 june 8. log myau.american.edu portal user id password, click link follows: life@au, new students, new first-year student checklist, regist welcom week program. welcom week long stand au tradit american university. student particip eagl summit it\u2019 \u201cwelcom back\u201d campu washington, dc begin academ year."} {"id": "1612", "contents": "fun starts! welcom week get feel read about. mix event challeng entertain you. there' lot do, make sure keep track what' happen when. personalis timet avail august, rememb check back then."} {"id": "1613", "contents": "im uni yet, would say depend university/c stay often go out, whether your self-catered... ive seen peopl say abl surviv spend 40-60 week. formerli helpful_c. badge."} {"id": "1614", "contents": "go want meet students. go want feel part someth bigger yourself. go colleg scari whole program help success state. go want learn resourc opportun msu offer. go live univers resid hall fall welcom handbook given move new room. commut abl pick fall welcom handbook commut student session tuesday, august 26 2pm b115 well hall."} {"id": "1615", "contents": "9. voluntari provid fund (vpf) \u2022vpf option employees, invest 12% limit provid fund. maximum limit 100% basic salary. contribut 12% deduct employee\u2019 salary."} {"id": "1616", "contents": "employe provid fund organis (epfo) hike minimum salari limit rs 15,000 rs 6,500 earlier."} {"id": "1617", "contents": "employe provid fund deduct employee\u2019 monthli salary. employ also contribut pf fund. 1st septemb 2014, epfo revis basic wage limit pf contribut done rs. 6500 rs. 15000. employ revis pf deduct septemb 2014 onward employe whose basic salari less equal"} {"id": "1618", "contents": "salari ceil (gener basic+da) pf rs. 6,500. employ employe wish, contribut made actual salari excess ceil limit. employe employ 12% deduct toward pf."} {"id": "1619", "contents": "may 27, 2014, employe provid fund offic issu circular permit compani limit pf contribut requir salari ceil limit inr 6,500 per month. earlier, pf contribut calcul 12% basic salary. provid fund (pf) regulations, pf comput 12% (for employ employe contributions) \u2018basic wages\u2019. minimum statutori limit pf comput rs"} {"id": "1620", "contents": "look pf act, clear deduct pf monthli salari rs.6500/- (basic+da) exempt newli recruit employee. clearly, person' salari (basic+da)wa increas 6000 6700 employe exempted, pay @12% 6500, wage ceiling."} {"id": "1621", "contents": "dear sir,mi question whether p.f. deduct liabil provid fund act act part compani employee' basic salari exce maximum ceil limit rs. 6500 employe want make provid fund deduct salary."} {"id": "1622", "contents": "circulatori system consist heart, blood, blood vessels, transport nutrient oxygen cell keep bodi proper balance. circulatori system respons move blood, nutrients, gase"} {"id": "1623", "contents": "cardiovascular diseas term refer one diseas circulatori system includ heart blood vessels, whether blood vessel affect lungs, brain, kidney part body. cardiovascular diseas lead caus death adult canadian men women."} {"id": "1624", "contents": "overview. circulatori system, cardiovascular system, made heart, veins, arteri capillaries. system respons carri oxygen nutrient part body. heart diseas circulatori problem major sourc disabl death."} {"id": "1625", "contents": "knowledg center. cardiovascular diseas includ ill involv blood vessel (veins, arteri capillaries) heart, both-diseas affect cardiovascular system. cardiovascular system, also call circulatori system, system move blood throughout human body."} {"id": "1626", "contents": "blood vessel transport blood heart, heart pump oxygen blood body, oxygen, gases, nutrient exchang capillaries. anyth affect integr tube impair health circulatori system."} {"id": "1627", "contents": "system circul portion circulatori system network veins, arteri blood vessel transport blood heart, servic body' cell re-ent heart, mayo clinic noted."} {"id": "1628", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. establish econom unit produc sell good servic oper singl physic location. firm sever locations, term establishment. busi way make money. compani run business, mani peopl work earn money without formal company. busi gener small amount incom year."} {"id": "1629", "contents": "establish gener refer singl locat compar familiar use word facility.. singl firm often consist mani separ establishments. statist organ usual adopt similar mean term count establishments. example, censu bureau report 5.9 million firm u.s. 2008 7.6 million establishments. differ two term depend defin particular context."} {"id": "1630", "contents": "u.s. bureau labor statist defin establish econom unit produc good services, usual singl physic location, engag one predominantli one activity.. sever establish belong one firm. definiton featur firm. u.s. bureau labor statist state firm legal business, either corpor otherwise, may consist one establishment, establishments, even larg number establishments.."} {"id": "1631", "contents": "compani group peopl organ busi purpos (for exampl restaurant, factory, store, insur sales). factori one kind compani specif produc item (such computer, sofa, car). 23 peopl found useful. notyouraveragedummi ... busi way make money. compani run business, mani peopl work earn money without formal company. busi gener small amount incom year."} {"id": "1632", "contents": "want know differ locat address establish address compani peoplesoft hcm? condit might differ need defin company? establish address, associ company, use regulatori purposes.an establish isn\u2019t necessarili singl build location; could entir industri offic complex, usual physic place inform report consolid unit."} {"id": "1633", "contents": "u.s., individu often use word firm compani refer busi activities. however, mean establishment, defin tax statist purposes, highlight import physic locat organization. definiton featur firm. u.s. bureau labor statist state firm legal business, either corpor otherwise, may consist one establishment, establishments, even larg number establishments.."} {"id": "1634", "contents": "company: law, compani refer legal entiti form separ legal ident members, ordinarili incorpor undertak commerci busi firm sever meanings: 1)a partnership, 2)limit liabil partnership, 3)compani 4)corporation. board (of directors):in relat company, director offic compani charg conduct manag affair company. director collect refer board directors."} {"id": "1635", "contents": "differ company, establishment, firm, corporation, consortium, board etc? explain terminolog please. board (of directors):in relat company, director offic compani charg conduct manag affair company. director collect refer board directors."} {"id": "1636", "contents": "accord unit state censu bureau' question answer center, compani term use interchang term firm, mean thing discuss busi north america. definiton featur firm. u.s. bureau labor statist state firm legal business, either corpor otherwise, may consist one establishment, establishments, even larg number establishments.."} {"id": "1637", "contents": "current rang residenti wool carpet would run $20 per yard cheap side $100 up. per squar yard.. ($2-22 per squar foot) one comment may.. wool allergen mani peopl absorb water/stain like sponge."} {"id": "1638", "contents": "price (20 squar yards) ($20.80 per squar yard) 416.00 ---- convert feet yard first, make sure care number squar feet. 12 feet 15 feet 180"} {"id": "1639", "contents": "carpet price rang anywher $0.50 $10 per squar foot. home want carpet $2-$4 per squar foot, mean rule. carpet specif need life style kind deal strike big impact carpet price."} {"id": "1640", "contents": "materi costs. 2013, carpet cost rang depend qualiti desire, low-end carpet rang $2 $3 averag per squar foot. carpet actual sold yard, shop advertis squar feet avoid custom confusion."} {"id": "1641", "contents": "select carpet-carpet cost littl $2 per squar foot, high $100 per squar yard, averag carpet pad cost $30 $40 per squar yard-for total around $995 carpet alone."} {"id": "1642", "contents": "typic carpet cost: rang $15 $22 per yard carpet face weight: 30 40 ounc carpet fiber: nylon, sorona ptt, smartstrand common styles: plush, textur plush, sculptured, berber, cut pile, saxoni typic lifespan: 12 year pad cost: rang $3.00 $4.50 per squar yard."} {"id": "1643", "contents": "labor. labor cost one flexibl aspect carpet instal vari depend instal talk to. writing, expect pay $9 $12 per squar yard carpet instal competitive, averag installer. luxuri carpet cost three time that."} {"id": "1644", "contents": "believ glassmak murano origin 8th-centuri rome, signific asian muslim influences, venic major trade port. murano glass similar 1st-centuri bc greek glass found shipwreck antikythera. murano glass made 70% silica sand, ad 30% substanc call \u201cfluxes\u201d stabil (soda lime). ad \u201cfluxes\u201d allow glass melt lower temperature, stabil prevent glass' solubl water."} {"id": "1645", "contents": "18th centuri murano glassmak start introduc new product glass mirror chandeli production. histori glass chandeli becam popular iron, wood brass era chandeliers, success instantli brought chandeli new dimension. murano glass made 70% silica sand, ad 30% substanc call \u201cfluxes\u201d stabil (soda lime). ad \u201cfluxes\u201d allow glass melt lower temperature, stabil prevent glass' solubl water."} {"id": "1646", "contents": "sommerso venetian glass bead name techniqu submerg differ color beneath clear glass. aventurina sparkl copper crystal seen mani beads, provid richli tone look anyth added."} {"id": "1647", "contents": "glass melt lower temperature, possibl creat homogen bubbl free murano glass. murano glass basic composit colorless. color obtain ad small amount minerals, oxides, chemic deriv base composit glass powder. murano glass made 70% silica sand, ad 30% substanc call \u201cfluxes\u201d stabil (soda lime). ad \u201cfluxes\u201d allow glass melt lower temperature, stabil prevent glass' solubl water."} {"id": "1648", "contents": "luxuri lane hand blown flame sommerso art glass sculptur 16 tall $55.00. eleg shape sculptur sit 16 upon clear squar shape base. sculptur made sommerso techniqu allow light pass illumin color center. detail artist process glass blow caus slight variat piec make two piec identical. hand-blown craftsmanship sommerso techniqu give sommerso vase strikingli smooth look. transluc natur vase allow light pass outer layer glass,"} {"id": "1649", "contents": "murano glass glass made venetian island murano, special fanci glasswar centuries. murano glass made 70% silica sand, ad 30% substanc call \u201cfluxes\u201d stabil (soda lime). ad \u201cfluxes\u201d allow glass melt lower temperature, stabil prevent glass' solubl water."} {"id": "1650", "contents": "murano blue amber sommerso glass stem vase. murano purpl blue sommerso glass stem vase. murano red green sommerso glass stem vase. murano green uranium yellow sommerso glass jug, georg hardi import label gener made itali label. murano blue uranium yellow sommerso glass jug. murano red amber sommerso glass stem vase. murano purpl green sommerso glass stem vase. murano red uranium yellow sommerso glass stem vase. murano green uranium yellow sommerso glass stem vase."} {"id": "1651", "contents": "murano sommerso glass identif guid gallery. sommerso item similar one shown attribut seguso vetri d'arte/flavio poli book italian glass: centuri 20 lesli pina. murano red amber sommerso glass stem vase. murano purpl green sommerso glass stem vase. murano red uranium yellow sommerso glass stem vase. murano green uranium yellow sommerso glass stem vase."} {"id": "1652", "contents": "sommerso glass nowaday highli collect type art glass glass collector around world. probabl peopl associ heavi sommerso glass piec murano, island venic italy."} {"id": "1653", "contents": "current legislation, person must 18 vote. note give detail call chang law reduc vote age 16. current legislation, person must 18 vote elect england, wale northern ireland."} {"id": "1654", "contents": "tweet. map show legal vote age around world. vote age minimum age establish law person must attain elig vote public election. note: lower hous vote age municip council vote age villag elect vote age use available."} {"id": "1655", "contents": "1971, twenty-sixth amend set legal vote age 18 us feder state elections. unit state nineteen state permit 17-year-old vote primari elect caucus 18 year age, elect day."} {"id": "1656", "contents": "vote age minimum age establish law person must attain elig vote public election. typically, age set 18 years; however, age low 16 high 21 exist (see list below)."} {"id": "1657", "contents": "26th amendment. 26th amend lower vote age 21 18, allow million young peopl particip activ democrat process power voic shape polit future."} {"id": "1658", "contents": "includ fuel adjust charge, vari monthly. averag cp custom use roughli 1,100 kilowatt hour electr per month 2010, said, paid annual averag $1,262. usa today found averag american household paid $1,419 electr 2010. photo: mike fisher. cp energi price averag electr price nation rise faster rate inflation, accord recent stori usa today, cp energi custom pay less state nation averag power."} {"id": "1659", "contents": "$1, fee translat $5 per month, $60 per year averag solar custom produc five kw per month save $800 per year electr bill. $3.50, averag total yearli cost would $210 average, 26 percent solar custom savings. estim assum continu price decreas instal capac 10 percent per year (a \u201cmiddl road\u201d market forecast, accord cp energy), total $4,010 assum cost decreas three years."} {"id": "1660", "contents": "arizona public servic adopt fee solar instal $.70 per kilowatt per month, solar applic declin 40% next three months. cp energi propos fee start $1.00 rise $3.50. cp energi fee highest nation. estim assum continu price decreas instal capac 10 percent per year (a \u201cmiddl road\u201d market forecast, accord cp energy), total $4,010 assum cost decreas three years."} {"id": "1661", "contents": "given price, surpris sarno cp energi would lock 25 years. perhap 20-year contract would made sense. util offici said sign 25-year contract that' long solar panel warranty. juli 2012, cp energi ink 25-year contract oci solar power five plant produc total 400 megawatt solar energy."} {"id": "1662", "contents": "currently, rebat amount cp energi servic area $1.60 per watt $25,000 50% cost system, whichev less. rebat credited, 30 percent feder tax credit appli remain balance. quot vary. kw system cost $20,000 rebates, cp energi residenti rebat would bring cost $13,200. 30 percent tax credit appli remain balance, final cost would $9,240."} {"id": "1663", "contents": "cost solar depend size house. averag residenti system kw current averag price per watt $4, averag kw system would cost $20,000. quot vary. kw system cost $20,000 rebates, cp energi residenti rebat would bring cost $13,200. 30 percent tax credit appli remain balance, final cost would $9,240."} {"id": "1664", "contents": "award energi distributor seventh-largest citi us goe citi public servic san antonio (also known cp energy). serv 717,000 electr custom 325,000 natur ga customers, util oper 1,514-sq.-mi. servic territory."} {"id": "1665", "contents": "cp energi custom pay roughli 20 percent less state averag electricity, accord data util usa today, found household electr bill rise faster rate inflat past five years. photo: mike fisher. cp energi price averag electr price nation rise faster rate inflation, accord recent stori usa today, cp energi custom pay less state nation averag power."} {"id": "1666", "contents": "keep mind estim base averag contract signed. quot vary. kw system cost $20,000 rebates, cp energi residenti rebat would bring cost $13,200. 30 percent tax credit appli remain balance, final cost would $9,240."} {"id": "1667", "contents": "ironically, u.s.-grown berri sold across canada. ocean spray world\u2019 largest supplier, co-op 600 farmers, includ canada. 18 per cent ocean spray\u2019 suppli grown canada, ship south processing."} {"id": "1668", "contents": "new brunswick base atlant canada cranberri inc. incorpor 2002 acci provid qualiti cranberri product made healthi atlant canadian cranberries. acci\u2019 eight cranberri grower owner annual product 2.3 million kilogram eleg tasti red vine-ripen berries."} {"id": "1669", "contents": "cranberri crop. new cranberri product craisin, dri cranberry. present use breakfast cereal fruit mixes. cranberri lucr crop grow."} {"id": "1670", "contents": "region grow cranberri well, vari extent, includ delaware, maine, michigan, new york, rhode island, well provinc new brunswick, nova scotia ontario. cranberri also commerci grown chile."} {"id": "1671", "contents": "cranberri grown boggi field northern north eastern state canada harvest fall. want whole cranberries, octob novemb time buy fresh. frozen last sever months."} {"id": "1672", "contents": "nativ temper zone east coast, central u.s., southern canada north way appalachian mountain rang south, cranberri often harvest commerci water, contrari popular belief, actual flourish grown dri land."} {"id": "1673", "contents": "made u.s.a. cranberri nativ north america, 98% cranberri harvest worldwid grown unit state canada. fact, cranberri valu today one profit crops, come #40 crop rate usda."} {"id": "1674", "contents": "locat cranberri grown northern part unit states. major product area new jersey, massachusetts, oregon, washington, wisconsin canadian provinc british columbia quebec."} {"id": "1675", "contents": "louisiana iri taxonom group (iri ser. hexagonae) five iri speci nativ louisiana surround region southeastern unit states: iri fulva, iri hexagona, iri brevicaulis, iri giganticaerulea, iri nelsonii. red color fulva contribut red modern hybrid found surround habitat iri thrives. found louisiana, along mississippi valley habaitat illinois, kentucky, ohio."} {"id": "1676", "contents": "iri genu 260\u2013300 speci flower plant showi flowers. take name greek word rainbow, also name greek goddess rainbow, iris. author state name refer wide varieti flower color found among mani species."} {"id": "1677", "contents": "description: pacif coast hybrid iri popular plants, good reason. equal beauti iri found elsewhere, eleg flower broad rang color grace clump evergeen foliag spring."} {"id": "1678", "contents": "beard iris must shade plants; mani best special bed own. soil drainag important. loosen soil tiller garden fork depth 12 15 inches, mix 2- 4-inch layer compost. plant iri mid-to late summer. plant iri rhizomes, dig hole inch deep. build small mound soil middl hole. center rhizom top soil mound let root fall either side mound. cover root soil rhizom slightli exposed."} {"id": "1679", "contents": "today, thousand thousand tall beard iri hybrids, new one everi year. world war ii, new hybrid came europe, since, american passion. today, trade led famou shreiner' iri nurseri oregon others. grow beard irises. beard iris popular forever, wonder. easi grow, and, especi recent years, put one truli great flower show garden. beard iri bloom \u201clate spring,\u201d tulip daffodils, often orient poppi peonies."} {"id": "1680", "contents": "mani water irises; not. water iri varieti grown marshi ground, edg pools, directli shallow water, even normal garden condit given extra water, particularli spring bloom dri summers. includ water iri varieti lavigatas, setosas, versicolors, virginicas, interspeci hybrids. check individu descript adapt water marshi conditions."} {"id": "1681", "contents": "mani garden familiar color pacif coast iri hybrid avail nurseri spring. member pacif coast iri group may escap gardeners' attention: iri douglasiana, commonli refer dougla iris."} {"id": "1682", "contents": "iri flower greek goddess iri messeng love. languag flower iri symbol eloquence. iris wonder garden plants. word iri mean rainbow. iris come mani color blue purple, white yellow, pink orange, brown red, even black. genu iri 200 speci nativ north temper region world. habitat iris also vari lot."} {"id": "1683", "contents": "well scientif name, iri also wide use common name iri species, well belong close relat genera. common name speci 'flags', plant subgenu scorpiri wide known juno ', particularli horticulture. take name greek word rainbow, also name greek goddess rainbow, iris. author state name refer wide varieti flower color found among mani species."} {"id": "1684", "contents": "per diem latin 'per day' 'for day'. usual refer daili rate kind payment. may also refer specif amount money ganiz allow individu spend per day, cover live travel expens connect work. hope help =3. latin phrase mean per day day. also per diem mean case-by-cas basis. term per diem latin term mean per day altern day. refer organisation' allow employe spend expens per day."} {"id": "1685", "contents": "someth interest note that, accord stein, per-team salari cap actual decreased, $178,000 $173,000. ten player per team, that' averag d-leagu salari $17,300. more, see below:salari remain flat: $25,500, $19,000 $13,000 league' three player classifications, mean d-leagu player virtual play free -- modest per diem road $40 compar $120 nba -- although receiv hous insur benefits.h d-leagu also employ per-team salari cap $173,000 ... dollar-for-dollar luxuri tax, like nba, team go amount."} {"id": "1686", "contents": "late, great roddi piper. http://www.kidzworld.com/article/8022-perks-of-the-per-diem. let' assum team road 41 game year averag 1.5 day per game. talk 62 day worth per diem -- $6,572. realli doubt report kyle korver live per diem. even assum come complet tax free, look roughli live $10,000 worth gross incom ($5/hour)."} {"id": "1687", "contents": "marcin gortat use give per diem allow one athlet trainer everi road trip season. phoenix suns' danni man shoot top philadelphia 76ers' joe smith first quarter game phoenix februari 24, 1998. nba, bond seem deterior player got richer. previou sun star danni manning, jason kidd, dan majerl kevin johnson known pass per diem cash athlet trainer equip managers."} {"id": "1688", "contents": "mani overlook per diem issu pro athlet consid salari dwarf norm. it, too, steadi rise, clearli reflect evolut that' play. everyth changed, proski said. last season, per diem nba $124. next season' amount decided, slightli higher. proski broke leagu 1967 trainer chicago bulls, recal $8 stipend staff players. can't get hot dog seven eight bucks, said. nba, bond seem deterior player got richer. previou sun star danni manning, jason kidd, dan majerl kevin johnson known pass per diem cash athlet trainer equip managers."} {"id": "1689", "contents": "begin road trip, player given envelop per diem money. exampl team five-day-road-trip, player' envelop fill $530 us! averag salari nba player $5.5 million year, like player need extra money. per diem-how other spend it. antonio davis-thi former nba big man make around $9 million year last year nba. marcu camby-thi denver nugget center give per diem younger, less-pay player team."} {"id": "1690", "contents": "portland trail blazer center jamaal magloir spent $80 last week room servic steak westin tabor center. hard complain much. 1957, much negotiating, boston celtic guard bob cousy, help organ players' union, got first per diem nba. $7. that' seven day prorat day dinner $57. player use money choose. order room servic ritzi hotel, could set back $80 meal. or, like sampson, figur pocket half per diem, take streets."} {"id": "1691", "contents": "sampson, make $798,112 season, make hit pavement oppos citi profitable. nba player receiv $106 per diem road meal incidentals. nugget show airport monday begin five-gam trip, player receiv envelop athlet trainer jim gillen contain $799 crisp bills. that' seven day prorat day dinner $57. player use money choose. order room servic ritzi hotel, could set back $80 meal. or, like sampson, figur pocket half per diem, take streets."} {"id": "1692", "contents": "per diem-what is. part nba' collect bargain agreement, nba player receiv $106 us everi day road. serv meal money-roughli $19 breakfast, $30 lunch $57 dinner. bad deal, consid $106 easili feed famili five week! $106 day nice rais origin per diem. 1957 nba' per diem $7 day. per diem-how other spend it. antonio davis-thi former nba big man make around $9 million year last year nba. marcu camby-thi denver nugget center give per diem younger, less-pay player team."} {"id": "1693", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre f. cut potato half quarter place bowl oliv oil, salt, pepper, garlic; toss potato well coated. transfer potato sheet pan spread layer. roast oven 45 minut hour brown crisp. flip twice spatula cook order ensur even browning. remov potato oven, toss parsley, season taste, serv hot. copyright 2001, barefoot contessa parties!, right reserved."} {"id": "1694", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 425 degrees. toss potatoes, oil, rosemari rim bake sheet. spread potato singl layer; season salt pepper. roast, stir halfway cooking, potato golden brown crisp outsid tender inside, 30 minutes. watch: chop herbs."} {"id": "1695", "contents": "cook. readi in. preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated. spread potato singl layer. bake preheat oven 20 minutes, stir occasionally. serv immediately. readi in. preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated."} {"id": "1696", "contents": "season well salt pepper drizzl oil top. toss combin coat oil. place potato oven roast 30 40 minutes, shake bake sheet occasionally, potato nice brown fork tender garlic clove shallot caramelized. remov rosemari sprig serv immediately."} {"id": "1697", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated. spread potato singl layer. bake preheat oven 20 minutes, stir occasionally. serv immediately. readi in. preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated."} {"id": "1698", "contents": "preheat oven 425\u00b0f. larg roast pan, toss potato oliv oil, canola oil thyme spread singl layer. roast, stir everi 10 minut so, potato crispy, brown tender, 1/4 hours. transfer potato serv dish, sprinkl salt pepper serve."} {"id": "1699", "contents": "larg bowl, combin oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, salt. stir potato evenli coated. place potato singl layer roast pan bake sheet. roast 20 30 minut preheat oven, turn occasion brown sides. directions. prep. cook. readi in. preheat oven 475 degre (245 degre c). larg bowl, combin oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, salt. stir potato evenli coated."} {"id": "1700", "contents": "put roast tin oven (one big enough take potato singl layer) heat oven 200c/fan 180c/ga 6. peel potato cut even-s piec medium size, 2-3 smaller (5cm pieces). drop potato larg pan pour enough water bare cover them. method. put roast tin oven (one big enough take potato singl layer) heat oven 200c/fan 180c/ga 6. drain potato colander. roast potato 15 mins, take oven turn over."} {"id": "1701", "contents": "stir potato evenli coated. place potato singl layer roast pan bake sheet. roast 20 30 minut preheat oven, turn occasion brown sides. directions. prep. cook. readi in. preheat oven 475 degre (245 degre c). larg bowl, combin oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, salt. stir potato evenli coated."} {"id": "1702", "contents": "place bake sheet oven. roast potato 20 minutes. turn use spatula pair tongs. roast addit 20-30 minutes, depend brown crispi like them."} {"id": "1703", "contents": "skelet muscl made individu muscl cell myocytes, known muscl fibers. form fusion development myoblast (a type embryon progenitor cell give rise muscl cell) process known myogenesis. muscl fibr cylindrical, multinucleated. term muscl refer multipl bundl muscl fiber call fascicles. muscl also contain connect tissu arrang layer fasciae. muscl enclos layer fascia; fascicl enclos layer fascia individu muscl fiber also enclos layer fascia."} {"id": "1704", "contents": "medic definit muscl fiber. elong cell characterist muscle. made want look muscl fiber?"} {"id": "1705", "contents": "skelet muscl form striat muscl tissu voluntari control somat nervou system. one three major muscl types, other cardiac muscl smooth muscle. skelet muscl attach bone bundl collagen fiber known tendons. term muscl refer multipl bundl muscl fiber call fascicles. muscl also contain connect tissu arrang layer fasciae. muscl enclos layer fascia; fascicl enclos layer fascia individu muscl fiber also enclos layer fascia."} {"id": "1706", "contents": "myocyt (also known muscl cell) type cell found muscl tissue. myocyt long, tubular cell develop myoblast form muscl process known myogenesis. variou special form myocytes: cardiac, skeletal, smooth muscl cells, variou properties. striat cell cardiac skelet muscl refer muscl fibers."} {"id": "1707", "contents": "1. muscl fiber-an elong contractil cell form muscl body. muscl cell, muscl fibre. fibre, fiber-ani sever elongated, threadlik cell (especi muscl fiber nerv fiber). noun. 1. muscl fiber-an elong contractil cell form muscl body. muscl cell, muscl fibre. fibre, fiber-ani sever elongated, threadlik cell (especi muscl fiber nerv fiber). muscle, musculus-on contractil organ body."} {"id": "1708", "contents": "medic definit fiber. 1. thread threadlik structur object: a: strand nerv tissue: axon, dendrit b: one filament compos intercellular matrix connect tissu c: one elong contractil cell muscl tissue. 2."} {"id": "1709", "contents": "muscl soft tissu found animals. muscl cell contain protein filament actin myosin slide past one another, produc contract chang length shape cell. muscl function produc forc motion."} {"id": "1710", "contents": "within skelet muscl three type fiber: type i. type fiber also known slow twitch fibers. red colour due presenc larg volum myoglobin oxygen high number mitochondria."} {"id": "1711", "contents": "noun. 1. muscl fibre-an elong contractil cell form muscl body. muscl cell, muscl fiber. fibre, fiber-ani sever elongated, threadlik cell (especi muscl fiber nerv fiber). muscle, musculus-on contractil organ body."} {"id": "1712", "contents": "qualifi veterinari nurse. qualifi veterinari nurs must: enrol student veterinari nurs rcvs. attend college-bas studi minimum 22 week period train exam sat usual two years. colleg must approv rcvs."} {"id": "1713", "contents": "scheme, must employ traine rcvs-regist veterinari nurs train practic studi rcvs-approv cours veterinari nursing. need five gcses/ grade (a-c/1-3), includ english, math scienc subject equival entri qualifications."} {"id": "1714", "contents": "work vet nurse, need acquir formal education. part, educ becom vet nurs take two years, though program shorter longer. receiv train local commun colleg technic schools."} {"id": "1715", "contents": "entri requirements. qualifi veterinari nurs work-bas train complet higher educ course. rout allow regist veterinari nurs royal colleg veterinari surgeon (rcvs)."} {"id": "1716", "contents": "veterinari nurs support care anim receiv treatment within veterinari practice. veterinari nurs work member veterinari team, provid expert nurs care sick animals. veterinari nurs also play signific role educ owner maintain health pets."} {"id": "1717", "contents": "job, need calm confid handl animals. you\u2019ll also need sympathet deal upset nervou owners. qualifi veterinari nurs either work-bas train take higher educ qualification."} {"id": "1718", "contents": "becom vet nurse, need qualif degre veterinari technology, pass score nation veterinari technician exam, hands-on experi anim care personality. peopl reading."} {"id": "1719", "contents": "manhattan colleg salary. manhattan colleg averag salari $62,668, median salari $63,500 salari rang $28,000 $92,000. manhattan colleg salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "1720", "contents": "mani professors, experi gener translat higher pay. work fewer five year take home median salari $58k, worker five 10 year experi earn higher $70k average. professor bring $87k work 10 20 years. professor unit state often veteran line work, close four-fifth bring 10 year experi table. salari slide $88k annual averag rang $50k $158k per year."} {"id": "1721", "contents": "typic report depart head. view professor-mus salari altern job titles: professor-music, colleg professor-music, univers professor-mus categories: educ professor-architectur salari conduct college-level cours field architecture. categories: education. professor-english salaries. conduct college-level cours field english. area instruct includ expositori writing, encompass creation, organization, style, revis writing, research, documentation."} {"id": "1722", "contents": "typic report depart head. view professor-nurs salari altern job titles: professor-nursing, colleg professor-nursing, univers professor-nurs categories: educ professor-rehabilit salari conduct college-level cours field rehabilit therapy. categories: education. professor-english salaries. conduct college-level cours field english. area instruct includ expositori writing, encompass creation, organization, style, revis writing, research, documentation."} {"id": "1723", "contents": "professor taught new york highly-compensated, averag annual salari $105,420. indiana-bas professor earn averag salari $66,180, new hampshir earn $72,230 per year average. relat reading: becom colleg art professor. middl 50 percent field earn $45,370 $88,290 per year. top 10 percent earner among college-level art, drama music professor made $124,880 annually, lowest-paid 10 percent made $33,400 per year less."} {"id": "1724", "contents": "full-tim faculti manhattan colleg includ 55 professors, 52 associ professors, 86 assist professors, instructors, lectur 121 men 81 women: pleas note faculti rank (e.g. associ professor, lecturer, instructor) usual assign colleg itself. manhattan colleg pretti good, 12:1 students-to-faculti ratio. low ratio usual impli smaller class size, attent students, better qualiti education, higher satisfact student instructors."} {"id": "1725", "contents": "faculti monthli salari manhattan colleg vari approxim $7,000 $12,000. averag full-tim faculti salari colleg approxim $112,000 year-which 2% higher new york averag faculti compensation. manhattan colleg pretti good, 12:1 students-to-faculti ratio. low ratio usual impli smaller class size, attent students, better qualiti education, higher satisfact student instructors."} {"id": "1726", "contents": "women faculti member school paid $8,697 month average; bit lower averag men faculti salari $9,708 month. manhattan colleg pretti good, 12:1 students-to-faculti ratio. low ratio usual impli smaller class size, attent students, better qualiti education, higher satisfact student instructors. high ratio usual sign opposit"} {"id": "1727", "contents": "bureau labor statist estim approxim 90,030 colleg professor earn live may 2011 teach art, drama music. mean annual salari professor $72,660, accord bureau. middl 50 percent field earn $45,370 $88,290 per year. top 10 percent earner among college-level art, drama music professor made $124,880 annually, lowest-paid 10 percent made $33,400 per year less."} {"id": "1728", "contents": "regional. salari colleg music professor vari significantli state state. montana among state lowest averag wage country, $46,770 per year may 2011, accord statist bureau. middl 50 percent field earn $45,370 $88,290 per year. top 10 percent earner among college-level art, drama music professor made $124,880 annually, lowest-paid 10 percent made $33,400 per year less."} {"id": "1729", "contents": "sugar five carbon (pentos sugar), nucleic acid (both dna rna). pentos sugar rna hydroxyl group (-oh) link number two carbon atom. pentos sugar dna got oxygen posit (henc name: deoxyribonycl acid (dna), a-h atom."} {"id": "1730", "contents": "explor dna chain sugar backbon backbon dna base repeat pattern sugar group phosphat group. full name dna, deoxyribonucl acid, give name sugar present-deoxyribose. deoxyribos modifi form anoth sugar call ribose."} {"id": "1731", "contents": "dna doubl helix form base pair attach sugar-phosph backbone. dna, deoxyribonucl acid, hereditari materi human almost organisms. nearli everi cell person\u2019 bodi dna."} {"id": "1732", "contents": "base also attach sugar molecul phosphat molecule. together, base, sugar, phosphat call nucleotide. nucleotid arrang two long strand form spiral call doubl helix."} {"id": "1733", "contents": "sugar rna ribose, wherea sugar dna deoxyribose. differ two deoxyribose, oxygen miss 2' carbon (there instead oh). make dna stable/less reactiv rna."} {"id": "1734", "contents": "dna structure. dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code."} {"id": "1735", "contents": "sugar-phosph support structur dna doubl helix call backbone. dna commonli refer doubl helix."} {"id": "1736", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. indometacin (inn ban) indomethacin (aan, usan former ban) non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaid) commonli use prescript medic reduc fever, pain, stiffness, swelling. work inhibit product prostaglandins, molecul known caus symptoms. indomethacin also use clinic delay prematur labor, reduc amniot fluid polyhydramnios, close patent ductu arteriosus. indomethacin potent drug mani seriou side effect consid analges minor ach pain fever."} {"id": "1737", "contents": "indomethacin nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaid) use treat mild moder acut pain reliev symptom arthriti (osteoarthr rheumatoid arthritis) gout, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, joint pain. indomethacin also use treat ankylos spondylitis, type arthriti affect joint spine. medicin may also use treat pain shoulder caus bursiti tendinitis. medicin avail doctor' prescription."} {"id": "1738", "contents": "indomethacin prescript drug use treat moder sever pain, swelling, stiff arthritis. indomethacin belong class drug call non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids). drug treat swelling, pain, fever block product substanc bodi call prostaglandins, regul inflamm bodili processes. use indomethacin caution high blood pressure, heart failure, edema (fluid retention), ever peptic ulcer. take indomethacin two week type heart bypass surgeri call coronari arteri bypass graft."} {"id": "1739", "contents": "a: indomethacin (indocin) non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaid), use treat inflamm gout, conditions, arthritis, ankylos spondylitis, tendonitis, bursitis. indomethacin lower uric acid level body. use indomethacin caution high blood pressure, heart failure, edema (fluid retention), ever peptic ulcer. take indomethacin two week type heart bypass surgeri call coronari arteri bypass graft."} {"id": "1740", "contents": "doctor may also use indomethacin treat bursiti (shoulder joint inflammation), gout, gouti arthritis, (a form arthriti caus crystal uric acid build insid joints), inflamm tendon (tissu attach muscl bones). use indomethacin caution high blood pressure, heart failure, edema (fluid retention), ever peptic ulcer. take indomethacin two week type heart bypass surgeri call coronari arteri bypass graft."} {"id": "1741", "contents": "indomethacin group drug call nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids). indomethacin work reduc hormon caus inflamm pain body. indomethacin use treat pain inflamm caus mani condit arthritis, gout, ankylos spondylitis, bursitis, tendinitis. indomethacin may also use purpos list medic guide."} {"id": "1742", "contents": "indomethacin use treat moder sever rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylos spondylitis. use treat gout certain type bursiti tendonitis. may also use condit determin doctor. use indomethacin direct doctor. recommend adult dosag indomethacin capsul treat moder sever rheumatoid arthritis; moder sever ankylos spondyl moder sever osteoarthr 25 mg twice day. indomethacin (indomethacin) use treat moder sever rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylos spondylitis. indomethacin capsules: suppli inmecin (sometim indomethacin also refer as: indocap, indocin, indocid indochron)."} {"id": "1743", "contents": "indomethacin use treat pain inflamm caus mani condit arthritis, gout, ankylos spondylitis, bursitis, tendinitis. less seriou side effect may include: upset stomach, mild heartburn, diarrhea, constipation; bloating, gas; dizziness, nervousness, headache; skin rash, itching; blur vision; or. ring ears."} {"id": "1744", "contents": "use medicine. indomethacin nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaid) use treat mild moder acut pain reliev symptom arthriti (osteoarthr rheumatoid arthritis) gout, inflammation, swelling, stiffness, joint pain."} {"id": "1745", "contents": "whippi tail call flagellum allow move water. euglena differ protozoan chlorophyl it, substanc plant contain make food. euglena abl make food like plant sunlight."} {"id": "1746", "contents": "speci euglena photosynthes chloroplast within bodi cell, enabl feed autotrophy, like plants. however, also take nourish heterotrophically, like animals. euglena, one flagellum short, protrud cell, rel long, often easili visibl light microscopy. species, longer, emerg flagellum use help organ swim."} {"id": "1747", "contents": "complet autotroph though, euglena also absorb food environment; euglena usual live quiet pond puddles. euglena move flagellum (plural, flagella), long whip-lik structur act like littl motor. flagellum locat anterior (front) end, twist way pull cell water. attach inward pocket call reservoir."} {"id": "1748", "contents": "flagellum whip back forth propel euglena. imagin flagellum someth like flag keep wave allow organ move. or, ou also imagin way butterfli stroke perform swimming. flagellum move way propel euglena. euglena small organ protist kingdom. make food, also eat thing like animal. move help lagellum."} {"id": "1749", "contents": "euglena unicellular organ flagella. flagella long whip-lik tail use movement. structurally, cell wall. instead, thick outer covering, known pellicle, compos protein give strength flexibility. euglena unicellular protist characterist whip-lik tail known flagellum. primarili found freshwater, live moist area saltwater. abl consum matter organ photosynthesi condit favorable."} {"id": "1750", "contents": "euglena genu single-cel flagel protists. best known wide studi member class euglenoidea, divers group contain 54 genera least 800 species. speci euglena found fresh salt waters. euglena, one flagellum short, protrud cell, rel long, often easili visibl light microscopy. species, longer, emerg flagellum use help organ swim."} {"id": "1751", "contents": "complet autotroph though, euglena also absorb food environment; euglena usual live quiet pond puddles. euglena move flagellum (plural flagella), long whip-lik structur act like littl motor. flagellum locat anterior (front) end, twirl way pull cell water. attach inward pocket call reservoir. euglena uniqu heterotroph (must consum food) autotroph (can make food)."} {"id": "1752", "contents": "euglena use flagella move. necessary, also util amoeboid movement. mean sometim euglena contract expand move environm nt. five major part brain basic, brain control body. euglena small organ protist kingdom. make food, also eat thing like animal. move help lagellum."} {"id": "1753", "contents": "allow euglena move water search food (either sunlight food particles). euglena mouth food (bacteria, detritus, protozoans) collect taken bodi saclik structur known vacuole. vacuol hold food throughout process digestion. euglena: -euglena two method locomotion. use long flagellum, whip back forth propel euglena, structur known pellicle. pellicle, made protein, lie next cell membrane."} {"id": "1754", "contents": "type enzym put atom molecul together. break molecul apart put molecul togeth enzym do, specif enzym chemic reaction need make cell work properly. maltos made two glucos molecul bond togeth (1). enzym extrem interest properti make littl chemical-react machines. purpos enzym cell allow cell carri chemic reaction quickly. reaction allow cell build thing take thing apart needed. cell grow reproduces."} {"id": "1755", "contents": "enzym made amino acids, proteins. enzym formed, made string togeth 100 1,000 amino acid specif uniqu order. chain amino acid fold uniqu shape. enzym extrem interest properti make littl chemical-react machines. purpos enzym cell allow cell carri chemic reaction quickly. reaction allow cell build thing take thing apart needed. cell grow reproduces."} {"id": "1756", "contents": "enzym differ catalyst much specific. enzym activ affect molecules: inhibitor molecul decreas enzym activity, activ molecul increas activity. mani drug poison enzym inhibitors. household product use enzym speed chemic reactions: enzym biolog wash powder break protein, starch fat stain clothes, enzym meat tender break protein smaller molecules, make meat easier chew."} {"id": "1757", "contents": "molecul enzym work call substrates. substrat bind region enzym call activ site. two theori explain enzyme-substr interaction. lock-and-key model, activ site enzym precis shape hold specif substrates. view full size image. enzym biolog molecul (typic proteins) significantli speed rate virtual chemic reaction take place within cells. vital life serv wide rang import function body, aid digest metabolism."} {"id": "1758", "contents": "enzym /\u02c8\u025bnza\u026amz/ macromolecular biolog catalysts. enzym accelerate, catalyze, chemic reactions. molecul begin process call substrat enzym convert differ molecules, call products. household product use enzym speed chemic reactions: enzym biolog wash powder break protein, starch fat stain clothes, enzym meat tender break protein smaller molecules, make meat easier chew."} {"id": "1759", "contents": "enzym biolog catalysts-catalyst substanc increas rate chemic reaction without use up. enzym also protein proteins: organ compound made amino acid molecules. chang ph alter enzyme\u2019 shape. differ enzym work best differ ph values. optimum ph enzym depend normal works. example, intestin enzym optimum ph 7.5. enzym stomach optimum ph 2."} {"id": "1760", "contents": "thousand enzym produc bodi aid wide varieti chemic reactions. two major class enzymes: metabol digestive. digest enzym produc primarili pancrea releas duodenum help digest food come stomach. research anim shown product digest enzym independ diet. is, anim biolog program produc specif type amount digest enzym respons food ingestion, regardless food actual eat."} {"id": "1761", "contents": "like proteins, enzym made amino acids. enzym made hundr upward million amino acid place like pearl string. amino acid bond next chemic bonds. vast major enzym made 20 differ kind amino acid. enzym break food. enzym workhors body. eat, enzym break food tini particl convert energi body. process start mouth, enzym call amylas attack incom food particles."} {"id": "1762", "contents": "');\\\\n // station found\\\\n return false;\\\\n \\}\\\\n \\}\\\\n\\\\n return false;\\\\n \\}\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n ,hattr:0\\}\\}\\{text:\\\\n\\\\n ,hattr:198656\\}\\{t:script,hattr:2,id:trend-by-site-template,type:text/x-handlebars-template\\{text:\\\\n \\\\n."} {"id": "1763", "contents": "13 regular ga price report past day mchenry, il. averag regular ga price mchenry, il $2.43, $0.39 lower u.s. nation averag regular ga price $2.82. lowest regular ga price $2.38 mobil locat 4304 johnsburg rd, mchenry, il 60051. highest regular ga price $2.5 bp locat 508 front st, mchenry, il 60050"} {"id": "1764", "contents": "automot ga prices. automotive.com affili ga station company. goal provid consum ga price data empow save money pump time rise fuel prices."} {"id": "1765", "contents": "$2.75update. regular ga price report past day mchenry, il zip code 60050. averag regular ga price mchenry, il zip code 60050 $2.63, $0.13 lower u.s. nation averag regular ga price $2.76. lowest regular ga price $2.42 citgo locat 4416 elm st, mchenry, il 60050. regular ga price report past day mchenry, il zip code 60050"} {"id": "1766", "contents": "$1.00 glade plugin scent oil twin refill. frederick' hollywood offer frederick' women' elizabeth chemis four color (pink pictur stock) $14 free shipping. that' save $20 tie last week' mention lowest total price we'v seen fo. find store hour direct speedway ga mchenry. research coupon discount speedway gas. pleas check make sure local speedway ga open busi start drive"} {"id": "1767", "contents": "sodium bicarbon chnao sodium carbon na co 3. simpli heat bake soda sodium bicarbon 200\u00b0f oven hour. carbon dioxid water given off. dri sodium carbon remain."} {"id": "1768", "contents": "(a) sodium chlorid calcium carbonate. overal reaction regard calcium carbon sodium chloride: however, calcium carbon insolubl react solut salt. instead product obtain seri seven stages."} {"id": "1769", "contents": "11.3 million tonsof na co produc annually.sodium carbon fairli strong, non-volatil base use manufactur glass(55%), paper (5%), soap, mani chemic (25%). sodium carbon also call soda ash andwash soda."} {"id": "1770", "contents": "sodium bicarbon also known sodium hydrogen carbonate, familiar bake soda. reaction sodium bicarbon hydrochlor acid produc salt (sodium chloride, nacl), water, carbon dioxide. nahco hcl nacl co experi 1, use reaction make carbon dioxid plastic bag. experi prepar co microscal ga syringe."} {"id": "1771", "contents": "mean everi mole sodium bicarbon reacts, mole sodium chlorid produced. howev reaction b, balanc coeffici indic 1:2 mole ratio reactant na co product nacl."} {"id": "1772", "contents": "reaction hexaaqua metal ion carbon ions. page describ explain reaction complex ion type [m(h o) n+ carbon ion from, example, sodium carbon solution."} {"id": "1773", "contents": "sodium bicarbon chemic compound formula nahco3. long known wide used, salt mani name includ sodium hydrogencarbonate, sodium bicarb, bake soda, bread soda, cook soda, bicarb soda, saleratu bicarbon soda."} {"id": "1774", "contents": "biennial/bye-election. rajya sabha perman hous subject dissolution. however, one-third member rajya sabha retir everi second year. member elect full term serv period six years. articl 80 constitut lay maximum strength rajya sabha 250, 12 member nomin presid 238 repres state two union territories."} {"id": "1775", "contents": "indian parliament bicamer parliament consist presid two hous known council state [rajya-sabha] hous peopl [lok-sabha]. ajya-sabha consist 250 member 12 member nomin president. lok-sabha compos repres peopl chosen direct elect basi adult suffrage. 250 composit rajya sabha 12 nomin presid 238 repres differ state union territories. peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "1776", "contents": "parliament india consist presid two hous known hous people,renam later lok sabha council states,renam rajya sabha .lok sabha commomli known lower hous parliament.rajya sabha second chamber indian parliament. 250 composit rajya sabha 12 nomin presid 238 repres differ state union territories. peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "1777", "contents": "rajya sabha. rajya sabha upper hous parliament. 250 members. member rajya sabha elect peopl directli indirectli legisl assembl variou states. assist deputi speaker also elect lok sabha. conduct busi lok sabha respons speaker. vice-presid india ex-officio chairman rajya sabha."} {"id": "1778", "contents": "rajya sabha-an introduction. background. \u2018council states\u2019 also known rajya sabha, nomenclatur announc chair hous 23rd august, 1954 distinct features. origin second chamber trace montague-chelmsford report 1918. articl 80 constitut lay maximum strength rajya sabha 250, 12 member nomin presid 238 repres state two union territories."} {"id": "1779", "contents": "rajya sabha upper hous parliament india. also known council states, \u201crajya\u201d mean state \u201csabha\u201d mean assembly. 250 member rajya sabha. seat actual allot depend popul state union territory."} {"id": "1780", "contents": "rajya sabha council state upper hous parliament india. membership rajya sabha limit constitut maximum 250 members, current law provis 245 members. lok sabha pass money bill, transmit rajya sabha, rajya sabha fourteen day return bill (with without amendments) lok sabha. rajya sabha fail return bill fourteen(14) days, bill deem pass houses."} {"id": "1781", "contents": "lot differ lok sabha rajya sabha. are/;i) lok sabha lower chamber parliament wherea rajya sabha upper chamber. however, mistaken mean power lok sabha inferior compar house. rajya sabha-it perman hous can't dissolved. paresh,i hope help sort differ two hous parliment. author: kuldeep 02 nov 2010 member level: silver points: vote score: 0hi, offici websit govern india."} {"id": "1782", "contents": "lok sabha (english: hous people) lower hous india' bicameral-parliament, higher hous rajya sabha. hous elect bodi consist 543 member known member parliament (mps)."} {"id": "1783", "contents": "rajya sabha meet continu sessions, unlik lok sabha, lower hous parliament, subject dissolution. lok sabha pass money bill, transmit rajya sabha, rajya sabha fourteen day return bill (with without amendments) lok sabha. rajya sabha fail return bill fourteen(14) days, bill deem pass houses."} {"id": "1784", "contents": "hip pain common complaint caus wide varieti problems. precis locat hip pain provid valuabl clue underli cause. problem within hip joint tend result pain insid hip groin. hip pain outsid hip, upper thigh outer buttock usual caus problem muscles, ligaments, tendon soft tissu surround hip joint. hip pain sometim caus diseas condit area body, lower back knees. type pain call refer pain. hip pain control self-car home. caus"} {"id": "1785", "contents": "person hip tender pain hip joint pressur appli skin overli hip joint. hip tender may caus injury, inflamm infection. common caus includ arthritis, hip bursitis, hip synovitis, hip strain, hip injury. symptom occur hip tender may includ hip swelling, hip bruising, hip pain, hip stiffness. addit symptom may occur sever hip tender includ sever hip pain, fever, difficulti walking, limping, warmth red skin overli hip joint."} {"id": "1786", "contents": "hip pain caus number injuri conditions. common caus acut hip pain inflam tendons, often caus over-exercising. condit painful, usual heal within days. common caus long-term hip pain arthritis, joint swelling. arthriti caus pain, stiff tender joints, difficulti walking. two main type arthritis: osteoarthr rheumatoid arthritis. number other, less common condit caus hip pain, too. includ snap hip syndrom osteonecrosis. snap hip syndrom (most commonli found dancer athletes) character snap sound feel hip."} {"id": "1787", "contents": "hip pain may caus problem bone cartilag hip. hip fractur caus sudden hip pain. injuri seriou lead major problems. hip fractur common peopl get older fall like bone becom weaker. infect the. or."} {"id": "1788", "contents": "pain hip result number factors. abnorm skin, nerves, bones, joints, blood vessels, soft tissu hip result pain. sometim diseas affect joint body, inflamm result arthritis, caus pain hip. hip pain may also occur problem back spine. depend upon caus hip pain, pain may occur walking, running, engag activity. bursiti one two bursa hip (sac provid cushion bone tissues) caus hip pain."} {"id": "1789", "contents": "hip pain caus muscl tendon strain, osteoarthritis, tendinitis, usual reliev over-the-count pain medic tylenol nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug motrin aleve. sometim pain area body, back groin (from hernia), radiat hip. might notic pain get wors activity, especi caus arthritis."} {"id": "1790", "contents": "arthritis, exercis hip joint low-impact exercises, stretching, resist train reduc pain improv joint mobility. example, swim good non-impact exercis arthritis. physic therapi also help increas rang motion. sometim pain area body, back groin (from hernia), radiat hip. might notic pain get wors activity, especi caus"} {"id": "1791", "contents": "diy roach killer cost littl $5 $15 (for kill-on-contact insecticide, roach foggers, bait traps) much $50 $60 per gallon spray product claim provid 12-month roach control. pest produc feel disgust cockroach do. shouldn\u2019t, however, let primordi pest work state all-out chemic warfare. substanc use kill roach hazard health human pets."} {"id": "1792", "contents": "cost cockroach extermin vari depend size home type treatment necessary. extermin may use fogger appli insecticid mist form, may spread desicc dri kill bugs, may use neurotoxins. infest make home unpleas unhealthi place live, you\u2019v seen cockroach home call profession exterminator. he\u2019ll right tool knowledg erad peski insect all."} {"id": "1793", "contents": "bed bug treatment cost $250-$900 per room; total cost $1,000-$10,000 depend what' needed. details, see much get rid bed bug cost. mice rat control $200 $2,000 remov cleanup, depend extent infest damages. cost profession squirrel evict exclus total $300-$1,500 more. mole gopher control cost $50-$"} {"id": "1794", "contents": "bed bugs, initi visual inspect identifi problem free cost $50-$200 more; inspect dog special train detect bed bug cost $300-$600. bed bug treatment cost $250-$900 per room; total cost $1,000-$10,000 depend what' needed. mice rat control $200 $2,000 remov cleanup, depend extent infest damages. cost profession squirrel evict exclus total $300-$1,500 more. mole gopher control cost $50-$"} {"id": "1795", "contents": "choic yours. either want get rid cockroach don't. good luck whatev decid them. realli want get rid cockroach realli one choice. whip wallet invest $7. got noth loose. $7 i'm charg $7.00 report give report away reasons. 1. $7 put report within reach vast major people. cockroach caus asthma children. ever seen one ugli thing crawl wall front company. local pest control compani charg $400 get rid cockroaches. expert guidance, know done correctly."} {"id": "1796", "contents": "see much bee remov cost. remov unwant wildlif move attic, crawlspace, basement area home cost $200-$1,000 depend type anim difficult trap. mice rat control $200 $2,000 remov cleanup, depend extent infest damages. cost profession squirrel evict exclus total $300-$1,500 more. mole gopher control cost $50-$"} {"id": "1797", "contents": "accord much it, cockroach extermin fee vari depend upon size infestation, home, whether basement. averag cost rang $75 $450 per visit, addit visit rang $45 $100 each."} {"id": "1798", "contents": "cost servic anywher $100 $400 depend sever infestation. addition, extermin may recommend period mainten visit cost $30 $100 each. infest make home unpleas unhealthi place live, you\u2019v seen cockroach home call profession exterminator. he\u2019ll right tool knowledg erad peski insect all."} {"id": "1799", "contents": "easili run $500 $1,000 per visit. diy roach killer cost littl $5 $15 (for kill-on-contact insecticide, roach foggers, bait traps) much $50 $60 per gallon spray product claim provid 12-month roach control. pest produc feel disgust cockroach do. shouldn\u2019t, however, let primordi pest work state all-out chemic warfare. substanc use kill roach hazard health human pets."} {"id": "1800", "contents": "question: roach insid home. need pest control. one-stori home measur 2,400 squar feet. want know much would servic cost me. thank time. answer: cockroach difficult pest control, method use take time."} {"id": "1801", "contents": "basic cabinet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal kitchen cabinet rang $228.12 $366.99 per cabinet. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2. gener contractor overhead markup organ supervis kitchen cabinet installation. add 15% 23% total cost gener contractor supervis project. sale tax materi supplies."} {"id": "1802", "contents": "find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. average, cabinet instal cost $4,656, homeown spend $2,068 $7,255. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members. cabinet help defin person kitchen bathrooms. fact, they'r first part look dated."} {"id": "1803", "contents": "contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000. averages; actual cost may higher lower. contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000."} {"id": "1804", "contents": "brand new sink installation, expect pay $2,280 $3,580. course, cost sink play role final total project. note sink come shapes, size designs, cost fluctuat wildli model model."} {"id": "1805", "contents": "cost instal kitchen cabinet vari $40 $110 per cabinet actual price determin number factors. kitchen cabinet instal cost comparison chart (price per cabinet installed). type kitchen cabinets. averag cost installation. issu final item estim scope work perform contractor inspect kitchen area analyz work complex accord kitchen layout blueprints. averag total price stock kitchen cabinet instal 12\u2019 12\u2019 kitchen vari $1,300 $1,700. expect spend 80% 105% instal high end custom cabinets. total cost includ instal wood fillers, moldings, toe kicks, refriger dishwash wood panel"} {"id": "1806", "contents": "cost remodel kitchen depend current layout, size condit room, well qualiti replac product chosen. averages; actual cost may higher lower. contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000."} {"id": "1807", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal kitchen sink! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost kitchen sink instal project. basic sink project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal kitchen sink rang $214.16 $278.56 per sink. estim cost project:"} {"id": "1808", "contents": "stock cabinet come pre-mad specif styles, shape finishes. lot depend size shape kitchen total linear feet cabinet needed. basic cabinet (top bottom) 10x12-foot kitchen start $4,000-$5,000 up, includ instal countertops. cabinet custom-mad particular design fit specif layout cost much four time stock prices, $16,000-$20,000 up, uninstal without"} {"id": "1809", "contents": "reactiv profile-descript chemical' potenti reactiv chemicals, air, water. also includ intrins reactiv hazard (such polymeriz peroxidizable). reactiv groups-list reactiv group chemic assign to, base known chemistry. reactiv group categori chemic react similar way chemic structur similar. reactiv group use predict reactiv add chemic mychemicals. fire hazard-descript chemical' fire hazard (such flammability, explos risk, byproduct may evolv chemic burned). health hazard-descript chemical' health hazard (such toxicity, flammability, corrosivity)."} {"id": "1810", "contents": "trimethylamin nitrogen base readili proton give trimethylammonium cation. trimethylammonium chlorid hygroscop colorless solid prepar hydrochlor acid. ga room temperatur usual sold pressur ga cylind 40% solut water. trimethylamin product decomposit plant animals."} {"id": "1811", "contents": "identifi information, includ synonyms, id numbers, use type, chemic classification, link list product contain chemic list top crop pesticid use california. sign symptom poisoning, first aid, link treatment inform chemical. water qualiti standard physic properti affect water contamin potential. toxic aquat organisms. list chemic family, includ breakdown products, salts, esters, isomers, derivatives."} {"id": "1812", "contents": "triethylamin chemic compound formula n(ch ch 3) 3, commonli abbrevi et n. also abbrevi tea, yet abbrevi must use care avoid confus triethanolamin tetraethylammonium, tea also common abbreviation. colourless volatil liquid strong fishi odor reminisc ammonia also smell hawthorn plant. like diisopropylethylamin (huenig\u2019h\u00fcnig s), base triethylamin commonli encount organic. synthesi"} {"id": "1813", "contents": "trimethylamin organ compound formula n(ch 3) 3. colorless, hygroscopic, flammabl tertiari amin strong fishi odor low concentr ammonia-lik odor higher concentrations. ga room temperatur usual sold pressur ga cylind 40% solut water. trimethylamin product decomposit plant animals. substanc mainli respons odor often associ rot fish, infections, bad breath caus vagin odor due bacteri vaginosi"} {"id": "1814", "contents": "loading... synthesi 2-nitroglyc glycal use tetrabutylammonium nitrate-trifluoroacet anhydride-triethylamin reagent system base-catalyz ferrier rearrang acetyl 2-nitroglycals. dharuman s, gupta p, kancharla pk, et al. j. org. chem."} {"id": "1815", "contents": "triethylamin activ ingredi flynap, product anesthet drosophila melanogaster. triethylamin use mosquito vector control lab anesthet mosquitoes. done preserv viral materi might present speci identification. colourless volatil liquid strong fishi odor reminisc ammonia also smell hawthorn plant. like diisopropylethylamin (huenig\u2019h\u00fcnig s), base triethylamin commonli encount organic. synthesi"} {"id": "1816", "contents": "triclopyr, triethylamin salt-identification, toxicity, use, water pollut potential, ecolog toxic regulatori information. note: see work inform page section import note data. water qualiti standard physic properti affect water contamin potential. toxic aquat organisms. list chemic family, includ breakdown products, salts, esters, isomers, derivatives."} {"id": "1817", "contents": "basi revis idlh: revis idlh triethylamin 200 ppm base acut inhal toxic data anim [carpent et al. 1948; izmerov et al. 1982; nielsen yamagiwa 1989; smyth et al. 1951]. may conserv valu due lack acut inhal toxic data workers. niosh rel: 1989 osha pel may protect workers. current osha pel: 25 ppm (100 mg/m 3) twa. 1989 osha pel: 10 ppm (40 mg/m 3) twa, 15 ppm (60 mg/m 3) stel. 1993-1994 acgih tlv: ppm (12 mg/m 3) twa, 15 ppm (36 mg/m 3) stel. descript substance: colorless liquid strong, ammonia-lik odor."} {"id": "1818", "contents": "oat gluten. steel cut oat whole grain, like wheat, rye barley, contain higher level protein grains, accord drugs.com. protein oat differ grain well."} {"id": "1819", "contents": "oats, however, contain gluten! oat contain protein (call avenin) similar gluten-most coeliac howev safe eat uncontamin oats. despit this-oat law still defin cereal contain gluten therefor highlight allergen. so-al oats-includ gluten free oats-ar deem contain gluten."} {"id": "1820", "contents": "oats, includ steel-cut oats, process facil equip use wheat gluten-contain grains, explain 80 percent oat contain trace gluten. sensit gluten, even trace gluten could enough trigger side effects. choos certifi gluten-fre steel-cut oat intoler gluten. steel-cut oat healthi whole-grain hot cereal option breakfast snack. similar oatmeal, steel-cut oat made larger piec oat digest slowli keep full longer."} {"id": "1821", "contents": "short answer is, no, oat contain gluten. however, oat high risk cross-contamin sinc often grown near wheat process machineri also process wheat. recent post gluten free grains, unintent confus people. put oat list item care of, put list gluten-contain grains."} {"id": "1822", "contents": "oats. oat cereal rich solubl fibr contain protein cereals. oat contain gluten, therefor usual consid okay peopl wheat allergy, recommend gluten free diet, although coeliac toler oat small quantities."} {"id": "1823", "contents": "avenin. oat natur contain gluten similar protein call avenin found oat properti gluten (it prolamin storag protein oat seeds, help protect nourish dormant seed). fortunately, advers reaction oat protein rare."} {"id": "1824", "contents": "oat label certifi gluten-fre suitabl gluten-fre diet. food manufactur offer gluten-fre oat use differ equip process oat ensur product cross-contamin gluten, make safe peopl suffer gluten intolerance. choos certifi gluten-fre steel-cut oat intoler gluten. steel-cut oat healthi whole-grain hot cereal option breakfast snack. similar oatmeal, steel-cut oat made larger piec oat digest slowli keep full longer."} {"id": "1825", "contents": "pure oat grain separ wheat, oat wheat free. however, oat wheat often harvest togeth mill process facility. due similar shape size wheat kernel oat groat, cross-contamin alway possibility. similar, yet identical, protein oat peopl react to. wheat type grain, gluten protein found wheat, barley, rye, grains. gluten compon give bread dough elasticity, give bread chewi texture."} {"id": "1826", "contents": "went onlin look oatmeal medley stuff -- includ wheat flakes. happen buy quaker oatmeal found contain trace amount wheat oatmeal product even organ oatmeal medley stuff. oat wheat two differ grains. wheat wheat oat oats! note: grain wheat! quinoa grain wheat wheat it. oat grain wheat wheat it."} {"id": "1827", "contents": "jessica harlan. oatmeal contain gluten, sinc wheat product, increas number expert pronounc safe eat peopl tri avoid gluten diets. however, oatmeal gluten-free."} {"id": "1828", "contents": "institut charg tuition unit make academ year, semest quarter, per credit hour. misericordia, tuition cost $28,210, slightli expens top tier privat (not-for-profit) institut country. misericordia univers tuition. misericordia univers cheaper averag privat not-for-profit year colleg pennsylvania ($31,118), expens averag colleg pennsylvania ($20,050)."} {"id": "1829", "contents": "tuition misericordia univers $27,470 2014/2015 academ year. 9% expens nation averag privat non-profit four year colleg tuition $25,224. cost $3,362 14% expens averag pennsylvania tuition $24,108 year colleges. tuition rank 77th pennsylvania amongst year colleg afford 58th expens year colleg state"} {"id": "1830", "contents": "tuition fees. tuition class 2017 physician assist program $41,910 per year paid $13,970 per semest well as: books. year approxim $1500. year approxim $500. year approxim $900. tuition class 2017 physician assist program $41,910 per year paid $13,970 per semest well as:"} {"id": "1831", "contents": "institut charg tuition unit make academ year, semest quarter, per credit hour. misericordia, tuition cost $28,900, consider expens top tier privat (not-for-profit) graduat institut country. misericordia univers tuition. misericordia univers cheaper averag privat not-for-profit year colleg pennsylvania ($31,118), expens averag colleg pennsylvania ($20,050)."} {"id": "1832", "contents": "***************************************************************************** full time undergradu tuition fees. follow repres per year charg 2015-2016 academ year. class taken summer month addit cost $560.00 per credit. tuition fees, except financi aid award amounts, paid full 10 day prior start semester/term. interest charg unpaid balanc"} {"id": "1833", "contents": "annual total cost. annual total list price cost go misericordia univers $42,210 2014/2015 academ year. cost student regardless pennsylvania resid statu in-stat discount. 9% expens nation averag privat non-profit four year colleg tuition $25,224. cost $3,362 14% expens averag pennsylvania tuition $24,108 year colleges."} {"id": "1834", "contents": "click misericordia' gener tuition fee full-tim graduates. total cost program paid misericordia $95,220. (thi cost addit books, travel, cost living.). tuition class 2017 physician assist program $41,910 per year paid $13,970 per semest well as:"} {"id": "1835", "contents": "full-tim undergradu student misericordia univers paid $28,210 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year, prior adjust financi need. amount, cost tuition total $26,670 remain $1,540 repres addit fees. 2014 2015 school year student expect pay $29,321. base averag annual chang past five year 3.9% tuition 3.9% fees. base growth rate, student pay roughli $32,921 2017 2018 tuition fees. assum four-year cours study, would total $124,391 four year"} {"id": "1836", "contents": "averag gpa incom student 3.00, slightli lower averag physic therapi schools. cost. in-stat tuition program $29,600, 95% expens averag physic therapi schools. program. student particip 40 week clinic experi throughout program, 10 week averag physic therapi schools. 84% student graduat program, 4% less physic therapi schools. 95% student find employ within six month graduating, 5% less"} {"id": "1837", "contents": "felin acromegali endocrin diseas caus chronic, excess secret growth hormon (gh) pituitari gland. slowli progress diseas affect mani organ system nearli alway result diabet mellitu difficult control standard insulin therapi regimes."} {"id": "1838", "contents": "acromegali result much growth hormon body. cases, benign tumor pituitari gland caus bodi produc extra growth hormone. however, sometimes, tumor part bodi secret hormon trigger excess releas growth hormone, too."} {"id": "1839", "contents": "acromegali caus prolong overproduct growth hormon (gh) pituitari gland. pituitari produc sever import hormon control bodi function growth development, reproduction, metabolism. hormon never seem act simpli directly."} {"id": "1840", "contents": "acromegali caus prolong overproduct growth hormon pituitari gland. pituitari small gland base brain produc sever import hormon control bodi function growth development, reproduction, metabolism."} {"id": "1841", "contents": "felin patient, common caus acromegali tumor cell produc gh. cell produc secret gh call somatotrophs, tumor aris cell term somatroph adenoma."} {"id": "1842", "contents": "acromegali hormon disord result much growth hormon (gh) body. pituitary, small gland brain, make gh. acromegaly, pituitari produc excess amount gh. usual excess gh come benign, noncancerous, tumor pituitary."} {"id": "1843", "contents": "gigant acromegali two disord diseas mechan somewhat similar presentations. even though diseas mechanism, two entir differ outcom simpli due age onset. gigant result diseas mechan start childhood."} {"id": "1844", "contents": "acromegali hormon disord result pituitari gland produc excess growth hormon (gh). commonli affect middle-ag adult result seriou ill prematur death."} {"id": "1845", "contents": "secret gh pituitari bloodstream stimul liver produc anoth hormon call insulin-lik growth factor (igf-i). igf-i actual caus tissu growth body. high level igf-i, turn, signal pituitari reduc gh production."} {"id": "1846", "contents": "instance, life expect age 60 repres number addit year person age 60 would expect live, average, given current age-specif mortal rate age 60 over. life expect also present particular age birth. instance, life expect age 60 repres number addit year person age 60 would expect live, average, given current age-specif mortal rate age 60 over. 4. assess data 44."} {"id": "1847", "contents": "life expect birth health mortal core indic 1. indic (a) name: life expect birth. (b) brief definition: averag number year newborn could expect live, subject age-specif mortal rate given period. (c) unit measurement: year life. (d) placement csd indic set: health/mortality. 2. life expect also present particular age birth. instance, life expect age 60 repres number addit year person age 60 would expect live, average, given current age-specif mortal rate age 60 over. 4. assess data 44."} {"id": "1848", "contents": "definit 'life expectancy'. 1. age person expect live. 2. remain number year individu expect live, base ir issu life expect tables. life expectancy, requir minimum distribut (rmd) calcul purposes, determin current age individual. next"} {"id": "1849", "contents": "life expectancy, probabl number year person live given age, determin mortal rate specif geograph area. number may individu qualifi person' condition, race, sex, age, demograph factors. discuss life expectancy. life expectancy, probabl number year person live given age, determin mortal specif geograph area. may individu qualifi person' condit race, sex, age,"} {"id": "1850", "contents": "infant mortal rate (imr) number death children less one year age per 1000 live births. rate given region number children die one year age, divid number live birth year, multipli 1,000. form infant mortality: infant mortal death child less one year age. measur infant mortal rate (imr), number death children"} {"id": "1851", "contents": "life expect number years, base statist averages, given person specif age, class, demograph variabl may expect continu living. life expectancy, probabl number year person live given age, determin mortal specif geograph area. may individu qualifi person' condit race, sex, age, demograph factors."} {"id": "1852", "contents": "associ term probabl die age 15 60 year (per 000 population) per year among hypothet cohort 100 000 peopl would experi age-specif mortal rate report year. life tabl (see life expect birth). life expect birth rational use life expect birth reflect overal mortal level population. summar mortal pattern prevail across age groups-children adolescents, adult elderly."} {"id": "1853", "contents": "mathematically, life expect mean number year life remain given age, assum constant mortal rates. denot by, mean averag number subsequ year life someon aged, accord particular mortal experience. life expect defin statist averag number year remain individu group peopl given age."} {"id": "1854", "contents": "chromosom long packag dna sequence. human diploid (dna mother father) cell 46 these. chromosom contain thousand gene sequenc actual dna code end product proteins. bonni peregrine. 36,009 contribut"} {"id": "1855", "contents": "(redirect transposon). bacteri dna transposon. transpos element (te transposon) dna sequenc chang posit within genome, sometim creat revers mutat alter cell' genom size. transposit often result duplic te."} {"id": "1856", "contents": "dna (or deoxyribonucl acid) molecul carri genet inform cellular form life viruses. belong class molecul call nucleic acids, polynucleotides-that is, long chain nucleotides. nucleotid consist three components: so, example, codon agc code amino acid serine, codon acc code amino acid threonine. two point note genet code: universal. life earth use code (with minor exceptions)."} {"id": "1857", "contents": "recombin dna (or rdna) made combin dna two sources. practice, process often involv combin dna differ organisms. process depend abil cut, re-join, dna molecul point identifi specif sequenc nucleotid base call restrict sites. dna fragment cut normal posit chromosom use restrict enzym (also call restrict endonucleases) insert chromosom dna molecul use enzym call ligases. electron micrograph lambda (\u03bb) phage releas dna follow osmot shock."} {"id": "1858", "contents": "genes, made dna, act instruct make molecul call proteins. humans, gene vari size hundr dna base million bases. human genom project estim human 20,000 25,000 genes. although dna packag chromosom within nucleus, mitochondria also small amount dna. genet materi known mitochondri dna mtdna. mitochondria (illustration) structur within cell convert energi food form cell use."} {"id": "1859", "contents": "transposons. transposon segment dna move around differ posit genom singl cell. process, may caus mutat increas (or decrease) amount dna genome. mobil segment dna sometim call jump genes."} {"id": "1860", "contents": "individu codon code specif amino acids. gene sequenc nucleotid along dna strand-with 'start' 'stop' codon regulatori elements-that specifi sequenc amino acid link togeth form protein. so, example, codon agc code amino acid serine, codon acc code amino acid threonine. two point note genet code: universal. life earth use code (with minor exceptions)."} {"id": "1861", "contents": "dna cells-chromosom -. form rationales. dna molecul carri genet information, turn form code translat protein sequences, cours much complic that. mention previou section, much dna organ carri protein code sequences."} {"id": "1862", "contents": "dna histon protein packag structur call chromosomes. nucleu cell, dna molecul packag thread-lik structur call chromosomes. chromosom made dna tightli coil mani time around protein call histon support structure. chromosom visibl cell\u2019 nucleus\u2014not even microscope\u2014when cell divid"} {"id": "1863", "contents": "foodborn ill (also foodborn diseas colloqui refer food poisoning) ill result food spoilag contamin food, pathogen bacteria, viruses, parasit contamin food, well chemic natur toxin poison mushrooms."} {"id": "1864", "contents": "bacteria enter bodi digest system, symptom gener part body-nausea, vomiting, abdomin cramp diarrhoea. cases, food poison caus seriou ill even death. someon swallow bacteria caus food poisoning, delay (incub period) symptom begin. bacteria caus food poison need time multipli intestine. length incub period depend type bacteria mani swallowed."} {"id": "1865", "contents": "causes. caus case food poison pathogens. pathogen live organ caus disease. includ bacteria, viruses, molds. common pathogen caus foodborn ill are: salmonella found meats, eggs, milk fresh fruit vegetables."} {"id": "1866", "contents": "food poisoning, also call foodborn illness, ill caus eat contamin food. infecti organ includ bacteria, virus parasit toxin common caus food poisoning. food poison symptoms, start within hour eat contamin food, often includ nausea, vomit diarrhea. often, food poison mild resolv without treatment. peopl need go hospital. symptoms."} {"id": "1867", "contents": "campylobacter, bacteria major caus food poisoning. symptom start mani hour mani day eating. depend caus poison was, includ one following: nausea, abdomin pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, fever, pain head fatigue."} {"id": "1868", "contents": "depend type infection, peopl even die result food poisoning. 250 differ diseas caus food poisoning. common diseas infect caus bacteria, campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, e. coli o157:h7, listeria, botulism, norovirus. food poison common, yet distress sometim life-threaten problem million peopl u.s. throughout world. peopl infect food-born organ may symptom-fre may symptom rang mild intestin discomfort sever dehydr bloodi diarrhea."} {"id": "1869", "contents": "common type food poisoning, treat-ment needed. vomiting, diarrhea, symptomsget better days. antibiot treatment may may needed, even ifth caus bacteria. symptom usual caus bytoxin produc bacteria."} {"id": "1870", "contents": "uk, campylobact bacteria common caus food poisoning. bacteria usual found raw undercook meat (particularli poultry), unpasteuris milk untreat water. incub period (the time eat contamin food start symptoms) food poison caus campylobact usual two five days. symptom usual last less week. salmonella bacteria often found raw undercook meat, raw eggs, milk, dairi products. incub period usual 12 72 hours. symptom usual last around four seven days."} {"id": "1871", "contents": "listeria food poisoning. listeria bacterium caus seriou infect call listeriosis. around 300 death caus listeria infect year, accord estim 2011 cdc report. listeria bacteria commonli found raw foods. toxoplasma food poisoning. toxoplasma gondii one world\u2019 common parasites. second lead caus death attribut foodborn ill unit states, third lead caus foodborn ill hospitalizations."} {"id": "1872", "contents": "food poisoning? food poison defin diseas infecti toxic natur caus consumpt food drink. term often use describ illness, usual diarrhoea and/or vomit caus bacteria, virus parasites. occasion poison chemic may cause."} {"id": "1873", "contents": "drag male punter booki today ask describ ideal mr punter, odds-on would come someon like tanya stevenson. new race columnist slim, tall, big hazel eye match chestnut hair wear white thong underwear. take out, even expens run. teetot tanya happi sit miner water soft drink two. but, here' bad news, lad ... chanc dream girl tanya run finger hair pedigre greyhound champion hurdler."} {"id": "1874", "contents": "biography. tanya\u2019 first record visit race 1973 pictur royal ascot. sinc risen rank becom respect bet analyst channel columnist race uk daili record."} {"id": "1875", "contents": "tanya stevenson daughter bookmaker, it\u2019 understand enjoy flutter. better still, race analyst channel 4, sky sport race post, 33-year-old delight share good fortune. long tape goe up, though, stevenson announc tip live channel 4\u2019 morn line. \u201ci never intend camera,\u201d said. \u201cbut three year ago viewer ask e-mail whether thought race go ahead foot-and-mouth crisis."} {"id": "1876", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. accord channel website, journalist bet expert tanya stevenson marri april 2013. although television, ms. stevenson prefer keep privat life wraps. answer no. tanya tucker glen campbel year long affair mostli full drug sex. married, live together."} {"id": "1877", "contents": "tanya stevenson (b. 2nd januari 1967) british television. sport present best known one host of. channel racing."} {"id": "1878", "contents": "tanya jill brockelman thai-american artist, born rais bangkok. recent work larg collag depict strang face figures, made score imag cut magazines. answer no. tanya tucker glen campbel year long affair mostli full drug sex. married, live together."} {"id": "1879", "contents": "decad later, 1997, stevenson made redundant. clerk variou on-cours bookmakers, august bank holiday meet epsom 1998 heard open channel 4. within month, gather odd equin gossip censori john mccririck. long tape goe up, though, stevenson announc tip live channel 4\u2019 morn line. \u201ci never intend camera,\u201d said. \u201cbut three year ago viewer ask e-mail whether thought race go ahead foot-and-mouth crisis."} {"id": "1880", "contents": "tanya stevenson ****** ave, unit g100 new york, ny tanya stevenson ****** buck hill rd trumansburg, ny tanya stevenson ****** fish rd ithaca, ny tanya stevenson ****** th st schenectady, ny. wikipedia info. stevenson english languag patronym surnam mean son steven. first histor record pre 10th centuri england. peopl name include: alexandra stevenson (b. 1980), u.s. tenni player ben stevenson, artist director texa ballet theater carter... tag cloud"} {"id": "1881", "contents": "luxray, gleam eye pok mon. eye see anything. spot captur prey hide behind objects. eye gleam gold, spot hide prey--even take shelter behind wall. overview luxray uu electr type, someth deviat averag electr type. focus around special offence, luxray clearli physic inclined, evid impress base 120 attack stat. trait rivalry: someth riski ability. power rais luxray face oppon gender, power lower luxray face oppon opposit gender. rais lower 25% unaffect luxray face genderless opponent."} {"id": "1882", "contents": "overview. luxray rather uniqu electric-type, sport high attack, low speed, intimidate, augment decent bulk. mean pure electric-typ take sweep role, luxray best suit function wallbreaker. luxray' offens movepool -- although lack strong physic stab move -- good. like sets, luxray need teammat switch ground-typ attacks. due hit-and-run natur choic sets, recommend includ immun 4x resists, reveng killer becom much liability."} {"id": "1883", "contents": "attack attack pretti much equal. abil intimidate. knows: thunderbolt: good power, high accuracy, stab, chanc paralyze, hit pokemon use fly. ice fang: decent power, chanc caus flinch freezing, use deal ground types. crunch: good powe, high accuracy, decent chanc lower defense, type coverage. return: high power, high accuracy, help pokemon move effect against. luxray knows: thunderbolt: stab, great power accuracy. ice fang: cover weak ground-type. crunch: good power accuracy, chanc lower sp.defend. favourite, magnet rise: prevent super-effect hit ground move like earthquak turns."} {"id": "1884", "contents": "biology. luxray quadruped pokemon pok\u00e9mon resembl a- grown. lion its, face hind, legs, torso back front leg are, blue much bodi cover with, shaggi black. fur luxray use one student pokemon pok\u00e9mon summer academi first leg pokemon pok\u00e9mon triathlon in, one team, two team, red team! blue team anoth luxray got cameo old! famili blend ownership. jeffrey"} {"id": "1885", "contents": "verac31 answered: prefer luxray jolteon top electr type pokemon use. luxray easi catch earli on, get free eeve short way game, evolv jolteon. rain dance, give thunder 100% accuracy. year ago 1."} {"id": "1886", "contents": "submit. now. report abuse. luxio/luxray would decent pokemon use fantina... tri make sure know dark move like bite crunch. plu fantina driftloon ghost/fli use luxio/luxray' electr move that."} {"id": "1887", "contents": "set take advantag luxray' mix attack stats, make good wallbreak uu. thunderbolt deal bulki water-types, superpow decim special wall good damag rock-and steel-types. crunch damag uxi claydol ohko rotom mismagius. like sets, luxray need teammat switch ground-typ attacks. due hit-and-run natur choic sets, recommend includ immun 4x resists, reveng killer becom much liability."} {"id": "1888", "contents": "hey everyone. today luxray set think realli good meant do. pokemon incred well round stat along good move pool, allow run varieti set effectively. first set video defens support set pokemon, actual favorit luxray set use."} {"id": "1889", "contents": "set use luxray' special attack stat alongsid attack stat get past certain threat luxray can't beat otherwise. thunderbolt luxray' main attack, reliabl stab move get past threat gorebyss give luxray way break alomomola. intimid decent bulk, luxray capabl run defens set roar, discharge, either toxic thunder wave. however, braviari receiv defiant, set lost main niche. fire fang ice fang option gut set, boost facad damag overall."} {"id": "1890", "contents": "luxray quadruped pokemon pok\u00e9mon resembl a- grown. lion its, face hind, legs, torso back front leg are, blue much bodi cover with, shaggi black. fur fur longer around shoulder base the, tail form mane its. head luxray use one student pokemon pok\u00e9mon summer academi first leg pokemon pok\u00e9mon triathlon in, one team, two team, red team! blue team anoth luxray got cameo old! famili blend ownership. jeffrey"} {"id": "1891", "contents": "depend heavi meal eaten, wait least 30 minut two hour exercising. bigger meal longer need wait. eat light snack pretzel fruit drink, readi work within 30 minutes. exercis first thing morning, fruit small amount juic water suffice. eat high-carbohydr snack two hour exercis leav ampl energi calm stomach great workout. mani athlet avoid food within two hour hard workout, toler lighter snack within one two hour light workout."} {"id": "1892", "contents": "come eat exercise, timing. matter time day choos exercise, make sure plan workout two three hour meal. go overboard much food right workout leav feel sluggish lead stomach discomfort."} {"id": "1893", "contents": "long wait eat exercis larg depend size type meal. ate dinner, largest meal day, wait longer ate small snack. jump-rop especi high-intens exercis increas heart rate jostl insid around. would best wait hour jump rope dinner."} {"id": "1894", "contents": "meal high fat, protein fiber, may want wait longer normal exercising. however, exercis lift low intens exercise, may fine exercis soon eating. aerob exercis tend need time digestion. it\u2019 someth small, like around 200 calories, could probabl exercis right eating. however, you\u2019r eat larg meal, may need wait like 2-3 hours. smaller meal less impact work out."} {"id": "1895", "contents": "take 30 40 minut food digest stomach hour absorb intestines. agre strict formula this, sinc also depend eat intend expend energy. experi eat larg meal heavi carbohydr see best perform high intens exercis hour later."} {"id": "1896", "contents": "long need wait exercis depend big meal was. it\u2019 someth small, like around 200 calories, could probabl exercis right eating. however, you\u2019r eat larg meal, may need wait like 2-3 hours. smaller meal less impact work out. know you\u2019r exercis soon after, don\u2019t stuff"} {"id": "1897", "contents": "research show eat exercis ideal. best time work out, says, eat. post-exercis nutrit program help recoveri minim muscl damage, virgil says. however, schedul demand eat first, vigil suggest wait hour two meal exercising. allow stomach empti out. course, rule chang overeaten."} {"id": "1898", "contents": "wait exercis eaten larg meal (at least three four hours, sometim six, required). take bodi time digest larg meal, intens exercis slow digest (and instead divert energi muscles)."} {"id": "1899", "contents": "vote vote. unfortunately, strict formula answer strongli depend intens exercise. uncomfort exercising, direct effect performance. eat full meal, wait hour high intens exercise. ton fluids. 15 miles, tri add calori during. agre strict formula this, sinc also depend eat intend expend energy. experi eat larg meal heavi carbohydr see best perform high intens exercis hour later."} {"id": "1900", "contents": "replac glycogen store bodi quickli effectively, eat snack contain protein carbohydrates. provid fast-act sustain energi body. tri eat snack within two hour exercising, wait minimum 15 minut exercis eat. bring snack along gym you, eat soon workout over. along snack, drink cup water everi pound weight lost workout, note mayoclinic.com, ad pound water weight must replenish prevent dehydration."} {"id": "1901", "contents": "lyme diseas caus ticks; dog infect lyme disease, also catch disease. lyme diseas may fatal dog serious affect children peopl compromis immun system."} {"id": "1902", "contents": "recommend facebook tweet sharecompartir. lyme diseas bacterium, borrelia burgdorferi, spread bite infect ticks. blackleg tick (or deer tick, ixod scapularis) spread diseas northeastern, mid-atlantic, north-centr unit states. cases, tick must attach 36 48 hour lyme diseas bacterium transmitted. human infect bite immatur tick call nymphs."} {"id": "1903", "contents": "lyme diseas diseas caus bacteria known borrelia burgdorferi. diseas transmit bite tick. lyme diseas consid zoonot diseas infect dog people. appear major threat cats."} {"id": "1904", "contents": "lyme diseas caus borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. infect tick spread bacteria bite peopl animals. two type tick carri lyme diseas bacteria u.s. are: deer ticks. spread diseas northeast midwest. western black-leg ticks. dogs, cats, hors becom infect lyme diseas bacteria, can't pass ill humans. infect tick may fall anim bite infect humans."} {"id": "1905", "contents": "diseas spread joints, heart, nervou system. mammal infect (for example, dogs) tick bite and, like humans, transmit diseas animals. however, tick bite infect animal, becom infected, bite human, diseas may transferred. lyme diseas contagi person person and, date, report transmit sexually, kissing, blood transfusions, infect anim (for example, pet dogs)."} {"id": "1906", "contents": "lyme diseas spread. can't catch lyme diseas around infect person. although pet becom infect tick, cannot transmit diseas human unless infect tick fall anim bite person. insect mosquitoes, flies, flea cannot spread diseas human either. infect tick honor. within one four week bitten infect tick, peopl experi symptom lyme disease. circular, expand rash (call erythema migrans) site bite develop 70%-80% cases."} {"id": "1907", "contents": "dear reader: short, no. lyme diseas caus bacteria pass insect human ticks. can\u2019t pass directli human human. bacteria transmit primarili deer ticks, either adult femal deer tick babies. littl \u201cvampires\u201d need suck blood remain alive. can\u2019t catch lyme diseas anoth human, catch pets. tick jump onto dog cats, make sick (or not), tick jump onto you."} {"id": "1908", "contents": "lyme diseas bacteri ill spread tick bites. lyme diseas affect skin, joints, heart, nervou system. lyme diseas occur phases, earli phase begin site tick bite expand ring redness. lyme diseas facts."} {"id": "1909", "contents": "lyme diseas transmit human infect ticks, usual bite tick immatur term nymphs.. tick (nymph stage) tini (less mm diameter) take 36-48 hour attach human bacteria caus lyme diseas transmitted. lyme diseas contagi person person and, date, report transmit sexually, kissing, blood transfusions, infect anim (for example, pet dogs)."} {"id": "1910", "contents": "glucos acid simpl alcohol pk 12 (k 10 -12). compar methanol pk 15.5 (k 10 -15.5). electroneg oxygen atom molecul pull electron densiti away carbon atom bear neg charg oxygen conjug base, stabil it. hydrogen littl less electroneg carbon c-h bond slightli polar electron densiti carbon. excess electron densiti carbon adjac neg charg oxygen atom (in alkoxide) destabil conjug base make acid littl weaker."} {"id": "1911", "contents": "glucos sugar molecular formula 12 6. name glucos (/\u02c8\u0261lu\u02d0ko\u028as/) come greek word \u03b3\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2, mean sweet wine, must suffix -ose chemic classifier, denot carbohydrate. use glucos energi sourc cell either aerob respiration, anaerob respiration, fermentation. process follow earlier metabol pathway known glycolysis. first step glycolysi phosphoryl glucos hexokinas form glucos 6-phosphate."} {"id": "1912", "contents": "[na][nh2] h2o nh3 [na][oh]. water alcohol similar bronst acid also similar acid dissoci constants. conjug base alcohol call alkoxide. see dissoci methanol solvat proton conjug base methoxide. hydrogen littl less electroneg carbon c-h bond slightli polar electron densiti carbon. excess electron densiti carbon adjac neg charg oxygen atom (in alkoxide) destabil conjug base make acid littl weaker."} {"id": "1913", "contents": "6. tabl sugar (sucrose) combin two simpl sugars, glucos fructose, releas tabl sugar digested. glucos body' primari energi source, blood glucos test often inform refer blood sugar test. back top."} {"id": "1914", "contents": "nucleotid 5-carbon sugar bond phosphat group, bond nitrogen base. chain nucleotid (a strand dna), nucleotid connect coval bond sugar one nucleotide, phosphat group next nucleotide. peopl found useful. solut mean sugar ad water thus, solubl it, hence, alkaline. alkalin mean base."} {"id": "1915", "contents": "glucos simpl sugar, formula c6h12o6, whilst amino acid form peptid bonds, larger amino acid often known proteins. look food packet see difference. person found useful. rnp 279. acid sour substanc hydrogen (h^+) ion it. base hand bitter hydroxid (oh^-) ion it. 18 peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "1916", "contents": "sugar base. come latest news sugar story. it\u2019 home base stay inform evolv stori health effect sugar live scientif polici debates."} {"id": "1917", "contents": "nucleotides, phosphat group, deoxyribos sugar, nitrogen base. peopl found useful. edit. share to: defin base dissoci constant chemistri full differ term come understand chemic reaction. solut mean sugar ad water thus, solubl it, hence, alkaline. alkalin mean base."} {"id": "1918", "contents": "water, course, acid base. equilibrium solvat proton (acid) solvat hydroxid (base). water deproton strong base proton strong acids. hydrogen littl less electroneg carbon c-h bond slightli polar electron densiti carbon. excess electron densiti carbon adjac neg charg oxygen atom (in alkoxide) destabil conjug base make acid littl weaker."} {"id": "1919", "contents": "tax-fre save account allow individu follow benefits:\u2022 contribut r30 000 per year tax-fre save invest products, lifetim contribut limit r500 000. limit exceeded, custom tax 40% tax year (1 march 28 february). return product tax-free, includ interest, dividends, capit gain earn deposit made account."} {"id": "1920", "contents": "$7,000 annual gift tax limit would normal pay tax balance. point, appli unifi credit pay tax extra $7,000. balanc $338,800 left use rest lifetime. gift tax law confus best. gift tax law provid set amount gift year without incur tax. moni appli differ ways, one without set tax all. year maximum amount raised. 2009, $13,000 properti cash could given one person time"} {"id": "1921", "contents": "65 year age older, tax threshold (i.e. amount incom tax becom payable) increas r110 200. taxpay age 75 year older, threshold r123 350. liabl pay incom tax earn than: 2015 year assess (1 march 2014 28 februari 2015). r70 700 younger 65 years."} {"id": "1922", "contents": "unifi credit. credit, applic gift tax, lifetim limit $345,800. use appli amount go annual limit, use aforement limit. example: given gift $20,000. gift tax law provid set amount gift year without incur tax. moni appli differ ways, one without set tax all. year maximum amount raised. 2009, $13,000 properti cash could given one person time"} {"id": "1923", "contents": "chang tax-fre threshold? juli 2012, government\u2019 household assist package, tax-fre threshold increas $6,000 $18,200. end attention. mean earn less $18,200 financi year, need pay incom tax. choos employ claim tax-fre threshold from? expect earn $18,200, gener best claim tax-fre threshold job receiv highest incom from."} {"id": "1924", "contents": "percent household incom tax return file threshold file status, or. family\u2019 flat dollar amount, $95 per adult $47.50 per child, limit famili maximum $285, 2014, annual payment amount is: greater of: percent household incom tax return file threshold file status, or. family\u2019 flat dollar amount, $95 per adult $47.50 per child, limit famili maximum $285,"} {"id": "1925", "contents": "happen exceed limits? do, gift would go toward reduc lifetim gift exclus $5.34 million, ir rais 2014 $5.25 million year. person\u2019 lifetim exclus exceeded, gift tax 40 percent appli heirs."} {"id": "1926", "contents": "cutter pitch thrown much like two seam fastball. discov effect properli thrown cutter tip profession basebal instructor free video baseball. part video series: throw basebal pitches."} {"id": "1927", "contents": "add lot cut pitch, appli pressur middl finger. pitch best use righti vs. lefti lefti vs. righti match ride hand bat handle. make sure reach far arm throw. 1. start grip ball would two-seam fastball. two-seam fastbal grip index middl finger two narrow seam baseball."} {"id": "1928", "contents": "tips. add lot cut pitch, appli pressur middl finger. pitch best use righti vs. lefti lefti vs. righti match ride hand bat handle. make sure reach far arm throw. 1. start grip ball would two-seam fastball. two-seam fastbal grip index middl finger two narrow seam baseball."} {"id": "1929", "contents": "throw cutter. arm motion arm speed cutter like fastball. come top good stride let basebal fly. point release, grip slightli center pressur middl finger, turn wrist ever lightly. pitcher first need establish fastball, mix cutter. sinc cutter look like fastbal 58 feet, hitter load swing basebal dip away them. it\u2019 swing miss harmless dribbler."} {"id": "1930", "contents": "play catch cutter get feel it. see throw two-seam fastbal sinks, follow cut fastbal cuts. again, throw two pitch almost exactli same, thing chang grip, slight chang hand position, finger pressure. throw cutter. differ ways, i'm go show threw mine (and lot success it). hold basebal across two narrow seam slightli center. slightli offset wrist."} {"id": "1931", "contents": "unless fairli high arm angl (throw top) harder learn make ball move way, tri it. offset finger slightli inside, throw fastbal action. throw cutter ... like mariano rivera. start, hold like fastball. cutter grip littl bit center. throw like fastball, right releas point, turn wrist. idea is, got fastbal rotation, 59 feet, cut righthand lefthand pitcher. righthand pitcher cut lefthander. look fastbal hitter can't see rotation. addit inform throw cutter. cut fastbal sinker goal: make hitter hit ball without get meat bat it. pitch effect first establish fastball."} {"id": "1932", "contents": "throw cutter-cut fastbal grip. basebal train video, steven elli show throw cut fastball. grip like two-seam fastbal index middl finger shift toward seam. thrown rhp, cutter late movement away right-hand hitter."} {"id": "1933", "contents": "throw cutter. cutter cut fast ball combin four seam fast ball a. slider. major differ throw cutter, turn. forearm wrist, rather hold fast ball, except that. ball rotat diagon angl hand."} {"id": "1934", "contents": "throw cutter-a cutter hard pitch master. cutter thrown properli cut away arm side. cutter like stay plane drop littl all. look almost basebal sliperi track slide curve."} {"id": "1935", "contents": "share saves. save. cutter--or cut fastball--i fastbal break last second away right-hand batter insid left-hand batter. new york yanke closer mariano rivera made hall fame career throw excel cutter."} {"id": "1936", "contents": "season gener salt pepper. roast beef topsid accord desir temperature: 20 minut per 500g, plu addit 20 minut rare; 25 minut per 500g, plu 25 minut medium; 30 minut per 500g, plu 30 minut well done."} {"id": "1937", "contents": "like rare beef cook joint 20 minut per 450g plu 20 minutes, medium result cook meat 25 minut per 450g plu 25 minut well done joint cook 30 minut per 450g plu 30 minutes. joint cook allow stand 10 minut make easier carve."} {"id": "1938", "contents": "roast beef topsid accord desir temperature: 20 minut per 500g, plu addit 20 minut rare; 25 minut per 500g, plu 25 minut medium; 30 minut per 500g, plu 30 minut well done."} {"id": "1939", "contents": "place beef top vegetables. cook beef: place roast tray preheat oven. turn heat immedi 200\u00b0c/400\u00b0f/ga cook hour medium beef. prefer medium-rare, take 10 minut earlier. well done, leav anoth 10 15 minutes."} {"id": "1940", "contents": "place beef roast tray rub tbsp oil. grind peppercorn salt rub joint. roast high heat 20 minutes. turn heat 170\u00b0c, ga mark cook 12\u201315 minut per 500g medium-rar 20 minut per 500g medium-wel done."} {"id": "1941", "contents": "514. first know musket season released. accord produc tv seri musket jessica pope, third season possible. twitter account hint third season alreadi development. definit give great chanc show continued."} {"id": "1942", "contents": "seri two see return four musketeers, luke pasqualino, santiago cabrera, tom burk howard charles, though yet confirm whether drama' cardin richelieu, peter capaldi, back twirl moustache."} {"id": "1943", "contents": "comments. musket return second tv series, bbc confirmed. drama adapt alexandr dumas' 1844 novel, three musketeers."} {"id": "1944", "contents": "adventur musket continue. though bbc cancel atlanti flesh, broadcast decid renew musket third season. program air bbc america unit states. three episod second season air saturday night far."} {"id": "1945", "contents": "musket come back... drama 2014 got great start bbc one musket realli brought someth fresh new channel. can't wait see thing develop next series,\u201d explain bbc one control charlott moore."} {"id": "1946", "contents": "bbc order third seri adrian hodg musketeers, due start film april 2015... musketeers, seri two review show, go strength strength (despit messi friday night schedul past week due football, rugby)."} {"id": "1947", "contents": "return previou page. connemara (in irish: conamara), deriv conmhaicn mara (meaning: descend con mhac, sea), district west ireland compris broad peninsula killari harbour kilkieran bay west counti galway south west connacht. peopl warm, friendli extend hospit essenc ireland. beauti spring flowers, bud trees, newborn lamb danc hill call cuckoo make spring time special magic time connemara."} {"id": "1948", "contents": "counti galway (irish: conta na gaillimhe) counti west ireland provinc connacht. name citi galway. galway counti council local author county. sever irish-speak area west county. first inhabit galway area arriv 7000 year ago. shell midden indic exist peopl earli 5000 bc. counti origin compris sever kingdom territori predat format"} {"id": "1949", "contents": "counti galway west coast ireland, provinc connacht. note fantast sceneri connemara region along shore galway bay aran islands. also home one larger freshwat lakes, lough corrib one time famou salmon fishing."} {"id": "1950", "contents": "welcom googl map galway locat list, welcom place googl map sightse make sense! comprehens destin gazetteer, maplandia.com enabl explor galway detail satellit imageri fast easi never before. region sort alphabet order level level eventu level regions. galway (west, ireland), administr region level 2. continu list get place interest in. abbey-wormhole. abbey-ath cinn. ath eascrach-ballinduff. ballinillann-ballymacward. ballymaquiff-barratoor. barroughter-bushfield"} {"id": "1951", "contents": "nearli 20% popul counti galway live gaeltacht (gaelic-speak districts). counti galway home largest gaeltacht irish-speak region ireland. 48,907 peopl live within region extend galway citi westward connemara. first inhabit galway area arriv 7000 year ago. shell midden indic exist peopl earli 5000 bc. counti origin compris sever kingdom territori predat format county."} {"id": "1952", "contents": "galway (/\u02c8\u0261\u0254\u02d0lwe\u026a/ irish: gaillimh, [\u02c8\u0261al\u02b2\u026av\u02b2]) citi west ireland provinc connacht. galway citi council local author city. galway lie river corrib lough corrib galway bay surround counti galway. fourth popul urban area republ ireland sixth popul citi island ireland. current presid ireland, michael d. higgins, td galway west parliamentari constituency, galway citi part, 1981 1982 1987 2011. also mayor galway two terms, 1981\u201382 1990-91."} {"id": "1953", "contents": "add custom tour. return previou page. claddagh (mean stoni beach) area close citi centr galway, corrib river meet galway bay. formerli fish village, outsid old citi wall"} {"id": "1954", "contents": "galway central port west coast ireland shelter eastern corner galway bay. harbour use vessel 10,000 tonn deadweight (dwt) inner dock accommod vessel one time. current presid ireland, michael d. higgins, td galway west parliamentari constituency, galway citi part, 1981 1982 1987 2011. also mayor galway two terms, 1981\u201382 1990-91."} {"id": "1955", "contents": "background. childhood polyarter nodosa (cpan) rare often fatal diseas affect small medium arteries. previously, refer infantil polyarter nodosa (ipan). use term infantil restrictive, infanc connot age year younger."} {"id": "1956", "contents": "prognosis. morbid mortal untreat polyarter nodosa (pan) associ poor prognosi (13 percent five-year survival) 5,6 ]. outcom pan improv patient receiv treatment; five-year surviv approxim 80 percent ]."} {"id": "1957", "contents": "infantil polyarter nodosa restrict infants. polyarter nodosa, small aneurysm strung like bead rosary, therefor make rosari sign import diagnost featur vasculitis. treatment, five-year surviv 80%; without treatment, five-year surviv 13%. death often consequ kidney failure, myocardi infarction, stroke. polyarter nodosa: macroscop specimen heart abund adipos tissu nodular thicken coronari vessels. disease, symptom result ischem damag affect organs, often skin, heart, kidneys, nervou system."} {"id": "1958", "contents": "immun system body\u2019 defens system. fight diseas infections. autoimmun diseas condit body' immun system mistakenli attack body. polyarter nodosa, medium-s arteri and, less commonly, small arteri becom inflam damaged. symptoms. polyarter nodosa multisystem disease. mean affect mani part bodi time. affect organ skin, kidney, nerves, gastrointestin tract, includ mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines."} {"id": "1959", "contents": "polyarter nodosa (pan) type vascul mainli affect medium-s arteries. vascul includ group diseas immun system attack blood vessel result inflammation."} {"id": "1960", "contents": "polyarter nodosa. polyarter nodosa (pan) rare diseas result blood vessel inflamm (vasculitis) caus injuri organ systems. area commonli affect pan includ nerves, intestin tract, heart, joint"} {"id": "1961", "contents": "polyarter nodosa (pan) system necrot vascul typic affect medium-s muscular arteri occasion affect small muscular arteries, result secondari tissu ischemia."} {"id": "1962", "contents": "polyarter nodosa (pan) condit caus swollen arteries. primarili affect small medium-s arteries, becom inflam damaged. seriou diseas blood vessel caus immun system malfunction."} {"id": "1963", "contents": "outlook patient polyarter nodosa depend degre damag affect organ respons treatments. patient underli hepat infection, erad viru essenti optim outcome."} {"id": "1964", "contents": "welcom guntersville! guntersvil beauti lake citi situat guntersvil lake southernmost point tennesse river northeast alabama. guntersvil outstand school system, thrive art community, numer recreat opportunities, beauti neighborhoods, excel shop dine experiences."} {"id": "1965", "contents": "lake guntersvil locat north alabama bridgeport guntersville. alabama' largest lake contain 69,100 acr stretch 75 mile nickajack dam guntersvil dam. free boat ramp privat marina dot lake' perimeter. lake dam receiv name town guntersville, receiv name earli settler area, john gunter. river: tennesse river."} {"id": "1966", "contents": "...it' defin guntersville, make special place live, work play. liter surround lake guntersvil north alabama, mountain-lak jewel offer someth everyone. explor guntersville, discov community' natur beauti reflect perfectli qualiti living."} {"id": "1967", "contents": "guntersvil found john gunter (1765\u20131835), great-grandfath american humorist rogers. john' great-great-grandfather, welsh-english descent, emigr new world 1644. john gunter wealthi owner salt mine earli 19th century. citi counti seat marshal county. guntersvil locat hubzon identifi u.s. small busi administr (sba). 2014 bassmast classic held lake guntersville, part guntersville."} {"id": "1968", "contents": "locat along bank tennesse river northeast alabama, lake guntersvil resort state park promis satisfi whether look resort style retreat outdoor adventur park\u2019 6,000 acr natur woodlands. however, one main attract park soar high others. thank conserv effort alabama' nest bald eagl popul increasing, guntersvil becom focal point eagl awar state."} {"id": "1969", "contents": "guntersvil (previous known gunter' ferri later gunter' landing) citi marshal county, alabama, unit states. citi counti seat marshal county. guntersvil locat hubzon identifi u.s. small busi administr (sba). 2014 bassmast classic held lake guntersville, part guntersville."} {"id": "1970", "contents": "fish lake guntersville. lake guntersvil locat north alabama bridgeport guntersville. alabama' largest lake contain 69,100 acr stretch 75 mile nickajack dam guntersvil dam. free boat ramp privat marina dot lake' perimeter. lake guntersville."} {"id": "1971", "contents": "lake guntersville. guntersvil lake, alabama' largest lake cover 69,100 acres, locat northeast part state 75 mile chattanooga, tennessee. nestl appalachian foothills, guntersvil lake nation recogn beauti overal enjoyment. known fine sport fish beauti scenery, guntersvil lake offer mani choic come outdoor vacat alabama. annual event guntersvil lake includ fish tournaments, boat races, songwriter' festival, triathlon mani activ well."} {"id": "1972", "contents": "guntersvil sit 69,000 acr lake, lake guntersville, biggest lake alabama. lake maintain manag tennesse valley authority. bass angler around countri recogn lake one best country. citi counti seat marshal county. guntersvil locat hubzon identifi u.s. small busi administr (sba). 2014 bassmast classic held lake guntersville, part guntersville."} {"id": "1973", "contents": "and. guntersvil lake, alabama' largest lake cover 69,100 acres, locat northeast part state 75 mile chattanooga, tennessee. nestl appalachian foothills, guntersvil lake nation recogn beauti overal enjoyment. known fine sport fish beauti scenery, guntersvil lake offer mani choic come outdoor vacat alabama. annual event guntersvil lake includ fish tournaments, boat races, songwriter' festival, triathlon mani activ well."} {"id": "1974", "contents": "parathyroid hormone. parathyroid hormon import endocrin regul calcium phosphoru concentr extracellular fluid. hormon secret cell parathyroid gland find major target cell bone kidney. anoth hormone, parathyroid hormone-rel protein, bind receptor parathyroid hormon major effect development."} {"id": "1975", "contents": "parathyroid glands. four parathyroid glands, size grain rice, neck behind thyroid gland, produc parathyroid hormon (pth) help control level calcium, phosphoru vitamin within bone blood. hypoparathyroid hyperparathyroid rare hormon disord caus parathyroid gland neck produc littl (hypo) much (hyper) parathyroid hormone."} {"id": "1976", "contents": "parathyroid gland four tini glands, locat neck, control body' calcium levels. gland size grain rice (weigh approxim 30 milligram 3-4 millimet diameter). pthpth-parathyroid hormon rais blood calcium level by: break bone (where body' calcium stored) caus calcium release. increas body' abil absorb calcium food."} {"id": "1977", "contents": "parathyroid produc hormon call parathyroid hormon (pth). pthpth-parathyroid hormon rais blood calcium level by: break bone (where body' calcium stored) caus calcium release. increas body' abil absorb calcium food."} {"id": "1978", "contents": "back top causes. parathyroid gland locat neck, near attach back side thyroid gland. produc parathyroid hormone. hormon control calcium, phosphorus, vitamin level blood bone. hormon caus calcium level blood rise, calcium taken bone reabsorb intestin kidney. one parathyroid gland may grow larger. lead much parathyroid hormon (a condit call primari hyperparathyroidism)."} {"id": "1979", "contents": "parathyroid gland small endocrin gland neck human tetrapod produc parathyroid hormone. human usual four parathyroid glands, variabl locat back thyroid gland, although consider variat exists. parathyroid hormon calcitonin (one hormon made thyroid gland) key role regul amount calcium blood within bones. parathyroid gland secret parathyroid hormone. parathyroid hormon (pth, also known parathormone) small protein take part control calcium phosphat homeostasis, well bone physiology. parathyroid hormon effect antagonist calcitonin. calcium."} {"id": "1980", "contents": "parathyroid hormone? parathyroid hormon secret four parathyroid glands, small gland neck, locat behind thyroid gland. parathyroid hormon regul calcium level blood, larg increas level low. action kidneys, bone intestine: parathyroid hormon secret parathyroid gland import regul calcium level blood within bones. altern name parathyroid hormon pth; parathormone; parathyrin."} {"id": "1981", "contents": "thyroid gland also produc anoth hormon call calcitonin, parathyroid gland secret parathyroid hormone. parathyroid hormon calcitonin particip control calcium phosphoru homeostasi signific effect bone physiology."} {"id": "1982", "contents": "type tea. tea come camellia sinensi plant. make tea differ way processed. tea place group base amount process goe final product. black tea tea goe processing. leav pick left sun becom slightli wilted. nine bend black dragon rose congou. green tea green tea plant (camellia sinensis.) teas. tea leav pluck sorted, either steam pan fired."} {"id": "1983", "contents": "type pure tea white, green, oolong black come plant, call camellia sinensis. singl bud two leaves, \u201cflush,\u201d pluck hand stem, usual twice year. type tea. rule thumb: tea leav processed, stronger flavor. level oxidation, exposur elements, determin whether tea white, green, oolong black. white. lightest delic variety."} {"id": "1984", "contents": "type tea. three basic type tea: black, green/whit oolong. contrari popular assumption, three tea come plant, camellia sinensis. differ teas' flavor health benefit base way plant' leav cultiv processed. may thinking, wait minute, favorit tea earl grey. know type tea three.. well, really."} {"id": "1985", "contents": "(source). black tea type tea oxid oolong, green white teas. four type made leav shrub (or small tree) camellia sinensis. black tea gener stronger flavor less oxid teas. (source). white tea come bud leav camellia sinensi plant. leav bud allow wither natur sunlight lightli process prevent oxid tea processing."} {"id": "1986", "contents": "white, green, oolong, black tea product camellia sinensi leav buds, differ processed. turn plant matter varieties. white tea come bud leav camellia sinensi plant. leav bud allow wither natur sunlight lightli process prevent oxid tea processing."} {"id": "1987", "contents": "black tea. black tea common type tea western world. note full, bold flavor abil pair well mani western foods, particularli sweet creami foods. reason mani popular tea afternoon tea black teas."} {"id": "1988", "contents": "differ type green tea. liter countless version green tea available. although differ type green tea, differ type share one common characteristic-they come tea plant camellia sinensis. differ type green tea emerg due differ locat tea grown, slight chang tea cultivated, differ climat locat whole host factors. so, let' begin explor differ type green tea"} {"id": "1989", "contents": "true tea come plant, call camellia sinensis. whether tea becom white, green, oolong black, depend leav process oxidized. next summari type \u201ctrue\u201d tea: white, green, oolong black.... make sens variations, \u201ctrue teas\u201d (those made tea plant, camellia sinensis, versu herbal tea come plants) categor major categori"} {"id": "1990", "contents": "complet doctor optometri program. program take four year complete, must complet accredit optometri school. cost program vari depend school choose, annual tuition rang roughli $9,000 $22,000 state residents. differ ophthalmologists, also perform eye surgeries, opticians, design, fit, dispens lenses. improv peoples' vision overal qualiti life someth passion about, read articl learn becom optometrist. ad."} {"id": "1991", "contents": "although medic doctors, optometrist follow similar educ course. bachelor\u2019 degre necessarili required, need least three year post-secondari educ order appli mandatori four-year doctor optometri (od) program."} {"id": "1992", "contents": "skill required. mani optometrist oper practices, import good business, account manageri skills. abl multitask, deleg commun effect critic success career optometrist."} {"id": "1993", "contents": "optometrist must complet doctor optometri (o.d.) degre program obtain licens practic particular state. doctor optometri program take year complete, student bachelor\u2019 degre enter o.d. program. optometrist section. optometrist check patient common vision problems, like near farsightedness. optometrist examine, diagnose, treat, manag disord visual system, eye diseases, injuries. prescrib eyeglass contact lens need"} {"id": "1994", "contents": "optometrist examin eye part visual system. also diagnose, treat visual problems, manag diseases, injuries, disord eyes. prescrib eyeglass contact lens needed. optometrist section. optometrist check patient common vision problems, like near farsightedness. optometrist examine, diagnose, treat, manag disord visual system, eye diseases, injuries."} {"id": "1995", "contents": "need bachelor' degre appli optometri programs, rather competitive. optometri program typic take addit four year complete; upon complet must meet nation state' licens requir order becom practic optometrist. mani optometrist oper practices, import good business, account manageri skills. abl multitask, deleg commun effect critic success career"} {"id": "1996", "contents": "interest becom optometrist, first need complet 4-year bachelor' program, prefer relev relat field like biology, chemistry, physiology. mani optometrist oper practices, import good business, account manageri skills. abl multitask, deleg commun effect critic success career optometrist."} {"id": "1997", "contents": "idea becom eye doctor interest you, may wonder kind degre need becom optometrist. age popul prone vision issues, unit state see surg need healthcar profession special eye health. earn doctor optometri degree, degre need becom optometrist, allow talent peopl join rank lucr profess provid much need care communities."} {"id": "1998", "contents": "becom optometrist. optometrist diagnos vision problem prescrib correct lens medic treat them. differ ophthalmologists, also perform eye surgeries, opticians, design, fit, dispens lenses. improv peoples' vision overal qualiti life someth passion about, read articl learn becom optometrist. ad."} {"id": "1999", "contents": "congress system(th concert europe) agre held congress vienna,thi help maintain balanc power exist europe(when problem arous may threaten peac europe)."} {"id": "2000", "contents": "lead figur congress vienna 1814 klemen von metternich repres austria. goal were: balanc power europe, expans austrian empire. [source]- ap european history, 4th block :). peopl found useful."} {"id": "2001", "contents": "congress vienna restor state exist itali french revolution, except republ venice, whose territori italy, stria dalmatia given austria, becam domin power italian peninsula."} {"id": "2002", "contents": "balanc power congress vienna. congress vienna (1814-1815) event epitom state europ wake french revolut napoleon war well congress vienna held 1814-1815. culmin centuri european polit tradition, congress mani way last..."} {"id": "2003", "contents": "congress vienna. histori ap success congress vienna congress vienna, held austria septemb 1814 novemb 1815, confer held promin european power day. quadrupl alliance, consist britain, austria, russia, prussia, enact congress order reinstate..."} {"id": "2004", "contents": "congress vienna confer held vienna major power september, 1814 june, 1815."} {"id": "2005", "contents": "congress vienna, wide consid precursor today unit nations, intern confer call victori alli nation purpos redraw map europ restor disenfranchis monarchi defeat napoleon."} {"id": "2006", "contents": "manganes chemic element symbol mn atom number 25. found free element nature; often found combin iron, mani minerals. manganes metal import industri metal alloy uses, particularli stainless steels. manganese(iv) oxid (manganes dioxide, mno 2) use reagent organ chemistri oxid benzyl alcohol (i.e. adjac aromat ring). manganes dioxid use sinc antiqu oxid neutral greenish ting glass caus trace amount iron contamination."} {"id": "2007", "contents": "manganes chemic element atom number 25 repres symbol mn. 12th common element found crust earth. manganes metal found free form earth, often combin iron, well mani minerals."} {"id": "2008", "contents": "manganes trace miner present tini amount body. found mostli bones, liver, kidneys, pancreas. manganes help bodi form connect tissue, bones, blood clot factors, sex hormones. also play role fat carbohydr metabolism, calcium absorption, blood sugar regulation. manganes also necessari normal brain nerv function."} {"id": "2009", "contents": "manganes natur occur metal found mani type rocks. pure manganes silver-colored, occur naturally. combin substanc oxygen, sulfur, chlorine. manganes occur natur food may ad foods. manganes use princip steel product improv hardness, stiffness, strength. manganes trace element eat small amount food water need stay healthy. exposur excess level manganes may occur breath air, particularli manganes use manufacturing, drink water eat food. high levels, caus damag brain"} {"id": "2010", "contents": "chemic element manganes turn number differ applications. basic fact element, use exampl vital compon everyth steel product health human body. manganes design chemic symbol mn atom number 25. commonly, found trace miner describ free element. free element, meant metal properti make essenti come work metal alloys."} {"id": "2011", "contents": "manganes overview information. manganes miner found sever food includ nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, leafi green vegetables. consid essenti nutrient, bodi requir function properly. peopl use manganes medicine. pregnanc breast-feeding: manganes like safe pregnant breast-feed adult women age 19 older taken mouth dose less 11 mg per day. however, pregnant lactat women age 19 limit dose less"} {"id": "2012", "contents": "come human body, manganes essenti trace miner consid brain nerv food. miner consid essenti format healthi red blood cells, proper pituitari gland function, mainten good eyesight. manganes design chemic symbol mn atom number 25. commonly, found trace miner describ free element. free element, meant metal properti make essenti come work metal alloys."} {"id": "2013", "contents": "health benefit manganes includ benefit healthi bone structure, bone metabolism, help creat essenti enzym build bones. also act co-enzym assist metabol activ human body. thyroid health: manganes import co-factor mani differ enzymes, essenti compon thyroxine, arguabl import hormon thyroid gland."} {"id": "2014", "contents": "biology, spore unit asexu reproduct may adapt dispers survival, often extend period time, unfavor conditions. contrast, gamet unit sexual reproduction. spore form part life cycl mani plants, algae, fungi protozoa. urediniospores: spore produc uredinium fungi rust smuts. teliospores: spore produc telium fungi rust smuts. oospores: spore produc oogonium, characterist oomycetes."} {"id": "2015", "contents": "fern gener term use describ group plant common physic biolog features. fern seedless, vascular plant roots, stem frond repoduc spore produc flower like angiosperms. mother ferns, asplenium viviparum, a. bulbiferum, two speci fern small clone grow directli frond parent. clone larg enough, fall parent, take root substrat"} {"id": "2016", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. fungi depend plants. fern make food. fern one step (prothallus). fungi not. fern need fertilization. fungi need fertilization. fern vascular plant fungi belong non-vascular categori 3. main plant bodi fern ifferenti root, stem leaves; fungi mostli made filament mycelium."} {"id": "2017", "contents": "bracken (pteridium) genu large, coars fern famili dennstaedtiaceae. fern (pteridophyta) vascular plant altern generations, larg plant produc spore small plant produc sex cell (egg sperm). bracken note large, highli divid leaves. like ferns, bracken seed fruits, immatur fronds, known fiddleheads, sometim eaten, although thought carcinogenic. (see poisoning). word bracken old nors origin, relat swedish braeken br\u00e4ken danish, bregn meaning. fern"} {"id": "2018", "contents": "powderi mildew white mold, caus fungu spread plants. preval fern plant kept wet environment. fern outside, cool night follow warm day make problem worse. identification. notic white gray mold powder leav fern plant, culprit fungal diseas known powderi mildew. powderi mildew common plant diseas attack ferns, well roses, garden veget plant type houseplants."} {"id": "2019", "contents": "definition. blight fungus, rhizoctonia aerial blight, fungal diseas attack ornament plants, includ boston ferns, hot, humid day summer. common name fungu somewhat confusing, pathogen actual live soil. boston fern (nephrolepi exaltata bostoniensis) desir eas care grace appearance. long, slender frond especi attract contain hang basket. boston fern grown indoor housepl outdoor garden."} {"id": "2020", "contents": "known world' largest cat, siberian amur tiger endangered. found mainli eastern russia\u2019 forests, well north korea china, popul drop alarm rate 1910 1940. elit chinese, siberian tiger meat consid delicacy, bodi part -- bones, whisker teeth -- use tradit medicine. poach also contribut reduct siberian tiger popul wild."} {"id": "2021", "contents": "bengal tiger, royal bengal tiger, roam wide rang habitat includ high altitudes, tropic subtrop rainforests, mangroves, grasslands. primarili found part india, nepal, bhutan, bangladesh myanmar. male bengal tiger measur 10 ft (2 3m) length, weigh 440-650 lb (200-300kg). femal bengal tiger measur around almost ft (2.5 2.6 m) weigh around 220 400 lb (100 181 kg)."} {"id": "2022", "contents": "answer d4est. confid vote 40.5k. white tiger color variant bengal tiger, separ type tiger. rare wild, tiger face pressur human activ reduc habitat place danger extinction."} {"id": "2023", "contents": "poach india. largest concentr tiger found india. around 3,500 tiger worldwide, 1,400 inhabit india. bad news 11% origin indian tiger\u2019 habitat left subject continu hunt poaching. russia tiger endangered. poacher engag poison waterhol well set steel wire kill beauti creatur apart sell tiger\u2019 skin medicin industry."} {"id": "2024", "contents": "white tiger variat color bengal tiger, tiger report white without black stripes. bengal tiger hunt medium large-s animals, wild boar, badgers, water buffaloes, deer goat know prey small eleph rhino calves. male bengal tiger measur 10 ft (2 3m) length, weigh 440-650 lb (200-300kg). femal bengal tiger measur around almost ft (2.5 2.6 m) weigh around 220 400 lb (100 181 kg)."} {"id": "2025", "contents": "shortag wild prey lead tiger hunt livestock. livestock owner often kill tiger protect livestock. therefore, hunt tiger prey caus increas human-tig conflict. grow human popul caus human settlement tiger ranges. tiger human live close proximity. villag often hunt tiger person safeti also protect livestock. tiger known attack human human' presenc perceiv threat tiger. tiger known hunt human eat flesh"} {"id": "2026", "contents": "scientist concern tiger endang step taken order prevent remain speci disappear all. tiger endang speci human respons leav nature\u2019 majest kill machin verg extinction. russia tiger endangered. poacher engag poison waterhol well set steel wire kill beauti creatur apart sell tiger\u2019 skin medicin industry."} {"id": "2027", "contents": "even though wide varieti caus tiger endangerment, factor either directli indirectli associ human beings. anthropogen activ caus great destruct tiger habitats, damag natur ecosystems, even direct kill mention few. last century, speci tiger becam extinct total popul speci around world decreas 95%. among major caus tiger endanger includ human-wildlif conflict, habitat loss, poaching, legal loopholes."} {"id": "2028", "contents": "dri wet decidu forests, grassland temper forests, mangrov forests. bengal tiger found primarili india smaller popul bangladesh, nepal, bhutan, china myanmar. numer tiger subspeci 2,500 left wild. tiger subspeci top food chain wild. tiger also vital link maintain rich divers nature. tiger protected, save much more. example, one tiger, protect around 25,000 acr forest."} {"id": "2029", "contents": "grind process, airborn particl travel air contamin sampl non-gmo foods. also mortar pestl properli wash transfer minut sample. gmo food basic non-gmo food except contain ingredi genet engineered. basically, process remov gene one speci (often bacteria) insert anoth speci (often corn soy)."} {"id": "2030", "contents": "dna could amplifi test food pcr reaction give fals result. known non-gmo control know amplifi gmo target sequences; tell pcr reaction contamin gmo-posit dna. focu questions. 3. experi set two pcr reaction dna sample, make pcr reaction total. one pcr reaction, use plant master mix (pmm), control determin whether success extract plant dna test food."} {"id": "2031", "contents": "last laboratory, extract dna certifi non-gmo food sampl test food sampl analyz presenc gmo dna sequences. lab prepar two sampl posit control (gmo-posit templat dna) polymeras chain reaction (pcr). weigh 0.5\u20132 certifi non-gmo food control place mortar. 2. use transfer pipet, add ml distil water everi gram food use the. graduat transfer pipet."} {"id": "2032", "contents": "2012 nutrit analysi gmo versu non-gmo corn show shock differ nutrit content. non-gmo corn contain 437 time calcium, 56 time magnesium, time manganes gmo corn. gmo corn also found contain 13 ppm glyphosate, compar zero non-gmo corn."} {"id": "2033", "contents": "lesson extract dna control non-gmo food groceri store food item test presenc gmos. experi set two pcr reaction dna sample, make pcr reaction total. one pcr reaction, use plant master mix (pmm), control determin whether success extract plant dna test food."} {"id": "2034", "contents": "pleas upload file larger 100x100 pixels. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "2035", "contents": "estim gmo 70% process food groceri store shelves. commerici product gmo corn, soybeans, canola, papayas, cotton approv fda least one crop larg percentag process foods, label gmo. grind process, airborn particl travel air contamin sampl non-gmo foods. also mortar pestl properli wash ransfer minut sample. pcr need one molecul dna make amplifi product."} {"id": "2036", "contents": "commonli modifi food corn soy-based, test food could fresh corn soybeans, prepar process food cornmeal, chees puffs, veggi sausage, etc. process non-gmo control first. experi set two pcr reaction dna sample, make pcr reaction total. one pcr reaction, use plant master mix (pmm), control determin whether success extract plant dna test food."} {"id": "2037", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. also perform analysi food know non-gmo food control compar gm non gm give valid result. grind process, airborn particl travel air contamin sampl non-gmo foods. also mortar pestl properli wash ransfer minut sample. pcr need one molecul dna make amplifi product."} {"id": "2038", "contents": "so, bake powder least two, usual three, activ ingredients. potassium bitartr (cream tartar) monocalcium phosphate. sodium aluminum sulfate, sodium aluminum phosphat sodium acid pyrophosphate."} {"id": "2039", "contents": "substitut 1/2 teaspoon cream tartar 1/2 teaspoon bake soda teaspoon bake powder. determin bake powder still active, add teaspoon 1/3 cup hot water. bubbl vigorously, it\u2019 still activ give good bake results."} {"id": "2040", "contents": "find combin powder activ ingredi bake powder, student need test differ combin water. ask student figur differ combin two powder use bake soda, cornstarch cream tartar."} {"id": "2041", "contents": "one teaspoon bake powder mix 1/2 teaspoon cream tartar plu 1/4 teaspoon bake soda. learn histori bake powder. bake powder leaven agent consist combin bake soda, cream tartar, moistur absorb (like cornstarch)."} {"id": "2042", "contents": "yes, long enough acid ingredi make reaction (for 1/2 teaspoon bake soda, need cup buttermilk yogurt teaspoon lemon juic vinegar). rememb bake soda time power bake powder, 1/4 teaspoon soda equival teaspoon bake powder. make bake powder home: sift 1/4 cup cream tartar tablespoon bake soda fine strainer time small bowl. store airtight room temperature. or, teaspoon bake powder, simpli substitut 1/4 teaspoon bake soda 5/8 teaspoon cream tartar."} {"id": "2043", "contents": "one teaspoon bake powder mix 1/2 teaspoon cream tartar plu 1/4 teaspoon bake soda. use immediately, add 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch absorb moistur air prevent prematur chemic reaction acid alkali."} {"id": "2044", "contents": "sinc bake powder alreadi contain acid compon react sodium bicarbonate, necessari acid ingredi recipe. one teaspoon bake powder contain 1/4 teaspoon bake soda, mean bake soda four time power bake powder."} {"id": "2045", "contents": "peopl suffer ulcer problem usual prescrib antibiotics, antacid acid blockers. although, spici similar food caus ulcers, may interfer treatment, turn irrit aggrav ulcers. hence, food avoid ulcer patient."} {"id": "2046", "contents": "below, find list stomach ulcer food avoid. three differ way food irrit ulcers: increas product stomach acid, directli irrit ulcer, caus inflamm (gastritis) stomach lining."} {"id": "2047", "contents": "sting feel spici food cut finger mouth replic stomach intestin ulcer. second recommend avoid citru acid food drinks. highli acid orang lemon juic could irrit ulcer caus pain."} {"id": "2048", "contents": "food 4: spici foods. ulcer patient may experi increas ulcer symptom intak spici foods. certain spice capabl irrit ulcer patients. intak spici food usual caus spike product stomach acids, may irrit ulcer."} {"id": "2049", "contents": "varieti food aggrav stomach ulcer trigger excess pain. number foods, consumed, lead product excess amount stomach acids. excess product stomach acid irrit ulcer caus sever abdomin pain."} {"id": "2050", "contents": "well food provok increas product stomach acid, food irrit ulcer directly. practic vari person person, gener recommend ulcer. first tri avoid eat spici food."} {"id": "2051", "contents": "sinc acid primari caus ulcers, want complet avoid food high acid content. among them: alcohol, black red peppers, chili powder hot peppers, irrit stomach lining, coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, increas amount stomach acid."} {"id": "2052", "contents": "diet ulcer gastriti eat plan limit includ food irrit stomach. stomach irrit food increas stomach acid. need limit avoid drink food caus symptoms, stomach pain, heartburn, indigestion."} {"id": "2053", "contents": "softwar joke. husband instal way connect wirelessli it. instal softwar mac (macbook,o 10.8.4) work me: connect pbc mode. press hold (wps) button control panel than. seconds. machin start wait two minut press wps. (pbc) button access point (or wireless router)"} {"id": "2054", "contents": "wps54gu2 wireless connect forum. connect usb printer usb printserv port router use eth forum. solvedi usb 3.0 port comput hub, hp printer requir usb 2.0 port. connect usb printer usb printserv port router use eth forum. solvedi usb 3.0 port comput hub, hp printer requir usb 2.0 port. convert use connect printer forum."} {"id": "2055", "contents": "machin access point (or wireless router) support wi-fi protect setup\u2122 (wps), easili configur wireless network set press (wps) button control panel without computer. select configur wireless network printer connect type click continue. wireless set screen appears, select use direct wireless connect click next. screen appear, go step 13. screen appears, press (wps) button control panel within minutes."} {"id": "2056", "contents": "press wp button router. press ok connect button printer within two minutes. sooner better later. observ printer message, attempt connect network .. press ok printer upon success connection. initi router access point:"} {"id": "2057", "contents": "use wp button set wireless network, secur set may change. prevent this, lock wp option current wireless secur settings. option name may differ depend access point (or wireless router) using. select configur wireless network printer connect type click continue. wireless set screen appears, select use direct wireless connect click next. screen appear, go step 13. screen appears, press (wps) button control panel within minutes."} {"id": "2058", "contents": "push button configur pbc method allow connect machin wireless network press wp button printer wp button wi-fi protect network device. connect wireless network pbc mode use wp button: power printer. press hold wp button control panel 2-4 second blue statu led blink quickly. press wp (pbc) button wireless router (access point). power printer. press hold wp button control panel 2-4 second blue statu led blink quickly. press wp (pbc) button wireless router (access point)."} {"id": "2059", "contents": "add wps-enabl devic network, simpli press wp button router press wp button device. identifi other, you\u2019r running. wp connect methods, too, namely: pin number. usb drive set-up (code transfer usb stick new device)."} {"id": "2060", "contents": "push button configur (pbc) method allow connect machin wireless network press (wps) button control panel machin wp (pbc) button wi-fi protect setup\u2122 wps-enabl access point (or wireless router) respectively. machin access point (or wireless router) support wi-fi protect setup\u2122 (wps), easili configur wireless network set press (wps) button control panel without computer."} {"id": "2061", "contents": "connect wireless printer wireless router use wps: start wp pushbutton mode printer. instruct start wp printer, consult printer' manual. within minutes, press wp button router. make sure know network name secur password (wep, wpa, wpa2). printer' control panel, go network menu touch wireless icon go settings. select wireless setup wizard. wireless setup wizard display list wireless network area."} {"id": "2062", "contents": "deponent. individu who, oath affirmation, give out-of-court testimoni deposition. depon someon give evid act witness. testimoni depon written carri deponent' signature."} {"id": "2063", "contents": "1. (of verb latin greek) appear passiv greek middle-voic forms, activ meaning. 2. person give evidence. 3. depon verb. d\u0113p\u014dnent- s. d\u0113p\u014dn\u0113ns, present participl d\u0113p\u014dnere."} {"id": "2064", "contents": "1. (grammar) grammar (of verb, esp latin) inflect end passiv verb mean activ verb. n. 2. (grammar) grammar depon verb. 3. (law) law. a. person make affidavit."} {"id": "2065", "contents": "individu who, oath affirmation, give out-of-court testimoni deposition. depon someon give evid act witness. testimoni depon written carri deponent' signature."} {"id": "2066", "contents": "adjective. (of verb, especi latin greek) passiv middl form activ meaning. exampl sentences. misnom classifi depon verb; middl forc verb absent."} {"id": "2067", "contents": "noun. definit depon activ passiv way. exampl depon verb verb activ mean take passiv middl form phrase take.. depon defin person testifi oath deposit write sign affidavit."} {"id": "2068", "contents": "eat food contain unsatur fat instead satur fat actual help reduc cholesterol level tri replac food contain satur fat small amount food high unsatur fat oili fish mackerel salmon nut almond cashew"} {"id": "2069", "contents": "tran fat rais ldl cholesterol lower high densiti lipoprotein hdl good cholesterol food label report content tran fat unfortun food contain least one gram per serv"} {"id": "2070", "contents": "best food lower cholesterol oatmeal fish walnut nut oliv oil food fortifi sterol stanol substanc found plant help block absorpt cholesterol corn bean peanut butter almond orang appl avocado"} {"id": "2071", "contents": "get nutrient need choos food like veget fruit fiber rich whole grain bread cereal fat free low fat dairi product often food help lower cholesterol varieti whole multi grain product bran oat fatti fish salmon mackerel albacor tuna food rich antioxid fruit veget food high omega fatti acid avocado flax seed oliv oil canola oil"} {"id": "2072", "contents": "oatmeal oat bran high fiber food oatmeal contain solubl fiber reduc low densiti lipoprotein ldl bad cholesterol solubl fiber also found food kidney bean appl pear barley prune solubl fiber reduc absorpt cholesterol bloodstream five 10 gram solubl fiber day decreas total ldl"} {"id": "2073", "contents": "patient often ask food help reduc high level low densiti lipoprotein ldl cholestero call bad cholesterol caus arteri clog plaqu form coronari arteri wall increas risk heart attack stroke"} {"id": "2074", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic qualiti assur manag unit state $96,557, 50% peopl perform job qualiti assur manag unit state expect make less $96,557. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary."} {"id": "2075", "contents": "averag aerospac qualiti manag salaries. averag salari aerospac qualiti manag job $68,000. averag aerospac qualiti manag salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits."} {"id": "2076", "contents": "(unit states). qualiti assur (qa) director earn averag salari $108,194 per year. skill associ high pay job six sigma black belt test automation. peopl job five years' experi relat jobs. $64,058 $151,171."} {"id": "2077", "contents": "qa tester averag salari $61,831, median salari $60,000 salari rang $26,000 $114,400. qa tester salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. qa tester salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "2078", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic qualiti assur director unit state $124,906 50% peopl perform job qualiti assur director unit state expect make less $124,906. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $124,906. salary."} {"id": "2079", "contents": "best answer: get state refund irs. state different, fastest way far get refund file electron direct deposit refund bank account, case usual matter 10 day (in new jersey least). know, state check come irs--it come state tax offic take longer feds. faster amount direct deposited--check take alot longer--anywher 6-8 weeks."} {"id": "2080", "contents": "ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance. mail paper return refund process time week date ir receiv tax return. refund process time. e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund"} {"id": "2081", "contents": "internet access, may call refund hotlin 800-829-1954. where\u2019 refund? includ inform recent tax year file current year includ inform amend returns. check statu amend return, use where\u2019 amend return? irs.gov."} {"id": "2082", "contents": "e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance. refund process time. e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. mail paper return refund process time week date ir receiv tax return."} {"id": "2083", "contents": "refund process time. e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance. refund process time. e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. mail paper return refund process time week date ir receiv tax return."} {"id": "2084", "contents": "notif could take 48 hours. ir estim receiv tax refund within 21 day return accepted. ir issu 10 refund less 21 day last year expect result year."} {"id": "2085", "contents": "michigan direct deposit refund 7-12 days-usu coupl day ir deposit feder refund. check take longer-up six weeks, depend far behind state process returns. know, state check come irs--it come state tax offic take longer feds. faster amount direct deposited--check take alot longer--anywher 6-8 weeks."} {"id": "2086", "contents": "tax refund normal issu within approxim 21 day file electronically, due budget cuts, expect wait bit longer. check statu refund within 24 hour e-fil tax return receiv ir four week tax form mail in. [image: daili financ ]. share 746. tweet 18. share 9. share 10. pin"} {"id": "2087", "contents": "paper file, take three four week ir process return acknowledg refund. e-file, get notic arriv within 24 hour confirm refund within 72 hours. tax return accept refund approved, choos money directli deposit bank account within week. choos paper check sent mail irs, option add least anoth two week process. 5."} {"id": "2088", "contents": "@meast07 either seem like file say wait 72 hour check statu refund would least give propos date may get money back\u2026al told tax prepar wait 10-14 days. file electronically, expect refund issu 10 21 day ir accept return. pleas call toll-fre number repres cannot provid inform process complet expedit processing."} {"id": "2089", "contents": "accounting, tax preparation, bookkeep payrol servic provid employ busi account assistants. percent total 1,643,470 assist workedin busi make mean $35,630 per year, $17.13 per hour. state highest population, california, offer opportun account assistants. contain almost 11 percent u.s. job mean wage $40,950 per year, $19.69 per hour."} {"id": "2090", "contents": "example, local, privat state hospitals, averag annual salari $98,830 around $47.51 dollar per hour. physician assistant\u2019 work outpati care center make averag $101,600 annual $48.84 dollar per hour. offic health practitioners, physician assist earn averag annual salari $96,950 $46.61 dollar per hour."} {"id": "2091", "contents": "medic assist earn anywher $20k $36k, depend experi level, industry, region employment. government-employ medic assist ear ($36,430/year average), employ insur agenc ($35,470)."} {"id": "2092", "contents": "instance, accord bls, account assist work account firm make somewher neighborhood $16.71 per hour, $34,760 per year, averag rate pay industri 2010. one way determin account assist paid look pay scale account clerk nationwide. bureau labor statist (bls) state typic rang pay account profession $21,270 $51,470 per year, may 2010."} {"id": "2093", "contents": "account assist salary. (unit kingdom). account assist earn averag salari \u00a318,191 per year. first five ten year position, salari increas modestly, addit experi big effect pay. peopl job gener 20 years' experi"} {"id": "2094", "contents": "median salari work field 2010 $34,030, $16.36 per hour. anoth way determin much pay account assist research pay scale employee' specif industry. one way determin account assist paid look pay scale account clerk nationwide. bureau labor statist (bls) state typic rang pay account profession $21,270 $51,470 per year, may 2010."} {"id": "2095", "contents": "bureau labor statist also state lower median salari physician assist $64,100 dollar per year $30.82 per hour top ten percent earn around $134,720 annual around $64.77 per hour. jump topic. physician assist salary. accord bls.gov, median averag annual salari physician assist $97,280 $46.67 per hour 2014. however, salari vari base state type healthcar industri work in. physician assistant\u2019 work outpati care center make averag $101,600 annual $48.84 dollar per hour. offic health practitioners, physician assist earn averag annual salari $96,950 $46.61"} {"id": "2096", "contents": "get paid depend employ location. account assist got paid averag $36,120 per year, $17.37 per hour, may 2011, state u.s. bureau labor statistics. annual pay rang $21,450 $53,250, equival $10.31 $25.60 per hour. state highest population, california, offer opportun account assistants. contain almost 11 percent u.s. job mean wage $40,950 per year, $19.69 per hour."} {"id": "2097", "contents": "regard age impact salari account assistant, statist averag weight (that base salari vari age specif job may vari considerably) suggest figures: \u00a314,182 worker 20s, \u00a318,531 (30s), \u00a321,935 (40s) \u00a321,935 (50s). account assist salari comparison. averag salari 2009 \u00a318,822, base 242 respond (a differ 6% 2008 figure. averag salari 2010 \u00a318,848, base 367 respond (a differ 0% 2009 figure."} {"id": "2098", "contents": "46.5%. 31.5%. *the gain salari sacrific margin tax rate less 15% super contribut tax rate. incom $18,201 subject margin tax rate 20.5%, howev includ low incom tax offset, tax payabl amount."} {"id": "2099", "contents": "enter salari $90,000. because. rate position, prior salary. sacrific agreement $90,000. employe record: super detail window. salari sacrific employe contribution. enter salari sacrific amount pay period relat employee. exampl $13,800 divid 12."} {"id": "2100", "contents": "salari sacrif superannu tb 10 technic servic issu 12 januari 2015 advis use version 1.1 summari primari benefit salari sacrific salari sacrif part employee\u2019 wage salari superannu tax effect mean accumul wealth retirement."} {"id": "2101", "contents": "jacqui also negoti employ continu pay super salari $80,000 cash salari super salari sacrifice. employ pay fring benefit tax valu benefit provid employee, excess $2,000 per year. redirect pre-tax incom super benefit employer. salari sacrif contribut tax super fund 15%, employer' contributions. peopl lower margin tax rate"} {"id": "2102", "contents": "salari sacrific super. client employe opt salari sacrific pay super. need enter xero deduct correct code reduc gross earnings, payg withhold 9% sgc super."} {"id": "2103", "contents": "deal increas superannu balanc (and pay 15% contribut tax, earn adjust taxabl incom $300,000, 30% tax super contributions) reduc amount incom tax payabl (up 49% includ medicar levy) salari wages. super contribut made salari sacrific arrang treat concession contribut need count toward concession contribut cap (see super fact 8). concession contribut cap applic depend age."} {"id": "2104", "contents": "-roll tax payabl $58,000 paysalari fbt taxabl valu grossed-up type factor $6,350. 2. employee' current salari $65,000 per annum. employe negoti employ purchas laptop comput (cost $3,000) salari sacrific arrangement. new salari reduc $62,000 per annum. laptop exempt fbt. therefore-rol tax paypay $62,000 salary."} {"id": "2105", "contents": "concession contribut subject maximum 15% tax (or 30% tax adjust taxabl incom $300,000), gener mean strategi tax-effect employe pay 15 cent dollar incom tax. super contribut made salari sacrific arrang treat concession contribut need count toward concession contribut cap (see super fact 8). concession contribut cap applic depend age."} {"id": "2106", "contents": "earn $37,000 may limit advantag salari sacrific arrang tax rate salari percentag point tax super contributions. cannot salari sacrific bonu commiss payment earned. there\u2019 limit $30,000 year age 50 $35,000 year age 50 before-tax"} {"id": "2107", "contents": "principl base feder constitut law evid illeg seiz law enforc offic violat suspect' right free unreason search seizur cannot use suspect crimin prosecution."} {"id": "2108", "contents": "exclusionari rule court-creat remedi deterrent, independ constitut right. purpos rule deter law enforc offic conduct search seizur violat fourth amend provid remedi defend whose right infring upon."} {"id": "2109", "contents": "mapp, court held exclusionari rule appli state crimin proceed due process claus fourteenth amendment. mapp ruling, state exclud evid obtain violat four"} {"id": "2110", "contents": "exclusionari rule design exclud evid obtain violat crimin defendant' fourth amend rights. fourth amend protect unreason search seizur law enforc personnel. search crimin suspect unreasonable, evid obtain search exclud trial. exclusionari rule court-mad rule."} {"id": "2111", "contents": "doctrin commonli use american courts, exclusionari rule discourag polic law enforc agent obtain evid illegally. court suppress ban evid gather violat defend \u2019s fourth amend right protect unlaw search seizure."} {"id": "2112", "contents": "exclusionari rule design exclud evid obtain violat crimin defendant' fourth amend rights. fourth amend protect unreason search seizur law enforc personnel."} {"id": "2113", "contents": "evid fall within scope exclusionari rule led law enforc evidence, would otherwis located, exclusionari rule appli relat evid found subsequ exclud evidence, subject exceptions."} {"id": "2114", "contents": "search crimin suspect unreasonable, evid obtain search exclud trial. exclusionari rule court-mad rule. mean creat statut pass legisl bodi rather u.s. suprem court. exclusionari rule appli feder court virtu fourth amendment."} {"id": "2115", "contents": "egyptian built pyramids. great pyramid date evidence, i'm tell now, 4,600 years, reign khufu. great pyramid khufu one 104 pyramid egypt superstructure, 54 pyramid substructure. support builder pyramid egyptians. jew said. peopl lost civilization. peopl realli built pyramids, poor egyptians. import prove pyramid built. pyramid, know, magic, mystery. structur built 4,600 year ago."} {"id": "2116", "contents": "famou egyptian pyramid found giza, outskirt cairo. sever giza pyramid count among largest structur ever built. pyramid khufu giza largest egyptian pyramid. one seven wonder ancient world still existence. egypt' pyramids, except small third dynasti pyramid zawyet el-amwat (or zawyet el-mayitin), site west bank nile, group togeth number pyramid fields. import list geographically, north south, below."} {"id": "2117", "contents": "built time egypt one richest power civil world, pyramids\u2014especi great pyramid giza\u2014ar magnific man-mad structur history."} {"id": "2118", "contents": "earliest known egyptian pyramid found saqqara, northwest memphis. earliest among pyramid djoser (construct 2630 bc\u20132611 bc) built third dynasty. egypt' pyramids, except small third dynasti pyramid zawyet el-amwat (or zawyet el-mayitin), site west bank nile, group togeth number pyramid fields. import list geographically, north south, below."} {"id": "2119", "contents": "ancient egyptian pyramid impress structur built human ancient times. mani pyramid still surviv today us see explore. first pyramid djoser. great pyramid giza point precis north. pyramid egypt built west nile river. base pyramid alway perfect square. built mostli limestone. trap curs put tomb pyramid tri keep robber out."} {"id": "2120", "contents": "pyramids. ancient egyptian built pyramid tomb pharaoh queens. pharaoh buri pyramid mani differ shape size begin old kingdom end middl kingdom. eighti pyramid known today ancient egypt. pharaoh buri pyramid mani differ shape size begin old kingdomto end middl kingdom. eighti pyramid known today ancient egypt. three largest best-preserv built gizaat begin old kingdom."} {"id": "2121", "contents": "ancient egyptian built pyramid tomb pharaohsand queens. pharaoh buri pyramid mani differ shape size begin old kingdomto end middl kingdom. eighti pyramid known today ancient egypt. three largest best-preserv built gizaat begin old kingdom."} {"id": "2122", "contents": "one outrag theori alien built pyramids. fortun proof ancient egyptian built pyramids. unfortun mani theori egyptian built pyramids. present popular idea pyramid built."} {"id": "2123", "contents": "pyramid stone tomb egypt' kings-th pharaoh one world' greatest histor mysteries. stood thousand years, fill mani hidden secrets: clue life (and death) like ancient egypt. one greatest pyramid made king khufu.... giza pyramid wander chamber passageway great pyramid, learn pharaoh monument tomb built."} {"id": "2124", "contents": "adult 18 older, normal rest heart rate 60 100 beat per minut (bpm), depend person\u2019 physic condit age. children age 15, normal rest heart rate 70 100 bpm, accord aha. heart rate lower 60 doesn\u2019t necessarili mean medic problem. activ peopl often lower heart rate heart muscl need work hard maintain steadi beat. person' target heart rate zone 50 percent 85 percent maximum heart rate, accord aha. commonly, maximum heart rate calcul subtract age 220: 220 age. 30-year-old person, example: 220 30 190."} {"id": "2125", "contents": "patient' normal rang alway taken consideration. heart rate, bp respiratori rate expect increas time fever stress. respiratori rate infant count full 60 seconds. clinic decompens child, blood pressur last change. remember:"} {"id": "2126", "contents": "heart rate, also known pulse, number time person' heart beat per minute. normal heart rate depend individual, age, bodi size, heart conditions, whether person sit moving, medic use even air temperature. even emot impact heart rate. person' target heart rate zone 50 percent 85 percent maximum heart rate, accord aha. commonly, maximum heart rate calcul subtract age 220: 220 age. 30-year-old person, example: 220 30 190."} {"id": "2127", "contents": "normal rest heart rate adult rang 60 100 beat minute. generally, lower heart rate rest impli effici heart function better cardiovascular fitness. example, well-train athlet might normal rest heart rate closer 40 beat minute."} {"id": "2128", "contents": "age norm rest heart rate avail fit. signific variabl children\u2019 heart rate even within age groups. newborn heart rate rang 100 160 beat per minut (bpm). children age 10 heart rate rang 60 140, averag 85 90. children 11 17 heart rate rang 60 100 bpm. adults, femal children tend slightli higher rest higher heart rate male"} {"id": "2129", "contents": "388 followers. a. healthi rest heart rate 60 100 beat per minut adults. upper end rang may mean greater chanc seriou health problems."} {"id": "2130", "contents": "blood pressure, bodi temperature, puls rate, respiratori rate routin vital sign measur medicine. infant children grow age, normal valu vital sign change. bodi temperatur chang age, normal bodi temperatur consid 98.6 (37 c). two tabl normal vital sign pediatr popul present below. heart rate may slightli slower asleep"} {"id": "2131", "contents": "normal rest adult human heart rate rang 60\u2013100 bpm. tachycardia fast heart rate, defin 100 bpm rest. bradycardia slow heart rate, defin 60 bpm rest. sleep slow heartbeat rate around 40\u201350 bpm common consid normal. normal rest heart rate rang 60\u2013100 bpm. bradycardia defin rest heart rate 60 bpm. however, heart rate 50 60 bpm common among healthi peopl necessarili requir special attention."} {"id": "2132", "contents": "bradycardia defin heart rate less 60 beat per minut textbook assert normal rang heart rate 60\u2013100 bpm. normal rang sinc revis textbook 50\u201390 bpm human total rest. normal rest heart rate rang 60\u2013100 bpm. bradycardia defin rest heart rate 60 bpm. however, heart rate 50 60 bpm common among healthi peopl necessarili requir special attention."} {"id": "2133", "contents": "board school school pupil studi live school year fellow student possibl teacher principals. word 'boarding' use sens bed board, i.e., lodg meals. unit states, board school student age 13 call junior board schools, common encourag unit kingdom india. oldest junior board school unit state fay school southborough, massachusetts."} {"id": "2134", "contents": "board school experi indian children began 1860 bureau indian affair establish first indian board school yakima indian reserv state washington. col. richard henri pratt, goal complet assimilation. 1879, establish well known off-reserv board schools, carlisl indian school carlisle, pennsylvania."} {"id": "2135", "contents": "two primari object residenti school system remov isol children influenc homes, families, tradit cultures, assimil domin culture. 1880s, conjunct feder assimil policies, govern began establish residenti school across canada. author would frequent take children school far home communities, part strategi alien famili familiar surroundings."} {"id": "2136", "contents": "live condit residenti schools. purpos residenti school elimin aspect aborigin culture. student hair cut short, dress uniforms, day strictli regiment timetables. boy girl kept separate, even sibl rare interacted, weaken famili ties. 1880s, conjunct feder assimil policies, govern began establish residenti school across canada. author would frequent take children school far home communities, part strategi alien famili familiar surroundings."} {"id": "2137", "contents": "gener thought residenti school around somewher along 1870-1910. however, ny sourc suggest still effect well 1980s. last one close 1996. initially, residenti school use purpos assimil aborigin children. concept cure aborigin custom heritage. 1920, compulsori aborigin children age 7-15 attend residenti schools. forcibl taken homes."} {"id": "2138", "contents": "residenti schools. purpos residenti school education, integration, assimil \u201cchristianization\u201d aborigin children mainstream canadian society. govern remov aborigin children home home communities, transport residenti school often long distanc away. residenti school system predat confeder part grew canada\u2019 missionari experi variou religi organizations."} {"id": "2139", "contents": "compens call common experi payment made avail residenti school student aliv may 30, 2005. former residenti school student elig $10,000 first year part year attend school, plu $3,000 subsequ year. govern felt children easier mold adults, concept board school best way prepar life mainstream society. residenti school feder run, depart indian affairs. attend mandatory."} {"id": "2140", "contents": "one acrimoni issu result treati process dark legaci residenti school system. purpos residenti school canada educ civil western first nation peopl order adopt western-that european-lifestyle. school first appear western canada 1883-84, school open qu'appelle, high river battleford. 1898, 54 school nation-wide, increas 74 school 1920. year, depart indian affair decid make school mandatori children age 15."} {"id": "2141", "contents": "jame caleb jackson invent granula, first manufactur cold breakfast cereal 1863. granula earli version grape-nuts, consist heavi grain bran-rich graham flour. grain soak overnight use. confid vote 43. corn flakes, first cereal, made 31 may 1894 dr. john harvey kellogg michigan, unit states. 2nd cereal creat rice crispi made earli 1900' also fom kellog' brand cereal. first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal produc henri drushel perki denver colorado 1893. perki lawyer, businessman, promot inventor. cereal, shred wheat, first sold local denver colorado spring"} {"id": "2142", "contents": "know first made china put nut fruit bowl milk water. first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal produc henri drushel perki denver colorado 1893. first even cereal weetabix. first made 1944 origin famou favourit cereal basshunter. next week, cheryl cole launch new flavo urs: baconeggchalk correction: weetabix actual invent australia 1920 bennison osborne. however, first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal produc henri drushel perki denver colorado 1893. perki lawyer, businessman, promot inventor. cereal, shred wheat, first sold local denver colorado spring"} {"id": "2143", "contents": "mr. kellogg develop first cereal 1906 name kellogg' toast corn flakes. third largest breakfast cereal produc today gener mills. claim fame began 1924 creat well-known love wheati cereal. cereal first developed, consist simple, flat flakes."} {"id": "2144", "contents": "granula first manufactur cold breakfast cereal invent jame caleb jackson 1863. granula earli version grape-nuts, consist heavi grain bran-rich graham flour. grain soak overnight use."} {"id": "2145", "contents": "breakfast cereal (or cereal) food made process grain often eaten first meal day. eaten hot cold, usual mix milk, yogurt, fruit. compani promot product health benefit eat oat-bas high-fib cereals. 1902 forc wheat flake becam first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal introduc unit kingdom. cereal, sunni jim character, achiev wide success britain, peak 1930 sell 12.5 million packag one year. 1930s, first puf cereal, kix, went market."} {"id": "2146", "contents": "first breakfast cereal. corn flakes, first ever breakfast cereal, discov way fortun accident. stori behind accid especi interesting. isaac m. mcphee mar 19, 2008updat month ago. isaac m. mcphee. year 1894. year first motion pictur film patent"} {"id": "2147", "contents": "muesli breakfast cereal base uncook roll oats, fruit, nuts. develop around 1900 swiss physician maximilian bircher-benn patient hospital. avail packag dri form alpen, made fresh. 1902 forc wheat flake becam first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal introduc unit kingdom. cereal, sunni jim character, achiev wide success britain, peak 1930 sell 12.5 million packag one year. 1930s, first puf cereal, kix, went market."} {"id": "2148", "contents": "quot wikipedia articl henri drushel perky: 'although john harvey kellogg charl william post better known, perki pioneer cookless breakfast food first mass produc nation distribut ready-to-eat cereal.'. first even cereal weetabix. first made 1944 origin famou favourit cereal basshunter. next week, cheryl cole launch new flavo urs: baconeggchalk correction: weetabix actual invent australia 1920 bennison osborne. however, first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal produc henri drushel perki denver colorado 1893. perki lawyer, businessman, promot inventor. cereal, shred wheat, first sold local denver colorado spring"} {"id": "2149", "contents": "definit waterboarding. interrog techniqu water forc detainee' mouth nose induc sensat drowning. advertisement. next word dictionary: water boat previou word dictionary: water boa word near: waterboard"} {"id": "2150", "contents": "waterboard character 2005 former cia director porter j. goss profession interrog techniqu accord press accounts, cloth plastic wrap place person' mouth, water pour onto person' head. tortur pour water onto face breath passages, caus almost immedi gag reflex creat drown sensat captive. vomitu travel esophagus, may inhaled. victim waterboard extrem risk sudden death due aspir vomitus."} {"id": "2151", "contents": "waterboard form tortur involv use water coerc prison detaine confession. victim tie inclin board posit head lower feet. piec cloth secur victim\u2019 face. ironically, actual drown waterboard tortur rare due fact posit lung relat head prevent enough water fill lungs. waterboard caus seriou injury. victim suffer brain damag due lack oxygen damag lung"} {"id": "2152", "contents": "email. waterboarding, practis cia, involv strap detainee, cover face cloth pour water nose mouth creat terrifi sensat drowning. wide consid form torture. waterboarding, practis cia, involv strap detainee, cover face cloth pour water nose mouth creat terrifi sensat drowning. wide consid form torture. techniqu date back hundr year came earn notorieti year 9/11 attack cia employ suspect detain part so-cal war terror."} {"id": "2153", "contents": "waterboard form water tortur water pour cloth cover face breath passag immobil captive, caus individu experi sensat drowning. tortur pour water onto face breath passages, caus almost immedi gag reflex creat drown sensat captive. vomitu travel esophagus, may inhaled. victim waterboard extrem risk sudden death due aspir vomitus."} {"id": "2154", "contents": "waterboard is. waterboard induc panic suffer forc person inhal water sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea. head tilt back water pour upturn mouth nose. eventu subject cannot exhal air cough water, lung collapsed, sinus trachea fill water. subject drown inside, fill water head down."} {"id": "2155", "contents": "wa\u00b7ter\u00b7board\u00b7ing. n. 1. interrog technique, wide consid form torture, person restrained, usual strap board feet higher head, immers dous water point drowning. 2."} {"id": "2156", "contents": "cia use waterboard repeatedli prison consid high value. 2009 emerg khalid sheikh mohammed, man accus plot attack new york washington, waterboard 183 time march 2003. wide consid form torture. techniqu date back hundr year came earn notorieti year 9/11 attack cia employ suspect detain part so-cal war terror."} {"id": "2157", "contents": "good famili hotel i-15 half way legoland sea world, best use i-15 i-5 805. check map call hotel first directions. holiday inn san diego north-miramar www.ichotelsgroup.com 9335 kearni mesa rd san diego, ca 92126 (858) 695-2668. easytose year ago."} {"id": "2158", "contents": "open oct. 15, legoland florida appear site old cypress garden park winter haven. nearli hour-long drive orlando theme parks, legoland' strong line-up kid-friendli attract ought encourag mani famili make trip check out."} {"id": "2159", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. legoland locat winter haven, fl seaworld locat san diego, ca. distanc two 2,456 miles. take 34 hour drive."} {"id": "2160", "contents": "perfect option famili young children legoland florida seaworld park combo ticket packag complet freedom come go pleas follow orlando theme park 14 consecut days: legoland florida ticket give admiss legoland park only. includ legoland florida water park. busch garden shuttl express depart seaworld pick variou locat along way. servic may subject change."} {"id": "2161", "contents": "legoland florida seaworld park combo ticket combin packag legoland florida e-ticket 3-park seaworld, aquatica busch garden ticket. sent two separ ticket ticket expir 14 day first use. legoland florida ticket give admiss legoland park only. includ legoland florida water park. busch garden shuttl express depart seaworld pick variou locat along way. servic may subject change."} {"id": "2162", "contents": "soon, i\u2019ll head sunshin state famili theme park trip. daughter (soon be) we\u2019r target seaworld orlando legoland florida. we\u2019r save disney park later trip youngest bit older. doubt she\u2019d rememb trip 2."} {"id": "2163", "contents": "san diego import site fisheri good situat (the situat locat citi respect areas), next ocean, whi ch make conveni port ship dock leav countries, creat trade. san diego also import tourist site. import tourist site san diego includ balboa park, sea world old town. tourism boost economi u.s. san diego one cities."} {"id": "2164", "contents": "legoland california day, abl hit everi singl ride, attract show, especi also plan take sea life aquarium and/or water park. kid age 10, two day ideal."} {"id": "2165", "contents": "details: august 17, 1996, sixty-five-year-old jack robinson rosewood boat land olympia, south carolina, unidentifi man. argument allegedli money jack fatal stabbed."} {"id": "2166", "contents": "jack robinson son inc. gener contract firm serv central oregon last 62 years. 32 year experience, ron robinson jr., third gener robinson, help jack robinson son becom one respect construct compani central oregon area."} {"id": "2167", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. jack robinson name present common figur speech use indic period time, typic sarcast manner. normal usag is, (someth done) faster say jack robinson otherwis say jack robinson.. person quick catch decision. 1660 1679 offic command tower london one sir john robinson. may speed behead axe may basis, jack diminut form john."} {"id": "2168", "contents": "jack robinson experienc dwi, famili law, probat crimin law attorney serv client rockwall, kaufman, hunt, collin dalla counties. divorc attorney, jack robinson work ensur everi client inform divorc process know expect meet famili law attorney. protect texan rights. one texan time. count us! jack robinson experienc rockwal dwi, famili law, probat crimin law attorney. also serv client"} {"id": "2169", "contents": "jack robinson name present common figur speech use indic period time, typic sarcast manner. person quick catch decision. 1660 1679 offic command tower london one sir john robinson. may speed behead axe may basis, jack diminut form john."} {"id": "2170", "contents": "meet attorney jack robinson. attorney jack k. robinson veteran texa lawyer 25 year experi proven record result famili law, probat crimin defens lawyer. commit help client deal difficult pain time lives."} {"id": "2171", "contents": "jack roosevelt jacki robinson (januari 31, 1919 octob 24, 1972) american major leagu basebal (mlb) second baseman becam first african american play major leagu modern era. robinson born januari 31, 1919, famili sharecropp cairo, georgia. youngest five children born malli (mcgriff) jerri robinson, sibl edgar, frank, matthew (nicknam mack) willa mae."} {"id": "2172", "contents": "earli life. jack roosevelt robinson born januari 31, 1919, cairo, georgia. break color barrier, jacki robinson becam first african-american play baseball' major leagues. youngest five children, robinson rais rel poverti singl mother"} {"id": "2173", "contents": "healthport address challeng superior service, ensur revenu protected, reduc risk breaches, maintain complianc standards. healthport\u2019 ultim goal provid highest qualiti customer-friendli releas inform servic possible. servic includ sever components: scalable, flexibl solut design meet chang needs, includ fulli outsourc roi partner. instance, face rac audit demonstrations, work hand-in-hand custom meet need develop comprehens audit tool, healthport audapro, featur racpro. healthport: author compliant exchang protect health information."} {"id": "2174", "contents": "overview. healthport: author compliant exchang protect health inform healthport nation\u2019 largest provid releas inform servic audit manag track technology. instance, face rac audit demonstrations, work hand-in-hand custom meet need develop comprehens audit tool, healthport audapro, featur racpro. healthport: author compliant exchang protect health information."} {"id": "2175", "contents": "healthport technologies, llc provid releas inform services, audit manag track technology. compani formerli known smart document solutions, llc chang name octob 2007. healthport technologies, llc found 1976 base alpharetta, geor..."} {"id": "2176", "contents": "find invoic review invoic pay invoic would like enter multipl invoices, pleas click here. invoic enter healthport invoice# (e.g., 0024123456). invoic total: enter invoic total (e.g., 12.34) authent purposes. find invoices."} {"id": "2177", "contents": "compani formerli known smart document solutions, llc chang name octob 2007. healthport technologies, llc found 1976 base alpharetta, georgia. june 15, 2007, healthport technologies, llc oper subsidiari ct technolog holdings, llc. compani formerli known smart document solutions, llc chang name octob 2007. healthport technologies, llc found 1976 base alpharetta, geor..."} {"id": "2178", "contents": "request quot request quot healthport technologies, llc. bbb accreditationa bbb accredit busi sinc 11/04/2011bbb determin healthport technologies, llc meet bbb accredit standards, includ commit make good faith effort resolv consum complaints. get detail factor considered. factor rais healthport technologies, llc' rate include:length time busi operating.complaint volum file bbb busi size.respons 198 complaint(s) file business.resolut"} {"id": "2179", "contents": "q. healthport\u00ae healthport do? a. healthport compani contract healthcar facil across countri facilitate, process fulfil medic record requests, also known releas inform (roi) process. question servic healthport provid facility\u2019 behalf, bill may receiv result request medic records, pleas don\u2019t hesit contact us phone 800-367-1500."} {"id": "2180", "contents": "audit manag technology. commit meet exceed regulatori requir protect patient inform facility. learn more. audapro provid technolog workflow help streamlin audit request appeal manag tracking. learn more. healthport\u00ae audit relief help reliev burden season audit hedi well medicar medicaid risk adjustment."} {"id": "2181", "contents": "tell littl organization. nation footprint, healthport lead provid releas inform (roi) servic well audit manag track technology. fact, establish almost 40 year ago, nation\u2019 first roi compani realli driven develop segment industry. advertisement. busi profile, brian grazzini, cfo, healthport, describ import effici compliant inform exchang audit manag help staff spend less time paperwork mission-crit projects."} {"id": "2182", "contents": "enceph rare condit often caus viruses. also caus noninfecti diseases, system lupu erythematosu behcet'beh\u00e7et s. diseas lead caus sever enceph herp simplex. viru caus includ enteroviru infect or-mosquito borne. virus enceph mening facts. enceph inflamm brain. mening inflamm membran (call meninges) surround brain spinal cord. enceph mening caus bacteria viruses, rare fungus, noninfectious."} {"id": "2183", "contents": "mening often caus bacteri viral infection. also may caus fungal infection, parasite, reaction certain medic medic treatments, rheumatolog diseas lupus, type cancer, traumat injuri head spine. case seen children age 16. symptom vomiting, headache, fever, lethargi appear 5-10 day follow infection. sever complic includ seizure, coma, perman neurolog damage. 100 case lacross enceph report year."} {"id": "2184", "contents": "enceph subtyp consid contagi also subtyp contagious. gener diseas transmit saliva, air, cough, fecal-or route, surfaces, blood, needles, blood transfusions, sexual contact, mother fetus, etc., subtypes. contagion contagiousness: contagion contagi refer easili spread enceph possibl one person another. word contagion includ infection, infectiousness, transmiss transmissability."} {"id": "2185", "contents": "infections, less commonli causes, brain spinal cord caus danger inflammation. inflamm produc wide rang symptoms, includ fever, headache, seizures, chang behavior confus and, extrem cases, caus brain damage, stroke, even death. case seen children age 16. symptom vomiting, headache, fever, lethargi appear 5-10 day follow infection. sever complic includ seizure, coma, perman neurolog damage. 100 case lacross enceph report year."} {"id": "2186", "contents": "sever differ caus encephalitis. common infection, usual virus. condit rang mild severe, depend type germ produc infection. enceph may caus varieti viruses, bacteria, organisms. agent include:. measles, chicken pox, rubella (german measles), mumps, polio, viral illnesses, gener lead mild form enceph known postinfecti para-infcti"} {"id": "2187", "contents": "enceph occur certain childhood viral illnesses, mumps, measles, varicella (chicken pox), rubella (german measles), mononucleosis. much seriou type enceph caus herp simplex viru (hsv). hsv rare infect brain, does, life threatening. west nile virus, first arriv unit state part world late 1990s, caus enceph well. enceph may caus varieti viruses, bacteria, organisms. agent include:. measles, chicken pox, rubella (german measles), mumps, polio, viral illnesses, gener lead mild form enceph known postinfecti para-infcti encephalitis."} {"id": "2188", "contents": "enceph (en-sef-uh-lie-tis) inflamm brain. viral infect common caus condition. enceph caus flu-lik symptoms, fever sever headache. also caus confus thinking, seizures, problem sens movement. however, mani case enceph result mild flu-lik symptom even symptoms."} {"id": "2189", "contents": "common caus enceph include: herp simplex virus. two type herp simplex viru (hsv). either type caus encephalitis. hsv type (hsv-1) usual respons cold sore fever blister around mouth, hsv type (hsv-2) commonli caus genit herpes. either type caus encephalitis. hsv type (hsv-1) usual respons cold sore fever blister around mouth, hsv type (hsv-2) commonli caus genit herpes. enceph caus hsv-1 rare, potenti caus signific brain damag death. herp viruses."} {"id": "2190", "contents": "sever differ germ caus encephalitis, spread infect may take place differ ways. example, mosquito transmit virus caus west nile encephalitis, st. loui encephalitis, western equin encephalitis. enceph may caus varieti viruses, bacteria, organisms. agent include:. measles, chicken pox, rubella (german measles), mumps, polio, viral illnesses, gener lead mild form enceph known postinfecti para-infcti"} {"id": "2191", "contents": "summary: life great plain name date chapter 14, lesson settl great plain earli 1800s, peopl live great plains.thegreat plain middl unit states. peopledid think land good farming. dryand flat.in 1862 homestead act passed.th governmenthelp peopl settl great plains.th governmentsold adult 160 acr land small amount money. ifthey could farm land five years, could it.asettler\u2019 home land call homestead."} {"id": "2192", "contents": "1860, peopl move west tri settl great plains. poor soil harsh climat discourag (along fact plain offici 'indian territory'), land expens buy, anybodi want go west face long, danger uncomfort journey."} {"id": "2193", "contents": "settlement great plain fulli develop technolog advanc allow area, consid treeless wasteland, viabl destin settlers. advanc includ steel plow, sod houses, railroads, dri farm techniques."} {"id": "2194", "contents": "1862 1900, 600,000 famili took govern offer. homestead act one largest attract famili look settl west. govern offer land grant railroad homestead act greatli aid settlement great plains. without them, doubt great plain would inhabit quickly."} {"id": "2195", "contents": "polit government. histori polit great plain formal structur government author process polit decis making, well polici extern polit agenc affect region."} {"id": "2196", "contents": "govern help peopl settl great plains. govern sold adult 160 acr land small amount money. could farm land five years, could it. settler\u2019 home land call homestead. summary: move plain name date chapter 5, lesson settl great plain earli 1800s, peopl live great plains. great plain middl unit states. peopl think land good farming. dri flat"} {"id": "2197", "contents": "1865, thousand settler move onto plains. freed slave went start new life freemen, escap econom problem civil war. european immigr flood onto great plains, seek polit religi freedom, simpli escap poverti country. poor soil harsh climat discourag (along fact plain offici 'indian territory'), land expens buy, anybodi want go west face long, danger uncomfort journey."} {"id": "2198", "contents": "answers. best answer: govern effort promot settlement great plain extrem successful. give land rail road offer citizen deal like homestead act, popul growth great plain soared. govern offer land grant railroad homestead act greatli aid settlement great plains. without them, doubt great plain would inhabit quickly."} {"id": "2199", "contents": "european immigr flood onto great plains, seek polit religi freedom, simpli escap poverti country. younger son eastern seaboard-wher popul grow land becom expensive-w chanc land. poor soil harsh climat discourag (along fact plain offici 'indian territory'), land expens buy, anybodi want go west face long, danger uncomfort journey."} {"id": "2200", "contents": "total cost rang $400 $800. full head hair extens (for full only) typic cost $300 $600, plu cost hair. total cost rang $1,300 $1,600. full head hair extens full ad length typic cost $600 $1500 up, plu cost hair. total cost rang $1,300 $1,600. full head hair extens full ad length typic cost $600 $1500 up, plu cost hair. total cost rang $1,600 $4,000."} {"id": "2201", "contents": "partial head hair extens typic cost $150 $300, plu cost hair. total cost rang $400 $800. full head hair extens (for full only) typic cost $300 $600, plu cost hair. total cost rang $1,300 $1,600. total cost rang $1,300 $1,600. full head hair extens full ad length typic cost $600 $1500 up, plu cost hair. total cost rang $1,600 $4,000."} {"id": "2202", "contents": "ad 1,500-square-foot second floor larg section done do-it-yourself project (plu serv gener contractor needed) run $105,000-$225,000; hire remodel contractor project $225,000-$450,000. cost ad porch rang $50-$120 do-it-yourself materi simpl concret slab $3,000-$6,000 someon pour 50x20-foot slab."} {"id": "2203", "contents": "last updated: topic: home extensions, renov costs. cost hous extens cheaper cost move larger home may even add valu home initi cost. however, signific cost involved, may budget buster anticipated. council get submiss hous extens regularli calcul averag costs. rough guide, expect pay: keep mind averag only. timber ground floor extens one home might cost $1000m2 $1500 anoth home."} {"id": "2204", "contents": "extens expensive: ric give guid cost \u00a31,260 \u00a31,680 per squar metr extens plaster finish. 20-squar metr single-storey extens rang \u00a325,200 \u00a333,600 put floor instal kitchen."} {"id": "2205", "contents": "renov cost level extens roughli $60,000 $200,000 depend situation, includ material, labour project manag (readi move in). rough guideline, earmark around $60,000 one-bedroom addit home. level hous extens australia cost approxim $60,000 $200,000+. ad room extend live area ground floor afford way creat space. key point consid help keep renov cost check"} {"id": "2206", "contents": "rough idea typic say cost least \u00a31000 per 93 per ft includ basic plumb electrician work. price per unit area intern floor space 5x4m singl floor extens total floor area 20m doubl storey 40m 2. price per squar metr also depend size property. basic cost increas much size henc cost per squar metr decreas floor area increases. price home extens depend sever factors. country."} {"id": "2207", "contents": "accord custom averag cost home extens \u00a325,000. doubl storey extens cost \u00a345,415 \u00a376,000. singl storey extens cost \u00a322,916 \u00a337,000. plan prepar home extens cost \u00a35,132 \u00a310,150. home extens may cost beyond expect care budget rough idea actual amount, soon extra room need grow family. hous extens price also includ plan fee well price build materials."} {"id": "2208", "contents": "articl stephani matheson. level hous extens australia cost approxim $60,000 $200,000+. ad room extend live area ground floor afford way creat space. key point consid help keep renov cost check"} {"id": "2209", "contents": "econom system featur characterist capit socialism. mix econom system allow level privat econom freedom use capital, also allow govern interfer econom activ order achiev social aims."} {"id": "2210", "contents": "capitalist economi (noun). noun capitalist economi sense: 1. econom system base privat ownership capital. familiar information: capitalist economi use noun rare. meaning: econom system base privat ownership capital. classifi under: noun denot group peopl objects. synonyms: capitalism; capitalist economy."} {"id": "2211", "contents": "definit 'capitalism'. system econom base privat ownership capit product inputs, product good servic profit."} {"id": "2212", "contents": "econom system featur privat ownership mean product (such factories, offices, ship enterprises) market forc determin way good produc mean incom profit distribut call capitalism."} {"id": "2213", "contents": "full definit capitalism. econom system character privat corpor ownership capit goods, invest determin privat decision, prices, production, distribut good determin mainli competit free market."} {"id": "2214", "contents": "capit econom system trade, industry, mean product privat own oper via profit loss calcul (price signals) price system. term capitalist mode product defin privat ownership mean production, extract surplu valu own class purpos capit accumulation, wage-bas labour, and, least far commod concerned, market-based."} {"id": "2215", "contents": "best answer: capit econom system mean product own privat persons, oper profit investments, distribution, income, product price good servic predominantli determin oper free market.bacher, christian. ..."} {"id": "2216", "contents": "capitalism. 1. econom system essenti base privat ownership mean production, distribution, exchange. 2. econom system mean product privat own produc compet maxim profits. n. 1. (economics) also called: free enterpris privat enterpris econom system base privat ownership mean production, distribution, exchange, character freedom capitalist oper manag properti profit competit conditions."} {"id": "2217", "contents": "capit often carri broad definit business. capit often defin econom system individu econom resourc make decis relat self interest. econom system also known names, free market laissez-fair economy."} {"id": "2218", "contents": "capitalism. capit econom system base privat ownership mean production, goal make profit. central element capit includ capit accumulation, competit markets, price system. wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: capit (noun). socio-econom system base privat properti rights, includ privat ownership resourc capital, econom decis made larg oper market unregul state."} {"id": "2219", "contents": "first type, clathria, water flow basic tissu mass; thus, flow opposing. second type, haliclona, water flow unidirectional, enter myriad ostia outer surfac exit larg oscula (chimneys)."} {"id": "2220", "contents": "sponges. above: pov-ray model sponge. spong belong phylum porifera, liter mani 'mani pores' sinc surfac spong cover minut pore suck water nutrients, spong filter expel water larg open osculum."} {"id": "2221", "contents": "beat choanocytes\u2019 flagella creat sponge\u2019 water current. porocyt tubular cell make pore spong bodi mesohyl. pinacocyt form pinacoderm, outer epiderm layer cells. closest approach true tissu sponges."} {"id": "2222", "contents": "spong see commonli tidepool rock low tide contain highli vacuol rubberi protein materi known spongin provid support varieti differ type cells, scatter loosely, other arrang layer epithelia."} {"id": "2223", "contents": "spong water flow pores. water contain food oxygen spong needs. respiration. spong take water pore advanc forms, canal move water throughout sponge."} {"id": "2224", "contents": "asconoid spong simplest type organization. small tube shaped, water enter spong dermal pore flow atrium. choanocyt flagella creat current expel singl osculum. note water enter spong modifi cell known porocyte."} {"id": "2225", "contents": "spong uniqu feed system among animals. instead mouth tini pore (ostia) outer wall water drawn. cell spong wall filter food water water pump bodi osculum (littl mouth). flow water spong one direct only, driven beat flagella line surfac chamber connect seri canals."} {"id": "2226", "contents": "answer relev rate newest oldest best answer yaoi type manga japanes comic anim base guy love guy differ level prefer hardcor softer one type mainli direct femal like guyxguy yaoi fan love"} {"id": "2227", "contents": "seme uke two particip yaoi relationship often refer seme attack uke receiv although term origin martial art appar use sexual context centuri carri degrad connot seme usual stronger chin shorter hair smaller eye masculin demeanor uke seme usual pursu uke uke usual androgyn effemin appear demeanor often smaller sometim unrealist girlish behavior"} {"id": "2228", "contents": "yaoi japanes word actual someth acronym come yama nashi ochi nashi imi nashi mean climax point mean speech write slang term use refer stori focu homosexu relationship usual men"} {"id": "2229", "contents": "best answer yaoi male male aka gay relationship depict anim manga hardcor version shonen ai liter mean boy love unlik shonen ai yaoi extrem graphic may involv intercours show genit"} {"id": "2230", "contents": "yaoi publish genr origin japan often encompass manga dojinshi anim fan art homosexu love male charact sexual explicit western consid yaoi synonym shounen ai contain similar theme howev definit incorrect sh\u014dnen ai materi sexual explicit seme usual stronger chin shorter hair smaller eye masculin demeanor uke seme usual pursu uke uke usual androgyn effemin appear demeanor often smaller sometim unrealist girlish behavior"} {"id": "2231", "contents": "yaoi anim manga two male gettin shounen ai lighter version yaoi still male male hint graphic sex scene peopl call gay anim yaoi even better use shounen ai less graphic stuff report abus basic everyon say boy boy love yaoi somewhat clean extrem pornograph especi yaoi hentai hentai liter translat pervert also anim manga porn said interest case want read site http www thespectrum net manga scan"} {"id": "2232", "contents": "also known bl boy love yaoi japanes genr fiction media includ manga anim novel date sim focus homoerot romant sexual relationship male charact"} {"id": "2233", "contents": "fix asset: long-term, tangibl asset held busi use expect convert cash current upcom fiscal year, manufactur equipment, real, furniture. type asset also call plant."} {"id": "2234", "contents": "break 'asset class'. note addit three main asset classes, invest profession would add real estat commodities, possibl type investments, asset class mix."} {"id": "2235", "contents": "class life number year asset depreciated. tax law defin specificclass life type asset. real properti 39 year property, offic furnitur year properti andauto truck year property."} {"id": "2236", "contents": "here: product educ manag fund basic manag funds. asset class realli type investment. main asset class peopl refer cash, fix interest, properti shares."} {"id": "2237", "contents": "definit 'asset class'. group secur exhibit similar characteristics, behav similarli marketplace, subject law regulations. three main asset class equiti (stocks), fixed-incom (bonds) cash equival (money market instruments)."} {"id": "2238", "contents": "type asset classes. make right decis you. potenti risk associ asset class care asset allocation, suit needs, tailor mix differ level return, liquid volatil portfolio."} {"id": "2239", "contents": "96 spanish latin american children grade madrid report knowledg posit neg stereotyp regard spaniards, gypsies, latin american chines people. person belief four ethnic group also assessed."} {"id": "2240", "contents": "one approach defin hispan latino member ethnic group trace root 20 spanish-speak nation latin america spain (but portug portuguese-speak brazil). approach much simpler."} {"id": "2241", "contents": "castilian largest ethnic group spain. spanish capit madrid locat histor region new castile, castilian languag (castellano) also known spanish (espanol). espa\u00f1ol kingdom castil principl actor unif of. spain"} {"id": "2242", "contents": "ethnic group spain. spain evolv nation divers ethnic live iberian peninsula sinc ancient period. modern spain ethnic group exist iberian peninsula, due immigr countri asia, middl east, europ africa. ethnic group spain live spain sinc ancient time include: aragoneses. andalusians. asturians. basques. castilians."} {"id": "2243", "contents": "hispan say group least success minor group u.s. hispan (55%) say group success racial ethnic minor group u.s. one-in-f (22%) say less successful, 17% say successful."} {"id": "2244", "contents": "palac versail offici resid king franc 1682 1790. origin hunt lodge, built 1624, loui xiii. expand loui xiv begin 1669. seventeenth century. palac versail built express loui xiv' absolut power. loui use approxiamt 60% france' total revenu build palace. portion palac took 28 year complete. palac could hous 5,000 6,000 people."} {"id": "2245", "contents": "chateau ch\u00e2teau was, built versail country; village, today, howev wealthi suburb of, pari 20 kilometr southwest french. capit also known chateau ch\u00e2teau de. versail chateau ch\u00e2teau, built versail a; country, village, today howev wealthi suburb, pari 20 kilometr southwest the. french capit"} {"id": "2246", "contents": "palac versail royal chateau ch\u00e2teau versail \u00eele-ile-\u00eel de franc region. franc chateau, ch\u00e2teau built versail was; a, country, villag today howev a, suburb pari 20 kilometr southwest of. french capit palac versail royal chateau ch\u00e2teau versail \u00eele-ile-\u00eel de franc region. franc"} {"id": "2247", "contents": "best answer: built? 17th century, loui xiv franc famou power wealth. import monarch europe. palac built versailles, outsid paris, becam model palac throughout continent. took forty-seven year build renown extrem grandeur.great crystal chandeli hung ceilings, candlelight reflect gild mirrors. it? versail resid royalti franc 1682 1789, french revolut began. loui xiii origin built hunt lodg villag outsid pari 1624. petit structur becam foundat costli beauti build modern world."} {"id": "2248", "contents": "content. palac versailles. palac versail offici resid king franc 1682 1790. origin hunt lodge, built 1624, loui xiii. expand loui xiv begin 1669."} {"id": "2249", "contents": "palac versail central part complex hous french government, notabl royalty, reign loui xiv (france\u2019 fame \u201csun king\u201d), loui xv loui xvi. french revolut 1789, ceas perman royal residence. hunt lodg palace. first thing attract france\u2019 king versail prolif game. loui xiii, live 1601-1643, bought land, built chateau went hunt trips. time, much land around versail uncultiv allow wild anim flourish."} {"id": "2250", "contents": "palac versail history. (en francais) fran\u00e7ai versail royal resid franc littl (centuri 1682 until) 1789 french revolution. began loui xiii built hunt lodg villag versail outsid pari in. 1624 construct palac versail final complet near end loui xiv' life. chapel built last finish mansart' death 1708 son-in-law robert de cotte."} {"id": "2251", "contents": "palac versail built express loui xiv' absolut power. loui use approxiamt 60% france' total revenu build palace. portion palac took 28 year complete. palac could hous 5,000 6,000 people. palac versail offici resid king franc 1682 1790. origin hunt lodge, built 1624, loui xiii. expand loui xiv begin 1669. seventeenth centuri"} {"id": "2252", "contents": "asteroid belt-th region interplanetari space mar jupit asteroid found. interplanetari space-th part outer space within solar system. belt-an elong region specif condit characterist found; belt high pressure."} {"id": "2253", "contents": "asteroid belt region solar system locat roughli orbit planet mar jupiter."} {"id": "2254", "contents": "asteroid belt region space orbit mar jupit asteroid solar system found orbit sun."} {"id": "2255", "contents": "asteroid belt (also known main belt) larg region asteroid (small rocki metal bodies) lie orbit mar jupiter. form proton planetari disk orbit sun earli year solar system."} {"id": "2256", "contents": "asteroid belt. asteroid belt situat orbit mar jupit around 280 million mile (450 million km) sun. million asteroid resid area rang 600 mile (950 km) diameter, way particl dust."} {"id": "2257", "contents": "asteroid belt locat area space orbit mar jupiter. place 2.2 3.2 astronom unit (au) sun. belt au thick. averag distanc object asteroid belt quit large."} {"id": "2258", "contents": "main asteroid belt solar system locat orbit mar jupiter. contain mani million rocki object dust particles, dwarf plan et cere (formerli consid simpli largest asteroids)."} {"id": "2259", "contents": "vast major asteroid solar system found region solar system beyond mars. form asteroid belt. other orbit near-earth space migrat thrown outer solar system gravit interactions. four largest asteroid belt ceres, vesta, pallas, hygiea. contain half mass entir belt."} {"id": "2260", "contents": "asteroid belt probabl contain million asteroids. astronom think asteroid belt made materi never abl form planet, remain planet broke apart long time ago. asteroid asteroid belt come varieti sizes."} {"id": "2261", "contents": "accord child care awar america, organ advoc qualiti child care, averag cost infant care typic rang around $4,800 $16,500 year (or $400 $1,375 monthly), depend live qualiti center."} {"id": "2262", "contents": "assum full-tim day care year old child weekdays, accord runzheim international, u.s. nation averag cost full-tim day care $611 month. larg citi boston new york expensive, averag daycar cost littl $1,000 month. child' age: 2. cost day week-ful time roughli $1000 month. twice much day care area, went one went one, comparison. scd regularli qualifi teacher 9-10 kid classroom."} {"id": "2263", "contents": "counti statist north country: north country, cost child care increas $602 per year. averag famili spend approxim $8,976 per year infant, $8,242 toddler $7,338 school-ag child. averag famili spend approxim $15,444 per year infant, $13,000 toddler $13,624 school-ag child. cost per year counti age age age 12 averag increas nassau $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $303.33 suffolk $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $632.67."} {"id": "2264", "contents": "counti statist rochester/fing lake region: rochester-fing lake region, cost child care increas $633 per year. averag famili spend approxim $9,377 per year infant, $8,545 toddler $7,782 school-ag child. averag famili spend approxim $15,444 per year infant, $13,000 toddler $13,624 school-ag child. cost per year counti age age age 12 averag increas nassau $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $303.33 suffolk $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $632.67."} {"id": "2265", "contents": "cost daycar vari greatli state state citi city. gener speaking, busier area, expens daycar rate be. accord babycenter, day care cost averag anywher $250 $1200 per month. averag nation monthli cost child care $611. larger chain kindercar may cost local daycar center. example, kindercar may ask $280 $350 per week local no-nam center could near $180 $250 per week mark."} {"id": "2266", "contents": "cost daycare. tuition: full time daycar area (8:00am 6:00pm) rang $1500 $2200/month $16,500 $24,200/year. summer vacation: daycar close summer vacation. close entir month (dure pay tuition) find backup childcare. keep mind live new york cost childcar probabl higher mani part country. cost nanny. salari benefits: averag pay nanni $15/hour neighborhood."} {"id": "2267", "contents": "gener speaking, busier area, expens daycar rate be. accord babycenter, day care cost averag anywher $250 $1200 per month. averag nation monthli cost child care $611. larger chain kindercar may cost local daycar center. larger chain kindercar may cost local daycar center. example, kindercar may ask $280 $350 per week local no-nam center could near $180 $250 per week mark."} {"id": "2268", "contents": "accord babycenter, day care cost averag anywher $250 $1200 per month. averag nation monthli cost child care $611. larger chain kindercar may cost local daycar center. larger chain kindercar may cost local daycar center. example, kindercar may ask $280 $350 per week local no-nam center could near $180 $250 per week mark."} {"id": "2269", "contents": "3. counti statist southern tier: southern tier, cost child care increas $554 per year. averag famili spend approxim $8,736 per year infant, $8,060 toddler $7,072 school-ag child. averag famili spend approxim $15,444 per year infant, $13,000 toddler $13,624 school-ag child. cost per year counti age age age 12 averag increas nassau $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $303.33 suffolk $15,444.00 $13,000.00 $13,624.00 $632.67."} {"id": "2270", "contents": "averag cost center-bas daycar unit state $11,666 per year ($972 month), price rang $3,582 $18,773 year ($300 $1,564 monthly), accord nation associ child care resourc referr agenc (naccrra). cost daycar preschool-ag children gener lower, averag $8,800 year ($733 month). depend live, pay anywher $4,460 $13,185 year ($371 $1,100 month)."} {"id": "2271", "contents": "nephron compos initi filter compon (the renal corpuscl tubul special reabsorpt secret (the renal tubule). renal corpuscl filter solut blood, deliv water small solut renal tubul modification. two gener class nephron cortic nephron juxtamedullari nephrons, classifi accord length associ loop henl locat renal corpuscle."} {"id": "2272", "contents": "chief function regul water solubl substanc filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. nephron elimin wast body, regul blood volum pressure, control level electrolyt metabolites, regul blood ph. chief function nephron regul concentr water solubl substanc (electrolytes) filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. peopl found useful. judi olmsted."} {"id": "2273", "contents": "one million nephron cortex kidney, one consist renal corpuscl renal tubul carri function nephron. renal tubul consist convolut tubul loop heinle. nephron part homeostat mechan body. nephron basic function structur unit found kidneys. main function includ regul concentr sodium salt water filter kidney\u2019 blood, excret excess urin reabsorb necessari amounts."} {"id": "2274", "contents": "chief function regul water solubl substanc filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. nephron elimin wast body, regul blood volum pressure, control level electrolyt metabolites, regul blood ph. nephron smallest function filter unit kidneys. locat adren cortex (outer crust) consid urin manufactur facil ity. adren medulla (inner core) urin collect facility."} {"id": "2275", "contents": "(june 2011). nephron (from greek \u03bd\u03b5\u03c6\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2 nephros, mean kidney) basic structur function unit kidney. chief function regul concentr water solubl substanc like sodium salt filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. two gener class nephron cortic nephron juxtamedullari nephrons, classifi accord length associ loop henl locat renal corpuscle."} {"id": "2276", "contents": "nephron function. nephron-th microscop function unit kidney. kidney contain million nephrons, extend renal cortex renal medulla fairli linear fashion."} {"id": "2277", "contents": "function nephron. nephron basic function structur unit found kidneys. main function includ regul concentr sodium salt water filter kidney\u2019 blood, excret excess urin reabsorb necessari amounts. function nephron. main function nephron relat filtering, reabsorb secret glutamate, carbohydr solutes. glomerulu two cell layer well basement membran separ bowman\u2019 capsule."} {"id": "2278", "contents": "nephron. structur function unit kidney, nephron capabl form urin itself. nephron consist renal corpuscle, proxim convolut tubule, descend ascend limb loop henle, distal convolut tubule, collect tubule. kidney aggreg million nephrons."} {"id": "2279", "contents": "now. report abuse. nephron basic structur function unit kidney. chief function regul concentr water solubl substanc like sodium salt filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. nephron basic function structur unit found kidneys. main function includ regul concentr sodium salt water filter kidney\u2019 blood, excret excess urin reabsorb necessari amounts."} {"id": "2280", "contents": "analys show nativ american carri one-third european gene two-third east asian. reveal meet two branch modern man: one branch follow east coast asia, one travel east europ stepp asia."} {"id": "2281", "contents": "european first explor western virginia late 1600s, discov nativ americans. historian oti rice suggest absenc due five nations, sought domin ohio valley part effort control fur trade dutch, later british."} {"id": "2282", "contents": "sail westward, european intersect first habit new world, nativ americans. fifteenth... america european result demand sea rout india, sourc silk spices, product high... religion, marriage, liberti 655 word pages."} {"id": "2283", "contents": "result reveal nativ american mixtur western european reach siberia east asian population. paint new pictur nativ american time solv number puzzl regard colonis america."} {"id": "2284", "contents": "cultur differ occur nativ american european newli settl known today america. notabl differ were... american revolutionari war, mani differ influenc countri turn today."} {"id": "2285", "contents": "relationship nativ american european explorers/settl indigen nativ american european explor 16th 17th centuri two differ distinct group people. nativ american usual peac threatened."} {"id": "2286", "contents": "fund administr nativ american within acf, prepar nativ youth life' journey seri train session aim provid life skill leadership train uniti youth return commun concret tool help undertak develop projects."} {"id": "2287", "contents": "nativ american worldview drastic differ european american worldview two cultur first met. 1492 columbu land north america creat first contact nativ american europeans."} {"id": "2288", "contents": "nativ american history-n american europeans. nativ american east coast met new 16th 17th centuri visitor europ enthusiasm. regard beard white men strang delight steel knives, mirrors, copper kettles, intrigu novelties."} {"id": "2289", "contents": "2015 2016 academ year tuition boston colleg high school tuition 2015 2016 academ year 18700 fee addit tuition calcul total financi oblig 2015 2016 academ year school fee includ tuition refund plan trp premium premium plan 113 per student"} {"id": "2290", "contents": "boston univers privat profit year high locat boston massachusett academ year 2015 2016 undergradu tuition fee boston univers 48436 cost estim school academ year 2014 2015 undergradu tuition fee 46664 graduat school tuition fee 46322"} {"id": "2291", "contents": "sticker price tuition fee room board everyth els boston colleg come 61600 per year old guard bostonian abl afford go averag need base financi aid packag 36779"} {"id": "2292", "contents": "estim year cost publish tuition current publish rate estim total tuition fee live expens price year bachelor degre boston colleg 246488 student graduat normal time"} {"id": "2293", "contents": "tuition boston colleg 46670 2014 2015 academ year 85 expens nation averag privat non profit four year colleg tuition 25229 boston colleg one 100 expens colleg america come 46th expens 100 rank cost 18441 65 expens averag massachusett tuition 28229 year colleg"} {"id": "2294", "contents": "tuition boston univers 45686 2014 2015 academ year 81 expens nation averag privat non profit four year colleg tuition 25224 boston univers one 100 expens colleg america come 63rd expens 100 rank"} {"id": "2295", "contents": "monosaccharides. carbohydr abund biomolecul earth. live organ use carbohydr access energi fuel cellular reaction structur support insid cell walls. cell attach carbohydr molecul protein lipids, modifi structur enhanc functionality."} {"id": "2296", "contents": "food scienc mani inform contexts, term carbohydr often mean food particularli rich complex carbohydr starch (such cereals, bread pasta) simpl carbohydrates, sugar (found candy, jams, desserts)."} {"id": "2297", "contents": "carbohydrates. carbohydr body' prefer energi sourc found form starch, sugar fiber. digest begin mouth process chew mechan break food small pieces. enzym saliva initi chemic digestion. nutrient import substanc allow bodi perform requir daili activities. carbohydrates, fat protein major nutrient bodi need growth, repair, movement maintain homeostasis."} {"id": "2298", "contents": "lipids, fats, sugar, carbohydrates, proteins, macro-molecule, amino acid, glucose, sucrose, monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide, starch, enzyme, fatti acids, polar/non-polar molecules, nucleic acid, polymer. 20 differ amino acid combin form polypeptid (proteins). differ amino acid similar structure: center molecul alpha carbon connect amino group, carboxyl group, hydrogen atom group (the side chain)."} {"id": "2299", "contents": "macromolecul play vital role within body. macromolecul larg molecul within bodi serv essenti physiolog functions. encompass carbohydrates, proteins, lipid nucleic acids, macromolecul exhibit number similarities. example, except lipid long chain made smaller build blocks, digest reduc size macromolecul bodi absorb compon parts. proteins. build block make protein call amino acids. protein consist 20 differ amino acids, mix match creat vast array larger molecul support everi process"} {"id": "2300", "contents": "cell contain two type nucleic acids, ribonucl acid deoxyribonucl acid, rna dna, respectively. differ macronutri sourc calori diet, role strictli direct synthesi new protein molecules. proteins. build block make protein call amino acids. protein consist 20 differ amino acids, mix match creat vast array larger molecul support everi process body."} {"id": "2301", "contents": "main macromolecul cell made larg c, o, h, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. macromolecules, would like know: 1. monom (basic build block) 2. type polym result 3."} {"id": "2302", "contents": "food fall categori mixtur proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. proteins. http://bodytypenutrition.co.uk/blog/protein-why-when-and-how-much/. protein complex molecul made smaller \u201cbricks\u201d call amino acids. 20 type amino acids."} {"id": "2303", "contents": "live thing contain organ macromolecules: lipids, proteins, carbohydr nucleic acids. characterist organ molecul made small number elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, smaller amount nitrogen, phosphoru sulfur. 20 differ amino acid combin form polypeptid (proteins). differ amino acid similar structure: center molecul alpha carbon connect amino group, carboxyl group, hydrogen atom group (the side chain)."} {"id": "2304", "contents": "stone normal classifi two categories, preciou stone semi-preci stones. valu stone gaug types. mani collector prefer rare beautiful. preciou stone emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, rubies. popular zircon, opal, amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine, jade, coral, garnet, malachite. differ color varieti semi-preci stone make valuabl jewelri industry."} {"id": "2305", "contents": "answer susi dresh. confid vote 20.6k. gemston gem, also call preciou semi-preci stone, piec attract mineral, which-when cut polished-i use make jewelri adornments. gemston classifi differ groups, species, varieties. example, rubi red varieti speci corundum, color corundum consid sapphire."} {"id": "2306", "contents": "gemston use gem crystal form found. however, cut polish usag jewelry. pictur right rural, commerci cut oper thailand. small factori cut thousand carat sapphir annually. even gemston occur mani differ colors: sapphir show differ shade blue pink fanci sapphir exhibit whole rang color yellow orange-pink, latter call padparadscha sapphir"} {"id": "2307", "contents": "gem hunt geolog lotteri way olden times, heard human adorn jewelry. primit times, first made bit bone, shell gleam rocks. soon after, preciou stone gem set silver, copper gold. know differ type preciou stone equip inform relat mean someth great, reason that, rich knowledge, divers charact yet uniqu means."} {"id": "2308", "contents": "alexandrit varieti chrysoberyl display colour chang depend light condit angl view (pleochroism).th ideal colour chang would fine emerald green fine purplish red, rare expensive. quartz crystallin rock miner compos silicon dioxide. quartz second common miner earth' continent crust found type geolog environment. 49 variety's, number gemstones, beauti rare."} {"id": "2309", "contents": "gemston gem (also call fine gem, jewel, preciou semi-preci stone) piec miner crystal, which, cut polish form, use make jewelri adornments. even gemston occur mani differ colors: sapphir show differ shade blue pink fanci sapphir exhibit whole rang color yellow orange-pink, latter call padparadscha sapphir"} {"id": "2310", "contents": "type stone: familiar stone type use today identifi four categories: sedimentary, metamorphic, igneou man-mad stone. i. sedimentari stone came organ element glaciers, rivers, wind, oceans, plants."} {"id": "2311", "contents": "lesser expens jewelri often made semi-preci stones. popular zircon, opal, amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine, jade, coral, garnet, malachite. differ color varieti semi-preci stone make valuabl jewelri industry."} {"id": "2312", "contents": "separ preciou stone type group help identifi composition, color, origin. also refract index, dispersion, specif gravity, hardness, cleavage, fracture, luster. featur import assess valu stone. popular zircon, opal, amethyst, turquoise, aquamarine, jade, coral, garnet, malachite. differ color varieti semi-preci stone make valuabl jewelri industry."} {"id": "2313", "contents": "enstatit rare gemston belong pyroxen group minerals. typic brown-green vitreou luster collector' gem. sphene. sphene brilliant yellowish-green, green brown gemston high luster, uniqu color shade and, brilliant cut, intens fire. spodumen rel new miner science, gem varieti discov last 120 years. spodumen occur white, gray, pink, lilac green. fluorite. fluorit miner verit plethora brilliant color includ purple, blue, green, yellow, colorless, brown, pink orange."} {"id": "2314", "contents": "broil bake filet mignon. cut less 1-1/2 inch thick, posit broiler rack steak inch heat. cut 1-1/2 inch thick, posit broiler rack steak inch heat. preheat broiler. cut 1-1/2 inch thick, posit broiler rack steak inch heat. preheat broiler. place beef filet mignon unheat rack broiler pan."} {"id": "2315", "contents": "place filet grill rack heat. cover grill. use follow time grill filet mignon, turn halfway grill time: 1-inch cut, grill 10 12 minut medium rare (145 degre f) 12 15 minut medium (160 degre f). cut 1-1/2 inch thick, posit broiler rack steak inch heat. preheat broiler. place beef filet mignon unheat rack broiler pan."} {"id": "2316", "contents": "instructions. bring steak room temperatur season salt pepper. add butter pan heat medium-high melted. add steak lower heat medium. cook steak one side three five minut -- closer three minut rare closer five minut medium. flip steak use tong spatula."} {"id": "2317", "contents": "pre-heat oven 425 degrees. season filet mignon salt pepper sides. use approxim 1/8 tsp. salt pepper per side. heat larg oven-proof saut saut\u00e9 (pan prefer stainless steel; skillet'don use a-non stick) pan over-medium high. heat add oliv oil let get. hot season filet mignon salt pepper sides. use approxim 1/8 tsp. salt pepper per side. heat larg oven-proof saut saut\u00e9 (pan prefer stainless steel; skillet'don use a-non stick) pan over-medium high. heat"} {"id": "2318", "contents": "add oil pan. pan hot, add steak pan move minutes. flip steak continu cook three minutes. place pan oven let steak finish cook 4-6 minut rare steak 6-8 minut medium rare steaks. pan hot, add steak pan move minutes. flip steak continu cook three minutes."} {"id": "2319", "contents": "directions. season filet mignon salt pepper. combin butter oil larg saut pan high heat. pan hot foam subsided, add beef. sear three minut per side rare. transfer warm platter."} {"id": "2320", "contents": "best answer: use cast iron skillet. cast iron, use heaviest one. melt littl butter cover bottom pan high add steak. let cook minut wonder sear turn cook anoth minutes."} {"id": "2321", "contents": "place beef filet mignon unheat rack broiler pan. use follow timings, broil meat, turn halfway broil time: 1-inch filet cut, broil 12 14 minut medium rare (145 degre f) 15 18 minut medium (160 degre f). cut 1-1/2 inch thick, posit broiler rack steak inch heat. preheat broiler."} {"id": "2322", "contents": "preparation. 1. sprinkl fillet pepper salt. 2. melt butter oliv oil larg stainless steel cast-iron skillet medium heat. add fillets, cook minut side desir degre doneness. let stand minutes. southern living."} {"id": "2323", "contents": "rend michigan lake illinoi also found illinoi river map. illinoi river map shown cover total 14, 500 km, 2000 river stream illinois, thu play major role develop irrig system state. illinoi river state prime tributari mississippi river. 68 mile long stream illinoi river consid apt perenni resource."} {"id": "2324", "contents": "chicago river run downtown chicago major featur city, especi st. patrick' day river dy green. river 155 mi (250 km) long seen cours chang origin flow lake michigan tributari illinoi michigan canal. illinoi river tributari mississippi fed lake itasca. 273 mi (439 km) long drainag basin 40,000 squar mile (104,000 squar km). river critic waterway earli time provid channel nativ american french traders."} {"id": "2325", "contents": "dam locat chicago. illinoi waterway system consist 336 mile (541 km) water mouth calumet river mouth illinoi river grafton, illinois. system rivers, lakes, canal provid ship connect great lake gulf mexico via mississippi river. illinoi michigan canal open 1849. 1900, chicago sanitari ship canal replac revers flow chicago river longer flow lake michigan. unit state armi corp engin maintain 9-foot-deep (2.7 m) navig channel waterway. amount water releas illinoi often sore point among lake river interests. lake michigan water level high, lake interest want increas flow lake level low want restrict flow."} {"id": "2326", "contents": "mani peopl think southern state mississippi river state illinoi mile mississippi river state. travel mani river border illinoi becam intrigu call illinoi waterway. system includ illinoi river, de plain river, cal-sag canal chicago river (or calumet river depend upon one would enter exit lake michigan).a cruis illinoi waterway discov river mani faces."} {"id": "2327", "contents": "illinoi river network map show flow northeast southwest, illinoi river intersect central region state. tourism option like fish boat also avail river illinois. illinoi river state prime tributari mississippi river. 68 mile long stream illinoi river consid apt perenni resource."} {"id": "2328", "contents": "illinoi river map show variou natur stream state. promin river illinoi include, ohio, mississippi, wabash illinois. illinoi river state prime tributari mississippi river. 68 mile long stream illinoi river consid apt perenni resource."} {"id": "2329", "contents": "illinoi rivers. indiana illinoi share sever river stream state illinoi also much river state. fact recogniz shape illinoi defin wabash, ohio mississippi rivers, seen map (courtesi geology.com). system includ illinoi river, de plain river, cal-sag canal chicago river (or calumet river depend upon one would enter exit lake michigan).a cruis illinoi waterway discov river mani faces."} {"id": "2330", "contents": "confid vote 219k. facts, figures, convers physic interest answers.com. major bodi water illinoi include: major rivers-mississippi river, ohio river, illinoi river, wabash river. major lakes-lak michigan, rend lake. major bodi water maryland? major bodi water maryland includ chesapeak bay and: major rivers-potomac river, patapsco river, patux river, susquehanna river.major lakes-lak oakla nd, deep creek lake, prettyboy reservoir, loch raven reservoir."} {"id": "2331", "contents": "nadiya /na-diya/ [3 sylls.] name girls. nadiya' root russian, nadiya mean hope. nadiya altern form nadia (russian): popular name russia. nedina common surname."} {"id": "2332", "contents": "syll. na-di-ya, nad-iya babi girl name nadiya pronounc aa-diy-aa- \u2020. nadiya' origin arab russian, use, english russian. nadiya spell variant nadia. nadiya popular babi girl name. top 1000 names. within famili girl name directli relat nadiya, nadia frequent use 2012."} {"id": "2333", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean nadiya name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name nadiya check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "2334", "contents": "nadiya equival rare surnam people. (2000 u.s. census). chart comparison usag girl name nadiya correspond names. promin altern form nadiya (outsid top 1000) rank top 1000 nadia (#288 2014)"} {"id": "2335", "contents": "mean nadiya. french name. french, name nadiya means-hope.th name nadiya origin french name. name nadiya often use girl name femal name. french name meaning-hope."} {"id": "2336", "contents": "chemic nepetalacton credit kitty' crazi reaction catnip. chemical, mild hallucinogen, affect human sens reli heavili nose cat do. fact, even affect cats."} {"id": "2337", "contents": "catnip drug cats? peopl think catnip drug-lik effect cats. cat lick it, eat sniff owner see definit behavior change. catnip actual plant mint family. contain chemic trans-nepetalacton caus cats' odd behavior. drug; therefor complet safe cats!hous cat anim go bonker catnip; tiger too. fact, anim felida famili react it."} {"id": "2338", "contents": "now. report abuse. drink catnip tea mix herb chamomil peppermint, bitter, howev person get type drug effect it. herb. like lavend chamomil is, thing."} {"id": "2339", "contents": "best answer: catnip popular stimul cat long time. years, found illicit intens pleasur reaction most, all, cats. part mint family. grow weed part midwest u.s. canada."} {"id": "2340", "contents": "due intoxication-lik reaction, catnip often refer kitti drug result pretti funni kitti movements. look cat truli good time! cat parent reportedli see cat increas vocal seemingli sexual arous catnip."} {"id": "2341", "contents": "small intestine. muscl small intestin mix food digest juic pancreas, liver, intestin push mixtur forward help digestion. wall small intestin absorb digest nutrient bloodstream. blood deliv nutrient rest body."} {"id": "2342", "contents": "digest system home. chew food swallow, food travel esophagu -- passageway connect mouth stomach. stomach, strong acid enzym digest, break down, food small particles."} {"id": "2343", "contents": "series: essenti biolog processes. human digest system break food consume, use much nutrient possibl fuel body. energi extract food digest metabolism, remaind excreted, removed."} {"id": "2344", "contents": "journey digest system. chew food swallow, food travel esophagu -- passageway connect mouth stomach. stomach, strong acid enzym digest, break down, food small particles."} {"id": "2345", "contents": "digest larg nutrient smaller molecul take place throughout digest system. wherev enzym secreted, sure break substanc take place. specif organ take place includ mouth, stomach small intestine."} {"id": "2346", "contents": "reproduct system break food take nutrient use body. nutrient transport throughout bodi circulatori system. digest larg nutrient smaller molecul take place throughout digest system. wherev enzym secreted, sure break substanc take place."} {"id": "2347", "contents": "restart map, buy everi weapon wall collect either ray gun, thunder gun, pistol, fama mp40 random box. step 10: best part, step receiv winter howl wall... restart map put differ map up. knife 50 zombies. go, winter howl locat pack punch room first room. zombi map come call duti black op five, dead op arcade, kino der toten. map pack download content dlc sold $1 dollar includ one zombi map follows: first strike map pack: ascension."} {"id": "2348", "contents": "edit page last edit: year 10 month ago. winter' howl special semi automat wonder weapon. kill zombi freez block ice, similar ice water call dead."} {"id": "2349", "contents": "get two winter' howl furi (wonder weapons) time. hear reaction accident. let pentagon thief take first winter' howl, somebodi tri random box thief aliv extra freez gun insid it."} {"id": "2350", "contents": "pleas tri later. unpatched! hurri get winter' howl right now! shoot corner mysteri box surpris got winter howl! work five also! :). shooter (long edit) groov cutter (googl play itun emus amazonmp3). gaming. standard youtub license."} {"id": "2351", "contents": "get good gun mysteri box zombi black ops. gun a' wunderwaffle, ray gun, thundergun, winter howl. see peopl get gun first tri everi match."} {"id": "2352", "contents": "winter' howl sit one desk basement five. across target coat ice, suggest tested, developed, pentagon. gun also appear call duty: black op version verruckt, avail box. gun also appear call duty: black op version verruckt, avail box. five, use winter' howl pentagon thief slow even kill him. winter' howl possibl american version ray gun"} {"id": "2353", "contents": "winter' howl weapon featur exclus five verrueckt, verr\u00fcckt call duti black. op six round magazin 24 shot in. reserv when-pack-a punch via the-pack-a punch, machin becom the'wint furi a-nin round magazin 36 in. reserv call duty: black op version, reticl also differ color red, green, blue, purple, yellow orange. wunderwaff dg-2 appear later two call duty: world war nazi zombi map (shi numa der riese) along call duty: black op remakes."} {"id": "2354", "contents": "across target coat ice, suggest tested, developed, pentagon. gun also appear call duty: black op version verruckt, avail box. five, use winter' howl pentagon thief slow even kill him. gun also appear call duty: black op version verruckt, avail box. five, use winter' howl pentagon thief slow even kill him. winter' howl possibl american version ray gun"} {"id": "2355", "contents": "winter' howl wonder weapon introduc call duty: black op avail five remast version verruckt. fire blizzard caus ice-bas effect zombies. zombi hit winter' howl, emit ici steam slow walk speed. gun also appear call duty: black op version verruckt, avail box. five, use winter' howl pentagon thief slow even kill him. winter' howl possibl american version ray gun"} {"id": "2356", "contents": "radon natur occur radioact ga come natur breakdown (radioact decay) uranium. usual found igneou rock soil, cases, well water may also sourc radon. cannot see, smell tast radon, may problem home. surgeon gener warn radon second lead caus lung cancer unit state today. smoke home high radon levels, high risk develop lung cancer."} {"id": "2357", "contents": "home high concentr radon way reduc accept levels. radon problem fix do-it-yourself less $500. want requir assist profession may wish look list certifi radon mitig state. cannot see, smell tast radon, may problem home. surgeon gener warn radon second lead caus lung cancer unit state today. smoke home high radon levels, high risk develop lung cancer."} {"id": "2358", "contents": "radon natur occur radioact ga colorless, odorless, tasteless. form natur breakdown uranium rock, soil water. radon ga move soil drawn home slight pressur differences. fortunately, radon level homes, school build measur simpl test. test radon easy, inexpens effective. high radon level found, reduc use proven mitig techniques."} {"id": "2359", "contents": "radon test test results. mdh recommend minnesota homeown test home radon. radon test way find much radon home famili risk. perform radon test easy, inexpens take minut time."} {"id": "2360", "contents": "test home radon confirm elev radon level picocuri per liter (pci/l) higher. epa recommend take action reduc home' radon level radon test result pci/l higher. high radon level reduc mitigation. click order test kit. select licens certifi radon mitig contractor reduc radon levels."} {"id": "2361", "contents": "radon colorless, odorless, tasteless, chemic inert radioact gas. form natur radioact decay uranium rock, soil, water. found 50 states. test way tell much present."} {"id": "2362", "contents": "radon radioact gas. radon radioact element part radioact decay chain natur occur uranium soil. can\u2019t see radon. can\u2019t smell radon can\u2019t tast radon"} {"id": "2363", "contents": "radon cancer-caus radioact gas. cannot see, smell tast radon, may problem home. surgeon gener warn radon second lead caus lung cancer unit state today. smoke home high radon levels, high risk develop lung cancer."} {"id": "2364", "contents": "radon chemic element symbol rn atom number 86. radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless nobl gas, occur natur decay product radium. stabl isotope, 222rn, half-lif 3.8 days. radon one densest substanc remain ga normal conditions. radon produc radioact decay radium-226, found uranium ores, phosphat rock, shales, igneou metamorph rock granite, gneiss, schist, lesser degree, common rock limestone."} {"id": "2365", "contents": "burn fossil fuel (coal, oil natur gas) industry, transport gener electricity, releas carbon dioxid main caus global warming. acid rain damag soil trees, lake fish popul well corrod metal buildings. also caus air pollution, haze common big cities, caus asthma breath difficulties. so, yes, fossil fuel bad environment."} {"id": "2366", "contents": "fossil fuel (coal, oil natur gas) releas carbon dioxide, greenhous ga larg respons caus global warming. also respons acid rain hrough emiss sulphur nitrou dioxides. acid rain damag soil trees, lake fish popul well corrod metal buildings. also caus air pollution, haze common big cities, caus asthma breath difficulties. so, yes, fossil fuel bad environment."} {"id": "2367", "contents": "caus pollution. fossil fuel bad environ creat greenhous gase go atmospher magnifi sun heat caus ice cap melt lead sea level rise caus flood much ice melt anim arctic could die. burn fossil fuel bad caus carbon dioxid level rise atmosphere. extra carbon dioxid add enhanc greenhous effect caus global warming. burn fossil fuel bad"} {"id": "2368", "contents": "burn fossil fuel like coal, oil natur ga damag environ releas harm gas, carbon dioxide, add greenhous gase atmosphere, trap sun' heat, caus global warm drive climat change. burn fossil fuel bad caus carbon dioxid level rise atmosphere. extra carbon dioxid add enhanc greenhous effect caus global warming. burn fossil fuel bad"} {"id": "2369", "contents": "fossil fuel bad environ creat greenhous gase go atmospher magnifi sun heat caus ice cap melt lead sea level rise caus flood much ice melt anim arctic could die. acid rain damag soil trees, lake fish popul well corrod metal buildings. also caus air pollution, haze common big cities, caus asthma breath difficulties. so, yes, fossil fuel bad environment."} {"id": "2370", "contents": "burn fossil fuel creat pollut pollut bad environment. produc harm greenhous gass burn fossil fuel releas carbon dioxid mission add greenhous effect. caus global warm climat change. acid rain damag soil trees, lake fish popul well corrod metal buildings. also caus air pollution, haze common big cities, caus asthma breath difficulties. so, yes, fossil fuel bad"} {"id": "2371", "contents": "fossil fuels, includ coal, oil natur gas, current world' primari energi source. form organ materi cours million years, fossil fuel fuel u.s. global econom develop past century. technolog carbon captur storag (ccs) may help reduc greenhous ga emiss gener fossil fuels, nuclear energi zero-carbon altern electr generation. other, sustain solut exist: energi effici renew energy."} {"id": "2372", "contents": "primari sourc energi unit state current fossil fuels. includ oil, coal, natur gas, account 85 percent total energi sourc use country. fact, amount carbon dioxid releas atmospher 25 percent 150 year ago. fossil fuel also respons increas nitrou oxid methan level atmosphere."} {"id": "2373", "contents": "yet fossil fuel finit resourc also irrepar harm environment. accord environment protect agency, burn fossil fuel respons 79 percent u.s. greenhous ga emiss 2010. gase insul planet, could lead potenti catastroph chang earth\u2019 climate. technolog carbon captur storag (ccs) may help reduc greenhous ga emiss gener fossil fuels, nuclear energi zero-carbon altern electr generation. other, sustain solut exist: energi effici renew energy."} {"id": "2374", "contents": "noun. verb. definit hunch feel premonit something, arch back sit standing. exampl hunch feel stole books. exampl hunch shape back someon sit straight sitting."} {"id": "2375", "contents": "haunch. n. 1. (anatomy) human hip fleshi hindquart animal, esp hors similar quadruped. 2. (cookery) leg loin animal, use food: haunch venison."} {"id": "2376", "contents": "2. [+ object] rais (your shoulder back) bend head forward especi hide protect face. hunch shoulder head storm. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. hunch /\u02c8h\u028cnt\u0283/ noun. plural hunches. hunch. /\u02c8h\u028cnt\u0283/. noun. plural hunches. learner' definit hunch. [count]. belief idea someth (especi futur event) base fact evid"} {"id": "2377", "contents": "verb [edit]. hunch \u200e(third-person singular simpl present hunchs, present participl hunching, simpl past past participl hunched). intransitive) slouch, stoop, curl, lean."} {"id": "2378", "contents": "hunch (that someth case). idea did, will, happen; feel someth happen. hunch would arrived. hunch way thing happen."} {"id": "2379", "contents": "noun. 1. feeling, idea, impression, suspicion, intuition, premonition, inkling, presenti hunch would work well together. verb. 1. crouch, bend, stoop, curve, arch, huddle, draw in, squat, hump hunch map read small print. hunch. n. 1. intuit feel premonition: hunch would lose. 2."} {"id": "2380", "contents": "kyphosis. kyphosi forward round back. round normal, term kyphosi usual refer exagger round back. kyphosi occur age, common older women."} {"id": "2381", "contents": "definit hunchback. 1. person humpback. 2. humpback 1. hunch\u00b7back \\-\u02c8bakt\\ adjective. see hunchback defin english-languag learners. see hunchback defin kids."} {"id": "2382", "contents": "minimum 60 graduate-level credit required. gener peopl earn master' degre appli educ specialist program, although program count master' degre toward educ specialist requirements."} {"id": "2383", "contents": "ed.s. curriculum instruction. educ specialist degre curriculum instruct prepar educ leadership posit either k-12 higher educ setting."} {"id": "2384", "contents": "educ specialist. prepar becom transform leader educ educ specialist degree. transform leader, use analytical, critical, innov think improv perform educ institution."} {"id": "2385", "contents": "main respons educ specialist make posit chang student learn particular institut programs."} {"id": "2386", "contents": "example, specialist educ polici may advanc degre educ experi school teacher administrator. health care analyst, meanwhile, may medic degre master' public health, well medic experience."} {"id": "2387", "contents": "health polici specialist gener bachelor\u2019 master\u2019 degre health care field. bachelor\u2019 would take four year earn, go obtain master\u2019 would requir addit two three year schooling."} {"id": "2388", "contents": "ed.s. special education. educ specialist degre special educ prepar graduat leadership posit special educ k-12 schools. graduat may fill posit special educ director within singl school, may work district-wid directors."} {"id": "2389", "contents": "liberti university\u2019 educ specialist program design prepar compet effect leaders, like you, christian worldview model high academ standard assum leadership role field education."} {"id": "2390", "contents": "educ specialist degree, ed.s., termin profession degre higher master' degre doctor degree."} {"id": "2391", "contents": "rang mr antenna yesterday get quot new antenna plu installation, current antenna almost useless hd digit tv. basic task are: fairli std singl point instal depend sever things. antenna rang price like $50-$150.mount like $20-$60actual run cable, wall plate etc like $180-$250. fairli rough figur ball park. edit: add around $100 need booster."} {"id": "2392", "contents": "cost instal tv antenna, accord hdtvprimer.com, rang $100 simpl instal $800 complex job, $300 typic price. tv antenna instal necessari avail local channel option high-qual digit imagery. nation averag cost instal standard tv antenna typic tool equip gener $130 $322. antenna instal home flat terrain, typic cost rang $129 $317."} {"id": "2393", "contents": "don\u2019t understand differ analogu digit televis you\u2019r busi research know want best digit tv reception, trust jim\u2019 antenna we\u2019r lead digit tv specialists. we\u2019r also part trust jim\u2019 group network, mean secur peac mind services, product peopl fulli insur come industry-lead warranties. contact us today get readi start enjoy favourit tv show time without hassle."} {"id": "2394", "contents": "hey guys, rang mr antenna yesterday get quot new antenna plu installation, current antenna almost useless hd digit tv. basic task are: -new antenna. -installation. -tune tv. quot got $199. fairli std singl point instal depend sever things. antenna rang price like $50-$150.mount like $20-$60actual run cable, wall plate etc like $180-$250. fairli rough figur ball park. edit: add around $100 need booster."} {"id": "2395", "contents": "instal done raini snowi condit cost averag $223 $217 fair weather. cost instal tv antenna, accord hdtvprimer.com, rang $100 simpl instal $800 complex job, $300 typic price. nation averag cost instal standard tv antenna typic tool equip gener $130 $322. antenna instal home flat terrain, typic cost rang $129 $317."} {"id": "2396", "contents": "jim\u2019 antennas, team special kind antenna repair instal tasks. don\u2019t lose sleep think replac analogu tv digit one order receiv digit signals. instal digit set top box put problem rest. we\u2019r also part trust jim\u2019 group network, mean secur peac mind services, product peopl fulli insur come industry-lead warranties. contact us today get readi start enjoy favourit tv show time without hassle."} {"id": "2397", "contents": "averag cost instal tv antenna $200 $400. get exact estimate, consid get multipl quot profession homeadvisor.com. nation averag cost instal standard tv antenna typic tool equip gener $130 $322. antenna instal home flat terrain, typic cost rang $129 $317."} {"id": "2398", "contents": "order watch local televis stations, antenna installed. tv antenna, also known aerial, work pick vhf uhf airwav order viewer catch news, weather local show televis screens."} {"id": "2399", "contents": "capit cost recogn part fix asset company' balanc sheet, rather charg expens period incurred. capit use item expect consum long period time. cost capitalized, charg expens time use amort (for intang assets) depreci (for tangibl assets). short-term variat capit concept record expenditur prepaid expens account, convert expenditur asset"} {"id": "2400", "contents": "tax rule cover expens deduct also -- year -- deducted. type expenditur deduct year incur other must taken number futur years. first categori call current expenses, second capit expenditures. need know differ two, tax rule type expenditur"} {"id": "2401", "contents": "expens ad cost basi fix asset company' balanc s\u200b hee t. capit cost incur build financ fix assets. capit cost expens period incurred, recogn period time via depreci amortizatio n. lunch would includ capit cost part project cost. logic appli inclus price ship instal equip cost company\u2019 books."} {"id": "2402", "contents": "cost vs. expense. tri discern capit cost, it\u2019 first import make distinct defin cost expens world accounting. cost transact amount money use exchang asset. lunch would includ capit cost part project cost. logic appli inclus price ship instal equip cost company\u2019 books."} {"id": "2403", "contents": "capit expenses. busi expenditures, cost equipment, land, vehicl name few, cannot deduct way current expenses. asset purchases, sinc expect gener revenu futur years, treat invest business. type expenditur deduct year incur other must taken number futur years. first categori call current expenses, second capit capit expenditures."} {"id": "2404", "contents": "capit effects. whether r&d cost capit treat expens technic question account procedures. direct impact basic calcul company' valu profitability."} {"id": "2405", "contents": "definit 'capitalize'. account method use delay recognit expens record expens long-term assets. general, capit expens benefici compani acquir new asset long-term lifespan spread cost specifi period time. compani take expens incur today deduct long term without immedi neg affect revenu"} {"id": "2406", "contents": "goe rebuilding. $80,000 expens must capit -- is, can't deduct use section 179 improv -- normal repair. tax code, metal-fabr machineri must deduct five years. type expenditur deduct year incur other must taken number futur years. first categori call current expenses, second capit capit expenditures."} {"id": "2407", "contents": "must deduct number years, capitalized, specifi tax code (with one import except -- section 179 -- discuss below). this, theoretically, allow busi clearli account profit year year. type expenditur deduct year incur other must taken number futur years. first categori call current expenses, second capit capit expenditures."} {"id": "2408", "contents": "general, capit project $50,000, expenditur improv add valu asset, extend use life asset capitaliz part project' cost. cost must expensed."} {"id": "2409", "contents": "job around 100 250 bat go normal amount droppings. case, cost rang $550 much $1,200 bat remov clean-up."} {"id": "2410", "contents": "simpl job coloni 50 bat fewer go cost anywher $250 $550. job around 100 250 bat go normal amount droppings. case, cost rang $550 much $1,200 bat remov clean-up."} {"id": "2411", "contents": "cost bat remov servic vari depend number bats, situation, locat home, variou factors. simpl job coloni 50 bat fewer go cost anywher $250 $550."} {"id": "2412", "contents": "bat remov averag costs. exclus singl bat small coloni start $100 $350. remov medium-s coloni run $500 $1,500 deal larg coloni cost $2,000 $8,000 more."} {"id": "2413", "contents": "getbatsout.com estim bat exclus averag hous good condit cost $2,400-$5,000, depend sever problem."} {"id": "2414", "contents": "exclus singl bat small coloni start $100 $350. remov medium-s coloni run $500 $1,500 deal larg coloni cost $2,000 $8,000 more. actual cost bat remov depend number bat amount seal-up cleanup work required."} {"id": "2415", "contents": "price start $90-$300 exclud singl bat singl entri point. likely, cost $300-$1,500 remov small (50 bat less) medium (about 50-200) colony, $1,500-$8,000 larg colonies."} {"id": "2416", "contents": "bat hous cost $20-$300 more, depend size materials. example, standard bat hous approv bat conserv intern averag $50-$75, accord thebatguy.com, batmanagement.com offer 7-chamber steel bat hous hold 210 bat $159."} {"id": "2417", "contents": "case, cost rang $550 much $1,200 bat remov clean-up. rare case massiv coloni 250 bats, servic go dedic lot time prevention, cleanup, re-roof part roof, more."} {"id": "2418", "contents": "cost bat exclus depend size bat coloni condit building, includ number potenti bat entri point must sealed."} {"id": "2419", "contents": "alopecia hair loss caus heredity, aging, disease, medic lifestyle. time cours hair loss provid clue cause. example, hair loss come suddenli may attribut illness, diet, medic treatments, chemotherapi radiation. anoth caus hair loss condit call cicatrici alopecia, hair follicl produc hair destroyed. hair loss experienc peopl certain type anemia, anorexia, thyroid disease."} {"id": "2420", "contents": "alopecia areata diseas caus hair fall small patches. alopecia areata rare caus total hair loss, howev prevent hair grow back. condit life threatening, caus pain illness, hair loss stop suddenli started. may even grow back without medic intervention. main symptom alopecia areata loss hair small, round patch (roughli size quarter) scalp. however, type diseas caus hair fall pattern. symptom alon use diagnos alopecia areata."} {"id": "2421", "contents": "hair loss, also known alopecia baldness, loss hair head body. bald refer gener hair loss male pattern hair loss. type hair loss caus alopecia areata, autoimmun disorder."} {"id": "2422", "contents": "alopecia areata type hair loss occur immun system mistakenli attack hair follicles, hair growth begins. damag follicl usual permanent. expert know immun system attack follicles. alopecia areata result patch hair loss, hair usual grow back months. although new hair usual color textur rest hair, sometim fine white. 10% peopl condit may never regrow hair."} {"id": "2423", "contents": "alopecia areata autoimmun diseas caus hair fall patches. anoth caus hair loss condit call cicatrici alopecia, hair follicl produc hair destroyed. hair loss experienc peopl certain type anemia, anorexia, thyroid disease."} {"id": "2424", "contents": "fast facts: easy-to-read seri public public. alopecia areata diseas affect hair follicles, part skin hair grow. cases, hair fall small, round patch size quarter. mani peopl diseas get bare patches. peopl may lose hair."} {"id": "2425", "contents": "alopecia areata hair-loss condit usual affect scalp. alopecia areata caus one patch hair loss. alopecia areata affect genders. autoimmun disorder, immun system attack hair follicles, believ caus alopecia areata. alopecia areata caus one patch hair loss. alopecia areata affect genders."} {"id": "2426", "contents": "alopecia areata consid autoimmun disease, immun system, design protect bodi foreign invad virus bacteria, mistakenli attack hair follicles, structur hair grow. lead hair loss scalp elsewhere."} {"id": "2427", "contents": "alopecia areata preval autoimmun skin diseas result loss hair scalp elsewher body. usual start one small, round, smooth patch scalp progress total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) complet bodi hair loss (alopecia universalis)."} {"id": "2428", "contents": "alopecia medic term baldness; variou type alopecia, includ alopecia areata. alopecia areata condit caus person' hair fall out. autoimmun disease; is, person' immun system attack body. case, hair follicles. happens, person' hair begin fall out, often clump size shape quarter"} {"id": "2429", "contents": "4-week trial document signific reduct adhd symptom particip took dasotralin compar placebo. variou side effect associ drug includ appetit reduction, dri mouth, insomnia, nausea."} {"id": "2430", "contents": "eb-1020 novel drug phase ii clinic trial treatment adhd. develop neurovance, spinout euthym biosciences. drug intend function non-stimulant, act tripl reuptak inhibitor prevent reuptak dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin."} {"id": "2431", "contents": "sunovion pharmaceut investig efficaci drug dasotralin (sep-225289) treatment adult adhd. drug function tripl reuptak inhibitor, increas extracellular level serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine."} {"id": "2432", "contents": "ar-08 drug develop arbor pharmaceut treatment adhd among children adolesc (between age 17 years). exact mechan action hasn\u2019t made publicli available, known ar-08 function adrenerg receptor agonist."} {"id": "2433", "contents": "mani potenti caus adhd, like endogen as: genet brain anatomy. said, also often exogen factor as: unhealthi diet, improp sleep, poor parenting, lack exercise, brain injuri often manifest adhd symptoms."} {"id": "2434", "contents": "alberta second westernmost 10 provinc canada. (onli british columbia farther west.) alberta includ part canadian rockies, known oil natur ga field cattl farming. alberta lot offer visitors. lethbridge-i citi southern alberta popul 83,500 famou canyons. medicin hat-i southern alberta popul near 60,000 interesting. red deer-i citi edmonton calgari 90,00 peopl major servic centre."} {"id": "2435", "contents": "alberta\u2019 tomahawk cattl ranch. recogn industri leader busi aspir to. alberta\u2019 tomahawk cattl ranch testament hard work, visionari thinking, drive honor environ anim live result gain award industri applause."} {"id": "2436", "contents": "award environment stewardship award 2013 alberta beef produc tomahawk cattl ranch provid histori well plan execut ranch legaci prime continu growth success. alberta\u2019 tomahawk cattl ranch testament hard work, visionari thinking, drive honor environ anim live result gain award industri applause."} {"id": "2437", "contents": "bar ranch work museum cowboy trail south calgary, alberta, canada. harri longabaugh, 'the sundanc kid', work briefli bar ranch. cowboy trail 700 km (437 miles) histor signific highway high ranch countri foothil rocki mountain lofti mountain big blue sky, endless prairie."} {"id": "2438", "contents": "monument pioneer alberta work establish mani benefit enjoy today. humbl opinion, bar ranch impress complet viabl day trip calgary. harri longabaugh, 'the sundanc kid', work briefli bar ranch. cowboy trail 700 km (437 miles) histor signific highway high ranch countri foothil rocki mountain lofti mountain big blue sky, endless prairie."} {"id": "2439", "contents": "integr ranch famili base oper origin found patricia, alberta, incorpor 40 year qualiti beef sheep production. order meet cash flow requirements, offer nutrit servic canada product enhanc profit produc address prevent issu organic, dairy, beef, small rumin equin livestock."} {"id": "2440", "contents": "certainli alter charact ranch alberta, cattlemen remain viabl forc province\u2014a fact reinforc interest bud oil industri 1920s. good book. well research readable. canadian prairi west ranch frontier 1874-1924. david h. breen. toronto: univers toronto press, 1983. viii, 302 pp. ill., maps, isbn 0-8020-5548-6. rider w. w. stuart ranch, jump pound, alberta, late 1880s."} {"id": "2441", "contents": "welcom stonewat ranch. stonewat ranch 370 acr resort develop locat scenic foothil alberta. two hour edmonton one hour gate jasper nation park, featur premier 18 hole golf cours equin facility."} {"id": "2442", "contents": "edmonton-th capit citi alberta second largest urban popul (812,000 city; 1,159,000 metro region). home vibrant cultur community, largest urban parkland system north america, north america' largest mall, canada' indi race, dub canada' festiv city. lethbridge-i citi southern alberta popul 83,500 famou canyons. medicin hat-i southern alberta popul near 60,000 interesting. red deer-i citi edmonton calgari 90,00 peopl major servic centre."} {"id": "2443", "contents": "alberta\u2019 tomahawk cattl ranch rich qualiti soil plant wildlif qualiti ranch run deep present gem opportunity. alberta\u2019 tomahawk cattl ranch testament hard work, visionari thinking, drive honor environ anim live result gain award industri applause."} {"id": "2444", "contents": "2010, total popul district columbia 601,723, 5.19% 2000. popul growth rate lower nation averag rate 9.71%. preval race district columbia black, repres 50.71% total population. averag district columbia educ level higher nation average. popul 2010: 601,723."} {"id": "2445", "contents": "washington, d.c., locat mid-atlant region u.s. east coast. due district columbia retrocession, citi total area 68.3 squar mile (177 km 2), 61.4 squar mile (159 km 2) land 6.9 squar mile (18 km 2) (10.16%) water. commut surround maryland virginia suburb rais city' popul one million workweek. washington metropolitan area, district part, popul 5.8 million, seventh-largest metropolitan statist area country."} {"id": "2446", "contents": "demograph washington, d.c. also known district columbia, reflect ethnic diverse, cosmopolitan, mid-siz capit city. 2014 district popul 658,893 peopl increas 36,000 peopl previou year. washington, d.c., uniqu among major u.s. citi found organic, rather establish result polit compromise. 2000 censu reveal estim 33,000 adult district columbia identifi gay, lesbian, bisexual, 8.1% city' adult population. decemb 2009, same-sex marriag bill pass council district columbia subsequ sign mayor."} {"id": "2447", "contents": "2002 district columbia larger popul last-rank state wyoming, estim 570,898, decreas 0.2% sinc 2000. 1990 2000, district' popul declin 606,900 572,059, decreas 5.7%. popul project reach 655,000 2025. 2000 median age 34.6. person 18 year old account 20.1% popul 12.2% age 65 older."} {"id": "2448", "contents": "washington, d.c. formal district columbia commonli refer washington district simpli d.c. capit unit states. commut surround maryland virginia suburb rais city' popul one million workweek. washington metropolitan area, district part, popul 5.8 million, seventh-largest metropolitan statist area country."} {"id": "2449", "contents": "1990 district columbia outrank three state population, censu total 606,900, declin almost 5% 1980. consid city, district rank 23rd us 2002. 1990 2000, district' popul declin 606,900 572,059, decreas 5.7%. popul project reach 655,000 2025. 2000 median age 34.6. person 18 year old account 20.1% popul 12.2% age 65 older."} {"id": "2450", "contents": "disclaimer. district columbia area district columbia popul 623,996. 294,664 male resid live district columbia 329,332 femal residents. total number household 277,381 2.10 peopl per household average. total household expenditur district columbia nation averag"} {"id": "2451", "contents": "district' popul 2014 7.5% increas 2010 censu population, continu trend growth set sinc 2000 50 year decline. 2010, washington, dc 24th popul city. washington, d.c. estim popul 647,000 2014, make 23rd popul citi u.s. citi proper popul densiti 10,528 peopl per squar mile (4,066/squar kilometer)."} {"id": "2452", "contents": "district columbia popul 2015. washington, d.c., also known simpli d.c. district, capit unit states. washington, d.c. estim popul 647,000 2014, make 23rd popul citi u.s. citi proper popul densiti 10,528 peopl per squar mile (4,066/squar kilometer)."} {"id": "2453", "contents": "ted cruz, one loudest critic obamacare, soon use health insur coverage. presum go exchang sign health care, we'r process transit that, cruz, republican candid president, told de moin regist tuesday."} {"id": "2454", "contents": "here\u2019 interest account journalism: cnn\u2019 dana bash ask sen. ted cruz, freshli announc 2016 presidenti candidate, famili would get health insur wife taken unpaid leav job goldman sachs."} {"id": "2455", "contents": "one afford care act' biggest foe sign famili obamacar all, cnn reports. texa sen. ted cruz previous receiv health insur benefit wife heidi' job. ted cruz, 2016, obamacare, sign up, family, cnn, dana bash, wife, leav absence, goldman sachs."} {"id": "2456", "contents": "email stori friend. sen. ted cruz (r-texas), one chief oppon obamacar congress, sign health insur obamacar run president. accord de moin register, cruz\u2019 wife heidi leav job goldman sach campaign husband."} {"id": "2457", "contents": "\u201csenat ted cruz hate obamacar much single-handedli shut feder govern 16 day 2013 tri defund health-car law,\u201d say daili beast summari cnn\u2019 report. \u201ccruz famili need get insur afford care act.\u201d."} {"id": "2458", "contents": "washington (the borowitz report) hour senat ted cruz (r-texas) told cnn choic sign obamacare, presid barack obama sign execut order make cruz inelig coverag afford care act."} {"id": "2459", "contents": "abc news went ted cruz sign obamacare, law hate .. politico made sure mention cruz one afford care act' harshest critic report headlined, ted cruz say he' go obamacar .."} {"id": "2460", "contents": "shares. sen. ted cruz (r-texas), one chief oppon obamacar congress, sign health insur obamacar run president. accord de moin register, cruz\u2019 wife heidi leav job goldman sach campaign husband."} {"id": "2461", "contents": "william edward boe born octob 1, 1881, detroit, michigan, first child william boe mari ortmann. boeing' father, wilhelm boing, veteran austro-prussian war, emigr unit state 1868 north rhine-westphalia. william edward boe start profession life lumberman end real-est develop hors breeder, found compani brought forth import breakthrough field aviat technolog airlin business."} {"id": "2462", "contents": "1929 boe merg engin manufactur pratt whitney, found unit aircraft transport corporation. growth spectacular subsequ purchas sever region airlines, 1931 renam unit air lines. recent offspr new 787 dreamliner. boe assembl hall build largest volum world, surfac 98 acr (400,000 m2) height 115 feet (35 m). volum incred 472 million cubic feet (13 million m3)."} {"id": "2463", "contents": "boe found 1916 william e. boe pacif aero product co.. one year later name chang boe airplan company.. 1916, boe went busi georg conrad westervelt asb found pacif aero product co. america enter first world war april 1917, boei ng chang name pacif aero product co. obtain order boe airplan compani unit state navi 50 planes."} {"id": "2464", "contents": "1916 william boe navi engin conrad westervelt found pacif aero product compani seattle, built b&w seaplane. one year later westervelt recal activ servic world war i, compani renam boe airplan company. recent offspr new 787 dreamliner. boe assembl hall build largest volum world, surfac 98 acr (400,000 m2) height 115 feet (35 m). volum incred 472 million cubic feet (13 million m3)."} {"id": "2465", "contents": "william e. boe year 1916 found american defens corpor multin aerospac seattl washington. 1997 merg mcdonnel douglas."} {"id": "2466", "contents": "world war ii spark econom rebound shipyard flourish again. boe company, modestli success airplan manufactur found 1916, increas workforc 1,200 percent sale $10 million $600 million annual war years. war' end, however, brought econom slump area persist middl 1950s."} {"id": "2467", "contents": "contact us. histori aviat pioneer year 1916 boe aircraft found success build float plane togeth command georg conrad westerveldt, william boe found new aircraft compani bear name. intent boe aircraft fulfil us navi contract seaplanes. 1916 boe aircraft founded. success build float plane togeth command georg conrad westerveldt, william boe found new aircraft compani bear name. intent boe aircraft fulfil us navi contract seaplanes."} {"id": "2468", "contents": "1916, boe went busi georg conrad westervelt found pacif aero product co. company' first plane boe model 1. america enter first world war april 1917, boe chang name pacif aero product co. boe airplan compani obtain order unit state navi 50 planes. 1921, william boe marri bertha mari potter paschal (1891-1977). previous marri nathaniel paschall, real estat broker bore two sons, nathaniel nat paschal jr. cranston paschall."} {"id": "2469", "contents": "best answer: benzen molecul (c6 h6) six carbon six hydrogen conjug system (altern doubl bonds). conjug doubl bond make benzen aromatic. aromat describ conjug ring system (ring featur doubl bond everi carbon-carbon bond seen benzene). however, aromat ring featur carbons. benzen exampl aromat compound. phenyl usual use term phenyl group. think phenyl group call benzen function group larger molecul (or substituent). one benzene' hydrogen replac attach complex molecule. source(s): one year colleg organ chemistry."} {"id": "2470", "contents": "however, mani differ chemic physic properties. benzene. benzen carbon hydrogen atom arrang give planar structure. molecular formula 6. structur properti follows. benzen structur found kekul 1872. aromaticity, differ aliphat compounds."} {"id": "2471", "contents": "aromat hydrocarbon aren (or sometim aryl hydrocarbon) hydrocarbon sigma bond deloc pi electron carbon atom form rings. aromat hydrocarbon monocycl (mah) polycycl (pah). non-benzene-bas compound call heteroarenes, follow hueckel'h\u00fcckel (rule monocyclic: ring number its-\u03c0 electron equals+4n, where=n,0,1,2.......), also call aromatic. compound"} {"id": "2472", "contents": "configur six carbon atom aromat compound known benzen ring, simplest possibl hydrocarbon, benzene. aromat hydrocarbon monocycl (mah) polycycl (pah). non-benzene-bas compound call heteroarenes, follow hueckel'h\u00fcckel (rule monocyclic: ring number its-\u03c0 electron equals+4n, where=n,0,1,2.......), also call aromatic. compound"} {"id": "2473", "contents": "thnak :). benzen phenyl seem look aromat aromat compound base benzen c6h6. phenyl phenyl function group hydrocarbon deriv benzen remov h, make c6h5 attach someth else. phenyl group. phenyl phenyl function group hydrocarbon deriv benzen remov h, make c6h5 attach someth else.-phenyl group. typic subsitu name organ compounds."} {"id": "2474", "contents": "aromaticity, differ aliphat compounds; thus, separ field studi organ chemistry. though cyclohexan similar shape benzene, aromatic. cyclohexan satur alkane, differ properti benzene. benzene. benzen carbon hydrogen atom arrang give planar structure. molecular formula 6. though similar number carbon like benzene, cyclohexan saturated. aren\u2019t doubl bond carbon like benzene. colorless liquid mild sweet odor. produc reaction benzen hydrogen."} {"id": "2475", "contents": "exist, cyclohexatrien would six-memb non-aromat hydrocarbon altern doubl (short) singl (long) bond (point group d3h) benzen six-memb aromat hydrocarbon equival bond (point group d6h)."} {"id": "2476", "contents": "benzen phenyl seem look aromat aromat compound base benzen c6h6. phenyl phenyl function group hydrocarbon deriv benzen remov h, make c6h5 attach someth else.-phenyl group. typic subsitu name organ compounds. yes, your think correct......"} {"id": "2477", "contents": "can't seem find differ two is. text book, say 'aren aromat hydrocarbon contain one benzen rings' suggest aren subgroup aromat hydrocarbon aromat hydrocarbon need contain one benzen rings."} {"id": "2478", "contents": "benzen natur constitu crude oil, one elementari petrochemicals. benzen aromat hydrocarbon second ]- annulen ([6]-annulene), cyclic hydrocarbon continu pi bond. sometim abbrevi ph \u2013h. benzen colorless highli flammabl liquid sweet smell. benzen import organ chemic compound chemic formula 6. molecul compos carbon atom join ring, hydrogen atom attach carbon atom."} {"id": "2479", "contents": "depend physician orders, duoderm dress use stage 1, 2, bed sores. length time duoderm patch may left wound determin amount moistur wound. normal conditions, duoderm left wound 3-4 days. duoderm essenti creat moistur barrier, use peopl infect bed sores. normal circumstances, wound cover duoderm like develop strong odor sever days. odor consid normal part product."} {"id": "2480", "contents": "rosenfeld injuri lawyers. duoderm brand name commonli use hydrocolloid dress manufactur convatec use treat bed sore (or similarli refer as: pressur sores, pressur ulcer decubitu ulcers). duoderm essenti creat moistur barrier, use peopl infect bed sores. normal circumstances, wound cover duoderm like develop strong odor sever days. odor consid normal part product."} {"id": "2481", "contents": "one advantag use duoderm that, unlik dressings, place wet wound wet surround skin remain place due product\u2019 \u2018wet tact\u2019. duoderm essenti creat moistur barrier, use peopl infect bed sores. normal circumstances, wound cover duoderm like develop strong odor sever days. odor consid normal part product."} {"id": "2482", "contents": "duoderm hydrocolloid (it interact wound exud drain form gel water) dress market convatec. latex free dress tripl hydrocolloid matrix viral bacteria barrier. duoderm hydrocolloid dressing, bacteria contamin cannot permeat it. duoderm autolyt debrid effect (the abil clean wound). waterproof dress patient bath shower it."} {"id": "2483", "contents": "advantages. mani advantag use duoderm dressing. duoderm hydrocolloid dressing, bacteria contamin cannot permeat it. duoderm autolyt debrid effect (the abil clean wound). waterproof dress patient bath shower it."} {"id": "2484", "contents": "duoderm cgf steril dressing. duoderm cgf dress hydrocolloid, moisture-retent wound dress use partial full-thick wound exudate. incorpor uniqu convatec hydrocolloid formul distinguish hydrocolloid dressings. duoderm cgf dress indic use dermal ulcer includ full-thick wounds, pressur ulcer (stage ii-iv), leg ulcers, superfici wounds, partial thick burn donor sites."} {"id": "2485", "contents": "duoderm brand name form dress call hydrocolloid dressing. use varieti wound skin conditions, contain gel-form agent adhes compound combin flexible, water-resist outer layer. duoderm design use sever skin traumas, made easili removable. remov dressing, simpli press skin care lift one edg dressing. keep lift gentli adhes free, gentli peel way go direct hair minim pain."} {"id": "2486", "contents": "duoderm skin dress promot heal wounds. duoderm provid moist environ wound, characterist dress caus epithel (the re-growth skin wound) macer (to make soft). duoderm hydrocolloid dressing, bacteria contamin cannot permeat it. duoderm autolyt debrid effect (the abil clean wound). waterproof dress patient bath shower it."} {"id": "2487", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. hydrocolloid dress (trade name includ comfeel plus, duoderm, granuflex, ultec, 3m tegaderm hydrocolloid) opaqu dress wounds. hydrocolloid dress biodegradeable, non-breathable, adher skin, separ tape needed."} {"id": "2488", "contents": "description. duoderm extra thin, formerli granuflex extra thin, one granuflex rang hydroact dressings. consist semiperm polyurethan film, imperm exud micro-organisms, coat thin layer adhes similar use granuflex."} {"id": "2489", "contents": "xylem. xylem vessel xylem vessel: vein-lik tissu transport water miner plant involv movement water plant root leaves. water: absorb soil root hair cells. transport xylem vessel stem leaves. xylem vessel xylem vessel: vein-lik tissu transport water miner plant involv movement water plant root leaves. water: absorb soil root hair cell"} {"id": "2490", "contents": "vessel element vessel member one cell type found xylem, water conduct tissu plants. vessel element typic found flower plant (angiosperms) absent gymnosperm conifers. xylem tissu vascular plant conduct water (and substanc dissolv it) upward plant. two kind cell involv actual transport: tracheid vessel elements."} {"id": "2491", "contents": "system use continu tube call xylem phloem: xylem vessel carri water miner root leaves. phloem tube carri sugar organ nutrient made plant leav rest plant. structur xylem tissue. xylem vessel consist dead cells. thick, strengthen cellulos cell wall hollow lumen. xylem vessel specialis transport water dissolv miner root part plant, also help support stem strengthen it. scan electron micrograph xylem vessel (x1800)."} {"id": "2492", "contents": "plant two differ type transport tissue. xylem transport water solut root leaves, phloem transport food leav rest plant. transpir process water evapor leaves, result water drawn roots. xylem vessel xylem vessel: vein-lik tissu transport water miner plant involv movement water plant root leaves. water: absorb soil root hair cell"} {"id": "2493", "contents": "answers. best answer: vascular plants, xylem one two type transport tissue, phloem other. basic function transport water. xylem respons transport water solubl miner nutrient root throughout plant. result surfac tension caus neg pressur tension xylem pull water root soil. root pressure: water potenti root cell neg soil, usual due high concentr solute, water move osmosi root."} {"id": "2494", "contents": "distinct xylem cell long tracheari element transport water. tracheid vessel element distinguish shape; vessel element shorter, connect togeth long tube call vessels. xylem also contain two cell types: parenchyma fibers."} {"id": "2495", "contents": "2. xylem vessel hollow inside. 3. cross walls, hollow in ide increas surfac area volum ratio take water. 4.doe cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane, protoplasm mitochondria dead vessel also call wood."} {"id": "2496", "contents": "key concepts: xylem tissu vascular plant transport water nutrient soil stem leaves. xylem play essenti \u2018supporting\u2019 role provid strength tissu organs, maintain plant architectur resist bending. phloem transport product photosynthesis, primarili sucrose, leav stem tissu roots. xylem transport sapwood move water nutrient root stem leaves. heartwood repres xylem longer involv transport."} {"id": "2497", "contents": "adapt xylem vessel are: 1. thick wall made lignin support plant. 2. xylem vessel hollow inside. 3. cross walls, hollow in ide increas surfac area volum ratio take water. 4.doe cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane, protoplasm mitochondria dead vessel also call wood."} {"id": "2498", "contents": "garbanzo bean better sourc vitamin kidney beans. type bean provid percent daili valu vitamin c, garbanzo bean also provid impress 33 percent daili valu folate, kidney bean contain trace amounts. kidney garbanzo beans, discard soak water dri beans, rins can bean gradual ad fiber diet help limit ga sometim occur eat beans. add either bean salads, pasta dish main dish increas protein fiber."} {"id": "2499", "contents": "weight manag benefits. kidney bean low fat, high fiber rich sourc protein. combin help manag weight. protein fiber help feel full longer, consum less fat diet may help either lose maintain weight. photo credit hemera technologies/ablestock.com/getti images. avoid fatten food help avoid weight gain may make easier lose weight. kidney bean low fat high protein fiber, eat mani calori sort caus gain weight."} {"id": "2500", "contents": "serv kidney bean less gram fat 7.7 protein, 5.7 fiber almost iron. kidney bean 115 mcg folate, aid prevent spinal defect fetal development. kidney bean low fat, high fiber rich sourc protein. combin help manag weight. protein fiber help feel full longer, consum less fat diet may help either lose maintain weight. photo credit hemera technologies/ablestock.com/getti images. avoid fatten food help avoid weight gain may make easier lose weight. kidney bean low fat high protein fiber, eat mani calori sort caus gain weight."} {"id": "2501", "contents": "kidney bean excel sourc molybdenum. good sourc folate, dietari fiber, copper. kidney bean good sourc manganese, phosphorus, protein, vitamin b1, iron, potassium, magnesium. in-depth nutrit profil click here: kidney beans. particularli menstruat women, risk iron deficiency, boost iron store kidney bean good idea\u2014especi because, unlik red meat, anoth sourc iron, kidney bean low calori virtual fat-free."} {"id": "2502", "contents": "legum class veget includ beans, pea lentil among versatil nutriti food available. legum typic low fat, contain cholesterol, high folate, potassium, iron magnesium. also contain benefici fat solubl insolubl fiber. good sourc protein, legum healthi substitut meat, fat cholesterol."} {"id": "2503", "contents": "black bean may help keep healthy. black bean healthi addit vegetarian non-vegetarian diets. nutriti tasti legum avail dri canned, type provid health benefits. benefit bean come differ components, includ protein, fiber, antioxid micronutrients."} {"id": "2504", "contents": "high fiber content kidney bean lower cholesterol level (6). folat kidney bean lower level homocystein reduc risk strokes, heart attack vascular diseases. also contain magnesium aid healthi function cardiovascular system. hence, good meat substitut vegetarians. kidney bean also sever disease-fight antioxid promot healthi strong immunity. owe variou health benefits, kidney bean consid one best legum everybody."} {"id": "2505", "contents": "kidney bean varieti common bean (phaseolu vulgaris). name visual resembl shape color kidney. red kidney bean confus bean red, adzuki beans."} {"id": "2506", "contents": "macronutrients. 1/2-cup serv can kidney bean contain 113 calories, .5 gram fat, gram protein 20 gram carbohydrate, includ gram fiber. kidney garbanzo beans, discard soak water dri beans, rins can bean gradual ad fiber diet help limit ga sometim occur eat beans. add either bean salads, pasta dish main dish increas protein fiber."} {"id": "2507", "contents": "guillermo diaz net worth: $800 thousand. guillermo diaz net worth salary: guillermo diaz american actor tv person net worth $800 thousand. guillermo diaz born 1975 new jersey cuban parent grew washington heights, manhattan. diaz book first speak role 1994 age 19 spike fresh."} {"id": "2508", "contents": "guillermo rodriguez net worth: $500 thousand. guillermo rodriguez net worth: guillermo rodriguez mexican american talk show person net worth $500 thousand. guillermo diaz gain net worth present segment abc' late night talk show, jimmi kimmel live! guillermo rodriguez born januari 27, 1971 zacatecas, mexico resid california decad u.s. citizen sinc 2005."} {"id": "2509", "contents": "guillermo diaz net worth salary: guillermo diaz american actor tv person net worth $800 thousand. guillermo diaz born 1975 new jersey cuban parent grew washington heights, manhattan. diaz book first speak role 1994 age 19 spike fresh."} {"id": "2510", "contents": "chart page featur breakdown total annual pay guillermo rodriguez, director, chief financi offic net talk.com, inc. report proxi statements."} {"id": "2511", "contents": "hen start lay 5-7 month age. lay best year age. pullet (femal chicken year age) lay small egg first lay larger eggs. younger hen lay egg everi 3-4 days. hen 30 week old lay egg everi days. known lay egg day."} {"id": "2512", "contents": "first time lay egg, take while. i'v notic mine tend fuss, get box, act distressed. new bit traumatic. even season hen tend sit nest box hour sometim laying."} {"id": "2513", "contents": "actual format egg insid chicken take 24 hours, sit lay egg take anywher 15 minut coupl hours. part chicken lay third number egg (so egg). thus: chicken lay egg 1/2 day. follow chicken lay egg day. now, allow chicken three time long (3 days), produc eggs. chicken lay egg days."} {"id": "2514", "contents": "chicken may take minut hour lay egg. lay egg day approxim time. take 20 hour egg made insid body. that' limit one egg per day. take 20 hour make egg. take 20 hour make egg minut hour lay it, depend hen. rooster necessari fertil eggs, hen lay egg even rooster present. incub time fertil egg 21 days. day 1-18 requir intern temperatur 99.5 humid 50-60%. day 18-21 requir intern temp 99.5 humid 70-80%."} {"id": "2515", "contents": "chicken usual simpli stop lay egg get certain age, lay fewer get older. said, lay breed lay less product backyard term five seven years."} {"id": "2516", "contents": "best answer: long take hen lay egg? averag lay hen lay 257 egg year. actual time take hen make egg lay 24 26 hours. http://www.aeb.org/kidsandfamily/time_to... mani egg chicken lay one day? hen reach eighteen twenti week age, begin lay eggs. rooster need order egg fertil (to baby). hen lay egg without rooster around. long take mother hen hatch eggs? take 20 day mother hen hatch eggs, 21 day use incubator. hen take care eggs? ye mother take care egg youngones...al hen lay egg safe place regularli"} {"id": "2517", "contents": "best answer: hen 18 week old alreadi start lay vari sever minutes. sometim know watch figit take lot longer. hen like dark corner secluded. lay egg may come nest..."} {"id": "2518", "contents": "chicken never lay one egg per day. rule, chicken lay morning, day littl later. sometim last egg seri produc earli afternoon. get late, take next day off. five commerci hybrid sometim lay seri 30 day more. chicken lay egg series-nev one per day. egg collected, suffici number egg allow remain nest, hen may stop lay egg start brooding. hen leav nest lay egg, cool suspend develop embryo inside."} {"id": "2519", "contents": "join linkedin. virtustream enterprise-class cloud softwar servic provid trust enterpris worldwid migrat run mission-crit applic cloud. join linkedin get latest news, insights, opportun million compani"} {"id": "2520", "contents": "global footprint. virtustream' comprehens cloud softwar solut profession servic help custom design, oper use cloud meet uniqu requir worldwide. compani headquart washington, d.c. offic san francisco, atlanta, london dubai. virtustream own data center u.s. europ servic provid partner data center latin america, middl east asia."} {"id": "2521", "contents": "addit virtustream, emc enabl custom move entir applic portfolio cloud environment. virtustream' cloud softwar infrastructure-as-a-servic portfolio deliv directli custom partners. valu virtustream' access emc' resources, particularli distribution. instant synergi expand distribution, explain press release:"} {"id": "2522", "contents": "virtustream, emc move beyond enabl cloud back end develop as-a-servic strategy. emc said tuesday buy virtustream $1.2 billon move allow compani offer hybrid cloud manag services. simpli put, hard press outlin emc-as-a-service. virtustream chang equat emc result make compani well round hybrid cloud vendor. softlay ibm, virtustream emc. virtustream ventur back plot initi public offering. compani $100 million annual revenu run rate 60 percent cloud infrastructur service. remaind cloud softwar licens servic provid"} {"id": "2523", "contents": "magazin top 5000. virtustream headquart bethesda offic atlanta, dublin, london, new york, san francisco washington d.c. data center london, san francisco washington d.c. agent asia middl east. partner includ intel, vmware, netapp, emc, citrix, ibm, redhat, sap. virtustream found 2009 rodney roger kevin reid, previous found adjoin consult (which acquir kanbay, turn, capgemini)."} {"id": "2524", "contents": "virtustream. virtustream enterprise-class cloud softwar servic provid trust enterpris custom worldwid migrat run mission-crit applic cloud. compani headquart washington, d.c. offic san francisco, atlanta, london dubai. virtustream own data center u.s. europ servic provid partner data center latin america, middl east asia."} {"id": "2525", "contents": "surpris announcement, inform technolog servic compani emc (nyse: emc) said tuesday plan acquir global cloud servic provid virtustream all-cash transact approxim $1.2 billion. transact expect close third quarter 2015. valu virtustream' access emc' resources, particularli distribution. instant synergi expand distribution, explain press release: virtustream' cloud softwar infrastructure-as-a-servic portfolio deliv directli custom partners."} {"id": "2526", "contents": "free! virtustream enterprise-class cloud softwar servic provid trust enterpris worldwid migrat run mission-crit applic cloud. join linkedin get latest news, insights, opportun million companies."} {"id": "2527", "contents": "red-wing blackbird found throughout north central america. breed habitat spread alaska, newfoundland florida, gulf mexico, mexico guatemala. popul may also found el salvador, hondura costa rica. blackbird (icteridae). order. largest taxonom order birds, passeriform (pronounc pas-ser-i-for-meez), divid one hundr eighteen famili encompass half world' known bird species, includ mani familiar bird finches, swallows, thrush blackbirds."} {"id": "2528", "contents": "index-world. bird world. icterid group small medium-sized, often color birds, restrict new world. speci black predomin plumag color, often enliven yellow, orang red. major icterid speci live tropics, although number temper forms. blackbird confus european blackbird turdu merula call blackbird. new world blackbird diet mainli seed insects, seed usual predominant. male mostli dark often color patches."} {"id": "2529", "contents": "blackbird differ sub-famili crow ravens. blackbird classifi subfamili icterinae, includ orioles, grackles, cowbird and, course, blackbirds. http://www.birdnature.com/groupnames.html. okay,, although link blackbird list, make wonder come stuff, understand call someth wrong name make right, ever hear flock birds, reqardless type."} {"id": "2530", "contents": "blackbird sing dead night, take broken wing learn fli life, wait moment arise. common blackbird (turdu merula) speci true thrush. also call eurasian blackbird (especi north america, distinguish unrel new world blackbirds), simpli blackbird lead confus similar-look local species."} {"id": "2531", "contents": "share to: refer bird, matur turtu merula (common blackbird) weigh 80 125 gram refer aircraft, blackbird aircraft also known lockhe sr-71 weight (empti without weapons) 30 600 kg. weight blackbird? refer bird, matur turtu merula (common blackbird) weigh 80 125 gram refer aircraft, blackbird aircraft also known lockhe sr-71 weight (empti without weapons) 30 600 kg."} {"id": "2532", "contents": "group bird called? group bird call fleet, flock, flight, congregation, parcel, pod, voleri dissimul (small bird only). word group bird called? general, group bird call flock, special word group speci birds, e.g., gaggl geese. peopl found use"} {"id": "2533", "contents": "group blackbird correctli call either cloud, cluster merl blackbirds. similar raven crows, also call murder, correct term. peopl found useful. weight blackbird? refer bird, matur turtu merula (common blackbird) weigh 80 125 gram refer aircraft, blackbird aircraft also known lockhe sr-71 weight (empti without weapons) 30 600 kg."} {"id": "2534", "contents": "salaries. clinical, counsel school psychologist u.s. averag $72,310 year, $34.77 hour, 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. highest-paid psychologist receiv $109,470, $52.63 hour, lowest-paid earn $39,270, $18.88"} {"id": "2535", "contents": "bachelor psycholog salary: averag salari $34,000 annually. master psycholog salary: averag salari rang $43,151 per year mental health counselor $67, 563 nonprofit organ director. peopl 20 year make $74, 433. doctor psycholog salary: salari rang $64,140 $145,500 depend upon specialization. averag salari 2010 $68,640 accord bls.gov. currently, median incom psychologist $82,877. salari depend upon educ attainment, type practice, region countri experience."} {"id": "2536", "contents": "averag yearli salari child psychologist unit state rang $40,793 $142,980 hourli wage $33 per hour. start salari child psychologist averag $30,000 $40,255 per annum averag child psychologist receiv annual salari rang $54,808 $102,129 per year."} {"id": "2537", "contents": "privat practic psychologist typic earn profession work hospit govern environments, profession opportun earn signific portion. averag salari 2010 $68,640 accord bls.gov. currently, median incom psychologist $82,877. salari depend upon educ attainment, type practice, region countri experience."} {"id": "2538", "contents": "accord payscale, averag nation psychologist\u2019 salari canada rang $44 510 $148 188 per year averag hourli wage rang $39.19 hour. average, hourli wage psychologist rang $14.08 $53.28 per hour. read detail psychologist salari comparison. phd psychologist\u2019 salari depend field study, locat mani factors. accord bureau labor statistics, annual salari phd psychologist counseling, clinical, school field receiv median salari $64,140, wherea top 90 percent earn $106,000."} {"id": "2539", "contents": "mean salari $72,710 per year, school psychologist earn mani social servic job within educ system. school counselor earn mean annual salari $56,160, elementari school teacher earn $56,320 special educ teacher middl school earn $59,540. salari outlook. bl look clinic psychologists, counselor school psychologist group evalu take-hom pay. 2013, median salari profession $67,760."} {"id": "2540", "contents": "let\u2019 look stats. accord bureau labor statistics, 2012, latest report median pay psychologist website, psychologist make $69,280 per year. similarly, indeed.com report nation psychologist salari averag $67,000 april 17, 2015."} {"id": "2541", "contents": "psychologist\u2019 salari unit state $65,000 per year hourli wage around $30 per hour. start salari newli graduat psychologist $40,000 per annum. phd psychologist\u2019 salari depend field study, locat mani factors. accord bureau labor statistics, annual salari phd psychologist counseling, clinical, school field receiv median salari $64,140, wherea top 90 percent earn $106,000."} {"id": "2542", "contents": "averag psychologist salary. median expect salari averag psychologist unit state $82,978 per year. averag annual salari psychologist rang $68,640 $90,000 hourli wage rang $33 $60 per hour. phd psychologist\u2019 salari depend field study, locat mani factors. accord bureau labor statistics, annual salari phd psychologist counseling, clinical, school field receiv median salari $64,140, wherea top 90 percent earn $106,000."} {"id": "2543", "contents": "a. listen. edmonton alberta, one lowest payer minimum wage canada, becom one highest. part plan increas alberta\u2019 minimum wage $15 hour 2018, provinc increas minimum wage $10.20 $11.20 thursday. kick in, ontario ($11.25 hour oct. 1) northwest territori (current $12.50 hour) pay earn least. saskatchewan manitoba also increas minimum wage"} {"id": "2544", "contents": "minimum wage worker ontario see looni paychequ fall. provinc announc thursday standard minimum wage rise $11 hour $11.25, effect oct. 1."} {"id": "2545", "contents": "ontario\u2019 minimum wage $11 liber govern recent announc 25-cent increas start oct. 1. ryan say although labour movement made gain ontario, $11 hour still liveabl wage."} {"id": "2546", "contents": "ontario rais gener minimum wage $11 $11.25 per hour, effect octob 1, 2015. minimum wage rate job special categori (liquor servers, homeworkers, students, etc.) also increas time."} {"id": "2547", "contents": "minimum wage ontario rose $11 hour sunday hike 75 cents. wage increas effect includ 70-cent hike student minimum wage $10.30 hour 65 cent liquor servers, entitl $9.55."} {"id": "2548", "contents": "ontario increas minimum wage $11 per hour june 1, 2014, give provinc highest minimum wage canada. ontario act recommend put forward minimum wage advisori panel ensur fair, competitive, predict wage system worker busi province."} {"id": "2549", "contents": "mar roman war god; shield spear form planet symbol. also god agricultur becom associ ares. wherea are often receiv bad name war impli explicit violence, mar repres secur peac nation war. like badg blood sky, red planet long stood god war. mars' symbol seen below. seem natur greek name fourth planet ares, sinc shine red color, resembl blood, appropri god war."} {"id": "2550", "contents": "symbol mar repres circl arrow emerg it, point ut right. inspir god mar are ancient mythology. person found useful. edit. symbol mar circl arrow point upwards. symbol repres spear shield roman god mar"} {"id": "2551", "contents": "mar fourth planet sun second smallest planet solar system. name roman god war, often describ red planet, iron oxid preval surfac give reddish appearance. mar name roman god war. differ cultures, mar repres masculin youth. symbol, circl arrow point upper right, repres shield spear. also use symbol male gender."} {"id": "2552", "contents": "symbol are: 1: two three one zero (30) 2: clock (seconds: line oppos direct second clock) 3: (for two white line black lines) 4: mar (becaus symbol planet mars, two moons, fobo deimos. so, stand 30 second mars. first symbol, repres two intertwin 3's, mean 30. next symbol, show circl bent line stick out, resembl clock, two line repres minut hand hour hand, mean seconds."} {"id": "2553", "contents": "mar associ greek god are known god war. astrology, mar influenc thing masculine, filter particular sign reveal anyth pursued, potenti sexual partner career."} {"id": "2554", "contents": "arm karlskoga sweden. mar symbol (\u2642) depict circl arrow emerg it, point angl upper right. old manuscripts, usual interpret shield spear war god mar ares."} {"id": "2555", "contents": "symbol mar repres circl arrow emerg it, point ut right. so, stand 30 second mars. first symbol, repres two intertwin 3's, mean 30. next symbol, show circl bent line stick out, resembl clock, two line repres minut hand hour hand, mean seconds."} {"id": "2556", "contents": "credit: nasa/esa/a. simon (goddard space flight center). uranus: sign uranu combin two sign mars\u2019 sign symbol sun planet connect two mythology. uranu repres heaven roman mythology, ancient civil believ sun\u2019 light mars\u2019 power rule heavens."} {"id": "2557", "contents": "everi planet symbol repres it. use thousand years. symbol mar repres shield spear mars, roman god war. also male/masculin symbol symbol iron. symbol use planet pseudo-sci astrology. know symbol mars, might interest fact planet itself. came look astrolog references, pleas search \u201djunk science\u201d googl find need. symbol mar probabl least signific fact planet, still crucial piec inform have. hopefully, articl inspir find red planet."} {"id": "2558", "contents": "male dog, (stud) go puberti 12 month age. dog reach sexual matur 12 months, talk vet. age vari breed smaller dog matur earlier larger breeds. male sexual viabl earli months. femal dog, (bitch) begin puberti around month age. first heat, cycle, 12 month age, talk vet. bitch typic come heat twice year first heat"} {"id": "2559", "contents": "puppi produc puppi soon start first heat month age. unhealthi dog age puppies. need wait third fourth heat cycle. she'll year old then. age year dog fulli matur test genet health defect prior breeding. plan breed alway find male smaller dog"} {"id": "2560", "contents": "usually, stud dog' appropri age year old. however, buy femal lab guarante get breed puppies. possibl male dog' domin one seen dog owner difficulti breed pup female' domin one might attack male. report abuse. age 2-3 male femal matur enough breed, breed age 2-10. 10 would bit old peopl done it, 10 femal problem delivering."} {"id": "2561", "contents": "hello, usus month age male dog sire litter. accept akc. akc registr rule pertain breeding: six month old male 18 month old female. femal came heat think max, male, might mount her. want femal pregnant. therefore, need know age possibl male."} {"id": "2562", "contents": "(male female). femal dog, (bitch) begin puberti around month age. first heat, cycle, 12 month age, talk vet. bitch typic come heat twice year first heat"} {"id": "2563", "contents": "share conversation. expert: nancyh repli year ago. month would month heat show (dog usual show much 4-5 week pregnancy). heard pup young 1/2 month sire litter realli unusual. earliest i'v heard friend breed 1/2 month old sire puppi litter."} {"id": "2564", "contents": "half male dog display mount behavior 5\u00bd month age, becom abl sire litter around age. note male dog may abl sire litter month age month average. femal dog becom sexual matur (have first heat) 12 month age. small breed dog tend first heat around 5-6 months, giant breed dog start cycl 18-24 month age. although dog sexual matur one year age, dog use breed least year age."} {"id": "2565", "contents": "need ceil fan installed. live area, stairwell, bedroom. moder comments: could expect pay low hour per fan high hour per fan installation. would like instal ceil fan three bedrooms. exist wire light fixtur ceilings. moder comments: hard estim without know locat avail power, attic access. estim $150 per fan, labor only."} {"id": "2566", "contents": "$906.05. get instant estim cost instal ceil fan! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost ceil fan instal project. basic fan project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal ceil fan rang $468.74 $906.05 per fan. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "2567", "contents": "bedroom condo need get wire setup ceil fan installed. run light switch wall. exist wire new install. don`t need fan instal wire mount. would like instal ceil fan three bedrooms. exist wire light fixtur ceilings. moder comments: hard estim without know locat avail power, attic access. estim $150 per fan, labor only."} {"id": "2568", "contents": "internet 203077822. fan switch break time. westinghous 3-speed ceil fan switch use singl capacitor ceil fans. replac fan switch easi cost-effect altern buy new fan. easi install, four-wir unit switch give complet control fan' rotat speed. ru csa certifi switch handl fan maximum 3-amp 250-volt 6-amp 125-volts."} {"id": "2569", "contents": "remot fan instal .......... $300.00. exist wire ceiling. run wire attic least 2' clearance. instal fan support brace. assemble, hang, balanc fan. program hand held remot in-wal remote. attic w/switch instal .......... $325.00. exist wire ceiling. run wire attic wall switch location. instal fan support brace. assemble, hang balanc fan. hard fan instal .......... $375.00+. exist wire ceiling."} {"id": "2570", "contents": "ceil fan instal right size room: room measur 75 squar feet need fan 29- 36-inch blade diameter. room measur 76 144 squar feet, choos fan blade diamet 36 42 inches."} {"id": "2571", "contents": "major homeown spent around $238-$330 ceil fan installations, averag report cost $284. sever websit provid cost calcul help determin averag price rang specif locat project. moreover, ceil fan less expens oper air conditioners. nation averag cost ceil fan installation. accord variou home remodel cost estimators, 2013 nation averag price new ceil fan instal u.s. rang $95-$215, done diy project."} {"id": "2572", "contents": "like attic fan, ceil fan instal electrician, especi need addit electr outlet wiring. ceil fan usual requir one instal qualifi electrician complet hours. compar price purchas ceil fan onlin discount store. sell old ceil fan craigslist, ebay yard sale. could offset price new ceil fans. ask electrician let help learn work electricity."} {"id": "2573", "contents": "4) put fan, connect, test $75-100. so-tot $250-425 box now, plu cost fixture. simpl instal replac exist fan, instal ceil box wire fan, would $75-100."} {"id": "2574", "contents": "specif report anesthesiologist nurse\u2019 salary. however, nurs anesthetists, profession relev profession, earn averag $158,900 per year 2014, accord bls. accord payscale, nurs anesthetist earn $90,924 $186,905 per year. annual salari anesthesiologist $166,400 median salari anesthesiologist base us $335,078. see averag anesthesiologist salari one highest salari medic sector."} {"id": "2575", "contents": "anesthesiologist salari affect mani differ factor geograph locat job, type facil work in, specialti experience. unit states, anesthesiologist expect earn averag $343,000 year go $425,000. salari also depend industri work in. may work healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, education, govern non-profit organ"} {"id": "2576", "contents": "anesthesiologist\u2019 salari vari assign averag pay rate around $1,200 per day may go $1,350 pediatr cardiac cases. fact, anesthesiologist receiv $6,000 $6,750 per week assignments. annual salari anesthesiologist $166,400 median salari anesthesiologist base us $335,078. see averag anesthesiologist salari one highest salari medic sector."} {"id": "2577", "contents": "salari outlook. anesthesiologist\u2019 averag salari good. bl report profession\u2019 median salari higher $187,199 2014, averag pay posit $246,320. highest-paid anesthesiologist work youngstown, ohio; wichita, kansas; tulsa, oklahoma; tucson, arizona; tampa, florida."} {"id": "2578", "contents": "locat also affect anesthesiologist\u2019 wage, accord bls. although state report data anesthesiologist\u2019 salari 2012, bl report lowest-pay state anesthesiologist mississippi, report averag annual salari $155,940, $74.97 per hour. contrast, anesthesiologist california averag $104.26 hour. mani anesthesiologist work 12-hour shift may call period last 24 hours, accord march 2012 articl thedo website. other may work part-time. averag salari anesthesiologist 2012 $232,830 year, accord bls, averag hourli wage $111.94. base 40-hour work week. anesthesiologist work 80 hour week, hourli wage would $55.97"} {"id": "2579", "contents": "averag salari anesthesiologist job $168,000. averag anesthesiologist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term anesthesiologist anywher job listing."} {"id": "2580", "contents": "upper 10 percent anesthesiologist receiv $200,000 per year lowest 10 percent receiv $115,470 per year. base percentiles, median salari 90 th percentil anesthesiologist around $417,930 yearly. similarly, 75 th percentil anesthesiologist receiv $378,446, 25 th percentil receiv $290,796 10 th percentil receiv $250,481 yearly. annual salari anesthesiologist $166,400 median salari anesthesiologist base us $335,078. see averag anesthesiologist salari one highest salari medic sector."} {"id": "2581", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-anesthesiolog unit state $350,114, 50% peopl perform job physician-anesthesiolog unit state expect make less $350,114. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. annual salari someon job titl physician-anesthesiolog may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "2582", "contents": "bradycardia slow heart rate less 60 beat per minut (bpm) adult call bradycardia. what' slow may depend age physic condition. physic activ adult often rest heart rate slower 60 bpm caus problems."} {"id": "2583", "contents": "one common abnorm slow heartbeats, condit known bradycardia. people, normal rest heart rate consid 60 100 beat minute; anyth less may consid"} {"id": "2584", "contents": "bradycardia. synonym .\u2014brachycardia; slow heart. definit .\u2014bradycardia slow heart, either normal, physiolog (bradycardia), pathological, may symptomat due lesion, may due neurosis."} {"id": "2585", "contents": "one common abnorm slow heartbeats, condit known bradycardia. learn heal condit naturally. people, normal rest heart rate consid 60 100 beat minute; anyth less may consid bradycardia. slow heart rate perfectli normal, even sign good physic fitness."} {"id": "2586", "contents": "bradycardia slow heart rate fewer 60 beat per minute. slow heart rate normal people, athletes, need treatment. bradycardia may also caus health condit need"} {"id": "2587", "contents": "heart beat fast -- 100 beat per minut -- condit known tachycardia arrhythmia. beat slow -- fewer 60 beat per minut -- bradycardia arrhythmia. two arrhythmia seriou unless occur extrem fashion prolong periods."} {"id": "2588", "contents": "arrhythmia electr problem disrupt heart' natur rhythm. manifest two type tachycardia (fast heart beat-ov 130 beat per minute)and bradycardia (slow heart beat-und 60 beat per minute)."} {"id": "2589", "contents": "posit chiang mai' first resort mall, promenada aim offer shopping: art, food, perform etc. alreadi chang skylin chiang mai' borders. easili access car lover bit town lazi citi dwellers. shuttl buse town mall (see schedule). promenada own run dutch investor plan mall thailand near future. email: marketing@promenadachiangmai.com. chiang mai locator-best inform chiang mai 7,000 businesses, maps, pictur detail handi information."} {"id": "2590", "contents": "help need get immigr early. also, goe hotel night market area old citi area chiang mai. live part chiang mai, conveni way get back town promenada.thi past thursday took 3:00 shuttl back town. altern option go immigr file mail-for instruct click pay visa servic (cost 300 baht)shuttl servic (free) shuttl servic provid promenada mall (not immigration)."} {"id": "2591", "contents": "immigr offic final signature. stack paperwork (for morning) taken old immigr offic airport signature. go lunch 12:00 1:00. runner return promenada passport return you. altern option go immigr file mail-for instruct click pay visa servic (cost 300 baht)shuttl servic (free) shuttl servic provid promenada mall (not immigration)."} {"id": "2592", "contents": "promenada resort mall chiang mai ultim shop experi thailand. locat san kamphaeng road (from mahidol road san kamphaeng)."} {"id": "2593", "contents": "promenada resort mall classifi follow categorie(s): shop mall. promenada resort mall chiang mai (\u0e1e\u0e23\u0e2d\u0e21\u0e40\u0e21\u0e19\u0e32\u0e14\u0e32 \u0e23\u0e35\u0e2a\u0e2d\u0e23\u0e4c\u0e17 \u0e21\u0e2d\u0e25\u0e25\u0e4c). promenada lead shop mall thailand. resort-style, air-condit shop mall help visitor get glimps close-to-natur feel chiang mai. promenada resort mall open new shop mall chiang mai june/juli 2013. open hours: monday friday: 11:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m."} {"id": "2594", "contents": "(redirect strep throat). streptococc pharyngitis, streptococc tonsillitis, streptococc sore throat (known colloqui strep throat) type pharyng caus group streptococc infection. affect pharynx includ tonsil possibl larynx."} {"id": "2595", "contents": "strep throat common throat infect caus bacteria. found often children age 15, although occur younger children adults. children younger year old get strep infections, usual don\u2019t affect throat. cause. impetigo usual caus staphylococcu (staph) bacteria, also caus group streptococcu bacteria. skin infect usual caus differ type (strains) strep bacteria caus strep throat."} {"id": "2596", "contents": "a: group streptococcu bacterium caus wide rang infections. peopl may also carri group streptococci throat skin symptom illness. ga infect rel mild ill strep throat, impetigo (a skin infection). occasion bacteria caus sever even life-threaten diseases."} {"id": "2597", "contents": "although, definition, strep throat caus streptococcu pyogen bacteria, bacteria occasion invad throat caus similar symptoms. possibl bacteri invad includ staphylococcus, neisseria haemophilu influenzae."} {"id": "2598", "contents": "streptococc infect type infect caus streptococcu (strep) group bacteria. mani differ type streptococci bacteria, infect vari sever mild throat infect life-threaten infect blood organs."} {"id": "2599", "contents": "strep throat bacteri infect throat tonsils. throat get irrit inflamed, caus sudden, sever sore throat. strep throat caus streptococc (strep) bacteria. mani differ type strep bacteria. caus seriou ill others."} {"id": "2600", "contents": "strep throat bacteri infect caus inflamm pain throat. common condit caus group streptococcu bacteria. strep throat affect children adult ages. however, especi common children age 15 (nlm, 2011) sneez cough spread infect person-to-person."} {"id": "2601", "contents": "strep throat (also known pharyng streptococc pharyngitis) bacteri infection. two type bacteria caus strep throat: group (also known streptococcu pyogenes) group b. strain bacteria result differ complications. strep bacteria also caus inflamm kidneys. call post-streptococc glomerulonephritis, condit occur one two week strep throat infection. one indic type inflamm rust-color urine."} {"id": "2602", "contents": "strep infect strep infect caus one type bacteria call streptococcus. strep often found throat skin. strep infections, strep throat, mild, sometim strep reach part bodi kill muscl fat tissue."} {"id": "2603", "contents": "word amalgam greek prefix hypo-, mean under, verb krinein, mean sift decide. thu origin mean impli defici abil sift decide. deficiency, pertain one' belief feelings, inform word' contemporari meaning. word hypocrisi come greek \u1f51\u03c0\u03cc\u03ba\u03c1\u03b9\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2 (hypokrisis), mean play-acting, act out, coward dissembling."} {"id": "2604", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: actor (noun). person perform theatric play film. actor (noun). one acts; doer. actor (noun). one take part situation. actor (noun). advoc proctor civil court causes. actor. actor person act dramat comic product work film, television, theatre, radio capacity. ancient greek word actor, \u1f51\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b9\u03c4\u03ae\u03c2, mean liter one interprets; sense, actor one interpret dramat charact"} {"id": "2605", "contents": "1. one answers, interpret (plato, lucian). 2. actor, stage-play (aristophanes, xenophon, plato, aelian, herodian). 3. biblic greek, dissembler, pretender, hypocrite: matthew 6:2, 5, 16; matthew 7:5; matthew 15:7; matthew 16:3 rec."} {"id": "2606", "contents": "confid vote 7. thespian: name thespis, play import part histori greek drama. actually, greek word mean actor hypokrit liter translat one interprets.. get word hypocrit hypocrisy.. word amalgam greek prefix hypo-, mean under, verb krinein, mean sift decide. thu origin mean impli defici abil sift decide. deficiency, pertain one' belief feelings, inform word' contemporari meaning."} {"id": "2607", "contents": "definit cothurnus. 1. high thick-sol lace boot worn actor greek roman tragic drama \u2014call also co*thurn, \\\u02c8k\u014d-\u02ccth\u0259rn, k\u014d-\u02c8\\. 2."} {"id": "2608", "contents": "actor. (\u0103k\u2032t\u0259r). n. 1. person behav manner character, usual recit script dialogue, order entertain audience, especi play, movie, televis show. 2."} {"id": "2609", "contents": "greek word \u201cactor\u201d hypocrites, mean \u201canswerer\u201d \u201cinterpreter,\u201d word cannot tell us anyth tragedy\u2019 origins, sinc know came use. .. much said view hypokrit mean 'answerer'. greek word \u201cactor\u201d hypocrites, mean \u201canswerer\u201d \u201cinterpreter,\u201d word cannot tell us anyth tragedy\u2019 origins, sinc know came use. also, easterl says:"} {"id": "2610", "contents": "toxin. n. 1. (pathology) variou poison substanc produc microorgan stimul product neutral substanc (antitoxins) body. see also endotoxin, exotoxin. 2. (biology) poison substanc plant anim origin. 1. poison substance, especi protein, produc live cell organ capabl caus diseas introduc bodi tissu often also capabl induc neutral antibodi antitoxins. 2. poison harm nonbiolog substance, pollutant."} {"id": "2611", "contents": "antibiotic. 1. destruct life. 2. chemic substanc produc microorgan capacity, dilut solutions, kill (biocid activity) inhibit growth (biostat activity) microorganisms. antibiot (an\u00b4tib\u012bot\u00b4ik) organ substanc produc one sever microorganisms, especi certain molds, capable, low concentration, destroy inhibit growth certain microorganisms."} {"id": "2612", "contents": "import substanc produc natur microorgan difficult culture. case, gene use microorgan produc substanc interest given differ microorgan easier grow. product substanc natur found microorgan enhanced. regulatori machineri control gene chang stronger promoter. enzym code gene thu produc much greater quantities."} {"id": "2613", "contents": "dr. saye ahmad d. i. hom. (london) antibiot substanc produc certain bacteria fungi kill cell interfer growth. nature, substanc help microb surviv limit multipl microb share environment."} {"id": "2614", "contents": "/an\u00b7ti\u00b7bi\u00b7ot\u00b7ic/ (-bi-ot\u00b4ik) chemic substanc produc microorganism, capac inhibit growth kill microorganisms; antibiot suffici nontox host use treatment infecti diseases. antibiot (an\u00b4tib\u012bot\u00b4ik) organ substanc produc one sever microorganisms, especi certain molds, capable, low concentration, destroy inhibit growth certain microorganisms."} {"id": "2615", "contents": "introduction. microbiologist distinguish two group antimicrobi agent use treatment infecti disease: antibiotics, natur substanc produc certain group microorganisms, chemotherapeut agents, chemic synthesized."} {"id": "2616", "contents": "biolog hazard: refer danger food contamin disease-caus microorgan (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) toxin certain plant fish carri natur toxins. contamination: unintend presenc potenti harm substances, includ microorgan food. toxins: poison produc microorganisms, carri fish releas plants. examples: botul caus toxin clostridium botulinum, scombroid poison natur occur scombroid toxin improperli refriger fish, mackerel tuna."} {"id": "2617", "contents": "order biotechnolog produc certain substance, microorgan must identifi produc substanc naturally. mani known bacteria fungi produc valuabl substances. genet engin came biolog method becam econom viable. product substanc natur found microorgan enhanced. regulatori machineri control gene chang stronger promoter. enzym code gene thu produc much greater quantities."} {"id": "2618", "contents": "1. destruct life. 2. chemic substanc produc microorgan capacity, dilut solutions, kill microorgan inhibit growth. antibiot suffici nontox host use chemotherapeut agent treatment infecti diseases. see also antimicrobi agent. antibiot (an\u00b4tib\u012bot\u00b4ik) organ substanc produc one sever microorganisms, especi certain molds, capable, low concentration, destroy inhibit growth certain microorganisms."} {"id": "2619", "contents": "homeown report spend $3,675 $7,155 air condit installed. price typic central a/c unit instal rather window air condition addit typic averag $300. total cost job depend type system choose."} {"id": "2620", "contents": "averag cost put furnac $3,835. homeown report pay $3,250 $4,420 instal new furnace. lowest price homeown might pay $1,500, maximum price homeown report pay furnac instal $6,990."} {"id": "2621", "contents": "air condition cost. start cost basic, small air condition low effici rate $3,000. however, peopl opt unit middl road, cost $3,500 $3,700."} {"id": "2622", "contents": "first cost new hvac system. cost rang $750 -$3000 depend brand, size model. averag cost new furnac approxim $1,400 unit includ element cost use instal furnace. price new air condition $600-$3,000 depend upon brand, model size. averag cost new air condition bedroom bath hous approxim $1,200 unit includ instal costs."} {"id": "2623", "contents": "cost instal window air condition averag $150 $300, depend size need. instal window air condit unit bring ad comfort reason price, less power central air condit system."} {"id": "2624", "contents": "depend total equip packag choose, cost rang approxim $1,500 $6,700. ad averag figures, see averag equip cost new central air condit system $3,500."} {"id": "2625", "contents": "u.s. fda protect food drug hazards. instead protect larg corpor interest expense. http://www.facebook.com/pages/the-fda-is-bad-for-your-health/121575731196161. photos."} {"id": "2626", "contents": "reason friend request got rejected. bad site, facebook realli bad site. come use facebook meet peopl add peopl freely, use internet freely, play games. facebook forc peopl prove real names, retarded. lead sens fals consensus. sit next friend search thing google. eli pariser, author filter bubbl (2012), promis won\u2019t see search results."} {"id": "2627", "contents": "emr said... social isol facebook user think connect world fact contact good friend too. peopl dont meet often face face facebook lead loneliness. type psycholog symptom could eventu lead seriou health concerns, heart disease, cancer dementia. time previous spent interact social increasingli displac virtual variety,\u201d sigman said article."} {"id": "2628", "contents": "1) privacy: good privaci realli term associ social networking, especi giant like facebook consid backbon social networking. care post statu updat anoth person' wall. enough materi facebook keep engag day long. might love risk, cost privacy. may awar danger face make much person inform available, bad facebook."} {"id": "2629", "contents": "spend lot time think facebook plan use it. feel urg use facebook more. use facebook order forget person problems. tri cut use facebook without success. lead sens fals consensus. sit next friend search thing google. eli pariser, author filter bubbl (2012), promis won\u2019t see search results."} {"id": "2630", "contents": "new research show obsess ex facebook might seem like help eas pain break up, potenti harm mental health. violet blue pulp tech |. (...) spite need research, take-hom messag present studi keep tab expartn facebook associ poorer emot recoveri person growth follow breakup."} {"id": "2631", "contents": "turn out, obsess ex facebook kinda creepy-it' also good you. so-cal facebook stalking: ex-partn focu new articl publish academ journal cyberpsychology, behavior social networking. (...) spite need research, take-hom messag present studi keep tab expartn facebook associ poorer emot recoveri person growth follow breakup."} {"id": "2632", "contents": "psychologist, aric sigman suggest use social network site oppos face-to-fac interact could lead major health problems. dr. sigman claim british journal, biologist, spend much time onlin could lead social isolation, loneli neg outlook. type psycholog symptom could eventu lead seriou health concerns, heart disease, cancer dementia. time previous spent interact social increasingli displac virtual variety,\u201d sigman said article."} {"id": "2633", "contents": "weekend psychologist dr. larri rosen releas find regard teen technology. surprise! technolog bad health! find show teen use technology, internet video games, like suffer stomach aches, sleep problem depression. facebook bad though. dr. rosen said great way bring shi kid shell, give safe way engag social interactions. say matter time narcissist rest us."} {"id": "2634", "contents": "three princip shape epitheli cells: squamous, columnar, cuboidal. arrang singl layer cell simpl epithelium, either squamous, columnar cuboidal, layer two cell deep stratifi (layered), either squamous, columnar cuboidal. gland made epitheli cells. simpl epithelium one cell thick; is, everi cell direct contact underli basement membrane. general, found absorpt filtrat occur. thin epitheli barrier facilit processes."} {"id": "2635", "contents": "pseudostratifi columnar epithelium special type simpl epithelium consist falsely-stratifi singl layer epitheli cell rest basement membrane. many, most, cells, columnar."} {"id": "2636", "contents": "simpl columnar epithelium columnar epithelium uni-layered. humans, simpl columnar epithelium line organ digest tract includ stomach, small intestine, larg intestine. simpl ciliat columnar epithelia line uterus."} {"id": "2637", "contents": "squamous. squamou mean scale-like. simpl squamou epithelium singl layer flat scale-shap cells. endotheli line blood vessel mesotheli line bodi caviti simpl squamou epithelium. tri identifi simpl squamou epithelia pictures."} {"id": "2638", "contents": "simpl columnar epithelium consist singl layer tall (columnar cells). simpl columnar epithelium usual involv activ secret and/or absorpt materi across singl cell layer, (if ciliated) movement along surface. convention, stratifi epithelium describ accord shape cell free surface. regardless whether surfac cell squamous, cuboidal, columnar, underli cell usual cuboidal."} {"id": "2639", "contents": "pseudostratifi columnar epithelium type tissu singl layer cell arrang fashion appear stratified, wherea transit epitheli tissu elastic-lik epitheli tissu swells, contracts, chang shape necessary."} {"id": "2640", "contents": "simpl columnar epitheli membran consist singl layer columnar epitheli cell rest basement membrane. columnar epitheli cell height greater width. simpl striat columnar epitheli membran special absorb select substanc space epithelium lines. simpl striat columnar epithelia contain two popul cells. usual largest popul cell absorpt cells."} {"id": "2641", "contents": "epithelium. epithelium tissu compos sheet cell join togeth one layers. epithelia cover bodi surface, line bodi caviti hollow organs, form glands. simpl epithelium compos singl layer cells, contact nonliv basement membran below. stratifi epithelium compos two cell layers."} {"id": "2642", "contents": "simpl columnar epithelia found glands, bulk epithelium present simpl epitheli membrane. two major subcategori simpl columnar epitheli membran found anim body: simpl secretori columnar epithelium, and. simpl striat columnar epitheli membran special absorb select substanc space epithelium lines. simpl striat columnar epithelia contain two popul cells. usual largest popul cell absorpt cells."} {"id": "2643", "contents": "simpl squamou epithelium singl layer flat cells, simpl cuboid epithelium singl layer cubic cells, simpl columnar epithelium singl layer columnar cells. simpl epithelium compos singl layer cells, contact nonliv basement membran below. stratifi epithelium compos two cell layers."} {"id": "2644", "contents": "or. mail account block allow. add entri block senders, enter email address domain want block enter sender domain text box, press enter select plu icon next text box. example, block email address end contoso.com, enter contoso.com text box. or. mail account block allow. add entri safe sender recipients, enter email address domain want mark safe"} {"id": "2645", "contents": "bell mail inbox, click option top right corner. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block senders. type email address sender block email address domain box, click add list. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click safe senders. type email address sender sender domain mark safe box, click add list."} {"id": "2646", "contents": "bell mail inbox, click option top right corner. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block senders. type email address sender block email address domain box, click add list. don\u2019t want receiv email certain sender bell mail. don\u2019t want get email certain peopl organizations, put block sender list. bell mail inbox, click option top right corner. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block sender"} {"id": "2647", "contents": "block sender email address outlook.com. delet messag sender outlook.com inbox (or anoth folder) add block sender list: open messag sender want block outlook.com. block email address outlook.com. add address domain name outlook.com' list block sender (without messag potenti sender hand): click set gear outlook.com' toolbar. select mail set menu shows. follow safe block sender link prevent junk email"} {"id": "2648", "contents": "follow safe block sender link prevent junk email. click block senders. enter unwant address block email address domain: block mail address domain, enter domain name typic follow '@' email address. block email address outlook.com. add address domain name outlook.com' list block sender (without messag potenti sender hand): click set gear outlook.com' toolbar. select mail set menu shows. follow safe block sender link prevent junk email"} {"id": "2649", "contents": "don\u2019t want get email certain peopl organizations, put block sender list. bell mail inbox, click option top right corner. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block senders. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click safe senders. type email address sender sender domain mark safe box, click add list."} {"id": "2650", "contents": "prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block senders. type email address sender block email address domain box, click add list. don\u2019t want receiv email certain sender bell mail. don\u2019t want get email certain peopl organizations, put block sender list. bell mail inbox, click option top right corner. select option drop-down menu. prevent junk email, click safe block senders, click block sender"} {"id": "2651", "contents": "galantamin use treat mild moder dementia (memori loss mental changes) sign alzheimer' disease. galantamin cure alzheimer' disease, stop diseas get worse. use allerg reaction galantamine. tell doctor pregnant breastfeeding, kidney disease, liver disease, heart rhythm problems, asthma, lung problems, stomach bowel problems, blockage, ulcers, bleeding."} {"id": "2652", "contents": "galantamin use treat symptom alzheimer' diseas (ad; brain diseas slowli destroy memori abil think, learn, commun handl daili activities). galantamin class medic call acetylcholinesteras inhibitors. work increas amount certain natur substanc brain need memori thought. galantamin may improv abil think rememb slow loss abil peopl ad."} {"id": "2653", "contents": "galantamin use decad eastern europ russia variou indic treatment myasthenia, myopathy, sensori motor dysfunct associ disord central nervou system. galantamin pure form white powder. atom resolut 3d structur complex galantamin target, acetylcholinesterase, determin x-ray crystallographi 1999 (pdb code: 1dx6; see complex)."} {"id": "2654", "contents": "uses: galantamin use treat mild moder confus (dementia) relat alzheimer' disease. cure alzheimer' disease, may improv memory, awareness, abil perform daili functions."} {"id": "2655", "contents": "drug class mechanism: galantamin oral medic use treat patient alzheimer' disease. galantamin class drug call cholinesteras inhibitor also includ tacrin (cognex), donezepil (aricept), rivastigmin (exelon). cholinesteras inhibitor inhibit (block) action acetylcholinesterase, enzym respons destruct acetylcholine."} {"id": "2656", "contents": "answer: razadyn brand name galantamine, one cholinesteras inhibitors. drug class, razadyn boost activ import chemic mediat memori cognit brain, name acetylcholine."} {"id": "2657", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. galantamin (nivalin, razadyne, razadyn er, reminyl, lycoremine) use treatment mild moder alzheimer' diseas variou memori impairments, particular vascular origin. galantamin pure form white powder. atom resolut 3d structur complex galantamin target, acetylcholinesterase, determin x-ray crystallographi 1999 (pdb code: 1dx6; see complex)."} {"id": "2658", "contents": "galantamin improv function nerv cell brain. work prevent breakdown chemic call acetylcholin (ah see til ko leen). peopl dementia usual lower level chemical, import process memory, thinking, reasoning. galantamin use treat mild moder dementia caus alzheimer' disease. galantamin may also use purpos list medic guide. take galantamine, tell doctor urin problems, heart disease, heart rhythm disorder, stomach ulcer bleeding, seizur disorder, kidney disease, liver disease, asthma"} {"id": "2659", "contents": "galantamine. revers competit inhibitor acetylcholinesteras use hydrobromid salt treatment mild moder alzheimer' disease, administ orally."} {"id": "2660", "contents": "stop use galantamin call doctor chest pain, slow heart rate, blood stools, cough blood, decreas urination, weakness, confusion, extrem thirst, hot, dri skin. peopl dementia usual lower level chemical, import process memory, thinking, reasoning. galantamin use treat mild moder dementia caus alzheimer' disease. galantamin may also use purpos list medic guide."} {"id": "2661", "contents": "43% advisor near retirement, say cerulli. januari 17, 2014 fa staff. averag age financi advisor 50.9 43 percent age 55, accord new research cerulli. nearli one-third advisor fall 55 64 age range, report kenton shirk, associ director cerulli."} {"id": "2662", "contents": "averag salari financi advisor $54,957 per year. skill increas pay job portfolio management, invest management, financi planning, invest planning, financi advisor. peopl job gener 20 years' experience."} {"id": "2663", "contents": "read stock bond? averag age advisor countri 50.9 years, 43 percent advisor industri age 55 years, 11 percent age 35."} {"id": "2664", "contents": "januari 17, 2014 fa staff. averag age financi advisor 50.9 43 percent age 55, accord new research cerulli. nearli one-third advisor fall 55 64 age range, report kenton shirk, associ director cerulli."} {"id": "2665", "contents": "averag annual bonu receiv financi advisor rang $0 $29,936. averag annual profit share compens rang $1,163 $15,115. averag annual commiss compens rang $3,912 $186,292."} {"id": "2666", "contents": "accord salari inform websit payscale, averag salari financi advisor unit state $59,000, rang $28,763 $120,807 median salari $50,128. addit salaries, financi advisor also receiv compens form bonuses, profit share commissions."} {"id": "2667", "contents": "far commit ballet hobbi concerned, expect pay somewher around $60 $150 per month tuition, depend number class daughter decid take week. addit tuition, cost danc clothes, shoe accessories. danc school hold annual recital, costum averag $75 apiece. anoth expens think perform costs. mani danc school offer student chanc perform major productions, nutcracker."} {"id": "2668", "contents": "typic cost recit danc costum account littl extras, tights, shoes, hair accessories. item child may alreadi wear danc class week, may need purchas item specif color required. attir jazz class usual less strict expect ballet classes. dancer wear basic leotard tight jazz class, mani choos substitut short leg tights. danc short leg typic cost $5 $20."} {"id": "2669", "contents": "averag ticket prices. averag price ticket ticker determin averag face-valu price paid consum north america past 12 months. ticket add-on fee secondari market premium includ calculations."} {"id": "2670", "contents": "order particip recital, child like need special danc costumes. costum chosen teacher fit theme song select recit performance. danc costum recit rang anywher $50 $300, typic cost usual $80. child may also need separ danc costum recit piec performing, someth account child take differ style danc lesson week. attir jazz class usual less strict expect ballet classes. dancer wear basic leotard tight jazz class, mani choos substitut short leg tights. danc short leg typic cost $5 $20."} {"id": "2671", "contents": "standard day half rental. insurance, security, tech crew, payroll, ticket/program print addit recit costs. would compar financ put profession qualiti recit medium danc school compar put small averag sized, non-extravag wedding. yes, studio charg 25$ im pretti sure rental auditorium use rental auditorium rehearsal. cost much per day rent auditorium. i'm sure also goe prop etc."} {"id": "2672", "contents": "mani guest may know pay ticket attend. i'd let know invit cost $13 each-mayb could offer pay first $5.00 ticket unabl pick entir tab year. daughter danc sinc 4, year ago! lot recit performances! last year bought ticket everyon attending, quit pricey! around $13 per person remeb correctly. assum suppos do, sinc 1st year recit daughter. end buy them!"} {"id": "2673", "contents": "recit fee get ticket directli profession venu ($30 each) make money those. figur recit venu rental cost own danc studio. yes, studio charg 25$ im pretti sure rental auditorium use rental auditorium rehearsal. cost much per day rent auditorium. i'm sure also goe prop etc."} {"id": "2674", "contents": "costum alway age-appropriate. cost costum complet accessori pair tight $85 child size $90 adult sizes. special orders, includ extra-larg sizes, may requir addit charg (determin costum company). addit charg sole respons parent guardian. accessories, headpiec gloves, includ cost costume. well pair tights. shoe included. refund made parent guardian withdraw child school costum order prior recital."} {"id": "2675", "contents": "thanksgiv weekend, class run schedul saturday, octob 10, class monday, octob 12. halloween, saturday, octob 31, class run schedul request student come dress costume, danc shoes, prepar dance. thank great month!"} {"id": "2676", "contents": "dwarf fruit tree perhap exot plant grow indoors. nativ tropic region around world, lush foliage, exot flower edibl fruit make captiv convers piec sunroom -- sunni room. ever thought grow banana plant indoors, want 'dwarf cavendish', compact varieti top ft (1.8 m) tall. red flower (shown left) follow bunch bananas."} {"id": "2677", "contents": "consid grow dwarf banana tree, dwarf cavendish dwarf brazilian variety, tree get big larger counterpart therefor easier manage. choos plant site receiv full sun. 7. spread 6-inch-deep layer mulch, wood chip bark fragments, around dwarf banana tree. reduc weed problems, keep soil cool help conserv moisture. additionally, mulch slowli decompos enhanc underli soil."} {"id": "2678", "contents": "dwarf banana grow feet tall, taller varieti grow 10 15 feet high. plant grow outdoor indoor contain provid tropic touch setting. sensit cold climates, tropic plant thrive area temperatur 55 degre fahrenheit. feed outdoor dwarf banana plant lb. 8-10-8 fertil everi month summer. spread fertil circl around plant, feet away trunk prevent direct contact. fertil container-grown banana half amount fertilizer."} {"id": "2679", "contents": "dwarf bananas, dwarf cavendish, requir care taller cousins. differ two varieti height. dwarf banana reach height anywher feet, taller varieti grow 12 18 feet tall. tropic fruit, banana requir warm condit grow. plant outsid zone 10. fertil outdoor dwarf banana plant per month 8-10-8 fertilizer. appli rate pound per plant. spread fertil circl extend approxim feet banana' trunk. allow fertil touch trunk."} {"id": "2680", "contents": "dwarf banana plants. ever thought grow banana plant indoors, want 'dwarf cavendish', compact varieti top ft (1.8 m) tall. red flower (shown left) follow bunch bananas. perfectli happi container, long provid sunlight need"} {"id": "2681", "contents": "step 1. grow dwarf banana outsid warm location, south side house, next build cement driveway. grow area receiv either full sun least four hour sunlight throughout day. fertil outdoor dwarf banana plant per month 8-10-8 fertilizer. appli rate pound per plant. spread fertil circl extend approxim feet banana' trunk. allow fertil touch trunk."} {"id": "2682", "contents": "grow dwarf banana trees. technically, dwarf banana varieties, tree, plant. banana plant like full sun, even pot one need 4-5 hour good light, partial diffus also fine. dwarf banana plant grow three four feet tall corm, grow erect like pseudostem. pseudostem bear one bunch bananas. leav spiral arranged, smooth textur bright green."} {"id": "2683", "contents": "instructions. grow dwarf banana plant well-drain soil ph 5.5 7.0. expos least four hour direct sunlight everi day. amend plant site organ matter compost peat. feed outdoor dwarf banana plant lb. 8-10-8 fertil everi month summer. spread fertil circl around plant, feet away trunk prevent direct contact. fertil container-grown banana half amount fertilizer."} {"id": "2684", "contents": "super dwarf cavendish dwarf red suitabl indoor growing. super dwarf grow feet tall (1 1.2 m), realli cramp space. super dwarf cavendish. real fruit bananas, scale version dwarf cavendish grown commerci canari islands. planting: grow banana contain large. standard inch (15 cm) inch (20 cm) pot drainag hole. never plant contain without drainag hole. alway transplant larger contain plant quit crowd"} {"id": "2685", "contents": "five-year rel surviv rate peopl hl doubled, 40 percent white 1960-1963 (onli data available) 87.7 percent race 2004-2010. five-year rel surviv rate 93.7 percent peopl hl less 45 year old diagnosis. 1975 1977, five-year rel surviv rate total popul leukemia 34.2 percent, 2004 2010, overal rel surviv rate 60.3 percent. 2004-2010, five-year rel surviv rate overal were. cml 59.9 percent."} {"id": "2686", "contents": "example, 5-year surviv rate acut lymphoblast leukemia 2003-2007 91 percent children younger 15 year compar 78 percent adolesc age 15 19 year (6). 5-year overal surviv rate among adolesc age 15 19 year cancer exceed 80 percent 2003-2007, similar among younger children (6). however, specif diagnoses, surviv lower 15- 19-year-old younger children."} {"id": "2687", "contents": "acut lymphoblast leukemia (all) cancer affect white blood cells. cell fight infect help protect bodi disease. patient mani immatur white blood cell bone marrow. cell crowd normal white blood cells. without enough normal white blood cells, bodi harder time fight infections. sibl children leukemia slightli higher risk develop all, rate still quit low: 500."} {"id": "2688", "contents": "acut myelogen leukemia (aml) occur commonli adult children, commonli men women. treat chemotherapy. five-year surviv rate 40%, except apl (acut promyelocyt leukemia), surviv rate greater 90%. acut lymphoblast leukemia (all) common type leukemia young children. also affect adults, especi 65 older. standard treatment involv chemotherapi radiotherapy. surviv rate vari age: 85% children 50% adults."} {"id": "2689", "contents": "success treatment depend type leukemia age person. outcom improv develop world. averag five-year surviv rate 57% unit states. children 15, five-year surviv rate greater 60 85%, depend type leukemia. children acut leukemia cancer-fre five years, cancer unlik return. acut lymphoblast leukemia (all) common type leukemia young children. also affect adults, especi 65 older. standard treatment involv chemotherapi radiotherapy. surviv rate vari age: 85% children 50% adults."} {"id": "2690", "contents": "acut myelogen leukemia (aml). overal 5-year surviv rate children aml also increas time, rang 60% 70%. however, surviv rate vari depend subtyp aml factors. surviv rate childhood leukemias. surviv rate often use doctor standard way discuss person\u2019 prognosi (outlook). parent may want know surviv statist children similar situations, other may find number helpful, may even want know them."} {"id": "2691", "contents": "acut lymphoblast leukemia (all) cancer involv blood bone marrow. type leukemia progress fast rate, creat immatur white blood cell call lymphocytes. strike 6,000 peopl year, accord univers maryland medic center."} {"id": "2692", "contents": "5-year surviv rate children greatli increas time 85% overall. overal 5-year surviv rate children aml also increas time, rang 60% 70%. however, surviv rate vari depend subtyp aml factors. surviv rate childhood leukemias. surviv rate often use doctor standard way discuss person\u2019 prognosi (outlook). parent may want know surviv statist children similar situations, other may find number helpful, may even want know them."} {"id": "2693", "contents": "although 150 infant diagnos leukemia year, prognosi encouraging. older children diagnos leukemia 80 percent surviv rate, surviv rate infant less 50 percent. that\u2019 biolog infant leukemia, well infants\u2019 respons treatment, differ childhood leukemias."} {"id": "2694", "contents": "semilunar valv (sv) two valv structur sit right ventricl pulmonari arteri left ventricl aorta. flap valv open close allow unidirect flow blood heart, prevent backflow blood."} {"id": "2695", "contents": "heart valv broken two types: atrioventricular semilunar valves. atrioventricular valves. atrioventricular (av) valv locat middl heart atria ventricl allow blood flow atria ventricles."} {"id": "2696", "contents": "tricuspid valv allow blood flow right atrium right ventricle, prevent backflow. two semilunar valv allow blood flow ventricles, either pulmonari arteri right side, aorta left side, prevent backflow."} {"id": "2697", "contents": "answer pegalita. confid vote 11.9k. valv door allow proper amount blood ventricl heart explod push much body. high blood pressur occur culprit defect valv leak fail open close properly."} {"id": "2698", "contents": "atrioventricular valv right side. call tricuspid valves. allow blood flow right atrium right ventricl left side. call bicuspid valves, also known mitral valve. allow blood flow left atrium left ventricle."} {"id": "2699", "contents": "valv left ventricl aorta call aortic valv valv pulmonari arteri right ventricl call pulmonari valve. heart two type valves: atrioventricular (av) semilunar."} {"id": "2700", "contents": "two valv heart. tricuspid valv bicuspid valve.ther possibl blood go back atria. prevent two valves, tricuspid valv right side bicuspid valv left side."} {"id": "2701", "contents": "giant panda weigh 200 pounds. male weigh 250 pounds. femal weigh 220 pounds. male weigh 250 pounds. femal weigh 220 pounds."} {"id": "2702", "contents": "wild giant panda weigh 60 -73kg heaviest reach wild 110kg. giant panda captiv weigh 80 -125kg heaviest panda reach captiv 181.5kg. person found useful. much full grown giant panda weigh? giant panda reach 5.5 feet bodi length weigh 175 280 pounds, femal 10 15 pound lighter males. 180 pound (80 g)"} {"id": "2703", "contents": "male panda weigh 150 kg wherea femal compar smaller weigh 125 kgs. male weigh 250 pounds. femal weigh 220 pounds."} {"id": "2704", "contents": "learn want know giant panda pictur ... weight: 300 lb ... much know panda come studi ... positive: 25 %. giant panda gener solitary, ... averag giant panda eat much 14 kg ... giant panda cub weigh 45 kg ..."} {"id": "2705", "contents": "wild giant panda weigh 60 -73kg heaviest reach wild 110kg. giant panda captiv weigh 80 -125kg heaviest panda reach captiv 181.5kg. male weigh 250 pounds. femal weigh 220 pounds."} {"id": "2706", "contents": "adult red panda weigh kilogram (9 13 pounds). male weigh 250 pounds. femal weigh 220 pounds."} {"id": "2707", "contents": "size: size american black bear, giant panda stand two three feet tall shoulder (on four legs), reach four six feet long. male larger females, weigh 250 pound wild. femal rare reach 220 pounds."} {"id": "2708", "contents": "giant panda live broadleaf conifer forest dens understori bamboo, elev 5,000 10,000 feet. torrenti rain dens mist throughout year character forests, often shroud heavi clouds. size american black bear, giant panda stand two three feet tall shoulder (on four legs), reach four six feet long. male larger females, weigh 250 pound wild."} {"id": "2709", "contents": "believ question ideology, ethics, moral important, believ guid lives, nihilist!!! libertarian, left-liberal, right-conservative, communitarian, adopt form univers relativism. 8."} {"id": "2710", "contents": "freedom defin strict father -- individu social responsibility, without govern author tell cannot do. defend freedom individual, cours need gun. america conserv realli want. one free without these, without commit care act care one' fellow citizens. conserv worldview reject that. conserv believ individu respons alone, social responsibility. think govern help citizens."} {"id": "2711", "contents": "also like vote republican. however, conserv christian consist pro-life; fact, major not. and, major still believ homosexu alway wrong, proport convict declin rapidli 1990s. finally, addit vote conserv protest republican candidates, mainlin american protestants, meager\u2014about seven percentag points."} {"id": "2712", "contents": "4. liber believ 'we people' governor subject government, govern must treat person mind.'. one right assert support primarili liber right individu reproduct freedom."} {"id": "2713", "contents": "note: term \u201cleft\u201d \u201cright\u201d defin opposit end polit spectrum. unit states, liber refer left left-w conserv refer right right-wing. decis abort person choic woman regard bodi govern must protect right. women right affordable, safe legal abortions, includ partial birth abortion. conserv human life begin conception. abort murder human being."} {"id": "2714", "contents": "liber oppos death penalti believ peopl death row poor. conserv physic attract liberals, liber sexier. liber better person conservatives, they'r condescend it... ugli person trait. liber believ element socialism. conserv hate social believ element it. conserv problem women. liber problem conserv women."} {"id": "2715", "contents": "cathol tend conserv general. conserv believ famili larger support. due close tie birth control sexuality, also believ person matter, appropri public discuss funding. conservatives: conserv believ same-sex marriag bibl defin marriag as. conserv way, million gay american would lose right marri whomev love base religi view people."} {"id": "2716", "contents": "conserv like make fun liberals, claim liber speak language. again, conserv right. languag conservatism, words. word familiar enough, mean. example, big govern refer size govern amount spent it. liber misus term. heard conserv talk freedom liber attempt rebutt point deni woman access abort limit freedom choose. again, liber use word differ mean conserv lexicon."} {"id": "2717", "contents": "however, conserv dislik religi freedom right practic give crap diety. two point miss issu pretti significantly, one outright lie. 1) peopl oppos abort believ abort kill child. conservatives: conserv believ same-sex marriag bibl defin marriag as. conserv way, million gay american would lose right marri whomev love base religi view people."} {"id": "2718", "contents": "liber love sex. conserv hate peopl sex. conserv tri get liber facebook friend see light. liber tri find facebook friend conserv de-friend them. conserv disappoint presid obama he' liberal. liber disappoint presid obama he' liber enough. liber believ element socialism. conserv hate social believ element it. conserv problem women. liber problem conserv women."} {"id": "2719", "contents": "princ appar look purpl color symbol royalty, sign divin salvation: i.e purpose. fashion, purpl banana combin lyric song metaphor quest higher purpos life. song seem focu life' imperfect absolute, let deter quest verv optimism."} {"id": "2720", "contents": "appearance. lana banana bread slice banana bread brown crust. nut top her, hold banana hands. variant slice purpl banana bread white crust. nut top her, hold banana hands."} {"id": "2721", "contents": "red banana distinct red purpl skin, rather convent yellow banana usual smaller regular yellow bananas. fruit soft creami textur cream slightli pink color. fruit red banana similar fruit yellow bananas, red banana tast like eat banana raspberri time. red banana come costa rica favorit central america, mexico area australia."} {"id": "2722", "contents": "purpl banana. apolog last even air condit system went down. back run afternoon hot build hot outsid today hard time get build cool down. apolog tomorrow back track."} {"id": "2723", "contents": "banana flower large, dark purple-r blossom grow end bunch bananas. sizabl bracts, leaves, snugli enclos delicate, sweetli scent male flowers. femal flowers, requir fertil becom fruit, grow farther stem male flowers. banana flower vada vadai, banana flower fritters, delicious! way make actual hard. take whole stalk banana flower, channa dhal, two onions, sever red green chillies, cumin, turmeric, curri leaves."} {"id": "2724", "contents": "princ appar look purpl color symbol royalty, sign divin salvation: i.e purpose. fashion, purpl banana comb inat lyric song metaphor quest higher purpos life. purpl color form red blue mix together. secondari color color wheel one color rainbow. purpl color! dork! old enough post thing site know purpl is!"} {"id": "2725", "contents": "smaller plumper common cavendish banana. ripe, raw red banana flesh cream light pink color. also softer sweeter yellow cavendish varieties, slight mango flavor. mani red banana import produc east africa, asia south america. favorit central america sold throughout world."} {"id": "2726", "contents": "carbon atom call tetraval form coval bond carbon atom total six electron occupi first two shell shell two lectron shell four electron"} {"id": "2727", "contents": "user carbon consid tetraval select one option answer sinc four electron outermost orbit need four electron complet octet"} {"id": "2728", "contents": "carbon non metal metal give electron form electroval bond highli electroposit metal loos electron easili carbon possibl carbon mostli form coval bond carbon form long chain therefor studi separ organ chemistri"} {"id": "2729", "contents": "best respons alreadi chosen best respons carbon consid tetraval four valenc electron valenc electron outermost shell atom allow carbon form four bond atom"} {"id": "2730", "contents": "carbon consid tetraval sinc four electron outermost orbit need four electron complet octet sinc two electron outermost orbit need four electron complet octet sinc four electron outermost orbit donat four"} {"id": "2731", "contents": "carbon normal tetraval mean make four bond atom pictur differ type carbon molecul shown line repres two electron bond dot repres electron balloon repres orbit"} {"id": "2732", "contents": "mean jane. hebrew name. hebrew, name jane means-gift god.. origin name jane include-hebrew, english, english.th name jane often use girl name femal name. hebrew name meaning-gift god. origin-hebrew. altern origins-english english. express num 3."} {"id": "2733", "contents": "jane form english scottish jean english language. jane also form english joan. jane feminin form english hebrew john. mean jane 'yahweh gracious, yahweh merciful'. biblic name deriv yahweh 'name god chanan mean 'to graciou '. name johanna born follow jesu bible, also wife king herod antipas' steward."} {"id": "2734", "contents": "name janet hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name janet is: gift god. american meaning: name janet american babi name. american mean name janet is: gift god. english meaning: name janet english babi name. english mean name janet is: god gracious. feminin form john. scottish meaning: name janet scottish babi name. scottish mean name janet is: french jeanett"} {"id": "2735", "contents": "jani /ja-nie/ [2 sylls.] girls' name. janie' root greek hebrew, mean jani nobl aristocrat; god gracious. jani altern form eugenia (greek): feminin greek eugenios. jani also variat jane (hebrew): origin feminin variant john."} {"id": "2736", "contents": "jane origin hebrew languag use larg english. mean jane 'yahweh gracious, yahweh merciful'. biblic name deriv yahweh 'name god chanan mean 'to graciou '. name johanna born follow jesu bible, also wife king herod antipas' steward."} {"id": "2737", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name jane hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name jane is: gift god. american meaning: name jane american babi name. american mean name jane is: gift god. english meaning: name jane english babi name. english mean name jane is: jehovah gracious. feminin form john.. old french jehan"} {"id": "2738", "contents": "origin jane. name jane. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "2739", "contents": "english cognat french jehann jeanne, feminin form jean, cognat john (god gracious). jane, perenni popular name, name central charact charlott bronte'bront\u00eb jane (eyre). 1847 world babi name teresa. norman"} {"id": "2740", "contents": "jane popular first name femal (#77 4276, top 2%) also popular surnam adult children (#29142 150436, top 19%). (2000 u.s. census). shown babi name popular jane girls. origin feminin form john. longtim popular girl' name. royal name, born 16th century' ladi jane grey unwillingli proclaim queen. influenc 19th-centuri use name central charact charlott bront 's jane eyre."} {"id": "2741", "contents": "jane /jane/ [1 syll.] girls' name pronounc jayn. hebrew origin, mean jane god gracious. origin feminin form john. longtim popular girl' name. royal name, born 16th century' ladi jane grey unwillingli proclaim queen. influenc 19th-centuri use name central charact charlott bront 's jane eyre."} {"id": "2742", "contents": "term organ tightli regul mean food produc approv method free synthet fertilizers. food drug administration, however, definit use word natural.. although lot product use natural, mean lot non-natur ingredi them. one buzz word put product, jacobson said. peopl grab it."} {"id": "2743", "contents": "organ farmers, ranchers, food processor follow defin set standard produc organ food fiber. congress describ gener organ principl organ food product act, usda defin specif organ standards."} {"id": "2744", "contents": "compar organ food. term \u201cnatural\u201d appli mani foods, consist meaning. natur food natur food wide use term food label market varieti definitions, vague."} {"id": "2745", "contents": "organ veget farmers' market argentina. organ food food produc organ farming. standard differ worldwide, organ farm gener featur cultural, biological, mechan practic foster cycl resources, promot ecolog balance, conserv biodiversity. process organ food usual contain organ ingredients. non-organ ingredi present, least certain percentag food' total plant anim ingredi must organ (95% unit states, canada, australia)."} {"id": "2746", "contents": "trace organ product start finish part usda organ promise. amidst nutrit facts, ingredi lists, dietari claim food packages, \u201corganic\u201d might appear one piec inform deciph shop foods. understand \u201corganic\u201d realli mean help shopper make inform choic next visit store farmers\u2019 market. third instal organ 101 seri explor differ aspect usda organ regulations. organ certif requir farmer handler document process get inspect everi year."} {"id": "2747", "contents": "\u201cwhat organ food? organ food produc farmer emphas use renew resourc conserv soil water enhanc environment qualiti futur generations. organ meat, poultry, eggs, dairi product come anim given antibiot growth hormones. organ food produc without use convent pesticides; fertil made synthet ingredi sewag sludge; bioengineering; ioniz radiation."} {"id": "2748", "contents": "well, sit food label us, word \u201cnatural\u201d regul definition.*. natur mean number differ things, depend us are, food manufactur store carri product. fact, fda said it\u2019 okay call high-fructos corn syrup natural.. feder regul strictli defin term organic.. see \u201corgan label, know food made set farm product practic defin regulated, great detail, usda"} {"id": "2749", "contents": "food scienc perspective, difficult defin food product 'natural' food probabl process longer product earth. said, fda develop definit use term natur derivatives."} {"id": "2750", "contents": "addit differ \u201corganic\u201d \u201cconventional,\u201d peopl want know differ \u201corganic\u201d \u201cnatural.\u201d unlik word \u201corganic\u201d word \u201cnatural\u201d specif mean mean mani differ things."} {"id": "2751", "contents": "\u201cmade organic\u201d product bear usda organ seal, but, organ products, must still identifi usda-accredit certifier. look ident certifi packag product verif organ product meet usda\u2019 organ standards. third instal organ 101 seri explor differ aspect usda organ regulations. organ certif requir farmer handler document process get inspect everi year."} {"id": "2752", "contents": "loci plural latin word, locus, mean place location. method loci also call journey method domin o'brien, imaginari journey often refer memori palac memori journeys. see also mind palace, term use tv show, sherlock."} {"id": "2753", "contents": "straight line locu parallel line q, set distanc (r) line. fix point either end line, draw semicircl radiu r. sometim locu line, area. example:"} {"id": "2754", "contents": "definition. noun, plural: loci. (general) place, space locality, especi centr activity. (mathematics) set point whose coordin satisfi given equat condition. (genetics) locat gene (or signific sequence) chromosome, genet locus."} {"id": "2755", "contents": "locus. definition. noun, plural: loci. (general) place, space locality, especi centr activity. (mathematics) set point whose coordin satisfi given equat condition. (genetics) locat gene (or signific sequence) chromosome, genet locus."} {"id": "2756", "contents": "method loci (loci latin places), also call memori palac mind palac technique, mnemon devic adopt ancient roman greek rhetor treatis (in anonym rhetorica ad herennium, cicero 's de oratore, quintilian 's institutio oratoria)."} {"id": "2757", "contents": "locu theorem 3: locu point equidist two points, q, perpendicular bisector line segment determin two points. locu theorem 4: locu point equidist two parallel lines, l1 l2, line parallel l1 l2 midway them. locu theorem 5:"} {"id": "2758", "contents": "venu one four terrestri planet solar system, mean that, like earth, rocki body. size mass, similar earth, often describ earth' sister twin. diamet venu 12,092 km (onli 650 km less earth's) mass 81.5% earth's. condit venusian surfac differ radic earth dens carbon dioxid atmosphere. venu terrestri planet sometim call earth' sister planet similar size, mass, proxim sun bulk composition. radic differ earth respects. densest atmospher four terrestri planets, consist 96% carbon dioxide."} {"id": "2759", "contents": "confid vote 72. venu earth sort size. venu also known earth' twin sister. actually, venus' diamet 12,104 km, earth' 12,756 kilometers. so, there' littl difference, venu bit smaller. slightli smaller earth. diamet venu 0.949 time earth."} {"id": "2760", "contents": "comparison, mount everest 5.4 mile (8.8 km) earth' sea level. ishtar terra size australia, contain four mountain rang venus, provid potenti evid planet' surfac may motion. aphrodit terra lie south equator. venu rocky, terrestri planet like earth, like form way time. mass 4.87 trillion trillion kilograms, 82 percent sister planet. like size, densiti compar earth 5.243 gram per cubic centimeter."} {"id": "2761", "contents": "venu diamet 95% earth\u2019s. 12,100 km across. venusian surfac area around 90% 4.6\u00d710 km 2. planet volum 9.38\u00d710 11 km 3. put littl 85% earth\u2019 volume. one final way measur size venu consid mass."} {"id": "2762", "contents": "venu sometim call earth\u2019 sister planet. size similar (there 638 km differ diameter) venu around 81% earth\u2019 mass. also similarli locat venu closest planet earth. one day venu longer one year. due slow rotat axis, take 243 earth-day complet one rotation. orbit planet take 225 earth-day make year venu shorter day venus."} {"id": "2763", "contents": "often call earth' sister planet, venu closest size, mass 80 percent planet diamet mile less. also closest planet term location. venu rocky, terrestri planet like earth, like form way time. mass 4.87 trillion trillion kilograms, 82 percent sister planet. like size, densiti compar earth 5.243 gram per cubic centimeter."} {"id": "2764", "contents": "take 243 earth day rotat axis. planet\u2019 orbit around sun take 225 earth days, compar earth\u2019 365. venu often call earth\u2019 sister planet: earth venu similar size 638 km differ diameter, venu 81.5% earth\u2019 mass. also central core, molten mantl crust."} {"id": "2765", "contents": "venu earth compar venus, second planet sun, lies, average, 108 million km sun, 30% closer earth. venu often refer sister planet similar size, mass, densiti volume."} {"id": "2766", "contents": "saturn one gassi planet huge compar size earth. saturn diamet 120,536km much bigger earth. earth, howev diamet 12,756km. smart enough would work saturn 9.45 earth."} {"id": "2767", "contents": "density, mass, volume. venu rocky, terrestri planet like earth, like form way time. mass 4.87 trillion trillion kilograms, 82 percent sister planet. like size, densiti compar earth 5.243 gram per cubic centimeter."} {"id": "2768", "contents": "cost live sacramento 13.7 less california average. cost live sacramento 17 greater nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100. kodiak, ak expens citi ga $3.74 per gallon. colorado springs, co least expens citi ga $1.62 per gallon. coffee. price coffe sacramento, ca $5.97. price coffe sacramento 24.8% high"} {"id": "2769", "contents": "cost live indic base us averag 100. amount 100 mean sacramento, california cheaper us average. cost live index 100 mean sacramento, california expensive. overall, sacramento, california cost live 112.50."} {"id": "2770", "contents": "sacramento assist living. 33 assist live facil sacramento, ca 30 assist live facil nearby. averag cost assist live sacramento, ca $3,350 per month. median cost assist live sacramento single-occup apart $3,350/month (genworth 2013). monthli cost typic includ rent, utilities, dining, housekeep transportation."} {"id": "2771", "contents": "california cost living-sacramento. compar averag wage cost live index sacramento, california citi california states. select one cost comparison wage adjust tool below. cost live comparison relocation."} {"id": "2772", "contents": "averag live wage california $8.83. adjust cost live sacramento give live wage $8.50. second method adjust feder poverti guidelin cost live sacramento. poverti level famili $15,020. cost live sacramento approxim 15% higher nation average, poverti level sacramento $17,273. wage suffici famili three one full time worker reach poverti line $8.64. final method consid spend need typic family."} {"id": "2773", "contents": "price coffe sacramento 24.8% higher nation average. honolulu, hi expens citi coffe $7.79. fort lauderdale, fl least expens citi coffe $2.99. kodiak, ak expens citi ga $3.74 per gallon. colorado springs, co least expens citi ga $1.62 per gallon. coffee. price coffe sacramento, ca $5.97."} {"id": "2774", "contents": "cost assist live sacramento. median cost private, one-bedroom assist live apart sacramento $3,500 per month $42,000 per year,* averag cost assist live california. median cost assist live sacramento single-occup apart $3,350/month (genworth 2013). monthli cost typic includ rent, utilities, dining, housekeep transportation."} {"id": "2775", "contents": "oh snap! can't tell cost live know going. whether consid reloc sacramento, california curiou cost live sacramento, california, payscal cost live calcul place begin research. enter current job titl salari see would need earn sacramento, california order maintain standard living. plus, see median salari job titl sacramento, california."} {"id": "2776", "contents": "100. cost live sacramento 13.7 less california average. cost live sacramento 17 greater nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100. kodiak, ak expens citi ga $3.74 per gallon. colorado springs, co least expens citi ga $1.62 per gallon. coffee. price coffe sacramento, ca $5.97. price coffe sacramento 24.8% high"} {"id": "2777", "contents": "skelet muscle. tissu commonli thought muscl skelet muscle. skelet muscl cover skeleton, give bodi shape. attach skeleton strong, springi tendon directli connect rough patch bone."} {"id": "2778", "contents": "muscl tissu vari function locat body. mammal three type are: skelet striat muscle; smooth non-striat muscle; cardiac muscle, sometim known semi-striated."} {"id": "2779", "contents": "myofibril compos actin myosin filaments, repeat unit call sarcomeres, basic function unit muscl fiber. sarcomer respons striat appear skelet muscle, form basic machineri necessari muscl contraction. one three major muscl types, other cardiac muscl smooth muscle. skelet muscl attach bone bundl collagen fiber known tendons. skelet muscl made individu muscl cell myocytes, known muscl fibers."} {"id": "2780", "contents": "skelet muscl tissu voluntari type muscl tissu use contract skelet parts. striat (altern light dark bands, call striations) attach bones. skelet muscl is, general, muscl attach bone skeleton tendon. use provid movement bodi parts, maintain posit posture."} {"id": "2781", "contents": "muscular system respons movement human body. attach bone skelet system 700 name muscl make roughli half person\u2019 bodi weight. muscl discret organ construct skelet muscl tissue, blood vessels, tendons, nerves. muscl tissu also found insid heart, digest organs, blood vessels. organs, muscl serv move substanc throughout body.... belli muscl fleshi part muscl tendon actual contraction. name skelet muscles. skelet muscl name base mani differ factors, includ location, origin insertion, number origins, shape, size, direction, function."} {"id": "2782", "contents": "skelet muscl fiber singl cylindr muscl cell. individu skelet muscl may made hundreds, even thousands, muscl fiber bundl togeth wrap connect tissu covering. muscl surround connect tissu sheath call epimysium. fascia, connect tissu outsid epimysium, surround separ muscles."} {"id": "2783", "contents": "skelet muscl form striat muscl tissu voluntari control somat nervou system. one three major muscl types, other cardiac muscl smooth muscle. skelet muscl attach bone bundl collagen fiber known tendons. skelet muscl made individu muscl cell myocytes, known muscl fibers. form fusion development myoblast (a type embryon progenitor cell give rise muscl cell) process known myogenesi"} {"id": "2784", "contents": "singl skelet muscl fiber long mani nuclei, locat peripheri cell. individu muscl fiber parallel other. smooth muscl tissu found wall hollow intern organ blood vessels. skelet muscl is, general, muscl attach bone skeleton tendon. use provid movement bodi parts, maintain posit posture."} {"id": "2785", "contents": "structur skelet muscle. whole skelet muscl consid organ muscular system. organ muscl consist skelet muscl tissue, connect tissue, nerv tissue, blood vascular tissue. skelet muscl vari consider size, shape, arrang fibers. individu skelet muscl may made hundreds, even thousands, muscl fiber bundl togeth wrap connect tissu covering. muscl surround connect tissu sheath call epimysium. fascia, connect tissu outsid epimysium, surround separ muscles."} {"id": "2786", "contents": "skelet muscle: along smooth cardiac muscle, one type muscl tissu body. skelet muscl repres major muscl tissue. type muscl power movement skeleton, walk lifting."} {"id": "2787", "contents": "therefor dog eat rabbit myxomatosi would extrem harm onto dog taken vet immediately. cheyletiella infect rabbit rabbit infect cheyletiella typic flaking, scali skin."} {"id": "2788", "contents": "report abuse. myxomatosi diseas rabbits, domest wild, caus myxoma virus, member pox family. affect mammal mankind. viru transmit suscept rabbit bite insects."} {"id": "2789", "contents": "rabbit also get myxomatosi rabbit infect come contact rabbit' stuff (like dish fabrics). havn't given rabbit myxomatosi jab could get myxomatosis."} {"id": "2790", "contents": "think perfectli safe eat myxi rabbit since, said, diseas specif rabbits. attract idea, though, sight rabbit myxomatosi exactli make one' mouth water."} {"id": "2791", "contents": "report abuse. hi myxomatosi life-threaten ill rabbits. affect eyes, normally. and, no, never eat wild rabbit-especi one myxomatosis. source(s): use breed rabbit keep pets-feel free email help information."} {"id": "2792", "contents": "nearli everyon talk know someon problem anger person struggl anger. mani think anger bad thing see angri peopl do. however, mani know anger bad. anger defin biblic righteou anger."} {"id": "2793", "contents": "full definit indignation. anger arous someth unjust, unworthy, mean. see indign defin english-languag learners. see indign defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "2794", "contents": "we'r right unmov anger even peremptori indignation. describ women rose righteou anger indign man tri tamper them. show great matur handl susan' confusion, indign quiet anger."} {"id": "2795", "contents": "noun. 1. indignation-a feel righteou anger. outrage. anger, ire, choler-a strong emotion; feel orient toward real suppos grievance. dudgeon, high dudgeon-a feel intens indign (now use phrase `in high dudgeon')."} {"id": "2796", "contents": "jesus\u2019 anger base love man, anger base selfish pride. jesus\u2019 anger righteou religi leader\u2019 anger unrighteous. learn jame 1:19, man\u2019 wrath, like religi leader\u2019 plan kill jesus, produc behavior reflect god\u2019 righteousness."} {"id": "2797", "contents": "synonyms. we'r right unmov anger even peremptori indignation. describ women rose righteou anger indign man tri tamper them. show great matur handl susan' confusion, indign quiet anger."} {"id": "2798", "contents": "answer: know sure anger indign righteou direct toward anger god himself. righteou anger indign justli express confront sin."} {"id": "2799", "contents": "description. psycinfo electron bibliograph databas provid abstract citat scholarli literatur behavior scienc mental health. databas includ materi relev psychologist profession relat field psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, social work. psycinfo includ index 2000 journals, 98% peer-reviewed. onlin access thesauru psycholog index term included. psycinfo databas full-text articl journal publish american psycholog association, apa educ publish foundation, canadian psycholog association, hogref publish group"} {"id": "2800", "contents": "discov power interdisciplinari advantag psycinfo. explor full breadth research behavior social scienc confidence. nearli million bibliograph record center psycholog behavior social sciences, interdisciplinari content psycinfo make one highli util databas students, researchers, educators, practition worldwide. overview."} {"id": "2801", "contents": "psycinfo psycarticl produc american psycholog associ provid access peer-review journals. articl cite psycinfo also avail psycarticles. psycinfo databas provid access abstract (with full-text linking) 2,500 journals. psycarticl provid access mani full-text articl 11"} {"id": "2802", "contents": "psycinfo remain one current resourc avail explor locat behavior social scienc research. includ featur first post journal record ensur access earliest public journal article. psycinfo introduc 1967 sinc time govern polici direct esteem scholar scientist within apa\u2019 membership. overal impress ebsco host interfac offer someth everybody."} {"id": "2803", "contents": "psycinfo depart american psycholog associ (apa) dedic creat product make easier research locat psycholog literatur relev research topics."} {"id": "2804", "contents": "center psycholog behavior social sciences, interdisciplinari content psycinfo\u00ae make one highli util databas students, researchers, educators, practition worldwide, indispens tool discoveri global scholarli research. psycinfo introduc 1967 sinc time govern polici direct esteem scholar scientist within apa\u2019 membership. overal impress ebsco host interfac offer someth everybody."} {"id": "2805", "contents": "psycinfo databas abstract literatur field psychology. produc american psycholog associ distribut association' apa psycnet third-parti vendors. electron version now-ceas psycholog abstracts. 2000, absorb psyclit publish cd-rom. psycinfo contain citat summari 19th centuri present journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations."} {"id": "2806", "contents": "discov power interdisciplinari advantag psycinfo. nearli million record upward 4,000 expertly-index record ad week, ever-expand collect behavior social scienc research, dissertations, scholarli literatur abstract offer broad view field. psycinfo introduc 1967 sinc time govern polici direct esteem scholar scientist within apa\u2019 membership. overal impress ebsco host interfac offer someth everybody."} {"id": "2807", "contents": "mini bio (1). ross lynch star singer 'austin moon,' one-half internet music duo becom overnight sensation, disney channel hit comedi seri austin ally.."} {"id": "2808", "contents": "point news carri major american network, indic fake report, death actor ross lynch' statur would major news across networks. recent poll conduct celebr post show 57% still think fals ross lynch death rumor funny. ross lynch death hoax dismiss sinc actor \u2018aliv well\u2019. wednesday (octob 14) actor' rep offici confirm ross lynch dead."} {"id": "2809", "contents": "height. 6' (1.83 m). ross lynch star singer 'austin moon,' one-half internet music duo becom overnight sensation, disney channel hit comedi seri austin ally.."} {"id": "2810", "contents": "ross lynch star singer 'austin moon,' one-half internet music duo becom overnight sensation, disney channel hit comedi seri austin ally.."} {"id": "2811", "contents": "ross lynch death hoax spread facebook. rumor actor\u2019 alleg demis gain traction tuesday r.i.p. ross lynch facebook page attract nearli one million \u2018likes\u2019."} {"id": "2812", "contents": "news actor ross lynch \u2019s death spread quickli earlier week caus concern among fan across world. howev octob 2015 report confirm complet hoax latest string fake celebr death reports."} {"id": "2813", "contents": "overview (3). ross lynch star singer 'austin moon,' one-half internet music duo becom overnight sensation, disney channel hit comedi seri austin ally.."} {"id": "2814", "contents": "grill kabob direct, medium heat. beef-cook inch heat 15 20 minutes. turn frequently, beef longer pink. chicken-gril 10 minut it\u2019 cook slightli charred. shrimp-cook pink around minutes. vegetables-cook crisp-tender. don\u2019t forget side tri one suddenli salad serv grill kabobs. prepar marinad great way add extra flavor grill kabobs. herb marinad goe great beef kabobs. add mediterranean flavor chicken kabobs, tri rosemary-lemon marinade. give shrimp kabob citru twist pineapple-lim marinade."} {"id": "2815", "contents": "ingredi finish cooking, remov kebab grill place clean plate platter. use plate use hold un-cook kebabs, especi use meat-germ uncook meat contamin cook food, lead seriou illness. 6. 5. skewer ingredi end-to-end sticks. ingredi like them, time make skewers! use sharp skewer stick pierc piec meat veget slide end, build stack skewer ingredi go."} {"id": "2816", "contents": "heat ga charcoal grill. small microwav bowl, mix barbecu sauc marmalade. remov 1/4 cup sauc mixtur small dish; set aside. (11-inch) metal skewers, thread chicken pieces, leav 1/4-inch space piece. directions. heat ga charcoal grill. (11-inch) metal skewers, thread chicken pieces, leav 1/4-inch space piece. place kabob grill medium heat. microwav remain barbecu sauc mixtur uncov high 20 30 second thoroughli heated."} {"id": "2817", "contents": "call kabobs, kebabs, satays, skewers, food stick great grill. cut meat veggi size. group food similar cook time together. stabil round hard-to-skew food like tomato shrimp, use two skewer parallel other. get stick. call kabobs, kebabs, satays, skewers, food stick great grill. cut meat veggi size. one-to 1\u00bd-inch inch cube work well. group food similar cook time toge"} {"id": "2818", "contents": "directions. heat ga charcoal grill. small microwav bowl, mix barbecu sauc marmalade. remov 1/4 cup sauc mixtur small dish; set aside. (11-inch) metal skewers, thread chicken pieces, leav 1/4-inch space piece. directions. heat ga charcoal grill. (11-inch) metal skewers, thread chicken pieces, leav 1/4-inch space piece. place kabob grill medium heat. microwav remain barbecu sauc mixtur uncov high 20 30 second thoroughli heated."} {"id": "2819", "contents": "thread chicken, green bell pepper, onion, red bell pepper piec onto skewer alternately. lightli oil grill grate. place kabob prepar grill, brush barbequ sauce. cook, turn brush barbequ sauc frequently, 15 minutes, chicken juic run clear. preheat grill high heat. thread chicken, green bell pepper, onion, red bell pepper piec onto skewer alternately. lightli oil grill grate."} {"id": "2820", "contents": "grill 'em. place kabob hot grill directli flame coals. keep lid open sinc cook direct heat. grill 10 12 minutes, rotat 90 degre everi minutes, meat cook desir level doneness. remov kabob grill let rest minut serving. meat stick! enjoy wonder beef shish kabob recipe."} {"id": "2821", "contents": "use wooden metal skewer 10 12 inch long. soak wooden skewer water least hour prevent burning, wrap end small piec aluminum foil. meat. depend taste, use steak, beef, chicken shrimp kabobs. remember, cook differ times: beef-about 15 20 minutes. chicken-about 10 minutes. prepar marinad great way add extra flavor grill kabobs. herb marinad goe great beef kabobs. add mediterranean flavor chicken kabobs, tri rosemary-lemon marinade. give shrimp kabob citru twist pineapple-lim marinade."} {"id": "2822", "contents": "1. heat grill medium heat. delici outer sear kebabs, import nice hot grill place kebab it. ga grills, easy-simpli set grill' burner(s) medium level, close grill, allow heat up. 5. skewer ingredi end-to-end sticks. ingredi like them, time make skewers! use sharp skewer stick pierc piec meat veget slide end, build stack skewer ingredi go."} {"id": "2823", "contents": "employ requir employe work 42 hour given week, extra two hour paid time-and-a-half employe earn total $430 week (40 hour $10 per hour, plu overtim hour $15 per hour). pay employe gener state gross, hourli rate, $13.52 per hour.. again, gross amount refer pay employe would receiv withhold made thing taxes, contributions, save plans. employe receiv wage often paid weekli biweekly."} {"id": "2824", "contents": "employee' gross wage week, includ overtime, would $550 (the $500 salari plu $50 overtim pay). wisconsin law allow method overtim compens salaried, non-exempt employees, feder law may not. employ sick pay policy, employe elig benefit polici first 90 day employment, employ may deduct full day absenc due ill first 90-day period."} {"id": "2825", "contents": "step 3. prorat salari accord employee' daili rate. divid annual salari number pay period year. assum employe earn $53,000 annual paid weekly. weekli rate $1,019.23 daili rate $203.85, equival $53,000/52 week $1,019.23/5 days. employ might occasion need prorat exempt employee' salari pay specif number day work pay period. step 1. contact state labor depart local wage hour divis deduct make salari exempt employees' pay."} {"id": "2826", "contents": "credibility. without wage salari data, imposs know offer pay fair relat employers. employe begin feel underpaid, abl tell them, confidence, they'r not. threat unionization. without wage salari data, imposs know offer pay fair relat employers. employe begin feel underpaid, abl tell them, confidence, they'r not."} {"id": "2827", "contents": "sinc salari employe earn specifi annual amount, like gross pay pay period recur amount. example, manager' salari $48,000 per year salari paid semi-monthly, manager' gross pay $2,000 24 pay periods. pay employe gener state gross, hourli rate, $13.52 per hour.. again, gross amount refer pay employe would receiv withhold made thing taxes, contributions, save plans. employe receiv wage often paid weekli biweekly."} {"id": "2828", "contents": "regular rate week salari ($500) divid 50 hour worked, $10.00. pay overtime, employ would divid regular rate half ($10.00 divid 2, $5.00), multipli result 10 overtim hours. overtim due week would $50. employ sick pay policy, employe elig benefit polici first 90 day employment, employ may deduct full day absenc due ill first 90-day period."} {"id": "2829", "contents": "overtim premium. overtim premium refer half portion time-and-a-half time-and-one-half overtim pay. example, assum employe product depart expect work 40 hour per week $10 per hour. pay employe gener state gross, hourli rate, $13.52 per hour.. again, gross amount refer pay employe would receiv withhold made thing taxes, contributions, save plans. employe receiv wage often paid weekli biweekly."} {"id": "2830", "contents": "common way calcul hour salari employe take annual salari divid 2080 (total hour work standard year) determin employe hourli rate. multipli hourli rate number hour employe paid. example: john' salari $30,000. $30,000/2080 $14.42 hourli rate. john work three busi day (24 hours) pay period. amount enter rate column paycheck $14.42 24 $346.08. overview. salari employe work less hour allot current pay period enough sick vacat hour make differ pay employe hour work instead salary."} {"id": "2831", "contents": "get salari data use determin competit pay work want done. also sever reason want keep top market rates: inflation. inflat caus buy power employees' salari decrease, dollar amount remain same. without wage salari data, imposs know offer pay fair relat employers. employe begin feel underpaid, abl tell them, confidence, they'r not. threat unionization."} {"id": "2832", "contents": "start one mani marathon race new york move toward goal new york citi marathon."} {"id": "2833", "contents": "men' winner 2014 new york citi marathon wilson kipsang."} {"id": "2834", "contents": "full result post offici tc new york citi marathon website."} {"id": "2835", "contents": "nyc marathon one popular race country. start one mani marathon race new york move toward goal new york citi marathon. read more."} {"id": "2836", "contents": "readi challenge? step right half marathon race new york city. take deep breath review half marathon train articl rock nyc half marathon race. 11 finish-lin photo inspir whether first 100th race, cross finish line bring feel accomplishment."} {"id": "2837", "contents": "step right half marathon race new york city. take deep breath review half marathon train articl rock nyc half marathon race."} {"id": "2838", "contents": "third time run street new york; ran 2011 new york citi marathon, ran nyc half march."} {"id": "2839", "contents": "top result 2014 tc new york citi marathon below. full result post offici tc new york citi marathon website. full coverag race world elit run go homepag letsrun.com home elit distanc running."} {"id": "2840", "contents": "ran first marathon 1996 15. i\u2019v run 10 total, u.s., top two marin corp marathon dc tc new york citi marathon."} {"id": "2841", "contents": "2014 new york citi marathon run sunday, novemb 2, 2014. announc octob 2, 2013, marathon' main sponsor would tata consult servic start 2014. eight-year deal, race name tc new york citi marathon."} {"id": "2842", "contents": "busi travel, busi owner write meal incident expens (m&ie) base ir publish per diem rates, simpli write actual expens incurred. think applic person meal incident travel away home (overnight stay required). inform meal incident expens refer ir public 1542 (42 pages, internet address: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1542.pdf-speci per diem rate 2013-2014 http://www.irs.gov/irb/2013-44_irb/ar13.html)."} {"id": "2843", "contents": "ir updat 2016 per diem rate busi travel. post sep 29, 2015 lore dubois, cpa global tax blog. ir recent updat per diem rate busi travel begin octob 1, 2015- start fiscal year 2016. per diem rate allow compani document busi travel expens without collect receipts, monthli expens reports, bothersom administr paperwork. altern reimburs employe expens incur traveling, employ pay per diem amount, daili allowance, lodging, meal incidentals. rate ir approv vari depend employe travel."} {"id": "2844", "contents": "rate effect per diem allow lodging, meal, incident expenses, meal incident expens only, paid employe oct. 1, 2014, travel away home date. per diem rate incident expenses-onli deduct $5 per day local travel insid outsid continent unit states."} {"id": "2845", "contents": "purpos high-low substanti method, per diem rate $275 travel high-cost locality, $259 last year, $185 travel local within continent unit states, increas $172 2014-15. amount $275 high rate $185 low rate treat paid meal $68 travel high-cost local $57 travel local within continent unit states. notic 2015-63 also list high-cost local feder per diem rate $230 more."} {"id": "2846", "contents": "four year ago, ir provided, rev. proc. 2011-47, gener rule use feder per-diem rate substanti amount ordinari necessari expens lodging, meals, incident cost paid incur business-rel travel away home. high/low substanti method. purpos high/low substanti method, per-diem rate $275 travel high-cost local $185 travel local within continent unit states."} {"id": "2847", "contents": "comment: rate incident expenses-onli deduct $5 per day post-septemb 30, 2012, travel, unchang previou rate. irs-approv per diem rate high-cost area $242 ($177 lodg $65 meal incident expenses). irs-approv per diem rate area $163 ($111 lodg $52 meal incident expenses). rate appli per diem allow paid travel septemb 30, 2012. comment: chang list high-cost local 2013 notic 2011-81. high-low method. irs-approv per diem rate high-cost area $242 ($177 lodg $65 meal incident expenses). irs-approv per diem rate area $163 ($111 lodg $52 meal incident expenses)."} {"id": "2848", "contents": "purpos high-low substanti method, per diem rate $259 travel high-cost locality, $251 last year, $172 travel local within continent unit states, littl higher $170 rate 2013-14. per diem rate incident expenses-onli deduct $5 per day local travel insid outsid continent unit states."} {"id": "2849", "contents": "rate effect per diem allow lodging, meal, incident expenses, meal incident expens only, paid employe oct. 1, 2015, travel away home date. amount $275 high rate $185 low rate treat paid meal $68 travel high-cost local $57 travel local within continent unit states. notic 2015-63 also list high-cost local feder per diem rate $230 more."} {"id": "2850", "contents": "qualiti assurance. bear manufactur rebuilt virgin babbitt material. bear ultrason test verifi percentag bond contact, normal excess 95% surfac area. certif bond record bear along critic data. welcom welcome. industri babbitt bear services, inc. found basic premis need american industri special babbitt bear manufacturer."} {"id": "2851", "contents": "babbitt, also call babbitt metal bear metal, sever alloy use bear surfac plain bearing. origin babbitt metal invent 1839 isaac babbitt taunton, massachusetts, usa. disclos one alloy recip kept other trade secrets. tradit style babbitt metal bearing, cast iron pillow block assembl loos fit around shaft, shaft approxim final position. inner face cast iron pillow block often drill form key locat bear metal cast place."} {"id": "2852", "contents": "babbitt metal commonli use thin surfac layer complex, multi-met structure, origin use cast-in-plac bulk bear material. babbitt metal character resist galling. tradit style babbitt metal bearing, cast iron pillow block assembl loos fit around shaft, shaft approxim final position. inner face cast iron pillow block often drill form key locat bear metal cast place."} {"id": "2853", "contents": "bear engin use support move mechan part protect part friction degradation. heavier power engine, stronger bear must provid support protection. 1839, special materi call babbitt metal developed. open bear case melt old bearing, make sure melt retain groov holes, well. collect melt babbitt cast iron lead melt pot, avail weld suppli outlets. scrape remain babbitt bear case, groov hole add pot."} {"id": "2854", "contents": "lead babbitt bear industri precis machin technology. babbit service, inc (bsi) provid manufactur repair babbitt bear part rotat equip industri around world. oem\u2019 end users, bsi produc part high quality, confidence, dedic specif requirements."} {"id": "2855", "contents": "babbitt bear co., inc. columbus, oh full-servic auto gear, wheel bearing, axl repair shop serv central ohio sinc 1973. special auto light truck differentials."} {"id": "2856", "contents": "babbitt bearings. odessa babbitt bear compani dedic produc finest babbitt bear possible. strive maintain high standard custom satisfact smallest order largest. busi sinc 1963, obbco grown two person oper one lead supplier aftermarket babbitt metal bear products."} {"id": "2857", "contents": "american babbitt bear busi 20 year provid custom highest level qualiti product expect deserve."} {"id": "2858", "contents": "60 year babbitt bear compani leader precis machin work, grinding, thermal flame spray hard chrome plating. bbc provid manufactur repair servic industri aerospace, solar equip manufacture, semiconductor more\u2026."} {"id": "2859", "contents": "archipelago. archipelago, sometim call island group island chain, chain, cluster collect islands. word archipelago deriv greek \u1f04\u03c1\u03c7\u03b9- arkhi-and \u03c0\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2 pelago p\u00e9lago italian. arcipelago"} {"id": "2860", "contents": "archipelago landform group mani islands. famous. archipelago world mani island around japan, hawaii british islands. peopl think type landform see movi necessarili so."} {"id": "2861", "contents": "greek origin use word archipelago aegean sea, wash shore greec \u201cchief sea.\u201d sinc aegean sea stud mani islands, word \u201carchipelago\u201d came mean sea fill islands."} {"id": "2862", "contents": "archipelago group, chain cluster island surround larg bodi water, usual open sea."} {"id": "2863", "contents": "largest archipelag state world area popul indonesia. archipelago island swedish east coast archipelago, contain stockholm archipelago, which, turn, connect world' second largest archipelago, archipelago sea finland."} {"id": "2864", "contents": "archipelago (/\u0251rk\u0268\u02c8p\u025bl\u0259\u0261o\u028a/ ark-i-pel-\u0259-goh), sometim call island group island chain, chain, cluster collect islands. word archipelago deriv greek \u1f04\u03c1\u03c7\u03b9- arkhi- (chief) \u03c0\u03ad\u03bb\u03b1\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2 pelago (p\u00e9lagos) sea italian. arcipelago"} {"id": "2865", "contents": "archipelago group, chain cluster island surround larg bodi water, usual open sea. 85 other found useful. ben ward. edit. share to: bayley dole. 1,609 contributions. avid reader american histori books, previou ap govern ap us histori student."} {"id": "2866", "contents": "archipelago fanci geograph term chain group island scatter across bodi water. although archipelago found larg lake rivers, they'r often found world' oceans. sever larg modern countri actual archipelagos."} {"id": "2867", "contents": "provision applic patent (provision application) u.s. nation applic file uspto 35 u.s.c. \u00a7111(b) provision applic requir formal patent claim oath declaration. provision applic examin merits. provision applic patent cannot claim benefit previously-fil application, either foreign domestic. recommend disclosur invent provision applic complet possible."} {"id": "2868", "contents": "applic requir drawings. briefly, appli patent fill patent applic submit patent offic pay fee-for example, u.s. patent would appli uspto, unit state patent trademark office. descript claim import patent application, patent examin look determin invent novel, useful, nonobvious, correctli reduc practic cover lesson patentable. take three year patent applic granted."} {"id": "2869", "contents": "file patent applic electron uspto web site, mail, fax (but e-mail). expect speedi process, though. depend kind applic technolog involv invention, could take one three year get patent granted."} {"id": "2870", "contents": "post fax. appli uk patent complet applic form send post fax. send support document request search examin application, 12 month later. send form fee payment form correct total to: intellectu properti office. appli patent. use servic appli uk patent intellectu properti offic (. ). patent expens difficult get. read guid patent invent you\u2019v appli before."} {"id": "2871", "contents": "5. cancel. best place go appli patent web site unit state patent trademark office. find differ patents, trademark copyright help certifi civil mediat free video law legal questions. part video series: legal questions."} {"id": "2872", "contents": "provision applic requir cover sheet file fee. provision applic filed, inventor allow 12 month file non-provision application. non-provision applic approved, invent entitl file date provision application. applic filed, uspto conduct patent search check duplic conflict inventions. examination, examin typic ask clarif invent narrow scope protect sought."} {"id": "2873", "contents": "provision applic cannot file design patent applications, however. provision applic requir cover sheet file fee. provision applic filed, inventor allow 12 month file non-provision application. applic filed, uspto conduct patent search check duplic conflict inventions. examination, examin typic ask clarif invent narrow scope protect sought."} {"id": "2874", "contents": "file patent applic util patent. descript claim import patent application, patent examin look determin invent novel, useful, nonobvious, correctli reduc practic cover lesson patentable. take three year patent applic granted."} {"id": "2875", "contents": "complete, provision applic must also includ file fee, cover sheet specifi applic provision applic patent. applic would 12 month file nonprovision applic patent describ above. claim subject matter later file nonprovision applic entitl benefit file date provision applic support provision application. patent applic subject payment basic fee addit fee includ search fee, examin fee, issu fee. consult uspto websit www.uspto.gov current fees."} {"id": "2876", "contents": "appli design patent invent new, improv design exist product process doesn\u2019t affect function origin product. design patent last 14 year date origin patent application. applic filed, uspto conduct patent search check duplic conflict inventions. examination, examin typic ask clarif invent narrow scope protect sought."} {"id": "2877", "contents": "mam\u00b7ma\u00b7ri gland. one gland femal mammal produc milk. present undevelop male. animals, gland open onto surfac mean nippl teat. milk-produc gland femal mammals, consist lobe contain cluster alveoli system duct convey milk extern nippl teat. gland typic occur pair begin secret milk young born."} {"id": "2878", "contents": "mammari gland. n. 1. (anatomy) milk-produc gland mammals. higher mammal gland consist network tube caviti connect exterior nipple. 2. (zoology) milk-produc gland mammals. milk-produc gland femal mammals, consist lobe contain cluster alveoli system duct convey milk extern nippl teat. gland typic occur pair begin secret milk young born."} {"id": "2879", "contents": "mammari gland: one two half-moon-shap gland either side adult femal chest, fatti tissu nippl make breast. within mammari gland network sac produc milk lactat send nippl via system ducts. undevelop mammari gland present femal children males. see also breast, lactation."} {"id": "2880", "contents": "mammari gland. mammari gland gland locat breast femal respons lactation, product milk. male femal glandular tissu within breasts; however, femal glandular tissu begin develop puberti respons estrogen release."} {"id": "2881", "contents": "mammari gland organ femal mammal produc milk feed young offspring. mammal get name word mammary.. humans, mammari gland situat breasts. rumin cows, goats, deer, mammari gland contain udders. mammari gland mammal primates, dog cats, sometim call dugs. delivery, lactat occur within mammari gland; lactat involv secret milk lumin cell alveoli. contract myoepitheli cell surround alveoli caus milk eject duct nippl suckl pups."} {"id": "2882", "contents": "medic definit mammari gland. larg compound sebac gland femal mammal modifi secret milk, situat ventral pairs, usual termin nipple. larg compound modifi sebac gland femal mammal modifi secret milk, situat ventral pairs, usual termin nipple. see mammari gland defin english-languag learners. see mammari gland defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "2883", "contents": "full definit mammari gland. larg compound modifi sebac gland femal mammal modifi secret milk, situat ventral pairs, usual termin nipple. see mammari gland defin english-languag learners. see mammari gland defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "2884", "contents": "mammari gland. mammari gland organ femal mammal produc milk feed young offspring. mammal get name word mammary.. humans, mammari gland situat breasts. rumin cows, goats, deer, mammari gland contain udders. mammari gland mammal primates, dog cats, sometim call dugs."} {"id": "2885", "contents": "noun. 1. mammari gland-milk-secret organ femal mammals. mamma. femal mammal-anim nourish young milk. dug-an udder breast teat. udder, bag-mammari gland bovid (cow sheep goats). milk-produc gland femal mammals, consist lobe contain cluster alveoli system duct convey milk extern nippl teat. gland typic occur pair begin secret milk young born."} {"id": "2886", "contents": "page 50 cent coins. austria coin show secess build vienna, illustr birth art nouveau austria symbolis birth new age, repres bridg new monetari era."} {"id": "2887", "contents": "eight euro coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 50 cent, \u20ac1 \u20ac2. common 'european' side nation side. nation side indic issu country. use euro coin anywher euro area."} {"id": "2888", "contents": "imag 50 euro cents. austria coin show secess build vienna, illustr birth art nouveau austria symbolis birth new age, repres bridg new monetari era."} {"id": "2889", "contents": "no! strauss-kahn test durabl new euro coin. france, coin worth one, two five cent carri portrait marianne, femal symbol french republic, 10-, 20- 50-cent piec featur sower seeds."} {"id": "2890", "contents": "design euro common side changed, 2666th council meet econom financi affair luxembourg june 7, 2005. decis reflect enlarg eurozon new country-memb depict 1, euro 10, 20, 50 cent coins. determin coin metal highest denomin euro, much attent paid safeti marks."} {"id": "2891", "contents": "one euro made 100 cents. coin mint denomin 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 50 cents, euros. like euro banknotes, coin regardless issu countri may use anywher euro area."} {"id": "2892", "contents": "euro coin seri compris eight differ denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 50 cent, \u20ac1 \u20ac2. euro coin common side nation side. nation side indic issu country."} {"id": "2893", "contents": "design common side euro coin featur represent europe, oppos map europe. 1, cent show europ world. 10, 20 50 cent illustr union group nations. euro coin illustr europ without frontiers. island 2500km2 archipelago 5000km2 includ design."} {"id": "2894", "contents": "highest record use name maximu 2014 total 2,118 babies. (that' lot babi maximi). accord 2014 u.s. social secur administr data, name maximu rank #92 popular babi boy' name north dakota. imagin that, 15 babi north dakota name 2014."} {"id": "2895", "contents": "u.s. 2014, rank 192 babi name popular boy 2118 occurrences. less girl given name. view maximu name popular page see popular trend maximu chang sinc 1880, compar popular maximu names. name maksym, massimo, maxentius, maxim, maxima, maxime, maximian, maximilianus, maximinus, maximo, maxine, miksa form maximus."} {"id": "2896", "contents": "latin meaning: name maximu latin babi name. latin mean name maximu is: greatest. american meaning: name maximu american babi name. american mean name maximu is: greatest. soulurg number: 4. express number: 1. peopl name deep inner desir order physic creativity, want involv conventional, safe activities."} {"id": "2897", "contents": "maximu (hellenis maximos) latin term greatest largest. connect use refer to: circu maximu (disambiguation). pontifex maximus, highest priest ancient roman colleg pontiffs."} {"id": "2898", "contents": "maximu /max-imus/ [3 sylls.] boys' name latin origin, mean maximu greatest. roman famili name deriv maximus. name sever saints, includ seventh-centuri monk, theologian scholar known maximu confessor. maximu enter list 2000 reach apex rank #192 u.s. year 2014. (top 1000 birth name records, 2014). display comparison popular maximu correspond names."} {"id": "2899", "contents": "maximu uncommon first name men. maximu equal rare surnam people. (2000 u.s. census). display birth name popular maximu boys. maximu enter list 2000 reach apex rank #192 u.s. year 2014. (top 1000 birth name records, 2014). display comparison popular maximu correspond names."} {"id": "2900", "contents": "etymolog histor origin-maximus. maximu start roman cognomen ancient time latin word \u2018greatest\u2019. cognomen third name given men last element full roman name (the tria nomina called). quintu fabiu maximu earli bearer name 3rd centuri b.c. long line earli roman consul (the highest polit offic roman republic). q. fabiu maximu notabl dictatorship second punic war carthag hannibal."} {"id": "2901", "contents": "name maximu latin origin, mean greatest (that' lot babi maximi). accord 2014 u.s. social secur administr data, name maximu rank #92 popular babi boy' name north dakota. imagin that, 15 babi north dakota name 2014."} {"id": "2902", "contents": "roman famili name deriv latin maximu greatest. saint maximu monk theologian constantinopl 7th century."} {"id": "2903", "contents": "share know! maximu song, stori screen: edit. maximu main charact 2000 movi gladiator: maximu decimu meridius, command armi north, gener felix legions, loyal servant true emperor, marcu aurelius. father murder son, husband murder wife. vengeanc life next. person experi name maximus: edit. name son maximu henri (2013). goe max love it. twin sister name luci max lucy.. maximus/max strong name."} {"id": "2904", "contents": "great dismal swamp locat northeastern north carolina southern virginia. mixtur waterways, swamps, marshes. unlik swamps, locat near river. coastal plain swamp. tree like cypress, black gum, juniper, water ash common. anim commonli found great dismal swamp includ black bears, white-tail deer, opossums, raccoons, cottonmouth snakes."} {"id": "2905", "contents": "natchez trace. cypress swamp locat natchez trace parkway milepost 122.0. water tupelo bald cypress tree live deep water long periods. take root summer swamp nearli dry, seedl stay aliv water deep enough kill plants."} {"id": "2906", "contents": "cypress swamp vegetation: domin canopi veget cypress wetland includ bald cypress water tupelo trees. pond cypress black gum tree also common upland southeastern coastal plain."} {"id": "2907", "contents": "great dismal swamp locat northeastern north carolina southern virginia. mixtur waterways, swamp marshes. unlik swamps, locat near river. coastal plain swamp. tree like cypress, black gum, juniper, water ash common. anim commonli found great dismal swamp includ black bears, white-tail deer, opossum, raccoons, cottonmouth snakes."} {"id": "2908", "contents": "cypress swamp found southern unit states. name bald cypress tree. bald cypress tree decidu tree needle-lik leaves. wide base knee grow root stick water. bald cypress tree grow 100 120 feet tall."} {"id": "2909", "contents": "well-known cypress swamps: florida' big cypress swamp, locat south florida everglades, one largest cypress swamp u.s. area span 5,000 squar kilomet cypress domes, dwarf cypress cypress strand (includ corkscrew swamp)."} {"id": "2910", "contents": "link cite add word list. adjective. definit mendaci describ dishonest person thing. exampl mendaci use adject mendaci person, dishonest person. mendacis) indo-european base unverifi form mend-, flaw sourc classic latin emendare, emend."} {"id": "2911", "contents": "choic item collect mendaci stori circul columbu death this. columbu lost way hispaniola, virtu letter pilot sent martin mart\u00edn alonso manag find island join. pinta indeed, racist malthusian element darwin' work subject new secularist either silent, delicate, mendacious. eugen mccarraher, commonweal, 15 june 2007."} {"id": "2912", "contents": "tess d'urbervilles-a pure woman hardy, thoma view context. mildr becom great friend given elabor mendaci account circumst brought pass in. yes--what mendaci famili chronicl call extinct male line--that is, gone down--gon under."} {"id": "2913", "contents": "outright lie, fabric mendaci unscrupul writer. want know sort countri live go around me, defianc chronic mendaci offici propaganda. want know sort countri live go around me, defianc chronic mendaci offici propaganda. overall, wittenberg portray petty, hypocritical, mendaci man whose primari focu self-promotion."} {"id": "2914", "contents": "\u2014eugen mccarraher, commonweal, 15 june 2007. choic item collect mendaci stori circul columbu death this. columbu lost way hispaniola, virtu letter pilot sent martin mart\u00edn alonso manag find island join. pinta indeed, racist malthusian element darwin' work subject new secularist either silent, delicate, mendacious. eugen mccarraher, commonweal, 15 june 2007."} {"id": "2915", "contents": "yes--what mendaci famili chronicl call extinct male line--that is, gone down--gon under. tess d'urbervilles-a pure woman hardy, thoma view context. mildr becom great friend given elabor mendaci account circumst brought pass in. human bondag maugham, w. somerset view context."} {"id": "2916", "contents": "learner' definit mendacious. [more mendacious; mendacious] formal. 1. honest: like tell lies. mendaci businessman. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. 2. base lies. newspap stori mendaci hurtful."} {"id": "2917", "contents": "deceit usual impli intent mislead commonli suggest fals appear double-dealing. mendaci may suggest bland even harmlessli mischiev deceit use peopl often suggest habit tell untruths. untruth stress discrep said fact reality. indeed, racist malthusian element darwin' work subject new secularist either silent, delicate, mendacious. eugen mccarraher, commonweal, 15 june 2007. choic item collect mendaci stori circul columbu death this."} {"id": "2918", "contents": "mendacious. adject lying, false, untrue, fraudulent, dishonest, deceptive, deceitful, insincere, duplicitous, perjured, perfidious, fallacious, untruth politician issu mendaci claim counter-claims. yes--what mendaci famili chronicl call extinct male line--that is, gone down--gon under."} {"id": "2919", "contents": "fiber dorsal motor nucleu pass spinal trigemin nucleu tract, emerg medulla oblongata later surfac join rest vagus. viscer sensori (affer gener special visceral). nerv cell locat inferior (nodose) ganglion vagus. vagu nerv longest cranial nerve. contain motor sensori fiber and, pass neck thorax abdomen, widest distribut body. contain somat viscer affer fibers, well gener special viscer effer fibers. (see tabl 1, below.)."} {"id": "2920", "contents": "spinal cord import structur bodi brain. spinal cord extend foramen magnum continu medulla level first second lumbar vertebrae. vital link brain body, bodi brain. spinal cord 40 50 cm long cm 1.5 cm diameter. two consecut row nerv root emerg sides. inform skin, skelet muscl joint relay spinal cord sensori cell locat dorsal root ganglia. dorsal root fiber axon origin primari sensori dorsal root ganglion cells."} {"id": "2921", "contents": "parasympathet nervou system (usual abbrevi psns, pns, avoid confus peripher nervou system [pns]) one two divis autonom nervou system, sympathet nervou system. affer fiber autonom nervou system, transmit sensori inform intern organ bodi back central nervou system, divid parasympathet sympathet fiber effer fiber are."} {"id": "2922", "contents": "vagu nerve, name latin word vagu mean liter wandering, sinc nerv control broad rang target tissues, parasympathet origin dorsal nucleu vagu nerv nucleu ambiguu cns. affer fiber autonom nervou system, transmit sensori inform intern organ bodi back central nervou system, divid parasympathet sympathet fiber effer fiber are."} {"id": "2923", "contents": "cranial compon parasympathet system base particular nuclei brain stem. midbrain, eddinger\u2013westph nucleu part oculomotor complex, axon neuron travel fiber oculomotor nerv (cranial nerv iii) innerv extraocular muscles. addit endocrin system, autonom nervou system instrument homeostat mechan body. two divis autonom nervou system sympathet divis parasympathet division."} {"id": "2924", "contents": "gross anatomy. vagu nerv longest cranial nerve. contain motor sensori fiber and, pass neck thorax abdomen, widest distribut body. contain somat viscer affer fibers, well gener special viscer effer fibers. (see tabl 1, below.)."} {"id": "2925", "contents": "sympathet nervou system, effer parasympathet nerv signal carri central nervou system target system two neurons. first neuron pathway refer preganglion presynapt neuron. affer fiber autonom nervou system, transmit sensori inform intern organ bodi back central nervou system, divid parasympathet sympathet fiber effer fiber are."} {"id": "2926", "contents": "recurr extern branch superior laryng nerv carri parasympathet fiber dorsal motor nucleu subglotti supraglott regions, respectively. superior cervic ganglion send sympathet innervation. vagu nerv longest cranial nerve. contain motor sensori fiber and, pass neck thorax abdomen, widest distribut body. contain somat viscer affer fibers, well gener special viscer effer fibers. (see tabl 1, below.)."} {"id": "2927", "contents": "ciliari ganglion parasympathet ganglion. incom parasympathet nerv fiber form synaps dendrit nerv cell within ganglion. however, ciliari ganglion simpli relay station connect preganglion postganglion nerv fibers. roughli twice mani incom parasympathet fiber outgo parasympathet fibers. neural process occur incom signal converg onto target neurons. postsynapt parasympathet fiber leav ciliari ganglion multipl (six ten) short ciliari nerves. nerv enter posterior aspect eyebal innerv sphincter pupilla ciliari muscles."} {"id": "2928", "contents": "second dorsal nucleu vagus, secretomotor parasympathet nucleus. secretomotor primarili mean stimul glands-includ mucu gland pharynx, lungs, gut, well gastric gland stomach."} {"id": "2929", "contents": "growth hormon (gh hgh), also known somatotropin somatropin, peptid hormon stimul growth, cell reproduct regener human animals. type mitogen specif certain kind cells. recent year unit states, doctor start prescrib growth hormon gh-defici older patient (but healthi people) increas vitality. legal, efficaci safeti use hgh test clinic trial."} {"id": "2930", "contents": "physiolog effect growth hormone. growth hormon (gh) hormon made 191 amino acid produc secret so-cal somatotroph cell anterior pituitari gland. hormon control sever complex physiolog process includ growth metabolism. growth effect growth hormon mostli relat action igf-i. keep distinct mind, discuss two major role growth hormon igf-i play physiology. growth. growth complex process, requir coordin action sever hormones."} {"id": "2931", "contents": "growth hormone-releas hormon (ghrh) hypothalam peptid stimul synthesi secret growth hormone. somatostatin (ss) peptid produc sever tissu body, includ hypothalamus. growth effect growth hormon mostli relat action igf-i. keep distinct mind, discuss two major role growth hormon igf-i play physiology. growth. growth complex process, requir coordin action sever hormones."} {"id": "2932", "contents": "example, excess thyroid hormon blood signal hypothalamu anterior pituitari gland stop respect releas thyrotropin releas hormon (trh) thyroid stimul hormon (tsh). tsh stimul thyroid gland secret thyroxine. inhibit tsh releas exampl hormon self-regul also call feedback inhibition. hormon estrogen, progesterone, testosteron cortisol also regul neg feedback inhibition."} {"id": "2933", "contents": "somatostatin inhibit growth hormon releas respons ghrh stimulatori factor low blood glucos concentration. ghrelin peptid hormon secret stomach. ghrelin bind receptor somatotroph potent stimul secret growth hormone. igf-i also appear key player muscl growth. stimul differenti prolifer myoblasts. also stimul amino acid uptak protein synthesi muscl tissues. growth hormon import effect protein, lipid carbohydr metabolism."} {"id": "2934", "contents": "print email articl friend last updated: decemb 12, 2014. growth hormone-releas hormon stimul secret growth hormone, import regul growth, metabol bodi structure. altern name growth hormone-releas hormon growth hormone-releas factor; grf; ghrf; ghrh. princip function growth hormone-releas hormon stimul pituitari gland produc releas growth hormon bloodstream. act virtual everi tissu bodi control sever physic function processes."} {"id": "2935", "contents": "growth hormone-releas hormon (ghrh) hypothalam peptid stimul synthesi secret growth hormone. somatostatin (ss) peptid produc sever tissu body, includ hypothalamus. igf-i also appear key player muscl growth. stimul differenti prolifer myoblasts. also stimul amino acid uptak protein synthesi muscl tissues. growth hormon import effect protein, lipid carbohydr metabolism."} {"id": "2936", "contents": "growth hormone-releas hormon hormon produc hypothalamus. princip function growth hormone-releas hormon stimul pituitari gland produc releas growth hormon bloodstream. act virtual everi tissu bodi control sever physic function processes."} {"id": "2937", "contents": "insulin-lik growth factor hormon produc liver organ respons growth hormone, turn act mani tissu caus metabol growth actions. addit effect growth hormon secretion, growth hormone-releas hormon also affect sleep, food intak memory. action growth hormone-releas hormon pituitari gland counteract somatostatin, hormon also produc hypothalamus, prevent growth hormon release. princip function growth hormone-releas hormon stimul pituitari gland produc releas growth hormon bloodstream. act virtual everi tissu bodi control sever physic function processes."} {"id": "2938", "contents": "also, mani disord caus jaundic caus symptom seriou problems. symptom may includ nausea, vomit abdomin pain, small spiderlik blood vessel visibl skin (spider angiomas)."} {"id": "2939", "contents": "gallbladd diseas common among adults, mani patient experi gallbladd pain earli stage disease. gallston alon inflict pain, it\u2019 blockag bile duct creat inflamm gallbladd attacks. blockag fix immediately, symptom gallbladd attack signal stage three. stage caus seriou complic requir immedi medic help. stage three gallbladd symptom includ nausea, intens pain abdomen back, fever, chill loss appetite."} {"id": "2940", "contents": "gallston may caus sign symptoms. gallston lodg duct caus blockage, sign symptom may result, as: sudden rapidli intensifi pain upper right portion abdomen. sudden rapidli intensifi pain center abdomen, breastbone. back pain shoulder blades. seek immedi care develop sign symptom seriou gallston complication, as: abdomin pain intens can't sit still find comfort position. yellow skin white eyes."} {"id": "2941", "contents": "symptom may also sign infect gallbladder. call doctor right away sudden bad pain belli chest sure caus it. symptom gallston may feel like chest pain caus heart attack seriou problems. may decid go doctor pain belli"} {"id": "2942", "contents": "gallston small, hard deposit form gallbladder, sac-lik organ lie liver upper right side abdomen. common wealthi countries, affect 10-15% adults. 3% peopl symptomat gallston develop inflamm gallbladd (acut cholecystitis), occur stone sludg block duct. symptom similar biliari colic persist severe."} {"id": "2943", "contents": "gallston caus symptom rare lead problems. death, even gallston symptoms, rare. seriou complic also rare. occur, complic usual develop stone bile duct, surgery. 3% peopl symptomat gallston develop inflamm gallbladd (acut cholecystitis), occur stone sludg block duct. symptom similar biliari colic persist severe."} {"id": "2944", "contents": "earli stage, gallston grow gallbladder, patient usual feel gallbladd pain symptoms. stone harden piec bile rang size grain sand size golf ball. patient never experi stage gallbladd disease. blockag fix immediately, symptom gallbladd attack signal stage three. stage caus seriou complic requir immedi medic help. stage three gallbladd symptom includ nausea, intens pain abdomen back, fever, chill loss appetite."} {"id": "2945", "contents": "mildest common symptom gallbladd diseas intermitt pain call biliari colic, occur either mid-or right portion upper abdomen. symptom may fairli nonspecific. 3% peopl symptomat gallston develop inflamm gallbladd (acut cholecystitis), occur stone sludg block duct. symptom similar biliari colic persist severe."} {"id": "2946", "contents": "gangren develop gallbladd stop function inadequ blood flow. may occur due infections, injury, diabetes, surgery, diseas relat blood circulation. symptom may includ pain gallbladd region, fever, nausea, gas, disorientation, low blood pressure."} {"id": "2947", "contents": "whale common name wide distribut divers group fulli aquat marin mammals. inform group within infraord cetacea, exclud dolphin porpoises, zoologist group paraphyletic. whale eye rel small size, yet retain good degre eyesight. well this, eye whale place side head, vision consist two fields, rather binocular view like human have."} {"id": "2948", "contents": "fin whale (balaenoptera physalus), also call finback whale, razorback, common rorqual, marin mammal belong subord baleen whales. second largest anim blue whale, grow 27.3 metr (89.6 feet) long weigh nearli 74 tonn (73 long tons; 82 short tons). like larg whales, fin whale heavili hunt twentieth centuri endang species. 725,000 fin whale report taken southern hemispher 1905 1976, 1997 surviv 38,000."} {"id": "2949", "contents": "86 speci whales, dolphin porpois order cetacea, divid two sub-orders, odontocetes, tooth whale mysticetes, baleen whales. cetacean differ greatli appearance, distribution, behavior. sleek appear caus sailor call greyhound sea.. fin whale streamlin baleen whale anim known asymmetrically-colored, white patch lower jaw right side, absent whale' left side. \u00bb. sei (pronounc say) whale one fastest whale speci"} {"id": "2950", "contents": "whale larg marin mammal live ocean. like mammals, breath oxygen air, small amount hair, warm blooded. two basic kind whales, 100 species. peopl use word whale differ ways. use cetacean includ dolphin porpoises. peopl say dolphin porpois also whales, also cetaceans."} {"id": "2951", "contents": "blue whale largest known mammal ever lived, largest live animal, 110 feet long 150 tons. whale quit activ water. jump high, breach, water land back water. whale one biggest threat whales. middl 20th century, whale left mani popul sever depleted. intern whale commiss introduc moratorium continu day. however, still except moratorium."} {"id": "2952", "contents": "fin whale one fastest cetacean sustain speed 37 kilometr per hour (23 mph) 41 kilometr per hour (25 mph) burst 46 kilometr per hour (29 mph) recorded, earn fin whale nicknam greyhound sea. like larg whales, fin whale heavili hunt twentieth centuri endang species. 725,000 fin whale report taken southern hemispher 1905 1976, 1997 surviv 38,000."} {"id": "2953", "contents": "fin whale' bodi long slender, colour brownish-grey paler underside. least two recogn subspeci exist: north atlant southern hemisphere. found major oceans, polar tropic waters. like larg whales, fin whale heavili hunt twentieth centuri endang species. 725,000 fin whale report taken southern hemispher 1905 1976, 1997 surviv 38,000."} {"id": "2954", "contents": "whale rang size 2.6 metr (8.5 ft) 135 kilogram (298 lb) dwarf sperm whale 34 metr (112 ft) 190 metric ton (210 short tons) blue whale, largest creatur earth. whale eye rel small size, yet retain good degre eyesight. well this, eye whale place side head, vision consist two fields, rather binocular view like human have."} {"id": "2955", "contents": "fin whales. fin whales. second largest blue whale, fastest swim larg whale (sometim call greyhound seas) commonest larg whale. fin whale produc sound 75-80db around 100hz loud anim source. one well known type whale thank held captiv marin aquarium taught perform tricks. killer whale tooth whale top carnivor food chain. sometim refer sea-wolves, frequent hunt pack pods."} {"id": "2956", "contents": "english, greek latin origin, mean nora light; woman honor. short form eleanora (greek) light, honora (latin) woman honor, leonora. also use independ name. scotland, nora often use feminin form norman. nora heroin ibsen' doll' house."} {"id": "2957", "contents": "notes: norah name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name norah honor. common variat name norah nora. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah. norah #186 2013 accord social secur administration."} {"id": "2958", "contents": "norah /no-rah/ [2 sylls.] name girl latin, old french, old german, greek english derivation, mean name norah honor; other, foreign; woman honor; compassion; light; light; woman honor. norah altern spell annora (latin)."} {"id": "2959", "contents": "nora name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name nora honor. common variat name nora norah. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah."} {"id": "2960", "contents": "norah name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name norah honor. common variat name norah nora. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah. norah #186 2013 accord social secur administration."} {"id": "2961", "contents": "ir thermography? thermographi technolog actual allow us see thermal energi heat! saw movi predat predat 2, saw real infrar video footage!"} {"id": "2962", "contents": "true, way often implied. yes, thermographi fda-approv detect breast cancer, don\u2019t tell thermographi approv alon screen women detect breast cancer. it\u2019 approv use conjunct mammography."} {"id": "2963", "contents": "thermography. 1. engineering, method measur surf ace temperatur use luminesc materials. 2. print photocopi process use infrar ray heat. 3. process photographi use far-infrar radiation; thermal photography. thermography-diagnost techniqu use thermograph record heat produc differ part body; use studi blood flow detect tumors. diagnost procedure, diagnost technique-a procedur follow make medic diagnosis."} {"id": "2964", "contents": "infrar thermographi use infrar thermal imag system detect, display, record thermal pattern temperatur valu across given surface. concept infrar thermographi simpl (how thermal imag work). object absolut zero zero kelvin emit infrar radiation. infrar energi invis human eye, detect thermal imager, also known infrar camera."} {"id": "2965", "contents": "thermography, also call thermal imaging, use special camera measur temperatur skin breast\u2019 surface. non-invas test involv radiation. thermographi base two ideas: cancer cell grow multipli fast, blood flow metabol higher cancer tumor. blood flow metabol increase, skin temperatur goe up."} {"id": "2966", "contents": "infrar thermographi (irt) thermal imaging, thermal video exampl infrar imag science. thermograph camera usual detect radiat long-infrar rang electromagnet spectrum (roughli 9,000\u201314,000 nanomet 9\u201314 \u00b5m) produc imag radiation, call thermograms. firefight use thermographi see smoke, find persons, local base fire. mainten technician use thermographi locat overh joint section power lines, sign impend failure."} {"id": "2967", "contents": "scienc thermographi applic heat read locat abnorm patholog function body. reput socrat use put wet mud client look see dri first, look inflamm body."} {"id": "2968", "contents": "however, breast thermographi replac altern mammographi form breast imaging. breast thermographi risk assess tool meant use addit mammographi test procedures. breast thermographi mammographi complementari procedures, one test replac other. thermographi may also use full bodi imaging. center provid full bodi thermographi detect thermal marker may alert doctor current futur problem. inform pleas visit full bodi thermographi site www.thermographyonline.com."} {"id": "2969", "contents": "infrar thermographi equip method, detect infrar energi emit object, convert temperature, display imag temperatur distribution."} {"id": "2970", "contents": "definit thermography. 1. process write print involv use heat; especially: raised-print process matter print letterpress dust powder heat make letter rise. 2."} {"id": "2971", "contents": "client must appoint princip contractor everi notifi project usual main manag contractor site. princip contractor particular duti respons ensur safe manag site. one princip contractor site one time."} {"id": "2972", "contents": "subcontractor person award portion exist contract princip gener contractor. subcontractor perform work contract gener contractor, rather employ hire"} {"id": "2973", "contents": "princip contractor defintion. princip contractor: contractor contractor duli appoint employ princip contractor pursuant regul 6(5) cdm regulations."} {"id": "2974", "contents": "princip contractor, construct work valu $350,000 more, must: display sign contact detail clearli seen outsid workplace. prepar health safeti coordin plan, keep date make avail inspection."} {"id": "2975", "contents": "princip contractors. princip contractor defin work health safeti regul 2011 (s293) as: (1) person conduct busi undertak commiss build construct work, princip contractor build construct work."} {"id": "2976", "contents": "1.16 design chang 1.16.1 princip contractor charg site construct phase. is, however, alikelihood mani sites, design develop initi construct work commenceda specialist identifi input design."} {"id": "2977", "contents": "one take portion contract princip contractor anoth subcontractor. individu compani involv large-scal project, contractor often hire see work done. contractor, however, rare work."} {"id": "2978", "contents": "genuin alexandrit gemston strong color chang deep green daylight deep red-violet incandesc light (100%. colors-thi genuin alexandrit gemston unheat untreated)."} {"id": "2979", "contents": "genuin alexandrit facet gemston good color chang pleasant blue-green daylight shown photo left pinkish purpl incandesc light gem nativ cut cut deeper necessari width, clean natur alexandrite."} {"id": "2980", "contents": "fine alexandrit green bluish green daylight red purplish red incandesc light. color satur moder strong strong. stone light reach qualiti color intens seen fine-qu gems."} {"id": "2981", "contents": "genuin alexandrit gemston good color chang rich green daylight (see lower photo) reddish-purpl hue incandesc light (see upper photo)."} {"id": "2982", "contents": "alexandrit varieti chrysoberyl display change-of-color green red. distinct color chang primari qualif chrysoberyl consid alexandrite. although alexandrit strongli trichroic, color chang noth pleochroism."} {"id": "2983", "contents": "genuin alexandrit gemston good color chang green daylight (see right hand photo) reddish-purpl hue incandesc light (see left hand photo). natur alexandrit gemston face eye clean faint natur inclus visibl closer inspection."} {"id": "2984", "contents": "natur alexandrit gemston good natur color chang rich green daylight (see lower photo left) beauti slightli brownish reddish-purpl color incandesc light shown upper part photo left (it 100%. color-unh untreated)."} {"id": "2985", "contents": "genuin alexandrit gemston good color chang rich green daylight reddish-purpl incandesc light (100%. colors-thi genuin alexandrit gemston unheat untreated)."} {"id": "2986", "contents": "alexandrit varieti gemston chrysoberyl. trace chromium present alexandrit chryosberyl. give alexandrit abil chang color differ light sources, sunlight, incandesc light candlelight."} {"id": "2987", "contents": "order measur carpet area, measur area individu room like bathroom, bedroom, dine room, etc. add up. plinth area: plinth area includ total area own apart owner includ carpet area well wall thickness. includ intern extern walls. super built area: area total area buyer pay includ carpet area, wall thick (plinth area-carpet area) common area includ limit secur room, lift, staircase, club house, gymnasium, etc."} {"id": "2988", "contents": "term `plinth area' refer entir carpet area along thick extern wall apartment. best answer: term `carpet area' refer total usabl area within four wall apart commerci space, case may be. words, refer area carpet laid requir owner"} {"id": "2989", "contents": "plinth area built cover area build measur floor level storey. plinth area calcul take extern dimens build floor level exclud plinth off-sets, courtyards, open areas, balconi cantilev project includ plinth area. support porch (other cantilevered) includ plinth area. floor area wall floor level exclud plinth set any. 2. intern shaft sanitari instal provid exceed sq m. area air condit ducts, lift etc. 3. area parasit area mufti terrac level."} {"id": "2990", "contents": "words, refer area carpet laid requir owners. term `plinth area' refer entir carpet area along thick extern wall apartment. obvious includ thick intern wall columns, any, lie within four wall apartment. commerci space taken account calcul plinth area."} {"id": "2991", "contents": "carpet area effect area avail use within apartment, exclud area occupi walls. measur wall wall within apart translat actual floor area carpeted, required. super built-up area built-up area plu proport share common area like corridors, lift wells, staircase, commun halls, security/serv quarters, etc.,."} {"id": "2992", "contents": "plinth area mean area build hous includ thick extern walls. measur taken one end end exterior wall.krishnadas."} {"id": "2993", "contents": "built-up area plinth area entir area occupi apartment, includ area occupi intern extern wall apartment. super built-up area built-up area plu proport share common area like corridors, lift wells, staircase, commun halls, security/serv quarters, etc.,."} {"id": "2994", "contents": "architecture, plinth (from french plinthe, latin plinthus, greek \u03c0\u03bb\u03af\u03bd\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 plinthos, \u201cbrick\u201d) base platform upon column, pedestal, statue, monument structur rests. plinth usual rest directli ground stylobate. accord semper, plinth exist negoti structur ground. semper' theori influenti develop architecture."} {"id": "2995", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: term `carpet area' refer total usabl area within four wall apart commerci space, case may be. words, refer area carpet laid requir owner"} {"id": "2996", "contents": "citi cape canaveral, incorpor 1962 sandwich port canaver north cocoa beach south, decid citi council vote chang name, although debat bitter. name port canaver also remain unchanged. ten-year campaign florida resid fail convinc u. congress chang name cape kennedi back cape canaveral, name held 400 years, florida legislatur took action."} {"id": "2997", "contents": "although record histori cape canaver date back remark 500 years, next noth known cape canaver formed, exactli happen prior advent spanish coloni exploration. cape canaveral, along rest florida, becam possess unit state result revolutionari war. fact, last naval battl revolutionari war fought 72 mile southeast cape canaveral."} {"id": "2998", "contents": "port, see port canaveral. rocket launch sites, see cape canaver air forc station kennedi space center. cape canaveral, spanish cabo canaveral, ca\u00f1aver cape brevard, county, florida united, state near center the'stat atlantic. coast part region known space coast, site cape canaver air forc station."} {"id": "2999", "contents": "unfortunately, exact circumst surround name cape canaver remain mystery, although oldest known map contain name cape canaver made 1564, well initi land ponc de leon. known, however, name cape canaver spanish origin. historian believ first resid florida nativ american migrat region 10,000 year ago. far area surround cape canaver concerned, remark discoveri made mid-1980's."} {"id": "3000", "contents": "cape canaveral, spanish cabo canaveral, ca\u00f1aver cape brevard, county, florida united, state near center the'stat atlantic. coast known cape kennedi 1963 to, 1973 lie east merritt, island separ banana. river part region known space coast, site cape canaver air forc station."} {"id": "3001", "contents": "known cape kennedi 1963 1973, lie east merritt island, separ banana river. part region known space coast, site cape canaver air forc station."} {"id": "3002", "contents": "cape canaver histori would take place, triumph tragedies, mercuri space shuttle, mission moon mars, future. astronaut program would launch would becom famou names: alan b. sheppard, jr., john glenn. like vacat cape canaver kennedi space center check nasa' past present, then. histor date space program. octob 1, 1958 nasa begin operation. may 5, 1961 first man suborbit flight alan shepard. last 14.8 minutes."} {"id": "3003", "contents": "cape canaveral. initi day lexicon unit states, cape canaveral, nasa, space program ad modern view history, make much own. like vacat cape canaver kennedi space center check nasa' past present, then. histor date space program. octob 1, 1958 nasa begin operation. may 5, 1961 first man suborbit flight alan shepard. last 14.8 minutes."} {"id": "3004", "contents": "ribault campaign establish settlements, ship name triniti wreck north cape canaveral, call cape canaver nation seashore. shipwreck parti abl establish settlement nearby, promptli renam cape canaver french cape. cape canaveral, along rest florida, becam possess unit state result revolutionari war. fact, last naval battl revolutionari war fought 72 mile southeast cape canaveral."} {"id": "3005", "contents": "featur cape includ cape canaver lighthous port canaveral, one busiest cruis port world. citi cape canaver lie south port canaver district. part region known space coast, site cape canaver air forc station."} {"id": "3006", "contents": "scott pilgrim font. scott pilgrim font. scott pilgrim font refer font use poster titl scott pilgrim vs. world, american comedi film base graphic novel seri scott pilgrim bryan lee o\u2019malley."} {"id": "3007", "contents": "reductionist 8-bit render univers logo amuse-bouch edgar wright' scott pilgrim vs. world, base graphic novel seri bryan lee o'malley."} {"id": "3008", "contents": "scott pilgrim vs. world 2010 comedi film co-written, produc direct edgar wright, base graphic novel seri scott pilgrim bryan lee o'malley."} {"id": "3009", "contents": "letter \u201cscott pilgrim\u201d, similar font call superfli fontalici part \u201cvs. world\u201d, similar font call dusti dustbust. download two font free respect here."} {"id": "3010", "contents": "type match scott pilgrim vs. world movi download free page go away perman edit enjoy bit slowly. case. click options, select app video use high qualiti pdf. anyth interfac use criteria."} {"id": "3011", "contents": "video pre-ord bonu scott pilgrim origin soundtrack i-tunes. origin black sheep (c) metric, record soundtrack edgar wright film, scott pilgrim vs. world, releas theater august 13th, 2010."} {"id": "3012", "contents": "hi, download font that' (the title), scott pilgrim vs. world movi poster? pleas thank you!"} {"id": "3013", "contents": "overal cost concret patio depend design size patio. price usual start around $6 per squar foot $10 per squar foot basic design without color special designs. ad color pattern design increas price $15 per squar foot."} {"id": "3014", "contents": "expect pay resurfac contractor $3-$10 squar foot depend condit exist concrete, resurfac system use local rates. small residenti project tend cost per squar foot may subject minimum charg $500-$1,000 more. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. do-it-yourselfers, resurfac product bucket bag purchas home improv hardwar stories. total diy cost $2-$5 squar foot, depend materi used."} {"id": "3015", "contents": "$8-12 per squar foot. basic: basic stamp concret instal one pattern one color, expect pay $8 $12 per squar foot. larg area want paved, pick basic design often great way keep cost reason level. $12-18 per squar foot. mid-range: mani way custom stamp concret without break bank. example, border ad patio driveway contrast pattern color. depend upgrad pick, expect pay $12 $18 per squar foot mid-rang design. $18+ per squar foot. high-end: want go get top-of-th line stamp concret incred realist plan spend $18 per squar foot."} {"id": "3016", "contents": "patio paver usual expens concret patios. cost anywher $12 $22 per squar foot, includ cost installation, labor intensive. patio 16x20 feet, work total $3,840 $7,040, base price rang above. concret patio cost. plain concret slab usual cost $2 $5 per squar foot installed, depend region country. decor concret patio start $6 $10 per squar foot simpl design. custom work involv borders, multipl color hand-appl techniqu cost $10 $15 per squar foot mor"} {"id": "3017", "contents": "price per squar foot: $3.25 $5.25 (for plain concret depend size complexity). decor concret costs: decor concret cost. stamp concret cost. stain concret price. concret driveway cost. concret patio cost. walkway cost. decor option stamp (see stamp concret cost), stain (see stain concret cost), special finish add significantli cost project. plain concrete, expect price fall somewher $3.25 $5.25 squar foot depend project size complexity."} {"id": "3018", "contents": "small residenti project tend cost per squar foot may subject minimum charg $500-$1,000 more. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. do-it-yourselfers, resurfac product bucket bag purchas home improv hardwar stories. total diy cost $2-$5 squar foot, depend materi used."} {"id": "3019", "contents": "general, pay $8 $12 per squar foot basic stamp concret (use one pattern color) $18 per squar foot elabor multi-pattern design special color effects, hand-appli stain accents. depend upgrad pick, expect pay $12 $18 per squar foot mid-rang design. $18+ per squar foot. high-end: want go get top-of-th line stamp concret incred realist plan spend $18 per squar foot."} {"id": "3020", "contents": "recommend contact contractor local area accur budgeting. cost stamp concrete. simpl design. $6-$10 per squar foot. may includ one color method decor technique. custom design. $10-$15 per squar foot. may includ two three color contrast border."} {"id": "3021", "contents": "creat free html websit use wix. short tutori provid help use wix' html editor. insid editor, click question mark icon, 'learn more' link next compon titl see short help video explain use it. start build free html website!ix flash websit builder play all. creat free flash websit use wix. short tutori provid help use wix' flash"} {"id": "3022", "contents": "creat facebook templat wix. websit build platform wix releas facebook applic creation web page embed insid facebook fan commun pages. without familiar facebook markup languag (fbml), applic could prove quit useful.hoos facebook template: choos facebook template: 1. go wix\u2019 facebook templat page. 2. brows facebook templat find design like. 3. roll template, click edit."} {"id": "3023", "contents": "categor templat make easi find templat that\u2019 relev type websit building. sign free account wix tri templat websit builder (click full review wix). pick choos templates, start drag drop pictures, slideshow content website. wix make pretti easi get started, help function realli one better one amongst websit builders."} {"id": "3024", "contents": "description. cool band need cool website. use eye-catch websit templat take tune web spread onlin presence. simpli person text, chang background imag pictur repres band upload latest tune wix music readi go!start edit creat storm music world!"} {"id": "3025", "contents": "free websit builder also give option emb site blogger blog. wix automat gener html code site, insert code blogger post viewer interact site directli blog.og wix account click account link top page. click edit button underneath thumbnail imag websit bring site' html editor page. step 2. click publish button follow prompt finish publish updat site."} {"id": "3026", "contents": "use tool wix account add site blog post choice. step 1. log wix account click account link top page. click edit button underneath thumbnail imag websit bring site' html editor page. step 2. click publish button follow prompt finish publish updat site."} {"id": "3027", "contents": "wix flash websit builder play all. creat free flash websit use wix. short tutori provid help use wix' flash editor. insid editor, click question mark icon, 'learn more' link next compon titl see short help video explain use it. start build free flash website!"} {"id": "3028", "contents": "unlik weebly, wix let creat blog part site, bring editor help author content maintain site. side coin wix' eas use can't get actual css html drive website.n rare event templat catch fancy, alway start blank slate creat websit scratch. wix featur dramatic, beauti templat make easi get start make website. wix editor joy use."} {"id": "3029", "contents": "prompted, make sure choos wix blog/web page editor drop list. copi statcount code. log wix website. click account. hover preview site click edit launch site editor.6 go widget section select html option."} {"id": "3030", "contents": "edit wix facebook templat made own, readi publish facebook fan page! must first creat facebook fan page publish wix fan page template. publish facebook fan page: 1. top menu editor, click publish.2.hoos facebook template: choos facebook template: 1. go wix\u2019 facebook templat page. 2. brows facebook templat find design like. 3. roll template, click edit."} {"id": "3031", "contents": "60 percent applic admit northeastern illinoi university, grant accept 25 percent continu enroll. base histor accept rate data, project neiu accept rate 2015 estim 63%. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend northeastern illinoi univers get lower compar averag previou years."} {"id": "3032", "contents": "overal neu accept rate-fal 2013. 32.3%. overal accept rate northeastern univers report 32.3% fall 2013 47,400 colleg applic submit neu. state state applic includ figures. histor trend accept rate 2015 projection. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend northeastern univers get lower compar averag previou year"} {"id": "3033", "contents": "60.1%. overal accept rate northeastern illinoi univers report 60.1% fall 2013 5,290 colleg applic submit school. state state applic includ figures. data transfer accept rate currently. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend northeastern illinoi univers get lower compar averag previou years."} {"id": "3034", "contents": "score either act sat test due januari 15. applic fee northeastern univers $75. selective, accept rate 32.2 percent. inform tests, essays, interview admiss process, visit appli colleg knowledg center. northeastern univers privat institut found 1898. total undergradu enrol 13,510, set urban, campu size 73 acres. util semester-bas academ calendar."} {"id": "3035", "contents": "northeastern univers select engin school, admit 2,734 student 2013 accept rate 41.24%. admit rate much lower averag engin school (63.49%). northeastern univers yield rate 30.49%, mean less like student accept offer admiss school averag engin graduat school (the averag yield rate 43.82%)."} {"id": "3036", "contents": "approxim 30% student appli accept neu, grant accept roughli 19% continu attend. base histor accept rate data, project neu accept rate 2015 estim 34%. histor trend accept rate 2015 projection. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend northeastern univers get lower compar averag previou year"} {"id": "3037", "contents": "northeastern univers moder select engin school, admit 3,172 graduat student 2013 accept rate 39.52%. admit rate line averag graduat engin school (41.98%). northeastern univers yield rate 30.49%, mean less like student accept offer admiss school averag engin graduat school (the averag yield rate 43.82%)."} {"id": "3038", "contents": "score either act sat test due januari 15. applic fee northeastern univers $75. selective, accept rate 32.2 percent. inform tests, essays, interview admiss process, visit appli colleg knowledg center."} {"id": "3039", "contents": "vertebr chordat (phylum chordata) deuterostom coelom whose nearest rel anim kingdom echinoderms, deuterostomes. however, unlik echinoderms, chordat character notochord, joint appendages, segmentation. four featur character chordat play import role evolut phylum: 1. single, hollow nerv cord run beneath dorsal surfac animal."} {"id": "3040", "contents": "vertebr larg group anim includ fish, amphibians, reptiles, bird mammal like us. vertebr heart close circ ulatori system requir heart pump blood around body. number chamber regular heart vari two four."} {"id": "3041", "contents": "vertebrates, dorsal nerv cord differenti brain spinal cord. 2. flexibl rod, notochord, form dorsal side primit gut earli embryo present development stage chordates."} {"id": "3042", "contents": "basi embryon development, metazoan divid protostomia deuterostomia. protostom primit invertebr deuterostom includ echinoderm chordates. divis help understand relationship differ group animals."} {"id": "3043", "contents": "deuterostom (a exemplifi echinoderm chordates) develop anu first, mouth end embryo. deuterostom coelom anim embryolog characteristics: radial cleavag embryon cell division: daughter cell sit top previou cells."} {"id": "3044", "contents": "protostom (mollusks, annelids, arthropods) develop first open embryo mouth (protostom first mouth). protostom bilater symmetrical, three germ layers, organ level organization, tube-within-a-tub bodi plan, true coelom."} {"id": "3045", "contents": "vertebrates. vertebr chordat vertebr sub-group phylum chordat also follow one import featur chordat i.e. presenc noto chord wherea chordat vertebr chordat cephalochordates, urochordates."} {"id": "3046", "contents": "food sourc riboflavin (vitamin 2) trust advic dietitians. www.dietitians.ca inform riboflavin riboflavin water-solubl vitamin (vitamin 2). mean riboflavin store body. need eat food rich riboflavin everi day."} {"id": "3047", "contents": "knowledg center. vitamin b2, also known riboflavin, addit e101, one eight vitamin essenti human health. riboflavin found grains, plant dairi products. crucial break food components, absorb nutrients, maintain tissue. vitamin b2 water-solubl vitamin."} {"id": "3048", "contents": "riboflavin overview information. riboflavin vitamin. found certain food milk, meat, eggs, nuts, enrich flour, green vegetables. riboflavin frequent use combin vitamin vitamin complex products."} {"id": "3049", "contents": "vitamin b2, also known riboflavin, arguabl vitamin give visual cue passag body. lot vitamin b2 diet (or supplement), urin turn bright yellow show there."} {"id": "3050", "contents": "riboflavin one vitamin (vitamin b2). vitamin vitamin dissolv water. healthi person' gut easili take riboflavin food pass blood bodi use."} {"id": "3051", "contents": "overview. vitamin b2, also call riboflavin, one vitamins. vitamin help bodi convert food (carbohydrates) fuel (glucose), use produc energy. vitamins, often refer complex vitamins, also help bodi metabol fat protein."} {"id": "3052", "contents": "may 18, 1980 major volcan erupt occur mount st. helens, volcano locat state washington, unit states. mount st. helen remain dormant last period activ 1840 1850 march 1980. sever small earthquakes, appar begin march 15, indic magma may begun move volcano."} {"id": "3053", "contents": "overview. 1980 erupt mt. st. helen studi volcan erupt twentieth century. although peopl unawar potenti violent display volcan contigu u.s., volcanologist keenli awar potenti danger. month erupted, u.s. geolog survey (usgs) establish base oper vancouver, washington monitor volcano. may 18, survey volcanologist david johnston camp coldwat ridge, mile north mt. st. helens."} {"id": "3054", "contents": "mount st helen locat cascad mountain rang state washington unit state famou devast 1980 eruption, kill 57 people. among dead geologist other monitor volcano. erupt mount st helen anoth volcano mexico call el chichon two year later first time pyroclast flow cloud hot gas, ash rock move hundr mile per hour studi use modern scientif techniques."} {"id": "3055", "contents": "mount st. helens. prior 1980, mount st. helen form conical, youth volcano sometim known fuji-san america. 1980 erupt upper 400 summit remov slope failure, leav 3.5 km horseshoe-shap crater partial fill lava dome."} {"id": "3056", "contents": "2004\u20132008 volcan activ mount st. helen document continu erupt gradual extrus magma mount st. helen volcano. start octob 2004 gradual build new lava dome. new dome rise caldera creat 1980 eruption. mount st. helen remain dormant last period activ 1840 1850 march 1980. sever small earthquakes, appar begin march 15, indic magma may begun move volcano."} {"id": "3057", "contents": "mount st. helens, activ stratovolcano, composit type. fact mount st. helen morn may 18, 1980, mount st. helen erupted, creat econom destruct volcan event ever unit states."} {"id": "3058", "contents": "volcano well known ash explos pyroclast flows. mount st. helen notori catastroph erupt may 18, 1980, 8:32 a.m. pdt, deadliest econom destruct volcan event histori unit states. although mount st. helen skamania county, washington, access rout mountain run cowlitz counti west. state rout 504, local known spirit lake memori highway, connect interst exit 49, 34 mile (55 km) west mountain."} {"id": "3059", "contents": "volcano cascad range, mount st. helen larg erupt cone consist lava rock interlay ash, pumice, deposits. mountain includ layer basalt andesit sever dome dacit lava erupted. although mount st. helen skamania county, washington, access rout mountain run cowlitz counti west. state rout 504, local known spirit lake memori highway, connect interst exit 49, 34 mile (55 km) west mountain."} {"id": "3060", "contents": "mount st. helen activ stratovolcano/composit cone volcano crater volcano. fact mount st. helen morn may 18, 1980, mount st. helen erupted, creat econom destruct volcan event ever unit states."} {"id": "3061", "contents": "mount st. helen erupt may 18, 1980. volcano, locat southwestern washington, use beauti symmetr cone 9,600 feet (3,000 meters) sea level. eruption, remov upper 1,300 feet (396 meters) summit, left horseshoe-shap crater barren wasteland. term econom impact, mount st. helen erupt destruct u.s. history. fifty-seven peopl known died. 200 home destroyed. 185 mile road 15 mile railway damaged."} {"id": "3062", "contents": "salvia largest genu plant mint family, lamiaceae, nearli 1000 speci shrubs, herbac perennials, annuals. within lamiaceae, salvia part tribe menthea within subfamili nepetoideae. one sever genera commonli refer sage. mani member salvia trichom (hairs) grow leaves, stems, flowers, help reduc water loss species. sometim hair glandular secret volatil oil typic give distinct aroma plant."} {"id": "3063", "contents": "anemon nemorosa early-spr flower plant genu anemon famili ranunculaceae, nativ europe. common name includ wood anemone, windflower, thimbleweed, smell fox, allus muski smell leaves. perenni herbac plant grow 5\u201315 centimetr (2.0\u20135.9 in) tall. anemon lipsiensis, hybrid a. nemorosa a. ranunculoides, pale yellow flowers; a. lipsiensi 'pallida' best-known result cross. award agm h4, like parents."} {"id": "3064", "contents": "identification. anemon nemorosa perenni grow height 15cm. leaves, die back plant flower set seeds, palmat lobed-veri much like leav major member buttercup family, ranunculaceae."} {"id": "3065", "contents": "noun anemon senses: 1. woodland plant genu anemon grown beauti flower whorl dissect leaves. 2. marin polyp resembl flower oral ring tentacles; differ coral form hard skeleton. familiar information: anemon use noun rare. dictionari entri details. anemon quinquefolia; snowdrop; wood anemon (common anemon eastern north america solitari pink-ting white flowers). anemon sylvestris; snowdrop anemone; snowdrop windflow (eurasian herb solitari nod fragrant white flowers)."} {"id": "3066", "contents": "may night salvia flower may use cut-flow arrangements, dri leav fragrant enough warrant inclus potpourris. folk eat young, tender leav salad or, alternatively, includ season cook dishes. may night cultivar name. common name sometim given meadow sage .. plant type: may night salvia plant herbac perennials. characterist may night salvia: may night salvia 1997 perenni plant year."} {"id": "3067", "contents": "anemone. n. 1. (plants) ranunculac woodland plant genu anemon temper regions, white-flow a. nemorosa (wood anemon windflower). cultiv anemon lilac, pale blue, pink, purple, red flowers. see also pasqueflow compar sea anemone."} {"id": "3068", "contents": "salvia nemorosa, woodland sage, ornamental. salvia officinalis, common sage use wide cooking, ornament landscap plant, herbal medicine. salvia sclarea, clari clari sage, grown ornament extent perfum oils. mani member salvia trichom (hairs) grow leaves, stems, flowers, help reduc water loss species. sometim hair glandular secret volatil oil typic give distinct aroma plant."} {"id": "3069", "contents": "nemorosa latin adject deriv nemus, mean forest.. may night cultivar name. common name sometim given meadow sage .. plant type: may night salvia plant herbac perennials. characterist may night salvia: may night salvia 1997 perenni plant year."} {"id": "3070", "contents": "poisonous: depend variety, exampl anemon nemorosa, speci anemon toxic properti affect humans. number petals: anemon two real petal speak of. mainly, look tepal type flower, anywher five eight tepals."} {"id": "3071", "contents": "anterior-of near head end toward front plane body. front-rel locat front; front lines; front porch. posterior-loc near behind part near end structure."} {"id": "3072", "contents": "definition: anterior refer front human body, use describ anatomy. opposit anterior posterior, mean back human body. anterior typic use combin word describ locat bodi part."} {"id": "3073", "contents": "medic definit anterior. 1. relat situat near toward head toward part headless anim nearli correspond head. 2. situat toward front body: ventral\u2014us human anatomi upright postur humans."} {"id": "3074", "contents": "1. tooth situat front mouth. familiar information: anterior use noun rare. anterior (adjective). adject anterior senses: 1. near head end toward front plane body. 2. earlier time. familiar information: anterior use adject rare."} {"id": "3075", "contents": "anterior, adj 1. situat front of. adj 2. term use denot incisor canin teeth forward region oral cavity. adj 3. forward position."} {"id": "3076", "contents": "relat situat near toward head toward part headless anim nearli correspond head. 2. situat toward front body: ventral\u2014us human anatomi upright postur humans. an\u00b7te\u00b7ri\u00b7or\u00b7li adverb."} {"id": "3077", "contents": "anterior: front, oppos posterior. anterior surfac heart toward breast bone (the sternum). complet list term use medicin spatial orientation, pleas see entri anatom orient term"} {"id": "3078", "contents": "full definit anterior. 1. a: situat toward front b: situat near toward head part nearli correspond head. 2. come time development. an\u00b7te\u00b7ri\u00b7or\u00b7li adverb. see anterior defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "3079", "contents": "german lost battl stalingrad decid engag soviet urban warfar first place. german command want bypass citi cross volga cross north stalingrad."} {"id": "3080", "contents": "nowher volga river hallow citi name it: volgograd, better known histori stalingrad. world war ii, perhap bloodiest battl histori took place there. total million peopl lost side fight summer 1942 februari 1943."} {"id": "3081", "contents": "battl stalingrad fought winter 1942 1943. septemb 1942, german command sixth army, gener paulus, assist fourth panzer army, advanc citi stalingrad."} {"id": "3082", "contents": "german defeat russian russian winter sever reasons. first, germani lack manpow fight soviet union. germani start ope ration barbarossa roughli million troop compar soviet union million troop ready. second, germani lack suffici resourc long war"} {"id": "3083", "contents": "captur stalingrad import hitler two primari reasons. firstly, major industri citi volga river -- vital transport rout caspian sea northern russia. secondly, captur would secur left flank german armi advanc oil-rich caucasu region -- goal cut fuel stalin\u2019 war machine."} {"id": "3084", "contents": "70 year sinc battl stalingrad, battl turn cours war, even history. defeat stalingrad shatter blow german forc morale, realli recover."} {"id": "3085", "contents": "hence, dna polymeras move along templat strand 3'-5' direction, daughter strand form 5'-3' direction. differ enabl result double-strand dna form compos two dna strand antiparallel other. enzym essenti dna replic usual work pair creat two ident dna strand singl origin dna molecule. process, dna polymeras \u201creads\u201d exist dna strand creat two new strand match exist ones."} {"id": "3086", "contents": "sinc pcr is, basically, replic dna test-tube, usual ingredi need dna replic required: templat (the dna copied) primer (to initi synthesi new dna strands) dna polymeras (to carri synthesis) dntp (nucleotid precursors)."} {"id": "3087", "contents": "ntp' use synthesi rna primer atp use energi sourc enzym need initi sustain dna synthesi replic fork. template. nucleotid incorpor grow dna chain select base pair templat strand dna. (a) dna synthesi start specif place chromosom call origin. first mechan one daughter strand initi origin one parent strand second initi anoth origin opposit parent strand. thu one strand grow origin."} {"id": "3088", "contents": "dna polymeras enzym creat dna molecul assembl nucleotides, build block dna. enzym essenti dna replic usual work pair creat two ident dna strand singl origin dna molecule. process, dna polymeras \u201creads\u201d exist dna strand creat two new strand match exist ones."} {"id": "3089", "contents": "lag strand template, primas read templat dna initi synthesi short complementari rna primer. dna polymeras extend prime segments, form okazaki fragments. rna primer remov replac dna, fragment dna join togeth dna ligase. dna polymeras 5'-3' activity. known dna replic system requir free 3' hydroxyl group synthesi initi (import note: dna read 3' 5' direct wherea new strand synthes 5' 3' direction\u2014thi often confused)."} {"id": "3090", "contents": "convention, base sequenc singl strand dna given, left end sequenc 5' end, right end sequenc 3' end. strand doubl helix anti-parallel one 5' 3', opposit strand 3' 5'. dna polymeras 5'-3' activity. known dna replic system requir free 3' hydroxyl group synthesi initi (import note: dna read 3' 5' direct wherea new strand synthes 5' 3' direction\u2014thi often confused)."} {"id": "3091", "contents": "enzym synthes dna, dna polymerase, add nucleotid alreadi exist strand primer dna rna base pair template. enzymes. enzyme, dna polymerase, requir coval join incom nucleotid primer. (a) dna synthesi start specif place chromosom call origin. first mechan one daughter strand initi origin one parent strand second initi anoth origin opposit parent strand. thu one strand grow origin."} {"id": "3092", "contents": "dna polymeras enzym respons ad daughter nucleotid parent dna strand. order help get start process, rna primer built upon parent strand base replic fork. enzym respons build rna primer rna primase. replic begun dna polymerase, rna primer remov daughter strand eventu complet one end other. unlock lesson must study.com member. small parts, course, nucleotides. dna polymeras like vehicl buse individu nucleotides. build daughter strand dna accord templat set parent strand. everi cytosine, lay guanine, everi guanine, lay cytosine."} {"id": "3093", "contents": "primas synthes ribonucleotid primer rang 12 nucleotid length. dna polymeras incorpor dnmp onto 3' end primer initi lead strand synthesis. one primer requir initi propag lead strand synthesis. (a) dna synthesi start specif place chromosom call origin. first mechan one daughter strand initi origin one parent strand second initi anoth origin opposit parent strand. thu one strand grow origin."} {"id": "3094", "contents": "dna made two strand strand origin dna molecul serv templat product complementari strand, process refer semiconserv replication. cellular proofread error-check mechan ensur near perfect fidel dna replication. dna polymeras 5'-3' activity. known dna replic system requir free 3' hydroxyl group synthesi initi (import note: dna read 3' 5' direct wherea new strand synthes 5' 3' direction\u2014thi often confused)."} {"id": "3095", "contents": "centriol built cylindr array microtubules, attach partial microtubules. photo (courtesi e. deharven) electron micrograph show cross section centriol array nine triplet microtubules. attach one kinetochor dyad grow opposit centrosom bind kinetochor dyad. bind arm chromosomes. still other continu grow two centrosom extend region overlap."} {"id": "3096", "contents": "role centrosom cell cycl progression. centrosom associ nuclear membran prophas cell cycle. mitosi nuclear membran break centrosom nucleat microtubul (part cytoskeleton) interact chromosom build mitot spindle. centrosom replic phase cell cycle. prophas process cell divis call mitosis, centrosom migrat opposit pole cell. mitot spindl form two centrosomes. upon division, daughter cell receiv one centrosome. aberr number centrosom cell associ cancer"} {"id": "3097", "contents": "answer tombo h. confid vote 1.7k. centrosom place insid cell microtubl formed. insid cell centrosom centriol wich made ring nine microtubules. centriol found insid anim cells. centrosom microtubul organis cell thought centr spider web thread come it. provid support microtubul respons breakdown construction."} {"id": "3098", "contents": "noun. 1. centrosome-smal region cytoplasm adjac nucleus; contain centriol serv organ microtubules. central body. cytol, cytoplasm-th protoplasm cell exclud nucleus; full protein control cell metabolism. facebook."} {"id": "3099", "contents": "cell biology, centrosom (latin centrum 'center' greek s\u014dma 'body') organel serv main microtubul organ center (mtoc) anim cell well regul cell-cycl progression. centrosom replic phase cell cycle. prophas process cell divis call mitosis, centrosom migrat opposit pole cell. mitot spindl form two centrosomes. upon division, daughter cell receiv one centrosome. aberr number centrosom cell associ cancer"} {"id": "3100", "contents": "centrosom centrioles. centrosom organel found close nucleu within cytoplasm cells. centrosom key divis cell produc spindl fiber requir metaphas mitosis. centrosom consist two centriol orient right-angl"} {"id": "3101", "contents": "centrosome. locat cytoplasm usual close nucleus. consist two centriol orient right angl embed mass amorph materi contain 100 differ proteins. duplic phase cell cycle. attach one kinetochor dyad grow opposit centrosom bind kinetochor dyad. bind arm chromosomes. still other continu grow two centrosom extend region overlap."} {"id": "3102", "contents": "cell biology, centrosom organel main place cell microtubul get organised. occur anim cells. also, regul cell divis cycle, stage lead cell division. interestingly, centrosom requir progress mitosis. centrosom irradi laser, mitosi proce normal spindle. absenc centrosome, microtubul spindl focus motor allow format bipolar spindle."} {"id": "3103", "contents": "real answer centrosom area cell microtubul produced. microtubul carri varieti functions, rang transport structu ral support. cell division, centrosom divides, part move opposit side cell. centrosom microtubul organis cell thought centr spider web thread come it. provid support microtubul respons breakdown construction."} {"id": "3104", "contents": "full definit quango. partli autonom regulatori agency; especially: one britain organ outsid civil servic financ appoint government. see quango defin english-languag learners. advertisement. organ deal public matter support govern work independ legal powers."} {"id": "3105", "contents": "bodi role process nation government, govern depart part one, accordingli oper greater lesser extent arm' length ministers. use quango, see quango (disambiguation) cabinet offic 2009 report non-department public bodi found 766 ndpb sponsor uk government. number falling: 790 2008 827 2007. number ndpb fallen 10% sinc 1997. staf expenditur ndpb increased."} {"id": "3106", "contents": "mr. robinson' quango song blur album great escap satiris life chairman. februari 2015 articl satir websit doneg dollop claim irish-languag preserv agenc \u00fadar\u00e1 \u00fadar\u00e1 na gaeltachta chang name \u00fadar\u00e1 udara \u00fadar\u00e1 na quango quang\u00f3 recognition. trend cabinet offic 2009 report non-department public bodi found 766 ndpb sponsor uk government. number falling: 790 2008 827 2007. number ndpb fallen 10% sinc 1997. staf expenditur ndpb increased."} {"id": "3107", "contents": "quango acronym use especi unit kingdom republ ireland. quango arms-length bodi fund govern depart run them. given power paid govern departments. invent govern depart two rather differ jobs."} {"id": "3108", "contents": "quango (noun). noun quango sense: 1. quasi nongovernment organization; organ financ govern yet act independ government. familiar information: quango use noun rare."} {"id": "3109", "contents": "one, cases. 16% axe quango absorb central government, work hand civil servant govern departments, 17% taken committees, 4% charities, 2% local govern 2% privat sector. labour presid big expans public sector. noth controversi concept quangos-they around long time. britain' best-known organis classifi quangos, includ nation galleri museums, bodi forestri commiss british council and, accord groups, bbc."} {"id": "3110", "contents": "term quasi-autonom non-government organis creat 1967 carnegi foundat 's alan pifer essay independ account public-fund bodi incorpor privat sector. cabinet offic 2009 report non-department public bodi found 766 ndpb sponsor uk government. number falling: 790 2008 827 2007. number ndpb fallen 10% sinc 1997. staf expenditur ndpb increased."} {"id": "3111", "contents": "first cavities. x-ray show caviti teeth visibl nake eye. second abscess infection. x-ray show abscess infect end root teeth mani time teeth begin hurt. third cyst tumor visibl x-rays. x-ray also show miss teeth develop teeth. use tool dentist help diagnos condit mouth."} {"id": "3112", "contents": "chest. lung infect conditions. evid pneumonia, tuberculosi lung cancer show chest x-rays. breast cancer. mammographi special type x-ray test use examin breast tissue. enlarg heart. sign congest heart failur show clearli x-rays. bone teeth. fractur infections. cases, fractur infect bone teeth show clearli x-rays. arthritis. x-ray joint reveal evid arthritis. x-ray taken year help doctor determin arthriti worsening. dental decay."} {"id": "3113", "contents": "sinu x-ray sinusitis. guide. sinu x-ray seri pictur nasal sinu cavities. x-ray form radiation, like light radio waves, focus beam, much like flashlight beam. unlik beam light, x-ray pass objects, includ human body. think about. x-ray sinus may unreli diagnos sinus babi year age. sinu caviti complet develop children. partli develop sinu x-ray look like infected."} {"id": "3114", "contents": "fractur infections. cases, fractur infect bone teeth show clearli x-rays. arthritis. x-ray joint reveal evid arthritis. bone teeth. fractur infections. cases, fractur infect bone teeth show clearli x-rays. arthritis. x-ray joint reveal evid arthritis. x-ray taken year help doctor determin arthriti worsening. dental decay."} {"id": "3115", "contents": "purpose. chest x-ray, cxr, imag taken chest use diagnos variou medic conditions. x-ray chest use radiat gener imag bodi help determin infect chest wall, thorax, part thorac caviti like heart lungs. common way determin whether infect present insid chest."} {"id": "3116", "contents": "panoram x-ray show broad view jaws, teeth, sinuses, nasal area, temporomandibular (jaw) joints. x-ray find cavities. x-ray show problem impact teeth, bone abnormalities, cysts, solid growth (tumors), infections, fractures. periap x-ray show entir tooth, expos crown end root bone support tooth. x-ray use find dental problem gum line jaw, impact teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, bone chang link diseases."} {"id": "3117", "contents": "cases, fractur infect bone teeth show clearli x-rays. arthritis. x-ray joint reveal evid arthritis. x-ray taken year help doctor determin arthriti worsening. dental decay. bone teeth. fractur infections. cases, fractur infect bone teeth show clearli x-rays. arthritis. x-ray joint reveal evid arthritis. x-ray taken year help doctor determin arthriti worsening. dental decay."} {"id": "3118", "contents": "abnorm find x-ray sinus may show evid fluid sinu thicken mucou membrane. strong evid sinu infection. think about. x-ray sinus may unreli diagnos sinus babi year age. sinu caviti complet develop children. partli develop sinu x-ray look like infected."} {"id": "3119", "contents": "normal find x-ray sinus show: normal bone structure. evid fluid sinuses. thicken mucou membrane. think about. x-ray sinus may unreli diagnos sinus babi year age. sinu caviti complet develop children. partli develop sinu x-ray look like infected."} {"id": "3120", "contents": "fire protection. tyco designs, manufactures, sell maintain fire detect automat fire sprinkler systems, special hazard suppress systems, fire alarm control panel monitor systems, smoke carbon monoxid detector voic evacu systems."} {"id": "3121", "contents": "tyco intern plc provid secur product services, fire detect suppress product servic life safeti products. company' portfolio product servic sold brand name tyco, simplexgrinnell, sensormatic, wormald, ansul, simplex, grinnell, scott adt."} {"id": "3122", "contents": "tyco secur product unifi group world-lead access control, video, locat base secur intrus brands."} {"id": "3123", "contents": "tyco secur product portfolio brand form one largest secur portfolio world. engin special video security, access control, locat base secur intrus secur provid tyco secur product competit advantag come system integration."} {"id": "3124", "contents": "tyco intern ltd. secur system compani incorpor ireland, unit state oper headquart princeton, new jersey (tyco intern (us) inc.). tyco intern compos two major busi segments: secur solut fire protection."} {"id": "3125", "contents": "tyco intern plc form part tyco intern ltd.' chang jurisdict incorpor switzerland ireland merg subsidiary. tyco intern plc incorpor may 9, 2014 headquart mahon, ireland."} {"id": "3126", "contents": "tyco intern announc januari 2011 acquir brink' home secur holdings, (oper broadview security) transact valu $2.0 billion. report broadview secur merg tyco' adt secur servic division."} {"id": "3127", "contents": "averag cost gallon regular gasolin us past three year 53 gallon use 15000 mile averag amount mile person drive year annual cost gasolin averag car 2135 per year use averag cost gasolin 2011 2013"} {"id": "3128", "contents": "1212 connect 264 tweet 15 linkedin 19 comment email averag owner sedan shell nearli 10000 year oper car accord auto club aaa new aaa report show averag cost drive 15000 mile year rose 17 cent 60 cent per mile 9122 per year overal roughli increas cost oper car last year qualiti car also improv tire cost chang last year remain one cent per mile averag sedan owner aaa publish drive cost sinc 1950 year ga cost 27 cent gallon cost cent mile drive 10"} {"id": "3129", "contents": "costhelp reader report pay 150 300 complet auto detail averag cost 233 shine style mobil detail raleigh nc ultim detail packag 375 car 475 suv van exampl costhelp reader report pay 40 90 basic wash wax averag cost 72 mobil work auto detail chambersburg pa wash wax vacuum packag 75 car 100 mid size truck suv 125 full size truck suv 150 full size van larg suv"} {"id": "3130", "contents": "155 connect 44 tweet 19 linkedin 11 comment email averag transact price new vehicl set record 31252 august accord truecar com year ago new high 164 juli auto data research shop site report"} {"id": "3131", "contents": "exampl costhelp reader report pay 155 160 mid rang detail averag cost 136 shine style mobil detail raleigh nc offer full detail econo packag hour 195 car 245 suv van exampl costhelp reader report pay 40 90 basic wash wax averag cost 72 mobil work auto detail chambersburg pa wash wax vacuum packag 75 car 100 mid size truck suv 125 full size truck suv 150 full size van larg suv"} {"id": "3132", "contents": "american pay record price new car truck blame averag sale price vehicl hit 31252 last month almost 1000 time last year sharp increas driven consum load car high end stereo navig system leather seat safeti gadget vehicl price hit record high averag 31252 nearli 1000"} {"id": "3133", "contents": "actual gotten cheaper car accord new studi aaa cost averag 8876 drive typic sedan percent less 9122 cost last year"} {"id": "3134", "contents": "cost gone second biggest increas insur cost rose 76 28 annual averag 1029 aaa insur cost estim base low risk driver clean drive record fuel cost rose 93 14 45 cent per mile averag sedan owner qualiti car also improv tire cost chang last year remain one cent per mile averag sedan owner aaa publish drive cost sinc 1950 year ga cost 27 cent gallon cost cent mile drive 10000 mile year"} {"id": "3135", "contents": "averag cost state previous car ship cost vari depend mani factor averag cost 750 ship car new york florida 1200 ship car boston california 695 ship car chicago houston car ship inoper cost approxim 120 extra"} {"id": "3136", "contents": "first example, could submit report varieti expens relat differing. events. but, purpos clear type expens report, involved, timefram expens submitted."} {"id": "3137", "contents": "creat expens report spend author request relat expens creat expens report confer airfar expens worklet: 1. click creat expens report button action column."} {"id": "3138", "contents": "call human resourc depart fulli understand expens report procedur talk supervisor. step 2. obtain copi expens report statement log onlin version, compani use expens reports."} {"id": "3139", "contents": "gener speaking, field use captur detail explan busi reason behind expens includ report. expens report creat use busi expens template, expens report may relat other."} {"id": "3140", "contents": "exampl poor good purpos expens report use busi expens template. examples, use gener purpos multipl expens report may vari term expens type andtheir relationship other."} {"id": "3141", "contents": "1) sign e-reimbursement. click creat e-reimbursement-expens box. blank expens report appear. minim entri creat duplic exist expens report, click quick start drop-down menu, select exist report click go."} {"id": "3142", "contents": "creat expens reports, know purpos requir report creat procur card reports, know purpos requir report. type reports, addit inform requir justifi cation."} {"id": "3143", "contents": "workflow example: rout expens report review. team fill monthli expens report form design microsoft offic infopath 2007. team fill store form form librari sharepoint site."} {"id": "3144", "contents": "recipient, choos person must review expens report. click ok. rule expens report creat chang expens report library, total expens report greater 500 dollars, correct person notifi review report."} {"id": "3145", "contents": "also sure tell don\u2019t want see weld mark headboard. transit old tube new, seamless. also \u2026. sure tell bed antiqu pleas treat care. it\u2019 import work want done bed. everyon different. differ number size pillows. peopl lay pillow flat peopl prop headboard bed. best way know much headboard rais measur total thick box spring, mattress pillows. take measur place top hitch, box spring starts, see cover design"} {"id": "3146", "contents": "apolog confusion; product sold headboard bracket kit. kit design fit size bed almost headboard. item 13032676 great queen size platform bed frame. hope inform helps. thank shop us."} {"id": "3147", "contents": "tall antiqu beds, like put modern box spring mattress old bed frame. bed high get' height length leg bedframe, pile tall mattresses. think look funny, proport headboard. get riser put leg rais bed, long dust ruffl hide risers. main reason high bed cramp space trundl would fit beneath."} {"id": "3148", "contents": "hang headboard. rais headboard posit use screw long enough fit way thick headboard drywal anchor, screw headboard wall. add height. add height headboard ad new attach hole side leg headboard. decid much higher headboard need be. use measurement, start exist attach measur mark leg pencil. care mark side even"} {"id": "3149", "contents": "rais wooden headboard king bed. saw beauti old wooden headboard onlin i'm think buying. attach metal hollywood frame bolts. headboard 36 tall, low today modern thick mattress abund fluffi pillows. i'd like rais how. want use block metal frame, give increas frame height after."} {"id": "3150", "contents": "headboard attach bed frame, headboard either seri vertic hole slot vertic length bolt attach through. examin base leg headboard see attached. extra hole room slot open avail rais headboard. add height. add height headboard ad new attach hole side leg headboard. decid much higher headboard need be. use measurement, start exist attach measur mark leg pencil. care mark side even"} {"id": "3151", "contents": "steps: note: featur queen-siz headboard 62 inch wide 54 inch high. 1. cut foundat piec headboard birch plywood lay flat work surface. use wood glue finish nail attach two 1x3 perpendicular side, creat fake legs. 2. attach 1x6 flat along top headboard."} {"id": "3152", "contents": "prep wall attachment. attach headboard wall put headboard exact locat desire. remov headboard bed frame. pre-dril sever hole leg lower portion headboard. add height. add height headboard ad new attach hole side leg headboard. decid much higher headboard need be. use measurement, start exist attach measur mark leg pencil. care mark side even"} {"id": "3153", "contents": "u.n. owen host invit ten guest hous indian island. none guest know his. haven\u2019t met u.n. owen. invit sign sometim femal name sometim male initi u.n. stand \u201cunknown\u201d. mr. blore-h ex-cop. mr. rogers-th husband mrs. roger housekeep get order u.n. owen. mrs. rogers-th wife mr. roger also run thing around house."} {"id": "3154", "contents": "minor characters. u.n owen: pseudonym killer use purchas island lure victim there. constanc culmington: old friend wargrave's-h name use wargrave' invit island. davis: fake name ident blore use meet guest"} {"id": "3155", "contents": "u.s. edit releas decemb 1939 titl chang last five word origin american version nurseri rhyme: none. none one agatha christie' best-known mysteries, wide consid masterpiec describ difficult book written."} {"id": "3156", "contents": "none detect fiction novel agatha christie, first publish unit kingdom collin crime club novemb 1939 titl ten littl nigger unit state dodd, mead compani januari 1940 titl none. british edit continu use work' origin titl 1980 first british edit use altern titl none appear 1985 reprint 1963 fontana paperback."} {"id": "3157", "contents": "think mr. u.n. owen, wargrave, creat plot feed desir kill need twist justice. wargrav make sure guest involv murder death. wargrav want kill guests, want recognit it. mr. u.n. owen, justic wargrave, strongli believ innoc suffer, everi person invit island involv crime death."} {"id": "3158", "contents": "adventur compani releas video game agatha christie: none 2005, first seri pc game base christi novels. februari 2008, port wii console. ident murder killer origin book. none one agatha christie' best-known mysteries, wide consid masterpiec describ difficult book written."} {"id": "3159", "contents": "un owen none? book none, u.n. owen 'supposed' husband wife purchas soldier island locat coast devon. husband' name ulick rma owen. wife' name una nanci owen. begin guest believ exist, think name mean unknown. basic plot surround 10 peopl invit parti island mr mr owen. get find strang nurseri rhyme call 10 littl indian nurseri rhyme aforement indian suffer strang unsual fate' none."} {"id": "3160", "contents": "none mysteri novel agatha christie, wide consid masterpiec describ difficult book write. none one agatha christie' best-known mysteries, wide consid masterpiec describ difficult book written."} {"id": "3161", "contents": "2005, adventur compani releas video game agatha christie: none, first seri pc game base christi novels. februari 2008 port wii console. british edit continu use work' origin titl 1980 first british edit use altern titl none appear 1985 reprint 1963 fontana paperback."} {"id": "3162", "contents": "summary: chapter ix. mr. owen could come island one way. perfectli clear. mr. owen one us. (see import quotat explained). blore, lombard, armstrong becom argumentative. blore suggest armstrong gave mrs. roger overdos sleep medic either accid purpos"} {"id": "3163", "contents": "special element anesthesiolog taught practic resid includ following: chronic acut pain management. pre-op patient evaluation. post-op pain evalu control. intens care pain management. pre-exist diseas factor surgic care. doctor medicine. prior special anesthesiology, student must graduat 4-year doctor medicin (md) doctor osteopathi (do) program accredit medic school. extrem competit program renown academ demand time-consum nature."} {"id": "3164", "contents": "rigor requir career anesthesiologist includ bachelor' degree, medic degree, resid state medic license. anesthesiologist earn high incom suitabl weighti respons lengthi preparation. resid fellowship. medic degree, anesthesiologist must compet resid anesthesiolog becom specialists. nation resid match program, nrmp, help student find resid program specialty. anesthesiologist gener complet one-year gener internship plu three addit year resid anesthesiology. minimum four year medic school necessari u.s. board certif"} {"id": "3165", "contents": "educ requir anesthesiologists. road becom board-certifi anesthesiologist long, requir minimum 12 year postsecondari education. aspir anesthesiologist must first becom fulli qualifi physician complet rigor resid requirements. doctor medicine. prior special anesthesiology, student must graduat 4-year doctor medicin (md) doctor osteopathi (do) program accredit medic school. extrem competit program renown academ demand time-consum nature."} {"id": "3166", "contents": "anesthesiologist complet four year undergradu program, four year medic school training, one year internship, three year postgradu train form anesthesiolog residency. anesthesiologist complet four year undergradu program premed requirements, four year medic school training, one year internship, three year postgradu train anesthesiolog residency."} {"id": "3167", "contents": "physician special anesthesiolog must spend substanti number year complet educ train requirements, includ year undergradu school, year medic school, year residency. anesthesiologist complet four year undergradu program premed requirements, four year medic school training, one year internship, three year postgradu train anesthesiolog residency."} {"id": "3168", "contents": "learn educ prepar need becom anesthesiologist. get quick view requir well detail training, job duti licensur certif find career you. doctor medicine. prior special anesthesiology, student must graduat 4-year doctor medicin (md) doctor osteopathi (do) program accredit medic school. extrem competit program renown academ demand time-consum nature."} {"id": "3169", "contents": "formal educ train requir physician among demand occupation-4 year undergradu school, year medic school, year internship residency, depend specialti selected. anesthesiologist complet four year undergradu program premed requirements, four year medic school training, one year internship, three year postgradu train anesthesiolog residency."} {"id": "3170", "contents": "report abuse. refriger (4\u00b0c 40\u00b0f) whole chicken (2-3 days) chicken piec (2-3 days) cook chicken (3-4 days) ground chicken (1-2 days) could also freez months. source(s): www.chicken.ca see page storag thaw guidelines: http://www.chicken.ca/defaultsite/index_... marti year ago."} {"id": "3171", "contents": "cook chicken could good days. raw chicken best use within days. store chicken coldest part refriger best shelf life put freezer use within time frame. thaw chicken cook soon possible. use chicken immediately, store refriger use within 24 hour thawing. thaw frozen chicken use one three methods: refrigerator; cold water bath, chang water everi 30 minutes; microwave."} {"id": "3172", "contents": "fri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer). cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer)."} {"id": "3173", "contents": "cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. 56 other found useful. kay cook. question answer lock cannot edited. never thaw chicken room temperature. usda recommend 1-2 day refriger storag (40\u00b0f). depend upon packag chicken, handl in-transit, temperatur refrigerator, chicken could last longer."} {"id": "3174", "contents": "(also) feel like i\u2019m limit chicken cooked. thank help, ss. dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days. also freez cook bread chicken cutlet (tightli wrap foil saran wrap place freezer bags) 1-3 months. pull night want thaw fridge."} {"id": "3175", "contents": "eat leftov save time money, food spoil leav refriger long. general, refriger chicken leftov safe eat three four days. however, proper storag handl leftov food necessari prevent danger bacteri growth."} {"id": "3176", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 11 peopl found useful. thaw chicken cook soon possible. use chicken immediately, store refriger use within 24 hour thawing. thaw frozen chicken use one three methods: refrigerator; cold water bath, chang water everi 30 minutes; microwave."} {"id": "3177", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 42 other found useful. never thaw chicken room temperature. usda recommend 1-2 day refriger storag (40\u00b0f). depend upon packag chicken, handl in-transit, temperatur refrigerator, chicken could last longer."} {"id": "3178", "contents": "pod-a group whale (or seal dolphins), small flock birds. boll weevil-from old english wifel, beetle, boll, pod cotton plant, beetl attacks. pod."} {"id": "3179", "contents": "look up-pod, pod, pod, pod-in wiktionary, free dictionary. pod pod may refer to:"} {"id": "3180", "contents": "pod account simpl way provid quick easi access bank account event account holder' death. also known payabl death account totten trusts, servic free avail number banks, credit unions, save loan institutions. also known totten trust, pod account ensur immedi expens still taken care upon death, without wait probate. pod account allow access save check accounts, among others. view slideshow imag above."} {"id": "3181", "contents": "pod 1. n. 1. botany. a. dehisc fruit legumin plant pea, split along two sides. b. dry, several-seeded, dehisc fruit. also call seedpod. 2. zoolog egg case certain insects, especi locust orthopteran. pod. pod-a group whale (or seal dolphins), small flock birds."} {"id": "3182", "contents": "break 'payabl death-pod'. pod account creat fill proper form bank credit union. cost-fre servic allow transfer check save accounts, secur deposits, save bond deposit certificates. arrang bank credit union client design beneficiari receiv client' assets. immedi transfer asset trigger death client."} {"id": "3183", "contents": "definit 'payabl death-pod'. arrang bank credit union client design beneficiari receiv client' assets. immedi transfer asset trigger death client. also refer totten trust.. next"} {"id": "3184", "contents": "that' it. water forc pod make coffee, usual use pod once. simpl pod machine-specif use senseo machin well melitta, bunn one krup models. coffe pod one latest thing coffe making. whole concept single-serv coffe brew start humbl pods, grown tremend popular ever since. familiar them, know coffe pod place start. thankfully, coffe pod complicated. basic small, pre-packag unit coffe ground use brew singl cup coffee. use pod elimin need measur loos grounds, also mean filter chang"} {"id": "3185", "contents": "along check save accounts, term pod agreement may also allow access certif deposit secur associ account establish bank name primari account holder. also known totten trust, pod account ensur immedi expens still taken care upon death, without wait probate. pod account allow access save check accounts, among others. view slideshow imag above."} {"id": "3186", "contents": "pod account provid event death, beneficiary, child, full access money account. also known totten trust, pod account ensur immedi expens still taken care upon death, without wait probate. pod account allow access save check accounts, among others. view slideshow imag above."} {"id": "3187", "contents": "adjust suggest get involv contractor program. anyon done work them, better yet contractor program? i'v done lot insur work know side business, state farm specifically. re: state farm insur work. start first estim public adjuster, went field start silvertre construct fire water restor company. differ differ way get profits, never let adjust tell job pays."} {"id": "3188", "contents": "coverage: state farm\u2019 homeown insur polici limits, cover busi pursuit home. busi owner work home sure get commerci real estat polici cover space use home work belongings. state farm polici holder 50 year homeowner\u2019 polici hous 20 year without claim, file claim damag roof. polici replac value. first thing state farm pay estimate, propos roof contractor."} {"id": "3189", "contents": "hire farm labor contractor, flc meet legal obligations, may liabl unpaid wages, damages, workers\u2019 compens premiums. hire farm labor contractor (flc) bring worker farm land, need know could liabl unpaid workers\u2019 compens premiums, unpaid wages, damag civil penalties."} {"id": "3190", "contents": "profession liabil insur avail state farm limit number professions. coverag describ materi relat profession liabil insurance. medic offic insur avail massachusett rhode island. sever distinct featur avail artisan servic contractor insur policy: properti help protect busi build structures, landscaping, equip accident direct physic loss."} {"id": "3191", "contents": "note: state farm warrant guarante perform contractor whose inform provid contractor locat application. question contractor locat application, contact state farm agent claim representative. contractor locat application. search gener contractor near use address, zip/post code, contractor' name."} {"id": "3192", "contents": "contractor locat applic onlin resourc use identifi potenti gener contractor area whether loss not. contractor locat application. search gener contractor near use address, zip/post code, contractor' name. abl view contractor profil review servic warranti contractor repres will provid"} {"id": "3193", "contents": "contractor insur coverag tailor meet specif needs. state farm artisan servic contractor policy, get properti and/or liabil protect that' right you. sever distinct featur avail artisan servic contractor insur policy: properti help protect busi build structures, landscaping, equip accident direct physic loss."} {"id": "3194", "contents": "note: farm labor contractor includ commerci pack hous engag harvest pack citru fruit soft fruit client. law consid follow individu organ farm labor contractors\u201d: person/leg entiti who, fee, employ peopl perform work connect product farm product to, for, direct third person."} {"id": "3195", "contents": "indiana court appeal affirm $14.5 million dollar defam verdict state farm state farm fire casualti compani v. radcliff. state farm found guilti defam roof contractor follow hail storm indiana 2006. state farm\u2019 handl hailstorm claim led event case. hailstorm, indiana depart insur receiv 425 complaint state farm policyholders, march 2007, depart insur initi market conduct examination."} {"id": "3196", "contents": "state farm agent independ contractor hire employees. posit state farm independ contractor agent, state farm... easili apply. day ago-sav job-email-more... state farm agent independ contractor hire employees. posit state farm independ contractor agent, state farm... easili apply."} {"id": "3197", "contents": "origin name amelie: english variant german amalia, deriv amal (work). alternatively, may variant emilia (rival). world babi name teresa norman. hi! daughter' name amelie, am\u00e9li chose name princip charact french movie. ameli am\u00e9li embrac role beauti care girl act like heroin other matter life is, mess'sh loos her. childish charm"} {"id": "3198", "contents": "amelia femal given name. variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel etymologist believ name/amelia amalia unrel latin gen name, aemilia translat english as. emili"} {"id": "3199", "contents": "ameli /ame-lie/ [3 sylls.] girls' name latin derivation, mean name ameli rival, eager work; rival; laborious; eager. ameli altern form amelia (latin, old german). ameli also form emili (latin). kreatif forms: aiamelie, ameli, amelieai. ameli uncommon last name adult children. (2000 u.s. census). chart birth name popular ameli girls. ameli first list 2003 reach peak rank #603 u.s. year 2013, present #667."} {"id": "3200", "contents": "name ameli american babi name. american mean name ameli is: defender. french meaning: name ameli french babi name. french mean name ameli is: hard working. american meaning: name ameli american babi name. american mean name ameli is: defender. french meaning: name ameli french babi name. french mean name ameli is: hard working. industrious."} {"id": "3201", "contents": "amelia femal given name. variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel etymologist believ name/amelia amalia unrel latin gen name, aemilia translat english as. emili"} {"id": "3202", "contents": "amelia /ame-lia/ [4 sylls.] girls' name pronounc a-meel-yah. latin old german origin, mean amelia rival, eager work. blend two mediev names: latin emilia (see emily) latin german amalia, mean work. 18th-centuri princess amelia brought name britain."} {"id": "3203", "contents": "name amelia english babi name. english mean name amelia is: industrious. striving. latin meaning: name amelia latin babi name. latin mean name amelia is: industrious. striving. german meaning: name amelia german babi name. german mean name amelia is: old german amalburga, mean labour latin aemilia."} {"id": "3204", "contents": "however, situat absolut need call admir contact number, thu admir insur claim contact number 0844 385 1330 easi convenience."} {"id": "3205", "contents": "admir insur custom service: 0843 504 7227 02920 601 294. 24-hour helpline, phone time day, day week speak friendli admir insur custom servic representative."} {"id": "3206", "contents": "admiral: 0843 504 7227. phone admir insur discuss car, home travel insur polici 0843 504 7227. altern also phone admir localis contact number: 02920 601294. number liabl chang tend cheaper especi call mobil phone."} {"id": "3207", "contents": "call admir helplin 24 hour day, day week on: 0843 479 6839. get straight correct team. reason experi problem admir insur claim depart number."} {"id": "3208", "contents": "well call admir insur contact phone number car, van home insur speak admir custom servic team discuss question may car insur needs. call admir car insur phone number 08434 597 007. admir insur multi car insur polici offer great competit discount custom one car household address."} {"id": "3209", "contents": "contact admir insur 0844 385 1330. whatev time admir car insur number call bt landline, incur charg standard rate per minute. util anoth telephon mobil phone, may get incur extra charg call placed."} {"id": "3210", "contents": "van home insur call admir insur contact number get quot call admir insur contact numbers-admir van insur phone number 08434 597 222 admir home insur phone number 08434 597 170."} {"id": "3211", "contents": "along lupron depot injections, doctor may prescrib add-back* therapy. add-back* daili pill take lupron depot therapi add back small amount hormon progestin, help manag certain side effects, without interf way lupron depot works. 1,3."} {"id": "3212", "contents": "noun. 1. add-on-a compon ad someth improv it; addit bathroom major improvement; addit cinnamon improv flavor. addition, improver. additive-someth ad enhanc food gasolin paint medicine."} {"id": "3213", "contents": "full definit therapy. therapeut treatment especi bodily, mental, behavior disorder. see therapi defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "3214", "contents": "part 2: cpt code revamp mean new psychotherapi code add-ons. new psychotherapi code \u201cadd ons\u201d. read part article. bill psychotherapi evalu manag (e/m) service, cpt code longer base time psychotherapy."} {"id": "3215", "contents": "fact, lot abus old codes, said buechner. \u201cthat\u2019 part rational new psychotherapi code part reason add-on therapi code use e/m,\u201d said. \u201cinteract complexity\u201d (90785) new code design \u201cadd on\u201d new exist code shown figur 2, includ code for:"} {"id": "3216", "contents": "1,2. doctor determin specif treatment plan may also includ add-back (norethindron acet mg) therapy. lupron depot initi prescrib months. symptom recur, doctor may decid extend lupron depot treatment anoth months, add-back* therapy."} {"id": "3217", "contents": "add-on therapy. treatment given bolster enhanc effect previou one, esp. first treatment prove fulli effective."} {"id": "3218", "contents": "asthma paradigm autoimmun disease. rottem m(1), shoenfeld y. author information: (1)divis allergy, asthma immunology, haemek medic center, afula, israel. allergi autoimmun result dysregul immun system."} {"id": "3219", "contents": "autoimmun diseas last stage adapt activ immun response. immun system stimul initi stage manifest allergies."} {"id": "3220", "contents": "overview asthma. asthma chronic lung diseas inflamm caus airway narrow. even though asthma consid autoimmun disease, chronic ill requir attent chronic illness. asthma autoimmun disease, import keep control prevent one diseas affect other."} {"id": "3221", "contents": "autoimmun diseas allergi occur immun system attack body, case food allergies, asthma celiac disease."} {"id": "3222", "contents": "asthma usual treat bronchodilators, allergi antihistamines, autoimmun diseas drug target whatev organ system system involved. often treatment harsh side effect littl affect underli caus disorder."} {"id": "3223", "contents": "allergi asthma-immun respons substanc usual harmful. immun defici diseases-disord immun system miss one parts. autoimmun diseases-diseas caus immun system attack body' cell tissu mistake."} {"id": "3224", "contents": "lupus. system lupu erythematosi autoimmun diseas attack bodi tissues, includ lungs, kidneys, skin. mani type auto-antibodi found blood peopl lupus. one know exactli caus autoimmun diseases, mani factor seem involved."} {"id": "3225", "contents": "air inject system consist air pump, divert air manag valve, check valv plumbing. air pump design suppli constant suppli air air inject system. air manag valv air switch valve, use addit place divert valve. air manag valv typic use computer emiss control system switch air flow exhaust manifold catalyt convert air cleaner."} {"id": "3226", "contents": "compressor bypass valv (cbv), also known pressur relief valv divert valve, manifold vacuum-actu valv design releas pressur intak system turbocharg vehicl throttl lift closed. blowoff valv (bov), dump valv compressor bypass valv (cbv) pressur releas system present turbocharg engines. purpos prevent compressor surge, reduc wear turbocharg engine."} {"id": "3227", "contents": "air divert valve. secondari air inject divert (air diverter) valv (figur 123) use electr air pump provid on/off control air exhaust manifold catalyt converter. electr air pump vacuum suppli air divert valve, air pass integr check valv disk. electr air pump off, vacuum remov air divert valve, integr check valv disk held seat stop air drawn exhaust system prevent back flow exhaust secondari air inject system. solid state relay."} {"id": "3228", "contents": "thermactor air divert solenoid. thermactor air divert solenoid control eec-iv comput provid vacuum air bypass/air control valve. vacuum present, air flow exhaust manifold. vacuum, air flow air pump catalyst."} {"id": "3229", "contents": "forg good aftermarket. divert valv pressur releas system, divert un-us pressur back system. like let gas, shifts. prevent compressor surge. origin post airmax1. need upgrad dv tune."} {"id": "3230", "contents": "divert valv switch air flow exhaust atmospher sens deceleration. divert valv use manifold vacuum signal determin deceleration. fuel inject system requir divert valve, sinc abl shut fuel flow deceleration. air manag valv air switch valve, use addit place divert valve. air manag valv typic use computer emiss control system switch air flow exhaust manifold catalyt convert air cleaner."} {"id": "3231", "contents": "second valve, tad (thermactor air divert valv am2 valve) direct head catalyt converters. check valv locat tab tad solenoid prevent hot exhaust gase damag control valv pump case backfire. thermactor air pump draw air inlet filter front pump. smog pump put air head engin cold catalyt convert warm. thermactor control valv serv direct flow."} {"id": "3232", "contents": "a: planner charg one three ways: flat fee, hourli rate, percentag overal wed bill. cost vari 10 percent lower end 20 percent higher end spectrum. planner charg flat fee days, regardless way planner charges, want full-servic scenario, estim 15 percent wed budget."} {"id": "3233", "contents": "words, wed cost $5,000 less complic time consum wed cost $50,000. wed planner base fee percentag budget charg 10 20 percent. averag wed cost $25,000 accord theknot.com. live manhattan averag $65,000 2012, wed milwauke averag $14,600. spend much money make sens hire expert wed planner help."} {"id": "3234", "contents": "comment (63). mani bridal consult use charg percentag wed budget -- usual 10 20 percent -- prefer use hourly, commonly, packag rate. planner least three type packages: day service, consult full-servic planning. averag total cost wed consult $3,636 northeast $2,635 south. nation averag $3,262, accord associ bridal consultants."} {"id": "3235", "contents": "$5,000, full-servic planner plan wed handl detail wed day. rate sometim goe much higher -- possibl $10,000 in-demand planner ten year experience, accord i-do weddings. averag total cost wed consult $3,636 northeast $2,635 south. nation averag $3,262, accord associ bridal consultants."} {"id": "3236", "contents": "rate sometim goe much higher -- possibl $10,000 in-demand planner ten year experience, accord i-do weddings. cost vari greatli region. averag total cost wed consult $3,636 northeast $2,635 south. averag total cost wed consult $3,636 northeast $2,635 south. nation averag $3,262, accord associ bridal consultants."} {"id": "3237", "contents": "day-of wed planner make sure wed day goe smoothly, creat timelines, confirm vendors, coordin detail actual day. typic charg flat fee $500 $2000, depend experience, size scope event, prevail cost local area. charg 10% 20% total budget, depend experi size scope event."} {"id": "3238", "contents": "accord associ bridal consultants, averag total cost wed consult $3,636 northeast $2,635 south. nation averag $3,262. larger metropolitan area like new york citi boston, well-establish experienc wed planner fee reach $100-$150 per hour, i\u2019v even heard fee even go beyond (yes, i\u2019m serious)."} {"id": "3239", "contents": "one challeng thing wed planner determin charg time talent. basic way charge: flat fee charg flat fee servic provid clients. typic base type event, amount plan involv client needs. percentag charg percentag overal wed budget. client\u2019 wed budget $50,000 charg 10%, fee would $5,000. use method, minimum start price. packag would variou wed plan packag partial planning, full servic planning, event design wed day coordination."} {"id": "3240", "contents": "wed planner help smooth wed day. averag wed cost $25,000 accord theknot.com. live manhattan averag $65,000 2012, wed milwauke averag $14,600. spend much money make sens hire expert wed planner help."} {"id": "3241", "contents": "instructions. mesur squar footag structur wish demolish use tape measure. multipli length width structur arriv area, repres unit squared. example, structur 10 feet wide 14 1/2 feet long, arriv sum 145 feet. pay 145 squar feet demolition. view structur determin number floor build materi made of. addit floor add cost demolition, variou build materi differ demolit cost per squar foot."} {"id": "3242", "contents": "dallas, tx-a 900 sq ft wood home demolish final cost $3,000, $3.30 per squar ft. bayview, sc-a 1-story, 1000 sq ft cottag foundat vinyl side demolish $6,500. averag $6.50 per squar ft. averag dollar per squar foot. exampl outlin below."} {"id": "3243", "contents": "course, best way answer much demolit project cost contact qualifi demolit contractor area quot price. averag dollar per squar foot. exampl outlin below. dallas, tx-a 900 sq ft wood home demolish final cost $3,000, $3.30 per squar ft. bayview, sc-a 1-story, 1000 sq ft cottag foundat vinyl side demolish $6,500."} {"id": "3244", "contents": "demolit remodel compani gut interior averag hous stud run $2,500-$5,000, accord house-flipping-helper.com, cost higher depend location, size complic asbesto remov lead-bas paint. permit cost vari considerably, start around $25-$75 go sever hundr dollar more, depend local rule size natur project. hire someon demolit you, get sever estimates."} {"id": "3245", "contents": "estim long demolit take. length demolit import factor calcul costs. small-to medium-s commerci build take five 10 day demolition. worker work hour day demolit days, 40 billabl hours. hourli wage worker add $200 hour, wage portion demolit cost $8,000. step 5. calcul total amount equip rental."} {"id": "3246", "contents": "cours part it. but, need done safe way prevent injuri take knowledg infrastructur process. averag cost residenti demolit $5 $15 per squar foot. averag room 15x15 cost fall somewher $1,125 $3,375. rough estimate."} {"id": "3247", "contents": "shop interior demolition: permit cost vari considerably, start around $25-$75 go sever hundr dollar more, depend local rule size natur project. hire someon demolit you, get sever estimates. permit cost vari considerably, start around $25-$75 go sever hundr dollar more, depend local rule size natur project. hire someon demolit you, get sever estimates."} {"id": "3248", "contents": "step 4. multipli amount worker' wage amount time take demolition. worker work hour day demolit days, 40 billabl hours. hourli wage worker add $200 hour, wage portion demolit cost $8,000. step 5. calcul total amount equip rental."} {"id": "3249", "contents": "ask asbesto abat profession estim much cost. usually, around $2 $3 per squar foot. instance, build 1,750 squar feet quot $2 per squar foot asbesto removal, cost part demolit cost $3,500. add price amount profession asbesto inspector charg discoveri asbestos. worker work hour day demolit days, 40 billabl hours. hourli wage worker add $200 hour, wage portion demolit cost $8,000. step 5. calcul total amount equip rental."} {"id": "3250", "contents": "child may adopt adult least 10 year older child. except requir may. made adopt parent stepparent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, first cousin child and, person is. married, adopt jointli spouse. code 45.0410 follow person may adopted:\u2022 child age 18 year age, legal avail present territory\u2022 person older 18 21 whose adopt approv court may place child adopt citation: ann."} {"id": "3251", "contents": "age play role whether adopt. big role age play depend varieti factors, includ type adopt tri get, particular agenc may work with, law countri adopt from, wish birth mother. seek intern adoption, age play role whether adopt, well. countri specif restrict age adopt parents. countri cutoff age 45 even younger."} {"id": "3252", "contents": "report abuse. mani states, adopt child famili member child best friend 18. otherwise, 21. yes, know wonder child best friend. complet judge' discret mani allow unless best friend otherwis unfit. case, however, mother indic prefer friend adopt child-it' blue."} {"id": "3253", "contents": "report abuse. depend live usual age matur 19 place 21 other adopt anyon age maturity, 22 cousin 16-17 can. mommi year ago. thumb up. well adopt husband daughter 41 make thing legal. process adopt woman realiti part famili 30 year 54 year. far know age limit requir consent adults. wattsup"} {"id": "3254", "contents": "child 17, age factor review panel assess adopt criteria gener case case."} {"id": "3255", "contents": "maximum age person adopt u.s. citizen, person adopt scotland. submitted: year ago."} {"id": "3256", "contents": "provid bug tracking, issu tracking, project manag functions. although normal style jira, product name acronym, truncat gojira, japanes name godzilla, refer jira' main competitor, bugzilla. jira includ tool allow migrat competitor bugzilla. compar bugzilla, jira intern customisable. bugzilla single, fixed, state machin repres lifecycl 'bug'. bug assum follow fix pattern detection, repair test."} {"id": "3257", "contents": "valianti alway thrill setup jira purpos deploy servic desk. it\u2019 alway astonish see extent jira customiz mani use case bug track come along. met lot compani face follow choic between: it\u2019 go largest user confer yet! guest blog post francoi fran\u00e7oi dussurget of, valianti sponsor atlassian summit. 2012 valianti alway thrill setup jira purpos deploy service. desk"} {"id": "3258", "contents": "accord atlassian, jira use issu track project manag 25,000 custom 122 countri around globe. jira includ tool allow migrat competitor bugzilla. compar bugzilla, jira intern customisable. bugzilla single, fixed, state machin repres lifecycl 'bug'. bug assum follow fix pattern detection, repair test."} {"id": "3259", "contents": "atlassian provid jira free open sourc project meet certain criteria, organ non-academic, non-commercial, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit, secular. academ commerci customers, full sourc code avail develop sourc license. jira includ tool allow migrat competitor bugzilla. compar bugzilla, jira intern customisable. bugzilla single, fixed, state machin repres lifecycl 'bug'. bug assum follow fix pattern detection, repair test."} {"id": "3260", "contents": "14. new agil flow jira greenhopper. tri understand correct/bett way work agil jira gh. i'v read net information-so far, understand stori epic (which larg stories). want know flow creat tasks:"} {"id": "3261", "contents": "jira proprietari softwar product mean user bound restrict modifi distribut softwar without permiss company, copyright holder particular product. name \u201cjira\u201d actual short \u201cgojira\u201d, japanes term mean \u201cgodzilla\u201d. jira commonli use track bug particular applic track issu relat softwar use. particular issu encountered, jira help handl particular issu audit help administr fix problem. user even custom jira depend busi setup busi processes."} {"id": "3262", "contents": "organ use jira bug-track project manag fedora commons, hibernate, honeywel aerospace, jboss, linden lab, skype, spring framework, apach softwar foundat use jira bugzilla. jira includ tool allow migrat competitor bugzilla. compar bugzilla, jira intern customisable. bugzilla single, fixed, state machin repres lifecycl 'bug'. bug assum follow fix pattern detection, repair test."} {"id": "3263", "contents": "guest blog post francoi fran\u00e7oi dussurget of, valianti sponsor atlassian summit. 2012 valianti alway thrill setup jira purpos deploy service. desk\u2019it alway astonish see extent jira customiz mani use case bug track come. along it\u2019 go largest user confer yet! guest blog post francoi fran\u00e7oi dussurget of, valianti sponsor atlassian summit. 2012 valianti alway thrill setup jira purpos deploy service. desk"} {"id": "3264", "contents": "rest java client jira. plugin per se. java client librari (usuabl jvm-base languag like scala, groovy, jruby, etc.). purpos librari make jira rest api easi use client side. jrjc remov need travers uris, prepar request pars output. project activ support atlassian, feel free contribut"} {"id": "3265", "contents": "1. alcov good place put shelves, two way it: ladder method ledger method. ladder method stronger ledger method use across wider span shelv rigid. 2. twin-slot bracket flexibl use anywhere. support shelving. use ledger support alcove, draw level line around alcov want lower edg first shelf. start either top bottom shelf. then, measur line cut 2x1 ledger fit. hold top edg line drill pilot holes."} {"id": "3266", "contents": "2. find stud closest want shelv mark pencil. stud wood frame compris inner structur walls. essenti find stud put shelv shelv drill dri wall well support collapse. stud usual place everi 16 24 inch (40.62 cm 60.96 cm) apart. ideal want put shelv incorpor least two studs. shelv shorter distanc two studs, want use one stud center point shelves. edit step."} {"id": "3267", "contents": "need put float shelf. retract tape measure. electron wire pipe detector. spirit level. drill. screw fittings: 50mm screw plastic rawlplug fix concret brick, 40mm screw fix wooden joists, 65mm metal plasterboard anchor fix plasterboard. screw bracket place. step 5: slide shelf onto bracket check level (use spirit level make sure). happi posit shelf way looks, slide back bracket posit rest brackets."} {"id": "3268", "contents": "step 2: use electron detector, check area wall plan hang shelv free hidden pipe cables. step 3: place first bracket wall, use spirit level make sure level. mark fixing-hol posit pencil. step 4: use pencil marks, drill hole wall. screw bracket place. step 5: slide shelf onto bracket check level (use spirit level make sure). happi posit shelf way looks, slide back bracket posit rest brackets."} {"id": "3269", "contents": "take measur shelf float shelf kit. must know long tall determin instal wall. mark locat wall want instal float shelf, use chalk. chalk easi see easi eras complet project. hold float shelf bracket wall, chalk line drew step 2. mark posit brackets' holes. set bracket rest supplies. drill pilot hole bracket hole locat marked."} {"id": "3270", "contents": "pleas tri later. watch step-by-step film show put float shelf, expert advic top tip help complet job confidence. visit offici b&q youtub channel."} {"id": "3271", "contents": "use screw includ float shelf kit secur bracket wall. hold wall bracket back design locat drill screw bracket hole walls, use pre-dril pilot hole guides. chalk easi see easi eras complet project. hold float shelf bracket wall, chalk line drew step 2. mark posit brackets' holes. set bracket rest supplies. drill pilot hole bracket hole locat marked."} {"id": "3272", "contents": "put float shelf. step 1: first, decid mani shelv would like, high want them. want put storag basket underneath, lowest shelf less 90cm floor, space shelf least 30cm, fit books. screw bracket place. step 5: slide shelf onto bracket check level (use spirit level make sure). happi posit shelf way looks, slide back bracket posit rest brackets."} {"id": "3273", "contents": "c-floatingshelfstep-1. put four shelv side recess live room wall; determin mani shelv look best space. steps: 1. use measur tape determin size float shelv mark wall use carpenter' pencil. 2. use level tape measure, measur four equidist shelves, allow space book shelf. shelv inch deep. 3. cut 2x4 length shelves. act ledger float shelves. 4. use stud finder plan 2x4 attach wall."} {"id": "3274", "contents": "directions. 1. measur mark space wall (on ends) want shelf go. 2. use level, draw discreet line pencil across wall ensur shelf sit straight. 3. use hand drill drill pilot hole wall anchors. ideally, attach float shelv (or anyth els you\u2019r hanging) wall stud, give support base project. stud finder\u2014a hand-held devic use magnet detect metal, nail screw wall stud home\u2014can help locat these."} {"id": "3275", "contents": "uid may refer to: uniqu identif number later renam aadhaar number, initi uniqu identif author india indian govern creat uniqu id everi indian resident. uid vat identif number (in german language) (vat: valu ad tax). ulster institut deaf. uniqu identif number later renam aadhaar number, initi uniqu identif author india indian govern creat uniqu id everi indian resident. uid vat identif number (in german language) (vat: valu ad tax). ulster institut deaf."} {"id": "3276", "contents": "altaf, uid base 11 digit only, 12th digit check-sum number. however, go get math :) quit weak it\u2026however, person dies, gestat period around 10 15 year which, number avail again. 11 digit allow upto 100 billion number space last us centuries. look 12 digit uid may look. know format 12 digit uid scheme, read pdf releas uidai authority."} {"id": "3277", "contents": "aadhaar 12 digit individu identif number issu uniqu identif author india behalf govern india. number serv proof ident address, anywher india. aadhaar letter receiv via india post e-aadhaar download uidai websit equal valid. rbi notif e-aadhaar. individu need enrol free cost. aadhaar number uniqu individu remain valid life. aadhaar number help provid access servic like banking, mobil phone connect govt non-govt servic due course."} {"id": "3278", "contents": "well, chip uid number link (but reveal) bank inform account number, structur clear system prevent biller know payer' bank information, increas secur confidenti system. chip uid stand clear hous interbank payment system univers identifier. fanci name electron clearinghous databas system, facilit transfer fund individu consum institutions."} {"id": "3279", "contents": "chip uid number use clear system look need bank inform payment' recipi (e.g. rout number account number), payment order enter system simpli chip uid number. chip uid stand clear hous interbank payment system univers identifier. fanci name electron clearinghous databas system, facilit transfer fund individu consum institutions."} {"id": "3280", "contents": "uid number compris 12 digit (11 check sum). 11 digit allow upto 100 billion number space last us centuries. look 12 digit uid may look. know format 12 digit uid scheme, read pdf releas uidai authority."} {"id": "3281", "contents": "uid-uniqu identification, term uid commonli use differ thing sometim use place iuid, thu sourc confusion. generally, uid refer physic mark asset uid label. mark print first foremost step uid complianc process. mark noth 2d data matrix code. dot peen, chemic etch, laser mark, durabl polyest ink jet gener use marking."} {"id": "3282", "contents": "uid number look like.. post by: arun prabhudesai india may 24, 2010 15 comments. eagerli follow develop one biggest project india govern undertaken uniqu identif project. 11 digit allow upto 100 billion number space last us centuries. look 12 digit uid may look. know format 12 digit uid scheme, read pdf releas uidai authority."} {"id": "3283", "contents": "day raw. day longer cook place airtight container. alway cover meat store fridge. depend purchas steak sinc distributor add preserv meat don't. rule 40deg. fahrenheit 140deg. fahrenheit. refriger close 40deg. fahrenheit want keep steak fridg 12 hour max."} {"id": "3284", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. peopl found useful. kodiakcathy. depend purchas steak sinc distributor add preserv meat don't. rule 40deg. fahrenheit 140deg. fahrenheit. refriger close 40deg. fahrenheit want keep steak fridg 12 hour max."} {"id": "3285", "contents": "red meat pork remain refriger day frozen 4-12 months. leftov cook meat last 3-4 day refriger 2-6 month freezer. ground meat (beef, veal, pork, poultry) refriger 1-2 day frozen 3-4 months. lunchmeat hot dog last two week refriger unopen eaten within 3-5 day open (hot dog go coupl day longer). freezer they\u2019ll last 1-2 months. bacon safe eat week fridge\u2014but raw sausag eaten within two days. frozen month, sausag freez twice long. egg refriger month raw week hard-boil"} {"id": "3286", "contents": "answer: thaw steak refrigerator, you\u2019v got time. steak that\u2019 defrost fridg safe kept addit day refriger cooking, say u.s. depart agriculture. also safe refreez steak within timeframe. hand, thaw steak microwav cold water, usda advis cook immediately. that\u2019 either method, steak could least temporarili warm temperatur higher 40\u00b0f."} {"id": "3287", "contents": "here' guid help know long keep cut meat around! kitchen fact: raw ground meat poultri cook days, roasts, steaks, chop cook five days. raw poultry, ground meats, chopped-up cut meat, cook within two days. larger cut like roasts, steaks, chop store bit longer, use within five days. time cook meat end time periods, freez it, freez halt bacteria growth."} {"id": "3288", "contents": "use let sit fridge. steaka dn go consum within next coupl days, freez steak complet ruin it. rule thumb i'd keep steak fridg days, max. rare happen sinc mostli eat day of, next day"} {"id": "3289", "contents": "steak still safe rest hour half outsid fridge. person leav thick steak two hour come room temperature. howev prefer salt meat far ahead time manag it. steak alreadi least thaw fridg temperature, leav shorter time counter, even put oven 150 broiling/grilling."} {"id": "3290", "contents": "popular destin tourist know, puerto vallarta great place spend next beach vacat thank natur splendor, hop nightlife, top-notch all-inclus resort unmatch shopping."} {"id": "3291", "contents": "villa group offer eight luxuri resort mexico, horizon, locat five uniqu destinations. inclus resort distinct person someth offer everi type traveler. villa group resort locat puerto vallarta, riviera nayarit, cancun, cabo san luca island loreto. focus family-friendli environment; suit romant coupl retreats, other cater seek unparallel elegance, sophist top-notch service. luxuri properti inclus resort mexico guest indulg everyth love vacation. villa group brand includ villa del palmar, villa del arco villa la estancia."} {"id": "3292", "contents": "actual neither cabo pv perfect beach plenti vendors! white sand, turquois water need look caribbean coast mexico, instead baja pacif side. person love pv, like cabo too, mind vendors. consid part experience. i'v never cabo, someth els consid pv farther south water warm enough go year round. i'm sure that' case cabo. also, would say farther get downtown puerto vallarta, better beach water get. go surround beach like yelapa take trip lo arco marietas, water clear (particularli marietas) long tide strong"} {"id": "3293", "contents": "know puerto vallarta choos cabos, best pool action price hilton. ask anoth hotel firework plan eat restaur outsid night. get chanc hang locals. hubbi went famili wed year ago (about 15 min away, north downtown). chanc explor day took ton pictures. beauti citi bit old world charm it."} {"id": "3294", "contents": "found aggress vendor cabo pv. caribbean side mexico; cancun, playa del carmen, riveria maya aream great white sandi beach clear water perfect swimming. i'v never cabo, someth els consid pv farther south water warm enough go year round. i'm sure that' case cabo. also, would say farther get downtown puerto vallarta, better beach water get. go surround beach like yelapa take trip lo arco marietas, water clear (particularli marietas) long tide stro"} {"id": "3295", "contents": "lo cabo versu puerta vallarta (riviera nayarit). know noth pro con lo cabo versu puerta vallarta (riviera nayarit). never nice resort mexico would love tri out. cabo stay amaz resort call cabo azul. http://www.caboazulresort.com/ right medano beach cabo san luca mellow less parti scene. think great families."} {"id": "3296", "contents": "realli depend look for. cabo cancun expens pv. cancun best beach. nightlif good three. cancun younger, spring break crowd. pv best old town area authent mexican hotel shopping. old-world mexico. lot histori ton thing like jungl tour fish perfect. puerto vallarta cabo adult orient locations. yes, children welcom place destin better suit peopl 18. cabo i'd recommend riu cabo san luca dream lo cabos. puerto vallarta, either dream puerto vallarta, mariv resort palladium vallarta. now, cancun/ riviera maya option"} {"id": "3297", "contents": "puerto vallarta still econom option. hotel cheaper, tour cheaper, food cheaper. person fave massages. got best massag life puerto vallarta $30/hr. last time went, got bodi scrub, use steam room, got 80min massag around $80. hi catherin i\u2019d pick resort cabo san luca walk around marina choos leav resort. elena-juli 3, 2015 9:54 pm. hi! plan short vacat end july."} {"id": "3298", "contents": "coupl intend marri new york state must appli person marriag licens town citi clerk state. applic licens must sign applic presenc town citi clerk. repres cannot appli licens behalf applicants."} {"id": "3299", "contents": "mani state requir file polic report driver' licens lost stolen know someon use someon else' driver licens numbers. click around dmv.org learn requir state. list document needed, let know get done. state offer replac online, we'll let know. mani states, even list fee replac license. illeg drive without driver' licens show driver licens number possession. let us inform step take order get driver' licens back\u2015fast. alabama. alaska. arizona. arkansa"} {"id": "3300", "contents": "fee new mexico driver license. fee $18.00 four-year licens $34.00 eight-year license. driver 75 year old older must renew licens yearly, charg renew fees. state law requir dwi record check driver move new mexico out-of-state. pay record check, driver charg addit one-tim $15.00 fee, increas total $33.00 four-year licens $49.00 eight-year license."} {"id": "3301", "contents": "appli new driver' licens louisiana. updat wed, 2/4/2015. louisiana resid hold driver' licens anoth state need appli licens within 30 day time residence. need take vision test time application, unless licens expir one year, case written test required. information, see fee durat license. also contact local omv offic find exact fees. valid louisiana driver' licens four years."} {"id": "3302", "contents": "appli ny secur guard registr card. appli ny secur guard registr card, need first get electron fingerprint (cost $101.45) send albani fingerprint receipt, application, requir document $36 money order. edit step."} {"id": "3303", "contents": "new florida valid driver' licens previou state, must convert fl licens within 30 day becom resident. follow instruct list appli fl driver' license. inform found appli new licens (teen drivers) florida page. 18 year old older, abl appli fl driver' license."} {"id": "3304", "contents": "get license. leav licens office, you\u2019ll need turn out-of-st driver license/id card. you\u2019ll get temporari licens allow drive 45 days. perman licens mail within 7\u201310 days. don\u2019t receiv within 30 days, pleas go driver licens office. 5. leav licens office, you\u2019ll need turn out-of-st driver license/id card. you\u2019ll get temporari licens allow drive 45 days. perman licens mail within 7\u201310 days."} {"id": "3305", "contents": "tradit ira, pay tax back end-that is, withdraw money retirement. but, cases, may escap tax front end-when put money account. roth ira, exact opposite. pay tax front end, tax back end. remember, tradit roth iras, money grow tax free account. differ too. almost anyon earn incom contribut tradit ira, incom limit contribut roth ira. roth ira flexibl need withdraw money early. roth ira, leav money long want, let grow grow get older older. tradit ira, contrast, must start withdraw money time reach age 70\u00bd."} {"id": "3306", "contents": "ultim guid retirement. roth ira retir save account allow money grow tax-free. fund roth after-tax dollars, mean alreadi paid tax money put it. return up-front tax break, money grow grow tax free, withdraw retirement, pay taxes. that' right-everi penni goe straight pocket."} {"id": "3307", "contents": "roth ira (individu retir arrangement) retir plan us law gener taxed, provid certain condit met. tax law unit state allow tax reduct limit amount save retirement. direct contribut roth ira (principal) may withdrawn tax penalty-fre time. earn may withdrawn tax penalty-fre year condit age 59\u00bd (or qualifi condition) also met."} {"id": "3308", "contents": "roth ira also individu retir annuity, annuiti contract endow contract purchas life insur company. iras, intern revenu servic mandat specif elig file statu requirements. direct contribut roth ira (principal) may withdrawn tax penalty-fre time. earn may withdrawn tax penalty-fre year condit age 59\u00bd (or qualifi condition) also met."} {"id": "3309", "contents": "although up-front tax deduct roth ira contribut tradit ira, roth distribut tax-fre follow rules. contribut roth ira age long earn incom job. mean appropri everyon child actor septuagenarian wal-mart greeters."} {"id": "3310", "contents": "2015, contribut maximum $5,500 roth ira ($6,500 age 50 older end year) singl singl head household modifi adjust gross incom (magi) less $164,000. contribut roth ira age long earn incom job. mean appropri everyon child actor septuagenarian wal-mart greeters."} {"id": "3311", "contents": "roth ira special retir account pay tax money go account futur withdraw tax fee. like beauty, benefit roth ira eye behold depend beholder\u2019 tax bracket--both retires. contribut roth ira age long earn incom job. mean appropri everyon child actor septuagenarian wal-mart greeters."} {"id": "3312", "contents": "roth ira ira that, except explain below, subject rule appli tradit ira. cannot deduct contribut roth ira. satisfi requirements, qualifi distribut tax-free. make contribut roth ira reach age 70 \u00bd. leav amount roth ira long live. account annuiti must design roth ira set up. combin contribut limit appli roth tradit ira"} {"id": "3313", "contents": "individu retir account (ira) allow save money retir tax-advantag way. ira account set financi institut allow individu save retir tax-fre growth tax-def basis."} {"id": "3314", "contents": "roth ira, make contribut money alreadi paid taxes. money potenti grow tax-free, tax-fre withdraw retirement, provid certain condit met. 1."} {"id": "3315", "contents": "get inform dial \u201cpassport seva\u2019 toll free no. ie 1800-258-1800 least 30 35 time talk ask regist passport seva portal get appointment. even singl time call responded. type careless servic may ministri india."} {"id": "3316", "contents": "longer need wait long queue check statu passport application. call passport toll free number 1800-258-1800 find reason that caus delay issuanc passport. also offici websit http://passportindia.gov.in."} {"id": "3317", "contents": "nation call centre/ivrs. inform suggest passport services, pleas call 1800-258-1800 (toll free) write us access feedback link home page. nation call centr timings: citizen servic execut support: 10 pm."} {"id": "3318", "contents": "answer: unfortunately, number use reach nation passport inform center order schedul appointment. possibl solut list below. appear call u.s. toll-fre number via skype. skype instal comput enrol skype program but, accord skype user' guide, toll free number support free charg users.. information, click link below."} {"id": "3319", "contents": "moringa seed contain oleic acid, monosatur fatti acid highli benefici health. healthi sourc fat, moringa seed easili replac high satur anim fat found food items. work \u2018good cholesterol\u2019 keep cholesterol level (9). benefit moringa seed health: like mani herbs, moringa seed also offer great antioxid benefits. contain lot vitamin a, c, b-complex free radic buster save bodi sever oxid damag (2)."} {"id": "3320", "contents": "use moringa seeds. moringa seed use oil extraction, seed harvest process straight away. fresh, soft seed broken piec heat water, press oil. much research done field get high amount oil seeds. moringa oleifera tree provid use valuabl seed earth. moringa oleifera seed creat power natur medicin use heal varieti ailments. addition, moringa oleifera seed use purifi water feed animals."} {"id": "3321", "contents": "moringa oleifera impress rang medicin use high nutrit valu medicin benefits. differ part moringa contain profil import miner good sourc protein, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acid variou phenolics."} {"id": "3322", "contents": "moringa seed import moringa tree itself. germin seeds, produc moringa tree grow rapidli continu shower nutrient seed year come. moringa oleifera tree provid use valuabl seed earth. moringa oleifera seed creat power natur medicin use heal varieti ailments. addition, moringa oleifera seed use purifi water feed animals."} {"id": "3323", "contents": "moringa oleifera wide cultiv speci genu moringa, genu famili moringaceae."} {"id": "3324", "contents": "moringa sometim appli directli skin germ-kil dri agent (astringent). also use topic treat pocket infect (abscesses), athlete\u2019 foot, dandruff, gum diseas (gingivitis), snakebites, warts, wounds. leaves, fruit, seed might safe eaten food. however, it\u2019 import avoid eat root extracts. part plant may contain toxic substanc caus paralysi death. moringa use safe dose gram daili weeks."} {"id": "3325", "contents": "10. moringa seed rich oleic acid, oleic acid typic associ oliv oil, latter one main sourc unsatur fat(good fat) diet. 11. moringa seed rich vitamin miner iron. vitamin import eye health night vision, healthi skin, hair nail cell growth. vitamin import antioxid protect damag effect free radicals. go learn way eat moringa seed best results. moringa seed give good result like weight loss (for tri shed weight); diabet (for suffer high sugar level), chronic pain arthritis, energi boost, good sleep(for suffer insomni a)."} {"id": "3326", "contents": "15 best benefit moringa seed skin, hair health. moringa seed obtain pod moringa tree (moringa oleifera) drumstick tree. fresh raw moringa seed quit tender, soon get dried, becom hard start resembl small bean (1). benefit moringa seed health: like mani herbs, moringa seed also offer great antioxid benefits. contain lot vitamin a, c, b-complex free radic buster save bodi sever oxid damag (2)."} {"id": "3327", "contents": "moringa tree, variou part plant edible. peopl use pod cooking, other eat leaves. addit press oil seeds, eat roots. plant also flowers, compar mushrooms. product creat moringa tree, also often refer drumstick tree way looks. long thin, triangular pod seeds. tree grow best area dri sandy."} {"id": "3328", "contents": "moringa plant nativ sub-himalayan area india, pakistan, bangladesh, afghanistan. also grown tropics. leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, root use make medicine. leaves, fruit, seed might safe eaten food. however, it\u2019 import avoid eat root extracts. part plant may contain toxic substanc caus paralysi death. moringa use safe dose gram daili weeks."} {"id": "3329", "contents": "commun known bolshevism. commun also commonli refer marxism, first creat karl marx, german philosopher. also refer core ideologies, like social totalitarianism."} {"id": "3330", "contents": "longer answer-soci get tri move toward commun quit gotten yet. social program welfare, medicar govern freebi offshoot socialist ideology. main idea govern suppli aid truli need."} {"id": "3331", "contents": "report abuse. social mild form commun anoth word it. america socialist right now. lead communism. basic freedom america freedom religion."} {"id": "3332", "contents": "anoth word communism. anoth word commun word list. number word whose mean similar communism. fourierism. humanitarianism. phalansterism. saint simonianism. socialism."} {"id": "3333", "contents": "'with addit john m.nelson ti dome celibacy, commun worship sun, improb movement ident essenes. longer trace communism, colony' properti actual held organ local roman cathol church."} {"id": "3334", "contents": "flower plant divid monocot (or monocotyledons) dicot (or dicotyledons). comparison examin morpholog differ leaves, stems, flower fruit monocot dicots. also differ type pollen structur present two classes. monocot develop plant singl pore furrow pollen, wherea dicot develop plant three furrow pollen structure."} {"id": "3335", "contents": "exampl dicotyledon plant beans, buttercups, oaks, sunflowers, etc. angiosperm (the flower plants) either monocotyledon (or monocot) dicotyledon (or dicot) accord number cotyledon seed (which case dicot cotyledon two, henc name)."} {"id": "3336", "contents": "plant classifi botanist either monocotyledon dicotyledons. monocotyledons, monocot short, plant one cotyledon. cotyledon seed leaf, first leaf plant develop import part seed embryo. dicotyledons, dicots, plant two initi cotyledons. lesson focus dicots. addit two seed leaves, dicot flower part group four five."} {"id": "3337", "contents": "dicot type flower plant character two cotyledons, tetramer pentamer flowers, net-lik leaf veins. plant tree classifi dicot includ geraniums, mapl trees, rose sunflowers. determin plant flower non-flow speci aid identification."} {"id": "3338", "contents": "dicot flower plant two embryon seed leaves, rather singl embryon seed leaf associ monocots. embryon seed leaves, also known cotyledons, import part plant development, monocot dicot develop differ way right start. type plant may also refer magnoliopsids, referenc class belong. flowers, hibiscu flower, dicots. plum five-pet flowers, classic sign dicot. dicot flower plant two embryon seed leaves."} {"id": "3339", "contents": "seed. import differ monocot dicot number embryon leaves, cotyledons. two cotyledon seed plant actual emerg soil, seed germinates. turn green form first two leav new plant. leaves. leav plant vein form branch pattern, unlik monocots, run parallel. vein actual net web whole surfac leaf. vascular structure. stem vascular bundles, consist two structures, xylem phloem."} {"id": "3340", "contents": "'dicot' dicotyledon flower plant two cotyledons. plant categori broad leav branch veins. flower arrang four five multipl four five. exampl are: buttercups, sunflowers, rose fruit trees. (apples, pears, cherries.). dicot dicotyledon flower plant embryo bear two seed leaves. exampl dicot beans, oaks, olives, legum apples."} {"id": "3341", "contents": "n. variou flower plant monocotyledons, two cotyledon seed usual flower part multipl four five, leav reticul venation, pollen three pores, capac secondari growth."} {"id": "3342", "contents": "skip period: take monophas birth control pill 28-day oral contracept (oc) pack users: reach end activ hormon pill pack (the first 21 24 pills), begin next set activ pills, skip inact (placebo pills) previou package. trip plan hawaii realiz vacat time, schedul period. needless say, definit slow plan ocean swim load tropic sex boyfriend."} {"id": "3343", "contents": "period postpon procedur option new birth control pills, can't take hormon birth control, still find way enjoy vacation. also check swim menstruat information. trip plan hawaii realiz vacat time, schedul period. needless say, definit slow plan ocean swim load tropic sex boyfriend."} {"id": "3344", "contents": "thus, evict process end notic period take five week three months, assum delays. consid speak landlord-ten lawyer area addit question need legal assistance. tenant remain period, landlord hire sheriff marshal carri forcibl eviction. take sever week more. delay possibl tenant file motion time object court determination."} {"id": "3345", "contents": "pregnanc testno, need wait least day miss period. wait miss period, better chanc true result. advic would take digital, read line you, tell pregnant pregnant."} {"id": "3346", "contents": "delay period birth control pills. take birth control pills, may need monthli period. find use pill control cycle. tradit pill pack contain 28 pills, 21 activ contain hormon suppress fertility. seven pill inactive. bleed occur week take inact pill withdraw bleeding, look like period."} {"id": "3347", "contents": "take combin contracept pill, delay period take two packet back back. depend pill take. example: monophas 21-day pill take combin pill 21 days, follow seven day without pills, bleed. delay period, start new packet pill straight finish last pill miss seven-day break. everyday (ed) pill take combin pill everi day. monophas 21-day pill take combin pill 21 days, follow seven day without pills, bleed. delay period, start new packet pill straight finish last pill miss seven-day break. everyday (ed) pill take combin pill everi day."} {"id": "3348", "contents": "also prepar bodi pregnanc month. cycl count first day period first day next period. averag menstrual cycl 28 day long. cycl rang anywher 21 35 day adult 21 45 day young teens. rise fall level hormon month control menstrual cycle. period becom irregular regular, monthli cycles. period occur often everi 21 day less often everi 35 days. bleed days. bleed heavili usual use pad tampon everi hours."} {"id": "3349", "contents": "but, anywher day normal. first year menstruat begins, longer cycl common. woman' cycl tend shorten becom regular age. time, period rang 21 35 day apart. period becom irregular regular, monthli cycles. period occur often everi 21 day less often everi 35 days. bleed days. bleed heavili usual use pad tampon everi hours."} {"id": "3350", "contents": "$36,424**. averag tradit on-campu undergradu hous dining. cost vari resid hall/leas meal plan. ** addit costs, recommend includ $960 books, $2,108 miscellan expenses, $1,434 transportation. see student financi servic details. here\u2019 quick breakdown much cost typic undergradu attend wsu pullman. figur 2015-16 academ year tuition base 10-18 credit per semester."} {"id": "3351", "contents": "median home valu sunni state $429,000, home gener list median price $425,000 ($256 per squar foot). renter, look median rent almost $1,900 hous rent price california citi like san francisco among highest nation. median home valu northeastern state $240,000 home gener list median price around $275,000 (or $162 per squar foot). rent, also look hefti hous payment around $1,500 per month, per zillow report median."} {"id": "3352", "contents": "whether consid reloc seattle, washington curiou cost live seattle, washington, payscal cost live calcul place begin research. look cost live chart below, sure pay attent hous expens category. see cost live seattl compar areas, use payscale' cost live calcul get cost live comparison seattl u.s. cities."} {"id": "3353", "contents": "washington 226 independ live facilities. help find best match needs. averag cost independ live washington $2,288 per month. util cost area washington state also significantli lower nation averag due presenc grand coule dam washington\u2019 columbia river. state lead produc hydroelectr power, produc nearli 30% country\u2019 net electricity."} {"id": "3354", "contents": "accord zillow, median price home current list washington $449,000 median price home sold $527,150.. hous market nation' capit red hot, home valu increas 10.4% past year. median home valu northeastern state $240,000 home gener list median price around $275,000 (or $162 per squar foot). rent, also look hefti hous payment around $1,500 per month, per zillow report median."} {"id": "3355", "contents": "state, however, $75,000 adjust account cost live differences. states, however, like minnesota, pennsylvania, colorado, nevada, florida, wisconsin right around benchmark. median home valu northeastern state $240,000 home gener list median price around $275,000 (or $162 per squar foot). rent, also look hefti hous payment around $1,500 per month, per zillow report median."} {"id": "3356", "contents": "chart show cost live seattl current 24 percent higher nation average. cost hous major factor higher cost living. 51 percent nation average, expect hous cost higher move seattle. unless, course, happen move even pricier citi new york san francisco. see cost live seattl compar areas, use payscale' cost live calcul get cost live comparison seattl u.s. cities."} {"id": "3357", "contents": "averag cost independ live washington $2,288. independ live cost rang $827 $3,500 depend locat factors. washington one seven state nation person incom tax. however, rel high state local sale tax equat 8-9% depend geograph area. util cost area washington state also significantli lower nation averag due presenc grand coule dam washington\u2019 columbia river. state lead produc hydroelectr power, produc nearli 30% country\u2019 net electricity."} {"id": "3358", "contents": "petra rediscovered. petra mean rock greek, fit town liter carv sandston desert cliffs. locat three hour south amman, capit jordan, found nomad arab tribe known nabataean sever centuri christ' birth."} {"id": "3359", "contents": "petra (arabic: \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062a\u0631\u0627, al-batr\u0101\u02be; ancient greek: \u03c0\u03ad\u03c4\u03c1\u03b1) histor archaeolog citi southern jordanian governor ma'an famou rock-cut architectur water conduit system. anoth name petra rose citi due color stone carved. establish possibl earli 312 bc capit citi nabataeans, symbol jordan, well jordan' most-visit tourist attraction."} {"id": "3360", "contents": "petra locat fifti mile south dead sea 170 mile southwest modern amman, jordan. petra main access via narrow crevic call siq, wind mile mountain terrain. siq provid excel natur defens petra inhabitants."} {"id": "3361", "contents": "petra locat jordan, south dead sea (about 100 km road). petra, ancient citi stone, jordan. petra also call rose city, color carv stone. unesco world heritag site sinc 1985, petra jordan 's most-visit tourist site. manlio fahrni."} {"id": "3362", "contents": "1985, petra archaeolog park declar unesco world heritag site, 2007 name one new seven wonder world. indiana jone location. sever scene hollywood blockbust indiana jone last crusad film petra."} {"id": "3363", "contents": "rock-carv rose-r citi petra full mysteri charm, design strike wonder enter it. petra consid famou gorgeou site jordan locat 262 km south amman 133 km north aqaba. legaci nabataeans, industri arab peopl settl southern jordan 2000 year ago"} {"id": "3364", "contents": "citi petra, obscur western world discov swiss explor johann ludwig burckhardt 1812 still wide unknown mani despit grow modern fame, ancient citi locat middl eastern countri jordan. citi petra today. today citi petra wonder vacat visit site. despit locat strong modern islam country, mani western visit citi view wonder histori architectur feel safe so."} {"id": "3365", "contents": "locat 115 mile (185 km) southwest amman, jordan, petra ancient citi liter carv red desert cliffs. ornat ancient architectur natur beauti attract peopl world. rediscov johann ludwig burckhardt 1812 today major tourist attraction. contrari plot indiana jone movie, petra locat canyon crescent moon locat holi grail. home water."} {"id": "3366", "contents": "split merg it. answer jelliee. confid vote 1. petra locat jordan south-west dead sea, also west el-gi (a town locat near jordan). petra, ancient citi stone, jordan. petra also call rose city, color carv stone. unesco world heritag site sinc 1985, petra jordan 's most-visit tourist site."} {"id": "3367", "contents": "petra locat jordan, south dead sea (about 100 km road). petra, ancient citi stone, jordan. petra also call rose city, color carv stone. unesco world heritag site sinc 1985, petra jordan 's most-visit tourist site."} {"id": "3368", "contents": "part cell organel stud ribosom make protein call rough endoplasm reticulum. rough ribosomes. ribosom synthes protein, build block life. ribosom small organel locat insid euka\u2026. understand site protein synthesi cell protein synthesi necessari function live things, sinc protein run cell' basic functions."} {"id": "3369", "contents": "confid vote 22.7k. endoplasm reticulum stud ribosom modifi proteins. protein synthesi strictli carri ribosomes, though ribosom may thread polypeptid directli er modification. think bind mrna togeth put two sentences: 1. ribosom place protein synthesi take place. 2. ribosome, mrna, trna, amino acid meet form protein. 3."} {"id": "3370", "contents": "surfac rough endoplasm reticulum cover ribosomes, give bumpi appear view microscope. type endoplasm reticulum involv mainli product process protein exported, secreted, cell. rough endoplasm reticulum directli continu nuclear envelop (a illustr figur 1), also stud ribosomes, two organel thought evolv simultan ancient cells."} {"id": "3371", "contents": "might recal ribosom cell organel help assembl chain amino acids. made ribosom rna, rrna, protein. ribosom locat rough endoplasm reticulum, rer, surround cell' nucleus. fact, ribosom reason rer call rough; give endoplasm reticulum rough appear view microscope. translat occur insid ribosomes, tini organel rough endoplasm reticulum. ribosom complex protein made two subunits. hous mrna trna strand work process translation. mrna codon match trna anticodons."} {"id": "3372", "contents": "protein synthesi occur ribosomes. ribosom membrane-bound. nucleolu site ribosom synthesis. 28 peopl found useful. think bind mrna togeth put two sentences: 1. ribosom place protein synthesi take place. 2. ribosome, mrna, trna, amino acid meet form protein. 3."} {"id": "3373", "contents": "two type endoplasm reticulum, rough smooth. outer (cytosolic) face rough endoplasm reticulum stud ribosom site protein synthesis. rough endoplasm reticulum especi promin cell hepatocytes. smooth endoplasm reticulum lack ribosom function lipid metabolism, carbohydr metabolism, detoxif drugs. endoplasm inner core cytoplasm membran er continu outer membran nuclear envelope. endoplasm reticulum occur type eukaryot cells, includ primit giardia, absent red blood cell spermatozoa."} {"id": "3374", "contents": "\u2018smooth\u2019 stud ribosom associ smooth slipperi fats. cell need rough smooth. think cell \u201cmultitud membranes\u201d said earlier section. statement certainli appli endoplasm reticulum organel found eukaryot cells. rough endoplasm reticulum. extens organel compos greatli convolut flattish seal sac continu nuclear membrane. call \u2018rough\u2019 endoplasm reticulum stud outer surfac (the surfac contact cytosol) ribosomes."} {"id": "3375", "contents": "ribosom (/\u02c8ra\u026ab\u0275\u02cczo\u028am/) larg complex molecular machine, found within live cells, serv site biolog protein synthesi (translation). ribosom link amino acid togeth order specifi messeng rna (mrna) molecules. prokaryot 70 ribosomes, consist small (30s) larg (50s) subunit. small subunit 16 rna subunit (consist 1540 nucleotides) bound 21 proteins. larg subunit compos 5s rna subunit (120 nucleotides), 23 rna subunit (2900 nucleotides)"} {"id": "3376", "contents": "locat pristin pacif ocean side baja peninsula cabo san lucas, lo cabos, mexico. pueblo bonito rose ros\u00e9-resort pueblo bonito rose: ros\u00e9 resort superb blend mediterranean design beauti of. ancient rome fairfield inn marriott-strateg locat downtown main ave cabo san lucas. hotel within conveni walk distanc lo cabo princip beaches, golf courses, malls, restaur night clubs."} {"id": "3377", "contents": "citi cabo san luca found right end southernmost point peninsula, also find famou icon area, arch, spanish: el arco, natur stone arch known world symbol lo cabo spectacular natur beauty. locat tip nearli 800-mile long baja california peninsula, within easi reach usa canada. geograph location: 22.88\u00ba 109.90\u00ba w. 20 meter sea level. found 1828 thoma ritchie."} {"id": "3378", "contents": "cabo san lucas, baja california sur, mexico airport locat 10km (6 miles) north san jose del cabo. airport 30-40 minut drive cabo san lucas. tip: mani peopl travel tour compani perhap appl vacations.."} {"id": "3379", "contents": "[\u02c8ka\u03b2o san \u02c8lukas] cape saint luke), commonli call cabo american english, citi southern tip baja california peninsula, mexican state baja california sur. cabo san luca togeth san jose jos\u00e9 del cabo known los. cabo [\u02c8ka\u03b2o san \u02c8lukas] cape saint luke), commonli call cabo american english, citi southern tip baja california peninsula, mexican state baja california sur. cabo san luca togeth san jose jos\u00e9 del cabo known los. cabo of, 2010 citi popul 68,463. 68463"} {"id": "3380", "contents": "town san jose jos\u00e9 del cabo locat foot sierra de la, laguna 130 km ssw la, paz state capit baja california. sur although seat govern municip los, cabo smaller citi cabo san. luca citi cabo san luca twenti mile west san jose del cabo far commercial. unlik mexican towns, cabo san luca main plaza larg cathedral. instead focus marina entertain district."} {"id": "3381", "contents": "lo cabo area includ citi cabo san luca san jose del cabo area connect that' call corridor. locat tip nearli 800-mile long baja california peninsula, within easi reach usa canada. geograph location: 22.88\u00ba 109.90\u00ba w. 20 meter sea level. found 1828 thoma ritchie."} {"id": "3382", "contents": "among find cabo san lucas, downtown cabo san lucas, san jose del cabo, downtown san jose del cabo, tourist corridor, east cape, underwat canyon cabo san luca bay, overview map greater lo cabo region. select map. street map cabo san lucas, san jose jos\u00e9 del, cabo lo cabo area may use commercial. purpos repres hour research illustration. time"} {"id": "3383", "contents": "locat right heart cabo san lucas, medano beach, mango deck boast unbeat view lover' beach famou arch lo cabos, sea cort pacif ocean meet."} {"id": "3384", "contents": "[lo 'ka\u03b2os]) municip locat southern tip mexico 's baja california peninsula, state baja california sur. encompass town cabo san luca san jose jos\u00e9 del (cabo municipal), seat well resort corridor lie the. two citi cabo san luca twenti mile west san jose del cabo far commercial. unlik mexican towns, cabo san luca main plaza larg cathedral. instead focus marina entertain district."} {"id": "3385", "contents": "cabo san luca citi southern tip baja california peninsula west coast mexico, southeast california, usa. author: mogen gallardo. more: cabo san lucas. locat tip nearli 800-mile long baja california peninsula, within easi reach usa canada. geograph location: 22.88\u00ba 109.90\u00ba w. 20 meter sea level. found 1828 thoma ritchie."} {"id": "3386", "contents": "size piston actuat direct proport amount energi need move amount motion create. larg piston actuat requir great deal power, smaller one don\u2019t. small piston gener small amount movement larg one gener lot. general, actuat connect piston contain insid enclosure. someth caus pressur enter enclosur forc piston move, move actuat whatev connect to."} {"id": "3387", "contents": "type pn pneumat piston actuat ratio-piston-typ actuat mount reverse-act gate valve. pn pneumat actuat design failsaf fail-close."} {"id": "3388", "contents": "10 anim fact amaz you. piston actuator, like actuators, devic transform raw energi motion. general, actuat connect piston contain insid enclosure. someth caus pressur enter enclosur forc piston move, move actuat whatev connect to."} {"id": "3389", "contents": "linak electr linear actuat consist motor, gear spindl includ nut. special version linear actuat built-in actuat meant integr custom guidance. complet linak actuat system solut includ one linear actuators, control box control devic oper actuators. lift capac linak actuat rang 200n 15,000n. electr linear actuator. electr linear actuat devic convert rotat motion low voltag dc motor linear motion push pull movements. way possibl lift, adjust, tilt, push pull heavi hard-to-reach object simpli push button"} {"id": "3390", "contents": "actuat type motor respons move control mechan system. oper sourc energy, typic electr current, hydraul fluid pressure, pneumat pressure, convert energi motion. actuat mechan control system act upon environment. control system simpl (a fix mechan electron system), software-bas (e.g. printer driver, robot control system), human, input"} {"id": "3391", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. linear actuat devic creat linear motion, often convert rotat motion. instance, electr linear motor turn screw turn push cylinder. action, linear motion creat rotat shaft."} {"id": "3392", "contents": "credit limit maximum amount credit financi institut lender extend debtor particular line credit (sometim call credit line, line credit, tradeline)."} {"id": "3393", "contents": "one import thing know credit card credit limit. credit limit credit card maximum amount borrow credit card without penalty. exceed credit limit even get close impact credit score. credit util measur amount credit limit that' use count 30% credit score. higher credit card balance, higher credit util credit score hurt. best keep credit card balanc within 10% 30% credit limit"} {"id": "3394", "contents": "definition. maximum amount credit bank lender extend customer, maximum credit card compani allow card holder borrow singl card. exceed credit limit, allow buy anyth else, unless use debit card."} {"id": "3395", "contents": "credit limit. credit limit, also known credit line, maximum amount money borrow revolv credit agreement. instance, credit card credit limit $3,000, charg $1,000, spend $2,000 reach credit limit."} {"id": "3396", "contents": "credit limit. credit limit amount money charg credit card. size credit limit, much borrowed, larg influenc consum credit scores. low credit util -- is, credit limit littl borrow -- lead higher credit score. credit limit also known credit line. see ask credit limit increas .."} {"id": "3397", "contents": "definit 'credit limit'. amount credit financi institut extend client. credit limit also refer maximum amount credit card compani allow someon borrow singl card. credit limit usual determin base inform contain applic person seek credit, person' credit rating. next"} {"id": "3398", "contents": "revolv credit limit defin amount money bank card compani extend loan. total revolv credit limit definit pertain risk scores, individu account. total limit number variabl input score algorithm help determin risk score rating. aggreg limit"} {"id": "3399", "contents": "maximum amount charg may charg account. example, credit limit $5,000, total charg cannot exceed amount. appli credit card, lender bank decid maximum amount borrow. known credit limit. credit card, abl use borrow limit. example, credit card $5,000 credit limit, much debt abl put card, includ financi charg interest."} {"id": "3400", "contents": "enzyme-link immunosorb assay (elisa) test usual first one use detect infect hiv. antibodi hiv present (positive), test usual repeat confirm diagnosis. elisa negative, test usual needed. test include:"} {"id": "3401", "contents": "indirect elisa test, sampl antibodi sandwich antigen coat plate enzyme-labeled, anti-speci globulin conjugate. addit enzym substrate-chromogen reagent caus color develop. color directli proport amount bound sampl antibody. indirect elisa two-step elisa involv two bind process primari antibodi label secondari antibody. primari antibodi incub antigen follow incub"} {"id": "3402", "contents": "laboratori use elisa (enzym link immunosorb assay) detect presenc antigen, disease-rel agent, sampl bodi fluid. given solut repres bodi fluid. exchang bodi fluid three individuals. elisa test see antibodi stick antigen (e.g. hiv) bodi fluid link antibodi enzym caus visual chang (like tmb turn blue). laboratori questions. group record result tests."} {"id": "3403", "contents": "seri blood screen perform test hiv. enzyme-link immuno assay (elisa eia) first test doctor order screen hiv. elisa western blot test detect hiv antibodi blood. antibodi protein immun system produc respons presenc foreign substanc viruses. test posit hiv elisa test, provid order western blot test confirm hiv infection. test posit elisa screen, doctor order western blot test. test posit hiv western blot test, probabl hiv. sometimes, hiv show elisa test even though infected. happen someon earli stage infection, bodi produc enough antibodi viru test detect"} {"id": "3404", "contents": "test usual first one use detect infect hiv. antibodi hiv present (positive), test usual repeat confirm diagnosis. elisa negative, test usual needed. test include: enzyme-link immunosorb assay (elisa) test usual first one use detect infect hiv. antibodi hiv present (positive), test usual repeat confirm diagnosis."} {"id": "3405", "contents": "elisa test detect measur antibodi blood. test use determin antibodi relat certain infecti conditions. antibodi protein bodi produc respons harm substanc (antigens). elisa test may use diagnose: hiv (the viru caus aids). lyme disease."} {"id": "3406", "contents": "elisa perform evalu either presenc antigen presenc antibodi sample, use tool determin serum antibodi concentr (such hiv test west nile virus). detect antibodi coval link enzyme, detect secondari antibodi link enzym bioconjugation. step, plate typic wash mild deterg solut remov protein antibodi non-specif bound."} {"id": "3407", "contents": "elisa popular format wet-lab type analyt biochemistri assay use solid-phas enzym immunoassay (eia) detect presenc substance, usual antigen, liquid sampl wet sample. detect antibodi coval link enzyme, detect secondari antibodi link enzym bioconjugation. step, plate typic wash mild deterg solut remov protein antibodi non-specif bound."} {"id": "3408", "contents": "period, hiv-infect person still spread disease, even though test detect antibodi blood. sever test find antibodi genet materi (rna) hiv virus. test include: enzyme-link immunosorb assay (elisa) test usual first one use detect infect hiv. antibodi hiv present (positive), test usual repeat confirm diagnosis. elisa negative, test usual needed."} {"id": "3409", "contents": "yukon. camp yukon name yukon river. camp yukon 48-bed camp loung spike room, fulli remodel 2012 maintain high standard remot living. camp yukon current locat prudho bay, alaska. yukon river longest river alaska third longest north america."} {"id": "3410", "contents": "throughout 2500 mile arctic coast two roadways. one dalton (pipelin road) alaska fairbank prudho bay. dempster highway dawson citi yukon territori inuvik. straight line distanc prudho bay inuvik 500 miles."} {"id": "3411", "contents": "tom point prudho bay sign deadhorse, alaska, nearest settlement prudho bay. tom tanner left sign sign post forest watson lake, yukon territory. complet trip earlier summer, take earli june trip last around three weeks."} {"id": "3412", "contents": "camp yukon name yukon river. camp yukon 48-bed camp loung spike room, fulli remodel 2012 maintain high standard remot living. camp yukon current locat prudho bay, alaska. yukon river longest river alaska third longest north america."} {"id": "3413", "contents": "13-day alaska yukon adventur includ mani alaska\u2019 popular destinations, coupl ride stun top world highway yukon territory. schedul back-to-back prudho bay excursion, rider seek longer alaskan experi tours."} {"id": "3414", "contents": "way prudho bay, would pass remot stretch road anywher north america, first travers south dakota, montana saskatchewan enter vast uninhabit wilder british columbia, yukon territori alaska."} {"id": "3415", "contents": "motorcycl tour alaska/ yukon. simpli excit way explor america\u2019 \u201clast frontier\u201d motorcycle. mani popular destin alaska canada\u2019 yukon territori access motorcycl pave highway well gravel road gener good condition."} {"id": "3416", "contents": "overview. pernici anemia type anemia. term anemia usual refer condit blood lower normal number red blood cells. pernici anemia, bodi can't make enough healthi red blood cell enough vitamin b12. without enough vitamin b12, red blood cell divid normal large. without enough red blood cell carri oxygen body, may feel tire weak. sever long-last pernici anemia damag heart, brain, organ body."} {"id": "3417", "contents": "lack vitamin b12 (vitamin b12 deficiency) caus sign symptom pernici anemia. without enough vitamin b12, bodi can't make enough healthi red blood cells, caus anemia. sign symptom pernici anemia appli type anemia. sign symptom specif lack vitamin b12. symptom includ nausea (feel sick stomach) vomiting, heartburn, abdomin bloat gas, constip diarrhea, loss appetite, weight loss. enlarg liver anoth symptom. smooth, thick, red tongu also sign vitamin b12 defici"} {"id": "3418", "contents": "symptoms, fatigue, pale skin, headache, cold hand feet, vague, easili overlooked, attribut rel benign conditions, lack sun aging. symptom b12 deficiency, caus pernici anemia, also easili mistaken symptom ... follow list condit pernici anemia similar list symptom database. computer-gener list may inaccur incomplete. alway seek prompt profession medic advic caus symptom."} {"id": "3419", "contents": "symptom follow disord similar megaloblast anemia. comparison may use differenti diagnosis. pernici anemia rare blood disord character inabl bodi properli util vitamin b12, essenti develop red blood cells. megaloblast anemia condit bone marrow produc unusu large, structur abnormal, immatur red blood cell (megaloblasts). bone marrow, soft spongi materi found insid certain bones, produc main blood cell body-r cells, white cells, platelets."} {"id": "3420", "contents": "medic condit often relat diseas conditions. doctor compil list ailment relat topic pernici anemia. condit may caus symptom pernici anemia condit may increas risk. anemia anemia condit less normal number red blood cell less normal quantiti hemoglobin...learn \u00bb."} {"id": "3421", "contents": "loss abil absorb vitamin 12 (b 12) common caus adult 12 deficiency. impair absorpt vitamin 12 may due loss intrins factor number condit decreas product gastric acid, also play part absorpt 12 foods. historically, pernici anemia (pa) detect caus symptom anemia well established, i.e., liver store 12 depleted. pernici aspect diseas prior discoveri treatment fatal prognosis, similar leukemia time."} {"id": "3422", "contents": "peopl pernici anemia can't absorb enough vitamin b12 food. lack intrins (in-trin-sik) factor, protein made stomach. lack protein lead vitamin b12 deficiency. condit factor also caus vitamin b12 deficiency. exampl includ infections, surgery, medicines, diet. technically, term pernici anemia refer vitamin b12 defici due lack intrins factor. pernici anemia. type anemia (low red blood cell count) caus body' inabl absorb vitamin b12. pubm health glossary. (source: nih-nat cancer institute). symptom test treatment prevention."} {"id": "3423", "contents": "pernici anemia (per-nish-u uh-nee-me-uh) condit bodi can't make enough healthi red blood cell enough vitamin b12. vitamin b12 nutrient found foods. without enough red blood cell carri oxygen body, may feel tire weak. sever long-last pernici anemia damag heart, brain, organ body."} {"id": "3424", "contents": "mani sign symptom due anemia itself, anemia present. untreat pernici anemia lead neurolog complications, seriou cases, death. however, 20% case cobalamin deficiency, anemia observed. historically, pernici anemia (pa) detect caus symptom anemia well established, i.e., liver store 12 depleted. pernici aspect diseas prior discoveri treatment fatal prognosis, similar leukemia time."} {"id": "3425", "contents": "symptom pernici anemia vari amongst individuals, depend cause, sever anemia, factors. direct symptom pernici anemia due lack red blood cells, vital carri oxygen cell body. symptom includ pale skin, short breath, fatigue, dizziness, headache, cold hand feet, heart palpitations, chest pain. inform symptom pernici anemia relat conditions: diseas similar symptom common misdiagnoses. test determin symptom pernici anemia. symptom may caus complic pernici anemia. underli caus"} {"id": "3426", "contents": "twill fabric character diagon weave. weav may evid tweed variant twill, sever color used. less evid use singl color thread like cotton, use cotton twill, sometim also call chino."} {"id": "3427", "contents": "first thing understand tri get good grasp exactli cotton twill fabric first understand twill is. twill simpli refer type weav pattern use construct fabric. case twill weav pattern seri diagonal, parallel ribs. diagonal, parallel rib give fabric durabl attract quality. mani benefit twill style fabric."} {"id": "3428", "contents": "twill. 1. weav fill thread woven two warp yarns, produc diagon pattern. 2. fabric twill weave. 3. garment, trousers, fabric."} {"id": "3429", "contents": "save. uro petrovic/istock/getti images. twill term refer diagon pattern cloth often woven. fabric twill two vertic thread -- warp thread -- cross two horizont weft thread time. result textil featur distinct slant pattern rib textur (known wales)."} {"id": "3430", "contents": "twill shirt shirt twill weave. twill cotton shirt shirt cotton twill weave. twill type materi fabric, descript weav fabric. detail twill shirt differ twill poplin below. retail offer twill shirt"} {"id": "3431", "contents": "twill type textil weav pattern diagon parallel rib (in contrast satin plain weave). twill weav identifi diagon lines. 2/2 twill, two warp thread cross everi two weft threads. structur 2\u20442 twill. offset row form diagon pattern."} {"id": "3432", "contents": "normal cloth made weav warp weft (the two set fibr make cloth) one-to-on basis. twill refer method weav which, example, warp cross one thread, weft cross two. mani combin possible. twill type weav made type fiber-silk, polyester, cotton, etc-identifi diagonal, parralel ridges; cotton twill fabric woven use techniqu raw cotton."} {"id": "3433", "contents": "twill weav fabric/textile. think dress code tri simpli state jeans/denim casual. peopl often use term twill defin khakis. pair khaki (think docker maybe-wel known) woven way denim is. imagin loom thread criss-crossing. instead weav one-ov one-und one-ov one, actual goe one-und two-ov one-und two on..."} {"id": "3434", "contents": "full definit twill. 1. fabric twill weave. 2. textil weav fill thread pass one two warp thread give appear diagon lines. see twill defin english-languag learners. see twill defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "3435", "contents": "natur stone wall cost around $8 $12 per squar foot base type stone chosen. concret block wall cost $6.10 $7.60 per linear foot. homeown also need pay materi needed, includ steel bars, sand keep stone rub mortar. cost ad new wall home depend materi used. brick wall often afford option, hollow brick wall cost around $25.40 per squar foot. hollow brick featur uniqu design durabl shell hollow space center brick."} {"id": "3436", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost concret block wall instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal concret block wall rang $8.59 $11.70 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "3437", "contents": "cost: base price single-sided, natur color wall 6\u2019 tall cost $30 linear ft materials, $36 linear foot double-sid design. color wall cost $33 linear ft single-sid design $39 linear ft double-sid design. instal cost vari depend height, design choice, color vs. non-color option price rang $15 $44 linear ft."} {"id": "3438", "contents": "first, though, let wood dri three six months, depend humid climate. cost: no-fril 6-foot-tal fence: southern pine, $10 $35 linear foot; cypress, $12 $13 linear foot; cedar, around $15.50 linear foot; redwood, $20 linear foot. color wall cost $33 linear ft single-sid design $39 linear ft double-sid design. instal cost vari depend height, design choice, color vs. non-color option price rang $15 $44 linear ft."} {"id": "3439", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost concret block wall cap instal project. basic 25 feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal concret block wall cap rang $13.26 $16.36 per linear foot. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchas"} {"id": "3440", "contents": "bulkhead seawal workshould reserv qualifi andexperienc marin contractor.how much bulkhead constructioncost?depend local constructionmarket bulkhead design requirements,repair may cost $100-$400 per linear footof wall. bulkhead replac may cost$500-$1,000 per linear foot. conclus 1. bulkhead design site-specif andth design element particular struc-tur understood prior evalua-tion.2. bulkhead materi constructionexhibit variou form deterior inth marin environment."} {"id": "3441", "contents": "retain wall cost. pour retain wall elabor curv requir complex formwork drive cost wall. total cost concret retain wall instal combin materi labor prices. basic wall expect pay $30 $40 per squar foot. add decor finish, curves, steps, light upgrades, cost rise. ralston, $39 per squar foot averag cost charg wall feet tall. wall feet, say price often competit finish block. block wall stucco finish veneer, concret wall need ad finish."} {"id": "3442", "contents": "purpos discuss consid cost build retain wall cast concret length 50 linear feet. also take consider variou height well, rang six, eight ten feet. cost vari widely. wall-for cast place (concrete) retain wall vertic face, instal 33 degre slope level embankment, 6' high (includ excav backfill) cost $12,800."} {"id": "3443", "contents": "wall-for cast place (concrete) retain wall vertic face, instal 33 degre slope level embankment, 6' high (includ excav backfill) cost $12,800. cost vari widely."} {"id": "3444", "contents": "pour tuna mix pasta shell turn pasta coated. heat oven 180 degre cook 20-25mins. tip: also add crust mix breadcrumb flora cuisin spread bake place oven. add parsley season sauc stir. add drain tuna flake mix. pour tuna mix pasta shell turn pasta coated."} {"id": "3445", "contents": "add drain tuna flake mix. pour tuna mix pasta shell turn pasta coated. heat oven 180 degre cook 20-25mins. tip: also add crust mix breadcrumb flora cuisin spread bake place oven. add parsley season sauc stir. add drain tuna flake mix. pour tuna mix pasta shell turn pasta coated."} {"id": "3446", "contents": "cook min, gradual stir milk make thick white sauce. remov heat stir hand cheese. drain pasta, mix white sauce, tuna, sweetcorn parsley, season. transfer bake dish top rest grate cheese. method. heat oven 180c/fan 160c/ga 4. boil pasta min less time state pack. make sauce, melt butter saucepan stir flour."} {"id": "3447", "contents": "directions. boil pot water add cauliflow broccoli. cover lower heat simmer 10 min. al dente. drain water. pre-heat oven 350 degre f. mix ingredi (minu separ 0.5 cup cheese) togeth spread larg ungreas casserol dish"} {"id": "3448", "contents": "stir pasta sauce, break tuna larg flake gentli mix in. spoon dish. crush crisp bag sprinkl top, cheese. put dish bake tray grill minut chees melt turn golden brown. meanwhile, stir pasta pan boil salt water cook accord pack instructions, tender. drain, put back pan. set grill hot."} {"id": "3449", "contents": "boil pasta larg pot boil water al dente; drain transfer larg bowl. add onion tuna; toss combine. saucepan heat soup milk smooth. set oven 350 degre f. greas 11 13 9-inch bake dish cook spray (or use casserol dish larg enough hold mixture). boil pasta larg pot boil water al dente; drain transfer larg bowl."} {"id": "3450", "contents": "make sauce, melt butter saucepan stir flour. cook min, gradual stir milk make thick white sauce. remov heat stir hand cheese. drain pasta, mix white sauce, tuna, sweetcorn parsley, season. method. heat oven 180c/fan 160c/ga 4. boil pasta min less time state pack. make sauce, melt butter saucepan stir flour."} {"id": "3451", "contents": "greas 11 13 9-inch bake dish cook spray (or use casserol dish larg enough hold mixture). boil pasta larg pot boil water al dente; drain transfer larg bowl. add onion tuna; toss combine. saucepan heat soup milk smooth. set oven 350 degre f. greas 11 13 9-inch bake dish cook spray (or use casserol dish larg enough hold mixture). boil pasta larg pot boil water al dente; drain transfer larg bowl."} {"id": "3452", "contents": "add tuna mixtur quart casserol dish bake pan, top 1/2 cup remain cheddar cheese. bake 15 minut cover 10 minut uncovered, chees hot bubbly. 3.1. copyright 2012 skinni ms. right reserved."} {"id": "3453", "contents": "may think hypnosi someth movies, hypnosi use real life help peopl depression, gastro-intestin disord health problems. hypnosi like effect peopl suffer divers form pain, possibl except minor patient resist hypnot interventions."} {"id": "3454", "contents": "hypnosi state focus concentr person becom less awar surroundings. hypnotherapi use hypnosi treat physic psycholog conditions. hypnot state (trance), person may like accept suggest help chang behavior. therapist (hypnotherapist) lead hypnosis, teach peopl hypnot (self-hypnosis). also learn self-hypnosi books."} {"id": "3455", "contents": "it\u2019 like see movies. hypnosi natur state selective, focus attention, and, even though 100% natur normal, remain one fascin phenomena human mind. abil enter uniqu state conscious open door countless possibl healing, self-explor chang"} {"id": "3456", "contents": "hypnosi mental state (state theory) set attitud (nonstat theory) usual induc procedur known hypnot induction, commonli compos seri preliminari instruct suggestions. hypnot procedur use encourag evalu respons suggestions. use hypnosis, one person (the subject) guid anoth (the hypnotist) respond suggest chang subject experience, alter perception, sensation, emotion, thought behavior."} {"id": "3457", "contents": "hypnosi state human conscious involv focus attent reduc peripher awar enhanc capac respons suggestion. theori explain occur hypnosi fall two groups. hypnosi usual induc procedur known hypnot induct involv seri preliminari instruct suggestions. use hypnot therapeut purpos refer hypnotherapi use form entertain audienc known stage hypnosi"} {"id": "3458", "contents": "scientif theori hypnosis. satisfactori theori hypnosi also theori bear psycholog larg (hilgard, 1991). centuri scientist clinician propos mechan explain phenomenon associ hypnosis. key theori hypnosis, histor current, present here. satisfactori theori hypnosi also theori bear psycholog larg (hilgard, 1991). effect suggest hypnotist take much normal control away subject."} {"id": "3459", "contents": "use hypnosis, one person (the subject) guid anoth (the hypnotist) respond suggest chang subject experience, alter perception, sensation, emotion, thought behavior. person also learn self-hypnosis, act administ hypnot procedur one' own. hypnosi usual induc procedur known hypnot induct involv seri preliminari instruct suggestions. use hypnot therapeut purpos refer hypnotherapi use form entertain audienc known stage hypnosi"} {"id": "3460", "contents": "hypnosis. hypnosi therapeut techniqu clinician make suggest individu undergon procedur design relax focu minds. hypnosi like effect peopl suffer divers form pain, possibl except minor patient resist hypnot interventions."} {"id": "3461", "contents": "accord american psycholog association' div. 30 (societi psycholog hypnosis), hypnosi procedur health profession research suggest treat someone, experi chang sensations, perceptions, thought behavior. practic use hypnosis. hypnosi use treatment pain; depression; anxieti phobias; stress; habit disorders; gastro-intestin disorders; skin conditions; post-surg recovery; relief nausea vomiting; childbirth; treatment hemophilia mani conditions."} {"id": "3462", "contents": "addit use clinic settings, hypnosi use research forens settings. research studi valu hypnosi treatment physic psycholog problem examin impact hypnosi sensation, perception, learn memory. practic use hypnosis. hypnosi use treatment pain; depression; anxieti phobias; stress; habit disorders; gastro-intestin disorders; skin conditions; post-surg recovery; relief nausea vomiting; childbirth; treatment hemophilia mani conditions."} {"id": "3463", "contents": "estim much ga lock shale long boom last vari widely. 2011 doe put amount \u201cunprov resources\u201d shale ga 827 trillion cubic feet; 2012 cut estim 40 percent. carbon dioxid main one, atmospher hold 200 time much it. given amount methan trap least 25 time much heat\u2014unless burn first. enter atmospher co\u2082. that\u2019 side jekyll-and-hyd story: lot methan burn days."} {"id": "3464", "contents": "critic also point natur ga industri chose sites, result studi may indic averag natur ga well. accord press releas (pdf) edf, major well test equip place reduc methan emiss 99 percent.. indic univers technolog appli throughout industry. environment protect agenc recent estim natur ga oper emit 145 million metric ton methan 2011, make biggest sourc emiss country."} {"id": "3465", "contents": "government' estim methan emiss could littl 25 percent much 75 percent, said lead author adam brandt, assist professor energi resourc engin stanford. researchers' best guess 50 percent."} {"id": "3466", "contents": "unless much methan leak atmosphere. u.s. co\u2082 emiss fell 2005 2010, methan emiss rose. 2010, epa says, rise equival global warm potenti around 40 million metric ton co\u2082 annually, mean offset 10 percent co\u2082 decline. carbon dioxid main one, atmospher hold 200 time much it. given amount methan trap least 25 time much heat\u2014unless burn first. enter atmospher co\u2082. that\u2019 side jekyll-and-hyd story: lot methan burn days."} {"id": "3467", "contents": "signific leak heat-trap methan natur ga product site would eras climat advantag fuel offers. one concern potenti releas methan hydraul fracturing, 'fracking', use inject high-pressur fluid shatter rock releas trap gas. product commence, well must 'completed' remov frack fluids, contain ga escap air. part normal operation, emit methan atmosphere, allen says. team' work suggest emiss pneumat control equip product well 57-67% higher current epa estimate."} {"id": "3468", "contents": "post fri, 29 novemb 2013 22:34 2. major new studi find methan emiss product shale ga may fact higher previous thought. study, publish proceed nation academi scienc novemb 25, cast doubt notion natur ga produc half much greenhous ga pollut coal. methan releas natur ga well drill process. scientist thu far difficulti measur \u201cfugit methan emissions\u201d precisely, compet studi stir controversy."} {"id": "3469", "contents": "photo: daniel foster/flickr. critic natur ga extract techniqu known frack long critic leak much methan potent greenhous ga atmospher extract process. environment protect agenc recent estim natur ga oper emit 145 million metric ton methan 2011, make biggest sourc emiss country."} {"id": "3470", "contents": "methan also potent greenhous gas, leakag natur ga atmospher it\u2019 burn eat co savings. unlik co\u00ad 2, though, methan doesn\u2019t last long atmosphere. averag 12 years, methan react hydroxyl molecul form co water."} {"id": "3471", "contents": "add methan emiss grow list environment risk pose fracking. opposit hydraul fractur deep shale releas natur ga rose sharpli last year worri larg volum chemical-laden water use oper could contamin drink water. molecul molecule, methan trap 20 25 time heat atmospher carbon dioxide. effect dissip faster, however: airborn methan remain atmospher 12 year scrub ongo chemic reactions, wherea co2 last 30 95 years."} {"id": "3472", "contents": "90% time, speaker english use 7,500 word speech writing. word appear red, grade stars. one-star word frequent, two-star word frequent, three-star word frequent. macmillan dictionari blog explor english spoken around world today. definit synonym strikebreak onlin english dictionari macmillan publish limited."} {"id": "3473", "contents": "definition. individu continu work despit rest employe go strike. time, strikebreak individu hire strike keep company' product servic motion strike. also call scab. nearbi terms. strict erro... strike. strike ballot. strike benefits. strike price. strike, riots, ... strike ... strike vote. strikebreaker. 10 strike off. 11 strike price. 12 strip. 13 strip developme... 14 strip financing. 15 strip bond. 16 strips. 17 strong dollar."} {"id": "3474", "contents": "person hire replac worker strike continu work strike."} {"id": "3475", "contents": "strikebreak genesi june 1956 asimov, live boston, massachusetts, plan trip new york city. first publish januari 1957 issu origin scienc fiction stori titl male strikebreak reprint 1969 collect nightfal stori origin titl strikebreaker."} {"id": "3476", "contents": "strikebreak (sometim derogatorili call scab, blackleg, knobstick) person work despit ongo strike. strikebreak usual individu employ compani prior trade union dispute, rather hire strike keep organ running. lexicograph geoffrey hughes, however, note blackleg scab refer disease, blackleg infecti bacteri diseas sheep cattl caus clostridium chauvoei. date first use term blackleg refer strikebreak unit kingdom 1859."} {"id": "3477", "contents": "report abuse. strikebreak someon cross picket line set striker (union members). union member set line (usual near entranc building) proclaim fact strike (stop work) on, known 'picket line'. slang word 'strikebreaker' 'scab'. scab cross picket line report work even vote favor strike"} {"id": "3478", "contents": "full definit strikebreaker. person hire replac strike worker. see strikebreak defin english-languag learners. see strikebreak defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "3479", "contents": "strikebreakers, known pejor scabs, worker continu work on-go strike action. strikebreak may exist workers, draft plug employ gap worker striking, cross picket line order engag employment."} {"id": "3480", "contents": "someon mention blue eye cri rain, willi nelson first two peopl think of. bob-kingwood, tx. 16 first heard willi singblu eye cri rainand i'v alway like music ever since!!ol'willie' helluva singer texa icon boot!! john-mansfield, tx. sorri julian, alway mind written nelson johnni christopher, mark jame wayn carson thompson"} {"id": "3481", "contents": "report abuse. blue eye cri rain song written songwrit fred rose. origin perform roy acuff, song later record willi nelson part 1975 album red head stranger. song album would becom icon countri music history, jump start nelson' fledgl career. site might help you. re: wrote song blue eye cri rain? know willi nelson sang wrote it? possibl written hank william sr.? heard rare record song claim sung hank william sr. anyon confirm me?"} {"id": "3482", "contents": "even standard sorrow countri songs, blue eye cri rain one somber tune. singer kiss love goodbye, know he'll never see again. sing it, he' old man never found true love look forward meet heaven. 16 first heard willi singblu eye cri rainand i'v alway like music ever since!!ol'willie' helluva singer texa icon boot!! john-mansfield, tx."} {"id": "3483", "contents": "first record ''blue eye cri rain'' king countri music himself, roy claxton acuff. particular version record 1945, 30 year becam popular. blue eye cri rain roy acuff (googl play amazonmp3 itunes). music. standard youtub license."} {"id": "3484", "contents": "origin record 1945 acuff, nelson pick blue eye cri rain part latest concept album, red head stranger, fugit preacher run law kill wife. site might help you. re: wrote song blue eye cri rain? know willi nelson sang wrote it? possibl written hank william sr.? heard rare record song claim sung hank william sr. anyon confirm me?"} {"id": "3485", "contents": "prior success blue eye cri rain, nelson enjoy widespread success primarili songwriter, song crazi (patsi cline) hello wall (faron young). elvi presley final record blue eye cri rain (have sung privat friend famili year accompani piano) jungl room graceland februari 1976."} {"id": "3486", "contents": "blue eye cri rain song written songwrit fred rose. elvi presley final record blue eye cri rain (have sung privat friend famili year accompani piano) jungl room graceland februari 1976."} {"id": "3487", "contents": "origin perform roy acuff, song later record willi nelson part 1975 album red head stranger. song album would becom icon countri music history, jump start nelson' success singer record artist. elvi presley final record blue eye cri rain (have sung privat friend famili year accompani piano) jungl room graceland februari 1976."} {"id": "3488", "contents": "gerbera daisies. distinguish large, beauti bloom wide assort vibrant colors, gerbera daisi becom favorit flower choic express cheer sentiments. tradit flower mean gerbera daisy, however, beauti innocence. flower match eleg beauti iris. repres faith, hope, wisdom, iri flower use mani differ occasions. known distinct blue varieties, iri also found color yellow white."} {"id": "3489", "contents": "daisi assort color flower. custom reviews. fresh flower, daisi spray flower classic bloom mani ray petal radiat disk-shap center. stem averag 3-5 flowers. bride hope pregnanc earli marriage, ancient folklor suggest place daisi left stocking. pleas note color receiv may differ pictur photo"} {"id": "3490", "contents": "daisi plant flower. daisi flower compos white petal yellow center, although flower sometim pink rose color. daisi made one flower. daisi made two type flowers-disk floret petal-lik white ray florets."} {"id": "3491", "contents": "daisi flower. lot differ type flower call daisies. there' common daisies, african daisies, shasta daisies, name few. fact, there' whole famili plant known daisi family. scientif name famili asteraceae."} {"id": "3492", "contents": "express emot gerbera daisies. also known african daisies, gerbera daisi come mani color shades. color repres differ mean emotion. gift orang daisi say sunshin life. daisi shine vibrant color, eye symbol focu person provid life."} {"id": "3493", "contents": "gerbera daisi come bright colors. gerbera daisi (gerbera jamesonii) larg flower inch diameter. flower flat center ring short, small petal surround ring larger flat petals. flower nativ south africa. colors. gerbera daisi bloom blaze red, bright orange, sunni yellow shock pink. pastel color includ pale medium pink, soft yellows, peach light purple. white off-whit bright white. dark color includ purple, dark raspberry, maroon bronze."} {"id": "3494", "contents": "order onlin pay wholesal prices, plu receiv free shipping! pleas note color receiv may differ pictur photo. fresh flower, daisi spray flower classic bloom mani ray petal radiat disk-shap center. stem averag 3-5 flowers."} {"id": "3495", "contents": "gerberas. brows differ subcategori gerbera daisies! famili flower someth everyone, differ varieti provid variou looks, colors, textures! combin gerbera daisi bloom carnat green casual feel!"} {"id": "3496", "contents": "gerbera daisi (gerbera jamesonii), also call transvaal, barberton veldt daisies, grow u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 11. perenni daisi long-last 2- 5-inch wide flower head suitabl cut flowers. gerbera daisi come variou flower formations. singl simpli singl row petal around green eye; form may also black, brown dark red eyes."} {"id": "3497", "contents": "poli coat chromo paper. high ink retent capac lay flat property, chromo paper offer us market highli praised. known use make wrap paper packaging, high demand market. further, offer product client minimum rate. engag provid rang high qualiti chromo coat paper extens use pack applic variou industri soap deterg etc. paper coat inorgan compound exhibit certain qualiti surfac gloss, smoothness, ink absorb and... more..."} {"id": "3498", "contents": "chromo paper: includ woodpulp woodfre stock coat one side (c1s). chromo paper use mainli make labels, wrappings, cover paper. art print paper: premium-grad stock coat side (c2s), prefer high-qual reproduct color prints."} {"id": "3499", "contents": "definit chromo paper. coat paper suitabl color printing. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged. access complet unabridg dictionary, addit 300,000 word free dictionary, start free trial."} {"id": "3500", "contents": "thank contact us. high ink retent capac lay flat property, chromo paper offer us market highli praised. known use make wrap paper packaging, high demand market. further, offer product client minimum rate. wide use purpos make label sever industries, cast coat paper highli prefer market. manufactur use best qualiti raw materi avail market, qualiti never compromised."} {"id": "3501", "contents": "one lead manufactur provid dmp chromo paper, manufactur use raw materi highest grade advanc machinery. offer us client reason price sever specifications, offer product highli prefer market. further, ... engag provid rang high qualiti chromo coat paper extens use pack applic variou industri soap deterg etc. paper coat inorgan compound exhibit certain qualiti surfac gloss, smoothness, ink absorb and... more..."} {"id": "3502", "contents": "one lead manufactur provid dmp chromo paper, manufactur use raw materi highest grade advanc machinery. offer us client reason price sever specifications, offer product highli prefer market. wide use purpos make label sever industries, cast coat paper highli prefer market. manufactur use best qualiti raw materi avail market, qualiti never compromised."} {"id": "3503", "contents": "made avail client best rate possible, offer chromo label paper high demand market. purpos provid maximum satisfaction, engag use finest raw materi modern machin manufactur carri per set industri norm guidelines. ask price. made avail client best rate possible, offer chromo paper high demand market. purpos provid maximum satisfaction, acquir product vendor never compromis quality."} {"id": "3504", "contents": "chromolithographi method make multi-colour prints. type colour print stem process lithography, includ type lithographi print colour. chromolithographi use reproduc photographs, term photochrom frequent used. lithograph sought find way print flat surfac use chemic instead relief intaglio printing."} {"id": "3505", "contents": "chromo paper. paper coat supercalend (polished) one side. only. use greet card label stock. cast-coat paper. paper coat convent way coat dried. pass wet-coat web around highli polish dri cylinder."} {"id": "3506", "contents": "stomach ulcer heal relat cause. stomach ulcer may caus number things, including: h. pylori, bacteria exist stomach nearli half world\u2019 population."} {"id": "3507", "contents": "ulcer heal within month start treatment call refractori ulcers. ulcer heal. mani reason stomach ulcer heal. number reason peopl take medic properly."} {"id": "3508", "contents": "ulcer, test h. pylori, found infected, treat antibiotics. antibiot new cure ulcers; therapi 1-2 week one two antibiot medicin reduc acid stomach. treatment dramat medic advanc elimin h. pylori antibiot mean greater 90% chanc ulcer cure good."} {"id": "3509", "contents": "appropri treatment medic patient, stomach ulcer usual heal within three months. depend sever sore (size depth), take sever month complet heal stomach ulcer treatment successful. success treatment includ prevent stomach ulcer becom worse, too."} {"id": "3510", "contents": "one way treat ulcer get rid h. pylori bacteria. treatment may also aim lower amount acid stomach makes, neutral acid protect injur area heal."} {"id": "3511", "contents": "treatment get rid h. pylori usual take weeks. doctor may want take medicin lower stomach acid weeks. ulcer heal within time."} {"id": "3512", "contents": "heal time base caus treatment. suffer stomach ulcer result h. pylori, cours antibiot period two week often standard time rid bodi bacteria."} {"id": "3513", "contents": "wasp anim totem symbolism. wasp neither popular anim popular totem, probabl due discomfort often pain sting leav skin. however, even wasp anim totem import symbol messag need consciou awar of. wasp mean also encourag remain tough strong process, resist chang sabotage. order achiev success, must abl allow believ thing possible."} {"id": "3514", "contents": "admin. from: http://www.whats-your-sig...sp-animal-symbolism. html anim symbol wasp deal with: orderconstructioncommunicationinvolvementdevelopmentprogressteam-workproduct african traditions, wasp symbol evolution, control life circumstances."} {"id": "3515", "contents": "ancient european lore recogn wasp big part pollination. wasp symbol fertil genr earth-bas believ honor wasp role continu certain plant flowers. anim symbol wasp deal mani themes. prime season wasp spring, symbol new beginnings, start new projects. wasp social, special mean commun family. wasp appear live messag us consid method communication."} {"id": "3516", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. wasp mani differ spiritu mean depend cultur look at. mean fertility, productivity, evolut"} {"id": "3517", "contents": "sinc ancient histori wasp symbol unrel torment. wasp capabl sting multipl time known single-mind pursuit vengeance. dream wasp sign feel beset hardships, setbacks, conflicts, temptations, pain. speci wasp parasitic, lay egg bodi insects. consequence, dream wasp may also indic taken advantag closest you. dream may have... stung wasp. chase wasp. kill wasp. step wasp."} {"id": "3518", "contents": "unveil anim symbol afford us new insight life, lesson life too. even wasp symbol messag offer us. granted, wasp top ten popular anim totem guide, littl research, find wasp highli regard symbol mani cultures. prime season wasp spring, symbol new beginnings, start new projects. wasp social, special mean commun family. wasp appear live messag us consid method communication."} {"id": "3519", "contents": "across sever cultures, mean interpret wasp\u2019 messag differ bit. certain african tradit valu insect symbol evolut control lives, ancient european cultur focus wasp\u2019 role pollination. wasp mean also encourag remain tough strong process, resist chang sabotage. order achiev success, must abl allow believ thing possible."} {"id": "3520", "contents": "state abbrevi state postal codes. learn abbrevi use u.s. states, postal code gener abbreviations. tabl handi tool students, busi people, letter-writ alike. hang next desk, never confus postal code al alaska (it' alabama)!"} {"id": "3521", "contents": "follow list valid state countri abbrevi may use financi aid estim form. state countri appear list, pleas leav field blank."} {"id": "3522", "contents": "standard two letter abbrevi state arizona az."} {"id": "3523", "contents": "co (both letter capitalized) standard abbrevi colorado. colorado state unit states. abbrevi colorado co. colorado part western southwestern unit states."} {"id": "3524", "contents": "ks standard two letter abbrevi state kansa ks."} {"id": "3525", "contents": "live heavi rain forests, difficult scientist accur estim mani surviv cameroon, central african republic, congo, equatori guinea, gabon, angola, democrat republ congo. western lowland gorilla tend bit smaller mountain cousins."} {"id": "3526", "contents": "habitat. mountain gorilla live rwanda, uganda democrat republ congo, green, volcan mountains. lowland gorilla live forest central western africa equatori guinea, angola, cameroon, central african republic, congo, gabon democrat republ congo."} {"id": "3527", "contents": "gorilla live. gorilla errat distribut across globe. western gorilla gener known resid west central africa eastern gorilla inhabit east central africa. much divers gorilla habitat live elev other resid ground level."} {"id": "3528", "contents": "montan bamboo forest common habitat eastern gorilla rang measur 600\u20133308 (1969-10,853 ft). western gorilla also live submontan forests, lowland forests, swamp rang measur 150\u20131600 (492\u20135249 ft). gorilla exist humid equatori rainforest, resid primari forests."} {"id": "3529", "contents": "mountain gorilla found countri africa: rwanda, uganda, democrat republ congo(dr congo). gorilla live tini area countries' border meet, western edg east african rift valley."} {"id": "3530", "contents": "western lowland gorilla live smallest famili group gorillas, averag member each. size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: western lowland gorilla endangered, remain far common relatives, mountain gorillas."} {"id": "3531", "contents": "western lowland gorilla inhabit forest equatori africa western lowland near cameroon coast central african republic, equatori guinea, gabon, nigeria, republ congo, angola, possibl democrat republ congo."} {"id": "3532", "contents": "chevrolet cruze 2008-2012 autoradio gp navig head unit inch 16:9 tft lcd monitor digit panel. support rd function eu au market, support origin steer wheel controls."} {"id": "3533", "contents": "chevrolet cruze navig system 2011 black plate (42,1) 42 infotain system 3. turn menu menu/selknob scroll theoptions, press menu ormenu/sel select desirednavig setting. voic prompt menu allow chang thevoic features."} {"id": "3534", "contents": "... start and/or gp control modul ... 2014 chevrolet cruze."} {"id": "3535", "contents": "chevrolet cruze navig system 2011 black plate (52,1) 52 infotain system point interest (poi) poi destin entri allowsselect destin byprovid poi name, cityname, select poi list."} {"id": "3536", "contents": "chevrolet cruze navig system 2011 black plate (36,1) 36 infotain system 2. press menu menu/selknob enter hdd menu,th hdd music menu displays.turn menu menu/selknob scroll audiobook option."} {"id": "3537", "contents": "2011 chevi cruze: navig nav. recent road trip la vega back new 2011 chevi cruze put sedan' navig system test, use dozen times."} {"id": "3538", "contents": "related: cruze navig cruze dvd cruze navi cruze stereo headlamp cruze stereo gp cruze front lip cruze fog led drl cruze radio cruze obd cruze bumper cruze hatchback."} {"id": "3539", "contents": "chevrolet cruze navig system 2011 black plate (40,1) 40 infotain system navig button button navig system: (power/volume): press turnth system off. use adjustth volum audio, onstar ,voic guidance, voicerecognit voic prompts."} {"id": "3540", "contents": "chevrolet cruze navig system 2011 black plate (68,1) 68 infotain system 3. select traffic condit getmor detail information.select option screen button.a traffic option menu displays.select traffic relat option. traffic: select enabl disableth traffic function."} {"id": "3541", "contents": "complet multimedia convers chevrolet cruze. function gps. dvd playback. bleutooh. usb port. ipod en iphon connector charg playback. origin function support"} {"id": "3542", "contents": "carbon dioxid gas, molecule, one carbon atom two oxygen atoms. carbon dioxid emiss body. gener harm around you, unless breath high amount it. might disturb tr ansport oxygen body. however, bewar carbon monoxide."} {"id": "3543", "contents": "normal combustion, atom carbon burn fuel join two atom oxygen-form harmless ga call carbon dioxide. lack oxygen ensur complet combust fuel, atom carbon link one atom oxygen-form carbon monoxid gas. carbon monoxid significantli toxic ga odor color. common type fatal poison mani countries."} {"id": "3544", "contents": "carbon monoxid consist one carbon atom one oxygen atom, connect tripl bond consist two coval bond well one dativ coval bond. simplest oxocarbon isoelectron cyanid anion, nitrosonium cation molecular nitrogen. bond length carbon atom oxygen atom 112.8 pm. bond length consist tripl bond, molecular nitrogen (n 2), similar bond length nearli molecular mass. carbon\u2013oxygen doubl bond significantli longer, 120.8 pm formaldehyde, example."} {"id": "3545", "contents": "carbon dioxid mean carbon dioxid two major reasons. one, carbon dioxid made element carbon, get carbon name, al made element oxygen, got oxid part anem. carbon dioxid emiss body. gener harm around you, unless breath high amount it. might disturb tr ansport oxygen body. however, bewar carbon monoxide."} {"id": "3546", "contents": "chemic refer number (cas): 56-23-5. carbon tetrachlorid (carbon tet) non-flamm colorless liquid heavy, sweet odor. 1970, carbon tet wide use clean fluid home industry. 1986, chemic use grain fumigant. carbon tet still use manufactur propel industri chemic"} {"id": "3547", "contents": "carbon dioxide. also known as: carbon acid gas; dri ice; co2; diesel exhaust component. chemic refer number (cas): 124-38-9. room temperature, carbon dioxid (co2) colorless, odorless, faintli acidic-tasting, non-flamm gas. co2 fourth abund ga earth' atmosphere. depend temperatur pressure, carbon dioxid also exist liquid solid. solid form, carbon dioxid call dri ice slowli chang cold solid directli gas."} {"id": "3548", "contents": "best answer: carbon??? pure carbon? carbon flammabl complet oxid form co2. coal mostli carbon obvious burn coal. marshmallow pure carbon, mostli sucros (sugar), c12h22o11. obviously, sugar contain carbon. liter thousand upon thousand organ compound contain carbon, almost flammable."} {"id": "3549", "contents": "ye does, carbon chain length increases, flammabl decreases. carbon chain length increases, state chang ga liquid lid. also use fraction distil crude oil example. bitumen carbon chain length approxim 35 more. bitumen use make roads, ignit easili otherwis road fire. next, gasolin carbon chain length approxim 12. gasolin one commonli known flammabl liquid. ignit around 232 degre centigrad 495 degre fahrenheit"} {"id": "3550", "contents": "di mean two, sinc carbon dioxid made one carbon atom two oxygen atmos, show two oxygen atoms, di put oxid make carbon dioxide. chemic formula co2, subscript. peopl found useful. carbon dioxid emiss body. gener harm around you, unless breath high amount it. might disturb tr ansport oxygen body. however, bewar carbon monoxide."} {"id": "3551", "contents": "article. histoplasmosis: diseas caus fungu histoplasma capsulatum. peopl histoplasmosi symptoms. however, histoplasma caus acut chronic lung diseas progress dissemin histoplasmosi affect number organs. fatal untreat"} {"id": "3552", "contents": "histoplasmosi (also known cave disease, darling' disease, ohio valley disease, reticuloendotheliosis, spelunk \u2019s lung caver' disease) diseas caus fungu histoplasma capsulatum'. symptom histoplasmosi infect occur, start within 17 day exposure; averag 12\u201314 days. affect individu clinic silent manifest show appar ill effects."} {"id": "3553", "contents": "histoplasmosi type lung infection. caus inhal histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores. spore found soil drop bat birds. fungu mainli grow central, southeastern, mid-atlant states. case histoplasmosi don\u2019t requir treatment"} {"id": "3554", "contents": "infect caus inhal spore fungu histoplasma capsulatum. case asymptomatic. individu experi symptom usual either immunocompromis expos high inoculum. primari histoplasmosi character fever, malaise, cough, lymphadenopathy. histoplasmosi infecti diseas caus inhal microscop spore fungu histoplasma capsulatum. diseas exist three forms. acut primari histoplasmosi caus flulik symptoms. peopl infect recov without medic intervent"} {"id": "3555", "contents": "histoplasmosi infect caus dimorph fungus, histoplasma capsulatum. risk factor histoplasmosi includ immunocompromis peopl associ airborn particl contain fungi (cave contain bats, bird feces, construct sites)."} {"id": "3556", "contents": "definit histoplasmosis. photomicrograph show environment form histoplasma. histoplasmosi infect caus fungu histoplasma. fungu live environment, particularli soil contain larg amount bird bat droppings."} {"id": "3557", "contents": "histoplasmosi diseas caus infect fungu known histoplasma capsulatum, found environment, frequent associ bird bat droppings. infect caus lung diseas similar pneumonia people. histoplasmosi diseas caus infect fungus, histoplasma capsulatum. infect result inhal airborn spore fungus."} {"id": "3558", "contents": "histoplasmosi infecti diseas caus fungu call histoplasma capsulatum. infect usual affect lung symptom vari greatly. sometim affect part body, includ eyes, liver, central nervou system, skin, adren glands."} {"id": "3559", "contents": "histoplasmosi infect caus fungus, histoplasma capsulatum. princip habitat fungu soil enrich bird drop bat droppings."} {"id": "3560", "contents": "shakeel currenc (or anchor currency) currenc held signific quantiti govern institut part foreign exchang reserves. reserv currenc commonli use intern transact often consid hard currenc safe-haven currency. top reserv currenc gener select bank commun strength stabil economi used. thus, currenc becom less stable, economi becom less dominant, banker may time abandon currenc issu larger stabl economy."} {"id": "3561", "contents": "use term \u201creserv currency\u201d refer common use dollar countri settl intern trade accounts. example, canada buy good china, may pay china us dollar rather canadian dollars, vice versa. may currenc demand trade settlement intern compani well. spite this, one factor help dollar retain reserv currenc demand currenc inflated, too."} {"id": "3562", "contents": "definit 'reserv currency'. foreign currenc held central bank major financi institut mean pay intern debt obligations, influenc domest exchang rate. currenc reserv currenc held larg amount govern institut part foreign ..."} {"id": "3563", "contents": "definition. one nation currenc (dollar, euro, yen, etc.) imf' special draw right (sdr) use countri hold foreign currenc reserv gold settl intern trade transact obligations."} {"id": "3564", "contents": "u.s. dollar indisput world' reserv currency. compris major (62%) foreign exchang reserv held central banks, euro distant second, account 24% reserves."} {"id": "3565", "contents": "break 'reserv currency'. 2011, u.s. dollar primari reserv currenc use countries. result, foreign nation close monitor monetari polici unit state order ensur valu reserv advers affect inflation. relat terms. currenc reserv currenc held larg amount govern institut part foreign ..."} {"id": "3566", "contents": "end 20th century, unit state dollar consid world' domin reserv currency, world' need dollar allow unit state govern well american borrow lower costs, grant advantag excess $100 billion per year. top reserv currenc gener select bank commun strength stabil economi used. thus, currenc becom less stable, economi becom less dominant, banker may time abandon currenc issu larger stabl economy."} {"id": "3567", "contents": "dollar suscept lose vaunt reserv currenc posit first major trade countri stop inflat currency. evid china understand stake; increas gold hold institut control prevent gold leav china. may currenc demand trade settlement intern compani well. spite this, one factor help dollar retain reserv currenc demand currenc inflated, too."} {"id": "3568", "contents": "reserv currenc currenc held signific amount govern institut order help conduct transact global market. major reserv currenc planet right us dollar, compos upward 60% forex reserves. euro grown promin past decad reserv currency, make nearli 30% forex reserv world."} {"id": "3569", "contents": "part immun (defence) system sometim call immunoglobulins. made lymphocyt (a type white blood cell). antibodi attach protein chemic body, recognis foreign (not normal found body). foreign protein chemic antibodi attach call antigens. immun system 'mistakes' protein bodi foreign antigen. make antibodi attach protein. caus damag problem affect part body. example, common caus underact thyroid gland due autoimmun problem."} {"id": "3570", "contents": "antibodi creat respons antigen include, limit to, foreign proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids. antibodi recogn small portion antigen call antigen determin epitope. play great role immun system, usual found blood bodili fluids. antibodi creat white blood cells, specifically, cells. five isotyp antibodi play self-defens role fight foreign object body."} {"id": "3571", "contents": "antibodi recogn specif antigen identifi certain area surfac antigen known antigen determinants. specif antigen determin recognized, antibodi bind determinant. antigen tag intrud label destruct immun cells. sinc differ antibodi recogn differ antigens, antigen-bind site differ differ antibodies. area molecul known variabl region. stem y-shape molecul form longer region heavi chains."} {"id": "3572", "contents": "antigen larg molecules, usual proteins, surfac cells, viruses, fungi, bacteria, non-liv substanc toxins, chemicals, foreign particles. substanc capabl trigger immun respons call antigen. skip content. antibodies, also call immunoglobulins, larg y-shape protein function identifi help remov foreign antigen target virus bacteria. everi differ antibodi recogn specif foreig"} {"id": "3573", "contents": "antibodi alway y-shaped. like battl armi (antibody) fight invad (antigen). type white blood cell call lymphocyt recogn antigen foreign produc antibodi specif antigen. antibodi uniqu bind site shape lock onto specif shape antigen."} {"id": "3574", "contents": "guide. antibodi test done find certain antibodi attack red blood cells. antibodi protein made immun system. normally, antibodi bind foreign substances, bacteria viruses, caus destroyed. follow condit caus antibodi made."} {"id": "3575", "contents": "antigen-bind site area antibodi recogn specif antigen determin bind antigen. sinc differ antibodi recogn differ antigens, antigen-bind site differ differ antibodies. area molecul known variabl region. stem y-shape molecul form longer region heavi chains. region call constant regio"} {"id": "3576", "contents": "antibodi antigen. photo by: cglightning. antibodies, also call immunoglobulins, protein manufactur bodi help fight foreign substanc call antigens. antigen enter body, stimul immun system produc antibodies. (the immun system body' natur defens system.) antibodi attach, bind, antigen inactiv it. everi healthi adult' bodi small amount thousand differ antibodies."} {"id": "3577", "contents": "antibodi antigens. antigen classic defin foreign substanc elicit immun response. also call immunogens. specif region antigen antibodi recogn bind call epitope, antigen determinant. epitop usual made 5-8 amino acid long chain surfac protein. made plasma cell deriv cell immun system. cell immun system becom plasma cell activ bind specif antigen antibodi surfaces."} {"id": "3578", "contents": "phytates\u2014which present whole-grain breads, cereals, legumes, foods\u2014bind zinc inhibit absorpt 2, 12, 13 ]. thus, bioavail zinc grain plant food lower anim foods, although mani grain-and plant-bas food still good sourc zinc ]. dietari supplements. supplement contain sever form zinc, includ zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc acetate. percentag element zinc vari form. example, approxim 23% zinc sulfat consist element zinc; thus, 220 mg zinc sulfat contain 50 mg element zinc."} {"id": "3579", "contents": "meats: meat eater, less like suffer zinc defici meat one best food rich zinc. meat highest concentr zinc includ beef, lamb, pork, chicken turkey. 100 gram serv cook lean beef contain 12.3 mg 82% dv zinc. nut contain zinc includ pine nut (12% dv), pecans, (9% dv), almonds, peanut walnut (6% dv each) hazelnut (5% dv). zinc defici caus concern, make hast incorpor zinc rich food dietari routine."} {"id": "3580", "contents": "5. meat eater, less like suffer zinc defici meat one best food rich zinc. meat highest concentr zinc includ beef, lamb, pork, chicken turkey. 100 gram serv cook lean beef contain 12.3 mg 82% dv zinc. nut contain zinc includ pine nut (12% dv), pecans, (9% dv), almonds, peanut walnut (6% dv each) hazelnut (5% dv). zinc defici caus concern, make hast incorpor zinc rich food dietari routine."} {"id": "3581", "contents": "summari food sources. well-known fact zinc food almost certainli oyster rich zinc. typic oyster weigh approxim one ounc contain 8-9 milligram zinc. two oyster would put whfood recommend daili amount 11 milligrams."} {"id": "3582", "contents": "oyster contain zinc per serv food, red meat poultri provid major zinc american diet. good food sourc includ beans, nuts, certain type seafood (such crab lobster), whole grains, fortifi breakfast cereals, dairi product 2, 11 ]. dietari supplements. supplement contain sever form zinc, includ zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc acetate. percentag element zinc vari form. example, approxim 23% zinc sulfat consist element zinc; thus, 220 mg zinc sulfat contain 50 mg element zinc."} {"id": "3583", "contents": "zinc-rich foods. catherin dibenedetto. zinc play big role body, wound heal percept tast smell synthesi protein dna. miner even affect libido: zinc aid product testosterone, sex hormone. nutrient famou immune-boost perks. 13 zinc-rich foods. littl bit zinc bodi plenti good. sourc crucial miner help keep immun system (and much more) tip-top shape."} {"id": "3584", "contents": "zinc much associ protein foods. thus, may assum food high zinc protein-rich well. best sourc zinc includ beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clam salmon. vegetarian, probabl intak less zinc meat-bas diets. good high zinc food asid meat dairi product milk cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, wholegrain cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, potato yogurt. these."} {"id": "3585", "contents": "zinc essenti miner natur present foods, ad others, avail dietari supplement. zinc also found mani cold lozeng over-the-count drug sold cold remedies. dietari supplements. supplement contain sever form zinc, includ zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc acetate. percentag element zinc vari form. example, approxim 23% zinc sulfat consist element zinc; thus, 220 mg zinc sulfat contain 50 mg element zinc."} {"id": "3586", "contents": "100 gm red meat contain 5.2 mg zinc. beef diet fulfil 30 60 daili zinc requirement. shellfish (100 gm contain 20 mg zn) egg yolk (100 gm contain 1.5 mg zn) food easili incorpor diet. advertisement. wide varieti zinc rich food natur available; actual cater zinc requir body. recommend dietari allow (rda) zinc (symbol: zn) 11 milligram per day adult man milligram adult woman."} {"id": "3587", "contents": "stoma types. stoma greek word mean \u2018mouth\u2019 \u2018opening\u2019. stoma surgeri result small open surfac abdomen surgic creat order divert flow faec and/or urine."} {"id": "3588", "contents": "stoma. 1. mouthlik opening. 2. incis open kept open drainag purposes, open abdomin wall colostomy, ureterostomy, ileal conduit. adj., adj sto\u00b4mal. patient care. stoma. pl. stomas, stomata [gr.]. 1. mouthlik opening. 2. incis open kept open drainag purposes, open abdomin wall colostomy, ureterostomi"} {"id": "3589", "contents": "ostomi surgic made open insid organ outside. stoma greek mouth opening. stoma part ostomi attach skin. stoma bag attach opening, case colostomies, ileostomi urostomies, either faec urin drain bag. variou type ostomies-for example:"} {"id": "3590", "contents": "ileostomi (also known small intestin stoma)= artifici open small intestin (ileum). ileostomi form larg intestin (and possibl rectum) longer function removed. lower end small intestin pull stitch abdomen. urostomi (also known urin stoma) artifici open urinari tract. urostomi form urin longer leav bodi naturally. urostomi bladder remov uret stitch abdomen use piec small intestine."} {"id": "3591", "contents": "stenosi one common problem associ stoma. caus format scar tissu point segment intestin pass abdomin wall. treatment may consist progress dilat open break structur caus stricture.toma. pl. stomas, stomata [gr.]. 1. mouthlik opening. 2. incis open kept open drainag purposes, open abdomin wall colostomy, ureterostomi ileal conduit."} {"id": "3592", "contents": "stoma (plural stomata, greek \u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03bc\u03b1 mouth) opening, either natur surgic created, connect portion bodi caviti outsid environment. point exit known stoma. greatest success minim neg effects, prefer perform procedur low tract possible, allow maxim amount natur digest occur elimin fecal matter body."} {"id": "3593", "contents": "one well-known form artifici stoma colostomy, surgic creat open larg intestin allow remov fece body, bypass rectum, drain pouch collect device. histor practic trepan also type stoma. point exit known stoma. greatest success minim neg effects, prefer perform procedur low tract possible, allow maxim amount natur digest occur elimin fecal matter body."} {"id": "3594", "contents": "surgic procedur stomata creat end suffix-ostomi begin prefix denot organ area oper on. anatomy, natur stoma open body, mouth. hollow organ manipul artifici stoma necessary. includ esophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon, pleural cavity, ureters, urinari bladder, kidney pelvis. point exit known stoma. greatest success minim neg effects, prefer perform procedur low tract possible, allow maxim amount natur digest occur elimin fecal matter body."} {"id": "3595", "contents": "botany, stoma (plural stomata), also call stomat (plural stomates) (from greek \u03c3\u03c4\u03cc\u03bc\u03b1, mouth), pore, found epidermi leaves, stems, organs, use control ga exchange."} {"id": "3596", "contents": "2. stoma-a mouth mouthlik open (especi one creat surgeri surfac bodi creat open intern organ). colostomy-a surgic oper creat open colon surfac bodi function anus."} {"id": "3597", "contents": "sometim men gonorrhea get pain swollen testicles. overview: neisseria gonorrhoea gram-negative, aerobic, non-motile, non-spore-form diplococcu bacterium member famili neisseriacea subclass class proteobacteria (figur 1). three main type outer membran protein found n. gonorrhoeae, namely, porin protein (denot por), outer membran opac protein (denot opa), reduct modifi protein (denot rmp)."} {"id": "3598", "contents": "neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known gonococci (plural), gonococcu (singular), speci gram-neg coffe bean-shap diplococci bacteria respons sexual transmit infect gonorrhea. specific, grow chocol agar carbon dioxide. cocci facult intracellular typic appear pair (diplococci), shape coffe beans. eleven speci neisseria colon humans, two pathogens."} {"id": "3599", "contents": "neisseria larg genu bacteria colon mucos surfac mani animals. 11 speci colon humans, two pathogens, n. meningitidi n. gonorrhoea system disease. neisseria speci gram-neg bacteria includ among proteobacteria, larg group gram-neg forms. neisseria diplococci resembl coffe bean view microscopically."} {"id": "3600", "contents": "neisseria gonorrhoea thrive environ grow co environment, therefore, urethra, cervix, rectum, throat main site infection. gonococci gain entranc mucou membran areas, target columnar non-cili epitheli cells. neisseria gonorrhoeae. yen lemire. introduction. neisseria gonorrhoea oblig human pathogen caus sexual transmit diseas (std) gonorrhea. gram-neg diplococci/gonococci infect anim experiment anim surviv freeli environ"} {"id": "3601", "contents": "neisseria fastidi gram-neg cocci requir nutrient supplement grow laboratori cultures. specific, grow chocol agar carbon dioxide. cocci facult intracellular typic appear pair (diplococci), shape coffe beans. eleven speci neisseria colon humans, two pathogens."} {"id": "3602", "contents": "neisseria gonorrhoea gram-neg coccus, bacteria whose overal shape spherical. usual seen pair adjac side flattened. ecology. neisseria gonorrhoea caus sexual transmit diseas gonorrhea. natur environ human bodi known pathogen characteristic. neisseria gonorrhoea use known biotechnology."} {"id": "3603", "contents": "sometim neisseria gonorrhoea enter bloodstream caus gram-neg bacteremia may lead dissemin bacteri infection. strain n. gonorrhoea caus dissemin infect usual resist complement serum bactericid reaction. ecology. neisseria gonorrhoea caus sexual transmit diseas gonorrhea. natur environ human bodi known pathogen characteristic. neisseria gonorrhoea use known biotechnology."} {"id": "3604", "contents": "introduction. neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known gonococcu (gc), gram-neg diplococcu one common sexual transmit microorganisms, caus gonorrhea. gonorrhea cervicitis, courtesi cdc phil #4087. human natur reservoir n. gonorrhoeae, transmiss primarili sexual"} {"id": "3605", "contents": "gonorrhea common infecti bacterium, gram negative, fastidious, diplococci, grow rapidli multipli mucou membranes, especi mouth, throat, anu male females, cervix, fallopian tubes, uteru femal reproduct tract."} {"id": "3606", "contents": "unit states, medicar nation social insur program, administ u.s. feder govern sinc 1966, current use 30 privat insur compani across unit states. medicar provid health insur american age 65 older work paid system."} {"id": "3607", "contents": "former presid act, former presid paid lifetime, taxabl pension equal annual rate basic pay head execut feder depart -- $201,700 2015 -- annual salari paid secretari cabinet agencies. president' salari set congress, articl ii, section unit state constitution, may increas reduc current term office."} {"id": "3608", "contents": "pay colleg import aspect realiz academ goals. kent state' afford tuition help keep cost low pursu education. addition, kent state univers rank one top public research univers unit states. kent state provid high-qual educ afford price."} {"id": "3609", "contents": "budget unit state govern often begin presid 's propos u.s. congress recommend fund level next fiscal year, begin octob end septemb 30 year following. fy2014, feder govern collect approxim $3.02 trillion tax revenue, $246 billion 9% versu fy2013. primari receipt categori includ individu incom tax ($1,395b 46% total receipts), social security/soci insur tax ($1,024b 34%), corpor tax ($321b 11%)."} {"id": "3610", "contents": "presid unit state america (potus) elect head state head govern unit states. presid lead execut branch feder govern commander-in-chief unit state arm forces. presid unit state consid one world' power people."} {"id": "3611", "contents": "militari spending: militari budget unit state fy 2014 approxim $578 billion expens depart defens (dod), $149 billion depart veteran affairs, $43 billion depart homeland security, total $770 billion. fy2014, feder govern collect approxim $3.02 trillion tax revenue, $246 billion 9% versu fy2013. primari receipt categori includ individu incom tax ($1,395b 46% total receipts), social security/soci insur tax ($1,024b 34%), corpor tax ($321b 11%)."} {"id": "3612", "contents": "effect januari 1, 2001, annual salari presid unit state increas $400,000 per year, includ $50,000 expens allowance. president' salari set congress, articl ii, section unit state constitution, may increas reduc current term office."} {"id": "3613", "contents": "move locat unit states. meet deduct move expens requir public 521, deduct expens move area new main job locat within unit state possessions. move may one u.s. locat anoth foreign countri unit states. deduct move expens move new home unit state perman retire. however, former main job locat former home must outsid"} {"id": "3614", "contents": "judici watch obtain document unit state air forc unit state secret servic detail cost associ michel obama\u2019 controversi august 2010 vacat spain. accord judici watch analysis, record indic total combin cost least $467,585. judici watch announc today obtain flight expens record u.s. depart air forc reveal presid obama incur $7,396,531.20 flight expens alon 2013 vacat hawaii martha\u2019 vineyard trip california appear jay leno show."} {"id": "3615", "contents": "warm welcome, comfort stay great valu conveni locat await check hampton inn lehighton hotel. award-win welcom hotel lehighton, pa situat interst 476 exit 74 15 minut beauti histor town jim thorpe, pa. three-story, 78 room hotel offer mani amen exceed lehighton-jim thorp area. everi guest stay, enjoy complimentari hot cold continent breakfast, free hbo\u00ae, indoor pool spa, complimentari wireless high-spe internet fit center."} {"id": "3616", "contents": "lehighton built site german moravian brethren 's mission station gnadenhuetten (gnadenh\u00fctten cabin of) grace found in. 1746 establish mission lenap moravian from, bethlehem, pennsylvania lower lehigh. river lehighton locat mile (5 km) south jim thorpe, carbon counti seat, mile (11 km) northwest palmerton. lehighton border north, west, south mahon township across lehigh river east weissport franklin township. lehighton primarili green hilly."} {"id": "3617", "contents": "lehighton (pronounc lee-high-ton) borough carbon county, pennsylvania, unit states, 77 mile (124 km) north-northwest philadelphia. past, develop earli industri water power lehigh river. lehighton locat mile (5 km) south jim thorpe, carbon counti seat, mile (11 km) northwest palmerton. lehighton border north, west, south mahon township across lehigh river east weissport franklin township. lehighton primarili green hilly."} {"id": "3618", "contents": "lehighton. look charact riverfront town reflect german ancestry. small town began moravian brethren societi start convert local delawar indian christianity. 1746, moravian organ mission lehighton, name gnaden huetten (mean \u201ctent grace\u201d)"} {"id": "3619", "contents": "william f. tinsley, dmd, p.c., lehighton, pennsylvania, dental offic special creat beauti smile dental brace invis aligners. orthodont treatments, use convent invis brace straighten teeth develop radiant smile you've. alway wanted. receiv certif orthodont emori univers atlanta, georgia 1977. william f. tinsley, dmd, p.c., proudli serv eastern pennsylvania, western new jersey, surround area sinc 1975."} {"id": "3620", "contents": "want extend warm welcom everyon 2015-2016 school year. excit challeng school year lehighton area middl school undergo extens renov project. renov like begin october; however, commun specif date inform expect date solidified."} {"id": "3621", "contents": "lehighton locat southern carbon counti 40\u00b049\u203255\u2033n 75\u00b042\u203253\u2033w\ufeff \ufeff40.83194\u00b0n 75.71472\u00b0w\ufeff 40.83194; -75.71472 (40.831932, -75.714701). northeast pennsylvania 24 mile (39 km) north/northwest allentown 42 mile (68 km) south wilkes-barre. lehighton locat mile (5 km) south jim thorpe, carbon counti seat, mile (11 km) northwest palmerton. lehighton border north, west, south mahon township across lehigh river east weissport franklin township. lehighton primarili green hilly."} {"id": "3622", "contents": "6.2%. accord research pennsylvania state list 20 regist sex offend live lehighton, pennsylvania octob 07, 2015. ratio number resid lehighton number sex offend 272 1. median real estat properti tax paid hous unit mortgag 2013: $1,751 (1.5%). median real estat properti tax paid hous unit mortgag 2013: $2,701 (1.9%). bank branch lehighton (2011 data): pnc bank, nation association: lehighton branch 154 south first street, branch establish 1969/04/01; mahon valley branch 1279 blakesle boulevard, branch establish 1975/11/21."} {"id": "3623", "contents": "lehighton-area histor tornado activ slightli pennsylvania state average. 5% smaller overal u.s. average. 7/26/1981, categori f3 (max. wind speed 158-206 mph) tornado 8.3 mile away lehighton borough center injur peopl caus $50,000 $500,000 damages. bank branch lehighton (2011 data): pnc bank, nation association: lehighton branch 154 south first street, branch establish 1969/04/01; mahon valley branch 1279 blakesle boulevard, branch establish 1975/11/21."} {"id": "3624", "contents": "overview italy' amalfi coast locat region campania winemak 2,000 year-old tradition. volcan soil home grape varieti greco aglianico introduc ancient greek belov romans. would like learn wine, cuisine, cultur italy' amalfi coast pleas contact us. privaci polici great sourc campania wine vino, new york city' premier italian wine merchant."} {"id": "3625", "contents": "place see amalfi coast italy. amalfi coast itali pictograph enorm coastlin situat south naples, campania compos charm fish villag town stick lightli surround rock faces. costal beauti amalfi coast itali year' long attract europ voyag adventur unconvent life outs. major tourist attract italy, amalfi coast got amaz number hotel mushroom small town amalfi coast italy."} {"id": "3626", "contents": "amalfi coast (italian: costiera amalfitana) stretch coastlin southern coast sorrentin peninsula provinc salerno southern italy. amalfi coast popular tourist destin region itali whole, attract thousand tourist annually. coast also mention sever time coast amalfi, song steve harley, appear 2005 album qualiti mercy. spi comedi knight day, tom cruise' charact speak live amalfi coast noth backpack motorcycle."} {"id": "3627", "contents": "amalfi coast known product limoncello liqueur area known cultiv lemons, known sfusato amalfitano italian, grown terrac garden along entir coast februari october. coast also mention sever time coast amalfi, song steve harley, appear 2005 album qualiti mercy. spi comedi knight day, tom cruise' charact speak live amalfi coast noth backpack motorcycle."} {"id": "3628", "contents": "ven never heard italian region, we'll bet dream visit least once! napl capital, home world-renown amalfi coast, ancient tragic citi pompeii, romant isl capri (pronounc cah-pree, please!). campania photographs, museums, amalfi coast, transportation. ack 18th 19th centuries, self-respect northern european aristocrat would dream leav itali without spend month naples."} {"id": "3629", "contents": "uses, see amalfi (disambiguation) amalfi town comun provinc salerno, region campania, italy, gulf salerno. lie mouth deep ravine, foot mont cerreto (1,315 metres, 4,314 feet), surround dramat cliff coastal scenery. amalfi main town coast located, name costiera amalfitana (amalfi coast), today import tourist destin togeth town coast, positano, ravello others."} {"id": "3630", "contents": "amalfi coast region coastlin locat south naples. amalfi coast contain famou coastal resort town amalfi, positano ravello. amalfi coast map travel information. share. find guid tour amalfi coast island capri, see coast boat excursion, visit pompeii paestum day tour, take cook class amalfi coast italy."} {"id": "3631", "contents": "sorrento jess andrew amalfi amalfi coast, darci aubin view mediterranean capri jess andrews. region campania south-west coast itali home one world' famou beauti coastlines-th amalfi coast."} {"id": "3632", "contents": "gastrocnemiu branch top behind knee; two branch known medial later heads. flex muscl walk bend knee creat traction femur, pull toward tibia lower leg caus knee bend. gastrocnemiu soleu run entir length lower leg, connect behind knee heel. third muscle, plantari muscle, extend two-to-four inch knee lie gastrocnemiu soleus."} {"id": "3633", "contents": "soleu muscl locat directli beneath gastrocnemiu similar function gastrocnemius. hamstr muscl two joint muscl act knee hip. person found useful. lincmad."} {"id": "3634", "contents": "humans, gastrocnemiu muscl (/\u02cc\u0261aestr\u0252k\u02c8ni\u02d0mi\u0259s/ \u02cc\u0261\u00e6str\u0252k\u02c8ni\u02d0mi\u0259 /or/ \u02cc\u0261aestr\u0259k\u02c8ni\u02d0mi\u0259 \u02cc\u0261\u00e6str\u0259k\u02c8ni\u02d0mi\u0259s; plural, gastrocnemii latin greek \u03b3\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03c1 stomach (and) \u03ba\u03bd\u03ae\u03bc\u03b7; kn\u0113m\u0113 leg mean stomach, leg refer bulg shape of) calf power superfici bipenn muscl back part the. lower leg structur [edit]. gastrocnemiu locat soleu posterior (back) compart leg. later head origin later condyl femur, medial head origin medial condyl femur."} {"id": "3635", "contents": "soleus. soleu plantar flexor muscl ankle. capabl exert power forc onto ankl joint. locat back lower leg origin posterior (rear) aspect fibular head medial border tibial shaft. soleu muscl form achil tendon insert gastrocnemiu aponeurosis. tibial nerv s1 s2 innerv it; arteri sourc includ sural, peronial, posterior tibial arteries."} {"id": "3636", "contents": "gastrocnemius. gastrocnemiu muscl muscl locat back portion lower leg, one two major muscl make calf. major calf muscle, soleu muscle, flat muscl lie underneath gastrocnemius. gastrocnemiu soleu run entir length lower leg, connect behind knee heel. third muscle, plantari muscle, extend two-to-four inch knee lie gastrocnemiu soleus."} {"id": "3637", "contents": "anatomi chart courtesi fcit. gastrocnemiu calf muscl visibl outsid body. attach heel achil tendon origin behind knee femur, cross two joints. gastrocnemiu two heads: medial lateral."} {"id": "3638", "contents": "soleu muscl one two muscl locat back lower leg. togeth gastrocnemiu make half muscl group known calf. soleu power muscl isn\u2019t function correctli caus number condit knee ankl pain."} {"id": "3639", "contents": "step 5. click text effect button text style header format group. step 6. select transform text effect drop-down menu, click curv path want text follow. click drag mous pointer locat slide want insert text box, enter text. step 4. highlight text text box, click format tab ribbon."} {"id": "3640", "contents": "text box handi want add text shape, want text attach shape. add border, fill, shadow, three-dimension (3-d) effect text text box. add text move independ shape, add text box, type past text. add text box. add text placeholder. below, dot border repres placehold contain titl text slide. add text text placehold slide, following: click insid placeholder, type past text."} {"id": "3641", "contents": "add wordart. insert tab, text group, click wordart, click wordart style want. exampl text group insert tab excel 2010. enter text. notes. chart offic 2010 document, replac chart titl wordart give titl addit emphasis. powerpoint. remov wordart style text, text remain chang plain text. select wordart text want remov wordart style from. home tab, font group, click clear formatting."} {"id": "3642", "contents": "step 2. click text icon home group ribbon load text tool. relat reading: add text-to-speech powerpoint. step 3. click drag mous pointer locat slide want insert text box, enter text. step 4. highlight text text box, click format tab ribbon."} {"id": "3643", "contents": "convert exist text wordart powerpoint word. select text want convert wordart. insert tab, text group, click wordart, click wordart want. powerpoint. remov wordart style text, text remain chang plain text. select wordart text want remov wordart style from. home tab, font group, click clear formatting."} {"id": "3644", "contents": "add text text box anyon edit, normal view, click insid text box, type past text. add text text box contain perman uneditable, slide master view, click click insid text box, type past text. top page. add text placeholder. below, dot border repres placehold contain titl text slide. add text text placehold slide, following: click insid placeholder, type past text."} {"id": "3645", "contents": "order curv text use wordart powerpoint need highlight text shape go format click drop menu text effects. then, look transform option see option curv text arc effect section follow path. example, design circular diagram powerpoint may requir curv text insid cycl diagram order add text step follow circular path. show curv text powerpoint creat awesom circular diagram text."} {"id": "3646", "contents": "format text. add desir text powerpoint slide use edit text button. click \u201cformat,\u201d locat main menu. select \u201ctext effects\u201d drop-down menu. select \u201ctransform.\u201d click pictur featur curv text creat arch text."} {"id": "3647", "contents": "versatile: keta natur lower fat, easili accept richer, european-styl sauc bearnais b\u00e9arnais and. hollandais richer salmon, speci king and, coho becom overli rich nap butter. sauce, keta, howev does."} {"id": "3648", "contents": "chum (oncorhynchu keta) also call dog salmon dog-lik teeth. keta come speci name way get away neg associ chum sometim has. keta smaller fish averag pound pale medium-color flesh lower fat content salmon."} {"id": "3649", "contents": "dave catch keta salmon washington\u2019 puget sound, primarili known \u201cfish area 10.\u201d fish area 10 start coast edmond stretch shilshol bay near ballard magnolia neighborhood seattle."} {"id": "3650", "contents": "sockey salmon, firm flesh rich flavor, consid favorit among salmon eaters. keta salmon, also call chum dog salmon, drier fillet lower fat content one lesser-known salmon species. know nutrit differ keta sockey salmon might help determin fish better fit diet."} {"id": "3651", "contents": "pacif salmon, may also known dog salmon keta salmon, often market name silverbrit salmon."} {"id": "3652", "contents": "look similar sockey ocean fresh. keta rang 6-17 pound matur 3-6 year old. keta salmon light color flesh mild flavor. chum salmon...eskimo even feed dog consid toward bottom salmon scale. believ standard use fish smoke use roe."} {"id": "3653", "contents": "deb-bie, de-bb-i babi girl name debbi pronounc eh b-iy- \u2020. debbi english name hebrew origin. debbi pet form name deborah (english, french, german, hebrew). debbi rare babi name girls. peak usag 1959, 0.940% babi girl given name debbie. rank #20."} {"id": "3654", "contents": "debbi /deb-bie/ [2 sylls.] name girls. debbie' root hebrew, mean debbi bee. debbi version deborah (hebrew).ebbi promin first name women (#141 4276, top 3%) slightli less promin last name adult children (#136783 150436, top 91%). (2000 u.s. census). shown babi name popular debbi"} {"id": "3655", "contents": "mean debbie. english name. english, name debbi means-popular independ name 1950 american actress debbi reynolds.. origin name debbi include-english, israeli, hebrew. name debbi often use girl name femal name. english name meaning-popular independ name 1950 american actress debbi reynolds. origin-english. altern origins-isra hebrew."} {"id": "3656", "contents": "debbi (or debbi deb) feminin given name, commonli alway short deborah (or debra relat variants). word deriv word mean bee hebrew."} {"id": "3657", "contents": "name debbi hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name debbi is: bee. deborah biblic prophetess summon barak battl armi invaders. battl wrote victori song part book judges. american meaning:"} {"id": "3658", "contents": "character' name, debbi downer, slang phrase refer someon frequent add bad news neg feel gathering, thu bring mood everyon around them."} {"id": "3659", "contents": "debbi promin first name women (#141 4276, top 3%) slightli less promin last name adult children (#136783 150436, top 91%). (2000 u.s. census). shown babi name popular debbi girls."} {"id": "3660", "contents": "mean debbie. hebrew name. hebrew, name debbi means-diminut deborah: bee. deborah biblic prophetess summon barak battl armi invaders. battl wrote victori song part book judges.. origin name debbi include-hebrew, israeli, english. name debbi often use girl name femal name. hebrew name meaning-diminut deborah: bee. deborah biblic prophetess summon barak battl armi invaders."} {"id": "3661", "contents": "origin name debbie: pet form deborah, deriv hebrew d\u0113v\u014drah (a bee, swarm bees). name born bibl prophetess judg led israelit victori canaanites. world babi name teresa norman."} {"id": "3662", "contents": "everi compani constitut form articl (or, older companies, memorandum articles). compani must director members. (member sharehold unless compani limit guarantee). key featur limit compani offer limit liabil members. compani (a separ legal entity) liabl debt member director person liabl (unless act wrongli way)."} {"id": "3663", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. limit company, liabil member subscrib compani limit invest guarante company. limit compani may limit share guarantee. former may divid public compani privat companies. may becom member privat limit compani restrict law company' rules. main article: privat compani limit shares. sharehold limit liabil share may offer gener public. sharehold privat compani limit share often bound offer share fellow sharehold prior sell third party."} {"id": "3664", "contents": "definit 'ltd. abbrevi limited, ltd. suffix follow name company, indic privat limit company-a kind incorpor avail british irish, commonwealth countri laws. limit company, shareholders' liabil limit capit they'd origin invested. compani becom insolvent, sharehold person asset remain protected. share privat limit compani offer gener public (distinguish public limit company-plc.)."} {"id": "3665", "contents": "mani countri limit compani busi entiti corpor shareholders' financi liabil limit shares.. often regard attract option busi owners-and especi popular among smaller companies. typically, pvt ltd must least two shareholders, maximum number share holder also limit (usual around 50 individuals). one major benefit privat busi structur company' disclosur requir less stringent public company."} {"id": "3666", "contents": "ltd. abbrevi limited. term design advis sharehold owner type enterpris limited. specifically, sharehold owner limit respons debt oblig busi enterprise, accord investorwords.com. geography. abbrevi ltd. associ busi enterpris commonli use differ european countri well canada, accord investorwords.com. ltd. also use time time compani unit states."} {"id": "3667", "contents": "ltd. ltd. short limited, limit company. structur use mostli european countri canada. limit company, director sharehold limit liabil company' debt, long busi oper within law."} {"id": "3668", "contents": "limit company. busi structur use europ canada, sharehold respons compani debt limited, usual amount he/sh invest company. cases, liabil sharehold limit specif pre-determin amount (which state memorandum). abbrevi ltd plc"} {"id": "3669", "contents": "limit compani busi structur member sharehold liabil limit contribut made invest company. form limit compani mani advantag owner easi incorporate. limit compani limit share commonli regist ltd company. present unit kingdom type limit compani offered: privat limit compani (ltd). compani limit guarante (ltd). public limit compani (plc)."} {"id": "3670", "contents": "make sens drink first 12 weeks. week build block baby' brain major organ laid down. may prefer drink throughout pregnancy, sure babi safe effect alcohol."} {"id": "3671", "contents": "known safe amount alcohol use pregnanc tri get pregnant. also safe time pregnanc drink. type alcohol equal harmful, includ wine beer. pregnant woman drink alcohol, baby."} {"id": "3672", "contents": "pregnant, drink laban. high protein lot calcium thing need order healthi pregnancy."} {"id": "3673", "contents": "\u201cthe problem drink alcohol pregnanc amount proven safe,\u201d say jacqu moritz, md, director gynecolog st. luke\u2019s-roosevelt hospit new york."} {"id": "3674", "contents": "soda. pregnant women often wonder safe drink soda diet soda pregnancy. biggest problem soda high sugar. sodas, especi diet sodas, may contain artifici sweetener, saccharin. also found sweet low, artifici sweeten use sugar substitute."} {"id": "3675", "contents": "drink pregnant, one two unit alcohol, twice week, never enough get drunk. get drunk heavi bing drink pregnanc harm baby. heavi drink six unit alcohol day."} {"id": "3676", "contents": "common area concern pregnanc eat drink pregnant. difficult adjust pregnanc chang without help favorit comfort food drink, obvious want find favorit food beverag safe ingest."} {"id": "3677", "contents": "alcohol dangerous. safe time drink alcohol pregnancy. alcohol caus problem develop babi throughout pregnancy, includ woman know pregnant. drink alcohol first three month pregnanc caus babi abnorm facial features."} {"id": "3678", "contents": "cook oats: except whole oat groats, oat among grain stir cooking. oat groats, combin groat water pot, cover bring boil. reduc heat simmer 45-60 minut tender."} {"id": "3679", "contents": "cup steel-cut oats. cup water. bring water boil saucepan, stir oats. reduc heat simmer cook oat soft, 20 30 minutes, stir occasionally."} {"id": "3680", "contents": "simmer 20 30 minutes: let oat simmer anywher 20 30 minutes, stir occasion scrape bottom pan. cook oat tender oatmeal creami like longer cook make thicker oatmeal."} {"id": "3681", "contents": "tip: creamier oatmeal, add oat pan along water salt. microwave: one serving, medium microwave-saf bowl combin cup water, 1/2 cup quick-cook oats, dash salt. microwav 100 percent power (high) 1-1/2 minutes. stir serving."} {"id": "3682", "contents": "bring water boil: use cup water firmer, intact oat grain cup water creamier oatmeal. pour water saucepan bring boil high heat. stir oat salt: pour oat water, add salt, stir."} {"id": "3683", "contents": "step 4: let oat boil minutes, give stir see feel thick gooey, are, oat done oatmeal. experi amount water, rang cups. use cup like thicker oatmeal, cup like soupi oatmeal."} {"id": "3684", "contents": "make quick-cook oat instant oatmeal microwave, add cup (240 milliliters) water cup (40 grams) oatmeal heat-saf bowl microwav minut minutes."} {"id": "3685", "contents": "tip: creamier oatmeal, add oat pan along water salt. microwave: one serving, medium microwave-saf bowl combin cup water, 1/2 cup roll oats, dash salt. microwav 100 percent power (high) 2-1/2 minutes. stir serving."} {"id": "3686", "contents": "treatment degen disc diseas either passiv (done patient) activ (done patient). usual combin treatment use help control symptoms. passiv treatment rare effect own\u2014som activ component, exercise, almost alway required. passiv treatment low back pain degen disc diseas may include: pain medication. time, low back pain symptom degen disc diseas usual subside. happen disc start becom stiffer age, stiffer disc stabil motion segment thu reduc pain. however, slow process occur mani years."} {"id": "3687", "contents": "medic necess prior authorizations. cover prior author drug list chart, tri least two altern drugs. one drug avail alternative, tri one. naprelan, pennsaid, sprix, zipsor, zorvolex. prior authorization, three choices: pharmacist call doctor get prescript differ medic need prior authorization. pay full price medication."} {"id": "3688", "contents": "fax: complet review information, sign date. fax sign form caremark\u2019 prior author depart at. 888-836-0730. caremark independ compani provid pharmaci benefit manag services, includ prior author review, behalf member\u2019 health plan. caremark fax machin locat secur locat requir hipaa regulations."} {"id": "3689", "contents": "paf co-pay relief (cpr) provid direct financi assist qualifi patients, assist prescript drug co-pay insur requir rel diagnosis."} {"id": "3690", "contents": "overview. prior author (pa) requir certain cover servic document medic necess services. determin procedur code requir pa member fee-for-servic (ffs) system, access provid fee schedule. detail instruct regard ff pa process procedur provid chapter ihcp provid manual, well best practices: nonpharmaci pa page website."} {"id": "3691", "contents": "inform dur program, pleas refer http://nyhealth.gov/health_care/medicaid/program/dur/index.htm. inform dur program, pleas refer to. http://nyhealth.gov/health_care/medicaid/program/dur/index.htm. novemb 14, 2013, medicaid fee-for-servic program institut dose optim initiative. dose optim reduc prescript cost reduc number pill patient need take day."} {"id": "3692", "contents": "prior authorization? it\u2019 qualiti safeti program promot proper use certain medications. doctor prescrib medic includ prior author program, must get prior approv plan cover medication. pleas note: benefit plan includ prior authorization. check plan materi see inform appli you. prior authorization, three choices: pharmacist call doctor get prescript differ medic need prior authorization. pay full price medication."} {"id": "3693", "contents": "clinic criteria (cc) medic necess rational opioid therapi requir patient establish buprenorphin therapi pa requir initi longact opioid the-rapi opioid-na na\u00efve. patient novemb 14, 2013, medicaid fee-for-servic program institut dose optim initiative. dose optim reduc prescript cost reduc number pill patient need take day."} {"id": "3694", "contents": "submit nonpharmaci pa request-ffs. need nonpharmaci pa member ff system, complet appropri form submit advantag health solut (sm) shown prior author attach address table. pa request forms, see form page website. determin procedur code requir pa member fee-for-servic (ffs) system, access provid fee schedule. detail instruct regard ff pa process procedur provid chapter ihcp provid manual, well best practices: nonpharmaci pa"} {"id": "3695", "contents": "sensori process disord spd (origin call sensori integr dysfunction) neurolog disord sensori inform individu perceiv result abnorm responses. spd checklist. definit spd. sensori process refer way nervou system receiv messag sens turn responses. sensori process disorder, sensori inform goe brain get organ appropri responses."} {"id": "3696", "contents": "home speech occup therapi occup therapy. sensori process term refer person\u2019 brain interpret respond sensori input bodi world around them. peopl familiar five senses, actual seven:"} {"id": "3697", "contents": "sensori integr disord dysfunct (sid) neurolog disord result brain' inabl integr certain inform receiv body' five basic sensori systems."} {"id": "3698", "contents": "although sensori process disord consid qualifi characterist diagnosi autism, yet meet person autism spectrum challeng area. spd, sensori inform sensed, perceiv abnormally. unlik blind deafness, sensori inform receiv peopl spd; differ inform process brain unusu way caus distress, discomfort, confusion."} {"id": "3699", "contents": "sensori process disord (spd; also known sensori integr dysfunction) condit exist multisensori integr adequ process order provid appropri respons demand environment. state sensori process disord distinct diagnosis, other argu differ sensori respons featur diagnos standalon diagnose."} {"id": "3700", "contents": "sensori process disord use defin describ disord dysfunct symptoms-in hope make univers accept medic diagnosi thu enabl insur reimburs evalu treatment. good news... frustrat confus child-who may sensori process disord (spd) almost over! finally!... thorough explan name behavior development concern exist-which seem almost imposs understand cope with."} {"id": "3701", "contents": "sensori process disord (spd) neurolog condit make difficult bodi receiv messag sens turn appropri motor behavior responses."} {"id": "3702", "contents": "children sensori process disord difficulti process inform sens (touch, movement, smell, taste, vision, hearing) respond appropri information. children typic one sens either over-or underreact stimulation. children sensori process disord cannot properli process sensori stimul outsid world. child may: either constant motion fatigu easili go back forth two."} {"id": "3703", "contents": "sensori process disord (spd) neurolog disord caus difficulti process inform five senses: vision, auditory, touch, olfaction, taste, well sens movement (vestibular system), and/or posit sens (proprioception). spd, sensori inform sensed, perceiv abnormally. unlik blind deafness, sensori inform receiv peopl spd; differ inform process brain unusu way caus distress, discomfort, confusion."} {"id": "3704", "contents": "time take pregnanc test becom neg follow miscarriag depend upon gestat age time miscarriage. pregnancy, whether end term, preterm, miscarriage, urin pregnanc test neg six weeks. not, three concerns:"} {"id": "3705", "contents": "pregnanc test miscarriag like fals positive. over-the-count test show posit neg may less accur miscarriag blood tests. differ type pregnanc test may offer accuraci others. time pregnanc test miscarriag critic accur results."} {"id": "3706", "contents": "urin hcg disappear rate serum hcg, take anywher 35 days, median 19 days. however, time-fram hcg result neg depend hcg level time miscarriage. inform avail link below. miscarriag first week februari 2008. heartbroken. didn't d&c-i pass tissu bled week. march 11th, first period miscarriage. typic cycl me-last days. decid tri right away"} {"id": "3707", "contents": "anyon experienc symptom miscarriag pregnanc test negative? alreadi one miscarriag year ago recent symptom almost identical. however, previou miscarriag (appx 10 week along) posit test. time suspect chemic pregnancy, test negative. \u2764.i. answer albuquerqu on. first miscarriag (which refer chemic pregnancy), posit pregnanc test day due period. start bleed week later took anoth test"} {"id": "3708", "contents": "neg result miscarriage. usual pregnanc test show neg miscarriage, is, hormon hcg miss urin blood sampl given testing. posit result miscarriage. sometimes, even miscarriag occurred, pregnanc test may appear positive. hcg disappear blood immediately. depend upon far pregnanc progressed, hcg may take 19 day fall back zero level."} {"id": "3709", "contents": "posts: 103. miscarri weeks, believ pregnanc stop develop that. bleed stop (about days) took test negative.. hcg level get high,onli 500 start go down. realli depend far long high hcg level are."} {"id": "3710", "contents": "miscarriag first week februari 2008. heartbroken. d&c-i pass tissu bled week. march 11th, first period miscarriage. typic cycl me-last days. miscarriag first week februari 2008. heartbroken. didn't d&c-i pass tissu bled week. march 11th, first period miscarriage. typic cycl me-last days. decid tri right away"} {"id": "3711", "contents": "people, place event shape unit state civil right movement."} {"id": "3712", "contents": "introduction. refus give seat white man montgomery, alabama, citi bu 1955, black seamstress rosa park (1913\u20142005) help initi civil right movement unit states."} {"id": "3713", "contents": "sinc civil war, much concern civil right unit state focus effort extend right fulli african americans. first legisl attempt assur african american equal polit legal statu civil right act 1866, 1870, 1871, 1875. civil right civil right unit state infoplease: civil rights: civil right unit states-civil right unit state sinc civil war, much concern civil right ... martin luther king jr."} {"id": "3714", "contents": "civil right movement mass popular movement secur african american equal access opportun basic privileg right u.s. citizenship. follow kennedy' assassination, presid lyndon johnson maneuv civil right act 1964 congress. repres major victori african americans, 1964 legisl outlaw segreg public place prohibit racial gender discrimin employ practices."} {"id": "3715", "contents": "share cite. civil rights, right nation' inhabit enjoy law. term broader polit rights, refer right devolv franchis held usual citizen, unlik natur rights, civil right legal well philosoph basis."} {"id": "3716", "contents": "civil rights: civil right unit states-civil right unit state sinc civil war, much concern civil right ... martin luther king jr. day: facts, timeline, history, activities, bio-martin luther king jr day celebr third monday january. civil right civil right unit state infoplease:"} {"id": "3717", "contents": "civil right enforc right privilege, interf anoth give rise action injury. exampl civil right freedom speech, press, assembly; right vote; freedom involuntari servitude; right equal public places. import expans civil right unit state occur result enact thirteenth fourteenth amend u.s. constitution. thirteenth amend abolish slaveri throughout unit states."} {"id": "3718", "contents": "unit state civil right movement unit state polit movement equal law. event 1865 1980. mani times, use civil resist nonviol form resistance. situat accompanied, followed, civil unrest arm rebellion. struggl civil right end discrimin unit state start nation began continu today. american civil war grew concern vote rights, econom exploit great britain, religi freedom."} {"id": "3719", "contents": "civil polit right class right protect individu freedom infring governments, social organ privat individuals, ensur one' abil particip civil polit life societi state without discrimin repression."} {"id": "3720", "contents": "freedom ride journey civil right activist interst buse segreg southern unit state test unit state suprem court decis boynton v. virginia, (1960) 364 u.s., rule segreg unconstitut passeng engag interst travel. march 26, 1964, civil right act face stiff opposit congress, malcolm public meet martin luther king, jr. capitol building. malcolm attempt begin dialog dr. king earli 1957, king rebuf him."} {"id": "3721", "contents": "east coast state pay more. 2013, newspap deliveri driver earn highest salari $35,130 alaska, bl reported, lowest salari $24,930 ohio, among state listed. salari newspap deliveri man; paper deliveri jobs; salari paper carrier; salari paperboy; make newspaper..."} {"id": "3722", "contents": "deliveri driver earn averag wage $12.69 per hour. peopl job gener 20 years' experience. highest pay skill associ job cdl, deliveri driver, hazmat. experi moder effect salari job."} {"id": "3723", "contents": "averag annual salari newspap deliveri driver $16714 base statist u.s. 2015. highest salari record $40395. lowest salari $9845. figur vari state state basi averag across 50 states. averag bonu record $550 peopl year experience. highest pay state newspap deliveri driver. number base median annual salari"} {"id": "3724", "contents": "salari approxim $28,000. newspap deliver classifi driver/sal worker u.s. bureau labor statistics. earn averag $27,900 may 2013, accord bls. salari newspap deliver rang $16,830 $46,800. salari newspap deliveri man; paper deliveri jobs; salari paper carrier; salari paperboy; make newspaper..."} {"id": "3725", "contents": "averag deliveri driver salaries. averag salari deliveri driver job $34,000. averag deliveri driver salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term deliveri driver anywher job listing."} {"id": "3726", "contents": "chart outlin averag annual salari newspap deliveri driver past years. 2015 averag annual salari $16714 2007 $15500.27. averag bonu record $550 peopl year experience. highest pay state newspap deliveri driver. number base median annual salari 2015."} {"id": "3727", "contents": "bonus newspap deliveri driver base year experi use statist u.s. 2015. averag bonu record $0 peopl 15+ year experience. averag bonu record $550 peopl year experience. highest pay state newspap deliveri driver. number base median annual salari 2015."} {"id": "3728", "contents": "salary. 2012, half courier earn less $12.23 hour, accord bureau labor statistics. specif deliv newspap made less this, earn median wage $11.48 hour. newspap deliveri isn\u2019t necessarili 40-hour-per-week job. peopl think newspap delivery, pictur kid bike balanc larg canva bag atop shoulder often come mind. day pretti much gone. newspap courier often start day one morn -- it\u2019 paper deliv doors."} {"id": "3729", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu bacteri infect resist antibiot methicillin. staphylococcu aureus, sometim refer simpli staph, staph common bacterium found skin healthi people. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu produc symptom differ type staphylococcu aureu bacteria. skin appear red, swollen, inflam around wound sites."} {"id": "3730", "contents": "standard precautions. standard precaut control spread mrsa instances. hand hygien perform hand hygien touch blood, bodi fluids, secretions, excretions, contamin items, whether glove worn. assist decis make patient placement variou type healthcar facil see page 84 guidelin isol precautions: prevent transmiss infecti agent healthcar set 2007 pdf (3.80 mb 225 pages)."} {"id": "3731", "contents": "stop spread mrsa hands!6 seriou staph infection? infect treat penicillin penicillin type antibiotics.antibiot methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin effect treat staph infections. stop spread mrsa hands!12 know patient concern told staph infection. physician determin type infect infect respond penicillin famili"} {"id": "3732", "contents": "organism. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) bacteri infect highli resist certain antibiot call beta-lactams. antibiot includ methicillin common antibiot oxacillin, penicillin, amoxicillin. popul suscept mrsa colonization, includ intraven drug users, person dermatolog diseases, diabetes, person renal dialysis. see epic mrsa fyi alert screen patient' chart, pleas make sure patient contact precautions."} {"id": "3733", "contents": "transmission-bas precautions. three type transmission-bas precautions: contact precaut (for diseas spread direct indirect contact), droplet precaut (for diseas spread larg particl air), airborn precaut (for diseas spread small particl air)."} {"id": "3734", "contents": "cohort patient mrsa possible, place mrsa patient room patient low risk acquisit mrsa associ advers outcom infect like short length stay. assist decis make patient placement variou type healthcar facil see page 84 guidelin isol precautions: prevent transmiss infecti agent healthcar set 2007 pdf (3.80 mb 225 pages)."} {"id": "3735", "contents": "staphylococcu (staff-ih-low-kock-us) aureu (are-ee-us) type bacteria, germ. bacteria often call \u201cstaph.\u201d staph bacteria live nose skin. peopl bacteria. cases, staph bacteria caus infection. people, staph caus seriou infect pneumonia, wound infections, blood infections. methicillin (meth-ih-sill-in) antibiot often use treat staph infections. staph \u201cmethicillin resistant,\u201d antibiot cannot kill bacteria. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu bacteria call \u201cmrsa\u201d short"} {"id": "3736", "contents": "anibio given kill staph germ caus infecions. staph resistant, mean cannot kill anibioics. \u201cmethicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus\u201d \u201cmrsa\u201d type staph resist anibio oten use treat staph infecions. help prevent mrsa. hospital. \u2022. make sure doctors, nurses, and. healthcar provid clean their. hand soap water alcohol-. base hand rub ater care for. you."} {"id": "3737", "contents": "follow recommend prevent vre mrsa hospit may adapt use non-hospit healthcar facilities: obtain stool cultur rectal swab cultur roommat patient newli found infect colon vre, nasal swab mrsa. assist decis make patient placement variou type healthcar facil see page 84 guidelin isol precautions: prevent transmiss infecti agent healthcar set 2007 pdf (3.80 mb 225 pages)."} {"id": "3738", "contents": "locat larg vein right (again, specimen' right) aorta. posterior vena cava. vessel form confluenc common iliac veins. common iliac vein turn form union extern intern iliac veins. extern iliac vein proxim continu femor vein drain hindleg. brachiocephal vein form confluenc intern extern jugular veins. extern jugular vein drain superfici part head, part neck, shoulder arm. intern jugular vein drain deeper part head brain."} {"id": "3739", "contents": "intern iliac vein start upper region greater sciatic foramen, larg gap bone pelvi side sacrum. continu behind intern iliac arteri reach pelvis. meet extern iliac vein, togeth becom common iliac vein. eventu vein flow inferior vena cava, largest vein human body. vein drain blood away reproductive, urinary, digest organs. intern iliac vein branch part sever venou plexuses, interconnect network veins."} {"id": "3740", "contents": "intern iliac vein. intern iliac vein come deep pelvic region rise lower portion abdomen, join right left extern iliac vein form common iliac veins. these, turn, merg produc inferior vena cava level fifth lumbar vertebra. vein mani interconnect ... click read below. intern iliac vein come deep pelvic region rise lower portion abdomen, join right left extern iliac vein form common iliac veins."} {"id": "3741", "contents": "vein accompani common iliac artery; form union extern intern iliac veins, end merg opposit common iliac vein form inferior vena cava. continu femor vein proxim inguin ligament; accompani extern iliac artery, join intern iliac vein form common iliac vein. tributari extern iliac vein includ inferior epigastric, deep circumflex iliac, pubic veins."} {"id": "3742", "contents": "vein accompani intern iliac artery; merg extern iliac vein form common iliac vein. tributari intern iliac vein includ gluteal, intern pudendal, obturator, later sacral, anterior sacral, middl rectal, vesical, uterine, vagin veins. continu femor vein proxim inguin ligament; accompani extern iliac artery, join intern iliac vein form common iliac vein. tributari extern iliac vein includ inferior epigastric, deep circumflex iliac, pubic veins."} {"id": "3743", "contents": "function common iliac vein drain inferior vena cava. common iliac vein form abdomen connect intern extern iliac vein. bozidar. 42,785 contributions."} {"id": "3744", "contents": "human anatomy, iliac vein refer sever anatom structur locat pelvi common iliac vein, form extern intern iliac veins, drain inferior vena cava. deep circumflex iliac vein, form union vena comitant deep iliac circumflex artery, join extern iliac vein. extern iliac vein, termin common iliac vein, drain femor vein. intern iliac vein, termin common iliac vein, drain pelvic organ perineum."} {"id": "3745", "contents": "common iliac vein, form extern intern iliac veins, drain inferior vena cava. deep circumflex iliac vein, form union vena comitant deep iliac circumflex artery, join extern iliac vein. deep circumflex iliac vein, form union vena comitant deep iliac circumflex artery, join extern iliac vein. extern iliac vein, termin common iliac vein, drain femor vein. intern iliac vein, termin common iliac vein, drain pelvic organ perineum."} {"id": "3746", "contents": "combin remain ingredi small bowl make jerki marinade. add prepar flank steak marinade. refriger marin flank steak 24 hours. drain flank steak, lay tray food dehydr dri thoroughly, 4-6 hours."} {"id": "3747", "contents": "pound meat lightly, want thin. add ingredi larg bowl. mix well. cover refriger overnight (8 hrs). line cooki sheet tin foil. place steak strip sheets, overlap meat. set oven lowest temperature. 150-175\u00b0f)."} {"id": "3748", "contents": "prep. cook. readi in. place beef strip bottom larg bowl. pour soy sauce, worcestershir sauce, liquid smoke, brown sugar, salt, pepper, meat tenderizer, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika beef. mix assur meat evenli coated. cover marin refriger hour overnight."} {"id": "3749", "contents": "directions. trim flank steak excess fat, place zip-top bag, place freezer hour order firm up. remov steak freezer thinli slice meat grain, long strips. place strip meat along remain ingredi large, 1-gallon plastic zip-top bag move around evenli distribut ingredients. place bag refriger hours. remov meat brine pat dry."} {"id": "3750", "contents": "re: fabric steel per ton. estim northern-midwest steel fabric year ago. time, fabric delivered, pre-bid price per ton $1200 $1500 per ton structural. $1500 $2500 miscellan steel."} {"id": "3751", "contents": "structur steel price per ton. 1), compli gb, astm,....iso9000; 2), exquisit surface; 3), steadi structure; 4), low cost, high benefit. 5), excel design team. 6), strict qualiti control. 7), manufactur accord intern standard."} {"id": "3752", "contents": "re: cost structur steel. current price structur steel approx $0.75/lb cnd $0.63/lb usd. last year price were: $0.50/lb cnd $0.41/lb usd. best bet call supplier get price."} {"id": "3753", "contents": "specifications. structur steel price per ton. allow pictur construct process, product process, part building, certificate, produc workshop introduct design, production, package, load installment."} {"id": "3754", "contents": "metal fabric costs. good rule thumb cost metal fabric three time cost steel itself. one ton steel cost $400. fabric one coat primer appli would cost approxim $1,200-$1,500 per ton structur steel. look metals, perhap sheet metal fabric variou designs, price go high $2,500 per ton. figur rough guide."} {"id": "3755", "contents": "re: fabric steel per ton. oklahoma area, structur steel cost $3000 $4000 per ton erect low rise build depend complex course."} {"id": "3756", "contents": "histolog diagnosi uip base tempor spacial heterogeneity, identif fibrot lesion differ stage (fibroblast infiltrates, matur fibrosis, honeycombing) within biopsi specimen 1."} {"id": "3757", "contents": "usual interstiti pneumonia (uip) also known \u2018fibros alveolitis\u2019, rel common form \u2018interstiti lung disease\u2019."} {"id": "3758", "contents": "disorders, two entiti provok discuss debat idiopath pulmonari fibrosi (ipf; current defin usual interstiti pneumonia (uip) pattern pathology) non\u2010specif interstiti pneumonia (nsip). two key reason this."} {"id": "3759", "contents": "usual interstiti pneumonia (uip) refer morpholog pattern interstiti lung disease."} {"id": "3760", "contents": "usual interstiti pneumonia (uip) form lung diseas character progress scar lungs. scar (fibrosis) involv support framework (interstitium) lung. uip thu classifi form interstiti lung disease. term usual refer fact uip common form interstiti fibrosis. pneumonia indic lung abnormality, includ fibrosi inflammation."} {"id": "3761", "contents": "first thing know consid arpita baby' name countri world name arpita girl name. name arpita sanskrit origin, use mostli hindi speak countri also countri languag world. pronunciation: (ar pih tah). form of: (arpita). mean name \u201carpita\u201d is: \u201coffered; entrusted\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "3762", "contents": "mean indian name: arpita. mean name arpita 'dedicated'. arpita name hindu indian origin, commonli use females. name number arpita '2'. click get numerolog analysi name 'arpita'. mean name arpita 'dedicated'. arpita name hindu indian origin, commonli use females. name number arpita '2'"} {"id": "3763", "contents": "last year name rank one top 1000 popular name within gender. keep mind popular name is. child may feel fit popular name. hand, may feel special name less popular uniqu own. see go ways, keep point mind examin differ possibilities. follow diagram below. fun, see name arpita hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, arpita nautic flag page."} {"id": "3764", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean arpita name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name arpita check initi name last name discov look sounds. pronunciation: (ar pih tah). form of: (arpita). mean name \u201carpita\u201d is: \u201coffered; entrusted\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "3765", "contents": "popular name arpita. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name arpita popular countri world. pronunciation: (ar pih tah). form of: (arpita). mean name \u201carpita\u201d is: \u201coffered; entrusted\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "3766", "contents": "arpita gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ar-pi-ta. u.s. 2014, rank 14680 babi name popular girl occurrences. follow diagram below. fun, see name arpita hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, arpita nautic flag page."} {"id": "3767", "contents": "name arpita gener mean dedicate, indian origin, name arpita feminin (or girl) name. name share across persons, either jain hindu religion. name arpita belong rashi mesh (aries) domin planet mar (mangal) nakshatra (stars) krithika. find qualiti ari (mesh) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone arpita find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat mesh (aries) zodiac signs. similar sound names: aarpit."} {"id": "3768", "contents": "indian name. indian, name arpita means-offerings.th name arpita origin indian name. name arpita often use boy name male name. indian name meaning-offerings. origin-india."} {"id": "3769", "contents": "mean arpita \u201coffered; entrusted\u201d. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. pronunciation: (ar pih tah). form of: (arpita). mean name \u201carpita\u201d is: \u201coffered; entrusted\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "3770", "contents": "syphili bacteri sti caus bacteria treponema pallidum. gener rare sti, caus seriou perman damag bodi cured. rare cases, particularli treatment available, syphili infect caus death. syphili cure antibiotics. remember, person reacquir syphili infection, partner(s) also tested. impact treated. untreat syphili caus potenti life-threaten complications, perman damag brain, heart, bones, blood vessels."} {"id": "3771", "contents": "depend disease, std spread type sexual activity. std often caus virus bacteria. follow list common stds, causes. additionally, infect (see std asterisk mark*) may transmit occas sexual activity, typic consid std mani investigators:"} {"id": "3772", "contents": "sexual transmiss infect bacteri (like gonorrhea chlamydia), viral (such hiv, hepat b, warts, molluscum), protozo (like trichomoniasis). sti bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungus. swap bodili fluids. std caus bacteria, viruses, protozoa. granuloma inguinale. std caus transmiss infecti materi via sexual contact."} {"id": "3773", "contents": "bacteri stis-stds. bacteri sti caus bacteria pass person-to-person sexual activity. three infect category: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. syphili cure antibiotics. remember, person reacquir syphili infection, partner(s) also tested. impact treated. untreat syphili caus potenti life-threaten complications, perman damag brain, heart, bones, blood vessels."} {"id": "3774", "contents": "chlamydia diseas caus bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. commonli sexual transmitted. chlamydia infect penis, vagina, cervix, anus, urethra, eye, throat. chlamydia symptoms, test treatment. chlamydia in-depth. chlamydia blog. pictur chlamydia. bacteri std curabl treatment antibiotics. curable, is, long see health-car provider, get test treated, follow medication, avoid sexual contact cured, make sure sexual partner(s) get test treatment well."} {"id": "3775", "contents": "gonorrhea sexual transmit diseas (std) infect men women. caus infect genitals, rectum, throat. common infection, especi among young peopl age 15-24 years."} {"id": "3776", "contents": "std caus transmiss infecti materi via sexual contact. sexual transmiss infect bacteri (like gonorrhea chlamydia), viral (such hiv, hepat b, warts, molluscum), protozo (like trichomoniasis). sti bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungus. granuloma inguinale. std caus transmiss infecti materi via sexual contact."} {"id": "3777", "contents": "std chlamydia. definition: chlamydia sexual transmit diseas caus bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. famili chlamydia virus three member normal affect human beings, c. trachomati produc genit infections. particular bacteri std diseas caus inflamm urethra, cervix, fallopian tubes, rectum pharnyx (throat) women, urethra, prostate, rectum pharnyx men. std oral version genit version; obvious oral version one caus throat inflamm"} {"id": "3778", "contents": "sexual transmit infect (sti) infection, enter bacterium, virus, parasit human bodi (host). symptom appear call sexual transmit diseas (std) person may symptom sti, person std can't (std symptoms)."} {"id": "3779", "contents": "1/4 teaspoon cream tartar. **if use white need sit minut fork mixtur togeth hot water, beat begin foam. follow rest directions. larg bowl use electr mixer, beat egg white medium add extract cream tartar. add sugar substitut egg white gradual (a tablespoon time) beating; turn high power beat stiff peaks."} {"id": "3780", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: make meringu pie meringu cooki time stevia! stevia blends, like truvia, time sweet sugar, recip call cup sugar, use scant 1/4 cup stevia. let us know tastes! tanya kirkland steviasmart.com."} {"id": "3781", "contents": "beat foamy. add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet. bake 18-20 minutes. variations: fold 1-2 tbsp cocoa vanilla. add differ extract instead/along vanilla. directions. preheat oven 300 degrees. spray cooki sheet; set aside. combin egg whites, cream tartar, salt clean bowl. beat foamy. add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet."} {"id": "3782", "contents": "(i use xylitol powder swanson.com made birch tree corn carb splenda add carb per tsp.-you also use truvia product made stevia carbs). tablespoon white 1/2 cup warm water. (the meringu cooki recip label). larg bowl use electr mixer, beat egg white medium add extract cream tartar. add sugar substitut egg white gradual (a tablespoon time) beating; turn high power beat stiff peaks."} {"id": "3783", "contents": "beat egg white cream tartar medium speed foamy. add sugar truvia\u00ae natur sweeten beat high speed glossi stiff peak form. add thicken starch gel one tablespoon time, mix low. add vanilla salt. remov heat. whisk egg egg white togeth lemon zest truvia\u00ae natur sweeten medium bowl. add sever tablespoon hot fill egg mixtur stir. pour egg mixtur hot fill return heat. cook low heat minute, stir constantli"} {"id": "3784", "contents": "clean glass metal bowl, combin egg whites, erythritol, vanilla, cream tartar salt. beat medium high medium stiff peak form mixtur becom somewhat glossy. beat stiff. spoon pipe mixtur 20 24 larg meringues. low carb meringu conquered! not, turn out, me. one lovely, faith reader taken upon perfect low carb meringu made erythritol want share success you. shannon save heap effort time work this, tell you."} {"id": "3785", "contents": "spray cooki sheet; set aside. combin egg whites, cream tartar, salt clean bowl. beat foamy. add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet. bake 18-20 minutes. variations: fold 1-2 tbsp cocoa vanilla. directions. preheat oven 300 degrees. spray cooki sheet; set aside. combin egg whites, cream tartar, salt clean bowl. beat foamy. add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet."} {"id": "3786", "contents": "add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet. bake 18-20 minutes. variations: fold 1-2 tbsp cocoa vanilla. directions. preheat oven 300 degrees. spray cooki sheet; set aside. combin egg whites, cream tartar, salt clean bowl. beat foamy. add splenda littl time egg white stiff glossy. fold vanilla. spoon meringu cooki sheet."} {"id": "3787", "contents": "put egg whites, vanilla salt larg metal bowl. beat electr mixer medium speed foamy. gradual beat truvia. increas speed high beat mixtur thick. may take 10 minutes."} {"id": "3788", "contents": "parkinson\u2019 disease, depression, psychosis, epilepsi medic may trigger hallucin symptoms. condit caus hallucin include: termin illnesses, aids, brain cancer, kidney liver failure. high fevers, especi children elderly."} {"id": "3789", "contents": "32 condit associ anxiety, depress mood, flashback hallucinations. link provid detail inform medic condit webmd symptom checker help provid better understand caus treatment relat conditions."} {"id": "3790", "contents": "anxieti creat hallucinations. intens anxieti caus fear, symptom creat fear. mani ways, intens anxieti caus feel go crazy-a though lose touch reality. sometim noth feel thought. time caus addit anxieti symptom resembl true psychosis. one symptom hallucinations. rare someon anxieti truli hallucinate, rare intens anxieti variou type mild hallucin caus addit fear mental stability."} {"id": "3791", "contents": "chronic stress may lead psychot symptom (hallucinations, delusions), either context post-traumat stress disord depression. conditions, psychosi present, abnorm hypothalamic-pituitary-adren (hpa) stress axis."} {"id": "3792", "contents": "schizophrenia group disorders. posit psychot symptom hallucin delusions; neg symptom appar lack emot (flat affect) motiv passivity); cognit impair problem work short-term memory."} {"id": "3793", "contents": "patient schizophrenia, death parent love one, chang therapist, move one apart another; event trigger acut anxiety, depress psychot episodes, may lead hospitalization."} {"id": "3794", "contents": "best answer: stress caus hallucinations, bad breath, ulcers, sleep disorders, pain hundr physic symptoms. much stress may time consult professional."} {"id": "3795", "contents": "first all, return excess interstiti fluid blood. fluid leav capillary, 90 percent returned. 10 percent return becom part interstiti fluid surround tissu cells. lymph node small bean-shap structur usual less 2.5 cm length. wide distribut throughout bodi along lymphat pathway filter lymph return blood. lymph node present central nervou system."} {"id": "3796", "contents": "structur lymphat system. vessel organ lymphat system extens found throughout body. lymph. lymph fluid absorb lymphat system interstiti spaces. clear wateri substanc contain constitu similar blood. lymphat vessel connect subclavian veins, part blood circulatori system connect heart. key function transport excess tissu fluid interstiti space throughout bodi back blood stream."} {"id": "3797", "contents": "right lymphat duct drain lymph upper right quadrant body. thorac duct drain rest. like veins, lymphat tributari thin wall valv prevent backflow blood. pump lymphat system like heart cardiovascular system. pressur gradient move lymph vessel come skelet muscl action, respiratori movement, contract smooth muscl vessel walls. lymph node small bean-shap structur usual less 2.5 cm length. wide distribut throughout bodi along lymphat pathway filter lymph return blood. lymph node present central nervou system."} {"id": "3798", "contents": "lymphat system consist fluid (lymph), vessel transport lymph, organ contain lymphoid tissue."} {"id": "3799", "contents": "fluid becom interstiti fluid surround cells. lymph vessel collect filter fluid direct toward blood vessel near heart. lymph re-ent blood circulation. return lymph blood help maintain normal blood volum pressure. also prevent edema, excess accumul fluid around tissues. larg lymphat vessel compos three layers. fluid enter lymph capillaries, call lymph. lymph capillari found area bodi except central nervou system, bone marrow, non-vascular tissue. lymphat capillari join form lymphat vessels. lymphat vessel transport lymph lymph nodes."} {"id": "3800", "contents": "lymphat system heart creat pressur caus fluid move. contract skelet muscl squeez lymphat vessel push lymph fluid along. like veins, larger lymphat vessel valv prevent lymph flow revers direction. circulatori system respons transport nutrient oxygen cell blood vessels. smallest vessel capillaries. capillari blood pressur forc plasma tissu fluid surround cell given area."} {"id": "3801", "contents": "lymphat system play vital role proper function body. one major role organ system drain excess fluid surround tissu organ return blood. return lymph blood help maintain normal blood volum pressure. also prevent edema, excess accumul fluid around tissues. spleen largest organ lymphat system. primari function filter blood damag cells, cellular debris, pathogens. like thymus, spleen hous aid matur lymphocytes. lymphocyt destroy pathogen dead cell"} {"id": "3802", "contents": "introduct lymphat system. lymphat system three primari functions. first all, return excess interstiti fluid blood. fluid leav capillary, 90 percent returned. 10 percent return becom part interstiti fluid surround tissu cells."} {"id": "3803", "contents": "smallest lymphat vessel lymph capillaries, begin tissu space blind-end sacs. lymph capillari found region bodi except bone marrow, central nervou system, tissues, epidermis, lack blood vessels. lymph node small bean-shap structur usual less 2.5 cm length. wide distribut throughout bodi along lymphat pathway filter lymph return blood. lymph node present central nervou system."} {"id": "3804", "contents": "eat peach kernel (i prefer call seed nuts) make wonder sens me. daili diet worldwid includ nuts, mani common spices/food seed (cumin, anise, coriander, etc.). also, medicin made part tree (roots, bark, leaves, fruit, seeds). they\u2019r talk pure cyanide, amygdalin, all. thing use anti-canc medic (doesn\u2019t work, btw) higher amounts, studi found side-effect take 500mg three time day. would 1.7kg peach\u2019 seed per day. realistic."} {"id": "3805", "contents": "peach kernel harvest medicin properties. apricots, peach kernel warrant safeguard recommend avoid poor qualiti potenti exposur high-tox vulner use. commonly, vitamin supplement contain apricot kernel promot healthi blood flow prevent occasion irregularity. additionally, peach kernel thought reliev symptom associ femal complaint uterin fibroids, heavi bleeding, bloating, irregular menstrual cycl fatigue. peach' skin smooth, indistinct texture. peach characterist yellow-orang hue pit also call kernel. apricot kernel press base oil, substanc appli skincar product foods."} {"id": "3806", "contents": "apricot featur rich golden color firm, polished, modest-s fruit. apricot seed kernel core. peach' skin smooth, indistinct texture. peach characterist yellow-orang hue pit also call kernel. apricot kernel press base oil, substanc appli skincar product foods."} {"id": "3807", "contents": "peach kernel import herb use menstrual pain disorders, traumat injuri bruis pain, abdomin pain, abdomin masses. often combin safflow herbal formul pain menstruation. dri peach kernel sold dri powder. crush herb need boil water take orally. usual use part formula combin herbs."} {"id": "3808", "contents": "semen persicae. origin: peach kernel ripe seed fruit tree prunu persica (l.) batsch, prunu davidiana (carr.), rose famili (rosaceae), grown throughout warmer temper region northern southern hemispheres."} {"id": "3809", "contents": "ripe peach picked, fruit stone taken broken get kernel, dri sunlight. kernel broken using, though broken small piec used. dri peach kernel sold dri powder. crush herb need boil water take orally. usual use part formula combin herbs."} {"id": "3810", "contents": "date published: 2013-06-07. apricot peach kernel view one repres type ingredi usual found diet skincar products. sources. apricot peach kernel usual found warmer climates, also less temper one although times, lead seri condit maintain order help plant rais live throughout year."} {"id": "3811", "contents": "apricot kernel overview information. apricot kernel inner part seed apricot fruit. kernel use produc oil chemic use medicin purposes. despit seriou safeti concerns, apricot kernel use treat cancer. taken mouth given injection."} {"id": "3812", "contents": "prepar peach seed scrub peach pit soft brush clear water. peach ripe pit split open, reveal actual seed inside. remov outer hard coat plant seed kernel. handl seed care."} {"id": "3813", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. deriv pit peach, peach kernel util variou medicin cosmet applications. use herbal supplement, care taken use peach kernel. excess use induc side effect lead complications. peach pit prepar decoction, use reliev constipation. peach kernel often use facial massag oils. combin rhubarb, peach kernel use treatment acut appendicitis. peaches. peopl experi headach discontinu use peach kernels."} {"id": "3814", "contents": "tran fat list label, make easier identifi foods. however, least 0.5 gram tran fat food, label claim grams. want avoid much tran fat possible, must read ingredi list food labels. careful! nut oil high calories, like fats. tri lose maintain weight, want eat small portion foods. example, almond pecan halv number calori teaspoon oil butter."} {"id": "3815", "contents": "veget shortenings, margarines, crackers, cookies, snack foods, food made fri partial hydrogen oils. unlik fats, major tran fat form liquid oil made solid fat like shorten hard margarine. however, small amount tran fat found naturally, primarili animal-bas foods. essentially, tran fat made hydrogen ad veget oil -- process call hydrogenation. hydrogen increas shelf life flavor stabil food contain fats."} {"id": "3816", "contents": "fat found food plant anim known dietari fat. dietari fat macronutri provid energi body. fat essenti health support number body' functions. vitamins, instance, must fat dissolv nourish body. polyunsatur fat. type fat found mostli plant-bas food oils. evid show eat food rich polyunsatur fat (pufas) improv blood cholesterol levels, decreas risk heart disease. pufa may also help decreas risk type diabetes. omega-3 fatti acids."} {"id": "3817", "contents": "balanc meals. one exampl meal correct percentag lipid turkey sandwich made two slice turkey, bread cheese, plu apple. turkey 1/2 gram fat, bread gram fat, chees gram fat appl 0.3 gram fat. need fat, lipids, diet help bodi absorb fat-solubl vitamin miner vitamin a. lipid also play role help maintain strong cell wall effici nervou system."} {"id": "3818", "contents": "fats, includ healthi ones, high calories. consum mufa-rich pufa-rich food instead fatti foods, addit them. tip help make fat diet: use nutrit fact label select foods."} {"id": "3819", "contents": "tran fats, trans-unsatur fatti acids, tran fatti acids, type unsatur fat uncommon natur becam commonli produc industri veget fat use margarine, snack food, packag bake good fri fast food start 1950s. tran fat abund fast food restaurants. consum greater quantiti peopl access diet consist fewer hydrogen fats, often consum fast food. diet high tran fat contribut obesity, high blood pressure, greater risk heart disease."} {"id": "3820", "contents": "monounsatur fat. type fat found varieti food oils. studi show eat food rich monounsatur fat (mufas) improv blood cholesterol levels, decreas risk heart disease. polyunsatur fat. type fat found mostli plant-bas food oils. evid show eat food rich polyunsatur fat (pufas) improv blood cholesterol levels, decreas risk heart disease. pufa may also help decreas risk type diabetes. omega-3 fatti acids."} {"id": "3821", "contents": "food lipid princip triacylglycerides, phospholipid sterol found natur biolog materi consum food ad function ingredi mani process foods. presenc fat significantli enhanc organolept percept foods, partli explain strong prefer market advantag fat-rich foods. class, lipid contribut mani desir qualiti foods, includ attribut texture, structure, mouthfeel, flavor color."} {"id": "3822", "contents": "fat contain long hydrocarbon chains, either unsaturated, i.e. doubl bonds, saturated, i.e. doubl bonds. nature, unsatur fatti acid gener ci oppos tran configurations. tran fat abund fast food restaurants. consum greater quantiti peopl access diet consist fewer hydrogen fats, often consum fast food. diet high tran fat contribut obesity, high blood pressure, greater risk heart disease."} {"id": "3823", "contents": "vogel convinc johnson' argument decid establish navajo code programm camp pendleton oceanside, california. may 1942 first 29 navajo code talker recruited. next month 450 frequent use militari term given navajo equivalents. example, dah-he-tih-hi navajo word hummingbird. code dah-he-tih-hi becam word fighter plane."} {"id": "3824", "contents": "navajo indian tribe close relat apach tribes. navajo indian tribe current locat arizona, new mexico, utah, colorado. tribe still current live tradit territori today. today capit navajo nation locat window rock arizona. navajo indian largest feder recogn nativ american indian tribe unit states. reserv spread four corner arizona, new mexico, utah colorado. navajo use name dine refer term navajo languag mean people. first navajo indian live western part canada littl thousand year ago. belong american indian group call athapaskan"} {"id": "3825", "contents": "one expert express it, classic navajo serap finest equal delicaci sophist pre-mechan loom-woven textil world.. navajo textil origin utilitarian blanket use cloaks, dresses, saddl blankets, similar purposes. toward end 19th century, weaver began make rug tourism export. typic navajo textil strong geometr pattern"} {"id": "3826", "contents": "navajo navaho (navajo: dine din\u00e9 or) naabeeho naabeeh\u00f3 nativ american peopl southwestern. unit state largest feder recogn tribe unit 300,048 300048 enrol tribal member as. 2011 contact pueblo spanish, navajo larg hunter gatherers. tribe adopt crop farm techniqu pueblo peoples, grow mainli corn, beans, squash."} {"id": "3827", "contents": "navajo territori becam part mexico unit states, civil war step taken stop navajo raids. u.s. govern sent gener kit carson, join sever spanish, ute, pueblo troop him. navajo languag one complex languag world. fact, unit state use code world war ii. never crack german japanese, though code crack twice america."} {"id": "3828", "contents": "navajo code talker iwo jima, major howard connor, 5th marin divis signal officer, declared, navajos, marin would never taken iwo jima.. connor six navajo code talker work around clock first two day battle. six sent receiv 800 messages, without error. may 1942, first 29 navajo recruit attend boot camp. then, camp pendleton, oceanside, california, first group creat navajo code. introduction. navajo nation extend state utah, arizona new mexico, cover 27,000 squar mile unparallel beauty. din bik yah, navajoland, larger 10 50 state america."} {"id": "3829", "contents": "time reservation, navajo tribe forc acclim white society. navajo children sent board school within reserv reservation. first bureau indian affair (bia) school open fort defianc led way eight other established. contact pueblo spanish, navajo larg hunter gatherers. tribe adopt crop farm techniqu pueblo peoples, grow mainli corn, beans, squash."} {"id": "3830", "contents": "origin spiritu heal ceremoni part navajo mythology. said first enemi way ceremoni perform chang woman' twin son (monster slayer born-for-the-water) slay giant (the ye'y\u00e9) ii restor hozh\u01eb\u0301 h\u00f3zh\u01eb\u0301 world. peopl contact pueblo spanish, navajo larg hunter gatherers. tribe adopt crop farm techniqu pueblo peoples, grow mainli corn, beans, squash."} {"id": "3831", "contents": "haemoglobin test take sampl blood normal level follows:male: 13.8 17.2 gm/dlfemale: 12.1 15.1 gm/dlchildren: 11 16 gm/dlpregnant women:11 12 gm/dlwhere gm/dl grams/decilitre."} {"id": "3832", "contents": "low hemoglobin count gener defin less 13.5 gram hemoglobin per decilit (135 gram per liter) blood men less 12 gram per decilit (120 gram per liter) women. children, definit vari age sex."} {"id": "3833", "contents": "normal level hemoglobin blood vari male female. male rang 13.8 17.2 gm/dl femal rang 12.1 15.1 gm/dl.low level hemoglobin-ther mani reason reduct hemoglobin blood."} {"id": "3834", "contents": "normal rang hemoglobin is: men, 13.5 17.5 gram per deciliter. women, 12.0 15"} {"id": "3835", "contents": "normal hemoglobin level differ women men. non-pregn women, normal hemoglobin rang 120 g/l 160 g/l. men, normal hemoglobin level rang 140 g/l 180 g/l. canadian blood servic test donor\u2019 hemoglobin clinic requir minimum 125 g/l donation."} {"id": "3836", "contents": "low hemoglobin mean person' hemoglobin level measured, lowest limit normal age sex (see normal rang values). example, 19 year old male would low hemoglobin detect blood valu 13.6 g/dl."} {"id": "3837", "contents": "hemoglobin level children. children need optim oxygen normal growth development. accord world health organization, normal hemoglobin level children age month year 11 g/dl. normal level children age 12 year 11.5 g/dl. normal level adolesc age 12 15 12.0 g/dl."} {"id": "3838", "contents": "hemoglobin level express amount hemoglobin gram (gm) per decilit (dl) whole blood, decilit 100 milliliters. normal rang hemoglobin depend age and, begin adolescence, gender person."} {"id": "3839", "contents": "pleas tri later. egg bind unfortun common situat reptil avian patients, egg bind multifactori diseas progress rapidli might kill bound female. reason femal unabl pass egg formed."} {"id": "3840", "contents": "farming, avicultur anim husbandry, term egg bind refer medic condit bird egg-lay animals, femal unabl pass egg formed. egg may stuck near cloaca, inside. egg bind reason common, potenti serious, condit lead infect damag intern tissue. bound egg may gentli massag out; fail may becom necessari break egg situ remov parts."} {"id": "3841", "contents": "caus dystocia, common caus egg bind pet box turtl good spot lay eggs. may simpli tri hold onto egg find suitabl spot. also lay infertil egg time. femal box turtl act strangely, could troubl lay eggs. call egg bind or, formally, dystocia. dystocia fairli common reptil mani reason happen."} {"id": "3842", "contents": "(mi turtl success laid egg mix). temperatur gradient 72 88 degre fahrenheit day, even temp 70 72 degre night. nest mix cover thin layer cypress mulch."} {"id": "3843", "contents": "inact reptil may abl exert substanti muscular effort need lay egg pass young.. dystocia (difficult birth egg binding) happen femal reptil unabl pass egg fetus. reason common problem reptil life threatening. problem seen snakes, turtl lizards. caus varieti factors."} {"id": "3844", "contents": "egg bind actual occur quit frequent turtl fatal effects. egg bind occur femal egg readi lay bodi actual releas them. one primari caus egg bind femal turtl actual unabl lay eggs. occur reason develop overs eggs. case egg larg pass pelvic bone. occasion femal turtl sustain injuri pelvic bone"} {"id": "3845", "contents": "lay eggs, might lay egg water retain them, would caus egg binding. turtl laid one two egg water, still need provid nest area. like entir clutch laid still gravid. egg binding, egg retent dystocia occur egg abnorm held within body. egg decay, deterior becom calcifi"} {"id": "3846", "contents": "egg-bind occur femal cannot pass matur egg form reproduct system. one survey found occur approxim 10% reptil population. report often snake turtles, less lizards. email article. egg-binding, also refer dystocia ,' 'egg retention,' 'post-ovulatori stasis' common mani reptil species, includ iguanas, snakes, turtles. mani case prevent good nutrit husbandri"} {"id": "3847", "contents": "vitamin also stimul product collagen skin. collagen protein respons make skin supple. wish retain smooth youth skin vitamin help. fruit good sourc vitamin tri make fruit stapl addit everyday diet. good sourc vitamin includ eggs, leafi greens, milk, carrots, pumpkins, liver more. 2. vitamin e. vitamin perhap well-known vitamin essenti healthi skin."} {"id": "3848", "contents": "vitamin a-retinoids, deriv vitamin a, use treat acn skin disorders. retinoid prescrib dermatologist topic orally. common type retinoid use oral treatment acn isotretinoin. omega-3 fatti acids-omega-3 fatti acid fish oil, chromium, zinc, selenium nutrient may anti-acn mood regul properti accord acn studi conduct laski skin clinic 2008."} {"id": "3849", "contents": "wish keep lines, wrinkles, dull skin skin age symptom bay vitamin may great help. good sourc vitamin includ eggs, leafi greens, milk, carrots, pumpkins, liver more. 2. vitamin e. vitamin perhap well-known vitamin essenti healthi skin. vitamin effect antioxid help fight free radic body. free radic caus number factor smoking, pollut sun exposur"} {"id": "3850", "contents": "high-qual liquid multivitamin good sourc vitamin a, well vitamin help prevent acne. good vitamin complex help maintain healthi skin tone. vitamin also help reliev anxieti stress, stress major factor trigger acne. also essenti healthi skin, hair nails. acn one symptom riboflavin deficiency. dosag vitamin b2 recommend fight acn 100 mg, time daily. may find dose also help migrain headaches."} {"id": "3851", "contents": "probiot omega-3 fatti acid also theoriz help promot healthier skin. probiot might favor affect cell signal decreas harm bacteria. omega-3 fatti acid may inhibit growth certain bacteria associ acne. vitamins, miner nutrients. spoon vitamin pill front fruit. photo credit czekma13/istock/getti images. june 2014 report cutan ocular toxicolog found peopl sever acn also lowest level vitamin zinc blood."} {"id": "3852", "contents": "vitamin acne. vitamin compound synthes adequ amount bodi even though essenti small amounts. vitamins, vitamin fit perfectli definit sinc made suffici amount skin follow exposur sunlight."} {"id": "3853", "contents": "vitamin a, use acn treatments, help stimul growth new skin cells. vitamin variou form common treatment acne. accutane, retin-a, differin actual \u201cturbo charged\u201d synthet form vitamin use stimul rapid growth skin. form vitamin don\u2019t requir doctor\u2019 prescript also help fight acn"} {"id": "3854", "contents": "vitamin acne. best plant sourc vitamin caroten veget fruit like spinach, broccoli, amaranth, carrots, mango, pumpkin, apricots, papaya, yam etc. best anim sourc vitamin retinol kidney, liver, egg yolk, butter, milk, cheese, fish liver oil etc. vitamin function improv skin\u2019 protect tissu stop acn format decreas sebum creation. vitamin also import mainten repair skin tissue. it\u2019 power antioxid assist rid bodi harm toxins. mani prescript drug base type vitamin a."} {"id": "3855", "contents": "vitamin pill know vitamin oil good put top skin clear scars, acne, put oil skin probabl way go. vitamin anti-inflammatory, take pill form work wonder acne."} {"id": "3856", "contents": "wouldn\u2019t hurt make sure get daili recommend intak vitamin e, 15 mg. tea tree oil may also abl help acne. one study, 30 peopl use tea tree oil gel 45 days, anoth 30 peopl use placebo. use gel saw greater improv acne. tea tree oil good altern benzoyl peroxide, well-known ingredi acn creams. acne\u2019 relationship vitamin isn\u2019t well studi vitamin zinc. however, recent study, acn suffer shown vitamin e, a, zinc deficiencies."} {"id": "3857", "contents": "parousia. second come christ earth (i corinthian 15:23). refer frequent new testament, writer describ ultim triumph jesu establish kingdom (i thessalonian 4:15-17; matthew 24:3-14; ii peter 1:16)."} {"id": "3858", "contents": "word studi parousia. (parousia greek word mean person presenc relat second coming). greek me! parousia greek word use 24 time new testament mean coming, arrival, person presence. often use indic second come arriv son man though also indic visit christian worker, apostl even man lawless"} {"id": "3859", "contents": "parousia theolog concept come greek word parousia mean come presence.."} {"id": "3860", "contents": "question: parousia?. answer: greek word parousia (pronounc pair-oo-see-ah) noun mean come presence.. use new testament, refer individual' come presenc specif place specif people."} {"id": "3861", "contents": "art gallery. mani ask us parousia means. help better understand, websit found explain mean greek word, \u201cparousia,\u201d much better put words."} {"id": "3862", "contents": "(par-ooo-see-a) greek term mean arriv coming. term often refer time christ 's return, hence, parousia, i.e., thess. 2:1. tweet. author matt slick presid founder christian apologet research ministry."} {"id": "3863", "contents": "sign symptom salivari gland cancer. major salivari gland side face tongue. sever import nerv structur run near salivari gland affect salivari tumors. possibl sign symptom salivari gland cancer include: lump swell mouth, cheek, jaw, neck. pain mouth, cheek, jaw, ear, neck go away"} {"id": "3864", "contents": "symptom salivari gland cancer. page tell symptom salivari gland cancer. common symptom lump swell near jaw, mouth neck. rememb rare cancer lump area doesn\u2019t necessarili mean cancer. around tumour salivari gland (75%) cancer benign. symptom includ"} {"id": "3865", "contents": "sign symptom salivari gland cancer may include: lump swell near jaw neck mouth. numb part face. muscl weak one side face. persist pain area salivari gland. difficulti swallowing. troubl open mouth widely."} {"id": "3866", "contents": "symptom sign salivari gland cancer includ painless lump(s) area ear, cheek, jaw, lips, mouth and/or fluid drain ear, troubl swallowing, difficulti open mouth, numb weak face, and/or facial pain. salivari gland cancer type head neck cancer involv abnorm (malignant) growth salivari gland cells. factor increas risk salivari gland cancer includ older age, radiat therapi head neck, exposur cancer-caus chemic work."} {"id": "3867", "contents": "salivari gland cancer rare diseas malign (cancer) cell form tissu salivari glands. expos certain type radiat may increas risk salivari cancer. sign salivari gland cancer includ lump troubl swallowing. salivari gland cancer may caus symptoms. may found regular dental check-up physic exam. sign symptom may caus salivari gland cancer conditions. check doctor following: lump (usual painless) area ear, cheek, jaw, lip, insid mouth. fluid drain ear. troubl swallow open mouth widely."} {"id": "3868", "contents": "see pages, use menu side screen. peopl salivari gland cancer may experi follow symptom signs. sometimes, peopl salivari gland cancer show symptoms. or, symptom may caus medic condit cancer. lump face, neck, mouth usual painless. numb face."} {"id": "3869", "contents": "sign symptom may caus salivari gland cancer conditions. check doctor following: lump (usual painless) area ear, cheek, jaw, lip, insid mouth. fluid drain ear. troubl swallow open mouth widely."} {"id": "3870", "contents": "sign symptom salivari gland cancer. sign someth observ recogn doctor healthcar profession (for example, rash). symptom someth person experienc feel know (for example, pain tiredness). sign symptom salivari gland cancer are: lump (usual painless) area front ear, cheek, jaw, lip insid mouth. difficulti swallowing. numb tingl face. weak muscl one side face (facial paralysis). persist pain face (not common occur)."} {"id": "3871", "contents": "symptom caus salivari gland cancer also may caus conditions. doctor consult follow problem occur: lump (usual painless) area ear, cheek, jaw, lip, insid mouth. fluid drain ear. troubl swallow open mouth widely."} {"id": "3872", "contents": "sign symptom salivari gland cancer also caus health conditions. import unusu symptom check doctor. sign symptom salivari gland cancer are: lump (usual painless) area front ear, cheek, jaw, lip insid mouth. difficulti swallowing. numb tingl face. weak muscl one side face (facial paralysis). persist pain face (not common occur)."} {"id": "3873", "contents": "although lot advantag get buy marijuana seed web, still lot thing need order safe. problem lot peopl awar things, reason end dozen problem law enforcers."} {"id": "3874", "contents": "never seed ship address weed garden. yes, buy marijuana seed onlin safe. deal trust pot seed bank sure qualiti weed seed get feel confid seed item ship discreet way."} {"id": "3875", "contents": "safeti precaut buy marijuana seed online. order marijuana seed online, import research applic law area regard purchas possess cannabi seeds."} {"id": "3876", "contents": "buy marijuana seed online-growweedeasy.com' 2015 seedbank review. growweedeasy.com, maintain cannabi seed bank 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order marijuana seed them."} {"id": "3882", "contents": "order marijuana seed onlin becom ever grow trend lot cannabi grower around world. total safe secur long buy real legitim onlin marijuana seed bank follow precautionari measures."} {"id": "3883", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: canada huge country, new york fair size state...if leav whitehors yukon canada head new york would take week reach new york add anoth day two head new york city."} {"id": "3884", "contents": "long drive new york, ny calgary, canada? total drive time 39 hours, 25 minutes. trip begin new york, new york. end calgary, canada. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc new york, ny"} {"id": "3885", "contents": "map drive direct new york, ny calgary, canada. click show map. drag line map calcul drive distanc differ route. want verifi drive direct look anoth possibl route, try. googl maps, bing maps, mapquest."} {"id": "3886", "contents": "time vari depend citi new york state. calgary, ab (yyc) new york, ny (nyc) shortest flight duration: hour 40 mins."} {"id": "3887", "contents": "fli time new york, ny calgary, canada. total flight durat new york, ny calgary, canada hours, 34 minutes. assum averag flight speed commerci airlin 500 mph, equival 805 km/h 434 knots. also add extra 30 minut take-off landing."} {"id": "3888", "contents": "total flight durat new york, ny calgary, canada hours, 34 minutes. assum averag flight speed commerci airlin 500 mph, equival 805 km/h 434 knots. also add extra 30 minut take-off landing."} {"id": "3889", "contents": "lamb sirloin cut meat locat front lamb leg sometim sold along leg. often cut steak chops, also purchas boneless roast. 3-ounc serv roast lamb sirloin excel sourc protein, vitamin b-12, niacin zinc."} {"id": "3890", "contents": "email. print. chop sirloin end leg lamb. identifi crosscut section round leg bone within meat. sirloin chop meati make larger econom chop either rib loin chops."} {"id": "3891", "contents": "chop sirloin end leg lamb. identifi crosscut section round leg bone within meat. sirloin chop meati make larger econom chop either rib loin chops."} {"id": "3892", "contents": "lamb sirloin steak recip print recip one papa' favorit meat lamb. morning, husband lulu left earli went open air le sablon market neuilly-sur-seine, suburb paris."} {"id": "3893", "contents": "lamb loin lamb saddl tender expens cut come from, includ loin chop loin roasts. cuts: lamb chop notes: like beef steaks, lamb chop piec meat cut small enough serv individu portions. they'r often grilled, broiled, pan-fried. eleg choic lamb rib chop lamb loin chop."} {"id": "3894", "contents": "click chang profil picture.(click profil picture.... 0. 1. first, need find pictur want use.(if get internet, save appropri name you`ll know find it.) save it. go onto facebook. click chang profil picture.(click profil pictur .) click `browse`. find `downloads`. search look picture."} {"id": "3895", "contents": "autismspeak awhil ago. turn profil pictur blue support autism awareness! autism speak (www.autismspeaks.org), goal chang futur wh... worry, get chanc preview twibbon added. april 2, autism speak celebr light blue along intern autism community, commemor unit nations-sanct world autism awar day. light blue uniqu global initi kicks-off autism awar month help rais awar autism."} {"id": "3896", "contents": "campaign details. wear twibbon pride go blue autism april 2! join campaign rais awar fund support children adult livi... worry, get chanc preview twibbon added. campaign details. wear twibbon pride go blue autism april 2! join campaign rais awar fund support children adult livi... \u2192. supports. tweet. http://twb.ly/x6ztcx."} {"id": "3897", "contents": "share autism awar pictur facebook twitter, click appropri button. share sites, get html code, forum code code share buttons, click graphic. ---------------------- next page dont underestim graphic tweet html code, forum code, tumblr, profil comment etc.."} {"id": "3898", "contents": "campaign details. turn profil pictur blue support autism awareness! autism speak (www.autismspeaks.org), goal chang futur wh... worry, get chanc preview twibbon added. april 2, autism speak celebr light blue along intern autism community, commemor unit nations-sanct world autism awar day. light blue uniqu global initi kicks-off autism awar month help rais awar autism."} {"id": "3899", "contents": "set facebook profil pictur light blue logo. right click one two pictures, click \u201csave imag as,\u201d save desktop. log facebook go profile. thing light blue. wear autism speak puzzl piec pin everi day throughout month april, tell peopl autism ask it. chang facebook profil pictur light blue logo tag least 10 friends. post blog \u201clight blue\u201d rais autism awareness. add light blue logo e-mail signatur type e-mail blue!"} {"id": "3900", "contents": "social media great way help get word light blue! example, last year world autism awar day trend facebook twitter. one big way help turn facebook twitter profil pictur blue learn kerri facebook twitter. regist light blue today sixth year row, autism speak host light blue world autism awar day april nd. light blue campaign honor peopl autism worldwid like myself."} {"id": "3901", "contents": "wear autism speak puzzl piec pin everi day throughout month april, tell peopl autism ask it. chang facebook profil pictur light blue logo tag least 10 friends. post blog \u201clight blue\u201d rais autism awareness. add light blue logo e-mail signatur type e-mail blue!"} {"id": "3902", "contents": "airlin set pay scale pilot paid. base year servic airlin seat sit (captain first officer). noth more. like start flight instructor make $12,000/year. next step region start $20,000/year top around $100,000/year 18 years."} {"id": "3903", "contents": "region airlin pay much less, pilot also fli smaller aircraft. island air, first offic make $26 hour first year, $40 hour fifth year, $43 hour year 10. captain airlin earn $59 first year, $66 year five, $78 tenth year. pilot salari natur vari accord type aircraft they\u2019r flying. median annual salari pilot larg jet impress $121,408. small jet, median annual salari $104,219."} {"id": "3904", "contents": "captain first offic salary. gener speaking, bigger aircraft aircraft flown, airlin pilot get paid. mani airlin also yearli increas salari reflect pilot length servic seniority. \u200bthe guardian (a uk newspaper) state 2013, airlin pilot 2nd highest paid profess unit kingdom earn averag \u00a378,356 ($126,000 \u20ac99,000), year."} {"id": "3905", "contents": "confid vote 1. averag airlin captain salari $100,000, airlin first offic (co-pilot) make $65,000 year average. lower levels, region airlines, captain make around $70,000 averag first offic make around $45,000. new entry-level region airlin pilot make $18,000 $25,000 year industri right now. entry-level posit major airlin see $35,000 year. averag alpa first offic member major airlin 43 year old 10 year senior make $121,000 per year, alpa non major first offic age 35 year servic make $33,000."} {"id": "3906", "contents": "bureau labor statist report median pay airlin pilot $114,200, show rang salaries. payscale.com show median $100,191 rang $37,774 $273,010. number give us glimps much pilot earn earn chang career. come paragraph discuss pilot get paid pilot earn much others."} {"id": "3907", "contents": "accord air line pilot association, averag major* airlin member captain 50 year old, 18 year senior make $182,000 year. non-major airlin captain 41 year old 10 year senior make $70,000 year. lower levels, region airlines, captain make around $70,000 averag first offic make around $45,000. new entry-level region airlin pilot make $18,000 $25,000 year industri right now. entry-level posit major airlin see $35"} {"id": "3908", "contents": "pay ranges. whole, air forc pilot slightli better paid naval marin corp counterparts; latter two servic close related. accord salaryforpilot website, air forc pilot earn averag yearli salari $107,950, naval marin aviat earn $70,550 per year. pay roughli equat o-6, lieuten colonel, 18 year servic air force, o-3, lieutenant, 12 year servic navi"} {"id": "3909", "contents": "earn mean annual salari less $97,000. pilot scenic sightse transport industri earn averag $68,150 per year. work technic trade school averag salari $66,070 per year. commerci pilot typic fli fixed-w aircraft nonschedul routes, includ air charter air tours. accord bls, pilot make far less pilot fli jumbo jets, mean annual wage $76,050. top 10 percent earn make $124,850 bottom 10 percent earn $36,240 less"} {"id": "3910", "contents": "airlin cargo pilot earn mean annual wage $118,070 may 2011, accord bureau labor statist (bls). top 10 percent earn much $140,650 annually, bottom 10 percent earn $57,420 less. commerci pilot typic fli fixed-w aircraft nonschedul routes, includ air charter air tours. accord bls, pilot make far less pilot fli jumbo jets, mean annual wage $76,050. top 10 percent earn make $124,850 bottom 10 percent earn $36,24"} {"id": "3911", "contents": "ashlar contrast rubbl masonry, employ irregularli shape stones, although sometim minim work select similar size, both. ashlar may coursed, involv lengthi horizont cours stone block laid parallel, therefor continu horizont joints. ashlar may also random, involv stone block laid deliber discontinu cours therefor discontinu joint vertic horizontally."} {"id": "3912", "contents": "gener laid rock-fac work, cases, tool hammer-dressed. horizont joint feet long, sever size stone used. fig. 29 show ordinari broken ashlar wall, feet thick, size stone use 4,6,8 12 inch height. built-up lintels. sometim necessari use stone lintel 10 12 feet long. sinc difficult obtain singl piec stone length, lintel may made sections, fig."} {"id": "3913", "contents": "masonri commonli use wall buildings, retain wall buildings. brick concret block common type masonri use industri nation may either weight-bear veneer. strength masonri wall entir depend bond build materi mortar; friction interlock block masonri often strong enough provid great deal strength own."} {"id": "3914", "contents": "ashlar relat distinct stone masonri fine dress quadrilateral, curvilinear masonri polygon masonry. ashlar may coursed, involv lengthi horizont cours stone block laid parallel, therefor continu horizont joints. ashlar may also random, involv stone block laid deliber discontinu cours therefor discontinu joint vertic horizontally."} {"id": "3915", "contents": "result, ashlar withstand consider degre eros distress indent work required. however, commonplac find unnecessari repair work carri superficial, surfac damag stone occurred, due unnecessari emphasi build aesthetics. 10 indent \u2018painted\u2019 attempt \u2018blend in\u2019 adjac masonry. vertic joint \u2018staggered\u2019 (off-set one another) origin ashlar construction, good practic maintain origin pattern indent multipl stones."} {"id": "3916", "contents": "introductionthi inform guid provid introduct practic replac damag stone ashlar-built sandston walls. refer \u2018indenting\u2019, techniqu involv replac badli decay damag masonri unit stone similar dimens physic characteristics. 10 indent \u2018painted\u2019 attempt \u2018blend in\u2019 adjac masonry. vertic joint \u2018staggered\u2019 (off-set one another) origin ashlar construction, good practic maintain origin pattern indent multipl stones."} {"id": "3917", "contents": "ashlar masonri type build construct use primarili rectangular block stone. use techniqu date back thousand years, \u2018ashlar\u2019 mason creat walls, arch build correct placement vari size rectangular blocks. exposur condit depth profil \u2018ashlar\u2019 vari 10 mm. cut chosen import maintain least 15 mm render lowest point. area sever exposur recommend minimum coverag point increas 20 mm."} {"id": "3918", "contents": "fortunately, usual find build construct appropri manner, individu stone block face bedded. choic replac stone ashlar wall is, definition, construct squar masonri units, inher stronger rubbl stone structures. 10 indent \u2018painted\u2019 attempt \u2018blend in\u2019 adjac masonry. vertic joint \u2018staggered\u2019 (off-set one another) origin ashlar construction, good practic maintain origin pattern indent multipl stones."} {"id": "3919", "contents": "ashlar fine dress (cut, worked) masonry, either individu stone work squar masonri built stone. finest stone masonri unit, gener cuboid, mention vitruviu opu isodomum, less frequent trapezoidal. ashlar may coursed, involv lengthi horizont cours stone block laid parallel, therefor continu horizont joints. ashlar may also random, involv stone block laid deliber discontinu cours therefor discontinu joint vertic horizontally."} {"id": "3920", "contents": "rubbl ashlar masonri laid cours row even height care select cut stones, great deal stone masonri uncoursed. slipform stonemasonri produc hybrid wall reinforc concret rubbl stone face. strength masonri wall entir depend bond build materi mortar; friction interlock block masonri often strong enough provid great deal strength own."} {"id": "3921", "contents": "amount bioga yield human wast limit comparison livestock manur feedstocks. biodigest turn wast biofertilizer. also major flaw sewag treatment system develop countri enorm amount energi use aerat treat sewage; anaerob digest treat sewag also produc energi rather consum it."} {"id": "3922", "contents": "treat human wast anaerob digest incred ethic sanit technology. anaerob digest occur biodigest produc fuel (biogas), remov biochem oxygen demand (bod) sewage, conserv nutrient (especi nitrogen compounds) importantli reduc pathogens. biodigest turn wast biofertilizer. also major flaw sewag treatment system develop countri enorm amount energi use aerat treat sewage; anaerob digest treat sewag also produc energi rather consum it."} {"id": "3923", "contents": "normal occurr prior bowel movement incomplete, fece return rectum intestine, water absorbed. human fece togeth human urin collect refer human wast human excreta. contain human feces, prevent spread pathogen human fece via fecal-or route, main goal sanitation. bristol stool scale medic aid design classifi form human fece seven categories. sometim refer uk meyer scale, develop k. w. heaton univers bristol first publish scandinavian journal gastroenterolog 1997."} {"id": "3924", "contents": "human waste, also known human excreta, wast type usual use refer byproduct digestion, fece urine. term human wast use gener media mean sever things, sewage, sewag sludge, blackwater-in fact anyth may contain human feces. stricter sens term, human wast fact human excreta, i.e. urin feces, without water mix"} {"id": "3925", "contents": "treatment plant reduc pollut wastewat level natur handle. wastewat use water. includ substanc human waste, food scraps, oils, soap chemicals. homes, includ water sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, wash machin dishwashers. busi industri also contribut share use water must clean"} {"id": "3926", "contents": "amount water mix human wast reduc use waterless urin compost toilet recycl greywater. common method human wast treatment rural area municip sewag system unavail use septic tank systems. term human wast use gener media mean sever things, sewage, sewag sludge, blackwater-in fact anyth may contain human feces. stricter sens term, human wast fact human excreta, i.e. urin feces, without water mix"} {"id": "3927", "contents": "mani differ way human wast collected, treat dispos reused, depend sanit system place, e.g. start type toilet used. term human wast use gener media mean sever things, sewage, sewag sludge, blackwater-in fact anyth may contain human feces. stricter sens term, human wast fact human excreta, i.e. urin feces, without water mix"} {"id": "3928", "contents": "eyelash loss happen number reasons, perfectli normal sign seriou health problems. normal one two lash fall per day, hair constantli renewing, also grow back time. consid normal lash cycle. 1. expect normal growth. littl actual make eyelash grow faster. best bet simpli keep eyelash fall back again, mean focu prevent maintenance."} {"id": "3929", "contents": "similarli head hair loss, chanc lose eyelash brow larg depend type chemotherapi receive. eyelash grow back take time grow back. read topic .. ten year ago lost lash brow taxol. yes, grow back slowly. never full before, mayb due post menopaus age mayb due arimidex. estrogen help hair qualiti can't that."} {"id": "3930", "contents": "like hair, eyelash growth occur cycl includ grow phase rest phase. hair fall end rest phase, henc make way new hair grow follicle. average, eyelash grow back space one six months. rest fall begin again."} {"id": "3931", "contents": "thin lot. notic brow come actual start grow back b/c darker. lash total gone week sinc finish chemo, came back shortli after. back (wa done end sept). hair inch long. ten year ago lost lash brow taxol. yes, grow back slowly. never full before, mayb due post menopaus age mayb due arimidex. estrogen help hair qualiti can't that."} {"id": "3932", "contents": "take 1-2 month fulli grow back, till recommend put smaller fake lashes. give eyelash curler mayb use wrong one. use curler life never issue. current use fortebellezza eyelash curler great! best answer: week fulli grow back, probabl week start grow back. buy set fals lash wear meantim lash start grow little. also, use eyelash curler anymore, curl finger!! source(s):"} {"id": "3933", "contents": "grow back: pull eyelash, grow back weeks. break eyelash tri pull out, broken eyelash continu grow. time eyelash grow back hair bulb damaged, either diseas injury. ...read more. months: eyelash grow month cycle. cut one grow new replcement one grow alll time. take maximum three month get whole new set"} {"id": "3934", "contents": "eye lash fall pluck out, grow back. eyelash growth cycl take four eight week fulli replac eyelash. lose larg clump eyelashes, like take longer replac take four week replac come fully. (bs) well didnt last all, well fell took eyelash well. eyelashes, less before, well wonder long take, thnkin buyin fake ones, one come till"} {"id": "3935", "contents": "perfectli normal eyelash fall time time, like hair part body. activ makeup removal, rigor wipe eye (a mechan cause), heavi mascara, eyelash curlers, pillow fals lash may trigger this. hair fall end rest phase, henc make way new hair grow follicle. average, eyelash grow back space one six months. rest fall begin again."} {"id": "3936", "contents": "long take grow back full head hair (and pubic hair, lashes, brow lost too) vari person person. generally, hair like fall hair tend grow back fastest. hair top head grow faster eyebrow eyelashes. new hair may like old hair, may thicker curlier, straighter, origin hair."} {"id": "3937", "contents": "postmodernism. gener wide-rang term appli literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, cultur literari criticism, among others. postmodern larg reaction assum certainti scientific, objective, effort explain reality."} {"id": "3938", "contents": "answer p32002121. confid vote 49.5k. postmodern term appli wide-rang set develop critic theory, philosophy, architecture, art, literature, culture, gener character either emerg from, reaction to, superseding, modernism. postmodern style often character eclecticism, digression, collage, pastiche, irony. postmodern theorist see postmodern art conflat revers well-establish modernist systems, role artist versu audience, serious versu play, high cultur versu kitsch."} {"id": "3939", "contents": "postmodern late-20th-centuri movement arts, architecture, critic departur modernism. postmodern includ skeptic interpret culture, literature, art, philosophy, history, economics, architecture, fiction, literari criticism. postmodern music either music postmodern era, music follow aesthet philosoph trend postmodernism. name suggests, postmodernist movement form partli reaction ideal modernist."} {"id": "3940", "contents": "term \u201cpostmodernism\u201d first enter philosoph lexicon 1979, public postmodern condit jean-francoi fran\u00e7ois. lyotard therefor give lyotard pride place section that. follow economi select dictat choic figur this. entri postmodernism, hyperr result technolog mediat experience, pass realiti network imag sign without extern referent, repres represent itself."} {"id": "3941", "contents": "term \u201cpostmodernism\u201d first enter philosoph lexicon 1979, public postmodern condit jean-francoi fran\u00e7ois. lyotard postmodernism, hyperr result technolog mediat experience, pass realiti network imag sign without extern referent, repres represent itself."} {"id": "3942", "contents": "defin postmodernism. interest provid sens rang debat surround postmodernism, debat central much current think hypertext, definit provid jame morley. appear post postmodern cultur electron confer list. firstly, postmodern movement architectur reject modernist, avant garde, passion new. modern understood art architectur project reject tradit favour go man gone better: creat form purpos novelty."} {"id": "3943", "contents": "full definit postmodern. 1. 2. a: of, relat to, variou movement reaction modern typic character return tradit materi form (a architecture) iron self-refer absurd (a literature). post\u00b7mod\u00b7ern\u00b7 \\-d\u0259r-\u02ccni-z\u0259m\\ noun."} {"id": "3944", "contents": "postmodern broad term use describ movement wide rang disciplines, includ art, philosophy, critic theory, music. critic theori philosophy, postmodern serv strike counterpoint classic foundat philosophy. earlier philosoph theorist devot ongo explor univers system, postmodernist focu role search creat known truth itself."} {"id": "3945", "contents": "jack zavada. definition: postmodern philosophi say absolut truth exist. postmodern support deni long-held belief convent maintain viewpoint equal valid. today' society, postmodern led relativism, idea truth relative. mean right one group necessarili right true everyone."} {"id": "3946", "contents": "term \u201cpostmodernism\u201d first enter philosoph lexicon 1979, public postmodern condit jean-francoi fran\u00e7ois. lyotard therefor give lyotard pride place section that. follow postmodernism, hyperr result technolog mediat experience, pass realiti network imag sign without extern referent, repres represent itself."} {"id": "3947", "contents": "one molecul dna differ because-each molecul dna made uniqu nucleotid sequenc carri specif biolog messages. edit. share to: answered. uncategorized. dna strand may similar (a human dna strand 99% alik ape dna strand!!), due recombin probability, dna strand like one. co nsider dna strands, nucleotid sequence. recombin two point, variabl point."} {"id": "3948", "contents": "dna, thus, carri deoxyribos sugar rna contain ribos sugar. dna compos sever type nitrogen bases: adenine, thymine, cytosin guanine. rna contain nitrogen base similar dna, contain thymine. contain uracil instead."} {"id": "3949", "contents": "organ possess dna genet material. differenti (and dna) sequenc base-pair within dna. base-pair actual specif sequenc nucleotid (i.e. adenine, thymine, guanin cytosine, label a, t, g, respectively) encod genes. words, dna organ made bases, sequenc differ organ organ"} {"id": "3950", "contents": "base-pair actual specif sequenc nucleotid (i.e. adenine, thymine, guanin cytosine, label a, t, g, respectively) encod genes. words, dna organ made bases, sequenc differ organ organism. dna strand may similar (a human dna strand 99% alik ape dna strand!!), due recombin probability, dna strand like one. co nsider dna strands, nucleotid sequence. recombin two point, variabl point."} {"id": "3951", "contents": "dna rna ident almost everi way. differ sugar molecules. dna contain sugar deoxyribose, wherea rna contain sugar ribose. two sugar except one oh (hydroxide) ion (deoxyribos one oh ion ribose). differenti (and dna) sequenc base-pair within dna. base-pair actual specif sequenc nucleotid (i.e. adenine, thymine, guanin cytosine, label a, t, g, respectively) encod genes."} {"id": "3952", "contents": "rna singl strand molecule. differ sugar molecul compar dna. sugar call ribos one four base present--adenine, guanine, cytosin uracil. sources: http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/major-macromolecules-... (answer #1). macromolecul include: carbohydrates, lipids, protein nucleic acids. macromolecul consist smaller molecul join togeth chemically. carbohydrates, sugar starches, contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen ratio hydrogen oxygen 2:1."} {"id": "3953", "contents": "base one strand pair base anoth strand: adenin pair thymine, guanin pair cytosine. dna molecul long long, fact, can't fit cell without right packaging. fit insid cells, dna coil tightli form structur call chromosomes. dna structure. dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code"} {"id": "3954", "contents": "base pair dna adenin thymin cytosin guanine. dna spiral staircase-lik structure. step form nitrogen base nucleotid adenin pair thymin cytosin guanine. photo courtesi u.s. nation librari medicine."} {"id": "3955", "contents": "five-vesicl stage, forebrain separ diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, epithalamus, pretectum) telencephalon develop cerebrum. cerebrum consist cerebr cortex, underli white matter, basal ganglia. (redirect prosencephalon). anatomi brain vertebrates, forebrain prosencephalon rostral-most (forward-most) portion brain. forebrain, midbrain (mesencephalon), hindbrain (rhombencephalon) three primari portion brain earli develop central nervou system. control bodi temperature, reproduct functions, eating, sleeping, display emot"} {"id": "3956", "contents": "sleep wake pattern control forebrain. forebrain control mani functions, includ smelling. largest part brain, forebrain process cognitive, auditory, visual sensori information. locat forebrain, hippocampu amygdala part limbic system. two main section forebrain, however, telencephalon diencephalon. telecephalon includ cerebr cortex, subcort structures, corpu callosum, diencephalon includ thalamu hypothalamus."} {"id": "3957", "contents": "introduction. forebrain (proencephalon) largest part brain, cerebrum. import structur found forebrain includ thalamus, hypothalamu limbic system."} {"id": "3958", "contents": "forebrain. brain divid three basic units: forebrain, midbrain hindbrain. forebrain consist primarili cerebrum structur hidden beneath it. cerebrum consist pair frontal lobes, pariet lobes, tempor lobe occipit lobes. midlin section brain, show left hemisphere, appear logo top home page"} {"id": "3959", "contents": "brain made three main parts: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain. forebrain consist cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamu (part limbic system). midbrain consist tectum tegmentum. hindbrain made cerebellum, pon medulla. often midbrain, pons, medulla refer togeth brainstem. cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action."} {"id": "3960", "contents": "general, forebrain process cognitive, auditory, sensory, visual information, well involv form storag memori emotion. much forebrain link cerebrum. two main section forebrain, however, telencephalon diencephalon. telecephalon includ cerebr cortex, subcort structures, corpu callosum, diencephalon includ thalamu hypothalamus."} {"id": "3961", "contents": "basal forebrain collect structur locat front striatum. includ nucleu accumbens, nucleu basalis, diagon band broca, substantia innominata, medial septal nuclei. stimul basal forebrain give rise acetylcolin release, induc wake rem sleep, wherea inhibit acetylcholin releas basal forebrain adenosin caus slow wave sleep. adenosin act a1 receptor cholinerg neuron basal forebrain."} {"id": "3962", "contents": "documentari two part cover life industri river tees, footag middlesbrough, stockton, transport bridge, fur shipyard aerial shot tee stockton river mouth. footag includ scene film smith dock south bank tee middlesbrough. ship arvidsjaur pictur dri dock, good unload tee wharf, larg head wrightson shipbuild compon float onto river either stockton thornaby."} {"id": "3963", "contents": "1996, cleveland abolished, middlesbrough becam unitari authority, geograph within north yorkshire. erimu (we shall be), latin, chosen middlesbrough' motto 1830, signifi town' grow. shelter lake district pennin west, middlesbrough one rel drier part country, receiv averag 574 millimetr (22.6 inches) rain year."} {"id": "3964", "contents": "river tee northern england, middlesbrough port locat nautic mile (nm) tee turn circl turn locat 2nm tee fairway buoy. give port effici sail time open sea."} {"id": "3965", "contents": "fact river tees. river tee northern england sourc pennin hill cross fell flow north sea near middlesbrough. 85 mile long. one britain\u2019 famou long distanc footpath travers cross fell. one largest town along tee middlesbrough, owe exist river. town birthplac explor captain cook larg collect picasso paintings. teesport, near mouth river tees, built land reclaim sea"} {"id": "3966", "contents": "idea transport bridg across river tee first moot 1872 charl smith, manag hartlepool iron works, submit scheme middlesbrough corporation. bridg current own middlesbrough council stockton-on-te borough council. middlesbrough council control day-to-day oper maintenance."} {"id": "3967", "contents": "middlesbrough (/\u02c8m\u026ad\u0259lzbr\u0259/ mid-\u0259lz-br\u0259) larg industri town situat south bank river tee north yorkshire, england. shelter lake district pennin west, middlesbrough one rel drier part country, receiv averag 574 millimetr (22.6 inches) rain year."} {"id": "3968", "contents": "middlesbrough govern counti council north ride yorkshir 1889, creat counti borough. 1968 borough merg number other form counti borough teesside, absorb 1974 counti cleveland. shelter lake district pennin west, middlesbrough one rel drier part country, receiv averag 574 millimetr (22.6 inches) rain year."} {"id": "3969", "contents": "river tee northern england sourc pennin hill cross fell flow north sea near middlesbrough. 85 mile long. one britain\u2019 famou long distanc footpath travers cross fell. walker pennin way walk yard sourc river. one largest town along tee middlesbrough, owe exist river. town birthplac explor captain cook larg collect picasso paintings. teesport, near mouth river tees, built land reclaim sea"} {"id": "3970", "contents": "tee transport bridge, often refer middlesbrough transport bridg affection refer 'the tranny', furthest downstream bridg across river tees, england. connect middlesbrough, south bank, port clarence, north bank. transport bridge, carri travel 'car', 'gondola', suspend bridge, across river 90 seconds. gondola carri 200 people, cars, car one minibus. carri a178 middlesbrough hartlepool road. local bridg often refer simpli 'the transporter'. bridg current own middlesbrough council stockton-on-te borough council. middlesbrough council control day-to-day oper maintenance."} {"id": "3971", "contents": "sister-in-law conplain thing. oven take 20 minut heat 350 degrees. time oven last night took 7-1/2 minutes. supris heat fast. share improv answer. answer aug 19 '14 20:36. user26639. 11 1. add comment |. vote vote. electr oven take 25-30 min reach 350. take least 20 minut i'm fulli heat beep stone fulli temp. problem thing bake poorli preheat quit while, upside, put cold roast open door lot, temperatur oven stay pretti high."} {"id": "3972", "contents": "best answer: depend oven. electr oven take much longer heat ga ovens. electr old hous took 20 30 minut get 375 ga oven hous im take 15 20 minutes."} {"id": "3973", "contents": "report abuse. oven take 10 minut warm up. know differ ga electr oven. would thing would around time give take minutes. standard electr cooker take 15 minutes! fan assist oven slightli less.. say (myself included) ga cooker need littl time"} {"id": "3974", "contents": "modern whirlpool electr oven take forev (about 20min) heat-up 200c. seem similar electr oven use ireland. hoever, visit mother law usa, notic old(20+ years) electr oven heat quickly, minutes. two oven house. newer oven might take 30 minut heat 375 f(190.5 c). old oven take like 10 minutes. kind curiou too. jay may '12 15:42"} {"id": "3975", "contents": "heat fulli degre specifi (preheat) allow 15 minut turn oven on. way alreadi reach temperatur need bake rather warm."} {"id": "3976", "contents": "oven take forev heat up. stove/rang work good years. electr connect problem. guess said 20-30 minut heat temperatur misunderstatement, sometim take 40-60 minut heat up, broiler oven elements. set thermostat oven 350 degre take 20-30 minut reach desir temperature. eventu does, take long. everyth els seem work otherwise. stove top, clock, thermostat, timer, etc. work fine."} {"id": "3977", "contents": "kitchen aid stove/range, model no. kedc205ywh. take forev oven heat element (both bottom broiler) heat temperature. set thermostat oven 350 degre take 20-30 minut reach desir temperature. eventu does, take long. everyth els seem work otherwise. stove top, clock, thermostat, timer, etc. work fine."} {"id": "3978", "contents": "vob player-play vob video files. get final media player tire mess codec tire see dread window can't open file error message. vob file video file dvd format. vob standard base wide use mpeg compress keep file size down. final media player allow play window pc."} {"id": "3979", "contents": "vob (dvd video object) file file contain format dvd use. vob file contain actual movi dvd audio stream data allow user scroll video. vob file essenti dvd taken disk order place copi movi user\u2019 computer. vob file open comput play modern media players. example, vlc media player window media player 12 higher play vob files, even though may claim file supported. user experi problem play vob file, vob player may necessary."} {"id": "3980", "contents": "go file open file. click brows button brows folder contain content dvd movie. select file name video_ts.ifo.. inform file full dvd movi allow play vob file well file associ movie. 1. use media player classic play vob file store hard drive extern device. probabl easiest way play vob file sinc window media classic simpler softwar compar program play dvd movies. step need follow."} {"id": "3981", "contents": "easiest way play video use vlc player-open video_t folder. play vob file basic level use media player classic experi finer qualiti dvd movi high-definit (hd) 3-dimension (3d) video may want consid use virtual dvd player. ad. 1. use media player classic play vob file store hard drive extern device. probabl easiest way play vob file sinc window media classic simpler softwar compar program play dvd movies. step need follow."} {"id": "3982", "contents": "subtitle, video audio etting. click upper-left button free vob player softwar set subtitles, video audio better movi enjoying. click icon set subtitles, click video icon set video effect click audio icon set audio effect. free vob player support play back dts-5.1 audio. know detail guid use leawo blu-ray player, check play blu-ray/dvd/video leawo blu-ray player windows. relat articles. play mov file window free mov player software. play flv file window free flv player software."} {"id": "3983", "contents": "hello, welcom window movi maker support forum. understand unabl open .vob file window 8.1 pro use window movi maker 2012. make sure use window 8.1 pro window media center fix issue. still persists, instal third-parti mpeg-2 video decod solution."} {"id": "3984", "contents": "restart computer. comput boot codec instal abl view vob file use software. search hard drive vob file want play window media player 11. right-click file select open context menu. select window media player 11 click apply.. open file directli window media player 11 everi time click"} {"id": "3985", "contents": "vob file allow dvd store access data necessari play movi dvd player. vob file allow dvd player locat video file, audio files, stream data requir play movi provid user control he/sh would movi play computer. vob file open comput play modern media players. example, vlc media player window media player 12 higher play vob files, even though may claim file supported. user experi problem play vob file, vob player may necessary."} {"id": "3986", "contents": "good way play back vob file (from dvds, etc.) wait window media center come window rtm (explain here). neither full substitut rich window media center experience, least stop-gap solution."} {"id": "3987", "contents": "method 3: media player classic. 1. use media player classic play vob file store hard drive extern device. probabl easiest way play vob file sinc window media classic simpler softwar compar program play dvd movies. step need follow."} {"id": "3988", "contents": "1861 springfield rifl primarili use american civil war. creat u.s. army, way know sure first came id ea. like product team armi engin work together."} {"id": "3989", "contents": "john mose brown prolif gun design invent winchest rifl (30/30), pump shotgun, colt 45 automatic. best known automat pistol first one invent slide, enclos barrel pistol fire mechanism. john mose browning. breech-load rifl invent captain patrick ferguson pitfours, scotland. john mose browning-winchest rifle."} {"id": "3990", "contents": "musket muzzle-loaded, smoothbor firearm, fire shoulder. musket design use infantry. soldier arm musket design musketman musketeer. musket replac arquebus, turn replac rifl (in cases, long period coexistence). start 18th century, lighter version musket edg arquebus, addit bayonet edg pike, almost infantri becam musketeers."} {"id": "3991", "contents": "best answer: hand cannon earliest firearm date china 1200's. hand cannon found way europ sometim first half 1300's. matchlock musket appear 1400 follow wheel lock 1500. next advanc flintlock earli 1600' cap lock invent 1805, start gain popular 1830's. self contain cartridg appear 1850's."} {"id": "3992", "contents": "marin le bourgeoy creat first true flintlock gun king loui xiii shortli access 1610. 17th century, flintlock musket produc wide rang models. 1717, flintlock musket french infantri standardized. first standard flintlock issu infantri troops, later becam known charlevil muskets, armori charleville-mezieres, ardennes, france."} {"id": "3993", "contents": "smoothbor flintlock musket standard infantri weapon 1699. previou this, matchlock musket, develop spain late 15th century,wa standard infantri firearm.it first use battl ravenna (11 april 1512), italian war franc spain. matchlock musket appear 1400 follow wheel lock 1500. next advanc flintlock earli 1600' cap lock invent 1805, start gain popular 1830's. self contain cartridg appear 1850's."} {"id": "3994", "contents": "musket smoothbor barrel; rifl groov barrel. today' standards, musket accur due lack rifling. rifl bullet spin, allow greater accuracy. owe lack accuracy, offic expect musket aim specif targets. start 18th century, lighter version musket edg arquebus, addit bayonet edg pike, almost infantri becam musketeers."} {"id": "3995", "contents": "rifl musket rifl musket type firearm made mid-19th century. origin term refer musket produc smoothbor weapon later barrel replac rifl barrels. first rifl muskets, origin smoothbor weapon like model 1842 musket, typic .69 calib weapons, though smaller calib weapon sometim modifi well."} {"id": "3996", "contents": "would take nearli anoth 200 year matchlock would improv upon. first true flintlock firearm develop frenchman marin le bourgeoy design king loui viii. flintlock muskets, pistol rifl mainstay everi european american armi 1660 1840. flintlock improv upon matchlock sever ways."} {"id": "3997", "contents": "frameshift mutation. definition. noun, plural: frameshift mutations. type gene mutat wherein addit delet (a number of) nucleotid (s) caus shift read frame codon mrna, thus, may eventu lead alter amino acid sequenc protein translation. supplement. mutat involv gene two major types:"} {"id": "3998", "contents": "noun denot natur events. hypernym (delet kind of...): chromosom mutation; genet mutation; mutat ((genetics) event chang genet structure; alter inherit nucleic acid sequenc genotyp organism)."} {"id": "3999", "contents": "delet mutation. definition. noun. type gene mutat wherein delet (a well addition) (a number of) nucleotid (s) caus shift read frame codon mrna, thus, may eventu lead alter amino acid sequenc protein translation. supplement."} {"id": "4000", "contents": "indel molecular biolog term insert delet base dna organism. slightli differ definit use evolutionari studi use germ-lin somat mutat studies."} {"id": "4001", "contents": "delet type mutat involv loss genet material. small, involv singl miss dna base pair, large, involv piec chromosome. definit from: talk glossari genet term nation human genom research institute."} {"id": "4002", "contents": "delet (genetics) loss absenc one nucleotid chromosome. invers (genetics) kind mutat order gene section chromosom reversed. chang gene chromosom organism. mutat occur reproduct cells, egg sperm, pass one gener next. mutat harm effects, increas organism' abil survive."} {"id": "4003", "contents": "lesson summary. delet mutat occur part dna molecul copi dna replication. uncopi part small singl nucleotid much entir chromosome. loss dna replic lead genet disease. delet mutat dna. delet mutat occur part dna molecul copi dna replication. uncopi part small singl nucleotid much entir chromosome."} {"id": "4004", "contents": "mutat result insert delet singl nucleotid into, from, normal dna sequence; genet code read three nucleotid time, nucleotid triplet distal mutat one step phase misread, henc translat differ amino acids."} {"id": "4005", "contents": "delet chromosome. genetics, delet (also call gene deletion, deficiency, delet mutation) (sign: \u03b4) mutat (a genet aberration) part chromosom sequenc dna lost dna replication. number nucleotid deleted, singl base entir piec chromosome. smallest singl base delet mutat believ occur singl base flip templat dna, follow templat dna strand slippage, within dna polymeras activ site."} {"id": "4006", "contents": "store thaw chicken refrigerator. chicken thaw safe store fridg 1-2 days. chicken thaw refrozen. store thaw chicken coldest part"} {"id": "4007", "contents": "thaw chicken faster, place wrap bowl cold water sink. import water cold, warm water encourag bacteria growth. additionally, it\u2019 import water chang everi 30 minut maintain temperatur water."} {"id": "4008", "contents": "allow five hour thaw time everi pound chicken. also thaw wrap chicken safe submerg cold water sink larg bowl. allow 30 minut thaw time everi pound chicken, chang water everi 30 minutes."} {"id": "4009", "contents": "chicken may also safe thaw cold water. place chicken origin wrap watertight plastic bag cold water; chang water often. take hour thaw whole chicken. quick thaw chicken (raw cooked), use microwave."} {"id": "4010", "contents": "thaw frozen chicken slowli safely. take anywher 24 hour two day thaw whole chicken refrigerator, hour cut-up chicken part (less boneless pieces). thaw chicken quickli cold water bath use defrost cycl microwave."} {"id": "4011", "contents": "thaw chicken refriger (not countertop) cold water. take approxim 24 hour thaw four pound chicken refrigerator; cut-up parts, 3-9 hours. chicken may also safe thaw"} {"id": "4012", "contents": "press time, abl thaw whole chicken refrigerator. quickli thaw whole chicken cold water microwave, proceed cook chicken way prefer."} {"id": "4013", "contents": "thaw tips. thaw chicken refriger (not countertop) cold water. take approxim 24 hour thaw four pound chicken refrigerator; cut-up parts, 3-9 hours. chicken may also safe thaw"} {"id": "4014", "contents": "revolt desper massachusett farmer 1786, shays' rebellion aros econom hardship follow war independence. name reluct leader, daniel shays, rebellion sought win help state legislatur bankrupt dispossess farmers."} {"id": "4015", "contents": "shays' rebellion constitution. rebellion king may pardoned, lightli punished, man dare rebel law republ ought suffer death. samuel adam alon idea unrest massachusett 1780s."} {"id": "4016", "contents": "critic point rebellion shays' march govern arsen springfield januari 1787, mean stand troop advanc boston gener benjamin lincoln."} {"id": "4017", "contents": "shays' rebellion, 1786\u201387, arm insurrect farmer massachusett state government."} {"id": "4018", "contents": "shays\u2019 rebellion rebellion among farmer massachusett began 1786. rebellion import seen one major factor led write new constitution."} {"id": "4019", "contents": "shay '\u200b rebellion arm upris took place massachusett 1786 1787. historian believ fundament alter cours unit states' history."} {"id": "4020", "contents": "introduction. shays\u2019 rebellion name given seri protest 1786 1787 american farmer state local enforc tax collect judgment debt."} {"id": "4021", "contents": "farmer daniel shay took charg group led attack feder arsen springfield, massachusetts, januari 1787. feder troop revolutionari war gener benjamin lincoln came boston. four men kill 20 wounded."} {"id": "4022", "contents": "peripher blood monocyt patient autoimmun angioedema produc normal, function active, 105 kd cl-inh normal quantities, cl-inh isol patient' plasma exist dysfunct lower molecular weight (96 kd) performance. angioedema may due hereditari form cl-inh deficiency, recent autoimmun form angioedema describ mechan novel."} {"id": "4023", "contents": "caus thyroid gland diseas type inflammatori arthriti common peopl urticaria (hives) angioedema. peopl whose swell persist year without obviou cause, autoimmun process may responsible. angioedema condit small blood vessel leak fluid tissues, caus swelling. known cure, may possibl prevent swell medic occasion diet. allergi rare caus"} {"id": "4024", "contents": "definitions. urticaria transient erythemat swell skin, associ itching, usual resolv within 24 hours. angioedema (previous known angioneurot edema) character swell caus edema deeper dermal, cutan sub-mucos tissue. acut attack urticaria angioedema treat h1 antihistamines. treatment 1% menthol aqueou cream may suppress itching. wheal occur tight cloth contact skin, loos cloth recommended."} {"id": "4025", "contents": "better understanding, let divid articl two sections: first one describ autoimmun wherea second one stress angioedema. autoimmun angioedema skin problem found patient develop angioedema respons autoimmun trigger, i.e. certain antibodies. mast cell widespread skin contain certain fluids. basic act defens mechan bodi disorders. disturb autoimmun trigger allergen, releas fluid call histamin skin caus swell angioedema."} {"id": "4026", "contents": "thyroid diseas chronic urticaria. thyroid diseas commonli report autoimmun condit patient cu. literature, frequenc thyroid autoimmun patient cu encompass vast rang values, vari 6.5% 24 57% 25. beyond thyroid disease, varieti addit autoimmun diseas examin associ cu. confino-cohen et al. found 12.5% patient one addit autoimmun disease, 2.1% two diseases, 0.1% three diseases, singl patient addit four five diseases."} {"id": "4027", "contents": "mean part body' immun system may attack skin. unfortunately, vast major cases, caus rare found. angioedema associ nasti symptoms, rare nasti underli disease. angioedema condit small blood vessel leak fluid tissues, caus swelling. known cure, may possibl prevent swell medic occasion diet. allergi rare caus angioedema."} {"id": "4028", "contents": "acquir angioedema (aae) immunologic, nonimmunologic, idiopathic. usual caus allergi occur togeth allerg symptom urticaria. also occur side effect certain medications, particularli ace inhibitors. acquir angioedema, hae type ii, nonhistaminerg angioedema, antifibrinolyt tranexam acid \u03b5-aminocapro acid may effective. cinnarizin may also use block activ c4 use patient liver disease, androgen cannot [1]"} {"id": "4029", "contents": "develop thyroid diseas often consid marker autoimmunity. thyroid diseas connect varieti autoimmun diseases, includ pernici anemia, celiac disease, type diabet system lupu erythematosu (sle), addit cu. patient affect cu thyroid autoimmunity, increas risk develop angioedema. leznoff sussman report triad thyroid autoimmunity, cu, angioedema occur 15% patient cu."} {"id": "4030", "contents": "thyroid diseas chronic urticaria. thyroid diseas commonli report autoimmun condit patient cu. literature, frequenc thyroid autoimmun patient cu encompass vast rang values, vari 6.5% 57%. patient affect cu thyroid autoimmunity, increas risk develop angioedema. leznoff sussman report triad thyroid autoimmunity, cu, angioedema occur 15%"} {"id": "4031", "contents": "angioedema, also known angiooedema, quincke' edema, angioneurot edema, rapid swell (edema) dermis, subcutan tissue, mucosa submucos tissues. similar urticaria, urticaria, commonli known hives, occur upper dermis. case angioedema progress rapidli treat medic emergency, airway obstruct suffoc occur. epinephrin may life-sav caus angioedema allergic. acquir angioedema, hae type ii, nonhistaminerg angioedema, antifibrinolyt tranexam acid \u03b5-aminocapro acid may effective. cinnarizin may also use block activ c4 use patient liver disease, androgen cannot [1]"} {"id": "4032", "contents": "shown given map berlin locat north-east region germany. berlin capit citi germany."} {"id": "4033", "contents": "berlin locat eastern germany. berlin capit citi state germany. countri largest citi area popul second popul citi european union. berlin locat eastern germany, 70 kilometr west border poland. landscap shape ice sheet last ice age. berlin one influenti centr european politics, cultur science."} {"id": "4034", "contents": "area: 891.75 km\u00b2 (344 sq mi) people: popul (2013): 3.3 million. citi state berlin locat northern european lowland (north german plain) along spree river eastern germany. lie within state brandenburg. germany' capit citi (again sinc 1990), area 892 km\u00b2 (344 sq mi) is, popul 3,4 million inhabitants, germany' largest city. berlin. citystate, state capit capit citi germany; berlin' homepage."} {"id": "4035", "contents": "locat northeastern germani bank river spree havel, centr berlin-brandenburg metropolitan region, six million resid 180 nations. due locat european plain, berlin influenc temper season climate. modern berlin home renown universities, orchestras, museums, entertain venues, host mani sport events. urban set made sought-aft locat intern film productions."} {"id": "4036", "contents": "first document 13th century, berlin becam capit margravi brandenburg (1417-1701), kingdom prussia (1701\u20131918), german empir (1871\u20131918), weimar republ (1919\u20131933) third reich (1933\u20131945). berlin 1920 third largest municip world. world war ii, citi divided; east berlin becam capit east germani west berlin becam de facto west german exclave, surround berlin wall (1961\u20131989). modern berlin home renown universities, orchestras, museums, entertain venues, host mani sport events. urban set made sought-aft locat intern film productions."} {"id": "4037", "contents": "berlin, germani located? berlin city/town larg popul countri germani locat continent/region europe. cities, town place near berlin includ ahrensfelde, panketal, muhlenbeck land schoenefeld. sch\u00f6nefeld closest major citi include, oberhavel, nordsachsen szczecin and. magdeburg"} {"id": "4038", "contents": "berlin wall torn 1989. locat center berlin germany. divid berlin east west berlin. 14 peopl found useful. edit. share to: jame dawe. 216,095 contributions. start career profession chef district sale manag wine spirit company. retir 2005, breed araucana chickens."} {"id": "4039", "contents": "historically, berlin locat brandenburg capital. time went on, replac konigsburg capit prussia. capit germany, locat northeast country."} {"id": "4040", "contents": "historically, berlin locat brandenburg capital. time went on, replac konigsburg capit prussia. capit germany, locat northeast country. locat center berlin germany. divid berlin east west berlin. 14 peopl found useful. edit. share to: jame dawe. 216,095 contributions. start career profession chef district sale manag wine spirit company. retir 2005, breed araucana chickens."} {"id": "4041", "contents": "develop feder government\u2019 ilr scale american council teach foreign languages, actfl profici scale main level (novice, intermediate, advanc superior. first three level subdivid sub-level (low, mid high). actfl scale provid great deal definition, especi lower level profici usual achiev foreign languag learning. wide use mani arenas, particularli academia."} {"id": "4042", "contents": "entitl foreign languag profici pay (flpp) establish offic enlist member receiv basic pay certifi individu servic secretari profici foreign language. servic secretari certifi flpp annual base on: qualif career linguist duti specialty."} {"id": "4043", "contents": "entitl foreign languag profici bonu (flpb) establish offic enlist member receiv basic pay certifi individu servic secretari profici foreign languag dialect. servic secretari certifi flpp annual base on:"} {"id": "4044", "contents": "profici commonli measur use guidelin develop american council teach foreign languag (actfl). actfl profici guidelin measur profici scale ten levels: novic low, mid, high; intermedi low, mid, high; advanc low, mid, high; superior. assess world languag washington student requir take statewid test world languages, world languag program provid technic assist school district would like assess students\u2019 languag proficiency."} {"id": "4045", "contents": "vocabulary-th set word given languag speaker familiar with, subdivid into: a) word recogn upon hear reading; b) word person feel comfort use speech. actfl profici guidelin actfl recognis ten differ level proficiency: novice, intermediate, advanced, superior, first three subdivid low, mid, high. common european framework refer languag cefr recognis six levels: a1, a2, b1, b2, c1 c2."} {"id": "4046", "contents": "standard grade scale languag profici feder service. origin develop interag languag roundtabl (ilr), includ represent unit state foreign servic institute, predecessor nation foreign affair train center (nfatc). grade people' languag profici scale 0-5. design 0+, 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+ assign profici substanti exce one skill level fulli meet criteria next level. total 11 possibl grades. ilr level profession work profici [edit]. profession work profici rate scale. level usual use measur mani peopl world know given language."} {"id": "4047", "contents": "provid opportun test profici level variou foreign languages. base test standard grammar vocabulari would find language-learn materials. offer test self-evalu purpos only. unlik achiev test kind tests, profici test depend particular class content, cours materials, languag softwar programs. instead, profici test intend measur command languag regardless background language."} {"id": "4048", "contents": "characterist proficiency-ori languag instruct proficiency-ori languag instruct gener framework organ instruction, curriculum, assessment, rather method theory."} {"id": "4049", "contents": "exclus license american council teach foreign languages, lti offer highest standard excellence, accuraci reliabl foreign languag profici exam."} {"id": "4050", "contents": "languag profici linguist profici abil individu speak perform acquir language. theori among pedagogu constitut profici go, littl consist differ organ classifi it. additionally, fluenci languag compet gener recogn related, separ controversi subjects. actfl profici guidelin actfl recognis ten differ level proficiency: novice, intermediate, advanced, superior, first three subdivid low, mid, high. common european framework refer languag cefr recognis six levels: a1, a2, b1, b2, c1 c2."} {"id": "4051", "contents": "averag in-ground swim pool cost $21,919, accord home improv site fixr. that\u2019 pretti basic 32\u2019 16\u2019 model. (eleven year ago, spent $24,000 pool plu paver patio.). that\u2019 build thing."} {"id": "4052", "contents": "bottom line? pool cost $30,000 install, say $3,000 year total running, mainten repairs, get much back sell it, much realli cost you? rememb could invest $30,000 earn return money. borrow it, pay interest."} {"id": "4053", "contents": "base vinyl liner packag pool builder typic cost $25,000-$35,000 turn-key vinyl liner packag typic cost $35,000-$55,000. let' take look much cost type pool time."} {"id": "4054", "contents": "instal aboveground pool cost $1,500-$5,000; in-ground estim cost $7,000-$16,000 vinyl-lin model, $15,000-$25,000 fiberglass shell $17,000-$45,000 concret gunite. however, custom design run price much higher. shop swim pool: aboveground pool rel easi instal follow manufacturer' instructions; in-ground one requir excavating, plumb much more. old hous use photo show step use creat $80,000 custom concret in-ground pool."} {"id": "4055", "contents": "$1,500 $5,000: vinyl-lin pools. nationwid averag $50 per squar foot, dramat alter depend upon location, type pool, custom ad pool. estim show ad pool homesit increas overal valu 7% 15% well built attractive. however, pool construct altern method tradit gunit can, future, present liability. swim pool consist construct costs."} {"id": "4056", "contents": "cost averag in-ground vinyl-lin swim pool vari location, shape, size, decor qualiti finish surroundings. typic 12' 24' rectangular (288 sq.ft. water surfac area) vinyl-lin pool cost around $58 per squar foot. typic extra rais cost $89 per squar foot. cost start roughli $400, easili reach well thousands. chemicals-between chlorine, ph test strips, materials, averag pool owner spend roughli $80 per month above-ground swim pool $95 per month in-ground swim pools."} {"id": "4057", "contents": "averag ground swim pool kit cost $1500 $4500, depend qualiti pool. typically, resin less metal pool has, higher price longer last. instal cost ground pool usual run $1000-$3000, depend size type pool. keep mind oval pool normal cost instal round pools, kit also expens"} {"id": "4058", "contents": "purpos discussion, look cost associ instal kind modern swim pools. accord p.k. data averag cost 19' diamet ground swim pool $6,243; averag cost 32'x16' inground swim pool $21,919. solar heater-th cost solar heat assembl seem exorbit (usual start around $5000), life swim pool much energi consum need heater, primari reason consid use solar heat system pool water;"} {"id": "4059", "contents": "in-ground vinyl-lin swim pool (12' 24' 288 sq.ft.). total cost shown includ five-man crew job total 300 man-hours, seven eight days. cost start roughli $400, easili reach well thousands. chemicals-between chlorine, ph test strips, materials, averag pool owner spend roughli $80 per month above-ground swim pool $95 per month in-ground swim pools."} {"id": "4060", "contents": "dna, deoxyribonucl acid, like blueprint biolog guidelin live organ must follow exist remain functional. rna, ribonucl acid, help carri blueprint' guidelines. dna' gene expressed, manifested, protein nucleotid produc help rna. inform found dna determin trait created, activated, deactivated, variou form rna work."} {"id": "4061", "contents": "individu codon code specif amino acids. gene sequenc nucleotid along dna strand-with 'start' 'stop' codon regulatori elements-that specifi sequenc amino acid link togeth form protein. belong class molecul call nucleic acids, polynucleotides-that is, long chain nucleotides. nucleotid consist three components: nitrogen base: cytosin (c), guanin (g), adenin (a) thymin (t). five-carbon sugar molecul (deoxyribos case dna)."} {"id": "4062", "contents": "i.a. dna, rna protein dna wise call deoxyribonucl acid build block life. contain inform cell requir synthes protein replic itself, short storag repositori inform requir cell function."} {"id": "4063", "contents": "rna use transmit genet inform organ may molecul use store genet blueprint primit organisms. structur features. b-form doubl helix. dna double-strand molecul consist long chain nucleotides. a-form helix. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "4064", "contents": "dna stand deoxyribonucl acid, rna ribonucl acid. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "4065", "contents": "dna molecul consist two strands? primari function dna store transmit genet information. accomplish function dna must two properties. must chemic stabl reduc possibl damage. dna must also capabl copi inform contains."} {"id": "4066", "contents": "dna (or deoxyribonucl acid) molecul carri genet inform cellular form life viruses. belong class molecul call nucleic acids, polynucleotides-that is, long chain nucleotides. nucleotid consist three components: nitrogen base: cytosin (c), guanin (g), adenin (a) thymin (t). five-carbon sugar molecul (deoxyribos case dna)."} {"id": "4067", "contents": "biology, mutat perman chang nucleotid sequenc genom organism, virus, extrachromosom dna genet elements. mutat may may produc discern chang observ characterist (phenotype) organism. mutat play part normal abnorm biolog process including: evolution, cancer, develop immun system, includ junction diversity."} {"id": "4068", "contents": "mutat result sever differ type chang sequences. mutat gene either effect, alter product gene, prevent gene function properli completely. mutat may may produc discern chang observ characterist (phenotype) organism. mutat play part normal abnorm biolog process including: evolution, cancer, develop immun system, includ junction diversity."} {"id": "4069", "contents": "gene segment dna encod function. chromosom consist long strand dna contain mani genes. human chromosom 500 million base pair dna thousand genes."} {"id": "4070", "contents": "preposit phrase modifi noun pronoun call adject phrase. member club want sweatshirt club emblem. [the preposit phrase club use adject modifi noun members. club emblem use adject modifi noun sweatshirts."} {"id": "4071", "contents": "[the gerund phrase use object verb feared. gerund ski modifi preposit phrase mountain adverb alon .] dog\u2019 favorit game bring newspaper. [the gerund phrase use predic nominative."} {"id": "4072", "contents": "answer zxcvm. confid vote 24. differ type phrase type phrase definit exampl preposit begin preposit end noun pronoun lake ear adjectiv preposit phrase function adject fish red gills."} {"id": "4073", "contents": "claus group word subject verb. independ claus stand complet sentence. subordin claus part sentence. adject claus subordin claus modifi noun pronoun tell kind one."} {"id": "4074", "contents": "check understand vocabulari quiz comprehens quiz. ski action travel snow ice one' feet place ski (long narrow piec wood material)."} {"id": "4075", "contents": "base: definit term depend context use for. base may use describ side ski snowboard, main area bottom ski resort, overal depth snow. baseplate: bottom portion ski snowboard binding."} {"id": "4076", "contents": "tri elimin confusion, commonli use ski term list definitions, well physic mechan term use website. websit also extens link entri page make definit anyth understood, easili found."} {"id": "4077", "contents": "speed gerund present participle. gerund verbal noun, the-e form verb use noun. example: speed law. present participl use conjunct auxiliari verb creat progress tenses. example: car speed street."} {"id": "4078", "contents": "astronomy, geocentr model (also known geocentrism, ptolema system) descript cosmo earth orbit center celesti bodies. second observ support geocentr model earth seem move perspect earth-bound observer, solid, stable, unmoving."} {"id": "4079", "contents": "geocentr theori model earth center universe, everyth (sun, stars,moon,ect.) revolv around daily. disproven 500 year ago copernipu favor heliocentr model said earth went around sun. geo mean earth, centric mean centered.. geocentr view therefor earth center view. word typic refer view earth ce nter universe. earth center human interest. beyond earth/moon system center anything."} {"id": "4080", "contents": "geocentr theori astronom theori describ univers geocentr system, i.e., system put earth center universe, describ object point view earth."} {"id": "4081", "contents": "geocentr model. geocentr model cosmo paradigm place earth center universe. common ancient greece, believ aristotl ptolemy. greek assum sun, moon, stars, planet orbit earth. similar idea held ancient china. geocentr model gradual replac heliocentr model copernicu galileo due simplic predict accuraci newer model. model, set fifty-f concentr crystallin sphere consid hold sun, planets, stars."} {"id": "4082", "contents": "geocentr model, also known ptolema system, theori develop philosoph ancient greec name philosoph claudiu ptolemi live circa 90 168 a.d. develop explain planets, sun, even star orbit around earth. copernicu propos heliocentr model solar system model everyth orbit around sun. today, advanc scienc technology, geocentr model seem preposterous. simpl tools, telescop help convinc galileo earth center univers prove ancient theori incorrect"} {"id": "4083", "contents": "geocentr model solar system peopl believ univers hundr year ago, earth center universe, sun ner planet orbit earth. wikipedia plenti inform this. geo mean earth, centric mean centered.. geocentr view therefor earth center view. word typic refer view earth ce nter universe. earth center human interest. beyond earth/moon system center anything."} {"id": "4084", "contents": "geocentr model, earth consid center universe, celesti bodi move around earth (planets, moon, sun stars). heliocentr model, sun consid center universe, celesti bodi move around sun. earli heliocentr model consid sun center, planet revolv around sun. geocentric. predomin theori structur univers ancient world geocentr model."} {"id": "4085", "contents": "ancient roman mediev philosoph usual combin geocentr model spheric earth. older flat earth model impli mythology, case biblic postbibl latin cosmology. second observ support geocentr model earth seem move perspect earth-bound observer, solid, stable, unmoving."} {"id": "4086", "contents": "heliocentr geocentr two explan configur universe, includ solar system. geocentr model say earth center cosmos, planets, sun moon, star circl around it. earli heliocentr model consid sun center, planet revolv around sun. geocentric. predomin theori structur univers ancient world geocentr model."} {"id": "4087", "contents": "han sely (1907- 1982) hungarian endocrinologist, first give scientif explan biolog stress. han sely explain stress model base physiolog psychobiolog gener adapt syndrom (gas). model state event threaten organism\u2019 well-b (a stressor) lead three-stag bodili response: stage 1: alarm. conclusion. han selye' theori profoundli influenc scientif studi stress. stress state produc chang environ natur stressor variable. individu apprais cope stress, reach goal adapt"} {"id": "4088", "contents": "han selye-highlights. han sely often consid one earli pioneer modern stress theory. scientif research help shape understand stress. han sely often consid one earli pioneer modern stress theori"} {"id": "4089", "contents": "1936 han sely creat stress model gener adapt syndrom thoroughli explain stress respons age diseas caus chronic exposur stress. 1. phase, initi reaction bodi stress label stressor threat danger balance,that immedi activ fight flight respons system, releas \u201cstress\u201d hormon adrenaline, noradrenalin cortisol."} {"id": "4090", "contents": "han sely born vienna 1907. earn medic degre ph.d., german univers pragu d. sc. mcgill univers montreal. scientif research result 38 book 1600 technic articles. han sely often consid one earli pioneer modern stress theory."} {"id": "4091", "contents": "g.a.s. spell stress mani wondrou discoveri scienc medicine, chanc hungarian-born han sely (1907-1982) stumbl upon idea gener adapt syndrom (g.a.s.), first wrote british journal natur summer 1936."} {"id": "4092", "contents": "han sely han sely often consid one earli pioneer modern stress theory. scientif research help shape understand stress. histori han sely born vienna 1907. earn medic degre ph.d., german univers pragu d. sc. mcgill univers montreal. scientif research result 38 book 1600 technic articles. work, sely father stress research ,' develop theori stress major caus diseas chronic stress caus long-term chemic changes."} {"id": "4093", "contents": "last inspir gener adapt syndrom (gas, theori stress) came endocrinolog experi inject mice extract variou organs. conduct much import scientif work hypothet non-specif respons organ stressors. although recogn mani aspect glucocorticoids, sely awar role stress response."} {"id": "4094", "contents": "gener adapt syndrome. sely defin stress as: \u201cstress nonspecif respons bodi demand, whether caus by, result in, pleasant unpleas conditions.\u201d. sely identifi three stage adapt person goe gener adapt syndrom 1936. han sely often consid one earli pioneer modern stress theory."} {"id": "4095", "contents": "account paid agre gener stay credit report 10 year date last activity. you\u2019v paid mortgage, example, posit inform stay credit report decad account\u2019"} {"id": "4096", "contents": "accord fair credit report act, bankruptci remain credit ten year file date. however, chapter 13 bankruptci typic remov credit report seven years. keep mind clock start run file case, receiv discharge."} {"id": "4097", "contents": "tax liens. paid tax lien typic stay credit report seven year date releas (paid), unpaid tax lien remain credit report 15 years. bankruptcies. general, public record bankruptci stay credit report 10 years."} {"id": "4098", "contents": "file chapter bankruptcy, unsecur debt written within 90 day filing. bankruptci stay credit report 10 years. debt forgiven, also give property, sold, proce distribut among creditors."} {"id": "4099", "contents": "chapter bankruptci usual stay credit report ten years. general, prohibit obtain new credit move life. fact, debtor start receiv new credit card offer shortli receiv discharge."} {"id": "4100", "contents": "file bankruptcy, someth call automat stay immedi stop lawsuit file action properti creditor, collect agency, govern entity."} {"id": "4101", "contents": "chapter bankruptci stay credit report 10 year date bankruptci discharged. however, stay court record 20 years, public record. return. 33."} {"id": "4102", "contents": "jump jack name come tradit toy name, star jump refer person' appear leg arm spread. intens version jump includ bend (over) touch floor jump. power jacks. power jack similar jump jacks, except person squat lower jump high possibl repetition."} {"id": "4103", "contents": "jump jack. n. 1. firework long narrow tube fill gunpowder, fold like accordion lit burn small explos caus jump along ground. 2. toy figur man joint limb move pull attach strings."} {"id": "4104", "contents": "jack jumper ant (myrmecia pilosula), commonli known hopper ant, jumper ant jump jack, speci venom ant nativ australia."} {"id": "4105", "contents": "definit jump jack kids. exercis person stand jump posit leg arm spread jump back origin position. next word dictionary: jumpingli previou word dictionary: jump hare word near: jump jack.noun. tweet. exercis stand person jump posit leg arm spread jump back origin position.ul definit jump jack. 1. toy figur man joint made jump danc mean string slide stick. 2."} {"id": "4106", "contents": "upload sep 28, 2008. jump jack basic exercis begin feet together. jump jack tip fit director free video exercis programs. expert: le whitley. contact: www.velocitysp.com/coolsprings. bio: le whitley director veloc sport perform franklin, tennessee."} {"id": "4107", "contents": "jump jack offici state exercis missouri, usa juli 2014. intens version jump includ bend (over) touch floor jump. power jacks. power jack similar jump jacks, except person squat lower jump high possibl repetition."} {"id": "4108", "contents": "variat [edit]. intens version jump includ bend (over) touch floor jump. power jacks. power jack similar jump jacks, except person squat lower jump high possibl repetition. similar jump exercis call half-jacks, creat prevent rotat cuff injuries, link repetit movement exercis"} {"id": "4109", "contents": "jump jack basic structur workout almost everyon done child. peopl don\u2019t know benefici jump jack heart lungs."} {"id": "4110", "contents": "full definit jump jack. 1. toy figur man joint made jump danc mean string slide stick. 2. condit exercis perform stand posit jump posit leg spread arm rais origin position. see jump jack defin english-languag learners. see jump jack defin kids."} {"id": "4111", "contents": "aerob benefits. primari benefit jump jack elev heart rate. breath deepli jumping, deliv oxygen bloodstream ultim muscles. burn fat rapid rate, promot weight loss."} {"id": "4112", "contents": "act creat feder backstop insur claim relat act terrorism. act provid transpar system share public privat compens insur loss result act terrorism.."} {"id": "4113", "contents": "extend terror risk insur act (tria): gener agreement tria help insur compani provid terror coverag feder government' involv offer measur certainti maximum size loss insur would pay allow plan future."} {"id": "4114", "contents": "terror risk insur act (tria) u.s. feder law enact 2002. tria enact wake terrorist attack septemb 11, 2001. creat enabl commerci insur provid reason terror coverag policyhold subject act terrorism."} {"id": "4115", "contents": "policies. risk properti casualti polici cover certifiedand non-certifi act terror prescrib trip. per-occurr limits, deductibles, locations, one-year polici term cancel provis mirror properti casualti polici coverag embedded."} {"id": "4116", "contents": "naic commit work congress, administration, state officials, industri develop long-term plan make terror insur avail affordable. presid obama sign terror risk insur program reauthor act 2015 (h.r.26) januari 12, 2015."} {"id": "4117", "contents": "definit 'war exclus clause'. claus insur polici specif exclud coverag act war invasion, insurrection, revolution, militari coup terrorism."} {"id": "4118", "contents": "terror risk insur (extension) act (triea): congress pass extens 2002 act end decemb 2005. legisl extend act decemb 2007 greatli increas portion loss insur would pay event terrorist attack."} {"id": "4119", "contents": "top pay d.c. 2014, averag salari development specialist assist vari within south region, accord simpli hired, earn highest salari $75,000 washington, d.c., lowest salari $37,000 mississippi. development specialist assist earn $47,000 2014, simpli hire report averag salari $51,000 development specialists. simpli hired' survey sampl could includ level iii development specialist assistants, would account small differ salaries."} {"id": "4120", "contents": "child life activ asst-bch. child life assist respons assist child life specialist inpati planning,. children famili report observ child... 12 day ago-sav job-email-more... view unitypoint health job de moines, ia-d moin jobs. offic specialist (child support assistant). recruit use fill child support assist (offic specialist 1) posit oregon depart justice' divis child support... state oregon day ago-sav job-email-more... view medford, jobs."} {"id": "4121", "contents": "bl forecast job development specialist assistants. estim 12 percent increas employ psychologist 2012 2022, however, averag compar 11 percent nation rate occupations. development specialist assist earn $47,000 2014, simpli hire report averag salari $51,000 development specialists. simpli hired' survey sampl could includ level iii development specialist assistants, would account small differ salaries."} {"id": "4122", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl child life specialist may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. job descript child life specialist. respons design implement pediatr programs, therapies, activ among young patients. work famili assist care childhood hospit disabilities. monitor child develop ensur normal progress"} {"id": "4123", "contents": "salari child care assistant? child care assist paid well, earn averag annual salari $21,310 may 2012 (u.s. bureau labor statist data). read learn salari vari locat employ along factors. bl expect averag growth child care worker 2012-2022. growth estim 14% period, result 184,100 jobs. sinc there' lot turnov field, bl expect good prospect individu without formal education."} {"id": "4124", "contents": "salari overview. averag salari child care assist child care worker low, increas education, accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), www.bls.gov. averag annual salari $21,310 annual $10.25 per hour may 2012. bl expect averag growth child care worker 2012-2022. growth estim 14% period, result 184,100 jobs. sinc there' lot turnov field, bl expect good prospect individu without formal education."} {"id": "4125", "contents": "salari $45,000 $50,000. averag annual salari development specialist assist $47,000 2014, accord job site simpli hired. development specialist assist earn $47,000 2014, simpli hire report averag salari $51,000 development specialists. simpli hired' survey sampl could includ level iii development specialist assistants, would account small differ salaries."} {"id": "4126", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic child life specialist unit state $47,973 50% peopl perform job child life specialist unit state expect make less $47,973. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $47,973. salary. job descript child life specialist. respons design implement pediatr programs, therapies, activ among young patients. work famili assist care childhood hospit disabilities. monitor child develop ensur normal progress"} {"id": "4127", "contents": "shop garag doors: new model includ automat garag door opener; not, open add $130-$300 total price. addit key-chain-s programm transmitt might anoth $15-$50 each. thisoldhouse.com provid photo galleri idea out-of-the-ordinari garag doors. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "4128", "contents": "garag door cost anywher $200 singl door $4,000 two doors, better materi account higher cost. homeown report spend $1,060 door installation. garag door open repair cost $100 $300 depend extent problem. return top. type garag door select -- extra piec labor requir -- influenc much pay profession installed."} {"id": "4129", "contents": "garag door pulley' rel cheap averag around $12 $68 dollar per pulley. however, make servic call repair expert visit home. garag door servic call usual around $50 $90 depend compani hire. averag garag door pulley repair cost $102. depend wrong panel, averag price repair $130 steel door repairs, $190 wood, $170 aluminum $150 fiberglass. inform replac garag door panel. garag door open malfunctioning, safeti could danger."} {"id": "4130", "contents": "price garag door rang $600 $6,000; sinc price rang larg helpful, post help \u201cballpark\u201d price garag door. standard garag door size 8\u00d77, 9\u00d77,16x7, 8\u00d78, 9\u00d78, 16\u00d78. type door, quot 8\u00d77 garag doors. price 16\u00d77 door natur nearli twice price, 9\u00d77 door 10% add 20%-25% door foot high."} {"id": "4131", "contents": "openers-not automat garag door open alike. price rang $150 $300 instal come option secur automat open add $50 total cost project. accord diyornot.com, cost $500 $800 instal singl new garag door. demonstr averag homeown usual tackl project nine hour time span profession abl complet roughli five hours."} {"id": "4132", "contents": "get instant estim cost replac garag door! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost garag door replac project. basic door project zip code 47474, benchmark cost replac garag door rang $650.77 $1,089.47 per door. estim cost project:"} {"id": "4133", "contents": "model option tend higher end price ranges. instal garag door consid medium-difficult do-it-yourself project two-person team, averag cost $300-$500, depend type door chosen. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "4134", "contents": "depend material, size, option selected, garag door cost littl $300 $600 (for stock wood steel door insul windows) much $10,000 (for custom carriag hous door). homeown spend somewher $500 $2,000 new garag door. diy instal won\u2019t result signific savings, averag cost profession garag door instal $100 $200. need new garag door opener, expect pay roughli $250 $500 installed."} {"id": "4135", "contents": "averag cost replac garag door vari per region. live indianapoli region find cost $450-$1000. depend model, extra etc. use access garag door sell wholesal well instal garag doors."} {"id": "4136", "contents": "long store frozen foods. freez cannot improv flavor textur food, properli done preserv qualiti fresh product. know long particular food store freezer simpl sounds."} {"id": "4137", "contents": "frozen pork storage. raw pork chop safe frozen six months. raw pork roast stay freezer long one year. cook pork product frozen four months. time, meat might dri less flavor, although still safe eat"} {"id": "4138", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. pork frozen month flavour sake. basic colour start chang due freezer burn give it, safe eat."} {"id": "4139", "contents": "freez freshli butcher pork. prepar pork tenderloin freez important. long-term freez fresh pork butchers, best wrap polystyren tray fresh pork come cling wrap prevent air entering. pork tenderloin popular cut pork. freez keep pork tenderloin hand without risk bacteria, however, must frozen properli extend shelf life."} {"id": "4140", "contents": "freez time. ideally, eat pork tenderloin within three month maximum nutrit taste. however, kept four 12 month freezer properli store wrapped. pork tenderloin popular cut pork. freez keep pork tenderloin hand without risk bacteria, however, must frozen properli extend shelf life."} {"id": "4141", "contents": "no-thaw cooking. perfectli safe cook meat frozen state. cook approxim 50% longer recommend time fulli thaw fresh meat poultry. thaw meat counter hot water. leav meat room temperatur two hours."} {"id": "4142", "contents": "pork cindi 2015-04-21t07:20:32+00:00. long pork last? shelf life pork depend varieti factors, sell date, prepar method pork stored. long-term option, freez pork preserv tast use freezer safe container. benefit proper food storag includ eat healthier, cut food cost help environ avoid waste."} {"id": "4143", "contents": "warnings. transfer leftov pull pork freezer bag freezer within hour meat finish cooking. prevent danger bacteria grow meat, could make sick ingest it. see refer 3)."} {"id": "4144", "contents": "wrap pork freezer. pork cooked, pack rigid container, like plastic storag contain tight lid meant use freezer. leav head room. raw pork chop safe frozen six months. raw pork roast stay freezer long one year. cook pork product frozen four months."} {"id": "4145", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: generally, fresh cut pork, like roasts, chop tenderloin kept well-wrap freezer months. well-wrap ground pork kept month freezer."} {"id": "4146", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. 2025 deleg need win democrat nomination. however, mre 40% need deleg so-cal super delegates. mean free pledg vote whomev please, vote winner given caucu primary. safeti valv implement prevent candid fundament chang system."} {"id": "4147", "contents": "number deleg need win democrat nomin 2,025. democrat parti system design proportional, could lead sen sens. barack obama (d-il) hillari clinton (d-ny) end roughli similar numbers, say peter beinart, cfr' senior fellow u.s. foreign policy."} {"id": "4148", "contents": "hillari one-fifth deleg she'll need democrat nomin lock five month first primari vote cast."} {"id": "4149", "contents": "hillari clinton alreadi secur support one-fifth number democrat nation convent deleg need order win party' presidenti nomination, emerg friday."} {"id": "4150", "contents": "bloomberg reported, base privat convers minneapolis, hillary' deleg haul may 440. dnc' rule next year' convent initi call total 4,483 delegates, major 2,242 need win presidenti nomination. clinton 440 pledges, 20 per cent way victory."} {"id": "4151", "contents": "put anemomet wind read scale. anemomet divid two classes: measur wind' speed, measur wind' pressu re; close connect pressur speed, anemomet design one give inform both. there' thing call beaufort scale realli units, base water wave action given wind velocity. beaufort dead calm beaufort 12 hurricane. knot (nautic mile per hour) wind usual measured."} {"id": "4152", "contents": "saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale rate base hurricane' sustain wind speed. scale estim potenti properti damage. hurrican reach categori higher consid major hurrican potenti signific loss life damage."} {"id": "4153", "contents": "beaufort scale /\u02c8bo\u028af\u0259rt/ empir measur relat wind speed observ condit sea land. full name beaufort wind forc scale, although measur wind speed forc scientif senses. equival wind speed 10 metr sea surfac beaufort scale number. example, 9.5 relat 24.5 m/ equal lower limit 10 beaufort. use formula highest wind hurrican would 23 scale"} {"id": "4154", "contents": "make use anemomet measur wind speed overview wind horizont movement air. instrument use measur wind speed call anemometer, indic spin wind. anemomet rotat speed wind. give direct measur speed wind. wind speed measur use beaufort wind scale scale 0-12 base visual clues. depend abil students, probabl suffici recogn calm air, gentle, moderate, strong breezes."} {"id": "4155", "contents": "saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale measur amount wind damag caus hurricanes. speed wind determin categori storm. categori rang 5. currently, saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale take account wind speed. sinc develop 1971, gone modifications. earlier version use storm surg central pressur well wind speed determin damage. scale known saffir-simpson hurrican scale"} {"id": "4156", "contents": "measur wind speed import weather forecasting, particular forecast hurrican tornadoes. beaufort scale use illustr speed wind particular time term knots."} {"id": "4157", "contents": "beaufort scale scale measur wind speeds. base observ rather accur measurement. wide use system measur wind speed today. scale develop 1805 sir franci beaufort. twelv levels, plu wind. 1946 1970, also beaufort level 13 17."} {"id": "4158", "contents": "saffir-simpson scale measur intens hurricane. wind speed measur scale 1-5 give estim potenti properti damag flood along coast. categori follows: categori one hurricane: wind 74-95 mph. categori two hurricane: wind 96-110 mph"} {"id": "4159", "contents": "ruptur bowels, assum refer perfor bowel, catastroph event complic mani differ illnesses. interestingly, irrit bowel syndrom probabl one condit lead perfor bowel."} {"id": "4160", "contents": "gastrointestin perfor (gp) occur hole form way stomach, larg bowel, small intestine. might caus number differ diseases, includ appendicitis, diverticulitis, trauma knife wound. perfor may also occur gallbladder. content organ abl spill abdomin cavity. hole gastrointestin system lead peritonitis. periton inflamm membran line abdomin cavity."} {"id": "4161", "contents": "intestin rupture. intestin ruptur medic emerg may lead sepsis, sever respons bacteria germ life threaten may life qualiti compromising, particularli left untreat individu respons time treatment."} {"id": "4162", "contents": "perforation. perfor hole wall digest tract. perfor may occur anywher digest tract may occur when: crater-shap sore (ulcer) erod wall stomach section intestine. infect appendix erod wall appendix."} {"id": "4163", "contents": "definition. colon perfor hole wall colon. colon end intestin also known larg intestine. perfor may puncture, cut, tear. open allow air intestin materi leak abdomin cavity. materi lead seriou infecti"} {"id": "4164", "contents": "symptom ruptur bowel include:-. extrem abdomin pain; distent (swell stomach); fever; nausea; bowel chang (such constipation, diahorrea, blood stool.) diagnosi treatment ruptur bowel. ruptur bowel usual diagnos x-ray ct scan show air escap periton cavity. diagnosi confirmed, ruptur must treat immediately."} {"id": "4165", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. gastrointestin perfor complet penetr part wall gastrointestin tract, line stomach, small intestin larg bowel, result intestin content flow abdomin cavity. perfor stomach lead chemic periton due leak gastric acid. perfor anywher along gastrointestin tract surgic emergency."} {"id": "4166", "contents": "person perfor bowel hole wall stomach, small intestine, larg intestine. perfor bowel allow food stool leak abdomen. food stool caus sever inflamm insid abdomen, call peritonitis. caus perfor bowel includ abdomin injury, inflammatori bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, colorect cancer, diverticulitis."} {"id": "4167", "contents": "caus ruptur bowel. common caus bowel ruptur penatr injury, surgeri knife wound. however, crush injuri occur car accid accid also caus bowel rupture. caus bowel ruptur allow food faec leak bowel abdomen air seep abdomin cavity. lead sever inflamm infect abdomen rapidli spread becom seriou even fatal diagnos treated."} {"id": "4168", "contents": "special depend experi education. accord bl data may 2014, averag annual salari health servic manag hospit administr $103,680, top 10% profession earn least $161,150 year."} {"id": "4169", "contents": "select locales, healthcar industri manag typic make well $105,000 annually. and, work profession seek capit mba education, highest pay much appal area countri averag annual salaries: salinas, ca: $132,650. san jose sunnyval santa clara, ca: $122,730. lawrenc methuen salem, ma-nh: $121,390. top salari location. one import factor affect healthcar manager\u2019 salari location. healthcar manag work rural area expect find salari quit lower might expect urban area. gener speaking, cost live rural area much lower."} {"id": "4170", "contents": "basic informat salary. master\u2019 degre informatics, expect earn averag salari $80,000 $100,000, though rate depend number factors. characterist could effect salari includ following: job location. industry. type employer. size employer."} {"id": "4171", "contents": "accord salari websit payscale.com, mba graduat expect earn averag $50,000 first year employ graduating. averag mba graduat salari base state: california $96,599. new york $95,083. massachusett $89,267. illinoi $83,998. pennsylvania $78,536. texa $78,532."} {"id": "4172", "contents": "median salary: $84,000. indeed.com state averag salari health informat manag $89,000: choos one grow health care manag fields, realli put new mba use make great living. administr medic practic six fewer doctors, median salari $86,459. 7-25 doctors, $115,000, practic 26+ doctors, median salari $150,726. top mba healthcar manag career salari"} {"id": "4173", "contents": "expect median start salari recent mba graduat unit state $100,000 year. that\u2019 increas $5,000 last year\u2019 salari $45,000 advantag survey respond pay candid bachelor\u2019 degrees."} {"id": "4174", "contents": "however, us, top 10 healthcar manag typic take averag $140,300 per year. yet, look even entry-level profession healthcar management, bottom 10 percent, typic expect make averag annual salari approxim $50,000. top salari location. one import factor affect healthcar manager\u2019 salari location. healthcar manag work rural area expect find salari quit lower might expect urban area. gener speaking, cost live rural area much lower."} {"id": "4175", "contents": "present, averag start salari mba graduat high $110,000 $130,000 per year graduat top rank institutions, mba graduat school earn rang $75,000 $90,000 per year. averag mba graduat salari base state: california $96,599. new york $95,083. massachusett $89,267. illinoi $83,998. pennsylvania $78,536. texa $78,532."} {"id": "4176", "contents": "chaetomorpha algae, also known spaghetti alga green hair algae, excel macro alga refugiums. cell grow end end, creat long, stiff strands. grow filament clumps, resembl ball fish line."} {"id": "4177", "contents": "stock refugium. first definit mean sump refugium: refugium-a safe place system. usual tank plumb main system keep delic species, tri grow copepods, etc...."} {"id": "4178", "contents": "macro alga (chaetomorpha algae, also call spaghetti algae) growth refugium. almost watch grow real time. well, almost. alga growth benefiti display tank sinc take nitrat phosphat therefor reduc alga growth display tank. refugium 3-4 week macro alga growth like crazy. guess lot phosphat nitrat aquarium."} {"id": "4179", "contents": "grow chaetomorpha. need get nice stand chaeto grow aquarium, sump, refugium moder amount flow, decent lighting, hand chaeto local fish store."} {"id": "4180", "contents": "refugium pack contain following: chaetomorpha algae, also known spaghetti algae, excel macro alga refugiums. cell grow end end, creat long, stiff strands."} {"id": "4181", "contents": "refugium-a safe place system. usual tank plumb main system keep delic species, tri grow copepods, etc.... mani peopl also use help filter water display tank."} {"id": "4182", "contents": "treatment hemiplegia cerebr palsi need patient parents, treat effect import thing them. generally, patient choos surgeri cure hemiplegia caus cerebr palsy, mani risk complic surgery. fortunately, new advanc treatment diseas complic caused, call stem cell treatment. hemiplegia mean cerebr palsi patient problem difficulti one side bodies, one arm leg affect disease."} {"id": "4183", "contents": "cerebr palsi gener term describ condit caus movement problems. common type spastic cerebr palsi muscl stiff rigid one limbs. underli problem damag to, faulti develop of, part brain. usual occur sometim birth. example, sever prolong lack oxygen birth may caus small number cases. problem occur birth. example, mening brain infect occur young babi caus brain damag result cerebr palsy."} {"id": "4184", "contents": "sometimes, cerebr palsi patient hemiplegia, harm influenti normal life patients. therefore, find treatment hemiplegia cerebr palsi need badli now. hemiplegia mean cerebr palsi patient problem difficulti one side bodies, one arm leg affect disease."} {"id": "4185", "contents": "today, cerebr palsi managed, cured. futur hold promis change. search cure brain damag manifest cerebr palsy, includ research on: understand caus causal pathways. prevent brain injuri brain malform occurring. intervent measur thwart brain injuri malform"} {"id": "4186", "contents": "first thing parent hear physician says, \u201cyour child cerebr palsy,\u201d like words, \u201cat present, cure.\u201d however, fact cure mean diagnosi dire. person cerebr palsi impairment, consid healthy. search cure brain damag manifest cerebr palsy, includ research on: understand caus causal pathways. prevent brain injuri brain malform occurring."} {"id": "4187", "contents": "treatment: ayurveda present good effect patient cerebr palsy. although cerebr palsi may entir cured, ayurved treatment certainli aid lessen disabl increas function affect individu great extent."} {"id": "4188", "contents": "affect part body. mani patient spastic cerebr palsi also involuntari movement therefor refer mixed. dyskinet cerebr palsi account 10-15% cases, often one sever form cerebr palsy. brain spinal cord contain cell call neural precursor cells, develop specialis cell brain. one idea neural precursor cell could transplant cerebr palsi patient use make new nerv cell lab replac lost cell patient\u2019 brain."} {"id": "4189", "contents": "cerebr palsi can\u2019t cured, treatment often improv child' capabilities. general, earlier treatment begin better chanc children overcom development disabl learn new way accomplish task challeng them. even though cerebr palsi affect muscl movement, isn\u2019t caus problem muscl nerves. caus abnorm part brain control muscl movements. major children cerebr palsi born it, although may detect month year later."} {"id": "4190", "contents": "cerebr palsi cannot cured, treatment often improv person\u2019 capabilities. fact, mani patient enjoy near-norm live neurolog problem properli managed. standard therapi work patients. therapies. therapy\u2014wheth movement, speech, practic tasks\u2014i cornerston cerebr palsi treatment. skill 2-year-old need explor world differ child need classroom young adult need becom independent."} {"id": "4191", "contents": "equatori diamet earth 12,756 km. diamet earth measur one side earth, pass center. go pole pole center, distanc 12,713 km. written sever articl earth univers today. equatori circumfer earth 40,075 km. distanc around equat earth. measur circumfer earth, pass poles, distanc 40,007 km. earth isn\u2019t perfect sphere."} {"id": "4192", "contents": "sinc earth perfect sphere, three number know answer question diamet earth. rotat planet slightli flatten out, larger diamet equat poles. equatori diamet earth 12,756 km, polar diamet 12,713 km, averag diameter, refer common usage, 12,742 km."} {"id": "4193", "contents": "best answer: diamet earth equat 7,926.41 mile (12,756.32 kilometers). but, measur earth pole diamet bit shorter 7,901 mile (12,715.43 km). earth tad wider (25 mile 41 km) tall, give slight bulg equator. report abuse. diamet earth equat 7,926.41 mile (12,756.32 kilometers). but, measur earth pole diamet bit shorter 7,901 mile (12,715.43 km). earth tad wider (25 mile 41 km) tall, give slight bulg equator."} {"id": "4194", "contents": "diamet earth equat 7,926.41 mile 12,756.32 kilometers. diamet earth pole 7,901.00 mile 12,715.43 kilometers. thu earth 25 mile 59 km wider tall, give slight bulg equator. shape known ellipsoid properly, geoid (earth-like), oblat spheroid (squash sphere). diamet earth pole 12,715.43 kilomet 7,901.00 miles. thu earth 59 km 25 mile wider tall, give slight bulg equator. shape known ellipsoid properly, geoid (earth-like), oblat spheroid (squash sphere)."} {"id": "4195", "contents": "circumfer earth equat 24,902 mile (40,075 km), pole-to-pol meridion circumfer earth 24,860 mile (40,008 km) around. shape, caus flatten poles, call oblat spheroid. density, mass volume. radius, diamet circumference. mean radiu earth 3,959 mile (6,371 kilometers). however, earth quit sphere. planet' rotat caus bulg equator. earth' equatori diamet 7,926 mile (12,756 kilometers), pole pole, diamet 7,900 mile (12,720 km) differ 40 mile (64 km)"} {"id": "4196", "contents": "diamet earth equat 12,756.32 kilometers, 7,926.41 miles, 41851443 feet. diamet earth pole 12,715.43 kilomet 7,901.002 miles, 41717290 feet. thu earth 41 km, 25 miles, 134153 feet wider tall, give slight bulg equator. shape known ellipsoid properly, geoid (earth-lik ball). equatori diamet planet uranu 51,118 km (31,763 miles). equatori diamet planet earth 12,576 km (7,926 miles). th icker atmosphere, uranu therefor time wide earth, volum 63 time earth."} {"id": "4197", "contents": "diamet earth equat 41851443 feet, 12,756.32 kilometers, 7,926.41 miles. diamet earth pole 41717290 fee t, 12,715.43 kilometers, 7,901.002 miles. thu earth 134153 feet, 41 km, 25 mile wider tall, give slight bulg equator. shape known ellipsoid properly, geoid (earth-lik ball). diamet earth pole 12,715.43 kilomet 7,901.00 miles. thu earth 59 km 25 mile wider tall, give slight bulg equator. shape known ellipsoid properly, geoid (earth-like), oblat spheroid (squash sphere)."} {"id": "4198", "contents": "much wound, ostomy, contin nurs make? 2015, averag annual salari wound, ostomy, contin nurs $58,000; averag annual wound, ostomy, contin nurs salari vari greatli location, industry, employer, education, experience, benefits."} {"id": "4199", "contents": "would like know would start expect salari wound care nurs (rn) would idea go interview, especi new grad. addition, would take year experi wound consider hire much get paid. thanks. wound nurs year ltc facil lvn. love wound care much want special wound care rn decid appli wcei wound care certif next month la vega (wish luck...for certificate..lol)."} {"id": "4200", "contents": "salary. report bureau labor statistics, annual median salari rn (includ wound care nurses) $64,690 2010. rn earn $44,190 $95,130. cwcn specialist hold bachelor\u2019 degre minimum, gener earn salari higher end range."} {"id": "4201", "contents": "nation wound-car nurs salaries. averag salari wound-car nurse, accord indeed.com, $57,000, base june 2011 data. similarly, websit nurs school degre report averag wound-car nurs salari rang $55,986 $74,685. area country, salari may higher, especi nurs practitioners. example, new york depart civil servic eri counti paid salari rang $77,118 $95,484 wound-car nurs practition april 2009."} {"id": "4202", "contents": "$65,000. averag wound care nurs salari job post nationwid 13% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "4203", "contents": "averag salari wound care nurs differ cities/states. follow figur indeed.com: lo angel $61,000. new york city- $72,000. denver- $53,000. california- $87,480. massachusetts- $84,990. hawaii- $82,130. wound care nurs salari may depend work, level experi factors. consid follow figures: median incom regist nurses- $64,690 (u bureau labor statistics). averag salari wound care nurse- 69,000 (typesofnurses.net)"} {"id": "4204", "contents": "wound care nurs salary. (unit states). women account major wound care nurs unit states. entir group averag salari $27.76 per hour. incom rang span entir spectrum $19.65 per hour $37.71. locat year experi impact pay group, former largest influenc"} {"id": "4205", "contents": "geograph factors. indeed.com list averag wound-car nurs salari $70,000 new york city, $59,000 lo angeles, $53,000 detroit $45,000 new orleans. rn types, u.s. bureau labor statist report california highest-pay state averag salari $87,480. area country, salari may higher, especi nurs practitioners. example, new york depart civil servic eri counti paid salari rang $77,118 $95,484 wound-car nurs practition april 2009."} {"id": "4206", "contents": "dna profil (also call dna fingerprinting, dna testing, dna typing) forens techniqu use identifi individu characterist dna. although 99.9% human dna sequenc everi person, enough dna differ possibl distinguish one individu another, unless monozygot (identical) twins."} {"id": "4207", "contents": "genetics. result dna profil sample, combin individu str genotypes, compar samples. case forens investigation, sampl would includ known refer sampl victim suspect compar crime scene evidence."} {"id": "4208", "contents": "allel one mani form genet marker particular locu may take. dna marker may differ size arrang molecul (a, t, g), result two alleles. differ make person\u2019 dna profil unique."} {"id": "4209", "contents": "a. adenine: one four nucleotid base dna rna; pair thymin dna uracil rna. allele: allel (pronounc uh-leel one multipl altern form singl gene, viabl dna sequenc occupi given position, locu chromosome. example, humans, one allel eye-color gene produc blue eye anoth allel eye-color gene produc brown eyes. administrator: also known project administrator, group project administrator, project manager, coordin co-coordinator."} {"id": "4210", "contents": "transcript tumor mutat dna rna implic biology, epigenet clinic practice. clear mutat gener transcrib and, so, proport wild-typ allele. here, examin correl dna mutat allel frequenc rna mutat allel frequency."} {"id": "4211", "contents": "describ variat (which may aris due mutat alter genom loci) observed. genet marker may short dna sequence, sequenc surround singl base-pair chang (singl nucleotid polymorphism, snp), long one, like minisatellites. contents. detect marker direct rna sequencing, indirect use allozymes. method use studi genom phylogenet rflp, amplifi fragment length polymorph (aflp), rapd, ssr."} {"id": "4212", "contents": "person\u2019 dna contain two copi markers\u2014on copi inherit father one mother. within population, marker person\u2019 dna locat could differ length sometim sequence, depend marker inherit parents. although 99.9% human dna sequenc everi person, enough dna differ possibl distinguish one individu another, unless monozygot (identical) twins."} {"id": "4213", "contents": "adenine: one four nucleotid base dna rna; pair thymin dna uracil rna. allele: allel (pronounc uh-leel one multipl altern form singl gene, viabl dna sequenc occupi given position, locu chromosome. example, humans, one allel eye-color gene produc blue eye anoth allel eye-color gene produc brown eyes. administrator: also known project administrator, group project administrator, project manager, coordin co-coordinator."} {"id": "4214", "contents": "marker: specif place chromosom two forms, call alleles, inherit follow one gener next. y-chromosom dna testing, refer non-cod y-chromosom dna. number design individu dna segments. example, humans, one allel eye-color gene produc blue eye anoth allel eye-color gene produc brown eyes. administrator: also known project administrator, group project administrator, project manager, coordin co-coordinator."} {"id": "4215", "contents": "genet locus, person two genet markers, allel (altern form dna sequence): one allel inherit biolog mother one allel inherit biolog father. dna (deoxyribonucl acid) genet materi found cell body. person receiv half genet materi biolog mother half"} {"id": "4216", "contents": "good carb also gener high fiber foods. besid nutriti mani ways, list healthi food rich fiber give on-go energi sens feel full satisfied. also help remov toxin bodi lower cholesterol levels. high fiber 100% whole grain pick healthi list whole grains. candies, jelli jams, sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks, pudding, custard sweets, process refin grains, like white rice, bread pasta made refin flour, cakes, cooki sweet bakeri products."} {"id": "4217", "contents": "whole-grain product brown rice, whole-grain pasta, beans, whole wheat bread, whole oats, buckwheat, millet, whole rye, whole-grain barley whole-grain corn consid good carbohydrates. food rich fiber, vitamins, miner phytonutri benefici health. two type carbohydr exist: complex carbohydr simpl carbohydrates. complex carbohydr take time break glucose. food rich complex carbohydr fiber call"} {"id": "4218", "contents": "other want list carbohydr food they'r weight-loss diet. get reliabl inform carbohydr content food ... whether search list low-carb fruits, carb-count basic list high-carb foods, start ... printabl low carb food list: (imag 3) www.lifescript.com/health/images/p/printable_low_carb_food_list_image_2_of_3.aspx. healthi food az"} {"id": "4219", "contents": "ars. nutrient data laboratory. creat list common food carbohydrate, fiber and/or sugar content. list sort either alphabet descend order nutrient content."} {"id": "4220", "contents": "vital import health know good carb bad carb difference. good carb list carbohydr food provid bodi energy, optimum nutrition, proper brain organ function healthy, attract appearance. bad carb detriment healthi diet. consist eat bad carb list rapidli sabotag health weight manag goals. choos carbohydr great list healthi carbohydr foods. high fiber 100% whole grain pick healthi list whole grains. candies, jelli jams, sodas, fruit juices, fruit drinks, pudding, custard sweets, process refin grains, like white rice, bread pasta made refin flour, cakes, cooki sweet bakeri products."} {"id": "4221", "contents": "follow inform right list gram carb food item contain one serv (ex. cup 11 grams). keep mind gram sugar, dietari fiber, carbs, sugar alcohol includ total carbohydrate. food list immedi effect blood glucos level carbohydrate-contain food do, still provid calori (in cases) and, cases, fat. reason, portion size food care observed."} {"id": "4222", "contents": "eat food good carb list help better brain strong trim natur energet body. choos often bad carb list lead overweight, heart diseas diabetes. make good sens choos healthi carbohydr list. best good carb sourc healthi carbohydr list: raw lightli steam vegetables, legumes, beans, nut seeds, high fiber 100% whole grains, raw, whole, fresh fruits,"} {"id": "4223", "contents": "low carbohydr food low carbohydr food fewer gram carbohydrate. food list immedi effect blood glucos level carbohydrate-contain food do, still provid calori (in cases) and, cases, fat. reason, portion size food care observed."} {"id": "4224", "contents": "carbohydr provid bodi glucos need function properly. two type carbohydr exist: complex carbohydr simpl carbohydrates. complex carbohydr take time break glucose. food rich complex carbohydr fiber call good carbohydrates. simpl carbohydr includ sugar found food fruit milk product sugar ad food processing. food rich white flour ad sugar call bad carbohydr"} {"id": "4225", "contents": "one small appl carb count 15 grams. carbohydr content food difficult estim unless first know food contain carbs. high-carb food plant-bas contain starch natur sugar. process food ad sugar also contain carbs. starch natur sugar content, almost plant-bas food contain carbohydrates. grain oats, wheat rice, fruits, veget legum signific sourc carbohydr diet."} {"id": "4226", "contents": "split merg it. answer patricia0445. confid vote 16. no, portug mediterranean country. does, however, mediterranean climate, consid mediterranean countri south mediterranean sea coast. past gibraltar mediterranean sea becom strait gibraltar."} {"id": "4227", "contents": "activ mediterranean coast mediterranean coast divers area. 20 countri across three contin border mediterranean sea, 2,000 island hous sea itself. ge\u2026."} {"id": "4228", "contents": "mediterranean countri countri touch mediterranean sea: spain franc monaco itali malta slovenia croatia bosnia herzegovina albania greec turkey cypru yria lebanon israel egypt libya tunisia algeria morocco unit kingdom also present sever territories."} {"id": "4229", "contents": "portug recognis border caia ribeira de cunco river deltas, sinc begin 1801 occup olivenza spain. territory, though de facto spanish occupation, remain de jure part portugal, consequ border henceforth recognis area."} {"id": "4230", "contents": "locat size. mainland spain cover iberian peninsula southwestern europ share border france, andorra, portugal. countri northern western coast along atlant ocean bay biscay eastern coast along mediterranean sea."} {"id": "4231", "contents": "portug coastal nation southwestern europe, locat western end iberian peninsula, border spain (on northern eastern frontiers: total 1,214 kilometr (754 mi))."} {"id": "4232", "contents": "encompass major countri portugal, spain, italy, greece, well lesser nation andorra, monaco, vatican city, san marino, malta (bradshaw, 2002, p. 333). region southern europe, proxim mediterranean sea, enjoy mediterranean climate."} {"id": "4233", "contents": "funchal airport 13.2 km (8.2 mi) east-northeast region capit funchal. airport control nation intern air traffic island madeira porto santo. madeira airport offici open 18 juli 1964, two 1,600 (5,249 ft) runways. first flight ever land tap air portug lockhe constel 80 passeng board"} {"id": "4234", "contents": "madeira [1] sub-trop archipelago locat atlant ocean autonom region portugal. archipelago made two popul islands, madeira porto santo, two group unpopul island call deserta selvagen islands. part european union ultraperifr area."} {"id": "4235", "contents": "madeira intern airport/funch (iata: fnc) (formerli known santa catarina airport), 30 minut funchal, santa cruz municipality. tel: +35 291 52 07 00. archipelago made two popul islands, madeira porto santo, two group unpopul island call deserta selvagen islands. geograph africa, ultra-peripher region european union."} {"id": "4236", "contents": "island two airports, madeira airport porto santo airport, island madeira porto santo respectively. flight island mostli made lisbon porto, also direct flight major european citi countries, cape verd venezuela. madeira fortifi wine, produc madeira islands; varieti may sweet dry. histori date back age explor madeira standard port call ship head new world east indies. prevent wine spoiling, neutral grape spirit added."} {"id": "4237", "contents": "madeira intern airport /funchal(fnc) (iata: fnc)(icao: lpma) (formerli known santa catarina airport), 30 minut funchal ,in santa cruz municipality. tel: +351 291 52 07 00 [2] island porto santo (pxo) porto santo/vila baleira [3] archipelago made two popul islands, madeira porto santo, two group unpopul island call deserta selvagen islands. part european union ultraperifr area."} {"id": "4238", "contents": "madeira intern airport. land madeira millennium normal fill \u2018dread' due size \u2018mini\u2019 runway, nowaday sit relax pilot make final land manouevres. eas today 15th septemb 2000 madeira island inaugur one biggest construct ever execut region, amount total invest 520 million euros."} {"id": "4239", "contents": "kaushik saturday, novemb 19, 2011 comments. madeira intern airport, locat near funchal, madeira portug first open juli 1964 two 1,600-meter (5,249 ft) runways. short runway made land tricki busi even experienc pilots."} {"id": "4240", "contents": "plane [edit]. madeira intern airport /funchal(fnc) (iata: fnc)(icao: lpma) (formerli known santa catarina airport), 30 minut funchal ,in santa cruz municipality. tel: +351 291 52 07 00 [2] island porto santo (pxo) porto santo/vila baleira [3] archipelago made two popul islands, madeira porto santo, two group unpopul island call deserta selvagen islands. part european union ultraperifr area."} {"id": "4241", "contents": "madeira airport (iata: fnc, icao: lpma), formerli known santa catarina airport inform known funchal airport, intern airport civil parish santa catarina, municip santa cruz, portugues archipelago madeira. madeira airport offici open 18 juli 1964, two 1,600 (5,249 ft) runways. first flight ever land tap air portug lockhe constel 80 passeng board"} {"id": "4242", "contents": "hepat infecti liver disease. caus hepat viru (hbv). infect hepat occur viru abl enter blood stream reach liver. liver, viru reproduc releas larg number new virus bloodstream. combat disease, bodi sever defenses."} {"id": "4243", "contents": "article. hepat infect liver. caus scar organ, liver failure, cancer. fatal isn\u2019t treated. it\u2019 spread peopl come contact blood, open sores, bodi fluid someon hep virus."} {"id": "4244", "contents": "caus hepat viru (hbv), attack liver cell lead cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failur detect managed. viru transmit contact infect blood bodili fluid contain blood."} {"id": "4245", "contents": "hepat diseas caus hepat viru (hbv) infect liver hominoidae, includ humans, caus inflamm call hepatitis."} {"id": "4246", "contents": "hepat contagi liver infect caus hepat virus. hepat viru blood bodi fluid infect persons. diseas transm it blood, semen, vagin fluids, mani bodi fluids."} {"id": "4247", "contents": "hepatitis. hepat seriou viru attack liver. type hepatitis. common type hepat a, hepat b, hepat c."} {"id": "4248", "contents": "hepat diseas caus viru attack destroy liver. chacha! source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hepatitis-attack ]."} {"id": "4249", "contents": "type receptor cluster togeth membran bind hormone. finally, elabor below, interact hormone-bound receptor membran cytoplasm protein key gener second messeng transduct hormon signal."} {"id": "4250", "contents": "receptor steroid thyroid hormon locat insid target cells, cytoplasm nucleus, function ligand-depend transcript factors. say, hormone-receptor complex bind promot region respons gene stimul sometim inhibit transcript genes."} {"id": "4251", "contents": "protein peptid hormones, catecholamin like epinephrine, eicosanoid prostaglandin find receptor decor plasma membran target cells."} {"id": "4252", "contents": "dr ananya mandal, md. hormon chemic messeng interact receptor present surfac cell membran receptor locat insid cell, cytoplasm (cytoplasm receptors)."} {"id": "4253", "contents": "cell must specif membran intracellular receptor hormon bind. target cell respons depend three factors: blood level hormone, rel number target cell receptors, affin receptor hormone."} {"id": "4254", "contents": "import phospholipid hormon bind receptor (5, 28, 43) effect temperatur agent urea upon bind process suggest hydrophob interact import bind peptid hormon receptor site (138)."} {"id": "4255", "contents": "hormon bind receptor site outsid insid target cell (fat solubl bind wherea water solubl hormon usual bind outside) and. hormon broken (metabolized). steroid hormon fat-solubl molecul made cholesterol."} {"id": "4256", "contents": "steroid pass cell' nucleus, bind specif receptor gene trigger cell make proteins. amino acid derivatives, epinephrine, water-solubl molecul deriv amino acid (the build block protein). hormon store endocrin cell needed."} {"id": "4257", "contents": "water-solubl hormon glycoprotein peptid combin receptor present plasma membran lipid solubl cannot move phospholipid cell membrane."} {"id": "4258", "contents": "common misunderstand surg protector protect system lightning, familiar sourc power surges. even effect surg protector protect equip sudden increas electr pressur million volt lightn supply. works. surg protector work channel extra voltag outlet' ground wire, prevent flow electron devic time allow normal voltag continu along path."} {"id": "4259", "contents": "differ compon make comput system, definit use device. function surg protector power strip -- protect electron comput surg power -- far important. article, we'll look surg protectors, also call surg suppressors, find do, need them, well work. put togeth comput system, one piec standard equip probabl buy surg protector. design serv one immedi obviou function -- let plug multipl compon one power outlet."} {"id": "4260", "contents": "surg protector good job prevent damag power spike. surg protector cost littl power strip. 6-outlet power strip often found less $10 6-outlet surg protector might cost $10 $20. everi devic hous need plug surg protector, expens devices. surg protector rate joul energy, well maximum voltag take power spike. find number either box came strip itself, surg protector."} {"id": "4261", "contents": "same. power strip surg protector (also call surg suppressors) different. typically, power strip cheap, multi-outlet product mere expans wall outlet. surg protector inexpens way protect gear random power spike damage. they'r same. tip start shopping."} {"id": "4262", "contents": "devic shield comput electron devic surg electr power, transient voltage, flow power supply. standard american voltag home offic build 120 volts. works. surg protector work channel extra voltag outlet' ground wire, prevent flow electron devic time allow normal voltag continu along path."} {"id": "4263", "contents": "good surg protector one thing everyon needs, often give much thought to\u2014until need one someth happen power."} {"id": "4264", "contents": "lightn storm, never reli surg protector save computer. best protect unplug computer. common caus power surg oper high-pow electr devices, elevators, air condition refrigerators. whole-hous surg protector suppress power surg stem outsid sourc -- util compani problems, transform switching, etc. -- anyth suppress high number power surg origin insid house, due oper appliances."} {"id": "4265", "contents": "surg protector also protect electron devic power spike. power spike temporary, high increas power last fraction second. caus lightn strike (howev unlikely), power outages, trip circuit breakers, short circuit more. surg protector rate joul energy, well maximum voltag take power spike. find number either box came strip itself, surg protector."} {"id": "4266", "contents": "surg protector (or surg suppressor) appliance/devic design protect electr devic voltag spikes. surg protector attempt limit voltag suppli electr devic either block short ground unwant voltag safe threshold. trisil type thyristor surg protect devic (tspd) special solid-st electron devic use crowbar circuit protect overvoltag conditions. sidactor anoth thyristor type devic use similar protect purposes."} {"id": "4267", "contents": "surg move electr circuit hous building, surg protector divert energi away connect electron devices. it\u2019 import understand power strip offer surg protection. surg protector strips. common form point-of-us protect surg protector strip. plug multipl devic strip plug strip standard electr outlet."} {"id": "4268", "contents": "glami sand dune popular off-road destin southern california."} {"id": "4269", "contents": "recreat fee area cover entir imperi sand dune recreat area mile plan area boundary. includes, limit to, buttercup, gecko rd, glamis, gordon' well/dunebuggi flats, mammoth wash, ogilby, osborne, along side coachella canal ted kipf rd. see map."} {"id": "4270", "contents": "southeastern california, east brawley, ca west yuma az. imperi sand dune largest sand dune open off-highway vehicl use unit states. dune begin 10 mile southeast niland stretch way mexico, 40 mile away."} {"id": "4271", "contents": "southern boundari locat directli north patton valley olgilbi camp area. eastern boundari follow wash road. northern boundari start mile south glami store follow section line across dune sand highway."} {"id": "4272", "contents": "imperi sand dune (known glamis) call mani things\u2026 true! glami largest (40 mile band averag mile wide) off-highway vehicl (ohv) recreat area sand dune unit states. there\u2019 golden sand far eye see."} {"id": "4273", "contents": "glami sand dunes, also known imperi sand dune recreat area, locat southeast salton sea southern california border arizona baja california del norte, mexico."} {"id": "4274", "contents": "locat southeast corner california, imperi sand dune largest mass sand dune state. form windblown sand ancient lake cahuilla, dune system extend 40 mile band averag mile wide (map)."} {"id": "4275", "contents": "map imperi counti brawley-hwi 78 east brawley. gecko rd. first road right insid imperi sand dune recreat area. ranger station build right. continu hwi 78 past osborn lookout glami flats. glami right rail road traks."} {"id": "4276", "contents": "first photograph, specifically, earliest known surviv photograph made camera, taken joseph nicephor nic\u00e9phor niepc ni\u00e9pc 1826. 1827"} {"id": "4277", "contents": "alhazen invent first pinhol camera, also known camera obscura. made peopl awar true reason imag often upsid down. joseph n. niepc made first photograph image. joseph' main idea captur imag make light draw picture."} {"id": "4278", "contents": "name first camera camera obscura describ foundat modern camera base on. johann zahn made first camera, 1685."} {"id": "4279", "contents": "photograph camera develop camera obscura, devic possibl date back ancient chines ancient greeks, use pinhol len project imag scene outsid upside-down onto view surface. arab physicist, ibn al-haytham, publish book optic 1021 ad."} {"id": "4280", "contents": "answer karthick dharmarajan. confid vote 6. camera obscura.photograph camera develop camera obscura, devic date back ancient chinese[1] ancient greeks,[2][3] use pinhol len project imag scene outsid upside-down onto view surface."} {"id": "4281", "contents": "first photograph, specifically, earliest known surviv photograph made camera, taken joseph nicephor nic\u00e9phor niepc ni\u00e9pc 1826. 1827 imag depict view upstair window'at niepce, ni\u00e9pc s, estat le gra burgundy. region franc"} {"id": "4282", "contents": "connect nuclear envelope. smooth endoplasm reticulum found varieti cell type (both anim plant) serv differ function each. smooth er also contain enzym glucose-6-phosphatas convert glucose-6-phosph glucose, step gluconeogenesis. network smooth endoplasm reticulum allow increas surfac area action storag key enzym product enzymes. smooth endoplasm reticulum known storag calcium iron muscl cells. job smooth er produc functions."} {"id": "4283", "contents": "smooth endoplasm reticulum found varieti cell type (both anim plant), serv differ function each. smooth endoplasm reticulum also contain enzym glucose-6-phosphatase, convert glucose-6-phosph glucose, step gluconeogenesis. smooth endoplasm reticulum lack ribosom function lipid metabolism, carbohydr metabolism, detoxif drugs. smooth er especi abund mammalian liver gonad cells. laci membran endoplasm reticulum first seen 1945 use electron microscopy."} {"id": "4284", "contents": "gener structur endoplasm reticulum network membran call cisternae. sac-lik structur held togeth cytoskeleton. phospholipid membran enclos space, cistern space (or lumen), continu perinuclear space separ cytosol. smooth endoplasm reticulum lack ribosom function lipid metabolism, carbohydr metabolism, detoxif drugs. smooth er especi abund mammalian liver gonad cells. laci membran endoplasm reticulum first seen 1945 use electron microscopy."} {"id": "4285", "contents": "endoplasm reticulum. endoplasm reticulum continu membrane, present plant cells, anim cell absent prokaryot cells. membran network tubul flatten sacs, serv varieti function within cell. endoplasm reticulum plant cell possess addit functions, found anim cells. addit function involv cell cell commun special cell also serv storag site proteins."} {"id": "4286", "contents": "definit smooth er. smooth endoplasm reticulum, smooth er, organel found anim cell plant cells. organel sub-unit within cell special function. main function smooth er make cellular product like hormon lipids. lesson summary. smooth endoplasm reticulum cellular organel made tube-lik structur fold mani times. organel sub-unit within cell special function. respons make product undergo process cell need function."} {"id": "4287", "contents": "smooth er consist tubul vesicl branch form network. cell dilat area like sac rough endoplasm reticulum. network smooth endoplasm reticulum allow increas surfac area action storag key enzym product enzymes. smooth endoplasm reticulum known storag calcium iron muscl cells. job smooth er produc functions."} {"id": "4288", "contents": "smooth endoplasm reticulum function. endoplasm reticulum compos network smooth tubul sac-lik structures. endoplasm reticulum ribosom attach surface, known smooth endoplasm reticulum."} {"id": "4289", "contents": "two type endoplasm reticulum: rough endoplasm reticulum (rough er) smooth endoplasm reticulum (smooth er). type present plant anim cells. two type er separ entiti join together. cell need rough smooth. think cell \u201cmultitud membranes\u201d said earlier section. statement certainli appli endoplasm reticulum organel found eukaryot cells. 50% total membran surfac anim cell provid endoplasm reticulum (er)."} {"id": "4290", "contents": "endoplasm reticulum network tubul flatten sac serv varieti function cell. two region er differ structur function. one region call rough er ribosom attach cytoplasm side membrane."} {"id": "4291", "contents": "two pattern found cell, smooth endoplasm reticulum rough endoplasm reticulum. smooth endoplasm reticulum packag protein transport, synthes membran phosolipids, releas calcium. function smooth endoplasm reticulum includ transform bile pigments, glycogenolysi (the breakdown glycogen), detoxif mani drug chemic agents. tow type endoplasm reticulum (er): smooth er rough ersmooth er-break carbohydrates; synthesi lipids, phospholipids, steroids; help detoxifi blood; store calcium ionsrough er-help protein synthesis; ribosom act intracellular highway cell."} {"id": "4292", "contents": "traditionally, food highest magnesium content green vegetables, whole grain cereals, nut beans, seafood. accord usda food chart (see complet chart magnesium rich foods), five food highest magnesium per typic serv are: halibut. mackeral. boil spinach. bran breakfast cereal. sourc magnesium includ food, water, supplements. clearli \u201cgood\u201d sourc magnesium one readili avail easili absorbed, expert recommend combin sources, take advantag dietari magnesium absorb magnesium"} {"id": "4293", "contents": "food. magnesium wide distribut plant anim food beverages. green leafi vegetables, spinach, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, good sourc 1, ]. general, food contain dietari fiber provid magnesium. magnesium also ad breakfast cereal fortifi foods. type food processing, refin grain way remov nutrient-rich germ bran, lower magnesium content substanti ]. select food sourc magnesium list tabl"} {"id": "4294", "contents": "ad certain grain diet also help get calcium, magnesium potassium. teff, small grain ethiopia, amaranth quinoa, two slightli nutty-flavor grain south america, grain highest three nutrients. tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, radish garlic good veget eat of. leafi greens, beet greens, spinach, turnip green swiss chard, provid magnesium, calcium potassium well."} {"id": "4295", "contents": "among nuts, almonds, cashews, peanut good sourc potassium magnesium. among cereals, barley, oat bran, brown rice help bodi get adequ amount magnesium. similarly, whole wheat grain refined, also natur sourc magnesium food. among fruits, banana one richest natur sourc magnesium. also rich potassium. raisin contain magnesium figs. figs, good sourc potassium magnesium, help treat acut constipation. commonli avail sourc magnesium non-vegetarian diet fish. fish consum broiling, deep fri reduc magnesium content"} {"id": "4296", "contents": "legum rich magnesium includ black beans, kidney beans, white beans, chickpeas, black-ey peas, lentils. avocado load multivitamins, heart-healthi nutrients, disease-thwart chemic compounds, avocado one nutriti versatil produc pick around."} {"id": "4297", "contents": "major good magnesium sourc contain 10% less recommend daili amounts, seen list magnesium content common food sourc magnesium. contain more, certain nuts, fish whole grains, often eaten small quantiti averag person."} {"id": "4298", "contents": "mani ingredi daili diet good natur sourc magnesium. variou natur sourc magnesium also contain potassium. leafi vegetables, cereals, milk products, nuts, legumes, fruit good food sourc magnesium. among fruits, banana one richest natur sourc magnesium. also rich potassium. raisin contain magnesium figs. figs, good sourc potassium magnesium, help treat acut constipation. commonli avail sourc magnesium non-vegetarian diet fish. fish consum broiling, deep fri reduc magnesium content"} {"id": "4299", "contents": "bean includ black kidney beans, black-ey pea lentil good sourc sever vitamins, minerals, protein fiber, well potassium magnesium. includ cup varieti bean weekli meals. photo credit ablestock.com/ablestock.com/getti images. potassium magnesium import miner need cell bodi function properly. also electrolytes, involv conduct electr throughout body, affect nerv function, muscl contract rhythm heart."} {"id": "4300", "contents": "magnesium, abund miner body, natur present mani foods, ad food products, avail dietari supplement, present medicin (such antacid laxatives). general, food contain dietari fiber provid magnesium. magnesium also ad breakfast cereal fortifi foods. type food processing, refin grain way remov nutrient-rich germ bran, lower magnesium content substanti ]."} {"id": "4301", "contents": "come japanes noodles, big three: ramen, soba, udon. udon (\u3046\u3069\u3093) noodl thick white, made wheat flour salt water. udon popular outsid japan\u2014dish tempura udon kitsun udon wide eaten\u2026. one common recip udon noodl yaki udon, stir-fri udon, dish constantli remind first trip tokyo, serv authent yaki udon mom-and-pop eateri right besid train station."} {"id": "4302", "contents": "cook udon soba noodl ampl boil water tender, drain store room temperatur (30 minut cook time noodles). medium bowl, mix tbsp cornstarch, grate garlic sesam oil chicken refriger cover required. directions. cook udon soba noodl ampl boil water tender, drain store room temperatur (30 minut cook time noodles)."} {"id": "4303", "contents": "term soba udon sometim use synonym simpli name asian noodles, actual two distinct type noodl differ tast profiles. origin japan, udon soba differ culinari uses, enjoy part tradit japanes diet. soba vs. udon. soba made use buckwheat flour, udon made wheat flour. buckwheat give soba noodl slightli nutti flavor, and, although pure buckwheat noodl available, mani varieti includ wheat well."} {"id": "4304", "contents": "udon vs\u00e2 vs\u00e2. soba udon soba typic japanese. noodl noodl becom part japanes diet life. style udon soba noodl delici serv hot and. cold, well everyon awar two noodl concret differ between. hand, soba noodl made buckwheat. well, soba got distinct buckwheat noodle. anoth differ seen udon noodl soba noodl thickness. udon thick noodle, soba thin soft noodle."} {"id": "4305", "contents": "i'd say udon yakisoba noodles, sinc yakisoba noodl usual like chines egg noodl i'd assum oil them. now, refer real soba buckwheat noodl usual graini kind grey look healthiest. rare use make yakisoba. udon basic flour, salt water. usual serv fish broth sort topping. best answer: soba noodl healthier, howev yaki soba noddl stir fri oil it. toss chicken lean beef veget make healthier udon noodles.."} {"id": "4306", "contents": "japan, either udon person soba person. cannot both! seriou beatles-ston kinda stuff. well, serious. peopl like both, friend famili seem prefer one other. udon soba, course, noodles. however, udon wheat-flour noodle, soba buckwheat-flour noodle."} {"id": "4307", "contents": "udon soba typic japanes noodles. noodl becom part japanes diet life style. udon soba noodl delici serv hot cold. well, everyon awar two noodl concret differ themselves. first all, differ seen wheat use prepar udon soba noodles. udon noodl made white flour. hand, soba noodl made buckwheat. well, soba got distinct buckwheat noodle. anoth differ seen udon noodl soba noodl thickness. udon thick noodle, soba thin soft noodle."} {"id": "4308", "contents": "yakiudon (\u713c\u304d\u3046\u3069\u3093, fri udon) thick, smooth, white japanes noodl eaten special sauce, meat vegetables. simpl make popular dish japan. origin kokura, fukuoka prefectur pacif war."} {"id": "4309", "contents": "intramuscular (im) inject deposit medic deepli vascular muscl tissue, thu allow rapid absorption. deltoid, vastu lateralis, ventroglut muscl accept site im injections. preschool older children, use \u215d-inch needl give im inject deltoid. vastu laterali muscl averag adult adolescent, give ml medic 18- 25- gauge, 1- 1\u00bd-inch needl oil base viscou solutions."} {"id": "4310", "contents": "intramuscular inject common type use hors focu publication. although hors needl shi object injections, hors quietli accept properli given im injection. 1. insert needl perpendicular skin (do slant needl upward downward) sink needl muscl way hub (the place attach syringe). ensur needl shift inject deep muscl mass (see figur 4)."} {"id": "4311", "contents": "im leg. intramuscular (also im im) inject inject substanc directli muscle. medicine, one sever altern method administr medic (see rout administration). use particular form medic administ small volumes. intramuscular inject often given deltoid muscl arm, vastu laterali muscl leg, ventroglut dorsoglut muscl buttocks. ventroglut site recommend medic known irritating, viscou oili and, along deltoid site, adults."} {"id": "4312", "contents": "muscl tissu greater blood suppli area skin. muscl tissu may also hold larger volum medic subcutan tissue. intramuscular inject may use instead intraven inject drug irrit veins. 2) site select inject clean alcohol swab. skin allow air dry. 3) practition spread skin select site isol muscle. 4) needl insert muscl 90 degre angle."} {"id": "4313", "contents": "intramuscular inject techniqu use deliv medic deep muscles. allow medic absorb bloodstream quickly. may receiv intramuscular inject doctor\u2019 offic last time got vaccine, like flu shot. 2) site select inject clean alcohol swab. skin allow air dry. 3) practition spread skin select site isol muscle. 4) needl insert muscl 90 degre angle."} {"id": "4314", "contents": "four major site bodi commonli use intramuscular inject sites. first deltoid muscl upper arm. inject site popular easi access patient expos without much troubl roll sleeve. believ 10 fact people. intramuscular inject site site bodi identifi suitabl intramuscular injections. type inject involv administr medic middl muscle."} {"id": "4315", "contents": "27. __________, __________, __________ __________ commonli use intramuscular inject (four muscles). deltoid, vastu lateralis, gluteu medius, gluteu maximus. 28. insert tendon __________ group contain larg sesamoid bone, patella."} {"id": "4316", "contents": "ouch! use 22-gaug needl im injections. althoug agre instanc 18-guag needl necessari ouch come mind well, inject serum viscou 22-guag needl recommended. one exampl inject haldol."} {"id": "4317", "contents": "+173 releases. read more. midnight hour song origin perform wilson pickett 1965 releas 1965 album midnight hour also appear 1966 album excit wilson pickett."} {"id": "4318", "contents": "midnight hour song origin perform wilson pickett 1965 releas 1965 album name, also appear 1966 album excit wilson pickett."} {"id": "4319", "contents": "because. midnight hour cried- more, more, more. rebel yell cried- more, more, more. midnight hour babe- more, more, more. rebel yell- more, more, more."} {"id": "4320", "contents": "to, to, to, me. because. midnight hour cried- more, more, more. rebel yell cried- more, more, more. midnight hour babe- more, more, more. rebel yell cri more, more, more. more, more, more. oh yeah littl baby. want more. more, more, more, more, more. oh yeah littl angel. want more."} {"id": "4321", "contents": "midnight hour went number one r&b number 21 pop summer 1965."} {"id": "4322", "contents": "midnight hour cri more, more, more. rebel yell cri more, more, more. midnight hour babe more, more, more. rebel yell more, more, more. live heaven. collect go seven eleven."} {"id": "4323", "contents": "midnight hour track #6 album live japan. written pickett, wilson jr./cropper, steve."} {"id": "4324", "contents": "cofactor. definition. noun, plural: cofactors. (biochemistry) inorgan complement enzym reaction. supplement. cofactor pertain inorgan substanc need certain enzym carri catalysi particular chemic reaction. cofactor non-protein compounds."} {"id": "4325", "contents": "ann mari helmenstine, ph.d. coenzym definition: coenzym substanc work enzym initi aid function enzyme. coenzym cannot function requir presenc enzyme. examples: vitamin serv coenzym essenti enzym form fats, carbohydr proteins."} {"id": "4326", "contents": "coenzym definition: coenzym substanc work enzym initi aid function enzyme. coenzym cannot function requir presenc enzyme. examples: vitamin serv coenzym essenti enzym form fats, carbohydr proteins."} {"id": "4327", "contents": "definit cofactor. 1. sign minor element squar matrix determin sign posit sum column number row number element even sign neg odd. 2. substanc act anoth substanc bring certain effects; especially: coenzyme."} {"id": "4328", "contents": "origin luna. hawaiian, literally, high, above. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged. access complet unabridg dictionary, addit 300,000 word free dictionary, start free trial."} {"id": "4329", "contents": "luna /\u02c8lu\u02d0n\u0259/ italian spanish given name latin origin mean moon. also found surname, sometim prefix, example, de luna deluna."} {"id": "4330", "contents": "middl english, mediev latin, latin, moon lunar. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged. access complet unabridg dictionary, addit 300,000 word free dictionary, start free trial."} {"id": "4331", "contents": "mean luna. latin-american name. latin-american, name luna means-th moon. origin name luna include-latin-american, latin.th name luna often use girl name femal name. latin-american name meaning-th moon. origin-latin-america."} {"id": "4332", "contents": "mean honeymoon english. divid word honeymoon split it, exact meaning. honey, one side, mean miel panish. moon luna spanish. so, put two word togeth form luna miel. luna mean moon latin solvo mean releases. suppos mean moon releases. event planet align special way moon seem time bigger usual. happen everi 93 years."} {"id": "4333", "contents": "latin meaning: name luna latin babi name. latin mean name luna is: moon. mytholog luna one name artemi moon goddess. american meaning: name luna american babi name. american mean name luna is: moon. mytholog luna one name artemi moon goddess."} {"id": "4334", "contents": "luna lovegood' name. spanish latin, luna mean moon. case luna lovegood, name relat fact gener consid slightli lunatic. person found useful. luna mean moon latin solvo mean releases. suppos mean moon releases. event planet align special way moon seem time bigger usual. happen everi 93 years."} {"id": "4335", "contents": "luna /lu-na/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc loo-nah. latin origin, mean luna moon. mythology: one name artemis, goddess moon."} {"id": "4336", "contents": "ford four educ train program design prepar career ford mechanic. automot student servic educ train program (asset) 2-year curriculum includ cooper educ program. ford mechan use knowledg auto repair work car trucks, focu ford motor compani vehicles. view follow inform overview take enter field."} {"id": "4337", "contents": "becom ford mechan steps. research take becom ford mechanic. learn educ requirements, key responsibilities, job outlook averag salari find career you. school offer automobil repair degre also found popular choices. ford mechan use knowledg auto repair work car trucks, focu ford motor compani vehicles. view follow inform overview take enter field."} {"id": "4338", "contents": "averag pay report folk 10 20 year experi around $45k. automot technician 20 year experi report incom modestli higher; median old hand hover around $50k. pay rate automot technician 25 percent greater nation average, san diego offer comfort salari profession."} {"id": "4339", "contents": "moment studi ford compani dealership train months. alreadi finish one year technic training, need finish ford part. end, automot technician certification, 15 credenti ford company, ford train certification. plan get least ase' now, get rest later."} {"id": "4340", "contents": "dealer understand cannot get anyon work want charg $110 -$125 hour pay tech max $20 hour. scare light duti tech pay heck that..i'm boat diag pay stuff. alreadi finish one year technic training, need finish ford part. end, automot technician certification, 15 credenti ford company, ford train certification. plan get least ase' now, get rest later."} {"id": "4341", "contents": "104 month ago. amount pay compani compani vari much, wide varieti compens methods. variou combin hourli commiss pay rates, depend type work special vari bottom line considerably. alreadi finish one year technic training, need finish ford part. end, automot technician certification, 15 credenti ford company, ford train certification. plan get least ase' now, get rest later."} {"id": "4342", "contents": "male automot technician number significantli femal counterparts, averag earn role come $17.44 per hour unit states. bottom pay rang sit near $10.12 per hour, top verg $26.08. compani main element affect pay group career durat geograph locat drive factor well. pay rate automot technician 25 percent greater nation average, san diego offer comfort salari profession."} {"id": "4343", "contents": "popular skill for. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. automot technician seem requir rather larg skill set. pay rate automot technician 25 percent greater nation average, san diego offer comfort salari profession."} {"id": "4344", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic mechan technician unit state $40,631 50% peopl perform job mechan technician unit state expect make less $40,631. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $40,631. salary. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl mechan technician unit states."} {"id": "4345", "contents": "nap time great way start act like baby. tri take hour-long nap late morn earli afternoon. newborn babi tend sleep sometim 10.5 18 hour day, normal sleep pattern(of hour less) begin month age. mani people, idea regress childlik state comforting, exciting, perfectli normal. curiou act like baby, learn talk, act, dress like babi fun. see step information."} {"id": "4346", "contents": "long enrol newborn within 30 day birth, coverag effect baby\u2019 birth date, babi cannot subject preexist condit exclusion. remember, enrol babi within 30 day date birth. hipaa, long enrol newborn child, adopt child, child place adopt within 30 day birth, adoption, placement adoption, plan insur coverag may impos preexist condit exclus child."} {"id": "4347", "contents": "time awak vari babi babi long he/sh slept. month old, vari 30 minut (from time wake up, includ feeding) 1.5 hours. time reliabl gauge, babi perfect guide. constantli aware, watch signs. cat napper learnt put back sleep. 40 minut wake time don\u2019t get babi up. give minut get back sleep. babi wake hour sleep get asap normal awak cycl routine."} {"id": "4348", "contents": "attend provid discharg less 48 hours. yes. newborns\u2019 act attend provider, consult mother, discharg mother newborn less 48 hours. attend provider, consult you, decid discharg newborn earlier. hipaa, long enrol newborn child, adopt child, child place adopt within 30 day birth, adoption, placement adoption, plan insur coverag may impos preexist condit exclus child."} {"id": "4349", "contents": "exciting, though part may new -- like chang diaper sooth cri baby. mani peopl focu mother-babi bond. pittsburgh pediatrician mark diamond says, physic act nursing, dad everyth else: hold baby, cuddling, soothing.. uniqu connect new dad babi special"} {"id": "4350", "contents": "babi start crawl months, sit around 4-5 months, get teeth around 6-8 months, etc. realli want know babi (on average) month month, check enfamil website, whole timelin sign newsletter. rate newest oldest. best answer: four month old act differ eight month old!! everi babi different. would suggest read good book child develop get idea babi when. _the babi book_ dr. william sear excel choice."} {"id": "4351", "contents": "play. act like baby, lot time spent engag play, make primarili learn method baby' world. babi tend favor smooth, round object like plastic ring simple-to-hold toys, well thing make noise, like rattles, drums, bells. mani people, idea regress childlik state comforting, exciting, perfectli normal. curiou act like baby, learn talk, act, dress like babi fun. see step information."} {"id": "4352", "contents": "hipaa, you, spouse, new child special right enrol health plan upon birth, adoption, placement adopt new child, you, spouse, new child otherwis elig enrol plan. hipaa, long enrol newborn child, adopt child, child place adopt within 30 day birth, adoption, placement adoption, plan insur coverag may impos preexist condit exclus child."} {"id": "4353", "contents": "gluteu maximus. name suggest gluteu maximu largest size thick superfici muscl three gluteu muscl result largest mass contribut form shape buttock know. gluteus. gluteus, 4.0 base ratings. gluteal muscl commonli refer gluteu muscl locat buttock made three individu muscles, gluteu maximus, gluteu mediu gluteu minimus."} {"id": "4354", "contents": "buttock (singular: buttock) two round portion anatomy, locat posterior pelvic region ape (includ humans), mani bipe quadrupeds, compris layer fat superimpos gluteu maximu gluteu mediu muscles. anatomy. buttock form mass gluteal muscl glute (the gluteu maximu muscl gluteu mediu muscle) superimpos layer fat. superior aspect buttock end iliac crest, lower aspect outlin horizont gluteal crease."} {"id": "4355", "contents": "pch answer: buttock gluteu maximu largest superfici muscl buttock. attach ilium bone(part pelvis), sacrum, side coccyx via sacrotuberu ligament apponueros (the gluteal apponeurosi erector spinae). top workout gluteu maximu gluteu maximu larg muscl found buttock part gluteu muscl group, refer inform glutes.."} {"id": "4356", "contents": "buttock anoth name bum bottom. sit down, sit buttocks. medically, back bodi known posterior side. buttock posterior, locat thigh waist. buttock sometim call posterior. laymen' terms, rather medic terms, peopl call butt, short buttocks."} {"id": "4357", "contents": "muscl gluteal posterior femor regions. gluteu minimu origin insert mediu maximu labeled. gluteal muscl group three muscl make buttocks: gluteu maximus, gluteu mediu gluteu minimus. three muscl origin ilium sacrum insert femur. gluteu maximu largest gluteal muscl one strongest muscl human body. insert iliotibi band gluteal tuberos femur. action extend later rotat hip, also extend trunk"} {"id": "4358", "contents": "gluteu maximus. gluteu maximu muscl locat buttock regard one strongest muscl human body. connect coccyx, tailbone, well surround bones. gluteu maximu muscl respons movement hip thigh. stand sit position, climb stairs, stay erect posit aid gluteu maximus. pain rise stand posit lower sit may caus gluteu maximu syndrome. syndrom caus spasm muscl gluteu maximus. pain usual disappear sit affect one side body."} {"id": "4359", "contents": "gluteu maximu (also known collect gluteu mediu minimus, gluteal muscles, sometim refer inform 'glutes') largest superfici three gluteal muscles."} {"id": "4360", "contents": "video bring two stretch three strengthen exercis glute muscl (gluteu maximus). weak glute factor lower back pain, knee problem hamstr strain."} {"id": "4361", "contents": "wudg underground columbu one two student-run radio station ohio media school, formerli ohio center broadcasting."} {"id": "4362", "contents": "toler despit lack integrity. columbus, mayor citi administr use lie deception. want know here, toler that. suggest recal elect boot mayor curb, implor citi council fire citi administrator. price lower, select better, product different. gave away 25 year properti tax incom creat store later move. peopl columbu better place. tif invent bring possibl possibl exists."} {"id": "4363", "contents": "brewdog search central columbu bar locationwhil 100,000 squar foot brewdog brew facil locat edg metro region canal winchester, compani look central home first local bar....columbusunderground.com. satisfi sweet tooth adventur marshmallow mmelo! find treat metropreneur: http://wp.me/p1131t-25j. mmelo make confectioneri magic marshmallowsth marshmallow mmelo far averag \u2018mallow. vanilla tame end flavor spectrum play flavor combin like pear, lemon fresh thyme (all one treat) rank top best-sel list. themetropreneur"} {"id": "4364", "contents": "mock-up german residenti center use unit state militari perfect fire-bomb techniqu world war ii, see german villag (dugway prove ground) german villag histor neighborhood columbus, ohio, south downtown. settl early-to-mid-19th centuri larg number german immigrants, one time compris much third city' entir population. although german villag eclect community, area particularli known columbu gayborhood.. gay establish locat within german villag limits, sever gay-friendli bar locat neighbor breweri district merion village."} {"id": "4365", "contents": "see theatr critic richard sanford say beauti show: http://www.columbusunderground.com/theatre-review-shadowbox\u2026. theatr review: shadowbox' tenshu ambiti labor lovedisclosure: columbu underground media partner premier product tenshu. satisfi sweet tooth adventur marshmallow mmelo! find treat metropreneur: http://wp.me/p1131t-25j. mmelo make confectioneri magic marshmallowsth marshmallow mmelo far averag \u2018mallow. vanilla tame end flavor spectrum play flavor combin like pear, lemon fresh thyme (all one treat) rank top best-sel list. themetropreneur.com"} {"id": "4366", "contents": "one know caus 10-acr underground fire still burn landfil north cincinnati hamilton county. three fire burn northeastern ohio landfills, includ one countywid dispos recycl facil stark county. one start 2006. epa' allen said hope new panel ohio feder epa offici send formal recommend fire prevent within six months. club 3000' o'del said he'd like see stronger penalties. said countywid take garbag fire put out."} {"id": "4367", "contents": "restaur review: phi phom pho. grandview avenu newcom phi phom pho nice, pare stop. open weeks, replac jobu ramen neighborhood outlet pho. aspir 2015 highlight honor social enterpris columbu join metropreneur, rotari district 6690 local small busi entrepreneuri commun thursday, octob 29, 2015 studio 35 aspire, event celebr social enterpris columbu. metro view all."} {"id": "4368", "contents": "peopl may like columbu underground is, while, tri purpose. hope better city, offer open discuss effort get there. price lower, select better, product different. gave away 25 year properti tax incom creat store later move. peopl columbu better place. tif invent bring possibl possibl exists."} {"id": "4369", "contents": "stage fashion capit columbus, yearli event halloween season bridg runway style cultur short north art district. part highbal street spectacl model high str. highbal nation' fiercest costum party. ceo citi one largest divers cross-sector network citi leader nation, includ mayors, busi presidents, foundat leaders,\u2026."} {"id": "4370", "contents": "1945-46, russian obtain marbl berlin war memori ruin hitler' new reich chancellery, corner wilhelmstra vo stra e, albert speer design finish 1939. hitler airili told speer old reich chancelleri fit soap company."} {"id": "4371", "contents": "today offic german chancellor usual call kanzleramt (chancellor' office), formal bundeskanzleramt (feder chancellor' office). latter also name new seat chancellor' office, complet 2001. complet 1936, offici call reich chancelleri air-raid shelter 1943, construct expand bunker complex addit fuehrerbunker, f\u00fchrerbunk locat one level."} {"id": "4372", "contents": "reich chancelleri (german reichskanzlei) tradit name offic german chancellor (reichskanzler). today offic usual call kanzleramt (chancellor' office), formal bundeskanzleramt (feder chancellor' office). new reich chancelleri (1938). 1938, hitler assign favourit architect albert speer build new reich chancellery, request build complet within year. near complex underground hrerbunker, hitler commit suicid end world war ii 1945."} {"id": "4373", "contents": "1938, hitler assign albert speer build new reich chancellery, complet year, state bismarck' old chancelleri fit soap company, headquart greater german reich. latter locat eight metr beneath garden old reich chancelleri build wilhelmstrass wilhelmstra\u00dfe, 77 120 metr north new chancellery, build address vossstrasse. vo\u00dfstra\u00df"} {"id": "4374", "contents": "speer gaze one last time shatter dream. reich chancellery, reichskanzlei, offic chancellor germani 1871 1945 locat berlin. fuehrerbunker, f\u00fchrerbunk film downfal mostli take place, part the, chancelleri along the. garag world war, ii occupi soviet demolish the. build"} {"id": "4375", "contents": "comment. soldier mock hitler atop balconi reich chancellery, 1945. final victori nazi germani achieved, soldier alli british, american russian armi mimic mock adolf hitler idea hitler\u2019 famou balconi chancelleri conquer berlin. hitler stand balcony. build call \u201cneue reichskanzlei\u201d (new chancellery). late januari 1938, adolf hitler offici assign favorit architect albert speer build new reich chancellery."} {"id": "4376", "contents": "insid hitler' reich chancellery. hitler\u2019 offici residence, offic bunker; plan war end death new reich chancelleri berlin. approach infam place histori variou perspect accompani startl film footag"} {"id": "4377", "contents": "reich chancelleri meet 12 decemb 1941 meet adolf hitler highest-rank offici nazi party. almost import parti leader present hear hitler declar ongo destruct jewish race, yet remain less known later wannse conference."} {"id": "4378", "contents": "myplat current nutrit guid publish unit state depart agriculture, food circl (i.e. pie chart) depict place set plate glass divid five food groups. replac usda' mypyramid guid june 2, 2011, end 19 year usda food pyramid diagrams. myplat display food packag use nutrit educ unit states. unveil myplate, first ladi michel obama said, parent time measur exactli three ounc chicken look much rice broccoli serving. ..."} {"id": "4379", "contents": "usda myplat explanation. combat alarmingli high obes rate children america, unit state depart agricultur (usda), initi first ladi michel obama, creat new way help eat right. replac hard-to-deciph food pyramid, usda made myplat successor visual illustr help peopl keep track much eat food group."} {"id": "4380", "contents": "owatonna, mn (prweb) septemb 20, 2011. support usda\u2019 recent updat nutrit initi \u201cmyplate\u201d, learn zonexpress (lzx) offer varieti kid myplat product promot dietari guidelin children. \u201cwe excit releas kid-friendli version myplat"} {"id": "4381", "contents": "determin what\u2019 right you, consid age well activ level, keep mind activ are, calori burn. usda provid recommend age group differ food groups. select food group learn what' right amount you. serv size serv size amount food expert usda recommend eat. familiar serv size food eat often, becom easier eat healthier meals. select food group review specif serv sizes. health benefit eat right food right amount you\u2019ll enjoy varieti health benefits, includ reduc risk heart disease, stroke, cancer, type diabetes. you\u2019ll also happier, energy, find easier manag weight. select food group learn more."} {"id": "4382", "contents": "usda' first dietari guidelin publish 1894 dr. wilbur olin atwat farmers' bulletin. sinc then, usda provid varieti nutrit guid public, includ basic (1943\u20131956), basic four (1956\u20131992), food guid pyramid (1992\u20132005), mypyramid (2005\u20132013). unveil myplate, first ladi michel obama said, parent time measur exactli three ounc chicken look much rice broccoli serving. ..."} {"id": "4383", "contents": "usda food guid pyramid introduct 1992 revamp 2005, becam known mypyramid. sinc then, chang nation view establish guidelin nutrition. new dietari guidelin introduc togeth graphic representation. color myplate. myplat made four section color orange, green, blue red, plu side order blue. color repres specif food group provid certain nutrit benefits."} {"id": "4384", "contents": "proud announc appoint usda' nation strateg partner program. posit promot commit provid custom product need promot healthier diet consist myplat dietari guidelin americans."} {"id": "4385", "contents": "click food group explore. myplat illustr five food group build block healthi diet use familiar imag place set meal. eat, think goe plate, cup, bowl. fruit group"} {"id": "4386", "contents": "mypyramid, releas unit state depart agricultur (usda) april 19, 2005, updat earlier american food guid pyramid. use june 2, 2011, usda' myplat replac it."} {"id": "4387", "contents": "new food guide, usda\u2019 myplate, introduc 2010, new guidelin proper dietari nutrition. color myplate. myplat made four section color orange, green, blue red, plu side order blue. color repres specif food group provid certain nutrit benefits."} {"id": "4388", "contents": "along contain high amount fiber, okra also contain high amount vitamin a, c, b6. larg amount calcium, zinc, riboflavin, folic acid, iron also present vegetable. women pregnant urg incorpor okra diet due high content folic acid."} {"id": "4389", "contents": "okra consid especi healthi veget due high fiber, vitamin folic acid content, although it\u2019 also good sourc vitamin b-6, niacin, vitamin k, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium phosphorus."} {"id": "4390", "contents": "100g raw okra pod contain 30 calori also lot dietari fiber give feel fullness. *okra great pregnant women, contain folic acid need format neural tube fetus. okra good lax an aid bowel movement. okra great skin hair. cut okra pod boil littl water juic mucilag begin come out."} {"id": "4391", "contents": "okra recommend pregnant women, rich folic acid, essenti neural tube format fetu 4th 12th week pregnancy. mucilag fiber found okra help adjust blood sugar regul absorpt small intestine."} {"id": "4392", "contents": "okra sever heath benefits, rich vitamin a, thiamin, vitamin b6, vitamin folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc dietari fiber. also enrich amino acids, like tryptophan, cystin sulfur amino acids."} {"id": "4393", "contents": "okra especi nutriti veget rich fiber. okra, also call ladi finger gumbo, nutriti pod veget look similar cucumber, littl thinner pointed."} {"id": "4394", "contents": "nutrit health benefit eat okra. okra recommend pregnant women, rich folic acid, essenti neural tube format fetu 4th 12th week pregnancy."} {"id": "4395", "contents": "double-check money. prior actual close day, sever thing certain real estat transact close time, everyth go smoothly. day two closing, review final close statement hud-1 statement, whichev use area country."} {"id": "4396", "contents": "(2) escrow. commerci real estat close gener involv formal escrow process residenti transaction. typically, titl agent agre hold money, collect record documents, wire money. typic term use refer inspect investig real property, person properti busi entiti buyer make final decis whether consumm transaction. list topic buyer investor real estat consid review prior closing."} {"id": "4397", "contents": "go process buy sell hous without assist qualifi real estat attorney usual bad decision. real estat transact complex legal case requir skill knowledg non-lawy non-real estat profession have. edit step. 1. set appoint close party. closing, parti sign name number documents, money paid, key home hand new owner."} {"id": "4398", "contents": "real estat close also refer settlement. two term interchangeable, though close common usage. final step real estat purchas transaction. properti ownership transfer seller buyer. also final distribut fund close day. seller receiv check whatev proce earn sale. specif thing happen close day: buyer (or buyer' lender) provid check amount owe toward purchas price house. seller sign deed buyer. act offici transfer ownership buyer. seller turn keys, well."} {"id": "4399", "contents": "don\u2019t need real estat agent sell house. sure don\u2019t need one buy house. historically, 20 percent annual hous sale direct purchas buyer owner, though definit \u2018bi owner\u2019 varies."} {"id": "4400", "contents": "real estat closing. closing-or settlement escrow-i essenti meet close agent (the parti conduct settlement) take money buyers, pay money owner make sure purchaser' titl properli record local record along mortgag liens. case, close agent compens prepay close buyer pay addit money. could also work reverse. behind properti taxes, close agent reduc money due settlement amount unpaid taxes."} {"id": "4401", "contents": "(e) limit partnership commerci real estat closing. key document close limit partnership massachusett certifi copi limit partnership certif copi limit partnership agreement, certifi gener partner. typic term use refer inspect investig real property, person properti busi entiti buyer make final decis whether consumm transaction. list topic buyer investor real estat consid review prior closing."} {"id": "4402", "contents": "wait close address concerns, rather deal immedi risk delay closing. problem aris difficult handl own, delay close seek advic real estat professional. 1. set appoint close party. closing, parti sign name number documents, money paid, key home hand new owner."} {"id": "4403", "contents": "you\u2019r kind situat (or want understand process works, inside-and-out), want show exact step use i\u2019m close real estat transact in-house. process similar, regardless whether i\u2019m buy i\u2019m sell property. abl close transact in-hous huge asset. handl entir process in-house, minim paperwork make process much less intimid person end transaction."} {"id": "4404", "contents": "much: tradit 6% split buyer seller agents; usual 3% buyer' agent, 3% seller' agent. description: payment work agent done. real estat agent/brok sale commiss paid closing. pays: seller pay unless local custom dictat otherwise, deal split commiss negoti written sale purchas contract."} {"id": "4405", "contents": "baggag may exceed 45 linear inch (or 114 cm) combin length, width height, includ handl wheels, except small music instrument fit overhead compart space under-seat space avail time boarding. carry-on bag within delta' size restrict gate checked, free charge, board process return upon deplaning. pleas ensur pink gate claim/planesid tag secur attach carry-on item."} {"id": "4406", "contents": "order keep passeng compart unclutt safe, airlin place rule size limit luggag travel carri plane. primari rule size limit state bag carri board must small enough store seat overhead compartment. current basic rule carri baggag must taller 22 inches, wider 14 inches, deeper inches."} {"id": "4407", "contents": "maximum size carry-on bag airlin 45 linear inch (the total height, width, depth bag). anyth larger checked. overs packag luggag stow onboard. think small\u2026. maximum size carry-on bag airlin 45 linear inch (the total height, width, depth bag). anyth larger checked."} {"id": "4408", "contents": "liquid rule. allow bring quart-siz bag liquids, aerosols, gels, cream past carry-on bag checkpoint. limit 3.4 ounc (100 milliliters) less per item. place item small bag separ carry-on baggag facilit screen process."} {"id": "4409", "contents": "luggag size individu airlines. intern airlin differ size, pound piec restrict base fare class and/or travel zones. overall, averag weight size check bag 50 pound 62 inches. averag maximum size carry-on luggag 45 inches."} {"id": "4410", "contents": "carry-on bag. maximum dimens carry-on bag inch 14 inch 22 inch (22 cm 35 cm 56 cm), includ handl wheels. maximum dimens person item, shoulder bag, backpack, laptop bag small item, inch 10 inch 17 inch (22 cm 25 cm 43 cm). gate, item excess carry-on baggag size allow requir check final destin may subject applic servic charges. carry-on item accept transport cabin fragil bulki consid cabin-seat baggage."} {"id": "4411", "contents": "3-1-1 carry-on 3.4 ounc (100ml) bottl less (bi volume) quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag; bag per passeng place screen bin. one-quart bag per person limit total liquid volum travel bring. 3.4 ounc (100ml) contain size secur measure. prepared. time tsa search carry-on slow line. practic 3-1-1 ensur faster easier checkpoint experience."} {"id": "4412", "contents": "carry-on luggage. intern flight alway allow carry-on luggage, airlin restrict quantity, size weight. intern carry-on polici restrict bag weight 11 lbs. less, domest flight rare weight limit. overall, averag weight size check bag 50 pound 62 inches. averag maximum size carry-on luggag 45 inches."} {"id": "4413", "contents": "help reliev symptom women use hormon call menopaus hormon therapi mht approach use call hormon replac therapi hrt mht current umbrella term describ sever differ hormon combin avail varieti form dose"} {"id": "4414", "contents": "hormon replac therapi hrt treatment use reliev symptom menopaus replac femal hormon lower level approach menopaus menopaus sometim refer chang life woman ovari stop produc egg everi four week"} {"id": "4415", "contents": "women use menopaus hormon therapi mht help control symptom menopaus mht use call hormon replac therapi hrt involv take hormon estrogen progesteron women uteru anymor take estrogen mht good help moder sever symptom menopaus transit prevent bone loss"} {"id": "4416", "contents": "year menopaus level femal hormon go caus symptom hot flash vagin dryness women take hormon replac therapi hrt also call menopaus hormon therapi reliev symptom hrt may also protect osteoporosi howev hrt also risk"} {"id": "4417", "contents": "hormon replac therapi estrogen progesteron use decad reliev mild moder symptom menopaus hot flash night sweat sleep problem mood swing vagin dryness treatment quit success women"} {"id": "4418", "contents": "estrogen progestin therapi treat menopaus symptom estrogen progestin togeth known estrogen progestin therapi ept combin hormon therapi although estrogen alon improv symptom menopaus increas risk cancer uteru endometri cancer"} {"id": "4419", "contents": "check insur medicare. insur medicar help cover cost test strip prescription. check them, may contract differ meter compani may pay test strips. check blood glucos meter company."} {"id": "4420", "contents": "expens blood glucos test strips. time, test strip often expens part monitor blood sugar, keep mind cost compat strip choos glucos monitor. average, glucos test strip rang 35\u00a2 $1.00 each."} {"id": "4421", "contents": "test strips. blood glucos (blood sugar) test strip use meter monitor level glucos blood type type diabetes. anoth type test strip monitor ketones, though differ type meter may need read strip."} {"id": "4422", "contents": "check them, may contract differ meter compani may pay test strips. check blood glucos meter company. mani compani program discount card help cost test supplies. number back meter."} {"id": "4423", "contents": "glucos monitor strip use time test blood vari wide price. 75 differ kinds. mani cover insurance, well medicare, find one doctor recommends, coverag pay for, help obtain one affordable."} {"id": "4424", "contents": "keep mind everi meter see signific price differences, depend upon buy. instance, februari 7, 2012, cost box 100 bayer breez test strip approxim $48 amazon.com, approxim $50 american diabet wholesal $100 walmart.com. alway shop around find best deal test strip time buy."} {"id": "4425", "contents": "ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3\u03b2-ol) sterol found fungi, name ergot, common name member fungal genu clavicep ergosterol first isolated. ergosterol present cell membran fungi, yet absent animals, use target antifung drugs. ergosterol also present cell membran protists, trypanosomes. basi use antifung west african sleep sickness."} {"id": "4426", "contents": "er\u00b7gos\u00b7ter\u00b7ol. import d2 provitamins; ultraviolet irradi convert ergosterol lumisterol, tachysterol, ergocalciferol; main sterol yeast. vitamin provitamin; ergosterol within skin convert vitamin action ultraviolet light sunlight."} {"id": "4427", "contents": "noun. 1. ergosterol-a plant sterol convert vitamin ultraviolet radiation. steroid alcohol, sterol-ani group natur steroid alcohol deriv plant animals; waxi insolubl substances."} {"id": "4428", "contents": "mani fungi protozoa cannot surviv without ergosterol, enzym creat becom import target drug discovery. ergosterol provitamin form vitamin d2; exposur ultraviolet (uv) light caus chemic reaction produc vitamin 2. ergosterol present cell membran fungi, yet absent animals, use target antifung drugs. ergosterol also present cell membran protists, trypanosomes. basi use antifung west african sleep sickness."} {"id": "4429", "contents": "ergosterol biolog precursor vitamin d2 found cell membran fungi protist trypanosomes. ergosterol may use studi function anti-fung drug amphotericin analogu studi ergosterol biosynthesi pathway within variou fungi. vitamin d2 (ergocalciferol) natur synthes ergosterol invertebrates, fungi, plant respons ultraviolet irradiation, vitamin d3 synthesi (cholecalciferol) uniq..."} {"id": "4430", "contents": "ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3\u03b2-ol) sterol found cell membran fungi protozoa, serv mani function cholesterol serv anim cells. ergosterol present cell membran fungi, yet absent animals, use target antifung drugs. ergosterol also present cell membran protists, trypanosomes. basi use antifung west african sleep sickness."} {"id": "4431", "contents": "medic definit ergosterol. crystallin steroid alcohol c28h44o occur especi yeast, molds, ergot convert ultraviolet irradi ultim vitamin d2. britannica.com: encyclopedia articl ergosterol."} {"id": "4432", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. ergosterol, provitamin 2, compound belong steroid famili relat cholesterol. found fungi saccharomyc candida. ergosterol intrins compon fungal cells, like mushrooms. ergosterol supplement provid good sourc vitamin d. mushroom rich ergosterol, pro-vitamin d2. isol form, ergosterol appear white crystallin powder insolubl water."} {"id": "4433", "contents": "steroids, hormon estrogen testosterone, also consid sterols. ergosterol fungal sterol whose synthesi serv target antifung drugs, phytosterol plant compound sterols. hopanoid bacteri compound share similar sterols."} {"id": "4434", "contents": "ergosterol (noun). noun ergosterol sense: 1. plant sterol convert vitamin ultraviolet radiation. familiar information: ergosterol use noun rare."} {"id": "4435", "contents": "put egg pan cold water: place cold egg saucepan fill cold water, cover egg inch. bring water roll boil: set pan high heat bring water boil, uncovered. water come full, roll boil. turn heat cover pan. instructions. put egg pan cold water: place cold egg saucepan fill cold water, cover egg inch. bring water roll boil: set pan high heat bring water boil, uncovered. turn heat cover pan."} {"id": "4436", "contents": "alway start egg room temperatur best predict cook time minimis cracking. soft-boil egg, lower egg gentli boil water slot spoon. allow three half minut medium-s egg four minut larg egg. yolk runni white set. cook minut like soft boil egg littl firmer. hard-boil egg, start egg cold water bring boil. water gentli boiling, set timer 7-10 minut depend well cook like eggs. longer boil egg, firmer"} {"id": "4437", "contents": "method. put egg sauc pan fill cold water. water cover eggs. add tsp salt bring boil. salt prevent egg crack also help easi peeling. let egg boil 2-5 minut (depend number eggs). overcook eggs. put egg sauc pan fill cold water. water cover eggs. add tsp salt bring boil. salt prevent egg crack also help easi peeling. let egg boil 2-5 minut (depend number eggs). overcook eggs."} {"id": "4438", "contents": "get started. put egg saucepan add enough cold water cover inch. set pan medium-high heat soon water reach brisk simmer, start timing. egg cook, adjust heat need maintain brisk simmer. anoth way hard-boil eggs, begin direct left egg cold water, water reach brisk simmer, turn heat let egg sit uncov hot water least 10 minut 30 minutes\u2014th water cool gradually, prevent egg overcooking."} {"id": "4439", "contents": "directions. place egg larg saucepan. cover cool water inch. slowli bring water boil medium heat; water reach boil, cover remov heat. let sit 12 minutes. transfer egg colander; place cool run water stop cooking."} {"id": "4440", "contents": "hand best way cook egg shell pressur cook them. minut get soft boil egg tender extrem easi peel everi singl time. save energi time sinc pot temp minut minimum water. fresh old egg peel flawlessly. hard boil becom tough cook like method."} {"id": "4441", "contents": "older egg easier peel fresh eggs. plan make hard boil egg easter want make sure egg easi peel, buy egg least week ahead time (two week even better, they'll keep). need easy-to-peel egg fresh eggs, might want tri steam egg 15 minutes. pour inch water pot insert steamer basket.br boil. place egg steamer basket, cover steam 15 minut (more less, check!)."} {"id": "4442", "contents": "modern kuna introduc may 30, 1994, start transit period croatian dinar, end decemb 31, 1994. exchang rate dinar kuna kuna 1,000 dinars. sinc then, croatia system de facto currenc board fix exchang rate. word kuna mean marten croatian sinc base use marten pelt unit valu mediev trading. word lipa mean linden (lime) tree"} {"id": "4443", "contents": "hrk-croatian kuna. croatia, kuna. croatian kuna currenc croatia. currenc rank show popular croatia kuna exchang rate hrk eur rate. currenc code kuna hrk, currenc symbol kn. below, find croatian kuna rate currenc converter. also subscrib currenc newslett daili rate analysis, read xe currenc blog, take hrk rate go xe currenc app website."} {"id": "4444", "contents": "offici currenc republ croatia kuna, 100 lipa. (local abbrevi kn, intern abbrevi hrk). euro approx 7,4 kuna usd approx kunas. precis inform kuna exchang rate follow link croatian nation bank exchang course."} {"id": "4445", "contents": "choic name kuna controversi currenc name use independ state croatia kuna, dismiss red herring, sinc name also use banovina croatia zavnoh. word kuna mean marten croatian sinc base use marten pelt unit valu mediev trading. word lipa mean linden (lime) tree"} {"id": "4446", "contents": "nation currenc croatia kuna (hrk). kuna croatian word marten, weasel-lik animal. one kuna devid 100 lipa; croatian word lime tree. abbreviation: kuna-kn; lipa-lp. kuna dominations: kuna notes: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 1000. kuna coins: 1, 2, 25. lipa coins: 5, 10, 20 50."} {"id": "4447", "contents": "see much money worth croatian kuna. use handi currenc exchang convert check current foreign exchang rate kuna arriv zagreb. cours know interbank rate rate receiv cost fee factor in."} {"id": "4448", "contents": "kuna currenc croatia sinc 1994 subdivid 100 lipa. kuna issu croatian nation bank coin mint croatian monetari institute. kuna expect replac euro within two three year join european union."} {"id": "4449", "contents": "kuna issu croatian nation bank coin mint croatian monetari institute. word kuna mean marten croatian sinc base use marten pelt unit valu mediev trading. word lipa mean linden (lime) tree"} {"id": "4450", "contents": "croatian kuna (hrk) currenc exchang rate convers calculator. currenc convertor date exchang rate octob 12, 2015. enter amount convert box left currenc press convert button. show croatian kuna one currenc click currency. croatian kuna currenc croatia (hrvatska, hr, hrv). symbol hrk written hrk. croatian kuna divid 100 lipas. exchang rate croatian kuna last updat octob 8, 2015 bloomberg. hrk convers factor signific digit"} {"id": "4451", "contents": "money croatia croatian kuna. croatian currenc kuna (not euro!), divid 100 lipas. (the word \u2018kuna\u2019 mean marten, weasel-lik animal, whose fur croat use payment mani centuri ago. word \u2018lipa\u2019 mean lime tree, don\u2019t know connect here!) list price, kuna abbrevi kn. currenc take chang money croatia. take \u2018home\u2019 currenc (euros, uk pound u.s. dollars) croatia chang result problem easi exchang kuna country, although currenc cours chang too."} {"id": "4452", "contents": "past present. butterfli leaf effici way creat extra room table, elimin need store extra panel elsewhere. kept safe secure, immedi accessible. evolv basic drop-leaf versions, wing-shap leaf support pivot stretcher either side table. typic small side tables, rather common dine tabl today leaf store inside."} {"id": "4453", "contents": "benefits. butterfli leaf tabl offer conveni solut space issu small dine areas. tabl extend seat need yet self-stored, requir addit storag space. leaf use, fold neatli underneath table, hidden sight. history. earli version drop-leaf dine tabl gate-leg table, two extra leg swung need support table' leaves. kind tabl use coloni america late 1600s, butterfli tabl develop 1710."} {"id": "4454", "contents": "orang oakleaf dead leaf (kallima inachus) nymphalid butterfli found tropic asia india japan. wing closed, close resembl dri leaf dark vein spectacular commonli cite exampl camouflage. butterfli wing shape like leaf close position. wing closed, cryptic undersid mark visible, consist irregular pattern striation mani shade biscuit, buff, browns, yellow, black. vein darken resembl vein leaf."} {"id": "4455", "contents": "tweet. also known expand tables, butterfli leaf tabl help solut solv space problem small dine room. tradit dine room tabl take space, everyon kind space. length tabl vari depend brand model, butterfli leaf extens typic 18 inch wide. instance, buy 78-inch-long table, remov leaf shorten 60 inches, save 18 inch space."} {"id": "4456", "contents": "butterfli leaf tabl section center remov shorten use larg get-togethers. section remov complet store closet, other hide underneath tabl use. length tabl vari depend brand model, butterfli leaf extens typic 18 inch wide. instance, buy 78-inch-long table, remov leaf shorten 60 inches, save 18 inch space."} {"id": "4457", "contents": "butterfli leaf effici way creat extra room table, elimin need store extra panel elsewhere. evolv basic drop-leaf versions, wing-shap leaf support pivot stretcher either side table. typic small side tables, rather common dine tabl today leaf store inside."} {"id": "4458", "contents": "found helpful. christoph nuzzaco/istock/getti images. butterfli tabl leaf panel fit middl table, serv extens creat larger dine space needed. fold store within tabl itself. evolv basic drop-leaf versions, wing-shap leaf support pivot stretcher either side table. typic small side tables, rather common dine tabl today leaf store inside."} {"id": "4459", "contents": "butterfli tabl leaf panel fit middl table, serv extens creat larger dine space needed. evolv basic drop-leaf versions, wing-shap leaf support pivot stretcher either side table. typic small side tables, rather common dine tabl today leaf store inside."} {"id": "4460", "contents": "cost butterfli leaf tabl vari depend size well type materi quality. example, butterfli leaf tabl made rubber wood cherri finish seat four may cost less $300, similar option made pine may cost $1,000. history. earli version drop-leaf dine tabl gate-leg table, two extra leg swung need support table' leaves. kind tabl use coloni america late 1600s, butterfli tabl develop 1710."} {"id": "4461", "contents": "fortifi cereal benefici way consum recommend daili amount vitamin minerals. varieti option flavor avail make easier find fortifi cereal everi tast diet preference. two well-known name ready-to-eat cereal gener mill kellogg's. compani produc wide array options, includ gluten-fre alternatives."} {"id": "4462", "contents": "bowl cereal jump-start vitamin miner intake. fortifi breakfast cereal add enorm amount vitamin miner diet. brand different, you\u2019ll usual see iron, vitamin vitamin b-12 variety. downfal iron cereal it\u2019 nonheme, type iron difficult bodi absorb. pile littl fruit onto cereal; vitamin improv nonhem iron absorption. food natur sourc vitamin d, get fortifi foods, includ cereal"} {"id": "4463", "contents": "multigrain cheerio anoth gener mills' preval unsweeten cereal, cheerios. compris whole grains, including, oats, corn, wheat, barley, rice. multigrain cheerio fortifi 100 dv vitamin b6, b1, b2, b5, b12, niacin, folic acid, zinc, iron. gener mill wheaties. wheati made gener mill fortifi cereal. wheaties, breakfast champions, develop bright orang box highlight famou people, name athletes."} {"id": "4464", "contents": "label say cereal fortifi kind vitamin miner doesn\u2019t make healthi option. brand overload sugar improv flavor. downfal iron cereal it\u2019 nonheme, type iron difficult bodi absorb. pile littl fruit onto cereal; vitamin improv nonhem iron absorption. food natur sourc vitamin d, get fortifi foods, includ cereal"} {"id": "4465", "contents": "form iron. iron-rich food either heme nonhem iron. heme iron highli absorb come meat, eggs, dairy, fish, shellfish poultry. nonhem iron come plant foods, fortifi foods, like cereal, mani supplements. type iron isn\u2019t easi bodi absorb. get iron breakfast cereal, source. mani type cereals, cold hot, fortifi sever nutrients, includ iron. although you\u2019ll abl meet iron need favorit bowl cereal, it\u2019 easiest type iron bodi util"} {"id": "4466", "contents": "food combos. fortifi cereal part diet way increas consumpt vitamin miner bodi needs. combin serv cereal vitamin d-fortifi milk glass fortifi orang juic improv nutrient content provid one meal. varieti option flavor avail make easier find fortifi cereal everi tast diet preference. two well-known name ready-to-eat cereal gener mill kellogg's. compani produc wide array options, includ gluten-fre alternatives."} {"id": "4467", "contents": "gener mill total cereal. total introduc 1961 time benchmark cereal healthi advanc fortif vitamin. one highest-fortifi cereals. 100 percent dv (daili value) least 11 vitamin minerals. gener mill wheaties. wheati made gener mill fortifi cereal. wheaties, breakfast champions, develop bright orang box highlight famou people, name athletes."} {"id": "4468", "contents": "impact event scale (horowitz, 1979) impact event scale-revis (weiss, 1997) use measur stress event may affect you. exampl origin 15-item impact event scale (ies), score rang 75. interpret i score follow way: 3. question instruct origin impact event scale. list today' date_________. list date event_________. describ event______________________________________________. list comment made peopl stress life events."} {"id": "4469", "contents": "journal physiotherapi 2010 vol. 56 australian physiotherapi associ 2010 203 apprais clinimetr impact event scale-revis descript impact event scale-revis (ies-r) self-report measur current subject distress respons specif traumat event (weiss marmar 1997)."} {"id": "4470", "contents": "type instrument: ies-r similar i self-report measur design assess current subject distress specif life event. ies-r 22 items, item ad origin 15-item i (weiss marmar, 1997). impact event scale-revis (ies-r). note: ies-r 15 item version (ies)."} {"id": "4471", "contents": "impact event scale (ies) short set 15 question measur amount distress associ specif event. develop 1979 mardi horowitz, nanci wilner, william alvarez, continu find use research mental health profession worldwide. question instruct origin impact event scale. list today' date_________. list date event_________. describ event______________________________________________. list comment made peopl stress life events."} {"id": "4472", "contents": "impact event scale file:///c:/documents%20and%20settings/jim/desktop/working/jim...2 3/6/2006 8:33 subject stress respons symptom 15-item i gave mean total stress scoreof 39.5 (sd=17.2, rang 0-69). discrimin validity: na. impact event scale file:///c:/documents%20and%20settings/jim/desktop/working/jim...4 3/6/2006 8:33 score method: item score 0, 1, 5, higher score reflectingmor stress impact."} {"id": "4473", "contents": "revis impact event scale (22 questions): revis version impact event scale (ies-r) seven addit question score rang 88. test, score exceed 24 quit meaningful. question instruct origin impact event scale. list today' date_________. list date event_________. describ event______________________________________________. list comment made peopl stress life events."} {"id": "4474", "contents": "instrument, impact event scale (ies) evalu distress caus traumat events. test center around two subscal intrus avoidance. ies-r revis edit original. valid impact event scale sampl american vietnam veterans. psycholog reports, 75, 321-322. horowitz, m. j., wilner, n. r., alvarez, w. (1979). impact event scale."} {"id": "4475", "contents": "revis impact event scale (22 questions): revis version impact event scale (ies-r) seven addit question score rang 88. test, score exceed 24 quit meaningful. high score follow associations. ies-r help measur affect routin life stress, everyday trauma acut stress references: 1. horowitz, m. wilner, n. alvarez, w. (1979). impact event scale: measur subject stress. psychosomat medicine, 41, 209-218. 2."} {"id": "4476", "contents": "born bad summary. everyon esperanza' famili think born bad go hell. reason think poorli esperanza dear aunt lupe, woman use beauti eleg joan crawford, strong bodi like swimmer. esperanza use stare beauti old photographs."} {"id": "4477", "contents": "analysi themes. esperanza, rachel, luci pray think go hell made fun esperanza\u2019 aunt lupe. aunt lupe beauti good swimmer youth, invalid esperanza\u2019 life. esperanza wonder curs sick fell upon aunt lupe. lupe told esperanza must keep writing, keep free. esperanza return describ game, reveal aunt lupe die day imit her. lupe first person connect esperanza\u2019 love write desir escap mango street."} {"id": "4478", "contents": "2. esperanza beleiv born bad becuas born evil day, also credit go hell aunt lupe. 3. esperanza aunt close relationship. aunt enjoy poem esperanza read her. 4. 1) aunt lupe pass away disease. 2) esperanza born bad beacaus make fun aunt. aunt lupe disease, born bad also. 3) esparanza love aunt, alway went hang read stori blind."} {"id": "4479", "contents": "summary: \u201cborn bad\u201d. esperanza friend rachel luci pray play game made fun esperanza\u2019 aunt lupe died. aunt lupe strong beauti swimmer youth, esperanza\u2019 life, bedridden sick. \u201cborn bad,\u201d esperanza enjoy write want leav neighborhood, never made connect two desires. aunt lupe broach idea esperanza might abl use first achiev second."} {"id": "4480", "contents": "2) esperanza born bad make fun aunt. aunt lupe disease, born bad also. 3) esperanza love aunt,sh alway went hang read stori blind. 4) advic given esperanza aunt keep writing. 1) aunt lupe pass away disease. 2) esperanza born bad beacaus make fun aunt. aunt lupe disease, born bad also. 3) esparanza love aunt, alway went hang read stori blind."} {"id": "4481", "contents": "born bad vignett section esperanza develop most. esperanza grow littl realiz play game make fun blind die aunt childish done. particular vignett esperanza began see self-conscious. born evil day famili told mean born bad. also see encount death aunt dies."} {"id": "4482", "contents": "tornado damag hous oklahoma county, oklahoma hit may 10\u201313, 2010 tornado outbreak. tornado intens measur situ remot sens measurements, sinc impract wide scale use, intens usual infer via proxies, damage. fujita scale enhanc fujita scale rate tornado damag caused. near tornado' peak intensity, record wind speed 115\u2013120 m/ (260\u2013270 mph). though portabl radar uncertainti \u00b15\u201310 m/ (11\u201322 mph), read probabl within f5 range, confirm tornado capabl violent wind found nowher els earth."} {"id": "4483", "contents": "said, typic tornado damag path one two miles, width around 50 yards. largest tornado path width exceed one mile, smallest width less 10 yards. width even vari consider singl tornado, sinc size chang lifetime. damag result strong wind within tornado. degre damag speed wind vari widely, depend intens tornado. fujita scale design assess damag produc tornadoes, estim associ wind speed assign rating."} {"id": "4484", "contents": "averag tornado ground miles, path length vari greatly. tornado may ground hundr feet other may tra vel 100 even 200 miles. longest damag path record 219 miles. person found useful. sever damag caus torndo vari widley, fact scale use rate tornado base that, call enhanc fujita scale si level rang ef0 ef5. rate base sever damag tornado causes."} {"id": "4485", "contents": "cases, one structur tornado' path may complet destroy one next may suffer minor moder damage. said, tornado ef4 ef5 damag still produc swath complet destruct along least part path. sever damag caus torndo vari widley, fact scale use rate tornado base that, call enhanc fujita scale si level rang ef0 ef5."} {"id": "4486", "contents": "path width tornado vari greatly. tornado dozen hundr yard wide. howev tornado feet wide. tornado damag path mile, rare cases, mile wide. sever damag caus torndo vari widley, fact scale use rate tornado base that, call enhanc fujita scale si level rang ef0 ef5. rate base sever damag tornado causes."} {"id": "4487", "contents": "cases, one structur tornado' path may complet destroy one next may suffer minor moder damage. said, tornado ef4 ef5 damag still produc swath complet destruct along least part path. sever damag caus torndo vari widley, fact scale use rate tornado base that, call enhanc fujita scale si level rang ef0 ef5. rate base sever damag tornado causes."} {"id": "4488", "contents": "tornado appear rotating, funnel-shap cloud extend thunderstorm ground whirl wind reach 300 mile per hour. damag path excess one mile wide 50 mile long. tornado clearli visible, rain nearbi low-hang cloud obscur others."} {"id": "4489", "contents": "tornado typic get speed 65 250 mph. tornado usual take form funnel cloud turn tornado touch ground. wind usual violent may uproot trees, destroy home offic build even crumpl cars. stay ground coupl second mani minut may travel miles, lead great tornado damag like cut larg swath destruct path. talk tornado damag we\u2019v got understand tornado mani weapon arsenal. wind tornado\u2019 primari weapon, tornado may also damag lightning, hail flash floods. depend potenc tornado, caus much damag wide-spread destruction."} {"id": "4490", "contents": "averag tornado ground miles, path length vari greatly. tornado may ground hundr feet other may tra vel 100 even 200 miles. longest damag path record 219 miles. person found useful. sever damag caus torndo vari widley, fact scale use rate tornado base that, call enhanc fujita scale si level rang ef0 ef5."} {"id": "4491", "contents": "weak tornadoes, strong yet dissip tornadoes, exceedingli narrow, sometim feet coupl meter across. one tornado report damag path feet (2 m) long. end spectrum, wedg tornado damag path mile (1.6 km) wide more. tornado violent rotat column air contact surfac earth cumulonimbu cloud or, rare cases, base cumulu cloud."} {"id": "4492", "contents": "descriptions. colchicin use prevent treat attack gout (also call gouti arthritis). condit caus much uric acid blood. attack gout occur uric acid caus inflamm (pain, redness, swelling, heat) joint. colchicin also use treat rare condit call famili mediterranean fever (fmf) adult children older year age. colchicin may use ways."} {"id": "4493", "contents": "colchicin work decreas swell lessen build uric acid crystal caus pain affect joint(s). medic also use prevent attack pain abdomen, chest, joint caus certain inherit diseas (famili mediterranean fever). uses. medic use prevent treat gout attack (flares). usual gout symptom develop suddenli involv one joints. big toe, knee, ankl joint often affected. gout caus much uric acid blood"} {"id": "4494", "contents": "drug class mechansim: colchicin oral drug use treat acut gout famili mediterranean fever (fmf). acut gout sever inflamm respons presenc uric acid crystal form boni joints. caus sever pain, redness, swell affect joint(s). prescrib for: colchicin use treatment acut flare gout. also use treat fmf adult children year age older. unapprov use colchicin includ treatment pseudogout, amyloidosis, scleroderma. unapprov use colchicin requir evalu"} {"id": "4495", "contents": "colchicin medic commonli use treat gout. toxic natur product secondari metabolite, origin extract plant genu colchicum (autumn crocus, colchicum autumnale, also known meadow saffron). advers effect primarili gastrointestin upset high doses. colchicin altern unabl toler nsaid gout. high doses, side effect (primarili gastrointestin upset) limit use. lower doses, still effective, well tolerated."} {"id": "4496", "contents": "colchicin also use adult children age older treat famili mediterranean fever (fmf), condit caus fever, pain, swell stomach, lungs, joints. drug class medicin call anti-gout agents."} {"id": "4497", "contents": "gener form colchicin use treat prevent attack gout, treat symptom behcet syndrom (such swelling, redness, warmth, pain). colchicin cure gouti arthriti behcet syndrome, prevent diseas progressing."} {"id": "4498", "contents": "probenecid colchicin combin use treat gout gouti arthritis. probenecid medicin help prevent gout attack remov extra uric acid body. colchicin medicin also help prevent gout attacks."} {"id": "4499", "contents": "featur articl \u00bb. colchicin use prevent treat attack gout (also call gouti arthritis). condit caus much uric acid blood. attack gout occur uric acid caus inflamm (pain, redness, swelling, heat) joint."} {"id": "4500", "contents": "no. fungi kingdom like animalia, plantae, monera protista. peopl found useful. edit. share to: defin animalia scientist commonli divid plant anim kingdoms, part classif process taxonomy. animalia, definition, includ animals. plant contain cellulos cell wall fungi contain chitin major compon cell wall.besid fungi absorpt heterotroph plant photo ynthetic autotrophs."} {"id": "4501", "contents": "eukaryotic. characteristic, true nucleu membran bound organel cells. belong domain eukarya. plant contain cellulos cell wall fungi contain chitin major compon cell wall.besid fungi absorpt heterotroph plant photo ynthetic autotrophs."} {"id": "4502", "contents": "classif basi whittaker' later definit fungi, animalia, planta protista four kingdom life. kingdom protista later modifi separ prokaryot separ kingdom monera, leav protist group eukaryot microorganisms. however, modern taxonomi protista understood paraphylet (not clade), term remain use convenience, similar invertebr equival term protoctista use organ variou organis institutions."} {"id": "4503", "contents": "five kingdom live organ kingdom monera, kingdom protista, kingdom fungi, kingdom planta kingdom animalia. virus includ classif sometim said belong kingdom, kingdom virus. live organ classified, go broader specif category, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genu speci (kpcofg use mnemonic). kingdom broadest categori follow categori subcategori previou one."} {"id": "4504", "contents": "kingdom planta compos plants. alga classifi belong kingdom protista kingdom planta (they plants). life kingdom review-imag diversity: kingdom plantae. live organ classified, go broader specif category, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genu speci (kpcofg use mnemonic). kingdom broadest categori follow categori subcategori previou one."} {"id": "4505", "contents": "fungi lack centriol contain chitin cell wall(a describ earlier) certain protist centriol produc cellulos cell wall.som protist also contain pigment like chl.a chl.b carotein etc fungi not. due reason fungi separ kingdom. plant contain cellulos cell wall fungi contain chitin major compon cell wall.besid fungi absorpt heterotroph plant photo ynthetic autotrophs."} {"id": "4506", "contents": "exampl anim like protist amoeba. plant-lik protist organ share characterist plants. usual abil perform photosynthesis. euglena exampl plant-lik protist. fungus-lik protist usual heterotrophic. includ slime molds. prokaryote: cell lack nucleu usual simpl organisms. archaebacteria eubacteria prokaryotes. eukaryote: cell nucles. protists, fungi, plant anim eukaryotes."} {"id": "4507", "contents": "kingdom highest rank use biolog taxonomi organisms. kingdom taxonomy. everi live thing come one kingdoms. six kingdom eubacteria, archae, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia."} {"id": "4508", "contents": "organ group thing common six kingdom archaebacteria, eubacteria, protista, fungi, planta (plants) and. animalia (animals). prokaryote: cell lack nucleu usual simpl organisms. archaebacteria eubacteria prokaryotes. eukaryote: cell nucles. protists, fungi, plant anim eukaryotes."} {"id": "4509", "contents": "defin animalia scientist commonli divid plant anim kingdoms, part classif process taxonomy. animalia, definition, includ animals. plant contain cellulos cell wall fungi contain chitin major compon cell wall.besid fungi absorpt heterotroph plant photo ynthetic autotrophs."} {"id": "4510", "contents": "time great depression, growth slow ritzvil settl small town. 1960 interst 90 construct around south-end town, replac u.s. rout 10 re-rout us 395 (wa) traffic away downtown. town' water suppli railroad tank thought water could found ground. first religi servic held adam counti ritzvil april 1882 mckay home first congreg church soon organized, church would built 1885."} {"id": "4511", "contents": "purpose. contact ordinari citizen ever justic system district court. exclud park infractions, everi case file district court level. due primarili broad jurisdict district court traffic violat misdemeanors. adam counti district court jurisdict crimin civil cases."} {"id": "4512", "contents": "januari 17, 1902, ritzvil electrifi first time, run steam power dynamo. chamber commerc form 1903 follow year courthous doubl size. citi receiv carnegi librari 1907, one adam county. town' water suppli railroad tank thought water could found ground. first religi servic held adam counti ritzvil april 1882 mckay home first congreg church soon organized, church would built 1885."} {"id": "4513", "contents": "adam counti counti locat u.s. state washington. 2010 census, popul 18,728. counti seat ritzville, largest citi othello. counti form whitman counti novemb 28, 1883 name second presid unit states, john adams. adam counti compris othello, wa micropolitan statist area, also includ mose lake-othello, wa combin statist area."} {"id": "4514", "contents": "resid adam counti enjoy rural lifestyl roll hill farmland. mani resid two major cities, ritzvil (pop. 1,800) othello (pop. 6, 600), grown region. area histori famili farming, new industri growth, primarili othello area."} {"id": "4515", "contents": "page, find adam counti inmat search, inmat lists, inmat roster, arrest report and/or book inform adam counti jail citi ritzville, adam counti state washington."} {"id": "4516", "contents": "serv record offic citi select committe air pollut author districts. serv member judici district committee. contact inform adam counti auditor 210 w. broadway ritzville, wa 99169 offic hours: 8:30 4:30 pm telephon number: 509-659-3247 fax number: 509-659-3254. auditor' offic heidi hunt, auditor duti respons counti auditor cover larg vari field, record deed instruments, serv county' chief ex-officio supervisor elections."} {"id": "4517", "contents": "first settler would becom ritzvil william mckay 1880. town would name philip ritz, settl area two year earlier. decemb 1880, ritzville' town-sit plat john w. spragu behalf company, northern pacif railway. town' water suppli railroad tank thought water could found ground. first religi servic held adam counti ritzvil april 1882 mckay home first congreg church soon organized, church would built 1885."} {"id": "4518", "contents": "messag deliv jail deliv inmat jail staff convienance. jail staff wait respons notes. pleas ask. subject arrest crimin offens result warrant taken adam counti jail ritzville. subject arrest feloni offens domest violenc relat offens must appear judg bail bond set."} {"id": "4519", "contents": "mission statement. mission everi member adam counti sheriff' offic consist seek find way affirm promote, preserve, deliv feel security, safeti qualiti law enforc public safeti servic member community. mission department."} {"id": "4520", "contents": "full retir age older 65 (that is, born 1937), still abl take benefit age 62, reduct benefit amount greater peopl born 1938. here' work full retir age 67. earliest start receiv social secur retir benefit remain age 62. note: delay retir benefit full retir age, also may elig delay retir credit would increas monthli benefit. decid delay retirement, sure to."} {"id": "4521", "contents": "social security' full-benefit retir age increas gradual legisl pass congress 1983. traditionally, full benefit age 65, earli retir benefit first avail age 62, perman reduct 80 percent full benefit amount. peopl claim social secur reach age full benefits. peopl start get retir worker benefit 2011, three four (74 percent) receiv benefit reduc earli retirement."} {"id": "4522", "contents": "social secur benefit age. start receiv social secur benefit age 62 but, here' catch: collect less benefit age 62 wait full retir age rang 66 (for born 1943 1954) 67 (for born 1960 later). yes. earn much money full retir age, social secur benefit may reduced. younger full retir age, one dollar benefit deduct two dollar earn get annual incom limit set ssa."} {"id": "4523", "contents": "earli social secur cost you. full retir age 67, social secur benefit reduc by: 30 percent start collect 62. 25 percent start collect 63. 20 percent start collect 64. 13.3 percent start collect 65. full retir age 66, example, receiv 108 percent monthli benefit delay social secur age 67."} {"id": "4524", "contents": "earli retir benefit continu avail age 62, reduc more. full-benefit age reach 67, benefit taken age 62 reduc 70 percent full benefit benefit first taken age 65 reduc 86.7 percent full benefit. peopl claim social secur reach age full benefits. peopl start get retir worker benefit 2011, three four (74 percent) receiv benefit reduc earli retirement."} {"id": "4525", "contents": "year reach full retir age, benefit reduc one dollar everi three dollar earn annual limit month reach full retir age. reach full retir age, keep work social secur benefit affected. yes. earn much money full retir age, social secur benefit may reduced. younger full retir age, one dollar benefit deduct two dollar earn get annual incom limit set ssa."} {"id": "4526", "contents": "start receiv spouse' benefit age 62, monthli benefit amount reduc 32.5 percent amount spous would receiv benefit start full retir age. (the reduct 67.5 percent.) reduct start benefit spous age. earliest start receiv social secur retir benefit remain age 62. note: delay retir benefit full retir age, also may elig delay retir credit would increas monthli benefit. decid delay retirement, sure to."} {"id": "4527", "contents": "full retir age 67, social secur benefit reduc by: 30 percent start collect 62. 25 percent start collect 63. 20 percent start collect 64. full retir age 66, example, receiv 108 percent monthli benefit delay social secur age 67."} {"id": "4528", "contents": "full retir age. 67. start collect social secur reach full retir age, benefit reduc 6% everi year. so, example, full retir age 67 begin take benefit age 62, lose 30% monthli benefit owed. year delay take social secur (until age 70), receiv payment that' 8% higher. qualifi age 67 $2,500 benefit, could instead receiv $3,100 month wait age 70 start."} {"id": "4529", "contents": "delta vacat luggag fee policy. mani airlin assess fee check luggage. fee payabl directli airline, therefor includ delta vacat packag price. variou airlin list link baggag fee carrier."} {"id": "4530", "contents": "way skirt least lessen baggag fees. last year, u.s. airlin collect combin total $3.35 billion baggag fee revenu alon delta dal, +2.72% take no. slot ($833 million), follow unit us airways. compar overweight bag fee might get charg airline: delta, example, overweight bag charg $75 american aal, +6.74% $100 bag 51 70 pound higher up might charg short distance."} {"id": "4531", "contents": "delta airlin oversize/overweight baggag fee 2015 back top excess/oversize/overweight summari addit bag charg flat rate depend specif route, rate rang $125/bag $285/bag. delta harshest extra bag fee industry, sure care read understand limit flight. excess/oversize/overweight summary. addit bag charg flat rate depend specif route, rate rang $125/bag $285/bag. delta harshest extra bag fee industry, sure care read understand limit flight."} {"id": "4532", "contents": "carry-on luggage, must within 45 linear inches. delta baggag fee restrict vari base flight destinations. destin allow check first bag free, other charg everi piec luggage. delta also specif guidelin pertain luggag weight size, luggag exce them, may face addit charges. come delta baggage, airlin offer one free person item anoth free carry-on baggage. person item includ purses, briefcases, diaper bags, laptop bags, item strollers, wheelchairs, jackets, duty-fre purchas consid addit freebies."} {"id": "4533", "contents": "overweight baggag also charg flat-fe basis, rather per kilogram, even overweight lb may incur fee $75. routes, delta increment fees, usual $75 bag weigh 51-70lb (23-32kg), $200 71-100 lb (32-44kg). excess/oversize/overweight summary. addit bag charg flat rate depend specif route, rate rang $125/bag $285/bag. delta harshest extra bag fee industry, sure care read understand limit flight."} {"id": "4534", "contents": "check pay online. baggag fee list current applic ticket today delta' baggag rule determin apply. ticket today, pleas refer delta' previou check baggag page details. first bag free *. rememb excess baggag fee may appli check two bag exceed size weight restrictions. additionally, lower fee may appli depend upon date purchas ticket. summari previou check bag fees, click here."} {"id": "4535", "contents": "delta airlin carry-on allow 2015 back top carry-on summari delta allow one bag carry-on bag, one person item, free charge. maximum dimens carry-on bag 22 14 inch (56x46x23cm). excess/oversize/overweight summary. addit bag charg flat rate depend specif route, rate rang $125/bag $285/bag. delta harshest extra bag fee industry, sure care read understand limit flight."} {"id": "4536", "contents": "excess evalu chart. delta air line liabl check uncheck baggag excess limit describ unless decid claim excess valuat belongings. detail decid declar higher valuation: declar valu may exceed $5,000. first bag free *. rememb excess baggag fee may appli check two bag exceed size weight restrictions. additionally, lower fee may appli depend upon date purchas ticket. summari previou check bag fees, click here."} {"id": "4537", "contents": "delta charg $25 usd/cdn first check bag $35 second pay airport ticket counter, kiosk, curbside. onlin payment discount $2-$3. third check bag $125. fee increas $200, begin fourth check bag. piec must weigh less 50 lbs. carry-on piec less 23 lbs. also permitted. addit bag subject fee $100-$150 usd. overs overweight bag cost $30-$300, variat dictat size bag destin city."} {"id": "4538", "contents": "(a) right axillari spot compress mammogram demonstr focal asymmetr glandular tissu axilla (arrow). (b) us imag show tissu promin lactifer duct (arrow). mammograph us find consist accessori ectop breast tissu axilla. focal asymmetr density. bilater mediolater obliqu (a) left craniocaud (b) mammogram show focal asymmetr densiti upper outer quadrant (arrow). find stabl imag studi perform past year consist benign fibroglandular tissue. figur 5a."} {"id": "4539", "contents": "tissu mammogram fibrou and/or glandular, breast consid dense. cancer cell also appear white mammogram, may harder identifi diseas mammogram women dens breasts. therefore, glandular tissue, risk. also import understand women non-dens breast develop breast cancer. refer discuss mammograph densiti breast cancer risk journal nation cancer institut 2012;104(18);1345."} {"id": "4540", "contents": "mammogram test asymmetr tissu area normal occur. quit common. procedur call spot compress next step evalu area asymmetr tissu located. doctor said tissu left breast differ one right. apparently, asymmetric. know means. anoth appoint doctor schedul ultrasound performed."} {"id": "4541", "contents": "increas risk. calcifications, underli masses, architectur distortion, chang breast' shape structure, indic greater probabl malign associ asymmetr breast tissue. imag flickr.com, courtesi kevin dooley. woman often alarm upon hear asymmetr breast tissue. term result medic equip becom sophist distinguish differ among breast may harmless. alway warrant investigation, howev"} {"id": "4542", "contents": "gynecomastia common disord endocrin system non-cancer increas size breast tissu males. adolesc boys, 70%, breast develop puberty. breast promin result enlarg glandular breast tissue, chest adipos tissu (fat) skin, typic combination. females, estrogen stimul growth"} {"id": "4543", "contents": "typic mammograph find breast cancer screen mammogram would includ asymmetr breast tissue, asymmetr density, architectur distortion, mass, microcalcifications, interv chang compar previou films, adenopathy, miscellan findings. hell, doc. asymmetr densiti term first mammograph find usual refer opac (obscur view part breast) visibl one project (or one view angl x-ray)."} {"id": "4544", "contents": "although clearli wide variat breast size parenchym pattern, breast gener symmetr structur similar densiti architecture. however, asymmetr breast tissu encount rel frequently, report occur 3% mammogram (1). focal asymmetr density. bilater mediolater obliqu (a) left craniocaud (b) mammogram show focal asymmetr densiti upper outer quadrant (arrow). find stabl imag studi perform past year consist benign fibroglandular tissue. figur 5a."} {"id": "4545", "contents": "figur 4a. focal asymmetr density. bilater mediolater obliqu (a) left craniocaud (b) mammogram show focal asymmetr densiti upper outer quadrant (arrow). find stabl imag studi perform past year consist benign fibroglandular tissue. figur 5a."} {"id": "4546", "contents": "start salary. \u00a320,000 per year. forens psychologist appli psycholog theori crimin behaviour explor make peopl commit crimes. interest crimin behaviour want help offend make posit changes, career might like. skills, interest qualities. becom forens psychologist need have: genuin desir help offenders. keen interest caus effect crimin behaviour. resilience, abil deal risk physic verbal assault."} {"id": "4547", "contents": "career may like. clinic psychologist provid psycholog counsel patient clinic setting. education: doctor salary: $39,000 $109,000 crimin profil paint psycholog portrait crimin suspect help solv crimes."} {"id": "4548", "contents": "salary. 2011, psychologist averag $73,090 year, accord bureau labor statistics. high salari season psychologist skew figure, median wage often better indic earnings. half psychologist earn least $67,880 year more. survey american psycholog associ 2009 found psychologist crimin justic system earn median wage $80,000 year. top 25 percent crimin psychologist earn roughli $100,000 year more, bottom 25 percent earn $65,000 year less."} {"id": "4549", "contents": "median annual salary. forens psychologist part larger field psychologists. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics\u2019 2014-15 occup outlook handbook, median nation annual salari psychologist $69,280. school psycholog degrees: you\u2019ll study. earn four-year undergradu degre first step educ toward becom school psychologist."} {"id": "4550", "contents": "salary. pay rang forens psychologist vari significantly, base level educ completed. collect salari forens psychologist rang $28,113 $97,877. option individu bachelor' degre forens psychology."} {"id": "4551", "contents": "degre requir becom forens psychologist: may hard find design colleg program forens psychologists, abl design degre base psycholog cours crimin justic classes."} {"id": "4552", "contents": "educ train requirements: sinc industrial-organiz psychologist don\u2019t practic psycholog counseling/therapi set aren\u2019t typic requir licens psychologist. consequently, aren\u2019t requir earn doctor degree, although anyway. demand sport psychologist growing, pay level. start salari branch psycholog roughli $45,000 year. however, experienc sport psychologist work profession athlet earn $100,000 per year."} {"id": "4553", "contents": "answers. best answer: link given below: start salari forens psychologist roughli $53,500. however, salari vari wide depend job, employer, educ level psychologist' experi within field. much averag forens psychologist make year? what forens psychologist make? web site salari inform would awesome!!!"} {"id": "4554", "contents": "forens psycholog salari usa. forens psycholog salari ten percent around $34,000; twenti five percent collect around $45,000; median take home $62,000; seventi five percent collect around $87,000; nineti percent receiv around $120,000. forens psycholog salari year experi follows: forens psychologist less year experi get $34,437 $95,000 per year. one year experi earn $29,187 $79,463."} {"id": "4555", "contents": "fact, 97% water earth salt water. percentag freshwater. 2% found frozen glacier near poles. leav 1% freshwat earth. freshwat biom found variou place world. this, temperatur water differ place place. ponds, streams, rivers, lake part freshwat biome."} {"id": "4556", "contents": "right bar show breakdown surfac freshwater. water lock ice, anoth 20.9% found lakes. river make 0.49% surfac freshwater. although river account small amount freshwater, human get larg portion water from. heard phrase, water, realli true. earth' water (almost) everywhere: earth air clouds, surfac earth rivers, oceans, ice, plants, live organisms, insid earth top mile ground."} {"id": "4557", "contents": "location: wetland area stand water cover soil area ground wet. unlik estuaries, freshwat wetland connect ocean. found along boundari streams, lakes, pond even larg shallow hole fill rainwater. freshwat wetland may stay wet year long, water may evapor dri season. mani differ type freshwat wetlands, differ name"} {"id": "4558", "contents": "freshwat defin low salt concentr usual less 1%. plant anim freshwat region adjust low salt content would abl surviv area high salt concentr (i.e., ocean). differ type freshwat regions: pond lakes. marsh flora also includ speci cypress gum. wetland highest speci divers ecosystems. mani speci amphibians, reptiles, bird (such duck waders), furbear found wetlands."} {"id": "4559", "contents": "littl 1.2% freshwat surfac water, serv life' needs. right bar show breakdown surfac freshwater. water lock ice, anoth 20.9% found lakes. river make 0.49% surfac freshwater. heard phrase, water, realli true. earth' water (almost) everywhere: earth air clouds, surfac earth rivers, oceans, ice, plants, live organisms, insid earth top mile ground."} {"id": "4560", "contents": "freshwat fish spend live fresh water, river lakes, salin less 0.05%. environ differ marin condit mani ways, obviou differ level salinity."} {"id": "4561", "contents": "fresh water natur occur water earth 's surfac ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, icebergs, bogs, ponds, lakes, river streams, underground groundwat aquif underground streams. first, fresh water melt glacier mingl salt water ocean becom salti drink. second, increas ocean volum caus sea level rise, contamin freshwat sourc along coastal region seawater\u201d."} {"id": "4562", "contents": "might surpris littl earth' water suppli store freshwat land surface, shown diagram tabl below. freshwat repres three percent water earth freshwat lake swamp account mere 0.29 percent earth' freshwater."} {"id": "4563", "contents": "freshwat lake contain 87% fresh surfac water, includ 29% african great lakes, 20% lake baikal russia, 21% north american great lakes, 14% lakes. swamp balanc small amount rivers, notabl amazon river. first, fresh water melt glacier mingl salt water ocean becom salti drink. second, increas ocean volum caus sea level rise, contamin freshwat sourc along coastal region seawater\u201d."} {"id": "4564", "contents": "structur formula fructos (left) glucos (right). high fructos corn syrup (hfcs) (also call glucose-fructose, isoglucos glucose-fructos syrup) sweeten made corn starch process glucos isomeras convert glucos fructose. corn syrups, includ hfcs, made corn starch. commerci product corn syrup began 1864. late 1950 scientist clinton corn process compani iowa tri turn glucos corn starch fructose, process scalable."} {"id": "4565", "contents": "sucrose, common tabl sugar, disaccharid made glucos fructose. here, unlik solution, fructos exist 100% furanos form. anomer configur pyranos form glucos furanos form fructose. levorotatori sugar empir formula glucos (c6h12o6) differ structure. glucos six carbon aldehyd wherea fructos ketone. monosaccharid exist equilibrium mixtur cyclic open form solution."} {"id": "4566", "contents": "tabl sugar substitut fructose, actual contain fructose, use pure glucos substitut fructose. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "4567", "contents": "hfc 24% water, rest mainli fructos glucos 0\u20135% unprocess glucos oligomers, hfc 55 (\u224855% fructos water removed) mostli use soft drinks; hfc 42 use beverages, process foods, cereals, bake goods. hfcs-90 nich use mainli mix hfc 42 make hfc 55. corn syrups, includ hfcs, made corn starch. commerci product corn syrup began 1864. late 1950 scientist clinton corn process compani iowa tri turn glucos corn starch fructose, process scalable."} {"id": "4568", "contents": "glucose. tabl sugar substitut fructose, actual contain fructose, use pure glucos substitut fructose. unfortunately, fructos glucos contain ident number calori per unit mass, fructos sweeter glucose. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "4569", "contents": "sucralos highli heat-stabl non-nutrit sweetener, allow use mani recip littl sugar. avail granul form allow same-volum substitut sugar. mix granul sucralos includ fillers, rapidli dissolv liquids. sucralos 320 1,000 time sweeter sucrose, twice sweet saccharin, three time sweet aspartame. stabl heat broad rang ph conditions. therefore, use bake product requir longer shelf life. commerci success sucralose-bas product stem favor comparison low-calori sweeten term taste, stability, safeti"} {"id": "4570", "contents": "high fructos corn syrup known danger inflammatory. creat inflamm bodies. think sweeten sugar. chemic fructos actual aldehyd famili digest like glucose. fructos cheaper. fructos sweeter, stabl it\u2019 easier transport. consider well-b it\u2019 put sweeten beverage. food polit worst."} {"id": "4571", "contents": "photo credit jupiterimages/brand pictures/getti images. fructose, like tabl sugar, energy-contain compound sweet taste. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "4572", "contents": "softwar test also provid objective, independ view softwar allow busi appreci understand risk softwar implementation. test techniqu includ process execut program applic intent find softwar bug (error defects). job test iter process one bug fixed, illumin other, deeper bugs, even creat new ones. softwar test provid objective, independ inform qualiti softwar risk failur user and/or sponsors."} {"id": "4573", "contents": "testing. qa includ activ ensur implement processes, procedur standard context verif develop softwar intend requirements. includ activ ensur verif develop softwar respect document (or cases) requirements."} {"id": "4574", "contents": "softwar test tutorial. test process evalu system component(s) intent find whether satisfi specifi requir not. test execut system order identifi gaps, errors, miss requir contrari actual requirements. next page"} {"id": "4575", "contents": "softwar test part softwar qualiti assur (sqa) process. sqa, softwar process specialist auditor concern softwar develop process rather artifact documentation, code systems. job test iter process one bug fixed, illumin other, deeper bugs, even creat new ones. softwar test provid objective, independ inform qualiti softwar risk failur user and/or sponsors."} {"id": "4576", "contents": "softwar qualiti assur (sqa) consist mean monitor softwar engin process method use ensur quality. method accomplish mani varied, may includ ensur conform one standards, iso 9000 model cmmi. sqa encompass entir softwar develop process, includ process requir definition, softwar design, coding, sourc code control, code reviews, softwar configur management, testing, releas management, product integration."} {"id": "4577", "contents": "softwar test investig conduct provid stakehold inform qualiti product servic test. job test iter process one bug fixed, illumin other, deeper bugs, even creat new ones. softwar test provid objective, independ inform qualiti softwar risk failur user and/or sponsors."} {"id": "4578", "contents": "softwar testing. softwar test process evalu softwar item detect differ given input expect output. also assess featur softwar item. test assess qualiti product. softwar test process done develop process. integr test test group compon combin produc output. also, interact softwar hardwar test integr test softwar hardwar compon relation."} {"id": "4579", "contents": "softwar qa involv entir softwar develop process-monitor improv process, make sure agreed-upon processes, standard procedur followed, ensur problem found dealt with. orient 'prevention'."} {"id": "4580", "contents": "much replac strut 2008 a6. learn strut 2008 audi a6 replaced. audi car wonder much would cost audi it."} {"id": "4581", "contents": "cost replac audi a4 shocks-notes. cost estim base industri averag product level repair local labor rate charg experienc automot professionals. estim show rang fair price vehicl geograph area. elev secur vehicle. remov wheel. remov old shock suspens arm. instal new shock absorb assembl new washer(s), grommet(s) fasten hardware.elev secur vehicle. remov wheel. remov strut assembly. instal new strut bear"} {"id": "4582", "contents": "replac four shock absorbers/strut part suspens system cost $200-$1,500 averag vehicl $2,000-$5,000 luxuri vehicl difficult access heavi rust; do-it-yourself cost replac shocks/strut averag $150-$250. shop car suspension: vehicl requir wheel align suspens replaced, possibl cost $20-$400. vehicle' manual includ recommend servic schedul indic whether wheel align needed."} {"id": "4583", "contents": "discounts: vehicl requir wheel align shock absorb strut replaced, typic cost $20-$400. vehicle' manual includ recommend servic schedul indic whether wheel align needed. although could cost much $1,400 set four, do-it-yourself spend averag $150-$250 replac four shocks/struts."} {"id": "4584", "contents": "parts: $155 $304. averag cost strut/shock absorb replacement-front $315 $507. labor cost estim $160 $203 part price $155 $304. get person estim base locat specif car"} {"id": "4585", "contents": "blau audi strut shock absorb kit design replac worn strut shock audi vehicl either 'comfort' suspens system stock ride height factori equip 'sport' suspens system lower vehicl approxim 1\u201d. packag kit base 25 year servic knowledg experience. get job done right use blau' audi shock absorb kits."} {"id": "4586", "contents": "labor-replac audi a4 shocks. elev secur vehicle. remov wheel. remov old shock suspens arm. instal new shock absorb assembl new washer(s), grommet(s) fasten hardware.elev secur vehicle. remov wheel. remov strut assembly. instal new strut bear strut assembly."} {"id": "4587", "contents": "shock absorb strut cost $25-$350 each, depend make model vehicl qualiti part. although could cost much $1,400 set four, do-it-yourself spend averag $150-$250 replac four shocks/struts."} {"id": "4588", "contents": "strut assembly, locat front rear car, basic shock absorb spring coil addit support. front vehicl strut assembl help absorb shock. much weight front car (due engin placement), vehicl need extra help absorb shock vibrat road."} {"id": "4589", "contents": "balan (/bael\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026as/ b\u00e6l\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026a greek (\u03b2\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2 balanos) acorn inflamm glans. peni foreskin also, affect termed. balanoposth balan boy still diaper must distinguish normal red seen boy caus ammoniacal. dermat foreskin also affected, term balanoposthitis. balan boy still diaper must distinguish normal red seen boy caus ammoniac dermatitis."} {"id": "4590", "contents": "balan swell foreskin head penis. accord nation health servic uk, balan common condit affect estim one 20 males. also account one 10 case visit sexual health clinic urolog clinic adult men (nhs). balan condit larg occur uncircumcis men. balan pain condition, isn\u2019t seriou one. usual reliev use topic medication."} {"id": "4591", "contents": "symptom balan limit foreskin head peni (in circumcis men, head affected). includ redness, inflammation, pain, discharge, sore itchi skin, difficulti retract foreskin. balan gener affect uncircumcis males. men foreskin, hood soft skin partial cover head penis. balanitis, head foreskin becom red inflamed."} {"id": "4592", "contents": "balan (/bael\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026as/ b\u00e6l\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026a greek (\u03b2\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2 balanos) acorn inflamm glans. peni foreskin also, affect termed. balanoposth foreskin also affected, term balanoposthitis. balan boy still diaper must distinguish normal red seen boy caus ammoniac dermatitis."} {"id": "4593", "contents": "balan inflamm skin head peni (glan penis). foreskin involv well, refer balanoposthitis."} {"id": "4594", "contents": "knowledg center. balan inflamm glan (the round head) penis. posthiti inflamm foreskin. foreskin loos skin cover head peni male circumcised. balanoposth glan foreskin inflamed."} {"id": "4595", "contents": "balan inflamm foreskin head peni typic occur boy men uncircumcis (foreskin remain around penis). inflamm caus infections, poor hygiene, irrit soap detergents. balan usual occur boy men circumcis still foreskin, retract cover penis. commonli caus poor hygien practices. fortunately, usual prevent thoroughli regularli clean shaft foreskin"} {"id": "4596", "contents": "introduction. balanitis, balanoposthitis, inflamm head penis. foreskin (the loos flap skin cover head penis) also often affected. balan common condit affect boy men. occur often men circumcised."} {"id": "4597", "contents": "balan (/bael\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026as/ b\u00e6l\u0259\u02c8na\u026at\u026a greek (\u03b2\u03ac\u03bb\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2 balanos) acorn inflamm glans. peni foreskin also affected, term balanoposthitis. balan boy still diaper must distinguish normal red seen boy caus ammoniac dermatitis."} {"id": "4598", "contents": "balan inflamm head penis. similar condition, balanoposthitis, refer inflamm head peni foreskin. symptom balan includ red swelling, itching, rash, pain foul-smel discharge."} {"id": "4599", "contents": "boxer rebellion began seri attack chines christians. foreign interior foreign diplomat beij also attacked. armi japan west crush upris forc china grant privaleg foreign powers. china also pay larg indemnity. caus boxer rebellion pretti much two things: primarili intrus western christian missionari weak qing dynasty. time 1898, group chines peopl fed sick way western act villag"} {"id": "4600", "contents": "boxer rebellion refer upris chines group known societi righteou harmoni fist (nicknam boxers) foreign nation chines christian around 1900. major result boxer rebellion ch'ing dynasti lost great deal credibl power group reform gain power."} {"id": "4601", "contents": "panama canal. unit state built panama canal quicker passag pacif atlant vice versa. cost $400,000,000 build. columbian would let american build canal, assist unit state panamanian revolut occurred. new rule peopl allow unit state build canal."} {"id": "4602", "contents": "boxer rebellion. also known boxer uprising, popular peasant upris china (support nationally), blame foreign peopl institut loss tradit chines way life. columbian would let american build canal, assist unit state panamanian revolut occurred. new rule peopl allow unit state build canal."} {"id": "4603", "contents": "introduction. 1900, becam known boxer rebellion (or boxer uprising), chines secret organ call societi righteou harmoni fist led upris northern china spread western japanes influenc there. 1900, boxer movement spread beij area, boxer kill chines christian christian missionari destroy church railroad station property."} {"id": "4604", "contents": "background. boxer rebellion milit upris within china last 1898 1900. core, rebellion grass-root movement sought expel unwant influenc western nations. rebellion abl gain wide support amongst larg popul poor unemploy northern china. boxer protocol forc china repay western nation loss life properti caus boxers. furthermore, protocol allow foreign troop station china' capit permanently. thu boxer rebellion' aim expel foreign influenc larg failure."} {"id": "4605", "contents": "boxer rebellion erupt china late 1899 realli reach peak earli part 1900. boxer came north china. larg peasants. 70 percent boxer peasants, seem like."} {"id": "4606", "contents": "answer boxer rebellion upris took place china 1900. european nation increas influenc china, feel foreign grew ong chinese. organ call societi righteou harmoni fist form demenstr chinese' discontent. caus boxer rebellion pretti much two things: primarili intrus western christian missionari weak qing dynasty. time 1898, group chines peopl fed sick way western act villag"} {"id": "4607", "contents": "direct consequ boxer rebellion 1900 rule chines qing dynasti becam even weaker foreign influenc china continued. boxer rebellion rebellion stage anti-foreign chines societi known box skill physic exercis defense. major result boxer rebellion ch'ing dynasti lost great deal credibl power group reform gain power."} {"id": "4608", "contents": "smallest lymphat vessel blind one end collect lymph organ tissues\u2014cal also lymph capillary. medic definit lymphat capillary. smallest lymphat vessel blind one end collect lymph organ tissues\u2014cal also lymph capillary. made want look lymphat capillary?"} {"id": "4609", "contents": "lymph capillary. definitions: 1. begin lymphat system vessels; line highli attenu endothelium poorli develop basement membran lumen variabl caliber. see: lacteal2. definit inform lymph capillari provid stedman's. search medic dictionari here."} {"id": "4610", "contents": "function lymphat system. mingl among blood capillari throughout bodi anoth network tiny, thin-wal vessel call lymphat capillaries. lymphat capillari design pick fluid leak tissu bloodstream return circulatori system."} {"id": "4611", "contents": "anatomy, lymphat vessel lymph vessel thin walled, valv structur carri lymph. part lymphat system, lymph vessel complementari cardiovascular system. lymph vessel line endotheli cells, thin layer smooth muscles, adventitia bind lymph vessel surround tissue. lymph vessel devot propuls lymph lymph capillaries, mainli concern absorpt interstiti fluid tissues. lymph capillari slightli larger counterpart capillari"} {"id": "4612", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. lymph capillari lymphat capillari tiny, thin-wal vessel locat space cell (except central nervou system non-vascular tissues) serv drain process extra-cellular fluid. lymphat capillari slightli larger diamet blood capillaries, close end (unlik loop structur blood capillaries). uniqu structur permit interstiti fluid flow out. end endotheli cell make wall lymphat capillari overlap."} {"id": "4613", "contents": "lymphat system network tissu organ help rid bodi toxins, wast unwant materials. primari function lymphat system transport lymph, fluid contain infection-fight white blood cells, throughout body. lymphat system primarili consist lymphat vessels, similar circulatori system' vein capillaries."} {"id": "4614", "contents": "blood flow fluid movement. lymphat capillari among number structur belong lymphat system. lymphat system work close concert circulatori system, transport blood throughout body. work knowledg circulatori system help understand lymphat system function"} {"id": "4615", "contents": "network vessels, tissues, organ vertebr anim help bodi regul fluid balanc fight disease. vessel lymphat system drain excess fluid (call lymph) tissu return circul blood. 1. lymphat system-th interconnect system space vessel bodi tissu organ lymph circul throughout body."} {"id": "4616", "contents": "frack neither new inher danger form miner extraction. and, parochi note, on-shor drill oil ga new uk: 2,000 well drilled, first 1902."} {"id": "4617", "contents": "1. unfortun pro hydraul fractur offer commun plenti con well. list con includes, pollut frack process contamin ground water."} {"id": "4618", "contents": "process frack creat fractur extend well oil ga format pump highly-pressur fluid--water, sand, ceram beads, mixtur chemicals--into oil ga formation."} {"id": "4619", "contents": "1. emiss brought hydraul fractur may caus water pollut also air pollution. mani chemic spread environ may caus pollut air water harm health people. 2."} {"id": "4620", "contents": "pro con fracking. much debat recent advis otherwis drill oil ga deposit shale use techniqu popularli known frack (more properli call hydraul fracturing)."} {"id": "4621", "contents": "hydraul fracturing, \u201cfracking\u201d process drill inject fluid ground high pressur order fractur shale rock releas natur ga inside. 500,000 activ natur ga well us."} {"id": "4622", "contents": "2. hydraul fractur requir big amount water consum process convert fossil fuel energy. 3. chemic hydraul fractur releas environ harm health especi peopl sensit chemic found air water."} {"id": "4623", "contents": "jacob wheeler. hydraul fracturing, fracking, innov cost-sav process drill oil ga rock format far underground, boom industri michigan. propon say frack safe note posit impact state economy."} {"id": "4624", "contents": "hydraul fracturing, fracking, innov cost-sav process drill oil ga rock format far underground, boom industri michigan."} {"id": "4625", "contents": "hydraul fracturing, fracking, gain popular recent years, given controversi practice, new research decid lay environment pro well cons."} {"id": "4626", "contents": "lay eggs. femal robin lay one small blue egg day total three five eggs. feed earthworm morn order ensur bodi energi handl physic demand lay egg. egg laid, may limit time spend sit nest. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "4627", "contents": "prepar nest. lay eggs, femal robin, help mate, build nest twigs, mud dri grass. finish nest circular deep enough safe cradl egg and, later, nestlings. nest-build take robin two six days. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "4628", "contents": "turkey egg usual take 21 28 day hatch depend incub like incub hen. also depend fertil care for. usual take closer 28 days. american robin see egg hatch fourteen days, mate season last april july."} {"id": "4629", "contents": "fledg occur 14-16 day hatching. nest mud cup line soft grass reinforc grass twigs. nest usual place tree, ledge, windowsill. http://www.bird-friends.com/birdpage.php... hatch 12-14 day mother began incub eggs, babi fledg (leav nest) 14-16 day that. remember, though, first leav nest, yet flying, need care pet children may area"} {"id": "4630", "contents": "a. robin die first year. lifespan goe dramat one surviv critic time, they'v learn mani import life skills. surviv first year, wild robin live 6. february, 2001, longest-liv band wild robin ever record surviv 13 year 11 months, accord bird band laboratori patux wildlif research center."} {"id": "4631", "contents": "breed season last april juli american robin, egg hatch fourteen days. european robin begin mate season march, gg hatch roughli time frame. american robin see egg hatch fourteen days, mate season last april july."} {"id": "4632", "contents": "that' pretti smart! mean babi hatch close time. mother robin may start incub egg even second egg laid, egg laid. sit egg 12 14 days. femal usual incubating. even good weather, rare leav egg 10 minut time."} {"id": "4633", "contents": "a: robin incub egg 12 14 days. hatched, nestl remain nest anoth 14 16 day fledging. a: yes, normal femal complet clutch eggs. femal songbird typic lay one egg morn four five day clutch complete."} {"id": "4634", "contents": "mean babi hatch close time. mother robin may start incub egg even second egg laid, egg laid. sit egg 12 14 days. femal usual incubating. even good weather, rare leav egg 10 minut time. robin usual lay four egg stop. like birds, lay one egg day clutch complete. remov one egg day, kind bird keep lay long time, stop lay clutch egg feel right underneath them."} {"id": "4635", "contents": "hatching. 12 16 days, egg readi hatch, usual one day order laid. like birds, chick use egg tooth---a sharp hook end beak---to poke hole shell. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "4636", "contents": "law exponents. expon also call power indices. expon number say mani time use number multiplication. example: 82 64. words: could call second power, power simpli squared."} {"id": "4637", "contents": "power attorney. power attorney agreement two parties: princip attorney fact. attorney fact need attorney law (a lawyer). power attorney give attorney fact right act principal' place. attorney fact fiduciari principals. power attorney may general, limited, special."} {"id": "4638", "contents": "power-law fluid, ostwald\u2013d wael relationship, type gener newtonian fluid shear stress, \u03c4, given by. where: flow consist index (si unit pa\u2022s), /\u2202 shear rate veloc gradient perpendicular plane shear (si unit \u22121), and."} {"id": "4639", "contents": "noun. 1. power law (psychophysics) concept magnitud subject sensat increas proport power stimulu intensity. stevens' law, stevens' power law. law nature, law-a gener describ recur fact event nature; law thermodynamics. psychophysics-th branch psycholog concern quantit relat physic stimuli psycholog effect"} {"id": "4640", "contents": "voltag law great practic util analysi electr circuits. use conjunct current law mani circuit analysi tasks. voltag law one main tool analysi electr circuits, along ohm' law, current law power relationship. appli voltag law circuit along ohm' law rule combin resistor give number shown below."} {"id": "4641", "contents": "concepts: power law. power law relationship rel chang one quantiti give rise proport rel chang quantity, independ initi size quantities. exampl area squar region term length side."} {"id": "4642", "contents": "exponents, scale invari universality. one key properti power law scale invariance. suppos given power law, chang length scale observ to, constant. then, leav power law intact, chang constant proportionality. power law mathemat relationship two quantiti one proport power other: is, form, constants, refer exponent. plot log-log graph, appear linear relationship slope of, sinc"} {"id": "4643", "contents": "dc electr power. electr power watt associ complet electr circuit circuit compon repres rate energi convert electr energi move charg form, e.g., heat, mechan energy, energi store electr field magnet fields."} {"id": "4644", "contents": "exampl problems. power law relationship two scalar quantiti relationship written as. (the constant proportionality) (the expon power law) constants. power law seen straight line log-log graph since, take log sides, equat equal to."} {"id": "4645", "contents": "next. heat combust liquid toluen (c7h8) -3910.3 kj/mol atm 298 k. 1) energi combust atm 298 k? 2) heat format toluene? this? heat combust liquid toluen (c7h8) -3910.3 kj/mol atm 298 k. energy...?"} {"id": "4646", "contents": "standard enthalpi combust toluen 3910 kj/mol. valu substanc quot data tabl noth question. /mol refer toluene. amount heat could expect releas mole toluen burn oxygen. noth calorimeter. heat releas (1.55/92.134) mole toluen 65.779 kj. calcul 1.55g 142.81g incorrect-i think mistaken 1.55 number mole multipli mass mol (1.55 92.134 142.81g."} {"id": "4647", "contents": "verbatim: combust toluen total energi -3.91*10 third power kj/mol. 1.55g toluen (c7h8) undergo combust bomb calorimeter, temperatur rise 23.12 37.57 degre celsius. find heat capac bomb calorimeter. noth calorimeter. heat releas (1.55/92.134) mole toluen 65.779 kj. calcul 1.55g 142.81g incorrect-i think mistaken 1.55 number mole multipli mass mol (1.55 92.134 142.81g."} {"id": "4648", "contents": "thus, heat combust pentan \u2013782 kcal/mole, 2,2-dimethylpropan (neopentane) isom \u2013777 kcal/mole. differ reflect subtl structur variations, includ greater bond energi 1\u00ba-c\u2013h versu 2\u00ba-c\u2013h bond steric crowd neighbor groups."} {"id": "4649", "contents": "heat combust (\u03b4h 0) energi releas heat compound undergo complet combust oxygen standard conditions. chemic reaction typic hydrocarbon react oxygen form carbon dioxide, water heat. thermodynam heat combust sinc enthalpi chang reaction assum common temperatur compound combustion, case water produc combust liquid."} {"id": "4650", "contents": "discussion: often compar heat capac calorimet definit amount water. heat capac 75.2 j/k calorimet equival heat capac mole (18 g) water (18 mol -1 *1 cal (g k) -1 *4.184 cal -1 75.3 (k mol) -1."} {"id": "4651", "contents": "heat combust energi releas heat compound undergo complet combust oxygen standard conditions. chemic reaction typic hydrocarbon react oxygen form carbon dioxide, water heat. may express quantities: energy/ mole fuel (kj/mol). higher heat valu take account latent heat vapor water combust products, use calcul heat valu fuel condens reaction product practic (e.g., gas-fir boiler use space heat)."} {"id": "4652", "contents": "design problem delta rxn. 1.55g toluen undergo combust bomb calorimet temp rise 14.45 degre celsius. figures, need calcul heat capac bomb calorimeter. know 1mol toluen 92.134g 1.55g 142.81g. noth calorimeter. heat releas (1.55/92.134) mole toluen 65.779 kj. calcul 1.55g 142.81g incorrect-i think mistaken 1.55 number mole multipli mass mol (1.55 92.134 142.81g."} {"id": "4653", "contents": "myasthenia gravis. myasthenia gravi (mg) neuromuscular disord caus weak skelet muscles, muscl bodi use movement. occur commun nerv cell muscl becom impaired."} {"id": "4654", "contents": "history. myasthenia gravi (mg) chronic autoimmun disord neuromuscular transmiss result muscl weakness. term myasthenia latin muscl weakness, gravi grave serious. thoma willi first describ patient mg 1672. sporad case descript year 1900, campbel bramwel collect 60 case mg literature."} {"id": "4655", "contents": "myasthenia gravi caus defect transmiss nerv impuls muscles. occur normal commun nerv muscl interrupt neuromuscular junction -- place nerv cell connect muscl control. hallmark myasthenia gravi muscl weak increas period activ improv period rest. certain muscl control eye eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, swallow often, always, involv disorder."} {"id": "4656", "contents": "hallmark myasthenia gravi muscl weak increas period activ improv period rest. certain muscl control eye eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, swallow often, always, involv disorder. corticosteroid myasthenia gravis. myasthenia gravi caus body' antibodi impair transmiss nerv impuls muscles, result fluctuat weak fatigue. acut attack life threaten swallow breath difficulties."} {"id": "4657", "contents": "click imag enlarge. myasthenia gravi (mg) chronic, complex, autoimmun disord antibodi destroy neuromuscular connections. caus problem commun nerv muscle, result weak skelet muscles."} {"id": "4658", "contents": "myasthenia gravi caus defect transmiss nerv impuls muscles. occur normal commun nerv muscl interrupt neuromuscular junction\u2014th place nerv cell connect muscl control. corticosteroid myasthenia gravis. myasthenia gravi caus body' antibodi impair transmiss nerv impuls muscles, result fluctuat weak fatigue. acut attack life threaten swallow breath difficulties."} {"id": "4659", "contents": "muscl weakness, myasthenia, decreas strength one muscles. common symptom muscular, neurolog metabol disorders. muscular diseases, muscular dystrophi dermatomyos (disord character muscl inflammation), common caus muscl weakness. autoimmun neuromuscular disord known myasthenia gravi accompani muscl weak along droop eyelid doubl vision. metabol disorders, addison\u2019 diseas hyperthyroidism, lead weak one muscl group muscles."} {"id": "4660", "contents": "myasthenia gravi chronic autoimmun neuromuscular diseas character vari degre weak skelet (voluntary) muscl body. hallmark myasthenia gravi muscl weak increas period activ improv period rest. certain muscl control eye eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, swallow often, always, involv disorder."} {"id": "4661", "contents": "myasthenia gravi caus defect transmiss nerv impuls muscles. occur normal commun nerv muscl interrupt neuromuscular junction\u2014th place nerv cell connect muscl control. hallmark myasthenia gravi muscl weak increas period activ improv period rest. certain muscl control eye eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, swallow often, always, involv disorder."} {"id": "4662", "contents": "arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd) disord normal myocardium replac fibrofatti tissue. disord usual involv right ventricle, left ventricl septum also may affected. arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd), first describ 1977, poorli understood yet potenti lethal caus cardiac disease. 1, thought rare, arvd shown incid six per 10,000 person certain populations."} {"id": "4663", "contents": "arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd) rare type cardiomyopathy. arvd occur muscl tissu right ventricl die replac scar tissue. process disrupt heart' electr signal caus arrhythmias. symptom includ palpit faint physic activity."} {"id": "4664", "contents": "arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd), also call arrhythmogen right ventricular cardiomyopathi (arvc) arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathi (arvd/c), inherit heart disease. right ventricular angiographi consid gold standard diagnosi arvd. find consist arvd akinet dyskinet bulg local infundibular, apical, subtricuspid region rv."} {"id": "4665", "contents": "arvd caus genet defect part heart muscl (also call myocardium cardiac muscle) known desmosomes, area surfac heart muscl cell link cell together. desmosom compos sever proteins, mani protein harm mutations. right ventricular angiographi consid gold standard diagnosi arvd. find consist arvd akinet dyskinet bulg local infundibular, apical, subtricuspid region rv."} {"id": "4666", "contents": "arrhythmogen right ventricular cardiomyopathi (arvc; also known arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd)) heart muscl diseas caus life-threaten heart rhythm abnorm and, rarely, signific \u201cweakening\u201d right side heart."} {"id": "4667", "contents": "(also call arrhythmogen right ventricular cardiomyopathy). arvd rare form cardiomyopathi heart muscl right ventricl (rv) replac fat and/or fibrou tissue. right ventricl dilat contract poorly. result, abil heart pump blood usual weakened. arvd usual diagnos young age (usual less 40 years) may caus sudden cardiac death athletes. symptom may include: ventricular arrhythmias: irregular heart rhythm origin ventricl lower chamber heart-th common ventricular tachycardia."} {"id": "4668", "contents": "arvd specif type cardiomyopathi (a disorder/diseas cardiac muscle). arvd, bodi progress replac muscl right ventricl fatti fibrou tissue. disrupt heart' electr system, trigger sudden cardiac arrest (sca). also call arrhythmogen right ventricular cardiomyopathi (arvc). arvd caus mutat one gene"} {"id": "4669", "contents": "physician' version meet physicians. arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia (arvd), also known arrhythmogen right ventricular cardiomyopathi (arvc), genet caus sudden cardiac arrest (sca), condit heart stop beating."} {"id": "4670", "contents": "introduction. arrhythmogen right ventricular dysplasia cardiomyopathi (arvd/c) heart muscl disease, often familial, character structur function abnorm rv due replac myocardium fatti fibrofatti tissue."} {"id": "4671", "contents": "view sources. mirtazapin use treat depression. improv mood feel well-being. mirtazapin antidepress work restor balanc natur chemic (neurotransmitters) brain. answer consid medic advice.."} {"id": "4672", "contents": "mirtazapin antidepress medic work brain. approv treatment major depress disord (mdd). symptom depress include: depress mood-feel sad, empty, tearful. feel worthless, guilty, hopeless, helpless. loss interest pleasur usual activities. sleep eat less usual (for peopl less)."} {"id": "4673", "contents": "overdos occurs, call doctor 911. may need urgent medic care. may also contact poison control center 1-800-222-1222. specif treatment revers effect mirtazapin exist. approv treatment major depress disord (mdd). symptom depress include: depress mood-feel sad, empty, tearful. feel worthless, guilty, hopeless, helpless. loss interest pleasur usual activities. sleep eat less usual (for peopl less)."} {"id": "4674", "contents": "mirtazapin literatur publish efficaci experiment treatment conditions: sleep apnoea hypopnoea. inappropri sexual behaviour secondari symptom autist spectrum condit pervas development disorders. structure, mirtazapin also classifi tetracycl antidepress (teca) 6- aza analogu mianserin. also racem \u2014occur combin (r)- (s)- stereoisomers."} {"id": "4675", "contents": "staci wiegman, pharmd, pharmacy, answered. understood exactli mirtazapin work treat depression, like medic mental disorders, mirtazapin act increas chemic brain help treat depress thought depress symptoms."} {"id": "4676", "contents": "mirtazapin antidepressant. mirtazapin affect chemic brain may becom unbalanc caus depression. mirtazapin use treat major depress disorder. mirtazapin may also use purpos list medic guide. may take sever week symptom improve. keep use medic direct tell doctor symptom improv week treatment. drink alcohol increas certain side effect mirtazapine. mirtazapin may impair think reactions."} {"id": "4677", "contents": "use medicine. mirtazapin use treat depression. mirtazapin belong group medicin call tetracycl antidepressants. medicin work central nervou system (cns) make certain chemic brain stronger. medicin avail doctor' prescription."} {"id": "4678", "contents": "mirtazapin antidepress drug prescrib treat major depress disorder, obsess compuls disord rang anxieti disorders. alongsid these, may prescrib \u2018off-label\u2019 peopl experienc prolong period poor sleep. side effect mirtazapine. antidepressants, certain side effect associ mirtazapin use. includ weight gain and, drug remain one\u2019 system throughout cours day, person might also experi drowsiness."} {"id": "4679", "contents": "remeron (mirtazapine) tetracycl antidepress use treat depression. drug avail gener form (mirtazapine). use treat nausea, anxiety, post traumat stress syndrome, use appetit stimulant. common side effect remeron drowsiness, increas appetite, weight gain, dizziness, nausea."} {"id": "4680", "contents": "remeron use treat major depression. taken reliev depression, effect usual felt within one four weeks. usual adult dose 15 45 mg/day."} {"id": "4681", "contents": "keep refriger temperatur 40\u00b0 (4\u00b0 c). freezer temperatur 0\u00b0 (-18\u00b0 c). check temperatur periodically. applianc thermomet best way know temperatur gener inexpensive."} {"id": "4682", "contents": "ideal refriger correct temperatur (less 4\u00b0c). fridg full, turn thermostat colder setting. doubt fridge' effici check fridg thermometer. also depend food storing, leafi veggi tend freez show ice crystal degre 32\u00b0f. averag temperatur refriger 35 38 degre -18 \u00b0c (0 \u00b0f) freezer. household refriger maintain 34 40 degre fahrenheit-just freez maintain food qualiti low enough inhibit bacteri growth"} {"id": "4683", "contents": "therefore, want refriger cold, cold freez things. prefer temperatur somewher 35 38 degre (1.7 3.3 degre c). anyth higher food spoil quickli (it also present food poison problems, describ sever link below)."} {"id": "4684", "contents": "order keep food danger zone, fridg must set 32-40\u00b0 (0-4 degre celsius). freezer must 32\u00b0 (0\u00b0 celsius). keep mine cold go. keep freezer effici half-fil bottl water."} {"id": "4685", "contents": "refriger maintain temperatur degre freez point water. optimum temperatur rang perish food storag \u00b0c (37 41 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "4686", "contents": "normal domest freezer best set \u221218 \u00b0c (0 \u00b0f) colder, that' expir date mani food item base on. also requir freezer restaurants, supermarket place sell food (at least europe) maintain temperatur -18 \u00b0c. order keep food danger zone, fridg must set 32-40\u00b0f (0-4\u00b0c). freezer must 32\u00b0f (0\u00b0c). keep mine cold go. keep freezer effici half-fil bottl water."} {"id": "4687", "contents": "variou answer refriger 35\u00b0f (1.6\u00b0c) freezing, milk freeze. refriger set 40\u00b0f 34\u00b0f (~4.4\u00b0c 1.1\u00b0c). closer get freez (32\u00b0f 0\u00b0c), longer food keep. also depend food storing, leafi veggi tend freez show ice crystal degre 32\u00b0f. averag temperatur refriger 35 38 degre -18 \u00b0c (0 \u00b0f) freezer. household refriger maintain 34 40 degre fahrenheit-just freez maintain food qualiti low enough inhibit bacteri growth"} {"id": "4688", "contents": "lose power, keep door fridg freezer close much possibl keep food cold. use foods, check refriger freezer thermometers. fridg still 40 \u00b0f, food 40 \u00b0f two hour less, safe eat. come protect famili foodborn illness, one effect tool kitchen refrigerator. fact, room temperature, number bacteria caus foodborn sick doubl everi 20 minutes!"} {"id": "4689", "contents": "use hygrometer, test temp humid varieti place fridge, especi veget drawers. ideal want averag temperatur refriger 4-5 degre (37-40 degre f), temperatur -18 -17 degre freezer (0-4 degre f). you\u2019ll notice, though, test varieti locat fridge, you\u2019ll learn it\u2019 coldest it\u2019 warmest."} {"id": "4690", "contents": "human genom complet set nucleic acid sequenc human (homo sapiens), encod dna within 23 chromosom pair cell nuclei small dna molecul found within individu mitochondria. human genom includ protein-cod dna gene noncod dna. total length human genom billion base pairs. genom organ 22 pair chromosomes, plu chromosom (one males, two females) and, male only, one chromosome."} {"id": "4691", "contents": "sequenc human genom coupl day well $10,000, probabl around $4,000 $5,000. sequenc genom got father one got mother. that\u2019 total six billion bases. alreadi around cost m.r.i. april 2003, right complet human genome, institut put print call technolog deliv $1,000 human genom sequence. becam battl cry. rememb think someday would get $1,000 genome. don\u2019t worri $1,000 genom anymore."} {"id": "4692", "contents": "multipli number base pair human genome, get billion 6,000,000,000 bits. remember, go bit byte get answer megabytes. bit singl unit digit information, byte sequenc bit (usual 8). 2. real world, right genom sequencer: ~200 gigabytes. reality, order sequenc whole human genome, need gener bunch short \u201creads\u201d (~100 base pairs, depend platform) \u201calign\u201d refer genome."} {"id": "4693", "contents": "nhgri led nation institut health' contribut intern human genom project. project, primari goal sequenc three thousand million base pair make human genome, success complet april 2003. along identifi approxim 20,000\u201325,000 gene human genome, human genom project also sought address ethical, legal, social issu creat onset project. ethical, legal, social implic (elsi) program found 1990."} {"id": "4694", "contents": "although report 99% euchromat human genom 99.99% accuraci major qualiti assess human genom sequenc publish may 27, 2004 indic 92% sampl exceed 99.99% accuraci within intend goal. along identifi approxim 20,000\u201325,000 gene human genome, human genom project also sought address ethical, legal, social issu creat onset project. ethical, legal, social implic (elsi) program found 1990."} {"id": "4695", "contents": "human genom project produc first complet sequenc individu human genomes, first draft sequenc initi analysi publish februari 12, 2001. human genom first vertebr complet sequenced. total length human genom billion base pairs. genom organ 22 pair chromosomes, plu chromosom (one males, two females) and, male only, one chromosome."} {"id": "4696", "contents": "cost assembl genom depend genom size, complexity, chosen coverage. human genom assembl 50-80x coverag complet less 48 hour price $5,000 $10,000."} {"id": "4697", "contents": "nation human genom research institut (nhgri) nhgri led nation institut health' contribut intern human genom project. project, primari goal sequenc three thousand million base pair make human genome, success complet april 2003. along identifi approxim 20,000\u201325,000 gene human genome, human genom project also sought address ethical, legal, social issu creat onset project. ethical, legal, social implic (elsi) program found 1990."} {"id": "4698", "contents": "project aim sequenc dna found human cells. sequenc euchromat region genome, make 90% genome. regions, call heterochromat found centromer telomeres, sequenc project. along identifi approxim 20,000\u201325,000 gene human genome, human genom project also sought address ethical, legal, social issu creat onset project. ethical, legal, social implic (elsi) program found 1990."} {"id": "4699", "contents": "genom sequenc figur order dna nucleotides, bases, genometh order as, cs, gs, ts make organism' dna. human genom made billion genet letters."} {"id": "4700", "contents": "nerv damag nerv pain symptom associ occur nerv pinch entrapped. pinch nerv usual occur result injuri structur adjac nerve. best known pinch nerv would sciatic nerve."} {"id": "4701", "contents": "example, chest, back, shoulders. muscl get stretch injur strain muscl group muscl much. way, small fiber tend tear. come pinch nerve, tissu specif area get pressur much. it, goe extend nerv caus pain."} {"id": "4702", "contents": "pinch nerv typic feel like tingl sensat worsen raw pain sever minutes. regularly, pinch nerv visible, unlik swell stretch muscle. differ pain pinch nerv pull muscle. nerv pain. burning. stabbing. radiant tingl sensation."} {"id": "4703", "contents": "pinch nerv easier get pull muscle. all, name implies, it\u2019 easi nerv pinch part body. asid awkward positions, pinch nerv also develop don\u2019t shift bodi posit you\u2019r sit lie long periods. cross leg long time one common trigger pinch nerve. pull muscl can\u2019t occur without strenuou activ caus overextend muscles. simpli lie walk around won\u2019t caus stretch muscle."} {"id": "4704", "contents": "also occur nerv squeez caus pain along nerve. tingl sensat may result pinch nerve. unlik pull muscle, pinch nerv alway visibl screen. work stand sit wrong posit trigger pull muscle. pull muscl often occur group muscl locat shoulders, chest, back."} {"id": "4705", "contents": "radiculopathi radiat pain (down leg arm) radiculopathi usual caus 'pinch nerve' spinal column. 'slipped' (bulging) disc 'herniated' (ruptured) disc caus radiculopathy. bulg disc treat thearapi anti-immflamitori drugs. typic disc pinch nerve. howev exampl exercise, might pull, tear caus muscl inflame, like swell. point inflamm caus pinch nerve! bit like put finger bowl ball."} {"id": "4706", "contents": "cold hot therapi (compression) usual heal pinch nerv quicker muscl pull. pain pull muscl sever days. pull muscl swell immedi tender touch. rel major muscl anatomi like back, chest, shoulders. muscl group over-stretch caus micro-fib tear. consequentially, dull pain rel micro-tear. contrarily, pinch nerv tissu pressur excess one area. regularly, pinch nerv visible, unlik swell stretch muscle. differ pain pinch nerv pull muscle. nerv pain. burning. stabbing. radiant tingl sensation."} {"id": "4707", "contents": "back pain see offic due one two things: muscl strain pinch nerve. muscl strain. muscl run along spinal column sides. pull muscl low back (a lumbar strain) caus pain muscl right left spine low back (or both)."} {"id": "4708", "contents": "muscl strain. definit muscl strain strain injuri muscl tendon muscl fibr tear result over-stretching. rememb strain sprain. strain muscl sprain ligament. muscl strain also commonli known pull muscl"} {"id": "4709", "contents": "pinch nerv pull muscl two common condit come togeth list differenti diagnos local pain. differ two utmost import clinician well patient treatment protocol follow care differ mani critic ways. pinch nerv condit sensori nerv get trap two segment tissue. pressur exert nerv stimul it. nervou signal go nerv brain along spinal cord give sensat pain aris area nerv innervates."} {"id": "4710", "contents": "fertil costs, expenses, declin slightli 2014; howev averag direct expens corn probabl still rang $475-$500 per acr mani farm operators. averag direct expens 2013 soybean southern minnesota, exclud land rent, approxim $222 per acre. usda recent releas final nation market year averag (mya) crop price 2013-2014 year, $4.45 per bushel corn $13.00 per bushel soybeans."} {"id": "4711", "contents": "number might seem like big deal, ... usda estim product cost 2014 grow season $6.58 per acr 2013 soybeans, $5.38 corn $3.83 wheat. pinch produc margins.. usda estim product cost 2014 grow season $6.58 per acr 2013 soybeans, $5.38 corn $3.83 wheat. largest increas stem capit recovery, cost depreci interest farm machin equipment, land"} {"id": "4712", "contents": "jennif stewart, purdu univers februari 5, 2013 17:49. total variabl input cost 2013 corn soybean crop like stay last year, purdu extens farm busi manag specialist says. variabl input cost cost product vari directli crop grown, don\u2019t includ fix costs, cash rent"} {"id": "4713", "contents": "breakeven grain price southern minnesota 2015 crop year, base averag crop yields, input costs, land expens expect near $4.50 per bushel corn $10.50 per bushel soybeans. local cash price drop $3.00 per bushel corn, $9.50 per bushel soybeans, late-september; however, grain price rebound near $3.90 per bushel corn $10.00 per bushel soybean mid-december."} {"id": "4714", "contents": "usda current estim 2014-15 mya averag price near $3.50/bu. corn $10.00/bu. soybeans. current cash corn price $3.00 per bushel locat upper midwest, cash soybean price $9.00 per bushel. usda recent releas final nation market year averag (mya) crop price 2013-2014 year, $4.45 per bushel corn $13.00 per bushel"} {"id": "4715", "contents": "addition, 2013 fbm record show averag $116 per acr cash rent corn acres, $77 per acr soybeans, cost farm machinery, hire labor, properti insur overhead expenses. usda recent releas final nation market year averag (mya) crop price 2013-2014 year, $4.45 per bushel corn $13.00 per bushel soybeans."} {"id": "4716", "contents": "soybean oper cost set take hardest hit come grow season. usda estim product cost 2014 grow season $6.58 per acr 2013 soybeans, $5.38 corn $3.83 wheat. pinch produc margins.. usda estim product cost 2014 grow season $6.58 per acr 2013 soybeans, $5.38 corn $3.83 wheat. largest increas stem capit recovery, cost depreci interest farm machin equipment, land"} {"id": "4717", "contents": "\u201csoybean seed price expect increas seed corn price cost commod larger compon seed price.\u201d. miller estim seed cost per acr average-yield farmland would increas $8 corn $7 soybeans. nitrogen fertil price climbing, too. total variabl input cost 2013 corn soybean crop like stay last year, purdu extens farm busi manag specialist says."} {"id": "4718", "contents": "soybean cost per acr $745, $758, $685 $664, respect (see tabl 1). cost lower southern illinoi primarili lower land costs. total econom cost per bushel differ section state rang $4.34 $5.10 corn $11.23 $12.21 soybeans. averag soybean yield differ area rang bushel per acr higher five-year averag 2010 2014. state averag total cost produc corn combin area state $989 per acre. figur increas two percent compar year before."} {"id": "4719", "contents": "urinari system divid upper lower sections. upper urinari system made kidney tube call ureter, transport urin kidney bladder. one kidney side bodi kidney ureter. function urinari system remov wast product body, regul water salt balance, store transport urine. upper urinari system. kidneys. kidney pair bean-shap organ locat near back ribcage."} {"id": "4720", "contents": "urinari system, also known renal system, consist kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra. kidney consist million function unit call nephrons. purpos renal system elimin wast body, regul blood volum blood pressure, control level electrolyt metabolites, regul blood ph."} {"id": "4721", "contents": "urinari bladder hollow elast organ function body\u2019 urin storag tank. urin produc kidney flow uret urinari bladder, store pass urethra exit body."} {"id": "4722", "contents": "kidney filter metabol wastes, excess ions, chemic blood form urine. ureters. uret pair tube carri urin kidney urinari bladder. uret 10 12 inch long run left right side bodi parallel vertebr column."} {"id": "4723", "contents": "organ urinari system includ kidneys, ureters, urinari bladder urethra. collectively, organ produc urine, store pass body. process, however, far reach consequ bodi integr role maintain homeostasis."} {"id": "4724", "contents": "urinari system consist kidneys, ureters, urinari bladder, urethra. kidney filter blood remov wast produc urine. ureters, urinari bladder, urethra togeth form urinari tract, act plumb system drain urin kidneys, store it, releas urination. uret pair tube carri urin kidney urinari bladder. uret 10 12 inch long run left right side bodi parallel vertebr column."} {"id": "4725", "contents": "urinari tract. kidney bladder work togeth make urin remov body. kidney filter wast product water blood form urine. urin move kidney tube call uret bladder, store urin full. bladder, urin leav bodi anoth thin tube, urethra"} {"id": "4726", "contents": "lower urinari system consist bladder anoth tube call urethra, transport urin bladder body. function urinari system remov wast product body, regul water salt balance, store transport urine. upper urinari system. kidneys. kidney pair bean-shap organ locat near back ribcage."} {"id": "4727", "contents": "femal male urinari system similar, differ length urethra. urin form kidney filtrat blood. urin pass uret bladder, stored. urination, urin pass bladder urethra outsid body. 800\u20132,000 millilit (ml) urin normal produc everi day healthi human. amount vari accord fluid intak kidney function. kidney consist million function unit call nephrons. purpos renal system elimin wast body, regul blood volum blood pressure, control level electrolyt metabolites, regul blood ph."} {"id": "4728", "contents": "best answer: boil seafood last day (crab crawfish shrimp oyster clams) seafood must still shell."} {"id": "4729", "contents": "frozen. easiest way purchas crawfish frozen. frozen crawfish cook peeled, tail remov frozen. keep way freezer three months. cook peel crawfish yourself, place heavi duti freezer bags, 3/4 full. cover meat water may help reduc freezer burn necessary."} {"id": "4730", "contents": "(8) peel eat crawfish see next page (9) leftovers\u2026how store cook crawfish. whole boil crawfish may refriger eaten cold. store would cook item. store properly, whole cookedcrawfish last 2-3 day refrigeration. whole cook crawfish may frozen result like mix poor. don\u2019t recommend it. second option peel leftov crawfish make dishes. veget guest cannot figur peel crawfish. least starve.fruge\u2019frug\u00e9 cajun crawfish-888-254 8626boudreaux@.cajuncrawfish com.www.cajuncrawfish\u2022 com 2. lb salt 1. lb lemon\u2022 pepper 4. oz ground granul dry\u2022 garlic 5. oz"} {"id": "4731", "contents": "long cook lasagna stay refriger still good eat? food last days. day refriger food store properly. place air tight contain best results. transfer food freezer longer storag needed. 10 peopl found useful. place back fridge. follow instruct storage, barley last 3-5 days, depend intern temperatur refrigerator."} {"id": "4732", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 50 peopl found useful. keep uncook lobster fridg gel cold pack container, lobster kept two days. lobster aliv take out, cook it, throw away."} {"id": "4733", "contents": "time base refriger set 40 degre fahrenheit colder. shelf life also depend fresh food time purchase. cheese, hard: six months. butter: months. oliv pickles: one month. fresh egg (in shell): weeks. cheese, soft, unopened: weeks. cheese, soft, opened: weeks. bacon, cooked: one week. hard-boil eggs: one week"} {"id": "4734", "contents": "update: freezer. crawfish boiled, peeled. cook meat store ziploc bag fridge. fridg days."} {"id": "4735", "contents": "freeze, place crayfish airtight plastic contain heavy-duti freezer bags. freezer time shown best qualiti food kept constantli frozen 0\u00b0 keep safe indefinitely."} {"id": "4736", "contents": "crawfish eaten hot chilled; meat remov easili cooked. cook crawfish live state, must refriger within two hour cooking. store fresh, cook crawfish, place sealed, airtight contain place refrigerator. keep way freezer three months. cook peel crawfish yourself, place heavi duti freezer bags, 3/4 full. cover meat water may help reduc freezer burn necessary."} {"id": "4737", "contents": "addition, alway import get food refriger within hour cook sooner cool enough. food left longer hours, put back refriger keep later. safe eat. follow food keep day refrigerator: fulli cook ham slices. cook meat meat casseroles. cook chicken chicken casseroles. pizza."} {"id": "4738", "contents": "geography. live also play larg role determin much earn lpn. connecticut, rhode island nevada highest-pay states, averag wage roughli $25 per hour. accord figur releas may 2011 bureau labor statistics, averag hourli wage lpn across countri 2010 $20.21 per hour, full-tim hour work $42,040 per year. entry-level wage much low"} {"id": "4739", "contents": "confid vote 73. central pa, lpn' make $20/hour average. offic job great hour benefit gener pay less ($17-18/hr), nurs home ($20+) addit money ($2-3/hr extra) shift differenti 2nd 3rd shift (cost benefit higher, though). lpn' work make 20-25/hr depend experience. rn' make 30-37/hr depend shift. rate pa suburban area. california, average, cna (nurs assistant) make $9-14 per hour, made night shift"} {"id": "4740", "contents": "tabl display lpn salari state peopl compar much lpn make specif state. comparison engin help peopl easili identifi best salari lpns. googl trend growth search interest around lpn increas lot 2005 saw small declin 2009 2013. bureau labor statist inform lpn classifi licens practic licens vocat nurses. popular profess alway need worker median salari rate 2010 $40,380 year $19.42 hour."} {"id": "4741", "contents": "(unit states). averag rate licens practic nurs (lpn) new york, new york $22.98 per hour. peopl job move posit 20 year field."} {"id": "4742", "contents": "licens practic nurs (lpn) buffalo, new york earn averag wage $17.38 per hour. skill psychiatr associ high pay job. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. $28,581 $47,010."} {"id": "4743", "contents": "ny nj lpn' make much 26-30/hr..mi friend lpn work nurs home brooklyn agenc work twice week told this..sh also work live nj yrs..hope helps. hey everyone!! i'll graduat lpn school next month (feb. 22, 2007) yay!! i'v decid move new jersey summer cost live tad higher (which expected) ohio..so wonder anyon could tell much lpn' (in acut care setting) make nj ny!!"} {"id": "4744", "contents": "told 1199 rep new york lpn pay union hospit anywher 18 24 dollar per hour. per diem, heard hourli rate 23 32 dollars, depend facil experience. espikey. hey everyone!! i'll graduat lpn school next month (feb. 22, 2007) yay!! i'v decid move new jersey summer cost live tad higher (which expected) ohio..so wonder anyon could tell much lpn' (in acut care setting) make nj ny!!"} {"id": "4745", "contents": "new york grow number opportun nurs field. within state, lpn make 21 nurs state. new york lpn comfort score 59. lpn degre educ new york. state new york, practic nurs program quickest rout becom nurse. earn degre requir one year cours well hands-on practice."} {"id": "4746", "contents": "central pa, lpn' make $20/hour average. offic job great hour benefit gener pay less ($17-18/hr), nurs home ($20+) addit money ($2-3/hr extra) shift differenti 2nd 3rd shift (cost benefit higher, though). lpn' work make 20-25/hr depend experience. rn' make 30-37/hr depend shift. rate pa suburban area. california, average, cna (nurs assistant) make $9-14 per hour, made night shift"} {"id": "4747", "contents": "banos. ba\u00f1o bano ba\u00f1o de, agua santa commonli refer to, bano ba\u00f1o city, eastern tungurahua. central ecuador bano ba\u00f1o popular tourist citi in, province, tungurahua, ambato capit is. major tourist center sangay spa, banos, ba\u00f1os. ecuador find, bano ba\u00f1o surrounded, forest rivers, waterfal make perfect place find physic and, mental balanc thank peac tranquil of. environ"} {"id": "4748", "contents": "[\u02c8ba\u0272oz \u00f0e \u02c8a\u0263wa \u02c8santa]), commonli refer banos, ba\u00f1o citi eastern tungurahua, provinc central. ecuador bano ba\u00f1o second popul city, tungurahua, ambato, capit major. tourist center bano ba\u00f1o de agua (. [santa \u02c8ba\u0272oz \u00f0e \u02c8a\u0263wa]), \u02c8santa commonli refer as, bano ba\u00f1o citi eastern, tungurahua provinc in. central ecuador"} {"id": "4749", "contents": "bano ba\u00f1o locat northern foothil tungurahua, volcano elev 1,820 1820 (5,971 5971) feet whose activ character frequent power ash explos lava flow seen from. bano monitor geophys institut at.e.p. n. content bano ba\u00f1o de agua (. [santa \u02c8ba\u0272oz \u00f0e \u02c8a\u0263wa]), \u02c8santa commonli refer as, bano ba\u00f1o citi eastern, tungurahua provinc in. central ecuador"} {"id": "4750", "contents": "detail map bano near places. welcom bano googl satellit map! place situat banos, tungurahua, ecuador, geograph coordin 1\u00b0 24' south, 78\u00b0 25' west origin name (with diacritics) banos. ba\u00f1o banos: map 3d map hotel car rental \u00bb. welcom bano googl satellit map! place situat banos, tungurahua, ecuador, geograph coordin 1\u00b0 24' south, 78\u00b0 25' west origin name (with diacritics) banos. ba\u00f1o"} {"id": "4751", "contents": "thank visit site banos, ba\u00f1os. ecuador tri bring attent the, world littl known, place can, visit comfort safeti dollar per. day bano ba\u00f1os. ecuador thank visit site about, banos. ba\u00f1o ecuador tri bring attent of, world little, known place you, visit comfort safeti dollars. per day"} {"id": "4752", "contents": "bano ba\u00f1o locat northern foothil tungurahua, volcano elev 1,820 1820 (5,971 5971) feet whose activ character frequent power ash explos lava flow seen from. bano monitor geophys institut at.e.p. bano ba\u00f1o de agua (. [santa \u02c8ba\u0272oz \u00f0e \u02c8a\u0263wa]), \u02c8santa commonli refer as, bano ba\u00f1o citi eastern, tungurahua provinc in. central ecuador"} {"id": "4753", "contents": "bano ecuador. bano ba\u00f1o de agua santa locat central and two nation park llangan llangan sangay one popular travel destin in. ecuador bano perfect place practic outdoor, adventur relax spend honeymoon simpl vacat famili and. friend bano ba\u00f1o de agua santa locat central and two nation park llangan llangan sangay one popular travel destin in. ecuador"} {"id": "4754", "contents": "bano ba\u00f1o second popul citi in, tungurahua after, ambato the, capit major tourist. center known gateway amazon last big citi still locat mountain reach jungl town locat amazon river. basin bano ba\u00f1o de agua (. [santa \u02c8ba\u0272oz \u00f0e \u02c8a\u0263wa]), \u02c8santa commonli refer as, bano ba\u00f1o citi eastern, tungurahua provinc in. central ecuador"} {"id": "4755", "contents": "welcom bano googl satellit map! place situat banos, tungurahua, ecuador, geograph coordin 1\u00b0 24' south, 78\u00b0 25' west origin name (with diacritics) banos. ba\u00f1o see bano photo imag satellite, explor aerial photograph bano in. ecuador banos: map 3d map hotel car rental \u00bb. welcom bano googl satellit map! place situat banos, tungurahua, ecuador, geograph coordin 1\u00b0 24' south, 78\u00b0 25' west origin name (with diacritics) banos. ba\u00f1o"} {"id": "4756", "contents": "activ design student identifi ph level compounds. test common household substances, understand ph determin compound react substanc purpose. student understand properti acid base; test ph liquid. concepts: identifi acid base use ph scale."} {"id": "4757", "contents": "physic characterist matter includ mass, weight, volume, density. also specif describ odor, shape, texture, hardness. addition, physic properti describ whether object solid, liquid, ga phase matter room temperature. physic characterist describ below: mass mass gener properti matter amount matter object. words, amount stuff is. easi confus term mass weight fundament differ properti"} {"id": "4758", "contents": "ratio mass materi equal volum water. densiti water 1.00 ml \u20131, specif graviti numer close density, ratio, dimensionless. solution: immers water, object buoy mass water displaces, cours mass cm water. take densiti water unity, upward (buoyancy) forc g. appar weight (36 g) (8 g) 28 g."} {"id": "4759", "contents": "density, precisely, volumetr mass density, substanc mass per unit volume. symbol often use densiti (the lower case greek letter rho), although latin letter also used. mani unit mass volum cover mani differ magnitud larg number unit mass densiti use. si unit kilogram per cubic metr (kg/m 3) cg unit gram per cubic centimetr (g/cm 3) probabl commonli use unit density."} {"id": "4760", "contents": "artifact may defin object intent made produc certain purpose. often word \u2018artifact\u2019 use restrict sens refer simple, hand-mad object repres particular culture."} {"id": "4761", "contents": "densiti specif graviti two commonli use term often confus other. particularly, industri term wide use weigh differ substanc calcul concentr liquids. temperatur pressur import calcul two. density. mass density, commonli call densiti materi mass per unit volume. densiti water 1.0 g/ml, densiti object less water\u2019 density; float surfac water vice versa. increas amount substance, increas mass affect density. specif gravity. specif graviti rel value, units."} {"id": "4762", "contents": "reciproc densiti substanc occasion call specif volume, term sometim use thermodynamics. densiti intens properti increas amount substanc increas density; rather increas mass. mani unit mass volum cover mani differ magnitud larg number unit mass densiti use. si unit kilogram per cubic metr (kg/m 3) cg unit gram per cubic centimetr (g/cm 3) probabl commonli use unit density."} {"id": "4763", "contents": "drug abus test may use one sever purposes: medic screening. legal forens information. employ drug testing. sports/athlet testing. suspect drug use known use legal and/or illeg drugs. candid receiv organ transplant. pregnant, especi thought risk drug abus newborn babi exhibit certain characterist behaviors."} {"id": "4764", "contents": "student find household substanc specif ph properti characterist need substance' use. follow lab, student assign task test substanc home determin ph substances. test common household substances, understand ph determin compound react substanc purpose. student understand properti acid base; test ph liquid. concepts: identifi acid base use ph scale."} {"id": "4765", "contents": "kraken huge monster live underwat ocean sim 3: island paradise. refer legendari sea monster call kraken. sim may encount kraken ocean."} {"id": "4766", "contents": "film, kraken massiv multi-limb monster roar menacingli destroy citi sweep arms. seem ultim threat, zeus' nuclear option teach unruli disrespect human lesson would never forget."} {"id": "4767", "contents": "kraken probabl legendari sea monster horrifi kraken. accord stori huge, mani armed, creatur could reach high top sail ship' main mast."} {"id": "4768", "contents": "kraken (/\u02c8kre\u026ak\u0259n/ /\u02c8kr\u0251\u02d0k\u0259n/) legendari sea monster giant size said dwell coast norway greenland."} {"id": "4769", "contents": "kraken legendari sea monster giant proport said dwell seven seas. legend may origin sight giant squid estim grow 13\u201315 (40\u201350 ft) length, includ tentacles."} {"id": "4770", "contents": "legendari kraken. accord scandinavian mythology, kraken giant sea creatur (said mile long) attack ship gener describ octopu squid. accord tales, kraken huge bodi could mistaken island. first mention \u00f6rvar-\u00f6rvar. oddr"} {"id": "4771", "contents": "way, morpholog branch linguist studi pattern word format within across languag attempt formul rule model knowledg speaker languages. polysynthet languages, chukchi, word compos mani morphemes. lexeme-bas morpholog usual take call item-and-process approach. instead analyz word form set morphem arrang sequence, word form said result appli rule alter word-form stem order produc new one."} {"id": "4772", "contents": "full definit morphology. 1. a: branch biolog deal form structur anim plant b: form structur organ parts.2. a: studi descript word format (a inflection, derivation, compounding) languag b: system word-form element process language.ul definit morphology. 1. a: branch biolog deal form structur anim plant b: form structur organ parts. 2."} {"id": "4773", "contents": "morpholog field linguist focus studi form format word language. morphem smallest indivis unit languag retain meaning. rule morpholog within languag tend rel regular, one see noun morphem first time, example, one deduc like relat word morpheme."} {"id": "4774", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. morpholog field linguist focus studi form format word language. morphem smallest indivis unit languag retain meaning. rule morpholog within languag tend rel regular, one see noun morphem first time, example, one deduc like relat word morpheme."} {"id": "4775", "contents": "morphology, linguistics, studi form words, way word relat word language. formal differ among word serv varieti purposes, creation new lexic item indic grammat structure."} {"id": "4776", "contents": "medic definit morphology. 1. branch biolog deal form structur anim plant especi respect forms, relations, metamorphoses, phylogenet develop organ apart functions\u2014se anatomi 1; compar physiolog 1.2.ull definit morphology. 1. a: branch biolog deal form structur anim plant b: form structur organ parts. 2."} {"id": "4777", "contents": "2. pattern particular language. morphologist, n. morphological, adj. 1. studi form structur anything. 2. branch biolog studi form structur plant animals. see also geomorphology.n. 1. (biology) branch biolog concern form structur organisms. 2. (linguistics) form structur word language, esp consist pattern inflection, combination, deriv change, etc, may observ classified. 3. form"} {"id": "4778", "contents": "confus morpholog typology. linguistics, morpholog /m\u0254r\u02c8f\u0252l\u0275d\u0292i/ identification, analysi descript structur given language' morphem linguist units, root words, affixes, part speech, inton stresses, impli context. lexeme-bas morpholog usual take call item-and-process approach. instead analyz word form set morphem arrang sequence, word form said result appli rule alter word-form stem order produc new one."} {"id": "4779", "contents": "morphology. 1. scienc form structur organisms. 2. form structur particular organism, organ, tissue, cell. adj., adj morpholog\u00b4ic. (m\u014dr-fol'\u014d-j\u0113), avoid jargonist use word synonym form appearance."} {"id": "4780", "contents": "morpholog branch biolog deal studi form structur organ specif structur features. experiment morpholog studi effect extern factor upon morpholog organ experiment conditions, effect genet mutation. anatomi branch morpholog deal structur organ"} {"id": "4781", "contents": "\u201ccelts\u201d refer peopl thrive ancient modern times. today, term often refer cultures, languag peopl base scotland, ireland, part british isl brittani france."} {"id": "4782", "contents": "britain, celtic warrior overran conquer islands. celt member earli indo-european peopl 2nd millennium bc 1st centuri bc spread much europe."} {"id": "4783", "contents": "celt (/\u02c8k\u025blts/ occasion /\u02c8s\u025blts/ see pronunci celtic) peopl iron age mediev europ spoke celtic languag cultur similarities, although relationship ethnic, linguist cultur factor celtic world remain uncertain controversial."} {"id": "4784", "contents": "celt live across europ iron age. today celt live wales, ireland, scotland, isl man, cornwal brittany, france. cultur live language, music, song literature."} {"id": "4785", "contents": "celt larg group caucasian tribe europe. first appear earli iron age, around 1200 b.c. austria. interest fact name 'celt' come romans, fact, celt would never use word themselves.they came hallstatt la tene t\u00e8ne. cultur"} {"id": "4786", "contents": "proto-celt cultur form earli iron age central europ (hallstatt period, name site present-day austria)."} {"id": "4787", "contents": "celt european cultur group first evid 7th 8th centuri b.c. roman call galli greek call keltoi-- mean barbarians. maximum expans 3rd 5th centuri b.c., occupi much europ north alp (see maps)."} {"id": "4788", "contents": "around 750 bc 12 bc, celt power peopl central northern europe. mani group (tribes) celts. civil flourish across wide area, british isl border ukraine. northwest europ domin three main celtic groups."} {"id": "4789", "contents": "among ancient european peopl warlik celts--muscular, light-hair wander probabl came distant stepp beyond caspian sea. 500 bc live northeastern france, southwestern germany, bohemia."} {"id": "4790", "contents": "celtic languag form branch larger indo-european family. time speaker celtic languag enter histori around 400 bce (brennus' attack rome 387 bce), alreadi split sever languag groups, spread much central europe, iberian peninsula, ireland britain."} {"id": "4791", "contents": "www.unisuper.com.au flexi pension account choos reversionari option flexi pension account(s). furthermore, reversionari beneficiari elig depend time death truste use discret death benefit paid."} {"id": "4792", "contents": "reversionari beneficiari child age 18 date death, receiv pension incom stream turn 25, point must convert remain pension tax-fre lump sum, unless suffer disability."} {"id": "4793", "contents": "person elect reversionari beneficiari event death one following: spouse. child 18. financi depend (at time death), or. interdepend (both time nomin time death)."} {"id": "4794", "contents": "nomin one person reversionari beneficiary. beneficiari dependant, child doesn\u2019t meet one reversionari beneficiari requirements, balanc pension paid lump sum. nomin addit beneficiari receiv lump sum proport balance."} {"id": "4795", "contents": "however, nomin reversionari beneficiari telstra super retireaccess incom stream, child nomin if, time death, he/she: age 18, age 25 financi depend you, or."} {"id": "4796", "contents": "reversionary. nomin incom stream continu paid depend spous upon death balanc nil. nomin one person reversionari beneficiary. binding. nomin gener bind truste pay remain cscri balanc chosen elig beneficiari beneficiaries. peopl nomin must depend and/or legal person representative."} {"id": "4797", "contents": "cscri member nomin reversionary, bind non-bind beneficiari time. nomin beneficiari person want receiv remain account balanc event death."} {"id": "4798", "contents": "oldest tree world: old tjikko (9,550 year old). oldest individu clonal tree world believ 9,550 year old (carbon-dated)! norway spruce locat fulufjaellet fulufj\u00e4llet mountain dalarna provinc sweden discov professor physical, geographi leif. kullman tallest tree world: hyperion (115.6 meters/379' 4). hyperion discov august 25, 2006 naturalist chri atkin michael taylor remot region redwood nation state park (california, usa) believ approxim 700-800 year old."} {"id": "4799", "contents": "next oldest tree list nation monument iran: zoroastrian sarv (sarv-e-abarkooh), estim 4,000 year old, older. mediterranean cypress tree (cupressu sempervirens), abarkuh, yazd, iran, may well oldest live thing asia. livesci photo. 2013, oldest individu tree world methuselah, 4,845-year-old great basin bristlecon pine (pinu longaeva) white mountain california."} {"id": "4800", "contents": "view full size image. 2013, oldest individu tree world methuselah, 4,845-year-old great basin bristlecon pine (pinu longaeva) white mountain california. side world, and mountain grove chile, 3,642-year-old patagonian cypress (fitzroya cupressoides). ancient specimen, sometim call alerc (alerc common spanish name f. cupressoides), third-oldest tree exact age calculated."} {"id": "4801", "contents": "clonal coloni surviv much longer individu tree. coloni 47,000 quak aspen tree (nicknam pando ), cover 106 acr (43 ha) fishlak nation forest utah, consid one oldest largest organ world. pando, 80,000-year-old coloni quak aspen, oldest known clonal tree, locat utah, unit states. list oldest known trees, report reliabl sources. definit constitut individu tree vari"} {"id": "4802", "contents": "tree yet named. next oldest tree list nation monument iran: zoroastrian sarv (sarv-e-abarkooh), estim 4,000 year old, older. mediterranean cypress tree (cupressu sempervirens), abarkuh, yazd, iran, may well oldest live thing asia. side world, and mountain grove chile, 3,642-year-old patagonian cypress (fitzroya cupressoides). ancient specimen, sometim call alerc (alerc common spanish name f. cupressoides), third-oldest tree exact age calculated."} {"id": "4803", "contents": "reichstag repres whole nation, reichsrat repres region govern within germany. head state president, elect term seven years. first presid weimar republ friedrich ebert (elect novemb 1918-februari 1919)."} {"id": "4804", "contents": "weimar republ found combin strain war resent govern result german novemb revolut (1918-1919), call abdic kaiser (emperor) wilhelm ii."} {"id": "4805", "contents": "weimar republ establish 1919. german govern ww1 ww2. face mani problem extremists, power reichstag economy."} {"id": "4806", "contents": "weimar republ figur pay reparations. germani take loan usa pay repar also pay form coal, iron resources. result, shortag coal germany."} {"id": "4807", "contents": "new republ declared. januari 1919, elect held new reichstag februari 1919, town weimar, new govern agreed. freidrich ebert elect presid new republic. germani get new government."} {"id": "4808", "contents": "weimar republic' monetari polici caus hyperinfl interwar years. technically, weimar constitut last 1945, german govern formal dissolv wake world war ii. adolph hitler' rise power brought end weimar republic."} {"id": "4809", "contents": "end first world war, kaiser kick germany, 1919 weimar republ set up. 1914, govern germani militari autocracy; 1919, parliamentari democracy."} {"id": "4810", "contents": "weimar republic, name german citi weimar, democrat republ govern germani 1919 1933. chapter explain economic, social polit factor led downfal weimar republic."} {"id": "4811", "contents": "twin (make twin of) may refer to: biolog agriculture, produc two offspr (i.e., twins) time, tendenc so; biolog agriculture, produc two offspr (i.e., twins) time, tendenc so; twin town sister cities, town citi involv town twinning. twin public spaces, inspir above, notabl exampl includ toilet social centers."} {"id": "4812", "contents": "more... twin repres twinlamellae, parallel plane secondari origin, produc pressure."} {"id": "4813", "contents": "crystal twin occur two separ crystal share crystal lattic point symmetr manner. result intergrowth two separ crystal varieti specif configurations. twin boundari composit surfac separ two crystals. crystallograph classifi twin crystal number twin laws. twin law specif crystal system. type twin diagnost tool miner identification. twin often problem x-ray crystallography, twin crystal produc simpl diffract pattern. multipl twin align parallel call polysynthet twins. multipl twin parallel cyclic twins. albite, calcite, pyrit often show polysynthet twinning."} {"id": "4814", "contents": "twinning, polymorphism, polytypism, pseudomorphism. twin crystals. sometim growth crystal, crystal subject stress temperature/pressur condit differ origin formed, two intergrown crystal form symmetr fashion. symmetr intergrowth crystal call twin crystals. contact twins-hav planar composit surfac separ individu crystals. usual defin twin law express twin plane (i.e. ad mirror plane). exampl shown crystal orthoclas twin braveno law, {021} twin plane."} {"id": "4815", "contents": "2. simultan intrauterin product two embryos. twin desir featur anim depend profit product young, e.g. lamb meat-produc breeds, select characterist standard husbandri strategy."} {"id": "4816", "contents": "twin vh1 realiti show premier juli 22, 2015. featur twelv set ident twins, test \u201ctwin-tuition\u201d mental physic challenges. show host angi greenup."} {"id": "4817", "contents": "twin (crystallography). process two crystals, part crystals, assum orient one may brought coincid reflect across plane rotat axis. twin calcit pressur blade (baumhauer\u2019 method). structur homogen singl crystal disrupt great number twin formations, crystal call polysynthet twin (figur 3)."} {"id": "4818", "contents": "principl mechan crystal twin use geolog diagnosi miner determin condit rock formation. distribut twin crystal layer rock-form miner make possibl character influenc rock subjected. twin calcit pressur blade (baumhauer\u2019 method). structur homogen singl crystal disrupt great number twin formations, crystal call polysynthet twin (figur 3)."} {"id": "4819", "contents": "twin (noun). assemblag two crystals, part crystals, revers posit refer accord definit law; also, rarely, artifici twin (accomplish exampl pressure), process revers brought about."} {"id": "4820", "contents": "add reserv set auction list bid least 12 hour left run. go ebay select selling. find auction want chang select action revise. go choos format price select chang reserv price set item. add price select save, continu submit revisions."} {"id": "4821", "contents": "see reserv price option: next choos format price, click add remov options. window, select reserv price click save. next reserv price set item, click change. window, enter"} {"id": "4822", "contents": "thing keep mind reserv prices: reserv price option avail auction-styl listings. auction-styl list reserv price subject reserv price fee. lower remov reserv price receiv bid item."} {"id": "4823", "contents": "choos format price, select auction. next reserv price set item, click change. quick list tool, select add reserv price. enter reserv price click save."} {"id": "4824", "contents": "group google+. set reserv price auction ebay need first list item click sell tab top right get list set advanc tool top. set go choos like sell item section."} {"id": "4825", "contents": "choos format price, next reserv price set item, click change. enter reserv price click save. bottom page, click continue. bottom next page, click submit revisions. note: add reserv price item, charg reserv price fee."} {"id": "4826", "contents": "set guid price reserv price properti sale via auction one import step prepar sale home. seller must set guid price reserv price."} {"id": "4827", "contents": "reserv price set $100 bid end high bid $90. seller tri requir high bidder pay item. seller set reserv price $200, short time left auction, high bid $120."} {"id": "4828", "contents": "goldfish pond need provid clean, well oxygen water inhabit grow happi healthy. goldfish grow 12 inches(30cm) plus. minimum size pond feet feet feet deep(2.5m 2m 1m). larger pond better goldfish. tempt economise, peopl end build pond get desir size."} {"id": "4829", "contents": "goldfish concerned, goldfish pond need feet deep. however, one must make accommod winter water freeze. colder one' region, depth requir ensur water freez complet winter."} {"id": "4830", "contents": "rule thumb smaller pond around two feet deep perfect goldfish, koi need kept deeper water much larger ponds. however, deeper pond better matter size is."} {"id": "4831", "contents": "go keep fish backyard pond must least feet (1.2 m) deep. waterlili best feet (0.9 1.5 m) water. deepest end pond place bottom drain locat furthest away water return."} {"id": "4832", "contents": "pond goldfish water lili need feet deep zone greater. pond built colder area may need depth keep pond freez solid. pond built koi close three feet deeper allow larger fish enough space."} {"id": "4833", "contents": "need determin size pond water garden. best way use rope water hose lay shape ground. pond goldfish water lili need feet deep zone greater."} {"id": "4834", "contents": "cost around 50% less expens koi pond. goldfish pond small 500 gallon big 1500 gallons. goldfish pond alot time refer water gardens. goldfish pond want excit fish sooth water sounds."} {"id": "4835", "contents": "small garden pond waterfal deep enough bog aquat plants' soil inch water. generally, garden pond 18 24 inch deep."} {"id": "4836", "contents": "smallish pond, goldfish would better choic koi need lot space. fact put pond hold less 1000 gallon water depth wise need minimum three feet prefer order well thrive."} {"id": "4837", "contents": "finance, beta (\u03b2) invest measur risk aris exposur gener market movement oppos idiosyncrat factors. market portfolio invest asset beta exactli 1. beta greater one gener mean asset volatil tend move market. exampl stock big technolog company. neg beta possibl invest tend go market goe up, vice versa."} {"id": "4838", "contents": "beta less mean secur less volatil market. beta greater indic security' price volatil market. want know call 0800 016 3909 (toll free). process deliv beta version user call beta release. beta level softwar 60% 70% complete, gener includ features, may also includ known issu bug less seriou variety."} {"id": "4839", "contents": "definit 'beta'. beta measur volatility, systemat risk, secur portfolio comparison market whole. beta use capit asset price model (capm), model calcul expect return asset base beta expect market returns. also known beta coefficient.. beta less mean secur less volatil market. beta greater indic security' price volatil market. example, stock' beta 1.2, theoret 20% volatil market."} {"id": "4840", "contents": "note carefully: beta. henc beta software. definit beta softwar finish known bugs, perhap even seriou ones. definit beta softwar finish known bugs, perhap even seriou ones.. mani beta test private, invit only."} {"id": "4841", "contents": "see: beta: gaug price fluctuations. shed light measur mean investors. beta say someth price risk, limit investor look fundament risk factors. beta beta measur stock' volatil relat market. definition, market beta 1.0, individu stock rank accord much deviat market. stock swing market time beta 1.0."} {"id": "4842", "contents": "full definit beta. 1. 2d letter greek alphabet see alphabet table. 2. beta particle. 3. measur risk potenti stock invest portfolio express ratio stock' portfolio' volatil volatil market whole. 4."} {"id": "4843", "contents": "beta. measur security' portfolio' volatility. beta mean secur portfolio neither less volatil riski wider market. beta indic greater volatil beta less indic less. example, standard poor' 500 index (s&p 500) beta coeffici (or base) 1. mean s&p 500 move 2% either direction, stock beta would also move 2%."} {"id": "4844", "contents": "use refer software, beta short beta-test period softwar technic featur complet mean new featur added-and presum stabl enough common usag actual work. definit beta softwar finish known bugs, perhap even seriou ones. definit beta softwar finish known bugs, perhap even seriou ones.. mani beta test private, invit only."} {"id": "4845", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type i. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type i, also call immedi hypersensit reaction reaction take place skin eczema, eye conjunctivitis, gastrointestin tract, bronchopulmonari tissu asthma, etc. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv also call mediat delay hypersensit reaction reaction take place skin. term reaction take two three day develop."} {"id": "4846", "contents": "involv antibody- type (immediate): mediat ige (mast cells)\u2022 type ii: mediat igg igm\u2022 type iii (immun complex disease): igg complement one involv antigen specif cells. type iv: delay type hypersensitivity, cell-medi immun memori response. immun complex hypersensitivity\u2022 reaction may gener may involv individu organ includ skin, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, joint (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) organs."} {"id": "4847", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iii call immun complex hypersensit reaction reaction take place organ like skin, kidney, blood vessels, lungs, joint too. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv also call mediat delay hypersensit reaction reaction take place skin. term reaction take two three day develop."} {"id": "4848", "contents": "symptom develop 10 hour immun complex forms. aspergillosis, system lupu erythematosu (sle) glomerulonephritis, polyarter form vasculitis, rheumatoid arthriti type iii hypersensit reactions. symptom diagnost path. symptom vari type sever hypersensit reaction. itch skin rash urticaria (hives) common type hypersensit reactions. symptom may involv airway (allerg asthma) gastrointestin tract (food allergies)."} {"id": "4849", "contents": "hypersensit reaction type iii. hypersensit mean bodi respond particular substanc (call allergens) exagger fashion, happen normal circumstances. type hypersensit reaction, type i, ii, iii iv. differ term diseas manifest patholog processes. however, type iii hypersensit reaction discuss here. type iii hypersensitivity, solubl antibodi bind antigen form immun complex blood. complex travel blood stream get deposit variou organs. henc occur mani part body. generally, common site deposit include: skin. kidney. joints."} {"id": "4850", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit state opposit reaction immun system bodi attack bodi cell alien substance. rheumatoid arthriti hand autoimmun diseas joint bone affected. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv. rheumatoid arthriti hypersensit type iv also call mediat delay hypersensit reaction reaction take place skin. term reaction take two three day develop."} {"id": "4851", "contents": "present [edit]. type iii hypersensit occur excess antigen, lead small immun complex form fix complement clear circulation. involv solubl antigen bound cell surfac (a oppos type ii hypersensitivity). antigen bind antibodies, immun complex differ size form. larg complex clear macrophag macrophag difficulti dispos small immun complexes. immun complex insert small blood vessels, joints, glomeruli, caus symptoms."} {"id": "4852", "contents": "botfli larva develop skin live mammals, includ humans. photo: lyle buss, univers florida. nota bene: week\u2019 creatur spine-cov parasit larva burrow live human beings, feed flesh grow posit plump."} {"id": "4853", "contents": "definit botfly. variou stout dipteran fli (famili oestridae) larva parasit caviti tissu variou mammal includ humans. see botfli defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "4854", "contents": "botfly, also written bot fly, bott fli bot-fli variou combinations, fli famili oestridae. lifecycl vari greatli accord species, larva speci intern parasit mammals."} {"id": "4855", "contents": "bot flies, aka torsalo dermatobia homini bot fli (order diptera, famili cuterebridae) large, stout bodied, hairi fli resembl bumblebees. botfli egg deposit mosquito sometim anoth insect. larva grow host' bodi fairli large."} {"id": "4856", "contents": "medic definit botfly. variou stout dipteran fli famili oestrida larva parasit caviti tissu variou mammal includ humans. next word dictionary: (pronoun, plural construction) previou word dictionary: botet word near: botfly."} {"id": "4857", "contents": "botfly. noun bot\u00b7fli \\\u02c8baet-\u02c8b\u00e4t\\. \u02ccfl\u012b plural\u00b7bot. fli variou stout dipteran fli famili oestrida larva parasit caviti tissu variou mammal including. human"} {"id": "4858", "contents": "larva intern parasit mammals, speci grow host' flesh other within gut. human botfly, dermatobia hominis, speci bot fli known parasit human routinely, though speci fli caus myiasi humans."} {"id": "4859", "contents": "upper gastrointestin endoscopy. guide. upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi procedur allow doctor look insid line esophagus, stomach, first part small intestin (duodenum). thin, flexibl view tool call endoscop (scope) used. done. upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi may done to: find problem upper gastrointestin (gi) tract. problem include: inflamm esophagu (esophagitis) stomach (gastritis). gastroesophag reflux diseas (gerd) narrow (stricture) esophagu"} {"id": "4860", "contents": "doctor might also use upper endoscopi perform cytolog test, introduc small brush collect cell analysis. upper endoscopi also use treat condit upper gastrointestin tract. doctor pass instrument endoscop directli treat mani abnormalities-thi caus littl discomfort. doctor use thin, flexibl tube call endoscope, len light source, view imag video monitor. might hear doctor medic staff refer upper endoscopi upper gi endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopi (egd) panendoscopy."} {"id": "4861", "contents": "upper endoscopi let doctor examin line upper part gastrointestin tract, includ esophagus, stomach duodenum (first portion small intestine). doctor use thin, flexibl tube call endoscope, len light source, view imag video monitor. might hear doctor medic staff refer upper endoscopi upper gi endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopi (egd) panendoscopy."} {"id": "4862", "contents": "upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi procedur allow doctor look interior line esophagus, stomach, first part small intestin (duodenum) thin, flexibl view instrument call endoscope. upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi may done to: find problem upper gastrointestin (gi) tract. problem include: inflamm esophagu (esophagitis) stomach (gastritis)."} {"id": "4863", "contents": "doctor might use upper endoscopi obtain biopsi (small tissu samples). biopsi help doctor distinguish benign malign (cancerous) tissues. remember, biopsi taken mani reasons, doctor might order one even suspect cancer. doctor use thin, flexibl tube call endoscope, len light source, view imag video monitor. might hear doctor medic staff refer upper endoscopi upper gi endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopi (egd) panendoscopy."} {"id": "4864", "contents": "diagnose. doctor may use endoscopi collect tissu sampl (biopsy) test diseas conditions, anemia, bleeding, inflammation, diarrhea cancer digest system. treat. upper endoscopi use diagnos and, sometimes, treat condit affect upper part digest system, includ esophagus, stomach begin small intestin (duodenum). doctor may recommend endoscopi procedur to: investig symptoms."} {"id": "4865", "contents": "think about. upper gastrointestin endoscopi best way examin esophagus, stomach, upper small intestin (duodenum). doctor take tissu sampl test helicobact pylori infection, believ main caus stomach duoden ulcers. upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi may done to: find problem upper gastrointestin (gi) tract. problem include: inflamm esophagu (esophagitis) stomach (gastritis)."} {"id": "4866", "contents": "biopsi (small tissu sample) often obtain upper endoscopy. biopsi distinguish benign malign (cancerous) tissues, detect presenc helicobact pylori (a bacterium associ ulcers) detect barrett\u2019 esophagu (a potenti precursor esophag cancer). upper endoscopi procedur allow direct visual line upper part gastrointestin tract, includ esophagus, stomach duodenum (first portion small intestine)."} {"id": "4867", "contents": "musculoskelet system provid form, support, stability, movement body. made bone skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, connect tissu support bind tissu organ together. musculoskelet system' primari function includ support body, allow motion, protect vital organs."} {"id": "4868", "contents": "protection. one main function skelet system involv protect soft delic intern organ body. brain protect skull, nerv protect spinal column, rib cage provid protect heart lungs. skelet system made bone cartilages. 206 bone bodi bone cartilag help provid support point attach mani soft tissues, muscl ligament body."} {"id": "4869", "contents": "littl brief skelet system function body. abl move skelet system intern organ protect sturdi skelet system. need eat healthi diet provid bone much-need miner nutrients. skelet system made bone cartilages. 206 bone bodi bone cartilag help provid support point attach mani soft tissues, muscl ligament"} {"id": "4870", "contents": "skelet system includ bone joint body. bone complex live organ made mani cells, protein fibers, minerals. skeleton act scaffold provid support protect soft tissu make rest body. skelet system\u2019 primari function form solid framework support protect body' organ anchor skelet muscles. bone axial skeleton act hard shell protect intern organs\u2014such brain heart \u2014from damag caus extern forces."} {"id": "4871", "contents": "advertisement. obviou one import skelet system function provid bodi support shape. without skelet system, bodi mass flesh guts. skelet system help provid framework body. skelet system made bone cartilages. 206 bone bodi bone cartilag help provid support point attach mani soft tissues, muscl ligament body."} {"id": "4872", "contents": "adult human skelet system consist 206 bones, well network tendons, ligament cartilag connect them. skelet system perform vital function support, movement, protection, blood cell production, calcium storag endocrin regul enabl us survive. skelet system also suscept breaks, strain fractures. bone meant protect body\u2019 vital organs, take 10 16 pound pressur break averag bone."} {"id": "4873", "contents": "skelet system. skelet system compris bone joint provid basic support structur body. consist join framework bone call skeleton. human skeleton made 206 bones. click draw major bone structur body. function musculoskelet system to: protect support intern structur organ body. allow movement. give shape body. produc blood cells. store calcium phosphorus. produc heat."} {"id": "4874", "contents": "skelet system bodi provid shape, support protect organ soft area body. other function bodili movement, produc blood body, store miner physic structur needs. shape support. skeleton made variou bone provid framework body. thus, skeleton provid basic shape structur body. cranium: protect brain. ribs/sternum: protect lungs, heart digest organs. pelvis: protect support digest reproduct organs. spinal column: protect major nervou system branch entir system, hold bodi like trunk tree."} {"id": "4875", "contents": "overview. human skeleton consist 206 bones. put together, skelet system provid base framework tissu organ attach, give shape human body."} {"id": "4876", "contents": "knowledg structur function bone aspect skelet system gener essenti part train human biology, medicin associ health sciences. page intend includ detail requir basic first level cours mani therapies, itec diplomas."} {"id": "4877", "contents": "example, dri whole red moss effect bacteria, wherea treatment red moss did, treatment green moss did. mold grew agar plate contain red moss, possibl caus competit bacteria, skew result experi 2. however, find that. found bacillu licheniformi type bacteria caus feather degrad birds. b. licheniformi also known gram positive, mean moss lichen use nest could possibl bacteria-inhibit benefit birds. absenc signific type interesting."} {"id": "4878", "contents": "moss bryophyte, thu neither bacteria fungus, rather primit form plant. peopl found useful. edit. share to: use reindeer moss landscap garden, use reindeer moss within decor featur make garden seem less barren. type moss benefit plant landsc\u2026. creativ idea grow moss yard moss varieti color looks, but, matter what, moss low-growing, hardy, soft beauti implement correctly."} {"id": "4879", "contents": "mo bacter uniqu moss elimin moss go black digest bacteria. lawn left free debri need scarify. grass area fed evenli three-month period. harmless anim wildlif damag border plants. moss die excess potassium within week leav black debris. dead moss digest bacteria mo bacter (npk: 5-5-20). bacteria mo bacter becom activ soil temperatur reach 10degc. see pictures, moss-infest lawn treat april 25 may 16 grass clear moss. debri gone"} {"id": "4880", "contents": "accumul sphagnum store water, sinc live dead plant hold larg quantiti water insid cells; plant may hold 16\u201326 time much water dri weight, depend species. empti cell help retain water drier conditions. sphagnum moss also use centuri dress wounds, includ world war i. sinc absorpt extrem acidic, inhibit growth bacteria fungi, use ship seed live plants."} {"id": "4881", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer smgbailey. confid vote 88. moss bryophyte, thu neither bacteria fungus, rather primit form plant. fungi kingdom bacteria, animals, archaea plants. plants, animals, fungi protist call eukaryot similar nucleu thing call membran bound organelles."} {"id": "4882", "contents": "bacteria-fight mechan sphagnum moss entir clear, suggest may relat moss\u2019 uron acids, believ give sphagnum bacteria-inhibit properti (clymo 1963). other suggest may due acid properti (stalheim et al. found bacillu licheniformi type bacteria caus feather degrad birds. b. licheniformi also known gram positive, mean moss lichen use nest could possibl bacteria-inhibit benefit birds. absenc signific type interesting."} {"id": "4883", "contents": "moss fungus, belong fungi kingdom, also decompos break dead substanc around it. 21 peopl found useful. fungi kingdom bacteria, animals, archaea plants. plants, animals, fungi protist call eukaryot similar nucleu thing call membran bound organelles."} {"id": "4884", "contents": "construct like big sponge, sphagnum moss tend retain water releas hydrogen ions, maintain high acidity. one result bacteria normal breakdown plant matter can't thrive dead sphagnum moss accumulates, eventu form peat."} {"id": "4885", "contents": "differ organ organ system bodi human bodi made organ organ systems. organ system special serv specif function. organ system also work together. lymphat system organ spleen, thymus, lymph node lymph vessels, tonsils, peer' patches. organ one organ lym phatic system, like stomach, gallbladder, lungs. peopl found useful."} {"id": "4886", "contents": "liver gall bladder: liver gall bladder helper organ small intestine. liver larg organ, weigh pounds. lobes. gall bladder tiny, green sac inch long (10 cm). liver one import organ body. small part digestion. make bile, break fat. also take blood come digest tract chang nutrient form bodi use, store"} {"id": "4887", "contents": "circulatori system body' transport system. made group organ transport blood throughout body. heart pump blood arteri vein transport it. oxygen-rich blood leav left side heart enter biggest artery, call aorta. muscular system made tissu work skelet system control movement body. muscles\u2014lik one arm legs\u2014ar voluntary, mean decid move them. muscles, like one stomach, heart, intestin organs, involuntary."} {"id": "4888", "contents": "mean organ part organ system: organ part larger organ system, simpli mean organ structur organ system wo rk togeth perform function. lymphat system organ spleen, thymus, lymph node lymph vessels, tonsils, peer' patches. organ one organ lym phatic system, like stomach, gallbladder, lungs. peopl found useful."} {"id": "4889", "contents": "major organ human body. see long list organ systems, human bodi larg number organ somehow work togeth keep us alive. list short descript major organs. skin-th skin major organ cover entir body. also provid feedback brain sens touch. organ call hollow organ empti tube pouch. exampl hollow organ includ stomach, intestine, heart."} {"id": "4890", "contents": "major organ bodi simpli well known organ may import work alone, need work co-ordin organ body. start top human body, brain process inform body\u2019 control center. handl process central nervou system cognition. eye detect light convert electr signal brain interpret vision. chest caviti contain major organs. heart\u2019 main function use circulatori system pump blood body. lung oxygen blood intak air filter contamin air consid harm bloodstream"} {"id": "4891", "contents": "e.g. organ structur cardiovascular system (the heart, blood vessel blood itself) work togeth deliv oxygen nutrient part body. mean organ organ systems: no, organ organ systems. lymphat system organ spleen, thymus, lymph node lymph vessels, tonsils, peer' patches. organ one organ lym phatic system, like stomach, gallbladder, lungs. peopl found useful."} {"id": "4892", "contents": "organis organ interact body. bbc respons content extern websit bbc scienc provid gener inform only, treat substitut medic advic doctor, psychiatrist health care professional."} {"id": "4893", "contents": "one import system body, nervou system body' control system. sends, receives, process nerv impuls throughout body. nerv impuls tell muscl organ respond environment. muscular system made tissu work skelet system control movement body. muscles\u2014lik one arm legs\u2014ar voluntary, mean decid move them. muscles, like one stomach, heart, intestin organs, involuntary."} {"id": "4894", "contents": "malaria mosquito-born infecti diseas human anim caus parasit protozoan (a group single-cel microorganism) belong genu plasmodium. malaria caus symptom typic includ fever, fatigue, vomiting, headaches. sever case caus yellow skin, seizures, coma death. diseas transmit bite mosquitos, symptom usual begin ten fifteen day bitten."} {"id": "4895", "contents": "mening often caus bacteri viral infection. also may caus fungal infection, parasite, reaction certain medic medic treatments, rheumatolog diseas lupus, type cancer, traumat injuri head spine. bacteri mening rare potenti fatal disease. caus sever type bacteria first caus upper respiratori tract infect travel blood stream brain. diseas also occur certain bacteria invad mening directly."} {"id": "4896", "contents": "mosquito-born viruses. arboviruses, arthropod-born viruses, transmit mosquito blood-suck insects. mosquito-born virus caus infect includ west nile, la crosse, st. louis, western equin eastern equin encephalitis."} {"id": "4897", "contents": "mosquito-born diseas australia. diseas transmit mosquito australia includ dengu fever, australian encephalitis, ross river (rr) viru diseas barmah forerst (bf) viru disease. dengu import viral diseas transmit mosquito afflict human world context."} {"id": "4898", "contents": "diseas transmit mosquitoes. mosquito vector diseases. mean transmit diseas one human anim another. typically, diseas caus virus tini parasites. example, mosquito bite infect human anim pick viru along blood meal. mosquito viru harm one anoth viru reproduc insid mosquito"} {"id": "4899", "contents": "mosquito-born diseas mosquito-born ill diseas caus bacterial, virus parasit transmit mosquitoes. transmit diseas without affect themselves. worldwide, malaria lead caus prematur mortality, particularli children age five, estim 207 million case half million death 2012, accord world malaria report 2013 publish who."} {"id": "4900", "contents": "mosquito known carri mani infecti diseas sever differ class microorganisms, includ virus parasites. mosquito-born ill includ malaria, west nile virus, elephantiasis, dengu fever, yellow fever etc. worldwide, malaria lead caus prematur mortality, particularli children age five, estim 207 million case half million death 2012, accord world malaria report 2013 publish who."} {"id": "4901", "contents": "tick-born relaps fever (tbrf) tick-born relaps fever caus spirochet bacteria (borrelia) close relat one caus lyme disease. rang overlap ma-laria, fever persist infect caus often mistaken malaria. introduct ector-born infections, diseas caus pathogen trans-mit insect ticks, long impact human affairs.alexand great, conqueror mani nations, vanquish bite tini mosquito bear malaria parasit marsh call iraq."} {"id": "4902", "contents": "eastern equin enceph (eee) spread hors human infect mosquitoes. among seriou group mosquito-born arbovirus affect central nervou system caus sever complic even death. sever viru agent enceph unit states: west nile viru (wn), eastern equin enceph (eee), western equin enceph (wee), st. loui enceph (sle), la cross (lac) encephalitis, dengu yellow fever transmit"} {"id": "4903", "contents": "diseas transmit mosquito include: malaria, dengue, filariasis, west nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, japanes encephalitis, saint loui encephalitis, western equin encephalitis, eastern equin encephalitis, venezuelan equin encephalitis, la cross enceph zika fever. worldwide, malaria lead caus prematur mortality, particularli children age five, estim 207 million case half million death 2012, accord world malaria report 2013 publish who."} {"id": "4904", "contents": "meat tender trick first home remedi origin edit people\u2019 pharmacy\u00ae.* stumbl across journal american medic association.**."} {"id": "4905", "contents": "[insect] venom mostli protein, say schultz, meat tender work break poison that' injected.. well-known treatment jellyfish stings, meat tender made past water, appli directli bite stings. photo amazon.com. chemic properti garlic like kill bacteria, appli mosquito bite might caus discomfort reliev any."} {"id": "4906", "contents": "do. meat tender contain enzymes, papain, tender meat break chemic bond hold muscl fiber together. meat tender effect insect sting type venom break protein caus reaction."} {"id": "4907", "contents": "heard bug bite yet help jellyfish stings. activ ingredi work papain tenderizer. however, jamaican ladi advis jellyfish sting tenderizer, use papaya. jah' natur meat"} {"id": "4908", "contents": "meat tenderizer. meat tender contain papain, enzym found papaya break protein meat. also break protein insect venom, make effect reduc pain, itching, swell bites. salt water."} {"id": "4909", "contents": "meat tender make past meat tender water rub bite area. good also jellyfish stings. tender papain, help break protein present insect venom."} {"id": "4910", "contents": "a. meat tender contain papain, enzym papaya help break protein. doctor recommend appli sting year papain break venom. reaction sound except severe. unlik cut onion work long sting."} {"id": "4911", "contents": "find total number share shareholders' equiti section company' balanc sheet, also summar asset liabilities. number authorized, issu outstand common share list section, along number prefer shares. locat line titl prefer stock shareholders' equiti section balanc sheet. line indic number author issu prefer shares, along par paid-in capit amounts."} {"id": "4912", "contents": "lower number outstand share and, everyth els equal, boost earnings-per-share, turn support valu stock. calcul number outstand shares, subtract number share bought back retir compani total issu shares. number appear financi report balanc sheet capit stock.. outstand share figur earnings-per-shar number issu compani quarter year, well total market capit -- number outstand share multipli share price."} {"id": "4913", "contents": "calcul number share outstanding. equal number share compani issu reacquired. number alway less equal number share issued. share outstand may also found exchang company' stock traded, list share out.. number share outstand number issued-treasuri stock"} {"id": "4914", "contents": "compani may increas number author share stock split. revers stock split would decreas number issu outstand shares. example, 1-for-10 revers stock split would reduc number 90 percent. locat line titl prefer stock shareholders' equiti section balanc sheet. line indic number author issu prefer shares, along par paid-in capit amounts."} {"id": "4915", "contents": "step 3. divid company' net incom earn per share find number outstand shares. example, 2011, xyz busi report $41,060,000 net incom basic earn per share $8.43. number outstand share stock 41,060,000 divid $8.43, 4,870,670. although much easier find company' number outstand share stock financi summary, also figur look company' incom statement. busi use name"} {"id": "4916", "contents": "addit list outstand shares, capit stock, company\u2019 balanc sheet, publicli trade compani oblig report number issu outstand shares, gener packag inform within investor relat section websites, local stock exchang websites."} {"id": "4917", "contents": "tip. stock split increas number issu outstand share company' balanc sheet. example, 2-for-1 stock split would doubl number, 3-for-2 stock split would increas 50 percent. compani may increas number author share stock split. locat line titl prefer stock shareholders' equiti section balanc sheet. line indic number author issu prefer shares, along par paid-in capit amounts."} {"id": "4918", "contents": "find dividend per share declar business. example, corpor might declar $2 dividend outstand common shares, mean dividend per share $2. indic corpor intend pay $2 dividend holder outstand share."} {"id": "4919", "contents": "definit 'issu shares'. number author share sold held sharehold company, regardless whether insiders, institut investor gener public. also known issu stock.. next up. amount issu share part total amount author share corporation. total number issu share outstand compani often shown annual report."} {"id": "4920", "contents": "number issu share subset total author shares. amount board director and/or sharehold agre allocate. issu share sum outstand share treasuri shares. issu share term law financ quantiti share corporation, alloc (allotted) subsequ held shareholders. act creat new issu share call issuance, alloc allotment."} {"id": "4921", "contents": "example, akc recogn beagl breed varieties: 13 inch height (33 cm) 13 15 inch height (33-38 cm). registri recogn varieti breed 13-16 inch height (33-40.6 cm)."} {"id": "4922", "contents": "contrari popular belief, small size necessarili apart dog make plenti small dog high-energi yappi life high-rise. quiet, low energy, fairli calm indoors, polit residents, good qualiti apart dog."} {"id": "4923", "contents": "american standard two size varieti 13 inch under, 13 15 inches. dog 15 inch america disqualifi showring. last refer pocket beagl locat reliabl refer 1960's."} {"id": "4924", "contents": "small, compact, hardy, beagl activ companion kid adult alike. canin dog breed merri fun loving, hounds, also stubborn requir patient, creativ train techniques."} {"id": "4925", "contents": "beagl substanti smaller akc standard seen breed, seen dog major fault: small fit breed standard bring varieti health issues."} {"id": "4926", "contents": "plan show beagle, check akc inform see beagl qualifies. american kennel club (akc) nonprofit organ that' devot advanc purebr dogs."} {"id": "4927", "contents": "beagl physique. beagl well-muscled, small-to-almost-medium-s dog keen sens smell wanderlust lead trouble. come two size 13 inch tall 13-15 inch tall. weight smaller dog 18-20 pounds; larger dog 20-30 pounds."} {"id": "4928", "contents": "beagl use nose hunt scent number purposes. want beagl particip conform shows, like see tv, match akc breed standard."} {"id": "4929", "contents": "size: beagl come two sizes: 13-inch beagl (no taller 13 inch withers) 15-inch beagl (between 13 15 inch withers). head: beagle' skull fairli long, slight dome back part head. skull rel broad full."} {"id": "4930", "contents": "treati versail creat woodrow wilson unit stated, david lloyd george, georg clemenceau, vittorio emanuel orlando. answer franc clemenceau, uk lloyd georg usa woodrow wilson. 10 other found useful. countri 'created', reviv endors post-world war peac settlement were: czechoslovakia (bohemia, moravia, slovakia, ruthenia) yugoslovia (serbia croatia, slovenia) reviv poland endorsed."} {"id": "4931", "contents": "28 june 1919, peac treati end world war sign germani alli palac versail near paris. alli interest repres \u2018big three\u2019: british prime minist david lloyd george, french premier georg clemenceau us presid woodrow wilson. allies, treati creat peac weaken germany, secur french border attack creat organis ensur futur world peace, call leagu nations. yet backlash germani versail \u2018diktat\u2019 enormous."} {"id": "4932", "contents": "treati versail (1919) peac treati offici end world war alli associ power germany. countri 'created', reviv endors post-world war peac settlement were: czechoslovakia (bohemia, moravia, slovakia, ruthenia) yugoslovia (serbia croatia, slovenia) reviv poland endorsed."} {"id": "4933", "contents": "treati versail peac treati five nations, france, germany, britain, austria-hungari unit state world war i. leagu never taken seriously, even though creat make sure versail respected. treati fail keep peac end, reason nazi germani adolf hitler win support poorer german get rid chain versailles, lead world war ii."} {"id": "4934", "contents": "answer joncey. confid vote 58.0k. treati versail creat woodrow wilson unit stated, david lloyd george, georg clemenceau, vittorio emanuel orlando. franc clemenceau, uk lloyd georg usa woodrow wilson. treati versail one peac treati end world war i. end war germani alli powers. sign june 28, 1919, xactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, one event trigger start war."} {"id": "4935", "contents": "treati versailles, provis reparations, lost territory, militari restrictions, rhineland' occupation, leagu nations, signed, sealed, delivered. treaty' major players, big three, woodrow wilson, david lloyd george, georg clemenceau, gone home. leagu nations-th treati creat leagu nation intern organ maintain world peac futur mediat disput nations. would also tackl global issu like drug trafficking, world health, labor"} {"id": "4936", "contents": "found 1908 union nation bank, first union sixth-largest bank compani unit state decemb 31, 2000. held asset total $254 billion, bank oper 11 east coast state washington, d.c., brokerag oper 47 state nationwide. septemb 1, 2001, first union wachovia merg creat lead retail bank presenc east coast fifth-largest full-servic retail broker-deal unit states."} {"id": "4937", "contents": "first american labor union date 1800. first found 1794 philadelphia, group shoemak call feder societi journeymen co rdwainer (shoemakers). workmen' associ becam backbon andrew jackson' supporters. trade union creat protect worker exclus particular kind worker. first trade union us nation labor union, found 1866. fail soon replac knight labor, 1869."} {"id": "4938", "contents": "confid vote 5. first labor union us, found philadelphia. came worker philadelphia organ carpenter' company; consist group shoemakers. nation' first union form 1794. trade union creat protect worker exclus particular kind worker. first trade union us nation labor union, found 1866. fail soon replac knight labor, 1869."} {"id": "4939", "contents": "april 1998, first union acquir corest financi corporation, headquart philadelphia. time, largest merger us bank history. corest trace histori 1781 bank north america, first bank charter unit states. first union corpor found union nation bank june 2, 1908, small bank desk lobbi charlott hotel, h.m. victor."} {"id": "4940", "contents": "first labor union us, found philadelphia. came worker philadelphia organ carpenter' company; consist grou shoemakers. nation' first union form 1794. 33 other found useful. fierc opposit big business, much later labor union activ carri secret. case organ first lativ perman nation labor union, knight labor, organ 1869"} {"id": "4941", "contents": "septemb 2001, first union complet merger wachovia nation bank becom wachovia corporation, one largest financi hold compani us. end 2000, first union $170 billion total assets, 70,000 employe nearli 2,200 branches. first union corpor found union nation bank june 2, 1908, small bank desk lobbi charlott hotel, h.m. victor."} {"id": "4942", "contents": "bank merg first nation bank trust compani ashevil 1958 becom first union nation bank north carolina. 1964, bank ad cameron-brown company, mortgag bank insur firm. first union corpor incorpor 1967. first union corpor found union nation bank june 2, 1908, small bank desk lobbi charlott hotel, h.m. victor."} {"id": "4943", "contents": "first union\u2019 stock list new york stock exchang (nyse) ticker symbol ftu. septemb 1, 2001, first union wachovia merg creat lead retail bank presenc east coast fifth-largest full-servic retail broker-deal unit states. new compani name wachovia corporation. decemb 31, 2001, held asset total $330 billion stockholders\u2019 equiti total $28 billion. 2008, well fargo compani acquir wachovia corporation, includ first union"} {"id": "4944", "contents": "enzym inhibitor plant foods. raw nut seed plant food contain proteas inhibitors, block enzym function. plant food develop inhibitor form protect barrier insects. nut seed break simplest form digest protein inhibitor present. raw nut seed contain digest enzymes. enzym protein caus chemic reaction throughout body. break food, clot blood necessari bodili functions."} {"id": "4945", "contents": "high fiber: coconut flour contain whop gram fiber two tablespoons. contrari inform public media, high fiber food produc regularity, healthi digest system, promot satieti (learn why). one batch popular coconut flour pancak gelatin use 1/4 cup coconut flour gener portions. doesn\u2019t requir soaking: grain flour contain phytic acid, harm substanc bind miner prevent bodi use import minerals."} {"id": "4946", "contents": "soak least 24 hour free enzym inhibitors. lipas supplementation. best sourc lipas raw whole fatti food sprout ferment oili nut seeds, raw cream, raw egg yolks, raw (not canned) coconut milk, etc.."} {"id": "4947", "contents": "a. salt help activ enzym de-activ enzym inhibitors. grains, soak acid solut get rid phytic acid. nut contain much phytic acid contain high level enzym inhibitors. a. all. white mostli eaten cooked, raw egg white contain enzym inhibitor caus digest problems. oxid occur commerci process egg forc tini hole high temperatur pressure."} {"id": "4948", "contents": "enzym inhibitors. introduction: enzym inhibitor molecul interact way enzym prevent work normal manner. varieti type inhibitor including: nonspecific, irreversible, reversible-competit noncompetitive. poison drug exampl enzym"} {"id": "4949", "contents": "enzym inhibitor that-molecul inhibit action enzymes. present seed prevent prematur germin environment condit right sprouting. enzym inhibitor allow us store grain seed long period time. anti-nutrient: enzym inhibitors. enzym inhibitor anoth type anti-nutrient. get enzym inhibitors, let' talk enzym are. enzym catalyst everi chemic reaction body-from walk talk heal digesting. without enzym could liv"} {"id": "4950", "contents": "discussed, almond flour nut/se flour contain non-heat stabl fat enzym inhibitors. tapioca arrowroot flours, made tubers, second best option coconut flour lack phytic acid enzym inhibitors. contain high amount starches, however, starch perpetu damag vili small intestine. one batch popular coconut flour pancak gelatin use 1/4 cup coconut flour gener portions. doesn\u2019t requir soaking: grain flour contain phytic acid, harm substanc bind miner prevent bodi use import minerals."} {"id": "4951", "contents": "heat oil high enough destroy enzym filter off, plu filter oil, oil becom unstabl tast terrible.. ray peat, ph.d, author sever articl fat oils, coconut oil particular. good thing coconut oil damag heat. is, all, job enzym plants: break thing start process decomposition. high qualiti coconut oils, particularli virgin coconut oil, long shelf life (2 year more) would appreci amount enzym oil."} {"id": "4952", "contents": "turn phytic acid problem all\u2026 (i think may consid other nut seed effect..): mineral-bind effect phytat coconut essenti nonexistent."} {"id": "4953", "contents": "design basic panhard bar 04-08 f150. panhard bar do? well, reduc bodi roll, increas corner capability, keep wheel firmli plant ground. turn corner, speed, rearend tend move back forth truck."} {"id": "4954", "contents": "panhard bar explained. track bar explained: track bar also known panhard bar. it\u2019 purpos locat rear axl along centerlin chassis."} {"id": "4955", "contents": "mustang' panhard bar explained. main purpos panhard bar provid later stabil rear axle. intend job upper control arms, enough. perfect solut solv common problem found 1999-2004 mustang' four link suspension. ford decid put panhard bar model factory, like save money. now, find panhard bar '05 model mustangs."} {"id": "4956", "contents": "panhard rod (also call panhard bar track bar) suspens link provid later locat axle. origin invent panhard automobil compani franc earli twentieth century, devic wide use ever since. major disadvantag axl must necessarili move arc rel body, radiu equal length panhard rod. rod short, allow excess sideway movement axl bodi end spring travel."} {"id": "4957", "contents": "panhard bar keep everyth basic center car (i say basic move slight arc move rear end fraction inch one side rear suspens compressed). anyway, aftermarket bar sound like pretti good deal. panhard bar...what do, improve? head summit tomorrow told buddi moroso panhard bar 3rd gen clearanc someth like 35 bucks."} {"id": "4958", "contents": "panhard bar greatli improv mustang' handling, whether daili driver weekend, car-show-onli kind ride. perfect solut solv common problem found 1999-2004 mustang' four link suspension. ford decid put panhard bar model factory, like save money. now, find panhard bar '05 model mustangs. provid later stabil rear axle. increas handl predict cornering. lower mustang' rear roll center, prevent insid rear tire lift ground"} {"id": "4959", "contents": "theori operation: panhard bar prevent rear axl move side-to-side, make handl predictable, also allow tune rear roll center. panhard rod advantag lighter weight less complexity. panhard long possibl minim later displac bar swing arc. bar also level reason."} {"id": "4960", "contents": "i'v look panhard bar i'v notic anchor chassi passeng side axl driver' side other opposite. burban' bar anchor axl driver' side. kenni brown set '04 mustang:"} {"id": "4961", "contents": "without later (side-to-side) brace like panhard bar, arm would flex put side pressur (e.g. cornering), rear end would shift left right car. panhard bar...what do, improve? head summit tomorrow told buddi moroso panhard bar 3rd gen clearanc someth like 35 bucks."} {"id": "4962", "contents": "panhard bar later suspens link rear axl chassis, best method control side side locat axl rel chassis. mm says:th mm panhard bar elimin mustang\u2019 unstabl unpredict behavior corner near limit. feel caus rear car steer without input driver. rear end steer caus sideway movement rear axle."} {"id": "4963", "contents": "brain biopsy. brain biopsi surgic procedur encompass remov cell tissu brain examin potenti locat diseas material, like cancer tumor. tissu extract usual examin pathologist microscop sometimes, chemic analysi also performed."} {"id": "4964", "contents": "long take result bone marrow biopsy? turn around time (tat) lab special bone marrow core, clot, aspir test are: morpholog 24 48 hour flow 24 48 hour fish cytogent day pcr test days. depend tissu sampl sent examination, biopsi result usual take one week 10 days. lab send result dentist you. contact dentist results. person found useful."} {"id": "4965", "contents": "best answer: biopsi year ago. recoveri time day hospital, take slow home week two. also, like place anti-seizur drugs, medic (i seizur mine)."} {"id": "4966", "contents": "biopsy. biopsi surgic procedur small amount tumor tissu remov sent lab evaluation. purpos biopsi establish diagnosi patient tumor. biopsi perform part surgeri remov tumor, separ procedure. either case, surgeon remov small amount tumor tissu send lab pathologist review. three type biopsi often perform patient brain tumors: needl biopsy: small cut made small hole, call burr hole, drill skull."} {"id": "4967", "contents": "biopsi brain cancer involv remov small amount cancer tissu brain. help us evalu tumor plan brain cancer treatment. needl biopsi may perform tumor difficult-to-reach critic area brain. contact us. (800) 615-3055 or. privaci policy."} {"id": "4968", "contents": "bulk time take get result surgic patholog (e.g. biopsi results) resid time take instrument remov water sampl replac paraffin. routin process take 12 hours. depend tissu sampl sent examination, biopsi result usual take one week 10 days. lab send result dentist you. contact dentist results. person found useful."} {"id": "4969", "contents": "brain biopsi procedur use remov tumor piec tissu brain examin microscop diagnos illness. type brain biopsi includ needl biopsy, stereotact biopsy, open biopsy. needl biopsy, small hole drill skull. narrow, hollow needl place incis extract tini portion tumor tissue."} {"id": "4970", "contents": "biopsy. biopsi surgic procedur remov small sampl brain tumor tissu examin microscope. usual perform time surgeri remov brain tumor (call open biopsy). biopsi perform separ procedur if:"} {"id": "4971", "contents": "uncertainti feel wait biopsi cytolog test result caus lot stress anxiety. know result readi understand test sometim take longer expect caus extra concern."} {"id": "4972", "contents": "mani decad wide accept alcohol (or addiction) disease. diseas concept taught addict train program told patient treatment programs. unquest public figur media."} {"id": "4973", "contents": "addict alcoholism,if diseas addict alcohol necessari thing keep bay, call relapse. medic standpoint use cancer diabet actual good analog proven below."} {"id": "4974", "contents": "alcohol addiction, consid diseas brain. brain physic alter extend exposur alcohol, caus function differ therefor creat addict behavior."} {"id": "4975", "contents": "alcohol addict disease. i'm consid alcoholic. three day one year sobriety, without help aa support method. \u2026. theori back alcohol ill disease, excuse."} {"id": "4976", "contents": "easier alcohol label alcohol diseas seek treatment basi diseas less stigmatized; let' say diseas focu treatment alcohol also alcoholic' friend love ones."} {"id": "4977", "contents": "1956, american medic associ (ama) determin alcohol diseas met ama criteria necessari such: pattern symptoms, chronic, progressive, subject relapse, treatable. diseas alcohol also fatal."} {"id": "4978", "contents": "noth call alcohol drug use disease. shame guilt never got anyon sober. prefer term addict mayb it\u2019 deadly, yourself. didn\u2019t catch kiss bartender."} {"id": "4979", "contents": "alcohol use disorder. problem drink becom sever given medic diagnosi \u201calcohol use disorder\u201d aud. approxim 7.2 percent 17 million adult unit state age 18 older aud 2012. includ 11.2 million men 5.7 million women."} {"id": "4980", "contents": "recommended: distanc centerlin toilet and/or bidet bath fixture, wall, obstacl least 18 inches. code requirement: minimum distanc 15 inch requir centerlin toilet and/or bidet bath fixture, wall, obstacle. bathroom plan guideline: toilet compartment. recommended: size separ toilet compart least 36x66 inch swing-out pocket door. code requirement: minimum size separ toilet compart 30x60 inches."} {"id": "4981", "contents": "space. averag toilet 15 in. wide 28 in. deep. however, you\u2019ll also need clearanc side front toilet. you\u2019ll probabl want least ft. either side toilet ft. front, still small space toilet. code requir may list minimum spaces, vari citi county."} {"id": "4982", "contents": "size toilet normal around 18 inch wide 30 inch long. check product brochur opt larger toilet. adequ clearanc space toilet 20 inch front around 15 inch either side."} {"id": "4983", "contents": "back wall clearance, distanc finish back wall, usual 12 inches, also 10 14 inches, depend toilet. distanc finish side wall must least 15 inches. mean wall unfinished, frame must 15 5/8 inch wast pipe center account 5/8-inch waterproof bathroom drywall. nation kitchen bath associ requir least 24 inch clearanc front toilet. moreover, nkba recommend 32 inch center toilet wast line center sanitari fixture, although local code may requir 30"} {"id": "4984", "contents": "must 15 inch centerlin commod sink nearest wall fixture, 21 inch front. allow minimum feet headroom; may even want lower high ceil room' footprint tight, space feel proportional."} {"id": "4985", "contents": "recommend clearanc front toilet 30 inch (76cm). minimum code toilet clearance-th minimum distanc requir toilet center line nearest obstruct 15 inch (38cm). minimum distanc requir edg toilet wall inch (10cm). mean minimum span requir accommod"} {"id": "4986", "contents": "now. report abuse. ye believ plenti room plan put tank toilet parallel foot wall. want comfort space use least min 32 inch space toilet least 24 inch clear floor space front toilet."} {"id": "4987", "contents": "bathroom plan guideline: clear space. recommended: plan clear floor space least 30 inch front edg fixtur (lavatory, toilet, bidet, tub, shower) opposit bath fixture, wall, obstacle. code requirement: minimum space 21 inch must plan front lavatory, toilet, bidet, tub. bathroom plan guideline: toilet compartment. recommended: size separ toilet compart least 36x66 inch swing-out pocket door. code requirement: minimum size separ toilet compart 30x60 inches."} {"id": "4988", "contents": "averag medic scribe salari job post atlanta, ga 25% higher averag medic scribe salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "4989", "contents": "pay medic scribe vari base compani work hospit work. pay vari minimum wage 14 15 dollar hour. scribe work area local rates, interest becom medic scribe. get paid around 55,000 60,000 dollar year. incom set incom matter much littl work remain same."} {"id": "4990", "contents": "averag salari medic scribe job minneapolis, mn $40,000. averag medic scribe salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term medic scribe anywher job listing."} {"id": "4991", "contents": "considerations. case virtual career, salari medic scribe vari depend experience, level education, employ location. 2012, bl report top-pay region occup new jersey, district columbia hawaii. american healthcar document profession group estim medic scribe pull $12 $20 per hour. bureau labor statist pin mean hourli wage medic recordist health inform technician $17.68, 2012."} {"id": "4992", "contents": "depend work type, certif have. work doctor offic vocat train program w/o certification, make ow end $12 $13 hour. certif around $15 hour. get paid around 55,000 60,000 dollar year. incom set incom matter much littl work remain same."} {"id": "4993", "contents": "scribe pre med student look medic experience. pay isn\u2019t great ($8-$11 per hour), hour horrible, trust me, it\u2019 worth it. amount shadow replac medic experi get er scribe."} {"id": "4994", "contents": "averag medic scribe salaries. averag salari medic scribe job $62,000. averag medic scribe salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term medic scribe anywher job listing. medic scribe salari comparison featur allow job seeker get inform requir make import career decis negoti salari ranges. addit medic scribe salari information, recommend visit payscale.com."} {"id": "4995", "contents": "repres approxim one-third one-half entir medic scribe market. salari benefit packag medic scribe vari employer, geograph region, experience, training. \u201can entry-level scribe success complet train typic start $10 $16 per hour depend geograph locat employ work. local scribe manag make $14 $20 per hour without benefits."} {"id": "4996", "contents": "averag medic scribe salari job post charleston, sc 2% lower averag medic scribe salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "4997", "contents": "annual salary. bl ahdpg also agre typic rang yearli earn scribes. mean annual wage medic recordist health inform technician work physicians' offic $31,290 2012, accord bls. ahdpg estim experienc medic scribe top heap pull much $41,600 per year. american healthcar document profession group estim medic scribe pull $12 $20 per hour. bureau labor statist pin mean hourli wage medic recordist health inform technician $17.68, 2012."} {"id": "4998", "contents": "level gener work toward two year split two parts, one part studi year. first part known advanc subsidiari level, a1 level level (the level acronym previous use separ advanc supplementari level qualification). second part known a2 level depth academ rigor a1 level."} {"id": "4999", "contents": "gce a-level o-level examin first sat 1951, premis student took one other. 1953, a-level exam grade pass fail, point distinct grade introduced. major teacher agre import ever student higher level educ a-level (85%) overall, a-level import qualif (92%)."} {"id": "5000", "contents": "sea least 30 feet higher\u2014at level today would inund major citi around world. planet degre celsiu (3.6 5.4 degre fahrenheit) warmer. earth final stage prolong greenhous epoch, co2 concentr way down. time, 400 ppm milepost far rapid uphil climb toward uncertain climat future. earlier interglaci known stage 11, around 400,000 year ago, evid strong sea level least meter higher today. ice sheet stick around.. stage 11, sunlight distribut littl less favor ice sheet now. co2 peak 290 ppm."} {"id": "5001", "contents": "1963, five grade scheme introduced, quota alloc grades: 10 per cent candid would receiv grade, 15 per cent b, 10 per cent c, 15 per cent d, 20 per cent e, 20 per cent would receiv level pass. major teacher agre import ever student higher level educ a-level (85%) overall, a-level import qualif (92%)."} {"id": "5002", "contents": "proport parent report confid a-level system year ago unchanged. increas proport student think a-level import qualif (94% student 2011 versu 78% 2010). major teacher agre import ever student higher level educ a-level (85%) overall, a-level import qualif (92%)."} {"id": "5003", "contents": "recent blood test result came back problem b12 level iron levels. start inject b12 follow day g.p. level 61... also put iron tablets. doc calm said give inject week week blood test month time see level then.. level 125 doctor said extrem low. 46 year age pa run family. doctor gave two b12 inject got allerg reaction (a itch rash neck knees)."} {"id": "5004", "contents": "a-level today compris two elements: advanc subsidari (as), qualif right, a2, not. examin taken (usually) year studi students, wish move demand a2 exam second year study. major teacher agre import ever student higher level educ a-level (85%) overall, a-level import qualif (92%)."} {"id": "5005", "contents": "level introduc 1951 standardis 18+ qualification, replac higher school certificate. examin could taken subject-by-subject basis, accord strength interest student. encourag special in-depth studi three four subjects. initially, student might studi three subject a-level one as-level, often even four subject a-level. however, due decreas public spend educ time, grow number school sixth form colleg would arrang pupil studi three a-level instead four."} {"id": "5006", "contents": "pass grade level a*, a, b, c, e. a* grade introduc higher educ entri top univers oxford cambridge, award candid achiev overal a-level, score least 90% a2. a* grade unit level. initially, student might studi three subject a-level one as-level, often even four subject a-level. however, due decreas public spend educ time, grow number school sixth form colleg would arrang pupil studi three a-level instead four."} {"id": "5007", "contents": "\u201cthi time global temperatur substanti warmer today, littl ice around anywher planet. sea level consider higher around 100 feet higher today,\u201d said pennsylvania state univers climat scientist michael mann, email conversation. drill ice core analyz air bubbles, scientist found that, point least past 800,000 year atmospher co2 level high now. mean entir histori human civilization, co2 level never high."} {"id": "5008", "contents": "villanova univers privat (not-for-profit), year high locat villanova, pennsylvania. academ year 2015-2016, undergradu tuition fee villanova univers $46,966. cost estim school. academ year 2014-2015, undergradu tuition fee $45,966. graduat school, tuition fee $16,457."} {"id": "5009", "contents": "villanova university. full-tim undergradu student villanova univers paid $44,430 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year, prior adjust financi need. amount, cost tuition total $43,840 remain $590 repres addit fees."} {"id": "5010", "contents": "annual total list price cost go villanova univers $59,194 2014/2015 academ year. cost student regardless pennsylvania resid statu in-stat discount."} {"id": "5011", "contents": "cost $21,268 88% expens averag pennsylvania tuition $24,108 year colleges. tuition rank 126th pennsylvania amongst year colleg afford 9th expens year colleg state."} {"id": "5012", "contents": "tuition villanova univers $45,376 2014/2015 academ year. 80% expens nation averag privat non-profit four year colleg tuition $25,229. villanova univers one 100 expens colleg america, come 68th expens 100 ranking."} {"id": "5013", "contents": "bleed tubal ligat severe, transfus blood blood product may need done. blood blood product activ screen variou diseas problems, includ aid hepat (among others), blood transfus gener safe. expect small amount bleed tubal ligation. advertisement. small amount bleed tubal ligat normal. sever caus bleeding, treatment vari depend caus individu situation. cases, bleed stop easili taken care laparoscop surgeri"} {"id": "5014", "contents": "also tell miss period. though seem tha bleed long period time tubal ligat surgery, accompani fever, nausea, pain. indic infection, case antibiot necessary. heavi bleed long birth, much. climb bed baby, anyth day nurs rest. stay hydrated, eat well (lot protein). keep feet, ask friend rel help household chore coupl weeks."} {"id": "5015", "contents": "postpartum tubal ligation. usual done mini-laparotomi childbirth. fallopian tube higher abdomen right pregnancy, incis made belli button (navel). procedur often done within 24 36 hour babi delivered. ectop pregnanc risk. tubal ligat implant fail becom pregnant, increas risk ectop pregnancy. ectop pregnanc occur year tubal ligat like year procedure. learn more, see topic ectop pregnancy."} {"id": "5016", "contents": "year ago person choic tubal revers women report chang menstrual period includ symptom heavi bleeding, longer bleeding, pain tubal ligation. normal usual, affect unknown percentag women post tubal ligation. year ago person choic tubal revers (view profile). women report chang menstrual period includ symptom heavi bleeding, longer bleeding, pain tubal ligation. normal usual, affect."} {"id": "5017", "contents": "tubal ligation, like go home day. surgeon give instruct expect call surgery. may slight vagin bleed caus movement uteru surgery. ectop pregnanc risk. tubal ligat implant fail becom pregnant, increas risk ectop pregnancy. ectop pregnanc occur year tubal ligat like year procedure. learn more, see topic ectop pregnancy."} {"id": "5018", "contents": "heavi vagin bleed first day post-surgery, tell doctor. also tell miss period. though seem bleed long period time tubal ligat surgery, accompani fever, nausea, pain. indic infection, case antibiot necessary. ignor treatment infect lead perman seriou complic"} {"id": "5019", "contents": "bleed tubal ligation: overview. seriou bleed seriou damag major blood vessel, tubal ligat may need chang open surgeri control bleed prevent loss life. mean larger incis made abdomen doctor view insid abdomen better. expect small amount bleed tubal ligation. advertisement. small amount bleed tubal ligat normal. sever caus bleeding, treatment vari depend caus individu situation. cases, bleed stop easili taken care laparoscop surgeri"} {"id": "5020", "contents": "306 bc, salami site naval battl fleet demetriu macedon ptolemi egypt. demetriu battl captur island. roman times, salami part roman provinc cilicia. seat governor reloc paphos. import ruler kingdom salami evagorasi (410\u2013374 bc), becam ruler whole island, independ persian empire. salami afterward besieg conquer artaxerx iii."} {"id": "5021", "contents": "centr salami roman period north city, present entranc located. excav far includ gymnasium theatre, extens renovated. theatr frequent use concerts."} {"id": "5022", "contents": "salami (ancient greek: \u03c3\u03b1\u03bb\u03b1\u03bc\u03af\u03c2) ancient greek city-st east coast cyprus, mouth river pedieos, km north modern famagusta. import ruler kingdom salami evagorasi (410\u2013374 bc), becam ruler whole island, independ persian empire. salami afterward besieg conquer artaxerx iii."} {"id": "5023", "contents": "aeschylus. battl salami naval battl greek city-st persia, fought september, 480 bc strait piraeu salamis, small island saron gulf near athens, greece. background. battl salamis. conflict. athenian fled salami battl thermopyla august, 480 bc, persian occupi burn city. greek fleet join august indecis battl artemisium."} {"id": "5024", "contents": "island famou well knowd battl salami took place year 480 bc. battl athenian admir themistocl defeat persian fleet sent ruler xerxes. nowaday headquart greek navi locat salamis. sight island salami salamina greece. ambelakia-th ancient harbour island, koulouris, situat kilomet southeast capit ambelakia. sea remain ancient buildings. remain wall old acropoli streets."} {"id": "5025", "contents": "welcom salami googl satellit map! place situat attiki, attiki, greece, geograph coordin 37\u00b0 58' north, 23\u00b0 29' east origin name (with diacritics) salamis. salam\u00ed see salami photo imag satellite, explor aerial photograph salami in. greec salamis: map 3d map hotel car rental \u00bb. welcom salami googl satellit map! place situat attiki, attiki, greece, geograph coordin 37\u00b0 58' north, 23\u00b0 29' east origin name (with diacritics) salamis. salam\u00ed"} {"id": "5026", "contents": "detail map salami near places. welcom salami googl satellit map! place situat attiki, attiki, greece, geograph coordin 37\u00b0 58' north, 23\u00b0 29' east origin name (with diacritics) salamis. salam\u00ed salamis: map 3d map hotel car rental"} {"id": "5027", "contents": "salamis-anci roman city. ancient citi salami becam capit cypru far back 1100 bc. citi share destini rest island success occup variou domin power near east, viz. assyrians, egyptians, persians, romans."} {"id": "5028", "contents": "battl salami greek naval fleet defeat invad armada xerx persia. 479 bce. xerx persian forc defeat greek forc plataea effect end persia 's imperi ambit greece. c. 415 bce. histori herodotu published. greec then, lay open invad persian forc rampag greek polei city-states, sack even athen itself. 30 greek poleis, however, prepar fight back battl salami would show xerx greece, least larg chunk it, far conquered."} {"id": "5029", "contents": "chief city, salamina, lie west-fac core crescent salami bay, open saron gulf. eastern side island main port, paloukia, size second greec piraeus, port athens. oldest known count board discov salami island 1899. thought use babylonian 300 bc game board rather calcul device. marble, 150 75 4.5 cm (2 in), carv greek symbol parallel grooves."} {"id": "5030", "contents": "definit vamp. 1. part shoe upper boot upper cover especi forepart foot sometim also extend forward toe backward back seam upper. 2. [1vamp] short introductori music passag often repeat sever time (a vaudeville) solo verses."} {"id": "5031", "contents": "vamp 1. n. 1. upper part boot shoe cover instep sometim extend toe."} {"id": "5032", "contents": "music, vamp repeat use phrase entir song improvis top repeat phrase song. looping, sampl groov exampl vamping, almost popular music repeat chord progressions. neg attribute, impli build top groov creat song. keyboardist use extens vamp creat intric song base funk groove."} {"id": "5033", "contents": "vamp rhythmic style pick chording. chord typic close (that is, fret string fretted). banjo play either boom/chick (downbeat/offbeat), instrument like bass guitar provid boom, might chick (offbeat)."} {"id": "5034", "contents": "word vamp associ mani fields, especi music. latest field internet, mean vamp people\u2019 habitu stay late night stay touch friend social network phones, therebi depriv sleep."} {"id": "5035", "contents": "vamp. noun. tweet. 1. part shoe upper boot upper cover especi forepart foot sometim also extend forward toe backward back seam upper. 2. [1vamp] short introductori music passag often repeat sever time (a vaudeville) solo verses."} {"id": "5036", "contents": "definition. escherichia coli (e. coli) bacteria normal live intestin healthi peopl animals. varieti e. coli harmless caus rel brief diarrhea. particularli nasti strains, e. coli o157:h7, caus sever abdomin cramps, bloodi diarrhea vomit"} {"id": "5037", "contents": "e. coli type bacteria normal live intestin peopl animals. however, type e. coli, particularli e. coli 0157:h7, caus intestin infection. symptom intestin infect includ diarrhea, abdomin pain, fever. sever case lead bloodi diarrhea, dehydration, kidney failure. caus e. coli infection. peopl anim normal e. coli intestines, strain caus infection. bacteria caus infect enter bodi number ways."} {"id": "5038", "contents": "escherichia coli (/\u02cc\u025b\u0283\u0268\u02c8r\u026aki\u0259 \u02c8ko\u028ala\u026a/ also known e. coli) gram-negative, facult anaerobic, rod-shap bacterium genu escherichia commonli found lower intestin warm-blood organ (endotherms)."} {"id": "5039", "contents": "escherichia coli (e. coli) bacteria normal live intestin peopl animals. e. coli harmless actual import part healthi human intestin tract. however, e. coli pathogenic, mean caus illness, either diarrhea ill outsid intestin tract. escherichia coli (abbrevi e. coli) larg divers group bacteria. although strain e. coli harmless, other make sick. kind e. coli caus diarrhea, other caus urinari tract infections, respiratori ill pneumonia, illnesses."} {"id": "5040", "contents": "mani type e. coli, harmless. caus bloodi diarrhea. strain e. coli bacteria (such strain call o157:h7) may also caus sever anemia kidney failure, lead death. strain e. coli caus urinari tract infect infections. get e. coli infect come contact feces, stool, human anim"} {"id": "5041", "contents": "escherichia coli, usual call e. coli, refer larg group bacteria commonli found intestin human animals. strain e. coli harmless; however, strains, e. coli o157: h7, make peopl sick, caus sever stomach cramps, diarrhea vomiting. seriou complic e. coli o157:h7 infect includ kidney failure."} {"id": "5042", "contents": "email. knowledg center. escherichia coli, also known e. coli bacterium commonli found gut endotherm (warm blood organisms). sever type e. coli exist part normal flora human gut mani benefici functions, product vitamin k2."} {"id": "5043", "contents": "escherichia coli (abbrevi e. coli) bacteria found environment, foods, intestin peopl animals. e. coli larg divers group bacteria. although strain e. coli harmless, other make sick."} {"id": "5044", "contents": "full definit ion. 1. atom group atom carri posit neg electr charg result lost gain one electrons. 2. charg subatom particl (a free electron). see ion defin english-languag learners. see ion defin kids."} {"id": "5045", "contents": "(decemb 2007). ion (/\u02c8a\u026a\u0259n, -\u0252n/) atom molecul total number electron equal total number protons, give atom molecul net posit neg electr charge. ion created, either chemic physic means, via ionization."} {"id": "5046", "contents": "ion charg atom molecule. charg number electron equal number proton atom molecule. atom acquir posit charg neg charg depend whether number electron atom greater less number proton atom. atom attract anoth atom unequ number electron protons, atom call ion. atom electron protons, neg ion, anion. proton electrons,it posit ion"} {"id": "5047", "contents": "medic definit ion. 1. atom group atom carri posit neg electr charg result lost gain one electrons\u2014se anion, cation. 2. atom group atom carri posit neg electr charg result lost gain one electrons. 2. charg subatom particl (a free electron). see ion defin english-languag learners. see ion defin kids."} {"id": "5048", "contents": "confus ions? we'll learn differ atom ion. ion form net charg atom, number proton electron balance. mean atom longer electr neutral, cation anion. also talk polyatom ions."} {"id": "5049", "contents": "part standard organ glossary: ion atom group atom number electron differ number proton s. number electron less number protons, particl posit ion, also call cation. number electron greater number protons, particl neg ion, also call anion. atom element short electron, plu sign place chemic symbol superscript indic fact."} {"id": "5050", "contents": "ion electr charg atom group atoms. part atom, part group atom (molecule). charg move near electricity. ion less electron proton atom. process give take electron away normal atom turn ion call ionization. mani ion colourless."} {"id": "5051", "contents": "ion atom molecul less electron usual, give posit neg electr charge. ion want becom neutral acquir lose addit electrons, interest chemic features. ion usual come form solutions."} {"id": "5052", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean eibhlin eibhl\u00edn name origin name our. databas also note spell pronunci name eibhlin eibhl\u00edn check initi name last name discov looks. sound differ mean countri languages. differ mean name eibhlin eibhl\u00edn: french: meaning, uncertain pet form of. avila germanic: mean possibly. bird"} {"id": "5053", "contents": "syll. eibhl n- babi girl name eibhlin eibhl\u00edn pronounc ayl ayl iy iy, vliyiyn vliyiyn or-vliyiyn \u2020. vliyiyn eibhlin eibhl\u00edn use chiefli in, the, english gaelic and. irish languag deriv german old. french origin deriv german old french origins. eibhlin eibhl\u00edn variant name (aveline, english, french and) german english gaelic. languag eibhlin eibhl\u00edn also variant (name, eileen, english irish) gaelic the. irish languag"} {"id": "5054", "contents": "instead, recommend pay greater attent origin mean name eibhlin. eibhl\u00edn read babi name articl use tip regard babi name name your. babi think give babi beauti name, eibhlin eibhl\u00edn spread love share with. friend differ mean countri languages. differ mean name eibhlin eibhl\u00edn: french: meaning, uncertain pet form of. avila germanic: mean possibly. bird"} {"id": "5055", "contents": "irish meaning: name eibhlin irish babi name. irish mean name eibhlin is: deriv name evelyn evelina. soulurg number: 5. express number: 5. peopl name deep inner desir travel adventure, want set pace life without govern tradition."} {"id": "5056", "contents": "eibhlin eibhl\u00edn also variant name (eileen, english, irish and) gaelic irish. languag eibhlin eibhl\u00edn rare baby. girl name list outsid the. top 1000, 2012 within famili girl name directli linked, eibhlin eibhl\u00edn eileen the. wide use deriv german old french origins. eibhlin eibhl\u00edn variant name (aveline, english, french and) german english gaelic. languag eibhlin eibhl\u00edn also variant (name, eileen, english irish) gaelic the. irish languag"} {"id": "5057", "contents": "mean eibhlin. irish name. irish, name eibhlin means-pleasant, beautiful, radiant.th name eibhlin origin irish name. name eibhlin often use girl name femal name. irish name meaning-pleasant, beautiful, radiant."} {"id": "5058", "contents": "eileen (/a\u026a\u02c8li\u02d0n/ eye-leen /\u02c8a\u026ali\u02d0n/ eye-leen) girl' first name. name eileen origin name helen, elaine, ellen. anglicis version irish eibhlin, eibhl\u00edn turn form older irish gaelic aibhilin aibhil\u00edn (or eilin eil\u00edn). anglicis avelin"} {"id": "5059", "contents": "eibhlin eibhl\u00edn use chiefli the, english, gaelic irish. languag deriv german old french. origin eibhlin eibhl\u00edn variant (name, aveline, english french) german english and. gaelic languag deriv german old french origins. eibhlin eibhl\u00edn variant name (aveline, english, french and) german english gaelic. languag eibhlin eibhl\u00edn also variant (name, eileen, english irish) gaelic the. irish languag"} {"id": "5060", "contents": "eibhlin /eibh-lin/ [2 sylls.] girls' name irish gaelic origin. eibhl norman french name aveline, possibl deriv latin avi mean bird. name gaelic form evelyn. anglic aileen eileen. aileen (#562) evelyn (#16) two trendi birth name among these, rekindl babi name usag names. display comparison popular girl name eibhlin relat names. (2014 birth statistics)."} {"id": "5061", "contents": "tell doctor pharmacist allerg naproxen, aspirin nsaid ibuprofen (advil, motrin) ketoprofen (orudi kt, actron), medic pain fever, medications."} {"id": "5062", "contents": "talk doctor risk benefit take naproxen 65 year age older. older adult usual take lower dose naproxen short period time higher dose use regularli may effect like caus seriou side effects."} {"id": "5063", "contents": "take naproxen regular basis, take time(s) everi day. nonprescript naproxen come tablet gelatin coat tablet take mouth. usual taken full glass water everi 12 hour needed."} {"id": "5064", "contents": "take recommend dose aleve, alway take smallest effect dose. adult take one tablet everi 10 hour symptom abate, although first dose may two tablets. take two tablet within 10 hour period three tablet within 24-hour period. never take alev longer 10 days, unless recommend doctor."} {"id": "5065", "contents": "take naproxen reliev symptom arthritis, symptom may begin improv within week. may take week longer feel full benefit medication."} {"id": "5066", "contents": "stop take nonprescript naproxen call doctor symptom get worse, develop new unexpect symptoms, part bodi pain becom red swollen, pain last 10 days, fever last days."} {"id": "5067", "contents": "ibuprofen typic taken everi 6-8 hours; naproxen taken everi 12 hours. aspirin work littl differ ibuprofen naproxen similar side effects. usual dose aspirin 500-1,000 mg everi 4-6 hours. acetaminophen work littl differ naproxen ibuprofen, differ side effects, taken everi 6-8 hours."} {"id": "5068", "contents": "final got son take away put garbage.. wasn\u2019t end directv nolans. nolan sign service, pen contract 24 month service. earli cancel would cost hefti fee. yes, sign contract, call $400 cancel fee. doubt that, said"} {"id": "5069", "contents": "directtv bind custom contract sign service. custom charg earli termin fee tri cancel servic term contract up, usual one two years. fairness, directtv compani this. typic directtv earli termin fee $20 everi month left contract. case, reader would pay $220 cancel directtv servic 11 month left contract. hefti chunk chang come people, though."} {"id": "5070", "contents": "cancel contract ends, charg deactiv fee $15 plu prorat earli cancel fee $20 month. directv, get tv love anywher love watch it, plu technolog experi like never before! it\u2019 way get favorit sport full-tim hd channel cabl company. plus, we\u2019r #1 custom satisfact cabl satellit providers."} {"id": "5071", "contents": "yes, earli termin fee directv servic $20 per month everi month left contract. mean 20 month left, charg minimum earli termin fee $400. addition, equip must return directv expens customer. earli cancel policy. earli cancel polici directv simpl custom allow cancel early. cancel servic pay earli termin fee. don\u2019t return equipment, pay equip fee piece."} {"id": "5072", "contents": "directv contract requir 18- 24-month commitment. cancel term contract, charg cancel fee. cancel contract period passed, charg cancel fee. awar directv' cancel fee steep. standard equipment, charg much $360 earli contract cancellation, 2010. advanc equipment, hd receivers, charg $480 earli cancellation."} {"id": "5073", "contents": "girl. directv 4437 answer 90% helpful. earli cancel fee pro-rat $20 per month month agreement completed-thi fee appli bill within days, receiv final bill within days. due 20 days. find exact cost, call 1-800-531-5000 tell exactli much time contract (if any) 20 seconds. also, money issu let know. whenev custom want cancel, sent special depart throw lot free stuff way."} {"id": "5074", "contents": "pleas call 1-800-531-5000 speak custom servic representative. *directv at&t bundl customers: cancel fee vari depend servic wish cancel. also, choos cancel one services, may longer qualifi certain discounts. pleas call us 1-800-288-2020 information. directv, get tv love anywher love watch it, plu technolog experi like never before! it\u2019 way get favorit sport full-tim hd channel cabl company. plus, we\u2019r #1 custom satisfact cabl satellit providers."} {"id": "5075", "contents": "beat directv' earli termin fee. depend contract stuck in, cost anywher $100 $480 cancel directv account early. average, directv charg $20 per month remain contract"} {"id": "5076", "contents": "cancel servic account deactiv maintain minimum program requirements, charg deactiv fee $15. directv, get tv love anywher love watch it, plu technolog experi like never before! it\u2019 way get favorit sport full-tim hd channel cabl company. plus, we\u2019r #1 custom satisfact cabl satellit providers."} {"id": "5077", "contents": "sti caus infect oil gland eyelid. bacterium staphylococcu respons infections. symptoms. risk factors."} {"id": "5078", "contents": "stye hordeolum small, pain lump insid outsid eyelid. actual abscess fill pu usual caus staphylococcu bacteria eye infection. stye common peopl experienc one two stage life. stye usual visibl surfac appear deeper insid eyelid. either type swell subsid within weeks. eyelid swell interfer vision. pain eye. recurr styes. recurr stye symptom chronic skin problems."} {"id": "5079", "contents": "hordeolum stye \u00bb. hordeolum (ie, stye) local infect inflamm eyelid margin involv hair follicl eyelash (ie, extern hordeolum) meibomian gland (ie, intern hordeolum)."} {"id": "5080", "contents": "stye small, pain lump insid outsid eyelid. stye, eye may also wateri may red eye eyelid. stye also call hordeolum usual affect one eye, although possibl stye eye one stye eye. vision affected. stye usual caus infect staphylococcu bacteria (staphylococc infection). long-term blephar (inflamm eyelids) may also increas risk develop stye. stye fairli common may least one two lifetime."} {"id": "5081", "contents": "stye pimpl abscess form either upper lower eyelid. inflamm caus blockag oil duct bacteria normal live surfac eyelid without problems. germ get trap along dead skin cell along edg eyelid. extern stye short-liv heal own, other may requir care eye doctor. intern stye (on undersid lid) also caus red, pain bump, locat prevent familiar whitehead appear"} {"id": "5082", "contents": "stye (or sty) acut infect secretori gland eyelids. frequently, bacteria enter infect eyelid oil gland, present upper lower eyelids, caus increas inflammation, pain, red eye, even red surround eyelid cheek tissue. hordeolum (ie, stye) local infect inflamm eyelid margin involv hair follicl eyelash (ie, extern hordeolum) meibomian gland (ie, intern hordeolum)."} {"id": "5083", "contents": "take real gold, ring, rub stye clear up. use alum water wash eye elief stye. prepare, mix granul alum cup water. let teabag steep warm water place teabag eye. get rid stye eyes. squeez sti ea make worse. let burst own. take real gold, ring, rub stye clear up. use alum water wash eye elief stye. prepare, mix granul alum cup water"} {"id": "5084", "contents": "extern stye sti /\u02c8sta\u026a/ also hordeolum /h\u0254r\u02c8di\u02d0\u0259l\u0259m/ infect sebac gland zei base eyelashes, infect apocrin sweat gland moll. extern stye form outsid lid seen small red bumps."} {"id": "5085", "contents": "sti bump form eyelid result block gland. word sti also spell stye. two distinct type styes: hordeolum chalazion. differ caus treatments. hordeolum blockag one sweat gland oil gland found skin eyelid, chalazion blockag meibomian gland, special oil gland uniqu eyelids."} {"id": "5086", "contents": "hous rais new jersey. lot hous raiser put home open foundation, project taken seriously. special hous rais us ., busi 35 years, compani owner 40 year experi construct industry. home must elev base flood elev (bfe), option rais home build open foundation. hous rais build open foundat important, difficult jobs, want select contractor know job correctly."} {"id": "5087", "contents": "plan elev than4 feet exist grade, youshould consid elev hous fullstory, use space belowth elev hous parking, storage, orbuild access (see figur 5-2). figur 5-1a shown thecutaway view, thelowest floor aboveth flood level."} {"id": "5088", "contents": "cost hous rais new jersey. averag cost hous lift nj project, depend upon customization, $50,000 $75,000, real money saver compar pay $30,000 per year flood insurance. therefore, difficult decision. home must elev base flood elev (bfe), option rais home build open foundation. hous rais build open foundat important, difficult jobs, want select contractor know job correctly."} {"id": "5089", "contents": "home, base flood elevation, would premium $1,410 annual gener enough save pay elev decade. go three feet higher would reduc flood premium even more, $427 year, fema notes. ball note cost run much $50,000 $30 $35 squar foot concrete-block hous high $200,000 larg houses. erika brigham elev small 1925 cottag tini creek run behind ohio place near downtown sarasota, cost $17,000."} {"id": "5090", "contents": "option proponents, too. \u201cwith fema rais flood insur rates, cost rais home meet elev requir becom feasible,\u201d said contractor john chalifoux, whose 1890 hous punta gorda move elev 2007. ball note cost run much $50,000 $30 $35 squar foot concrete-block hous high $200,000 larg houses. erika brigham elev small 1925 cottag tini creek run behind ohio place near downtown sarasota, cost $17,000."} {"id": "5091", "contents": "call \u201cad freeboard.\u201d. that\u2019 especi prudent build new house. new $250,000 hous moder high risk flood zone, instance, lowest live floor four feet base flood elevation, would $9,500 year flood premium, fema notes. ball note cost run much $50,000 $30 $35 squar foot concrete-block hous high $200,000 larg houses. erika brigham elev small 1925 cottag tini creek run behind ohio place near downtown sarasota, cost $17,000."} {"id": "5092", "contents": "depend size house, location, current structur foundation, cost nj hous rais contractor charg rais home rang $12,000 30,000. however, actual hous jack reset one compon all-in price hous lifting. note, however, flood insur compani nj requir home two feet abfe. therefore, example, abf 10 feet, need go 12 feet complianc insur compani guidelin enjoy reason flood insur rates."} {"id": "5093", "contents": "cost rais hous nj. cost rais home base elev budget anywher $30,000 $100,000. big range, mani detail need firm accur price type project. nj hous rais provid detail propos upon architect engin drawings. exampl zone requir pilings, block foundat work situation. rais nj hous pile need abl temporarili store home way allow crane come pound wood pilings."} {"id": "5094", "contents": "homeown live new jersey coastal zone zone need take action immedi order avoid higher insur premium five figur flood insur premium exact. home must elev base flood elev (bfe), option rais home build open foundation. hous rais build open foundat important, difficult jobs, want select contractor know job correctly."} {"id": "5095", "contents": "0. 1. cyberlink powerdirector complet video edit suit creat profession look video mix sort multimedia element includ videos, images, transit effects, clipart, text layer custom background soundtrack. editor cyberlink powerdirector includ essenti video edit tools, librari window brows media collection, timelin drag drop element preview window check creation look like put element together."} {"id": "5096", "contents": "bottom line. cyberlink' powerdirector 13 ultra almost-perfect marriag beauti brawn. pack tool could want simple, eleg interface, program bless look flex video-edit muscl (or gain some). cyberlink' powerdirector 13 ultra (start $70) provid tool advanc user want fraction price profession softwar final cut pro ($300) adob premier element pro ($240 year' subscription)."} {"id": "5097", "contents": "cyberlink powerdirector softwar program develop cyberlink. common releas 8.0.3306, 98% instal current use version. find program cyberlink powerdirector, click it, one following: window vista/7/8: click uninstall. window xp: click remov change/remov tab (to right program)."} {"id": "5098", "contents": "editors' review. by: download.com staff septemb 17, 2014. cyberlink powerdirector 13 ultra pro-level video product edit suit well within grasp talent amateurs. powerdirector special speed, especi 64-bit window systems. cyberlink powerdirector 13 ultra sophist fun use, similar tool can't compet great speed features. editors' note: review full version cyberlink powerdirector 13."} {"id": "5099", "contents": "cyberlink' powerdirector applic high-pow video-edit program use capture, edit burn video projects. features. powerdirector featur increas perform use intel, nvidia amd components. applic provid thousand differ effect use projects, includ 100 transit effects, suppli hd video product capabilities."} {"id": "5100", "contents": "pcmag, usa, 9/2015. powerdirector ultra unbeliev fast flexibl video solution, offer uniqu combin high-end perform advanc edit features. intuit interfac make access creator skill levels, beginn experts. new powerdirector 14, express project fast, easi way creat professional-qu videos. project broken beginning, middle, end segment preset effects, anim music."} {"id": "5101", "contents": "cyberlink' powerdirector video edit softwar program. powerdirector featur varieti tool allow create, edit share videos. features. powerdirector featur increas perform use intel, nvidia amd components. applic provid thousand differ effect use projects, includ 100 transit effects, suppli hd video product capabilities."} {"id": "5102", "contents": "overall. cyberlink powerdirector 13 ultra one best video edit softwar solut available. reliabl easi use realli smart visual effects. polished, user-friendli interfac make easi navig find featur look for."} {"id": "5103", "contents": "\u00a315,000 per year. account technician, would deal account financ matter type businesses. larger compani would work part account team. smaller firm might respons deal wage invoic"} {"id": "5104", "contents": "fantast new job opportun senior account technician rathcool dublin. duti include: 1. prepar monthli financi account trial balance. produc p&l balanc sheet deadline. prepar monthli pack e.g. age debtors, bank rec, foreign payments, custom sale etc. 2. account technician ireland. septemb 18 8:58am \u00b7. ..."} {"id": "5105", "contents": "account technician ireland. ... see more. superb new job opportun account technician dublin 24. account technician ireland. septemb 18 8:58am \u00b7. ..."} {"id": "5106", "contents": "(ireland). account technician earn averag salari \u20ac26,047 per year. first five ten year position, pay increas modestly, addit experi big effect pay. skill account associ high pay job. \u20ac19,614 \u20ac35,293"} {"id": "5107", "contents": "averag account technician salari job post nationwid 31% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "5108", "contents": "pay experi level account technician. median compens (includ tips, bonus, overtime) year experience. peopl work fewer five year bring home $34k average. median compens five-to-10 year group, however, higher approxim $37k. (unit states). median pay account technician unit state lie neighborhood $16.71 per hour. pay spectrum stretch $12.34 per hour $22.18."} {"id": "5109", "contents": "account technician ireland. septemb 15 9:35am \u00b7. ... see more. great job opportun traine account technician account data entri assistant. account technician ireland. septemb 18 8:58am \u00b7. ..."} {"id": "5110", "contents": "may also assist certifi public account (cpa) prepar business' yearli quarterli taxes. accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), account clerks, along audit bookkeep clerks, earn median salari $35,730 2013. postal servic highest-pay industri account clerk time, offer averag annual salari $59,280."} {"id": "5111", "contents": "exclus new job opportun account technician kildare! client maynooth draw heritag 200 year commit educ scholarship. last two decad seen univers grow rapidli scale, strength stature. account technician ireland. septemb 18 8:58am \u00b7. ..."} {"id": "5112", "contents": "safeti highest import colorado natur ga natur ga industry. colorado natur gas, inc. provid natur ga servic residenti commerci custom 16 years. mission alway promot effici use natur ga afford price well dedic achiev cleaner environment. colorado natur ga provid natur ga servic mountain commun west denver colorado springs. effect may 1, 2015 custom payment inquiri longer accept corpor offic littleton, co. custom servic depart reach (800) 720-8193 addit payment option along bill payment inquiries."} {"id": "5113", "contents": "colorado spring (719) 596-4765. divid (719) 687-1180. count glaser! glaser energi group inc. licens dealer bulk bottl propan locat divid colorado springs, colorado. proud, famili own business, propan histori run deep."} {"id": "5114", "contents": "day ago. $2.43update. 118 diesel ga price report past day colorado springs, co. averag diesel ga price colorado springs, co $4.92, $2.14 higher u.s. nation averag diesel ga price $2.78. lowest diesel ga price $2.25 shell locat 4270 platt ave, colorado springs, co 80909."} {"id": "5115", "contents": "15 hour ago. $2.14update. 127 regular ga price report past day colorado springs, co. averag regular ga price colorado springs, co $2.21, $0.57 lower u.s. nation averag regular ga price $2.78. lowest regular ga price $2.1 costco locat 5885 barn rd, colorado springs, co 80922. highest regular ga price $2.53 phillip 66 locat 12480 black forest rd, colorado springs, co 80908"} {"id": "5116", "contents": "teller counti could get hefti dump snow wednesday2015-10-20. ramsey: air forc footbal coach troy calhoun struggl keep home game home2015-10-20. man fell death colorado spring build spent decad cheyenn mountain countri club2015-10-20. former deputi accus kill wife give differ version colorado spring homicide2015-10-20."} {"id": "5117", "contents": "u-haul move storag north nevada. (1). (1). 3105 nevada ave colorado springs, co 80907. (719) 632-4695. room rate \u00bb. propan natur ga move boxes. websit direct info. 920 circl dr colorado springs, co 80909. (866) 216-5042. room rate \u00bb. propan natur gas-equip &..."} {"id": "5118", "contents": "ga price citi colorado. link page part fueleconomy.gov. offer extern link conveni access addit inform may use interest you."} {"id": "5119", "contents": "report edmund put averag price use car 2014 $16,800, record, 5.7-percent increas 2013. also found 1-year-old 4-year-old car show gain near average, vintag show gain 18.4 percent. share."} {"id": "5120", "contents": "4731 flintridg dr colorado springs, co 80918. (866) 216-5042. room rate \u00bb. propan natur gas-equip &... 920 circl dr colorado springs, co 80909"} {"id": "5121", "contents": "balanc free slave state would destroyed. missouri compromis seem solv problem admit missouri slave state main free state, keep number free slave state equal. also divid rest louisiana purchas slave free territory. 1."} {"id": "5122", "contents": "missouri compromis agreement north south pass congress 1820 allow missouri admit 24th state 1821. one slave state (missouri) one free state (maine) admit union, maintain balance. missouri compromis put forth senat henri clay attempt prevent addit new territori missouri, slave slate, tip balanc power congress southern states."} {"id": "5123", "contents": "missouri compromis 1820 determin slave/fre statu new state within territori acquir franc louisiana purchase. compromis 1850 thing territori acquir mexico mexican war. also establish 36-30 line, said slaveri would allow line except missouri. compromis 1850 admit california free state, gave south stricter fugit slave law way balanc deal."} {"id": "5124", "contents": "missouri compromis unit state feder statut devis henri clay. regul slaveri country' western territori prohibit practic former louisiana territori north parallel 36\u00b030\u2032 north, except within boundari propos state missouri. compromis agre pro-slaveri anti-slaveri faction unit state congress pass law 1820, presid jame monroe. missouri compromis effect repeal kansas\u2013nebraska act, submit congress stephen a. dougla januari 1854"} {"id": "5125", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. missouri compromis 1820 admit missouri slave state, main free state, keep balanc slave/non-slav state equal congress. also establish 36-30 line, said slaveri would allow line except missouri. compromis 1850 admit california free state, gave south stricter fugit slave law way balanc deal."} {"id": "5126", "contents": "missouri compromis 1820 admit missouri slave state, main free state, keep balanc slave/non-slav state equal congress. also est ablish 36-30 line, said slaveri would allow line except missouri. missouri compromis put forth senat henri clay attempt prevent addit new territori missouri, slave slate, tip balanc power congress southern states."} {"id": "5127", "contents": "1820 agreement call missouri compromis reached. compromis allow missouri come union slave state main would free state. congress drew imaginari line across middl unit state run east coast pacif ocean. missouri compromise."} {"id": "5128", "contents": "came known missouri compromise, senat hous repres work deal allow massachusetts' northernmost counti appli admiss union nonslav state call main missouri would admit slave state."} {"id": "5129", "contents": "definit trochanter. 1. rough promin upper part femur mani vertebr serv usual attach muscles. 2. second segment insect' leg adjac coxa. tro\u00b7chan\u00b7ter\u00b7 \\-t\u0259-r\u0259l\\ adjective. tro\u00b7chan\u00b7ter\u00b7 \\\u02cctr\u014d-k\u0259n-\u02c8ter-ik, -\u02cckan-\\ adject"} {"id": "5130", "contents": "trochanter. n. 1. (anatomy) sever process upper part vertebr femur, muscl attached. 2. (zoology) third segment insect' leg. [c17: via french greek trokhant\u0113r, trekhein run]. 1. (in humans) either two knob top femur serv attach muscl thigh pelvis. 2. (in vertebrates) two similar knob top femur. 3. second segment insect leg, coxa femur."} {"id": "5131", "contents": "trochanter. n. 1. (anatomy) sever process upper part vertebr femur, muscl attached. 2. (zoology) third segment insect' leg. [c17: via french greek trokhant\u0113r, trekhein run]. noun. 1. trochanter-on boni promin develop near upper extrem femur muscl attached. appendage, outgrowth, process-a natur prolong project part organ either anim plant; boni process."} {"id": "5132", "contents": "one three tuberos femur, upper end later surfac (greater trochanter), toward upper end medial surfac (lesser trochanter) distal later surfac (third trochanter). third trochant promin hors rabbits. trochanter. broad, flat process femur, upper end later surfac (greater trochanter), short conic process posterior border base neck (lesser"} {"id": "5133", "contents": "1. trochanter-on boni promin develop near upper extrem femur muscl attached. appendage, outgrowth, process-a natur prolong project part organ either anim plant; boni process. 1. (in humans) either two knob top femur serv attach muscl thigh pelvis. 2. (in vertebrates) two similar knob top femur. 3. second segment insect leg, coxa femur."} {"id": "5134", "contents": "greater trochanter-a power protrus locat proxim (near) later (outside) part shaft femur. greater trochant also call major trochanter, outer trochanter, later process femur. greater trochant also call major trochanter, outer trochanter, later process femur. lesser trochanter-a pyramid promin project proxim (near) medial (in"} {"id": "5135", "contents": "trochanter. (anatomy). process proxim end femur mani vertebrates, serv muscl attach and, birds, articul ilium. (invertebr zoology). second segment insect leg, count base"} {"id": "5136", "contents": "two trochanters: greater trochanter-a power protrus locat proxim (near) later (outside) part shaft femur. greater trochant also call major trochanter, outer trochanter, later process femur. greater trochant also call major trochanter, outer trochanter, later process femur. lesser trochanter-a pyramid promin project proxim (near) medial (in"} {"id": "5137", "contents": "one two boni project proxim end femur serv point attach variou muscles. two protuber trochant major trochant minor. trochanter. broad, flat process femur, upper end later surfac (greater trochanter), short conic process posterior border base neck (lesser trochanter)."} {"id": "5138", "contents": "two trochanters: greater trochanter-a power protrus locat proxim (near) later (outside) part shaft femur. lesser trochanter-a pyramid promin project proxim (near) medial (inside) part shaft femur. greater trochant also call major trochanter, outer trochanter, later process"} {"id": "5139", "contents": "prescott 55 mi (89 km) west-northwest state arizona' geograph center. accord unit state censu bureau, citi total area 41.5 sq mi (107.5 km 2), 40.7 sq mi (105.4 km 2) land 0.81 sq mi (2.1 km 2) water. prescott consid part north central arizona. south granit dells. town prescott valley, mile (11 km) east; chino valley, 16 mile (26 km) north; dewey-humboldt, 13 mile (21 km) east, prescott, togeth compris local known quad-citi area."} {"id": "5140", "contents": "13.5%. accord research arizona state list 39 regist sex offend live prescott, arizona octob 07, 2015. ratio number resid prescott number sex offend 1,034 1. median real estat properti tax paid hous unit mortgag 2013: $1,365 (0.5%). median real estat properti tax paid hous unit mortgag 2013: $1,283 (0.6%). latest news prescott, az collect exclus city-data.com local newspapers, tv, radio stations. ancestries: german (17.9%), english (12.5%), irish (11.7%), french (4.0%), unit state (3.5%), italian (3.4%)."} {"id": "5141", "contents": "embry-riddl aeronaut univers also locat prescott arizona. embry-riddle\\' student popul averag around 1600, receiv degre aeronaut scienc aerospac engineering. embry-riddl locat 3700 willow creek road prescott, arizona. latest news prescott, az collect exclus city-data.com local newspapers, tv, radio stations. ancestries: german (17.9%), english (12.5%), irish (11.7%), french (4.0%), unit state (3.5%), italian (3.4%)."} {"id": "5142", "contents": "yavapai counti second fastest grow counti arizona. citi prescott largest urban area within county. city' growth steadi percent per year past decad expect continu rate. 100,000 peopl resid within tri-citi area, includ prescott, prescott valley chino valley. medic need prescott resid met full spectrum health services. 150 practic physician area, 40 dentists, 30 chiropract physician larg number opticians, optometrists, ophthalmologists."} {"id": "5143", "contents": "nearest citi pop. 1,000,000+: phoenix, az (75.2 miles, pop. 1,321,045). nearest cities: prescott valley, az (2.9 miles), williamson, az (2.9 miles), dewey-humboldt, az (3.5 miles), wilhoit, az (3.6 miles), chino valley, az (3.6 miles), mayer, az (4.0 miles), paulden, az (4.8 miles), spring valley, az (4.8 miles). latest news prescott, az collect exclus city-data.com local newspapers, tv, radio stations. ancestries: german (17.9%), english (12.5%), irish (11.7%), french (4.0%), unit state (3.5%), italian (3.4%)."} {"id": "5144", "contents": "prescott, az profile. prescott, az, popul 42,749, locat arizona' yavapai county, 67.7 mile peoria 71.1 mile glendale. 90' prescott' popul grown 28%. estim first year past decad popul prescott grown 19%. sinc 2005 prescott' popul grown 7%. prescott' properti crime level tend arizona' averag level."} {"id": "5145", "contents": "prescott valley thrive town 42,000 popul yavapai county, arizona, unit states, east prescott. prescott valley seventh fastest-grow place among citi town arizona 1990 2000. accord 2010 census, popul town 38,822"} {"id": "5146", "contents": "prescott valley (locally, pv) locat central arizona approxim 85 mile (137 km) north phoenix 5,100 feet (1,600 m). elevation. pv good access arizona state rout 89, sr-89a sr-69, connect interst 17 40. prescott valley seventh fastest-grow place among citi town arizona 1990 2000."} {"id": "5147", "contents": "compar rest country, prescott valley' cost live 1.10% lower u.s. average. population. 2014, prescott valley' popul 38,568 people. sinc 2000, popul growth 38.41 percent."} {"id": "5148", "contents": "may 26, 1830, indian remov act 1830 pass twenty-first congress unit state america. four month strong debate, andrew jackson sign bill law. land greed big reason feder government' posit indian removal. chickisaw indian tribe live southern unit states. land includ western tenesse kentucky, northwestern alabama, northern mississippi indian removal. reloc oklahoma govern 1830's."} {"id": "5149", "contents": "trail tear seri forc reloc nativ american nation unit state follow indian remov act 1830. phrase trail tear origin descript remov choctaw nation 1831."} {"id": "5150", "contents": "answer quirkyquantummechanic. confid vote 77.4k. forc reloc cheroke peopl call trail tear occur 1838. unit state govern histori mistreat red man, one despic act perpetr nativ americans. hit link read courtesi friend wikipedia"} {"id": "5151", "contents": "indian remov act 1830. sign law 1830 presid andrew jackson, indian remov act provid gener resettl nativ american east mississippi river land west (indian territory). although remov suppos voluntary, remov becam mandatori whenev govern thought necessary. first remov treati follow passag indian remov act choctaw nation (1830). 1838 cheroke nation remov reserv call \u201cthe trail tears.\u201d estim almost 8,000 cheroke peopl die forc march shortli thereafter."} {"id": "5152", "contents": "indian treati remov act 1830. u.s. govern use treati one mean displac indian tribal lands, mechan strengthen remov act 1830. achiev purpose, jackson encourag congress adopt remov act 1830. act establish process wherebi presid could grant land west mississippi river indian tribe agre give homelands."} {"id": "5153", "contents": "indian remov act effort us govern take indian own land south. mostli mississippi. tribe remov land cho ctaw, chickasaw, seminole, cheroke creek. remov five civil tribe call trail tears."} {"id": "5154", "contents": "\u201cdomest depend nations\u201d \u201ctheir relat unit state resembl ward guardian.\u201d. except small number seminol still resist remov florida, 1840s, atlant mississippi, indian tribe resid american south. achiev purpose, jackson encourag congress adopt remov act 1830. act establish process wherebi presid could grant land west mississippi river indian tribe agre give homelands."} {"id": "5155", "contents": "milestones: 1830\u20131860. u.s. govern use treati one mean displac indian tribal lands, mechan strengthen remov act 1830. achiev purpose, jackson encourag congress adopt remov act 1830. act establish process wherebi presid could grant land west mississippi river indian tribe agre give homelands."} {"id": "5156", "contents": "indian remov act key act enforc indian removal, sign law presid andrew jackson may 28, 1830. follow indian remov act, 1832 creek nation council sign treati cusseta, cede remain land east mississippi u.s., accept reloc indian territory."} {"id": "5157", "contents": "overview: 1830 congress, urg presid andrew jackson, pass indian remov act gave feder govern power reloc nativ american east territori west mississippi river. step four: think offici unoffici reason unit state govern pass indian remov act 1830, also forc remov cheroke peopl indian territory, even though suprem court decision."} {"id": "5158", "contents": "fahaka puffer bred commerci captivity, report success breed hobbyists. difficulti breed fish normal kill sight breed normal 50 feet deeper nature."} {"id": "5159", "contents": "eat flake pellets. eat frozen blood worm live mini pond snails. need snail month beak may overgrow puffer tini problem' like bigger puffer beaks. true fresh water brackish water."} {"id": "5160", "contents": "bought babi puffer fish don't seem eat pellets, flake bloodworms. special diet??? also, puffer aggresive? "community" section fish store..."} {"id": "5161", "contents": "eat pet puffer. consequ peculiar bodi plan, puffer swim fish curv flex body. slow swim perform pector fins, steer stabil provid dorsal, anal, caudal fins."} {"id": "5162", "contents": "often feed puffer? puffer forums, part freshwat fish forum category. hello, new figur puffer. babi (about inch long)."} {"id": "5163", "contents": "puffer sharp beak mouth fahaka puffer use remov piec live thing tank them. type carnivor call molluscivore, mean eat sort benthic organ like oysters, mussels, scallops, clams, krill."} {"id": "5164", "contents": "fahaka puffer easi speci breed all, mainli due aggress temperament. howev report breed success larg aquaria exist. ideal separ breed aquarium used, fish may also spawn kept small group larg tank."} {"id": "5165", "contents": "pump loos vacuum definit caus poor seal somewher suction pump suction inlet vacuum equipment. case ground installation, check connect hose vacuum apparatus. make sure filter handl posit circul water. turn pump. instruct work, turn pump immedi consult pool suppli company, pool repair compani advice. agre comment."} {"id": "5166", "contents": "re: pump keep lose prime. sometim may abl detect leak. tip (with pump running): suction side (befor pump) see bubbl hair lint strainer pot. pressur side (after pump) water leak see bubbl strainer pot, get garden hose hose nozzl run water small area time."} {"id": "5167", "contents": "pool leak, suction side plumb caus air get plumb lines. suction side usual consist pool main drain deep part pool skimmers. cool pool pump actual water flow it. swim pool pump air line caus impel run fast insid pump could get hot melt pipe insid pump. pump would run like hour caught time may effects."} {"id": "5168", "contents": "properli function pool pump critic keep water swim pool safe clean. pump said \u201close prime\u201d much air enter circuitri pool\u2014which happen variou reasons. prime pool pump process releas air trap system order get water properli circulating. articl outlin prime pump"} {"id": "5169", "contents": "guid discuss common problem involv motor prime. prime problem involv leak suction side pump (between pump pool) clog baskets. leak pressur side (after pump), affect prime. lose water."} {"id": "5170", "contents": "answers. best answer: lose prime mean somewher pool skimmers/drain pump, water return side, suck air. pool adequ amount water, suck air anytim \u2026at skimmer, check lid pump basket. filter run fine while, start lose prime, someth block it-mayb air line, loos cap. run smoothly. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "5171", "contents": "pool pump lose prime, pump perform diminished, caus pool filter also inefficient. prime pump remov air pump, caus water move filter."} {"id": "5172", "contents": "set filter vacuum oper without hook vacuum hose. pump keep prime, pipe probabl o.k. check vacuum hose apparatus. keep water level higher suction connect pool, even connect 100%, pump loos prime. pump loos vacuum definit caus poor seal somewher suction pump suction inlet vacuum equipment. case ground installation, check connect hose vacuum"} {"id": "5173", "contents": "pump prime. prime pump, air plumb line could bad effect pumps, pipe. swim pool pump air line caus impel run fast insid pump could get hot melt pipe insid pump. pump would run like hour caught time may effects."} {"id": "5174", "contents": "prime pool pump involv purg air pump system fill water line pump water. number step requir prime pool pump depend amount water suction side lines-wat come pool pump."} {"id": "5175", "contents": "biblic context. origin-english (hebrew-oreb, french-corbin). raven first bird noah sent ark. prophet elijah hidden brook cherith, god command raven suppli food. raven use jesu exampl peopl believ god."} {"id": "5176", "contents": "english meaning: name corbin english babi name. english mean name corbin is: raven-haired. french meaning: name corbin french babi name. french mean name corbin is: raven-haired."} {"id": "5177", "contents": "latin meaning: name corbin latin babi name. latin mean name corbin is: raven. american meaning: name corbin american babi name. american mean name corbin is: raven. name corbin english babi name. english mean name corbin is: raven-haired. french meaning: name corbin french babi name. french mean name corbin is: raven-hair"} {"id": "5178", "contents": "corbin /corb-in/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc kor-bin. possibl short form rare given name corbinian, transfer use surname, origin nicknam mean crow anglo-norman. variant english surnam use given names. actor corbin bernsen. kreatif forms: cirbin, conbin, corbinnu"} {"id": "5179", "contents": "syll. cor-bin, co-rb-in babi boy name corbin also use girl name, much common boys. pronunci ao rbihn \u2020. corbin use predominantli english languag origin old french. corvu (latin) older form corbin. first name deriv surname, origin french nicknam someon raven-color dark hair. french element 'corbin' ultim latin 'corvus'. corbin popular babi name boys, also view trendy. name' popular increas sinc 1980s. recent height usag 2011, 0.084% babi boy given name corbin."} {"id": "5180", "contents": "hebrew word adopt greek new testament left untranslated. occur (mark 7:11). mean gift offer consecr god. anyth word pronounc irrevoc dedic temple. land, however, dedic might redeem year jubile (leviticu 27:16-24). express frequent use origin text old testament; english bibl occur mark 7:11; compar also matthew 15:5. gener term sacrific kind. cours time becam associ objection practice."} {"id": "5181", "contents": "corbin uncommon given name men popular surnam adult children (#1253 150436, top 1%). (2000 u.s. census). chart babi name popular corbin boys. corbin enter list 1980-1989 reach highest posit #203 u.s. 2014. possibl short form rare given name corbinian, transfer use surname, origin nicknam mean crow anglo-norman. variant english surnam use given names. actor corbin bernsen."} {"id": "5182", "contents": "comment left user website. check accuracy. corbin variat hebrew korban, mean gift devot god. -- mandygirl 7/25/2005. hope hebrew korban-that would make aw name, mean sacrific god victim."} {"id": "5183", "contents": "biblic babi name corban hebrew origin mean gift offer consecr god. corban pronounc kor-ban'. corban offer made god temple. book levitucu contain detail corban presented."} {"id": "5184", "contents": "however, cost $7,000-$25,000 luxuri bathroom, new bathroom far exist water sewer lines. hire architect creat set plan draw could cost flat fee $700-$30,000 more, depend size complexity, architect may charg 5-15 percent project' costs."} {"id": "5185", "contents": "homeown mani option come bathroom remodel total cost depend style budget. averag bathroom remodel cost $9,254, spend less-between $3,500 $7,000 fix essenti small-to medium-s bathroom. averag cost remodel bathroom dalla approxim $7,300 $10,000. beyond design remodeling, inc. bathroom remodel contractor brooklyn, ny. homeown brooklyn, averag cost bathroom remodel approxim $9,800 $13,000."} {"id": "5186", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost bathroom floor tile instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal bathroom floor tile rang $9.53 $13.80 per squar foot* estim cost project:"} {"id": "5187", "contents": "recal exact cost bathroom, part larger remodel (kitchen, master bedroom hard floor patch plu closet addition, things), would estim around $25,000 $30,000 bathroom (in la area). bathroom shown here, done case remodel $30,000 $35,000, exampl midrang bathroom remodel. featur porcelain tile, his-and-h semicustom vanity, granit countertop brushed-nickel plumb fixtures."} {"id": "5188", "contents": "total cost remov old tub instal new one run $1,500-$5,000 averag $2,500-$3,500 depend eas access, local rates, qualiti new fixtures, extent repairs/replac walls, plumb flooring."} {"id": "5189", "contents": "nation averag new shower instal project, perform capabl contractor, $2,689. low-end normal cost range, homeown pay $1,109, high end averag rang they\u2019r spend $2,459. luxuri shower cost excess $10,000 install."} {"id": "5190", "contents": "regard tile instal costs, consum expect pay averag $25 per squar foot, depend grade materi used. medium-s shower, price cost $2,000. tile instal materi include:"} {"id": "5191", "contents": "averag cost bathroom remodel new york citi roughli $9,500 $13,000. idea renov plan out, next step find bath remodel accessori price range. averag cost remodel bathroom dalla approxim $7,300 $10,000. beyond design remodeling, inc. bathroom remodel contractor brooklyn, ny. homeown brooklyn, averag cost bathroom remodel approxim $9,800 $13,000."} {"id": "5192", "contents": "hinduism essenti indian phenomenon. domin faith india, practis 80% population. sinc religion way life india, hinduism form integr part entir indian tradition. easi defin hinduism, much religion western sense. accord scholars, hinduism exactli relig"} {"id": "5193", "contents": "hinduism defined. hinduism, briefest form, belief suprem watch endless cycl creation, preservation, dissolution. endless cycl link discuss here."} {"id": "5194", "contents": "full definit hinduism. domin religion india emphas dharma result ritual social observ often mystic contempl ascet practices. see hinduism defin english-languag learners. tweet. main religion india includ worship mani god belief die return life differ form."} {"id": "5195", "contents": "definit hinduism, given first vice presid india promin theologian, sarvep radhakrishnan state faith, relat union reason intuition. hinduism sometim character belief reincarn (samsara) determin law karma, salvat freedom cycl repeat birth death. howev religion region, buddhism jainism, also believ this, outsid scope hinduism."} {"id": "5196", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. definit hinduism oldest wide practic religion cultur tradit india. exampl hinduism belief karma reincarnatio"} {"id": "5197", "contents": "definit hinduism. characterist comprehens toler differ belief hinduism' dogmat open make difficult defin religion accord tradit western conceptions. hinduism sometim character belief reincarn (samsara) determin law karma, salvat freedom cycl repeat birth death. howev religion region, buddhism jainism, also believ this, outsid scope"} {"id": "5198", "contents": "hinduism. noun hin\u00b7du\u00b7 \\\u02c8hin-(\u02cc)due-d\u00fc-\u02cci\\. z\u0259m. tweet main religion india includ worship mani god belief die return life different. form tweet. main religion india includ worship mani god belief die return life differ form."} {"id": "5199", "contents": "asana (hinduism) postur manner sit (a practic yoga). matsyendra (hinduism) religi posture. faith, religion, religi belief-a strong belief supernatur power power control human destiny; lost faith morality. 1. hindu sect worship shakti mother goddess name kali durga contempl humility; right-hand shaktism. 2. hindu tantric sect worship shakti feminin principl gen-er rite involv ritual eat orgy; left-hand shaktism. see also tantrism."} {"id": "5200", "contents": "cinnamon one common color apart normal grey. exactli descriptions, instead grey color body, pale dusty' silver/brownish color. mistaken light grey, browner overtone, paler, softer appearance. obviou brown color too. bright face clear tail feather male, well immatur females' dull face bar tail normal grey."} {"id": "5201", "contents": "cinnamon one common color apart normal grey. exactli descriptions, instead grey color body, pale dusty' silver/brownish color. mistaken light grey, browner overtone, paler, softer appearance. domin recess silver face/sex-link color normal grey. matur male bright face plain tail, immatur bird matur femal dull face bar tails. white wing stripe spot flight feathers."} {"id": "5202", "contents": "drink smoke elegantly, chang calm blue fuschia cool room temperatur drinkabl cold, tast like dirti martini. ph color changes. beet great color... chang unless take ph *very* high (12-13, go yellow). would creat someth undrinkable. turn blueberri juic great either-th chang case happen acid ph."} {"id": "5203", "contents": "overview. west elm icon best seller. sleek sculptural, cast aluminum tabl cool crisp namesak cocktail. avail sever color finishes, look good room house. 15diam. 16.5h. recycl aluminum. indoor/outdoor."} {"id": "5204", "contents": "normal grey male. normal grey natur color cockatiel wild. matur male dark grey bodi everywher except white stripe wing, bright yellow face crest, orang cheek spots. domin recess silver face/sex-link color normal grey. matur male bright face plain tail, immatur bird matur femal dull face bar tails. white wing stripe spot flight feathers."} {"id": "5205", "contents": "show items. drink smoke elegantly, chang calm blue fuschia cool room temperatur drinkabl cold, tast like dirti martini. (for non-alcoholic, dri ice-fre version, see color-chang sport drink). ph color changes. beet great color... chang unless take ph *very* high (12-13, go yellow). would creat someth undrinkable. turn blueberri juic great either-th chang case happen acid ph."} {"id": "5206", "contents": "molt male' tail feather solid gray color barring, female' remain patterned. easili appli normal gray cockatiel color varieti albinos, cinnamons, lutinos, pearl pie difficult sex. meantime, use gener guid assist sex varieties: male great vocal abil whistl lot."} {"id": "5207", "contents": "went australia look cockatiel wild, you\u2019d find predominantli gray flock. still yellow head (the males) orang cheek patch bodi color gray. mani cockatiel offer pet come \u201cnormal grey\u201d color. color gray vari cockatiel cockatiel. us, use english/australian spell word gray refer color type cockatiel."} {"id": "5208", "contents": "shake ice strain cocktail glass. made ingredi would readili avail period, ident name cocktail aim effect. drink fact sourc modern cosmopolitan would adapt daisi rather kamikaze. cosmopolitan usual serv larg cocktail glass, also call martini glass. reason, drink mistakenli categor type martini."} {"id": "5209", "contents": "migrant. n. 1. person anim move one region, place, countri another. 2. (agriculture) itiner agricultur worker travel one district another. adj. 1. migrant-habitu move place place especi search season work; appal social condit migrant life; migratori workers. migratory. unsettled-not settl established; unsettl lifestyle."} {"id": "5210", "contents": "noun. 1. migrant-travel move one region countri another. migrator. traveler, traveller-a person chang location. departer, goer, leaver-someon leaves. emigrant, emigre, emigree, outgoer-someon leav one countri settl another. evacuee-a person evacu danger place. adj. 1. migrant-habitu move place place especi search season work; appal social condit migrant life; migratori workers. migratory. unsettled-not settl established; unsettl lifestyle."} {"id": "5211", "contents": "one migrates: a: person move regularli order find work especi harvest crop b: anim shift one habitat another. migrant adjective. see migrant defin english-languag learners. see migrant defin kids. advertisement. person goe one place anoth especi find work. bird anim move one area anoth differ time year."} {"id": "5212", "contents": "definit overview. migrant farmwork defin individu requir absent perman place resid purpos seek employ agricultur work. migrant farmwork also call migratori agricultur workers. follow slideshow illumin daili live migrant farmwork associ main migrant health program, 501(c)3 nonprofit provid primari care farmwork main mobil medic unit outreach."} {"id": "5213", "contents": "person move one place anoth order find work better live conditions. exampl sentences. synonyms. prevent happen 12 member countri put block migrant move 2011. migrant move one side 33 ft boat vessel tip over."} {"id": "5214", "contents": "immigr movement peopl destin countri nativ possess citizenship order settl resid there, especi perman resid natur citizens, take-up employ migrant worker temporarili foreign worker. mani countri immigr visa restrict prohibit person enter countri purpos gain work without valid work visa. violat state' immigr law person declar econom migrant refus entri country."} {"id": "5215", "contents": "term migrant worker differ offici mean connot differ part world. unit nation definit broad, includ peopl work outsid home country. call expatriates. sever countri million foreign workers. million illeg immigrants, worker also. startl statist rosal discuss work condit affect live immigrants. rosal state \u201cthe averag life expect migrant season farm worker 49 year age, comparison u.s. averag 75 year age\u201d (rosal 4)."} {"id": "5216", "contents": "term econom migrant refer someon travel one region anoth region purpos seek employ improv qualiti life access resources. econom migrant distinct someon refuge flee persecution. mani countri immigr visa restrict prohibit person enter countri purpos gain work without valid work visa. violat state' immigr law person declar econom migrant refus entri country."} {"id": "5217", "contents": "migrant. person (1) belong normal migratori cultur may cross nation boundaries, (2) fled nativ countri econom reason rather fear polit ethnic persecution. adj. 1. migrant-habitu move place place especi search season work; appal social condit migrant life; migratori workers. migratory. unsettled-not settl established; unsettl lifestyle."} {"id": "5218", "contents": "name medicin celecoxib 100mg 200mg capsul call celecoxib capsul throughout leaflet celecoxib capsul use relief sign symptom rheumatoid arthriti osteoarthr ankylos spondyl adult"} {"id": "5219", "contents": "anti inflammatori painkil like celecoxib sometim call non steroid anti inflammatori drug nsaid anti inflammatori celecoxib use treat pain rheumat condit osteoarthr rheumatoid arthriti ankylos spondyl"} {"id": "5220", "contents": "celebrex brand name prescript pain reliev celecoxib drug activ ingredi doctor prescrib celebrex treat pain swell stiff arthriti condit celebrex non steroid anti inflammatori drug often refer simpli nsaid nsaid block swell pain fever celebrex work stop product cox natur substanc bodi caus pain inflamm celebrex nsaid cox inhibitor"} {"id": "5221", "contents": "dr ananya mandal md celebrex celecoxib non steroid anti inflammatori drug nsaid use reliev pain swell joint stiff condit rheumatoid arthriti osteoarthr ankylos spondyl juvenil"} {"id": "5222", "contents": "celecoxib nonsteroid anti inflammatori drug nsaid celecoxib work reduc hormon caus inflamm pain bodi celecoxib use treat pain inflamm caus mani condit arthriti ankylos spondyl menstrual pain celecoxib also use treatment hereditari polyp colon celecoxib may also use purpos list medic guid"} {"id": "5223", "contents": "ingest glutam acid (msg) known produc varieti advers reaction people. reactions, although seemingli dissimilar, divers reaction found side effect certain neurolog drugs. know peopl experi reaction other not. know whether msg \u201ccauses\u201d condit underli reaction, whether underli condit simpli aggrav ingest msg. know reaction list sometim caus exacerb msg."} {"id": "5224", "contents": "know peopl experi reaction other not. know whether msg caus condit underli reaction, whether underli condit simpli aggrav ingest msg. know reaction list sometim caus exacerb msg. collect report advers reac tion caus msg. ingest process free glutam acid (msg) known produc varieti advers reaction people. reactions, although seemingli dissimilar, divers reaction found side effect certain neurotroph (neurological) drugs."} {"id": "5225", "contents": "monosodium glutam (msg sodium salt amino acid glutamate). glutamate, addit serv one amino acid found proteins, also excitatori amino acid activ neuron brain bind specif type glutam receptors."} {"id": "5226", "contents": "again, bear repeat anyth caus toxicity, leaki gut syndrome, inflamm swelling, dairy, chocolate, msg, allergy, hypothyroid candidiasis, also caus neck, back joint stiff pain fibromyalgia. correct underli caus get best results."} {"id": "5227", "contents": "msg caus symptoms. abdomin pain, achiness, angina, back pain, bone pain, chest pain, cramps, foot pain, fibromyalgia, hand pain, headache, jaw pain, joint pain, migraine, neck pain, numbness, stiffness, swelling, tightness, more."} {"id": "5228", "contents": "triggers. msg-reaction reaction free glutam acid occur food consequ manufacture. msg-sensit peopl react protein (which contain bound glutam acid) minut amount free glutam acid might found unadulterated, unfermented, food."} {"id": "5229", "contents": "glutam (glutam acid) promin neurotransmitt body, main excitatori neurotransmitter, present 50% nervou tissue. glutam initi discov neurotransmitt insect studi earli 1960s."} {"id": "5230", "contents": "glutam neurotransmitt brain. glutam type neurotransmitter, brain chemic either excit inhibit function neurons. neurotransmitt especi strong impact mood, behavior percept sensat pain. high level glutam brain link increas sensat pain chronic pain syndrom fibromyalgia. reduc glutam level help reduc percept pain."} {"id": "5231", "contents": "gaba inhibit glutamate. wind-up pain hallmark diseas chronic pain. precipit activ normal dormant nmda receptor block magnesium natur state. nmda receptor locat throughout cn serv normal function kill damag neuron replac new neurons."} {"id": "5232", "contents": "whipple' diseas rare infecti diseas caus bacteria call tropheryma whipplei. intestin diseas name georg whipple, discov bacteria 1907."} {"id": "5233", "contents": "whippl diseas system diseas like caus gram-posit bacterium, tropheryma whippelii. although first descript disord describ malabsorpt syndrom small intestin involvement, diseas also affect joints, central nervou system, cardiovascular system."} {"id": "5234", "contents": "whipple\u2019 diseas caus tropheryma whipplei bacteria. it\u2019 rel rare diseas affect digest system spread heart, lungs, brain, joints, eyes. condit life threatening."} {"id": "5235", "contents": "whipple' disease: rare malabsorpt diseas bacteri digest infection. whipple' disease: chronic system infect gram-posit bacterium, tropheryma whippelii, mainli affect small intestin also joints; cardiovascular system; central nervou system."} {"id": "5236", "contents": "whippl diseas rare infecti diseas affect mani organ system body. less thousand case report worldwid annual incid less one million."} {"id": "5237", "contents": "whipple' diseas rare condit prevent small intestin allow nutrient pass rest body."} {"id": "5238", "contents": "whipple' diseas multi-system infecti bacteri diseas interfer body' abil metabol fats. disord affect system body, includ central nervou system, usual occur gastrointestin system."} {"id": "5239", "contents": "treatment. peopl whipple' diseas need take long-term antibiot cure infect brain central nervou system. antibiot call ceftriaxon given vein (iv). follow anoth antibiot (such trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) taken mouth year."} {"id": "5240", "contents": "definit knish. small round squar dough stuf fill (a potato) bake fried. see knish defin kids. advertisement. yiddish, polish knysz."} {"id": "5241", "contents": "knish (noun). noun knish sense: 1. (yiddish) bake fri turnov fill potato meat cheese; often eaten snack. familiar information: knish use noun rare."} {"id": "5242", "contents": "knish eastern-european jewish yiddish snack food. dumpl cover dough shell either bake fried. tradit version, dumpl made entir mash potato. also see: knish recipes. anoth version dumpl made combin mash potato ground beef."} {"id": "5243", "contents": "user rating. jewish potato knish (kuh-nish) savori single-serv pie fill meat, potatoes, kasha, sauerkraut, onion chees (and late spinach ingredients) bake fried. similar british pasty, mexican empanada, russian pirozhki italian calzone. read knish here. prepar knish dough food processor fit metal blade, process butter, cream chees sour cream smooth. add flour salt puls blend. turn dough onto sheet plastic wrap. use flour hands, form ball wrap tightly. refriger least hour overnight."} {"id": "5244", "contents": "knish. n. piec dough stuf potato, meat, chees bake fried. [yiddish, ukrainian. polish, knysz (ukranian, polish) dialect polish. trunk, stump, bole (akin lithuanian. body) polish. n. suff. knish. n. 1. (cookery) piec dough stuf potato, meat, fill bake fried. [yiddish, russian knysh cake; compar polish knysz ]."} {"id": "5245", "contents": "knish /\u02c8kn\u026a\u0283/ knysh eastern european snack food consist fill cover dough either baked, grilled, deep fried. east european tradit versions, fill made entir mash potato, ground meat, sauerkraut, onions, kasha (buckwheat groats), cheese. varieti fill includ sweet potatoes, black beans, fruit, broccoli, tofu, spinach."} {"id": "5246", "contents": "wonderland kitchen. probabl recogn potato knish wild -- either squar round, bake fried, littl pillow dough usual fill mash potato onions. love starch starch combo much, almost want mess formula."} {"id": "5247", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 375 degrees. mix bowl, combin onions, potatoes, egg, parsley together. season salt pepper. set aside. pastry: mix bowl, combin oil, water, vinegar, salt. add flour, cup time knead ball."} {"id": "5248", "contents": "knish eastern-european jewish yiddish snack food. dumpl cover dough shell either bake fried. tradit version, dumpl made entir mash potato. also see: knish recipes."} {"id": "5249", "contents": "sever breed dog commonli refer pit-bul type bulli breeds. primarily, american pit bull terrier (apbt, also call pit bull), american staffordshir terrier (amstaff), bull terrier (bt), staffordshir bull terrier, miniatur bull terrier american bulldog. dog gone separ directions.. die-hard akc pit bull breeder believ strongli breed differ point. mike snyder seattle, washington, presid ukc nation pit bull terrier association. see side -- point."} {"id": "5250", "contents": "peopl say pit bull, think mani differ dog breeds. pit bull american pit bull terriers, staffordshir bull terriers, american staffordshir terriers, bull terriers, mani more. that' small portion dog make bulli breed group! identifi bulli breed correctly?"} {"id": "5251", "contents": "dedic support bulli breeds. websit publish breed week monday evening. normal dedic singl breed provid inform breed' physic description, temperament, origin fun facts.ut simpli almost dog breed fall classif bulldog mastiff bulli breeds. addit sever brachycephal (flat push face) dog extrem larg dogs, great danes, classifi"} {"id": "5252", "contents": "common bulli breed [b]american pit bull terrier[/b] [b]american staffordshir terrier[/b] [b]boxer [/b] [b]boston terrier[/b] [b]bulldog[/b]. might surpris learn america' belov dog consid bullies. large-and-in-charg boxer small stout boston terriers, varieti dog fall categori bulli breeds.. however, term actual noth dogs' tempera behavior, everyth origin history. bulli breed come root stock call molosser, breed origin ancient greece. moloss big dog larg bone muscles, pendant ear short muzzles."} {"id": "5253", "contents": "sever breed dog commonli refer pit bull type bulli breeds.h dog gone separ directions.. die-hard akc pit bull breeder believ strongli breed differ point. mike snyder seattle, washington, presid ukc nation pit bull terrier association. see side -- point."} {"id": "5254", "contents": "pit bull?there\u2019 lot \u2018bully\u2019 talk late pit bull circles. use catch-al term categor specif group specif breed becom mangled, multi-defin term mass confus misuse."} {"id": "5255", "contents": "bulli breed (staffordshir bull terrier, american staffordshir terrier american pit bull terrier) group three breed often known collect pit bulls, mani staffordshir bull terrier american staffordshir terrier breeder greatli disfavor term. histori bulli breed began 1835. year, british parliament pass cruelti anim act. act ban two popular sport england, bear bait bull baiting; blood sport pit mastiff bear bulldog bulls, often fight death."} {"id": "5256", "contents": "get healthi live updates. sarah grace mccandless, anim planet. someon say \u201cpit bull,\u201d may pictur particular pooch one stocki build, short coat strong head, example. breed one sever dog fall umbrella bulli breeds."} {"id": "5257", "contents": "1962, arrested, convict conspiraci overthrow state, sentenc life imprison rivonia trial. mandela serv 27 year prison, initi robben island, later pollsmoor prison victor verster prison."} {"id": "5258", "contents": "sever hour releas prison, nelson mandela made first speech balconi cape town' citi hall. prepar speak, realiz left glass prison. borrow pair wife winnie. nelson mandela, pictur earli 1960s, sentenc 1964 life prison sabotage. govern releas photo mandela mani year prison, peopl knew look like time release. reuter /landov hide caption."} {"id": "5259", "contents": "nelson mandela, wife, winnie, walk freedom 27 year prison feb. 11, 1990, cape town. editor' note: wednesday mark 25th anniversari day nelson mandela walk prison enter negoti end apartheid. nelson mandela, pictur earli 1960s, sentenc 1964 life prison sabotage. govern releas photo mandela mani year prison, peopl knew look like time release. reuter /landov hide caption."} {"id": "5260", "contents": "a+e networks. nelson mandela, leader movement end south african apartheid, releas prison 27 year februari 11, 1990. june 1964, convict along sever anc leader sentenc life prison. mandela spent first 18 27 year jail brutal robben island prison. confin small cell without bed plumbing, forc hard labor quarry."} {"id": "5261", "contents": "27 year prison nelson mandela freed 1990 negoti end apartheid south africa bring peac racial divid countri lead fight human right around world. contents. nelson mandela\u2019 childhood education. nelson mandela african nation congress."} {"id": "5262", "contents": "f.w. de klerk becam presid 1989 began dismantl polici apartheid releas anc prisoners. feb. 12, 1990, nelson mandela releas 27 year prison. name presid anc 1993 award nobel peac prize. follow year, anc emerg victori south africa\u2019 first democrat elect univers suffrage."} {"id": "5263", "contents": "februari 11, 1990 answer releas victor verster prison 11 februari 1990. nelson mandela imprison robben island remain irst eighteen twenty-seven year prison. nelson rolihahla mandela born juli 18, 1918; arrest 1962, convict 1964, imprison next 27 year south african penal colony. releas f. w. de klerk, janurari 11, 1990."} {"id": "5264", "contents": "nelson mandela born 1918. prison 1962 1990. becam presid south africa 1994, retir 1999. nelson mandela die decemb 2013 follow lung illness. leader people. nelson mandela first black presid south africa. spent 27 year prison tri overthrow pro-apartheid government. left prison, work achiev human right better futur everyon south africa"} {"id": "5265", "contents": "februari 11, 1990 answer releas victor verster prison 11 februari 1990. nelson mandela imprison robben island remain irst eighteen twenty-seven year prison. nelson rolihahla mandela born juli 18, 1918; arrest 1962, convict 1964, imprison next 27 year south african penal colony. releas f. w. de klerk, janurari 11, 1990."} {"id": "5266", "contents": "take time determin abil run success paint business, thought set company, start earn money someth love also make other happy. 2. think paint busi fit lifestyle. consid paint busi fit lifestyle. know whether time, emotional, physic demand painter work life import want run success business."} {"id": "5267", "contents": "painter earn mean annual wage $38,000, $18.27 hour, work residential, commerci buildings. 180 painter work smaller item furnitur earn mean annual wage $31,670. contractors' assistants. mani contract busi also hire variou helper work painters, perform less-skil job suppli tool clean work areas. bl estim 9,630 helper painter similar worker employ industry, earn $24,780 year average."} {"id": "5268", "contents": "import part contract trade painting. paint contractor make interior space warm invit make build exterior attract abl stand elements. painter contract industri varieti differ role paid accordingly. contractors' assistants. mani contract busi also hire variou helper work painters, perform less-skil job suppli tool clean work areas. bl estim 9,630 helper painter similar worker employ industry, earn $24,780 year average."} {"id": "5269", "contents": "write busi plan paint company. start purpos paint business. list goal product servic plan offer clientele. describ busi differ paint busi area. research competit project income. determin much money need start new busi long expect run busi hit break-even point start profit painting."} {"id": "5270", "contents": "paint around long time alway need painters. start interior paint business. start interior paint busi make good money rang 500 dollar per week thousand dollar per week depend business. start cost interior paint busi easili done shoe string."} {"id": "5271", "contents": "two type painter contract industri work machin rather tha brush roller 580 coating, paint spray machin oper work industri earn $31,380 year average, accord bureau labor statistics. contractors' assistants. mani contract busi also hire variou helper work painters, perform less-skil job suppli tool clean work areas. bl estim 9,630 helper painter similar worker employ industry, earn $24,780 year average."} {"id": "5272", "contents": "bonu #2 also includ order. i'll show easi step start get referr best cash-pay job possibl make much $1,000/day. fact: want juici paint busi experi one-so gitter done! hardli anyon awar opportun never run dry! i'll also show make much $200 $500/ day paint ceil alone! anytim need help, email even schedul time avail phone answer question help problem may come up."} {"id": "5273", "contents": "determin paint busi meet financi needs. painter earn averag $35,000 per year. amount chang depend often work. proceed plan averag pay meet financi needs. 2. think paint busi fit lifestyle. consid paint busi fit lifestyle. know whether time, emotional, physic demand painter work life import want run success business."} {"id": "5274", "contents": "dozen job own, could make $220 per day paint hous number curb (and yes, that\u2019 expenses). wouldn\u2019t difficult busi start. buy stencils, tape spray paint busi hour $30. friend told charg homeown $20 paint hous number curbs, paid colleg student $10 per hour painting. employe 15 job day. first question, explain business, stuck around $10 per hour."} {"id": "5275", "contents": "granit igneou rock, wherea gneiss form metamorphosi exist igneou rock. miner composit granit gneiss alter granit high pressur temperatur lead format gneiss. granit hard igneou rock mostli made feldspar quartz. granit crystallin structure, wide rang color grey pink. color granit rock depend upon composit minerals. igneou rock contain one fifth quartz label granit"} {"id": "5276", "contents": "gneiss granit differ type rock found planet earth mani believ two similar name different. however, realiti gneiss granit differ composit minerals, texture, colour hardness. igneou rock one fifth quartz also granite. miner format granit gneiss quit similar high pressur temperatur chang basic form granite. differ colour granit rock tell actual miner composit differ varieti rocks."} {"id": "5277", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer paul jones. confid vote 68.1k. rockhound. gneiss foliat metamorph rock deriv sever protoliths. granit intrus igneou rock, form solidif felsic magma. differ flame polish granit following: flame flame type finish chang surfac granit burn flames. procedur chang surfac type rough finishing."} {"id": "5278", "contents": "gneiss. gneiss hard rock miner composit similar granit contain feldspar, mica, quartz. rock form pre-exist igneou rock granit subject condit high pressur temperature. granit hard igneou rock mostli made feldspar quartz. granit crystallin structure, wide rang color grey pink. color granit rock depend upon composit minerals. igneou rock contain one fifth quartz label granit"} {"id": "5279", "contents": "gneiss miner composit mica, feldspar quartz. mica extra miner gneiss differ granite. gneiss rock form pre-exist granit rock pressur high temperatur crust earth. igneou rock one fifth quartz also granite. miner format granit gneiss quit similar high pressur temperatur chang basic form granite. differ colour granit rock tell actual miner composit differ varieti rocks."} {"id": "5280", "contents": "gneiss obtain granite, also diorit gneiss, biotit gneiss, garnet gneiss, on. miner seen arrang bands, gneiss. though gneiss sometim label broad categori granit sell rock, granite. granit hard igneou rock mostli made feldspar quartz. granit crystallin structure, wide rang color grey pink. color granit rock depend upon composit minerals. igneou rock contain one fifth quartz label"} {"id": "5281", "contents": "gneiss foliat metamorph rock deriv sever protoliths. granit intrus igneou rock, form solidif felsic magma. confid vote 83.6k. marbl nonfoli metamorph rock made carbon minerals, particularli calcite. form metamorph limestone. gneiss foliat metamorph rock made silic miner quartz feldspars, micas. form metamorph granit schist."} {"id": "5282", "contents": "parent rock still granit diorit gneiss, biotit gneiss garnet gneiss. however, gneiss form differ hard condit like high pressur temperature. process format igneou rock gneiss call metamorphosis. igneou rock one fifth quartz also granite. miner format granit gneiss quit similar high pressur temperatur chang basic form granite. differ colour granit rock tell actual miner composit differ varieti rocks."} {"id": "5283", "contents": "you\u2019r unfamiliar term, cremain what\u2019 left bodi follow cremation. accord cremat associ north america, cremat rate unit state rose 15 percent 1985 27 percent 2001."} {"id": "5284", "contents": "simpli put, cremat take longer cannot undone. bodi buri exhumed, question arise, howev cremat truli final. this, mani state includ texas, legal stipul long crematori must wait cremat occurs. also specif regul regard must occur cremat occur."} {"id": "5285", "contents": "cremat cost anyth $450 $4,000, depend exactli extravag funer servic whereabout located. mani state cremat rate higher, price competit price basic cremat purchas around $700 $900. florida nevada price direct cremat low $450. charg cremat permit often ad gener price cremation, fee death certificate. cost cremat permit vari depend issu county, usual $10-$40."} {"id": "5286", "contents": "result, actual cremat time vari 60 minut hours. cremat profession, wide state take hour cremat averag bodi 150 pound cardboard cremat container. q: long take cremat body? a: surface, simpl question, answer requir understand factor influenc cremat time."} {"id": "5287", "contents": "florida, take sever day complet cremat process. cremat irreversible. therefor sever safe-guard place insur cremat perform prematurely. florida law requir mandatori 48 hour wait period time death minimum wait period. depend size individu type cremat contain casket. typically, process take hour normal oper temperatur 1600 1800 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "5288", "contents": "bodi complet reduc ash cremat process, quit strict law govern cremat body. licens oper requir crematories, state law govern author cremat long death cremat performed. charg cremat permit often ad gener price cremation, fee death certificate. cost cremat permit vari depend issu county, usual $10-$40."} {"id": "5289", "contents": "factor affect cremat time size bodi (weight), percentag bodi fat lean tissu muscle, type contain casket, perform standard cremat equipment, whether first cremat day, second, third on. q: long take cremat body? a: surface, simpl question, answer requir understand factor influenc cremat time."} {"id": "5290", "contents": "time requir cremat vari bodi body, and, modern furnaces, process may fast one hour per 50 kg (100 lb) bodi weight. american human society\u2019 cost cremat 22.5 kg (50 lb). less pet $110 23 kg (51 lb). $145. cremat remain avail owner pick seven ten busi days."} {"id": "5291", "contents": "cremat follow soon death, embalm necessary. state regul matter, gener rule deceas human bodi buri cremat within 24 48 hour embalm refrigerated. however, simpl embalm use cremat casket need involv excess costs."} {"id": "5292", "contents": "pi mathemat constant ratio circle' circumfer diameter. constant, sometim written pi, approxim equal 3.14159. simpler words, measur circumference, divid diamet circl get number \u03c0. pi ratio circumfer circl diameter. irrat number, mean valu cannot express exactli fraction, consequently, decim represent never end repeats."} {"id": "5293", "contents": "pi mathemat ratio symbol greek letter \u03c0. pi (symbol \u03c0) mathemat constant whose valu ratio circle' circumfer diamet euclidean space; valu ratio circle' area squar radius. (area circl \u03c0r2). number everi circle. pi ratio circumfer circl diameter. irrat number, mean valu cannot express exactli fraction, consequently, decim represent never end repeats."} {"id": "5294", "contents": "pi (\u03c0), 16th letter greek alphabet, use repres wide known mathemat constant. definition, pi ratio circumfer circl diameter. words, pi equal circumfer divid diamet (\u03c0 c/d). conversely, circumfer equal pi time diamet (c \u03c0d). basic mathematics, pi use find area circumfer circle. pi use find area multipli radiu squar time pi, or. tri find area circl radiu centimeters, \u03c03 28.27 cm."} {"id": "5295", "contents": "pi mathemat constant, one first ever discovered. ratio distanc around circl circle' diameter. produc number, number alway same. however, number rather strange."} {"id": "5296", "contents": "(math miscellan constant pi). pi name given ratio circumfer circl diameter. means, circle, divid circumfer (the distanc around circle) diamet alway get exactli number. matter big small circl is, pi remain same."} {"id": "5297", "contents": "pi number approxim equal 3.14. number get divid circumfer circl diameter. circles. usual math write pi greek letter \u03c0, letter greek. pronounc pie, like appl pie. call pi first letter greek word perimetro perimeter. ancient greek first discuss valu pi."} {"id": "5298", "contents": "number mathemat constant, ratio circl 's circumfer diameter, commonli approxim 3.14159. repres greek letter sinc mid-18th century, though also sometim spell pi (/pa\u026a/). symbol use mathematician repres ratio circle' circumfer diamet lowercas greek letter \u03c0, sometim spell pi. english, pronounc pie (/pa\u026a/ pa\u026a)."} {"id": "5299", "contents": "absorpt stomach. stomach absorb substances, although small amount certain lipid-solubl compound taken up, includ aspirin, non-steroid anti-infammatori drugs, ethanol. glossary. stomach absorb substances, although small amount certain lipid-solubl compound taken up, includ aspirin, non-steroid anti-infammatori drugs, ethanol."} {"id": "5300", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: nutrient absoprt occur small intestine. stomach larg intestin particip minor extent. small intestin absorb 95% food energi receiv form protein, carbohydrates, fat, alcohol. remain 5% would stomach larg intestine."} {"id": "5301", "contents": "small intestin locat bodi major nutrient ingest food absorbed. wherea stomach respons churn mechan breakdown food, small intestin import absorption. part small intestin includ duodenum, jejunum ileum. duodenum segment intestin stomach jejunum activ digest mani differ enzym mix stomach, liver, gallbladd pancreas."} {"id": "5302", "contents": "vertebrates, stomach locat esophagu small intestine. secret protein-digest enzym call proteas gastric acid aid food digestion, smooth muscular contract send partial digest food (chyme) small intestines."} {"id": "5303", "contents": "nutrient enter bloodstream fingerlik project call villi along inner wall small intestine. bodi absorb nutrient process move food stomach small intestine, larg intestin absorb nutrients."} {"id": "5304", "contents": "fact, almost nutrient absorb outsid stomach. stomach function mostli prepar eaten food absorption, rather absorpti itself. notabl except rule: water, alcohol, aspirin absorb stomach. almost nutrient absorb small intestine. stomach actual precursor bloodstream. nutrient broken stomach, sent intestin broken further, absor bed bloodstream lymphat systems."} {"id": "5305", "contents": "ibuprofen mostli absorb duodenum (small intestine). cannot absorb line stomach due low solubl water low ph st omach acid (sinc ibuprofen dissolv water better higher ph's). yes, stomach absorb water, especi larg amount water consumed. however, water consum still absorb ileum (the last part small intestine) well colon. 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "5306", "contents": "small intestin small intestin intestin canal goe stomach anu allow digest absorpt food. small int estin come right stomach primarili digest food enzymes. stomach actual precursor bloodstream. nutrient broken stomach, sent intestin broken further, absor bed bloodstream lymphat systems."} {"id": "5307", "contents": "function stomach (1) store food, (2) initi protein digestion, (3) kill bacteria gastric juic (4) move chyme duodenum. littl nutrient absorpt occur stomach realli gastric function. stomach actual precursor bloodstream. nutrient broken stomach, sent intestin broken further, absor bed bloodstream lymphat systems."} {"id": "5308", "contents": "largest ethnic group dhivehis, nativ histor region maldiv island compris today' republ maldiv island minicoy union territori lakshadweep, india. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. articl demograph featur popul maldives, includ popul density, ethnicity, educ level, health populace, econom status, religi affili aspect population."} {"id": "5309", "contents": "maldiv religions. talk maldiv religions, peopl deep faith islam peopl sunni muslims. therefore, major religion maldiv islam. peopl maldiv religi offer prayer five time day mosque. maldivian strong belief afterlif opinion decid basi deeds, whether person go hell heaven."} {"id": "5310", "contents": "maldiv one highest net emigr (peopl leav country) rate world, surpass seven nation (nauru, northern mariana islands, tonga, syria, micronesia, jordan, american samoa). largest citi maldives. male (mal\u00e9 pronounced-mah) lay capit largest citi in. maldiv capit largest citi male. basic histori maldives. countri name said deriv sanskrit word \u201cmala\u201d \u201cdvipa\u201d, mean \u201cgarland\u201d \u201cisland\u201d respectively, \u201cmaala divaina\u201d sinhala languag \u201cnecklac islands\u201d."} {"id": "5311", "contents": "maldiv tabl contents. contemporari homogen mixtur sinhalese, dravidian, arab, australasian, african ethnic maldiv result histor chang region hegemoni marin trade routes. languag maldivian dhivehi belong indo-european languag family. deriv elu, archaic form sinhales (the languag sri lanka), numer loanword arabic, hindi--which use trade indian merchants- -and tamil."} {"id": "5312", "contents": "locat indian ocean, 430 mile south-west sri lanka 250 mile south-west india, maldiv consist 1,192 coral island group doubl chain 26 atolls. total area 115 squar miles, maldiv smallest countri asia world\u2019 209th largest state. capit largest citi male. basic histori maldives. countri name said deriv sanskrit word \u201cmala\u201d \u201cdvipa\u201d, mean \u201cgarland\u201d \u201cisland\u201d respectively, \u201cmaala divaina\u201d sinhala languag \u201cnecklac islands\u201d."} {"id": "5313", "contents": "male (mal\u00e9 pronounced-mah) lay capit largest citi in. maldiv 2006 censu reveal the\u2019citi popul 103,693 103693, peopl but\u2019it believ number grown least 30 percent by. 2013 male area only.2 squar mile densiti 46,000 46000 peopl per square. mile capit largest citi male. basic histori maldives. countri name said deriv sanskrit word \u201cmala\u201d \u201cdvipa\u201d, mean \u201cgarland\u201d \u201cisland\u201d respectively, \u201cmaala divaina\u201d sinhala languag \u201cnecklac islands\u201d."} {"id": "5314", "contents": "maldiv population. maldiv popul concentr compar larger island archipelago indian ocean. approxim popul maldiv 369,031. 1,190 island form maldiv 200 inhabit 87 use tourist resorts. maldiv popul growth rate around 2.732%. birth rate maldiv estim 34.2 birth per 1,000 popul death rate 6.22 death per 1,000 population. averag median age maldiv popul 18.1 years. sex ratio stand 1.046 male(s) per female."} {"id": "5315", "contents": "maldiv one highest birth rate world. result mani island becom overpopul complet cover homesteads. henc countri becom less self-suffici day. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. articl demograph featur popul maldives, includ popul density, ethnicity, educ level, health populace, econom status, religi affili aspect population."} {"id": "5316", "contents": "destin maldives, virtual travel guid archipelago indian ocean. former sultan maldiv archipelago indian ocean south west india. countri consist 1190 coral island group 26 atol spread 90,000 squar kilomet (onli 1% land). 200 island inhabited, 90 island tourist resorts. read get inform republ maldiv diversity: geography, economy, science, people, culture, environment, govern history."} {"id": "5317", "contents": "dell give option turn keyboard backlight window mobil center. need right click batteri icon system tray click"} {"id": "5318", "contents": "set backlit keyboard illumin adjust dell control point (dcp). main dcp screen choos display devices. select manag display devices. select keyboard backlight."} {"id": "5319", "contents": "1. backlit keyboard issue. user may report backlit keyboard function properli stop work altogether. earlier e1 seri latitud systems, backlight keyboard work conjunct ambient light sensor maxim batteri oper time."} {"id": "5320", "contents": "next. genuin dell origin oem backlit keyboard dell vostro 3560 inspiron 7520 laptop notebook dp/n: v7jci note: system must backlight cabl connect backlight function."} {"id": "5321", "contents": "instead, need manual enabl backlit keyboard device. see \u2013. turn backlit keyboard dell laptop like studio/vostro/xps/latitude, hold fn key press right arrow key \u201d. see symbol illumin keys. hotkey toggl three light state (in given order)."} {"id": "5322", "contents": "diagnos trigger finger, follow doctor' instructions. ... avoid overus thumb fingers. job hobbi involv repetit motion hand, take follow steps: adjust workspac minim strain joints. ..."} {"id": "5323", "contents": "trigger finger limit finger movement. tri straighten finger, lock catch pop straight. trigger finger condit affect tendon finger thumb. photo, patient' finger stick bent posit tri straighten it."} {"id": "5324", "contents": "trigger finger pain condit caus finger thumb catch lock bent. thumb call trigger thumb. trigger finger happen tendon finger thumb becom inflamed. tendon tough band tissu connect muscl bones."} {"id": "5325", "contents": "first step rest finger thumb. doctor may put splint hand keep joint moving. symptom continue, doctor may prescrib drug fight inflammation, ibuprofen naproxen. doctor may also recommend inject steroid tendon sheath."} {"id": "5326", "contents": "article. font size. a. a. a. trigger finger pain condit caus finger thumb catch lock bent. thumb call trigger thumb. trigger finger happen tendon finger thumb becom inflamed. tendon tough band tissu connect muscl bones."} {"id": "5327", "contents": "stiff catch finger joint, bring attent doctor may review symptom perform physic evalu hand. finger joint hot inflamed, seek immedi medic care sign indic possibl infection. definition."} {"id": "5328", "contents": "4.5.1. specif enzym reaction mechanism. enzym act specif substanc catalyz specif reactions. indic enzym two type specif \u2014a substrat specif reaction specificity. enzym display catalyt activ identifi bind specif substrate."} {"id": "5329", "contents": "user: substanc enzym act call _____. enzym substrat catalyst bufferweegy: substanc enzym act call substrate. akoine|point 2078|user: _____ modifi rate enzym activity. cell carbohydr nucleic acid weegy: answer cells."} {"id": "5330", "contents": "substanc produc live organ act catalyst bring specif biochem reaction. exampl sentences. act real enzym and, analog protein enzymes, call ribozymes. appear due, larg part, activ specif enzyme, cytokinin oxidase."} {"id": "5331", "contents": "enzym act specif substrat due activ site enzym fit perfectli substrate. like puzzl pieces, go togeth ith anyth else. enzym catalyz help reaction take place."} {"id": "5332", "contents": "live cells, serv biolog catalysts. act specif substanc call enzyme' substrat catalyz one reaction. catalysts, enzym typic acceler chemic reactions. enzym molecul activ site, region interact specif chemic substance."} {"id": "5333", "contents": "molecul enzym act call substrate. enzyme-substr complex lower activ energi chemic reaction. peopl found useful. edit. share to: answered. biology."} {"id": "5334", "contents": "degre polynomi straightforward concept realli hard understand. definition: degre term greatest exponent. recal 2, base exponent. exampl #1 4x 6x 5. polynomi three terms."} {"id": "5335", "contents": "degre polynomi highest degre term polynomi express canon form consist linear combin monomials. degre term sum expon variabl appear it."} {"id": "5336", "contents": "degre polynomial. degre valu greatest expon express (except constant) polynomial. find degre find largest expon polynomial. note: ignor coeffici -- coeffici noth degre"} {"id": "5337", "contents": "description. degree(p) return total degre polynomi p. degree(p, x) return degre respect variabl x. first argument element polynomi domain, degre convert express intern polynomi type dom_poli via poli (f)"} {"id": "5338", "contents": "determin degre polynomi standard form (for example), one put first standard form expand product (bi distributivity) combin like terms; exampl degre 1, even though summand degre 2."} {"id": "5339", "contents": "mathematics, polynomi express consist variabl (or indeterminates) coefficients, involv oper addition, subtraction, multiplication, non-neg integ exponents."} {"id": "5340", "contents": "example, polynomi three terms. (notice, polynomi also express .) first term degre (the sum power 3), second term degre 1, last term degre 0. therefore, polynomi degre highest degre term."} {"id": "5341", "contents": "common type interest group form around businesses, corporations, trade associations. part reput power base fact repres half interest group washington. interest group send repres state capit washington, d.c. put pressur member congress policymakers. engag lobbying, organ process influenc legisl policy. lobbi take mani forms."} {"id": "5342", "contents": "busi groups. busi group common type interest group; half regist lobbyist work busi organizations. busi lobbyist work singl corporation, lobbi sole company. econom groups. econom groups, seek sort econom advantag members, common type interest group. money signific influenc capitalist societies, econom interest group numer powerful."} {"id": "5343", "contents": "best answer: special interest group. privileg associ greenpeac group recent could believ lack common sens people. submit. now. report abuse. suppos interest group. government agency. degree, like term interest group appli them. general, think interest group group financi interest issue. greenpeace, clearli financi interest"} {"id": "5344", "contents": "greenpeace, know natur divers essenti life planet success organization. welcome, valu reli divers people, cultur experi perspectives. ensur financi independ polit commerci interests.\u201d anni leonard, greenpeac usa execut director. \u201cwe \u2018bear witness\u2019 environment destruct peaceful, non-viol manner. use non-viol confront rais level qualiti public debate."} {"id": "5345", "contents": "greenpeac independ global campaign organ act chang attitud behaviour, protect conserv environ promot peac by: catalys energi revolut address number one threat face planet: climat change. may 27, 2014, esperanza, ship greenpeace, environment group oppos drill oil well arctic area, took transocean spitsbergen, oil rig statoil (norway' world-wid compani deal energi sources) statoil barent sea cannot drill well."} {"id": "5346", "contents": "greenpeac state goal ensur abil earth nurtur life divers focus campaign worldwid issu climat change, deforestation, overfishing, commerci whaling, genet engineering, anti-nuclear issues. may 27, 2014, esperanza, ship greenpeace, environment group oppos drill oil well arctic area, took transocean spitsbergen, oil rig statoil (norway' world-wid compani deal energi sources) statoil barent sea cannot drill well."} {"id": "5347", "contents": "actually, three major type interest groups. anim right group peopl ethic treatment animals(peta) environment interest group greenpeac usual organ public-interest groups. group claim work self interest best interest public. interest group send repres state capit washington, d.c. put pressur member congress policymakers. engag lobbying, organ process influenc legisl policy. lobbi take mani forms."} {"id": "5348", "contents": "greenpeac non-government environment organ offic forti countri intern coordin bodi amsterdam, netherlands. may 27, 2014, esperanza, ship greenpeace, environment group oppos drill oil well arctic area, took transocean spitsbergen, oil rig statoil (norway' world-wid compani deal energi sources) statoil barent sea cannot drill well."} {"id": "5349", "contents": "page 3. interest group organ peopl share common interest work togeth protect promot interest influenc government. interest group vari greatli size, aims, tactics. polit scientist gener divid interest group two categories: econom noneconomic. econom groups. econom groups, seek sort econom advantag members, common type interest group. money signific influenc capitalist societies, econom interest group numer powerful."} {"id": "5350", "contents": "marbl anoth exampl metamorph rock. form limestone. metamorph rock sometim contain fossil form sedimentari rock, fossil usual squash shape. metamorph rock form type rock-sedimentari igneous. rememb two exampl common metamorhp rock come from: slate form shale. marbl form limestone. page. 1. 2. 3. 4."} {"id": "5351", "contents": "summary: 1.igneou rock form magma (or molten rocks) cool solidified. sedimentari rock form accumul erod substances, metamorph rock form rock chang origin shape form due intens heat pressure. igneous, sedimentari vs metamorph rocks. main differ igneous, sedimentari metamorph rocks, way formed, variou textures. igneou rocks. igneou rock form magma (or molten rocks) cool down, becom solid"} {"id": "5352", "contents": "characterist igneou rocks. igneou rock hard made crystal layer common igneou rocksmetamorph rock sedimentari igneou rock becom buri deep earth\u2019scrust. metamorph rock form buri rock chang hightemperatur pressure. rock melt."} {"id": "5353", "contents": "igneou rock form molten materi call magma. sedimentari rock form sediment deposit water air. metamorph rock form alter rock temperatur pressur induc chang minerals. reason three way classif igneous, sedimentari metamorph use process involv form three rock type usual result characterist relationship miner grain diagnostic. sedimentari rock form sediment deposit water air."} {"id": "5354", "contents": "igneou rock form cool solidif magma lava. igneou rock may form without crystallization, either surfac intrus (plutonic) rock surfac extrus (volcanic) rocks. magma deriv partial melt pre-exist rock either planet' mantl crust."} {"id": "5355", "contents": "intrus igneou rock form magma cool solidifi within crust planet, surround pre-exist rock (call countri rock); magma cool slowli and, result, rock coars grained. miner grain rock gener identifi nake eye. igneou rock may form without crystallization, either surfac intrus (plutonic) rock surfac extrus (volcanic) rocks. magma deriv partial melt pre-exist rock either planet' mantl crust."} {"id": "5356", "contents": "metamorph rock lesson #14. rock form earth igneous, sedimentary, metamorph rocks. igneou rock form rock heat melt point form magma. sedimentari rock form cement togeth sediments, compact (squeez together) sediments, recrystal new miner grain larger origin crystals."} {"id": "5357", "contents": "protolith may sedimentari rock, igneou rock anoth older metamorph rock. metamorph rock make larg part earth 's crust classifi textur chemic miner assemblag (metamorph facies). quartzite, form metamorph rock, museum geolog univers tartu collection. metamorph rock aris transform exist rock types, process call metamorphism, mean chang form."} {"id": "5358", "contents": "part medicare: mani individu part medicar free due spous pay medicar tax employ years. may monthli cost medicar part coverag spous paid medicar tax less ten years. part medicare: compar medicar part a, part free. requir pay monthli medicar premium, usual taken social secur check. possess person incom $85,000 household incom $170,000, requir pay higher monthli medicar premium. precis monthli fee differ depend income, rang $134.90 $308.30."} {"id": "5359", "contents": "medicar part d. part prescript drug coverage. premium costs. monthli fee pay vari plan choose. averag premium last sever year $30, 2015, averag $33. higher income, may pay month. 2015, household incom $170,000 individu incom greater $85,000 pay averag $45 per month. deduct costs: year pay deduct medicar start share cost medicines. although deduct may vari plan plan, plan may charg $320 2015. 2016, maximum $360"} {"id": "5360", "contents": "medicar cost: pay medicar part premium $104.90. case amount may higher choos part first becam elig age 65. cost part may go 10% 12-month period could part sign it, except special cases."} {"id": "5361", "contents": "medicar part b. part doctor visits, tests, services. premium costs: month pay premium $104.90. incom higher $85,000, pay higher premium. much make determin much pay, rang $146.90 $335.70. spous paid medicar tax less 10 year total, pay monthli fee part coverage. penalti could much $407 month. deduct costs. stay overnight hospit use part services, pay deductible."} {"id": "5362", "contents": "copay costs. also pay copay part a. set amount pay specif type care. hospit 60 days, copay $315 day day 61 90. that, copay $630 day. spous paid medicar tax less 10 year total, pay monthli fee part coverage. penalti could much $407 month. deduct costs. stay overnight hospit use part services, pay deductible."} {"id": "5363", "contents": "part annual deductible: pay $147 per year part deductible. deduct met, typic pay 20% medicare-approv amount doctor servic (includ doctor servic hospit inpatient), outpati therapy, durabl medic equipment. want see compar cost specif health care plans, visit medicar plan finder. want specif cost inform (like whether met deductible, much pay item servic got, statu claim), visit mymedicare.gov."} {"id": "5364", "contents": "q. origin medicare. a. part cost origin medicar follows: premium $104.90 per month (in 2015); deduct $147 per year (in 2015); coinsur 20 percent servic medicar part covers. a. medicar cover health care costs. depend plan choose, might share cost care pay premiums, deductibles, copay coinsurance. view complet answer, select question above."} {"id": "5365", "contents": "anatomy, ganglion (/\u02c8\u0261ae\u014b\u0261li\u0259n/ \u02c8\u0261\u00e6\u014b\u0261li\u0259n-gang-glee; \u0259n plural) ganglia nerv cell cluster group nerv cell bodi locat autonom nervous. system ganglia hous cell bodi afferent. nerv anatomy, ganglion (/\u02c8\u0261ae\u014b\u0261li\u0259n/ \u02c8\u0261\u00e6\u014b\u0261li\u0259n-gang-glee; \u0259n plural) ganglia nerv cell cluster group nerv cell bodi locat autonom nervous. system"} {"id": "5366", "contents": "condit recur entir cyst removed. ganglion non-cancer cyst fill thick, jelly-lik fluid. ganglion develop beneath surfac skin, like hand wrist, although runner skier often develop foot."} {"id": "5367", "contents": "ganglion also collect nerv cell bodi locat outsid central nervou system. articl refer fluid-lik swell form top joints, tendon wrists, hand feet (ganglion cysts). women like men develop ganglion cysts. ganglion cyst often requir treatments, ruptur disappear own. however, possibl use syring remov fluid (aspiration) resect entir ganglion surgic procedure."} {"id": "5368", "contents": "ganglion small sac (cysts) fill fluid often appear bump hand wrists. also develop feet, ankles, knees, shoulders. ganglion grow joint capsule, surround joint, tendon sheath, cover tendon (the fiber connect muscl bone)."} {"id": "5369", "contents": "ganglion cyst overview. ganglion cyst tumor swell top joint cover tendon (tissu connect muscl bone). look like sac liquid (cyst). insid cyst thick, sticky, clear, colorless, jellylik material. depend size, cyst may feel firm spongy. caus ganglion cyst known. one theori suggest trauma caus tissu joint break down, form small cyst join larger, obviou mass. like theori involv flaw joint capsul tendon sheath allow joint tissu bulg out."} {"id": "5370", "contents": "ganglion sac-lik swell cyst form tissu line joint tendon. tissue, call synovium, normal function produc lubric fluid areas. ganglion cyst form synovium fill thick jelly-lik fluid. ganglia follow local trauma tendon joint, usual form unknown reasons. ganglia form around joint, frequent found wrist ankles. usual painless often bare visibl local swellings. typic appear inflamed. largest ganglion form behind back knee, caus sens full tightness."} {"id": "5371", "contents": "limit number year claim lifetim learn credit base student\u2019 expenses. lifetim learn credit also non-refundable, wherea american opportun partial refundable. $2,000 maximum vs. $2,500. refundability: credit non-refundable. mean cannot get refund owe zero tax. incom limits: taxpay whose modifi adjust gross incom $54,000 less ($108,000 less joint filers) 2014 claim credit qualifi expens tax return."} {"id": "5372", "contents": "refundability: 40% credit (up $1,000) refundable. mean get refund even owe tax. incom limits: taxpay whose modifi adjust gross incom $80,000 less ($160,000 less joint filers) claim credit qualifi expens elig student. refundability: credit non-refundable. mean cannot get refund owe zero tax. incom limits: taxpay whose modifi adjust gross incom $54,000 less ($108,000 less joint filers) 2014 claim credit qualifi expens tax return."} {"id": "5373", "contents": "maximum credit $2,000 per family, per student. taxpay cannot take one credit year student. unabl claim american opportun lifetim learn tax credits, may still abl deduct qualifi higher educ expens income."} {"id": "5374", "contents": "incom limits: taxpay whose modifi adjust gross incom $80,000 less ($160,000 less joint filers) claim credit qualifi expens elig student. credit reduc taxpayer\u2019 modifi adjust gross incom exce amounts. refundability: credit non-refundable. mean cannot get refund owe zero tax. incom limits: taxpay whose modifi adjust gross incom $54,000 less ($108,000 less joint filers) 2014 claim credit qualifi expens tax return."} {"id": "5375", "contents": "qualifi one educ credit deductions, claim one per year. doubl dip allowed! limit number year student qualifi lifetim learn credit. credit, however, begin phase incom exce $50,000 (single) $100,000 (joint). complet elimin incom reach $100,000 (single) $120,000 (joint). tuition fee deduction."} {"id": "5376", "contents": "deduct $0, $2,000 $4,000 depend modifi adjust gross incom (magi). $4,000 deduct magi $65,000 less ($130,000 less joint returns). $2,000 deduct magi $65,001 $80,000 (between $130,001 $160,000 joint returns). $0 magi exce limits."} {"id": "5377", "contents": "lifetim learn credit. maximum annual credit $2,000, calcul 20% first $10,000 qualifi educ expenses. limit number year higher educ claim it. what\u2019 more, new tax credit avail taxpay hope credit. full credit may claim peopl adjust gross incom (agi) $80,000 singl taxpay $160,000 marri taxpay file jointly. credit gradual reduc higher incom levels."} {"id": "5378", "contents": "choose, claim educ tax deduct instead colleg tuition tax credit. worth $4,000 income. singl filer incom $80,000 joint filer incom $160,000. parent depend student student claim dependent."} {"id": "5379", "contents": "educ credits. educ tax credit help offset cost education. american opportun (hope credit extended) lifetim learn credit educ credit subtract full feder incom tax, deduct taxabl income. american opportun credit"} {"id": "5380", "contents": "although, perchlor reduc bacteria use wide varieti organ inorgan donors, major unabl use carbohydrates, benzoate, catechol, glycerol, citrate, benzen (coat et al., 1999 shrout parkin, 2006). phylogenet understand dissimilatori perchlor reduc bacteria deriv \u201c16 rdna sequence\u201d- (coat et al., 1999 achenbach et al., 2001) \u201cchlorit dismutas gene (cld) sequence\u201d-bas homolog (bender et al."} {"id": "5381", "contents": "common use perchlor ammonium perchlorate, major ingredi rocket fuels. perchlor also use make flares, explosives, blast agents, fireworks, militari munit grenades. use produc chemicals, includ perchlor acid perchlor salts. perchlor manufactur natur occur colorless, odorless chemic commonli use rocket fuel. come form crystal powder. chemic formula perchlor clo 4."} {"id": "5382", "contents": "microbe' perchlorate- ways. bacteria breath eat perchlor use two-step process involv special enzym turn perchlor chlorit two, rather four, oxygen atom separ chlorit chlorin oxygen. sinc a. fulgidu early-earth organism, research suspect perchlor also around time abil metabol part adapt sort highli toxic chemicals, mani oxidizers."} {"id": "5383", "contents": "biolog reduct exploit divers capabl ubiquit dissimilatori perchlor reduc bacteria complet destruct perchlor sever co-contaminants. mix pure cultur perchlor reduc bacteria util nitrate, perchlorate, chlorat acceptors. phylogenet understand dissimilatori perchlor reduc bacteria deriv \u201c16 rdna sequence\u201d- (coat et al., 1999 achenbach et al., 2001) \u201cchlorit dismutas gene (cld) sequence\u201d-bas homolog (bender et al."} {"id": "5384", "contents": "a. fulgidu microbes, found extrem hot hydrotherm vents, use perchlorate, ingredi rocket fuel, energy. wood hole oceanograph institution. a. fulgidu microbes, found extrem hot hydrotherm vents, use perchlorate, ingredi rocket fuel, energy. sinc a. fulgidu early-earth organism, research suspect perchlor also around time abil metabol part adapt sort highli toxic chemicals, mani oxidizers."} {"id": "5385", "contents": "far, microorgan capabl perchlor reduct altern use chlorate; however, necessarili true chlorate-reduc bacteria, sever chlorate-reduc microorgan pure cultur incap reduct respir perchlorate."} {"id": "5386", "contents": "ancient form life use ingredi rocket fuel energy, suggest creatur odd abil divers anyon thought. new discoveri might offer insight histori life earli earth, evolut metabol like use reactiv chemic like oxygen. sinc a. fulgidu early-earth organism, research suspect perchlor also around time abil metabol part adapt sort highli toxic chemicals, mani oxidizers."} {"id": "5387", "contents": "among dissimilatori perchlor reduc bacteria, d. agitata strain ckb perchlor reduc bacterium cannot grow nitrat reduct nitrit accumul system. singl perchlor reductas believ catalyz reduct nitrat perchlor strain. phylogenet understand dissimilatori perchlor reduc bacteria deriv \u201c16 rdna sequence\u201d- (coat et al., 1999 achenbach et al., 2001) \u201cchlorit dismutas gene (cld) sequence\u201d-bas homolog (bender et al."} {"id": "5388", "contents": "credit: nasa/jpl-caltech. there' problem surfac mars, name perchlorate. human want colon red planet one day, nasa hope sometim next century, natur occur thyroid disruptor addit rocket fuel may pose problem human health."} {"id": "5389", "contents": "battery. noun. 1. power unit shaver come complet batteries. 2. artillery, ordnance, gunnery, gun emplacement, cannonri stop besid batteri abandon guns. 3. range, lot, collection, variety, selection, array, assortment, gamut crack part batteri drug use addicts. battery-a devic produc electricity; may sever primari secondari cell arrang parallel series. electr battery. battery-th batteri use heat filament vacuum tube."} {"id": "5390", "contents": "technically, higher mah rate mean (fully-charged) batteri power devic consum power and/or longer amount time becom deplet need re-charged. mah. milliamp hours. unit measur electr power time. mah commonli use describ total amount energi batteri store one time. batteri rate mah power phone longer amount time, given usag pattern. trade-off batteri mah gener also physic larger heavier"} {"id": "5391", "contents": "common law, intent unpermit act caus harm offens contact person another. batteri concern right one' bodi left alon others. batteri tort crime. essenti element, harm offens contact, area law. main distinct two categori lie penalti imposed. 2. 1. batteri unlaw touch person anoth aggressor himself, substanc put motion him. saund. 29, b. n. 1; id. 13 14, n. 3."} {"id": "5392", "contents": "battery-batteri use maintain grid potenti vacuum tube. electr device-a devic produc power electricity. electrode-a conductor use make electr contact part circuit. battery-a devic produc electricity; may sever primari secondari cell arrang parallel series. electr battery. battery-th batteri use heat filament"} {"id": "5393", "contents": "medic definit battery. 1. a: combin apparatu produc singl electr effect b: group two cell connect togeth furnish electr current; also: singl cell furnish electr current. noun bat\u00b7teri \\\u02c8ba-t(\u0259-)r\u0113\\. tweet. devic place insid machin (such clock, toy, car) suppli electricity. usual larg group similar people, things, idea work together, use together, etc."} {"id": "5394", "contents": "ampere-hour ah. unit electr capacity-thi tell much power batteri store. current multipli time hour equal ampere-hours. current one amp one hour would one amp-hour; current amp hour would 15 ah. similar gallon per day measur water."} {"id": "5395", "contents": "full definit battery. 1. a: act batter beat b: offens touch use forc person without person' consent compar assault 2a. 2. [middl french batterie, battr beat] a: group artilleri piec tactic purpos b: gun warship. noun bat\u00b7teri \\\u02c8ba-t(\u0259-)r\u0113\\. tweet. devic place insid machin (such clock, toy, car) suppli electricity. usual larg group similar people, things, idea work together, use together, etc."} {"id": "5396", "contents": "automot batteri type recharg batteri suppli electr energi automobile. automot sli batteri (starting, lighting, ignition) automot batteri power starter motor, lights, ignit system vehicle' engine, mainli combust vehicles."} {"id": "5397", "contents": "here' simpl step factori reset iphon 6: step 1. iphone, go set step 2. select gener option. step 3. bottom screen, tap reset step 4. see list thing reset. want reset content, select eras content set s."} {"id": "5398", "contents": "level (15,010 points). razmee209 wrote: reset, hold home/sleep button togeth see appl logo release. reset-delet data-settings-general-reset-eras content settings."} {"id": "5399", "contents": "menu hard reset. alway option avail hard reset iphone, step might want follow same. close work go home screen. choos settings. tap gener option. click reset. select eras content settings. click eras iphon confirm. itun hard reset. itun offici store everyth need iphon step need follow hard reset. close task go itun store. check latest version download, needed. now, connect phone computer. get backup, required. click restor iphon"} {"id": "5400", "contents": "restart. press hold sleep/wak button red slider appears. drag slider turn devic complet off. devic turn off, press hold sleep/wak button see appl logo."} {"id": "5401", "contents": "restart reset iphon plus-reset fingerprint ios8. might need enter passcod appl id password eras content settings. someth isn\u2019t work right, tri restart iphone, forc app quit, reset iphone. restart iphone. hold sleep/wak button red slider appears. slide finger across slider turn iphone. turn iphon back on, hold sleep/wak button appl logo appears. forc app quit. home screen, double-click home button swipe upward app screen. can\u2019t turn iphon problem continues, may need rese"} {"id": "5402", "contents": "factori reset iphon itunes. plug iphon comput usb cabl provided. launch itun alreadi opened. left side screen see phone devices. open inform page click restor button. factori reset iphon menu. first thing want head set applic open up. scroll get gener option tap it. scroll see option reset tap well."} {"id": "5403", "contents": "perform restart iphon 6. someth go wrong iphon 6, tri quick restart device. hold sleep wake key red slider appear screen, slide finger across slider power device. turn devic again, hold sleep wake. user data lost! problem continu unabl power iphone, may need reset device. hold sleep wake home key togeth time wait appl logo appears. done!"} {"id": "5404", "contents": "latin name luciu tarquiniu priscus, fifth legendari king rome (616\u2013578 bc). latin name luciu tarquiniu superbus, seventh last legendari king rome (534\u2013510 bc)."} {"id": "5405", "contents": "tarquin literari cred well, appear shakespear 's poem rape lucrec (refer dark stain name), tarquin blackwood ann rice 's vampir chronicl seri tarquin cleath-stuart shopahol seri sophi kinsella."} {"id": "5406", "contents": "split merg it. answer kathryn orydzuk. confid vote 2.1k. 'tarquin' probabl refer shorten form name 'tarquinius', part name 3rd last last king roman kingdom. tarquiniu superbu last king. tyrant depos patricians, form republic. put head latin leagu (a leagu latin cities), embark wars, greatli expand territori rome latins."} {"id": "5407", "contents": "mean name tarquin. etymology: roman name tarquiniu unknown meaning, possibl etruscan origin. saint origin: history. rate first name find babi name ranking! gender: boy. sometim happen two differ first name meaning. noth surprising: first name figur numerology. astrology: two person belong sign present characteristic..."} {"id": "5408", "contents": "tarquin chamber opera ernst krenek english libretto emmet lavery. written 1940, krenek' unpublish opera, though premier german translat took place 1950 cologne."} {"id": "5409", "contents": "tarquin. term use pompou littl posh boy stroll around uni wavi hair wear jack will shirt gillet. daddi obvious sent littl weasel privat school spoilt throughout life."} {"id": "5410", "contents": "peopl given name tarquin (latin tarquinius): tarquin elder (di 579 bc), fifth seven legendari king rome. tarquin proud (di 496 bc), last seven legendari king rome."} {"id": "5411", "contents": "tarquin /tar-quin/ [2 sylls.] boys' name latin origin. roman clan name: name two etruscan king earli pre-republican rome (about fifth centuri ad). son last king caus famou rape lucretia, roman matron kill rather live shame. tarquin uncommon first name men. tarquin also rare surnam people. (2000 u.s. census). present birth name popular tarquin boys."} {"id": "5412", "contents": "term tarquin refer last three king rome: luciu tarquiniu priscu (the elder), serviu tulliu luciu tarquiniu superbu (the haughty). king saw period urban expans development, reform armi strengthen rome' militari power. tarquiniu superbu last king. tyrant depos patricians, form republic. put head latin leagu (a leagu latin cities), embark wars, greatli expand territori rome latins."} {"id": "5413", "contents": "bank issu demand guarantee, beneficiari deal parti whose financi strength trust parti would pay upon first demand regardless exist disput parti perform underli contract. english courts, however, agre decis factor determin type guarante found term guarante guarante refer particular transaction."} {"id": "5414", "contents": "differ sureti bond bank guarantee? sureti bond typic condit wherea bank guarante demand. perform risk lie surety, bank financi risk construct project."} {"id": "5415", "contents": "demand guarante oblig individu parti contract perform term contract one parti contract. guarantor person entiti agre pay parti unabl unwil make payment requir obtain guarantee. bank provid demand bank guarantee; parti insist guarante obtain payment bank, second parti agreement would repay bank."} {"id": "5416", "contents": "however, fundament differ exist natur demand guarante sblc's. example, sblc' issu conting liabil issu bank issu conjunct primari mean underwrit considered. effect sblc' sound.. english courts, however, agre decis factor determin type guarante found term guarante guarante refer particular transaction."} {"id": "5417", "contents": "definit 'demand guarantee'. type protect one parti transact impos anoth parti event second parti perform accord predefin specifications. if, example, export fulfil end agreement, import go bank present demand guarantee. bank give import predefin amount money specified, export requir repay bank."} {"id": "5418", "contents": "demand guarante similar letter credit except demand guarante provid much protection. if, example, export fulfil end agreement, import go bank present demand guarantee. bank give import predefin amount money specified, export requir repay bank."} {"id": "5419", "contents": "definition. perform bond type guarante payabl oblige demand, often without present document without need show demand complianc term underli contract. effect, substitut cash deposit. uk law, demand guarante independ underli contract separ counter-guarante (if any) given obligee' bank obligor' bank. us law also demand guarante enjoy similar protect call standbi letter cred"} {"id": "5420", "contents": "english writings, tradit term guarante denot accessori (secondary) condit type obligation. essenc instrument promis answer duti anoth default. english courts, however, agre decis factor determin type guarante found term guarante guarante refer particular transaction."} {"id": "5421", "contents": "demand guarantee. guarante usual issu bank, beneficiari requir make demand order receiv payment."} {"id": "5422", "contents": "wonder long averag wait time get wed photo photographer? wed octob last year. me, seem like month long. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "5423", "contents": "contract us said photo would done 4-6 week wed requir pay full two week wed date order work. week call like crazi ask photo are. say almost done. done photo session wed peopl know one anyth neg say business. hire her, wed day august 28, 2010. three month so... show known ladi took wed photo 12 years."} {"id": "5424", "contents": "profession wed photograph turn wed photo around 3-4 weeks. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "5425", "contents": "think it. photograph hundr time wed photo someth proud (or haunt by) rest life. good wed day groom essenti -- great haircut clean shave must. five rule wed day grooming."} {"id": "5426", "contents": "wed photographi expect experi us? style: find it\u2019 almost imposs assign one style shoot wed day."} {"id": "5427", "contents": "typically, reason amount time anywher 2-5 weeks, depend in-demand photograph is. slow season, turn wed 800-1000 imag week 10 days. however, premium wed season, run 4-6 week out. contract photographer, say timefram get pictur back. depend busi photograph is, might take longer."} {"id": "5428", "contents": "expect wed photograph cost run anywher $2,500-$10,000 depend experi photograph along they\u2019r includ wed package. wed photographi packag typic cover hours, average. less shoot time influenc cost. however, citi san francisco new york, wed photographi price closer $4,000. gener expect wed photographi price rang $2,500-$10,000 depend photograph experi and/or offerings. expect top photograph (ie: jose villa\u2019 world) start around $6-7,000 go"} {"id": "5429", "contents": "profession wed photograph also, longest ever taken wed photo turnaround week extrem photo-intens wed 12 hour coverage. definit check contract, month extrem long time wait. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "5430", "contents": "sure ask complet wedding. mani photograph sampl album showcas best work. album beautiful, sure get imag whole wed look like disappointed, complet accur relay want photographer."} {"id": "5431", "contents": "broad rang normal among menstruat women. unpredict long menstrual cycl normal teenag women 40s. teens, normal cycl short 21 day long 45 days. teen, expect cycl even time. near age menopause, expect menstrual cycl becom longer eventu stop. teen older 40 cycl shorter 21 day longer 35 days, chanc problem need check doctor."} {"id": "5432", "contents": "report share this:mid-cycl pain last longer daymid cycl pain say happen often connect ovulation. thank reply! repli watch discuss report share this:mid-cycl pain last longer dayi 43 year old female. pain front lower sides."} {"id": "5433", "contents": "see doctor experi ovul pain last longer three days, symptom heavi bleed discharge. famili plan chanc concept high coupl sex day before, ovulation."} {"id": "5434", "contents": "talk doctor notic big chang cycle. especi import check doctor three menstrual period last longer day heavy. also call bleed period pelvic pain period. although 28 day averag cycl length, normal cycl shorter longer. teen' cycl may long (up 45 days), grow shorter sever years. around age 25 35, women' cycl regular, gener last 21 35 days."} {"id": "5435", "contents": "menstrual cycl day bleed day next time bleeding. although averag cycl 28 days, normal cycl shorter longer. girl usual start menstrual period age 11 14. women usual start fewer period age 39 51. although 28 day averag cycl length, normal cycl shorter longer. teen' cycl may long (up 45 days), grow shorter sever years. around age 25 35, women' cycl regular, gener last 21 35 days."} {"id": "5436", "contents": "abdomin pain cramp middl menstrual cycle, you\u2019r ovulating, may experienc mittelschmerz, word deriv german \u201cmiddle\u201d \u201cpain.\u201d. mittelschmerz occur follicl tini sac ovari contain egg ruptur releas egg. six sign ovul pain are: it\u2019 one-sided. come suddenli without warning. it\u2019 sharp pain, twinge, cramp rather dull ache. often last minutes, may last hour even 24 hours."} {"id": "5437", "contents": "thank reply! report share this:mid-cycl pain last longer dayhi welcom webmd,sinc pain seem tie cycle, encourag also post women' health commun wait respons here. thank reply! repli watch discuss report share this:mid-cycl pain last longer dayi 43 year old female. pain front lower sides."} {"id": "5438", "contents": "without ovulation, can\u2019t ovul pain. mid-cycl abdomin pain extrem last longer day evalu doctor. appendicitis, ovarian cysts, ectop (tubal) pregnanc sometim mimic ovul pain, although pain condit typic much severe. six sign ovul pain are: it\u2019 one-sided. come suddenli without warning. it\u2019 sharp pain, twinge, cramp rather dull ache. often last minutes, may last hour even 24 hours."} {"id": "5439", "contents": "menstrual cycl measur first day menstrual bleeding, day 1, day next menstrual bleeding. although 28 day averag cycl length, normal cycl shorter longer. teen' cycl may long (up 45 days), grow shorter sever years. day cycle, thicken line (endometrium) uteru begin shed. know menstrual bleed vagina. normal menstrual period last days. menstrual blood loss happen first days."} {"id": "5440", "contents": "woman\u2019 menstrual period excess heavy, prolonged, irregular, call menorrhagia. symptom menorrhagia includ menstrual period last longer seven day bleed heavi must chang tampon pad per hour. see doctor excess heavi prolong menstrual period interfer daili life."} {"id": "5441", "contents": "bic. bic (bank identifi code) swift address assign bank order send autom payment quickli accur bank concerned. uniqu identifi name country, (and sometim branch) bank involved. iban calculator. advanc sepa (singl euro payment area) regulatori deadlin 1st februari 2014, bic (bank identifi code) iban (intern bank account number) replac nsc account number main payment identifi sepa payments."} {"id": "5442", "contents": "swift code uniqu identif code particular bank standard format bank identifi code (bic). swift code use transfer money messag banks. swift code 11 charact bank. swift code charact code point primari branch/office. first charact repres bank code. bank swift code categoris state, citi bank. pleas select country, citi bank get swift code bic codes."} {"id": "5443", "contents": "use iban conjunct receiv beneficiari bank' swift address bic code (bank identifi code) facilit automat execut intern payment ensur correct identif receiver' account. bank code: countries, includ ireland, incorpor bank code (i.e. first four letter bank swift address) front standard domest account number clearli identifi account hold bank."} {"id": "5444", "contents": "aibkgb2lxxx swift bic code alli irish bank (gb) (aib group (uk) p.l.c. swift code also known bic code uniqu bank identifi use verifi financi transact bank wire transfer. bank swift code provid inform bank branch money transferred. swift code refer primari office. institution/bank code: aibk-thi bank code associ alli irish bank (gb) (aib group (uk) p.l.c. ta)."} {"id": "5445", "contents": "aibkie2dxxx swift bic code aib bank bank locat dublin-ireland (ie). swift code also known bic code uniqu bank identifi use verifi financi transact bank wire transfer. bank swift code provid inform bank branch money transferred. swift code bic code made 11 characters, broken follows: letters: institut code bank code. letters: iso 3166-1 alpha-2 countri code. letter digits: locat code. second charact 0, typic test bic oppos bic use live network."} {"id": "5446", "contents": "county. ireland. swift code alli irish bank plc, dublin 1, ireland aibkie2d. branch locat dublin 1, ireland. swift code aibkie2d use perform wire transfer electron alli irish bank plc dublin 1, ireland particip branch world. report incorrect"} {"id": "5447", "contents": "find swift code bic code across bank world. swift code use transfer money banks, particularli intern wire transfers. letters: institut code bank code. aibk ie2dxxx. letters: iso 3166-1 alpha-2 countri code. aibk ie 2dxxx. letter digits: locat code. aibki 2d xxx. second charact 0: test bic oppos bic use live network."} {"id": "5448", "contents": "swift code 11 characters: aibkie2dxxx. letters: institut code bank code. aibk ie2dxxx. letters: iso 3166-1 alpha-2 countri code. aibk ie 2dxxx. letter digits: locat code. aibki 2d xxx. second charact 0: test bic oppos bic use live network."} {"id": "5449", "contents": "serpent, snake, one oldest widespread mytholog symbols. word deriv latin serpens, crawl anim snake. snake associ oldest ritual known humankind repres dual express good evil. serpent hydra star constel repres either serpent thrown angrili sky apollo lernaean hydra defeat heracl one twelv labors. constel serpen repres snake tame ophiuchu snake-handler, anoth constellation."} {"id": "5450", "contents": "hebrew word nahash use identifi serpent appear genesi 3:1, garden eden. genesis, serpent portray decept creatur trickster, promot good god forbidden, show particular cun deception. serpent, anim kind, call satan, belzebub, devil, pentateuch .. 20th centuri scholar w. o. e. oesterley (1921) cognis differ role eden serpent hebrew bibl connect ancient serpent new testament."} {"id": "5451", "contents": "zoolog snake. often serpent bible, creatur tempt eve, identifi christian tradit satan. subtle, sly, treacher person. often serpent bible, creatur tempt eve, identifi christian tradit satan. subtle, sly, treacher person. firework writh burning."} {"id": "5452", "contents": "mersenne, 1636 hear serpent first time, aye, serpent seduc eve. handel (1685-1759) suitabl serpent players, urg perform sign talent. garrison keillor compos state serpent sound like donkey emot problems.. (bass cornett). true bass cornett perform serpent, one say one without bodi without soul. seem irregular distanc hole serpent make diapason difficult instruments."} {"id": "5453", "contents": "serpent (hebrew: \u05e0\u05d7\u05e9 n\u0101\u1e25\u0101\u0161) refer hebrew bibl new testament. symbol serpent snake play import role religi cultur life ancient egypt, canaan, mesopotamia greece. serpent, anim kind, call satan, belzebub, devil, pentateuch .. 20th centuri scholar w. o. e. oesterley (1921) cognis differ role eden serpent hebrew bibl connect ancient serpent"} {"id": "5454", "contents": "serpent connect poison medicine. snake' venom associ chemic plant fungi power either heal, poison provid expand conscious (and even elixir life immortality) divin intoxication. serpent hydra star constel repres either serpent thrown angrili sky apollo lernaean hydra defeat heracl one twelv labors. constel serpen repres snake tame ophiuchu snake-handler, anoth constellation."} {"id": "5455", "contents": "great dragon cast out, old serpent, call devil, satan\u2026 \u2013revel 12:9 laid hold dragon, old serpent, devil, satan, bound thousand years, -revel 20:2. \u201ci fear, lest means, serpent beguil (sexual seduced) eve subtilty, mind corrupt simplic christ.\u201d \u2013ii corinthian 11:3. \u201cnot cain, wick one, slew brother."} {"id": "5456", "contents": "\u2018and great dragon thrown down, ancient serpent, call devil satan, deceiv whole world\u2019. \u2018\u2026 serpent neither figur descript satan, satan form serpent. real serpent agent satan\u2019 hand. serpent lie eve said, shall sure die, first lie record scripture, titl father [\u2018it\u2019 lie lying] would seem apt descript person lie occasion."} {"id": "5457", "contents": "snare drum known loud crack person strike drum stick mallet. depth sound vari snare snare differ techniqu construct qualiti drum. qualiti includ tight head, dimensions, brand. typic diamet snare drum 14 inch (36 cm). march snare drum deeper size snare drum normal use orchestr drum kit purposes, often measur foot long. orchestr drum set snare drum shell inch (15 cm) deep."} {"id": "5458", "contents": "hear snare everywhere. sinc start instrument, let\u2019 quick review snare drum itself. addit head tuning, materi shell thickness, size, depth play part sound snare drum. it\u2019 best start best snare tune. wouldn\u2019t necessarili pick 13 brass piccolo drum tune tight get meati monstrou hard-rock snare sound, would first choic 8-deep mapl snare go someth pert bright."} {"id": "5459", "contents": "contemporari and/or pop rock music, snare drum use part drum set, mani backbeat accent note snare drum play rim shots, due ever-increas demand typic sharp high-volum sound. typic diamet snare drum 14 inch (36 cm). march snare drum deeper size snare drum normal use orchestr drum kit purposes, often measur foot long. orchestr drum set snare drum shell inch (15 cm) deep."} {"id": "5460", "contents": "snare drum record fun begins. regardless whether studio analog digit snare drum track one compon final snare drum sound. mix usual quit dri boring. it\u2019 snare drum make stand out. first big decis choic snare drum. snare made wood sound differ snare made metal. thin-shel \u201cpiccolo\u201d snare sound brighter deep-dish snares. discrimin drummer pay $1300 nobl cooley classic ss snare drum come three differ sizes. end scale, use tama snare drum cost $100"} {"id": "5461", "contents": "cp, i'v use piccolo snare main snare rock music sinc 1978. sound. laugh player late 70' earli 80' use drum rock. time everyon els use deepest possibl snare drum, tune real low. hey crew, i'v use tama soprano piccolo snare on. (see previou mysteri snare post it) 3-1/4 12. realli start love sound, pitch, vari use it."} {"id": "5462", "contents": "like piccolo snares, drum featur nonstandard shell dimensions. common soprano snare shell measur 5\u2033 7\u2033 deep 10\u2033 12\u2033 diameter. gener drum high-pitch sound bodi get piccolo. popcorn snare often come shallow sizes. gener you\u2019ll tune snare-sid head snare respons top head feel pitch. tune tension rod either side snare bed half turn looser rest head best snare response. tune muffl top head tast keep pitch lug same."} {"id": "5463", "contents": "tension top head fine-tun overal sound affect snare respons well \u201cvibe\u201d drum. tune tabletop tight give snappi crack, tune looser give snare drum fatter tone; experi get you\u2019r tune. it\u2019 best start best snare tune. wouldn\u2019t necessarili pick 13 brass piccolo drum tune tight get meati monstrou hard-rock snare sound, would first choic 8-deep mapl snare go someth pert bright."} {"id": "5464", "contents": "pearl need. use s1330b piccolo snare forget lost mix-no matter loud surround may be. steel-shel piccolo snare featur depth 13 width, work perfectli either main snare effect second effect snare."} {"id": "5465", "contents": "ebay: shill crazi years. mention term shill bid onlin auction messag forum chat room, suddenli turn electron version mccarthi hearings."} {"id": "5466", "contents": "(august 2009). shill, also call plant stooge, person publicli help person organ without disclos close relationship person organization."} {"id": "5467", "contents": "shill. 1. person pose custom order decoy other participating, gambl house. 2. person whose praises, endorsements, etc., motiv self-interest. 3. work shill: shill larg casino. noun. 1. shill-a decoy act enthusiast custom order stimul particip others. decoy, steerer-a beguil lead someon danger (usual part plot)."} {"id": "5468", "contents": "thank take tutori ebay' shill bid policy. tutori show you: tutori 13 question take 15 20 minut complete. let' get started. shill bid is. shill bid harm members. could happen result violat policy. avoid violat policy."} {"id": "5469", "contents": "polici overview. shill bid happen anyone\u2014includ family, friends, roommates, employees, onlin connections\u2014bid item intent artifici increas price desirability."} {"id": "5470", "contents": "warn ebay bid trick. ebay becom one biggest onlin auction sites. onlin auction bidder given wake-up call man prosecut bid rais prices."} {"id": "5471", "contents": "top definition. shill bidding. commonli referenc ebay, shill bid seller item third parti bid item sole intent drive price purpos buy product. shill bid popular item car electronics."} {"id": "5472", "contents": "shill-act shill; shill bid expens carpet auction order drive price up. cozen, deceive, delude, lead on-b fals to; dishonest with. noun. 1. shill-a decoy act enthusiast custom order stimul particip others. decoy, steerer-a beguil lead someon danger (usual part plot)."} {"id": "5473", "contents": "doogi shill bid occur someon place bid auction sole purpos stimul bid activ rais bid price intent purchas product shill bill often occur seller either get bid happi bid price thu far"} {"id": "5474", "contents": "wineglass bay part freycinet peninsula, outcrop wild, pristin coastland tasmania' east coast. entir peninsula, compris friendli beaches, wineglass bay schouten island, encompass within freycinet nation park. wineglass bay. wineglass bay, tasmania' freycinet peninsula, consid one top ten beach world. flawless crescent dazzl white sand sapphire-colour sea set pink grey granit peak one australia' beauti natur environments."} {"id": "5475", "contents": "freycinet bay heart cole bay easi access freycinet nation park, beach dining. freycinet peninsular tasmanian east coast renown long white beaches, rug scenic coastline, brilliant blue sea mild climate."} {"id": "5476", "contents": "page_location_3. freycinet peninsula extend south-eastward tasmania\u2019 coastlin fulli protect nation park, includ intern acclaim wineglass bay. saffir locat insid gentl curv sandi coastlin join peninsula mainland tasmania."} {"id": "5477", "contents": "border nation park small settlement cole bay, largest close town swansea. freycinet contain part rug tasmanian coastlin includ seclud wineglass bay, vote sever travel author one world' ten best beaches. famou featur park includ red pink granit format seri jag granit peak line, call hazard"} {"id": "5478", "contents": "cole bay sit foot granit mountain known hazard edg world-renown freycinet nation park wineglass bay, two 1/2 hour drive hobart launceston east coast tasmania. weather fine. lot do. take cruis around peninsula. leisur walk freycinet nation park. kayak around bay. go bush quad bike. see wineglass bay air. want to, chill out, relax read book. whatev idea holiday, place."} {"id": "5479", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. freycinet nation park east coast tasmania, australia, 125 km northeast hobart. occupi larg part freycinet peninsula, name french navig loui de freycinet, schouten island. freycinet contain part rug tasmanian coastlin includ seclud wineglass bay, vote sever travel author one world' ten best beaches. famou featur park includ red pink granit format seri jag granit peak line, call hazard"} {"id": "5480", "contents": "discov wineglass bay, one top 10 beach world, locat near hobart, tasmania. find thing spectacular coastal destination. wineglass bay, tasmania' freycinet peninsula, consid one top ten beach world. flawless crescent dazzl white sand sapphire-colour sea set pink grey granit peak one australia' beauti natur environments. wineglass bay. wineglass bay, tasmania' freycinet peninsula, consid one top ten beach world. flawless crescent dazzl white sand sapphire-colour sea set pink grey granit peak one australia' beauti natur environments."} {"id": "5481", "contents": "freycinet peninsula extend south-eastward tasmania\u2019 coastlin fulli protect nation park, includ intern acclaim wineglass bay. saffir locat insid gentl curv sandi coastlin join peninsula mainland tasmania. granit monolith tenuous join sand isthmus, span celebr wineglass bay hazard beach. learn more. read locat histori know saffir freycinet, best hotel accommod tasmania australia."} {"id": "5482", "contents": "melanoma type cancer begin melanocyt (cell make pigment melanin). photo melanoma form skin. melanoma also start eye, intestines, area bodi pigment tissues."} {"id": "5483", "contents": "multipl myeloma blood cancer develop bone marrow (figur 1). myeloma, normal antibody-produc plasma cell transform malign myeloma cells. myeloma cell produc larg quantiti one antibodi (or immu-noglobulin) call monoclon (m) pro-tein."} {"id": "5484", "contents": "term use mean earli myeloma caus symptom problems. peopl smolder myeloma sign multipl myeloma, following. plasma cell bone marrow 10 60%. high level monoclon immunoglobulin (m protein) blood."} {"id": "5485", "contents": "although multipl myeloma often diagnos base test result (test multipl myeloma discuss previou section), patient\u2019 symptom doctor\u2019 physic examin patient also important. diagnosi multipl myeloma requir either: 1."} {"id": "5486", "contents": "multipl myeloma name clock face appear cancer cell seen microscope. infiltr virtual patient' bone marrow. x-ray imag multipl myeloma, look like hole punch bone. skull x-ray taken side show typic find multipl myeloma multipl punched-out holes. arrow point one larger holes. multipli myeloma cell come chang plasma cells."} {"id": "5487", "contents": "multipl myeloma. multipl myeloma cancer affect type white blood cell call plasma cell. plasma cell produc antibodi help fight infect disease. multipl myeloma, cancer plasma cell (myeloma cells) found bone marrow, spongi tissu insid bone manufactur blood cells. myeloma cell accumul bones, crowd normal cell invad bone tissue, damag weaken bones."} {"id": "5488", "contents": "take ferry. numer ferri compani oper spain' east coast mallorca. major ferri hub mainland valencia, 90 mile mallorca, barcelona, 130 mile away. trip take three eight hours, depend speed ferri boat"} {"id": "5489", "contents": "palma de mallorca largest spanish balear island mediterranean locat east coast spain. island' coastlin mark seri small cave beauti beaches. palma de mallorca capit citi balear island nearli two-third total popul live palma. number peopl greatli increas spring, island favorit european resort."} {"id": "5490", "contents": "mallorca largest balear island mani interest attract tourists. palma form island' capit true citi island, much central tourism scene. mallorca bless hot mediterranean sun complement cool, refresh sea breezes, winter consid quit mild. mani popular tourist resort close beaches, alway someth mallorca, whatev time year."} {"id": "5491", "contents": "like balear island minorca, ibiza formentera, island extrem popular holiday destination, particularli tourist germani unit kingdom. intern airport, palma de mallorca airport, one busiest spain; use 23.1 million passeng 2014. majorca came rule taifa denia, d\u00e9nia 1087 1114 independent. taifa period island visit ibn (hazm: \u0623\u0628\u0648 \u0645\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0639\u0644\u064a \u0628\u0646 \u0627\u062d\u0645\u062f \u0628\u0646 \u0633\u0639\u064a\u062f \u0628\u0646 \u062d\u0632\u0645 \u062d\u0632\u0645"} {"id": "5492", "contents": "mallorca' airport locat largest citi island, palma de mallorca. citi locat southern end island accept flight europ daili basis. mani major air hub europ direct flight palma de mallorca, includ london, frankfurt, pari madrid. numer ferri compani oper spain' east coast mallorca. major ferri hub mainland valencia, 90 mile mallorca, barcelona, 130 mile away."} {"id": "5493", "contents": "mallorca, also known majorca, island coast spain mediterranean. well-known sunni climat beach major tourist destination, especi summer. island biggest balear islands; three menorca, ibiza tini formentera. numer ferri compani oper spain' east coast mallorca. major ferri hub mainland valencia, 90 mile mallorca, barcelona, 130 mile away."} {"id": "5494", "contents": "palma (/\u02c8p\u0251\u02d0lm\u0259/ /\u02c8p\u0251\u02d0m\u0259/ [\u02c8palm\u0259] [\u02c8palma]), full palma de mallorca, capit largest citi autonom commun balear island spain. situat south coast island majorca bay palma. 2009 census, popul citi palma proper 401,270, popul entir urban area 621,000, rank twelfth largest urban area spain. almost half total popul majorca live palma."} {"id": "5495", "contents": "palma de mallorca, capit balear islands, largest citi mallorca; popul palma municip approxim 400,000 begin 2007. half popul mallorca live citi palma. citi becam tourist destin 1950s, tourist number continu increas subsequ half century. palma busi commerci cultur center mallorca. independ region balear island spain half island\u2019 popul live there."} {"id": "5496", "contents": "palma de mallorca, spain. palma de mallorca largest spanish balear island mediterranean locat east coast spain. island' coastlin mark seri small cave beauti beaches. palma de mallorca capit citi balear island nearli two-third total popul live palma. number peopl greatli increas spring, island favorit european resort."} {"id": "5497", "contents": "average, cost choos gender go greatli depend type used. sperm sorting, instance, cost littl $1,000 $3,000 per attempt, ivf cost least $12,000 $25,000 per attempt. two common type gender select methods: sperm sort vitro fertil preimplant genet diagnosis. sperm sort techniqu use 30 year now."} {"id": "5498", "contents": "least expens high-tech method gender selection, ericsson method plu iui, rang price $600 $1,200 per attempt. however, method accurate, accord fertil experts. however, recent 2010 studi follow nearli 400 women eight fertil clinic california found averag cost one cycl ivf much higher $24,373. ad pgs/pgd cycl ivf typic add averag $3,550 procedure. pgs/pgd gender select typic cover insur"} {"id": "5499", "contents": "gender select costs. whether it\u2019 concern pass genet disord case famili balancing, gender select give parent freedom choos prefer sex child."} {"id": "5500", "contents": "vitro fertil (ivf) necessari order use pgd; ivf also includ use fertil drugs. cost ivf cycl typic averag $8,158. medic ivf cycl cost addit $3,000 $5,000 average. pgd procedur alon run averag $3,550. addition, cost embryo cryopreserv averag $700 $900, storag embryo cost $600 $1,000 annually. ivf pgd gender select cover insurance. whether it\u2019 concern pass genet disord case famili balancing, gender select give parent freedom choos prefer sex child."} {"id": "5501", "contents": "sperm sorting, instance, cost littl $1,000 $3,000 per attempt, ivf cost least $12,000 $25,000 per attempt. fertility-docs.com charg $16,780 plu prescript gender select process. claim 99.9% guarantee. two common type gender select methods: sperm sort vitro fertil preimplant genet diagnosis. sperm sort techniqu use 30 year now."} {"id": "5502", "contents": "cost ivf averag $8,000 $12,000 depend fertil drug factor involv cycle. cost pgd (to determin embryo boy girl) usual around $4,000 additional. so, total betweeen $12,000-$16,000. may insur coverag ivf depend state live in, cost pgd cover insurance."} {"id": "5503", "contents": "fertility-docs.com charg $16,780 plu prescript gender select process. claim 99.9% guarantee. american societi reproduct medicin claim averag ivf cycl $12,400. two common type gender select methods: sperm sort vitro fertil preimplant genet diagnosis. sperm sort techniqu use 30 year now."} {"id": "5504", "contents": "cost gender select basic cost assist reproduct technolog (art) procedure, vitro fertil (ivf) intrauterin insemin (iui), plu cost gender select method ericsson method preimplant genet screen (pgs) however, recent 2010 studi follow nearli 400 women eight fertil clinic california found averag cost one cycl ivf much higher $24,373. ad pgs/pgd cycl ivf typic add averag $3,550 procedure. pgs/pgd gender select typic cover insur"} {"id": "5505", "contents": "gender select rake revenu least $100 million everi year. averag cost gender select procedur high-profil clinic $18,000, estim 4,000 6,000 procedur perform everi year."} {"id": "5506", "contents": "nerv conduct studi needl emg commonli perform physic medicin rehabilit neurolog specialist assess abil nervou system conduct electr impuls evalu nerve/muscl function determin neuromuscular diseas present. motor nerv conduct studies. motor nerv conduct studies, motor nerv stimul compound muscl action potenti muscl recorded. correspond integr motor unit."} {"id": "5507", "contents": "nerv conduct veloc (ncv) test-also call nerv conduct studi (ncs) measur speed conduct electr impuls nerve. ncv determin nerv damag destruction."} {"id": "5508", "contents": "electromyogram (emg) measur electr activ muscl rest contraction. nerv conduct studi measur well fast nerv send electr signals. nerv control muscl bodi electr signal call impulses. test done, electrod removed. nerv conduct studi done emg test done. nerv conduct test may take 15 minut hour more, depend mani nerv muscl studied."} {"id": "5509", "contents": "nerv conduct veloc (ncv) test determin quickli electr signal move particular peripher nerve. also sometim known nerv conduct studi use diagnosi nerv damag nerv dysfunction."} {"id": "5510", "contents": "nerv conduct studi perform place surfac electrod nerves, usual arm and/or legs. electrod use stimul nerv record conduct signal nerv point. nerv conduct test provid physician inform function peripher nerv includ type dysfunct like locat cause. use help diagnos variou diseas impact nerves."} {"id": "5511", "contents": "nerv conduct studi (ncs), also call nerv conduct veloc (ncv) test--i measur speed conduct electr impuls nerve. nc determin nerv damag destruction. test, nerv stimulated, usual surfac electrod patch attach skin. nerv conduct veloc (speed) calcul measur distanc electrod time take electr impuls travel electrodes. relat procedur may perform electromyographi (emg)."} {"id": "5512", "contents": "nerv conduct studi (ncs) medic diagnost test commonli use evalu function, especi abil electr conduction, motor sensori nerv human body. nerv conduct studi use mainli evalu paresthesia (numbness, tingling, burning) and/or weak arm legs. type studi requir depend part symptom presented. physic exam thorough histori also help direct investigation."} {"id": "5513", "contents": "nerv conduct study. nerv conduct studi neurolog test, usual perform neurologist often along electromyogram, evalu conduct electr impuls peripher nerves. nerv conduct test provid physician inform function peripher nerv includ type dysfunct like locat cause. use help diagnos variou diseas impact nerves."} {"id": "5514", "contents": "video accompani article: electromyographi (emg) video transcript. emg/nc stand electromyogram nerv conduct studi electr test nerv muscles. purpos test local symptom come from."} {"id": "5515", "contents": "imag courtesi bbc home entertainment. make planet earth avail dvd youtube. t' strang think watch bbc' planet earth netflix, curl pajama blankets, cooki creatur comfort want."} {"id": "5516", "contents": "reviews: 61 user 21 critic. emmi award winning, 11-episodes, 5-year making, expens natur documentari seri ever commiss bbc, first film high definition."} {"id": "5517", "contents": "process bring planet earth earth screen took years. combin budget $47 million, $15 million earmark film, repres expens product histori documentari filmmaking. princip photographi began 2004 complet 2006. earth 2007 natur documentari film depict divers wild habitat creatur across planet. film begin arctic januari one year move south, finish antarctica decemb year."} {"id": "5518", "contents": "disgusting. planet earth crew film dramat snow leopard hunt scene border pakistan afghanistan world hunt al qaeda. snow leopard scene result three years' worth effort total eight crew member 20 local trackers. t' strang think watch bbc' planet earth netflix, curl pajama blankets, cooki creatur comfort want."} {"id": "5519", "contents": "film anim hunt actual mani hunt edit togeth complet story. planet earth strive film entireti impala hunt african wild dog pole pole segment."} {"id": "5520", "contents": "featur film version planet earth commiss alongsid televis series, repeat success model establish blue planet companion film, deep blue. earth releas around world 2007 2009. seri compris eleven episodes, featur global overview differ biom habitat earth. end fifty-minut episode, ten-minut featurett take behind-the-scen look challeng film series."} {"id": "5521", "contents": "planet earth 2006 british televis seri produc bbc natur histori unit. five year making, expens natur documentari seri ever commiss bbc also first film high definition. planet earth premier march 2006 unit kingdom bbc one. shown 130 countri worldwid june 2007. first broadcast unit state 25 march 2007 discoveri channel, sigourney weaver replac david attenborough' origin commentary."} {"id": "5522", "contents": "five year making, expens natur documentari seri ever commiss bbc also first film high definition. planet earth premier march 2006 unit kingdom bbc one, june 2007 shown 130 countries. seri compris eleven episodes, featur global overview differ biom habitat earth. end fifty-minut episode, ten-minut featurett take behind-the-scen look challeng film series."} {"id": "5523", "contents": "planet earth second attempt roddenberri creat weekli seri set post-apocalypt futur earth. previou pilot genesi ii, featur mani concept charact later redevelop planet earth. planet earth scene, hero wit effect violenc children, forc rethink use force\u2014a effect intellig pacifist touch roddenberry. articl scienc fiction film. bbc documentary, see planet earth (tv series) planet earth scienc fiction televis movi creat gene roddenberry, written roddenberri juanita bartlett (from stori roddenberry). first air april 23, 1974 abc network, star john saxon dylan hunt"} {"id": "5524", "contents": "pollock fish one world\u2019 popular fish. consist one top five seafood speci consum american consumers. type fish prefer varieti fish recip known mild flavor, white meat flaki texture. pollock avail year-round, make primari fish choic mani kitchens."} {"id": "5525", "contents": "crisp pollock fillet textur reminisc grill fish, use broiler; grill grate caus delic meat pollock fall apart. thin layer oliv oil bake pan prevent fillet sticking. broil. crisp pollock fillet textur reminisc grill fish, use broiler; grill grate caus delic meat pollock fall apart. thin layer oliv oil bake pan prevent fillet sticking. oliv oil 40 calori gram fat per teaspoon, use sparingly."} {"id": "5526", "contents": "pollock. alaska walley pollock theragra chalcogramma scandinavian fish year book. pollock small rel cod. large-ey fish import groundfish speci world fisheries. alaska walley pollock soft, white meat, suitabl processed, especi coated, products. roe highli regard japan salt consumpt"} {"id": "5527", "contents": "serv fried, pollock fish healthi fish choic nutrit valu cod tuna provides. pollock fish facts. pollock common name north atlant marin fish scientif classifi cod famili gadidae. europ type fish known saith coalfish. carnivorous, school fish grow 1.07 meter weigh 21 kg. consist one top five seafood speci consum american consumers. type fish prefer varieti fish recip known mild flavor, white meat flaki texture. pollock avail year-round, make primari fish choic mani kitchens."} {"id": "5528", "contents": "furthermore, norwegian pollock (theragra finnmarchica), rare fish norwegian waters, like speci alaska pollock. alaska pollock land largest singl fish speci u.s, averag annual eastern bere sea catch 1977 2014 1.174 million tons."} {"id": "5529", "contents": "pollock (alaskan pollock). speci cod consid world' abund food fish. atlant pollock oilier stronger-tasting, milder pacif pollock use commerci fish stick fast-food fish sandwiches. pollock fish often use surimi, imit crab."} {"id": "5530", "contents": "uses, see pollock (disambiguation) pollock (altern spell pollack; pronounc /\u02c8p\u0251\u02d0l\u0259k/) common name use either two speci north atlant marin fish pollachiu (p.) genus. p. pollachiu p. viren commonli refer pollock. name p. pollachiu includ atlant pollock, european pollock, lieu jaune, lythe; p. viren sometim known boston blue (distinct bluefish), coalfish (or coley), silver bill saithe."} {"id": "5531", "contents": "alaska pollock semipelag school fish wide distribut north pacif largest concentr found eastern bere sea. belong famili atlant pollock, alaska pollock member pollachiu genus. alaska pollock land largest singl fish speci u.s, averag annual eastern bere sea catch 1977 2014 1.174 million tons."} {"id": "5532", "contents": "pollock white-meat fish strong, fishi flavor scent. inexpensive, versatil altern white-meat fish tilapia, cod haddock. 3-ounc fillet, one serving, 78 calories, 17 gram protein less gram fat. broil. crisp pollock fillet textur reminisc grill fish, use broiler; grill grate caus delic meat pollock fall apart. thin layer oliv oil bake pan prevent fillet sticking. oliv oil 40 calori gram fat per teaspoon, use sparingly."} {"id": "5533", "contents": "alaska pollock walley pollock (gadu chalcogrammus, formerli theragra chalcogramma) marin fish speci cod famili gadidae. alaska pollock land largest singl fish speci u.s, averag annual eastern bere sea catch 1977 2014 1.174 million tons."} {"id": "5534", "contents": "drive 'serpentine' belt. drive belt drive accessori instal engin alternator, power steer pump, water pump air condition compressor. modern car one two drive belts."} {"id": "5535", "contents": "step step instruct remov serpentin belt use auto tension expert tip car free auto repair video. expert: nathan mccullough. bio: nathan mccullough graduat nashvil auto-diesel colleg gpa 3.5 receiv craftsmanship award honor seal."} {"id": "5536", "contents": "first car serpentin belt. micro belts. cost 10 18 bucks, labor replac belt .8 hour. tbh think need new belt car."} {"id": "5537", "contents": "serpentin drive belt outsid engin use drive accessori (such air condit compressor, power steer etcetera) cam belt (\u2026 time belt) protect plastic cover connect engin crankshaft engin camshaft camshafts."} {"id": "5538", "contents": "serpentin belt accessori drive belt, small multipl v-ribs, rout around engine-pow accessori alternator, a/c compressor power steer pump."} {"id": "5539", "contents": "variat [edit]. engin designs, back (smooth side) belt may drive accessories. typic limit compon requir less torqu larg angl wrap present."} {"id": "5540", "contents": "trash. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup. averag bill fall $10 $30 month, although may bill flat rate cost $20 $60. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup."} {"id": "5541", "contents": "averag cost utilities,water,cable,etc.in davi area northern ca. vote thank flag link sun apr 15, 2012. cancel. reply. best answer. gita bantwal, agent, jamison, pa. kerry, buyinga house, ask agent ask seller estim monthli utilti costs. monthli cost cable, example, could vari $30 $200 depend option choose. gas, electric, water sewer, rough start point preliminari budget purpos might $250-300/month, assum small hous conserv energi use."} {"id": "5542", "contents": "util cost expens electricity, gas, heat cook fuels, water sewer. larger spaces, util separ meter paid tenant. small spaces, util may separ meter apport among users. util costs. util cost expens electricity, gas, heat cook fuels, water sewer. larger spaces, util separ meter paid tenant."} {"id": "5543", "contents": "averag util cost zip code. util costs. util cost expens electricity, gas, heat cook fuels, water sewer. larger spaces, util separ meter paid tenant. small spaces, util may separ meter apport among user"} {"id": "5544", "contents": "here, too, mani factor alter util costs. example, averag water consumpt famili four 100 gallon per day cost low $34 per month phoenix high $65 per month boston. likewise, energi cost fluctuat base consumpt habits, locat size home."} {"id": "5545", "contents": "best answer. hannah krause, 15217. kerry, util cost realli vari wide depend size home, energi efficiency, number peopl live home, person habits. monthli cost cable, example, could vari $30 $200 depend option choose. gas, electric, water sewer, rough start point preliminari budget purpos might $250-300/month, assum small hous conserv energi use."} {"id": "5546", "contents": "consid size apart gener climate. averag electr bill may low $30 per month high $100. ga may cost, average, anywher $40 $150 fluctuat depend season. averag bill fall $10 $30 month, although may bill flat rate cost $20 $60. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup"} {"id": "5547", "contents": "price paid lo angel area consum util (piped) gas, commonli refer natur gas, $1.275 per therm, 36.8 percent compar nation averag august 2015 ($0.932 per therm). $3.684 gallon, lo angel area consum paid 34.2 percent $2.745 nation averag august 2015. year earlier, consum lo angel area paid 9.3 percent nation averag gallon gasoline."} {"id": "5548", "contents": "accord autoblog.com, egr passag clean cost $700. meanwhile, egr valv replac run anywher $200, depend car\u2019 year, make model."} {"id": "5549", "contents": "example, one type egr valv replac sell design toyota tundra. egr valv 1995 2004 model purchas $246 $290. accord question websit allexperts.com, user claim reciev quot $230 replac entir egr valve."} {"id": "5550", "contents": "average, egr valv replac cost anywher $220 much $400. depend make model vehicle. engin specif design certain type vehicl differ part engin also design specif engines."} {"id": "5551", "contents": "price engin part depend type vehicl well make model vehicl engine. standard egr valv cost anywher $235 $354. standard valv work mani make models."} {"id": "5552", "contents": "standard egr valv cost anywher $235 $354. standard valv work mani make models. purchas one, however, alway best ensur make model compatible."} {"id": "5553", "contents": "parts: $86 $148. averag cost egr valv replac $160 $242. labor cost estim $74 $94 part price $86 $148. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees."} {"id": "5554", "contents": "egr valv clean auto repair shop incur labor costs, $70 $150 per hour, job take hours, depend servic provider. part may need replac well. mani auto repair shop put new screen gasket necessary."} {"id": "5555", "contents": "entry-level best field earn mig welder. highest ten percent earner weld brought report averag $24.38 hour, accord may 2008 report bureau labor statistics. lowest ten percent bracket field report hourli wage $10.47 hourly."} {"id": "5556", "contents": "knob lick, ky30, join mar. 2012. googl it, averag incom vari per area. also depend welding. entry-level welder work blueprints, diagram schemat determin appropri weld techniques. inspect weld ensur sound structurally. averag salari welder unit state $25,336 $41,514."} {"id": "5557", "contents": "nationally, averag incom welder 2010 $37,920. entry-level posit averag $24,490 per year, $11.78 per hour, top 10 percent welder earn $55,240, $26.56 per hour. weld skill highli transferable, welder readili move one area one employ anoth pursuit better wage agreeabl employment. welders' pay vari industries. electr ga util among highest-pay employers, $61,110 $59,620 respectively. pro sport stadium employ small number welder mainten repair pay averag $67,040."} {"id": "5558", "contents": "entry-level welder earn averag wage $15.07 per hour. highest pay skill associ job pipe weld shield metal arc weld (smaw)."} {"id": "5559", "contents": "much welder make? entry-level posit offer annual wage begin $22,680. median job pay welder countri $34,410, welder salari top 90 percent $51,610. pay higher travel weld job weld job take place area consid hazardous, oilrig."} {"id": "5560", "contents": "averag salari weld jobs. averag salari welder $36,720, pretti typic middl class weld job. however, weld job bottom around $25,000 year, may common mani entry-level weld positions. hand, 90th percentil welder earn around $57,000 year. start salari welder vari depend career choose. however, low end, welder current expect make $15 hour they\u2019r start out. could littl lower depend region kind work involved."} {"id": "5561", "contents": "largest employ number construct manufactur sectors, pay averag $35,000 $37,000. geographi play role well, alaska lead nation averag salari $67,980 welders. welders' pay vari industries. electr ga util among highest-pay employers, $61,110 $59,620 respectively. pro sport stadium employ small number welder mainten repair pay averag $67,040."} {"id": "5562", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic welder unit state $36,626 50% peopl perform job welder unit state expect make less $36,626. source: hr report data octob 2015."} {"id": "5563", "contents": "start salari entri level weld jobs. start salari welder vari depend career choose. however, low end, welder current expect make $15 hour they\u2019r start out. could littl lower depend region kind work involved."} {"id": "5564", "contents": "ohio salary. averag yearli salari welder ohio $33,260, $15.99 hour, 2011, accord bls. lowest 10 percent welder earn averag $22,110, $10.63 hour. welder cleveland averag $39,260, $18.87 hour. higher pay attribut greater demand. cleveland, includ elria mentor, ohio, one top 10 u.s. metro area number employ welders."} {"id": "5565", "contents": "one common type polym reaction chain-react (addition) polymerization. type polymer three step process involv two chemic entities. first, known simpli monomer, regard one link polym chain. initi exist simpl units. chemic reaction high molecular mass molecul form monom known polymerization. two basic type polymerization, chain-react (or addition) step-react (or condensa"} {"id": "5566", "contents": "polym chemistry, polymer process react monom molecul togeth chemic reaction form polym chain three-dimension networks. mani form polymer differ system exist categor them. polymerization: process convert monom mixtur monom polymer. exampl alken polymerization, styren monomer' doubl bond reform singl bond plu bond anoth styren monomer. product polystyrene."} {"id": "5567", "contents": "suggest properti polym (plastic) order use particular purpose. abl explain polym (plastic) suitabl particular use given properti polymer. ht only: know understand atom plastic held togeth strong coval bonds. familiar idea everyday item supermarket bag made polymers. appreci technolog move forward develop materi focus wide rang use polym 21st century, includ health care."} {"id": "5568", "contents": "new type polymers. chemist develop new type polymers. polymers, includ polyethen polypropene, biodegradable. mean microorgan cannot break down, may last mani year rubbish dumps. however, possibl includ chemic caus polym break quickly. polym recycl symbol like one pvc show are. mani polym recycled. reduc dispos problem amount crude oil used. first differ polym must separ other."} {"id": "5569", "contents": "abl explain chemist develop new type polymers: a) polym dissolve. b) biodegrad polymers. abl explain environment econom issu relat use dispos polymers. familiar idea everyday item supermarket bag made polymers. appreci technolog move forward develop materi focus wide rang use polym 21st century, includ health care."} {"id": "5570", "contents": "natur vs synthet polymers. two type polymers: synthet natural. synthet polym deriv petroleum oil, made scientist engineers. exampl synthet polym includ nylon, polyethylene, polyester, teflon, epoxy. natur polym occur natur extract"} {"id": "5571", "contents": "(phys.org) -- thank advanc polym chemistri wide varieti monom constitu choos from, world multiblock polym wide open. polym result astonish array materials, ... creat polymers, crystallin dye submerg solut micro-or nanocrystallin aggregates. reaction occur light (which provid energi system) introduc caus develop polym outermost expos monomers\u2014bi connect together."} {"id": "5572", "contents": "addit polymers. addit polym polyethylene, polypropylene, poly(vinyl chloride), polystyren linear branch polym littl cross-linking. result, thermoplast materials, flow easili heat mold varieti shapes."} {"id": "5573", "contents": "polym water-soluble, mean dissolv water. polym often use wrap product dishwash tablet pouch contain deterg wash machines. polym recycl symbol like one pvc show are. mani polym recycled. reduc dispos problem amount crude oil used. first differ polym must separ other."} {"id": "5574", "contents": "qasim transliter male given name (arabic: \u0642\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u200e, q\u0101sim), pronounc long first syllable. mean one distributes. first known bearer name son islam prophet, muhammad. occasion variant spelling, (arabic: \u0642\u0633\u06cc\u0645 \u200e, qas\u012bm), distinguish long second syllable."} {"id": "5575", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name kasim hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, kasim nautic flag page. tradit african name often reflect order, time, season child' birth. exampl born given day certain time, first born second born. name may also repres circumstances, example, born father away."} {"id": "5576", "contents": "kasim gener use boy' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ka-sim. u.s. 2014, rank 4431 babi name popular boy 22 occurrences. less girl given name. tradit african name often reflect order, time, season child' birth. exampl born given day certain time, first born second born. name may also repres circumstances, example, born father away."} {"id": "5577", "contents": "syll. ka-sim, kas-im babi boy name kasim pronounc aa-sihm \u2020. kasim mainli use arab english languages, arab origin. name' mean divided. kasim variant form arab name qasim arab english languages. name kaseam, english kaseem, name kasseam, name kasseem, arab english kassim, name kassym, name kasym variant form kasim. kasim regularli use babi name boys. rank outsid top 1000 names."} {"id": "5578", "contents": "kasim unusu first name male promin last name adult children (#69428 150436, top 46%). (2000 u.s. census). chart birth name popular kasim boys. kasim yet record list far. kasim alik pronunci qasim. suggest similar babi name basim, karim, kasi, kasie, kason wasim. like kasim, name frequent used."} {"id": "5579", "contents": "kasim /ka-sim/ [2 sylls.] name boys. kasim' root arabic, kasim mean divided. kasim version kassim (arabic). compar surnam kazim. kasim alik pronunci qasim. suggest similar babi name basim, karim, kasi, kasie, kason wasim. like kasim, name frequent used."} {"id": "5580", "contents": "arab meaning: name kasim arab babi name. arab mean name kasim is: divided. soulurg number: 1. express number: 8. peopl name deep inner desir use abil leadership, person independence. would rather focu large, import issues, deleg details."} {"id": "5581", "contents": "kassim variants: kaseem kasim. kassim rare first name men popular last name adult children (#30264 150436, top 20%). (2000 u.s. census). chart babi name popular kassim boys. kassim yet record list thu far. (top 1000 birth name records, 2014). kassim /kas-sim/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc kah-seem. arab origin, mean kassim divided. kreatif forms: kaisim, keesim, kisim."} {"id": "5582", "contents": "qasim transliter male given name (arabic: \u0642\u0627\u0633\u0645 \u200e, q\u0101sim), pronounc long first syllable. mean one distributes. first known bearer name son islam prophet, muhammad. occasion variant spelling, (arabic: \u0642\u0633\u06cc\u0645 \u200e, qas\u012bm), distinguish long second syllable. name also use surnames."} {"id": "5583", "contents": "obsess compuls disord (ocd) character unreason fear obsess caus person engag compuls behavior minim reliev anxiety. take good care yourself. get treatment ocd, import take good care whole body, mind, soul. join gym, nourish bodi healthi foods, get plenti rest, nurtur soul attend religi servic engag soul sooth activities."} {"id": "5584", "contents": "cope obsessive-compuls disord challenging. medic unwant side effects, might feel embarrass angri condit requir long-term treatment. way help cope ocd: learn ocd. educ condit empow motiv stick treatment plan. join support group. support group peopl ocd help reach other face similar challenges. stay focus goals. way help cope ocd: learn ocd. join support group. stay focus goals. find healthi outlets. learn relax stress management. stick regular activities. lifestyl home remedies. prevention."} {"id": "5585", "contents": "topic overview. obsessive-compuls disord (ocd) disrupt entir family. order help someon ocd, import famili member love one learn much possibl illness. may help attend counsel support group apart love one ocd. learn way help person behavior therap"} {"id": "5586", "contents": "psychotherapi may cure ocd, effect way cope ocd symptom make less noticeable; therapi may abl cure 10% cases, improv symptom mani 50-80% patients. take good care yourself. get treatment ocd, import take good care whole body, mind, soul. join gym, nourish bodi healthi foods, get plenti rest, nurtur soul attend religi servic engag soul sooth activities."} {"id": "5587", "contents": "slide 5. true way deal ocpd therapy, help tame inflex often accompani ocpd. time, help tip deal peopl obsess compuls person disorder. whether parent, spouse, friend, co-work person disorder, use tip help deal help way possible."} {"id": "5588", "contents": "cope ocd. form mental illness, known cure ocd. medic reduc even elimin symptom ocd, stop take drug like symptom return. short articl deal moder case obsess compuls disord explain differ way cope ocd. often extrem case ocd cannot accommod famili lifestyl adjust disrupt enslaving."} {"id": "5589", "contents": "4. build strong support system help cope ocd. mani peopl consid ocd problem caus sole individual\u2019 dysfunct brain, it\u2019 import keep mind onset ocd often preced traumatic, even seri especi stressful, life events. take good care yourself. get treatment ocd, import take good care whole body, mind, soul. join gym, nourish bodi healthi foods, get plenti rest, nurtur soul attend religi servic engag soul sooth activities."} {"id": "5590", "contents": "ocd anxieti disorder, catastroph disorder. overcom ocd, need work anxieti thoughts, threat make. catastroph depict thoughts. thoughts, feel experi thoughts. thought dime dozen. ocd anxiety."} {"id": "5591", "contents": "intrus thoughts. peopl ocd suffer intrus thoughts: thought inappropri caus stress sufferer. usual fall three categori inappropri violent thoughts, inappropri sexual thoughts, blasphem religi thoughts. take good care yourself. get treatment ocd, import take good care whole body, mind, soul. join gym, nourish bodi healthi foods, get plenti rest, nurtur soul attend religi servic engag soul sooth activities."} {"id": "5592", "contents": "course, spirit god, refer either holi spirit holi ghost. also speak spirit person, troubl spirit. bibl speak ghost think them, haunt hous sort thing. speak familiar spirit say anyth them."} {"id": "5593", "contents": "bibl say commun familiar spirits, ghosts? it\u2019 bible, isaiah 8:19, nasb. \u201cand say you, \u2018consult medium spiritist whisper mutter.\u2019 peopl consult god? consult dead behalf living?\u201d vs. 20, kjv."} {"id": "5594", "contents": "stupid answers. wanna know bibl say anyth ghosts/demon earth supernatur activ relat ghost explained, can. thanks! remember, frickin"} {"id": "5595", "contents": "bibl refer spirit dead \u201cfamiliar spirits,\u201d intim association, personal, one well acquaint (see, leviticu 19:31, deuteronomi 18:11; king 21:6; isaiah 8:19, etc.) warn anyth them."} {"id": "5596", "contents": "answer question depend precis meant term \u201cghosts.\u201d term mean \u201cspirit beings,\u201d answer qualifi \u201cyes.\u201d term mean \u201cspirit peopl died,\u201d answer \u201cno.\u201d bibl make abundantli clear spirit beings, good evil."} {"id": "5597", "contents": "ghost bible: jesu look like ghost. jesu discipl boat sea galilee, them. matthew tell us happened: shortli dawn jesu went them, walk lake. discipl saw walk lake, terrified."} {"id": "5598", "contents": "ghost real, angel god dead love ones. fallen angel tri deceiv us. it\u2019 bible, ephesian 6:11-12, kjv. put whole armour god, ye may abl stand wile devil."} {"id": "5599", "contents": "rashmi like attract social, medic paramed professions: connect law, justic magistracy... however, also need secur could tempt safer position, public servant. certainly, sober deep, also shy, honest, impecc morality. patient, secure, disciplined, determin level-headed, rashmi nonetheless apprehens uncertain. tend low self-esteem quit introverted."} {"id": "5600", "contents": "mean indian name: rashmi. mean name rashmi 'sun rays'. rashmi name hindu indian origin, commonli use females. name number rashmi '5'. click get numerolog analysi name 'rashmi"} {"id": "5601", "contents": "*to note: sometim happen two differ first name meaning. noth surprising: first name figur numerology. astrology: two person belong sign present characteristic... certainly, sober deep, also shy, honest, impecc morality. patient, secure, disciplined, determin level-headed, rashmi nonetheless apprehens uncertain. tend low self-esteem quit introverted."} {"id": "5602", "contents": "first thing know consid rashmi baby' name countri world name rashmi girl name. name rashmi sanskrit origin, use mostli hindi speak countri also countri languag world. pronunciation: (rash mee). form of: rasmi. mean name \u201crashmi\u201d is: \u201cbeam moon-/sunlight\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "5603", "contents": "name rashmi gener mean ray light sun rays, indian origin, name rashmi unisex name, mean boy girl name. person name rashmi mainli hindu religion. name rashmi belong rashi tula (libra) domin planet venu (shukra) nakshatra (stars) hastha."} {"id": "5604", "contents": "mean rashmi. indian name. indian, name rashmi means-a ray light.th name rashmi origin indian name. name rashmi often use girl name femal name. indian name meaning-a ray light. origin-india. global star registery-nam star someon special!"} {"id": "5605", "contents": "rashmi gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ras-hmi. u.s. 2014 less girl given name. less boy given name. view rashmi name popular page see popular trend rashmi chang sinc 1880, compar popular rashmi names. indian name gener contain given name follow number secondari names. secondari name often patronyms, name deriv father, grandfath patern ancestor, villag names, occup names, name gods. hindu given name sanskrit."} {"id": "5606", "contents": "question: term ebenez mean bible?. answer: us familiar name ebenez charact ebenez scroog charl dicken novella christma carol. ebenez mean stone help. on, everi time israelit saw stone erect samuel, would tangibl remind lord power protection. stone help mark spot enemi rout god promis bless repent peopl honored."} {"id": "5607", "contents": "ebenez /ebe-nez-er/ [4 sylls.] boys' name hebrew origin, mean ebenez stone help. biblical: name memori stone set prophet samuel mark critic battl victori jewish history. first use given name puritan 17th century. literary: ebenez scroog charact charl dickens' christma carol. kreatif forms: ebeneer, ebennezer. ebenez unusu given name men somewhat promin last name adult children (#147095 150436, top 98%). (2000 u.s. census). chart analysi usag boy name ebenez correspond names."} {"id": "5608", "contents": "syll. e-be-ne-zer, eb-enez- babi boy name ebenez also use girl name. pronounc english ehb-ah-n iy-zahr \u2020. ebenez use predominantli english languag origin hebrew. biblic name, element 'eben' mean stone; 'ezer' help; 'ebenhaezer' stone help. first name deriv place name bible. contract eb eben (use welsh too), diminut form ebbie, variant spell ebeneez english forms. ebenez regularli use babi name boys. list top 1000 names. babi name sound like ebenez name ebeneez (english)."} {"id": "5609", "contents": "mean \u201cebenezer\u201d. english, ebenez man\u2019 name. today quit uncommon, apart associ christma carol. time charl dickens, men call ebenezer, though i\u2019m abl judg common name was. advertisement. name \u201cebenezer\u201d origin english language. fact, anglic version hebrew name, compos two hebrew words. samuel 4:1, example, israel camp place call ebenezer."} {"id": "5610", "contents": "name ebenez hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name ebenez is: rock stone help. famou bearer: old testament samuel gave name ebenez stone set recognit god' assist defeat philistines; miserli ebenez scroog charl dickens' novel 'a chnsitma carol'. soulurg number:"} {"id": "5611", "contents": "mean stone help hebrew. name monument erect samuel old testament. charl dicken use miserli charact ebenez scroog novel 'a christma carol' (1843). relat names."} {"id": "5612", "contents": "mean ebenezer. hebrew name. hebrew, name ebenez means-rock stone help. famou bearer: old testament samuel gave name ebenez stone set recognit god assist defeat philistines; miserli ebenez scroog charl dicken novel chnsitma carol.. origin name ebenez include-hebrew, israeli.th name ebenez often use boy name male name. hebrew name meaning-rock stone help. famou bearer: old testament samuel gave name ebenez stone set recognit god assist defeat philistines; miserli ebenez scroog charl dicken novel chnsitma carol. origin-hebrew. altern origins-isra"} {"id": "5613", "contents": "text preview. defeat napoleon 1815 defeat germani 1918 prompt european peac confer held. congress vienna held napoleon\u2019 defeat establish equilibrium power europe. impos lenient measures, maintain peac europe. quadrupl allianc agre meet occasion discuss interest europ maintain peace. ii. treati versail world war sought unnecessarili harsh demand alreadi crippl germani ultim led breakdown treati"} {"id": "5614", "contents": "treati versail congress vienna simillar goal mind, recreation/resor european peace. treati versail one peac treati end world war i. end war germani alli powers. sign june 28, 1919, xactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, one event trigger start war."} {"id": "5615", "contents": "cours congress vienna treati versail signific decis european diplomacy. congress vienna, confer european nations, held septemb 1814 june 1815, defeat napoleon. treaty, could rather call noth more, profit motiv main nation europe, end first world war 1918."} {"id": "5616", "contents": "took place major wars, (the congress took place napoleon wars, versail wwi) case nation held respons chang polit order seen member club (franc put bourbon back throne, germani becam republic). treati versail one peac treati end world war i. end war germani alli powers. sign june 28, 1919, xactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, one event trigger start war."} {"id": "5617", "contents": "defeat napoleon 1815 defeat germani 1918 prompt european peac confer held. congress vienna held napoleon\u2019 defeat establish equilibrium power europe. quadrupl allianc agre meet occasion discuss interest europ maintain peace. ii. treati versail world war sought unnecessarili harsh demand alreadi crippl germani ultim led breakdown treati peac"} {"id": "5618", "contents": "congress vienna, head klemen von metternich austria napoleon wars, pari peac conference, held great war, result treati aim keep peace, ineffect compar extent. congress vienna, head klemen von metternich austria napoleon wars, pari peac conference, held great war, result treati aimed. extract document... introduct"} {"id": "5619", "contents": "end wwi mani treati sign defeat side, central powers. treati versail sign 1919 germani alli power (repres france, unit states, great britain italy), harshest peac treati war. congress vienna, head klemen von metternich austria napoleon wars, pari peac conference, held great war, result treati aimed. extract document... introduct"} {"id": "5620", "contents": "best answer: well, start parti involved? congress vienna, 1815, britain, prussia, austria-hungary, russia, franc ottoman empire. versail us, france, germany, britain. next, reason came together: call piec europ back togeth major war. vienna napoleon, versail wwi. finally, goal. vienna want maintain balanc power europe."} {"id": "5621", "contents": "form of: alicia. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. search comprehens find name mean alecia name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name alecia check initi name last name discov look sounds. mean alecia one differ etymologies. differ mean countri languages. differ mean name alecia are: german meaning: nobl kind; nobl sort."} {"id": "5622", "contents": "alecia /ale-cia/ [3 sylls.] girls' name. alecia' name origin old german, name alecia mean noble, exalted. alecia altern spell alic (old german). alecia also deriv alicia (old german). kreatif forms: alcia, alelia. shown babi name popular alecia girls. alecia enter list 1960-1969 reach apex posit #602 u.s. 1980-1989, top 1000 currently."} {"id": "5623", "contents": "differ mean name alecia are: mean name \u201calecia\u201d differ sever languages, countri cultur one possibl differ mean available. mean alecia one differ etymologies. differ mean countri languages. differ mean name alecia are: german meaning: nobl kind; nobl sort."} {"id": "5624", "contents": "syll. a-le-cia, al-ec-ia babi girl name alecia pronounc aa-l iy-siy-aa- \u2020. alecia' languag origin germanic, use larg english greek languages. alecia variant form alice. alecia also variant form english, latinized, spanish, french, scandinavian alicia english greek languages. alecia unusu babi name girls. usag peak modestli 1987 0.019% babi girl given name alecia"} {"id": "5625", "contents": "teuton mean name alicia is: nobl humor. latin meaning: name alicia latin babi name. latin mean name alicia is: latin form german alice, adalheidi mean nobility. swedish meaning: name alicia swedish babi name. swedish mean name alicia is: truth."} {"id": "5626", "contents": "alicia /ali-cia/ [3 sylls.] girls' name pronounc ah-lee-shah, ah-lee-see-ah. old german origin, mean alicia noble, exalted. modern latin form alice. phonet form ensur particular pronunci popular. actress alicia silverstone."} {"id": "5627", "contents": "latin meaning: name alecia latin babi name. latin mean name alecia is: american meaning: name alecia american babi name. american mean name alecia is: soulurg number: 7. express number: 22. peopl name deep inner need quiet, desir understand analyz world live in, learn deeper truths."} {"id": "5628", "contents": "origin name alicia: variant alice, name evolv seri variant german adalheidis, compound name compos element adal (noble, nobility) heid (kind, sort): hence, nobl one.."} {"id": "5629", "contents": "expect spend averag $4,200 wed 140 ($30 per plate). course, fancier wed prepar spend much that...anywher $100 per plate depend decad recept is. averag cost band recept $3,469 2013 25% coupl go route. averag price dj spin night away 70% cheaper, $1,000 night."} {"id": "5630", "contents": "averag wed cost. averag wed cost unit state $26,444. coupl typic spend $19,833 $33,055 but, coupl spend less $10,000. includ cost honeymoon. understand wed cost help wed budget later. enter us zip code get idea much coupl spent wed area"} {"id": "5631", "contents": "guest spend also vari significantli locat region. use guideline, custom famili area may higher lower. share averag amount spent wed gift 2014 registryfinder.com $120. choos buy couple' wed registry, recommend purchas early, best select gift price ranges. know much expect spend wed gift. unfortunately, there' simpl answer set amount spend (or amount give gift cash). amount spend depend upon budget relationship wed coupl (or parents)."} {"id": "5632", "contents": "attend rel friend' wedding, wed websit suggest somewher $100 $125. theknot.com also took puls real bride groom spent wed past registri study. average, friend spend $79 bride groom' present, said miles. famili members, meanwhile, spend averag $146. hill says, though, overal wed guest assess budget well know bride groom."} {"id": "5633", "contents": "cost wed soar coupl spent averag $30,000 2013, accord theknot.com, $28,000 year highest level sinc 2008 wed guest spend ever, well. 2:28 watch next buy perfect wed gift wed etiquett tip much give jessica silvester, senior editor new york magazine."} {"id": "5634", "contents": "averag cost wed (bi state). depend get marri cost wed vari significantli nation averag $29,858. tabl show state (and area state applicable) alphabet order. averag cost band recept $3,469 2013 25% coupl go route. averag price dj spin night away 70% cheaper, $1,000 night."} {"id": "5635", "contents": "3. recept band-sinc music entertain usual big part wed reception, question whether shell band decid save extra cash go dj. averag cost band recept $3,469 2013 25% coupl go route. averag price dj spin night away 70% cheaper, $1,000 night. 4. photographer-hav photo taken expens $2,440 averag per wed indic (and that' even includ cost videograph want that, too)"} {"id": "5636", "contents": "coupl spent averag $220 per guest wed 2013, accord theknot.com, includ $66 food alone. expert agre base cost gift much think coupl spend food entertain antiqu notion. 2:28 watch next buy perfect wed gift wed etiquett tip much give jessica silvester, senior editor new york magazine."} {"id": "5637", "contents": "meanwhile, head destin out-of-town wedding, probabl ok spend less gift, said hill. still give something; hill note guest can't simpli say attend gift enough. average, friend spend $79 bride groom' present, said miles. famili members, meanwhile, spend averag $146. hill says, though, overal wed guest assess budget well know bride groom."} {"id": "5638", "contents": "offici offic call, good idea reserach church area, figur averag fees, decid much pay base figure. average, profession offici fee rang anywher $500-800. officiant' fee gener donat hous worship congregation. marri hous worship, call church templ offic ask much gener given. inform may also post onlin look first."} {"id": "5639", "contents": "emphasized, howev necessari proper claus author congress enact law appropri plainli adapt carri execut congress' enumer powers; author congress enact law congress think reasonable.. author necessari render effectu particular power granted.. congress thu make law someth otherwis outsid enumer powers, insofar law necessari proper effectu feder polici someth within enumer power."} {"id": "5640", "contents": "act congress statut enact unit state congress. either public law, relat gener public, privat law, relat specif institut individuals. term use countri legislatur name congress congress philippines."} {"id": "5641", "contents": "congress borrow money credit u.s., make laws, power call forth militia execut law union. cannot cr eat notion public school system, requir peopl vote attend church, abolish juri trials. no. system check balanc ensur judici branch (the courts) check legisl branch (senat hous representatives) enact law hat conflict us constitution."} {"id": "5642", "contents": "legisl branch enact law conflict constitution? no. system check balanc ensur judici branch (the courts) check legisl branch (senat hous representatives) enact law hat conflict us constitution. person found useful."} {"id": "5643", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. civil right law, incom tax law minimum wage law exampl law enact constitution. congress hold right enact laws. no. system check balanc ensur judici branch (the courts) check legisl branch (senat hous representatives) enact law hat conflict us constitution."} {"id": "5644", "contents": "introduct unit state govern enumer powers. congress, two branch feder government, exercis power given constitution."} {"id": "5645", "contents": "presid may veto bill congress passes, congress may also overrid veto two-third vote senat hous representatives. articl constitut enumer power congress specif area may legislate. congress also empow enact law deem necessari proper execut power given part govern constitution."} {"id": "5646", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. congress borrow money credit u.s., make laws, power call forth militia execut law union. cannot creat notion public school system, requir peopl vote attend church, abolish juri trials. no. system check balanc ensur judici branch (the courts) check legisl branch (senat hous representatives) enact law hat conflict us constitution. person found useful."} {"id": "5647", "contents": "kind oktoberfest beer pumpkin ale come first, follow winter brews. whether they'r meant fall winter, beer perfect cold weather; they'r often dark, malty, mani slightli spici tast them. howe sound pumpkineater, imperi pumpkin ale first next categori beers, pumpkin ale. last year pumpkin ale becom harbing fall brewers."} {"id": "5648", "contents": "stamp catalog coin catalog banknot catalog trade card game catalog video game catalog postcard catalog beer coaster catalog token catalog lego set catalog sticker catalog decor catalog sport card catalog."} {"id": "5649", "contents": "seem time tast beer exot locale, research reveal part one top three four largest global brewers. said, brew well craft individualistic. spici nose lead well-balanced, rich, biscuiti flavors; semi-dri clean finish. lithuania, it\u2019 right home tabl grandma\u2019 recip cabbag roll stuf rice, spice dice veget aromat tomato sauce, top sour cream."} {"id": "5650", "contents": "\u0161vyturys-uteno alu uab date back 225 years, found first industri breweri klaip da lithuania german merchant jacob rainck 1784. breweri member denmark\u2019 carlsberg group. spici nose lead well-balanced, rich, biscuiti flavors; semi-dri clean finish. lithuania, it\u2019 right home tabl grandma\u2019 recip cabbag roll stuf rice, spice dice veget aromat tomato sauce, top sour cream."} {"id": "5651", "contents": "one mani famou oktoberfest beers, also one best, lightli toast malt perfectli balanc gentl herbal hops. slightli sweet finish, incred drinkable. hofbrau' oktoberfestbier, 6.3% abv, anoth classic take fall hofbrau fall munich. festbier. even though got slightli higher abv ayinger, come across lighter toasti malt herbal hop profil remain highli refreshing. howe sound pumpkineater, imperi pumpkin ale first next categori beers, pumpkin ale. last year pumpkin ale becom harbing fall brewers."} {"id": "5652", "contents": "ayinger' oktoberfest (also known maertzen), m\u00e4rtzen at.58 %, abv classic german lager enjoy fall oktoberfest celebr in. germany'it one mani famou oktoberfest, beer also one the, best lightli toast malt perfectli balanc gentl herbal. hop howe sound pumpkineater, imperi pumpkin ale first next categori beers, pumpkin ale. last year pumpkin ale becom harbing fall brewers."} {"id": "5653", "contents": "sinc 1989, ram head serv freshest food possible, prepar menu item scratch, daily. steak age black angu beef use fresh (never frozen) chicken, fish crab. we'r certain agre make ram head uniqu commit great food, great beer casual environ perfect afternoon friend special affair. except atmospher open day week, serv appetizers, lunch, dinner full bar well sunday brunch."} {"id": "5654", "contents": "origin gravity: 1060. seem time tast beer exot locale, research reveal part one top three four largest global brewers. said, brew well craft individualistic. copper color depth. spici nose lead well-balanced, rich, biscuiti flavors; semi-dri clean finish. lithuania, it\u2019 right home tabl grandma\u2019 recip cabbag roll stuf rice, spice dice veget aromat tomato sauce, top sour cream."} {"id": "5655", "contents": "tavern locat convert mill building. attract location. good bar beer menu--it' tavern, all. divers pub menu, reason priced. good service. food noth special. perfectli fine burger, beer, good time friends. we'r certain agre make ram head uniqu commit great food, great beer casual environ perfect afternoon friend special affair. except atmospher open day week, serv appetizers, lunch, dinner full bar well sunday brunch."} {"id": "5656", "contents": "weak acids. weak acid partial dissoci water give anion. exampl weak acid includ hydrofluor acid, hf, acet acid, ch cooh. weak acid include: molecul contain ioniz proton. molecul wih formula start usual acid. organ acid contain one carboxyl group, -cooh. ionizable. anion ioniz proton."} {"id": "5657", "contents": "strong acid bases. acid base complet ioniz dissolv water call strong acid strong base strong acid bases, everyon know name properties. acid often use industri everyday life."} {"id": "5658", "contents": "due complet dissoci strong acid aqueou solution, concentr hydronium ion water equal total concentr (ioniz un-ionized) acid introduc solution: [h [a [ha] total ph \u2212log[h ]. concentr solut strong acid ph less zero, hammett acid function better measur acid ph. sulfon acids, organ oxyacids, class strong acids. common exampl p-toluenesulfon acid (tosyl acid)."} {"id": "5659", "contents": "ha strong acid, a-ion weak attract proton, therefor easili transfer water molecule. also recal sinc accept proton back, function base call conjug base acid ha."} {"id": "5660", "contents": "acid weak acids. weak acid acid dissoci incompletely, releas hydrogen atom solution. thus, less capabl strong acid donat protons. acid higher pka strong acids, releas hydrogen atom dissolv water. concentr solut strong acid ph less zero, hammett acid function better measur acid ph. sulfon acids, organ oxyacids, class strong acids. common exampl p-toluenesulfon acid (tosyl acid)."} {"id": "5661", "contents": "hydrochlor acid hcl strong acid. dissoci complet water (the definit strong acid/base) h+ cl-. sinc h+ ree water caus water becom acid therefor acid. dissoci coupl free h+ dissoci give classif strong acid."} {"id": "5662", "contents": "strong acid ph ph measur concentr hydrogen ion solution. strong acid like hydrochlor acid sort concentr normal use lab ph around 1. lower ph, higher concentr hydrogen ion solution. strong weak acid page explain term strong weak appli acids. part defin explain meant ph, ka pka. import confus word strong weak term concentr dilute."} {"id": "5663", "contents": "acid illustr hydrochlor acid. pure hydrochlor acid gas, dissolv easili water produc solut hydrogen ion chlorid ion. sinc nearli dissoci water, call strong acid. acid dissoci complet call weak acids."} {"id": "5664", "contents": "base thought chemic opposit acids. however, strong acid abl act bases. base acid seen opposit effect acid increas hydronium (h +) concentr water, wherea base reduc concentration. reaction acid base call neutralization."} {"id": "5665", "contents": "strength acid refer abil tendenc lose proton (h +). strong acid one complet ioniz (dissociates) solution. water, one mole strong acid ha dissolv yield one mole (a hydronium ion +) one mole conjug base, concentr solut strong acid ph less zero, hammett acid function better measur acid ph. sulfon acids, organ oxyacids, class strong acids. common exampl p-toluenesulfon acid (tosyl acid)."} {"id": "5666", "contents": "produc synthes food photosynthesi use energi sunlight carbon dioxid air. respir return carbon dioxid atmosphere. consum use food produc produc energy. respir also return carbon dioxid atmosphere. decompos break plant anim wast products. also break dead plant animals. decompos process releas carbon dioxid ga atmospher"} {"id": "5667", "contents": "concept producers, consum decompos interconnect process photosynthesi cellular respiration. import student understand mechan bodies, interact make possible, fit bigger pictur (the carbon cycle). c. burn fossil fuel wood releas carbon dioxid atmosphere. d. organ die carbon contain molecul becom part soil. molecul broken fungi, bacteria, decomposers. decay process carbon dioxid releas air."} {"id": "5668", "contents": "decompos organ break dead decay organisms, so, carri natur process decomposition. like herbivor predators, decompos heterotrophic, mean use organ substrat get energy, carbon nutrient growth development."} {"id": "5669", "contents": "photosynthesi cellular respiration. name____________________________________hour_______. photosynthesis. photosynthesi process sunlight energy, along carbon dioxid water, convert glucos (a sugar) oxygen."} {"id": "5670", "contents": "photosynthesi process use plant organ convert light energy, normal sun, chemic energi later releas fuel organisms' activities. however, organ use light sourc energi carri photosynthesis, sinc photoheterotroph use organ compounds, rather carbon dioxide, sourc carbon. plants, alga cyanobacteria, photosynthesi releas oxygen."} {"id": "5671", "contents": "decomposers, bacteria fungi, deriv nutrient feed remain plant animals. bacteria fungi use cellular respir extract energi contain chemic bond decompos organ matter, releas carbon dioxid atmosphere. cellular respir requir oxygen (which by-product photosynthesis) produc carbon dioxide, use photosynthesis. way, photosynthesi cellular respir link carbon cycl"} {"id": "5672", "contents": "photosynthesi (photo light synthesi make) process plant use chang carbon dioxid water sugar use sunlight. sugar, glucose, fo od, process give oxygen. photosynthesi convers light energi chemic energi live organisms. raw materi carbon dioxid water. energi sourc sunlight, end-product includ glucos oxygen. decompos break dead anim plant turn soil eat poop soil thing insect bacteria muchroom decompos r' role ecosystem break dead"} {"id": "5673", "contents": "photosynthet organ also refer autotrophs. photosynthesi process plants, bacteria, protistan use energi sunlight produc sugar, cellular respir convert atp, fuel use live things. decompos break dead anim plant turn soil eat poop soil thing insect bacteria muchroom decompos r' role ecosystem break dead organisms."} {"id": "5674", "contents": "anim eat plants, eat animals, incorpor carbon sugars, fats, protein deriv ingest biomass bodies. insid cells, energi extract food process call cellular respiration. cellular respir requir oxygen (which by-product photosynthesis) produc carbon dioxide, use photosynthesis. way, photosynthesi cellular respir link carbon cycl"} {"id": "5675", "contents": "full definit dissipation. 1. action process dissipating: state dissipated: a: dispersion, diffus archaic: dissolution, disintegr c: wast expenditur d: intemper living; especially: excess drinking. 2."} {"id": "5676", "contents": "dissipation. noun. act dissip condit dissipated. wast expenditur consumption. dissolut indulg sensual pleasure; intemperance."} {"id": "5677", "contents": "definit dissipated. given mark dissipation: dissolute. dis\u00b7si\u00b7pat\u00b7ed\u00b7li adverb. dis\u00b7si\u00b7pat\u00b7ed\u00b7 noun."} {"id": "5678", "contents": "link cite add word list. adjective. definit dissip scatter wasted. smell realli strong start fade longer realli there, exampl smell dissipated. scattered. squander wasted. character by, show harm effect of, dissipation."} {"id": "5679", "contents": "dissipated. adjective. 1. debauched, abandoned, self-indulgent, profligate, intemperate, dissolute, rakish still handsom though dissipated. 2. squandered, spent, wasted, exhausted, consumed, scatter lot simpli dissipated. adj. 1. indulg without restraint pursuit pleasure; debauched. 2. wasted, scattered, exhausted."} {"id": "5680", "contents": "snu varieti wet snuff, mean substanc pouch contain 30 percent tobacco 70 percent water flavoring. exist salt flavoring, promot less saliva smokeless tobaccos. start notic familiar tobacco head buzz soon. buy pack snus. snu come differ varieti strength, flavor size. probabl best start lower strength varieti unless alreadi got consider nicotin toler tobacco products."} {"id": "5681", "contents": "marlboro snu smokeless tobacco pouch product design especi adult smoker u.s. snu pouch cigarett spit tobacco like dip chew. marlboro snu new, spitless, dri swedish-styl snu product. appear design appeal smokers, may high potenti dual use cigarettes. marlboro snu clearli outgrowth recent develop taboka dri snu product test market philip morris."} {"id": "5682", "contents": "scandinavian snu moist form smokeless tobacco usual place upper lip, result need spitting. sold either moist powder known loos snus, prepackag pouch known portion snus. sale snu illeg european union turkmenistan but, due special exemptions, still manufactur consum primarili sweden, denmark, norway finland. russian state duma draft bill ban snu russia june 2013 onwards; however, never ratified."} {"id": "5683", "contents": "snu (/\u02c8snu\u02d0s/ [sn\u0289\u02d0s]) moist powder tobacco product origin variant dri snuff earli 18th-centuri sweden. place upper lip extend periods. snu ferment contain ad sugar. sale snu illeg european union turkmenistan but, due special exemptions, still manufactur consum primarili sweden, denmark, norway finland. russian state duma draft bill ban snu russia june 2013 onwards; however, never ratified."} {"id": "5684", "contents": "camel snu flavors. currently, five flavor camel snu market, differ tast them. compar swedish snus, american snu tast littl sweeter less salty. camel robust winterchil snu made avail unit state summer 2010."} {"id": "5685", "contents": "description. camel snus, smokeless spitless tobacco product, consist pasteur tobacco portion 0.6 gram (mellow, frost) 1.0 gram (robust, winterchill) pouches. camel snu avail four flavors: mellow, robust, frost, winterchill. camel snu r.j. reynold manufactur winston-salem, north carolina sale within unit states. japan tobacco intern (jti) own intern right camel brand name outsid"} {"id": "5686", "contents": "there' evid nitrosamin -- someth els snu -- caus cancer. sweden norway, snu originated, snu user significantli higher risk pancreat cancer. snu also link mouth sores, dental cavities, heart attack, stroke, diabet risk. deliv nicotin -- addict drug."} {"id": "5687", "contents": "use snus. snus, swedish word snuff, smokeless tobacco product that' easi use somewhat less messi tradit snuff dip tobacco. come varieti flavor size good casual tobacco user smoker hope cut back. buy pack snus. snu come differ varieti strength, flavor size. probabl best start lower strength varieti unless alreadi got consider nicotin toler tobacco products."} {"id": "5688", "contents": "tc (5/9)*(tf-32); tc temperatur degre celsius, tf temperatur degre fahrenheit. example, suppos fahrenheit temperatur 98.6 degre want convert degre celsiu scale. use formula, would first subtract 32 fahrenheit temperatur get 66.6 result. multipli 66.6 five-ninth get convert valu 37 degre celsius. formula convert celsiu scale temperatur degre fahrenheit scale. assum celsiu scale temperatur 100 degre wish convert degre fahrenheit scale. use state formula, first multipli celsiu scale temperatur read nine-fifth get result 180."} {"id": "5689", "contents": "order convert celsiu fahrenheit three simpl step need done: multipli celsiu valu 9divid result 5add 32 result formula: [\u00b0f] [\u00b0c] 9\u20445 32 example: convert 30 degre celsiu fahrenheit [\u00b0f] 30 32 86. take celsiu temperature. -- multipli 1.8 -- result, add 32 fahrenheit temperature. ===== go way: take fahrenhei temperature. -- subtract 32 -- multipli result -- divid result hav"} {"id": "5690", "contents": "convert fahrenheit celsius. temperatur degre celsiu (c) equal temperatur degre fahrenheit (f) minu 32, time 5/9: (c) (t (f) 32) 5/9."} {"id": "5691", "contents": "convert celsiu fahrenheit. temperatur degre fahrenheit (f) equal temperatur degre celsiu (c) time 9/5 plu 32: (f) (c) 9/5 32. or. (f) (c) 1.8 32"} {"id": "5692", "contents": "celsiu (c) fahrenheit (f) convert convers table. temperatur degre fahrenheit (f) equal temperatur degre celsiu (c) time 9/5 plu 32: (f) (c) 9/5 32. or. (f) (c) 1.8 32"} {"id": "5693", "contents": "temperatur scales. degre fahrenheit (\u00b0f) unit temperatur name german physicist gabriel fahrenheit (1686 1736). fahrenheit scale temperatur freez point water 32 degre boil point 212 degre place boil melt point water 180 degre apart. zero degre fahrenheit indic lowest temperatur fahrenheit could obtain mixtur ice salt."} {"id": "5694", "contents": "anoth simpl convers method doubl celsius, subtract 10%, add 32. example: 100c 2x100=200,200-20=180,add 32=212f. fahrenheit celsius. visit canadian holiday 2015 websit date info holiday canada help plan vacations. celsiu chang chang 1.8 fahrenheit fahrenheit chang translat chang 0.55 celsius. one easiest way convert know 32 f. 100 realli realli hot summer 38 peopl talk 100 heatwave, mean hot."} {"id": "5695", "contents": "temperatur measur fahrenheit celsiu scale. fahrenheit temperatur scale use mostli usa. differ freez point boil point water 180 fahrenheit degress boil point water 212 \u00b0f freez point water 32 \u00b0f. mean one degre fahrenheit scale 1/180th differ freez boil point water. fahrenheit celsiu formula. formula convert fahrenheit celsiu given by. formula convert celsiu fahrenheit given by. kelvin fahrenheit formula given by. degre celsiu denot oc degre fahrenheit denot f."} {"id": "5696", "contents": "revers convers formula convert celsiu fahrenheit. convert direction, multipli celsiu temperatur 1.8, add 32: ft 1.8ct 32. take liquid boil 120 degre celsius. fahrenheit celsiu equation. convert fahrenheit temperatur celsius, subtract 32 temperatur divid 1.8. convers shown follow equation, ft fahrenheit temperature, ct celsiu temperature: ct (ft 32)/1.8."} {"id": "5697", "contents": "holter monitor? holter monitor battery-oper portabl devic measur tape record heart\u2019 activ (ecg) continu 24 48 hour longer depend type monitor used. devic size small camera."} {"id": "5698", "contents": "type heart rate monitor includ measur heart rate fingertip wrist. monitor cost $20 $50. type monitor typic lack featur watch strap heart rate monitors. heart rate monitor includ watch need batteri operate. batteri requir vari depend upon brand device. batteri typic cost less $10. expert opinion vari best optim train use heart rate monitor."} {"id": "5699", "contents": "average, holter monitor test cost anywher $300 much $1,200 test without sort insurance. health insur policy, respons co-pay deductibles. usually, day wear holter monitor, higher cost pay. type holter monitor also play factor decid overal cost."} {"id": "5700", "contents": "monitor cost $20 $50. type monitor typic lack featur watch strap heart rate monitors. insur typic cover cost heart rate monitor. heart rate monitor includ watch need batteri operate. batteri requir vari depend upon brand device. batteri typic cost less $10. expert opinion vari best optim train use heart rate monitor."} {"id": "5701", "contents": "heart event monitor, also known cardiac event recorder, battery-pow portabl instrument use monitor record heart\u2019 electr activ (ecg) patient experienc symptom dizziness, short breath, palpitations, chest pain. consid buy refurbish heart event monitor device. usual offer fraction price new unit, enabl save cost item. sure refurbish devic work effici come warranti seller."} {"id": "5702", "contents": "batteri typic cost less $10. expert opinion vari best optim train use heart rate monitor. athletes, recreat professional, purchas book outlin particular train methodologies. train books, mani includ logbook, cost less $25. heart rate monitor includ watch need batteri operate. batteri requir vari depend upon brand device. batteri typic cost less $10. expert opinion vari best optim train use heart rate monitor."} {"id": "5703", "contents": "variou type heart rate monitors. common type featur strap, worn around chest, watch, display heart rate. type monitor cost $30 $470. heart rate monitor includ watch need batteri operate. batteri requir vari depend upon brand device. batteri typic cost less $10. expert opinion vari best optim train use heart rate monitor."} {"id": "5704", "contents": "opsmedical.com, follow price heart event monitor offer: heartrak recorder, post symptomat $595; heartrak smart recorder, pre/post $645; and, heartrak smart af (atrial fibrillation) $795. special price offer 10- 50-pack orders. consid buy refurbish heart event monitor device. usual offer fraction price new unit, enabl save cost item. sure refurbish devic work effici come warranti seller."} {"id": "5705", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: averag cost 24 hour holter monitor around $1000 insurance. insur cover part completely, therefor share would around $200. cost vari depend locat performed."} {"id": "5706", "contents": "mean dead sea, call anim live there,aka fish. seawe salti environment. salt also alow peopl loat easili float even sit chair. dead sea around 8.6 time salti ocean. salin make harsh environ anim cannot flourish, cannot drink it, henc name. answer: call dead thought without life people."} {"id": "5707", "contents": "dead sea, also known salt sea, salt lake border jordan east israel west bank west. it\u2019 hypersalin lake truli one earth\u2019 uniqu places. photograph david shankbone. 2. dead sea 377 (1,237 ft) deep, make deepest hypersalin lake world. hypersalin lake landlock bodi water contain signific concentr sodium chlorid miner salts, salin level surpass ocean water."} {"id": "5708", "contents": "dead sea quit gloomi name given quit fascin place. dead sea featur make stand water bodies. call \u201cyam ham mawet\u201d hebrew, mean \u201csea death\u201d. lake border west bank jordan east israel west. cover roughli surfac area 402 squar kilo meters."} {"id": "5709", "contents": "3. 33.7% salinity, dead sea one world\u2019 saltiest bodi water. although lake assal (djibouti), garabogazkoel garabogazk\u00f6l hypersalin lake mcmurdo mcmurdo dri valley (antarctica juan) pond report higher. salinities. photograph david shankbone. 2. dead sea 377 (1,237 ft) deep, make deepest hypersalin lake world. hypersalin lake landlock bodi water contain signific concentr sodium chlorid miner salts, salin level surpass ocean water."} {"id": "5710", "contents": "dead sea endorh lake locat jordan rift valley, geograph featur form dead sea transform (dst). left lateral-mov transform fault lie along tecton plate boundari african plate arabian plate. dead sea 50 kilometr (31 mi) long 15 kilometr (9 mi) wide widest point. lie jordan rift valley main tributari jordan river."} {"id": "5711", "contents": "dead sea connect israel jordan, isra side locat ein gedi, near mesada far jerusalem. call dead sea beca use salti anyth live in, animals, fish plant cannot exist there. dead sea around 8.6 time salti ocean. salin make harsh environ anim cannot flourish, cannot drink it, henc name. answer: call dead thought without life people."} {"id": "5712", "contents": "answer: metaphorically, dead sea call water flow it. river lead in, none go out--a river die it. thrive tourist industri peopl visit lowest place earth, float water take salt mud baths. dead sea around 8.6 time salti ocean. salin make harsh environ anim cannot flourish, cannot drink it, henc name. answer: call dead thought without life people."} {"id": "5713", "contents": "mean dead sea, call anim live there,aka fish. seawe salti environment. salt also alow peopl loat easili float even sit chair. call 'the dead sea' salti nearli anim live it."} {"id": "5714", "contents": "hound dog breeds. hound origin hunt dogs, mani pre-dat gun-assist hunter sport group. great deal diversity, behavior physical, within group, histori hunt assist often common bond among hound breeds. size, rang tall lanki irish wolfhound short-leg dachshund. hound origin only, dachshund might seem place group, background digger accustom chase fox badger underground would logic make terrier."} {"id": "5715", "contents": "oldest breed domest dog speedi sight hounds. saluki pharaoh hounds, particular, trace origin back antiquity. imag dog close resembl breed depict wall tomb egyptian pharaohs. size, rang tall lanki irish wolfhound short-leg dachshund. hound origin only, dachshund might seem place group, background digger accustom chase fox badger underground would logic make terrier."} {"id": "5716", "contents": "look hound wiktionary, free dictionary. hound type dog assist hunter track chase anim hunted. contrast gun dog, assist hunter identifi locat prey and/or recov shot quarry. hound breed first hunt dogs. power speed sens smell."} {"id": "5717", "contents": "cases, breed' origin overlap boundari two countries; dog normal list countri commonli associ (for example, design countri accord feder f\u00e9d\u00e9ration cynologiqu (internationale). fci process continu today, result wide varieti breeds, hybrids, type dog. such, dog anim wide variat appear without speciation, chihuahua great dane.."} {"id": "5718", "contents": "dog select bred thousand years, sometim inbreed dog ancestr lines, sometim mix dog differ lines. process continu today, result wide varieti breeds, hybrids, type dog. such, dog anim wide variat appear without speciation, chihuahua great dane.. follow list use wide interpret breed.. breed usual categor function type breed developed. basic type companion dogs, guard dogs, hunt dogs, herd dogs, work dogs, although mani type subtyp"} {"id": "5719", "contents": "hound share common ancestr trait use hunting. use acut scent power follow trail. beyond this, however, gener hound hard come by, sinc group encompass quit divers lot. pharaoh hounds, norwegian elkhounds, afghan beagles, among others. hound share distinct abil produc uniqu sound known baying."} {"id": "5720", "contents": "regardless type hound, dog group independ creatur like decid term whether obey particular command. make group dog distinguish dog uniqu uniqu strengths; excel scent recognition, abil spot anim far distance, rocket-lik speed."} {"id": "5721", "contents": "hound group. hound share common ancestr trait use hunting. use acut scent power follow trail. other demonstr phenomen gift stamina relentlessli run quarry. beyond this, however, gener hound hard come by, sinc group encompass quit divers lot. pharaoh hounds, norwegian elkhounds, afghan beagles, among others. hound share distinct abil produc uniqu sound known baying."} {"id": "5722", "contents": "hound group extrem diverse. breed rang pharaoh hound beagles, elkhound bloodhounds. come varieti size coat types, person rang rambuncti outgo laid-back nonchalant. make group dog distinguish dog uniqu uniqu strengths; excel scent recognition, abil spot anim far distance, rocket-lik speed."} {"id": "5723", "contents": "averag time walk mile. men, averag time walk mile 11:43 !4:44 minutes. female, betweet 13:09 16:04 minutes. source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-time-to-walk-a-mil ]."} {"id": "5724", "contents": "goldenrodfarm. odd test, one mile 14 minut walk test, run me, anyth less 17 minut running/jogging, leg go fast enough walk without resort running. think someon age walk fast without run strange."} {"id": "5725", "contents": "averag fit walk pace close 15 minut mile. but, good pace vari depend fit level, walk technique, walk goals, terrain. gener fit walk walk pace increas heart rate, maintain 30 60 minutes. use talk test..."} {"id": "5726", "contents": "averag human speed brisk walk pace 3.5 mph. rate, would take 27 hour walk 94 miles. assum walk hour day, ould three day walk mid-morn fourth day reach destination. peopl found useful."} {"id": "5727", "contents": "ict headquart locat new offic build south jefferson blvd. playa vista ten minut lax: usc institut creativ technologies."} {"id": "5728", "contents": "tuition fee $50,210 (2015-16). univers southern california\u2019 central campus, refer univers park campus, locat lo angeles\u2019 downtown art educ corridor. usc campus l.a. addit site around southern california sacramento, calif., washington. summary. univers southern california privat institut found 1880. total undergradu enrol 18,740, set urban, campu size 226 acres. util semester-bas academ calendar."} {"id": "5729", "contents": "recent decades, univers also leverag locat lo angel establish relationship research cultur institut throughout asia pacif rim. engin econom activity, usc contribut approxim $5 billion annual economi lo angel counti area. chaffey colleg found 1883 citi ontario, california, agricultur colleg branch campu usc name chaffey colleg agricultur univers southern california. usc ran chaffey colleg agricultur financi troubl close school 1901."} {"id": "5730", "contents": "usc also program center marina del rey, orang county, sacramento, washington, d.c., catalina island, alhambra around southern california. children\u2019 hospit lo angeles, staf usc faculti keck school medicine, often refer usc\u2019 third campus. anchor institut lo angeles, global center arts, technolog intern business, usc' divers curricular offer provid extens opportun interdisciplinari study, collabor lead research highli advanc learn environments."} {"id": "5731", "contents": "locat within minut lo angeles\u2019 citi center downtown art educ corridor, usc\u2019 univers park health scienc campus easi reach major freeway well l.a. metro buse metrolink rail. univers park campus."} {"id": "5732", "contents": "besid main campu univers park, usc also oper health scienc campu mile (3.2 km) northeast downtown. addition, children' hospit lo angel staf usc faculti keck school medicin often refer usc' third campus. chaffey colleg found 1883 citi ontario, california, agricultur colleg branch campu usc name chaffey colleg agricultur univers southern california. usc ran chaffey colleg agricultur financi troubl close school 1901."} {"id": "5733", "contents": "campus. usc\u2019 two primari campuses, locat heart lo angeles, welcom thousand guest visitor year. 229-acr univers park campus, home usc dornsif colleg letters, art sciences, graduat school, usc\u2019 profession schools, adjac exposit park world-class museum recreat facilities."} {"id": "5734", "contents": "faculti practic move univers villag new locat engemann student health center. new offic locat northwest corner usc campus\u2014just east jefferson boulevard vermont avenu intersection, next park structur b. locat fourth floor."} {"id": "5735", "contents": "more, see full timelin key event usc' history. locat heart lo angeles, usc\u2019 univers park campu part city\u2019 downtown art educ corridor home usc dana david dornsif colleg letters, art scienc mani profession schools. anchor institut lo angeles, global center arts, technolog intern business, usc' divers curricular offer provid extens opportun interdisciplinari study, collabor lead research highli advanc learn environments."} {"id": "5736", "contents": "brown band roaches. brown band cockroach often confus german roach, habit different. often brought dwell furniture. commonli found southern states, may found warmer part build northern states. brown band cockroach identification. light brown,about 1/2 inch long. two light, irregular band along wings. german roach two dark, distinct band behind heads."} {"id": "5737", "contents": "brown-band cockroach (supella longipalpa) small speci cockroach, measur 5\u20448 (10 14 mm) long. speci genu supella. brown-band cockroach eat wide varieti items. cockroach usual scavengers, thu eat wide array items, often almost anyth organic, includ decay matter. known caus problem hospit emerg night feed bodili fluids, therebi risk cross-infection."} {"id": "5738", "contents": "appearance. smokybrown cockroach common pest southeastern unit states. although mainli found central texa eastward, far north north carolina, smoky-brown cockroach also found far north indiana illinois."} {"id": "5739", "contents": "best advic brown-band cockroach control practic good sanitation. prevent brown-band cockroach infest space, vacuum often, keep spotless kitchen, seal entranc around util pipe ventil crawl space prevent moistur buildup."} {"id": "5740", "contents": "brown band german roach challeng roach manag eliminate. accur complet elimin roach need attack sever tool use baits, dusts, growth regul pheromon traps. brown band cockroach identification. light brown,about 1/2 inch long. two light, irregular band along wings. german roach two dark, distinct band behind heads."} {"id": "5741", "contents": "appearance. one smallest invas cockroaches, adult brown-band cockroach may reach 11 14.5 mm length. color roach receiv name light brown tan transvers band present wing adult across bodi young, nymphs. reproduction. adult brown-band cockroach live anywher 130 315 days, averag life span 206 days. time, femal brown-band cockroach produc approxim 14 egg capsules, oothecas, cours life."} {"id": "5742", "contents": "brown cockroach (periplaneta brunnea) speci cockroach famili blattidae. probabl origin nativ africa, today circumtrop distribution, wide introduced. cooler climat surviv indoors, consid household pest. cockroach similar appear american cockroach (p. americana), darker color thicker, wider, triangular cerci. reddish brown color fulli develop wings. reach centimet length"} {"id": "5743", "contents": "brown-band cockroaches, like cockroach species, opportunist feeders. however, provid choice, prefer materi higher starch content, book bindings, wallpap glue stamps. reproduction. adult brown-band cockroach live anywher 130 315 days, averag life span 206 days. time, femal brown-band cockroach produc approxim 14 egg capsules, oothecas, cours life."} {"id": "5744", "contents": "brown band cockroach often confus german roach, habit different. often brought dwell furniture. found indoors. may found throughout building, especi high area pictur frame ceilings. brown band cockroach identification. light brown,about 1/2 inch long. two light, irregular band along wings. german roach two dark, distinct band behind heads."} {"id": "5745", "contents": "gtaw, cc-cv multi process type use weld machin welder power sources. mig, tig, saw, smaw, stick, sub arc equipment, submerg arc welders, puls mig, plasma welder gmaw mig wire feeder well push pull soft metal wire feeder automat weld process controllers."} {"id": "5746", "contents": "weld equipment. weld equip includ stick welders, tig welders, mig welders, multi-process welders, advanc process welders, multi-oper welders, engin drives, submerg arc equipment, wire feeder arc welding. cutt"} {"id": "5747", "contents": "wire feeder may use machin automat weld must constant speed type. wire feeder must speed adjust cover rang 10 in. per minut (254 mm per minute) 125 in. per minut (3.18 per minute) feed speed. paw plasma arc weld use autom process. electr arc form work piec electrode."} {"id": "5748", "contents": "mobilefe 201av versatil voltage-sens wire feeder forus cv cc weld power supply. mobilefe 301av versatil voltage-sens wire feeder use cv cc weld power supply. origo feed 3004 ma23 optim oper togeth origo mig 4002c 6502c. also use aristo mig u5000i. ma23 featur manual mig stick weld control wire feeder tr ..."} {"id": "5749", "contents": "mani white-collar job shift outsid u.s. past sever years, prompt fear broad swath profession job outsourc lower-cost countries. case."} {"id": "5750", "contents": "make sens worker gravit toward job cannot outsourced, follow list princip job cannot outsourc reloc offshore."} {"id": "5751", "contents": "think job outsourced, may want consid peopl go outsourc new year get job outsourc side things, i.e. cloud services, saas, consult etc. also, food thought, job exempt outsourced."} {"id": "5752", "contents": "howev defined, outsourc impact american job workers, though curious hard-to-defin impact. estim net job lost outsourc rang hundr thousand millions, even aggress assumpt seem suggest less 2% u.s. workforce."} {"id": "5753", "contents": "job outsourc anytim soon. job everi industri ship oversea cheaper labor, interest see job like stick around. found articl (no outsourc here: job stay put) yahoo."} {"id": "5754", "contents": "estim net job lost outsourc rang hundr thousand millions, even aggress assumpt seem suggest less 2% u.s. workforce."} {"id": "5755", "contents": "peopl work knowledge-bas field like inform technology, accounting, graphic design legal research probabl well awar job suscept outsourc low wage country."} {"id": "5756", "contents": "outsourc custom servic support job countri like india becom common becom advertis campaign topic compani want stand better (and presum outsourced) services."} {"id": "5757", "contents": "repair technician anybodi deal broken applianc box ship wait week get back, appreci mani type repair mainten job cannot outsourced."} {"id": "5758", "contents": "gener description. doxycyclin broad spectrum antibiot member tetracyclin family. use fight bacteri infect dog cats. doxycyclin use treat mani differ bacteri infect including, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasma, psittacosis, tick born diseas includ lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, rocki mountain spot fever."} {"id": "5759", "contents": "doxycyclin antibiot use treat bacteri infections. drug also sold brand name oracea, doryx, monodox, periostat, vibramycin. doxycyclin class medic call tetracyclines, broad-spectrum antibiotic, mean work wide rang bacteria. a: doxycyclin use number differ infect follows: acne, anthrax, gum diseases, rosacea, well bacteri infect chlamydia, typhus, tick bites, pneumonia, syphilis, gonorrhea, lyme disease, plaque, malaria, urinari tract"} {"id": "5760", "contents": "doxycycline. doxycyclin tetracycline-class antibiot use veterinarian treat anim patient suffer certain bacteri infect microorganisms. type infect treat doxycycline. doxycyclin primarili use treat suscept bacteria. however, use treatment infect caus viru fungi. common condit doxycyclin prescrib includ respiratori infections, urinari infections, blood-born infect infect wounds."} {"id": "5761", "contents": "home pet medic antibiot \u00bb. doxycyclin dog commonli prescrib wide rang infections. antibiot treat mani differ type bacteri infections, avail prescript veterinarian. baytril dog anoth choic vet treat infections, doxycyclin frequent first choice. medic use treat lyme disease, rocki mountain spot fever, mani infections, prevent bacteria multiplying."} {"id": "5762", "contents": "doxycyclin antibiot tetracyclin class use treat infect dog cats. drug relat tetracyclin chlortetracyclin oxytetracycline."} {"id": "5763", "contents": "doxycyclin safe commonli use drug treatment varieti infect dogs. it\u2019 import seek veterinari diagnosi prior use, well vet\u2019 approv use drug. vet commonli prescrib drug treatment certain infect chlamydia.doxycyclin dosag dog gener dosag doxycyclin user dog mg per pound administ everi 12 hours."} {"id": "5764", "contents": "doxycyclin dog broad spectrum antibiot kill differ type bacteri infect pets. it\u2019 prescript medic that\u2019 commonli administ cure dog suffer lyme diseas chlamydia. precaut doxycyclin use. medic suitabl dog pregnant lactating. shouldn\u2019t administ dog allerg antibiot similar composition. it\u2019 safe use dog suffer kidney disorders."} {"id": "5765", "contents": "doxycyclin capsul pets. doxycyclin semi-synthet tetracyclin antibiot prescrib treat variou bacteri infect urinari tract bladder infections. veterinarian also use doxycyclin treat diseas rocki mountain spot fever lyme diseas"} {"id": "5766", "contents": "doxycyclin broad spectrum antibiot commonli use prostat infections, tick infections, urinari infect upper respiratori problems. sever import thing know give dog doxycycline. antibiot cannot penetr nervou system, prostat eyes."} {"id": "5767", "contents": "directions: \u2022. doxycyclin compounded, prescript medication, tetracyclin antibiot use treatment bacteri infect lyme disease, chlamydia, rocki mountain spot fever, bacteri infect dog cats."} {"id": "5768", "contents": "current vice chairman board execut chairman board feb. 2011 chairman march 2012. still, even without foley mix, averag director compens would well $300,000, sizabl pay packag part-tim job. 2. even without rankin\u2019 hefti director pay, member board still handsom paid, even though compani share price sagged. lowest-paid director, former kpmg ceo jon madonna, still receiv $418,403 2011. 10."} {"id": "5769", "contents": "order identifi highest-paid board directors, 24/7 wall st. reli special screen gener gmi ratings, corpor govern rate firm. gmi rank top 50 compani highest averag board director compensation. even without rankin\u2019 hefti director pay, member board still handsom paid, even though compani share price sagged. lowest-paid director, former kpmg ceo jon madonna, still receiv $418,403 2011. 10."} {"id": "5770", "contents": "averag salari board director job $61,000. averag board director salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term board director anywher job listing."} {"id": "5771", "contents": "pay director standard poor\u2019 500 index compani rose record averag $251,000 last year, sixth straight year increas compens sinc feder rule began requir disclosure. board boost pay member total 15 percent sinc 2007, data compil bloomberg show. averag conceal wide range: director warren buffett\u2019 berkshir hathaway inc. made least, $3,800, 19 compani paid director buffett\u2019 $423,923 compens ceo."} {"id": "5772", "contents": "morgan stanley director receiv total compens packag $346,875 2007, financi crash. board member compens drop $343,500 2008, gradual increas $357,708 2011. bank america. bank america board member took home total compens packag $248,571 2007 2008. boa director compens increas $275,000 2011 remain 2012."} {"id": "5773", "contents": "budget size, mean salari men $98,739. question much pay usual aris one two quit differ settings: hire new execut director discuss rais current execut director. ed\u2019 salari send appropri signal ed, staff, others. word important, money. prais execut director keep compens flat end convey messag board doesn\u2019t realli valu work."} {"id": "5774", "contents": "goldman sachs. goldman sach director earn princ $670,292 back heyday 2007, compens packag drop $310,324 2008 financi market collapse. goldman sach continu well, however, director' pay increas sharpli $488,709 2011. bank america. bank america board member took home total compens packag $248,571 2007 2008. boa director compens increas $275,000 2011 remain 2012."} {"id": "5775", "contents": "ericsson inc. lure director oper larger-than-averag paychecks: director oper compani make median salari $166k, much $85k annually-n averag area work."} {"id": "5776", "contents": "accord execut search firm spencer stuart, averag total compens board member almost 500 publicly-trad compani 2011 annual survey $232,142. figur increas $242,385 2012. privately-held compani releas board director compens figures. bank america. bank america board member took home total compens packag $248,571 2007 2008. boa director compens increas $275,000 2011 remain 2012."} {"id": "5777", "contents": "a. hemoglobin level express amount hemoglobin gram (gm) per decilit (dl) whole blood, decilit 100 milliliters. normal rang hemoglobin depend age and, begin adolescence, gender person. normal rang are: newborns: 17-22 gm/dl."} {"id": "5778", "contents": "hemoglobin. lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex. ferritin. lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex."} {"id": "5779", "contents": "normal hemoglobin level differ women men. non-pregn women, normal hemoglobin rang 120 g/l 160 g/l. men, normal hemoglobin level rang 140 g/l 180 g/l. canadian blood servic test donor\u2019 hemoglobin clinic requir minimum 125 g/l donatio"} {"id": "5780", "contents": "normal level hemoglobin blood vari male female. male rang 13.8 17.2 gm/dl femal rang 12.1 15.1 gm/dl.low level hemoglobin-ther mani reason reduct hemoglobin blood. haemoglobin test take sampl blood normal level follows:male: 13.8 17.2 gm/dlfemale: 12.1 15.1 gm/dlchildren: 11 16 gm/dlpregnant women:11 12 gm/dlwhere gm/dl grams/decilitre."} {"id": "5781", "contents": "peopl without diabetes, normal rang hemoglobin a1c test 4% 5.6%. hemoglobin a1c level 5.7% 6.4% indic increas risk diabetes, level 6.5% higher indic diabetes."} {"id": "5782", "contents": "normal rang hemoglobin is: men, 13.5 17.5 gram per deciliter. women, 12.0 15.5 gram per deciliter."} {"id": "5783", "contents": "hemoglobin level children. children need optim oxygen normal growth development. accord world health organization, normal hemoglobin level children age month year 11 g/dl. normal level children age 12 year 11.5 g/dl. normal level adolesc age 12 15 12.0 g/dl. hemoglobin valu cut-point indic anemia, disord character low red blood cell count, well low hemoglobin hemocrit."} {"id": "5784", "contents": "normal rang hemoglobin (also haemoglobin) vari men, women, children. normal rang hemoglobin male 13.5 18gm/dl (gram per decilit er). femal 12 16gm/dl (gram per deciliter). children 11 16gm/dl (gram per deciliter). pregnant woman 11 12g/dl (gram per deciliter) normal rang hemoglobin. answer community. make world better, one answer time. normal rang hemoglobin femal 12 16gm/dl (gram per deciliter). pregnant woman 11 12g/dl (gram per deciliter) normal rang hemoglobin. hemoglobin level often measur gramm per decilitr (g/dl). 'normal' level consid"} {"id": "5785", "contents": "ultim cost flagston pave project express price per squar foot installed. price massag depend kind stone choos come from. flagston expens difficult obtain limit availability. averag flagston price around country: $15-20 per squar foot (nation average). price includ base materi (either concret compact sand gravel) mortar, labor costs."} {"id": "5786", "contents": "lay stone cost around $30 per squar foot, pouring, stamp color concret cost around $15 per squar foot. mean overal cost concret patio walkway could half flagstone. larger projects, consider amount money. one reason lay stone much expens labor intens process. stamp concret pour one time stamp larg mat expedit process. stone, cut also need made creat desir edge, whether straight curved. complic edg are, cut required, mean labor higher costs."} {"id": "5787", "contents": "cost stamp concret versu paver stone type stone (flagstone, etc) walkway patio? need build walkway exist grass/soil small patio base deck door exit. sure least expensive, wonder anybodi advice, open options.....except asphalt....! walkway 75 feet long (2 feet wide wide enough)."} {"id": "5788", "contents": "concret flagston patio differ appear also cost, instal procedur durability. flagston concret patio materi avail variou forms."} {"id": "5789", "contents": "thick flagston (2inch) laid like pavers, need concret slab underneath. cost save there. budget tight, let contractor pour slab lay slate ($5 per sq ft plu labour) money. pay $10 per sq ft labour."} {"id": "5790", "contents": "realli can\u2019t decid flagston stamp concrete, get both. patio stamp color concret natur flagston border. frequent frost heaves, stamp color fire pit patio extra control joint prevent unsightli cracks. stamp concret pour one time stamp larg mat expedit process. stone, cut also need made creat desir edge, whether straight curved. complic edg are, cut required, mean labor higher costs."} {"id": "5791", "contents": "concret patio cost. plain concret slab usual cost $2 $5 per squar foot installed, depend region country. decor concret patio start $6 $10 per squar foot simpl design. custom work involv borders, multipl color hand-appl techniqu cost $10 $15 per squar foot more. interlock paver cost. patio paver usual expens concret patios. cost anywher $12 $22 per squar foot, includ cost installation, labor intensive. patio 16x20 feet, work total $3,840 $7,040, base price rang abov"} {"id": "5792", "contents": "get look flagston fraction price. stamp color concret walkway simul stone usher visitor courtyard. realli can\u2019t decid flagston stamp concrete, get both. stamp concret pour one time stamp larg mat expedit process. stone, cut also need made creat desir edge, whether straight curved. complic edg are, cut required, mean labor higher costs."} {"id": "5793", "contents": "excellent. speed instal unlik stone precast pavers, stamp concret pour pump place without need lift place individu units. take five day instal 2,000-square-foot stamp concret driveway vs. 10 12 day instal natur stone pavers.*."} {"id": "5794", "contents": "skin fragil peopl epidermolysi bullosa even minor rub may caus blistering. times, person epidermolysi bullosa may awar rub injur skin even though blister develop. sever epidermolysi bullosa, blister confin outer skin. epidermolysi bullosa acquisita (eba) rare autoimmun disord bodi attack anchor fibril antibodies, special protein help fight destroy foreign substanc invad body."} {"id": "5795", "contents": "epidermolysi bullosa simplex one group genet condit call epidermolysi bullosa caus skin fragil blister easily. blister area skin loss (erosions) occur respons minor injuri friction, rub scratching."} {"id": "5796", "contents": "epidermolysi bullosa. epidermolysi bullosa group blister skin conditions. skin fragil peopl epidermolysi bullosa even minor rub may caus blistering. times, person epidermolysi bullosa may awar rub injur skin even though blister develop. sever epidermolysi bullosa, blister confin outer skin."} {"id": "5797", "contents": "fast facts: easy-to-read seri public public. epidermolysi bullosa (eb) ill caus skin fragile. skin fragile, easili injured, caus pain blister form. blister caus seriou problem becom infected. peopl eb mild form diseas blisters. others, may mani blister skin. peopl develop blister insid body\u2014in place mouth, stomach, esophagu (the tube allow food move throat stomach), bladder, elsewhere."} {"id": "5798", "contents": "introduction. epidermolysi bullosa (eb) gener term use describ group rare inherit skin disord caus skin becom fragile. peopl eb, trauma friction skin caus pain blisters."} {"id": "5799", "contents": "junction epidermolysi bullosa (jeb) one major form epidermolysi bullosa, group genet condit caus skin fragil blister easily."} {"id": "5800", "contents": "knowledg center. epidermolysi bullosa (eb) rare group inherit condit connect tissu caus blister skin mucos membran respons heat, friction, rubbing, scratch minor injury. eb caus fault (mutation) keratin collagen gene."} {"id": "5801", "contents": "junction epidermolysi bullosa. epidermolysi bullosa (ep-ih-dur-mol-uh-si buhl-loe-sah) group rare diseas caus skin blister. blister may appear respons minor injury, heat, friction rubbing, scratch adhes tape."} {"id": "5802", "contents": "answer: pentagram use religi symbol throughout world begin record history. basic pentagram simpli five-point star drawn one continu line broken five line segment one point star face up. pentagram use ancient chines japanes religion symbol five element life. japanes cultur symbol also consid magical. ancient babylonian cultur also use pentagram repres variou god religi belief own."} {"id": "5803", "contents": "pentagram symbol star encas circle. alway point (one point upward), meaning. upward point star repres spirit. four point repres element; earth, air, fire, water."} {"id": "5804", "contents": "pentagram ~. five point star, encas outer circle. adopt first pagan practioners, alway seen apex point upward toward divine. pentagram ancient symbol mani differ mean representations. one origin four lower point repres four aspect world; {earth, water, air, fire} fifth top point repres divin spirit. pentacl solomon ~. also known seal solomon, special pentacl magician pentacle. version power symbol divin magik practices, purpos energy. short, import symbol divin power."} {"id": "5805", "contents": "five-point star pentagram one potent, powerful, persist symbol human history. import almost everi ancient culture, mayan latin america, india, china, greece, egypt."} {"id": "5806", "contents": "pentacl pentacl encircl pentagram. pentagram ancient spiritu symbol shape five-point star one point align upwards. consid repres five element man made, name fire, air, water, earth spirit."} {"id": "5807", "contents": "magic. pentacl recognis import symbol witchcraft, five point star singl upright point, repres spirit matter, invert repres matter spirit, associ gain. disk made clay, wax, copper, wood, silver gold. magician\u2019 pentacl call pentacl solomon. pentagram recognis protect evil negativity, relev practic witchcraft wand broomstick, consid religi symbol symbol witchcraft."} {"id": "5808", "contents": "pentagram (sometim known pentalpha pentangl star pentagon) shape five-point star drawn five straight strokes. word pentagram come greek word \u03c0\u03b5\u03bd\u03c4\u03ac\u03b3\u03c1\u03b1\u03bc\u03bc\u03bf\u03bd (pentagrammon), \u03c0\u03ad\u03bd\u03c4\u03b5 (pente), five \u03b3\u03c1\u03b1\u03bc\u03bc\u03ae (gramm\u0113), line. word pentacl sometim use synonym pentagram. word pentalpha learn modern (17th-century) reviv post-class greek name shape. pentagram contain ten point (the five point star, five vertic inner pentagon) fifteen line segments. repres schlaefli schl\u00e4fli {symbol/5}."} {"id": "5809", "contents": "pentacl pentagram circl drawn around it. mean vary. me, symbol need balanc life action reson world. cannot live life without elements."} {"id": "5810", "contents": "pentacl (also spell pantacl thelema, follow aleist crowley) amulet use magic evocation, gener made parchment, paper metal (although materials), symbol spirit energi evok drawn. namely, pentacl refer pentagram circumscrib circle. form pentacl form upon disk may use either upon altar sacr space own. pentacl repres earth occult usage."} {"id": "5811", "contents": "pentagram simplest regular star polygon. pentagram contain ten point (the five point star, five vertic inner pentagon) fifteen line segments. repres schlaefli schl\u00e4fli {symbol/5}."} {"id": "5812", "contents": "valv cover gasket $600.00 job take 30min tops. could self save cash. valv cover piec top en gine, vehicl piec hole put oil engine. also place small bead top head gasket sit. put much bleed rocker assembl mix oil tighten valv cover. place new gasket onto valv cover place cover back onto head."} {"id": "5813", "contents": "report abuse. dealer would charg $400 take valv cover out, two v6 engine. get done honda dealer, $800 sound right. get done firestone, price appear excessive."} {"id": "5814", "contents": "write-up, cost replac valv cover gasket, discussed, along descript associ procedure. look estim cost involved, could anyth rang $100 $300. function. lay valv cover insid gasket groove, fix bolt hold gasket back proceed reinstal reconnect car part remov gain access engin head."} {"id": "5815", "contents": "93 rodeo valv cover gasket chang cost $500.00. labor cost much. mechan take lot stuff around gasket cover get remov cover. may want ask mechan much $600 labor costs. also place small bead top head gasket sit. put much bleed rocker assembl mix oil tighten valv cover. place new gasket onto valv cover place cover back onto head."} {"id": "5816", "contents": "without much effort, sourc leak easili spotted. see engin 76,000 mile it, thing expected. accord variou onlin resources, abl purchas new valv cover gasket anywher $10.00 $35.00 depend upon source. end buy gasket nearbi autozone, i'm sure larg part store commonli stock part."} {"id": "5817", "contents": "replac gasket v-type engin job pros. replac gasket four-cylind engin hour less $25. here\u2019 it. pick new valv cover gasket kit, tube room temperatur vulcan (rtv) sealant spray brake cleaner. dad said leaki valv cover gasket. bought new gasket $20 instal 20 minutes\u2014it realli easy. week later leak again. didn\u2019t know smear silicon sealant time cover joint."} {"id": "5818", "contents": "place small bead silicon gasket maker groov valv cover gasket sit. also place small bead top head gasket sit. put much bleed rocker assembl mix oil tighten valv cover. place new gasket onto valv cover place cover back onto head."} {"id": "5819", "contents": "step step procedur replac front rear valv cover gasket toyota camri 1mz-fe 3.0l v6 engine. procedur v6 toyota camry, avalon, solara, sienna, highlander, lexu rx300 es300."} {"id": "5820", "contents": "labor: $220 $278. parts: $28 $68. averag cost valv cover gasket(s) replac $248 $346. labor cost estim $220 $278 part price $28 $68. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees."} {"id": "5821", "contents": "wherev high pressur cylind chambers, valv gasket fix leakages. gasket seal car' engin cylind prevent oil leakag inside. place engin cylind head valv cover. oil ever present insid engin cylinder, lubricant. main function cover gasket prevent leakag oil cylinder, car running. cover gasket usual made silicon, cork rubber. lay valv cover insid gasket groove, fix bolt hold gasket back proceed reinstal reconnect car part remov gain access engin head."} {"id": "5822", "contents": "probioslim overview. probioslim brand probiot manufactur compani name, intend burn fat improv digestion. sold websit mani major vitamin healthi lifestyl companies, 30,000 retail locators, includ gnc, cv wal-mart also avail amazon."} {"id": "5823", "contents": "lactospor molecul don\u2019t actual help lose weight, though: weight loss, probioslim includ addit green tea leaf extract. green tea leaf extract popular weight loss compound thought boost thermogenesi fat oxidation, encourag bodi burn fat stores."} {"id": "5824", "contents": "probioslim come two major benefits, accord compani behind supplement. work improv digest probiot also contain green tea believ metabol boost effect."} {"id": "5825", "contents": "similar whole bodi keybiot align probiotic, probioslim claim improv benefici bacteria gut (also known intestin flora), help improv digest reliev discomfort associ diarrhea, constipation, gas, heartburn, bloating."} {"id": "5826", "contents": "probioslim, llc, manufactur probioslim, list better busi bureau. however, appear rel new company, product\u2019 domain name regist april 2013. mind, unabl locat legitim custom review research."} {"id": "5827", "contents": "nutrit supplement. probioslim nutrit supplement promis help improv digest health use high qualiti probiotics, also help promot weight loss."} {"id": "5828", "contents": "54 voted. probioslim weight loss supplement claim combin cut edg probiot prebiot groundbreak weight loss supplement ingredi help improv digestion, lose weight, becom healthier you."} {"id": "5829", "contents": "you\u2019v scour web probiot supplement recently, it\u2019 like you\u2019v encount probioslim process. dietari supplement claim combin groundbreak probiot prebiot revolutionari weight loss ingredi help improv digest lose weight."} {"id": "5830", "contents": "averag cost cataract surgery. averag cost cataract surgeri medicar outpati set gener around $2,500.00/ey surgeon, patient facility, anesthesia provider. medicar would pay 80% $2,000.00/ey would pay remain $500.00 pocket"} {"id": "5831", "contents": "want high-tech, presbyopia-correct intraocular len cataract procedure, cost would increas averag $4,591 per eye (vs. $4,461 2010, $4,337 2011, $4,269 2012 $4,350 2013). averag addit charg $2,188 per eye premium, presbyopia-correct iol, alreadi medicar coverag basic cataract surgeri costs. averag addit charg $607 per eye, need extra surgic procedur correct mild astigmatism."} {"id": "5832", "contents": "patient cover health insurance, cataract surgeri typic cost $5,000 $10,000 per eye, total $10,000 $20,000 eyes. example, park nicollet, hospit minneapolis, minn., cost $4,365 per eye -- total $8,730 eyes. within five year cataract surgery, one four patient develop cloudi part len capsul remain eye surgery; correct this, five-minut procedure, call yag laser capsulotomy, needed. typic cost $250 $450 usual cover insurance."} {"id": "5833", "contents": "cataract surgeri cover health insur plans. mani patient need cataract surgeri 65 older, medicar cover cataract surgery. patient cover insurance, typic out-of-pocket cost would consist coinsur 10 20 percent -- $1,000 eyes. within five year cataract surgery, one four patient develop cloudi part len capsul remain eye surgery; correct this, five-minut procedure, call yag laser capsulotomy, needed. typic cost $250 $450 usual cover insurance."} {"id": "5834", "contents": "mani patient need cataract surgeri 65 older, medicar cover cataract surgery. patient cover insurance, typic out-of-pocket cost would consist coinsur 10 20 percent -- $1,000 eyes. however, supplement medicar polici could cover costs. within five year cataract surgery, one four patient develop cloudi part len capsul remain eye surgery; correct this, five-minut procedure, call yag laser capsulotomy, needed. typic cost $250 $450 usual cover insurance."} {"id": "5835", "contents": "extra cost associ laser cataract surgeri unlik cover medicar privat health insurance. fee vari one cataract surgeon another, like would pay hundr dollar extra per eye out-of-pocket laser-assist procedure."} {"id": "5836", "contents": "insurance.. medicar other,.. cost standard cataract surgeri 500-550 per eye.. unless choose.. crystalens.. expect pay.. 1200+..and best thing ask dr. (surgeon) sampl eye drops.. give samples.. pay"} {"id": "5837", "contents": "cases, medicar pay 80 percent approv cost cataract surgeri respons remain 20 percent (the medicar copayment), meet annual deduct payment."} {"id": "5838", "contents": "dharavi slums. asia' largest slum, dharavi, lie heart india' financi capital, mumbai (bombay). dharavi locat mumbai' main suburban rail lines, peopl find use work, locat 12km south-east juhu. rent low 185 rupe ($4/\u00a32.20) per month. dharavi locat mumbai' two main suburban rail lines, peopl find conveni work. even smallest rooms, usual cook ga stove continu electr"} {"id": "5839", "contents": "dharavi (mumbai). slum add category. dharavi, often describ largest slum asia, 427 acr triangular stretch land central mumbai, hous 600,000 slum dwellers; unoffici number go near million. gajakesari. dharavi, often describ largest slum asia, 427 acr triangular stretch land central mumbai, hous 600,000 slum dwellers; unoffici number go near million."} {"id": "5840", "contents": "india' independ coloni rule 1947, dharavi grown largest slum mumbai india. still empti spaces, continu serv waste-dump ground oper across city. mumbai, meanwhile, continu grow city. dharavi situat mumbai' two main suburban railway lines, western central railways. west mahim bandra, north lie mithi river, empti arabian sea mahim creek. south east sion matunga."} {"id": "5841", "contents": "india mumbai' biggest slum known dharavi. million peopl cram one squar mile dharavi. edg dharavi newest arriv come make home wast land next water pipe slum areas. dharavi recycl zone. claim dharavi recycl zone could way forward sustain future. everyth recycl cosmet plastic comput keyboards. 23% plastic wast get recycl uk, mumbai 80%."} {"id": "5842", "contents": "asia' largest slum, dharavi, lie prime properti right middl india' financi capital, mumbai (bombay). home million people. mani second-gener residents, whose parent move year ago."} {"id": "5843", "contents": "often dub \u201casia\u2019 largest slum,\u201d dharavi fact heart-shap agglomer primarili inform settlements, liter locat heart mumbai, india\u2019 commerci capital."} {"id": "5844", "contents": "dharavi routin call largest slum asia, dubiou attribut sometim conflat largest slum world.. true. mexico city' neza-chalco-itza barrio four time mani people. asia, karachi' orangi township surpass dharavi. even mumbai, half city' swell 12 million popul live euphemist refer inform housing, slum pocket rival dharavi size squalor. yet dharavi remain uniqu among slums."} {"id": "5845", "contents": "dharavi slum locat mumbai (formal bombay) india. bombay thrive megac econom boom recent years. home bollywood film slumdog millionair base there. indeed, properti mumbai becom expens world. dharavi recycl zone. claim dharavi recycl zone could way forward sustain future. everyth recycl cosmet plastic comput keyboards. 23% plastic wast get recycl uk, mumbai 80%."} {"id": "5846", "contents": "ehic? european health insur card ehic introduc 2004 across european union. allow irish resid access health servic eu countri switzerland, iceland, liechtenstein norway, becom ill injur temporari stay country. no. card valid years. check family' card valid travel, expired, easi renew onlin www.ehic.i local health office."} {"id": "5847", "contents": "answers. best answer: ehic card free take day arrive. obvious click one websit charg needlessly. go back websit order card look faq section. link offici ehic websit free. i'm go itali school trip, realiz today ehic card gone missing. leav exactli day (next monday) need it."} {"id": "5848", "contents": "quickest way appli online. ehic normal arriv within seven day usual valid five years. mean reduc cost sometim free charge. even ehic, may pay toward treatment, depend rule countri you\u2019r visiting. may abl claim money back alway tri appli refund return home. find country-by-countri guid ehic"} {"id": "5849", "contents": "long take post youtub video? long take 20-25 second upload now. 20-25 second butt!!!!! video minut 36 second video upload minut 2% take while. think take 20-25 60 minut upload video."} {"id": "5850", "contents": "treatment provid state scheme covered. however, obtain treatment need take european health insur card (ehic) you. pleas note: uk resid cover denmark, iceland, liechtenstein, norway switzerland. click 'health advic travellers' link below, unsur whether covered. ehic substitut replac privat travel insurance. alway take appropri privat polici addit carri ehic. cover cost privat healthcar servic part state healthcar system."} {"id": "5851", "contents": "ehic: pack holiday. prepar holiday, make sure valid european health insur card (ehic). cost noth appli renew ehic. inform call oversea healthcar team 0191 218 1999. renew ehic six month expiri date, time left card ad new card. renew card free renew onlin none person detail changed."} {"id": "5852", "contents": "appli onlin ehic, free charge. also appli phone autom servic 0300 330 1350, download ehic applic form (pdf, 122kb) return nh busi servic author (address below). renew ehic six month expiri date, time left card ad new card. renew card free renew onlin none person detail changed."} {"id": "5853", "contents": "appli ehic onlin call autom ehic applic servic 0300 3301350. also download applic form (pdf, 122kb) appli post. mean reduc cost sometim free charge. even ehic, may pay toward treatment, depend rule countri you\u2019r visiting. may abl claim money back alway tri appli refund return home. find country-by-countri guid ehic"} {"id": "5854", "contents": "earli 1970 name spam often misus describ tin meat product contain pork, pork luncheon meat. expans commun technology, becam subject urban legend mysteri meat appear pop culture. 2007, seven billionth spam sold. accord label, spam' basic ingredi pork shoulder meat, ham meat added, salt, water, modifi potato starch binder, sugar, sodium nitrit preservative. natur gelatin form cook tin product line."} {"id": "5855", "contents": "spam can process precook meat product made hormel food corporation. label ingredi classic varieti spam are: chop pork shoulder meat ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, sodium nitrit help keep color. source(s): wikipedia."} {"id": "5856", "contents": "spam brand can precook meat product made hormel food corporation. first introduc 1937 gain popular worldwid use world war ii. 2003, spam sold 41 countri six contin trademark 100 countries. 2007, seven billionth spam sold. accord label, spam' basic ingredi pork shoulder meat, ham meat added, salt, water, modifi potato starch binder, sugar, sodium nitrit preservative. natur gelatin form cook tin product line."} {"id": "5857", "contents": "primari ingredi spam chop pork shoulder meat mix ham. 90% spam pork pig' shoulders. remain 10% (or so) come pig' buttock thigh, better known ham. then, ingredi spam\u2014salt, sugar, water, sodium nitrite\u2014ar added. mixer lid closed, creat airtight seal, batch mixed. reason vacuum induced, meat chilled, salt ad reduc amount juic releas meat cooked."} {"id": "5858", "contents": "background. spam brand name can meat product contain ham, pork, salt, flavorings, preserv mix cook vacuum pressure. brand similar can pork meat products, spam\u2014mad hormel food corporation\u2014i origin best-sel brands. standard spam brick-shap hold oz (198 g) meat. then, ingredi spam\u2014salt, sugar, water, sodium nitrite\u2014ar added. mixer lid closed, creat airtight seal, batch mixed. reason vacuum induced, meat chilled, salt ad reduc amount juic releas meat cooked."} {"id": "5859", "contents": "best answer: spam can precook meat product made hormel food corporation. label ingredi classic varieti spam are: chop pork shoulder meat ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, sodium nitrit help keep color. spam' gelatin glaze, aspic, form cool meat stock. label ingredi classic varieti spam are: chop pork shoulder meat ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, sodium nitrit help keep color. source(s): wikipedia."} {"id": "5860", "contents": "brand overview. spam\u00ae famili product around us. sandwiches, salads, mac cheese; eggs, chees pineapples; sliced, diced, bake fried-th combin endless."} {"id": "5861", "contents": "brand overview. spam\u00ae famili product around us. sandwiches, salads, mac cheese; eggs, chees pineapples; sliced, diced, bake fried-th combin endless."} {"id": "5862", "contents": "spam (the food item). first, let' get ingredi way. spam chop pork shoulder meat ham, salt, water, sugar, sodium nitrite. unless, is, spam lite, case there' also chicken thrown there. spam oven roast turkey, includ (we assume) turkey suitabl muslim"} {"id": "5863", "contents": "piaget emphas import schema cognit development, describ develop acquired. schema defin set link mental represent world, use understand respond situations. piaget believ cognit develop progress steadi rate, rather leap bounds. equilibrium occur child' schema deal new inform assimilation."} {"id": "5864", "contents": "interest way fundament concept like idea number \u201d, \u201ctime\u201d \u201cquantity\u201d, causal \u201d, justic emerged. piaget (1936) first psychologist make systemat studi cognit development. contribut includ theori child cognit development, detail observ studi cognit children, seri simpl ingeni test reveal differ cognit abilities. piaget believ cognit develop progress steadi rate, rather leap bounds. equilibrium occur child' schema deal new inform assimilation."} {"id": "5865", "contents": "definit cognit psychology. cognit psycholog branch psycholog focus way peopl process information. look process inform receiv treatment inform lead responses."} {"id": "5866", "contents": "piaget, cognit develop progress reorgan mental process result biolog matur environment experience. children construct understand world around them, experi discrep alreadi know discov environment. piaget believ cognit develop progress steadi rate, rather leap bounds. equilibrium occur child' schema deal new inform assimilation."} {"id": "5867", "contents": "development psycholog involv rang fields, as, educ psychology, child psychopathology, forens development psychology, child development, cognit psychology, ecolog psychology, cultur psychology. development psycholog scientif studi human be chang cours life."} {"id": "5868", "contents": "major controversi cognit develop natur nurtur is, question cognit develop mainli determin individual' innat qualiti (nature), person experi (nurture). larg portion research gone understand child imagin world. jean piaget major forc establish field, form theori cognit develop"} {"id": "5869", "contents": "words, cognit develop emerg abil think understand. larg portion research gone understand child imagin world. jean piaget major forc establish field, form theori cognit develop piaget propos four stage cognit development: sensorimotor, preoperational, concret oper formal oper period. mani theoret claim sinc fallen favor"} {"id": "5870", "contents": "piaget one influenti earli psychologist studi develop cognit abilities. theori suggest develop proce set stage infanc adulthood end point goal. development psycholog scientif studi human be chang cours life."} {"id": "5871", "contents": "medic definit cognit psychology. branch psycholog concern mental process (a perception, thinking, learning, memory) especi respect intern event occur sensori stimul overt express behavior\u2014compar behaviorism. cognit psychologist noun"} {"id": "5872", "contents": "\u201cwinner winner, chicken dinner!\u201d. (refer winner match). wikipedia: binion\u2019 horseshoe. binion\u2019 horseshoe, also known horsesho casino simpli horseshoe, hotel casino locat downtown la vegas, nevada fremont street experience. term said origin binion\u2019 horsesho casino la vega often credit unnam chines blackjack dealer. mani internet websit state la vega casino restaur serv chicken dinner $1.79, $2 winner could afford chicken dinner."} {"id": "5873", "contents": "\u201cwinner, winner, chicken dinner\u201d. winner, winner, chicken dinner\u201d popular espn sport announc gambl movi 21 (2008). term said origin binion\u2019 horsesho casino la vega often credit unnam chines blackjack dealer. mani internet websit state la vega casino restaur serv chicken dinner $1.79, $2 winner could afford chicken dinner."} {"id": "5874", "contents": "winner winner chicken dinner. legend tell year ago everi casino la vega three-piec chicken dinner potato veggi $1.79. standard bet back $2, henc bet enough chicken dinner. winner winner chicken dinner. .......a phrase use late 60' earli 70' trap leagu meat shoot waseca, minnesota. (sportsmen shoot fli clay target lieu live animals). individuals, team would gather wednesday even saturday mornings, shoot clay pigeon"} {"id": "5875", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: winner winner chicken dinner 699 up, 22 love ithat winner winner chicken dinner legend tell year ago everi casino la vega three-piec chicken dinner potato veggi $1.79. standard bet back $2, henc bet enough chicken dinner. !\u201d so, call gloriou victori rang \u201cwinner winner chicken dinner. source(s): http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph..."} {"id": "5876", "contents": "\u2026but digress. look history, certain consist came up, i\u2019m go go that. histori quot \u201cwinner, winner, chicken dinner\u201d began vega strip, when, back day, everi casino $1.79 three-piec chicken dinner, includ potato veggie. back days, standard bet $2. 21 blackjack card count chicken dinner kevin spacey la vega legend mc donald mit quot trigger street trigger street lab vega vega strip winner winner. janif singer, satir blogger, card dealer, tech junkie."} {"id": "5877", "contents": "confid vote 29.2k. maddest all: see life is, be.. --man la mancha. popular stori origin phrase la vega could get nice chicken dinner less $2.00. sinc win averag bet would make $2.00, two equat approxim valu"} {"id": "5878", "contents": "evid $1.79 standard price, chicken dinner standard vega fare. binion\u2019 serv 10-ounc new york strip steak bake potato salad $2 (see 1994 citat below). phrase \u201cwinner, winner, chicken dinner\u201d cite print sinc least 1995. term said origin binion\u2019 horsesho casino la vega often credit unnam chines blackjack dealer. mani internet websit state la vega casino restaur serv chicken dinner $1.79, $2 winner could afford chicken dinner."} {"id": "5879", "contents": "accord http://uk.ask.com/question/winner-winner-chicken-dinner. phrase orgin 1970' casino attract player underplay tables. time common bet $2 chicken dinner offer casino similarli priced. thu 'winner, winner chicken dinner' suggest could win equivil meal."} {"id": "5880", "contents": "sourc water body. bodi lose water. diagram mammalian urinari system show intern structur kidney detail. diagram nephron includ glomerular capillaries, bowman capsule, proxim tubule, loop henle, distal, tubul collect duct. list role structur produc urin control composit bodi fluids. 1. diagram anatomi male femal reproduct systems. color site gamet (define) product blue, transport tube yellow, site hormon product red dots. 2. name describ function hormon produc ovari testes."} {"id": "5881", "contents": "chang occur urinari system age includ following. declin number function nephrons. reduct gfr (glomerular filtrat rate). problem micturit reflex. loss sphincter muscl tone."} {"id": "5882", "contents": "a. proxim convolut tubuleb. descend limb nephron loopc. collect ductd. ascend limb nephron loop. a. proxim convolut tubuleb. descend limb nephron loopc. collect ductd. ascend limb nephron loop. 8."} {"id": "5883", "contents": "nephron work. nephron role blood filter urin formed. nephron, high pressur glomerulu push water small dissolv materi extravascular space bowman\u2019 capsul tubule. urin pass collect duct drainag system kidney uret bladder urination. counter current system similar nephron loop henl abl creat dilut urin concentr urin depend bodi want needs."} {"id": "5884", "contents": "increas stretch smooth muscl fiber affer arteriol wall due increas blood pressure. stimul contract smooth muscl fibers, therebi narrow lumen affer arteriolar. reload page tri again! press cmd-0 reset zoom. press ctrl-0 reset zoom. look like browser might zoom out. browser need zoom normal size record audio."} {"id": "5885", "contents": "kidney' process filtrat excess nutrient blood stream filter throughout unit kidney call nephron. excess eventu sent collect duct turn pee nutrient need re-filt blood stream. kidney (onli place physic filtrat take place), glomeruli consist capillari gap cell ... thu act sieve."} {"id": "5886", "contents": "fluid later pass distal tubul collect ducts. ultra filtrat occur cortex cortic collect ducts, last process nephron. urin pass collect duct drainag system kidney uret bladder urination. counter current system similar nephron loop henl abl creat dilut urin concentr urin depend bodi want needs."} {"id": "5887", "contents": "thick ascend limb nephron loop (loop henle) almost imperm water, reabsorb sodium, potassium, chlorid ion filtrate. declin number function nephrons. reduct gfr (glomerular filtrat rate). problem micturit reflex. loss sphincter muscl tone."} {"id": "5888", "contents": "actual fertil usual occur fallopian tube. fertil occur within 12-24 hour ovulation. ovul usual take place 14 day aft menstruat starts. ovul vari woman woman happen day 14 after; alway day 14. answer gauravmicro. confid vote 9.5k. human intern fertil found occur intercours male ejacul sperm femal vagina one sperm cell fuse ovum femal fertil occur produc egg cell."} {"id": "5889", "contents": "loop henl salt excret urine, make concentr gradient medulla. henle\u2019 loop absorb particular ion cortic thick drain distal convolut tubule. urin pass collect duct drainag system kidney uret bladder urination. counter current system similar nephron loop henl abl creat dilut urin concentr urin depend bodi want needs."} {"id": "5890", "contents": "major organel eukaryot cell structur membrane-bound sac call golgi apparatu (or golgi body, golgi complex, dictyosome). act process packag macromolecul protein lipid synthes cell. liken cell' post office."} {"id": "5891", "contents": "n. network stack membran vesicles, present live cells, store modifi protein macromolecul transport within cell excret cell. also call golgi body, golgi complex."} {"id": "5892", "contents": "golgi apparatu organel found eukaryot cells. identifi 1897 italian physician camillio golgi name him. function golgi make protein cell. golgi apparatu job send packag elsewher cell outsid cell."} {"id": "5893", "contents": "golgi apparatus. major organel eukaryot cell structur membrane-bound sac call golgi apparatu (or golgi body, golgi complex, dictyosome). act process packag macromolecul protein lipid synthes cell. liken cell' post office."} {"id": "5894", "contents": "golgi apparatu definition. golgi complex refer manufactur ship center eukaryor cell. golgi apparatu golgi bodi golgi complex golgi cellular organel present cell eukaryot organisms."} {"id": "5895", "contents": "definit golgi apparatus. cytoplasm organel consist stack smooth membran saccul associ vesicl activ modif transport protein \u2014call also golgi complex see cell illustration."} {"id": "5896", "contents": "structur within mani cell compos seri sacs, call vesicles, thought play role synthesi transport proteins. organ except bacteria least one golgi apparatu cells. see cell."} {"id": "5897", "contents": "sometim modern english joann reinterpret compound two name jo anne, therefor given spell like joanne, jo-anne, jo anne. name hannah, anna, anne, ann etymolog relat joann same: deriv hebrew \u05d7\u05b7\u05e0\u05b8\u05bc\u05d4 \u1e25ann\u0101h 'grace' verbal root mean 'to gracious'. unit kingdom, popular peak 1970s, frequent among 10 popular femal names."} {"id": "5898", "contents": "joanna come name joann mean god gracious.. also mean graciou gift god. joanna rhyme goanna suzanna savanah stuff cant bother write."} {"id": "5899", "contents": "american meaning: name joann american babi name. american mean name joann is: latin meaning: name joann latin babi name. latin mean name joann is: god gracious. feminin form john (from latin johanna). french meaning: name joann french babi name. french mean name joann is: god gracious. french form joanna (from latin, johanna) feminin form john."} {"id": "5900", "contents": "origin name joanne: middl latin feminin form joann (god gracious). name deriv greek i\u014dannes, deriv hebrew yehanan, short form yehohanan, yeh\u014dh\u0101n\u0101n (yahweh gracious). world babi name teresa norman. person experi name joanne: edit. name' joann like it. get compliment quit lot realli fit personality. go jo joanne, mind which. name popular 50' school."} {"id": "5901", "contents": "however, origin name joanna ancient greek latin singl unit, compound. name hannah, anna, anne, ann etymolog relat joann same: deriv hebrew \u05d7\u05b7\u05e0\u05b8\u05bc\u05d4 \u1e25ann\u0101h 'grace' verbal root mean 'to gracious'. unit kingdom, popular peak 1970s, frequent among 10 popular femal names."} {"id": "5902", "contents": "joann (altern spell joann, jo ann, johann, johanne, jo-ann, jo-anne) common given name females, variant joanna, feminin form john; deriv latin name johanna mean hebrew god gracious. name hannah, anna, anne, ann etymolog relat joann same: deriv hebrew \u05d7\u05b7\u05e0\u05b8\u05bc\u05d4 \u1e25ann\u0101h 'grace' verbal root mean 'to gracious'. unit kingdom, popular peak 1970s, frequent among 10 popular femal names."} {"id": "5903", "contents": "origin name joanna: middl latin feminin form joann (god gracious). name deriv greek i\u014dannes, deriv hebrew yehanan, short form yehohanan, yeh\u014dh\u0101n\u0101n (yahweh gracious). --mi name joanna, particularli like it. like vowel together, a, make wah sound. also get sick call joann johanna."} {"id": "5904", "contents": "less boy given name. view joann name popular page see popular trend joann chang sinc 1880, compar popular joann names. joann variant spell joanna. variant name joann includ joann. joann gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc joanne. u.s. 2014, rank 1807 babi name popular girl 112 occurrences."} {"id": "5905", "contents": "joan /joan/ [1 syll.] girls' name pronounc jone. hebrew origin, mean joan god gracious. mediev feminin version john. joan arc, maid orleans, portray nation polit hero, well religi heroine. canon 1920."} {"id": "5906", "contents": "northern ireland 1975, joann frequent use name femal newborns, though earli year 21st century, name declin popular could count among twenti frequent used. name hannah, anna, anne, ann etymolog relat joann same: deriv hebrew \u05d7\u05b7\u05e0\u05b8\u05bc\u05d4 \u1e25ann\u0101h 'grace' verbal root mean 'to gracious'. unit kingdom, popular peak 1970s, frequent among 10 popular femal names."} {"id": "5907", "contents": "pleas awar balamori ceas film tobermori mani year ago now, repeat shown regularli bbc television. tobermory, isl mull select children\u2019 t.v programm balamory, beauti location, and, importantly, multi-colour houses. one main attract use film (second series) mull narrow gaug railway. railway tobermori itself, near ferri craignure, ran ferri torosay castle. sadly, railway close still possibl walk along old line."} {"id": "5908", "contents": "highli popular children bbc televis seri balamori film mull, east lothian glasgow. starring: juliet cadzow, juli wilson nimmo, andrew agnew, buki akib, rodd christensen, kim tserkezie, mile jupp, mari riggans. locations."} {"id": "5909", "contents": "balamori scottish live action televis seri british televis (bbc one, bbc two cbeebies) pre-school children, fiction small island commun call balamori scotland. typic episod begin miss hooli open nurseri tell audienc weather like balamori today, meet one main charact problem solv visit anoth main character."} {"id": "5910", "contents": "tobermori it\u2019 colour waterfront chosen bbc locat popular children\u2019 televis seri balamory. hous situat tobermori apart archie\u2019 castl hotel call fenton tower north berwick nurseri shot taken glasgow. one main attract use film (second series) mull narrow gaug railway. railway tobermori itself, near ferri craignure, ran ferri torosay castle. sadly, railway close still possibl walk along old line."} {"id": "5911", "contents": "find balamori houses! bbc finish film balamori previous famou colour hous tobermori 2004, spencer\u2019 bit naughti hous chang colour! 1. spencer\u2019 house. spencer\u2019 house. beig colour privat house."} {"id": "5912", "contents": "seri creat brian jameson. balamori film mostli tobermori isl mull, except scene archie' castl film fenton tower north berwick scene like park nurseri film glasgow. typic episod begin miss hooli open nurseri tell audienc weather like balamori today, meet one main charact problem solv visit anoth main character."} {"id": "5913", "contents": "balamori film mostli tobermori isl mull, except scene archie' castl film fenton tower north berwick scene like park nurseri film glasgow. balamory. 282 page wiki. balamori scottish live action televis seri british televis (bbc one, bbc two cbeebies) pre-school children, base around fiction small island commun balamori scotland."} {"id": "5914", "contents": "balamori shown \u2018cbeebies\u2019 bbc1 probabl famou one popular educ children\u2019 televis programm time. film done tobermory, help nurseri group, fire crew, local attract businesses. one main attract use film (second series) mull narrow gaug railway. railway tobermori itself, near ferri craignure, ran ferri torosay castle. sadly, railway close still possibl walk along old line."} {"id": "5915", "contents": "tobermori colour waterfront chosen bbc locat popular children' televis seri balamory."} {"id": "5916", "contents": "suzi sweet penni pocket, share build run pocket sweet (a shop set balamory), main charact hous town, hous distinct colour. typic episod begin miss hooli open nurseri tell audienc weather like balamori today, meet one main charact problem solv visit anoth main character."} {"id": "5917", "contents": "employees, death-in-servic benefit usual pay tax-fre lump sum die employ firm. death work-related, must payrol die. addition, mani death-in-servic polici link compani pension."} {"id": "5918", "contents": "nh scheme provid benefit depend event death follow retirement. benefit payabl depend circumst time death servic scheme. benefit avail nh superannu scheme (scotland), differ qualifi condit type benefit avail depend join"} {"id": "5919", "contents": "howev die thursday, regardless whether due return work follow monday would regard pension employ elig \u2018death service\u2019 benefits. instead scheme would pay benefit die within 12 month leaving. bank nurs freelanc gp locum avail work, virtu employ \u2018list\u2019 \u2018bank\u2019 actual work cover"} {"id": "5920", "contents": "nh doctor member nh pension scheme entitl number valuabl addit benefit sick pay, life insur ill health retir pension. see member guid here."} {"id": "5921", "contents": "eileen davidson born june 15, 1959 artesia, california, usa. actress, known young restless (1973), day live (1965) hous soror row (1983). marri vincent van patten sinc april 15, 2003. one child."} {"id": "5922", "contents": "eileen davidson second soap opera star real housew beverli hill ad cast season 5, like lisa rinna, husband also actor. vincent van patten, eileen davidson' husband, success perform athlet who' work year disciplines."} {"id": "5923", "contents": "view photo (5). eileen davidson current marri vincent van patten. four celebr relationship averag approxim 4.5 year each. three marriag averag 5.4 year each. age: 56 (6/15/1959)."} {"id": "5924", "contents": "eileen davidson current marri vincent van patten. four celebr relationship averag approxim 4.5 year each. three marriag averag 5.4 year each. age: 56 (6/15/1959)."} {"id": "5925", "contents": "(getty). vincent van patten husband eileen davidson, soap opera queen new cast member real housew beverli hills. davidson come show accus fellow cast member brandi glanvil homewreck sleep around."} {"id": "5926", "contents": "vincent van patten husband eileen davidson, soap opera queen new cast member real housew beverli hills. davidson come show accus fellow cast member brandi glanvil homewreck sleep around."} {"id": "5927", "contents": "great pyramid giza (also known pyramid khufu pyramid cheops) oldest largest three pyramid giza necropoli border el giza, egypt. oldest seven wonder ancient world, one remain larg intact. thought that, construction, great pyramid origin 280 egyptian cubit tall (146.5 metr (480.6 ft)), eros absenc pyramidion, present height 138.8 metr (455.4 ft)."} {"id": "5928", "contents": "locat outsid outskirt cairo esplanad known giza plateau, great pyramid giza must-se ancient egyptian landmark. known khufu' pyramid, greatest pyramid complex: truli overwhelm sight."} {"id": "5929", "contents": "first egyptian pyramid believ pyramid djoser, built saqqara around 4650 year ago (2640 bc). saqqara huge ancient burial ground built near egyptian citi memphis. great pyramid giza oldest largest three pyramid giza necropolis. enjoy rang interest ancient egyptian pyramid fact kids. learn first pyramid built egypt, great pyramid giza, import burial site saqqara, egyptian put burial tombs, famou mask tutankhamun discov much more. read fun learn ancient egyptian pyramid"} {"id": "5930", "contents": "egyptian pyramid ancient pyramid-shap masonri structur locat egypt. structur also third largest pyramid egypt pyramid khufu khafr giza. also dahshur pyramid known black pyramid amenemhet iii, well number small, mostli ruin subsidiari pyramids."} {"id": "5931", "contents": "famou egyptian pyramid found giza, outskirt cairo. sever giza pyramid count among largest structur ever built. pyramid khufu giza largest egyptian pyramid. one seven wonder ancient world still existence. structur also third largest pyramid egypt pyramid khufu khafr giza. also dahshur pyramid known black pyramid amenemhet iii, well number small, mostli ruin subsidiari pyramids."} {"id": "5932", "contents": "pyramid egypt built: 2700 2500 b.c. location: giza, egypt, west bank nile river near cairo history: egyptian pyramid oldest surviv member ancient wonders. 10 pyramid giza, first three held highest regard. location: giza, egypt, west bank nile river near cairo."} {"id": "5933", "contents": "back site list. giza locat west south modern cairo, vast desert imagin ancient egyptian land dead. guard great sphinx, plateau domin massiv pyramid khufu (gr. cheops), khafr (gr. chephren), menkaur (gr. mycerinus), rule egypt 4th dynasti (c. 2500 bc)."} {"id": "5934", "contents": "built: 2700 2500 b.c. location: giza, egypt, west bank nile river near cairo. history: egyptian pyramid oldest surviv member ancient wonders. 10 pyramid giza, first three held highest regard."} {"id": "5935", "contents": "believ pyramid built tomb fourth dynasti egyptian pharaoh khufu (often hellenicis cheops) construct 20-year period. khufu' vizier, hemon, hemiunu, believ architect great pyramid. thought that, construction, great pyramid origin 280 egyptian cubit tall (146.5 metr (480.6 ft)), eros absenc pyramidion, present height 138.8 metr (455.4 ft)."} {"id": "5936", "contents": "pear-shap metaphor term sever meanings, refer shape (european) pear, i.e. taper toward top. fail bank robbery, example, could said gone pear-shaped. origin use term dispute. o cite origin within royal air force; 2003 earliest citat quot 1983 book air war south atlantic."} {"id": "5937", "contents": "whether appl (round middle), pear (bigger bottom), chili pepper (narrow over), lose weight one size fit all. bodi type key figur best diet exercis program, say mari savard, md, abc news medic contributor."} {"id": "5938", "contents": "best answer: that' pear-shaped, that' curvy. trust me, pear shape different. curvi good thing, least tri attract straight men. i'm straight man, love round things. round things, round thing too. idea mani girl want blast skinny. women round things! pear shape round place others. actual know sever pear shape women, fact two ex girlfriends. one slight shoulder itti bitti boobi (not bad thing) top, back porch big enough stop roar freight train."} {"id": "5939", "contents": "quick recap pear shape bodi when: hip wider shoulder. fat tend accumul thigh sometim buttocks. tend elong waist leg tend shorter comparison rest body. defin waist. 33. notic pear shape bodi actual love extrem contrast top bottom. pear shape usual small upper body. find realli beauti upper fit (belted, bodi con, peplum) bottom flare (a line skirt flare)."} {"id": "5940", "contents": "pear shape term loos use describ bodi fat distribut local lower half. essenti mean vast major fat tend store hips/buttocks, thighs, legs."} {"id": "5941", "contents": "difficult form perfectly, usual notic distorted\u2014i.e., pear-shaped. wikipedia confirm yes, mean think-but etymolog less certain: third mean mostli limit unit kingdom, ireland australasia. eri -- worth note england, someon is, well, fat, describ pear shaped. (mani english women bit english pear i.e., chubbi bum.) would guess origin, i'm sure."} {"id": "5942", "contents": "work structur shoulders, shoulder pad ruch sleeves-they pear bodi shape' essentials. common rather instinct way minim hips, thigh butt. person find closet mantra restrict exclud cloth 'no-nos' pear bodi shape (eg. skinni jean mention few)."} {"id": "5943", "contents": "vote vote. go pear shape express use indic scheme perfectli executed. phrase seem origin british english late 1940 earli 1950s. come across sever suggest origins, best, me, relat train aircraft pilots. eri -- worth note england, someon is, well, fat, describ pear shaped. (mani english women bit english pear i.e., chubbi bum.) would guess origin, i'm sure."} {"id": "5944", "contents": "pears. pear-shap woman carri bodi fat around hips, thighs, buttocks. gener smaller upper bodi (smaller breasts) heavier lower body. risk overweight pear-shap woman quit differ appl shape. pear-shap woman typic suscept cellulit varicos veins. howev recent research show health benefit pear shape may first thought."} {"id": "5945", "contents": "look michaelson-mor experiment. actually, speed light defin quantity, measur one, defin everyth els (and measur everyth else) rel it. eri year ago. thumb up. 0. measur angl mirror rotated, distanc light travel time, rotat speed mirror. voila! good sigdigs, pretti damn good freshman measur fundament constant. zikzak"} {"id": "5946", "contents": "speed express fast object moves. object' speed much distanc travel certain amount time. unit speed includ mile per hour (mph), centimet per second (cm/sec cm/s), meter per second (m/sec m/s), kilomet per hour (kph km/hr)."} {"id": "5947", "contents": "hint: light-year unit distance, time. light-year astronom measur distanc space. it\u2019 defin far beam light travel one year distanc six trillion miles. think bigger, badder cousin inch, mile, kilometer, furlong."} {"id": "5948", "contents": "look back time. distanc univers vast scientist use term light year measur them. light year distanc light travel one year, 10 trillion kilometers. that' follow 13 zeros! hubbl space telescop see object even distant eye can."} {"id": "5949", "contents": "know light travel 186,000 mile per second distanc three quarter way moon. call \u201clight second.\u201d distanc light travel one second 186,000 miles. even away famou \u201clight year,\u201d distanc light travel one year. i\u2019ll repeat case re-look last line. light year distanc light travel one year. distanc 5,900,000,000,000 miles. that\u2019 right, five trillion, nine hundr billion mile light travel one year. often round trillion mile year light year equal distanc trillion"} {"id": "5950", "contents": "one light-year isequ 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers(9.5 10 12 km). light travel fast. fast, fact, usit appear travel instantli one place toanother. however, light finit speed.light travel 299,792,458 meter (about186,282 miles) per second vacuum. light isslow pass transpar mate-rials, air, water, glass."} {"id": "5951", "contents": "light year unit time; distanc light travel year, trillion mile (10 trillion km). measur parallax involv measur tini angles. degre divid 60 min ute minut 60 seconds. quarter span one degre distanc 1.5 meters. sun 8-1/2 minut away speed light. take light 5-1/2 hour reach pluto sun, 4.3 year reach next star. scale model universe. imposs make physic model show man, planets, star scale."} {"id": "5952", "contents": "limit inform measure, carri photon (light). photon cours cannot travel faster speed light, 300,000 kilomet per second. hand, astronom search nearbi univers find analogu distant star galaxies."} {"id": "5953", "contents": "describ olau roemer' experiment. olau roemer first tri measur speed light 1675. measur period jupiter' moons. olau found earth rotat opposit moon, jupiter' moons' period appear longer face moon. anoth experi measur speed light perform albert michelson 1880. reflect light octagon block mirror side (eight sides). light reflect one mirror mirror hillsid distanc away."} {"id": "5954", "contents": "patient also need hear aid select appointment, free purchas cost $250, depend upon clinic. cleveland clinic charg $100 hear need assessment. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630."} {"id": "5955", "contents": "peopl refer day referenc batteri life, definit day person? peopl wear aid hour day, other wear 16 hour day. hour batteri last accur way compar batteri life. hear instrument itself. advanc aid power required. concept similar cell phone. featur use phone (internet, apps, games, movies, etc.), faster batteri dies. new hear instrument accessori item also put drain hear aid battery."} {"id": "5956", "contents": "course, price batteri go vari depend purchas them. consid averag price hear aid batteri retail store, breakdown expect spend batteri two hear aid per size: size 10: averag $150/year. size 312: averag $80/year. size 13: averag $50/year. size 675: averag $30/year. batteri size cost import want sure discuss audiologist purchas hear aids. awar smaller hear aid is, smaller costli batteri be. reason digit process take place hear aid much complex watch. assum hear aid worn 14-16 hours/day, lifespan hear aid batteri depend factors: size battery. process hear aid."} {"id": "5957", "contents": "hear aid batteri user replac batteri use hear aid devic requir miniatur cells. common type zinc air silver oxid common size includ ac312, ac10, ac13, ac230, ac675."} {"id": "5958", "contents": "behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630. resound azur retail $2,600 programm volum control settings, open fit minim plug sensat ear 330-hour battery. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630."} {"id": "5959", "contents": "fit entir ear canal, cost $150 $5,000. facelak offer basic cic hear aid $150. siemen offer cic version nitro 16, $5,000. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630."} {"id": "5960", "contents": "replac batteri cost $.70 $3.95 per battery. expert recommend hear aid check annual cost $60 $260 per visit, depend upon clinic. practition check effect hear aid make adjust necessary. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630."} {"id": "5961", "contents": "proce use toward manner health-car costs, includ hear aid batteries. taxpay 28-percent bracket set asid $5,000 account use $5,000 pair hear aid would reap effect save $1,400. assist come manufactur gifts, hear health-car providers, donor use aid across u.s. 2009, instance, individu would need total incom $18,403 less; coupl would need total incom $24,675."} {"id": "5962", "contents": "modbu rtu messag simpl 16-bit crc (cyclic-redund checksum). simplic messag ensur reliability. due simplicity, basic 16-bit modbu rtu regist structur use pack float point, tables, ascii text, queues, unrel data."} {"id": "5963", "contents": "overview. modbu rtu open, serial (rs-232 rs-485) protocol deriv master/slav architecture. wide accept protocol due eas use reliability. modbu rtu wide use within build manag system (bms) industri autom system (ias)."} {"id": "5964", "contents": "modbus-tcp mean modbu protocol use top ethernet-tcp/ip. modbus-tcp open industri ethernet network specifi modbus-ida user organ co-oper internet engen task forc (ietf) rfc internet standard."} {"id": "5965", "contents": "modbu rtu-thi origin modbus. use rs-232 rs-485 links. modbu ascii-thi similar modbu rtu, data encod ascii instead raw binary. version mainli use radio links."} {"id": "5966", "contents": "modbu industri specif use across wide rang industries. common denomin messag structur devic support. respons custom demand, semiconductor industri implement network commun standard object messag protocol use modbu tcp/ip."} {"id": "5967", "contents": "develop modicon, modbu master/slav serial line commun protocol use interconnect intellig autom devices."} {"id": "5968", "contents": "modbus-tcp mean modbu protocol use top ethernet-tcp/ip. open industri ethernet network specifi modbus-ida user organ co-oper internet engen task forc (ietf) rfc internet standard."} {"id": "5969", "contents": "modbu use multipl master-slav applic monitor program devices; commun intellig devic sensor instruments; monitor field devic use pc hmis. modbu also ideal protocol rtu applic wireless commun required."} {"id": "5970", "contents": "modbu protocol messag structur develop modicon 1979. use establish master-slave/client-serv commun intellig devices. de facto standard, truli open wide use network protocol industri manufactur environment."} {"id": "5971", "contents": "northumbria form \u00e6thelfrith \u00e6thelfrith central great britain in-anglo saxon. time begin 7th, centuri two kingdom bernicia deira were. unifi northern border, berwick-upon-tweed, north tweed chang hand mani times, defin subject law england wale berwick act 1746. land part northumbria peak divid modern administr boundaries: north east england."} {"id": "5972", "contents": "local environ agenc office, locat newcastl busi park, also use term northumbria describ patch. otherwise, term offici name uk eu region north east england. northern border, berwick-upon-tweed, north tweed chang hand mani times, defin subject law england wale berwick act 1746. land part northumbria peak divid modern administr boundaries:"} {"id": "5973", "contents": "histor boundari northumbria king edwin (reign 616\u2013633) stretch humber south forth north, although 1018 northern part, tweed forth (includ lothian, region contain edinburgh), cede kingdom scotland. bamburgh histor capit northumberland, royal castl unif kingdom england monarch hous wessex 10th century. earldom northumberland briefli held scottish royal famili marriag 1139\u20131157 1215\u20131217."} {"id": "5974", "contents": "modern county, see northumberland. kingdom northumbria (/n\u0254r\u02c8\u03b8\u028cmbri\u0259/ old english: nor\u00fehymbra r\u012bce, kingdom northumbrians) mediev anglian kingdom northern england south-east scotland, subsequ becam earldom unifi english kingdom. northern border, berwick-upon-tweed, north tweed chang hand mani times, defin subject law england wale berwick act 1746. land part northumbria peak divid modern administr boundaries: north east england."} {"id": "5975", "contents": "find accommod northumberland, scottish border newcastl gateshead. first map map overal region: northumberland, scottish border newcastl gateshead. map number two, below, courtesi northumberland nation park. show towns, servic facilities. second map, click second time open larger version"} {"id": "5976", "contents": "northumbria form \u00e6thelfrith \u00e6thelfrith central great britain in-anglo saxon. time begin 7th, centuri two kingdom bernicia deira were. (unifi 12th centuri write henri huntingdon kingdom defin one heptarchi of-anglo saxon). kingdom northern border, berwick-upon-tweed, north tweed chang hand mani times, defin subject law england wale berwick act 1746. land part northumbria peak divid modern administr boundaries: north east england."} {"id": "5977", "contents": "northumbria name ancient saxon kingdom cover roughli area counti northumberland counti durham or, correctly, two counti local govern re-organis 1974. tyne wear, took urban area northumberland counti durham bank river tyne wear, cleveland, took part counti durham yorkshir around river tees."} {"id": "5978", "contents": "northumberland (. /n\u0254\u02d0\u02c8\u03b8\u028cmb\u0259l\u0259nd/ local /n\u0254\u02d0\u02c8\u03b8\u028amb\u0259l\u0259nd/) counti north east england. northernmost counti england, border cumbria west, counti durham south scotland north. bamburgh histor capit northumberland, royal castl unif kingdom england monarch hous wessex 10th century. earldom northumberland briefli held scottish royal famili marriag 1139\u20131157 1215\u20131217."} {"id": "5979", "contents": "northumbria mail list dedic discuss genealog local histori counti northumberland counti durham, england. tyne wear, took urban area northumberland counti durham bank river tyne wear, cleveland, took part counti durham yorkshir around river tees."} {"id": "5980", "contents": "east north sea coastlin 64-mile (103 km) long distanc path. counti town alnwick although counti council locat morpeth (for moment, plan move nearbi ashington). northernmost point northumberland england locat marshal meadow bay. bamburgh histor capit northumberland, royal castl unif kingdom england monarch hous wessex 10th century. earldom northumberland briefli held scottish royal famili marriag 1139\u20131157 1215\u20131217."} {"id": "5981", "contents": "roseburg\u2019 radiant barrier sheath engin structur panel combin strength plywood sheath energi save reflect foil surfac minim radiant solar heat indoors. fact, test reveal radiant barrier panel block 97% sun\u2019 radiant energy, make attic 30% cooler reduc indoor hvac cool cost 17%. roseburg radiant barrier sheath typic use roof exterior wall sheathing. roseburg radiant barrier sheath rate plywood panel layer highli reflect perfor aluminum foil lamin design block major sun\u2019 radiant energi"} {"id": "5982", "contents": "thermostat radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency. ideal residenti light commerci construction. thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier sheath (plywood) thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency. aluminum foil creat radiant barrier reduc 97% radiant heat enter attic"} {"id": "5983", "contents": "radiant-barri sheathing, made either plywood orient strand board (osb) thin layer aluminum face one side, instal roof rafter aluminum layer face down. aluminum use reflect properti low emit properties. radiant-barri sheath one compon roof attic space, might consid also: upgrad insul higher r-value, insul ductwork, instal cool roof,"} {"id": "5984", "contents": "radiant barrier (or reflective) insul heat/therm insul reflect radiat heat (radiant heat), prevent transfer one side anoth due reflect (or low emittance) surface. heat/therm insul barrier materi resists/blocks/reflect heat energi (either one conduction, convect radiation) prevent transfer boundari two system differ temperatures."} {"id": "5985", "contents": "thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier sheath (plywood) thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency. aluminum foil creat radiant barrier reduc 97% radiant heat enter attic. ideal residenti light commerci construction. thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier sheath (plywood) thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency."} {"id": "5986", "contents": "common type radiant barrier use new-hom construct radiant-barri roof sheath is, plywood osb radiant barrier one side panel. panel instal uncondit attics, shini side face down. radiant barrier thin sheet reflect material, often aluminum, appli substrat kraft paper, plastic film, cardboard, plywood. definition, radiant barrier low emiss amount heat radiat emit particular bodi material."} {"id": "5987", "contents": "details. thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency. aluminum foil creat radiant barrier reduc 97% radiant heat enter attic. ideal residenti light commerci construction. thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier sheath (plywood) thermostat\u00ae radiant barrier plywood sheath reflect 97% sun' radiant heat home\u2019 attic help lower attic temperatur improv energi efficiency."} {"id": "5988", "contents": "thermostat radiant barrier sheath orient strand board (osb) plywood structur panel lamin reflective, perfor aluminum foil. panel reflect 97% sun' radiant heat, prevent absorb attic home. yes, thermostat radiant barrier sheath use type construct long maintain minimum 3/4 airspac foil surface. cases, foil face instal face down."} {"id": "5989", "contents": "emerald gemston meaning. emerald sacr stone goddess venus. thought preserv love. emerald long symbol hope. consid mani stone prophecy. emerald act tranquil troubl mind."} {"id": "5990", "contents": "emerald-histori introduction. emerald preciou stone beryl group. name come old french word 'esmeralde', deriv greek word 'smaragdos' mean 'green stone'. definition, emerald medium dark green beryl color chromium. emerald often cut special cut design gem; emerald cut. emerald cut step trap cut featur rectangular squar shape truncat corners. cut style maxim beauti color stone, whilst protect mechan strain intern stress."} {"id": "5991", "contents": "emerald gemston varieti miner beryl (be al (sio 3) 6) color green trace amount chromium sometim vanadium. beryl hard 7.5\u20138 moh scale. emerald highli included, tough (resist breakage) classifi gener poor. gachala emerald one largest gem emerald world, 858 carat (171.6 g). stone found 1967 la vega de san juan mine gachala, gachal\u00e1. colombia hous nation museum natur histori smithsonian institut in, washington.d."} {"id": "5992", "contents": "oil common emerald treatment cases, done right mine location. term 'oiling' refer practic immers emerald colorless oil resin (most often cedar oil) order enhanc color, clariti stability. emerald often cut special cut design gem; emerald cut. emerald cut step trap cut featur rectangular squar shape truncat corners. cut style maxim beauti color stone, whilst protect mechan strain intern stress."} {"id": "5993", "contents": "preciou gemston emerald. emerald, green varieti beryl, famou valuabl green gemstone. beauti green color, combin durabl rarity, make one expens gemstones. deep green desir color emeralds."} {"id": "5994", "contents": "emerald, green varieti beryl, may perhap famou family, beryl also form color use gems, blue aquamarine, yellow heliodor golden beryl, pink morganite, red beryl bixbite, colorless variety, goshenite. emerald excel stone reviv passion, whether interest, person, job. attract romant love, wear carri emerald sight near heart. call back estrang love, speak word wish say hold stone close lip seal envelope."} {"id": "5995", "contents": "laboratory, separ emerald look-alik natur gemston simpl process involv measur optic physic properties. visual observ frequent necessari determin green gemston emerald, due emerald uniqu distinct color. descript term sometim use name semi-previ gemstone, like orient emerald, actual green sapphire. label like tecla, vanadium, uralian, cape, prismatic, night orient name mask semi-preci natur gemston emerald."} {"id": "5996", "contents": "emerald cockroach wasp jewel wasp (ampulex compressa) solitari wasp famili ampulicidae. known unusu reproduct behavior, involv sting cockroach use host larvae. thu belong entomophag parasites."} {"id": "5997", "contents": "emerald (noun). noun emerald senses: 1. green transpar form beryl; highli valu gemstone. 2. transpar piec emerald cut polish valu preciou gem. 3. green color emerald. familiar information: emerald use noun uncommon."} {"id": "5998", "contents": "emerald meaning, power history. emerald gem fascin mani cultur six thousand years. prized, carat carat, fine emerald may two three time valuabl diamond."} {"id": "5999", "contents": "lot factor go decision. nba develop leagu three-tier salari system simplic make deal players. \u201ca\u201d salari $25,000, \u201cb\u201d salari $19,00 \u201cc\u201d salari $13,000 accord multipl leagu sourc agent spoke d-leagu digest."} {"id": "6000", "contents": "look like gotten better basketbal chance. figur staggering, nba' averag player salari clock $5.15 million, $1.85 million player major leagu basebal averag close $3.2 million year. major leagu soccer round bottom list, player make rel meager averag salari $0.16 million."} {"id": "6001", "contents": "that\u2019 bare six figures. averag salari wnba player 2012 season $72,000 leagu minimum rest $35,000 rookies. player three year experi earn least $51,000. $72,000 still decent check peopl earn thousand lesser."} {"id": "6002", "contents": "someth interest note that, accord stein, per-team salari cap actual decreased, $178,000 $173,000. ten player per team, that' averag d-leagu salari $17,300."} {"id": "6003", "contents": "more, see below: salari remain flat: $25,500, $19,000 $13,000 league' three player classifications, mean d-leagu player virtual play free -- modest per diem road $40 compar $120 nba -- although receiv hous insur benefits."} {"id": "6004", "contents": "totipotent: unlimit capability. totipot cell capac form entir organism. human develop begin sperm fertil egg creat singl totipot cell. first hour fertilization, cell divid ident totipot cells."} {"id": "6005", "contents": "totipot [edit]. totipot abil singl cell divid produc differenti cell organism. spore zygot exampl totipot cells. spectrum cell potency, totipot repres cell greatest differenti potential."} {"id": "6006", "contents": "totipot stem cells. versatil stem cell types. sperm cell egg cell unite, form one-cel fertil egg. cell totipotent, mean potenti give rise human cells, brain, liver, blood heart cells. even give rise entir function organism. first cell divis embryon develop produc totipot cells."} {"id": "6007", "contents": "exampl totipot cell zygot came unif egg sperm cell undergon sever sexual cellular divisions. exampl pluripot cell embryon cell yet develop type cell. summary: 2.pluripot cell potenti mani cell totipot cell come outcom two cell unit undergon mitot division. 3.a zygot exampl totipot cell embryon cell exampl pluripot cell."} {"id": "6008", "contents": "totipot cell form cell type body, plu extraembryonic, placental, cells. embryon cell within first coupl cell divis fertil cell totipotent. pluripot cell give rise cell type make body; embryon stem cell consid pluripotent. multipot cell develop one cell type, limit pluripot cells; adult stem cell cord blood stem cell consid multipot"} {"id": "6009", "contents": "definit totipot abil singl cell divid produc differenti cell organism. totipot cell lar gest differenti potential. totipot cell present first stage embryon development. cell differenti kind cell, includ extraembryon tissu (such placenta). fertil creation singl totipot cell, zygote. embryon stem cell pluripotent, totipotent."} {"id": "6010", "contents": "supplement. example, zygot earli embryon cell totipot sinc differenti cell type development. word origin: toti latin t\u014dtus, entir potent, power, able. relat forms: totipot (noun). compare: unipotent, multipotent, pluripotent."} {"id": "6011", "contents": "jackfruit tree wide cultiv popular food item throughout tropic region world. jackfruit nation fruit bangladesh, name kanthal (\u0995\u09be\u0981\u09a0\u09be\u09b2) bengali language. jackfruit tree produc 100 200 fruit year. flesh jackfruit starchi fibrou sourc dietari fiber. flavor compar combin apple, pineapple, mango, banana. varieti distinguish accord characterist fruit' flesh. bangladesh fruit consum own."} {"id": "6012", "contents": "jackfruit tree well suit tropic lowlands, fruit largest tree-born fruit, reach much 35 kg (80 lb) weight, 90 cm (35 in) length, 50 cm (20 in) diameter. flesh jackfruit starchi fibrou sourc dietari fiber. flavor compar combin apple, pineapple, mango, banana. varieti distinguish accord characterist fruit' flesh. bangladesh fruit consum own."} {"id": "6013", "contents": "edibl jackfruit made easili digest flesh (bulbs); 100-g portion edibl raw jackfruit provid 95 calori good sourc antioxid vitamin c, provid 13.7 mg. jackfruit seed rich protein. fruit also rich vitamin 6, potassium, calcium, iron. flesh jackfruit starchi fibrou sourc dietari fiber. flavor compar combin apple, pineapple, mango, banana. varieti distinguish accord characterist fruit' flesh. bangladesh fruit consum own."} {"id": "6014", "contents": "jackfruit nutrit facts. jackfruit one kind tropic fruits, recogn uniqu shape, size, fruiti flavor bulb appreci distance. fruit delici sweet taste. jackfruit good sourc antioxid vitamin-c, provid 13.7 mg 23% rda. consumpt food rich vitamin help bodi develop resist infecti agent scaveng harm free radicals. one rare fruit rich b-complex group vitamins."} {"id": "6015", "contents": "origin distribut one know jackfruit' place origin believ indigen rainforest western ghats. cultiv low elev throughout india, burma, ceylon, southern china, malaya, east indies. common philippines, cultiv naturalized. tree nativ common wild malaya altitud 4,200 ft (1,300 m) cultiv throughout malaysia mani prefer jackfruit. grown seed bud onto self-seedl jackfruit artocarpu species. seedl bear years."} {"id": "6016", "contents": "origin tender. middl english tendur grant license, anglo-french tendr offer, tender, tendre, verb, stretch, hold out, offer, direct, latin tender stretch, direct thin. first known use: circa 1543. 22 entri found: tender. tender annual. tender-hefted. tender-minded. tender-nosed. tender amends. tender offer. tender issue. cage tender. 10 card tender. 11 foot tender. 12 fork-tender. 13 hook tender. 14 legal tender. 15 lock tender. 16 machin tender. 17 net tender. 18 nurse-tender. 19 skip tender. 20 switch tender. 21 texa tender. 22 water tender."} {"id": "6017", "contents": "tender raw jackfruit, call panasakaya telugu kathal hindi, exot veget india consid vegetarian meat meat like textur flavor. tender jackfruit use prepar curri biryani semi-rip fruit use prepar chips. fulli ripe jackfruit devour fruit also use prepar desserts. seed jackfruit edibl usual boil roast hot coal eaten. fresh tender jackfruit avail farmer\u2019 market. bought recent prepar jackfruit biryani weekend."} {"id": "6018", "contents": "south india, jackfruit popular food rank next mango banana total annual production. 100,000 tree backyard grown shade betelnut, coffee, pepper cardamom plantations. tree nativ common wild malaya altitud 4,200 ft (1,300 m) cultiv throughout malaysia mani prefer jackfruit. grown seed bud onto self-seedl jackfruit artocarpu species. seedl bear years."} {"id": "6019", "contents": "seattl univers studi examin cost death penalti washington found death penalti case cost averag $1 million similar case death penalti sought ($3.07 million, versu $2.01 million). accord state feder record obtain lo angel times, maintain california death penalti system cost taxpay $114 million year beyond cost simpli keep convict lock life."} {"id": "6020", "contents": "11 execut spread 27 years, per execut basis, california feder taxpay paid $250 million execution. cost approxim $90,000 year hous inmat death row, gener prison popul $57.5 million annually. attorney gener devot 15% budget, $11 million annual death penalti cases. cost system number death-elig crime significantli narrow would $130 million per year. cost system impos maximum penalti lifetim incarcer instead death penalti would $11.5 million per year. read report."} {"id": "6021", "contents": "addit cost confin inmat death row, compar maximum secur prison sentenc life without possibl parol ordinarili serv sentences, $90,000 per year per inmate. cost system number death-elig crime significantli narrow would $130 million per year. cost system impos maximum penalti lifetim incarcer instead death penalti would $11.5 million per year. read report."} {"id": "6022", "contents": "post march 4, 2013 chri comments. cost execut death row inmat vari state. state cost execut consid extravag usual climb scale million dollars. lot state simpli cannot afford death penalty. three time higher would cost imprison one inmat highest secur prison cell avail 40 years. all, state spend million billion dollar huge chunk budget execut death row inmates."} {"id": "6023", "contents": "instance, state north carolina inmat death row cost state one billion dollar inmat death row sinc 1976. texas, one death penalti case cost state 2.3 million dollars. three time higher would cost imprison one inmat highest secur prison cell avail 40 years. all, state spend million billion dollar huge chunk budget execut death row inmates."} {"id": "6024", "contents": "colorado, hous death row prison roughli 17% expens hous inmat part gener population. cost state 15% per year hous death row inmat hous inmat receiv sentenc life possibl parole. cost state 15% per year hous death row inmat hous inmat receiv sentenc life possibl parole. includ cost hear appeals."} {"id": "6025", "contents": "translat $37.2 million state\u2019 five execut sinc state reenact death penalty. studi estim averag cost maryland taxpay reach singl death sentenc $3 million $1.9 million cost non-death penalti case. accord state feder record obtain lo angel times, maintain california death penalti system cost taxpay $114 million year beyond cost simpli keep convict lock life."} {"id": "6026", "contents": "time topic: capit punishment. accord organization, keep inmat death row florida cost taxpay $51 million year hold life without parole. north carolina put 43 peopl death sinc 1976 $2.16 million per execution. perhap extrem exampl california, whose death row cost taxpay $114 million year beyond cost imprison convict life. state execut 13 peopl sinc 1976 total $250"} {"id": "6027", "contents": "colorado, cost 20 time much prosecut capit murder case cost prosecut first degre murder case death penalti sought. colorado, hous death row prison roughli 17% expens hous inmat part gener population. cost state 15% per year hous death row inmat hous inmat receiv sentenc life possibl parole. includ cost hear appeals."} {"id": "6028", "contents": "understand driver paid help manag budget road. truck driver pay figur differ mani jobs. truck job don\u2019t pay salary, rather over-the-road truck driver commonli paid per mile driven. simpli put, mile truck driven, money trucker make"} {"id": "6029", "contents": "van driver unit state pull averag $10.23 per hour. pay gener vari $7.97 per hour $14.83. locat biggest factor affect pay group, follow year experi particular employer. job satisfact report high vast major workers."} {"id": "6030", "contents": "averag transport driver salari job post nationwid 19% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "6031", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic bu driver unit state $19,968 50% peopl perform job bu driver unit state expect make less $19,968. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $19,968. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl bu driver unit states."} {"id": "6032", "contents": "averag shuttl driver salaries. averag salari shuttl driver job $22,000. averag shuttl driver salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term shuttl driver anywher job listing."} {"id": "6033", "contents": "\u201ctypically, across country, long-dist tractor-trail driver make rang $70,000 $75,000 year,\u201d said, ad driver\u2019 salari depend much time spend road year. numbers: accord 2013 report servic canada, nation averag incom \u201ctransport equip oper relat occupations\u201d includ driver move trucks, tow trucks, dump truck tractor-trailers, among other $38,111."} {"id": "6034", "contents": "averag central transport salari rang approxim $20,000 per year forklift oper $90,000 per year applic developer. averag central transport hourli pay rang approxim $12.00 per hour custom servic repres $23.13 per hour truck driver."} {"id": "6035", "contents": "van driver work 10 20 year occup tend earn $26k. van driver reach two decad job, compens remain commensur experience; averag pay group $30k. pay gener vari $7.97 per hour $14.83. locat biggest factor affect pay group, follow year experi particular employer. job satisfact report high vast major workers."} {"id": "6036", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic van driver unit state $28,931 50% peopl perform job van driver unit state expect make less $28,931. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $28,931. annual salari someon job titl van driver may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "6037", "contents": "follow ten major caus kidney disease. unit state two lead caus kidney failure, also call end stage kidney diseas esrd, diabet (also call type 2, adult onset diabetes) high blood pressure. two diseas control treatment, associ kidney diseas often prevent slow down. diseas may affect kidney includ infections, kidney stone inherit diseas polycyst kidney disease. kidney also damag overus over-the-count pain killer take illeg drug heroin."} {"id": "6038", "contents": "renal failure, also known kidney failur renal insufficiency, medic condit kidney fail adequ filter wast product blood. kidney failure, may problem increas fluid bodi (lead swelling), increas acid levels, rais level potassium, decreas level calcium, increas level phosphate, later stage anemia."} {"id": "6039", "contents": "treatment underli caus kidney failur may return kidney function normal. lifelong effort control blood pressur diabet may best way prevent chronic kidney diseas progress kidney failure. numer caus kidney failure, treatment underli diseas may first step correct kidney abnormality. caus kidney failur treatabl kidney function may retur"} {"id": "6040", "contents": "symptom kidney failur due build-up wast product bodi may caus weakness, short breath, lethargy, confusion. inabl remov potassium bloodstream may lead abnorm heart rhythm sudden death. initi kidney failur may caus symptoms. numer caus kidney failure, treatment underli diseas may first step correct kidney abnormality. caus kidney failur treatabl kidney function may return normal."} {"id": "6041", "contents": "diabet high blood pressur caus case esrd. caus include: autoimmun diseas (like lupu iga nephropathy). genet diseas (like polycyst kidney disease). injuries. medicin drugs."} {"id": "6042", "contents": "diseas condit may slow blood flow kidney lead kidney failur include: blood fluid loss. blood pressur medications. heart attack. heart disease. infection. liver failure. use aspirin, ibuprofen (advil, motrin ib, others), naproxen (aleve, others) relat drugs. damag kidneys. diseases, condit agent may damag kidney lead acut kidney failure: blood clot vein arteri around kidneys. cholesterol deposit block blood flow"} {"id": "6043", "contents": "kidney may small, perform mani vital function help maintain overal health, includ filter wast excess fluid blood. seriou kidney diseas may lead complet kidney failur need dialysi treatment kidney transplant stay alive. effect treatment avail mani kidney diseases, peopl sometim unawar kidney diseas often prevented. diseas may affect kidney includ infections, kidney stone inherit diseas polycyst kidney disease. kidney also damag overus over-the-count pain killer take illeg drug heroin."} {"id": "6044", "contents": "diabet high blood pressur common caus chronic kidney diseas lead kidney failure. diabet high blood pressur may also speed progress chronic kidney diseas someon alreadi disease. caus chronic kidney diseas alway known. condit diseas damag blood vessel structur kidney lead kidney disease. common caus chronic kidney diseas are: diabetes. high blood sugar level caus diabet damag blood vessel kidneys. blood sugar level remain high mani years, damag gradual reduc function kidneys. high blood pressur (hypertension)"} {"id": "6045", "contents": "causes. acut kidney failur occur when: condit slow blood flow kidneys. experi direct damag kidneys. kidneys' urin drainag tube (ureters) becom block wast can't leav bodi urine. damag kidneys. diseases, condit agent may damag kidney lead acut kidney failure: blood clot vein arteri around kidneys. cholesterol deposit block blood flow"} {"id": "6046", "contents": "antidote. n. 1. (medicine) med drug agent counteract neutral effect poison. 2. anyth counteract reliev harm unwant condition; remedy. [c15: latin antidotum, greek antidoton someth given countermeasure, anti- didonai give]. (\u02c8aen \u02c8\u00e6n). t\u026a\u02ccdo\u028at"} {"id": "6047", "contents": "word religion word forc applic use respect worship god. root word latin verb ligo, come religo, tie bind again, make fast-from religo, come substant religo, which, addit make english substant religion."} {"id": "6048", "contents": "mani english languag word come ancient greek. section enhanc vocabulary, find mani exampl greek word english word deriv them. exhaust list give good feel greek root english. deriv list bare scratch surface. challeng think english word may come greek root (includ word combin two greek roots), check dictionari confirm derivation. return home enhancemyvocabulari main page."} {"id": "6049", "contents": "ethnocentr view one particular ethnic group somehow superior others. word ethnocentr deriv greek word ethnos, mean nation people, english word center. common idiom ethnocentr tunnel vision. context, ethnocentr view particular ethnic group system belief valu moral superior others. theocentr view god superior everyon else. word theocentr deriv greek word theos, mean god gods, english word center. context, theocentr refer view god system belief valu moral superior others. perfect"} {"id": "6050", "contents": "quick summary. prefix key morphem english vocabulari begin words. origin prefix anti-and variant ant-i ancient greek word meant \u201cagainst\u201d \u201copposite.\u201d prefix appear numer english vocabulari words, anti freeze, anti dote, ant onym, ant acid. easi way rememb prefix anti-mean \u201copposite\u201d \u201cagainst\u201d word anti social, anti social person \u201copposite\u201d social, \u201cagainst\u201d everyday conduct."} {"id": "6051", "contents": "grace god [edit]. word 'grace' liter mean 'favour'. hebrew chen root word chanan-to bend stoop kind anoth superior inferior (strong 2603). greek chari idea gracious manner action (strong 5485) come root word chairo cheerful, happi (strong 5463). use refer god, benevol action stoop us kind reach us need, convey upon us benefit."} {"id": "6052", "contents": "list greek latin root english. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. follow alphabet list greek latin roots, stems, prefix commonli use english language."} {"id": "6053", "contents": "list ancient greek word deriv english. ancient greek word shown citat form root form. citat form one commonli shown dictionaries. root form one often use form compound words. citat form root form shown classic transliteration. shown polyton orthography, orthographi show breath fuller rang accent"} {"id": "6054", "contents": "creat free account save it. advertis upgrad remov ads. larg number prefix mean opposit of. prefix non-, ir-, un-, mal-, anti-, de-, in-, op-, il-. careful, though. word begin letter combin mean prefix. doubt, look word dictionary."} {"id": "6055", "contents": "nucleus: membran bound organelles, found eukaryot cells. import organel cell control complet activ cell also play vital role reproduction. form connect nuclear envelop cell membran cell. mitochondria: rod shape organelles, play import role releas energi powerhous cell. plant cell, site cellular respiration."} {"id": "6056", "contents": "mitochondria known powerhous cell contain enzym need stepwis oxid food stuff (carbohydrate, fat lipids) present cell co2 water. oxid food releas energi use form high energi atp (adenosin triphosphate) molecules. organel serv powerhous cell mitochondria."} {"id": "6057", "contents": "mitochondrion refer powerhous cell. mitochondrion membran bound organal convert oxygen nutrient adenosin triphosphat (atp). mitochondrian gener cell' suppli atp. atp primari sourc energi cell. organel serv powerhous cell mitochondria."} {"id": "6058", "contents": "mitochondrion organel powerhous heterotroph eukaryot cells. edit. share to: five major part brain basic, brain control body. electr impuls sent along nervou system brain regul movement. brain nerv\u2026. organel serv powerhous cell mitochondria. mitochondria tini organel insid cell involv releas energi food, also known cellular respiration. valentin popov."} {"id": "6059", "contents": "plant cell structure. plant cell eukaryot cells, presenc true nucleus, multicellular larg advanc membran bound organelles. plant cell quit differ anim cell like shape organel found anim cell absent plant cells. form connect nuclear envelop cell membran cell. mitochondria: rod shape organelles, play import role releas energi powerhous cell. plant cell, site cellular respiration."} {"id": "6060", "contents": "organel special membrane-enclos structur cytoplasm eukaryot cells. nucleus, contain dna form chromosomes, characterist eukaryot organelle. nuclear envelop connect system membran the; cytoplasm call endoplasm reticulum (er)."} {"id": "6061", "contents": "presenc nucleu give eukaryot name, come greek \u03b5\u03c5 (eu, well) \u03ba\u03ac\u03c1\u03c5\u03bf\u03bd (karyon, nut kernel). eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell types. eukaryot (/ju\u02d0\u02c8kaeri.ju\u02d0\u02c8k\u00e6ri/ o\u028at /or/ ju\u02d0\u02c8kaeri\u0259t-ju\u02d0\u02c8k\u00e6ri\u0259t-yoo-karr ee oht-or-yoo-karr) ee \u0259t organ whose cell contain nucleu organel enclosed. within membran eukaryot belong taxon eukarya. eukaryota"} {"id": "6062", "contents": "cell wall present plant cell absent anim cells. plasma membrane: plasma membran present anim cells, plant cell even eukaryot cells. doubl layered, thin barrier, surround cell control entri exit certain substances. also refer thin, fluid entiti manag flexibl stable. plasma membrane: also known cell membrane.it mainli compos proteins, phospholipid carbohydrates, form fluid-mosaic. plasma membran surround bacteria import organel play vital role control movement substanc cell."} {"id": "6063", "contents": "mitochondrion refer powerhous cell. mitochondrion membran bound organal convert oxygen nutrient adenosin triphosphat (atp). mitochondrian gener cell' suppli atp. atp primari sourc energi cell. organel serv powerhous cell mitochondria. mitochondria tini organel insid cell involv releas energi food, also known cellular respiration. valentin popov."} {"id": "6064", "contents": "raw egg keep lot longer. interestingly, hard-boil egg keep nearli long raw eggs, last three five week refrigerator. good reason this. hen lay egg, put natur protect coat outsid shell."} {"id": "6065", "contents": "4. number day devil egg egg salad save refriger still edible. hard-boil egg still shell keep week fridge, raw egg shell stay fresh three five week purchas date, even sell-bi date passed. (source: 1.usa.gov/160ujda)."} {"id": "6066", "contents": "egg dye around corner, mani may wonder long hard-boil egg kept spoil. generally, hard-boil egg last week refrigerator."} {"id": "6067", "contents": "name sergei, dad's, spell sergiy. peopl pronounc sir-gay. curent live california, use live canada-english french, peopl pronounc serge. i'm fine both, doesnt offend me, unless say sir-ge sir-ji happen pretti often not."} {"id": "6068", "contents": "serg /ser-ge/ [2 sylls.] boys' name. serge' name origin latin, mean name serg servant, attendant. serg variant transcript sergio (latin). sorg popular last name. kreatif forms: seage, serjay, serne."} {"id": "6069", "contents": "transliter kana make name japan seruju. think show correct pronunci serg air middle. surg would suruju sergei would spell serujei."} {"id": "6070", "contents": "learn say word english correctli emma say free pronunci tutorials. 140,000 word alreadi uploaded... check out! visit homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com ~. care show support? buy emma say t-shirt here:"} {"id": "6071", "contents": "android app avail download. name: news: pinki thakkar (silent h), engin mumbai, start web site www.pronouncenames.com move san jose, calif., mispronounc san jose, give sound use spanish word ... read more. websit offer help pronounc names."} {"id": "6072", "contents": "pleas tri later. audio video pronunci serg brought pronounc name (http://www.pronouncenames.com), websit dedic help peopl pronounc name correctly. inform name, gender, origin, etc., go http://www.pronouncenames.com/serge."} {"id": "6073", "contents": "serg /\u02c8s\u025crd\u0292/ male given name, particularli common french; altern sergio s\u00e9rgio in, portugues sergiu in, romanian sergio italian and, spanish sergey sergei in. russian name \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0439 especi popular russia 1980s, second aleksandr. \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439 (. serhiy, sergiy, sergii serhii. [s\u025br\u02c8\u0266ij]) male given name ukraine."} {"id": "6074", "contents": "serg /\u02c8s\u025crd\u0292/ male given name, particularli common french; altern sergio s\u00e9rgio in, portugues sergiu in, romanian sergio italian and, spanish sergey sergei in. russian less common femal version is. sergin name \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0439 especi popular russia 1980s, second aleksandr. \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439 (. serhiy, sergiy, sergii serhii. [s\u025br\u02c8\u0266ij]) male given name ukraine."} {"id": "6075", "contents": "armenian male given name \u057d\u0561\u0580\u0563\u056b\u057d (sarkis), believ descend sergius, variant serge. \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0439 (. sergey sergei. [s\u02b2\u026ar\u02c8\u0261\u02b2ej]), male given name, common russia popular russian orthodox saint sergiu radonezh. also use bulgaria. correspond femal version name. name \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0435\u0439 especi popular russia 1980s, second aleksandr. \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0433\u0456\u0439 (. serhiy, sergiy, sergii serhii. [s\u025br\u02c8\u0266ij]) male given name ukraine."} {"id": "6076", "contents": "long grill chicken. know chicken done i'm talk moist, juicy, finger-licking-good done, dry-as-boot-leath done easi follow three handi littl tips. go easi breast. nature, breast meat mild delic flavor. intern temperatur rise anoth 10 degre resting. so, time toss entir bird grill beer chicken sure take account check temperatur doneness."} {"id": "6077", "contents": "grill pinch patienc direct, medium heat 10 minut reward juicy, succul chicken breasts. and, want plate breast even flavor tri grill free rang chicken. intern temperatur rise anoth 10 degre resting. so, time toss entir bird grill beer chicken sure take account check temperatur doneness."} {"id": "6078", "contents": "heat grill depend cut chicken. boneless chicken breasts, cook high heat. take 6-10 minut side. longer-cook cut (such bone-in chicken parts) cook lower heat. longer-cook cut (such bone-in chicken parts) cook lower heat. could take 45-60 minut cook. turn chicken everi 10 minutes. use long-handl tong wide metal spatula move chicken."} {"id": "6079", "contents": "first installment: chicken breasts, arguabl one difficult standard meat grill. common occurr get dry, chewy, cardboardi breasts. correct though, chicken breast fantast grill, take littl know-how. realli want ad protect cook chicken breast there' realli reason skip sinc brine take minut put together, chicken need 30 minut soaking, happen amount time take get charcoal grill going."} {"id": "6080", "contents": "direct grill boneless chicken thigh take 15 20 minut grill indirectli grill chamber temperatur 350 degre take 35 45 minutes. time vari accord thick chicken. larg chicken breast 8-10 oz. 15 minut high coal heat (no black coals, ash red coals), flip, 15 minut side. chicken breast cook intern temperatur 165 matter way chicken cooked."} {"id": "6081", "contents": "contrari might read cook articles, chicken ideal grill charcoal fire averag 25 minutes. pleas note cook time 25 minut like suffici cook quarter entir chicken. reduc grill time smaller part chicken, exampl leg. but, without marinade, averag safe cook time recommend chicken use charcoal fire. use ga grill, averag cook time seven minut per side. grilling, avoid toss turn chicken. one flip sufficient. grill closeabl lid, close fire low, rememb fanci eat well-don chicken. otherwise, stick grill open."} {"id": "6082", "contents": "next step put skinless, boneless chicken breast preheat grill. you\u2019v place chicken grid, you\u2019ll want brush expos side chicken breast oil. done this, allow chicken breast grill six eight minutes. you\u2019ll know chicken properli cook there\u2019 pink center (but it\u2019 dri either). it\u2019 recommend turn chicken approxim midway grill time. you\u2019r mood someth bit healthier, grill skinless, boneless chicken breast way go. one thing keep mind skinless, boneless chicken breast overcook within seconds."} {"id": "6083", "contents": "30 minut chicken mostli cook readi sauce. go put barbecu sauc chicken continu cook intern temperatur reach 165 degre f. (74 degre c.) go step details."} {"id": "6084", "contents": "boneless chicken breasts, cook high heat. take 6-10 minut side. longer-cook cut (such bone-in chicken parts) cook lower heat. could take 45-60 minut cook. longer-cook cut (such bone-in chicken parts) cook lower heat. could take 45-60 minut cook. turn chicken everi 10 minutes. use long-handl tong wide metal spatula move chicken."} {"id": "6085", "contents": "thaw frozen chicken slowli safely. take anywher 24 hour two day thaw whole chicken refrigerator, hour cut-up chicken part (less boneless pieces). thaw chicken quickli cold water bath use defrost cycl microwave."} {"id": "6086", "contents": "holi hill air. holi hill nation shrine mary, help christian roman cathol shrine dedic bless virgin mary. centerpiec shrine minor basilica. locat town erin, near hubertus, wisconsin, roman cathol archdioces milwaukee. visitor climb 178-step observ tower view milwauke skylin 30 mile (48 km) away. approxim 1,350 feet (410 m) sea level, one highest point southeastern wisconsin."} {"id": "6087", "contents": "fit name erin suggest one first settler township, john whelan. town locat far southwestern corner washington county, 36 squar mile size, approxim ly 3790 re ident contain mix agricultur residenti properti rural setting. town news at-a-glance. erin school-se attach octob 31, 2015, 5k one mile fun run/walk erin hill golf course, site 2017 u.s. open. run/walk allow embrac natur beauti world-fam golf course, travel overt hill scenic kettl moraine."} {"id": "6088", "contents": "welcom erin. town erin nestl beauti kettl morain area washington county, locat southeastern wisconsin. vari glacial topographi make town uniqu dramat chang elevation. highest point southeastern wisconsin, basilica holi hill, nation shrine mari located. first town 'settled' washington county, oldest first one incorpor act territori legislatur januari 16, 1846. town news at-a-glance. erin school-se attach octob 31, 2015, 5k one mile fun run/walk erin hill golf course, site 2017 u.s. open. run/walk allow embrac natur beauti world-fam golf course, travel overt hill scenic kettl moraine."} {"id": "6089", "contents": "erin compar wisconsin state average: median household incom state average. unemploy percentag significantli state average. black race popul percentag significantli state average. hispan race popul percentag significantli state average. hospit medic center near erin: hardford care center (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). hartford hlthcare ctr (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). bridg home healthcar (home health center"} {"id": "6090", "contents": "erin home sale. erin oldest incorpor town washington counti bestow phenomen sceneri nestl highest hill kettl morain area. erin mix agricultur residenti properties, predomin rural. real estate. rural community\u2019 hous market mixtur home subdivis larger estat price $200,000-$500,000. home erin market includ 4-bedroom ranches, custom built stone full-log home eleg prairi style homes. averag price home current $280,170. advantag live southeast wisconsin town cost living, 8.65% lower u.s. average. amenities. lake around erin area includ druid, loews, murphi hickey lake"} {"id": "6091", "contents": "erin, wi resort hotels. plan next vacat erin, wisconsin, select resort hotel list below. accommod list rate proxim center erin, wisconsin. addit nearbi citi golf cours avail section right"} {"id": "6092", "contents": "colleges/univers 2000 student nearest erin: waukesha counti technic colleg (about 13 miles; pewaukee, wi; full-tim enrollment: 4,415). carrol univers (about 18 miles; waukesha, wi; ft enrollment: 3,313). concordia university-wisconsin (about 23 miles; mequon, wi; ft enrollment: 5,253). hospit medic center near erin: hardford care center (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). hartford hlthcare ctr (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). bridg home healthcar (home health center"} {"id": "6093", "contents": "welcom holi hill. holi hill locat southeast wisconsin, highest elev part state. situat 435 acr rural countryside, provid visitor opportun spiritu enrichment."} {"id": "6094", "contents": "erin-area histor earthquak activ wisconsin state average. 88% smaller overal u.s. average. 4/18/2008 09:36:59, magnitud 5.4 (5.1 mb, 4.8 ms, 5.4 mw, 5.2 mw, depth: 8.9 mi, class: moderate, intensity: vi-vii) earthquak occur 331.9 mile away citi center. hospit medic center near erin: hardford care center (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). hartford hlthcare ctr (nurs home, mile away; hartford, wi). bridg home healthcar (home health center"} {"id": "6095", "contents": "lymph node gener occur group along larger lymphat vessels. distribut throughout body, unlik system lack tissu central nervou system."} {"id": "6096", "contents": "lymph node import part immun system. lymph node locat throughout body, visibl palpabl enlarg swollen. lymph node regional, group correspond particular region bodi reflect abnorm region. lymph node locat throughout body, visibl palpabl enlarg swollen."} {"id": "6097", "contents": "click read below. mediastin node group lymph node locat thorac caviti body. node play import role filtrat lymph return circulatori system."} {"id": "6098", "contents": "bodi network lymph vessel lymph nodes. (lymph pronounc limf.) network part body\u2019 immun system. collect fluid, wast material, thing (like virus bacteria) bodi tissues, outsid bloodstream."} {"id": "6099", "contents": "thorac lymph nodes. thorac lymph node separ two types: pariet lymph node locat thorac wall, viscer lymph nodes, associ intern organs. due location, abnorm lymph node thorax, chest, easili detected. chest wall thorac lymph node receiv drainag breasts, arms, pector muscles, muscl skin locat upper section chest."} {"id": "6100", "contents": "lymph node: also sometim refer lymph glands, lymph node small round bean-shap mass lymphat tissu surround capsul connect tissue. lymph node locat mani place lymphat system throughout body. lymph node filter lymphat fluid store special cell trap cancer cell bacteria travel bodi lymph fluid."} {"id": "6101", "contents": "common caus swelling. hundr lymph node locat throughout body, state before, near surfac notic swollen. keep mind, common cold flu caus one along neck swell battl viral bacteri infection. axillari locat undersid arm circul lymph breast, chest, upper abdomen. inguin found groin area take care genitals, lower limbs, abdomen."} {"id": "6102", "contents": "lymph nodes. lymph node bodi organ (not glands) spread throughout body. function filter dead bacteria, viruses, dead tissu lymphat fluid elimin body. also place white blood cell (lymphocytes) spend much time."} {"id": "6103", "contents": "lymph node small round organ part body\u2019 lymphat system. found wide throughout bodi connect one anoth lymph vessels. group lymph node locat neck, underarms, chest, abdomen, groin. clear fluid call lymph flow lymph vessel lymph nodes. anatomi lymphat system, show lymph vessel lymph organs, includ lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen, bone marrow"} {"id": "6104", "contents": "lymphat system compris network organs, vessel numer lymph node situat throughout body. lymph node locat head neck region. lymph node frequent swell area, well armpit groin area."} {"id": "6105", "contents": "first thing know consid asant baby' name countri world name asant boy name. name asant swahili origin, use mostli swahili speak countri also countri languag world. also note spell pronunci name asant check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name asant fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "6106", "contents": "instead, recommend pay greater attent origin mean name asante. read babi name articl use tip regard babi name name baby. think give babi beauti name asante, spread love share friends. also note spell pronunci name asant check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name asant fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "6107", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean asant name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name asant check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name asant fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "6108", "contents": "mean asante. french name. french, name asant means-good health.th name asant origin french name. name asant often use boy name male name. french name meaning-good health. origin-france. global star registery-nam star someon special!"} {"id": "6109", "contents": "pictur peopl name asante. help us put face name upload pictur babynames.com!"} {"id": "6110", "contents": "mean asant \u201cthankyou\u201d. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. also note spell pronunci name asant check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name asant fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "6111", "contents": "asante-mean asante. tweet. syll. a-san-te, as-a- nte babi boy name asant also use girl name. pronunci aa- ae ntiy- \u2020. asant use predominantli swahili languag deriv african-swahili origins. name' mean thank you. asant infrequ use babi name boys. list top 1000 name"} {"id": "6112", "contents": "asant uncommon first name femal popular last name peopl (#30023 150436, top 20%). (2000 u.s. census). ashanti popular variat form asant (not ranked) rank top 1000. form like ashaunti uncommon. girl name top popular year 2002 (usag 0.885%) becom much less widespread since, ashanti becom less fashionable."} {"id": "6113", "contents": "list swahili babi names, swahili babi boy name (male), girl name (female) swahili name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list swahili babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners. mean asant swahili origin/cultur boy name histori fame details."} {"id": "6114", "contents": "consist letter syllabl pronounc a-sante. u.s. 2014, rank 3353 babi name popular boy 32 occurrences. rank 14684 popular babi name girl occurrences. view asant name popular page see popular trend asant chang sinc 1880, compar popular asant names. peopl north africa muslim faith therefor tend use muslim, arab name name children. central south africa maintain influenc western cultur frequent use european"} {"id": "6115", "contents": "confid vote 2. fda created. per fda' web site, food drug administr oldest comprehens consum protect agenc u. s. feder government. peopl realiz food regulated. look toward govern answer. answer: fda made 1906 progress era presid theodor roosevelt."} {"id": "6116", "contents": "fda warn powder caffein dangerous. presid obama nomin dr. robert califf new head u.s. food drug administr (fda) week. he?"} {"id": "6117", "contents": "though fda trace origin back creation agricultur divis patent offic 1848, origin feder consum protect agenc began passag 1906 pure food drug act."} {"id": "6118", "contents": "food drug administr (fda usfda) feder agenc unit state depart health human services, one unit state feder execut departments. 1927, bureau chemistry' regulatori power reorgan new usda body, food, drug, insecticid organization. name shorten food drug administr (fda) three year later."} {"id": "6119", "contents": "feder drug administr (fda) ensur safeti food drug unit state america. creat 1938 unit state feder food, drug, cosmet act. peopl realiz food regulated. look toward govern answer. answer: fda made 1906 progress era presid theodor roosevelt."} {"id": "6120", "contents": "feder drug administr (fda) ensur safeti food drug unit state america. creat 1938 unit state feder food, drug, cosmet act. peopl realiz food regulated. look toward govern answer. answer: fda made 1906 progress era presid theodor roosevelt."} {"id": "6121", "contents": "dea history. drug enforc administr creat presid richard nixon execut order juli 1973 order establish singl unifi command combat all-out global war drug menace.. outset, dea 1,470 special agent budget less $75 million."} {"id": "6122", "contents": "presid head state head govern unit state america, commander-in-chief arm forces. articl ii constitution, presid respons execut enforc law creat congress. fifteen execut depart led appoint member president' cabinet carri day-to-day administr feder government."} {"id": "6123", "contents": "june 1906, presid theodor roosevelt sign law food drug act, also known wiley act chief advocate. act prohibited, penalti seizur goods, interst transport food adulterated. 1927, bureau chemistry' regulatori power reorgan new usda body, food, drug, insecticid organization. name shorten food drug administr (fda) three year later."} {"id": "6124", "contents": "regul food dietari supplement u.s. food drug administr govern variou statut enact unit state congress interpret fda. 1927, bureau chemistry' regulatori power reorgan new usda body, food, drug, insecticid organization. name shorten food drug administr (fda) three year later."} {"id": "6125", "contents": "everyth paypal link bank account paypal credit account buyer\u2019 account. good thing netflix accept form payment. use paypal account creat netflix account outsid us, credit card need ever used."} {"id": "6126", "contents": "pay netflix paypal. go www.netflix.com web browser. click start free month. we'll split next screen two parts. first, click type subscript want netflix."} {"id": "6127", "contents": "get netflix trial without credit card. someon let tri netflix gift card gift subscription, need enter credit card detail enjoy netflix. watch long amount money card subscript lasts. get netflix trial without credit card, simpli go www.netflix.com/gift web browser. then, simpli click empti box appear type gift card gift subscript code, click redeem."} {"id": "6128", "contents": "savio kal-march, 29th 2014. you\u2019r probabl read articl find way sign netflix without credit card. simpl answer way (currently) regist account movi tv show stream servic without credit card paypal."} {"id": "6129", "contents": "can\u2019t use sign netflix. know variou solut sign netflix without credit note form payment aren\u2019t accepted. visa gift card cannot use along prepaid debit cards."} {"id": "6130", "contents": "now, ask payment details, click paypal instead credit card. then, click continu paypal. log paypal account click box label email type email address, click box label password type account password, click log in."} {"id": "6131", "contents": "check site time time see paypal becom available. use debit card. unabl use paypal netflix payment method, use exist debit card payment method. site ask full debit card account number. debit card, open account local bank."} {"id": "6132", "contents": "breast composition. breast mass glandular, fatty, fibrou tissu posit pector muscl chest wall attach chest wall fibrou strand call coopera\u20ac\u2122cooper\u00e2 s. ligament glandular tissu breast hous lobul (milk produc gland end lobes) duct (milk passages). toward nipple, duct widen form sac (ampulla). lactation, bulb end lobul produc milk."} {"id": "6133", "contents": "adenocarcinoma (/\u02ccaed\u0268no\u028ak\u0251rs\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0259/ \u02cc\u00e6d\u0268no\u028ak\u0251rs\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0259 plural adenocarcinoma /adenocarcinomata/) \u02ccaed\u0268no\u028ak\u0251rs\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0268t\u0259 \u02cc\u00e6d\u0268no\u028ak\u0251rs\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0268t\u0259 type cancer tumor occur sever part of. bodi defin neoplasia epitheli tissu has, glandular origin, glandular characteristics. defin neoplasia epitheli tissu glandular origin, glandular characteristics, both. adenocarcinoma part larger group carcinomas. cancer adenocarcinoma often usual call precis term omit word, exist."} {"id": "6134", "contents": "well differenti adenocarcinoma tend resembl glandular tissu deriv from, poorli differenti adenocarcinoma may not. stain cell biopsy, pathologist determin whether tumor adenocarcinoma type cancer. defin neoplasia epitheli tissu glandular origin, glandular characteristics, both. adenocarcinoma part larger group carcinomas. cancer adenocarcinoma often usual call precis term omit word, exist."} {"id": "6135", "contents": "glandular epithelium. gland one cell produc secret specif product. product alway water-bas fluid (aqueous) usual contain protein (the product refer secretion). secret consid activ process."} {"id": "6136", "contents": "breast almost fatti tissue. scatter area dens glandular fibrou tissue.mor breast made dens glandular fibrou tissue. make hard see small tumor around dens tissue.breast extrem dense, make hard see tumor tissue."} {"id": "6137", "contents": "one type endocrin tissue, materi found endocrin glands. endocrin gland produc hormones, chemic messeng travel throughout bodi mediat control variou functions. exampl endocrin gland thyroid, gland found neck produc thyroid hormone. type glandular tissu capabl produc secret enter bloodstream, allow distribut mani differ area insid body. one major form epitheli tissue, tissu line cover body, skin insid stomach. sever differ kinds, differenti function."} {"id": "6138", "contents": "save. bananastock/bananastock/getti images. glandular tissu special tissu secretes, releases, substanc use body. femal breast contain glandular tissu milk product transport, well lubric areola."} {"id": "6139", "contents": "breast composition. breast mass glandular, fatty, fibrou tissu posit pector muscl chest wall attach chest wall fibrou strand call coopera\u20ac\u2122cooper\u00e2 s. ligament layer fatti tissu surround breast gland extend throughout the. breast glandular tissu breast hous lobul (milk produc gland end lobes) duct (milk passages). toward nipple, duct widen form sac (ampulla). lactation, bulb end lobul produc milk."} {"id": "6140", "contents": "breast normal compos fat glandular tissu higher proport glandular tissue, denser breast. \u201clumpy\u201d breast tissu dens breast tissu densiti determin appear mammogram, feel. dens breast tissue. much news late regard dens breast tissu term cancer risk limit mammographi women dens breast tissue. first all, import understand discuss hear term \u201cdens breast tissue\u201d."} {"id": "6141", "contents": "glandular tissu tissu design secret something. one major form epitheli tissue, tissu line cover body, skin insid stomach. sever differ kinds, differenti function."} {"id": "6142", "contents": "egghead distinct first recur charact creat leon schlesing 's merri melodi series. elmer j. fudd fiction cartoon character, one famou looney tune characters, de facto archenemi bug bunny. one disput origin warner bros. cartoon pantheon (second bug himself). one novelti languag elmer fudd.. comedian actor robin william also perform famou sketch sang bruce springsteen song fire elmer fudd. tv show big bang theori recur charact name barri kripke, talk like elmer."} {"id": "6143", "contents": "elmer j. fudd fiction cartoon charact one famou looney tune characters, de facto archenemi bug bunny. elmer took villain role looney tunes: back action, secret agent acm corporation. scene, elmer chase bug daffi paint louvr museum, take differ art style so."} {"id": "6144", "contents": "elmer j. fudd tertiari antagonist looney tune franchis bug bunny' origin archenemy. vari year addit villain yosemit sam marvin martian. nevertheless elmer fudd remain villain associ bug bunni rivalri two becom legendary. elmer portray (mostli bald blond curl forehead) child certain parodi children' song episod bulli bug babi looney tunes."} {"id": "6145", "contents": "637 page wiki. elmer j. fudd fiction cartoon charact one famou looney tune characters, de facto archenemi bug bunny. one disput origin warner bros. cartoon pantheon (second bug himself). elmer' psychiatrist arrives, think fudd' delus affect appearance, drug bug condit believ elmer fudd 'after bug start wear hunt cloth act like elmer, hunt rabbit-costum fudd, turn act like bugs."} {"id": "6146", "contents": "fudd. slang term casual gun owner; eg; person typic own gun hunt shotgun sport truli believ true premis second amendment. #2: provinci appli second amendment. estim fudd, second amend exist let hunt deer, shoot quail, play trap, punch targets. like talk nobodi need assault weapon anyth like that."} {"id": "6147", "contents": "elmer' first offici debut, however, wild hare 1940. first cartoon featur elmer usual hunt outfit featur bug bunny. shortli this, chang elmer' appear look chubby. one novelti languag elmer fudd.. comedian actor robin william also perform famou sketch sang bruce springsteen song fire elmer fudd. tv show big bang theori recur charact name barri kripke, talk like elmer."} {"id": "6148", "contents": "395 page wiki. elmer j. fudd/egghead cartoon charact one famou looney tune characters, de facto archenemi bug bunny. one disput origin warner bros. cartoon pantheon (second bug himself). elmer better voice, trimmer figur (design robert givens, would reus soon later jones' good night elmer, time without red nose) familiar hunt clothes. much recogniz elmer fudd later cartoon bug here."} {"id": "6149", "contents": "unicellular eukaryot organisms-thes organ unicellular eukaryotes. membran bound true nucleu membran bound organelles. mainli free live aquat parasit like protozoans, fungi alga protists. unicellular organ two type unicellular prokaryot organ unicellular eukaryot organisms. unicellular prokaryot organisms-they unicellular natur membran bound nucleu membran bound cellular organelles. organ usual bacteria cyanobacteria. example: e.coli, salmonella, nostoc, etc"} {"id": "6150", "contents": "unicellular organism, also known single-cel organism, organ consist one cell, unlik multicellular organ consist one cell. histor simpl singl cell organ sometim refer monads. organ partial uni-and multicellular, like dictyostelium discoideum. unicellular multinucleate, like myxogastria plasmodium. candidatu magnetoglobu multicellularis, relat deltaproteobacteria, multicellular prokaryote."} {"id": "6151", "contents": "prokaryotes, protista, fungi, unicellular. although organ live colonies, still unicellular. organ live together, cell coloni same. however, individu cell must carri life process survive. organ partial uni-and multicellular, like dictyostelium discoideum. unicellular multinucleate, like myxogastria plasmodium. candidatu magnetoglobu multicellularis, relat deltaproteobacteria, multicellular prokaryote."} {"id": "6152", "contents": "nel 6.2 unicellular organ 143 unicellular organ 6.2 unicellular organ perform life process multicellular organisms. individually, cell seen use microscope."} {"id": "6153", "contents": "therefore, special cell contain part need carri special task unicellular organ one cell, mean carri function life singl cell. thus, need part rather special parts. 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "6154", "contents": "organ well-develop bodi structur specif organ perform specif function. well develop plant anim multicellular. exampl almost speci gymnosperm angiosperm plant almost anim eukaryot mutlicellular. unicellular organ two type unicellular prokaryot organ unicellular eukaryot organisms. unicellular prokaryot organisms-they unicellular natur membran bound nucleu membran bound cellular organelles. organ usual bacteria cyanobacteria. example: e.coli, salmonella, nostoc, etc"} {"id": "6155", "contents": "unicellular organ (also call singl cell organism) organ made one cell. algae, type fungus, bacteria examples. organ complex, bodi function carri singl tini cell. peopl found useful. unicellular organ one cell, mean carri function life singl cell. thus, need part rather special parts. 15"} {"id": "6156", "contents": "bodi made one singl cell. e.g. amoeba, paramecium. oldest form life unicellular organ exist 3.8 billion year ago. bacteria, amoeba, protozia, viruses, diatom five differ type unicellular organisms. singl cell regul variou function body. unicellular organ invis nake eye."} {"id": "6157", "contents": "vast major plant animals, bodi made numer cells. call multicellular organisms. multicellular organ actual aggreg cells. group cell function way form tissu organ (example: xylem vessels, cork cells, cell skin). multicellular organ great capac surviv unicellular organisms."} {"id": "6158", "contents": "san diego, california cold semi-arid stepp climate. area within 25 mi station cover ocean sea (46%), shrubland (39%), built-up area (12%). warm season last juli octob averag daili high temperatur 74a\u00b074\u00e2. hottest day year august, 29 averag high of\u00b077a 77\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 67a 67\u00e2 cold season last novemb 30 april averag daili high\u00b0temperature. 67a 67\u00e2"} {"id": "6159", "contents": "san diego weather forecast offic 11440 w. bernardo court, suit 230 san diego, ca 92127 tel: (858) 675-8700 ask questions/webmast page last modified: 18-dec-2014 9:23 pm. disclaimer. privaci policy."} {"id": "6160", "contents": "news-octob 20, 2015; 9:00 pm et. dramat swing abnorm dri condit drought satur ground possibl flood take place part texas, oklahoma, louisiana arkansas. classic 1980 film, back futur 2, marti mcfli dr. emmet brown use car fit time machin travel 30 year future, arriv oct. 21, 2015."} {"id": "6161", "contents": "report describ typic weather san diego intern airport (san diego, california, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1974 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable. warm season last juli octob averag daili high temperatur 74a\u00b074\u00e2. hottest day year august, 29 averag high of\u00b077a 77\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 67a 67\u00e2 cold season last novemb 30 april averag daili high\u00b0temperature. 67a 67\u00e2"} {"id": "6162", "contents": "san diego, texas, get 27 inch rain per year. us averag 37. snowfal inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 60. average, 222 sunni day per year san diego, texas. juli high around 97 degrees. januari low 45. comfort index, base humid hot months, 22 100, higher comfortable. us averag comfort index 44."} {"id": "6163", "contents": "news-octob 20, 2015; 8:55 pm et. classic 1980 film, back futur 2, marti mcfli dr. emmet brown use car fit time machin travel 30 year future, arriv oct. 21, 2015."} {"id": "6164", "contents": "day hot weather san diego. despit southern location, san diego rare get hot. temperatur 100 \u00b0f normal there. indeed, citi averag one day year thermomet reach 90 degrees. yet warm weather year round occurr san diego. day 80 degre happen month december. san diego' night equal mild averag ten night year thermomet drop 70 degre"} {"id": "6165", "contents": "san diego enjoy beauti weather year round averag daili temperatur 70.5\u00b0 (21.4 degre celsius). mark featur climat wide variat temperatur within short distanc due topographi land. come sampl coastal, mountain desert environ span day."} {"id": "6166", "contents": "climat data san marcos, longitude: -97.9494, latitude: 29.8832. averag weather san marcos, tx 78666 1981-2010 normals. jan: january, feb: february, mar: march, apr: april, may: may, jun: june, jul: july, aug: august, sep: september, oct: october, nov: november, dec: december."} {"id": "6167", "contents": "averag weather san diego, ca 92101 1981-2010 normals. jan: january, feb: february, mar: march, apr: april, may: may, jun: june, jul: july, aug: august, sep: september, oct: october, nov: november, dec: december."} {"id": "6168", "contents": "let' put anoth shrimp barbi phrase mean cook shrimp. *shudder* barbi normal last word said dead-shit tourist australia someon hurt them. yank: let' put anoth shrimp barbie. let' put anoth shrimp barbi phrase mean cook shrimp. *shudder* barbi normal last word said dead-shit tourist australia someon hurt them. yank: let' put anoth shrimp barbie. aussie: *twitches*."} {"id": "6169", "contents": "barbi australian slang barbecu phrase slip shrimp barbie, americans, often evok imag fun social gather sun. australians, however, invari use word prawn rather shrimp."} {"id": "6170", "contents": "barbi /bar-bie/ [2 sylls.] name girls. barbie' name origin latin, name barbi mean foreign woman. barbi altern spell barbara (latin)."} {"id": "6171", "contents": "american meaning: name barbi american babi name. american mean name barbi is: dry. flower name. english meaning: name barbi english babi name. english mean name barbi is: greek barbaro mean foreign strange, travel foreign land. cathol custom st. barbara protectress fire lightning."} {"id": "6172", "contents": "nanoindent main compon indent hard test use nanoindentation. sinc mid-1970 nanoindent becom primari method measur test small volum mechan properties. among numer avail geometri three four side pyramids, wedges, cones, cylinders, filaments, spheres. sever geometri becom well establish common standard due extend use well known properties; berkovich, cube corner, vickers, knoop nanoindenters."} {"id": "6173", "contents": "overview: nanoindent use determin mechan properti solid high spatial resolution. method base measur forc displac elastic-plast contact hard refer bodi (indenter) specimen. thu similar tradit micro-hardness-testing, wherea offer signific advantages: extrem high spatial depth"} {"id": "6174", "contents": "nanoindentation. nanoindent method measur mechan properti small volum materi use instrument indent technique. elast modulus, hardness, fractur toughness, creep dynam properti storag loss moduli measured. much valuabl inform nanoindent found fischer-cripps' free download ibi handbook nanoindentation. source: fischer-cripp laboratoriesauthor: a.c. fischer-cripps. inform source, pleas visit fischer-cripp laboratories."} {"id": "6175", "contents": "nanoindent varieti indent hard test appli small volumes. indent perhap commonli appli mean test mechan properti materials. nanoindent techniqu develop mid-1970 measur hard small volum material. nanoindent experi perform conic indent thin film deposit substrat multilay sample, nim matlab toolbox use load-displac curv analysi calcul young' modulu hard coating."} {"id": "6176", "contents": "nanoindent test instruments. nanoindent nanoscratch test well-establish techniqu provid surfac mechan inform nanomet micron scale. nanoscan manufactur nanoindent test instrument use advanc materi characterization. nanoscan instrument provid quantit nanoindentation, nanowear, nanoscratch, topography, modulu map electr properties."} {"id": "6177", "contents": "nanoindent testers. nanoindent techniqu use examin mechan properti materi nanoscale. afm spm probe use indent imag indentation. know load indenter/probe, probe geometri indent depth, properti hard young\u2019 modulu determined. like us help sourc quotat nanoindent tester pleas click here."} {"id": "6178", "contents": "nanoindent improv macro-and micro-indent test indent nanoscal precis tip shape, high spatial resolut place indents, provid real-tim load-displac (into surface) data indent progress. nanoindent experi perform conic indent thin film deposit substrat multilay sample, nim matlab toolbox use load-displac curv analysi calcul young' modulu hard coating."} {"id": "6179", "contents": "ingredi list, word indic whole grain includ whole rye flour, rye meal, rye kernel rye flakes. rye bread made entir whole grains; mani includ refin wheat flour refin rye flour addit whole grains. ideally, choos rye bread list whole grain top ingredi list."} {"id": "6180", "contents": "it\u2019 made: rye histor made northeast, today, it\u2019 frequent made distilleri also produc (and usual better known for) bourbon. defin it: rye whiskey made mash least 51 percent rye. grain give rye whiskey spicy, sometim peppery, flavor."} {"id": "6181", "contents": "first high-ry bourbon. term refer bourbon larg amount rye grain mash bill. mgp plant indiana, mean bourbon 60% corn, 36% rye, 4% malt barley. product i'll talk here: rye whiskey."} {"id": "6182", "contents": "rye cereal grain close relat wheat barley. rye popular eastern europ world' crop grown russia, poland, germany. mani common food beverag contain rye, includ bread, crackers, beer, whiskey."} {"id": "6183", "contents": "rye bread. rye flour contain littl gluten, often combin wheat flour make bread. gluten wheat flour allow loaf rise becom airy, oppos flat, dens textur 100% rye flour loaves. rye bread made light dark rye flours."} {"id": "6184", "contents": "rye whiskey made rye malt, depend recip (\u201cmash bill\u201d) smaller amount grains, includ wheat corn. addit grain addit rye appear recent addit standard recipe."} {"id": "6185", "contents": "rye' mash bill must, law, consist least 51% rye. rye whiskey use malt barley corn grains. bourbon, ground grain mix water bit mash previou distillation, what' known sour-mash process. introduc yeast previou distillation."} {"id": "6186", "contents": "rye often get process flour bread fed livestock. rye bread mix rye wheat flours, scandinavian-styl black bread made pure rye flour. bake good aren\u2019t way consum rye."} {"id": "6187", "contents": "everi piec equip instal comput consid hardware. includ hard drive, motherboard, cd-rom drive, modem, nic, fan, power supply, etc. monito rs, scanner printer consid peripherals, also hardware. demodul back digit form end. incom digit inform modul onto analog carrier demodul modem digit format restored. basic modem devic allow comput connect internet use phone lines."} {"id": "6188", "contents": "device/intern card allow connect internet provider. older modem use mostli instal insid computers, conn cted rj11 phone line, realli slow speed today' standards... 14.4kbps, 28.8kbps, 36kbp 56kbps. demodul back digit form end. incom digit inform modul onto analog carrier demodul modem digit format restored. basic modem devic allow comput connect internet use phone lines."} {"id": "6189", "contents": "user: consid comput hardwar window media player, microsoft outlook, mcafe viru protection, standard modem ?weegy: standard modem! other consid softwareexpert answered|elfrankiee|point 0|user: microsoft office, keyboard shortcut cut text?"} {"id": "6190", "contents": "consid modem whether embed extern hardwar contain firmwar rom chip contain protocol instruct ne ede format convert data transport phone line receiv modem. demodul back digit form end. incom digit inform modul onto analog carrier demodul modem digit format restored. basic modem devic allow comput connect internet use phone lines."} {"id": "6191", "contents": "2. modem broadband modem also use refer hardwar devic connect comput router broadband network. example, cabl modem dsl modem two exampl type modems. type comput modems. four version comput modem found computers. onboard modem modem built onto comput motherboard. modem cannot removed, disabl jumper cmo setup."} {"id": "6192", "contents": "softmodem (soft ware modem) modem minim hardwar use softwar run host computer, computer' resourc (especi central process unit, random access memory, sometim audio processing), place hardwar convent modem."} {"id": "6193", "contents": "report abuse. comput hardwar list standard modem (hardwar comput function basic tasks, surf internet see graphics)."} {"id": "6194", "contents": "comput hardwar physic devic use machine, wherea softwar collect code instal onto computer' hard drive. example, comput monitor use read text mous use navig web page comput hardware. internet browser allow visit page oper system browser run consid software."} {"id": "6195", "contents": "(m\u014d\u00b4dem) (n.) short modulator-demodulator. modem devic program enabl comput transmit data over, example, telephon cabl lines. comput inform store digitally, wherea inform transmit telephon line transmit form analog waves. modem convert two form"} {"id": "6196", "contents": "diabet disord character hyperglycemia elev blood glucos (blood sugar). bodi function best certain level sugar bloodstream. amount sugar blood run high low, typic feel bad."} {"id": "6197", "contents": "type diabet disord character abnorm high blood sugar levels. form diabetes, special cell pancrea call beta cell stop produc insulin. insulin control much glucos (a type sugar) pass blood cell convers energy."} {"id": "6198", "contents": "person diabet condit quantiti glucos blood elev (hyperglycemia). bodi either produc enough insulin, produc insulin, cell respond properli insulin pancrea produces. gestat diabetes-thi type affect femal pregnancy. common diabet symptom includ frequent urination, intens thirst hunger, weight gain, unusu weight loss, fatigue, cut bruis heal, male sexual dysfunction, numb tingl hand feet."} {"id": "6199", "contents": "eat disorders. research suggest eat disord probabl common among women diabet women diabetes. bulimia common eat disord women type diabetes. among women type diabetes, bing eat common. diabet eat disord involv attent bodi states, weight management, control food, peopl develop pattern use diseas justifi camouflag disorder. complic diabet eat disord seriou even fatal, responsible, healthi behavior essential. eat disord ill biolog basi modifi influenc emot cultur factors."} {"id": "6200", "contents": "home diabet center. diabet mellitu chronic condit character high level sugar blood. two type diabet type type 2. symptom diabet includ increas urin output, thirst, hunger, fatigue. treatment diabet depend type. diabet (type type 2). diabet mellitu chronic condit character high level sugar blood. two type diabet type type 2. symptom diabet includ increas urin output, thirst, hunger, fatigue. treatment diabet depend type."} {"id": "6201", "contents": "diabet (diabet mellitus) class metabol disorder. metabol refer way bodi use digest food energi growth. eat broken glucose. glucos form sugar blood-it princip sourc fuel bodies. gestat diabetes-thi type affect femal pregnancy. common diabet symptom includ frequent urination, intens thirst hunger, weight gain, unusu weight loss, fatigue, cut bruis heal, male sexual dysfunction, numb tingl hand feet."} {"id": "6202", "contents": "interfac diabet psychiatri fascin endocrinologist mental health profession years. diabet psychiatr disord share bidirect associ -- influenc multipl ways. current articl address differ aspect interface. comorbid diabet psychiatr disord present differ patterns. first, two present independ condit appar direct connection. scenario outcom independ parallel pathogen pathways."} {"id": "6203", "contents": "type diabet gener consid autoimmun disorder. autoimmun disord occur immun system attack body' tissu organs. unknown reasons, peopl type diabet immun system damag insulin-produc beta cell pancreas. form diabetes, special cell pancrea call beta cell stop produc insulin. insulin control much glucos (a type sugar) pass blood cell convers energy."} {"id": "6204", "contents": "diabet complex group diseas varieti causes. peopl diabet high blood glucose, also call high blood sugar hyperglycemia. diabet disord metabolism-th way bodi use digest food energy. digest tract break carbohydrates-sugar starch found mani foods-into glucose, form sugar enter bloodstream. diabet (diabet mellitus). diseas bodi control amount glucos (a type sugar) blood kidney make larg amount urine. diseas occur bodi make enough insulin use way should."} {"id": "6205", "contents": "typic cost c-section without complic vagin deliveri complic rang $14,000 $25,000 more. patient insurance, out-of-pocket cost usual rang $500 $3,000 more, depend plan."} {"id": "6206", "contents": "total cost birth depend complic babi may have. regular birth, call vagin birth, cost $9,000 $17,000, depend particular hospital. cesarean birth (c-section) without complic rang $14,000 $25,000."} {"id": "6207", "contents": "addit childbirth hospit charges, also incur three day home health care biliblanket therapi hospit charg $1,069.20, allow charg insur discount reduc cost $555. due treatment jaundic newborn."} {"id": "6208", "contents": "averag cost uncompl natur childbirth without insur cost $9,000 $15,000 more. fee depend geograph location, type facil state offer discount uninsur individuals."} {"id": "6209", "contents": "women insur pay pocket averag $3,400, accord survey childbirth connection, one group behind matern cost report. two decad ago, women typic paid noth small fee opt privat hospit room television."} {"id": "6210", "contents": "plans, rang $1,500 $3,000. accord studi march dime foundation, averag out-of-pocket cost vagin deliveri privat insur patient $463 c-section, $523."} {"id": "6211", "contents": "accord studi march dime foundation, averag out-of-pocket cost vagin deliveri privat insur patient $463 c-section, $523. usually, babi receiv separ bill, typic rang $1,500 $4,000 healthi babi deliv term."} {"id": "6212", "contents": "patient cover health insurance, typic cost vagin deliveri without complic rang $9,000 $17,000 more, depend geograph locat whether discount uninsur patients."} {"id": "6213", "contents": "accord american pregnanc associ estim cost give birth $6,000 $8,000 normal pregnancy. cost increas high risk complications. limit health insurance, health insurance, can\u2019t afford hospit costs, option available."} {"id": "6214", "contents": "health insurance, averag cost prenat care $2,000. one import part prenat care prenat vitamin. need one contain least 400 microgram (mcg) folic acid help prevent neural tube birth defects."} {"id": "6215", "contents": "dri climat wit regular evapor transpir surpass level precipitation. dri climat spread along area 20 35\u00ba north south equat continent region mid-latitudes."} {"id": "6216", "contents": "dri desert koeppen'k\u00f6ppen bwh bwh climate. categori low latitude. climat bstand dri desert. climat month averag temperatur over\u00b0 64 (f\u00b0 18). wstand desert. climat"} {"id": "6217", "contents": "however, averag annual temperatur similar tropic wet climates. mean monthli temperatur tropic wet/dri climat rang 18 (64.4 f) 25 (77 f)."} {"id": "6218", "contents": "dri desert koeppen'k\u00f6ppen bwh bwh climate. categori low latitude. climat bstand dri desert. climat month averag temperatur over\u00b0 64 (f\u00b0 18). wstand desert. climate, final hstand dri and, hot averag annual temperatur over\u00b0 64 (f\u00b0 18)."} {"id": "6219", "contents": "wet-dri tropic climat part dri climat usual common area like india, indochina, west africa, southern africa, south america north coast australia. weather character wet season dri season simultaneously."} {"id": "6220", "contents": "low latitud climate. bstand dri desert climates. month averag temperatur 64\u00b0 (18\u00b0 c). wstand desert climate. finally, hstand dri hot, averag annual temperatur 64\u00b0 (18\u00b0 c). guess they'r tri tell us hot, hot there."} {"id": "6221", "contents": "bstand dri desert climates. month averag temperatur 64\u00b0 (18\u00b0 c). wstand desert climate. finally, hstand dri hot, averag annual temperatur 64\u00b0 (18\u00b0 c). guess they'r tri tell us hot, hot there."} {"id": "6222", "contents": "averag annual temperatur similar wet tropics, temperatur rang greater. climat zone receiv less rain wet tropics, 100 150 cm (40 60 inches). two month year, rainfal less cm (2.4 inches)."} {"id": "6223", "contents": "add minc pickle, dill weed, oliv oil, two cup flour. stir flour ingredi well incorporated. gradual add remain flour dough begin form ball. step 4. turn dough onto lightli flour surfac knead 6-8 minutes."} {"id": "6224", "contents": "tablespoon oliv oil. teaspoon dill weed. cup flour. 1. bowl stand mixer, combin warm pickl juice, yeast, sugar. stir gentli allow sit minutes, yeast blooms. 2. add egg oliv oil mix. 3. mix dill weed flour form dough. 4. knead medium speed minutes. 5."} {"id": "6225", "contents": "larg dill pickle, fine chopped. cup bread flour unbleach all-purpos flour. standmix larg bowl, stir togeth warm pickl juice, yeast, sugar. add oil, dill, salt, chop pickle, cup flour. beat incorporated. gradual add remain two cup flour, ad addit tablespoon flour time dough form soft, elast ball pull away side bowl. knead dough flour work surface."} {"id": "6226", "contents": "proof yeast: sprinkl yeast teaspoon sugar cup pickl juic (or pickle/wat combo). let sit 10 minut frothy. pour mix bowl. use mixer fit flat paddl attach combin yeast mixtur oil, tablespoon sugar, cup flour, remain pickl juic salt."} {"id": "6227", "contents": "shield volcano type volcano usual built almost entir fluid magma flows. name larg size low profile, resembl warrior' shield lie ground. caus highli fluid lava erupt, travel farther lava erupt stratovolcanoes. erupt shield volcano far less explos composit volcanoes. basalt lava erupt shield volcano contain less silica, sio 2, therefor less sticki (less viscous) plug volcano."} {"id": "6228", "contents": "one two import type volcanoes, shield volcano larg broad rel gentl slopes. kilauea island hawaii good exampl shield volcano. erupt shield volcano far less explos composit volcanoes. basalt lava erupt shield volcano contain less silica, sio 2, therefor less sticki (less viscous) plug volcano."} {"id": "6229", "contents": "shield volcano. magma hot runny, gase escap erupt gentl consider amount magma reach surfac form lava flows. shield volcano broad, flatten dome-lik shape creat layer runni lava flow surfac cooling."} {"id": "6230", "contents": "shield volcano type volcano form lava flow. shield volcano larg wide low profile. crater volcano far sea level comparison composit volcano. shield volcano super-volcanoes. shield volcano volcano shallow-slop sides. shield volcano form fluid lava travel long distanc across slight inclines, result rel flat, broad profile. contrast, steepli slope stratovolcano better match popular stereotyp volcano."} {"id": "6231", "contents": "shield volcanoes. shield volcano largest volcano earth actual look like volcano (i.e. count flood basalt flows). hawaiian shield volcano famou examples. shield volcano almost exclus basalt, type lava fluid erupted. reason volcano steep (you can't pile fluid easili run downhill)."} {"id": "6232", "contents": "mauna kea, hawai\u02bbi, shield volcano big island hawaii. shield volcano type volcano usual built almost entir fluid magma flows. name larg size low profile, resembl warrior' shield lie ground. caus highli fluid lava erupt, travel farther lava erupt stratovolcanoes. shield volcano distinguish three major volcan archetypes\u2014 stratovolcanoes, lava domes, cinder cone \u2014bi structur form, consequ uniqu magmat composition."} {"id": "6233", "contents": "mauna loa volcano big island hawaii, seen obliqu satellit views, world' largest shield volcano: mauna loa southeast mauna loa satellit view. mauna loa southeast. mauna loa satellit view. shield volcano gener hawaiian eruptions."} {"id": "6234", "contents": "shield volcano facts. shield volcano resembl appear hawaiian warrior\u2019 shield low-angl profile. almost case comparison shield done width volcano typic around 20 time size height. shield volcano like form lava flow fluid basalt material, usual flow either flank fissur system summit itself. common type shield volcano form one long-term eruption."} {"id": "6235", "contents": "minimum amount tuition examin fees. claim credit tuition examin fees, transfer unus portion credit one parent grandpar one spouse' parent grandparents, fee total $100 year. cecilia' tuition fee $120 2011 $80 2012. 2013, fee $1,000 ($90 fee 20% tax credit rate appli $910 fee 8% tax credit rate applies)."} {"id": "6236", "contents": "(to right transfer tuition anoth individu (sch. 11). transfer unus tuition examin fee parent grandparent: bottom schedul t, fill person inform person transferring. type amount would like transfer. transfer tuition: continu interview deduct section. student profil 2010 screen, select transfer tuition educ spouse, parent grandpar well checkbox appli you."} {"id": "6237", "contents": "transfer unus tuition examin fee parent grandparent, follow step below. schedul complet student, parent receiv transfer. go student inform page deduct section interview. student inform page, click sch. transfer tuition: continu interview deduct section. student profil 2010 screen, select transfer tuition educ spouse, parent grandpar well checkbox appli you."} {"id": "6238", "contents": "11). transfer unus tuition examin fee parent grandparent: bottom schedul t, fill person inform person transferring. type amount would like transfer. transfer tuition: continu interview deduct section. student profil 2010 screen, select transfer tuition educ spouse, parent grandpar well checkbox appli you."} {"id": "6239", "contents": "may transfer $5,000 per student, per year, tuition fee educ credit student\u2019 spouse, parent grandpar may claim return. example, student incur tuition fee $15,000 one calendar year taxabl incom util tuition tax credit, may prefer parent claim $5,000 tax credit, ensur tax relief provid year tuition fee incurred."} {"id": "6240", "contents": "see tuition educ expens student claim? information. student transfer $5,000 federally, addit $5,000 provinci ($5,914 ontario residents). amount reduc portion year\u2019 tuition educ amount student use return. rules. full-tim student claim educ amount $400 month $65 month book month school 2012. part-tim student claim educ amount $120 month $20"} {"id": "6241", "contents": "transfer $5,000 federally, addit $5,000 provinci ($6,184 ontario residents). amount reduc portion year' tuition, education, textbook amount use return. exampl paid $4,500 tuition year. total tuition, education, textbook amount $6,360. use $2,000 amount reduc tax payabl zero. leav $3,000 avail transfer: $5,000 minu $2,000 used. still $1,360 avail carri forward next year (the amount $5,000)."} {"id": "6242", "contents": "perfect world, yes. cra rule state student must first claim tuition fee return, regardless paid it. student' tax payabl reduc zero, transfer leftov amounts, $5000, spouse, parent, grandparent. much student transfer? transfer $5,000 federally, addit $5,000 provinci ($5,914 ontario residents). amount reduc portion year' tuition educ amount student use return."} {"id": "6243", "contents": "noun. red wine bordeaux, wine similar charact made elsewhere: passabl bottl claret [count noun]: price 1990 clarets. exampl sentences. cellar glasgow still fill clarets, champagnes, white burgundi gaja barbarescos, bought london. old french term vin claret \u2018clear wine\u2019 origin appli light red yellowish wine, distinct either red white wine. claret use english mean around 1600, peopl start use word talk red wine generally."} {"id": "6244", "contents": "noun [edit]. claret \u200e(countabl uncountable, plural clarets). chiefli britain) dri red wine produc bordeaux region france, similar wine made elsewhere. deep purplish-r colour, like wine."} {"id": "6245", "contents": "eighty-nin percent wine produc bordeaux red (call claret britain), sweet white wine (most notabl sauternes), dri whites, (in much smaller quantities) rose ros\u00e9 sparkl (wine cremant cr\u00e9mant) de bordeaux collect make up. remaind claret occasion use unit state semi-gener label red wine style bordeaux, ideal grape permit bordeaux. french use term, except export purposes."} {"id": "6246", "contents": "franci coppola diamond collect 2009 claret cabernet sauvignon. long ever began appreci wine, use think word claret name deep purplish-r color. claret (pronounc clair-et) realli name color, relat wine. claret primarili old british term refer french red wine bordeaux made classic grape region: cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, merlot, petit verdot malbec. although coppola claret made blend bordeaux grapes, 81 percent cabernet sauvignon. wine age french oak 15 month alcohol level 13.5 percent. claret medium-bodi wine fruity, youth tast mani california cabernets."} {"id": "6247", "contents": "full definit claret. 1. red bordeaux wine; also: similar wine produc elsewhere. 2. dark purplish red. claret adjective. see claret defin english-languag learners. see claret defin kids."} {"id": "6248", "contents": "definit claret wine. variabl color averag dark red yellow slightli duller averag wine, yellow duller cranberry, yellow less strong averag garnet. advertisement. partial translat middl french vin claret claret. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "6249", "contents": "trophy, claret jug, made style jug use nineteenth centuri serv claret, dri red wine produc france\u2019 famou bordeaux region. winner\u2019 name engrav jug, join name previou champions."} {"id": "6250", "contents": "origin claret wine. partial translat middl french vin claret claret. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "6251", "contents": "bordeaux wine wine produc bordeaux region france, centr citi bordeaux cover whole area girond department, total vineyard area 120,000 hectares, make largest wine grow area france. claret occasion use unit state semi-gener label red wine style bordeaux, ideal grape permit bordeaux. french use term, except export purposes."} {"id": "6252", "contents": "rulid typic prescrib period 14 day patient take medic long prescrib prevent infect return even becom asymptomatic. patient however, take dose larger prescrib result overdose. reason risk suggest proven rulid may caus harm birth defect use pregnant women. yet determin extent rulid pass mother\u2019 breast milk harm might caus nurs baby. women pregnant nurs avoid take rulide."} {"id": "6253", "contents": "however, doctor may prescrib rulid anoth reason. ask doctor question rulid prescrib child. rulid (roxithyromycin) antibiotic, belong group medicin call macrolides. antibiot work kill bacteria caus infection. like antibiot rulid work viral infections. rulid usual taken 10 days. children take rulid 10 days. ask doctor sure long child take it. make sure child take rulid number day doctor prescribed, even begin feel better day"} {"id": "6254", "contents": "rulid (roxithyromycin) antibiotic, belong group medicin call macrolides. antibiot work kill bacteria caus infection. like antibiot rulid work viral infections. rulid work best empti stomach taken least 15 minut food least hour meal. rulid usual taken 10 days. children take rulid 10 days. ask doctor sure long child take it. make sure child take rulid number day doctor prescribed, even begin feel better day"} {"id": "6255", "contents": "dosag rulid given children depend child' weight. rulid use children less 40kg weight. ask doctor pharmacist unsur correct dose you. tell exactli mani take. take rulid also take certain medicin migrain headach call ergot alkaloid eg migral, cafergot, ergodryl, dihydergot (not brand listed). ask doctor sure take one medicines. take expiri date (exp) print pack."} {"id": "6256", "contents": "rulide, like antibiotics, work viral infect flu. doctor, however, may prescrib rulid anoth purpose. ask doctor pharmacist question prescrib you. medicin avail doctor' prescription. take rulid also take certain medicin migrain headach call ergot alkaloid eg migral, cafergot, ergodryl, dihydergot (not brand listed). ask doctor sure take one medicines. take expiri date (exp) print pack."} {"id": "6257", "contents": "rulid antibiot belong group medicin call macrolides. antibiot work kill stop growth bacteria caus infection. rulide, like antibiotics, work viral infect flu."} {"id": "6258", "contents": "rulid gener prescrib roxithromycin caus life threaten heart complic patient also take pimozide, astemizole, cisapride, ergot medications, terfenadine. rulid ineffect treatment option patient suffer infect caus viru bacterium. reason risk suggest proven rulid may caus harm birth defect use pregnant women. yet determin extent rulid pass mother\u2019 breast milk harm might caus nurs baby. women pregnant nurs avoid take rulide."} {"id": "6259", "contents": "use treat respiratori tract, urinari soft tissu infections. roxithromycin deriv erythromycin, contain 14-member lacton ring. however, n-oxim side chain attach lacton ring. also current undergo clinic trial treatment male-pattern hair loss."} {"id": "6260", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: 6870 requir 2, 6pin connector 1, 6pin get adapt video card convert 2, 4pin molex connector 6pin...th 6+2 easi way pin 8pin connector. report abuse. radeon video card requir pin connector. dont confus 8pin (6+2) ep connector connect motherboard. look same, two total differ connectors. see: http://www.playtool.com/pages/psuconnect... mark n, pleas dont give inaccur information."} {"id": "6261", "contents": "connect pin male pci-e gpu power connector socket-forum. connect gpu\\' power supply-forum. power suppli cabl use connect gpu-forum. cabl like that. pin psu, split (2x) 6+2's. seem weird though second 6+2 split opposit direct get go way 6+2, connect gpu, bend quit angle."} {"id": "6262", "contents": "instal r9 290x requir pin pcie power connector pcie power connector. ok use one pcie power cabl psu split two pcie connectors, better use two separ pcie power cabl psu. psu 750w corsair cs750m. graphics-card power-suppli power pci-express. share improv question."} {"id": "6263", "contents": "gpu power connectors. connect power graphic card: pcie x16 slot design power video card draw maximum 75 watts. adequ video cards, better cards, like high-end game workstat cards, usual need quit bit power. newer processors, even extrem overclocking, ether connector would work fine. want to, even connect pin pin cpu connections, farther increas wattag avail cpu (315 watts)."} {"id": "6264", "contents": "solvedcan use pin connector modular psu power pin lead gpu forum. solvedcan use 2x6-pin pcie gpu 1x6-pin pcie connector psu forum. connect 6+2 pin pcie connector psu gpu forum. solvedus 4-pin molex 6-pin connector psu 6-pin connector forum. system doesnt power 6-pin connector installed."} {"id": "6265", "contents": "pin cpu connector power supply, pin cpu power receptacl motherboard, use it. care weather cpu need much power, not. side, pin safest way go; use it, limit worries. newer processors, even extrem overclocking, ether connector would work fine. want to, even connect pin pin cpu connections, farther increas wattag avail cpu (315 watts)."} {"id": "6266", "contents": "pin pin pci express adapt work pin pci express connector +12 volt wire pin 2; although good power suppli this, atx standard there. whatev adaptor tri use, need provid enough power gpu power connection. newer processors, even extrem overclocking, ether connector would work fine. want to, even connect pin pin cpu connections, farther increas wattag avail cpu (315 watts)."} {"id": "6267", "contents": "pci connection. \u00adgraphic card connect comput motherboard. motherboard suppli power card let commun cpu. newer graphic card often requir power motherboard provide, also direct connect computer' power supply. \u00admost graphic card two monitor connections. often, one dvi connector, support lcd screens, vga connector, support crt screens."} {"id": "6268", "contents": "solvedpsu pin pin connector okay gpu forum. solvedcan use pin connector modular psu power pin lead gpu forum. solvedcan use 2x6-pin pcie gpu 1x6-pin pcie connector psu forum. connect 6+2 pin pcie connector psu gpu forum. solvedus 4-pin molex 6-pin connector psu 6-pin connector forum. system doesnt power 6-pin connector installed."} {"id": "6269", "contents": "radeon video card requir pin connector. dont confus 8pin (6+2) ep connector connect motherboard. report abuse. radeon video card requir pin connector. dont confus 8pin (6+2) ep connector connect motherboard. look same, two total differ connectors. see: http://www.playtool.com/pages/psuconnect... mark n, pleas dont give inaccur information."} {"id": "6270", "contents": "longest shakespear play number line (3929). hamlet son late king hamlet (of denmark), die two month start play. king hamlet' death, brother, claudius, becom king, marri king hamlet' widow, gertrud (queen denmark)."} {"id": "6271", "contents": "glance. hamlet, princ denmark, upset death father hasti remarriag mother, queen gertrude, uncl claudius. hamlet\u2019 father\u2019 ghost inform hamlet murder claudiu demand hamlet aveng him."} {"id": "6272", "contents": "hamlet son late king hamlet (of denmark), die two month start play. king hamlet' death, brother, claudius, becom king, marri king hamlet' widow, gertrud (queen denmark)."} {"id": "6273", "contents": "hamlet enrag plot reveng father' death. hamlet son late king hamlet (of denmark), die two month start play. king hamlet' death, brother, claudius, becom king, marri king hamlet' widow, gertrud (queen denmark)"} {"id": "6274", "contents": "(answer #2). claudiu becom king princ hamlet away school. hamlet' father dies, mother, queen gertrude, marri claudius, dead husband' brother. thus, king claudiu queen gertrud rule denmark hamlet return father' death. home, hamlet visit ghost father truth murder claudius."} {"id": "6275", "contents": "$66,000. averag primari care pediatr nurs salari job post philadelphia, pa 5% higher averag primari care pediatr nurs salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "6276", "contents": "primari care physician salari usa. primari care physician receiv averag annual salari rang $85,919 $189,006 per hour. addition, yearli bonu $30,512 credit account profit share rang $38.78 $30,913. minimum annual salari earn primari care physician australia around au$30,000, maximum yearli salari around $400,000. addit that, averag salari primari care physician around $182,752 per annum. keep read inform primari care physician salary."} {"id": "6277", "contents": "gener pediatrician normal receiv wage rang 128000 192000 base experi educ levels. pediatricians, gener earn averag wage one hundr sixti seven thousand three hundr dollar yearly. pediatricians, gener obtain highest salari iowa, earn averag salari rate close $206390. employe job receiv best compens health care social assistance, averag pay $169910. nation wage distribut shown below. overlay local salari gener pediatrician, pleas select state. salari gener pediatricians. pediatrician special medic care infants, children youth. treat minor, chronic, acute, growth developmentally-rel conditions, common illnesses. doctor may consult specialist necessary."} {"id": "6278", "contents": "primari care physician\u2019 salari much lesser compar specialist doctors. accord bls, averag yearli salari earn lowest 10th percentil primari care physician around $82,630 wherea 90th percentil receiv around $166,400 per annum. minimum annual salari earn primari care physician australia around au$30,000, maximum yearli salari around $400,000. addit that, averag salari primari care physician around $182,752 per annum. keep read inform primari care physician salary."} {"id": "6279", "contents": "2013 nurs practition physician assist salari survey. next prev. averag salari among np earn $20,001 $149,999/year $94,881.22 averag salari among pa earn $20,001and $149,999 per year $100,497.78. third consecut year, highest percentag np pa respond family/adult medicin practition"} {"id": "6280", "contents": "full-tim salaries. 2013, averag nurs practition work full time earn salari $98,817 averag physician assist work full-tim earn $107,268 (tabl 1). compar 2012 earnings, full-tim salari np increas $5,785, compar $5,103 increas pas. nurs practition men earn averag increas annual salari 3.55%, $103,394 2012 $107,065 2013. nurs practition women increas salari 6.75%, $91,613 2012 $97,797 2013."} {"id": "6281", "contents": "$101,000. averag nurs practition pediatr primari care salari job post philadelphia, pa 5% higher averag nurs practition pediatr primari care salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "6282", "contents": "doctor work primari care field pediatr made $173,000 year, average, 2012. put perspective, orthopedist made averag $405,000 annually. afp/afp/getti images. primari care doctor work famili medicin made averag $158,000 2011. that' accord latest edit medscape' annual physician compens report, 2012 includ data 22,000 physician unit states. here' primari care providers, average, made 2012: pediatricians: $173,000 (up $156,000 year before). famili medicin doctors: $175,000 (up $158,000). intern medicin doctors: $185,000 (up $165,000)"} {"id": "6283", "contents": "long would take two-stori hous burn down, least second floor collapse? ps: idea categori put lol. hous start collaps time far long depend wind accel fuel it, dri is. hard one call go 15 mins. source(s): volunt fire brigaide. napper year ago."} {"id": "6284", "contents": "64% long take burn white house? 73% long take two stori hous fire burn? 21% i%u2019m rent hous accid burn neighbor%u2019 tree bushes. 1. depend mani factor long take wire burn house. depend larg hous is, acceler materi hous increas fire, direct air, condit flammabl material, etc. factor influenc burn house."} {"id": "6285", "contents": "hous burn tragic seem howev tragic indeed. long take hous burn question need speculated. take approxim 10 minut burn hous smoke 100 degre weather. long take burn hous also depend temperatur hous extent fire erupted. 1. 0. time take hous burn depend size house, materi hous built, item house. hous built wood, take less time burn compar hous made brick cement."} {"id": "6286", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: sure plane burn house, best way get ahold local fire department. might want use train burn. might also abl get tax deduct well. endang anyone! burn down, let local fire depart know first! also might problem agenc respons clean air, might end $10,000+ fine possibl jail time, careful!!!!!!"} {"id": "6287", "contents": "long take burn house? i'm go burn house. want know long take what good way burn down. might also abl get tax deduct well. endang anyone! burn down, let local fire depart know first! also might problem agenc respons clean air, might end $10,000+ fine possibl jail time, careful!!!!!!"} {"id": "6288", "contents": "report abuse. second stori would collaps half hour hour, depend size hous someone' weight hit weaken board could fatal within 10 minut walk around without protect gear hous could take good burn down... hous start collaps time far long depend wind accel fuel it, dri is. hard one call go 15 mins. source(s): volunt fire brigaide. napper year ago."} {"id": "6289", "contents": "long take burn hous also depend temperatur of.... 1. 0. hous burn tragic seem howev tragic indeed. long take hous burn question need speculated. take approxim 10 minut burn hous smoke 100 degre weather. long take burn hous also depend temperatur hous extent fire erupted. jack hamilton. 1. depend mani factor long take wire burn house. depend larg hous is, acceler materi hous increas fire, direct air, condit flammabl material, etc. factor influenc burn house."} {"id": "6290", "contents": "digest grasshopp tubular digest system. food enter mouth mechan broken down, mix saliva salivari glands. food transport esophagu crop (temporari storag place.) chitin teeth-lik plates, grind food, seen muscular gizzards."} {"id": "6291", "contents": "mechan digestion. digest start mouth mandibl maxilla chew food. also act upon enzym salivari juice, salivari carbohydras partial digest food. caeca secret digest juic pour stomach. midgut line chitin cuticl peritroph membrane. membran protect stomach wall abras fulli permeabl enzym digest food."} {"id": "6292", "contents": "small intestine: small intestin chemic digest occurs. stomach empti food juic mixtur small intestine, juic two digest organ mix food continu process digestion. protein begin digestion. stomach line produc stomach acid (hcl) enzym call pepsin digest protein. one unsolv puzzl digest system acid juic stomach dissolv tissu stomach itself."} {"id": "6293", "contents": "also, digest absorpt grasshopp occur stomach, earthworm take place intestine. organ go peristalsis, human, revers peristalsi occur. hand, grasshopp lack pharynx, earthworm has. digest system grasshopp human alik ways. contain salivari glands, stomach rectum. although human lack crop, gizzard, typhlosoles. but, small larg intestin human larg enough work typhlosol grasshopper."} {"id": "6294", "contents": "abstract. phenomenolog model present link digest gustatori respons insect herbivor use chemic reactor model digest feedback nutrient titer hemolymph determin intern delays."} {"id": "6295", "contents": "process digestion. digest seri physic chemic chang food taken bodi undergo hydrolysi (addit water) broken prepar absorpt digest tract bloodstream. digest take place alimentari canal"} {"id": "6296", "contents": "mechan digest involv physic break food smaller pieces. mechan digest begin mouth food chewed. chemic digest involv break food simpler nutrient use cells. chemic digest begin mouth food mix saliva. organ produc digest chemic (enzym acids) break nutrient simpler form absorpt intestin wall blood stream occur. mechan chemic digestion. two kind digestion: mechan chemical."} {"id": "6297", "contents": "confid vote 38. digest occur stomach small intestine, howev compon harder digest may occur larg intestin help gallbladd bile. physic digest occur mouth, process call chewing, render bite food even smaller. chemic digest begin mouth (saliva contain enzym begin chemic breakdown process) end intestines. :) mechan digest occur stomach along chemic digestion. stomach squeez chyme consid mechan digestion. peopl found useful. five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "6298", "contents": "gastric juic high acid mixtur hydrochlor acid, enzymes, mucu begin chemic digest steril stomach. secret gland locat middl portion stomach secret averag 2,000 2,500 ml (which 8.5 -10.5 cups) gastric juic day. digest seri physic chemic chang food taken bodi undergo hydrolysi (addit water) broken prepar absorpt digest tract bloodstream."} {"id": "6299", "contents": "infecti mononucleosis, mono, kiss disease, glandular fever term popularli use common infect caus epstein-barr viru (ebv). characterist symptom infect ebv includ fever, fatigue, malaise, sore throat. infecti mononucleosi (mono) facts. infecti mononucleosi (mono) contagi ill"} {"id": "6300", "contents": "mononucleosis, also call mono, common ill leav feel tire weak week months. mono goe away own, lot rest good self-car help feel better. mono usual caus epstein-barr viru (ebv) often seen teen young adults. common symptom mono high fever, sever sore throat, swollen lymph node (sometim call swollen glands) tonsils, weak fatigue. symptom usual start week expos virus. mono caus spleen swell"} {"id": "6301", "contents": "mononucleosis, also known mono, infecti diseas usual caus epstein-barr viru (a herp virus). virus also caus mononucleosis."} {"id": "6302", "contents": "infecti mononucleosis, also call \u201cmono,\u201d contagi disease. epstein-barr viru (ebv) common caus infecti mononucleosis, virus also caus disease. common among teenag young adults, especi colleg students. least 25% teenag young adult get infect ebv develop infecti mononucleosis. ebv common caus infecti mononucleosis, virus caus disease. typically, virus spread commonli bodili fluids, especi saliva. however, virus also spread blood semen sexual contact, blood transfusions, organ transplant"} {"id": "6303", "contents": "mono caus epstein-barr virus. accord center diseas control prevent (cdc), ebv member herpesviru famili one common virus infect human around world (cdc). occasionally, spleen liver may also swell, mononucleosi almost never fatal. mono hard distinguish common virus flu. symptom improv one two week home treatment resting, get enough fluids, eat healthi foods, see doctor."} {"id": "6304", "contents": "mononucleosis. infecti mononucleosis, also call mono, contagi disease. epstein-barr viru (ebv) common caus infecti mononucleosis, virus also caus disease. common among teenag young adults, especi colleg students. least 25% teenag young adult get infect ebv develop infecti mononucleosis. symptoms."} {"id": "6305", "contents": "infecti mononucleosis, often call \u201cmono,\u201d refer group symptom usual caus epstein-barr viru (ebv). typic occur teenagers, get age. viru spread saliva, peopl call \u201ckiss disease.\u201d. occasionally, spleen liver may also swell, mononucleosi almost never fatal. mono hard distinguish common virus flu. symptom improv one two week home treatment resting, get enough fluids, eat healthi foods, see doctor."} {"id": "6306", "contents": "piriformi syndrom video. simpl diagnost test piriformi syndrom caus irrit sciatic nerve. condit primarili diagnos basi patient\u2019 symptom physic exam, exclud possibl caus patient\u2019 pain. symptom piriformi syndrome. commonly, patient describ acut tender buttock sciatica-lik pain back thigh, calf foot. typic piriformi syndrom symptom may include: dull ach buttock. pain back thigh, calf foot (sciatica)."} {"id": "6307", "contents": "piriformi syndrom video. piriformi syndrom irrit sciatic nerv caus contract piriformi muscle. sciatica anim video. sciatica leg pain caus problem low back. symptom piriformi syndrome. commonly, patient describ acut tender buttock sciatica-lik pain back thigh, calf foot. typic piriformi syndrom symptom may include: dull ach buttock. pain back thigh, calf foot (sciatica)."} {"id": "6308", "contents": "caus piriformi syndrome. exact caus piriformi syndrom unknown. suspect caus include: muscl spasm piriformi muscle, either irrit piriformi muscl itself, irrit nearbi structur sacroiliac joint hip."} {"id": "6309", "contents": "piriformi syndrome. piriformi syndrom caus pain buttock may radiat leg. due sciatic nerv imping tight piriformi muscl deep buttocks."} {"id": "6310", "contents": "caus piriformi syndrome. piriformi syndrom caus overus piriformi muscl buttocks. tight adductor muscl insid thigh exacerb piriformi muscl inflamm accompani bursitis. piriformi syndrome: relat medic conditions. research caus piriformi syndrome, consid research caus diseas may similar, associ piriformi syndrome: sciatica. neuropathy. overus injury. nsaids. physic therapy. osteopath manipul medicin"} {"id": "6311", "contents": "piriformi syndrome. piriformi syndrom one condit creat sciatica. situat piriformi muscl tighten irrit sciatic nerve. actual one common reason sciatica occurs. piriformi syndrom one condit creat sciatica. situat piriformi muscl tighten irrit sciatic nerv"} {"id": "6312", "contents": "piriformi syndrome. admin 0. piriformi syndrom refer form neuromuscular disord occur result compress sciatic nerve."} {"id": "6313", "contents": "hang island. standard overhang island countertop -- side design sit tuck stool underneath -- 12 inches. plan extend counter farther, need add support legs, wood corbel metal l-bracket extend half overhang\u2019 distance. typic countertop overhang extend 1/2 inch cabinet bases, doors. extens help keep spill crumb find way drawer cupboard below. also complet counter-cupboard-toe-kick contour make stand countertop comfortabl"} {"id": "6314", "contents": "usual countertop overhang 1.5 inch front edg base cabinet. use countertop dine area, overhang enough allow sit close enough countertop dine comfort. standard kitchen base cabinet usual 24 inch wide, wherea basic size kitchen island countertop 36 inch wide. minimum overhang 1.5 inch one side, leav 10.5 inch other."} {"id": "6315", "contents": "minimum counter-top overhang suspend seating? counter-top overhang minimum 12 inch counter-top edg finish panel cabinet. seat innov recommend overhang 15 inch best comfort eas access chairs. suspend seat system accommod maximum counter-top overhang 18 inches. question answer feel free e-mail us call 1.888.864.3463 we'd happi help you."} {"id": "6316", "contents": "whatev height counter whichev kind seating, allow least 24 inch space seat guests' comfort. forget clearanc furnitur close countertop allow least 32 inch edg countertop anyth behind seat area. comfort clearanc people' knee countertop 15 inches. stool rais 42-inch countertop usual 28 30 inch tall, give comfort 12 14 inch knee room. recommend counter overhang also vari counter height, expert suggest 15 18 inch lower counter 12 inch rais counter"} {"id": "6317", "contents": "countertop clearance. keep mind far edg countertop applianc kitchen cabinet maintain adequ walkway. overhang add island peninsula, walkway may shrink equal distance. distanc countertop cabinet 42 inches. overhang countertop across refriger stove, want bump measur 48 inch ensur adequ door clearance. standard kitchen base cabinet usual 24 inch wide, wherea basic size kitchen island countertop 36 inch wide. minimum overhang 1.5 inch one side, leav 10.5 inch other."} {"id": "6318", "contents": "overhang countertop mount fashion 18 inch allow adequ knee-room sit countertop standard dine chair. countertop use counter-height stool, need countertop height 36 inches. standard kitchen base cabinet usual 24 inch wide, wherea basic size kitchen island countertop 36 inch wide. minimum overhang 1.5 inch one side, leav 10.5 inch other."} {"id": "6319", "contents": "tabl height 30. tabl height seat height dine tabl 30 floor top tabl countertop. design tabl height seat area nkba recommend allow minimum 18 deep knee space (or countertop overhang). 18 must clear obstacl turn posts, decor corbel addit countertop support."} {"id": "6320", "contents": "lincoln oppos slavery, civil war, fought maintain feder union, end slavery. emancip proclamation, appli rebel states, strategi caus troubl south. abraham lincoln' view slaveri form time place rais serv country. slaveri recogn institut unit state throughout lincoln' form years."} {"id": "6321", "contents": "much hate institut slavery, lincoln didn\u2019t see civil war struggl free nation\u2019 million slave bondage. emancipation, came, would gradual, import thing prevent southern rebellion sever union perman two. emancip proclam didn\u2019t actual free slaves. sinc lincoln issu emancip proclam militari measure, didn\u2019t appli border slave state like delaware, maryland, kentucki missouri, remain loyal union."} {"id": "6322", "contents": "septemb 1862, lincoln declar unless confeder state return union stop war, would free slave held within southern states. none confeder took offer, januari 1st lincoln issu emancip proclamation. emancip proclamation-issu septrmber 1862, take effect januari 1863. strictli end slavery, tell troop rob southern farmer slave (and chattels), leav northern slave-own state alone."} {"id": "6323", "contents": "abraham lincoln. abraham lincoln one greatest presid american history. help end slaveri stop america break apart civil war (1861\u20141865). also first presid murder office. lincoln grew kentucki earli 19th century. childhood famili move indiana illinois. young man, lincoln tall thin."} {"id": "6324", "contents": "abraham lincoln' posit slaveri one central issu american history. lincoln often express moral opposit slaveri public private. initially, expect bring eventu extinct slaveri stop expans u.s. territory, propos compens emancip (an offer congress appli washington, d.c.) earli presidency. 1850s, lincoln polit attack abolitionist, consid one; call immedi end slaveri everywher u.s. propos 13th amend becam part parti platform 1864 election."} {"id": "6325", "contents": "5. emancip proclam didn\u2019t actual free slaves. sinc lincoln issu emancip proclam militari measure, didn\u2019t appli border slave state like delaware, maryland, kentucki missouri, remain loyal union."} {"id": "6326", "contents": "13th amend abolish slavery. 1863. presid lincoln wrote issu emancip proclamation, made slav eri illeg southern states, seced union (11 total.) 13th amend pass decemb 1864. emancip proclamation-issu septrmber 1862, take effect januari 1863. strictli end slavery, tell troop rob southern farmer slave (and chattels), leav northern slave-own state alone."} {"id": "6327", "contents": "abraham lincoln summary. abraham lincoln 16th presid unit state america, leader success prosecut civil war preserv nation. play key role passag thirteenth amendment, end slaveri america."} {"id": "6328", "contents": "bbc programme, \u2018abraham lincoln: saint sinner\u2019 argu chang lincoln. 1863, final emancip proclam free slaves. end war, like lincoln commit end slavery, ensur full citizenship \u2018black race\u2019. less week robert e. lee effect surrend confederacy, lincoln assassinated. \u201ci purpose, directli indirectly, interfer institut slaveri state exists. believ law right so, inclin so.\u201d. confederaci alreadi born. slave rebellions, religion polit fail abolish slavery."} {"id": "6329", "contents": "would take 13th amend enshrin end slaveri constitution, elect 1864, republican achiev super-major hous made passag amend less inevitable. emancip proclam liter free slaves. commit president, nation, emancipation, make union armi armi liberation, made end slaveri u.s. matter time militari victory."} {"id": "6330", "contents": "begin 'the hunger games', katniss live area district 12 call 'the seam', less-wealthi inhabit live. katniss anoth indian name plant, root likewis accustom eat,... grow low, muddy, wet ground. root oblong, commonli inch half long, one inch quarter broad middle; root big man' fists."} {"id": "6331", "contents": "begin 'the hunger games', katniss live area district 12 call 'the seam', less-wealthi inhabit live. later, gain larg home vi ctor' village. katniss eat hunger games? katniss eat differ thing hunger games. eat fish, groosling(lik wild turkey, pluck size chicken), roots, nuts, berries, rabbit, lamb ste dri plums, rolls, bread district 11, mint leaves, fanci capit food."} {"id": "6332", "contents": "katniss everdeen fiction charact protagonist hunger game trilog suzann collins. name come edibl plant call sagittaria (katniss), sagittariu archer, whose name mean throw arrow latin. portray jennif lawrenc film adapt hunger games, hunger games: catch fire, hunger games: mockingjay part 1. katniss, follow allianc rue, young tribut district 11 remind katniss prim die arena, join fellow district 12 tribut peeta mellark. pair compet game together."} {"id": "6333", "contents": "hunger games, katniss' district (neighborhood) nicknam seam.. post on. (answer #1). hunger games, katniss' district (neighborhood) nicknam seam.. katniss live district twelve. district twelv last district, actual thirteen districts, last inhabit district."} {"id": "6334", "contents": "seam poorest part district 12 katniss everdeen gale hawthorn lived. seam locat border district 12, next wild forests. extrem hard find food there, mani famili live poverty. total, district 12 four victor span 75 hunger games, howev first victor district 12 die sometim 74th hunger games, thu leav katniss everdeen, peeta mellark haymitch abernathi resid district 12' victor' village."} {"id": "6335", "contents": "therefore, district twelv (the district katniss live in) last function recogn district. fact justifi district' nicknam seam.. simplist definit word seam line. post on. (answer #1). hunger games, katniss' district (neighborhood) nicknam seam.. katniss live district twelve. district twelv last district, actual thirteen districts, last inhabit district."} {"id": "6336", "contents": "answer victoryah95. confid vote 9.9k. begin 'the hunger games', katniss live area district 12 call 'the seam', less-wealthi inhabit live. later, gain larg home victor' village. katniss anoth indian name plant, root likewis accustom eat,... grow low, muddy, wet ground. root oblong, commonli inch half long, one inch quarter broad middle; root big man' fists."} {"id": "6337", "contents": "katniss famili come district 12, coal-min district poorest least popul district dystopian fiction autocrat nation panem. katniss, follow allianc rue, young tribut district 11 remind katniss prim die arena, join fellow district 12 tribut peeta mellark. pair compet game together."} {"id": "6338", "contents": "\u2015katniss everdeen citizen panem. katniss everdeen main protagonist narrat hunger game trilogy. younger sister, primrose, reap particip 74th hunger games, katniss volunt take place femal tribut district 12. becam tribut district 12 74th hunger game katniss volunt place sister. training, katniss refus trust peeta nice thing her, believ strategy."} {"id": "6339", "contents": "bv' privat compani limit liability; dutch: besloten vennootschap met beperkt aansprakelijkheid. comparison jurisdictions, bv similar featur german gmbh, american llc, english ltd. bv legal person equiti divid shares. minimum capit requir dutch bv. minimum capit requir dutch bv abolish per octob 2012. soon incorpor procedur start up, alreadi possibl busi name bv."} {"id": "6340", "contents": "bacteri vaginosi mild infect vagina caus bacteria. normally, lot good bacteria bad bacteria vagina. good type help control growth bad types. women bacteri vaginosis, balanc upset. enough good bacteria mani bad bacteria."} {"id": "6341", "contents": "base 11 reviews. dutch bv (besloten vennootschap) limit liabil compani (besloten vennootschap met beperkt aansprakelijkheid) employ type compani netherlands. dutch bv equival german gmbh american limit liabil company. consid new amend brought compani law, incorpor procedur dutch bv simplifi cost relat compani format holland reduced. bv also employ type structur set hold"} {"id": "6342", "contents": "dutch bv may one founder individu companies. new compani law netherland allow limit liabil compani one sharehold also act manager. one advantag dutch limit liabil compani requir minimum share capital. consid new amend brought compani law, incorpor procedur dutch bv simplifi cost relat compani format holland reduced. bv also employ type structur set hold compani netherlands."} {"id": "6343", "contents": "expatax assist establish limit compani netherlands. dutch call 'besloten vennootschap'. definitiona besloten vennootschap (bv) compani limit share (privat limit company), whose share privat regist freeli transferable. bv end compani name mean? alreadi exists. alreadi exist altern question. exist altern of. siren known raunchi crude jokes. favorit line scene seri far (keep pg-13, c'mon now)? does-kun end name mean japanese? ..."} {"id": "6344", "contents": "scienc medicine. bacteri vaginosis, common caus vagin infection. bed volume, volum materi vessel (e.g. catalyst vessel, stationari phase column chromatography). belch vocalizations, common form intra-group commun among mountain gorilla. bed volume, volum materi vessel (e.g. catalyst vessel, stationari phase column chromatography)."} {"id": "6345", "contents": "format limit compani (besloten vennootschap bv) netherlands. expatax assist establish maintain limit compani netherlands. dutch call 'besloten vennootschap'. page find: 1. gener inform limit company. 2."} {"id": "6346", "contents": "besloten vennootschap met beperkt aansprakelijkheid (. [b\u0259\u02c8slo\u02d0t\u0259(n) \u02c8v\u025bno\u02d0tsx\u0251p m\u025bd b\u0259\u02c8p\u025brkt\u0259 \u0294a\u02d0n\u02c8spra\u02d0k\u0259l\u0259k\u0266\u025bit] usual abbrevi bv netherlands, bvba belgium) societ soci\u00e9t\u00e9 prive priv\u00e9 (\u00e0) responsabilit responsabilit\u00e9 limite limit\u00e9 sprl dutch belgian version of. privat limit liabil compani"} {"id": "6347", "contents": "expatax assist establish limit compani netherlands. dutch call 'besloten vennootschap'. definitiona besloten vennootschap (bv \u2026) compani limit share (privat limit company), whose share privat regist freeli transferable. 18 peopl found useful. compani own shareholders, company' share privat regist freeli transferable. phrase mean seclud partnership privat partnership common form enterpris"} {"id": "6348", "contents": "compil project contain specflow featur files, output nunit test assembly, use favourit nunit-compat test runner exist ci infrastructur run specif addit configuration. if, reason, don\u2019t want use specflow would rather run origin ruby-bas cucumb tool, two main option .net programmers: use ironruby. use cuke4nuke."} {"id": "6349", "contents": "also run runtests.cmd command prompt execut specif tests. specflow+ runner lot offer: section guid process instal specflow specflow+ runner set simpl project visual studio."} {"id": "6350", "contents": "step definit bind global specflow. mean regardless way split step definit method multipl classes, final put global registry. whenev specflow execut step, tri find one step definit match step text."} {"id": "6351", "contents": "\u201cspecflow step definition\u201d item *.c class file would put individu step function test call. featur file step definit file popul addit sampl part template.. back visual studio creat new \u201cspecflow step definition\u201d file copi content nunit text output window class file, remov unnecessari addit exampl step extra class definit plain text."} {"id": "6352", "contents": "normal specflow test test exactli user experience. unfortun code ui test known brittl defiantli someth need awar of. older technolog code ui test use msaa (microsoft activ accessibility) find properti valu control. creat autom ui specflow feature. sampl assum good understand specflow code ui tests. creat specflow featur file. record code ui test methods. wire specflow step definit code ui test methods."} {"id": "6353", "contents": "dev side matter solution, gherkin *is* dev solution. doesn\u2019t mean gherkin specflow bad, though. manag aside, develop need explain *to programmers* complic system doing. start watch pluralsight cours specflow flub way episod series. turn out, pick specflow quickly. like, realli quickly. much i\u2019d like think i\u2019m kind genius, that\u2019 explan long shot."} {"id": "6354", "contents": "52 respons behavior driven develop (bdd) specflow asp.net mvc. i\u2019v bdd style test control now, alway knew miss part import end user. if, reason, don\u2019t want use specflow would rather run origin ruby-bas cucumb tool, two main option .net programmers: use ironruby. use cuke4nuke."} {"id": "6355", "contents": "order make happen need extend specflow. search inform that, quickli find defin generatorprovid unittestprovider. quick fix plenti articl approach. registercustom extend compon specflow, regist implement stage. registerdepend case plugin complex natur it\u2019 dependencies, right place set composit root."} {"id": "6356", "contents": "specflow follow specif pattern reli keyword help describ featur whose behavior you\u2019r defining. keyword come languag call gherkin (yes, pickle), origin tool call cucumb (cukes.info). far you\u2019v seen featur item color-cod specflow provides. note there\u2019 codebehind file attach featur file, empti test creat base features. test execut step scenario, need creat steps."} {"id": "6357", "contents": "hemoglobin a1c normal range. major hemoglobin a1c test perform ascertain normal rang differ laboratori other. per opinion medic experts, hemoglobin a1c normal rang gener percent. thu hemoglobin a1c rang test use detect level blood sugar occur bodi almost past months."} {"id": "6358", "contents": "lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex. ferritin. hemoglobin. lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex. ferritin."} {"id": "6359", "contents": "anemia consid present hb hematocrit (hct) lower limit standard deviat (-2sd) 95% confid interv normal population. definit anemia result 2.5% normal individu classifi anemic. hemoglobin main compon red blood cell serv transport oxygen carbon dioxid blood. hemoglobin concentr (hb) usual report gram hemoglobin per decilit blood (g/dl)."} {"id": "6360", "contents": "find recent guidelines, pleas visit following: mmwr http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/mmwrsrch.htm cdc web search http://www.cdc.gov/search.do. hemoglobin (hb) hematocrit (hct) measur laboratori test use commonli clinic public health set screen anemia."} {"id": "6361", "contents": "hemoglobin level express amount hemoglobin gram (gm) per decilit (dl) whole blood, decilit 100 milliliters. normal rang hemoglobin depend age and, begin adolescence, gender person. normal rang are: newborns: 17 22 gm/dl. one (1) week age: 15 20 gm/dl. one (1) month age: 11 15gm/dl. children: 11 13 gm/dl. adult males: 14 18 gm/dl. adult women: 12 16 gm/dl. men middl age: 12.4 14.9 gm/dl."} {"id": "6362", "contents": "proper anemia screen requir sound laboratori method procedur also appropri hb hct cutoff valu defin anemia. normal rang hb hct chang throughout childhood pregnancy, higher men women (1,2). thus, criteria anemia specif age, sex, stage pregnancy. hemoglobin (hb) hematocrit (hct) measur laboratori test use commonli clinic public health set screen anemia."} {"id": "6363", "contents": "proper anemia screen requir sound laboratori method procedur also appropri hb hct cutoff valu defin anemia. normal rang hb hct chang throughout childhood pregnancy, higher men women (1,2). thus, criteria anemia specif age, sex, stage pregnancy. anemia refer valu children, nonpregn women, men deriv current nation repres sample--th second nation health nutrit examin survey, 1976-1980 (nhane ii)."} {"id": "6364", "contents": "normal hemoglobin valu relat person' age sex. normal valu may vari slightli test systems, group doctor determin normal valu group patients; however, valu rang close (vari 0.5 g/dl) almost everi group. exampl normal rang wide accept famili practic physician follows: birth: 13.5 24.0 g/dl (mean 16.5 g/dl). age 1-2 months: 10.0 18.0 g/dl (mean 11.2 g/dl). age 2-6 months: 9.5 14.0 g/dl (mean 12.6 g/dl)."} {"id": "6365", "contents": "defin great man chines people, hero mongolian nationality, giant world history, said guo wurong, manag new genghi khan mausoleum china' inner mongolia province. genghi khan certainli chinese, added."} {"id": "6366", "contents": "found mongol empir proclaim genghi khan, start mongol invas result conquest eurasia. includ raid invas qara khitai, caucasus, khwarezmid empire, western xia jin dynasties. genghi khan died, assign \u00f6gedei \u00f6gedei khan successor split empir khanat among son and. grandson die 1227 defeat western. xia"} {"id": "6367", "contents": "synopsis. genghi khan born temujin mongolia around 1162. marri age 16, mani wive lifetime. 20, began build larg armi intent destroy individu tribe northeast asia unit rule. mongolian warrior ruler genghi khan creat largest empir world, mongol empire, destroy individu tribe northeast asia."} {"id": "6368", "contents": "view full size image. genghi khan 13th-centuri warrior central asia found mongol empire, one largest empir history. time died, empir control vast amount territori china central asia, armi ventur far west kiev modern-day ukraine. earli life. genghi khan born name temujin (also spell temuchin). time, mongolia rule differ clan tribal groups. father, name yesukai, \u201cwa lord leader 40,000 tent families."} {"id": "6369", "contents": "introduction. mongol leader genghi khan (1162-1227) rose humbl begin establish largest land empir history. unit nomad tribe mongolian plateau, conquer huge chunk central asia china."} {"id": "6370", "contents": "genghi khan died, assign \u00f6gedei \u00f6gedei khan successor split empir khanat among son and. grandson die 1227 defeat western. xia buri unmark grave somewher mongolia unknown. locat genghi khan died, assign \u00f6gedei \u00f6gedei khan successor split empir khanat among son and. grandson die 1227 defeat western. xia"} {"id": "6371", "contents": "genghi khan (/\u02c8d\u0292\u025b\u014b\u0261\u026a \u02c8k\u0251\u02d0n/ often pronounc /\u02c8\u0261\u025b\u014b\u0261\u026a \u02c8k\u0251\u02d0n/ [t\u0283i\u014b\u0261\u026a xa\u02d0\u014b]. c. 1162 18 august 1227), born temuejin, tem\u00fcjin founder great (khan) emperor mongol, empir becam largest contigu empir histori his. demis genghi khan died, assign \u00f6gedei \u00f6gedei khan successor split empir khanat among son and. grandson die 1227 defeat western. xia"} {"id": "6372", "contents": "anoth thing determin long salmon bake oven temperature. typically, recip bake salmon call oven temperatur 350 450 degrees. salmon alway put pre-heat oven. cook oven pre-heat caus dri fish."} {"id": "6373", "contents": "place bag marinad salmon fillet refriger 30 minutes. salmon, like fish, dens red meat poultry. result, need marinad long order absorb flavor. remov salmon refriger least 10 minut prior cooking. place bag marinad salmon fillet refriger 30 minutes. salmon, like fish, dens red meat poultry."} {"id": "6374", "contents": "place salmon roast pan: place salmon roast pan, skin-sid down. transfer oven. roast minut per half-inch thick salmon: roast time depend thick salmon, determin thickest part salmon fillet. everi half-inch salmon, roast minut minut give salmon still touch rare, minut thoroughli cook it. salmon done easili flaked: also check done salmon fork. salmon flake easili fork, readi"} {"id": "6375", "contents": "although salmon contamin harm organisms, risk still exists. fortunately, cook fillet intern temperatur 145 degre fahrenheit elimin risk kill harm organisms. undercook salmon, organ might remain intact. contamin fish consumed, lead varieti food-born illness"} {"id": "6376", "contents": "salmon must alway cook 400\u00b0 farenheit optim results. fish cook fast must bake high temperatur kill bacteria cook flesh evenly. lowest possibl temperatur cook salmon 350\u00b0, may result dri fish, unless complet wrap foil. optim bake results, fillet steak coat oliv oil, margarin butter teaspoon lemon juic drizzl it."} {"id": "6377", "contents": "ask oven temp would say 350 fine. meat thermometer, cook salmon around 160 still moist overcooked. wow....thi chicken."} {"id": "6378", "contents": "bake opaqu flaky. preheat oven 450 degre fillet 350 degre dress fish. bake fillet lower temperature, desired, rememb increas cook time. bake salmon fillet steaks, uncovered, minut per 1/2-inch thickness. dress salmon, bake minut per ounc fish. test doneness, insert fork salmon gentli twist."} {"id": "6379", "contents": "safe temperature. unit state food drug administr recommend cook salmon intern temperatur 145 degre fahrenheit. push tip meat thermomet gentli middl salmon fillet thickest part. fortunately, cook fillet intern temperatur 145 degre fahrenheit elimin risk kill harm organisms. undercook salmon, organ might remain intact."} {"id": "6380", "contents": "(your easi immun health host). ring ear take vitamin tinnitu vitamin d. actual reason explan phenomenon, reason solut well."} {"id": "6381", "contents": "ear ringing, tinnitus, medic condit rather symptom underli problem. often, indic damag littl hair insid ear give random signals, brain interpret sound. high blood pressure, high blood sugar abnorm littl bone insid ear may root caus ear ringing."} {"id": "6382", "contents": "hi cathy,tinnitis, ring ears, one 'classic' sign magnesium deficiency, sinc magnesium deplet take vitamin order convert supplement 'active' form blood, mani vitamin side effect realli magnesium deficiency."} {"id": "6383", "contents": "ear ringing? many, vitamin b12 defici caus tinnitu symptoms; constant sound ear like ringing, beeping, humming, buzzing, rush sound may indic need vitamin b12. fact, million peopl unit state suffer vitamin b12 defici tinnitus."} {"id": "6384", "contents": "many, vitamin b12 defici caus tinnitu symptoms; constant sound ear like ringing, beeping, humming, buzzing, rush sound may indic need vitamin b12. fact, million peopl unit state suffer vitamin b12 defici tinnitus."} {"id": "6385", "contents": "vitamin a. vitamin defici caus inner-ear problem ear ringing, sinc vitamin import membran ear. good sourc vitamin oili fish, dark green leafi vegetables, blueberries, yellow vegetables, fruit (such carrots, yams, oranges, apricot cantaloupe)."} {"id": "6386", "contents": "lowe' averag salari $66,874, median salari $65,544 salari rang $27,976 $199,545. lowe' salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. lowe' salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "6387", "contents": "read more. average, lowe' home improv inc. employe receiv $12.58 per hour. overtim pay included, wage rise $21.48. lowe' home improv inc. paycheck larg negoti base company, though live experi level also considered."} {"id": "6388", "contents": "averag lowe' hourli pay rang approxim $7.68 per hour phone oper $30.00 per hour project specialist. averag lowe' salari rang approxim $15,000 per year custom servic associ cashier $170,000 per year director. salari inform come 8,396 data point collect directli employees, users, job indeed."} {"id": "6389", "contents": "lowe' salary. lowe' averag salari $66,874, median salari $65,544 salari rang $27,976 $199,545. lowe' salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. lowe' salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "6390", "contents": "definit shell compani entiti activ busi usual exist name vehicl anoth company\u2019 busi operations. essence, shell corpor exist mainli paper, physic presence, employ one produc nothing. introduct shell compani often associ fraud. although legal entiti legitim function busi operations, shell compani also util crimin facilit fraudul activities. activ includ money laundering, bill schemes, fictiti servic schemes, bankruptci fraud, tax evasion, market manipul"} {"id": "6391", "contents": "one shell plaza, shell oil company' headquart houston. shell oil compani unit states-bas subsidiari royal dutch shell, multin oil major anglo-dutch origins, amongst largest oil compani world. approxim 22,000 shell employe base u.s. u.s. head offic houston, texas. shell oil company, includ consolid compani share equiti companies, one america' largest oil natur ga producers, natur ga marketers, gasolin market petrochem manufacturers."} {"id": "6392", "contents": "shell oil compani 50/50 partner saudi arabian government-own oil compani saudi aramco motiva enterprises, refin market joint ventur own oper three oil refineri gulf coast unit states. shell oil company, includ consolid compani share equiti companies, one america' largest oil natur ga producers, natur ga marketers, gasolin market petrochem manufacturers."} {"id": "6393", "contents": "shell company. shell compani compani exist actual busi assets. interest type shell compani (to investors) one listing. list shell, almost alway meant refer shell invest context. given take time money obtain listing, list shell signific valu even assets. list shell therefor often target revers takeovers."} {"id": "6394", "contents": "term \u201cshell company\u201d narrowli understood public limit compani larg ceas oper busi whose stock exchang list still exist despit minim sale turnover. shell compani purchased, company\u2019 new owner flexibl chang corpor purpos incorpor forward-think busi potenti company. shell compani enabl altern mean go public without long-winded, complic proceed tradit ipo process."} {"id": "6395", "contents": "shell compani may operations, may shrunk due unfavor market condit compani mismanagement. shell corpor illegal, legitim busi purposes. however, main compon underground economy, especi base tax havens. shell corpor use commit fraud, repeatedli creat empti shell corpor name similar exist real corporations, run price empti shell suddenli sell (pump dump)."} {"id": "6396", "contents": "shell compani also mean compani never busi (and certainli listing). context often mean also call shelf company. incorpor pure sell off-the-shelf. list shell, almost alway meant refer shell invest context. given take time money obtain listing, list shell signific valu even assets. list shell therefor often target revers takeovers."} {"id": "6397", "contents": "show usag examples... may want set shell compani figurehead busi want attention. 11 peopl found helpful. want work shell compani like knew would terribl time there. peopl found helpful. peopl prefer go shell compani acquir someth govern find tax reason"} {"id": "6398", "contents": "definit 'shell corporation'. corpor without activ busi oper signific assets. shell corpor necessarili illeg illegitimate, often serv import potenti startups. additionally, shell corpor act tax avoid legitim busi"} {"id": "6399", "contents": "lawn care prices. reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. local cost gasolin affect pric"} {"id": "6400", "contents": "hire profession care grass help avoid patches, brown pest diseases. average, homeown spend $165 lawn servic although vari base type treatment lawn needs. cost consider your look services. nation averag estim lawn mow mainten $214 $322. often includ cut, weeding, trim pesticid treatment. servic price individually, other monthli weekli packages."} {"id": "6401", "contents": "reason price lawn care $25-$35 per week, $100-$140 per month. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. hour, work $20-$25 per hour, $40-$50 half acr lawns. landscap includ basic lawn mainten lawn mow edging. larger lawn cost more. local cost gasolin affect price"} {"id": "6402", "contents": "lawn care price vari want servic hour, week month. price rang $100 $200 per month want find good price, recommend get estimates. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. mow ($270) mow lawn tradit diy project, easi area neglect worth cost outsource. fertil ($350) lawn fertil ensur soil stabil plant health. use right fertil avoid diseas addit repair"} {"id": "6403", "contents": "grass cut rate also vari depend frequenc mowing. lawn trim infrequently, difficult maintain. also base squar footage, though minimum cost. nation averag estim lawn mow mainten $214 $322. often includ cut, weeding, trim pesticid treatment. servic price individually, other monthli weekli packages."} {"id": "6404", "contents": "averag cost lawn servic depend exactli sign for. typic estim includ price weekli lawn cut, weed beds, spring cleanup, trim hedges, fall cleanup, chemic program. item may price individu lump togeth monthli mainten price."} {"id": "6405", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost small lawn mow project. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost mow lawn rang $0.03 $0.14 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "6406", "contents": "averag cost cut lawn $20 $40. determin base price small, medium large-s properties. example, may charg $20 cut front back small properti take 30 60 minutes, charg $40 properti take twice long complete. step 2. offer discount multipl lawn cuttings. encourag repeat business, give previou custom discount everi second third cutting. example, custom pay regular price two lawn cuttings, agre reduc everi third lawn servic $5 $10."} {"id": "6407", "contents": "knowledg center. bartholin' cyst, bartholin' duct cyst occur duct bartholin' gland blocked, result develop fluid-fil cyst. even though may sometim caus infection, bartholin' cyst infection."} {"id": "6408", "contents": "bartholin' cyst causes. bartholin' cyst develop duct exit bartholin' gland becom blocked. fluid produc gland accumulates, caus gland swell form cyst. abscess occur cyst becom infected. bartholin' abscess caus number bacteria. includ bacteri organ caus sexual transmit diseas chlamydia gonorrhea well bacteria normal found intestin tract, escherichia coli."} {"id": "6409", "contents": "introduction. bartholin' cyst, also call bartholin' duct cyst, small growth insid open woman' vagina. cyst small fluid-fil sac usual harmless. bartholin' cyst stay small painless may caus symptoms."} {"id": "6410", "contents": "expert believ caus bartholin' cyst backup fluid. fluid may accumul open gland (duct) becom obstructed, perhap caus infect injury. bartholin' cyst becom infected, form abscess."} {"id": "6411", "contents": "block gland call bartholin gland cyst. (sometim call bartholin duct cyst.) cyst rang size pea larg marble. usual grow slowly. bartholin gland duct get infected, call bartholin gland abscess."} {"id": "6412", "contents": "call doctor seriou side effect as: sever uncontrol vomit diarrhea; fever, mouth sores; problem speech, balance, walking; sever skin rash; nausea, stomach pain, loss appetite, dark urine, clay-color stools, jaundic (yellow skin eyes); o."} {"id": "6413", "contents": "side effects. see also use section. side effect may includ nausea, vomiting, abdomin pain, headache, diarrhea, weakness, loss appetite, dizziness. effect persist worsen, tell doctor pharmacist promptly."} {"id": "6414", "contents": "less seriou side effect may include: mild stomach pain upset stomach; mild diarrhea; headache; mild itching; weakness; or. dizziness."} {"id": "6415", "contents": "malaron avail gener form. common side effect malaron includ nausea, vomiting, abdomin pain, upset stomach, headache, diarrhea, weakness, loss appetite, itching, dizziness. dose one malaron tablet (adult strength 250 mg atovaquone/100 mg proguanil hydrochloride) per day."} {"id": "6416", "contents": "malaria tablet malaron side effects, although usual mild. commonest side effect include, headache, feel sick sick (nausea vomiting), stomach pain, diarrhoea."} {"id": "6417", "contents": "side effect may includ nausea, vomiting, abdomin pain, headache, diarrhea, weakness, loss appetite, dizziness. effect persist worsen, tell doctor pharmacist promptly."} {"id": "6418", "contents": "yes, michigan medicaid cover root canal (onli one) crowns. one, mean tooth root canal, fistula abscess develops, medicaid cover anoth root canal tooth (re-treat), necessit need extraction."} {"id": "6419", "contents": "due part fact cosmet surgeri never necessary. (for example-instead implant, could get bridg partial denture). crowns, often cover medicaid, provid anterior (front) tooth, molar. good luck."} {"id": "6420", "contents": "medicar part (hospit insurance) pay certain dental servic get hospital. part pay inpati hospit care need emerg complic dental procedures, even though dental care covered."} {"id": "6421", "contents": "medicaid joint voluntari program feder govern states, mission provid health insur coverag nation' poor, disabl impoverish elderli people. feder govern set minimum elig standard coverag requir medicaid."} {"id": "6422", "contents": "medicaid. medicaid joint voluntari program feder govern states, mission provid health insur coverag nation' poor, disabl impoverish elderli people."} {"id": "6423", "contents": "dental crown cover tooth damag decay, wear accident. crown usual made gold porcelain restor tooth normal size shape, protect damage. crown also use anchor dental bridges, partial dentur dental appliances."} {"id": "6424", "contents": "state medicaid program requir feder rule cover comprehens dental servic children, coverag adult dental servic optional.st often choos offer adult limit set cover servic children offer coverag all."} {"id": "6425", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. medicaid, govern program provid health care servic low-incom americans, provid dental care cases, all. coverag rule vary, depend age individual, state resides."} {"id": "6426", "contents": "year back, lost last job dental insurance, go medicaid dentist root canal. exam dentist told two options: pay $700 pull tooth. said medicaid cover root canal crowns."} {"id": "6427", "contents": "usual lay egg day 5-7 eggs. depend hen begin incub earnest (usual second third egg laid) expect begin hatch 15-17 days. need beef diet begin feed soft foods."} {"id": "6428", "contents": "12 14 day male femal bluebird take turn incub egg (13 15 days) two weeks. young bluebird grow fast, usual cannot fli 20 days."} {"id": "6429", "contents": "egg lay incubation. soon nest finished, femal begin lay one pale blue egg day morn durat week. egg laid (usual 4-6), begin incub 13-14 days, take break go feed. week femal bluebird egg lay spend littl time nestbox, see egg femal around time conclud nest abandoned."} {"id": "6430", "contents": "best answer: first egg laid within 10 day mating. lovebird egg laid nest everi day. hen usual start brood (sit eggs)aft second egg laid. take 10 day laid. time egg laid night. brood take 22 25 days. source(s): http://www.geocities.com/h_stoner/faq.ht..."} {"id": "6431", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: first egg laid within 10 day mating. lovebird egg laid nest everi day. hen usual start brood (sit eggs)aft second egg laid. take 10 day laid. time egg laid night. brood take 22 25 days. source(s): http://www.geocities.com/h_stoner/faq.ht..."} {"id": "6432", "contents": "closest major airport moab locat salt lake citi (236 mile moab). current major air carrier commut airlin fli salt lake citi intern airport."} {"id": "6433", "contents": "salt lake citi intern airport locat approxim 7,9 kilomet (4,9 miles) west salt lake citi 9,0 kilomet (5,6 miles) southwest north salt lake. salt lake citi intern airport iata code slc."} {"id": "6434", "contents": "comfort inn airport/intern center hotel locat mile salt lake citi intern airport. airport shuttle: free shuttl airport. distanc airport (in miles): 2.3 salt lake citi intern airport salt lake city, ut."} {"id": "6435", "contents": "airport utah. salt lake citi intern airport airport capit city, salt lake city, utah state usa."} {"id": "6436", "contents": "closest airport orangeville, ut. closest airport salt lake citi intern airport (slc). distanc salt lake citi intern airport orangevil 190,8 kilomet (118,6 miles)."} {"id": "6437", "contents": "2nd closest intern airport locat salt lake city, approxim 290 mile zion. cedar citi airport (cdc): 2nd closest region airport commut airlin service. locat cedar city, ut,"} {"id": "6438", "contents": "closest airport salt lake city, ut. closest airport salt lake citi intern airport (slc). distanc salt lake citi intern airport salt lake citi 7,9 kilomet (4,9 miles)."} {"id": "6439", "contents": "calcium use general. calcium may use reduc agent process metal extraction. calcium also use product metals, alli agent. calcium carbon use make cement mortar also glass industry."} {"id": "6440", "contents": "calcium hydroxid use dental procedures. calcium hydroxide, inform refer slake lime, compound creat mixtur calcium oxid water. result substanc white powder crystal compound strong alkalin properties."} {"id": "6441", "contents": "absolut astronomi state calcium hydroxid use activ alkalin ingredi hair relax products. hair relax cream liquid design straighten curli hair applied, mani product contain lye, power caustic."} {"id": "6442", "contents": "calcium hydroxide, ca(oh) 2, colorless crystal white powder. prepar react calcium oxid (lime) water, process call slaking, also known hydrat lime slake lime. heat 580\u00b0c dehydrates, form oxide."} {"id": "6443", "contents": "control ph use lime. sugar refining, example, lime use make solut alkaline, caus impur sugar separ removal. carbon dioxid (also limestone) use remov lime reform calcium carbon (limestone) precipit out."} {"id": "6444", "contents": "use calcium carbon mostli use construct industri build materi limestone, marbl chalk also use ingredi cement. calcium carbon form chalk use filler paper industry. use cheap way make bright opaqu paper."} {"id": "6445", "contents": "turn heat, add bean soak bean hours. drain water. make ham broth bean soak step 1, put ham shank ham hock separ larg pot cover quart water. add herb de provenc italian seasoning."} {"id": "6446", "contents": "soup bean usual serv cornbread, green (such boil cabbage, cauliflower, sauerkraut sausage), potato (stew fried) may top raw chop onion ramp (allium tricoccum). soup bean consid main course, also serv side dish. black-ey pea pea almost never refer soup beans, prepar appalachian region almost identical. black-ey peas, sometim call blackey peas, common appalachian cultur intersect lowland soul-food coastal food cultures."} {"id": "6447", "contents": "place rins bean larg stock pot. add water bring boil. boil gentli minutes; remov heat, cover let stand hour. add ham bone, cube ham, onion, salt, pepper bay leaves. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. occasion skim servic soup cooking. add carrot celery, cook tender."} {"id": "6448", "contents": "bring bean boil cover bean reduc heat simmer. bean simmer chop ham small chunks. throw bones; put bone soup well. pound ham realli estimate, add much littl ham like. next day drain water beans, keep bean stock pot. cover bean water. want enough water cover bean leav half inch water beans. alway add water later soup bean get thick."} {"id": "6449", "contents": "here, mountain south, know soup bean bean soup thing. soup bean term common southern unit states, particularli region around appalachian mountains. refer pinto brown dri bean cook smoke pork flavoring. follow direct bean bag presoak beans. drain rins beans, sit aside. pan melt butter (or bacon grease) medium heat. cook onion garlic soft lightli brown. add beans, ham hock, water pressur cooker."} {"id": "6450", "contents": "soup bean tradit pinto bean (call brown bean mountain region), type bean also used. black-ey pea pea almost never refer soup beans, prepar appalachian region almost identical. black-ey peas, sometim call blackey peas, common appalachian cultur intersect lowland soul-food coastal food cultures."} {"id": "6451", "contents": "pot bean soup made scratch navi bean big smoke ham bone made pressur cooker. favorit famili recip flavor molasses, brown sugar, spices, finish cook shell pasta make meal bowl. add salt bean remov heat. let bean sit hot water least 60 minutes. 60 minut soaking, return pot high heat place ham bone, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, mustard bay leav pot."} {"id": "6452", "contents": "add ham bone, cube ham, onion, salt, pepper bay leaves. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. occasion skim servic soup cooking. add carrot celery, cook tender. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. occasion skim servic soup cooking."} {"id": "6453", "contents": "soup bean term common southern unit states, particularli region around appalachian mountains. black-ey pea pea almost never refer soup beans, prepar appalachian region almost identical. black-ey peas, sometim call blackey peas, common appalachian cultur intersect lowland soul-food coastal food cultures."} {"id": "6454", "contents": "add water bring boil. boil gentli minutes; remov heat, cover let stand hour. add ham bone, cube ham, onion, salt, pepper bay leaves. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. occasion skim servic soup cooking. bring boil; reduc heat, cover simmer hour 15 minut bean soft. occasion skim servic soup cooking. add carrot celery, cook tender."} {"id": "6455", "contents": "origin thu held premium plotinus. nevertheless, plotinu realiz plato need interpreted. addition, plato himself, plotinu found roughli 600 year philosoph writing, much reflect engag plato tradit philosophi initiated. case virtue, plotinu recogn hierarchi beauty. type beauti common consist form imag form etern present intellect (i 6. 2). lowest type beauti physic beauti splendor paradigm necess occluded."} {"id": "6456", "contents": "(pyramid texts, 1652.). atum emerg cosmic water form primordi hill. 'spit out' (ishish) first divin qualiti powers: shu, principl air space, symbol feather wear head. heliopoli name atum given first principle, creator demiurge. word atum mean nothing, (c.f. word attribut christ, alpha omega). repres potenti total univers yet unform intangible."} {"id": "6457", "contents": "ennead worship heliopoli consist god atum, children shu tefnut, children geb nut children osiris, isis, set, nephthys. egyptian mytholog establish multipl group deities, known pesedjets. pyramid text 5th 6th dynasti mention great pesedjet, lesser pesedjet, dual pesedjet, plural pesedjets, even seven"} {"id": "6458", "contents": "among egyptian pesedjets, import great pesedjet, also call ennead heliopolis, centr worship. heliopoli (egyptian: aunu, place pillars) dedic worship god atum thrive old kingdom declin ptolema rulers. egyptian mytholog establish multipl group deities, known pesedjets. pyramid text 5th 6th dynasti mention great pesedjet, lesser pesedjet, dual pesedjet, plural pesedjets, even seven"} {"id": "6459", "contents": "ennead face competit groupings: memphis, priest ptah identifi deiti primev mound, place atum aros first, give preced ennead. egyptian mytholog establish multipl group deities, known pesedjets. pyramid text 5th 6th dynasti mention great pesedjet, lesser pesedjet, dual pesedjet, plural pesedjets, even seven"} {"id": "6460", "contents": "ennead. ennead group nine deiti egyptian mythology. ennead worship heliopoli consist god atum, children shu tefnut, children geb nut children osiris, isis, set nephthys."} {"id": "6461", "contents": "ennead (a word deriv greek, mean nine) group nine deities, often use context egyptian mythology. three threes, number consid great carnal power, group nine god consid important. atum first creat (or aros nu, primal nothingness) creat shu tefnut either spittl blood. union came geb nut. children, great-grandchildren atum, first god earth: osiri isis, set nephthys."} {"id": "6462", "contents": "ennead (ancient greek: \u1f10\u03bd\u03bd\u03b5\u03ac\u03c2, mean collect nine things) group nine deiti egyptian mythology. egyptian mytholog establish multipl group deities, known pesedjets. pyramid text 5th 6th dynasti mention great pesedjet, lesser pesedjet, dual pesedjet, plural pesedjets, even seven"} {"id": "6463", "contents": "accord u.s. depart labor, entri level biochemist bachelor' degre biochemistri life scienc earn start salari $34,953 year, average. blanket figur look disciplin whole consid variabl affect start pay."} {"id": "6464", "contents": "averag faculti salary. averag full-tim faculti salari increas 10% last decade, averag salari manag supervisor increas 24%. differenti chang result widen gap salari faculti administr last decade. 11 chang percentag instructive, actual underst magnitud widen gap actual salari campu presid csu faculti last decade. 10% increas salari $50,000 is, all, consider less 10% increas salari $300,000."} {"id": "6465", "contents": "salari outlook. accord bls, median annual salari account $65,080 2013, $31.29 per hour. best-paid 10 percent earn roughli $113,740, lowest-paid made approxim $40,370"} {"id": "6466", "contents": "advertisement. student graduat 2014 bachelor\u2019 degre account expect averag start salari $52,900, 0.8 percent $53,300 2013, andrea koncz, nace employ inform manager, told accountingweb. averag start salari student graduat year busi major includ account declin slightli last year, accord latest salari survey nation associ colleg employ (nace)"} {"id": "6467", "contents": "averag account pay vs. best jobs. account earn averag salari $72,500 2013, significantli higher averag salari bookkeeping, account audit clerk ($37,250). accord bls, median annual salari account $65,080 2013, $31.29 per hour. best-paid 10 percent earn roughli $113,740, lowest-paid made approxim $40,370"} {"id": "6468", "contents": "sober truth averag annual chang median salari past 10 year constant dollars\u2014a calcul elimin effect inflation\u2014i 0.2% chemist bachelor\u2019 degree, \u20130.1% master\u2019s, \u20130.6% doctorate. survey show median salari march 2012 chemist bachelor\u2019 degre $45,000 academ versu $74,000 $76,300 govern industry, respectively. chemist master\u2019 degree, median salari $62,000, $83,800, $93,000"} {"id": "6469", "contents": "major highest averag start salari 2014 engin $62,719, 0.3 percent last year\u2019 $62,535, follow comput scienc $61,741. despit decreas year, busi start salari rank third-highest. averag start salari student graduat year busi major includ account declin slightli last year, accord latest salari survey nation associ colleg employ (nace)"} {"id": "6470", "contents": "busi major group year see averag start salari $53,901, 0.6 percent lower $54,234 report 2013, accord april 2014 nace salari survey, detail actual start salari new colleg graduat report employers. averag start salari student graduat year busi major includ account declin slightli last year, accord latest salari survey nation associ colleg employ (nace)"} {"id": "6471", "contents": "1895-2014 column chart. top nj warm/cold wet/dri month sinc 1895. visit southern climat impact plan program websit view monthly, seasonal, annual temperatur time seri graph new jersey."} {"id": "6472", "contents": "averag temperatur dover 48 95 lower new jersey averag temperatur 51 93 much lower nation averag temperatur 54 45 16 93 mph temperatur snow fall precipit inform page calcul histor data 18000 weather station period time 1980 2010"} {"id": "6473", "contents": "dover nj weather dover nj climat warm summer temperatur tend 70 cold winter temperatur tend 20 temperatur variat night day tend moder summer differ reach 25 degre fahrenheit moder winter averag differ 21"} {"id": "6474", "contents": "new jersey weather dover nj climat warm summer temperatur tend 70 cold winter temperatur tend 20 temperatur variat night day tend moder summer differ reach 25 degre fahrenheit moder winter averag differ 21"} {"id": "6475", "contents": "averag annual pay dover 75202 00 15735 00 higher salari averag new jersey higher averag yearli wage 25394 00 cost live dover new jersey nj higher averag cost live state new jersey higher nationwid citi averag"} {"id": "6476", "contents": "14 33 mph 16 93 mph temperatur snow fall precipit inform page calcul histor data 18000 weather station period time 1980 2010"} {"id": "6477", "contents": "report describ typic weather dover air forc base (dover, delaware, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1974 2012. averag fraction time spent variou temperatur bands: frigid (below 15a\u00b015\u00e2), (freezing\u00b015a 15\u00e2 f\u00b0to), 32a (32\u00e2\u00b0f cold 32a\u00b032\u00e2), (to\u00b050a 50\u00e2 f\u00b0cool), 50a (50\u00e2\u00b0f 65a\u00b065\u00e2), (comfortable\u00b065a 65\u00e2 f\u00b0to), 75a (75\u00e2\u00b0f warm 75a\u00b075\u00e2) (85a 85\u00e2\u00b0f). hot 85a 85\u00e2 100a 100\u00e2 swelter"} {"id": "6478", "contents": "august hottest month dover averag temperatur 17\u00b0c (62\u00b0f) coldest februari 4\u00b0c (38\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour 12 july."} {"id": "6479", "contents": "dover, new hampshire, get 42 inch rain per year. us averag 37. snowfal 51 inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 114. average, 198 sunni day per year dover, new hampshire. juli high around 83 degrees. januari low 13"} {"id": "6480", "contents": "lean manufactur lean production, often simpli lean systemat method elimin wast muda within manufactur system. lean seen mani gener toyota product system industri context acknowledg differ seem develop implementation."} {"id": "6481", "contents": "essentially, lean center make obviou add valu reduc everyth else. lean manufactur manag philosophi deriv mostli toyota product system (tps) (henc term toyot also prevalent) identifi lean 1990s. lean seen mani gener toyota product system industri context acknowledg differ seem develop implementation."} {"id": "6482", "contents": "lean manufactur term commonli use describ toyota product system (tps). figure, tp house. base, oper stability, mean creat consist method tasks, equipment, workplac organization, output work. lean manufactur includ set principl lean thinker use achiev improv productivity, quality, lead-tim elimin wast kaizen. kaizen japanes word essenti mean chang better good change.."} {"id": "6483", "contents": "toyota product system (tps) integr socio-techn system, develop toyota, compris manag philosophi practices. tp organ manufactur logist automobil manufacturer, includ interact supplier customers. system major precursor gener lean manufactur taiichi ohno eiji toyoda, japanes industri engineers, develop system 1948 1975."} {"id": "6484", "contents": "lean acronym (\u201clean\u201d). list thing lean not: lean set manag practic base toyota product system (tps). phrase \u201clean production\u201d coin group mit research wrote book machin chang world."} {"id": "6485", "contents": "lean management, also known lean enterpris lean manufacturing, manag philosophi base toyota product system (tps). object lean think elimin everyth add valu customer' eyes. lean manag manag philosophi base toyota product system (tps). manag philosophi coin lean 1990s. object lean think elimin everyth add valu (i.e. waste) customer' perspect"} {"id": "6486", "contents": "confid vote 71. south africa 11 offici languages, european origin, rest african origin. list say hello goodby three languages. english: hello-goodbye. afrikaans: hello hallo, hi haai, goodby totsiens."} {"id": "6487", "contents": "say hello amharic: hello amhar tena yistelegn, pronounc teen-as-tell-an, formal. also use inform selam, pronounc sall-aam. amhar semit languag offici work languag ethiopia. say hello czech: hello czech dobr\u00fd den, pronounc doh-bre dehn. inform way say hello ahoj, pronounc ahoy. czech slavic languag mutual intellig slovak."} {"id": "6488", "contents": "learn say pronounc goeie dag...mean hello good day afrikaans. learn at: http://howtosayhello.in/afrikaans."} {"id": "6489", "contents": "tweet. mani english-speakers\u2019 ears, afrikaan sound lot like german, cross german dutch. german root certainli lot it\u2019 spoken today, afrikaan also influenc indonesian and, course, african languages. afrikaan carri quit lot polit baggage, languag country\u2019 ruler apartheid, remain good health, spoken million south africans, white black."} {"id": "6490", "contents": "2. say \u201chaai\u201d \u201challo\u201d greet acquaint friend. use inform way say \u201chello\u201d afrikaan know person familiar term person. mani afrikaan greet \u201chaai\u201d \u201challo\u201d see street homes. 3. 1. greet stranger formal \u201cgoie dag\u201d. first meet someone, greet formal sign respect formal way say \u201chello\u201d afrikaans. also offer hand person shake hand formal way greeting."} {"id": "6491", "contents": "learn afrikaan greet differ time day nativ afrikaan speaker also fluent english. learn say: good -'goeie', good morn 'goeie more', good day 'goeie dag' ,good afternoon 'goeie middag', go even 'goeie naand' good night 'goeie nag'."} {"id": "6492", "contents": "use afrikaan phrases. collect use phrase afrikaans, west german languag descend dutch spoken mainli south africa namibia. see phrase mani languag click english version"} {"id": "6493", "contents": "african greet help establish friendli rapport local peopl travel africa. sinc thousand languag spoken africa, i'v narrow choic quit bit."} {"id": "6494", "contents": "4. read directli august find dot slant line, line graph, top bar bar graph. read straight across left hit graph' label y-axis. whatev quantiti line intersect measur salmon return august. example, might want know mani salmon return stream question august last year. read across graph' horizont axi find august.. time elements, days, weeks, month years, almost alway list along horizont (x) axis."} {"id": "6495", "contents": "construct line graphs. student shown construct line graph set data. step-by-step procedur list along large, detail graph visual reference. data bar graphs. student introduc part bar graph purpos each. construct bar graphs. student shown construct bar graph set data. step-by-step procedur list along large, detail bar graphs. data circl graphs. student introduc part circl"} {"id": "6496", "contents": "line graph give piec explicit inform bar graph don't. steep line connect data point graph (that is, dot) indic rate change. steepli descend line, example, would show salmon return drop abruptli month next. example, might want know mani salmon return stream question august last year. read across graph' horizont axi find august.. time elements, days, weeks, month years, almost alway list along horizont (x) axis."} {"id": "6497", "contents": "line graphs. line graph cool! cool look provid much use inform know read them. know look line graph see graph line connect data points. see abl read interpret data help us decisions. particular line graph show cost cell phone plan includ 250 minutes. particular cell phone plan includ 250 minut per month along unlimit texting."} {"id": "6498", "contents": "data graph unit show student read interpret line, bar circl graphs. student also shown construct graph data table. learn determin graph appropri given set data. tri sampl lesson below, brows units. construct bar graphs. student shown construct bar graph set data. step-by-step procedur list along large, detail bar graphs. data circl graphs. student introduc part circl graph purpos each."} {"id": "6499", "contents": "read line graph line graph particularli use forshow chang time. read label horizont axi vertic axis. look see relat subject graph."} {"id": "6500", "contents": "read, create, interpret bar graph worksheets. read creat line graph worksheets. learn plot frequenc data number plot number line. discov plot order pair coordin grids. plot point grid connect line make pictures. interpret data picture-symbol graphs."} {"id": "6501", "contents": "shown read interpret data horizont vertic graphs. construct bar graphs. student shown construct bar graph set data. step-by-step procedur list along large, detail bar graphs. data circl graphs. student introduc part circl graph purpos each. shown read interpret data circl graph"} {"id": "6502", "contents": "tips. line graph give piec explicit inform bar graph don't. steep line connect data point graph (that is, dot) indic rate change. steepli descend line, example, would show salmon return drop abruptli month next. example, might want know mani salmon return stream question august last year. read across graph' horizont axi find august.. time elements, days, weeks, month years, almost alway list along horizont (x) axis."} {"id": "6503", "contents": "2. read directli graph get top bar. 3. read back left, level top bar interest in, intersect vertic y-axi chart. might help trace across graph bar axi finger pencil."} {"id": "6504", "contents": "one earliest settler surnam south africa, record cape good hope 17th century. modern origin regard dutch-flemish, true origin old french, specif breton. develop coet, residenti name one dwelt cottage, although name also baptismal, form pre 10"} {"id": "6505", "contents": "coetze meaning: mean coetze submitted. mean coetzee, pleas submit along refer page refer mean coetzee."} {"id": "6506", "contents": "use censu record voter list see famili coetze surnam live years. question censu record vari place place, year year, gener find inform like name household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, occupations, etc."} {"id": "6507", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. coetze afrikaan surname, deriv hungarian kocsi, mean koc gave name coach numer european languages. notabl peopl surnam include: basil coetze (1944\u20131998), south african musician. clem coetze (c. 1939 2006), zimbabwean conservationist."} {"id": "6508", "contents": "find peopl famili name coetze live come unit kingdom. use ancestry, search passeng arriv records, natur records, border crossings, emigr records, passport applications, even convict transport records."} {"id": "6509", "contents": "first record spell famili name shown gerhard coetsee, date 1655, marriag margaretha claasdochter, kampen, zeeland, netherlands, reign king william 111 orang england, 1650 1702."} {"id": "6510", "contents": "vertebrates, mucu (/mju\u02d0k\u0259s/ myoo-k\u0259ss; adjectiv form mucous) slipperi secret produc by, covering, mucou membranes. mucou fluid typic produc cell found mucou glands. mucou cell secret product rich glycoprotein water. mucou fluid may also origin mix glands, contain serou mucou cells."} {"id": "6511", "contents": "mucu mixtur water, sugar protein (and thing long, scientif names). even though slippery, gooey liquid far glamorous, play import role health. mucu that' produc respiratori tract import jobs: mucu protects. sick, possibl clear, yellow, green mucus. fact, usual produc clear mucu begin illness. bodi start fight whatever' bother it, mucu chang color."} {"id": "6512", "contents": "mucu also act sort flypaper, trap unwant substanc like bacteria dust get bodi -- particularli sensit airways. want keep environment, steril environment, free gunk, say johns. mucu kind sticki thick. even healthy, bodi mucus-mak machine, churn 1.5 liter stuff everi day."} {"id": "6513", "contents": "healthi body, mucu commonli clear, also white yellow. virus like common cold flu often result increas mucu production, especi sinu area, rare stool. may underli health issu begin see larg amount mucu stool. excess mucu stool sometim accompani symptoms, may sign bigger problem. symptom include: blood pu stool. abdomin pain, cramping, bloating."} {"id": "6514", "contents": "top 10 amaz movi makeup transformations. mucu slick substanc secret mucou membran line mani body\u2019 inner surfaces, lung nasal passages. consist proteins, antimicrobi enzymes, antibodies, salt."} {"id": "6515", "contents": "nasal mucu clear, sticky, liquid work filter prevent unwant particl air enter bodi nose. mucu natur part body\u2019 defenses, sometim produc excess. deal excess mucu frustrat seemingli never ending. best way treat excess mucu nasal passag determin caus produc treat underli problem."} {"id": "6516", "contents": "mouth, nose, throat, sinus lung line mucu membranes. membran contain mucu gland produce--surprise--mucus. mucus-produc membran line specif passag body, like respiratori digest tracts, protect support. sick, possibl clear, yellow, green mucus. fact, usual produc clear mucu begin illness. bodi start fight whatever' bother it, mucu chang color."} {"id": "6517", "contents": "phlegm mucus-lik substanc produc lower airways, lung respiratori system lead lungs, nose sinuses, produc mucu stream clog nose. may notic phlegm unless cough symptom bronchiti pneumonia."} {"id": "6518", "contents": "mucu thick gelatin fluid secret produc variou mucu cell line intestines, nose, urinari reproduct cell bodi organs. mucu made water, salts, glycoprotein (mucin) small cells."} {"id": "6519", "contents": "bodi primarili use mucu protect lubric delic tissu organs. mucu also use reduc damag might caus stomach acid, bacteria, viruses, fungi, potenti harm fluid irritants. reasons, mucu normal part life. excess mucu stool sometim accompani symptoms, may sign bigger problem. symptom include: blood pu stool. abdomin pain, cramping, bloating."} {"id": "6520", "contents": "herbal supplements: know buy. herbal supplement right everyone. get fact buy. echinacea prevent colds. ginkgo improv memory. flaxse lower cholesterol. list herbal remedi goe on. herbal supplements, sometim call botanicals, new. plant use medicin purpos thousand years. however, herbal supplement subject scientif scrutini strictli regul medications."} {"id": "6521", "contents": "dietari supplement product intend ingest contain dietari ingredi intend add nutrit valu (supplement) diet. dietari ingredi may one, combination, follow substances: vitamin. mineral. herb botanical. amino acid. dietari substanc use peopl supplement diet increas total dietari intake. dietari supplement may found mani form tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, liquids, powders. dietari supplement help ensur get adequ dietari intak essenti nutrients; other may help reduc risk disease."} {"id": "6522", "contents": "herbal supplement ad diet nutrit medicin purposes. herb use centuri mani tradit medicin systems, sourc phytochemicals, substanc found plant notabl effect body. herb supplement diet aid overal health stimul heal specif conditions. instance, ginseng use gener tonic increas overal health vitality, echinacea popular herb use stimul body' resist cold infections. herb come mani forms."} {"id": "6523", "contents": "herbal supplement classifi dietari supplement u.s. dietari supplement health educ act (dshea) 1994. mean herbal supplement -- unlik prescript drug -- sold without test prove safe effective."} {"id": "6524", "contents": "herbal remedi -- herbal supplements. introduct herbal supplement type dietari supplement contain herb plant part plant use flavor, scent, potenti therapeut properties. includ flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, roots. either singli mixtures. herbal remedi -- herbal supplements. introduct herbal supplement type dietari supplement contain herb plant part plant use flavor, scent, potenti therapeut properties. includ flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, roots."} {"id": "6525", "contents": "herbal remedy: medic prepar plants, includ world' tradit remedi disease. peopl think herbal remedi product sold counter supplements, saw palmetto extract goldens ointment. however, mani over-the-count prescript drug base ingredi origin deriv plants, includ aspirin digoxin."} {"id": "6526", "contents": "herb glanc dhhs. nih. nation center complementari integr health. find fact sheet inform specif herb botanicals\u2014common names, scienc says, potenti side effect cautions, resourc information."} {"id": "6527", "contents": "herbal (herbal medicine, botan medicine) use plant-deriv substances, sometim environment substances, treat cure medic conditions. herbal medicine: give patient unknown dose ill-defin drug, unknown effect unknown safety. herbal supplement non-pharmaceutical, non-food substanc market improv health"} {"id": "6528", "contents": "nutrit supplement includ vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sport nutrit products, natur food supplements, relat product use boost nutrit content diet. herb supplement diet aid overal health stimul heal specif conditions. instance, ginseng use gener tonic increas overal health vitality, echinacea popular herb use stimul body' resist cold infections. herb come mani forms."} {"id": "6529", "contents": "eleanor cammack cammi king (august 5, 1934 septemb 1, 2010) american former child actress. best known one actress portray bonni blue butler gone wind (1939). also provid voic doe falin fawn anim disney film, bambi (1942)."} {"id": "6530", "contents": "cammi king conlon, play rhett butler scarlet o'hara' daughter bonni blue gone wind 1939 lost battl lung cancer. conlon 76."} {"id": "6531", "contents": "cammi king conlon born august 5, 1934 lo angeles, california, usa eleanor cammack king. actress, known gone wind (1939), gloriou technicolor (1998) make 'bambi' (1994). marri michael w. conlon walter ned pollock."} {"id": "6532", "contents": "cammi king conlon, jokingli lament famou experi bare remembered, portray scarlett o'hara rhett butler' ill-fat young daughter film gone wind, died."} {"id": "6533", "contents": "bonni die scarlett rhett grew apart. bonni portray cammi king film gone wind. bonni cammi king' first role king five portray bonnie."} {"id": "6534", "contents": "conlon four year old portray ill-fat bonni blue butler 1939 blockbust film gone wind.. three year later, voic part doe falin bambi.. that, depart show busi eventu famili new career."} {"id": "6535", "contents": "ann rutherford, play scarlett o'hara' littl sister carreen 1939 classic movi gone wind, die age 94, close friend said tuesday."} {"id": "6536", "contents": "even patriot leader like thoma jefferson john adam condemn pain extremist issu post-independ government. still, common sens grew patriot cause. made differ reader pain new arriv america."} {"id": "6537", "contents": "common sense-thoma paine. part i-whi declar part ii-explain colonist view govern part ii-long list grievanc part iv-summar 13 coloni would part britian."} {"id": "6538", "contents": "day 1776, writer thoma pain publish pamphlet \u201ccommon sense,\u201d set forth argument favor american independence. although littl use today, pamphlet import medium spread idea 16th 19th centuries."} {"id": "6539", "contents": "thoma pain (29 januari 1737 june 1809) english-american polit writer, theorist, activist great influenc thought idea led american revolut unit state declar independence."} {"id": "6540", "contents": "key concept 3.2, i, b: \u201cthe colonists\u2019 belief superior republican self-govern base natur right peopl found clearest american express thoma paine\u2019 common sens declar independence.\u201d. page 34 curriculum framework."} {"id": "6541", "contents": "life thoma paine. earli life, littl suggest thoma pain would becom one influenti writer 18th century. born england januari 29, 1737 drop school time 12. littl success apprentic father, corset maker."} {"id": "6542", "contents": "earli life, littl suggest thoma pain would becom one influenti writer 18th century. born england januari 29, 1737 drop school time 12. littl success apprentic father, corset maker."} {"id": "6543", "contents": "cover credit card, make sure use pay reservations. updat credit card info here. accid drive zipcar file claim credit card company, want see document zipcar. find ga card driver' sun visor. fill up, you\u2019ll need enter vehicle' mileag (the odomet read dash). you\u2019ll also need first six digit zipcard number ga id number. watch short video fill up."} {"id": "6544", "contents": "zipcar provid automobil reserv members, billabl hour day. zipcar member pay monthli annual membership fee addit car reserv charges. zipcar found 2000 cambridge, massachusett resid antj danielson robin chase. zipcar oper subsidiari avi budget group. scott griffith, run compani previou 10 years, resign day acquisit closed, pass rein new compani president, mark norman. earli 2014, kay ceill took zipcar' north american president."} {"id": "6545", "contents": "zipcar membership cancel time contact office. either email local phone number list site."} {"id": "6546", "contents": "here' know reserv zipcar spain: avancar branding: car call avancars. vehicl brand look similar use to, say avancar instead. bring zipcard: cannot start reserv mobil app. find ga card driver' sun visor. fill up, you\u2019ll need enter vehicle' mileag (the odomet read dash). you\u2019ll also need first six digit zipcard number ga id number. watch short video fill up."} {"id": "6547", "contents": "zipcar app reserv system. use zipcar app manag account\u2019 bill information, find nearest home location, reserv vehicle. also call zipcar\u2019 hotlin make reservation, cost $3.95 per use. monthli drive plan: $6 monthli fee, refund cancel month up. co-driv cost $3 extra per month. make annual fee $72 singl driver. rate ident occasion drive plan."} {"id": "6548", "contents": "reserv zipcar littl one hour, much day time. whether quick shop trip extra long escap city, book car van half-hour increments. like keep car days, call us we'll tri help out. 75 year age two year drive experi last year accid claim time. drive record meet follow requirements: held full drive licenc minimum 12 months. penalti point drive licence."} {"id": "6549", "contents": "reserv zipcar littl one hour, much day time. whether quick shop trip full week freedom, book half-hour increments. like keep car days, call us we'll tri help out. there' problem reserv vehicle, pleas call zipcar. garag attend good work relationship zipcar, employ garag zipcar. issue, attend may abl assist way zipcar rep can."} {"id": "6550", "contents": "left someth zipcar, re-ent car within three hour end reserv retriev item, long car reserv someon else. pleas start vehicle, charg use. find ga card driver' sun visor. fill up, you\u2019ll need enter vehicle' mileag (the odomet read dash). you\u2019ll also need first six digit zipcard number ga id number. watch short video fill up."} {"id": "6551", "contents": "reserv zipcar littl one hour, much day time. whether quick shop trip full week freedom, book half-hour increments. like keep car days, call us we'll tri help out. find ga card driver' sun visor. fill up, you\u2019ll need enter vehicle' mileag (the odomet read dash). you\u2019ll also need first six digit zipcard number ga id number. watch short video fill up."} {"id": "6552", "contents": "fruit juic liquid extract directli fruit. reconstitut fruit juic made concentr (a fruit juic subject heat treatment reduc water content) ad water small proport concentrate. peopl found useful. incablue. overall: base research, reconstitut bad you. still healthi you. however, home made juice, squeez juicer, lot nutritious/healthier. problem is: peopl time squeez juic 10 oranges, nowadays."} {"id": "6553", "contents": "reconstitut lemon juic good substitut freshli squeez juic recipes, use question includ part popular detoxif diet. pure lemon juice, along readili avail ingredients, mix water thought cleans qualities. purest form, simpli slice lemon half squeez natur good it. mani products, eye toward convenience, lemon juic long avail reconstitut form, make long-term storag conveni larger amount juic affordable."} {"id": "6554", "contents": "mani juic compani around australia around world use concentr form juic transport storage, hydrat concentr (typic 80% water origin removed) arriv packag distributed. also worth check label ensur reconstitut juic produc less expens juic appl grape, offer significantli less nutrit value. pleas keep eye reconstitut juic contain artifici preserv sodium benzon well."} {"id": "6555", "contents": "(lemon juice, reconstituted) reconstitut lemon juic is, name implies, made ad water back concentr lemon juice. process food project, also requir flavor adjust order main uniform flavor."} {"id": "6556", "contents": "use reconstitut lemon juice. tast notic different, reconstitut lemon juic use recip call freshli squeez product. also use make lemonade, use ratio cup bottl product cup sugar qt. cold water. purest form, simpli slice lemon half squeez natur good it. mani products, eye toward convenience, lemon juic long avail reconstitut form, make long-term storag conveni larger amount juic affordable."} {"id": "6557", "contents": "reconstitut fruit juic juic produc fruit juic concentrate. differ slightli tast fresh juices, carri differ textur aroma. also worth check label ensur reconstitut juic produc less expens juic appl grape, offer significantli less nutrit value. pleas keep eye reconstitut juic contain artifici preserv sodium benzon well."} {"id": "6558", "contents": "reconstitut fruit juic gener mean ad water back concentr juic (diluting), mani compani use concentr form juic transport storage, time bottl product reconstituted."} {"id": "6559", "contents": "vote vote accepted. mean took grape juic concentr evapor water contain (a concentr juic sugar content increas least 50%). good produc concentr juic lower volume, easier/cheap stock/transport etc. 24.7% mean origin remov 75.3% water make concentrate. ad back, end back reconstitut 100% juice."} {"id": "6560", "contents": "reconstitut fruit juic made fruit concentrate. differ somewhat tast fresh juices, differ sort consist aroma. similar freshli extract juices, reconstitut fruit juic made use juicer, turn water content elimin feasible, convert concentrate. interestingly, reconstitut fruit juic provid near-similar nutrit valu found freshli squeez juice. even though use enzym vitamin destroy process elimin water content, juic manufactur add back point manufacture."} {"id": "6561", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean ailish name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name ailish check initi name last name discov look sounds. popular name ailish. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name ailish popular countri world."} {"id": "6562", "contents": "name alic form old french spell greatli contract version german name adalheidis. alic consid distinct name reviv 19th century. form adelaide. name deriv german element adel mean nobl heid mean kind sort. name becam popular book lewi carrol, alice' adventur wonderland (1865) alic look glass (1872). ailish gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ai-lish. u.s. 2014, rank 6174 babi name popular girl 20 occurrences. less boy given name."} {"id": "6563", "contents": "person experi name ailish: edit. share know! nicknam ailish: edit. share know! mean histori name ailish: edit. anglic form aili\u00adail\u00ed."} {"id": "6564", "contents": "instead, recommend pay greater attent origin mean name ailish. read babi name articl use tip regard babi name name baby. think give babi beauti name ailish, spread love share friends. popular name ailish. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name ailish popular countri world."} {"id": "6565", "contents": "mean ailish. irish name. irish, name ailish means-noble, kind.th name ailish origin irish name. name ailish often use girl name femal name. irish name meaning-noble, kind."} {"id": "6566", "contents": "ailish irish form name alice. name alic form old french spell greatli contract version german name adalheidi (possibl adalheidi adelaid adeliz alic adalheidi adelai aali alice). ailish gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ai-lish. u.s. 2014, rank 6174 babi name popular girl 20 occurrences. less boy given name."} {"id": "6567", "contents": "ailish-mean ailish. tweet. syll. ai-lis(h) ail-i- sh babi girl name ailish german origin use mainli irish. ailish variant alice. see also relat form, aili (ail\u00eds). irish ailish popular babi girl. name list within top. 1000 among famili girl name directli relat to, ailish alic frequent use in. 2012 syll. ai-lis(h) ail-i- sh babi girl name ailish german origin use mainli irish. ailish variant alice. see also relat form, aili (ail\u00eds). irish"} {"id": "6568", "contents": "ailish name meaning. mean ailish \u201cform elizabeth\u201d. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. popular name ailish. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name ailish popular countri world."} {"id": "6569", "contents": "nope! well, anguilla, least. learn need know nation symbol anguilla, easi drive orealia kelli primari school stoney ground section island. specifically, drive brightli paint wall surround school."} {"id": "6570", "contents": "coat arms: anguilla' coat arm contain three dolphin jump sea. orang color symbol endurance, uniti strength, circular motion continuity."} {"id": "6571", "contents": "coat arms: coat arms: anguilla' coat arm contain three dolphin jump sea. orang color symbol endurance, uniti strength, circular motion continuity."} {"id": "6572", "contents": "anguilla (/ae\u014b\u02c8\u0261w\u026al\u0259/ \u00e6\u014b\u02c8\u0261w\u026al\u0259-ang-gwil) british oversea territori the. caribbean one northerli leeward island lesser, antil lie east puerto rico virgin island directli north saint. martin"} {"id": "6573", "contents": "orang color symbol endurance, uniti strength, circular motion continuity. white background coat arm repres peac tranquility, blue base repres surround sea, well faith, youth hope. flag anguilla. flower: white cedar."} {"id": "6574", "contents": "repres anguilla\u2019 motto \u201cstrength endurance,\u201d plu one uniti arrang circl repres continuity. background white symbol peac tranquility. finally, turquoise-blu base stand island\u2019 crystallin surround sea."} {"id": "6575", "contents": "1871 st. kitt (st. christopher), nevis, anguilla, antigua british virgin island unit leeward island crown colony. 1882 st. kitts, nevi anguilla becam separ coloni remain offici 1980, although de facto anguilla separ 1967 (see anguilla)."} {"id": "6576", "contents": "answers. best answer: i/o devic error mean comput unabl detect input/output device. high possibl thumb drive usb port damaged. tri plug thumb drive anoth computer. thumb drive work fine, there' someth wrong usb port"} {"id": "6577", "contents": "sinc i/o devic error occur window os attempt use transfer mode avail recogn input, storag output devic -- extern hard disk drives, dvd cds, sd card usb devic -- error often fix updat devic driver. sinc devic i/o error commonli caus issu extern drive peripherals, check connection, usual usb connection, make sure correct snug. connect appear issue, connect extern devic differ comput see error occurs."} {"id": "6578", "contents": "best answer: i/o devic error input output error mean devic tri read inform laptop (in case cd drive) problems. i/o devic error mean, cure it? acer travelm laptop. put cd medium drive messag i/o devic error come up."} {"id": "6579", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: window error i/o devic error mean error computer' abil read data tri instal program copi data cd dvd drive. issu like occur window tri use transfer mode cd drive cannot use recognize. i/o devic error means, input output devic error. problem read (input) cd write (output) hard drive. like case damag cd. tri clean cd. music cd tri play begin end."} {"id": "6580", "contents": "report abuse. window error i/o devic error mean error computer' abil read data tri instal program copi data cd dvd drive. issu like occur window tri use transfer mode cd drive cannot use recognize. i/o devic error means, input output devic error. problem read (input) cd write (output) hard drive. like case damag cd. tri clean cd. music cd tri play begin end."} {"id": "6581", "contents": "caus io devic error. i/o error issu might occur follow reasons: window tri use transfer mode hardwar devic cannot use. hardwar devic tri access damag defective. hardwar driver damag incompatible."} {"id": "6582", "contents": "tri perform full backup window vista-bas computer, may receiv follow error messag backup first drive complete: request could perform i/o devic error (0x8007045d). pleas rerun backup issu resolved. attatch link correct issu troubleshoot encount problems. pleas let know correct issu still problems."} {"id": "6583", "contents": "best answer: hi, follow steps: get solution. --------------------------------------... window error i/o devic error mean error computer' abil read data tri instal program copi data cd dvd drive. issu like occur window tri use transfer mode cd drive cannot use recognize."} {"id": "6584", "contents": "set gothic novel charact itself. plot usual set castle, abbey, monastery, other, usual religi edifice, acknowledg build secret own. german gothic fiction usual describ term schauerroman (shudder novel). however, genr gespensterroman/geisterroman (ghost novel), raeuberroman (r\u00e4uberroman robber), novel (ritterroman chivalry) novel also frequent share plot motif british gothic. novel"} {"id": "6585", "contents": "effect gothic fiction feed pleas sort terror, extens romant literari pleasur rel new time walpole' novel. german gothic fiction usual describ term schauerroman (shudder novel). however, genr gespensterroman/geisterroman (ghost novel), raeuberroman (r\u00e4uberroman robber), novel (ritterroman chivalry) novel also frequent share plot motif british gothic. novel"} {"id": "6586", "contents": "famou exampl pure gothic fiction perhap first exampl genre, horac walpol \u2019s castl otranto (1764). major elements, recogniz throughout genre, include: atmosphere: gothic novel, atmospher one mystery, suspens fear, mood enhanc element unknown unexplained."} {"id": "6587", "contents": "gothic fiction, larg known subgenr gothic horror, genr mode literatur combin fiction, horror, death romanticism. german gothic fiction usual describ term schauerroman (shudder novel). however, genr gespensterroman/geisterroman (ghost novel), raeuberroman (r\u00e4uberroman robber), novel (ritterroman chivalry) novel also frequent share plot motif british gothic. novel"} {"id": "6588", "contents": "classifi gothic subgenr romant movement 19th century. begin 1764 horac walpole' novel castl otranto, movement quickli grew encompass larg bodi work novel, short story, poetic, artistic, dramatic, (in present day) cinemat forms. originally, call gothic term architecture(gener cathedr 12th-14th centuries, 1150-1350 +/-) call modern french style contemporari highli admir all."} {"id": "6589", "contents": "horac walpol first appli word \u2018gothic\u2019 novel subtitl \u2018a gothic story\u2019 castl otranto, publish 1764. use word meant someth like \u2018barbarous\u2019, well \u2018deriv middl ages\u2019."} {"id": "6590", "contents": "plot examples. plot gothic literatur novel typic involv people, well ghost paranorm phenomena, becom involv complex oftentim evil schemes, usual innoc helpless victim. major elements, recogniz throughout genre, include: atmosphere: gothic novel, atmospher one mystery, suspens fear, mood enhanc element unknown unexplained."} {"id": "6591", "contents": "patrick kennedy. definition: main ideas: gener terms, gothic literatur defin write employ dark picturesqu scenery, startl melodramat narr devices, overal atmospher exoticism, mystery, dread."} {"id": "6592", "contents": "novel usual regard first gothic novel horac walpole' castl otranto, first publish 1764. horac walpole' declar aim combin element mediev romance, deem fanciful, modern novel, consid confin strict realism. german gothic fiction usual describ term schauerroman (shudder novel). however, genr gespensterroman/geisterroman (ghost novel), raeuberroman (r\u00e4uberroman robber), novel (ritterroman chivalry) novel also frequent share plot motif british gothic. novel"} {"id": "6593", "contents": "orang river. south africa' longest major river.ris drakensberg lesotho (where known senqu) flow westward 2200km, final reach atlant ocean alexand bay.at sourc orang river lesotho rainfal 2000mm per annum."} {"id": "6594", "contents": "lesotho, river rises, known senqu river. economi collect point major south africa' water, orang river play major role support agriculture, industri mining. assist this, two larg water scheme created, orang river project lesotho highland water project."} {"id": "6595", "contents": "rise senqu river drakensberg mountain lesotho, flow westward across south africa, form part border south africa namibia, respons rich diamond deposit along namibian coast. kei river. great kei river form east queenstown, junction white kei black kei rivers. flow approxim 225km eastern cape provinc south africa indian ocean. kei river form southwestern border transkei, liter mean across kei."} {"id": "6596", "contents": "print map. lesotho, offici kingdom lesotho, mountainous, landlock countri complet surround republ south africa, first settl bantu speak peopl call basotho. lesotho' main economi base export diamond along water sold south africa. regardless, nearli 40% popul live intern poverti line us$1.25 day."} {"id": "6597", "contents": "lesotho, river known senqu part freez winter, altitud there. river run westward south africa, form south-western boundari free state province. economi collect point major south africa' water, orang river play major role support agriculture, industri mining. assist this, two larg water scheme created, orang river project lesotho highland water project."} {"id": "6598", "contents": "lesotho countri southern africa. known kingdom sky lofti altitud highest lowest point countri world (1400m) countri entir 1000m! lesotho total surround south africa fantast adventur holiday destination."} {"id": "6599", "contents": "list river lesotho. list arrang drainag basin, respect tributari indent larger stream' name."} {"id": "6600", "contents": "lesotho highland water project (lhwp) ongo water suppli project hydropow component, develop partnership govern lesotho south africa. compris system sever larg dam tunnel throughout lesotho south africa. lesotho, involv river malibamatso, matsoku, senqunyan senqu. south africa, involv vaal river. africa' largest water transfer scheme."} {"id": "6601", "contents": "botswana complet landlock countri centr southern africa. one southern africa\u2019 longest rivers, okavango, flow north-western part country, form unesco world heritag site okavango delta. botswana share border south africa, namibia, zambia zimbabwe. lesotho\u2019 geograph format characteris high mountain deep valleys, countri world entir territori locat 1,000 metr sea level. 75 lesotho mountainous, 25 consid lowland."} {"id": "6602", "contents": "dog see colors, way human do. peopl see variat violet, blue, green, yellow, orang red. dog see blue, violet, yellow shade gray."} {"id": "6603", "contents": "dog fact see color, shown fact dog' eye contain rod (which associ b/w vision) cone (which differenti colors). humans' cone attach neuron react light 435nm, 545nm 570nm, dog' cone react 429nm 555nm."} {"id": "6604", "contents": "dog see violet, indigo, blue, yellow. good tell differ violet, indigo, blue. blue-green color color white dogs. mostli dog see rich color older paintings. see brighter couler green."} {"id": "6605", "contents": "dog one-tenth concentr color-captur cone back eye human have. enjoy smorgasbord ting tones, dog see two colors: blue-violet yellow, well blend colors."} {"id": "6606", "contents": "actually, yes. dog see color (mean black white), lot fewer normal human do. instead see color rainbow violet, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, orang red, dog see dark blue, light blue, gray, light yellow, darker yellow, dark gray."} {"id": "6607", "contents": "words, dog see color world basic yellow, blue gray. see color green, yellow orang yellowish, see violet blue blue. blue-green seen gray. see spectrum look like peopl dog below. one amus odd fact popular color dog toy today red safeti orang (the bright orang red traffic cone safeti vests). howev red difficult dog see."} {"id": "6608", "contents": "dog see color, percept color people. cannot distinguish red, orange, yellow green. see variou shade blue differenti close relat shade gray distinguish people."} {"id": "6609", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. colporrhaphi (also vagin wall repair, anterior and/or posterior colporrhaphy, anterior and/or posterior vagin wall repair, simpli a/p repair a&p repair) surgic procedur human repair defect wall vagina."} {"id": "6610", "contents": "posterior repair use tighten back (posterior) wall vagina. use rectum drop normal posit bulg back vagina, caus back wall vagina sag, may result bowel dysfunction. anterior repair. anterior repair use tighten front (anterior) wall vagina. use bladder drop normal posit bulg front vagina, caus front wall vagina sag. condit known anterior wall prolapse, cystocel drop bladder"} {"id": "6611", "contents": "colporrhaphi surgic repair defect vagin wall, includ cystocel (when bladder protrud vagina) rectocel (when rectum protrud vagina). anterior colporrhaphy, speculum use hold open vagina, cystocel visual (a). wall vagina cut open reveal open support structures, fascia (b). defect close (c), vagin skin repair (d). colporrhaphi may perform anterior (front) and/or posterior (back) wall vagina. anterior colporrhaphi treat cystocel urethrocele, posterior colporrhaphi treat rectocele. surgeri gener perform unless symptom prolaps begun interfer daili life"} {"id": "6612", "contents": "anterior repair (colporrhaphy). (thi manuscript written dr. robert moor dr. john miklo reprint permission. locat atlanta, georgia atlanta center laparoscop urogynecology. inform go website: www.urogynecologychannel.net). even though anterior repair commonli util oper correct cystocele, anterior repair probabl effective, correct oper restor woman\u2019 anatomi maintain vagin length function."} {"id": "6613", "contents": "posterior repair also known posterior colporrhaphi surgic procedur repair reinforc fascial support layer rectum vagina. perine-orrhaphi term use oper repair perin body. quot success rate posterior vagin wall repair 80-90%. chanc prolaps might come back future, anoth part vagina may prolaps would need surgery."} {"id": "6614", "contents": "posterior colporrhaphi [s7](posterior repair) indications. signific rectocel (bulg posterior vagin wall), littl descent cervix. usual perineum defici also. oper time anterior repair (see above). postmenopausal, give cours oestradiol starting. anterior colporrhaphi [s7](anterior repair) indications. (1) prolaps anterior vagin wall troubl her, especi push back micturate, provid littl descent uterus. prefer wait childbear ended, prolaps may recur pregnanc"} {"id": "6615", "contents": "eukaryot chromosom made chromatid contain dna function make avail genet inform organism."} {"id": "6616", "contents": "addit nucleus, eukaryot cell may contain sever type organelles, may includ mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasm reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes. organel perform specif function critic cell' survival."} {"id": "6617", "contents": "chromatin, epigenome, sometim called, complex dna, histon protein associ macromolecul packag organ eukaryot genom within confin cell nucleu facilit cell-and tissue-specif program gene expression."} {"id": "6618", "contents": "nucleosome-simplest packag structur dna found eukaryot chromosomes; dna wrap around octam small basic protein call histones; 146 bp wrap around core remain base link next nucleosome; structur caus neg supercoiling."} {"id": "6619", "contents": "chromosom contain long strand dna carri genet information. unit dna replic live cells. typic prokaryot cell contain singl circular chromosome. eukaryot cells, much larger genomes, multiple, linear chromosomes."} {"id": "6620", "contents": "eukaryot cells, prokaryot chromosom intim associ special protein involv maintain chromosom structur regul gene expression. addit singl larg piec chromosom dna, mani prokaryot cell also contain small piec dna call plasmids."} {"id": "6621", "contents": "wherea bacteria singl chromosome, eukaryot speci least one pair chromosomes. one pair. anoth relev point eukaryot chromosom detect occur cell divis stage cell cycle."} {"id": "6622", "contents": "chromosom organ structur dna protein found nucleu cell. singl piec coil dna contain mani genes, regulatori element nucleotid sequences. chromosom also contain dna-bound proteins, serv packag dna control functions."} {"id": "6623", "contents": "despit differences, function prokaryot ribosom virtual ident eukaryot version. like eukaryot cells, prokaryot ribosom build protein translat messag sent dna. prokaryot cell contain larg quantiti genet materi form dna rna."} {"id": "6624", "contents": "chromosom also locat nucleu basic organ structur dna proteins. eukaryotes, chromosom dna packag organ condens structur call chromatin."} {"id": "6625", "contents": "muscl contract, muscl fiber shorten, increas tension muscle. contract completed, muscl fiber lengthen decreas tension. muscl cramp, however, muscl fiber remain shorten unabl lengthen due fatigu improp hydrat nutrition. /acefit/healthy-living-article/60/1478/why-do-muscles-tighten-up tight muscl frustrat painful, also limit movement. worst all, make harder stick exercis program. know manag prevent tight muscl help keep exercis"} {"id": "6626", "contents": "vagin tighten refer tighten pelvic muscl achiev maintain right degre elast pelvic floor muscles."} {"id": "6627", "contents": "think muscl tighten someth wrong muscles, word muscl overworked. natur inclin reliev tight stretch massage. however, import understand tight might essential."} {"id": "6628", "contents": "short answer no. muscl tighten import part tummi tuck procedure. allow side front profil improved, make abdomen look flat side hour-glass front. patient may simpli excess skin soft-tissu without laxiti abdomin wall. best describ process tighten abdomin wall. perform tummi tuck, process myofasci plication, plicat tightent fascial cover abdomin wall abdomin wall muscl return youthful, pre-pregnancy/weight gain position."} {"id": "6629", "contents": "muscl stiff condit muscl feel tight contract rather usual suppl state muscl rest. it\u2019 also call stiff muscles, rigidity, sever cases, spasticity. muscl stiff feel tension contract muscles. words, muscl feel like alway flexed. stiff may limit normal rang motion."} {"id": "6630", "contents": "muscl also tighten follow exercise. felt muscl soreness. delay onset muscl sore (or doms) felt pain stiff muscl 24 72 hour post-exercise. dom intens follow exercis focu eccentr contract weight lower slowed. /acefit/healthy-living-article/60/1478/why-do-muscles-tighten-up tight muscl frustrat painful, also limit movement. worst all, make harder stick exercis program. know manag prevent tight muscl help keep exercis"} {"id": "6631", "contents": "muscl tighten usual indic overwork muscles. physic mental stress lead tighten muscl muscl spasms. articl explain common caus muscl tightness. scroll know more, also simpl remedi prevent weaken muscles..."} {"id": "6632", "contents": "muscl tight (symptom description): medic symptom descript 'muscl tightness', follow symptom inform may relev symptoms: muscl symptom (type symptom). muscl tight (symptom description): muscl tight list type related-symptom symptom muscl symptoms."} {"id": "6633", "contents": "overuse, stress repetit movements, one main caus tighten muscles. repetit movement hand leg caus damag muscles, tissues, tendon nerv elbows, shoulders, knee heels; lead pain, inflamm muscl strain. physic mental stress lead tighten muscl muscl spasms. articl explain common caus muscl tightness. scroll know more, also simpl remedi prevent weaken muscles..."} {"id": "6634", "contents": "video side, prime price access netflix hulu plu ($96 per year each), wherea netflix hulu plu recur $8 monthli costs, $99 prime one-year subscript need paid front. (you get $20 first order $50 promo code tryitnow.). share free ship benefit (and prime benefits) one adult four children part amazon household."} {"id": "6635", "contents": "help custom service. amazon prime offer multipl ship benefits, includ free two-day ship elig purchases. member also get access amazon instant video abil borrow book kindl owners' lend librari"} {"id": "6636", "contents": "amazon (amzn) announc annual membership cost $99 year, $79. student membership cost $49 annually. february, amazon said consid rais price $119 year. prime member get two-day ship larg number amazon item extra cost, plu abil borrow kindl book stream movi televis shows. compani said blame increas increas fuel ship costs."} {"id": "6637", "contents": "netflix charg monthli fee $7.99 per month, come $95.88 per year. amazon prime cost $99 per year, come $8.25 per month. forget nice ship benefit get prime, pay same. servic librari options, could justifi prime membership instant. end, find servic worth either benefit prove even remot use you. let' break servic get specif idea $99 per year get you. update: amazon prime, use $79 year, gone $99 year."} {"id": "6638", "contents": "a.: amazon prime paid servic (free 30-day trial, $99 per year) give amazon shopper distinct advantages. member amazon prime elig for: free two-day ship elig item without minimum-ord balance, free same-day deliveri (in 14 metro areas) elig order $35. (you get $20 first order $50 promo code tryitnow.). share free ship benefit (and prime benefits) one adult four children part amazon household."} {"id": "6639", "contents": "price netflix subscript current cost $7.99 per month, price rise $1 $2 new member later quarter. exist member keep current price gener period time. assum $2 increase, netflix soon cost $119.88 per year. amazon prime membership cost $99 per year (or $8.25 per month), also includ unlimited, free two-day ship mani items. also get access company' grow select stream tv show movies. hulu plu cost $7.99 per month $95.88 per year."} {"id": "6640", "contents": "comments. amazon prime cost $99 year, price get whole lot 2-day ship prime-elig product onlin superstore."} {"id": "6641", "contents": "amazon increas price annual prime subscript $99 march 2014. amazon offer mani servic prime members, includ free 2-day shipping, unlimit stream amazon prime instant video, access kindl lend library. consid actual valu servic determin prime membership worth cost."} {"id": "6642", "contents": "bottom line: buy lot item $35 want two-day ship multipl item amazon prime membership, even $99, probabl still good deal. allow ditch stream tv/movi music service, even better. (thi updat story.)."} {"id": "6643", "contents": "atsc tuner specif use broadcast televis station north america send air tv signal home televis either intern atsc tuner extern atsc tuner form set top box. context atsc tuner, analog tv broadcast broadcast air receiv atsc tuner convert origin analog signal new digit signal view digit tv set."} {"id": "6644", "contents": "atsc (advanc televis system committee) group defin standard digit televis transmiss unit state mani counties. atsc digit replac earlier analog standard, ntsc. context atsc tuner, analog tv broadcast broadcast air receiv atsc tuner convert origin analog signal new digit signal view digit tv set."} {"id": "6645", "contents": "advanc televis system committe (atsc) standard set standard develop advanc televis system committe digit televis transmiss terrestrial, cable, satellit networks. high definit televis standard defin atsc produc wide screen 16:9 imag 1920\u00d71080 pixel size six time display resolut earlier standard. however, mani differ imag size also supported."} {"id": "6646", "contents": "atsc tuners. atsc tuner devic use recept digit tv signal (dtv), includ hdtv (high definit tv) signals. context atsc tuner, analog tv broadcast broadcast air receiv atsc tuner convert origin analog signal new digit signal view digit tv set."} {"id": "6647", "contents": "atsc channels. type channel, also known 8-vsb, broadcast air, receiv antenna tv hdtv tuner. look signal scope, data point carri inform appear bit scatter compar qam, carri half data, 19.2 mbps. atsc stand advanc televis standard committe qam acronym quadratur amplitud modulation. also qpsk, format use satellit broadcast sinc receiv proprietari satellit tv boxes, hdtv tuner tvs, it\u2019 import discussion."} {"id": "6648", "contents": "atsc (advanc televis system committee) tuner, often call atsc receiv hdtv tuner type televis tuner allow recept digit televis (dtv) televis channel transmit televis station north america, part central america south korea use atsc standards. atsc tuner channel scan, find signal channel 43, learn materi call channel 4, rememb mapping. user tune 4, tuner know tune 43."} {"id": "6649", "contents": "video i'll show receiv free hd channel use antenna atsc digit tuner. cours also need hdtv. simplest cost effect thing get tv atsc tuner built in. need antenna."} {"id": "6650", "contents": "ntsc-thi analog tv tuner built everi vcr televis america. basic purpos bring analog broadcasts. receiv cabl antenna broadcasts. everi tv buy. atsc-thi hight definit tuner time next year requir everi new televis 20 larger. purpos receiv air (ota) broadcast local channel via antenna, cable. qam-i high definit cabl tuner. use receiv hd cabl broadcast without box, connect coax directli television."} {"id": "6651", "contents": "atsc standard over-the-air broadcast digit tv stations. buy atsc antenna atsc tuner enabl receiv digit station air. use hdtv' display digit stations, buy atsc convert box use older television. check nab station list find rf channel use tv station area. rf channel is. need vhf antenna channel."} {"id": "6652", "contents": "employer\u2019 perspective, car allow produc number attract benefits. car allow often easier manag compani car busi respons vehicle. vehicl own business, own employe choos car allow busi save time money go process sourcing, maintain administ fleet compani cars."} {"id": "6653", "contents": "automobil motor vehicl allowances. allow payment employe receiv employ use vehicl connect cours employ without account use. payment addit salari wages."} {"id": "6654", "contents": "firstly, employ pay motor vehicl allow essenti treat taxabl income. employ set non-deduct allow withhold tax (payg withholding) like would base salari cannot withhold tax treat fulli deductible. don\u2019t travel much work major travel person travel go probabl larg year-end tax bill allow incorrectli treat fulli deduct (ie. tax withheld)."} {"id": "6655", "contents": "unfortun sometim see situat employe receiv larg car allowance, $10,000 tax hasn\u2019t withheld employ treat allow fulli deduct isn\u2019t necessarili so. don\u2019t travel much work major travel person travel go probabl larg year-end tax bill allow incorrectli treat fulli deduct (ie. tax withheld)."} {"id": "6656", "contents": "motor vehicl allow paid one follow ways: per kilometr car expens payment paid per kilometr subject payrol tax. flat amount, fix amount fix amount plu rate per kilometr allow liabl payrol tax payment exce exempt component."} {"id": "6657", "contents": "car allow set amount money busi add employee\u2019 incom cover cost car car-rel costs. depend employer, car allow may pay full price vehicl or, often, car allow provid cover cost fuel, servic maintenance. busi usual provid car-rel cost car allow employe use person vehicl busi purposes. vehicl own business, own employe choos car allow busi save time money go process sourcing, maintain administ fleet compani cars."} {"id": "6658", "contents": "compani car system long establish uk. join company, new employ may offer compani car perk mean drive vehicl compani owns. good news allow tax-free. two rate base fact drive cost variabl (such fuel) other fix (insurance, tax, etc). payment 45p/mile first 10,000 mile 25p/mile thereafter."} {"id": "6659", "contents": "compani car vehicl busi own provid employe use. depend employer, compani car use busi use busi person use. vehicl own business, own employe choos car allow busi save time money go process sourcing, maintain administ fleet compani cars."} {"id": "6660", "contents": "522. 'true purpose' car allow compens use vehicl busi purposes-it howev time includ make 'package' attractive. (structuring)."} {"id": "6661", "contents": "motor vehicl allow paid flat fix amount (i.e. paid per kilometr basis). allow paid flat fix amount exempt car expens benefit. absenc record confirm busi kilometr travelled, total payment subject payrol tax."} {"id": "6662", "contents": "instal new home construction, home fire sprinkler cost averag $1.35 per squar foot sprinkler space, pay upgrad carpeting. invest family' fire protect may slightli lower higher, depend locat complex home."} {"id": "6663", "contents": "total sprinkler system cost basement home averag $6,730 compar $4,872 averag slab homes. two crawl space foundat identifi (fort collins, co cheatham county, tn). home averag price per ft sprinkler space $1.71 averag total cost $5,503. 2013 cost residenti sprinkler final report-newport partner page 30 commun abl separ materi instal cost sprinkler systems. materi cost averag $4,352 three system averag instal cost $8,650."} {"id": "6664", "contents": "also notabl drop cost sprinkler system suppli store water sourc 2008 studi present. 2008, averag total cost system store water suppli $11,184 ($2.73 per ft sprinkler space). 2013 cost residenti sprinkler final report-newport partner page 30 commun abl separ materi instal cost sprinkler systems. materi cost averag $4,352 three system averag instal cost $8,650."} {"id": "6665", "contents": "term sprinkler area, requir garages, home rang 3,216 4,013 ft 2. total builder cost home rang $3,930 $5,180, includ $180 permit fee. cost per ft sprinkler space rang $1.16 $1.29. 2013 cost residenti sprinkler final report-newport partner page 30 commun abl separ materi instal cost sprinkler systems. materi cost averag $4,352 three system averag instal cost $8,650."} {"id": "6666", "contents": "$300 per zone bare-bon drip system ad sprinkler installation: jeremi walla aspen ridg lawn landscap rapid city, sd estim could low $300 per zone, sinc you\u2019d simpli plug exist timer setup. sprinkler system price estimates. $1000 per zone: gener rule thumb residenti commerci landscap charg $1000 per zone. includ line irrig head given line,\u201d say rick evan aesthet garden mountain view, ca."} {"id": "6667", "contents": "california, cost sprinkler system $1.16 per ft sprinkler space, $4,091 averag total cost. comparison, commun cost $1.53 per ft total cost $7,877. 2013 cost residenti sprinkler final report-newport partner page 30 commun abl separ materi instal cost sprinkler systems. materi cost averag $4,352 three system averag instal cost $8,650."} {"id": "6668", "contents": "accord fire protect research organization' 2009 fire sprinkler cost assessment, sprinkler instal cost homebuild $0.38-$3.66 per sprinkler squar foot, averag cost $1.61 per sprinkler squar foot. averag 2,200-square-foot home, expect pay $3,542. nonmetal instal averag $1.18 per sprinkler squar foot; mix type cost averag $1.56 per sprinkler squar foot; sole use metal pipe typic cost $3.19 per sprinkler squar foot. locat play role cost fire sprinkler installation."} {"id": "6669", "contents": "averag 2,200-square-foot home, expect pay $3,542. 3,500-square-foot home, expect pay $5,635. fire sprinkler cost 1%-2% cost new home. alreadi exist properties, sprinkler system typic cost $2,000-$16,000. nonmetal instal averag $1.18 per sprinkler squar foot; mix type cost averag $1.56 per sprinkler squar foot; sole use metal pipe typic cost $3.19 per sprinkler squar foot. locat play role cost fire sprinkler installation."} {"id": "6670", "contents": "price depend varieti factors. complet sprinkler system new construct gener cost $1 $2 per squar foot includ equip installation. retrofit exist build expensive-usu $2 $7 per squar foot. complet sprinkler system new construct gener cost $1 $2 per squar foot includ equip installation. retrofit exist build expensive-usu $2 $7 per squar foot."} {"id": "6671", "contents": "jul, 2013 coffe lovers. nespresso world renown brand known rang classi sophist home espresso machines. use proprietari coffe capsul enabl make consist great tast coffe matter skill level person use machine. lattissima nespresso espresso machin popular best sell model entir rang good reason. give ultim one-button coffe make experi make favourit milk-bas espresso drink well, course, simpl espresso."} {"id": "6672", "contents": "nespresso machin take nespresso capsul ,, single-serv pod ground coffee, much like k-cup regular coffe drinker use. nespresso capsul color-cod easi identification, capsul belong particular series. nespresso one mani brand espresso machin market. however, reput stand rest super-conveni use. combin single-serv brew virtual cleanup make nespresso one top espresso maker brands."} {"id": "6673", "contents": "someth bit different, nespresso vertuoline. actual combin coffe maker espresso machin one. whether want straight coffe quick shot espresso, vertuolin covered. nespresso inissia afford nespresso machine. less $100, home espresso maker. like pixie, 19-bar pump qualiti espressos. use favorit nespresso capsul inissia."} {"id": "6674", "contents": "nespresso brand name nestl nestl\u00e9 nespresso.s. oper unit nestle, nestl\u00e9 group based, in. lausann switzerland februari 2014, nespresso launch new vertuolin system machin capsul unit state canada appeal demand north american countri larger cup coffee."} {"id": "6675", "contents": "nespresso compani manufactur machin capsul use, make money capsules. nespresso machin capsul purchas nespresso stores, mail-order, mani consum applianc stores. februari 2014, nespresso launch new vertuolin system machin capsul unit state canada appeal demand north american countri larger cup coffee."} {"id": "6676", "contents": "nespresso brand name nestl nestl\u00e9 nespresso.s. oper unit nestle, nestl\u00e9 group based, in. lausann switzerland nespresso machin brew espresso well full size coffe (coffe capsul pod in), bar machin type-of pre-apport singl use contain ground coffee. flavor februari 2014, nespresso launch new vertuolin system machin capsul unit state canada appeal demand north american countri larger cup coffee."} {"id": "6677", "contents": "nespresso rang includ larg work-hors coffe machin ideal workplace, other compact ergonom ideal place outsid kitchen. machin suit ador milk-bas coffee, other design speedili deliv delici espresso lungo drink. compar nespresso machines. find perfect coffe machin interact machin chooser. you\u2019r fan milki coffe super-fast espresso covered. we\u2019v test latest machin krups, magimix delongh pixie, citiz, essenza, lattissima+ maestria ranges."} {"id": "6678", "contents": "nespresso machin brew espresso well full size coffe coffe capsul (pod bar machines), type pre-apport single-us contain ground coffe flavorings. februari 2014, nespresso launch new vertuolin system machin capsul unit state canada appeal demand north american countri larger cup coffee."} {"id": "6679", "contents": "current 0.25c charg pass point circuit 0.5 seconds? 0.25 coulomb charg pass point circuit 0.5 seconds, current 0.5 amperes. current coulomb per second, divid 0.25 0.5 get 0. 5. bj sullivan."} {"id": "6680", "contents": "voltag sourc connect circuit, voltag caus uniform flow electron circuit call current. singl (one loop) circuit, amount current point amount current point. singl (one loop) circuit, amount current point amount current point. circuit contain voltag sourc broken, full voltag sourc appear across point break. +/- orient voltag drop call polarity."} {"id": "6681", "contents": "answer: d. seri circuit, current resistor. light bulb identical, resist resistor. voltag drop (i\u2022r) resistor sinc current resist resistor same. current seri circuit resistor present circuit. sinc light bulb resist (ident bulbs) current, power output (p discuss previou lesson)."} {"id": "6682", "contents": "seri circuit, current compon same, voltag across circuit sum voltag across component. parallel circuit, voltag across compon same, total current sum current component."} {"id": "6683", "contents": "movement charg round circuit call electr current. electr current rate flow charg round circuit. current point circuit amount charg pass point one second. electr current measur amper (amps, symbol a). current flow circuit charg coulomb pass point circuit everi second."} {"id": "6684", "contents": "current. transfer charg (i.e. move charge) call current. specif electr current rate flow charg i.e. amount charg pass given point circuit second. unit current amper (a) amp therefor coulomb charg pass second. s."} {"id": "6685", "contents": "current 0.25c charg pass point circuit 0.5 seconds? 0.25 coulomb charg pass point circuit 0.5 seconds, current 0.5 amperes. current coulomb per second, divid 0.25 0.5 get 0. 5. answered."} {"id": "6686", "contents": "current 0.583333 mean 0.583333 coulomb charg pass point everi second. mani coulomb therefor pass point 12 minutes? well 0.58333 time number second 12 minutes, 12 60 720."} {"id": "6687", "contents": "amount charg pass point circuit 2.00 second is(1) 1.26 10 19 (3) 2.52 10 19 c(2) 2.00 (4) 4.00 c39. 20.-ohm resistor 40. coulomb pass 5.0 seconds."} {"id": "6688", "contents": "sri lanka, jaggeri made use treacl kithul tree. jaggeri use extens south india balanc heat spici foods. also known stir heat body, caus sweating, way bodi cool high summer heat. vellam (\u0bb5\u0bc6\u0bb2\u0bcd\u0bb2\u0bae\u0bcd) tamil. also paagu vellam (for jaggeri made sugarcane), karumbu chakkarai, naatu chakkarai kalkandu crystallis sugari powder form jaggeri made sugarcane."} {"id": "6689", "contents": "organ jaggery: healthi altern sugar jaggeri tradit sweeten made evapor raw sugarcan juic without separ molass crystals. known panela south america mexico, gur india, softer refin sugar, vari color yellow dark brown."} {"id": "6690", "contents": "vellam (\u0d35\u0d46\u0d32\u0d4d\u0d32\u0d02) (for jaggeri made sugarcane) malabar, well north malabar chakkara rest kerala malayalam, sharkkara (\u0d36\u0d30\u0d4d\u200d\u0d15\u0d4d\u0d15\u0d30) term use malayalam. vellam (\u0bb5\u0bc6\u0bb2\u0bcd\u0bb2\u0bae\u0bcd) tamil. also paagu vellam (for jaggeri made sugarcane), karumbu chakkarai, naatu chakkarai kalkandu crystallis sugari powder form jaggeri made sugarcane."} {"id": "6691", "contents": "jaggeri (panela) natur sweeten made concentr sugarcan juic without use chemic synthet addit preservatives. contain enorm wealth miner protein vitamins. importantly, jaggeri (panela) great nutrit medicin value."} {"id": "6692", "contents": "jaggeri made product sugarcan date palm tree. sugar made sap date palm prize less commonli avail outsid region made. date palm tap produc jaggeri west bengal, south india, bangladesh, pakistan, nepal sri lanka. vellam (\u0bb5\u0bc6\u0bb2\u0bcd\u0bb2\u0bae\u0bcd) tamil. also paagu vellam (for jaggeri made sugarcane), karumbu chakkarai, naatu chakkarai kalkandu crystallis sugari powder form jaggeri made sugarcane."} {"id": "6693", "contents": "jaggeri also sometim made sap date palm. costlier also avail local district made. sago palm coconut palm also tap produc jaggeri southern india sri lanka. description. jaggeri tradit unrefin non-centrifug sugar consum asia. concentr product cane juice, wherein molass crystal separated. vari colour golden brown dark brown colour."} {"id": "6694", "contents": "made concentr sugarcan juice, molass separated, case sugar. color jaggeri vari golden brown dark brown. although tradit manufactur use either sugarcan date palms, recent time also made sap coconut sago palms. differ composit sugar jaggery. sugar made sucrose, jaggeri made predominantli sucrose, miner salts, iron fiber. hence, consumpt jaggeri recommend case iron deficiency. even health influenc different. sugar simplest form sucros"} {"id": "6695", "contents": "clear, univers distinct made across region india jaggeri sugar cane jaggeri palm trees, though sometim see someon specifi sugar cane jaggeri palm jaggery.. made mani small producers, need expens refining. jaggeri come lump mould shapes. colour vary, brownish yellow amber. sweet, though sweet refin white sugar, caramel smell. make stickier others. 15 kg raw sugar cane produc 12 kg jaggery."} {"id": "6696", "contents": "baltic sea anomaly. caper jones. compani locat find sunken ship recent turn unusu circular oval format baltic sea coast sweden june 19, 2011. discoveri made ocean dive team."} {"id": "6697", "contents": "baltic anomaly: far stranger ufo discovery. origin publish truthfall, special report craig brown. turn one amaz perplex discoveri history."} {"id": "6698", "contents": "hauk vagt youtube. strang object bottom baltic sea first spotted, thought might ufo crash water sweden finland, least, bore strike resembl star wars. millennium falcon. here' trailer upcom documentari baltic sea anomaly. materi given volker bruchert, associ professor geolog stockholm university, report life' littl mysteries.com."} {"id": "6699", "contents": "pictur video taken object, eyewit claim look like giant mushroom, sampl supposedli brought surfac analysis. here' trailer upcom documentari baltic sea anomaly. materi given volker bruchert, associ professor geolog stockholm university, report life' littl mysteries.com."} {"id": "6700", "contents": "scienc say. prospect baltic sea anomali nazi anti-submarin defense, plug underground world drown ufo might exciting, mani expert deem structur noth natur rock formation. origin publish topsecretwriters.com. baltic sea anomali name given unusu structur lie bottom baltic sea. object 200-foot circular rock-lik formation."} {"id": "6701", "contents": "background baltic anomaly. here\u2019 background. last summer, ocean team use side-scan sonar \u201cphotograph\u201d strang object deep baltic sea, approxim 260 feet surface. it\u2019 200 feet diameter, tail stretch 1,300 feet across sea floor."} {"id": "6702", "contents": "baltic sea thing unusu structure, probabl natural, bottom baltic sea. still offici name. call baltic (sea) anomali peopl like word anomaly, baltic sea ufo ufo nut tabloid journalists."} {"id": "6703", "contents": "anti-submarin base. anoth theori baltic sea anomaly\u2019 true ident anti-submarin base. theori suggest ander autellus, swedish submarin officer. autelli say structur shape german submarin trap world war ii. origin publish topsecretwriters.com. baltic sea anomali name given unusu structur lie bottom baltic sea. object 200-foot circular rock-lik formation."} {"id": "6704", "contents": "baltic sea 'ufo' anomali least 14,000 year old-may 26, 2013. news updat baltic sea anomali publish swedish newspap expressen may 24, 2013. circl baltic sea continu perplex."} {"id": "6705", "contents": "songwrit earn unpredict notori difficult estimate. without detail record record sales, downloads, streams, radio spins, licens tv, films, advertisements, imposs know much song earned. said, give framework."} {"id": "6706", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: becom songwrit write song others, sign paper give permiss use make money, settl percentag like 30% sales. way, song play radio, $50 $100 pop everytim play it."} {"id": "6707", "contents": "averag hit song radio today earn songwrit $600-800,000 perform royalties. example, black eye pea song boom boom pow 6.3 million singl sale 3.15 million album sale date equat $860,000 songwrit royalties. artist earn $300,000 song use nation commerci film $50,000 prime time televis show. learn gari though, write actual theme song, royalti stream much valuable. 4) print right rare royalti paid time print sheet music sold."} {"id": "6708", "contents": "singer-songwrit hire write commerci jingl advertising, song artist origin song performances. 2011 survey futur music coalit found singer-songwrit u.s. report make averag annual incom $34,455. example, union singer-songwrit hire april 15, 2012, minimum three-hour studio session record movie, would earn minimum $265.91."} {"id": "6709", "contents": "rs list ten big recent songs, much songwrit like made them, look at. know dude wrote close time also help write someon like you? now. also, fact will.i.am made much money boom boom pow worst."} {"id": "6710", "contents": "better royalti would make even more-up $12.5 million (\u00a312.5 million) five year period, $2.5 million (\u00a32.5 million) year. secret strive author write one best seller several-and negoti decent royalty."} {"id": "6711", "contents": "facts: 1. songwrit make incom mechan royalties. us, royalti use 8.5 cent per song per unit (cd) sold. januari 1st, 2006 becam 9.10 cents. album sell 500,000 copi 2006, would give songwrit $45,500 per song. [thi post origin written 2006. seven year later, much, much difficult songwrit make incom song record label go in, well, record numbers!]."} {"id": "6712", "contents": "nevertheless averag yearli salari songwrit estim around $40,000 2006. group, middl half made anywher $23,600 $60,400, lowest 10% make less $15,200. highest 10% group made $110,900."} {"id": "6713", "contents": "singl song million sell cd could earn $69,000. songwriter. hit, get lot airplay, could earn millions. cd sale 20% quarter end june 2007, continu decrease. download seem way folk want buy days, increas millions. songwrit own 100% songwrit royalties, 100% publish royalties. royalti fee radio tv incom gener venu pay privileg use songwriter' intellectu property. sometim let artist percentag songwrit royalty."} {"id": "6714", "contents": "e-fil choos direct deposit tax refund card, automat access money shop onlin pay bill refund. pleas use follow simpl step get state feder tax refund load walmart moneycard free."} {"id": "6715", "contents": "best way check statu feder tax refund visit where\u2019 refund page ir website, or, call 1-800-829-1954, 1-800-829-4477, 1-800-829-1040 inquir tax return statu ir custom servic representative."} {"id": "6716", "contents": "feder refund typic deposit card within 21 day e-fil return accepted. print mail return, expect feder refund weeks. check statu feder tax refund, one following:"} {"id": "6717", "contents": "e-fil taxes, gener expect refund within 10-21 days. ir doesn\u2019t guarante time issu refund check deposit. use ir refund statu page track refund."} {"id": "6718", "contents": "direct deposit avail individu incom tax return e-fil approv tax prepar approv on-lin servic provider. direct deposit avail origin refund avail taxpay file paper return."} {"id": "6719", "contents": "refund process time. e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance."} {"id": "6720", "contents": "ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance. mail paper return refund process time week date ir receiv tax return."} {"id": "6721", "contents": "refund schedul file tax extension, however, offici schedul tax refund amend tax returns. list includ date e-fil origin tax return. amend tax return process manually, often take 8-12 week process."} {"id": "6722", "contents": "4-5 busi days. file state tax return turbotax e-file. feder direct deposit take day state return vari week month. i'm massachusett resid close 30 day still receiv direct deposit."} {"id": "6723", "contents": "e-fil tax return direct deposit e-fil direct deposit fastest way get tax refund. ir state 10 e-fil tax return direct deposit process within 21 day ir e-fil acceptance."} {"id": "6724", "contents": "earth constantli degassing, transport helium crust mantl ocean atmosphere. light atom, helium escap earth therebi continu lost atmosphere. approxim lifetim helium atmospher myr."} {"id": "6725", "contents": "trace amount helium gravit bound earth constantli lost space. earth' atmospher helium replac decay radioact element earth' crust. alpha decay, one type radioact decay, produc particl call alpha particles. alpha particl becom helium atom captur two electron surroundings."} {"id": "6726", "contents": "crust upper layer earth. movement plate occur due earthquak occur. earth' crust thin layer rock, like skin apple."} {"id": "6727", "contents": "materi earth\u2019 crust earth crust outer layer planet. cover whole earth surface. thick layer vari 12 km seab 60 km great mountain ranges. earth crust made rock turn made minerals."} {"id": "6728", "contents": "earth' outermost layer hard brittl rock call crust. crust typic 23 mile thick beneath continents, 6.5 mile thick beneath oceans. crust rel light brittl compar earth layers. earthquak occur within"} {"id": "6729", "contents": "earth\u2019 origin atmospher probabl hydrogen helium, main gase dusty, gassi disk around sun planet formed. earth atmospher hot. molecul hydrogen helium move realli fast, especi warm."} {"id": "6730", "contents": "nuclear magnet reson spectroscopy, commonli known nmr spectroscopy, research techniqu exploit magnet properti certain atom nuclei. determin physic chemic properti atom molecul contained. howev frequenc scale commonli use design nmr signals, even though spectromet may oper sweep magnet field, thu 42 ppm 4200 hz 100 mhz refer frequenc (rf)."} {"id": "6731", "contents": "nuclear magnet reson spectroscopy, nmr usual called, medic techniqu may heard of, mri magnet reson imaging. chang name use medic field word nuclear might scare people. one want get nuked!"} {"id": "6732", "contents": "c-13 nmr spectrum give inform structur molecule. proton nmr background proton nmr. explan proton (1h) nmr spectrum arises, mean term chemic shift. low resolut nmr spectra. low resolut nmr spectrum use identifi hydrogen atom molecul are. read go high resolut spectra. section c-13 nmr proton nmr written entir independ other. obvious way tell whether need one both-and both, order need in."} {"id": "6733", "contents": "c-13 nmr spectrum complic compound c-13 nmr spectrum 1-methylethyl propano (also known isopropyl propano isopropyl propionate). time line spectrum. mean must differ environ carbon atom compound. carbon ch2 group attach hydrogens, carbon oxygen. two line differ place nmr spectrum need differ extern magnet field bring reson particular radio frequency."} {"id": "6734", "contents": "welcom spectraschool. welcom introduct spectroscopi page. find explan principl rang spectroscop techniqu includ infrar (ir), ultraviolet-vis (uv/vis) nuclear magnet reson (nmr)."} {"id": "6735", "contents": "page describ c-13 nmr spectrum tell use thing carbon atom organ molecules. background c-13 nmr spectroscopy. carbon ch2 group attach hydrogens, carbon oxygen. two line differ place nmr spectrum need differ extern magnet field bring reson particular radio frequency."} {"id": "6736", "contents": "page describ c-13 nmr spectrum tell use thing carbon atom organ molecules. background c-13 nmr spectroscopi nuclear magnet reson concern magnet properti certain nuclei. carbon ch2 group attach hydrogens, carbon oxygen. two line differ place nmr spectrum need differ extern magnet field bring reson particular radio frequency."} {"id": "6737", "contents": "featur c-13 nmr spectrum. c-13 nmr spectrum ethanol. simpl exampl c-13 nmr spectrum. worri scale now-we'l look minute. carbon ch2 group attach hydrogens, carbon oxygen. two line differ place nmr spectrum need differ extern magnet field bring reson particular radio frequency."} {"id": "6738", "contents": "background proton nmr. explan proton (1 h) nmr spectrum arises, mean term chemic shift. low resolut nmr spectra. low resolut nmr spectrum use identifi hydrogen atom molecul are. section c-13 nmr proton nmr written entir independ other. obvious way tell whether need one both-and both, order need in."} {"id": "6739", "contents": "save money. smashword ebook cost fraction paper books. read book e-read devic (kindle, ipad, nook, iphone, soni reader, kobo, etc), read onlin browser. discov tomorrow' great writer today, show appreci support hard work. 85% net sale proce go directli author."} {"id": "6740", "contents": "welcom smashwords! smashword world' largest distributor indi ebooks. make fast, free easi author publisher, anywher world, publish distribut ebook major retailers. book noth advertisement, delet book account. bottom line, appear smashword must legal original, must either origin author exclus publisher. information, see smashword term service."} {"id": "6741", "contents": "author independ publish upload manuscript microsoft word file smashword service, convert file multipl ebook format read variou ebook read devices. published, book made avail sale onlin price set author indi publisher. smashword also upload book kdp, amazon .com' ebook publish website, februari 2014 longer offer service, due fall amazon. februari 2014, limit distribut amazon via smashword resumed."} {"id": "6742", "contents": "no. think exclus bad idea. author contract smashword non-exclusive. distributor. (the author publisher) publisher, retain ownership right works, still free publish work elsewher choose. book noth advertisement, delet book account. bottom line, appear smashword must legal original, must either origin author exclus publisher. information, see smashword term service."} {"id": "6743", "contents": "smashword (smashwords, inc.), base lo gatos, california, ebook distribut platform found mark coker independ author publishers. smashword also upload book kdp, amazon .com' ebook publish website, februari 2014 longer offer service, due fall amazon. februari 2014, limit distribut amazon via smashword resumed."} {"id": "6744", "contents": "okay, think time put smashword love-fest perspective. i\u2019v read mani articl late talk smashword best thing sinc slice bread. don\u2019t get wrong, said true. edit 6/21/11 accord smashword sale report page, appl sale adjust may 28, 2011. still show zero sales. i\u2019v got 35 review us ibookstor alon know can\u2019t right. hell, download it."} {"id": "6745", "contents": "smashword world' largest distributor indi ebooks, 370,000 titles. distribut book major retail apple, barn noble, kobo. read book e-read devic (kindle, ipad, nook, iphone, soni reader, kobo, etc), read onlin browser. discov tomorrow' great writer today, show appreci support hard work. 85% net sale proce go directli author."} {"id": "6746", "contents": "smashwords-distribut authors, contrast, enjoy unlimit free pricing, greater price control, ebook preorders, broader global distribut without handcuff exclusivity. unfortun amazon restrict access kindl unlimited. smashword deliv book sale amazon quit time now. kdp us sale only, close door sale billion potenti reader throughout world."} {"id": "6747", "contents": "authors, publish literari agents, smashword offer fastest easiest option distribut ebook world' largest ebook retailers. provid free tool marketing, distribution, metadata manag sale reporting. book noth advertisement, delet book account. bottom line, appear smashword must legal original, must either origin author exclus publisher. information, see smashword term service."} {"id": "6748", "contents": "symptom schizophrenia usual start late teen mid-20 men late 20 30 women. symptom may start suddenli happen gradually. childhood schizophrenia rare."} {"id": "6749", "contents": "schizophrenia affect men women equally. occur similar rate ethnic group around world. symptom hallucin delus usual start age 16 30. men tend experi symptom littl earlier women. time, peopl get schizophrenia age 45. schizophrenia rare occur children, awar childhood-onset schizophrenia increasing. risk violenc among peopl schizophrenia small. peopl ill attempt suicid much often others. 10 percent (especi young adult males) die suicide."} {"id": "6750", "contents": "complex, long-term medic illness, affect 1% americans. although schizophrenia occur age, averag age onset tend late teen earli 20 men, late 20 earli 30 women. uncommon schizophrenia diagnos person younger 12 older 40. possibl live well schizophrenia."} {"id": "6751", "contents": "best answer: late-teens/early-20' normal onset/varieti disorder. mani variat disord share similar symptoms, caus outsid genet caus schizophrenia relat problem age. psychot symptom (such hallucin delusions) usual emerg men late teen earli 20 women mid-20 earli 30s."} {"id": "6752", "contents": "rare age 15, start time this, often age 15 35. psychot symptom (such hallucin delusions) usual emerg men late teen earli 20 women mid-20 earli 30s. seldom occur age 45 rare puberty, although case schizophrenia children young reported. young peopl go develop disease, call prodrom period. prodrom period decreas function prior first psychosi"} {"id": "6753", "contents": "late adolesc earli adulthood peak period onset schizophrenia, critic year young adult' social vocat development. 40% men 23% women diagnos schizophrenia, condit manifest age 19."} {"id": "6754", "contents": "averag age onset 18 men 25 women. schizophrenia onset quit rare peopl 10 year age, 40 year age. diagram demonstr gener age onset trend schizophrenia men women, repres studi topic. men tend get develop schizophrenia slightli earlier women; wherea male becom ill 16 25 year old, femal develop symptom sever year later, incid women notic higher women age 30."} {"id": "6755", "contents": "age. schizophrenia occur age, tend first develop (or least becom evident) adolesc young adulthood. schizophrenia children like severe. although risk schizophrenia declin age, incid known peak 45 year old, peopl mid-60 (mostli women)."} {"id": "6756", "contents": "symptoms. men, schizophrenia symptom typic start earli mid-20s. women, symptom typic begin late 20s. uncommon children diagnos schizophrenia rare older 45. schizophrenia involv rang problem think (cognitive), behavior emotions."} {"id": "6757", "contents": "a. correct. schizophrenia tend occur later women males. averag age rang femal develop schizophrenia roughli age 25-29 (18-21 males). reason age differ gender well understood."} {"id": "6758", "contents": "(june 2013). affirm defens civil lawsuit crimin charg fact set fact alleg plaintiff prosecutor which, proven defendant, defeat mitig legal consequ defendant' otherwis unlaw conduct. mistak fact affirm defense: requir proof introduc doubt. mistake-of-fact defenses, defend assert mistaken belief prevent establishment, beyond reason doubt, requir men rea."} {"id": "6759", "contents": "defend respond plaintiff' claim prepar answer defend may deni truth plaintiff' alleg assert addit fact constitut defens plaintiff' action. rule govern plead court requir defend rais affirm defens first respond civil claim crimin charg her. failur may preclud assert kind defens later trial."} {"id": "6760", "contents": "denial deni plaintiff' alleg burden proof still plaintiff prove prima faci case. affirm defens deni alleg assert defens would negat legal effect plaintiff' caus action. burden proof affirm defens defendant. exampl would breach contract case. plaintiff claim contract defendant, defend perform contract. denial would say never contract plaintiff would prove exist contract. affirm defens would say yes, contract, 20 year ago thu action bar 10 year statut limitations.."} {"id": "6761", "contents": "follow admiss denials, answer outlin affirm defens avail defendant. affirm defenses, ground substant law, state alleg may may true, even true, law provid legal defens defeat plaintiff' claim."} {"id": "6762", "contents": "affirm defense, defend may conced commit alleg acts, prove fact which, law, either justifi excus otherwis wrong actions, otherwis overcom plaintiff' claim. mistak fact affirm defense: requir proof introduc doubt. mistake-of-fact defenses, defend assert mistaken belief prevent establishment, beyond reason doubt, requir men rea."} {"id": "6763", "contents": "p. 94; kinnear v. texa comm'n human rights, 14 s.w.3d 299, 300 (tex. 2000).affirm defensesan affirm defens defin denial plaintiff' right judgment even plaintiff establish everi alleg pleadings.. hassel constr. co. v. statur comm. co., 162 s.w.3d 664, 667 (tex."} {"id": "6764", "contents": "categor defenses. defens categor denial failur proof, affirmative, imperfect, perfect. defens also categor factual, legal, base justification, excuse. lastly, defens creat court (common lawa defens creat court. learn objectives. distinguish denial failur proof defens affirm defense. distinguish imperfect perfect defenses. distinguish factual legal defenses. give exampl factual legal defenses. distinguish defens base justif excuse."} {"id": "6765", "contents": "affirm defens burden proof gener defend prove alleg either preponder evid clear convinc evidence. mistak fact affirm defense: requir proof introduc doubt. mistake-of-fact defenses, defend assert mistaken belief prevent establishment, beyond reason doubt, requir men rea."} {"id": "6766", "contents": "denial deni plaintiff' alleg burden proof still plaintiff prove prima faci case. affirm defens deni alleg assert defens would negat legal effect plaintiff' caus action. burden proof affirm defens defendant. exampl would breach contract case. plaintiff claim contract defendant, defend perform contract."} {"id": "6767", "contents": "irrig salin rise salin groundwat build salt soil surfac irrig areas. ineffici irrig appli water plant use mean excess water leak past root zone groundwat (recharge)."} {"id": "6768", "contents": "salin measur salt dissolv water. salin usual measur part per thousand (ppt or). averag ocean salin 35ppt averag river water salin 0.5ppt less. mean everi kilogram (1000 grams) seawater, 35 gram salt. water estuari mix fresh water ocean water, salin estuari less open ocean."} {"id": "6769", "contents": "soil salin salt content soil; process increas salt content known salinization. salt occur natur within soil water. salin caus natur process miner weather gradual withdraw ocean. soil salin increases, salt effect result degrad soil vegetation. salin process result from: high level salt water. landscap featur allow salt becom mobil (movement water table)."} {"id": "6770", "contents": "ocean salin gener defin salt concentr (e.g., sodium chlorure) sea water. measur unit psu (practic salin unit), unit base properti sea water conductivity. equival per thousand (o 00) g/kg."} {"id": "6771", "contents": "salin salti dissolv salt content bodi water (see also soil salinity). conceptu salin quantiti dissolv salt content water. salt compound like sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, potassium nitrate, sodium bicarbon dissolv ions."} {"id": "6772", "contents": "fresh water ad exampl rivers, precipitation, salin ocean decrease. explain ocean less salti other factor like melt ice, inflow river water, rain, snowfall, evaporation, wind, wave motion current affect salinity. cubic foot seawat contain 2.2 pound salt, cubic foot fresh water lake superior contain 0.01 pound salt, one sixth ounce. mean sea water 220 time saltier fresh water lake."} {"id": "6773", "contents": "seawat typic salin around 35 g/kg, although lower valu typic near coast river enter ocean. river lake wide rang salinities, less 0.01 g/kg g/kg, although mani place higher salin found. conceptu salin quantiti dissolv salt content water. salt compound like sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, potassium nitrate, sodium bicarbon dissolv ions."} {"id": "6774", "contents": "split merg it. answer roy forssberg. confid vote 36.3k. salin salti dissolv salt content bodi water. salin australian english north american english may also refer salt soil. salin amount salt something. so, dri land salin amount salt dri land involved."} {"id": "6775", "contents": "synonyms: salinity; saltiness; salt. hypernym (salin kind of...): gustatori perception; gustatori sensation; taste; tast perception; tast sensat (the sensat result tast bud tongu throat convey inform chemic composit solubl stimulus). noun salin senses: 1. tast experi common salt taken mouth. 2. rel proport salt solution. familiar information: salin use noun rare."} {"id": "6776", "contents": "finally! inform need 2016 health occup aptitud exam (hoae) organ singl studi guide. hoae studi note provid full, in-depth coverag subject includ hoae. prior take test, studi extens use book. thank studi guide, score well test. found today made final interview. i'm excit abl chanc get program. feel hoae studi note key success test. felt long time nurs would right move me, i'm final take step make happen. again, thank much studi guide!"} {"id": "6777", "contents": "a. hoae result sent email within two week write test applic appli conestoga' practic nurs program written hoae conestoga. unabl provid hoae result student appli conestoga wrote hoae here. hoae web-bas assess administ computer. permit use calculator, dictionary, aids. sampl question hoae found www.psbtests.com/web/guest/test-resources."} {"id": "6778", "contents": "total time complet hoae 2.5 hours. hoae web-bas assess administ computer. permit use calculator, dictionary, aids. sampl question hoae found www.psbtests.com/web/guest/test-resources."} {"id": "6779", "contents": "sampl question psb health occup aptitud examin academ aptitud directions: academ aptitud measur well think learn. follow sampl demonstr type question expect answer part exam. sampl a. a. bad b. cost five minut call? a. $1.20 b. $1.12 c. $0.96 d. $0.76 e. $0.63 9. to? a. b. c. d. e. spell directions: spell measur well spell know variou rule grammar reflect spell certain words."} {"id": "6780", "contents": "colleg classes, base hour studi per class difficult class mani credit hour class worth. example, hour physic class realli hard, want studi hour week (3 hr hard difficulty). get enough sleep. make enough time schedul get enough sleep. get good night' sleep everi night make best studi time. import lead test, especi import right take test."} {"id": "6781", "contents": "sub-test hoae specif time limit number questions: academ aptitud 40 minutes; 75 questions. spell 15 minutes; 45 questions. read comprehens 35 minutes; 35 questions. hoae web-bas assess administ computer. permit use calculator, dictionary, aids. sampl question hoae found www.psbtests.com/web/guest/test-resources."} {"id": "6782", "contents": "a. strongli recommend complet hoae test conestoga college. however, 200 km conestoga college' doon campus, request off-sit testing. hoae web-bas assess administ computer. permit use calculator, dictionary, aids. sampl question hoae found www.psbtests.com/web/guest/test-resources."} {"id": "6783", "contents": "jul 26, '12 tissy2012. finish hoae test mohawk juli 19th. ive alreadi receiv test score back, see 'starfish' has, i'm quit concerned. 90% averag courses, took pre-health program mohawk. opinion hoae unfair. finish hoae test mohawk juli 19th. ive alreadi receiv test score back, see 'starfish' has, i'm quit concerned. 90% averag courses, took pre-health program mohawk"} {"id": "6784", "contents": "neurobiolog may studi develop brain. neurobiolog use explain neg behaviors. neurobiolog look chemic makeup person' brain help develop medic deal variou mental issues. us nation institut drug abus neurobiolog understand brain\u2019 function caus addiction."} {"id": "6785", "contents": "10 hilari insight foreign words. neurobiolog complex scienc studi brain nervou system human animals. neurobiolog studi develop brain develop anim neurolog origin disease, example. neurobiolog use explain neg behaviors. neurobiolog look chemic makeup person' brain help develop medic deal variou mental issues. us nation institut drug abus neurobiolog understand brain\u2019 function caus addiction."} {"id": "6786", "contents": "noun. 1. neurobiology-th branch biolog deal anatomi physiolog patholog nervou system. biolog science, biology-th scienc studi live organisms. neuroscience-th scientif studi nervou system. translations."} {"id": "6787", "contents": "societi neurosci (sfn) defin field studi nervou system, includ brain, spinal cord, network sensori nerv cell call neurons. interdisciplinari field, mean integr sever disciplines, includ psychology, biology, chemistry, physics."} {"id": "6788", "contents": "definit neurobiology. branch life scienc deal anatomy, physiology, patholog nervou system. neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccb\u012b-\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l. adjective\u00b7neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7ol\u00b7o \\-gist-b\u012b-\u02c8ae-\u02c8\u00e4\\ l\u0259. jist. noun advertis definit neurobiology. branch life scienc deal anatomy, physiology, patholog nervou system. neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccb\u012b-\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l. adjective\u00b7neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7ol\u00b7o \\-gist-b\u012b-\u02c8ae-\u02c8\u00e4\\ l\u0259. jist noun"} {"id": "6789", "contents": "knowledg center. neuroscience, also known neural science, studi nervou system develops, structure, does. neuroscientist focu brain impact behavior cognit functions. neurosci concern normal function nervou system, also happen nervou system peopl neurological, psychiatr neurodevelopment disorders."} {"id": "6790", "contents": "neurosci studi nervou system, includ brain spinal cord. broad term encompass numerous, specif disciplines, includ cognitive, clinical, development neuroscience."} {"id": "6791", "contents": "medic definit neurobiology. branch scienc deal anatomy, physiology, patholog nervou system. definit neurobiology. branch life scienc deal anatomy, physiology, patholog nervou system. neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccb\u012b-\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l. adjective\u00b7neu\u00b7ro\u00b7bi\u00b7ol\u00b7o \\-gist-b\u012b-\u02c8ae-\u02c8\u00e4\\ l\u0259. jist noun"} {"id": "6792", "contents": "firkin, deriv dutch word vierdekijn (mean fourth), actual small barrel beer one-fourth size stand full barrel beer; oppos standard beer barrel, contain 30.96 gallons, firkin full cask ale contain volum 10.79 gallons."} {"id": "6793", "contents": "get ask lot heck firkin peopl serv beer one. well, answer. firkin unit measur also size particular kind keg use cask conditioning; one quarter barrel, 72 pints, imperi gallons. firkin wooden metal. curiou thing manner tapped."} {"id": "6794", "contents": "tun cask doubl size butt equal six barrel capac 216 imperi gallon (982.0 l). invent brentford, tun use local breweri measur larg amount alcohol. capac breweri cask formerli measur standardis accord specif system english units. system origin base ale gallon 282 cubic inches."} {"id": "6795", "contents": "firkin may refer to: firkin (unit) small cask use liquids, butter, salt, sometim fish: firkin, volum beer; see english breweri cask units#firkin. firkin brewery, chain pub unit kingdom. firkin (unit) small cask use liquids, butter, salt, sometim fish: firkin, volum beer; see english breweri cask units#firkin."} {"id": "6796", "contents": "definit firkin. 1. small wooden vessel cask. 2. variou british unit capac usual equal 1\u20444 barrel. see firkin defin kids."} {"id": "6797", "contents": "noun denot quantiti unit measure. hypernym (firkin kind of...): british capac unit; imperi capac unit (a unit measur capac offici adopt british imperi system; british unit dri wet). meronym (part firkin): congius; gallon; imperi gallon (a british imperi capac measur (liquid dry) equal quart 4.545 liters). holonym (firkin part of...): kilderkin (an obsolet british unit capac equal 18 imperi gallons)"} {"id": "6798", "contents": "ale beer firkin (from middl dutch vierdekijn mean fourth) quarter ale beer barrel half kilderkin. unit much smaller wine firkin. cask size (themselv call firkins) common contain cask ale. capac breweri cask formerli measur standardis accord specif system english units. system origin base ale gallon 282 cubic inches."} {"id": "6799", "contents": "noun firkin senses: 1. british unit capac equal imperi gallons. 2. small wooden keg. familiar information: firkin use noun rare. hypernym (firkin kind of...): british capac unit; imperi capac unit (a unit measur capac offici adopt british imperi system; british unit dri wet). meronym (part firkin):"} {"id": "6800", "contents": "nine gallon beer, eight gallon ale, soap herrings. america, firkin rare used, except butter lard, signifi small vessel cask indetermin size, differ sizes, regul statut differ states. definit webster' american dictionari english language, 1828. previou word: firepan. next word: firm."} {"id": "6801", "contents": "penil enlargement, phalloplasty, began earli 1990s. sinc then, doctor refin techniqu decreas risk optim benefit surgery. penil enlarg lengthen penis, increas girth, size head penis, variou techniques. plastic surgeri board endors penil enlarg surgeri believ pose unnecessari risk otherwis normal function organ."} {"id": "6802", "contents": "cost penil enlarg surgeri less 60% total cost incur treatment surgeri us western countries. includ hospit fee, consult charges, hotel accommodation, travel expenditure, etc."} {"id": "6803", "contents": "reput doctor perform procedur although wide supported. ultimately, decis penil enlarg lie you. *the averag cost peni enlarg surgeri rang $4,000 $5,000. penil enlarg type surgeri use men erectil dysfunct caus disease, irrevers damag surgery. penil enlarg lengthen penis, increas girth, size head penis, variou techniques. plastic surgeri board endors penil enlarg surgeri believ pose unnecessari risk otherwis normal function organ."} {"id": "6804", "contents": "penil implant surgeri use 510(k) cleared, us patent elist implant provid perman progress solut men desir increas peni size. penil enlarg cost determin base differ variables. size implant one main paramet affect penil enlarg cost. dr. elist\u2019 implant use penil implant surgeri avail three (3) differ sizes: l, xl, xxl, provid simultan increas penil length girth 1.5-2, 2-2.5, 2.5-3 inches, respectively. payment full must receiv offic surgeri time. fee penil enlarg cost cover everi cost, includ surgeon surgic assistants, oper room services, anesthetist, follow-up visits."} {"id": "6805", "contents": "37 surgeon 13 clinic list price peni enlarg surgery-phalloplasty, penoplasty. price shown tabl below. tabl show price provid surgeon clinic rang lowest highest costs. information, click particular surgeon clinic. peni enlarg surgery-phalloplasty, penoplasti cost shown currenc specifi below. chang currenc right side page. prices-peni enlarg surgery-phalloplasty, penoplasty. view price list surgeon clinic perform procedure: peni enlarg surgery-phalloplasty, penoplasty. 279 surgeon 77 clinic perform procedur"} {"id": "6806", "contents": "averag cost penil enlarg surgery. penil enlarg surgeri (or phalloplasty) procedur enhanc size penis... phalloplasti surgeon reluct specifi price without meet patient review type surgeri desired, assess complex surgeri individu case. however, accord plastic surgeri portal, averag cost surgeri vari $3,500 $10,000."} {"id": "6807", "contents": "cost peni enlargement. rang $4,000 $17,000, depend techniqu involved.. surgeon offer multipl financ option penil enlarg surgery. creat easy, effect way patient financ procedur online."} {"id": "6808", "contents": "aesthet surgeri peni enlarg expens comparison procedur quit contrary, minor procedures. surgeri requir due diseas cost sever time amount. intervertebr disc operation, example, cost around eur 60,000. lengthen alon cost eur 7,200, thicken alon cost around eur 6,000. alway unpleas us doctor remind peopl surgeri cost money. doctor actual provid heal treatment, billing."} {"id": "6809", "contents": "penil enlarg surgeri (or phalloplasty) procedur enhanc size peni length, width both. surgeri perman option peni enlargement. phalloplasti surgeon reluct specifi price without meet patient review type surgeri desired, assess complex surgeri individu case. however, accord plastic surgeri portal, averag cost surgeri vari $3,500 $10,000."} {"id": "6810", "contents": "phone number popular healthcar marketplac (healthcare.gov) customers, sure follow step down. 40 min averag hold time. call 24 hours, day open now."} {"id": "6811", "contents": "call healthcare.gov phone number today (866) 888-0597 get enrol started, start ask question find low cost health insur option. find healthcare, good healthcar insurance, health insurance, healthcare.gov phone number. call healthcare.gov phone number, make first step get inform low cost health insurance. oper stand help get enrol start marketplac shop healthcar plan."} {"id": "6812", "contents": "healthcar marketplac (healthcare.gov) phone number. number step vote #1 7210 healthcar marketplac (healthcare.gov) customers. 800-318-2596. healthcar marketplac (healthcare.gov) phone support. read key step hint below. call insteadno wait hold."} {"id": "6813", "contents": "state health insur marketplac web sites. web site phone number everi state health insur marketplace. state feder govern run marketplace, phone number web site healthcar .gov. alabama health insur marketplac 800-318-2596. alask"} {"id": "6814", "contents": "islam law express allah 's accord islam belief. sharia law (arabic: \u0634\u0631\u064a\u0639\u0629\u200e \u0161ar\u012b\u02bfah, ipa: [\u0283a\u02c8ri\u02d0\u0295a], legislation; also spell shariah, shar\u012b\u02bfah; also known islam law, \u0642\u0627\u0646\u0648\u0646 \u0625\u0633\u0644\u0627\u0645\u064a q\u0101n\u016bn \u02beisl\u0101m\u012b) moral code religi law islam sharia deriv two primari sourc islam law: precept set forth quran, exampl set islam prophet muhammad sunnah."} {"id": "6815", "contents": "islam law repres one world' great legal systems. sharia, arab word mean right path, refer tradit islam law. sharia come koran, sacr book islam, muslim consid actual word god. like judaic law, influenc western legal systems, islam law origin import part religion. sharia, arab word mean right path, refer tradit islam law."} {"id": "6816", "contents": "thus, islam law, sharia, becam integr part muslim religion. follow muhammad' death a.d. 632, companion muhammad rule arabia 30 years. political-religi rulers, call caliphs, continu develop islam law pronounc decisions. like judaic law, influenc western legal systems, islam law origin import part religion. sharia, arab word mean right path, refer tradit islam law. sharia come koran, sacr book islam, muslim consid actual word god"} {"id": "6817", "contents": "sharia law law islam. sharia (also spell sharia shari'a) law cast action word muhammad, call sunnah quran, authored."} {"id": "6818", "contents": "sharia sharia law (arabic: \u0634\u0631\u064a\u0639\u0629 (. [\u0283a\u02c8ri\u02d0\u0295a]), basic islam legal system deriv religi precept islam, particularli quran hadith. term sharia come arab languag term shar\u012b\u02bfah, mean bodi moral religi law deriv religi prophecy, oppos human legislation. however, islam law grant non-muslim women legal right grant muslim women. sharia recogn basic inequ master women slave, free women slave women, believ non-believers, well unequ rights."} {"id": "6819", "contents": "introduction. sharia, islam law, influenc legal code muslim countries. movement allow sharia govern person statu law, set regul pertain marriage, divorce, inheritance, custody, even expand west. muslim countri islam offici religion, sharia declar source, source, law. exampl includ saudi arabia, kuwait, bahrain, yemen, unit arab emirates, govern deriv legitimaci islam."} {"id": "6820", "contents": "govern god. muslim countri islam offici religion, sharia declar source, source, law. exampl includ saudi arabia, kuwait, bahrain, yemen, unit arab emirates, govern deriv legitimaci islam."} {"id": "6821", "contents": "gram per medium banana, rank banana good sourc fiber. approxim one-third fiber banana water-solubl fiber. one medium-s banana, amount translat gram solubl fiber per banana. sinc banana good sourc potassium, sinc low potassium level known contribut risk muscl cramps, logic think potassium content banana reason fewer muscl cramp consumpt bananas."} {"id": "6822", "contents": "yes, banana contain fat, 0.3 gram fat 100 gram negligible. calori content banana low medium. small size (peeled) banana contain 80 calories. medium size banana (6 inch long) contain 100 calori larg banana(mor inchs) contain 115 calories. fat deposit bodi increas excess calories. banana contain fats. tri explain myth. banana high carbohydr noth sugar ye add gain weight eat excess bananas. balanc calori intak food calori burnout exercise."} {"id": "6823", "contents": "banana provid sourc sever essenti micronutrients, compounds, includ vitamins, bodi requir small amount day. eat banana boost intak vitamin a, c, k, well vitamin b-1, -2, -3, -5, -6 -9. bodi requir number essenti miner maintain health, eat banana provid bodi sever nutrients. banana contain small amount iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, selenium fluoride."} {"id": "6824", "contents": "bananas. banana contain three natur sugars-sucrose, fructos glucose-combin fiber. banana give instant, sustain substanti boost energy. research prove two banana provid enough energi strenuou 90-minut workout"} {"id": "6825", "contents": "banana also contain vitamin good sourc vitamin b6. lovabl taste, banana made scrumptuou dessert saut slice one orang juic ad pinch nutmeg cinnamon. last least, major caus muscl cramp potassium defici body. banana contain fats. tri explain myth. banana high carbohydr noth sugar ye add gain weight eat excess bananas. balanc calori intak food calori burnout exercise."} {"id": "6826", "contents": "second type cardiovascular benefit banana involv sterol content. banana low-fat food (less 4% calori come fat), one type fat contain small amount sterol like sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol. sterol look structur similar cholesterol, block absorpt dietari cholesterol. sinc banana good sourc potassium, sinc low potassium level known contribut risk muscl cramps, logic think potassium content banana reason fewer muscl cramp consumpt bananas."} {"id": "6827", "contents": "banana high potassium. banana provid sever key nutrient everyday health. low calori -- provid 90 calori 6-inch banana -- high fiber offer sever vitamin minerals. bore plain bananas, find way incorpor diet. fiber. banana pack nearli gram fiber diet eat 6-inch piec fruit. fiber banana insoluble. type fiber push wast make stool easier pass."} {"id": "6828", "contents": "banana good sourc vitamin b6 good sourc manganese, vitamin c, potassium, dietari fiber, potassium, biotin, copper. in-depth nutrit profil click here: banana. sinc banana good sourc potassium, sinc low potassium level known contribut risk muscl cramps, logic think potassium content banana reason fewer muscl cramp consumpt bananas."} {"id": "6829", "contents": "coach train develop person call coach support learner achiev specif person profession goal. learner sometim call coachee. histor evolut coach influenc mani field studi includ lgat est person development, adult education, human potenti movement, psycholog (sport, clinical, developmental, industri organizational), leadership studies."} {"id": "6830", "contents": "coach psycholog coach psychology-coach psycholog confus coach use psycholog base chang tool workplace: coach psycholog practic focus individu rather goal corpor involv detail assessment. latest relev articles: coach psychology-evid base coach versu belief coach coach psychology-valid coach models, tool techniques. coach credenti issu ..read more-mast coach certif course-cont ..read more. copyright 2004, behavior coach institute."} {"id": "6831", "contents": "articl provid introduct field \u2018posit education' demonstr appli posit psychology, includ evidence-bas coaching, inform assist school develop maintain optim function student staff. would argu school provid train posit psycholog consid use evidence-bas coach methodolog increas retent knowledge, enhanc transfer train integr part sustain strategy."} {"id": "6832", "contents": "coach psycholog explained. paulin willi map cpsychol csci. explan coach psycholog provid user www.coachingpsychologist.net forum main audienc psychologist either alreadi provid servic coach psychologist consid so. coach psycholog programm complet client feel abl lay path happiness, satisfact success without need ongo support. set time frame client differ uniqu needs."} {"id": "6833", "contents": "pleas contact us notifi registr opens. cours cover fundament principles, theory, techniqu posit psycholog coach combin lectures, case studies, demonstrations, readings, journal prompts, option student-to-stud coach sessions.cours content. ten-week cours connect scienc posit psycholog coach practice\u2014provid skill techniqu need help client identify, pursue, achiev coach goals.eekli read assign consist materi posit psycholog coach literature. weekli journal prompt aim deepen students\u2019 engag materi help gain insight enhanc person profession develop coaches."} {"id": "6834", "contents": "short, posit psycholog scientif studi strength virtu enabl individu commun thrive. rich grow field, align perfectli coaching: assum peopl basic healthy, resourceful, motiv grow. phrase posit psycholog first use abraham maslow 1954, call psycholog focu human potenti much shortcomings. train program uniqu object integr scienc well-b everi coach practice. websit coach toward happi focus entir appli posit psycholog coaching, work, life."} {"id": "6835", "contents": "find test variou onlin sites. great test questionnair use client help make strengths, weaknesses, focal point work. posit psycholog coach best way work client posit nurtur way. like old bing crosbi song goes: coach use posit psycholog use via signatur strengths, detail charact strength virtues: handbook classification, christoph peterson martin seligman, help client achiev goal pursu happiness."} {"id": "6836", "contents": "mentorcoach take global lead bring posit psycholog world coaching. train program uniqu object integr scienc well-b everi coach practice. websit coach toward happi focus entir appli posit psycholog coaching, work, life."} {"id": "6837", "contents": "coach psychologist deal issu appli either clinic psychotherapeut techniqu within coach relationship, prefer instead on-ref client anoth servic provid address issu mental health psychiatr natur anoth setting. coach psycholog programm complet client feel abl lay path happiness, satisfact success without need ongo support. set time frame client differ uniqu needs."} {"id": "6838", "contents": "+2. permangan ion remov electron oxal acid molecul therebi oxid oxal acid. thus, mno ion act oxid agent reaction. oxal acid, hand, reduc agent reaction. give electrons, reduc mno ion mn 2+ atoms, ions, molecul unusu larg affin electron tend good oxid agents. element fluorine, example, strongest common oxid agent."} {"id": "6839", "contents": "stronger reduc agent weaker correspond oxid agent. fluorin ga strong oxid agent f-i weak reduc agent. known weaker acid stronger conjug base. similarli weaker oxid agent stronger correspond"} {"id": "6840", "contents": "reduc agent react spontan oxid agent stronger oxid agent coupled. henc pb reduc h+(aq), cu2+, ag+, br2 etc react zn2+ na+. consid seri element cu, 2, ni, zn ions. four element could act reduc agents."} {"id": "6841", "contents": "anoth exampl hydrogen peroxide, oxygen atom -1 oxid state. oxid state lie extrem common -2 oxid state oxygen, act either oxid agent reduc agent."} {"id": "6842", "contents": "weaker oxid agent. weaker reduc agent. basi mani experiments, common oxidation-reduct half-react organ tabl strongest reduc agent one end strongest oxid agent other, shown tabl below."} {"id": "6843", "contents": "answers: a) ca weaker affinity, henc better reduc agent cu. b) although ag+ strong oxid agent, stronger na+ c) fe3+ stronger affin fe2+."} {"id": "6844", "contents": "price dental crown rang $500 $2,500 per crown depend upon materi used, locat tooth geograph location. averag cost crown $825, without dental insur coverage. cheapest cost dental crown $500 simpl metal crown."} {"id": "6845", "contents": "may separ charg initi exam ($20-$100 more) dental x-ray ($10-$250). tooth extens decay, becom infect injured, root canal ($300-$1,500 front tooth, $500-$2,000 molar) might need crown installed."} {"id": "6846", "contents": "dentist usual go charg per tooth average, dental crown cost go anywher $750 $2,800 per tooth. depend sever problem well locat tooth."} {"id": "6847", "contents": "cost run $500 $1,500 per tooth. patient insur gener copay $280 $1,000 per crown averag payment $620. without coverag paid $875 $1,400 per tooth averag cost nearli $1,100."} {"id": "6848", "contents": "costhelp reader without insur report pay $830-$2,465 metal crown, averag cost $1,353. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $519-$1,140, averag payment $882."} {"id": "6849", "contents": "all-porcelain crown delicate, lifelik expens cost reflect this. type crown cost $800 $3,000. insur copay all-porcelain crown rang $530 $1,875, averag pocket cost $950 per crown."} {"id": "6850", "contents": "accord websit medicinenet.com, averag cost dental crown cost anywher $500 much $900 per crown. mention above, cover insurance, don\u2019t insurance, geograph locat play big role."} {"id": "6851", "contents": "metal crown gold alloy (call high nobl metal) base metal alloy (non-noble) cost $600-$2,500 per tooth. costhelp reader without insur report pay $830-$2,465 metal crown, averag cost $1,353."} {"id": "6852", "contents": "porcelain-fused-to-met crown cost $500-$1,500 per tooth. example, costhelp reader without insur coverag report pay $875-$1,400 porcelain-fused-to-met crowns, averag cost $1,093."} {"id": "6853", "contents": "yen currenc japan. yen :3 japanes use yen currenc unit. currenc currenc symbol japan? currenc japan yen code jpi symbol one two parallel horizont line it. sorri attach imag here, wise would have. need imag"} {"id": "6854", "contents": "japanes yen currenc japan. currenc rank show popular japan yen exchang rate usd jpi rate. currenc code yen jpy, currenc symbol \u00a5. below, find japanes yen rate currenc converter. japanes yen third trade currenc world, heavili trade currenc asia. due rel low interest rates, japanes yen often use carri trade australian dollar us dollar."} {"id": "6855", "contents": "money. japanes currenc yen (~, en). one yen correspond 100 sen. however, sen usual use everyday life anymore, except stock market prices. bill come 1,000 yen, 2,000 yen (veri rare), 5,000 yen 10,000 yen denominations. japan, currenc exchang usual handl banks, post offices, larger hotel hand licens money changer found especi intern airports. whether better chang yen come japan depend currenc hold."} {"id": "6856", "contents": "thoma northcut/photodisc/getti images. yen unit currenc japan. four kind bill (10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, 2,000 yen, 1,000 yen) six kind coin (500 yen, 100 yen, 50 yen, 10 yen, yen, yen) used. bill coin differ sizes."} {"id": "6857", "contents": "japanes yen history. import japanes yen. japanes yen third trade currenc world, heavili trade currenc asia. due rel low interest rates, japanes yen often use carri trade australian dollar us dollar."} {"id": "6858", "contents": "earli japanes minting: tomimotosen (\u5bcc\u672c\u92ad), found tobishimaik (\u98db\u5cf6\u6c60), end 7th century, copper antimony. japan currenc museum. japan' contact chines mainland becam intens tang period, mani exchang cultur import occurring. first japanes embassi china record sent 630, follow japan adopt numer chines cultur practices. import metal currenc appear japanes nobles, probabl lead coin mint end 7th century, tomimotosen coinag (\u5bcc\u5143\u92ad), discov 1998 archaeolog research area nara."} {"id": "6859", "contents": "japan' first formal currenc system k\u014dch\u014dsen (japanese: \u7687\u671d\u92ad, imperi currency). exemplifi adopt japan' first offici coin type, wad\u014dkaichin. first mint 708 order empress gemmei, japan' 43rd imperi ruler. import metal currenc appear japanes nobles, probabl lead coin mint end 7th century, tomimotosen coinag (\u5bcc\u5143\u92ad), discov 1998 archaeolog research area nara."} {"id": "6860", "contents": "limit amount currenc may brought taken japan. however, transport (ani currencies, checks, secur monies) exceed 1,000,000 yen worth japanes currenc countri must complet custom declaration."} {"id": "6861", "contents": "japanes yen (\u5186 \u5713, en, symbol: \u00a5; code: jpy) offici currenc japan. third trade currenc foreign exchang market unit state dollar euro. also wide use reserv currenc u.s. dollar, euro, pound sterling."} {"id": "6862", "contents": "one america\u2019 best-lov presidents, john fitzgerald kennedy, born polit social promin famili brookline, massachusetts, day 1917. first american presid born 20th century."} {"id": "6863", "contents": "john f. kennedi genealogy. john fitzgerald jack kennedy, also refer jfk, serv 35th presid unit states, 1961 assassin 1963. born brookline, massachusetts, may 29, 1917; son joseph rose fitzgerald kennedy. john f. kennedy' genealog includ irish immigr great-grandfather, patrick kennedy, cooper 1849 settl east boston, massachusetts. john f. kennedi elect member congress 1947 advanc senat 1953. year, marri jacquelin bouvier. john f. kennedy' famili tree extend birth four children."} {"id": "6864", "contents": "mini bio (1). john fitzgerald kennedi jr. born novemb 25, 1960, washington, dc, john fitzgerald kennedi (president-to-b john f. kennedy) jacquelin lee bouvier kennedi (jacquelin kennedy). three week birth, father elect presid unit states, nation love littl john. 6' (1.88 m). john fitzgerald kennedi jr. born novemb 25, 1960, washington, dc, john fitzgerald kennedi (president-to-b john f. kennedy) jacquelin lee bouvier kennedi (jacquelin kennedy)."} {"id": "6865", "contents": "earli life. john fitzgerald kennedi jr. born novemb 25, 1960, washington, d.c. first child ever born president-elect, john f. kennedi jr. second child born john f. kennedi jacquelin bouvier kennedi (later jacquelin kennedi onassis)."} {"id": "6866", "contents": "john f. kennedi born may 29, 1917 brookline, massachusetts. john f. kennedi born parents' home 83 beal street brookline, massachusett may 29, 1917. brooklin suburb boston."} {"id": "6867", "contents": "john fitzgerald kennedi born may 29, 1917 brookline, massachusetts, rose kennedi (nee n\u00e9e rose elizabeth) fitzgerald joseph. p. kennedi second four boy born irish cathol famili nine children: joseph jr., john, robert f. kennedi (call bobby), ted kennedi (born edward). rose made joe jack (the name famili call him) wear match clothes, fought lot attention."} {"id": "6868", "contents": "carolin bouvier kennedi born 1957 surviv member jfk' immedi family. john fitzgerald kennedy, jr. nicknam john-john press child, born late novemb 1960, 17 day father elected. john jr., die 1999 small plane pilot crash en rout martha' vineyard. kennedi assassin dallas, texa novemb 22, 1963. lee harvey oswald arrest afternoon charg crime night. jack rubi shot kill oswald two day later, oswald could prosecuted."} {"id": "6869", "contents": "john fitzgerald jack kennedi (may 29, 1917 novemb 22, 1963), commonli refer initi jfk, american politician serv 35th presid unit state januari 1961 assassin novemb 1963. kennedi assassin dallas, texa novemb 22, 1963. lee harvey oswald arrest afternoon charg crime night. jack rubi shot kill oswald two day later, oswald could prosecuted."} {"id": "6870", "contents": "john f. kennedy. john f. kennedi 35th presid unit state (1961-1963), youngest man elect office. novemb 22, 1963, hardli past first thousand day office, jfk assassin dallas, texas, becom also youngest presid die. irish descent, born brookline, massachusetts, may 29, 1917. graduat harvard 1940, enter navy. 1943, pt boat ram sunk japanes destroyer, kennedy, despit grave injuries, led survivor peril water safety."} {"id": "6871", "contents": "best answer: enzym serv biolog catalysts. enzym abil increas reaction without need increas temperatur import live system signific temperatur increas destroy cellular proteins."} {"id": "6872", "contents": "enzym sever complex protein produc cell act catalyst specif biochem reactions. help break food eat play role major"} {"id": "6873", "contents": "enzym import live organ way help acceler chemic reaction make life process body. lack enzym caus age process revers take enzym supplement overcom enzym deficiency. ask question."} {"id": "6874", "contents": "describ enzym affect chemic reaction explain make enzym import live things. enzym lower activ energi reaction posit reactiv group molecul right way make reaction like occur."} {"id": "6875", "contents": "peopl enzym lactas lactos intolerant. show enzym import live things. enzym bio molecul catalyz (i.e. increas rate of) chemic reactions. almost process biolog cell need enzym occur signific rates."} {"id": "6876", "contents": "enzym organ catalyst aid facilit chemic reaction body. enzym need metabol pathway body, respiration, digest import life processes."} {"id": "6877", "contents": "enzym occur natur live things. import system body\u2026digestive, nervous, respiratory, muscular, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic, skeletal, urinary, reproduct immune."} {"id": "6878", "contents": "enzym sever complex protein produc cell act catalyst specif biochem reactions. help break food eat play role major chemic reactions. example, without enzym could break milk contain lactose."} {"id": "6879", "contents": "live organ (bacteria, archaebacteria, protists, plants, fungi animals) enzymes. is, synthesis enzymes/produc enzymes, essenti physio logic components. enzym protein catalys essenti physiolog chemic reaction."} {"id": "6880", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl sale market director may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job sale market director unit state make less annual salary."} {"id": "6881", "contents": "averag salari wage nutritionists. accord unit state bureau labor statistics, may 2013, averag annual salari nutritionist $56,300. hand, non-salari nutritionist earn averag hourli wage $27.07 year. averag salari percentil nutritionist employ unit states: 10 percentile: $33,980. 25 percentile: $44,400. 50 percentile: $55,920. 75 percentile: $68,490. 90 percentile: $78,720."} {"id": "6882", "contents": "averag salary. accord websit simpli hired, conduct onlin salari survey, assist day care director earn averag $41,000 annually, $19.71 per hour, 2012. job outlook. bl predict job growth day care servic directors, includ assist day care directors, grow 30 percent 2020, compar project 14 percent occupations."} {"id": "6883", "contents": "prepar lesson plan instruct children. evalu monitor student' performance. requir bachelor' degre 2-4 year experi field relat area. state requir teacher certified. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field."} {"id": "6884", "contents": "across categori child care staff, wage significantli higher part-versu full year program (f=176.112, p<.0001). average, staff part-year program earn $14.48 (median=$13.00) per hour compar $11.35 (median=$10.00) full-year staff. administr salari staf survey, reli data report accredit bodi themselves. accord website, februari 10, 2010, 1251 famili child care provid sampl 43 3.4% nation associ famili child care (nafcc) accreditation."} {"id": "6885", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic sale market director unit state $140,929, 50% peopl perform job sale market director unit state expect make less $140,929. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job sale market director unit state make less annual salary."} {"id": "6886", "contents": "assum work week 40 hour 52 week per year, approxim equal gross annual salari $22,880 per year. median net earn licens famili child care provid less half figure, $10,000 per year, $12,000 per year two year ago. administr salari staf survey, reli data report accredit bodi themselves. accord website, februari 10, 2010, 1251 famili child care provid sampl 43 3.4% nation associ famili child care (nafcc) accreditation."} {"id": "6887", "contents": "sinc nutritionist\u2019 salari conting often sever variable, individu aspir build career profess awar salari percentiles. averag salari percentil nutritionist employ unit states: 10 percentile: $33,980. 25 percentile: $44,400. 50 percentile: $55,920. 75 percentile: $68,490. 90 percentile: $78,720."} {"id": "6888", "contents": "much mortician make? accord bureau labor statist (bls.gov), averag nation salari mortician $54,330. $20,000 nation averag occupations, worker within funer industry. top 10 percent mortician made $98,000. often, highest earner work metropolitan areas. new york city, connecticut, new jersey among top-pay locat morticians. number hour work per week affect mortician' salari well."} {"id": "6889", "contents": "it\u2019 unclear whether lichen moth former latter, although least one species\u2013th black-and-yellow lichen moth (lycomorpha pholus)\u2013i mimic distast net-wing beetles, member close relat similarli aposemat tiger moth group unpalatable."} {"id": "6890", "contents": "introduction. black yellow lichen moth, lycomorpha pholu (drury), member subfamili arctiinae, tiger moth woolli bears. common name subfamili refer bright wing color pattern found adult long seta cover mani caterpillars. figur 1."} {"id": "6891", "contents": "a: you\u2019ll notic lichen moths, colored, mostli yellow/orange/r black. typic insect kingdom combin flame-famili color black indic distastefulness\u2013a visual warn potenti predat wast time."} {"id": "6892", "contents": "black yellow lichen moth also member tribe lithosiini (subfamili arctiinae), lichen moths. common name tribe refer frequent choic lichen food sourc caterpillars. like tiger moths, lichen moth also common neotropics."} {"id": "6893", "contents": "black yellow lichen moth, lycomorpha pholu (drury), member subfamili arctiinae, tiger moth woolli bears. common name subfamili refer bright wing color pattern found adult long seta cover mani caterpillars. figur 1."} {"id": "6894", "contents": "adult lichen moth recognis wing colouration, way hold wings. mani rest wing roll around abdomen rather hold shape roof, lead common name footman. adult moth often bright orange, yellow, red, black white wing markings."} {"id": "6895", "contents": "lichen moth all!! toxins, aposematism, attitude, thorac tympana ultrason emanations, sensori setae, fecal flicking, mimicry, even cannibalism! insect!! taxonom lumper splitter work moth again."} {"id": "6896", "contents": "packard' lichen moth small, color moth wingspan 14-19 mm. gray forew pink yellow areas. anterior margin forewing, thin yellow line merg round pink patch near apex."} {"id": "6897", "contents": "ridg upper part pictur high pressur upper esophag sphincter open short time let water pass. peristalsi radial symmetr contract relax muscl propag wave tube, anterograd direction. peristalt movement compris relax circular smooth muscles, contract behind chew materi keep move backward, longitudin contract push forward. earthworm use similar mechan drive locomotion, modern machineri imit design."} {"id": "6898", "contents": "gastrointestin motil refer contract smooth muscl gastrointestin tract. gastrointestin tract commonli divid parts: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, larg intestin (colon). motil appropri specif function digestion, caus symptom bloating, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea associ sensat pain, bloating, fullness, urgenc bowel movement."} {"id": "6899", "contents": "food chew bolus, swallow move esophagus. smooth muscl contract behind bolu prevent squeez back mouth. rhythmic, unidirect wave contract work rapidli forc food stomach. peristalt movement compris relax circular smooth muscles, contract behind chew materi keep move backward, longitudin contract push forward. earthworm use similar mechan drive locomotion, modern machineri imit design."} {"id": "6900", "contents": "first, primari peristalt wave, occur bolu enter esophagu swallowing. primari peristalt wave forc bolu esophagu stomach wave last 8\u20139 seconds. peristalt movement compris relax circular smooth muscles, contract behind chew materi keep move backward, longitudin contract push forward. earthworm use similar mechan drive locomotion, modern machineri imit design."} {"id": "6901", "contents": "control peristalsi smooth muscl segment esophagu complic adjac striat muscl segment. latter, central nervou system initi primari secondari peristalt wave, also complet control sequenti natur contraction. esophag peristalsi consist sequenti contract circular muscl musculari propria, larg mediat acetylcholine. sequenti contract serv occlud esophag lumen push bolu aborally."} {"id": "6902", "contents": "much digest tract human gastrointestin tract, smooth muscl tissu contract sequenc produc peristalt wave, propel ball food (call bolu esophagu upper gastrointestin tract chyme stomach) along tract. peristalt movement compris relax circular smooth muscles, contract behind chew materi keep move backward, longitudin contract push forward. earthworm use similar mechan drive locomotion, modern machineri imit design."} {"id": "6903", "contents": "type muscl digest system smooth muscle, one type involuntari muscles. smooth muscl found urinari bladder, gallbladder, arteries, ins, digest tract."} {"id": "6904", "contents": "esophag peristalsi result sequenti contract circular muscle, serv push ingest food bolu toward stomach. esophag longitudin muscl may also play role peristalsis. esophag peristalsi consist sequenti contract circular muscl musculari propria, larg mediat acetylcholine. sequenti contract serv occlud esophag lumen push bolu aborally."} {"id": "6905", "contents": "peristalsi seri muscl contract relax occur along cours intestin tract push food wast product through. cases, peopl actual feel contract occur, especi case movement larg intestine. cow take part 'revers peristalsis' digest tract pull cud back esophagu chew again. peristalsi begin esophagus. vomit exampl bodi overrid usual muscl movement peristalsis."} {"id": "6906", "contents": "mean kesari. spanish name. spanish, name kesari means-youthful, young heart.th name kesari origin spanish name. name kesari often use girl name femal name. spanish name meaning-youthful, young heart. origin-spain."} {"id": "6907", "contents": "hind kesari: 1935 hindi film, see hind kesari (film). hind kesari indian-styl wrestl championship, establish 1958. affili india. kesari bhath: kesari bhat (kannada:\u0c95\u0cc7\u0cb8\u0cb0\u0cbf \u0cac\u0cbe\u0ca4\u0ccd) indian dessert popular throughout country. in kesari (l15): confus in kesari (2008), shardul-class tank land ship. in kesari kumbhir-class tank land ship indian navy. built. hind kesari: 1935 hindi film, see hind kesari (film)."} {"id": "6908", "contents": "kesari: kesari may refer to: kesari (newspaper), indian marathi-languag newspap in kesari, ship indian navi kesari (ramayana), father hanuman. in kesari (l15): confus in kesari (2008), shardul-class tank land ship. in kesari kumbhir-class tank land ship indian navy. built. hind kesari: 1935 hindi film, see hind kesari (film). hind kesari indian-styl wrestl championship, establish 1958."} {"id": "6909", "contents": "kesari balakrishna pillai (1889\u20131960), indian writer, critic malayalam wrote pseudonym kesari, name malayalam-languag newspap started. k. n. kesari (1875\u20131953), indian physician, social reformer, philanthropist, author, magazin editor music patron."} {"id": "6910", "contents": "sri kesari warmadewa: sri kesari warmadewa first king bali leav written inscription. author inscript 914 ce belanjong pillar (prasasti blanjong). kesari (newspaper): articl marathi newspaper. uses, see kesari (disambiguation). in kesari (l15): confus in kesari (2008), shardul-class tank land ship. in kesari kumbhir-class tank land ship indian navy. built. hind kesari: 1935 hindi film, see hind kesari (film). hind kesari indian-styl wrestl championship, establish 1958."} {"id": "6911", "contents": "mean name kesari (saffron; lion) '(a woman beauti hari)'. kesari (saffron; lion) name hindu indian origin, commonli use females. name number kesari (saffron; lion) '4'. click get numerolog analysi name 'kesari (saffron; lion)'."} {"id": "6912", "contents": "kesari bhath: kesari bhat (kannada:\u0c95\u0cc7\u0cb8\u0cb0\u0cbf \u0cac\u0cbe\u0ca4\u0ccd) indian dessert popular throughout country. origin karnataka. cuisin karnataka. sri kesari warmadewa: sri kesari warmadewa first king bali leav written inscription. in kesari (l15): confus in kesari (2008), shardul-class tank land ship. in kesari kumbhir-class tank land ship indian navy. built. hind kesari: 1935 hindi film, see hind kesari (film). hind kesari indian-styl wrestl championship, establish 1958."} {"id": "6913", "contents": "mean name 'kesari' differ region (origin). mean name 'kesari' differ religion (caste). mean name 'kesari' differ rashi. mean name 'kesari' differ nakshatra (star's). find qualiti gemini (mithun) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone kesari find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat mithun (gemini) zodiac signs. similar sound names: kesara, kasir, kesare, kausar, kesar, kaiser."} {"id": "6914", "contents": "name kesari gener mean saffron lion, indian origin, name kesari feminin (or girl) name. person name kesari mainli hindu religion. name kesari belong rashi mithun (gemini) nakshatra (stars) punarvasu. find qualiti gemini (mithun) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone kesari find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat mithun (gemini) zodiac signs. similar sound names: kesara, kasir, kesare, kausar, kesar, kaiser."} {"id": "6915", "contents": "estradiol (estrace) dosage. dose estradiol depend condit treated. estradiol tablet dose 0.5 milligram (mg), mg, mg typic given daili basis. also prescrib taken three weeks, follow one week medication. tablet taken day conditions."} {"id": "6916", "contents": "attempt discontinu taper medic made 3-month 6-month intervals. usual initi dosag rang mg daili estradiol adjust necessari control present symptoms. minim effect dose mainten therapi determin titration. treatment femal hypoestrogen due hypogonadism, castration, primari ovarian failure. treatment usual initi dose mg daili estradiol, adjust necessari control present symptoms;"} {"id": "6917", "contents": "usual initi dosag rang mg daili estradiol adjust necessari control present symptoms. minim effect dose mainten therapi determin titration. administr cyclic (e.g., week week off). treatment femal hypoestrogen due hypogonadism, castration, primari ovarian failure. treatment usual initi dose mg daili estradiol, adjust necessari control present symptoms;"} {"id": "6918", "contents": "estradiol vagin cream dose vagin symptoms. standard recommend estradiol vagin cream dosag treat vagin symptom gram cream insert vagin daili one two weeks, depend sever symptoms. that, healthcar provid may recommend cut back dose (bi half) anoth one two weeks. that, typic recommend estradiol vagin cream dosag reduc gram three time per week."} {"id": "6919", "contents": "treatment usual initi dose mg daili estradiol, adjust necessari control present symptoms; minim effect dose mainten therapi determin titration. treatment femal hypoestrogen due hypogonadism, castration, primari ovarian failure."} {"id": "6920", "contents": "much take. u.s., lowest avail dose oral (pill) estradiol (a estrace, example) 0.5 mg. tablet score easili break two halves, contain 0.25 mg estradiol. thus, bottl hundr tablet 0.5 mg estradiol last 200 doses."} {"id": "6921", "contents": "dosag administration. use estrac (estradiol vagin cream, usp, 0.01%), alon combin progestin, limit shortest durat consist treatment goal risk individu woman."} {"id": "6922", "contents": "women, recommend start estrac dose mg mg daily. necessary, healthcar provid may increas decreas dose. recommend estrac taken cyclic (such three week one week off). always, adjust estrac dose unless healthcar provid specif instruct so. use estrac menopaus symptoms, typic recommend medic taken lowest effect dose shortest possibl period time."} {"id": "6923", "contents": "recommend dose rang estrac (estradiol) vagin cream treatment menopaus symptom (mark applicator) daili one two weeks, gradual reduc one half initi dosag similar period. attempt discontinu taper medic made 3-month 6-month intervals. usual initi dosag rang mg daili estrace. dose adjust necessari control present symptoms. administr cyclic (e.g., week week off)."} {"id": "6924", "contents": "\u201cperipher nerve\u201d term use synonym describ peripher nervou system. peripher nervou system network 43 pair motor sensori nerv connect brain spinal cord (the central nervou system) entir human body. nerv control function sensation, movement motor coordination. peripher nervou system includ follow nerves: brachial plexu nerv nerv actual network nerv consist last cervic nerv root (vertebra c5-c8) first thorac (vertebra t1) nerv root, ensur motion feel upper limbs."} {"id": "6925", "contents": "brain. pain signal reach brain, number thing happen. certain part brain stem (which connect brain spinal cord) inhibit muffl incom pain signal product endorphins, morphine-lik substanc occur natur human body. pain messag may also direct along varieti pathway brain. instance, fast pain messag (a-delta fiber) relay spinal cord specif locat brain, name thalamu cerebr cortex."} {"id": "6926", "contents": "pain messag travel along peripher nervou system reach spinal cord. gate control theori propos gate bundl nerv fiber spinal cord peripher nerv brain. spinal nerv gate control flow pain messag peripher nerv brain. pain messag may also direct along varieti pathway brain. instance, fast pain messag (a-delta fiber) relay spinal cord specif locat brain, name thalamu cerebr cortex."} {"id": "6927", "contents": "usually, damag physic injuri disease. cancer tumor caus nerv pain. grow, tumor press surround nerves. cancer also grow nerv themselves. sometimes, treatment cancer -- chemotherapi drug -- damag nerves, lead pain. peopl nerv pain, messag system work correctly. brain receiv pain signal, feel pain, there' actual cause. now, pain without purpos -- there' cause, there' immedi way reliev it."} {"id": "6928", "contents": "damag occur nerv brain spinal cord. also occur peripher nerves, locat throughout rest body. autonom nerv damag may produc follow symptoms: inabl sens chest pain, angina heart attack. motor neuron diseases. motor neuron nerv brain spinal column commun muscl throughout body. diseas affect nerves, includ amyotroph later sclerosi lou gehrig\u2019 disease, result progress worsen nerv damage. nutrit deficiencies."} {"id": "6929", "contents": "sinc brain epicent pain body, natur medicin strategi reliev discomfort often focu there. example, stub toe, skin receptor send electr signal nerv fiber spinal cord brain."} {"id": "6930", "contents": "nerv control movement action pass inform brain spinal cord muscles. sensori nerves. nerv relay inform skin muscl back spinal cord brain. inform process let feel pain sensations. autonom nerv damag may produc follow symptoms: inabl sens chest pain, angina heart attack. much sweat (known hyperhidrosis) littl sweat (known anhidrosis). lightheadedness."} {"id": "6931", "contents": "nerv carri pain signal brain damag part body, nerv also caus pain themselves. damag nerv medic conditions, injuri pressure, trap nerve. motor neuron diseases. motor neuron nerv brain spinal column commun muscl throughout body. diseas affect nerves, includ amyotroph later sclerosi lou gehrig\u2019 disease, result progress worsen nerv damage. nutrit deficiencies."} {"id": "6932", "contents": "damag occur nerv brain spinal cord. also occur peripher nerves, locat throughout rest body. autonom nerv damag may produc follow symptoms: inabl sens chest pain, angina heart attack. much sweat (known hyperhidrosis) littl sweat (known anhidrosis). lightheadedness."} {"id": "6933", "contents": "administr assist salary. administr assist averag salari $35,421, median salari $33,607 salari rang $20,000 $811,741. administr assist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "6934", "contents": "averag administr assist salari job post nationwid 49% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "6935", "contents": "(unit states). administr assist earn averag wage $14.79 per hour. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least."} {"id": "6936", "contents": "salari information. salary.com report entry-level administr assist earn median yearli incom $36,956 februari 2014. top-paid ten percent entry-level worker took $46,959 per year, bottom-paid ten percent earn $29,479 less annually. choos particular special administr assist secretary, might earn higher start salary. accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), legal secretari earn median annual wage $42,170 may 2012 (www.bls.gov)"} {"id": "6937", "contents": "(south africa). averag pay administr assist r85,835 per year. peopl move job 10 years' experi career. experi moder effect incom job."} {"id": "6938", "contents": "averag salary. administr assist earn mean annual wage $33,020 may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. highest-paid 10 percent assist secretari earn much $47,670 more, lowest-paid 10 percent earn $20,050 less."} {"id": "6939", "contents": "averag administr assist salaries. averag salari administr assist job seattle, wa $46,000. averag administr assist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term administr assist anywher job listing."} {"id": "6940", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic administr assist unit state $37,772 50% peopl perform job administr assist unit state expect make less $37,772. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $37,772. salary."} {"id": "6941", "contents": "averag administr assist salaries. averag salari administr assist job $39,000. averag administr assist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term administr assist anywher job listing."} {"id": "6942", "contents": "involv set 30 folder sub-fold inth railworks\\sourc folder asset folder. much easier rw_tool thisfor involv type two word click coupl buttons:-1. need rw_tool time being, must run rail work main. screen, select rout new rout (bottom right screen) see choos template. window, scroll see templat set up. select template, click creat button."} {"id": "6943", "contents": "ts2014 onwards, assembl quickdriv consist use game' built-in quickdriv consist editor. quickdriv consist allow player quicki pick train, route, time day inform hop train go. i'm use product exampl here, see preload folder sit here: c:\\program file (x86)\\steam\\steamapps\\common\\railworks\\source\\christrains\\railsimulator\\preload. navig folder blueprint editor, right-click folder choos new blueprint."} {"id": "6944", "contents": "put simply, mean creat consist, save share friends. download consist internet use. course, allow add consist quickdriv rule, describ quickdriv tutori soon..."} {"id": "6945", "contents": "noth find relat railwork 2013. everyth build scenario make consist rail simul back 2008/9. rail simulator.com say work updat tutori cover scenario consists, yet. look find build consist select use quick drive menu. send e-mail [email protected] ask creat consist show ts-2013 quick drive train option."} {"id": "6946", "contents": "however, not, make consist editor easier use, proceed asfollows:-a. run rw_tool asset editor select folder contain roll stock go use yourconsist, e.g. railworks\\assets\\3dtrains\\trainpacks\\diesel\\emd_f7\\atsfb. pantograph, need rd rail, etc appear.11. select rout consist appear (must qd route, ts2015 appear tous data time, consist appear routes). select multipl rout use ctrl-click highlight rout need.12."} {"id": "6947", "contents": "add consist product, need creat preload folder sourc develop folder structure. i'm use product exampl here, see preload folder sit here: c:\\program file (x86)\\steam\\steamapps\\common\\railworks\\source\\christrains\\railsimulator\\preload. navig folder blueprint editor, right-click folder choos new blueprint."} {"id": "6948", "contents": "consist file includ tag(s) allow show rout train berun on, howev stage seem implement ts2015 e.g. theclass 377 set run london-brighton route, howev quick drive isavail everi qd route. pantograph, need rd rail, etc appear.11. select rout consist appear (must qd route, ts2015 appear tous data time, consist appear routes). select multipl rout use ctrl-click highlight rout need.12."} {"id": "6949", "contents": "entri railwork xml file eano (in case) becom entri .bin file, file exist. there' obvious import caveat here: attempt refer model exist, consist fail. i'm use product exampl here, see preload folder sit here: c:\\program file (x86)\\steam\\steamapps\\common\\railworks\\source\\christrains\\railsimulator\\preload. navig folder blueprint editor, right-click folder choos new blueprint."} {"id": "6950", "contents": "someth obviou mani newcom railwork order creat content (scenery, locos, rout templates, etc), set folder comput first raw inform place turn format railwork understand."} {"id": "6951", "contents": "3. version automat copi serz.ex msvcr71.dll railwork folder rw_tool folder set path railwork option menu. 4. desktop icon rw_tool appear desktop, otherwis click .ex run it. read help file......"} {"id": "6952", "contents": "mylar\u00ae melinex\u00ae polyest film flexible, except strong durabl transluc clear film produc dupont. high tensile, tear impact strength. remain tough flexibl temperatur -70\u00b0c 150\u00b0c. electr barrier motors, transform wire, cabl host use electron aerospac equipment. physic barrier protect lamin decal book covers. thermal electr barrier wire cables."} {"id": "6953", "contents": "polyethylen terephthal white, odorless solid molecular weight 20,000\u201340,000; maximum crystallin unori polyethylen terephthal 40\u201345 percent, orient variety, 60\u201365 percent; density, 1.38\u20131.40 g/cm (20\u00b0c); melt point, 255\u00b0-265\u00b0c; soften point, 245\u00b0-248\u00b0c. (organ chemistry). thermoplast polyest resin made ethylen glycol terephthal acid; melt 265\u00b0c; use make film fibers."} {"id": "6954", "contents": "bopet (biaxially-ori polyethylen terephthalate) polyest film made stretch polyethylen terephthal (pet) use high tensil strength, chemic dimension stability, transparency, reflectivity, ga aroma barrier properties, electr insulation."} {"id": "6955", "contents": "may familiar mylar shini helium-fil balloons, solar filters, space blankets, protect plastic coat insulators. here' look mylar made mylar made. answer: mylar brand name special type stretch polyest film. mylar one brand name stretch polyethylen terephthal (pet) film foil. type polyest film also known bopet (biaxially-ori polyethylen terephthalate). anton. ann mari helmenstine, ph.d."} {"id": "6956", "contents": "overview. melinex\u00ae polyest film known around world use hundr industrial, packaging, imaging, printing, technic consum products. 930 basic grade type cover 90+ market segment 140+ specif end uses, produc world' broadest rang high-qual polyest film. melinex\u00ae biaxial orient polyest film dupont teijin film famili films. famili includ melinex\u00ae polyest film, mylar\u00ae polyest film cronar\u00ae polyest photograph film base"} {"id": "6957", "contents": "dupont teijin film world\u2019 lead differenti produc pet pen polyest film abl meet global region need custom valu innov high qualiti films. dupont teijin film 50:50 global joint ventur dupont teijin. dupont teijin film manufactur mylar\u00ae brand, melinex\u00ae brand, teijin\u00ae tetoron\u00ae brand, teonex\u00ae brand films. identifi location, click map direct inform request appropri web site contact person."} {"id": "6958", "contents": "use hundr industrial, packaging, imaging, printing, technic consum products, melinex\u00ae polyest film well known world. uki produc world' broadest rang high-qual polyest film, 930 basic grade type cover 90+ market segment 140+ specif end uses."} {"id": "6959", "contents": "polyethylen terephthalate. (organ chemistry). thermoplast polyest resin made ethylen glycol terephthal acid; melt 265\u00b0c; use make film fibers. abbrevi pet"} {"id": "6960", "contents": "polyest make 18% world polym product fourth-most-produc polymer; polyethylen (pe), polypropylen (pp) polyvinyl chlorid (pvc) first, second third, respectively. polyethylen terephthal produc ethylen glycol dimethyl terephthal (c (co ch 3) 2) terephthal acid."} {"id": "6961", "contents": "instructions. blot greas leather shoe soft cloth soon possible. never rub, rub may damag leather set greas stain. cover remain greas stain complet gener amount corn starch white talcum powder, usual absorb grease."} {"id": "6962", "contents": "step remov stains: tri treat stain immediately. blot stain microfib cloth. remov much greas possible. cover stain liber talcum powder. allow powder sit stain overnight. powder draw greas moistur leather."} {"id": "6963", "contents": "remov oil stain boot done right comfort home. need coupl household product job. need remov oil stain boots: clean cloths. cotton balls. cornstarch. white vinegar. leather conditioner. attack oil stain immediately."} {"id": "6964", "contents": "step remov stains: tri treat stain immediately. blot stain microfib cloth. cover stain liber talcum powder. allow powder sit stain overnight. morning, brush powder stain gone."} {"id": "6965", "contents": "break cornstarch. cornstarch help remov oil stain leather shoes, whether smooth, polish leather suede-lik nubuck leather. simpli pour cornstarch onto stain, rub quickli finger feel heat friction rubbing. wipe cornstarch."} {"id": "6966", "contents": "use cornstarch remov oil stain boots. again, set boot flat surfac expos oil stain. make past cornstarch use drop water. take finger cover oil stain boot cornstarch paste."} {"id": "6967", "contents": "import properti ga (includ air) temperature. experi temperatur properti like viscos compressibility."} {"id": "6968", "contents": "standard temperatur freez point water standard pressur one standard atmosphere. quantifi follows: standard temperature: 0\u00b0c 273.15 standard pressur atmospher 760 mmhg 101.3 kpa standard volum mole ideal ga stp: 22.4 liters."} {"id": "6969", "contents": "temperatur ga stream result combust fuel air within turbin engine. engin perform monitoring, temperatur may measur either two point signifi abbrev jpt tgt."} {"id": "6970", "contents": "first principl observ temperatur object affect properti object, length solid, ga pressur close vessel, electr resist wire."} {"id": "6971", "contents": "boyle' law pressure-volum law state volum given amount ga held constant temperatur vari invers appli pressur temperatur mass constant. pv c. pressur goe up, volum goe down. volum goe up, pressur"} {"id": "6972", "contents": "gase convert liquid compress ga suitabl temperature. gase becom difficult liquefi temperatur increas kinet energi particl make ga also increase. microscop view gas."} {"id": "6973", "contents": "gas, intern energi form kinet energi chang intern energi accompani chang temperature. ideal ga character three state variables: absolut pressur (p), volum (v), absolut temperatur (t)."} {"id": "6974", "contents": "ideal ga defin one collis atom molecul perfectli eleast intermolecular attract forces. one visual collect perfectli hard sphere collid otherwis interact other."} {"id": "6975", "contents": "matthia schleiden matthia schleiden discov plant made cell use microscope. support theori live thing compos cells. matthia also work theodor schwann year 1839 compos two cell theori principals. like newton, cell theori would develop without invent microscope. order matthia schleiden, theodor schwann, rudolf virchow creat cell theory, need microscop han zacharia jansen invent prior discoveries."} {"id": "6976", "contents": "develop microscop allow invent cell theori possible. believ knowledg cell would develop without invent microscope. like newton, cell theori would develop without invent microscope. order matthia schleiden, theodor schwann, rudolf virchow creat cell theory, need microscop han zacharia jansen invent prior discoveries."} {"id": "6977", "contents": "earli observations. invent microscop allow first view cells. english physicist microscopist robert hook (1635\u20131702) first describ cell 1665. made thin slice cork liken boxi partit observ cell (small rooms) monastery. first unequivoc descript cell nucleu made czech, franz bauer, 1802 given name 1831 robert brown (1773\u20131858) scotland, best rememb discov random brownian motion molecules."} {"id": "6978", "contents": "matthia schleiden help reject theori spontan gener provid evid plant organ grew. theodor schwann theodor schwann discov plant made cell use microscope, also support cell theory. like newton, cell theori would develop without invent microscope. order matthia schleiden, theodor schwann, rudolf virchow creat cell theory, need microscop han zacharia jansen invent prior discoveries."} {"id": "6979", "contents": "cell small seen. invent microscope, entir new world discovered, larg object like human fact made billion tini individu piec call cells."} {"id": "6980", "contents": "robert hook discov cells. took microscopi hobbi use view variou specimen microscope. once, made thin slice cork observ microscope. sinc cork made oak trees, made cells."} {"id": "6981", "contents": "time cell escap notic small size. invent microscop subsequ improvement, cell becam visibl mani new discoveri made them. even today studi cell reveal detail, secrets, fact secret life itself, reveal ever increas clarity."} {"id": "6982", "contents": "by: anni joyc cell theori discoveri microscop cell theori theori live thing compos cells. han jansen han jansen develop first compound microscop along zacharia jansen allow other magnifi cell specimen even more. like newton, cell theori would develop without invent microscope. order matthia schleiden, theodor schwann, rudolf virchow creat cell theory, need microscop han zacharia jansen invent prior discoveries."} {"id": "6983", "contents": "cell theory. discoveri cell made possibl invent microscope, made possibl improv lens-grind techniques. antoni van leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), dutch tradesman, learn grind lens assembl simpl microscopes. inspir hooke' work, leeuwenhoek began make microscop examin own. 1678, report royal societi discov littl anim -- bacteria protozoa -- variou samples. societi ask hook confirm leeuwenhoek' findings, did."} {"id": "6984", "contents": "continu improv made microscop time, magnif technolog advanc enough discov cell 17th century. discoveri larg attribut robert hooke, began scientif studi cells, also known cell biology. centuri later, mani debat cell began amongst scientists. debat involv natur cellular regeneration, idea cell fundament unit life. cell theori eventu formul 1838. known live thing made one cells. live cell aris pre-exist cell division. cell fundament unit structur function live organisms. activ organ depend total activ independ cells."} {"id": "6985", "contents": "shiplap side type exterior interior paneling, commonli made wood, tight joint form overlap one board top another. often 3/4 inch inch thick inch 10 inch wide. profession carpent cost more, $25 $50 per hour. profession instal thu significantli increas cost project. cost increas right tool alreadi hand job. shiplap side project requir tape measure, pencil, saw, hammer nails."} {"id": "6986", "contents": "cost prefinish wall panel vari wildly. cheap 3/16 inch fake wood pattern panel cost around $10 per panel. decent real wood veneer soar $40 each. common practic put panel drywall. two main reason fire rate abil spread adhes evenli panel bulg studs. comparison, drywal subcontractor charg averag $45 per sheet 12 foot 1/2 inch rock, hung, taped, mudded, sand paint ready. realli competit decent qualiti paneling, especi figur drywal untap backer."} {"id": "6987", "contents": "athensmomof3. shiplap side love think use singl accent wall, around room ceiling, either without beams. pictur great step side porch enclos shiplap side great :) put drywall. jack arnold designs. use lot coastal applic work mani differ areas. use inch tongu grove poplar ran horizontal. wall exterior wall drywal behind planking. painted. cost $9.00 squar foot.i tri post pictur later."} {"id": "6988", "contents": "shiplap typic cut pine inexpens wood cost stay low. assum price $1.00 per board-foot standard-grad product, $100 worth shiplap side cover 10-foot 10-foot exterior wall. addit lumber cost, project also requir stain paint sealant protect lumber weather damage. profession carpent cost more, $25 $50 per hour. profession instal thu significantli increas cost project. cost increas right tool alreadi hand job. shiplap side project requir tape measure, pencil, saw, hammer nails."} {"id": "6989", "contents": "buy wood cut strips: save money, bought sheet thin plywood lowe\u2019 $13.97 panel cut 6\u2033-wide strip us store. \u201creal\u201d shiplap board cost $8.22/each, would cost us $400 panel room. plywood, spent $139. julia-i love look tutorial! inspiring, think shiplap give wall textur interest. clever way achiev feel sensibl cost! predict son want studi here. chill hours. cannot wait see rest room."} {"id": "6990", "contents": "save money, bought sheet thin plywood lowe\u2019 $13.97 panel cut 6\u2033-wide strip us store. \u201creal\u201d shiplap board cost $8.22/each, would cost us $400 panel room. julia-i love look tutorial! inspiring, think shiplap give wall textur interest. clever way achiev feel sensibl cost! predict son want studi here. chill hours. cannot wait see rest room."} {"id": "6991", "contents": "cost drywall. drywal materi averag $0.25 $0.65 per squar foot, accord cost helper, 2011. cost estim commonli includ joint compound, tape, screw nails. red oak beadboard averag $11 per squar foot; mapl averag $18 per squar foot -- cherri averag much $22 per squar foot, accord cost helper, 2011. determin whether drywal beadboard less costli instal size area, consid materi labor costs."} {"id": "6992", "contents": "#3. save money, bought sheet thin plywood lowe\u2019 $13.97 panel cut 6\u2033-wide strip us store. \u201creal\u201d shiplap board cost $8.22/each, would cost us $400 panel room. plywood, spent $139. julia-i love look tutorial! inspiring, think shiplap give wall textur interest. clever way achiev feel sensibl cost! predict son want studi here. chill hours. cannot wait see rest room."} {"id": "6993", "contents": "assum inch thick shiplap side used, number board-feet requir area side squar feet. board-foot refer volum foot foot inch piec wood. profession carpent cost more, $25 $50 per hour. profession instal thu significantli increas cost project. cost increas right tool alreadi hand job. shiplap side project requir tape measure, pencil, saw, hammer nails."} {"id": "6994", "contents": "cost passport vari depend type servic require, quickli need get applic process addit servic might need. applic fee servic rang $15 passport card minor $110 new passport renewal. execut fee $25 mandatori submit form ds-11. paid agent adjud application. fee option servic $60 expedit service, $14.85 overnight deliveri new passport $150 file search. lowest possibl price would $50 renew passport card adult. would includ applic fee, passport photo postage. highest amount applic might spend get passport reach $750 more."} {"id": "6995", "contents": "new passport. new passport u.s. citizen age 18 never appli u.s. passport u.s. citizen valid passport expir years."} {"id": "6996", "contents": "break specif costs, applic fee passport booklet $75 adult (16+) $60 children. appli passport card cost $20 adult $10 children. applic must also submit two 2-inch 2-inch color photo passport application. appli passport card cost $20 adult $10 children. applic must also submit two 2-inch 2-inch color photo passport application. passport photo cost $15, taken certain branch us post office, fedex up store photographi studios."} {"id": "6997", "contents": "total cost get photo appli passport run $50-$175. depart state passport fee websit break standard govern fees. break specif costs, applic fee passport booklet $75 adult (16+) $60 children. appli passport card cost $20 adult $10 children. applic must also submit two 2-inch 2-inch color photo passport application. passport photo cost $15, taken certain branch us post office, fedex up store photographi studios."} {"id": "6998", "contents": "passport fee also expect rise later year. 16, cost passport could $105. passport renew may jump $110. you\u2019ll hurri get pari bermuda beach, addit fee expedit passport servic like remain $60. could cost littl get one. later year, state depart could charg adult anyon 16 older $135 first-tim passport. past two years, charg $100 (and $97 februari 2008)."} {"id": "6999", "contents": "obtain new us passport. appli unit state passport necessari u.s. citizen plan travel outsid border unit states."} {"id": "7000", "contents": "us passport: cost first one could go $135. state depart plan increas fee us passport. cost renew could jump $110. could cost littl get one. later year, state depart could charg adult anyon 16 older $135 first-tim passport. past two years, charg $100 (and $97 februari 2008)."} {"id": "7001", "contents": "routin expedit passport fees. passport applic fee execut fee (new passport only) mandatori fees. sever option fee one expedit service, overnight deliveri file search. fee list below. week fast enough, either visit region agenc appli onlin expedit servic order get passport weeks. submit incorrect passport fee could delay process application."} {"id": "7002", "contents": "depart state passport fee websit break standard govern fees. break specif costs, applic fee passport booklet $75 adult (16+) $60 children. appli passport card cost $20 adult $10 children. appli passport card cost $20 adult $10 children. applic must also submit two 2-inch 2-inch color photo passport application. passport photo cost $15, taken certain branch us post office, fedex up store photographi studios."} {"id": "7003", "contents": "genus. uroplatus. incred satan leaf-tail gecko master disguise, bodi superbl mimic dead leaf. twist body, vein skin, tail look remark like nibbl insect rot decay, help reptil blend foliag habitat. satan leaf-tail gecko threats. studi suggest leaf-tail gecko inhabit specif environ toler degrad natur habitat. make satan leaf-tail gecko vulner impact habitat degrad harvesting."} {"id": "7004", "contents": "leaf-tail gecko carnivor anim bulk lizard' diet primarili compris insects. leaf-tail gecko also hunt number invertebr along odd small rodent reptil get chance. bird prey owl eagles, along rat snake common predat leaf-tail gecko nativ environment. due secret natur leaf-tail gecko, littl realli known reproduct behaviour reptile."} {"id": "7005", "contents": "mossi leaf-tail gecko. may look like lizard overrun moss, save sympathi that' skin. mossi leaf-tail gecko, master disguis found forest madagascar (click enlarge)."} {"id": "7006", "contents": "absurd creatur week: satan leaf-tail gecko wear world\u2019 unbeliev camo. slide: 6. caption: incred satan leaf-tail gecko spot-on impress leaf. thank you, thank you, gecko says. i'll three five year expect lifespan.. piotr naskrecki corbis. slide: 6. caption: satan leaf-tail gecko nocturn species, bring flash"} {"id": "7007", "contents": "give leaf-tail gecko excel camouflag bask sun amongst branch day. leaf-tail gecko rang size 10cm 30cm length depend species. bird prey owl eagles, along rat snake common predat leaf-tail gecko nativ environment. due secret natur leaf-tail gecko, littl realli known reproduct behaviour reptile."} {"id": "7008", "contents": "excel camouflag leaf-tail gecko make anim pretti tricki predat spot. bird prey owl eagles, along rat snake common predat leaf-tail gecko nativ environment. due secret natur leaf-tail gecko, littl realli known reproduct behaviour reptile."} {"id": "7009", "contents": "uroplatu genu geckos, commonli refer leaf-tail geckos, leaf-tail geckos, flat-tail geckos, endem madagascar coastal islands, nosi be. nocturnal, insectivor lizard found exclus primari secondari forest."} {"id": "7010", "contents": "http://oasishd.ca-th leaf-tail gecko master disguise, blend leav bark. clip hide cheat: anim surviv guid inform visit: http://bit.ly/ukisbn. follow us facebook: http://facebook.com/oasishdchannel. follow us twitter:"} {"id": "7011", "contents": "uroplatu sikora speci gecko commonli refer mossi leaf-tail gecko. species, endem madagascar, found primari secondari forest island. mossi leaf-tail gecko uncommon captiv often kept breed pair trios. eat varieti appropri size insect includ cricket moths. breed success captivity, egg laid everi 30 day take 90 day hatch."} {"id": "7012", "contents": "spread blame anopheles, type mosquito usual found tropic sub-trop regions. culprit mosquito sink sting person\u2019 skin, malaria parasit circul blood result malaria fever."} {"id": "7013", "contents": "malaria parasit spread success infect two type hosts: femal anophel mosquito humans. see anim powerpoint slide malaria parasit lifecycle."} {"id": "7014", "contents": "diseas spreads. malaria spread infect anophel mosquito bite person. type mosquito spread malaria. mosquito becom infect bite infect person draw blood contain parasite. mosquito bite anoth person, person becom infected."} {"id": "7015", "contents": "malaria caus type parasit known plasmodium. mani differ type plasmodia parasites, five caus malaria humans. plasmodium parasit mainli spread femal anophel mosquitoes, predominantli bite night."} {"id": "7016", "contents": "malaria caus plasmodium parasite. parasit spread human bite infect mosquitoes. mani differ type plasmodium parasite, five type caus malaria humans. are:"} {"id": "7017", "contents": "diagram adult femal mosquito. larger picture. malaria transmit among human femal mosquito genu anopheles. femal mosquito take blood meal carri egg production, blood meal link human mosquito host parasit life cycle."} {"id": "7018", "contents": "malaria spread. plasmodium parasit spread femal anophel mosquitoes, known 'night-biting' mosquito commonli bite dusk dawn. mosquito bite person alreadi infect malaria, also becom infect spread parasit people."} {"id": "7019", "contents": "epidur steroid inject anatomi epidur space epidur space anatom structur surround dura mater within spinal canal extend brain itself. area real space other potenti space. space consist fat blood vessels."} {"id": "7020", "contents": "extradur (epidural) space potenti space cranial bone endost layer dura mater, otherwis adher cranial bone 1. contrast epidur space spinal cord contain epidur fat, lymphatics, blood vessels, nerv root 1, 2. two space continuous."} {"id": "7021", "contents": "extradur space potenti space insid cranial vault normal appreci unless underli patholog 1. contrast epidur space spinal cord contain epidur fat, lymphatics, blood vessels, nerv root 1, 2. two space continuous. mening arteri exist within cranial extradur space"} {"id": "7022", "contents": "spine, epidur space (from ancient greek \u1f10\u03c0\u03af, on, upon dura mater also known epidur cavity, extradur space peridur space) anatom space outermost part spinal canal. human epidur space contain lymphatics, spinal nerv roots, loos connect tissue, fatti tissue, small arteries, network intern vertebr venou plexuses."} {"id": "7023", "contents": "epidur hematoma. epidur hematoma mass blood space inner tabl skull dura mater (the leatheri outer cover brain). typic caus traumat brain injury, bleed epidur space caus pressur brain lead neurolog symptom includ coma death sever enough. epidur space area inner part skull dura, top dura. normally, space structures. however, head injuries, blood vessel dura area becom torn bleed"} {"id": "7024", "contents": "spine, epidur space (also known extradur space peridur space) outermost part spinal canal. upper limit epidur space foramen magnum, point spine meet base skull. lower limit tip sacrum, sacrococcyg membrane. head, dura continu periosteum, tough fibrou line insid skull. mean that, head, epidur space known potenti space, mean normal exist. rare circumstances, torn arteri (e.g. middl mening artery) may caus bleed suffici separ dura periosteum bone; epidur hematoma"} {"id": "7025", "contents": "epidur extradur hematoma (haematoma) also known epidur hemorrhage, type traumat brain injuri (tbi) buildup blood occur dura mater (the tough outer membran central nervou system) skull. anatomi epidur space mean spinal epidur hematoma differ profil cranial epidur hematoma. spine, epidur space contain loos fatti tissue, epidur venou plexus, network large, thin-wal veins. mean bleed like venous."} {"id": "7026", "contents": "object defin mutat polymorphisms. distinguish three type dna mutations: genome, chromosomal, gene. diagram human chromosom label centromere, arm, arm, telomere. illustr differ type structur mutat occur chromosomes. show karyotyp reveal chromosom abnormalities."} {"id": "7027", "contents": "mutat hear often one caus disease. well-known inherit genet disord includ cystic fibrosis, sickl cell anemia, tay-sach disease, phenylketonuria color-blindness, among mani others. disord caus mutat singl gene. inherit genet diseas recessive, mean person must inherit two copi mutat gene inherit disord"} {"id": "7028", "contents": "caus mutation, decreas number gene occur due delet larg section chromosome. delet result varieti genet disorders, prader-willi syndrome, cri chat syndrome, angelman' syndrome. mutat caus varieti differ diseas conditions. read learn mutat disord cause. slide 8. caus chromosom mutat occur chang arrang structur chromosomes. mutat occur often meiosi stage cross occurs. sever differ mutat type result chromosom structur change. chang structur lead seriou chang organisms' phenotyp genotype. essenti part dna affect chromosom mutations, foetu abort prior birth without mother' control"} {"id": "7029", "contents": "mutat caus chang genet code lead genet variat potenti develop disease. gene mutat gener categor two types: point mutat base-pair insert deletions. point mutat common type gene mutation. also call base-pair substitution, type mutat chang singl nucleotid base pair. silent mutation: although chang dna sequenc occurs, type mutat chang protein produced. multipl genet codon encod amino acid. amino acid code three nucleotid set call codons."} {"id": "7030", "contents": "four type chromosom mutat deletion, duplication, invers trasnlocation. delet loss part chromosome. duplic segm ent chromosom copied. invers section chromosom reversed. insertion, delet frameshift mutation. basic type mutation, however, type mutations: substitution, translocation, duplication, version, transvers transition."} {"id": "7031", "contents": "frameshift mutat (illustration). type mutat occur addit loss dna base chang gene\u2019 read frame. read frame consist group base code one amino acid. frameshift mutat shift group base chang code amino acids."} {"id": "7032", "contents": "follow list genet disord known, type mutat chromosom involved. list human gene includ gene list here, also affect predisposit toward certain diseases."} {"id": "7033", "contents": "four basic type point mutat occur: substitution: kind mutat switch anoth base creat irregular sequence. ex:) normal-abcdefg. substitution-bacdefg. insertion: kind mutat involv insert extra base sequence. insertion, delet frameshift mutation. basic type mutation, however, type mutations: substitution, translocation, duplication, version, transvers transition."} {"id": "7034", "contents": "answer: week good age wean start life independ mom. answer: take kitten away six week far early. many, al l, cat breeder strongli advis take kitten away litter 10-12 week age. individu mother duck may care ducklings. mallard duck 13 egg breed season. american black duck, may interbre mallards, 14 eggs. bufflehead (a seaduck) averag clutch 11 eggs."} {"id": "7035", "contents": "babi duck categori hatchl call precocial, mean leav nest pick food right hatching. mani bird type babi babi also imprint first anim see, usual mother. way led correct foods, taught hide danger threatens, defend predat attacks."} {"id": "7036", "contents": "3. allow adult duck swim unassisted. duckl fulli feather waterproof, adult feathers, swim without supervision. depend type duck, full feather place 9-12 week age."} {"id": "7037", "contents": "matthew sargent post video show 13 duckl follow man around unison appear believ parent. sargent write background unusual, captured-on-camera circumstances: neighbor rescu 13 duck egg mom killed."} {"id": "7038", "contents": "ccss nas-3 grades: 3-8. man name rick final got experi mother' day feel like year, thank 13 littl duckl think mother follow around day. unusu saga began mother young chick disappear soon lay eggs. downsid imprint young anim hard time detach adopt 'mother' mean often unabl return wild social species."} {"id": "7039", "contents": "get waterproof mother. also protect duckl attack mallards. duck toler stray duckl close brood, femal kill small strang young encounter. young duckl feed soon reach water, must learn edible. depend mother warmth days. brood regularly, particularli night, easili chill cold weather."} {"id": "7040", "contents": "a. duckl grow quickli soon reach size mother. even though look like adult ducks, unabl fly. month time hatch duck fli mother find new home. yes, alway fli away."} {"id": "7041", "contents": "word processing. word process softwar use manipul text document, resum report. typic enter text type softwar provid tool copying, delet variou type formatting. function word process softwar include: creating, editing, save print documents. copying, pasting, move delet text within document. format text, font type, bolding, underlin italicizing. creat edit tabl"} {"id": "7042", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. word process softwar defin comput program let type word text show virtual document comput screen can, turn, print sent electronically. microsoft word exampl word process software. link/cite. word processing. word-processing."} {"id": "7043", "contents": "microsoft word wide use word process softwar accord user track system built software. microsoft estim roughli half billion peopl use microsoft offic suite, includ word. word process one earliest applic person comput offic product popular applic home person comput world wide web rose promin mid-1990s."} {"id": "7044", "contents": "use comput create, edit, print documents. comput applications, word process common. perform word processing, need computer, special program call word processor, printer."} {"id": "7045", "contents": "word process softwar definit (continued): text read comput appropri program without need decrypt consid cleartext.th term cleartext plaintext sometim confused."} {"id": "7046", "contents": "word processor electron devic comput softwar application, perform task composition, editing, formatting, sometim print documents. word process one earliest applic person comput offic product popular applic home person comput world wide web rose promin mid-1990s."} {"id": "7047", "contents": "word process softwar typic also contain featur make easier perform repetit tasks. example, let' say need send letter custom regard new policy. letter custom except name address top letter. function word process softwar include: creating, editing, save print documents. copying, pasting, move delet text within document. format text, font type, bolding, underlin italicizing. creat edit tabl"} {"id": "7048", "contents": "word processor. sometim abbrevi wp, word processor softwar program capabl creating, storing, print documents. user use word processor creat document make chang anywher document. here: dictionari w-definit"} {"id": "7049", "contents": "word processor stand-alon offic machin 1960s, combin keyboard text-entri print function electr typewriter, record unit, either tape floppi disk (a use wang machine) simpl dedic comput processor edit text. word process one earliest applic person comput offic product popular applic home person comput world wide web rose promin mid-1990s."} {"id": "7050", "contents": "depend hous locat size type window want... run $200.00 $800.00 per window... go replac ment window differ labor cost install."} {"id": "7051", "contents": "laptop screen cost $80 $150 instal anywher $100 $200 dollars. one look total $180 $400 laptop screen replaced."} {"id": "7052", "contents": "cost instal averag window screen depend upon size, type, number screens, labor rate. sever type screen replacements, including: replac screen materi old frames, instal new standard size frame screen match window, assembl instal new screen kits."} {"id": "7053", "contents": "cost screen replacement. window screen typic price squar foot. price new screen determin mostli screen material. fiberglass screen cost $0.15 $0.25 per squar foot materials. profession fabrication, total cost $0.40-$0.50 per"} {"id": "7054", "contents": "new window screens, depend size, run $25 $50 without installation. accord forum thread disboards.com, peopl said purchas kit retail $8 $20 per window screen. lowes.com calcul show much cost screen window."} {"id": "7055", "contents": "total cost basic 200-square-foot screened-in porch rang $766 $1,025 averag cost $4.48 per squar feet. cost materi top-of-the-lin screened-in porch exist deck run $860 $1,070 instal cost $297 $304."} {"id": "7056", "contents": "set use professional, cost re-screen window cost around $18 $45 per window. gener bring window screen shop work done. want profession contractor come home, averag cost $150 $250"} {"id": "7057", "contents": "salari expect probat officers. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, nation averag salari probat offic $47,200 2010. figur vari consider base geograph location, educ background, agenc depart employ seniority."} {"id": "7058", "contents": "$41,000. averag probat offic salari job post florida 7% lower averag probat offic salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "7059", "contents": "entry-level profession work area adult probat parole. job duties."} {"id": "7060", "contents": "salary. median annual salari probat offic correct treatment specialist $47,200 may 2010, accord bureau labor statistics. lowest 10 percent earn less $30,920, highest 10 percent earn $80,750."} {"id": "7061", "contents": "$42,000. averag juvenil probat offic salari job post nationwid 26% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "7062", "contents": "chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. survey result show probat offic use fair number skills. (unit states). probat offic exactli profit line business; folk earn belt-tighten averag $39k per year. pay rang $28k low end $64k per year high end."} {"id": "7063", "contents": "court personnel system pay rate (law enforc officer). special 2015 base local pay rate law enforc offic (leos) cl-21 cl-26."} {"id": "7064", "contents": "-1%. employ probat offic correct treatment specialist project show littl chang 2012 2022. employ growth depend primarili amount state local govern fund corrections, especi amount alloc probat parol systems. probat offic correct treatment specialist work offend given probat instead jail time, still prison, releas prison."} {"id": "7065", "contents": "$34,750. median annual wage probat offic correct treatment specialist $48,190 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. probat offic correct treatment specialist work offend given probat instead jail time, still prison, releas prison."} {"id": "7066", "contents": "point six month age, vet refer surgeri pediatric, early-ag spay/neuter. babi fragile, veterinarian receiv extra train order perform pediatr spay/neut surgeries. help reduc risk vomit anesthesia. puppi kitten 16 week cannot go long stretch without eating, feed small meal morn surgery. make sure it\u2019 usual ration. confirm exact feed instruct vet"} {"id": "7067", "contents": "we\u2019r home! pet may still feel effect anesthesia sever hour procedure, may unsteadi feet. that\u2019 case, may want keep quiet contain place first. veterinarian advis keep pet crate, it\u2019 vital import so, even pet unhappi seem healing. make tri time easier pet, keep occupi plenti toy occasion low-calori treat."} {"id": "7068", "contents": "care pet\u2019 wound. post oper period (approx. 10-14 day surgery) check wound twice day ensur clean dry. also check sign swelling, heat, odour, discharge, skin irritation, gape self-inflict damage."} {"id": "7069", "contents": "care pet surgery. print page. like humans, recoveri surgeri uncomfort experi pets. therefor famili home, aid recoveri make sure warm comfortable, observ follow points. post oper period (approx. 10-14 day surgery) check wound twice day ensur clean dry. also check sign swelling, heat, odour, discharge, skin irritation, gape self-inflict damage."} {"id": "7070", "contents": "leave. pet readi discharg hospital, you\u2019ll given instruct at-hom care. make sure understand expect you, questions, ask review veterinari technician. veterinarian advis keep pet crate, it\u2019 vital import so, even pet unhappi seem healing. make tri time easier pet, keep occupi plenti toy occasion low-calori treat."} {"id": "7071", "contents": "------------in case surgeri needed, type surgeri choos important. 'tplo/ tto/ tta' page websit explain skeptic recommend tplo, tto, tta. question: go vet year trust him. sometim surgeri needed, mistak accept vet' claim dog need surgeri without first consid fact present website.---- import dog understand injuri treatment options."} {"id": "7072", "contents": "pet requir bandage, let get wet soil dirt. pet need go outsid anytime, cover bandag plastic bag secur place tape. veterinarian insert drain surgeri site, may notic disharge/ ooz next days. post oper period (approx. 10-14 day surgery) check wound twice day ensur clean dry. also check sign swelling, heat, odour, discharge, skin irritation, gape self-inflict damage."} {"id": "7073", "contents": "it\u2019 usual best wait hour two arriv home offer water small amount food pet same-day surgery. kitten puppi four month age need eat sooner, avoid drop blood sugar. check vet complet feed instructions. help reduc risk vomit anesthesia. puppi kitten 16 week cannot go long stretch without eating, feed small meal morn surgery. make sure it\u2019 usual ration. confirm exact feed instruct vet"} {"id": "7074", "contents": "mean sanderson english name english name sanderson mean alexand son name sanderson origin english name name sanderson often use boy name male name english name mean alexand son origin england"} {"id": "7075", "contents": "sanderson surname, may refer to. alex sanderson, english rugbi union player, brother pat sanderson. bill sanderson, tennesse politician. brandon sanderson, american fantasi author. brenton sanderson, australian rule footbal player coach. cael sanderson, american amateur wrestler."} {"id": "7076", "contents": "greek meaning: name sanderson greek babi name. greek mean name sanderson is: defend men; protector mankind. english meaning: name sanderson english babi name. english mean name sanderson is: alexander' son."} {"id": "7077", "contents": "surnam spell alway varied, sandrisson snaderison examples, modern spell sanderson, saunderson, sandeson sandison. first record spell famili name shown johann sandrison. date 1434, kincardine, scotland. reign king jame scotland, 1406 1437. surnam becam necessari govern introduc person taxation."} {"id": "7078", "contents": "sanderson meaning, sanderson popularity, sanderson hieroglyphics, sanderson numerology, interest facts. english name gener consist given name, middl name famili name. mani english speak countri fairli flexibl name laws. allow multicultur famili live countri merg name convent faith previou nation current homeland."} {"id": "7079", "contents": "sanderson /san-der-son/ [3 sylls.] name boys. sanderson' name origin middl english, sanderson mean son alexander. sanderson version sander (middl english). sanderman common last name. kreatif forms: saderson, sandersonney, shanderson."} {"id": "7080", "contents": "sanderson meaning: descendant, son sander, pet form alexand (helper mankind). \u00a9copyright 2004 2015 meaning-of-names.com-pow swigity, llc mean sanderson last name-surname-famili name sanderson."} {"id": "7081", "contents": "deriv ancient greek name alexander, mean protector mankind name probabl date back 1300 bc., hittit tribe. name first introduc scotland circa 1050 three scottish king carri person name. surnam alexand son first appear scotland mid 15th century, whilst 1472, john sanderson purchas land lethindi (athol). first record spell famili name shown johann sandrison. date 1434, kincardine, scotland. reign king jame scotland, 1406 1437. surnam becam necessari govern introduc person taxation."} {"id": "7082", "contents": "characterist neuron gray matter cerebr cortex pyramid cell, name triangular cell body. cell featur thick, branch dendrit extend toward surfac cortex. dendrit also extend site along cell body."} {"id": "7083", "contents": "apic dendrit pyramid cell cerebr cortex may 10\u03bcm diameter. apic dendrit larg pyramid neuron cerebr cortex may contain thousand spines. spine cerebr cortex vari size sever order magnitud one region another. two type dendrit present pyramid cell apic basal dendrites. apic dendrit divid two categories: distal proximal. longer distal apic dendrit project pyramid cell bodi (soma) opposit axon. distal apic dendrit form non-loc synapses."} {"id": "7084", "contents": "cell bodi ca1 pyramid neuron locat amidst thick set dendrit branch one project axon. dendrit bind togeth thick band call stratum radiatum. axon pyramid cell ca1 region project mostli entorhin cortex layer subiculum. anatomy."} {"id": "7085", "contents": "apic dendrit one two primari categori dendrites, distinguish pyramid cell spini stellat cell cortices. pyramid cell found prefront cortex, hippocampus, entorhin cortex, olfactori cortex, areas. two type dendrit present pyramid cell apic basal dendrites. apic dendrit divid two categories: distal proximal. longer distal apic dendrit project pyramid cell bodi (soma) opposit axon. distal apic dendrit form non-loc synapses."} {"id": "7086", "contents": "large, common neuron found cerebr cortex. pyramid cell flask-shap triangular, and, part cortex six layers, occupi fifth layer. pyramid cell dendrit project superfici layer cortex, pyramid cell axon run opposit direction, i.e., downward cortex. see also: cell"} {"id": "7087", "contents": "pyramid cell among largest neuron brain. human rodents, pyramid cell bodi (somas) averag around 20 \u03bcm length. pyramid dendrit typic rang diamet half micromet sever micrometers. length singl dendrit usual sever hundr micrometers. pyramid neuron primari excit unit mammalian prefront cortex corticospin tract. pyramid neuron first discov studi santiago ramon ram\u00f3n y. cajal"} {"id": "7088", "contents": "pyramid neuron (pyramid cells) type neuron found area brain includ cerebr cortex, hippocampus, amygdala. pyramid neuron primari excit unit mammalian prefront cortex corticospin tract. featur edit. one main structur featur pyramid neuron triangular shape soma, cell body, neuron named. key structur featur pyramid cell singl axon, larg apic dendrite, multipl basal dendrites, presenc dendrit spines."} {"id": "7089", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. pyramid neuron (pyramid cells) type neuron found area brain includ cerebr cortex, hippocampus, amygdala. pyramid neuron primari excit unit mammalian prefront cortex corticospin tract. pyramid neuron first discov studi santiago ramon ram\u00f3n y. cajal"} {"id": "7090", "contents": "lymph node do. lymph vessel rout lymph fluid node throughout body. lymph node small structur work filter harm substances. contain immun cell help fight infect attack destroy germ carri lymph fluid. there\u2019 problem, infection, injury, cancer, node group lymph node area may swell enlarg work filter \u201cbad\u201d cells. may call lymphadenopathi (limf-ad-uh-nop-uh-thee)."} {"id": "7091", "contents": "bodi network lymph vessel lymph nodes. (lymph pronounc limf.) network part body\u2019 immun system. collect fluid, wast material, thing (like virus bacteria) bodi tissues, outsid bloodstream. lymph vessel draw lymph fluid around cell send toward chest. there, lymph fluid collect larg vessel drain blood vessel near heart. lymph node lymph vessel rout lymph fluid node throughout body. lymph node small structur work filter harm substances. contain immun cell help fight infect attack destroy germ carri lymph fluid"} {"id": "7092", "contents": "bodi network lymph vessel lymph nodes. (lymph pronounc limf.) network part body\u2019 immun system. collect fluid, wast material, thing (like virus bacteria) bodi tissues, outsid bloodstream. there\u2019 problem, infection, injury, cancer, node group lymph node area may swell enlarg work filter \u201cbad\u201d cells. may call lymphadenopathi (limf-ad-uh-nop-uh-thee)."} {"id": "7093", "contents": "lymphat system play import role body\u2019 immunity. lymph, clear fluid circul throughout body, partli made white blood cell attack bacteria. lymph node locat certain part body, includ neck, groin, armpits."} {"id": "7094", "contents": "lymph lymph vessel eventu reach lymph node -- 100 node scatter throughout body. lymph node filter lymph also contain larg number white blood cell (a big part immun system), remov foreign cell debri lymph."} {"id": "7095", "contents": "lymph node small, bean-shap gland throughout body. part lymph system, carri fluid (lymph fluid), nutrients, wast materi bodi tissu bloodstream. lymph system import part immun system, body' defens system disease. lymph node filter lymph fluid flow them, trap bacteria, viruses, foreign substances, destroy special white blood cell call lymphocytes."} {"id": "7096", "contents": "lymph node small clump immun cell act filter lymphat system. lymphat system run throughout bodi (like circulatori (blood) system) carri fluid cells. lymph node underarm (the axillari lymph nodes) first place breast cancer like spread. figur 4.4 show locat axillari lymph node"} {"id": "7097", "contents": "sinc lymph deriv interstiti fluid, composit continu chang blood surround cell continu exchang substanc interstiti fluid. lymph return protein excess interstiti fluid bloodstream. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. lymph fluid circul throughout lymphat system. lymph form interstiti fluid (the fluid lie interstic bodi tissues) collect lymph capillaries. transport lymph vessel lymph node empti ultim right left subclavian vein, mix back blood"} {"id": "7098", "contents": "$68,000. averag cardiac cath lab nurs salari job post nationwid 18% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "7099", "contents": "regist nurs highest paid cathet lab staff, averag wage $36.92 per hour, $76,793 per year. among study' respondents, low end salari rang $19.32 per hour, $40,144 per year. highest wage $70.15 per hour, $145,912 per year."} {"id": "7100", "contents": "sinc cardiac nurs work wide rang industries, import learn industri impact salary. possibl fluctuat industri include: acut care hospital: $59,180 $105,570 per year."} {"id": "7101", "contents": "rn salari range. accord latest data bls, regist nurs earn averag salari $66,640 2014. report salari rang $45,880 lowest 10% $98,880 highest 90% earners."} {"id": "7102", "contents": "(unit states). cardiovascular advanc regist nurs practition (arnp) earn averag salari $90,151 per year. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. peopl job gener 20 years' experience. $73,066 $114,868."} {"id": "7103", "contents": "25 percent regist nurs report earn $80,390 more. cathet lab nurses' averag salari $76,793 place pay among upper half nurs income. cardiovascular technologists, perform similar duti lack nurs background, averag $29.75 per hour, $61,880 per year."} {"id": "7104", "contents": "bike polo. say tin, it\u2019 like tradit polo bike substitut hors big advantag school lack adequ stabl facilities."} {"id": "7105", "contents": "cycl polo team sport, similar tradit polo, except bicycl use instead horses. version sport: grass hardcourt bike polo. octob year first cycl polo match play scalp (counti wicklow) rathclaren rover ohn hast cycl club. toward end 19th centuri game reach great britain, france, unit state american star bicycl popular mount."} {"id": "7106", "contents": "bike polo. say tin, it\u2019 like tradit polo bike substitut hors big advantag school lack adequ stabl facilities. anyon ride bike one-hand play game. bike polo great level strength, speed stamina far less import balance, control hand-ey co-ordination."} {"id": "7107", "contents": "bicycl polo polo bikes. bicycl polo cycl version ancient game polo play ponies. believ invent british soldier serv coloni india want improv polo skills. bicycl polo even featur demonstr sport olymp london 1908. although us bicycl polo standard field similar footbal field, i.e. 100 yard 60 yards, bicycl polo play anywher room. \u201chard court\u201d bicycl polo grown popular recent years, play tenni courts, urban street hockey rinks, anywher suffici room."} {"id": "7108", "contents": "bicycl polo bike need expens fancy. carri mallet whole game, need bike go easili control one hand. partli bicycl polo bike fix gear. although us bicycl polo standard field similar footbal field, i.e. 100 yard 60 yards, bicycl polo play anywher room. \u201chard court\u201d bicycl polo grown popular recent years, play tenni courts, urban street hockey rinks, anywher suffici room."} {"id": "7109", "contents": "bicycl polo: fun ever bike. mountain bike also great fun, risk involv part thrill. even so, find good place ride alway easy, often involv take bike fair distanc hinterlands."} {"id": "7110", "contents": "bicycl polo team sport, invent counti wicklow, ireland, 1891 retir cyclist, richard j. mecredy. sport similar tradit polo, except bicycl use instead horses. hardcourt game seen sharp spike interest 2007 new team sprout across world. tradit game. tradit bicycl polo play rectangular grass field, 150 meter 100 meter officially, unoffici whatev field big enough. moreover, offici dimens vari 120 150 meter length 80 100 meter width."} {"id": "7111", "contents": "bicycl polo account usa, ireland, france, india, germany, pakistan, malaysia, sri lanka, indonesia, hungary, australia, sweden, england, argentina, italy, canada. tradit game. tradit bicycl polo play rectangular grass field, 150 meter 100 meter officially, unoffici whatev field big enough. moreover, offici dimens vari 120 150 meter length 80 100 meter width."} {"id": "7112", "contents": "tradit cycl polo play rectangular grass field, 150 meter 100 meter officially, unoffici whatev field big enough. moreover, offici dimens vari 120 150 meter length 80 100 meter width. octob year first cycl polo match play scalp (counti wicklow) rathclaren rover ohn hast cycl club. toward end 19th centuri game reach great britain, france, unit state american star bicycl popular mount."} {"id": "7113", "contents": "upload progress. upload failed. pleas upload file larger 100x100 pixels. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video"} {"id": "7114", "contents": "see year, twice week, never day."} {"id": "7115", "contents": "occur twice lifetime, year, twice week, never day? questions. occur two time lifetime, year, twice week, never day? occur twice lifetime, everi year. occur twice lifetime, year, twice week, never day? occur twice lifetime,"} {"id": "7116", "contents": "upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. occur twice lifetime, year, twice week, never day? occur twice lifetime,"} {"id": "7117", "contents": "letter e. word 'week' twice, word 'year' word 'day.'. letter e. full question may origin been: occur year, twice everi month, time everi week time everi weekend?"} {"id": "7118", "contents": "upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. occur twice lifetime, year, twice week, never day? occur twice lifetime,"} {"id": "7119", "contents": "see year, twice week never day. upload file type png, jpg jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600 mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm)."} {"id": "7120", "contents": "upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm)."} {"id": "7121", "contents": "upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600 mb. upload photo (png, jpg, jpeg) video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). upload photo video. upload file type png, jpg jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600 mb."} {"id": "7122", "contents": "think presid nixon good presid he' accomplish office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. foreign policy. thing presid lincoln fdr etc agre right lot people. go find alot peopl jump fact lincoln put peopl jail reason thought good them."} {"id": "7123", "contents": "comments. richard nixon resign presid unit state waterg 1974 wide revil worst ever occup white house. percept record changing. hundr year birth, time reassess legaci disgrac us presid richard nixon. divis personality: sinc watergate, mani american regard richard milhou nixon worst president, yet still substanti fan club photo: ap. jonathan aitken. 7:44pm gmt 04 jan 2013."} {"id": "7124", "contents": "run mate dwight d. eisenhower, republican parti presidenti nomine 1952 election. nixon serv eight year vice president. wage unsuccess presidenti campaign 1960, narrowli lose john f. kennedy, lost race governor california 1962. nixon born yorba linda, california. complet undergradu work whittier college, graduat duke univers school law 1937 return california practic law. wife, pat nixon, move washington work feder govern 1942."} {"id": "7125", "contents": "nixon' environment polici greatest president. nixon administr start environment protect agenc (epa). nixon sign environment bill like clean air water acts. thing presid lincoln fdr etc agre right lot people. go find alot peopl jump fact lincoln put peopl jail reason thought good them."} {"id": "7126", "contents": "richard nixon elect 37th presid unit state (1969-1974) previous serv u.s. repres u.s. senat california. result unrel scandal maryland, vice presid spiro t. agnew resign 1973. nixon nominated, congress approved, hous minor leader gerald r. ford vice president."} {"id": "7127", "contents": "richard milhou nixon (januari 9, 1913 april 22, 1994) 37th presid unit states, serv 1969 1974 becam u.s. presid resign office. nixon born yorba linda, california. complet undergradu work whittier college, graduat duke univers school law 1937 return california practic law. wife, pat nixon, move washington work feder govern 1942."} {"id": "7128", "contents": "first presid go china. china nixon met leader mao zedong nixon acknowledg chines form govern form peac chines open trade china, today one u. top trade partners. thing presid lincoln fdr etc agre right lot people. go find alot peopl jump fact lincoln put peopl jail reason thought good them."} {"id": "7129", "contents": "richard nixon 37th u.s. presid presid nixon: serv vice presid republican presid dwight d. eisenhow 1953-61. nixon ran unsuccess presid 1960, lose close margin john f. kennedy. 1962, nixon ran unsuccess governor california."} {"id": "7130", "contents": "origin waterg break-in lay hostil polit 1960s. 1972, republican presid richard nixon (1913-1994) run reelection, unit state embroil vietnam war (1955-1975) deepli divid internally. harsh polit climate, forc presidenti campaign seem essenti presid key advisers."} {"id": "7131", "contents": "success end american fight vietnam improv intern relat u.s.s.r. china, becam presid ever resign office, result waterg scandal. reconcili first goal set presid richard m. nixon. result unrel scandal maryland, vice presid spiro t. agnew resign 1973. nixon nominated, congress approved, hous minor leader gerald r. ford vice president."} {"id": "7132", "contents": "insolubl fiber, tri whole wheat wheat bran, nuts, seeds, raw vegetables. bean pea contain signific amount solubl insolubl fiber. bottom line: solubl fiber good diarrhea constipation. food high insolubl fiber best constip only."} {"id": "7133", "contents": "insolubl fiber not. food high solubl fiber, like white bread, white rice, forth, help constip diarrhea. food high insolubl fiber, like veget whole grains, help constip make diarrhea worse. may also caus gas. fiber divid solubl insolubl fiber. insolubl fiber vegetables, beans, whole grains. solubl fiber white rice, white flour, potato (without skin) solubl fiber absorb water swell up."} {"id": "7134", "contents": "solubl fiber food ib good food ib diet. gener rule, grain cereal food top list make safest, easiest, versatil solubl fiber foundat meal snack ib safe foods, ib good foods. [1]."} {"id": "7135", "contents": "type fiber: insolubl solubl fiber. fiber indigest part carbohydr found mostli plants. recent research reveal mani form fiber, uniqu effect nutrit health. two import categori solubl insolubl fiber. solubl fiber partli dissolv water, creat gel-lik substanc help lower cholesterol. sourc solubl fiber includ oats, barley, rye, dri beans, oranges, apples. insolubl fiber remain intact pass digest system. make insolubl fiber especi help prevent eas constipation."} {"id": "7136", "contents": "oatmeal, potatoes, banana soft, skinless fruit rich solubl fiber may help diarrhea. sweet potato especi good soluble-fib source, contain gram per half-cup flesh. oatmeal high solubl fiber easi stomach. photo credit jupiterimages/creatas/getti images. struggl bout mild-to-moder diarrhea, ad fiber diet might help. look food high solubl fiber, absorb water digest tract."} {"id": "7137", "contents": "inulin, activ fiber ingredi fiberchoice, exist natur food like bananas, asparagu rye. normal take two tablet per day diarrhea phase; equat mg fiber. accord gastroenterologist dr. paul mcneely, fiber can't work miracles, loos stool, lot excess liquid stool, fiber colon absorb firm stool--which help diarrhea.."} {"id": "7138", "contents": "doesn\u2019t absorb liquid becom sticky. that\u2019 insolubl fiber. diarrhea constipation, want get solubl fiber, oats, bran, barley. constip only, add insolubl fiber well\u2014fruit veget good sources. bean pea contain signific amount solubl insolubl fiber. bottom line: solubl fiber good diarrhea constipation. food high insolubl fiber best constip only."} {"id": "7139", "contents": "crabgrass need soil temperatur 60 degre germinate, accord univers rhode island horticultur program. soil temperatur must remain around 60 degre week. soil temperatur dip sudden frost, crabgrass germin delayed."} {"id": "7140", "contents": "big caution: hot weather!tri kill crabgrass lawn weather extrem hot place addit stress good grass. spray temperatur 85 degrees, lawn incur damag spray cooler."} {"id": "7141", "contents": "submit. crab grass imag miheco/flickr.com. crabgrass prevent appli soil temperatur 54 degrees. temperatur vari state state even within yards, appli weed seen sprout near concrete."} {"id": "7142", "contents": "seed crabgrass usual start germin soil temperatur reach 50 degre within three days. monitor temperatur soil good way determin appli crabgrass preventer."} {"id": "7143", "contents": "earli best control. crabgrass seed germin year nighttim soil temperatur reach 50 degre days. \u201cwake up\u201d seed, start process grow worst nightmare. note, seed \u201ccan\u201d germin point."} {"id": "7144", "contents": "crabgrass seed, see, germin spring soil temperatur tend upward 50 degre f. weed scientist use 52 degre f. one-half inch deep trigger point applic pre-emerg herbicide. last week talk appli grass seed lawn."} {"id": "7145", "contents": "aircraft mechan earn median wage $26.91 hourly, $55,980 annually, report bl may 2013. aircraft mechan work semiconductor electron compon manufactur compani earn highest among aircraft mechanics, averag yearli salari $89,460."} {"id": "7146", "contents": "amount money aviat manger make vari depend skill level experience. averag aviat manag make $100,000 $175,0 00 per year. much helicopt mechan make? answer anywher $17,500 annuali privat milatari around $100,000 privat sector pilot/mechan jobs."} {"id": "7147", "contents": "seniority. averag salari jet aircraft mechan make unit state $65,000 $85,000 per year; howev privat jet mechan tend higher end rang even well $100,000 per year. job gener requir high school diploma equivalent, aircraft mechan complet apprenticeship and/or special formal training. new jet aircraft mechan usual make around $12-16 per hour, howev quickli increas experi $18-20 per hour plu per diem. fulli train aircraft mechan year experi receiv averag $25 per hour. senior"} {"id": "7148", "contents": "averag pay. averag aircraft mechan earn mean salari $52,810 2009, accord bureau labor statistics. mechan special work avion radios, radar navig aids, meanwhile, earn averag $50,570 year. mechan great deal experi often earn averag salary. top 10 percent earner industry, accord survey, made $71,600 2009. highest paid avion technicians, meanwhile, made $65,620 year. less experienced, though, expect earn less."} {"id": "7149", "contents": "bureau labor statist say aircraft mechan work schedul air transport made $57,070 year average, worker provid support activ air transport earn $48,400, worker employ nonschedul air transport earn $55,150. top states. data provid bureau labor statist show texa largest employ aircraft mechan may 2011, averag $52,420 yearli salary. worker tennesse rank first term annual income, make $66,470 average, follow connecticut $63,420 alaska $62,500."} {"id": "7150", "contents": "bureau labor statist report aircraft mechan earn averag annual incom $54,500 may 2011. worker occup made $26.20 hour average. top tenth worker term annual incom made $74,210 bottom tenth earn less $34,630. top states. data provid bureau labor statist show texa largest employ aircraft mechan may 2011, averag $52,420 yearli salary. worker tennesse rank first term annual income, make $66,470 average, follow connecticut $63,420 alaska $62,500."} {"id": "7151", "contents": "variation. mechan great deal experi often earn averag salary. top 10 percent earner industry, accord survey, made $71,600 2009. highest paid avion technicians, meanwhile, made $65,620 year. less experienced, though, expect earn less."} {"id": "7152", "contents": "take aviat structur colleg right make 20-32 hour (canadian) father mechan work privat light aircraft mechan would make 300 800 per inspect (a business). much helicopt mechan make? answer anywher $17,500 annuali privat milatari around $100,000 privat sector pilot/mechan jobs."} {"id": "7153", "contents": "al diseas degen condit affect brain spinal cord lot peopl familiar al diseas chanc never heard might seen televis featur touch stori person suffer al cell affect condit locat spinal cord brain thu affect voluntari muscl control name lou gehrig name first person diagnos condit origin al clear"} {"id": "7154", "contents": "al diseas also known lou gehrig diseas condit affect nervou system al mean amyotroph later sclerosi cell affect condit locat spinal cord brain thu affect voluntari muscl control name lou gehrig name first person diagnos condit origin al clear"} {"id": "7155", "contents": "amyotroph later sclerosi al rapidli progress neuromuscular diseas attack motor neuron transmit electr impuls brain voluntari muscl bodi fail receiv messag muscl lose strength atrophi die"} {"id": "7156", "contents": "al amyotroph later sclerosi progress neurodegen diseas affect nerv cell brain spinal cord myo trophic come greek languag"} {"id": "7157", "contents": "amyotroph later sclerosi al often call lou gehrig diseas fame basebal player whose struggl diseas death 1941 brought nation attent al incur progress degen neurolog disord"} {"id": "7158", "contents": "al belong group diseas call motor neuron diseas diseas attack nerv cell use voluntari muscl action action control arm face leg al progress motor neuron cell bodi degener die nerv cell call motor neuron found brain spinal cord al progress cell degener die ceas send messag muscl turn caus weaken wast away"} {"id": "7159", "contents": "amyotroph later sclerosi al diseas certain nerv cell brain spinal cord slowli die nerv cell call motor neuron control muscl allow move part bodi al also call lou gehrig diseas"} {"id": "7160", "contents": "al amyotroph later sclerosi al also known lou gehrig diseas progress degener nerv cell control muscl movement diseas common motor neuron diseas among adult becam known lou gehrig diseas new york yanke hall fame first baseman"} {"id": "7161", "contents": "al amyotroph later sclerosi amyotroph later sclerosi al commonli known lou gehrig diseas progress neuromuscular diseas al character progress degener motor nerv cell brain upper motor neuron spinal cord lower motor neuron"} {"id": "7162", "contents": "noun. 1. mount fuji-an extinct volcano south central honshu highest peak japan; last erupt 1707; famou symmetr snow-cap peak; sacr mountain site pilgrimages. fujinoyama, fuji-san, fujiyama, fuji."} {"id": "7163", "contents": "mt. fuji tallest mountain japan (3,776.24 m) known wide symetricali shape cone. also activ volcano, erupt last 1707-8. fuji-san also subject much art japan, notabl hokusai' 36 view mt. fuji. actual activ volcano, import peak symbol japan. (peopl also call fuji-san mean mr. fuji sense, familiar.). reason importance: 1."} {"id": "7164", "contents": "mount fuji distinct featur geographi japan. stand 3,776.24 (12,389 ft) high locat near pacif coast central honshu, west tokyo. straddl boundari shizuoka yamanashi prefectures. japanes name mount fuji, becom obsolet poetic, includ fuji-no-yama (\u3075\u3058\u306e\u5c71, lit. mountain fuji) fuji-no-takan (\u3075\u3058\u306e\u9ad8\u5dba, lit. high peak fuji) fuy\u014d-h\u014d (\u8299\u84c9\u5cf0, lit. lotu peak) fugaku (\u5bcc\u5cb3\uff0f\u5bcc\u5dbd, creat combin first charact \u5bcc\u58eb, fuji, \u5cb3, mountain)"} {"id": "7165", "contents": "mount fuji (\u5bcc\u58eb\u5c71, fujisan, ipa: [\u0278\u026f\u1d5d\ua71cd\u0291isa\u0274] (listen)) locat honshu island, highest mountain japan 3,776.24 (12,389 ft). activ stratovolcano last erupt 1707\u201308, mount fuji lie 100 kilometr (60 mi) south-west tokyo, seen clear day. japanes name mount fuji, becom obsolet poetic, includ fuji-no-yama (\u3075\u3058\u306e\u5c71, lit. mountain fuji) fuji-no-takan (\u3075\u3058\u306e\u9ad8\u5dba, lit. high peak fuji) fuy\u014d-h\u014d (\u8299\u84c9\u5cf0, lit. lotu peak) fugaku (\u5bcc\u5cb3\uff0f\u5bcc\u5dbd, creat combin first charact \u5bcc\u58eb, fuji, \u5cb3, mountain)"} {"id": "7166", "contents": "mount fuji-an extinct volcano south central honshu highest peak japan; last erupt 1707; famou symmetr snow-cap peak; sacr mountain site pilgrimages. fujinoyama, fuji-san, fujiyama, fuji."} {"id": "7167", "contents": "mt fuji fujiyoshida. fuji-san sometim refer fuji yama western texts, third charact name, mean mountain, also pronounc yama. however, name obsolet japan. fact, japanes phrase fujiyama, geisha mean japan misunderstood west. mount fuji name-variations. fuji-san sometim refer fuji yama western texts, third charact name, mean mountain, also pronounc yama."} {"id": "7168", "contents": "mt. fuji call fuji-san japanese, written \u5bcc\u58eb\u5c71, 'san' mountain. actual activ volcano, import peak symbol japan. (peopl also call fuji-san mean mr. fuji sense, familiar.). reason importance: 1."} {"id": "7169", "contents": "mount fuji (noun). noun mount fuji sense: 1. extinct volcano south central honshu highest peak japan; last erupt 1707; famou symmetr snow-cap peak; sacr mountain site pilgrimages. familiar information: mount fuji use noun rare. dictionari entri details. mount fuji [back top]. meaning: extinct volcano south central honshu highest peak japan; last erupt 1707; famou symmetr snow-cap peak; sacr mountain site pilgrimages."} {"id": "7170", "contents": "s. aureu caus toxin-medi diseases, toxic shock syndrom (tss), staphylococc food poison (sfp), staphylococc scalded-skin syndrom (ssss). tss rare seriou infect origin link tampon use."} {"id": "7171", "contents": "staph bacteria normal found skin nose one-third population. bacteria gener harmless unless enter bodi cut wound, even usual caus minor skin problem healthi people."} {"id": "7172", "contents": "mrsa methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, type staph bacteria resist mani antibiotics. healthcar setting, hospit nurs home, mrsa caus sever problem bloodstream infections, pneumonia surgic site infections."} {"id": "7173", "contents": "symptom mrsa depend infected. often, caus mild infect skin, caus pimpl boils. however, also caus seriou skin infect infect surgic wounds, bloodstream, lungs, bone urinari tract."} {"id": "7174", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) bacterium caus infect differ part body. tougher treat strain staphylococcu aureu -- staph -- resist commonli use antibiotics."} {"id": "7175", "contents": "mrsa caus pain skin soft tissu problems, boils, scalded-skin syndrome, impetigo. mrsa strain bacteria staphylococcu aureus. mrsa actual short methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus. methicillin type antibiot commonli use treat infections."} {"id": "7176", "contents": "less often, staph caus seriou problem like infect wound pneumonia. staph usual treat antibiotics. decades, strain staph -- like mrsa -- becom resist antibiot destroy it. mrsa first discov 1961."} {"id": "7177", "contents": "mrsa type staphylococc bacteria develop resist number wide use antibiotics. staphylococc (staph) bacteria rel common. peopl carri staph bacteria harmlessli skin, usual insid nose surfac armpits, groin buttocks."} {"id": "7178", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) infect caus type staph bacteria that' becom resist mani antibiot use treat ordinari staph infections."} {"id": "7179", "contents": "top paid major class 2013 recruit trends. colleg degre highest start salaries. class 2013 see highest salari sinc great recess ... colleg degre highest salari 2013. highest-paid colleg major are\u2026. report nation associ colleg employ say year' graduat earn averag start salari $44,928 -- 5.3 percent jump last year' average."} {"id": "7180", "contents": "class 2014 first-destin survey: salari busi major manag inform system major earn top averag start salari among class 2014 busi graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level. class 2014: top-paid engin major petroleum engin major top-paid among class 2014 engin graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level, accord result nace\u2019 april 2014 salari survey."} {"id": "7181", "contents": "engin domin list top-paid major class 2013 grad seven 10 top-paid major class 2013 bachelor\u2019 degre graduat engin majors, accord nace\u2019 januari 2014 salari survey\u2014th final report start salari colleg class 2013. class 2014: top-paid engin major petroleum engin major top-paid among class 2014 engin graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level, accord result nace\u2019 april 2014 salari survey."} {"id": "7182", "contents": "start salari 1.2 percent class 2014 grad averag start salari new colleg graduat earn bachelor\u2019 degre increas 1.2 percent last year, accord nace\u2019 april 2014 salari survey. class 2014: top-paid engin major petroleum engin major top-paid among class 2014 engin graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level, accord result"} {"id": "7183", "contents": "engin grad 2013, like evans, still earn far higher salaries, average, typic new colleg graduate, accord latest salari survey nation associ colleg employers, releas report earn new graduat three time year. averag start salari member class 2013 $44,928, 5.3% previou year, driven big gain field health scienc business. figur relev grad lucki enough find job college-recruit season soon aft"} {"id": "7184", "contents": "sure, major see slight declin start salari compar last year. namely, start salari comput engin job percent; start pay inform scienc job 0.8 percent. mani seen signific increases. aerospac aeronaut engin majors, instance, enjoy percent increas start salaries; market major seen percent increas start salaries; econom financ major get paid 5.1 percent last year."} {"id": "7185", "contents": "best year-over-year rise start salari sinc class 2008. typic salari rang $36,988 human social scienc graduat $61,913 emerg engin degree. comput scienc major close second engin classmat averag salari $59,221. salari averag graduat found job field study, taken job. related: choic colleg degre cost millions. we'v seen steadi increas averag start salari bachelor' degre graduat past two years, indic improv job market colleg graduates, say marilyn mackes, execut director nace, includ on-campu career counselor well job recruit employers."} {"id": "7186", "contents": "averag colleg graduat salaries. averag salari colleg graduat job $46,000. averag colleg graduat salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits."} {"id": "7187", "contents": "class 2014 first-destin survey: salari liber arts/human major liber arts/gener studi major earn top averag start salari among class 2014 liber art graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level, accord nace\u2019 spring 2015 salari survey report. class 2014: top-paid engin major petroleum engin major top-paid among class 2014 engin graduat bachelor\u2019 degre level, accord result nace\u2019 april 2014 salari survey."} {"id": "7188", "contents": "mari osmond net worth estim 17 million osmond rais member church jesu christ latter day saint togeth eight brother brother maintain career show busi earli age sang perform nation televis"} {"id": "7189", "contents": "donni osmond net worth 15 million donni osmond net worth donni osmond american singer musician actor dancer radio person former teen idol net worth 15 million dollar"} {"id": "7190", "contents": "mari osmond net worth 17 million mari osmond net worth mari osmond american actress singer estim net worth 17 million dollar mari osmond born 1959 ogden utah daughter nine children show busi famili osmond"} {"id": "7191", "contents": "donald clark donni osmond estim net worth 15 million donni osmond born ogden utah decemb 09 1957 best known music act also produc game show host talk show host journalist"} {"id": "7192", "contents": "donni osmond donald clark donni osmond estim net worth 15 million donni osmond born ogden utah decemb 09 1957 best known music act also produc game show host talk show host journalist"} {"id": "7193", "contents": "sacrum coccyx (o coccygis). also known tailbone, coccyx consist 3-5 small bone often fused. sacrum coccyx locat left right os coxa (= hip bones) form posterior portion boni pelvi (= os coxae, sacrum, coccyx bones)."} {"id": "7194", "contents": "sacrum. sacrum name bone locat base spine consist five fuse vertebrae. vertebra unfus children, earli mid twenties, fuse togeth"} {"id": "7195", "contents": "sacrum larg wedg shape vertebra inferior end spine. form solid base spinal column intersect hip bone form pelvis. sacrum strong bone support weight upper bodi spread across pelvi legs."} {"id": "7196", "contents": "coccyx. coccyx, also known tailbone, small, triangular bone resembl shorten tail locat bottom spine. compos three five coccyg vertebra spinal bones."} {"id": "7197", "contents": "sections. sacral spine refer five fuse vertebra (s1-s5) end spinal column. basically, sacral spine locat behind pelvis, hip bone connect spinal column pelvis. gener area sometim refer lumbosacr spine."} {"id": "7198", "contents": "tetrapod anatomy, sacrum (/\u02c8saekr\u0259m/ \u02c8s\u00e6kr\u0259m /or/ \u02c8se\u026akr\u0259m: plural sacra or; sacrum latin os) sacrum a, larg triangular bone base spine the, upper back part pelvic, caviti insert like wedg two hip. bone sacrum consist fuse vertebra number vari speci dog three exampl human hors five. humans, upper part sacrum connect last lumbar vertebra, lower part coccyx (tailbone) via sacral coccyg cornu."} {"id": "7199", "contents": "sacral region (sacrum) bottom spine lie fifth segment lumbar spine (l5) coccyx (tailbone). see: lumbar spine anatomi pain. tailbon pain video. unlik individu vertebra region spine, vertebra sacral region well coccyx fused. coccyx (also call tailbone) locat base spine compos four fuse vertebrae. ligament attach coccyx sacral hiatu synovi sacro-coccyg joint"} {"id": "7200", "contents": "0. jun 8, '07 dschueler. sacrum coccyx attach lower vertebr bone structur lumbar region, coccyx sit on, bottom piec bone commonli refer tailbone. googl know next time, help rememb better. 1."} {"id": "7201", "contents": "us bacteria promot health. antibiot discern good bad type need good sever reasons. good bad bacteria exist mouth gut. normal good type abund number render bad insignificant."} {"id": "7202", "contents": "take antibiotics, children go period constipation, follow secondari ill immun system compromised. young kid also get cradl cap (actual case fungal seborrho dermatitis), psoriasis, eczema lack good bacteria skin scalp."} {"id": "7203", "contents": "constip do. hello, may exclud organ caus constip consult specialist. alter food habit start take fiber-rich diet along plenti water. regular daili exercis especi stress perin exercis help often."} {"id": "7204", "contents": "recov sever bloat constip (usual antibiotics). antibiot especi overdos may cure immedi bacteri infection. however, leav without friendli bacteria (in digest tract start mouth way gut)."} {"id": "7205", "contents": "antibiot constip close relat root caus latter intak antibiotics. antibiot destroy flora gut becom suscept infect sinc unhealthi organ invad gut."} {"id": "7206", "contents": "antibiot constipation. antibiot potenti disrupt help bacteria gut. caus mani gastrointestin problems, includ diarrhea, upset stomach, nausea, constipation. diarrhea much common effect antibiot"} {"id": "7207", "contents": "antibiot potenti disrupt help bacteria gut. caus mani gastrointestin problems, includ diarrhea, upset stomach, nausea, constipation. diarrhea much common effect antibiot"} {"id": "7208", "contents": "antibiot caus constipation. however, cours antibiot greatli decreas amount benefici bacteria, allow harm bacteria multipli fill void. uncheck healthi bacteria, bad guy multipli quickli tri take colon."} {"id": "7209", "contents": "one major caus constip unhealthi gut flora body. gut home million microorgan sever time higher bodi cell number. gut flora high import"} {"id": "7210", "contents": "th2 cell mediat function produc variou cytokin il-4, il-5, il-6, il-9, il-13, il-17 (il-25) respons strong antibodi production, eosinophil activation, inhibit sever macrophag functions, thu provid phagocyte-independ protect responses."} {"id": "7211", "contents": "cytokin also counteract th1 respons allow th2 respons il-4. il-4 signal stat6 upregul gata3 expression, master regul th2 cell differentiation. repress activ result develop failur il-4 produc cells."} {"id": "7212", "contents": "cytokin network. cytokin time given mani differ name still use. may come across word lymphokin (cytokin produc lymphocytes), leucokin (cytokin produc white blood cells), chemokines, monokines, interferons, interleukin lymphotoxins."} {"id": "7213", "contents": "releas cell affect behavior cells. cytokin also involv autocrin signaling. cytokin includ chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines, tumour necrosi factor gener hormon growth factor (despit terminolog overlap)."} {"id": "7214", "contents": "cytokin produc broad rang cells, includ immun cell like macrophages, lymphocytes, lymphocyt mast cells, well endotheli cells, fibroblasts, variou stromal cells; given cytokin may produc one type cell."} {"id": "7215", "contents": "protein produc white blood cells, cytokin perform sever import function allow bodi oper optimum levels. often creat respons presenc sort bacteri infection."} {"id": "7216", "contents": "special cell character (to degree) cytokin secrete. th1 cell secret ifn gamma th2 cell secret il4, il5, il9 il13. cytokin capabl secreting, predomin ones."} {"id": "7217", "contents": "term cytokin deriv combin two greek word cyto mean cell kino mean movement. cytokin cell signal molecul aid cell cell commun immun respons stimul movement cell toward site inflammation, infect trauma. cytokin exist peptide, protein glycoprotein (protein sugar attached) forms."} {"id": "7218", "contents": "list criteria: vote best player 2014 kansa citi royals. base kansa city, missouri, royal take name american royal, rodeo held annual kansa citi sinc 1899. play central divis american leagu world seri 1985."} {"id": "7219", "contents": "rivalri often refer i-70 series, stretch interst freeway missouri. regular season, cardin lead series, 45-31. list featur full 2014 kansa citi royal roster, rank best worst basebal fans."} {"id": "7220", "contents": "kansa citi royal join american leagu 1969, one earli idea owner ewe kauffman build kansa citi royal basebal academi florida. attempt find qualiti athlet without much basebal experi train becom basebal players."} {"id": "7221", "contents": "kansa citi monarch longest-run franchis histori basebal 's negro leagues. oper kansa city, missouri own j. l. wilkinson, charter member negro nation leagu 1920 1930. j. l. wilkinson first caucasian owner time establish team."} {"id": "7222", "contents": "kansa citi royal american profession basebal team base kansa city, missouri. member central divis major leagu basebal 's american league. sinc april 10, 1973, royal play kauffman stadium, formerli known royal stadium."} {"id": "7223", "contents": "1955, philadelphia athlet purchas arnold johnson move kansa city. becam clear start move love respect game, fans, citi kansa city, love profit."} {"id": "7224", "contents": "royal player basebal hall fame, ho best kansa citi royal 2014? royal found ewe kauffman 1969 establish rivalri fellow missouri mlb team, st. loui cardinals."} {"id": "7225", "contents": "georg brett player repres kansa citi royal basebal hall fame."} {"id": "7226", "contents": "chemic engin get wage rang 72000 108000 base tenur level. chemic engin like receiv salari nineti five thousand two hundr dollar per year. chemic engin make highest salari alaska, get salari pay $125820. peopl work job make highest salari mining, quarrying, oil ga extraction, earn averag wage $115550. nation wage distribut shown below. overlay local salari chemic engineer, pleas select state"} {"id": "7227", "contents": "well wide rang job engin categori pay vari greatly. know pay grade job search narrow list view engin job pay less $30k, $30k-$50k, $50k-$80k, $80k-$100k, $100k."} {"id": "7228", "contents": "chemic engineers' median salari doubl sinc first survey 1992, $59,700. work petroleum industri highest paid. chemic engin petroleum product refin busi pull median salari $150,000. petrochem median $140,000."} {"id": "7229", "contents": "averag chemic engin salaries. averag salari chemic engin job $72,000. averag chemic engin salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term chemic engin anywher job listing."} {"id": "7230", "contents": "unemploy field drop 3.8 percent 2.1 percent period. chemic engin houston-galveston area especi well paid, median salari $144,200. median salari chemic engin state whole $140,000, accord survey. work petroleum industri highest paid. chemic engin petroleum product refin busi pull median salari $150,000. petrochem median $140,000."} {"id": "7231", "contents": "pay chemic engin unit state sit ballpark $73k per year. final cash compens chemic engin vari around $51k approxim $123k; choic pay grade includ potenti bonus profit share high $15k $12k, respectively. pay rate chemic engin 19 percent greater nation average, houston offer comfort salari profession. chemic engin also find cushi salari st. loui (+10 percent), lo angel (+10 percent), baton roug (+9 percent), columbu (+6 percent)"} {"id": "7232", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic chemic engin unit state $67,918, 50% peopl perform job chemic engin unit state expect make less $67,918. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. annual salari someon job titl chemic engin may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "7233", "contents": "chemic engin earn averag salari r272,110 per year. peopl job gener 10 years' experience. skill project manag associ high pay job. r121,934 r586,944."} {"id": "7234", "contents": "salari survey base experi payscale.com. accord us depart labor (2008), median salari chemic engin $78,860. middl 50% chemic engin salari $67,420 $105,000. uk' institut chemic engin (2006) report averag start salari chemic engin graduat \u00a324,000, averag salari chemic engin \u00a353,000."} {"id": "7235", "contents": "nurs anesthetist nurs special administr anesthesia. unit states, certifi regist nurs anesthetist (crna) advanc practic regist nurs (aprn) acquir graduate-level educ board certif anesthesia. today, nurs anesthetist practic 50 unit state administ approxim 34 million anesthet year (aana). crna practic vari state state, also depend institut crna practice."} {"id": "7236", "contents": "anaesthet nurse. anaesthet nurs provid primari support patient anaesthetist throughout anaesthet process. anaesthetist supervision, anaesthet nurs ensur safeti patient cours anaesthetic. periop nurs care patient period prior, follow surgeri intervent procedures, periop nurs encompass rang specialis role including, limit to:"} {"id": "7237", "contents": "career overview. nurs anesthetist, certifi regist nurs anesthetist (crna), licens profession nurs provid anesthesia servic anesthesiologist (md). complet extens educ training, crna becom nation certifi may practic 50 states. nurs anesthetist, certifi regist nurs anesthetist (crna), licens profession nurs provid anesthesia servic anesthesiologist (md)"} {"id": "7238", "contents": "administ anesthesiology. nurs anesthetist specialty-train regist nurs administ anesthesia patient undergo surgeri special procedures. nurs anesthetist uniqu approach patient care, ground nurs perspective. crna anesthesia profession safe administ 34 million anesthet patient year unit states, accord american associ nurs anesthetist (aana) 2012 practic profil survey."} {"id": "7239", "contents": "kansas, crna make 70 percent anesthesia providers, 83 percent hospit state reli exclus crna anesthesia care. generally, path becom crna begin 4-year undergradu degre nurs anoth field. although requir possess degre nursing, current licens regist nurs requir enter nurs anesthesia program."} {"id": "7240", "contents": "crna administ anesthesia anesthesia-rel care four gener categories: (1) pre-anesthet prepar evaluation; (2) anesthesia induction, mainten emergence; (3) post-anesthesia care; (4) perianesthet clinic support functions. generally, path becom crna begin 4-year undergradu degre nurs anoth field. although requir possess degre nursing, current licens regist nurs requir enter nurs anesthesia program."} {"id": "7241", "contents": "nurs anesthetist advanc practic nurs special administ anesthet patient coordin care medic professionals. nurs anesthetist regist nurs work close doctor administ monitor patient' anesthesia medic procedures."} {"id": "7242", "contents": "also provid pain manag emerg services, airway management. practic anesthesia recogn specialti within profess nursing, nurs anesthetist essenti healthcar workforce. generally, path becom crna begin 4-year undergradu degre nurs anoth field. although requir possess degre nursing, current licens regist nurs requir enter nurs anesthesia program."} {"id": "7243", "contents": "crna also provid clinic support servic outsid oper room. anesthesia anesthesia-rel servic expand areas, mri units, cardiac catheter lab lithotripsi units. generally, path becom crna begin 4-year undergradu degre nurs anoth field. although requir possess degre nursing, current licens regist nurs requir enter nurs anesthesia program."} {"id": "7244", "contents": "best answer: paramecia alway refer genu name,paramecium. one-cel anim consid protozoa mean first animals. taught biolog 35 name never heard thing common name. like wise,amoeba also call genu name,amoeba. also paramecium aurelia particular speci paramecium, rather complex mani species, unlik whole complex would common name. http://www.haydnallbutt.com.au/files/par..."} {"id": "7245", "contents": "paramecium caudatum speci unicellular organ belong genu paramecium phylum ciliophora. reach 0.25mm length cover minut hair-lik organel call cilia. cilia use locomot feeding."} {"id": "7246", "contents": "euglena small organ protist kingdom. euglena gracili one mani speci euglena. common name like bird trees, refer scientif name. euglena interest sort combin plant animal. make food like plant, also eat things, like animal. also swim move"} {"id": "7247", "contents": "paramecium aurelia appear common name: http://www.itis.gov/servlet/singlerpt/si... paramecia gener often known ladi slippers, anecdotally, though seen offici descript case. also paramecium aurelia particular speci paramecium, rather complex mani species, unlik whole complex would common name. http://www.haydnallbutt.com.au/files/par..."} {"id": "7248", "contents": "answer ibjjammin. confid vote 54. mani differ scientif name paramecium' one paramecium pentaurelia. paramecium, like mani other shoe-lik shape move wave cilia(tini oar-lik hairs). paramecium singl cell organ fall protist group ciliophora. oval shape bodi reddish color. reproduc binari fission asic split 2; creat ident copi original."} {"id": "7249", "contents": "paramecium small one cell (unicellular) live organ move, digest food, reproduce. belong kingdom protista, group (family) similar live micro-organisms. micro-organ mean small live cell. three paramecium aurelia, paramecium bursaria, paramecium caudatum. notic first part name (genus) capit second (species) name not. standard way write names."} {"id": "7250", "contents": "genu first part scientif name. note genu alway capitalised. example: lemur catta scientif name ringtail lemur lemur genus. anoth example: sphyrna zygaena scientif name one speci hammerhead shark sphyrna genus. paramecium singl cell organ fall protist group ciliophora. oval shape bodi reddish color. reproduc binari fission asic split 2; creat ident copi original."} {"id": "7251", "contents": "genu first part scientif name. note genu alway capitalised. example: lemur catta scientif name ringtail lemur lemur genus. anoth example: sphyrna zygaena scientif name one speci hammerhead shark sphyrna genus."} {"id": "7252", "contents": "imag courtesy: biomedia associ paramecium, genu protozoa phylum ciliophora, often call slipper animalcul slipper-lik shape. paramecia unicellular organ usual less 0.25 mm (0.01 in) length cover minut hair-lik project call cilia. three paramecium aurelia, paramecium bursaria, paramecium caudatum. notic first part name (genus) capit second (species) name not. standard way write names."} {"id": "7253", "contents": "winston interpret line sens hope; tie golden country, land sunshin beauti also frequent dreams, parti gone real life truli begin."} {"id": "7254", "contents": "1984 signific winston' dream o'brien sister mother? chapter 3. dream o'brien (shall meet place darkness), dream sister mother disappearing. deconstruct one: underpin dreams?"} {"id": "7255", "contents": "o'brien timelin summary. back. next. encount o\u2019brien book one, chapter i, visit ministri truth. o\u2019brien stand close winston julia two minut hate. winston dream o\u2019brien tell him: shall meet place darkness.. o\u2019brien approach winston corridor ..."} {"id": "7256", "contents": "knew knew it, could see knowledg faces.. book continues, learn littl bit circumst surround disappear winston' mother sister, realiz harbor long-held feel guilt shame involv it."} {"id": "7257", "contents": "chapter iii. signific winston' dream mother sister deep saloon? symbol dark hair girl throw asid uniform dream? reveal winston' job? know past? telescreen unusual? ingsoc?"} {"id": "7258", "contents": "(answer #1). winston' dream indic inner, even repressed, thought feelings. repres part charact may want show others, even himself. first, winston dream mother, seen sinc child. last memori call ran away sister' chocol ration. never saw again, dream her. unfortunately, dream happi rat end crawl body."} {"id": "7259", "contents": "winston say no, forc winston look mirror pictur humanity.. pretti face. winston lash back, o\u2019brien recogn one last strength winston: winston yet betray julia."} {"id": "7260", "contents": "mean market audit depict follow chart. market audit analysis, examination, review evalu market activ company. evalu market environment, objectives, plans, polici strategi company."} {"id": "7261", "contents": "digit vision/digit vision/getti images. market plan audit comprehens review use evalu market strategy, gaug return invest ensur meet organization' objectives. market plan audit analyz strength weak company' current plan."} {"id": "7262", "contents": "conduct market audit. market audit fundament part market plan process. conduct begin process, also seri point implement plan. market audit consid intern extern influenc market planning, well review plan itself. mani way market audit clarifi opportun threats, allow market manag make alter plan necessary. lesson consid basic market audit, introduc market audit checklist."} {"id": "7263", "contents": "market audit regular basi strong refer point, reflect evolut extern busi environment, intern experi strategi development. market audit focus three key headings: extern market environment. intern market environment. constantli vari busi environment, market audit frequent required, begin plan process, along implement stage, provid also ground evalu possibl futur cours action."} {"id": "7264", "contents": "thorough market audit provid benchmark monitor futur market activ highlight recommend improv effici perform company' market activity. market audit often use compani review busi strategy. market audit inform manag invalu custom market insight, vital help set realist busi objectives. aspect cover market audit include: swot analysis. custom prospect research."} {"id": "7265", "contents": "market strategi audit vital, make sure market line market corpor goals. market strategi audit, auditor evalu perform evalu market goal objectives, relat compani mission strategi organization."} {"id": "7266", "contents": "examin process make updat market strategi plan review target achievement. target lead enumer strategy. essenti brand effort market function. audit ensur strategi statement succinct, clear leverag rel strengths."} {"id": "7267", "contents": "import step shape market strategi audit market function relat strategy. audit practic common mani organis decid market plan budget without measur perform previou current activities. market audit structur approach collect analysi inform data intern extern environment, includ inform busi econom climate, market, competition, major competitor company\u2019 oper performance."} {"id": "7268", "contents": "definit protonephridium. 1. duct flame cell. 2. nephridium equip solenocyt compar metanephridium.ew latin, prot- nephridium. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "7269", "contents": "flame cell. (invertebr zoology). hollow cell contain termin branch excretori vessel certain flatworm rotif invertebrates.1 facebook."} {"id": "7270", "contents": "flame. 1. luminous, irregular appear usual accompani combustion, appear resembl it. 2. render steril exposur flame. flame cell. excretori cell cestod trematodes; number arrang basi identification. plasma cell intens eosinophilic\u2014flaming\u2014cytoplasm contain glycoprotein globules; flame cell regard specif iga myelomas, also occur waldenstroem\u2019waldenstr\u00f6m macroglobulinemia african trypanosoma leptomening near cluster neutrophil is, similar but-membrane. bound"} {"id": "7271", "contents": "noun. 1. flame cell-organ excret flatworms. flatworm, platyhelminth-parasit free-liv worm flatten body. excretori organ, urinari organ-an organ separ wast substanc blood discharg them. facebook. twitter. flame cell. n. 1. (zoology) organ excret flatworms: hollow cup-shap cell contain bunch cilia, whose movement draw wast product waft outsid connect tubule."} {"id": "7272", "contents": "nephridium. pl. nephridia [l.]. 1. either pair excretori organ bodi segment certain invertebrates, inner end tubul open coelom cavity. 2. variou excretori structur nephron embryo."} {"id": "7273", "contents": "metanephridia [edit]. metanephridium (meta after) type excretori gland found mani type invertebr annelids, arthropod molluscs.(in mollusc known bojanu organ .). protonephridium (proto first) network dead-end tubul lack intern open found phyla platyhelminthes, nemertea rotifera. end call flame cell (if ciliated) solenocyt (if flagellated); function osmoregul ionoregulation, respectively."} {"id": "7274", "contents": "hollow cell excretori system certain invertebrates, includ flatworm rotifers, contain tuft rapidli beat cilia serv propel wast product excretori tubules. flame cell. n. 1. (zoology) organ excret flatworms: hollow cup-shap cell contain bunch cilia, whose movement draw wast product waft outsid connect tubule."} {"id": "7275", "contents": "also found in: dictionary/thesaurus, medical, wikipedia. excretori organ invertebr (mainli annelids), pair metamer tubul ectoderm origin open one end ciliat funnel coelom sac (the secondari bodi cavity) end exterior. metanephridia develop evolutionarili protonephridia.1 facebook."} {"id": "7276", "contents": "nephridium (plural nephridia) invertebr organ occur pair perform function similar vertebr kidney. nephridia remov metabol wast animal' body. protonephridium (proto first) network dead-end tubul lack intern open found phyla platyhelminthes, nemertea rotifera. end call flame cell (if ciliated) solenocyt (if flagellated); function osmoregul ionoregulation, respectively."} {"id": "7277", "contents": "definit cilium. 1. minut short hairlik process often form part fringe; especially: one cell capabl lash movement serv especi free unicellular organ produc locomot higher form current fluid. 2. eyelash. see cilium defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "7278", "contents": "cilia similar flagella structur function, cilium shorter move differently. ciliat cell usual hundr thousand cilia, move unison like littl oars. sometim cell also use cilia funnel food oral groove. flagellum whip-lik structur allow cell move. found three domain live world: bacteria, archaea, eukaryota. three type flagella use locomotion, structur different."} {"id": "7279", "contents": "definition. noun, plural: cilia. (biology). microscopic, hair-lik project surfac cell certain organisms. (botany). hair form fring along margin edg plant structure, e.g. leaf. (anatomy). eyelash."} {"id": "7280", "contents": "cilia flagella cell organel structur similar differenti base function and/or length. cilia short usual mani (hundreds) cilia per cell. two type cilia-motil non-motil primari cilia. non-motil primari cilia found nearli everi cell mammal name suggest beat. motil cilia found surfac cell beat rhythmic manner."} {"id": "7281", "contents": "cilia slender, microscopic, hair-lik structur organel extend surfac nearli mammalian cell (multipl single). source: amelia shoemark. motil (or moving) cilia found lungs, respiratori tract middl ear. cilia rhythmic wave beat motion (see right). work, instance, keep airway clear mucu dirt, allow us breath easili without irritation. also help propel sperm"} {"id": "7282", "contents": "two type cilia: motil cilia non-motile, primari cilia, typic serv sensori organelles. eukaryotes, motil cilia flagella togeth make group organel known undulipodia. eukaryot cilia structur ident eukaryot flagella, although distinct sometim made accord function and/or length."} {"id": "7283", "contents": "cilia flagella cilia flagella motil cellular appendag found microorgan animals, higher plants. multicellular organisms, cilia function move cell group cell help transport fluid materi past them. respiratori tract human line cilia keep inhal dust, smog, potenti harm microorgan enter lungs."} {"id": "7284", "contents": "larger eukaryotes, mammals, motil cilia well. motil cilia usual present cell' surfac larg number beat coordin waves. humans, example, motil cilia found line trachea (windpipe), sweep mucu dirt lungs. eukaryotes, motil cilia flagella togeth make group organel known undulipodia. eukaryot cilia structur ident eukaryot flagella, although distinct sometim made accord function and/or length."} {"id": "7285", "contents": "cilium (plural cilia) organel found eukaryot cells. cilia slender protuber project much larger cell body. two type cilia: motil cilia, beat fluid outsid cell. non-motile, primari cilia, typic serv sensori organelles."} {"id": "7286", "contents": "greec (/\u0261ri\u02d0s/ greess; greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03b1, ellada [ell\u00e1da]. ), e\u02c8la\u00f0a offici hellen (republic: greek \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae, \u03b4\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03af\u03b1 ell\u012bnik\u012b\u0301 [d\u012bmokratia d\u012bmokrat\u00eda.elini\u02c8ci]) \u00f0imokra\u02c8ti known sinc ancient time (/as/ hellas: \u02c8h\u025bl\u0259s, greek), \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2 ella ell\u00e1 countri located. southeastern europ ), offici hellen republ (greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae \u03b4\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03af\u03b1, ell\u012bnik\u012b\u0301 d\u012bmokratia [d\u012bmokrat\u00eda elini\u02c8ci.\u00f0imokra\u02c8ti]) known sinc ancient time (/hellas/ \u02c8h\u025bl\u0259s: greek, \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2), ella ell\u00e1 countri locat in."} {"id": "7287", "contents": "greec strateg locat crossroad europe, asia, africa. situat southern tip balkan peninsula, share land border albania northwest, republ macedonia bulgaria north turkey northeast. ), offici hellen republ (greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae \u03b4\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03af\u03b1, ell\u012bnik\u012b\u0301 d\u012bmokratia [d\u012bmokrat\u00eda elini\u02c8ci.\u00f0imokra\u02c8ti]) known sinc ancient time (/hellas/ \u02c8h\u025bl\u0259s: greek, \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2), ella ell\u00e1 countri locat in. southeastern europ"} {"id": "7288", "contents": "ancient greeks? ancient greek peopl greec migrat greec part mediterranean, includ cyprus, crete, asia minor, sicily, especi sout hern italy, carri greek culture. spoke languag was, is, branch indo-european languages. ancient greek citizen live greek city-state.it greek civilization. -greek civil start:it develop around aegean region 3000b c.it origin civilisations:mycenaean civil minoan"} {"id": "7289", "contents": "general, greek particularli proud cultur speak countri intens passion, feel cultur greec definit nation ethnic belonging. language. languag constitut one import element greek culture. modern greek languag descend ancient greek languag affili part greek hellen branch indo-european. first written greek found bake mud tablets, remain knosso palac crete island"} {"id": "7290", "contents": "mani cultur event take place greec year round. particularli famou athen epidauru greek festival, event ancient theatr epidaurus, herodeion theatr athen venues. language. languag constitut one import element greek culture. modern greek languag descend ancient greek languag affili part greek hellen branch indo-european. first written greek found bake mud tablets, remain knosso palac crete island"} {"id": "7291", "contents": "mathemat finance, greek quantiti repres sensit price deriv option chang underli paramet valu instrument portfolio financi instrument dependent."} {"id": "7292", "contents": "product greece. greec greek island world known mani tasti love tradit products. find greek product littl markets, villag beauti island greece. product import aspect greek culinari culture. list mani local product greec visitor find, buy bring back home. qualiti product use make delici greek recip"} {"id": "7293", "contents": "aegean sea lie east mainland, ionian sea west, mediterranean sea south. greec longest coastlin mediterranean basin 11th longest coastlin world 13,676 km (8,498 mi) length, featur vast number islands, 227 inhabited. eighti percent greec mountainous, mount olympu highest peak 2,917 (9,570 ft). ), offici hellen republ (greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae \u03b4\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03af\u03b1, ell\u012bnik\u012b\u0301 d\u012bmokratia [d\u012bmokrat\u00eda elini\u02c8ci.\u00f0imokra\u02c8ti]) known sinc ancient time (/hellas/ \u02c8h\u025bl\u0259s: greek, \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03ac\u03c2), ella ell\u00e1 countri locat in. southeastern europ"} {"id": "7294", "contents": "mani consum product get name greek mythology. nike sneaker namesak goddess victory, example, websit amazon.com name race mythic femal warriors."} {"id": "7295", "contents": "retain wall cost. pour retain wall elabor curv requir complex formwork drive cost wall. total cost concret retain wall instal combin materi labor prices. basic wall expect pay $30 $40 per squar foot. add decor finish, curves, steps, light upgrades, cost rise."} {"id": "7296", "contents": "materi instal stone retain wall start around $25-$40 squar face foot go depend materials, site conditions, factors. cost $1,250-$2,000 wall 30 inch high 20 feet long. hire engin help design retain wall run $200-$500 more, depend complex extent project. hire engin strongli recommend wall feet high."} {"id": "7297", "contents": "stay right carrot, ring infinit less expensive). mani peopl search nanawal costs, i\u2019ll go ahead say cost. window-wal cost $16k installation. four panel wall 12 feet wide almost 12 feet tall (i think 11\u20198\u2033). origin design wider, local distributor work architect \u201coptimize\u201d configur get price down."} {"id": "7298", "contents": "do-it-yourself bring cost $150-$250 12x12 room $1,000-$3,000 small house, hang drywal requir lot heavi lift least two people, get good finish drywal requir lot patienc practice. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. factor cathedr ceil irregular layout bump price higher."} {"id": "7299", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost wall insul instal project. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal wall insul rang $0.59 $1.43 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "7300", "contents": "do-it-yourself materi cost $10-$15 squar face foot. thisoldhouse.com provid video show build block wall, call project challeng estim take two peopl 8-10 hour low wall 10-16 feet long. hire engin help design retain wall run $200-$500 more, depend complex extent project. hire engin strongli recommend wall feet high."} {"id": "7301", "contents": "shop retain wall: hire engin help design retain wall run $200-$500 more, depend complex extent project. hire engin strongli recommend wall feet high."} {"id": "7302", "contents": "instal new drywal wall ceil 12x12-foot-room 8-foot-high wall mean 530 squar feet drywall. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. factor cathedr ceil irregular layout bump price higher."} {"id": "7303", "contents": "drywal common type wall. biggest impact drywal itself. ensur get enough cover wall possibl ceil bulk price instal drywall. beyond that, special drywal screws, joint compound mud, tape. bigger space mean materi longer work time professionals, increas price instal wall. drywal heavy; instal usual requir least two workers. however, cost less instal drywall, compar panel instal charg squar foot."} {"id": "7304", "contents": "actor tag 'funny' listal community. sort by: tag popularity-top rated-top rate popular-rec rated-d added."} {"id": "7305", "contents": "let' clear: thing perfect list best monologu actors. know audit monologu person love, hamlet' advic players\u2014beauti poetry, great character, funni boot\u2014but everyon play hamlet."} {"id": "7306", "contents": "sometim he' everyone, includ peopl like comedi typic easy, occasion chanc take bad ones, comedian merci bad script, jim carrey make even weakest movi watchable. 14 jason segel. one funniest peopl alive, look like fun work look behind scene blooper 'how met mother'! big kid, awesome, aspir like i'm older :d. 15 martin short. martin short 45 sick joke."} {"id": "7307", "contents": "famou male voic actors. list famou male voic actings, list level promin photo available. greatest male voic act list contain promin top male known voic actings. thousand male work voic act world, list highlight notabl ones. histor voic act work hard becom best be, male aspir voic act peopl give inspiration. list featur peopl like dave madden, ron perlman more!"} {"id": "7308", "contents": "richard pryor. one icon black comed actors, richard pryor turn head made fan film cirtic pay attent star opposit diana ross ladi sing blues. comedian broaden fan base co-star gene wilder film silver streak. later went star mani major films."} {"id": "7309", "contents": "list famou male movi actors. favorit actor(s) made strong impress lives. list famou male movi actor would brief mani name made presenc felt world movies. here' look famou male movi actor delight audienc power pack performances. inform provid may, 2013."} {"id": "7310", "contents": "like funni people. valu funni peopl highly. also valu young peopl highly. believ future, don\u2019t explain googl things. there\u2019 noth like find one favorit comedian funni actor hasn\u2019t even reach thirtieth birthday. get pain jealousi fact they\u2019r famou you, make relatable."} {"id": "7311", "contents": "funniest peopl ever includ actor like ferrel john belushi, comedians-turned-actor like bill cosbi eddi murphy, gener funni peopl like georg carlin john cleese. rank funni person complet subjective, folk list funni peopl undeni hilarious. funniest peopl time. list criteria: may includ comed actors, mainli peopl make laugh matter do. funniest peopl time mix actors, comedians, even peopl probabl start tri funny. includ list peopl vy titl funniest person ever funniest stand-up comedian time funniest actor actress ever. one thing' sure: funni actor comedian top ha ha game could make peopl laugh 'til pee"} {"id": "7312", "contents": "adam sandler one better version typic crude juvenil comics, charact act like jerk screw peopl get away safe easy, jim carrey never stop find innov way go beyond. 14 jason segel. one funniest peopl alive, look like fun work look behind scene blooper 'how met mother'! big kid, awesome, aspir like i'm older :d. 15 martin short. martin short 45 sick joke."} {"id": "7313", "contents": "former presid receiv salari current member presidenti cabinet. 2013, amount $199,700 per year. number take account extra former leader entitl includ $96,000 stipend offic staff payrol free postag life."} {"id": "7314", "contents": "presidenti pension fix amount, rather match current salari cabinet member (or execut level personnel), $191,300/year march, 2008 (but see salari info section advic track increas figure)."} {"id": "7315", "contents": "presidenti pay rais first sinc 1969, president' salari rais $100,000 $200,000. adjust inflation, $200,000 1969 would worth $930,232 today."} {"id": "7316", "contents": "presidenti salari information. recent salari increase, $400,000/year $200,000/year, took effect georg w. bush becam president. presid also receiv $50,000 non-tax expens account."} {"id": "7317", "contents": "salari expens account. 2014, presid earn annual salari $400,000 per year, plu $50,000 non-tax expens account. presidenti salari $200,000 sinc 1969, 1999, congress pass legisl doubl salari current level presid georg w. bush took office."} {"id": "7318", "contents": "presid earn averag salari $145,052 per year. experi moder effect incom job. peopl job five years' experi relat jobs. skill increas pay job busi strategy, leadership, team leadership, strateg marketing."} {"id": "7319", "contents": "effect januari 1, 2001, annual salari presid unit state increas $400,000 per year, includ $50,000 expens allowance."} {"id": "7320", "contents": "former presid act, former presid paid lifetime, taxabl pension equal annual rate basic pay head execut feder depart -- $201,700 2015 -- annual salari paid secretari cabinet agencies."} {"id": "7321", "contents": "effect process techniqu forens dna analysi human skelet remains. arismendi jl, baker le, matteson kj. depart anthropology, univers tennessee, knoxville, tn, usa. human remain process forens anthropologist may potenti use genet analysis. therefore, condit deoxyribonucl acid (dna) process remain may becom issu futur analysis. process techniqu employ anthropologist highli variabl scan electron microscopi reveal signific alter bone surfac depend upon techniqu used. studi assess five process procedur use major forens anthropolog laboratori around countri affect amount dna extract human rib bone subsequ dna analysis."} {"id": "7322", "contents": "analys show biolog materi specif individu found crime scene, help inform victim may died, even bring ident unknown human remain found advanc stage decomposition. technic work group biolog evid preserv releas biolog evid preserv handbook: best practic evid handlers. handbook address packag storage, track chain custody, disposit biolog evidence."} {"id": "7323", "contents": "forens biolog use determin type biolog stains, blood semen, left crime scene link stain individu dna analysis. dna analysis. serology. biolog screening. pathology/forens anthropology. technic work group biolog evid preserv releas biolog evid preserv handbook: best practic evid handlers. handbook address packag storage, track chain custody, disposit biolog evidence."} {"id": "7324", "contents": "(illustr carlyn iverson) [larger image]. dna use understand evolut modern humans, trace migrat people, identifi individuals, determin origin domest plant animals. dna analysis, one scholar put it, greatest archaeolog excav time.."} {"id": "7325", "contents": "dna deoxyribonucl acid contain genet make-up properti live things. contain inform code necessari cellular activity, like format protein rna ribonucl acid. part dna contain genet code call genes. dna molecul usual two strand connect entwin form helix. live organisms, dna store mostli nucleu cell."} {"id": "7326", "contents": "molecular anthropolog extrem use establish evolutionari tree human primates, includ close relat speci like chimp gorillas. mitochondri dna offer anoth advantag autosom dna. gener copi chromosom cell (1 parent chromosome). mtdna dozen hundr cell."} {"id": "7327", "contents": "damag bone indic differ may exist qualiti quantiti dna extracted. studi assess five process procedur use major forens anthropolog laboratori around countri affect amount dna extract human rib bone subsequ dna analysis."} {"id": "7328", "contents": "sinc dna contain genet code, much studi analyz varieti reasons. generally, dna test may use identif classif famili tree may also use variou scienc studi diseas crimes. case particular child identifi father, dna test big help trace real person father said child. part dna contain genet code call genes. dna molecul usual two strand connect entwin form helix. live organisms, dna store mostli nucleu cell."} {"id": "7329", "contents": "peopl access dna test becam afford mani people. much use trace famili histori medic diagnostics. asid applications, analysi dna also use field anthropology, paleontology, archeology. part dna contain genet code call genes. dna molecul usual two strand connect entwin form helix. live organisms, dna store mostli nucleu cell."} {"id": "7330", "contents": "(juli 2010). molecular anthropolog field anthropolog molecular analysi use determin evolutionari link ancient modern human populations, well contemporari species. mitochondri dna offer anoth advantag autosom dna. gener copi chromosom cell (1 parent chromosome). mtdna dozen hundr cell."} {"id": "7331", "contents": "bacteria streptococcu pneumonia common caus acut bacteri sinusitis. type bacteria resist common type antibiot standard dosages, although antibiot use treat condition."} {"id": "7332", "contents": "sinus inflamm sinu caus either viral bacteri infection. sinus typic occur excess mucu develop blockag sinuses."} {"id": "7333", "contents": "causes. acut sinus caus viral, bacterial, fungal infections. allergan environment irrit possibl causes. cases, acut sinus caus upper respiratori tract viral infection, common cold, usual resolv own."} {"id": "7334", "contents": "acut sinusitis. acut sinus usual caus viral bacteri infection. common cold, caus virus, may lead swell sinuses, trap air mucu behind narrow sinu openings. nasal sinu symptom usual go away within two weeks."} {"id": "7335", "contents": "inflamm sinu caviti last three month chronic sinusitis. although bacteria often colon obstruct sinuses, bacteri infect caus chronic sinusitis. anatomy, allergies, polyps, immun deficiencies, dental diseas may also caus chronic sinu problems."} {"id": "7336", "contents": "often, acut sinus caus viru (known acut viral sinusitis) bacteria (acut bacteri sinusitis). term sinus sinu infect use interchangeably. 98 percent acut sinus case caus virus. virus enter sinuses, can:"} {"id": "7337", "contents": "however, new outlet switch need installed. asment above, replac outlet switch cost $70 $120 per outlet. copper wire use rewir hous expens cost around $1,000 averag home, $3,000 larger home. rewir home provid safeti piec mind. find cost rewir hous area-get free quot reliabl local electricians."} {"id": "7338", "contents": "advantages: asphalt one common roof materi america. rel inexpens easi install. disadvantages: last 20 year cannot recycled. averag roof replac cost per squar foot: $2 $4, installed."} {"id": "7339", "contents": "houston texa metro area, roof compani contractor charg anywher $195 $295 per squar replac roof (thi standard 1-2 stori roof pitch 5/12 less). necessari add 15%-20% (depend simpl cut-up roof is) 2,500 sq. ft. total waste, starter ridg (2,500 15% 375). add two number together, 375 sq. ft. 2,500 2,875 sq. ft. grand total squar footag roof area roof."} {"id": "7340", "contents": "project go requir around 40 sheet cost $800. squar shingles, minimum forti year guarantee, averag $80 $100 project go demand approxim 13 15 total roughli $1500. usual roll per squar foot price project; materials-th averag sheet roof qualiti plywood measur 5/8 thick roughli $20."} {"id": "7341", "contents": "re-pip averag hous 1- 2-1/2 bathroom cost $1,500-$15,000 more, depend size hous type new pipe instal (plastic copper). repipe1, danni zilberberg say 2-bathroom hous cost $3,499 pex would $5,000 copper. toni prado masterserv say 2-1/2-bathroom slab foundat hous $4,000-$5,000 pex would $5,000-$6,000 copper pipes."} {"id": "7342", "contents": "price copper increas dramat recent years, re-plumb hous copper cost $2,500-$15,000 more. example, pete rodriguez atlant re-plumb say 2-1/2-bathroom hous cost $3,700 re-plumb cpvc would start $4,500 copper, could cost more. repipe1, danni zilberberg say 2-bathroom hous cost $3,499 pex would $5,000 copper. toni prado masterserv say 2-1/2-bathroom slab foundat hous $4,000-$5,000 pex would $5,000-$6,000 copper pipes."} {"id": "7343", "contents": "2011, nation averag charg home builder $80 per squar foot, accord nation associ home builders. use figur example, 2,000-square-foot home mid-grad finish built $80 per squar foot, replac cost would $160,000."} {"id": "7344", "contents": "squar shingles, minimum forti year guarantee, averag $80 $100 project go demand approxim 13 15 total roughli $1500. also go need roof nails, standard roll 1/4 galvan nail cost $65. usual roll per squar foot price project; materials-th averag sheet roof qualiti plywood measur 5/8 thick roughli $20. project go requir around 40 sheet cost $800."} {"id": "7345", "contents": "roof synthet slate tile (recycl rubber plastic mold look like slate) $11,900-$18,900 averag ranch hous 1,700-2,100 squar foot roof; $21,000-$27,000 3,000-square-foot roof. do-it-yourself materi instal asphalt shingl roof averag one-stori ranch-styl home (with gentli slope roof 1,700-2,100 squar feet) run $680-$3,700, depend qualiti materials."} {"id": "7346", "contents": "citi torrance: welcom welcom citi torranc u2you util manag system. websit sign new service, pay bill, find much water use more. get started, choos option link above."} {"id": "7347", "contents": "octob 13, 2015 selma: precautionari boil water notic cal water advis custom resid area border young street southwest, second street on..."} {"id": "7348", "contents": "two main water servic compani servic citi torrance. torranc municip water util reach 1-855-354-5623, california water servic compani contact 1-310-257-1400. after-hour emergencies, pleas call torranc public safeti 1-310-328-3456."} {"id": "7349", "contents": "torranc citi south bay (southwestern) region lo angel county, california, unit states."} {"id": "7350", "contents": "explor torrance, california hotel near redondo beach. whether you\u2019r travel southern california business, leisure, extend stay, let resid inn lo angel torrance/redondo beach \u201chome away home\u201d."} {"id": "7351", "contents": "torrance, ca hotel mile nearbi redondo beach pier oceanfront dining, upscal shop live entertainment. discov perfect dine experience."} {"id": "7352", "contents": "urgent issu relat water service, call district phone number list tabl below. less urgent matter handl send us detail messag use contact us form. would like pay bill phone use autom bill payment service, pleas call (866) 734-0743."} {"id": "7353", "contents": "long take get clean shower? 10 minutes? know 10 minut shower standard shower head use upward 80 gallon water gener pound co2 emissions? includ energi use heat water, unless cours solar hot water. yea go ahead take minut shower, i\u2019ll make sure walk side street smell coming. tri turn shower head wash bodi hair save water."} {"id": "7354", "contents": "grow up, couldnt take shower cloth wash dishwash run water shower would cold. water system design handl both, feed hot water area. hardwar fixtures/plumb keep pressur temperatur consistent, this..if not..i would wait shower noth els run pressur and/or temperatur affected. pissy_old_ladi year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "7355", "contents": "dri hair towel, blow hair dri want let air dry. take phone shower put ziploc bag. make sure seal way, tri get soaked. brush hair shower use hair products. male, uncircumcis (check doctor parent), make sure clean foreskin, avoid infection. dri hair towel, blow hair dri want let air dry."} {"id": "7356", "contents": "take phone shower put ziploc bag. make sure seal way, tri get soaked. brush hair shower use hair products. peopl shave lower privat spot make sure noth stick out. male, uncircumcis (check doctor parent), make sure clean foreskin, avoid infection. dri hair towel, blow hair dri want let air dry."} {"id": "7357", "contents": "wash hair--i take hand towel wrap loos around neck point water want go wash hair. tilt head back use hand held wet hair spray aim top head back hair."} {"id": "7358", "contents": "house, plumb handl it, doesnt matter take shower item used. cant take realli long shower eventu tank empti hot water shower get cold. hardwar fixtures/plumb keep pressur temperatur consistent, this..if not..i would wait shower noth els run pressur and/or temperatur affected. pissy_old_ladi year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "7359", "contents": "take shower bedtime, take shower gel smell lavender. make relax shower gel smell fruit. shave shower, pat dri skin rather rub it. reduc skin irrit damage. male, uncircumcis (check doctor parent), make sure clean foreskin, avoid infection. dri hair towel, blow hair dri want let air dry. take phone shower put ziploc bag."} {"id": "7360", "contents": "take shower laundri time? mother seem think two thing time make either shower wash machin work properly. mayb think enough hot water something, even know. worri complet unfound legitim reason you... hardwar fixtures/plumb keep pressur temperatur consistent, this..if not..i would wait shower noth els run pressur and/or temperatur affected. pissy_old_ladi year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "7361", "contents": "house, get hot water one applianc time, one shower cloth washer dishwash running. someon forget turn kitchen faucet someon els shower, get hit bolt cold water. share question. flag as... shower. water yard washer take forev fill, shower pressur low water sourc run half capacity. amaz 200psi faucet hill, regular fire hose stand alon held feet hose nozzle."} {"id": "7362", "contents": "frequenc sound increas wavelength increas decrease. frequenc increases, wavelength decreases. true light electromagnet radiat well sound. univers wave equat veloc wavelength frequency, deriv wavelength veloc frequen cy, therefor wavelength invers relat frequency. invers relationships, one variabl increases, decreases. peopl found useful."} {"id": "7363", "contents": "increas frequenc alway decreas wavelength. wavelength lambda frequenc connect speed medium. air 343 m/ 20 degre celsiu water dgree 1450 m/s. light wave electromagnet wave 299 792 458 m/s. example, say standard wavelength 5m. 3.0 108 60,000,000 hertz say increas wavelength 6m: 3.0 108 50,000,000 hertz see, increas wavelength, frequenc decreases."} {"id": "7364", "contents": "increas frequenc decreas wavelength, wave velocity. speed mechan wave medium depend thing elast term (on top) mass/inertia/dens term (on bottom) greater restor forc medium, greater speed waves. doesn't. apart light vacuum, speed wave medium vari frequenc wavelength. call dispersion. apart light glass, well known, speed sound gase case increas frequency. higher frequenc co2 example."} {"id": "7365", "contents": "report abuse. frequenc wavelength invers proportional. frequenc increases, wavelength decreases. one way think frequenc number cycl occur period time, like cycl per second, hertz. increas number time repeat cycle, wavelength get smaller accommodate. thu use sound sourc higher frequencies, wavelength decrease. v= speed sound frequenc wavelength remain same, increas frequency,should decreas wavelength."} {"id": "7366", "contents": "wavelength decreas frequenc increases. wavelength lambda frequenc connect speed medium. air 343 m/ 20 degre celsiu water dgree 1450 m/s. light wave electromagnet wave 299 792 458 m/s. univers wave equat veloc wavelength frequency, deriv wavelength veloc frequen cy, therefor wavelength invers relat frequency. invers relationships, one variabl increases, decreases. peopl found useful."} {"id": "7367", "contents": "frequenc decreased, wavelength increased. wavelength lambda frequenc connect wave speed medium. air 343 m/ 20 degre celsiu water dgree 1450 m/s. light wave electromagnet wave 299 792 458 m/s. example, say standard wavelength 5m. 3.0 108 60,000,000 hertz say increas wavelength 6m: 3.0 108 50,000,000 hertz see, increas wavelength, frequenc decreases."} {"id": "7368", "contents": "pass light glass, speed decreas frequenc remain constant. mean wavelength must decreas frequenc stay same. wave tend frequenc constant. need think how, case, wavelength vari speed. (origin post muh123). need proper explan happens, understand why. doesn't. apart light vacuum, speed wave medium vari frequenc wavelength. call dispersion. apart light glass, well known, speed sound gase case increas frequency. higher frequenc co2 example."} {"id": "7369", "contents": "public key fingerprint hash public key only. sinc public key stay simpl renewing, fingerprint too. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate. depend fingerprint mean. public key fingerprint hash public key only. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate."} {"id": "7370", "contents": "(see to: view certif mmc snap-in .) second, describ here, find appropri certif copi thumbprint (or claim values). use certif servic authentication, import note valu issu column (the first column console). click person folder expand it. click certif folder expand it. list certificates, note intend purpos heading. find certif list client authent intend purpose. double-click certificate. certif dialog box, click detail tab."} {"id": "7371", "contents": "delet certif certif store. this, creat new microsoft manag consol (mmc), add certif snap-in. this, follow steps: click start, click run. type mmc.exe, click ok. file menu, click add/remov snap-in. right-click certificate, click delete. add new certif certif store. delet certif http.sys. this, type follow command command prompt: note run commands, must open command prompt use elev permissions."} {"id": "7372", "contents": "depend fingerprint mean. public key fingerprint hash public key only. sinc public key stay simpl renewing, fingerprint too. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate. depend fingerprint mean. public key fingerprint hash public key only. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate."} {"id": "7373", "contents": "@niel: multipl certif subject. point error overal system design. reason this, would choos recent one use. serial number thumbprint chang cert renewed, that' fundament x.509. subject (dn) properti know stay same."} {"id": "7374", "contents": "fingerprint public key pin stay renew cert privat key use before. see page instruct gener fingerprint, see extract privat key csr, cert itself. share improv answer. answer feb 9:13. depend fingerprint mean. public key fingerprint hash public key only. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate."} {"id": "7375", "contents": "certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate. sinc content certif chang reflect new start expir time, fingerprint chang too. depend fingerprint mean. public key fingerprint hash public key only. certif fingerprint shown browser instead hash complet certificate."} {"id": "7376", "contents": "1. click product tab, expand ssl certificates, click renew certif renewed. 3. glitch #1: instruct mostli worked, except automat remov bind old certificate. 4. glitch #2: chang new certificate, connect intern owa. 1. click link email say certif renewed. took back certif list godaddi site. 2. check box next renew certif click download. select exchang 2007 click download. save download zip file server desktop."} {"id": "7377", "contents": "retriev certificate' thumbprint. open microsoft manag consol (mmc) snap-in certificates. (see to: view certif mmc snap-in .). consol root window' left pane, click certif (local computer) click person folder expand it. click certif folder expand it. list certificates, note intend purpos heading. find certif list client authent intend purpose. double-click certificate. certif dialog box, click detail tab."} {"id": "7378", "contents": "autolyz yeast extract result breakdown yeast cells. cell wall get disrupt yeast\u2019 enzym break proteins, releas amino acids, salt carbohydrates. solubl portion separ insolubl compon refer autolyz yeast extract. follow gluten-fre diet need avoid autolyz yeast extract sourc hidden gluten, accord colorado state university. anoth possibl concern consum autolyz yeast extract natur contain monosodium glutamate."} {"id": "7379", "contents": "brewer' yeast extract autolyz yeast. brewer' yeast obtain unicellular fungus. two kind yeast extract autolyz yeast, one made baker' yeast halal ingredi use soups, frozen fish product provid meati flavor. kind made brewer yeast obtain beer making."} {"id": "7380", "contents": "current recommend either yeast extract autolyz yeast extract list ingredi food label gluten-fre contact manufactur ask whether spent yeast beer manufactur source. here\u2019 why\u2026."} {"id": "7381", "contents": "slice deli meat chees board. photo credit lawkeeper/istock/getti images. autolyz yeast extract substanc result yeast broken constitu components. natur contain free glutam acid, monosodium glutamate, often use less expens substitut msg. follow gluten-fre diet need avoid autolyz yeast extract sourc hidden gluten, accord colorado state university. anoth possibl concern consum autolyz yeast extract natur contain monosodium glutamate."} {"id": "7382", "contents": "autolyz yeast (contain cell walls) autolyz yeast extract consist concentr yeast cell allow die break up, yeasts\u2019 endogen digest enzym break protein simpler compound (amino acid peptides). viscou yeast extract. yeast extract common name variou form process yeast product made extract cell content (remov cell walls); use food addit flavourings, nutrient bacteri cultur media."} {"id": "7383", "contents": "gener description. yeast extract water-solubl portion autolyz yeast, often use cultur media. yeast extract contain mixtur amino acids, peptides, water solubl vitamin carbohydrates. description. yeast extract water-solubl portion autolyz yeast, often use cultur media. yeast extract contain mixtur amino acids, peptides, water solubl vitamin carbohydrates."} {"id": "7384", "contents": "dom. n. 1. (also d\u014dn) use formerli titl male member portugues brazilian royalty, aristocracy, hierarchy, preced given name. 2. roman cathol church use titl name benedictin carthusian monk major minor orders. [portuguese, latin."} {"id": "7385", "contents": "dom rare first name men popular surnam peopl (#41924 150436, top 28%). (2000 u.s. census). graph comparison popular boy name dom affili names. promin vari form dom (unlisted) domenic, domenico, domingo, domini, domin (#69 year ago) dominick (#310) dominik (#616) dominiqu (#946) nick."} {"id": "7386", "contents": "name dom english babi name. english mean name dom is: lord. latin meaning: name dom latin babi name. latin mean name dom is: lord's. soulurg number: 6. express number: 5. peopl name deep inner desir stable, love famili community, need work other appreci"} {"id": "7387", "contents": "mean dom. english name. english, name dom means-diminut dominick: lord.. origin name dom include-english, latin-american.th name dom often use boy name male name. english name meaning-diminut dominick: lord. origin-english."} {"id": "7388", "contents": "dom /dom/ [1 syll.] boys' name latin derivation, mean name dom lord. dom altern form domin (latin). dim popular last name. kreatif forms: dommi, dommo. (2000 u.s. census). graph comparison popular boy name dom affili names. promin vari form dom (unlisted) domenic, domenico, domingo, domini, domin (#69 year ago) dominick (#310) dominik (#616) dominiqu (#946) nick."} {"id": "7389", "contents": "look domin wiktionary, free dictionary. domin name common among roman cathol latin-roman boy name. origin late roman-ital name dominicu translat mean lord, lordly, belong god master."} {"id": "7390", "contents": "mean dom. latin-american name. latin-american, name dom means-belong god. origin name dom include-latin-american, english.th name dom often use boy name male name. latin-american name meaning-belong god. origin-latin-america"} {"id": "7391", "contents": "origin name dominic: deriv latin dominicu (belong lord), dominu (a lord, master). var: domenic, dominick, dominyck, dominyk, domonic, domonick. short: dom, nick."} {"id": "7392", "contents": "conservapedia. idea univers common ancestri idea life earth relat via singl famili tree. accordingly, suppos human beings, well animals, plant everi form life earth related. peopl monkey thu distant cousins. univers common ancestri (uca) keyston naturalist theori evolut (ntoe), exclus evolution. intellig design advocates, includ michael behe, quarrel uca."} {"id": "7393", "contents": "common descent describ how, evolutionari biology, group organ share recent common ancestor. evid common descent life earth descend last univers ancestor. common ancestri organ differ speci aris speciation, new speci establish singl ancestr population."} {"id": "7394", "contents": "dna instruct program cells, basic compon organism. protein make overal structur dna. dna function, must self-repl form rna. rna help synthes protein creat replic copi dna. univers ancestor util function. univers ancestor, cell might differ overal structur replic differ ways. however, univers ancestor correct, cellular structur ancestor includ sever univers qualities."} {"id": "7395", "contents": "theory, univers ancestor first live organism. throughout earli histori earth, mani organ may co-exist univers ancestor well it. univers ancestor, cell might differ overal structur replic differ ways. however, univers ancestor correct, cellular structur ancestor includ sever univers qualities."} {"id": "7396", "contents": "last common ancestor life earth came ancient oceans. dj fotolia. four billion-year-old mysteri surround one common ancestor life earth solv scientists. life evolv singl cell organ known life' last univers common ancestor (luca). however, detail known look like, live evolved."} {"id": "7397", "contents": "last univers ancestor (lua), also call last univers common ancestor (luca), cenancestor, progenote, recent organ organ live earth common descent. thu recent common ancestor (mrca) current life earth. 2010, base vast array molecular sequenc avail domain life, formal test univers common ancestri published. formal test favor exist univers common ancestor wide class altern hypothes includ horizont gene transfer."} {"id": "7398", "contents": "univers ancestor describ organ group organ genet materi found within life earth descends. univers ancestor, cell might differ overal structur replic differ ways. however, univers ancestor correct, cellular structur ancestor includ sever univers qualities."} {"id": "7399", "contents": "linguist abl establish human languag common origin, turn cellular life common origin. ancestor life earth today dub luca, short last univers common ancestor."} {"id": "7400", "contents": "proof proteins: test support univers common ancestor life. one research put basic biolog assumpt singl common ancestor test--and found advanc genet analysi sophist statist back darwin' age-old proposition. katherin harmon may 13, 2010."} {"id": "7401", "contents": "lecithin add nice creami flavor. lecithin soy sunflow based. major lecithin extract soy bean mean vegetarian vegan friendly. use recip replac fat content, also improv moistur textur recipes."} {"id": "7402", "contents": "lecithin found egg yolks, tissu organ mani animals, veget soybeans, peanuts, corn. lecithin commonli use food high fat oil order make dissimilar substances, oil water, blend and/or stay blended. list typic vegetarian."} {"id": "7403", "contents": "lecithin fat essenti cell body. found mani foods, includ soybean egg yolks. lecithin taken medicin also use manufactur medicines. lecithin use treat memori disord dementia alzheim \u2019s disease. also use treat gallbladd disease, liver disease, certain type depression, high cholesterol, anxiety, skin diseas call eczema. peopl appli lecithin skin moisturizer."} {"id": "7404", "contents": "soy lecithin extract soybean either mechan chemic use hexane. byproduct soybean oil production. peopl use supplement it\u2019 high cholin content. cholin micronutri good heart health brain development. vegan daili factoids: soy lecithin. lecithin oili substanc occur natur plant (soybeans) anim (egg yolks). soy lecithin extract soybean either mechan chemic use hexane. byproduct soybean oil product"} {"id": "7405", "contents": "posts: 1. wherea soya lecithin vegan, non-vegan lecithin ad ingredi food normal either soya hen' eggs, lecithin everywhere. cell membran true plant anim cells. posts: 158. lecithin exist natur soy eggs. someth say soy lecithin, vegan. say lecithin safe say egg."} {"id": "7406", "contents": "lecithin oili substanc occur natur plant (soybeans) anim (egg yolks). soy lecithin extract soybean either mechan chemic use hexane. byproduct soybean oil production. peopl use supplement it\u2019 high cholin content. vegan daili factoids: soy lecithin. lecithin oili substanc occur natur plant (soybeans) anim (egg yolks). soy lecithin extract soybean either mechan chemic use hexane. byproduct soybean oil product"} {"id": "7407", "contents": "lecithin deriv soy bean oil, deriv anim fat. yes. lecithin made soy, far know. lecithin deriv soy bean oil, deriv anim fat.. best go natur health/ vegeta rian store."} {"id": "7408", "contents": "non-soy lecithins. pure forms, egg yolk anim lecithin contain soy products. non-soy sourc lecithin veget oils, includ corn sunflow oils. similar soy lecithin, lecithin made mixtur natur lipids, phospholipid veget oil"} {"id": "7409", "contents": "lecithin deriv soy bean oil, deriv anim fat. lot deriv egg. best go vegetarian store stock soy lecithin. other found useful."} {"id": "7410", "contents": "peopl overweight actual gain weight easili drink alcohol. calori alcohol tend store gut. calori content alcohol beer 12 oz regular beer: 150 calori 12 oz. light beer: 100 calori wine oz. dri wine: 100 calori oz."} {"id": "7411", "contents": "mani calori alcohol drinks. alcohol full empti calories. high carbohydr sometim high fat (from cream base drinks), alcohol easi way cut diet help waistline. typic cosmopolitan 150 calori pint beer 110-200 calories. want killer drink, literally, pina colada 300-600 calori glass. big mac! cream drink like pina colada use coconut cream, heavi cream cream."} {"id": "7412", "contents": "calcul below, indic averag number drink choic per week. calcul show calori consum per week alcohol beverages. import lose weight slowly, rate 1/2 pound week. lose pound week, need consum 500 fewer calori day bodi burn"} {"id": "7413", "contents": "show mani calori vodka along mixer commonli consum with: singl vodka coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 120 calories. doubl vodka coke 50ml/1.7 fl oz 175 calories. singl vodka diet coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 56 calories. show mani calori whiskey type whiskey along mixer commonli consum these: singl jack daniel coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 129 calories. doubl jack daniel coke 50ml/1.7 fl oz 193 calories. singl jack daniel diet coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 64"} {"id": "7414", "contents": "calori alcohol. welcom calori alcohol index. place come learn mani calories, carb alcohol favorit beer, wine spirits."} {"id": "7415", "contents": "tweet. list wlr food databas show mani calori 100g popular alcohol drink plu calori nutrit inform serving. choos item list see calorie, carbohydrate, fat, protein fibr conten"} {"id": "7416", "contents": "brief explan calori alcohol far wine goe gener find 5oz glass wine least 100 calori consid bottl wine approxim 25.4oz minimum amount calori bottl wine around 500 calories. show mani calori whiskey type whiskey along mixer commonli consum these: singl jack daniel coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 129 calories. doubl jack daniel coke 50ml/1.7 fl oz 193 calories. singl jack daniel diet coke 25ml/0.85 fl oz 64"} {"id": "7417", "contents": "mani drink bottl wine? typic 25-ounc (750 ml) bottl tabl wine hold standard drinks, contain ounces. serv size wine contain amount alcohol 12-ounc regular beer 1.5 ounc 80-proof spirits. calcul show calori consum per week alcohol beverages. import lose weight slowly, rate 1/2 pound week."} {"id": "7418", "contents": "mani calori alcohol like drink? import 2014-05-19t05:40:13+00:00. calori per gram, number calori alcohol second fat (9 cals/g). calori alcohol metabolis first body, ahead burn fat desir weight loss diet."} {"id": "7419", "contents": "(octob 2010). procur act acquiring, buy goods, servic work extern source. favour goods, servic work appropri procur best possibl cost meet need acquir term qualiti quantity, time, location. procur softwar (often label e-procur software) manag purchas process electron and/or via cloud computing."} {"id": "7420", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. procur manag number thing within job description. main role find quotat make purchas suppli company."} {"id": "7421", "contents": "purchas manag employe within company, busi organ respons level buy approv acquisit good servic need company. posit respons may buyer purchas agent, may includ wider supervisori manageri responsibilities. purchas manag may overse acquisit materi need production, gener suppli offic facilities, equipment, construct contracts."} {"id": "7422", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. procur manager, also known purchas manag procur specialist, person charg get anyth compani might need. procur broad term describ purchas buy mani differ industries, mani differ size companies. purchas agent manag work small retail outfit, larg multin corporation. purchas manag work retail work engin field."} {"id": "7423", "contents": "enforc polici complianc one import respons procur manager. company' rule buy design protect compani legal challenges, well obtain best possibl combin price, qualiti service. procur broad term describ purchas buy mani differ industries, mani differ size companies. purchas agent manag work small retail outfit, larg multin corporation. purchas manag work retail work engin field."} {"id": "7424", "contents": "start salary. 30-40 per week. purchas procur manager, would respons buy best qualiti equipment, good servic compani competit rates. good negotiating, network deal figures, job could good choic you."} {"id": "7425", "contents": "whether purchas good use resale, procurement/purchas manag play import role organization. procur manag plan coordin work buyer purchas agents. although bureau labor statist separ categori procur managers, report purchas managers, buyer purchas agent earn averag incom $58,360 may 2010."} {"id": "7426", "contents": "procur manag need strong math skill implement inventori control procedures. procur manag may focu either tradit electron procurement. procur manag small organ may author place order well ensur delivery. procur broad term describ purchas buy mani differ industries, mani differ size companies. purchas agent manag work small retail outfit, larg multin corporation. purchas manag work retail work engin field."} {"id": "7427", "contents": "procur managers, also known purchas managers, work larg compani charg manag coordin procur agents, buyer purchas agents, well work complex purchas company."} {"id": "7428", "contents": "onlin tool calcul distanc drive direct two addresses, places, cities, villages, town airport massachusett (us). distanc drive direct also display googl map label distanc map drive direct"} {"id": "7429", "contents": "take i-87 north (adirondack northway) exit 30. pick rout north follow two mile rout 73. continu rout 73 28 mile lake placid. drive time new york citi hours; albani 1/2 hours."} {"id": "7430", "contents": "distanc citi massachusetts. citi town massachusetts. check drive straight line distanc massachusett town citi locat world."} {"id": "7431", "contents": "check flight distanc denni port provincetown, ma.travel time import point know drive distance. henc might also want know travel time denni port"} {"id": "7432", "contents": "american airlin delta air line offer daili flight rochest intern airport chicago, detroit minneapolis/st. paul. allegi air fli rochest phoenix (mesa, arizona). servic jet aircraft."} {"id": "7433", "contents": "normal pressur hydrocephalu occur excess cerebrospin fluid accumul brain ventricl hollow fluid fill chamber nph call normal pressur despit excess fluid cerebrospin fluid pressur measur spinal tap often normal"} {"id": "7434", "contents": "term hydrocephalu deriv greek word hydro mean water cephalu mean head name impli condit primari characterist excess accumul fluid brain although hydrocephalu known water brain water actual cerebrospin fluid csf clear fluid surround brain spinal cord"} {"id": "7435", "contents": "hydrocephalu condit primari characterist excess accumul cerebrospin fluid csf clear fluid surround brain spinal cord excess accumul result abnorm dilat space brain call ventricl"} {"id": "7436", "contents": "hydrocephalu buildup much cerebrospin fluid brain normal fluid cushion brain much though put harm pressur brain hydrocephalu congenit present birth"} {"id": "7437", "contents": "hydrocephalu condit occur fluid build skull caus brain swell name mean water brain brain damag occur result fluid buildup lead development physic intellectu impair"} {"id": "7438", "contents": "term hydrocephalu deriv greek word hydro mean water cephalu mean head name impli condit primari characterist excess accumul fluid brain"} {"id": "7439", "contents": "hydrocephalu also call water brain condit abnorm build csf cerebrospin fluid caviti ventricl brain buildup often caus obstruct prevent proper fluid drainag"} {"id": "7440", "contents": "first paper money issu canada denomin dollar british armi notes, issu 1813 1815 denomin $1 $400. emerg issu due war 1812. first banknot issu 1817 montreal bank. third seri banknot canadian dollar issu bank canada 1954 series. banknot design 1952 follow access elizabeth ii throne death father georg vi."} {"id": "7441", "contents": "oney canada made two differ government agencies. note (paper currency) produc bank canada. coin produc royal canadian mint. compar unit states, canada' money colour also fewer bills. main menu: symbols, facts, lists: currency. june 2011, canadian govern unveil latest seri notes, type made polym instead paper. *n.b. late 2000, govern decid stop product $1000 bill. remain legal currency, gradual phase circulation, leav $100 bill canada' largest denomination. hese standard coin current circulation."} {"id": "7442", "contents": "accord u.s. depart treasuri website, present denomin currenc product $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 $100. purpos unit state currenc system serv need public denomin meet goal. overview histori [edit]. high-denomin currenc (i.e., banknot negoti face valu $500 higher) use unit state sinc late 18th century. first $500 note issu provinc north carolina, author legisl date may 10, 1780."} {"id": "7443", "contents": "base currenc unit state u.s. dollar. print bill seven denomin $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100. previous also five larger denominations: $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 print gener use, $100,000 bill certain intern transactions. overview histori [edit]. high-denomin currenc (i.e., banknot negoti face valu $500 higher) use unit state sinc late 18th century. first $500 note issu provinc north carolina, author legisl date may 10, 1780."} {"id": "7444", "contents": "accord feder reserve, approxim $1.33 trillion worth feder reserv note circulation. bep one largest currenc print oper world facil washington, dc fort worth, texas. introduct redesign currency, subtl background color ad redesign note make secur difficult counterfeit. new design appli $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 notes."} {"id": "7445", "contents": "time note philippin 100,000 peso banknot produc 1998 roughli size sheet legal paper. websit nutmeg collector, paper money expert tom chao list measur 356 216 mm. chao note bill sold collector price exceed cash value."} {"id": "7446", "contents": "banknot canadian dollar banknot bill (in common lexicon) canada, denomin canadian dollar (cad, c$, locally). currently, issu $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 denominations. third seri banknot canadian dollar issu bank canada 1954 series. banknot design 1952 follow access elizabeth ii throne death father georg vi."} {"id": "7447", "contents": "canada' currenc known dollar.. canadian dollar one world' highest-valu currencies. canadian make purchas use varieti small-amount coin five larger-amount bills. quick facts:"} {"id": "7448", "contents": "note produc govern bank montreal 1842 1862, denomin $4, $5, $10, $20, $50 $100. 1866, provinc canada began issu paper money, denomin $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 $500. third seri banknot canadian dollar issu bank canada 1954 series. banknot design 1952 follow access elizabeth ii throne death father georg vi."} {"id": "7449", "contents": "signific recent develop canadian currenc withdraw $1, $2, $1,000 note 1989, 1996, 2000 respectively. $1 $2 denomin replac coins, colloqui refer looni tooni respectively. third seri banknot canadian dollar issu bank canada 1954 series. banknot design 1952 follow access elizabeth ii throne death father georg vi."} {"id": "7450", "contents": "workmen' auto insur compani (workmen's) nonstandard auto insur company. first 65 year busi famili own oper shamma family. today workmen\u2019 wholli own subsidiari mercuri gener corporation. compani headquart downtown lo angeles. repres mercuri insur quick argu leak conduct exam polit motiv move meant benefit california insur commission steve poizner, republican candid california governor 2010 gubernatori election."} {"id": "7451", "contents": "mercuri insur headquart locat lo angel state california. group address group corpor is: mercuri insur group. 4484 wilshir boulevard. mercuri insur headquart auto polici custom accord need want client. mercury' flexibl plan cover wide varieti industri vehicl make sure busi alway protected. state on."} {"id": "7452", "contents": "mercuri insur group american automobil properti insur compani found georg joseph 1961. compani headquart lo angeles, ca. repres mercuri insur quick argu leak conduct exam polit motiv move meant benefit california insur commission steve poizner, republican candid california governor 2010 gubernatori election."} {"id": "7453", "contents": "would like get quot subsidiari company, auto insur specialists, pleas call (888) 344-4247 now. would like get quot subsidiari company, auto insur specialists, follow insur products, pleas call (888) 344-4247 now. zip code found. we'r sorry, unabl locat zip code. meant enter someth else, pleas tri again. would prefer speak author mercuri agent, pleas call (800) 956-3728."} {"id": "7454", "contents": "corpor offic headquart directori major corpor headquarters, corpor offices. provid corpor contact inform includ addresses, email, fax number telephon numbers."} {"id": "7455", "contents": "welcom mercuri onlin payment center. pleas begin enter polici number found mercuri bill, proof insur id card insur declar document. polici number, date birth zip code enter match records."} {"id": "7456", "contents": "mercuri insur group trade publicli new york stock exchang ticker symbol mcy, member s&p 500, #767 fortun 1000, 4,500 employees, $3 billion revenu 2013. mercuri insur group found georg joseph 1961 low-cost altern larger insur companies. compani oper sole california 1990. today mercuri insur group parent group insur offer automobil insur individuals, account 80% company\u2019 business. mercuri also offer commerci auto insur homeowners, umbrella, mechan breakdown, fire insur"} {"id": "7457", "contents": "blue whale exhales, spray blowhol reach nearli 30 ft (9m) air. size rel bus: blue whale largest anim ever known live earth. magnific marin mammal rule ocean 100 feet (30 meters) long upward 200 ton (181 metric tons). tongu alon weigh much elephant. hearts, much automobile."} {"id": "7458", "contents": "yes, whale mammals, howev due fact live ocean larg anim refer marin mammals. fact blue whale largest live mammal (and anim species) earth. term size blue whale grow length 90 ft. long weigh 150 tons."} {"id": "7459", "contents": "blue whale largest mammal ever lived, also endang species. due aggress hunt environment changes, ocean-dwel could becom extinct. balaenoptera musculus, blue whale domin oceans, reach length 100 feet weigh 200 tons."} {"id": "7460", "contents": "blue whale (scientif refer balaenoptera musculus) larg marin mammal part baleen whale (mysticeti) subord largest anim aliv grow length 100 ft. long weigh much 150 ton more."} {"id": "7461", "contents": "description. difficult imagin size blue whale, largest anim inhabit earth. record individu 100 feet (30.5 m) long, 70-90 feet (23-27 m) probabl average. good way visual length rememb long three school buses."} {"id": "7462", "contents": "fortun number compani recent develop new pasta recip lower calories, lower carbs, much higher fiber tradit pasta. linda' diet delit offer number new pasta styles, uniqu advantages."} {"id": "7463", "contents": "pasta high-carb food. whole-grain pasta made grain germ, bran endosperm intact. compon give whole grain high nutrient value. regular pasta commonli made semolina durum flour refined."} {"id": "7464", "contents": "low carb casserol use dreamfield low carb pasta. gram digest carb per serving, miss favorit meal low carb diet!! total carb count casserol 13 gram per serving!!! submit by: daphne_ann."} {"id": "7465", "contents": "bad there' thing no-carb pasta. oh wait, is. japanas noodl name shirataki that' made type yam that' pack dietari fiber carbohydr (some shirataki noodl made tofu, small amount carbs). shirataki typic sold wet form -- noodl bag liquid."} {"id": "7466", "contents": "carb valu pasta whole-grain pasta constant, amount carb meal change. example, use sweet red sauc either form pasta, carb content meal increase."} {"id": "7467", "contents": "whole-grain spaghetti 40 gram carb gram fiber, net carb content 35 grams. fiber content one main area two type pasta differ. whole grain bran, germ endosperm, retain fiber nutrients."} {"id": "7468", "contents": "key step decid pay tax gain invest bond establish owner bond gain arises. tax treatment depend whether bond individu own held trust type trust."} {"id": "7469", "contents": "tax disadvantag offshor invest bond. individu resid uk gain encas offshor invest bond chargeabl incom tax highest margin rate incom tax tax year gain realised."} {"id": "7470", "contents": "bond gain capit gain tax year, capit gain ignor calcul tax due bond (but calcul cgt liability, top slice gain includ incom determin capit gain tax rates)."} {"id": "7471", "contents": "individu own bond bond held outsid trust, individu owner assess chargeabl event gains. one bond owner, gain normal split equal owners."} {"id": "7472", "contents": "definit 'chargeabl gain'. british term increas asset' valu time purchas time sold, becom subject capit gain tax. chargeabl gain often offset chargeabl losses."} {"id": "7473", "contents": "event chargeabl gain invest bond, gain ad investor\u2019 incom tax year chargeabl event occur gain fall higher rate tax bracket tax charg triggered."} {"id": "7474", "contents": "chargeabl events. chargeabl event invest bond trigger one follow event occur: full final encash invest bond. withdraw excess 5% per annum cumul allowance."} {"id": "7475", "contents": "section consid uk invest bond gain tax individuals, person repres trustees, relev legisl contain chapter incom tax (trade income) act (ittoia) 2005."} {"id": "7476", "contents": "uk invest bond 'qualifying' polici uk tax purpos therefor chargeabl event gain aris time contrast posit qualifi polici broadly, gain first ten year taxable."} {"id": "7477", "contents": "event chargeabl (excess) gain, amount gain excess i.e. 40% taken year 3, excess 25% cumul 5% allow total 15% irrespect invest return."} {"id": "7478", "contents": "included, premad vaniti countertop start $20-$150 cost $200-$1,000 more, bathroom sink start $20-$70 cost $450-$750 more; detail see much bathroom countertop cost bathroom sink."} {"id": "7479", "contents": "price way way high!!!!! 2.4m vaniti cost around $1500 $2000 top depend colour cost around $1000. dont put someon charg alot. put basic draw togeth email cabinet makers. even email let know worth."} {"id": "7480", "contents": "mass-produc stock bathroom vaniti home improv hardwar store start $40-$150 basic single-sink model. typic cost $200-$800 averag vaniti $900-$1,500 depend size, style, materi whether set one two sinks."} {"id": "7481", "contents": "profession instal stock vaniti handyman contractor add $100-$300 more, rais averag total cost $300-$1,100."} {"id": "7482", "contents": "semi-custom custom vaniti cost $200-$1,000 install, depend complex project, rais total cost $700-$3,800 more."} {"id": "7483", "contents": "choos bathroom cabinet configur materials, write bathroom use needed. hgtv provid guid select bathroom cabinet thisoldhouse.com list tip pick vaniti cabinet. get sever estimates."} {"id": "7484", "contents": "prefabr bathroom vaniti cabinet start $40-$150 single-sink model typic cost $200-$800 cost $900-$1,500 depend size, style, materi whether set one sink two."} {"id": "7485", "contents": "master bath suit 10-20 squar feet cabinet total cost could $700-$7,000 depend size, materi configuration. profession instal start $200-$1,000 increas depend extent complex project, bring total cost $900-$8,000 more."} {"id": "7486", "contents": "preparation. turn wolf ga cooktop burner wait cooktop cool complet cleaning. fill sink hot water enough mild deterg make water soapy. place lint-fre microfib cloth non-abras scrub pad water."} {"id": "7487", "contents": "place grate sink hot, soapi water let soak 15-20 minutes. tougher stains, add cup sudsi ammonia water. make sure grate thoroughli dri cleaning."} {"id": "7488", "contents": "ratings. 30-inch ga cooktop cast iron grate gas-on-glass surfac offer control flexibl spare. full-width cast iron grate resist wear cover entir surface, largest cookwar restrict one two burners."} {"id": "7489", "contents": "soak grate cap slightli dilut solut liquid cleanser scour non-metal soap fill pad. place grate cap seal bag cover contain 1/4 cup ammonia. let sit hr overnight loosen soil. rins thoroughli dri soft, clean cloth."} {"id": "7490", "contents": "carbona\u00ae oven rack grill cleaner easi way clean oven rack (exclud full-extens easi glide racks). follow carbona' instruct cleaner packaging. carbona video. purchas carbona websit link above."} {"id": "7491", "contents": "rins grate and/or burner sink remov remain ammonia you\u2019r good go! definit go-to way clean grill grate stove top burner on! safeti precautions, wear rubber glove safeti glass work ammonia."} {"id": "7492", "contents": "allow grate sit ammonia water mixtur overnight. open bag next day care dispos ammonia solut accord label directions. clean sink bath tub great spot this. scrub remain spot scrub pad. come easily."} {"id": "7493", "contents": "burned-on soil: soak grate cap slightli dilut solut liquid cleanser scour non-metal soap fill pad. place grate cap seal bag cover contain 1/4 cup ammonia. let sit hr overnight loosen soil."} {"id": "7494", "contents": "mani wolf applianc custom westchest counti beyond ask best method clean wolf kitchen applianc cooktops, wall oven ranges. curto\u2019 applianc compil tip list help clean protect signific kitchen investments."} {"id": "7495", "contents": "citi locat two continents. istanbul citi world locat two continents-europ asia. almost 2,000-year history, capit roman, byzantin ottoman empires. mani archeologist biblic scholar believ noah\u2019 ark land agri dagi (mount ararat) eastern turkey."} {"id": "7496", "contents": "istanbul, largest citi turkey fifth-largest citi world population, consid european, yet occupi two differ continents. one part istanbul lie europ part lie asia."} {"id": "7497", "contents": "reason part territori locat caucasu mountain play role boundari europ asia. however, georgia usual regard asian country. 6. turkey. turkey one popular countri situat two continents."} {"id": "7498", "contents": "bosphoru also divid citi istanbul two contin i-e asia europe. istanbul citi locat two continents, \u00e7anakkal \u00e7anakkal also stand istanbul a-bi continent. citi amaz fact about: istanbul"} {"id": "7499", "contents": "istanbul citi world locat two continents, europ asia. capit three great empir roman, byzantin ottoman 2000 years. two world\u2019 seven wonder locat turkey templ artemi halicarnassu mausoleum."} {"id": "7500", "contents": "istanbul, turkey-wher two contin meet lori guretzki istanbul, situat along shore bosphoru strait, citi world bridg two continents, europ asia; old civil modern carri cell phones."} {"id": "7501", "contents": "trivia. istanbul citi world locat two continents, europ asia. capit three great empir roman, byzantin ottoman 2000 years. two world\u2019 seven wonder locat turkey templ artemi halicarnassu mausoleum."} {"id": "7502", "contents": "kwakiutl origin name local group may mean beach side water.. roughli 30 autonom tribe groups, kwakiutl think peopl 1900."} {"id": "7503", "contents": "mani peopl other call kwakiutl consid name misnomer. prefer name kwakwaka'wakw, mean kwak'wala-speaking-peoples. one except laich-kwil-tach campbel river\u2014they known southern kwakiutl, council kwakiutl district council. dialect kwak\u0313wala, \u2019nak\u0313wala, g\u0331uc\u0313ala t\u0313\u0142at\u0313\u0142asik\u0313wala. name kwakwaka'wakw translat the-kwak\u0313wala-speaking-people, numer distinct peopl commun form kwakwaka'wakw."} {"id": "7504", "contents": "kwakiutl infoplease: kwakiutl: mean definitions-kwakiutl: definit pronunciation. american indian tribes-inform variou nation group american indians. wakashan: mean definitions-wakashan: definit pronunciation. potlatch: mean definitions-potlatch: definit pronunciation."} {"id": "7505", "contents": "name kwakiutl deriv kwagu'\u0142 \u2014the name singl commun kwakwaka'wakw locat fort rupert. anthropologist franz boa done anthropolog work area popular term nation collect whole. dialect kwak\u0313wala, \u2019nak\u0313wala, g\u0331uc\u0313ala t\u0313\u0142at\u0313\u0142asik\u0313wala. name kwakwaka'wakw translat the-kwak\u0313wala-speaking-people, numer distinct peopl commun form kwakwaka'wakw."} {"id": "7506", "contents": "brief descript cultur kwakiutl, group nativ tribe locat pacif northwest. creat anthoni conard' introduct cultur anthropolog 1145 course. written, produced, edit codi wintermute. education. standard youtub license."} {"id": "7507", "contents": "potlatch gift-giv feast practic indigen peopl pacif northwest coast canada unit states, among tradit primari econom system. includ heiltsuk, haida, nuxalk, tlingit, makah, tsimshian, nuu-chah-nulth, kwakwaka'wakw, coast salish cultures. kwakwaka'wakw continu practic potlatch. illustr wawadit'la thunderbird park, victoria, bc, big hous built chief mungo martin 1953. wealthy, promin host would longhous specif potlatch hous guests."} {"id": "7508", "contents": "sarah jachim extern imag village2.jpg kwakiutl_timeline.png location: kwakiutl first came north america cross land bridg asia, around earli 1700s. travel west coast, cross vancouv island dugout cedar canoes."} {"id": "7509", "contents": "kwakiutl perfectli good name use mani nativ peopl (includ offici name kwakiutl first nation kwakiutl district council,) kwakwakawakw inclus name refer relat kwakwala-speak commun well kwakiutl. kwakiutl indian languag samples, articles, index links. kwakiutl cultur histori directory. kwakiutl cultur histori directory. relat link kwakiutl nativ american past present."} {"id": "7510", "contents": "kwakiutl. kwakiutl (kwae\u02c8k\u0113\u014d\u02cct\u0259l) kw\u00e4\u02c8k\u0113\u014d\u02cct\u0259l ], key group close relat nativ north american inhabit vancouv island adjac mainland british, columbia. canada kwakiutl: mean definitions-kwakiutl: definit pronunciation. american indian tribes-inform variou nation group american indians."} {"id": "7511", "contents": "thinkstock/comstock/getti images. net market contribut (nmc) calcul determin whether company' current market strategi enough cover cost associ market sales. current market demand company' market share import aspect nmc calculation. market expens budget amount market costs, surplus, manufactur costs, machin cost machin overhead. market expens exampl compani $5,000. subtract $5,000 $48,050 get $43,050. net market contribution."} {"id": "7512", "contents": "world busi finance, margin differ two valu sum money. market involv company' attempt inform potenti buyer product service, draw attent way audienc will purchas it. market margin appli compani buy product intent resel it. however, market margin differ cost seller cost consumer, profit margin percentag final sale price come profit seller. relat reading: low gross profit margin vs. low net profit margin."} {"id": "7513", "contents": "cost acquir new customer; often 10 time cost retain exist customer. higher company' custom retent lower market sale expens sinc cost acquir new custom replac lost custom lower. total market sale given market definit one year. measur dollar units. market demand person comput could measur dollar unit per year worldwide, region world europe, segment home users."} {"id": "7514", "contents": "contribut per unit defin sell price less variabl costs. overal contribut differ total sale revenu variabl costs. core product ... everi contribut reward follows: contribut accept mention (co-)author definit page contain it. way gain credibl expert. name entitl includ link websit ..."} {"id": "7515", "contents": "definition. compani buy product act distributor retailer, must sell product higher price purchas it. situations, market margin product differ compani pay product charg product. however, market margin differ cost seller cost consumer, profit margin percentag final sale price come profit seller. relat reading: low gross profit margin vs. low net profit margin."} {"id": "7516", "contents": "adjust measur gross margin includ market sale costs. often abbrevi nmc calcul follow formula: 2. measur profit includ cost revenu control market function."} {"id": "7517", "contents": "contribut margin (margin s): [marg] contribut margin (or margin s) refer amount revenu per product avail contribut toward fix cost profit company. contribution. contribut accept mention (co-)author definit page contain it. way gain credibl expert. name entitl includ link websit ..."} {"id": "7518", "contents": "break 'contribut margin'. consid situat busi manag determin particular product 35% contribut margin, product company' product line. option unattractive, manag may decid drop unprofit product order produc altern product higher contribut margin."} {"id": "7519", "contents": "product revenue-product variabl cost product revenue. phrase contribut margin also refer per unit measur product' gross oper margin, calcul simpli product' price minu total variabl costs. option unattractive, manag may decid drop unprofit product order produc altern product higher contribut margin."} {"id": "7520", "contents": "molecular respons defin neg pcr neg molecular test. molecular respons measur use polymeras chain reaction/pcr test. pcr test defin sensit test use detect presenc low level specif genet materi (dna) respons partial hr (reduct white cells,but normal range) complet chr (white blood count approxim 12,000 white cells/microliter). doctor anticip chr within first three month treatment, however, patient may take longer achiev level."} {"id": "7521", "contents": "1) ytogenet respons (cr cyr): cytogenet respons mean ph+ chromosom read less began diagnosis; 2) major cytogenet respons (mcr mcyr); major mean 35% less cell marrow test posit philadelphia chromosome, 0%; respons partial hr (reduct white cells,but normal range) complet chr (white blood count approxim 12,000 white cells/microliter). doctor anticip chr within first three month treatment, however, patient may take longer achiev level."} {"id": "7522", "contents": "major molecular respons mean amount bcr-abl protein marrow low. complet molecular response, formerli (and sometim still) refer pcru mean bcr-abl protein detect marrow util olymeras hain eaction test. today, use pcru indic deepest respons changing. respons partial hr (reduct white cells,but normal range) complet chr (white blood count approxim 12,000 white cells/microliter). doctor anticip chr within first three month treatment, however, patient may take longer achiev level."} {"id": "7523", "contents": "hematolog respons (hr) one happen blood counts. example, diagnos white count may quit high. posit hematolog respons would indic decreas white count. practic purposes, hr mean blood count return normal range. cytogenet respons indic number (or percentage) philadelphia chromosom posit (ph+) cell contain bone marrow. complet cytogenet respons (ccyr) indic ph+ metaphas present sample."} {"id": "7524", "contents": "although imatinib induc hematolog respons 52-82% patients, respons sustain least week 31-64% patients. complet respons rate lower, 7-34% patients. 118 patient chronic-phas cml, major cytogenet respons attain 32% patients, complet cytogenet respons attain 24%, complet hematolog respons attain 73%."} {"id": "7525", "contents": "major cytogenet respons occur 16% patients, 7% respons complete. patient chronic-phas cml, imatinib 400 mg/day best candid primari therapy, induc complet hematolog respons almost patient caus high cytogenet respons rate. 118 patient chronic-phas cml, major cytogenet respons attain 32% patients, complet cytogenet respons attain 24%, complet hematolog respons attain 73%."} {"id": "7526", "contents": "blast phase: 52% patient achiev hematolog remiss 31% sustain remiss last least week imatinib mesylate. however, median respons durat 10 months, even consid patient sustain remiss (i.e., last least weeks). patient lymphoid blastic phase treat therapi similar given acut lymphocyt leukemia (i.e. vincristine, doxorubicin, dexamethasone, without cyclophosphamide) complet respons rate 60%."} {"id": "7527", "contents": "standard studi ongo definit molecular respons current vary. complet molecular response: detect bcr-abl transcript rt-pcr. major molecular response: 3-log reduct level bcr-abl transcript bcr-abl/abl ratio 0.05%. patient lymphoid blastic phase treat therapi similar given acut lymphocyt leukemia (i.e. vincristine, doxorubicin, dexamethasone, without cyclophosphamide) complet respons rate 60%."} {"id": "7528", "contents": "medic definit hematologic. relat blood hematology. he\u00b7ma\u00b7to\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7cal\u00b7li chiefli british hae\u00b7ma\u00b7to\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7cal\u00b7li \\-i-k(\u0259-)l\u0113\\ adverb."} {"id": "7529", "contents": "trail shoe vs. road shoes. main differ road shoe trail shoe composition. shoe design road run gener made lightweight materi encourag speed responsiveness. need traction pave road minimal, tread road shoe thin."} {"id": "7530", "contents": "main differ trail run shoe road run shoe trail shoe usual made thicker materials. they'r usual heavier sturdier regular road run shoes, less like bruis sole toes, tweak ankle."} {"id": "7531", "contents": "trail run shoe tradit heavier design support protect foot rug terrain. shoe offer durabl sole aggress tread pattern defend rocks, stick obstacl one might encount trails. more: reason tri trail running."} {"id": "7532", "contents": "addition, trail run shoe offer protect toe bumper guard stub toes, also includ thick insert midsol outsol defend bruis caus stepped-on debris."} {"id": "7533", "contents": "trail run shoe also differ traction road run shoes. mani differ type terrain condit may encount trail need traction."} {"id": "7534", "contents": "main differ trail run road run shoe trail runner tend made thicker, sturdier materials. plan run recreat trail bridl path gener easi terrain, fine run regular road run shoes."} {"id": "7535", "contents": "road shoe gener made lighter-weight materi thinner tread trail shoe heavier, thicker sole help maintain integr shoe, even toughest conditions. runner run pavement, smooth surfac groom trails."} {"id": "7536", "contents": "major differ trail run road run shoes. wear road run shoe trail, like wear jean short wedding, wouldn\u2019t recommend it; unless wed univers georgia graduate."} {"id": "7537", "contents": "lactos intoler caus defici intestin enzym lactas split lactos two smaller sugars, glucos galactose, allow lactos absorb intestine. primari symptom lactos intoler diarrhea, flatul (pass gas), abdomin pain."} {"id": "7538", "contents": "lactos type sugar found milk. lactas protein, enzym produc small intestine-it break lactose. individu lactos intoler produc enough lactase. peopl adequ amount lactas break lactos glucos galactos (a type sugar) absorb bloodstream. peopl low level lactase, lactos broken absorb bloodstream, instead move larg intestin (colon)."} {"id": "7539", "contents": "lactos intoler common problem. happen bodi enough lactase, enzym produc small intestine. lactas necessari digest lactose\u2014th natur sugar found milk dairi products. intestines, undigest lactos lead buildup gas. within 30 minut hour eat dairi product contain lactose, peopl lactos intoler start develop stomach cramp diarrhea."} {"id": "7540", "contents": "lactos form sugar present milk. enzym lactase, normal produc cell line small intestine, break lactos substanc absorb bloodstream."} {"id": "7541", "contents": "lactos intolerance, may love milk, bodi -- let know much. might symptom like cramp bowl cereal ga ice cream treat. lactos main sugar milk dairi products. lactos intolerance, can't digest well. lactos intoler curable, mani way cut symptom feel better."} {"id": "7542", "contents": "lactos intolerance. person lactos intoler mean bodi unabl digest lactose. lactos sugar found milk milk products. person lactos intoler suffer gastrointestin discomfort consum lactose. everyon suffer condition."} {"id": "7543", "contents": "peopl lactos intoler lactas defici cannot metabol lactos properly; lack lactase, enzym requir digest system break lactose. patient typic experi bloating, flatulence, diarrhea drink milk. lactos sugar found notabl milk. lactos intoler character abdomin cramp diarrhea consumpt food contain lactos (milk, ice cream). peopl adequ amount lactas break lactos glucos galactos (a type sugar) absorb bloodstream. peopl low level lactase, lactos broken absorb bloodstream, instead move larg intestin (colon)."} {"id": "7544", "contents": "lactos intoler inabl adult children digest lactose, sugar found milk lesser extent dairi products, caus side effects. due lactas deficiency, hypolactasia. princip symptom lactos intoler advers reaction product contain lactos (primarili milk), includ abdomin bloat cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, borborygmi, vomit (particularli adolescents). appear one-half two hour consumption."} {"id": "7545", "contents": "lactos intoler common problem. happen bodi enough lactase, enzym produc small intestine. lactas necessari digest lactos natur sugar found milk dairi products. intestines, undigest lactos lead buildup gas. within 30 minut hour eat dairi product contain lactose, peopl lactos intoler start develop stomach cramp diarrhea."} {"id": "7546", "contents": "lactos intoler inabl effici convert lactos glucos galactose, reaction catalyz enzym lactase. (a rule thumb enzym nomenclatur mani enzym name typic take name substrat slap -ase end.). lactos intoler digest disord common dogs. lactose, sugar found milk compos glucos galactose."} {"id": "7547", "contents": "netherland long histori social toler gener regard liber country, legalis abortion, prostitut euthanasia, maintain progress drug policy. 2001 becam world' first countri legalis same-sex marriage. imperi french fief netherland belgium unit person union philip good, duke burgundi 1433. hous valois-burgundi habsburg heir would rule low countri period 1384 1581."} {"id": "7548", "contents": "vast major land area constitu countri netherland (a well kingdom) locat europe, except caribbean netherlands: three special municip (bonaire, saba, sint eustatius) locat caribbean. dutch name commonli use nederland, singular form, wherea offici dutch name koninkrijk der nederlanden english (kingdom the) netherland plural form."} {"id": "7549", "contents": "netherlands. netherland dens popul countri world interest cities, beauti preserv nature, vari landscape, alway fresh wind sea. country, light astonish visitor. netherland one develop countri world. mani industri agricultur high level productivity. biggest world\u2019 compani shell unilev well bank giant ing group abn amro base"} {"id": "7550", "contents": "european part netherland border germani east, belgium south, north sea northwest, share maritim border belgium, unit kingdom germany. imperi french fief netherland belgium unit person union philip good, duke burgundi 1433. hous valois-burgundi habsburg heir would rule low countri period 1384 1581."} {"id": "7551", "contents": "countri name [edit]. offici name countri netherlands. rest world, name holland commonli use entir country. however, use correctly, name holland refer area cover provinc north south holland. netherland one day want see much countri train, may want get dagkaart (day pass), 50,80 (2014)), valid 2nd class non-surcharg train netherland (thu exclud fyra intern trains, includ local companies."} {"id": "7552", "contents": "kingdom netherland (dutch: koninkrijk der nederlanden; [\u02c8ko\u02d0n\u026a\u014bkr\u025bi\u0261 d\u025br \u02c8ne\u02d0d\u0259rl\u0251nd\u0259(n)]. papiamento: reino hulandes), commonli known netherlands, sovereign state constitut monarchi territori western europ caribbean. dutch name commonli use nederland, singular form, wherea offici dutch name koninkrijk der nederlanden english (kingdom the) netherland plural form."} {"id": "7553", "contents": "geography. netherland small countri sandwich belgium germani western europe. north sea, locat north west netherlands, continu batter land. netherland larger state maryland, smaller west virginia."} {"id": "7554", "contents": "talk netherlands, peopl often incorrectli call holland. fact, central part netherland geograph name holland. part countri consist two provinc noord holland (north holland) zuid-holland (south holland). region import citi amsterdam, rotterdam, hagu (den haag), delft, leiden haarlem. netherland one develop countri world. mani industri agricultur high level productivity. biggest world\u2019 compani shell unilev well bank giant ing group abn amro base netherlands."} {"id": "7555", "contents": "netherland (/\u02c8n\u025b\u00f0\u0259rl\u0259ndz/ dutch: nederland [\u02c8ne\u02d0d\u0259r\u02ccl\u0251nt]. main constitu countri (dutch: land) kingdom netherlands. small, dens popul countri locat western europ three island territori caribbean. imperi french fief netherland belgium unit person union philip good, duke burgundi 1433. hous valois-burgundi habsburg heir would rule low countri period 1384 1581."} {"id": "7556", "contents": "geography. netherlands, coast north sea, twice size new jersey. part great plain north west europe, netherland maximum dimens 190 160 mi (360 257 km) low flat except limburg southeast, hill rise 322 (1056 ft)."} {"id": "7557", "contents": "cours prefi suffix section. prefix mean applications? prefix mean applic form? prefix mean job application? ask fill prefix mean? mean prefix appli inform college? prefix application? prefix application? ..."} {"id": "7558", "contents": "58% suffix prefix mean scholarship application? 52% mechan engineer. type prefix suffix column job applic form? 52% mean colleg applic requir select suffix?"} {"id": "7559", "contents": "job a\u2026. find job applic sampl good job applic mean differ success failur job search. alway good idea look job applic sample\u2026. job applic spanish speaker perhap nativ languag english."} {"id": "7560", "contents": "60% select suffix applic form? 78% suffix prefix mean scholarship application? 56% mean colleg applic requir select suffix?"} {"id": "7561", "contents": "prefix applic employ may refer mr. miss, ms. mrs. titl chosen applicant."} {"id": "7562", "contents": "disciplin job applic typic refer field studi colleg graduat school. anoth possibl could refer punish cou ld incur result follow rule code conduct job. peopl found useful."} {"id": "7563", "contents": "78% suffix prefix mean scholarship application? 56% mean colleg applic requir select suffix? 48% mechan engineer. type prefix suffix column job applic form?"} {"id": "7564", "contents": "besid tradit common resum interview, compani administ job applic tests. job a\u2026. find job applic sampl good job applic mean differ success failur job search."} {"id": "7565", "contents": "52% mechan engineer. type prefix suffix column job applic form? 52% mean colleg applic requir select suffix? 32% would suffix prefix name facebook ........mi name keshav?"} {"id": "7566", "contents": "fill job applic easier two, though \u2026. use email job applic letter mani compani allow onlin job application. compani differ applic document required. requir may includ cover letter, resume, job applic form, o\u2026."} {"id": "7567", "contents": "mayan languag famili one best document studi americas. modern mayan languag descend proto-mayan, languag thought spoken least 5,000 year ago; partial reconstruct use compar method. k'iche' (quiche) quich\u00e9 mayan languag largest number of, speaker spoken 1,000,000 1000000'k' ich maya guatemalan, highland around town chichicastenango quetzaltenango cuchumatan, cuchumat\u00e1n mountain well urban emigr in. guatemala citi"} {"id": "7568", "contents": "mayan languag geographi right reserv 2000 languag today, shrink world, number spoken mayan dialect number thirty-one. major dialect limit geographically. somewher 95% indigen mayan bilingu speakers. is, speak nativ dialect, also spanish."} {"id": "7569", "contents": "mayan languag descend proto-languag call proto-mayan or, k'iche' maya, nab'e maya' tzij (the old maya language). proto-mayan languag believ spoken cuchumatan highland central guatemala area correspond roughli q'anjobalan spoken today. k'iche' (quiche) quich\u00e9 mayan languag largest number of, speaker spoken 1,000,000 1000000'k' ich maya guatemalan, highland around town chichicastenango quetzaltenango cuchumatan, cuchumat\u00e1n mountain well urban emigr in. guatemala citi"} {"id": "7570", "contents": "mayan languag primarili distribut across southern mexico, belize, guatemala, languag also spoken central mexico, honduras, el salvador. spoken mayan language, far, k'iche' 2.3 million speaker largest indigen popul guatemala. k'iche' (quiche) quich\u00e9 mayan languag largest number of, speaker spoken 1,000,000 1000000'k' ich maya guatemalan, highland around town chichicastenango quetzaltenango cuchumatan, cuchumat\u00e1n mountain well urban emigr in. guatemala citi"} {"id": "7571", "contents": "mayan indian speak form mayan language. mayan languag famili 28 differ dialects. mayan indian also speak spanish. number also speak english. larg number come unit state illeg immigrants. period return homeland. aztec speak nahuatl. inca speak quechua. maya speak variou mayan dialect includ cholan, quiche, yucatec lacandon. edit. share to: mark swarthout. 775,875 contributions. contract attorney. work teach karate, collect stamps, write books, play ukulele."} {"id": "7572", "contents": "mayan languages. mayan languages. mayan languag mani dialects-qhuche, cakchiquel, kekchi, mam-i still spoken 300,000 persons, two-third pure maya, remaind white mix blood still spoken today, although major indian also speak spanish. proto-mayan languag thought spoken guatemalan cuchumatan highland first expans occur around 2200 bce result first split huastecan branch mayan proper split proto-yucatecan proto-cholan."} {"id": "7573", "contents": "today, million maya live yucatan peninsula mexico. mani still speak modern-day version mayan languag even still pr actic mayan religion (see popol vuh text bible)."} {"id": "7574", "contents": "mayan languag spoken least million indigen maya, primarili guatemala, mexico, beliz honduras. 1996, guatemala formal recogn 21 mayan languag name, mexico recogn eight within territory. k'iche' (quiche) quich\u00e9 mayan languag largest number of, speaker spoken 1,000,000 1000000'k' ich maya guatemalan, highland around town chichicastenango quetzaltenango cuchumatan, cuchumat\u00e1n mountain well urban emigr in. guatemala citi"} {"id": "7575", "contents": "one southern area maya yucatan peninsula. advent spanish, prestig languag becam spanish. today, estim million indigen mayan still speak mayan languages. peopl live belize, guatemala, honduras, mexico. ancient mayan language. ancient mayan language-hieroglyphs. maya spoke variou maya famili languag phonet transcrib via hieroglyphs. maya paint word bark paper disintegrated, also wrote endur substances."} {"id": "7576", "contents": "sinc 1992, colleg offer pharmaci program unit state consid doctor pharmaci (pharm.d.) requir degre order becom pharmacist. pharm.d. program requir bachelor' degre admission, though undergradu studi required. mani colleg univers offer 2-year pre-pharmaci program award degre prepar student enter doctor program. pharmacist requir earn doctor pharmaci (pharm.d.) gain licensure. order meet specif cours requir entri pharm.d. program, student must first complet either two year undergradu studi bachelor' degre program."} {"id": "7577", "contents": "overview avail onlin pharmaci degrees. pharmacist requir complet profession graduate-level doctor pharm. d. program. applic need complet least two year pre-pharmaci education, although program requir complet bachelor' degre admission. onlin pharmaci degre prepar student variou task relat field, includ develop medications, provid prescriptions, counsel advis patients, research drug interactions, administ pharmaci educ programs."} {"id": "7578", "contents": "becom pharmacist requir year educ train obtain necessari knowledge, skill certifications. aspir pharmacist spend anywher six year (fast-track) thirteen year complet pre-requisites, pharm.d coursework, clinic rotat nation exams. pharmacist schools. first step learn becom pharmacist complet two year undergradu train follow four year pharmaci program. follow search tool provid way explor mani school pharmaci degre programs."} {"id": "7579", "contents": "a: want becom pharmacist need doctor pharmaci degree. degre make elig north american licensur examin (naplex). earn doctor pharmaci degre pass naplex becom pharmacist anywher country. a: want becom pharmacist enrol pharmd doctor pharmaci degree. colleg student want begin four year pharmaci program need complet two year undergradu cours work pass pharmaci colleg admiss test (pcat)."} {"id": "7580", "contents": "a: want pharmacist u.s. need doctor pharmaci degree. student complet two year colleg educ pass pharmaci colleg admiss test begin pharmaci program. program pharmaci take 4-7 year complete. a: want becom pharmacist enrol pharmd doctor pharmaci degree. colleg student want begin four year pharmaci program need complet two year undergradu cours work pass pharmaci colleg admiss test (pcat)."} {"id": "7581", "contents": "prospect pharmacist requir doctor pharmaci (pharm.d.) degree, postgradu profession degree. juli 2012, 124 doctor pharmaci program fulli accredit accredit council pharmaci educ (acpe)."} {"id": "7582", "contents": "2. get bachelor' degree. need bachelor scienc (bs) degre four-year institut appli pharmaci school. requir complet least two year pre-pharmaci coursework time, includ anatomy, biology, calculus, chemistry, physics, sociology."} {"id": "7583", "contents": "a: healthcar degre pharmd degre pharmacology. doctor pharmacy. pharmd year degre program focus extens theoret concept practic applic concepts. complet doctor pharmaci necessari obtain statu licens pharmacist. includ bachelor pharmacy, doctor pharmaci bachelor scienc pharmacy. degre cover sever relat topic courses, includ chemistry, drug interaction, biostatistics, pathology, immunology, anatomy, pharmaci law, diagnosi diseases, pharmaci manag physiology."} {"id": "7584", "contents": "pharmaci degrees. pharmacist fill distribut prescript drug patient customers, advis educ individu medication, work physician make sure thorough understand medications, research work develop new medications. master\u2019s. onlin master pharmaci degre familiar drugs, laws, practices, research method appli pharmacology. professional, doctor degre requir practic pharmacology, master\u2019 degre qualifi career pharmaceut research teaching."} {"id": "7585", "contents": "mean far unit state concerned, citizen unit state rights, privileges, respons citizen, anoth countri also recogn citizen nation."} {"id": "7586", "contents": "full definit citizenship. 1. statu citizen. 2. a: membership commun (a college) b: qualiti individual' respons membership community. see citizenship defin english-languag learners. see citizenship defin kids. advertisement. fact statu citizen particular place. qualiti person expect respons member community."} {"id": "7587", "contents": "definit citizenship. citizen participatori member polit community. citizenship gain meet legal requir national, state, local government. nation grant certain right privileg citizens. return, citizen expect obey country' law defend enemies. valu citizenship vari nation nation. countries, citizenship mean citizen right vote, right hold govern offices, right collect unemploy insur payments, name examples."} {"id": "7588", "contents": "natur (or naturalisation) legal act process non-citizen countri may acquir citizenship nation country. may done statute, without effort part individual, may involv applic approv legal authorities."} {"id": "7589", "contents": "nation often use synonym citizenship english notabl intern law although term sometim understood denot person' membership nation (a larg ethnic group). ju sanguini holds, person born outsid country, one whose parent citizen country, also citizen. state normal limit right citizenship descent certain number gener born outsid state. form citizenship common civil law countries."} {"id": "7590", "contents": "citizenship defin statu membership given person country. involv rights, duti privileges. two main type citizenship i.e. acquir natural. thu membership polit community. larg relat nationality. polit right avail person ... one honorari citizenship given person worthi admir qualities. becom citizen countri born citizenship countri acquir settl place certain period time."} {"id": "7591", "contents": "example: citizenship unit state america. 2. noun. person' conduct citizen example: award good citizenship citizen: resid citi town, especi one abl vote, enjoy privileg there. one honorari citizenship given person worthi admir qualities. becom citizen countri born citizenship countri acquir settl place certain period time."} {"id": "7592", "contents": "result, employ increas level contribut make employe juli 2008. minimum amount sg contribut calcul employe includ follow type payments:. employee' ordinari hour work may state statute, industri award agreement employer. ordinari hour work specifi agreed, ordinari hour work hour actual work (not includ overtime) hour paid leave."} {"id": "7593", "contents": "annual leav payabl termin subject superannuation. safe guard, account softwar requir superannu line everi payslip. may need work around remov superannu payment leav payout. simpli adjust percentag superannu 0%. payg leav payout calcul like normal pay run would be. ato creat complex formula calcul payg unus leav payouts. payg formula applic unus annual leave, leav loading, leav bonus long servic leave."} {"id": "7594", "contents": "www.australiansuper.com/employ page meet employ superannu guarante (sg) tax file number respons mean claim sg contribut tax deduct avoid penalti australian taxat office. read find how. detail information, pleas call australian taxat offic (ato) 13 10 20 go www.ato.gov.au part salari wage sg calculations, may salari wage incom tax purposes."} {"id": "7595", "contents": "propos amend superannu contribut tax (assess collection) act 1997 ensur post 20 august 1996 amount employ elig termin payment (etp) taken cash potenti subject surcharge. termin payment surcharg similar tax much malign superannu contribut surcharg tax. like superannu contribut surcharge, termin payment surcharg came effect 7:30 pm legal time australian capit territori 20 august 1996."} {"id": "7596", "contents": "make termin payment, employ also make superannu guarante payments? generally, lump sum payment attract sg, payment made lieu notic do."} {"id": "7597", "contents": "vicsup superannu guarante gener payabl employe away work receiv pay, unpaid parent leav approv leav without pay.th superannu guarante employ make payment defin contribut accumul style superfund."} {"id": "7598", "contents": "gross salari wage employeei liabl pay-rol tax, includ entitlements. deduct made relat employe (e.g. incom tax, hospit benefit. fund contributions, union fees, superannuation, holiday pay termin payments. accru leav entitl defer wages)."} {"id": "7599", "contents": "amount sg contribut calcul on. note: juli 2008, employ must use ordinari time earn (ote) defin superannu guarante law calcul minimum superannu guarante contribut elig employees. employee' ordinari hour work may state statute, industri award agreement employer. ordinari hour work specifi agreed, ordinari hour work hour actual work (not includ overtime) hour paid leave."} {"id": "7600", "contents": "well wide rang job scienc research categori pay vari greatly. know pay grade job search narrow list view scienc research job pay less $30k, $30k-$50k, $50k-$80k, $80k-$100k, $100k."} {"id": "7601", "contents": "median start salari bachelor\u2019 degre recipi less year experi held flat 2011 $40,000. three year experience, drop nearli 3% 2010 $39,000 2011. 12 36 month experience, entri pay rose 9% $40,259. women start new ph.d.s, median $80,230, $6,770 less male respondents. insuffici data master\u2019 degrees. median start salari inexperienc graduat also affect sector respond found jobs."} {"id": "7602", "contents": "phd materi science, physics, electr engineering, relat field preferred. least year experi magnet materials.... minimum bachelor\u2019 degre chemical, materials, polym science, engin required, master\u2019 degre phd preferred.... johnson johnson famili compani day ago-sav job-email-more..."} {"id": "7603", "contents": "equip fee. full-tim student materi scienc engin phd program pay $17 per semest equip semest enrolled. part-tim student pay $8.50 per semester. full-tim student materi scienc engin phd program pay $17 per semest equip semest enrol"} {"id": "7604", "contents": "case master\u2019 degre recipients, median start salari less 12 months, 12 36 months, three year experi $46,703 (up 4% 2010), $55,300 (up 29%), $63,700 (up 18%), respectively. women start new ph.d.s, median $80,230, $6,770 less male respondents. insuffici data master\u2019 degrees. median start salari inexperienc graduat also affect sector respond found jobs."} {"id": "7605", "contents": "averag phd materi scienc salari job post wilmington, 25% higher averag phd materi scienc salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "7606", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic materi engin unit state $62,383 50% peopl perform job materi engin unit state expect make less $62,383. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $62,383. salary. annual salari someon job titl materi engin may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "7607", "contents": "competit salari base date phd degre requir complet degre awarded. anniversari phd date, salari automat adjust next higher salari level. start salari may vari guidelin due market conditions, competit offers, etc. salari guidelin requested, justif memo prepar submit senior manag consideration. phd 0: $73,000. phd 1: $74,800. phd 2: $76,700. phd 3: $78,600."} {"id": "7608", "contents": "materi engin salaries. materi engin salari rang middl 50% $54,620 $88,790. materi engin salari lowest 10% less $42,460. materi engin salari highest 10% $107,650. materi engin start salari bs graudat averag $55,640. new ms graduat averag start salari $61,170: new phd averag start salari $79,860. phd ms degre stronger demand sinc 2005, trend expect continu 2015."} {"id": "7609", "contents": "pregnanc symptom weeks. women, morn sick begin weeks. may also exhaust experienc mood swings, could due hormon chang well stress wonder lie ahead pregnancy. 25 percent women spot earli pregnancy. (that' count eight week first day last menstrual period.) results: 50 percent symptom pregnanc time week pregnant. 70 percent symptom weeks."} {"id": "7610", "contents": "mani women wonder earli soon get pregnanc symptoms, earliest pregnanc sign symptom are, whether feel implantation, conception, loss appetite. simpl answer get earli pregnanc symptom sign even miss period. pregnanc symptom feel. day fetu conceived, implant uterus. first physic sign pregnanc start. women may feel cramp experi spot earli stage. spot occurs, may show one two week fertil egg implanted. spot call implant bleed"} {"id": "7611", "contents": "symptoms. you\u2019r yet pregnant week one, symptom pregnancy. may symptom menstrual period, however. also feel symptom sign pregnanc immedi fertilization. mani women, first detect sign pregnanc miss period. implantation, women experi mild cramp blood spotting. could mistak sign symptom implant period. case, may realiz you\u2019r pregnant."} {"id": "7612", "contents": "hospit midwife. possibl get feel pregnant soon conceived. may experi earli pregnanc symptom three weeks. one earliest symptom may feel prickling, tingl sensat nipples, sometim feel sore. happen pregnanc hormon increas blood suppli breast"} {"id": "7613", "contents": "normal symptom start around five weeks. women experi before, especi you`r tri concieve, pay attent sign you`r not. jen year ago. happen woman. cramp gotten period feel pregnant littl one took test yay positive. morn sick come till later month 4months."} {"id": "7614", "contents": "day conception, fertil egg attach wall uterus. caus one earliest sign pregnanc -- spot and, sometimes, cramping. that' call implant bleeding. occur anywher six 12 day egg fertilized. cramp resembl menstrual cramps, women mistak bleed start period."} {"id": "7615", "contents": "women feel differ weeks, may notic tini bit implant spot feel earli pregnanc symptom fatigue, tender breasts, nausea, heighten sens smell, food aversions, frequent urination. (that' count eight week first day last menstrual period.) results: 50 percent symptom pregnanc time week pregnant. 70 percent symptom weeks."} {"id": "7616", "contents": "normal get period week start last period, pregnant, clearest sign point miss period. mani women still feel fine weeks, other may notic sore breasts, fatigue, frequent urination, nausea. (that' count eight week first day last menstrual period.) results: 50 percent symptom pregnanc time week pregnant. 70 percent symptom weeks."} {"id": "7617", "contents": "salari outlook. bl report median wage medic assist $29,610 2013, slightli prior year. best-paid 10 percent medic assist made $41,910, bottom 10 percent made less $21,280."} {"id": "7618", "contents": "medic assist salari one best come amount educ train involv prepar job. earn certif medic assist program, graduat earn averag almost $30,000 year."} {"id": "7619", "contents": "2002 2004, medic assist earn averag $25,000 year. increas regul healthcar field, need skill assist increas salary. 2008, averag salari jump $29,000, $30,000 2010."} {"id": "7620", "contents": "overal medic assist salaries. may 2011, median annual salari medic assist $30,170, $14.51 per hour, accord bureau labor statistics. lowest-paid10 percent medic assist earn $20,880 less per year, highest-paid 10 percent earn $40,810 more."} {"id": "7621", "contents": "averag salari $53,320, physic therapist assist earn mani health care job 2013. instance, nurs aides, orderli attend earn $26,020, pharmaci technician brought $30,840, medic assist receiv $30,780 dental assist made $35,640."} {"id": "7622", "contents": "averag salari travel medic assist job $60,000. averag travel medic assist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term travel medic assist anywher job listing."} {"id": "7623", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic medic assist unit state $32,996 50% peopl perform job medic assist unit state expect make less $32,996."} {"id": "7624", "contents": "averag travel medic assist salaries. averag salari travel medic assist job $60,000. averag travel medic assist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term travel medic assist anywher job listing."} {"id": "7625", "contents": "cell membran muscl cell call sarcolemma, membrane, like neurons, maintain membran potential. so, impuls travel along muscl cell membran along nerv cell membranes. however, 'function' impuls muscl cell bring contraction. understand muscl contracts, need know bit structur muscl cells."} {"id": "7626", "contents": "muscl fiber contain mani myofibrils, cylind muscl proteins. protein allow muscl cell contract. myofibril contain two type filament run along long axi fiber, filament arrang hexagon patterns. thick thin filaments."} {"id": "7627", "contents": "muscl cell special kind cell make organism' muscl tissues. muscl allow independ movement regul biolog function digest heartbeat. skelet muscl structure. differ type muscl tissue. organism' muscl tissu compos muscl cells. multi-unit smooth muscl cell oper independ single-unit, visceral, smooth muscl cell oper togeth unit. muscl mass gain artifici inject performance-enhanc drug hormon"} {"id": "7628", "contents": "cell energi convert body. differ cell differ job do. cell size shape suit job. cell job combin togeth form bodi tissue, muscle, skin, bone tissue. group differ type cell make organ body, heart, liver, lungs."} {"id": "7629", "contents": "myocyt (also known muscl cell) type cell found muscl tissue. myocyt long, tubular cell develop myoblast form muscl process known myogenesis. variou special form myocytes: cardiac, skeletal, smooth muscl cells, variou properties. striat cell cardiac skelet muscl refer muscl fibers."} {"id": "7630", "contents": "answer shania60. confid vote 21. function muscl cell is, definition, move. accomplish cell contracts. contract make denser, feel relax muscl arm suddenli tens up, hardens."} {"id": "7631", "contents": "muscl creat contract force. muscl bundl mani cell call fibers. think muscl fiber long cylinders, compar cell body, muscl fiber quit big. 40 micron long 10 100 micron diameter. protein allow muscl cell contract. myofibril contain two type filament run along long axi fiber, filament arrang hexagon patterns. thick thin filaments."} {"id": "7632", "contents": "muscl soft tissu found animals. muscl cell contain protein filament actin myosin slide past one another, produc contract chang length shape cell. muscl function produc forc motion. muscl tissu deriv mesoderm layer embryon germ cell process known myogenesis. three type muscle, skelet striated, cardiac, smooth."} {"id": "7633", "contents": "job, clinic nurs specialist role vari depend specialty, gener task include: optim patient care work nurs staff. includ evalu current practices, review alternatives, consult patient care manag provid educ staff. find daili tasks. clinic nurs specialist (cns) vener one-man show five major respons shoulders: clinic practice, research, teaching, consult management."} {"id": "7634", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist (cns) clinic leader program area nurs practic within umhs. advanc knowledg skill requir role includ clinic expertis focu area, evidence-bas practice, collaboration, consultation, education, mentoring, chang leadership."} {"id": "7635", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist job descript duties. clinic nurs specialist work hospitals, clinics, medic offic health care facilities. usual expert specif area, gerontology, cardiovascular health public policy. clinic nurs specialist must regist nurs obtain addit educ experi specialize. graduat program typic offer specif area special oncology, women' health stem cell transplants."} {"id": "7636", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist problem-solv leaders. find daili tasks. clinic nurs specialist (cns) vener one-man show five major respons shoulders: clinic practice, research, teaching, consult management. health care oper one set guidelines, cn vital manag care movement"} {"id": "7637", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist job responsibilities. clinic nurs specialist greatli involv patient care. play import role case manag work close medic staff evalu solut patients. clinic nurs specialist train educ requirements. clinic nurs specialist requir master\u2019 degree, major clinic nurs specialist. program take years. addition, must obtain practic licens state intend practice."} {"id": "7638", "contents": "rule, nurs practition practic primari patient care. example, might work famili medicine, obstetr gynecology, geriatr care. clinic nurs specialists, like specialist among doctors, provid care that' specif given illness, patient population, type medic problem. they'r also wide use emerg room critic care settings, either complement physicians. industry-sponsor explor health career websit quot annual salari rang $50,800 $100,000 clinic nurs specialists, rn-oper websit graduatenursingedu.org cite averag salari $83,787 per year."} {"id": "7639", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist job descript follow full job descript clinic nurs specialist. requir respons clinic nurs specialist along statistics. follow full job descript clinic nurs specialist."} {"id": "7640", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist-hom care job descript follow full job descript clinic nurs specialist-hom care. requir respons clinic nurs specialist-hom care along statistics."} {"id": "7641", "contents": "clinic nurs specialist advanced-practic nurs provid patient care consult servic varieti health care areas. profession typic practic medicine, conduct research manag staff within specif type patient population, medic specialti setting. clinic nurs specialist must regist nurs obtain addit educ experi specialize. graduat program typic offer specif area special oncology, women' health stem cell transplants."} {"id": "7642", "contents": "200-room hotel 150 room occupi would 75% occup rate. conversely, vacanc rate number unit build rent compar total number unit building. next up. real estate, number unit build rent compar total number unit building. apart build contain 20 units, 18 renters, would 90"} {"id": "7643", "contents": "market vacanc rate apart build multi-famili properti base annual rental months. example, five-unit build 60 rentabl months. three unit vacant one month per year, vacanc rate 3/60, five percent. squar footag basi calcul vacanc rate shop center offic building. 100,000 square-foot build 25,000 unrent squar feet space vacanc rate 25 percent. rental incom apart build complexes, offic buildings, retail center warehous make commerci real estat attract investment. investors, seller lend institut use sever criteria, includ vacanc rate, evalu potenti return commerci properti"} {"id": "7644", "contents": "definit 'occup rate'. real estate, number unit build rent compar total number unit building. apart build contain 20 units, 18 renters, would 90% occup rate."} {"id": "7645", "contents": "1. occup rate-th percentag rental unit (a hotels) occupi rent given time. pct, per centum, percent, percentage-a proport relat whole (which usual amount per hundred). hospit occupancy-occup rate hospitals."} {"id": "7646", "contents": "occupancy. occup build construct build code use intend use build part thereof shelter support persons, anim property. close relat mean number unit build rent leased, otherwis in-us"} {"id": "7647", "contents": "occup also refer number unit use, hotel rooms, apart flats, offices. motel full occupancy, common practic turn vacanc neon sign. complet vacant build also attract crime. occup also refer number person use undivid space, meet room, ballroom, auditorium, stadium. build codes, fire protect author often set limit number peopl occupi space one time."} {"id": "7648", "contents": "vacanc rate numer valu calcul percentag avail unit rental property, hotel apart complex, vacant unoccupi particular time. vacanc rate occup rate add 100%. vacanc rate often repres unit vacant readi rented, unit turn upon exit tenant unit current rentabl need repair renovations. relat terms."} {"id": "7649", "contents": "undergrowth area rainforest restrict poor penetr sunlight ground level. leaf canopi destroy thinned, ground beneath soon colon dense, tangl growth vines, shrub small trees, call jungle. half world' speci plant anim found rainforest. rainforest support broad array fauna, includ mammals, reptiles, bird invertebrates. mammal may includ primates, felid families."} {"id": "7650", "contents": "level forest upper canopymiddl level understoryherb, underbrush shrubberi layerforest floorupp canopi middl level understoryherb underbrush shrubberi layerforest floor top level forest form leav branch tallest trees."} {"id": "7651", "contents": "layer rainforest. emerg layer. tallest tree emergents, tower much 200 feet forest floor trunk measur 16 feet around. tree broad-leaved, hardwood evergreens. sunlight plenti here. anim found eagles, monkeys, bat butterfli"} {"id": "7652", "contents": "canopi level third level temper rainforest. tree form canopy, conifers, stand tall 91.44 meter (300 feet). varieti speci surviv canopy. top tree collect rain, moisture, photosynthesi rainforest take in."} {"id": "7653", "contents": "layer (go down) emerg layer, canopi layer, understori layer forest floor. emerg layer-th emerg tallest tree hey get sunlight. canopi layer-th canopi thickest layer rainforest. understory/undercanopy-thi layer young trees, short tree bushes. forest floor/shrub layer-ther plant layer adapt low-light. peopl found use"} {"id": "7654", "contents": "emerg layer. emerg layer highest level rainforest. giant tree reach sky. uncommon hardwood evergreen broad-leaf rainforest tree reach amaz 180 200\u2019 height. emerg layer rainforest brightest layer receiv sunlight."} {"id": "7655", "contents": "level rainforest. dawn duff. level tropic rainforest. canopi top layer cover forest. middl level call understory, bottom level call forest floor. layer home mani differ animals. fruit leav canopi provid food anim like birds, bats, squirrels, monkeys. giant tree call emerg poke top canopi"} {"id": "7656", "contents": "understori understorey layer lie canopi forest floor. home number birds, snake lizards, well predat jaguars, boa constrictor leopards. leav much larger level insect life abundant. half world' speci plant anim found rainforest. rainforest support broad array fauna, includ mammals, reptiles, bird invertebrates. mammal may includ primates, felid families."} {"id": "7657", "contents": "layer typic rain forest. now, shall look basic structur (layers) typic forest. let' take rainforest example... major layer including: emerg layer (a): layer sunni top tallest tree reach level."} {"id": "7658", "contents": "confer came known munich conference. there, britain franc decid allow germani annex area near german border (the sudetenland). hitler said final demand europe. action britain franc regard appeasement. munich confer held munich, germani septemb 28-29, 1938, leader great britain, france, germani italy. adolf hitler demand possess ion sudetenland czechoslovakia"} {"id": "7659", "contents": "confid vote 101. munich confer held munich, germani septemb 28-29, 1938, leader great britain, france, germani italy. adolf hitler demand possess sudetenland czechoslovakia. 29th september, 1938, adolf hitler, nevil chamberlain, edouard daladi benito mussolini sign munich agreement transfer sudetenland germany."} {"id": "7660", "contents": "munich confer meet four european countri (italy, france, great britain germany). agreement allow germani annex czechoslovakia' sudetenland. 29th september, 1938, adolf hitler, nevil chamberlain, edouard daladi benito mussolini sign munich agreement transfer sudetenland germany."} {"id": "7661", "contents": "agreement reach hitler could annex sudetenland provid promis invad anywher else. four countri sign agreement: adolf hitler (germany), nevil chamberlain (uk), edouard daladi (france), benito mussolini (italy). famou photo munich confer 1938 nevil chamberlain hold scrap paper claim secur peac time. action popular britain british peopl thought war germani avoided. want also take sudetenland region czechslovakia make territori part germany. claim german speak inhabit land mistreat czech government. 29 septemb 1938 munich confer called."} {"id": "7662", "contents": "munich agreement agreement sign 29 sept 1938 chamberlain, daladi (france), hitler mussolini (italy). whole section websit sudeten crisis, led agreement, http://www.johndclare.net/roadtowwii5.htm."} {"id": "7663", "contents": "agreement negoti confer held munich, germany, among major power europe, exclud soviet union czechoslovakia. today, wide regard fail act appeas toward germany. state czechoslovakia invit conference, consid betray unit kingdom france, czech slovak call munich agreement munich diktat (czech: mnichovsk\u00fd diktat; dikt\u00e1t: slovak mnichovsk\u00fd). mn\u00edchovsk\u00fd diktat dikt\u00e1t"} {"id": "7664", "contents": "a+e networks. day 1938, adolf hitler, benito mussolini, french premier edouard daladier, british prime minist nevil chamberlain sign munich pact, seal fate czechoslovakia, virtual hand germani name peace."} {"id": "7665", "contents": "confer came known munich conference. there, britain franc decid allow germani annex area near german border (the sudetenland). hitler said final demand europe. action britain franc regard appeasement. 29th september, 1938, adolf hitler, nevil chamberlain, edouard daladi benito mussolini sign munich agreement transfer sudetenland germany."} {"id": "7666", "contents": "mani peopl want know jaguar live answer cat live differ part world. even so, jaguar consid nation anim brazil, strong gorgeou cat unlik other. sadly, speci cat threatened, area associ jaguar live torn down. rainforest destroyed, number live cat declining."} {"id": "7667", "contents": "audio. jaguar largest south america' big cats. roam southern tip contin north region surround u.s.-mexico border. today signific number jaguar found remot region south central america\u2014particularli amazon basin. protect status: near threatened. size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: jaguar largest south america' big cats. roam southern tip contin north region surround u.s.-mexico border."} {"id": "7668", "contents": "jaguar live amazon rainforest, south america. also mexico. jaguar live forest floor therain forest (immature). cat climb travel upper section rain forest variou reasons. 112 other found useful. duy."} {"id": "7669", "contents": "jaguar third-largest felin tiger lion, largest americas. jaguar' present rang extend southwestern unit state mexico across much central america south paraguay northern argentina. jaguar larg solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predat top food chain (an apex predator). keyston species, play import role stabil ecosystem regul popul anim hunts."} {"id": "7670", "contents": "jaguar live? nativ central south america, exist rather larg number mexico, brazil, across two continents. however, jaguar popul el salvador uruguay complet wipe out, jaguar countri also danger wipe out. jaguar import food chain consid top chain. jaguar natur predators, man speci known kill jaguar. anim protect speci unit states, prevent kill big cat."} {"id": "7671", "contents": "jaguar (/\u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261ju\u02d0\u0259r, \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261ju\u02d0\u0259r, \u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261j\u028a\u0259r/ \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261j\u028a\u0259r /\u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261ju\u02d0\u0251r/), \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261ju\u02d0\u0251r or, \u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261w\u0251r \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261w\u0251r panthera onca, big cat feline, panthera genu extant panthera species. nativ america jaguar larg solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predat top food chain (an apex predator). keyston species, play import role stabil ecosystem regul popul anim hunts."} {"id": "7672", "contents": "jaguar live. 29 oct, 2011 anim 0. jaguar third largest \u201cbig 4\u2033 wild cats. fierc stalk-and-ambush predat top food chain. one power bite predat even bite protect shell reptiles, turtles."} {"id": "7673", "contents": "jaguar (/\u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261ju\u02d0\u0259r, \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261ju\u02d0\u0259r, \u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261j\u028a\u0259r/ \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261j\u028a\u0259r /\u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261ju\u02d0\u0251r/), \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261ju\u02d0\u0251r or, \u02c8d\u0292ae\u0261w\u0251r \u02c8d\u0292\u00e6\u0261w\u0251r panthera onca, big cat feline, panthera genu extant panthera species. nativ america the-jaguar third largest felin the, tiger lion the. largest america jaguar larg solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predat top food chain (an apex predator). keyston species, play import role stabil ecosystem regul popul anim hunts."} {"id": "7674", "contents": "account assist support compani day-to-day account duties. one main differ account account assist account assist focus administrative, clerical, data-entri duties. example, account assist may upload scan document entri company' document-track software. account assistants, 10 20 year experi job amount averag salari $37k. veteran work two decad tend make end; median pay group $38k."} {"id": "7675", "contents": "becom account assistant. account assist entry-level job account field. typic requir account assist certif gain employment. maintain records, type report assist account daili job respons"} {"id": "7676", "contents": "addit assist financi work, prepar financi statements, assist may also task office, answer phones, maintain file system, compos mailings, type correspondence. look great resum addit increas candid account skills. account assist daili basi vari wide depend whether individu work individu account larger compani account firm. generally, involv combin bookkeep offic work"} {"id": "7677", "contents": "account depart import function business, small busi cash flow lifeblood, account section realli make big differ understand money made it\u2019 spent, area gilmour co help client. skills. training. account assist doesn\u2019t aat train account qualif help job account best practic key featur train profession organis like aat cima."} {"id": "7678", "contents": "top 10 unbeliev histor concurrencies. account assist entri level position; individu may work individu account part account depart larger corporation. look great resum addit increas candid account skills. account assist daili basi vari wide depend whether individu work individu account larger compani account firm. generally, involv combin bookkeep offic work"} {"id": "7679", "contents": "account assist jobs. one take cursori look duti perform offic account basic secretary, differ might hard see. deal company' bills. work custom complaints. account assist also need high school diploma ged, addit need 15 credit hour college-level business, gener studies, accounting. gener also need least year bookkeeping, account experience."} {"id": "7680", "contents": "hugh allon-smith 25 year old account assist russel smith account leeds. give us insid story. mani account assist go becom specialist particular area accounting, often progress becom account technician and, appropri training, go work fulli charter accountant."} {"id": "7681", "contents": "generally, peopl want becom account assist need year bookkeep experience, certif specif field. certif gener take month obtain make individu emin like hired. look great resum addit increas candid account skills. account assist daili basi vari wide depend whether individu work individu account larger compani account firm. generally, involv combin bookkeep offic work"} {"id": "7682", "contents": "ba duck call duckl matter gender.hop helped!x :) femal duck call duck. true lot peopl call femal duck hen misunderstanding. male duck (no mater species) call drakes. femal duck (no mater species) call ducks. babi duck (no mater species) call ducklings."} {"id": "7683", "contents": "male duck call drakes. peopl call femal duck hen get confus chickens. gener term duck speci (male female) duck. male duck (no mater species) call drakes. femal duck (no mater species) call ducks. babi duck (no mater species) call ducklings."} {"id": "7684", "contents": "duck common name larg number speci anatida famili bird also includ swan geese. duckl young duck downi plumag babi duck; food trade young adult duck readi roast sometim label duckling. male duck call drake femal duck call duck, ornitholog hen"} {"id": "7685", "contents": "male duck call drake, femal call duck. babi call ducklings. duck relat gees swans. duck smallest shorter neck wing stout body. farm duck speci call pekin. harder tell male femal pekin duck look almost same. pekin duck white cream colour feather orang colour bills. fli well captivity. also excel egg meat production."} {"id": "7686", "contents": "gener term duck speci (male female) duck. male duck (no mater species) call drakes. femal duck (no mater species) call ducks. babi duck (no mater species) call ducklings. male duck call mallard.they dark green black around top head feather usual dark brown littl bit black green. person found useful."} {"id": "7687", "contents": "submit. now. report abuse. babi duck call duckling. mani speci ducks; belong famili anatidae. also call hatchling, familiar term babi birds, baby, term young live things. rainbowtalon year ago."} {"id": "7688", "contents": "male duck call drakes. peopl call femal duck hen get confus chickens. gener term duck speci (male female) duck. ba duck call duckl matter gender.hop helped!x :) femal duck call duck. true lot peopl call femal duck hen misunderstanding. male duck call mallard.they dark green black around top head feather usual dark brown littl bit black green. person found useful."} {"id": "7689", "contents": "breeds. farm duck speci call pekin. harder tell male femal pekin duck look almost same. pekin duck white cream colour feather orang colour bills. fli well captivity. also excel egg meat production."} {"id": "7690", "contents": "norco hydrocodon apap prescript pain medic narcot classifi control substanc mean special law regul control sale use"} {"id": "7691", "contents": "norco drug typic prescrib moder sever pain main activ ingredi hydrocodon acetaminophen substanc work togeth provid analgesia patient"} {"id": "7692", "contents": "norco lortab norco hydrocodon acetaminophen opioid acetaminophen combin use treat pain hydrocodon opiat consid narcot pain medicin acetaminophen sold counter pain fever"} {"id": "7693", "contents": "norco brand name combin prescript drug acetaminophen hydrocodon use treat moder sever pain vicodin lorcet lortab brand name combin also avail gener"} {"id": "7694", "contents": "norco use hydrocodon narcot pain reliev acetaminophen non narcot less potent pain reliev increas effect hydrocodon norco come capsul tablet liquid form doctor recommend take everi hour need"} {"id": "7695", "contents": "norco narcot pain reliev use reliev moder sever pain norco combin hydrocodon acetaminophen norco contain highest dose hydrocodon lowest dose acetaminophen norco narcot classifi control substanc hydrocodon narcot compound found norco high potenti depend"} {"id": "7696", "contents": "norco trade name combin hydrocodon acetaminophen narcot pain reliev high potenti abus addict compris 10 mg hydrocodon 325 mg"} {"id": "7697", "contents": "one tradit deepli root cultur state tabasco seven meal day. wonder, kitchen fill scents, aroma exquisit textur colors."} {"id": "7698", "contents": "state tabasco locat southeast mexico occupi surfac 24,475.24 km2 popul approxim 1'891,829 inhabitants. postcards: cascada de villa luz: eager reach plain, state' river flow hill majest cascad white water sourc cave known cueva de la sardina ciegas, villa luz love spot sulfur-rich spring luxuri tropic vegetation."} {"id": "7699", "contents": "seventeen municip capit citi villahermosa, mexican state tabasco locat gulf mexico southeastern region country. tabasco also border state campeche, chiapas, veracruz well central american nation guatemala. tabasco mexico\u2019 thirteenth state; admit 1824. nearli ten thousand squar meter area, tabasco renown plenti rainfall, unlik much mexico character dri climate. fact, flood often problem region due recent excess rains."} {"id": "7700", "contents": "heavi rainfal benefit state\u2019 tropic landscape. tabasco note lush rainforest well mani lakes, rivers, wetlands. state boast 120 mile shorelin along gulf mexico. tabasco mexico\u2019 thirteenth state; admit 1824. nearli ten thousand squar meter area, tabasco renown plenti rainfall, unlik much mexico character dri climate. fact, flood often problem region due recent excess rains."} {"id": "7701", "contents": "tabasco (ta\u02c8\u03b2asko (help\u00b7info)), offici free sovereign state tabasco (spanish: estado libr soberano de tabasco), one 31 state which, feder district, compris 32 feder entiti mexico. divid 17 municip capit citi villahermosa. state locat southeast mexico, border state campeche, chiapa veracruz gulf mexico north countri guatemala south east. state cover 24,731km2, 1.3% mexico\u2019 total."} {"id": "7702", "contents": "villahermosa villahermosa, citi (1990 pop. 261,321), capit tabasco state, se mexico, grijalva river. city, good commun facilities, commerci distribut center surround region. oil econom mainstay...... (taebaes`t\u00e4b\u00e4s) k\u014d (state 1990. 1,501,744), 9,783 9783 sq (25,338 25338 sq), km e, mexico gulf of. campech villahermosa, villahermosa (citi 1990. 261,321), 261321 capit tabasco, state se, mexico grijalva. river"} {"id": "7703", "contents": "although oil recent discov state, tabasco mainli reliant agricultur commod sugarcane, bananas, oranges, coconuts, cocoa beans. state also commerci depend fishing; lobster, shrimp, sea bass, oyster account larg portion fish industry. tabasco mexico\u2019 thirteenth state; admit 1824. nearli ten thousand squar meter area, tabasco renown plenti rainfall, unlik much mexico character dri climate. fact, flood often problem region due recent excess rains."} {"id": "7704", "contents": "fact tabasco. tabasco mexico\u2019 thirteenth state; admit 1824. nearli ten thousand squar meter area, tabasco renown plenti rainfall, unlik much mexico character dri climate. fact, flood often problem region due recent excess rains."} {"id": "7705", "contents": "enjoy mexico\u2019 eden, book tabasco locat gulf mexico, state tabasco famou huge olmec heads, giant sculptures, thirti centuri old. admir la venta park, villahermosa, state capital. visit tabasco, live adventur full water archaeology. walk shade lush trees, fun fast-flow river tast delici cuisine, base bananas, cocoa seafood."} {"id": "7706", "contents": "uric acid urin test measur amount uric acid sampl urin collect 24 hours. uric acid produc natur breakdown body' cell food eat. uric acid remov bodi urine. small amount pass bodi stool. uric acid urin test measur amount uric acid sampl urin collect 24 hours. normal valu list here\u2014cal refer range\u2014ar guide. rang vari lab lab, lab may differ rang what' normal."} {"id": "7707", "contents": "ph urin 5.8 7. slightli acid neutral. infect gener seen, ph level lesser 5.5. infection, cours time, give rise alkalin urin ph 7.5 higher. urin is, nature, acidic. however, degre acid low enough urin pass without discomfort pain. acid urin increases, caus discomfort urination. among acid urin symptoms, discomfort pass urin common problem."} {"id": "7708", "contents": "uric acid urin test measur amount uric acid sampl urin collect 24 hours. uric acid made natur breakdown body' cells. also made food eat. kidney take uric acid blood put urin leav body. bodi make much uric acid, level urin get high. kidney work way should, level uric acid urin get low."} {"id": "7709", "contents": "common caus acid urin lack hydration. bodi enough water, pass urin higher concentr wast materi lower concentr water. caus urin darker color. urin is, nature, acidic. however, degre acid low enough urin pass without discomfort pain. acid urin increases, caus discomfort urination. among acid urin symptoms, discomfort pass urin common problem."} {"id": "7710", "contents": "acid urin remedy. urin wast product human body. result filtrat process take place kidneys. kidney filter blood remov impur materi consid surplu requir body. urin is, nature, acidic. however, degre acid low enough urin pass without discomfort pain. acid urin increases, caus discomfort urination. among acid urin symptoms, discomfort pass urin common problem."} {"id": "7711", "contents": "test overview. uric acid urin test measur amount uric acid sampl urin collect 24 hours. uric acid made natur breakdown body' cells. also made food eat. kidney take uric acid blood put urin leav body."} {"id": "7712", "contents": "acidic. pertain acid; acid-forming. acid urine. usual carnivores, herbivor usual neutral slightli alkaline. urin increas acid larg load acid pass extracellular fluid excret kidneys. kidney cope excret load ph blood return normal."} {"id": "7713", "contents": "urin ph test tell doctor acid basic (alkaline) urin use simple, painless urin test. mani diseases, diet, medicin take affect acid basic urin is. certain medic make urin acidic, physician also may order urin ph test determin medicin make urin acidic. urin ph test also use determin best medic prescrib urinari tract infection."} {"id": "7714", "contents": "vascular insufficiency, inadequ peripher blood flow. caus includ occlus vessel atherosclerot plaques, thrombi, emboli; damaged, diseased, intrins weak vascular walls; arterioven fistulas; hematolog hypercoagulability; heavi smoking."} {"id": "7715", "contents": "venou insuffici problem flow blood vein leg back heart. also call chronic venou insuffici chronic venou stasis. vein valv keep blood move one direction-toward heart. venou insufficiency, valv vein leg work right. fluid pool legs. lead problem includ varicos vein"} {"id": "7716", "contents": "chronic venou insuffici cvi medic condit vein cannot pump enough blood back heart. common caus cvi superfici venou reflux treatabl condition. function venou valv requir provid effici blood return lower extremities, condit typic affect legs."} {"id": "7717", "contents": "click imag enlarge. chronic venou insuffici occur leg vein allow blood travel back heart. (arteri carri blood away heart, vein carri blood heart). problem valv vein caus blood flow directions, toward heart. chronic venou insuffici treatment may include: measur improv blood flow leg veins. method help increas blood flow leg vein includ elev leg reduc pressur leg vein compress stock appli pressur leg help blood flow."} {"id": "7718", "contents": "arteri carri blood heart rest body. vein carri blood back heart, valv vein stop blood flow back. vein troubl send blood limb back heart, call venou insuffici (vi). condition, blood flow back properli heart, caus blood pool legs."} {"id": "7719", "contents": "venou insuffici chronic condit blood flow normal vein leg toward heart. normal vein seri specialized, one-way valv work together, open allow blood flow upward, close keep blood flow back toward feet. venou insuffici mean vein work properly. condit often develop vein damag injury, surgery, blood clot. vein drain blood fluid back heart, peopl venou insuffici usual symptom caus buildup fluid."} {"id": "7720", "contents": "chronic venou insuffici occur leg vein allow blood travel back heart. (arteri carri blood away heart, vein carri blood heart). problem valv vein caus blood flow directions, toward heart."} {"id": "7721", "contents": "chronic enou insuffici (cvi)? chronic venou insuffici (cvi) common caus ofleg pain swelling, commonli associ withvaricos veins. occur valv vein donot function properly, circul blood theleg vein impaired. cvi may affect 20 percentof adults. chronic venou insuffici (cvi) common caus of. leg pain swelling, commonli associ with. varicos veins. occur valv vein do. function properly, circul blood the."} {"id": "7722", "contents": "dexos\u00ae licens program. gm powertrain engin develop dexos\u00ae engin oil specif meet increas demand today\u2019 engines. fuel economi improv combin need engin oil robust drive chang increas pace."} {"id": "7723", "contents": "confus may be, dexo brand type oil all. instead, dexo specif concoct gener motor along licens auto maker sell oil manufacturers. oil specif noth new."} {"id": "7724", "contents": "case, gm appear look requir new dexo specif motor oil use vehicles. way, claim gm, abl consolid list recommend oil vehicl oil meet dexo specifications."} {"id": "7725", "contents": "gener motor commit designing, building, sell car perform well last long time\u2014and make experi own gm vehicl highli rewarding. that' gm powertrain engin develop dexo engin oil specification. result engin oil design specif gm engine, ad perform area import operation. dexo repres high quality, robust oil formul rigor specif industry."} {"id": "7726", "contents": "a: dexo gm specif design enhanc perform gf-5 fuel economi potenti extend drain benefits. gm requir licens royalti payment oil market choos licens dexo trademark brand products."} {"id": "7727", "contents": "so, cases, go dexo licens 5w30 oil vehicl call 5w20 0w20, could caus problems-even deal servic center balk choic viscosity. littl consequence, though."} {"id": "7728", "contents": "corian solid surfac materi dupont. corian\u00ae brand name solid surfac materi creat manufactur dupont\u00ae dupont\u00ae origin inventor solid surfac materi market leader come manufactur solid surfac materials. compos acryl polym alumina trihydr (ath)."} {"id": "7729", "contents": "corian worktops. corian origin solid surfac material. first introduc 1967, corian specif design worksurface. balanc beauti performance, corian worktops, lend imagin use"} {"id": "7730", "contents": "dupont corian solid surface. corian brand name solid surfac materi creat e. i. du pont de nemour compani (dupont). origin materi type, creat dupont scientist 1967. compos acryl polym alumina trihydr (ath), materi deriv bauxit ore. dr. donald slocum, dupont chemist, credit inventor corian solid surfac 1967. name appear patent issu octob 1968. space age material, product evolv sinc invent spawn mani imitations."} {"id": "7731", "contents": "corian\u00ae worktops. (see solid surfac special offer 70% off). 10 year limit manufacturer\u2019 warranti back dupont\u2122. introduc 1967, corian origin solid surfac material. corian worktop avail wide select colours. solid, homogen non-por worksurfac"} {"id": "7732", "contents": "corian acryl solid surfac worktop origin solid surfac material. creat last lifetime, corian' uniqu blend miner acryl creat stone-hard worktop surfac shape meet design dimension."} {"id": "7733", "contents": "discuss pro con corian worktops, it\u2019 worth explain is. corian perhap well known brand solid surfac worktop market. solid surfac made mix acryl resin bauxit filler pigment form sheet solid surfac material. sheet bond onto timber substrat form solid surfac worktop (a shown below). although corian worktop heat resistant, they\u2019r near heat resist granit quartz. corian made acrylic, which, end day, posh type plastic. reality, plastic never heat resist stone."} {"id": "7734", "contents": "corian mainli use worktop work surfac kitchens, laboratories, hospitals, schools, dentist\u2019 doctor\u2019 surgeri fact anywher hygien utmost importance. realli easi take care of, basic need wipe damp cloth clean spill splashes. corian worktop admin 2015-09-13t15:32:38+00:00. one uk\u2019 lead supplier corian work surfac showroom fit team base country."} {"id": "7735", "contents": "corian worktop perhap best well known brand composit solid surfaces. corian du pont establish good reput quality, long term. perform design flexibility. seen initi space age material, corian worktop leader onlin market 40 years. customis sink corian, tabl corian, even corian shower walls. corian worktop materi composition, base mixtur acryl polym bauxit rock, continu provid last durability. corian countertop provid posit factor balanc perform beauty."} {"id": "7736", "contents": "corian countertops. corian\u00ae introduc 1967, origin solid surfac material. corian' superb all-round qualiti make perfect choic kitchen bathrooms. warm invit touch take ambient room temperatur cold touch"} {"id": "7737", "contents": "although wide rang normal ages, girl typic begin process puberti age 10 11; boy age 11\u201312. girl usual complet puberti age 15\u201317, boy usual complet puberti age 16\u201317."} {"id": "7738", "contents": "boy start puberti somewher age 16 years. wide age rang puberti starts. kid 7th grade still look like young children other look realli grown up. know girl usual start puberti earlier boys."} {"id": "7739", "contents": "yes, differences. normal age rang puberti girl 9-16, boy 13-15. precoci puberti common girl boys. boys, much like caus underli disease. however, american boy also enter puberti younger age decad ago [1a]."} {"id": "7740", "contents": "onset puberti vari among individuals. puberti usual occur girl age 10 14, boy gener occur later, age 12 16. african-american girls, puberti begin earlier, age 9, mean puberti occur age 14."} {"id": "7741", "contents": "stage puberti grils. question answer below. age range: usual 8-11. stage outsid sign development, girl\u2019 ovari enlarg hormon product beginning."} {"id": "7742", "contents": "unit states, almost children show sign puberti age 13 girl 14 boys, age greatest amount pubert chang bodi usual occur. averag age begin stage puberti 10.5 year girl 11.5 year boys. averag length time take sexual chang complet years. pubert chang occur influenc hormones."} {"id": "7743", "contents": "pay 20% medicare-approv amount, medicar part deduct applies. medicar part cover routin physic except one-tim welcom medicar physic exam, must get first 12 month becom medicar beneficiary."} {"id": "7744", "contents": "pay 20% medicare-approv amount, medicar part deduct applies. kidney diseas educ services. medicar may cover kidney diseas educ servic kidney disease, doctor refer service."} {"id": "7745", "contents": "use list you\u2019r person medicare, famili member caregiver. medicar coverag mani tests, item servic depend live. list includ tests, item servic cover matter"} {"id": "7746", "contents": "use medicar part b-cover services, pay deductible. deduct beneficiari medicar part coverage. pay deductible, pay coinsur 20% medicare-allow payment medicar part health care provider. 2013 2014, medicar part deduct $147."} {"id": "7747", "contents": "medicar part (medic insurance) cover medic necessari clinic diagnost laboratori servic order doctor practitioner. laboratori test includ certain blood tests, urinalysis, test tissu specimens, screen tests."} {"id": "7748", "contents": "standard medicar part monthli premium $104.90 2013 2014. pay $147 per year part deduct 2013 2014. sign part first eligible, may pay late enrol penalti long medicare."} {"id": "7749", "contents": "doctor health care provid may recommend get servic often medicar covers. or, may recommend servic medicar doesn\u2019t cover. happens, may pay costs. it\u2019 import ask question understand doctor recommend certain servic whether medicar pay them."} {"id": "7750", "contents": "test cover medicar part b. need provid take medicar deem provider. medicar part deduct coinsurance. medicar advantag plan copay well."} {"id": "7751", "contents": "penalti earn contributions. unless except applies, distribut roth ira owner reach age 59 1/2 subject earli withdraw penalti 10% amount distribution. she'll also pay 10% penalty, $2,000 taxabl distribution. $2,000 tax-and penalty-fre sinc came prior non-deduct contribut ira. convert entir tradit ira roth ira take $4,000 distribution. bad choic karin."} {"id": "7752", "contents": "want consid tax impact tap retir account short-term financi emergencies. withdraw money simpl ira first began particip simpl ira plan within past two years, earli distribut penalti 25% instead 10%. 10% penalti earli distribut retir plan. withdraw money qualifi retir plan, may subject addit tax 10%. penalti take earli distribut individu retir account (ira), 401(k), 403(b), qualifi retir plan reach age 59 1/2. except 10% penalti"} {"id": "7753", "contents": "rule penalti withdraw simpl ira similar tradit iras, except uniqu year rule put higher penalti withdraw made within first year participation. simpl ira plan offer employe busi 100 employ less. employe must earn least $5,000 preced year, expect earn least much current year."} {"id": "7754", "contents": "earli withdraw ira withdraw taken reach age 59 \u00bd, subject 10% penalti tax addit ordinari incom taxes. eight situat may qualifi except 10% penalti tax ira earli withdrawal. still includ ira withdraw adjust gross income. inherit ira spouse, choos treat ira, ira earli withdraw receiv subject 10% penalti tax."} {"id": "7755", "contents": "2. determin long particip simpl ira. 2-year period rule increas withdraw tax penalti 10 percent 25 percent 59-1/2 year age contribut plan less years. simpl ira plan offer employe busi 100 employ less. employe must earn least $5,000 preced year, expect earn least much current year."} {"id": "7756", "contents": "addit tax may appli simpl ira withdrawals? unless qualifi exception, you\u2019ll pay addit 10% tax amount withdraw simpl ira. addit tax increas 25% make withdraw within year first particip simpl ira plan. don\u2019t pay addit 10% 25% tax if:"} {"id": "7757", "contents": "distribut occur individu reach age 59.5 subject 10% early-distribut penalty. simpl iras, 10% penalti increas 25% individu receiv distribut within two year first contribut made simpl ira account. 10% penalti addit incom tax owe amount."} {"id": "7758", "contents": "more. withdraw money individu retir account age 59 1/2, gener pay 10 percent earli withdraw penalti addit incom tax amount withdrawn. turn age 59 1/2. turn age 59 1/2, withdraw amount ira without pay 10 percent penalty. regular incom tax still due withdrawal."} {"id": "7759", "contents": "mean $5,000 withdraw taken mid-car worker 25 percent tax bracket would result $1,750 tax penalties. varieti way avoid ira earli withdraw penalti meet specif criteria: turn age 59 1/2. turn age 59 1/2, withdraw amount ira without pay 10 percent penalty. regular incom tax still due withdrawal. ira distribut requir age 70 1/2. [read: save retir small salary.]. colleg costs."} {"id": "7760", "contents": "great leap forward push mao zedong chang china predominantli agrarian (farming) societi modern, industri society-in five years. 1958 1960, million chines citizen move onto communes."} {"id": "7761", "contents": "introduction. 1966, china\u2019 communist leader mao zedong launch becam known cultur revolut order reassert author chines government."} {"id": "7762", "contents": "mao zedong. communist leader china. establish regim beij (the people' republ china) us refus recogn continu support nationalist govt taiwan."} {"id": "7763", "contents": "communist parti china form 1921. mao zedong' control 1927. eventually, mao led revolution, communist parti obtain control 1947. follow exampl soviet model develop heavi industri surplus extract peasants. consum good left secondari importance."} {"id": "7764", "contents": "chines communist leader theorist. founder chines communist parti (1921), command troop chines civil war (1927-1949) proclaim people' republ china 1949."} {"id": "7765", "contents": "1960s, chines communist parti leader mao zedong came feel current parti leadership china, soviet union, move far revisionist direction, emphasi expertis rather ideolog purity."} {"id": "7766", "contents": "method 2: sum measur interior angl triangl 180 degrees. sinc side equilater triangl length, angl same... interior angl equilater triangl 60 degrees."} {"id": "7767", "contents": "number interior angl polygon number side polygon. sum measur interior angl correspond exterior angl polygon 180\u00b0. simpl polygon, vertex one interior angle."} {"id": "7768", "contents": "interior angle. number interior angl polygon number side polygon. sum measur interior angl correspond exterior angl polygon 180\u00b0. simpl polygon, vertex one interior angle."} {"id": "7769", "contents": "note behavior interior angl sum. interior angl polygon angl vertex insid polygon. one per vertex. polygon sides, vertic interior angles."} {"id": "7770", "contents": "interior angl polygon angl form insid two adjac side polygon. two line cut third line (transversal), angl form insid line call interior angles."} {"id": "7771", "contents": "sum measur interior angl convex polygon side is. exampl find sum measur interior angl octagon. solution: octagon sides. so, 8. substitut formula. sum measur interior angl octagon (8 2)180\u00b0."} {"id": "7772", "contents": "sum interior angl regular polygon side equal 180(n 2) degrees. instance, sum interior angl decagon equal 180 (10 2) 1440 degrees. (10-2)*180 8*180"} {"id": "7773", "contents": "definit interior angle. interior angl polygon angl form insid two adjac side polygon. two line cut third line (transversal), angl form insid line call interior angles."} {"id": "7774", "contents": "interior angl sum measur interior angl triangl 180 degrees. sinc side equilater triangl length, angl same... interior angl equilater triangl 60 degrees."} {"id": "7775", "contents": "recommend relat oral health. peritonsillar abscess. peritonsillar abscess form tissu throat next one tonsils. abscess collect pu form near area infect skin soft tissue. abscess caus pain, swelling, and, severe, blockag throat. abscess: infect tooth, soft tissue, bone. abutment: tooth teeth either side miss tooth support fix remov partial; also refer piec metal porcelain screw implant allow crown glu on."} {"id": "7776", "contents": "dental abbreviation, symbol acronym page 31 52 commonli use ada acronym acronym meaningdivis aada allianc american dental associ acctg depart account finop adabei ada busi enterprise, inc. dental abbreviation, symbol acronym page 37 52 dispens health care profession doubl check appropri drug dose.5. ...medic order includ drug name, exact metric weight concentration, dosag form."} {"id": "7777", "contents": "b, stand buccal, surfac tooth face cheek. l, stand lingual, surfac toward tongue. now, dentist say number 3mod, know caviti upper right first molar involv front, top, back part tooth. teeth 24 25 lower front teeth (call lower left right central incisors). code letter refer differ part surfac tooth. example, stand mesial (the front surfac tooth). stand distal (the back surface)."} {"id": "7778", "contents": "council dental practic (cdp) maintain list dental abbreviations, symbol acronym effort give uniform authors, educators, practitioners, oral health care student other may need use know common dental dental-rel abbreviations, symbol acronyms."} {"id": "7779", "contents": "decreas amount time spent paperwork use abbrevi patient treatment records. patient treatment record import good patient treatment follow-up; record also legal documents, abbrevi mean everi record."} {"id": "7780", "contents": "click one link view jd.md' medic abbrevi dental abbrevi glossary. abbrevi commonli use hospital, medical, dental records. mani abbreviations, rare used, doctor hospit creat own. glossari updat weekly. cannot find abbreviation, email us assistance. view adob pdf file medic abbrevi glossary, click here."} {"id": "7781", "contents": "council recommend dentist select approv list abbreviations, symbol and/or acronym offices. list made part offic polici team member use uniform terminology. form provid purpos publication. dental abbreviation, symbol acronym page 37 52 dispens health care profession doubl check appropri drug dose.5. ...medic order includ drug name, exact metric weight concentration, dosag form."} {"id": "7782", "contents": "dentist attach letter number, refer side surfac area tooth. stand mesial, medic term front tooth. stand distal, rear side tooth. letter use describ differ tooth surfaces. teeth 24 25 lower front teeth (call lower left right central incisors). code letter refer differ part surfac tooth. example, stand mesial (the front surfac tooth). stand distal (the back surface)."} {"id": "7783", "contents": "dental hygienist clean teeth, dentist come examin them. nowhere, rattl alpha-numer jargon: 3mod, 5do, 13mfd on. dentist use form dental shorthand. number repres teeth caviti problems. teeth 24 25 lower front teeth (call lower left right central incisors). code letter refer differ part surfac tooth. example, stand mesial (the front surfac tooth). stand distal (the back surface)."} {"id": "7784", "contents": "dental abbreviation, symbol acronym page 52 dental abbreviations, symbol acronym introduction: abbreviations, acronym symbol often use dental chart dental public convenience. dental abbreviation, symbol acronym page 37 52 dispens health care profession doubl check appropri drug dose.5. ...medic order includ drug name, exact metric weight concentration, dosag form."} {"id": "7785", "contents": "first angl project method creat 2d draw 3d object. mainli use europ asia offici use australia mani years. australia, third angl project prefer method orthograph projection. note symbol first angl orthograph projection. import inform person interpret draw examin diagram note first angl orthograph projection: view front middle. view left right."} {"id": "7786", "contents": "pleas note! exampl first angl orthograph project (a use mainli europe). anoth type call third angl use countri usa. front, side plan view differ positions. correct method present three views, first angl orthograph project shown below. draw compos front, side plan view l-shape object."} {"id": "7787", "contents": "third-angl projection, top view pull ceiling, front view pull forward front wall; intersect line two plane thu closest small end cone, henc third-angl symbol show cone larg end away donut. first-angl projection, top view push floor, front view push back rear wall; intersect line two plane therefor closest larg end cone, henc first-angl symbol show cone larg end open toward"} {"id": "7788", "contents": "important: two way draw orthographic-first angl third angle. differ posit plan, front side views. exampl irst angl projection. correct method present three views, first angl orthograph project shown below. draw compos front, side plan view l-shape object."} {"id": "7789", "contents": "third angl vs first angl description: third angl first angl project display standard three orthograph view part assembly. key differ third angl first angl layout part sheet."} {"id": "7790", "contents": "note symbol third angl projection. import inform person interpret draw third angl projection: view front middle. view left left. view right right. view top top. view bottom bottom"} {"id": "7791", "contents": "one call first angl type call third angle. symbol them. alreadi know, orthograph project way draw object differ positions. usually; front. side. plan. know, one call first angle, call third angle. differ posit plan, front side view page. exampl first angl projection. use mainli europe. first angl project third angl projection. use mainli us"} {"id": "7792", "contents": "far cover one method orthograph projection, known first angl projection. first angl project use europ world. howev america australia use method known third angl projection. first angl project place object first quadrant (see figure). mean vertic plane behind object horizont plane underneath object. third angl project object place third quadrant. mean vertic plane front object horizont plane object. see effect watch anim"} {"id": "7793", "contents": "report abuse. first angl third angl project use india. 2nd angl project front view top view lie ground line henc overlap. clariti lost 4th angl project front view top view lie ground line henc overlap."} {"id": "7794", "contents": "mani peopl still celebr holiday homes, mani began celebr new year place christma soviet era. still huge popular holiday russian federation. christma larg celebr imperi russia although orthodox religion actual observ januari 6th epiphany. karl marx, inventor socialist ideolog state religion opium peopl (or opiat masses, depend translation)."} {"id": "7795", "contents": "christma ukrain celebr januari accord gregorian calendar orthodox christian countries. soviet time offici celebr ukraine. instead communist govern tri substitut christma holiday new year. peopl forget traditions. gain independ 1991 ukrain start celebr christma offici well."} {"id": "7796", "contents": "first star also signal start christma dinner. mani secular russians, christma day famili holiday important, mani families, new year' day. mani peopl visit friend relatives, well give receiv presents, januari 7. background. russian revolut 1917, bolshevik ban christma celebrations. mani christma traditions, decor fir tree give presents, turn new year' traditions. christma becam offici holiday non-labor day russia 1991."} {"id": "7797", "contents": "day soviet union, christma celebr much. new year import time. christma normal celebr januari 7th (onli cathol might celebr 25th december). date differ russian orthodox church use old 'julian' calendar religi celebr days. orthodox church also celebr advent. offici christma new holiday russia last decemb 31st januari 10th. russian happy/merri christma 's rah-zh-dee-st-vohm' (c \u0440\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e\u043c!) 's-schah-st-lee-vah-vah rah-zh dee-st-vah' (\u0441\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0440\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0430!). happy/merri christma lot languages."} {"id": "7798", "contents": "although ban soviet times, christma regain popular religi mean russia. mani peopl celebr christma day festiv meal (exampl festiv meal only). mani peopl celebr christma day festiv meal (exampl festiv meal only). background. russian revolut 1917, bolshevik ban christma celebrations. mani christma traditions, decor fir tree give presents, turn new year' traditions. christma becam offici holiday non-labor day russia 1991."} {"id": "7799", "contents": "christma christma day (old english: cr\u012bstesmaesse, cr\u012bstesm\u00e6ss mean 'christ mass annual festiv commemor birth jesus, christ observ commonli decemb 25 religi cultur celebr among billion peopl around the. world christma day public holiday mani world' nations, celebr cultur larg number non-christian people, integr part christma holiday season."} {"id": "7800", "contents": "soviet new year's, fact, becom pretti much christma becom secular western world-a day famili gather share gift goodi tree, brightli lit trim homemad decorations. countri christma centerpiec celebration, other new year' twelfth night. follow report 15 time correspond bureau holiday celebr areas, tip visitor join in-or cope with-them."} {"id": "7801", "contents": "mani peopl start celebr christma decemb 25 (togeth western world), continu observ new year eve festiv parties, enjoy new year day famili and, finally, celebr russian orthodox christma januari 7."} {"id": "7802", "contents": "pound kilogram calcul best way convert pound kilograms. enter weight pound (lbs) calcul take care convert pound kilogram almost real time. 1,000 gram kilogram. 16 ounc pound."} {"id": "7803", "contents": "si base unit mass kilogram. lb equal 0.45359237 kilogram. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert pound kilograms."} {"id": "7804", "contents": "tool help convert kilogram (kg), pound ounces, measur mass. built sever differ tool use. choos differ option kilogram, pound ounc conversions."} {"id": "7805", "contents": "so, here' help: convert kilogram pound ounces. kilogram equal pound 3.27396195 ounces. work rough estim head may tricky-rememb 16 ounc pound. convert kilogram pounds. 2.2046226218 pound kilogram. so, want calcul head, multipli kilogram figur 2.2 get approxim figur pounds. wish convert pound kilos, divid figur 2.2 approximation."} {"id": "7806", "contents": "convers factor pound kilogram 0.45359237. convers troy weight (use preciou metals, gold, gemston etc), convers factor 0.3732417216. find mani kilogram pound, multipli convers factor valu pound simpli use convert below."} {"id": "7807", "contents": "abbrevi lb, lbs. kilogram base unit mass (weight) metric system equal mass one liter water. kilo equal 2.20462262 pounds. abbrevi kg."} {"id": "7808", "contents": "definit transform fault. strike-slip fault occur typic segment mid-ocean ridg tectonic-pl boundari character shallow high-magnitud earthquakes."} {"id": "7809", "contents": "transform boundari final type boundari one two plate slide sideway motion. boundari plate refer transform boundaries. two plate slide past one another, transform boundary, neither plate ad boundary, destroyed. result two massiv plate push one anoth massiv amount energi build up."} {"id": "7810", "contents": "transform plate boundari locat two plate slide past one another. fractur zone form transform plate boundari known transform fault. transform fault found ocean basin connect offset mid-ocean ridges."} {"id": "7811", "contents": "plate boundaries. locat two tecton plate interact, boundari plate exist. three type boundari geologist observe. boundari diverg boundaries, converg boundaries, transform boundaries."} {"id": "7812", "contents": "introduction. transform boundari fault zone two plate slide past horizontally. transform fault found ocean offset spread ridg creat zigzag pattern plates. transform fault occur land."} {"id": "7813", "contents": "iphon 3g, sometim call iphon 2, releas juli 11, 2008. appl claim high ground consum cellphon market, buy frenzi follow announcement."} {"id": "7814", "contents": "first gener iphon releas unit states, uk, france, germany, ireland austria. later model releas mani countries. origin iphon announc time magazin invent year 2007."} {"id": "7815", "contents": "three month releas origin iphone, appl releas first major softwar updat device, io 1.1.1. notabl reasons. first, establish pattern releas major new version io concurr new devic case, origin ipod touch."} {"id": "7816", "contents": "appl made tweak 3g unit, one biggest price. 10 week origin iphone' releas june 29, 2007, appl drop price $599 $399 gb model. origin iphon 16gb model debut februari 2008, price $499, drop $399 within two months."} {"id": "7817", "contents": "iphon releas june 29, 2007 unit state thousand peopl report wait outsid appl at&t retail store day device' launch; mani store report stock shortag within hour."} {"id": "7818", "contents": "parkinson' diseas progressive, chronic brain condit result loss cell region brain control movement. parkinson' diseas common condit brain typic begin middl later part life. loss caus defici certain brain chemic (dopamine), caus movement problems. parkinson' diseas common condit brain typic begin middl later part life. progress condition, mean continu get wors time."} {"id": "7819", "contents": "parkinson' diseas belong group condit call movement disorders. movement disord describ varieti abnorm bodi movement neurolog basis, includ condit cerebr palsy, ataxia, tourett syndrome. accord parkinson' diseas foundation, econom toll diseas usa nearli $25 billion annually, includ direct indirect costs. averag annual medic cost american parkinson' diseas $2,500 $10,000."} {"id": "7820", "contents": "shortag dopamine. parkinson' diseas occur nerv cells, neurons, area brain control movement becom impair and/or die. normally, neuron produc import brain chemic known dopamine, neuron die becom impaired, produc less dopamine. shortag dopamin caus movement problem peopl parkinson's."} {"id": "7821", "contents": "parkinson' diseas (pd, also known idiopath primari parkinsonism, hypokinet rigid syndrom (hrs), paralysi agitans) degen disord central nervou system mainli affect motor system. motor symptom parkinson' diseas result death dopamine-gener cell substantia nigra, region midbrain. caus cell death poorli understood."} {"id": "7822", "contents": "parkinson' diseas progress nervou system disord affect person moves, includ speak write. symptom develop gradually, may start ever-so-slight tremor one hand. accord parkinson' diseas foundation, econom toll diseas usa nearli $25 billion annually, includ direct indirect costs. averag annual medic cost american parkinson' diseas $2,500 $10,000."} {"id": "7823", "contents": "parkinson' diseas result loss brain cell region brain control movement. loss creat shortag dopamine, chemic brain call neurotransmitter. loss dopamin result problem movement characterist parkinson' disease. loss caus defici certain brain chemic (dopamine), caus movement problems. parkinson' diseas common condit brain typic begin middl later part life. progress condition, mean continu get wors time."} {"id": "7824", "contents": "parkinson' diseas affect way move. happen problem certain nerv cell brain. normally, nerv cell make import chemic call dopamine. dopamin send signal part brain control movement."} {"id": "7825", "contents": "parkinson' disease, loss neuron brain result reduct amount dopamine, chemic messeng help control muscl movement. without dopamine, nerv cell cannot properli send messages. parkinson' diseas neurolog disord affect patient' abil produc control bodi movement. chronic (persist long period time) progress (get wors time)."} {"id": "7826", "contents": "mayo clinic minnesota recogn best neurolog neurosurgeri hospit nation 2015-2016 u.s. news world report. parkinson' diseas progress disord nervou system affect movement. develop gradually, sometim start bare notic tremor one hand. tremor may well-known sign parkinson' disease, disord also commonli caus stiff slow movement. earli stage parkinson' disease, face may show littl expression, arm may swing walk. speech may becom soft slurred."} {"id": "7827", "contents": "byzantin empir justinian. justinian i, took power 527 would rule death 565, first great ruler byzantin empire."} {"id": "7828", "contents": "justinian i. emperor justinian rule eastern roman, byzantine, empir 527 565. signific effort regain lost provinc western roman empire, codif roman law, architectur achievements."} {"id": "7829", "contents": "justinian emperor byzantin empir rule 527 ad 565 ad. born tauresium (provinc dardania). real name flaviu petru sabbatiu iustinia nus. famou legisl activities, primarili codif known roman law call corpu iuri civilis."} {"id": "7830", "contents": "reign emperor justinian (rule 527-565 ce), vast territori roman empir europe, north africa, east centuri polit cultur divid western empir eastern, byzantine, empire."} {"id": "7831", "contents": "justinian' rule univers popular; earli reign nearli lost throne nika riots, conspiraci emperor' life dissatisfi businessmen discov late 562. justinian struck plagu earli 540 recovered."} {"id": "7832", "contents": "byzantin empir first golden age justinian dynasty, began 518 ad access justin i. justinian dynasty, empir reach largest territori point, reincorpor north africa, southern illyria, southern spain, itali empire."} {"id": "7833", "contents": "byzantin empir anoth name surviv eastern half roman empire. read previou chapter, weaker western half roman empire, includ citi rome, fell barbarian invaders. left roman empir rule emperor constantinople."} {"id": "7834", "contents": "rose color meanings. everi flower wonder stori tell, rose stand alon abund histori color meaning. much couldn\u2019t resist give littl preferenti treatment dedic separ space rich symbolism."} {"id": "7835", "contents": "rose complex flower, popular tattoo. obviou symbol may delic beauti love, wealth cultur behind rose symbol differ base differ elements, includ color whether rose \u201copen.\u201d."} {"id": "7836", "contents": "symbol rose color steep tradition. rose inspir peopl thousand year develop languag color. choos color, varieti number rose someone, person gift deeper sentiment. rose color may differ mean intend. use guid help commun feelings."} {"id": "7837", "contents": "report abuse. today peopl use color send messag 1700 1800's. mean rose color lost, one time red meant love, yellow meant dropped, white meant death, dy black meant death go die."} {"id": "7838", "contents": "rose color meaning. red roses: red rose unmistak express love. red rose convey deep emotions-b love, long desire. red rose also use convey respect, admir devotion. deep red rose use convey heartfelt regret sorrow. number red rose special romant mean associ them. 12 red rose popular convey mine love you. white roses: white color purity, chastiti innocence. also color indic peac tranquility. green rose (these off-whit rose shade green) symbol best wish prosper new life wish recoveri good health. black roses: black color death farewell."} {"id": "7839", "contents": "rose type flower shrub. name come latin word rosa. flower rose grow mani differ colors, well-known red rose yellow rose sometim white purpl roses. rose belong famili plant call rosaceae."} {"id": "7840", "contents": "10 anim fact amaz you. rose ultim flower express emot feeling. gift, flower convey differ mean person receiv know symbol attach variou colors."} {"id": "7841", "contents": "black rose convey death feel idea. send black rose someon indic death relationship. mix roses: mix rose bloom differ color purposefully, creat bouquet emotions. also color indic peac tranquility. green rose (these off-whit rose shade green) symbol best wish prosper new life wish recoveri good health. black roses: black color death farewell."} {"id": "7842", "contents": "purple, coral orang challeng red color valentine' day. rose color mean follows: specif purpos purpl signifi giver fallen love recipi first sight. follow mean tradit ascrib popular roses, accord colors; use list guid select valentine' day gift: red mean romant love (the valentine' day gift par excellence). purple, coral orang challeng red color valentine' day. specif purpos purpl ..."} {"id": "7843", "contents": "area 504,030 km\u00b2, spain second largest countri western europ (behind france) averag altitud 650 m, third highest countri europ (behind switzerland austria). extrem south spain lie strait gibraltar, separ iberian peninsula rest europ ceuta morocco north africa; narrowest extent, spain morocco separ 13 km (8.1 mi)."} {"id": "7844", "contents": "one ocean border spain. atlant ocean west coast spain. anoth larg bodi water, call mediterranean sea, east coast spain. portug border mainland spain west, constitut spain' longest land-border. north, andorra france. african continent, spain ontrol two cities, ceuta melilla."} {"id": "7845", "contents": "la concha one best citi beach europe, let alon spain. situat north-east corner spain, near western end border france, san sebastian sebasti\u00e1n chic coastal citi excel (pintxo basqu name for) tapa one nicest beaches'y ever get a. citi spain 5,000 mile coastline, much grace beauti beaches. though tourist flock costa blanca costa del sol, beauti beach spain (well, there' coastline, anyway!). see best beach spain. spain beaches."} {"id": "7846", "contents": "ocean spain' near are atlantic. atlant ocean west coast spain mediterranean sea east coast. spain locat atlant ocean mediterranean sea. sea ocean things. atlantic. spain border mediterranean sea south east, atlant ocean north west. spain' west coast, north coast, atlant ocean"} {"id": "7847", "contents": "spain' boundari water: mediterranean sea south french border atlant ocean northwest southwest (in south golfo de cadiz c\u00e1diz north bay of). biscay extrem south spain lie strait gibraltar, separ iberian peninsula rest europ ceuta morocco north africa; narrowest extent, spain morocco separ 13 km (8.1 mi)."} {"id": "7848", "contents": "mediterranean sea connect atlant ocean strait gibraltar (known homer 's write pillar hercul west sea marmara black sea, dardanel bosporu respectively, east. sea sometim consid part atlant ocean, although usual identifi separ bodi water. name mediterranean deriv latin mediterraneus, mean inland middl land (from medius, middl terra, land)."} {"id": "7849", "contents": "valencia, third-largest citi spain, popular tourist destin west spain mediterranean sea. valencia famou orang groves, nautic sport beach consid one primari busi center mediterranean. malaga, popular tourist resort town mediterranean sea region andalusia, part provinc known costa del sol. visitor malaga find interest artifact structur show arab influenc alcazaba tower date 14th century."} {"id": "7850", "contents": "map border mediterranean sea, spain greec border touch it, although disagree, below: spain greec border co mmon sea. spain border balear sea, alboran sea atlant ocean. portug border mainland spain west, constitut spain' longest land-border. north, andorra france. african continent, spain ontrol two cities, ceuta melilla."} {"id": "7851", "contents": "@leekowalkowski popular music refer whatev popular, includ style. pop music style, genre. might say pop music genr popular music. pop music, genre, sub-genres, like power pop, danc pop, synth pop. seem becom much pop music defin popularity. jcpedroza may 14 '14 8:21."} {"id": "7852", "contents": "pop music music genr develop mid-1950 softer altern rock 'n' roll later rock music. popular music pop music, common ly called, difficult define. forti fifti saw emerg rock 'n' roll."} {"id": "7853", "contents": "confid vote 16. pop music abbrevi popular music. words, main differ pop music altern underground music kind follow has: pop music usual known lot peopl regularli appear tv. artist usual known celebrities, musicians."} {"id": "7854", "contents": "also, popular music label pop, that' adher stablish characterist pop genre. pop start definit popular, case anymore."} {"id": "7855", "contents": "welcom kinet energi calculator. form calcul kinet energi arrow, even know arrow' speed. simpli need enter inform form below, speed estim within fps. valu used, along arrow' weight determin kinet energy."} {"id": "7856", "contents": "example, 70 lb. bow may lose one foot per second everi addit three grain arrow weight arrow near 350 grains, arrow near 450 grain may take grain arrow weight reduc speed one foot per second. enter total arrow weight (grains). enter addit weight string (grains). estim fp =. note: calcul make assumpt increas decreas arrow weight grain chang speed"} {"id": "7857", "contents": "again, take squar root number, mani second took arrow travel 40 yards. 120 feet divid number arrow' speed feet per second, approxim result step 6, allow error measurement."} {"id": "7858", "contents": "all, everyon chronograph lie around. method determin fast bow shoot bow target. compar arrow drop two distances, get fairli accur measur bow\u2019 speed fps. 1. shoot group arrow 20 yard use pin normal would. concentr good form pin placement. accur are, accur result be. marker anoth arrow, mark center group refer point. 3. back 40 yard shoot anoth group arrows. use pin use 20 yards. 4. mark center group. measur distanc (in inches) two groups."} {"id": "7859", "contents": "could pleas help figur measur speed arrow (point blank) draw weight (45 lbs) arrow weight (385 gr)? would like find arrow' speed could figur foot-pound energy. howev give program first 20m/30m sight mark 70m/90m, find much speed arrow lose longer distances. david morrish 23/08/08: new archer, find sight info arrow speed info helpful, recommend web site others."} {"id": "7860", "contents": "sinc speed bow depend mani differ factor (draw length, draw weight, arrow weight important), made sens develop set common test conditions. such, ibo test perform with: 70 lbs. draw weight version bow. also averag draw length 28\u2033, decid use 425 grain arrow optim speed-to-kinet energi ratio. also instal accessori onto bow string. draw length impact speed. everi 1\u2033 reduct draw length, expect lose around 10 fp arrow speed. ibo speed test conduct use 30\u2033 draw length, howev peopl draw length around 28\u2033. alreadi 20 fp reduct compar ibo speed rating."} {"id": "7861", "contents": "one question come often estim bow/arrow speed differ setups. know ibo/ata specif bow, possibl get decent estim fast bow shoot differ arrows, draw lengths, draw weights, etc. articl describ go estim bow/arrow speed. archerycalculator.com autom calcul allow enter number calcul you."} {"id": "7862", "contents": "60 feet divid number arrow' speed feet per second. doubl distanc mask tape center 40 yard grouping, divid 32 feet per second per second. 120 feet divid number arrow' speed feet per second, approxim result step 6, allow error measurement."} {"id": "7863", "contents": "program meant mostli easi way estim arrow speed. howev give program first 20m/30m sight mark 70m/90m, find much speed arrow lose longer distances. david morrish 23/08/08: new archer, find sight info arrow speed info helpful, recommend web site others."} {"id": "7864", "contents": "archer use calcul get approxim idea chang bow ibo/ata specif (30\u2033 draw length, 70 lb. draw weight, 350 grain arrow) affect speed. inform estim speed, pleas see estim bow/arrow speed article. enter total arrow weight (grains). enter addit weight string (grains). estim fp =. note: calcul make assumpt increas decreas arrow weight grain chang speed one foot per second."} {"id": "7865", "contents": "hematocrit (hct) levels. ratio volum red cell volum whole blood. normal rang hematocrit differ sex approxim 45% 52% men 37% 48% women. usual measur spin sampl blood test tube, caus red blood cell pack bottom tube"} {"id": "7866", "contents": "blood sampl hematocrit blood test drawn vein, usual arm, collect vacuum tube. altern method collect finger-stick, heel-stick newborns. method requir less blood sampl collect tini tube call pipette. anemia common caus low hematocrit result. anemia occur bodi normal amount red blood cells. caus hematocrit level fall normal. malnutrit nutrit defici certain vitamin miner lead anemia produc low hct blood test results."} {"id": "7867", "contents": "hct blood test perform part cbc, complet blood count. learn doctor order test result help diagnos medic conditions. slide 6. hct, stand hematocrit, blood test measur amount red blood cell blood sample. test also refer crit pcv, mean pack cell volume. hct blood test usual done part cbc, complet blood count, blood test. anemia common caus low hematocrit result. anemia occur bodi normal amount red blood cells. caus hematocrit level fall normal. malnutrit nutrit defici certain vitamin miner lead anemia produc low hct blood test results."} {"id": "7868", "contents": "hematocrit blood test hct blood test test total volum red blood cell check vis-a-vi volum blood drawn. hct blood test therefor use determin much blood drawn made red blood cells. number red blood cell blood one factor. factor size red blood cell. also read mch blood test. term anemia liter mean lack blood. term use refer patient report hct blood test low results."} {"id": "7869", "contents": "red blood cell (rbcs) typic make roughli 37% 49% volum blood. sinc hematocrit often perform part complet blood count (cbc) result components, rbc count, hemoglobin, reticulocyt count, and/or red blood cell indices, taken consideration. age, sex, race factor considered."} {"id": "7870", "contents": "hematocrit blood test measur percentag volum whole blood made red blood cells. measur depend number red blood cell size red blood cells. hematocrit almost alway order part complet blood count."} {"id": "7871", "contents": "valu given percentag red blood cell volum blood. example, hematocrit 38 mean 38% blood' volum made red blood cells. hematocrit hemoglobin valu two major test show anemia polycythemia present. hemoglobin (hgb). test measur amount space (volume) red blood cell take blood. valu given percentag red blood cell volum blood."} {"id": "7872", "contents": "low hematocrit mean percentag red blood cell lower limit normal (see above) person' age, sex, specif condit (for example, pregnanc high-altitud living). anoth term low hematocrit anemia. caus low hematocrit, anemia, include: bleed (ulcers, trauma, colon cancer, intern bleeding). destruct red blood cell (sickl cell anemia, enlarg spleen). decreas product red blood cell (bone marrow supression, cancer, drugs). nutrit problem (low iron, 12, folat malnutrition)."} {"id": "7873", "contents": "hematocrit proportion, volume, blood consist red blood cells. hematocrit (hct) express percentage. example, hematocrit 25% mean 25 millilit red blood cell 100 millilit blood. ratio volum red cell volum whole blood. normal rang hematocrit differ sex approxim 45% 52% men 37% 48% women."} {"id": "7874", "contents": "wage salari unit state increas last decades. median weekli earn full-tim wage salari worker 241 u.s. dollar 1979 shift 768 u.s. dollar 2012."} {"id": "7875", "contents": "last year, averag salari beij reach 39,867 yuan (5,679.1 u.s. dollars), trail shanghai, guangzhou shenzhen exceed 30,000 (4,273.5 u.s. dollars)."} {"id": "7876", "contents": "accord cnn\u2019 onlin global wage calculator, use data intern labor organization, averag annual salari worker china\u2019 privat sector 28,752 yuan (about $4,755) 2012, 38% global average. that\u2019 roughli cleaner thailand, accord cnn\u2019 data."} {"id": "7877", "contents": "china, wage benchmark use averag salary. page provides-china averag yearli wages-actu values, histor data, forecast, chart, statistics, econom calendar news. content for-china averag yearli wages-wa last refresh thursday, octob 15, 2015."} {"id": "7878", "contents": "sound corpor perform rais lowest salari level lift averag salari china' employe work citi town approach 25,000 yuan (3,561.3 u.s. dollars) 2007, 18.72 percent previou year, biggest rise past six years."} {"id": "7879", "contents": "total wage bill country, add togeth divid total number earner world. give answer-th world' averag salari $1,480 (\u00a3928) month, less $18,000 (\u00a311,291) year. dollar normal us dollars."} {"id": "7880", "contents": "average, yes, monthli salari china 200 dollars, sinc mani peopl china, peopl live vast scale live standards, can't assum amount work everywhere."} {"id": "7881", "contents": "partly, explain china' cheaper workers: averag hourli wage chines manufactur worker less tenth averag u.s. counterparts, accord bureau labor statistics. twice cheap live china, lower chines wage go further."} {"id": "7882", "contents": "averag salari minimum $300 month china(shanghai /beij guangzhou etc) unless compar stay rural area make $100 farm work stay cities. source(s): work months. benson year ago."} {"id": "7883", "contents": "exclus jurisdict element divis state court feder court. part court exclus jurisdict certain issues; mean court hear certain type cases. state trial held site origin jurisdiction, origin jurisdict sometim site exclus jurisdiction. court proceed occur state feder level."} {"id": "7884", "contents": "benefits. mani benefit give court exclus jurisdict certain type cases. case involv feder crime issu constitut decid feder level, sinc issu affect citizens. state trial held site origin jurisdiction, origin jurisdict sometim site exclus jurisdiction. court proceed occur state feder level."} {"id": "7885", "contents": "exclus jurisdict law legal definition. exclus jurisdict refer power court adjud case exclus courts. sole forum determin particular type case. exclus jurisdict decid basi subject matter dealt particular court. example, u.s. district court exclus jurisdict bankruptci matter [28 usc 1334]."} {"id": "7886", "contents": "paul file tort case denni state trial court. law give court exclus jurisdict hear type case. therefore, state trial court subject-matt jurisdict case. 2. feder district court court limit jurisdiction."} {"id": "7887", "contents": "(redirect exclus jurisdiction). civil procedure, exclus jurisdict exist one court power adjud case exclus courts. opposit situat concurr jurisdiction, one court may take jurisdict case. example, 28 u.s.c. 1334 give unit state district court exclus jurisdict matter aris bankruptci (with exceptions). feder level, exclus jurisdict allow suprem court review decis lower courts."} {"id": "7888", "contents": "exclus jurisdict typic defin term subject matter. example, 28 u.s.c. 1334 give unit state district court exclus jurisdict matter aris bankruptci (with exceptions). feder level, exclus jurisdict allow suprem court review decis lower courts."} {"id": "7889", "contents": "feder court exclus jurisdict case parti differ state disput $75,000. case heard feder level due divers citizenship amount money, accord unit state court website. state trial held site origin jurisdiction, origin jurisdict sometim site exclus jurisdiction. court proceed occur state feder level."} {"id": "7890", "contents": "exclus jurisdiction-leg definition. n. provision, made unit state constitution, legislation, contract, particular court sole forum certain type case may brought."} {"id": "7891", "contents": "state court concurr jurisdict cases. feder court exclus jurisdict limit number cases, feder criminal, antitrust, bankruptcy, patent, copyright, admiralti cases, well suit u.s. government."} {"id": "7892", "contents": "averag street race salaries. averag salari street race job $53,000. averag street race salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term street race anywher job listing."} {"id": "7893", "contents": "expens considerations. februari novemb race season, drag race team pay around $50,000 pit crew member, plu travel expenses, entri fees, mainten fee equip fees, affect racer' salary."} {"id": "7894", "contents": "averag drag race salaries. averag salari drag race job $33,000. averag drag race salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term drag race anywher job listing."} {"id": "7895", "contents": "nhra earnings. despit six-figur earn pro drag racers, big money sport lie sanction bodies, nhra. despit nosediv profits, nhra manag made averag $140,000 2007, $153,000 adjust 2011 inflation."} {"id": "7896", "contents": "case mani profession sports, realli thing \u201caverage\u201d realm drag race salaries."} {"id": "7897", "contents": "interneuron found central nervou system connect neuron neuron. structur neuron direct nerv messag transmission. imag purv et al., 4th edition, sinauer associ (www.sinauer.com) wh freeman (www.whfreeman.com), use permission. vertebr nervou system divid number parts. central nervou system includ brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system consist bodi nerves. motor neuron pathway two types: somat (skeletal) autonom (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands)."} {"id": "7898", "contents": "peripher nervou system, bundl nerv \ufb01ber axon conduct inform central nervou system. autonom nervou system part nervou system concern innerv involuntari structures, heart, smooth muscle, gland within body. sensori neuron somewhat unique, axon extend peripheri anoth axon extend central nervou system via posterior root. cell bodi neuron locat posterior root ganglion one sensori ganglia sensori cranial nerves."} {"id": "7899", "contents": "schwann cells, peripher nervou system, oligodendrocytes, central nervou system, wrap around axon neuron form myelin sheaths. myelin sheath electr insul prevent current leav axons. nerv fiber found peripher nervou system central nervou system. peripher nervou system, schwann cell form sheath around axons, schwann cell form sheath one neuron."} {"id": "7900", "contents": "peripher nervou system (pns)contain nerv connect brain spinal cord (cns) rest body. axon dendrit surround white myelin sheath. cell bodi central nervou system (cns) ganglia. vertebr nervou system divid number parts. central nervou system includ brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system consist bodi nerves. motor neuron pathway two types: somat (skeletal) autonom (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands)."} {"id": "7901", "contents": "function peripher nervou system connect central nervou system limb organs. peripher nervou system includ nerv ganglia outsid brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system includ nerv ganglia part brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system connect central nervou system part body. somat nervou system, autonom nervou system nerv branch central nervou sstem."} {"id": "7902", "contents": "peripher nervou system. photo by: alila. peripher nervou system (pns) refer neuron (and support cells, glia) bodi outsid brain spinal cord (central nervou system [cns]). brain organ decid person respond happen surround world."} {"id": "7903", "contents": "sympathet parasympathet portion autonom nervou system 2-neuron pathway central nervou system peripher organ. therefore, ganglion interpos pathways, except sympathet pathway supraren (adrenal) medulla. sensori neuron somewhat unique, axon extend peripheri anoth axon extend central nervou system via posterior root. cell bodi neuron locat posterior root ganglion one sensori ganglia sensori cranial nerves."} {"id": "7904", "contents": "neuron nervou system. human nervou system consist billion nerv cell (or neurons)plu support (neuroglial) cells. neuron abl respond stimuli (such touch, sound, light, on), conduct impulses, commun (and type cell like muscl cells)."} {"id": "7905", "contents": "although nervou system complex, two main type cell nerv tissue. actual nerv cell neuron. conduct cell transmit impuls structur unit nervou system. type cell neuroglia, glial, cell."} {"id": "7906", "contents": "brain send messag spinal cord nerv peripher nervou system control movement muscl function intern organs. basic work unit nervou system cell call neuron. human brain contain 100 billion neurons. central nervou system made brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system made nerv fiber branch spinal cord extend part body, includ neck arms, torso, legs, skelet muscl"} {"id": "7907", "contents": "passeng fli nonstop round trip, mean fee increas $5 $11.20. passeng fli round-trip connect way see fee increas $1.20 $11.20 per round trip, versu $10 fee increase. septemb 11 passeng secur fee tradit collect fund tsa' airport secur measures, time. new revenu go pay feder deficit."} {"id": "7908", "contents": "septemb 11 passeng secur fee tradit collect fund tsa\u2019 airport secur measures, time. new revenu go pay feder deficit. monday, passeng charg $2.50 leg journey. nonstop round trip, cost $5. round trip connect way, cost $10. fee cap two flight way."} {"id": "7909", "contents": "passengers, now, charg $2.50 per enplan maximum one-way-trip fee $5.00. words, passeng take non-stop flight would pay total $2.50, passeng least one connect flight would pay $5.00. would also elimin asif fee charg air carriers. higher passeng fee collect would allow tsa ultim offset 43 percent aviation-secur costs. [1] air carrier charg aviat secur infrastructur fee (asif), account 20 percent total fee collected."} {"id": "7910", "contents": "bipartisan budget act would establish simpl $5.60 one-way fee, effect juli 1, 2014. would also elimin asif fee charg air carriers. higher passeng fee collect would allow tsa ultim offset 43 percent aviation-secur costs. [1] air carrier charg aviat secur infrastructur fee (asif), account 20 percent total fee collected."} {"id": "7911", "contents": "note above, tsa aviation-passeng secur fee increas sinc institut 2001. house-pass budget resolut propos chang aviation-passenger-security-fe structure, begin 2015, simpl one-way-trip maximum $5.00\u2014regardless number enplanements. would also elimin asif fee charg air carriers. higher passeng fee collect would allow tsa ultim offset 43 percent aviation-secur costs. [1] air carrier charg aviat secur infrastructur fee (asif), account 20 percent total fee collected."} {"id": "7912", "contents": "airlin passeng secur fee charg transport secur administr increas congression budget deal pass december. fee tradit collect fund tsa\u2019 airport secur measures, time. new revenu go pay feder deficit. monday, passeng charg $2.50 leg journey. nonstop round trip, cost $5. round trip connect way, cost $10. fee cap two flight way"} {"id": "7913", "contents": "now, passeng must pay flat fee $5.60 direction, matter mani plane transfer made get one citi another. passeng fli nonstop round trip, mean fee increas $5 $11.20. passeng fli round-trip connect way see fee increas $1.20 $11.20 per round trip, versu $10 fee increase. new revenu go pay feder deficit. monday, passeng charg $2.50 leg journey. nonstop round trip, cost $5. round trip connect way, cost $10. fee cap two flight way."} {"id": "7914", "contents": "airlin passeng secur fee charg transport secur administr increas congression budget deal pass december. septemb 11 passeng secur fee tradit collect fund tsa' airport secur measures, time. new revenu go pay feder deficit. monday, passeng charg $2.50 leg journey. nonstop round trip, cost $5. round trip connect way, cost $10. fee cap two flight way"} {"id": "7915", "contents": "passeng fli round-trip connect way see fee increas $1.20 $11.20 per round trip, versu $10 fee increase. airlin passeng secur fee charg transport secur administr increas congression budget deal pass december. fee tradit collect fund tsa\u2019 airport secur measures, time. new revenu go pay feder deficit. monday, passeng charg $2.50 leg journey. nonstop round trip, cost $5. round trip connect way, cost $10. fee cap two flight way"} {"id": "7916", "contents": "bed bug take six time weight human blood typic nighttim meal, feed take 12 minutes. long bed bug surviv without blood meal? nymph surviv without food 90 day without feeding; adult surviv one year longer without feeding."} {"id": "7917", "contents": "adult bed bug surviv full year without feeding, go semi hibern state activ co2 blood source. normal life cycl bed bug year half, younger bed bug go month two without blood sourc dying."} {"id": "7918", "contents": "adult live sever month without feeding. nymph canliv month without feeding. winter bed bug surviv long period without feeding.in laboratori 10% humid 44\u00b0 fahrenheit, bed bug surviv long 560 day without blood meal. often feed? normal conditions, bed bug feed approxim everi week."} {"id": "7919", "contents": "great debat long bed bug live. scientist new studi bed bug challeng histor publish research show bed bug surviv long previous published. other believ publish data short chang bed bug abil live long life."} {"id": "7920", "contents": "bed bug activ night gener hide day. mating, femal lay white, oval egg (1/16-inch long) crack crevices. individu bed bug lay 200-250 egg lifetime. egg hatch 6-10 day newli emerg bed bug nymph seek blood meal."} {"id": "7921", "contents": "appear bed bug similar anim even includ humans: surviv depend genetics, exposure, food sources, environment. without doubt, bed bug surviv year. also surviv time without blood meal."} {"id": "7922", "contents": "basic description. potassium miner found vari amount almost foods. vegetables, especi green leafi varieties, gener richest sourc potassium. list three excel sourc potassium, 16 good sources, 39 good sourc nutrient rate system. summari food sources. probabl first food come mind think potassium banana. wrong\u2014bi rate system, banana good sourc potassium. 32 food rate chart potassium per calori banana. speak generally, potassium-rich food sourc potassium fruit vegetables. legumes, fish, dairi product also make import contribut daili potassium intake; yet, food calories, highli rate nutrient rich"} {"id": "7923", "contents": "best sourc potassium dark leafi green spinach, cook 800 mg potassium per cup; bok choy, contain around 600 mg per cup boiled, swiss chard, almost 1,000 mg per cook cup. bean high potassium includ white beans, lima beans, pinto beans, soybean (edamame). istock photo dri fruits: apricots, peaches, fig great potassium-rich snack also satisfi sugar craving, tri dri apricots."} {"id": "7924", "contents": "eat potassium essenti heart health, skelet muscl system well. recommend daili allow (rda) 4,700 milligram men women. however, banana even make top 10 list superfood potassium! root veget top sourc potassium. one potato 694 milligram potassium 15% daili recommend amount 131 calories."} {"id": "7925", "contents": "follow food potassium valu per cup serv greater 400 milligrams, mani approach 700 milligrams. root veget includ potatoes, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga highest potassium, delici roasts: singl bake potato skin 700 milligrams. blood serum potassium level never get low. blood best provid potassium vital system heart brain. day, blood borrow slowli surely, needed, blood vessel wall (high blood pressure) bone."} {"id": "7926", "contents": "squash good sourc potassium. bean good sourc potassium. avocado high potassium. kiwi pack potassium, essenti miner help bodi maintain proper level hydrat electrolytes. yogurt high calcium potassium. blood serum potassium level never get low. blood best provid potassium vital system heart brain. day, blood borrow slowli surely, needed, blood vessel wall (high blood pressure) bone."} {"id": "7927", "contents": "banana avocado are, ounc ounce, richest sourc potassium. one banana contain 467 milligram (mg) potassium, florida california avocado contain 1,000 mg potassium. although avocado highli calor high fat content, rich monounsatur fats, kind fat that' good you. potassium-rich food includ dark green leafi vegetables, fruit vines, root vegetables. examples: potatoes. winter squash. prunes. cantaloupe. oranges. apricots."} {"id": "7928", "contents": "asid energi potassium, banana also good sourc fiber vitamin b6 c. high-potassium fresh fruits, enjoy cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges, strawberries. getti imag avocado avocado isn\u2019t stapl hous yet, probabl start ad groceri list. bean high potassium includ white beans, lima beans, pinto beans, soybean (edamame). istock photo dri fruits: apricots, peaches, fig great potassium-rich snack also satisfi sugar craving, tri dri apricots."} {"id": "7929", "contents": "bananas. you\u2019v heard potassium-rich foods, probabl know banana good source, contain 400 mg potassium each. banana make healthi high-energi snack benefici athlet sport drinks, accord least one study. bean high potassium includ white beans, lima beans, pinto beans, soybean (edamame). istock photo dri fruits: apricots, peaches, fig great potassium-rich snack also satisfi sugar craving, tri dri apricots."} {"id": "7930", "contents": "father michael work pilot mother carol airlin stewardess set mail order busi sell parti supplies. met princ william st andrew univers scotland 2001, read histori art."} {"id": "7931", "contents": "kate' father michael, 61 leeds-born son airlin pilot, come wealthier background includ 18th centuri wool manufactur merchant leed left equival \u00a333m will."} {"id": "7932", "contents": "30 fun fact new mom kate middleton. kate middleton captur attent world marri princ william fairy-tal ceremoni april 2011. continu major celebr right, world' media clamor tidbit everyday life fashion choices."} {"id": "7933", "contents": "middleton\u2019 parent modest backgrounds. father, michael, grew middle-class work airlin pilot; mother, carole, come long line coal miner stewardess marri kate\u2019 father 1980."} {"id": "7934", "contents": "report kate middleton 's childhood often mistakenli claim born rais bucklebury, berks., parent michael carol live-and princ william perform famou helicopt land last year."} {"id": "7935", "contents": "honor give birth royal babi monday, 30 fun fact duchess cambridge! 1. born british town read januari 9, 1982 parent michael carol middleton. father pilot mother airlin stewardess. 11. rumor marlborough colleg kate poster futur husband william wall."} {"id": "7936", "contents": "duke duchess cambridge,princ william wife kate middleton, screen david attenborough' natur histori museum aliv 3d natur histori museum london last month."} {"id": "7937", "contents": "write polynomial, style begin highest expon go lowest. 4, 3, 2, 1. (for gener form polynomial, see problem below.). 6. degre term sum expon variabl term. function singl variable, x, degre term simpli exponent."} {"id": "7938", "contents": "example, polynomial. constant term \u22124, consid coeffici 0, variabl becom elimin exponenti (ani number exponenti becom 1)."} {"id": "7939", "contents": "polynomi written standard form uniqu constant term, consid coeffici 0. particular, constant term alway lowest degre term polynomial. also appli multivari polynomials. constant term \u22124, consid coeffici 0, variabl becom elimin exponenti (ani number exponenti becom 1)."} {"id": "7940", "contents": "(yes, even polynomial, one term allowed, even constant!). polynomials. 3xy-2 not, expon -2 (expon 0,1,2,...). 2/(x+2) not, divid variabl allowed. 1/x either. 3xy-2 not, expon -2 (expon 0,1,2,...). 2/(x+2) not, divid variabl allowed. 1/x either. not, expon (see fraction exponents)."} {"id": "7941", "contents": "matter use phrase polynomi express polynomi function, frequent use word polynomi itself. polynomi alway written standard form as. constant (call coefficients) polynomial. integ call degre polynomial. (in context sometim assum that. adopt convent purpos class.) form indic origin word polynomi greek mani terms. polynomials. polynomi (in variable) function express evalu combin variabl possibl constant finit number additions, subtractions, multiplications."} {"id": "7942", "contents": "finally, coeffici term; except everi coeffici 0, keep constant term least one term. typic polynomi standard form 1/2. notic respect degre term 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0; among degree-3 terms, degre 3, 2, 0. largest degre term 3; call degre polynomi whole. way, put polynomi standard form given sum monomi standard form. rearrang term correct order combin like terms. go back cours homepage. web page written 2007 2008 tobi bartels."} {"id": "7943", "contents": "exampl 2: write polynomi \u22126.5 +9 +3\u2212 standard form.(i) polynomi mani variables: polynomi mani variabl sum one term form ax (could variables!) \u2208\uf0a1 n, m, non-neg integers. degre ax k."} {"id": "7944", "contents": "example, quadrat polynomial. constant term. like term combined, algebra express one constant term. thus, common speak quadrat polynomial. variable, constant term c. constant term \u22124, consid coeffici 0, variabl becom elimin exponenti (ani number exponenti becom 1)."} {"id": "7945", "contents": "standard form polynomial. standard form write polynomi put term highest degre first (like one variable). example: put standard form: x2 x3 x6"} {"id": "7946", "contents": "example: put standard form: x2 x3 x6. highest degre 6, goe first, 3, constant last: x6 x3 x2 7. use standard form, helps. 3xy-2 not, expon -2 (expon 0,1,2,...). 2/(x+2) not, divid variabl allowed. 1/x either. not, expon (see fraction exponents)."} {"id": "7947", "contents": "basic pack (29 dollars) charg 2% transact fee regardless payment gateway use (plu gateway transact fee) profession pack (79 dollars) charg 1% addit payment gateway use fees. shopifi fee product+shipping+tax."} {"id": "7948", "contents": "valeri edwa, agent, transact fee fee brokerag charg agent everi transact charg cover cost e&o insur storag fee associ transaction. heather peck, home owner, la vegas, nv. transact fee fee charg number real estat brokers, agent often pass clients. broker agent requir review keep document file transact years."} {"id": "7949", "contents": "foreign transact fee. foreign transact fee charg credit card compani purchas made foreign currency, purchas involv foreign bank (regardless whether foreign currenc used). call currenc convers fee. foreign transact fee charg u.s. transact processor visa mastercard. card issu bank may choos pass fee along consumers; do, tack fees."} {"id": "7950", "contents": "two compon credit/debit card transaction. time process credit debit card transact merchant account, charg inquiri fee percentag total transaction. inquiri fee flat amount, typic 20 cent 35 cents. percentag charged, typic call credit card rate variabl base type transact type card used."} {"id": "7951", "contents": "add fee u.s. dollar amount intern transaction; amount fee found busi card agreement. addition, make transact currenc u.s. dollars, visa mastercard convert u.s. dollar amount. fee may charg make certain type transact busi credit charg card. usual percentag total amount transaction. instance, transact fee often charg take cash advanc card."} {"id": "7952", "contents": "*you also awar even transact u.s. dollars, fee appli transact made process outsid u.s. good know. intern transact fee typic small percentag transact amount. fee may charg make certain type transact busi credit charg card. usual percentag total amount transaction. instance, transact fee often charg take cash advanc card."} {"id": "7953", "contents": "best answer: transction fee charg bank appli account. example, bank charg transact fee use atm card. evey time use it, charg amount, like dollars. bank charg make mani widthdrawl write mani checks. open account given list transact fees. talk whoever help open account bank ask expalin fee know is."} {"id": "7954", "contents": "transact fee. fee broker-deal assess client servic fill order. usually, transact fee percentag valu transaction, sometim flat rate, two cent per share seven dollar per trade. facebook."} {"id": "7955", "contents": "today' market, mani real estat transact short sales.. bank typic pay transact fee, understand fee extra fee charg broker addit commission. heather peck, home owner, la vegas, nv. transact fee fee charg number real estat brokers, agent often pass clients. broker agent requir review keep document file transact years."} {"id": "7956", "contents": "year ago. mcdoanld restaur start serv lunch 10:30 weekdays, branch 11:00am weekends. year ago. lunchtim mcdonald' start 11 weekday 10:30 weekends. thank ask chacha! year ago. mcdonald' locat serv breakfast 10:30am."} {"id": "7957", "contents": "mcdonald' start serv lunch 10:30 am. thank ask chacha! year ago. 10:30. year ago. mcdonald start serv lunch 10:30 am. year ago. 11:30. year ago. locat across countri mcdonald' stop serv breakfast 10:30am start serv lunch time."} {"id": "7958", "contents": "lunch start serv 11:30 morning. year ago. mcdonald start serv lunch 11:30 morning. year ago. locat across countri mcdonald' stop serv breakfast 10:30am start serv lunch time. thanks! 12 month ago. mcdonald' serv lunch 11am, locat may vary."} {"id": "7959", "contents": "no. although less dense, continent crust much thicker ocean crust. continent crust thicker, averag somewher twenti thirti mile range. ocea nic crust 3-6 mile rang average."} {"id": "7960", "contents": "contrast global averag lower crust, continent crust eastern china pronounc neg eu anomali (eu/eu*=0.80) (gao et al., 1998a, b). upper middl crust eastern china eu/eu* 0.73 0.78, respectively."} {"id": "7961", "contents": "although continent crust repres 0.57% mass earth' mantle, contains, example, 40% element potassium. bulk continent crust 60.6% sio 4.7% mgo (tabl 1), composit like equilibrium upper mantle."} {"id": "7962", "contents": "upper lower crust mean veloc 6.7 km -1, suggest evolv composition; lowermost crust mean veloc typic mafic rock (averag veloc 7.1 km -1) compar global lower crust."} {"id": "7963", "contents": "two approach gener use determin composit upper continent crust (ref. rudnick gao, 2003; taylor mclennan, 2009). one establish weight averag composit rock expos surfac large-scal sampl campaigns."} {"id": "7964", "contents": "reliabl estim averag chemic composit upper continent crust river discharge. a. a. yaroshevskiiaffili withdivis geology, moscow state universityvernadski institut geochemistri analyt chemistry, russian academi sciences."} {"id": "7965", "contents": "upper crust 12.5 km thick crust averag total thick 40 km (ref. 3). upper crust product 14% melting, correspond residu would 77 km thick, result total crustal thick 100 km, includ middl crust."} {"id": "7966", "contents": "95 seismic measur indic continent crust 22 km 57 km thick, typic valu 35\u201345 km. mean thick continent crust 39.2 km 8.5 km. averag (weight area) crustal thick contin recent estim 41 km. figur 2: mercat project crustal thick base seismic refract profil shown figur (from mooney et al., 1998)."} {"id": "7967", "contents": "proposit gener consid object true (to object truth) truth condit met bias-free; is, exist without bias caus by, feelings, ideas, etc. sentient subject. object refer requir definit truth. accord metaphys objectivists, object may truth said attribute, statement object exists, wherea statement object true fals meaningless."} {"id": "7968", "contents": "objectivity. term \u201cobjectivity\u201d \u201csubjectivity,\u201d modern usage, gener relat perceiv subject (normal person) perceiv unperceiv object. object someth presum exist independ subject\u2019 percept it. words, object would there, is, even subject perceiv it. hence, object typic associ idea reality, truth reliability. perceiv subject either perceiv accur seem perceiv featur object object."} {"id": "7969", "contents": "object value. call thing object impli certain import us approv it. object come degrees. claims, method result less objective, and, thing equal, objective, better. douglas' concept object emphas prohibit valu replac dismiss scientif evidence\u2014sh call detach object \u2014but complement variou aspect relat reflect balanc variou perspect procedural, social aspect scienc (ch. 6)."} {"id": "7970", "contents": "second, broader mean term refer abil context judg fairly, without bia extern influence; second mean object sometim use synonym neutrality. object refer requir definit truth. accord metaphys objectivists, object may truth said attribute, statement object exists, wherea statement object true fals meaningless."} {"id": "7971", "contents": "object journal help audienc make mind stori decid want believe. necess report present honesti regard fact instead alway report inform honest format (clark). also argu object nearli imposs appli practice\u2014newspap inevit take point view decid stori cover, featur front page, sourc quote."} {"id": "7972", "contents": "journalist object refer fairness, disinterestedness, factuality, nonpartisanship, often encompass qualities. also argu object nearli imposs appli practice\u2014newspap inevit take point view decid stori cover, featur front page, sourc quote."} {"id": "7973", "contents": "object central philosoph concept, relat realiti truth, various defin sources. generally, object mean state qualiti true even outsid subject 's individu biases, interpretations, feelings, imaginings. object refer requir definit truth. accord metaphys objectivists, object may truth said attribute, statement object exists, wherea statement object true fals meaningless."} {"id": "7974", "contents": "scientif object characterist scientif claims, method results. express idea claims, method result scienc not, influenc particular perspectives, valu commitments, commun bia person interests, name relev factors. douglas' concept object emphas prohibit valu replac dismiss scientif evidence\u2014sh call detach object \u2014but complement variou aspect relat reflect balanc variou perspect procedural, social aspect scienc (ch. 6)."} {"id": "7975", "contents": "understand reproduct hazard affect woman' reproduct health abil healthi children, help understand femal reproduct system works. main reproduct tissu women ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes."} {"id": "7976", "contents": "introduct reproduct system. major function reproduct system ensur surviv species. system body, endocrin urinari systems, work continu maintain homeostasi surviv individual."} {"id": "7977", "contents": "reproduct system interrelationship endocrine, skeletal, muscular systems. though reproduct system interact bodi system rel meager, one\u2014that endocrin system\u2014 stand receiv bulk attention."} {"id": "7978", "contents": "femal reproduct system includ ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, mammari gland breasts. organ involv product transport gamet product sex hormones."} {"id": "7979", "contents": "major function reproduct system ensur surviv species. system body, endocrin urinari systems, work continu maintain homeostasi surviv individual."} {"id": "7980", "contents": "femal reproduct system interact mani system body. common endocrin system. reproduct system reli endocrin system produc hormon progesteron estrogen, help blood line uteru prepar uteru pregnancy. anoth system would nervou system."} {"id": "7981", "contents": "main extern structur femal reproduct system include: labia majora: labia majora enclos protect extern reproduct organs. liter translat larg lips, labia majora rel larg fleshy, compar scrotum males."} {"id": "7982", "contents": "femal reproduct system works. main function femal reproduct system produc eggs, also call ova (plural ovum), femal sex cells."} {"id": "7983", "contents": "introduct wallaby. wallabi similar kangaroo distinct enough variou featur dna. aren\u2019t miniatur kangaroo peopl call them. abl jump long distanc long tail help balance. wallabi light brown, black, gray, white color. front bodi white color larg feet. sharp claw feet too. darker color tip ears, around eyes, limbs. pouch carri offspring."} {"id": "7984", "contents": "reason call brush-tail wallabi tail seem brush end.th swamp wallabi one darker wallabies. dark colour extrem red-brown colour belly.mani rock wallabi speci lighter, yellowish-brown tan colouring. wikianswers, constantli wallaby. passion thing australian, roam wikianswers, answer question remotest connect australiana ... ... interest far wide."} {"id": "7985", "contents": "type wallabi endangered, other not. swamp wallaby, example, largest wallabi species, classifi common. adapt varieti habitat readili seen farmlands, bush, fring settlement reserv within cities. wallabi nativ australia grouped/classifi accord habitat live. thus, swamp wallabies, brush wallabies, rock wallabies. wallabi herbivores."} {"id": "7986", "contents": "largest speci wallabi red-neck wallaby, grow height metr male 80 cm females. much smaller varieti well. wallabi nativ australia grouped/classifi accord habitat live. thus, swamp wallabies, brush wallabies, rock wallabies. wallabi herbivores."} {"id": "7987", "contents": "enemi wallabi includ bird prey wedgetail eagle, often observ swoop coloni variou kind rock wallabi expos bare rock surfaces. wikianswers, constantli wallaby. passion thing australian, roam wikianswers, answer question remotest connect australiana ... ... interest far wide."} {"id": "7988", "contents": "size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: wallabi member kangaroo clan found primarili australia nearbi islands. mani wallabi species, group roughli habitat: shrub wallabies, brush wallabies, rock wallabies. hare wallabi name size hare-lik behavior."} {"id": "7989", "contents": "term wallabi inform design gener use macropod smaller kangaroo wallaroo design otherwise. 11 speci brush wallabi (g. macropus, s.g. protemnodon). head bodi length 45 105 cm tail 33 75 cm long. name wallabi come dharug 'walabi' 'waliba'. young wallabi known joey like mani marsupials. adult male wallabi refer bucks, boomers, jacks. adult femal wallabi known doe, flyer, jill."} {"id": "7990", "contents": "wallabi close relat australia' largest marsupial, kangaroo. wallabi gener smaller kangaroo although wallabi individu known reach 6ft tall. roughli 30 differ speci wallabi found varieti habitat throughout australian continent. habitat wallabi divers wallabi speci often name habitat. includ rock wallaby, brush wallabi shrub wallaby. wallabi speci hare wallaby, name size appearance. wallabi strong power back leg wallabi hop order move"} {"id": "7991", "contents": "gener description. agil wallabi close relat kangaroo wallaroos, also marsupialia infraclass. wallabi long, flat feet long tails-usu one third bodi height-which provid balance. macropodida weigh 25 kilograms."} {"id": "7992", "contents": "wallabi smaller member kangaroo family. member kangaroo family, macropods, relat wallaby, includ red kangaroos, grey kangaro os, pademelons, tree kangaroos, quokka euro (wallaroos), name few. wallabi nativ australia grouped/classifi accord habitat live. thus, swamp wallabies, brush wallabies, rock wallabies. wallabi herbivores."} {"id": "7993", "contents": "speak roughly, normal level thyroid-stimul hormon (tsh) rang 0.4 4.0 miu/l. however, laboratori test manufactur identifi normal tsh range. base test, equip used, patient tested. american associ clinic endocrinologist propos rang 0.3 3.0 normal tsh levels. use cutoff valu would lead peopl diagnos underact thyroid (hypothyroidism)"} {"id": "7994", "contents": "recommend tsh level may right. clinic chemist doctor decid decad ago healthi peopl normal function thyroid gland tsh level within rang 0.450 4.500 miu/l (and lab go high 5.000miu/l). clinic shorthand, diagnost rang round 0.4-4.0. tsh level fall 3.5-4.5, mani symptom hypothyroidism, find integr medicin practition help achiev level within desir range. remember, individu variat matter. peopl optim tsh may tight rang 1.0-1.5."} {"id": "7995", "contents": "tsh level high, produc much \u201cstimulating\u201d hormone, may indic hypothyroidism. convers produc little, tsh level low, thyroid hyperactive. gener tsh level order depend symptoms. though \u201cnormal\u201d rang tsh level vari depend labs, practition individuals. 2002, american associ clinic endocrinologist chang rang tsh 0.30 3.04."} {"id": "7996", "contents": "lead high level tsh low level free t4. free t4 level low\u2014th normal rang t4 13.5 microgram per deciliter\u2014it' possibl indic hypothyroidism, even previou tsh test came back normal. again, normal rang vari lab lab. anti-thyroid microsom antibodi testing."} {"id": "7997", "contents": "tsh level count rang 0.5 3miu/l confirm thyroid disorder. normal tsh rang newborn rang 39 miu/l. normal tsh level children rang 0.7 6.4 miu/l. rang normal tsh level full term newborn higher, rang 1.3 16 micro unit per ml blood. tsh rang gradual reduc 0.9 7.7 micro unit per millilit 30 days. tsh narrow 0.6 5.5 micro unit per millilit school go children"} {"id": "7998", "contents": "activ thyroid present tsh rang 2miu/l that. tsh level count rang 0.5 3miu/l confirm thyroid disorder. normal tsh rang newborn rang 39 miu/l. normal tsh level children rang 0.7 6.4 miu/l. rang normal tsh level full term newborn higher, rang 1.3 16 micro unit per ml blood. tsh rang gradual reduc 0.9 7.7 micro unit per millilit 30 days. tsh narrow 0.6 5.5 micro unit per millilit school go children"} {"id": "7999", "contents": "normal rang are: tsh (0.4 4.0 miu/l). total t4 (4.5 11.2 mcg/dl). total t3 (100 200 ng/dl). free t4 (0.8 1.8 ng/l). answer consid medic advice... answer consid medic advic take place doctor\u2019 visit. see valu list fairli larg normal rang t4 t3. mention, valu lower rang normal, long tsh normal, thyroid work well."} {"id": "8000", "contents": "results. thyroid-stimul hormon (tsh) blood test use check thyroid gland problems. normal valu list here-cal refer range-ar guide. rang vari lab lab, lab may differ rang what' normal. lab report contain rang lab uses."} {"id": "8001", "contents": "accord medic laboratories, normal tsh level rang 0.4 4miu/l 0.4 4.5. general, normal refer rang tsh men women equal accord labs. rang normal tsh level full term newborn higher, rang 1.3 16 micro unit per ml blood. tsh rang gradual reduc 0.9 7.7 micro unit per millilit 30 days. tsh narrow 0.6 5.5 micro unit per millilit school go children"} {"id": "8002", "contents": "abl get smart id card three (3) offic nine (9) provinces. number offic get smart id card increas 70 end march 2014. envisag new smartcard process take three days, wherea turnaround time old green barcod id 54 day application. depart home affair said like abl produc three million id card year."} {"id": "8003", "contents": "must also surrend valid driver licens instruct permit issu state california jurisdiction. new id mail next 60 days; received, call 1-800-777-0133 check status. http://www.dmv.com/ca/california/apply-i... ucantcm year ago."} {"id": "8004", "contents": "smart id card use 2014 elections? citizen smart id card time elect use smart id card vote whilst use green barcod id book also use green barcod id book vote."} {"id": "8005", "contents": "exact fee id depend whether select short-term (valid years) long-term (valid years) id. also depend length time date appli expir date (your birthday). need take driver test must least 16 year old. visit dmv websit inform application. non-driv state id driver license."} {"id": "8006", "contents": "long take get regular id card dmv. driver license. instance, get right away dmv regist one come mail. 18 year old go take trip washington d.c. passport expired. add answer. source."} {"id": "8007", "contents": "age get ids. may need one parent help get id 18 visit get id page inform kind id.if 16 17 year old parent cannot appli birth certif you, get minor certificate.. applic process applies. need take driver test must least 16 year old. visit dmv websit inform application. non-driv state id driver license."} {"id": "8008", "contents": "pandor said cost smart id card amount paid green bar-cod id, current cost r140. id free first time applicants. accord pandor, new id take three day applic receive. life span least 10 years,\u201d said pandor. new smart id card microchip, specif cannot disclos secur reasons, hous necessari biometr data uniqu everi individual."} {"id": "8009", "contents": "depart begin roll smart id card, issu 16 year old appli id pensioners. also issu south african re-appli ids. thereaft issu id south african year birth. make sure birth certificate. appli birth regist late registr birth process home affair office. cannot receiv smart id card without"} {"id": "8010", "contents": "depart begin roll smart id card, issu 16 year old appli id pensioners. also issu south african re-appli ids. thereaft issu id south african year birth. envisag new smartcard process take three days, wherea turnaround time old green barcod id 54 day application. depart home affair said like abl produc three million id card year."} {"id": "8011", "contents": "abl get smart id card three (3) offic nine (9) provinces. number offic get smart id card increas 70 end march 2014. list also publish websit www.dha.gov.za. make sure birth certificate. appli birth regist late registr birth process home affair office. cannot receiv smart id card without"} {"id": "8012", "contents": "ulnar collater ligament (ucl) injury. ulnar collater ligament (ucl) commonli injur ligament throwers. injuri ucl rang minor damag inflamm complet tear ligament. athlet pain insid elbow, frequent notic decreas throw velocity. ligament insid elbow ulnar collater ligament (ucl). run inner side humeru inner side ulna, must withstand extrem stress stabil elbow overhand throwing."} {"id": "8013", "contents": "ucl injuri develop. ucl locat insid elbow. connect bone upper arm (humerus) bone forearm (ulna). anyon get ucl injuri repetit stress elbow trauma. thrower highest risk."} {"id": "8014", "contents": "ligament around joint usual combin togeth form joint capsule. joint capsul watertight sac surround joint contains. fluid call synovi fluid. elbow, two import ligament ulnar collater ligament (ucl) later collater ligament. ulnar collater ligament medial (the side elbow that' next body) side elbow, later collater outside. ulnar collater ligament thick band ligament tissu form triangular shape along medial elbow."} {"id": "8015", "contents": "ucl may also becom torn due trauma, broken elbow. common symptom torn ulnar collater ligament elbow injuri pain medial side (inside, pinki finger side) arm, elbow wrist. ulnar collater ligament may becom torn due singl traumat episod commonly, repetit injury, throw baseball."} {"id": "8016", "contents": "ulnar collater ligament injuri classifi two categories: slow deterior acut rupture. ulnar collater ligament (ucl, also known medial collater ligament) locat medial side elbow. ucl complex compris three ligaments: anterior oblique, posterior obliqu transvers ligaments. injuri ulnar collater ligament believ result poor throw mechanics, overuse, high throw velocities, throw certain type pitches, curveballs. poor mechan along high repetit overhead movement caus irritation, micro-tear ruptur ucl."} {"id": "8017", "contents": "pay now. acut sprain tear ulnar collater ligament (ucl) ulnar side meta-carpal-phalang (mcp) joint thumb occurs, call ucl injury. ucl injuri commonli caus injuri trauma thumb bent away hand mcp joint. happen sport like ski hockey, situat fall land outstretch hand."} {"id": "8018", "contents": "symptom associ ucl injuri include: pain insid elbow. sens loos instabl elbow. irrit funni bone (ulnar nerve): felt tingl numb small finger ring finger. decreas abil throw basebal object. ucl locat insid elbow. connect bone upper arm (humerus) bone forearm (ulna). anyon get ucl injuri repetit stress elbow trauma. thrower highest risk."} {"id": "8019", "contents": "ulnar collater ligament (ucl) injuri refer sprain, partial tear complet tear ligament travers insid (or medial side) elbow. ucl primari stabil elbow play import role throw hit sports, baseball, footbal tennis. injuri ucl two main causes. first, repetit stress, seen overhand pitcher, caus micro-tear ligament that, time, weaken ligament. may due poor throw mechanics, fatigu lack conditioning."} {"id": "8020", "contents": "common symptom torn ulnar collater ligament elbow injuri pain medial side (inside, pinki finger side) arm, elbow wrist. occasionally, basebal player tear ucl may feel \u201cpop\u201d intens pain throwing. ulnar collater ligament may becom torn due singl traumat episod commonly, repetit injury, throw baseball. ucl may also becom torn due trauma, broken elbow."} {"id": "8021", "contents": "tommi john surgeri also call ucl reconstruction. ucl short ulnar collater ligament. tommi john surgery, surgeon replac injur ucl tendon taken somewher els patient' body. ucl locat insid elbow. connect bone upper arm (humerus) bone forearm (ulna). anyon get ucl injuri repetit stress elbow trauma. thrower highest risk."} {"id": "8022", "contents": "exacta betting. kenneth strong predictem.com. exacta bet requir pick first two finish race exact order henc name exacta. also known track exactor perfecta, exacta attract bet proposit mani player potenti larg payoffs."} {"id": "8023", "contents": "exacta bet requir pick first two finish race exact order henc name exacta. also known track exactor perfecta, exacta attract bet proposit mani player potenti larg payoffs."} {"id": "8024", "contents": "bet exacta box ineffici also costli depend number hors use. two hors exacta box cost $2 (2 2) $1 bet, three hors exacta box cost $6 (3 6) $1 bet, four hors exacta box cost $12 (4 12) $1 bet on."} {"id": "8025", "contents": "quinella one bet, exacta box two. bet $2 quinella, price ticket $2. bet $2 exacta box, price ticket $4. prize pool two bet different, one typic pay higher other."} {"id": "8026", "contents": "exacta hors race bet popular form pari-mutuel wager quit lucr experienc hors race bettors. win exacta bet isn\u2019t easiest thing far, season handicappers, profit margin remarkable."} {"id": "8027", "contents": "exacta wager (or area call perfecta) involv pick two hors believ finish first second. must select two horses, wager gener harder hit straight wager, usual pay greater dividend hit it."} {"id": "8028", "contents": "exacta bet, also refer exactor perfecta, one bettor pick two hors finish first second place posit (win place), exact order. hors must finish chosen order, bet lost."} {"id": "8029", "contents": "common way play exacta would $2 exacta box. like #1 #2 horse, $2 exacta box would cost $4. two hors ran first second either order, win."} {"id": "8030", "contents": "reduce-simplifi form mathemat equat express substitut one term another. math, mathematics, maths-a scienc (or group relat sciences) deal logic quantiti shape arrangement. reduce. diminish-a blend diminue, speak disparagingly, minish, reduc amount, degree, influence, power.. formulate-can mean reduc formula.. moderate-etymologically, mean keep within due measure, deriv latin moderari moderare, control, reduce.."} {"id": "8031", "contents": "verb. reduc make someth smaller becom feel smaller, forc someon less desir position. sell half doll collection, action exampl reduce. exampl reduc stomach get smaller diet; stomach reduces."} {"id": "8032", "contents": "reduce. [rid(y)o\u0305o\u0305s\u2032]. etymology: l, reducere, lead back. (in surgery) restor part origin posit displacement, reduct fractur bone bring end fragment back align hernia return bowel normal position."} {"id": "8033", "contents": "onlin languag dictionaries. english definit english thesauru english-spanish english-french english-italian spanish-english french-english italian-english espanol-espa\u00f1ol francais-fran\u00e7ai francais-fran\u00e7ai espanol-espa\u00f1ol espanol: espa\u00f1ol portugues: portugu\u00ea portugues: portugu\u00ea espanol... espa\u00f1ol espanol espa\u00f1ol definicion definici\u00f3n espanol espa\u00f1ol sinonimo sin\u00f3nimo catala catal\u00e0 definicio definici\u00f3"} {"id": "8034", "contents": "link cite add word list. verb. definit lessen diminish caus someth diminish reduced. take pain pill reduc pain, exampl situat pill lessen pain."} {"id": "8035", "contents": "lessen. alleviate-can mean diminish weight of; allevi cure, rather lighten, lessen, reliev degree."} {"id": "8036", "contents": "verb [edit]. lessen \u200e(third-person singular simpl present lessens, present participl lessening, simpl past past participl lessened). transitive) make less; diminish; reduce."} {"id": "8037", "contents": "reduce. verb abate, abbreviate, abridge, attenuate, bring low, compact, compress, condense, contract, curtail, cut down, decimate, decrease, demean, diminish, disgrace, downgrade, humble, imminuere, lessen, lower, make less, make smaller, minimize, narrow, shorten, shrink, thin."} {"id": "8038", "contents": "synonym discuss reduce. decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, abate, dwindl mean grow make less. decreas suggest progress declin size, amount, numbers, intensity. lessen suggest declin amount rather number."} {"id": "8039", "contents": "plate meet, rel motion determin type boundary: convergent, divergent, transform. earthquakes, volcan activity, mountain-building, ocean trench format occur along plate boundaries. later rel movement plate typic rang zero 100 mm annually. diverg boundari (constructive) occur two plate slide apart other. zone ocean-to-ocean rifting, diverg boundari form seafloor spreading, allow format new ocean basin."} {"id": "8040", "contents": "consid converg continental-continent boundari (himalayan collision) deep ocean trench anywher nearby. appropri answer would converg oceanic-continent plate boundary, ie, subduct zone. transform boundary, plate usual slide past one another. studi shown trench are, average, mile bit beneath rest ocean floor area. deepest trench dub \u201cchalleng deep.\u201d trench mariana island mention earlier."} {"id": "8041", "contents": "diverg plate boundari occur ridg open ocean. converg boundari occur one plate sink beneath anoth actual goe deep enough reach second layer earth, mantle. transform boundary, plate usual slide past one another. studi shown trench are, average, mile bit beneath rest ocean floor area. deepest trench dub \u201cchalleng deep.\u201d trench mariana island mention earlier."} {"id": "8042", "contents": "ocean crust form ocean ridge, lithospher subduct back asthenospher trenches. ocean trench hemispheric-scal long narrow topograph depress sea floor. also deepest part ocean floor. ocean trench distinct morpholog featur converg plate boundaries, along lithospher plate move toward rate vari mm ten cm per year. greatest ocean depth sound challeng deep mariana trench, depth 11,034 (36,201 ft) sea level. ocean lithospher move trench global rate km /y"} {"id": "8043", "contents": "third type plate boundari occur tecton plate slide horizont past other. known transform plate boundary. plate rub other, huge stress set caus portion rock break, result earthquakes. heat within asthenospher creat convect current caus tecton plate move sever centimet per year rel other. two tecton plate meet, get \u201cplate boundary.\u201d three major type plate boundaries."} {"id": "8044", "contents": "plate boundaries. three type plate boundari exist. plate move away other, boundari divergent. move toward other, boundari convergent. slide past other, boundari transform boundary. converg boundari form two plate collide. boundari often form major mountain chains. boundari identifi high mountains, volcan island arc chains, deep earthquakes. ocean plate converg continent plate."} {"id": "8045", "contents": "ocean trench narrow topograph depress sea. trench form deepest point ocean lowest point earth. trench form particular place plate boundari known subduct zone. happen form plate ocean hit anoth ocean plate strike continent plate. one plate hit anoth plate continent plate ocean denser plate two sink mantle. place plate sink creat deep trench spot ocean."} {"id": "8046", "contents": "map show locat deep-sea trenches. two plate come togeth ocean deep-sea trench formed. rel narrow down-fold earth' crust may twice deep (almost 12,000 meters) regular deep-sea floor (up 6,000 meters). area plate movement earthquak activ movement"} {"id": "8047", "contents": "locat two plate meet call plate boundary. plate boundari commonli associ geolog event earthquak creation topograph featur mountains, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges, ocean trenches. diverg boundari (constructive) occur two plate slide apart other. zone ocean-to-ocean rifting, diverg boundari form seafloor spreading, allow format new ocean basin."} {"id": "8048", "contents": "sixti plants, includ give us coffee, tea, cola, cacao, produc caffein purin xanthine. wherea caffein natur constitu coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks, ad consum product soft drinks, diet pills, analgesics."} {"id": "8049", "contents": "white, crystallin compound, c5h4n4, deriv group compound includ uric acid, xanthine, caffeine. purin derivative, especi base ad enin guanine, fundament constitu nucleic acids."} {"id": "8050", "contents": "purin alkaloid distinct form nitrogen contain ring structur resembl purine. term pseudoalkaloids, deriv amino acid like true alkaloid (2). aromat structur make recalcitr degradation."} {"id": "8051", "contents": "systemat name 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1h-purine-2,6-dione; also known 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, 1,3,7-trimethyl-2,6-dioxopurine. caffein classifi alkaloid, term use substanc produc end product nitrogen metabol plants."} {"id": "8052", "contents": "pu\u2022rine. 1. white, crystallin compound, 4, deriv group compound includ uric acid, xanthine, caffeine. 2. one sever purin derivatives, esp. base adenin guanine, fundament constitu nucleic acids."} {"id": "8053", "contents": "bacteria, process caffein (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) purin alkaloid catabol n-demethylases, produc xanthin degrad oxidases. altern pathway involv sole oxid methods."} {"id": "8054", "contents": "notic tabl purine-contain food includ within world' healthiest foods-asparagus, cauliflower, chicken, kidney beans, lima beans, mushrooms, navi beans, oatmeal, pea salmon, spinach, tuna-contain 5-50 milligram purin 3.5 ounc serving."} {"id": "8055", "contents": "use liquid fabric softener, still get clog product thick. soften thick, dilut half water prevent clog happening. fabric soften still sit dispenser, tri ad warm water mix finger dilute."} {"id": "8056", "contents": "ensur remov screw secur fabric soften dispens wash machine. pull fabric soften dispens unit wash machine. fill sink hot water add three four squirt dish soap. soak fabric soften dispens hot, soapi water 20 minutes. dish soap loosen dri fabric soften make easier scrub. scrub fabric soften dispens scrub pad rins thoroughli hot water."} {"id": "8057", "contents": "4. rins dispens warm water remov fabric softener. wipe gentli soft cloth soften rins away own. dri dispens fresh cloth, put back posit wash machine."} {"id": "8058", "contents": "clean clog. see buildup fabric soften dispenser, clean own. use warm water clean cloth clean clog. work cloth groov loosen remov much residu buildup can. models, dispens tray pull easi cleaning."} {"id": "8059", "contents": "set dispens bucket wash tub. add enough warm water cover dispenser. mix tablespoon two liquid laundri soap, swirl water hand. allow dispens soak 10 minut so, touch fabric soften buildup see loosened. not, soak dispens anoth 20 minutes."} {"id": "8060", "contents": "minimum player salari except -- team offer player minimum salari contract even cap. contract two year length. two-year contracts, second season salari minimum salari season. contract may contain bonu kind."} {"id": "8061", "contents": "maximum player salary, per year, base player' year servic percentag salari cap. player fewer seven year experience, maximum salari last year old cba $13,603,750. 7-10 years, $16,324,500. ten years, $19,045,250."} {"id": "8062", "contents": "nba contract sign player play team one five year length. depend number year player play nba, contract minimum maximum annual amounts. contract includ player team option money owe also non-guarante partial guaranteed, though key player larg guarante deals."} {"id": "8063", "contents": "seattl seahawk left tackl russel okung prepar negoti next contract without agent, he'll support nfl player associ group peer explor way help other same."} {"id": "8064", "contents": "glossary. nba' collect bargain agreement -- blueprint busi take place leagu player multi-billion dollar industri -- expir june 30, put leagu state player-rel busi take place new cba hammer out."} {"id": "8065", "contents": "player no-trad claus six longtim star -- tim duncan, dirk nowitzki, dwyan wade, carmelo anthony, kobe bryant kevin garnett -- anyon one-year contract due little-known salary-cap quirk."} {"id": "8066", "contents": "milliped grow long 15 inches, nearli inch thick 253 legs. (for peopl love them, characterist describ cute.) milliped live long 10 years, despit goosebump-induc appearance, harmless. relat topics: mnn lists."} {"id": "8067", "contents": "activ night usual hide day crack moist locations. milliped harmless; feed upon build structur furnish bite sting. milliped reproduc indoors. milliped found insid wander mistake. control milliped aim keep milliped outdoor reduc number source. feed damp decay veget matter benefici recycl organ matter. however, becom pest migrat build accident invaders. milliped usual found garage, basement lowest level although may wander part house."} {"id": "8068", "contents": "milliped often ignor small, harmless, insignific critters. mistak ignor them, however. fascin milliped there. besid color animals, entir genu california bioluminescent. milliped harmless, either. speci produc noxiou secretions."} {"id": "8069", "contents": "milliped harmless; feed upon build structur furnish cannot bite sting. feed damp decay veget matter benefici recycl organ matter. however, becom pest migrat buildings. milliped usual found garage, basement lowest level although may wander part house."} {"id": "8070", "contents": "also milliped nocturnal. gener speak harmless speci seri metathorac gland produc repel substanc exud feel threatened. larger speci fluid corros caus blister skin larg doses. milliped gener consid harmless pest circumstances. europ sugar beet main crop suffer millipedes. africa spirostreptid damag cotton groundnuts."} {"id": "8071", "contents": "email page friend. centiped milliped insect six legs, close relat invertebrates. outdoors, invertebr innocu organisms, may consid pest share live space us. milliped usual restrict moist place feed organ matter. fall, may becom nuisanc migrat away feed area invad homes. crawl along ground, usual found lower floor basements."} {"id": "8072", "contents": "millipedes. milliped live outdoor damp area leaves, needl dead plant debris, crack crevices. feed damp decay veget matter benefici recycl organ matter. however, becom pest migrat buildings. milliped usual found garage, basement lowest level although may wander part house."} {"id": "8073", "contents": "provid mite home food, mite keep millipede\u2019 exoskeleton clean eat debri it. mite harmless people. 1000 speci milliped worldwide. one way distinguish milliped centiped number leg segments. centiped pair leg per segment leg emerg side segment."} {"id": "8074", "contents": "milliped gener consid harmless, bore invertebrates. actually, number speci capabl produc noxiou secret (usual contain benzoquinones) creat superfici burn human skin caus damag eyes. fascin milliped there. besid color animals, entir genu california bioluminescent. milliped harmless, either. speci produc noxiou secretions."} {"id": "8075", "contents": "eat fungi suck plant fluids, small minor predatory. milliped gener harmless humans, although becom household garden pests, especi greenhous caus sever damag emerg seedlings."} {"id": "8076", "contents": "ashkenazi jew genet disease: test genet disord import jewish ancestry. ashkenazi jewish carrier rate 43%. 43%. gener popul carrier rate 24%. 24%. detect nearli two time mani carrier peopl ashkenazi jewish descent compar gener population. reason genet testing: matters. 80% babi genet diseas born parent known famili histori disease. earli genet screen import step plan healthi family, allow take control make choic future."} {"id": "8077", "contents": "unit states, state requir newborn test certain gene abnorm caus specif conditions. type genet test import result show there' disord congenit hypothyroid phenylketonuria (pku), care treatment begin right away. exampl disord genet test may use confirm diagnosi includ adult polycyst kidney disease, iron overload (hemochromatosis) charcot-marie-tooth disease. presymptomat predict testing."} {"id": "8078", "contents": "pregnant, test avail detect type abnorm baby' genes. syndrom trisomi 18 two genet disord often screen part prenat genet testing. newborn screening. common type genet testing. exampl disord genet test may use confirm diagnosi includ adult polycyst kidney disease, iron overload (hemochromatosis) charcot-marie-tooth disease. presymptomat predict testing."} {"id": "8079", "contents": "prevalence: alpha beta thalassaemia common inherit single-gen disord world highest preval area malaria still endemic. burden disord mani region magnitud repres major public health concern. monogen diseas respons heavi loss life. global preval singl gene diseas birth approxim 10/1000. canada, estim taken together, monogen diseas may account upto 40% work hospit base paediatr practic (scriver, 1995)."} {"id": "8080", "contents": "ashkenazi jew higher carrier frequenc tay-sach 16 genet diseases. ashkenazi panel develop screen disord one blood test. 90% american jew ashkenazi.). cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophi fragil syndrom three genet disord occur frequent gener population. recommend carrier screen disord offer prospect parents."} {"id": "8081", "contents": "dna test avail help coupl determin carrier recess diseas trait risk children recess condition. diseas occur often certain ethnic groups."} {"id": "8082", "contents": "famili histori genet disord sickl cell anemia cystic fibrosi ethnic group high risk particular genet disorder, may choos genet test children. exampl disord genet test may use confirm diagnosi includ adult polycyst kidney disease, iron overload (hemochromatosis) charcot-marie-tooth disease. presymptomat predict testing."} {"id": "8083", "contents": "screen birth defect begin assess risk factors, whether genet disorder, whether child genet disorder, whether famili histori genet disorder. genet disord common certain ethnic groups. screen test assess risk babi born specif birth defect genet disorder. diagnost test detect specif birth defect genet disord present fetus."} {"id": "8084", "contents": "prenat testing. pregnant, test avail detect type abnorm baby' genes. syndrom trisomi 18 two genet disord often screen part prenat genet testing. newborn screening. exampl disord genet test may use confirm diagnosi includ adult polycyst kidney disease, iron overload (hemochromatosis) charcot-marie-tooth disease. presymptomat predict testing."} {"id": "8085", "contents": "cost pet' spay/neut surgeri lot less cost care litter. also beat cost treatment unneut tom escap get fight neighborhood stray! spay neuter pet good community. highli cost-effective. cost pet' spay/neut surgeri lot less cost care litter. also beat cost treatment unneut tom escap get fight neighborhood stray! spay neuter pet good community."} {"id": "8086", "contents": "heard right. spay neuter dog. well, least right away. dogs. friend, zeke' owner, lot question new puppy. one question pertain spay neutering. zeke llewellyn setter. breed point dog."} {"id": "8087", "contents": "check handy-and persuasive-list top 10 reason spay neuter pet! femal pet live longer, healthier life. spay help prevent uterin infect breast cancer, fatal 50 percent dog 90 percent cats. highli cost-effective. cost pet' spay/neut surgeri lot less cost care litter. also beat cost treatment unneut tom escap get fight neighborhood stray! spay neuter pet good community."} {"id": "8088", "contents": "prevent litter-it' good pet. spay neuter dog cat live longer, healthier lives. spay femal dog cat elimin possibl uterin ovarian cancer greatli reduc incid breast cancer. neuter male dog cat reduc incid prostat cancer. spay surgeri also elimin heat cycl associ mood swing undesir behaviors, messi spot (in dogs) attract avail male yard. five good reason spay neuter pet. 1) spay neuter increas pet' chanc longer, healthier life."} {"id": "8089", "contents": "spay neutering. spay gener term use describ ovariohysterectomi femal animal. neuter gener term use describ castrat male animal. however, neuter often use refer genders."} {"id": "8090", "contents": "spay/neut pet. curb pet overpopul make pet healthier. istockphoto. feral cat victim overpopulation. istockphoto. decis spay neuter pet import one pet owners. singl best decis make long-term welfare. get pet spay neuter can: reduc number homeless pet killed. improv pet' health. reduc unruli behavior. save cost pet care. part conscienti pet overpopul problem spay neuter pet rabbits, too. rabbit reproduc faster dog cat often end shelters, must euthanized. neuter male rabbit reduc hormone-driven behavior lunging, mounting, spraying, boxing."} {"id": "8091", "contents": "mani pet owner opt spay neuter pets, spay neuter import reduc pet overpopulation. decid spay neuter pet, options. discuss option veterinarian make decis that' right you, famili pet. good news respons pet owner make difference. dog cat sterilized, part prevent birth unwant puppi kittens. spay neuter prevent unwant litter may reduc mani behavior problem associ mate instinct."} {"id": "8092", "contents": "spaying-remov ovari uteru femal pet-i veterinari procedur requir minim hospit offer lifelong health benefits. neutering-remov testicl male dog cat-wil vastli improv pet\u2019 behavior keep close home. mani state counti establish low-cost spay/neut program make surgeri easili afford accessible. highli cost-effective. cost pet' spay/neut surgeri lot less cost care litter. also beat cost treatment unneut tom escap get fight neighborhood stray! spay neuter pet good community."} {"id": "8093", "contents": "($95 titl fee, $25 transfer fee). make sure correct vehicl inform correct licens plate number transfer fill application. enclos recent vehicl registr identif card licens plate number transferred. electron registr titl (ert) system allow complet print applic vehicl transaction(s) (vsd 190) online. cannot current complet transfer transact use onlin system."} {"id": "8094", "contents": "vehicl titl fee may differ depend county. contact local counti tax offic estim titl fees. basic fee gener follow list: titl applic $28 $33 (counti dependent). inspect fee (state portion): $7 $40. inspect station charg addit servic fee upon inspection. purchas car privat seller, must titl car within 30 day date sale. dmv recommend visit counti tax offic seller. minimum, must bring follow transfer ownership: current titl sign"} {"id": "8095", "contents": "titl regist vehicles. tax title. within 15 day buy vehicle, must titl name secretari state branch office. failur transfer titl within time result $15 late fee. time titling, $15 titl transfer fee collect well 6% use tax. addit $15 titl fee, $5 instant titl fee service. vehicl owner must appear person instant titl service. owner cannot appoint agent instant titl transaction. two owner vehicle, owner must appear person instant titl service."} {"id": "8096", "contents": "registr fee. titl fee. motor vehicle. registr fee vehicl 11 year old $0.40 per 100 lbs. plu percentag vehicle' value: vehicl year old 1%. vehicl 8-9 year old .75%. vehicl 10-11 year old .5%. vehicl 12 year old older registr fee $50. registr fee. titl fee. motor vehicle. base vehicl weight $1.50 charg part registr fee everi two years. $51.50. motorcycle. prorat date $1.50 charg part registr fee."} {"id": "8097", "contents": "dmv.org compil titl inform specif appli home state. summary: transfer vehicl titl state. buy sell vehicle, gift car, requir name chang car titl marriag divorce, usual need transfer title. click state find cost transfer titl depart motor vehicl vehicl licens agency. car new, requir paperwork handl dealership. buy use car, must submit titl transfer application, depend state' requir might also provid odomet reading, vehicl identif number(vin), bill sale. guid transfer vehicle' titl state"} {"id": "8098", "contents": "titl fee. motor vehicle. model year prior 1983, fee depend weight vehicle; 1983, fee depend price vehicle; fee vari $33 $148, fee declin 10% year fifth renewal. registr fee. titl fee. motor vehicle. base vehicl weight $1.50 charg part registr fee everi two years. $51.50. motorcycle. prorat date $1.50 charg part registr fee."} {"id": "8099", "contents": "registr fee. titl fee. motor vehicle. $20 $82, base sell price vehicle; current rate 0.1% minimum base $10,000; licens plate sold everi two years. \ufeffan $8.00 handl fee ad transactions. parish fee exceed $3.00 ask certain parishes. registr fee. titl fee. motor vehicle. base vehicl weight $1.50 charg part registr fee everi two years. $51.50. motorcycle. prorat date $1.50 charg part registr fee."} {"id": "8100", "contents": "fee transfer $25, fee titl transfer $120. $95 titl fee, $25 transfer fee). make sure correct vehicl inform correct licens plate number transfer fill application. electron registr titl (ert) system allow complet print applic vehicl transaction(s) (vsd 190) online. cannot current complet transfer transact use onlin system."} {"id": "8101", "contents": "suffix logi mean studi something, exampl psycholog studi mind."} {"id": "8102", "contents": "-logy, -logia, suffix mean scienc studi of: mammalogy, metabology, neonatology. suffix mean 1. studi subject note bodi word, treatis same; english equival is-logy, or, connect vowel, -olog [g. logos, discourse, treatise]. 2."} {"id": "8103", "contents": "greek root word log mean \u2018word,\u2019 variant suffix-log mean \u2018studi (of).\u2019 common english word use root includ bio logy, mytho logy, cata log, pro log ue. bio logy, course, \u2018study\u2019 life, wherea pro log ue constitut \u2018words\u2019 spoken introduc poem novel."} {"id": "8104", "contents": "-logia. suffix mean 1. studi subject note bodi word, treatis same; english equival is-logy, or, connect vowel, -olog [g. logos, discourse, treatise]. 2. collect picking."} {"id": "8105", "contents": "word-olog back-form name certain disciplines. the-log element basic mean studi ____. word form greek latin root terminal-log deriv greek suffix -\u03bb\u03bf\u03b3\u03b9\u03b1 (-logia), speaking, \u03bb\u03b5\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd (legein), speak."} {"id": "8106", "contents": "thioglycol broth thioglycol (thio) broth contain sodium thioglycolate, reduc agent creat anaerob condit reduc molecular oxygen water. dye resazurin methylen blue usual ad broth provid visual indic presenc oxygen."} {"id": "8107", "contents": "thi\u00b7o\u00b7gly\u00b7co\u00b7late. salt ester thioglycol acid; frequent use bacteri media reduc oxygen content creat favor condit growth anaerobes; thioglycol also inactiv mercuri might carri inoculum. facebook."} {"id": "8108", "contents": "medic definit thioglycolate. salt ester thioglycol acid."} {"id": "8109", "contents": "confid vote 10. thioglycol (thio) broth contain sodium thioglycolate, reduc agent creat anaerob condit reduc molecular oxygen water. dye resazurin methylen blue usual ad broth provid visual indic presenc oxygen. resazurin pink oxid colorless reduced. methylen blue blue"} {"id": "8110", "contents": "salt ester thioglycol acid; frequent use bacteri media reduc oxygen content creat favor condit growth anaerobes; thioglycol also inactiv mercuri might carri inoculum."} {"id": "8111", "contents": "ammonium thioglycol straighten less damag scalp hair chemic products. ammonium thioglycol chemic use straighten hair. chemic much less damag scalp hair other also much less smelly. function make follicl permeabl break disulfid bond make curls."} {"id": "8112", "contents": "regist nurs (rn) nurs pass nation council licensur examin regist nurs (nclex-rn) complet accredit train program. program come form associ scienc nurs (asn) bachelor scienc nurs (bsn)."} {"id": "8113", "contents": "aspir rn earn bachelor' scienc nurs (bsn) four year colleg university. alreadi rn, enrol rn-to-bsn program gear specif rn associate' degre nurs diploma. path usual take two three years."} {"id": "8114", "contents": "rn-bsn. or, mean regist nurs becam regist nurs get bachelor' nurs degree. applaud go bachelor' degree. especi sinc go straight high school colleg sinc want becom np."} {"id": "8115", "contents": "2) rn-bsn program-through university. either year integr gener education, nurs educ year pre-reqs/gen ed year nurs education, end bachelor' degre (bachelor scienc nurs bsn) along qualif sit rn licensure."} {"id": "8116", "contents": "bsn, baccalaur scienc nursing, colleg level cours studi design educ regist nurses. order accept program, nurs normal must meet admiss criteria, includ preparatori degre valid nurs license."} {"id": "8117", "contents": "bsn stand bachelor scienc nursing. peopl interest earn bsn requir attend four year univers college. typic take four five year earn bachelor\u2019 degree."} {"id": "8118", "contents": "rn vs. bsn: educ requirements. first thing know becom rn mean pass nclex exam. way around it. elig sit nclex must first earn either associ degre nurs (adn) bachelor scienc nurs (bsn)."} {"id": "8119", "contents": "adn stand associate\u2019 degre nursing. regist nurs someon earn either associate\u2019 degre bachelor\u2019 degre nurs pass nation licens examination. mani nurs earn bsn go earn msn. msn stand master\u2019 scienc"} {"id": "8120", "contents": "one die cholera.\u201d. sinc outbreak began octob 2010, 8,562 peopl haiti die cholera. new infect declined, follow typic trajectori epidemic, peak 350,000 report case 2011 littl 50,000 case 2013."} {"id": "8121", "contents": "like sourc introduct cholera haiti someon infect nepal strain cholera associ unit nation mirabalai camp. far largest cholera outbreak world recent years-with case whole african continent. prior outbreak, despit haiti' mani problems-includ devast earthquak januari 2010 countri record singl case cholera century."} {"id": "8122", "contents": "outbreak occur ten month power earthquak devast nation' capit southern town 12 januari 2010. first 10 week epidemic, cholera spread haiti' 10 depart provinces. epidem came back strongli 2012 raini season, despit localis delay vaccin drive. late june 2012, cuba confirm three death 53 case cholera manzanillo, 2013 51 case havana. vaccin half popul urg univers florida stem epidemic."} {"id": "8123", "contents": "outbreak began mid octob 2010 rural center depart haiti, 100 kilometr (62 mi) north capital, port-au-prince, kill 4672 peopl march 2011 hospitalis thousand more. epidem came back strongli 2012 raini season, despit localis delay vaccin drive. late june 2012, cuba confirm three death 53 case cholera manzanillo, 2013 51 case havana. vaccin half popul urg univers florida stem epidemic."} {"id": "8124", "contents": "no, current outbreak result januari 2010 earthquake. outbreak epidem cholera document haiti anywher caribbean sinc mid-nineteenth century."} {"id": "8125", "contents": "written matt fisher alisha kramer. ten month suffer \u201cthe largest urban disast modern history\u201d devast 7.0-magnitud (mms) earthquak januari 12, 2010 kill 316,000 affect million haiti face outbreak cholera."} {"id": "8126", "contents": "outbreak. haiti record case cholera centr artibonit depart october, 2010. month prior outbreak, cdc wrote \u201c[a]n outbreak cholera [was] unlikely.\u201d cdc\u2019 assess reasonable: haiti experienc cholera outbreak century. ten month suffer \u201cthe largest urban disast modern history\u201d devast 7.0-magnitud (mms) earthquak januari 12, 2010 kill 316,000 affect million haiti face outbreak cholera."} {"id": "8127", "contents": "ongo haiti cholera outbreak worst epidem cholera recent history, accord u.s. center diseas control prevention. epidem came back strongli 2012 raini season, despit localis delay vaccin drive. late june 2012, cuba confirm three death 53 case cholera manzanillo, 2013 51 case havana. vaccin half popul urg univers florida stem epidemic."} {"id": "8128", "contents": "first outbreak cholera report dominican republ mid-novemb 2010, follow pan-america health organisation' prediction. januari 2011, dominican republ report 244 case cholera. first man die die provinc altagracia 23 januari 2011. epidem came back strongli 2012 raini season, despit localis delay vaccin drive. late june 2012, cuba confirm three death 53 case cholera manzanillo, 2013 51 case havana. vaccin half popul urg univers florida stem epidemic."} {"id": "8129", "contents": "one day later, first cholera outbreak haiti least centuri offici announced. date, 470,000 case cholera report haiti 6,631 attribut deaths. one year, mark worst cholera outbreak recent history, well best document cholera outbreak modern public health. sinc begin outbreak, cdc work close mspp combat cholera epidem reduc impact disease. cholera acute, diarrheal ill caus infect intestin bacterium vibrio cholerae. estim 3-5 million case 100,000 death occur year around world."} {"id": "8130", "contents": "350 ml coca-cola cost yuan (us$0.30) shanghai. averag salari shanghai around 5,000 yuan (us$730) per month plu benefits. similar price wage may found china\u2019 major cities. wage china\u2019 second tier citi rural area tend lower."} {"id": "8131", "contents": "cost three-bedroom apart shanghai whop six time higher similar-s place urumqi, 15,000 yuan (around $2,450 today' exchang rate)."} {"id": "8132", "contents": "example, averag price hous new york citi $2,059 per squar meter averag famili incom $72,000 per year. comparison, averag cost hous shanghai year 2007 $1,160 per squar meter averag famili incom $7,316 (tu, 2008)."} {"id": "8133", "contents": "generally, need 3000/5000 rmb (4000/600 usd) afford apart shanghai. cost food individual. get shark fin soup 60 usd bowl usd beef noodl street corners. fast food kfc (kentucki fri chicken) mcdonald cheaper china, dollars."} {"id": "8134", "contents": "120 squar meter apart typic shanghai neighborhood cost around 1.5 million yuan (us$220,000). similar apart hong kong cost hk$10 million (us$1,300,000). interestingly, mcdonald\u2019 valu meal cost cities."} {"id": "8135", "contents": "apart shanghai' central upmarket pudong neighborhood sold record 220,000 yuan (us$35,000) per squar meter, taiwanes news site want china time reports. total price 84 million yuan (us$13 million)."} {"id": "8136", "contents": "seconds, learn exactli type ecc file have, softwar program associ file, publish creat it, secur safeti status, varieti use information. allow intellig window decid correct softwar applic open ecc file. case ecc file open, highli like correct softwar applic instal pc view edit ecc file extensions."} {"id": "8137", "contents": "sap ecc software. sap ecc stand \u201centerpris central component, sap ecc also refer r/3 erp sap. sap one lead erp softwar track manag real-tim sales, production, manufacturing, human resourc organization. histori sap ecc software. sap ag german base compani third largest softwar compani world. sap softwar found 1972 five former ibm employees. first version sap softwar known r/1 introduc 1973. r/1"} {"id": "8138", "contents": "author: essenti secur software. ecc file extens crypto contain file use essenti taceo secur program. ecc file encod use cryptograph techniqu creat comput secur protect person information."} {"id": "8139", "contents": "ecc stand enterpris central component. purpos posit ecc enabl sap build develop environ product function upon foundat central component. r/3 enterpris replac introduct erp central component."} {"id": "8140", "contents": "hi, ecc stand for. erp central component. subcessor sap r/3. sequenc is: .......... sap r/3 4.6c. sap r/3 enterpris 4.7. sap ecc 5.0. sap ecc 6.0. .........."} {"id": "8141", "contents": "it. renam sap erp. later renam enterpris central compon ecc. sap enterpris resourc plan software.sap ecc 5.0 erp successor sap r/3. 4.70. newest version suit mysap 2005 sap ecc 6.0. purpos posit ecc enabl sap build develop environ product function upon foundat central component. r/3 enterpris replac introduct erp central component."} {"id": "8142", "contents": "sap erp central compon (ecc) one recogn asset sap owns. enterpris resourc plan softwar consist sever modul provid organ great control key busi processes."} {"id": "8143", "contents": "dear christopher, ecc stand enterpris central component. erp stand enterpris resourc planning. content taken wikipedia, sap r/3 former name main enterpris resourc plan softwar produc sap ag. purpos posit ecc enabl sap build develop environ product function upon foundat central component. r/3 enterpris replac introduct erp"} {"id": "8144", "contents": "sap erp enterpris resourc plan softwar develop german compani sap se. sap erp incorpor key busi function organization. latest version (sap erp 6.0) made avail 2006. recent enhanc packag (ehp7) sap erp 6.0 releas 2013. sap erp built base former sap r/3 software. sap r/3 version 4.6c consist variou applic top sap basis, sap' set middlewar program tools. sap r/3 enterpris launch 2002, applic built top sap web applic server."} {"id": "8145", "contents": "myofascial/oss integr combin myofasci releas osseou mobil aim restor boni alignment. techniqu perform slowli follow fascial releas three-dimension manner like taffi untwist stretching. myofasci releas myofascial/oss integr techniqu safe highli effect reduc pain restor motion optim function."} {"id": "8146", "contents": "dentist experi techniqu call fibro-oss integr encourag reli upon growth layer connect tissu bone titanium implant hold implant place. fibro-oss integr concept. cases, fibrou collagen tissu form around implant healing. encapsul implant connect tissu occur much quickli actual osseointegr (bone slow-grow compar tissues)."} {"id": "8147", "contents": "term refer direct structur function connect live bone surfac load-bear artifici implant. osseointegr enhanc scienc medic bone joint replac techniqu well dental implant improv prosthet amputees. osseointegr dynam process characterist implant (i.e. macrogeometry, surfac properties, etc.) play role modul molecular cellular behavior."} {"id": "8148", "contents": "osseou integration, appar direct attach connect osseou tissu inert alloplast materi without interven connect tissue. process result appar direct connect endogen materi surfac host bone tissu without interven connect tissue. osseointegr dynam process characterist implant (i.e. macrogeometry, surfac properties, etc.) play role modul molecular cellular behavior."} {"id": "8149", "contents": "[edit]weiss' theori fibro-oss integration. weiss' theori state fibro-oss ligament form implant bone ligament consid equival periodont ligament found gomphosis. fibro-oss integr concept. cases, fibrou collagen tissu form around implant healing. encapsul implant connect tissu occur much quickli actual osseointegr (bone slow-grow compar tissues)."} {"id": "8150", "contents": "definit [edit]. osseointegr also defin as: format direct interfac implant bone, without interven soft tissue. osseointegr implant type implant defin endost implant contain pore osteoblast support connect tissu migrate. osseointegr dynam process characterist implant (i.e. macrogeometry, surfac properties, etc.) play role modul molecular cellular behavior."} {"id": "8151", "contents": "fibrooss integration. definitions: 1. presenc layer fibrou connect tissu interven dental implant adjac bone; misnom actual attach occur bone implant. synonyms: fibrou integration. definit inform fibrooss integr provid stedman'"} {"id": "8152", "contents": "osseointegr vs. fibro-oss integration. 1960s, osseointegr use creat fulli integr bond jawbon titanium first oral implant. sinc then, dentist explor mani differ implant designs, materi placement techniques. fibro-oss integr concept. cases, fibrou collagen tissu form around implant healing. encapsul implant connect tissu occur much quickli actual osseointegr (bone slow-grow compar tissues)."} {"id": "8153", "contents": "earlier, good parsi dhansak masala powder perfect blend spice easili avail handi use short notic longer available. use love spice powder make happi avail pune. prepar parsi dhansak masala (spice) powder ingredi 10 peppercorns. cloves. inch piec cinnamon sticks. inch piec mace. star anise. black cardamom."} {"id": "8154", "contents": "dhansak made cook mutton cube mixtur four lentil (arhar dal, bengal gram chana dal, red masoor dal brown masoor dal), potato, tomato, brinjal, pumpkin fenugreek leaves. serv caramelis brown rice, rice cook caramel water give typic tast colour. dal cook mutton veget serv brown rice, altogeth call dhansak."} {"id": "8155", "contents": "dhansak made cook mutton mixtur lentil vegetables. serv caramelis brown rice, rice cook caramel water give typic tast colour. dal cook mutton veget serv brown rice, altogeth call dhansak. parsi homes, dhansak tradit made sunday heavi dish digest owe long prepar time"} {"id": "8156", "contents": "stove, heat oil pan. fri onion ginger garlic past till onion brown. add homemad (a per recip above) store-bought dhansak masala, ground red chili cayenn pepper salt, along jaggery/sugar. add cup stock water cook spice well 3-5 minutes. fri onion ginger garlic past till onion brown. add homemad (a per recip above) store-bought dhansak masala-spic blend, ground red chili cayenn pepper salt, along jaggery/sugar."} {"id": "8157", "contents": "add cup water, spice powder coriander-fenugreek-mint past made earlier, salt requir chicken pieces. mix well. simmer cook till chicken done. add water maintain consistency. serv dhansak hot brown rice kachumbar salad. fri till soft. remov fire cool. grind smooth past food processor. heat deep, heavy-bottom pan medium flame add lentils, ginger, garlic tamarind past bring boil, stir frequent prevent sticking."} {"id": "8158", "contents": "lamb dhansak. dhansak popular indian curri made meat, lentil flavour spice includ cumin ginger. it\u2019 mild, sweet rich enough heat satisfi tastes. best benefit made day advanc tast even better re-heat next day."} {"id": "8159", "contents": "dhansak tradit parsi recip usual serv brown rice. medley lentils, vegetables, spice meat. vegetarian cannot includ meat, made lentils, veggi spices. let start step step veg dhansak recipe: 1. pressur cooker, take veggies, lentil fenugreek. add water pressur cook 5-6 minutes. also ad scallions. 2. see ingredi dhansak masala paste."} {"id": "8160", "contents": "dhansak masala powder. made garam masala send part blog post parcel, also took opportun make dhansak masala myself. basic recip ad coupl three item extra list.thi recip make tbsp masala powder."} {"id": "8161", "contents": "anonym said... hi there. impress home made dhansak masala powder.i know spice recip book.i supris lot asin shop indian restaur never heard it. made garam masala send part blog post parcel, also took opportun make dhansak masala myself. basic recip ad coupl three item extra list.thi recip make tbsp"} {"id": "8162", "contents": "heat oil larg stock pot. fri onion ginger garlic past till onion brown. add homemad (a per recip above) store-bought dhansak masala-spic blend, ground red chili cayenn pepper salt, along jaggery/sugar. add cup stock water cook spice well 3-5 minutes. fri onion ginger garlic past till onion brown. add homemad (a per recip above) store-bought dhansak masala-spic blend, ground red chili cayenn pepper salt, along jaggery/sugar."} {"id": "8163", "contents": "thu submit definit singer songwrit simpli someon perform song either public recordings, without regard style genre. person stop singer songwrit write jazz tune play band, example. point complet re-writ article, sourc definit hyphen term singer-songwrit history, add artists' name sourc explain signific defin term."} {"id": "8164", "contents": "together, make solid littl album singer-songwrit strong vision voice. result crafti blend soul hip-hop posit reflect singer-songwriter' life experiences. work inspir gener singer-songwriters. together, make solid littl album singer-songwrit strong vision voice. result crafti blend soul hip-hop posit reflect singer-songwriter' life experiences."} {"id": "8165", "contents": "format singer-songwrit concert frequent solo artist perform works, possibl backup band, introduc song explan origin, meaning, etc. part, fairli seriou song person mean artist. point complet re-writ article, sourc definit hyphen term singer-songwrit history, add artists' name sourc explain signific defin term."} {"id": "8166", "contents": "full definit songwriter. person compos word music especi popular songs. song\u00b7writ\u00b7 \\-\u02ccr\u012b-ti\u014b\\ noun. see songwrit defin english-languag learners. see songwrit defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "8167", "contents": "person sing write popular songs, especi professionally. exampl sentences. work inspir gener singer-songwriters. together, make solid littl album singer-songwrit strong vision voice. work inspir gener singer-songwriters. together, make solid littl album singer-songwrit strong vision voice. result crafti blend soul hip-hop posit reflect singer-songwriter' life experiences."} {"id": "8168", "contents": "even though articl concentr specif genre, realli mention broader definit term singer-songwrit intro. mani musician tradit singer-songwrit sing write and/or compos music link article. point complet re-writ article, sourc definit hyphen term singer-songwrit history, add artists' name sourc explain signific defin term."} {"id": "8169", "contents": "oppos contemporari pop music singer may write co-writ songs, term singer-songwrit describ distinct form artistry, close associ folk-acoust tradition. concept singer-songwrit trace ancient bardic oral tradition, exist variou form throughout world. poem would perform chant song, sometim accompani harp similar instrument."} {"id": "8170", "contents": "singer-songwrit (singer-songwrit plural) singer-songwrit someon write perform songs, especi popular songs. n-count twenti year ago singer-songwrit john prine releas first album."} {"id": "8171", "contents": "singer-songwrit use defin popular music artist write perform material, often self-accompani gener acoust guitar piano. artist perform role composer, lyricist, vocalist, instrumentalist, often self-manager. concept singer-songwrit trace ancient bardic oral tradition, exist variou form throughout world. poem would perform chant song, sometim accompani harp similar instrument."} {"id": "8172", "contents": "cook chicken fat oil leav skin add lot calories, chicken lean, healthi meat! chacha 810 calori turkey wrap, along 38 gram fat, 2,570.0 mg' sodium. thank turkey calories. p. im year old. gregg anderton. nutrit zaxby' food questionable, mo\u2026. consid chemic calori chicken mcnugget fan fast food tri lose weight, need care amount calori chicken mcnuggets. may also want know ad\u2026."} {"id": "8173", "contents": "food food nutrit databas use nutrit calcul recipe. calori per serv chicken basil pesto panini. 180 calori panera bread french baguett (2.5 oz), (1 serving). 72 calori mozzarella cheese, part skim milk, (1 oz). 72 calori pesto sauce, (0.06 cup). 50 calori can't believ butter, light spread (stick), tbsp, (1 serving). 36 calori loui rich chicken (white, oven roasted), (1 serving)."} {"id": "8174", "contents": "estim 414 calori one bake chicken thigh skin. serv also contain 31 gram fat 0.5 gram carbohydrates. nutrit zaxby' food questionable, mo\u2026. consid chemic calori chicken mcnugget fan fast food tri lose weight, need care amount calori chicken mcnuggets. may also want know ad\u2026."} {"id": "8175", "contents": "calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 4.6 km/h (13 minut per km). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, km/h (15 minut per km). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 3.15 km/h (19 minut per km)."} {"id": "8176", "contents": "calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 6.6 mph (9 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 7.5 mph (8 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 8.5 mph (7 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 7.5 mph (8 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 8.5 mph (7 minut per mile). calori burn treadmill: 5% incline, 10 mph (6 minut per mile)."} {"id": "8177", "contents": "thousand food recip fatsecret databas choos from, detail nutrit inform includ calories, fat protein serv size. may also add one mani great recip food idea submit members. sizes: oz boneless (yield cooking) 25kcal, oz boneless 31kcal, oz, bone (yield cooking, bone removed) 16kcal, more... nutrit facts-similar."} {"id": "8178", "contents": "comments: 0. plica syndrom group symptom commonli associ presenc abnorm thicken plica. plica fold soft inner line knee joint (thi line call synovium ', plica also often call synovi plica ')."} {"id": "8179", "contents": "introduct plica syndrom interest problem occur otherwis normal structur knee becom sourc knee pain due injuri overuse. diagnosi sometim difficult, sourc knee pain, easili treated."} {"id": "8180", "contents": "normal plica caus problems, becom inflam thicken injuri overuse. call plica syndrome.. plica syndrom interfer normal joint function caus pain thicken plica rub structur knee."} {"id": "8181", "contents": "plica syndrom often character anterior knee pain, commonli found along superomedi aspect knee. \u201cplica\u201d due remnant embryolog tissu compartment knee fetal development. usual plica syndrom character pain near anteromedi (in front toward midline) side patella (kneecap). usual pain associ bend knee irrit exercise."} {"id": "8182", "contents": "often plica syndrom precipit histori blunt trauma front knee prolong strenuou exercise. plica embryolog remnant present throughout life, believ traumat event repetit microtrauma respons incit inflamm symptoms. usual plica syndrom character pain near anteromedi (in front toward midline) side patella (kneecap). usual pain associ bend knee irrit exercise."} {"id": "8183", "contents": "plica syndrom irrit membran knee joint keep joint lubricated. tissu insid kneecap becom irritated, result knee pain tender touch. often result overuse, plica syndrom may also result direct-hit injury. plica syndrome, may experi pain tender touch front knee, insid kneecap. may also feel catch snap sensat bend knee. symptom watch include:"} {"id": "8184", "contents": "plica fold synovi membran commonli anteromedi aspect knee. plica present 50% popul thought remnant embryon connect tissu fail fulli resorb foetal development. luckily, plica asymptomatic. knee potenti four plica medial plica like symptomat (dupont 1997). run parallel medial patella medial retinaculum insert fat pad."} {"id": "8185", "contents": "plica syndrom interest problem occur otherwis normal structur knee becom sourc knee pain due injuri overuse. diagnosi sometim difficult, sourc knee pain, easili treated. primari symptom caus plica syndrom pain. may also snap sensat along insid knee knee bent. due rub thicken plica round edg thighbon enter joint."} {"id": "8186", "contents": "plica syndrom (also known synovi plica syndrome) condit occur plica (an extens protect synovi capsul knee) becom irritated, enlarged, inflamed. common locat plica tissu along medial (inside) side knee. plica tether patella femur, locat femur patella, locat along femor condyle."} {"id": "8187", "contents": "background. plica syndrom knee constel sign symptom occur secondari injuri overuse. plica latin word mean fold.. term simpli descript one; empir evid true fold synovi line ever occurs. mediopatellar plica (refer aoki ledg iino band) frequent cite caus plica syndrome. lie medial wall joint, origin suprapatellar, cours obliqu insert infrapatellar (ie, hoffa) fat pad."} {"id": "8188", "contents": "hourli wage help desk technician rang $12 $44 per hour, depend location, technic specialty, experi level, certif held. explor deep dive comparison help desk technic support salaries. [top]. typic day-to-day duti in-demand skill set help desk technician include: help desk technician diagnos pc error provid technic support. help desk technician troubleshoot software, hardwar network issues. help desk technician train end-us setup use new technolog"} {"id": "8189", "contents": "$38,000. averag help desk technician salari job post nationwid 34% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "8190", "contents": "start salari mri technician around $31,000 year, salari entrant. median averag salari mri technologist 65,361. scrub technician earn much $59,000 year. us may 2011, scrub technician make averag $42,460 per year."} {"id": "8191", "contents": "averag start wage help desk technician relat positions: help desk technician tier 1: $35,000. comput repair technician: $37,000. help desk technician tier 2: $43,000. typic day-to-day duti in-demand skill set help desk technician include: help desk technician diagnos pc error provid technic support. help desk technician troubleshoot software, hardwar network issues. help desk technician train end-us setup use new technolog"} {"id": "8192", "contents": "help desk technician earn averag wage $15.88 per hour. peopl move job 20 years' experi career. skill help desk desktop support (tier 2) associ high pay job. $29,073 $52,014"} {"id": "8193", "contents": "averag salari breakdown. help desk employe lowest 10 25 percent averag earn $27,200 $34,320 annually. specialist top 75 90 percent expect earn $57,290 $72,690 year. find bottom top averag make $44,300. connecticut, district columbia massachusett pay most. salari rang $55,920 $60,230. massachusett district columbia also top five state help desk technician employed."} {"id": "8194", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic help desk support unit state $48,475 50% peopl perform job help desk support unit state expect make less $48,475. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $48,475. salary. annual salari someon job titl help desk support may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "8195", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. helpdesk technician auckland, newzealand start rate 32k usd per year tax. pay review months. one example. scrub technician earn much $59,000 year. us may 2011, scrub technician make averag $42,460 per year."} {"id": "8196", "contents": "make easier incorpor butter freez grate flour mix. form ball, flatten slightly, chill refriger 30 minutes. roll dough thin sheet cut round disc shape empanada (use round mold small plate). mix flour salt food processor. add butter, egg water clumpi dough forms. make empanada dough hand, follow instruct use hand mix ingredi together."} {"id": "8197", "contents": "dough prepar empanada enjoy warm, fresh bake 15 minutes! glance, empanada look like radiant suns. find almost everi corner latin america, differ shapes, dough fillings. caribbean empanada made yucca. root boil form soft dough stuf ground beef crab meat fried. however, cuba, made wheat flour stuf guava jelli baked."} {"id": "8198", "contents": "more. glance, empanada look like radiant suns. find almost everi corner latin america, differ shapes, dough fillings. envelop dough made wheat, corn, rye, yucca, plantain, puff pastri pie crust, name few. caribbean empanada made yucca. root boil form soft dough stuf ground beef crab meat fried. however, cuba, made wheat flour stuf guava jelli baked."} {"id": "8199", "contents": "add butter, egg water clumpi dough forms. make empanada dough hand, follow instruct use hand mix ingredi together. make easier incorpor butter freez grate flour mix. mix flour salt food processor. add butter, egg water clumpi dough forms."} {"id": "8200", "contents": "make homemad empanada dough: mix flour salt food processor. add butter, egg water clumpi dough forms. make empanada dough hand, follow instruct use hand mix ingredi together."} {"id": "8201", "contents": "assembl empanadas: dust flat surfac flour. roll pizza dough 1/8 1/4 inch thick. use 6-inch round cooki cutter (or bowl plate diameter), cut dough circles. expect get circl pound dough."} {"id": "8202", "contents": "philippin fri empanadas, ground beef, potatoes, carrots, cheese, raisin thin, crisp crust. filipino empanada usual contain ground beef, pork chicken, potatoes, chop onions, raisin (somewhat similar cuban picadillo) somewhat sweet, wheat flour bread. fill onion, boil egg, olives, raisins. empanada bake (salta-style) fri (tucuman-style). also contain ham, fish, humita (sweetcorn white sauce), spinach; fruit fill use creat dessert empanada. interior regions, spice peppers."} {"id": "8203", "contents": "essentially, empanada crescent-shap pastri filling. empanada fri baked, may use variou fill chees seafood. recip use tradit argentin filling, fill empanada almost anything, welcom experiment. ad"} {"id": "8204", "contents": "form ball, flatten slightly, chill refriger 30 minutes. roll dough thin sheet cut round disc shape empanada (use round mold small plate). use immediately, store refrigerator/freez use later. mix flour salt food processor. add butter, egg water clumpi dough forms. make empanada dough hand, follow instruct use hand mix ingredi together."} {"id": "8205", "contents": "distinguish type empanada venezuela, common call made wheat flour-bas dough (or pastry) bake \u201cempanada chilena\u201d venezuelan empanada made corn flour-bas dough. filipino empanada usual contain ground beef, pork chicken, potatoes, chop onions, raisin (somewhat similar cuban picadillo) somewhat sweet, wheat flour bread. two kind available: bake sort flaki fri type."} {"id": "8206", "contents": "et monday (octob 12, 2015), belov actor kenni roger pass away. kenni roger born august 21, 1938 houston. miss forgotten. pleas show sympathi condol comment like page.\u201d."} {"id": "8207", "contents": "kenni roger dead. kenni rogers, born august 21, 1938 houston, american actor singer. die octob 2, 2015 age 77. translat francais. fran\u00e7ais. espanol espa\u00f1ol"} {"id": "8208", "contents": "(read more). kenni roger death hoax spread facebook. rumor actor\u2019 alleg demis gain traction monday r.i.p. kenni roger facebook page attract nearli one million \u2018likes\u2019."} {"id": "8209", "contents": "kenni rogers. 1938 2015. kenni roger dead. kenni rogers, born august 21, 1938 houston, american actor singer. die octob 2, 2015 age 77. translat francais. fran\u00e7ais. espanol espa\u00f1ol"} {"id": "8210", "contents": "kenni rogers. 1938 2015. kenni roger dead. kenni rogers, born august 21, 1938 houston, american actor singer. die octob 2, 2015 age 77. translat"} {"id": "8211", "contents": "born texas, fourth eight children, singer kenni roger grew poor area houston father work shipyard mother hospital. becam first member famili graduat high school."} {"id": "8212", "contents": "born august 21st, 1938, kenni rogers, one biggest well one oldest live name countri music, singer, song writer decad now."} {"id": "8213", "contents": "recent poll conduct celebr post show larg major (67%) respond think kenni roger death rumor funni anymore. kenni roger death hoax dismiss sinc actor \u2018aliv well\u2019. tuesday (octob 13) actor' rep offici confirm kenni roger dead."} {"id": "8214", "contents": "slide feet along ground back forth without lift completely. move thing peopl differ order differ positions. mix (play cards) play game one know order in. shuf\u00b7fl shuf\u00b7fl \\-f(\u0259-)li\u014b\\."} {"id": "8215", "contents": "(v. i.) move slovenly, drag manner; drag scrape feet walk dancing. n.) trick; artifice; evasion. v. i.) use art expedients; make shift. v. t.) shove one way other; push one another; as, shuffl money hand hand."} {"id": "8216", "contents": "shuffle. vb. 1. walk move (the feet) slow drag motion. 2. chang posit (something), esp quickli order deceiv others. 3. (tr) mix togeth careless manner: shuffl paper nervously."} {"id": "8217", "contents": "(transit verb) inappropri store deposit item items. eponym shuff system administr notori collect old semi-broken equip store share offic space extend period time."} {"id": "8218", "contents": "top definition. shuff. noun deriv combin word shit stuff, use describ item bought man (stuff) woman normal would someth woman would buy (shit). base wide accept notion men buy thing use properties, refer stuff."} {"id": "8219", "contents": "full definit shuffle. transit verb. 1. mix mass confusedly: jumble. 2. 3. a: rearrang (a play cards, dominoes, tiles) produc random order. 4. a: move (a feet) slide along back forth without lift b: perform (a dance) dragging, slide step."} {"id": "8220", "contents": "shuffl mean definition. v. t.) remov introduc artifici confusion. v. i.) chang rel posit card pack; as, shuffl cut. v. t.) mix push shoving; confuse; throw disorder; especially, chang rel posit of, card pack."} {"id": "8221", "contents": "probabl cost $10 per acr drill crop convent tillag $12.50 per acr drill crop tillage. bring total cost seed plant $27.50-$30 per acre. pesticide. pesticid cost usual higher wheat-for-grain grazeout wheat. gener recommend wheat-for-grain 80-100 pound actual nitrogen per acre. current prices, $60-$70 per acre. add applic charg $5 per acre, make fertil cost $65-$75 per acre. price highli volatil subject rapid chang"} {"id": "8222", "contents": "1980 1990 yield 90 bushel per acr 138 bushel per acr 1997. 129 bushel per acr 1999. price $2.45 per bushel 1978 $2.25 per bushel 21 year later 1999. price high $3.39 per bushel 1983 low $1.78 per bushel 1986. trend slightli increas percent total acr harvest total product irrig corn. yield lowest period 1988 1990 13 ton per acr highest 23.5 ton per acr 1997. yield 1999 21 ton per acre. commod destination: great major texa corn product goe livestock feed silage. small portion food grade."} {"id": "8223", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost small lawn mow project. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost mow lawn rang $0.03 $0.14 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "8224", "contents": "land appropri commerci build construct may sell $10,000 acr even depend location. accord houserepairtalk.com forum thread, user state acr land nebraska cost $8,000 per acr acr texa cost upward $6,000."} {"id": "8225", "contents": "2015 re-mow litter total insur new price/acr price/acr price/acr 1st cycl 2nd cycl 3rd cycl 4th cycl total acr compani liabil w/c fulton construct h-15-271r 3-799 new 29.00 6.00 35.00 344.20 344.20 560.80 1249.20 riverport insur co. box 1258 9/27/2014 7/21/2014479-471-8459 0.00 harrison, ar 72602-1258wc-brown-hiller-clark expires: expires: associ 9/27/2015 7/21/2015 contract re-mow litter total insur new price/acr price/acr price/acr 1st cycl 2nd cycl 3rd cycl 4th cycl total acr compani liabil w/c rusti edmond const."} {"id": "8226", "contents": "farmland averag cost $5,000 $8,000 per acre. cheaper land locat averag cost around $1,000-$5,000 per acre. area timber structures. geograph locat go greatli influenc overal price per acre. accord houserepairtalk.com forum thread, user state acr land nebraska cost $8,000 per acr acr texa cost upward $6,000."} {"id": "8227", "contents": "averag stumpag price east texa pine sawtimb declin slightli $41.17/ton ($307.50/mbf) may-jun period ($42.75/ton). $1.58/ton 3.7% decrease. much lower pulpwood price july-august period larg due sampl variat addit rise fuel costs."} {"id": "8228", "contents": "mani year ago mow neighbor yard-wa aboot acres, lot trees/obstacles-al mow (onc inna id weedwack front trees), took someth like hr mow tank gas-al charg $20 per mowing, mainli like mow grass."} {"id": "8229", "contents": "2015 contract re-mow litter total insur new price/acr price/acr price/acr 1st cycl 2nd cycl 3rd cycl 4th cycl total acr compani liabil w/c circl r. contract h-12-091r 4-763 2015 17.90 12.00 29.90 533.78 533.78 614.60 1682.16 agenc one, inc bks56024759 xws560247594471 south mountain rd. box 1258 9/27/2014 7/21/2014479-471-8459 0.00 harrison, ar 72602-1258wc-brown-hiller-clark expires: expires: associ 9/27/2015 7/21/2015 contract re-mow litter total insur new price/acr price/acr price/acr 1st cycl 2nd cycl 3rd cycl 4th cycl total acr compani liabil w/c rusti edmond const."} {"id": "8230", "contents": "command chief. presid shall command chief armi navi unit states.... constitut issu consist heatedli debat legal scholar politician recent year distribut war power congress president. articl ii, section 2, expressli design presid command chief armi navi unit states, militia sever states, call actual servic unit states.."} {"id": "8231", "contents": "accord unit state constitution, presid unit state commander-in-chief feder militari forces. first commander-in-chief georg ashington, first presid unit states. 2009, commander-in-chief barack obama. command chief presid unit states, branch military."} {"id": "8232", "contents": "articl ii, section ii constitution. \u201cthe presid shall command chief armi navi unit states, militia sever states, call actual servic unit states;\u201d. congress respons declar war, presid sole respons execut one."} {"id": "8233", "contents": "presid shall command chief armi navi unit states.... articl ii, section 2, claus 1. articl ii, section 2, expressli design presid command chief armi navi unit states, militia sever states, call actual servic unit states.."} {"id": "8234", "contents": "mani former militari gener washington, jackson, grant eisenhow serv president, requisit former militari servic becom commander-in-chief. vice-presid harri s. truman found role commander-in-chief follow death fdr 1945. new presid quickli ask make one difficult decis war, whether use newli complet nuclear bomb japanese."} {"id": "8235", "contents": "u.s. presid command chief. arguably, solemn role presid serv leader u. military. president' direction, unit state carri retaliatori invasions, invas afghanistan 2001."} {"id": "8236", "contents": "sword purs (part 2); presid command chief. john yoo jame c. ho. \u201cthe presid shall command chief armi navi unit states....\u201d articl ii, section 2, claus 1."} {"id": "8237", "contents": "regent prep: u.s. history: presidenti decisions: commander-in-chief. mani import decis presid made wartime, president' role commander-in-chief. commander-in-chief unit states' arm forces, presid ultim head chain command army, navy, air force, marin coast guard. vice-presid harri s. truman found role commander-in-chief follow death fdr 1945. new presid quickli ask make one difficult decis war, whether use newli complet nuclear bomb japanese."} {"id": "8238", "contents": "\u201ccommand chief\u201d term commonli use presid unit states. it\u2019 one sever titl confer nation' chief executive. command chief refer president\u2019 duti head u.s. arm forces: air force, army, navi marines. u.s. constitut establish power presid"} {"id": "8239", "contents": "price per squar foot construct cost medic offic building. chart show signific spread cost per squar foot geograph locat much 74% increas lowest (winston-salem) highest (new york). averag cost per squar foot hover around $220 per squar foot."} {"id": "8240", "contents": "price accordingly. whether need cost estim new offic build ballpark price add workstat account department, free offic furnitur budget calcul help."} {"id": "8241", "contents": "use servic bulk offic furnitur avail specialti shops. move first offic excit time business, even offic spare bedroom. much like move first home apartment, however, there' need furnishings. all, complet empti offic exactli conduc get work done. rather buy new, top-dollar furnitur gear office, money go much farther follow cost-cut measures."} {"id": "8242", "contents": "seek advic servic space planner, offic larger 2,000 squar feet, $1,000. visit fine-art galleri consid purchas fine-art print instead originals. averag cost print $100 $200. buy art local artist good way keep cost down. find websit design base qualiti work, price. plan spend $1,000 five-pag websit includ imag websit content. renting, leas purchas busi locat repres one signific cost business. plan spend less $1,000 purchas busi location. alloc averag $1,500 monthli mortgage, leas rental payment."} {"id": "8243", "contents": "offic cubicl averag costs. furnish offic cubicl major expense, good news cubicl last decades. mani manufactur dealer offer financ qualify. cubicl fall rang $1,000 $2,000, includ tax, deliveri installation. standard 8x8 cubicle, example, averag $1,500 $2,500. cube solutions\u2019 mid-height space saver cubicl pedest file integr electr plug retail $1,500 $2,000. price includ 12-year warranty, deliveri installation."} {"id": "8244", "contents": "advantage: budget generous, consid size 12-foot-squar room. however, averag price upscal kitchen hover near $105,000, accord remodel magazine\u2019 annual \u201ccost vs. value\u201d survey. much: $9,400. designer: sarah hermans, philadelphia. challenge: hous \u201cresal ready,\u201d design ask make 12-foot-squar balconi show hous look homey modest cost extrem color choic remodel changes."} {"id": "8245", "contents": "invest offic furnitur suppli cost $5,000 furnish singl office. furnish offic second-hand offic furnitur donat odd end contribut best first impression. open offic bare wall miss opportun impress prospect clients. renting, leas purchas busi locat repres one signific cost business. plan spend less $1,000 purchas busi location. alloc averag $1,500 monthli mortgage, leas rental payment."} {"id": "8246", "contents": "survey remodel magazine\u2019 cost vs. valu report detail much cost complet varieti major popular home improv project year, includ alway popular kitchen bathroom redos. much: $9,400. designer: sarah hermans, philadelphia. challenge: hous \u201cresal ready,\u201d design ask make 12-foot-squar balconi show hous look homey modest cost extrem color choic remodel changes."} {"id": "8247", "contents": "quick note: ask founder compani \u201chow much pay rent\u201d somewhat imprecise. example, accord lease, priceonom pay $2700 per month 1200 squar foot offic mission district san francisco. however, we\u2019r contractu oblig pay $300 month cover \u201cbuild oper costs,\u201d leas effect $3000 month. $3000 per month 1200 squar feet. know much startup pay offic space. enough revenu rais enough capit 10 employees, startup expect pay around $6,100 rent per month."} {"id": "8248", "contents": "new york financi capit world. surprisingly, citi boast 68 billionaires, accord forbes\u2019 2011 list billionair world. 10 richest, six tie financ industry. richest man new york worth $20 billion. richest femal new yorker joan tisch, deriv fortun hold loew corp. (nyse: l). interestingly, list contain two femal racial minorities. click \u201cstart\u201d view 10 richest new yorker 2011."} {"id": "8249", "contents": "bill gates, america' wealthiest person worth $64.5 billion, still live seattle, washington near headquart microsoft founded, wal-mart heir, jim walton, worth $33.6 billion live bentonville, arkansas, retail giant headquartered."} {"id": "8250", "contents": "koch, co-own koch industri brother charles, worth estim $36 billion, good enough claim titl richest new yorker fourth-richest entir nation. koch one 66 empir state resid list forb 400, list 400 richest peopl america. microsoft founder bill gate top list net worth $72 billion."} {"id": "8251", "contents": "david koch, execut vice presid koch industries, richest person live new york, accord forbes."} {"id": "8252", "contents": "top-10 richest new yorkers, hometown list bold excerpt forbes: david koch, $36 billion, new york city. new york city' richest resid david koch $6 billion richer year ago."} {"id": "8253", "contents": "clean shine first time, everi time. windex origin america\u2019 #1 glass cleaner!*. trust gener famou streak-fre shine, windex origin perfect clean windows, mirrors, glass shower doors, glass top stoves, more. dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. step 1: rotat nozzl windex\u00ae bottl \u201con\u201d position. step 2: spray wipe dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. tri use microfib cloth paper towel leav lint"} {"id": "8254", "contents": "ammonium hydroxid clean agent. ammonium hydroxid commonli refer ammonia.. mani consum use home clean laundry. it\u2019 clean agent, surfactant, remov dirt, also use ph adjust alter ph product improv stability. everi formula optimum ph make work best."} {"id": "8255", "contents": "step 2: spray wipe dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. tri use microfib cloth paper towel leav lint. clean glass surfac top bottom prevent drip glass alreadi cleaned. clean window cloudi day sun prematur dri windex\u00ae formula. dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. step 1: rotat nozzl windex\u00ae bottl \u201con\u201d position. step 2: spray wipe dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. tri use microfib cloth paper towel leav lint"} {"id": "8256", "contents": "windex glass hard-surfac cleaner manufactur sinc 1933. s. c. johnson acquir windex 1993 manufactur since. product reformul 2006. origin windex color light, transluc shade blue. today varieti market sever color (ocean fresh blue, sunshin lemon citru orange) fragranc (spring bouquet, ocean mist, lavend tea tree), number addit vinegar, lemon, lime, orang juice. windex invent 1933 harri r. drackett, almost 100% solvent. highli flammabl sold metal cans. modern surfact introduc world war ii, product reformulated."} {"id": "8257", "contents": "next. windex\u00ae origin glass cleaner. dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. step 1: rotat nozzl windex\u00ae bottl \u201con\u201d position. step 2: spray wipe dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. tri use microfib cloth paper towel leav lint. dri paper towel lint-fre cloth. step 1: rotat nozzl windex\u00ae bottl \u201con\u201d position. step 2: spray wipe dri paper towel lint-fre cloth."} {"id": "8258", "contents": "new! fragranc disclosure. sc johnson first major compani offer product-specif fragranc disclosure. start air care product u.s. canada, we'll ad product categori soon. goal list ingredi .09 percent product formula. it\u2019 clean agent, surfactant, remov dirt, also use ph adjust alter ph product improv stability. everi formula optimum ph make work best."} {"id": "8259", "contents": "notif status: ingredi product compli new substanc notif requir canadian environment protect act (cepa). materi safeti data sheet accord ansi z400.1- 2004 29 cfr 1910.1200 windex\u00ae origin glass cleaner version 1. print date 08/23/2011 revis date 01/06/2010 msd number 350000014153 site_form number 30000000000000010965.001 3/7 advic safe handling: keep reach children pets."} {"id": "8260", "contents": "select windex product detail inform ingredients."} {"id": "8261", "contents": "confid vote 92.5k. malawi flag featur black stripe repres peopl africa. color red stand blood spilt malawi' struggl independence; color green symbol country' vegetation. rise sun repres dawn freedom hope african continent."} {"id": "8262", "contents": "malawi flag meaning: malawi flag featur black stripe repres peopl africa. color red stand blood spilt malawi' struggl independence; color green symbol country' vegetation. rise sun repres dawn freedom hope african continent. malawi flag history:"} {"id": "8263", "contents": "black stripe malawi flag stand african people. red color symbol blood shed independ struggle. green color signifi country' vegetation."} {"id": "8264", "contents": "psycholog first aid (pfa) evidence-inform approach built concept human resilience. pfa aim reduc stress symptom assist healthi recoveri follow traumat event, natur disaster, public health emergency, even person crisis. physic first aid use reduc physic discomfort due bodili injury, psycholog first aid strategi reduc pain rang emot respons experienc peopl expos high stress."} {"id": "8265", "contents": "term psycholog first aid first coin drayer, cameron, woodward, glass (1954) manuscript wrote american psychiatr associ request u.s. feder civil defens administration. community-based. psycholog first aid community-bas (a oppos occur within medic profession), program usual develop consult target community, support provid member community. tend make cultur responsive."} {"id": "8266", "contents": "nation child traumat stress network nation center ptsd pleas make second edit psycholog first aid field oper guid accompani handout available. psycholog first aid field manual divid follow sections: introduct overview. prepar deliv psycholog first aid. core actions. contact engagement. safeti comfort. stabilization. inform gathering: current need concerns. practic assistance."} {"id": "8267", "contents": "accord nc-ptsd, psycholog first aid evidence-inform modular approach assist peopl immedi aftermath disast terror reduc initi distress foster short long-term adapt functioning. develop two-day intens collaboration, involv 25 disast mental health researchers, onlin survey first cohort use pfa repeat review draft. http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/manuals/psych-first-aid.asp."} {"id": "8268", "contents": "foreword psycholog first aid guid peopl work disast preparedness, respons recovery. provid overview best practic psycholog first aid follow disast traumat events. state territori plan deal health impact disasters. psycholog first aid \u2018humane, support respons fellow human suffer may need support\u2019 1. psycholog first aid approach help peopl affect emergency, disast traumat event."} {"id": "8269", "contents": "psycholog first aid evidence-inform approach assist children, adolescents, adults, famili aftermath disast terrorism. psycholog first aid field manual divid follow sections: introduct overview. prepar deliv psycholog first aid. core actions. contact engagement. safeti comfort. stabilization. inform gathering: current need concerns. practic assistance."} {"id": "8270", "contents": "advent disast mental health identif ptsd (post-traumat stress disorder), changed. psycholog first aid develop princip tool use emergency, disaster, disrupt event. community-based. psycholog first aid community-bas (a oppos occur within medic profession), program usual develop consult target community, support provid member community. tend make cultur responsive."} {"id": "8271", "contents": "psycholog first aid schools. webinar spseaker describ fundament psycholog first aid school (pfa-s). pfa- help reduc distress school commun experi disast violent event."} {"id": "8272", "contents": "(redirect psycholog first aid). psycholog first aid (pfa) techniqu design reduc occurr post-traumat stress disorder. develop nation center post traumat stress disord (nc-ptsd), section unit state depart veteran affairs, 2006. develop two-day intens collaboration, involv 25 disast mental health researchers, onlin survey first cohort use pfa repeat review draft. http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/manuals/psych-first-aid.asp."} {"id": "8273", "contents": "median salari certifi financi analyst base year experience. less year: $51,050. year experience: $63,900. year experience: $93,452. senior cfa charter holder 10 19 year experience: $119,309."} {"id": "8274", "contents": "averag cfa salary. experience. fa one four year industri experi expect earn median annual salari approxim $67,271, wherea five nine year experi typic earn averag $92,621 (source: www.payscale.com)."} {"id": "8275", "contents": "accord payscale.com, 2009, cfa less one year experi median salari $51,282. one four year experi earn median $62,567 five nine year earn $90,335 annually."} {"id": "8276", "contents": "examin charter financi analyst salari base upon year experience, scale much linear. charter financi analyst less one year experi report median salari $51,046. cfa 1-4 year experi salari $63,898. cfa 5-9 year experi report median salari $93,452. senior cfa 10-19 year experi median salari $119,309. experienc cfa 20 year experi median salari $147,260."} {"id": "8277", "contents": "cfa salari year experience. base year work experience, median cfa salari $51,050 less year experience, $63,900 1-4 year experience, $93,452 5-9 year experience. senior cfa charter holder 10-19 year experi median cfa salari $119,309."} {"id": "8278", "contents": "base year work experience, median cfa salari $51,050 less year experience, $63,900 1-4 year experience, $93,452 5-9 year experience. senior cfa charter holder 10-19 year experi median cfa salari $119,309."} {"id": "8279", "contents": "peopl stomach pain eat vegetables. photo credit bananastock/bananastock/getti images. child teenager, mere though veget probabl made stomach churn discomfort. mental avers typic subsid age begin understand import healthi diet. however, peopl actual experi physic discomfort eat vegetables. bodi ecolog websit explain raw veget increasingli difficult bodi digest cook vegetables. fact, websit explain peopl experi digest distress, like gas, bloat abdomin pain consum raw"} {"id": "8280", "contents": "raw veget caus abdomin pain gallbladd disease. mani 25 million american gallstones, caus gallbladd attack character pain upper right side abdomen, accord univers maryland medic center. rapid weight loss increas risk gallbladd attacks. eat raw veget lose weight, could develop gallbladd problems. weight loss, raw vegetables, caus gallbladd disease. develop abdomin pain unrel gallbladd eat raw veget"} {"id": "8281", "contents": "problem occur eat veget fruit sever pain, bloating, gas, constip food unprocess eventu eject use laxatives. salad dinner last month vomiting, sweat pass 4-6 hour eat well 11am next day."} {"id": "8282", "contents": "many, digest distress like gas, bloat abdomin pain common reaction eat meal includ raw vegetables. tune stomach next time eat raw veget see feel. poor digest raw veget common might think, yet popular raw food movement mani us convinc must eat raw food healthy. yes, raw food contain enzymes, raw veget also contain cellulose, fiber poorli digest humans."} {"id": "8283", "contents": "one thing body' digest system-y can't chang quickly. use eat raw crucifer vegetables-and suddenli eat meal them-you might get ga stomach upset. mean eat them. poor digest raw veget common might think, yet popular raw food movement mani us convinc must eat raw food healthy. yes, raw food contain enzymes, raw veget also contain cellulose, fiber poorli digest humans."} {"id": "8284", "contents": "cases, stomach pain may actual relat method veget preparation. example, ingest much salt common caus stomach bloat abdomin discomfort. additionally, peopl cannot handl heavi creams, chees butter use flavor vegetables. bodi ecolog websit explain raw veget increasingli difficult bodi digest cook vegetables. fact, websit explain peopl experi digest distress, like gas, bloat abdomin pain consum raw"} {"id": "8285", "contents": "fiber. certain fruit high-fib food caus bloating, ga stomach cramping. common high-fib fruit includ apples, raspberries, pears, strawberries, oranges, figs, raisin bananas. fruit eat one sitting, chanc develop cramp afterward."} {"id": "8286", "contents": "fight fructose. experi bloating, heartburn diarrhea addit pain stomach everi time eat piec fruit, may fructos intolerance. intolerance, fructos -- sugar fruit -- travel intestin undigested. way reduc pain, bloating, heartburn diarrhea associ fructos intoler complet remov fructos diet. addit fruit, fructos found honey, alcohol, soda beverag contain high-fructos corn syrup."} {"id": "8287", "contents": "eat raw veget caus stone form gallbladder. common dietari caus stone format includ diet high fat, overweight, femal take certain medications, includ medic use treat high cholesterol hormon replac therapy. mani 25 million american gallstones, caus gallbladd attack character pain upper right side abdomen, accord univers maryland medic center. rapid weight loss increas risk gallbladd attacks."} {"id": "8288", "contents": "simultan ad bulk stool make stool softer, high-fib diet allow improv bowel movements. however, eat much fiber caus gastrointestin discomfort. sinc veget featur high-fib content, eat mani one time might caus gas, bloat indigestion. bodi ecolog websit explain raw veget increasingli difficult bodi digest cook vegetables. fact, websit explain peopl experi digest distress, like gas, bloat abdomin pain consum raw"} {"id": "8289", "contents": "(note anim japan technic mean anim film, manga print cartoon, peopl rest world take mean anim film comic japan.). first all, though outsid might think japan stole comic west, true."} {"id": "8290", "contents": "manga japanes comic uniqu stori line style. japan peopl age read manga, manga target younger audienc like american comics. genr includ broad rang subjects. find 1000 free english translat manga scan read online."} {"id": "8291", "contents": "manga origin japan graphic novel form pornograph content men, eventu becam popular start creat child women appropri manga. (of cours changed) manga graphic novel form anime."} {"id": "8292", "contents": "term manga (kanji: \u6f2b\u753b; hiragana: \u307e\u3093\u304c; katakana: \u30de\u30f3\u30ac; listen (help\u00b7info) english /\u02c8mae\u014b\u0261\u0259/ \u02c8m\u00e6\u014b\u0261\u0259 /or/) \u02c8m\u0251\u02d0\u014b\u0261\u0259 japanes word refer comic and. cartoon manga term use outsid japan refer specif comic origin publish in. japan"} {"id": "8293", "contents": "manga (\u6f2b\u753b, manga) comic creat japan, creator japanes language, conform style develop japan late 19th century. long complex pre-histori earlier japanes art."} {"id": "8294", "contents": "mani peopl might say manga japanes comics, anim japanes version animation. anim usually, always, anim version popular manga.. that' partial true, misleading."} {"id": "8295", "contents": "usual manga anim book show. made japanes lot differ besid fact one show one book. anim anim cartoonish show manga book pictur comic (also graphic novels)."} {"id": "8296", "contents": "task tri rais $150,000 estim cost creat good dog park. success fund rais event reli support dog-rel local busi anim friendli citizen recogn import dog parks. shreveport dog park allianc build enhanc park. necessari dog park fenc doubl gate entrances, signag water source. amen includ benches/picn tables, shelter area, wast station water fountains."} {"id": "8297", "contents": "carmel clay park announc plan monday night move forward construct fenc dog park northern edg carmel\u2019 central park, locat near 116th street rangelin road. north side central park consist approxim 35 acres. member park board expect approv plan move forward design plan park. construct could begin fall. accord park director mark westermeier, initi cost preliminari phase dog park could cost hundr thousand dollars."} {"id": "8298", "contents": "dog park area dog dog owner come enjoy themselves. build dog park would benefit community... know how. 2. decid move forward plans, keep mind need large, grassy, open space dog run. may need acres, depend area whether dog park open gener public. make sure grass thick healthi move on. edit step."} {"id": "8299", "contents": "build dog park time-consum exhausting, may great benefit end. consid someth realli would like put time into. 2. decid move forward plans, keep mind need large, grassy, open space dog run. may need acres, depend area whether dog park open gener public. make sure grass thick healthi move on. edit step."} {"id": "8300", "contents": "cost build water park would driven follow factors. size park locat access land cost infrastructur avail equip heme. current estim run $350 per squar foot. acr water park cost around 45 million. accord suburbanrails.com 10, 000 squar foot park rang $75,000 $500,000. $75k good park 1/2 million world class indoor skatepark. 1/2 million dollar park would everi element could imagin park...depend avail build size.."} {"id": "8301", "contents": "council want build dog park fy 2001-02 recommend adopt resolut would author manag use $14,000 homestead park project budget propos homestead park dog park. alternatively, council could modifi resolut specifi differ location."} {"id": "8302", "contents": "solutionseem simple-build dog park! publiccommitte formed, orkcboard member volunt serv onbehalf dog community.whil citi tallahasse wasrecept idea, clear littlecould done without fund fencing,pooper-scoopers, like. pleas refer \u201cdog park design\u201d page 15for addit recommendations. creat budget. determin much cost construct maintainth park cost grass, fences, garbag removal, lawn maintenance, drinkingwater, field drainage, lighting, benches, pooper-scoop station."} {"id": "8303", "contents": "thought dog park design. result 10 year watch play dog 10 dog park middl san francisco peninsula land dog park limited. origin submit offici work new dog park san mateo, ca new seal point park san francisco bay. separ larg dog area small dog area: import design park small larg dog section plan center activ big dog area remov littl dog area."} {"id": "8304", "contents": "rep. ralph hall, r-texas, left, chat nasa administr charl bolden white hous scienc director john holdren. (photo: chip somodevilla, getti images). oldest member congress want anoth term see anoth republican get elect white hous 2016. rep. ralph hall, r-texas, turn 90 last week, recent announc run 18th term 2014 repres northeast texas. rep. hall, oldest member congress, run again. oldest member congress want anoth term -- want see anoth republican elect president. rep. ralph hall, r-texas, 90-year-old dean congress, recent announc run an. post facebook"} {"id": "8305", "contents": "5. photos: oldest u.s. member congress. oldest member u.s. congress democrat rep. john conyers, 85, third-oldest member congress, win first elect 50 year ago. 5. photos: oldest u.s. member congress. oldest member u.s. congress rep. john dingel one oldest member congress 87, also longest serving. start 1955, 58 year ago."} {"id": "8306", "contents": "dingel own titl dean hous repres sinc 1995, given longest continu servic current member. michigan democrat, born juli 8, 1926, oldest member congress. honor goe rep. ralph hall, three year older dingell. email. rep. john dingell, serv 30th term hous representatives, pois break record next week longest-serv member histori u.s. congress. next friday, june 7, dingel eclips late sen. robert byrd, serv 57 years, 177 days."} {"id": "8307", "contents": "christma day, north texa congressman becam oldest person ever serv u.s. house, surpass record north carolina rep. charl manli stedman, die offic 1930 age 89 years, month 25 days. oldest hous member ever. share facebook share twitter. ralph hall elect u.s. hous 1980 age 57, alreadi serv navi world war ii, built success busi career serv texas\u2019 state govern mani years."} {"id": "8308", "contents": "longest-serv repres serv house: 59 year service, repres john dingell, jr. michigan, hold record longest consecut service. longest-serv speaker house: sam rayburn texa serv speaker total 17 years, two months, two days. oldest person record serv house: born 1923, repres ralph hall texa oldest person serv house. hall retir 2015, age 91. prior 2012, repres charl manli stedman north carolina, die offic septemb 23, 1930, age 89 years, months, 25 day held designation."} {"id": "8309", "contents": "dingell' departur end current term earli januari give titl longest-serv activ member congress anoth michigan lawmaker: rep. john conyers, democrat former hous judiciari committe chairman hous sinc 1965. washington rep. john dingell, michigan democrat longest-serv member congress ever, step year cap career unmatch longev influence."} {"id": "8310", "contents": "hall graduat rockwal high school eventu join navi world war ii. he\u2019 one two current u.s. hous member serv world war ii. 86-year-old john dingell, michigan democrat longest-serv member house. oldest hous member ever. share facebook share twitter. ralph hall elect u.s. hous 1980 age 57, alreadi serv navi world war ii, built success busi career serv texas\u2019 state govern mani years."} {"id": "8311", "contents": "gram carbs. determin number gram carb need day calcul 45 65 percent total calori intake, divid 4. example, eat 2,000-calori diet, shoot 225 325 gram carb per day; eat 2,500 calori day, aim 281 406 gram carbs. percent calories. accord institut medicine, children adult consum 45 65 percent calori intak carbohydrates, least 130 gram carb per day."} {"id": "8312", "contents": "gener rule, 10 percent 15 percent total calori come protein. so, consum 2,000 calori per day, least 200 come protein, 50 grams. tri eat around one gram protein per one kilogram bodi weight, around 0.4 gram per pound. easier way figur head take weight, divid half, subtract 10. consum 60 percent total calori carbohydr equat 1,200 calori day base 2,000 calori diet. easy-to-understand explan carbohydr impact human bodi degre need (or not) diet."} {"id": "8313", "contents": "accord usda dietari guidelin american 2010, 45 65 percent daili calor intak carbohydrates. follow 1,500-calori diet 675 975 calori carb -- 168 240 gram carbohydrate. 2,000-calori diet, would 900 1,300 calori 225 325 gram carbohydrate. eat 2,000 calori day, consum approxim 1/2 cup fruit 1/2 cup veget everi day. combin get least ounc whole grain daily, equival one 1-ounc slice whole-grain bread, 1/2 cup brown rice 1/2 cup oatmeal."} {"id": "8314", "contents": "normal get 45 65 percent calori carbohydrates, state dietari guidelin american 2010. stick 2,000-calori per day diet, you\u2019ll need 900 1,300 calori carbs, 225 325 gram daily. follow low-carb diet allow 50 gram per day, example, mean you\u2019ll get less 25 percent recommend amount. low-carb diet allow somewher around 50 150 gram carbohydr day, mayoclinic.com reports. sinc carbohydr offer calori per gram, amount minim 200 600 calori carbohydrates."} {"id": "8315", "contents": "daili recommendations. 45 65 percent calori come carbohydrates. equat 900 1,300 calori carbohydr 225 325 gram carbohydr day normal consum around 2,000 calories. adult avoid dip 130 gram carbohydr per day, small amount would need support basic bodi functions. accord weight-control inform network, eat fewer 130 gram carbohydr caus ketosis, build keton blood. athlet dip 250 gram carbohydr day strive get 50 60 percent daili calori carbohydrates, advis iowa state univers extension. equat gram carbohydr per pound bodi weight."} {"id": "8316", "contents": "carb grams/day range*: 259\u2013455 grams. carb grams/meal rang (3 meal per day): 86\u2013151 grams. *base 45%\u201365% calori carbohydrate. note: men 65 year age, moder larg stature, healthi weight, get lot exercis may need calori gram carbohydrate."} {"id": "8317", "contents": "mean women follow 1,200-calori weight loss diet need 135 195 gram carb day, women consum 1,600-calori diet need 180 260 grams, women follow 2,000-calori diet need 225 325 gram women consum 2,400 calori per day requir 270 390 gram carbohydr day. institut medicin encourag women consum least 130 gram carbohydr day. woman\u2019 individu carbohydr need base recommend calori requirements, weight manag goal physic activ level."} {"id": "8318", "contents": "carb grams/meal rang (3 meal per day): 60\u2013103 grams. *base 45%\u201365% calori carbohydrate. note: women 65 year age, moder larg stature, healthi weight, get lot exercis may need calori gram carbohydrate. carb grams/meal rang (3 meal per day): 86\u2013151 grams. *base 45%\u201365% calori carbohydrate. note:"} {"id": "8319", "contents": "dietari guidelin american recommend carbohydr make 45 65 percent total daili calories. so, get 2,000 calori day, 900 1,300 calori carbohydrates. translat 225 325 gram carbohydr day. find carbohydr content packag food nutrit fact label."} {"id": "8320", "contents": "routin visit health care provider, often ask give urin sampl testing. mani test done routinely, like check sugar (diabetes), bacteria (infection) blood. blood urin see call microscop hematuria.. blood visibl microscope. mani caus serious, may call care health care provider."} {"id": "8321", "contents": "blood urin (hematuria) origin site along urinari tract and, whether gross microscopic, may sign seriou underli disease, includ malignancy. literatur agre gross hematuria warrant thorough diagnost evaluation."} {"id": "8322", "contents": "hematuria, kidney part urinari tract allow blood cell leak urine. number problem caus leakage, including: urinari tract infections. urinari tract infect often occur bacteria enter bodi urethra begin multipli bladder. alport syndrome, affect filter membran glomeruli kidneys. kidney injury. blow injuri kidney accid contact sport caus blood urin see. medications."} {"id": "8323", "contents": "form kidney diseas (e.g. diabetes, immun diseas viral infection) may also caus blood seen urine. physic damag kidney accid contact sports, boxing, may also caus blood appear urine. bladder kidney stone may lead presenc blood urin due physic damag caus affect organ. inherit condit alport syndrom sickl cell anaemia also caus symptom hematuria. inflamm prostat may also lead hematuria. cancer bladder, prostat kidney may also caus presenc blood urine; however, usual occur cancer becom quit advanc difficult treat."} {"id": "8324", "contents": "caus gross microscop hematuria similar may result bleed anywher along urinari tract. one cannot readili distinguish blood origin kidneys, uret (the tube transport urin kidney bladder), bladder, urethra. degre blood urin fulli evalu physician, even resolv spontaneously. infect urine, (often call urinari tract infect uti) stem either kidney bladder, common caus microscop hematuria. urin natur steril contain bacteri"} {"id": "8325", "contents": "even bleed first discov urin test (urinalysis), like anoth test see urin still contain red blood cells. urinalysi also check urinari tract infect presenc miner caus kidney stones. sometimes, caus urinari bleed may found. case, doctor may recommend regular follow-up tests, especi risk factor bladder cancer, smoking, exposur environment toxin histori radiat therapy. prepar appointment. treatment drug"} {"id": "8326", "contents": "urin tests. even bleed first discov urin test (urinalysis), like anoth test see urin still contain red blood cells. urinalysi also check urinari tract infect presenc miner caus kidney stones. sometimes, caus urinari bleed may found. case, doctor may recommend regular follow-up tests, especi risk factor bladder cancer, smoking, exposur environment toxin histori radiat therapy. prepar appointment. treatment drug"} {"id": "8327", "contents": "additionally, access icon adapt trial innov centre, group world lead expert adapt design execution, provid leadership key areas: design, simul execut adapt trial across phase development. learn accur studi design phase increas success later stage development. get whitepap \u00bb. icon offer design, simul execut adapt clinic trials. cro offer knowledge, software, system global footprint make global adapt trial reality."} {"id": "8328", "contents": "rangefinder, display distanc object aim turn red distanc rang weapon attach to. also adapt chamber attach increas rate fire gun attach to! worri though, player still prefer desert cloth vehicl run map primarili desert set still use desert theme gear-which new id's. additionally, new tactic attach added."} {"id": "8329", "contents": "adapt thermogenesis: histor perspective. lack consider adapt thermogenesi clinic context come fact period 80 years, research fail clearli identifi signific role regul human bodi weight. minnesota studi figur among earli demonstr adapt decreas thermogenesi respons energi restriction. study, ee, bodi mass, bodi composit measur 32 men subject semi-starv (half energi needs) 24 weeks."} {"id": "8330", "contents": "conclud health profession awar vulner individuals, adapt thermogenesi multi-causal, capac compensate, least partly, prescrib energi deficit, possibl go beyond good complianc patients. minnesota studi figur among earli demonstr adapt decreas thermogenesi respons energi restriction. study, ee, bodi mass, bodi composit measur 32 men subject semi-starv (half energi needs) 24 weeks."} {"id": "8331", "contents": "philip offer full line respiratori drug deliveri product design sturdi easi use. help empow patient independ monitor respiratori condit effect take medication. asthmacheck peak flow meter three-zon manag help complianc comfort mouthpiec design increas complianc sturdy, durabl construct peac mind easy-grip handl accur read view product."} {"id": "8332", "contents": "chamber heart, singl ventricl pump heart, mix fresh old blood. ventricle-4 chamber heart prevent mix allow blood leav heart far oxygen would otherwise. like cylind engin put lot horsepow cylinder, chamber (2 pairs) heart much power suppli bodi energi oxygen-rich blood chamber (1 ventricle) heart. huge advantag chamber heart."} {"id": "8333", "contents": "cvac mission. cvac systems, inc. creator cvac (cyclic variat adapt conditioning), patent fit modality. pioneer process support cellular conditioning, cvac solut overal well-b condit de-condit individu repres activ levels. cvac session, air drawn cvac pod, creat low-pressur environment, make air thinner cooler. fresh, filter air dynam return cvac pod; vari densiti air."} {"id": "8334", "contents": "adapt chamber rare tactic attach found militari locations. attach fulli automat weapon increas rate fire tick. default toggl button 'b'."} {"id": "8335", "contents": "\u2193expand\u2193. week' updat contain lot awesom additions. primarily, militari gear shift desert theme fit forest theme. worri though, player still prefer desert cloth vehicl run map primarili desert set still use desert theme gear-which new id's. additionally, new tactic attach added."} {"id": "8336", "contents": "salmon, except kipper salmon, cold smoked. slow exact process fish care infus secret blend wood essenc special oven temperatur never rise 83 degre fahrenheit. tradit process creat silki smoke salmon. kipper salmon. also call bake salmon, kipper salmon appet classic. special hot-smok process impart incred moist textur rich flavor. tri kipper salmon along cold-smok salmon two total different, though equal delicious, experiences. $33.00/lb"} {"id": "8337", "contents": "qt water. 1/4 oz applewood smoke salt. oz sugar. tsp crack black peppercorns. 1/2 lb top-quality, fatti salmon fillet, thick part (about 1/2\u2033 thick), skin on. process water, smoke salt, sugar peppercorn blender salt dissolved. place salmon fillet bake pan, place bake pan larger one fill water. cook 200 oven hours, let cool. wipe coagul white protein paper towels, refrigerate."} {"id": "8338", "contents": "kipper salmon tradit prepar use hot-smok process, result flaky, juici piec fish similar bake salmon, smoki flavor. propos urban version. place salmon fillet bake pan, place bake pan larger one fill water. cook 200 oven hours, let cool. wipe coagul white protein paper towels, refrigerate."} {"id": "8339", "contents": "hot-smok salmon cook process smoking, wherea cold-smok salmon (like lox) cold-smoked, product never exceed 85\u00b0 f. hot-smok accomplish two ends: (1) flavor preserv fish smoke, (2) cook flesh denatured, opaque."} {"id": "8340", "contents": "kipper salmon smoke higher temperatur smoke salmon, around 180 (82 c.). hot smoke make salmon flaki tast cooked. also call hot smoke salmon, refer temperature. eaten sold, cook done."} {"id": "8341", "contents": "kipper split herring. kipper whole herring, small, oili fish, split butterfli fashion tail head along dorsal ridge, gutted, salt pickled, cold-smok smoulder woodchip (typic oak)."} {"id": "8342", "contents": "kipper usual refer style food prepar involv herring, salmon fish. case peopl refer herring, small oil fish. kipper fish go hurt you. howev salmon her prepar way suscept listeria, would devast baby. kipper salmon her left dri vulner listeria salmon her kipper smoke."} {"id": "8343", "contents": "salmon fillet (about lbs. each). tsp. salt. pepper taste. tbsp. plu tsp. brown sugar. tbsp. liquid smoke. place fillet skin side down, side side, greas shallow bake pan. sprinkl salt, pepper brown sugar; drizzl liquid smoke. cover refriger 4-8 hours. drain liquid."} {"id": "8344", "contents": "pre-pack kipper salmon (12014). acme\u2019 hot smoke salmon burst rich flavor steep tradition. atlant kipper salmon, also known bake salmon, ideal portion center plate perfect complement recipe. find product store near you."} {"id": "8345", "contents": "twitchel reservoir vacat resort properties. twitchel reservoir southern san lui obispo county, california provid flood control use replenish ground water. water level often low. dam reservoir open public. cachuma reservoir, form bradburi dam, offer prime recreat opportun south central coast area california. cachuma project locat santa ynez valley, area provid aesthet view santa ynez mountains. recreat area adjac lo padr nation forest."} {"id": "8346", "contents": "downstream cuyama valley river enter twitchel reservoir, flow anoth mile (9.7 km) confluenc sisquoc river. join stream call santa maria river, flow 20 mile (32 km) pacif ocean. 66 mile (106 km) sourc river reach twitchel reservoir, form twitchel dam. dam provid flood control allow water releas gradually, much possibl seep soil recharg groundwat aquifer."} {"id": "8347", "contents": "sinc completion, twitchel reservoir trap sediment 1,140 squar mile cuyama river watershed. origin studi estim 40,000 af sediment would accumul reservoir first one hundr year operation. project complet 1959 cost approxim $11 million dollars, 30% less origin estimate. name eventu chang twitchel dam reservoir honor mr. t.a. twitchel santa maria, instrument bring project. twitchel reservoir oper maintain santa maria valley water conserv district. twitchel reservoir import water suppli flood protect santa maria valley. reservoir suppli 20,000 af recharg santa maria groundwat basin annual"} {"id": "8348", "contents": "twitchel dam cuyama river mile upstream junction sisquoc river. multiple-purpos twitchel reservoir total capac 224,300 acre-feet. store floodwat cuyama river, releas need recharg ground-wat basin prevent salt water intrusion. construct period, name vaquero dam reservoir chang twitchel dam reservoir effort santa maria valley water conserv district board supervisor santa barbara county, concurr board geograph name reclamation."} {"id": "8349", "contents": "edit info. welcom fishingnotes.com twitchel reservoir fish report page. find inform need make best decis today' fishing. current weather includ air temperature, barometr pressure, wind speed direct continu updat throughout day. twitchel reservoir water temperatur one vital statist includ page. also includ moon phase full new moon gener better fish times. help choos time hit water daili sunris sunset time plu moon rise moon set times."} {"id": "8350", "contents": "reclam construct twitchel dam reservoir, formerli call vaquero dam reservoir, u.s. armi corp engin construct system river levees. cuyama river, princip tributari alamo creek huasna river, main sourc water project. construct period, name vaquero dam reservoir chang twitchel dam reservoir effort santa maria valley water conserv district board supervisor santa barbara county, concurr board geograph name reclamation."} {"id": "8351", "contents": "twitchel project manual page 20 59 twitchel dam reservoir design protect santa maria valley flood drought. dam catch excess rain runoff cuyama, huasna alamo watersh store reservoir protect valley flood."} {"id": "8352", "contents": "mani santa barbara counti residents, twitchel dam county\u2019 forgotten dam. dam list recreat one benefits, twitchel work person\u2019 dam. cuyama river approxim six mile east santa maria, twitchel dam reservoir provid water conserv flood control. unlik cachuma lake south, recreat usage. fishermen."} {"id": "8353", "contents": "risk heart disease, diabetes, stroke increas number metabol risk factor have. general, person metabol syndrom twice like develop heart diseas five time like develop diabet someon metabol syndrome."} {"id": "8354", "contents": "metabol (met-ah-bol-ik) syndrom name group risk factor rais risk heart diseas health problems, diabet stroke. term metabol refer biochem process involv body' normal functioning."} {"id": "8355", "contents": "diabet (diabet mellitus) class metabol disorder. metabol refer way bodi use digest food energi growth. eat broken glucose. glucos form sugar blood-it princip sourc fuel bodies."} {"id": "8356", "contents": "metabol syndrom condit group risk factor cardiovascular diseas (heart diseas stroke) type diabet occur together. although univers accept definition, health profession would includ follow princip components."} {"id": "8357", "contents": "step take reduc risk (or severity) metabol syndrom include: (i) increas activ level 'diabet epidemic' sweep western world, increasingli affect affluent group develop nation parallel obes epidem began decad earlier."} {"id": "8358", "contents": "risk metabol syndrom close link overweight obes lack physic activity. insulin resist also may increas risk metabol syndrome. insulin resist condit bodi can't use insulin properly."} {"id": "8359", "contents": "metabol syndrom condit group risk factor cardiovascular diseas (heart diseas stroke) type diabet occur together."} {"id": "8360", "contents": "prediabet condit preced onset type diabetes. character blood glucos level elevated, though high enough classifi diabetes. doctor usual refer prediabet impair glucos toler impair fast glucose."} {"id": "8361", "contents": "first foremost, undergo treatment compon metabol syndrom (or actual diseas associ it, diabet heart disease) essenti follow advic profession health carer(s)."} {"id": "8362", "contents": "physic activ assist reduc risk (or severity) metabol syndrome, independ effect bodi weight. mean even troubl lose weight, increas physic activ level help reduc risk develop heart diseas type diabetes."} {"id": "8363", "contents": "rowan atkinson play mr. bean bean films-bean-th ultim disast movi mr. bean' holiday. 2003, play titl role johnni english, big success. atkinson said appear mr. bean' holiday may last see mister."} {"id": "8364", "contents": "rowan sebastian atkinson born january, 1955, consett, co. durham, uk, ella may (bainbridge) eric atkinson. father own farm, rowan grew two older brothers, rupert rodney."} {"id": "8365", "contents": "biography. rowan sebastian atkinson born januari 1955 british comedian, actor writer, famou work sitcom blackadder, thin blue line, mr. bean voiceov work walt disney' lion king."} {"id": "8366", "contents": "rowan atkinson (born 06.01.1955) rowan atkinson english actor comedian famou star sitcom 'mr. bean' 'blackadder'. childhood: rowan atkinson born consett, counti durham, england. parent ella may eric atkinson compani director farmer."} {"id": "8367", "contents": "rowan atkinson. 132 page wiki. rowan sebastian atkinson (born januari 1955) english comedian, actor writer, famou work classic sitcom blackadder, thin blue line and, mr. bean well voice-ov zazu lion king."} {"id": "8368", "contents": "comic actor writer rowan sebastian atkinson born januari 6, 1955, newcastl upon tyne, tyne wear, england. rowan atkinson famou role classic sitcoms, includ blackadd mr. bean."} {"id": "8369", "contents": "coupl two children, benjamin alexand sebastian (born 1993) lili grace atkinson (born 1995), live england northamptonshir villag apethorpe, well oxfordshir villag waterperri london."} {"id": "8370", "contents": "mr. bean charact play comedian rowan atkinson. rowan atkinson marri sunetra sastri 1990, children. charact mr. bean, far observe, appear married."} {"id": "8371", "contents": "rowan atkinson angu deayton boston live perform style humor we'v seen mr. bean blackadder. includ lesson shakespearean acting, school headmast meet father boy he' beaten death, tip success date."} {"id": "8372", "contents": "rowan sebastian atkinson born januari 1955, consett, counti durham, england. parent eric atkinson, farmer compani director, wife ella may, marri 29 june 1945."} {"id": "8373", "contents": "sridhar rao p.n (www.microrao.com) autoclave: steril effect achiev temperatur 100 use autoclave. water boil 100 atmospher pressure, pressur raised, temperatur water boil also increases."} {"id": "8374", "contents": "disinfect antisept often work slowli viruses, hepat viruses, bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis, especi bacteri endospores, usual unreli steril (the destruct life forms). copper sulfat use combat fungal diseas plant also common algicide. selinium sulfid kill fungi spores. 6) chlorin chlorin ga act denatur microbi enzymes. chlorin use chlorin drink water, swim pools, sewage."} {"id": "8375", "contents": "steril process must monitor ensur safeti worker perform sterilization. chemic use disinfection. reusabl devic (such use hospitals) chemic often use repeat disinfect use (disinfect differ process sterilization). chemical(s) procedur use must validated. case import perform clean disinfect validation. consider chemic sterilization. primari concern use chemic steril ensur item steril compat sterilant. steril chemic damag certain materials; may wish consult materi manufactur information."} {"id": "8376", "contents": "1. defin follow terms: sterilization, disinfection, decontamination, disinfectant, antiseptic, sanitizer. 2. state chemic agent usual unreli sterilization. 3. list five factor may influenc antimicrobi action disinfectants, antiseptics, sanitizers. larg number chemic agent common use. common group list below: 1. phenol phenol deriv phenol (5-10%) first disinfect commonli used. however, toxic odor, phenol deriv (phenolics) gener used."} {"id": "8377", "contents": "steril distinct disinfection, sanitization, pasteur steril kills, deactivates, elimin form life biolog agents. dri heat first method sterilization, longer process moist heat sterilization. destruct microorgan use dri heat gradual phenomenon. longer exposur lethal temperatures, number kill microorgan increases."} {"id": "8378", "contents": "like steril systems, steam cycl monitor mechanical, chemical, biolog monitors. steam steril usual monitor use printout (or graphically) measur temperature, time temperature, pressure. overview. method avail sterilization, moist heat form satur steam pressur wide use dependable. steam steril nontoxic, inexpens 826, rapidli microbicidal, sporicidal, rapidli heat penetr fabric (tabl 6) 827."} {"id": "8379", "contents": "four main way item sterilized: autoclav (bi use high-pressur steam), dri heat (in oven), use chemic steril glutaraldehyd formaldehyd solut radiat (with help physic agents). steril process intend kill microorgan highest level microbi kill possible. steril may heat only, steam, liquid chemical. effectiv steril (e.g., steam autoclave) determin three ways."} {"id": "8380", "contents": "1) defin follow terms: sterilization, disinfection, decontamination, disinfectant, antiseptic, sanitizer. 2) state chemic agent usual unreli sterilization. 3) describ two mode action disinfectants, antiseptics, sanitizers, i.e., harm microorganisms. 4) name two chemic agent reliabl sterilization. copper sulfat use combat fungal diseas plant also common algicide. selinium sulfid kill fungi spores. 6) chlorin chlorin ga act denatur microbi enzymes. chlorin use chlorin drink water, swim pools, sewage."} {"id": "8381", "contents": "job salari info bachelor degre nutrition. undergradu degre nutrit prepar individu career health food industries. continu read overview bachelor' degre program nutrition, well career salari info career option graduates. view 10 popular school \u00bb."} {"id": "8382", "contents": "fit trainers. exercis scienc major could becom fit trainer averag $17.38 per hour $36,150 per year may 2011 accord bureau labor statistics. however, salari could fall mean $8.33 per hour $17,340 per year, rise beyond $31.34 per hour $65,180 per year."} {"id": "8383", "contents": "bachelor' degre requir positions, undergradu degre nutrit prepar individu career food industry. peopl career use food, health nutrit knowledg help test products, assist consum manag food operations. undergradu degre nutrit prepar individu career health food industries. continu read overview bachelor' degre program nutrition, well career salari info career option graduates. view 10 popular school \u00bb."} {"id": "8384", "contents": "nutritionist salari breakdown. nutritionist employ gener medic surgic hospitals, 18,320 -- nearli 33 percent -- averag $55,240 industry, accord bls. highest pay industri food specialist consulting, averag salari $72,580. california state nutritionist dietari specialists, 6,000 worker averag $66,690 yearly. highest pay found maryland, averag annual salari $77,400. food scientist averag salary. bl report averag annual salari 12,040 food scientist $64,170, $30.85 hour. best paid 10 percent earn six figures, $105,080 year, $50.52 hour."} {"id": "8385", "contents": "salari region. accord bls, maryland highest-pay state nutritionist dietitians, offer worker mean annual salari $82,650 may 2012. u.s. bureau labor statist (bls) report mean yearli wage nutritionist dietitian $56,170 may 2012 (www.bls.gov). 10th percentil worker earn $34,500 annual less may 2012, 90th percentil earn $77,590 annual more."} {"id": "8386", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), nutritionist dietitian 2014 median yearli salari $56,950. profession earn $35,040 $79,840 per year. undergradu degre nutrit prepar individu career health food industries. continu read overview bachelor' degre program nutrition, well career salari info career option graduates. view 10 popular school \u00bb."} {"id": "8387", "contents": "nutritionist averag salary. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, 56,130 dietitian nutritionist work nationwid may 2011. worker earn averag annual wage $55,460, $26.66 hour. food scientist averag salary. bl report averag annual salari 12,040 food scientist $64,170, $30.85 hour. best paid 10 percent earn six figures, $105,080 year, $50.52 hour."} {"id": "8388", "contents": "averag salari wage nutritionists. accord unit state bureau labor statistics, may 2013, averag annual salari nutritionist $56,300. hand, non-salari nutritionist earn averag hourli wage $27.07 year."} {"id": "8389", "contents": "$34,750. median annual wage dietitian nutritionist $55,240 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $34,500, top 10 percent earn $77,590."} {"id": "8390", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, dietitian made averag $53,230 may 2009. technic scientif consult industry, dietitian made averag salari $75,100 (www.bls.gov). health educator, make upward $79,000 like make around averag salari $49,060 (www.bls.gov). find learn, might work much earn degre field study. school offer fit nutrit degre also found popular choices."} {"id": "8391", "contents": "perhap look job titl behavior modif counselor technician social servic assist allow experi counsel field get license."} {"id": "8392", "contents": "differ social servic counselor job seri presenc recognit licens profession counselor-intern marriag famili therapy... day ago-sav job-email-more... view louisiana state govern job leesville, la-leesvil jobs. licens profession mental health counselor. he/sh independ licens provid consult guidanc colleagues, role-model effect social work practice, develop innov"} {"id": "8393", "contents": "someon may board-approv supervisor counselor interns, mean may supervis counselor intern. order compli current law board rules, lpc-supervisor must approv board board-approv lpc- counselor intern wish supervise. chang address need made write board. accept letter, e-mail, fax. must indic letter whether chang regard home and/or work address. also, pleas note address wish publish lpc board' website."} {"id": "8394", "contents": "licens profession counselor (lpc) design counsel profession who'v satisfi certain requirements. specif titl differ state, counselor recogn certif known licens mental health counselor (lmhc) permit practic professionally."} {"id": "8395", "contents": "mississippi board examin licens profession counselor purpos provid regul practic counsel well use titl licens profession counselor ensur protect public heath, safeti welfar citizen state mississippi."} {"id": "8396", "contents": "instructions. earn profession degree. get licens lpc, need earn degre counsel master' doctor level accredit university. addit coursework counsel method human behavior, degre also involv internship. texas, example, licens issu five years. check state' board mental health profession determin long temporari licens last. complet supervis practice. receiv temporari license, begin"} {"id": "8397", "contents": "soon receiv lpc certificate, it\u2019 time put use. find job stimul mental let fulfil dream led choos degree. licens profession counselor must master\u2019 degre doctorate, career option wide open new certificate-holder."} {"id": "8398", "contents": "submit packet texa state board examin profession counselors, need appli take nce pass exam. applic found nbcc.org. click texas, print, fill application. send along check $185, offici seal transcript. here\u2019 process graduat obtain lpc-intern licens texa (thi say won\u2019t chang begin 2011 path led get lpc-intern licens \u2026. graduat appli take nce. transcript must say \u201cgraduated\u201d."} {"id": "8399", "contents": "legal practic cours (lpc) also known postgradu diploma legal practic final vocat stage becom solicitor england wales. cours design provid bridg academ studi train law firm. uncommon law firm provid sponsorship lpc student part job offer. gener sponsorship offer wealthi commerci practices, although limit number legal aid sponsorship packag (fund law societi england wales) exist."} {"id": "8400", "contents": "get temporari license. states, receiv temporari lpc licens meet educ requir pass requir exams. usual cannot renew license. texas, example, licens issu five years. check state' board mental health profession determin long temporari licens last. complet supervis practice. receiv temporari license, begin supervis practice."} {"id": "8401", "contents": "history. freetown' cotton tree. european contact sierra leon among first west africa. 1652, first slave north america brought sierra leon sea island coast southern unit states."} {"id": "8402", "contents": "basic fact freetown. freetown capit sierra leon west africa one million resid live there. freetown found 1780' home freed slave north america caribbea"} {"id": "8403", "contents": "freetown capit largest citi sierra leone. major port citi atlant ocean locat western area country. freetown sierra leone' major urban, economic, financial, cultural, educ polit centre. sierra leone' hous parliament state house, princip workplac presid sierra leone, tower hill central freetown. nation stadium, home stadium sierra leon nation footbal team (popularli known leon stars) brookfield neighborhood."} {"id": "8404", "contents": "read close capit freetown freetown capit largest citi sierra leone. major port citi atlant ocean locat western area countri popul 1,070,200 [3] [4]. citi econom financi center sierra leone. kenema third largest citi sierra leon (after capit freetown bo) largest citi [[eastern province, sierra leone|eastern province, popul 128,402 2004 census, 2006 estim 164,125."} {"id": "8405", "contents": "freetown home fourah bay college, oldest univers west africa, found 1827. univers play key role sierra leone\u2019 coloni history. college\u2019 first student, samuel ajayi crowther, went name first indigen bishop west africa. sierra leone' hous parliament state house, princip workplac presid sierra leone, tower hill central freetown. nation stadium, home stadium sierra leon nation footbal team (popularli known leon stars) brookfield neighborhood."} {"id": "8406", "contents": "freetown econom financi centr sierra leone. country' state televis radio station, sierra leon broadcast corporation, primarili base freetown. region headquart country' primari citi bo, kailahun, kenema, koidu town, magburaka makeni. sierra leone' hous parliament state house, princip workplac presid sierra leone, tower hill central freetown. nation stadium, home stadium sierra leon nation footbal team (popularli known leon stars) brookfield neighborhood."} {"id": "8407", "contents": "freetown. freetown capit largest citi sierra leone. major port citi atlant ocean locat western area countri popul 1,070,200 [3] [4]. citi econom financi center sierra leone. kenema third largest citi sierra leon (after capit freetown bo) largest citi [[eastern province, sierra leone|eastern province, popul 128,402 2004 census, 2006 estim 164,125."} {"id": "8408", "contents": "sierra leon (/s\u026a\u02c8\u025b\u0259r\u0259 l\u026a\u02c8o\u028ani, -l\u026a\u02c8o\u028an/), offici republ sierra leone, countri west africa. border guinea north-east, liberia south-east, atlant ocean south-west. sierra leon tropic climate, divers environ rang savannah rainforests. sierra leon total area 71,740 km (27,699 sq mi) estim popul million (2011 unit nation estimate). freetown capital, largest city, econom polit centre."} {"id": "8409", "contents": "sierra leon member mani intern organisations, includ unit nations, african union, econom commun west african state (ecowas), mano river union, commonwealth nations, african develop bank, organis islam cooperation.ierra leon tropic climate, divers environ rang savannah rainforests. sierra leon total area 71,740 km (27,699 sq mi) estim popul million (2011 unit nation estimate). freetown capital, largest city, econom polit centre."} {"id": "8410", "contents": "sierra leon travel warning. u.s. depart state warn u.s. citizen non-essenti travel sierra leone. u.s. depart state alreadi order departur famili member resid embassi staff freetown begin august 14, 2014."} {"id": "8411", "contents": "toner help elimin oil shine, help prevent breakouts, keep pore get clogged, therebi make appear smaller. use toner cleans moisturize. skin hardy, appli toner everi day minim appear pore reduc excess shine. method 3: use makeup conceal larger pores. 1. forget use primer underneath makeup. prime skin accept final layer makeup, makeup tend look smoother even."} {"id": "8412", "contents": "age-old idea shrink pores\u2014us anyth splash ice-cold water egg-whit mask\u2014i fantast one. sadly, it\u2019 also fantasy: \u201cpore size genet determined,\u201d say debra jaliman, dermatologist new york city, can\u2019t make pore physic smaller. certain extent, accept given. thing minim appear pores."} {"id": "8413", "contents": "make face skin pore smaller. main reason appear larg pore face excess product oil sebac glands. first thing advis visit dermatologist encount skin problems."} {"id": "8414", "contents": "#1 keep face clean pore look larger notic they\u2019r clog dirt oil. grit grime actual stretch out. use cleanser contain 0.5 percent salicyl acid, leav minut let activ ingredi get work wash off. course, mark! tip appli men too. exfoliating, keep face clean, use bi-weekli clay mask soak dirt impur make pore look bigger import step take. regular facial also wonders-profession realli get get pore squeaki clean"} {"id": "8415", "contents": "enlarg pore fact life like breakup taxes. fact life mean can't someth it. technic possibl perman reduc size pores, make look smaller appear tip tricks. read want pore shrink fright! method 3: use makeup conceal larger pores. 1. forget use primer underneath makeup. prime skin accept final layer makeup, makeup tend look smoother even."} {"id": "8416", "contents": "choos matt formula product keep skin appear smooth. make facial pore appear smaller get gorgeou flawless makeup finish top tips. know make pore smaller use makeup, let us know you\u2019ll tri tips. ever tri makeup tip make pore appear smaller? yes, feel free share tip comment below."} {"id": "8417", "contents": "pore size skin genet determin easi make appear physic smaller. order shrink pores, age-old natur tip used, splash ice cold water face appli egg-whit mask. know make pore smaller use makeup, let us know you\u2019ll tri tips. ever tri makeup tip make pore appear smaller? yes, feel free share tip comment below."} {"id": "8418", "contents": "clay mask tend strip skin oil water, temporarili make appear pore smaller. look clay mask contain bentonit kaolin clay. clay mask over-dri face use often. method 3: use makeup conceal larger pores. 1. forget use primer underneath makeup. prime skin accept final layer makeup, makeup tend look smoother even."} {"id": "8419", "contents": "getty. 1. vacuum-clean skin. larg pore excess oil go hand hand. sebum get stuck pores, caus inflamm physic expand pore, say nyc dermatologist adam geyer. easi way suck oil: charcoal face wash (like biore\u0301's, here)."} {"id": "8420", "contents": "16 ribosom rna (or 16 rrna) compon 30 small subunit prokaryot ribosomes. gene code refer 16 rdna use reconstruct phylogenies, due slow rate evolut region gene."} {"id": "8421", "contents": "molecular biology, ribosom ribonucl acid (rrna) rna compon ribosome, essenti protein synthesi live organisms. constitut predomin materi within ribosome, approxim 60% rrna 40% protein weight. ribosom rna characterist import medicin evolution. rrna target sever clinic relev antibiotics: chloramphenicol, erythromycin, kasugamycin, micrococcin, paromomycin, ricin, sarcin, spectinomycin, streptomycin, thiostrepton."} {"id": "8422", "contents": "trna (transfer rna) type rna deliv amino acid ribosom translat order specifi mrna. rrna (ribosom rna) type rna becom part ribosomes. mrna (messeng rna) type rna carri protein-build information. trna (transfer rna) type rna deliv amino acid ribosom translat order specifi mrna."} {"id": "8423", "contents": "mrna (messeng rna) type rna carri protein-build informationtrna (transfer rna) type rna deliv amino acid ribosom tran lation order specifi mrnarrna (ribosom rna) type rna becom part ribosomes. ribosom rna rrna main constitu ribosomes. perform peptidyl transferas function combin amino acid togeth via peptid bonds. edit. share to: answered."} {"id": "8424", "contents": "begin, ribonucl acid (rna) group larg molecul mani differ roles. especi import coding, decoding, regulation, express genes. name implies, ribosom rna (rrna) part ribosome. ribosom protein builder cell. rest ribosom made proteins. addition, two rrna ribosome, one larg subunit one small subunit. rna polymeras protein make copi dna. ribosom rna (rrna) part ribosome, protein builder cell. ribosom respons translat process cell use make proteins. rrna respons read order amino acid link amino acid together. highli complex sequenc"} {"id": "8425", "contents": "rrna molecular compon ribosomes, essenti protein processes. make polypetid (assembl amino acids) go make proteins. site chemic reaction chang genet inform begin protein. rrna made subunits, larger subunit anoth larger subunit."} {"id": "8426", "contents": "rrna: ribosom rna, molecular compon ribosome, cell' essenti protein factory. strictli speaking, ribosom rna (rrna) make proteins. make polypeptid (assembl amino acids) go make proteins."} {"id": "8427", "contents": "polysaccharid abund carbohydrates. polysaccharid molecul contain thousand glucos units. highli complex carbohydr includ starches, cellulose, glycogen. starch usual form carbohydr store energi plants. plant split starch simpler glucos unit use energi needed."} {"id": "8428", "contents": "carbohydr energi storag molecul anim glycogen. glycogen substanc deposit bodili tissu store carbohydrates."} {"id": "8429", "contents": "carbohydr contain three major categori molecules: monosaccharid (or simpl sugars), disaccharides, polysaccharides. 1. monosaccharides: group, also known simpl sugars, simplest carbohydr form."} {"id": "8430", "contents": "storag form carbohydr anim call glycogen. multibranch polysaccharide. quick-energi form carbohydr found anim glucose. gluc ose simpl monosaccharid formula c6h12o6."} {"id": "8431", "contents": "storag form glucos plant starch. starch polysaccharide. leav plant make sugar process photosynthesis. photosynthesi occur light (photo light), sun shining. energi sunlight use make energi plant."} {"id": "8432", "contents": "reconstruction: johnson' plan-johnson' plan lincoln' successor, andrew johnson, first pleas radic ..."} {"id": "8433", "contents": "andrew johnson reconstruct plan. seced state began complianc presid program. congress session, immedi object quarter. however, congress reconven decemb refus seat southern representatives."} {"id": "8434", "contents": "andrew johnson' plan reconstruct offer pardon amnesti particip rebellion pledg loyalti union. andrew johnson succeed abraham lin coln president."} {"id": "8435", "contents": "loom showdown lincoln congress compet reconstruct plan never occurred. presid assassin april 14, 1865. successor, andrew johnson tennessee, lack predecessor skill handl people; skill would badli missed."} {"id": "8436", "contents": "believ basic carri lincoln' plan reconstruction, johnson, may 29, 1865, presidenti proclamation, grant amnesti pardon person directli indirectli particip rebellion, wide rang exceptions."} {"id": "8437", "contents": "johnson, andrew. congress repudi johnson' plan reconstruction, johnson sought destroy congress' plan well. congress reli secretari war stanton carri policies. johnson decid derail congression ... andrew johnson."} {"id": "8438", "contents": "best answer: loom showdown lincoln congress compet reconstruct plan never occurred. presid assassin april 14, 1865. successor, andrew johnson tennessee, lack predecessor\u2019 skill handl people; skill would badli missed."} {"id": "8439", "contents": "reconstruction: johnson' plan-johnson' plan lincoln' successor, andrew johnson, first pleas radic ... calculator."} {"id": "8440", "contents": "2) almond milk heart healthy. unlik cow' milk, almond milk contain cholesterol satur fats, damag cardiovascular system. almond milk also high omega-3 fatti acid help lower level bad ldl cholesterol protect heart. also enjoy benefit ad omega-3 fatti acid diet, improv cognit function. pro con almond milk. almond milk beverag commonli use milk substitute. almond milk use milk substitut sinc middl ages, peopl prefer fresh cow' milk long shelf life. however, may right everyone. pro con almond milk"} {"id": "8441", "contents": "it\u2019 opened, stay fine 2-3 weeks, you\u2019ll store properly. almond milk expos room temperatur extend period time (like 24 hours) it\u2019ll probabl go bad, alway rememb store pantri (when it\u2019 unopened), fridg (when it\u2019 opened). still check it\u2019 fine. open contain almond milk usual fine week two, store properly. lot peopl state, fine week opened. also awar fact, almond milk goe bad quickli it\u2019 expos room temperature."} {"id": "8442", "contents": "contain almond milk opened, it\u2019 whole new ball game. milk refriger opened, period. contain opened, bacteria get insid contain (and milk, course) know bacteria develop realli fast room temperature. still check it\u2019 fine. open contain almond milk usual fine week two, store properly. lot peopl state, fine week opened. also awar fact, almond milk goe bad quickli it\u2019 expos room temperature."} {"id": "8443", "contents": "tell almond milk bad. milk carton still unopened, make sure carton isn\u2019t unnatur bloated. is, liquid probabl spoiled. examin almond milk look color smell chang first. shelf life almond milk. long almond milk unopened, \u201cbest by\u201d date label best indic long fine (approximately). cours milk won\u2019t go bad day two mention date. store properly, case fine least week more."} {"id": "8444", "contents": "almond milk plant-bas altern tradit dairi milk. almond milk made toast grind almond blend filter water. vitamin miner naturally-occur within almond added. artifici color flavor added. almond milk safe milk option peopl food allergi intoler immun respons certain food proteins. almond milk contain dairy, lactose, soy, eggs, cholesterol, gluten, msg, casein whey (milk proteins)."} {"id": "8445", "contents": "compar tradit dairi milk, almond milk fall short protein (unless protein-fortifi version). one cup almond milk gram protein compar gram cup cow' milk. almond milk safe milk option peopl food allergi intoler immun respons certain food proteins. almond milk contain dairy, lactose, soy, eggs, cholesterol, gluten, msg, casein whey (milk proteins)."} {"id": "8446", "contents": "alway buy almond milk like drink cow milk. almond tastier milk tri sinc becam vegetrian. anyway look someth like white film. almond milk great cereal can't eat regular basi without damag thyroid. even milk form,almond still nut requir substanti input thyroid process."} {"id": "8447", "contents": "fortifi almond milk contain much calcium vitamin dairi milk. also rich vitamin minerals, includ potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin e, copper selenium. milk natur low satur fat dietari cholesterol. almond milk contribut fewer calori diet non-dairi alternatives, well whole percent milk. 8-oz. serv almond milk contain 60 calories, milk rang 90 130 calori per serving."} {"id": "8448", "contents": "jim y. marietta, ga. nissan, sv appar intern code one two step base model.. sv model nissan' lineup step version price standard equipment, model typic lowest second-lowest price versions."} {"id": "8449", "contents": "see play redesign 2013 nissan altima, come base 2.5 (denot engin size liters), s, sv sl trim (or price) levels."} {"id": "8450", "contents": "nissan model follow similar pattern, though differences. example, pathfind murano come s, sv sl trim levels; pathfind add top-shelf platinum model; murano le version most-expens offering."} {"id": "8451", "contents": "2015 nissan altima sedan seat five come seven trims, rang base 2.5 top-of-the-lin 3.5 sl. altima come standard 2.5-liter four-cylind engine, continu variabl transmiss front-wheel drive. 3.5-liter v6 engin available."} {"id": "8452", "contents": "model features. 2014, altima avail two model series. altima 2.5 model 4-cylind engin altima 3.5 model v-6 engine. altima 2.5 offer base level trim. otherwise, seri share s, sv, and, sl trim level designations."} {"id": "8453", "contents": "model features. altima 4-cylind engin 2.5 seri designation, v-6 engin 3.5 seri designation. within series, s, sv, sl trim level available. additionally, altima 2.5 offer base model without trim"} {"id": "8454", "contents": "total list price in-stat california resid go uc davi $29,772 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess california resid expect one year cost $52,650. univers california davi tuition $11,220 per year in-stat residents. 75% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,414 46% cheaper averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 53rd california amongst year colleg afford 129th expens year colleg state"} {"id": "8455", "contents": "2015-16 estim tuition fees. tuition, fees, charg post estim base current approv amounts. figur may final. actual tuition, fees, charg subject chang regent univers california could affect state fund reductions. accordingly, final approv level (and thu student\u2019 final balanc due) may differ amount shown."} {"id": "8456", "contents": "whether student resid state california tuition purposes. uc davi california public university, state subsid tuition resid california. visit california resid tuition fee page addit information. financi support student receiv graduat program and/or university. cost graduat studi uc davi individu student may vari base number factors, includ limit following:"} {"id": "8457", "contents": "(2) undergradu nonresid tuition fee $36,774 (not includ health insurance) includ nonresid supplement tuition $22,878 addit systemwid tuition fee plu campus-bas fee total $13,896. exampl nonresid budget base on-campu figures. applicable, budget compon includ cost myawards. (2) undergradu nonresid tuition fee $38,659 includ nonresid supplement tuition $24,708 addit systemwid tuition fee plu campus-bas fee total $13,951 (not includ health insurance)."} {"id": "8458", "contents": "tuition fee amount set regent univers california subject change. find current uc davi tuition fee amount academ graduat students, pleas visit uc davi budget institut analysi website. cost graduat studi uc davi individu student may vari base number factors, includ limit following:"} {"id": "8459", "contents": "undergradu tuition. univers california davi tuition $11,220 per year in-stat residents. 75% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,414 46% cheaper averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 53rd california amongst year colleg afford 129th expens year colleg state"} {"id": "8460", "contents": "uc davi cost attend estim figur use determin financi aid eligibility. includ tuition fee well averag amount standard expens books, supplies, room, board, live expens three quarter study. keep mind actual cost may differ. applicable, budget compon includ cost myawards. (2) undergradu nonresid tuition fee $38,659 includ nonresid supplement tuition $24,708 addit systemwid tuition fee plu campus-bas fee total $13,951 (not includ health insurance). exampl nonresid budget base on-campu figur"} {"id": "8461", "contents": "total. $33,600. $29,500. california resid undergradu uc campus pay $12,240 systemwid tuition fees. fee figur includ averag cost addit campus-bas fees. total cost vari depend person expens campu attend"} {"id": "8462", "contents": "david beckham far highest paid footbal player mls... earn $500,000 per week l.a galaxy. women' $40,000 men' $85,000 year ago. think question littl vague. variou level profession footbal unit states, level pay differ accord each. mani player mls, us' first division, make less $50,000. freddi adu largest contract, base salari $300,000 incent guarante least $500,000."} {"id": "8463", "contents": "aggregate, first divis women' soccer player make 98.6 percent less profession soccer' male cohort, accord fusion. highest-paid player averag salari sport, per spotrac mlb: miguel cabrera, detroit tigers, $31 million. marta vieira brazil top-earn femal soccer player 2014 americas, accord richest, earn $400,000\u2014less minimum salari everi leagu besid mls. marta aberration; femal soccer player earn much less."} {"id": "8464", "contents": "averag women footbal salaries. averag salari women footbal job $96,000. averag women footbal salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term women footbal anywher job listing."} {"id": "8465", "contents": "variou level profession footbal unit states, level pay differ accord each. mani player mls, us' first division, make less $50,000. freddi adu largest contract, base salari $300,000 incent guarante least $500,000. david beckham far highest paid footbal player mls... earn $500,000 per week l.a galaxy. women' $40,000 men' $85,000 year ago."} {"id": "8466", "contents": "major leagu soccer (unit states). accord deadspin.com, player mls, top soccer leagu unit states, earn averag $213,048 per season, $4,097 per week. top-earn activ player ml 2014 michael bradley toronto fc, make $6,000,000 base salari season. highest divis soccer spain, la liga home world' best soccer players, includ cristiano ronaldo lionel messi. averag la liga player make $1,901,008 per season, $36,557 per week, accord deadspin.com."} {"id": "8467", "contents": "averag salari profession softbal player job $53,000. averag profession softbal player salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi nce benefits. david beckham far highest paid footbal player mls... earn $500,000 per week l.a galaxy. women' $40,000 men' $85,000 year ago."} {"id": "8468", "contents": "marta, who' call femal pele, play sweden, nation women' soccer league, third attempt north american profession women' soccer leagu sinc 1999. nwsl execut director cheryl bailey said 2013 players' salari rang $6,000 $30,000. marta vieira brazil top-earn femal soccer player 2014 americas, accord richest, earn $400,000\u2014less minimum salari everi leagu besid mls. marta aberration; femal soccer player earn much less."} {"id": "8469", "contents": "nine team fledgl nation women' soccer leagu \u2014which start 2013 two previou u.s. women' leagu folded\u2014ha $265,000 salari cap. currently, franchis pay player minimum $6,842 per year, ceil $37,800."} {"id": "8470", "contents": "let first start figures. women usa soccer player make $25,000 $85,000 per season, averag around $40,000. origin player u.s. nation soccer team make around doubl average. issu team cap $800,000 salaries. profession soccer salari men much different. rang $25,000 $300,000 per player. averag appear around $60,000 per player, mani player earn beyond that."} {"id": "8471", "contents": "first step femor nerv block provid sedat patient. usual last part procedur remember. adequ sedated, anesthesiologist clean groin side plan surgery."} {"id": "8472", "contents": "femor nerv block ideal block surgeri hip, knee, anterior thigh often combin sciatic nerv block near complet lower-extrem analgesia."} {"id": "8473", "contents": "femor nerv block type region anesthesia femor nerve, locat groin area, deaden allow surgeri leg knee area."} {"id": "8474", "contents": "femor nerv block may use surgeri leg knee. femor nerv locat find femor artery. medic professiona examin patient femor nerv damage. femor arteri suppli femor pulse."} {"id": "8475", "contents": "femor nerv block quintessenti nerv block techniqu easi master, carri low risk complications, signific clinic applic surgic anesthesia postop pain management."} {"id": "8476", "contents": "femor nerv block, 3-in-1 block variation. femor nerv block provid anesthesia entir anterior thigh, knee, femur. addition, skin anesthesia confer medial aspect distal lower extrem via termin branch femor nerve."} {"id": "8477", "contents": "purpos block diagnosi treatment femor nerve/later femor cutan nerv entrap irritation. inject consist mixtur local anesthet steroid. procedur involv insert needl skin deeper tissues. discomfort involved."} {"id": "8478", "contents": "stomach empti differ food differ rates. example, fat take longer leav stomach foods, sometim remain stomach six hours. liquid empti quickly, often leav stomach within 20 30 minutes. usually, regular-s meal empti stomach within two hours."} {"id": "8479", "contents": "now. report abuse. food 3-4 hour stomach, hour move intestine. stay larg intestin 36 hours. so, depend type food speed moves, take 40 hour mor"} {"id": "8480", "contents": "492 followers. a. stomach-empti time vari person person, generally, two hour reason average. ill, food stagnant stomach longer period time, even quickli move small intestines. surgery, want npo (noth mouth) 8-12 hours, sure. show information. select keep sign computer, stay sign webmd.com comput week sign out. mean cooki stay comput even exit close browser may reduc level privaci security."} {"id": "8481", "contents": "usual take hour full stomach digest food. however, vari person person, vomit occurs, much less time. take 12 24 hour food complet leav digestive/excremetori systems. peopl found useful. long wait eat empti stomach take medic taken empti stomach? ate 20 minutes, wait 3-5 hours, ate 1/2 hour, wait 4-6 hours. wait two hour may risk digest complete."} {"id": "8482", "contents": "stomach, food tend hang around littl longer depend varieti factor includ amount food consumed, much fat contains, also acid stomach. however, food left stomach within hours. food 3-4 hour stomach, hour move intestine. stay larg intestin 36 hours."} {"id": "8483", "contents": "re: long take empti stomach? agre o'lin rebel. told 1/2 food remain 90 minut diagnosi gastroparesi given.... empti time 274 minut good!! gener peopl empti 90 minut depend ate, much etc...."} {"id": "8484", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. approxim hour meal. antibiot taken empti stomach, pharmacist told take one hour 2-3 hour meal. long wait eat empti stomach take medic taken empti stomach? ate 20 minutes, wait 3-5 hours, ate 1/2 hour, wait 4-6 hours. wait two hour may risk digest complete."} {"id": "8485", "contents": "high fat food take longest time empti stomach. hand, carbohydr rich food tend empti much faster. high protein food empti slower carbohydr littl bit much faster fatti foods. might want read follow condit affect stomach."} {"id": "8486", "contents": "medicines, food liquid stomach result poorer absorpt drug upset stomach. gener take hour stomach empti full meal bit less snack liquid, though vari depend much kind food ate. instruct say take medicin empti stomach, long wait eat stomach empty? still drink waiting? \u2014w.h., colorado springs, colo."} {"id": "8487", "contents": "usual take hour full stomach digest food. however, vari person person, vomit occurs, much less time. take 12 24 hour food complet leav digestive/excremetori systems."} {"id": "8488", "contents": "stole (or sashes) may also use indic membership profession organization. common use graduat stole high school univers valedictorian award, well adorn academ regalia variou univers colleg courses, schools, departments. graduat gowns. graduat gown robe usual purchas togeth cap tassel school' colors."} {"id": "8489", "contents": "upcom graduat need graduat stole graduat sash year' commenc festivities, see honor graduat offer you! stole avail thirteen colors, white, black, silver, royal blue, navi blue, light blue, purple, maroon, teal, pink, gold, green, red."} {"id": "8490", "contents": "onlin store graduat sashes. whether high school, colleg graduat school, graduat great accomplish deserv commemor style. pride sash offer full rang graduat sash school well sororities, fratern honor societies."} {"id": "8491", "contents": "actual fairli common graduat wear multipl graduat sashes. graduat often wear standard school sash, sash fratern sorority, sash ethnic organ honor society."} {"id": "8492", "contents": "dress code mani colleg across nation varies. requir graduat wear standard black graduat gown, util differ color gown (i.e. phd candidates, faculty, administr key note speakers) emphas school pride colors."} {"id": "8493", "contents": "graduat regalia apparel honor graduat avail anyon academia, student individu purchas administr need work thousand honor cords, sashes, stoles, tassel everi graduat season."} {"id": "8494", "contents": "differ graduat hood stoles. everi graduat ceremony, graduat school professor get wear academ regalia. garment tradit worn everi commenc exercis university."} {"id": "8495", "contents": "graduat regalia includ cap gown, well distinguish hoods, stoles, cord denot tradit academ achievement. achiev academ honor member academ honor societi entitl wear special regalia."} {"id": "8496", "contents": "averag pharmacist salari job post wisconsin 11% lower averag pharmacist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "8497", "contents": "averag pharmacist salari grew faster averag healthcar worker. 2012, pharmacist salari grew 2.7% (range: 2.0% 3.8%). comparison, salari \u201chealthcar practition technic occupations\u201d (soc 29-0000) grew 1.1% 2012."} {"id": "8498", "contents": "average, pharmacist unit state earn six-figur salari ($108k) annually, make well-paid profession. overal cash earn pharmacist stretch $84k lower end $133k near top, heftiest packag encompass around $10k bonus $10k profit sharing."} {"id": "8499", "contents": "bureau labor statist inform state pharmacist us earn median pay 2010 $111,570 year come around $53.64 hour."} {"id": "8500", "contents": "compound dispens prescrib drug retail environment. also respons transfer prescriptions, handl incom physician calls, log data computer, drug util review. requir bachelor' degre and/or advanc degre pharmaci licens practice."} {"id": "8501", "contents": "within wisconsin lot variat pharmacist salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. map display key citi wisconsin surround states, click one find pharmacist salari area."} {"id": "8502", "contents": "compound dispens prescrib drug healthcar facil environment. also respons transfer prescriptions, handl incom physician calls, log data computer, drug util review. requir bachelor' degre and/or advanc degre pharmaci licens practice."} {"id": "8503", "contents": "hospit (not shown) account 23% pharmacist employment. 2012, pharmacist retail, mail, specialti pharmaci earn annual averag salari almost $117,000, 2.7% vs. 2011. averag pharmacist salari grew faster averag healthcar worker."} {"id": "8504", "contents": "actual mani type fungu infect skin, hair nail apart yeast candida family. import type infect determin type treatment needed. wouldn\u2019t necessarili use yeast infect home remedi case ringworm, example."} {"id": "8505", "contents": "extern appli plain yogurt affect skin area let sit least 20 30 minutes, preferebl overnight. help reliev itch sensation. vagin yeast infection, dip tampon yogurt insert vagina two hours. twice day. appli affect skin area control growth infection. case oral thrush, swish oil mouth five 10 minutes. also add drop tea tree oil cinnamon oil use. swallow."} {"id": "8506", "contents": "dilut organ tea tree oil water one teaspoon oliv oil sweet almond oil. rub dilut oil affect skin area sever time day. vagin yeast infection, place drop tea tree oil tampon insert vagina two three hours. repeat process twice daily. 7. tea tree oil power effect natur antifung properti help home treatment yeast infections. pregnant women use remedi properti present tea tree oil harm child."} {"id": "8507", "contents": "coconut oil effect antifung properti kill fungi respons yeast infections. extern appli coconut oil affect area three time day. also make mixtur equal amount coconut oil cinnamon oil. appli affect skin area control growth infection. case oral thrush, swish oil mouth five 10 minutes. also add drop tea tree oil cinnamon oil use. swallow."} {"id": "8508", "contents": "remedi yeast infect sores: good experi sores. sore painful, irrit time bleed. follow remedi get relief sores. first cleans infect area later appli pure honey sores. rins thoroughli 25 30 minutes. certain counter medic home remedi use treat condition. condit left untreated, make skin inflam irritated, lead chronic yeast infect sore bleed extrem cases."} {"id": "8509", "contents": "might complic yeast infect if: sever symptoms, extens redness, swell itch lead tear crack (fissures) sores. four yeast infect year. infect caus type candida candida albicans. pregnant. symptoms. yeast infect symptom rang mild moder include: itch irrit vagina tissu vagin open (vulva). burn sensation, especi intercours urinating. red swell vulva. vagin pain soreness. vagin rash"} {"id": "8510", "contents": "one best home remedi treat yeast infect appl cider vinegar. simpl step use amaz natur treatment: step 1: add half cup appl cider vinegar bathtub fill luke warm water, soak 20 minutes. yeast infect commonli inflict women vagin area, follow symptoms: thick, white, odorless discharg vagina. itch burn insid well outsid"} {"id": "8511", "contents": "sever caus sore blister vagina. would help identifi symptom condit determin exactli suffer from. sore caus yeast infect vagina, caus candida ablicans. yeast infect also caus vagin itching, white discharge, fishi odor vagina. anoth caus sore blister vagina genit herpes, viral infect caus herp simplex viru type attack genit"} {"id": "8512", "contents": "yeast infect common bacteri infect caus candida albicans, strain yeast natur live human bodi small numbers. yeast infect commonli inflict women vagin area, follow symptoms: thick, white, odorless discharg vagina. itch burn insid well outsid vagina. burn sensat urin"} {"id": "8513", "contents": "quinnipiac univers school law, locat hamden, ct, establish 1990 fulli accredit aba 1995. youngest law school connecticut still mani hurdl overcom becom top law school, enjoy steadi grow region reputation. qualiti life. hamden, ct, small new england town mainli known new english scenery, locat quinnipiac university, one-tim home inventor eli whitney."} {"id": "8514", "contents": "quinnipiac' arnold bernhard librari clock tower, focu main campu quadrangle, august 2008. juli 1, 2000, school offici chang name quinnipiac univers reflect rel new breadth academ offerings. year, quinnipiac univers receiv accredit aacsb. 1966, outgrown campu new haven, quinnipiac move current campu mount carmel section hamden, connecticut, foot sleep giant park. 1970s, quinnipiac began offer master' degre varieti disciplines."} {"id": "8515", "contents": "provid by. provid by. quinnipiac univers (pron.: /\u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0aek/) \u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0\u00e6k a, private, nonsectarian coeduc univers locat in, hamden, connecticut unit state foot sleep giant state. park quinnipiac univers (pron.: /\u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0aek/) \u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0\u00e6k a, private, nonsectarian coeduc univers locat in, hamden, connecticut unit state foot sleep giant state. park the...]}]}]} dupipeline_multiinstanceurlinputv2: multiinstanceurlinputv2"} {"id": "8516", "contents": "univ...]}]}]} dupipeline_multiinstanceurlinputv2: quinnipiac univers (pron.: /\u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0aek/) \u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0\u00e6k a, private, nonsectarian coeduc univers locat in, hamden, connecticut unit state foot sleep giant state. park quinnipiac univers (pron.: /\u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0aek/) \u02c8kw\u026an\u0268pi\u02d0\u00e6k a, private, nonsectarian coeduc univers locat in, hamden, connecticut unit state foot sleep giant state. park the...]}]}]} dupipeline_multiinstanceurlinputv2: multiinstanceurlinputv2"} {"id": "8517", "contents": "class 2013 undergradu class 2013, quinnipiac admit 6,223 (67.2%) 13,828 total applic applied. 1,640 (26%) admit enrol fall 2009 semester. 22% rank top tenth high school class; 55% top quarter 90% top half. 1966, outgrown campu new haven, quinnipiac move current campu mount carmel section hamden, connecticut, foot sleep giant park. 1970s, quinnipiac began offer master' degre varieti disciplines."} {"id": "8518", "contents": "2007, quinnipiac acquir 100-acr (0.40 km 2) campu north haven, connecticut anthem blue cross blue shield, gradual convert use graduat program university. 1966, outgrown campu new haven, quinnipiac move current campu mount carmel section hamden, connecticut, foot sleep giant park. 1970s, quinnipiac began offer master' degre varieti disciplines."} {"id": "8519", "contents": "summary. quinnipiac univers privat institut found 1929. total undergradu enrol 6,553, set suburban, campu size 600 acres. util semester-bas academ calendar. quinnipiac university' rank 2016 edit best colleg region univers (north), 11. tuition fee $42,270 (2015-16). quinnipiac univers locat quaint new suburb hamden, connecticut, 90 mile new york city."} {"id": "8520", "contents": "found 1929, univers locat picturesqu new england town hamden, connecticut, nineti minut north new york citi two hour boston. academics. nestl next breathtak sleep giant mountain, quinnipiac univers privat co-e institut higher educ mission \u201cto provid support stimul environ intellectu person growth\u201d students."} {"id": "8521", "contents": "hous centiped feed silverfish, firebrats, carpet beetl larvae, cockroaches, spider small arthropods. hous centiped seen frequently, indic prey arthropod abundance, may signifi greater problem presenc centipedes."} {"id": "8522", "contents": "hous centiped prefer damp, dark area basements. outside, live logs, rock damp leaves. hous centiped eat pests, bedbugs, ants, spider cockroaches, intimid appear pain sting make unwelcom guests. hous centiped indic bug infestations; centipedes, also pests."} {"id": "8523", "contents": "peopl also find centiped woodpiles, logs, landscap timbers. centiped predat insects. also eat spider earthworms. centiped move indoors, hide closet bathrooms. seek spider fli eat."} {"id": "8524", "contents": "hous centiped feed spiders, bed bugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants, household arthropods. administ venom modifi leg (forcipules) part mandibles, strictli speak sting rather bite."} {"id": "8525", "contents": "centiped like consum wood. actuality, arthropod commonli known wood eat centiped millipedes. milliped close resembl centipedes, milliped herbivor detritivores, subsist dead decay plant material, includ wood cellulos material. appearance. centiped belong class chilopoda. name centipede, mean \u201c100 legs,\u201d somewhat misleading: centiped may anywher 15 177 pair legs. centiped elongated, flat, segment bodi contain pair leg per segment."} {"id": "8526", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: hous centiped mainli eat roaches, beetles, termites, silverfish, ants, eat spider centiped food scarce. centipede' front leg modifi pinch fang inject venom, eat anyth overpow them. hous centiped may even eat babi mice. match-up larg centiped larg scorpion, centiped kill eat scorpion like popcorn. surprising, then, spider match larg centipedes."} {"id": "8527", "contents": "also daddi longlegs, which, although venomous, harmless me. hous centiped awesome, however. sure, eat spiders, also eat termit bedbug cockroaches. moreover, hous centiped spiders, may want check hous intrus pests. gener mind bugs, agre hous centiped gross. someth long hair-lik legs-- usual move realli fast too....shudder. luckily, whenev one misfortun wander apartment, cat eat right away."} {"id": "8528", "contents": "modifi deliv poison call poison claws; centipede\u2019 weapons. hous centiped nocturn hunter roam home night search prey. eat spiders, flies, silverfish, moths, roaches, termites, bees, wasps. mani enemi centipede\u2019 menu, would think would welcom them."} {"id": "8529", "contents": "prevent methods. best solv insect problem may want attract predat feed them. among things, hous centiped eat flies, silverfish, cockroaches, wood lice. even though sometim kill spider well, centiped consid useful."} {"id": "8530", "contents": "centiped (from latin prefix centi- hundred, pes, pedis, foot) arthropod belong class chilopoda subphylum myriapoda. elong metamer creatur one pair leg per bodi segment. despit name, centiped vari number legs, rang 30 354. centiped alway odd number pair legs. therefore, centiped exactli 100 legs."} {"id": "8531", "contents": "expect least 300 guest come reception, get tier cake measur 5, 9, 12, 14 18\u201d. type cake cost around $1,450 $1,600. accord bridal associ america, averag wed cake cost $500 $600 average. accord range, wed cake meant feed 100 peopl would $500 $7o0. would prefer cake fruit cream fill layer, add $.50 per slice. differ type frosting, fondant marzipan, add $1.oo"} {"id": "8532", "contents": "cost wed cake vari depend number tier cake well diamet tier. differ flavor may factor price cake dimens usual dictat price. tier cake measur 8\u201d usual cost $165 $270. accord range, wed cake meant feed 100 peopl would $500 $7o0. would prefer cake fruit cream fill layer, add $.50 per slice. differ type frosting, fondant marzipan, add $1.oo"} {"id": "8533", "contents": "cake fed 150 guests. tier cake measur 5, 8, 12 16\u201d server 200 guest price $1,300 $1,400. expect least 300 guest come reception, get tier cake measur 5, 9, 12, 14 18\u201d. type cake cost around $1,450 $1,600. accord range, wed cake meant feed 100 peopl would $500 $7o0. would prefer cake fruit cream fill layer, add $.50 per slice. differ type frosting, fondant marzipan, add $1.oo"} {"id": "8534", "contents": "cake deliveri typic includ price. deliveri within area cost $20 $45. charm citi cake charg $175 per hour service, deliv within four hour baltimore. includ decor round cakes, squar cake sheet cakes, typic butter cream icing. example, essenti cake brooklyn sell 14-inch round cake feed 60 guest $95, $1.58 per slice. moder bakeri cake typic rang $3-$4 slice."} {"id": "8535", "contents": "decor make big differ per-slic cost. fresh flower one easiest least expens way decor cake. fondant, cover cake smooth, satini shell, one expensive; add $1 per slice. elabor fondant decor increas price even more. cheesecak cake nuts, dri fruit special cream fill add $1 per slice. tier wed cake must deliv assembl site baker staff member prevent cake mishap, deliveri charg $50 $100 more, depend distanc size cake."} {"id": "8536", "contents": "basic cake describ usual cost $5-$7 per slice. accord range, wed cake meant feed 100 peopl would $500 $7o0. would prefer cake fruit cream fill layer, add $.50 per slice. accord range, wed cake meant feed 100 peopl would $500 $7o0. would prefer cake fruit cream fill layer, add $.50 per slice. differ type frosting, fondant marzipan, add $1.oo"} {"id": "8537", "contents": "a: wed cake usual price slice, rang wide\u2014anywher $1.50 $12 slice. complic wed cake, pay. fondant ice gener expens buttercream, want elabor mold shapes, vibrant colors, and/or handmad sugar-flow detailing, pay cake designer' time labor."} {"id": "8538", "contents": "11. mani recept site charg per-slic cake-cut fee rang $1 $8 per slice. site charg fee bring outsid baker\u2019 cake, charg even cake they\u2019v provided. (the nation averag cost wed cake dessert $451 2013, jump $466 2014, 2012\u2019 $437. area like new york citi napa, calif. cake run high $1,200-plus.). worries! we\u2019v gather load way slice costs."} {"id": "8539", "contents": "averag cost wed cake $543, accord bridal associ america. wed cakes, bakeri pastri chef charg slice. low-end option would smaller tier cake chocol vanilla pair sheet cake cut around $1.50 slice. cheesecak cake nuts, dri fruit special cream fill add $1 per slice. tier wed cake must deliv assembl site baker staff member prevent cake mishap, deliveri charg $50 $100 more, depend distanc size cake."} {"id": "8540", "contents": "ufc light heavyweight champion jon jone handili led disclos payrol ufc 182, earn $500,000 contenti unanim decis victori daniel cormier main event saturday night' pay-per-view, accord figur releas nevada athlet commission."} {"id": "8541", "contents": "always, entir ufc 182 payrol seen below, although figur repres fighter' total earnings, sponsorship money discretionari post-fight bonus publicli disclosed. main card (pay-per-view) jon jone ($500,000 win bonu $500,000) def. daniel cormier ($90,000)."} {"id": "8542", "contents": "joshua lawrenc barnett american mix martial artist profession wrestler current compet heavyweight divis ufc former ufc heavyweight champion."} {"id": "8543", "contents": "daniel cormier. famou mix martial artist daniel cormier earn huge payrol even doesn\u2019t win. paid $90,000 fight lost jon jone (who snatch prize $500,000). wonder cormier\u2019 wealth grow fast. 2015, net worth approxim $1.1 million. cormier\u2019 2014 overal earn estim close $460,000. check also net worth jon jones, cain velasquez, chri weidman."} {"id": "8544", "contents": "\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014. daniel cormier one big name ufc today bring top power intens among fighter current record amaz move olymp wrestl ultim fight championship. far undef take opponents."} {"id": "8545", "contents": "fels-naptha, modern packag kitchen counter. fels-naptha american brand bar laundri soap use pre-treat stain cloth home remedi exposur poison ivi skin irritants. fels-naptha manufactur trademark dial corporation, subsidiari henkel. intend pre-treat stain rub dampen product soil area prior laundering. manufactur claim effect remov chocolate, babi formula, perspiration, make-up."} {"id": "8546", "contents": "even then, author refer recip \u201cold brown windsor soap.\u201d. origin soap made windsor, england, export around world. brown windsor said favorit napoleon, notori lover scent. u.s., soap sold time lewi clark civil war twentieth century. like soaps, splendid skin care bar. brown windsor look like granite\u2014russet brown fleck pure white soap. coffe make rich brown color add aroma. coffe soap scent entir differently, coffe bean extract."} {"id": "8547", "contents": "grate small amount let set littl water make soft. knead finger mushi pliable. add sugar. yes, sugar, plain white sugar. make past knead till sugar softened. put boil, splinter infect cover band aid. use want share now. grate small amount let set littl water make soft. find got poison ivi oak wash good soap. rub cloth soon see someth would stain. wash scrape kid (or yourself) slide pavement, fall ..."} {"id": "8548", "contents": "use laundri soap, soap shave usual ad water wash tub laundri hand wash use corrug washboard. anoth way use soap kind put whole soap bar water-fil tub contain item washed. soap continu product 100 years. depart american studi univers maryland reports, octagon soap lye soap intend primarili laundri purposes, often use all-purpos soap."} {"id": "8549", "contents": "soap come packag paper similar bar bodi soap often found laundri section supermarket groceri store. intend pre-treat stain rub dampen product soil area prior laundering. manufactur claim effect remov chocolate, babi formula, perspiration, make-up."} {"id": "8550", "contents": "recommend queen clean. 100 year stain fight power found heavi duti laundri soap. use everyday poison ivi treatment, laundry, rid plant pest remedi black spot fungu roses. old fashion laundri soap like granni made! use trust brand cleaning, we'v combin arm hammer wash soda, 20 mule team borax course, fel naptha soap make best laundri soap we'v ever tried! we'v done work you-no measuring, grate mixing."} {"id": "8551", "contents": "raw black soap west africa. black soap mani names: african black soap, anago soap alata simena (ghana) ose dudu (nigeria). black soap one healthiest soap skin due puriti simplic ingredients. togo, black soap soap use mother wash newborn babies, puriti make gentl non-dri sensit skin. black soap produc small batch hand, use age-old tradit techniques."} {"id": "8552", "contents": "first, mani us make laundri soap. ingredi bit hard find, found good sourc share end. one ingredi recip fel naptha soap octagon soap. bar soap great laundri stains. use want share now. grate small amount let set littl water make soft. find got poison ivi oak wash good soap. rub cloth soon see someth would stain. wash scrape kid (or yourself) slide pavement, fall ..."} {"id": "8553", "contents": "popular period, 1930's, brown, roughly-cut, extrud bar soap coupon print wrapper could collect exchang variou kind merchandise.. bar octagon soap same-large, brown, heavi 1930 wrapping. soap continu product 100 years. depart american studi univers maryland reports, octagon soap lye soap intend primarili laundri purposes, often use all-purpos soap."} {"id": "8554", "contents": "cfr: titl 49: transportation-part 371 broker property. gener definition. freight broker individu compani serv liaison anoth individu compani need ship servic author motor carrier. though freight broker play import role movement cargo, broker function shipper carrier. instead, freight broker work determin need shipper connect shipper carrier will transport item accept price. mani compani find servic provid freight broker indispensable. fact, compani hire broker coordin ship needs. often, freight broker confus forwarders. though freight forward perform task freight broker, two same."} {"id": "8555", "contents": "adjustments-ani discrep actual shipment state bill lading. result addit charg freight carriers. agent-a person transact busi behalf anoth person compani full limit decision-mak authority. blind shipment-when shipper receiv awar one another, freight shipment call blind shipment. cases, bill lade list parti paid shipment shipper receiv freight shipment."} {"id": "8556", "contents": "rfx inc. independ agent, sell freight broker; rfx inc. handl carrier shipper administration, allow best arrang movement customer\u2019 freight make money."} {"id": "8557", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. freight broker individu compani serv liaison anoth individu compani need ship servic author motor carrier. though freight broker play import role movement cargo, broker function shipper carrier. instead, freight broker work determin need shipper connect shipper carrier will transport item accept price. freight broker profession career requir great deal industri knowledge, sale abil financi management. time take actual find freight move take great deal time, plan sale ability."} {"id": "8558", "contents": "a: properti broker correct terminolog mani name use busi identifi do. truck broker, freight broker, freight agent, transport broker agent interchang term synonym properti broker\u2019. school required, offici train need becom success freight broker. need file application, legal agent 48 continent state receiv legal process either bond trust fund agreement $75,000 help file applic forms."} {"id": "8559", "contents": "freight agent broker entrepreneuri spirit, abil provid reliabl transport capac busi owner/agent, we\u2019r interest work independ contractor commiss basi provid servic exist customers. independ agent, sell freight broker; rfx inc. handl carrier shipper administration, allow best arrang movement customer\u2019 freight make money."} {"id": "8560", "contents": "ideal home base career opportun avail limit time only! note: freight broker agent job train opportun (home-bas posit contract training) offer success background check qualif approxim 150hr train $2500 fee made full. proud relationship one agent see partner number. don\u2019t current custom carrier base. need desir learn freight broker busi job real time."} {"id": "8561", "contents": "yes. open freight agenc becom freight broker agent littl risk without obtain licensing. case, oper agent, umbrella anoth broker' authority, would split broker profits. 5. freight broker legal properti broker, term establish feder motor carrier safeti administr (fmcsa), divis unit state depart transportation."} {"id": "8562", "contents": "upon complet unit testing, unit modul integr give rais integr testing. purpos integr test verifi functional, performance, reliabl modul integrated."} {"id": "8563", "contents": "(august 2010). integr test (sometim call integr testing, abbrevi i&t) phase softwar test individu softwar modul combin test group. occur unit test valid testing. type big bang integr test call usag model testing. usag model test use softwar hardwar integr testing. basi behind type integr test run user-lik workload integr user-lik environments."} {"id": "8564", "contents": "integr test level softwar test individu unit combin test group. purpos level test expos fault interact integr units. test driver test stub use assist integr testing. definit istqb. bottom approach integr test bottom level unit test first upper level unit step step that. approach taken bottom develop approach followed."} {"id": "8565", "contents": "integr test (sometim call integr testing, abbrevi t) one extens exercis softwar test particular softwar modul merg test group. integr test execut establish whether compon interact consort specif not. integr test larg refer join compon result complet system. perform develop softwar tester both."} {"id": "8566", "contents": "visual studio .net 2003. integr test logic extens unit testing. simplest form, two unit alreadi test combin compon interfac tested. component, sense, refer integr aggreg one unit. top-down approach integr test requir highest-level modul test integr first. allow high-level logic data flow test earli process tend minim need drivers."} {"id": "8567", "contents": "oracl applic test suite. integr testing, also known integr test (i&t), softwar develop process program unit combin test group multipl ways. context, unit defin smallest testabl part application. two major way carri integr test, call bottom-up method top-down method. bottom-up integr test begin unit testing, follow test progress higher-level combin unit call modul builds."} {"id": "8568", "contents": "sinc carbon monoxid colorless, odorless poison gas, carbon monoxid detector design alarm level carbon monoxid home reach life threaten levels. today, you\u2019r go learn instal smoke alarm carbon monoxid detector like one see here."} {"id": "8569", "contents": "place smoke detector best place around house. import instal detector near sleep area everi level home. also place detector hallway carbon monoxid detector near heating, ga furnaces. avoid instal smoke detector kitchen. replac smoke detector age 10 years. safe, move new residence, replac detector unknown age. intermitt beep smoke carbon monoxid detector warn need replac batteries. keep batteri hand heed beeping."} {"id": "8570", "contents": "instal carbon monoxid detectors: instal least one carbon monoxid detector level home. put co detector near bedroom home. write date purchas back alarm. sinc carbon monoxid doesn\u2019t rise like smoke, co detector instal height room, includ ... wr best locat carbon monoxid detector near bedroom awoken sound siren alarm detect carbon monoxid home. know properli place carbon monoxid alarm crucial."} {"id": "8571", "contents": "home attach garages. enclos garag directli attach home, also place detector within 10 feet intern door garage. motor vehicl left run garage, danger level carbon monoxid quickli build insid home. mean import place near bedrooms. recommend carbon monoxid detector within 15 feet bedroom door, 10 feet even better afford detectors. two bedroom door 30 feet apart less, place one middle. howev 30 feet apart need one detector"} {"id": "8572", "contents": "1. research right carbon monoxid detector per needs: two basic type detector avail market. one batteri power ac powered. research best option home, offic wherev may want instal it. instal detector base wall: carbon monoxid detector twist base, take screw posit use screwdriv suppli screws. case detector twist base, place screw anchor screw without tightening."} {"id": "8573", "contents": "thanks. rebecca answer: accord inform one manufacturers, instal co alarm height home. reason molecular weight air almost ident weight carbon monoxide. air typic compos 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen."} {"id": "8574", "contents": "instal least one carbon monoxid detector level home. put co detector near bedroom home. write date purchas back alarm. best locat carbon monoxid detector near bedroom awoken sound siren alarm detect carbon monoxid home. know properli place carbon monoxid alarm crucial."} {"id": "8575", "contents": "instal carbon monoxid detector. carbon monoxid poison take live around 400 peopl everi year non-fir relat cases. quit import protect famili employe becom anoth statistic. instal detector base wall: carbon monoxid detector twist base, take screw posit use screwdriv suppli screws. case detector twist base, place screw anchor screw without tightening."} {"id": "8576", "contents": "intern associ fire chief recommend carbon monoxid detector everi floor home, includ basement. detector locat within 10 feet bedroom door one near attach garage. detector replac everi five six years. instal one carbon monoxid detector, consum product safeti commiss (cpsc) recommend locat near sleep area, wake asleep. addit detector everi level everi bedroom home provid extra protect carbon monoxid poisoning."} {"id": "8577", "contents": "cuve cuv\u00e9 french word translat 'the cuve 'the' vat.i. contain wine made. essenti refer 'the' mix wine 'the' blend wine particular lot be. bottl indic upfront, see word cuve cuv\u00e9 use lot for. champagn see express tete t\u00eate, de cuve cuv\u00e9 prestig cuve cuv\u00e9 cuvee. cuv\u00e9 special champagn label exampl one krug. champagn krug grand"} {"id": "8578", "contents": "essence, mean it\u2019 mix. use labels, usual mean wine base sever differ grapes. however, common term wineri signifi specif mix differ grape wines. champagne, cuve cuv\u00e9 special import make ordinari champagn strive creat tast year after. year"} {"id": "8579", "contents": "indic upfront, see word cuve cuv\u00e9 use lot for. champagn see express tete t\u00eate, de cuve cuv\u00e9 prestig cuve cuv\u00e9 cuvee. cuv\u00e9 special champagn label exampl one krug. champagn krug grand cuve cuv\u00e9 word cuvee, cuv\u00e9 also. use still wine especi french wine indic upfront, see word cuve cuv\u00e9 use lot for. champagn see express tete t\u00eate, de cuve cuv\u00e9 prestig cuve cuv\u00e9 cuvee. cuv\u00e9 special champagn label exampl one krug."} {"id": "8580", "contents": "cuve (. [cuv\u00e9e]) kyve french wine term deriv from, cuve mean vat or. tank term cuve cuv\u00e9 use several, differ mean less base concept tank wine put to: purpos wine label denot wine specif blend. batch mani lambic gueuzes, sour beer wine-lik characteristics, market cuvee. use beer, ale, chocolate, term defin meaning, meant evok imag higher quality, similar use reserv design wine area term regul law."} {"id": "8581", "contents": "cuve cuv\u00e9 french word translat 'the cuve 'the' vat.i. contain wine made. essenti refer 'the' mix wine 'the' blend wine particular lot be. bottl mix or, blend could mean blend differ grape. varieti indic upfront, see word cuve cuv\u00e9 use lot for. champagn see express tete t\u00eate, de cuve cuv\u00e9 prestig cuve cuv\u00e9 cuvee. cuv\u00e9 special champagn label exampl one krug. champagn krug grand"} {"id": "8582", "contents": "[kyve]) french wine term deriv cuve, mean vat tank. term cuve cuv\u00e9 use sever different, mean less base concept tank wine put some: purpos wine label denot wine specif blend or. batch mani lambic gueuzes, sour beer wine-lik characteristics, market cuvee. use beer, ale, chocolate, term defin meaning, meant evok imag higher quality, similar use reserv design wine area term regul law."} {"id": "8583", "contents": "essence, mean it\u2019 mix. use labels, usual mean wine base sever differ grapes. however, common term wineri signifi specif mix differ grape wines. champagne, cuve cuv\u00e9 special import make ordinari champagn strive creat tast year after. year achiev mix wine different, year import difficult individu charg cuve cuv\u00e9 champagn hous an. enorm statu"} {"id": "8584", "contents": "cuve (. [cuv\u00e9e]) kyve french wine term deriv from, cuve mean vat or. tank term cuve cuv\u00e9 use several, differ mean less base concept tank wine put to: purpos mani lambic gueuzes, sour beer wine-lik characteristics, market cuvee. use beer, ale, chocolate, term defin meaning, meant evok imag higher quality, similar use reserv design wine area term regul law."} {"id": "8585", "contents": "cuve french term use wine label denot wine specif blend batch. usual use winemak denot best wine. report answer."} {"id": "8586", "contents": "sinc usag term cuve cuv\u00e9 purpos is, unregul wine store vat tank stage their, product presenc word cuve cuv\u00e9 label arbitrari produc guarante (of) its. superior qualiti mani lambic gueuzes, sour beer wine-lik characteristics, market cuvee. use beer, ale, chocolate, term defin meaning, meant evok imag higher quality, similar use reserv design wine area term regul law."} {"id": "8587", "contents": "recombin bovin growth hormon (rbgh) synthet (man-made) hormon market dairi farmer increas milk product cows. recombin bovin growth hormon (rbgh) recombin bovin somatotropin (rbst) refer bovin growth hormon made lab use genet technology. rbgh product market differ chemic cow' natur somatotropin one amino acid"} {"id": "8588", "contents": "bovin growth hormone, bovin somatotropin (also call bgh, rbgh, bst, bst), given cow make matur faster produc milk. hormon produc cows' pituitari gland extra amino acid attach inject dairi cows. hormon first use 1993."} {"id": "8589", "contents": "oxytocin prolactin hormon produc breastfeed work togeth make milk, establish letdown, keep suppli demand nurs infant. breastfeed hormon prolactin. product prolactin stimul babi suck breast, primari function make milk. breastfeed hormon import part keep milk supply."} {"id": "8590", "contents": "prolactin: milk-produc hormone. prolactin hormon secret pituitari gland locat base brain. circul low level bloodstream non pregnant women. pregnancy, prolactin level increas approxim ten-fold stimul milk format"} {"id": "8591", "contents": "artifici bst produc use recombin dna technolog (biotechnology), call rbst short. rbst commonli known bovin growth hormon rbgh. inject cows, rbgh increas milk product 10 15 percent. fda continu assur consum rbgh safe cow humans, despit evid contrary. 1994, fda prohibit dairi claim differ milk rbgh-inject cow milk produc without artifici hormone."} {"id": "8592", "contents": "bovin somatotropin (bst) bovin growth hormon (bhg) naturally-occur hormon cow help produc milk. amount bst secret milk depend upon stage lactation, parity, nutrit herd environment. growth hormon protein hormon produc pituitari gland animals, includ humans, essenti normal growth, development, health maintenance."} {"id": "8593", "contents": "rbgh genet engin artifici hormon inject dairi cow make produc milk. despit opposit scientists, farmer consumers, us current allow dairi cow inject recombin bovin growth hormon (rbgh), also known recombin bovin somatotropin (rbst). fda continu assur consum rbgh safe cow humans, despit evid contrary. 1994, fda prohibit dairi claim differ milk rbgh-inject cow milk produc without artifici hormone."} {"id": "8594", "contents": "prolactin level increas sever minut babi begin nurse. hormon play pivot role human milk production. main hormon respons milk production, prolactin, essenti breast-feeding, stimul milk production. prolactin product milk let-down also reli number hormon"} {"id": "8595", "contents": "sometim refer bovin somatotropin (rbst), bioengin hormon inject cow everi week forc cow produc milk bodi normal would. rbgh similar, although identical, hormon cow natur produces."} {"id": "8596", "contents": "velopharyng insuffici (vpi) congenit acquir disord result improp close soft palat muscl mouth (the velopharyng sphincter) speech. sphincter close properly, air escap nose instead mouth."} {"id": "8597", "contents": "velopharyng insuffici (vpi) caus varieti disord (structural, genetic, function acquired) often associ cleft palate. abnorm physiolog separ oropharynx nasopharynx lead vpi hypernasality."} {"id": "8598", "contents": "velopharyng insuffici vpi inabl velum (the soft palate) relat anatomi close nasopharynx. nasopharynx separ oral nasal caviti use make sound conson speech."} {"id": "8599", "contents": "velopharyng insuffici inadequ velopharyng closure, due condit cleft palat muscular dysfunction, result defect speech."} {"id": "8600", "contents": "commonli refer hypernasality, velopharyng insuffici vpi reson disord (how caviti mouth nose effect way speech sounds) result much air move nose speech. caus insuffici structur function soft palate."} {"id": "8601", "contents": "velopharyng dysfunct (vpd) term use describ disord character abnorm function velopharyng valve, includ velopharyng insuffici (vpi). velopharyng valv includ soft palat well pharynx side back wall throat."} {"id": "8602", "contents": "velopharyng insuffici improp close velopharyng sphincter (soft palat muscle) speech character acut nasal qualiti voice."} {"id": "8603", "contents": "australia usa, all-on-4 dental implant cost $17,000 $25,000 per arch comparison thailand. implant treatment certifi implant dentist specialist all-on-4 techniqu accredit dental clinic bangkok phuket start 350,000 thai baht per arch."} {"id": "8604", "contents": "accord publish all-on-4 dental implant cost australia, price rang $17,000 $25,000 per arch. usa, all-on-4 dental implant cost averag $19,500 $25,000 per arch base smile planner research."} {"id": "8605", "contents": "all-on-4\u2122 dental implant cost includ full dental implants, implant support teeth implantologist fees. tooth extract required, cost start 1,000 thai baht ($40 aud/ $42 nzd $29 usd 18 gbp) per extraction."} {"id": "8606", "contents": "net cost clinician rang $80 $300 implant crown made overseas, depend qualiti laboratori engaged; rang $350 $950 implant crown made australia, depend qualiti laboratori engaged."} {"id": "8607", "contents": "all-on-6 dental implant fix teeth also avail thailand. get all-on-6 dental implant new teeth 450,000 thb (that' $17,620 aud $19,285 nzd $12,875 usd 8,424 gbp today' exchang rate). all-on-6 dental implant cost juli 29, 2015, exchang rate vary."} {"id": "8608", "contents": "dental implant cost australia rang $4500 $7500 per tooth implant. instanc extrem tooth/gum loss occur larger scale, implant fee australia higher replac multipl teeth."} {"id": "8609", "contents": "averag dental implant cost australia. averag cost dental implants, includ placement dental fixtur (implant) around $2000 *thi surgic treatment only. follow heal period, usual 3-6 months, abut crown place attach fixture."} {"id": "8610", "contents": "implant price australia. dental implant cost australia rang $4500 $7500 per tooth implant. instanc extrem tooth/gum loss occur larger scale, implant fee australia higher replac multipl teeth."} {"id": "8611", "contents": "dental cost australia among expens world expensive. although one richest countri world gener popul suffer poor dental care due numer attempt fail public polici lot time unafford privat sector prices."} {"id": "8612", "contents": "soup must room temperatur refrigeration. warm soup cool environ perfect environ creat bacteria. differ temperatur differ part pot encourag bacteria form. liquid room temp chill once. cool soup 1-2 hours, uncovered, counter refrigerating, problems. also put cork trivet flat hot pad/oven glove glass fridg shelf put pot it. reply."} {"id": "8613", "contents": "john gregerson. assum properli packaged, leftov soup last 3-4 days. never remov larg pot soup stove place directli refrigerator. larg mass food take hours--even days--to chill properly. slowli cool medium provid ideal environ bacteri growth."} {"id": "8614", "contents": "accord expert mcgee consulted, soup stock left cool overnight, reboil 10 minut properli refriger morn still safe eat cool long enough bacteria germin reproduc danger levels. pin it. ever intent accident left soup stock pot overnight, probabl wonder still safe eat reheating. harold mcgee question, especi heard food writer michael ruhlman' practic use stock pot left week."} {"id": "8615", "contents": "example, food left long counter may danger eat, could smell look fine. food left danger zone 40 140 \u00b0f hours, discard it, even though may look smell good. best answer: accord usda: leftov discard food left room temperatur hour (1 hour temperatur 90 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "8616", "contents": "cook food sit room temperatur usda call danger zone, 40 140 f. rang temperatures, bacteria grow rapidli food becom unsaf eat, left two hours. one except note: food' sit environ temperatur 90 f, usda say food left one hour, keep eye clock serv food hot day!"} {"id": "8617", "contents": "depend fridg temp. reheat boil everi day kill germ keep go weeks. anoth answer plan keep turk soup week fridge. go use within days, freez"} {"id": "8618", "contents": "answer: it\u2019 fine place hot food directli refrigerator. don\u2019t worri overh fridg u.s. depart agricultur point out, refrigerator\u2019 thermostat keep run maintain safe temperatur 40\u00b0 below. never put deep contain hot food refriger instead, place hot food shallow contain chill quickly. larg pot soup stew, instance, divid smaller portion place smaller contain refrigerated."} {"id": "8619", "contents": "duplications: portion chromosom duplicated, result extra genet material. known disord includ charcot-marie-tooth diseas type 1a may caus duplic gene encod peripher myelin protein 22 (pmp22) chromosom 17. deletions: portion chromosom miss deleted. known disord includ wolf-hirschhorn syndrome, caus partial delet short arm chromosom 4; jacobsen syndrome, also call termin 11q delet disorder."} {"id": "8620", "contents": "charcot-marie-tooth disease. description: charcot-marie-tooth (cmt) diseas common inherit neurolog disord caus genet mutations. cmt1a result duplic gene chromosom 17 carri instruct produc peripher myelin protenin-22. 1. wolf-hirschhorn syndrome. description: wolf-hirschhorn syndrom caus delet distal short arm chromosom 4. disorder\u2019 major featur includ characterist facial appearance, delay growth development, intellectu disability, seizures."} {"id": "8621", "contents": "exampl chromosom disorders. common chromosom abnorm include: down' syndrom trisomi 21. edward' syndrom trisomi 18. patau syndrom trisomi 13. cri du chat syndrom 5p minu syndrom (partial delet short arm chromosom 5)"} {"id": "8622", "contents": "rarer type chromosom diseases: also rarer type chromosom condit may lead diseases: transloc disorders: partial error chromosom occur, person still pair, accident entir sequenc misplaced. autosom trisomi chromosom diseases. 22 non-sex autosom chromosom (autosomes) also exhibit disorders, common trisomi (have copi rather pair). disord autosom sex chromosomes, disord occur male females."} {"id": "8623", "contents": "example, transloc syndrom subtyp syndrom caus transloc larg sequenc chromosome. subtract disorders: process transloc also caus larg sequenc dna lost chromosomes. creat diseas similar monosomi conditions. autosom trisomi chromosom diseases. 22 non-sex autosom chromosom (autosomes) also exhibit disorders, common trisomi (have copi rather pair). disord autosom sex chromosomes, disord occur male females."} {"id": "8624", "contents": "(octob 2008). genet disord genet problem caus one abnorm genome, especi condit present birth (congenital). genet disord quit rare affect one person everi sever thousand millions. disease, form cancer, may caus inherit genet condit people, new mutat people, mainli environment caus still people."} {"id": "8625", "contents": "mani mutat effect all. call silent mutations. mutat hear often one caus disease. well-known inherit genet disord includ cystic fibrosis, sickl cell anemia, tay-sach disease, phenylketonuria color-blindness, among mani others. disord caus mutat singl gene."} {"id": "8626", "contents": "syndrom common well-known chromosom defect, many. type chromosom diseases: sever common type chromosom error caus disease. effect error sex chromosom (x y) differ greatli error autosom (chromosom 1..22). autosom trisomi chromosom diseases. 22 non-sex autosom chromosom (autosomes) also exhibit disorders, common trisomi (have copi rather pair). disord autosom sex chromosomes, disord occur male females."} {"id": "8627", "contents": "south found major advantag militari muscle. north greater popul draw militari recruits, south popul enthusiast war. south abl recruit 75 percent elig men, north recruit half. industri disparities. industri one major differ north south year civil war. begin civil war, south one-ninth industri capac north."} {"id": "8628", "contents": "american civil war partli instig economic, polit social differ southern northern unit states. side certain advantag other, dispar fuel dynam outcom civil war. north industrial, wealthi friendli immigrants, south agricultural, commit battl fight defens war home. industri disparities. industri one major differ north south year civil war. begin civil war, south one-ninth industri capac north."} {"id": "8629", "contents": "south' greatest strength lay fact fight defens territory. familiar landscape, southern could harass northern invaders. militari polit object union much difficult accomplish. 1860, north manufactur 97 percent country' firearms, 96 percent railroad locomotives, 94 percent cloth, 93 percent pig iron, 90 percent boot shoes. north twice densiti railroad per squar mile."} {"id": "8630", "contents": "despit north' greater population, however, south armi almost equal size first year war. north enorm industri advantag well. begin war, confederaci one-ninth industri capac union. statist misleading. 1860, north manufactur 97 percent country' firearms, 96 percent railroad locomotives, 94 percent cloth, 93 percent pig iron, 90 percent boot shoes. north twice densiti railroad per squar mile."} {"id": "8631", "contents": "south' advantag civil war stalem war territory, north fight war conquest hostil population."} {"id": "8632", "contents": "best answer: south' greatest strength lay fact fight defens territory. familiar landscape, southern could harass northern invaders. union invade, conquer, occupi south. destroy south' capac resist formid challeng war. south also great nucleu train officers."} {"id": "8633", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. south advantage. fight civil war happen south, southern soldier advantag fight familiar territory. answer oklahoma becom state 1907. us civil war occur 1861 1865. so, correct answer question oklahoma fig ht northern southern side us civil war."} {"id": "8634", "contents": "though certainli seem easi suggest north destin win civil war outset, union certainli inclin believ short victori hand, south sever advantag would bring bear."} {"id": "8635", "contents": "bsed english education. outbreak american civil war, north south believ conflict would quickly. advantag confederaci union meant prolong war states. lesson, discov advantag north south had."} {"id": "8636", "contents": "averag salari orthodontist base canada rang 98,819 cad 599,522 cad per annum averag hourli wage rang 56.46 cad 342.5 cad per hour. median salari orthodontist averag 171,292 cad per annum median wage 97.8 cad per hour. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience."} {"id": "8637", "contents": "orthodontist\u2019 salari accord bl unit state $206,190 annual basi median hourli wage $99.13 per hour. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience."} {"id": "8638", "contents": "median expect salari orthodontist unit state $135,500 per annum averag hourli wage $65.14 per hour. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience."} {"id": "8639", "contents": "orthodontist salary. accord data salary.com, median orthodontist salari unit state $127,000 per annum. median salari hourli term $61 per hour. term percentages, top 10th percentil workforc receiv annual wage $180,000 more. $86 per hour more. lowest 10th percentil profess salari $105,000 less per annum."} {"id": "8640", "contents": "orthodontist salary. orthodontist\u2019 salari accord bl unit state $206,190 annual basi median hourli wage $99.13 per hour. highest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $350 per hour averag $612,500 per year. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience."} {"id": "8641", "contents": "averag annual salari orthodontist $127,357 accord salary.com, $147,754 accord payscale, $165,000 year accord dentalcareers.com. best paid orthodontist earn around $300,000 year, lower end scale averag annual incom $100,000. bureau labor statist (bls) reveal averag annual salari orthodontist employ unit state $186,320. salari state. payscale\u2019 salari data show orthodontists\u2019 salari vari significantli state state. example, profession employ california typic earn $100,671 $304,102 year, base new york report salari rang $75,000 $187,500 year."} {"id": "8642", "contents": "start salary. start salari orthodontist new job less year experi gener rang $55,000 $104,762 year accord salari data provid payscale. averag start salari newli graduat orthodontist $72,000 year accord dentalcareers.com. salari state. payscale\u2019 salari data show orthodontists\u2019 salari vari significantli state state. example, profession employ california typic earn $100,671 $304,102 year, base new york report salari rang $75,000 $187,500 year."} {"id": "8643", "contents": "median salari orthodontist uk \u00a380,000, averag salari \u00a361,771 report 2012. note signific drop orthodontist salari compar previou years, averag wage locat around \u00a378,000- \u00a378,250. canada. averag salari orthodontist canada $106,578, lowest incom $38,776 highest salari $287,303. variat occur around country. region highest orthodontist salari saskatchewan, maximum salari $347,907. higher salari also found ontario (with averag salari $127,383), well princ edward island (with averag incom $117,489) new brunswick (with averag salari $110,853)"} {"id": "8644", "contents": "(unit states). averag medic laboratori technician unit state expect rake roughli $18.35 per hour. incom rang span entir spectrum $13.87 per hour $23.88. earn group mostli affect geograph location, follow specif employ year experience. place resid play huge part medic laboratori technician' salary, ocala medic laboratori technician earn salari 26 percent less nation average. below-median salari also turn birmingham atlanta (7 percent lower)."} {"id": "8645", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, medic technician receiv averag yearli salari $30,247 averag hourli wage around $18.84 per hour. median hourli wage medic technician rang $18.94 $21.62. medic technician salary. accord payscale, annual salari medic technician 20 year work experi rang $35,338 $49,474 wherea less year experi earn $27,259 $33,819 per year. share facebook. share twitter. share google+."} {"id": "8646", "contents": "medic laboratori technician\u2019 salari (also know medic lab tech salari mlt salary) unit state $56,000 per year averag hourli wage $26 per hour. base percentil statistics, median salari 90th percentil medic laboratori technician around $51,080 per year. similarly, 75th percentil medic laboratori technician receiv $46,848, 25th percentil receiv $38,158 10th percentil receiv $34,479 per year."} {"id": "8647", "contents": "medic laboratori technician salary. nation median medic lab technician salari $36.280. medic technician salari highest 10% slightli $56,000, median salari lowest 10% $24,000."} {"id": "8648", "contents": "annual salari averag medic laboratori technician canada rang $40,000 $45,000 per year median hourli wage 22.19. highest paid medic laboratori technician receiv hourli wage 27.75 per hour lowest paid receiv 17.40 per hour. base percentil statistics, median salari 90th percentil medic laboratori technician around $51,080 per year. similarly, 75th percentil medic laboratori technician receiv $46,848, 25th percentil receiv $38,158 10th percentil receiv $34,479 per year."} {"id": "8649", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic medic technologist (ascp) unit state $64,289 50% peopl perform job medic technologist (ascp) unit state expect make less $64,289."} {"id": "8650", "contents": "medic technician\u2019 salari (shortli known medic tech salary) unit state accord bureau labor statist $56,130 per year averag hourli wage $21.02 per hour. accord payscale, annual salari medic technician 20 year work experi rang $35,338 $49,474 wherea less year experi earn $27,259 $33,819 per year. share facebook. share twitter. share google+."} {"id": "8651", "contents": "median expect salari medic laboratori technician unit state around $42,199 per year averag hourli wage $28.64. base percentil statistics, median salari 90th percentil medic laboratori technician around $51,080 per year. similarly, 75th percentil medic laboratori technician receiv $46,848, 25th percentil receiv $38,158 10th percentil receiv $34,479 per year."} {"id": "8652", "contents": "medic technician salary: accord bureau labor statistics, median annual medic technician salari $40,240. salari rang $25,210 bottom 10% $58,910 90th percentile. state highest averag salari rhode island annual mean salari $57,700. accord bureau labor statistics, median annual medic technologist salari $59,460. salari rang $39,940 bottom 10% $80,820 90th percentile. state highest averag salari california annual mean salari $79,710."} {"id": "8653", "contents": "cell come stratifi squamou epitheli tissu inner surfac cheek. cell show irregular, flat shape characterist typic squamou cells.. nucleu (a) central located, cell membran (c) thin, cell fill cytoplasm (b)."} {"id": "8654", "contents": "microscop 100x. stratifi epithelium epithelium made number layer cells. stratifi squamou epithelium made number layer cell outer layer flat (squamous). deepest layer new cell produc divis stem cells."} {"id": "8655", "contents": "squamous. squamou mean scale-like. simpl squamou epithelium singl layer flat scale-shap cells. endotheli line blood vessel mesotheli line bodi caviti simpl squamou epithelium. tri identifi simpl squamou epithelia pictures."} {"id": "8656", "contents": "term epithelium refer layer cell line hollow organ glands. also cell make outer surfac body. epitheli cell help protect enclos organs."} {"id": "8657", "contents": "black opal one mani fascin varieti opal avail today also happen one popular varieties. 2008, australia offici recogn proclaim black opal offici state gemston new south wales."} {"id": "8658", "contents": "chalama black opal take fine jewelri industri storm. new varieti ethiopian opal develop jewelri televis (jtv), world\u2019 largest retail loos gemston fine jewelry. gem\u2019 name, chalama black opal, come amhar (ethiopia\u2019 nativ language) word mean \u201cto darken.\u201d. accord diamondne.ws, ethiopian opal discov 2008 known vibrant color uniqu patterns. thing jewelry. new varieti ethiopian opal develop jewelri televis (jtv), world\u2019 largest retail loos gemston fine jewelry."} {"id": "8659", "contents": "ethiopian chalama black opal. can't say fan chalama opal...to can't improv perfection!! ethiopian opal that. huge fan gem, chang it, own. 10 heart shape opals, parcel jtv sold back love them. cheryl show chalama black opal now. seen before, intrigued! fieri dark color. look up, treat smoke good white ethiopian opal."} {"id": "8660", "contents": "process begin fine qualiti natur solid opal welo district. strength, vibrancy, intens color process produc directli relat qualiti natur opal use begin process. indic els might come ethiopia\u2019 cornucopia opal wealth, year collect ahead. chalama black opal, get great valu varieti jtv becom known world beauti color gemstones."} {"id": "8661", "contents": "joy chalama black opal varieti uniqu pattern (imag left).th harlequin pattern left rare. ribbon pattern right remark possibl captur video. indic els might come ethiopia\u2019 cornucopia opal wealth, year collect ahead. chalama black opal, get great valu varieti jtv becom known world beauti color gemstones."} {"id": "8662", "contents": "opal common materi found throughout world. opal common opal potch milki pearli luster known opalescence. however, rare specimen opal produc brilliant color flash turn light. color flash known play-of-color. preciou opal rare found limit number locat worldwide. preciou opal mine australia, secondari sourc include: mexico, brazil, unit states. canada, honduras, indonesia, zambia, guatemala, poland, peru, new zealand ethiopia."} {"id": "8663", "contents": "jewelri television\u00ae offer varieti opal, includ cabochon well facet opals, mileston often seen opal. continu lead world latest gem offerings, jtv pleas introduc chalama black opal ethiopia. indic els might come ethiopia\u2019 cornucopia opal wealth, year collect ahead. chalama black opal, get great valu varieti jtv becom known world beauti color gemstones."} {"id": "8664", "contents": "jtv first bring newli treat opal market. 100,000 carat product crystal white welo opal find roughli 20% medium darker base color rang yellow/orang tea-colored. indic els might come ethiopia\u2019 cornucopia opal wealth, year collect ahead. chalama black opal, get great valu varieti jtv becom known world beauti color gemstones."} {"id": "8665", "contents": "opal redirect here. uses, see opal (disambiguation) opal hydrat amorph form silica; water content may rang 21% weight, usual 10%. girasol opal term sometim mistakenli improperli use refer fire opals, well type transpar semitranspar type milki quartz madagascar display asterism, star effect, cut properly."} {"id": "8666", "contents": "morphea, also known local scleroderma, rare disord character excess collagen deposit lead thicken skin, subcutan tissues, both. classifi plaque, generalized, linear, deep subtypes."} {"id": "8667", "contents": "morphea, also known local scleroderma, condit caus harden discolor skin. thought isol skin without intern organ involv seen system sclerosi (commonli known scleroderma)."} {"id": "8668", "contents": "morphea. type local scleroderma connect tissu replac skin sometim subcutan tissues, format ivori white pink patches, bands, line sometim border purpl areola."} {"id": "8669", "contents": "morphoea (u spell morphea) uncommon persist condit area thicken skin, occasion underli tissu includ bone. also known localis scleroderma."} {"id": "8670", "contents": "frontopariet linear morphea, call en coup de sabre, character linear, atroph depress affect frontopariet aspect face scalp, suggest stroke sword, shown imag below. paramedian lesion common median lesions."} {"id": "8671", "contents": "morphea local scleroderma confin skin. commonli affect trunk also occur face extremities. four clinic variant includ plaque-typ morphea, gener morphea, linear morphea (en coup de sabre), pansclerot morphea children (morphea profunda)."} {"id": "8672", "contents": "morphea: term use describ varieti local asymmetr skin thicken similar system scleroderma without diseas featur multipl intern organ blood vessels. lesion may character patch plaqu (morphea), band (linear), nodules."} {"id": "8673", "contents": "morphea, also known local scleroderma, disord character excess collagen deposit lead thicken dermis, subcutan tissues, both."} {"id": "8674", "contents": "cactu (plural: cacti, cactuses, cactus) member plant famili cactacea within order caryophyllales. word cactu derives, latin, ancient greek \u03ba\u03ac\u03ba\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2, kaktos, name origin use theophrastu spini plant whose ident certain. cacti occur wide rang shape sizes. cacti live habitat subject least drought. major cacti stem succulents, i.e., plant stem main organ use store water. water may form 90% total mass cactus. stem shape vari consider among cacti."} {"id": "8675", "contents": "succul plants, aloe, store water fleshi leaves. botany, succul plants, also known succul sometim fat plants, plant part normal thicken fleshy, usual retain water arid climat soil conditions. word succul come latin word sucus, mean juice, sap. horticultur use, term succul often use way exclud plant botanist would regard succulents, cacti. succul often grown ornament plant strike unusu appearance. 60 differ plant famili contain succulents."} {"id": "8676", "contents": "characteristics: cactu stem succulents; is, fleshi succul stems. except tall speci cholla (pronounc choy uh), cactus littl woodi tissue. member cactu plant famili exhibit varieti strang shapes, spines, showi flowers. even though today found around world, speci cacti except four tropic varieti nativ americas. cactuses, like everi group live organisms, vari greatly."} {"id": "8677", "contents": "succul plant organ leaves, stem root capabl store water raini wet season order surviv extend period drought. plant cactu famili (opuntiacea cactacea) consid stem succulents. period moisture, stem swells. distinct cactu famili show flower structure, also one characteristic, that, although possess everi cactu plant, absent speci families. spine cushion areole. whether spine present, cacti areoles."} {"id": "8678", "contents": "cactu famili one easili recogn plant famili world. beauti blossoms, thick stem unusu shape attract thousand peopl desert year. cactus, plant family, show variat individu species."} {"id": "8679", "contents": "however, botan terminology, cacti succulents. horticulturist may also exclud group plants, e.g., bromeliads. practical, unscientific, horticultur definit succul plant desert plant succul plant collector wish grow. horticultur use, term succul often use way exclud plant botanist would regard succulents, cacti. succul often grown ornament plant strike unusu appearance. 60 differ plant famili contain"} {"id": "8680", "contents": "identifi features. saguaro cactu (carnegiea gigantea) one defin plant sonoran desert. plant large, tree-lik columnar cacti develop branch (or arms) age, although never grow arms."} {"id": "8681", "contents": "cactu spine produc special structur call areoles, kind highli reduc branch. areol identifi featur cacti. well spines, areol give rise flowers, usual tubular multipetaled. major cacti stem succulents, i.e., plant stem main organ use store water. water may form 90% total mass cactus. stem shape vari consider among cacti."} {"id": "8682", "contents": "unlik spini succulents, areol independ structur integr stem. benefit plant: areol detached, stem damag water insid stem preserved. spines: spine help cactu sever ways. crystal hypodermi plant deter small anim forag plant. areoles: new growth, spines, flowers, glochid origin pad-lik structur cactu stem name areoles."} {"id": "8683", "contents": "unfortunately, mani practition hesit prescrib oral magnesium prepar due known side effect diarrhea. recommend daili dose element magnesium 400 mg per day, singl dose 800-1600 mg necessari produc lax effect. major women age 50 take prevent treatment osteoporosis. adult consum total 1000-1200 mg per day element calcium (from diet supplements) divid dose 500 mg per dose increas absorption."} {"id": "8684", "contents": "dosag tsp 300 mg. peopl take tsp twice day. get slight lax effect it, take one tsp four time day. mix powder drink water sip throughout day. get lax effect spite that, take remag. dosag 10-15 spray twice day. one tsp 2,500 mg element magnesium. measur find much get spray bottl look get 300 mg per dose. summary, natur calm magnesium oil, usual recommend take 300 mg twice day, twice rda women"} {"id": "8685", "contents": "adults, ul magnesium 350 mg per day. children age year old, ul decreas 110 mg per day, ul children year old 65 mg per day. magnesium oxid common salt formul miner magnesium. bodi need magnesium numer vital biolog functions, includ maintain steadi heartbeat proper nervou system function."} {"id": "8686", "contents": "usual dose range: 40 daily. electrolyt replenisher: intramuscular 50% solut four time day serum magnesium within normal limits. usual pediatr dose: intramuscular 20 40 mg per kg bodi weight 20% solut repeat necessary. eclampsia: initi 25% 50% solut given intramuscularly."} {"id": "8687", "contents": "usual dose 100 milligram per day younger children 200 milligram older children, taken bedtime. child\u2019 diet low calcium, may necessari add calcium supplement, also taken bedtime, gener 400 milligram younger children 800 milligram older children. supplement contain 100 mg magnesium bulk. however, magnesium plentiful, diet rich magnesium best way keep store up, it\u2019 easi maintain."} {"id": "8688", "contents": "deficiency, dose increased. magnesium citrat use laxative, treat constipation, common dose approxim 2800 mg element magnesium per singl dose. six time usual nutrit recommendation, use five days. take magnesium laxative, syrup contain 1.745 gram (1,745 mg) magnesium citrat per ounce, dose someon 12 year older 10 oz oz glass water. provid 17.45 magnesium citrate, 2,000 mg element magnesium."} {"id": "8689", "contents": "tap, mineral, bottl water also sourc magnesium, amount magnesium water vari sourc brand (rang mg/l 120 mg/l) ]. approxim 30% 40% dietari magnesium consum typic absorb bodi 2, ]."} {"id": "8690", "contents": "however, research believ would low start dose supplement correct deficiencies, around 600 mg would better start dose. mg substitut started, minimum dose appli 600 mg mg per day. therapi proceed one month.... get loos stool stomach upset magnesium dosage, take even time per day days. don\u2019t assum take much magnesium simpli loos stools, sure know symptom magnesium overdos stop take begin feel worse."} {"id": "8691", "contents": "thoma cook history. thoma cook world\u2019 best-known name travel, thank inspir dedic singl man. thoma cook began intern travel compani 1841, success one-day rail excurs shill head leicest loughborough july. humbl begin thoma cook launch whole new kind compani devot help briton see world."} {"id": "8692", "contents": "today, thoma cook group plc one world\u2019 lead leisur travel groups, sale \u00a39 billion 20 million customers. group support c.27,000 employe oper 17 countries. number one two core markets."} {"id": "8693", "contents": "sustain busi depend employees: peopl turn trip dream holiday customers. therefor aim recruit best keep us."} {"id": "8694", "contents": "thoma cook axe 2,600 jobs. travel giant thoma cook axe thousand job across europ close number travel agenc report 12% fall winter bookings, announc today."} {"id": "8695", "contents": "thoma cook' transform plan, alreadi cut 168 store 1,100 jobs, blame deeper loss last financi year. 171-year-old compani report statutori loss \u00a3590m 12 month end september-wors \u00a3518m loss record previou year."} {"id": "8696", "contents": "thoma cook group plc one world\u2019 lead leisur travel group sale \u00a39.3 million 22.1 million customers. oper five geograph segment 21 countries, number one number two core markets."} {"id": "8697", "contents": "compani said statement germani number job across group would cut 10%, plan capit expenditur would reduc 50%, 100 travel agenc closed. 30,000 peopl employ thoma cook across europe."} {"id": "8698", "contents": "tuition fee deduct allow taxpay deduct $4,000 tuition expens above-the-lin exclus income. tax benefit also known limit deduct tuition expens torricelli deduction. amount deduct taxpay deduct $4,000 tuition expens exclus income. mean deduct tuition expens even item deduct schedul 1040. advertis tax deduct tuition expens paid taxpay"} {"id": "8699", "contents": "deduct u/s. 80c tuition school fee paid educ children. eligible: deduct tuition fee u/s. 80c incom tax act 1961 avail individu assesse avail huf. maximum child: deduct section avail tuition fee paid two children\u2019 education. assesse two children claim tuition fee paid two children\u2019"} {"id": "8700", "contents": "amount tax deduction. taxpay deduct $4,000 colleg tuition requir fee above-the-lin exclus income. deduct reduc $2,000 taxpay incom incom phaseout thresholds. claim tuition fee deduction, taxpay must abl claim exempt student taxpayer\u2019 feder incom tax return must list student exempt taxpayer\u2019 feder incom tax return. tax deduct claim per taxpayer, per student."} {"id": "8701", "contents": "item take tuition fee deduction. claim deduct adjust incom form 1040 (pdf) form 1040a (pdf), u.s. individu incom tax return. inform regard deduction, credit educ busi expenses, refer public 970. cannot take tuition fee deduct incom tax return file statu marri file separately, may claim depend someon else' return. topic 457 tuition fee deduction. may abl deduct qualifi tuition relat expens pay yourself, spous depend tuition fee deduction. determin whether expens qualify, refer public 970, tax benefit educatio"} {"id": "8702", "contents": "paid $3,500 qualifi educ expens decemb 2014, child began colleg januari 2015. claim $3,500 tuition fee deduct 2014 incom tax return. reduct reduc taxabl incom $3,500. purpos tuition fee deduction, treat pay expens actual paid depend anyon depend claim exemption. rule appli even claim exempt depend"} {"id": "8703", "contents": "maximum tuition fee deduct 2014 $4,000, $2,000, $0, depend amount magi. see effect amount incom amount deduction, later. purpos tuition fee deduction, treat pay expens actual paid depend anyon depend claim exemption. rule appli even claim exempt depend tax return."} {"id": "8704", "contents": "limit incom rang tuition fee deduction. maximum amount tuition fee deduct claim $4,000 per year. deduct limit follow incom ranges: $4,000 maximum incom $65,000 ($130,000 joint filers); $2,000 maximum incom $65,000 $80,000 ($160,000 joint filers); deduct incom $80,000 ($160,000 joint filers)."} {"id": "8705", "contents": "effect amount incom amount deduction. magi $65,000 ($130,000 marri file jointly), maximum tuition fee deduct $4,000. purpos tuition fee deduction, treat pay expens actual paid depend anyon depend claim exemption. rule appli even claim exempt depend tax return."} {"id": "8706", "contents": "editor' picks. come from: yohimb deriv bark west african evergreen tree. yohimbin activ chemic (an alkaloid) found said bark cultiv supplement form. yohimbin hydrochlorid standard form yohimbin avail prescript drug unit states."} {"id": "8707", "contents": "yohimbin (/jo\u028a\u02c8h\u026ambi\u02d0n/) indol alkaloid deriv bark pausinystalia yohimb tree central africa. yohimb (pausinystalia johimbe) tree grow western central africa; yohimbin origin extract bark yohimb 1896 adolph spiegel. 1943 correct constitut yohimbin propos witkop."} {"id": "8708", "contents": "yohimbin studi potenti treatment erectil dysfunct insuffici evid rate effectiveness. extract yohimb contain yohimbin use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac market dietari supplements. yohimb (pausinystalia johimbe) tree grow western central africa; yohimbin origin extract bark yohimb 1896 adolph spiegel. 1943 correct constitut yohimbin propos witkop."} {"id": "8709", "contents": "like drug yohimbine, bark yohimb tree wide use treat impotence. ... sexual dysfunct women www.lifescript.com/health/centers/womens/alternative_treatments/sexual_dysfunction_in_women.aspx. yohimbin drug deriv bark yohimb tree. ... 22 however, absenc placebo group, result can't taken reliable; addition, concern safeti combin yohimb antidepressants. ..."} {"id": "8710", "contents": "yohimb contain chemic call yohimbin increas blood flow nerv impuls peni vagina. also help counteract sexual side effect certain medic use depression. yohimb link report sever side effect includ irregular rapid heart beat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack, others. primari activ ingredi yohimb drug call yohimbine."} {"id": "8711", "contents": "yohimbin drug use veterinari medicin revers effect xylazin dog deer. yohimb extracts, contain yohimbine, use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac yohimb extract market dietari supplements. yohimb (pausinystalia johimbe) tree grow western central africa; yohimbin origin extract bark yohimb 1896 adolph spiegel. 1943 correct constitut yohimbin propos witkop."} {"id": "8712", "contents": "definit yohimbe. tropic african tree (pausinystalia yohimb syn. corynanth yohimbe) madder famili whose bark yield yohimbine; also: prepar bark use especi aphrodisiac. advertis"} {"id": "8713", "contents": "yohimb tree grow africa, nativ use crude bark purifi compound enhanc sexual desir performance. yohimb use centuri aphrodisiac. even smoke hallucinogen."} {"id": "8714", "contents": "yohimb herbal remedi claim use aphrodisiac treat sever health conditions, depression, high blood pressure, variou sexual problems. yohimb evergreen tree nativ west africa. bark yohimb plant use herbal remedy. said use aphrodisiac treatment mani differ conditions, depression, high blood pressur (hypertension), variou sexual problems."} {"id": "8715", "contents": "overview. adenoma adren gland non-cancer (benign) tumor adren gland. caus sign symptom rare requir treatment. however, may becom activ function mean produc hormones, often excess adren gland typic produce."} {"id": "8716", "contents": "adren insuffici first consideration, especi bilater adren incidentaloma (ais). corticotropin test 60-minut cortisol level help rule diagnosis. patient primari hyperaldosteronism, bilater ai suggest bilater adren hyperaldosteron (idiopath hyperaldosteronism). confirm adren venou sampl demonstr bilater plasma aldosteron secretion."} {"id": "8717", "contents": "incident discov adren mass bilateral, refin diagnost approach warrant sinc bilater diseas like pathologic. review case 34-year-old man incident discov bilater adren nodules. case bilater adren incidentaloma, patient present symptom hypotension, dizziness, weight loss, abdomin pain set bilater adren mass evalu adren insuffici use acth stimul test (tabl 1)."} {"id": "8718", "contents": "incident discov adren mass bilateral, refin diagnost approach warrant sinc bilater diseas like pathologic. review case 34-year-old man incident discov bilater adren nodules. definit treatment bilater adren mass surgic resect adren gland cases, except case aldosteron secret tumors, case medic option may prefer approach."} {"id": "8719", "contents": "benign adren tumor noncancer mass form adren glands. part endocrin system, adren gland produc hormon give instruct virtual everi organ tissu body. benign adren tumor develop cortex also call adren adenomas. benign adren tumor develop medulla also call pheochromocytoma (fee-o-kroe-moe-sy-toe-muhs). benign adren tumor caus symptom requir treatment."} {"id": "8720", "contents": "duplex demonstr bilater enlarg adren glands, mri abdomen show high t2 intens bilater adren mass right-sid mass measur 4.3\u2009cm left-sid mass measur 2.8\u2009cm (figur 1. figur 1: t2-weight mri abdomen show bilater adren masses. case bilater adren incidentaloma, patient present symptom hypotension, dizziness, weight loss, abdomin pain set bilater adren mass evalu adren insuffici use acth stimul test (tabl 1)."} {"id": "8721", "contents": "duplex demonstr bilater enlarg adren glands, mri abdomen show high t2 intens bilater adren mass right-sid mass measur 4.3\u2009cm left-sid mass measur 2.8\u2009cm (figur 1. definit treatment bilater adren mass surgic resect adren gland cases, except case aldosteron secret tumors, case medic option may prefer approach."} {"id": "8722", "contents": "wherea unilater mass benign nonfunctional, bilater adren mass like metastat disease, hemorrhage, infiltr disease, congenit adren hyperplasia, macronodular cushing\u2019 syndrome, bilater cortic adenoma ]. case bilater adren incidentaloma, patient present symptom hypotension, dizziness, weight loss, abdomin pain set bilater adren mass evalu adren insuffici use acth stimul test (tabl 1)."} {"id": "8723", "contents": "wherea unilater mass benign nonfunctional, bilater adren mass like metastat disease, hemorrhage, infiltr disease, congenit adren hyperplasia, macronodular cushing' syndrome, bilater cortic adenoma ]. definit treatment bilater adren mass surgic resect adren gland cases, except case aldosteron secret tumors, case medic option may prefer approach."} {"id": "8724", "contents": "adren adenoma commonest adren mass lesion, often found incident abdomin imag reasons. cases, especi set known current previou malignancy, adren adenoma need distinguish adren metastas adren malignancies. term incident adren lesion (also colloqui known incidentaloma) sometim use interchang adren adenoma, although truth incident adren lesion includ patholog (includ malignancies). such, term avoid lest result confusion."} {"id": "8725", "contents": "express dissatisfact restaurant' service. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. [noncount]. widespread dissatisfact presid administration. sourc dissatisfact"} {"id": "8726", "contents": "definit dissatisfact kids. feel unhappi disapproval."} {"id": "8727", "contents": "learn dissatisfaction. thesaurus: synonym antonym dissatisfaction. spanish central: spanish translat dissatisfaction. nglish: translat dissatisfact spanish speakers. britannica english: translat dissatisfact arab speakers."} {"id": "8728", "contents": "full definit dissatisfaction. qualiti state dissatisfied: discontent. see dissatisfact defin english-languag learners. see dissatisfact defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "8729", "contents": "dissatisfaction. noun. condit feel displeas unsatisfied; discontent. caus"} {"id": "8730", "contents": "90% time, speaker english use 7,500 word speech writing. word appear red, grade stars. one-star word frequent, two-star word frequent, three-star word frequent."} {"id": "8731", "contents": "noun. dissatisfact defin state unhappy, thing caus unhappiness. exampl dissatisfact feel hotel meet level servic expected."} {"id": "8732", "contents": "answer 100. assum convert centigram gram. view detail measur unit: centigram gram. si base unit mass kilogram. kilogram equal 100000 centigram, 1000 gram. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert centigram grams. type unit symbols, abbreviations, full name unit length, area, mass, pressure, types. exampl includ mm, inch, 100 kg, us fluid ounce, 6'3, 10 stone 4, cubic cm, metr squared, grams, moles, feet per second, mani more!"} {"id": "8733", "contents": "centigram 0.01 grams, 400 centigram grams. note: question work assign teacher professor, suggest work self instead tri find answer online. 100 centigram gram centigram 1/100 gram 0.01 grams. peopl found useful. edit. share to: period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements. respons birth planet evolut cell complex organ"} {"id": "8734", "contents": "0.1 gram gram 100 centigram 0.1 gram 10 centigrams. 15 gram 1500 centigrams. 100 centigrams=1 gram."} {"id": "8735", "contents": "answer 100. assum convert centigram gram. view detail measur unit: centigram grams. si base unit mass kilogram. kilogram equal 100000 centigrams, 1000 grams. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert centigram grams."} {"id": "8736", "contents": "100 centigram one gram. 100 centigram gram. 15 gram 1500 centigrams. 100 centigrams=1 gram."} {"id": "8737", "contents": "example: get milligram gram multipli gram 1000. have: 23 grams. want milligrams: so, milligram 23 grams. multipli gram 1000: 23g 1000 23000mg. want milligrams: so, milligram 23 grams. 23000 milligram 23 gram 1000 milligram everi gram."} {"id": "8738", "contents": "mani centigram weight mass system gram? answer is: chang (gram) unit weight mass measur equal 100.00 cg-cgm (centigram) per equival weight mass unit type measur often used. find in: main unit menu weight mass menu grams. calcul centigram weight mass per gram unit. weight mass kitchen measur unit convert culinari chefs, baker professionals."} {"id": "8739", "contents": "stratifi squamou epithelium consist one (typic many) layers, strata, epitheli cell (see figure)."} {"id": "8740", "contents": "1). simpl epithelium compos singl layer cells. squamou epithelium compos flatten platelik cells. stratifi epithelium epithelium made cell arrang layers."} {"id": "8741", "contents": "stratifi epithelium also line tissu provid protect underli tissues. stratifi epithelia normal found place great deal wear tear. frequently, outer surfac epithelia slough replac cell it. two type stratifi squamou epithelium. area tissu subject dri may keratinized. keratin stratifi squamou epithelium outermost layer compos tightli pack dead cell fill protein keratin."} {"id": "8742", "contents": "stratifi squamou epithelium type tissu make skin layer line bodi caviti organs. structur make excel protect layer. learn tissu take short quiz end. lesson summary. stratifi squamou epithelium type tissu found cover line part body. tissue, cell flattened, join tightli together, stacked. major function tissu type protection, found area undergo wear-and-tear."} {"id": "8743", "contents": "simpl squamou epithelium singl layer flat cell contact basal lamina (one two layer basement membrane) epithelium. type epithelium often permeabl occur small molecul pass quickli membran via filtrat diffusion. simpl squamou epithelia found capillaries, alveoli, glomeruli, tissu rapid diffus required. cell flat flattened/round nucleus. also call pavement epithelium due tile-lik appear"} {"id": "8744", "contents": "stratifi signifi two layer epitheli cells. convention, stratifi epithelium describ accord shape cell free surface. regardless whether surfac cell squamous, cuboidal, columnar, underli cell usual cuboidal. simpl squamou epithelium may locat site rapid diffusion, line lung alveoli, line blood vessel (call endothelium), site littl activ occuring, bowman' capsul kidney line major bodi caviti (call mesothelium)."} {"id": "8745", "contents": "(redirect squamou epithelium). anatomy, squamou epithelium (squama- -ous) whose outermost (apical) layer consist thin, flat cell call squamou epitheli cells. epithelium may compos one layer cells, case refer simpl squamou epithelium, may possess multipl layers, refer stratifi squamou epithelium. squamou epitheli cell polygon appear view"} {"id": "8746", "contents": "(februari 2013). list song record elvi presley first demo sun studio 1953 final concert june 26, 1977 market squar arena indianapolis, indiana. note record date first known date. album debut refer track' first appear lp."} {"id": "8747", "contents": "\u201cblue bayou\u201d perform linda ronstadt 1977. ronstadt\u2019 version roy orbison hit put song back top 40 pop chart second time."} {"id": "8748", "contents": "blue bayou titl song written roy orbison joe melson, origin sung orbison. later becam linda ronstadt 's signatur song. henley eagl sang backup recording. blue bayou later certifi platinum (for million copi sold unit states). worldwid smash also popular spanish-languag version call lago azul. ronstadt later perform song episod muppet show"} {"id": "8749", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: well singer top song one know ben one singer earli day linda ronstadt sing song beauti singer know like patsi cline roy orbison sing blue bayou well. source(s):"} {"id": "8750", "contents": "besid linda ronstadt, mani artist cover blue bayou english; among are: traci huang (zh), 1978, album way are, dutch singer piet veerman new cats, 1980, singl album back you, toni christie, 1983, album countri love, dolli parton perform song 1987-88 varieti show, ... ly henley eagl sang backup recording. blue bayou later certifi platinum (for million copi sold unit states). worldwid smash also popular spanish-languag version call lago azul. ronstadt later perform song episod muppet show."} {"id": "8751", "contents": "report abuse. blue bayou titl song written roy orbison joe melson sung orbison. best known version remain linda ronstadt' 1977 cover, top-ten pop, countri easi listen singl u.s.; song includ ronstadt' triple-platinum-plu simpl dream album. roy orbison-blu bayou song written roy orbison joe melson. first appear roy' 1963 lp dreams."} {"id": "8752", "contents": "publish aug 22, 2013. video remix english/spanish creat dj_ethan [unreleased]. priscilla elvi beach vacations. blue bayou titl classic hit song written roy orbison joe melson sung orbison. later becam linda ronstadt' signatur song. priscilla ann presley (nee n\u00e9e; wagner born may, 24) 1945 american actress and. businesswoman"} {"id": "8753", "contents": "syphilis: chancre-top overview. first symptom syphili sore call chancr (say shanker) usual painless. sore begin site infect small, solid, rais skin sore less 0.5 in. (1 cm) across. develop red, usual painless open sore scooped-out appearance."} {"id": "8754", "contents": "chancre: classic painless ulcer syphilis. chancr form first (primary) stage syphilis. highli contagi last 1-5 weeks. diseas transmit contact ulcer, teem spirochetes."} {"id": "8755", "contents": "1. primari lesion syphilis, occur site entri infection. call also hard, hunterian, true chancre. 2. papular lesion occur site entri infect tuberculosi skin sporotrichosis. chancr re\u00b4dux chancr develop scar heal primari chancre. soft chancr chancroid. true chancr chancr (1). tubercul chancr brownish red papul develop indur nodul plaque, repres initi cutan infect tubercl bacillu skin mucosa."} {"id": "8756", "contents": "chancr (/\u02c8\u0283ae\u014bk\u0259r/ \u02c8\u0283\u00e6\u014bk\u0259r-shang) k\u0259r painless (ulceration) sore commonli form primari stage of. syphili infecti lesion form approxim 21 day initi exposur treponema, pallidum the-gram neg spirochaet bacterium yielding. syphili differ condit chancr chancroid chancr lesion typic infect bacterium caus syphilis, treponema pallidum. chancroid lesion typic infect bacterium haemophilu ducreyi. chancr typic painless, wherea chancroid typic painful."} {"id": "8757", "contents": "chancr (/\u02c8\u0283ae\u014bk\u0259r/ \u02c8\u0283\u00e6\u014bk\u0259r-shang) k\u0259r painless (ulceration) sore commonli form primari stage of. syphili differ condit chancr chancroid chancr lesion typic infect bacterium caus syphilis, treponema pallidum. chancroid lesion typic infect bacterium haemophilu ducreyi. chancr typic painless, wherea chancroid typic painful."} {"id": "8758", "contents": "syphili transmit person person direct contact syphilit sore, known chancre. chancr occur mainli extern genitals, vagina, anus, rectum. chancr also occur lip mouth. transmiss syphili occur vaginal, anal, oral sex. primari stage. appear singl chancr mark primari (first) stage syphili symptoms, may multipl sores. chancr usual firm, round, painless. appear locat syphili enter body."} {"id": "8759", "contents": "medic definit chancre. primari sore ulcer site entri pathogen (a tularemia); especially: initi lesion syphilis. chan\u00b7crou \\-k(\u0259-)r\u0259s\\ adjective."} {"id": "8760", "contents": "std classic 1\u00ba skin lesion syphilis, consist painless 1\u20132 cm ulcer; 1\u00ba chancr highli contagious, contain zillion spirochetes, heal papule; chancr outsid vagina scrotum render condom useless disease-prev systems. see kiss chancre, syphilis. chancr re\u00b4dux chancr develop scar heal primari chancre. soft chancr chancroid. true chancr chancr (1). tubercul chancr brownish red papul develop indur nodul plaque, repres initi cutan infect tubercl bacillu skin mucosa."} {"id": "8761", "contents": "chancre: ulcer like erupt locat epitheli surface. see detail inform list 11 caus chancre, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes. review caus chancre: caus symptom checker \u00bb."} {"id": "8762", "contents": "chancr small sore appear individual' bodi contract syphilis, sexual transmit bacteri infection. sore usual firm painless, manifest primarili part bodi came contact bacteria: usual genitals, rectum, mouth. chancr may develop person develop sexual transmit bacteri infect known syphilis. syphilis, untreated, eventu caus heart damage, strokes, seizur blindness."} {"id": "8763", "contents": "compar year cd rate (certif deposit rates) thousand bank credit unions. track daili rate thousand institut help find best deal next cd."} {"id": "8764", "contents": "cd rates. nation avail best cd rate updat daily. compar high yield cd rate confid we\u2019r constantli search countri best certif deposit interest rate save investments. privaci policy/your california privaci rights-term service-contact us-affiliates-press. 2015 bankrate, inc., right reserved."} {"id": "8765", "contents": "cd rates, certif deposit rates, offer varieti matur dates. 1-year cd rate tabl list base annual percentag yield, highest interest rate lowest. click plu button left offering, view account detail rate histori particular product."} {"id": "8766", "contents": "one year cd rates. best one year cd rate bank branch within 20 mile zip code list above. one year cd usual popular term offer decent yield without lock-up money extend period time."} {"id": "8767", "contents": "cd rate help. certif deposit, cd, one safest predict invest around. long cd back fdic, guarante lose principal, cases, investor count earn stabl return full term cd."} {"id": "8768", "contents": "example, compar 5-year cd deposit $30,000 2.25% annual percentag yield (apy) similar cd term deposit amount, 1.65% apy. (two current offers, updat oct. 5, 2015.) example, interest compound annually."} {"id": "8769", "contents": "jumbo cd rate usual higher regular cd rate deposit amount larger. regular certif deposit open littl $1 jumbo certif deposit start minimum $100,000. bank credit union offer mini-jumbo certif deposit."} {"id": "8770", "contents": "biochem found urin predomin end-product nitrogen metabol process. includ urea, uric acid, creatinine. compon urin includ sodium chlorid (common salt), 100 substanc usual present, trace (i.e. small) quantities. urin aprox. 95% water. compon normal urin solut dissolv water compon urine."} {"id": "8771", "contents": "chemic appear (urin chemistry): special stick (dipstick) test variou substanc urine. stick contain littl pad chemic chang color come contact substanc interest."} {"id": "8772", "contents": "given urin mostli water, also contain substanc dissolv water, densiti expect close to, slightli greater than, 1.0. true-th densiti normal urin rang 0.001 0.035. approx."} {"id": "8773", "contents": "white blood cell may sign infect kidney disease. casts. type kidney diseas caus plug materi (call casts) form tini tube kidneys. cast get flush urine. cast made red white blood cells, waxi fatti substances, protein."} {"id": "8774", "contents": "sever test perform urinalysi depart advers affect substanc may present urine. import know result test may invalid due substances. import technologist perform test urinalysi depart review following."} {"id": "8775", "contents": "urin substances: introduction. inform urin substanc below, review specif inform type urin substances: proteinuria, pyuria, pu urine, sugar urine, glucosuria, glycosuria, protein urine, hyperuricaemia types."} {"id": "8776", "contents": "urinalysi use screen and/or diagnost tool help detect substanc cellular materi urin associ differ metabol kidney disorders. order wide routin detect abnorm requir follow up."} {"id": "8777", "contents": "kidney take wast material, minerals, fluids, substanc blood pass urine. urin hundr differ bodi wastes. eat drink, much exercise, well kidney work affect urine."} {"id": "8778", "contents": "urin substances: inappropri level substanc found urine. see detail inform list 269 caus urin substances, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes."} {"id": "8779", "contents": "exampl might resum candid degre minimum experi requir job posting. cost, run one ad linkedin cost $195 cost careerbuild ad $360. site give volum discounts, purpos analysi use cost run one ad site."} {"id": "8780", "contents": "relat articles: employ agency, temporari agency. post job onlin typic cost employ $99-$395 one month, price depend larg locat industry. example, monster charg $210-$395 post one job site one month, price depend upon location. recent offer give 25% discount one 60-day job postings, bring price $297 one post $844 three. issu interest busi turn web find employe cover onlin recruit magazine."} {"id": "8781", "contents": "cost obtain qualifi resum linkedin less careerbuilder; $18.33 per resum versu $175.50. recruit look for: higher yield qualifi candid cheaper cost per posting. result consist seen 20 year recruiting. cost, run one ad linkedin cost $195 cost careerbuild ad $360. site give volum discounts, purpos analysi use cost run one ad site."} {"id": "8782", "contents": "price post job profession network site linkedin vari city. example, 30-day job post cost $95 rhode island, $195 atlanta $295 san francisco. recent offer give 25% discount one 60-day job postings, bring price $297 one post $844 three. issu interest busi turn web find employe cover onlin recruit magazine."} {"id": "8783", "contents": "visit www.careerbuilder.com click post jobs.. decid mani job post need purchase. one individu job post cost $419, save money buy job post bulk. buy 10 job post one time post cost $340. buy 20 post cost per post drop $290. click buy one post buy job post bulk, depend needs. next page, choos exact number post want buy drop-down menu. employ use careerbuild advertis job open 23 million job seeker around countri month. post job careerbuild easy, straightforward process take 10 15 minut per posting."} {"id": "8784", "contents": "analysi took account cost post job list number qualifi resumes. detail study: cost run one ad linkedin cost $195 cost careerbuild ad $360. price reflect discount base volum pricing. result studi show that, average, linkedin produc fewer resum per post 39 versu 45 produc higher yield per post qualifi candidates: 11 versu 3. cost obtain qualifi resum linkedin less careerbuilder; $18.33 per resum versu $175.50. recruit look for: higher yield qualifi candid cheaper cost per posting. reduc cost per resum linkedin recruit job slot"} {"id": "8785", "contents": "post job onlin typic cost employ $99-$395 one month, price depend larg locat industry. example, monster charg $210-$395 post one job site one month, price depend upon location. recent offer give 25% discount one 60-day job postings, bring price $297 one post $844 three. issu interest busi turn web find employe cover onlin recruit magazine."} {"id": "8786", "contents": "sponsor jobs. pay per click price mean pay deliv result control spend. instead pay larg amount up-front post job, choos small amount will pay time someon click view job. click inde cost $0.25 $1.50. spend per click help job get seen often."} {"id": "8787", "contents": "topic: tech work. accord craigslist, job post craigslist cost $75 san francisco, $25 five major citi free cities, job post careerbuild monster cost $359 $395, respectively."} {"id": "8788", "contents": "although deserts, sahara north africa desert southwestern u.s., mexico, australia, occur low latitudes, anoth kind desert, cold deserts, occur basin rang area utah nevada part western asia. water used, stem shrink groov deep ridg close together. plant live type desert includ salt bush, buckwheat bush, black bush, rice grass, littl leaf horsebrush, black sage, chrysothamnus."} {"id": "8789", "contents": "desert barren area land littl precipit occur consequ live condit hostil plant anim life. lack veget expos unprotect surfac ground process denudation. one third land surfac world arid semi-arid. english desert romanc cognat (includ italian portugues deserto, french desert d\u00e9sert spanish) desierto come ecclesiast latin (d\u0113sertum origin abandoned), place participl of, d\u0113serer to. abandon"} {"id": "8790", "contents": "follow veget adapt found desert world: cactu common type plant shrub found nearli desert world. desert biom classifi types, viz., coastal desert, cold desert, semiarid desert, hot dri desert. type veget found differ accord type desert. follow veget type found differ desert"} {"id": "8791", "contents": "type desert plants. quit type desert plant includ wild flowers, cactus, succulents, dessert grass make major plants. plant bloom, truli amaz site seen. wildflow type chang elev ascend descends. bougainvillea drought toler plant beauti pink flowers, shown above."} {"id": "8792", "contents": "mani type veget desert cactus, grass, littl bit trees. reason mani cactu need lot water. sinc desert hardli rain good home cactus. veget desert small climat hot dri thing grow cacu cactu grow around 6-8 inch tall. cut open cactu drink water spike rube mouth."} {"id": "8793", "contents": "mani type plant live desert. mostli jasmin plants, shrubs, cacti. three dont need much water abil store live desert hardli get rain. veget desert small climat hot dri thing grow cacu cactu grow around 6-8 inch tall. cut open cactu drink water spike rube mouth."} {"id": "8794", "contents": "wild flowers. gorgeou spread wildflow desert. year desert flower bloom specif times, depend winter rainfal temperature. quit rapidli bloom flower short life cycles. plant bloom, truli amaz site seen. wildflow type chang elev ascend descends. bougainvillea drought toler plant beauti pink flowers, shown above."} {"id": "8795", "contents": "desert veget ground-hug shrub short woodi trees. tree replete, alot nutrients. peopl think desert hurt kill food. peopl know alot nutrient alot plant desert. veget desert small climat hot dri thing grow cacu cactu grow around 6-8 inch tall. cut open cactu drink water spike rube mouth."} {"id": "8796", "contents": "desert, mani thing vegetation. veget cactu lot flowers. flower mani wierd name lot tropic plant desert. plant use mani thing like glue gum. veget desert small climat hot dri thing grow cacu cactu grow around 6-8 inch tall. cut open cactu drink water spike rube mouth."} {"id": "8797", "contents": "order adjust conditions, veget plant desert undergon certain chang period thousand years. veget found desert. limit type plant found desert due lack favor condit resources. compris plant modifi undergon adapt order surviv desert. plant known xerophytes. desert biom classifi types, viz., coastal desert, cold desert, semiarid desert, hot dri desert. type veget found differ accord type desert."} {"id": "8798", "contents": "mount kosciuszko mountain locat main rang snowi mountain kosciuszko nation park, part australian alp nation park reserves, new south wales, australia. height 2,228 metr (7,310 ft) sea level, highest mountain australia."} {"id": "8799", "contents": "mountain activ volcano stand 2745 metr high. higher mountain australian antarct territory, territori sovereign australia. highest mountain mainland snowi mountain new south wales, part great divid range. rang fourth longest world."} {"id": "8800", "contents": "highest mountains. highest mountain australian mainland snowi mountain region new south wale victorian alp part great divid rang separ central lowland eastern highlands."} {"id": "8801", "contents": "(april 2011). pen fan /p\u025bn.\u0259.\u02c8vaen/ \u02c8v\u00e6n highest peak south, wale situat brecon beacon national. park 886 (2,907 2907) ft above-sea, level also highest british peak south cadair idri in. snowdonia 886 metr (2,907 ft) sea-level, also highest british peak south cadair idri snowdonia. twin summit pen fan corn du 2864 feet formerli refer cadair arthur 'arthur' seat'."} {"id": "8802", "contents": "mount kosciuszko 2,228 meter (7,310ft) sea level. difficult climb mount kosciuszko. 8km (5 mile) walk nearest road (charlott pass). mount kosciuszko highest point mainland australia, howev higher peak exist territori claim australia. dome argu australian antarct territori highest peak territori claim australia. it\u2019 highest peak 4,030m (13,200ft) sea level. relat topics."} {"id": "8803", "contents": "pen fan /p\u025bn.\u0259.\u02c8vaen/ \u02c8v\u00e6n highest peak south, wale situat brecon beacon national. park 886 metr (2,907 ft) sea-level, also highest british peak south cadair idri snowdonia. twin summit pen fan corn du 2864 feet formerli refer cadair arthur 'arthur' seat'."} {"id": "8804", "contents": "highest point australia mount kosciuszko (name sir paul edmund de strzelecki 1840 polish patriot democrat leader tadeusz kosciuszko) new south wales, 2,228 metr sea level. mount kosciuszko part great divid range."} {"id": "8805", "contents": "new south wale name lieuten jame cook famou voyag endeavour 1770. saw east coast call australia, name wales, part uk. new was, least, south location. hence, new south wales. passion thing australian, roam wikianswers, answer question remotest connect australiana ... ... interest far wide. highest point new south wale mt kosciuszko, 2228m (some sourc say 2229m). lie within australian alp southeast state"} {"id": "8806", "contents": "australia smallest world' continents. also lowest, flattest (apart antarctica) driest. highest point australian mainland mount kosciuszko, new south wales, 2228 metr sea level. lowest point dri bed lake eyre, south australia, 15 metr sea level. mainland tasmania surround mani thousand small island numer larger one"} {"id": "8807", "contents": "purpose. clinic practic committe academi medical-surg nurs (amsn) support mission promot excel medical-surg nursing. address issu develop statement guidelin affect clinic practic medical-surg nursing."} {"id": "8808", "contents": "vumc nurs research committe goals. long-term goal: provid leadership use evidence-bas practic integr compon clinic practic manag decis making. short-term goal (1-2 yrs): ensur access abil use data evid resources."} {"id": "8809", "contents": "purpos nurs practic council to: delin scope nurs practic rch. review revis policies, procedur standard care. incorpor evidence-bas research find clinic practice. consult interdepartment issu impact patient care. incorpor evidence-bas research find clinic practice. consult interdepartment issu impact patient care. particip adopt new clinic product equipment. provid input revis approv nurs document standards."} {"id": "8810", "contents": "rch nurs practic council mission: nurs practic council empow clinic nurs implement maintain standard nurs practic patient care consist evidence-bas practic requir regulatori agencies. incorpor evidence-bas research find clinic practice. consult interdepartment issu impact patient care. particip adopt new clinic product equipment. provid input revis approv nurs document standards."} {"id": "8811", "contents": "responsibilities. clinic practic committe compris amp member expertis one molecular specialties: infecti diseases, hematopathology, solid tumors, genet informatics. purpos address challeng clinic laboratori and, therefore, improv servic provide."} {"id": "8812", "contents": "lori hoffman hogg, ms, rn, cns, aocn vha oncolog clinic advisor offic nurs servic chair oncolog nurs field advisori committe (onc-fac). field based, cancer program director albani stratton va medic center upstate, new york. clinic practic program develop offic nurs servic support nurs clinic practice, develop polici coordin vha program offic dissemin commun field."} {"id": "8813", "contents": "a. nurs practic council empow clinic nurs implement maintain standard nurs practic patient care consist evidence-bas practic requir regulatori agencies. incorpor evidence-bas research find clinic practice. consult interdepartment issu impact patient care. particip adopt new clinic product equipment. provid input revis approv nurs document standards."} {"id": "8814", "contents": "cpg contain recommend base systemat review critic analysi literatur clinic practic question. prepar cpg complex process involv critic think throughout entir process. overview: ena provid three type of-bas researchclin practic resourc 1) clinic practic guidelines,) 2clinic practic guidelin synopsi and) translat practic recommendations. follow3 ing tabl provid comparison."} {"id": "8815", "contents": "accomplishments. sinc 2008, committe draft 20 clinic practic statement clinic practic guidelines. mani statement submit peer review public journal emerg medicin (jem). gener guidelin prepar clinic practic statement updat april 2014. join committe develop clinic polici statement current issu impact emerg medicin physician"} {"id": "8816", "contents": "2011, institut medicin (iom) defin systemat evid review scientif investig focus specif question use explicit, prespecifi scientif method identify, select, assess, summar find similar separ studies. iom (2011) defin clinic practic guidelin statement includ recommend intend optim patient care inform systemat review evid assess benefit harm altern care options.."} {"id": "8817", "contents": "rat 1-cell embryos, recov natur mate females, cultur chemic defin medium (mr1ecm) mr1ecm supplement bsa (4 mg/ml; mr1ecm-bsa) fetal bovin serum (fbs; 10%, v:v; mr1ecm-fbs) instead polyvinylalcohol."} {"id": "8818", "contents": "rmbio also custom meet specif cell cultur medium supplement needs. fb 9cfr-tested, meet fda usda requirements. fetal bovin serum product also test meet emea requirements. start proven, qualiti fetal bovin serum (fbs) sources, process manufactur fb state-of-the-art facil missoula, montana adher gmp standard contain stringent process control valid cip clean processes."} {"id": "8819", "contents": "appli cell solut label dishes. keep cell dish incub supplement 5% co2 37oc. freez cells: thaw fbs, dmso, prepar freez medium, 70% dmem, 20% fbs, 10% dmso (7ml, 2ml, 1ml 10 ml medium), keep 4oc. rins confluent cell pb times. incub cell ml 0.5x trypsin (10mm dish) (1x smooth muscl cell 0.5x endotheli cells), keep 37oc 1.5 min, min."} {"id": "8820", "contents": "gibco\u00ae sera help meet research need budget requirements, offer best valu basic cell culture, specialti research, specif assays. dedic provid right fetal bovin serum (fbs) specif cell cultur need lab budget. effect februari 12, 2014, gibco thermo fisher scientif isia traceabl certified."} {"id": "8821", "contents": "rmbio\u2019 fetal bovin serum (fbs) promot steady, healthi cell growth. sourc fb cell cultur medium supplement australia, new zealand, us, well usda approv region north america. provid certif analysi lots. fb highli use growth factor cell cultur due high level nutrients. start proven, qualiti fetal bovin serum (fbs) sources, process manufactur fb state-of-the-art facil missoula, montana adher gmp standard contain stringent process control valid cip clean processes."} {"id": "8822", "contents": "fetal bovin serum (fbs). fetal bovin serum (fbs) wide use growth supplement cell cultur media high content embryon growth promot factors."} {"id": "8823", "contents": "instruct set detail make rum home. take 4-10 day complete. instruct set includ instruct make rum, link make reflux still own, link dilut final product. often, rum age toast oak barrel 10 year longer add depth flavor color. luxuri toast oak barrel, 10 years' time, safe soak rum toast oak chip three week impart signatur taste."} {"id": "8824", "contents": "rum distil alcohol beverag made sugarcan byproducts, molasses, directli sugarcan juice, process ferment distillation. origin word rum gener unclear. 1824 essay word' origin, samuel morewood, british etymologist, suggest might british slang term best, rum time.."} {"id": "8825", "contents": "major world' rum product occur caribbean latin america. rum also produc austria, spain, australia, new zealand, fiji, hawaii, philippines, india, reunion island, mauritius, south africa, taiwan, thailand, japan, unit state canada. rum produc variou grades. origin word rum gener unclear. 1824 essay word' origin, samuel morewood, british etymologist, suggest might british slang term best, rum time.."} {"id": "8826", "contents": "fashion spice rum easi realli reason buy artifici flavor slosh find store. combin high-qual gold rum spices, coupl days, you\u2019v concoct spirit!"} {"id": "8827", "contents": "rum 1. n. 1. alcohol liquor distil ferment molass sugarcane. 2. 1. alcohol liquor spirit distil molass ferment sugarcan product. 2. intox liquor."} {"id": "8828", "contents": "subcategori dark rum call blackstrap. produc darkest molass produc third boil refin sugar result rum equal dark, rich, thick. exampl blackstrap rum cruzan black strap captain morgan black spice rum. medium-bodi rum often call gold amber rum rich smooth. result either product congen (organ compound produc production) addit caramel. gold rum often age oak cask also contribut dark, smooth characteristics."} {"id": "8829", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. rum hard alcohol made ferment sugar. process usual includ ferment juic sugarcan plant, well molass by-product sugar production. rum one major liquor world, histori steep myth piracy, caribbean, slavery. rum may enjoy own, perhap rocks. sugarcane, use make rum. today, rum often commerci produc ferment sugar larg steel vats."} {"id": "8830", "contents": "intro: rather hard defin entir rum famili group varieti rum produced. light, gold, dark spice rum distinct characterist furthermor rum produc countri differ one anoth due vari law tradit production. medium-bodi rum often call gold amber rum rich smooth. result either product congen (organ compound produc production) addit caramel. gold rum often age oak cask also contribut dark, smooth characteristics."} {"id": "8831", "contents": "rum 1. 1. alcohol liquor spirit distil molass ferment sugarcan product. 2. intox liquor. [1645\u201355; perhap short obsolet rumbullion, rumbust"} {"id": "8832", "contents": "school medicine, famili medicin answered. drink glass milk reliev heartburn may initi eas discomfort acid reflux gastroesophag reflux diseas (gerd), may also rebound affect later milk trigger product stomach acid later."} {"id": "8833", "contents": "discoveri health answered. drink milk common home remedy, caus short-term relief. overall, however, calcium milk make stomach produc acid, exacerb origin problem. tri licoric anis instead."} {"id": "8834", "contents": "acid reflux often result burn sensat heartburn upper chest throat. sometim tast acid bitter content back mouth. whole milk dairi products, includ yogurt, may worsen acid reflux fat content."} {"id": "8835", "contents": "million american suffer gerd, chronic digest diseas happen stomach acid flow back food pipe. lot peopl know condit caus heartburn, there' lot it. strike suddenly."} {"id": "8836", "contents": "overview. may spend mealtim avoid certain food drink suffer acid reflux gastroesophag reflux diseas (gerd). condit stomach acid leak back esophagus. symptom includ coughing, nausea, hoarseness, belching, sore throat, regurgitation."} {"id": "8837", "contents": "drink milk common home remedy, caus short-term relief. overall, however, calcium milk make stomach produc acid, exacerb origin problem."} {"id": "8838", "contents": "milk sooth effect stomach throat, provid temporari relief. milk also rebound effect caus heartburn later. milk tend encourag stomach acid secretion, contribut acid reflux. better sleep empti stomach wheat cracker bedtime."} {"id": "8839", "contents": "heartburn actual symptom gerd (gastroesophag reflux disease), caus acid reflux back esophagus. risk factor includ increas product acid stomach, well structur problem allow acid reflux"} {"id": "8840", "contents": "heartburn occur stomach acid back tube carri food mouth stomach (esophagus). normal swallow, band muscl around bottom esophagu (lower esophag sphincter) relax allow food liquid flow stomach."} {"id": "8841", "contents": "heartburn, reflux, form indigest occur acid digest juic flow back stomach gullet, protect lining, caus inflamm pain."} {"id": "8842", "contents": "overview key fact long term visit pass, includ validity. elig elig get long term visit pass famili employ pass pass holders."} {"id": "8843", "contents": "fulfil follow conditions, submit renew applic online: travel document valid month more. visit pass (long term) valid 10 day more. would requir local sponsor least 21 year old singpass (appli singpass)."} {"id": "8844", "contents": "appli long-term visit pass. foreign seek long term stay purpos famili visit explor employ accompani child studi singapor may appli long-term visit pass (ltvp) onlin via e-vp e-vpaa. applic long-term visit pass (ltvp)."} {"id": "8845", "contents": "long-term visit pass (ltvp) common-law spouse, step-child handicap child employ pass pass holder. pass holder earn $10,000 also get pass parents. find pass apply."} {"id": "8846", "contents": "travel document valid month more. visit pass (long term) valid 10 day more. would requir local sponsor least 21 year old singpass (appli singpass). applic appli child scheme must 21 year age."} {"id": "8847", "contents": "example, want lose weight work around 75% maximum heart rate. ime-how long exercis session go be? aerob train session last least 20 minutes. time tight, better three 20 minut session week one 60 minut session. ype-what type train go do? depend aim are. although case tri vari session keep interested."} {"id": "8848", "contents": "under-ten go littl longer much. session length age probabl top 65 minutes. what\u2019 accomplish session differ under-8 age group. warm-up last 10 minut follow 20 minut techniqu skill development."} {"id": "8849", "contents": "fartlek train session interv kept rel short frequent. anyth long simpli becom like interv training. interv might rang 10 second minut example. long distanc runner (anyth 1500m 10k) structur session beneficial."} {"id": "8850", "contents": "by: simon thadani. footbal one uniqu demand sports. top level, player expect play 50 match season last nine months, physic toll increas train matches, well travel countri abroad."} {"id": "8851", "contents": "team often practic 90 minut morn earli afternoon session come back practic two hour even session. modern coach concern practic middl summer day gener ago."} {"id": "8852", "contents": "ankl sprain rang mild severe, depend badli ligament damag mani ligament injured. mild sprain, ankl may tender, swollen, stiff. usual feel stable, walk littl pain."} {"id": "8853", "contents": "ankl sprain take averag week heal take months, depend severity. ankl brace, air stirrup, hike boots, form ankl support worn time protect ligaments."} {"id": "8854", "contents": "peopl repeat sever sprain develop long-term joint pain weakness. treat sprain ankl help prevent ongo ankl problems. rehabilit (rehab) exercis ankl sprain done home promot proper heal prevent chronic pain instability."} {"id": "8855", "contents": "answer: well, consid long might take sprain heal, need consid vari degre sprain injuries. there' grade one, ligament hold joint place stretched."} {"id": "8856", "contents": "home treatment. ankl sprain take averag week heal take months, depend severity. ankl brace, air stirrup, hike boots, form ankl support worn time protect ligaments."} {"id": "8857", "contents": "grade two sprain take week heal. involv partial tear ligaments. sign grade two sprain includ instability, moder sever pain, swelling, stiff possibl bruising. grade three sprain take 12 week heal. complet tear ligament. grade three sprains, lot instabl within joint, sever pain injuri occur pain injury, sever swell excessiv"} {"id": "8858", "contents": "respons staffing, operating/secur manag sale 12 day (6/25 7/5) strong sens ownership, commitment, entrepreneuri spirit need success sale. run busi weeks, hourli paid job. littl guy earn more, hard work, drive ambition. one forc work tnt 20% commission, choos to. 20% commiss seem low, anyon choos someth else. tnt get peopl work 10% commission, much better them."} {"id": "8859", "contents": "vendor oper edg citi unincorpor land mani texa cities, includ dalla fort worth, ban sale use fireworks. still, texa firework sale rose 20 percent past five year $52 million 2008. nationally, firework sale hit $940 million last year. firework vendor say sell 80 percent stock juli 4. averag sale $60, custom spend upward $1,000 time."} {"id": "8860", "contents": "take signific percentag money firework sold return unsold merchandis back compani full credit. averag first-tim stand oper make $2,000-$5,000 more, much depend upon locat manag stand. experienc oper graduat larger stand earn much more! much money earn. averag first-tim stand oper make $2,000-$5,000 more, much depend upon locat manag stand. experienc oper graduat larger stand earn much more!"} {"id": "8861", "contents": "rent tent firework stand across midwest. firework tent rental kansa citi area, topeka ks, lot small town missouri kansas, well as, firework tent rental across state nebraska. need firework tent sure order earli high demand. lincoln tent inc 3900 cornhusk hwi suit lincoln, ne 68504 (800) 567-4559. 40 60 festiv tent use non-profit group firework stands. tent allow group without commerci space locat sale event."} {"id": "8862", "contents": "lot good visibility, high traffic count adequ park entrances, tnt\u00ae firework could perfect season incom opportun you. vacant business-zon lot busi park lot, properti could becom site profit tnt\u00ae firework stand tent juli 4th sales. school, church, civic group club need fundrais ideas? thousand non-profit group nationwid use tnt\u00ae firework stand tent primari fundrais solution. program turnkey packag give organ opportun earn profit summer sell season."} {"id": "8863", "contents": "averag firework stand oper salari job post houston, tx 13% higher averag firework stand oper salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "8864", "contents": "paid show show basis. typically, display compani pay oper percentag actual show cost. bigger show, money make. made anywher $100 well $2000 one show. rememb pyrotechnician salari profit. alway feed crew, buy supplies, pay crew show practical."} {"id": "8865", "contents": "publix entri level job positions. job minimum age 14 year old publix: bagger. bagger assist customers: bag groceri take cars. duti also includ retriev cart park lot. clean too. cashier. cashier one greet help customers. old work publix. minimum age employ publix 14 year old. however, store accept applic job seeker 14 year old due posit shift avail location."} {"id": "8866", "contents": "bagger would probabl work part time, 35 hour per week. student, publix adjust flexibl schedul would like work 15-17 hour week earn approxim $480/month. good luck plan appli =). groceri bagger good job 14 year old girl? answer mani groceri clerk start baggers. opportun get work bagger, pass up, least tri it. job 14 year old get. peopl found use"} {"id": "8867", "contents": "usual least 14 year old, kroger' hire 15 year old older. 32 other found useful. well still minor work certain amount hour week 14 year old around 15 20 hour week like pay minim um wage. feder minimum wage 07 5.15 hour state higher minimum wage get pay higher amount."} {"id": "8868", "contents": "best emphas qualiti applic interview. age requirements. must least 14 year old work kroger (with work permit). course, age requir vari posit position, though -- abl work butcher 18, example."} {"id": "8869", "contents": "said kroger hire 14 15 year old. accord kroger site would need least 16 year old apply. peopl found useful. edit. share to: kroger mastercard kroger mastercard reward card groceri shopper want earn extra rewards. well still minor work certain amount hour week 14 year old around 15 20 hour week like pay minim um wage. feder minimum wage 07 5.15 hour state higher minimum wage get pay higher amount."} {"id": "8870", "contents": "caus shoulder blade pain. follow common caus shoulder blade pain. keep mind occasion pain scapular pain common problem usual resolv within day so. however, unrel pain mean sign someth serious. overus shoulder muscles. nerv impingement. deal pain shoulder radiat arm, might nerv injury. damag pinch nerv shoulder neck caus intens scapular pain. might also feel burn sensat finger hands."} {"id": "8871", "contents": "ad. scapula pain restrict shoulder area instead travel arm, compressed, pinched, nerv may suspected. pinch nerv neck region spine common caus shoulder blade pain. bone attach arm bone bone ribs. pain area bodi quit common sever potenti causes, common excess strenuou physic activity. scapula pain also caus sleep posit degen diseas arthritis."} {"id": "8872", "contents": "anoth caus scapular pain excess usag shoulder. sport like badminton, tennis, golf, handball, shoulder excess used, caus pain scapula. fractur well caus shoulder blade pain. osteoarthr usual caus shoulder blade pain older people. pain condition, caus joint inflame."} {"id": "8873", "contents": "shoulder blade pain caus mani differ issues. shoulder blade, scapula, triangular-shap gone back shoulder. pain area quit common usual relat physic activity. nerv impingement. deal pain shoulder radiat arm, might nerv injury. damag pinch nerv shoulder neck caus intens scapular pain. might also feel burn sensat finger hands."} {"id": "8874", "contents": "scapula, shoulder blade, flat triangular bone found shoulder. scapular pain type pain occur scapular nerv (origin neck) pinched. pain usual start root nerve, neck, goe shoulder. sport like badminton, tennis, golf, handball, shoulder excess used, caus pain scapula. fractur well caus shoulder blade pain. osteoarthr usual caus shoulder blade pain older people. pain condition, caus joint inflame."} {"id": "8875", "contents": "follow common caus shoulder blade pain. keep mind occasion pain scapular pain common problem usual resolv within day so. however, unrel pain mean sign someth serious. overus shoulder muscles. nerv impingement. deal pain shoulder radiat arm, might nerv injury. damag pinch nerv shoulder neck caus intens scapular pain. might also feel burn sensat finger hands."} {"id": "8876", "contents": "physic trauma injuri also caus shoulder blade pain, import see medic profession proper diagnosi treatment. occasion scapula pain expect due amount muscl usag area body. bone attach arm bone bone ribs. pain area bodi quit common sever potenti causes, common excess strenuou physic activity. scapula pain also caus sleep posit degen diseas arthritis."} {"id": "8877", "contents": "scapula found back shoulder. attach arm bone, ribs. experienc occasion scapular pain seriou thing. however, persist pain scapula, prevent daili routine, may indic someth serious. inappropri sleep posit one caus scapular pain. sport like badminton, tennis, golf, handball, shoulder excess used, caus pain scapula. fractur well caus shoulder blade pain. osteoarthr usual caus shoulder blade pain older people. pain condition, caus joint inflame."} {"id": "8878", "contents": "injuri rotat cuff muscl manifest form scapular pain. myofasci pain syndrome. myofasci pain syndrom also one caus scapular pain, especi right shoulder blade. condit fascial tissu provid outer cover muscles, caus pain. cases, myofasci pain syndrom affect one muscle. also known shoulder blade, scapula found back shoulder attach arm bone ribs. pain scapula shoulder blade quit common often result excess physic activity."} {"id": "8879", "contents": "insulin glucagon hormon secret islet cell within pancreas. secret respons blood sugar levels, opposit fashion! insulin normal secret beta cell (a type islet cell) pancreas. stimulu insulin secret high blood glucose...it' simpl that! although alway low level insulin secret pancreas, amount secret blood increas blood glucos rises. respons insulin, cell absorb glucos blood, net effect lower high blood glucos level normal range. glucagon secret alpha cell pancreat islet much manner insulin...except opposit direction."} {"id": "8880", "contents": "glucagon hormon rais blood sugar levels. secret pancreas, like insulin is. peopl found useful. edit. share to: altern approach medicin type diabet type diabetes, bodi cannot properli metabol sugar. recommend blood sugar level diabet diabet affect body' abil properli dispos excess glucos bloodstream. maintain recommend blood sugar levels, manag diabet ma\u2026."} {"id": "8881", "contents": "glucagon peptid hormone, produc alpha cell pancreas, rais concentr glucos bloodstream. effect opposit insulin, lower glucos concentration. pancrea releas glucagon concentr glucos bloodstream fall low. glucagon caus liver convert store glycogen glucose, releas bloodstream. high blood glucos level stimul releas insulin. insulin allow glucos taken use insulin-depend tissu"} {"id": "8882", "contents": "continu readingpati guid insulin: diabetes. insulin hormon made pancrea allow bodi use sugar (glucose) carbohydr food eat energi store glucos futur use. insulin help keep blood sugar level get high (hyperglycemia) low (hypoglycemia)."} {"id": "8883", "contents": "homeostasis, insulin main hormon involved. blood sugar regul process level blood sugar, primarili glucose, maintain body. level blood sugar rise, whether result glycogen conversion, digest meal, differ hormon releas beta cell found islet langerhan pancreas."} {"id": "8884", "contents": "pancreas, insulin blood sugar. junk food, food high sugar stimul pancrea releas insulin. insulin' job lower blood sugar, move cell use energy, store later use. store sugar energi two ways. keep thing simple, insulin lower blood sugar, cortisol rais blood sugar. may sound confus first. insulin goe lower blood sugar, cortisol goe well. may sound odd."} {"id": "8885", "contents": "also sever caus increas blood sugar levels. among 'stress' hormon epinephrin (also known adrenaline), sever steroids, infections, trauma, course, ingest food. level blood sugar rise, whether result glycogen conversion, digest meal, differ hormon releas beta cell found islet langerhan pancreas."} {"id": "8886", "contents": "blood glucos level fall danger level (a heavi exercis lack food extend periods), alpha cell pancrea releas glucagon, hormon whose effect liver cell act increas blood glucos levels. convert glycogen glucos (thi process call glycogenolysis). level blood sugar rise, whether result glycogen conversion, digest meal, differ hormon releas beta cell found islet langerhan pancreas."} {"id": "8887", "contents": "bodi may produc enough insulin regul blood sugar levels, bodi resist \u2026. analyz hyperthyroid health thyroid hormon level hyperthyroid one mani thyroid condit estim affect mani 15 percent popul more. lower blood sugar. know it. edit. share to: altern approach medicin type diabet type diabetes, bodi cannot properli metabol sugar. bodi may produc enough insulin regul blood sugar levels, bodi resist \u2026."} {"id": "8888", "contents": "centuri since, histori southern unit state record larg number import events, includ american revolution, american civil war, end slavery, american civil right movement. european histori region began earliest day explor colon north america. spain, france, england eventu explor claim part southern unit states, cultur influenc still seen region today."} {"id": "8889", "contents": "american revolution, mani northern state outlaw slavery. 1840 slave live north mason-dixon line set free. mani peopl north felt slaveri illeg unit states. peopl call abolitionist want abolish slavery. civil war, presid abraham lincoln gave emancip proclam declar slave south free. although, free slave immediately, set preced slave"} {"id": "8890", "contents": "slave states, however, remain union. missouri, kentucky, maryland, delawar seced soon becam known border states. west virginia, made fifti counti loyal north, broke virginia 1863 join union. state extrem import north. slave state secede. border states-missouri, kentucky, maryland, delaware, later, west virginia-decid remain union, prod perhap lincoln' rhetor actions."} {"id": "8891", "contents": "brazil unit states\u2014th countri two largest slave popul western hemisphere\u2014th end slaveri found region slave concentr poorer region countries. unit state polar issu slavery, repres slave free state divid mason\u2013dixon line, separ free pennsylvania slave maryland delaware."} {"id": "8892", "contents": "first slave american coloni arriv dutch ship jamestown, virginia 1619. next 200 years, around 600,000 slave brought american colonies, work tobacco cotton fields. civil war, presid abraham lincoln gave emancip proclam declar slave south free. although, free slave immediately, set preced slave set free."} {"id": "8893", "contents": "slaveri unit state legal institut human chattel slaveri exist unit state america 18th 19th centuri gain independ end american civil war. unit state polar issu slavery, repres slave free state divid mason\u2013dixon line, separ free pennsylvania slave maryland delaware."} {"id": "8894", "contents": "defend slaveri argu sudden end slave economi would profound kill econom impact south relianc slave labor foundat economy. cotton economi would collapse. tobacco crop would dri fields. slavehold believ african american biolog inferior masters. 1800s, arguement taken quit seriously, even scientif circles. defend slaveri argu slaveri exist throughout histori natur state mankind."} {"id": "8895", "contents": "south believ slaveri evolv lack labor. earli day american coloni insuffici manpow suppli need amount labor avail work. first answer indentur servitude."} {"id": "8896", "contents": "unit state becam divid slave state north free state south. new state added, one major issu whether new state would legal slaveri not. missouri want becom state, mani peopl upset slave state. civil war, presid abraham lincoln gave emancip proclam declar slave south free. although, free slave immediately, set preced slave set free."} {"id": "8897", "contents": "revolutionari war, abolitionist law sentiment gradual spread northern states; addition, state higher proport free labor, abolish slaveri end 18th century, gradual system free last slave late 1820s. unit state polar issu slavery, repres slave free state divid mason\u2013dixon line, separ free pennsylvania slave maryland delaware."} {"id": "8898", "contents": "grand prismat spring locat yellowston nation park, halfway upper lower geyser basins. central locat provid dramat sceneri visitor resid alike. spring approxim 90 meter wide 50 meter deep expel estim 560 gallon water per minute. grand prismat spring note largest hot spring yellowston nation park third largest world. 1871, grand prismat spring discov name hayden expedit strike coloration."} {"id": "8899", "contents": "grand prismat spring yellowston nation park largest hot spring unit states, third largest world, fri pan lake new zealand boil lake dominica. locat midway geyser basin. grand prismat spring note geologist work hayden geolog survey 1871, name strike coloration. color match rainbow dispers white light optic prism: red, orange, yellow, green, blue."} {"id": "8900", "contents": "download larg imag (4 mb, jpeg, 2626x2626). yellowston nation park contain concentr array hot spring geyser world. largest, one spectacular, spring park grand prismat spring. 90 meter (300 feet) across 50 meter (160 feet) deep. center pool water 87\u00b0 (188\u00b0 f)\u2014too hot support life."} {"id": "8901", "contents": "grand prismat spring yellowston nation park. yellowston home thousand thermal features, largest hot spring park grand prismat spring. locat midway geyser basin, spring 370 feet diamet 121 feet deep. addit largest thermal featur park, grand prismat spring also first thermal definit identifi (bi white explorer)."} {"id": "8902", "contents": "grand prismat spring yellowston nation park. 300 feet wide, nearli 200 feet deep, discharg estim 560 gallon water everi minute, grand prismat spring major sight want miss! vacat yellowston nation park, sure set asid day explor enjoy grand prismat spring. natur hot spring largest unit state one three largest hot spring planet. locat midway geyser basin, grand prismat spring roughli 300 feet diamet water blistering-hot 160 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "8903", "contents": "spring approxim 370 feet (110 m) diamet 121 feet (40 m) deep. spring discharg estim 560 us gallon (2,100 l) 160 \u00b0f (70 \u00b0c) water per minute. locat midway geyser basin. grand prismat spring note geologist work hayden geolog survey 1871, name strike coloration. color match rainbow dispers white light optic prism: red, orange, yellow, green, blue."} {"id": "8904", "contents": "grand prismat spring yellowstone\u2019 largest 90 metr (295 feet) wide 50 metr (164 feet) deep, work like mani park\u2019 hydrotherm features. water deep beneath ground heat magma rise surfac unhind miner deposits."} {"id": "8905", "contents": "salari someon job titl public school teacher clarksville, tn vari depend number factors. requir bachelor' degree, 2-4 year experi field relat area, may requir certification. familiar varieti concepts, practices, procedur within particular field."} {"id": "8906", "contents": "research salari tennessee. someon consid becom teacher tennesse may want know averag salari tennesse teachers. accord nation educ association, averag salari tennesse certifi teacher 2011-2012 school year $46,613. number reflect 1.6% increas previou year 21% increas sinc 2001. salari vari consider teach certif tennessee. factor includ locat school, grade subject taught, teacher\u2019 level experience."} {"id": "8907", "contents": "salari rais last year: 1.0 %. salari rais 10 years: 21.0 %. tennesse 13th comfort scale start salari $34,098 averag salari $47,563. state famou hotb countri music. so, got thing kenney chesney friends, great place teach get master' education."} {"id": "8908", "contents": "effect price inflat taken account, averag teacher salari chang -$122 -0.3 percent, 20-year period 1992\u201393 2012\u201313. estim averag salari paid classroom teacher 2012\u201313 vari low $39,580 high $75,279. averag teacher salari sinc 2008 includ payment main depart educ bring teacher paid $30,000 $30,000 minimum salary. michigan: data report found http://www.michigan.gov/cepi. averag salari teacher fte-weight average."} {"id": "8909", "contents": "averag teacher salari job post tennesse 7% lower averag teacher salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "8910", "contents": "averag teacher salari tennessee. averag teacher salari tennesse 2009 $45,927, accord bureau labor statistics. 2008, tennesse averag teacher salari $43,840, demonstr impress 4.76 percent increas previou year. along 3.65 percent increas 2007 2008, tennesse boast increas teachers\u2019 salari averag 8.58 percent 2007 2009. teach salari tennesse consist nation average, $49,720 2009 $48,353 2008."} {"id": "8911", "contents": "$52,000. averag medic assist instructor alli health teacher salari job post nashville, tn 6% lower averag medic assist instructor alli health teacher salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "8912", "contents": "decad 2001\u201302 2011\u201312, constant dollars, averag salari public school teacher chang -2.8 percent. wyom (18.4%), district columbia (14.4%), massachusett (14.1%), north dakota (11.9%), montana (10.6%) largest real increas salari 10-year period. averag teacher salari sinc 2008 includ payment main depart educ bring teacher paid $30,000 $30,000 minimum salary. michigan: data report found http://www.michigan.gov/cepi. averag salari teacher fte-weight average."} {"id": "8913", "contents": "khufu\u2019 son, khafr (also known chephren). pyramid, nearbi site giza, appear taller father\u2019s, illu\u00acsion; built higher ground fact, origi\u00acn 447 .5 feet (136.4 m), 33.5 feet (10.2 m) shorter great pyramid. khufu 2575-2566 bc. largest three pyramid giza, known great pyramid, truli astonish work engineering. built twenti year period."} {"id": "8914", "contents": "introduction. archaeologist believ egypt\u2019 larg pyramid work old kingdom societi rose promin nile valley 3000 b.c. histor analysi tell us egyptian built giza pyramid span 85 year 2589 2504 bc."} {"id": "8915", "contents": "ancient egyptian pyramid built tomb pharaoh families. 130 pyramid discov egypt. first egyptian pyramid believ pyramid djoser, built saqqara around 4650 year ago (2640 bc). saqqara huge ancient burial ground built near egyptian citi memphis. great pyramid giza oldest largest three pyramid giza necropolis. learn first pyramid built egypt, great pyramid giza, import burial site saqqara, egyptian put burial tombs, famou mask tutankhamun discov much more. read fun learn ancient egyptian pyramids."} {"id": "8916", "contents": "ancient egyptian built pyramid tomb pharaoh queens. pharaoh buri pyramid mani differ shape size begin old kingdom end middl kingdom. eighti pyramid known today ancient egypt. three largest best-preserv built giza begin old kingdom. well-known pyramid built pharaoh khufu. known 'great pyramid'. pharaoh buri pyramid mani differ shape size begin old kingdomto end middl kingdom. eighti pyramid known today ancient egypt. three largest best-preserv built giza"} {"id": "8917", "contents": "like pyramids, khufu\u2019 surround row mastabas, rel offici king buri accompani support afterlife. middl pyramid giza built khufu\u2019 son khafr (2558-2532 b.c). built khufu (cheops, greek), sneferu\u2019 successor second eight king fourth dynasty. though khufu reign 23 year (2589-2566 b.c.), rel littl known reign beyond grandeur pyramid."} {"id": "8918", "contents": "largest well-known pyramid egypt pyramid giza, includ great pyramid giza design pharaoh khufu. centuries, peopl theoriz great pyramid built."} {"id": "8919", "contents": "giza pyramid fourth dynasty, three larg stone pyramid built giza. design pyramid base pyramid built before. largest sturdiest pyramid ever built ancient egypt. first largest pyramid built pharaoh khufu (also known cheops). finally, third largest pyramid built pharaoh menkaur (also known mycerinus). ancient egyptian continu build pyramid pharaoh giza pyramid built."} {"id": "8920", "contents": "structur also third largest pyramid egypt pyramid khufu khafr giza. also dahshur pyramid known black pyramid amenemhet iii, well number small, mostli ruin subsidiari pyramids. novemb 2008, sourc cite 118 138 number identifi egyptian pyramids. built tomb country' pharaoh consort old middl kingdom periods."} {"id": "8921", "contents": "famou egyptian pyramid found giza, outskirt cairo. sever giza pyramid count among largest structur ever built. pyramid khufu giza largest egyptian pyramid. one seven wonder ancient world still existence. novemb 2008, sourc cite 118 138 number identifi egyptian pyramids. built tomb country' pharaoh consort old middl kingdom periods."} {"id": "8922", "contents": "hand everyday racism. racism occur inform settings, thing like go shop store assist serv last serv all! basi color skin perceiv ethnicity."} {"id": "8923", "contents": "institut racism formal call racism occur institut place educ schools, health care system, provis public services, employ housing. racism occur inform settings, thing like go shop store assist serv last serv all! basi color skin perceiv ethnicity."} {"id": "8924", "contents": "racism occur wherev differ race mix. racism occur differ race mix. never otherwise. never otherwise. keep race together, racism. separ races, racism disappear. difficult understand. easi"} {"id": "8925", "contents": "racism play role genocid holocaust, armenian genocide, coloni project like european colon americas, africa, asia. indigen peopl \u2013and are\u2013 often subject racist attitudes. racism racial discrimin often use describ discrimin ethnic cultur basis, independ whether differ describ racial."} {"id": "8926", "contents": "miss blatantli racist countri itali spain, cultural, sure australia japan deserv top forgot big contend south africa. can\u2019t seem fathom countri free racism today\u2019 world, sure manag well strikes. think america uk actual among racial toler countri earth. compar usa uk countri like russia india myanmar near paradis toler comparison. india everi get ethnic massacres."} {"id": "8927", "contents": "racism, thu defined, modern conception, prior xvith centuri virtual noth life thought west describ racist. prevent misunderstand clear distinct must made racism ethnocentr ... racism racial discrimin often use describ discrimin ethnic cultur basis, independ whether differ describ racial."} {"id": "8928", "contents": "inform base research look differ experi racism victoria within cultur linguist divers commun (cald) you\u2019d like know report, click here. see, racism occur rang public privat spaces. however, it\u2019 help stop racism occurs. tips, visit infograph wit racism bu learn stand racism click here. racism occur? togeth licens creativ common attribution-noncommercial-noderiv 3.0 unport license. inform courtesi of: ferdinand a, kelah paradi 2013."} {"id": "8929", "contents": "one view racism occur peopl accept peopl world skin color them. black chines dian, etc still bodi personnality, differ skin colour. anoth view racism, bad is, happen histor reasons. one exampl white nation captur enslav black peopl africa. slave move anoth countri view lowest rung social ladder."} {"id": "8930", "contents": "find jump. no. answer accord denni pierce, head uconn dine services. pierc said familiar rumor though, one common colleg campus -- one uconn spend bit time year fighting. quick googl search lax dine hall food return 10,000 hits, mani address -- debunk -- rumor. fact, two first twenti hit bring uconn websites."} {"id": "8931", "contents": "link. topic stumbl across recent research health services, put lax colleg student meals. colleg student know rumor, person feel could true. also read grade meat used. put lax food make student go bathroom more. help rid bodi sick diseas quicker. time, also make student hungrier."} {"id": "8932", "contents": "topic stumbl across recent research health services, put lax colleg student meals. colleg student know rumor, person feel could true. put lax food make student go bathroom more. help rid bodi sick diseas quicker. time, also make student hungrier."} {"id": "8933", "contents": "thanksgiv dinner, colleg student relat law cafeteria requir put lax food serve. purpos addit reduc chanc food poison limit length time food body. [collect via e-mail, septemb 2005]. first year colleg there' word go around food peopl put lax food. small amount supposedli intend ever food poisoning, food would flush anyway one would find sue school. belief legend fail take account would happen school foolhardi enough secretli dose student kind medication. drug prompt advers reaction least people, caus becom ill, mayb even die."} {"id": "8934", "contents": "now. report abuse. yeah lax food, although heard (from friend work resid halls) meal intent high calori fatti compens mani student miss meal mani problem peopl eat disord all. fabl around sinc hollywood thought woud great premis dumb stupid movie. one contributor alreadi said, saltpet (potassium nitrate) supposedli use cook armi prevent gi' get erection. false, also inaccurate."} {"id": "8935", "contents": "sodexo work partnership templ dine services. \u201cthe problem rumor exist here, everi colleg everi situat wax wane semesters,\u201d beer said. \u201cthe new student told upperclassmen, \u2018don\u2019t eat cafeteria, put lax food. here\u2019 someth els thank for: temple\u2019 eateri aren\u2019t dish enemas. rumor dine hall add lax food serv cafeteria circul throughout colleg bathroom years. rumor come goes, semest semester, accord director administr sodexo peter beers, work templ 14 year"} {"id": "8936", "contents": "make happy, administr want student feel happi college, time could stressful, especi parent pay $1,000 semester, food. put lax food make student go bathroom more. help rid bodi sick diseas quicker. time, also make student hungrier. cafeteria locat third floor door building, therefor basic unaviod"} {"id": "8937", "contents": "even know anyon answer this, sinc i'v colleg friend get sick dinner everi night eat cafeteria. someon said cafeteria peopl put lax food student get fat school good reputation. belief legend fail take account would happen school foolhardi enough secretli dose student kind medication. drug prompt advers reaction least people, caus becom ill, mayb even die."} {"id": "8938", "contents": "six month it, cafeteria one two school district turn profit. much idea lose money stop sell junk food cafeteria, woldow said. next year expand program everi middl high school."} {"id": "8939", "contents": "confirm salari eggheads. one sourc state receiv a\u00e2\u00a3 400 per (episod seri 20) episod other say depend amount... read \u00bb. more://http.wiki.answers/com/q_how_much_do_the_eggheads_get. paid top&q a: much egghead get. paid"} {"id": "8940", "contents": "confid vote 5.5k. confirm salari eggheads. one sourc state receiv \u00a3400 per episod (for seri 20 episodes) other say depend amount question answer correctly. dermont murnaghan host egghead first seri 2003 2008 dermont host first 80 episod jeremi vine host rest. 2009 seri hosti ng split dermont first 75 episod jeremi rest series."} {"id": "8941", "contents": "confirm salari eggheads. one sourc state receiv a\u00e2\u00a3 400 per (episod seri 20) episod other say depend amount... one sourc state receiv a\u00e2\u00a3 400 per (episod seri 20) episod other say depend amount... read \u00bb. more://http.wiki.answers/com/q_how_much_do_the_eggheads_get. paid top&q a: much egghead get. paid"} {"id": "8942", "contents": "much egghead get paid per show. unfortun cannot find much egghead get paid, may depend mani game win question get right solid evidence. report answer. updat sunday, februari 05 2012 08:46pm gmt. source: www.digitalspy.co.uk/... kgb answer art entertain tv. unfortun cannot find much egghead get paid, may depend mani game win question get right solid evidence."} {"id": "8943", "contents": "egghead salary. egghead averag salari $58,240, median salari $58,240 salari rang $58,240 $58,240. egghead salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. egghead salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly. egghead salari full-tim annual start salary. intern, contractor hourli pay scale vari regular exempt employee. compens depend work experience, job location, bonus, benefit factors."} {"id": "8944", "contents": "2008, jeremi vine hire present night murnaghan host spinoff series. spin-off show finished, murnaghan vine continu host seri rotat basis, murnaghan typic host first half seri vine take second half. 13 decemb 2010, 10 celebr egghead episod air third series. then, 12 23 decemb 2011, includ sunday show 18 december, format return fourth series."} {"id": "8945", "contents": "also rememb egghead sole occup eggheads, mani pursu activ quiz show competitions. dermont murnaghan host egghead first seri 2003 2008 dermont host first 80 episod jeremi vine host rest. 2009 seri hosti ng split dermont first 75 episod jeremi rest series."} {"id": "8946", "contents": "chondrichthy (/k\u0252n\u02c8dr\u026ak\u03b8\u0268.i\u02d0z/ greek \u03c7\u03bf\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1- chondr- 'cartilage', \u1f30\u03c7\u03b8\u03cd\u03c2 ichthi 'fish') class contain cartilagin fishes: jaw vertebr pair fins, pair nares, scales, heart chamber series, skeleton made cartilag rather bone. bone marrow, red blood cell produc spleen epigon organ (special tissu around gonads, also thought play role immun system). also produc leydig' organ, found cartilagin fishes, even them."} {"id": "8947", "contents": "characterist cartilagin fish: addit differ skeletons, cartilagin fish gill open ocean slits, rather boni cover present boni fish. differ shark speci may differ number gill slits. cartilagin fish may also breath spiracles, rather gills. spiracl found top head ray skates, sharks."} {"id": "8948", "contents": "confid vote 420. cartilagin fish entir cartilagin endoskeletons, mean skeleton made cartilage. also strong jaws, pair appendages, well-develop sens organs, hunt use system known lateral-lin system, use vibrat recogn prey."} {"id": "8949", "contents": "laura klappenbach. boni fish (osteichthyes) group aquat vertebr character boni skeleton (in contrast cartilagin fishes, group whose skeleton consist cartilage, bone). boni fish includ two sub groups, ray-fin fish lobe-fin fishes."} {"id": "8950", "contents": "cartilagin fish' skin cover placoid scales, dermal denticles, tooth-lik scale differ flat scale (call ganoid, ctenoid cycloid) found boni fish. differ shark speci may differ number gill slits. cartilagin fish may also breath spiracles, rather gills. spiracl found top head ray skates, sharks."} {"id": "8951", "contents": "uniqu characteristics. 1.the skeleton cartilagin fish flexibl bone-cartilage. skeleton bone. 2.these fish dorsal fins, anal fin, pair ventral fin singl caudal fin. boni fish pair gill situat insid bodies, cartilagin fish gill slit outer side bodies, present sides. cartilagin fish, teeth, nostril side head tini tooth like scale fuse togeth jaw."} {"id": "8952", "contents": "characteristics: fin support rays, name indicates. contrast cartilagin fish rigid skeleton. swim bladder also uniqu featur ray-fin fish, enabl maintain buoyanc move water. gill cover use pump water gills, enabl boni fish breath without swimming."} {"id": "8953", "contents": "chondrichthy share mani common characterist among other; main defin featur cartilagin skeleton. featur found chondricthy includ similar color patterns, placoid scales, pector fins, ampulla lorenzini. phylum chordata. class chrondrichthyes. chondrichthy consid oldest exist jawed-vertebr relat boni vertebr (osteichthyes) [2][4]. earliest date chondricthy fossil silurian period (444-416 mya)."} {"id": "8954", "contents": "cartilagin fish skeleton consist cartilag (in contrast cousin boni fish, whose skeleton made true bone). cartilag tough flexibl provid suffici structur support enabl cartilagin fish grow consider size. cartilagin fish (chondrichthyes) group vertebr includ sharks, rays, skate chimaeras."} {"id": "8955", "contents": "you\u2019ll want decongestant, like pseudoephedrin phenylephrine. decongest help reduc nasal tissu swelling. you\u2019r deal allergi runni nose, look antihistamine, like diphenhydramin nighttim use non-drowsi fexofenadine. product contain pseudoephedrin found behind pharmacist\u2019 counter. rhiniti mean mucu membran insid nose inflamed. runni nose could caus infect (like cold flu) cold weather, allergies, crying, irrit smells, particl air. nose start running, bacteria, allergen viru attack irrit nose\u2019 lining, trigger inflammatori reaction"} {"id": "8956", "contents": "viral infect (the common cold) common caus stuffi and/or runni nose, allergies, influenza, sinu infect also may caus symptoms. less commonly, anatom obstruct (e.g. deviat nasal septum, foreign bodies) may lead nasal congestion."} {"id": "8957", "contents": "allergi pollen, spores, mold, dust (also call hay fever allerg rhinitis) affect respiratori system usual difficult control. symptom hay fever sneezing, runni nose, stuffi nose, wateri eyes, itchi eye nose, headache. hay fever often season (when pollen air), constantli expos offend substanc (e.g., pet dander), symptom last year-round."} {"id": "8958", "contents": "allerg allergens, you\u2019v probabl develop runni nose. pain plain painful. care, combat runni nose, dri histamin swollen mucu membranes, return nose normal. once, dealt runni nose, take step guard allergi future. ad. sometimes, come back inconclus indic sever allergies. inform gather allergy, better. gener idea caus runni nose, start avoid exposur allergens. 2. avoid triggers. environment irrit allergen like pollen, pet dander hair, dust, cigarett smoke dri nasal passag start runni nose cycl"} {"id": "8959", "contents": "cough also help clear airway mucu produc due cold, allergies, diseases, flu. cold allergi mani similar symptoms, coughing, runni nose, sneezing. asthma, condit also caus wheez short breath. however, cold allergi differ condit distinct causes. allergies:"} {"id": "8960", "contents": "runni nose (rhinorrhea) common symptom allergy, infection, inflammation, even physic irritation. runni nose result discharg secret mucou membran line insid nose. may occur condit affect nose along gener conditions, common cold hay fever. inflamm nose (rhinitis) common caus runni nose. common caus includ common cold (viral respiratori infection), influenza (flu), sinus (inflamm infect sinuses). insert object nose also produc runni nose"} {"id": "8961", "contents": "runni nose (rhinorrhea) common symptom heavi nasal discharges. symptom super heavi people. caus allergy, infect (e.g., cold flu), inflammation, physic irritation. inflamm nose (call rhinitis) common caus runni nose. common caus includ common cold (upper respiratori infection), influenza (flu), sinus (inflamm infect sinuses). run nose may accompani redness, itch and/or sneezing. runni nose caus allerg reactions, need identifi avoid them. example, test bodi reaction dairi products, temporari elimin dairi product diet (e.g., 3-4 days)."} {"id": "8962", "contents": "name suggests, antihistamin prevent bodi produc histamines, caus nose run. antihistamin dri mucu membran nasal passages. tri over-the-count antihistamin contain agent loratadin diphenhydramine. sometimes, come back inconclus indic sever allergies. inform gather allergy, better. gener idea caus runni nose, start avoid exposur allergens. 2. avoid triggers. environment irrit allergen like pollen, pet dander hair, dust, cigarett smoke dri nasal passag start runni nose cycl"} {"id": "8963", "contents": "low back pain causes. back pain symptom. common caus back pain involv diseas injuri muscles, bones, and/or nerv spine. pain aris abnorm organ within abdomen, pelvis, chest may also felt back. call refer pain."} {"id": "8964", "contents": "infect common caus back pain. however, infect caus pain involv vertebrae, condit call osteomyelitis; intervertebr discs, call discitis; sacroiliac joint connect lower spine pelvis, call sacroiliitis. radiculopathi condit caus compression, inflamm and/or injuri spinal nerv root. pressur nerv root result pain, numbness, tingl sensat travel radiat area bodi serv nerve."} {"id": "8965", "contents": "symptom associ back pain includ dull ache, numbness, tingling, sharp pain, pulsat pain, pain movement spine, muscl spasm, tenderness, sciatica shoot pain one lower extremities, rash, loss contin bowel bladder. pain low back relat boni lumbar spine, disc vertebrae,...learn pictures, images, illustr quizz back pain pictur slideshow: myth fact back pain read back pain myth fact learn truth caus treatment back pain."} {"id": "8966", "contents": "lower back pain caus varieti problem part complex, interconnect network spinal muscles, nerves, bones, disc tendon lumbar spine. typic sourc low back pain include: larg nerv root low back go leg may irritated. irrit problem structur caus lower back pain and/or pain radiat refer part body. mani lower back problem also caus back muscl spasms, sound like much caus sever pain disability."} {"id": "8967", "contents": "back pain come suddenli last less six week (acute), may caus fall heavi lifting. back pain last three month (chronic) less common acut pain. back pain often develop without specif caus doctor identifi test imag study. condit commonli link back pain include: muscl ligament strain. repeat heavi lift sudden awkward movement may strain back muscl spinal ligaments. poor physic condition, constant strain back may caus pain muscl spasms. back pain occur spine curv abnormally. scoliosis, condit spine curv side, also may lead back pain, gener scoliosi severe. osteoporosis. spine' vertebra develop compress fractur bone becom porou brittle."} {"id": "8968", "contents": "caus back pain. back complex structur made bones, muscles, nerv joints. often make difficult pinpoint exact caus pain. case back pain caus seriou damag diseas minor sprains, strain injuries, pinch irrit nerve."} {"id": "8969", "contents": "caus back pain. lift someth improp manner common caus back pain. strain muscles. strain ligaments. lift someth improperly. lift someth heavy. result abrupt awkward movement. muscl spasm. ruptur disks-each vertebra spine cushion disks. example, pain may symptom rash may sign. main symptom back pain is, name suggests, ach pain anywher back, sometim way buttock legs. case sign symptom clear within short period."} {"id": "8970", "contents": "salsify: winter' asparagus. long root salsifi plant stay underground removed. root veget freed dark skin, look amazingli similar asparagus, although fact rel artichoke. salsifi plant nutti flavour full nutrient minerals. particularli valuabl high proport roughage, aid digest"} {"id": "8971", "contents": "print. root veget typic refer either two names, white salsifi black salsify. often confus many, main differ two appear flavor use similar. one inch less diamet two five inch length, white salsifi root much shorter scorzonera root may 12 inch length. scorzonera black salsifi darker color smoother-textur outer skin."} {"id": "8972", "contents": "say salsifi subtle, sweet flavor oyster. say salsifi flavor asparagu artichokes. other say no. two thing sure: salsifi sometim call \u201coyster plant\u201d, salsifi cook mani way asparagu artichokes. baked, boiled, braised. salsifi parsnip-or carrot-shap grayish golden skin pearli white flesh."} {"id": "8973", "contents": "franz scheurer. salsifi neglect veget australia, piti wonder flavour texture. salsifi also known oyster plant, veget oyster poor man asparagus."} {"id": "8974", "contents": "recent plant salsify, also known oyster plant veget oyster, garden seed alreadi sprout began growing."} {"id": "8975", "contents": "white black salsifi commonli known white black oyster plant refer color flavor mani histor believ root tast similar delic flavor oysters. however, flavor salsifi closer asparagu artichok heart oyster. one inch less diamet two five inch length, white salsifi root much shorter scorzonera root may 12 inch length. scorzonera black salsifi darker color smoother-textur outer skin."} {"id": "8976", "contents": "salsifi recipes. one lesser known root vegetables, salsifi also known oyster plant tast slightli oysters. beige-whit skin look similar long carrot shape. preparation. salsifi use similar way root vegetable-add soup stews, serv mashed. alternatively, tri ad cooked, grated, delic flavour salsifi salads."} {"id": "8977", "contents": "thyroid stimul hormone? thyroid stimul hormon produc releas bloodstream pituitari gland. control product thyroid hormones, thyroxin triiodothyronine, thyroid gland bind receptor locat cell thyroid gland. thyroid stimul hormon produc pituitari gland. role regul product hormon thyroid gland. altern name thyroid stimul hormon tsh; thyrotropin, thyrotrophin."} {"id": "8978", "contents": "product t3 t4 regul thyroid stimul hormon (tsh), releas pituitari gland. tsh product increas t3 t4 level low. thyroid hormon releas throughout bodi direct body' metabolism."} {"id": "8979", "contents": "primari function thyroid gland secret thyroid hormones, respons control body\u2019 metabolism. main thyroid hormon t3 (triiodothyronine) t4 (thyroxine). amount thyroid hormon secret control anoth hormone, call thyroid stimul hormon (tsh), releas pituitari gland head."} {"id": "8980", "contents": "thyroid-stimul hormone, also known thyrotropin, secret cell anterior pituitari call thyrotrophs, find receptor epitheli cell thyroid gland, stimul gland synthes releas thyroid hormones."} {"id": "8981", "contents": "hypothalamu pituitari gland help control thyroid gland. hypothalamu produc thyrotropin-releas hormon (trh), stimul pituitari gland releas thyroid-stimul hormon (tsh). low level t3 tell hypothalamu releas trh, tell pituitari releas tsh."} {"id": "8982", "contents": "pituitari gland thyroid gland work together. pituitari gland (locat near base brain) makes, stores, releas thyroid-stimul hormon (tsh). tsh secret pituitari gland, caus thyroid gland releas t3 t4. thyroid gland make releas two thyroid hormones: thyroxin (t4) triiodothyronin (t3). thyroid hormon affect everi cell organ body. much thyroid hormon speed thing littl thyroid hormon slow thing down."} {"id": "8983", "contents": "major form thyroid hormon blood thyroxin (t 4), longer half-lif 3. humans, ratio releas blood roughli 20 1. convert activ (three four time potent 4) within cell deiodinas (5'-iodinase). thyroid hormon (t 3) produc follicular cell thyroid gland regul tsh made thyrotrop anterior pituitari gland. effect vivo mediat via (t convert target tissues). 3- 5- fold activ"} {"id": "8984", "contents": "normal usag brakes, brake pad wear becom thinner. thick brake pad less 3mm, time chang pads. depend drive (citi drive tend wear pad quicker) brake pad usual last 30,000-35,000 miles. vehicl (eg. bmw\u2019s) equip low-pad-warn system. vehicles, also need replac brake sensor part brake pad service."} {"id": "8985", "contents": "parts: $145 $213. averag cost brake pad rotor replac $297 $406. labor cost estim $152 $193 part price $145 $213. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fee"} {"id": "8986", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: peopl might tri charg upward $150 new brake pads.. look shop websit major place, find place $99 sometim $69. ideal want put new brake pad resurface/machin rotors. hard job, yourself, -- requir much basic mechan ability! cost depend whether brake pad worn down, whether shot stop metal metal!"} {"id": "8987", "contents": "accord fordparts.com, front brake pad 2003 explor cost $97.49u (part number 4l2z-2001-ba), front brake rotor cost $89.67u (part number 4l2z-1125-aa). so, math here, that' $276.83u part alone. front pad 25 buck rear rotor vary.. call auto part store get price part wil see.. time brake job pad start 100 buck high know know self mayb coupl hundr sound high .."} {"id": "8988", "contents": "wish replac disc front averag price set brake pad approxim $60.00 $111.00 depend make model car could cost lot that."} {"id": "8989", "contents": "parts: $82 $141. averag cost brake pad(s) replac $179 $264. labor cost estim $97 $123 part price $82 $141. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees. brake rotor inspect pad replaced, depend condition, may need resurfac replacement. recommend brake gentli first 40 50 mile drive new pads."} {"id": "8990", "contents": "work front back brakes, costhelp reader report pay $273-$1,025 averag $567 standard repair shops, $280-$935 averag $578 dealerships. costhelp reader report pay $23-$285 averag $104 materi brake one axle, $135-$439 part front back brakes, averag $304."} {"id": "8991", "contents": "anoth featur hunan cuisin menu chang seasons. hot humid summer, meal usual start cold dish platter hold select cold meat chili open pore keep cool summer. one eight great tradit chines cuisin well known hot spici flavour, fresh aroma deep colour. common cook techniqu includ stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, smoking."} {"id": "8992", "contents": "hunan chicken tend spicier, yet plainer taste. summary: 1) szechuan hunan chicken chines dish origin two differ regions. 2) compos great deal chili garlic. hunan, however, gener hotter flavor szechuan dish. 3) szechuan chicken result good mix sweet spici hunan chicken plainer hotter."} {"id": "8993", "contents": "definit hunan. of, relat to, hot spici style chines cooking. variant hunan. origi"} {"id": "8994", "contents": "base loos cook style hunan region southeastern china, particularli along xiang river; expert concede, though, singl chicken dish region popular warrant univers name. hunan chicken serv nutriti brown rice. spici food like chili pepper commonli use hunan chicken. hunan chicken name cook style hunan region southeastern china, particularli along xiang river. peppercorn supplement hunan chicken ad punch. high smoke point mild flavor, peanut oil ideal make hunan chicken stir-fri"} {"id": "8995", "contents": "report abuse. hunan malaysian usual yellow color.. mistaken also coconut milk it.. szechuan chines sauc usual red pepperi (becaus sauc made szechuan peppers). keep get confus hunan szecuhan chicken chines restaurant.. think one darker sauce, one water chestnut doesen't, know which.. add answer. source."} {"id": "8996", "contents": "szechuan vs hunan chicken. everi corner world place chines cuisine. two favorit dish among omnifari orient gastronomi szechuan hunan chicken. regardless countri origin, said dish aren\u2019t quit alike. hunan, however, gener hotter flavor szechuan dish. 3) szechuan chicken result good mix sweet spici hunan chicken plainer hotter."} {"id": "8997", "contents": "hunan cuisin consist three primari styles: known liber use chili peppers, shallot garlic, hunan cuisin known dri hot (\u5e72\u8fa3) pure hot, oppos sichuan cuisine, often compared. one eight great tradit chines cuisin well known hot spici flavour, fresh aroma deep colour. common cook techniqu includ stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, smoking."} {"id": "8998", "contents": "love hunan beef. realli love anyth prepar hunan style. chines pepper intens dynamic. combin sweeter flavor chines use pair delicious. boneless cut beef steak use hunan beef. slice red bell pepper often stir-fri serv hunan beef. hunan beef serv brown rice order boost dish' nutrit content. beef unavailable, chicken substitut spici hunan dish."} {"id": "8999", "contents": "then, februari march 1965, johnson author sustain bombing, u.s. aircraft, target north 17th parallel, march dispatch 3,500 marin south vietnam. legal declar no, unit state war. unit state enter war incrementally, seri step 1950 1965. may 1950, presid harri s. truman author modest program econom militari aid french, fight retain control indochina colony, includ lao cambodia well vietnam."} {"id": "9000", "contents": "civil war north south vietnam congress believ need declar war, instead kennedi sent troop vietnam without dec larat war. hope help whoever ask question, caus report war due tomorrow. congress pass joint resolut take militari action nation liber front (aka viet cong) august 7, 1964, nearli unanim vote 88-2 senat 416-0 house."} {"id": "9001", "contents": "offici term vietnam conflict. cours soviet union rush aid afghan govern 1979, usa first pour scorn idea 'invited'. point order usa declar war axi power ww2. japanes attack pearl harbour 7th decemb 1941, reason best known themselves,germani itali declar war usa 11th decemb 1941. cymry3jon year ago. ye 1964 us offici declar war vietnam, although lyndon b. johnson use draft troop becuas us senat took away abil go war, mani peopl class war, even though us sent troop fight vietnam. georg month ago."} {"id": "9002", "contents": "kennedi assassin novemb 1963, 16,000 u.s. militari advis south vietnam, 100 american killed. kennedy' successor, lyndon b. johnson, commit unit state fulli war. unit state enter war incrementally, seri step 1950 1965. may 1950, presid harri s. truman author modest program econom militari aid french, fight retain control indochina colony, includ lao cambodia well vietnam."} {"id": "9003", "contents": "leader increasingli cautiou use 'w' word. franklin d. roosevelt declar war japan 1941 pearl harbor attacks, signifi last time u.s. offici declar war. korea, vietnam, persian gulf, afghanistan, iraq: technically, wars."} {"id": "9004", "contents": "civil war north south vietnam congress believ need declar war, instead kennedi sent troop vietnam without dec larat war. hope help whoever ask question, caus report war due tomorrow. resid eisenhow declar war vietnam. sent militari assist warn presid kennedi took office, awar domino theori (don't let vietnam fall communists)."} {"id": "9005", "contents": "no, believ usa declar war sinc wwii. america declar war shortli empir japan attack us naval base pearl harbor, hawaii decemb 1941.. vietnam war, us help south vietnam fight war communist north vietnam. ye 1964 us offici declar war vietnam, although lyndon b. johnson use draft troop becuas us senat took away abil go war, mani peopl class war, even though us sent troop fight vietnam. georg month ago."} {"id": "9006", "contents": "germani italy, led respect adolf hitler benito mussolini, declar war unit states, u.s. congress respond kind. unit states, articl one, section eight constitut say congress shall power ... declar war. however, passag provid specif format form legisl must order consid declar war constitut use term."} {"id": "9007", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. u.s. never offici declar war. closest thing point gulf tonkin resolut pass august 1964, gave presid johnson free reign escal war vietnam. u.s. militari advisor train advis south vietnames armi sinc 1955. unit state never declar war north vietnam. resid eisenhow declar war vietnam. sent militari assist warn presid kennedi took office, awar domino theori (don't let vietnam fall communists)."} {"id": "9008", "contents": "congress repeal gulf tonkin resolut januari 1971 presid richard nixon continu wage war vietnam, congress pass war power resolut (pub.l. 93\u2013148) veto nixon attempt rein president' claim powers. unit states, articl one, section eight constitut say congress shall power ... declar war. however, passag provid specif format form legisl must order consid declar war constitut use term."} {"id": "9009", "contents": "98. holland park av, kensington hilton hotel, bu stop hd. afternoon courtesi drop point only. 17:43. first bu stop (indic above) differ tour one require, catch first bu next interchang point chang onto tour there. last complet tours. blue rout victoria stop 17.00 (summer) hour 16.30 (winter) hours."} {"id": "9010", "contents": "stand wave rectangular caviti resonator. reson devic system exhibit reson reson behavior, is, natur oscil frequencies, call reson frequencies, greater amplitud others. reson use either gener wave specif frequenc select specif frequenc signal. music instrument use acoust reson produc sound wave specif tones."} {"id": "9011", "contents": "caviti resonator, usual use refer electromagnet resonators, one wave exist hollow space insid device. acoust caviti resonators, sound produc air vibrat caviti one opening, known helmholtz resonators. reson use either gener wave specif frequenc select specif frequenc signal. music instrument use acoust reson produc sound wave specif tones."} {"id": "9012", "contents": "resonators. purpos reson cancel certain rang sound frequencies. without get scientific, sound simpli pressur wave emit certain frequency. like wave ocean, sound wave certain amplitud (compar overal size), crest trough. yes, is, reson thing muffler, distinct properti alter mustang sounds. let\u2019 dive in."} {"id": "9013", "contents": "reson usual refer exhaust system. reson piec tube slightli larger diamet rest exhaust pipe. usual locat catalyt converter, muffler. vehicl multipl resonators. also usual sort sound deaden materi inside."} {"id": "9014", "contents": "typic automot exhaust reson made hollow steel cylindr tube attach muffler exhaust system. type reson design similar acoust resonator, creat \u201cexhaust note\u201d give exhaust nois less annoy pleasant tone. sound enhanc mean adjust exhaust note."} {"id": "9015", "contents": "resonator. wave hit hole, part continu chamber part reflected. wave travel chamber, hit back wall muffler bounc back hole. reson design work best frequenc rang engin make noise; even frequenc exactli reson tune for, still produc destruct interference."} {"id": "9016", "contents": "dobro-styl spider reson (cover removed). reson guitar resophon guitar acoust guitar produc sound carri string vibrat bridg one spun metal cone (resonators), instead sound board (guitar top)."} {"id": "9017", "contents": "resonator. n. 1. (electronics) bodi system display resonance, esp tune electr circuit conduct caviti microwav gener reson current. 1. resonator-a hollow chamber whose dimens allow reson oscil electromagnet acoust waves. caviti resonator, reson chamber. chamber-a natur artifici enclos space. soundbox, body-a reson chamber music instrument (a bodi violin)."} {"id": "9018", "contents": "name reson would lead one believ make exhaust louder, actual reduc drone make quieter exhaust tone. reson also refer chamber intak system car serv purpos reson exhaust system. 84 other found useful. reson piec tube slightli larger diamet rest exhaust pipe. usual locat catalyt converter, muffler. vehicl multipl resonators. also usual sort sound deaden materi inside."} {"id": "9019", "contents": "accord u.s. treasury, motto pluribu unum first use u.s. coinag 1795, revers half-eagl ($5 gold) coin present main featur great seal unit states. pluribu unum inscrib great seal' scroll. motto ad certain silver coin 1798, soon appear coin made preciou metal (gold silver). 1834, drop gold coin mark chang standard fine coins. motto pluribu unum use portugues multi-sport club benfica. motto also use scoutspataljon, profession infantri battalion estonian defenc forces, sinc 1918. variant motto, unum pluribu use borough wokingham berkshire, unit kingdom."} {"id": "9020", "contents": "pluribu unum latin; mean mani one refer idea unit state made individu state popul individu citizens, come togeth singl country. confid vote 314. pluribu unum latin; mean mani one refer idea unit state made individu state popul individu citizens, come togeth singl country. us coins. many, one."} {"id": "9021", "contents": "origin motto unit state secular. pluribu unum latin one mani one mani part .. refer weld singl feder state group individu polit unit -- origin coloni states."} {"id": "9022", "contents": "pluribu unum origin mean motto carri beak bald eagl great seal pluribu unum motto suggest committe congress appoint juli 4, 1776 design seal unit state america.. sketch design accompani detail descript idea new nation' offici emblem. beak scroll, inscrib motto. pluribu unum. thomson explain motto pluribu unum allud union state feder government, symbol shield eagle' breast."} {"id": "9023", "contents": "pluribu unum refer fact unit state form cohes singl nation result thirteen smaller coloni join together. motto pluribu unum first propos u.s. continent congress 1782, use great seal unit states."} {"id": "9024", "contents": "phrase pluribu unum latin, translat liter many, one.. mani peopl familiar phrase context great seal unit states, appear american currenc govern documents."} {"id": "9025", "contents": "pluribu unum great seal unit states. pluribu unum offici motto unit states. mean many, one latin. place u.s. dollar bill, relat items."} {"id": "9026", "contents": "pluribu unum motto propos first great seal unit state john adams, benjamin franklin, thoma jefferson 1776. latin phrase mean one many, phrase offer strong statement american determin form singl nation collect states."} {"id": "9027", "contents": "answer darknight224. confid vote 314. pluribu unum latin; mean mani one refer idea unit state made individu state popul individu citizens, come togeth singl country. us coins. many, one."} {"id": "9028", "contents": "latin phrase pluribu unum translat \u201cout many, one.\u201d nation motto unit state replac 1950 god trust appear great seal unit state america well seal presid unit states."} {"id": "9029", "contents": "annex british cape coloni 1843, natal becam separ coloni 1856 found provinc south africa 1910. 2. citi northeast brazil atlant ocean north recife. found late 1590s, grew rapidli world war ii base flight connect africa."} {"id": "9030", "contents": "annex british cape coloni 1843, natal becam separ coloni 1856 found provinc south africa 1910. 2. citi northeast brazil atlant ocean north recife."} {"id": "9031", "contents": "natal /na-tale/ [2 sylls.] boys' name (also use girls' name natale) spanish french derivation, name natal mean birthday; christmas. natal altern form natal (spanish): refer birthday jesus."} {"id": "9032", "contents": "region southeast africa indian ocean. origin home zulu bantu peoples, region sight vasco da gama 1497 settl british trader 1823 boer 1836."} {"id": "9033", "contents": "natal-a region eastern south africa indian ocean; natal renam kwazulu-nat 1994."} {"id": "9034", "contents": "natal villag central district botswana. villag locat 30 km west francistown, primari school."} {"id": "9035", "contents": "1. (placename) former provinc south africa, drakensberg indian ocean: set republ boer 1838; becam british coloni 1843; join south africa 1910; replac kwazulu-nat 1994. capital: pietermaritzburg."} {"id": "9036", "contents": "definit shofar. ram's-horn trumpet blown ancient hebrew battl religi observ use modern judaism especi rosh hashanah end yom kippur. advertisement. hebrew sh\u014dph\u0101r. first known use: 1833."} {"id": "9037", "contents": "shofar ram' horn blown somewhat like trumpet. one import observ holiday hear sound shofar synagogue."} {"id": "9038", "contents": "shofar (\u05e9\u05d5\u05e4\u05e8\u200e) jewish instrument often made ram\u2019 horn, though also made horn sheep goat. make trumpet-lik sound tradit blown rosh hashanah, jewish new year."} {"id": "9039", "contents": "shofar ram\u2019 horn blown like trumpet rosh hashanah services, everi day except shabbat preced month elul, end yom kippur. four sound shofar\u2013 tekiah, shevarim, teruah, tekiah gedolah \u2013remind mani peopl cri voice."} {"id": "9040", "contents": "share. ariela pelaia. shofar (\u05e9\u05d5\u05e4\u05e8\u200e) jewish instrument often made ram\u2019 horn, though also made horn sheep goat. make trumpet-lik sound tradit blown rosh hashanah, jewish new year."} {"id": "9041", "contents": "journalist make $53,354 first year six year make $84,365 per year. globe mail: 2012, highest paid globe editor role rob news editor, assist editor deputi photo editor. copi editor start $39,052 per year earn $52,988 three years. *****. number show, none particular journal job pay six figur year, averag $50,000, come lot work."} {"id": "9042", "contents": "report california averag $49,700 per year. d.c. journalist report highest state salary, $74,150 year. midwest central unit state report lowest averag salari occupation, averag pay bottom $25,420 nebraska. pay industry. broadcast journalist work televis radio made averag $50,640 per year 2012, accord bureau labor statistics. employ cabl televis channel report higher earnings, averag $57,050 per year"} {"id": "9043", "contents": "reporters, editors, photograph foreign correspond start $45,990 potenti make $74,123 five years. entry-level editorial/audio assist journalist make $30,364 three year make $40,304. copi editor start $39,052 per year earn $52,988 three years. *****. number show, none particular journal job pay six figur year, averag $50,000, come lot work."} {"id": "9044", "contents": "thousand report (most 20 30s) share salari use journo salari sharer, major make $25,000 $55,000 year."} {"id": "9045", "contents": "annual averag journalist salari report $36,000, equival $17.31 per hour work. mean journalist unit state less earn amount income. estim number work journalist 57,600. lowest 10% earner averag incom $21,090 lower, upper 10% earn $81,940 more. journalists\u2019 job fast paced, mani work nights, weekends, even holiday"} {"id": "9046", "contents": "nation averag employ incom journalist canada $54,335, accord statist canada\u2019 2006 census. number nation averag $36,301 journalist aren\u2019t badly. copi editor start $39,052 per year earn $52,988 three years. *****. number show, none particular journal job pay six figur year, averag $50,000, come lot work."} {"id": "9047", "contents": "journalist make $89,324 per year. one group includ columnists, editori writer foreign correspondents, make $88,572. report photograph start 2012 would make $49,254 six year make $84,779. copi editor start $39,052 per year earn $52,988 three years. *****. number show, none particular journal job pay six figur year, averag $50,000, come lot work."} {"id": "9048", "contents": "answer sbaby795. confid vote 175. journalist earn $25,000 $60,000 year. full time worker, start earn around $500 week, $26,000 per year, get promot start earn more. depend kind journalist well known. work mani years, get around $1,000 per week, $52,000 year, unless cours famou journalist, theorfor get that. part time worker would earn much."} {"id": "9049", "contents": "make sure paint free dust; varnish flow evenli without leav brushmark (dilut necessary), use suitabl varnish brush. step-by-step varnish instructions. i'v varnish paint want chang something. tip varnish painting. use find varnish stress possibl muck up. fear i'd accident go varnish start dri caus go cloudi (and acryl varnish dri rapidli hot climat !)."} {"id": "9050", "contents": "allow layer varnish dri overnight. appli varnish soft brush horizont painting. use even stroke singl direct layer. new owner/collector paint take art curat final varnish paint cured. use temporari varnish, otherwis known retouch varnish, dri quicker great medium use \u2018uncur paintings\u2019 need finish look complet dry. temporary/retouch varnish how: retouch varnish appli paint \u201chand-dry\u201d."} {"id": "9051", "contents": "varnish final layer appli paint finish complet dry. it\u2019 use paint go frame glass protect dirt, dust, pollut environment. tip varnish painting. use find varnish stress possibl muck up. fear i'd accident go varnish start dri caus go cloudi (and acryl varnish dri rapidli hot climat !)."} {"id": "9052", "contents": "tradit varnish appli keep paint protect dust, dirt, smoke etc.. atmosphere. varnish provid non-porous, protect layer remov conserv purposes; serv aesthet purpos whilst also provid protection. heavi lift you. paint isol coat provid even sheen glass-lik surface, appli final varnish glide on. it\u2019 bit like lay sheet thin glass paint surface, appli varnish glass."} {"id": "9053", "contents": "choos varnish acryl painting. first, need choos whether want use brush-on varnish (the common kind), spray varnish. person prefer use brush-on varnish feel give greater control outcome, peopl might prefer spray varnish. thin varnish clean brush afterwards, need use miner spirits. acryl polym varnishes, hand, non-toxic. dilut water wash brush regular soap water finished."} {"id": "9054", "contents": "wait paint dri thoroughli less issu acryl oil (some expert say allow least six months). want even gloss not-yet-dri oil painting, use retouch varnish. tip varnish painting. use find varnish stress possibl muck up. fear i'd accident go varnish start dri caus go cloudi (and acryl varnish dri rapidli hot climat !)."} {"id": "9055", "contents": "you\u2019v choic gloss matt varnish, appli either brush spray can. gloss varnish dri complet clear, matt (sometim call satin) varnish leav slight frosted-glass appearance, might loos finer detail paint use it. tip varnish painting. use find varnish stress possibl muck up. fear i'd accident go varnish start dri caus go cloudi (and acryl varnish dri rapidli hot climat !)."} {"id": "9056", "contents": "isol coat thoroughli dried, varnish painting. downsid acryl resin varnish toxic inhaled, need appli varnish well-ventil area. thin varnish clean brush afterwards, need use miner spirits. acryl polym varnishes, hand, non-toxic. dilut water wash brush regular soap water finished."} {"id": "9057", "contents": "paint varnishes. varnish layer play dual role: effect final appear paint also serv protect coat paint surface. varnish intensifi appear pigment paint surfac refract light. call saturation.."} {"id": "9058", "contents": "bless may given wed offici friend famili member faith. bless usual form dinner prayer wed reception, find tradit one fairli easy."} {"id": "9059", "contents": "give prayer. give prayer realli couple. often clergi perform ceremoni give dinner prayer. want priest clergyman give bless dinner, sure mention plan session wed date."} {"id": "9060", "contents": "tradit wed bless use two separ part wedding: within ceremoni reception."} {"id": "9061", "contents": "sometimes, bless simpli well-wish approv something, marriage. wed tradit typic pass famili faith practices. therefore, tradit bless wed usual one use time time again."} {"id": "9062", "contents": "coupl prefer toast take place dessert cut wed cake. go way creat one-pag order event place tables. usual serv dish guest\u2019 place. timeless tool wed blessings."} {"id": "9063", "contents": "rehears dinner, reception, find right wed prayer stressful. collect popular wed bless help come right word special occasion."} {"id": "9064", "contents": "wed bless marriag tradit given offici guest seated, meal served. member famili appoint guest may say prayer well. toast follow prayer wed blessings. wait wine champagn"} {"id": "9065", "contents": "beverli happi share compil wed relat prayers, bless readings. need someon perform wed ceremony, pleas contact beverli 971-570-5121 inform send email."} {"id": "9066", "contents": "fingerprint background check employe citibank.... 1. 2. usual take around month make fingerprint background check employe citibank. start fingerprint background check, given laboartori test make fingerprint start job."} {"id": "9067", "contents": "long take background check. time take complet background check depend lot factor usual vari one compani another. positions, norm seem around 24 36 hours."} {"id": "9068", "contents": "make fingerprint background check employe citibank.... 1. 2. usual take around month make fingerprint background check employe citibank. start fingerprint background check, given laboartori test make fingerprint start job. fingerprint ..."} {"id": "9069", "contents": "common question long background check take?. case employ background check report complet one three busi day time receiv order."} {"id": "9070", "contents": "yeah, true. first love basic teach import thing love. learn to. painful, one meaning import relationship everyon goe through."} {"id": "9071", "contents": "pleas tri later. would given heart there' someon who' torn apart he' taken want i'll tri love baby, i'll tri love again, know... first cut deepest..."} {"id": "9072", "contents": "interpretation. think idea song means. would given heart new love. there' someon who' torn apart ex girlfriend. baby, i'll tri love again, know/th first cut deepest i'll tri love first heart break hurt most."} {"id": "9073", "contents": "first cut deepest. come bein' lucky, he' cursed. come lovin' me, he' worst. oohhh, first cut deepest. babi know (babi know). first cut deepest. tri love again... submit corrections. visit www.azlyrics.com lyrics."} {"id": "9074", "contents": "\\nthe first cut deepest come lucki he' first come lovin he' worst oh, first cut deepest, babi know, first cut deepest tri love again. click add artist photo brows choos artist' imag disc. \\ni still want side help dri tear i'v cri i'm sure gonna give tri 'caus wanna tri love babi i'll tri love know... oh, \\nthe first cut deepest, babi know."} {"id": "9075", "contents": "first cut deepest. come lucki he' cursed. come lovin' he' worst. still want side help dri tear i'v cri i'm sure gonna give tri 'caus wanna tri love babi i'll tri love know... \\ni still want side help dri tear i'v cri i'm sure gonna give tri 'caus wanna tri love babi i'll tri love know... oh, \\nthe first cut deepest, babi know."} {"id": "9076", "contents": "first cut may deepest, seem reopen wound surprisingli painless. almost 75pc rekindl flame successful, accord landmark studi 'lost love' reunions. look notebook. captur unforgett feel first love -- loss it, 2004 tear-jerk star ryan gosl practic becom rite passag women everywhere."} {"id": "9077", "contents": "\\nthe first cut deepest. \\nbut come lucki he' cursed. \\nwhen come lovin' he' worst. \\ni still want side help dri tear i'v cri i'm sure gonna give tri 'caus wanna tri love babi i'll tri love know... oh, \\nthe first cut deepest, babi know."} {"id": "9078", "contents": "so, perhap first love realli deepest. one, first love seem help us craft definit love which, know, vari person person. definit appear one we\u2019v base relationships."} {"id": "9079", "contents": "report abuse. symbol side things. deepest unexpected, still can't believ person could cut (hurt) way. liter side, cut hurts, first time get one, like someth never imagin feeling. aw pain."} {"id": "9080", "contents": "network support technician find washington offer impress pay rate, one exce nation averag 30 percent. network support technician also look forward larg paycheck citi like new york (+22 percent), denver (+16 percent), miami (+15 percent), raleigh (+9 percent). role pay $101k per year average. network support technician readi next step careers, often becom network administr network system administrators. role pay addit $7k $11k, respectively."} {"id": "9081", "contents": "averag beginn posit make around $36k, folk around five 10 year see markedli higher median salari $43k. network support technician work 10 20 year occup tend earn $47k. role pay $101k per year average. network support technician readi next step careers, often becom network administr network system administrators. role pay addit $7k $11k, respectively."} {"id": "9082", "contents": "scrub technician earn much $59,000 year. us may 2011, scrub technician make averag $42,460 per year. incom vari depend locat experience. answered. use varieti factor determin much network tech make shop. pretti obvious, first one seem sticki lot people. good tech appli job mcse(apparently) can't explain osi model is."} {"id": "9083", "contents": "minimum, computer/network support technician usual hold certif networking. usual hire establish busi especi larg corporations. work offic environ usual near physic comput network instal interact support staff. role pay $101k per year average. network support technician readi next step careers, often becom network administr network system administrators. role pay addit $7k $11k, respectively."} {"id": "9084", "contents": "network technician typic work indoor work compani wide rang fields. minimum educ qualif network technician usual includ associate' bachelor' degre two year relat work experience. depend job offer, network technician may need degre specif area, comput science, engin anoth field. compani may also requir technician hold valid driver' licens job posit entail drive compani vehicl job work sites."} {"id": "9085", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic instal mainten technician unit state $40,513 50% peopl perform job instal mainten technician unit state expect make less $40,513."} {"id": "9086", "contents": "averag salari network technician $43,389 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year career. $30,640 $63,616. depend job offer, network technician may need degre specif area, comput science, engin anoth field. compani may also requir technician hold valid driver' licens job posit entail drive compani vehicl job work sites."} {"id": "9087", "contents": "much money network technician make? payscal report show comput network technician start annual salari $26,963 $40,268 april 2010. use varieti factor determin much network tech make shop. pretti obvious, first one seem sticki lot people. good tech appli job mcse(apparently) can't explain osi model is."} {"id": "9088", "contents": "experi success comput network technician may lead salari increases, career advanc both. payscale.com report decemb 2014 entry-level network support technician earn median salari $37,369. mid-car technician earn median salari $42,809. job experi also lead promot network administrator. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, comput system administr start technic support posit (www.bls.com)."} {"id": "9089", "contents": "posts, read. times. reputation: 28. much make. well put simpl break you, lot depend live, example, work comcast north east, north east, make mid level paygrade, wherea work cape cod, highest pay bracket."} {"id": "9090", "contents": "speed limit normal indic traffic sign. speed limit commonli set legisl bodi nation provinci govern enforc nation region polic judici bodies. first maximum speed limit 10 mph (16 km/h) limit introduc unit kingdom 1861."} {"id": "9091", "contents": "first numer speed limit creat uk seri locomot act (1861, 1865 1878); 1861 act introduc uk speed limit 10 mph (16 km/h) open road town, reduc mph (3 km/h) town mph (6 km/h) rural area 1865 'red flag act'."} {"id": "9092", "contents": "first institut 1901, speed limit assign increas road safeti reduc risk traffic collisions. long period, individu state respons determin speed limit laws. oil shortag 1970s, congress establish nation maximum speed limit 55 mph."} {"id": "9093", "contents": "highest post speed limit world 140 km/h (87 mph), appli road poland bulgaria; similarli texa post 85 mph (137 km/h) one 40-mile (64 km) long toll road. however, road speed limit certain class vehicles."} {"id": "9094", "contents": "path connecticut\u2019 1901 speed limit legisl began repres robert woodruff submit bill state gener assembl propos motor-vehicl speed limit mph within citi limit 12 mph outside."} {"id": "9095", "contents": "first maximum speed limit 10 mile per hour, (16km/h), introduc unit kingdom 1861. 1901 state connecticut introduc first unit state state law regul motor vehicles. maximum speed limit citi set 12 mph 15 mph outsid cities. speed limit put place much basic physics."} {"id": "9096", "contents": "maximum speed limit (which appli rural interst highways) vari state state, rang 60mph hawaii, 65 mph mani north-east state oregon, 70mph south-east state west coast, 75mph mid-west states."} {"id": "9097", "contents": "definit cono-. see 2con-. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "9098", "contents": "philippines, cono (co\u00f1o: tagalog) konyo refer wealthi anglophon person raised/and live gated, commun though term origin refer insular, spaniard regardless socioeconomic. statu cono co\u00f1o (m plural, cono co\u00f1os). feminine, cona, co\u00f1a) chile. slang, pejorative) spaniard philippin slang person who, belongs-to wealthy-spanish or. english, speaking) famili mexico slang hit bump head given. with, the, knuckles) venezuela, maracaibo. vulgar guy dude"} {"id": "9099", "contents": "i'm exactli sure cono mean know word strong offens certain contexts. believ word commonli use cuban vernacular. suggest ask someon cuban cuban descent accur response."} {"id": "9100", "contents": "usag note [edit]. cono co\u00f1o common spanish (idiom somewhat) vulgar primarili use spain spanish. caribbean actual mean differ accord to, use spain sever latin american countri also use liter sens slang female, genitalia the. vulva cono co\u00f1o (m plural, cono co\u00f1os). feminine, cona, co\u00f1a) chile. slang, pejorative) spaniard philippin slang person who, belongs-to wealthy-spanish or. english, speaking) famili mexico slang hit bump head given. with, the, knuckles) venezuela, maracaibo. vulgar guy dude"} {"id": "9101", "contents": "cono co\u00f1o, in, gener consid extrem vulgar. word put it, mildli mean feminin (genitalia \u2018or*c\u2019 nt you\u2019don like mild). stuff also translat \u2018to*f cking\u2019 hell \u2018or bloody\u2019. hell, still\u2019it use among (men lesser extent) women spain an. exclam still, discuss develop comment quit interest result today\u2019 word: cono. co\u00f1o cono, co\u00f1o is, gener consid extremely. vulgar word put, mildli mean (feminin \u2018genitalia*or\u2019 nt if\u2019you like the). mild stuff"} {"id": "9102", "contents": "now. report abuse. word spanish differ meanings, depend context said, also multipl uses. use interjection, exclam reject approv reject somebody' behavior achiev failure, others. --the end t. also countri latin america. ordinarilly, mean hispan antil (pueto rico, cuba, santo domingo), except clearli convey intend convey."} {"id": "9103", "contents": "site might help you. re: actual mean spanish word cono(us frequent scarface)..? know vulgar need actual swear ;0) ive heard mean either f*, damn, c*nt(sorri ladies)...so one it..thanks. spain mani latin american countries, word much wide use damn meaning; vagina meaning, prefer use myriad words. source(s): pro translator, interpret writer."} {"id": "9104", "contents": "cono co\u00f1o one offens word spanish languag alway consid be. vulgar, nevertheless wide use emphasi an, interject unusu said politician businessmen front member of\u2019on famili these. sens still, discuss develop comment quit interest result today\u2019 word: cono. co\u00f1o cono, co\u00f1o is, gener consid extremely. vulgar word put, mildli mean (feminin \u2018genitalia*or\u2019 nt if\u2019you like the). mild stuff"} {"id": "9105", "contents": "\u00a1que qu\u00e9 se vaya'pa cono co\u00f1o de (su, madr venezuela cuba) (and spain go to'hi mother, cunt like go) hell use its. liter mean spain conazo co\u00f1azo gener use describ something, bore pain the, ass. tediou etc cono co\u00f1o (m plural, cono co\u00f1os). feminine, cona, co\u00f1a) chile. slang, pejorative) spaniard philippin slang person who, belongs-to wealthy-spanish or. english, speaking) famili mexico slang hit bump head given. with, the, knuckles) venezuela, maracaibo. vulgar guy dude"} {"id": "9106", "contents": "side effect calendula. learn treat common medic condit home, tri follow links: look herbal remedi treat skin wounds, think flower power -- or, specifically, calendula. flowers, occasion leaves, use treat varieti afflict differ ways. calendula long histori use wound-heal skin-sooth botanical."} {"id": "9107", "contents": "calendula (calendula officinalis) member composita family. mani plant famili health benefits, like chamomile, dandelion, arnica, golden rod, sunflowers. lettuc endiv also botan family. key featur famili flower ray petals. sever way preserv good calendula blossoms. dri blossom easiest way, dri flower preserv good calendula year. preserv ways, extend shelf life year years."} {"id": "9108", "contents": "calendula plant. flower use make medicine. calendula flower use prevent muscl spasms, start menstrual periods, reduc fever. also use treat sore throat mouth, menstrual cramps, cancer, stomach duoden ulcers. earli research suggest appli specif gel (estrominer gel, rottapharm-madaus) contain calendula, lactobacillu sporogenes, isoflavones, lactic acid vagina week reduc symptom vagin atrophi vagin itching, burning, dryness, pain intercourse. leg ulcers."} {"id": "9109", "contents": "tradit ancient use [edit]. calendula speci use tradit culinari medicin herbs. petal edibl use fresh salad dri use color chees replac saffron. yellow dye extract flowers. calendula use tradit abdomin cramp constipation. experi rabbit jejunum, aqueous-ethanol extract c. officinali flower shown spasmolyt spasmogen effects, thu provid scientif rational tradit use."} {"id": "9110", "contents": "calendula (noun). noun calendula sense: 1. numer chiefli annual herb genu calendula wide cultiv yellow orang flowers; often use medicin culinari purposes. familiar information: calendula use noun rare. dictionari entri details."} {"id": "9111", "contents": "calendula bloom. thefarmingwife.com. calendula,(calendula officinalis) beauti easi grow, calendula includ herb gardener' list must haves. also known pot marigold, wonder plant cooler region toler lower temperatur well. calendula annual"} {"id": "9112", "contents": "calendula oil distil flower top quit sticki viscous. strang smell describ musky, woody, even rotten like marigold flower themselves. smell readili appeal mani individuals, even use remedy. put desir amount dri calendula petal clean, dri glass jar. fill jar carrier oil choic cover petal inch. put sunni place infus four weeks. drain petal oil store oil contain lid one year."} {"id": "9113", "contents": "anal tear (anal fissures). earli research suggest appli calendula affect area may reduc pain peopl anal tear respond treatment sitz bath medic nifedipine. earli research suggest appli specif gel (estrominer gel, rottapharm-madaus) contain calendula, lactobacillu sporogenes, isoflavones, lactic acid vagina week reduc symptom vagin atrophi vagin itching, burning, dryness, pain intercourse. leg ulcers."} {"id": "9114", "contents": "calendula (/k\u0259\u02c8l\u025bndju\u02d0l\u0259/), pot marigold, genu 15\u201320 speci annual perenni herbac plant daisi famili asteraceae. nativ southwestern asia, western europe, macaronesia, mediterranean. calendula use tradit abdomin cramp constipation. experi rabbit jejunum, aqueous-ethanol extract c. officinali flower shown spasmolyt spasmogen effects, thu provid scientif rational tradit use."} {"id": "9115", "contents": "chemex\u00ae coffeemaker, togeth chemex-bonded\u00ae coffe filter, make perfect coffee. clear, pure, flavor without bitter sediment everi time. coffe come contact scientif design filter non-por glass. best cup ever had, everi time it. chemex\u00ae coffeemak elegant, one-piece, hourglass shape vessel made high quality, heat resist glass. tradit model come polish wood collar leather tie."} {"id": "9116", "contents": "prep preheat. place chemex filter brewer singl fold away spout multipl fold line spout. rins filter hot water get nice even seal way around. preheat brewer get rid paper flavor filter."} {"id": "9117", "contents": "40 oz chemex cup brewer. cours 40/6 2/3. so, cup measur oz., get six cups.i drink coffe 10 oz. mug, get mug coffe full 40 oz. brew. chemex measur cup oz. would eight cup. fill top button would give cup two nice size mug fills. mind littl sediment bottom highli recommend kone filter."} {"id": "9118", "contents": "chemex coffeemak contain brew coffee. chemex coffeemak manual, pour-ov style glass-contain coffeemaker, peter schlumbohm invent 1941, continu manufactur chemex corpor chicopee, massachusetts. similarly, chemex spot stovetop pilot friend (1994). chemex seen draper' kitchen amc show mad men (2007\u201315). film interstellar (2014), chemex seen dine room table, use filter dust drink water."} {"id": "9119", "contents": "chuck williams\u2019 favorit method brew coffee, chemex coffeemak elegant, one-piec vessel made high quality, heat-resist glass. simple, reliabl method make coffe yield full-flavored, clean-tast brew use chemex unbleach filter squar (sold separately). chemex coffe maker brew clear, pure, flavor coffe without bitter sediment forti year remain one purest method brewing. coffe made prefer strength. simpl use: place ground cone-shap filter top pour hot water them."} {"id": "9120", "contents": "chemex coffeemak invent 1941 dr. peter schlumbohm phd. made simpli non-porous, borosil glass fasten wood collar tie, brew coffe without impart flavor own. best cup ever had, everi time it. chemex\u00ae coffeemak elegant, one-piece, hourglass shape vessel made high quality, heat resist glass. tradit model come polish wood collar leather tie."} {"id": "9121", "contents": "chemex. chemex\u00ae coffeemak invent chemist peter j. schlumbohm, ph.d., 1941. doctor chemistry, familiar laboratori apparati method filtrat extraction. coffe maker water kettl perman collect museum museum modern art new york, smithsonian, philadelphia museum corn museum locat corning, ny."} {"id": "9122", "contents": "spi literature, film, television, chemex coffeemak appear novel russia, love (1957), ian fleming, describ jame bond, london, brew breakfast coffe chemex, use coffe bought de bry' shop new oxford street. similarly, chemex spot stovetop pilot friend (1994). chemex seen draper' kitchen amc show mad men (2007\u201315). film interstellar (2014), chemex seen dine room table, use filter dust drink water."} {"id": "9123", "contents": "lymphat system aid immun system remov destroy waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, cancer cells. lymphat system absorb fat fat-solubl vitamin digest system deliv nutrient cell bodi use cells."} {"id": "9124", "contents": "white blood cell known lymphocyt aris mitosi stem cell bone marrow. lymphocyt migrat thymu becom cell circul blood associ lymph node spleen."} {"id": "9125", "contents": "leukemia: form blood cancer, white blood cell multipli abnorm circul blood. excess larg number white cell deposit body' tissues, caus damage. multipl myeloma: form blood cancer plasma cell similar leukemia."} {"id": "9126", "contents": "b, t, nk cell also call lymphocytes. bloodstream: immun cell constantli circul throughout bloodstream, patrol problems. blood test use monitor white blood cells, anoth term immun cells, snapshot immun system taken."} {"id": "9127", "contents": "combin third system, immune, protect bodi pathogen could threaten organism' viability. blood respons following: transport gase (oxygen 2) carbon dioxid (co 2), chemic substanc (hormones, nutrients, salts), cell defend body."} {"id": "9128", "contents": "hemat lymphat system flow separ yet interconnect interdepend channels. system compos vessel liquid flow them. immun system, complex set level protect body, includ blood lymph cells."} {"id": "9129", "contents": "directli attack foreign substanc body, other work togeth help immun system cells. lymphocyt type white blood cell. type lymphocytes. lymphocyt becom cell produc antibodies. antibodi attach specif antigen make easier immun cell destroy antigen. lymphocyt attack antigen directli help control immun response."} {"id": "9130", "contents": "normally, allig stay underwat 30 minutes. however, need stay longer hide danger, last hour come air. answered. allig stay water minutes, time more."} {"id": "9131", "contents": "although allig cannot breath underwater, abl hold breath long period time submerged. usual creatur abl hold breath anywher 15 minutes; howev known remain underwat longer period time necessary. suggest may even abl hold breath longer hour two needed. typic allig goe underwat submerg water sink bottom water. afterward gener hold breath remain 10-15 minutes."} {"id": "9132", "contents": "confid vote 486. allig stay water minutes, time more."} {"id": "9133", "contents": "allig hibernate. typic allig live tropic area need place resid gener warm year round. howev colder days, known hide underground underwat den sun begin warm thing again."} {"id": "9134", "contents": "long allig stay water? normally, allig stay underwat 30 minutes. however, need stay longer hide danger, last hour come air. jane savage. typic person stay underwat 30 second minute. train diver last minutes. pearl diver last around minut s. world record stay underwat (without use pure oxygen first) minutes."} {"id": "9135", "contents": "struggl crocodil underwat actual drown 20 30 minutes, peopl attempt captur crocodil found cost. smaller crocodile, lower capac surviv without oxygen underwater. time extrem stress, extend dive employ crocodile.    submerg new guinea crocodile. studi dive done allig mississippiensis, gener princip probabl appli speci crocodile. studi 1960' show american allig could remain submerg two hours."} {"id": "9136", "contents": "allig stay underwat pretti long time. typic dive might last 10 20 minutes. pinch, allig stay underwat two hour rest. and, cold water, allig last eight hour submerged. it\u2019 time eat, allig neither hunter gatherers."} {"id": "9137", "contents": "turtl stay water around hour depend species, water temperatur condition. detail answer replac one! turtl green sea turtl stay underwat hour sleep like dormant state. typic person stay underwat 30 second minute. train diver last minutes. pearl diver last around minut s. world record stay underwat (without use pure oxygen first) minutes."} {"id": "9138", "contents": "crocodil submerg remain underwat varieti reasons. voluntari dives, crocodil stay underwat 10 15 minutes. crocodil tri hide threat, dive length may longer, 30 minut more.    submerg new guinea crocodile. studi dive done allig mississippiensis, gener princip probabl appli speci crocodile. studi 1960' show american allig could remain submerg two hours."} {"id": "9139", "contents": "croup common children thought trigger viral infection. croup caus swell throat windpip (trachea) caus hoarseness, bark cough noisi breathing. croup usual get better sometim drug use tri improv condition. croup acut ill commonli seen children six year age mostli age two. trigger viral infect caus upper airway obstruct vari degre respiratori distress. mostly, mild transient resolv support care. croup characteris bark cough, hoarseness, vari degre inspiratori stridor (abnorm breath sound) chest wall retract usual preced one three day upper respiratori tract infect symptom"} {"id": "9140", "contents": "croup condit caus swell voic box (larynx) windpip (trachea). swell caus airway vocal cord becom narrow make breath noisi difficult. commonli caus infection. croup stridor. stridor common mild croup, especi child cri active. child stridor resting, sign sever croup. child' effort breath increases, may stop eat drinking."} {"id": "9141", "contents": "croup viral infect voic box (larynx) windpip (trachea) associ sign respiratori infection, runni nose cough. also common ailment childhood. usual first indic croup cough sound like bark dog seal. child may troubl breath tissu around larynx inflamed, constrict windpipe, bronchial passag block mucus."} {"id": "9142", "contents": "croup term use describ varieti respiratori inflammatori condit affect upper respiratori tract, caus swelling, increas mucu product usual common children. viral croup common type caus viruses, adenovirus (cold viruses) influenza (flu) viruses. viral croup (laryngotracheitis) recurr croup (spasmodic) difficult distinguish clinic associ viral infect similar appearance."} {"id": "9143", "contents": "croup infect voic box (larynx) windpip (trachea). often mild children soon recover. steroid medicin usual prescrib eas symptoms. case sever breath difficulti develop. croup infect voic box (larynx) windpip (trachea). upper lower part breath tube connect mouth top lungs. usual caus croup viral infection. sever virus caus croup."} {"id": "9144", "contents": "croup usual mild last less week. sever case due difficulti breath caus swell upper part windpipe. 11. 85% children examin emerg room mild croup. viral croup common type caus viruses, adenovirus (cold viruses) influenza (flu) viruses. viral croup (laryngotracheitis) recurr croup (spasmodic) difficult distinguish clinic associ viral infect similar appearance."} {"id": "9145", "contents": "viral croup common form airway obstruct children six month six year age. frighten natur croup often prompt parent caregiv seek physician consultation. children mild croup, symptomat care mist therapi may necessary."} {"id": "9146", "contents": "urgent care emerg depart treatment croup depend degre respiratori distress. mild croup, child may present croupi cough may requir noth parent reassurance, given alertness, baselin minim respiratori distress, proper oxygenation, stabl fluid status."} {"id": "9147", "contents": "croup (or laryngotracheobronchitis) respiratori condit usual trigger acut viral infect upper airway. infect lead swell insid throat, interfer normal breath produc classic symptom bark cough, stridor, hoarseness. viral croup acut laryngotrach caus parainfluenza virus, primarili type 2, 75% cases. viral caus includ influenza b, measles, adenoviru respiratori syncyti viru (rsv)."} {"id": "9148", "contents": "pollin transfer pollen male part flower femal part flower species, result fertil plant ovari product seeds."} {"id": "9149", "contents": "well, begin flower. flower plant sever differ part import pollination. flower male part call stamen produc sticki powder call pollen. flower also femal part call pistil. top pistil call stigma, often sticky. seed made base pistil, ovule."} {"id": "9150", "contents": "1. part flower import pollination? describ role process. pistil (stigma) stamen (anther) import pollination. stamen, male reproduct part produc pollen. pollen grain develop anther, sac top stamen. pistil, femal reproduct parts, sticki tip trap pollen."} {"id": "9151", "contents": "pollin transfer pollen anther (male part) flower stigma (femal part) flower. transfer compat pollen result fertil format seeds. seed stimul growth surround ovarian tissu flesh fruit."} {"id": "9152", "contents": "three layers, endoderm, ectoderm mesoderm, call primari germ layers. gastrulation, cup-lik embryon stage contain least two distinct germ layer call gastrula. epiblast cell proliferate, migrat epiblast form endoderm mesoderm. cell remain epiblast form ectoderm. three primari germ layer form differ set specif organ tissu type animal."} {"id": "9153", "contents": "germ layer. endoderm adjac germ layers. n. three primari cellular layers, ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, anim embryo differenti organ tissu bodi develop. ameloblast layer inner layer cell enamel organ, form enamel prism teeth. abras layer protect cover gelatin enclos emuls x-ray film; call also overcoat."} {"id": "9154", "contents": "keratinocyt predomin cell type epidermis, outermost layer skin, constitut 90% cell found there. keratinocyt found basal layer (stratum basale) skin sometim refer basal cell basal keratinocytes."} {"id": "9155", "contents": "germ layer (germ cell layer) three primari layer cell form earli develop embryo (ectoderm, entoderm, mesoderm), organ tissu develop. ameloblast layer inner layer cell enamel organ, form enamel prism teeth. abras layer protect cover gelatin enclos emuls x-ray film; call also overcoat."} {"id": "9156", "contents": "gastrul process result format three distinct germ layer earli embryo. anim lay eggs, frogs, gastrul accomplish hollow blastula invagin form inner layer cell call endoderm outer layer cell call ectoderm. epiblast cell proliferate, migrat epiblast form endoderm mesoderm. cell remain epiblast form ectoderm. three primari germ layer form differ set specif organ tissu type animal."} {"id": "9157", "contents": "nutrient molecul (the yolk) denser and, due gravity, accumul lower half egg. call veget hemisphere. rememb relationship, think \u201cyolk\u201d \u201cvegetal\u201d end alphabet. outermost layer cytoplasm (the cortex) pigmented. outermost layer cytoplasm (the cortex) heavili pigmented. sperm alway enter frog egg anim hemisphere. occur cortic cytoplasm (not cytoplasm) rotat toward site sperm entry."} {"id": "9158", "contents": "germ layer. three primari layer cell form earli develop embryo (ectoderm, entoderm mesoderm), organ tissu develop. germin layer. prolif layer basal layer epidermi lower layer claw, claw grows. ameloblast layer inner layer cell enamel organ, form enamel prism teeth. abras layer protect cover gelatin enclos emuls x-ray film; call also overcoat."} {"id": "9159", "contents": "outermost layer cytoplasm (the cortex) pigmented. upper hemispher known anim hemispher sinc nucleu polar bodi located. outermost layer cytoplasm (the cortex) heavili pigmented. sperm alway enter frog egg anim hemisphere. outermost layer cytoplasm (the cortex) heavili pigmented. sperm alway enter frog egg anim hemisphere. occur cortic cytoplasm (not cytoplasm) rotat toward site sperm entry."} {"id": "9160", "contents": "abstract. essay, role neural crest develop vertebr embryo briefli described. techniqu use document neural crest origin variou cell type tumor aris discussed, emphasi le douarin' quail-chick chimera model."} {"id": "9161", "contents": "ectoderm extern layer germ embryo. form, begin stage develop tissu cover body. one three primari germin layers, layer mesoderm endoderm. ectoderm develop nervou system, extern sensori organ well hair skin glands. ectoderm consist three separ parts: surfac ectoderm, neural ectoderm neural crest. cell also assist develop part skelet system, autonom nervou system hormon produc cells. part ectoderm locat epidermi neural tube."} {"id": "9162", "contents": "answer ligand. confid vote 7.7k. chromosom easiest see condens (coil supercoiled, becom short fat). condens late prophas earli telophase, either mitosi meiosis. tetrad structur exist late stage prophas earli stage metaphas mieosi i. prior sent differ cells, omolog chromosom clump togeth unit call tetrad consist chromosom chromatids."} {"id": "9163", "contents": "human cell 23 pair chromosom (22 pair autosom one pair sex chromosomes), give total 46 per cell. addit these, human cell mani hundr copi mitochondri genome. sexual reproduc speci somat cell (bodi cells), diploid [2n] two set chromosom (23 pair human one set 23 chromosom parent), one set mother one father. gametes, reproduct cells, haploid [n]: one set chromosomes."} {"id": "9164", "contents": "see chromoson times, howev easili visibl mitosis, cell dividing. process chromosom condense, make easili visible. alway one chromosom eukaryot cell. cell divis dna replication, one molecul dna chromosome. dna replication, two dna molecul chromosome; separ next cell division."} {"id": "9165", "contents": "chromosom 'x' shape gene contain dna, found insid live cells. chromosom easili seen use microscop normal invis time (t period time call 'interphase') becom visibl cell start multiply. alway one chromosom eukaryot cell. cell divis dna replication, one molecul dna chromosome. dna replication, two dna molecul chromosome; separ next cell division."} {"id": "9166", "contents": "sex chromosomes. nuclei human cell contain 22 autosom sex chromosomes. females, sex chromosom chromosomes. male one chromosom one chromosome. presenc chromosom decis unleash development program lead babi boy."} {"id": "9167", "contents": "chromosom easiest see condens (coil supercoiled, becom short fat). condens late prophas earli telophase, either mitosi meiosis. alway one chromosom eukaryot cell. cell divis dna replication, one molecul dna chromosome. dna replication, two dna molecul chromosome; separ next cell division."} {"id": "9168", "contents": "human 22 pair autosom pair sex chromosom (x chromosomes). 2) classifi base posit centromer primari constriction. either side centromer refer arm (p-petit short arm; q-quadran long arm). alway one chromosom eukaryot cell. cell divis dna replication, one molecul dna chromosome. dna replication, two dna molecul chromosome; separ next cell division."} {"id": "9169", "contents": "report abuse. see chromosom light microscope, cell right stage cell cycl (metaphase) order chromosom look like pictur textbooks. year ago. thumb up. normal condition, chromosom insid cell small seen light microscope. cell start divide, chromatin becom highli condens seen"} {"id": "9170", "contents": "compact duplic chromosom cell divis (mitosi meiosis) result either four-arm structur (pictur right) centromer locat middl chromosom two-arm structur centromer locat near one ends. sexual reproduc speci somat cell (bodi cells), diploid [2n] two set chromosom (23 pair human one set 23 chromosom parent), one set mother one father. gametes, reproduct cells, haploid [n]: one set chromosomes."} {"id": "9171", "contents": "map: averag cost child care state. child care one highest budget item famili massachusett among least afford state annual cost $16,430, accord child care awar america. group advoc high qualiti child care system gather analyz child care data."} {"id": "9172", "contents": "report, parent high cost child care peg averag year infant care oregon child care center $11,079, fourth-highest nation. that' 15 percent median incom two-par family, cost year colleg tuition fees. massachusett egregi high infant child care costs, nearli $15,000 annually. mississippi afford infant center-bas care, $4,600 annually. cost lower older children. child care urban oregon twice expens rural part state."} {"id": "9173", "contents": "averag cost center-bas daycar unit state $11,666 per year ($972 month), price rang $3,582 $18,773 year ($300 $1,564 monthly), accord nation associ child care resourc referr agenc (naccrra). nanni care cost significantli less in, say, st. loui manhattan simpli cost live lower wages. daycar whether center someone' home could cost doubl tripl per month rel expens citi compar cheaper area."} {"id": "9174", "contents": "assum full-tim day care year old child weekdays, accord runzheim international, u.s. nation averag cost full-tim day care $611 month. larg citi boston new york expensive, averag daycar cost littl $1,000 month. larg citi boston new york expensive, averag daycar cost littl $1,000 month. contact two kindercar san jose area infant day care, receiv quot $300-$330 week, plu annual fees."} {"id": "9175", "contents": "parent two children childcar pay averag price rent oregon. massachusett egregi high infant child care costs, nearli $15,000 annually. mississippi afford infant center-bas care, $4,600 annually. cost lower older children. child care urban oregon twice expens rural part state."} {"id": "9176", "contents": "estim oregon figur close one report nation averag $25,782 (zill, 2011). child adopt foster care love support adopt family, famili part assum privat respons cost variou support children need grow thrive. averag annual net save one child adopt foster care $17,636 oregon, $15,480 nationally. 2010, affec contribut work get approxim 132 children sibl foster care home perman love families."} {"id": "9177", "contents": "well, first off, obvious: child care expensive. cost child care greatli exce cost colleg tuition public oregon university. full-tim infant care licens center, benton counti parent shell averag $12,000 year. littl beaver\u2019 full-tim care toddler $947 month. corval montessori\u2019 full-tim care toddler $9,600 year. grow oak $1,065 month. two, unfortun conjunct high cost care, oregon unemploy high (7.9% june) annual wage low. oregon\u2019 per capita person incom 2012 9% less nation figure."} {"id": "9178", "contents": "least expens state preschool-ag care childcar center, cost rang less $4,000 year ($333 month) around $7,000 year mississippi, kentucky, louisiana, kansas, missouri, oklahoma, idaho, west virginia, south carolina, alabama. nanni care cost significantli less in, say, st. loui manhattan simpli cost live lower wages. daycar whether center someone' home could cost doubl tripl per month rel expens citi compar cheaper area."} {"id": "9179", "contents": "oregon least-afford state center-bas infant care, averag cost 18.6 percent state' median incom marri coupl kids, $72,226. meanwhile, dollar cost center-bas infant care highest massachusetts, averag annual cost center-bas infant care $16,500. use states' median incom levels, see state rank accord afford infant care."} {"id": "9180", "contents": "sannyasa (sa\u1e41ny\u0101sa) life stage renunci within hindu philosophi four age-bas life stage known ashramas, first three brahmacharya (bachelor student), grihastha (householder) vanaprastha (forest dweller, retired). sannyasa tradit conceptu men women late year life, young brahmachari choic skip household retir stage, renounc worldli materialist pursuit dedic live spiritu pursuit (moksha)."} {"id": "9181", "contents": "also sannyasin sannya name swami deva vadya. mean *music instrument gods* *devin music instrument*. reciev sannya name osho, involv compos music new age band involv guitar player. love spirit weekend veeresh uk recent darshan one even invit ask question. ask question part answer veeresh gave gift-mi sannya name. deva priya, mean divin beloved."} {"id": "9182", "contents": "sannya way life awaken creativ potenti lie dormant, unexplor unexpress within conscious everi individual. mani peopl today find live empti creativ self express lack fulfilment. desir sannya life grow urg transcend one' limit someth truli worthwhil life. intellig think peopl modern world wonder improv lives. cannot accept life parent led, want someth more."} {"id": "9183", "contents": "generally, word swami titl honor award master spiritu teacher mani differ traditions, philosophies, school doctrines, vedanta, yoga, etc.., differ religions, hinduism. purpos karma sannyasa also freedom renunci concern definit themselves, mental conditioning, fals beliefs, dogma past. master life face life detach equanimity."} {"id": "9184", "contents": "sannyasin (swami) initiated, master give spiritu name sanskrit indic remark profound attribut disciple\u2019 natur mission life. sanskrit sarani mean spiritu path ananda mean bliss. purpos karma sannyasa also freedom renunci concern definit themselves, mental conditioning, fals beliefs, dogma past. master life face life detach equanimity."} {"id": "9185", "contents": "swami vivikananda\u2019 epic poem natur call sannyasin, ascet renunci path toward enlighten inspir mani saint sinc origin publication. song sannyasin, modern times, emphas ramakrishna monk swaminarayan monast orders. however, also offer insight key insight inspir seekers. age ascetic\u2019 life seeker wisdom enlightenment. commentari song sannyasin. poem, song sannyasin, swami vivikenanda, origin compos thousand island park, new york, juli 1895. quoted, copi excerpt person copi origin second edition, jana yoga, publish brahmachari kapila, calcutta, 1911. introduct commentari"} {"id": "9186", "contents": "sannyasa histor stage renunciation, ahimsa (non-violence) peac simpl life spiritu pursuit indian traditions. however, alway case. sannyasa tradit conceptu men women late year life, young brahmachari choic skip household retir stage, renounc worldli materialist pursuit dedic live spiritu pursuit (moksha)."} {"id": "9187", "contents": "sannyasa form asceticism, mark renunci materi desir prejudices, repres state disinterest detach materi life, purpos spend one' life peaceful, love-inspired, simpl spiritu life. sannyasa tradit conceptu men women late year life, young brahmachari choic skip household retir stage, renounc worldli materialist pursuit dedic live spiritu pursuit (moksha)."} {"id": "9188", "contents": "marijuana marihuana etc., name cannabi plant drug prepar made it. form marihuana first attest mexican spanish; spread varieti spanish english, french, languages."} {"id": "9189", "contents": "weed, marijuana, ganja, cheeba. definition: bhang frequent use synonym marijuana flowers, though word origin refer cannabis-infus beverag produc indian subcontinent. beverag occasion prepar raw, unheat flower consid drug."} {"id": "9190", "contents": "actually, origin pot noth culinari tools. word came use america late 1930s. shorten spanish potiguaya potaguaya came potacion potaci\u00f3n de, guaya wine brandi marijuana bud been. steep"} {"id": "9191", "contents": "ganja anoth name marijuana. word ofter time associ west indies, truth origin india. origin: word ganja actual come word ganges, refer gang river, river india cannabi indica grew naturally. cannabi indica brought west indies, therefor refer ganga. know."} {"id": "9192", "contents": "like pot, word marijuana refer cannabis, hemp plant cannabi sativa. plant grow natur central asia warm regions. use vari recreat medicin religious. marijuana dri leav femal flower hemp plant."} {"id": "9193", "contents": "busi licens applic simplifi applic use appli mani state licenses, registrations, permits, citi licenses. may use to: unifi busi identifi number (ubi) use identifi busi account mani differ agencies."} {"id": "9194", "contents": "licens fee remain $9 per year. endorsements, motorcycl cdl, you\u2019ll pay addit year too. see also: wa driver licens renew period chang years. list show gener idea you\u2019d pay."} {"id": "9195", "contents": "considerations. state may charg gener licens fee busi exempt state busi licens requirements. example, septemb 2010, state alaska charg $50 gener busi licens last one two years. state nevada charg $200 busi license."} {"id": "9196", "contents": "driver' licens fraud appli new driver' license/ id number within 150 day origin expir date, fee $20 year license/ id $32 year license/ id. otherwis fee $5."} {"id": "9197", "contents": "example, citi chicago requir day care licens renew everi two years. renew fee also vari institut may equal amount initi license. penalti usual appli renew late. example, georgia gener contractor pay late renew fee $200, septemb 2010."} {"id": "9198", "contents": "driver licens fees. licens renew period chang year drivers. driver randomli select receiv less-than-six-year driver licens order make transit smooth possible."} {"id": "9199", "contents": "fee $18.00 four-year licens $34.00 eight-year license. driver 75 year old older must renew licens yearly, charg renew fees. state law requir dwi record check driver move new mexico out-of-state."} {"id": "9200", "contents": "busi licens fee depend federal, state local licens board\u2019 regulations. example, septemb 2010, feder ocean transport intermediari licens cost $825. but, state level, fee vari state."} {"id": "9201", "contents": "robert lee frost (march 26, 1874 januari 29, 1963) american poet. work initi publish england publish america. highli regard realist depict rural life command american colloqui speech."} {"id": "9202", "contents": "books. robert frost (1874-1963) born san francisco, california. father william frost, journalist ardent democrat, die frost eleven year old. scottish mother, former isabel moody, resum career schoolteach support family."} {"id": "9203", "contents": "robert lee frost (march 26, 1874 januari 29, 1963) american poet. born san francisco ,california,u.s. well known realist write rural life use american inform (slang) speech."} {"id": "9204", "contents": "lifetim (1874-1963), frost publish numer book poetry, pulitz prize four time record unsurpass poet. though robert frost born san francisco, california, known primarili new england poet. move farm franconia, new hampshire, 1915, taught english amherst colleg massachusetts. sumer months, taught middleburi colleg vermont."} {"id": "9205", "contents": "frost, robert (26 mar. 1874-29 jan. 1963), poet, born robert lee frost san francisco isabel moodie, scottish birth, william prescott frost, jr., descend devonshir frost sail new hampshir 1634. frost' life career. rost born san francisco, spent first eleven years. death father, journalist, move mother sister eastern massachusett near patern grandparents."} {"id": "9206", "contents": "earli years. robert frost born march 26, 1874 san francisco, california. spent first 11 year life there, father, william prescott frost jr., die tuberculosis. follow father' passing, frost move mother sister jeani town lawrence, massachusetts."} {"id": "9207", "contents": "mini bio (1). robert lee frost, arguabl greatest american poet 20th century, born san francisco, california, march 26, 1874. father, william prescott frost jr., lawrence, massachusetts, famili republicans, mother, isabel moodi frost, immigr scotland."} {"id": "9208", "contents": "earli years. robert frost born san francisco, california, journalist william prescott frost, jr., isabel moodie. mother scottish descent, father descend nichola frost tiverton, devon, england, sail new hampshir 1634 wolfrana. robert lee frost american poet. highli regard realist depict rural life command american colloqui speech. work frequent employ set rural life new england earli twentieth century, use examin complex social philosoph themes."} {"id": "9209", "contents": "5. pepper capsicums. pepper capsicum also contain solanin solanadine, nicotin alkaloids, like nightshad famili plants. common pepper solanin concentr 7.7 9.2 mg per 100 gram serving. 6."} {"id": "9210", "contents": "tomato green tomato found around 42.8 ng/g nicotin ripe red tomato 4.3 ng/g nicotine. peppers. pepper like potatoes, tomatoes, pepper also contain nicotin alkaloids. low concentrations. you\u2019ll find pepper contain small amount 7-9.2 ng/g nicotine. eggplant. eggplant surprisingly, eggplant anoth edibl plant belladonna famili contain nicotine."} {"id": "9211", "contents": "contain solanin form, name solanin (potatoes), tomatin (tomatoes), alpha-solanin (aubergine) solanadin (chilli capsicums). also contain nicotin small amounts. nicotin synergist action solanine--it stimul product acetylcholine."} {"id": "9212", "contents": "strategi island hop use unit state pacif theater world war two. thought dougla macarthur, island hop strategi use techniqu jump island island chain control chain whole vs attack island once."} {"id": "9213", "contents": "actually, nimitz macarthur base island hop plan orang creat joint war colleg war depart navi depart action western pacif 1930s."} {"id": "9214", "contents": "strategi island hop use unit state pacif theater world war two. thought dougla macarthur, island hop strategi sed techniqu jump island island chain control chain whole vs attack island once."} {"id": "9215", "contents": "one strategi use japan call island hopping, sent bomb run islands, claim island get closer major citi japa n. later on, august 6th august 9th 1945, drop two atom bomb citi hiroshima nagasaki."} {"id": "9216", "contents": "top war prioriti british prime minist winston curchil defenc britain, egypt, palestine, suez canal india. argu strongli unit state britain pursu germani first war strategi treat pacif secondari theatr world war ii."} {"id": "9217", "contents": "approach bypass japanes strong points, truk, appli larg scale alli devis strategi move across central pacific. known island hopping, us forc move island island, use base captur next."} {"id": "9218", "contents": "world war ii, earli major militari strategi pacif theatr stop japanes approach unit state take control midway islan ds."} {"id": "9219", "contents": "japan' strategy. japan enter world war ii limit aim intent fight limit war. princip object secur resourc southeast asia much china establish greater east asia co-prosper sphere japanes hegemony."} {"id": "9220", "contents": "flag know born symbol, practic banner. command confeder armi virginia (then known armi potomac) sought distinct emblem altern confederacy\u2019 first nation flag\u2014th star bars\u2014to serv battl flag."} {"id": "9221", "contents": "poll show 57% american see flag symbol southern pride symbol racism, 2000 59% said view symbol pride. opinion flag sharpli divid race, among whites, view split education. stori highlights. 57% american see confeder flag symbol southern pride symbol racism, poll says."} {"id": "9222", "contents": "racist massacr south carolina church tip balanc decades-old tug war mean confeder battl flag. champion argu symbol southern culture, histor flag south. first nation flag confeder state america creat 1861 seven star repres breakaway state south carolina, mississippi, florida, alabama, georgia, louisiana texas."} {"id": "9223", "contents": "confeder battl flag one sever flag use civil war. first discard look much like american flag. third discard white got dirti easili could resembl flag surrender. aftermath shoot appar motiv white supremacy, even south carolina' state flag american flag lower half-staff, confeder flag continu fly. flag come yet."} {"id": "9224", "contents": "histor mean confeder flag still strong jason pressberg columnist confeder flag still symbol southern pride. visit wal-mart, find bumper stickers, hat t-shirt local elon burlington custom shop there. mani elon student also confeder flag bumper sticker paraphernalia."} {"id": "9225", "contents": "first, must understand symbol like confeder flag intrins meaning. mean symbol carri human attach learning. thus, viewer symbol free assign rang meanings. symbol itself, constant, valu symbol not."} {"id": "9226", "contents": "confeder battl flag (a assum talk about) symbol resist tyranny, right self government. south seced union (that voluntarili entered), accord guarante self-govern origin thirteen colonies."} {"id": "9227", "contents": "confeder flag symbol racism. confeder flag may start symbol succession, also brand show white power. symbol time white peopl want keep slaveri particip american belief men creat equal. flag stir feel slavery, discrimination, hate thu racism found symbol confeder flag."} {"id": "9228", "contents": "flag base saltire, common flag symbol sometim call southern cross. historian john coski write confeder battl flag: america' embattl emblem, southern shi enlist design caus white supremacy. aftermath shoot appar motiv white supremacy, even south carolina' state flag american flag lower half-staff, confeder flag continu fly. flag come yet."} {"id": "9229", "contents": "jason pressberg columnist. confeder flag still symbol southern pride. visit wal-mart, find bumper stickers, hat t-shirt local elon burlington custom shop there. mani elon student also confeder flag bumper sticker paraphernalia"} {"id": "9230", "contents": "okay, probabl pueblo\u2019 weakest link live denver, boulder, fort collins, colorado spring outsid colorado major city, you\u2019r like find fault pueblo."} {"id": "9231", "contents": "busi pueblo, colorado great place live great place work, often go hand-in-hand. here\u2019 busi employ climat like pueblo.major industri pueblo, coloradoemploy pueblo, colorado. great place live great place work, often go hand-in-hand. here\u2019 busi employ climat like pueblo. health pueblo, colorado access qualiti hospitals, doctor healthcar provid part make healthi community."} {"id": "9232", "contents": "pueblo. pueblo' histor arkansa riverwalk. chile pueblo chile frijol festiv pueblo, co. arriv denver rio grand railroad 1872, combin avail coal, came togeth creat later known steel city, becam pueblo' identity. said earliest perman build colorado erect pueblo lt. zebulon pike explor part west. heels, colorado' earliest pioneer establish fort pueblo, trade post bank arkansa river."} {"id": "9233", "contents": "pueblo. said earliest perman build colorado erect pueblo lt. zebulon pike explor part west. heels, colorado' earliest pioneer establish fort pueblo, trade post bank arkansa river."} {"id": "9234", "contents": "pueblo one largest steel-produc citi unit states, reason pueblo refer steel citi histor arkansa river project (harp) river walk union avenu histor commerci district, show histori devast pueblo flood 1921. main industri pueblo histori colorado fuel iron (cf&i) steel mill south side town. nearli centuri cf&i largest employ state colorado. steel-market crash 1982 led declin company."} {"id": "9235", "contents": "pueblo /\u02c8pw\u025bblo\u028a/ home rule municip counti seat popul citi pueblo county, colorado, unit states. popul 106,595 2010 census, make 246th popul citi unit states. main industri pueblo histori colorado fuel iron (cf&i) steel mill south side town. nearli centuri cf&i largest employ state colorado. steel-market crash 1982 led declin company."} {"id": "9236", "contents": "history. center american values. pueblo, colorado locat innov undertak right pueblo known home heroes. commun boast uniqu distinct home four congression medal honor recipients. pueblo union depot histor railroad station pueblo, colorado. built richardsonian romanesqu style 1889-1890 ad nation regist histor place 1975."} {"id": "9237", "contents": "citi pueblo current contract portion river trail system reconstructed. due construct activities, portion trail close public access short period time. read on..."} {"id": "9238", "contents": "citi pueblo, co pueblo multicultur commun southeastern colorado confluenc arkansa river fountain creek. downtown' 1.5-mile histor arkansa riverwalk project serv centerpiec city' three-district creativ corridor galleries, cultur destin events. great place live great place work, often go hand-in-hand. here\u2019 busi employ climat like pueblo. health pueblo, colorado access qualiti hospitals, doctor healthcar provid part make healthi community."} {"id": "9239", "contents": "pueblo situat confluenc arkansa river fountain creek, 112 mile (180 km) south colorado state capitol denver. area consid semi-arid desert land, approxim 12 inch (304.80 mm) precipit annually. main industri pueblo histori colorado fuel iron (cf&i) steel mill south side town. nearli centuri cf&i largest employ state colorado. steel-market crash 1982 led declin company."} {"id": "9240", "contents": "texa hous repres mike villarreal, 7th term san antonio\u2019 district 123 repres session, also current pursu phd ut lyndon b. johnson school public affairs. texa a&m harvard alumnus, current pursu doctor public affair lyndon b. johnson school public affairs, say hope appli concentr educ polici teach career future. \u201cmi focu lbj school educ policy,\u201d villarr said."} {"id": "9241", "contents": "lbj school public affair alumni fan page. septemb 24 7:34am \u00b7. class 1991-1992 well repres white hous pope' visit 9/23 michael wroblewski, jennif poulakidas, ann mills. nt lbj school public affair histori depart colleg liber art ut austin. cours includ \u201cthe civil right movement public policy,\u201d \u201csocial movements, racial justice, democracy,\u201d \u201cthe new jim crow: race, inequality, social policy.\u201d read more: http://ow.ly/t2gmv."} {"id": "9242", "contents": "focu lbj school educ policy, hope appli teach career future. photo credit: elisabeth dillon daili texan staff. ambassador robert hutch serv dean lyndon b. johnson school public affair sinc 2010. texa a&m harvard alumnus, current pursu doctor public affair lyndon b. johnson school public affairs, say hope appli concentr educ polici teach career future. \u201cmi focu lbj school educ policy,\u201d villarr said."} {"id": "9243", "contents": "octob 9:51am \u00b7. thrill announc peniel joseph, renown scholar, teacher lead public voic race issu receiv joint professorship appoint lbj school public affair histori depart colleg liber art ut austin. lbj school public affair ad 15 new photo album: 2015 summer internship photo contest. septemb 17 1:30pm \u00b7. ask student intern give us best photo took summer internships."} {"id": "9244", "contents": "lbj school public affair alumni fan page share lbj school public affairs' photo. octob 10:47am \u00b7. nt lbj school public affair histori depart colleg liber art ut austin. cours includ \u201cthe civil right movement public policy,\u201d \u201csocial movements, racial justice, democracy,\u201d \u201cthe new jim crow: race, inequality, social policy.\u201d read more: http://ow.ly/t2gmv."} {"id": "9245", "contents": "lbj school public affairs, graduat compon univers texa austin, offer profession train public polici analysi administr student interest pursu career govern public affairs-rel area privat nonprofit sectors. lbj school public affair ad 15 new photo album: 2015 summer internship photo contest. septemb 17 1:30pm \u00b7. ask student intern give us best photo took summer internships."} {"id": "9246", "contents": "editor\u2019 note: part seri q-and-a\u2019 ut\u2019 deans. ambassador robert hutch dean lyndon b. johnson school public affairs, ut' graduat public polici school. assum posit 2010 recent announc step august. texa a&m harvard alumnus, current pursu doctor public affair lyndon b. johnson school public affairs, say hope appli concentr educ polici teach career future. \u201cmi focu lbj school educ policy,\u201d villarr said."} {"id": "9247", "contents": "want put book everyon research upcom year. yes, take month submiss decis made. alreadi accept anoth offer point, still. ridicul wait time (after wait list two months)."} {"id": "9248", "contents": "similarly, higher level degree, higher wage. fact, accord nace\u2019 latest intern compens report, averag hourli wage master\u2019 degre candid 35 percent averag wage rate intern earn bachelor\u2019 degree: $21.93 compar $16.21. salari also vari major industry. (sampl nace\u2019 compens report)."} {"id": "9249", "contents": "survey conduct intern bridge, colleg recruit consult firm, found intern account firm earn averag $17.04 hour 2010. almost $5 hour higher averag internships, estim $12.38 hour. fact, two internship program paid accounting. intern energi util averag $17.44 hour, invest bank averag $19.18 hour."} {"id": "9250", "contents": "averag salari professional, scientific, technic servic $53,100, averag $53,300 financ insurance, koncz says. busi major group saw overal averag salari rise 7.1 percent, $50,633 2012 $54,234 2013. averag start salari account graduat year $53,300, $49,700 2012, andrea koncz, employ inform manag nace, told accountingweb. 2011, averag start salari account graduat $50,500."} {"id": "9251", "contents": "internship stipends. although averag intern made $12.38 hour 2010, can\u2019t said account industry. averag hourli wage account intern $17.04 hour, accord survey intern bridge, nation colleg recruit consult firm. wasn\u2019t highest stipend honor bestow intern work invest banking, made $19.18 hour, accord survey. salari location. almost job, locat influenc salaries, intern exception. account intern wisconsin, example, earn $14.63 hour almost $2.50 less hour account interns."} {"id": "9252", "contents": "account intern salary. (unit states). averag pay account intern $14.48 per hour. peopl move job 10 years' experi field. work account intern, person must typic work toward degre account accredit university. cases, compani may hire recent graduat account degre intern well, especi internship meant springboard formal job offer later."} {"id": "9253", "contents": "local variances. like standard job, locat affect earn interns. example, account intern california averag $19.37 hour 2010, almost $7 hour averag internship state. illinois, account intern earn averag $17.38 hour, indiana averag $18.68 hour. almost $5 hour higher averag internships, estim $12.38 hour. fact, two internship program paid accounting. intern energi util averag $17.44 hour, invest bank averag $19.18 hour."} {"id": "9254", "contents": "averag account intern salari job post nationwid 42% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9255", "contents": "cholestasis, blockag flow bile liver, result build-up bile acid bilirubin blood. high bilirubin level caus jaundic (yellow skin eyes), pruritu common peopl jaundice. certain extrahepat (outsid liver) condit associ hcv, autoimmun conditions, may also lead itching."} {"id": "9256", "contents": "chronic itch hepat sucks. itch common symptom experienc peopl hepatitis. small surveys, anywher 20-50% peopl chronic hepat report itch symptom disease."} {"id": "9257", "contents": "itch common symptom hepat goe underreport undertreated. instead let drive crazy, learn home remedi physician\u2019 prescript pad help eas itching. estim 15 20 percent peopl chronic hepat experi symptom itching."} {"id": "9258", "contents": "hepat infect caus damag liver (cirrhosis). develop cirrhosis, may have: red palm hand caus expand small blood vessels. cluster blood vessel skin look like tini red spider usual appear chest, shoulders, face."} {"id": "9259", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: yes, hep caus itching. doctor explain bile back liver enter bloodstream caus sever itching. pregnant, month along, babi big enough push liver"} {"id": "9260", "contents": "hepat viru (hcv) contagi infect affect liver. chronic case even lead liver failur left untreated. liver respons number functions, includ food digest infect prevention."} {"id": "9261", "contents": "gave name black mamba sinc known call avid fans, follow media .black mamba dread venom snake well-known speed, deadli precis terrifi agility."} {"id": "9262", "contents": "well man best answer black mamba deadli kobe deadli black mamba fast quick power assassin kobe move dunk use one. leveda month ago. thumb up. 1. thumb down."} {"id": "9263", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. black mamba danger snake kill anim strike instantly. kobe bryant' skill akin black mamba' skills."} {"id": "9264", "contents": "best answer: first all, that' gay. reason call black mamba like snake, kobe' strike deadly. black mamba one world deadliest snakes. kobe bryant nba' deadliest player. also said aggress snake world attack reason."} {"id": "9265", "contents": "kobe bryant known black mamba. sure, it\u2019 nickname, it\u2019 meant describ abil strike quickli without warning. apparently, it\u2019 also meant describ kobe\u2019 tendenc hiss court like actual snake."} {"id": "9266", "contents": "skill best describ kobe court led lo angel laker team variou victories. black mamba snake commonli found africa grow 14 feet, incred speed aptli call fastest land snake. characterist shy, secret got name black purpl color line mouth."} {"id": "9267", "contents": "although ohip pay home care ontario residents, servic cover out-of-provinc patients. check home province' insur offic list expens cover (such expens list cover ontario). differ cost privat semi-priv room cost standard ward room *** ($220 per day semi-priv $260 per day private). cost ambulatori aids, crutches, cane walkers."} {"id": "9268", "contents": "know cover govern health insur plan (ghip) extrem import determin whether don\u2019t decid cover privat health insurance. articl we\u2019ll focu govern coverag ontarians, otherwis known ohip. depend product, health medic insur plan cover prescript drug costs, dental bills, emerg transportation, even extra hospit cost semi-priv room."} {"id": "9269", "contents": "mackenzi health offer private, semi-priv ward (4 bed per room) accommodations. everi attempt made fulfil patient' request privat semi-priv accommodations; however, limit availability. addit cost privat semi-priv rooms. standard (ward) rooms. standard patient room mackenzi health four beds, privaci curtains. cost room gener cover feder provinci (ohip ontario residents) health insurance."} {"id": "9270", "contents": "privat insur plan, sure check term conditions. may ceil total amount insur pay. drug semi-priv hospit coverag may ceiling, case might want use coverag cost semi-priv room. may ceil total amount insur pay."} {"id": "9271", "contents": "patient bill information. ontario health insur plan (ohip) cover essenti health care services. health insur plan cover ohip not. read insur plan care make sure understand coverag come hospital. osler abl verifi privat insur coverage. ambul fees. ontario resid valid ohip coverag bill $45 ambul transportation. ambul transport found medic unnecessari patient valid health card, he/sh bill complet $240."} {"id": "9272", "contents": "privat room, husband' work benefit cover semi privat only, paid differ 2...which 20 buck day! hth. ohip cover everyth hospital...but want semi-priv privat room delivery, pay it. hospit charg $220 day semi privat $240 day private. ohip cover ward, went ward, share room/bathroom moms, babi (if hospit rooming-in...which do)."} {"id": "9273", "contents": "ontario health insur plan. ontario' provinci healthcar plan refer ohip, stand ontario health insur plan. ohip coverag avail month person establish resid ontario. move ontario anoth countri return expat appli ohip soon arriv canada. pleas use follow summari ohip benefit coverage."} {"id": "9274", "contents": "hi nathalie, other indicated, ohip cover ward 4-6 beds. however, ward full, bump extra cost semi-priv privat room. work provid supplementari health benefit opt addit coverag semi-priv privat room. total due: $5, invoic room paid. today receiv letter group insur (standard life) stating: pleas note expens ($500) cover term policy/plan."} {"id": "9275", "contents": "plenti option come privat health insurance. depend product, health medic insur plan cover prescript drug costs, dental bills, emerg transportation, even extra hospit cost semi-priv room."} {"id": "9276", "contents": "accommodation, includ meals, hospit in-pati cover public ward level. however, individu privat insur would pay fee hospit charg privat semi-priv rooms. ontario health insur plan pay limit coverag hospit servic outsid canada. unless approv advance, individu respons pay differ charg covered."} {"id": "9277", "contents": "plan travel doh airport inform provid site. hamad intern airport (iata: doh, icao: othh) intern airport doha, capit citi qatar. airport open april 2014. construct airport known ndia (new doha intern airport). hamad intern airport replac former doha intern airport qatar' airport, locat 5kilometr west hamad intern airport. airport serv hub qatar airways, also operator."} {"id": "9278", "contents": "section find travel airport review well doha airport guid info wifi, lounges, facil services....and yes, even name hotel near airport case decid sleep airport you! airport lounges."} {"id": "9279", "contents": "articl former doha intern airport, close may 2014. successor, doha' new civil commerci airport, see hamad intern airport. articl civilian use former doha intern airport. qatar' commerci airport hamad intern airport open 30 april 2014. featur 60 check-in counters, 42 park bay aircraft baggag claim belts."} {"id": "9280", "contents": "qatar airway airlin 494 mashhad first flight depart doha (doha intern airport) airport 12:25 am, follow qatar airway airlin 1359 johannesburg 12:35 am. addit this, popular sector doha (doha intern airport) doha dubai, doha muscat 233, 110 weekli flight respectively."} {"id": "9281", "contents": "them, airlin brand oper frequent qatar airways, cathay pacific, american airlin iberia. addit this, popular sector doha (doha intern airport) doha dubai, doha muscat 233, 110 weekli flight respectively."} {"id": "9282", "contents": "airlin serv doha airport move new hamad intern airport 27 may 2014. new airport locat kilometr (2.5 mi) east former facility. cover 2,200 hectar (5,400 acres) land abl handl 29 million passeng per year open day. qatar' commerci airport hamad intern airport open 30 april 2014. featur 60 check-in counters, 42 park bay aircraft baggag claim belts."} {"id": "9283", "contents": "qatar airway 494 mashhad first flight depart doha (doha intern airport) airport 12:25 am, follow qatar airway 1359 johannesburg 12:35 am. addit this, popular sector doha (doha intern airport) doha dubai, doha muscat 233, 110 weekli flight respectively."} {"id": "9284", "contents": "wherea qatar airway airlin 1020 dubai last flight depart doha (doha intern airport) airport 11:59 pm. addit this, popular sector doha (doha intern airport) doha dubai, doha muscat 233, 110 weekli flight respectively."} {"id": "9285", "contents": "open new doha intern airport passeng traffic offici delay second half next year, qatar airway ceo akbar al baker told moodi report recent interview."} {"id": "9286", "contents": "angelman syndrom genet disord caus development delay neurolog problems. physician harri angelman first delin syndrom 1965, describ sever children practic flat heads, jerki movements, protrud tongues, bout laughter.."} {"id": "9287", "contents": "angelman syndrom (/\u02c8e\u026and\u0292\u0259lm\u0259n/ abbrevi as) neuro-genet disord character sever intellectu development disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, jerki movement (especi hand-flapping), frequent laughter smiling, usual happi demeanor. angelman syndrom caus singl mutat ube3a gene, common genet defect lead angelman syndrom ~4mb (mega base) matern delet chromosom region 15q11-13 caus absenc ube3a express patern imprint brain regions."} {"id": "9288", "contents": "angelman syndrom caus loss normal matern contribut region chromosom 15, commonli delet segment chromosome. caus includ uniparent disomy, translocation, singl gene mutat region. angelman syndrom caus singl mutat ube3a gene, common genet defect lead angelman syndrom ~4mb (mega base) matern delet chromosom region 15q11-13 caus absenc ube3a express patern imprint brain regions."} {"id": "9289", "contents": "overview. angelman syndrom genet disord primarili affect nervou system. characterist featur condit includ development delay, intellectu disability, sever speech impairment, problem movement balanc (ataxia), epilepsy, small head size."} {"id": "9290", "contents": "angelman syndrom complex genet disord primarili affect nervou system. characterist featur condit includ delay development, intellectu disability, sever speech impairment, problem movement balanc (ataxia). mani characterist featur angelman syndrom result loss function gene call ube3a. peopl normal inherit one copi ube3a gene parent. copi gene turn (active) mani body' tissues."} {"id": "9291", "contents": "angelman syndrom genet disord characterist featur includ sever speech impairment, development delay, intellectu disability, ataxia (problem movement balance). angelman syndrom name physician harri angelman first delin syndrom 1965. angelman syndrom facts*. *angelman syndrom fact medic edit by: melissa conrad stoeppler. st\u00f6ppler angelman syndrom genet disord characterist featur includ sever speech, impair developmental, delay intellectual, disabl (ataxia problem movement and). balanc"} {"id": "9292", "contents": "angelman syndrom caus loss normal matern contribut region chromosom 15, commonli delet segment chromosome. caus includ uniparent disomy, translocation, singl gene mutat region. however, region chromosom critic angelman syndrome, matern patern contribut express certain gene differently. due sex-rel epigenet imprinting; biochem mechan dna methylation."} {"id": "9293", "contents": "classic exampl genet imprint usual caus delet inactiv gene matern inherit chromosom 15. sister syndrome, prader-willi syndrome, caus similar loss paternally-inherit genes. however, region chromosom critic angelman syndrome, matern patern contribut express certain gene differently. due sex-rel epigenet imprinting; biochem mechan dna methylation."} {"id": "9294", "contents": "angelman syndrom genet disord caus development disabl neurolog problems, difficulti speaking, balanc walking, and, cases, seizures. frequent smile outburst laughter common peopl angelman syndrome, mani happy, excit personalities."} {"id": "9295", "contents": "review contract. sign gym membership, need sign contract. term contract vari gym gym plan plan, make sure thoroughli understand person contract. longer contract, gym abl provid copy. gym membership contract cancel claus written them. claus explain member cancel contract. often, contract cancel fee written it, sometim call earli termin fee, member must pay order"} {"id": "9296", "contents": "provid clean break. gold take posit contract leas facil membership. contracts. 30 day notic put stronger position, go small claim court enforc position."} {"id": "9297", "contents": "best answer: gym procedur membership cancellations, cancel accept websit email. want contact gym inform cancel, refer membership agreement addit instructions. find phone number address gym, pleas visit goldsgym.com' onlin gym locator. gold contract year cant afford pay sinc dont job anymor would like cancel problem way cancel move 25 mile away gold gym locat transfer membership someon else, transfer someon els and..."} {"id": "9298", "contents": "cancel gym membership. enter gym membership contract, pleas prepar cover contract near end! send contract termin letter correct address state contract certifi mail."} {"id": "9299", "contents": "step 1: go gold\u2019 gym sign membership ask cancel form. fill form hand gold\u2019 gym employee. may also wish send certifi letter desir cancel gym. step 2: pay request 30-day fee. 30-day notic requir cancel gold\u2019 gym membership. time, may charg one last month\u2019 dues. mention 30-day notic payment, unsur payment mean final month\u2019 due addit payment top final month\u2019 dues."} {"id": "9300", "contents": "gold\u2019 rules. gold\u2019 gym document cancel polici offici website; term also includ membership agreement. member must sign cancel form person physic gold\u2019 gym locat mail certifi letter membership depart request cancellation. contact locat membership origin start obtain proper mail address certifi letter. like mani gyms, regular access fit equip servic gold\u2019 requir obtain membership sign membership contract. cancel membership, follow step outlin term agreement, detail contract."} {"id": "9301", "contents": "state write cancel gym membership. either state paid cancel fee enclos fee, came agreement manag reduc elimin fee. sure includ name manag spoke. gym membership contract cancel claus written them. claus explain member cancel contract. often, contract cancel fee written it, sometim call earli termin fee, member must pay order"} {"id": "9302", "contents": "a: may cancel membership gym may mail certifi letter gold' gym, 4001 mapl ave, suit 200, dallas, tx 75219 q: get bill week submit request cancel? a: may fill membership chang form gym freez membership. q: gold' gym equip bought retail broken need replac part. a: unfortunately, gold' gym produc products. icon fit licens gold' gym name."} {"id": "9303", "contents": "cancel membership gold\u2019 gym earli move locat gold\u2019 gym within 30 mile home, fulli disabl defin doctor die. cancel accepted. 30-day notic requir cancel gold\u2019 gym membership. time, may charg one last month\u2019 dues. mention 30-day notic payment, unsur payment mean final month\u2019 due addit payment top final"} {"id": "9304", "contents": "backbon dna strand made altern phosphat sugar residues. sugar dna 2-deoxyribose, pentos (five-carbon) sugar. sugar join togeth phosphat group form phosphodiest bond third fifth carbon atom adjac sugar rings. asymmetr bond mean strand dna direction."} {"id": "9305", "contents": "sugar deoxyribos dna ribos rna. differ sugar ribos hydroxyl group (oh) 2' carbon deoxyribos not. make deoxyribos stabl ribose. phosphat link 5' carbon sugar rna dna. one nitrogen base. sugar deoxyribos dna ribos rna. differ sugar ribos hydroxyl group (oh) 2' carbon deoxyribos not. make deoxyribos stabl ribose. phosphat link 5' carbon sugar rna dna."} {"id": "9306", "contents": "sugar rna ribose, wherea sugar dna deoxyribose. differ two deoxyribose, oxygen miss 2' carbon (there instead oh). make dna stable/less reactiv rna. pentos sugar rna hydroxyl group (-oh) link number two carbon atom. pentos sugar dna got oxygen posit (henc name: deoxyribonycl acid (dna), a-h atom."} {"id": "9307", "contents": "dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code."} {"id": "9308", "contents": "sugar-phosph backbon form structur framework nucleic acids, includ dna rna. backbon compos altern sugar phosphat groups, defin direction molecule. dna rna compos nucleotid link one anoth chain chemic bonds, call ester bonds, sugar base one nucleotid phosphat group adjac nucleotide. sugar 3' end, phosphat 5' end nucleiotide."} {"id": "9309", "contents": "carbon sugar, deoxyribos (henc name eoxyribo ucleic cid). two sugar found nucleic acids; ribos found rna (r ibo ucleic cid) deoxyribos dna. deoxyribos refer fact one hydroxyl (oh) group miss sugar. examin two sugar below. identifi ribos deoxyribose."} {"id": "9310", "contents": "sugar phosphat backbon import stuctur compon dna. consist 5-carbon deoxyribos sugar phosphat groups. sugar link togeth phosphodiest bond, carbon chain, ch2 group attach phosphat ion. nucleic acid dna rna dna deoxyribos phosphat form backbon attach nitrogen base, three compon form nucleotide. rna ribos sugar, phosphat nitrogen base"} {"id": "9311", "contents": "explor dna chain sugar backbon backbon dna base repeat pattern sugar group phosphat group. full name dna, deoxyribonucl acid, give name sugar present-deoxyribose. deoxyribos modifi form anoth sugar call ribose."} {"id": "9312", "contents": "games. largest categori game cool cat casino slots. fact, featur one largest video slot collect world. game distinct theme paytable, rang mysteri london inspector celebr happi golden ox happiness. show this, cool cat casino tst seal approv bottom website. indic audit firm tst test game show fair. although report link full certificate, say certain game genuin random."} {"id": "9313", "contents": "cool cat casino top list. play number years. alway come payouts. recent larg jackpot figur took littl first instal seem come quit rapidly. i\u2019v use cool cat casino year best place me. i\u2019v enjoy wide varieti games, except game play itself, great custom service, fast easi payout."} {"id": "9314", "contents": "cool cat casino bonu codes. cool cat casino bunch differ bonu code avail new player determin differ welcom bonus. mani undocu cool cat websit determin true term condit behind bonu code like find needl haystack. anoth cool cat bonu code winatfirst275. first deposit net 275% bonu $1,000 use winatfirst275 code. bonu requir minimum deposit $30, 10x max cash-out limit, clearanc requir thirti time (30x like bonus)."} {"id": "9315", "contents": "play cool cat quit awhile, note players, casino instantli withdraw deposit fund bank credit card. come withdrawal, however, find everi excus world pay you. i\u2019v use cool cat casino year best place me. i\u2019v enjoy wide varieti games, except game play itself, great custom service, fast easi payout."} {"id": "9316", "contents": "i\u2019v multipl jackpot cool cat mention sever free spin deposit long term player here. realli take care player loyalti program support staff alway extrem helpful. i\u2019v use cool cat casino year best place me. i\u2019v enjoy wide varieti games, except game play itself, great custom service, fast easi payout."} {"id": "9317", "contents": "cool cat casino like playin quit time good system game good well yet experi anyth neg cool cat casino also give great welcom bonu percentag bonus well. join cool cat casino use 100$ deposit bonu time ago. luck nice bonu tri casino. also nice deposit bonuses."} {"id": "9318", "contents": "cool cat casino provid player dedic support team. need assistance, contact varieti differ methods. inquiries, fastest 24/7 live chat servic avail cool cat casino websit download software. show this, cool cat casino tst seal approv bottom website. indic audit firm tst test game show fair. although report link full certificate, say certain game genuin random."} {"id": "9319", "contents": "cool cat casino lead provid offer onlin gaming. custom servic satisfaction. cool cat casino offer joy first class, peopl like games. safe, reliabl comfort atmospher get play us. cool cat casino, feel peopl react posit treat fair respect. therefore, offer excel product game entertainment, includ wide rang casino game popular video game slot machin simpli best net!"} {"id": "9320", "contents": "rtg platform use cool cat casino one oldest trust industry. show this, cool cat casino tst seal approv bottom website. indic audit firm tst test game show fair. although report link full certificate, say certain game genuin random."} {"id": "9321", "contents": "bruno234: payments. bruno234: need know get paid. bruno234: send real time game convers see cool cat casino steal money player without pay. nathan: sorri delay. nathan: comment neg blog affect us, clear polici member play accordingli entitl cashout. bruno234: time close group cool cat casinos. bruno234: 1st dont get paid."} {"id": "9322", "contents": "prepar soft food meal, also use food processor grind pure food make easier chew, swallow digest. also wise avoid limit intak food cabbag family, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts. pea sometim also caus gas, therefor mention list soft foods."} {"id": "9323", "contents": "list food soft food diet. printer-friendli version. soft food diet includ soft-textur food soften cooking, mash chopping, easi chew swallow. breads, cereals, grains. safe soft food grain group includ cook cereal oatmeal, grits, cream wheat easili soften cereal rice krispi corn flakes. also accept soft bread muffins, pancakes, french toast crust cut pasta. egg dairy."} {"id": "9324", "contents": "soft food diet (also known soft diet) consist food bland, moder low fat, soft texture. case soft food consum whole. case necessari blend, mash, pure food make easier swallow digest. denio rigacci/istock/getti images. food avoid. high-fat, spicy, tough, stringi food permit soft food plan. food contain whole seeds, sharp edg (such crisp flatbread), fish scale (such sardines) avoided. raw fruit veget (except lettuces, bananas, avocados) also permitted."} {"id": "9325", "contents": "diet often confus soft diet regular diet without fibers, spice foods, highli fatti food (some peopl may call light diet). mechan soft diet includ mani food mashed, pureed, combin sauc gravy, simmer liquid. mani food list adapt full liquid diet (not clear liquid diet) process blender appropri thin liquid veget meat broth, fruit veget juice, milk."} {"id": "9326", "contents": "advertisement. soft food name suggest food soft texture, make easi chew swallow. besid soft texture, soft food umbrella also entail food high fiber content also conduc gas."} {"id": "9327", "contents": "soft diet limit elimin food hard chew swallow, raw fruit vegetables, chewi breads, tough meats. cases, high-fib food like whole-grain bread cereal \u201cgas-forming\u201d veget like broccoli cauliflow may restrict eas digestion. mechan soft diet close cousin soft diet. get name fact household tool machines, like blender, meat grinder, knife, use make food easier chew swallow."} {"id": "9328", "contents": "soft diet eat food textur soft easi chew swallow. diet common person problem chew swallow food. also wise avoid limit intak food cabbag family, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts. pea sometim also caus gas, therefor mention list soft foods."} {"id": "9329", "contents": "soft food gener consid swallow without chewed. sherbet, puddings, soft egg overcook pasta consid soft foods. recommend start clear soft food, gelatin, progress opaqu soft food sherbet. usually, bodi notifi appetit move fast"} {"id": "9330", "contents": "breads, cereals, grains. safe soft food grain group includ cook cereal oatmeal, grits, cream wheat easili soften cold cereal rice krispi corn flakes. also accept soft bread muffins, pancakes, french toast crust cut pasta."} {"id": "9331", "contents": "control view facebook photos. facebook' custom privaci set let share photo peopl specifi rather everyon friends. free fotobounc servic offer even photo-shar options. denni o'reilli /. also view friends' facebook photo well like facebook pages. import photos, share creat privat peer-to-p network bouncers.."} {"id": "9332", "contents": "manag access facebook account, click account top-right corner choos privaci set view current set share nine categories. option let friend peopl tag photo view imag select default. also view friends' facebook photo well like facebook pages. import photos, share creat privat peer-to-p network bouncers.."} {"id": "9333", "contents": "answer 1. activ oldest votes. vote vote. modifi friend list privacy, click list friend time line (friend block). new page, top right section click edit specifi see friend list timeline. limit let anyon els see friends. peopl abl see mutual friend limit friend list privacy. edit privaci relationship status, click timelin profil picture. new page, click edit button basic info block edit relationship statu privaci specifi see relationship. chang"} {"id": "9334", "contents": "see access options, click custom set fine-tun facebook sharing. custom set page, select edit privaci set exist photo album video end thing share option open page list current album videos. also view friends' facebook photo well like facebook pages. import photos, share creat privat peer-to-p network bouncers.."} {"id": "9335", "contents": "stalker stranger abl see send messag anymore. on, friend see you. difficulty: easy. time required: minutes. here' how: top facebook page, hover settings. click profil link. first set top page say profil set friends. keep everyon except peopl friend list see profile."} {"id": "9336", "contents": "report abuse. first go friend list, fb home page account, click edit friends. creat list add peski cousin it. next time post look small lock icon, click use custom, set friend except list peopl exclud peopl individually."} {"id": "9337", "contents": "ban friend go see thing post even status. want see statu click lock button besid share button (that' found statu writing) chang friend everyone."} {"id": "9338", "contents": "right, went privaci set connect chang friends. click edit profil view click public, still see i'm friend with, who' statu comment chang profil picture. chang friends... photo maps. likes. click edit select option avail info. way even select group freiend see like. summ privaci set avail fb, simpl step use secur profil info too."} {"id": "9339", "contents": "best answer: 1- go privaci settings. 2- select custom control default privacy. important. 3- click edit set connect 4- select friends' post timelin see post wall. photo maps. likes. click edit select option avail info. way even select group freiend see like. summ privaci set avail fb, simpl step use secur profil info too."} {"id": "9340", "contents": "best answer: go facebook homepag click privaci set top right. click custom there' subsect pictures/etc. next choos option friend make friend abl view it."} {"id": "9341", "contents": "bachelor' master' degre usual requir patholog lab technician position, advanc educ may provid student opportun meet certif standards. pathologist technician: job descript career info. pathologist technician perform laboratori test bodi tissues, cell fluid help pathologist arriv diagnoses...."} {"id": "9342", "contents": "becom forens scienc technician. forens scienc technician typic need least bachelor\u2019 degre natur sciences, chemistri biology. on-the-job train usual requir investig crime scene work labs."} {"id": "9343", "contents": "becom patholog technician: patholog technician training. order becom patholog technician must bachelor\u2019 degre major scientif base field maintain 3.0 gpa advanc graduat training. patholog technician expect earn annual salari $32,000 $45,000, includ paid holidays, paid vacat health insur benefits. step road becom patholog technician career want. slide 5."} {"id": "9344", "contents": "step 2: choos specialization. student special differ type anatom patholog techniques, narrow would-b technician' train certif focus. type patholog technician includ histotechnician medic technicians. medic technician assist examin type anatom sampl disease, histotechnician prepar tissu biopsi sampl pathologist examin microscope."} {"id": "9345", "contents": "becom pathologist, must medic degre mean year medic school plu anoth year on-the-job train necessary, depend area special in. develop strong commun skills. take write classes, speech public relat courses. pathologist doctor analyz symptoms, blood tissu sampl find caus ill death. becom pathologist mean studi caus diseas spread. specialti within field pathology. salari pathologist."} {"id": "9346", "contents": "employ gener requir pathologist technician complet laboratori scienc associate' degre program. associate' degre program includ scienc clinic laboratori cours also acceptable. technician coursework gener cover fundament studi laboratori procedures. pathologist technician: job descript career info. pathologist technician perform laboratori test bodi tissues, cell fluid help pathologist arriv diagnoses...."} {"id": "9347", "contents": "state requir licens certif becom patholog technician vary, import check requir state wish practic patholog enrol train program. patholog technician expect earn annual salari $32,000 $45,000, includ paid holidays, paid vacat health insur benefits. step road becom patholog technician career want. slide 5."} {"id": "9348", "contents": "save. pathologist doctor analyz symptoms, blood tissu sampl find caus ill death. becom pathologist mean studi caus diseas spread. specialti within field pathology. salari pathologist."} {"id": "9349", "contents": "pathologist scientif research drug disease. compani develop new drug need pathologist studi safeti drug [source: education-port ]. here' becom pathologist. studi biolog chemistri high school. earn bachelor' degree. earn master' degre pathology, microbiolog biochemistry. attend medic school four year receiv doctor medicin (md) degree. four-year residency, work hospit [source: wustl ]. get certification. certain want pathologist yourself, may want go straight medic school. attend medic school four year receiv doctor medicin (md) degree. four-year residency, work hospit [source: wustl"} {"id": "9350", "contents": "endocrin system introduction. endocrin system made gland produc secret hormones, chemic substanc produc bodi regul activ cell organs. transfer inform one set cell anoth coordin function differ part body. major gland endocrin system hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pineal body, reproduct organ (ovari testes). pancrea also part system; role hormon product well digest"} {"id": "9351", "contents": "special featur endocrin gland are, general, ductless nature, vascularity, commonli presenc intracellular vacuol granul store hormones. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin. number gland signal sequenc usual refer axis, example, hypothalamic-pituitary-adren axis."} {"id": "9352", "contents": "major endocrin gland includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestin tract adren glands. endocrin system contrast exocrin system, secret hormon use ducts. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin. number gland signal sequenc usual refer axis, example, hypothalamic-pituitary-adren axis."} {"id": "9353", "contents": "addit specialis endocrin organ mention above, mani organ part bodi systems, bone, kidney, liver, heart gonads, secondari endocrin functions. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin. number gland signal sequenc usual refer axis, example, hypothalamic-pituitary-adren axis."} {"id": "9354", "contents": "endocrin system form endocrin glands, ductless gland secret hormon directli blood lymph fluid. action hormon vari accord gland specif type hormon produced. endocrin system made pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid adren glands, pancreat islet cell (also known islet langerhans) ovari testicles. pituitary, pineal parathyroid gland neuroendocrin glands."} {"id": "9355", "contents": "addit gland endocrin system, mani non-glandular organ tissu bodi produc hormon well. heart: cardiac muscl tissu heart capabl produc hormon atrial natriuret peptid (anp) respons high blood pressur levels. endocrin system includ gland bodi hormon produc glands. gland control directli stimul nervou system well chemic receptor blood hormon produc glands. regul function organ body, gland help maintain body\u2019 homeostasi"} {"id": "9356", "contents": "view full size image. endocrin system collect gland produc hormon regul metabolism, growth development, tissu function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, among things. endocrin system affect almost everi organ cell body, accord merck manual. although hormon circul throughout body, type hormon target toward certain organ tissues, merck manual notes."} {"id": "9357", "contents": "hormones. secret gland endocrin system, specif hormon caus respons specif target organ group cells, rather bodi whole. exocrin hormon secret via duct blood usual effect distant organ tissue. endocrin system regul activ bodi secret complex chemic substanc (hormones) blood stream. secret come varieti gland control variou organ body. key function are: regul metabol functio"} {"id": "9358", "contents": "lima, 28th juli 1821. peruvian war independ seri militari conflict begin 1811 culmin proclam independ peru jose jos\u00e9 de san martin mart\u00edn on, july. 28 1821"} {"id": "9359", "contents": "san martin proclaim independ peru lima juli 28, 1821, word ... moment on, peru free independent, gener peopl justic caus god defends. conquer spanish empir 16th century, establish viceroyalti jurisdict south american domains. nation declar independ spain 1821, consolid battl ayacucho, three year later."} {"id": "9360", "contents": "uruguay spanish colony, gain independ spain. uruguay origin spanish coloni until, 1816, portugues troop brazil invad d, took capit montevideo year. === === peru' independ movement set forth rebellion spanish-american landowners, led two persuas great leaders; jose j\u00f3se de san martin mart\u00edn argentina simon sim\u00f3n. bolivar bol\u00edvar venezuela jose j\u00f3se de san martin 4,200 led. militari campaign 4200 soldier"} {"id": "9361", "contents": "panama independ day: novemb 28. independ spain public holiday panama. panama celebr independ spain novemb 28th everi year. citi lo santo preempt move proclaim freedom spain novemb 10, 1821. act precipit meet panama citi novemb 28, celebr offici date independ"} {"id": "9362", "contents": "moment occas peru' independence, san martin mart\u00edn decre independ peru lima juli 28th, 1821 famou noble, word moment, peru free and; independ gener peopl justic caus god. defend long live the! homeland === === peru' independ movement set forth rebellion spanish-american landowners, led two persuas great leaders; jose j\u00f3se de san martin mart\u00edn argentina simon sim\u00f3n. bolivar bol\u00edvar venezuela jose j\u00f3se de san martin 4,200 led. militari campaign 4200 soldier"} {"id": "9363", "contents": "juli 28th, 1821, jose san martin proclaim independ peruvian state said, \u201cfrom moment on, peru free independent; gener peopl justic caus god defends. long live homeland! long live freedom! long live independence!\u201d."} {"id": "9364", "contents": "moment occas peru' independence, san martin mart\u00edn decre independ peru lima juli 28th, 1821 famou noble, word moment, peru free and; independ gener peopl justic caus god. defend === === peru' independ movement set forth rebellion spanish-american landowners, led two persuas great leaders; jose j\u00f3se de san martin mart\u00edn argentina simon sim\u00f3n. bolivar bol\u00edvar venezuela jose j\u00f3se de san martin 4,200 led. militari campaign 4200 soldier"} {"id": "9365", "contents": "independ day nation commemor anniversari signific day histori country' struggl attain freedom. independ day peru celebr 28, juli commemor anniversari peru' independ spanish rule year 1824. peruvian independ first declar 1821 argentin liberator, gener jose de san martin absolut independ gain 1824."} {"id": "9366", "contents": "moment occas peru' independence, san martin mart\u00edn decre independ peru lima juli 28th, 1821 famou noble, word moment, peru free and; independ gener peopl justic caus god. defend uruguay spanish colony, gain independ spain. uruguay origin spanish coloni until, 1816, portugues troop brazil invad d, took capit montevideo year. later, 1822, brazil becam independ nation."} {"id": "9367", "contents": "prepar chili-it great comfort food, pick side dishes, chill wine beer. section explor lot option host parti main cours chili, perfect comfort food. shop amazon' new kindl fire. welcom side dish chili shop amazon' toys-black friday cyber monday deal week. want give option delici side dish chili go main course. make festiv fun. forget beer wine margaritas. comfort food versatile."} {"id": "9368", "contents": "coleslaw goe realli well chili, could lot healthier use light mayo use skim milk vinegar thin dress instead mayo. could go total mayo-fre kind pickl cabbag slaw. easy, ingredi offer cool element hot chili. post sassyfra 7:51 pm august 27, 2012 [3 favorites]. go would corn bread, rice pilaf corn peas. someth mop chili with, prefer sweet contrast."} {"id": "9369", "contents": "report abuse. want sour cream, shred cheese, chop onion tomato top side cornbread, tortillas, corn chip cracker toss salad ranch dressing-to cut heat chili. wedge-th envi corellia year ago. thumb up. 1."} {"id": "9370", "contents": "ladel chili egg noodl sprinkl chees top. serv cracker crumbl top. make chili-mac. make box macaroni cheese, mix chili ladel top. add addit shred chees top desir (mexican blend shred chees realli good this). best answer: alway make grill chees sandwich chili. grill chees even tast great dip chili. anoth option would make egg noodl make someth similiar cincinnati style 3-way."} {"id": "9371", "contents": "cornbread: southern classic know go perfect chili. southwestern taste, sure pair perfect bowl chili. cornbread almost made go alongsid chili, one five best dish serv chili. southwestern taste, sure pair perfect bowl chili. cornbread almost made go alongsid chili, one five best dish serv chili. tri recip cracklin' cornbread best best southern soul food cornbread."} {"id": "9372", "contents": "pair side dish with: good chili vegetarian pumpkin chili. color slaw make good counterpoint hearti chili. offer two version one step step tutori make best chili, one that' adjust tast preferences. like way mayo smooth acid edg vinegar dress autumn salad extra, ever-so-slightli thicker layer. pin pair side dish with: good chili vegetarian pumpkin chili color slaw make good counterpoint hearti chili."} {"id": "9373", "contents": "follow. tri search thread, chili bring everi post, apolog advanc alreadi discussed. we'r (bf i) host super bowl parti good friend ask could bring chili. delici tradit whenev host football-watch party. we'r plan supplement chili dish sides."} {"id": "9374", "contents": "chili goe good almost food make sure account potenti messiness. alway extra napkins. great side dishes. serv chili, definit hearti enough main dish. chili one great dish serv ton differ way goe good mani delici side dishes."} {"id": "9375", "contents": "express his/her idea congress idea think laws. set forth idea america' foreign polici be. talk problem idea solv problem (i.e. taxes, day care pollution)."} {"id": "9376", "contents": "noun. 1. chief-a person charge; head whole operation. top dog, head. leader-a person rule guid inspir others. administrator, executive-someon manag govern agenc department. administrator, decis maker-someon administ business. adject refer first rank, importance, influence: chief concern; foremost scholar field; lead caus heart disease; main build campus; primari purpos legislation; prime exampl wast spending; princip figur plot."} {"id": "9377", "contents": "minor leader (also known republican leader) second-most power posit senate. elect member minor caucus, speak minor party, maintain inner discipline, work presid pro tempor set senate' order business. also polit leader major party. major floor leader, senat william w. mon (d). major leader chosen major caucus, serv main floor manag presid pro tempor major party. also chief assist polit matter strategi"} {"id": "9378", "contents": "legisl liaison offic (ll) directli respons secretari armi legisl affairs, includ formulating, coordinating, supervising, execut army' congression polici strategy."} {"id": "9379", "contents": "vice presid technic senate' presid officer, ceremoni posit call chiefli cast vote event tie. senat major leader' offici duti includ help make committe appointments, help establish legisl timetable, direct debate. notably, senate, duti usual involv consult leadership minor party. chief strategist spokesperson major party, major leader exercis consider influenc polit debate, certain uniqu duti senat lend extra influenc role. differ hous senat account contrast leadership duties."} {"id": "9380", "contents": "chief executive, presid ... 2. judici leader, presid ... 3. chief diplomat, presid directs. 4. commander-in-chief, presid ... 5. legisl leader, presid ... 6. head state, presid host ... 7. econom leader, presid plan ... 8. parti leader, presid give ..."} {"id": "9381", "contents": "1. chief state. role requir presid inspir exampl american people. nations, chief state king queen wear crown special occasions, celebr nation holidays, stand highest valu ideal country. american chief state, presid live symbol nation. consid great honor citizen shake president' hand. exampl responsibilities: award medal winner colleg scholarships."} {"id": "9382", "contents": "importance. presid chief legisl help check balanc legisl branch, also help call cheif citizen role veto bill propos harm help nation american citizens. chief legisl presid power accept deni bill congress pass' him. also chief legisl abil influenc congress accept veto bill agre with."} {"id": "9383", "contents": "adj. 1. stalwart-hav rug physic strength; inur fatigu hardships; hardi explor northern canada; proud tall stalwart son; stout seamen; sturdi young athletes. hardy, sturdy, stout. robust-sturdi strong form, constitution, construction; robust body; robust perennial."} {"id": "9384", "contents": "1. adherent, follower, attendant, groupi (informal), hanger-on (informal) stalwart rever kurt edelhagen orchestra. adjective. 1. loyal, faithful, staunch, supporter, fan, strong, firm, true, constant, resolute, dependable, steadfast, true-blue, tri true stalwart support coloni government."} {"id": "9385", "contents": "definit stalwart descript someon loyal strong someth reliabl sturdy. exampl stalwart descript loyal support cause."} {"id": "9386", "contents": "exampl stalwart someon long time loyal support cause."} {"id": "9387", "contents": "definit 'stalwart'. descript compani larg capit provid investor slow steadi depend growth prospects. next up."} {"id": "9388", "contents": "stal\u00b7wart. adj. 1. loyal resolute: stalwart ally; stalwart support. 2."} {"id": "9389", "contents": "adjective. noun. definit stalwart descript someon loyal strong someth reliabl sturdy. exampl stalwart descript loyal support cause. stalwart loyal reliabl supporter."} {"id": "9390", "contents": "australian nation flag australian nation flag australia\u2019 foremost nation symbol. flag first flown 1901 becom express australian ident pride. flag import part nation occas stralia day, anzac day, au australian nation flag day. australian nation flag three element on. blue background"} {"id": "9391", "contents": "flag australia defac blue ensign: blue field union jack canton (upper hoist quarter), larg white seven-point star known commonwealth star lower hoist quarter. outer diamet commonwealth star 3/10 flag' width, star southern cross 1/7 flag' width, except epsilon, fraction 1/12. star' inner diamet 4/9 outer diameter."} {"id": "9392", "contents": "flag australia nation flag. 1901, australia becam singl country, instead six separ colonies. competit held design new flag new country. win flag blue background, union jack, six stars."} {"id": "9393", "contents": "australian aborigin flag design artist harold thoma first flown victoria squar adelaide, south australia, nation aborigin day, 12 juli 1971. becam offici flag aborigin tent embassi canberra first flown 1972. aborigin flag flown display black top red bottom. question display australian aborigin flag direct commonwealth flag offic depart prime minist cabinet."} {"id": "9394", "contents": "flag' origin design (with six-point commonwealth star) chosen 1901 entri competit held follow federation, first flown melbourn septemb 1901, date proclaim australian nation flag day. outer diamet commonwealth star 3/10 flag' width, star southern cross 1/7 flag' width, except epsilon, fraction 1/12. star' inner diamet 4/9 outer diameter."} {"id": "9395", "contents": "australian red ensign offici flag flown sea australian regist merchant ships. proclam flag act 1953 proclaim australian nation flag. use australian nation flag flag flown everi day year. flag first flown 1901 becom express australian ident pride. flag import part nation occas stralia day, anzac day, au australian nation flag day. australian nation flag three element on."} {"id": "9396", "contents": "flag act 1953 formal adopt current design australia\u2032 nation flag act assent queen elizabeth ii first visit australia 15 april 1954, first act australian parliament receiv assent monarch rather governor general. finally, 53 year first design hoisted, australia offici nation flag. australian flag usual flown conjunct with, often inferior posit to, union flag uk well 1960 despit requir flag act 1953."} {"id": "9397", "contents": "australian defenc forc ensign-th flag repres australian defenc forc three servic collectively. dark blue stripe anchor central emblem repres ran, red stripe cross sword australian army, whilst light blue stripe eagl raaf. flag flown warship ensign staff stern. blue australian nation flag flown jack-staff bow, vessel port. prior 1967, ran use british white ensign."} {"id": "9398", "contents": "australian white ensign-th nation flag use commiss warship shore establish royal australian navy. flag flown warship ensign staff stern. blue australian nation flag flown jack-staff bow, vessel port. prior 1967, ran use british white ensign. raaf ensign-th offici flag royal australian air forc"} {"id": "9399", "contents": "australian armi separ flag, use australian nation flag. australian aborigin flag torr strait island flag 1995 proclaim flag australia flag act 1953. flag flown warship ensign staff stern. blue australian nation flag flown jack-staff bow, vessel port. prior 1967, ran use british white ensign."} {"id": "9400", "contents": "colac rsl hous histor theatr build mani origin featur still intact. capac function 300 peopl within hall total seat capac includ origin theatr balconi 700."} {"id": "9401", "contents": "comment contact author. colac rsl manag bryan hunt karen jarvi front first world war honour board rsl want restore. ms jarvi help co-ordin fundrais effort rais money honour board\u2019 restoration. colac\u2019 return servic leagu rais money restor histor first world war honour board bear name soldier died. karen jarvi said honour boards, current storage, bore name colac district resid die war. \u201cwe least 10 poor condit name start wear off,\u201d said."} {"id": "9402", "contents": "ian morgan first vietnam war veteran becom presid colac\u2019 rsl club. colac\u2019 new rsl presid say hope revitalis club amid financi struggl dwindl membership numbers. mr morgan said propos move colac\u2019 rsl club new develop city\u2019 golf hors race complex could help improv future."} {"id": "9403", "contents": "social membership. social membership would like part local rsl sub branch social level. social membership provid benefit servic affili membership, howev right vote rsl matter apply. membership applic form. see find visit local rsl sub branch inform becom involved. inform regard membership pleas contact friendli committe staff local rsl sub branch. almost 300 sub branch throughout victoria-pleas look here."} {"id": "9404", "contents": "bendigo district rsl activ tenni section compet eaglehawk district tenni association, team levels. membership bendigo district rsl sub branch inc. includ free use tenni court available. soldier memori institut open governor, earl stradbrok tuesday 15th novemb 1921."} {"id": "9405", "contents": "unfortun fiona o'loughlin cancel tonight show. ticket holder contact full refund processed. colac rsl apologis inconveni caused."} {"id": "9406", "contents": "function rooms. natur lit function rooms, equip necessari equip profession presentations, bistro two alfresco area provid plenti option event flexibl menu options. soldier memori institut open governor, earl stradbrok tuesday 15th novemb 1921."} {"id": "9407", "contents": "colac otway shire council yet approv plan joint develop colac rsl club, colac turf club colac golf club. clubs\u2019 initi plan includ new function centre, bar, restaur offices. mr morgan said new complex would benefit club well community. mr morgan said propos move colac\u2019 rsl club new develop city\u2019 golf hors race complex could help improv future."} {"id": "9408", "contents": "organis commit selfless servic behalf nation, dedic honour serv nation militari service, focus care veteran dependants. rsl welcom encourag member. see find visit local rsl sub branch inform becom involved. inform regard membership pleas contact friendli committe staff local rsl sub branch. almost 300 sub branch throughout victoria-pleas look here."} {"id": "9409", "contents": "test done? test usual done 14 20 week ofpregnancy. done?when test done? test done 11 weeks, day 13 weeks,6 day pregnancy.nuch transluc screen also done jointli first trimest serum screen (blood test). measur two hormon call free beta hcg (human chorionicgonodotrophin) papp-a (pregnancy-associ plasmaprotein-a). done throughit done though abdomin ultrasound scan. abdomin ultrasound scan tomeasur nuchal transluc togeth bloodtest (about 5ml) measur two hormon (free hcgand papp-a). 3.tripl test triple-mark test screen test syndrome."} {"id": "9410", "contents": "least accur screen test syndrome. use nuchal transluc ultrasound alon detect 70-80% babi syndrome. use combin first trimest screen (ultrasound specif blood tests) detect 80-90% babi syndrome. present, blood test cannot use calcul risk, must combin nuchal transluc ultrasound. best time blood test 10 week gestation, howev perform time 10 13 week day gestation."} {"id": "9411", "contents": "nuchal transluc test safe simpl test perform toward end first trimest pregnancy. compris blood test ultrasound scan like detect approxim 85 90 percent chromosom abnormalities, common which, syndrom trisomi 21. blood test measur amount free \u03b2-hcg papp-a mother\u2019 blood stream ideal perform 10 week gestation. nuchal transluc ultrasound perform 11 week day 13 week day gestat prefer 12 week gestation. blood test need organis treat doctor"} {"id": "9412", "contents": "5. nuchal transluc measur carri abdomin ultrasound scan 11 week day foetal age 13 week days. ask lie examin couch. doctor would recommend nuchal transluc scan: confirm exact date pregnanc due date; confirm number foetus (singl multiple); confirm foetu grow appropri appear develop normally;"} {"id": "9413", "contents": "nuchal scan (nt procedure) sonograph prenat screen scan (ultrasound) help identifi higher chanc chromosom condit includ syndrom fetus, particularli older women higher risk pregnancies."} {"id": "9414", "contents": "nt scan can't tell certain whether babi affected. help decid whether diagnost test. ultrasound scan must take place 11 week 13 week plu six day pregnancy, babi 45mm 84mm. scan difficult babi still tiny. would also earli combin first trimest blood test. nt less 3.5mm consid normal babi measur 45mm 84mm (fasp 2010) nt normal grow proport babi (nicolaid et al 1999) imag right show babi normal nt 1.3mm. babi low risk."} {"id": "9415", "contents": "nuchal transluc ultrasound (commonli call \u201cnuchal scan\u201d \u201cnt scan\u201d) ultrasound perform 11.5 13 week day gestation. usual part assess call combin first trimest screening. present, blood test cannot use calcul risk, must combin nuchal transluc ultrasound. best time blood test 10 week gestation, howev perform time 10"} {"id": "9416", "contents": "2. nuchal transluc scan (also call first trimest pregnanc screening) carri week 11\u201313 pregnancy. scan use ultrasound screen syndrome, chromosom inherit condit foetus. doctor would recommend nuchal transluc scan: confirm exact date pregnanc due date; confirm number foetus (singl multiple); confirm foetu grow appropri appear develop normally;"} {"id": "9417", "contents": "nt scan invasive. nt scan must done 11 14 week pregnant, base baby' neck still transparent. (the last day day turn 13 week day pregnant.) usual offer along blood test first-trimest combin screen options. nt scan offer pregnant women first trimester. screen wide available, requir special train equipment, healthcar provid provid it. ultrasound exam find doctor look ultrasound exam done."} {"id": "9418", "contents": "concret price help determin new concret foundat cost. concret typic measur cubic yard (3\u2019x3\u2019x3\u2019). averag cost cubic yard concret $75 $125, depend much need local prices. labor cost pour form concret run somewher around $3.50 $7.00 per squar foot. one homeown paid $11,000 crawl space 1,500 squar foot home. one custom texa receiv quot 2,500 squar foot foundat slab $20,000."} {"id": "9419", "contents": "averag cost cubic yard concret $75 $125, depend much need local prices. labor cost pour form concret run somewher around $3.50 $7.00 per squar foot. one homeown paid $11,000 crawl space 1,500 squar foot home. labor cost pour form concret run somewher around $3.50 $7.00 per squar foot. one homeown paid $11,000 crawl space 1,500 squar foot home. one custom texa receiv quot 2,500 squar foot foundat slab $20,000."} {"id": "9420", "contents": "next step. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. averag nation cost build foundat $7,775, homeown spend $4,239 $11,710. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members. structure, whether house, garage, workshop, strong foundat"} {"id": "9421", "contents": "overal nation averag cost rais dollar (ctrd) 20 cent (or 80 cent everi dollar rais goe charit purpose/programs): fundrais activity/method nation cost rais dollar 1. capit campaign/major gift .05 .10 per dollar raised. average, fund rais profession rais averag rang $500,000 $1.1-million gift incom per year cours three years. support staff cost factor in, revenu decreas median $430,492."} {"id": "9422", "contents": "reason lift home damag foundation, may due poor soil ground movement. transport home, need secur new foundat helic concret piers. cost also dictat size weight structure. enter zip code get started. permit alon cost $2,500 $5,000. sure hire contractor trust, walk procedur paperwork involv obtain permit local area."} {"id": "9423", "contents": "slab foundat averag 1,600- 1,800-square-foot famili home might cost $7,000-$16,000 more, slab foundat 3,000- 4,500-square-foot home might cost $13,000-$40,000 more. crawl space foundat might cost $8,000-$21,000 averag famili home, $15,000-$50,000 larger house."} {"id": "9424", "contents": "build hous explain pro con crawl space foundation. full basement foundat averag home cost $13,000-$30,000 more, depend width height walls, whether utilities, window featur included. crawl space foundat might cost $8,000-$21,000 averag famili home, $15,000-$50,000 larger house."} {"id": "9425", "contents": "next step. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. rais foundat extrem form foundat repair hous lift foundation, old foundat remov new one built. done situat hous intact, foundat extrem damage. also way histor build move new locations: hous lift foundation, new foundat built new location, hous place top new foundation."} {"id": "9426", "contents": "want improv home rais foundat reasons, expens worthwhil process. overall, expect spend anywher $30,000 $100,000 depend size house, number floor size house' footprint. enter zip code get started. permit alon cost $2,500 $5,000. sure hire contractor trust, walk procedur paperwork involv obtain permit local area."} {"id": "9427", "contents": "concret typic measur cubic yard (3\u2019x3\u2019x3\u2019). averag cost cubic yard concret $75 $125, depend much need local prices. labor cost pour form concret run somewher around $3.50 $7.00 per squar foot. labor cost pour form concret run somewher around $3.50 $7.00 per squar foot. one homeown paid $11,000 crawl space 1,500 squar foot home. one custom texa receiv quot 2,500 squar foot foundat slab $20,000."} {"id": "9428", "contents": "insulin attach signal cell absorb sugar bloodstream. insulin often describ \u201ckey,\u201d unlock cell allow sugar enter cell use energy. eat, cell pancrea signal releas insulin bloodstream. sugar bodi needs, insulin help store sugar liver releas blood sugar level low need sugar, meal physic activity. bodi produc enough insulin cell resist effect insulin, may develop hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), caus long-term complic blood sugar level stay elev long period time."} {"id": "9429", "contents": "use. glucos use respir releas energy. use produce: cellulose-which strengthen cell wall. protein [protein: organ compound made amino acid molecules. one three main food groups, protein need bodi cell growth repair. plant alga store glucos insolubl products. include: starch [starch: type carbohydrate. plant turn glucos produc photosynthesi starch storage, turn back glucos need respiration."} {"id": "9430", "contents": "insulin hormon made pancrea allow bodi use sugar (glucose) carbohydr food eat energi store glucos futur use. insulin help keep blood sugar level get high (hyperglycemia) low (hypoglycemia). bodi produc enough insulin cell resist effect insulin, may develop hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), caus long-term complic blood sugar level stay elev long period time."} {"id": "9431", "contents": "glucos carbohydrate, import simpl sugar human metabolism. glucos call simpl sugar monosaccharid one smallest unit characterist class carbohydrates. glucos also sometim call dextrose. corn syrup primarili glucose. glucose."} {"id": "9432", "contents": "instead make glucose, anim got plant ate. glucos sourc energi bodi functions, especi brain. energi brain use glucose. glucos also primari sourc energi muscles, back sourc run out. proteins, example, build tissu use glucose. so, order keep glucos level blood healthi range, hormon call \u201cinsulin\u201d produc cell call \u201cbeta cell\u201d special area pancreas. relationship glucos insulin sensitive, like realli good thermostat."} {"id": "9433", "contents": "result, glucos lock cell build blood. time, cell feel need energy, pancrea pump insulin tri move glucos cells. insulin hormone, type chemical. body, insulin produc pancreas. need allow sugars, glucose, food enter cells. there, glucos broken (metabolized) produc energi need cell work properly."} {"id": "9434", "contents": "glucos import nutrient molecul cell reli upon energy, compon diet store later use form carbohydr molecul glycogen. sourc glucose. food contain carbohydr serv sourc glucose. even food contain glucose, bodi break sugar starch food eat glucos simpl sugars, convert simpl sugar glucose."} {"id": "9435", "contents": "best answer: glucos simpl sugar util mitochondria produc energi form atp. provid quick energi short period time. atp store later use starch provid energi longer period time."} {"id": "9436", "contents": "glucos common fuel body, cell use it. muscl cell fat cell rel effici obtain glucos bloodstream, although liver certain pancreat cell even effect regard. muscl take glucos one best fuel exercis also readili stored."} {"id": "9437", "contents": "function. function glucos bodi energi molecule. cell take glucos absorb digest tract either use glucos store later. protein fat also provid cell energy, bodi cell -- cell brain particular -- preferenti reli upon glucose, note dr. laurale sherwood book, human physiology.. further, glucos break smaller molecul provid build block mani cellular products. sourc glucose. food contain carbohydr serv sourc glucose. even food contain glucose, bodi break sugar starch food eat glucos simpl sugars, convert simpl sugar glucose."} {"id": "9438", "contents": "pac limit donat $5,000 singl candid $15,000 polit parti per election. individu give maximum $5,000 pac per year. tv, radio print campaign ad pac must includ disclaim clearli state paid ad [source: fec ]. consid donations, import make distinct individuals, polit action committe (pacs) 527 groups. pac privat organ donat spend $1,000 purpos influenc election."} {"id": "9439", "contents": "contribut limit work littl differ presidenti campaigns. case presidenti candid run variou state primaries, may contribut $2,700 entir primari campaign period--not $2,700 state primari candid runs. contribut may supplement feder (u.s. treasury) funds. contribut made name ofanoth prohibited. example, individu alreadi contribut limit candidate' elect may give money anoth person make contribut candidate."} {"id": "9440", "contents": "$200. student may donat directli candidate' campaign committe (the limit $2,500 per election). give $200 less, name requir disclos public filings. small donat add up, however. $1,000,000+. compani could donat money feder pac like nation restaur association, donat would limit would rais company' employees. could give state-level committees, though rule limit vari state."} {"id": "9441", "contents": "pac 527 financi impact, lion' share campaign fund come individu american citizens. 2008 gener election, contribut limit $2,300 individu singl candid $28,500 nation parti one calendar year. consid donations, import make distinct individuals, polit action committe (pacs) 527 groups. pac privat organ donat spend $1,000 purpos influenc election."} {"id": "9442", "contents": "robert longley. decid contribut polit candidate, know feder campaign financ law place legal limit much give. repres candidate' campaign committe awar law inform them. but, case... decid contribut polit candidate, know feder campaign financ law place legal limit much give. repres candidate' campaign committe awar law inform"} {"id": "9443", "contents": "contribut limit individu $2,500 per election, donor could give total $5,000 toward primari general. could give remain $2,500 candidate' leadership pac, would use donat congression candid return polit clout. $1,000,000+. compani could donat money feder pac like nation restaur association, donat would limit would rais company' employees. could give state-level committees, though rule limit vari state."} {"id": "9444", "contents": "answer: individu contribut $2,600 candid feder offic singl elect cycle. mean give $5,200 singl candid elect year: $2,600 primari campaign, $2,600 gener election."} {"id": "9445", "contents": "may also contribut $2,700 gener elect campaign presidenti candid feder fund democrat republican nominee. feder fund use presidenti elect come dollar voluntarili check taxpay feder incom tax returns. contribut made name ofanoth prohibited. example, individu alreadi contribut limit candidate' elect may give money anoth person make contribut candidate."} {"id": "9446", "contents": "basketbal court dimensions. basketbal court dimens follows: #1 nba/ncaa-regul basketbal court dimens 94' long 50' wide. #2 high school basketbal court dimens measur 84' long 50' wide. #3 jr. high school basketbal court dimens measur 74' long 42' wide. click diagram layout basketbal court dimensions. click learn draw three point line. key basketbal court dimens instal purpos distanc baselin face backboard."} {"id": "9447", "contents": "basketbal typic rang size small promot item inch diamet extra larg ball nearli foot diamet use train exercis increas skill players. standard size basketbal nba 9.5 9.85 inch (24.1 25.0 cm) diameter. note ball use competit (men's, women's, mixed) formal halfcourt game 3x3 combin characterist size size balls. circumfer size ball, weight size 7."} {"id": "9448", "contents": "basketball, basketbal court play surface, consist rectangular floor tile either end. profession organ basketball, especi play indoors, usual made wood, often maple, highli polished. nba, court 94 feet (29 m) 50 feet (15 m). intern basketbal feder (fiba) rules, court minut smaller, measur exactli 28 metr (92 ft) 15 metr (49 ft)."} {"id": "9449", "contents": "ncaa, nba, wnba, fiba. compar basketbal court size dimens use nba, wnba, ncaa, fiba. find free basketbal court diagram level competition. standard hoop court rectangl 94 feet 50 feet. however, check tabl see court dimens compar for:"} {"id": "9450", "contents": "basketbal court come differ size colors. nba, court 94 feet (29 m) 50 feet (15 m). intern basketbal feder (fiba) rules, court minut smaller, measur exactli 28 metr (92 ft) 15 metr (49 ft)."} {"id": "9451", "contents": "court size overall: men colleg basketbal (ncaa) court overal dimens 94 feet long 50 feet wide. foul line: court \u201cfoul line\u201d distanc 15 feet foul line front backboard. \u201cfoul line\u201d 18 feet 10 inch baseline. print diagram(pdf). basketbal court dimens vari overal length width. mani area country, older high school gymnasium particular smaller overal size layout regulation. mani gym vari backboard design measurements."} {"id": "9452", "contents": "diamet standard basketbal 29.5 30 inch (74.9 76.2 centimeters). found useful. paul breitnauer. edit. share to: top liber art colleg want well-round education, liber art colleg you. standard size basketbal board? standard size basketbal backboard feet wide 42 inch tall. inner rectangl board 24 inch wide 18"} {"id": "9453", "contents": "men colleg basketbal (ncaa) court overal dimens 94 feet long 50 feet wide. foul line: court \u201cfoul line\u201d distanc 15 feet foul line front backboard. print diagram(pdf). basketbal court dimens vari overal length width. mani area country, older high school gymnasium particular smaller overal size layout regulation. mani gym vari backboard design measurements."} {"id": "9454", "contents": "men women colleg basketbal court point arc 20 feet inches. high school basketbal court point arc 19 feet inches. regul distanc ground top rim 10 feet level play. regul backboard feet wide (72 inches) 42 inch tall. basketbal rim (hoops) 18 inch diameter. inner squar backboard 24 inch wide 18"} {"id": "9455", "contents": "high school junior high school basketbal court. main differ colleg basketbal court high school basketbal court length. colleg court 94' long, high school court 84'. junior high court even smaller 74' play width 42'."} {"id": "9456", "contents": "potassium feldspar anoth member feldspar miner family. like plagioclas feldspar, potassium feldspar silic miner contain consider amount of-you guess it-potassium. feldspar crystal stubbi prisms, often pink white."} {"id": "9457", "contents": "miner cannot scratch knife blade scratch quartz hard (state 5-7) moh scale. rel hard valu 6.5 mean miner could scratch orthoclas (feldspar) quartz."} {"id": "9458", "contents": "hard geolog rock minerals. miner scale scratch one (the lower number) corundum, topaz, quartz, orthoclase. apatite, fluorite, calcite, gypsum, talc mean miner could scratch orthoclas (feldspar) quartz."} {"id": "9459", "contents": "feldspar group common, rock-form miner 19 member species. miner mostli colorless, white, off-white, light brown gray, one find almost color among feldspar members. certain potassium-rich feldspar may salmon pink color."} {"id": "9460", "contents": "feldspar miner found igneou rocks. potassium feldspar one miner granite, plagioclas feldspar found andesit rock."} {"id": "9461", "contents": "measur eas smooth surfac miner scratched, resist abrasion. 1822 austrian mineralogist friedrich moh devis scale base one mineral' abil scratch another."} {"id": "9462", "contents": "miner scratch piec glass wiki answers. miner roughli hard moh scale miner hard could scratch glass, miner could scratch glass would quartz, topaz, corundum, diamond. type feldspar quartz. \u00bbmore detailed."} {"id": "9463", "contents": "john quinci adam born juli 11, 1767, john adam wife abigail adam (nee n\u00e9e) smith part of, braintre massachusett now. quinci adams' youngest son, charl franci adam (who name son john quincy), also pursu career diplomaci politics. 1870 charl franci built first memori presidenti librari unit states, honor father."} {"id": "9464", "contents": "john quinci adam (juli 11, 1767 februari 23, 1848) sixth presid unit states. first presid son president. sever citi name adam' middl name quincy, illinois."} {"id": "9465", "contents": "earli life. john adam born octob 30, 1735, braintre (now quincy), massachusetts. father, john adam sr., farmer, congregationalist deacon town councilman, direct descend henri adams, puritan emigr england massachusett bay coloni 1638. synopsis. john adam born octob 30, 1735, quincy, massachusetts. direct descend puritan colonist massachusett bay colony. studi harvard university, receiv undergradu degre master's, 1758 admit bar."} {"id": "9466", "contents": "john quinci adam (/\u02c8kw\u026anzi/ juli 11, 1767 februari 23, 1848) american statesman serv sixth presid unit state 1825 1829. adams' youngest son, charl franci adam (who name son john quincy), also pursu career diplomaci politics. 1870 charl franci built first memori presidenti librari unit states, honor father."} {"id": "9467", "contents": "john quinci adam son former presid john adam abigail adams. diplomat, adam play import role negoti key treaties, notabl treati ghent, end war 1812. adams' youngest son, charl franci adam (who name son john quincy), also pursu career diplomaci politics. 1870 charl franci built first memori presidenti librari unit states, honor father."} {"id": "9468", "contents": "introduction. john quinci adam began diplomat career u.s. minist netherland 1794, serv minist prussia presidenti administr father, formid patriot john adams. elder john adam elect presid 1796, made son minist prussia (germany). leav berlin, john quinci adam marri louisa catherin johnson, met london (she daughter american consul there)."} {"id": "9469", "contents": "john quinci adam (juli 11, 1767 februari 23, 1848) american statesman serv sixth presid unit state 1825 1829. also serv diplomat, senat member hous representatives."} {"id": "9470", "contents": "john quinci adam born juli 11, 1767, john adam wife abigail adam (nee n\u00e9e) smith part of, braintre massachusett now. quinci john quinci adam attend, school tutor cousin jame thax his'fath law, clerk nathan. rice adams' youngest son, charl franci adam (who name son john quincy), also pursu career diplomaci politics. 1870 charl franci built first memori presidenti librari unit states, honor father."} {"id": "9471", "contents": "first presid son president, john quinci adam mani respect parallel career well tempera viewpoint illustri father. john quinci adams. john quinci adams, son john abigail adams, serv sixth presid unit state 1825 1829."} {"id": "9472", "contents": "john quinci adams. john quinci adams, nicknam \u201cold man eloquent\u201d sixth presid unit states. among presidents, first one former us presid father. john quinci son john adams, second presid unit states, abigail adams. such, brought life public service. serv country, president, also member senat member hous representatives."} {"id": "9473", "contents": "italian fri pepper (capsicum annuum), also call cubanel peppers, commonli fri eaten italian cuisine. tip. common italian fri pepper varieti collect refer cubanel peppers, also cubanel cultivar. cubanelle, italian fri pepper, cultivar might tri includ sweet banana, grenada, aruba, gypsy, hy-fry, cubanene, nardello corni de toro.."} {"id": "9474", "contents": "varieties. sweet pepper includ commonli avail bell pepper thin-wal fri peppers. chile pepper come enorm rang sizes, shapes, degre heat-from mild green chile jalapeno jalape\u00f1o fieri scotch (bonnet or). habanero haba\u00f1ero fri pepper also key ingredi classic italian dish sausag peppers. lot peopl use bell pepper instead fri pepper cook take get quantiti cooked. mind, fri pepper one use"} {"id": "9475", "contents": "heat larg fri ... powder, salt, pepper. cook ... slice sweet hot peppers. add oregano. fri pepper potato tender, stir often."} {"id": "9476", "contents": "heat inch oil deep fri pan medium high (i like use half oliv oil, half veget oil flavor). fri stuf pepper skin begin turn golden brown, pepper becom soft fill heat through."} {"id": "9477", "contents": "long conic shape. like peppers, color rang green red pepper matures. mildli sweet flavor, excel frying. use italian cook pasta, pizza salads. applications/techniques. use italian cook pasta, pizza, compon peperonata. delici brais san marzano tomato serv sausag polenta. italian fri pepper pair well poultry, game, fish, lamb pork. often stuf anchovi breadcrumb uniqu appet"} {"id": "9478", "contents": "heat oliv oil medium-s skillet medium heat. add onion lightli saut saut\u00e9 1. minut add, peppers, zucchini oregano and/1 teaspoon the. salt saut saut\u00e9 minut longer zucchini beginning. brown heat oliv oil medium-s skillet medium heat. add onion lightli saut saut\u00e9 1. minut add, peppers, zucchini oregano and/1 teaspoon the. salt saut saut\u00e9 minut longer zucchini beginning. brown remov heat and. set asid"} {"id": "9479", "contents": "1) add oil garlic larg non stick skillet preheat medium heat. cook long enough garlic becom fragrant lightli golden. 2) add pepper season salt pepper taste. 3) cook 25 30 minut cook caramel around edg becom soft. 4) serv good qualiti italian bread enjoy! recip by: laura vitale."} {"id": "9480", "contents": "green onion shallot, minc (optional). italian fri pepper light green color, thin-skinned, long pointed. saut garlic green onion minc shallot, using, oliv oil, til lightli brown (a teaspoon butter may also ad speed brown along). mash anchovi use fork, stir oliv oil"} {"id": "9481", "contents": "print. long conic shape, italian sweet pepper popular varieti chile pepper commonli use italian cooking. often refer fri pepper, frequent saute saut\u00e9 oliv oil ad varieti food as, pasta, meats, pizza salad. green generally, italian pepper harvest reach inch length may still young green color may allow matur bright red color pepper. italian sweet pepper may also refer italian sweet relleno pepper sweet italian fri pepper."} {"id": "9482", "contents": "ad valorem. proport value: phrase appli certain freight custom duti levi ongoods, property, etc. set percentag value."} {"id": "9483", "contents": "definit 'cost freight-cfr'. trade term requir seller arrang carriag good sea port destination, provid buyer document necessari obtain good carrier."} {"id": "9484", "contents": "cif cost, insur freight (name port destination) incotremsthi term similar cfr addit seller procur marin insur buyer' risk loss damag goods. term specif requir carriag good seago vessel."} {"id": "9485", "contents": "cost freight, call cfr, trade term buyer seller. cfr requir seller arrang transport good sea requir port."} {"id": "9486", "contents": "break 'cost, insur freight-cif'. contract involv intern transport often contain abbrevi trade term describ matter time place delivery, payment, risk loss shift seller buyer pay cost freight insurance."} {"id": "9487", "contents": "cif (cost, insur freight): (seller) respons pay freight insur cost advance. collect later invoic customer. normal practic insur shipment 110% cif value."} {"id": "9488", "contents": "further, term outlin oblig clearanc good export import, requir pack items. incoterm use quit frequent intern contracts, specif version incoterm referenc text contract."} {"id": "9489", "contents": "99 cif (cost, insur freight) (...name place destination): term sale seller oblig cfr also procur marin insur buyer\u2019 risk loss damag good carriage."} {"id": "9490", "contents": "cost, insur freight (cif) trade term requir seller arrang carriag good sea port destination, provid buyer document necessari obtain good carrier. next up."} {"id": "9491", "contents": "prostat gland (noun). noun prostat gland sense: 1. firm partli muscular chestnut size gland male neck urethra; produc viscid secret fluid part semen. familiar information: prostat gland use noun rare."} {"id": "9492", "contents": "prostat gland male reproduct organ whose main function secret prostat fluid, one compon semen. muscl prostat gland also help propel semin fluid urethra ejaculation."} {"id": "9493", "contents": "noun prostat gland sense: 1. firm partli muscular chestnut size gland male neck urethra; produc viscid secret fluid part semen. familiar information: prostat gland use noun rare."} {"id": "9494", "contents": "radic prostatectomi mean oper remov whole prostat gland. common oper prostat cancer. oper use call total prostatectomy. specialist surgeon remov prostat cut made abdomen testicl back passage."} {"id": "9495", "contents": "side view prostate. prostat walnut-s gland locat bladder penis. prostat front rectum. urethra run center prostate, bladder penis, let urin flow body."} {"id": "9496", "contents": "prostat small gland men part reproduct system. shape size walnut. prostat rest bladder front rectum. surround part urethra, tube carri urin bladder."} {"id": "9497", "contents": "prostat cancer develop cancer cell prostat gland (a gland produc fluid semen). common cancer men; cancer grow slowli other aggress spread quickli organs."} {"id": "9498", "contents": "person look profession poker player know game best get good hourli rate. real profession poker player play poker game give money per hour. disciplin need profession poker player. boss need motiv put hour order make signific living. mani profession least month live expens save tri becom profession"} {"id": "9499", "contents": "combin patience, discipline, preparation, decent bankrol need order profession poker player. thing look poker games, whatev medium, make live play poker. real profession poker player play poker game give money per hour. disciplin need profession poker player. boss need motiv put hour order make signific living."} {"id": "9500", "contents": "take profession poker player. first need technic skill winner least one form game. second need sure put larg sampl size. thirdly, need abl deal financi emot swings. poker hard way make easi living. popular poker quot whoever first say one smart man. think peopl abil becom truli success profession poker player. notic emphasi successful."} {"id": "9501", "contents": "instructions. profession poker player put time. gener player log around 500 hour poker play decid becom professional. mani profession track statist much make per hour play cash game online. real profession poker player play poker game give money per hour. disciplin need profession poker player. boss need motiv put hour order make signific living."} {"id": "9502", "contents": "profession poker player doesn\u2019t mean name lights: mean play poker job. don\u2019t need travel circuit around world profession poker player need make main sourc income. find place two jive with, stick places. it\u2019 bread butter. like develop reput stick one two places."} {"id": "9503", "contents": "best poker player share much table. most, mayb joke jab lighten mood. treat trio world seri poker veteran sat talk game live 15th intern gambl risk take confer week caesar palace."} {"id": "9504", "contents": "tri take opportun come pro, like teaching, write book, start website. way poker life, depend play 40 hour week alway winning. life, even profession poker player, stressful. don\u2019t need travel circuit around world profession poker player need make main sourc income. find place two jive with, stick places. it\u2019 bread butter. like develop reput stick one two places."} {"id": "9505", "contents": "is, poker sole sourc incom (not mention main sourc annoy frustration, heap side anxiety). year, realiz way profess portray poker show tv steam crock pot bullshit. no, way make money poker check ego play limit know beat. feel readi move up, make sure built strong enough bankrol -- properli fortifi ball -- withstand substanti lose streak. prev. page 2. next."} {"id": "9506", "contents": "start explain profession poker player small busi owner, busi entertain custom (player arent skill are). everi success busi mission statement. sinc one man small busi let call vision statement. yes, may becom best player game, proven be, let assum still learn phase shouldnt expect jump gate best player table. base ive heard, best player game may make much $30 hour."} {"id": "9507", "contents": "roadsid assist one valuabl benefit aaa membership 24-hour-a-day roadsid assistance. call servic whether car, friend's, rental, whether driver passenger. aaa plu member whose car tow need rental car alabama, arrang get complimentari one car class upgrad addit aaa discount rate particip aaa alabama prefer rental car provid location."} {"id": "9508", "contents": "aaa classic. classic member receiv standard benefit roadsid assist fastest respons time industry, complimentari aaa map tourbook\u00ae guides, member discounts, access insur vacat planning, much more. elig vehicl includ passeng cars, trucks, suv vans. aaa premier membership design provid ultim aaa benefit servic enhanc convenience, luxury, peac mind. aaa premier member also enjoy dedic phone number services."} {"id": "9509", "contents": "aaa premier membership. addit aaa plu benefits, upgrad membership aaa premier provid one tow 200 drive mile per household, complimentari rental car one day (in conjunct author tow alabama), home lockout service. aaa plu member whose car tow need rental car alabama, arrang get complimentari one car class upgrad addit aaa discount rate particip aaa alabama prefer rental car provid location."} {"id": "9510", "contents": "motorcycl coverag avail membership plan purchas $35/year per-person level. click view: benefit info f.a.q. *motorcycl roadsid assist benefit becom effect day payment full processed. motorcycl towing. four (4) 100-mi. classic core membership product set standard excel roadsid assist provid safety, security, save peac mind members."} {"id": "9511", "contents": "inform document subject term condit master policy, copi possess aaa oklahoma. term condit master polici agre term outlin guid coverage. however, featur benefit subject chang without notice. cover person mean aaa premier member whose primari resid unit state his/her immedi famili member travel vehicl cover travel."} {"id": "9512", "contents": "auto insur aaa. get right auto insur import decision. that\u2019 alway expect insur aaa. alway count agent evalu specif need find right coverag right price. 10% membership discount: reward aaa member 10% discount auto insurance.***. educ occup discount: reward custom discount base educ occupation. anti-theft devic discount: comprehens coverag discount approv theft prevent recoveri devices."} {"id": "9513", "contents": "membership includ four (4) roadsid assist event per membership, per membership year. identification, safeti secur purposes, request vehicl time disabl servic vehicl arrives. roadsid assistance, includ towing, design assist elig vehicl either drive ride becom disabled."} {"id": "9514", "contents": "order protect car event accident, import purchas auto insurance. import protection, also requir law states. provid safeti net event damag loss. come time car' book valu less cost repair it. find current valu car n.a.d.a. offici use car guide. plus, alreadi aaa member, save even aaa insur agency. rate aaa member never better-y save $100*"} {"id": "9515", "contents": "aaa plu membership. upgrad aaa plu receiv enhanc tow 100 drive miles, free emerg fuel (aaa classic member get free deliveri pay fuel) run out, increas vehicl locksmith coverage, more. aaa plu member whose car tow need rental car alabama, arrang get complimentari one car class upgrad addit aaa discount rate particip aaa alabama prefer rental car provid location."} {"id": "9516", "contents": "latitud 40\u00b0 north, earliest sunset occur around decemb year, latest sunris occur around januari 5. day least amount daylight winter solstice, first day winter, decemb 21. date earliest sunset latest sunris date winter solstic when, given latitude, magnitud half daili chang ts equal magnitud daili chang equat time."} {"id": "9517", "contents": "seen, late december, sunris sunset occur later day. solstice, geometr effect, consid alone, tend shift sunris earlier sun' daili track sky becom northerli longer. effect weaker clock effect\u2014at least, while. date earliest sunset latest sunris date winter solstic when, given latitude, magnitud half daili chang ts equal magnitud daili chang equat time."} {"id": "9518", "contents": "shortest day year day winter solstice, usual decemb 21. seem reason latest sunris earliest sunset would occur shortest day. sunset littl later day, earliest sunset alreadi happened! similarly, later solar noon solstic impli later sunrises, henc sunris get later latest sunris yet occur."} {"id": "9519", "contents": "first inhabit land u.s. sunris occur 6:45 januari 1, local time (20:45 decemb 31 ut) guam inarajan (13\u00b0 17' 144\u00b0 45' e) minut rise peak lamlam mountain, guam. worri see sunris refract effects, place assur see sunris northern tip dibbl glacier (66\u00b0 0' 1' s, 134\u00b0 37' 2' e) sun rise 12:25 januari 1, local time (15:22 decemb 31 ut)."} {"id": "9520", "contents": "but, peopl notic someth unusual, sunris occur earlier well solstice. is, well januari day grow longer sunset littl later day sunris might actual occur later hold time sever days. u.s. naval observatori tabl sunris sunset time indianapoli show sun rise rise 8:03 a.m. set 5:24 p.m. dec. 22. dec. 25, sun rise 8:04 set 5:26."} {"id": "9521", "contents": "summer arriv northern hemispher june 21st -- summer solstice, also longest day year. strang enough, solstic mark day sun rise earliest. fact, date earliest sunris week solstice. latest sunset occur week solstice. mismatch occur two reasons. first, earth' orbit around sun perfect circle."} {"id": "9522", "contents": "sunris occur sun actual reach horizon sun' imag refract earth' atmosphere. horizon, averag amount refract 34 arcminutes, though amount vari base atmospher conditions. variat atmospher refract alter time sunris chang appar position. near poles, time-of-day variat exaggerated, sinc sun cross horizon shallow angl thu rise slowly."} {"id": "9523", "contents": "seem reason latest sunris earliest sunset would occur shortest day. so; earliest sunset gener coupl week earlier latest sunris gener coupl week later."} {"id": "9524", "contents": "short, earliest sunset/wint solstice/latest sunris earliest sunrise/summ solstice/latest sunset phenomena due fact true solar day longer 24 hour long sever week solstices."} {"id": "9525", "contents": "similarly, earliest sunris occur sun reach spot analemma first point leav horizon everi morning. clear diagram earliest sunris occur summer solstic latest sunris occur winter solstice."} {"id": "9526", "contents": "unrel busi incom tax (ubit) u.s. intern revenu code tax unrel busi income, come activ engag tax-exempt 26 usca 501 organ relat tax-exempt purpos organization."} {"id": "9527", "contents": "congress design ubti remov advantage. incom relat primari purpos tax-exempt entity, ira, ubti. ir tax ubti use trust rates, steep. 2013 top trust tax rate 39.6 percent kick mere $11,950 income. ir exempt first $1,000 ubti taxes."} {"id": "9528", "contents": "trap ira like fall tax code call unrel busi taxabl incom (ubti). ira earn gross ubti exceed year $1,000, must file form 990-t pay incom tax corpor tax rates. ira also must pay estim incom tax year tax expect exceed $500. ubti earn ira year exce $1,000, tax oblig triggered. also, $1,000 limit appli ira, per taxpayer. one ira, ira $1,000 ubti limit."} {"id": "9529", "contents": "iras. sinc ira are, distribution, exempt tax, ubti appli certain type incom receiv within ira account well (all appli roth ira well tradit iras). ir code defin activ trade busi unrel ira\u2019 tax-exempt purpose. ira gener gross incom $1,000 tax year, ira must file form 990-t april 15 follow year, like individu tax returns."} {"id": "9530", "contents": "ira like tax earn unrel busi taxabl incom (ubti). ubti rule appli qualifi retir plans, tradit iras. ira earn ubti exceed $1,000 must pay incom tax income. ira might file form 990-t 990-w. also must pay estim incom tax year ubti exce $500. ira owner essenti tax twice ubti"} {"id": "9531", "contents": "option suffer net oper loss (nol) less $1,000 unrel busi taxabl income. abil write expens depreci rental properti incur ubit within ira. trust tax rate ira tax incur ubit. ira own asset interest produc unrel busi taxabl incom (ubit), ira may subject unrel busi incom tax (ubit) pursuant section 511 intern revenu code. ubit appli follow true: generally, ira invest gener ubit include:"} {"id": "9532", "contents": "individu retir account invest wide rang assets, includ unit master limit partnerships. although ira shield invest incom current taxes, mlp gener unrel busi taxabl income, ubti, requir ira make tax payments. ir tax ubti use trust rates, steep. 2013 top trust tax rate 39.6 percent kick mere $11,950 income. ir exempt first $1,000 ubti taxes."} {"id": "9533", "contents": "mlp ira unrel busi gross incom greater $1,000, unrel taxabl incom (ubti) neg way less $1,000. ira gener gross incom $1,000 tax year, ira must file form 990-t april 15 follow year, like individu tax returns."} {"id": "9534", "contents": "combust reaction major class chemic reactions. combust usual occur hydrocarbon react oxygen produc carbon dioxid water. gener sense, combust involv reaction combust materi oxid form oxid product. combust exotherm reaction, releas heat, sometim reaction proce slowli temperatur chang noticeable. good sign deal combust reaction includ presenc oxygen reactant carbon dioxide, water heat product"} {"id": "9535", "contents": "combust reaction defined. chemic reaction common. chemic reaction process atom one substanc rearrang form differ substances. numer type chemic reactions."} {"id": "9536", "contents": "combust /k\u0259m\u02c8b\u028cs.t\u0283\u0259n/ burn high-temperatur exotherm redox chemic reaction fuel oxidant, usual atmospher oxygen, produc oxidized, often gaseou products, mixtur term smoke. gener reaction equat incomplet combust one mole hydrocarbon oxygen is: simpl word equat incomplet combust hydrocarbon oxygen is: stoichiometr (complete) combustion, y."} {"id": "9537", "contents": "uncatalyz combust air requir fairli high temperatures. complet combust stoichiometr respect fuel, remain fuel, ideally, remain oxidant. thermodynamically, chemic equilibrium combust air overwhelmingli side products. gener reaction equat incomplet combust one mole hydrocarbon oxygen is: simpl word equat incomplet combust hydrocarbon oxygen is: stoichiometr (complete) combustion, y."} {"id": "9538", "contents": "combust reaction alway involv molecular oxygen o2. anytim anyth burn (in usual sense), combust reaction. combust reaction almost alway exotherm (i.e., give heat). exampl wood burns, must presenc o2 lot heat produced: wood well mani common item combust organ (i.e., made carbon, hydrogen oxygen). organ molecul combust reaction product carbon dioxid water (a well heat)."} {"id": "9539", "contents": "combust (fire) first control chemic reaction discov humans, form campfir bonfires, continu main method produc energi humanity. usually, fuel carbon, hydrocarbon complic mixtur wood contain partial oxid hydrocarbons. gener reaction equat incomplet combust one mole hydrocarbon oxygen is: simpl word equat incomplet combust hydrocarbon oxygen is: stoichiometr (complete) combustion, y."} {"id": "9540", "contents": "coeffici balanc chemic equat tell us stoichiometri reaction. combust reactions. combust reaction classifi rapid reaction produc flame. usually, combust reaction refer reaction substanc o2. import class reaction combust hydrocarbon (compound contain hydrogen oxygen) form co2 h2o. reaction take place right decomposit water hydrogen oxygen. water hydrogen oxygen. exampl water reactant (it complet destroy reaction goe completion), hydrogen oxygen product (they creat chemic reaction)."} {"id": "9541", "contents": "copi subscript reactant products. combustion, general, mean reaction oxygen ga (o. however, understand combust mean reaction oxygen compound contain carbon hydrogen. common synonym combust burn."} {"id": "9542", "contents": "averag adult quart (4.7 5.6 liters) blood, made plasma, red blood cells, white blood cell platelets. addit blood, circulatori system move lymph, clear fluid help rid bodi unwant material. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygenated."} {"id": "9543", "contents": "circulatori system also work help bodi systems. work coordin respiratori system well digest system suppli nutrient oxygen differ bodi parts. messeng chemic hormon present blood secret endocrin system. main image: proper function circulatori system import help reach nutrient blood oxygen everi part body. lot compon organ involv complet whole process circulation."} {"id": "9544", "contents": "circulatori system body' transport system. made group organ transport blood throughout body. heart pump blood arteri vein transport it. oxygen-rich blood leav left side heart enter biggest artery, call aorta. endocrin system. endocrin system made group gland produc body' long-dist messengers, hormones. hormon chemic control bodi functions, metabolism, growth, sexual development."} {"id": "9545", "contents": "also main cool well transport system body. rbc carri nutrient oxygen cell white blood cell circulatori system act cleaner start function whenev expos cold, infect cut. main image: proper function circulatori system import help reach nutrient blood oxygen everi part body. lot compon organ involv complet whole process circulation."} {"id": "9546", "contents": "bodi systems. bodi consist number biolog system carri specif function necessari everyday living. job circulatori system move blood, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, around body. consist heart, blood, blood vessels,arteri veins. hormones, turn, travel differ tissu regul variou bodili functions, metabolism, growth sexual function. immun system body' defens bacteria, virus pathogen may harmful."} {"id": "9547", "contents": "human circulatori system organ system mainli concern transport nutrients, gases, blood cell hormon throughout body, network blood vessels. main image: proper function circulatori system import help reach nutrient blood oxygen everi part body. lot compon organ involv complet whole process circulation."} {"id": "9548", "contents": "system circul portion circulatori system network veins, arteri blood vessel transport blood heart, servic body' cell re-ent heart, mayo clinic noted. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygenated."} {"id": "9549", "contents": "open circulatori system (evolv insects, mollusk invertebrates) pump blood hemocoel blood diffus back circulatori system cells. blood pump heart bodi cavities, tissu surround blood. result blood flow sluggish. figur 1. structur serv function circulatori system anim lack system. imag purv et al., life: scienc biology, 4th edition, sinauer associ (www.sinauer.com) wh freeman (www.whfreeman.com), use permission."} {"id": "9550", "contents": "circulatori system vast network organ vessel respons flow blood, nutrients, hormones, oxygen gase cells. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygenated."} {"id": "9551", "contents": "board board fenc essenti fenc consist central wood post wood fenc panel either side. privaci fenc use seri post one piec wood one side posts. homeown need decid want place wood panel insid outsid yard. wood fenc six feet usual high enough give homeown sens privacy. board board fenc also add secur home. citi requir home swim pool type exterior fenc keep children anim gain access pool."} {"id": "9552", "contents": "board board panel measur six feet tall cost around $11 $16 fenc measur eight feet tall cost around $21 $23 per panel. total averag cost wood fenc $1,000 low cost around $450 high cost $20,000. though rang price might seem odd some, homeown need consid length fenc need. wood fenc six feet usual high enough give homeown sens privacy. board board fenc also add secur home. citi requir home swim pool type exterior fenc keep children anim gain access pool."} {"id": "9553", "contents": "cost wooden fenc vari $3 -$9 foot do-it-yourself instal ranch-styl rail fence, $10 -$30 foot profession instal basic 6' wood privaci fence. details, see much wood fenc cost. do-it-yourself instal high tensil electr fenc control livestock wildlif cost $0.05-$0.75 foot, $50-$650 enclos squar acre. profession instal cost $0.20-$3 foot, $200-$2,500 enclos acre."} {"id": "9554", "contents": "chain-link fenc price fluctuat cost steel, averag residenti chain link fenc do-it-yourself instal typic cost $3-$6 linear foot 4' high $8-$15 foot 6' high; gate option diy materi $400-$2,000 100' fence. do-it-yourself instal high tensil electr fenc control livestock wildlif cost $0.05-$0.75 foot, $50-$650 enclos squar acre. profession instal cost $0.20-$3 foot, $200-$2,500 enclos acre."} {"id": "9555", "contents": "sinc cost fenc vari widely, import estim cost per project, keep specif materi dimens mind. nationally, cost rang $1,500 $4,000 new fenc installation. average, homeown spend $2,550, price vari slightli region. continu reading."} {"id": "9556", "contents": "wow, peopl good fenc prices. got quote, 3-board $6.85/linear foot, 4-board $7.30/l.f. (both 3/4 round posts). ouch!!(and includ paint ($0.90/l.f. 3-board, $1/l.f. 4). seem steep, lot type lumber."} {"id": "9557", "contents": "need know averag cost instal board board fenc zip code? need easy-to-understand 2015 estim board board fenc job option costs?get price instantly. board board fenc instal cost vari consider location. accur estim area, enter zip code calcul above. reduc total project cost multipl vendor bid same, detail work specif board board fenc project."} {"id": "9558", "contents": "wood fenc afford vinyl fenc fenc made materials. cost typic wooden board fenc around $7 $10 per foot privaci fenc cost $50 per foot. fenc post cost littl $3 horizont board cost around $8 $10. homeown also need factor labor cost associ job, bring price around $10 $15 per foot."} {"id": "9559", "contents": "profession instal rail fenc cost $8-$25 foot, $900-$3,000 100' $6,800-$21,000 enclos squar acre, depend local rates, number rail terrain (slope properti difficult access cost more). do-it-yourself dig fenc post holes, manual post hole digger auger typic cost $15-$110; buy small power auger cost $60-$600 depend size materials; one-day rental power post hole auger cost $50-$95."} {"id": "9560", "contents": "board fenc goe number differ names, includ post-on-board fencing, hors fenc anim fencing. often use farm prevent anim escaping, fenc also popular homeown want privaci security. post cost littl $3 horizont board cost around $8 $10. homeown also need factor labor cost associ job, bring price around $10 $15 per foot."} {"id": "9561", "contents": "peopl complain gener achi back knee pain, other find leg movement may restrict swell may sharp pain back knee. look common caus pain behind knee."} {"id": "9562", "contents": "bulg creat feel tight behind knee well stiff swell pain behind knee calf. many, pain intensifi flex fulli extend leg. often, cyst go away without treatment."} {"id": "9563", "contents": "find orthoped specialist near you. however, behind knee pain may symptom deep vein thrombosi (blood clot leg), seriou life-threaten condition. blood clot break loos caus pulmonari embol lung, heart attack, even stroke. deep vein thrombosi similar symptom baker\u2019 cyst."} {"id": "9564", "contents": "back knee pain, also known posterior knee pain, come vari form rang slight sharp pain behind knee pain back knee bend back knee pain sitting."} {"id": "9565", "contents": "includ tear ligament cartilag knee arthritis. caus stiff leg discomfort. often symptom swell bruis behind knee. size cyst determin rang motion caus pain."} {"id": "9566", "contents": "symptoms: swell (like small water balloon), tight pain behind knee aggrav activities: bend straighten knee, walking, kneel onset: come blow back knee usual come gradually."} {"id": "9567", "contents": "knee pain extend leg. post year ago report. i'v work consist knee pains. morn workout went work. walk offic door felt sharp pain knee. sharp painful. stop let pain run course. point could extend leg took time tri straighten leg slowly. final abl straighten leg notic click popped."} {"id": "9568", "contents": "one common caus pain back knee joint, specifically, poplit synovi cyst, also known baker\u2019 cyst. fluid-fil cyst back leg often form respons arthriti cartilag damage."} {"id": "9569", "contents": "california-bas physicist earn averag salari $104,550 per year. physicist work louisiana earn highest averag annual wage $157,970. work new mexico earn $97,530 per year, work maryland made $131,600. relat reading: get job phd history. nation wages. mean annual salari physicist occup set across unit state $112,090 may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. middl 50 percent physicist earn $79,260 $138,600 per year. top 10 percent earn annual salari least $171,430, bottom 10 percent made $58,190 less"} {"id": "9570", "contents": "therefore, wonder, individu earn top wage top pay industri scientif engin career industry. accord payscale.com, individu phd engin physic earn averag median incom $120,000-128,000 yearly. addition, phd graduat go recruit top pay positions, also earn prestigi job titl work career posit top industries."} {"id": "9571", "contents": "averag graduat start salari fairli robust \u00a325,000, though we\u2019v also seen folk report anyth \u00a316,000 \u00a370,000! get depend subject study, industri go even countri dream job based. cue guid first-job wages."} {"id": "9572", "contents": "bureau labor statist estim 13,630 peopl employ physicist 2009, averag salari $111,250 year. median salari came $106,390. bottom 10 percent earn less $56,210 year, bottom 25 percent earn less $79,740, top 25 percent earn $138,560 top 10 percent earn incom $165,750 year more."} {"id": "9573", "contents": "high school diploma-high school graduat expect, average, earn $1.2 million lifetim income. bachelor degree-thos bachelor' degree, $2.1 million lifetime: high school bachelors-that averag valu 4-year degre increas earn incom $900,000, almost million dollars. high school bachelors-that averag valu 4-year degre increas earn incom $900,000, almost million dollars. master degree-peopl master' degre earn $2.5 million: high school masters-go high school master degre worth $1.3"} {"id": "9574", "contents": "sizeabl major physicist unit state men. role, averag pay around $88k annually. total cash compens physicist run $50k $141k depend bonus occasion exceed $15k profit share reach almost $10k. career length biggest factor affect pay group, follow geographi"} {"id": "9575", "contents": "bachelor master degree-a master worth $400,000 addit lifetim income. doctor degree-person doctor degre earn averag $3.4 million work life: high school doctoral-doctor earn whop $2.2 million dollar high school graduate. high school bachelors-that averag valu 4-year degre increas earn incom $900,000, almost million dollars. master degree-peopl master' degre earn $2.5 million: high school masters-go high school master degre worth $1.3"} {"id": "9576", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic professor-phys unit state $96,822 50% peopl perform job professor-phys unit state expect make less $96,822. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $96,822. salary."} {"id": "9577", "contents": "start salari range. start salari physic major field science, technology, engin math 2009 2010 graduat rang $40,000 $60,000 per year, accord american institut physics. start salari civilian govern job rang $38,000 $58,000. gener highest start salari peopl bachelor scienc physics. top start salari physic major hire univers set $40,000. relat reading: averag salari martial art instructor"} {"id": "9578", "contents": "also calcul cost drive austin, tx beeville, tx base current local ga price estim car' best ga mileage. meet friend, might interest find citi halfway austin, tx beeville, tx."} {"id": "9579", "contents": "long drive austin, tx beeville, tx? total drive time hours, 34 minutes. trip begin austin, texas. end beeville, texas. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc austin, tx beeville, tx."} {"id": "9580", "contents": "total drive time hours, 19 minutes. trip begin beeville, texas. end austin, texas. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc beeville, tx austin, tx. also calcul cost drive beeville, tx austin, tx base current local ga price estim car' best ga mileage. meet friend, might interest find citi halfway beeville, tx"} {"id": "9581", "contents": "map drive direct beeville, tx austin, tx. click show map. drag line map calcul drive distanc differ route. want verifi drive direct look anoth possibl route, try. googl maps, bing maps, mapquest."} {"id": "9582", "contents": "austin, tx. follow instruct provid gp mapquest travel beeville. near beeville, travel south, approx mile us-181 exit sr-202 east. travel approx 1/2 mile come main entranc chase field industri complex."} {"id": "9583", "contents": "know 50 health benefit amla know everyth amla fruit. know 50 health benefit amla know everyth amla fruit. amla neelikkai (phyllanthu embilca) also call amalka hindi. sanskrit name amalaki, translat \u2018the sustainer\u2019 \u2018the fruit goddess prosper presides\u2019. english term amla indian gooseberry."} {"id": "9584", "contents": "amla may refer to: indian gooseberry, call amla hindi. hashim amla, south african cricket indian descent. ahm amla, south african cricket brother hashim."} {"id": "9585", "contents": "a: yes, that' true. amalaki plant, call sanskrit, call indian gooseberri english, amla hindi emblica officinali gaertn., phyllanthu emblica terminalia emblica latin. fruit plant small berri ingredi premium amla berri tablets."} {"id": "9586", "contents": "now. report abuse. english amla call gooseberri botan name emblica officinali .the amla rich vitamin c.yes, use eyes.and also use much summer seasons. littl dolli year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "9587", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: 1.the indian gooseberri english name 'amla' hindi. indian gooseberri (emblica officinalis) decidu tree euphorbeacea family. known edibl fruit name. common name tree includ amalaka sanskrit, amla hindi, usirikai telugu, aonla, aola, amalaki, amla berry, dharty, aamvala, aawallaa, emblic, emblic myrobalan, malacca tree, nellikai, nillika, nellikya. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/indian_goos... 2.emblica also use amla"} {"id": "9588", "contents": "amla benefits. amla, better known indian gooseberry, wide use ayurved medicin system india. amla extrem rich vitamin c, thirti percent oranges. it\u2019 pack mani vitamins, minerals, tannin help nutrien"} {"id": "9589", "contents": "ayurved supplement. amalaki plant, call sanskrit, call indian gooseberri english, amla hindi emblica officinali gaertn., phyllanthu emblica terminalia emblica latin. fruit plant small berri ingredi premium amla berri tablet maharishi ayurveda."} {"id": "9590", "contents": "phyllanthu emblica, also known emblica officinalis, emblic, emblic myrobalan, myrobalan, indian gooseberry, malacca tree, amla sanskrit amalika, decidu tree famili phyllanthaceae. known edibl fruit name. contain detail monograph emblica officinali (amla; indian gooseberry; amalaki) well discuss health benefits. contain detail monograph phyllanthu emblica (amla; indian gooseberry; amalaki) well discuss health benefit usag clinic practice."} {"id": "9591", "contents": "introduction. aamla neelikkai (phyllanthu embilca) also call amalka hindi. sanskrit name amalaki, translat \u2018the sustainer\u2019 \u2018the fruit goddess prosper presides\u2019. english term aamla indian gooseberry. small tree leatheri leav fleshi fruit."} {"id": "9592", "contents": "florida one hand states, includ california, michigan nevada, pass legisl address self-driv cars. florida\u2019 law meant make easi carmak test technolog there."} {"id": "9593", "contents": "bill would open road driverless car test compani like toyota googl help usher new, safe effici era self-driv cars. current three state pass law allow driverless car nevada, florida california."} {"id": "9594", "contents": "google' self drive priu 02:14. googl alreadi test car road nevada, pass law last year author driverless vehicles. nevada california requir car human behind wheel take control vehicl time. california latest state allow test google' self-driv car roads, though human passeng along safeti measure."} {"id": "9595", "contents": "five state district columbia (nevada, florida, michigan, virginia,california) alreadi pass legisl allow oper autonom car highways."} {"id": "9596", "contents": "period googl led way tri convinc public idea driverless car alien one. april 2012, florida becam second u. state allow test driverless car public roads. california, pass legisl permit test driverless car 2012, washington d.c. latest us state promot project michigan, pass legisl decemb last year."} {"id": "9597", "contents": "2013, four u.s. state pass law permit autonom cars: nevada, florida, california, michigan. 2015 four state togeth washington, d.c. join virginia allow test fulli autonom car public roads. carmakers...ar keen draw distinct [autonom car self-driv cars] good reason self-interest. autonom car look like vehicl drive today, [taking] driver certain circumstances...."} {"id": "9598", "contents": "however, california follow nevada florida legal driverless cars: nevada pass law june 2011 allow autonom vehicl oper within state. law becam effect march, may, googl self-driv car first receiv licens oper law. said google' car driven 300,000 mile road far that, human intervent safeti reason necessari period testing, last 50,000 mile drive pass without requir test engin take wheel."} {"id": "9599", "contents": "palo alto, calif.\u2014 driver alreadi gawk google' self-driv car zip around freeways. california, nevada, florida district columbia, futur transport now: four jurisdict set ground rule self-driv car roads. trend spreading. year' legisl sessions, nine state debat driverless car bills. state legislation, import creat framework safe driverless car public roads, never intend end point technology, said florida republican sen. jeff brandes, sponsor florida' driverless car legislation."} {"id": "9600", "contents": "april 2012, florida becam second state allow test autonom car public roads, california becam third governor jerri brown sign bill law googl hq mountain view. decemb 2013, michigan becam fourth state allow test driverless car public roads. juli 2014, citi coeur d'alene, idaho adopt robot ordin includ provis allow self-driv cars. team develop system consist 15 engin work google, includ chri urmson, mike montemerlo, anthoni levandowski work darpa grand urban challenges. legisl pass four u.s. state washington, d.c. allow driverless cars. state nevada pass law june 29, 2011, permit oper autonom car nevada, googl lobbi state robot car law"} {"id": "9601", "contents": "mean addie. german name. german, name addi means-diminut adelin adela: sweet pleasant; nobility. noble. old german athal mean noble.. origin name addi include-german, french, french, hebrew.th name addi often use girl name femal name. german name meaning-diminut adelin adela: sweet pleasant; nobility. nobl"} {"id": "9602", "contents": "differ mean name addi are: mean name \u201caddie\u201d differ sever languages, countri cultur one possibl differ mean available. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }."} {"id": "9603", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name addi hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name addi is: son adam: man red earth. american meaning: name addi american babi name. american mean name addi is: son adam: man red earth."} {"id": "9604", "contents": "addi also form english hebrew adiel. addi also form adriana english language. addi unusu babi girl name. 1900, 0.171% babi girl name addie. rank #119 then."} {"id": "9605", "contents": "origin name addie: name origin shorten form adelheid adelaid (nobility) bestow independ given name. born youngest daughter (c. 1062 1137) william conqueror. var: adela. world babi name teresa norman. comment insight name addie: edit. short, simpl nicknam mani names-adelaide, addison, adeline, adalyn, adair, adele, adessa, madeline, madison, ireland, mani others. goe well type personality, soft sweet tough firm"} {"id": "9606", "contents": "addi diminut (nickname) adelaide. name adelaid deriv german element adel mean nobel heid mean kind sort. name born wife holi roman emperor otto great 10th century."} {"id": "9607", "contents": "addi form ada english language. addi also form english hebrew adamina. addi also diminut english addison. addi also form english greek addi english german languages. addi also form adriana english language. addi unusu babi girl name. 1900, 0.171% babi girl name addie. rank #119 then."} {"id": "9608", "contents": "addi /ad-die/ [2 sylls.] girls' name (also use boys' name addie) old german old english origin, mean addi noble; son adam. short form adelaide, adeline, addison. kreatif forms: adai, addieai, aidie. ]. addi popular first name women (#513 4276, top 12%) also popular last name adult children (#31085 150436, top 21%). (2000 u.s. census)."} {"id": "9609", "contents": "averag electr consumpt us famili four neighborhood 50 kwh per day, 1,500 kwh per month. similar figur appli canada. assum averag electr cost $0.12 per kwh, translat $6 per day electricity, $180"} {"id": "9610", "contents": "math: ------. simpler answer: energi use per day measur watt-hours, usual kilowatt-hours, typic hous might use 35 kilowatt-hour per day. equal 1.458 kilowatt-hour per hour, word averag power 1.458 kilowatts."} {"id": "9611", "contents": "divid result 1,000 convert watt kilowatts. example, larg window fan rate 250 watt use hour day, kwh use per day 250 (watts) (hour use per day) 1,000 (to chang watt kilowatts) 1.25 kwh per day."} {"id": "9612", "contents": "us typic household power consumpt 11,700 kwh year, franc 6,400 kwh, uk 4,600 kwh china around 1,300 kwh. global averag electr consumpt household electr roughli 3,500 kwh 2010."} {"id": "9613", "contents": "much electr american home use? 2013, averag annual electr consumpt u.s. residenti util custom 10,908 kilowatthour (kwh), averag 909 kwh per month. louisiana highest annual consumpt 15,270 kwh, hawaii lowest 6,176 kwh."} {"id": "9614", "contents": "answer noah modie. confid vote 192. electr engin power compani see averag hous 1600-2000 squar feet electr applianc except furnac use averag 1500kwatt-hour per month make 50 kwatt-hour per day total 18,000 kwatt-hour per year."} {"id": "9615", "contents": "minamata diseas broke 1965, time along bank agano river niigata prefecture. pollut factori (own showa denko) employ chemic process use mercuri catalyst similar use chisso minamata. 1959, victim minamata diseas much weaker posit fishermen. recent form minamata diseas patient famili mutual aid societi much divid fish cooperatives. patients' famili victim discrimin ostrac local community."} {"id": "9616", "contents": "minamata disease. minamata disease, sometim refer chisso-minamata disease, neurolog syndrom caus sever mercuri poisoning. symptom includ ataxia, numb hand feet, gener muscl weakness, narrow field vision damag hear speech. minamata diseas poison diseas affect mainli central nervou system caus consumpt larg quantiti fish shellfish live minamata bay surroundings, major caus agent sort organ mercuri compound.. read full article\u2026."} {"id": "9617", "contents": "final determin caus mercuri poisoning. mercuri wast product dump minamata bay massiv scale chemic plant. mercuri contamin fish live minamata bay. peopl ate fish, contaminated, becam ill. local bird life well domest anim also perished. 50 year sinc horrif mercuri poison disast world ever seen took place minamata, japan. may 1956, four patient citi minamata west coast southern japanes island kyushu admit hospit sever baffl symptoms."} {"id": "9618", "contents": "highli toxic chemic bioaccumul shellfish fish minamata bay shiranui sea, which, eaten local populace, result mercuri poisoning. cat, dog, pig, human death continu 36 years, govern compani littl prevent pollution. 1959, victim minamata diseas much weaker posit fishermen. recent form minamata diseas patient famili mutual aid societi much divid fish cooperatives. patients' famili victim discrimin ostrac local community."} {"id": "9619", "contents": "minamata bay disast refer minamata disease. caus chemic wast dump minamata bay chisso compani japan. chemic wa ste contain methyl mercuri highli dangerous. fish bay ate wast work food chain eventu affect humans."} {"id": "9620", "contents": "a1: first case minamata diseas report 1956. commentary: officially, two sister age live minamata citi first patients. dyskinesia gener convulsions, well symptom dystonia hand feet sudden fit screaming."} {"id": "9621", "contents": "minamata diseas first discov minamata citi kumamoto prefecture, japan, 1956. caus releas methylmercuri industri wastewat chisso corpor 's chemic factory, continu 1932 1968. 1959, victim minamata diseas much weaker posit fishermen. recent form minamata diseas patient famili mutual aid societi much divid fish cooperatives. patients' famili victim discrimin ostrac local community."} {"id": "9622", "contents": "minamata bay disast refer minamata disease. caus chemic wast dump minamata bay chisso compani japan. chemic wa ste contain methyl mercuri highli dangerous. common diseas associ pancrea diabetes. caus total failur organ. total failur caus pancrea e overused. might know insulin thing take diabetes."} {"id": "9623", "contents": "minamata diseas diseas central nervou system, poison caus long-term consumption, larg amounts, fish shellfish minamata bay. 1959, victim minamata diseas much weaker posit fishermen. recent form minamata diseas patient famili mutual aid societi much divid fish cooperatives. patients' famili victim discrimin ostrac local community."} {"id": "9624", "contents": "wing broken, need set tape vet quickly. due higher metabolism, bird bone heal much quickli humans, must done soon, bird doomed. mani vet see wildlif charge. best luck! report abuse. need contact wildlif rehabilitator... illeg keep bird care. thank save bird. :) broken wing take long time. link rehabb states. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~devo0028/contact...."} {"id": "9625", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: usual bird wing take two four week heal patient watch tri keep hydrated, tri keep wing immobil tape gentli tight caus abl breath properly. dog grab babi robin flew first time. wing leg broken.i fed set injuri eat well good leg stronger. surviv almost day now. top part wing almost sever abl fli one day heals.."} {"id": "9626", "contents": "found adult crow one time yard appear broken wing, took nice vet area california. told crow' wing broken, would heal, suggest put crow sleep. broke heart, big bird lover. alway best never give anim bird food water take vet. broken wing tricky. limit reset, young enough bird probabl heal wing may deform may never abl fli properly."} {"id": "9627", "contents": "wing wrap close week now, think take bandag coupl day hope best! would take vet, hubbi would never million year go that. he'd rather duck soup, lol. look data long take bird bone heal broken-ther mani variables- week longer (to eternity)"} {"id": "9628", "contents": "report abuse. bird bone heal much faster human bones. set weeks, well trueli stabl weeks. care bird broken wing (which fairli frequently) remov strap weeks, limit fli addit week. i'v great sucess."} {"id": "9629", "contents": "unfortunately, cardin bird' wing may never heal. found adult crow one time yard appear broken wing, took nice vet area california. told crow' wing broken, would heal, suggest put crow sleep. broke heart, big bird lover. but, want suffer. alway best never give anim bird food water take vet. broken wing tricky. limit reset, young enough bird probabl heal wing may deform may never abl fli properly."} {"id": "9630", "contents": "hardest thing heal correctli bird' wing. even peopl 30 year experi troubl get bird wing heal well enough bird ever chanc flight again. report abuse. need contact wildlif rehabilitator... illeg keep bird care. thank save bird. :) broken wing take long time. link rehabb states. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~devo0028/contact..."} {"id": "9631", "contents": "aviemore-a great ski destination. aviemore, pronounc \u2018an aghaidh mhor\u2019 local scottish gaelic dialect, nestl cairngorm mountain rang found within picturesqu cairngorm nation park. popul 397 make largest town within nation park."} {"id": "9632", "contents": "properti overview. aviemor villag afford apart commun locat clyde, north carolina locat haywood county. properti locat north carolina' 11th congression district serv repres mark meadow (r), senat thom tilli (r) senat richard burr (r). aviemor villag apart commun contain 24 assist rental units. properti serv seniors."} {"id": "9633", "contents": "aviemor (/\u02ccaevi\u02c8m\u0254\u0259r/ \u02cc\u00e6vi\u02c8m\u0254\u0259r scottish: gaelic aghaidh mhor mh\u00f2r [the] big) mountain face town and, tourist resort situat within cairngorm nation park highlands. scotland badenoch strathspey, committe area within highland. council area aviemor hotel destroy fire 1950, site golf cours use 1960 construct aviemor centre. open ladi fraser alland 1966, (wife sir hugh fraser 2nd baronet-hous fraser)."} {"id": "9634", "contents": "aviemor (/\u02ccaevi\u02c8m\u0254\u0259r/ \u02cc\u00e6vi\u02c8m\u0254\u0259r scottish: gaelic aghaidh mhor mh\u00f2r [the] big) mountain face town and, tourist resort situat within cairngorm nation park highlands. scotland aviemor hotel destroy fire 1950, site golf cours use 1960 construct aviemor centre. open ladi fraser alland 1966, (wife sir hugh fraser 2nd baronet-hous fraser)."} {"id": "9635", "contents": "aviemor use administr counti inverness-shire, administr counti longer exists. also use postal counti inverness-shire, ditto. thing remain tradit counti morayshire. fact, aviemor still registr counti inverness-shire, differ tradit counti former administr county. accept that, two definitions, counti call inverness-shire. article, edit it, claim was, variously, inaccur erron consid part"} {"id": "9636", "contents": "ask anyon actual live aviemor counti think they'll say inverness-shire. postal counti inverness-shire-tri stick grampian road aviemor royal mail post code tracker. accept that, two definitions, counti call inverness-shire. article, edit it, claim was, variously, inaccur erron consid part"} {"id": "9637", "contents": "get point: inaccur say aviemor part inverness-shir unless specifi registr (of property, births) county-a set entiti commonli use popular geography. accept that, two definitions, counti call inverness-shire. article, edit it, claim was, variously, inaccur erron consid part"} {"id": "9638", "contents": "prior 1790 exclav counti moray 1890 1975 counti inverness-shire, later date within civil parish duthil rothiemurchus. aviemor hotel destroy fire 1950, site golf cours use 1960 construct aviemor centre. open ladi fraser alland 1966, (wife sir hugh fraser 2nd baronet-hous fraser)."} {"id": "9639", "contents": "get homesnap edit home fact share home. 5506 aviemor court locat suwanee, ga. time, properti estim valu $1,068,700 yearli tax $12,174. home bedrooms, 7\u00bd bathrooms, approxim 8,241 sqft live space. properti built 2006. child live 5506 aviemor court, suwanee, ga would typic attend one follow public schools: riversid elementari school, north gwinnett high school. school boundari attend zone updat frequently."} {"id": "9640", "contents": "geograph locat refer posit earth. absolut geograph locat defin two coordinates, longitud latitude. two coordin use give specif locat independ outsid refer point. rel location, hand, defin locat term another. example, lill north paris. coordin system geograph locat use repres specif locat globe. longitud latitud line form grid earth, pinpoint precis locat two coordinates."} {"id": "9641", "contents": "full definit geography. 1. scienc deal description, distribution, interact divers physical, biological, cultur featur earth' surface. 2. geograph featur area. 3. treatis geography."} {"id": "9642", "contents": "term locat gener impli higher degre certainti place, often indic entiti ambigu boundary, reli human/soci attribut place ident sens place geometry. absolut locat design use specif pair latitud longitud cartesian coordin grid example, spheric coordin system ellipsoid-bas system world geodet system similar methods."} {"id": "9643", "contents": "geograph studi begin learn locat places. locat absolut relative. absolut locat provid definit refer locat place. refer latitud longitude, street address, even township rang system."} {"id": "9644", "contents": "term locat place geographi use identifi point area earth 's surfac elsewhere. absolut locat design use specif pair latitud longitud cartesian coordin grid example, spheric coordin system ellipsoid-bas system world geodet system similar methods."} {"id": "9645", "contents": "definit geograph condit term use describ geographi area. could use describ geographi state, exampl geograph condit could mountainous. peopl found useful. sim orleans. contributions. site refer intern characterist place (house, city, country, state) describ is. examples: coastal plain, mountain top, river delta. situat refer extern characterist (what nearby) make locat attractive."} {"id": "9646", "contents": "absolute: locat absolut (specific) coordin map use longitud latitude. relative: locat relative-examples: next door, nearby, short drive, road ways. or, gener locat anoth location-example: next post office."} {"id": "9647", "contents": "definit geograph condit term use describ geographi area. could use describ geographi state, exampl geograph condit could mountainous. peopl found useful. sim orleans."} {"id": "9648", "contents": "maximum tylenol gm 4,000 mg maximum ibuprofen 3.2 gm 3200 mg-thi within 24 hour period. 2400 mg 1800 mg/24 hour commonli prescrib ibuprofen. taken care two patient past; one tylenol toxic one ibuprofen toxicity."} {"id": "9649", "contents": "take ibuprofen counter. recommend dose tablet everi hours. talk doctor though mine take tablet everi hour (the maximum take prescript level). absolut make cramp manag me."} {"id": "9650", "contents": "maximum daili dose ibuprofen differ children adults. dose depend symptom treated, maximum change. maximum dose prescript ibuprofen adults, elderli adult adolesc 3200 mg. per day, divid three four doses. maximum dose over-the-count ibuprofen group 1200 mg. per day"} {"id": "9651", "contents": "a. maximum daili dose ibuprofen 3,200 mg. however, take much ibuprofen, would ask lot question doctor health care provid evaluation."} {"id": "9652", "contents": "dose ibuprofen rang 200 mg everi hour 800 mg everi hours. maximum daili dose anyon ever take 800 mg everi hour total 3200 mg per day. however, anyth recommend over-the-count dose 200 mg taken advis doctor."} {"id": "9653", "contents": "ibuprofen: appropri dose ibuprofen children weight dependant. maximum recommend dose approxim 100 mg per 22 pound bodi weight everi 6-8 hour shortest period time possible. long term use ibuprofen acetaminophen caus organ damag even recommend doses."} {"id": "9654", "contents": "bitcoin payment system invent satoshi nakamoto, publish invent 2008 releas open-sourc softwar 2009. system peer-to-peer; user transact directli without need intermediary. bitcoin invent satoshi nakamoto, publish invent 31 octob 2008 research paper call bitcoin: peer-to-p electron cash system. implement open sourc code releas januari 2009. bitcoin often call first cryptocurr although prior system existed."} {"id": "9655", "contents": "bitcoin strive global currenc sorts\u2014on that' back govern institution. bitcoin cash, technically. they'r entir virtual currency. user exchang onlin credit good servic select retailers, contractor onlin trade houses. bitcoin' creator like posit currenc altern dollar euro. hope revolution world financ web proven paradigm shift publish world."} {"id": "9656", "contents": "bitcoin anonym digit currency... bitcoin real money. onlin currency\u2014virtu token exchang good servic place accept it, way give someon dollar cookie. like trade yen dollars, swap bitcoin user sever real world currencies. right now, bitcoin trade high! first publish post may 2011, one bitcoin worth $7.50. today $250. climbing. climb"} {"id": "9657", "contents": "part internet technolog glossary: bitcoin digit currenc (also call crypto-currency) back country' central bank government. bitcoin trade good servic vendor accept bitcoin payment."} {"id": "9658", "contents": "bitcoin valu use scarce. accept merchants, valu stabilize. see list bitcoin-accept sites. say currenc back gold, mean there' promis place exchang currenc gold. bitcoins, like dollar euros, back anyth except varieti merchant accept them."} {"id": "9659", "contents": "sense, bitcoin back anything, it\u2019 back strength clever mathematics.bitcoin might repres first currenc back physic good still prevent arbitrari inflation. can\u2019t say currenc \u201cnot back anything.\u201dbut it\u2019 product bitcoin decentralized; it\u2019 also record ownership. everi singl bitcoin ever creat trace back inception-includ everi transact chang ownership."} {"id": "9660", "contents": "today, mani currenc us dollar govern \u201cfiat\u201d currenc back decre govern issu currency. like bitcoin, can\u2019t cash dial govern fiat currenc anyth use someth else. wari bitcoin hold use anyth else. common exampl gold use jewelry, electron equipment, etc."} {"id": "9661", "contents": "bitcoin. bitcoin decentr digit currenc enabl instant payment anyone, anywher world. bitcoin use peer-to-p technolog oper central authority: transact manag money issuanc carri collect network."} {"id": "9662", "contents": "bitcoin back faith peopl use can\u2019t cash anyth use someth els bitcoin fail remain valuable. mani government-back currenc similar. like bitcoin, can\u2019t cash dial govern fiat currenc anyth use someth else. wari bitcoin hold use anyth else. common exampl gold use jewelry, electron equipment, etc."} {"id": "9663", "contents": "water evapor left mineral. gypsum compos calcium sulfat (caso4) water (h2o), i.e. calcium sulphat dihydr (caso4.2h2o). europe, princip gypsum quarri locat germany, uk, france, spain, italy, poland, russia ukraine."} {"id": "9664", "contents": "gypsum crystal cave crystal mexico. note person scale. gypsum soft sulfat miner compos calcium sulfat dihydrate, chemic formula caso \u00b72h o. use fertilizer, main constitu mani form plaster blackboard chalk, wide mined. gypsum common mineral, thick extens evaporit bed associ sedimentari rocks. deposit known occur strata far back archaean eon. gypsum deposit lake sea water, well hot springs, volcan vapors, sulfat solut veins."} {"id": "9665", "contents": "chemic known \u201ccalcium sulfat dihydrate,\u201d gypsum contain calcium, sulfur bound oxygen, water. gypsum abund miner take form includ alabaster\u2014a materi use decor construct far back ancient egypt."} {"id": "9666", "contents": "gypsum evaporit miner commonli found layer sedimentari deposit associ halite, anhydrite, sulfur, calcit dolomite. gypsum (caso 4. 2h o) similar anhydrit (caso 4). chemic differ gypsum contain two water anhydrit without water. gypsum use include: manufactur wallboard, cement, plaster paris, soil conditioning, harden retard portland cement. varieti gypsum known satin spar alabast use varieti ornament purposes, howev low hard limit durability."} {"id": "9667", "contents": "full definit gypsum. 1. wide distribut miner consist hydrou calcium sulfat use especi soil amend make plaster paris. 2. drywall. see gypsum defin english-languag learners. see gypsum defin kids. advertis"} {"id": "9668", "contents": "word gypsum deriv greek word \u03b3\u03cd\u03c8\u03bf\u03c2 (gypsos), chalk plaster. quarri montmartr district pari long furnish burnt gypsum (calcin gypsum) use variou purposes, dehydr gypsum becam known plaster paris. gypsum common mineral, thick extens evaporit bed associ sedimentari rocks. deposit known occur strata far back archaean eon. gypsum deposit lake sea water, well hot springs, volcan vapors, sulfat solut veins."} {"id": "9669", "contents": "gypsum: gypsum actual element call calcium sulfat use loosen stubborn, compact clay soils. gypsum work pull togeth clay particl soil make bigger particles, creat porou space air, water plant roots."} {"id": "9670", "contents": "filter air handl unit enabl clean air. air handl unit also call fan coil unit case roof mount split ac units, sinc compris fan cool coil. air handl unit instal differ place build air conditioned. 2) cool coil: cool one import part air handl units. made copper tube sever turn cover fin increas heat transfer effici"} {"id": "9671", "contents": "capac air handl unit rate term amount air handl fan. capac fan 30,000cfm (cubic feet per minute) static pressur 75 100mm water gauge. 2) cool coil: cool one import part air handl units. made copper tube sever turn cover fin increas heat transfer effici cool coil."} {"id": "9672", "contents": "ahu suppli fan instal heat cool coil refer draw-through unit sinc suppli fan draw air unit. blow-through ahus, suppli fan locat prior coils. basic definit air handl unit (ahu) might \u201ca box fan, coils, filters.\u201d get consider complicated."} {"id": "9673", "contents": "air handl unit import part central air condit plants, packag air condit plant also roof mount split air condit systems. name suggest air handl unit box type unit handl room air. 2) cool coil: cool one import part air handl units. made copper tube sever turn cover fin increas heat transfer effici cool coil."} {"id": "9674", "contents": "consid air handl unit minimum compon must considered, know: least filtrat section, heat transfer compon (cooling/h coil heat recoveri system) fan. air handl unit (most time abbrevi ahu), air handler, central air condition station handl air that, usually, suppli build ventil ductwork (connect ahu)."} {"id": "9675", "contents": "2. understand code standard govern ahu specification. 3. learn energi save hvac system use ahus. basic definit air handl unit (ahu) might \u201ca box fan, coils, filters.\u201d get consider complicated."} {"id": "9676", "contents": "small air handler call termin units, may includ air filter, coil, blower. smaller unit also call blower coil fan coil units. larger air handler condit 100% outsid air, re-circul air, known makeup air unit (mau) air condition design dehumidifi remov heat area. cool done use simpl refriger cycle. condens compon basic refriger cycl remov heat system. condens hot side air conditioner. condens heat exchang transfer heat air heat fluid (such water glycol) carri heat away. air handler, air handl unit (often call ahu), use condit circul air part hvac system. air handler usual contain blower, heat cool elements, filter rack chambers, sound attenuators, damper"} {"id": "9677", "contents": "small air handlers, local use, call termin units, may includ air filter, coil, blower; simpl termin unit call blower coil fan coil units. larger air handler condit 100% outsid air, recircul air, known makeup air unit (mau). air handler design outdoor use, typic roofs, known packag unit (pu) rooftop unit (rtu). air handler usual larg metal box contain blower, heat cool elements, filter rack chambers, sound attenuators, dampers."} {"id": "9678", "contents": "men reach sexual peak 18, women reach 28. true regard suppli sexual hormones, least. testosteron peak age 18 men; women' estrogen hit high point mid-20s. peak hormon mean peak sexual performance, say marc goldstein, m.d., professor reproduct medicin urolog cornel university' weill medic college."} {"id": "9679", "contents": "young age, we'r taught men peak sexual age 18, women wait reach 30 experi best breathtaking, head-spinning, toe-curling, raunchi sex lives."} {"id": "9680", "contents": "us grown ingrain percept men hit sexual peak 18, women 35. which, ever sinc got sudden urg smell cute guy' neck subway seventeen, sens whole lot bs."} {"id": "9681", "contents": "peak valleys\u2014whi matters. convent wisdom (and plenti women\u2019 magazines) claim men reach sexual peak young teenag whippersnapp (18, exact), late-bloom ladi don\u2019t hit mileston 30s. men supposedli peak age 18, mani young male adult expect \u201cexperienced\u201d creat cultur peer pressur men sex they\u2019r ready. men women, buy idea \u201csexual peaks\u201d wast time, outright damaging."} {"id": "9682", "contents": "metabol heart rate. rest metabolism, account major part daili energi consumption, peak earli adulthood men women. time reach retir age, decreas 10 percent drop anoth 10 percent that. bone. although bone continu build age 30 35 year old, skelet bone mass women almost complet age 20, accord center diseas control prevention."} {"id": "9683", "contents": "kinsey look hormon level alone, he\u2019d larg correct sexual peaks. men, testosteron level reach apex around age 18, women\u2019 estrogen (and fertility) hit high-wat mark mid-to late-20s. regardless hormon matur concentrations, men women reach sexual peak they\u2019r comfort bodi sexuality. hormon relationship chang throughout life, so-cal sexual peak come time age."} {"id": "9684", "contents": "muscl mass. muscl strength men women peak anywher 20 30 year old. you\u2019r suffer injuri disease, maintain strength anoth 20 years. bone. although bone continu build age 30 35 year old, skelet bone mass women almost complet age 20, accord center diseas control prevention."} {"id": "9685", "contents": "men reach physic peak age 18 give take year two dont understand problem answer..i thought common knowledge??? men 18, women late 20's--it alway topic discuss sex wide gap peaks. age that. board. men best shape life 40 health wise physic wise. i'm 19 time bodi best 16. place averag men."} {"id": "9686", "contents": "unsurprisingly, idea men women specific, different, sexual peak pretti outdated. regardless hormon matur concentrations, men women reach sexual peak they\u2019r comfort bodi sexuality. men supposedli peak age 18, mani young male adult expect \u201cexperienced\u201d creat cultur peer pressur men sex they\u2019r ready. men women, buy idea \u201csexual peaks\u201d wast time, outright damaging."} {"id": "9687", "contents": "although men muscl mass women, sex reach physic peak young adult anywher late 20' earli 30's, accord \u201chuman development: life-span view\u201d robert kail john cavanaugh. bone. although bone continu build age 30 35 year old, skelet bone mass women almost complet age 20, accord center diseas control prevention."} {"id": "9688", "contents": "check egg carton. figur long keep eggs, start look egg carton: pack date-accord usda guidelines, date egg washed, graded, pack cartons. 3-digit code coincid day year (decemb 31 would 365)."} {"id": "9689", "contents": "expert answer: tell consum look egg carton sell-bi date judg freshness. usda say date ahead 30 day pack date. store choos day within 30 day date eggs. find date carton, use egg within three week carton date allow use within optimum quality, mean yolk high upstanding, white tall firm."} {"id": "9690", "contents": "hard-boil egg last week kept shells, refriger within two hour cooking, say usda food safeti inspect service."} {"id": "9691", "contents": "general, egg good long quickest expir ingredi recipe. find long food good for, pleas visit dairy, drinks, fruits, grains, proteins, veget section eat date use search function below."} {"id": "9692", "contents": "general, hard boil egg good long quickest expir ingredi recipe. find long food good for, pleas visit dairy, drinks, fruits, grains, proteins, veget section eat date use search function below."} {"id": "9693", "contents": "properli answer question long egg last, long egg good for, shelf life eggs, varieti factor must examin sell date egg stored."} {"id": "9694", "contents": "wikimedia common media file repositori make avail public domain freely-licens educ media content (images, sound video clips) everyone, language. act common repositori variou project wikimedia foundation, need belong one project use media host here. repositori creat maintain paid archivists, volunteers. scope common set project scope pages."} {"id": "9695", "contents": "welcom meta-wiki, global commun site wikimedia project wikimedia movement general. meta-wiki' discuss rang coordin document plan analysi futur wikimedia activities. wikimedia foundation, meta-wiki, sister projects. wikimedia foundat overarch non-profit foundat own wikimedia server along domain names, logo trademark wikimedia project mediawiki. meta-wiki coordin wiki variou wikimedia wikis."} {"id": "9696", "contents": "wikimedia global movement whose mission bring free educ content world. variou projects, chapters, support structur non-profit wikimedia foundation, wikimedia strive bring world everi singl human freeli share sum knowledge. welcom wikimedia."} {"id": "9697", "contents": "support us. wikimedia foundat reli heavili gener support users. pleas consid make donat today, time money. wikimedia foundat incorpor 501(c)(3) nonprofit organ unit states, donat us citizen tax deductible. donat made citizen countri may also tax deduct"} {"id": "9698", "contents": "wikimedia foundat non-profit organ oper wikipedia free knowledg projects. togeth site fifth visit web properti world. wikimedia foundat 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organ offic san francisco, california, usa. review letter tax-exempt financi report annual filings."} {"id": "9699", "contents": "project wikimedia foundation. file wikimedia common use across wikimedia project languages, includ wikipedia, wikibooks, wikivoyage, wikispecies, wikisource, wikinews, download offsit use. repositori contain 28 million media files. juli 2013, number edit common reach 100,000,000."} {"id": "9700", "contents": "foundat mostli known host wikipedia, internet encyclopedia, well wiktionary, wikiquote, wikibooks, wikisource, wikimedia commons, wikispecies, wikinews, wikiversity, wikidata, wikivoyage, wikimedia incubator, meta-wiki. also own now-defunct nupedia. wikimedia foundation' state goal develop maintain open content, wiki-bas project provid full content project public free charge."} {"id": "9701", "contents": "term wikimedia server often used, refer comput hardwar wikimedia project hosted. wikimedia foundat non-profit organ headquart san francisco run wikimedia projects. independ wikimedia foundat wikimedia projects. wikimedia, depend context locale, often incorrectli use short name wikimedia projects, chapter, wikimedia foundat (the latter happen also wiki)."} {"id": "9702", "contents": "wikimedia. wikimedia collect name wikimedia movement, revolv around group inter-rel projects, includ wikipedia, wiktionary, wikiquot others, aim use collabor power internet, wiki concept, creat share free knowledg kinds. independ wikimedia foundat wikimedia projects. wikimedia, depend context locale, often incorrectli use short name wikimedia projects, chapter, wikimedia foundat (the latter happen also wiki)."} {"id": "9703", "contents": "hubbl space telescop (hst) space telescop launch low earth orbit 1990, remain operation. hubbl fund 1970s, propos launch 1983, project beset technic delays, budget problems, challeng disaster. final launch 1990, hubble' main mirror found ground incorrectly, compromis telescope' capabilities."} {"id": "9704", "contents": "nasa photo show hubbl space telescop may 2009 atlanti astronaut releas space fifth final overhaul. hubbl launch space april 24, 1990 celebr 20th birthday 2010. credit: nasa. hubbl first telescop specif design repair space astronauts, space telescop cannot servic all. nasa scientist estim telescop abl keep take pictur five years."} {"id": "9705", "contents": "telescop name astronom edwin hubble. hubble' orbit outsid distort earth' atmospher allow take extrem high-resolut imag neglig background light. hubbl record detail visible-light imag ever, allow deep view space time. hubbl fund 1970s, propos launch 1983, project beset technic delays, budget problems, challeng disaster. final launch 1990, hubble' main mirror found ground incorrectly, compromis telescope' capabilities."} {"id": "9706", "contents": "sinc launch 1990, hubbl space telescop (hst) provid dazzl array imag awe inspir public. addit galaxies, hubbl space telescop also examin individu star variou stage evolut cloud dust form infant star corps long sinc detonated, between."} {"id": "9707", "contents": "1995 hubbl space telescop imag 'pillar creation' probabl famou astronom imag 20th century. taken visibl light use combin sii/h-alpha oiii filters, show part eagl nebula new star forming. addit galaxies, hubbl space telescop also examin individu star variou stage evolut cloud dust form infant star corps long sinc detonated, between."} {"id": "9708", "contents": "hubbl telescop design servic space astronauts. launch space shuttl discoveri 1990, four subsequ space shuttl mission repaired, upgraded, replac system telescope. fifth mission cancel safeti ground follow columbia disaster. hubbl fund 1970s, propos launch 1983, project beset technic delays, budget problems, challeng disaster. final launch 1990, hubble' main mirror found ground incorrectly, compromis telescope' capabilities."} {"id": "9709", "contents": "jame webb space telescope, also call webb jwst, large, space-bas observatory, optim infrar wavelengths, complement extend discoveri hubbl space telescope."} {"id": "9710", "contents": "hubble. hubbl space telescop collabor esa nasa. long-term, space-bas observatory. observ carri visible, infrar ultraviolet light."} {"id": "9711", "contents": "hubbl float earth; march 2002. enlarg photo. sinc earliest day astronomy, sinc time galileo, astronom share singl goal see more, see farther, see deeper. hubbl space telescope' launch 1990 sped human one greatest advanc journey. space shuttl would use put telescop orbit either return earth repair replac instruments, servic space. 1975, european space agenc began work togeth nasa plan would eventu becom hubbl space telescope."} {"id": "9712", "contents": "describ page type synovi joints. end page synovi joints. see also type joints, featur bones, structur function bones, 206 human bones, cranial facial bones, bone feet hand skelet disorders."} {"id": "9713", "contents": "main joint appendicular skeleton (includ arm hands, leg feet) synovi joints. type joint therefor import mani health sciences, medicin nurs also physiotherapy, sport sciences, occup therapy, massag therapi on. see also type joints, featur bones, structur function bones, 206 human bones, cranial facial bones, bone feet hand skelet disorders."} {"id": "9714", "contents": "structur synovi joint. bone synovi joint held togeth ligament form fibrou capsule. synovi membran line capsul secret lubric fluid, articular cartilag bone end provid smooth surfac movement. type joint. illustr six exampl synovi joints, differ type, one fix one semi-mov joint. synovi joint classifi accord articular surfac (where bone meet) fit togeth movement permits."} {"id": "9715", "contents": "synovi joint, also known diarthrosis, common movabl type joint bodi mammal. joints, synovi joint achiev movement point contact articul bones. structur function differ distinguish synovi joint cartilagin joint (synchondros symphyses) fibrou joint (sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses)."} {"id": "9716", "contents": "(between bone human body). differ type joint enabl bone form joint move rel differ way differ extents, i.e. freeli moveabl hardli movement all. type joint human bodi classifi accord either. structur joint (how bone attach together) or. function joint (describ term extent possibl movement bone form joint"} {"id": "9717", "contents": "joint categorization. like everi person bit different, joint body. may look similar superficially, but, oftentimes, made differ type tissu allow type movement joint might. therefore, joint classifi one two main ways. common movabl joint tissu type bodi known synovi joint. type joint joint capsul encas joint synovi fluid within joint, help cushion protect joint itself."} {"id": "9718", "contents": "is, course, connect structur joint degre movement bone allows. use know word use refer describ differ class type joints-se tabl below. practic cours concentr structur type (or classes) joints. differ type joint enabl bone form joint move rel differ way differ extents, i.e. freeli moveabl hardli movement all. type joint human bodi classifi accord either."} {"id": "9719", "contents": "ball socket joint. ball-and-socket joint special class synovi joint enjoy highest freedom motion bodi thank uniqu structure. shoulder hip joint ball-and-socket joint human bodi due need great motion end body\u2019 limb vast amount musculatur need move support flexibl joints."} {"id": "9720", "contents": "synovi joint synovi caviti articul bones. caviti fill synovi fluid reduc friction joint, enabl articul bone move freely. page type joint explain function class joints: synarthros (immov joints). see also type joints, featur bones, structur function bones, 206 human bones, cranial facial bones, bone feet hand skelet disorders."} {"id": "9721", "contents": "person interest forens odontolog need becom properli educ trained. doctor dental surgeri (dds) doctor medic dentistri (dmd) degre basic, tradit dental educ provid curriculum experi requir function field."} {"id": "9722", "contents": "forens odontology. forens odontologist highli experienced, special train dentist use expertis help identifi unknown remain trace bite mark specif individual. forens odontologist may call polic officers, medic examin coroner. death cases, forens odontologist attend autopsi take photographs, cranial measurements, dental impress x-ray remains."} {"id": "9723", "contents": "medic definit odontology. 1. scienc deal teeth, structur development, diseases. 2. forens odontology. odon\u00b7to\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccdaent-\u02ccd\u00e4nt-\u0259l-\u02c8aej-\u02c8\u00e4j\\ i. k\u0259l adject"} {"id": "9724", "contents": "forens odontolog does. signific amount inform deriv sole discipline, includ age (mostli children), person identification, sign violence, etc. alreadi told you, forens odontolog studi dental inform legal proceedings. however, may surpris basic level, practic goe back way year 66 ad."} {"id": "9725", "contents": "basic forens odontology. forens odontology, forens dentistry, branch forens scienc deal applic dental inform usabl court law; mostli revolv around identification, deal handling, examin comparison teeth bite marks. bite mark analysis. alreadi told you, forens odontolog studi dental inform legal proceedings. however, may surpris basic level, practic goe back way year 66 ad."} {"id": "9726", "contents": "tweet. branch forens medicin deal teeth mark left teeth (a identifi crimin suspect remain dead person). made want look forens odontology?"} {"id": "9727", "contents": "forens odontolog sub-disciplin dentistri appli principl dental scienc matter legal interest. major forens odontologist' casework jpac cil involv identif unknown individu die result conflict."} {"id": "9728", "contents": "dissolv stitch start break within one two weeks. however, could take sever month stitch disappear completely. wound healed, may possibl nurs remov loos end dissolv stitches, speed process. sever differ type stitches. general, stitch dissolvable, start break within four weeks. may take six month"} {"id": "9729", "contents": "uk, dissolv stitch made of:: polyglactin: lose 25% strength two weeks, 50% strength three weeks, fulli dissolv three months. sever differ type stitches. general, stitch dissolvable, start break within four weeks. may take six month disappear completely."} {"id": "9730", "contents": "dissolv sutur stitch wound variou strength accord demand bodi allow wound heal quickli slowly. certain cases, dissolv sutur go away case patient revisit hospit order remov it. dissolv sutur absorb bodi thu use extern well intern wound henc good choic oral surgeri surgic procedur intern organs. dissolv sutur made natur substanc rather synthet substanc"} {"id": "9731", "contents": "sutures, stitch stapl use purpose-to close wound surgic incisions-but same. sutures, doctor use thread strand materi perform wound closure. sutur either absorb nonabsorbable. absorb sutur intend broken bodi time eventu dissolv completely. materi use make absorb sutur deriv anim product special processed."} {"id": "9732", "contents": "dissolv stitches. instead focus tradit stitches, mani doctor use dissolv stitches. stitch use intern extern wound need remov like normal stitches, cut trauma help manag wound. length time need stitch dissolv depend made of. stitch disappear littl 1-2 weeks. injuri healed, nurs go area remov end stitch may remaining."} {"id": "9733", "contents": "dissolv sutur made materi broken tissu given period time, depend materi ten day eight weeks. use therefor mani intern tissu body. cases, three week suffici wound close firmly. resorb sutur dissolv bodi process call hydrolysis. dissolv sutur origin made intestin sheep, call catgut. manufactur process similar natur music string violin guitar, also natur string tenni racquets."} {"id": "9734", "contents": "\u00adto body, stitch foreign substance, bodi program destroy foreign substances. dissolv stitch made natur materials, process collagen (anim intestines), silk hair, well synthet materi bodi break down. allow bodi dissolv stitch time. there, body' fluid cannot dissolv decompos stitch, remain intact. doctor easili remov remain piec stitch wound closed. interest links: infect control today: role sutur wound healing."} {"id": "9735", "contents": "stitches, dissolv non-dissolvable, three features: thickness-som stitch must thin (perhap simpl cut plastic surgery, wound need heal less scarring), other thicker (perhap intern wound scar worrisome, stitch last longer). there, body' fluid cannot dissolv decompos stitch, remain intact. doctor easili remov remain piec stitch wound closed. interest links: infect control today: role sutur wound healing."} {"id": "9736", "contents": "surgery: surgeon place small tool child' mouth keep open. surgeon remov adenoid gland use spoon-shap tool (curette). surgeon use electr heat tissue, remov it, stop bleeding. absorb materi call pack materi may also use control bleeding."} {"id": "9737", "contents": "surgeri often perform children. procedur remov tonsil call tonsillectomy; excis adenoid adenoidectomy. procedur often perform time; henc surgeri known tonsillectomi adenoidectomy, t&a."} {"id": "9738", "contents": "child asleep, doctor remov tonsil child' mouth. child also adenoidectomy, doctor take child' adenoid time. doctor stop bleeding. child get stitches."} {"id": "9739", "contents": "tonsillectomi surgic remov tonsils. adenoid may may remov time. adenoidectomi discuss topic. gener anesthet alway use sedat child tonsillectomy."} {"id": "9740", "contents": "tonsil adenoid often remov becom enlarg block upper airway, lead breath difficulty. also remov recurr tonsil infect strep throat cannot success treat antibiotics."} {"id": "9741", "contents": "surgeon place small tool child' mouth keep open. surgeon remov adenoid gland use spoon-shap tool (curette). anoth tool help cut away soft tissu used. surgeon use electr heat tissue, remov it, stop bleeding. call electrocautery."} {"id": "9742", "contents": "tonsil small, round piec tissu locat back mouth side throat. tonsil thought help fight inf ction produc antibodi usual spot throat child use light."} {"id": "9743", "contents": "measur height cushion cover box cushion. multipli width cushion two depth cushion two, add number togeth figur much fabric need make sides, front back box cushion. add inch seam allowances."} {"id": "9744", "contents": "1. measur cushion seam back seat seam front. doubl number add inch get length fabric need cover top bottom cushion. ad inch give 1/2-inch seam allow end"} {"id": "9745", "contents": "need two piec fabric slightli larger cushion inner using, plu long narrow piec piping. cushion cover fit 45cm inner, need: two piec fabric 47cm long 47cm wide, and."} {"id": "9746", "contents": "need one piec fabric slightli larger cushion inner using, two smaller piec form button flap front, plu long narrow piec piping. cushion cover fit 45cm inner, need: note: produc cushion pattern match button side."} {"id": "9747", "contents": "estim amount fabric necessari cushion. cushion 14 18 inch long requir half yard fabric. cushion 19 24 inch requir one yard fabric. one half yard fabric cover chair cushion."} {"id": "9748", "contents": "add 1.5cm seam allow four sides. so, 50cm 50cm inner, you\u2019ll cut piec fabric 53cm 53cm. 3. envelop back, need two piec fabric. make pattern measur width front two-third length, e.g. 53cm 35cm."} {"id": "9749", "contents": "one metr standard width (137cm) furnish fabric enough three plain cushion either zip standard button fasten fit 45cm 45cm size. style cushion need fabric. cushion great use offcut remnants."} {"id": "9750", "contents": "abstract. filopodia lamellipodia dynam membran protrus cell edge. activ larg respons forward progress anterior edg migrat cells. lamellipodia filopodia gener push forc use molecular strategy, coordin polymer multipl interconnect actin filaments. act cohort, actin filament achiev necessari stiff produc larg forces."} {"id": "9751", "contents": "actin polymerization-driven protrus lead edg key element cell motility. import actin nucleat formin arp2/3 complex believ nonoverlap function induc actin filament bundl filopodia dendrit network lamellipodia, respectively. concept function separ arp2/3 complex formin leading-edg protrus gener dendrit network lamellipodia parallel bundl filopodia, respectively, challeng observ filopodia may aris reorgan lamellipodi network 10, 19, 20 ]."} {"id": "9752", "contents": "next ask whether mdia2 role lamellipodia filopodia related. kinet analysi filopodia initi show virtual \u03b4gbd-mdia2\u2013induc filopodia form \u03b4gbd-mdia2\u2013posit lamellipodia (figur 8; video s5). concept function separ arp2/3 complex formin leading-edg protrus gener dendrit network lamellipodia parallel bundl filopodia, respectively, challeng observ filopodia may aris reorgan lamellipodi network 10, 19, 20 ]."} {"id": "9753", "contents": "lamellipodium separ main part cell scratch across cell pipett tip continu crawl freeli own. lamellipodia characterist featur front, lead edge, motil cells. arp2/3 complex present microfilament-microfila junction lamellipodia, help creat actin meshwork. arp 2/3 join onto previous exist microfilaments, bound creat site extens new microfilaments, creat branch (weed, et al., 2000)."} {"id": "9754", "contents": "abstract. lamellipodia format necessari cell invas regul rac1. report lamellipodia format three-dimension invas significantli promot hgf serum, respectively, invas human breast cancer cells. clarif mechan pi3k activ induc releas iqgap1 kinesin heavi chain rac1 serum promot three-dimension cell invas lead increas understand regul lamellipodia format cell invasion."} {"id": "9755", "contents": "understand mechan lamellipodia-to-filopodia transition, perform correl em cell known live histori (figur b\u2013 j; video s7 s9). figur show two exampl filopodia form live imaging. concept function separ arp2/3 complex formin leading-edg protrus gener dendrit network lamellipodia parallel bundl filopodia, respectively, challeng observ filopodia may aris reorgan lamellipodi network 10, 19, 20 ]."} {"id": "9756", "contents": "lamellipodium (plural lamellipodia) (from latin lamina thin sheet, pod foot) cytoskelet protein actin project lead edg cell. contain quasi-two-dimension actin mesh; whole structur propel cell across substrat (alberts, et al., 2002). within lamellipodia rib actin call microspikes, which, spread beyond lamellipodium frontier, call filopodia (small, et al., 2002). arp2/3 complex present microfilament-microfila junction lamellipodia, help creat actin meshwork. arp 2/3 join onto previous exist microfilaments, bound creat site extens new microfilaments, creat branch (weed, et al., 2000)."} {"id": "9757", "contents": "quantit chang cell shape use computer imag analysi demonstr pdgf doubl total project area lamellipodia form cell within min addit increas almost 10-fold 30 min (fig. a). determin rel chang lamellipodia length differ region cell, corner defin part squar perimet within \u03bcm intersect two sides; side defin 18 \u03bcm interv corner regions."} {"id": "9758", "contents": "second, discov novel mechan lamellipodia-to-filopodia transform bridg formation. two previou model filopodia format formul filopodia emerg free lead edg migrat cell (yang svitkina, 2011). data reveal mechan cell\u2013cel junction format endotheli cell use lamellipodia initi protrus contact, subsequ transform filopodia-lik bridg connect adheren junctions."} {"id": "9759", "contents": "lamellipodia format movement ceas tension gener suppress use specif rock inhibitor y27632 chelat intracellular calcium use bapta-am (not shown). thus, cytoskeleton-bas traction forc appear play key role control lamellipodia extension. determin rel chang lamellipodia length differ region cell, corner defin part squar perimet within \u03bcm intersect two sides; side defin 18 \u03bcm interv corner regions."} {"id": "9760", "contents": "great wall china built 3rd centuri b.c.e 17th centuri ad, order prevent mongol enter invad china. *pleas see relat question link information. great wall china built 7th centuri 221 b.c. emperor quin shi huang order peasents, everi day people, prison also built wall china."} {"id": "9761", "contents": "articl points, \u201cmost great wall china built ming dynasti (1368-1644).\u201d articl wikipedia states, 1368 fall yuan dynasty, mark mongolian empire\u2019 final dissolution. mani part wall built showcas strength variou ruler mark exist expens page ancient history. fact 8: build great structur also repres isol china want rest world."} {"id": "9762", "contents": "let' walk history. advertisement. great wall china largest network wall ever built man. surpris structure, approxim 5,500 mile long, run plains, hill deserts, result effort singl group chines people. wall built 2000 year involv larg number imperi dynasti china. coloss structur singl man-mad wall also includ natur barrier like mountains, trench rivers."} {"id": "9763", "contents": "although use deterr raids, sever point throughout histori great wall fail stop enemies, includ 1644 manchu qing march gate shanhai pass replac ardent wall-build dynasties, ming, ruler china. great wall china visibl today larg date ming dynasty, rebuilt much wall stone brick, often extend line challeng terrain."} {"id": "9764", "contents": "confid vote 3.9k. great wall china chines fortif built 3rd centuri bc begin 17th century, order protect variou dynasti raid mongol, turkic, nomad tribe come area modern-day mongolia manchuria. great wall china built 7th centuri 221 b.c. emperor quin shi huang order peasents, everi day people, prison also built wall china."} {"id": "9765", "contents": "xiongnu tribe china' main enemi time. chines built great wall prevent enter conquer china. origin made shorter wall factions, wall fortifi lengthen emperor qin shi huang begin 221 bc. great wall china built 7th centuri 221 b.c. emperor quin shi huang order peasents, everi day people, prison also built wall china."} {"id": "9766", "contents": "fact 1: great wall china, stretch 4,160 miles, initi differ wall built mere border four differ state disintegr nation long famou qin dynasty. mani part wall built showcas strength variou ruler mark exist expens page ancient history. fact 8: build great structur also repres isol china want rest world."} {"id": "9767", "contents": "best answer: great wall china chines fortif built 3rd centuri bc begin 17th century, order protect variou dynasti raid mongol, turkic, nomad tribe come area modern-day mongolia manchuria."} {"id": "9768", "contents": "well known emperor qin built great wall. histori great wall simple. emperor qin first build great wall... last. mani section differ places, built differ materials, built differ dynasties. today' great wall built restor ming dynasty. order consolid northern border, reclaim china mongol-l yuan dynasti (1279\u20131368), emperor ming dynasti (1368\u20131644) never stop build great wall."} {"id": "9769", "contents": "bipolar disorder, also known bipolar affect disord manic-depress illness, mental disord character period elev mood period depression. elev mood signific known mania hypomania depend sever whether psychosis. adult cours bipolar disord character discret episod depress mania clear symptomatolog them, children adolesc fast mood chang even chronic symptom norm."} {"id": "9770", "contents": "peopl bipolar disorder, clear caus period (episodes) extrem happi high activ energi (mania) depress low activ energi (depression). follow may trigger manic episode: childbirth. bipolar disord condit person period depress period extrem happi cross irritable. addit mood swings, person also extrem chang activ energi levels."} {"id": "9771", "contents": "article. bipolar disorder, formerli call manic depression, mental ill bring sever high low mood chang sleep, energy, thinking, behavior. peopl bipolar disord period feel overli happi energ period feel sad, hopeless, sluggish. periods, usual feel normal. think high low two pole mood, call bipolar disorder."} {"id": "9772", "contents": "bipolar disorder. bipolar disord character one manic episod mix episod (symptom mania depress occur nearli everi day least one week) one major depress episodes. bipolar disord sever form ill mark extrem manic episodes."} {"id": "9773", "contents": "bipolar disorder, also known manic depression, chronic recur condit involv mood swing high mania low depression."} {"id": "9774", "contents": "bipolar disord treatabl illness. bipolar disord (onc call manic depression) medic condit affect brain, caus extrem mood chang someon disord may \u2018high\u2019 over-excit \u2018low\u2019 depressed, often period normal mood between."} {"id": "9775", "contents": "bipolar disorder, also known manic-depress illness, brain disord caus unusu shift mood, energy, activ levels, abil carri day-to-day tasks. symptom bipolar disord severe. differ normal up down everyon goe time time. bipolar disord symptom result damag relationships, poor job school performance, even suicide."} {"id": "9776", "contents": "mayo clinic, take time listen, find answer provid best care. bipolar disorder, formerli call manic depression, caus extrem mood swing includ emot high (mania hypomania) low (depression). becom depressed, may feel sad hopeless lose interest pleasur activities."} {"id": "9777", "contents": "share story. cardiff' millennium stadium, home rugbi wale host stadium upcom 2015 world cup, renam part multimillion-pound deal. stadium known princip stadium januari 2016 part new ten year partnership princip build societi welsh rugbi union."} {"id": "9778", "contents": "millennium stadium locat cardiff, capit citi wales. stadium, construct site previous occupi nation stadium wales, built host 1999 rugbi world cup wale main host event. stadium own millennium stadium plc, subsidiari welsh rugbi union cardiff counti council, design bligh lobb sport architectur (now known populous). home stadium wale nation rugbi union team. millennium stadium built cost $194.7m."} {"id": "9779", "contents": "new name millennium stadium sponsorship deal. cardiff' millennium stadium, home rugbi wale host stadium upcom 2015 world cup, renam part multimillion-pound deal. stadium known princip stadium januari 2016 part new ten year partnership princip build societi welsh rugbi union."} {"id": "9780", "contents": "view millennium stadium getti images. cardiff' 74,500 seater millennium stadium re-nam next year part new sponsorship deal. welsh rugbi union agre 10-year partnership princip build societi name right nation stadium. millennium stadium cardiff re-nam 'princip stadium' part"} {"id": "9781", "contents": "wru today announc millennium stadium would renam princip stadium new partnership deal princip build society. first time stadium chang name sinc built 1999. accord walesonline, 10-year deal could worth \u00a315m. ground offici becom princip stadium januari 1, 2016, remain millennium stadium upcom rugbi world cup. icon stadium cardiff home welsh rugbi becom latest increasingli long line rugbi stadium renam sponsorship agreement."} {"id": "9782", "contents": "millennium stadium own millennium stadium plc subsidiari compani welsh rugbi union (wru). stadium design team led architect bligh lobb sport architecture. ws atkin structur engineers, build contractor laing. millennium stadium first use major event 26 june 1999, wale play south africa rugbi union friendli match test crowd 29,000. wale match 29\u201319: first time ever beaten springboks."} {"id": "9783", "contents": "princip agre 10-year deal name right millennium stadium. millennium stadium renam princip stadium ground-break multi-million pound name right deal home welsh rugby."} {"id": "9784", "contents": "millennium stadium (welsh: stadiwm mileniwm) nation stadium wales, locat cardiff. home wale nation rugbi union team also stage game wale nation footbal team. millennium stadium first use major event 26 june 1999, wale play south africa rugbi union friendli match test crowd 29,000. wale match 29\u201319: first time ever beaten springboks."} {"id": "9785", "contents": "millennium stadium. built host 1999 rugbi world cup, millennium stadium home welsh rugby, also host welsh intern footbal matches, fa cup final, olymp footbal match sever speedway events."} {"id": "9786", "contents": "millennium stadium domin cardiff skyline. millennium stadium renam princip stadium name right home welsh rugbi cardiff sold princip build society. here' everyth need know deal chang name one world' famou rugbi stadiums. continu known millennium stadium rugbi world cup, host six pool matches-includ two wale fixtures-and two quarter-finals. deal princip start tournament."} {"id": "9787", "contents": "two six implant top partial full-mouth dental bridg cost $3,500-$30,000 more, depend number implants, bridg size materials, need procedures. anoth reader quot $75,000 privat dentist paid $20,000 work done univers medicin dentistri new jersey. nation institut dental craniofaci research provid tip find low-cost dental care."} {"id": "9788", "contents": "place dental implant approxim cost $1500 per tooth. might addit cost involv prepar jaw bone accept implant. increas cost. mani dentist go offer discount go one dental implant time. sever factor variabl involv determin cost dental implants. however, look median rang dental implant set back $2000 $4000 even go $14000 cases."} {"id": "9789", "contents": "two six implant remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed. anoth reader quot $75,000 privat dentist paid $20,000 work done univers medicin dentistri new jersey. nation institut dental craniofaci research provid tip find low-cost dental care."} {"id": "9790", "contents": "singl implant typic cost $2,400-$3,000, $4,000-$10,000 addit procedur like extractions, bone grafts, place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. anoth reader quot $75,000 privat dentist paid $20,000 work done univers medicin dentistri new jersey. nation institut dental craniofaci research provid tip find low-cost dental care."} {"id": "9791", "contents": "dental implant also use support bridg dentures. averag cost complet set dentures, support dental implants, $34,000. inform procedur use put dental implant place, check blog post dental implant 101 all-on-4 dental implants. implant post cost $1000 $3000. implant hold abutment, goe implant rise gum hold crown, new tooth. abut crown cost $500 $3000. addit procedures, as:"} {"id": "9792", "contents": "singl tooth dental implant rang price $1,000 $5,000. fee replac entir set teeth reconstruct dental implant anywher $24,000 $100,000. dental implant artifici teeth surgic insert bone gum's. implant rel new dental procedur closest thing natur perman teeth. dental implant gener costli rare cover dental insurance. however, may last lifetime."} {"id": "9793", "contents": "pay dental implant challenging, also rare cover dental insur plans. however, dental plan cover least cost dental implant decad ago. average, cost anywher $1500 $2800 replac singl tooth. price rang broad mani differ factor associ"} {"id": "9794", "contents": "place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. anoth reader quot $75,000 privat dentist paid $20,000 work done univers medicin dentistri new jersey. nation institut dental craniofaci research provid tip find low-cost dental care."} {"id": "9795", "contents": "best way determin actual cost dental implant, contact us free consultation. accord dentalimplantcostguide.com, averag complet dental implant, u.s., cost $4250. implant refer post goe jawbone, act root new tooth. implant post cost $1000 $3000. implant hold abutment, goe implant rise gum hold crown, new tooth. abut crown cost $500 $3000. addit procedures, as:"} {"id": "9796", "contents": "dear talitha, cost dental implant fix vari per qualif dentist, citi live materi used. averag california, charg $7,250 dental implants. sever factor variabl involv determin cost dental implants. however, look median rang dental implant set back $2000 $4000 even go $14000 cases."} {"id": "9797", "contents": "last north texa earthquak get lot attent record juli 28, 2012 magnitud 2.2 quak felt johnson county. epicent earthquak cleburn burleson. publish 11:29 pm cdt sep 29, 2012."} {"id": "9798", "contents": "japan, example, earli 1990s, mani seismologist suggest great kanto earthquak 1923 (a magnitude-8.2 quak kill 140,000 peopl tokyo yokohama) would repeat sometim mid-1990 early-2000 base 70- 80-year cycle."} {"id": "9799", "contents": "third earthquak felt southwestern indiana last two years. first magnitud 3.9 decemb 7, 2000, center near evansville, second magnitud 5.0 june 18, 2002, also center near evansville."} {"id": "9800", "contents": "two day prior massiv temblor, magnitude-7.2 earthquak three aftershock greater magnitud 6.0 hit offshor eastern honshu. quak caus littl damag even though main ruptur kilomet deep."} {"id": "9801", "contents": "horrif earthquak struck nepal saturday come surpris experts. knew coming. fact, last week group earthquak specialist gather kathmandu tri figur countri could prepar major earthquak fear imminent."} {"id": "9802", "contents": "earthquak give rise tsunami occur 6,000 feet sea level 80 mile northern japan 240 mile tokyo. seismic wave (sound travel solid crust earth ocean floor) move around 14,000 km/hr 8,300 miles/hr."} {"id": "9803", "contents": "wasatch range, outstand ski areas, run north-south utah, like mountain ranges, produc seri earthquakes. 386 km (240-mile) long wasatch fault made sever segments, capabl produc m7.5 earthquake."} {"id": "9804", "contents": "earthquak shake ground caus seismic waves. almost earthquak occur pent stress rock along large, activ fault (like saf) suddenli releas rock breaks."} {"id": "9805", "contents": "japan' megaquak killer tsunami: happen? aerial view minato, japan, week magnitude-9.0 earthquak subsequ tsunami devast area."} {"id": "9806", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti primarili joint disease. however, rheumatoid arthriti occasion affect part bodi includ eyes. common eye-rel symptom rheumatoid arthriti dryness. dri eye also symptom sjogren' syndrom autoimmun disord that' often associ rheumatoid arthritis. rheumatoid arthriti experi eye pain, vision chang eye problems, consult ophthalmologist evaluation. earli treatment help prevent vision-threaten complications."} {"id": "9807", "contents": "joint spine affect rheumatoid arthriti becom unstable. damag support tissu caus vertebra slip process call spondolisthesis. result pain due pressur nerv caus slip vertebra. spinal cord compress caus wide rang symptoms. chief area disagr joint affect rheumatoid arthritis. author includ list. however, differ list match one anoth fact learn firsthand. rheumatoid arthriti spine one promin example."} {"id": "9808", "contents": "rarely, rheumatoid arthriti caus inflamm white part (sclera) eyes, result red pain. cornea, clear membran cover front eye, may also becom inflamed. rheumatoid arthriti experi eye pain, vision chang eye problems, consult ophthalmologist evaluation. earli treatment help prevent vision-threaten complications."} {"id": "9809", "contents": "watch arthritisvideos. rheumatoid arthriti spine lead neck pain, back pain, and/or pain radiat leg arms. advanc cases, joint deterior spine lead compress spinal cord and/or spinal nerv roots. diseas occur joint bodi commonli symptomat small joint hand feet. rheumatoid arthriti affect joint spine, far common neck (cervic spine) affect lower back. common form arthriti back osteoarthritis. read more: osteoarthr spine"} {"id": "9810", "contents": "form arthriti relat condit affect back include: osteoarthritis. common form arthriti back, osteoarthr chronic condit character breakdown cartilag cushion end bone meet form joints. addit affect spine, may caus pain inflamm joint pelvis, hips, ankl knees. may also affect bodi organ eyes, skin bowels. enteropath arthritis."} {"id": "9811", "contents": "ankylos spondyl (as) type arthriti primarili affect spine. diseas character inflamm result stiff pain joint along spine. knee shoulder joint may also affected. watch: ankylos spondyl video."} {"id": "9812", "contents": "aneurysm result weak wall blood vessel. high blood pressur smoke factor may caus weak wall artery, lead aneurysms. brain aneurysm seem occur families, may genet cause. aneurysm small bubbl form wall artery, blood vessel carri blood brain. aneurysm thin wall, compar thicker wall normal brain artery."} {"id": "9813", "contents": "cerebr aneurysm weak thin spot blood vessel brain balloon fill blood. aneurysm press nerv surround tissue, also leak burst, let blood spill surround tissu (call hemorrhage)."} {"id": "9814", "contents": "aneurysm occur part blood vessel cardiac chamber swells. aneurysm occur part body, though often occur wall aorta. two main type aneurysm aortic aneurysm cerebr aneurysms. aneurysm common men peopl 65 year age. aneurysm occur part blood vessel (artery) cardiac chamber swells, either blood vessel damaged, weak wall blood vessel. blood pressur build balloon weakest point."} {"id": "9815", "contents": "aneurysm abnormal, weak spot blood vessel caus outward bulg balloon arteri wall. weak spot involv wall blood vessel (fusiform aneurysm), form sac one wall (saccular) separ vessel wall (dissecting)."} {"id": "9816", "contents": "brain aneurysm ruptures, result call subarachnoid hemorrhage. depend sever hemorrhage, brain damag death may result. high blood pressure. risk subarachnoid hemorrhag greater peopl histori high blood pressure. smoking. addit caus high blood pressure, use cigarett may greatli increas chanc brain aneurysm rupturing."} {"id": "9817", "contents": "brain (cerebral) aneurysm bulging, weak area wall arteri suppli blood brain. cases, brain aneurysm caus symptom goe unnoticed. rare cases, brain aneurysm ruptures, releas blood skull caus stroke. high blood pressure. risk subarachnoid hemorrhag greater peopl histori high blood pressure. smoking. addit caus high blood pressure, use cigarett may greatli increas chanc brain aneurysm rupturing."} {"id": "9818", "contents": "brain aneurysm (an-yoo-riz-um) bulg balloon blood vessel brain. often look like berri hang stem. brain aneurysm leak rupture, caus bleed brain (hemorrhag stroke). often ruptur brain aneurysm occur space brain thin tissu cover brain."} {"id": "9819", "contents": "cerebr aneurysm (also known intracrani intracerebr aneurysm) weak thin spot blood vessel brain balloon fill blood. bulg aneurysm put pressur nerv surround brain tissue."} {"id": "9820", "contents": "detail support inform main article. aneurysm occur part blood vessel cardiac chamber swells. aneurysm occur part body, though often occur wall aorta. two main type aneurysm aortic aneurysm cerebr aneurysms. aneurysm occur part blood vessel (artery) cardiac chamber swells, either blood vessel damaged, weak wall blood vessel. blood pressur build balloon weakest point."} {"id": "9821", "contents": "cerebr aneurysms. aneurysm small bubbl form wall artery, blood vessel carri blood brain. aneurysm thin wall, compar thicker wall normal brain artery. thin wall bubbl prone ruptur"} {"id": "9822", "contents": "lysosom main function microscop organel serv digest compart cellular materi exceed lifetim otherwis longer useful. regard, lysosom recycl cell' organ materi process known autophagy. lysosom break cellular wast products, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, macromolecul simpl compounds, transfer back cytoplasm new cell-build materials. lysosom found anim cells, numer disease-fight cells, white blood cells. white blood cell must digest materi type cell quest battl bacteria, viruses, foreign intruders."} {"id": "9823", "contents": "lysosome. within eukaryot cell special vesicl call lysosom contain digest enzymes. enzym break foreign materi may enter cell. name lysosom mean releas bodi enzym caus lysi disintegr certain materials. use break worn-out cellular compon bacteria engulf cell."} {"id": "9824", "contents": "lysosom type membrane-bound organel present anim cells. rang diamet approx. 50nm \u03bcm lysosom singl outer membran consist phospholipid bilay contain acid hydrolas enzym capabl breaking-down macromolecules. i.e. 50x10-9m 1x10-6m, 0.00005 0.001 mm (millimetres)."} {"id": "9825", "contents": "lysosom (deriv greek word lysis, mean loosen, soma, body) membrane-bound cell organel found anim cell (they absent red blood cells). enzym lysosom synthesis rough endoplasm reticulum. enzym releas golgi apparatu small vesicl ultim fuse acid vesicl call endosomes, thu becom full lysosomes."} {"id": "9826", "contents": "simpl descript lysosom tini sac fill fluid contain enzym (i.e. protein act biolog catalysts) enabl cell process nutrient also respons destroy cell died. rang diamet approx. 50nm \u03bcm lysosom singl outer membran consist phospholipid bilay contain acid hydrolas enzym capabl breaking-down macromolecules. i.e. 50x10-9m 1x10-6m, 0.00005 0.001 mm (millimetres)."} {"id": "9827", "contents": "quick look: lysosom membran bound organel found anim plant cells. vari shape, size number per cell appear oper slight differ cell yeast, higher plant mammals. lysosom contribut dismantl re-cycl facility. activ take place lysosom fuse specif organel form hybrid structure. lysosom (lysosome: greek: lysis; loosen soma; body) found nearli anim plant cells. plant cell vacuol carri lysosom functions. lysosom appear initi spheric bodi 50-70nm diamet bound singl membran"} {"id": "9828", "contents": "find organel call lysosom nearli everi animal-lik eukaryot cell. lysosom hold enzym creat cell. purpos lysosom digest things. might use digest food break cell dies. lysosom basic special vesicl hold varieti enzymes. enzym protein first creat rough endoplasm reticulum. protein packag vesicl sent golgi apparatus."} {"id": "9829", "contents": "lysosom main site digestion, break-down structures, within cells. are, however, circumst (diseases/conditions) lysosom begin 'break-down' live cells-not useless part cell potenti harm structures. rang diamet approx. 50nm \u03bcm lysosom singl outer membran consist phospholipid bilay contain acid hydrolas enzym capabl breaking-down macromolecules. i.e. 50x10-9m 1x10-6m, 0.00005 0.001 mm (millimetres)."} {"id": "9830", "contents": "done. upper gastrointestin (ugi) endoscopi may done to: find problem upper gastrointestin (gi) tract. problem include: inflamm esophagu (esophagitis) stomach (gastritis). gastroesophag reflux diseas (gerd) narrow (stricture) esophagus."} {"id": "9831", "contents": "talk doctor concern may have. procedure. upper endoscopi usual take 20 30 minut complete. procedur begins, take shirt put hospit gown. wear dentures, may ask remov them. procedur over, endoscop gentli remov body, go recoveri room. throat may feel sore, may bloat cramp air blown stomach. may also feel discomfort lie still long time."} {"id": "9832", "contents": "best answer: endoscopi last month actual proceduar 10 min normal. prep hr fast done. depend busi time determin long take check in. procedur take 15-20 minutes, also depend biopsi done not. also depend hospital, usual go home hour. can't anyth seed 2-3 weeks."} {"id": "9833", "contents": "patient oper room 20-45 minut upper endoscopy, 30-120 minut colonoscopy. mani patient upper endoscopi colonoscopi anesthesia, take 40-120 minutes. http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/info/abdomen/procedure/gi-endoscopy.htm. endoscopi last month actual proceduar 10 min normal"} {"id": "9834", "contents": "upper endoscopi procedure, ask lie tabl back side. procedur get underway: monitor often attach body. allow health care team monitor breathing, blood pressur heart rate. may receiv sed medication. concern quit uncomfortable, call doctor. take easi rest day endoscopy. receiv sedative, may feel alert, reaction time affect judgment delayed. prepare."} {"id": "9835", "contents": "entir procedur bare take minutes. endoscopi procedur done, kept recoveri room 30 minut observ occasion left mild sore throat feel distent insuffl air use procedure. problems, however, mild fleeting."} {"id": "9836", "contents": "a: endoscopi last month actual proceduar 10 min normal. prep hr fast done. depend busi time determin long take check in. mani patient upper endoscopi colonoscopi anesthesia, take 40-120 minutes. http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/info/abdomen/procedure/gi-endoscopy.htm."} {"id": "9837", "contents": "first two four hour upper endoscopi recovery, may feel slightli bloat air place stomach examination, throat may feel numb slightli sore. start upper endoscopi recovery. upper endoscopi (also known edg), either close monitor recoveri room return hospit room. done outpati procedure, remain clinic area one hour"} {"id": "9838", "contents": "like thing facebook great way show support favorit shows, products, causes, sure clutter newsfeed. you\u2019r drown updat want simplifi facebook life, mayb it\u2019 time unlik outdat pages. follow guid learn how."} {"id": "9839", "contents": "resiz hidden ticker, click hold horizont bar chat, move down. note: ticker show there' certain amount activ peopl page connect with. like see activity, can:"} {"id": "9840", "contents": "notic post: comment post, go ticker friends. show ticker friend also friend benjamin\u2019 allow post share with."} {"id": "9841", "contents": "want friend\u2019 comment like show ticker (mayb like much over-commenter) uncheck activ messag suggest like this: other affect hackers."} {"id": "9842", "contents": "highli discourag thing show ticker news feed. mani page post seen news feed even like page. bit frustrat tip combat problem future. hope help clear mysteri around facebook ticker."} {"id": "9843", "contents": "affect news feed, ticker. type activ friend individually. get ticker, see difference: announc everi comment like friend posts, neither show news feed."} {"id": "9844", "contents": "see ticker, may hidden it. show hidden ticker: chat sidebar closed, click chat bottom right open it. click bottom sidebar. select show ticker."} {"id": "9845", "contents": "complet tutori abl identifi term coeffici constant term polynomi tell differ monomi binomi trinomi find degre term polynomi combin like term add subtract polynomi"} {"id": "9846", "contents": "degre term degre singl term sum expon variabl term start term look term find degre term one variabl add expon variabl sum degre term"} {"id": "9847", "contents": "gener form polynomi see problem degre term sum expon variabl term function singl variabl degre term simpli"} {"id": "9848", "contents": "degre term degre term greatest expon term highest expon non zero coeffici polynomi articul sum differ term commonli known canon form sum power variabl term degre term"} {"id": "9849", "contents": "degre term expon term exampl term degre term one variabl sum expon exampl degre"} {"id": "9850", "contents": "add degre variabl term add degre variabl term matter differ variabl rememb degre variabl without written degre one"} {"id": "9851", "contents": "directions: bowl, mix balsam vinegar, oliv oil, honey, brown sugar, soy sauce, garlic, onion powder season salt pepper. add chicken breast larg zip-clos bag pour marinad top. close top toss chicken. marin overnight readi grill. directions: bowl mix lime juic zest, oil, soy sauce, honey, pepper, garlic season salt pepper. mix well. add chicken breast larg zip-clos bag pour marinad top."} {"id": "9852", "contents": "preheat oven 450. (if lamb marin overnight, remov refriger hour prior cooking.) place potato larg pot cover cold water inches; season salt. bring boil; reduc simmer cook potato tender pierc knife, 15 minutes. drain potatoes. directions. roughli chop strip lemon zest. medium bowl, combin lemon zest juice, garlic, rosemary; whisk oil. pat lamb dri season salt pepper. place lamb 1-gallon reseal bag pour marinade. seal bag, press remov much air possible."} {"id": "9853", "contents": "click see it. small bowl stir togeth first ingredients. put lamb chop sealabl plastic bag pour marinad them. move chop around bag marinad coat well. marin hour. grill broil chop minut per side medium rare."} {"id": "9854", "contents": "place marinad leg lamb roast gallon size freezer bag. tri get much air bag possible. place refriger shallow pan, case leak. turn everi time think it. put togeth afternoon allow roast marin overnight part next day."} {"id": "9855", "contents": "preparation. 1. combin first ingredi larg zip-top plastic bag. add lamb; seal marin refriger hour overnight. 2. preheat oven 450\u00b0. 3. heat larg nonstick skillet medium-high heat. coat pan cook spray. remov lamb bag, discard marinade."} {"id": "9856", "contents": "readi in. small bowl, combin honey, mustard, rosemary, ground black pepper, lemon zest garlic. mix well appli lamb. cover marin refriger overnight."} {"id": "9857", "contents": "place chicken mixture. cover marin chicken fridg hour overnight. remov chicken marinad turn grill broiler let come degrees. discard marinade. lightli oil grill broiler pan."} {"id": "9858", "contents": "bowl mix lime juic zest, oil, soy sauce, honey, pepper, garlic season salt pepper. mix well. add chicken breast larg zip-clos bag pour marinad top. close top toss chicken. marin overnight readi grill. directions:"} {"id": "9859", "contents": "tbsp chop green coriander. 1/2 kg potato peel cubed. marin mutton overnight coupl hours. heat oil fri potato cube till brown. remov oil fri till golden brown .fri spice (bay leaves, cumin, cardamom,cinnamon, garlic) gur."} {"id": "9860", "contents": "bowl, mix balsam vinegar, oliv oil, honey, brown sugar, soy sauce, garlic, onion powder season salt pepper. add chicken breast larg zip-clos bag pour marinad top. close top toss chicken. marin overnight readi grill. directions: bowl mix lime juic zest, oil, soy sauce, honey, pepper, garlic season salt pepper. mix well. add chicken breast larg zip-clos bag pour marinad top."} {"id": "9861", "contents": "general, public record bankruptci stay credit report 10 years. however, may see individu account bankruptcy, credit accounts, fall report seven year 180 day start delinqu account. credit inform stay credit report forever, good news worri long neg information, late payments, bankruptci judgments, impact credit histori credit score. long inform remain credit report varies."} {"id": "9862", "contents": "tax liens. paid tax lien typic stay credit report seven year date releas (paid), unpaid tax lien remain credit report 15 years. bankruptcies. general, public record bankruptci stay credit report 10 years. credit inform stay credit report forever, good news worri long neg information, late payments, bankruptci judgments, impact credit histori credit score. long inform remain credit report varies."} {"id": "9863", "contents": "bad mark #3: tax liens. tax lien stay credit report long state law allow, pay tax lien off, tax lien remov years. tax lien show \u201cpaid\u201d time period. bad mark #6: late payments. you\u2019v miss payment there, could actual fine. late payment aren\u2019t gener report credit report agenc unless 30 day past due. case, remain credit report years."} {"id": "9864", "contents": "general, neg credit entri stay credit report seven years. however, exact amount time vari base factor whether delay payment bad debt disputable, sourc bad credit. however, long unpaid stay credit report indefinitely. chapter bankruptcy, completed, stay 10 years. keep mind older bad credit mark is, less count credit score."} {"id": "9865", "contents": "neg credit entri remain credit report seven years. includ late payment -- pay credit card bill 30 day due date -- foreclosures, chapter 13 bankruptci debt sent collections. are, however, except seven year practice. however, long unpaid stay credit report indefinitely. chapter bankruptcy, completed, stay 10 years. keep mind older bad credit mark is, less count credit score."} {"id": "9866", "contents": "account paid agre gener stay credit report 10 year date last activity. you\u2019v paid mortgage, example, posit inform stay credit report decad account\u2019 date last activity. credit inform stay credit report forever, good news worri long neg information, late payments, bankruptci judgments, impact credit histori credit score. long inform remain credit report varies."} {"id": "9867", "contents": "fair credit report act feder law spells, among things, long neg inform remain credit report. credit report time limit seven year neg information. certain type neg inform stay credit report longer that."} {"id": "9868", "contents": "long bankruptci stay credit report depend type bankruptci filed. chapter 13 bankruptci may remov credit report years, wherea chapter chapter 11 bankruptci remain report 10 years. bad mark #6: late payments. you\u2019v miss payment there, could actual fine. late payment aren\u2019t gener report credit report agenc unless 30 day past due. case, remain credit report years."} {"id": "9869", "contents": "neg item drag credit score want know long go list report. depend type neg inform breakdown long differ type neg inform remain credit report: late payments: years. bankruptcy: year complet chapter 13 bankruptci 10 year chapter bankruptcy. foreclosures: years. foreclosures: years. collections: generally, years, depend age debt collected. public records: gener years, although unpaid tax lien remain indefinitely."} {"id": "9870", "contents": "solar system would planet again. even though pluto dwarf planet, longer offici planet, it\u2019ll still fascin target study. that\u2019 nasa sent new horizon spacecraft visit it. new horizon reach pluto juli 2015, captur first close-up imag (dwarf) planet\u2019 surface. object doesn\u2019t meet 3rd criteria consid dwarf planet. so, pluto dwarf planet. still mani object similar size mass pluto jostl around orbit. pluto crash mani gain mass, remain dwarf planet. eri suffer problem"} {"id": "9871", "contents": "dwarf planets. world introduc dwarf planet 2006, petit pluto strip planet statu reclassifi dwarf planet. intern astronom union (iau) current recogn two dwarf planets, eri ceres. also consid mani asteroid, ceres, like pluto, also renam dwarf planet 2006. cere discov italian astronom giusepp piazzi 1801. ceres' shape resembl flatten sphere diamet 590 mile (950 kilometers)."} {"id": "9872", "contents": "imag caption 2006, pluto vote planetari club member intern astronom union. nasa' new horizon mission made close pass pluto week. 70 years, pluto one nine planet recognis solar system. 2006, releg statu dwarf planet intern astronom union (iau)."} {"id": "9873", "contents": "discov 1930, pluto second closest dwarf planet sun one point classifi ninth planet. pluto largest dwarf planet second massive, eri massive. pluto\u2019 moon (size orbits). pluto largest dwarf planet: one point thought could eris. current accur measur give eri averag diamet 2,326km margin error 12km, pluto\u2019 diamet 2,372km 2km margin error."} {"id": "9874", "contents": "2006, pluto reclassifi dwarf planet, chang wide thought demotion. question pluto' planet statu attract controversi stir debat scientif community, among gener public, sinc then. sinc pluto far earth, littl known dwarf planet' size surfac condit 2015, nasa' new horizon space probe made close flybi pluto."} {"id": "9875", "contents": "pluto (minor-planet designation: 134340 pluto) dwarf planet kuiper belt, ring bodi beyond neptune. first kuiper belt object discovered. largest known trans-neptunian object volum less massiv eris, dwarf planet scatter disc. like kuiper belt objects, pluto primarili made ice rock rel small\u2014about one-sixth mass moon one-third volume."} {"id": "9876", "contents": "august 2006 intern astronom union (iau) downgrad statu pluto dwarf planet.. mean rocki world inner solar system ga giant outer system design planets."} {"id": "9877", "contents": "pluto consid dwarf planet a., smallest planet (now consid planet anymore) milki way b., larger planet discov behind it. therefore, pluto longer offici planet, dwarf planet, compar others. pluto roman god dark underworld. discov 1930 planet name pluto inspir distant planet lit tle sunlight. pluto reclassifi dwarf-class planet."} {"id": "9878", "contents": "pluto fail category. thu join dwarf planets, cere (which call planet longer pluto was), eris, larger impress pluto. makemak haumea two solar system' dwarf planets. sedna, orcus, quaoar might also qualifi dwarf planets. pluto roman god dark underworld. discov 1930 planet name pluto inspir distant planet lit tle sunlight. pluto reclassifi dwarf-class planet."} {"id": "9879", "contents": "surprisingly, grass basic thing grow grasslands. tree larg shrub can't surviv there. temper grassland found south africa, hungary, argentina, uruguay central north america. temper grassland cold winter warm-to-hot summers. one quarter earth cover grasslands. biom found everi contin except antarctica. grassland biom larg area grasses, herb flowers. tree hard time surviv grassland biom cuz soil fine dry."} {"id": "9880", "contents": "grassland biom divid temper grassland tropic grasslands. page discuss temper grasslands. tropic grassland also call savannas. read biom savanna biom page. grassland wide expans land fill low grow plant grass wildflowers. amount rain enough grow tall tree produc forest, enough form desert. temper grassland season includ hot summer cold winter."} {"id": "9881", "contents": "temper grassland temper grassland character grass domin vegetation. tree larg shrub absent. temperatur vari summer winter, amount rainfal less temper grassland savannas. grassland character land domin grass rather larg shrub trees. miocen pliocen epochs, span period 25 million years, mountain rose western north america creat continent climat favor grasslands."} {"id": "9882", "contents": "temper grassland locat north tropic cancer (23.5 degre north) south tropic capricorn (23.5 degre south). major temper grassland includ veldt africa, pampa south america, stepp eurasia, plain north america."} {"id": "9883", "contents": "temper grassland low divers wildlife, high abund wildlife. north america domin graze anim bison pronghorn. rodent includ pocket gopher prairi dogs. carnivor includ wolves, coyotes, swift foxes, badger black-foot ferrets. major temper grassland includ veldt africa, pampa south america, stepp eurasia, plain north america."} {"id": "9884", "contents": "temper grasslands. temper grassland savanna two type grassland biomes. like savannas, temper grassland area open grassland trees. temper grasslands, howev locat colder climat region receiv less precipit averag savannas."} {"id": "9885", "contents": "biodiversity: grassland (temperate) domin one speci grass sever hundr type grass non-woodi flower plant less abund make vital part speci composition. first unlik savanna tree shrub scatter throughout, temper grassland tree shrub absent. temper grassland also found less tropic ecosystem thu larger temper fluctuat year."} {"id": "9886", "contents": "climate. temper grassland hot summer cold winters. summer temperatur well 100 degre fahrenheit, winter temperatur low -40 degre fahrenheit. typic 10 35 inch precipit year, much occur late spring earli summer. major temper grassland includ veldt africa, pampa south america, stepp eurasia, plain north america."} {"id": "9887", "contents": "grassland gener locat desert forests. major temper grassland locat central north america unit states, southeast south america uruguay argentina, asia along southern portion russia mongolia. grassland wide expans land fill low grow plant grass wildflowers. amount rain enough grow tall tree produc forest, enough form desert. temper grassland season includ hot summer cold winter."} {"id": "9888", "contents": "rainfall: rainfal gener less temper grassland tropic savannas, although drought usual play less roll effect biodivers savannas. rain usual fall temper grassland late spring earli summer. averag 20 35 inch rainfal year. first unlik savanna tree shrub scatter throughout, temper grassland tree shrub absent. temper grassland also found less tropic ecosystem thu larger temper fluctuat year."} {"id": "9889", "contents": "ugli truth say relat truth may posit someth person would glad hear. thought truth may need said, despit bold negative. peopl found useful. mean want realiz their. dont it. know boy call ugli got mad confuz cuz would flirt dont care would ask would scard!"} {"id": "9890", "contents": "definit ugli christma sweater sweater christma theme consid bad taste, tacky, gaudy. bad tast debatable, gener consensu say uglier, embellishments, tinsel, christma theme decor attach sweater."} {"id": "9891", "contents": "moral stori even think ugli peopl mean tell ugly, blossom beauti adult. mea ning beauti within counts. mean beauti eye beholder. peopl found useful. mean want realiz their. dont it. know boy call ugli got mad confuz cuz would flirt dont care would ask would scard!"} {"id": "9892", "contents": "deal call ugly. girl guy deal emot pain call ugli others. ugli strong word, potenc accus caus victim reflect comment everi time see mirror, photos, reflections. mani peopl label ugli know deal feel word rais within them. call ugli differ call well taken care unkempt. take respons image, thing change. alway consid source."} {"id": "9893", "contents": "definit include: ugli guy chew arm get away without wake her, would later chew arm recogniz one arm man event come search him. link term web page blog, insert following. link term wiki wikipedia, insert following. wiki use differ format links, sure check documentation."} {"id": "9894", "contents": "ugli truth realiti distat pain accept, known true, one must accept it. example: eat one' offspr unt hinkable, yet ugli truth commonli observ behavior among mani speci animals. mean want realiz their. dont it. know boy call ugli got mad confuz cuz would flirt dont care would ask would scard!"} {"id": "9895", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: go ugli earli act admit hook good look girl/guy matter long hang around night club. alway end take ugliest girl/guy anyway, go ugli earli get with. go ugli earli 100% success rate."} {"id": "9896", "contents": "friend realli need get laid, feel bad girl lone (but bad enough fuck course). answer ye one question option you. here' get like friend you. brag friend her. tell get women time. mention above, start act like wuss order caus focu lust friend. tell friend rich. stage fight friend let friend win"} {"id": "9897", "contents": "bariatr surgeri anoth modal accomplish success long-term weight loss mainten patient morbid complic obesity. success due larg part better weight loss outcomes, success long-term weight loss maintenance, remiss comorbid medic conditions."} {"id": "9898", "contents": "sharon ., 57, troy, bariatr surgeri stabil 90 pound weight loss. went club bariatrix support group beaumont one year decid surgery. saw peopl kept weight three four year wanted, says."} {"id": "9899", "contents": "studi examin weight loss 148 patient undergo gastric bypass surgery, success defin weight loss greater equal 50% excess bodi weight 40 month post surgeri (livhit et al., 2010)."} {"id": "9900", "contents": "six month success bariatr surgery, alphea r. lost 110 pounds, pre-surgeri weight 387. hope lose anoth 110 pounds. blood pressur diabet medic reduced."} {"id": "9901", "contents": "accord american obes association, 80% patient lose weight 30% reach normal weight vbg procedures. long-term weight loss success rate vbg 40% 63% excess bodi weight 3-year period 50% 60% years."} {"id": "9902", "contents": "bariatr surgeri success stories, photos. weight loss surgeri chang countless live better. success oper come lighter patient undergo variou type bariatr surgery."} {"id": "9903", "contents": "beaumont help mani peopl achiev weight loss goal bariatr surgery. amaz bariatr surgeri success stori results. learn bariatr surgeri program beaumont help succeed."} {"id": "9904", "contents": "weight loss surgeri success stories. 7,000 peopl chosen inova fair oak hospit weight loss surgery. addition, grow number peopl sign medic weight loss program, non-surg weight loss option."} {"id": "9905", "contents": "within two three year operation, bariatr surgeri usual result weight-loss 10 35 percent total bodi weight, depend chosen procedure."} {"id": "9906", "contents": "weight loss success stori could next addit here. view gastric sleev surgeri success stories. contact us get free quot weight loss surgery. start gain weight birth son, back 1980 age 22."} {"id": "9907", "contents": "review imobie' 'phoneclean', cleans program pc elimin unnecessari file free space. peopl care privaci you. phoneclean turn iphone, ipad ipod touch risk-fre handheld devic let stop worri sensit data leaking."} {"id": "9908", "contents": "publisher' description. imobie: peopl care privacy. you. new phoneclean turn iphone, ipad ipod touch risk-fre handheld devic let stop worri sensit data leaks."} {"id": "9909", "contents": "save extra 20% imobi phoneclean pro lifetim license, coupon appli mac window version. cleanup util io devic let secur remov unus unnecessari data/files. give storag space memory, plu optim idevic protect sensit data."} {"id": "9910", "contents": "imobi inc. phoneclean softwar that\u2019 use rid iphon unnecessari clutter may slow devic also safe secur manner never work privaci invaded."} {"id": "9911", "contents": "phoneclean popular eas use thorough job appl device. although call phoneclean, use iphone, ipad ipod. get start instal softwar computer, hookup devic comput phoneclean goe work."} {"id": "9912", "contents": "phoneclean free app imobi inc. phoneclean pro allow clean-up iphone, ipad ipod touch devic free-up space content. safe remov unwant clutter io devices. make phone faster efficient."} {"id": "9913", "contents": "reveal coupon. coupon code: imobiepartners50. unknown. earn 40% total discount! 25% onsit promo plu 20% coupon code. imobi phoneclean pro window offer secur easi solut clean junks, duplic unnecessari thing ipad iphone."} {"id": "9914", "contents": "also trick question! canada' two dollar coin, call toonie. queen elizabeth ii face coin, prime minist president. canadian two dollar coin replac paper bill 1996. interest money fact: bank canada print canadian paper money, coin mint royal canadian mint. queen elizabeth 2nd $1 looni $2 toonie."} {"id": "9915", "contents": "canadian dollar (symbol code: cad) currenc canada. abbrevi dollar sign sometim c$ distinguish dollar-denomin currencies. divid 100 cents. canadian dollar' valu u.s. dollar rose sharpli 2007 continu strength canadian economi u.s. currency' weak world markets. trade septemb 20, 2007 met u.s. dollar pariti first time sinc novemb 25, 1976."} {"id": "9916", "contents": "confid vote 33.2k. alway let conscienc guide.: penni kay bs degre elementari education. canadian dollar (sign: code: cad) currenc canada. canadian one dollar coin also known looni due fact bear imag common loon. canada currenc canadian dollar decim 100 cents. canadian dollar current worth $1.35 compar us dollar."} {"id": "9917", "contents": "import canadian dollar. canadian dollar seventh-most trade currenc forex market, mani institut individu trade cad. peopl also refer cad loonie, buck, huard, piastr (in french). canadian dollar held reserv currenc number central bank"} {"id": "9918", "contents": "canadian bank buy sell us bill member gener public, denomin low one dollar. usual get best exchang rate canadian bank. major us credit cards, visa, mastercard american express, accept canadian businesses. current rate 1.06 canadian dollar australian dollar. mean need $1.06 canadian everi $1 australian. tend change, however, keep exchang rate site bookmarked, smart phone application, good tool take advantag of."} {"id": "9919", "contents": "canadian coinag coinag canada, produc royal canadian mint denomin canadian dollar ($) subunit dollars, cent (\u00a2)."} {"id": "9920", "contents": "canadian one dollar call loonie. call there' love loon backsid majesti queen front. gold. could go bad joke won't. two dollar coin call twooni two dollars. silver gold center."} {"id": "9921", "contents": "canadian dollar currenc canada. currenc rank show popular canada dollar exchang rate usd cad rate. currenc code dollar cad, currenc symbol $. below, find canadian dollar rate currenc converter. canadian dollar seventh-most trade currenc forex market, mani institut individu trade cad. peopl also refer cad loonie, buck, huard, piastr (in french)."} {"id": "9922", "contents": "coin produc royal canadian mint winnipeg, manitoba, current issu denomin 5\u00a2 (nickel), 10\u00a2 (dime), 25\u00a2 (quarter), 50\u00a2 (50\u00a2 piece) (though 50\u00a2 piec rare use provinces), $1 (loonie), $2 (toonie). penni longer mint canada. canada currenc canadian dollar decim 100 cents. canadian dollar current worth $1.35 compar us dollar."} {"id": "9923", "contents": "doubl trick question! canada' one dollar coin, call loonie. queen elizabeth ii face coin, prime minist president. canadian one dollar coin replac paper bill 1987. queen elizabeth ii face coin, prime minist president. canadian two dollar coin replac paper bill 1996. interest money fact: bank canada print canadian paper money, coin mint royal canadian mint. queen elizabeth 2nd $1 looni $2 toonie."} {"id": "9924", "contents": "a: bystolic, medic use treat high blood pressure, class drug call beta blockers. prescrib inform bystol list common side effect headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea diarrhea. q: take bystol blood pressure. a: bystol (nebivolol) beta blocker medic use treat hypertens (high blood pressure) prevent angina (chest pain) heart attacks, weight gain common side effect. occur, doctor notifi make sure seriou condit"} {"id": "9925", "contents": "high blood pressur forc great. high blood pressur make heart work harder pump blood bodi caus damag blood vessels. bystol tablet help blood vessel relax blood pressur lower. medicin lower blood pressur lower chanc stroke heart attack. doctor feel need lower blood pressure, find bystol help reduc blood pressure. doctor feel need lower blood pressure, take bystol may help."} {"id": "9926", "contents": "introduction. high blood pressure, hypertension, seriou condit affect one three american adults, two-third peopl age 65. blood pressur forc blood pump arteries. rarely, peopl may mild headach blood pressur high. advanc case hypertens may caus symptoms: sever headache. confusion. nausea. visual disturbances."} {"id": "9927", "contents": "a: bystol (nebivolol) belong class drug call beta-block affect heart circul (blood flow arteri veins). use treat hypertens (high blood pressure). common side effect bystol includ headache, tiredness, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, insomnia. q: take bystol blood pressure. a: bystol (nebivolol) beta blocker medic use treat hypertens (high blood pressure) prevent angina (chest pain) heart attacks, weight gain common side effect. occur, doctor notifi make sure seriou condit"} {"id": "9928", "contents": "proven larg clinic study. clinic studi 14,000 people, treatment xarelto proven lower chanc stroke due afib caus heart valv problem. xarelto anticoagulant, blood thinner, work help keep blood clot forming. stop take xarelto doctor may prescrib anoth blood thinner medicin prevent blood clot forming. xarelto\u00ae caus bleeding, serious, rare may lead death. xarelto blood thinner medicin reduc blood clotting."} {"id": "9929", "contents": "a: bystol (nebivolol) medic use treat high blood pressure. famili medic call beta blocker work block stress hormon (adrenaline) attach receptor caus blood pressur rise. q: take bystol blood pressure. a: bystol (nebivolol) beta blocker medic use treat hypertens (high blood pressure) prevent angina (chest pain) heart attacks, weight gain common side effect. occur, doctor notifi make sure seriou condit"} {"id": "9930", "contents": "effect persist worsen, tell doctor pharmacist promptly. reduc risk dizzi lightheadedness, get slowli rise sit lie position. drug may reduc blood flow hand feet, caus feel cold. smoke may worsen effect. dress warmli avoid tobacco use. rememb doctor prescrib medic judg benefit greater risk side effects. mani peopl use medic seriou side effect"} {"id": "9931", "contents": "lower high blood pressur help prevent strokes, heart attacks, kidney problems. medic belong class drug known beta blockers. work block action certain natur substanc body, epinephrine, heart blood vessels. effect lower heart rate, blood pressure, strain heart. drug may reduc blood flow hand feet, caus feel cold. smoke may worsen effect. dress warmli avoid tobacco use. rememb doctor prescrib medic judg benefit greater risk side effects."} {"id": "9932", "contents": "bystol prescript medicin belong group medicin call \u201cbeta blockers.\u201d bystol used, often medicines, treat adult high blood pressur (hypertension). bystol approv use children 18 year age. doctor feel need lower blood pressure, find bystol help reduc blood pressure. doctor feel need lower blood pressure, take bystol may help."} {"id": "9933", "contents": "body-cent psychotherapi describ therapeut approach integr client\u2019 physic bodi therapi process. also refer somat psychotherapy, process recogn intim relationship human bodi psycholog well-b person. hakomi method system body-cent psychotherapi integr psychological, spiritual, scientif principles. combin approach body-cent psychotherapy, mindfulness, western psychology, hakomi method abl treat entir person\u2013body, heart, brain."} {"id": "9934", "contents": "bodi psychotherapy, also call body-ori psychotherapy, branch psychotherapi appli basic principl somat psychology. bodi psychotherapi danc movement therapi develop separ profession distinguished, howev signific common ground share principl includ import non-verb therapeut techniqu develop body-focus awareness."} {"id": "9935", "contents": "review bodi psychotherapi research find small grow empir evid base outcom bodi psychotherapy, howev weaken fragment field differ branch schools. bodi psychotherapi danc movement therapi develop separ profession distinguished, howev signific common ground share principl includ import non-verb therapeut techniqu develop body-focus awareness."} {"id": "9936", "contents": "earli 2000 saw 'renaiss bodi psychotherapy' part broader increas interest bodi embodi psycholog disciplin includ philosophy, sociology, anthropolog cultur studies. bodi psychotherapi danc movement therapi develop separ profession distinguished, howev signific common ground share principl includ import non-verb therapeut techniqu develop body-focus awareness."} {"id": "9937", "contents": "embodi everywhere! online. boulder, ongo odymindpsych click details. body-mind psychotherapi (bmp) somatic-cognit approach psychotherapi develop susan aposhyan uniqu focus physiology, neuroscience, earli motor development. mind bodi sensat primari tool."} {"id": "9938", "contents": "altern medicine, bodywork therapeut person develop techniqu involv work human bodi form involv manipul therapy, breath work, energi medicine."} {"id": "9939", "contents": "that' bodi psychotherapi field counseling. like take piec know pull togeth gener paradigm shift think therapy. realli want live big life wonder first step is, consid bodi psychotherapy. mind-bodi psychotherapi health. ad benefit mind-bodi psychotherapy--if neurosci suggest correct clinic work showing--i reinvigor autoimmun system."} {"id": "9940", "contents": "welcom bodi psychotherapist site. bodi psychotherapi approach attempt meet person whole being. simpl term bodi psychotherapist attend mind thinking, also body, feel intuition. short, you, includ consciou unconsci mind. bodi psychotherapi understand emot mental problem context body/mind whole system. recur problem resolved, mental insight often enough-someth need happen affect level being."} {"id": "9941", "contents": "eagl one popular anim world. larg area habitat cultur religion history. lot flag use eagl symbol power. it\u2019 possibl find eagl world besid antarctica. mostli make nest high hill high trees. harpi eagl mostli live rain forests. bigger kind eagl world. black solitari eagl popular species. endang extinct now. snake eagl migrat eagles."} {"id": "9942", "contents": "eagl larger raptor apart vultures. smallest speci eagl south nicobar serpent eagl (spilorni klossi), 450 (0.99 lb) 40 cm (16 in). largest speci discuss below. like bird prey, eagl larg hook beak tear flesh prey, strong muscular legs, power talons. even smallest eagles, like boot eagl (aquila pennata) (which compar size common buzzard (buteo buteo) red-tail hawk (b. jamaicensis)), rel longer evenli broad wings, direct, faster flight despit reduc size aerodynam feathers."} {"id": "9943", "contents": "eagl common name mani larg bird prey famili accipitridae; belong sever group genera necessarili close relat other. 60 speci eagl eurasia africa. even smallest eagles, like boot eagl (aquila pennata) (which compar size common buzzard (buteo buteo) red-tail hawk (b. jamaicensis)), rel longer evenli broad wings, direct, faster flight despit reduc size aerodynam feathers."} {"id": "9944", "contents": "59 known eagl type world. scientist categor five. sea eagles, snake eagles, boot eagles, harpi eagl fish eagles. sea eagl mostli feed fish sea creatures. bald eagl usa flag also sea eagle. harpi eagl mostli live rain forests. bigger kind eagl world. black solitari eagl popular species. endang extinct now. snake eagl migrat eagles."} {"id": "9945", "contents": "life history. bald eagles, nation emblem, one two speci eagl found unit states. breed rang extend alaska newfoundland south baja california florida, although mani area interior contin few, nest pairs."} {"id": "9946", "contents": "eagl largest member raptor family. north america least four type eagles, bald eagl golden eagl resid continent. bird share area far north warmer season southern state mexico winter months."} {"id": "9947", "contents": "tweet. eagl larg bird prey member bird famili accipitrida belong sever genera necessarili close relat other. 60 speci occur eurasia africa. outsid area, two speci found unit state canada, nine central south america, three australia."} {"id": "9948", "contents": "caterpillar larva butterfli moth 180,000 differ speci butterfli moth 180,000 differ type caterpil lars. regard physic appearance, caterpillar small, large, fuzzy, smooth, rough, spiky, etc."} {"id": "9949", "contents": "true cedar cedar pretenders. averag garden refer cedar hedge, often mean true cedar (cedru spp.). larg trees, blue atla cedar (cedru atlantica f. glauca), gener spread 30 40 feet diamet grow slowli 100 feet tall. good hedge, type, requir plan space gear plan maintain hedg need tree shrub planting. determin space cedar hedge, import know type cedar using."} {"id": "9950", "contents": "run string two stake along line intend plant cedar hedge. help get tree straight line. space white cedar tree 12 18 inch apart. plant western red cedar tree columnar cedar hedg trees, space plant 18 24 inch apart. set tree along string line dig plant hole trench. set cedar tree asid dig plant sit"} {"id": "9951", "contents": "now. report abuse. would plant feet away fence. i'm sure far apart grandmoth matur cedar tree yard trunk 20 feet apart trees' leav (whatev they'r called) touch made realli nice line. best answer: plant cedar approxim foot apart pack soil top root ball need breath. dig trench place rootbal cover soil dug trench with. source(s): two hedg plant me."} {"id": "9952", "contents": "keep cedar hedg feet fenc make mainten easier. lush cedar hedg offer year-round privaci homeowners, shelter wildlif well fragrant foliag snip winter floral arrangements. good hedge, type, requir plan space gear plan maintain hedg need tree shrub planting. determin space cedar hedge, import know type cedar using."} {"id": "9953", "contents": "incens cedar tree grow slowli young, growth speed root establish plant location. untrimmed, incens cedar tree reach 15 20 feet tall 10 feet wide ten years. eventu tree reach 40 70 feet tall age, grow 12 24 inch year. select pruning, tree kept smaller."} {"id": "9954", "contents": "space individu plant make hedg depend cedar choos dense, formal hedg want. standard space allow number feet specif cedar' expect matur diamet measur center one trunk center next. good hedge, type, requir plan space gear plan maintain hedg need tree shrub planting. determin space cedar hedge, import know type cedar using."} {"id": "9955", "contents": "day botan garden, question far apart plant larg trees-bald cypresses, dawn redwoods, deodara cedars, oaks, maples, tulip polars. tag usual say plant tree least 25 feet apart, often 50 feet apart. sinc tree i'm plant small (i.e., white oak: 2.5-3 ft; maples: 6-8 ft; tulip tree: 4-5 feet; bald cypresses: feet), tree nearli lost 4-5 acr field hous road. first thing notic group tall deodara cedar plant berm 10-12 ft apart. group dawn redwood feet apart. entranc main build two grove dawn redwood 9-12"} {"id": "9956", "contents": "cedar tree grow well plant grove woodland look. tree need 10 14 feet space trees. row incens cedar tree need 12 18 feet distance, space need mow trees. untrimmed, incens cedar tree reach 15 20 feet tall 10 feet wide ten years. eventu tree reach 40 70 feet tall age, grow 12 24 inch year. select pruning, tree kept smaller."} {"id": "9957", "contents": "like new driver\u2019 license, renew licens onlin mail would wait 30 day given new perman driver\u2019 license. temporari licens would provided. renew mail. renew driver\u2019 licens colorado via mail:"} {"id": "9958", "contents": "allow 30 busi day deliveri perman document. renew licens id card may updat address file dmv. cannot use applic renew commerci driver' licens online."} {"id": "9959", "contents": "renew licens id card may updat address file dmv. cannot use applic renew commerci driver' licens online. male age 18-25, automat regist select service."} {"id": "9960", "contents": "current address appear license. visit dmv websit complet list accept documents. provid payment $25 driver' licens fee. see fee renew colorado driver' licens below. pass vision test."} {"id": "9961", "contents": "issu temporari document. allow 30 busi day deliveri perman document. renew licens id card may updat address file dmv."} {"id": "9962", "contents": "elig renew driver' licens online, need to: use colorado dmv onlin renew system. colorado driver' licens hand. make payment visa, mastercard, american express. subject administr process fee."} {"id": "9963", "contents": "elig renew driver' licens online, need to: use colorado dmv onlin renew system. colorado driver' licens hand. make payment visa, mastercard, american express. see fee renew co driver' licens below."} {"id": "9964", "contents": "success taken step appli new driver' license, dmv issu temporari colorado driver' license. perman licens mail within 30 busi days. minor (under 21 year old), licens expir 20 day 21st birthday. adult licens expir driver' birthday. renew date depend issuanc date."} {"id": "9965", "contents": "use direct deposit, get wisconsin eppic debit mastercard trust fund process first support payment. safer paper checks. trip bank wait long lines. avoid check cash fees. monthli statement show support payment purchases. activ card soon get it. activ new replac card call eppic custom servic toll free number 1-877-253-3686 (thi number back card)."} {"id": "9966", "contents": "child support agenc (csa) deliveri arm depart work pension (child mainten group) great britain depart social develop northern ireland. launch april 1993, csa respons implement child support act 1991 subsequ legislation. csa replac long-term successor launch 2012, child mainten service."} {"id": "9967", "contents": "cold famili break down: reform child mainten payment describ attempt 'behaviour modification' getti images. controversi new charg come place monday morn power affect financ nearli two million children broken families. charg design act disincent parent use govern system, child mainten servic (cms), mean transfer mainten payment them."} {"id": "9968", "contents": "old, somewhat notori child support agenc (csa) phase out, new child mainten servic (cms) still somewhat controversi phase in. charg design act disincent parent use govern system, child mainten servic (cms), mean transfer mainten payment them."} {"id": "9969", "contents": "wisconsin child support program provid secur conveni way receiv payment wisconsin eppic debit mastercard, issu comerica bank manag eppic. activ card soon get it. activ new replac card call eppic custom servic toll free number 1-877-253-3686 (thi number back card)."} {"id": "9970", "contents": "question parent ask new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard. wisconsin child support program chang debit card vendor februari 7, 2013. child support debit card one way receiv child support payment electronically. chang chase visa debit card new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard, issu comerica bank manag eppic. question wisconsin eppic debit mastercard, call eppic custom servic 1-877-253-3686. question chase visa child support debit card, call chase custom servic 1-866-817-0761. appropri number print back card"} {"id": "9971", "contents": "state california offer electron pay card direct deposit smart option receiv child support payments. select one smart options, receiv payment faster, easier, secure. state agenc share inform bank purpos establish state california electron pay card bank process child support payment bank."} {"id": "9972", "contents": "current receiv child support fund wisconsin eppic debit mastercard would prefer direct deposit check save account. simpli download, fill out, mail direct deposit applic address list upper left hand corner. activ card soon get it. activ new replac card call eppic custom servic toll free number 1-877-253-3686 (thi number back card)."} {"id": "9973", "contents": "inform debit cards, direct deposit phase-out child support check georgia, see www.cse.dhr.state.ga.us. eppicard\u2122 mastercard custom servic number 1-800-656-1347. georgia second state countri complet replac child support check debit card direct deposit, follow iowa\u2019 launch similar system last december. sever state pilot programs."} {"id": "9974", "contents": "u.s., state requir number hour high school middl school. middl school level, finland (856 hours) itali (1,089 hours) requir fewest hour instruct respectively. italy\u2019 1,089 hour surpass select states."} {"id": "9975", "contents": "reality, student american year-round school district spend amount day class student tradit calendar schools; day arrang differently, smaller, frequent break throughout year. summer break perhap month, instead two three."} {"id": "9976", "contents": "middl school level (grade 6-8), chines student attend 1,000 hour school per year, figur similar u.s. states. india, data show chines student requir receiv 25 30 percent in-school instruct per year u.s. students."} {"id": "9977", "contents": "children industri countri go school day per year hour per day america. sit classroom longer necessarili ensur children learn more, mani american teacher spend week everi fall remind kid forgot summer."} {"id": "9978", "contents": "even though middl school student india attend nearli 25 percent day school per year u.s. students, requir receiv hour instruction. determin requir school time china straightforward."} {"id": "9979", "contents": "academ term (or simpli term) portion academ year, time educ institut hold classes. schedul adopt vari widely. trimest system divid academ year three term short eight week long 16 week each."} {"id": "9980", "contents": "countri south american student requir school 200 day year. brazil school start februari two week break given ju ly."} {"id": "9981", "contents": "vacat around world. short school year long vacat norm europe, asia, south america either. children industri countri go school day per year hour per day america. sit classroom longer necessarili ensur children learn more, mani american teacher spend week everi fall remind kid forgot summer."} {"id": "9982", "contents": "basin rang geolog provinc western unit state exampl horst graben mountain system. format basin rang mountain began approxim 16 million year ago continu today. outcrop expos basin rang province. interpret fault manner similar two exampl saw."} {"id": "9983", "contents": "clarenc dutton famous compar mani narrow parallel mountain rang distinguish uniqu topographi basin rang armi caterpillar march toward mexico, help way visual overal appear region. geographi [edit]. basin rang provinc includ much western north america. unit states, border west eastern fault scarp sierra nevada span 500 mile (800 km) eastern border mark wasatch fault, colorado plateau rio grand rift."} {"id": "9984", "contents": "result extension, averag crustal thick basin rang region 30 35 kilomet (19 22 miles), compar worldwid averag around 40 kilomet (25 miles). basin rang topographi character altern valley mountain areas, orient north-south, linear direction. entir region, includ nevada, southeastern california, southeastern oregon, consist high mountain rang (mostli run north-south) altern low valleys."} {"id": "9985", "contents": "basin rang provinc locat western unit states, includ approxim 800,000 km\u00b2 area extend southern oregon idaho nevada, part california, arizona, utah, new mexico northern mexico (eaton, 1982)."} {"id": "9986", "contents": "numer rang within provinc unit state collect refer great basin ranges, although mani actual great basin. major rang includ snake range, panamint range, white mountains, sandia mountains, san francisco peaks. geographi [edit]. basin rang provinc includ much western north america. unit states, border west eastern fault scarp sierra nevada span 500 mile (800 km) eastern border mark wasatch fault, colorado plateau rio grand rift."} {"id": "9987", "contents": "imag creat n. scott 4/12. basin rang provinc seri mountain-valley pair lie sierra nevada mountain rang colorado plateau, extend south arizona reach far north southern oregon (thompson burke, 1974). extens western unit state sierra nevada rocki mountain believ begun cenozo era, approxim 20 million year ago (usgs, 2004; thatcher et al., 1999;"} {"id": "9988", "contents": "spite sediment fill, mani valley basin rang remain low elevations. lowest point death valley 282 feet sea level! mountain rang basin rang region normal fault one side. mani fault steep angles, much 50\u00b0 70\u00b0. mountain rang trend roughli direction. northeastern part basin range, align nne-ssw"} {"id": "9989", "contents": "within basin rang province, relief abrupt basin normal rang 4,000 5,000 feet (1,200- 1,500 m), mountain rang climb 3,000 5,000 feet (900-1,500 m) basins. result basin (also call graben geology) found basin rang systems. one common featur note world' basin rang extrem amount eros occur peak ranges."} {"id": "9990", "contents": "histori basin rang province. extens western unit state sierra nevada rocki mountain believ begun cenozo era, approxim 20 million year ago (usgs, 2004; thatcher et al., 1999; thompson burke, 1974). thatcher et al"} {"id": "9991", "contents": "basin rang provinc vast physiograph region defin uniqu topograph expression. basin rang topographi character abrupt chang elevation, altern narrow fault mountain chain flat arid valley basins. geographi [edit]. basin rang provinc includ much western north america. unit states, border west eastern fault scarp sierra nevada span 500 mile (800 km) eastern border mark wasatch fault, colorado plateau rio grand rift."} {"id": "9992", "contents": "allicin essenti volatil compound also found anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fung activities. garlic excel sourc miner vitamin essenti optimum health. contain mani flavonoid anti-oxid like caroten beta, zea-xanthin, vitamin like vitamin-c. vitamin help bodi develop resist infecti agent scaveng harmful, pro-inflammatori free radicals. garlic clove amazingli high level vitamin minerals."} {"id": "9993", "contents": "vitamins. garlic also contain lower amount vitamins. includ percent daili requir thiamin, also call vitamin b1; thiamin, known vitamin b2; pantothen acid. trace amount vitamin k, riboflavin folic acid also avail garlic. thought peopl primarili flavor agent, garlic actual nutrit valu well. accord world' healthiest food website, garlic serv good sourc vitamin b6, also provid trace amount sever essenti vitamins."} {"id": "9994", "contents": "garlic mini-storehous minerals. manganese, copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, calcium, aluminum, chlorine, selenium part miner contain garlic. one hundr grams, 1/2 ounces, fresh garlic suppli following: copper 0.30 mg. iron 1.7 mg."} {"id": "9995", "contents": "health benefit garlic. strong flavored, garlic clove contain mani noteworthi phyto-nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxid proven health benefits. total measur antioxid strength (orac value) 5346 \u00b5mol te/100 g. contain mani flavonoid anti-oxid like caroten beta, zea-xanthin, vitamin like vitamin-c. vitamin help bodi develop resist infecti agent scaveng harmful, pro-inflammatori free radicals. garlic clove amazingli high level vitamin minerals."} {"id": "9996", "contents": "confid vote 241. no, garlic contain vitamin k, howev contain vitamin miner manganese, vitamin b6, vitamin more. here' link complet list nutrient garlic provid inform it. chemic analysi garlic show garlic storehous valuabl miner like phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, copper zinc, addit substanti amount vitamin small amount vitamin complex."} {"id": "9997", "contents": "addit nutrient highlight rate chart, in-depth nutrit profil garlic also available. profil includ inform full array nutrients, includ carbohydrates, sugar, solubl insolubl fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatti acids, amino acid more. cardioprotect benefit garlic may partli rest product hydrogen sulfid (h2s) gas. red blood cell take sulfur-contain molecul garlic (call polysulfides) use produc h2s. h2 turn help blood vessel expand keep blood pressur check."} {"id": "9998", "contents": "additionally, garlic excel sourc manganes vitamin b6. also good sourc vitamin copper. addition, garlic good sourc selenium, phosphorus, vitamin b1, calcium. cardioprotect benefit garlic may partli rest product hydrogen sulfid (h2s) gas. red blood cell take sulfur-contain molecul garlic (call polysulfides) use produc h2s. h2 turn help blood vessel expand keep blood pressur check."} {"id": "9999", "contents": "garlic contain fiber fat. three garlic clove compris surpris nutrit profile. instance, regist trace level vitamin except vitamin b12. vitamin content 2.8 mg 16.3 mg calcium. manganese, copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, calcium, aluminum, chlorine, selenium part miner contain garlic. one hundr grams, 1/2 ounces, fresh garlic suppli following: copper 0.30 mg. iron 1.7 mg."} {"id": "10000", "contents": "bulb one richest sourc potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium. selenium heart-healthi mineral, import cofactor antioxid enzym within body. manganes use bodi co-factor antioxid enzyme, superoxid dismutase. contain mani flavonoid anti-oxid like caroten beta, zea-xanthin, vitamin like vitamin-c. vitamin help bodi develop resist infecti agent scaveng harmful, pro-inflammatori free radicals. garlic clove amazingli high level vitamin minerals."} {"id": "10001", "contents": "biographi georg orwell. biographi eric blair born 1903 motihari, bengal, british coloni india, father, richard, work opium depart civil service."} {"id": "10002", "contents": "born eric arthur blair, georg orwel creat sharpest satir fiction 20th centuri work anim farm nineteen eighty-four. man strong opinion address major polit movement times, includ imperialism, fascism communism."} {"id": "10003", "contents": "earli years. georg orwel born eric arthur blair motihari, bengal, india, richard ida mabel blair. older sister younger sister. father minor custom offici indian civil service."} {"id": "10004", "contents": "eric blair (georg orwell), born bengal, india, 1903. educ england eton, move burma 1922 join indian imperi polic five years."} {"id": "10005", "contents": "georg orwel born eric arthur blair motihari, bengal, india, richard ida mabel blair. older sister younger sister. father minor custom offici indian civil service."} {"id": "10006", "contents": "georg orwel orwel british journalist author, wrote two famou novel 20th centuri 'anim farm' 'nineteen eighty-four'. orwel born eric arthur blair 25 june 1903 eastern india, son british coloni civil servant. educ england and, left eton, join indian imperi polic burma, british colony. resign 1927 decid becom writer."} {"id": "10007", "contents": "diamond 60th anniversari gemston preciou gemsone. chakras-crown chakra. birthstone-april. zodiac-aries, taurus, leo. planet-venus. typic colours-clear white, yellow, blue, pink, black. symbol purity, diamond\u2019 pure white light help bring live cohes whole. bring love clariti partnerships, bond relationships. diamond sign commit fidelity, instil trust relationship situat"} {"id": "10008", "contents": "diamond stone use bring energi longevity, balance, clarity, intensity, success, abundance. also bring eternity, purity, high frequenc energy. also stone amplification, includ thoughts, strengths, weaknesses. give one wear carri courag hope. indeed, symbol invincibility, due hardest stone. enhanc strength emotional, spiritual, physic realms. diamond said cosmic dragon' remain tap divin energy."} {"id": "10009", "contents": "element fire. diamond stone except power miracul abilities. king gems, strongest preciou stone. ancient greek name adamas, mean invincible, indestructible. diamond usual colorless exhibit pale hue yellow, brown, blue, grey, pink, green colors. brightli color diamond unique; invari attract lot admiration, acquir individu name detail descript"} {"id": "10010", "contents": "diamond occur nearli color, though yellow brown far common. yellow diamond member carbon famili hardest substanc known. word diamond deriv greek word adama mean hardest metal reflect properti stone. diamond detect hue, yellow brown known color diamonds. colour strong enough, stone may refer fanci color diamond trade."} {"id": "10011", "contents": "report abuse. lovetoknow.com say course, diamond symbol love, commitment, timelessness, ad yellow stone give even deeper meaning. best answer: still mean diamond (love, contentment, timelessness.) yellow kind symbol cheerfulness, joy, prosperity. hope helps. source(s): http://engagementrings.lovetoknow.com/wi..."} {"id": "10012", "contents": "diamond, rariti beauty, symbol puriti innocence, love fidelity, embrac strength character, ethics, faith oneself others. indic love open natur one came physic realm, encourag aspect truth trust. diamond consid master healer abil unifi mind body. best use support stone, amplifi power miner work specif issues, especi congest energi caus physic imbalance."} {"id": "10013", "contents": "symbol mean yellow diamond tradit properti close associ diamond action, passion, energy. jewelri contain diamond believ enhanc relationships, increas inner strength provid wearer balance, clariti abundance. word diamond deriv greek word adama mean hardest metal reflect properti stone. diamond detect hue, yellow brown known color diamonds. colour strong enough, stone may refer fanci color diamond trade."} {"id": "10014", "contents": "believ wear jewelri contain diamond focu energi preciou gemston gem. symbol mean color yellow renew hope, however, color also associ envy, greed treachery. word diamond deriv greek word adama mean hardest metal reflect properti stone. diamond detect hue, yellow brown known color diamonds. colour strong enough, stone may refer fanci color diamond trade."} {"id": "10015", "contents": "yellow sapphir particularli good desir bless children, interest nobler aspect life occult, charity, spiritu motivation, yoga, meditation, religi preaching."} {"id": "10016", "contents": "polyploid plant gener effort creat new plant new characteristics. sometim polyploidi plant sickli viable, sometim polyploid plant larger leav flowers. orchid grower often sell polyploidi plant larger larger flowers. often polyploid natur plant includ cultivar name (g. speci \u2018big flower 4n\u2019)."} {"id": "10017", "contents": "polyploidi herit condit possess two complet set chromosomes. polyploid common among plants, well among certain group fish amphibians. instance, salamanders, frogs, leech polyploids. mani polyploid organ fit well-adapt environments."} {"id": "10018", "contents": "characterist polyploidi plants? select one: a. tend bigger stronger diploid plants. b. tend weaker smaller diploid plants. howev polyploid larger seed sets. polyploid like giant forest bamboo greater veget growth rather greater reproduct yield seeds. larger strong woodi stems."} {"id": "10019", "contents": "characterist plants? plant usually: absorb water/ nutrient photosynthesi (ie: absorb sunlight) characterist plant includ multi-cellular, cell alls, produc food, obtain energi sun contain chlorophyll. peopl found useful. characterist plant make food use process photosynthesis. plant grow, develop, reproduce. root keep oot ground. releas energi get rid bodi respire. slowli reaction changes."} {"id": "10020", "contents": "best answer: polyploid plant bigger higher yield respect monoploid wild species. plant vulner damag storm due weight larger seed production. howev polyploid larger seed sets. polyploid like giant forest bamboo greater veget growth rather greater reproduct yield seeds. larger strong woodi stems."} {"id": "10021", "contents": "triploid tetraploid chromosom exampl polyploidy. polyploid cell organ contain two pair (homologous) set chromosomes. speci whose cell nuclei (eukaryotes) diploid, mean two set chromosomes\u2014on set inherit parent. however, polyploidi found organ especi common plants. speci whose cell nuclei, is, prokaryotes, may polyploid organisms, seen larg bacterium epulopicium fishelsoni [1] henc ploidi defin respect cell. eukaryot diploid somat cells, produc haploid gamet (egg sperm) meiosis."} {"id": "10022", "contents": "polyploid organ multipl set chromosom excess diploid number (acquaah, 2007; chen, 2010; comai, 2005; ramsey schemske, 1998). polyploidi common natur provid major mechan adapt speciation."} {"id": "10023", "contents": "mani grass speci polyploid; speci 10 set chromosomes. polyploidi occur animals, goldfish, salmon, salamanders, especi common among fern flower plants, includ wild cultiv species. mani grass speci polyploid. polyploid tend larger diploid counterparts. larger cell increas volume. polyploid tend display semi-steril sterility. polyploid plant tend display heighten suscept frost damag higher resist pest pathogens."} {"id": "10024", "contents": "polyploidy. cell (and owners) polyploid contain two haploid (n) set chromosomes; is, chromosom number multipl greater 2n content diploid cells. example, triploid (3n) tetraploid cell (4n) cell polyploid. 30% 70% today' angiosperm thought polyploid. speci coffe plant 22, 44, 66, 88 chromosom known. suggest ancestr condit plant haploid (n) number 11 diploid (2n) number 22, evolv differ polyploid descendants."} {"id": "10025", "contents": "adi da samrajashram (naitauba, fiji) ad new photos. happi new year 2015 sacr island naitauba! may come year full brightest love blessings. offer thank love support pour island, rebuild occurred. midst remembrance, everyon naitauba also send love prayer peopl japan, may great strength tragedi go through."} {"id": "10026", "contents": "naitaba island (naitauba, naitaba) island northern lau island fiji. 1965 actor raymond burr partner purchas 1,625 hectar (4,015 acres) island, rais copra cattle. land sold 1983 johannin daist communion use adi da, purchas price $2.1 million."} {"id": "10027", "contents": "adi da samrajashram island naitauba fiji. adi da samrajashram avatar adi da' princip sapta na sannyasin hermitage. princip site avatar adi da' teach revel work 1983 1999. naitauba, naitauba compos sung kathleen ewart, sing adi da' voic spiritu purpos island naitauba. fijian meke adi da, devotees, fijian resid regularli held celebr togeth adi da' lifetime."} {"id": "10028", "contents": "sacr island naitauba, fiji. naitauba divin gift sake everyone\u2014not live now, profound gift everyone. happi devotees, happi together. make differ place, piec earth. order support focu contemplation, applic requir come naitauba, access invit only. adi da samrajashram imbu power spiritu presenc adi da samraj, countless hour day spent live work there. this, naitauba alway core place pilgrimag spiritu retreat present futur gener devote adi da samraj"} {"id": "10029", "contents": "triangular shape island approxim 2.4 km (1.5 mi) diameter. island volcan coral rise 186 metr (610 ft) flat-top hill toward southern end island. island forest coconut grown commerci copra. barrier reef complet surround island. 1965 actor raymond burr partner purchas 1,625 hectar (4,015 acres) island, rais copra cattle. land sold 1983 johannin daist communion use adi da, purchas price $2.1 million."} {"id": "10030", "contents": "also strongli commit principl green living, sustain energy, self-sufficiency, cooperation, tolerance, peace. adi da\u2019 devote local fijian indo-fijian staff live togeth harmony, serv protect sacr environ island. naitauba divin gift sake everyone\u2014not live now, profound gift everyone. order support focu contemplation, applic requir come naitauba, access invit only. adi da samrajashram imbu power spiritu presenc adi da samraj, countless hour day spent live work there. this, naitauba alway core place pilgrimag spiritu retreat present futur gener devote adi da samraj"} {"id": "10031", "contents": "adi da samrajashram (naitauba, fiji) ad new photo album: naitauba padavara 2013. today honor 30th anniversari belov adi da samraj first set foot sacr island naitauba! joy hearts, celebr last 30 year blessing. offer thank love support pour island, rebuild occurred. midst remembrance, everyon naitauba also send love prayer peopl japan, may great strength tragedi go through."} {"id": "10032", "contents": "sight sounds, news, way help support naitauba. naitauba organ farm fijian island naitauba locat adidam' princip sapta na sannyasin hermitage, adi da samrajashram. naitauba 2000-acr freehold island northern lau, fiji. naitauba, naitauba compos sung kathleen ewart, sing adi da' voic spiritu purpos island naitauba. fijian meke adi da, devotees, fijian resid regularli held celebr togeth adi da' lifetime."} {"id": "10033", "contents": "tiger snake highli potent venom caus sever envenom (envenomation) humans. major caus snakebit occasion snakebit death australia present. envenom (envenomation) caus defibrin coagulopathy, renal (kidney) damag renal failur (kidney failure)."} {"id": "10034", "contents": "tiger snake notechi scutatu normal timid speci which, like snakes, usual retreat approach human. interest snake, though despit name, may stripe all."} {"id": "10035", "contents": "medic manag bite tiger snake (notechi species). person receiv bite probabl envenom tiger snake (notechi species). venom danger snake nativ australia, caus signific number human fatalities."} {"id": "10036", "contents": "tiger infam danger due except sharp intellig acid-spew claws. howev tiger-rel injuri due peopl aten deadli micro-bird live fur tiger. tiger snuggli micro-bird eat you."} {"id": "10037", "contents": "great exampl venom anim rattlesnake. toxic snake venom poisonous, well except one (a everyth natur exception). asian tiger snake poison venom (see below)."} {"id": "10038", "contents": "venom snake caus snakebit humans, tiger snake complex venom mani components. import clinic mention here. overal tiger snake venom one potent known snake venoms, though slightli less potent common brown snake venom."} {"id": "10039", "contents": "depend type snake. harmless other could kill seconds. respons question, snake dangerous. word advice: treet everi snake see danger never provok snake, wild pet."} {"id": "10040", "contents": "tiger snake grow long seven feet long recogn orange, orange-brown, black yellow color darker band color along body. undersid tiger snake, like mani snake much lighter color appear yellow orang color."} {"id": "10041", "contents": "definit genet fallacy. fallaci employ genet method inapplic circumst inappropri ways; especially: invalid resolut phenomena antecedents. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "10042", "contents": "bulver name logic fallaci combin genet fallaci circular reasoning. method bulver assum oppon wrong, explain error."} {"id": "10043", "contents": "genet fallacy, also known fallaci origins, fallaci virtue, fallaci irrelev conclus suggest base sole someth someone' origin rather current mean context."} {"id": "10044", "contents": "explanation. genet fallaci commit idea either accept reject source, rather merit. even bad things, good may come; therefor ought reject idea come from, ad hominem argument do. equally, even good sourc may sometim produc bad results; accept idea good source, appeal authority, therefor better reject idea bad source. type argument fallacious."} {"id": "10045", "contents": "first criterion good argument premis must bear truth falsiti claim question. genet account issu may true, may help illumin reason issu assum present form, conclus determin merits. commonli occur exampl style reason call etymolog fallaci present argument base suppos real mean certain words, real mean fact word meant centuri ago, root word (in latin, greek etc.) meant."} {"id": "10046", "contents": "(1) eugen pioneer germani war. therefore: (2) eugen bad thing. argument commit genet fallacy, judg idea good bad source, rather merits. equally, even good sourc may sometim produc bad results; accept idea good source, appeal authority, therefor better reject idea bad source. type argument fallacious."} {"id": "10047", "contents": "genet fallacy. rationalwiki. genet fallaci logic fallaci occur claim accept reject base sourc evidence, rather qualiti applic evidence. fallaci commit idea either accept reject source, rather merit. genet fallaci logic fallaci frequent bayesian one: sourc consist full reason constitut refut practic purposes."} {"id": "10048", "contents": "answer: genet fallaci illog argument idea base origin idea. exampl is, rain tuesday father said so."} {"id": "10049", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. genet fallaci (also known fallaci origin fallaci virtue) fallaci irrelev conclus suggest base sole someone' something' history, origin, sourc rather current mean context. commonli occur exampl style reason call etymolog fallaci present argument base suppos real mean certain words, real mean fact word meant centuri ago, root word (in latin, greek etc.) meant."} {"id": "10050", "contents": "also line reason origin claim thing taken evid claim thing. sort reason follow form: origin claim thing presented. claim true(or false) thing support (or discredited). clear sort reason fallacious. example: bill claim 1+1=2."} {"id": "10051", "contents": "vibrio cholera bacteria caus cholera, acute, diarrheal ill result sever dehydr even death within matter hours. vibrio cholera bacteria gram-neg rod (see pictur cholera) facult anaerobic. vibrio cholera bacteria begin produc toxin, main caus characterist cholera symptom: wateri diarrhea. person need ingest lot vibrio cholera bacteria order develop symptom cholera."} {"id": "10052", "contents": "vibrio cholera serogroup o1 type vibrio cholera often lead cholera. vibrio cholera serogroup o139, vibrio cholera serogroup non-o1 bacteria, caus disease. vibrio cholera nativ gang delta, india extend bangladesh. vibrio cholera ingested, bacteria travel small intestin begin multiply. vibrio cholera begin produc toxin, main caus wateri diarrhea, characterist symptom cholera."} {"id": "10053", "contents": "cases, vibrio cholera serogroup o1 type vibrio cholera caus cholera. vibrio cholera serogroup o139, vibrio cholera serogroup non-o1 bacterium, caus cholera. 70 speci vibrio cholera serogroup non-o1; speci rare caus diarrhea. vibrio cholera type bacteria; infect occurs, result acute, diarrheal ill lead sever dehydr even death within matter hour (cholera). vibrio cholera gram-neg rod (see pictur cholera)"} {"id": "10054", "contents": "cholera diarrheal ill caus bacteria vibrio cholerae. speci endem humans, presenc human digest system part natur life cycl bacteria. cholera food-born disease. bacteria contamin water spread via intake. poorli cook food water contamin bacterium like caus cholera. avoid eat raw shellfish known contamin cholera."} {"id": "10055", "contents": "scientif name cholera vibrio cholerae. vibrio cholera type bacteria; infect occurs, result acute, diarrheal ill lead sever dehydr even death within matter hour (cholera). vibrio cholera gram-neg rod (see pictur cholera)"} {"id": "10056", "contents": "cholera caus number type vibrio cholerae, type produc sever diseas others. spread mostli water food contamin human fece contain bacteria. insuffici cook seafood common source. human anim affected. cholera infect small intestin strain bacterium vibrio cholerae. symptom may rang none, mild, severe. classic symptom larg amount wateri diarrhea last days. vomit muscl cramp may also occur"} {"id": "10057", "contents": "causes. bacterium call vibrio cholera caus cholera infection. however, deadli effect diseas result potent toxin call ctx bacteria produc small intestine. ctx bind intestin walls, interfer normal flow sodium chloride. cholera bacteria people. human ingest cholera bacteria, may becom sick themselves, still pass bacteria stool. human fece contamin food water supplies, serv ideal breed ground cholera bacteria."} {"id": "10058", "contents": "cholera, caus bacteria vibrio cholerae, rare unit state industri nations. however, globally, cholera case increas steadili sinc 2005 diseas still occur mani place includ africa, southeast asia, haiti."} {"id": "10059", "contents": "cholera acut bacteri ill caus infect intestin tract bacterium vibrio cholerae. cholera may produc sever gastrointestin symptoms, includ profuse, wateri diarrhea, well vomit dehydration."} {"id": "10060", "contents": "rna polymeras (rnap rnapol) enzym respons make rna dna template. cell rnap need construct rna chain dna template, process term transcription."} {"id": "10061", "contents": "dna polymeras (dnap) type enzym respons form new copi dna, form nucleic acid molecules. nucleic acid polymers, larg molecul made smaller, repeat unit chemic connect one another."} {"id": "10062", "contents": "medic definit dna polymerase. sever polymeras promot replic repair dna usual use single-strand dna template. advertisement."} {"id": "10063", "contents": "medic definit polymerase. sever enzym catalyz format dna rna precursor substanc presenc preexist dna rna act template."} {"id": "10064", "contents": "definit polymerase. sever enzym catalyz format dna rna precursor substanc presenc preexist dna rna act templat compar dna polymerase, rna polymerase. advertisement."} {"id": "10065", "contents": "rna polymeras enzym respons copi dna sequenc rna sequence, duyr process transcription."} {"id": "10066", "contents": "mirror sylvia plath, me, poem difficulti truth, especi inevit process age time. first stanza plath use techniqu personif mirror. mirror narrator. say \\i silver exact\\, \\whatev see swallow immedi is\\. mirror act mirror sense."} {"id": "10067", "contents": "mirror speaker first stanza, mirror repres sylvia plath, speak itself, wall apart heart, flickers, wall repres father, mani time separ peopl bad things."} {"id": "10068", "contents": "mirror written sylvia plath 1961 publish 1971, eight year death suicide. free-vers poem tell stori woman continu look reflect first mirror lake."} {"id": "10069", "contents": "use personif metaphor \u2018mirror\u2019. poem \u2018mirror\u2019 sylvia plath, continu theme change. begin chang simple, like act day turn night, end see life chang woman particular."} {"id": "10070", "contents": "realis narrat poem realli mirror theme continu throughout reflect plath' life-how see sudden turn old woman, mirror tell lies-what see realli there."} {"id": "10071", "contents": "poem chose write \u201cmirror\u201d sylvia plath. poem engaging. although poetri beauti mani way dark sadden times. poem one speaker although speaker take differ forms."} {"id": "10072", "contents": "rank file militari greek citi state compos ordinari citizens. heavili arm foot soldier call hoplit hoplit\u00e8 hoplit hoplomacho drill weapons. instructor enlist personnel personnel commiss rank make vast major militari personnel. known differ name differ countries, rank (ors) unit kingdom commonwealth countries, non-commiss member (ncms) canada."} {"id": "10073", "contents": "example, armi creat chemic branch, also made rank, pay, allow new chemic ser-vic section medic department. despit equivalency, armi author chemic troop chevron design februari 1918."} {"id": "10074", "contents": "militari rank system hierarch relationship arm forces, police, intellig agenc institut organ along militari lines. usually, uniform denot bearer' rank particular insignia affix uniforms. enlist personnel personnel commiss rank make vast major militari personnel. known differ name differ countries, rank (ors) unit kingdom commonwealth countries, non-commiss member (ncms) canada."} {"id": "10075", "contents": "unit state armi remain one power forc world base recent combat experiences, equip training. us armi maintain long-stand tradit date far back 1775 first compani riflemen form continent congress. recently, u.s. armi personnel involv part 2001 war afghanistan 2003 invas iraq. branch regard one power world base combat experience, equip qualiti"} {"id": "10076", "contents": "one seven uniform servic unit states, design armi unit state unit state constitution, articl 2, section 2, claus unit state code, titl 10, subtitl b, chapter 301, section 3001. 1941, armi unit state found fight world war ii. regular army, armi unit states, nation guard, officer/enlist reserv corp (orc erc) exist simultaneously. world war ii, orc erc combin unit state armi reserve."} {"id": "10077", "contents": "armi offici armi unit states.finally, septemb 29, 1789, last day first session, u.s. congress pass act establish unit state military. however, happen presid washington remind them, twice! page 3."} {"id": "10078", "contents": "unit state armi consid descend continent army, date institut incept origin arm forc 1775. uniform militari service, armi part depart army, one three militari depart depart defense. 1941, armi unit state found fight world war ii. regular army, armi unit states, nation guard, officer/enlist reserv corp (orc erc) exist simultaneously. world war ii, orc erc combin unit state armi reserve."} {"id": "10079", "contents": "unit state armi (usa) largest branch unit state arm forc perform land-bas militari operations. 1941, armi unit state found fight world war ii. regular army, armi unit states, nation guard, officer/enlist reserv corp (orc erc) exist simultaneously. world war ii, orc erc combin unit state armi reserve."} {"id": "10080", "contents": "unit state air forc establish independ servic 18 septemb 1947; trace origin format aeronaut division, u.s. signal corp 1907 part armi becom independ service. unit state arm forc feder militari forc unit states. consist army, navy, marin corps, air force, coast guard. unit state strong tradit civilian control militari"} {"id": "10081", "contents": "rule thumb: spend fix percentag incom housing. gener recommend spend 30% gross monthli incom (befor taxes) rent. therefore, you\u2019ll make $4,000 per month, rent $4,000 0.3, $1,200. anoth way calcul number divid annual incom 40"} {"id": "10082", "contents": "rent income. landlord typic requir annual incom least 40 time monthli rent. example, roommat look $3,000 per month apartment, landlord would requir combin incom $3,000 40, equal $120,000."} {"id": "10083", "contents": "25% limit decent rule thumb anyon budget rent; expect anoth 3% 4% go util costs. risk run rest month, consid still got car payment, food, student loan credit card bill address. fee-fre list usual mean pay broker' fee top rent. new york city, fee high 15% annual rent."} {"id": "10084", "contents": "mint, budget person financ web site, recommend spend 33% gross (pre-tax) incom housing, mean $50,000 spend $16,667 per yeara\u20ac\u201dyear\u00e2 or$ 1388 per\u20ac\u201dmontha month\u00e2 rent. util mean earn $50,000 per year, spend $15,000 per yeara\u20ac\u201dyear\u00e2 or$ 1250 per\u20ac\u201dmontha month\u00e2 rent. util"} {"id": "10085", "contents": "that\u2019 30% incom taxes. whenev you\u2019r budgeting, recommend look net incom (what take home taxes), dollar actual plan with. base start salary, leav approxim $600 per month rent. consid averag monthli cost manhattan studio $2,277 (accord manhattan rental-market report octob 2014), know may feel like massiv stretch."} {"id": "10086", "contents": "buy, say make hous cost 25% take-hom pay. presumably, would recommend even smaller percentag rent. answers.com, alway good sourc popular beliefs, give 25% gross incom maximum rent. move.com suggest rang 25% 30% mani person financ expert say spend 35% gross incom rent (not includ renter\u2019 insurance) whether live high-or low-cost area."} {"id": "10087", "contents": "first move manhattan 2002, monthli rent mere $500 month-or 15% take-hom pay. granted, share apart marri coupl live north 100th street (far cool, clubbi downtown scene). fee-fre list usual mean pay broker' fee top rent. new york city, fee high 15% annual rent."} {"id": "10088", "contents": "monthli income: without doubt, import consideration. gener rule thumb spend one-third incom rent. safe, base monthli take-hom pay. make $2,100 per month taxes, afford spend $700 share rent. expenses: people, one-third rule work perfectly. lot expens like student loans, car payment child care may need set sight slightli cheaper place."} {"id": "10089", "contents": "much rent affordable? might also heard spend 30% annual incom rent. spend 30% yearli incom rent wide believ afford amount, leav enough money expenses. example, roommat look $3,000 per month apartment, landlord would requir combin incom $3,000 40, equal $120,000."} {"id": "10090", "contents": "bacteria associ plant actual saprotrophic, harm plant itself. however, small number, around 100 known species, abl caus disease. bacteri diseas much preval sub-trop tropic region world. organ caus infecti diseas includ fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-lik organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematod parasit plants. includ ectoparasit like insects, mites, vertebrate, pest affect plant health consumpt plant tissu"} {"id": "10091", "contents": "caus plant disease? peopl would answer question say plant pathogens, fungi bacteria, caus plant disease. part answer. plant pathologist talk combin three crucial factor must present plant disease. example, septoria leaf spot tomato plants, need tomato plant abl get disease. secondly, pathogen must present--som organ caus disease, septoria fungu attack tomato leaves."} {"id": "10092", "contents": "studi plant diseas known plant pathology. infecti diseas caus live organ call pathogens. noninfecti diseas caus environment stress damag weather environment factor also covered. indirectly, environment factor caus plant stress may result plant' gradual decline. declin result plant suscept diseas organisms. this, diagnos plant diseas tricky."} {"id": "10093", "contents": "fungi fungi preval plant pathogen indoor ornament plants. caus number leaf spot, stem, root rot diseases. foliag diseas caus fungi develop circular, dead spot lesion leaves, stem flowers. gray-to-brown center dri papery, darker edge. plant subject two type disorders: abiot non-infecti disorders; caus environmental, cultural, non-liv things. biotic, infecti pathogen diseases; caus live pathogen microorgan fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes."} {"id": "10094", "contents": "diseas classifi two groups. first caus infecti microorgan includ fungi, bacteria, virus nematodes. diseas contagi spread plant plant field, often rapidli environment condit favorable. fungi common caus infecti plant diseas destructive. diseas tomato caus bacteria, viruses, nematod describ extens fact sheet epp-7626. non-infecti diseas tomato cover extens fact sheet epp-7627."} {"id": "10095", "contents": "plant diseas usual defin abnorm growth and/or dysfunct plant. diseas result disturb normal life process plant. diseas may result live and/or non-liv causes. biotic diseas caus live organ fungi, bacteria, viruses. even though plant symptom specif part, necessarili mean damag tissu contain organ caus symptoms. example, root rot caus chlorosi wilt stem leaves, diseas causal organ roots."} {"id": "10096", "contents": "abiot agent diseas non-liv factor soil compaction, spring frosts, hail, lawnmow damag tree trunks. abiot agent noninfecti non-transmissible. plant diseas deriv agent refer physiolog diseas environment diseases. even though plant symptom specif part, necessarili mean damag tissu contain organ caus symptoms. example, root rot caus chlorosi wilt stem leaves, diseas causal organ roots."} {"id": "10097", "contents": "order plant disease, first need suscept host plant. example, septoria leaf spot tomato plants, need tomato plant abl get disease. secondly, pathogen must present--som organ caus disease, septoria fungu attack tomato leaves."} {"id": "10098", "contents": "dentist may choos special particular field dentistry, orthodont pediatr dentistry. becom specialist, dentist must complet 2-4 year postdoctor education, might requir complet 2-year resid program field choice. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, student enter dental school complet 4-year bachelor' degre program beforehand (www.bls.gov). applic complet 2-3 year colleg prior appli dental school complet bachelor' degre there."} {"id": "10099", "contents": "report abuse. dentist probabl answer question. finish bachelor degree, dental school years. get basic dental degre dd dmd. want specialize, would anoth 2-5 years. oral maxillofaci surgeri md years. major specialti years. school combin dental degre bachelor degree. get bs, dd year program. cours take addit year save year get bachelor degree. know univers missouri, kansa citi bs, dd program. hope answer question. good luck."} {"id": "10100", "contents": "generally, dentist must complet bachelor' degree, pass dental admiss test (dat), complet four year studi earn doctor dental surgeri doctor dental medicine. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, student enter dental school complet 4-year bachelor' degre program beforehand (www.bls.gov). applic complet 2-3 year colleg prior appli dental school complet bachelor' degre there."} {"id": "10101", "contents": "take year dental hospit becom dentist year hygienist. also combin cours dental therapi hygien take 27 months. good luck. source(s): dental nurs last 10 years. report abuse. uk take year train qualifi becom dentist, becom dental hygeinist take year full time. sure much would cost dentistry, know hygenist cours king colleg hospit london cost \u00a33,000 thought myself."} {"id": "10102", "contents": "orthodontist. orthodontist one need becom dentist first. get dental school need 2-4 year college. peopl get dental school year college. oral surgeri tack anoth two, total twelve. basic degre first typic year dental school except 90 credit roughli 30 credit away ba one year away."} {"id": "10103", "contents": "take long time mani hour studi becom orthodontist. averag number year becom orthodontist 10 11 year high school graduation. would year undergraduate, year dental school year orthodont graduat program. yep, that\u2019 right."} {"id": "10104", "contents": "orthodontist one need becom dentist first. get dental school need 2-4 year college. peopl get dental school year college. need get good grade certain requir courses. oral surgeri tack anoth two, total twelve. basic degre first typic year dental school except 90 credit roughli 30 credit away ba one year away."} {"id": "10105", "contents": "essenti information. generally, dentist must complet bachelor' degree, pass dental admiss test (dat), complet four year studi earn doctor dental surgeri doctor dental medicine. finally, must obtain licensur state board dentistri practic profession. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, student enter dental school complet 4-year bachelor' degre program beforehand (www.bls.gov). applic complet 2-3 year colleg prior appli dental school complet bachelor' degre there."} {"id": "10106", "contents": "dental school years, 3. half orthodont school year rest years. take year undergradu educ (usually, take 2-3 except credentials) 3-4 year dental school (depend particular school curriculum). oral surgeri tack anoth two, total twelve. basic degre first typic year dental school except 90 credit roughli 30 credit away ba one year away."} {"id": "10107", "contents": "proper height. stair rail must 34 38 inch top stair tread time meet unit state build code requirements. also extend foot stairs, ad safety. extens requir privat stairways."} {"id": "10108", "contents": "bottom line. instal stair handrail height suggest nation state build codes, 30 34 inches. code regul stair handrail height area, freedom instal rail differ height, suggested, 36 40 inch best prevent falls. build codes. nation state build code suggest handrail height 30 34 inches, inch shorter suggest height safety. instal stairs, however, must obey build code set handrail height accordingly."} {"id": "10109", "contents": "buildings, handrail height 900mm 1000mm measur pitch line top handrail. lay straight edge, long enough cover sever steps, stairs. pitch line undersid straight edg (assum carpet fitted). see below. stair handrail least one side less 1m wide. handrail side wider. need handrail first two step up."} {"id": "10110", "contents": "3.6 wall-mount handrails. space handrail wall 40 mm 50 mm smooth wall 60 mm rough textur wall (fig. 5). handrail fulli recess walls, space least 0.15 allow top rail top recess (fig. 6). stair ramp 3.00 wide, continu intermedi handrail could provid (see ramps; stairs). 3.6 wall-mount handrail space handrail wall 40 mm 50 mm smooth wall 60 mm rough textur wall (fig."} {"id": "10111", "contents": "stair handrail place someth grasp use stairs. import rail comfort height prevent falls. accord human cornell, handrail height 36 40 inch effect prevent fall descend stairs. build codes. nation state build code suggest handrail height 30 34 inches, inch shorter suggest height safety. instal stairs, however, must obey build code set handrail height accordingly."} {"id": "10112", "contents": "meet build code requirements, rail mount top 34 38 in. front edg stair nosings. chose 36 in. photo show find point top stair. repeat process bottom step. later align top rail mark locat rail bracket (photo 7). use mark top posit rail attach bracket (photo 7, close-up). sinc rail run parallel stairs, use stair nose guid cut rail right length figur top angl (photo 5). start cut 45-degre angl one end rail."} {"id": "10113", "contents": "important! handrail, mount wall staircase, need know side stair handrail mount look stairs. stair rail fasten wall well steps, need precis measurements. pleas enlarg diagram see determin height want rail be. \u25ba\u25ba pleas scroll link page site."} {"id": "10114", "contents": "next step cut rail glue short horizont section top. sinc rail run parallel stairs, use stair nose guid cut rail right length figur top angl (photo 5). start cut 45-degre angl one end rail. cut short return wall"} {"id": "10115", "contents": "step 1. gather follow tools: stud finder, tape measure, screws, length string long stairs, pencil, level, drill, clamp, screwdriver. bracket instal stud, start use stud finder locat first one."} {"id": "10116", "contents": "tomato (see pronunciation) edible, often red berry-typ fruit nightshad solanum lycopersicum, commonli known tomato plant. tomato consum divers ways, includ raw, ingredi mani dishes, sauces, salads, drinks. tomato belong nightshad family, solanaceae. leaves, stems, green unrip fruit tomato plant contain small amount toxic alkaloid tomatine. also contain solanine, toxic alkaloid found potato leav plant nightshad family. use tomato leav herbal tea respons least one death"} {"id": "10117", "contents": "solanum lycopersicum. tomato plant unusu least three scientif names. solanum lycopersicum common, place tomato (correctly) nightshad famili (solanaceae), along tobacco, potato, eggplant belladonna (deadli nightshade). tomato new world plants. unknown european columbu brought back end 15th century. varieti american indian name one indian name give us english word tomato.. german name wolf peach give us scientif name lycopersicum.. plant ..."} {"id": "10118", "contents": "name tomato may deriv aztec word tomatl (which realli mean tomatillo). european explor brought tomato america dissemin throughout europ asia sometim 16th century. tomato cultiv world-wid varieti environments. common tomato, lycopersicon esculentum mill., belong extrem divers larg famili solanaceae. often refer nightshad family, famili contain mani commonli cultiv plant (potato, peppers, eggplant, tobacco, petunias, tomatillo) variou weed (nightshades, jimson weed)."} {"id": "10119", "contents": "tomato nativ western south america central america. nativ version small, like cherri tomatoes, like yellow rather red. member deadli nightshad family, tomato erron thought poison european suspici bright, shini fruit. leaves, stems, green unrip fruit tomato plant contain small amount toxic alkaloid tomatine. also contain solanine, toxic alkaloid found potato leav plant nightshad family. use tomato leav herbal tea respons least one death"} {"id": "10120", "contents": "introduction. tomato (solanum lycopersicum) one import veget plant world. origin western south america, domest thought occur central america."} {"id": "10121", "contents": "tomatillo (physali philadelphica), also known mexican husk tomato, plant nightshad famili bear small, spheric green green-purpl fruit name."} {"id": "10122", "contents": "tomato, today popular garden veget america. mani years, however, tomato (then call love apples) consid poison grown sole ornament value. tomato usual easi grow plant provid adequ harvest families."} {"id": "10123", "contents": "latin name tomato lycopersicon esculentum, famili name solanacea (nightshade)."} {"id": "10124", "contents": "69. guess oven would low heat 275, medium 350 high 425. pan low would double-boil (water boil temp) medium would sizzl oil, high would smoking."} {"id": "10125", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. common oven temperatur (such terms: cool oven, slow oven, slow oven, moder oven, hot oven, fast oven, etc.) set control effect bake oven, variou length time. moder oven rang 180\u2013190\u00b0c (350\u2013375\u00b0f), hot oven temperatur set 200\u2013230\u00b0c (400\u2013450\u00b0f). fast oven rang 230\u2013260\u00b0c (450\u2013500\u00b0f) typic temperature."} {"id": "10126", "contents": "temperatur hot oven 218-233 celciu 200 degre celsiu domest oven gener oper 230 degre centigrad (450 f)."} {"id": "10127", "contents": "recip call low oven, need set temperatur around 125 degre celsius. temperatur perfect long slow cooking, especi tenderis tough cut meat. medium oven mean temperatur around 180 degre celsius. good temperatur choos sure temperatur need. temperatur work well everyth pie cake even pasta bakes. high oven mean temperatur around 230 degre celsius."} {"id": "10128", "contents": "kitchen oven realli cool dial. turn 350 trust oven heat remain 350 degrees. put food, set timer, go someth productive. camp cook outdoors, there' bit hit-or-miss. dutch oven, there' dial, noth tell hot oven is. so, 12 inch oven would 12+3=15 top 12-3=9 underneath. work size dutch oven. need adjust briquett placement depend type cooking. feel method put much heat th"} {"id": "10129", "contents": "found that, use ir thermomet read pan bottom temperatur minut heat (the temperatur longer rising), high correspond 375 degre f, medium high 330 degrees, medium 300 degrees, low 275 degrees."} {"id": "10130", "contents": "place centr oven set oven 175 degre celsius. check temperatur shown thermomet 20 minut within five degre 175, need get oven profession calibrated. good temperatur choos sure temperatur need. temperatur work well everyth pie cake even pasta bakes. high oven mean temperatur around 230"} {"id": "10131", "contents": "variou standard phrase describ oven temperatur includ word cool hot slow fast. example, cool oven temperatur set 90\u00b0c (200\u00b0f), slow oven temperatur rang 150\u2013160\u00b0c (300\u2013325\u00b0f). moder oven rang 180\u2013190\u00b0c (350\u2013375\u00b0f), hot oven temperatur set 200\u2013230\u00b0c (400\u2013450\u00b0f). fast oven rang 230\u2013260\u00b0c (450\u2013500\u00b0f) typic temperature."} {"id": "10132", "contents": "cook steak oven 40 45 minutes. steak still look fairli uncook remov oven. thermomet insert thickest part steak reveal cook temperatur five ten degre lower desir doneness. roast steak: preheat oven 300 degrees. season steak. sear steak hot skillet minut side. transfer steak wire rack rim bake sheet place preheat oven. roast 20 25 minutes, desir done achieved."} {"id": "10133", "contents": "new miel oven temperatur select rang 400 575, factori set default temp three broil options. old oven one temperature...550 work fine. assum larg rang given must reason, alot learn broil oven."} {"id": "10134", "contents": "factor fuel price effici heat appliances, allow estim cost heat averag home (1500 sq. ft.). average, well-insul home use approxim 50,000 btu per sq. ft., approxim 540 gallon fuel oil per year."} {"id": "10135", "contents": "12.5. averag maryland oil-heat home use 500 600 gallon heat oil per season. maryland, averag winter temperatur 34.1\u00b0f. winter months, equal roughli 540 gallons. course, everi home different\u2013 age condit furnace, size home, outsid temperatures, number residents, etc. affect much oil use winter. answer question, \u201chow much oil use winter?\u201d let\u2019 start look usag per 24 hours. follow chart approxim amount heat oil gallon averag maryland home use variou temperatur 24-hour period."} {"id": "10136", "contents": "4. multipli hour burner oper gallon per hour find gallon per day furnac use. instance, oil burner use 1.7 gallon per oper hour run 13 hour per day, burn 22 gallon per day. divid capac fuel tank gallon per day find long tank last. 250-gallon tank, use 22 gallon per day, divid 250 22 estim 11-day fuel suppli tank"} {"id": "10137", "contents": "past year averag gallon oil usag per day. know consumpt alot size house, temperatur setting, outsid temperature, etc. tell winter month thermostat basic set 72 degrees. read averag 3-4 gal day. 2.5 gal per day heat hot water 1500 sq ft 69 deg. warm winter live, zero yet, unusual. would say usag right,mayb bit high."} {"id": "10138", "contents": "older home leaks, stat 72* run 15-20* weather boiler 60% rang suck hurry. go wood, averag hous use cord wood entir winter use sole source. split 70% wood, 30% oil spent $600.00 winter oil. ive never own home before, never oil furnac heat source. move home hamden, connecticut, older split system oil furnace. home 1200 sq ft. im curiou averag monthli winter bill heat home."} {"id": "10139", "contents": "look burner nozzl number tell gallon per hour instal nozzle. gallons-per-hour figur refer oil consumpt burner actual operation. typic home oil furnac consum 0.8 1.7 gallon per hour operation. instance, oil burner use 1.7 gallon per oper hour run 13 hour per day, burn 22 gallon per day. divid capac fuel tank gallon per day find long tank last."} {"id": "10140", "contents": "averag heat oil consumpt home summer month new england? tri figur burn unusu high amount heat oil summer months. 250 gallon tank fill mid april ran oil today (10/12). 41 gallon month seem like lot oil heat water spring, summer fall. wife live hous take averag length shower day"} {"id": "10141", "contents": "advertisements. look hous approxim 1500 squar feet, rooms, expand cape. new windows, heat zones, built 1955. oil heat hot water. process obtain current owner usage, would like know averag home use gallon oil per year. 2,500-3,000 sq ft high ranch use 750 gallon oil per year. hous well insul (at least r-30 attic) least r-15 walls."} {"id": "10142", "contents": "heat oil consumption. tri get handl much heat oil peopl use. live 2000 sq ft house, averag amount insulation, window storms, live upstat new york use older oil burner heat domest water -- tankless. estim day use 4.5 gallon per day octob rather mild."} {"id": "10143", "contents": "trichinosi type parasit food poisoning. caus roundworm pork wild game (for example, bear). symptom food poison include: nausea. vomiting. diarrhea. stomach pain."} {"id": "10144", "contents": "food poison pork. one get food poison pork roundworm genus, trichinella found raw pork meat. major symptom type food poison abdomin discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscl pain. advertisement."} {"id": "10145", "contents": "refer food poison kind pork mostli raw undercook pork. common caus food poison pork caus parasit known roundworms. case food poison pork also refer trichinosis. anoth type pork food poison caus yersina enterocolitica bacteria. ingest undercook pork increas risk poison"} {"id": "10146", "contents": "pork food poisoning. may connect pork food poison coupl type food poisoning, one known \u2018trichinosis\u2019. type occur result \u2018yersinia enterocolitica\u2019bacteria."} {"id": "10147", "contents": "yersinia enterocolitica bacteria pork food poisoning. type food poison caus the. bacteria live insid raw pork. caus actual pork strain bacteria also caus gastroenteritis."} {"id": "10148", "contents": "so, get food poison pork? answer yes, pork consum infect intestin parasite, call roundworms. larval stage parasit cyst form present raw pork meat."} {"id": "10149", "contents": "anemia medic term refer reduc number circul red blood cell (rbc's), hemoglobin (hb), both. specif diseas rather result diseas process condition."} {"id": "10150", "contents": "anemia condit develop blood lack enough healthi red blood cell hemoglobin. hemoglobin main part red blood cell bind oxygen. abnorm red blood cells, hemoglobin abnorm low, cell bodi get enough oxygen. symptom anemia -- like fatigu -- occur organ get need function properly. treatment: procedures. sever anemia, may need transfus blood match type. body' product red blood cell work right, anemia may treat cure transplant."} {"id": "10151", "contents": "general, anemia mean low number red blood cells. one type anemia iron defici anemia. type, enough iron properli make hemoglobin, substanc help red blood cell carri oxygen."} {"id": "10152", "contents": "iron-defici anemia common, easili treat condit occur enough iron body. low iron level usual due blood loss, poor diet, inabl absorb enough iron food. iron-defici anemia usual develop time bodi enough iron build healthi red blood cells. without enough iron, bodi start use iron stored. soon, store iron get use up. store iron gone, bodi make fewer"} {"id": "10153", "contents": "red blood cell count low, might told anemia. anemia mean blood littl hemoglobin. hemoglobin part red blood cell (rbc) carri oxygen cell body. normal level hemoglobin vari bit base age, sex, lab test."} {"id": "10154", "contents": "anemia medic term refer reduc number circul red blood cell (rbc's), hemoglobin (hb), both. specif diseas rather result diseas process condition."} {"id": "10155", "contents": "overview. iron-defici anemia common type anemia. term anemia usual refer condit blood lower normal number red blood cells. red blood cell carri oxygen remov carbon dioxid (a wast product) body. iron-defici anemia usual develop time bodi enough iron build healthi red blood cells. without enough iron, bodi start use iron stored. soon, store iron get use up. store iron gone, bodi make fewer"} {"id": "10156", "contents": "anemia medic condit red blood cell count hemoglobin less normal. men, anemia typic defin hemoglobin level less 13.5 gram/100 ml women hemoglobin less 12.0 gram/100 ml. anemia facts."} {"id": "10157", "contents": "topic overview. iron defici anemia occur bodi enough iron. iron import help get enough oxygen throughout body. bodi use iron make hemoglobin. hemoglobin part red blood cells. hemoglobin carri oxygen body. enough iron, bodi make fewer smaller red blood cells. bodi less hemoglobin, cannot get enough oxygen. iron defici common caus anemia. iron defici anemia caus low level iron body. might low iron level you: heavi menstrual bleeding. get enough iron food"} {"id": "10158", "contents": "certifi nurs assist (cna) salary. (unit states). averag pay certifi nurs assist (cna) $10.99 per hour. skill associ high pay job telemetry, oper room or, intens care unit (icu), emerg room (er)."} {"id": "10159", "contents": "certifi nurs assist genesi healthcar expect wage $11.17 per hour average. compens rang $9.50 per hour $13.16. women account major certifi nurs assist genesi healthcar took survey 90 percent exact."} {"id": "10160", "contents": "abstract: sinc 1989, genesi healthcar -- for-profit network long-term care servic provid -- given certifi nurs assist (cnas) opportun advanc profession develop particip geriatr nurs assist specialist (gnas) train program."} {"id": "10161", "contents": "averag genesi healthcar salari rang approxim $15,000 per year housekeep $300,000 per year physician. averag genesi healthcar hourli pay rang approxim $7.50 per hour housekeep $60.18 per hour physic therapist. salari inform come 1,374 data point collect directli employees, users, job indeed."} {"id": "10162", "contents": "lowest 10 percent earn cna salari less $18,300, highest 10 percent earn cna wage $35,330. cna nurs assist salari includ figur detail figur below."} {"id": "10163", "contents": "summary: cna/hha pay rang $8.55 per hour low end $16.62. median cna/hha pay $11.54 per hour. salari caregiv rang $7.89 $14.20, median salari $9.91. full detail includ guide.view caregiv pay city."} {"id": "10164", "contents": "nation averag pay cna rang $8.55 per hour low end $16.62 high end. median cna hourli rate $11.54. annually, averag cna pay goe $17,800 $34,600 high end, median salari $24,000."} {"id": "10165", "contents": "distanc sun is:- aphelion (furthest) 4,553,946,490 km (2,829,691,160 miles) ~30.44 auperihelion (nearest) 4, 452,940,833 km (2,766,929,150 miles) ~29.766 ausemi major axi (mean) 4,503,443,661 km (2,798,310,160 miles) ~30.1036 au light take hour reach neptune."} {"id": "10166", "contents": "like planet solar system, neptun distanc sun chang time. therefore, sometim closer sun sometim away sun. however, averag distanc 2.8 billion miles. 4.5 billion km, 4,503,443,661 km."} {"id": "10167", "contents": "au, closer sun pluto. neptune' averag distanc sun 30.1 au. therefore, depend upon planet respect orbit, distanc could anywher billion kilomet 19 billion km."} {"id": "10168", "contents": "like planets, neptun orbit sun stretched-out circl known ellipse. mean distanc star constantli changing. ici planet closest sun, lie 2.77 billion mile (4.46 billion km)."} {"id": "10169", "contents": "averag distanc neptun sun 2,795,084,800 mile 4,498,252,900 kilometers."} {"id": "10170", "contents": "so, neptune\u2019 averag distanc sun 30.1 au. perihelion 29.8 au, it\u2019 aphelion 30.4 au. written mani articl neptun univers today. here\u2019 articl neptune\u2019 moons, here\u2019 articl neptune\u2019 southern pole warmest place planet."} {"id": "10171", "contents": "uranu averag distanc 1,783,939,400 mile 2,870,972,200 kilomet sun. orbit elliptical, distanc sun chang depend orbit. closest uranu get sun 1,699,800,000 mile 2,735,560,000 kilometers."} {"id": "10172", "contents": "averag distanc neptun sun 2,795,084,800 mile 4,498,252,900 kilometers. orbit elliptical, distanc sun chang depend orbit."} {"id": "10173", "contents": "closest neptun get sun 2,771,087,000 mile 4,459,630,000 kilometers. farthest get sun 2,819,080,000 mile 4,536,870,000 kilometers. javascript must enabl use cool cosmos. learn how."} {"id": "10174", "contents": "full definit citrus. group often thorni tree shrub (citru relat genera) rue famili grown warm region edibl fruit (a orang lemon) firm usual thick rind pulpi flesh; also: fruit. cit\u00b7rusi \\\u02c8si-tr\u0259-s\u0113\\ adjective. 1. capitalized: genu often thorni tree shrub rue famili (rutaceae) grown warm region edibl fruit (a orange, lemon, lime, mandarin) firm usual thick rind pulpi flesh. 2. plural citrus citrus: plant fruit genu citru relat genus."} {"id": "10175", "contents": "citru fruit fruit edibl part divid sections. exampl citru fruit grapefruit, orange, tangerine, clementine, lemon, lime. mor uncommonli avail citru fruit pomelo, kumquat, ugli satsuma. list them. citru fruit variou edibl fruit, peel juic"} {"id": "10176", "contents": "type citru fruit. type citru fruit. clementin leech lime sweeti grapefruit mandarin tangerin kumquat minneola tangelo lemon orang ugli rough lemon pummelo lime satsuma citru fruit acid fruit. acid fruit detoxifi fruit excel foods. avoid flu bodi could overreact detoxifi make even sick. peopl may problem fruit acid content."} {"id": "10177", "contents": "medic definit citrus. 1. capitalized: genu often thorni tree shrub rue famili (rutaceae) grown warm region edibl fruit (a orange, lemon, lime, mandarin) firm usual thick rind pulpi flesh. 2. plural citrus citrus: plant fruit genu citru relat genus."} {"id": "10178", "contents": "meronym (part citrus): citrou fruit; citrus; citru fruit (ani numer fruit genu citru thick rind juici pulp; grown warm regions). hyponym (each follow kind citrus): orang (round yellow orang fruit sever citru trees). citron (larg lemonlik fruit thick aromat rind; usual preserved). citrang (more aromat acid tast oranges; use beverag marmalade). holonym (citru part of...): citrus; citru tree (ani numer tropic usual thorni evergreen tree genu citru leatheri evergreen leav wide cultiv juici edibl fruit leatheri aromat rinds)."} {"id": "10179", "contents": "colour outer skin citru fruits, known zest, use flavour cooking; white inner portion peel, pith, usual avoid due bitterness. zest citru fruit, typic lemon orange, also soak water coffe filter, drunk. middl layer pericarp mesocarp, citru fruit consist white, spongi albedo, pith. innermost layer pericarp endocarp. segment also call lith space insid lith locul fill juic vesicles, pulp."} {"id": "10180", "contents": "citru common term genu (citrus) flower plant rue family, rutaceae. recent research indic origin australia, new caledonia new guinea. middl layer pericarp mesocarp, citru fruit consist white, spongi albedo, pith. innermost layer pericarp endocarp. segment also call lith space insid lith locul fill juic vesicles, pulp."} {"id": "10181", "contents": "n. pl. citru cit\u00b7rus\u00b7es. 1. variou evergreen, usual spini shrub tree genu citru genera famili rutaceae, grapefruit, lemon, orange, nativ south southeast asia wide cultiv juici edibl fruit leatheri aromat rind. cit\u2022rus. 1. small tree spini shrub genu citrus, rue family, includ lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, citron, kumquat, shaddock. 2. fruit tree shrubs, shiny, stippl skin, tart-to-sweet juici pulp. 3."} {"id": "10182", "contents": "natur cultiv citru hybrid includ commerci import fruit oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tangerines. apart four core citru species, australian lime recently-discov mangshanyegan. middl layer pericarp mesocarp, citru fruit consist white, spongi albedo, pith. innermost layer pericarp endocarp. segment also call lith space insid lith locul fill juic vesicles, pulp."} {"id": "10183", "contents": "1. genu name aquarium fish betta splenden deriv malay word ikan betah.. common name fish also betta, english we'd pronounc soft e. often hear pronunci bay-tuh, common genu name, often hear fish fancier loudli object insist soft e."} {"id": "10184", "contents": "aris controversi among english-speak fish fanciers. reason mention languag relat english etymolog -- word betta origin malay word, adopt latin scientif classif system, also becom common english name popular fish."} {"id": "10185", "contents": "mani differ speci bettas. one see pet store betta splendens. betta scientic name genu siames fight fish kin gdom: animalia phylum: chordata class: actinopterygii order: perciform family: osphronemida genus: betta. person found useful."} {"id": "10186", "contents": "best name betta fish. one best part adopt new fish choos name betta fish. select perfect mani name betta fish know betta eventu learn name priceless."} {"id": "10187", "contents": "medic definit synergist. 1. agent increas effect anoth agent combin it; especially: drug act synerg another. 2. organ (a muscle) act concert anoth enhanc effect\u2014compar agonist 1, antagonist a. someth (a chemic muscle) enhanc effect activ agent; broadly: either member synergist pair. advertisement."} {"id": "10188", "contents": "anon272083. post 5. synergist muscl join assist prime mover; stabilizer! fixat help maintain stabl position. antagonist muscl (in relat prime mover) relaxes, muscl tend work pairs-on side contract opposit side relaxes. alchemy. post 3. fiorite-think term synergist agonist descriptor describ purpos muscl refer to. synergist muscl agonist,or work agonist perform similar function. synergist muscl prevent muscl oversextnding."} {"id": "10189", "contents": "definit synergist. someth (a chemic muscle) enhanc effect activ agent; broadly: either member synergist pair. advertisement. noun syn\u00b7er\u00b7gist \\-j\u0259st\\"} {"id": "10190", "contents": "3. synergist: synergist movement muscle(s) stabilis joint around movement occurring, turn help agonist function effectively. synergist muscl also help creat movement. 1. agonist: agonist movement muscle(s) provid major forc complet movement. agonist known \u2018prime movers\u2019. bicep curl produc flexion elbow, bicep muscl agonist, seen imag below."} {"id": "10191", "contents": "synergist eccentr defined. order movement occur, muscl must contract. accord andrew biel' trail guid body, muscl lead action primari mover call agonist. muscl support agonist call synergist. muscl work togeth achiev entir movement call synergists. concentr movement muscl contract shorten time. synergist muscles. lower eccentr phase squat, four quadricep elongated. four quad vastu lateralis, vastu intermedius, vastu mediali rectu femoris."} {"id": "10192", "contents": "4. fixator: fixat movement muscle(s) stabilis origin agonist joint origin span (move over) order help agonist function effectively. bicep curl would rotat cuff muscles, \u2018guardian shoulder joint\u2019. 1. agonist: agonist movement muscle(s) provid major forc complet movement. agonist known \u2018prime movers\u2019. bicep curl produc flexion elbow, bicep muscl agonist, seen imag below."} {"id": "10193", "contents": "10 fact space blow mind. synergist muscl muscl work concert anoth muscl gener movement. muscl work so-cal agonist prime mover surround joint, antagonist muscles, move opposit direction. alchemy. post 3. fiorite-think term synergist agonist descriptor describ purpos muscl refer to. synergist muscl agonist,or work agonist perform similar function. synergist muscl prevent muscl oversextnding."} {"id": "10194", "contents": "act statute, law, decis legisl judici bodi act congress. bill legisl propos offer debat enactment. statut draft becom law. two differ type laws-ther common law statutori law. statutori law law creat parliament written act bind court country. common law law creat court case law follow system preced decid binding."} {"id": "10195", "contents": "act law.. pass legisl body, piec legisl call bill, yet law.. bill pass requisit number vote sign execut authority, becom act (enacted) point, becom law. act law pass legisl body. ordin usual municip governments, counti city. example: law set zone stan dard community."} {"id": "10196", "contents": "differ law act. differ law act law, deriv legi latin, refer set rule issu a. act, also refer set rules, origin mean legisl act, issu an. jurisdiction."} {"id": "10197", "contents": "best answer: act pass parliament, (arguably) highest form law land. act parliament primari legisl uk. regul two thing (just confus thing littl more!) firstli regul form secondari legislation. act law directli pass hous parliament queen assented. regul rule (have forc law) pass bodi parliament deleg power make rules. stevet year ago."} {"id": "10198", "contents": "report abuse. act law directli pass hous parliament queen assented. regul rule (have forc law) pass bodi parliament deleg power make rules. stevet year ago. thumb"} {"id": "10199", "contents": "confid vote 104. act ... written ordin parliament, congress, etc. wherea law rule system rule recogn countri commun regul action member enforc imposit penalties.. two differ type laws-ther common law statutori law. statutori law law creat parliament written act bind court country. common law law creat court case law follow system preced decid binding."} {"id": "10200", "contents": "asker' rating. report abuse. law gener refer bill pass legislatur sign law presid governor; legisl gener term propos bill draft process consid legislature."} {"id": "10201", "contents": "differ ordin act...... act bill present state legisl home/parlia india, pass hous state legislatu parliament, sent accent state governor presid india, becom act. two differ type laws-ther common law statutori law. statutori law law creat parliament written act bind court country. common law law creat court case law follow system preced decid binding."} {"id": "10202", "contents": "law gener term refer rule regul pass parliament meant guid conduct people. law also help protect citizen also maintain public order. act type law pertain specif situat circumstances. pass government, let peopl know rule regul specif situations. act pass parliament, cannot becom law. pass parliament, act known bill. act vs law. differ act law exist formation. law word easili understood common people. piec legisl bind upon peopl follow all. provis applic peopl differ circumst"} {"id": "10203", "contents": "check specif particular cpu www.cpu-world.com detail maximum oper temperatur mani processors. gener consid 60 degre celciu absolut maximum long periods, aim 45-50 degre safe. explain accept temperatur rang cpu laptop pcs, monitor processor check it\u2019 get hot."} {"id": "10204", "contents": "full-load temperatur correctli function processor less cpu' maximum oper temperature. intel core i7-4765t i7-920 cpu maximum oper temperatur 66 68 degre celsius, respect (150 154 fahrenheit). cpu would run 46 48 degre celsiu (115 118 fahrenheit) moder workload. unless run core i7 cpu constant full workload, averag temperatur would somewher idl moder workload range."} {"id": "10205", "contents": "oct 16, 2013 12:15 am. idl temperatur (mean laptop anything) around 30-50 degre celciu perfectli normal. idl temperatur vari depend kind processor cool setup have. full load temperatur (mean laptop work hard) vari anywher 50-100+ degre celcius. think peopl would agre anywher 70 degre celciu get warm side. misconcept here... idl temperatur (mean laptop anything) around 30-50 degre celciu perfectli normal. idl temperatur vari depend kind processor cool setup have."} {"id": "10206", "contents": "appropri oper temperatur processor depend manufacturer, top clock speed, sensor located, program current running. however, document give gener idea temperatur accept certain conditions. continu use comput processor exceed temperatur reduc life expect processor. note: depend computer' hardwar layout, thermal sensor may posit optim location."} {"id": "10207", "contents": "approxim averag temperatur given cpu run base maximum oper temperature. cpu fluctuat 20 30 degre celsiu (36 54 fahrenheit) normal use idl full-load. cpu would run 46 48 degre celsiu (115 118 fahrenheit) moder workload. unless run core i7 cpu constant full workload, averag temperatur would somewher idl moder workload range."} {"id": "10208", "contents": "averag temperatur intel core i7 processor depend processor model, hard cpu work comput case ambient temperature. core i7 brand name refer higher-end model within multipl intel processor generations. cpu would run 46 48 degre celsiu (115 118 fahrenheit) moder workload. unless run core i7 cpu constant full workload, averag temperatur would somewher idl moder workload range."} {"id": "10209", "contents": "look temperatur specif specif laptop' intel amd processor, cpus' maximum temperatur around 100\u00b0 celsiu (212\u00b0 fahrenheit). sever free temperatur monitor program avail show cpu temperatur well system detail like processor load, voltages, more. also automat manual adjust speed laptop' fan best performance. coupl i'v use before:"} {"id": "10210", "contents": "major today' desktop processor exceed temperatur 35\u00b0c run 21\u00b0-32\u00b0c. chart list mani type processor averag temperatures. keep mind, give user gener idea processor run at. believ comput run hot, skip bottom document inform safe temperatur rang processor. continu use comput processor exceed temperatur reduc life expect processor. note: depend computer' hardwar layout, thermal sensor may posit optim location."} {"id": "10211", "contents": "liliacea family. plant lili (liliaceae) famili usual toxic dogs, however, certain exceptions, lili valley plant. mischiev doggi somehow consum small amount lily, relax -- plant gener poison canin"} {"id": "10212", "contents": "calla lili better look eaten. calla lili (zantedeschia aethiopica) versatil perenni fulfil varieti role home landscape, tropic specimen plant pot hous plant eleg cut flower. peopl also find valu plant food source, leav edibl cooked. eat part plant quit danger however, calla lili contain toxic calcium oxal crystals."} {"id": "10213", "contents": "calla lili result acut kidney failur ingested, differ danger type lili caus kidney failur (e.g., easter, day, asiatic, japanes show, tiger lilies). poison type: plants. altern names: calcium oxal crystals, insolubl oxalates, insolubl calcium oxalates. calla lili contain insolubl crystal calcium oxal bundl call raphites. chew bite plant releas crystal penetr tissu result injuri"} {"id": "10214", "contents": "calla lili poisoning: introduction. calla lili poisoning: bulb plant bear larg color white flower-lik structur long leafless stems. often grown garden use flower arrangements. plant contain chemic includ calcium oxal crystal highli toxic eaten."} {"id": "10215", "contents": "zantedeschia aethiopica (known calla lili arum lily) speci famili araceae, nativ southern africa lesotho, south africa, swaziland. description. zantedeschia aethiopica (known calla lili arum lily) speci famili araceae, nativ southern africa lesotho, south africa, swaziland. contents."} {"id": "10216", "contents": "wholeblossoms.com. even bite two eleg calla lili caus liver failur pet mouth tongu human swell. protein asparagine, found particularli concentr root plant, poisonous, extra prudent popular cut flower. bob vila. calla lily. even bite two eleg calla lili caus liver failur pet mouth tongu human swell."} {"id": "10217", "contents": "human poisoning. eat part raw calla lili lead symptom diarrhea, stomach pain, intens burn sensations, swell throat, tongu lips. north carolina state univers describ plant highli toxic, warn may fatal eaten. peopl also find valu plant food source, leav edibl cooked. eat part plant quit danger however, calla lili contain toxic calcium oxal crystals."} {"id": "10218", "contents": "cultur marxism: offshoot marxism gave birth polit correctness, multicultur anti-racism.. unlik tradit marxism focus economics, cultur marxism focus cultur maintain human behavior result cultur (not hered race) thu malleable."} {"id": "10219", "contents": "jewish hatr christian white european people. march 2, 2015march 2, 2015 smashculturalmarxism. alway said peopl want fulli understand ethnic religi motiv behind cultur marxism acknowledg christian one main targets."} {"id": "10220", "contents": "cultur marxism term use critic even self-admit marxist unlik use term describ ideology. also, cultur marxism origin marxist idea promot idea cultur marxism today may alway know consid marxists."} {"id": "10221", "contents": "polit correct cultur marxism. marxism translat econom cultur terms. effort goe back 1960 hippi peac movement, back world war i."} {"id": "10222", "contents": "cultur marxism ideolog emphas cultur main caus inequalities. critic seen cultur marxism influenc import caus polit correct import caus perceiv declin humanities, social sciences, culture, civil western world."} {"id": "10223", "contents": "origin polit correct cultur marxism found earli part 20th centuri frankfurt school, headquart communist scheme germany. max horkheimer, t.w. adorno, herbert marcuse, leo lowenthal, erich fromm there."} {"id": "10224", "contents": "second, cultur marxism polit correctness, like econom marxism, singl factor explan history. econom marxism say histori determin ownership mean production. cultur marxism, polit correctness, say histori determin power, group defin term race, sex, etc., power groups."} {"id": "10225", "contents": "about. cultur marxism conceptu term use describ idea cultur main drive forc inequ western world."} {"id": "10226", "contents": "cover health insurance, typic go pay averag $1,000 slightli higher depend much deduct coinsur amounts. cover medic insurance, cost rang $2,000-$3,000."} {"id": "10227", "contents": "you\u2019r plan colonoscopy, might want ask price advance. make sure price quot includ everything: doctor\u2019 fee, anesthesiology, lab test facil fee (sometim always) main charges."} {"id": "10228", "contents": "however, cost significantli -- $1,500 perform hospital, would charg facil fee. disadvantag flexibl sigmoidoscopi doctor abl view half colon, recommend everi five year instead everi 10."} {"id": "10229", "contents": "cost colonoscopi vari depend geograph location, health insurance, facil perform procedure."} {"id": "10230", "contents": "included: addit costs: procedure, patient sedated, doctor use flexibl tube camera light -- colonoscop -- examin rectum insid full length colon. anyth suspici found, doctor take sampl biopsy."} {"id": "10231", "contents": "colonoscopi screen test colon cancer. recommend peopl averag risk get colonoscopi type screen everi 10 year start age 50. peopl high risk begin screen earlier, sometim often, accord american cancer society."} {"id": "10232", "contents": "discov prevent benefit colonoscopy. ask averag cost colonoscopy, typic chang depend differ factors. know cost is, let\u2019 find first colonoscopi for. it\u2019 procedur done want screen colon cancer."} {"id": "10233", "contents": "anesthesia: might think anesthesia would includ price colonoscopy. all, it\u2019 surpris mani patient would want anesthet colonoscopy. quit awhile, patient bill anesthesia, run $1,000 more."} {"id": "10234", "contents": "anatomi stomach, gallbladder, pancreas. stomach. hollow muscular organ size close fists, stomach locat inferior diaphragm later liver left side abdomin cavity."} {"id": "10235", "contents": "liver gallbladd locat upper right quadrant abdomin cavity. liver produc bile dissolv substanc stomach; gallbladd store bile. stomach locat left side bodi liver right. edit. share to: five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "10236", "contents": "stomach locat upper-left area abdomen liver next spleen. it\u2019 main function store breakdown food liquid consum content travel organ digested. stomach empty, insid small fold call rugae. stomach. stomach muscular, j-shape organ abdomen. part digest system, stomach store digest food gastric juic special churn action creat fold inside."} {"id": "10237", "contents": "human liver normal weigh 1.44\u20131.66 kg (3.2\u20133.7 lb). largest intern organ largest gland human body. locat right upper quadrant abdomin cavity, rest diaphragm, right stomach overli gallbladder."} {"id": "10238", "contents": "front view liver. liver large, meati organ sit right side belly. weigh pounds, liver reddish-brown color feel rubberi touch. normal can't feel liver, protect rib cage. liver two larg sections, call right left lobes."} {"id": "10239", "contents": "locat right upper quadrant abdomin cavity, rest diaphram. liver lie right stomach overli gallbladder. connect two larg blood vessels, one call hepat arteri one call portal vein. liver later inferior posit heart location. stomach locat left side bodi liver right. edit. share to: five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "10240", "contents": "liver. liver largest intern organ. size football, locat mainli upper right portion abdomen, beneath diaphragm stomach, small portion extend upper left quadrant."} {"id": "10241", "contents": "order conviction2.1 restrain order convict made order isnecessari purpos protect person name order fromconduct part defend amount harass willcaus person fear violenc defendant."} {"id": "10242", "contents": "crimin charges. violat restrain order result court find contempt imposit civil penalties, violat order one target domest violenc stalk result arrest prosecut crimin offense. share googl plus. court issu restrain order varieti scenarios. restrain order may design bring end public nuisance, judg might issu one effort control conduct parti civil lawsuit."} {"id": "10243", "contents": "follow implement section 12 dvcva 2004, restrain order may made convict acquitt crimin offence. order intend prevent protective. guid principl must need order protect person persons. restrain order post-conviction. section 12 dvcva 2004 amend section pha 1997 allow court make restrain order follow convict crimin offence, convict occur 30 septemb 2009."} {"id": "10244", "contents": "domest violenc restrain order (\u201cdvro\u201d) restrain order issu specif circumstances. particular, new jersey domest violenc restrain order issu complain person (the \u201cplaintiff\u201d) satisfi court two condit exist. unlik domest violenc restrain orders, crimin charg also threaten jail prison term. matrimoni litig parties, crimin charg restrain order significantli handicap defend proceedings, especi regard child custodi matters."} {"id": "10245", "contents": "unlik restrain order conviction, power protect person fear violenc fall short harass defend acquitted. harass defin pha 1997, except includ caus person alarm distress. restrain order post-conviction. section 12 dvcva 2004 amend section pha 1997 allow court make restrain order follow convict crimin offence, convict occur 30 septemb 2009."} {"id": "10246", "contents": "depend upon circumstances, person violat restrain order may also subject crimin prosecution. prosecut feloni (in new jersey terminology, \u201cfourth degre crime\u201d). upon conviction, defend expos fine $10,000.00 18 month prison. unlik domest violenc restrain orders, crimin charg also threaten jail prison term. matrimoni litig parties, crimin charg restrain order significantli handicap defend proceedings, especi regard child custodi matters."} {"id": "10247", "contents": "however, person bound polic order breach order, may charg crimin offenc breach polic order. convict breach polic order go crimin record. breach polic order result fine $6,000 imprison two years. polic may make spot restrain order call polic order situat famili domest violence. polic order may made 72 hours. two type restrain orders."} {"id": "10248", "contents": "civil no-contact order crimin offense. civil matter. restrain order show background check someon goe courthous name check. court file public record. pleasur assist today inform needs. follow-up question, pleas repli ask"} {"id": "10249", "contents": "restrain order kind court order issu judge. restrain order almost alway prohibit person engag particular behavior, particular activities. sometim order addit requir person perform action. unlik domest violenc restrain orders, crimin charg also threaten jail prison term. matrimoni litig parties, crimin charg restrain order significantli handicap defend proceedings, especi regard child custodi matters."} {"id": "10250", "contents": "convict violat protect order class misdemeanor, punish one year counti jail and/or fine $4,000. however, two previou convictions, becom third-degre felony, carri possibl 10 year prison sentence. violat protect order strong repercuss texa mean accus disobey direct order judge. misdemeanor first offense, addit penalti condit normal impos misdemeanor cases."} {"id": "10251", "contents": "averag total cost basic funer 2014 cremat \u00a32,610 \u00a33,240 burial. number client attend cab across scotland regard funer increas 27 per cent 2013/2014 compar previou year."} {"id": "10252", "contents": "basic funer flower extra risen price 70% less eight years. may 2012, basic funer set back \u00a33,284 (averag across uk). within five short year like funer cost increas nearli third."} {"id": "10253", "contents": "averag cost simpl funer risen \u00a33,240, accord citizen advic scotland (cas). group attack postcod lotteri funer charg scotland, cost \u00a32,716 burial cost alon east dunbartonshir compar \u00a3715 east renfrewshir seven mile away."} {"id": "10254", "contents": "funer cost uk. die, want friend famili come togeth decent send-off. come shock much funer cost. 2015, averag cost funer uk \u00a33,702 rise \u00a3140*."} {"id": "10255", "contents": "said postcod lotteri come funer costs. scotland' 32 local author provid ca up-to-d figur burial cremat charges. average, burial scotland cost \u00a31,273. council funer charg rise averag 7% sinc 2004. rise 2014-15 10%, hike price pronounc part countri others."} {"id": "10256", "contents": "much funer cost area? funer cost rise averag around 7% everi year, accord sun life mintel annual survey funer costs."} {"id": "10257", "contents": "welcom funer cost calculator, first kind scotland, design inform choic ad benefit instant on-lin quotation. pleas feel free contact us questions, telephon 0141 647 8080."} {"id": "10258", "contents": "research found averag cost scotland simpl funer \u00a33,240. that' lot money famili find time emot stress-particularli bereav unexpected."} {"id": "10259", "contents": "kraiger, k., abalos, a. (2004). rank graduat program i-o psycholog base student rate quality. industrial-organiz psychologist, 42, 28-43. paxton, p. bollen, k. a. (2003). perceiv qualiti methodolog graduat depart ratings: sociology, polit science, economics. sociolog education, 76, 71-88. overview. evalu graduat program industrial-organiz (i-o) psychology, mani sourc type inform important. one sourc inform encount rank system quantifi qualiti particular school accord set criteria."} {"id": "10260", "contents": "cost public graduat schools. yearli cost attend public graduat school depend type degre hope earn. total cost (tuition, board, live expenses) master' student public school $29,000, average, 2007-08 school year. two-year colleg includ technic trade schools, commun colleges, junior colleges. accord nation center educ statistics, averag cost attend two-year colleg 2011 $8,909."} {"id": "10261", "contents": "psycholog school state attend school psycholog master' program univers home state, averag cost $5,350 year; however, attend school psycholog master' program out-of-st university, averag cost $9,114 year. school psycholog one mani field psycholog student get graduat degre in. nation associ school psychologist state 81 percent school psychologist work public schools."} {"id": "10262", "contents": "cost graduat degre more: psycholog school state averag in-stat cost $10,000 year, averag out-of-st cost $14,691 year. however, financi aid avail doctor students. school psycholog one mani field psycholog student get graduat degre in. nation associ school psychologist state 81 percent school psychologist work public schools."} {"id": "10263", "contents": "adjust cost-of-liv i-o psychologist make $100,000 year new york citi compar i-o psychologist make $60,000 year austin, texa (and i-o psychologist austin typic make thant $60k year). accord bureau labor statist (2010 data), mean wage industrial-organiz psychologist roughli $42 hour, $87,000 year. case jobs, salari figur vari depend part countri live level education."} {"id": "10264", "contents": "price graduat program vari dramat increas 60% last years. public state colleg might spent $10,000-$15,000 per year wherea privat school top tier university, could easili spend $30,000 per year. averag master graduat owe $30,000."} {"id": "10265", "contents": "one thing consid look graduat program school psycholog doctor degre field. nation associ school psychologist state graduat degre possibl school psycholog includ psyd, phd edd. school psycholog one mani field psycholog student get graduat degre in. nation associ school psychologist state 81 percent school psychologist work public schools."} {"id": "10266", "contents": "2008-2009 median doctor tuition resid student phd program per year $8,068, resid psyd student median tuition cost $21,900. surprisingly, doctoral-level psycholog student also report increas averag level education-rel debt. lowest tuition rate almost amount, median tuition $6,030 per annum student educ departments. median annual tuition rate u.s. depart type $9,000 (sd=$10,604) 2008-2009."} {"id": "10267", "contents": "exampl yellow emiss sodium much brighter red emiss amount lithium impur contamin affect test result sodium particular present compound color flame sometim blue glass use filter yellow sodium test cannot differenti element sever metal produc flame color test cleanli loop insert ga flame burst color produc loop suffici clean loop must clean test clean loop dip either powder solut ionic metal salt"} {"id": "10268", "contents": "side effect chemic reaction lot heat fact chemic reaction fire gener lot new heat sustain fire mani fuel burn one step gasolin good exampl heat vapor gasolin burn volatil ga flame color vari depend burn hot color variat within flame caus uneven temperatur typic hottest part flame base glow blue cooler part top glow orang yellow"} {"id": "10269", "contents": "flame test introduct flame test use visual determin ident unknown metal metalloid ion base characterist color salt turn flame bunsen burner heat flame excit electron metal ion caus emit visibl light test cleanli loop insert ga flame burst color produc loop suffici clean loop must clean test clean loop dip either powder solut ionic metal salt"} {"id": "10270", "contents": "color temperatur flame depend type fuel involv combust exampl lighter held candl appli heat caus fuel molecul candl wax vapor"} {"id": "10271", "contents": "flame chemic reaction two chemic produc heat light chemic product combust constant flame maintain must method renew suppli two chemic usual convect typic exampl flame candl usual rod wax central wick wick ignit heat flame wick melt wax liquid wax absorb wick capillari action wax fuel fed flame rod small potenti flame touch small current flow rod flame ground current detect use prove flame flame act diod recal direct electron flow effect use applic"} {"id": "10272", "contents": "cours wood gasolin spontan catch fire surround oxygen combust reaction happen heat fuel ignit temperatur sequenc event typic wood fire someth heat wood high temperatur flame color vari depend burn hot color variat within flame caus uneven temperatur typic hottest part flame base glow blue cooler part top glow orang yellow"} {"id": "10273", "contents": "flame test page describ flame test rang metal ion briefli describ flame colour aris flame test use identifi presenc rel small number metal ion compound metal ion give flame colour group compound flame test usual far easiest way identifi metal got metal usual easi method reliabl flame test give use hint look"} {"id": "10274", "contents": "candl tool slowli vapor burn wax heat rise carbon atom well atom materi emit light heat produc light effect call incandesc kind thing creat light light bulb caus visibl flame flame color vari depend burn hot color variat within flame caus uneven temperatur typic hottest part flame base glow blue cooler part top glow orang yellow"} {"id": "10275", "contents": "flame test flame test qualit test use chemistri help determin ident possibl ident metal metalloid ion found ionic compound compound place flame ga burner may characterist color given visibl nake eye safeti alway use good safeti techniqu wear chemic splash approv goggl wear chemic apron practic flame test supervis chemistri teacher test loop place ga burner flame burst color clean suffici distinct color readi use loop use differ loop test clean loop dip either powder solut ionic metal salt"} {"id": "10276", "contents": "popular cycl three-week blitz, double-mini cycle, inverted-pyramid cycl diamond cycle. three-week blitz. three-week blitz, steroid taken three weeks. blitz start dose one steroid move stronger dose another. doubl mini cycle, user stack two three steroid six weeks. first mini cycle, two-week recoveri period hcg 5000 i.u. second mini cycle. second cycl use compound first."} {"id": "10277", "contents": "here\u2019 works. traine start 12 rep set exercise. continu ad weight week exercis longer abl reach 12 rep per set. point decreas weight 10% drop 11 rep sets. long cycl program use auto-regulation, allow lifter progress exercis natur rate, also maxim muscl mass strength gains."} {"id": "10278", "contents": "considerations. start pre-workout supplement protocol, check doctor none supplement caus advers effects. compet athlete, also good idea check none substanc take ban federation. safe consum caffein year-round, curtail intak consum 500 600 mg per day, start feel jitteri take caffeine. time, also develop small immun caffeine, mean give less energi boost."} {"id": "10279", "contents": "mani pre-workout product market, three commonli use creatine, caffein beta alanine. use these, import know cycl them. safe consum caffein year-round, curtail intak consum 500 600 mg per day, start feel jitteri take caffeine. time, also develop small immun caffeine, mean give less energi boost."} {"id": "10280", "contents": "10 rep sets-work longer perform 10 rep set given exercise. point, drop weight 10% start rep sets. rep sets-work longer perform rep set given exercise. long cycl program use auto-regulation, allow lifter progress exercis natur rate, also maxim muscl mass strength gains."} {"id": "10281", "contents": "so, pattern is: 12 rep set work longer perform 12 rep set given exercise. point, drop weight 10% start 11 rep sets. 11 rep sets-work longer perform 11 rep set given exercise. long cycl program use auto-regulation, allow lifter progress exercis natur rate, also maxim muscl mass strength gains."} {"id": "10282", "contents": "dose 400 mg per week suffici notic real gain throughout first cycle. first cycl 12 week long also spend much time recov start anoth cycle. first, begin slowli stack steroid cycles. keep first sever cycl 12 weeks, however, follow post-cycl recoveri plan. doubl mini cycle, user stack two three steroid six weeks. first mini cycle, two-week recoveri period hcg 5000 i.u. second mini cycle. second cycl use compound first."} {"id": "10283", "contents": "want gain 2-3 pound per month run long cycle. keep mind weight gain first sever week might unusu high. fat gain, don\u2019t panic. increas food, carbohydr sodium intake, happen bulk, bodi hold water. long cycl program use auto-regulation, allow lifter progress exercis natur rate, also maxim muscl mass strength gains."} {"id": "10284", "contents": "depend daili pre-workout, recommend cycl everi 6-8 week give bodi chanc reset. person like stay two week use stimulant-fre pre-workout help push train sessions. might slug cup black coffee. best fat-loss cardio programs, call high-intens interv training, cycl fast-and slow-pac period greater benefits. competit powerlift even cycl train low-, moderate-, high-intens period achiev greater strength gains. cycl supplement help well."} {"id": "10285", "contents": "steroid novic addit factor consid start first cycle. first, take steroid unless bodi stop growing. men, bodi stop grow age 20. next, alreadi shape. doubl mini cycle, user stack two three steroid six weeks. first mini cycle, two-week recoveri period hcg 5000 i.u. second mini cycle. second cycl use compound first."} {"id": "10286", "contents": "basic salari state basic salary. i.e. could basic salari 15,000 might get benefit (locat allowance, lunch allow etc) mayb take say 15,500 there' commission/bonus, also paid top. basic salari mean minimum wage."} {"id": "10287", "contents": "mayb less look hard find somewher rough, that' great idea. probabl abl find somewher slightli minimum wage london expens rest country, might hard recession, persist enthusiastic, fine."} {"id": "10288", "contents": "icaew charter account work london highest averag basic salari \u00a3103,900. follow south east (\u00a380,300), averag earn east england gone \u00a379,100 2013, \u00a387,600 2012."} {"id": "10289", "contents": "answers. best answer: 20 hour week minimum wage get \u00a3116 week probabl wont pay much tax that. probabl find room rent hous share other \u00a3400 month includ bill london, \u00a3300 south, mayb \u00a3200 north. realli depend going?"} {"id": "10290", "contents": "citi london, it\u2019 typic us bank pay highest salari european pay least. nonetheless, recruit say bank pay ibd profession salari fall within follow ranges: 1st year analyst salaries: \u00a350k \u00a355k. 2nd year analyst salaries: \u00a355k \u00a357k."} {"id": "10291", "contents": "imag caption live wage minimum wage. live wage base amount individu need earn cover basic cost living. live cost vari differ part country, differ rate london rest uk."} {"id": "10292", "contents": "amount energi get carbohydrate, protein fat measur calori per gram. fat energi protein amount carbohydrates, valu sourc energi determin calori gain one gram. factors, activ level diet, impact macronutri use energy."} {"id": "10293", "contents": "fats. wikipedia, 13 may 2004. fat one main class food, approxim 38 kj (9 cal) per gram, compar sugar 17 kj per gram ethanol 29 kj per gram, concentr form metabol energi avail humans.. 38.0 mj/kg. collins, anne. fats. 2003. fat high calori food."} {"id": "10294", "contents": "sugar sourc carbohydr energy. provid calori per gram 16 calori level teaspoon (4 g). compar 36 calori amount (4 g) fat oil (e.g., butter, margarine, canola oil). own, sugar nutrients."} {"id": "10295", "contents": "multipli total gram sugar step four get total calori sugar, calori per gram sugar. example, 32 calori gram sugar, equal teaspoons."} {"id": "10296", "contents": "honey, brown sugar, white sugar mapl syrup similar nutrit values. compos glucose, fructose, and/or sucros vari amounts, provid similar amount energi (approxim calori per gram), contain insignific amount vitamin minerals."} {"id": "10297", "contents": "front-load wash machin lack dispensers, tri dylon machin dye, get it, instruct use requir them. ideal small dye studio top-load wash machine, use dyeing, front-load wash machine, use wash dye. peopl claim use all-purpos dye wash machine. unless wash machin heat water well usual temperatur water heater (which typic 120 140\u00b0f, 49 60 \u00b0c), however, result less optimal."} {"id": "10298", "contents": "hi karen, inform dye front load washer, go to: https://www.ritstudio.com/techniques/the-basics/washing-machine-front-loader/ washer allow add addit water along dye deterg dispenser, need chose differ method dyeing. item dye bath minimum thirti minut maximum one hour rins cycl begins. use extend setting, reset set rins cycl start extend wash time. note longer item dye bath, darker color be."} {"id": "10299", "contents": "wash instruct say cold wash only, recommend dye use front loader. hello elaine, rit recommend item carri tag read \u201cwash cold water\u201d.. link explain rit cannot dye, https://www.ritstudio.com/techniques/tips-for-successful-dyeing/ hi connie, rit fabric treatment product may use front-load washer. like rit dyes, import pre-dissolv rit fabric treatment four cup hot tap water thoroughli flush dispens anoth four cup hot tap water."} {"id": "10300", "contents": "submit. now. report abuse. ye dye cloth without use wash machine. look histori books. wash machin actual modern convience. cloth fiber dy centuries. forefath use natur dye boil larg pot call vats."} {"id": "10301", "contents": "top load wash machin much rit dye use. hi michele, first would want check fabric content work pants.a lot uniform pant made polyest combin fabric. item dye bath minimum thirti minut maximum one hour rins cycl begins. use extend setting, reset set rins cycl start extend wash time. note longer item dye bath, darker color be."} {"id": "10302", "contents": "wash item warm water mild deterg rins thoroughli cold water machine. hang item dri machin dry. clean wash machine: use hot water \u201chigh\u201d level setting, clean washer 1-2 cup liquid bleach. make sure wipe around insid lid pour littl bleach intern dispens dye get areas. item dye bath minimum thirti minut maximum one hour rins cycl begins. use extend setting, reset set rins cycl start extend wash time. note longer item dye bath, darker color be."} {"id": "10303", "contents": "clean wash machine: use hot water \u201chigh\u201d level setting, clean washer 1-2 cup liquid bleach. make sure wipe around insid lid pour littl bleach intern dispens dye get areas. hi connie, rit fabric treatment product may use front-load washer. like rit dyes, import pre-dissolv rit fabric treatment four cup hot tap water thoroughli flush dispens anoth four cup hot tap water."} {"id": "10304", "contents": "bunyip. one famou australian monster bunyip, creatur live near bodi water creeks, pools, swamps. supposedli mani nine region variat bunyip scatter throughout aborigin australia."} {"id": "10305", "contents": "australian aborigin creation myths. animist framework australian aborigin mythology, dream sacr era ancestr totem spirit be form creation. dream also often use refer individual' group' set belief spirituality."} {"id": "10306", "contents": "ten australia\u2019 fantast incred mythic creatures, alphabet order. word caution: mani creatur deriv tradit aborigin dreamtime. understand them, reader must decent understand aborigin dreamtim is."} {"id": "10307", "contents": "myth legend aborigin people, includ account creation world, known dreamtime. stori featur monsters, mani mythological. others, however, may refer real creatures, aborigin even insist past \u2018flesh-and-blood\u2019 existence."} {"id": "10308", "contents": "may famou european asian counterparts, australia fare share cryptids, creatur folklore, mytholog beasts. mani deriv aborigin cultur other modern origin."} {"id": "10309", "contents": "mythic creatur list. mythical-someth yet deem true western scientist despit significantli larg group peopl current past believ actual existed.*."} {"id": "10310", "contents": "western australia small number mythic creatur pop time time. famou bunyip other like yowie, drop bear hoop snake somewhat lesser known. mysteri exist outsid realm mythic creatures."} {"id": "10311", "contents": "heaven fill mani colour rainbow snake roam sky australia. help peopl creat world other deadly. billabong lake home mythic creatur spoken of."} {"id": "10312", "contents": "price stamp. current price first class stamp 49 cents. domest first class letter (1 oz.) 49 cents. price addit ounc 21 cents. cost 34 cent send domest postcard"} {"id": "10313", "contents": "cost mail first class letter 46 cent one ounce, addit ounc add 20 cents. larg envelop (flats) rectangular rigid thick 90 cent one ounc (and 20 cent addit ounce). expect pay 33 cent mail postcard. comment (7). unit state postal servic increas rate first class postag relat servic (like insurance) jan. 27, 2013. price first class forev stamp increas 46 cent 45 cents."} {"id": "10314", "contents": "price first-class stamp rise 49 cents. go cost penni mail letter. cost first-class postag stamp 49 cent cent before. regul approv price hike december, went effect sunday. mani peopl feel increas right away: forev stamp good first-class postag whatev futur rate. washington (ap)"} {"id": "10315", "contents": "letter destin canada mexico-for (1) ounc first class letter cost $1.20 may 31st, 2015 cent hike $1.15 effect januari 26 `014 global forev stamp (then appli intern destin forward). price first class (1) ounc letter sent unit state post offic remain $0.49 letter mail within unit states. fee continu appli extend indetermin period time."} {"id": "10316", "contents": "avoid place two forev stamp mail piec heavier mail. addit ounc much cheaper cost $0.22 per addit ounc rather $0.49 one ounc letter. add two forev stamp ounc letter, would pay $0.98 item cost $0.71."} {"id": "10317", "contents": "extra ounce(s) subject fee $0.22 per ad ounc may 31st, 2015 (previous $0.21 per oz). anoth prior rise rate occur januari 27, 2013 price first class letter sent unit state post offic went $0.01 $0.46. price first class (1) ounc letter sent unit state post offic remain $0.49 letter mail within unit states. fee continu appli extend indetermin period time."} {"id": "10318", "contents": "week, cost mail first-class single-piec letter jump 46 cent 49 cents. cost book 20 stamp rose $9.20 $9.80. u.s. postal service' 3-cent increas largest hike consum postag decade. cost mail post card also go 34 cents, 1-cent increase. leesburg patch"} {"id": "10319", "contents": "sunday, jan. 26, cost mail first-class single-piec letter jump 46 cent 49 cents. u.s. post office' 3-cent increas largest hike consum postag decade. cost mail postcard also go 34 cents, 1-cent increase."} {"id": "10320", "contents": "carbohydr grains. carbohydr sourc calori dog. however, like dairi products, dog allerg wheat-bas grains. good sourc carbohydr includ food like brown white rice plain pasta. look fun snack share dog, consid air-pop popcorn. treat provid potassium, phosphorous, magnesium calcium. top choic includ chicken, beef, fish, turkey, rabbit lamb. addit meats, egg high sourc protein. certain dairi product like cheese, yogurt cottag chees provid protein well much need calcium"} {"id": "10321", "contents": "7. egg great sourc digest protein, riboflavin, selenium. dog prone digest upset, egg give littl protein boost. ad egg dog\u2019 food healthi treat. make sure use cook whole egg, raw egg white caus biotin deficiency. also indic may benefit dog allergies. feed salmon salmon oil. feed salmon, make sure it\u2019 cook serving, raw salmon carri parasit make dog sick. 4. pumpkin good sourc fibr beta caroten (a sourc vitamin a)."} {"id": "10322", "contents": "either way good dogs\u2013with caveats. mani food good us also good dogs, revers true too. words, feed lean meats, whole grains, vegetables. don\u2019t empti leftov lasagna, rolls, fri dog\u2019 bowl."} {"id": "10323", "contents": "well, depend what' it. chip guacamol caus dog real problems. fact, there' lot peopl food dog never eat. and, weight. food downright danger -- common food may surpris you. onion garlic form -- powdered, raw, cooked, dehydr -- destroy dog' red blood cells, lead anemia. happen even onion powder found babi food. occasion small dose probabl ok."} {"id": "10324", "contents": "dog easili digest meats. top choic includ chicken, beef, fish, turkey, rabbit lamb. addit meats, egg high sourc protein. certain dairi product like cheese, yogurt cottag chees provid protein well much need calcium dog."} {"id": "10325", "contents": "keep mind though everi dog different, tri food small amounts, dog reaction them, consult veterinarian. do-your-doggie-good foods. peanut butter: give dog occasion tablespoon unsalt peanut butter treat enjoy. great sourc protein healthi fat dogs, perfect photo opportun you. grape raisins: fruit nutriti you, toxic dog caus kidney failure. onions: may make cry, make dog sick caus damag red blood cells."} {"id": "10326", "contents": "chicken: dog requir extra protein diet, cooked, unseason chicken easi addit regular food. also make good meal replac dog food. salmon: dog benefit omega fatti acid too, slip cook salmon food bowl healthier, shinier coat. grape raisins: fruit nutriti you, toxic dog caus kidney failure. onions: may make cry, make dog sick caus damag red blood cells."} {"id": "10327", "contents": "healthi food good us rel good dogs. however, import research feed pup it. start someth healthi dog (like ground beef grill chicken) instantli made poison addit certain oils, wine onions. view human food treat pet, someth give place dog food. although food list healthi categori good pets, much upset digest make harder eat food."} {"id": "10328", "contents": "fish. fish provid lean protein vitamin dogs. cold water fish good sourc essenti fatti acid (omega-3) good skin coat. efa also help regul immun system reduc inflamm benefici dog allergies, arthritis, autoimmun disease."} {"id": "10329", "contents": "6. green bean good sourc plant fibre, vitamin k, vitamin c, manganese. dog tendenc put weight, replac regular food green bean great low calori way fill help maintain healthi weight. mani dog enjoy green bean frozen. also indic may benefit dog allergies. feed salmon salmon oil. feed salmon, make sure it\u2019 cook serving, raw salmon carri parasit make dog sick. 4. pumpkin good sourc fibr beta caroten (a sourc vitamin a)."} {"id": "10330", "contents": "learn neutral hair perm expert tip free hair care video. expert: lillian garcia. bio: lillian garcia owner salon de scottsdal albuquerque, new mexico. hair artist beauti consult sinc 1974. filmmaker: juan-diego garcia."} {"id": "10331", "contents": "go neutral red hair go give still warmth warmth begin natur seal littl bit yellow tone base know primari color chart import get color sure. video transcript. name elizabeth muller liz' hair design hollywood, florida today show color relax hair. went ahead open littl bit like notic end hair."} {"id": "10332", "contents": "mani shampoo alkalin natur sever affect acid balanc hair strip away natur oil combat bacteria. quickli lead dry, brittl hair, prone breakage. curli hair natur rais cuticl caus difficulti maintain 4.5-5.5 balance. substanc 0-6.9 acidic, neutral 7.1-14 alkaline. hair sebum natur ph balanc 4.5 5.5. mean hair sebum (natur oils) healthiest acidic."} {"id": "10333", "contents": "here' easi effici way help neutral acidosis: drink alkalin water water teaspoon french green clay. water origin life earth, limited, non-renew resource. water given earth first form ever get. acidosi simpli lack oxygen avail calcium, bodi use maintain alkalin balance. calcium make 1.6% bodi weight, liter like human glue hold bodi together. calcium ion hold onto seven molecul grab onto one molecul water."} {"id": "10334", "contents": "tsp. (10 ml) castor almond oil ad leave-in condition recip hair dri curly. lime juic lemon juic ph 2, also great ph adjust bring alkalin hair product healthi ph range. type vinegar acidity. appl cider vinegar less acid distil white vinegar. use test strip judg acid household vinegars."} {"id": "10335", "contents": "water ph level 7, alkali hair. 4. use natur acid bring hair acid ph range, hair natur oily. pour alo vera juic bottl mist hair. also close cuticl remov frizz. also use appl cider vinegar. type vinegar acidity. appl cider vinegar less acid distil white vinegar. use test strip judg acid household vinegars. tsp. (10 ml) castor almond oil ad leave-in condition recip hair dri curly."} {"id": "10336", "contents": "want learn restor hair\u2019 natur ph level, realli quit simpl process understand hair. natur oil hair secret natur oil call sebum. sebum maintain moistur balanc hair. hair natur ph balanc 4.5 5.5 scale. import understand measur hair\u2019 level alkalin acid. alkalin mean product ph level non-acid product. cuticl open alkalin substanc appli it. allow hair color penetr cortex. there, react hair pigment produc color chang"} {"id": "10337", "contents": "ph paramet appli anything: there\u2019 ph skin, ph hair, ph water, ph milk, anything. lot hydrogen ion acid ph. hydrogen ion none alkalin ph. determin certain quantity, refer hydrogen ion water. ph paramet appli anything: there\u2019 ph skin, ph hair, ph water, ph milk, anything. lot hydrogen ion acid ph. hydrogen ion none alkalin ph."} {"id": "10338", "contents": "knowledg center. aid (acquir immun defici syndrom acquir immunodefici syndrome) syndrom caus viru call hiv (human immunodefici virus). ill alter immun system, make peopl much vulner infect diseases. suscept worsen syndrom progresses."} {"id": "10339", "contents": "recommend facebook tweet sharecompartir. hiv viru spread bodi fluid affect specif cell immun system, call cd4 cells, cells. time, hiv destroy mani cell bodi can\u2019t fight infect disease. happens, hiv infect lead aids."} {"id": "10340", "contents": "today, someon diagnos hiv treat diseas far advanc nearli normal life expectancy. hiv affect specif cell immun system, call cd4 cells, cells. time, hiv destroy mani cell bodi can\u2019t fight infect disease."} {"id": "10341", "contents": "aid (acquir immun defici syndrom acquir immunodefici syndrome) syndrom caus viru call hiv (human immunodefici virus). ill alter immun system, make peopl much vulner infect diseases. suscept worsen syndrom progresses."} {"id": "10342", "contents": "human immunodefici viru infect acquir immun defici syndrom (hiv/aids) spectrum condit caus infect human immunodefici viru (hiv). follow initi infection, person may experi brief period influenza-lik illness."} {"id": "10343", "contents": "hiv stand human immunodefici virus. left untreated, hiv lead diseas aid (acquir immunodefici syndrome). unlik viruses, human bodi cannot get rid hiv. mean hiv, life."} {"id": "10344", "contents": "acquir immunodefici syndrom (aids) chronic, potenti life-threaten condit caus human immunodefici viru (hiv). damag immun system, hiv interfer body' abil fight organ caus disease. hiv sexual transmit infection."} {"id": "10345", "contents": "sever orang red crystallin hydrocarbon pigment (a c40h56) occur chromoplast plant fatti tissu plant-eat anim convert vitamin a\u2014se beta-carotene. sever orang red crystallin hydrocarbon pigment (a c40h56) occur chromoplast plant fatti tissu plant-eat anim convert vitamin compar beta-carotene. see caroten defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "10346", "contents": "background. beta-caroten carotenoid. carotenoid red, orange, yellow, fat-solubl compounds. compound natur present mani fruits, grains, oils, vegetables. alpha, beta, gamma caroten consid provitamin convert activ vitamin a."} {"id": "10347", "contents": "caroten respons orang colour carrot colour mani fruit veget even animals. lesser flamingo ngorongoro crater, tanzania. pink colour wild flamingo due astaxanthin (a carotenoid) absorb diet brine shrimp. caroten respons orang colour carrot, class chemic named, colour mani fruit veget (for example, sweet potatoes, chanterel orang cantaloup melon)."} {"id": "10348", "contents": "beta-carotene, like carotenoids, antioxidant. antioxid substanc inhibit oxid molecules; protect bodi free radicals. free radic damag cell oxidation. eventually, damag caus free radic caus sever chronic illnesses. beta-caroten essenti nutrient, vitamin is. vitamin sourc food eat, beta-carotene, example, supplement form. advantag dietari beta-caroten bodi convert much needs. excess vitamin toxic."} {"id": "10349", "contents": "beta-caroten red-orang pigment found plant fruits, especi carrot color vegetables. name beta-caroten come greek beta latin carota (carrot). yellow/orang pigment give veget fruit rich colors. beta-caroten essenti nutrient, vitamin is. vitamin sourc food eat, beta-carotene, example, supplement form. advantag dietari beta-caroten bodi convert much needs. excess vitamin toxic."} {"id": "10350", "contents": "beta-caroten one group red, orange, yellow pigment call carotenoids. beta-caroten carotenoid provid approxim 50% vitamin need american diet. beta-caroten found fruits, vegetables, whole grains. also made laboratory."} {"id": "10351", "contents": "carotene. beta caroten \u03b2- isom carotene; prepar use prevent vitamin defici reduc sever photosensit patient erythropoiet protoporphyria."} {"id": "10352", "contents": "definit carotene. sever orang red crystallin hydrocarbon pigment (a c40h56) occur chromoplast plant fatti tissu plant-eat anim convert vitamin compar beta-carotene. see caroten defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "10353", "contents": "overview. beta-caroten pigment found plant give color. name beta-caroten deriv latin name carrot. give yellow orang fruit veget rich hues. beta-caroten also use color food margarine. richest sourc beta-caroten yellow, orange, green leafi fruit veget (such carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, winter squash). general, intens color fruit vegetable, beta-caroten"} {"id": "10354", "contents": "never take money roth ira 70 1/2, like tradit ira owner do. inherit roth ira, requir minimum distribut follow rules. except take requir minimum distribut roth spouse. then, 59 1/2, penalti period expires--there' penalti hit 59 1/2--then rollov ira take requir distribut turn 70 1/2."} {"id": "10355", "contents": "money take inherit ira, tax pay. inherit ira spouse, keep money account retire. inherit anyon else, must make annual minimum withdraw pay tax account empty. withdrawals. there' noth special money withdraw inherit ira. income, like wage commissions, lump withdraw incom calcul tax total, base incom tax bracket."} {"id": "10356", "contents": "calcul rmd amount. use rmd calcul see amount rmd base age, account balance, beneficiary, factors. multipl iras, must calcul account individually, take total rmd amount one account several. keep mind: need take distribut regardless age. generally, need take distribut lifetim within five year origin account holder pass away. inherit tradit ira, pay tax distributions. inherit roth ira,"} {"id": "10357", "contents": "also, non-spous beneficiary, option roll asset ira. inherit ira asset someon spouse, gener option consider. transfer asset inherit ira beneficiari distribut account (ira bda). transfer asset tradit ira ira beneficiari distribut account (inherit ira, ira bda), rule minimum requir distributions, mrd still apply. origin ira owner die reach age 70 1/2, must continu take annual mrd inherit ira. may elect calcul mrd use age (see above) use deceas ira owner' age year death."} {"id": "10358", "contents": "so, 59 1/2, maintain inherit ira--onli spous option. spous also rollover. peopl recommend, includ myself, spousal rollover, spous 59 1/2 older. then, 59 1/2, penalti period expires--there' penalti hit 59 1/2--then rollov ira take requir distribut turn 70 1/2."} {"id": "10359", "contents": "normal ira rule appli whether roth traditional. continu account beneficiary, rule mostli same, import exceptions. 10% penalty. first, take distribut account without subject 10% penalty, regardless age."} {"id": "10360", "contents": "inherit individu retir account lie tricki 3-way intersect estat planning, financi plan tax planning. do-ov grant exclus ir fiat, wrong decis lead expens consequences."} {"id": "10361", "contents": "2. use rmd calcul see amount rmd base age, account balance, beneficiary, factors. multipl iras, must calcul account individually, take total rmd amount one account several. keep mind: need take distribut regardless age. generally, need take distribut lifetim within five year origin account holder pass away. inherit tradit ira, pay tax distributions. inherit roth ira,"} {"id": "10362", "contents": "take lifetim distribut roth iras, after-death distribut (below) required. alway withdraw minimum amount ira plan year, withdraw less requir minimum, subject feder penalty. ir penalti excis tax equal 50% amount withdrawn, not."} {"id": "10363", "contents": "inherit ira asset someon spouse, gener two option choose: direct transfer ira special type ira call inherit ira, take cash distribut taxabl income. inherit ira special type ira commonli call beneficiari distribut account ira, bda ira. establish inherit ira, import ira custodian regist account properly. account registr include:"} {"id": "10364", "contents": "dna begin degrad 800 degre cremat human typic temperatur 1800 degrees. trace dna cremat human remains. even burial love one, disinter costli emot financially."} {"id": "10365", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. no, ash properli conduct cremat contain dna. can't. heat cremat far high permit live materi expos survive. mani access to, unawar of, new altern approach undeni increas amount qualiti dna inform drawn cremat human remains. dna typic destroy high temperatur proper cremat conducted."} {"id": "10366", "contents": "two funer home crematorium same, way know dna present cremat remain test laboratori special use latest technolog forens cremation. mani choic come urn. peopl leav home other immedi purchas final rest place. cours risk leav urn home, special spous happen ash spous ash"} {"id": "10367", "contents": "dna typic destroy high temperatur proper cremat conducted. howev inconsist funer home crematorium industri cremat incinerators, privat lab result lab success so. mani choic come urn. peopl leav home other immedi purchas final rest place. cours risk leav urn home, special spous happen ash spous ash cremation."} {"id": "10368", "contents": "cremat process prepar remain deceas human bodi final disposition. cremat reduc dead human bodi 3-7 pound bone fragment organ inorgan compounds."} {"id": "10369", "contents": "best answer: ash properli conduct cremat contain dna. can't. heat cremat far high permit live materi expos survive. remain fulli cremated, ash left."} {"id": "10370", "contents": "cremat fast-becom prefer disposit choic famili usa, yet mani peopl take account cremat elimin trace dna dna sampl obtain cremat remains. variou option available."} {"id": "10371", "contents": "confid vote 4. two funer home crematorium same, way know dna present cremat remain test laboratori special use latest technolog forens cremation. mani choic come urn. peopl leav home other immedi purchas final rest place. cours risk leav urn home, special spous happen ash spous ash"} {"id": "10372", "contents": "remain ash test dna determin male, female. cremat remain didn\u2019t contain human dna: famili goe local funer home florida retriev cremat remain mother pass away cancer. however, outcom dna test depend upon bodi cremated. privat lab result pride provid accurate, profession lab test cremat remain (ashes). test ash presenc dna (each dna case different, pleas call pricing) 1-800-908-9117. sure ash receiv love one, aren\u2019t even sure ashes, pleas call us. chanc dna still present detect"} {"id": "10373", "contents": "price vari $30 250 although averag around $70. depend home microdermabras kit buy, accessori cream refil usual sold separ cost 25. averag cost singl microdermabras session $200. variou reason cost microdermabras doctor higher: qualifications. skin assessment. medic grade machines."} {"id": "10374", "contents": "microdermabras cost may rang $100-$250, averag cost around $100 per session. cost decreas consider last five 10 year unit becom readili available. afford profession treatment fairli low cost, averag $100-$200 per treatment. often, microdermabras may repeat everi three four week optim results."} {"id": "10375", "contents": "cost microdermabras may vari greatli base type microdermabras devic used, skin, region countri treatment perform in, perform it. 550,000 microdermabras treatment perform unit state 2008 cost littl $75 per session."} {"id": "10376", "contents": "price singl microdermabras vari $75 $200 beauti salon spas. lucky, may get 5-10% discount buy 10 micro abras treatment pack. averag seri abras anoth mainten abrasions, microdermabras treatment beauti salon, spa dermatologist' offic cost around $1,600 per year (without sunscreen after-car lotion creams). cost person microdermabrasion. home kit $50 (averag price) $300"} {"id": "10377", "contents": "fact, price microdermabras treatment often lower cosmet dermatolog procedures. accord american societi plastic surgeons, cost microdermabras rang $75 $200 per session; 2005, averag price $177. microdermabras price depend number factors, includ geograph region treatment provided, skill experi treatment provider, extent patient\u2019 treatment needs."} {"id": "10378", "contents": "mild chemic peel-perform around 10 time per year, cost $150 $300, total averag $2,100 per year. profession dermabras treatment cost $1,500 $4,000, depend size depth treat area. averag seri abras anoth mainten abrasions, microdermabras treatment beauti salon, spa dermatologist' offic cost around $1,600 per year (without sunscreen after-car lotion creams). cost person microdermabrasion. home kit $50 (averag price) $300"} {"id": "10379", "contents": "spa microdermabras costs. cost microdermabras beauti spa slightli cheaper, averag $100 per treatment. beauti spa usual drop cost 25% book seri microdermabras treatments. averag cost singl microdermabras session $200. variou reason cost microdermabras doctor higher: qualifications. skin assessment. medic grade machines."} {"id": "10380", "contents": "microdermabras cost. expect pay $75 $100 per microdermabras treatment .. patient might need five 12 treatments, space two three week apartand period mainten treatments. clinic hospital: quintana' spa. usually, cost individu microdermabras $75, run amaz sale month octob set 10. purchas set 10 $400+tax."} {"id": "10381", "contents": "averag cost microdermabras $143, accord 2014 statist american societi plastic surgeons. cost microdermabras treatment vary. averag fee referenc includ anesthesia, facil relat expenses. price may also base expertis qualif person perform treatment, type microdermabras procedur performed, time effort procedur requires, geograph locat office."} {"id": "10382", "contents": "cute endangered. golden lion tamarin small orange-yellow monkeys. found swamp forest along atlant coastal forest brazil. golden lion tamarin get name strike orang mane."} {"id": "10383", "contents": "golden lion tamarin one endang mammal world. tamarin monkey nearli extinct primarili magnific mane. poacher desir monkey' hide sell much twenti thousand dollar black market! mani happi year golden lion tamarin classifi common tamarin captivity. statu extrem endang common tamarin"} {"id": "10384", "contents": "golden lion tamarin (leontopithecu rosalia) also known golden marmoset, small new world monkey. nativ atlant coastal forest brazil, golden lion tamarin endang speci among rarest anim world. golden lion tamarin list endang us fish wildlif servic iucn. 800 left wild, 30% either reloc deplet area releas part reintroduct programme."} {"id": "10385", "contents": "speci descript range. golden lion tamarin\u2019 long, silki fur, particularli shoulders, give lionlik mane. tamarin smallest member primat family. 14 inch (20-36 cm) long (not includ tail) weigh less pound (900 g). breed popul golden lion tamarin zoo around world. speci surviv plan (ssp) coordin nation zoolog park washington, d.c. 50 golden lion tamarin born year captivity."} {"id": "10386", "contents": "savingspeci golden lion tamarin project help restor one endang uniqu forest earth coastal atlant forest brazil. three percent coastal forest northeastern brazil remains. mission support conserv work associacao associa\u00e7\u00e3o-mico leao (le\u00e3o-dourado amld golden lion) tamarin association. brazil amld premier ngo protect speci expand wildlif habitat one endang uniqu forest earth the. atlant forest"} {"id": "10387", "contents": "golden lion tamarin (glts) endang speci nativ brazil' atlant coastal forest. earli 1970s, fewer 200 small monkeys. thank nation zoo, zoos, conserv organizations, brazil' government, 1,600 live wild."} {"id": "10388", "contents": "expert quick realiz reput golden lion tamarin beauti anim would make endang species. 1970's, zoo start breed golden lion tamarin increas numbers, ten year later, began releas new bred monkey natur habitats. golden lion tamarin divers diet, eat anyth insect anim lizard frogs, fruit honey flowers. golden lion tamarin get name mane, resembl lion."} {"id": "10389", "contents": "golden-head lion tamarin (leontopithecu chrysomelas), also golden-head tamarin, lion tamarin endem brazil. found lowland premontan tropic forest fragment state bahia, therefor consid endang species."} {"id": "10390", "contents": "golden lion tamarin. one endang primat mammal golden lion tamarin. tini anim weigh pound foot long. extrem beauti mane made lengthi hair head, much like lions."} {"id": "10391", "contents": "select csv file contacts. contact store microsoft\u00ae outlook\u00ae, export csv file import gmail\u2122 account. sync samsung galaxi s4 gmail contacts. example, we'v use microsoft outlook 2010. click export file"} {"id": "10392", "contents": "method 1: transfer music video file pc. 1. connect galaxi s4 pc use usb data cable. 2. phone, usb icon appear top notif bar. drag notif bar downward tap connect media device. instal samsung kie launch softwar pc. 2. connect galaxi s4 pc use usb data cable. 3. click music (or videos) devic name connect devices. 4. click sign top right kie screen."} {"id": "10393", "contents": "click contacts. contact store microsoft\u00ae outlook\u00ae, export csv file import gmail\u2122 account. sync samsung galaxi s4 gmail contacts. example, we'v use microsoft outlook 2010. click export file"} {"id": "10394", "contents": "delet email account samsung galaxi iii. chang email set samsung galaxi s4. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi iii. delet email account samsung galaxi s4. delet calendar event samsung galaxi iii. delet calendar event samsung galaxi iii. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi tab. chang email set samsung galaxi iii. chang email sync frequenc samsung galaxi s4. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi note."} {"id": "10395", "contents": "chang email set samsung galaxi s4. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi iii. delet email account samsung galaxi s4. delet calendar event samsung galaxi iii. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi tab. chang email set samsung galaxi iii. chang email sync frequenc samsung galaxi s4. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi note."} {"id": "10396", "contents": "4. click import. contact store microsoft\u00ae outlook\u00ae, export csv file import gmail\u2122 account. sync samsung galaxi s4 gmail contacts. example, we'v use microsoft outlook 2010. click export file"} {"id": "10397", "contents": "pleas tri later. learn send/cc/bcc copi email samsung galaxi s4. send email, normal also get see copi sent folder email account, howev folder clear period time."} {"id": "10398", "contents": "delet email account samsung galaxi s4. delet calendar event samsung galaxi iii. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi tab. chang email set samsung galaxi iii. chang email sync frequenc samsung galaxi s4. delet calendar event samsung galaxi iii. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi tab. chang email set samsung galaxi iii. chang email sync frequenc samsung galaxi s4. clear cache/cooki samsung galaxi note."} {"id": "10399", "contents": "click file. contact store microsoft\u00ae outlook\u00ae, export csv file import gmail\u2122 account. sync samsung galaxi s4 gmail contacts. example, we'v use microsoft outlook 2010. click export"} {"id": "10400", "contents": "step remov duplic contact galaxi s4: step1: download instal remo softwar samsung galaxi s4. run softwar select optim option home window. then, tap remov duplic option delet duplic contact galaxi s4 figur 1. step2: basi delet duplicates, select option name, number, email similar name figur 2. want remov duplic contact samsung galaxi s4 merg duplic contact enough. merg noth join overlap contact detail singl contact. easi perform. carri simpl step delet duplic entri"} {"id": "10401", "contents": "marin overnight refriger remov wing marinad bake hour 350 degre san antonio wing 12 chicken wing cup pace picant sauc cup ketchup cup honey teaspoon ground cumin cup dairi sour cream cut wing half joint discard wing tip brush chicken reserv marinad turn bake brush gener marinad everi 10 minut tender 30 minut place inch heat preheat broiler broil minut sauc look dri turn"} {"id": "10402", "contents": "direct preheat oven 350 degre fahrenheit bake wing 40 minut drain excess greas bast wing use texa pete barbecu sauc bake wing 20 minut take place wing back oven 20 minut point readi serv place frozen chicken wing pan pour blend mixtur place pan oven 250 degre fahrenheit bake hour sure turn bast everi 30"} {"id": "10403", "contents": "bake 375 degre 30 minut brush chicken reserv marinad turn bake brush gener marinad everi 10 minut tender 30 minut place inch heat preheat broiler broil minut sauc look dri turn broil minut sauc look dri"} {"id": "10404", "contents": "arrang oil ovenproof bake dish separ bowl mix togeth soy sauc vinegar salt pour chicken bake 375 degre 30 minut tender crowd pan brown chicken wing dont know like buffalo wing wing bought raw wing go buy texa pete buff sauc bake shallow pan 350 degre hour 250 around 40 min great best buy rather larg pack wing"} {"id": "10405", "contents": "time oven space also cook wing low slow 250 least two hour wing singl layer start fairli close room temperatur attempt low slow wing frozen alway use meat thermomet sure chicken reach safe temperatur"} {"id": "10406", "contents": "preheat oven 425 degre sure wing thaw dri well paper towel combin flour paprika garlic salt black pepper cayenn pepper plastic bag shake mix ingredi add wing line larg bake sheet releas foil melt butter make easi clean add wing pan turn coat bake 30 minut"} {"id": "10407", "contents": "300f bake chicken hour per pound 350f bake 20 minut per pound alway test prepar serv stab thigh meat juic hould run clear pink red meat thermomet read least 165f bake frozen chicken wing coupl thing place parchment paper cooki sheet make clean way easier put singl layer wing shee garlic powder salt pepper bake 325 deg 35 45 minut"} {"id": "10408", "contents": "direct boil wing larg pot water 15 minut broil wing oven 10 minut per side depend oven work nice brown crisp put bbq sauc bottom big metal bowl keep stove near oven vent warm bit"} {"id": "10409", "contents": "judg andler california state trial judg sinc 1994. current sit court\u2019 complex civil litig panel previous serv presid judg superior court appel panel. judg andler honor year abota (american board trial advocates) trial judg year."} {"id": "10410", "contents": "judg andler activ american bar association, member busi corpor litig committe busi law section, execut committe nation confer state trial judg aba judici division. current sit complex civil litig panel superior court, orang county, immedi past presid american colleg busi court judges. serv two term presid judg superior court' appel division."} {"id": "10411", "contents": "certifi fire investig arizona. andler associates, inc. lead fire investig firm base phoenix arizona. patrick a. andler principl owner andler associ sinc 1989. mr. andler fire investig sinc 1980 investig 4,000 fire throughout career recogn one lead fire expert throughout unit states. mr. andler also 650 hour classroom instruct pertain origin caus fire investigation, fire dynamics, fire sciences, evid collection, evid preservation, court testimony."} {"id": "10412", "contents": "method, system, apparatus, comput program product provid abil determin influenc user resourc within pre-defin context. pre-defin context activ provided/defined. point valu assign activ may occur within pre-defin context. first affin data first behavior data first categor data. second affin data second entiti determined. second affin data second behavior data second categor data. first affin data compar second affin data result affin score."} {"id": "10413", "contents": "plus, trane air handler make signific contribut overal effici system. that\u2019 effici air handler is, less work outdoor unit make home comfortable. match heat pump, circul cool hot air, depend season. properli size trane air handlers, famili right amount clean, comfort air year round."} {"id": "10414", "contents": "phenomenon easili seen german austrian census 16th 17th centuries. term might assign also name descript charact outward characteristics. die adler (the eagles) also nicknam germani nation footbal team. christian iconography, eagl symbol john evangelist, styliz eagl commonli use hous sign/totem german speak areas. tenement term easili move inhabitants, particularli one name."} {"id": "10415", "contents": "adler surnam german origin mean eagle, frequenc unit kingdom less 0.004%, 0.008% unit states. christian iconography, eagl symbol john evangelist, styliz eagl commonli use hous sign/totem german speak areas. tenement term easili move inhabitants, particularli one name."} {"id": "10416", "contents": "interview honor gail a. andler. judg gail a. andler california state trial judg sinc 1994. current sit complex civil litig panel superior court, orang county, immedi past presid american colleg busi court judges. serv two term presid judg superior court' appel division. prior judgeship, andler deputi district attorney ventura counti busi lawyer lo angel"} {"id": "10417", "contents": "judg andler also execut committe nation confer state trial judg serv busi court repres aba busi law section. recent ask co-chair new trial practic committe busi corpor litig committee. current sit court\u2019 complex civil litig panel previous serv presid judg superior court appel panel. judg andler honor year abota (american board trial advocates) trial judg year."} {"id": "10418", "contents": "judg andler long stand board member associ busi trial lawyer found judici fellow orang counti bar association. serv speaker panelist sever bar program includ sedona confer current sit court\u2019 complex civil litig panel previous serv presid judg superior court appel panel. judg andler honor year abota (american board trial advocates) trial judg year."} {"id": "10419", "contents": "contrast, around five 10 year earn notic higher averag $50k. build managers, 10 20 year experi job amount averag salari $54k. season veteran 20 year belt enjoy median incom $62k."} {"id": "10420", "contents": "worker occup earn averag hourli wage $30.36. build manag top 10 percent term annual incom made $112,630 year, worker bottom 10 percent earn less $25,810. half worker occup earn $36,770 $76,180 year."} {"id": "10421", "contents": "build manag earn averag salari c$37,466 per year. peopl move job 20 years' experi career. skill project manag associ high pay job."} {"id": "10422", "contents": "accord bls, state highest averag salari profess new york, $128,170 per year. new jersey, construct manag earn averag $125,790 per year, rhode island averag $124,650."} {"id": "10423", "contents": "averag build manag salaries. averag salari build manag job $60,000. averag build manag salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term build manag anywher job listing."} {"id": "10424", "contents": "magnesium import electrolyt involv movement calcium potassium cells, affect muscl contractions. magnesium defici may affect overal electrolyt balance, may caus leg cramps."} {"id": "10425", "contents": "defici magnesium caus pain leg cramps, migraines, also insomnia. potassium: potassium anoth import mineral, lack caus fatigue, muscl tightness, cramping. natur avail bananas, nut tomatoes."} {"id": "10426", "contents": "consid take vitamin supplement treat nocturn leg cramps? list common natur remedi use treat reduc symptom nocturn leg cramps. follow link read common uses, side effects, dosag detail read user review drug list below."} {"id": "10427", "contents": "26 followers. a. low potassium usual sign muscl weakness. leg cramp mostli caus dehydration, low magnesium, low blood calcium. best treatment cramp rehydr replenish electrolytes, possibl chicken beef broth. answer consid medic advice..."} {"id": "10428", "contents": "muscl contract, enough calcium relax muscle, cramp may form. eat food rich calcium, milk, yogurt cheese, ensur meet daili requirements."} {"id": "10429", "contents": "tonic help reliev leg cramps, tri boost potassium level eat potassium-rich foods: apples, bananas, dri fruits, avocado, mushrooms, yogurt, kefir, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, bake potato cantaloupe."} {"id": "10430", "contents": "best answer: leg cramp commonli result defici minerals, primarili calcium, magnesium potassium. so, take qualiti miner supplement might wise."} {"id": "10431", "contents": "full professor art earn lowest averag salari public schools, averag $80,910 per year; associ art professor made second-lowest salari public schools, $62,500 annually. art, drama music professor earn averag annual wage $72,660, accord bls. middl 50 percent group earn $45,370 $88,290 per year, median salari $62,330."} {"id": "10432", "contents": "salari vari accord state institution. art, drama music professor earn averag annual wage $72,660, accord bls. middl 50 percent group earn $45,370 $88,290 per year, median salari $62,330."} {"id": "10433", "contents": "statist canada releas annual professor salari report. across 29 universities, averag salari full-tim teach staff grew 2.5 per cent, $113,148 2010 $116,024 2011. price also rose 2.7 per cent 12 month end july, it\u2019 much gain. women make gains."} {"id": "10434", "contents": "american associ univers professor report salari full-tim faculti privat colleg univers averag $92,257, compar $77,009 teach public colleg universities. career may like. special educ professor teach univers student special educ practices. education: doctor salary: $33,000 $104,000 professor teach univers colleg students. education: master' salary: $30,000 $129,000 spanish professor teach univers student spanish."} {"id": "10435", "contents": "report abuse. pay rang stipend per cours even per student teach adjunct. much make would depend classes/stud load. gener speaking, full-tim colleg professor huge rang salaries."} {"id": "10436", "contents": "typic report depart head. view professor-english salari altern job titles: professor-english, colleg professor-english, univers professor-english categories: educ professor-histori salari conduct college-level cours field history. typic report depart head. view professor-mus salari altern job titles: professor-music, colleg professor-music, univers professor-mus categories: educ professor-architectur salari conduct college-level cours field architecture."} {"id": "10437", "contents": "lowest-paid 10 percent univers professor earn less $28,870, highest-paid 10 percent paid $121,850 per year. middl 50 percent univers professor earn $41,600 $83,960, chanc good you\u2019ll earn averag annual salary. career may like. special educ professor teach univers student special educ practices. education: doctor salary: $33,000 $104,000 professor teach univers colleg students. education: master' salary: $30,000 $129,000 spanish professor teach univers student spanish."} {"id": "10438", "contents": "confid vote 31. accord recent poll professor salari across us, rang roughli $61,000 $108,000, (the top 5%) make $500,000 per year specif field studi interest. pay colleg professor vari wide depend specialti qualiti prestig school. highli paid professor field like medicin cienc school intern reputations. salari may $150,000 $200,000 range."} {"id": "10439", "contents": "new assist professor art made $52,241 per year, assist professor gener made $52,835 per year, average. rank associ professor took $63,372 per year, full professor art made $81,257 annually. art, drama music professor earn averag annual wage $72,660, accord bls. middl 50 percent group earn $45,370 $88,290 per year, median salari $62,330."} {"id": "10440", "contents": "nation salaries. art, drama music professor earn averag annual wage $72,660, accord bls. middl 50 percent group earn $45,370 $88,290 per year, median salari $62,330."} {"id": "10441", "contents": "example, name athena, name mean may start say goddess wisdom goddess war, two role greek mythology. first person wrote realli rude. mean person' name make feel nobl comfort are... name someon caus lot introspect either rebellion example, close follow same. other found useful."} {"id": "10442", "contents": "also spell especi wrong. name mean start ith goddess of... name meaning, either deriv name mytholog goddess name goddess given mythology. mean person' name make feel nobl comfort are... name someon caus lot introspect either rebellion example, close follow same. other found useful."} {"id": "10443", "contents": "spiritu intens sting charm. name bring love new start life attract money. business, creator promot origin idea usual enjoy consider financi success.y frank, method believ law, system order. repres law order also associ karmic law caus effect. number perfect number, symmetr parts, number soul. therefore, peopl number six special mission life."} {"id": "10444", "contents": "soliana name mean name origin. soliana vey popular american babi name popular rank high year rang 2010, 2011, 2012 2013. soliana popular first name popular surnam last name people. american girl"} {"id": "10445", "contents": "solana /so-lana/ [3 sylls.] girls' name pronounc so-lah-nah. spanish latin origin, mean solana sunlight; eastern wind. also combin anna sol. saint' name. kreatif forms: scolana, siolana, solany. solana unusu given name women promin surnam peopl (#38706 150436, top 26%). (2000 u.s. census). ana (#222 previou year) ann (#945) anna (#34) annale (#987) annamarie, annemarie, annika (#576) annmari promin variat form solana (not ranked)"} {"id": "10446", "contents": "mean solana. spanish name. spanish, name solana means-sunshine.. origin name solana include-spanish, latin-american.th name solana often use girl name femal name. spanish name meaning-sunshine. origin-spanish"} {"id": "10447", "contents": "hidden passion number. hidden passion number repres hidden talent. shape personality, guid life. also karmic lesson numbers, associ full name (first name, middl name last name) spell birth certificate. repres law order also associ karmic law caus effect. number perfect number, symmetr parts, number soul. therefore, peopl number six special mission life."} {"id": "10448", "contents": "solana gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc so-la-na. u.s. 2014, rank 3088 babi name popular girl 54 occurrences. less boy given name."} {"id": "10449", "contents": "consid summer kimono casual kimono, shape similar robe. japanes yukata made cotton comfort. yukata worn men women, boy girls. jinbei japanes tradit summer clothing. 2-piec set kimono like top shorts. jinbei worn outsid insid pajama. jinbei enjoy japanes men long time casual comfort."} {"id": "10450", "contents": "comfort wear summer. yukata usual made cotton fabric, let air through. wherea ordinari set kimono requir juban, kimono underwear, yukata worn without juban tabi (japanes socks) well, make comfort garment summer. yukata date back 1,000 years, nobl person wore take bath."} {"id": "10451", "contents": "welcom yukata kimono market sakura recommend kimono yukata obi belt geta sandal set everybodi want wear kimono first time, because, easi wear high comfort. wear anywher like, exampl go out, home party, date, festivals, etc."} {"id": "10452", "contents": "beauti yukata wear mani way enjoy ideas. put obidom (an ornament worn front obi) look like western brooch, arrang hair elabor pin big flower kanzashi (hair ornament) final flourish."} {"id": "10453", "contents": "japanes kimono typic worn set kimono undergarments, like juban, han-juban, susoyoke. kimono undergarments, initially, made protect ancient japanes wearer cold weather japan, today, becom protect undercloth kimono."} {"id": "10454", "contents": "yukata tradit japanes summer garment make women look particularli beautiful. type tradit kimono, casual convent kimono. yukata popular among young women dress go special summer event firework display bon-odori danc festivals."} {"id": "10455", "contents": "yukata, alongsid matsuri mikoshi, shown set take part ch\u016bnin exams, would held konohagakur sunagakure."} {"id": "10456", "contents": "recommend yukata kimono modern kimono wear kimono first time. japanes possess yukata kimono modern kimono. kind kimono, use most. foreign visitor japan usual purchas"} {"id": "10457", "contents": "45/45. save mypetmd. breed 50 year history, exot shorthair, also known shorthair persian, popular breed cat fancier walk calmer side life. breed play side, prefer cuddl relax day. natur characterist breed has, boost popularity, pedomorph appearance, mean face exot retain kittenish expression, large, round, wide set eyes, small ears, short nose, large, round head."} {"id": "10458", "contents": "it\u2019 good idea keep persian indoor-onli cat. she\u2019 scrapper would fare poorli cats, dogs, coyot danger face cat go outdoors. persian\u2019 coat made shed dirt, leav stickers."} {"id": "10459", "contents": "persian cat long-hair breed cat character round face short muzzle. britain, sometim call longhair persian longhair. also known shiraz shirazi, particularli middl east, name persian citi shiraz. persian visibl muzzl contrast persian forehead, nose chin vertic alignment, call cfa' 2007 breed standard. shorter muzzle, higher nose tend be."} {"id": "10460", "contents": "save mypetmd. breed 50 year history, exot shorthair, also known shorthair persian, popular breed cat fancier walk calmer side life. natur characterist breed has, boost popularity, pedomorph appearance, mean face exot retain kittenish expression, large, round, wide set eyes, small ears, short nose, large, round head."} {"id": "10461", "contents": "exot love lap cat somewhat live person persian. exot look persian short, plush coat come mani beauti color patterns, includ tabby, tortoiseshell, black white, chinchilla silver. quick facts."} {"id": "10462", "contents": "breed grant championship statu 1967 cat fancier associ (cfa). exot made rapid progress there, soon demand. 1971, first exot shorthair achiev statu grand champion, 1991, exot cfa' cat year. natur characterist breed has, boost popularity, pedomorph appearance, mean face exot retain kittenish expression, large, round, wide set eyes, small ears, short nose, large, round head."} {"id": "10463", "contents": "exot shorthair cat cross american british short hair persian. bodi conform persian short plush fur, give appear live teddi bears."} {"id": "10464", "contents": "exot cat profile. exot man-mad breed result cross persian american shorthair shorthair cats. exotic' bodi head-styl match persian, breed separ categori 1960s."} {"id": "10465", "contents": "exot hous cats. exotichousecat.com inform websit provid detail differ breed exot hous cats. see photos, video learn cat appearance, temperament, cost even find breeder specif cat interest in. hybrid cats. hybrid cat cross-bre wild cat domest cat. total differ breed recogn tic much consid decid hybrid kitti bring home."} {"id": "10466", "contents": "profile. breed group-persian. exot shorthair cat persian 'type'. rel new breed uk mani admir happy, healthi mischiev breed. easili maintain coat, quickli establish strike show cat love pet."} {"id": "10467", "contents": "number exceed recommend sugar limit children signific amount. actual limit sugar children teaspoon preschool earli elementari years, teaspoon tween teen years. daili recommendations. averag 1- 3-year-old consum 12 teaspoon sugar day, averag 4- 8-year-old take 21 teaspoons, accord american heart association."} {"id": "10468", "contents": "mean minimum amount need take day, maximum. recommend base gender. women limit sugar intak teaspoon per day, provid 100 calories. men limit sugar intak teaspoons, 150 calories. contrast, averag adult consum 22 teaspoon per day. equal 3,550 pound sugar lifetime. consumpt ad sugar account intak 500 calori per day, caus weight gain pound per week."} {"id": "10469", "contents": "averag american consum pound sugar week 130 pound year, report forbes.com. equal 3,550 pound sugar lifetime. consumpt ad sugar account intak 500 calori per day, caus weight gain pound per week."} {"id": "10470", "contents": "world health organis suggest adult eat 50 gram sugar (12 teaspoons) per day avoid risk obes tooth decay. un bodi even advis limit 25 gram 5% daili energi intak would provid \u201caddit health benefits.\u201d. that\u2019 2.8 gram sugar per slice. if, example, breakfast two slice white bread toast chocol spread, 20cl glass supermarket orang juic hot chocolate, alreadi consum around 63 gram sugar, 13 gram recommend entir day."} {"id": "10471", "contents": "averag 2000-calori diet, world health organ recommend maximum 10% total calori come ad sugar. equat less 50 gram ad sugar per day."} {"id": "10472", "contents": "recommend vari base organization. example, world health organ recommend keep ad sugar intak 10% total calories. averag 2000 calorie-diet that' maximum 50 grams. american heart associ recommend teaspoon sugar women men (1 teaspoon sugar 4g sugar). primari sourc ad sugar soft drink sugar-sweeten beverages."} {"id": "10473", "contents": "world health organ drop sugar intak recommend 10 percent daili calori intak percent. adult normal bodi mass index (bmi), work teaspoon -- 25 gram -- sugar per day. mani peopl realiz much sugar take hidden process foods, accord who. soda may contain 10 teaspoon 40 gram sugar."} {"id": "10474", "contents": "busi day. minnesota mine manufactur gave optimist outlook first quarter yesterday said would chang name 3m company, alreadi commonli known. 3m, base st. paul, also said expect first quarter profit top earlier forecasts. company, make post-it note scotch tape, said expect earn $1.20 share slightli first quarter, compar earlier expect $1.05 $1.20 share."} {"id": "10475", "contents": "despit name, scotch tape invent scottish. invent colleg dropout name richard drew minnesota work small sandpap compani found 1902 call minnesota mine manufacturing, later known 3m. name scotch origin stori almost interest invent scotch tape"} {"id": "10476", "contents": "among product produc minnesota mine manufactur (3m) contain asbestos, name asbestos-rel lawsuit allegedli fail protect individu contract asbestos-rel diseas are: 3m 8500 dust mask (first manufactur 1962). among product produc minnesota mine manufactur (3m) may contain asbesto are: 3m caulk (1935-1986). 3m sticki tar caulk (1935-1940). 3m adhes (1935-1986). 3m wet adhes"} {"id": "10477", "contents": "3m, origin known minnesota mine manufactur company, start five men two harbors. five founder compani thought found miner call corundum, would use make sandpaper, began process set mine company."} {"id": "10478", "contents": "came find simpl compani name, minnesota mine manufactur compani hand full. found 1902 five entrepreneur two harbors, minnesota, compani want innovative, name sound robot dull. founder eventu discov company' nicknam 3m solution. simpl name match innov product like post-it note scotch tape."} {"id": "10479", "contents": "3m company, formerli known minnesota mine manufactur company, american multin conglomer corpor base maplewood, minnesota, suburb st. paul. today, 3m one 30 compani includ dow jone industri averag (ad august 9, 1976), 97 2011 fortun 500 list. compani 132 plant 67,000 employe worldwide, sale offic 200 countries."} {"id": "10480", "contents": "company, also known minnesota mine manufactur company, said discov 1998 chemic compound use make mani scotchgard products, perfluorooctanyl, pervasive; persist year environment, could even found human blood, low levels. chicago, may 16\u2014 3m company, giant consum product company, said today would stop make mani well-known scotchgard product test show chemic compound use make product linger environ human years."} {"id": "10481", "contents": "dwan offic building, first home minnesota mine manufacturing. home 3m museum. 1902 five businessmen enter ventur capit miner north shore two harbors, minnesota. henri s. bryan, j. daniel budd md, herman cable, john dwan, william mcgonagle."} {"id": "10482", "contents": "william l. mcknight join minnesota mine manufactur co. 1907 assist bookkeeper. quickli rose company, becom presid 1929 chairman board 1949. known shape company\u2019 cultur innov collaboration. resources. born small-scal mine ventur 1902 grown global powerhous whose product improv daili live peopl around world."} {"id": "10483", "contents": "rich histori ideas. william l. mcknight join minnesota mine manufactur co. 1907 assist bookkeeper. quickli rose company, becom presid 1929 chairman board 1949. known shape company\u2019 cultur innov collaboration. resources. born small-scal mine ventur 1902 grown global powerhous whose product improv daili live peopl around world."} {"id": "10484", "contents": "antibiot resistance. staph bacteria adaptable, mani varieti becom resist one antibiotics. example, 10 percent today' staph infect cure penicillin."} {"id": "10485", "contents": "treatment staph infect may include: antibiotics. doctor may perform test identifi type staph bacteria behind infection, help choos antibiot work best. antibiot commonli prescrib treat staph infect includ certain cephalosporins, nafcillin relat antibiotics, sulfa drug vancomycin."} {"id": "10486", "contents": "definition. staph infect caus staphylococcu bacteria, type germ commonli found skin nose even healthi individuals. time, bacteria caus problem result rel minor skin infections."} {"id": "10487", "contents": "antibiotic-resist staph infections. staphylococcu aureu (staph aureu staph bacterium carri skin nasal line 30 percent healthi individuals. setting, bacteria usual caus symptoms."} {"id": "10488", "contents": "staphylococc infect common signific clinic problem medic practice. strain staphylococcu aureu resist penicillin, methicillin-resist strain s. aureu (mrsa) common hospit emerg community."} {"id": "10489", "contents": "vancomycin strong antibiot normal use seriou case staph infection. belong group antibiot call glycopeptid work weaken wall bacteria, caus death. often effect case methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa)."} {"id": "10490", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri intern multidisciplinari research, review news journal."} {"id": "10491", "contents": "5-year impact factor: 3.797\u2139 five-year impact factor:2014: 3.797to calcul five year impact factor, citat count 2014 previou five year divid sourc item publish previou five years.\u00a9 journal citat report 2015, publish thomson reuters. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri publish work action biolog extract unless pharmacolog activ molecular substrat and/or specif receptor bind properti extract compound elucidated. benefit authors."} {"id": "10492", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx 13 pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011."} {"id": "10493", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx 13 pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011."} {"id": "10494", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx 13 pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011."} {"id": "10495", "contents": "impact factor: 3.689\u2139 impact factor:2014: 3.689the impact factor measur averag number citat receiv particular year paper publish journal two preced years.\u00a9 thomson reuter journal citat report 2015. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri publish work action biolog extract unless pharmacolog activ molecular substrat and/or specif receptor bind properti extract compound elucidated. benefit authors."} {"id": "10496", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri intern multidisciplinari research, review news journal. one main [...]. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri intern multidisciplinari research, review news journal. sjr indic vs. cite per doc (2y). order view charts, need upgrad flash player. sjr indic measur scientif influenc averag articl journal, express central global scientif discuss averag articl journal is."} {"id": "10497", "contents": "progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011. progress neuro-psychopharmacolog biolog psychiatri xxx (2015) xxx\u2013xxx 13 pleas cite articl as: danforth al, et al, mdma-assist therapy: new treatment model social anxieti autist adults, prog neuro-psychopharmacol biol psychiatri (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.03.011."} {"id": "10498", "contents": "a. gener rule, keep frozen butterbal turkey freezer origin packag year still good quality. turkey kept commerci freezers, like groceri stores, may kept even longer. butterbal use code system known lot code system. store turkey make sure keep frozen turkey deep freez rather frost free refriger freezer burn could result dri turkey. addition, make sure packag tear holes. thaw properli thaw turkey make big impact."} {"id": "10499", "contents": "turkey breast cook 165\u00b0f. turkey pop-up temperatur indicator, recommend also check intern temperatur turkey stuffing. let turkey stand 20 minut cooking. carv easily. thaw refrigerator: keep turkey origin wrapper. place tray catch juic may leak. thaw turkey remain refriger days."} {"id": "10500", "contents": "4. keep thaw turkey refrigerator. whole, uncooked, thaw turkey store refriger days. kept undisturb store packaging, store store-bought turkey refriger days, use date mark packaging. refriger temperatur 40 degre fahrenheit (4 degre celsius). bird safe remain freezer year. fresh part bird kept month freezer. ground fresh turkey kept freezer months. amount time, qualiti meat diminish."} {"id": "10501", "contents": "hunt weather vari greatli temperatur year year. faster get meat 40 degrees, better be. small game-gut skin pluck game soon get back vehicl camp put cooler full ice. skin hair hold heat, allow spoilag left long. get refriger asap. temperatur stay 32 degre deer hog keep months. 40 degre ok week. 50 degrees-a coupl days."} {"id": "10502", "contents": "buy fresh turkey one two day cook it. label help includ sell date. sell date last date store sell turkey fresh. turkey maintain optim qualiti safeti one two day date. no, danger long turkey cook intern temperatur 165\u00baf higher. check done insert food thermomet innermost thickest part thigh, wing thickest part breast. temperatur measur 165\u00baf higher part turkey."} {"id": "10503", "contents": "confid temperatur refrigerator, cook freez turkey within day purchase. storag leftovers: carv leftov turkey piec refriger speed cooling. refriger carv leftov within hour eating. use leftov turkey within days."} {"id": "10504", "contents": "gener rule, keep frozen butterbal turkey freezer origin packag year still good quality. turkey kept commerci freezers, like groceri stores, may kept even longer. store turkey make sure keep frozen turkey deep freez rather frost free refriger freezer burn could result dri turkey. addition, make sure packag tear holes. thaw properli thaw turkey make big impact."} {"id": "10505", "contents": "help keep turkey fresh longer store refriger immedi use. prepared, turkey store tightli close contain keep moistur contaminants. long-term option, freez turkey preserv tast use freezer safe contain origin wrapping. whole frozen bird, read faq find thaw time turkey."} {"id": "10506", "contents": "i'm member park slope food coop. sell fresh turkey start today last shipment get monday. first come first served, riski wait last day get one."} {"id": "10507", "contents": "frost. frost form ice surviv temperatur 32 degre fahrenheit below. doesn\u2019t mean measur air temperatur must 32 frost form surface."} {"id": "10508", "contents": "frost form temperatur solid surfac open cool freez point water clearli crystallin form frost particular, frost point still air."} {"id": "10509", "contents": "frost form much way dew forms. frost usual form surfac cool loss infrar radiat temperatur colder dewpoint air next surface, temperatur surfac freez (32 deg f, deg. c). sourc moistur water vapor contain air."} {"id": "10510", "contents": "frost cover ice crystal surfac produc deposit water vapor surfac cooler 0\u00b0 (32\u00b0 f). deposit occur temperatur surfac fall frost point. similarly, dew form air surfac temperatur fall dew point temperature."} {"id": "10511", "contents": "light frost occur temperatur drop 32 degre fahrenheit, refer condit allow layer ice crystal form water vapor condens freez without first becom dew."} {"id": "10512", "contents": "confid vote 47. format frost base temperatur alone. frost form surfac area object temperatur surround atmosphere. however, surfac area freez (32 degre f)."} {"id": "10513", "contents": "beef requir 15 minut per 500 grams/pound medium roast. final intern meat temperatur 60\u00b0 celsiu 140\u00b0 fahrenheit rare, 70\u00b0 celsiu 160\u00b0 fahrenheit medium, 75\u00b0 celsiu 165\u00b0 fahrenheit well done. pork roast cook times. type cut: leg, loin, shoulder, foreloin, belly. pork requir 20 minut per 500 grams/pound."} {"id": "10514", "contents": "lamb cook times. type cut: leg. lamb requir 20 minut per 500 grams/pound. final intern meat temperatur 75\u00b0 celsiu 165\u00b0 fahrenheit medium, 80\u00b0 celsiu 175\u00b0 fahrenheit well done. beef cook times. type cut: yearl silversid topside, sirloin, roll rib, stand rib, blade."} {"id": "10515", "contents": "sear: place lamb middl oven roast 20 minutes. slow-roast: remov lamb oven, leav door ajar 10 minut cool down, bring 225 degrees. rub lamb harissa mixtur place oven intern temperatur 140 degrees. take anywher 2\u00bd 3\u00bd hours. rest: remov roast oven let rest 30 minutes. ruin great piec meat slice quickly."} {"id": "10516", "contents": "beauti meat thermomet accur way measur intern temperatur meat cooking. tell beef, lamb, veal goat done. meat done (be steak roast), intern temperatur meat be: rare 60\u00bac. medium rare 60-65\u00bac. medium 65-70\u00bac."} {"id": "10517", "contents": "hand, attrit wound caus rub friction like grind teeth. 4. abras occur one rock hit anoth surface. attrit term form river coastal eros surfac wash away. also anoth mean attrition. attrit also refer staff reduct compani usual process like resign retirement. summary. 1. abras restrict superfici destruction; attrit limit destruction. 2."} {"id": "10518", "contents": "one come across mani differ abras attrition. geolog terms, abras refer wear destruct surfac particul like process sediment transportation. hand, attrit refer extens reduct winnow entir particulates. also anoth mean attrition. attrit also refer staff reduct compani usual process like resign retirement. summary. 1. abras restrict superfici destruction; attrit limit destruction. 2."} {"id": "10519", "contents": "hand, attrit wound caus rub friction like grind teeth. also anoth mean attrition. attrit also refer staff reduct compani usual process like resign retirement. summary. 1. abras restrict superfici destruction; attrit limit destruction. 2."} {"id": "10520", "contents": "abrasion-th wear rock particl friction due water wind ice. attrition, detrition, grinding. rubbing, friction-th resist encount one bodi move contact another. abrasion. n. 1. process scrape wear friction. 2. scrape area spot; graze. 3. (physic geography) geographi effect mechan eros rock, esp river bed, rock fragment scratch scrape it; wear down."} {"id": "10521", "contents": "attrit sorrow one' sin arris reason love god. forced, someon make feel sorrow sins, actual ct sin, sorri caught. difficult child, example, learn true attrition. example, child lie parent caught. parent punish lie. child cries, feel sorrow lie like punishment. context, attrit associ cathol concept imperfect contrition. context warfare, forc attrit refer slow deplet one' fight strength, usual due outsid forc beyond control leader fight force."} {"id": "10522", "contents": "pleas tri later. publish sep 14, 2012. second gcse geographi help video, go form part seri short video help geography. video erosion processes,attrit solution, part river topic"} {"id": "10523", "contents": "sea shape coastal landscape. coastal eros wear away break rock along coast. destruct wave erod coastlin number ways: hydraul action. air may becom trap joint crack cliff face. wave breaks, trap air compress weaken cliff caus erosion. abrasion. air may becom trap joint crack cliff face. wave breaks, trap air compress weaken cliff caus erosion. abrasion. bit rock sand wave grind cliff surfac like sandpaper."} {"id": "10524", "contents": "attrit sorrow one' sin arris reason love god. forced, someon make feel sorrow sins, actual ct sin, sorri caught. difficult child, example, learn true attrition."} {"id": "10525", "contents": "2. abrasion-eros friction. attrition, corrasion, detrition. eat away, eroding, erosion, wearing, wear away (geology) mechan process wear grind someth (a particl wash it). abrasion. n. 1. process scrape wear friction. 2. scrape area spot; graze. 3. (physic geography) geographi effect mechan eros rock, esp river bed, rock fragment scratch scrape it; wear down."} {"id": "10526", "contents": "mani adjunct faculty, next step career path name assist associ professor goal gain tenur professor. track opportun profession develop may give adjunct leg interview full-or part-tim positions. also base degre held teacher applying. wage also vari institut type: typic adjunct faculti earn higher wage tradit four-year institutions, compar work commun colleges. snapshot averag salari adjunct faculty: glassdoor.com: $30,709."} {"id": "10527", "contents": "adjunct, often also exempt politics, publish requir administr duti go along tenur teach positions. recent complet graduat school, adjunct teach good way get valuabl teach experience. career inform glance. adjunct professor teach class colleg junior colleg part-tim contract basis. take look follow chart overview enter field."} {"id": "10528", "contents": "posit adjunct professor import one. colleg need instructors, posit allow prospect academ opportun tri role professor. adjunct professor hire school contractual, part-tim basi oppos tradit univers model full-tim employment. also base degre held teacher applying. wage also vari institut type: typic adjunct faculti earn higher wage tradit four-year institutions, compar work commun colleges. snapshot averag salari adjunct faculty: glassdoor.com: $30,709."} {"id": "10529", "contents": "pay adjunct professor usual low, work challenging. still, nonmonetari reward come teach substantial. often, peopl need minimum master\u2019 degre work adjunct professors, whether two-or four-year colleges."} {"id": "10530", "contents": "essenti information. individu look becom adjunct professor need enrol complet master's, doctor termin degre program. program may prefer student academ background one area, teach varieti subjects. learn educ prepar need becom adjunct professor. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti licensur find career you. view 10 popular school \u00bb."} {"id": "10531", "contents": "mani duti expect tenure-track professor requir adjuncts. conting faculti conduct research, publish paper attend staff meet events. import adjunct faculti know specif respons for. also base degre held teacher applying. wage also vari institut type: typic adjunct faculti earn higher wage tradit four-year institutions, compar work commun colleges. snapshot averag salari adjunct faculty: glassdoor.com: $30,709."} {"id": "10532", "contents": "photoobjects.net/photoobjects.net/getti images. adjunct professor someon teach part-tim basi commun college, four-year colleg university. adjunct professor teach one class other teach two classes."} {"id": "10533", "contents": "explor career requir adjunct professors. get fact job duties, educ requirements, profession licensure, salari employ outlook determin right field you. school offer adult educ degre also found popular choices. career inform glance. adjunct professor teach class colleg junior colleg part-tim contract basis. take look follow chart overview enter field."} {"id": "10534", "contents": "benign growth polyp colon common thought forerunn cancer. growth caus either bright red blood occult bleeding. colon cancer frequent diagnos cancer australia often caus occult bleed time, necessarili visibl bleeding."} {"id": "10535", "contents": "streak blood stool, blood rectum, dark red dark black stool could point toward real problems. however, kind food medic also chang stool\u2019 color. instance, eat lot beet turn stool deep red."} {"id": "10536", "contents": "lost lot blood stool, may risk develop anemia. may need blood transfus replenish suppli red blood cells. polyp colon caus bloodi stool indic precancer condit cancer people."} {"id": "10537", "contents": "rectal bleeding. sign colon polyp cancer conditions, hemorrhoid minor tear anus. chang stool color. blood show red streak stool make stool appear black. chang color may also caus foods, medic supplements."} {"id": "10538", "contents": "polyp benign growth grow, bleed, becom cancerous. colorect cancer fourth common cancer u.s. often caus bleed notic nake eye. esophag problems. varicos vein esophagu tear esophagu lead sever blood loss."} {"id": "10539", "contents": "sign colon polyp cancer conditions, hemorrhoid minor tear anus. chang stool color. blood show red streak stool make stool appear black. chang color may also caus foods, medic supplements."} {"id": "10540", "contents": "peopl colon polyp experience: rectal bleeding. sign colon polyp cancer conditions, hemorrhoid minor tear anus. chang stool color. blood show red streak stool make stool appear black."} {"id": "10541", "contents": "blood stool. blood make stool look black, blood show red streak stool. feel tire anemia lack iron body. bleed colon polyp lead anemia lack iron."} {"id": "10542", "contents": "medlicense.com nation' premier physician licens company. 20,000 physician util medlicense.com obtain state medic board licens sinc 2001. 2010, medlicense.com licens 2% physician licens 50 states. medlicense.com recogn industri leader physician licensing. one medlicense.com"} {"id": "10543", "contents": "additionally, contact medic board' consum inform unit 1-800-633-2322, board' website' profil check doctor, obtain physician' address record license. want insur new doctor receiv copi medic record previou doctor, write previou doctor request copi medic record sent directli you. receiv records, provid copi record provid choose."} {"id": "10544", "contents": "fee applic resid fellowship time licensure: applic fee: $500.00 (non-refundable) initi licens fee: $205.00 nica fee: exempt (pleas read inform www.nica.com) militari veteran fee waiver: applic fee initi fee waiv qualified. hospit staff privileges, perform surgeri ambulatori surgic center haveestablish irrevoc letter credit escrow account amount $100,000/$300,000, accord chapter 675, f. s., letter credit s. 625.52, f. s., escrow account. 2."} {"id": "10545", "contents": "physician charg reason fee cost make copies. physician' offic advis fee charg records, medic record need provid fee paid. want insur new doctor receiv copi medic record previou doctor, write previou doctor request copi medic record sent directli you. receiv records, provid copi record provid choose."} {"id": "10546", "contents": "plan dispens medicin drug state florida fee remuner herebi regist requir section 465.0276, f. s. understand fee dispens practition $100.00 addit requir initi licens fee submit along licens fee. hospit staff privileges, perform surgeri ambulatori surgic center haveestablish irrevoc letter credit escrow account amount $100,000/$300,000, accord chapter 675, f. s., letter credit s. 625.52, f. s., escrow account. 2."} {"id": "10547", "contents": "fees: make one cashier\u2019 check money order total amount payabl depart health-board medicine. applicant, deni licensure, withdraw applic prior licensure, entitl refund initi licensur fee, nica fee, dispens practition fee. hospit staff privileges, perform surgeri ambulatori surgic center haveestablish irrevoc letter credit escrow account amount $100,000/$300,000, accord chapter 675, f. s., letter credit s. 625.52, f. s., escrow account. 2."} {"id": "10548", "contents": "submit applic medic licensure, applic analyst review applic send letter notifi deficiencies. may period check statu applic web site. applic complet forward board secretari review. find everyth order, author staff mail applic board member voting."} {"id": "10549", "contents": "reduc time, elimin frustrat get result medic licensure. welcom physician licens service, one trust medic licens servic country. serv 25,000 physician devot decad pioneer system acceler medic licens process minim involvement. provid servic consulting, licens credenti hospitals, group individu physician around globe."} {"id": "10550", "contents": "obtain mmic local counti public health depart physician evalu center. mmic voluntari patients, requir senat bill 420 (sb 420) physician\u2019 letter recommend use medic marijuana. simpli form physician use state write seriou medic condit use medic marijuana appropriate. origin submit applic copi must kept medic record physician\u2019 office."} {"id": "10551", "contents": "asset manag (itam) set busi practic join financial, contractu inventori function support life cycl manag strateg decis make environment. asset manag gener use automation, includ use small passive. rfid tag design fit type asset smart softwar design track rfid-tag asset locat automatically, manag discoveri assets, inventori compar ownership information."} {"id": "10552", "contents": "comput software. ownership right use comput program control function comput hardwar devices. comput softwar compris oper system applic programs. comput softwar common type intang asset intern generated. comput softwar consid intern gener develop in-hous third parti contractor institution\u2019 behalf. 7.11.1 intang asset definition. intang asset asset acquir purchase, license, donation, intern gener possess follow characteristics: lack physic substance. nonfinanci nature."} {"id": "10553", "contents": "a: account terms, intang asset someth valu physic nature. hand, property, plant equip (ppe) name suggests. ppe refer physic long-term assets, equip vital company' oper definit physic component. two preced condit met, software, whether purchas creat intern would consid intang asset. basic natur busi stage softwar develop also play signific role classif decision."} {"id": "10554", "contents": "asset manag system, one key reason manag softwar licenses, reduc illeg softwar usag and, result, risk organ non-compli term license. non-compli result risk regularli track reported. 5."} {"id": "10555", "contents": "intern gener comput softwar (igcs) common type intang asset intern generated. comput softwar consid intern gener develop in-hous third parti contractor usg\u2019 behalf. 7.11.1 intang asset definition. intang asset asset acquir purchase, license, donation, intern gener possess follow characteristics: lack physic substance. nonfinanci nature."} {"id": "10556", "contents": "individu copi softwar packag cost $100,000 classifi ppe category. softwar would amortized, like assets, use life. however, gener rule, two softwar copi purchas $150,000 account intang assets. two preced condit met, software, whether purchas creat intern would consid intang asset. basic natur busi stage softwar develop also play signific role classif decision."} {"id": "10557", "contents": "one broadest categori fix assets, sinc includ divers asset warehous storag racks, offic cubicles, desks. intang assets. non-phys asset, exampl trademarks, custom lists, literari works, broadcast rights, patent technology. land. land. asset depreciated, consid indetermin use life. includ categori expenditur prepar land intend purpose, demolish exist build grade land. land improvements."} {"id": "10558", "contents": "overview intang assets. intang asset non-phys asset use life greater one year. exampl intang asset trademarks, custom lists, motion pictures, franchis agreements, comput software. extens exampl intang asset are: artist assets."} {"id": "10559", "contents": "(juli 2015). asset manag (itam) set busi practic join financial, contractu inventori function support life cycl manag strateg decis make environment. asset includ element softwar hardwar found busi environment. asset manag (also call inventori management) import part organization' strategy. usual involv gather detail hardwar softwar inventori inform use make decis hardwar softwar purchas redistribution. asset manag gener use automation, includ use small passive. rfid tag design fit type asset smart softwar design track rfid-tag asset locat automatically, manag discoveri assets, inventori compar ownership information."} {"id": "10560", "contents": "causes. common microorgan contribut infecti canin tracheobronch bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria, canin adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, mycoplasma. organ caus symptom disease, alon combination."} {"id": "10561", "contents": "bordetella one agent protect use intranas 'kennel cough' vaccines. parainfluenza bordetella commonli appear togeth infecti tracheobronchitis, creat diseas normal last 14-20 days."} {"id": "10562", "contents": "kennel cough, common name given infecti canin tracheobronchitis, highli contagi respiratori diseas among dogs. name suggests, typifi inflamm trachea bronchi."} {"id": "10563", "contents": "'kennel cough' term commonli appli preval upper respiratori problem dog unit states. recently, condit becom known tracheobronchitis, canin infecti tracheobronchitis, bordetellosis, bordetella. highli contagi dogs. diseas found worldwid infect high percentag dog lifetime."} {"id": "10564", "contents": "kennel cough broad term cover infecti contagi condit dog cough one major clinic signs. also refer infecti tracheobronchitis. term tracheobronch describ locat infect trachea windpip bronchial tubes. sever virus bacteria caus kennel cough, often time."} {"id": "10565", "contents": "canin infecti tracheobronch also known kennel cough respiratori infect affect upper respiratori system. infect common frequent met dog kennels."} {"id": "10566", "contents": "infecti tracheobronch contagious, upper-respiratori diseas spread one three infecti agent (parainfluenza, adenovirus, bordetella) combin thereof\u2014most often pass air, also transmit hand clothing."} {"id": "10567", "contents": "correct term canin infecti tracheobronchitis, also call bordetella, combin bacterium two virus affect upper respiratori tract. kennel oper requir vaccin kennel cough, also call bordetella, prior stay kennel facility."} {"id": "10568", "contents": "last name origin meanings: english, french, spanish, portuguese, dutch, etc.: latin person name luca (greek loukas) \u2018man lucania\u2019. lucania region southern itali thought name ancient time word mean \u2018bright\u2019 \u2018shining\u2019. compar lucio. also found american form greek loukas. scottish: reduc anglic form gaelic mac lucai (l\u00f9cai mclucas). mcluca french name luca record canada since, 1653 taken trois, rivieres, rivi\u00e8r quebec by-on luca lepine. l\u00e9pine normandi"} {"id": "10569", "contents": "origin name lucas: ecclesiast late latin name thought deriv lucius, root lux (light). alternatively, believ name deriv ecclesiast greek loukas, contract loukano (man lucania). world babi name teresa norman. realli realli like name lucas, becom popular me. son pre school class 18 children lucas, luca, luke."} {"id": "10570", "contents": "name luca greek origin, mean lucania name commonli given boys. luca black actor promin portion career 1994 present."} {"id": "10571", "contents": "luca latin form greek name louka (\u03bb\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u1fb6\u03c2), mean (one) lucania (an ancient region southern italy) name deriv latin word lux (light). may also latin word lucu mean sacr wood (a cognat lucere), anoth greek word \u03bb\u03cd\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2, lyko mean wolf. common name mani modern languages. luca may refer sever things."} {"id": "10572", "contents": "name luca english babi name. english mean name luca is: form luke: light; illumination. greek meaning: name luca greek babi name. greek mean name luca is: light giving. lucania (lucania district ancient italy). latin meaning: name luca latin babi name. latin mean name luca is: form luke 'light; illumin"} {"id": "10573", "contents": "etymolog histor origin-lucas. luca latin form greek \u201cloukas\u201d (louk\u00e1s) \u03bb\u03bf\u03c5\u03ba\u1fb6\u03c2 \u201cmean man from\u201d (lucania lucania district locat southern itali inhabit ancient lucani tribe of). sabellian"} {"id": "10574", "contents": "luca gener use boy' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc lu-cas. u.s. 2014, rank 19 babi name popular boy 12078 occurrences. rank 13869 popular babi name girl occurrences. view luca name popular page see popular trend luca chang sinc 1880, compar popular luca names. fun, see name luca hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, luca nautic flag page."} {"id": "10575", "contents": "luca popular first name men (#381 1220, top 31%) also popular last name peopl (#275 150436, top 1%). (2000 u.s. census). chart babi name popular luca boys. luca reach top posit #19 u.s. 2014. (2014 birth statistics). luca /lu-cas/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc loo-kas. transfer surnam variant luke. popular germany. film director georg lucas; actor luka haas."} {"id": "10576", "contents": "english, french, spanish, portuguese, dutch, etc.: latin person name luca (greek loukas) \u2018man lucania\u2019. lucania region southern itali thought name ancient time word mean \u2018bright\u2019 \u2018shining\u2019. compar lucio."} {"id": "10577", "contents": "veget rich vitamin c: due high vitamin content vegetables, follow food serv natur antibiot well; cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, tomato spinach. ferment foods: food prepar microorganisms, mainli bacteria. food also consid form natur antibiot reintroduc friendli bacteria body."} {"id": "10578", "contents": "pineappl also sooth sore throats. tea tree oil fantast natur antibiot contain antisept compound effect skin disinfectant. depend sever condition, use strength 15 percent daily. antiseptics. follow natur antisept may prove useful: molkosan deriv concentr whey use effect fungal infect excel antiseptic. use way you\u2019d use iodine. st john\u2019 wort use extern"} {"id": "10579", "contents": "antibiot categori drug refer \u201cantimicrobials,\u201d mean inhibit growth kill bacteria, without caus signific damag person (host). ferment foods: food prepar microorganisms, mainli bacteria. food also consid form natur antibiot reintroduc friendli bacteria body."} {"id": "10580", "contents": "pineapple-imag shutterstock. bromelain proteolyt enzym (an enzym digest proteins) found fresh pineapple. often use treat muscl injuri digest aid. role anti-aging: bromelain natur anticoagul work break blood-clot protein fibrin. may help explain result least two clinic trial suggest enzym help improv symptom angina thrombophlebitis."} {"id": "10581", "contents": "may want add fresh pineappl pineappl juic diet. pineappl nutrit pack member bromeliad family. delight tropic fruit high enzym bromelain antioxid vitamin c, play major role body' heal process. bromelain natur anti-inflammatori mani health benefit encourag healing. accord dr. andrew weil, bromelain effect treat bruises, sprain strain reduc swelling, tender pain."} {"id": "10582", "contents": "also good know natur antibiot harm body. essenti natur food sourc infect rabbit cannot medic 'overdose' much 'food'. (but like food intak portion control advised). basically, antibiot choosi poison. natur antibiot work way synthet antibiot do. mani bacteria requir oxygen free environ thrive. certain compound plant herb help oxygen blood provid environ bacteri organ cannot thrive."} {"id": "10583", "contents": "follow list food contain natur antibiot qualiti properti specif inform relat offer person health wise: garlic: garlic natur antibiot use sinc ancient times. ferment foods: food prepar microorganisms, mainli bacteria. food also consid form natur antibiot reintroduc friendli bacteria body."} {"id": "10584", "contents": "attempt substitut natur antibiot contain food standard prescript antibiotics, highli recommend person consult physician obtain medic advic determin best cours treatment use particular medic condit presenting. sourc links. ferment foods: food prepar microorganisms, mainli bacteria. food also consid form natur antibiot reintroduc friendli bacteria body."} {"id": "10585", "contents": "overview. bromelain mixtur enzym found pineappl (anana comosus) digest protein (proteolytic). pineappl use centuri central south america treat indigest reduc inflammation. bromelain, deriv stem juic pineapple, first isol pineappl plant late 1800s. antibiot -- bromelain may increas amount antibiot absorb body. one clinic study, combin bromelain amoxicillin rais level amoxicillin blood. also, studi suggest bromelain may increas body' absorpt tetracycline, anoth antibiotic."} {"id": "10586", "contents": "putang ina. gener filipino curs liter mean bitch mother use somebodi curs like putang ina mo mean mother bitch son bitch. usual use one get realli mad somebodi want pick fight. putang ina mo kakatayin kita."} {"id": "10587", "contents": "(p00tang) slang word use describ femal genitals. often combin word pie."} {"id": "10588", "contents": "vagina, pussy. havent gotten putang lately. putang. peni couldnt fit tight littl putang. see word meaning: vulva ('vagina'), femal genitalia."} {"id": "10589", "contents": "top definition. putang ina. gener filipino curs liter mean bitch mother use somebodi curs like putang ina mo mean mother bitch son bitch. usual use one get realli mad somebodi want pick fight. putang ina mo kakatayin kita."} {"id": "10590", "contents": "share tweet email 0shares. past, thyroid gland blame fair share problems. latest technolog improv blood test indic true thyroid diseas hors quit rare, ensur right level iodin horse\u2019 diet prevent problems. iodin essenti manufactur two main thyroid hormones, known t3 t4, process regul anoth hormon known \u201cthyroid stimul hormone\u201d tsh produc pituitari gland nearby."} {"id": "10591", "contents": "properli function thyroid gland highli import horse' good health. much easy. get difficult complex. know thyroid gland state dysfunct easi determine."} {"id": "10592", "contents": "equin hypothyroid symptoms. hors primari hypothyroidism, someth wrong thyroid gland prevent produc proper amount hormones. goiter example\u2014hi thyroid gland enlarg due tumor may may benign. malign one caus thyroid dysfunction\u2014primari hypothyroidism. hors two thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine, t3, tyhroxine, t4. there\u2019 good chanc vet routin blood test horse, hormon low, tempt diagnosi hypothyroidism."} {"id": "10593", "contents": "thyroid problems. thyroid gland larg endocrin gland produc hormon help determin metabol rate energi provid vital process horse' body. thyroid gland condit often caus much littl dietari iodine. thyroid function also affect tumors, infection, certain chemic forag block hormon production, medications, excess high protein diets, much zinc copper diet, starvation."} {"id": "10594", "contents": "generally, thyroid gland problem classifi primary: inadequ thyroid hormon production; secondary: inadequ product thyroid stimul hormone; tertiary: inabl use thyroid hormon within body. thyroid gland condit often caus much littl dietari iodine. thyroid function also affect tumors, infection, certain chemic forag block hormon production, medications, excess high protein diets, much zinc copper diet, starvation."} {"id": "10595", "contents": "condit usual due tumor thyroid gland produc sign seen humans, includ enlarg thyroid gland, increas heart rate, increas thirst, inabl sweat, excitability, hair loss, weight loss, despit healthi appetite. thyroid gland condit often caus much littl dietari iodine. thyroid function also affect tumors, infection, certain chemic forag block hormon production, medications, excess high protein diets, much zinc copper diet, starvation."} {"id": "10596", "contents": "goiter enlarg thyroid gland. older horses, often caus presenc benign growth call adenoma produc hormones. malign adenocarcinoma rare caus hyperthyroid present. t4/levothyroxin hormon thyroid gland. t3/triiodothyronin hormon produc thyroid gland body' cell remov one iodin molecul t4. activ thyroid hormone."} {"id": "10597", "contents": "goiter, enlarg thyroid gland, may occur respons defici (hypoiodin goiter) toxic (hyperiodin goiter) level iodin diet. iodin compon hormon thyroxin produc thyroid gland. iodin level diet inadequ meet horse\u2019 requirement, thyroid gland becom enlarged, indic thyroid dysfunction."} {"id": "10598", "contents": "year hors owner veterinarian blame low thyroid hormon levels, hypothyroidism, myriad benign seriou hors condit laminitis, grave hoof condition; anhidrosis, inabl sweat; tie up, exert rhabdomyolysis; fertil problems; fat. hors two thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine, t3, tyhroxine, t4. there\u2019 good chanc vet routin blood test horse, hormon low, tempt diagnosi hypothyroidism."} {"id": "10599", "contents": "hematopoiesis. format develop blood cells, usual take place bone marrow. cyclic hematopoiesi collies. see canin cyclic hematopoiesis. extramedullari hematopoiesis. format develop blood cell outsid bone marrow, spleen, liver lymph nodes. fetal hematopoiesis. embryogenesi migrat stem cell yolk sac blood island set hematopoiesi thymus, lymph nodes, liver spleen. fetal bone develop marrow caviti hematopoiesi similarli established."} {"id": "10600", "contents": "noun. 1. hematopoiesis-th format blood cell live bodi (especi bone marrow). haematogenesis, haematopoiesis, haemogenesis, haemopoiesis, hematogenesis, hemogenesis, hemopoiesis, sanguification. biolog process, organ process-a process occur live organisms."} {"id": "10601", "contents": "10 hilari insight foreign words. hemopoiesis, hematopoiesis, process new blood cell formed. bone marrow, tissu insid bones, one activ organ body, site red blood cells, major white blood cells, platelet produced."} {"id": "10602", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer melissa gatewood. confid vote 13. product develop blood cells, normal bone marrow."} {"id": "10603", "contents": "diagram show develop differ blood cell haematopoiet stem cell matur cells. haematopoiesi (from greek \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1, blood \u03c0\u03bf\u03b9\u03b5\u1fd6\u03bd make; also hematopoiesi american english; sometim also haemopoiesi hemopoiesis) format blood cellular components."} {"id": "10604", "contents": "hematopoiesis. (physiology). process cellular element blood formed."} {"id": "10605", "contents": "medic definit hematopoiesis. format blood blood cell live body\u2014cal also hemopoiesis."} {"id": "10606", "contents": "hematopoiesis. format develop blood cells, usual take place bone marrow. cyclic hematopoiesi collies. see canin cyclic hematopoiesis. hematopoiesis. format develop blood cells. embryo fetu take place varieti site includ liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow; birth throughout rest life mainli bone marrow small amount occur lymph nodes."} {"id": "10607", "contents": "believ 10 fact people. hematopoiesi biolog process bodi use creat new blood cell replac age die off. continu progress healthi human animals."} {"id": "10608", "contents": "mean stereotyp plate 1817. mean imag perpetu without chang first record 1850, verb sense. mean preconceiv oversimplifi notion characterist typic person group record 1922."} {"id": "10609", "contents": "stereotyp (n.). 1798, method print plate, french stereotyp (st\u00e9r\u00e9otype.) adj print mean solid plate of, type greek stereo (solid) see french type (type (see.)). mean stereotyp plate from. 1817"} {"id": "10610", "contents": "stereotyp (n.). 1798, method print plate, french stereotyp (st\u00e9r\u00e9otype.) adj print mean solid plate of, type greek stereo (solid) see french type (type (see.))."} {"id": "10611", "contents": "verb. dumb blond unkind stereotype. dumb blond unkind stereotype. definit stereotyp well-known idea imag person idea held number people. exampl stereotyp blonde-hair women dumb. stereotyp defin attach idea imag person belong particular group."} {"id": "10612", "contents": "full definit stereotype. 1. plate cast print surface. 2. someth conform fix gener pattern; especially: standard mental pictur held common member group repres oversimplifi opinion, prejud attitude, uncrit judgment."} {"id": "10613", "contents": "raw egg keep lot longer. interestingly, hard-boil egg keep nearli long raw eggs, last three five week refrigerator. good reason this. hen lay egg, put natur protect coat outsid shell"} {"id": "10614", "contents": "follow. refriger leftov hard-cook egg shell within two hour cook keep well one one half weeks. best place contain plastic bag absorb refriger smell flavors."} {"id": "10615", "contents": "header image: chow. hard-boil egg last week kept shells, refriger within two hour cooking, say usda food safeti inspect service."} {"id": "10616", "contents": "raw egg keep lot longer. interestingly, hard-boil egg keep nearli long raw eggs, last three five week refrigerator. good reason this. hen lay egg, put natur protect coat outsid shell."} {"id": "10617", "contents": "extend answer long hard boil egg last store fridg (refrigerator) immedi prepar use. prepared, hard boil egg store tightli close contain fridg keep moistur contaminants. course, question long hard boil egg last fridg long boil egg good depend store properli fridg not."} {"id": "10618", "contents": "confid vote 172. hard-boil egg best use within week. freez them. even natur (but easili cracked) calcium-carbon container, hard-cook egg perish food, kept room temperatur two hours. kept unbroken shell refriger week."} {"id": "10619", "contents": "store hard-cook (boiled) eggs: refriger necessari hard boil egg egg consum within hours. prefer peel egg readi eat use recipe. hard-cook egg shell refriger one (1) week. peel hard-boil egg store refriger bowl cold water cover week (chang water daily) seal contain without water (cover egg damp paper towels) length time. peel hard boil egg store refriger bowl cold water cover week (chang water daily). safeti note: safe leav hard boil egg (includ shells) room temperatur long (and especi hot water)."} {"id": "10620", "contents": "hard boil egg last days, spoil quickli handl properly. hard boil egg fresh whole egg boil 10 minutes. chicken egg common choic process. course, question long hard boil egg last fridg long boil egg good depend store properli fridg not."} {"id": "10621", "contents": "permiss pay dock flsa allow employ make deduct exempt employe salari certain circumst includ employe absent one full day person reason impermiss pay dock order employe qualifi exempt employe must receiv predetermin wage pay period law prohibit employ dock pay exempt employe qualiti quantiti work"} {"id": "10622", "contents": "salari employe exempt employe must meet definit law order classifi exempt inform definit see wisconsin hour work overtim law exampl non exempt employe paid salari 500 per week work 50 hour given week sinc agreement employe paid 500 salari sum would cover number hour work regular rate week salari 500 divid 50 hour work 10 00"} {"id": "10623", "contents": "employe paid salari basi deduct employe predetermin compens made absenc occas employ oper requir busi employe readi will abl work deduct may made time work avail"} {"id": "10624", "contents": "exempt employe worker guarante overtim pay minimum wage fair labor standard act flsa flsa import piec worker protect legisl provid varieti differ right worker"} {"id": "10625", "contents": "labor law salari employe salari employe qualifi overtim pay hourli employe gener paid accord amount hour work pay period salari employe paid otherwis unit state depart labor administ fair labor standard act latter govern major job nonexempt worker hourli employe salari employe exempt employ cannot categor employe exempt label exempt escap pay overtim"} {"id": "10626", "contents": "exempt worker exclud overtim pay nonexempt worker hourli employe salari employe exempt employ cannot categor employe exempt label exempt escap pay overtim employe must meet flsa amp rsquo job wage relat requir obtain exempt statu"} {"id": "10627", "contents": "pay member small busi workforc salari employe may easi empow must compli rule regul labor law fair labor standard act guidelin appli salari basi employe exempt minimum compens salari basi employe 455 per week pay salari employe salari fee basi amount equal exceed"} {"id": "10628", "contents": "minimum salari requir minimum compens salari basi employe 455 per week pay salari employe salari fee basi amount equal exceed 455 per week minimum weekli salari comput relat salari employe also 455 per week"} {"id": "10629", "contents": "employe gross wage week includ overtim would 550 500 salari plu 50 overtim pay wisconsin law allow method overtim compens salari non exempt employe feder law may exampl non exempt employe paid salari 500 per week work 50 hour given week sinc agreement employe paid 500 salari sum would cover number hour work regular rate week salari 500 divid 50 hour work 10 00"} {"id": "10630", "contents": "salari employe must receiv set amount compens pay period salari employe exempt flsa guidelin fall follow exempt categori administr staff execut outsid sale peopl profession staff minimum compens salari basi employe 455 per week pay salari employe salari fee basi amount equal exceed"} {"id": "10631", "contents": "pisc man sophist man well understand fragil natur cancer woman. provid tender gentl word sooth away worri give care concern help blossom relationship."} {"id": "10632", "contents": "relationship cancer woman pisc man natur one, water signs. femal crab male fish automat attract other, offer stabil support dream ambitions. together, cancer pisc relationship go far."} {"id": "10633", "contents": "compat pisc man cancer woman. world cancer woman pisc man lie other\u2019 company. pisc man ador treat special person world. also cancer woman pisc man prime import thing."} {"id": "10634", "contents": "pisc water sign mutabl cancer water sign cardin nature. pisc man cancer woman compat get five heart love rating. pisc man cancer woman love compat full beauti mystery."} {"id": "10635", "contents": "cancer man pisc woman compliment ways. pisc woman attract cancer man charm wit. give comfort love cancer man also see pisc woman dynam perfect ladi add spark gloomi life."} {"id": "10636", "contents": "pisc woman cancer man compat rate 10. element qualiti work well together, due sympathi planets."} {"id": "10637", "contents": "major differ person pisc man cancer woman. cancer woman expect man care need constant reassurances. he, turn, treat like special person world shower love attention."} {"id": "10638", "contents": "cancer woman pisc man compat rate 10. element planet harmony; qualiti synch well. excel match; cancer woman may common pisc man sign."} {"id": "10639", "contents": "fob (free board) term unit state intern commerci law specifi point seller transfer ownership good buyer. intern shipment typic use fob defin incoterm standards, alway stand free board. domest shipment within unit state canada often use differ meaning, specif north america, inconsist incoterm standards."} {"id": "10640", "contents": "best answer: term indic deliveri made board carrier shipper without charge. abbrevi fob follow ship point destination. invoic price includ deliveri seller' expens seller' risk specifi location."} {"id": "10641", "contents": "definition. initi fob stand either free board freight board.. either way, definition. use term business, buyer seller attach fob begin locat show point freight chang hand seller buyer. instance, buyer purchas freight fob columbu receiv freight seller columbus."} {"id": "10642", "contents": "domest shipments, fob stand either free board freight board.. either way, mean same. fob freight term indic ownership good ship transfer buyer pay shipment freight. fob stand free board freight board.. ship term follow fob dictat pay ship ownership good transferred. fob ship term legal account implic buyer seller. fob mean accounting? aro mean term payment?"} {"id": "10643", "contents": "freight board actual mean free board cargo board. simpl terms, fob term use indic product properti transfer seller buyer. freight board provid detail (buyer seller) pay cost ship goods. definit fob vari region region. identification. destin freight board specifi charg freight given seller respons good transit. buyer respons good entranc destination. freight board destin prepaid addit same, unless seller ship free"} {"id": "10644", "contents": "fob stand freight-on-board. fob ship point mean sale happen merchandis leav seller' ship facility. contract, fob...... fob stand free board freight board.. ship term follow fob dictat pay ship ownership good transferred. fob ship term legal account implic buyer seller. fob mean accounting? aro mean term payment?"} {"id": "10645", "contents": "fob (freight board). fob acronym freight board. north america, freight board term commonli use someon ship good within unit states. way indic pay load transport costs. contractu term indic sever things."} {"id": "10646", "contents": "freight board port origin show freight paid seller buyer respons load transport. dock deliveri fob ship suggest combin traffic price goods. buyer respons take liabil time good received. freight board provid detail (buyer seller) pay cost ship goods. definit fob vari region region."} {"id": "10647", "contents": "definition: free board (fob) indic supplier pay ship cost usual also includ insur cost point product specifi destination, point buyer take responsibility. description: fob import part purchas contract."} {"id": "10648", "contents": "contract legal bind valid agreement two parties. law consid contract valid agreement contain follow elements: offer acceptance; intent parti creat bind relations; consider paid promis made; legal capac parti act; genuin consent parties; and."} {"id": "10649", "contents": "contract legal enforc promis undertak someth occur. word promis use legal synonym contract, although care requir promis may full stand contract, agreement without consideration. mistak incorrect understand one parti contract may use ground invalid agreement. common law identifi three differ type mistak contract: common mistake, mutual mistake, unilater mistake."} {"id": "10650", "contents": "contract agreement two person (individuals, businesses, organizations, govern agencies) do, refrain doing, particular thing exchang someth value. contract gener written use formal inform terms, entir verbal. contract consid valid moment offer accepted. example, shake hand agre purchas someone\u2019 old tv $30, valid contract. contract complet give money give tv."} {"id": "10651", "contents": "term contract, meaning, who, what, where, when, agreement, defin bind promis parti contract. contract consid valid moment offer accepted. example, shake hand agre purchas someone\u2019 old tv $30, valid contract. contract complet give money give tv."} {"id": "10652", "contents": "import know first constitut contract constitut agreement. studi agreement contracts, distinct differ type agreement contracts. essenti element valid contract: 1. propos accept 2."} {"id": "10653", "contents": "offer acceptance. basic rule contract law legal contract exist one parti make offer parti accept it. type contracts, done either oral writing. let' say, instance, shop around print shop produc brochur business. contrary, agreement want put written contract best express simple, everyday english. contract need contain two element legal valid: parti must agreement (after offer made one parti accept other). someth valu must exchang -- cash, services, good (or promis exchang item) -- someth els valu"} {"id": "10654", "contents": "offer accept would constitut legal valid contract. offer made, parti person would know offer person parti made offer expect return. 1.1.1 offer. first element valid contract would offer. offer promis agreement need contract offer contract. contract act, 1950, first element"} {"id": "10655", "contents": "definition. agreement creat oblig enforc law. basic element contract mutual assent, consideration, capacity, legality. states, element consider satisfi valid substitut"} {"id": "10656", "contents": "salari overnight stocker target vari accord experi length employment. current averag $9.18 hour rang 48 $14 hour. much overnight stocker make wal-mart? start yet job offer gave $7.49 hour plu extra 50 cent everi night hour work."} {"id": "10657", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: depend depart want work in. usual start front bagger (custom servic assistant) get paid $6.35 hour. move cashier, $7.00 hour get rais everi mani months. also, get check everi week thursday (unless want go straight bank account wednesday)."} {"id": "10658", "contents": "vari job job. freelanc model flexibl rates, agenc repres model abl get higher rates. typic hourli rate anywher $100-200 hour day rate $500 higher. hourli pay rate photo model vari greatly. averag salari photo model $21. get high $38 experienc models. edit."} {"id": "10659", "contents": "overtim premium 50% employee' regular hourli rate. example, employe paid $14 hour, employe would entitl paid extra $7 hour -- $21 total -- everi overtim hour worked. state daili overtim standard."} {"id": "10660", "contents": "averag heb hourli pay rang approxim $7.50 per hour front end manag $19.85 per hour depart manager. averag heb salari rang approxim $15,000 per year custom servic associ cashier $115,000 per year team leader."} {"id": "10661", "contents": "get .50 cent rais current rate.... 8. 0. low end $8.75 per hour. high end $18.00 per hour. current employe get .50 cent rais current rate. new hire must negoti aggress get good rate."} {"id": "10662", "contents": "employees. read more. median pay h.e.b. worker sit around $11.38 per hour, overtim compens push $22.00. long work influenc pay h.e.b. worker most, follow compani geography."} {"id": "10663", "contents": "costco, hourli worker make averag $20 hour well nation averag $11.39 retail sale worker accord 2013 businessweek story. employe put 40 hour per week, work $43,000 year."} {"id": "10664", "contents": "stocker groceri store kroger usual paid minimum wage. minimum wage vari state state, usual start $7.25 hour. much overnight stocker make wal-mart? start yet job offer gave $7.49 hour plu extra 50 cent everi night hour work."} {"id": "10665", "contents": "year experience. five nine year work experi see averag pay $14.66 per hour. largest slice h.e.b. workforc (61 percent) work one four year earns, average, $10.32 per hour. read more. median pay h.e.b. worker sit around $11.38 per hour, overtim compens push $22.00. long work influenc pay h.e.b. worker most, follow compani geography."} {"id": "10666", "contents": "calcul markup essenti invers calcul retail margin. subtract cog desir sale price way, divid amount cogs. target price $20 cog $10, markup $10 divid $10, 100 percent. thus, achiev 50 percent margin item cost $10, need 100 percent markup."} {"id": "10667", "contents": "calcul use. calcul gross margin percentage, mark percentag gross profit sale cost revenue, sell price, item. revenu sell price."} {"id": "10668", "contents": "formula calcul retail margin sale price item minu cogs, divid sale price, multipli 100. sell item $20 paid $10 acquir sell it, retail margin $10 divid $20, 50 percent. subtract cog desir sale price way, divid amount cogs. target price $20 cog $10, markup $10 divid $10, 100 percent. thus, achiev 50 percent margin item cost $10, need 100 percent markup."} {"id": "10669", "contents": "example, compani $100,000 revenu cost good sold $40,000, gross profit margin $100,000 minu $40,000 divid $100,000, equal 0.6 60 percent. mean compani keep 60 percent sale revenu pay cost good sold. estim price necessari reach given gross profit margin, must first calcul amount revenu necessari reach margin. begin subtract gross profit margin one. instance, desir gross profit margin 60 percent (0.6), result first oper 0.4."} {"id": "10670", "contents": "give 70 percent cost-to-retail ratio. year, book $336,000 net sales. cost good sold retail method 70 percent net sales, $235,200. gross profit $100,800, 30 percent net sales. shortcut calcul gross profit margin subtract cost-to-retail percentag 70 percent 100 percent. easi enough calculate, gross margin number complet function cost-to-retail ratio."} {"id": "10671", "contents": "margin calculator. calcul gross margin percentage, mark percentag gross profit sale cost revenue, sell price, item. revenu sell price."} {"id": "10672", "contents": "gross margin dollars. total gross margin, dollars, product. example, wholesal cost $10 sell price $15 dollars, gross margin $5.00. gross margin percent. percentag gross profit product. example, product wholesal cost $10 sell price $15, gross margin 33.33%"} {"id": "10673", "contents": "125.00. calcul gross margin percentage, mark percentag gross profit sale cost revenue, sell price, item. revenu sell price."} {"id": "10674", "contents": "answer get desir sell price gross margin.whil use calcul math you. gross margin state cost item percentag sell price item. example; item cost $5.00 sell $10,00. gross margin 50% cost item 50% sell for."} {"id": "10675", "contents": "margin profit dollar retail price so, you\u2019ll calcul $2.50 profit dollar percentag retail price ($7.50) get margin so, $2.50 $7.50 33% so, sale arrang give retail 33% margin. markup profit dollar wholesal price so, you\u2019ll calcul $2.50 profit dollar percentag paid you, vendor ($5.00) get markup so, $2.50 $5.00 50% sale arrang give retail 50% markup."} {"id": "10676", "contents": "often find nba team oldest player 30 year old. would zaza pachulia, narrowli beat 29-year-old jare dudley establish primo veteran squad full young up-and-comers. age certainli matter nba. find sweet spot, squad that' young fall apart cours season elderli one full denture-don aarp member might endur withstand rigor 82-game campaign follow deep postseason run."} {"id": "10677", "contents": "however, sinc nba introduc minimum age limit 2005, league' averag age decreas past seasons. youngest player ever play nba andrew bynum play first game age 18 year day old. bynum, also youngest player ever select nba draft, went nba straight high school."} {"id": "10678", "contents": "averag height player nba leagu around 6'7. case division team averages. averag height around 6'7. statist ic done eastern divis (bi myself) yield averag 6'7.1 mean 6'8. get basketbal player would like 6'10. averag height nba player around feet inches. tallest nba player ever gheorgh murea\u00ffan, mure\u00e5\u00ffan feet inches. tall in, contrast shortest nba player ever tyron muggsy, bogu feet inches. tall"} {"id": "10679", "contents": "salari age distribut chart tell unfortun tale group. averag salari player age 22 25 $3,258,176. that\u2019 41% leagu average, $7,893,549. age 25, howev player tend start make decent money. age 28, player best chanc make big money. age 32, trend salari becom difficult predict. heat, nets, knicks, spurs, lakers, bulls, clippers, pacers, grizzlies."} {"id": "10680", "contents": "lose jason kidd kurt thoma -- two oldest player leagu 2012-13 -- helped. new york still older averag nba team, older ton much better squads. anoth takeaway chart: miami dalla quit old. heat' role player ancient, least one (shane battier) (ray allen, rashard lewis, udoni haslem) could retir offseason."} {"id": "10681", "contents": "averag age player started\u2026. keep mind 1976-77 season nba ad new team leagu 30 year old rookies\u2026 also easili see effect recent draft age limit."} {"id": "10682", "contents": "(*) pl.- number player contract. ht.- averag height player roster. wt.- averag weight player roster. ag.- averag age player roster. ex.- averag nba season play roster players. sal.- averag salari player roster. cy.- averag year contract roster player"} {"id": "10683", "contents": "averag age: 23.7. houston rocket slump recently, 22-22 team plenti talent bright future. talent youngster jame harden chandler parson wings, team score well anyon nba. team second league, put 104.2 point per game. averag age: 24.8. one scary. oklahoma citi thunder race nba' best record 34-10 use fast-pac offens rip oppos defenses. also boast two league' top player kevin durant russel westbrook."} {"id": "10684", "contents": "specif age nba player told retire, averag age retir 36. said around age 32. look way player train keep shape lately, averag age increas littl bit. examp le, derek jeter one product year (both offens defense) go 36 year old next june."} {"id": "10685", "contents": "averag age nba rooki around 20. 19 22 older, come freshman year college, would put 19 20. \u2026. other found useful. get basketbal player would like 6'10. averag height nba player around feet inches. tallest nba player ever gheorgh murea\u00ffan, mure\u00e5\u00ffan feet inches. tall in, contrast shortest nba player ever tyron muggsy, bogu feet inches. tall"} {"id": "10686", "contents": "incub period pink eye rang coupl day coupl week info conjunct commonli refer pink eye caus varieti factor incub period span time elaps person come contact infect symptom ultim appear depend upon caus infect"} {"id": "10687", "contents": "pink eye caus certain bacteria virus infect person contagi sever day sever week fortun peopl appear contagi incub period time expos pink eye symptom begin"} {"id": "10688", "contents": "common pink eye symptom last anywher day week mani type pink eye contagi symptom emerg appear peopl contagi incub period pink eye time day expos symptom begin pink eye caus common viral infect complic occur eye clear within day two week pink eye also caus bacteri conjunct even treatment prescript antibiot eye drop last month longer howev type pink eye peopl longer contagi 24 hour antibiot treatment begin"} {"id": "10689", "contents": "pink eye conjunct gener remain contagi long child experienc tear mat eye sign symptom pink eye usual improv within three seven day tear mat eye longer present appropri child return school child care"} {"id": "10690", "contents": "time exposur begin first symptom known incub period pink eye caus viral infect incub period gener 12 hour pinki eye bacteri incub period rang day peopl std like chlamydia gonorrhoea may also trigger pink eye case incub period gener rang day sever week person spread infect right time symptom appear person viral pink eye may remain contagi 14 day symptom last contagi period bacteri pink eye depend whether antibiot administ"} {"id": "10691", "contents": "incub period pink eye defin period transmiss begin symptom viru bacterium enter eye symptom begin immedi viral infect incub period gener 12 hour three day pink eye caus bacteri infect symptom gener start one three day transmiss"} {"id": "10692", "contents": "incub period pink eye overview pink eye layman term conjunct conjunct inflamm conjunctiva clear thin piec tissu cover white eye inner eyelid sever reason conjunctiva becom inflam incub period pink eye vari depend whether caus bacteria viru specif type viral infect gener 12 hour three day later sign symptom pink eye appear pink eye caus bacteri infect symptom gener start one three day transmiss"} {"id": "10693", "contents": "pink eye caus viru bacteria highli contagi incub period pink eye contagi bacteri conjunct becom contagi symptom start appear continu 24 hour antibiot given incub period pink eye caus viru around 12 hour day person go back work school symptom improv would day"} {"id": "10694", "contents": "eye get infect bacteria viru symptom appear immedi incub period viral infect 12 hour day caus bacteria symptom appear day incub period pink eye caus viru around 12 hour day person go back work school symptom improv would day"} {"id": "10695", "contents": "cell: type white blood cell and, specifically, type lymphocyte. mani cell matur call plasma cell produc antibodi (proteins) necessari fight infect cell matur memori cells. plasma cell descend singl cell produc antibodi direct antigen stimul mature."} {"id": "10696", "contents": "lymphocyt (b cells) essenti compon humor immun response. produc bone marrow, cell migrat spleen secondari lymphoid tissu matur differenti immunocompet cells."} {"id": "10697", "contents": "memori b-cells: memori b-cell form activ b-cells. cell specif antigen previous enter body. memori b-cells, present bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, abl respond quickli expos antigen future."} {"id": "10698", "contents": "cell specif type white blood cell call lymphocyte. type lymphocyt includ cell natur killer cells. cell develop stem cell bone marrow. remain bone marrow becom mature."} {"id": "10699", "contents": "cells, also known lymphocytes, type white blood cell lymphocyt subtype. function humor immun compon adapt immun system secret antibodies."} {"id": "10700", "contents": "cell white blood cell protect bodi pathogen bacteria viruses. pathogen foreign matter associ molecular signal identifi antigens. cell recogn molecular signal produc antibodi specif specif antigen."} {"id": "10701", "contents": "cells, unlik class lymphocytes, cell natur killer cells, express cell receptor (bcrs) cell membrane. bcr allow cell bind specif antigen, initi antibodi response."} {"id": "10702", "contents": "cell antibodies. cell type white blood cell. similar swallow cell like macrophag specific, mean attack one kind intruder. cell creat antibodi immun response."} {"id": "10703", "contents": "underli caus older-adult falls, muscl weakness, medic caus dizziness, improp footwear, impair vision, slick floors, poor lighting, loos rugs, clutter uneven surfaces, improved."} {"id": "10704", "contents": "vestibular neuritis. caus dizzi also due inner ear abnorm may seriou seniors. symptom vertigo present movement resting, nausea abnorm back-and-forth eye movement call nystagmus.. central dizziness. type dizzi caus disturb central nervou system, usual interrupt blood flow part brain. symptom dizzi usual accompani loss muscl coordin call ataxia nausea."} {"id": "10705", "contents": "common caus dizzi includ inner-ear disorders, medications, alcohol. dizzi often result vertigo. also caus problem inner ear, balanc regulated. common caus vertigo vertigo-rel dizzi benign paroxysm posit vertigo (bppv)."} {"id": "10706", "contents": "etiology. common caus peripher vertigo includ bppv, vestibular neuronitis, menier m\u00e9ni\u00e8re, diseas and-immun mediated-inn ear. diseas common caus central dizzi is, migrain frequent refer vestibular migrain or-migrain associated. dizzi"} {"id": "10707", "contents": "vestibular disorders, benign paroxysm posit vertigo (bppv) one common older adults. bppv caus vertigo, dizziness, symptom due debri collect within part inner ear. tendenc fall symptom dizzi dismiss unavoid consequ age may import sign diseas might cure controlled. balanc complex function, often singl identifi caus fall elderli person."} {"id": "10708", "contents": "dizzi mani possibl causes, includ inner ear disturbance, motion sick medic effects. sometim caus underli health condition, poor circulation, infect injury. way dizzi make feel trigger provid clue possibl causes. benign paroxysm posit vertigo (bppv). condit caus intens brief fals sens spin moving. episod trigger rapid chang head movement, turn bed, sit experi blow head. bppv common caus vertigo."} {"id": "10709", "contents": "injury. injuri head trauma damag inner ear caus dog lose balance. dog can't tell pain, dog sometim mask hurt behavior wag tail. import awar canin sign pain."} {"id": "10710", "contents": "meniere' disease. inner ear disord thought caus buildup fluid chang pressur ear. caus episod vertigo along ring ear (tinnitus) hear loss. vestibular neuriti labyrinthitis. inner ear problem usual relat infect (usual viral)"} {"id": "10711", "contents": "although dizzi occur peopl age, common among older adults. fear dizzi caus older adult limit physic social activities. dizzi also lead fall injuries. common feel lighthead time time. brief episod lightheaded usual result seriou problem."} {"id": "10712", "contents": "foto-net. fifa world cup\u2122 biggest single-ev sport competit world contest senior men' nation team 208 member associ fifa."} {"id": "10713", "contents": "first time fifa video game history, fifa 16 featur femal player 12 differ intern teams. australia. brazil. canada. china. england. france. germany. italy. mexico. 10 spain. 11 sweden. 12 unit state america."} {"id": "10714", "contents": "use engin minor touch-ups, fifa 95 introduc club team seri within eight nation leagues: brazil, germany' fussball-fu\u00dfball, bundesliga'itali serie, a'spain la, liga'england premier, league'fr 1re, division' netherland eredivisi and. usa"} {"id": "10715", "contents": "anoth treat guy us fsb, time list nation team appear fifa 14."} {"id": "10716", "contents": "leagu fifa 12 included, addit saudi pro leagu ad first time fifa history."} {"id": "10717", "contents": "uses. olanzapin use treat certain mental/mood condit (such schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). may also use combin medic treat depression. use zyprexa. read medic guid provid pharmacist start take olanzapin time get refill. questions, ask doctor pharmacist. take medic mouth without food direct doctor, usual daily."} {"id": "10718", "contents": "a: zyprexa (olanzapine) antipsychot medic use treatment variou psychos behavior mood disorders. common side effect zyprexa drowsiness, weight gain, nausea, dri mouth, constipation, dizziness. zyprexa part class drug known atyp antipsychotics, work help restor balanc dopamine, natur substanc brain known neurotransmitter. take drug may abl decreas hallucinations, reduc feel agitation, think clearli positively."} {"id": "10719", "contents": "u.s. food drug administr today approv first gener version zyprexa (olanzapin tablets) zyprexa zydi (olanzapin oral disintegr tablets) treat schizophrenia bipolar disorder. schizophrenia a... recommend zyprexa use nurs mother sinc excret breast milk. zyprexa side effect drug center provid comprehens view avail drug inform potenti side effect take medication."} {"id": "10720", "contents": "olanzapin medic work brain treat schizophrenia. also known second gener antipsychot (sga) atyp antipsychotic. olanzapin rebal dopamin serotonin improv thinking, mood, behavior. symptom schizophrenia include:"} {"id": "10721", "contents": "zyprexa (olanzapine) prescript medic approv treatment schizophrenia bipolar disorder. also use combin fluoxetin treat bipolar depress treatment-resist depression. (click zyprexa use inform drug use for, learn zyprexa' use children, find symptom caus bipolar disord schizophrenia.). advertisement. quick tip reduc stress."} {"id": "10722", "contents": "olanzapin (origin brand zyprexa) atyp antipsychotic. approv u.s. food drug administr (fda) treatment schizophrenia bipolar disorder. olanzapin structur similar clozapin quetiapine, classifi thienobenzodiazepine. olanzapin formul manufactur market pharmaceut compani eli lilli company; drug went gener 2011. sale zyprexa 2008 $2.2b us, $4.7b worldwide."} {"id": "10723", "contents": "zyprexa (olanzapine) atyp antipsychot medic use treat schizophrenia manic episod bipolar disorder. zyprexa avail gener form known olanzapine, may taken oral injection. recommend zyprexa use nurs mother sinc excret breast milk. zyprexa side effect drug center provid comprehens view avail drug inform potenti side effect take medication."} {"id": "10724", "contents": "zyprexa indic schizophrenia bipolar disorder. zyprexa may also use purpos determin doctor. side effect associ zyprexa includ weight gain, headache, drowsiness, stomach pain, memori problems. drug caus weight gain sever differ ways. zyprexa part class drug known atyp antipsychotics, work help restor balanc dopamine, natur substanc brain known neurotransmitter. take drug may abl decreas hallucinations, reduc feel agitation, think clearli positively."} {"id": "10725", "contents": "zyprexa brand name olanzapine, prescript drug use treat schizophrenia bipolar disorder. also use treat depress use medications. zyprexa part class drug known atyp antipsychotics, work help restor balanc dopamine, natur substanc brain known neurotransmitter. take drug may abl decreas hallucinations, reduc feel agitation, think clearli positively."} {"id": "10726", "contents": "olanzapin use treat symptom psychot condit schizophrenia bipolar disord (manic depression) adult children least 13 year old. olanzapin sometim use togeth antipsychot medic antidepressants."} {"id": "10727", "contents": "69 page wiki. sharko (formerli known good shark) goodnous, he' friendly, he' also bodyguard boyfriend main protagonist series. marina 's boyfriend protect eaten zig."} {"id": "10728", "contents": "fishi story. zig hyena protagonist show. want eat marina, alway beaten sharko everi time. tri lot scheme (which ultim fail) help friend berni eat marina."} {"id": "10729", "contents": "parent need know zig sharko silent anim seri franc lot cartoon-styl violenc -- explosions, crashes, extens falls, etc. -- that' meant funni rather fear never yield consequences."} {"id": "10730", "contents": "zig hungri hyena main protagonist series, alway want catch marina eat hyena-mad invent help hermit crab friend bernie. sadli enemi sharko alway catch zig alway end get beat sharko."} {"id": "10731", "contents": "zig. 69 page wiki. zig hungri hyena main protagonist series, alway want catch marina eat hyena-mad invent help hermit crab friend bernie. sadli enemi sharko alway catch zig alway end get beat sharko."} {"id": "10732", "contents": "alloy mixtur two elements, one metal. alloy often properti differ metal contain. make use pure metal alone. example, alloy often harder metal"} {"id": "10733", "contents": "alloy metal materi consist two element combin way cannot readili separ physic means. 90% metal use form alloys. repres enorm famili engin materi provid wide rang product use properties."} {"id": "10734", "contents": "alloy mixtur metal mixtur metal anoth element. alloy defin metal bond character. alloy may solid solut metal element (a singl phase) mixtur metal phase (two solutions). intermetal compound alloy defin stoichiometri crystal structure."} {"id": "10735", "contents": "alloy distinct components, properti alloy distinct. indeed, purpos form alloy provid metal substanc physical, mechan and/or chemic properti characterist differ components. moreover, properti influenc manner alloy form treated."} {"id": "10736", "contents": "alloy definition: alloy substanc made melt two element together, least one metal. alloy crystal upon cool solid solution, mixture, intermetal compound."} {"id": "10737", "contents": "might see word alloy describ mixtur metals, that' littl bit mislead alloy contain one metal mix substanc nonmet (cast iron, example, alloy made one metal, iron, mix one nonmetal, carbon)."} {"id": "10738", "contents": "noun. verb. definit somersault flip turn bodi one full revolut either forward backward, 180 degre turn chang opinion. flip, rotat bodi forward, exampl somersault."} {"id": "10739", "contents": "perform somersault, start bodi straight tuck head toward belli button bodi roll forward. learn stretch import muscl bodi execut somersault tip gymnast coach free video gymnastics."} {"id": "10740", "contents": "somersault-an acrobat feat feet roll head (either forward backward) return. flip, somersaulting, summersault, summerset, somerset. tumble-an acrobat feat roll turn end end."} {"id": "10741", "contents": "definit somersault flip turn bodi one full revolut either forward backward, 180 degre turn chang opinion. flip, rotat bodi forward, exampl somersault."} {"id": "10742", "contents": "full definit somersault. movement (a gymnastics) person turn forward backward complet revolut along ground air bring feet head; also: fall tumbl head heels. somersault intransit verb."} {"id": "10743", "contents": "somersault acrobat flip turn bodi full revolut either forward backward. exampl somersault gymnast olymp put head ground spin feet head order revolv bodi forward."} {"id": "10744", "contents": "knowledg center. scurvi diseas caus diet lack vitamin (ascorb acid) patient develop anemia, debility, exhaustion, edema (swelling) part body, sometim ulcer gum loss teeth. name scurvi come latin scorbutus. scurvi prevent consum enough vitamin c, either diet supplement. food contain vitamin include: oranges, lemons, kiwi fruit strawberri excel natur sourc vitamin c."} {"id": "10745", "contents": "scurvi diseas affect blood vessels, skin, body\u2019 heal process, result anemia, hemorrhag skin, gum diseas (gingivitis). scurvi occur diet defici vitamin c. scurvi uncommon unit states, risk older adult alcohol suffer malnutrition. vitamin c, also known ascorb acid, water-solubl vitamin, mean bodi neither produc store vitamin."} {"id": "10746", "contents": "definition. scurvi condit caus lack vitamin (ascorb acid) diet. sign scurvi includ tiredness, muscl weakness, joint muscl aches, rash legs, bleed gums. caus symptoms. lack vitamin diet primari caus scurvy. occur peopl restrict diets, extrem physiolog stress (for example, infect injury), chronic alcoholics."} {"id": "10747", "contents": "scurvy: disord caus lack vitamin c. symptom includ anemia; soft, bleed gums; bump skin near muscles. scurvi earli childhood caus musculoskelet problems."} {"id": "10748", "contents": "caus symptoms. lack vitamin diet primari caus scurvy. occur peopl restrict diets, extrem physiolog stress (for example, infect injury), chronic alcoholics. definition. scurvi condit caus lack vitamin (ascorb acid) diet. sign scurvi includ tiredness, muscl weakness, joint muscl aches, rash legs, bleed gums."} {"id": "10749", "contents": "scurvi caus lack vitamin diet. bodi enough vitamin c, can't produc new collagen (a protein found mani differ type bodi tissue, includ skin bones). without new suppli collagen, body' tissu begin break deteriorate. see vitamin children information. lack vitamin c. although scurvi rare uk, research shown signific number peopl may lack vitamin c. however, possibl get good suppli vitamin eat plenti fruit vegetables."} {"id": "10750", "contents": "today scurvi known caus nutrit deficiency, isol vitamin direct evid link scurvi 1932, numer theori treatment proposed, often littl experiment data. infants, scurvi sometim refer barlow' disease, name sir thoma barlow, british physician describ 1883. however, barlow' diseas may also refer mitral valv prolapse."} {"id": "10751", "contents": "scurvi diseas result defici vitamin c. scurvi often present initi fatigue, follow format spot skin, spongi gums, bleed mucou membranes. spot abund thigh legs, person may look pale, feel depressed, partial immobilized. infants, scurvi sometim refer barlow' disease, name sir thoma barlow, british physician describ 1883. however, barlow' diseas may also refer mitral valv prolapse."} {"id": "10752", "contents": "primari caus scurvi insuffici intak vitamin (ascorb acid). may due ignorance, famine, anorexia, restrict diet (due allergies, food fads, etc.), difficulti oral ingest foods. scurvi prevent consum enough vitamin c, either diet supplement. food contain vitamin include: oranges, lemons, kiwi fruit strawberri excel natur sourc vitamin c."} {"id": "10753", "contents": "page employe report incid datix (a long comput link trust network) report? advers incid potenti produc unexpect unwant effects, incid consequ learn point. ie."} {"id": "10754", "contents": "datix highli configurable, mean tailor structur uniqu requirements. datix deliv complet patient safeti risk workflow, improv action manag together, regardless whether initi investigation, complaint inform comment."} {"id": "10755", "contents": "free! datix lead enterpris softwar consult firm base st. louis, mo, usa. last 17 years, datix help mid-market innov best select, implement, integrate, optim erp, crm, mission critic software."} {"id": "10756", "contents": "solut deliv follow safety, risk govern element varieti integr softwar modules, enabl provid comprehens oversight risk manag activities: incident, advers event near miss reporting. patient relations. malpractic claim management."} {"id": "10757", "contents": "datix difference: process, peopl transparency. datix deliv custom implement mission critic software, servic process manufactur compani readi extract valu oper sales. soon everyth place, world changes."} {"id": "10758", "contents": "datix design enterpris softwar solut last 17 years. infancy, datix provid custom enterpris softwar one largest real estat firm unit states. evolved, datix began consult manufactur distribut busi mid market assist build enterpris softwar systems."} {"id": "10759", "contents": "datix inc. rapidli grow softwar consult servic compani base st. louis, mo client throughout north america. sinc 1997, appli uniqu approach optim busi process client wide rang industries."} {"id": "10760", "contents": "datix\u2019 risk regist tool help healthcar provid understand pattern risk, anticip futur advers event take effect sustain correct action. combin comprehens risk manag database, datix risk regist power alli quest patient safety."} {"id": "10761", "contents": "relat articles: gutters, roof repair, window cleaning. clean gutter single-stori 1,500-squar foot hous 160 linear feet gutter run $70-$200. cost single-stori 2,000-squar foot home around 180 linear feet gutter $90-$225. three-stori homes, anywher 40-foot ladder used, second worker required. add $75-$200 price. downspout take extra time may bring total cost $500 serious clogged."} {"id": "10762", "contents": "typic gutter clean costs. single-stori home: typic 1,500-square-foot home cost $65-$225 clean gutters. two-stori home: 2,500-square-foot home 200 linear feet gutter cost $100-$300 clean. hourly: averag cost gutter clean $65 per hour. gutter overflowing, good time get cleaned. least year, gutter need clear leaves, sticks, debri make sure runoff caus major damag roof. single-stori smaller two-stori homes: $65. larger two-or three-stori homes: $450."} {"id": "10763", "contents": "cost gutter clean usual rang $50 $200 depend size home amount gutter has. small one-stori home rel flat roof minim amount gutter probabl cost $75 usual taken care within hour."} {"id": "10764", "contents": "two-stori home: 2,500-square-foot home 200 linear feet gutter cost $100-$300 clean. hourly: averag cost gutter clean $65 per hour. gutter overflowing, good time get cleaned. least year, gutter need clear leaves, sticks, debri make sure runoff caus major damag roof. single-stori smaller two-stori homes: $65. larger two-or three-stori homes: $450."} {"id": "10765", "contents": "find profession help you, cost clean gutter depend coupl factors. single-stori hous lowest gutter clean costs. cost clean gutter increas story. two stories, taller stori might charg higher rate lower one increas risk usual requir special equipment. clean downspout tend expens add gutter clean costs. crucial element gutter cleaning, though, ensur water pour way yard."} {"id": "10766", "contents": "clean gutter single-stori 1,500-squar foot hous 160 linear feet gutter run $70-$200. cost single-stori 2,000-squar foot home around 180 linear feet gutter $90-$225. two-stori 2,500-squar foot home 200 linear feet gutter run $100-$250. three-stori homes, anywher 40-foot ladder used, second worker required. add $75-$200 price. downspout take extra time may bring total cost $500 serious clogged."} {"id": "10767", "contents": "gutter extras. clean downspout tend expens add gutter clean costs. crucial element gutter cleaning, though, ensur water pour way yard. take extra time clean, though, increas cost clean gutter"} {"id": "10768", "contents": "need know averag cost clean roof gutter zip code? need fair, trustworthi easy-to-understand 2015 estim gutter clean materi labor costs? estim cost clean gutter project, chang size default option below..."} {"id": "10769", "contents": "gutter clean awhile, cost clean gutter probabl higher. lot debri remove, job might take longer. gutter clean cost may reflect extra time. clean downspout tend expens add gutter clean costs. crucial element gutter cleaning, though, ensur water pour way yard."} {"id": "10770", "contents": "see specif cost area. enter zip code get started. cost clean gutter home depend three main factors: type gutters, size area height roof gutter attach to. usual materi cost involved, amount cost labor involv complet job."} {"id": "10771", "contents": "commonli found dri forest near stream lakes. giant anteat (myrmecophaga tridactyla) almost entir terrestri usual found grassland savannas. solitari animal, found mani habitats, includ grasslands, decidu forests, rainforests. feed mainli ant termites, sometim 30,000 insect singl day. anteat live rain-forest. mean found mexico south america way uruguay argentina central america."} {"id": "10772", "contents": "best answer: largest repres group giant anteater, ant-bear (myrmecophaga tridactyla), anim measur feet (1.2 m) length without tail, feet (60 cm) height shoulder. long, thin head large, bushi tail."} {"id": "10773", "contents": "anteat live. anim known resid southeastern mexico extend across north central america. inhabit uruguay brazil. anteat primarili found grasslands, tropic forest savannas."} {"id": "10774", "contents": "anteat found tropic dri forests, rainforests, grassland savannas. silki anteat (cyclop didactylus) arbor specialist commonli found rainforest. anteat live rain-forest. mean found mexico south america way uruguay argentina central america."} {"id": "10775", "contents": "anteat found tropic dri forests, rainforests, grassland savannas. silki anteat (cyclop didactylus) arbor specialist commo nli found rainforest. tamandua arbor terrestri opportunist regard terrain food resources. commonli found dri forest near stream lakes. giant anteat (myrmecophaga tridactyla) almost entir terrestri usual found grassland savannas. solitari animal, found mani habitats, includ grasslands, decidu forests, rainforest"} {"id": "10776", "contents": "anteat found central south america, prefer tropic forest grasslands. four differ speci vari greatli size. silki anteat size squirrel, giant anteat reach feet (2.1 meters) long tip snout end tail. anteaters, tamandua silki anteater, pli trade trees. travel branch branch search tasti insects. anteat aggress fierce. corner anteat rear hind legs, use tail balance, lash danger claws. giant anteater' claw four inch (ten centimeters) long, anim fight even puma jaguar."} {"id": "10777", "contents": "giant anteater. largest anteat myrmecophaga tridactyla, commonli known giant anteater. giant anteat largest anteat species, snout longer slender collar anteaters. giant anteat found central south america."} {"id": "10778", "contents": "giant anteat (myrmecophaga tridactyla), also known ant bear, larg insectivor mammal nativ central south america. giant anteat nativ central south america. known rang stretch hondura northern argentina, fossil remain found far north northwestern sonora, mexico. larg absent and extirp uruguay."} {"id": "10779", "contents": "anteat common name four extant mammal speci subord vermilingua (mean worm tongue) commonli known eat ant termites. individu speci name english languages. togeth sloths, within order pilosa."} {"id": "10780", "contents": "bulimia nervosa anoth eat disorder. commonli associ anorexia, character repeat cycl bing eat purging. over yet anoth form eat disorder, it\u2019 one lead obesity, associ health problems. short-term effect eat disord include: rapid weight loss case anorexia. rapid weight gain case compuls overeating. dizziness, confus alter subject\u2019 mental state."} {"id": "10781", "contents": "kidney failure, heart diseas infertil long term effect eat disorder. import know neg effect eat disord help prepar educ someon know may risk develop conditions. slide 3. eat disord pattern continu extend period time deleteri effect mani organ well. long term effect someon suffer pica tend relat substanc consumed."} {"id": "10782", "contents": "condit call electrolyt imbal bodi enough fluid minerals. long term kidney problem also develop result eat disorder. kidney regul fluid remov toxin body. eat disord pattern continu extend period time deleteri effect mani organ well. long term effect someon suffer pica tend relat substanc consumed."} {"id": "10783", "contents": "consequ eat disorders. eat disord higher death rate psychiatr disord (includ depress schizophrenia). eat disord associ estim incid eat disord uk approxim 165,000 approxim 10% mortal rate. seriou consequ depend greatli upon earli eat disord identifi treated. help, effect eat disord treated; however, eat disord left untreat years, effect irrevers life-threatening. eat disord success treated, bodi heal return normal"} {"id": "10784", "contents": "long term effect eat disorders. individu disord may experi heart problem irregular heartbeat, heart attack heart failure. fact heart problem aris lack calcium,sodium minerals. eat disord pattern continu extend period time deleteri effect mani organ well. long term effect someon suffer pica tend relat substanc consumed."} {"id": "10785", "contents": "health consequ eat disorders. eat disord serious, potenti life-threaten condit affect person\u2019 emot physic health. \u201cfad\u201d \u201cphase.\u201d peopl \u201ccatch\u201d eat disord period time. health consequ bing eat disorder. bing eat disord often result mani health risk associ clinic obesity. potenti health consequ bing eat disord include: high blood pressure. high cholesterol levels. heart diseas result elev triglycerid levels. type ii diabet mellitu"} {"id": "10786", "contents": "anorexia eight time common peopl rel disorder. studi twin show tendenc share specif eat disord (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity). research identifi specif chromosom may associ bulimia anorexia. heart disord common medic caus death peopl sever anorexia nervosa. effect anorexia heart include: danger heart rhythms, includ slow rhythm known bradycardia. abnorm even develop teenag anorexia."} {"id": "10787", "contents": "vga cabl lead use transmit video signals, commonli use link comput monitors. high definit televis use type cabl well. vga stand video graphic array, graphic standard use ibm earli pc sold 1980s. today, pc support vga, use advanc system depend actual monitor used. cases, term vga refer type cabl use carri display signals, regardless actual graphic system used. it\u2019 character 15 pin plug three row five. plug also two screws, one either side pins, secur place socket."} {"id": "10788", "contents": "insid longer access outsid rga network. order access inside, pleas follow appropri secur connect first log rga network, continu navig needed."} {"id": "10789", "contents": "video graphic array (vga) connector three-row 15-pin de-15 connector. 15-pin vga connector found mani video cards, comput monitors, high definit televis sets. laptop comput small devices, mini-vga port sometim use place full-siz vga connector."} {"id": "10790", "contents": "plug power cabl back monitor, connect opposit end power outlet power source. monitor receiv power video signal cable, instead need power connection. compar back comput back monitor. 1: compare: physic connections."} {"id": "10791", "contents": "underwrit connect portal team rga offer exclus access underwriters, actuaries, industri experts. log rga\u2019 underwrit connect find current information, well as:"} {"id": "10792", "contents": "14 rea setup util chapter rga ethernet adapt statu mean readi setup rea ip setup mode wait configured.avail rea readi use rga software.out subnet ip address subnet mask thesam network computer. 18 rea setup util chapter rga ethernet adapt configur test rea \u2018available\u2019 statu select reasetuputility, \u2018test\u2019 buttonwil active. button test ethernet connect pc selectedrea pc rga connect rea.1."} {"id": "10793", "contents": "best answer: know rga is, tri connect compon video. i'm go say want use. would tri 15-pin vga cabl instead. now. report abuse. must use vga vga connect laptop tv. need mini rca audio cabl sound, connect hdmi cable, assum laptop capabl suffice."} {"id": "10794", "contents": "rga ethernet adapt unpack checklist open box inspect compon rga ethernet adapt (rea).\u2022 report damag stanford research system immediately.\u2022 compar content ship box origin order thechecklist below. 18 rea setup util chapter rga ethernet adapt configur test rea \u2018available\u2019 statu select reasetuputility, \u2018test\u2019 buttonwil active. button test ethernet connect pc selectedrea pc rga connect rea.1."} {"id": "10795", "contents": "rca connector, sometim call phono connector cinch connector, type electr connector commonli use carri audio video signals. name phono plug sometim confus phone plug may refer quarter-inch phone plug tip/sleev (ts) tip/ring/sleev (trs) connector-or 4p4c connector use telephon (which often, though incorrectly, call rj9, rj10, rj22)."} {"id": "10796", "contents": "order access rga connect, pleas follow appropri secur connect first log rga network, continu navig needed."} {"id": "10797", "contents": "masculin (also call boyhood, manli manhood) set attributes, behavior role gener associ boy men. combin socially-defin biolog factors, distinct definit male anatom sex. men women exhibit masculin trait behavior. exhibit masculin feminin characterist consid androgynous, feminist philosoph argu gender ambigu may blur gender classification."} {"id": "10798", "contents": "masculinity, masculin fight male, made inevit appeal her, female, mould hered seek strong man mate, lean wall strength. masculinity, brute, over-developed."} {"id": "10799", "contents": "strong.. alpha.. control.. word tradit associ masculinity. often hear men describ manli macho effemin -- concept seem defin individu men along slide scale masculinity."} {"id": "10800", "contents": "concept masculin western world first half twentieth centuri often rigid inextric associ imag industrialization, militari power convent social gender roles. physic -- virile, athletic, strong, brave. cultur masculin may indic social statu much wealth, race social class. western culture, example, greater masculin usual bring greater social statu male among peers."} {"id": "10801", "contents": "mani sociologist critic definit hegemon masculin fix character-type, analyt limited, exclud complex different, competing, form masculinity. sociolog concept, hegemon natur hegemon masculin deriv theori cultur hegemony, marxist theorist antonio gramsci, analyz power relat among social class society."} {"id": "10802", "contents": "like men feminine, women masculine. qualiti masculin make someon masculine, gender. repres abil detach situation, evalu outsid perspective. capac masculin tap void, beyond. dedic life service. masculin person live give live sacrifice, know way protect death (the person fulli given meet death peace)."} {"id": "10803", "contents": "synonym man. like men feminine, women masculine. qualiti masculin make someon masculine, gender. repres abil detach situation, evalu outsid perspective. capac masculin tap void, beyond. dedic life service. masculin person live give live sacrifice, know way protect death (the person fulli given meet death peace)."} {"id": "10804", "contents": "noun masculin senses: 1. properti characterist male sex. 2. trait behav way consid typic men. familiar information: masculin use noun rare."} {"id": "10805", "contents": "non-english-speak cultures, concept inanim object consid masculin feminin (the counterpart masculine). overemphasi masculin power, often associ disregard consequ responsibility, known machismo. men women exhibit masculin trait behavior. exhibit masculin feminin characterist consid androgynous, feminist philosoph argu gender ambigu may blur gender classification."} {"id": "10806", "contents": "nurtur side debate, argu masculin singl source. although militari vest interest construct promot specif form masculinity, creat it. men women exhibit masculin trait behavior. exhibit masculin feminin characterist consid androgynous, feminist philosoph argu gender ambigu may blur gender classification."} {"id": "10807", "contents": "add addit 25\u00b0f microwav raw meat, eggs, poultry. food contain raw incomplet cook ground meat, eggs, pork, poultri cook microwav oven, must heat intern temperatur 25\u00b0f minimum temperatur requir foods. assur even heating, food must be. heat cover contain and."} {"id": "10808", "contents": "follow unit state depart agriculture: safety, usda recommend cook ground veal safe minimum intern temperatur 160 \u00b0f. however, whole muscl meat veal steaks, roasts, chop may cook 145 \u00b0f (medium rare), 160 \u00b0f (medium), 170 \u00b0f (well done). two basic method veal cookery: dri moist heat."} {"id": "10809", "contents": "check temperatur cook meat, poultry, seafood food thermomet reliabl way make sure food reach safe intern cook temperature."} {"id": "10810", "contents": "cook thermomet take guesswork cooking, measur intern temperatur cook meat, poultry, seafood, bake goods, and/or casseroles, assur safe temperatur reached, harm bacteria destroyed, food cook perfectly."} {"id": "10811", "contents": "use food thermomet measur intern temperatur cook foods. check intern temperatur sever place make sure meat, poultry, seafood, egg dish contain egg cook safe minimum intern temperatur shown safe cook temperatur chart."} {"id": "10812", "contents": "stuffing: cook intern temperatur of165\u02daf (74\u02dac) fifteen seconds.9. turkey chili: cook intern temperatur 165\u02daf (74\u02dac) fifteen seconds. 2. easi 1-2-3 1. cover food prevent drying.2. rotat stir food halfway cooking.3."} {"id": "10813", "contents": "check intern temperatur sever place make sure meat, poultry, seafood, egg dish contain egg cook safe minimum intern temperatur shown safe cook temperatur chart. cook ground meat ground poultri reach safe intern temperature."} {"id": "10814", "contents": "case, patient contagious. a. although tuberculosi contagious, especi easi catch. general, need long-term contact infect person becom infect yourself. much like catch tuberculosi famili member close co-work stranger bu restaurant."} {"id": "10815", "contents": "mening tuberculosis. tuberculosi (tb) contagi airborn diseas typic affect lungs. tb caus bacterium call mycobacterium tuberculosis. tb infect treat promptly, bacterium travel bloodstream. infect organ tissu body."} {"id": "10816", "contents": "summary. pulmonari mycobacterium tuberculosi infect recogn public health implications, less known infecti extrapulmonari tuberculosis, specifically, spinal tuberculosi pott' disease."} {"id": "10817", "contents": "tuberculosi (tb) potenti fatal contagi diseas affect almost part bodi mainli infect lungs. caus bacteri microorganism, tubercl bacillu mycobacterium tuberculosis."} {"id": "10818", "contents": "a+e networks. day 1732, georg washington born westmoreland county, virginia, second son second marriag coloni plantat owner. initi loyal british subject, washington eventu led continent armi american revolut becam known father unit states."} {"id": "10819", "contents": "confid vote 262k. georg washington born 22 februari 1732 pope' creek, westmoreland county, virginia. (accord calendar use, birth date record februari 11, 1731 -- britain adopt gregorian reform 1752.). georg washington born 1732 virginia. first presid unit states."} {"id": "10820", "contents": "georg washington born 22 februari 1732 pope' creek, westmoreland county, virginia. (accord calendar use, birth date record februari 11, 1731 -- britain adopt gregorian reform 1752.) georg washington born 1732 virginia. first presid unit states. serv two term offic president. present day coloni beach westmoreland county, virginia. oldest child born augustin mari ball washington. born februari 22, 1732 father' plantat pope' creek."} {"id": "10821", "contents": "georg washington born februari 22, 1732. clue georg washington' birth date found 1790 letter tobia lear, washington' secretari close friend. lear wrote president' birth day 11th februari old style. old style, lear meant julian calendar, calendar use washington born. julian calendar correct gregorian calendar 1752, washington' birth date year move februari 11, 1731, februari 22, 1732.letter lear' import form commun 18th centuri america."} {"id": "10822", "contents": "georg washington (februari 22, 1732 o.s. februari 11, 1731] decemb 14, 1799) first presid unit state (1789\u201397), commander-in-chief continent armi american revolutionari war, one found father unit states. first child augustin washington (1694\u20131743) second wife, mari ball washington (1708\u20131789), georg washington born pope' creek estat near present-day coloni beach westmoreland county, virginia."} {"id": "10823", "contents": "first presid unit states, georg washington, born pope' creek westmoreland county, virginia augustin mari ball washington 11 februari (old style) 22 februari (new style) 1732 (see note below). george' parent born virginia."} {"id": "10824", "contents": "georg washington born virginia februari 11, 1731, accord then-us julian calendar. 1752, however, britain coloni adopt gregorian calendar move washington' birthday year 11 day februari 22, 1732. hi-resolut download. larger version."} {"id": "10825", "contents": "georg washington born februari 22, 1732, westmoreland county, virginia. washington serv gener commander-in-chief coloni armi american revolution, later becam first presid unit states, serv 1789 1797."} {"id": "10826", "contents": "plantat washington born locat bridg creek pope creek 72 mile south washington d.c. potomac river. present day coloni beach westmoreland county, virginia. oldest child born augustin mari ball washington. present day coloni beach westmoreland county, virginia. oldest child born augustin mari ball washington. born februari 22, 1732 father' plantat pope' creek."} {"id": "10827", "contents": "georg washington born father' plantat pope' creek westmoreland county, virginia, februari 22, 1732. father, augustin washington, lead planter area also serv justic counti court."} {"id": "10828", "contents": "nonreduc disaccharide, glucopyranosyl fructofuranose. complex carbohydr found mani plant use sweeten agent.a type [[disaccharid broken [[enzym [[sucrase."} {"id": "10829", "contents": "answer bruce pedersen. confid vote 27.8k. c12h22o11 sucros starch end product photosynthesis. sucrose, form leaf cytosol, transport phloem sink tissu metabol store vacuole."} {"id": "10830", "contents": "sucros metabolism: regulatori mechan pivot rolesin sugar sens plant develop karen koch sucros cleavag vital multicellular plants, thealloc crucial carbon resourc also initi ofhexose-bas sugar signal import structures."} {"id": "10831", "contents": "plants, sucros major transport form photoassimil carbon sourc carbon skeleton energi plant organ unabl perform photosynthesi (sink organs). molecul transloc distance, sucros pass number membranes."} {"id": "10832", "contents": "abstract. sucros one main product photosynthesi plants, common form carbohydr transport sourc sink organs. also function storag reserve, compat solut signal metabolit plants. sucros one main product photosynthesi common transport sugar plants. sucros nonreduc disaccharide, synthes cytosol via phosphoryl intermediate, sucrose\u20106\u2032\u2010phosphate."} {"id": "10833", "contents": "sucrose, tabl sugar, common type sugar made glucos fructose. disaccharid simpl carbohydrate. sucros crystal room temperatur caramel heating. sucros found natur foods, also ad process food preserv flavor. molecular formula sucros c12h22o11. fructos glucos ring link oxygen atom. solid, sucros typic crystallizes. look tabl sugar closely, magnifi glass, see look like lot littl crystals."} {"id": "10834", "contents": "sucros disaccharid sugar, mean made two monosaccharid sugar units. case sucrose, two unit glucos fructose. name sucros come french word sugar: sucre. molecular formula sucros c12h22o11. fructos glucos ring link oxygen atom. solid, sucros typic crystallizes. look tabl sugar closely, magnifi glass, see look like lot littl crystals."} {"id": "10835", "contents": "sucros common, natur occur carbohydr found mani plant plant parts. saccharos obsolet name sugar general, especi sucrose. molecul disaccharid combin monosaccharid glucos fructos formula c12h22o11. sucros often extract refin either cane beet sugar human consumption. sucros form plant cyanobacteria organisms. sucros found natur mani food plant along monosaccharid fructose. mani fruits, pineappl apricot, sucros main sugar."} {"id": "10836", "contents": "glucos monosaccharide, usual start point cellular respiration; sucros disaccharide, made glucos fructose; also call tabl sugar.. cellulos polysaccharid glucos primari constitu plant cell walls, make common polysaccharid nature. sucros disaccharid form glucos fructose. food transport plant form sucrose. chief sourc energi cellulose: polysaccharide."} {"id": "10837", "contents": "influenza flu diseas primarili affect peopl airway lung caus influenza virus easili spread person person flu season sever differ flu virus spread flu seriou infant children especi year age pregnant women peopl diabet peopl asthma"} {"id": "10838", "contents": "influenza, commonli call flu, contagi respiratori ill caus influenza viruses. symptom includ fever, headache, extrem tiredness, dri cough, sore throat, runni stuffi nose, muscl aches. unit states, influenza associ approxim 200,000 hospit year. however, mani respiratori viruses, parainfluenza, rsv, adenovirus, enterovirus, human metapneumoviru caus symptom influenza (fever, cough, sore throat). furthermore, mani use term stomach flu gi flu describ vomiting, nausea, diarrhea."} {"id": "10839", "contents": "influenza, commonli known flu infecti diseas caus influenza virus. symptom mild severe. common symptom include: high fever, runni nose, sore throat, muscl pains, headache, coughing, feel tired. flu symptom bird variabl unspecific. symptom follow infect low-pathogen avian influenza may mild ruffl feathers, small reduct egg production, weight loss combin minor respiratori disease."} {"id": "10840", "contents": "infect invas organism' bodi tissu disease-caus agents, multiplication, reaction host tissu organ toxin produce. infecti disease, also known transmiss diseas communic disease, ill result infection. symptom infect depend type disease. sign infect affect whole bodi generally, fatigue, loss appetite, weight loss, fevers, night sweats, chills, ach pains. other specif individu bodi parts, skin rashes, coughing, runni nose."} {"id": "10841", "contents": "background. influenza, one common infecti diseases, highli contagi airborn diseas occur season epidem manifest acut febril ill variabl degre system symptoms, rang mild fatigu respiratori failur death."} {"id": "10842", "contents": "person person. peopl flu spread other feet away. expert think flu virus spread mainli droplet made peopl flu cough, sneez talk. droplet land mouth nose peopl nearbi possibl inhal lungs."} {"id": "10843", "contents": "flu (influenza). flu common infecti diseas caus influenza (flu) viruses. flu usual affect person' breath system. season flu gener occur fall winter caus human influenza viruses. flu frequent ask questions. english spanish chines ]. usual sign symptom flu cough, sore throat, runni stuffi nose, bodi aches, headache, chills, feel tired. peopl also fever. other may throw-up diarrhea."} {"id": "10844", "contents": "flu contagi respiratori ill caus influenza viruses. caus mild sever illness, time lead death. people, older people, young children, peopl certain health conditions, high risk seriou flu complications. everi year unit states: flu wors common cold, symptom fever, bodi aches, extrem tired dri cough common intense. peopl cold like runni stuffi nose."} {"id": "10845", "contents": "influenza, commonli refer flu, impact peopl ages. influenza highli contagi viral infect nose, throat, lung occur often late fall, winter, earli spring. seriou infect affect 5-20% us popul annually."} {"id": "10846", "contents": "occup therapi continu import part treatment peopl variou ill disabilities, alzheimer\u2019 disease, cerebr palsy, autism, loss limb. accord bureau labor statistics, median salari occup therapist $75,400. occup therapist use occup self-care, work, play/leisur activ increas independence, enhanc development, and/or prevent disability. achiev goal occup therapist may also adapt task environment."} {"id": "10847", "contents": "simplest terms, occup therapist occup therapi assist help peopl across lifespan particip thing want need therapeut use everyday activ (occupations)."} {"id": "10848", "contents": "occup therapist work varieti settings. could includ hospitals, rehabilit centers, nurs facilities, home health, outpati clinics, privat practice, school systems, privat organizations, industry, commun agenc return work programs, prisons, commun settings. occup therapist use occup self-care, work, play/leisur activ increas independence, enhanc development, and/or prevent disability. achiev goal occup therapist may also adapt task environment."} {"id": "10849", "contents": "occup therapi health rehabilit profession. occup therapist work peopl age need special assist lead independent, productive, satisfi live due physical, developmental, social, emot problems. occup therapist use occup self-care, work, play/leisur activ increas independence, enhanc development, and/or prevent disability. achiev goal occup therapist may also adapt task environment."} {"id": "10850", "contents": "2. except peopl skills: occup therapist work peopl age disabilities, injuries, mental problems. client may bad day while, other frustrated, angry, upset time. occup therapist, succeed client do\u2014but oh boy, rewarding! unlik type therapy, occup therapi take holist approach deal whole person rather focus one specif problem."} {"id": "10851", "contents": "occupational. anonym thu, 12/27/2012 11:41 pm. occup therapist, must good commun strong interperson skill could teach emt class orang counti student help patient perform work activ someday. reply."} {"id": "10852", "contents": "hear pro say occup therapist take mentally, emotionally, physic succeed field. home advic futur current student success occup therapists. occup therapist, succeed client do\u2014but oh boy, rewarding! unlik type therapy, occup therapi take holist approach deal whole person rather focus one specif problem."} {"id": "10853", "contents": "occup therapist use special equip help children development disabilities. occup therapist treat injured, ill, disabl patient therapeut use everyday activities. help patient develop, recover, improv skill need daili live working. commun skills. occup therapist must abl listen attent patient tell abl explain want patient do. compassion. occup therapist usual drawn profess desir help peopl improv daili live others. flexibl"} {"id": "10854", "contents": "calcul number hour fte paid for, multipli 40 hour per week 52 week year. give total 2,080 hour fte compens for. however, number decreas subtract number feder holiday number vacat day compani allows. example, take total number work hour (2,080) minu feder holiday (10 day hours) minu leav day (10 day hours) total 1,920 hour year (2,080-80-80 1,920 actual work hours). number may vari train addit leav time offer"} {"id": "10855", "contents": "\u203a\u203a $72,000 salari work 2,000 hours. simpl baselin calculation, let' say take week year unpaid vacat time. would work 50 week year, work typic 40 hour week, total 2,000 hour work year. case, quickli comput hourli wage divid annual salari 2000. yearli salari $72,000 equival averag hourli wage of."} {"id": "10856", "contents": "~8766 mean solar hour 8760 hour base calendar hours. notes: 1. approximately. 2. earth' orbit time around sun 365.256363 mean solar day per year. 3. earth' axial rotat time 86400.002 mean solar second per day 4. 86400.002 3600 365.256363 ~8766.2 hour 5. alternatively, assum 24 hours/day 365 day per year, answer would be: 24 365 8760 hour non-leap year base calendar days--not mean solar factors."} {"id": "10857", "contents": "calcul work hour year base weekli pay cycle. instance, say work 40 hour week. 52 week year. calcul follows: 52 week 40 hour 2,080 hour year. figur work hour base biweekli pay period. suppos work 35 hour week; biweekli pay cycl 26 pay period payment made everi week. calcul follows: 35 hour week 70 hours; 70 hour 26 pay period 1,820 hour year. 3."} {"id": "10858", "contents": "calcul number hour full-tim employe work seem simpl -- 40 hour week 52 week year. however, that' alway case. employ consid number hour full-tim week, other provid overtim opportunities, mean employe get 40 hour per week. nation standard. base employees' pay nation standard full-tim workers, 2,087 hour per year, accord u.s. offic personnel management. base basic number hour full-tim employe work: 40 hour week 52 weeks, that' 2,080. however, everi year"} {"id": "10859", "contents": "calcul personnel salari budget payrol expenses, hr profession use 2,080 hour per year repres full-tim employe (fte). number includ total hour salari employe compens throughout work year. example, take total number work hour (2,080) minu feder holiday (10 day hours) minu leav day (10 day hours) total 1,920 hour year (2,080-80-80 1,920 actual work hours). number may vari train addit leav time offer"} {"id": "10860", "contents": "________________ (the calcul unit states. number may vari significantli countries.) normal work week job hour day days. 52 week year worker get two week vacation. so, 50 2000 hour work year. mani compani also give 10 holidays, bring 48 1920. mani compani also give day sick/person time per year, bring 47 1880."} {"id": "10861", "contents": "step 1. calcul mani hour expect employe work. usually, work day eight hour employe expect work 50 weeks. multipli eight hour five day week get 40 hour work week, 40 hour time 50 week equal 2,000 hour year. step 2. find much want pay employe hourly. example, assum want pay $12 hour."} {"id": "10862", "contents": "report abuse. reboot comput get rid virus. reformat will. put disk came comput put back way took box. want clean run scan below. updat run anti-viru program."} {"id": "10863", "contents": "unfortunately, restart comput get rid viruses. need program call 'anti-virus'. program delet virus' etc. computer. get anti-viru program free look either 'avg anti virus' 'trend micro anti virus'."} {"id": "10864", "contents": "reboot comput get rid virus. reformat will. put disk came comput put back way took box. want clean run scan below."} {"id": "10865", "contents": "select uninstal window live screen. select famili safeti remov it. done get follow dialog box. precaution, decid reboot comput even though ask it. tags: software. entri post saturday, april 18th, 2009 12:24 pm file blog."} {"id": "10866", "contents": "remov windows.family.safeti registri key values: window start menu, click run. open box, type regedit click ok. registri editor window opens. window consist two panes. left pane display folder repres registri key arrang hierarch order."} {"id": "10867", "contents": "male kitten usual neuter month age. however, avma endors earli age neuter dog cat 16 week age. vet decid best time start weeks."} {"id": "10868", "contents": "congratul new kitten! male kitten usual neuter month age. however, avma endors earli age neuter dog cat 16 week age. vet decid best time start weeks."} {"id": "10869", "contents": "kitten spayed/neut young 8-12 week long weigh minimum pounds. shelter perform earli spay/neut tradit spa y/neuter perform 5-7 month age."} {"id": "10870", "contents": "shelter can\u2019t wait kitten six month old neuter spaying. don\u2019t room, would depriv potenti adopt experienc joy kitten\u2019 kittenhood. studi shown kitten spay neuter earli week age, deleteri effect."} {"id": "10871", "contents": "spay tradit recommend kitti month age, spay young week old consid safe, accord cat channel. mani anim shelter actual spay kitti prior adopt age."} {"id": "10872", "contents": "research show kitten neuter 12 week age fewer complic surgeri 12 weeks. also, kitten rebound much faster surgic procedure, less stress counterpart month old. early-ag spay/neut posit impact beyond cat home."} {"id": "10873", "contents": "today vet spay/neut eight week age, adher old practic six month age. averag age pet spay neuter four months. adolesc cat dog young five month get pregnant."} {"id": "10874", "contents": "kitten spay earli weeks; however, ideal spay week months. call juvenil earli spay. younger kitten, quickli recov less pain experience."} {"id": "10875", "contents": "one spay mother soon kitten pup weaned, (5 week kitten week puppies) risk pregnanc done."} {"id": "10876", "contents": "pine forest exampl temper conifer forest. map temper conifer forest ecoregion world. temper conifer forest terrestri biom found temper region world warm summer cool winter adequ rainfal sustain forest. conifer forest found unit states, canada, europe, asia. mani speci tree inhabit forest includ cedar, cypress, dougla fir, fir, juniper, kauri, pine, podocarpus, spruce, redwood yew."} {"id": "10877", "contents": "plant anim climat siberian taiga biom type habitat certain places, like mountain tops, deserts, tropic forests, determin climat place. taiga biom needleleaf forest. live taiga cold lonely. climate. siberian taiga. biom type habitat certain places, like mountain tops, deserts, tropic forests, determin climat place. taiga biom needleleaf forest. live taiga cold lonely."} {"id": "10878", "contents": "conifer forest contain evergreen tree bear cones. eleg pine grow biome, along spruce, fir, tamarack. much northern forest, conif mingl decidu trees, particularli aspen, birch, sugar maple, basswood. foundat today' conifer forest."} {"id": "10879", "contents": "one type conifer forest, northern boreal forest, found 50\u00b0 60\u00b0n latitudes. anoth type, temper conifer forests, grow lower latitud north america, europe, asia, high elev mountains. precipit conifer forest vari 300 900 mm annually, temper conifer forest receiv 2,000 mm. amount precipit depend forest location. northern boreal forests, winter long, cold dry, short summer moder warm moist"} {"id": "10880", "contents": "location: taiga, also known conifer boreal forest, largest terrestri biom earth. extend broad band across north america, europe, asia southern border arctic tundra."} {"id": "10881", "contents": "conifer forest. world map show conifer forest located. pretti much across north america, europe, asia, usual extend 50\u02da 60\u02dan. conifer forest largest terrestri biom (a mention home page), cover 17% earths' land area. canada, russia, scandinavia almost entir cover biom"} {"id": "10882", "contents": "temper evergreen forest common coastal area region mild winter heavi rainfall, inland drier climat mountain areas. conifer forest found unit states, canada, europe, asia. mani speci tree inhabit forest includ cedar, cypress, dougla fir, fir, juniper, kauri, pine, podocarpus, spruce, redwood yew."} {"id": "10883", "contents": "conifer forest get name conifer main type veget locat conif pines. also varieti anim caribou, black bears, lynx. climate/location. taiga locat northern part alaska, canada, asia, europe. taiga wrap band around world tundra decidu forest part it."} {"id": "10884", "contents": "mean last name provid insight famili histori origins. last name indic ancestor living, came from, custom cultur were. get started: find mean last name, use search last name box left, brows last name (alphabetical) below."} {"id": "10885", "contents": "genealog research surnam origin last name shown coat arm crest {or badg cases} found nineti percent famili name submitted. mani time color symbol famili coat arm mean simpli design purposes. access surnam origin 1,000,000 last names, averag 130,000 visitor month imagin demand differ famili tree services."} {"id": "10886", "contents": "phillip surnam [welsh origin] surnam deriv person name philip. name, usual latin philippus, origin deriv greek philippos. phillip surnam [irish origin] phillip surnam ireland deriv sever sources, certainli nativ gaelic name evolv name macphilbin macphillips. spell variat famili name include: macphilbin, mcphilbin, philben, phillip"} {"id": "10887", "contents": "first record spell famili name shown roger marchand, date 1202, pipe roll berkshire, reign king john, known lackland, 1199 1216. surnam becam necessari govern introduc person taxation. england known poll tax. job-descript surnam origin denot actual occup namebearer, later becam hereditary. surnam first record begin 13th centuri (see below), one roger marchaunt herueu merchant list wit 1219 assiz court roll yorkshire."} {"id": "10888", "contents": "merchant famili crest acquir houseofnames.com archives. merchant famili crest drawn accord herald standard base publish blazons. gener includ oldest publish famili crest associ surname. page last modifi 19 august 2015 14:14."} {"id": "10889", "contents": "name, variant spell marchent, marchand, marquand, merchant le marchant, deriv old french marcheant (middl english marchand), mean merchant trader, origin given occup name buyer seller goods. job-descript surnam origin denot actual occup namebearer, later becam hereditary. surnam first record begin 13th centuri (see below), one roger marchaunt herueu merchant list wit 1219 assiz court roll yorkshire."} {"id": "10890", "contents": "phillip surnam surnam earli mediev english origin, one mani surnam gener male given name philip, come greek philippos, compound philein, love, hippos, horse; hence, lover horses. phillip surnam [irish origin] phillip surnam ireland deriv sever sources, certainli nativ gaelic name evolv name macphilbin macphillips. spell variat famili name include: macphilbin, mcphilbin, philben, phillip"} {"id": "10891", "contents": "uses, see henderson. henderson common scottish surname. name deriv patronym form name hendry, scottish form henry. henderson also deriv name henryson. surnam henderson born numer unrel famili scotland. henderson glenco deriv surnam gaelic maceanruig. surnam unknown england prior 17th centuri first mention marriag document one border henderson daughter carlisl merchant hexham."} {"id": "10892", "contents": "merchant famili name share follow people: anthoni merchant (born 1944), canadian lawyer politician. ali merchant, actor. carolyn merchant (born c. 1936), u:s: ecofeminist philosoph historian science. georg merchant (1926\u20132015), scottish footbal (dunde fc, falkirk fc). georg merchant (1926\u20132015), scottish footbal (dunde fc, falkirk fc). hoshang merchant (born 1947), indian poet. ismail merchant (1936\u20132005), indian-born film produc chang surnam rehman."} {"id": "10893", "contents": "sql advanc sql identity. ident sql server-specif command, purpos allow sql server automat insert numer primari key valu tabl new data inserted. similar auto increment command mysql."} {"id": "10894", "contents": "simpli mean column use identity(seed, increment) function provid valu primari key (usually). also known autonumber. second line example: act default valu column increment record. flag indic ident column-can use auto-incr column (recommend table). mani implic like abl get id last insert row tabl use @@ident scope_identity() etc."} {"id": "10895", "contents": "tabl ident column bulk insert often fail ident valu held text file. easiest way around creat view tabk exclud ident column bulk insert view. anoth option creat format file use bulk insert. definition. ident column name, initi seed step. row insert tabl column take valu curent seed increment step. note: ident column guarante uniqu consecut"} {"id": "10896", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. ident column column (also known field) databas tabl made valu gener database. much like autonumb field microsoft access sequenc oracle. mani case ident column use primari key, howev alway case. common misconcept ident column enforc uniqueness, howev case."} {"id": "10897", "contents": "ident column column (also known field) databas tabl made valu gener database. mani case ident column use primari key, howev alway case. common misconcept ident column enforc uniqueness, howev case."} {"id": "10898", "contents": "ident column differ primari key valu manag server (except rare cases) can't modified. mani case ident column use primari key, howev alway case. sql server use ident column key valu refer particular row. singl ident column created."} {"id": "10899", "contents": "ident column use gener key values. ident properti column guarante following: new valu gener base current seed increment. ident properti differ sql-dmo ident properti expos row ident properti column. appli to: sql server (sql server 2008 current version)."} {"id": "10900", "contents": "microsoft sql server' ident column gener sequenti valu new record use seed value. term seed refer intern valu sql server use gener next valu sequence. default, ident column' first valu new valu increment one (1, 2, 3, 4, on)."} {"id": "10901", "contents": "ident column differ primari key valu manag server usual cannot modified. mani case ident column use primari key, howev alway case. common misconcept ident column enforc uniqueness, howev case. want enforc uniqu column must includ appropri constraint"} {"id": "10902", "contents": "almost homeostat control mechan neg feedback mechanisms. mechan chang variabl back origin state \u201cideal value\u201d. good exampl neg feedback mechan home thermostat (heat system). thermostat contain receptor (thermometer) control center. heat system set 70 degre fahrenheit, heat (effector) turn temperatur drop 70 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "10903", "contents": "control blood sugar (glucose) insulin anoth good exampl neg feedback mechanism. blood sugar rises, receptor bodi sens change. turn, control center (pancreas) secret insulin blood effect lower blood sugar levels. good exampl neg feedback mechan home thermostat (heat system). thermostat contain receptor (thermometer) control center. heat system set 70 degre fahrenheit, heat (effector) turn temperatur drop 70 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "10904", "contents": "confus hemostasis. homeostasi homoeostasi (homeo- -stasis) properti system variabl regul intern condit remain stabl rel constant. exampl homeostasi includ regul temperatur balanc acid alkalin (ph). process maintain stabil human body' intern environ respons chang extern conditions."} {"id": "10905", "contents": "neg feedback loop requir receptor, control center, effector. receptor structur monitor intern conditions. instance, human bodi receptor blood vessel monitor ph blood. exampl neg feedback loop regul blood pressur (figur 1). increas blood pressur detect receptor blood vessel sens resist blood flow vessel walls."} {"id": "10906", "contents": "posit feedback mechan exact opposit neg feedback mechanism. neg feedback, output reduc origin effect stimulus. posit feedback system, output enhanc origin stimulus. good exampl posit feedback system child birth. good exampl neg feedback mechan home thermostat (heat system). thermostat contain receptor (thermometer) control center. heat system set 70 degre fahrenheit, heat (effector) turn temperatur drop 70 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "10907", "contents": "neg feedback homeostasi describ process bodili system maintain normal environ states. homeostasi describ body' overal regul intern systems. ad. one exampl neg feedback homeostasi way bodi regul blood pressure. receptor case pressure-sensit vein locat near heart head. receptor send nerv impuls part brain, control center, regul heart rate"} {"id": "10908", "contents": "control system keep condit constant exampl homeostasis; mainten constant intern condit organism. neg feedback import type control found homeostasis. neg feedback control system respond condit chang ideal set point return condit set point. continu cycl event neg feedback. exampl neg feedback seen osmoregulation; control water concentr blood bodi fluids. import fact osmoregulation:"} {"id": "10909", "contents": "neg feedback stability. usual mean maintain homeostasi gener mechan call neg feedback loop. bodi sens intern chang activ mechan reverse, negate, change. exampl neg feedback bodi temperatur regulation. blood temperatur rise high, sens special neuron hypothalamu brain. signal nerv centers, turn send signal blood vessel skin"} {"id": "10910", "contents": "welcom koo famili page surnam finder, servic genealog today. editor compil checklist genealog resources, combin link commerci databas along user-contribut inform web site koo surname."} {"id": "10911", "contents": "inform chart came u.s. immigr collect ancestry. find major koo famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination."} {"id": "10912", "contents": "famili fact archive, rich histor information, tell everyth lifespan ancestor mean last name. everi time find fact, we'll tell means. koo origin immigration."} {"id": "10913", "contents": "koo surnam distribut helpful, decid start search koo records. also find major koo famili live 19th century."} {"id": "10914", "contents": "origin koo surname. quit possibl two peopl koo last name given surnam entir differ reasons. discov countri koo ancestor origin often yield addit clue mean surname."} {"id": "10915", "contents": "top place origin koo find major koo famili live immigr u.s. learn focu search foreign records. port departur koo pinpoint major koo famili book passag us."} {"id": "10916", "contents": "among earli immigr koo surnam cross atlant come north america were: robert coe, sail ipswich watertown ship franci 1634; matthew coe, emigr bristol portsmouth year 1640; alest cowe, arriv boston, massachusset 1652."} {"id": "10917", "contents": "late 55, bmw introduc seri differ fork frame. meanwhil still sell /3. one brochur show new (/2) old (/3) seri sale."} {"id": "10918", "contents": "seri single-cylind bmw motorcycl first launch 1994, f650, built aprilia around carburet 650 cc four-stroke, four-valve, singl piston engine, chain drive. mission 650 provid entri level bmw motorcycle."} {"id": "10919", "contents": "bmw 's motorcycl histori began 1921 compani commenc manufactur engin companies. motorcycl manufactur oper bmw motorrad brand. bmw (bayerisch motoren werk ag) introduc first motorcycl name, r32, 1923."} {"id": "10920", "contents": "bmw\u2019 first motorcycle, r32, debut 1923, flat-twin engin layout still use current lineup. bmw name known premium motorcycl go long distances, although current offer also gear toward younger faster riders."} {"id": "10921", "contents": "1955, bmw began introduc new rang motorcycl earl fork enclos drive shafts. 26 hp (19 kw) 500 cc r50, 30 hp (22 kw) 600 cc r60, 35 hp (26 kw) sport 600 cc r69."} {"id": "10922", "contents": "1923 legendari bmw design max friz sequest hous draw plan all-new motorcycle. 486cc 32 shown pari \u201csalon.\u201d big improv m2 b15 reach top speed 60 mph. 1925 race version 32 37 introduced."} {"id": "10923", "contents": "1982 bmw introduc road version r80g/ r80rt. 1983 k100 introduc first water-cool series. first product bike electron ignit fuel inject top speed 132 mph."} {"id": "10924", "contents": "wobbl two types, low high speed. low speed wobbl usual 30-50 mph range. high speed wobbl usual 65 mph range. differ one source, sever causes. approach wobbl care examin motorcycle. visual inspect often find like causes."} {"id": "10925", "contents": "interpret mix dna profil gener number kit amplif nuclear autosom dna simpl straightforward follow scenario: dna two sources; and. two sourc unrel share alleles; and."} {"id": "10926", "contents": "complex mixtures, defin biolog sampl contain dna three contributors, exhibit sever signific challenges. first, allel share occur mani loci tested, make challeng unambigu discern full genotyp mixtur contributors."} {"id": "10927", "contents": "9:1 mixtur dna two sources. 0.5ng total dna 9:1 mixtur dna two sourc figur amplifi promega powerplex\u00ae 16 hs system process figur 1. allel major dna sourc minor dna sourc present."} {"id": "10928", "contents": "dna larg chemic compound, deoxyribonuclel acid. dna make everi part human anim bodi chemistry."} {"id": "10929", "contents": "focu area: ident knowledge. description: terrorist crimin frequent leav dna evid crime scene locat use identifi been. dna identif techniqu power sensit multipl sourc dna often found sample."} {"id": "10930", "contents": "however, identif individu complex mixtur (usual two individuals), found challeng [3] [4] number studi propos use bi-allel singl nucleotid polymorph (snps) forens identif [5] [6] [7]"} {"id": "10931", "contents": "abstract. complex mixtures, defin biolog sampl contain dna three contributors, exhibit sever signific challenges. first, allel share occur mani loci tested, make challeng unambigu discern full genotyp mixtur contributors."} {"id": "10932", "contents": "electronics, invert defin devic convert direct current (dc) power altern current (ac). exampl invert adapt use car convert low voltag cigarett lighter\u2019 power (dc) main equival voltag (ac). allow use mani type household electr devic road. laptop, invert often use light computer' screen. laptop invert small circuit board, usual size pen. internally, laptop run low voltage, except screen, use backlit liquid crystal display (lcd). without invert bulb powers, screen would faint see properli"} {"id": "10933", "contents": "main purpose. primari function invert power laptop lcd. degree, mean respons channel energi mainfram screen screen illumin project accur images. screen invert creat imag display laptop screen. laptop repair sometim possibl always, event tend requir bit expertise."} {"id": "10934", "contents": "power invert chang dc power batteri convent ac power use oper kind devic ... electr lights, kitchen appliances, microwaves, power tools, tvs, radios, computers, name few. simpl way use invert emerg power (such power outage), use car batteri (with vehicl running), extens cord run house, plug electr appliances."} {"id": "10935", "contents": "laptop invert identifi varieti differ ways, also call fl inverters, lcd inverters, dc inverters, power inverters, screen invert back-light inverters. name altern refer standard laptop inverters, use interchangeably. event notebook' lcd screen suddenli becom dim extend period time, screen begin flicker intermittently, malfunct notebook invert may problem. laptop invert small, narrow circuit boards, locat behind lcd screen computer. encas within framework screen display, visibl unless entir enclosur dismantled."} {"id": "10936", "contents": "ccfl invert electr invert suppli altern current power cold cathod fluoresc lamp (ccfl). ccfl often use inexpens light unit electr devic power direct current sourc batteries. invert circuit cold cathod fluoresc lamp, reson type circuit wide used. sometim refer royer circuit"} {"id": "10937", "contents": "screen invert small circuit board laptop comput pass power current bodi machin attach liquid crystal display (lcd) screen. screen invert creat imag display laptop screen. laptop repair sometim possibl always, event tend requir bit expertise."} {"id": "10938", "contents": "power inverter, inverter, electron devic circuitri chang direct current (dc) altern current (ac). input voltage, output voltag frequency, overal power handl depend design specif devic circuitry."} {"id": "10939", "contents": "averag laptop invert emit fairli high voltage, rang 500 700 v. also produc low radio-frequency, 35 khz 60 khz. laptop invert small, narrow circuit boards, locat behind lcd screen computer. encas within framework screen display, visibl unless entir enclosur dismantled."} {"id": "10940", "contents": "connect invert battery, plug ac devic invert got portabl power whenev wherev need it. invert draw power 12v 24v batteri (prefer deep-cycle), sever batteri wire parallel. power invert chang direct current (dc) power battery, usual 12v 24v, convent main altern current (ac) power 230v. mean use one oper kind devic ... electr lights, kitchen appliances, power tools, tvs, radios, computers, name few."} {"id": "10941", "contents": "laptop power invert provid power light use illumin lcd screen. light lcd screen lamp, laptop lcd invert use direct power motherboard convert higher voltag power. laptop invert small, narrow circuit boards, locat behind lcd screen computer. encas within framework screen display, visibl unless entir enclosur dismantled."} {"id": "10942", "contents": "hand, custom-mad engag ring made 14k yellow gold, cost rang $3,150 $3,500. ring made 18k white gold rang $3,2.. $3,700. ring made 18k yellow gold material, expect rang cost $3,248 $3,600. ring need altered, labor alon could rang anywher $300 much $2,000 depend amount work need done. carat custom engag ring, plan spend least $6,000."} {"id": "10943", "contents": "average, engag ring cost anywher littl $200 much $20,000+. like jewelri avail there, sky limit. quarter carat less set diamond cost anywher $100 $600. half carat diamond cost anywher $500 $1,100. website, price rang anywher $70 much $17,000. average, though, best seller cost anywher $350 $2,000. accord lovetoknow.com, averag cost engag ring unit state $3500-$4000."} {"id": "10944", "contents": "discounts: like valuabl jewelry, engag ring insured. vintag antiqu diamond rings, size might cost $20 $50 extra. custom-mad engag ring, expect pay design fee least $200. purchas antiqu style engadg ring platinum. center stone 2carat oval diamond pave set 1carat diamonds. wed band 1/2 carat ctw 3.5 carats. total cost ring wed band $15k platinum amaz deal!"} {"id": "10945", "contents": "come cost custom engag ring, price rang go large. sinc engag ring go customized, price rang anywher littl hundr dollar much thousand dollars. ring need altered, labor alon could rang anywher $300 much $2,000 depend amount work need done. carat custom engag ring, plan spend least $6,000."} {"id": "10946", "contents": "accord greenlakejewelry.com, rang price avail depend type engag ring want depend materi need creat ring. example, ring made 14k white gold, price rang $3,148 $3,481. ring need altered, labor alon could rang anywher $300 much $2,000 depend amount work need done. carat custom engag ring, plan spend least $6,000."} {"id": "10947", "contents": "ring made 18k white gold rang $3,2.. $3,700. ring made 18k yellow gold material, expect rang cost $3,248 $3,600. theknot.com claim custom engag ring cost three time pre-fabr one. ring need altered, labor alon could rang anywher $300 much $2,000 depend amount work need done. carat custom engag ring, plan spend least $6,000."} {"id": "10948", "contents": "quarter carat less set diamond cost anywher $100 $600. half carat diamond cost anywher $500 $1,100. diamond .75 carat cost anywher $1,000 $2,500. diamond carat cost anywher $2,400 $4,000. website, price rang anywher $70 much $17,000. average, though, best seller cost anywher $350 $2,000. accord lovetoknow.com, averag cost engag ring unit state $3500-$4000."} {"id": "10949", "contents": "diamond .75 carat cost anywher $1,000 $2,500. diamond carat cost anywher $2,400 $4,000. averag american today spend anywher $3,000 $5,000 engag ring. website, price rang anywher $70 much $17,000. average, though, best seller cost anywher $350 $2,000. accord lovetoknow.com, averag cost engag ring unit state $3500-$4000."} {"id": "10950", "contents": "cost depend much metal use type, intricaci design whether ring contain stones, kind. also, design rings, alex sepkus, run $2,000, add cost stone."} {"id": "10951", "contents": "2003-2005, averag total water use golf cours irrig u.s. estim 2,312,701 acre-feet water per year. use water use data nationally, 18-hole golf cours use averag 152.5 acre-feet water per year irrig 80.7 acr turfgrass."} {"id": "10952", "contents": "golf cours selfish creature. approxim 16,000 cours unit state half total world laid together, would larg delaware. delawar golf cours use water, lot it. call green reason, they? audubon intern estim averag american cours use 312,000 gallon per day. place like palm springs, 57 golf cours challeng desert, cours eat million gallon day. is, cours day palm spring consum much water american famili four use four years. now, granted, easi pick golf."} {"id": "10953", "contents": "5/21/2014, pg. a4) graphic incorrectli describ much million gallon water rel swim pool. one million gallon water would fill 11/2 olymp swim pool (which hold 660,000 gallons). like overwhelm major california' 1,100 courses, delaveaga use recycl water. 2009, 14 percent total water use golf cours reclaimed, accord california allianc golf."} {"id": "10954", "contents": "northern california golf cours like delaveaga use 140,000 gallon water per day, accord golf cours superintend associ america. that' roughli amount water famili four use year.advertis golf cours across state forc water district cut water use much 50 percent. like overwhelm major california' 1,100 courses, delaveaga use recycl water. 2009, 14 percent total water use golf cours reclaimed, accord california allianc golf."} {"id": "10955", "contents": "accord environment protect agency, \u201c[t]he averag american famili four use 400 gallon water per day.\u201d averag golf cours use 312,000 gallon water, accord audobon international, mean one use much water 780 famili four. california second florida number golf cours has: 921. together, cours use much water 2.8 million people, percent state' population."} {"id": "10956", "contents": "singl golf cours cvwd boundari use averag 300 million gallon water annual three time amount typic use coastal cours southern california doubl inland cours consume, offici said. approxim 202,000 resid use 330 gallon water per person per day month octob tripl amount ladwp resid used. third cvwd' water goe urban domest use, engel said. golf cours use 17%, said."} {"id": "10957", "contents": "water audit perform across countri suggest mani golf cours use 20% 50% irrig water necessary. reduc overus save mani golf cours 50,000 500,000 gallon per year (190 1,893 m3), more. specif save highli depend climat pre-exist equipment. profession water audit requir reason estim water save potenti given golf course. issu lead excess water use, especi golf cours locat region arid climates. turf requir averag 25 60 inch (63.5 cm 152.4 cm) water annually, depend climate, maintain healthi appearance."} {"id": "10958", "contents": "typic golf cours requir 100,000 1,000,000 gallon (378.5 m3 3,785 m3) water per week summer maintain healthi vegetation. improv water effici usual requir proper schedul irrig improv irrig uniformity. issu lead excess water use, especi golf cours locat region arid climates. turf requir averag 25 60 inch (63.5 cm 152.4 cm) water annually, depend climate, maintain healthi appearance."} {"id": "10959", "contents": "rgj stori earlier year report marti camp golf cours trucke use 45 50 million gallon year. four real-world examples, frack california use water golf cours year. california, though, atyp frack use small amount water. reheis-boyd compar california' frack water usag last year use annual golf course.. say much water. 2013 factsheet group says: 353,000 gallon amount water need irrig golf cours singl day.."} {"id": "10960", "contents": "amount water use one golf cours thailand, average, per day: 6,500 cubic meters. area could cover depth feet water drawn colorado river citi la vegas, use much allot water 60 golf courses: 150,000 acres. miscellaneous."} {"id": "10961", "contents": "monotyp one kind, hand-pul print. even though monotyp print, original, reproduction. creat imag etch ink smooth glass plate, transfer imag paper printmak press."} {"id": "10962", "contents": "definit monotype. impress paper design paint usual finger brush surfac (a glass). advertisement."} {"id": "10963", "contents": "differ mono type mono print frequent baffl art buyer seller alike! therefore, descript differ use outset. mono print one series\u2014 therefore, wholli unique."} {"id": "10964", "contents": "ink use monotyp appli brush, rag roll roller brayer. print process depend method applic thick textur ink, ink may spread blur blot absorb paper."} {"id": "10965", "contents": "monotyp jule henri lengrand. monotyp type printmak made draw paint smooth, non-absorb surface. surface, matrix, histor copper etch plate, contemporari work vari zinc glass acryl glass."} {"id": "10966", "contents": "monotyp format pokemon pok\u00e9mon team must share common. type singl and-dual type pokemon pok\u00e9mon. allow case of, mega evolut type standard form pokemon pok\u00e9mon. count"} {"id": "10967", "contents": "monotyp produc uniqu print, monotype; ink remov initi pressing. although subsequ reprint sometim possible, differ greatli first print gener consid inferior."} {"id": "10968", "contents": "dual-typ pokemon allow one type team. monotyp format pokemon pok\u00e9mon team must share common. type singl and-dual type pokemon pok\u00e9mon. allow case of, mega evolut type standard form pokemon pok\u00e9mon. count"} {"id": "10969", "contents": "unit nation -- move ban intern trade atlant bluefin tuna go u.n. convent intern trade endang speci (cites) discuss possibl vote, offici announc today. today deadlin nation submit proposals. bluefin tuna sourc highest grade sushi sashimi, known aficionado maguro toro. fish also prize mediterranean cuisine."} {"id": "10970", "contents": "accord intern scientif committe tuna tuna-lik speci north pacif ocean (isc) assess stock 2011 2014, pacif bluefin tuna popul 4% would fish never occurred. like close relat atlant bluefin southern bluefin, pacif bluefin commerci valuabl speci sever thousand tonn caught year, make overfished. consid threaten iucn pew."} {"id": "10971", "contents": "atlant bluefin tuna largest tuna species. larg predators, bluefin tuna play import role pelag ecosystems. regulatori overview. may 2010, center biolog divers (cbd) submit petit [pdf] list atlant bluefin tuna endang speci act (esa). species: thynnus. atlant bluefin tuna found throughout north atlant ocean adjac seas, includ mediterranean sea. pelag highli migratori speci occupi coastal open ocean area depth 650 feet (200 m)."} {"id": "10972", "contents": "oceans. bluefin largest tuna live 40 years. migrat across ocean dive 4,000 feet. bluefin tuna made speed: built like torpedoes, retract fin eye set flush body. tremend predat moment hatch, seek school fish like herring, mackerel even eels."} {"id": "10973", "contents": "hunt sight sharpest vision boni fish. three speci bluefin: atlant (the largest endangered), pacific, southern. catch atlant bluefin tuna taken mediterranean sea, import bluefin tuna fisheri world. share facebook. bluefin tuna made speed: built like torpedoes, retract fin eye set flush body. tremend predat moment hatch, seek school fish like herring, mackerel even eels."} {"id": "10974", "contents": "januari 2012, prime, 593-lb (269-kg) bluefin tuna sold japanes fish market $736,000 (\u00a556.49 million), world record. size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: atlant bluefin tuna one largest, fastest, gorgeous color world\u2019 fishes. torpedo-shaped, streamlin bodi built speed endurance. coloring\u2014metal blue top shimmer silver-whit bottom\u2014help camouflag"} {"id": "10975", "contents": "atlant bluefin tuna (thunnu thynnus) speci tuna scombrida family. various known northern bluefin tuna (mainli includ pacif bluefin subspecies), giant bluefin tuna (for individu exceed 150 kilogram around 330 pounds) formerli tunny. atlant bluefin tuna foundat one world' lucr commerci fisheries. medium-s larg individu heavili target japanes raw fish market, bluefin speci highli prize sushi sashimi."} {"id": "10976", "contents": "atlant bluefin nativ western eastern atlant ocean, well mediterranean sea. atlant bluefin becom extinct black sea. atlant bluefin tuna close rel two bluefin tuna species\u2014th pacif bluefin tuna southern bluefin tuna. atlant bluefin tuna may exceed 450 kilogram (990 lb) weight, rival black marlin, blue marlin swordfish largest perciformes. atlant bluefin tuna foundat one world' lucr commerci fisheries. medium-s larg individu heavili target japanes raw fish market, bluefin speci highli prize sushi sashimi."} {"id": "10977", "contents": "noaa formal design western atlant eastern atlant mediterranean stock bluefin tuna \u201cspeci concern\u201d endang speci act. place speci watchlist concern statu threat species."} {"id": "10978", "contents": "past often includ t. thynnus, 'combined' speci known northern bluefin tuna (when treat separate, t. thynnu call atlant bluefin tuna). may reach much (9.8 ft) length 450 kg (990 lb) weight. like close relat atlant bluefin southern bluefin, pacif bluefin commerci valuabl speci sever thousand tonn caught year, make overfished. consid threaten iucn pew."} {"id": "10979", "contents": "dna rna nitrogen bases: adenine, cytosin guanine. dna rna phosphat group nucleotides. sometim call phosphor acid. base pair guanin cytosine. dna contain pentos sugar deoxyribose, rna contain pentos sugar ribose. pentos 5-carbon sugar molecule. dna limit nucleus, rna made nucleus, travel outsid it. dna nitrogen base call thymine, rna doesn't. instead, rna uracil."} {"id": "10980", "contents": "rna dna collect known nucleic acids. dna-deoxyribonucl acid rna-ribonucl acid dna immut code alway store insid nucleus. carri direct make rna protein insid cell. rna deoxyribos sugar dna ribos sugar. peopl found useful. edit. share to: brief q&a genet transcript gene express highli import life. without it, protein nucleic acid necessari life would exist."} {"id": "10981", "contents": "monom dna rna compos three parts: phosphat group, pentos (5-carbon sugar), nitrogen base. dna rna use form ribos sugar (rna use ribos itself; dna, singl oxygen atom remov 2' carbon ribose, form deoxyribose). dna rna use base adenine, cytosine, guanine. dna rna undergo complementari base pair (dna usual two differ strands, rna usual two region singl strand). dna rna synthes 5' 3' direct"} {"id": "10982", "contents": "b. templates: dna polymeras rna polymeras use dna template, wherea telomeras copi rna templat part enzyme. revers transcriptas use rna templat life cycl retrovirus retrotransposons, vitro use either dna rna template."} {"id": "10983", "contents": "rna singl strand molecul copi code dna carri ribosom make new proteins. base except thymin replac uracil. cours sugar dna deoxi ribos wherea rna ribose. dna contain pentos sugar deoxyribose, rna contain pentos sugar ribose. pentos 5-carbon sugar molecule. dna limit nucleus, rna made nucleus, travel outsid it. dna nitrogen base call thymine, rna doesn't. instead, rna uracil."} {"id": "10984", "contents": "dna store nucleu cell, rna produced. rna move nucleu cytoplasm translat protein. bottom line dna rna coexist cells. c. five-carbon sugars. incorrect-th sugar found genet materi pentos sugar. dna rna. a. contain four type nitrogen-contain bases. b. cannot present cell simultaneously. c. five-carbon sugars. d. contain phosphat groups. e. single-strand molecules."} {"id": "10985", "contents": "(1) rna single-strand dna double-strand helix. (2) rna also uracil base dna base thymine. however, even differ structures, dna rna cooper role field cell biology. dna contain pentos sugar deoxyribose, rna contain pentos sugar ribose. pentos 5-carbon sugar molecule. dna limit nucleus, rna made nucleus, travel outsid it. dna nitrogen base call thymine, rna doesn't. instead, rna uracil."} {"id": "10986", "contents": "dna rna a. contain four type nitrogen-contain bases. b. cannot present cell simultaneously. c. five-carbon sugars. d. contain phosphat groups. dna rna. a. contain four type nitrogen-contain bases. b. cannot present cell simultaneously. c. five-carbon sugars. d. contain phosphat groups. e. single-strand molecules."} {"id": "10987", "contents": "dna (deoxyribonucl acid) rna (ribonucl acid) polym nucleotid link chain phosphodiest bonds. biolog systems, serv information-carri molecul or, case rna molecules, catalysts."} {"id": "10988", "contents": "form proper plural medic word one challeng aspect medic transcription. problem exacerb fact even dictat physician frequent difficulti plurals. cannot alway count dictat correct plural form. 8. plural form term \u201cfemur\u201d \u201cfemora.\u201d. 9. plural form \u201ccornu\u201d \u201ccornua.\u201d. 10. plural form \u201cparies\u201d \u201cparietes.\u201d. chart design provid basic rule thumb form plurals."} {"id": "10989", "contents": "foramin stenosis. foramin stenosi narrow spinal foramen, hole pass spinal nerv exit spine (foramen basic mean hole). usual form degen spine diseas occur slowli time wear tear spinal column. foramen rel small area, anyth imping area caus foramin stenosi pinch nerv insid foramen. foramin stenosi gener occur set degen diseas spine, present primari problem patients."} {"id": "10990", "contents": "foramen exist level spine one side. level, spinal nerve, nerv come spinal cord, pass foramen. foramen rel small area, anyth imping area caus foramin stenosi pinch nerv insid foramen. insur carriers. foramin stenosi narrow spinal foramen, hole pass spinal nerv exit spine (foramen basic mean hole). usual form degen spine diseas occur slowli time wear tear spinal colum"} {"id": "10991", "contents": "sacral foramina, posterior eight passag (four side) dorsal surfac sacrum posterior branch sacral nerves. scarpa' foramen open behind upper medial incisor, nasopalatin nerve. foramen rotun\u00b4dum round open great wing sphenoid maxillari branch trigemin nerve. sacral foramina, anterior eight passag (four side) pelvic surfac sacrum"} {"id": "10992", "contents": "2. foramen, opening, midlin palat region premaxilla maxilla join, situat palat maxillari central incisors; contain branch right left nasopalatin vessel nerve. open occipit bone spinal cord enter spinal column. foramen, mandibular, open medial aspect vertic ramu mandibl approxim midway mandibular gonial notches; may locat posterior middl ramus."} {"id": "10993", "contents": "ethmoid foramina, fora\u00b4mina ethmoida\u00b4lia small open ethmoid bone junction medial wall roof orbit, anterior transmit nasal branch ophthalm nerv anterior ethmoid vessels, posterior transmit posterior ethmoid vessels. foramen rotun\u00b4dum round open great wing sphenoid maxillari branch trigemin nerve. sacral foramina, anterior eight passag (four side) pelvic surfac sacrum anterior branch sacral nerves."} {"id": "10994", "contents": "foramen exist level spine one side. level, spinal nerve, nerv come spinal cord, pass foramen. foramen rel small area, anyth imping area caus foramin stenosi pinch nerv insid foramen. foramin stenosi gener occur set degen diseas spine, present primari problem patients."} {"id": "10995", "contents": "irregular plural noun noun made plural way. noun citi made plural drop ending-i adding-i end word. plural form citi cities, irregular plural. noun without plural one singular plural exampl sheep research mani abstract concept (bravery, patriotism) fall ategory. more, specif locat noun never plural, france, chicago, stonehenge."} {"id": "10996", "contents": "yes, noun singular plural form. plural noun word two people, places, thing (one appl two apples; one egg dozen eggs; one child two children). noun call uncount (or mass nouns). noun without plural one singular plural exampl sheep research mani abstract concept (bravery, patriotism) fall ategory. more, specif locat noun never plural, france, chicago, stonehenge."} {"id": "10997", "contents": "life assur polici provid person insur life. term insur assur often heard refer financi product sold company. word use refer packag provid sum money return premium paid safeguard object. so, anyth happen said thing, person, etc., loss would incur company, either fulli partially. now, life insur contract compani insur compani provid insured\u2019 famili amount sum death insured."} {"id": "10998", "contents": "key difference: insur term mean guarante safeguard object, person anyth stated. term insur assur often heard refer financi product sold company. so, anyth happen said thing, person, etc., loss would incur company, either fulli partially. now, life insur contract compani insur compani provid insured\u2019 famili amount sum death insured."} {"id": "10999", "contents": "prudenti plc british multin life insur financi servic compani headquart london, unit kingdom. found london may 1848 prudenti mutual assur invest loan associ provid loan profession work people. septemb 2014, purchas kenyan life insur shield assurance, rebrand compani prudenti kenya. prudenti primari list london stock exchang constitu ftse 100 index."} {"id": "11000", "contents": "life insur provid insur cover specif period time (known policy' term). then, die whilst polici force, insur compani pay tax-fre sum. insur companies, addit termin bonu awarded. also specialis form life assur call whole life. polici remain forc long live such, preset term. also practic differ internet user."} {"id": "11001", "contents": "life assur different. hybrid mix invest insurance. life assur polici pay sum equal higher either guarante minimum underwritten policy' insur provis invest valuation. insur companies, addit termin bonu awarded. also specialis form life assur call whole life. polici remain forc long live such, preset term. also practic differ internet user."} {"id": "11002", "contents": "annual renew term one-year policy, insur compani guarante issu polici equal lesser amount regardless insur applicant, premium set applicant' age time. modern life insur polici establish earli 18th century. first compani offer life insur amic societi perpetu assur office, found london 1706 william talbot sir thoma allen."} {"id": "11003", "contents": "insur person entiti cover insur policy. insur entiti (insur company)that pay to, behalf, insur cover ed loss. cover polici set forth insur policy."} {"id": "11004", "contents": "olivia. insur vs assurance. insur assur sound similar; word insur assur commonli use compani sell financi products. two term insur assur confus financi world. come choos financi product insur compani safeguard interest person object, mani compani prefer use word assur insur use others. insur assur financi product offer compani oper commerci late distinct two increasingli becom blur two taken somewhat similar. however, subtl differ two follow"} {"id": "11005", "contents": "confid vote 540. assur insur 1. financi discourse, follow hold: english, customari refer assur protect financi loss aris life contingencies. examples: life assurance, health assurance, disabl assurance. insur entiti (insur company)that pay to, behalf, insur cover ed loss. cover polici set forth insur policy."} {"id": "11006", "contents": "costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $530-$1,875, averag payment $953."} {"id": "11007", "contents": "price dental crown rang $500 $2,500 per crown depend upon materi used, locat tooth geograph location. averag cost crown $825, without dental insur coverage. cheapest cost dental crown $500 simpl metal crown. dental crown specif shape shell fit damag broken teeth either cosmet structur purposes."} {"id": "11008", "contents": "peopl insur typic paid $520 $1,140 pocket averag $882 per crown. without insur gener paid $830 $2,465 per crown averag cost $1,350."} {"id": "11009", "contents": "term cost, right jublia expensive. need appli daili 48 weeks...and cost $450 ml bottl last week one big toenail. insur give good price it, afford mani people."} {"id": "11010", "contents": "gait disord type abnorm impair individual' abil walk normally. cerebr palsi caus mani patient develop abnorm skelet structur and/or muscl tone, mani patient difficulti walking, manifest as: bowlegs. clubfoot."} {"id": "11011", "contents": "diagnosi function gait disord usual made neurologist. difficult diagnosi make requir expert knowledg full rang movement disord due neurolog disease, mani unusu even bizarre. 1. drag gait function leg weakness. one common function gait disord \u2018dragging\u2019 gait seen patient function weak one leg. read function leg weak here. peopl kind leg weak find leg drag along ground. doesnt often look dramat"} {"id": "11012", "contents": "gait abnorm deviat normal walk (gait). watch patient walk import part neurolog examination. normal gait requir mani systems, includ strength, sensat coordination, function integr fashion. mani common problem nervou system musculoskelet system show way person walks."} {"id": "11013", "contents": "gait disorder, abnorm manner style walking, usual result neuromuscular, arthritic, bodi changes. body' center graviti may chang years, caus chang degre knee flexion need maintain one' balanc walking. individu neuromuscular disord walk shuffl gait move lurch actions. time gait disord may result medic caus confus loss coordin eye ear disturb affect sens balanc"} {"id": "11014", "contents": "gait disorder: gait disord refer varieti disord walking. see detail inform list 52 caus gait disorder, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes. gait disorder: comorbid symptoms. comorbid associ medic symptom gait disord may includ symptoms: musculoskelet symptoms. nerv symptoms. abnorm gait. muscl"} {"id": "11015", "contents": "gait balanc disord common older adult major caus fall population. associ increas morbid mortality, well reduc level function. gait balanc disord major caus falls, predict futur fall consist identifi risk factor (likelihood ratio range, 1.7 2.4), 27 evalu gait balanc essenti step identifi person increas risk falling."} {"id": "11016", "contents": "report abuse. gait disord would mean type disord walking. could stroke diseas like ms parkinson etc. gener term per say diagnosi really."} {"id": "11017", "contents": "gait disorder: symptom checker. list combin symptom associ gait disorder, list database. visit symptom checker, add remov symptom research condition. gait disorder: comorbid symptoms. comorbid associ medic symptom gait disord may includ symptoms: musculoskelet symptoms. nerv symptoms. abnorm gait. muscl"} {"id": "11018", "contents": "evalu gait balanc disord parallel evalu fall 9, 28, 29 describ tabl 2. 28, 29, 31, 32 patient problem (e.g., foot pain) descript difficulti gait balanc (e.g., feel unsteady) help frame evalu gait balanc disorders. gait balanc disord major caus falls, predict futur fall consist identifi risk factor (likelihood ratio range, 1.7 2.4), 27 evalu gait balanc essenti step identifi person increas risk falling."} {"id": "11019", "contents": "bake 375 half hour. turn drumstick add garlic powder, pepper salt (same before). bake anoth half hour (or cook til 160 degrees)). add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour."} {"id": "11020", "contents": "roast drumstick approxim 30 40 minut oven that\u2019 preheat 425 f. make one-dish meal, roast chicken drumstick bed slice cube potato flavor veget chop kale, slice onion minc garlic. arrang drumstick singl layer broil 15 30 minutes, turn drumstick periodically. broil chicken that\u2019 season dri rub; toss oliv oil fresh herb marin two hour longer favorit marinad broil it."} {"id": "11021", "contents": "sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour. turn drumstick add garlic powder, pepper salt (same before). bake anoth half hour (or cook til 160 degrees)). add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour."} {"id": "11022", "contents": "directions. put oliv oil bottom 9x13 pan (just enough put drumstick on). add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour. add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour. turn drumstick add garlic powder, pepper salt (same before)."} {"id": "11023", "contents": "bake chicken: preheat oven 400\u00b0f. bake chicken, uncovered, 35 40 minut chicken longer pink inside. bake chicken leg 375\u00b0f. oven, desired. increas bake time 45 50 minutes. tip: accur way check chicken done insert instant-read thermomet thigh, avoid bone. read 180\u00b0f chicken done."} {"id": "11024", "contents": "pour oil 9x13 inch bake dish. add chicken dish sprinkl paprika taste. bake preheat oven 30 minutes, turn piec bake anoth 30 minutes. remov oven drain paper towels. add chicken dish sprinkl paprika taste. bake preheat oven 30 minutes, turn piec bake anoth 30 minutes."} {"id": "11025", "contents": "bake chicken legs... preheat oven 400\u00b0f. bake chicken, uncovered, 35 40 minut chicken longer pink inside. bake chicken leg 375\u00b0f. oven, desired. increas bake time 45 50 minutes. tip: accur way check chicken done insert instant-read thermomet thigh, avoid bone. read 180\u00b0f chicken done."} {"id": "11026", "contents": "bake chicken. put chicken oven set timer 30 minutes. check chicken 30 minutes. readi skin crispi golden brown, intern temperatur reach 180 degrees. use meat thermomet check temperature. use tong coat mixture. bake chicken 30 minutes. rememb use oven mitt protect hand remov pan oven. place hot pan pothold trivet."} {"id": "11027", "contents": "directions. put oliv oil bottom 9x13 pan (just enough put drumstick on). add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. bake 375 half hour. bake anoth half hour (or cook til 160 degrees)). add drumstick (space enough apart touch other). sprinkl gener pepper garlic powder. sprinkl lightli salt. bake 375 half hour. turn drumstick add garlic powder, pepper salt (same before)."} {"id": "11028", "contents": "current cost residenti solar power earli 2015 approxim 00 per instal watt averag size solar panel system 5000 watt bring total cost 15000 15k figur averag amount system cost less mostli depend upon homeown energi usag"} {"id": "11029", "contents": "2011 residenti solar system instal paid littl 80 per watt solar panel germani unit state germani instal ad 20 cost solar panel complet instal tack 36 per watt three time much"} {"id": "11030", "contents": "chart left show averag cost electr 2014 consum group per eia us energi inform administr 2014 averag residenti cost 12 50 cent per kilo watt hour 2013 commerci 10 75 cent industri 01 cent"} {"id": "11031", "contents": "instal price 25 per watt cost pv solar alway cheaper coal per watt cheaper year 40 00 per watt cheaper year 80"} {"id": "11032", "contents": "67 per watt well 88 per watt gtm research said would cost build singl axi track system common least expens track design incred low cost low rate return solar asset"} {"id": "11033", "contents": "gener solar pv system gener electr sunlight cost 50 per instal watt typic larger system lower price per watt larg commerci system typic well per watt residenti system smaller size usual somewhat higher exampl ohio kw residenti system averag monthli product 530 kwh would cost approxim 19000 77 per watt"} {"id": "11034", "contents": "diseas hasbeen seriou problem mumbai southernstates. alkalin ph state provid afavor environ surviv andmultipl leptospires.in india diseas record incattle, buffalo, horse, sheep, goat dog (arora,1977; uppal singh 1982). lactat anim yellow clot milkfallow agalactia, condit ascrib as\u201c cold mastiti due obviou reason swelling.in chronic form weakness, emaciation,intermitt fever along sub-icteru andhaemorrhoges."} {"id": "11035", "contents": "survey wildlif veterinarian conduct tuberculosis, chlamydiosi influenza. chlamydiosi nigam srivastav [27], two among fifti four diseas bird caus chlamydia psittaci, wildlif veterinarian reportedli contract shed nasal discharg droppings. host-rel new speci wild anim foreign factor like species, sex, age, breed genet countri introduc zoo part wild composit make host either suscept anim exchang programm [31]. exist resist disease."} {"id": "11036", "contents": "distribut :- diseas recordedthrough major contin world. inindia, diseas report variousstates-a.p,m.p,punjab, maharashtra, bihar, haryana,kerala, tamil nadu, u.p, delhi, jammu kashmir,island andaman nicobar. lactat anim yellow clot milkfallow agalactia, condit ascrib as\u201c cold mastiti due obviou reason swelling.in chronic form weakness, emaciation,intermitt fever along sub-icteru andhaemorrhoges."} {"id": "11037", "contents": "world health organ defin conserv [2]. addit 198 zoo zoonos 'those diseas infect (includ circuses) hous sever speci wild natur transmit vertebr anim mammals, birds, amphibian reptil [2,3]. man [8]. host-rel new speci wild anim foreign factor like species, sex, age, breed genet countri introduc zoo part wild composit make host either suscept anim exchang programm [31]. exist resist disease."} {"id": "11038", "contents": "mani diseas transmit anim suscept animals, veterinarians, zoo staff bites, rabi classic example. sever visitor zoo [37]. example, outbreak mammal includ wild anim reservoir salmonellosi record visitor colorado rabies. host-rel new speci wild anim foreign factor like species, sex, age, breed genet countri introduc zoo part wild composit make host either suscept anim exchang programm [31]. exist resist disease."} {"id": "11039", "contents": "anthroponot disease, anthroponosis, infecti diseas diseas caus agent carri human transfer animals. may caus diseas differ diseas animals. sinc human gener inflict bite wound animals, method transmiss alway soft contact skin skin transmission. exampl chytridiomycosi spread human fungu skin handl frog bare hands. revers situation, diseas transmit anim humans, known zoonotic. also defin human-to-human infect anim vector"} {"id": "11040", "contents": "caso de leishmanios viscer registrado municipio de mont ... graciellen sousa, raissa; fernand santos, jessica; j\u00e9ssica, rodrigu humberto; gabriel-aversi, ferreira acta scientiarum health (sciences). uem"} {"id": "11041", "contents": "approxim 1415 infecti agent caus diseas humans, 868 (61%) known zoonot nature. also import note 70% emerg zoonot diseas wild anim reservoir hosts. host-rel new speci wild anim foreign factor like species, sex, age, breed genet countri introduc zoo part wild composit make host either suscept anim exchang programm [31]. exist resist disease."} {"id": "11042", "contents": "diagnosi :- due divers clinic present ofth disease, essenti laboratori playa role diagnosis. histori clinic symptomsplay major role tent diagnosi orpresumpt diagnosi disease. lactat anim yellow clot milkfallow agalactia, condit ascrib as\u201c cold mastiti due obviou reason swelling.in chronic form weakness, emaciation,intermitt fever along sub-icteru andhaemorrhoges."} {"id": "11043", "contents": "(unit states). averag wage physic therapist assist $24.54 per hour. highest pay skill associ job home health/hom care long term care. peopl job move posit 20 year career."} {"id": "11044", "contents": "physic therapist salari usa. physic therapist receiv averag hourli wage rang $24.73 $35.40 per hour increas $32.70 $51.24 per hour overtime. averag yearli salari rang physic therapist rang $50,645 $82,036 per annum. accord u.s. bureau labor statistic, median hourli wage physic therapist rang $29.31 $44.99 per hour, averag hourli wage rang $31.55 $49.07 per hour."} {"id": "11045", "contents": "averag salary: $58,720 per year. averag annual salari pta unit state $58,720, 33% lower pt salary. pay pta $4,893 per month, $1,129 per week $28.23 per hour. certifi pta earn least $38,520 year, mean $18.52 per hour $3,210 per month. home healthcar one best-pay industry, make $65,300 year $31.39 per hour. second largest state usa: texa best state."} {"id": "11046", "contents": "averag pt salary: $86,520 per year. averag annual salari physic therapist unit state $86,520, 103% higher averag incom americans. median pay pt $7,210 per month, $1,663 per week $41.59 per hour. certifi pt earn least $60,600 year, mean $29.13 per hour $5,050 per month. salari range. certifi pt earn least $60,600 year, mean $29.13 per hour $5,050 per month. senior make averag $120,000 year depend location, experience, etc."} {"id": "11047", "contents": "accord bls, averag hourli wage yearli salari earn lowest 10th percentil physic therapist around $26.30 per hour $54,710 per year wherea 90th percentil receiv $53.21 per hour $110,670 per annum. accord u.s. bureau labor statistic, median hourli wage physic therapist rang $29.31 $44.99 per hour, averag hourli wage rang $31.55 $49.07 per hour."} {"id": "11048", "contents": "averag annual salari physic therapist assist (pta) around $58,720 per year. salari 33 percent lower salari physic therapist (pt). pta, earn around $4,893 per month. expect around $1,129 per week around $28.23 per hour. salari certifi pta around $38,520 per year. so, averag monthli salari around $3,210 $18.52 per hour. physic therapist assist salari state. physic therapist assist get best payment texas. averag annual incom prevail state around $69,870 per year. 19% higher median salari pt assistants."} {"id": "11049", "contents": "averag annual salari physic therapist $76,310 per year hourli wage rang around $36.69 per hour. accord u.s. bureau labor statistic, median hourli wage physic therapist rang $29.31 $44.99 per hour, averag hourli wage rang $31.55 $49.07 per hour."} {"id": "11050", "contents": "(unit states). physic therapist assist houston, texa expect earn averag $27.36 per hour. physic therapist assist houston like work job satisfact high. major houston physic therapist assist (65 percent) took survey women. physic therapist assist houston, texa expect earn averag $27.36 per hour. physic therapist assist houston like work job satisfact high"} {"id": "11051", "contents": "thyroid gland neck import regul body' metabolism. underact thyroid, also call hypothyroidism, thyroid gland make enough thyroid hormon call thyroxine. hashimoto\u2019 disease, bodi produc antibodi attack destroy thyroid gland. caus hypothyroid include: viral infection. radiotherapi neck area. treat certain cancers, lymphoma, requir radiat neck."} {"id": "11052", "contents": "hypothyroid affect mani part body, treatment often lead normal conditions. way underact thyroid affect body: high cholesterol heart disease: hypothyroid slow body' metabol caus buildup bad cholesterol. also slow heart lead enlarg heart heart failure."} {"id": "11053", "contents": "worldwide, lack dietari iodin common caus underact thyroid, bodi need iodin make thyroxine. however, iodin defici uncommon uk. babi sometim born underact thyroid thyroid gland develop properli womb. damag thyroid, mean abl make enough hormon thyroxine, lead symptom underact thyroid. condit call hashimoto' diseas common type autoimmun reaction caus"} {"id": "11054", "contents": "hypothyroid thyroid diseas affect peopl globally. two-to three-perc american hypothyroidism; 10-15% mild hypothyroidism. hypothyroid affect women men. thyroid gland locat neck secret hormon blood, carri body\u2019 tissues. partial complet remov thyroid. portion thyroid gland surgic remov (eg, patient thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, graves\u2019 disease), caus remain thyroid tissu stop work properly\u2014and may result"} {"id": "11055", "contents": "common caus hypothyroid hashimoto\u2019 disease, autoimmun disorder. hashimoto\u2019 disease, bodi produc antibodi attack destroy thyroid gland. caus hypothyroid include: viral infection. radiotherapi neck area. treat certain cancers, lymphoma, requir radiat neck."} {"id": "11056", "contents": "underact thyroid also occur side effect complic previou treatment thyroid gland, surgeri treatment call radioact iodin therapy. treatment sometim use overact thyroid (where thyroid gland produc much hormone) thyroid cancer. damag thyroid, mean abl make enough hormon thyroxine, lead symptom underact thyroid. condit call hashimoto' diseas common type autoimmun reaction caus"} {"id": "11057", "contents": "case underact thyroid caus immun system attack thyroid gland damag it, damag occur result treatment thyroid cancer overact thyroid. damag thyroid, mean abl make enough hormon thyroxine, lead symptom underact thyroid. condit call hashimoto' diseas common type autoimmun reaction caus"} {"id": "11058", "contents": "hypothyroidism: common symptom hypothyroid includ sensit cold temperatures, mild weight gain, fatigue, constipation, small thyroid gland, enlarg neck, dri skin, hair loss, muscl cramps, heavi irregular menstruation, difficulti think concentrating. thyroid butterfly-shap gland locat base neck produc thyroid hormone, help regul metabolism. cases, thyroid problem may caus visibl lump neck, indic enlarg cyst, nodul goiter thyroid."} {"id": "11059", "contents": "iodin level also affect thyroid hormon production. thyroid need iodin make thyroid hormone. imbal iodine\u2014too much little\u2014can caus make hypothyroid worse. iodin come body, mostli via diet, dairy, chicken, beef, pork, fish, iodiz salt. partial complet remov thyroid. portion thyroid gland surgic remov (eg, patient thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, graves\u2019 disease), caus remain thyroid tissu stop work properly\u2014and may result hypothyroidism."} {"id": "11060", "contents": "common caus hypothyroid hashimoto' thyroiditis. thyroid inflamm thyroid gland. hashimoto' thyroid autoimmun disorder. hashimoto\u2019s, bodi produc antibodi attack destroy thyroid gland. thyroid may also caus viral infection. caus hypothyroid include: radiat therapi neck area. treat certain cancers, lymphoma, requir radiat neck"} {"id": "11061", "contents": "anaerob threshold: definition, physiolog signific identification. wasserman k. exercise, oxygen consumpt aerob energi product supplement anaerob mechanisms, caus sustain increas lactat metabol acidosis, term anaerob threshold (at). oxygen consumpt depend factor affect oxygen deliveri tissues."} {"id": "11062", "contents": "top 10 amaz movi makeup transformations. person' anaerob threshold reach bodi extrem condit burn oxygen keep body' demands. point, bodi begin burn store fuels, like sugars, instead oxygen primari fuel. word anaerob liter mean without oxygen.."} {"id": "11063", "contents": "anaerob threshold (at) term appli lactat inflect point, point appear lactat blood accumul faster rate use."} {"id": "11064", "contents": "anaerob threshold. anaerob threshold (at), also call \u201clactat threshold,\u201d exert level aerob anaerob training. point exercis bodi must switch aerob anaerob metabolism."} {"id": "11065", "contents": "person' anaerob threshold reach bodi extrem condit burn oxygen keep body' demands. point, bodi begin burn store fuels, like sugars, instead oxygen primari fuel. word anaerob liter mean without oxygen.."} {"id": "11066", "contents": "anaerob threshold (at), point lactic acid start accumul muscles, consid somewher 85% 90% maximum heart rate (hrmax)"} {"id": "11067", "contents": "anaerob threshold (at) physiolog point exercis lactic acid start accumul muscles, occur around point increas intens exercis anaerob process becom dominant."} {"id": "11068", "contents": "coleoptile. first leaf cereal grasses, blade consist close tubule. colorless, green, reddish. coleoptil enclos protect young sprout, plumule, grow point stem. penetr soil hard apex, ruptures; caus grain sprout. new leaf emerg top coleoptile."} {"id": "11069", "contents": "tip shoot call coleoptile. coleoptil protect point emerg shoot, part penetr soil. coleoptil one-half three-fourth inch length contain miniature, five-leaf plant."} {"id": "11070", "contents": "definit coleoptile. first leaf monocotyledon form protect sheath plumule."} {"id": "11071", "contents": "coleoptile. (science: plant biology) close hollow cylind sheath leaf like tissu surround protect plumul (shoot axi young leaves) grass seedlings. pleas contribut project, inform term feel free edit page."} {"id": "11072", "contents": "coleoptile. coleorhiza. conic protect sheath enclos plumul monocot seed. undifferenti sheath enclos radicl root cap monocot seed. come soil, turn green perform photosynthesis."} {"id": "11073", "contents": "coleoptil rigid piec plant tissu enclos first leav (or plumule) corn seedl mesocotyl elong push coleoptil soil surfac emerg process. click imag open larger version. closeup corn coleoptile."} {"id": "11074", "contents": "flush draw flop. flop two card suit (spades), mean maximum number suit card player could point four. player four suit card he\u2019 said \u201con flush draw\u201d, could two opportun hit flush turn river."} {"id": "11075", "contents": "(19:19) hand hit nut flush draw flop aa head up. 3bet utg raiser sb. utg calls, flop. combos, play aa ]. (22:59) hand play tpgk 2nd nut flush draw vs preflop limper ip."} {"id": "11076", "contents": "bunch limpers/min-raises, hero call bb. player flop, flop k. 19:19) hand hit nut flush draw flop aa head up. 3bet utg raiser sb. utg calls, flop. combos, play aa ]. (22:59) hand play tpgk 2nd nut flush draw vs preflop limper ip."} {"id": "11077", "contents": "tabl #3 poker odd chart. see table, you\u2019r hold flush draw flop (9 outs) 19.1% chanc hit turn express odds, you\u2019r 4.22-to-1 against. odd slightli better turn river, much better card still come."} {"id": "11078", "contents": "example, 20% chanc hit (such flush draw) would following; 80% 20% 4, thu 4-to-1. examples: 25% chanc 75 25 (thus, 3-to-1 odds). 30% chanc 70 30 2.33 (thus, 2.3"} {"id": "11079", "contents": "explanation: 11-in-50 chanc first flop card flush card 10-in-49 chanc 2nd flop card flush card. 39-in-48 chanc third flop card flush card. multipli differ possibl flop flush cards."} {"id": "11080", "contents": "flop number flush out (13-4)x 36%. turn number flush out (13-4)x 18%. obvious nake flush draw good hand move all-in flop sinc like much stronger hand oppon rais you."} {"id": "11081", "contents": "utg calls, flop. combos, play aa ]. (22:59) hand play tpgk 2nd nut flush draw vs preflop limper ip. rais limper from. q, limper calls. flop. 25:54) hand play nut flush vs. player flop mp. handed, call rais 7, player go flop."} {"id": "11082", "contents": "sever acut respiratori syndrom (sars) viral respiratori ill first report asia februari 2003. next month ill spread two dozen countri north america, south america, europe, asia. juli 2003, total 192 sar case report unit states, includ 159 suspect 33 probabl cases; 33 probabl case laboratori evid sar virus."} {"id": "11083", "contents": "addition, possibl sar viru might spread broadli air way yet known. incub period (the time exposur sar viru onset symptoms) typic two seven days, although case may long 10 days. inform suggest peopl sar like infecti symptom fever cough. juli 2003, total 192 sar case report unit states, includ 159 suspect 33 probabl cases; 33 probabl case laboratori evid sar virus."} {"id": "11084", "contents": "time exposur sars-cov onset symptom call incub period.. incub period sar typic days, although case may long 10 days. small proport cases, incub period 14 day reported. droplet spread happen droplet cough sneez infect person propel short distanc (gener feet) air deposit mucou membran mouth, nose, eye person nearby."} {"id": "11085", "contents": "april 16, 2003, follow outbreak sar asia secondari case elsewher world, world health organ (who) issu press releas state coronaviru identifi number laboratori offici caus sars. sever cases, develop respiratori failur acut respiratori distress syndrom (ards), 70-90% cases, develop lymphopenia (low count lymphocyt white blood cells). incub period sars-cov 2\u201310 days, sometim last 13 days, mean days. symptom usual develop 2\u201310 day follow infect virus. part immun response, igm antibodi sars-cov produc"} {"id": "11086", "contents": "two seven days, sar patient may develop dry, nonproduct cough might accompani progress condit (hypoxia) person suffici oxygen. 10 percent 20 percent cases, patient requir mechan ventilation. patient develop pneumonia. avail inform suggest peopl sar like infecti symptoms, fever cough. however, precaut spread disease, peopl sar stay home 10 day symptom longer present."} {"id": "11087", "contents": "primari way sar appear spread close person-to-person contact. sars-cov thought transmit readili respiratori droplet (droplet spread) produc infect person cough sneezes. droplet spread happen droplet cough sneez infect person propel short distanc (gener feet) air deposit mucou membran mouth, nose, eye person nearby."} {"id": "11088", "contents": "expos sars, long would take becom sick? time exposur sar viru onset symptom call incub period. incub period sar typic two seven days, although case may long 10 days. sar caus viru member coronaviru group. coronavirus group virus halo crown-lik (corona) appear view electron microscope."} {"id": "11089", "contents": "time exposur viru onset sar symptom call incub period. incub period sar typic two seven days, although cases, may long 10 days. small proport cases, incub period 14 day report"} {"id": "11090", "contents": "accord bls, best-pay state pest control technician massachusetts, averag $41,940 may 2012. averag district columbia $41,310, $41,020 wyoming. pest control technician earn averag annual salari $40,890 washington $40,360 montana. wage statist employ type. although major nation' pest control technician provid servic resid buildings, averag annual salari $31,890 make bureau' list five best-pay industries."} {"id": "11091", "contents": "salari industri tabl provid averag hourli averag annual wage pest control worker state metropolitan area view figur metropolitan area citi given state click name state state"} {"id": "11092", "contents": "state govern paid averag $41,650. pest control technician work facil support servic averag $41,020. categori food manufactur exclud miller grain oilse manufactur anim feeds; industri report annual averag salari $38,770. wage statist employ type. although major nation' pest control technician provid servic resid buildings, averag annual salari $31,890 make bureau' list five best-pay industries."} {"id": "11093", "contents": "salari range. averag salari extermin $15.43 per hour may 2009, $32,100 per year, accord bls. middl 50 percent extermin earn $11.98 $18.01 per hour, $24,930 $37,460 per year. bottom 10 percent extermin salari $9.74 per hour less, top 10 percent make $22.25 per hour higher, $46,290 per year more. 86 percent extermin work directli extermin pest control services, note bls."} {"id": "11094", "contents": "median annual wage pest control worker $30,060 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $19,540, top 10 percent earn $47,770. pest control worker employ full time. work even weekend common"} {"id": "11095", "contents": "may 2012 report bureau labor statist gave median salari pest control technician $30,060 per year. equat hourli rate $14.45. approxim 10 percent earn $19,540 annually, 10 percent earn least $47,770. wage statist employ type. although major nation' pest control technician provid servic resid buildings, averag annual salari $31,890 make bureau' list five best-pay industries."} {"id": "11096", "contents": "pest control worker salary. pest control worker averag salari $29,006, median salari $30,337 salari rang $20,800 $33,923. pest control worker salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. pest control worker salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "11097", "contents": "averag salari extermin florida $14 per hour, $29,120 per year. round top five state extermin per capita alabama, averag hourli pay rate $12.94, south carolina $14.15, georgia $15.69 louisiana $13.69. bottom 10 percent extermin salari $9.74 per hour less, top 10 percent make $22.25 per hour higher, $46,290 per year more. 86 percent extermin work directli extermin pest control services, note bls."} {"id": "11098", "contents": "answers. best answer: well, term financi advisor mean one mani things, i'll assum refer financi planner invest advisor. compens compar physicians. rare truli success advisor make incom less six figures, $150k-$300k norm. mani highli success advisor annual incom high six even seven-figur range."} {"id": "11099", "contents": "2011, 44 percent client advisor\u2019 book held less $100,000 invest assets. number decreas 35 percent 2013. advisor trim clients, account $100,000 frequent transfer rooki advisor firm\u2019 call center. 2."} {"id": "11100", "contents": "wage growth. u.s. bureau labor statist report financi advisor field grow much faster average, 30 percent 2008 2018. may 2008, median annual wage $69,050. middl 50 percent earn $46,390 $119,290 annually."} {"id": "11101", "contents": "median annual earnings, includ bonuses, wage salari financi analyst $66,590 may 2006. middl 50 percent earn $50,700 $90,690. lowest 10 percent earn less $40,340, highest 10 percent earn $130,130. bonus mani financi analyst receiv addit salari signific part total earnings. know financi advisor make around $3,000 dollar month know financi advisor make $40,000 month even smaller bank program like wamu invest well fargo investments."} {"id": "11102", "contents": "middl 50 percent earn $50,700 $90,690. lowest 10 percent earn less $40,340, highest 10 percent earn $130,130. bonus mani financi analyst receiv addit salari signific part total earnings. bottom 1/2 (mostli newbi less 10 year industry) make averag $40,000 $70,000 per year. asid one successful, averag compens financi advisor wirehous $60k year."} {"id": "11103", "contents": "top 25% make $600,000 year. bottom 1/2 (mostli newbi less 10 year industry) make averag $40,000 $70,000 per year. asid one successful, averag compens financi advisor wirehous $60k year."} {"id": "11104", "contents": "even much less $500,000 savings, still save thousand dollar reduc fee pay investments. example, $100,000 save instead $500,000, could save $14,548 10 year pay 25 basi point instead 125 basi points. let' see much money accumul 10 year two scenarios, assum make withdrawals: invest advisor, net earn rate 3.75 percent per year (5 percent minu 1.25 percent). case, 10 years, $500,000 would worth $722,522."} {"id": "11105", "contents": "fee base advisor, financi advisor charg percentag base assets. rang anywher 0.75% 1.5%. instance, asset worth $100,000, advisor would charg around $10,000 annually. accord websit adviceiq.com, averag rate financi advisor cost $200 $500 per hour, total $5,000 complet consult plan session. fee base advisor, financi advisor charg percentag base asset"} {"id": "11106", "contents": "median annual earn wage salari person financi advisor $66,120 may 2006. middl 50 percent earn $44,130 $114,260. lowest 10 percent earn less $32,340 highest 10 percent earn $145,600. bottom 1/2 (mostli newbi less 10 year industry) make averag $40,000 $70,000 per year. asid one successful, averag compens financi advisor wirehous $60k year."} {"id": "11107", "contents": "feder grant cooper agreement act set guid govern agenc use feder fund particularli distinguish contracts, cooper agreement grants. contracts, law states, award feder agenc acquir someth service, example."} {"id": "11108", "contents": "condit grant agreement like contract sign parti contain specif condit spend approv budget."} {"id": "11109", "contents": "grant agreement gener foundation' staff within four six week approv grant. sign repres foundat sent contract signatori design full proposal."} {"id": "11110", "contents": "download sampl grant agreement better understand type requir may associ receipt grant."} {"id": "11111", "contents": "grant agreement consist two parts, narr describ gener condit grant term sheet detail specif expect grante foundat regard particular grant."} {"id": "11112", "contents": "grant agreement contain term appli grant. stock grant agreement form compani use grant equiti award. grant agreement form print certif letter onlin documents."} {"id": "11113", "contents": "although grant agreement standard provis participants, size grant specif term differ among individu compani (see relat faq provis negotiable). also contain term specif you, noncompet provisions."} {"id": "11114", "contents": "agre term condit grant agreement, pleas sign return document knight foundation. self-address envelop enclos convenience. pleas keep copi sign document grant files."} {"id": "11115", "contents": "grant agreement eu standard contract defin basic condit project financing. apart conditions, stipul main bodi contract, grant agreement consist follow annexes:"} {"id": "11116", "contents": "new condit grant agreement requir year project tie approv propos year."} {"id": "11117", "contents": "constant variat also slope line repres relationship input output constant variat constant variat cite articl constant variat"} {"id": "11118", "contents": "correctli identifi constant let think word constant mean begin let find common phrase form word constant use constant pain one never chang never goe away least without medic help look mean english counterpart math vocabulari see similar help us defin term"} {"id": "11119", "contents": "lesson discuss mean word constant well defin guid lesson deriv definit exampl previou knowledg show recogn pick constant valu given express constant pain one never chang never goe away least without medic help look mean english counterpart math vocabulari see similar help us defin term"} {"id": "11120", "contents": "mathemat adject constant mean non vari noun constant may two differ mean may refer fix well defin number mathemat object term mathemat constant also physic constant sometim use distinguish mean one"} {"id": "11121", "contents": "watch http www youtub com ehoweduc constant ratio talk ratio two variabl get definit constant ratio mathemat help longtim mathemat educ free video clip expert jimmi chang"} {"id": "11122", "contents": "constant pain one never chang never goe away least without medic help look mean english counterpart math vocabulari see similar help us defin term"} {"id": "11123", "contents": "constant differ concept deriv comparison concept concept applic problem deal equal quantiti transfer transfer two variabl concern leav two variabl equal increas decreas valu"} {"id": "11124", "contents": "constant euler number mathemat constant constant real irrat number 718281828459 definit properti reciproc deriv integr base logarithm exponenti function"} {"id": "11125", "contents": "mathemat constant special number usual real number significantli interest way constant aris mani area mathemat constant occur divers context geometri number theori calculu constant pi natur definit euclidean geometri ratio circumfer diamet circl may found mani place mathemat exampl gaussian integr complex analysi root uniti number theori cauchi distribut probabl"} {"id": "11126", "contents": "watch http www youtub com ehoweduc constant rate bit circular definit import nonetheless learn mean constant rate math help longtim mathemat educ free video clip expert jimmi chang"} {"id": "11127", "contents": "pregnanc discrimin act. pregnanc discrimin act (pda), 1978 amend titl vii civil right act 1964, prohibit workplac discrimin basi pregnancy. act pass revers suprem court' decis gener electr compani v. gilbert (1976) suprem court held titl vii' prohibit sex discrimin includ ban pregnancy-bas discrimination."} {"id": "11128", "contents": "entir document cite 29cfr 1604.10, \u201cemploy polici relat pregnanc childbirth.\u201d. pregnanc discrimin act amend titl vii civil right act 1964. discrimin basi pregnancy, childbirth, relat medic condit constitut unlaw sex discrimin titl vii, cover employ 15 employees, includ state local governments."} {"id": "11129", "contents": "civil right act 1964 (pub.l. 88\u2013352, 78 stat. 241, enact juli 2, 1964) landmark piec civil right legisl unit state outlaw discrimin base race, color, religion, sex, nation origin. 1972, congress pass equal employ opportun act. act amend titl vii gave eeoc author initi enforc litigation. eeoc play major role guid judici interpret civil right legislation."} {"id": "11130", "contents": "editor' note: follow text titl vii civil right act 1964 (pub. l. 88-352) (titl vii), amended, appear volum 42 unit state code, begin section 2000e. titl vii prohibit employ discrimin base race, color, religion, sex nation origin. civil right act 1991 (pub. l. 102-166) (cra) lili ledbett fair pay act 2009 (pub. l. 111-2) amend sever section titl vii."} {"id": "11131", "contents": "pregnanc discrimin act (1978). ruth colker. 1978 congress amend titl vii civil right act 1964 enact pregnanc discrimin act (pda) (p.l. 95-555, 92 stat. 2076). act pass revers suprem court' decis gener electr compani v. gilbert (1976) suprem court held titl vii' prohibit sex discrimin includ ban pregnancy-bas discrimination."} {"id": "11132", "contents": "pregnanc discrimin act 1978. act. amend titl vii civil right act 1964 prohibit sex discrimin basi pregnancy. enact senat hous repres unit state america congress assembled, section 701 civil right act 1964 amend ad end thereof follow new subsection:"} {"id": "11133", "contents": "complet classif act code, see short titl note set section 2000a titl tables. execut order 11478, amended, refer subsecs. (c) (e), set note section 2000e title. 1991 subsec. (c). (e), mean pub. l. 88-352, juli 2, 1964, 78 stat. 241, amended, known civil right act 1964, classifi princip subchapt ii ix chapter (sec. 2000a et seq.)."} {"id": "11134", "contents": "titl vii act, codifi subchapt vi chapter 21 titl 42 unit state code, prohibit discrimin cover employ basi race, color, religion, sex nation origin (see 42 u.s.c. 2000e-2). 1972, congress pass equal employ opportun act. act amend titl vii gave eeoc author initi enforc litigation. eeoc play major role guid judici interpret civil right legislation."} {"id": "11135", "contents": "pregnanc discrimin act 1978 unit state feder statute. amend titl vii civil right act 1964 prohibit sex discrimin basi pregnancy.. act cover discrimin basi pregnancy, childbirth, relat medic conditions.. appli employ 15 employees. law pass direct respons unit state suprem court decis gener electr compani v. gilbert, held pregnanc discrimin form sex discrimin civil right act 1964."} {"id": "11136", "contents": "believ 10 fact people. aortographi diagnost tool use contrast dye evalu arteri blood flow. also known angiogram, aortographi commonli perform assess arteri function aorta, run length one\u2019 trunk heart abdomen. risk associ aortography. anytim introduc foreign substanc body, contrast dye, chanc allerg reaction. site cathet posit may bruise, bleed becom infected."} {"id": "11137", "contents": "oct 21 2009, 12:30 pm. common way perform abdomin aortographi bilater lower extrem run-off (contrast run lower extremitie(s) two cathet placements. example, cathet advanc common femor access supraren aorta, abdomin aortographi performed. cathet reposit aortic bifurcation, lower extrem run-off (contrast inject run lower limb(s) performed."} {"id": "11138", "contents": "aortography, procedur known, diagnost test use provid care provid inform shape, structure, size, posit aorta patient' body. test perform radiolog suit clinic hospital, take around hour. 10 extrem place earth. aortogram imag aorta, largest arteri body, acquir inject radiopaqu substanc patient use medic imag equip snap seri pictures."} {"id": "11139", "contents": "addit payment may obtain abdomin aortographi perform session left heart cath aortographi aortic root document indic intent abdomin aortographi treat differ problem."} {"id": "11140", "contents": "aortography. aortogram involv placement cathet aorta inject contrast materi take x-ray aorta. advantag aortogram diagnosi aortic dissect delin extent involv aorta branch vessel diagnos aortic insufficiency. disadvantag aortogram invas procedur requir use iodin contrast material."} {"id": "11141", "contents": "procedur known aortography. angiographi arteriographi medic imag techniqu use visual inside, lumen, blood vessel organ body, particular interest arteries, vein heart chambers. best answer: angiogram non-specif term test dye inject blood vessel x-ray taken look blockag arteries. aortographi basic angiogram aorta. aorta largest vessel bodi arteri branch off. mani type angiograms. example, angiogram heart refer coronari angiogram cardiac catheterization. anoth exampl angiogram arteri brain refer cerebr angiogram"} {"id": "11142", "contents": "aortography. definitions: 1. radiograph imag aorta branches, portion aorta, inject contrast medium. 2. imag aorta ultrasound magnet resonance. definit inform aortographi provid stedman's. search medic dictionari here."} {"id": "11143", "contents": "eszopiclon design schedul iv control substanc april 2005 feder register. use conjunct prescript nonprescript sleep aids, pregnant women, patient known psychiatr ill without medic supervision. fda approv lunesta base result six clinic trial enrol total 2100 subject chronic transient insomnia. fda' decis approv lunesta long-term treatment insomnia base six-month, double-blind, placebo-control trial enrol 788 subjects."} {"id": "11144", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: yes, lunesta control substance. schedul iv medication. possibl person abus becom depend it. use sleep agent. medic fall categori use reason ambien, sonata. yes, schedul iv http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/lunest... control substanc class lunesta schedul iv control substanc control substanc act.."} {"id": "11145", "contents": "lunesta schedul iv control substanc control substanc act. substanc classif benzodiazepin nonbenzodiazepin hypnot zaleplon zolpidem. placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinic trial elderly, 3.8% 208 patient receiv placebo, 2.3% 215 patient receiv mg lunesta, 1.4% 72 patient receiv mg lunesta discontinu treatment due advers reaction."} {"id": "11146", "contents": "a: lunesta (eszopiclone) classifi sedative-hypnotic. statement print directli manufactur lunesta medic guide. accord manufacturer, lunesta feder control substanc (c-iv) abus lead dependence. a: lunesta (eszopiclone) classifi nonbenzodiazepin hypnotic. lunesta approv treatment insomnia. import take medic exactli prescrib physician. consid stop lunesta, talk physician first."} {"id": "11147", "contents": "lunesta (eszopiclone) indic treatment insomnia. control outpati sleep laboratori studies, lunesta administ bedtim decreas sleep latenc improv sleep maintenance. clinic studies, lunesta proven effect help major insomnia patient fall asleep stay asleep hours. bring rest night lunesta (eszopiclone) help insomnia patient fall asleep stay asleep wake feel rested. clinic studies, lunesta proven effect help major insomnia patient fall asleep stay asleep hours. individu result may vary."} {"id": "11148", "contents": "unit state eszopiclon schedul iv control substanc control substanc act. use benzodiazepin similar benzodiazepine-lik drug eszopiclon may lead physic psycholog dependence. eszopiclon (lunesta) along z-drug includ zolpidem (ambien), zaleplon (sonata) commonli prescrib sed hypnot unit states."} {"id": "11149", "contents": "indication. lunesta\u00ae (eszopiclone) prescript sleep medicin use adult treatment sleep problem call insomnia. symptom insomnia includ troubl fall asleep wake often night. encourag report neg side effect prescript drug fda."} {"id": "11150", "contents": "lunesta use adult treatment sleep problem call insomnia. symptom insomnia include: troubl fall asleep wake often night lunesta children. lunesta feder control substanc (c-iv) abus lead dependence. keep lunesta safe place prevent misus abuse."} {"id": "11151", "contents": "1. lunesta sedative-hypnot (sleep) medicine. lunesta use adult treatment sleep problem call insomnia. symptom insomnia include: troubl fall asleep wake often night lunesta children. lunesta feder control substanc (c-iv) abus lead dependence. keep lunesta safe place prevent misus abu"} {"id": "11152", "contents": "next, take sell price subtract per soda cost realiz gross profit. sell 20 oz soda $1.25 make $1.03 gross profit attribut na/bev cost soda $0.22 $1.25 17.6% (18% 20% common soda). refil let assum see 60% soda-buy guest get refil"} {"id": "11153", "contents": "14.5k views. bottle/can plastic wrapper make cost cents. coke syrup carbon add 10 cent cost ship handl cost increas cost 25c. approxim 40 50 cent per can. cost vari everi country, estim usa"} {"id": "11154", "contents": "order make 60 liters, you\u2019d need them, would cost $25 dollars. add cost one co2 cartridg ($15), need spend $40 make 60 liters. divid those, cost per liter flavor sodastream drink come roughli 0.67 cent per liter. comparatively, silverstein found averag liter bottl gener cola cost $0.89, save $0.22 per liter make flavor drink sodastream ($0.89-$0.67=$0.22)."} {"id": "11155", "contents": "devic cost $80 $200 depend model. one co2 cartridg cost $17 cole valley hardwar sf. $17 cartridg produc 60 liter water ($0.28 per liter). buy carbon come bundl cartridge, \u201cdevic only\u201d upfront cost carbon realli $63 $183 (purchas price less co2 cartridge). one neat thing sodastream add flavor carbon water make soda. soda expens sure save money way! bottl flavor syrup cost $5 make 12 liter soda. add carbon costs, make soda $0.70 per liter"} {"id": "11156", "contents": "figur soda cost need uncov cost per ounc appli soda size offer. use 20 oz beverag calculation. know get 3,782.4 oz gallon bib divid quantiti 3,782.4 oz $50 bib cost. sell 20 oz soda $1.25 make $1.03 gross profit attribut na/bev cost soda $0.22 $1.25 17.6% (18% 20% common soda)."} {"id": "11157", "contents": "60-75cent 60-75cent 60-75cent soda pop might cost 50-1.00 accord size. cost soda pop 1955 10 cents. today singl soda pop cost dollar depend bought."} {"id": "11158", "contents": "list italian babi boy names. check list italian babi boy names. list top italian babi boy name provid great select popular italian babi boy names. great select"} {"id": "11159", "contents": "recent data releas italian nation institut statist (istat) show popular girls\u2019 name short simple. top ten femal name sofia, giulia, martina, giorgia, sara, emma, aurora, chiara, alic alessia. popular foreign name babi girl includ michelle, deborah, emily, jennifer, jasmine, ashley, jessica, erika, chanel sharon."} {"id": "11160", "contents": "list italian babi names, italian babi boy name (male), girl name (female) italian name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list italian babi name reference/idea name kid/child."} {"id": "11161", "contents": "even rossi common last name itali (over 68'000 families), name mario rossi (the italian equival john doe) common name; find common name surnames:"} {"id": "11162", "contents": "top 10 italian last names. shankar pandiath. surnam ad baptism name belong member family. given breakdown ten popular surnam throughout italy."} {"id": "11163", "contents": "alessandro prefer emilia-romagna sardinia. girls, sofia popular name half italian regions, giulia top girl\u2019 name regions. campania sicili prefer littl differ"} {"id": "11164", "contents": "top 20 italian babi names. name child base popular (or lack thereof) name one strategi parent take name baby. name child quintilio, may never meet anoth person name entir life."} {"id": "11165", "contents": "great depression, example, leagu financi pressur lower salari cap $62,500 per team, $7,000 per player, forc team trade away well paid star player order fit cap. result factors, cap rais year current figur $59.4 million 2010\u201311 season, cap $11.88 million player. cba also contain lower limit payrol range, minimum team must pay player salaries."} {"id": "11166", "contents": "averag salari among top 100 player mlb $4.5 million averag nba ($11.9 million) nearli twice much nfl ($8.9 million). however, thing littl trickier nfl includ sign bonus larg compon top player paid. follow busi insider: top 100 major leagu basebal player make averag salari $16.4 million 2015 season led lo angel dodger pitcher clayton kershaw make $30.0 million second year 7-year, $215 million contract."} {"id": "11167", "contents": "nhl hard salari cap substanti penalti player agent break rules, well teams. leagu calcul cap annual base total hockey-rel revenues, one player earn 20 percent team' cap. agreement allow sign bonus count toward cap subject limit 10 percent player' salary. addit rule exceed cap sign bonuses, effect cap low sign bonu limit. induc player sign despit this, team pay larg sign bonus player keep even team releas them. bonus affect salari cap included, prorat five years."} {"id": "11168", "contents": "advantag sign bonuses. cap limit salari team pay year, team use sign bonus instead acquir top players. portion player' sign bonu count year' cap. example, team might pay player $6 million salari given year. cap rules, leav team $6 million less pay player year. star player might unwil sign amount."} {"id": "11169", "contents": "2015 cap $10 million richer $133 million salari cap 2014, jump anoth $10 million $123 million salari cap 2013. mean nfl money spend player themselves, make some, like chicago' jay cutler, happy. first thing first:"} {"id": "11170", "contents": "negoti 2005\u201312 nhl collect bargain agreement revolv primarili around players' salaries. leagu contend club spent 75% revenu salaries; percentag far higher exist north american sports. result factors, cap rais year current figur $59.4 million 2010\u201311 season, cap $11.88 million player. cba also contain lower limit payrol range, minimum team must pay player salaries."} {"id": "11171", "contents": "futur years, player guarante 54 percent hockey-rel revenues, salari cap adjust year meet figure. players' share increas revenu rise. get 55 percent nhl revenu hit $2.2 billion, 56 percent $2.4 billion, 57 percent $2.7 billion. salari cap set $39 million per team 2005-06. also floor, team requir spend least $21.5 million player salari 2005-06. cap figur cover salari bonuses. salari cap defin amount real money team pay singl season."} {"id": "11172", "contents": "nhl salari cap formal titl upper limit payrol rang new cba. 2005\u201306 nhl season, salari cap set us$ 39 million per team, maximum $7.8 million (20% team' cap) player. result factors, cap rais year current figur $59.4 million 2010\u201311 season, cap $11.88 million player. cba also contain lower limit payrol range, minimum team must pay player salaries."} {"id": "11173", "contents": "jabez meaning. mean name jabez, nobs studi bibl name list read make sorrowful. jones' dictionari old testament proper name propos caus pain. state above, bdb theolog dictionari declar mean unknown."} {"id": "11174", "contents": "mean sorrow hebrew. name charact old testament bless god."} {"id": "11175", "contents": "mean jabez. isra name. israeli, name jabez means-sorrow pessimist hard-work tolerant. origin name jabez include-israeli, hebrew.th name jabez often use boy name male name. isra name mean"} {"id": "11176", "contents": "jabez jabe biblic male given name old testament. hebrew origin. arab persian transliter yabi yabiz (\u064a\u064e\u0639\u0652\u0628\u0650\u064a\u0635\u064e). jabez' name also mention chronicl 2:55, possibl place name him. jabez possibl could jewish scribe later years. might influenti well respect scribe citi name famili scribe lived. jabez also surname."} {"id": "11177", "contents": "mean jabez. hebrew name. hebrew, name jabez means-pain. old testament, jabez name born mother pain.. origin name jabez include-hebrew, israeli.th name jabez often use boy name male name. hebrew name meaning-pain. old testament, jabez name born mother pain."} {"id": "11178", "contents": "name jabez bible. bibl one man one citi name jabez, judah, citi probabl name even man. man show chronicl 4:9-10 two vers novel suggest promin thinker leader time. mean name jabez, nobs studi bibl name list read make sorrowful. jones' dictionari old testament proper name propos caus pain. state above, bdb theolog dictionari declar mean unknown."} {"id": "11179", "contents": "biblic meaning: name jabez biblic babi name. biblic mean name jabez is: sorrow, trouble. hebrew meaning: name jabez hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name jabez is: pain. old testament, jabez name born mother pain."} {"id": "11180", "contents": "jabez unusu first name men. jabez equival uncommon surnam people. (2000 u.s. census). shown babi name popular jabez boys. jabez record list thu far."} {"id": "11181", "contents": "syll. ja-bez, jab-ez babi boy name jabez also use girl name. pronounc english jh ey-behz \u2020. jabez use chiefli english languag deriv hebrew origins. name mean sorrow. jabe, jabes, jabesh, jabeshe, jabezz variant jabez. jabez unusu babi name boys. list top 1000 name"} {"id": "11182", "contents": "initi two-week period, transit recommend weight loss pound week, safe also realist sustain long term. with. donald hensrud, m.d. brown fat. metabol weight. weight loss pound week typic recommendation. although may seem like slow pace weight loss, like help maintain weight loss long term. rememb pound (0.45 kilogram) fat contain 3,500 calories."} {"id": "11183", "contents": "help peopl lose weight, long. one study, peopl fast everi day shed weight, even ate want day fasting. weight loss last time. fast lose weight, may want reconsider. weight loss may last finish fasting. goal detox body, know there' proof works. bodi natur detox itself. fast diet same."} {"id": "11184", "contents": "pleas tri later. upload sep 7, 2011. water fast weight loss health! 30 day water fast! second long water fast last ten days. first long term water fast yr ago last 14 days. done mani water fast year last week"} {"id": "11185", "contents": "drink least recommend amount 64 ounc water day. drink one sitting, instead one cup water time cours 9-10 water breaks. replenish water lose throughout day. drink water can; 64 ounc minimum."} {"id": "11186", "contents": "fruit fast detail 1-3 day fast apples. real benefit fast weight loss, affect deep last chang lives. kitchari cleans inform recip use healthi tradit indian dish fast everi day meals. prepar after-fast weight gain. creat huge emot let-down expect it, worst-cas scenario lead straight back eating. figur typic fast weight loss, reflect water weight gain occur right fast."} {"id": "11187", "contents": "peopl fast way lose weight. other fast tri detox bodies, religi reasons. fast lose weight, may want reconsider. weight loss may last finish fasting. goal detox body, know there' proof works. bodi natur detox itself. fast diet same."} {"id": "11188", "contents": "limit amount carb diet. low-carbohydr diet may help lose excess water weight quicker low calori diet alone. limit amount carbohydr rich food (both refin 100% whole grains) eat help drop extra pound water weight fairli fast. however, water weight temporari confus chronic, long-term water retent (which may due diseas medications). may notic differ scale salti meal, day overindulgence, dehydr right menstrual cycle."} {"id": "11189", "contents": "weight loss occur drastic earli day fast (water weight big part this), declin fast progresses. water fast, women gener lose 14 ounc per day men, average, lose 17 1/2 ounc per day. average, day may lose nothing. prepar after-fast weight gain. creat huge emot let-down expect it, worst-cas scenario lead straight back eating. figur typic fast weight loss, reflect water weight gain occur right fast."} {"id": "11190", "contents": "fast real life saver overweight person. benefit fast weight loss. fast make lose weight. water fast result averag pound per day weight loss. benefit fast weight loss. think benefit me, may say, especi overweight. total truth fast weight loss."} {"id": "11191", "contents": "overview. electromyographi (emg), often done along nerv conduct veloc (ncv) study, measur muscl nerv electr activity. small needles, electrodes, place muscles, result record special machin"} {"id": "11192", "contents": "emg electromyographi studi examin nerv muscl body. test may includ nerv conduct studi (ncs), needl electromyographi evok potentials. physician perform studi first examin order determin aspect test needed."} {"id": "11193", "contents": "electromyogram (emg) test use record electr activ muscles. muscl active, produc electr current. current usual proport level muscl activity."} {"id": "11194", "contents": "emg low-risk procedure, complic rare. there' small risk bleeding, infect nerv injuri needl electrod inserted. muscl along chest wall examin needl electrode, there' small risk could caus air leak area lung chest wall, caus lung collaps (pneumothorax). done. prepare."} {"id": "11195", "contents": "electromyogram (emg) nerv conduct studies. guide. electromyogram (emg) measur electr activ muscl rest contraction. nerv conduct studi measur well fast nerv send electr signals. nerv control muscl bodi electr signal call impulses. emg done to: find diseas damag muscl tissue, nerves, junction nerv muscle. find caus weakness, paralysis, muscl twitching."} {"id": "11196", "contents": "emg risks. peopl usual small amount discomfort emg test pin insertion. dispos needl use risk infection. nerv conduct studies, small electrod tape skin place around fingers. patient typic experi brief mild shock, may bit unpleasant."} {"id": "11197", "contents": "nerv conduct studi (ncs) medic diagnost test commonli use evalu function, especi abil electr conduction, motor sensori nerv human body."} {"id": "11198", "contents": "electromyogram (emg). emg measur electr activ muscl respons stimulation. use conjunct neurolog exam help physician diagnos wide rang problems, including: nerv damag disk compress neck back. nerv compress carpal tunnel syndrome."} {"id": "11199", "contents": "purpos basi claim form (boc form) present claim refuge protect refuge protect divis irb. member famili claim refuge protect must provid boc form, even though claim process together."} {"id": "11200", "contents": "must also disclos interest rate claim whether fix variabl date bankruptci filing. claim secured, must also indic extent secur unsecured, basi perfect (thi discuss separ article). part ask basi claim. write brief explan owe money. might write promissori note loan.. part ask last four digit number use identifi debtor."} {"id": "11201", "contents": "basi claim form avail french english may complet either language. basi claim form includ question ask claimant choos languag want board use hear commun them. download basi claim form. inform missing, incorrect, inconsistent, board could refus claim. claimant must tell truth. hearing, claimant answer question said"} {"id": "11202", "contents": "therefor critic establish control claim basi allow eeo counselor change, way, claim basis, provid claim basi properli present structur base fact circumstances. complaint process, incept point establish claim basi upon which, either 1) agenc elect settl (our prefer outcome) 2) eeoc judg later rule."} {"id": "11203", "contents": "definition. type insur polici pay claim occur file period cover policy. see also claim occurr basis. nearbi terms. claim expense. claim refun... claim investiga... claim provision. claim report. claimant. claimant unempl... claims. claim made bas... 10 claim made bas... 11 claim processi... 12 claim reserve. 13 claims-occurren... 14 clamshel packa... 15 clan control. 16 clarity. 17 class."} {"id": "11204", "contents": "complet basi claim form inland claim. basi claim (boc) form import part refuge claim. explain are, afraid countri need refuge protect canada. get legal help soon possible. get help basi claim (boc) form right away. start claim insid canada, deadlin boc form. visit citizenship immigr (cic) offic start claim, give list form complete, includ boc form immigr forms."} {"id": "11205", "contents": "basi claim form crucial document refuge claimant must fill immigr refuge board. use determin valid claim. claimant must complet care correctly. inform missing, incorrect, inconsistent, board could refus claim. claimant must tell truth. hearing, claimant answer question said basi claim form."} {"id": "11206", "contents": "contract written claim occurr basi claim aris event polici force, insur must pay insur state amount, regardless claim actual file (i.e., file may occur polici expired)."} {"id": "11207", "contents": "present structur claim basi must conform law eeoc administr guidelines. therefore, complain simpli think walk eeo counselor\u2019 office, tell sad story, file complaint story, rude awakening. complaint process, incept point establish claim basi upon which, either 1) agenc elect settl (our prefer outcome) 2) eeoc judg later rule."} {"id": "11208", "contents": "three commonli regard categori claim are: order show court basi medic malpractic claim, plaintiff attorney must prove sever element like true (base preponder evidence)."} {"id": "11209", "contents": "find best price composit adapt compon adapter. connect ipad vga adapter. use apple' vga adapter, hook ipad televis equip vga input, comput monitor, projector display devic support vga."} {"id": "11210", "contents": "stream everyth ipad run io 7. you\u2019d rather stream whole ipad screen appl tv, swipe button screen ipad open control center. tap airplay button select appl tv menu appears. ipad screen appear tv. you\u2019d rather stream specif video song tv, start media ipad tap airplay button. button locat next \u201cnext\u201d button playback controls. press button send video song appl tv screen."} {"id": "11211", "contents": "connect iphon ipad tv cable, switch tv' input port cabl plug into. tv becom duplic connect device' screen. ipad later iphon 4s later, get 1080p hd. here' connect appl phone tablet almost hdtv. sometim even 10-inch screen small. fortunately, easi enough connect iphon ipad recent hdtv bigger-screen media experience. here' guide, simplest complex solutions."} {"id": "11212", "contents": "save. connect ipad hdtv simpl steps. connect ipad hdtv allow show movi pictur tv. ad benefit, start ipad 2, use hdtv mirror monitor, allow tv show exactli ipad' screen."} {"id": "11213", "contents": "connect iphon ipad hdtv home network. open arkmc app device. tap arkuda dm option, choos music, photos, videos. select media render screen, choos tv. tv show list, may need activ dlna function. here' connect appl phone tablet almost hdtv. sometim even 10-inch screen small. fortunately, easi enough connect iphon ipad recent hdtv bigger-screen media experience. here' guide, simplest complex solutions."} {"id": "11214", "contents": "4. start video want stream. stream video directli appl tv open video ipad tap airplay button. button locat next next button playback controls. control playback stream use playback button appear ipad screen. rather stream everyth display ipad screen instead specif videos, turn screen share control center. use io 7, swipe bottom home screen open control center, tap airplay button select appl tv menu."} {"id": "11215", "contents": "play itun videos, netflix movies, whatev els want tv. connect appl tv. mayb want peski wire iphon tv. easiest way connect wirelessli apple' media extender, appl tv. here' connect appl phone tablet almost hdtv. sometim even 10-inch screen small. fortunately, easi enough connect iphon ipad recent hdtv bigger-screen media experience. here' guide, simplest complex solutions."} {"id": "11216", "contents": "order stream ipad tv screen, ipad appl tv need network. 4. stream specif content tv. you\u2019d rather stream specif video song tv, start media ipad tap airplay button. button locat next \u201cnext\u201d button playback controls. press button send video song appl tv screen."} {"id": "11217", "contents": "actual watch movi ipad tv either download itun dropbox folder instal ipad, upload movi dropbox computer' folder watch ipad. howev movi *.mp4 format readabl ipad."} {"id": "11218", "contents": "io devices, best way get content tv screen mirroring. put entir idevice' display tv, give big-screen view everyth happen phone. that, connect iphon ipad wi-fi network appl tv. then, swipe bottom edg screen launch quick set pane, tap airplay select appl tv. connect iphone, ipad ipod touch tv. connect iphone, ipad ipod touch tv simple, select right cabl first."} {"id": "11219", "contents": "grow notes. amaranth respons nitrogen phosphorous. plant grown averag garden soil four-feet six-feet tall, grown rich soil compost may reach eight feet. optimum soil well-drain loam plant well poorli aerat clay soils."} {"id": "11220", "contents": "grow amaranth plants: grow amaranth easy. plant prefer warm climate, full sun, well drain soil. water dri periods, twice per week. add gener purpos fertil twice season. origin warmer climates, amaranth heat drought resistant."} {"id": "11221", "contents": "amaranth famili includ weeds, herb flowers. varieti plant harvest food. ancient time inca aztec harvest grain amaranth. south america asia plant harvest grain crop. find health food store unit state america."} {"id": "11222", "contents": "good reason grow amaranth plants: photo dysviz. nutriti leaf grain. make yummi spinach. amaranth leav make nice salad greens. slimi tropic leafi green suppos serv lettuc substitut hot climates."} {"id": "11223", "contents": "overview. amaranth annual plant varieti grown bloom varieti grown food. choos sunni spot amaranth plants, varieti grow feet tall other may grow tall feet."} {"id": "11224", "contents": "introduction. amaranth grown grain crop relat smaller plant grown flowers. taller grain amaranth still brilliant color flower though. it\u2019 kind grass grain are, amaranth group togeth grain anyway."} {"id": "11225", "contents": "plant amaranth. amaranth plant grow well averag rich, well-drain soil equal amount nitrogen phosphorus. like mani veget crops, need least hour sunlight day well."} {"id": "11226", "contents": "amaranth plant easili top feet height fairli bushy. make sure plant lot space. want sow seed sever week last frost, soil warm least 65f."} {"id": "11227", "contents": "1. price product. often largest compon gutter guard cost homeowner, key one. obviously, compani give estim purchas same, low-cost screen local suppli shop next guy buy, you\u2019r get one type product."} {"id": "11228", "contents": "gutterglove.com say simpl plastic metal screen cover gutter cost around $0.50 per foot premium qualiti gutter guard may run around $25 per foot. homewyse.com state averag cost basic gutter guard $7.06 per linear foot best qualiti cost $11.52 per linear foot."} {"id": "11229", "contents": "homewyse.com state averag cost basic gutter guard $7.06 per linear foot best qualiti cost $11.52 per linear foot. cost base 150-linear foot area covered. price given includ materials, fasteners, labor instal leaf guard gutters."} {"id": "11230", "contents": "click download free gutter guard buy guide. vinyl gutter downspout cost: $1 $3 per linear foot. vinyl least expens materi market, easiest work with, make good fit \u201cdo-it-yourself\u201d (diy) projects."} {"id": "11231", "contents": "guard instal homeown often cost less $500 entir job. absolut money gutter guards, avoid need regularli clean gutters."} {"id": "11232", "contents": "gutter company-ther also gutter guard compani special custom design systems. cost instal exorbit price start $6 linear foot. averag cost full instal tend around $1500 (accord askthebuilder.com)."} {"id": "11233", "contents": "cost breakdown. gutter guard installation, typic cost include: materials-cost gutter guard kind rang quit wide littl $3 three foot section climb high $18 $20 per singl foot. variat due materi effici particular system."} {"id": "11234", "contents": "accord diyornot.com averag home roughli 200 feet gutters. need frequent clean throughout year, averag three clean absolut minimum. standard cost profession clean around $75 per cleaning, mean mainten $225 per year."} {"id": "11235", "contents": "person sociolog degre may choos pursu career education. bachelor' degre teach certif adequ teach class polit science, history, social scienc high school level. phd level graduat may pursu career colleg univers level. sociolog broad science, cover mani differ disciplin social sciences. anthropology, archeology, linguist disciplin surpass sociolog readili encompasses."} {"id": "11236", "contents": "sociolog scientif academ studi social behavior, includ origins, development, organization, institutions. social scienc use variou method empir investig critic analysi develop bodi knowledg social order, social disord social change. often group urban rural sociolog commun sociolog sociolog community. take variou communities\u2014includ onlin communities\u2014a unit analysis, commun sociologist studi origin effect differ associ people."} {"id": "11237", "contents": "sociolog help understand pack. sociolog social scienc contemporari practic knowledge. sociologist studi structur chang society, cultur social forc creat foundat live sens self. bachelor\u2019 degre sociolog prepar career requir cultur competency, nonprofits, ngos, marketing, management, personnel social polici sociolog teacher/professor law student."} {"id": "11238", "contents": "welcome! depart sociolog found 1918 florida state colleg women. faculti long impress histori publish high qualiti research award-win teach undergradu graduat students."} {"id": "11239", "contents": "human pack animals. sociolog social scienc contemporari practic knowledge. sociologist studi structur chang society, cultur social forc creat foundat live sens self. bachelor\u2019 degre sociolog prepar career requir cultur competency, nonprofits, ngos, marketing, management, personnel social polici sociolog teacher/professor law student."} {"id": "11240", "contents": "welcome! welcom depart histori sociolog science, forty-plu year histori accomplish univers pennsylvania. faculti use tool human social scienc studi science, technology, medicine, environment."} {"id": "11241", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. (redirect sociolog science). sociolog scientif knowledg (ssk) studi scienc social activity, especi deal social condit effect science, social structur process scientif activity.. sociolog scientif knowledg (ssk) major intern network princip associations, 4s easst, recent establish group japan, south korea, taiwan latin america."} {"id": "11242", "contents": "sociology. explor mani facet societi one brookhaven college\u2019 mani sociolog courses. cours cover wide varieti social considerations, includ marriage, race, sexual family. social work cours also offer"} {"id": "11243", "contents": "sociologist scientif knowledg studi develop scientif field attempt identifi point conting interpret flexibl ambigu present. variat may link varieti political, historical, cultur econom factors. sociolog scientif knowledg (ssk) major intern network princip associations, 4s easst, recent establish group japan, south korea, taiwan latin america."} {"id": "11244", "contents": "bachelor scienc (b.s.) sociolog program, student introduc sociolog perspective: certain way look world, societies, chang take place. student opportun studi human behavior, social interactions, societ groups. view 10 popular school \u00bb. individu appli bachelor' degre program sociolog gener need high school diploma gener educ develop (ged) credential."} {"id": "11245", "contents": "heart attack increas risk sudden cardiac arrest. heart attack lead sudden cardiac arrest. sudden cardiac arrest occurs, heart attack common cause. heart condit may also disrupt heart\u2019 rhythm lead sudden cardiac arrest. includ thicken heart muscl (cardiomyopathy), heart failure, arrhythmias, particularli ventricular fibrillation, long q-t syndrome."} {"id": "11246", "contents": "no. term heart attack often mistakenli use describ cardiac arrest. heart attack may caus cardiac arrest sudden death, term mean thing. heart attack caus blockag stop blood flow heart."} {"id": "11247", "contents": "cardiac arrest differ heart attack. cardiac arrest heart actual stop beating; wherea heart attack heart normal continu beat even though blood suppli heart disrupted. heart attack occur blood suppli part heart stop thu caus section heart muscl begin die; wherea cardiac arrest occur heart stop beat whole. variou symptom"} {"id": "11248", "contents": "cardiac arrest heart attack, happen sudden complet blockag arteri suppli blood area heart. result, heart muscl begin die. without earli medic treatment, damag permanent."} {"id": "11249", "contents": "summary. summary, differ heart attack cardiac arrest. heart attack occur blood suppli part heart stop thu caus section heart muscl begin die; wherea cardiac arrest occur heart stop beat whole. variou symptom heart attack."} {"id": "11250", "contents": "sudden cardiac arrest (sca) condit heart suddenli unexpectedli stop beating. happens, blood stop flow brain vital organs. sca usual caus death treat within minutes. arrhythmia caus heart stop pump blood body\u2014thes arrhythmia caus sca. sca heart attack. heart attack occur blood flow part heart muscl blocked. heart attack, heart usual suddenli stop beating."} {"id": "11251", "contents": "april cashin-garbutt, ba hon (cantab). peopl often think heart attack thing cardiac arrest. this, however, true. order understand differ heart attack cardiac arrest, first necessari understand happen processes. heart attack occur blood suppli part heart stop thu caus section heart muscl begin die; wherea cardiac arrest occur heart stop beat whole. variou symptom heart attack."} {"id": "11252", "contents": "cardiac arrest (not heart attack). cardiac arrest, person\u2019 heart stop beating. cardiac arrest thing heart attack, worth discuss alongsid heart attack. cardiac arrest occur due heart attack, cardiac arrest also occur primari event."} {"id": "11253", "contents": "sudden cardiac arrest heart attack (myocardi infarction) occur heart attack. heart attack occur blockag one arteri heart, prevent heart receiv enough oxygen-rich blood."} {"id": "11254", "contents": "peopl often use term interchangeably, synonyms. heart attack blood flow heart blocked, sudden cardiac arrest heart malfunct suddenli stop beat unexpectedly. heart attack \u201ccirculation\u201d problem sudden cardiac arrest \u201celectrical\u201d problem. sudden cardiac arrest occurs, heart attack common cause. heart condit may also disrupt heart\u2019 rhythm lead sudden cardiac arrest. includ thicken heart muscl (cardiomyopathy), heart failure, arrhythmias, particularli ventricular fibrillation, long q-t syndrome."} {"id": "11255", "contents": "(unit states). market assist earn averag salari $35,099 per year. first five ten year position, salari increas somewhat, addit experi big effect pay. peopl job move posit 10 year field."} {"id": "11256", "contents": "research assist help biologist medic scientist laboratori set refer biolog technicians. 2011, biolog technician earn averag yearli incom $42,290 averag wage $20.33, compar salari earn social scienc research assistants. paralegals. paralegals, sometim call legal assistants, help lawyer research legal precedent. averag annual salari $49,960 wage $24 per hour, paraleg tend among highest-paid"} {"id": "11257", "contents": "averag hourli pay administr assist role around $20 per hour, vari experi location. skill level biggest differenti pay. secretari offic support role usual make around $13 per hour, wherea execut assist make upward $30 per hour."} {"id": "11258", "contents": "much physician assist make? accord may 2012 record bureau labor statistics, mean annual physician assist salari $92,460. significantli less physicians, assist still make impress $44.45 per hour. lowest ten percent earn $62,430 average, top ten percent bring home six-figur salari $124,770."} {"id": "11259", "contents": "employers. salari lab assist vari among employers. accord glassdoor, 2010, medic lab assist nation health care provid earn averag hourli salari $22.97. similarly, research lab assist renown medic school earn averag $22.13 per hour. however, lab assist nonprofit institut earn $13.27 per hour. average. novemb 2010, averag annual salari lab assist $36,000. work clinic set expect earn slightli $39,000 assist lab technician expect earn $17,000."} {"id": "11260", "contents": "medic assist salary: influenti factors. demand medic assist increases, medic assist salari tend follow upward trend. 2004, medic assist made averag $25,000 per year. 2008, averag salari rose $29,000 per year, almost 15% increase."} {"id": "11261", "contents": "averag annual salari physic therapist assist (pta) around $58,720 per year. salari 33 percent lower salari physic therapist (pt). pta, earn around $4,893 per month. expect around $1,129 per week around $28.23 per hour. salari certifi pta around $38,520 per year. so, averag monthli salari around $3,210 $18.52 per hour. earn around $30 higher per hour employ home healthcar services, employ services, nurs care services, psychiatr substanc abus hospitals, continu care retir communities. two year back, median annual salari pt assist $49,69"} {"id": "11262", "contents": "biolog research assist work san francisco-san mateo-redwood citi area california report highest averag wage occupation, $67,700 per year. employ bridgeport-stamford-norwalk area connecticut earn nearli much, averag annual incom $67,450. averag annual salari biolog technician $42,290 averag hourli wage $20.33. may 2011, biolog technician work offic physician report highest earn work environment, averag $60,63"} {"id": "11263", "contents": "time base freezer set degre fahrenheit colder. store eat frozen food past deadlin dangerous, flavor textur begin deteriorate. chicken turkey pieces, uncooked: nine months. fruit pies, unbaked: eight months. fruit: 12 months. steaks, uncooked: 12 months. butter: months. lean fish: six month"} {"id": "11264", "contents": "never thaw chicken room temperature. usda recommend 1-2 day refriger storag (40\u00b0f). depend upon packag chicken, handl in-transit, temperatur refrigerator, chicken could last longer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container."} {"id": "11265", "contents": "littl chang nutrient valu chicken freezer storage. optim quality, however, maxim storag time freezer 12 month recommend uncook whole chicken, month uncook chicken parts, month uncook chicken giblets, month cook chicken. long chicken seal tightli prevent freezer burn, fine eat. often stock chicken whenev sale store. keep freezer great way store futur use. never spoil freezer burnt chicken before."} {"id": "11266", "contents": "fri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer). rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag deli meat:"} {"id": "11267", "contents": "refriger properli 40 \u00b0f. frozen chicken, done properly, last whole year. long frozen chicken last also depend type chicken. frozen chicken last one whole year. raw whole chicken last whole year. raw chicken part last months. raw ground chicken chicken giblet store frozen months. cook chicken would lessen time stay frozen. cook whole chicken chicken part last month frozen, much less compar raw chicken."} {"id": "11268", "contents": "long raw chicken last frozen thawed? chicken defrost fridg kept addit day refriger cooking; chicken thaw microwav cold water cook immediately. long raw chicken last sell-bi date? chicken purchased, may refriger day sell-bi date packag may expir storag period, chicken remain safe use sell date properli stored."} {"id": "11269", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container."} {"id": "11270", "contents": "cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer). rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag deli meat:"} {"id": "11271", "contents": "gener characterist kingdom protista follows: simpl eukaryot organisms. organ unicellular, coloni multicellular like algae. protist live water, moist soil even bodi human plants. kingdom protista divers group eukaryot organisms. protist unicellular, coloni multicellular, special tissu organization. simpl cellular organ distinguish protist eukaryot"} {"id": "11272", "contents": "lesson summary. kingdom protista contain protists, organ fit kingdom life. protist heterotroph autotrophic, mobil immobile, single-cel multi-celled, solo member colony. categor three main categori base obtain nutrient"} {"id": "11273", "contents": "characterist protists. protist eukaryot organ cannot classifi plant, animal, fungus. mostli unicellular, some, like algae, multicellular. kelp, 'seaweed,' larg multicellular protist provid food, shelter, oxygen numer underwat ecosystems. kingdom protista contain protists, organ fit kingdom life. protist heterotroph autotrophic, mobil immobile, single-cel multi-celled, solo member colony."} {"id": "11274", "contents": "protist organ part biolog kingdom call protista. organ plants, animals, bacteria, fungi. protist divers group organisms. basic organ fit groups."} {"id": "11275", "contents": "movement often flagella cilia. protist multicellular organisms, plant, anim fungus. respiration-cellular respir primarili aerob process, live mud pond digest tract anim are strict facult anaerobes. kingdom protista divers group eukaryot organisms. protist unicellular, coloni multicellular, special tissu organization. simpl cellular organ distinguish protist eukaryot"} {"id": "11276", "contents": "answer hazardousprune1. confid vote 161. two gener type organisms... protozoa algae. usual move captur prey. plantlik protist call alga (usual unabl move themselves). confid vote 161. two gener type organisms... usual move captur prey. plantlik protist call alga (usual unabl move themselves). small. caus harm event diseas (malaria african sleep sickness)."} {"id": "11277", "contents": "protista, group compar simpl organisms, call protists, characterist both. and. protist unicellular (consist single. seen microscope, although compos one cell."} {"id": "11278", "contents": "organ unicellular, coloni multicellular like algae. protist live water, moist soil even bodi human plants. organ eukaryotic, sinc membran bound nucleu endomembran systems. kingdom protista divers group eukaryot organisms. protist unicellular, coloni multicellular, special tissu organization. simpl cellular organ distinguish protist eukaryot"} {"id": "11279", "contents": "two gener type organisms... protozoa algae. usual move captur prey. plantlik protist call alga (usual unabl move themselves). small. caus harm event diseas (malaria african sleep sickness). confid vote 161. two gener type organisms... usual move captur prey. plantlik protist call alga (usual unabl move themselves). small."} {"id": "11280", "contents": "giant forest genet live rainforest democrat republ congo western uganda. haussa genet inhabit savannah moist woodland west africa. g. letaba record woodland savannah lesotho, swaziland, mozambique, namibia south africa. genet social cat dogs, attack small anim pets. cuddli pets, well group genet usual get along dog cat grown them. smaller pets, like hamsters, quickli becom food genet.. genet one famili pet, thing rehom pet genet"} {"id": "11281", "contents": "howev lose oldest leav produc new leav spring. lose part leav fall. tree absorb much 48 pound carbon dioxid per year sequest ton carbon dioxid time reach 40 year old. tree leav compos mani color pigment -- green chlorophyl hide spring summer grow seasons."} {"id": "11282", "contents": "anim need place live do. live water other hole ground, mani anim live trees. cannot live tree special characterist need move trees. take away trees, would leav mani anim without homes. principles: anim need place live do. cannot live tree special characterist need move trees."} {"id": "11283", "contents": "spot round elongated. forest genet lack dorsal crest coat spaced-out, elong spots. large-spot genet smaller dorsal crest small-spot rel wide distribut three species. genet also retract claw adapt climb catch prey. genet favor solitari existence. adult genet solitari except period courtship young genet accompani mothers. femal may two litter year two four young each. kitten born burrow; eye ear shut birth open 10 days."} {"id": "11284", "contents": "genet habits. genet adapt varieti habitat within range. live semi-desert, forest, scrubland, grassland, savannah. day genet sleep hollow tree crevices. spot fur provid good camouflage, blend wit surroundings. activ night, genet seem return lair near dawn everyday. genet southern part genet' range, femal may bear two litter year. femal make nest hollow tree among rocks, young born there. blind birth open eye 12 days. mother provid solid food two month age."} {"id": "11285", "contents": "clonal coloni genet group genet ident individuals, plants, fungi, bacteria, grown given location, origin vegetatively, sexually, singl ancestor. plants, individu popul refer ramet. group 47,000 quak aspen (populu tremuloides) tree (nicknam pando wasatch mountains, utah, usa, shown singl clone connect root system. sometim consid world' largest organ mass, cover 106 acr (43 ha)."} {"id": "11286", "contents": "pardin genet live primari secondari rainforests, galleri forests, moist woodlands, also plantat suburban area rang seneg volta river ghana. abyssinian genet record montan dri forest 3,750 (12,300 ft) ethiopia. genet social cat dogs, attack small anim pets. cuddli pets, well group genet usual get along dog cat grown them. smaller pets, like hamsters, quickli becom food genet.. genet one famili pet, thing rehom pet genet"} {"id": "11287", "contents": "sinc genet live indoor anyway, exposur anim possibl virus extrem limited.. uses, see genet (disambiguation) genet (pronounc /\u02c8d\u0292\u025bn\u026at/ /d\u0292\u0259\u02c8n\u025bt/) member genu genetta, compris 14 17 speci small african carnivorans. genet social cat dogs, attack small anim pets. cuddli pets, well group genet usual get along dog cat grown them. smaller pets, like hamsters, quickli becom food genet.. genet one famili pet, thing rehom pet genet"} {"id": "11288", "contents": "compon system air pump, divert valve, air distribut manifold; known exhaust manifold exhaust headers, air check valve. operation: pump type-th spin vane air pump forc air divert valve. acceler air forc divert valve, check valve, air inject manifold, exhaust stream. fresh air travel divert valve, check valv exhaust manifold. smog test: visual inspect portion smog test smog technician inspect vehicle' air inject system."} {"id": "11289", "contents": "second valve, tad (thermactor air divert valv am2 valve) direct head catalyt converters. check valv locat tab tad solenoid prevent hot exhaust gase damag control valv pump case backfire. smog pump put air head engin cold catalyt convert warm. thermactor control valv serv direct flow. first valve, tab (thermactor air bypass) am1 valve) either dump air atmospher pass second valve."} {"id": "11290", "contents": "two type vitamins: fat-solubl water-soluble. fat-solubl vitamin found mainli fatti food anim products, veget oils, milk dairi foods, eggs, liver, oili fish butter. water-solubl vitamin found wide rang foods, includ fruit, vegetables, potatoes, grains, milk dairi foods. unlik fat-solubl vitamins, destroy heat expos ai"} {"id": "11291", "contents": "whole food complex, contain varieti micronutri bodi need one. orange, example, provid vitamin plu beta carotene, calcium nutrients. like compound work togeth produc benefici effect. essenti fiber. whole food offer three main benefit dietari supplements: greater nutrition. whole food complex, contain varieti micronutri bodi need one."} {"id": "11292", "contents": "healthi food contain vitamin b12 include: organ beef liver, wild salmon, organ beef, raw, organ milk, organ cheese, organ eggs, organic, chicken, organ turkey. healthi food contain vitamin b6 include: potato, banana, wild salmon, organ chicken, spinach, avocado, organ turkey, organ beef, collard greens, brown rice, green peas."} {"id": "11293", "contents": "type fish, salmon. green leafi veget green, orange, yellow vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash. fruits, includ cantaloupe, apricots, mangos. dairi products, among major sourc vitamin americans. fortifi breakfast cereals. vitamin found natur mani food ad foods, milk cereal. get recommend amount vitamin eat varieti foods, includ following: beef liver organ meat (but food also high cholesterol, limit amount eat)."} {"id": "11294", "contents": "fat-solubl vitamins. fat-solubl vitamin found mainli fatti food anim products, veget oils, milk dairi foods, eggs, liver, oili fish butter. bodi need vitamin everi day work properly, need eat food contain everi day. water-solubl vitamin found wide rang foods, includ fruit, vegetables, potatoes, grains, milk dairi foods. unlik fat-solubl vitamins, destroy heat expos air"} {"id": "11295", "contents": "gener healthi eat wide varieti foods, includ fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairi products, lean meat fish, like need supplements. however, dietari guidelin recommend supplement fortifi food follow situations: whole food offer three main benefit dietari supplements: greater nutrition. whole food complex, contain varieti micronutri bodi need one. orange, example, provid vitamin plu beta carotene, calcium nutrients."} {"id": "11296", "contents": "beef liver organ meat (but food also high cholesterol, limit amount eat). type fish, salmon. green leafi veget green, orange, yellow vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash. vitamin found natur mani food ad foods, milk cereal. get recommend amount vitamin eat varieti foods, includ following:"} {"id": "11297", "contents": "get calcium milk milk product (rememb choos fat-fre low-fat whenev possible), form tofu, dark-green leafi veget (like collard green kale), soybeans, can sardin salmon bones, calcium-fortifi foods. sever type calcium supplements."} {"id": "11298", "contents": "green leafi veget green, orange, yellow vegetables, broccoli, carrots, squash. fruits, includ cantaloupe, apricots, mangos. dairi products, among major sourc vitamin americans. fortifi breakfast cereals. vitamin found natur mani food ad foods, milk cereal. get recommend amount vitamin eat varieti foods, includ following: beef liver organ meat (but food also high cholesterol, limit amount eat)."} {"id": "11299", "contents": "location: temperate, decidu (leaf-shedding) forest locat eastern unit states, canada, europe, china, japan, part russia. decidu forest broken five zones. firstzon tree stratum zone."} {"id": "11300", "contents": "correspond biom decidu forest, temper forest biome. latitud rang anywher 23 north 38 south. one thing interest biom climat four distinct seasons; spring, summer, autumn, winter."} {"id": "11301", "contents": "locat decidu biom locat primarili eastern half unit states, canada, europe, part russia, china, japan. climat averag temperatur forest 50 degre f. averag amount rainfal forest 30 60 inch year."} {"id": "11302", "contents": "temper decidu forest. temper decidu forest found eastern part unit state canada, europ part china japan. temper decidu forest biom alway changing. four distinct seasons: winter, spring, summer fall. winter cold summer warm."} {"id": "11303", "contents": "temper decidu forest biom character leaf-shed tree seasons. biom experi four seasons-winter, spring, summer, fall. temper decidu forest biom locat unit states, canada, europe, china, japan."} {"id": "11304", "contents": "climat mix temperatur precipitation. decidu forest almost 14 inch rain winter month 18 inch rain summer. hope enjoy report climat decidu forest learn thing it."} {"id": "11305", "contents": "temper decidu forest climatenext rainforest temper decidu forest get 2nd amount rainfal per year. winter, precipit form sleet, snow, hail."} {"id": "11306", "contents": "plant anim climat northeast asian decidu forest decidu forest found eastern half north america, middl europe. mani decidu forest asia. major area southwest russia, japan, eastern china."} {"id": "11307", "contents": "specifically, naproxen prescrib for: pain relief, pain follow medic procedure, strain muscle, inflamm tendon (tendonitis) bursa (bursitis). naproxen also use treat gener pain, knee pain, back pain, foot pain. naproxen also use treat gener pain, knee pain, back pain, foot pain. treatment arthriti symptoms, includ pain, stiffness, swelling. naproxen use treat sever differ type arthritis. treatment pain menstrual periods."} {"id": "11308", "contents": "pain relief, pain follow medic procedure, strain muscle, inflamm tendon (tendonitis) bursa (bursitis). naproxen also use treat gener pain, knee pain, back pain, foot pain. naproxen also use treat gener pain, knee pain, back pain, foot pain. treatment arthriti symptoms, includ pain, stiffness, swelling. naproxen use treat sever differ type arthritis. treatment pain menstrual periods."} {"id": "11309", "contents": "specifically, naproxen prescrib for: pain relief, pain follow medic procedure, strain muscle, inflamm tendon (tendonitis) bursa (bursitis). treatment arthriti symptoms, includ pain, stiffness, swelling. treatment pain menstrual periods. naproxen also use treat gener pain, knee pain, back pain, foot pain. treatment arthriti symptoms, includ pain, stiffness, swelling. naproxen use treat sever differ type arthritis."} {"id": "11310", "contents": "naproxen commonli use reduct pain, fever, inflammation, stiff caus condit includ migraine, osteoarthritis, kidney stones, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriat arthritis, gout, ankylos spondylitis, menstrual cramps, tendinitis, bursitis, among others."} {"id": "11311", "contents": "naproxen sodium gener ingredi alev sever brand pain medication. naproxen class drug call non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids), work block product prostaglandins, substanc bodi play role pain inflammation. naproxen use unit state sinc 1980. naproxen group drug call non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids). nsaid medicin may increas chanc heart attack stroke lead death. chanc increas longer use nsaid medicin peopl heart disease."} {"id": "11312", "contents": "naproxen tablet use for. naproxen belong group medicin call non-steriod anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids), use reduc inflamm pain joint muscles. naproxen tablet use treat: diseas joint rheumatoid arthriti (includ children), osteoarthritis, ankylos spondylitis. naproxen cannot cure arthriti use give relief symptom inflammation, swelling, stiff joint pain. attack gout. muscl bone disorders."} {"id": "11313", "contents": "naproxen often prescrib manag mild moder pain come symptom tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, anklos spondyl acut gout, among conditions. 500 milligrams. dose 500 milligram (mg) naproxen usual prescrib treat pain especi tendonitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthriti ankylos spondyl adults."} {"id": "11314", "contents": "common type waybil includ (1) astray waybill, shipment miscarri got separ origin waybill. (2) blanket waybill, cover two shipment one document, (3) interlin waybill, cover handl shipment two carriers. must make sure look waybil see say actual thing get shipped. peopl found helpful. item could ship waybil box it, search get there."} {"id": "11315", "contents": "definit waybill. document prepar carrier shipment good contain detail shipment, route, charges. advertis"} {"id": "11316", "contents": "waybill. offici ship document travel shipment, identifi consignor, consignee, origin destination, describ goods, show weight freight. must make sure look waybil see say actual thing get shipped. peopl found helpful. item could ship waybil box it, search get there."} {"id": "11317", "contents": "waybil sometim refer bill lading. document commonli use ship industry. primari purpos provid inform shipment. may also act receipt payment render ship services. intern waybil necessari ship good buyer resid anoth country. waybill, sometim refer bill lading, document commonli use ship industry. sign deliveri ad service, common mani waybills. bill lade often requir document intern freight ship"} {"id": "11318", "contents": "air waybil import document issu carrier either directli authoris agent. non-negoti transport document. cover transport cargo airport airport. accept shipment iata cargo agent act behalf carrier whose air waybil issued."} {"id": "11319", "contents": "sea waybill. transport document maritim shipment serv evid contract carriag receipt goods, document title. sea waybil indic board load good use case ocean bill lade document titl required. receipt goods, present sea waybil consigne name therein required, speed process port destination. see bill lading; ocean bill lading."} {"id": "11320", "contents": "waybill. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. waybil (uic) document issu carrier give detail instruct relat shipment consign goods. typic show name consignor consignee, point origin consignment, destination, route. waybil similar courier' receipt contain detail consignor consignee, also point origin destination."} {"id": "11321", "contents": "gluteu maximu largest muscl human body. larg power job keep trunk bodi erect posture. chief antigrav muscl aid walk stairs. strongest muscl base weight masseter. muscl jaw work togeth close teeth forc great 55 pound (25 kilograms) incisor 200 pound (90.7 kilograms) molars."} {"id": "11322", "contents": "glutiou maximu muscl largest muscl body. gluteu maximu made skelet muscle. uppermost three gluteal muscl make human buttocks. power muscl human body. (answer #27). biggest muscl human bodi gluteu maximu (the buttock muscle). larg power job keep trunk bodi upright posture. import anti-grav muscl aid us walk stair uphill."} {"id": "11323", "contents": "largest muscl human body. 10 sep, 2014 0. bodi mani muscl estim 640 skelet muscl everi human bodi (the exact number debat experts)! three differ type muscl includ skeletal, cardiac smooth (involuntari muscles). widest muscl latissimu dorsi, commonli refer lats. fanlik muscl reach middl part back upper arm. muscl also import respons mani shoulder shoulder blade movements."} {"id": "11324", "contents": "600 skelet muscl body, variou shape sizes. biggest muscl bodi need big, locat function. gluteu maximu gener refer biggest muscl human body. fact massiv muscl human body. glutes, commonli known, group three muscl locat back hip buttock. (answer #27). biggest muscl human bodi gluteu maximu (the buttock muscle). larg power job keep trunk bodi upright posture. import anti-grav muscl aid us walk stair uphill."} {"id": "11325", "contents": "fat free bodi tissue, compris mostli muscle. lean mass primari determin body' basal metabol (calori burn rest). healthi men, bodyfat (bodyweight minu lean bodi mass) rang 8-12%; women, 18-22%. lean bodi mass: fat free bodi tissue, compris mostli muscle. lean mass primari determin body' basal metabol (calori burn rest)."} {"id": "11326", "contents": "gluteu maximus. gluteu maximu biggest muscl human body. glutes, commonli known, contain three muscl locat back hip buttock. gluteu maximu largest superfici muscl group. contribut mass seen buttocks. must larg due role hip extens later rotation, well keep bodi erect position. latissimu dorsi widest muscl human body. fact, english translat latissimu dorsi wide back.. latissimu dorsi, lats, fanlik muscl begin spine, run thorac vertebra sacrum, attach upper arm."} {"id": "11327", "contents": "largest muscl body, also powerhous muscle. gluteu maximu burst action anytim particip sport hiking, soccer, football, basketbal climbing. one best known exercis build strong gluteu maximu muscl lunges. function. muscl bodi serv special purpose, gluteu maximu exception. largest muscle, gluteu maximu burden proper hip functioning. fitstep.com explain job gluteu maximu perform necessari hip extens rotat hips."} {"id": "11328", "contents": "wean occur age 21 days. pair gerbil produc new litter everi 30 40 days, total litter reproduct lives. femal gerbil reproduct activ 18 month age. male may continu fertil 24 month age."} {"id": "11329", "contents": "breed mating. gerbil readi mate earli age best result least three month old. femal produc offspr two year old. begin breeding, introduc male femal gradual alreadi share cage."} {"id": "11330", "contents": "babies!! now, first thing take big breath think situation! great experi rais gerbil pup know. read section breed worry, gerbil know do! want happen next month, chose option agre you. visit also page: babi once. realli want happen again."} {"id": "11331", "contents": "get gerbils. buy pair young gerbils. buy one gerbil work, particular sinc less entertainment, consid get two. younger gerbil is, success like tame gerbils. don\u2019t get gerbil week age help ensur they\u2019v enough time mother healthy. buy gerbil reput breeder possible. gerbil age respond taming. gerbil older, it\u2019 import discourag take longer tame. tame soon join family. know may take littl time, effort, patienc part."} {"id": "11332", "contents": "male femal gerbil, introduc one another. babi (6-8 weeks) femal size smaller, might tri direct introduction. one pair gerbil litter everi thirti days, twelv litter year. litter one eight babies, litter consist four babi would forty-eight pup year. two mate pair would produc ninety-six pup year."} {"id": "11333", "contents": "two gerbil 10-gallon tank suffice. addit gerbil, tank gallon larger. fill third tank substrat like megazorb, finacard, carefresh bedexcel gerbil dig in. suffici room burrow necessari keep gerbil activ entertained."} {"id": "11334", "contents": "treat-in-hand also good way babi gerbil learn safe eat hand, often take treat finger day week pick treat hand. gerbil refus first take treat, place second treat hand nearby."} {"id": "11335", "contents": "gerbil like mate three month age. one pair older especi one experienc breeder, mate like occur within coupl weeks. gerbil usual mate earli even two hour ritual chase, tag, check undersides. one pair gerbil litter everi thirti days, twelv litter year. litter one eight babies, litter consist four babi would forty-eight pup year. two mate pair would produc ninety-six pup year."} {"id": "11336", "contents": "site show gerbil mating. femal gerbil produc pup two year old. male gerbil produc babi throughout lifetime. first litter gerbil raising/nurs pup mate, gestat 24 days. one pair gerbil litter everi thirti days, twelv litter year. litter one eight babies, litter consist four babi would forty-eight pup year. two mate pair would produc ninety-six pup year."} {"id": "11337", "contents": "two bumps, urethra anus. femal two close together. male space 1/2 inch also abl see bulg scrotum. babi gerbils, week old sex them. gerbil nipples, female. nippl look like littl dent circl skin. gerbil readi mate earli age best result least three month old. femal produc offspr two year old. begin breeding, introduc male femal gradual alreadi share cage."} {"id": "11338", "contents": "perhap nobodi expect collabor michael showalt salli field less salli field. oscar-win actress never cross creativ path director, built career sketch comedi screenplay off-kilt approach humor. doubtfire,\u201d step new territori here, build someth outsid becom sympathet embarrass endures. interview driskil hotel ahead film\u2019 world premier saturday, ms. field spoke role career."} {"id": "11339", "contents": "career 50 year whole lot things. it\u2019 lot up lot down lot sideways. keep going. look piec that\u2019 worth put into, like me. doubtfire,\u201d step new territori here, build someth outsid becom sympathet embarrass endures. interview driskil hotel ahead film\u2019 world premier saturday, ms. field spoke role career."} {"id": "11340", "contents": "10 5.5/10 x. inner-c high school teacher discov pregnant time one promis student two develop unlik friendship struggl navig unexpect pregnancies. 10 6.6/10 x. workahol kevin drunken one night stand beauti train-wreck madeline, he' horrifi discov actual boss' jilt ex-mistress."} {"id": "11341", "contents": "10 6.3/10 x. alex, emily, son, rj, new lo angeles. chanc meet park introduc mysteri kurt, charlotte, max. famili playdat becom increasingli interest night goe on. 10 6.6/10 x. workahol kevin drunken one night stand beauti train-wreck madeline, he' horrifi discov actual boss' jilt ex-mistress."} {"id": "11342", "contents": "earlier version post refer incomplet script hello, name doris.. written michael showalt laura terruso, sole mr. showalter. doubtfire,\u201d step new territori here, build someth outsid becom sympathet embarrass endures. interview driskil hotel ahead film\u2019 world premier saturday, ms. field spoke role career."} {"id": "11343", "contents": "i\u2019m much like dori that. serv well. though fact man crush 30 year younger think issu fact he\u2019 electron music she\u2019 not. doubtfire,\u201d step new territori here, build someth outsid becom sympathet embarrass endures. interview driskil hotel ahead film\u2019 world premier saturday, ms. field spoke role career."} {"id": "11344", "contents": "laura terruso. director produc cinematographer. complet mfa nyu' graduat film program, laura produc two micro-budget featur film screen sundanc film festiv titl codepend lesbian space alien seek foxi merkins, direct madelein olnek. celebr imdb' 25th anniversari photo love imdb turn classi 25 octob 17! celebrate, put togeth galleri favorit movie, tv, event photo last 25 years. see photo love"} {"id": "11345", "contents": "physicist explor identifi basic principl govern structur behaviour matter, gener transfer energy, interact matter energy. physicist conduct appli research build upon discoveri made basic research work develop new devices, product processes. instance, basic research solid-st physic led develop transistor integr circuit use computers."} {"id": "11346", "contents": "research develop work integr part physicists' jobs. physicist work exclus research development. basic research increas scientif knowledge. physicist conduct appli research build upon discoveri made basic research work develop new devices, product processes. instance, basic research solid-st physic led develop transistor integr circuit use computers."} {"id": "11347", "contents": "physicist scientist research physics. physicist studi wide rang physic phenomena mani branch physic span length scales: ub-atom particl ordinari matter made (particl physics) behavior materi univers whole (cosmology). might ask caus gravity, example, shape size univers is. then, use observ mathemat find answers. mani physicist experiments. some, example, ram atom acceler break apart."} {"id": "11348", "contents": "physicist astronom do. physicist astronom studi way variou form matter energi interact. theoret physicist astronom may studi natur time origin universe. physicist astronom appli field may develop new militari technolog new sourc energy, monitor space debri could endang satellites. physicist explor fundament properti law govern space, time, energy, matter. physicist studi theoret areas, fundament properti atom molecul evolutio"} {"id": "11349", "contents": "physicist interest find make univers tick. differ kind physicist studi differ things. instance, astro-physicist studi star planets. interest star planet born caus behav way do. physicist discov first black hole.. mani astronom physicists. nuclear physicists."} {"id": "11350", "contents": "physicist focu theories. ask big questions. might ask caus gravity, example, shape size univers is. then, use observ mathemat find answers. mani physicist experiments. some, example, ram atom acceler break apart."} {"id": "11351", "contents": "physicist interest find make univers tick. differ kind physicist studi differ things. instance, astro-physicist studi star planets. interest star planet born caus behav way do. physicist discov first black hole.. mani astronom physicists. might ask caus gravity, example, shape size univers is. then, use observ mathemat find answers. mani physicist experiments. some, example, ram atom acceler break apart."} {"id": "11352", "contents": "dictionari definit physic \u201cthe studi matter, energy, interact them\u201d, realli mean physic ask fundament question tri answer observ experimenting. physicist ask realli big question like:"} {"id": "11353", "contents": "pre-diabet condit involv high glucose, blood sugar, level yet escal point would indic diabet diagnosis. tran fat enhanc flavor preserv foods, accord american heart association, also increas risk heart diseas type ii diabetes. pre-diabetic, avoid margarine, shorten hydrogen veget oils. food commonli contain tran fat includ commerci prepar cookies, pie crust, pizza snack foods, well fri food doughnut french frie"} {"id": "11354", "contents": "diabet pre-diabet mean can't eat certain foods. solut avoid food sugar them.. rather, need lose weight overweight, cut back portion sizes, plan occas eat small piec cake pie. may tell pre-diabetes, fact actual diabetes. among screen pre-diabet includ overweight adult age 45 older age 45 overweight one follow risk factors: habitu physic inactive."} {"id": "11355", "contents": "22 food avoid diabetes. top food offend contain high amount fat, sodium, carbs, calori may increas risk high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, uncontrol blood sugar, weight gain. however, food realli best left tabl store. everyon -- diabet without -- would wise avoid limit food list high satur fat, sodium, calories, carbs, might contain tran fats."} {"id": "11356", "contents": "best answer: need eat low carbohydr food whole foods. must avoid starch sugars. mean bread, bagels, pasta cake. sugar sweeten soda sugari drink kind. feel must bread go whole grain bread. help keep insulin resist low. mani case pre diabet mean bodi build resist use natur insulin. carri weight around middl work lose weight exercise. fat around middl increas insulin resistance."} {"id": "11357", "contents": "accord dr. weil, satur fat avoid mean prevent treat pre-diabetes. avoid food fatti red meat, process meats, whole milk, high-fat cheeses, deep-friend foods, ice cream butter. tran fat enhanc flavor preserv foods, accord american heart association, also increas risk heart diseas type ii diabetes. pre-diabetic, avoid margarine, shorten hydrogen veget oils. food commonli contain tran fat includ commerci prepar cookies, pie crust, pizza snack foods, well fri food doughnut french fri"} {"id": "11358", "contents": "andrew weil, m.d., natur health expert, suggest reduc food diet diabet pre-diabetes, may caus blood sugar difficulti offer littl nutrient value. replac refin starch complex whole grain carbohydr equivalents. tran fat enhanc flavor preserv foods, accord american heart association, also increas risk heart diseas type ii diabetes. pre-diabetic, avoid margarine, shorten hydrogen veget oils. food commonli contain tran fat includ commerci prepar cookies, pie crust, pizza snack foods, well fri food doughnut french frie"} {"id": "11359", "contents": "peopl diabet avoid food high simpl sugar fast act carbohydrates. exampl fast act carbohydr glucose, sucrose, fructose. common sweeten use candi desserts, anyth natur sweet. diabet gener avoid food high sugars. includ process (bleached) grains, white flour white rice. also avoid food high sodium, avoid water retention."} {"id": "11360", "contents": "pre-diabetes, high risk develop type diabet also increas risk develop heart disease. pre-diabet condit blood glucos level higher normal, high enough classifi full-blown diabetes. may tell pre-diabetes, fact actual diabetes. among screen pre-diabet includ overweight adult age 45 older age 45 overweight one follow risk factors: habitu physic inactive."} {"id": "11361", "contents": "plastid cell organel store specif thing found plant cell absent anim cells. plant cell found cytoplasm. plastid spheric ovoid shape. involv manufactur storag certain import chemic compounds. term plastid coin schimper 1885 deriv greek word plastikas' mean form mou lded."} {"id": "11362", "contents": "plant cell contain cell structur like cell wall, plastids, larg vacuoles. cell wall provid plant cell rigid structur support cell cell interaction. plastid help storag plant products."} {"id": "11363", "contents": "plant chloroplast develop mainli cell locat plant leaves. chloroplast plastid develop cell call proplastids. proplastid immature, undifferenti cell develop differ type plastids. proplastid develop chloroplast, presenc light."} {"id": "11364", "contents": "chloroplast organel found plant cell eukaryot organ conduct photosynthesis. word chloroplast deriv greek word chloros, mean green, plast, mean form entity. chloroplast member class organel known plastids."} {"id": "11365", "contents": "plastid sub-cellular self-repl organel present live plant cells, exclus site mani import biolog processes, fundament photosynthet fixat co2 within chloroplasts, process vital life earth."} {"id": "11366", "contents": "plant cells: plastids: previous mentioned, plastid doubl membran 'sac-like' organelles, gener involv either manufactur storag food. includ chloroplasts, chromoplast leucoplasts. develop proplastids: simple, gener colorless undifferenti plastids.."} {"id": "11367", "contents": "plastid found plant alga cell use photosynthesi manufactur store food. chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplast common plastids."} {"id": "11368", "contents": "organelles, call plastids, main site photosynthesi eukaryot cells. chloroplasts, well pigment contain cytoplasm organel enabl harvest convers light carbon dioxid food energy, plastids."} {"id": "11369", "contents": "tip: remov gum dryer. remov chew gum insid dryer, take dryer sheet wet water. stick wet dryer sheet top gummi mess leav 15 minutes, wipe gum off. fast easy. source: brother gave us tip."} {"id": "11370", "contents": "want gum freeze. depend size gum garment, take two three hours. put fabric top bag rather it, make sure there' enough room freezer cloth touch anyth except plastic bag sit on. tri rub ice cube gum freez small piec gum clothing. avoid fabric get wet ice melts, place plastic barrier (such plastic wrap) ice fabric."} {"id": "11371", "contents": "scrape gum clothes. soon take garment freezer. remov garment plastic bag put onto hard surface. use blunt point object peel scrape gum clothes. cardboard ensur gum stuck garment melt get stuck iron board. place piec cloth cardboard spot gum stuck middl piec cardboard."} {"id": "11372", "contents": "remov gum bottom shoe. remov chew gum clothing. clean chew gum stain clothing. use peanut butter unusu ways. get christma tree sap stain clothes, carpets, others. stamp nail art heart-do yourself. remov chew gum clothing. clean chew gum stain clothing. use peanut butter unusu ways. get christma tree sap stain clothes, carpets, others. stamp nail art heart-do yourself. make bigfoot costum film halloween"} {"id": "11373", "contents": "one way remov gum cloth freez garment gum. small item, sock t-shirt, place plastic freezer storag bag store freezer gum becom solid. best scrape gum still soft. use ice cube harden gum make easier remov clothing. non-aceton nail polish remov sometim remov chew gum"} {"id": "11374", "contents": "peopl say remov chew gum piec clothing, first put freezer, afterward gum easi remove. well, i'v tri it, complet myth. chew gum hardli better removable. best scrape gum still soft. use ice cube harden gum make easier remov clothing. non-aceton nail polish remov sometim remov chew gum"} {"id": "11375", "contents": "stick chew gum. best scrape gum still soft. use ice cube harden gum make easier remov clothing. non-aceton nail polish remov sometim remov chew gum clothing. view slideshow imag"} {"id": "11376", "contents": "learn remov gum sticki waxi stain cloth upholsteri fabric. first step remov gum fabric harden use ice cube put garment plastic bag freezer sever hours. take freezer gum hard, scrape dull knife straight edg credit card."} {"id": "11377", "contents": "remov chew gum clothes. chew gum stuck clothes, worry. lady' maid bea knapp show get rid time. subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... check channel page: http://www.youtube.com/user/videojugb.."} {"id": "11378", "contents": "3. person organ pay plan carri project activity; especially: one pay cost radio televis program usual return advertis time course. spon\u00b7so\u00b7ri\u00b7 \\spaen-sp\u00e4n-\u02c8so\u0307r-\u0113\\ \u0259l. adjective\u00b7spon\u00b7sor \\ship(\u02c8spaen)-\u02c8sp\u00e4n-t\\ s\u0259r. \u02ccship noun full definit sponsor. 1. one present candid baptism confirm undertak respons person' religi educ spiritu welfare. 2. one assum respons person thing."} {"id": "11379", "contents": "definit (4). 1. individu entiti organ commit develop product, program, project. 2. advertis pay (in part full) cost broadcast radio televis program, run commerci program' broadcast. can't come money need new ventur look sponsor help get rest. 10 peopl found helpful."} {"id": "11380", "contents": "person organ pay cost activ event (such radio televis program, sport event, concert, etc.) return right advertis activ event. full definit sponsor. 1. one present candid baptism confirm undertak respons person' religi educ spiritu welfare. 2. one assum respons person thing."} {"id": "11381", "contents": "relat terms: charit giving. corpor sponsorship form advertis compani pay associ certain events. sponsorship nonprofit charit event involved, sponsorship activ often refer event market caus marketing. corpor sponsorship grow rapidli recent years, faster, fact, growth overal corpor advertis late 1990"} {"id": "11382", "contents": "sponsorship advertis type advertis compani pay associ specif event. fact, sponsorship advertis preval charit events. besid charit events, compani may sponsor local sport teams, sport tournaments, fairs, commun events. idea get name view posit particip member community."} {"id": "11383", "contents": "definit sponsor kids. 1. person take respons person thing. 2. person repres someon baptiz take respons spiritu development: godparent. 3. person organ pay plan carri project activity. 4. full definit sponsor. 1. one present candid baptism confirm undertak respons person' religi educ spiritu welfare. 2. one assum"} {"id": "11384", "contents": "use sponsor sentence. link cite add word list. verb. definit sponsor provid fund something, pledg fund something. pay event take place, exampl situat sponsor event. person agenc undertak certain respons connect person group activity, proponent, endorser, advisor, underwriter, surety, etc."} {"id": "11385", "contents": "sponsorship cash and/or in-kind fee paid properti (typic sports, arts, entertain causes) return access exploit commerci potenti associ property, accord ieg."} {"id": "11386", "contents": "form market corpor pay cost associ project program exchang recognition. corpor sponsorship commonli associ nonprofit groups, gener would abl fund oper activ without outsid financi assistance."} {"id": "11387", "contents": "although instal asphalt shingles, shake roll roof temperatures, run issu instal materi temperatur forti degre eight five degrees. goe appli shingl shake direct sunlight noon four. ideally, want roof day moder temperature, moder humid freedom direct sunlight. mild overcast temperatur 50 70 degre suit roof installations."} {"id": "11388", "contents": "shingl instal cold weather fragil thrown around bent crack. shingl instal winter seal spring. ice water shield stick cold weather. need 50 glue work (i'll guess that' 12 c). best time shingl spring fall might choice."} {"id": "11389", "contents": "a. specif temperatur guidelin regard cold instal asphalt shingles. asphalt shingl becom brittl cold temperatures, fiberglass shingl like break organ shingles."} {"id": "11390", "contents": "cold. attempt instal roof temperatur cold installation, shingles, shake roof materi may turn brittle. though instal shingl condit possible, ideal. get best result prevent breakag soften materials, instal roof temperatur 50 60 degre possible. roof job need done immedi due leak wind damage, lay tarp damag section roof instal temporari roofing."} {"id": "11391", "contents": "asphalt (composition) shingles: ideal temperatur rang instal asphalt shingl 70 80 degre fahrenheit. colder 70 degre adhes reach ideal elast creat perfect seal. cases, storm produc high wind drive rain could damag shingl chanc seal properly. asphalt shingl instal properli cold weather (late fall winter) additional, costli measur taken."} {"id": "11392", "contents": "good time replac roof, done winter. certifi instal certainte corp. recommend temperatur 40 degre rise much sun possible.they recommend instal shingl freez temperatures. asphalt shingl instal properli cold weather (late fall winter) additional, costli measur taken. asphalt shingl manufactur requir special adhes manual appli shingl temperatur 40 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "11393", "contents": "attempt instal roof temperatur warm installation, shingles, shake materi may soften, make difficult handle. sun especi hot, adhes roof may also dri get roof properli line placed. get best result prevent breakag soften materials, instal roof temperatur 50 60 degre possible. roof job need done immedi due leak wind damage, lay tarp damag section roof instal temporari roofing."} {"id": "11394", "contents": "low technolog roof materi cedar shake metal roof instal safe without compromis qualiti cold weather. metal cedar suscept temperatur fluctuations, little, any, adhes necessari proper instal material. cases, storm produc high wind drive rain could damag shingl chanc seal properly. asphalt shingl instal properli cold weather (late fall winter) additional, costli measur taken."} {"id": "11395", "contents": "asphalt shingl instal colder ideal temperatures, shingl seal adequ vulner high wind rain. improperli seal shingl blown wind allow rainwat seep underneath roof decking. cases, storm produc high wind drive rain could damag shingl chanc seal properly. asphalt shingl instal properli cold weather (late fall winter) additional, costli measur taken."} {"id": "11396", "contents": "instal shingl cold temperatures. problem run asphalt shingl cold, instance, becom brittle. fiberglass shingl actual get cold crack installation. goe appli shingl shake direct sunlight noon four. ideally, want roof day moder temperature, moder humid freedom direct sunlight. mild overcast temperatur 50 70 degre suit roof installations."} {"id": "11397", "contents": "melt point aluminum foil 660 1220 (the melt point foil, 97% aluminum) aluminum. made aluminum melt 660oc regardless size shape, aluminum oxid anod melt 2000oc see link below. aluminum burn 4,100 (6920\u00b0f), use compon solid rocket fuels. burns, produc al2o3 (alumina). wow!"} {"id": "11398", "contents": "thermit pyrotechn composit metal powder fuel metal oxide. ignit heat, thermit undergo exotherm reduction-oxid (redox) reaction. varieti explos creat brief burst high temperatur small area. thermate-th3 mixtur thermit pyrotechn addit found superior standard thermit incendiari purposes. composit weight gener 68.7% thermite, 29.0% barium nitrate, 2.0% sulfur, 0.3% binder (such pban)."} {"id": "11399", "contents": "experi peer element aluminum see whether burn melt expos flame. hypothesis: hypothesi experi aluminum melt expos flames. judgement base usual behavior metal expos flame."} {"id": "11400", "contents": "aluminum burn 4,100 (6920\u00b0f), use compon solid rocket fuels. burns, produc al2o3 (alumina). wow! rea lli get high exhaust ga veloc (and thrust) way! answer boxerdave1085. confid vote 19. think burn. show see burning-lik (it shrink dramatically) due residu tension material, follow calend process use make foil."} {"id": "11401", "contents": "therefor aluminium expos prolong fire environ begin melt (not burn), provid metal' temperatur pass melt point. set standard give aluminium high mark fire resist versu spread scale. extrem use examin aluminium' behaviour fire conditions, refer relev properties. aluminium alloy melt point 600 660 degre celsius."} {"id": "11402", "contents": "temperatur aluminum turn solid? scientif standard typic refer state chang refer term go up, need know melt point aluminum know becom solid 933.47 kelvin (660.32\u00b0c 1220.58\u00b0f). aluminum burn 4,100 (6920\u00b0f), use compon solid rocket fuels. burns, produc al2o3 (alumina). wow!"} {"id": "11403", "contents": "melt temperatur aluminum foil 660 degre celsiu (1,220 degre fahrenheit) standard pressure, won\u2019t melt temperatur encount standard household oven. physic form aluminum, whether powder, blocks, foil shape, affect melt point long metal rel pure; melt point intrins properti metal, shape not."} {"id": "11404", "contents": "melt point aluminum foil 660 1220 (the melt point foil, 97% aluminum) aluminum. made aluminum melt 660oc regardless size shape, aluminum oxid anod melt 2000oc see link below. answer boxerdave1085. confid vote 19. think burn. show see burning-lik (it shrink dramatically) due residu tension material, follow calend process use make foil."} {"id": "11405", "contents": "shuttle' maximum speed 30,000 km/hr, would take 16 year reach pluto. new horizon spacecraft launch nasa 2006 reac hed new record veloc spacecraft, 58,000 km/hr. acceler graviti assist jupit 2007. know exact distanc earth pluto, divid distanc speed see long radio signal earth take reach there. course, year time vary, distanc vary."} {"id": "11406", "contents": "travel pluto might take slightli longer near futur pluto head toward aphelion (and thu distanc earth) travel time (for spacecraft signific scientif payload) near futur somewher around, slightli below, ten years. voyag probe took 20 year reach orbit pluto. new horizon spacecraft, set reach pluto juli 2015, travel time 10 years."} {"id": "11407", "contents": "pluto would somewher around 5.5 hours. spacecraft use graviti assist, take littl ten years. new horizon launch januari 19th, 2006, pass pluto 2016, way kuiper belt. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/newhorizons/main/index.html. voyag probe took 20 year reach orbit pluto. new horizon spacecraft, set reach pluto juli 2015, travel time 10 years."} {"id": "11408", "contents": "pluto travel highli ellipt orbit around sun. closest point, known perihelion, pluto 4.4 billion kilomet out. that' nearli 30 au, 30 time distanc earth sun. pluto last reach point septemb 5th, 1989. new horizon made fastest journey pluto, also go fli past planet 50,000 km/h. that' less time take high resolut images. want actual go orbit around pluto, need rocket lose velocity."} {"id": "11409", "contents": "new horizon launch januari 19, 2006, it'll reach pluto juli 14, 2015. littl math find taken years, month 25 days. voyag spacecraft distanc earth pluto 12.5 years, although, neither spacecraft actual flew past pluto. new horizon made fastest journey pluto, also go fli past planet 50,000 km/h. that' less time take high resolut images. want actual go orbit around pluto, need rocket lose velocity."} {"id": "11410", "contents": "light take 4.6 hour travel earth pluto. want send signal pluto, would take 4.6 hour transmiss reach pluto, addit 4.6 hour messag return us. let\u2019 talk spacecraft"} {"id": "11411", "contents": "space shuttle. distanc earth pluto constant, averag 3.57 billion miles. space shuttl orbit 17,500 mile per hour. therefor 205,000 hour 8,500 day 23 year 105 days. know exact distanc earth pluto, divid distanc speed see long radio signal earth take reach there. course, year time vary, distanc vary."} {"id": "11412", "contents": "let give context. light take 4.6 hour travel earth pluto. want send signal pluto, would take 4.6 hour transmiss reach pluto, addit 4.6 hour messag return us. let' talk spacecraft. new horizon made fastest journey pluto, also go fli past planet 50,000 km/h. that' less time take high resolut images. want actual go orbit around pluto, need rocket lose velocity."} {"id": "11413", "contents": "pluto travel highli ellipt orbit around sun. closest point, known \u201cperihelion\u201d, pluto 4.4 billion kilomet out. that\u2019 nearli 30 au, 30 time distanc earth sun. problem get pluto faster mean it\u2019 harder kind scienc reach dwarf planet. new horizon made fastest journey pluto, it\u2019 also go fli past planet 50,000 km/h. that\u2019 less time take high resolut images."} {"id": "11414", "contents": "let give context. light take 4.6 hour travel earth pluto. want send signal pluto, would take 4.6 hour transmiss reach pluto, addit 4.6 hour messag return us. let\u2019 talk spacecraft. new horizon blast earth, go 58,000 km/h. problem get pluto faster mean it\u2019 harder kind scienc reach dwarf planet. new horizon made fastest journey pluto, it\u2019 also go fli past planet 50,000 km/h. that\u2019 less time take high resolut images."} {"id": "11415", "contents": "scotland play dark blue strip, similar nation' footbal rugbi union teams, blue shirt, short socks. blue white shield thistle, scottish emblem, team' badge."} {"id": "11416", "contents": "scotland nation rugbi leagu team repres scotland intern rugbi leagu footbal tournaments. nicknam bravehearts. scotland regard test nation."} {"id": "11417", "contents": "scottish rugbi team date back 1871, beat england first intern rugbi union match raeburn place. scotland compet five nation inaugur tournament 1883, win 14 time outright\u2014includ last ever five nation 1999 \u2014and share anoth 8."} {"id": "11418", "contents": "scotland nation rugbi union team repres scotland intern rugbi union. rugbi union scotland administ scottish rugbi union. team take part annual six nation championship particip rugbi world cup, take place everi four years. 12 octob 2015, scotland ninth world rugbi rankings."} {"id": "11419", "contents": "scotland rugbi leagu rugbi leagu ireland arrang match 13 august 1995 royal dublin showground dublin, ireland. howev rugbi footbal leagu provid financi support either team."} {"id": "11420", "contents": "scotland footbal team. scottish nation footbal team led former celtic manager, gordon strachan co-captain manchest unit midfield darren fletcher celtic captain scott brown."} {"id": "11421", "contents": "play home scottish rugby, world famou bt murrayfield stadium, scotland rich rugbi histori date back first ever intern match, england, stage raeburn place edinburgh 1871."} {"id": "11422", "contents": "now. report abuse. measur comput monitor size realli simple. measur one corner other. measur top right corner bottom left corner. measur screen mean part get see image. part see. exampl desktop."} {"id": "11423", "contents": "i'd like conveni way measur size imag comput screen. specif intent measur distanc two point made photo copi electrophoresi gel pattern, ad dot via paint. i'v tri crude method copi imag ruler google, transfer imag paint, size enlarg dramatically; make hard measur metric length, resolut imag get screw badly."} {"id": "11424", "contents": "screen calipers. screen calip uniqu on-screen measur tool, let measur anyth comput screen ultim accuracy. window appl mac. calip version 4.0 available, semi transpar skins, pdf measurement, 360\u00b0 rotat"} {"id": "11425", "contents": "2-d displays, comput monitor tvs, display size (or viewabl imag size vis) physic size area pictur video displayed. size screen usual describ length diagonal, distanc opposit corners."} {"id": "11426", "contents": "simpl on-screen ruler mac use measur pixels, inches, pica centimeters. ruler scale 200 5000 pixel length. moreover, custom transpar get precis measur elements. download free ruler."} {"id": "11427", "contents": "5. cancel. measur screen size help make sure wallpap take full advantag resolut available. measur screen size wallpap help comput profession free video clip. part video series: graphic design. measur screen size wallpaper."} {"id": "11428", "contents": "comput monitor size base diagon measur screen. example, new lcd monitor advertis 32\u201d size like 32\u201d upper right lower left corner rather 32\u201d across 32\u201d tall. measur screen; count frame around screen. measur height screen top bottom. measur width screen left right."} {"id": "11429", "contents": "download nruler. 5. on-screen ruler. on-screen ruler anoth simpl measur tool display measur inches, centimeters, pixels, pica\u2019 percentage. also transpar slider option font color configur liking."} {"id": "11430", "contents": "measur diagon length screen top left corner bottom right corner. measur screen; count frame around screen. measur height screen top bottom. measur width screen left right. three measur values, abl confid order screen filter place monitor sale"} {"id": "11431", "contents": "monitor' size distanc (usual measur inches) corner corner, diagon across screen. appli widescreen normal/ful screen monitors. howev manufacturer' specifi size might slightli actual 'viewabl size' coupl reasons: 1. so, truli see pictur comput screen. sinc\u2026. adjust monitor screen size size monitor screen refer screen resolution. resolut determin number pixel use screen, control clear im\u2026."} {"id": "11432", "contents": "common get tummi upset period. happen sometim tissu uteru break away irrit bowls. see doc realli bad caus scare reduc fertility. i'm 13 mom let take medicine. past day i'v lie bed worst menstrual cramps, headach stomach aches. also can't eat anyth can't hold down-i feel like throw coupl minut i'v eaten. oh, also use toilet..."} {"id": "11433", "contents": "get better get older may go away children older. howev still get diarrhea first day period. horomon releas period irrit bowels, even though anoth system altogether. advil imodium pill make feel better hour. drink lot water. realli heavi period lot pain go see doctor someth stronger get check-up. i'm 13 mom let take medicine. past day i'v lie bed worst menstrual cramps, headach stomach aches. also can't eat anyth can't hold down-i feel like throw coupl minut i'v eaten. oh, also use toilet..."} {"id": "11434", "contents": "caus uteru contract also stomach muscl well caus diarrhea. normal though sudden diarrhea accompani nausea, say i'm start period.. mine usual occur day prior period starting. cramp quit common before, period. diarrhea common. possibl diarrhea concomitantli period, diarrhea oftenti me unrel period. person found useful."} {"id": "11435", "contents": "dear reader, women experi cramping, bloating, feel lousi period sometim pleasur symptom like loos stools. mani women experi pm symptoms, some, pm symptom enough make person wonder human bodi cruel. may fact physiolog link menstruat diarrhea."} {"id": "11436", "contents": "enough deal period make diarrhea chang bowel habit anoth thing want put with. though diarrhea caus bodili chang caus period cramping, mani women find manag prevent medication. also avoid caffein junk food caus diarrhea worsen pms. course, heat pad, warm water bottle, warm cloth across abdomin area also help reliev pain brought period cramps."} {"id": "11437", "contents": "split merg it. answer princesa williams. confid vote 207. yes, normal diarrhea period get sometim also. agre whoever said that, let explain might feel better. cramp quit common before, period. diarrhea common. possibl diarrhea concomitantli period, diarrhea oftenti me unrel period. person found useful."} {"id": "11438", "contents": "exact reason diarrhea occur period fulli understood, quit common often tie menstrual cramps. believ root caus prostaglandins, chemic releas period allow uterus, thu intestines, contract. also avoid caffein junk food caus diarrhea worsen pms. course, heat pad, warm water bottle, warm cloth across abdomin area also help reliev pain brought period cramps."} {"id": "11439", "contents": "diarrhea, well gastrointestin symptom bloat nausea, may also occur week prior period. case, diarrhea may part group symptoms, usual includ mild mood changes, call premenstru syndrom (pms). also avoid caffein junk food caus diarrhea worsen pms. course, heat pad, warm water bottle, warm cloth across abdomin area also help reliev pain brought period cramps."} {"id": "11440", "contents": "confid vote 32. name charl bible. boy' name charl \\ch(ar)-les\\ pronounc charlz. old german origin, mean free man. karl, similar old english churl, mean man, serf."} {"id": "11441", "contents": "name charl bible. boy' name charl \\\\ch(ar)-les\\\\ pronounc charlz. old german origin, mean free man."} {"id": "11442", "contents": "name charl shakespearean babi name. shakespearean mean name charl is: king henri v' charl sixth, dauphin afterward king france. 'a like it' wrestler frederick. french meaning: name charl french babi name. french mean name charl is: manly. teuton meaning: name charl teuton babi name. teuton mean name charl is: manly. american meaning: name charl american babi name. american mean name charl is: manly. english meaning: name charl english babi name. english mean name charl is: man (from old english 'ceorl'). famou bearers: american movi star charl bronson; british princ charles; evolutionist charl darwin"} {"id": "11443", "contents": "syll. (c)har-les, ch-arl- babi boy name charl pronounc ch aa r-ahlz (english) or-sh ae rl (french) \u2020. charl larg use english french languages, deriv german origins. old german element 'karl' (mean man, free man), cognat old english 'ceorl', gave rise german name carl karl. charl classic favorite. current still popular babi name boys, though lesser extent before. peak usag 1932, 2.894% babi boy given name charles."} {"id": "11444", "contents": "look charl wiktionary, free dictionary. charl masculin given name french form charl german name karl. origin anglo-saxon \u010bearl \u010beorl, name king cearl mercia, disappear norman conquest england. correspond old nors form karl, german form also karl."} {"id": "11445", "contents": "charl /char-les/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc charlz. old german origin, mean charl free man. karl, similar old english churl, mean man, serf. charl french variant carolu karolus, adopt english especi sinc 17th-centuri reign king charl ii. charl variant form favour royalti sever countries, includ present princ wales."} {"id": "11446", "contents": "charl diminut (nicknames) charley, charlie, chas, chaz, chip, chuck. charl fall classic name category. famou bearer name include: charl osgood, charl darwin, charl barkley, charl dickens, charl de gaulle. view charl name popular page see popular trend charl chang sinc 1880, compar popular charl names."} {"id": "11447", "contents": "babi boy name, charl current popular babi name, recent overal usa popular rank 58 1000 (source: 2000 u.s. census) 2009, name charl fell popular move usa top 1000 chart year 2009, places. year 2009, rank 64 top 1000 charts."} {"id": "11448", "contents": "charl nautic flags. french name similar origin old-world european nations. often deriv place name trade names, basi history, mythology, religion nature. may also creat names. view charl name popular page see popular trend charl chang sinc 1880, compar popular charl names."} {"id": "11449", "contents": "doctor health care industri make $172,928, doctor ob/gyn\u2019 offic make around $167,151. doctor work medic offic earn $162,435, work hospit make $160,310, health clinic take home $148,715 per year. turn male doctor make annual salari $179,215, femal doctor earn $163,356. experi doctor field, higher doctor\u2019 salari becomes."} {"id": "11450", "contents": "femal doctor earn averag $63, 346, provid 4.7 servic 320 patient (1504 servic provid total) averag per servic fee $42.11. women doctor earn $1.49 per servic render men."} {"id": "11451", "contents": "result, male doctor earn 24 percent per patient medicar femal physicians\u2014$262 per patient male md versu $211 per patient femal mds."} {"id": "11452", "contents": "1980s, male doctor made 20 percent femal counterparts, number balloon 25 percent, make gap real dollar $50,000 year."} {"id": "11453", "contents": "doctor special femal reproduct system pregnancy, call obstetrician gynecologists, make annual salari $216,760 averag mean hourli wage top $104.21."} {"id": "11454", "contents": "despit account almost half medic profession, femal doctor still earn less male counterparts. abi rimmer examin gender pay gap continu long. women practis medicin 100 years, yet femal doctor still earn 29%"} {"id": "11455", "contents": "averag doctor salari work offic vari base whether primari care physician medic specialists. accord payscale, gener practition earn around $125,568 year, famili doctor make $150,321 lowest earn doctors."} {"id": "11456", "contents": "fact, gap male femal doctors\u2019 pay widen recent years. 2004 male doctor earn 21% femal colleagues, 2013 earn 40% more, accord figur median pay offic nation statist (figure)."} {"id": "11457", "contents": "put classif correct order: order, species, kingdom, class, genus, phylum, family. come way rememb order classifications, example: \u201cking phillip came great sandwiches\u201d. biolog classif repres organ relat speci specif part. biologist arrang organ hierarchi group subgroup base similar differences, close relat are."} {"id": "11458", "contents": "organ group togeth taxa (singular: taxon) given taxonom rank; group given rank aggreg form super group higher rank thu creat taxonom hierarchy. swedish botanist carolu linnaeu regard father taxonomy, develop system known linnaean classif categor organ binomi nomenclatur name organisms."} {"id": "11459", "contents": "six kingdoms. linnaeu develop system classification, two kingdoms, plant animals. use microscop led discoveri new organ identif differ cells. two-kingdom system longer useful. today system classif includ six kingdoms."} {"id": "11460", "contents": "taxonomy--th branch scienc classifi name live things. nomenclature--a system name things. biolog two-word system use name organisms. call binomi nomenclatur (a two named--nam system). organ group among five kingdom by: presenc absenc nuclear membran unicellular (one cell) multicellular (mani cells) type nutrit use organ (heterotroph autotrophic). also go main phyla (next subgroup) kingdom."} {"id": "11461", "contents": "classif live thing call taxonomy.. scientist put organ group thing common. first group use kingdoms. five kingdoms: explor website, see organism' classif bottom speci page. way compar organ see one groups, tri figur scientist put together."} {"id": "11462", "contents": "moneran kingdom. kingdom split smaller groups, call phyla. phylum split smaller group call classes, class split orders, order split families, famili split genera, genu split species. speci singl organism, group. explor website, see organism' classif bottom speci page. way compar organ see one groups, tri figur scientist put together."} {"id": "11463", "contents": "genus. species. group split smaller groups, organ alike. instance, white-tail deer, eastern gray squirrel, eastern chipmunk mammal class together. explor website, see organism' classif bottom speci page. way compar organ see one groups, tri figur scientist put together."} {"id": "11464", "contents": "systemat studi identification, taxonomi nomenclatur organisms, includ classif live thing regard natur relationship studi variat evolut taxa. swedish botanist carolu linnaeu regard father taxonomy, develop system known linnaean classif categor organ binomi nomenclatur name organisms."} {"id": "11465", "contents": "explain follow characterist classif system important: a) assign single, univers accept name organism. b) place organ group biolog related. c) divid organ small groups. name: _________________________ block: __________ date: ___________________________ taxonomi worksheet follow pairs. 1. vocabulari ae distinguish the) term, taxonomi binomial. nomenclatur following. pair"} {"id": "11466", "contents": "ga furnac made earli 1970 typic afu 65 percent. lowest effici allow law new ga furnac 78 percent, new model achiev 97 percent--near-tot efficiency. price furnac gener rise step fuel efficiency. furnac 90 percent afu might cost $1,000 similar size unit 80 percent afu"} {"id": "11467", "contents": "cost replac standard ga boiler $4,000. high-effici model cost $7,500. cost estim usual includ remov dispos old unit, well necessari lines, duct wire need new system run properly. replac oil-fir boiler typic bit expensive. depend live cost $50 $300. local govern also requir fire inspect heat system replacements. fee depend size boiler tend run $40 $75."} {"id": "11468", "contents": "may need new chimney liner you\u2019r upgrad higher effici boiler. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "11469", "contents": "boiler instal costs. you\u2019r replac old boiler, expect boiler instal cost mid-effici system cost $2,500 $4,000 (80 percent efficiency), boiler instal cost high-effici system cost $5,000 $9,000 (90 97 percent efficiency). generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "11470", "contents": "boiler cost type. boiler instal replaced, might pay anywher $3,111 $7,204. average, homeown tend pay $5,100. price highli depend type boiler choose. depend live cost $50 $300. local govern also requir fire inspect heat system replacements. fee depend size boiler tend run $40 $75."} {"id": "11471", "contents": "instal standard boiler (80%-85% annual fuel util efficiency) typic cost $2,500-$5,000 gas-fir model $3,000-$6,500 oil-fir unit (gener use area without municip ga lines). receiv quot $5,700 (boiler, part labor) instal lennox new boiler tankless water heater coil. call local compani check spec boiler found $2,000 boiler."} {"id": "11472", "contents": "included: instal standard boiler (80%-85% annual fuel util efficiency) typic cost $2,500-$5,000 gas-fir model $3,000-$6,500 oil-fir unit (gener use area without municip ga lines). receiv quot $5,700 (boiler, part labor) instal lennox new boiler tankless water heater coil. call local compani check spec boiler found $2,000 boiler."} {"id": "11473", "contents": "however, factor could swing boiler instal cost higher lower. may need new chimney liner you\u2019r upgrad higher effici boiler. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "11474", "contents": "replac old oil-fir boiler ga model cost thousand dollar replac one oil-fir unit another, need instal new ga line updat exist fittings, valves, pipe system part work new boiler. receiv quot $5,700 (boiler, part labor) instal lennox new boiler tankless water heater coil. call local compani check spec boiler found $2,000 boiler."} {"id": "11475", "contents": "compar cost repair cost replacing. repair averag $300 $500 common issues. replac cost $3,000 $5,000 new equip installation, inspect remov old system. depend live cost $50 $300. local govern also requir fire inspect heat system replacements. fee depend size boiler tend run $40 $75."} {"id": "11476", "contents": "paediatr cours information. paediatr 12 hour first aid train cours conduct blend paediatr train cours \u201c, mean need conduct one day train within classroom, would alreadi complet first hour cours online. 12 hour train programm ofst requir anyon work within childcar environment, includ nurseries, mother toddler groups, gener childcar person play groups."} {"id": "11477", "contents": "applic post you. contact ofst via email email address protect spambots. need javascript enabl view it. call 0300 123 1231. recommend photocopi first aid certif enclos postal application. ofst send letter request see evid first aid qualif onlin applications."} {"id": "11478", "contents": "price cours includ onlin element practic cours (to book seapar first aid life www.firstaidforlife.org.uk addit charge) receiv 12 hour earli year first aid certificate. cours excel first aid train packag parent child carer gain invalu knowledg time pace. also serv superb resourc english second languag equip vocabulari languag skill confid pass practic course."} {"id": "11479", "contents": "ofst inspect first aid certificates? 13. provid respons demonstr ofst met registr requirements. part application, applic must declar met first aid requir provid us copi certificate. childmind must certificate. provid may certif member staff respons first aid. 14. 3. applic regist childmind home childcar must first aid certificate. 4. childcar provid regist person necessarili first aid certificate."} {"id": "11480", "contents": "first aid certif renew everi three years. resuscit equip includ babi junior models, appropriate. train cover appropri content first aid box babi children. train includ record accid incidents. train provid offer full 12 hour paediatr first aid train access websit www.leics.gov.uk/eytrain set also advis consid duti provid first aid employees, includ childmind assist practitioners."} {"id": "11481", "contents": "child carer includ adult first aid. cours design give theoret knowledg need accompani practic first aid cours compli ofst requir 12 hour cours fulfil ofst earli year foundat specif child carers. cours excel first aid train packag parent child carer gain invalu knowledg time pace. also serv superb resourc english second languag equip vocabulari languag skill confid pass practic course."} {"id": "11482", "contents": "norma lewi nanni ofst registr service. 1) book necessari train courses. first aid (full syllabus, ofst compliant) \u00a385. common core skill (ofst compliant) \u00a395pp group maximum, \u00a3125 1:1 training. 2) also ensur necessari documents."} {"id": "11483", "contents": "childminders, assist might sole charg children period time, must hold current paediatr first aid certificate. ofst visit check requir met, expect see first aid certif relev member staff. inform paediatr first aid train cours train cours offer train solut north west help find right train cours busi pleas email us. alternatively, call us 0800 088 6551 speak one train consultants."} {"id": "11484", "contents": "complet part receiv 12 hour paediatr first aid certificate, meet ofst requir childmind training. 12 hour train programm ofst requir anyon work within childcar environment, includ nurseries, mother toddler groups, gener childcar person play groups."} {"id": "11485", "contents": "amanda briney. sochi resort citi locat russian feder subject krasnodar krai. north russia' border georgia along black sea near caucasu mountains. greater sochi stretch 90 mile (145 km) along sea consid one longest citi europe. citi sochi cover total area 1,352 squar mile (3,502 sq km)"} {"id": "11486", "contents": "sochi resort town russian riviera, locat shore black sea. lie krasnodar krai region near caucasu mountains. sochi stretch 145 km along shore black sea vari relief. highest summit caucasu rise 2,000 2,500 locat adler district sochi. toward northwest tuaps region, summit 300 800 high."} {"id": "11487", "contents": "sochi overview. sochi (also spell sochy) resort citi locat krasnodar krai russia black sea coast north caucasu region. sochi largest resort citi russia. citi inform refer \u201csummer resort capital\u201d russia. sochi (adler krasnaya polyana, locat 39 kilomet coast black sea), adler district city, winter olymp game 2014 held. septemb 15, 2009, sochi join world union olymp cities. offici day sochi citi may 15"} {"id": "11488", "contents": "mercur sochi centre-hotel description. 4* mercur sochi center hotel locat heart citi next black sea. relax work day beach 200 spaciou room (non-smoking). enjoy sophist contemporari design, view sea citi except servic"} {"id": "11489", "contents": "citi sochi locat southwestern russia along edg black sea coast near border georgia russia."} {"id": "11490", "contents": "biggest river sochi mzymta, fact longest black sea tributari russia, shakhe. river includ ashe, psezuapse, sochi, khosta, matsesta. psou river make border abkhazia. nearbi ski resort roza khutor krasnaya polyana locat alpin nordic event 2014 winter olympics. june 2006, intern olymp committe announc sochi select finalist citi host 2014 winter olymp 2014 winter paralympics."} {"id": "11491", "contents": "greater sochi area, includ territori local subordin sochi proper, total area 3,526 squar kilomet (1,361 sq mi) sprawl 145 kilomet (90 mi) along shore black sea near caucasu mountains. nearbi ski resort roza khutor krasnaya polyana locat alpin nordic event 2014 winter olympics. june 2006, intern olymp committe announc sochi select finalist citi host 2014 winter olymp 2014 winter paralympics."} {"id": "11492", "contents": "sochi citi locat russia' coast along black sea, feder subject krasnodar krai. situat near intern border russia georgia. due locat along black sea coast, sochi enjoy pleasant climate, warm summer mild winters. largest resort citi russia host citi 22nd winter olymp game winter paralympics. sochi host 22nd winter olymp 7th 23rd february, 2014."} {"id": "11493", "contents": "greater sochi elong along black sea coast 145 kilomet (90 mi). sochi southwest asia, fall southern (asian) side greater caucasus. nearbi ski resort roza khutor krasnaya polyana locat alpin nordic event 2014 winter olympics. june 2006, intern olymp committe announc sochi select finalist citi host 2014 winter olymp 2014 winter paralympics."} {"id": "11494", "contents": "term gross use medicin mean opposit microscop (eg, gross anatomi studi anatomi level whole organ muscles, etc., wherea microscop anatomi use special instrument studi cell tissu make organs). read phrase biopsi report, might consid ask doctor exactli refer to. mean anyth abnorm found exam. grossli unremark mean everyth look good exam done"} {"id": "11495", "contents": "term \u201cunremarkable\u201d shortcut descript imag studi imag finding. term \u201cnormal\u201d complet evaluation."} {"id": "11496", "contents": "gross medic terminolog mean abl see unaid eye, without microscope, neg mean find anything. someth grossli negative, look noth look abnorm them. peopl found useful. read phrase biopsi report, might consid ask doctor exactli refer to. mean anyth abnorm found exam. grossli unremark mean everyth look good exam done"} {"id": "11497", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: unremark medic term mean noth seen ordinary. example, doctor perform physic exam medic report would read: head neck: unremarkable. ears, nose throat: unremarkable. unremark mean specif test result neg noth signific found. like get x-ray knee complain pain, torn ligament area would contribut pain. source(s): rn. southerncharm year ago."} {"id": "11498", "contents": "unremark mean medic terms? alreadi exists. alreadi exist altern question. exist altern of. think siren reson viewers? grossli unremark mean medic terms? pulmonari vascular unremark mean? unremark age ... radiologist say posterior fossa unremark mean everyth look normal. posterior mean back, fossa anatom pit skull, unrem arkabl mean noth stand different. peopl found useful."} {"id": "11499", "contents": "best answer: medic terms. want hear layman' terms. unremark good. mean everything' normal. remark mean there' someth mayb be. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "11500", "contents": "unremark want hear patient. mean noth unusu found medic imag test process. remark mean someth stand normal. bsherman year ago. experienc problems, pleas tri again. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "11501", "contents": "adj. unremark 1. lack distinction; ordinary.2. found ordinari cours events; placid everyday scene; routin day; medic practice, oth unusu found, occur happened, unremakable. 49 peopl found useful. radiologist say posterior fossa unremark mean everyth look normal. posterior mean back, fossa anatom pit skull, unrem arkabl mean noth stand different."} {"id": "11502", "contents": "term gross use medicin mean opposit microscop (eg, gross anatomi studi anatomi level whole organ muscles, etc., wherea microscop anatomi use special instrument studi cell tissu make organs). radiologist say posterior fossa unremark mean everyth look normal. posterior mean back, fossa anatom pit skull, unrem arkabl mean noth stand different. peopl found useful."} {"id": "11503", "contents": "medic terminolog term gross mean abl seen nake eye, gross anatomy. doctor say someth grossli unremarkable, mean th examin without magnification, detect anyth wrong it. convers doctor say grossli abnormal, look an abl dect abnorm chang without need use microscope. read phrase biopsi report, might consid ask doctor exactli refer to. mean anyth abnorm found exam. grossli unremark mean everyth look good exam done"} {"id": "11504", "contents": "british raj, area tea plantation, one four kumaon area time. lake sit altitud 1370 metr lush orchard mehragaon valley. set amongst dens forest oak pine trees, sattal one unspoil unpollut freshwat biom india. sattal christian ashram establish e. stanley jone (1884-1973), evangelist missionary. christian ashram situat bank sattal lakes, former tea estate. st. john' church part ashram showcas mix coloni architecture."} {"id": "11505", "contents": "place details: known \u2018town seven lakes\u2019; sattal kumaon region uttarakhand famou freshwat lakes. locat elev 4000 feet nainit district, sattal along nainital, bhimtal, naukuchiat other form part lake district india. seven lake among unspoil unpollut fresh water bodi india. said lake use interconnected. hill around sattal ideal activ like trekking, rappeling, mountain biking, rock climb mani more. activ like boat angl also enjoy lakes."} {"id": "11506", "contents": "distanc sattal sattal 23 km nainital, 320 km delhi 13 km bhimtal. visit sattal taxi tour travel packages. nainit tourism offer transport onlin book luxury-delux budget variou camps-hotel resort sattal. sattal weather akin place himalayan region, sattal experi pleasant climat round year. summer month april, may june also observ pleasant climate, make ideal getaway peopl plain lands. reach sattal air :- nearest airport pantnagar."} {"id": "11507", "contents": "sattal often compar westmor land england britishers. lake paradis migratori bird stay time migration. bird tri escap harsh cold great himalayan region migrat lower area himalayas. sat tal cluster mysteri inter-connect seven freshwat lake locat nainit district kumaon region. sat tal perch altitud 1,370mt sea level offer splendor nature. group lake set amidst dens forest oak pine trees. sattal one unspoil unpollut fresh water biom india. name seven lake sattal purna tal, ram tal, sita tal, laxman tal, nal damyanti tal, sukh tal garud tal"} {"id": "11508", "contents": "sattal situat lower himalayan rang result tecton activ uplift sediment tibetan plain indo-ganget plains. rock mainli sedimentari rock quartzite. sattal christian ashram establish e. stanley jone (1884-1973), evangelist missionary. christian ashram situat bank sattal lakes, former tea estate. st. john' church part ashram showcas mix coloni architecture."} {"id": "11509", "contents": "10, surya gaon sattal lake po bhimtal, 122002 nainital, india show map. excel locat rate 10/10! rate guest stay resorts-sattal. enjoy view surround lake hill privat cottag resorts-satt forest resort. locat altitud 5000 feet heart kumaon hills, resort 24-hour front desk restaurant. locat near quaint town bhimtal nainit district, sattal forest resort 7.5 mile praathmik swaastha kendra, health centre. pantnagar airport approxim 34.2 mile"} {"id": "11510", "contents": "butterfli found sattal includ indian fritillari (argynni hyperbius), peacock panzy, blue peacock, pari peacock, red-bas jazebel, red lacewing, yellow pansy, tawni rajah, red helen, larg silverstrip thousand others. sattal christian ashram establish e. stanley jone (1884-1973), evangelist missionary. christian ashram situat bank sattal lakes, former tea estate. st. john' church part ashram showcas mix coloni architecture."} {"id": "11511", "contents": "fossil ammonites-sea creatur becam extinct 65 million year ago. evid evolut come fossil record. fossil show much, little, organ chang time. one problem fossil record contain gaps."} {"id": "11512", "contents": "numer type fossil evid left behind organisms. type fossil evid commonli use scientist includ trace fossils, mold casts, replac fossils, petrifi fossils, amber, origin materi fossils."} {"id": "11513", "contents": "fossil evid live animal. fossil creat anim die mud soft dirt sediment. time, anim decompos leav bones. time, bone get cover dirt, rock water, etc."} {"id": "11514", "contents": "trace fossil indirect evid left organisms. exampl trace fossil includ footprints, burrows, fossil fece left behind organisms. simpli leav materi evid organ exist rather evid actual structur organism."} {"id": "11515", "contents": "fossil record provid snapshot past that, assembled, illustr panorama evolutionari chang past four billion years."} {"id": "11516", "contents": "summari fossil evidence. fossil evid organ existed. fossil may consist clue organism, track feces, may part organism, bone bodi part."} {"id": "11517", "contents": "common obviou fossil preserv skelet remain animals. fossils, also evid past organisms, includ leaf impressions, track trails, burrows, droppings, root casts."} {"id": "11518", "contents": "hear talk evid evolution, first thing frequent come mind peopl fossils. fossil record one important, uniqu characteristic: actual glimps past common descent propos taken place."} {"id": "11519", "contents": "hibachi japanes term refer tradit uniqu heat devic use charcoal main sourc fire. hold charcoal, design cylindr box-shap top contain brace heatproof materials. work like stove come varieti colors. japanes also use hibachi interchang shichirin, term refer small ceram pot also use cooking. old type hibachi mainli made cypress wood line clay lack metal"} {"id": "11520", "contents": "hibachi grill tradit type compact japanes cook implement. use restaurants, especi teppanyaki commonli charcoal barbecu sometim sushi. type styles. popular well-known grill cast iron hibachi small, compact portabl cost $30. great small family. need much fuel get go great take camp away weekend rv."} {"id": "11521", "contents": "hibachi one best way grill food. sinc small portable, restaur featur hibachi cook allow custom grill food table. may includ grill meats, fish, veget heat commun soup stews. japanes also use hibachi interchang shichirin, term refer small ceram pot also use cooking. old type hibachi mainli made cypress wood line clay lack metal materials."} {"id": "11522", "contents": "hibachi (japanese: \u706b\u9262, lit. fire bowl) tradit japanes heat device. consist round, cylindr box-shap open-top container, made line heatproof materi design hold burn charcoal. histori [edit]. known hibachi first use japan. however, written record suggest use heian period (794\u20131185 ad)."} {"id": "11523", "contents": "ichiban japanes steakhous proud offer varieti dish prepar profession hibachi chefs. meal cook one state art iron grills, use modern japanes teppanyaki style techniques. defintion, word hibachi tradit mean fire bowl. refer open-top ceram bowl contain burn charcoal heat purposes. north america, hibachi translat small cook stove, typic iron hot plate flat grill. sit famili friend around hibachi pick array meats, seafood veget construct prefer meal"} {"id": "11524", "contents": "save. hibachi style japanes cook food prepar hot open grill. hibachi restaur use cook techniqu turn interact culinari experi restaurant-goers. veget use hibachi. eat hibachi restaurant. diner sit around larg hibachi grill. hibachi chef assign table, station, tool ingredi necessari prepar meals. guest order meal get select meat, vegetables, rice noodles."} {"id": "11525", "contents": "teppanyaki (\u9244\u677f\u713c\u304d, teppan-yaki) style japanes cuisin use iron griddl cook food. word teppanyaki deriv teppan (\u9244\u677f), mean iron plate, yaki (\u713c\u304d), mean grilled, broiled, pan-fried. japan, teppanyaki refer dish cook use iron plate, includ steak, shrimp, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, monjayaki. modern teppanyaki grill typic propane-h flat surfac grill wide use cook food front guest restaurants. teppanyaki grill commonli confus hibachi barbecu grill, charcoal ga flame made open grate design."} {"id": "11526", "contents": "hibachi grill. authent japanes food that' hot grill, hayashi' hibachi grill sure excit give unforgett experience. lubbock,texa (806) 792-6868. authent japanes food that' hot grill, hayashi' hibachi grill sure excit give unforgett experience."} {"id": "11527", "contents": "albuquerque, new mexico (505) 884-0694. authent japanes food that' hot grill, hayashi' hibachi grill sure excit give unforgett experience. lubbock,texa (806) 792-6868. authent japanes food that' hot grill, hayashi' hibachi grill sure excit give unforgett experience."} {"id": "11528", "contents": "url stand uniform resourc locator, use specifi address world wide web. url fundament network identif resourc connect web (e.g., hypertext pages, images, sound files). url follow format: example, url indiana university' home page is: protocol specifi inform link transferred. protocol use web resourc hypertext transfer protocol (http). protocol compat web browser includ https, ftp, telnet, newsgroups, gopher"} {"id": "11529", "contents": "noun. 1. url-th address web page world wide web. uniform resourc locator, univers resourc locator. address, comput address, refer (comput science) code identifi piec inform stored. translations."} {"id": "11530", "contents": "short uniform resourc locator, url identifi specif page internet. find url page current reading, check address bar top browser."} {"id": "11531", "contents": "url (uniform resourc locator, previous univers resourc locator) usual pronounc sound letter but, quarters, pronounc earl uniqu address file access internet."} {"id": "11532", "contents": "definition: url stand uniform resourc locator. url format text string use web browsers, email client softwar identifi network resourc internet. network resourc file plain web pages, text documents, graphics, programs."} {"id": "11533", "contents": "url uri. url one type uniform resourc identifi (uri); gener term type name address refer object world wide web. term web address synonym url use http http protocol. uniform resourc locat (url) develop tim berners-le 1994 internet engin task forc (ietf) uri work group."} {"id": "11534", "contents": "part url. first part url call protocol identifi indic protocol use, second part call resourc name specifi ip address domain name resourc located. term web address synonym url use http http protocol. uniform resourc locat (url) develop tim berners-le 1994 internet engin task forc (ietf) uri work group."} {"id": "11535", "contents": "url. url (uniform resourc locator) form uri standard name convent address document access internet intranet. exampl url http://www.computerhope.com, url comput hope website. overview url. addit inform section http url page. http:// stand hypertext transfer protocol enabl browser know protocol go use access inform specifi domain."} {"id": "11536", "contents": "url shown previously, java.sun.com hostnam trail slash short-hand file name /index.html. protocolid:resourcename. java.net.url. definition: url acronym stand uniform resourc locat refer (an address) resourc internet. often easiest (though entir accurate) think url name file network url refer file machin network. however, rememb url point resourc network databas queri command output."} {"id": "11537", "contents": "florida, iowa, kentucky, virginia, felon ex-felon perman lose right vote, without pardon governor. virginia florida supplementari program facilit gubernatori pardons. remain 45 state 45 differ approach issue. 1996 2008, 28 state pass new law felon vote rights. seven repeal lifetim disenfranchis laws, least ex-offenders. two gave probation right vote."} {"id": "11538", "contents": "florida, non-viol felon must wait five year appli reinstatement; violent felon must wait seven years. seven state -- alabama, arizona, delaware, mississippi, nevada, tennesse wyom -- allow feloni convict vote releas supervision. four state perman disenfranchis ex-felons. florida, iowa, kentucki virginia, take decre governor clemenc board restor person' vote rights, predetermin wait period fine fee paid individu submit application."} {"id": "11539", "contents": "main vermont state unrestrict vote right peopl felons. state allow person vote incarceration, via absente ballot term convict end. nation elect 2012, variou state feloni disenfranchis law ad togeth block estim 5.85 million felon voting, 1.2 million 1976. compris 2.5% potenti voter general; includ 8% potenti african american voters."} {"id": "11540", "contents": "issu vote right unit state fought throughout unit state history. elig vote unit state establish us constitut amendments, state law. washington, d.c. creat portion state maryland virginia 1801. virginia portion retroced (returned) virginia upon request residents, act congress 1846 protect slavery, restor state feder vote right portion virginia."} {"id": "11541", "contents": "38 state district columbia, ex-felon automat gain right vote upon complet sentence. states, ex-felon must wait certain period time complet sentenc right restored. 1996 2008, 28 state pass new law felon vote rights. seven repeal lifetim disenfranchis laws, least ex-offenders. two gave probation right vote."} {"id": "11542", "contents": "felon vote unconstitut congression overreach. han a. von spakovski roger clegg. whether\u2014or when\u2014felon vote right restor public polici issu open debate, question author decid issu lie states, congress. [8] claim state law take away right felon vote root racial discrimin simpli histor inaccurate: even civil war, mani black american slave could vote, state took away right voter convict crimes."} {"id": "11543", "contents": "most--though all--rec state legisl seek expand felon vote right eas process restoration. 1996 2008, 28 state pass new law felon vote rights. seven repeal lifetim disenfranchis laws, least ex-offenders. two gave probation right vote."} {"id": "11544", "contents": "virginia, state disenfranchis felon life unless appli get vote back, institut program 2010 guarante quicker decis restor requests. virginia gov. bob mcdonnel (r) also shorten period non-viol ex-felon must wait appli three two years."} {"id": "11545", "contents": "felon main vote prison use absente ballot, felon convict crime florida, state highest percentag disenfranchis african american nation, might never regain right vote even release."} {"id": "11546", "contents": "california elect offici revers polici prevent 45,000 felon cast ballots, place state forefront movement boost vote right ex-criminals. judg say ex-con supervis right vote paig st. john alameda counti judg rule secretari state debra bowen er told california elect offici forbid 42,000 former prison felon regist vote."} {"id": "11547", "contents": "wear one plaid piec cloth time. plaid come mani differ color styles. however, crisscross line mean almost alway fairli attention-grabbing. mean pair multipl piec plaid cloth overwhelm busi look at. example, wear set bright blue jeans, might wear plaid shirt includ stripe similar shade blue. color match exactli light blue go dark blue on."} {"id": "11548", "contents": "wear plaid shoe wear plaid. wear plaid pant short plaid shoes, overpowering. chanc plaid would match, sinc difficult find match plaids. must wear plaid, tri find plaid hat matches. wear sock plaid shoes. plaid shoe meant summeri casual. necessari wear sock plaid shoes, especi also wear shorts. wear solid color polo shirt. give look class."} {"id": "11549", "contents": "wear plaid shoes, tri wear khaki pant shorts. wear khaki short plaid shoes, like emphas skin tone. excel way show tan. wear sock plaid shoes. wear sock plaid shoes. plaid shoe meant summeri casual. necessari wear sock plaid shoes, especi also wear shorts. wear solid color polo shirt. give look class."} {"id": "11550", "contents": "match one color plaid color cloth wear. alway wear plaid neutral tones. however, want wear plaid color clothes, tri pick plaid piec one color close color outfit. example, wear set bright blue jeans, might wear plaid shirt includ stripe similar shade blue. example, wear set bright blue jeans, might wear plaid shirt includ stripe similar shade blue. color match exactli light blue go dark blue on."} {"id": "11551", "contents": "flannel isn\u2019t slackers. plaid shirt show outfit everi incarnation. addit tie around waist thing, street style shot show plaid shirt pair leather minis, graphic tees, biker jacket, tuck white denim."} {"id": "11552", "contents": "plaid short tricki wear. pair short shirt exact shade, look matchy-matchy. wear shirt contrast much, look like got dress dark. best results, tri match one color plaid short shirt see happens. simpl white t-shirt. stripe t-shirt. stripe plaid definit risky, pull type guy. choos narrow, small stripe larg plaid wider stripe smaller plaid print. match color especi import here."} {"id": "11553", "contents": "go titl post \u201chow wear plaid shirt without look like lumberjack, brawni paper towel guy 90\u2019 grung rocker\u201d, didn\u2019t, obviou reasons. however, sentiment same. style plaid shirt without one bit brawni grungy."} {"id": "11554", "contents": "one favorit fall fashion stapl plaid shirt. could wear plaid shirt year round, honestly, look best fall winter. plaid shirts, flannel shirt peopl call them, versatil worn million differ ways. don\u2019t forget they\u2019r comfortable, cozi usual inexpensive."} {"id": "11555", "contents": "loos plaid shirt tend appear rug casual. tri pair one band t-shirt old tank top grungi sens style. even wear men' shirt let tail hang waist boyfriend look. example, wear set bright blue jeans, might wear plaid shirt includ stripe similar shade blue. color match exactli light blue go dark blue on."} {"id": "11556", "contents": "wear plaid pant short plaid shoes, overpowering. chanc plaid would match, sinc difficult find match plaids. must wear plaid, tri find plaid hat matches. hat far enough away shoe overpow outfit. wear sock plaid shoes. plaid shoe meant summeri casual. necessari wear sock plaid shoes, especi also wear shorts. wear solid color polo shirt. give look class."} {"id": "11557", "contents": "organ reli organ compound sourc carbon, abl use light inorgan compound sourc energy. organ defin autotrophic, rather heterotrophic. autotroph photoautotroph chemoautotrophs. phototroph use light energi source, chemotroph util electron donor sourc energy, whether organ inorgan sources; howev case autotrophs, electron donor come inorgan chemic sources."} {"id": "11558", "contents": "autotroph organ produc food. usual unicellular organism. autotroph util photosynthesi produc food (typic nutri nt glucose). autotroph also refer producer. exampl autotroph algae. heterotroph organ receiv food sources. multicellular unicellular organism. organ consum decompos heterotrophs. parasit also heterotroph. parasit feed organ food"} {"id": "11559", "contents": "diffen scienc biology. autotroph organ produc food substanc avail surround use light (photosynthesis) chemic energi (chemosynthesis). heterotroph cannot synthes food reli organ plant anim nutrition."} {"id": "11560", "contents": "organisms, call heterotrophs, take autotroph food carri function necessari life. thus, heterotroph animals, almost fungi, well bacteria protozoa depend autotrophs, primari producers, energi raw materi need. heterotroph obtain energi break organ molecul (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) obtain food. carnivor organ reli autotroph indirectly, nutrient obtain heterotroph prey come autotroph consumed. autotroph photoautotroph chemoautotrophs. phototroph use light energi source, chemotroph util electron donor sourc energy, whether organ inorgan sources; howev case autotrophs, electron donor come inorgan chemic sources."} {"id": "11561", "contents": "protozoa [edit]. heterotrophs, protozoa scaveng materi surroundings. other predat activ hunt ambush small organ bacteria protozoa sourc nutrition. protozoa parasit well; may live insid larger organisms, like human"} {"id": "11562", "contents": "autotroph heterotrophs. organ divid autotroph heterotroph accord energi pathways. autotroph organ abl make energy-contain organ molecul inorgan raw materi use basic energi sourc sunlight. plant prime exampl autotrophs, use photosynthesis. organ must make use food come organ form fats, carbohydr proteins."} {"id": "11563", "contents": "autotroph fundament food chain ecosystem world. take energi environ form sunlight inorgan chemic use creat energy-rich molecul carbohydrates. mechan call primari production. organisms, call heterotroph s, take autotroph food carri function necessari life. wikipedia. autotroph. autotroph, also call producer, organ produc complex organ compound (such carbohydr s, fat s, protein s) simpl inorgan molecul use energi light (bi photosynthesis) inorgan chemic reaction (chemosynthesis)."} {"id": "11564", "contents": "autotroph util photosynthesi produc food (typic nutri nt glucose). autotroph also refer producer. exampl autotroph algae. heterotroph organ receiv food sources. multicellular unicellular organism. organ consum decompos heterotrophs. parasit also heterotroph. parasit feed organ food. exampl parasit deet tick. exampl decompos heterotroph earthworm"} {"id": "11565", "contents": "heterotroph contrast autotrophs, plant algae, use energi sunlight (photoautotrophs) inorgan compound (lithoautotrophs) produc organ compound carbohydrates, fats, protein inorgan carbon dioxide."} {"id": "11566", "contents": "sections. conu medullari cone-shap end spinal cord. normal locat end thorac vertebra (t12) begin lumbar vertebra (l1), though sometim conu medullari found l1 l2. point end conu medullaris, nerv root spinal cord continu dangl format call cauda equina, resembl horse\u2019 tail."} {"id": "11567", "contents": "cross section human spinal cord. conu medullari technic name lower end spinal cord. damag conu medullari may caus pain lower back. conu medullari origin base brain extend lower end spinal cord. conu medullari syndrom may caus difficulti walk well numb weak legs."} {"id": "11568", "contents": "conu medullari (latin medullari cone) tapered, lower end spinal cord. occur near lumbar vertebr level (l1) (l2), occasion lower. upper end conu medullari usual well defined. conu medullari syndrom collect sign symptom associ injuri conu medullaris. typic caus back pain bowel bladder dysfunct weak sensori loss uncommon."} {"id": "11569", "contents": "person conu medullari syndrom symptom occur nerv conu medullari malfunction. malfunct caus structur (e.g. hematoma, tumor, etc.) place pressur conu medullaris. conu medullari end spinal cord, locat lower back. symptom conu medullari syndrom includ low back pain, numb groin inner thighs, leg numbness, foot numbness. symptom includ leg weakness, loss bladder control, difficulti walking, impot"} {"id": "11570", "contents": "conu medullari technic name lower end spinal cord. origin base brain, thick bundl nerv tissu pass center spinal column, penetr vertebrae, protect damage. damag conu medullari may caus pain lower back. conu medullari origin base brain extend lower end spinal cord. conu medullari syndrom may caus difficulti walk well numb weak legs."} {"id": "11571", "contents": "nerv pass conu medullari control legs, genitals, bladder bowel. point end conu medullaris, nerv root spinal cord continu dangl format call cauda equina, resembl horse\u2019 tail. conu medullari resid lower back, injuri condit lumbar spine affect termin end spinal cord"} {"id": "11572", "contents": "cauda equina (latin horse' tail) bundl spinal nerv spinal nerv roots, consist second fifth lumbar nerv pairs, first fifth sacral nerv pairs, coccyg nerve, origin conu medullari spinal cord."} {"id": "11573", "contents": "conu medullari termin end spinal cord. occur near lumbar nerv (l1) (l2). spinal cord terminates, spinal nerv continu dangl nerv call cauda equina."} {"id": "11574", "contents": "dr prashant mudgal et al. conu medullari syndrom caus injuri insult conu medullari lumbar nerv roots. clinic subset spinal cord injuri syndromes."} {"id": "11575", "contents": "simpl varicella titer test provid information. test may also known chickenpox test, immun chickenpox test, vzv. varicella titer test (chickenpox) look antibodi indic immun result clinic recoveri vaccination. test requir blood sampl typic see result 1-3 busi days. varicella igg test avail part immun panel also contain immun test hepat a, hepat b, measles, mumps, rubella."} {"id": "11576", "contents": "a) innat immun b) natur acquir activ immun c) natur acquir passiv immun d) artifici acquir activ immun e) artifici acquir passiv immun 11) newborns' immun due transfer antibodi across placenta exampl a) innat immunity. d) chemic elicit antibodi respons combin antibodies. e) pathogen. 32) best definition. antibody. is. a) protein made respons antigen combin antigen."} {"id": "11577", "contents": "31) best definit of. antigen. is. a) protein combin antibodies. b) someth foreign body. c) chemic combin antibodies. d) chemic elicit antibodi respons combin antibodies. e) pathogen. 32) best definition. antibody. is. a) protein made respons antigen combin antigen. b) serum protein. c) immunoglobulin"} {"id": "11578", "contents": "immun diseas achiev presenc antibodi diseas person\u2019 system. antibodi protein produc bodi neutral destroy toxin disease-carri organisms. antibodi disease-specific. exposur diseas organ occur infect actual diseas (result natur immunity), introduct kill weaken form diseas organ vaccin (vaccine-induc immunity)."} {"id": "11579", "contents": "mump epidem parot viral diseas humans. transmit via respiratori rout (respiratori droplet cough sneezing). common childhood diseas worldwid mump vaccine, still signific threat health third world. varieti problem caus pc boot properly. matter problem i\u2026. expect recoveri hysterectomi depend type surgeri have, recoveri hysterectomi take littl two week much two months."} {"id": "11580", "contents": "mump spread way cold viru spread. viru spread direct contact saliva and/or discharg nose and/or outh. peakay tea. 660,137 contributions. varieti problem caus pc boot properly. matter problem i\u2026. expect recoveri hysterectomi depend type surgeri have, recoveri hysterectomi take littl two week much two months."} {"id": "11581", "contents": "a. innat immun b. natur acquir activ immun c. natur acquir passiv immun d. artifici acquir activ immun e. artifici acquir passiv immun explain. source(s): type immun result vaccination: https://biturl.im/sqpfw. gregori month ago. thumb up. b. natur acquir activ immunity. c. natur acquir passiv immunity. d. artifici acquir activ immunity. e. artifici acquir passiv immunity. explain."} {"id": "11582", "contents": "male past puberti develop mump 30 percent risk this. symptom mump include, sore face and/or ear occasion seriou cases, loss voice. varieti problem caus pc boot properly. matter problem i\u2026. expect recoveri hysterectomi depend type surgeri have, recoveri hysterectomi take littl two week much two months."} {"id": "11583", "contents": "passiv immun provid person given antibodi diseas rather produc immun system. newborn babi acquir passiv immun mother placenta. exposur diseas organ occur infect actual diseas (result natur immunity), introduct kill weaken form diseas organ vaccin (vaccine-induc immunity)."} {"id": "11584", "contents": "settlement amount vs. juri awards. averag court settlement medic malpractic lawsuit $425,000, averag juri award $1 million. go trial everi time? fact medic malpractic litig expensive, time consum guaranteed."} {"id": "11585", "contents": "gener rule, complic medic malpractic case is, longer take settle. factor make case complic include: complex novel medic issues. complex novel legal issues. larg number wit (includ expert medic witnesses), and."} {"id": "11586", "contents": "medic malpractic case given special prefer move top trial calendar. right now, trial calendar medic malpractic case month time note issu filed. nyc hospit parti suit, usual take longer. averag 6-12 month file note issue."} {"id": "11587", "contents": "freeadvic staff. medic malpractic case take littl month long sever year complete. realli depend complex case. parti come reason settlement, lawsuit take long conclude."} {"id": "11588", "contents": "contempl medic malpractic lawsuit, expect process take least 3-6 month rel simpl 12-18 month longer complex."} {"id": "11589", "contents": "often times, case may settl faster lesser amount money, famili potenti lose sever hundr thousand dollar more. alternatively, case win trial tend much greater payouts, take sever year money paid."} {"id": "11590", "contents": "food reduc excess sweating. sweat normal essenti process regul bodi temperatur excret wast skin. sweat control sweat glands. two type sweat glands. eccrin gland found bodi apocrin gland found mainli hair follicles. million sweat gland body. however, sweat gland concentr forehead, armpits, palm sole feet. excess sweat technic known hyperhidrosi condit commonli face mani people. smelli sweat anoth embarrass problem."} {"id": "11591", "contents": "causes. skin two main type sweat glands: eccrin gland apocrin glands. eccrin gland occur bodi open directli onto surfac skin. bodi temperatur rises, eccrin gland secret fluid onto surfac skin, cool bodi evaporates. fluid compos mainli water salt. apocrin glands, hand, produc milki fluid commonli secret emot stress"} {"id": "11592", "contents": "sweat liquid come sweat gland surfac skin. whenev hot atmosphere, feel nervou stress situat ill start sweat. term sweat call sweating. sweat heat taken away form sweat. two type sweat glands, are: eccrin glands: eccrin gland numer found body. apocrin glands: apocrin gland mainli found armpit (axillary), genit area connect hair follicles."} {"id": "11593", "contents": "intern thermostat -- hypothalamu brain -- send signal activ sweat glands. sweat reach skin evaporates, take heat bodi it. food hot temperature-wis also make sweat."} {"id": "11594", "contents": "sweat especi odor however, it\u2019 call malodor sweating, caus varieti factors. consid one appli you. -food: strong smell food translat strong smell sweat: curry, garlic onion caus smelli sweat. excess dieting: diet wrong way get enough nutrit bodi turn fat protein sustain; creat strong bodi odor. sweat normal come apocrin glands, gland armpits. it\u2019 within gland bacteria abl multipli break fat within skin; natur caus odor."} {"id": "11595", "contents": "sweat trigger 1: heat humidity. sweat body' built-in cool system. temperatur rises, million tini sweat gland skin activ sweat releas pores. sweat evaporates, cool off."} {"id": "11596", "contents": "apart includ food diet, avoid food caus excess sweat like coffee, cola drinks, black tea, chocolates, garlic, onion spici foods. list food reduc excess sweat summers. food reduc excess sweat summers: million sweat gland body. however, sweat gland concentr forehead, armpits, palm sole feet. excess sweat technic known hyperhidrosi condit commonli face mani people. smelli sweat anoth embarrass problem."} {"id": "11597", "contents": "rais intern temperature, activ body\u2019 cool mechanism. spici food hot drink bed caus excess sweat eat and/or night sweats. caffein stimul sweat gland alcohol widen blood vessel skin, also make sweat more. sweat eat problem peopl food think food make sweat. link malfunct saliva production. nerv caus us saliv get confus nerv sweat glands, sweat instead produc saliva."} {"id": "11598", "contents": "hidraden suppurativa blockag sweat glands, usual armpits, rarely, buttock groin breasts. heat, sweat, incomplet gland develop may block sweat glands, forc sweat bacteria tissu around it, becom infected. condit seen often in: black females. peopl overweight. peopl spend time hot moist environ"} {"id": "11599", "contents": "titl tell kind solut need. case, it\u2019 fifth-lett change: word (one) becom new word (two) fifth letter changed-lik medic media, irrit irrigate. number parenthes say you\u2019r look six-lett word answer. ni3), second four-lett word tag one. sometim editor simpli note: \u201csecond ni3.\u201d. ni2 print sinc 1961 becom increasingli difficult find. local librari still copies, do, occasionally, used-book stores."} {"id": "11600", "contents": "use common isotopes. calcul molar mass (averag molecular weight), base isotrop weight averages. molecular mass, mass singl molecul well-defin isotopes."} {"id": "11601", "contents": "transcript: hi, dr. b. let' lewi structur ni3, nitrogen triiodide. that' one dr. b.' favorit chemicals: big explosion, nice purpl cloud. let' look period table. nitrogen group 5, sometim call fifteen, five valenc electrons. iodin seven valenc electron there' three 21 26 total valenc electrons. let' put nitrogen center. least electronegative."} {"id": "11602", "contents": "assum convert gram ni3 mole. view detail measur unit: molecular weight ni3 moles. compound also known nitrogen triiodide. percentag weight atom group atom compound comput divid total weight atom (or group atoms) formula formula weight multipli 100. find molar mass start unit gram per mole (g/mol)."} {"id": "11603", "contents": "chemistry, formula weight quantiti comput multipli atom weight (in atom mass units) element chemic formula number atom element present formula, ad product together. common request site convert gram moles. calcul molar mass (averag molecular weight), base isotrop weight averages. molecular mass, mass singl molecul well-defin isotopes."} {"id": "11604", "contents": "find molar mass start unit gram per mole (g/mol). calcul molecular weight chemic compound, tell us mani gram one mole substance. formula weight simpli weight atom mass unit atom given formula. calcul molar mass (averag molecular weight), base isotrop weight averages. molecular mass, mass singl molecul well-defin isotopes."} {"id": "11605", "contents": "full definit velvet. 1. cloth upholsteri fabric (a silk, rayon, wool) character short soft dens warp pile. 2. a: someth suggest velvet b: characterist (a soft smoothness) velvet. 3. soft vascular skin envelop nourish develop antler deer. 4. middl english veluet, velvet, anglo-french, velu shaggy, soft, velvety, vulgar latin *villutus, latin villu shaggi hair; akin latin vellu fleec wool."} {"id": "11606", "contents": "deer velvet tradit chines medicin treatment. name includ velvet antler antler velvet. made immatur deer antlers, cover velvet-lik hair. stage, antler made cartilage."} {"id": "11607", "contents": "red velvet cake cake either dark red, bright red red-brown color. tradit prepar layer cake top cream chees cook roux icing. common ingredi includ buttermilk, butter, cocoa, flour cake, beetroot red food color color. traditionally, red velvet cake ice french-styl butter roux ice (also call ermin icing), light fluffy, time-consum prepare. cream chees frost buttercream frost variat increas popularity."} {"id": "11608", "contents": "deer velvet cover grow bone cartilag develop deer antlers. peopl use deer velvet medicin wide rang health problems. deer velvet use boost strength endurance, improv way immun system works, counter effect stress, promot rapid recoveri illness. also use onset winter ward infections."} {"id": "11609", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. velvet soft pile fabric manufactur almost 4,000 year one form another. long consid luxuri fabric requir thread manufactur fabrics, well multipl steps. necessari care maintain velvet easi damage. creas fold fabric flatten pile caus becom lumpy. steamed, carefully, use velvet board, prevent steamer crush pile."} {"id": "11610", "contents": "velvet type woven tuft fabric cut thread evenli distributed, short dens pile, give distinct feel. cotton also use make velvet, though often result less luxuri fabric. velvet also made fiber linen, mohair, wool. cloth made kuba peopl democrat republ congo raffia often refer kuba velvet"} {"id": "11611", "contents": "velvet made sever differ kind fibers, traditionally, expens silk. much velvet sold today silk velvet actual mix rayon silk. velvet made entir silk rare usual market price sever hundr us dollar per yard. cotton also use make velvet, though often result less luxuri fabric. velvet also made fiber linen, mohair, wool. cloth made kuba peopl democrat republ congo raffia often refer kuba velvet"} {"id": "11612", "contents": "nacre: nacr\u00e9 velvet effect similar shot, silk pile woven one colour base fabric in, anoth creat a, changeabl iridescent. effect: pann also type crushed, velvet pann produc forc pile singl direct appli heavy. pressur cotton also use make velvet, though often result less luxuri fabric. velvet also made fiber linen, mohair, wool. cloth made kuba peopl democrat republ congo raffia often refer kuba velvet"} {"id": "11613", "contents": "velvet, silken textil fabric short dens pile surface. probabl art velvet-weav origin far east; till begin 14th centuri find mention textile. cotton also use make velvet, though often result less luxuri fabric. velvet also made fiber linen, mohair, wool. cloth made kuba peopl democrat republ congo raffia often refer kuba velvet"} {"id": "11614", "contents": "centella asiatica (gotu kola). page contain inform centella use herb altern herbal treatment treat ailment problem slow heal wounds, improv circulation, boost skin health, help prevent scar heal wound promot longevity."} {"id": "11615", "contents": "gotu kola (centella asiatica) use treat mani condit thousand year india, china, indonesia. use heal wounds, improv mental clarity, treat skin condit leprosi psoriasis."} {"id": "11616", "contents": "centella asiatica offer potenti liver-protect benefits. centella asiatica, also known gotu kola, annual herb nativ india, australia asia. leav eaten veget also import herb tradit medicin system places."} {"id": "11617", "contents": "overview. centella asiatica, perenni herb also known gotu kola, produc fan-shaped, green leav harvest use medicin purposes. nativ china, japan, india indonesia, herb long histori use areas."} {"id": "11618", "contents": "tweet. centella asiatica (gotu kola) well known herb tradit use treatment skin damag well circulatori enhancement. special extract employ concentr activ constitu enhanc therapeut benefit skin."} {"id": "11619", "contents": "typically, use readable, book-print font time new roman, arial, calibri. however, appli posit graphic design advertisi ng (where resum layout design might part assessment), employ might open altern fonts. 12 point font use body, also make head larger 16 point categori need 14 point. help inform stand make resum look professional. peopl found useful."} {"id": "11620", "contents": "font would reason resum long consist use one font only. make head name stand out, think resum like blog post newspap article. make headlin bold, italicise, capitalis underline. feel free increas font size 14-16 points. resum formats: resum format bit debat resum font size. but, obvious want import inform first. contact information. list full name, address contact inform top page. centr inform sure bold capitalis name."} {"id": "11621", "contents": "new roman arial common font acceptable. select font resume, font size 10 12 allow readability. name (which place top resume) slightli larger. person found useful. confid vote 27. 12 point font use body, also make head larger 16 point categori need 14 point. help inform stand make resum look professional."} {"id": "11622", "contents": "make name larg bold resume. font size 14 point 16 points. also depend font. name 24 point appear large. subhead resume, make point size larger bodi resume. choos serif, time new roman, font size least 11 point. serif thin wide brush stroke differ point along charact give appear charact touching. diminish readabilit"} {"id": "11623", "contents": "resum font sizes: common font use time new roman, black size 12 points. serif font (with tails) consid easi read include: georgie, bell mt, goudi old style, garamond. popular san serif (no tails) font include: arial, tahoma, centuri gothic lucida sans. resum formats: resum format bit debat resum font size. but, obvious want import inform first. contact information. list full name, address contact inform top page. centr inform sure bold capitalis name."} {"id": "11624", "contents": "new roman arial common font acceptable. select font resume, font size 10 12 allow readability. name (which place top resume) slightli larger. 12 point font use body, also make head larger 16 point categori need 14 point. help inform stand make resum look professional. peopl found useful."} {"id": "11625", "contents": "resum body. bodi resum 10 point 12 points. usual resum use 11 points. 10 point also readabl font size depend font select. choos serif, time new roman, font size least 11 point. serif thin wide brush stroke differ point along charact give appear charact touching. diminish readabl resume."} {"id": "11626", "contents": "phos\u00b7pho\u00b7di\u00b7es\u00b7t bond. n. coval chemic bond hold togeth polynucleotid chain rna dna join carbon pentos sugar one nucleotid carbon pentos sugar adjac nucleotide. phospho- di- ester .]."} {"id": "11627", "contents": "sugar-phosph backbon form structur framework nucleic acids, includ dna rna. backbon compos altern sugar phosphat groups, defin direction molecule."} {"id": "11628", "contents": "coordin coval bond. coval bond one bond atom furnish share electrons. coval bond. chemic bond two atom radic form share pair (singl bond), two pair (doubl bond) three pair electron (tripl bond). peptid bond. \u2212co\u2212nh\u2212 linkag form carboxyl group one amino acid amino group another; amid linkag join amino acid form peptides. phosphoanhydrid bond. high energi bond present atp."} {"id": "11629", "contents": "phosphodiest bond. coval bond two hydroxyl group form ester linkag phosphat group; join adjac nucleotid dna rna. phosphoinositid ... phosphodiest bond form nucleotid form nucleic acids. problem: explain signific hydrogen bond dna helic"} {"id": "11630", "contents": "phosphodiest bond occur exactli two hydroxyl group phosphor acid react hydroxyl group molecul form two ester bonds. phosphodiest bond central life earth, make backbon strand nucleic acid."} {"id": "11631", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. phosphodiest bond type coval bond. strong bond form two pentos phosphat group two bond ester. phosphodiest bond group strong coval bond phosphat group two 5-carbon ring carbohydr (pentoses) two ester bonds. phosphodiest bond central life earth, make backbon strand dna. person found useful."} {"id": "11632", "contents": "medic definit phosphodiester. oligonucleotid oxygen atom link consecut nucleotides\u2014se phosphodiest bond; compar phosphorothioate. entri found: phosphodiest (noun). phosphodiest bond (noun)."} {"id": "11633", "contents": "coval bond join 3' hydroxyl sugar moieti one (deoxy)ribo nucleotid 5' hydroxyl adjac sugar. phosphodiest bond nucleic acid polymer, one coval bond phosphat link two consecut nucleotid s. picture. phosphoenolpyruv carboxi kinas (pepck) one enzym work gluconeogenesis. coval bond two hydroxyl group form ester linkag phosphat group; join adjac nucleotid dna rna. phosphoinositid ... phosphodiest bond form nucleotid form nucleic acids."} {"id": "11634", "contents": "medic definit phosphodiest bond. coval bond rna dna hold polynucleotid chain togeth join phosphat group posit pentos sugar one nucleotid hydroxyl group posit pentos sugar next nucleotide\u2014cal also phosphodiest linkage."} {"id": "11635", "contents": "phos\u00b7pho\u00b7di\u00b7es\u00b7t bond. n. coval chemic bond hold togeth polynucleotid chain rna dna join carbon pentos sugar one nucleotid carbon pentos sugar adjac nucleotide."} {"id": "11636", "contents": "nation institut government purchas (nigp) code code defin products/servic vendor provides. vendor automat receiv solicit base nigp code regist saeps."} {"id": "11637", "contents": "announcement. nigp commodity/servic code (code) consist grow continu provid real valu procur community. periscop pleas announc latest addit code. new class creat higher education\u2013travel. addit class alreadi higher educ categori current cover construction, communication, contract services, financi services, grants, profession servic research services, use higher ed area procurement."} {"id": "11638", "contents": "3-digit class code 3-digit class code brief gener description. level contain 219 commod (product) class 55 servic class total 274 classes. 3-digit code primarili use gener period expenditur histori depart fiscal planning, budget execution, accounting. 5-digit class-item code 5-digit class-item code expand version 3-digit class code. currently, contain 8,700 descriptions."} {"id": "11639", "contents": "page understand commod code click main class code see list commod code main \u201cparent\u201d class keyword description. you\u2019ll see search return item code light equipment. commod code also use tell eva buyer sell match bid opportunities. commod code begin seri digit main \u201cparent\u201d class codes, broad industri title."} {"id": "11640", "contents": "nigp commodity/servic code acronym nation institut government purchasings' commodity/servic code. nigp code code taxonomi use primarili classifi product servic procur state local govern north america. 5-digit class-item code 5-digit class-item code expand version 3-digit class code. currently, contain 8,700 descriptions."} {"id": "11641", "contents": "nigp commod codes, offici name, make number system commonli use state local govern categor product servic buy. commod code also use tell eva buyer sell match bid opportunities. commod code begin seri digit main \u201cparent\u201d class codes, broad industri title."} {"id": "11642", "contents": "onlin access nation institut govern purchas (nigp) commod codes. thousand good servic carri nigp codes. therefore, scroll listing, nigp commod codes, identifi good servic offer company."} {"id": "11643", "contents": "nigp commod codes. nigp code, product nation institut government purchasing, copyright materi cannot download use way state new jersey vendor registr program without licens periscop holdings, inc, austin, texas."} {"id": "11644", "contents": "get code details. nigp commodity/servic code solut that, coupl procur softwar package, bring highest level order effici overal procur program. code offer unparallel code structur standard purchasing. nigp code provides: mechan group similar requisit togeth buyer action. product/servic group function order blanket contracts. process facilit workflow base commodity. standard tool product/servic descript requisition."} {"id": "11645", "contents": "social barrier effect consist characterist differenti human group potenti limit interact them, thu inhibit spread culture. exampl includ language, religion, race ethnicity, histori conflict specif cultur communities. 3). also would cultur region base singl cultur component. contrast, teach japan, might ask student go list cultur compon character japanes cultur region respect religion, language, architecture, cuisine, forth."} {"id": "11646", "contents": "research evolutionari origin languag gener find plausibl suggest languag invent once, modern spoken languag thu way related, even relat longer recov ... limit method avail reconstruction. human languag uniqu comparison form communication, use non-human animals. commun system use anim bee ape close system consist finite, usual limited, number possibl idea expressed."} {"id": "11647", "contents": "cultur sever import characteristics: (1) cultur comprehensive. mean part must fit togeth logic fashion. example, bow strong desir avoid loss face unifi manifest import respect. culture, \u201ccomplex whole,\u201d system interdepend components. knowledg belief import parts. u.s., know believ person skill work hard get ahead. countries, may believ differ outcom result luck."} {"id": "11648", "contents": "languag abil acquir use complex system communication, particularli human abil so, languag specif exampl system. scientif studi languag call linguistics. human languag uniqu comparison form communication, use non-human animals. commun system use anim bee ape close system consist finite, usual limited, number possibl idea expressed."} {"id": "11649", "contents": "cultur characterist knowledg particular group people, defin everyth language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music arts. spain portug european continent, consid key influenc known latin culture, denot peopl use languag deriv latin, also known romanc languages. el-deir monasteri petra, jordan, exampl tradit middl eastern culture."} {"id": "11650", "contents": "usual come contact peopl anoth cultur becom awar pattern behavior universal. common respons societi cultur judg term valu custom familiar culture. ethnocentrism. import modern urban life thing abil drive car, use computer, understand obtain food supermarket restaurant. regular addit subtract cultur trait result cultur change. cultur chang time--non static."} {"id": "11651", "contents": "cultur ethnocentrism. ethnocentr belief one' cultur superior cultures. form reduction reduc way life distort version one' own. cultur way life group people--th behaviors, beliefs, values, symbol accept, gener without think them, pass along commun imit one gener next."} {"id": "11652", "contents": "order better understand culture, use close examin characterist ramifications. section tutorial, learn specif advantag cultur give species. import modern urban life thing abil drive car, use computer, understand obtain food supermarket restaurant. regular addit subtract cultur trait result cultur change. cultur chang time--non static."} {"id": "11653", "contents": "cultur sum total learn behavior group peopl gener consid tradit peopl transmit gener generation. cultur collect program mind distinguish member one group categori peopl another. cultur way life group people--th behaviors, beliefs, values, symbol accept, gener without think them, pass along commun imit one gener next."} {"id": "11654", "contents": "latin culture. mani spanish-speak nation consid part latin culture, geograph region widespread. latin america typic defin part central america, south america mexico spanish portugues domin languages. spain portug european continent, consid key influenc known latin culture, denot peopl use languag deriv latin, also known romanc languages. el-deir monasteri petra, jordan, exampl tradit middl eastern culture."} {"id": "11655", "contents": "get apollo theater. apollo theatr locat heart harlem, 253 west 125th street. nearest subway station 125th station a, b, trains, 125th station trains. recommend use link direct apollo theater anywher new york citi area. cost take tour small group individu $16/person weekday $18/person weekends. book group 20 people, tour cost $14/person weekday, $16/person weekend. visit"} {"id": "11656", "contents": "theater, capac 1506, built 1913-14 hurtig seamon' new burlesqu theater, design georg keister neo-class style. becam apollo 1934, open black patron previous whites-onli venue. build later becam apollo theater built 1913-14 design architect georg keister, also design first baptist church citi new york. origin hurtig seamon' new (burlesque) theater, enforc strict white polici"} {"id": "11657", "contents": "apollo theatr first london built edwardian period, renov schaufelberg 1932, privat foyer ant room instal royal box. sculpt work stone fascia t. simpson, build plain brick neighbour streets. west end' apollo theatr rich vari product history. georg edward produc seri success edwardian music comedies, includ kitti grey (1901), three littl maid girl kay (1902)."} {"id": "11658", "contents": "take train 125th street walk 1.75 block west apollo theater. take 4,5 train 125th street either take taxi bu westbound 8th avenue/frederick douglass boulevard. take schedul metro north train harlem/125th street stop. downstair either take taxi bu westbound 8th avenue/frederick douglass boulevard. walk .25 block ea"} {"id": "11659", "contents": "west end' apollo theatr grade ii list theatre, shaftesburi avenu citi westminster, london. design architect lewin sharp owner henri lowenfield, fourth legitim theatr construct street. west end' apollo theatr rich vari product history. georg edward produc seri success edwardian music comedies, includ kitti grey (1901), three littl maid girl kay (1902)."} {"id": "11660", "contents": "apollo theater 253 west 125th street adam clayton powel jr. boulevard frederick douglass boulevard harlem neighborhood manhattan, new york citi music hall note venu african-american performers. build later becam apollo theater built 1913-14 design architect georg keister, also design first baptist church citi new york. origin hurtig seamon' new (burlesque) theater, enforc strict white polici"} {"id": "11661", "contents": "creation rise [edit]. build later becam apollo theater built 1913-14 design architect georg keister, also design first baptist church citi new york. origin hurtig seamon' new (burlesque) theater, enforc strict white polici"} {"id": "11662", "contents": "take a, b, train 125th street walk 1.25 block east apollo theater. take train 125th street walk 1.75 block west apollo theater. take 4,5 train 125th street either take taxi bu westbound 8th avenue/frederick douglass boulevard. take schedul metro north train harlem/125th street stop. downstair either take taxi bu westbound 8th avenue/frederick douglass boulevard. walk"} {"id": "11663", "contents": "tourists, harlem offer ton histor landmark apollo theater, museum new york, sylvia' soul food. one center african-american cultur go back earli 20th centuri even simpl stroll astor row (135th street) educational. walk block 125th street fame apollo theater resides, amonst big shop area. alway high presenc polic area tend make feel safe. 122nd street run east west, start broadway end second avenue."} {"id": "11664", "contents": "appearance. acnologia' current appearance. acnologia gargantuan, massiv black dragon whose entir upper bodi cover black, round, scales, turn decor spiraling, blue markings. lower body, rather belly, inner tail, legs, grey color, appear rather smooth. would aid black mage, zeref, acnologia end becom dragon result declar dragon king. event led creation festiv dragon king, would forev eitch history."} {"id": "11665", "contents": "acnologia mastodon dragon whose entir upper body, cover black, round scales, turn decor spiraling, blue markings. lower body, specif belly, inner tail legs, grey color, seem rather smooth. acnologia human transform dragon. mani years, acnologia fear peopl earth land, credit single-hand destruct entir country. point time, acnologia ran gildart clive mage 100 year quest zonia mountain."} {"id": "11666", "contents": "shall slay you. acnologia (\u30a2\u30af\u30ce\u30ed\u30ae\u30a2 akunorogia), also known black dragon (\u9ed2\u9f8d, kokury\u016b), fearsom reput black dragon book apocalypse, cataclysm power human take form dragon assault fairi tail mage tenrou island year x784."} {"id": "11667", "contents": "#7. i'm go guess etherion. color....acnologia black blue markings, use dragon roar brilliant blue light. would assum dark shadow death would black, blue. etherion lacryma crystal color. assumption. ratings: i'm go guess etherion. color....acnologia black blue markings, use dragon roar brilliant blue light. would assum dark shadow death would black, blue."} {"id": "11668", "contents": "222 page wiki. acnologia (\u30a2\u30af\u30ce\u30ed\u30ae\u30a2 akunorogia), also known black dragon (\u9ed2\u9f8d, kokury\u016b), fearsom known black dragon book apocalypse, power dragon popular japanes series, fairi tail. would aid black mage, zeref, acnologia end becom dragon result declar dragon king. event led creation festiv dragon king, would forev eitch history."} {"id": "11669", "contents": "acnologia (\u30a2\u30af\u30ce\u30ed\u30ae\u30a2 akunorogia), also known fearsom reput black dragon book apocalypse, puissant dragon enemi humanity. one main antagonist fairi tail. acnologia human transform dragon. mani years, acnologia fear peopl earth land, credit single-hand destruct entir country. point time, acnologia ran gildart clive mage 100 year quest zonia mountain."} {"id": "11670", "contents": "acnologia dragon. dragon, acnologia mastodonic, entir upper bodi cover black, round, scales, which, turn, decor spiraling, blue markings. lower body, specif chin, chest, stomach, inner tail, thighs, arms, gray color, appear rather smooth. acnologia (\u30a2\u30af\u30ce\u30ed\u30ae\u30a2 akunorogia), also known black dragon (\u9ed2\u9f8d, kokury\u016b), fearsom reput black dragon book apocalypse, cataclysm power human take form dragon assault fairi tail mage tenrou island year x784."} {"id": "11671", "contents": "acnologia, black dragon. dragon roar: dragon dragon slayers, acnologia perform breath attack element. unknown element is, fire form giant beam capabl caus huge explosion, enough creat gigant crater water. \u2714. acnologia human transform dragon. mani years, acnologia fear peopl earth land, credit single-hand destruct entir country. point time, acnologia ran gildart clive mage 100 year quest zonia mountain."} {"id": "11672", "contents": "born human 400 year ago, acnologia among one first human becam dragon slayer fellow dragon slayer would particip dragon civil war. fellow dragon slayer select order support side desir coexist humans. would aid black mage, zeref, acnologia end becom dragon result declar dragon king. event led creation festiv dragon king, would forev eitch history."} {"id": "11673", "contents": "simpl fix simpli fit blow-off valv current setup make sure blow-off valv select correctli match output turbo work correctli (ie outsid flow capacity). rank +0 -0 score. problem flutter extrem unhealthi turbo. flutter caus throttl shut air caught betweent free-spin turbo close throttl (when vent ie blow-off valve)."} {"id": "11674", "contents": "intern wasteg built-in bypass valv passag within turbocharg hous allow excess boost pressur dump downstream exhaust. control intern wasteg valv pressur signal intak manifold ident extern wastegate. advantag includ simpler compact installation, extern wasteg piping. extern wasteg separ self-contain mechan typic use turbocharg intern wastegates. extern wasteg requir special construct turbo manifold dedic runner go wastegate. extern wasteg may part exhaust hous itself."} {"id": "11675", "contents": "could good video dispel claim danger turbo etc. compressor surg noth thread. seriou impli forc compress air enclos metal system good turbo throttl plate, serious need rethink approach. origin post wildzero cliff notes: peopl look express 'you'r idiot'. likelihood are. circumstanti evid best prematur turbo wear, point giant pile turbocharg scrap metal yard 'dose hard, broken' pile."} {"id": "11676", "contents": "compressor surg phenomenon experienc boost pressur insid intak tract build conveni relief method. usual caus throttl plate close quickly. chang load condit (off throttle) result vari amount exhaust ga also simul conditions. uniqu sound caus pressur charg encount spin compressor wheel escap engine. compressor surg goe mani name compressor stall, turbo dose dosing, pigeon, turbo flutter/chatt sometim mistakenli wasteg chatter."} {"id": "11677", "contents": "case, pressur take way turbocharg compressor housing. uniqu sound caus pressur charg encount spin compressor wheel escap engine. compressor surg goe mani name compressor stall, turbo dose dosing, pigeon, turbo flutter/chatt sometim mistakenli wasteg chatter."} {"id": "11678", "contents": "wasteg valv divert exhaust gase away turbin wheel turbocharg engin system. divers exhaust gase regul turbin speed, turn regul rotat speed compressor. extern wasteg separ self-contain mechan typic use turbocharg intern wastegates. extern wasteg requir special construct turbo manifold dedic runner go wastegate. extern wasteg may part exhaust hous itself."} {"id": "11679", "contents": "video show i'v modifi car turbo flutter. technic inform topic sure check www.trak-life.com. www.trak-life.com-car workout lifestyl garage. auto vehicles. standard youtub license."} {"id": "11680", "contents": "posts. 2,662. compressor surg boost let throttl pressur releas goe backward turbo. flutter sound let throttle. wasteg would probabl activ maintain certain level desir boost throttle. 24. hi there, read wasteg flutter differ wrx forums. i'v 02 wrx ap pipe turbo back exhaust cobb stg 2, car raspi sound notic first gear lower rpm jump gas."} {"id": "11681", "contents": "turbo flutter nois caus blow valv (or spring pressur set high bov open except high boost pressure). op, want either block standard bov buy one that' adjust wind spring pressur up. flutter compressor surg sound turbocharg make throttl bodi snap shut, charg air nowher go, goe back came from, violent spin turbocharg around maximum around 100,000 rpm neg revolutions, spin backwards."} {"id": "11682", "contents": "violinist salary. violinist averag salari $64,163, median salari $55,328 salari rang $20,000 $155,064. violinist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. violinist salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "11683", "contents": "orchestr salaries. 2010, orchestra musicians, includ violinists, averag $28,000 $115,000 year, accord survey berkle colleg music, boston-bas undergradu program. full season last roughli 40 weeks, violinist musician made anywher $700 $2,875 week."} {"id": "11684", "contents": "violinist averag salari $64,163, median salari $55,328 salari rang $20,000 $155,064. violinist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. violinist salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "11685", "contents": "2011-2012 season, chicago symphoni orchestra paid musician nation, averag salari $144,040 year, report nation art journal program. lo angel philharmon orchestra close second, pay violinist musician averag $143,260 year."} {"id": "11686", "contents": "new york philharmon violinist averag salari $98,800, median salari $98,540 salari rang $94,900 $102,960. new york philharmon violinist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "11687", "contents": "combin skin type dri normal area oili others, t-zone (nose, forehead, chin). mani peopl combin skin, may benefit slightli differ type skin care differ areas. combin skin produce: overli dilat pores. blackheads."} {"id": "11688", "contents": "skin soft outer cover vertebrates. anim cover arthropod exoskeleton differ development origin, structur chemic composition. epidermi compos outermost layer skin. form protect barrier body' surface, respons keep water bodi prevent pathogen entering, stratifi squamou epithelium, compos prolifer basal differenti suprabas keratinocytes."} {"id": "11689", "contents": "squamou cell carcinoma begin squamou layer skin. melanoma begin melanocytes, cell make melanin, pigment give skin color. click see larger diagram. skin cancer common form cancer unit states. two common type skin cancer\u2014bas cell squamou cell carcinomas\u2014ar highli curable, disfigur costly. melanoma, third common skin cancer, danger caus deaths."} {"id": "11690", "contents": "skin. outer cover body. skin largest organ body, perform number vital functions. serv protect barrier microorganisms. help shield delicate, sensit tissu underneath mechan injuries."} {"id": "11691", "contents": "skin interfac environ first line defens extern factors. example, skin play key role protect bodi pathogen excess water loss. function insulation, temperatur regulation, sensation, product vitamin folates. epidermi compos outermost layer skin. form protect barrier body' surface, respons keep water bodi prevent pathogen entering, stratifi squamou epithelium, compos prolifer basal differenti suprabas keratinocytes."} {"id": "11692", "contents": "skin: body' outer covering, protect heat light, injury, infection. skin regul bodi temperatur store water, fat, vitamin d. skin, weigh pounds, body' largest organ. made two main layers: epidermi dermis. outer layer skin (epidermis) mostli made flat, scale-lik cell call squamou cells."} {"id": "11693", "contents": "skin one amaz organ human body. hard us think organ, however. tend think organ boxi things. heart, liver, kidneys-thos obvious organs. one neat thing skin make differ lot organ fact deal real world. therefor load sensors, also tough layer design handl realiti environ like abras sunlight."} {"id": "11694", "contents": "skin largest organ body, total area 20 squar feet. skin protect us microb elements, help regul bodi temperature, permit sensat touch, heat, cold. skin three layers: epidermis, outermost layer skin, provid waterproof barrier creat skin tone. dermis, beneath epidermis, contain tough connect tissue, hair follicles, sweat glands. deeper subcutan tissu (hypodermis) made fat connect tissu"} {"id": "11695", "contents": "ms chronic diseas demyelin occur white matter brain spinal cord. area myelin attack immun system, lesion \u201cplaques\u201d form. plaqu scar tissue. name \u201csclerosis\u201d mean scar."} {"id": "11696", "contents": "guillain-barr cidp. guillain-barr syndrom (gbs) acut inflammatori diseas peripher nerves. autoimmun attack myelin (insul around individu nerv fibers, call axons) result demyelination."} {"id": "11697", "contents": "mi\u00b4\u0115-lin ]. lipid substanc form sheath (the myelin sheath) around axon certain nerv fibers; electr insul serv speed conduct nerv impuls nerv fibers, call myelin medul fibers. adj., adj myelin\u00b4ic."} {"id": "11698", "contents": "myelin nerv fiber occur predominantli cranial spinal nerv compos white matter brain spinal cord. myelin sheath give whitish color area white matter. unmyelin fiber abund autonom nervou system."} {"id": "11699", "contents": "myelin. lipid substanc form sheath (the myelin sheath) around axon certain nerv fibers; electr insul serv speed conduct nerv impuls nerv fibers, call myelin medul fibers. adj., adj myelin\u00b4ic."} {"id": "11700", "contents": "demyelin diseas condit result damag protect cover (myelin sheath) surround nerv fiber brain spinal cord."} {"id": "11701", "contents": "myelin fatti white substanc surround axon dielectr (electr insulating) materi form layer, myelin sheath, usual around axon neuron. essenti proper function nervou system. outgrowth type glial cell."} {"id": "11702", "contents": "sodium bicarbon (iupac name: sodium hydrogen carbonate) chemic compound formula na hco3. sodium bicarbon white solid crystallin often appear fine powder. slightli salty, alkalin tast resembl wash soda (sodium carbonate). nahco mainli prepar solvay process, reaction sodium chloride, ammonia, carbon dioxid water. calcium carbon use sourc co result calcium oxid use recov ammonia ammonium chloride. product show low puriti (75%"} {"id": "11703", "contents": "lesson summary. sodium bicarbonate, also commonli known bake soda, commonli seen white, fine powder, chemic formula nahco3. one sodium atom, one hydrogen atom, one carbon atom three oxygen atoms. use chemic alkalin nature."} {"id": "11704", "contents": "uses. sodium bicarbon reduc stomach acid. use antacid treat heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach. sodium bicarbon quick-act antacid. use temporari relief. need treat long-term stomach acid problem (e.g., peptic ulcer disease, gerd), talk doctor medic"} {"id": "11705", "contents": "sinc long known wide used, salt mani relat name bake soda, bread soda, cook soda, bicarbon soda. word saleratus, latin sal aeratu \u00e6ratu mean aerated, salt wide use 19th centuri sodium bicarbon potassium. bicarbon nahco mainli prepar solvay process, reaction sodium chloride, ammonia, carbon dioxid water. calcium carbon use sourc co result calcium oxid use recov ammonia ammonium chloride. product show low puriti (75%)."} {"id": "11706", "contents": "17 reviews. 17 reviews. sodium bicarbon gener name drug commonli use calm upset stomach caus irrit acid reflux. avail tablet form also sold combin omeprazol (prilosec) over-the-count (otc) drug zegerid acid reflux. inject form sodium bicarbon also given healthcar practition help improv acid-bas balanc bodi becom acidic, happen sever case diabetes, shock, kidney failure, dehydration, condit known lactic acidosis."} {"id": "11707", "contents": "sodium carbon grayish-whit crystallin powder. sodium sesquicarbon sodium bicarbon white crystallin solids. bake soda anoth name sodium bicarbonate. cosmet person care products, ingredi use formul bath, skin, hair preparations."} {"id": "11708", "contents": "sodium bicarbon leaven bake goods. sodium bicarbonate, commonli known bake soda, place almost everi kitchen, whether keep refriger odor free, scrub burn food pot pans. bake soda neutral acids, soften water, provid mild abras clean absorb odor"} {"id": "11709", "contents": "confus sodium bicarbonate. potassium bicarbon (also known potassium hydrogen carbon potassium acid carbonate) colorless, odorless, slightli basic, salti substance. accord u.s. food drug administr (fda), potassium bicarbon gener recogn safe"} {"id": "11710", "contents": "climat insid arctic circl gener cold, coastal area norway gener mild climat result gulf stream, make port northern norway northwest russia ice-fre year long. interior, summer quit warm, winter extrem cold. arctic circl one five major circl latitud mark map earth. 21 octob 2015, run 66\u00b033\u203245.9\u2033 north equator."} {"id": "11711", "contents": "grimsey gr\u00edmsey small icelandic, island 40 (kilometr 25) mi north coast main island iceland straddl arctic (circl circl shift northward about.14 metr per). year arctic circl run island, entireti mainland iceland lie south arctic circle. steep cliff everywher except southern shoreline. grimsey gr\u00edmsey area of.5 squar (kilometres.2 sq), mi maximum elev 105 (metr 344). ft"} {"id": "11712", "contents": "north arctic circle, sun horizon 24 continu hour least per year (and therefor visibl midnight) horizon 24 continu hour least per year (and therefor visibl noon). arctic circl one five major circl latitud mark map earth. 21 octob 2015, run 66\u00b033\u203245.9\u2033 north equator."} {"id": "11713", "contents": "grimsey gr\u00edmsey small icelandic, island 40 (kilometr 25) mi north coast main island iceland straddl arctic (circl circl shift northward about.14 metr per). year januari 2011 grimsey gr\u00edmsey had. 86 inhabit arctic circl run island, entireti mainland iceland lie south arctic circle. steep cliff everywher except southern shoreline. grimsey gr\u00edmsey area of.5 squar (kilometres.2 sq), mi maximum elev 105 (metr 344). ft"} {"id": "11714", "contents": "arctic circl southernmost latitud northern hemispher sun remain continu horizon 24 hour (at june solstic decemb solstic respectively). arctic circl one five major circl latitud mark map earth. 21 octob 2015, run 66\u00b033\u203245.9\u2033 north equator."} {"id": "11715", "contents": "arctic circl imaginari line latitud equal 66.5\u00b0 latitude. (more precis 66\u00b0 33' 44 n) definit latitud hich locat experi least 24 consecut hour night 24 consecut hour daylight least one day year. drawn 66\u00b0 33' 44 (66.5622\u00b0) north equator. area north circl call arctic. north arctic circl least one 24-hour sunlit day per year one sunless day per year."} {"id": "11716", "contents": "grimsey gr\u00edmsey northernmost inhabit icelandic; territori islet kolbeinsey lie farther, north is. uninhabit closest land island of, flatey, skjalfandi.skj\u00e1lfandi 39 (4.kilometr 24) mi to. south arctic circl run island, entireti mainland iceland lie south arctic circle. steep cliff everywher except southern shoreline. grimsey gr\u00edmsey area of.5 squar (kilometres.2 sq), mi maximum elev 105 (metr 344). ft"} {"id": "11717", "contents": "reykjavik latitud 64\u00b008' n. arctic circl (accord wikipedia) approxim 66\u00b0 33\u203239\u2033 (but drift north). degre lati tude approxim 110km linear distance. reykjavik less 330km arctic circle. link lectur measur latitude, need precision: http://www.csulb.edu/~rodrigue/geog140/lectures/latitude.html. other found useful."} {"id": "11718", "contents": "imaginari line arctic circle, 66.3a\u00b0 3\u00e2 n, latitud possibl day 24 hour (sunlight) summer day 24 hour (night). winter pole tilt either toward away sun earth move its. orbit drawn 66\u00b0 33' 44 (66.5622\u00b0) north equator. area north circl call arctic. north arctic circl least one 24-hour sunlit day per year one sunless day per year."} {"id": "11719", "contents": "syll. e-lif, el-if babi girl name elif also use boy name. pronounced-iyl ih \u2020. elif turkish origin. use mainli arab turkish. name deriv alif, first letter arab alphabet. elif popular babi girl name. top 1000 names. english pronunci elif: iy eat (iy.t) lay (l.ey) ih (ih.t) fee (f.iy)."} {"id": "11720", "contents": "mean history. turkish form alif, name first letter arab alphabet, \u0627. also mean slender, turkish phrase elif gibi, liter shape like elif."} {"id": "11721", "contents": "name commonli use ataturk revolutionari war honour women help war front, take first step women revolution. later grant women right vote without referendum, progress move new nation."} {"id": "11722", "contents": "form of: (elif). keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. search comprehens find name mean elif name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name elif check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name elif fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "11723", "contents": "mean name elif popular countri world. name might popular countries, differ languages, even differ alphabet, use charact latin alphabet display data. also note spell pronunci name elif check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name elif fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "11724", "contents": "differ mean name elif are: mean name \u201celif\u201d differ sever languages, countri cultur one possibl differ mean available. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }. also note spell pronunci name elif check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name elif fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "11725", "contents": "mean histori name elif: edit. elif multipl meanings. first foremost mean slender, thin -- is, shape like alif first letter arab hebrew alphabets. also resembl honesty. turkey peopl call honest peopl strait (honest) elif.. show kindness. person experi name elif: edit. know load peopl name elif seem happi name. elif truli beauti name sound uniqu peopl countries. lif, leaf, ell (el), elli (eli), lee (li). elif multipl meanings. first foremost mean slender, thin -- is, shape like alif first letter arab hebrew alphabets. also resembl honesty. turkey peopl call honest peopl strait (honest) elif."} {"id": "11726", "contents": "syll. e-lif, el-if babi boy name elif also use girl name. pronunci is-iyl ih \u2020. elif use chiefli arab turkish languages, origin norwegian turkish. see elif information. elif variant name eilif (scandinavian). elif unusu babi name boys. list top 1000 names. babi name sound like elif includ name name eluff name eluv. english pronunci elif: iy eat (iy.t) lay (l.ey) ih (ih.t) fee (f.iy)."} {"id": "11727", "contents": "list turkish babi names, turkish babi boy name (male), girl name (female) turkish name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list turkish babi name reference/idea name kid/child. hear mark. new born babi born, hear power complet i.e. 100%. middl ear infant fill fluid make partial hear possible. also, abl easili abl recogn voic mother."} {"id": "11728", "contents": "soviet union built berlin wall block section (east berlin) us/french/british control section west berlin. appear german communist walter ulbricht, concern german escap west germani convinc russian build wall. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "11729", "contents": "berlin wall (german: berlin mauer) separ citi berlin germani 1961 1989. separ eastern half western half. mani peopl thought symbol cold war. berlin wall taken novemb 9, 1989. berlin wall 168 km (104 miles) long. built prevent peopl escap eastern half berlin."} {"id": "11730", "contents": "travel west germani becam difficult close border east west germani 1952. wall erect 1961 2.6 million east german escap west berlin west germani 1949 1961 (total popul east germani 17 million!). berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "11731", "contents": "built (or rather, started) 13 august 1961. berlin wall construct berlin wall start 13 august 1961. separ east west berlin nd plug last 'gap' iron curtain divid europ two blocs. remain place till novemb 1989. berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "11732", "contents": "construct german democrat republ (gdr, east germany), start 13 august 1961, wall complet cut (bi land) west berlin surround east germani east berlin open novemb 1989. wall' erection, 3.5 million east german circumv eastern bloc emigr restrict defect gdr, mani cross border east berlin west berlin; could travel west germani western european countries."} {"id": "11733", "contents": "berlin wall. earli year cold war, west berlin geograph loophol thousand east german fled democrat west. response, communist east german author built wall total encircl west berlin. thrown overnight, 13 august 1961. construct german democrat republ (gdr, east germany), start 13 august 1961, wall complet cut (bi land) west berlin surround east germani east berlin open novemb 1989. demolit offici began 13 june 1990 complet 1992."} {"id": "11734", "contents": "built (or rather, started) 13 august 1961. berlin wall construct berlin wall start 13 august 1961. separ east west berlin nd plug last 'gap' iron curtain divid europ two blocs. remain place till novemb 1989. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "11735", "contents": "1961, east germani close border built wall divid west berlin east berlin. area east berlin sovjet zone, west berlin compound french, british u.s. zones. eastern bloc, control ussr, fell 1989, infam wall. berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "11736", "contents": "1961, east germani close border built wall divid west berlin east berlin. area east berlin sovjet zone, west berlin compound french, british u.s. zones. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "11737", "contents": "---. guitar hero wii fc: 4038-8152-2179. defeat sinner, spider, rotten, iron keep fire centaur boss, go shade wood bonfir stair get front door go shrine winter door told get mightier soul open."} {"id": "11738", "contents": "vote vote. ok, start off, get drangleic castl need lit primal bonfir begin with, (there method open shrine winter, that' anoth time) i'm sure question. door drangleic castl activ souls."} {"id": "11739", "contents": "drangleic castle. edit page last edit: month 16 day ago. drangleic castl area dark soul 2. drangleic castl adjac shrine winter. drangleic castl home dragonrid bosses, castl find bosses. shade woods. find drangleic castl need travel back ruin fork road bonfir shade woods. alreadi explor path left, skip part section. take path left, immedi look left get ambush"} {"id": "11740", "contents": "drangleic castle. drangleic castl enter travel second bonfir shade wood take left path shrine winter, follow road reach castle. read shade wood shrine winter section detail account reach castle."} {"id": "11741", "contents": "recommend use pine resin. throne room part drangleic castl final section dark soul 2. here, player face throne defend watcher, move ultim battl nashandra. throne defend watcher found area final boss, behind king door drangleic castle."} {"id": "11742", "contents": "interact wall remov illusori wall discov bonfire. castl drangleic: king' gate bonfire, larg room, go far back left door open slay stone spearman near it. drop hole insid bonfir plain view. bonfir edit. king' gate: enter drangleic castle, run along right staircas go door, open door right side room. descend ladder enter two set blue doors, bonfir front second door."} {"id": "11743", "contents": "drangleic castl area dark soul 2. drangleic castl adjac shrine winter. shade woods. find drangleic castl need travel back ruin fork road bonfir shade woods. alreadi explor path left, skip part section. take path left, immedi look left get ambush"} {"id": "11744", "contents": "find drangleic castle. kill old iron king, make way back shade woods' ruin fork road bonfire. take stair left go door left-hand side. four enemi ahead need kill make way path. go enemi stand take golden falcon shield dragonslayer' crescent axe. take path left arriv shrine winter. go stair open door front you. walk room carri path ahead you."} {"id": "11745", "contents": "take left tunnel see familiar face; darkdiv grandahl... not, third time see abl enter coven 'the pilgrim dark'. make way tunnel castl drangleic bonfire. note: stone solid spear drop titanit slab good way deal ruin sentinel take back bonfir is, keep corridor. attack you, keep shield up."} {"id": "11746", "contents": "+96 releases. accord love keep us togeth songfacts, neil sedaka howard greenfield wrote 1973 last song longtim songwrit partner put together. wrote collabor sinc high school days. play youtube."} {"id": "11747", "contents": "lesli uggam big bird sing love keep us togeth close number episod 318 muppet show. song origin record one writers, neil sedaka, releas single. 1975 cover captain tenil first number one hit it."} {"id": "11748", "contents": "love keep us togeth popular song written neil sedaka howard greenfield, first record sedaka himself. captain tennil 's cover version, instrument back l.a. session musician wreck crew worldwid hit 1975."} {"id": "11749", "contents": "love keep us togeth written howard greenfield neil sedaka...."} {"id": "11750", "contents": "requirements. education. first step becom veterinari technician enrol certif associate\u2019 degre program field. institut requir candid complet college-level coursework microbiology, chemistry, biolog human prior admission. train gener take two year complet"} {"id": "11751", "contents": "pass state exam assur public veterinari technician technologist suffici knowledg work anim clinic hospital. candid test compet examin includ oral, written, practic portions. depend state, candid may becom registered, licensed, certified. state use nation veterinari technician exam. employ recommend american associ laboratori anim scienc (aalas) certif anyon seek employ research facility."} {"id": "11752", "contents": "veterinari technician. veterinari technician go requir graduat program becom full-fledg veterinarians, mani veterinari technician run medic tests, take x-ray even administ medicin supervis licens veterinarian."} {"id": "11753", "contents": "everi state regul veterinari technician differently, candid requir take credenti exam. states, test use veterinari technician nation exam (vtne). vet tech must becom certified, licens regist practice, depend state."} {"id": "11754", "contents": "becom veterinari technician steps. research take becom veterinari technician. learn job duties, educ requirements, licens job outlook find career you. step 4: becom credentialed. may work veterinari technician unit states, must earn credential, license, certif registration. state credenti exam, may includ written, oral practic components."} {"id": "11755", "contents": "requir education. becom veterinarian, need complet sever year educ training. need earn doctor veterinari medicin (dvm) degre obtain license. mani dvm graduat also choos continu train internship resid program"} {"id": "11756", "contents": "veterinari technician educ requir train info. learn educ prepar need becom veterinari technician. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti train find career you. educ requir train information. 2-year associate' degre veterinari technolog equip student knowledg skill necessari work veterinari technicians. alternately, associate' degre program anim scienc may offer veterinari technolog area emphasis."} {"id": "11757", "contents": "becom veterinari technician, must graduat 2-year 4-year program avma-accredit school. list avma accredit schools, click here. state also requir technician pass veterinari technician nation examin (vtne) consid credentialed."} {"id": "11758", "contents": "research study, group candida suffer test biotin level blood streams, result show unusu high percentag candida suffer exhibit minor larg defici biotin. possibl symptom biotin defici are; hair loss hair pattern baldness, elev level ldl cholesterol, dri skin well skin rashes, inflammation, paralysis, heart problem includ heart palpitations, gener depression, muscl pain, weaken immunity."} {"id": "11759", "contents": "yogurt pack protein. yogurt food incorpor part daili food regimen. nutrient-dens food contain protein, calcium, vitamin d, potassium littl fat cholesterol, depend upon varieti choose. yogurt complet protein, high quality, sinc provid essenti amino acid bodi requires. meat, milk products, chees egg also complet proteins."} {"id": "11760", "contents": "food rich biotin (b7). last updat april 2, 2011. biotin (b7) import process sugars, fat amino acids. also known \u201chair vitamin\u201d benefici hair growth. food rich biotin. peanuts. shell peanut contain 100 mg biotin per cup. almonds. almond contain 90 mcg per cup. chocolate. semi-sweet chocol contain 32 mcg per 100 gram bar."} {"id": "11761", "contents": "posted. report post. take biotin daili help hair skin. get sever gluten lose lot hair take time grow back. take probiot eat live cultur yogurt, yoplait only, eat saurkraut probiot value. say person celiac get biotin food, biotin defici caus skin problem hair loss, yeast overgrowth, plu lot nasti things."} {"id": "11762", "contents": "food sources. biotin found mani foods, either free form directli taken enterocyt biotin bound dietari proteins. egg yolk, liver, yeast rich sourc biotin."} {"id": "11763", "contents": "vitamin hair growth include: biotin (vitamin b7 vitamin h). biotin keep hair fall out. get enough biotin diet result sever hair loss includ eyelash eyebrows. biotin import hair growth products. hear lot biotin days. biotin good supplement cure all. ask take hair vitamins, mani women say \u201cyes, cours take biotin\u201d. biotin good stand alon vitamin."} {"id": "11764", "contents": "biotin interf growth candida. supplement start user take kefir strong probiot least two week order prevent vitamin deficiencies. possibl symptom biotin defici are; hair loss hair pattern baldness, elev level ldl cholesterol, dri skin well skin rashes, inflammation, paralysis, heart problem includ heart palpitations, gener depression, muscl pain, weaken immunity."} {"id": "11765", "contents": "brewer' yeast made one-cel fungu call saccharomyc cerevisia use make beer. grown use nutrit supplement years. brewer' yeast rich sourc miner -- particularli selenium; protein; b-complex vitamins, chromium, essenti trace miner help bodi maintain normal blood sugar levels. brewer' yeast tast bitter confus baker' yeast, nutrit yeast, torula yeast. brewer' yeast contain vitamin b12, essenti vitamin found meat dairi products. diabetes. studi suggest chromium supplement may help peopl diabet contro"} {"id": "11766", "contents": "egg tradit recogn good sourc biotin molecul egg white prevent absorpt vitamin egg yolk. food rich biotin. peanuts. shell peanut contain 100 mg biotin per cup. almonds. almond contain 90 mcg per cup. chocolate. semi-sweet chocol contain 32 mcg per 100 gram bar. swiss chard. swiss chard contain 10.5 mcg per cup"} {"id": "11767", "contents": "vitamin instrument well-b hair. biotin aka b7 one sever vitamin need daili basis. prematur grey color- diet rich vitamin help get hair back normal color. hear lot biotin days. biotin good supplement cure all. ask take hair vitamins, mani women say \u201cyes, cours take biotin\u201d. biotin good stand alon vitamin."} {"id": "11768", "contents": "bartholin duct get blocked, fluid build gland. block gland call bartholin gland cyst. (sometim call bartholin duct cyst.) cyst rang size pea larg marble. usual grow slowly. bartholin gland duct get infected, call bartholin gland abscess. bartholin gland cyst often small painless. go away without treatment. symptoms, might want treatment. cyst infected, need"} {"id": "11769", "contents": "bartholin' gland (also call bartholin gland greater vestibular glands) two pea size compound racemos gland locat slightli posterior left right open vagina. secret mucu lubric vagina homolog bulbourethr gland males."} {"id": "11770", "contents": "bartholin' gland tini organ labia (vagin lips), near open vagina. vagina face clock, gland would found o'clock. normal invisible. make small amount fluid lubric vagin lips."} {"id": "11771", "contents": "may symptom bartholin gland cyst small. larg cyst infect cyst (abscess) caus symptoms. symptom cyst infect include: painless lump vulva area. red swell"} {"id": "11772", "contents": "side open vagina, bartholin gland. gland produc fluid lubric open vagina. bartholin gland duct becom blocked, fluid build insid gland, caus cyst."} {"id": "11773", "contents": "chili sauc work well side sauc roast chicken fri chicken, also make fabul marinad well dip! advantag asian chili sauc use nearli anyth might eat cooking, includ western dish like hot wing spici pasta dishes. usual chili roast first, blend form past simmer fri shallot garlic, shrimp paste, sugar, fish sauc soy sauce. oil-bas chili past made similar way, soybean, palm, oil added. chili sauc recipes:"} {"id": "11774", "contents": "blender, blend garlic, red chilli pepper, salt, sugar vinegar fine paste. minc shallots. heat oil lightly, saut shallot gentli till raw disappear. switch heat add chilli garlic paste, blend well. check salt sugar. add fish sauc using."} {"id": "11775", "contents": "chile sauc that\u2019 blend chiles, garlic, salt, vinegar. similar asian chile pastes, mixtur gener littl looser consist often littl milder. commonli use flavor asian soups, sauces, stir-fries. it\u2019 often use classic thai dip sauce, nuoc cham. prep: spici roast chicken combin soy sauc chili garlic sauce. brush mixtur insid outsid whole chicken roast 350\u00b0f oven. chicken lettuc wrap cook ground chicken dice onion mild green chile cook through."} {"id": "11776", "contents": "asian chili sauc usual made asian hot red chili (thai bird' eye chili popular). usual chili roast first, blend form past simmer fri shallot garlic, shrimp paste, sugar, fish sauc soy sauce. oil-bas chili past made similar way, soybean, palm, oil added. chili sauc recipes:"} {"id": "11777", "contents": "homemad chili garlic sauc recip (tuong ot toi). week ago start convers make vietnames chili garlic sauc without preservatives. josh levin began whole thing ask huy fong made preservative-fre version ubiquit rooster-brand sauces. lili chuck end share famili recip"} {"id": "11778", "contents": "sriracha sauc type hot sauc chili sauc made past chili peppers, distil vinegar, garlic, sugar, salt. chili sauc condiment prepar chili pepper red tomato primari ingredients. chili sauc may hot, sweet combin thereof, may differ hot sauc mani sweet mild varieti exist, typic lack hot sauces."} {"id": "11779", "contents": "goal recip creat someth akin chili garlic sauc made huy fong; sauc one favorit believ succeeded. back made homemad sriracha recip last fall realiz there\u2019 much make delici homemad hot chile sauce. one see even easier, honest, it\u2019 cooked. need blend chile garlic, choic vinegar, littl sweeten bit salt\u2026then end red hot awesomeness. use bunch fresh chile garden garlic chile sauc recipe."} {"id": "11780", "contents": "blend tomatoes, chiles, onions, peppers, vinegar, sugar spice use condiment seasoning. sriracha gener name southeast asian hot sauce, name town si racha. made chile peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar salt. season: avail year-round. substitutions: cup tomato sauc 1/4 cup brown sugar tbsp vinegar 1/4 tsp cinnamon dash ground clove dash ground allspic cup chili sauce."} {"id": "11781", "contents": "mexican chili sauc usual made mexican hot chili (often dri first), red green, simmer base vinegar sometim tomato. louisiana sauc made age red green chili simmer vinegar salt/sugar. usual chili roast first, blend form past simmer fri shallot garlic, shrimp paste, sugar, fish sauc soy sauce. oil-bas chili past made similar way, soybean, palm, oil added. chili sauc recipes:"} {"id": "11782", "contents": "sauc identifi eat masses, mostli due larg white rooster. peopl call \u201ccock sauce\u201d. go figure. it\u2019 typic made sun-ripen chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar, salt. three sauces, i\u2019v use most. like heat flavor, though realli couldn\u2019t say garlic flavor shine use combin thing like soy sauc make sauces."} {"id": "11783", "contents": "famou english painter, william hogarth, much devot pug includ paintings. one famou self-portrait paint pug. breed becam popular europ subject paint famou european artists. queen victoria took like breed play activ role breeding. fact coupl pug name minka, venus, fatima, olga, pedro among others."} {"id": "11784", "contents": "introduction. pug, also call chines pug, dutch mastiff dutch bulldog, old dog breed develop china least 2400 year ago. mean breed' name unclear, although possibl slang word monkey deriv latin pugnus, mean fist.. small size rel low exercis requir pug make suitabl live apartments. spirited, will affectionate, breed possess sturdy, compact build enabl play safe children."} {"id": "11785", "contents": "well, silver-grey pug rare. howev accept offici breed standards. rarest offici accept pug colour apricot. look ictur post link see, see two pugs. lighter one fawn richer colour pug apricot"} {"id": "11786", "contents": "pug breed dog wrinkly, short-muzzl face curl tail. breed fine, glossi coat come varieti colours, often fawn black, compact squar bodi well-develop muscles. pug brought china europ sixteenth centuri popular western europ hous orang netherlands, hous stuart. unit kingdom nineteenth centuri queen victoria develop passion pug pass member royal family. pug known sociabl gentl companion dogs. breed remain popular twenty-first century, famou celebr owners. pug live mostli sedentari life prone obesity, though avoid regular exercis healthi diet. median life span pug 11 years, line breed size."} {"id": "11787", "contents": "mani theori pug\u2019 origin\u2014on theori state breed descend short-hair pekingese; anoth theori postul pug cross small bulldog; and, third theori specul miniatur form french mastiff (dogu de bordeaux). queen victoria took like breed play activ role breeding. fact coupl pug name minka, venus, fatima, olga, pedro among others."} {"id": "11788", "contents": "collect noun use group anim like exampl herd swine relat pigs. collect group pig call drift pigs' drove pigs'. similarly, collect name group of: addit term hog pigs: back kid call hey, sooie, soooooie repeat necessary. hogs-i 'parcel' e.g., parcel hogs. male pig call boars, femal call sows, young call piglets, castrat male hog call barrow, and, young femal hog call gilts."} {"id": "11789", "contents": "pug introduc differ part world, name also chang place place. holland, dutch name pug \u201cmopshond\u201d mean \u201cto grumble\u201d, \u201cdoguillo spain, germani call \u201cmops\u201d franc french call \u201ccarlin\u201d. queen victoria took like breed play activ role breeding. fact coupl pug name minka, venus, fatima, olga, pedro among others."} {"id": "11790", "contents": "perhap accur collect noun group anim word baboons. can\u2019t make stuff up. click find oddest collect noun differ group animals."} {"id": "11791", "contents": "puggl name crossbre dog beagl parent pug parent. name puggl portmanteau, follow name trend design dog crossbreeding."} {"id": "11792", "contents": "heterogen group test use either polymeras chain reaction (pcr) techniqu transcript mediat amplif (tma) form nucleic acid amplif method detect mycobacteri nucleic acid."} {"id": "11793", "contents": "specimen type: blood. description: test use look presenc hepat (hep b) viral genet materi blood. result test quantitative, mean provid numer result rather simpl posit negative. result test quantitative. peopl requir hep pcr test desir posit neg result may order hepat pcr qualit test."} {"id": "11794", "contents": "pcr (polymeras chain reaction) method analyz short sequenc dna (or rna) even sampl contain minut quantiti dna rna. pcr use reproduc (amplify) select section dna rna. previously, amplif dna involv clone segment interest vector express bacteria, took weeks. now, pcr done test tubes, take hours. pcr highli effici untold number copi made dna."} {"id": "11795", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) test. pcr test done cell fluid sore blood fluid, spinal fluid. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain."} {"id": "11796", "contents": "use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain. antibodi tests. blood test find antibodi made immun system fight herp infection. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common."} {"id": "11797", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr). pcr laboratori method use make larg number copi short section dna small sampl genet material. process call amplifi dna enabl specif gene interest detect measured. method use measur amount dna present sample. rt pcr (revers transcriptas pcr). method use pcr amplifi rna. rna singl strand nucleic acid molecul need made dna amplified."} {"id": "11798", "contents": "pcr test done cell fluid sore blood fluid, spinal fluid. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain."} {"id": "11799", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) techniqu use amplifi trace amount dna (and instances, rna) locat almost liquid surfac dna strand may deposited."} {"id": "11800", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) technolog molecular biolog use amplifi singl copi copi piec dna across sever order magnitude, gener thousand million copi particular dna sequence. genom dna sequenc gene known, rt-pcr use map locat exon intron gene. 5' end gene (correspond transcript start site) typic identifi race-pcr (rapid amplif cdna ends)."} {"id": "11801", "contents": "tech savvy. skill repair appl devic yourself, applecar probabl isn\u2019t worth it, simpli buy need repair part cheaper cost applecar plan, fix devic yourself. course, heavili depend fails."} {"id": "11802", "contents": "mac desktops: applecar desktop rel inexpensive, might make tempting, it\u2019 still realli worth figur you\u2019ll probabl plop comput one place keep while."} {"id": "11803", "contents": "display support: buy applecar support appl display $99, plan extend support three years. besid display itself, cover built-in camera, mic, speakers; power cord. also includ telephon assistance."} {"id": "11804", "contents": "applecar (or applecare+ iphones, ipads, ipods) insur polici devices. pay up-front cost cover potenti problems. precisely, applecar plan extend length hardwar coverag repair support."} {"id": "11805", "contents": "extend warranti like insur electron devices. case yes, case no. applecar probabl worth people, may others, get that, let\u2019 review detail apple\u2019 extend warranty, detail. appl offer free, standard warranti everi new purchase, suppli year coverag hardware."} {"id": "11806", "contents": "long extend support: mac displays, applecar get total three years\u2019 support\u2014in words, extend phone support 33 month limit warranti two year (for total three years)."} {"id": "11807", "contents": "nearli mainstream products, appl offer extend warranti program call applecare. there, applecar protect plan price accordingli base product covers, protects."} {"id": "11808", "contents": "think applecar worth it, littl bit get someth like squaretrade. cover regular failures, also cover drop laptop, spill pop it, accident happening. applecar cover accident damag all."} {"id": "11809", "contents": "ad. type infarct often call white infarct due lack blood tissue. anem infarct usual occur spleen, kidneys, similarli solid organs. often caus blockage, vasoconstriction, arteri provid blood flow organ"} {"id": "11810", "contents": "(june 2011). infarct tissu death (necrosis) caus local lack oxygen, due obstruct tissue' blood supply. result lesion refer infarct (from latin infarctus, stuf into). myocardi infarct partial death heart tissu commonli known heart attack. brain: cerebr infarct ischem kind stroke due disturb blood vessel suppli blood brain. atherothrombot embolic. stroke caus cerebr infarct distinguish two kind stroke: cerebr hemorrhag subarachnoid hemorrhage."} {"id": "11811", "contents": "1. infarct. 2. format infarct. cardiac infarct myocardi infarction. cerebr infarct ischem condit brain, caus persist focal neurolog deficit area affected. myocardi infarct see myocardi infarction. loss live heart muscl result coronari arteri occlusion. mi relat syndrom (acut coronari syndrom unstabl angina) usual occur atheromat plaqu coronari arteri ruptures, result clot obstruct injur blood vessel. 2. infarct. cardiac infarction. see myocardi infarct (below) also myocardi infarction. cerebr infarction. ischem condit brain, caus persist focal neurolog"} {"id": "11812", "contents": "cerebr infarct describ togeth ischaemia. infarct ischaemia brain close associ condit lead focal necrosi nervou tissu ischaem area, usual correspond distribut arteri vessel."} {"id": "11813", "contents": "myocardi infarct (mi) acut myocardi infarct (ami), commonli known heart attack, occur blood flow stop part heart caus damag heart muscle. common symptom chest pain discomfort may travel shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw."} {"id": "11814", "contents": "1. infarction-loc necrosi result obstruct blood supply. infarct. mi, myocardi infarct, myocardi infarction-destruct heart tissu result obstruct blood suppli heart muscle. pathology-ani deviat healthi normal condition. translations."} {"id": "11815", "contents": "myocardi infarct (mi), commonli known heart attack, occur portion heart depriv oxygen due blockag coronari artery. coronari arteri suppli heart muscl (myocardium) oxygen blood. without oxygen, muscl cell serv block arteri begin die (infarct)."} {"id": "11816", "contents": "biologist recogn basic cell types: prokaryot eukaryotic. earliest cell earth rel simpl prokaryot cells. billion years, earli prokaryot cell evolv present-day prokaryot cells, other evolv much larger complex eukaryot cells. interior eukaryot cell gener divid mani special compart intern membran (membran separ plasma membrane) membrane-bound organel (organel complet surround membranes). usually, prokaryot cell lack intern membran membrane-bound organelles. addition, dna eukaryot cell enclos within membrane-bound nucleus, dna prokaryot cell locat cytoplasm. lab, use brightfield microscop examin compar featur sever type prokaryot cells, sever type"} {"id": "11817", "contents": "reproduct prokaryot cell binari fission; process growth, enlarg division. dna molecul cell accur duplic two copi separ form movement cell membran attached."} {"id": "11818", "contents": "featur prokaryotes. prokaryot semi-rigid cell wall flexibl membran enclos cytoplasm, medium support process life. contain one loop dna within cytoplasm protein manufactur region call ribosomes."} {"id": "11819", "contents": "featur prokaryot cell. prokaryot cell follow features: genet materi (dna) local region call nucleoid surround membrane. cell contain larg number ribosom use protein synthesis. peripheri cell plasma membran"} {"id": "11820", "contents": "term differences, eukaryot cell much larger complex prokaryot cells. average, typic eukaryot cell 1,000 larger volum typic prokaryot cell. interior eukaryot cell gener divid mani special compart intern membran (membran separ plasma membrane) membrane-bound organel (organel complet surround membranes). usually, prokaryot cell lack intern membran membrane-bound organelles. addition, dna eukaryot cell enclos within membrane-bound nucleus, dna prokaryot cell locat cytoplasm. lab, use brightfield microscop examin compar featur sever type prokaryot cells, sever type eukaryot cell"} {"id": "11821", "contents": "cells, whether prokaryot eukaryotic, common features. common featur prokaryot eukaryot cell are: dna, genet materi contain one chromosom locat nonmembran bound nucleoid region prokaryot membrane-bound nucleu eukaryotes."} {"id": "11822", "contents": "eukaryot cell large, advanc multicellular. contain membrane-bound organel (plant contain larg vacuol chloroplasts) distinct nucleu (the nucleu surround nuclear membran dna therefor cut cytoplasm). contain membrane-bound organel (such chloroplasts, mitochondria, endoplasm reticulum, etc) distinct nucleu (ie: nuclear membrane-so dna float around cytoplasm). dna float around cytoplasm, call nucleoid."} {"id": "11823", "contents": "best answer: prokaryot 1. nucleu 2. lack organel (except cell wall ribosomes) 3. cell wall made peptidoglycan 4. contain one circular strand dna 5. smaller size eukaryot 1. presenc membrane-bound organel 2. presenc nucleu 3. cell wall made cellulos 4. contain one paired, linear chromosom"} {"id": "11824", "contents": "three main featur prokaryot cell. insides: 1. cytoplasm. cytoplasm organel suspended. 2. ribosomes. ribosom facilit manufactur cell\u2019 protein use mani cellular activities. 3. plasmid. tini dna molecule. 4. nucleoid. genophor prokaryot cell genet materi found. extern prokaryot cell have: 1. capsules."} {"id": "11825", "contents": "evict properti residence. woodchuck burrow deem problems, evict exclus recommend cours action. woodchuck harri burrow harass assault animal' senses, disturb burrow system. woodchuck burrow tunnel may give garden heartburn, simpl fenc solv problems. adapt book wild neighbors. woodchuck (a.k.a. groundhog) often caught celebr villain. one day reli shadow forecast seasons; next grumbl make meal care plant garden veget"} {"id": "11826", "contents": "uses, see groundhog (disambiguation) woodchuck (disambiguation) groundhog (marmota monax), also known woodchuck, whistlepig, rodent famili sciuridae, belong group larg ground squirrel known marmots. marmots, yellow-belli hoari marmots, live rocki mountain areas, groundhog lowland creature."} {"id": "11827", "contents": "posit bait groundhog trap. choos locat groundhog trap one import things, gener near burrow anim area garden use get in. commonli use trap catch groundhog one door type trigger groundhog enter trap, caus door close behind animal. trap avail variou sizes, trap foot height two half feet length usual sufficient."} {"id": "11828", "contents": "woodchuck groundhog trap tips. use either lethal body-grip trap mount right hole, live captur cage trap. lethal type trap guarante work, danger use, set profession experience. commonli use trap catch groundhog one door type trigger groundhog enter trap, caus door close behind animal. trap avail variou sizes, trap foot height two half feet length usual sufficient."} {"id": "11829", "contents": "one best food use bait trap would groundhog steal garden. sure, groundhog attract herbac green plant sweet fruits-choos ripe, nutrient-rich food veget bait."} {"id": "11830", "contents": "groundhog remov one common call wildlif remov compani east coast gets, anim peski caus lot damag grass shrubs, sinc groundhog herbivore(which mean eat plants) anim caus lot damag lawn flower beds."} {"id": "11831", "contents": "weight: 13 lb (6 kg). size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: groundhog, woodchuck, one 14 speci marmots. rodent live feast-or-famin lifestyl gorg summer build plenti reserv fat. first frost, retreat underground burrow snooz spring, draw susten bodi fat."} {"id": "11832", "contents": "groundhog largest sciurid geograph range, typic measur 40 65 cm (16 26 in) long (includ 15 cm (6 in) tail) weigh kg (4 lb). area fewer natur predat larg amount alfalfa, groundhog grow 80 cm (30 in) 14 kg (31 lb). marmots, yellow-belli hoari marmots, live rocki mountain areas, groundhog lowland creature."} {"id": "11833", "contents": "groundhog facts. groundhogs, woodchucks, larg rodent known burrow habit destruct behavior. get know groundhogs-includ eat identifi damage-and navig tab explor import groundhog control information. gener fact \u00bb. geographi habitat \u00bb. fun facts. groundhog largest speci squirrel family. name groundhog includ woodchucks, whistle-pig land-beavers. groundhog skill climber swimmers, help escap less-skil predators. groundhog burrow complex bathroom chamber."} {"id": "11834", "contents": "also largest nativ languag europe, 144 million nativ speaker russia, ukrain belarus. russian eighth spoken languag world number nativ speaker seventh total number speakers. languag one six offici languag unit nations."} {"id": "11835", "contents": "languag russia, russian offici language. 35 differ languag consid offici languag variou region russia, along russian. 100 minor languag spoken russia today."} {"id": "11836", "contents": "popularity. russian spoken majorit russia, also offici languag countri belarus, kazakhstan kyrgyzstan. also share joint offici statu languag countri abkhazia, crimea, gagauzia, transinistria south ossetia."} {"id": "11837", "contents": "accord 2010 census, 137 million speaker russian russian federation, 166 million worldwid (ethnologue). addition, russian spoken canada, china, finland, germany, greece, india, israel, u.s. one world\u2019 ten spoken languages."} {"id": "11838", "contents": "russia. russia' estim 150m population, thought 81% speak offici languag russian first language. speaker minor languag also bilingu speaker russian. 100 minor languag spoken russia today, popular tatar (tartar), spoken 3% country' population."} {"id": "11839", "contents": "russian offici languag russian federation, popul 140 million people. russian also spoken ukraine, belarus, kazakhstan republ former ussr."} {"id": "11840", "contents": "russian offici languag russian federation, share offici statu region level languag variou ethnic autonom region within federation, chuvash, bashkort, tatar, yakut. russian also co-offici languag belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan."} {"id": "11841", "contents": "sarcoma type cancer develop certain tissues, like bone muscle. bone soft tissu sarcoma main type sarcoma. soft tissu sarcoma develop soft tissu like fat, muscle, nerves, fibrou tissues, blood vessels, deep skin tissues. found part body."} {"id": "11842", "contents": "article. sarcoma rare kind cancer. sarcoma differ much common carcinoma happen differ kind tissue. sarcoma grow connect tissu -- cell connect support kind tissu body."} {"id": "11843", "contents": "definit sarcoma. malign tumor aris tissu (a connect tissue, bone, cartilage, striat muscle) mesoderm origin. sar\u00b7co\u00b7ma\u00b7t \\saer-s\u00e4r-\u02c8k\u014d-m\u0259\\ t\u0259s. adject"} {"id": "11844", "contents": "soft tissu sarcoma type cancer begin soft tissu body. soft tissu connect, support surround bodi structures. soft tissu includ muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendon line joints. mani type soft tissu sarcoma exist."} {"id": "11845", "contents": "definit sarcoma. malign tumor aris tissu (a connect tissue, bone, cartilage, striat muscle) mesoderm origin. sar\u00b7co\u00b7ma\u00b7t \\saer-s\u00e4r-\u02c8k\u014d-m\u0259\\ t\u0259s. adjective. advertis"} {"id": "11846", "contents": "sarcoma: one group tumor usual aris connect tissue. sarcoma malignant. mani type name type cell, tissue, structur involved, angiosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma,and osteosarcoma. last editori review: 8/28/2013."} {"id": "11847", "contents": "common symptom mononucleosi fever, sore throat, swollen lymph gland neck, arms, groin area. symptom includ following: fatigue. muscl ach weakness. white patch throat. skin rash."} {"id": "11848", "contents": "background. infecti mononucleosi (im) clinic syndrome. im repres immunopatholog express occur specif set circumst respons infect epstein-barr viru (ebv)."} {"id": "11849", "contents": "mononucleosis. infecti mononucleosis, also call mono, contagi disease. epstein-barr viru (ebv) common caus infecti mononucleosis, virus also caus disease. common among teenag young adults, especi colleg students."} {"id": "11850", "contents": "mononucleosi sever name mono, kiss disease, pfeiffer\u2019 disease, filatov\u2019 disease, glandular fever. regardless name, infecti mononucleosi infect caus epstein-barr virus, produc flu-lik symptom extrem fatigue. symptom infecti mononucleosis. case infecti mononucleosis, diseas caus sever nondescript, flu-lik symptom may includ fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. anoth aspect infecti mononucleosi abil caus extrem fatigu even robust individual."} {"id": "11851", "contents": "specif medicin use treat mono. over-the-count medicin may use help treat symptom mono. sever cases, corticosteroid may use reduc swell throat, tonsils, spleen. take antibiot amoxicillin ampicillin may caus rash mani peopl mono. rash caus antibiot often first sign person mono. rash allerg reaction. antivir drug improv symptom mono shorten length ill"} {"id": "11852", "contents": "medicin choices. over-the-count pain relievers, includ acetaminophen (such tylenol) ibuprofen (such advil), may use reliev headach sore throat. give aspirin anyon age 20, use link rey syndrome, seriou illness. sever cases, corticosteroid may use reduc swell throat, tonsils, spleen. take antibiot amoxicillin ampicillin may caus rash mani peopl mono. rash caus antibiot often first sign person mono. rash allerg reaction. antivir drug improv symptom mono shorten length"} {"id": "11853", "contents": "introduction. infecti mononucleosis, mono, often call kiss diseas that' one way get it. caus epstein-barr viru (ebv), spread saliva. symptom include: fever. sore throat. swollen gland"} {"id": "11854", "contents": "vibriosi ill caus bacteria famili caus cholera. vibrio bacteria caus diseas peopl eat raw undercook contamin seafood open wound expos seawater."} {"id": "11855", "contents": "definit vibriosis. infecti diseas sheep cattl caus bacterium (campylobact fetu syn. vibrio fetus) mark infertil abortion; also: infect diseas caus vibrio. advertisement. medic definit vibriosis. 1. infecti diseas sheep cattl caus bacterium genu campylobact (c. fetu synonym vibrio fetus) mark especi infertil abortion."} {"id": "11856", "contents": "vibriosi (campylobact fetus) cattl infecti bacteri diseas genit tract caus infertil occasion abortions. vener diseas spread infect bull mate suscept cow heifers. use artifici insemin also valuabl limit diseas spread. a.i. organ test semen assur free vibriosi trichomoniasis. ask question cattl disease, click get answer! cattl today onlin cattleman' guid cattl business."} {"id": "11857", "contents": "vibriosi (bovin vener campylobacteriosis, bvc) world-wid diseas caus earli embryon death infertil cattle. gram neg rod bacteria caus abort sheep. infect econom import caus larg decreas reproduct efficiency."} {"id": "11858", "contents": "vibriosi somewhat self-limit cattl recov within year. diseas carrier common, however, new infect spread non-expos animals. vibriosi best control vaccination, render anim highli resist infection. use artifici insemin also valuabl limit diseas spread. a.i. organ test semen assur free vibriosi trichomoniasis. ask question cattl disease, click get answer! cattl today onlin cattleman' guid cattl business."} {"id": "11859", "contents": "vibriosis. diseas caus infect vibrio campylobact spp. bovin vibriosis. vener diseas cattl caus campylobact fetu subspp. venereali character earli embryon death consequenti infertil low incid abortion. see also vibrion abortion. description. vibriosi gener term refer infect member larg group vibrio, bacteria. bacteria caus cholera group. altern name includ non-cholera vibrio infection, vibrio parahemolyticu infection, vibrio vulnificu infection."} {"id": "11860", "contents": "februari 2007 primefact 451 (replac agfact a2.9.7) vibriosi cattl dr steven hum senior veterinari officer, research operations, menangl introduct bovin vibriosi (also known bovin vener campylobacteriosis, bvc), one import infecti vener diseas cattl australia. caus vibriosi vibriosi caus bacterium campylobact fetu spread infect bull mate suscept cow heifers. immun vibriosi bull develop easili infect long time without show sign illness."} {"id": "11861", "contents": "vibriosis. vibrion abortion, infecti diseas cattl sheep and, rarely, swine goats. case diseas establish humans. caus spiral-shap polymorph microbe, vibrio fetus, genu vibrio, famili spirillaceae. infecti bacteri disease, primarili cattle, sheep, goats, caus vibrio fetu character abortion, retain placenta, metritis. vibrion abortion, infecti diseas cattl sheep and, rarely, swine goats. case diseas establish human"} {"id": "11862", "contents": "cost add sewer backup could rang $10 $250 per year tradit home insur policies. insur polici (or homes) creat equal. compani allow add sewer backup policy, limit amount coverag $5,000."} {"id": "11863", "contents": "averag cost rider typic less $100 per year around $20,000 coverage, cost pay backed-up sewer issu could easili approach $10,000 even cost replac damag item kick in."} {"id": "11864", "contents": "fortunately, sewer backup coverag avail insur compani nomin cost. sewer drain profession horizon servic recommend consum rain-pron region delaware, pennsylvania maryland err side caution purchas addit insurance."} {"id": "11865", "contents": "sewag backup coverag avail insur rider home insur policy. coverag $5,000 $10,000 damag run $75 $150 year, accord fema, there' usual deductible. cost tie risk."} {"id": "11866", "contents": "home insur $200,000 add sewer backup insurance, you\u2019r amount coverag sewer backup would also $200,000. either way, it\u2019 small price pay oppos thousand damag could stuck backup occur."} {"id": "11867", "contents": "typic purchas sewer backup insur addit premium $40-$50 per year; small price pay signific piec mind protection. live flood plain near river stream, may requir carri flood insurance, well."} {"id": "11868", "contents": "annual premium $25 buy roughli $5,000 $10,000 worth coverage. states, purchas sewer backup insur $40 $60 year, amount coverag equal amount coverag alreadi homeown policy."} {"id": "11869", "contents": "kashmir signific geograph studi statu disputed, often caus conflict develop region. today, kashmir administ india, pakistan china. follow list ten geograph fact know kashmir."} {"id": "11870", "contents": "pakistan occupi posit great geostrateg importance, border iran west, afghanistan northwest, china northeast, india east, arabian sea south. total land area estim 803,940 squar kilometers. 1957 pakistan sign frontier agreement iran, sinc border two countri subject seriou dispute. pakistan' boundari afghanistan 2,250 kilomet long."} {"id": "11871", "contents": "line determin 1961 1965 seri agreement china pakistan. mutual agreement, new boundari treati negoti china pakistan disput kashmir final resolv india pakistan. 1957 pakistan sign frontier agreement iran, sinc border two countri subject seriou dispute. pakistan' boundari afghanistan 2,250 kilomet long."} {"id": "11872", "contents": "territori kashmir, cram pakistan, afghanistan, india china. northern area karakoram range, town gilgit, held pakistan claim india, slice azad (\u201cfree\u201d) kashmir west. organ connect india also true central asia iran. pakistan, seen indian modern-day residu mediev muslim domi-n india. india-pakistan disput attests, nation young vibrant subcontinent, earli modern europe."} {"id": "11873", "contents": "geography. locat northwestern part south asian subcontinent, pakistan becam state result partit british india august 14, 1947. 1957 pakistan sign frontier agreement iran, sinc border two countri subject seriou dispute. pakistan' boundari afghanistan 2,250 kilomet long."} {"id": "11874", "contents": "geographi pakistan (urdu: \u062c\u063a\u0631\u0627\u0641\u06cc\u06c2 \u067e\u0627\u06a9\u0650\u0633\u062a\u0627\u0646 \u200e) profound blend landscap vari plain deserts, forests, hills, plateau rang coastal area arabian sea south mountain karakoram rang north. nation geopolit place within controversi region boundari share disput many-a-tim escal militari tension nations, e.g., kashmir india durand line afghanistan."} {"id": "11875", "contents": "current territori afghanistan, bangladesh, bhutan, india, maldives, nepal, pakistan, sri lanka form countri south asia, deviat definit base often substanti differ reasons, british indian ocean territory, mauritius, tibet autonom region includ well. south asian studi program brandei univers defin region compris india, pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal, bhutan, certain context afghanistan, burma, maldiv tibet."} {"id": "11876", "contents": "one main river use ancient time indu river north-west (what north-western india pakistan). bank indu river earliest civil india use writing, build larg build organis citi flourish nearli one thousand years."} {"id": "11877", "contents": "pakistan border india east, arabian sea south, iran southwest, afghanistan west north; northeast disput territori (with india) kashmir, part occupi pakistan border china. islamabad capit karachi largest city."} {"id": "11878", "contents": "seven wast origin japan, wast known \u201cmuda.. seven wast tool categor \u201cmuda\u201d origin develop toyota\u2019 chief engin taiichi ohno core toyota product system, also known lean manufacturing. product significantli differ factories, typic wast found manufactur environ quit similar. waste, strategi reduc elimin effect company, therebi improv overal perform quality."} {"id": "11879", "contents": "lean manufactur lean production, often simpli lean systemat method elimin wast muda within manufactur system. elimin wast goal lean, toyota defin three broad type waste: muda, muri mura; note mani lean implement list shrink first wast type reduc correspond benefits."} {"id": "11880", "contents": "doctor seek elimin caus epidemic. bodi natur elimin wast products. compani plan elimin 2,000 job come year. tri elimin fatti food diet. exampl eliminate."} {"id": "11881", "contents": "muda (\u7121\u99c4) japanes word mean futility; uselessness; idleness; superfluity; waste; wastage; wastefulness, key concept toyota product system (tps) one three type deviat optim alloc resourc (muda, mura, muri). muda given much greater attent wast two mean whilst mani lean practition learn see muda fail see promin variat mura (unevenness) muri (overburden)."} {"id": "11882", "contents": "essentially, lean center make obviou add valu reduc everyth else. lean manufactur manag philosophi deriv mostli toyota product system (tps) (henc term toyot also prevalent) identifi lean 1990s. elimin wast goal lean, toyota defin three broad type waste: muda, muri mura; note mani lean implement list shrink first wast type reduc correspond benefits."} {"id": "11883", "contents": "lean softwar develop advoc lean principles, first elimin wast \u2018. harsh, use explor one point. someon goe point wast softwar compani team, quickli start hit individuals. meetings, docs, processes, code, etc one\u2019 baby."} {"id": "11884", "contents": "elimin waste, import understand exactli wast exists. product significantli differ factories, typic wast found manufactur environ quit similar. waste, strategi reduc elimin effect company, therebi improv overal perform quality."} {"id": "11885", "contents": "zero wast recycl materi back natur marketplac manner protect human health environment."} {"id": "11886", "contents": "full definit eliminate. transit verb. 1. 2. expel (a waste) live body. 3. caus (a unknown) disappear combin two mathemat equations. intransit verb. expel wast live body. elim\u00b7i\u00b7na\u00b7t \\-\u02c8li-m\u0259-\u02ccn\u0101-tiv\\ adjective. exampl eliminate. doctor seek elimin caus epidemic. bodi natur elimin wast products. compani plan elimin 2,000 job come year."} {"id": "11887", "contents": "also cincinnati red stock team, also sometim call reds, member nation leagu inaugur season 1876 1880, team also directli relat present one. red play nation leagu sinc 1890, although trace name cincinnati red stockings, first profession basebal team ever assembled, 1869."} {"id": "11888", "contents": "30 year follow readmiss nation league, red fare poorly, never finish higher third. came 1919 pennant winner led hall famer edd roush, .321 hitter year probabl cincinnati' best player time. cincinnati red stock becam baseball' first profession team 1869. began 45-9 thump team call great western cincinnati, proceed win nearli everi one 70 game overmatch amateur team midwest."} {"id": "11889", "contents": "red stock lost mani player namesak 1870, team decid dissolve. name went boston where, 1871, new team featur cincinnati' former star began play boston red stockings. franchis would eventu becom atlanta braves. win series, red becam first nl team sinc 1921\u201322 new york giant win back-to-back world seri championships. big red machin also part rivalri philadelphia philli pittsburgh pirates."} {"id": "11890", "contents": "red absent playoff 1995 2010, nl central divis title. red play nation leagu sinc 1890, although trace name cincinnati red stockings, first profession basebal team ever assembled, 1869."} {"id": "11891", "contents": "histori cincinnati reds. cincinnati red origin call red stock found 1869. first 130 game 1869 1870. much team reloc play boston 1870, leav red stock ohio search new talent. cincinnati red origin found 1869 first profession basebal team. name origin red stockings, later shorten red mani player left play boston use name new city."} {"id": "11892", "contents": "cincinnati red american profession basebal team cincinnati, ohio play major leagu basebal 's nation leagu (nl) central division. cincinnati red charter member american associ (aa) 1882 join nation leagu 1890. red play nation leagu west 1969 1993 join central divis found 1994. five world seri titles, nine nl pennants, one aa pennant, ten divis titles. nbc affili wlwt carri red game 1948\u20131995. among call game wlwt includ wait hoyt, ray lane, steve physioc, johnni bench, joe morgan, ken wilson. al michaels, establish long career abc nbc, spent three year cincinnati earli career."} {"id": "11893", "contents": "answer. hi jen-i apolog time, i'v swamp lately.. anyway, red origin first team wear red sock uniforms, becam trademark team name becam cincinnati red stockings. time, name eventu shorten reds."} {"id": "11894", "contents": "cincinnati red major leagu basebal team. origin name cincinnati red stockings, name shorten cincinnati red 1890s. win series, red becam first nl team sinc 1921\u201322 new york giant win back-to-back world seri championships. big red machin also part rivalri philadelphia philli pittsburgh pirates."} {"id": "11895", "contents": "celexa\u00ae (citalopram hydrobromide) tablets. suicid antidepress drugs. antidepress increas risk compar placebo suicid think behavior (suicidality) children, adolescents, young adult short-term studi major depress disord (mdd) psychiatr disorders. citalopram hbr occur fine, white off-whit powder. citalopram hbr sparingli solubl water solubl ethanol. celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) avail tablet dosag form. celexa 10 mg film-coated, oval tablet contain citalopram hbr strength equival 10 mg citalopram base."} {"id": "11896", "contents": "celexa 10 mg tablet film-coated, oval tablet contain citalopram hbr strength equival 10 mg citalopram base. celexa 20 mg 40 mg tablet film-coated, oval, score tablet contain citalopram hbr strength equival 20 mg 40 mg citalopram base. celexa\u00ae (citalopram hbr) oral administ select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssri) chemic structur unrel ssri tricyclic, tetracyclic, avail antidepress agents."} {"id": "11897", "contents": "a: citalopram (celexa) antidepress belong class drug call select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris). ssri affect chemic brain may becom unbalanc caus depression. primarili use treat depression. a: citalopram (celexa) antidepress categor select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssri). citalopram indic treatment depression. mani ssri also use treat anxiety. however, citalopram use off-label anxiety."} {"id": "11898", "contents": "q: i'm current take 20 mg daili citalopram. a: regard citalopram use treatment depression, normal start dose 20 mg daily. quit typic mani patient dose citalopram increas 40mg. a: citalopram (celexa) antidepress categor select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssri). citalopram indic treatment depression. mani ssri also use treat anxiety. however, citalopram use off-label anxiety."} {"id": "11899", "contents": "a: citalopram class medic call select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris). citalopram use treat depression. citalopram work increas natur brain chemic serotonin, assist maintain metal balance. a: citalopram (celexa) antidepress categor select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssri). citalopram indic treatment depression. mani ssri also use treat anxiety. however, citalopram use off-label anxiety."} {"id": "11900", "contents": "celexa 20 mg 40 mg film-coated, oval, score tablet contain citalopram hbr strength equival 20 mg 40 mg citalopram base. citalopram hbr occur fine, white off-whit powder. citalopram hbr sparingli solubl water solubl ethanol. celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) avail tablet dosag form. celexa 10 mg film-coated, oval tablet contain citalopram hbr strength equival 10 mg citalopram base."} {"id": "11901", "contents": "use medicine. citalopram use treat depression. belong group medicin known select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris). medicin thought work increas activ chemic call serotonin brain. medicin avail doctor' prescription."} {"id": "11902", "contents": "maximum recommend dose citalopram 20 mg per day patient older 60 year age. citalopram discontinu patient found persist qtc measur greater 500 ms. fda drug safeti communication: revis recommend celexa (citalopram hydrobromide) relat potenti risk abnorm heart rhythm high doses."} {"id": "11903", "contents": "citalopram gener form brand-nam antidepress celexa, use treat depression. addit depression, citalopram also use treating: obsessive-compuls disord (ocd). panic disorder. a: citalopram (celexa) antidepress categor select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssri). citalopram indic treatment depression. mani ssri also use treat anxiety. however, citalopram use off-label anxiety."} {"id": "11904", "contents": "anim cell structur anim cell typic eukaryot cell, enclos plasma membran contain membrane-bound nucleu organelles. unlik eukaryot cell plant fungi, anim cell cell wall. featur lost distant past single-cel organ gave rise kingdom animalia."} {"id": "11905", "contents": "eukaryot cell typic much larger prokaryotes. varieti intern membrane-bound structures, call organelles, cytoskeleton compos microtubules, microfilaments, intermedi filaments, play import role defin cell' organ shape. presenc nucleu give eukaryot name, come greek \u03b5\u03c5 (eu, well) \u03ba\u03ac\u03c1\u03c5\u03bf\u03bd (karyon, nut kernel). eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell type"} {"id": "11906", "contents": "nucleus, largest organel eukaryot cells, surround two membranes, one phospholipid bilay contain mani differ type proteins. inner nuclear membran defin nucleu itself. variou techniqu describ earlier led appreci highli organ intern structur eukaryot cells, mark presenc mani differ organel (figur 5-42 5-43). present brief overview major organelles."} {"id": "11907", "contents": "addit nucleus, eukaryot cell may contain sever type organelles, may includ mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasm reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes. organel perform specif function critic cell' survival. moreover, nearli eukaryot organel separ rest cellular space membrane, much way interior wall separ room house. eukaryotes, however, dna take form compact chromosom separ rest cell nuclear membran (also call nuclear envelope). eukaryot cell also contain varieti structur organel present prokaryot cells."} {"id": "11908", "contents": "organel special membrane-enclos structur cytoplasm eukaryot cells. nucleus, contain dna form chromosomes, characterist eukaryot organelle. nuclear envelop connect system membran the; cytoplasm call endoplasm reticulum (er)."} {"id": "11909", "contents": "organel wide rang respons includ everyth gener energi cell control cell' growth reproduction. eukaryot cell cell nucleus. nucleu organel surround doubl membran call nuclear envelope. nuclear envelop separ content nucleu rest cell. eukaryot cell also cell membran (plasma membrane), cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, variou cellular organelles. nucleus-a membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari (dna) inform control cell' growth reproduction. commonli promin organel cell. mitochondria-a cell' power producers, mitochondria convert energi form usabl cell."} {"id": "11910", "contents": "exampl organel found plant cell anim cell include: prokaryot cell structur less complex eukaryot cells. nucleu region dna bound membrane. prokaryot dna coil region cytoplasm call nucleoid. nucleus-a membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari (dna) inform control cell' growth reproduction. commonli promin organel cell. mitochondria-a cell' power producers, mitochondria convert energi form usabl cell."} {"id": "11911", "contents": "besid nucleus, two organel mitochondrion chloroplast play especi import role eukaryot cells. special structur enclos doubl membranes, believ origin back live thing earth single-cel organisms. eukaryotes, however, dna take form compact chromosom separ rest cell nuclear membran (also call nuclear envelope). eukaryot cell also contain varieti structur organel present pro"} {"id": "11912", "contents": "typhus, epidemic: sever acut diseas prolong high fever 40\u00b0 (104\u00b0 f), intract headache, pink-to-purpl rais rash, due infect microorgan call rickettsia prowazekii. neurolog featur gave diseas name greek word typhos, mean smoke, cloud, stupor aris fever. epidem typhu also known classic typhus, european typhus, jail fever, louse-born typhus, ship fever."} {"id": "11913", "contents": "epidem typhus. n. form typhu character high fever, mental physic depression, macular papular eruptions; caus rickettsia prowazekii transmit bodi lice. typhus. acut infecti diseas caus rickettsia usual transmit infect rat rodent human lice, fleas, tick mites. abyssinian tick typhus. see boutonneus fever. canin typhus, canin tick typhus. see canin ehrlichiosis. epidem typhus. see rickettsia prowazeki."} {"id": "11914", "contents": "variou bacteri diseas caus rickettsias: a: sever human febril diseas caus one (rickettsia prowazekii) transmit especi bodi lice mark high fever, stupor altern delirium, intens headache, dark red rash b: murin typhu c: scrub typhus. definit typhu kids. diseas spread especi bodi lice high fever, delirium, sever headache, dark red rash."} {"id": "11915", "contents": "epidem typhu (also call camp fever, jail fever, hospit fever, ship fever, famin fever, putrid fever, petechi fever, epidem louse-born typhus, louse-born typhus) form typhu name diseas often caus epidem follow war natur disasters. symptom includ sever headache, sustain high fever, cough, rash, sever muscl pain, chills, fall blood pressure, stupor, sensit light, delirium death."} {"id": "11916", "contents": "specif type rickettsia caus diseas also varies, specif insect pass bacteria along. epidem typhus, sometim call jail fever louse-born typhus, caus rickettsia prowazekii, carri bodi lice. lice feed human, may simultan defecate. person scratch bite, fece (which carri bacteria) scratch wound. fli squirrel typhu acut infecti diseas similar epidem typhus, occur southeastern unit states; caus rickettsia prowazekii transmit flea lice fli squirrel. kenya tick typhu boutonneus fever."} {"id": "11917", "contents": "epidem typhu fever spread? diseas spread human bodi lice infect bacteria caus epidem typhu fever. diseas common winter, condit favor person-to-person spread bodi lice. human bodi lice becom infect feed blood person epidem typhu fever. infect lice pass infecti fece feed."} {"id": "11918", "contents": "brill-zinss disease; epidem typhus; murin typhus, typhu fever infecti diseas rickettsiosi transmit lous flea clinic fever, transient rash, hypotens caus either prowazekii \u2013epidem typhus, brill disease\u2013rar us typhi scrub typhus. fli squirrel typhu acut infecti diseas similar epidem typhus, occur southeastern unit states; caus rickettsia prowazekii transmit flea lice fli squirrel. kenya tick typhu boutonneus fever."} {"id": "11919", "contents": "typhus. epidem typhu form typhu name diseas often caus epidem follow war natur disasters. caus organ rickettsia prowazekii, transmit human bodi louse. feed human carri bacillu infect louse."} {"id": "11920", "contents": "essay natur trade general. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. essay natur trade gener (french: essai sur la natur du commerc en general) g\u00e9n\u00e9ral book econom richard. cantillon work consid first complet treatis economics, numer contribut science. contribut include: caus effect methodology, monetari theories, concept entrepreneur risk-bearer, develop spatial economics."} {"id": "11921", "contents": "cantillon' essai written use distinct causal methodology, separ cantillon mercantilist predecessors. essai pepper word natural, case cantillon' treatis meant impli caus effect relationship econom action phenomena. cantillon made frequent use concept ceteri paribu throughout essai attempt neutralis independ variables. furthermore, credit employ methodolog similar carl menger 's methodolog individualism, deduc complex phenomena simpl observations."} {"id": "11922", "contents": "essay natur trade gener (french: essai sur la natur du commerc en general) g\u00e9n\u00e9ral book econom richard. cantillon written around, 1730 publish french in. 1755 work consid first complet treatis economics, numer contribut science. contribut include: caus effect methodology, monetari theories, concept entrepreneur risk-bearer, develop spatial economics."} {"id": "11923", "contents": "postlethwayt inde access cantillon english origin version essai, place text print univers dictionary, term employ postlethwayt text instead \u2018entrepreneur\u2019 would cantillon\u2019 term english becom french text entrepreneur. strike featur essai text commonli regard semin theori entrepreneurship contain noth concern process innov all, indeed, virtual noth kind econom innovation."} {"id": "11924", "contents": "commonplac secondari literatur histori economics, entrepreneurship literature, theori entrepreneurship genesi richard cantillon\u2019 essai sur la natur du commerc en gener (g\u00e9n\u00e9ral). 1755 strike featur essai text commonli regard semin theori entrepreneurship contain noth concern process innov all, indeed, virtual noth kind econom innovation."} {"id": "11925", "contents": "richard cantillon (1680 may 1734) irish-french economist author essai sur la natur du commerc en gener (g\u00e9n\u00e9ral essay natur trade in), gener book consid william stanley jevon cradl polit economi cantillon made frequent use concept ceteri paribu throughout essai attempt neutralis independ variables. furthermore, credit employ methodolog similar carl menger 's methodolog individualism, deduc complex phenomena simpl observations."} {"id": "11926", "contents": "cantillon influenc experi banker, especi specul bubbl john law' mississippi company. also heavili influenc prior economists, especi william petty. essai consid first complet treatis economics, numer contribut science. cantillon made frequent use concept ceteri paribu throughout essai attempt neutralis independ variables. furthermore, credit employ methodolog similar carl menger 's methodolog individualism, deduc complex phenomena simpl observations."} {"id": "11927", "contents": "cantillon major influenc physiocrat francoi fran\u00e7ois, quesnay may learn of'cantillon work marqui of. mirabeau evid essai influenced, quesnay degre remains. controversi cantillon made frequent use concept ceteri paribu throughout essai attempt neutralis independ variables. furthermore, credit employ methodolog similar carl menger 's methodolog individualism, deduc complex phenomena simpl observations."} {"id": "11928", "contents": "richard cantillon. richard cantillon, mississippi bubbl non-neutr money: richard cantillon (1680\u2019 1734) irish-born economist banker live life pari bank owner. author \u201cessai sur la natur du commerc en general\u201d(essay natur trade general), essay cantillon may publish remain unknown. life banker specul pari cantillon fulli understood real effect monetari polici real life economics. time appli knowledge, help build fortun profit mississippi bubbl 1717-1720."} {"id": "11929", "contents": "whether whole skim, cow goat, milk contain carbohydrates. number carbohydr milk drink rang 11.3 11.9 gram per cup."} {"id": "11930", "contents": "carb whole milk. whole milk, defin milk 3.25 percent fat, 11.71 gram carbohydr per cup. whole milk also contain 7.69 gram protein 7.93 gram fat per cup."} {"id": "11931", "contents": "dairi food like milk, cheese, yogurt typic recogn nutrit contain calcium protein. dairy-bas item tend higher protein fat, carbohydrates. natur occur carb still consid part dairy' nutrit profile."} {"id": "11932", "contents": "cup percent milk 12.18 gram carbohydrates, 8.53 gram protein 2.38 gram fat. percent milk, carbohydr protein content percent milk."} {"id": "11933", "contents": "skim milk, nonfat milk, contain 12.3 gram carbohydr per cup. increas carbohydr content compar whole milk occur remov fat make skim milk increas concentr components."} {"id": "11934", "contents": "along lactose, sucrose, tabl sugar, simpl carbohydrate, fructose, found fruit like grape pears, glucose, sugar bodi break carbohydr prior use."} {"id": "11935", "contents": "carb dairi food come natur occur sugar uniqu milk, call lactose. amount lactos major dairi food except pure isol fat, like butter, protein, like whey powder."} {"id": "11936", "contents": "lactose. lactose, milk sugar, present milk. lactos simpl carbohydr make 2% 8% milk weight. thank uncompl construction, simpl carbohydr easili broken body."} {"id": "11937", "contents": "plain yogurt whole milk 11 carbohydr per cup. low-fat fruit-flavor yogurt 47 carbohydr per cup. flavor sugar-fre nonfat yogurt 18"} {"id": "11938", "contents": "capillaries. capillaries, smallest numer blood vessels, form connect vessel carri blood away heart (arteries) vessel return blood heart (veins). primari function capillari exchang materi blood tissu cells. system arteri transport oxygen blood left ventricl bodi tissues. blood pump ventricl larg elast arteri branch repeatedli smaller smaller arteri branch result microscop arteri call arterioles."} {"id": "11939", "contents": "blood vessel' main function transport blood around body. blood vessel also play role control blood pressure. blood vessel found throughout body. five main type blood vessels: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venul veins. arteri carri blood away heart organs."} {"id": "11940", "contents": "three basic type blood vessels: capillaries, exchang water chemic blood tissues; arteries, carri blood away beat heart veins, transport blood capillari heart, thu enabl heart continu beating. blood vessel integr part circulatori system. compon assist transport blood within body, often heart."} {"id": "11941", "contents": "gener circulatori system blood vessel may broken vessel deliv oxygen blood tissues: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, vessel return blood carbon dioxid ga exchange: vein venules. again, mechan properti blood vessel function underli tissu structure. sinc blood vessel soft collagen tissu (with good deal elastin, anoth biomolecule), stress-strain behavior resembl soft collagen tissu like ligament tendons."} {"id": "11942", "contents": "features. although blood vessel activ transport blood, arteri vein help regul blood contract muscl layer inner diameter. action regul autonom nervou system result flow blood downstream organs. blood vessel integr part circulatori system. compon assist transport blood within body, often heart."} {"id": "11943", "contents": "primari compon blood vessels--arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venul veins--serv varieti function keep bodi aliv healthy. blood vessel integr part circulatori system. compon assist transport blood within body, often heart."} {"id": "11944", "contents": "follow diagram summaris sequenc blood flow heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, back heart: follow diagram summaris structur differ differ type blood vessels. inform also follow next section. venules. venul minut vessel drain blood capillari veins. mani venul unit form vein. drain blood capillari veins, return heart."} {"id": "11945", "contents": "arteri blood vessel carri blood heart body. also microscop blood vessel connect arteri vein togeth call capillaries. main blood vessel connect differ chamber heart. aorta largest arteri body."} {"id": "11946", "contents": "arteriol smallest arteri body. deliv blood capillaries. arteriol also capabl constrict dilat and, this, control much blood enter capillaries. capillari tini vessel connect arteriol venules. blood vessel also play role control blood pressure. blood vessel found throughout body. five main type blood vessels: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venul veins. arteri carri blood away heart organs."} {"id": "11947", "contents": "one system, pulmonari vessels, transport blood right ventricl lung back left atrium. system, system vessels, carri blood left ventricl tissu part bodi return blood right atrium. system arteri transport oxygen blood left ventricl bodi tissues. blood pump ventricl larg elast arteri branch repeatedli smaller smaller arteri branch result microscop arteri call arterioles."} {"id": "11948", "contents": "abs. ab region price fallen net decreas cent per pound sinc jan 1. 20 cent run-up wipe recent price declines. drop mean percent declin price high-impact ab grade use inject insert molding, accord plastic news. 15 percent increas pp compound region well. polycarbon pc shaki demand caus downtrend cent per pound four percent drop pc grade inject insert mold sinc may."} {"id": "11949", "contents": "shot size rang 0.9 ounc 265 ounce. typic inject mold clamp forc rang 1-1/2 ton per squar inch (depend part thick resin selection) 1500-ton press produc part surfac area approxim 1000 squar inches. 3."} {"id": "11950", "contents": "two cost involv inject molding, cost mold cost unit. cost mold differ everi job. major cost however, labor build mold. mold take littl 50 hour much 500 1,000 hour build. go rate tool shop might around $60/hour. remaind mold cost supplies; mold base, inserts, cores."} {"id": "11951", "contents": "number cavities-th number caviti incorpor mold directli correl mold costs. fewer caviti requir far less tool work, limit number caviti in-turn result lower initi manufactur cost build inject mold."} {"id": "11952", "contents": "figur 4. drill cool channels; premium h13, 45 hrc. figur 1. mold plastic inject mold electr motor rotors, made 30 percent glass-fil polyamide. mold materi has, date, increas life mold 20 percent, elimin mold repair refurbishment. figur courtesi bohler-uddeholm corporation."} {"id": "11953", "contents": "short runs, howev often includ set charg sinc cost remain signific per part basis. epsilon charg $350 set charg order less $1500 $500 set charg clear materi order less $2000. oper cost ad part need oper involv cycle. cost inject mold plastic parts. inject mold process complex hundr variabl influenc cost. however, influenti variabl material, mold machin time, man-hours."} {"id": "11954", "contents": "materi usual cost $1.00 $3.00 per pound. part weigh oz., example, materi cost $1.00/lb., materi cost per unit would $.25. machin time cost base upon cycl time number caviti mold. hourli rate rang $30/hour $75/hour, automat operation, depend size machin needed. major cost however, labor build mold. mold take littl 50 hour much 500 1,000 hour build. go rate tool shop might around $60/hour. remaind mold cost supplies; mold base, inserts, cores."} {"id": "11955", "contents": "cost labor. labor cost contribut per part cost split two categories: set-up operator. set-up cost reflect time take mount mold onto mold machine, warm pre-cycl machin material, calibr run maxim efficiency. set-up cost becom insignific long run part sinc small cost averag great number parts. cost inject mold plastic parts. inject mold process complex hundr variabl influenc cost. however, influenti variabl material, mold machin time, man-hours."} {"id": "11956", "contents": "ifther eight caviti mold, themachin rate would $0.04 each, theraw materi still $0.10 each, totalcost $0.14 each. tremendoussav achiev build moldswith cavities, cost moldi greater. also assum cycl time 30seconds. would make machinehour rate compon cost $0.30 percycle. let us also assum partweigh 45 gram (0.1 pound) resincost $1.00 per pound. would maketh raw materi cost compon $0.10per part. one caviti mold, partcost would $0.30 machin rate and$0.10 per raw materi total $0.40 2. per part. two caviti themold, machin rate $0.15 perpart, raw materi still $0.10 perpart, total cost $0.25 per part"} {"id": "11957", "contents": "example, davita, mani dialysi center across unit states, charg $480 dialysi treatment, includ medications. dialysi center ohio quot rate $1,400 negoti self-pay patients. dialysi center ohio quot rate $1,400 negoti self-pay patients. emergency, unschedul dialysi treatment hospit cost much more; example, baptist memori health care memphi charg $9,900 singl treatment."} {"id": "11958", "contents": "dialysi center, hemodialysi usual done time per week hour time. peopl choos hemodialysi home may dialysi treatment frequently, 4-7 time per week shorter hour time. doctor give prescript tell much treatment need."} {"id": "11959", "contents": "hemodialysi home, special plumb wire need ad $1,250-$2,000, accord american associ kidney patients. dialysi patient need follow special diet guidanc dietician. dialysi center ohio quot rate $1,400 negoti self-pay patients. emergency, unschedul dialysi treatment hospit cost much more; example, baptist memori health care memphi charg $9,900 singl treatment."} {"id": "11960", "contents": "periton dialysis, main cost consist medic suppli perform procedur home -- slightli less expens hemodialysis. accord u.s. renal data system, one year hemodialysi total $72,000; year periton dialysi cost $53,000. dialysi center ohio quot rate $1,400 negoti self-pay patients. emergency, unschedul dialysi treatment hospit cost much more; example, baptist memori health care memphi charg $9,900 singl treatment."} {"id": "11961", "contents": "dialysi nurs nurs special work patient suffer kidney failur whose diseas seriou enough warrant dialysis, medic treatment filter excess fluids, minerals, creatinine, urea, wast bodi kidney longer perform function. dialysi take place either dialysi center patient\u2019 home. dialysi nurs work dialysi center assign patient much might hospit ward, respons patient throughout shifts. averag patient load six"} {"id": "11962", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic staff nurse-rn-ren dialysi unit state $70,481 50% peopl perform job staff nurse-rn-ren dialysi unit state expect make less $70,481. source: hr report data octob 2015. annual salari someon job titl staff nurse-rn-ren dialysi may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "11963", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic renal dialysi technician unit state $37,649, 50% peopl perform job renal dialysi technician unit state expect make less $37,649. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus."} {"id": "11964", "contents": "averag dialysi regist nurs unit state expect take home roughli $29.89 per hour. total cash compens dialysi regist nurs run $50k $81k depend bonus occasion exceed $3k profit share reach almost $3k. satellit dialysi expect make most, compani offer median salari $73k. soar salari also found fmc corporation, american renal associates, fresinius, earn $72k, $69k, $67k standard dialysi regist nurses."} {"id": "11965", "contents": "averag annual salari staff nurse-rn-ren dialysis? annual salari someon job titl staff nurse-rn-ren dialysi may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "11966", "contents": "get answer need confidential, rapid accur hepat blood test request test. whether seek hepat testing, hepat testing, hepat testing, provid full rang hepat tests, includ earli detect viral testing."} {"id": "11967", "contents": "example, fals posit anti-hcv test happen often person blood donor low risk hepat c. therefore, import confirm posit anti-hcv test supplement test fals posit anti-hcv test report neg supplement testing."} {"id": "11968", "contents": "viral hepatitis, hepat (hcv), hepat (hbv) hepat (hav), diagnos symptoms, physic exam, blood tests. someti imag studi sonogram cat scan liver biopsi also used. peopl age five time like other get virus, caus swell scar liver. hepat c, cdc recommend blood test follow true: receiv organ transplant transfus past."} {"id": "11969", "contents": "hepat (hbv). weeks; hepat occasion detect earli week exposure, accur result recommend get test weeks. retest necessary, sinc hepat virus, remain system life. hepat (hcv). 8-9 week"} {"id": "11970", "contents": "hepat viru test. blood test look antibodi hepat virus. show whether expos virus. rapid test avail give result 20 minutes. blood test look genet materi (rna) hepat virus. blood test look antibodi hepat virus. show whether expos virus."} {"id": "11971", "contents": "doctor want test hepat c, first test hepat antibodi (anti-hcv). test positive, mean infect hepat viru point past. test alon enough. so, second test doctor request call hepat viru rna hcv rna test. sever differ test avail check hcv rna. matter rna test positive, chronic hepat viru infection."} {"id": "11972", "contents": "incub period (when person start show symptoms) hepat usual 45-180 day averag 60-90 days. sever test use detect hepat b. includ antigen test antibodi tests. get hiv antibodi test months, soon test hepat exposur (either b)? incid scare me--if hepat test negative, i'll get vaccin (i'm gay man). want make sure neg result realli neg get vaccinated."} {"id": "11973", "contents": "incub period hepat week months, commonli 6-9 weeks. test hepat c, often can't distinguish recent previou infection. get hiv antibodi test months, soon test hepat exposur (either b)? incid scare me--if hepat test negative, i'll get vaccin (i'm gay man). want make sure neg result realli neg get vaccinated."} {"id": "11974", "contents": "sensori sensit affect behaviour. sometimes, person asd may behav way immedi link sensori sensitivities-but may underli cause. exampl person\u2019 behaviour may result sensori sensitivities, help."} {"id": "11975", "contents": "1. easili overwhelmed, overstimulated. biggest challeng high sensit probabl vulner sensori emot overwhelm. take process much inform inner outer world \u201ctoo much\u201d time result pain, fatigue, stress, anxieti reactions. may intens highli sensit people. course, peopl simpli \u201csensitive\u201d \u201cnot sensitive\u201d like qualiti traits, it\u2019 matter degree."} {"id": "11976", "contents": "return sensori process concepts. sensori sensit refer pattern sensori process character low sensori threshold passiv self regul strategi (dunn, 1997); peopl sensori sensit pattern sensori processing, detect input others. children sensori sensit pattern distractible, hyperact complainers. notic mani sensori event other do, comment regularity. hypothes low threshold enabl high rate notic go around them."} {"id": "11977", "contents": "face appar misnam basic surviv strategy, aron colleagu develop notion high sensit sensori process sensit (sps). feel gene come name them, high sensit even best name trait. accord elain n. aron colleagu well researchers, highli sensit people, compos fifth popul (equal number men women), may process sensori data much deepli thoroughli due biolog differ nervou systems."} {"id": "11978", "contents": "individual\u2019 tempera consist ten traits, one sensori sensitivity, make children uniqu respond world around them. children less awar sensori stimul may need awar sensat raised. may natur awar pain, pain toler may high react quickli protect potenti danger, hot thing loud noises."} {"id": "11979", "contents": "sensori sensit refer awar children regard sensori channels: sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, pain. individu vari degre sensit vari way outwardli respond express awar sensitivities. children less awar sensori stimul may need awar sensat raised. may natur awar pain, pain toler may high react quickli protect potenti danger, hot thing loud noises."} {"id": "11980", "contents": "tri identifi sensit children are, need take account individu sens look predomin pattern overal responses. identifi children\u2019 level sensori sensit use follow question help you. children less awar sensori stimul may need awar sensat raised. may natur awar pain, pain toler may high react quickli protect potenti danger, hot thing loud noises."} {"id": "11981", "contents": "(april 2014). highli sensit person (hsp) person innat trait high sensori process sensit (or innat sensitiveness, origin coin carl jung). common sign sensit loud noises, bright fluoresc lights, strong smells. accord elain n. aron colleagu well researchers, highli sensit people, compos fifth popul (equal number men women), may process sensori data much deepli thoroughli due biolog differ nervou systems."} {"id": "11982", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: mexico italy' flag. color order, look close see mexican flag imag eagl pose cactu plant eat snake. link imag flag. see difference."} {"id": "11983", "contents": "flag milan, white flag red cross it, flag city\u2019 patron saint (st. ambrose). red white color combin green color region militari uniform flag repres republ northern italy, rest say history. flag kingdom two sicilies, 1860-1861. italian upris becam start unif process, sardinian flag (shown 1848) rais repres new country, therebi solidifi tricolor design again."} {"id": "11984", "contents": "flag republ italian tricolour: green, white, red, three vertic band equal dimensions. detail topic, see list italian flags. civil state flag short-liv fascist state northern italy, italian social republ (1943\u20131945), republ salo sal\u00f2 commonly, known ident flag modern italian. republ"} {"id": "11985", "contents": "histori italian flag. first use green/white/r tricolor design flag itali 1796 repres republ north. red white came flag milan, green color region\u2019 military. flag kingdom two sicilies, 1860-1861. italian upris becam start unif process, sardinian flag (shown 1848) rais repres new country, therebi solidifi tricolor design again."} {"id": "11986", "contents": "tags: color italian flag, color italian flag, italian flag look like, italian flag flag, italian flag meaning."} {"id": "11987", "contents": "itali flag description: three equal vertic band green (hoist side), white, red; design inspir french flag brought itali napoleon 1797; color milan (red white) combin green uniform color milanes civic guard."} {"id": "11988", "contents": "itali flag. flag colors: green,white,red. description: flag itali adopt januari 1948 proport 2:3. italian flag tricolour three equal size vertic pale green, white red. colour green hoist side. mean three colour flag itali green repres country' plain hills, white, alp mountain cover snow red repres blood spilt war italian independence."} {"id": "11989", "contents": "flag itali (bandiera d'italia, often refer italian il tricolor [il triko\u02c8lo\u02d0re]) tricolour featur three equal size vertic pale green, white, red, green hoist side. current form use sinc 19 june 1946 formal adopt januari 1948. civil state flag short-liv fascist state northern italy, italian social republ (1943\u20131945), republ salo sal\u00f2 commonly, known ident flag modern italian. republ"} {"id": "11990", "contents": "italian flag today. current italian flag consist three equal vertic band color green, white, red green one hoist side. kind flag known \u201ctricolor\u201d design, kind design french flag irish flag have. flag kingdom two sicilies, 1860-1861. italian upris becam start unif process, sardinian flag (shown 1848) rais repres new country, therebi solidifi tricolor design again."} {"id": "11991", "contents": "butter made anim fat concentr sourc satur fat five gram per two teaspoon serv versu two gram less found margarines. (the small amount tran fat butter 0.2 gram per two teaspoon natur occurring. like butter don\u2019t want satur fat, tri light butter spreadabl butter. lactantia light butter 25 per cent less fat regular butter. gay lea\u2019 spreadabl butter made canola oil, reduc satur fat content 3.5 gram per serving."} {"id": "11992", "contents": "becel\u00ae product actual made veget oil (canola, sunflow olive). type becel\u00ae non-hydrogenated, contain tran fat low satur fat. margarin myth. margarin invent fatten turkeys."} {"id": "11993", "contents": "margarin made veget oil, contain cholesterol. it\u2019 also higher heart-healthi unsatur fat polyunsatur monounsatur fat butter. substitut satur fat (found anim foods), unsatur fat help lower ldl (bad) cholesterol blood. like butter don\u2019t want satur fat, tri light butter spreadabl butter. lactantia light butter 25 per cent less fat regular butter. gay lea\u2019 spreadabl butter made canola oil, reduc satur fat content 3.5 gram per serving."} {"id": "11994", "contents": "type fat found butter margarin make two product differ other. margarin contain plant-bas fats, butter made dairi fat. mani margarin use contain tran fat, hydrogen fat significantli boost risk heart disease. differ butter margarine. butter margarin tast lot alike, similar nutritionally. main differ butter margarin type fat that' found two products."} {"id": "11995", "contents": "margarin usual top butter come heart health. margarin made veget oils, contain unsatur good fat polyunsatur monounsatur fats. type fat help reduc low-dens lipoprotein (ldl), bad, cholesterol substitut satur fat. butter, hand, made anim fat, contain satur fat. margarin creat equal margarin contain tran fat. general, solid margarine, tran fat contains. stick margarin usual tran fat tub margarin do."} {"id": "11996", "contents": "margarin made? lot thought, lot time, lot effort lot good stuff goe margarine. large, list ingredi margarin isn't, well ... large. first, got oil water. that' base."} {"id": "11997", "contents": "(februari 2012). becel brand margarin produc unilev sold number countries, includ belgium, brazil, bulgaria, canada, denmark, estonia, finland, germany, greece, israel, netherlands, portugal, romania, slovenia, sweden, turkey. cook oil, pot yogurt yogurt drink non-margarin product launch unilev becel/flora brand, design help lower blood cholesterol level."} {"id": "11998", "contents": "recent year becel/flora brand extend product margarine. cook oil, pot yogurt yogurt drink non-margarin product launch unilev becel/flora brand, design help lower blood cholesterol level."} {"id": "11999", "contents": "butter contain lot artery-clog satur fat, margarin contain unhealthi combin satur tran fats, healthiest choic skip use liquid oils, olive, canola safflow oil, instead. pros: butter gener natural, made one two ingredients: cream, sometim salt. cons: cream also known milk fat contain satur fat cholesterol, two dietari ingredi rais blood cholesterol increas risk heart vascular diseases."} {"id": "12000", "contents": "stick margarine. pros: margarin much lower satur fat butter, made veget oils, contain cholesterol. cons: although lower satur fat, stick margarin still contain amount total fat calori butter. pros: butter gener natural, made one two ingredients: cream, sometim salt. cons: cream also known milk fat contain satur fat cholesterol, two dietari ingredi rais blood cholesterol increas risk heart vascular diseases."} {"id": "12001", "contents": "rrif realli continu rrsp, twist: can't make regular contribut rrif withdrawals. main purpos rrif provid sourc ongo retir income. rrif works: transfer asset in. keep save tax-sheltered. like rrsp, rrif tax-shelt vehicl make invest decisions. complet flexibl tailor invest strategi meet financi needs. make ongo withdrawals."} {"id": "12002", "contents": "regist retir save plan (rrsp) type canadian account hold save invest assets. contribut rrsp deduct taxabl income, reduc incom tax payabl year contribut claimed. incom earn account tax (includ interest, dividends, capit gains, foreign exchang gains, mortal credits, etc.)"} {"id": "12003", "contents": "rrsp strategi age 71. year turn 71 pivot year retir planning. govern regul requir termin regist retir save plan (rrsp) decemb 31 st 71 st year. option includ convert rrsp regist retir incom fund (rrif) choos rrsp matur retir incom options. final contribut rrsp: make one last contribut rrsp year turn 71, base rrsp contribut limit."} {"id": "12004", "contents": "wait withdraw rrsp age 71 -- account must collaps convert regist retir incom fund (rrif) regist annuiti -- affect minimum withdraw requirements. first year, must withdraw 7.38% rrif, diamond notes. now, let' say bob also $500,000 rrsp. defer withdraw rrsp convert rrif age 71. mandatori 7.38% mean must withdraw $36,900 year turn 72. significantli increas bob' taxabl incom $87,900, move higher tax bracket."} {"id": "12005", "contents": "regist retir save plan (rrsp). rrsp retir save plan establish, register, spous common-law partner contribute. deduct rrsp contribut use reduc tax."} {"id": "12006", "contents": "may start contribut rrsp soon qualifi incom reach 18 year age. sooner start save, sooner save start work you. example, start contribut 25 year age rather 35 year age, invest work longer, gener income, even contribut lower. tools. retir planning."} {"id": "12007", "contents": "minimum withdraw base percentag rrif asset increas age. example, minimum rrif withdraw rate 7.38% age 71 (the last year hold rrsp) level 20% 94 year over. like withdraw rrsp, withdraw rrif taxable, maximum withdraw limit. keep save tax-sheltered. like rrsp, rrif tax-shelt vehicl make invest decisions. complet flexibl tailor invest strategi meet financi needs. make ongo withdrawals."} {"id": "12008", "contents": "caus concret heaving. sometim freez water culprit concret push soil pressure. clay-rich soil absorb moistur rather allow drain through. expans forc clay-rich soil absorb water destruct frost heaving. remedi problem, foundat repair specialist like recommend improv drainag replac expans soil soil drain well higher sand gravel content."} {"id": "12009", "contents": "crack heav common flaw concrete. concret mixtur cement, gravel sand, finit tensil strength prone fractur environment structur stress. concret use natur form ancient egyptian chinese. roman invent synthet concret mix volcan ash lime mortar, sand gravel. modern portland cement invent 19th centuri mixtur chalk clay bake lime kiln."} {"id": "12010", "contents": "photo credit: tim carter. frost heav wreak havoc houses, barns, sheds, roadways, concret slabs, basic anyth that' connect earth place ground freezes. phrase implies, frost heaves, lifts, thing up. problem is, lift may equal around structure."} {"id": "12011", "contents": "do: crack floor slab caus foundat heav uniqu appearance. see multipl crack come togeth point form enclos loop heav greatest. repair foundation, import identifi problem heaving."} {"id": "12012", "contents": "caus slab heave. slab heav caus clay soil expand absorb moisture. sourc moistur rainwater, broken sewer pipes, ground water, poor surfac drainag garden irrigation. amount water ground often uneven movement hous uneven. slab heav affect houses. think day week month hous built. right minut concret slab poured, ground moistur condit allot pretti much consistent. consid happen concret hous slab pour allotment."} {"id": "12013", "contents": "frost heav damag mani type concret masonry, includ sidewalks, patios, slabs, retain wall foundat walls. repair heav concret prevent concret heav future, reli expertis foundat repair specialist. expans forc clay-rich soil absorb water destruct frost heaving. remedi problem, foundat repair specialist like recommend improv drainag replac expans soil soil drain well higher sand gravel content."} {"id": "12014", "contents": "restraint form build load present, heav pressur may may overcom restraint, high: 19 tons/sq ft measured, seven-stori reinforc concret frame build raft foundat observ heav in. (the nitti gritti frost heav works). part north unit state ground freez winter month depth sever feet. ground freez lead heav build locat adjac it."} {"id": "12015", "contents": "concret masonri element damag frost heaving, enough repair damage. experienc foundat repair contractor work determin heav occur differ repair made avoid heav future. expans forc clay-rich soil absorb water destruct frost heaving. remedi problem, foundat repair specialist like recommend improv drainag replac expans soil soil drain well higher sand gravel content."} {"id": "12016", "contents": "answer member: heav usual result frost, tree root expans soil get wet. heav floor often accompani cracks, thought slab may heav without cracking. heav occurs, form trip hazard may weaken structur home. wall may plumb result heav slabs."} {"id": "12017", "contents": "frost heav (or frost heave) upward swell soil freez condit caus increas presenc ice grow toward surface, upward depth soil freez temperatur penetr soil (the freez front freez boundary). frost heave, one soil-fre ice lens grow, growth displac soil them. lens grow continu addit water groundwat sourc lower soil freez line soil."} {"id": "12018", "contents": "american meaning: name dawn american babi name. american mean name dawn is: awakening. english meaning: name dawn english babi name. english mean name dawn is: aurora. first appear daylight; daybreak. dawn. english word dawn."} {"id": "12019", "contents": "dawn femal person name deriv english vocabulari word defin earli morn daybreak; words, period dark sunrise. dawn modern form old english dagung mean \u201cto becom day\u201d \u201cto grow light,\u201d ultim root daeg (\u201cd\u00e6g\u201d). day"} {"id": "12020", "contents": "dawn /dawn/ [1 syll.] girls' name pronounc dornn. old english origin, mean dawn first appear light, daybreak. modern use word name. latin term aurora date back 1500 years, dawn first appear late 1920s."} {"id": "12021", "contents": "mean dawn. english name. english, name dawn means-aurora. first appear daylight; daybreak. dawn. english word dawn.. origin name dawn include-english, greek.th name dawn often use girl name femal name. english name mean"} {"id": "12022", "contents": "florenc fennel cool-weath perenni grown annual. fennel sown garden earli week averag last frost date spring. florenc fennel, grown bulbou stalk, requir 90 115 frost-fre day reach harvest. autumn crop sow fennel mid-to late-summer. description. fennel\u2019 bulbou stalk harvest inch diameter. cut whole stalk like celeri point individu stalk join together. cut leav need reach 18 inch tall. florenc fennel readi harvest 90 115 day sowing."} {"id": "12023", "contents": "heap earth around swollen base ten day harvest. grow florenc fennel seed, need wait summer. veget produc flower umbel dri hold seed. cut spent flower head shake seed container."} {"id": "12024", "contents": "florenc fennel (foeniculum vulgar var. azoricum). type fennel grow want harvest bulbou stem use vegetable. leav seed varieti also edible, get three use one plant.\u2018 solaris\u2019 produc larg semi-flat bulb resist bolting.her two type fennel may want grow garden, depend plan use it. 'florenc fennel' use like veget grown bulbou stem. herb fennel, realli produc much bulb, typic grown foliag use like herb."} {"id": "12025", "contents": "plant also attract grow florenc fennel among perenni flower add love accent delic foliage. florenc fennel produc attractive, green featheri foliag provid ornament interest garden. foliag releas scent reminisc anis licorice. plant perenni tendenc spread becom invas don\u2019t remov seed head. florenc fennel grow best cooler climat temper regions. begin harvest fennel stalk nearli readi flower. cut ground use like celery.eap earth around swollen base ten day harvest. grow florenc fennel seed, need wait summer. veget produc flower umbel dri hold seed. cut spent flower head shake seed container."} {"id": "12026", "contents": "two type fennel may want grow garden, depend plan use it. 'florenc fennel' use like veget grown bulbou stem. herb fennel, realli produc much bulb, typic grown foliag use like herb."} {"id": "12027", "contents": "wild fennel grow leaf seed production, florenc fennel shorter plant form bulbou stem ground level. stem mild licoric flavor, great crunch sweet taste. often chop make raw salad oliv oil balsam vinegar.h longer keep soil air cool moist, larger potenti bulb grow. fennel take month readi harvest. keep bed weed free water regularly. care disturb root stimul plant bolt early."} {"id": "12028", "contents": "fennel best eaten fresh. florenc fennel keep refriger week cold moist place months. stalk frozen dried. fennel leav frozen dri herbs; dri leav kept airtight container. common name.ennel\u2019 bulbou stalk harvest inch diameter. cut whole stalk like celeri point individu stalk join together. cut leav need reach 18 inch tall. florenc fennel readi harvest 90 115 day sowing."} {"id": "12029", "contents": "purchas seeds. florenc fennel grown bulblik stalk, regular fennel grown sole herbi foliage. bulb edibl foliag florenc fennel sweet, licorice-lik flavor. seed sometim sold sweet fennel italian name finocchio.arvest sweet florenc fennel. fennel 12 tall, begin harvest featheri foliag use herb. swollen bulb wide, readi harvest. view origin photo."} {"id": "12030", "contents": "florenc fennel, wonder ornament vegetable, grown swollen leaf base \u2018bulbs\u2019 edibl leaves. use salads, flavour improv slice bulb put bowl water ice cube fridg hour."} {"id": "12031", "contents": "biom /\u02c8ba\u026ao\u028am/ format plant anim common characterist due similar climat found rang continents. biom defin climat regim biogeography. 1978 studi north american grassland found posit logist correl evapotranspir mm/yr above-ground net primari product g/m /yr."} {"id": "12032", "contents": "ucmp berkeley' world' biom provid list characterist biom measur climat statistics. biom defin climat regim biogeography. 1978 studi north american grassland found posit logist correl evapotranspir mm/yr above-ground net primari product g/m /yr."} {"id": "12033", "contents": "user: true false. human evolv eocen period user: follow biom consid temper biomes?weegy: temper forests, temper grasslands, chaparrals, temper deserts.expert answered|pamdavis|point 20|."} {"id": "12034", "contents": "locat specif biom predict base ona.th corioli effect.b.th second law thermodynamics.c.precipit temperature.d.season variat sunspots.e.larg landform area.us follow graph answer question.2. speci divers concentr ina.north america europe.b.south america, africa, southeast asia.c.south africa, australia, europe.d.oceania, east asia, antarctica.e.north america, south america, africa15."} {"id": "12035", "contents": "tundra. tundra coldest biomes. tundra come finnish word tunturi, mean treeless plain. note frost-mold landscapes, extrem low temperatures, littl precipitation, poor nutrients, short grow seasons. dead organ materi function nutrient pool. decidu forest (also known temper forest). decidu forest found eastern half north america, middl europe. mani decidu forest asia. major area southwest russia, japan, eastern china. south america two big area decidu forest southern chile middl east coast paraguay. decidu forest locat new zealand, southeastern australia also"} {"id": "12036", "contents": "although water temperatur vari widely, aquat area tend humid air temperatur cooler side. aquat biom broken two basic regions, freshwat (i.e, pond rivers) marin (i.e, ocean estuaries)."} {"id": "12037", "contents": "follow paramet effect biom distributions? a) latitude, longitude, precipit b) precipitation, longitude, temperatur c) temperature, latitude, climat d) latitude, precipitation, temperatur e) climate, longitude, rainfal 4. a) temper grassland b) tropic desert c) tropic dri forest d) chaparr e) tropic grassland 14. follow biolog control use suppress wild fire chaparral? a) viral diseas b) goat c) prescrib burn d) insect herbivor e) fire retard 15."} {"id": "12038", "contents": "a) savanna b) boreal forest c) tropic rainforest d) temper forest e) temper rainforest 11. follow found temper rainforests, tropic rain forests? a) amphibian b) epiphyt c) evergreen tree d) rel constant precipit e) nutrient rich soil 12. a) temper grassland b) tropic desert c) tropic dri forest d) chaparr e) tropic grassland 14. follow biolog control use suppress wild fire chaparral? a) viral diseas b) goat c) prescrib burn d) insect herbivor e) fire retard 15."} {"id": "12039", "contents": "medial tibial stress syndrom (mtss) shin splint common injuri affect athlet engag running. condit character pain lower part leg knee ankle. mtss caus repeat trauma connect muscl tissu surround tibia (shinbone)."} {"id": "12040", "contents": "anterior ankl impingement. ankl imping caus joint capsul around ankl \u2018pinched\u2019 run usual bone lower leg foot. uncommon run injuri occur extrem painful."} {"id": "12041", "contents": "leg made bones, blood vessels, muscles, connect tissue. import motion standing. play sports, running, falling, accid damag legs. common leg injuri includ sprain strains, joint dislocations, fractures. injuri affect entir leg, foot, ankle, knee, hip."} {"id": "12042", "contents": "shin splint (see shin splints), ankl sprain (see ankl sprains), achil tendin (see achil tendinitis), tear achil tendon (see achil tendon tears), stress fractur foot (see stress fractur foot) common injuri lower leg."} {"id": "12043", "contents": "page directori common run injuri affect foot, ankle, lower leg, knee upper leg. brief synopsi injuri discussed."} {"id": "12044", "contents": "case, affect bone shin bone, tibia. shin splint usual accompani pain swell front lower leg. frequent runners, overus injuri caus repetit stress run hard surfaces."} {"id": "12045", "contents": "prevent run injuries. biomechan foot, ankl lower leg complex control sequenc event running. howev slight biomechan abnorm occur anywher along chain motion chanc run injuri much greater."} {"id": "12046", "contents": "place chicken oven roast 400\u00b0f 20 minutes, lower temperatur 375\u00b0f continu roast addit 12 minut per pound longer. consid chicken lbs. place bake rack broil pan (that line foil) add 1/4 cup water pan lightli spray bake rack cook spray. tuck wing place chicken bake rack pan. clean work surfac hand soap hot water continuing."} {"id": "12047", "contents": "3. place chicken pan oven roast 35 minutes, reduc temperatur 300\u00b0f roast 25 30 minut juic run clear instant-read thermomet insert insid thigh meat read 170\u00b0f. preheat oven convect roast 450\u00b0f. coat rack nonstick spray set shallow roast pan. 2. rins chicken pat dri paper towels. loosen skin breast slide 1\u00bd-teaspoon piec butter side."} {"id": "12048", "contents": "follow. o. understand, sort of, convect oven work suppos save time, roast small chicken porcelain dish convect roast set quit work way wanted."} {"id": "12049", "contents": "loos tie leg together. rub chicken oliv oil remain salt pepper. drizzl lemon juice. place chicken oven roast 400\u00b0f 20 minutes, lower temperatur 375\u00b0f continu roast addit 12 minut per pound longer. place bake rack broil pan (that line foil) add 1/4 cup water pan lightli spray bake rack cook spray. tuck wing place chicken bake rack pan. clean work surfac hand soap hot water continuing."} {"id": "12050", "contents": "cooks.com-recipes-oven roast whole garlic. essenti guid cook chicken --entic look extrem ... 100 483 oven roast whole garlic. result page: previou ... cooks.com-recipe-roast turkey. (convect oven cook time reduc 25% see oven ... stuf bake outsid turkey, place oven ... convect oven whole chicken bake recip epicurious.com. chicken green chili enchilada stuf poblano pepper submit"} {"id": "12051", "contents": "convect oven whole chicken cut up, took 45 minut reach 170 degre temperature. ... cooks.com-recipes-oven bake chicken wings. enter email signup cooks.com recip newsletter. ... preheat oven 375 degrees. 100 483 oven roast whole garlic. result page: previou ... cooks.com-recipe-roast turkey. (convect oven cook time reduc 25% see oven ... stuf bake outsid turkey, place oven ..."} {"id": "12052", "contents": "place pan oven roast chicken 40 50 minutes, juic run clear. test this, insert thermomet thickest part leg. regist 160 degre intern temperature. remov chicken oven allow cool 10 15 minut carving. tri recip 500 40 minutes, chicken done beautifully. use convect oven, make difference. said, agre comment lower roast temp low-mid 400 cook longer, say least 90 minutes, would preferable."} {"id": "12053", "contents": "roast convect oven. roast chicken root veget mustard-rosemari sauce. veget cook 45 minut chicken done littl hour 20 minutes. herb roast leg lamb roast onion potatoes. veget cook 45 minut chicken done littl hour 20 minutes. herb roast leg lamb roast onion potatoes. start higher temperatur drop 325\u00b0f 15 minutes. start check intern temperatur done 50 minut"} {"id": "12054", "contents": "rub chicken oliv oil remain salt pepper. drizzl lemon juice. place chicken oven roast 400\u00b0f 20 minutes, lower temperatur 375\u00b0f continu roast addit 12 minut per pound longer. place bake rack broil pan (that line foil) add 1/4 cup water pan lightli spray bake rack cook spray. tuck wing place chicken bake rack pan. clean work surfac hand soap hot water continuing."} {"id": "12055", "contents": "peripher nerv send sensori inform back brain spinal cord, messag feet cold. peripher nerv also carri signal brain spinal cord muscl gener movement. damag peripher nervou system interfer vital connections. exposur toxin may damag nerv caus peripher neuropathy. medic toxic caus mani agent addit fight cancer. agent commonli caus peripher neuropathi side effect includ use fight infect antiretrovir agent treat hiv."} {"id": "12056", "contents": "peripheral: beyond (in case, beyond brain spinal cord.). neuro-: relat nerves. -pathy: disease. peripher neuropathi refer condit result nerv carri messag brain spinal cord rest bodi damag diseased. peripher nerv make intric network connect brain spinal cord muscles, skin, intern organ"} {"id": "12057", "contents": "type peripher neuropathy. sever differ kind peripher neuropathi stem varieti causes. rang carpal tunnel syndrom (a traumat injuri common chronic repetit use hand wrists, comput use) nerv damag link diabetes. peripher neuropathi refer condit result nerv carri messag brain spinal cord rest bodi damag diseased."} {"id": "12058", "contents": "peripher neuropathi type damag nervou system. specifically, occur problem peripher nervou system, network nerv transmit inform central nervou system (your brain spinal cord) rest body. symptom peripher neuropathi vari greatli depend part bodi affected. symptom rang tingl numb certain bodi part seriou effect burn pain paralysis."} {"id": "12059", "contents": "peripher neuropathi damag peripher nerves. peripher nerv nerv toe fingertip one peripheri body. nerv damaged, function properly. common symptom peripher neuropathi includ burning, numbness, tingling, shoot stab pain toe and/or fingertips. chang sensat finger toe may symptom peripher neuropathy. sure report abnorm sensat doctor."} {"id": "12060", "contents": "knowledg center. neuropathi term use describ problem nerves, usual 'peripher nerves' oppos 'central nervou system' (the brain spinal cord). neuropathi seen number differ underli medic conditions."} {"id": "12061", "contents": "peripher neuropathi gener term seri disord result damag body\u2019 peripher nervou system. body\u2019 nervou system made two parts; central nervou system (cns) peripher nerv system (pns). cn includ brain spinal cord."} {"id": "12062", "contents": "neuropathy--also call peripher neuropathy--ref condit affect normal activ nerv peripher nervou system. peripher nervou system network nerv connect central nervou system--th brain spinal cord--to rest body."} {"id": "12063", "contents": "cranial neuropathi similar peripher neuropathy, except cranial nerv involved. cranial nerv involved. one common caus cranial neuropathi loss blood flow optic arteri optic nerve, caus ischem optic neuropathy. peripher neuropathi disord nerve(s) apart brain spinal cord. patient peripher neuropathi may tingling, numbness, unusu sensations, weakness, burn pain affect area. oftentimes, symptom symmetr involv hand feet"} {"id": "12064", "contents": "satoshi tajiri game develop conference. satoshi tajiri (japanese: \u7530\u5c3b \u667a, tajiri satoshi) japanes video game design known creation pokemon pok\u00e9mon seri whit. ken satoshi born august, 28, 1965 in, machida, tokyo. japan ash ketchum known satoshi' (japanese: \u30b5\u30c8\u30b7, satoshi) japanes anim seri inspir satoshi tajiri himself."} {"id": "12065", "contents": "satoshi 0.00000001 btc current smallest transact unit. satoshi equival one penny, microbtc would equival one dollar, one btc would equival 1,000,000 dollars. one btc order $1,000 usd, satoshi equival .001 penny. satoshi smallest fraction bitcoin current sent: 0.00000001 btc, is, hundredth millionth btc. future, however, protocol may updat allow subdivisions, needed. exampl units. btc 1,000 mbtc (millibitcoin)"} {"id": "12066", "contents": "satoshi option binari option trade platform power bitcoin. whether see binari option excit new type investment, rather skill form gambl stock market-instead casino-satoshi option world' first binari option trade platform accept bitcoin currency. binari option purchas satoshi option, contract creat buyer (you) ghost late satoshi nakamoto. give buyer (you) right exercis option end allot time period (e.g. 60 earthli seconds). put simply, pick correcly, make return."} {"id": "12067", "contents": "june 2015, equival us$ 250 million. nakamoto' true ident remain unknown, subject much speculation. known whether name satoshi nakamoto real pseudonym, whether name repres one person group people. decemb 2013, blogger name skye grey link nick szabo bitcoin' whitepap use stylometr analysis. szabo decentr currenc enthusiast publish paper bit gold, consid precursor bitcoin. known interest use pseudonym 1990s."} {"id": "12068", "contents": "h\u014dj\u014d satoshi charact higurashi naku koro ni seri older brother h\u014dj\u014d satoko. charact summari edit. satoshi kind seemingli calm, although clearli worri younger sister seem get frustrat discourag rather easily. sonozaki mion iri ky\u014dsuk describ airhead troubl focus long. satoshi grade mion"} {"id": "12069", "contents": "also suggest that, realli singl entity, satoshi hell proofreader. though appear satoshi understood bitcoin movement might attract fair share ideologues, anti-govern libertarians, it\u2019 unclear whether satoshi polit motiv himself."} {"id": "12070", "contents": "satoshi nakamoto (\u4e2d\u672c\u54f2\u53f2, nakamoto satoshi) person group peopl creat bitcoin protocol refer software, bitcoin core (formerli known bitcoin-qt). 2008, nakamoto publish paper cryptographi mail list metzdowd.com describ bitcoin digit currency. decemb 2013, blogger name skye grey link nick szabo bitcoin' whitepap use stylometr analysis. szabo decentr currenc enthusiast publish paper bit gold, consid precursor bitcoin. known interest use pseudonym 1990s."} {"id": "12071", "contents": "put satoshi' person fortun around $383m time writing, base coindesk' index bitcoin prices, bpi. mani yacht satoshi could buy less import much bitcoin' inventori owns. today, around 13.5m bitcoin existence. satoshi own 7.5% entir bitcoin inventory: one thirteenth digit currenc $4.9b market capitalis press time. that' count rapidli grow digit economi sit atop it. suppos satoshi spend one satoshi block n, two satoshi block n+1, three satoshi block n+2, differ address known control, lerner said. prove control addresses, abil move coins."} {"id": "12072", "contents": "vitamin found two princip form food retinol, form vitamin absorb eat anim food sources, yellow, fat-solubl substance. sinc pure alcohol form unstable, vitamin found tissu form retinyl ester. vitamin group unsatur nutrit organ compounds, includ retinol, retinal, retino acid, sever provitamin carotenoids, beta-carotene. vitamin multipl functions: import growth development, mainten immun system good vision."} {"id": "12073", "contents": "retinol, form vitamin absorb eat anim food sources, yellow, fat-solubl substance. sinc pure alcohol form unstable, vitamin found tissu form retinyl ester. also commerci produc administ ester retinyl acet palmitate. vitamin group unsatur nutrit organ compounds, includ retinol, retinal, retino acid, sever provitamin carotenoids, beta-carotene. vitamin multipl functions: import growth development, mainten immun system good vision."} {"id": "12074", "contents": "vitamin sources: vitamin found dark green yellow veget yellow fruits, broccoli spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots, anim sourc liver, milk, butter, cheese, whole eggs. function food sourc vitamin a. vitamin sources: vitamin found dark green yellow veget yellow fruits, broccoli spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots, anim sourc liver, milk, butter, cheese, whole eggs. list nutrient information."} {"id": "12075", "contents": "also contribut vitamin intak includ good sourc beta-caroten diet, convert vitamin body. main food sourc beta-caroten are: yellow, red green (leafy) vegetables, spinach, carrots, sweet potato red peppers."} {"id": "12076", "contents": "bodi convert dietari sourc vitamin retinol, mcg physiolog avail retinol equival follow amount dietari sources: mcg retinol, 12 mcg beta-carotene, 24 mcg alpha-caroten beta-cryptoxanthin. portion vitamin supplement form beta-caroten remaind preform vitamin a; other contain preform vitamin beta-carotene. supplement label usual indic percentag form vitamin."} {"id": "12077", "contents": "two main sourc vitamin a, anim sourc plant sources. known retinol, anim sourc essenti vitamin contain preform vitamin a. veget sourc contain carotenoids, beta-carotene, convert retinol body. vitamin come anim sourc well absorb use effici bodi sourc vitamin. two main sourc vitamin anim product beef liver turkey giblets. sourc fat solubl vitamin include: chicken liver. cod liver oil. fish oil"} {"id": "12078", "contents": "food anim origin, major form vitamin ester, primarili retinyl palmitate, convert retinol (chemic alcohol) small intestine. retinol form function storag form vitamin, convert visual activ aldehyd form, retinal. vitamin group unsatur nutrit organ compounds, includ retinol, retinal, retino acid, sever provitamin carotenoids, beta-carotene. vitamin multipl functions: import growth development, mainten immun system good vision."} {"id": "12079", "contents": "sources. two type vitamin a. preform vitamin a, also call retinol, found anim products. good sourc fortifi milk, eggs, meat, cheese, liver, halibut fish oil, cream kidneys. pro-vitamin found plant-bas food fruit vegetables, accord u.s. nation librari medicin (nlm)"} {"id": "12080", "contents": "two form vitamin avail human diet: preform vitamin (retinol esterifi form, retinyl ester) provitamin carotenoid 1-5 ]. preform vitamin found food anim sources, includ dairi products, fish, meat (especi liver). portion vitamin supplement form beta-caroten remaind preform vitamin a; other contain preform vitamin beta-carotene. supplement label usual indic percentag form vitamin."} {"id": "12081", "contents": "question far cri stupid! clitori may quit elus men women fulli explor partner' body. littl joy button deserv found, insight improv seek skills."} {"id": "12082", "contents": "full definit clitoris. small erectil femal organ locat within anterior junction labia minora develop embryon mass tissu peni respons sexual stimulation. cli\u00b7to\u00b7r \\\u02c8kli-t\u0259-r\u0259l\\ also cli\u00b7tor\u00b7 \\kli-\u02c8to\u0307r-ik, -\u02c8taer-\\ \u02c8t\u00e4r. adject"} {"id": "12083", "contents": "pain discomfort vulva (vulvodynia) common caus clitori pain, skin irrit rash household chemicals. recur infect cancer may also caus clitori pain. cases, clitori pain may relat chronic underli diseas affect region body."} {"id": "12084", "contents": "glan clitori similar head man' penis, even sensit nodul may see woman aroused, locat inner fold vulva (labia minora), top."} {"id": "12085", "contents": "clitori small project erectil tissu vulva femal reproduct system. contain thousand nerv end make extrem sensit organ. touch stimul nerv end clitori produc sensat sexual pleasure."} {"id": "12086", "contents": "one good exampl tif tiff. well, cut point, differ tif tiff. extens use tag imag file format (tiff), use store imag like photos. appear tif tiff actual relat format limit impos file systems."} {"id": "12087", "contents": "tag imag bitmap file (tiff). tif imag format file high-qual graphics. tif file also call .tiff, stand \u201ctag imag format file.\u201d tif file creat 1986 file format scan imag attempt get compani use one standard file format instead multiple."} {"id": "12088", "contents": "part comput fundament glossary: tiff (tag imag file format) common format exchang raster graphic (bitmap) imag applic programs, includ use scanner images. tiff file identifi file .tiff .tif file name suffix. tiff format develop 1986 industri committe chair aldu corpor (now part adob software). microsoft hewlett-packard among contributor format."} {"id": "12089", "contents": "tiff comput file format store raster graphic images, popular among graphic artists, publish industry, amateur profession photograph general. format origin creat compani aldu use desktop publishing. adob system acquir aldus, publish version (1992) tiff specification. tiff format wide support image-manipul applications, publish page layout applications, scanning, faxing, word processing, optic charact recognit applications. adob systems, acquir aldus, hold copyright tiff specif"} {"id": "12090", "contents": "tif lossless (includ lzw compress option), consid highest qualiti format commerci work. tif format necessarili higher qualiti per se (the rgb imag pixels, are), format jpg lossless too."} {"id": "12091", "contents": "(.tif file extension, pronounc tif) tiff format choic archiv import images. tiff lead commerci profession imag standard. tiff univers wide support format across platforms, mac, windows, unix. data 48 bit supported."} {"id": "12092", "contents": "tiff stand tag imag file format. file .tiff extens contain graphic contain store vector raster imag lossless lossi compress formats. tiff file format support imag resolut black white, gray-scal color images."} {"id": "12093", "contents": "includ archiv documents. tag imag file format (tiff) variable-resolut bitmap imag format develop aldu (now part adobe) 1986. tiff common transport color gray-scal imag page layout applications, less suit deliv web content. archived: tiff graphic file format? tag imag file format (tiff) variable-resolut bitmap imag format develop aldu (now part adobe) 1986."} {"id": "12094", "contents": "roman emperor empress ruler roman empire, wield power citizen military. republic, region empir rule provinci governor answer authoris senat peopl rome rome senat rule varieti magistr consul powerful."} {"id": "12095", "contents": "nerva, trajan, hadrian, antoninu pius, marcu aurelius, known five good emperors, seri excel emperor rule rome 96-180 ad. follow flavian dynasty."} {"id": "12096", "contents": "reign emperor hadrian hadrian known one emperor contribut roman empire. reign last 177 138 a.d., time, made chang rome \u2026. rise fall emperor domitian emperor domitian third final emperor flavian dynasty. emperor julio-caudian dynasti augustu 27 bc-14 ad) tiberiu (14-37) caligula (37-41) claudiu (41-54) nero (54-68). year four emperor (68- 69 ad) four men fought imperi title."} {"id": "12097", "contents": "roman emperor fault ancient historian biograph criticized. mani emperor unusu sexual appetit guilti murder, somehow five stand bizarr excess -- today."} {"id": "12098", "contents": "byzantin group claimant roman emperor exist empir trebizond conquest ottoman 1461. western europ titl roman emperor reviv german rulers, holi roman emperor 800, use 1806. roman consid offic emperor distinct king. first emperor, augustus, resolut refus recognit monarch. although augustu could claim power authent republican, successor, tiberius, could convincingli make claim."} {"id": "12099", "contents": "roman emperor man rule empire. first emperor rule rome year fight rival leaders. name octavian. took new name, augustus, becam emperor 27 bc. augustu brought peac year fighting. emperor good wise. terrible. want god"} {"id": "12100", "contents": "time 140 differ emperors! augustus: augustu first emperor. juliu caesar' adopt son. 31 bce, 30 year civil war, augustu defeat anthoni cleopatra, first emperor ancient rome. call emperor knew peopl would never accept titl king."} {"id": "12101", "contents": "valens: valen last emperor ancient rome. coupl tri best. oddly, last emperor ancient rome name romulu augustus-emperor augustus. first last emperor ancient rome call emperor augustus. juliu caesar' adopt son. 31 bce, 30 year civil war, augustu defeat anthoni cleopatra, first emperor ancient rome. call emperor knew peopl would never accept titl king."} {"id": "12102", "contents": "empir develop roman republ invad occupi europ portion northern africa western asia. republic, region empir rule provinci governor answer authoris senat peopl rome rome senat rule varieti magistr consul powerful."} {"id": "12103", "contents": "eastern (byzantine) emperor ultim adopt titl basileu (\u03b2\u03b1\u03c3\u03b9\u03bb\u03b5\u03cd\u03c2), meant king greek, becam titl reserv sole roman emperor ruler sasanian empire. king refer r\u0113gas. roman consid offic emperor distinct king. first emperor, augustus, resolut refus recognit monarch. although augustu could claim power authent republican, successor, tiberius, could convincingli make claim."} {"id": "12104", "contents": "like ops, dimetho act interf activ cholinesterase, enzym essenti proper function nervou system insect humans(8). product use dimetho use larg number products. us, 166 approv labels(9). trade name includ afidox (produc lucava), cekuto (cequisa), perfekthion (basf), rogor (isagro), dimezyl (agriphar), hilthioat (hindustan), teeka (nagarjuna agrichem)(10). ops, dimetho rapidli absorb skin, easili absorb lungs(20). popul whole gener subject exposur dimetho air, water food(21); howev occup exposur may occur manufacture, formul use."} {"id": "12105", "contents": "dimetho use broad rang insect thrips, aphids, mites, whiteflies(4), number crop includ citrus, cotton, fruit, olives, potatoes, tea, tobacco vegetables(5). ops, dimetho rapidli absorb skin, easili absorb lungs(20). popul whole gener subject exposur dimetho air, water food(21); howev occup exposur may occur manufacture, formul use."} {"id": "12106", "contents": "gener information. dimetho system contact organophosphoru insecticid regist use u.s. 1962 use sever field grown agricultur crop (e.g., leaf greens, citrus, melons), tree crops, ornamentals. residenti non-agricultur use cancel 2000. dimetho absorb gastrointestin tract, lungs, skin. gener popul exposur dimetho ometho occur eat food treat dimetho drink water."} {"id": "12107", "contents": "specimen label disclaimer: alway refer label product use helena product. equipment, pest problem stage crop growth. applic less optim quantiti water may result decreas chemic performance, crop injuri illeg pesticid residues. appli within 15 day harvest. enter treat grove within day last application. use dimetho prohibit time day given orchard orchard 10% open bloom time least 75% petal fall north side trees."} {"id": "12108", "contents": "danadim insecticid acaricid combin system contact action. suitabl use wide rang crop control chew suck pests. activ ingredient: 400 g/l dimetho uniqu stabiliser. control mite aphid on:"} {"id": "12109", "contents": "cygon product contain dimethoate, activ ingredient. industri product made use backpack sprayer even crop dusters, applic dilut poison. target home product either spray concentr granul system introduction."} {"id": "12110", "contents": "insecticide. dimetho 400 organophosph system insecticide/miticid use fruit citru trees, vineyards, nonbear nurseri stock, commerci pecan production, certain commerci veget crops, certain field seed crop ornament plant grown nurseri only."} {"id": "12111", "contents": "dimetho wide use organophosphoru (op) insecticid appli kill mite insect system contact(1). introduc 1950s, origin patent american cyanamid(2), produc 39 compani around world(3). ops, dimetho rapidli absorb skin, easili absorb lungs(20). popul whole gener subject exposur dimetho air, water food(21); howev occup exposur may occur manufacture, formul use."} {"id": "12112", "contents": "dimetho 4ec system insecticid miticide. quantity. avail 2x2.5 gallon cases. function benefit system insecticide/miticid label varieti pest affect fruits, vegetables, nuts, citrus, field, seed crops. contain four pound activ ingredi per gallon."} {"id": "12113", "contents": "dimetho broad-spectrum system insecticid wide rang pest fruit, vegetables, pastures, cotton, lucerne, peanut ornamentals."} {"id": "12114", "contents": "order special medic examiner, usual requir complet addit resid program. forens patholog resid program gener last one year often take place offic certifi medic examiner. order earn m.d. d.o. degree, must complet four year accredit medic school. introduc topic like human anatomy, pharmacology, pathology, anesthesiology, immunology. expect spend first two year complet intensive, in-class coursework."} {"id": "12115", "contents": "education. path becom medic examin take year schooling. follow four-year bachelor' degree, medic examin must earn medic degree, take part five-year resid anatom clinic patholog one-year fellowship forens pathology."} {"id": "12116", "contents": "medic examin requirements. order becom medic examiner, individu need earn medic degre doctor medicin (m.d.) doctor osteopathi (d.o.) degree. complet medic school, individu want becom medic examin requir specif train achiev resid program relat anatom forens pathology."} {"id": "12117", "contents": "pass exam. medic examin forens pathologist requir becom \u2018licensed\u2019 order practice. instead, certifi two separ exam given american board pathology. two exam primari subspecialti certif examinations. medic school program forens pathology, offer cours subject. still, patholog forens patholog cours offer medic schools, know ahead time want becom medic examiner, definit focu them."} {"id": "12118", "contents": "resid complete, qualifi sit exam (given american board pathology) becom board certifi patholog forens pathology. all, take addit 8-13 year educ high school becom medic examiner. medic school program forens pathology, offer cours subject. still, patholog forens patholog cours offer medic schools, know ahead time want becom medic examiner, definit focu them."} {"id": "12119", "contents": "step 3: enrol resid program. medic school graduat must complet resid anatom forens patholog order becom medic examiners. resid program provid paid train typic last four years. forens patholog resid gain practic experi particip autopsi investigations."} {"id": "12120", "contents": "becom medic examin take substanti amount work schooling. need four year colleg bachelor\u2019 degree, along requir medic school. medic schooling, need earn md do. need addit four year train forens pathology, well year residency, forens patholog fellowship."} {"id": "12121", "contents": "take advantag undergradu education. career path begin college. medic degre must want becom medic examiner, need take pre-m curriculum undergradu student. medic examin similar coroner. job would identifi deceas person determin caus death. would also conduct toxicolog reports, autopsies, locat site trauma determin tim"} {"id": "12122", "contents": "path becom medic examin extensive, requir 12 year educ high school. start earli on, soon high school, continu stay focus throughout rest career path. medic examin similar coroner. job would identifi deceas person determin caus death. would also conduct toxicolog reports, autopsies, locat site trauma determin tim"} {"id": "12123", "contents": "becom medic examin typic requir complet prerequisit undergradu coursework, medic school, patholog resid forens patholog fellowship, take total around 12-14 years. source: *u.s. complet medic school, individu want becom medic examin requir specif train achiev resid program relat anatom forens pathology."} {"id": "12124", "contents": "summary: 1. urinari tract respons remov urin maintain bodi fluid balance. 2. bladder infection, cystitis, infect inflamm bladder due presenc harm pathogen insid bladder itself. 3. uti infect lower urinari tract, presum uret urethra. bladder infect refer urinari bladder.a medical, term called.cyst in, case harm substanc bacteria somehow gotten way muscl in. bladder pathogen caus inflamm infect in. bladder"} {"id": "12125", "contents": "uti urinari tract infect bacteri contagion affect portion urinari tract. one prime agent respons infect escherichia coli. urin organ solut variou kind fluids, slat wast products. frequent kind urinari tract infect uti cystiti pyelonephritis. common infect candida speci candida albican common."} {"id": "12126", "contents": "despit similar presentations, mani differ two, discuss detail highlight clinic features, symptoms, causes, investig diagnosis, prognosis, cours treatment urinari tract infect yeast infect individually. uti vs yeast infection. urinari tract infect yeast infect may present similar symptom earli stage disease. may present lower abdomin pain pain micturit"} {"id": "12127", "contents": "urinari tract infect present pain urination, cloudi urine, lower abdomin pain, frequent micturition, fever, loin pain, bleed urine, purul urin gener featur infect lethargy, malais weakness. elderli individuals, urinari tract infect present atypically. uti vs yeast infection. urinari tract infect yeast infect may present similar symptom earli stage disease. may present lower abdomin pain pain micturit"} {"id": "12128", "contents": "description. urinari tract infect (utis) infect part urinari tract includ urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys. yeast infect affect differ part bodi differ ways. may affect mouth, esophagus, vagina, skin, bloodstream. lower urinari tract infect also refer bladder infection. symptom include: burn urination. urin frequent (or urg urinate) absenc vagin discharge. pain pubic bone lower back. cloudi bloodi urine, may foul strong odor. low fever."} {"id": "12129", "contents": "share saves. save. often confus differ urinari tract infect bladder infection. biadder part urinari system, bladder infect consid type urinari tract infect (uti). often confus differ urinari tract infect bladder infection. ... enter urinari tract and... uti yeast infect symptoms."} {"id": "12130", "contents": "symptoms: distinguish lower tract upper tract infections. symptom urinari tract infect may includ lower abdomin pain, burn urin (dysuria), increas frequenc urin (polyuria), feel urgenc prior urination. symptom stop like lower tract infection."} {"id": "12131", "contents": "3. figur cost per squar foot professional' flat fee divid cost squar footage. example, $800 estim 1,500 squar feet would 800 divid 1,500 equal 53.3 cent cost per squar foot. edit step."} {"id": "12132", "contents": "time planning, equip materi acquisition, area prepar protection, setup cleanup also included. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost paint room rang $2.63 $5.60 per squar foot. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purcha"} {"id": "12133", "contents": "interior paint cost anywher $12-$50 gallon, depend quality. paint 12x12-foot room, wall ceiling, requir $25-$100 worth paint, plu $10-$50 primer, brushes, rollers, drop cloth supplies. expect pay $200-$400 12x12-foot room paint licens contractor brand-nam paints; 15x20-foot room larger run $300-$700 more; 1,200-1,500 squar foot home $1,100-$2,000 more."} {"id": "12134", "contents": "*the price list paint sundri vari also purchas discount contractor total cost paint interior run $1.02 per squar foot (about $390 12x12 room) wall space painted. profession paint contractor abl paint averag bedroom like list half day. 12x12x8 room 384 squar feet wall space. 384' $.70 $270 (268.80) paint room run $.20 per squar foot wall space. add $70 price use benjamin moor high qualiti paint. then, sundries, suppli added. typic cost $50 ($.13 per squar foot) typic room"} {"id": "12135", "contents": "total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500. cost could skyrocket expens materi high-cost labor used. labor paint 12x12 room cost $150-$450. total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500."} {"id": "12136", "contents": "labor cost $20-$45/hour. paint 12x12 room requir 1-2 gallon paint ($40-$100). labor paint 12x12 room cost $150-$450. total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500. labor paint 12x12 room cost $150-$450. total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500. cost could skyrocket expens materi high-cost labor use"} {"id": "12137", "contents": "paint 12x12 room requir 1-2 gallon paint ($40-$100). labor paint 12x12 room cost $150-$450. total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500. labor paint 12x12 room cost $150-$450. total cost paint 12x12 room $250-$600. total cost paint room 2,000 squar foot home $1500-$3500. cost could skyrocket expens materi high-cost labor use"} {"id": "12138", "contents": "ad. 2. estim amount paint, gallon primer, base paint, cover 330 squar feet gallon paint provid coverag 350 squar feet. composit base paint different, cover fewer squar feet per gallon. paint cost rang $15 $60 per gallon. figur cost per squar foot professional' flat fee divid cost squar footage. example, $800 estim 1,500 squar feet would 800 divid 1,500 equal 53.3 cent cost per squar foot. edit step."} {"id": "12139", "contents": "swine flu. swine flu, h1n1, type influenza, symptom may sever typic season flu. symptom swine flu includ muscl aches, joint pain tender lymph nodes, caus neck back pain. gener flu symptom sore throat also present. individu medic conditions, like diabetes, asthma cancer, becom ill swine flu. cat scratch diseas begin mild flu-lik symptoms, fever fatigue. neck pain occur due lymph node swelling. muscl ach back pain part overal malais caus bodi fight bacteria."} {"id": "12140", "contents": "stiff neck caus symptoms. common caus stiff neck include, limit to, following: muscl strain sprain. far common caus stiff neck muscl sprain muscl strain, particularli levat scapula muscle. locat back side neck, levat scapula muscl connect cervic spine (the neck) shoulder. infect also caus stiff neck symptoms, meningococc disease, infect cervic spine. time stiff neck accompani fever, advis seek immedi medic attent check possibilities. see osteomyelitis, spinal infection."} {"id": "12141", "contents": "flu cold viral infect caus symptom cough sore throat. cold minor viral infect nose throat. flu, however, usual severe, higher fever addit ach pains."} {"id": "12142", "contents": "tumor throat, tongue, larynx (voic box) caus sore throat pain radiat ear and/or difficulti swallowing. import symptom includ hoarseness, noisi breathing, lump neck, unexplain weight loss, and/or spit blood saliva phlegm."} {"id": "12143", "contents": "mani peopl stiff neck find take warm bath helpful. symptom cold combin stiff neck caus neck cancer. persist headach stress caus neck becom stiffer. cold neck stiff may caus tonsillitis. heat pad use treat stiff neck accompani cold. cases, cold flu symptom tandem stiff neck indic mening anoth seriou ailment. cold caus sore throat."} {"id": "12144", "contents": "fever, neck pain stiff sign meningitis-or flu. number reason may end stiff neck ach cold flu infection."} {"id": "12145", "contents": "fever stiff neck. webmd symptom checker help find common medic condit indic symptom fever stiff neck includ viral pharyngitis, influenza (flu) child, acut sinusitis. 72 condit associ fever"} {"id": "12146", "contents": "infected, person show symptom similar flu, headache, nausea, sore throat lack appetite. symptom west nile viru includ back pain, muscl ach stiff neck. cat scratch diseas begin mild flu-lik symptoms, fever fatigue. neck pain occur due lymph node swelling. muscl ach back pain part overal malais caus bodi fight bacteria."} {"id": "12147", "contents": "$34,750. median annual wage archivists, curators, museum worker $44,410 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $25,570, top 10 percent earn $80,070. overal employ archivists, curators, museum technicians, conserv project grow 11 percent 2012 2022, fast averag occupations."} {"id": "12148", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl archivist may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl archivist unit states."} {"id": "12149", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic archivist-high ed. unit state $64,502, 50% peopl perform job archivist-high ed. unit state expect make less $64,502. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job archivist-high ed. make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job archivist-high ed. expect make less median."} {"id": "12150", "contents": "(unit states). archivist earn averag salari $43,991 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year career. skill research analysi associ high pay job. pay job rise steadili experienc workers, goe notic employe 20 years' experience. total pay (?xtotal pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic"} {"id": "12151", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic archivist unit state $45,549, 50% peopl perform job archivist unit state expect make less $45,549. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. purchas full report. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl archivist unit states."} {"id": "12152", "contents": "archivist salary. archivist averag salari $40,541, median salari $39,062 salari rang $21,700 $93,600. archivist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. archivist salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "12153", "contents": "report abuse. mean help increas amount muscl body. lose pound fat gain pound muscle, stay weight. lose cubic inch fat gain cubic inch muscle, littl heavier. goal, best worri scale says. kevin year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "12154", "contents": "muscl car american term use refer varieti high-perform automobiles. merriam-webst dictionari defin muscl car group american-mad 2-door sport coup power engin design high-perform driving.."} {"id": "12155", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: muscl (noun). contractil form tissu anim use effect movement. muscl consist larg actin myosin filaments. muscl (noun). organ compos muscl tissue. muscl leg strain load. muscl (noun). strength."} {"id": "12156", "contents": "meronym (part muscle): muscl cell; muscl fiber; muscl fibr (an elong contractil cell form muscl body). hyponym (each follow kind muscle): anatom sphincter; sphincter; sphincter muscl (a ring muscl contract close opening). hyponym (each follow kind muscle): striat muscl tissu (muscl tissu character transvers stripes). cardiac muscle; heart muscl (the muscl tissu heart; adapt continu rhythmic contraction)."} {"id": "12157", "contents": "skelet muscl (noun). noun skelet muscl sense: 1. muscl connect either end bone move part skeleton; muscl character transvers stripes. familiar information: skelet muscl use noun rare."} {"id": "12158", "contents": "normal tone. normal tone mean right amount \u201ctension\u201d insid muscl rest, muscl inher abl contract command. put simply, \u201ctell\u201d muscl stop start want, want! high muscl tone. high tone mean much tension muscl rest. words, muscl tight tens even though anything. child spastic cerebr palsi high tone, caus arm leg tightli contorted."} {"id": "12159", "contents": "tissu compos fiber capabl contract effect bodili movement. 2. contractil organ consist special bundl muscl tissue, move particular bone, part, substanc body: heart muscle; muscl arm. 3. muscular strength: enough muscl high jumper. 4. inform power authority: put muscl law enforc"} {"id": "12160", "contents": "1. one contractil organ body. 2. anim tissu consist predominantli contractil cells. 3. bulli employ thug bodyguard. 4. author power forc (especi use coerciv way). 5. possess muscular strength. familiar information: muscl use noun common. hyponym (each follow kind muscle): striat muscl tissu (muscl tissu character transvers stripes). cardiac muscle; heart muscl (the muscl tissu heart; adapt continu rhythmic contraction)."} {"id": "12161", "contents": "option student health insur plan, add $2,580. out-of-st resid add $24,708 nonresid supplement tuition. actual tuition, fees, charg subject chang regent univers california could affect increas reduct state fund developments."} {"id": "12162", "contents": "univers california berkeley tuition $11,220 per year in-stat residents. 75% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,414 46% cheaper averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 51st california amongst year colleg afford 131st expens year colleg state."} {"id": "12163", "contents": "annual total cost. total list price in-stat california resid go berkeley $30,031 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess california resid expect one year cost $52,909. cost $9,414 46% cheaper averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 51st california amongst year colleg afford 131st expens year colleg state."} {"id": "12164", "contents": "undergradu tuition. univers california berkeley tuition $11,220 per year in-stat residents. 75% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,414 46% cheaper averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 51st california amongst year colleg afford 131st expens year colleg state."} {"id": "12165", "contents": "$33,600. $29,500. california resid undergradu uc campus pay $12,240 systemwid tuition fees. fee figur includ averag cost addit campus-bas fees. total cost vari depend person expens campu attend"} {"id": "12166", "contents": "tuition fee discount base residency. full-tim undergradu student resid california paid $35,742 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year prior adjust financi need. amount, $34,098 cost tuition $1,644 cost fees. cost tuition fee reduc dramat resid california. tuition student set $11,220 2013 2014 year, discount 64.0%. fee $1,644, bring total yearli cost full-tim undergrad $12,864"} {"id": "12167", "contents": "2015-2016 academ year. (tuition fee next academ year assess august). figur base non-immigrant, non-resid univers (all student others). figur subject change. tuition fee vari student profession school haa busi school boalt school law. detail inform univers fee avail offic registrar."} {"id": "12168", "contents": "tuition out-of-st student attend univers california-berkeley increas averag annual rate 5.6% past years. period, fee grew 2.5%. base this, estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total $37,702. amount, $34,098 cost tuition $1,644 cost fees. cost tuition fee reduc dramat resid california. tuition student set $11,220 2013 2014 year, discount 64.0%."} {"id": "12169", "contents": "cost attendance. berkeley educ earn graduat addit $26,333 year incom go college. uc berkeley calcul estim undergradu cost use student budget. repres averag amount paid uc students, base three type hous situations: live resid hall, live campus, live relatives. student budget major factor set amount financi aid may receiv admit student. budget base hous option select free applic feder student aid (fafsa) hous statu confirm financi aid scholarship office."} {"id": "12170", "contents": "fee includ student servic fees, tuition, campu fee, class pass transit fee, health insurance, nonresid fee (if applicable), document manag fee fee relat specif type degree. visit offic registar websit detail break-down fees. fee juli 9, 2015. actual tuition, fees, charg subject chang regent univers california could affect state fund reductions."} {"id": "12171", "contents": "osteophyt (bone spurs) boni growth cartilag protrus form degener joint. osteophyt develop margin (on peripheri joints) central (mostli knee hip). major peopl age 50 show type osteophyt upon radiograph examination."} {"id": "12172", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. osteophyt medic name overgrowth bone tissu commonli call bone spur .. despit term spurs, actual small round lump extra bone grow around joints. osteophyt body\u2019 attempt compens exist bone ligament degener due age injury. osteophyt often found along spine, may present bone body. though sourc pain themselves, may creat pressur nerv branch spinal column result pain sometim debilit medic conditions."} {"id": "12173", "contents": "osteophytes, commonli refer bone spur parrot beak, boni project form along joint margins. confus enthesophytes, boni project form attach tendon ligament. osteophyt form natur back spine person age sign degener spine. case, spur sourc back pains, instead common symptom deeper problem."} {"id": "12174", "contents": "osteophyte, sometim known bone spur, small bone promin occur joint body. caus osteophyt depend exact condit often result arthriti diseas includ bone infections. although bone spur form natur mani limit movement joint also caus pain patient."} {"id": "12175", "contents": "osteophyt definition. lumbar osteophyt (bone spurs) video. osteophyt term refer bone spurs, smooth structur form spine long period time. bone spur physic indic degener spine becom common age. osteophyt term refer bone spurs, smooth structur form spine long period time"} {"id": "12176", "contents": "medic term bone spur osteophytes, repres enlarg normal boni structure. basically, osteophyt radiograph marker spinal degener (aging), mean show x-ray mri scan larg normal find age. term bone spur realli bit misnomer, word spur impli boni growth spur poke part spinal anatomi caus pain."} {"id": "12177", "contents": "osteophyt form increas damag joint' surfac area. common onset arthritis. osteophyt usual limit joint movement typic caus pain. osteophyt form natur back spine person age sign degener spine. case, spur sourc back pains, instead common symptom deeper problem."} {"id": "12178", "contents": "bone spur boni project develop along edg bones. bone spur (osteophytes) often form bone meet joints. also form bone spine. main caus bone spur joint damag associ osteoarthritis. bone spur caus symptom may go undetect year"} {"id": "12179", "contents": "watch: lumbar osteophyt (bone spurs) video. term bone spur realli bit misnomer, word spur impli boni growth spur poke part spinal anatomi caus pain. however, contrari implication, bone spur fact smooth structur form prolong period time"} {"id": "12180", "contents": "furthermore, emerg unconsum reaction done. enzym call organ catalyst catalyst organ chemic structur (i.e. compos c, h, n). furthermore, enzym function mainli organ reaction (esp. biolog reactions). source(s): nomber year ago."} {"id": "12181", "contents": "enzym biolog catalysts.. biolog mean substanc question produc deriv live organism. catalyst denot substanc abil increas rate chemic reaction, chang destroy chemic reaction accelerates."} {"id": "12182", "contents": "oxygen produc by-product photosynthesis. make new proteins. reason enzym sometim call biolog catalysts. enzym speed (catalyse) chemic reaction occur insid outsid live cells. includes: dna replication. protein synthesis. digestion."} {"id": "12183", "contents": "enzym /\u02c8\u025bnza\u026amz/ macromolecular biolog catalysts. enzym accelerate, catalyze, chemic reactions. molecul begin process call substrat enzym convert differ molecules, call products."} {"id": "12184", "contents": "enzym organ catalysts. catalyst chemic control rate reaction, use process. reaction acceler due presenc enzym known enzyme-catalyz reactions. answered. biolog catalyst proteins. help process digest increas rate chemic reactions. break digest compl food."} {"id": "12185", "contents": "asker' rating. report abuse. catalyst chemic speed rate chemic reaction enzym work break biolog matter, food mouth. teeth could break food aid enzym process much faster thorough. source(s): biolog class. teddi year ago."} {"id": "12186", "contents": "catalyst chemic increas rate reaction. enzym molecul made biolog increas rate reaction, therefor catalyz reaction. made slow reaction known biolog inhibitor. catalyst chemic speed rate chemic reaction enzym work break biolog matter, food mouth. teeth could break food aid enzym process much faster thorough. source(s): biolog class. teddi year ago."} {"id": "12187", "contents": "split merg it. answer sephy. confid vote 614. lower activ energi reaction allow reaction occur faster. enzym biolog catalyst instead synthet one."} {"id": "12188", "contents": "enzym call biolog catalysts. catalyst molecul enhanc rate chemic biochem reaction. bring reactant togeth facilit reaction take place fast effectively."} {"id": "12189", "contents": "enzym catalyst affect rate reaction. fact, known enzym catalysts, catalyst enzymes. differ catalyst enzym enzym larg organ natur bio-catalysts, non-enzymat catalyst inorgan compounds."} {"id": "12190", "contents": "goblet cell scatter among absorpt cell epithelium small intestin colon. epitheli cell special secret mucus, facilit passag materi bowel. name goblet refer cell' shape, narrow base bulg apically. intestin absorpt cells. absorpt cells, enterocytes, predomin epitheli cell type line lumen small intestin colon. cell special absorpt nutrient across apic plasma membran export nutrient across basal plasma membrane."} {"id": "12191", "contents": "function small intestine. small intestin part intestin 90% digest absorpt food occurs, 10% take place stomach larg intestine. main function small intestin absorpt nutrient miner food. digest involv two distinct parts. first mechan digest chewing, grinding, churn mix take place mouth stomach."} {"id": "12192", "contents": "structur [edit]. epithelium part intestin mucosa layer. small intestin take form villi present colon. part mammalian intestine, mucosa cover singl layer epitheli cell renew everi 4\u20135 days."} {"id": "12193", "contents": "mucosa small intestin line simpl columnar epithelium consist primarili absorpt cell (enterocytes), scatter goblet cell occasion enteroendocrin cells. crypts, epithelium also includ paneth cell stem cells. mucosa small intestin character evagin plica villi, increas surfac area nutrient absorption, short tubular invaginations, crypts, provid protect site"} {"id": "12194", "contents": "part digest tract approx 90% digest absorpt food occurs, 10% take place stomach larg intestine. main function small intestin absorpt nutrient minerals. is, absorpt nutrient miner food ingested, usual via mouth, earlier stage digest process. sodium ion (na +) move lumen small intestin epitheli cell diffus activ transport. activ transport blood capillari side epitheli cells. chlorid (cl -) passiv follow na ion epitheli cells, activ transported."} {"id": "12195", "contents": "small intestin tubular structur within abdomin caviti carri food continu stomach colon larg intestin carri rectum bodi via anus. main function organ aid digestion. main function small intestin absorpt nutrient miner food. digest involv two distinct parts. first mechan digest chewing, grinding, churn mix take place mouth stomach."} {"id": "12196", "contents": "epithelium villi made tall columnar absorpt cell call enterocytes, goblet cells, secret mucin, lubric intestin contents, protect epithelium. show epithelium part villu high magnification. diagram show villi small intestine, indic arrow diagram above, higher magnification. main function small intestin digestion, absorpt food product gastrointestin hormones. small intestin 4-6 metr long humans. aid digest absorption: small intestin secret enzym mucou produc gland"} {"id": "12197", "contents": "intestin epithelium cell tissu line larg small intestine. serv primarili take part digest process, also take part function immun system. epithelium intestin simpl columnar, nonciliated. epithelium tissu made varieti type cells. cover surfac bodi organs, well form inner line bodi caviti hollow organs."} {"id": "12198", "contents": "small intestin small bowel part gastrointestin tract stomach larg intestine, much digest absorpt food take place. small intestin three distinct region duodenum, jejunum, ileum. receiv bile pancreat juic pancreat duct, control sphincter oddi. primari function small intestin absorpt nutrient miner food."} {"id": "12199", "contents": "major minor theme two type theme appear literari works. major theme idea writer repeat work, make signific idea literari work. minor theme, hand, refer idea appear work briefli give way anoth minor theme. subject topic act foundat literari work theme opinion express subject. example, writer may choos subject war stori theme stori may writer\u2019 person opinion war curs humanity. usually, reader explor theme literari work analyz characters, plot literari devic"} {"id": "12200", "contents": "theme link aspect literari work one anoth basic main subject. theme endur pattern motif throughout literari work, occur complex, long wind manner short succinct provid certain insight story."} {"id": "12201", "contents": "exampl observ (definit #1): simpli put, story' theme idea point (formul generalization). thesi theme. thesi main point tri argu [in composit ]: instance, abort everi woman' right hous discrimin wrong. theme, hand, motif establish orchestr connot languag reinforc thesis."} {"id": "12202", "contents": "exampl theme. quest power underli theme film. constant theme novel religion. playwright skill bring togeth variou themes. album focus theme love loss. adventur popular theme children' books."} {"id": "12203", "contents": "definit theme. literari device, theme central topic idea explor text. usual theme work literatur state one word, \u201clove\u201d \u201csolitude.\u201d work literatur can, often does, one theme."} {"id": "12204", "contents": "lesson defin univers theme give exampl refer order identifi univers theme piec literature. end, abl test understand quiz."} {"id": "12205", "contents": "1. mani aesop' fabl end explicitli state moral, theme. example, tale tortois hare typic end with, slow steadi win race.. 2. kill mockingbird harper lee sever themes, one main one capac good evil. literature, theme refer main idea moral story. sometim main idea moral state directly, sometim reader think main idea. literari works, could one theme"} {"id": "12206", "contents": "theme defin main idea underli mean literari work may state directli indirectly. subject topic act foundat literari work theme opinion express subject. example, writer may choos subject war stori theme stori may writer\u2019 person opinion war curs humanity. usually, reader explor theme literari work analyz characters, plot literari devic"} {"id": "12207", "contents": "bacteria similar to, as, good bacteria natur live larg intestine. one probiot activia often refer proprietari name -- bifidu regulari -- product label also list two strain benefici bacteria."} {"id": "12208", "contents": "some, includ danone\u2019 actimel, deem \u2018satisfactory\u2019 is, contain live organ surviv reach gut. even so, littl known long-term benefit otherwis suck sugari drink everi day name health."} {"id": "12209", "contents": "know good allegedli right way start day, realli like breakfast meal. would quit content coffe fruit juic time i'm realli awak look forward food. howev encourag one his..."} {"id": "12210", "contents": "sale actimel account 49 per cent probiot drink purchas uk, twice much brand. pot goodness? lax food-label law mean manufactur oblig say \u2018friendli bacteria\u2019 use mani organ receiv per serving."} {"id": "12211", "contents": "pike wrote: grunk wrote: actimel challeng requir wait weeks. one can't rmemeb poo like week ago. mayb need keep kind log book get one horribl german toilets, wierd shelf construction, help research."} {"id": "12212", "contents": "nervou system complex collect nerv special cell known neuron transmit signal differ part body. essenti body\u2019 electr wiring. structurally, nervou system two components: central nervou system peripher nervou system. accord nation institut health, central nervou system made brain, spinal cord nerves. peripher nervou system consist sensori neurons, ganglia (cluster neurons) nerv connect one anoth cent"} {"id": "12213", "contents": "primari function nervou system control differ system body. two part nervou system divid central nervou system peripher nervou system. spinal cord brain togeth form central nervou system."} {"id": "12214", "contents": "like system body, nervou system compos organs, princip brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia. these, turn, consist variou tissues, includ nerve, blood, connect tissue. togeth carri complex activ nervou system. report abuse. nervou system major controlling, regulatory, commun system body. center mental activ includ thought, learning, memory. togeth endocrin system, nervou system respons regul maintain homeostasis."} {"id": "12215", "contents": "nervou system three gener functions: sensori function, interpret function motor function. sensori nerv gather inform insid bodi outsid environment. nerv carri inform central nervou system (cns). structure. nervou system divid two parts: central nervou system consist brain spinal cord. structur protect bone cushion injuri cerebrospin fluid (csf). peripher system connect central nervou system rest body."} {"id": "12216", "contents": "nervou system consist brain, spinal cord, sensori organs, nerv connect organ rest body. together, organ respons control bodi commun among parts. nerv bundl axon peripher nervou system (pns) act inform highway carri signal brain spinal cord rest body. axon wrap connect tissu sheath call endoneurium."} {"id": "12217", "contents": "best answer: nervou system major controlling, regulatory, commun system body. center mental activ includ thought, learning, memory. togeth endocrin system, nervou system respons regul maintain homeostasis. report abuse."} {"id": "12218", "contents": "nervou system part anim 's bodi coordin voluntari involuntari action transmit signal differ part body. nervou tissu first aros wormlik organ 550 600 million year ago. cellular level, nervou system defin presenc special type cell, call neuron, also known nerv cell. neuron special structur allow send signal rapidli precis cells."} {"id": "12219", "contents": "central nervou system (cns) process center nervou system. receiv inform send inform peripher nervou system. two main organ cn brain spinal cord. nervou system consist brain, spinal cord, complex network neurons. system respons sending, receiving, interpret inform part body."} {"id": "12220", "contents": "nervou system provid framework communication, sensations, thoughts, emotions, memori body. signal transmit brain central nervou system. refer system consist mani organ work together."} {"id": "12221", "contents": "central nervou system made brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system made nerv fiber branch spinal cord extend part body, includ neck arms, torso, legs, skelet muscl intern organs."} {"id": "12222", "contents": "lesson summary. summary, myosin motor protein notabl involv muscl contraction. actin spheric protein form filaments, involv muscl contract import cellular processes. tropomyosin long strand loop around actin chain thin filament. troponin protein help hold tropomyosin place actin filament. muscl contract occur, troponin tropomyosin must move reveal myosin-bind sites. calcium trigger movement proteins. calcium bind troponin, shape troponin molecul changes."} {"id": "12223", "contents": "head myosin globular attach actin filament proper sites. myosin bundl tail structur central stalk. head myosin contain atpas convert atp adp. muscl contract actin myosin functions, best explain slide filament theory. actin myosin protein filament function presenc calcium ions.actin myosin striation skelet muscles. light striation call actin filaments. also refer band. myosin filaments, hand thicker one; thicker actin myofilaments."} {"id": "12224", "contents": "2. actin myosin filament slide past muscl contraction, actin filament shorten, myosin filament not. myosin filament shorten, actin filament not. either actin myosin filament shorten, time. actin myosin filament shorten."} {"id": "12225", "contents": "contract muscle. contraction, thin filament slide past thick filaments, shorten sarcomere. thick thin filament actual work muscle, way pretti cool. thick filament made protein call myosin. molecular level, thick filament shaft myosin molecul arrang cylinder. thin filament made anoth protein call actin"} {"id": "12226", "contents": "calcium requir two proteins, troponin tropomyosin, regul muscl contract block bind myosin filament actin. rest sarcomere, tropomyosin block bind myosin actin. first, action reach myosin s1 head use energi releas atp molecul broken adp phosphate. myosin bind actin extend conformation. second, releas phosphat empow contract myosin s1 region (figur 4)."} {"id": "12227", "contents": "actin particip mani import cellular processes, includ muscl contraction, cell motility, cell divis cytokinesis, vesicl organel movement, cell signaling, establish mainten cell junction cell shape. muscle, actin major compon thin filaments, which, togeth motor protein myosin (which form thick filaments), arrang actomyosin myofibrils. fibril compris mechan muscl contract"} {"id": "12228", "contents": "actin vs myosin. actin myosin found muscles. function contract muscles. actin myosin protein filament function presenc calcium ions.actin myosin striation skelet muscles. light striation call actin filaments. also refer band. myosin filaments, hand thicker one; thicker actin myofilaments."} {"id": "12229", "contents": "actin protein' mass roughli 42- kda monomer subunit two type filament cells: microfilaments, one three major compon cytoskeleton, thin filaments, part contractil apparatu muscl cells. muscle, actin major compon thin filaments, which, togeth motor protein myosin (which form thick filaments), arrang actomyosin myofibrils. fibril compris mechan muscl contract"} {"id": "12230", "contents": "berlin confer held berlin novemb 15, 1884 novemb 26, 1885, leadership german chancellor otto von bismarck."} {"id": "12231", "contents": "1884-1885 berlin west african confer carv africa sphere control. second half nineteenth century, four centuri contact, european power final laid claim virtual africa."} {"id": "12232", "contents": "1884, fourteen european nation met berlin, germani make decis divid africa. guess was. invit meeting-- african people. polit leader, delegate, ambassador africa berlin conference."} {"id": "12233", "contents": "sphere influenc began crowd other. time negotiation, late 1884 confer conven berlin sort thing out. confer laid groundwork familiar politico-geograph map africa."} {"id": "12234", "contents": "berlin confer 1884\u20131885 mark climax european competit territori africa, process commonli known scrambl africa."} {"id": "12235", "contents": "1884-1885 berlin confer involv repres unit states, ottoman empir major european power establish rule partit african continent."} {"id": "12236", "contents": "confer met berlin novemb 1884 februart 1885 result follow agreement--th berlin act 1885. attend repres great britain, austria-hungary, france, germany, russia, u.s.a., portugal, denmark, spain, italy, netherlands, sweden, belgium turkey."} {"id": "12237", "contents": "berlin confer africa' undo way one. coloni power superimpos domain african continent. time independ return africa 1950, realm acquir legaci polit fragment could neither elimin made oper satisfactorily."} {"id": "12238", "contents": "berlin confer 1884\u201385 meet european nation creat rule peac divid africa among colonization. confer conven portug led otto von bismarck, chancellor newli unit germany. though invited, u.s. declin participate."} {"id": "12239", "contents": "fourteen nations, france, germany, great britain, portug major player conference, control coloni africa time. berlin confer africa' undo way one. coloni power superimpos domain african continent."} {"id": "12240", "contents": "world biggest snake found aliv world biggest snake youtub world biggest snake ever caught world longest snake record world biggest snake prank world biggest snake red sea world biggest snake speci world biggest snake histori world biggest snake caught world biggest snake iran"} {"id": "12241", "contents": "world longest snake reticul python found southeast asia world heaviest snake green anaconda found amazon rainforest south ameri ca one point news agenc erron report world largest snake found indonesia"} {"id": "12242", "contents": "longest snake ever captiv medusa reticul python clock 67 meter 25 feet inch long offici world record measur octob 12 2011"} {"id": "12243", "contents": "sever contend titl world largest snake three biggest longest snake known man weigh 550 pound aptli name giant anaconda eunect murinu largest snake world consid length weight ratio"} {"id": "12244", "contents": "world biggest snake found saad karaj iran biggest snake world anaconda world deadliest anaconda devour world largest rodent world biggest snake found aliv new 2013 700 pound snake giant snake found north carolina fact longest snake"} {"id": "12245", "contents": "grow 30 feet long reticul python python reticulatu southeastern asia east indi longest snake world giant averag weight 250 pound largest known specimen exist weigh whop 350 pound"} {"id": "12246", "contents": "reticul python largest record indonesia 49 feet long 900 pound cenobio also larg snake true reticul python longest nake world green anaconda largest pound pound heaviest largest snake"} {"id": "12247", "contents": "answer green anaconda call world largest snake heaviest longest snake world reticul python reticul python grow 33 ft 10 335 lb green anaconda weigh around 400 lb 500 lb reach 25 ft"} {"id": "12248", "contents": "puberti happen happen stage guy usual start puberti later girl around 10 12 year old start sooner other later may continu go puberti chang 20 year old"} {"id": "12249", "contents": "femal gener start puberti age 14 year old howev puberti vari everi case typic girl start notic chang occur puberti tween age 11 may occur earli age howev differ somewhat race age menarch first period year first sign puberti girl differ hit puberti young age wherea hit puberti 15 see relat question inform 14 peopl found use"} {"id": "12250", "contents": "ye girl go puberti girl enter puberti around age 13 girl may start earlier later enter puberti mean get period yet usual girl get period year enter puberti girl differ age menarch first period year first sign puberti girl differ hit puberti young age wherea hit puberti 15"} {"id": "12251", "contents": "puberti start hormon chemic tell part bodi thing today averag girl start puberti age 10 11 boy age 11 12 howev peopl world start puberti differ age girl usual complet puberti age 15 17 boy usual complet puberti age 16 17 major landmark puberti femal menarch onset menstruat occur averag age 12 13 male first ejacul occur averag age 13"} {"id": "12252", "contents": "femal gener start puberti age 14 year old howev puberti vari everi case typic girl start notic chang occur puberti age 11 age menarch first period year first sign puberti girl differ hit puberti young age wherea hit puberti 15"} {"id": "12253", "contents": "chang girl bodi puberti usual take place age eight 18 year girl finish puberti around age 15 breast pubic hair menstruat period everi month abl get pregnant girl usual complet puberti age 15 17 boy usual complet puberti age 16 17 major landmark puberti femal menarch onset menstruat occur averag age 12 13 male first ejacul occur averag age 13"} {"id": "12254", "contents": "ye girl go puberti speak girl hormon thing get period girl start period 10 mayb sometim start teen year period last day month age menarch first period year first sign puberti girl differ hit puberti young age wherea hit puberti 15"} {"id": "12255", "contents": "although wide rang normal age girl typic begin process puberti age 10 11 boy age 11 12 girl usual complet puberti age 15 17 boy usual complet puberti age 16 17 major landmark puberti femal menarch onset menstruat occur averag age 12 13 male first ejacul occur averag age 13"} {"id": "12256", "contents": "probabl start notic chang age 10 upward right wrong time start peopl go puberti later other normal sign puberti age 16 see doctor check"} {"id": "12257", "contents": "time puberti puberti start differ time last differ period time everyon start earli year age late 13 year age sequenc puberti breast develop complet physic matur may take year half last long year"} {"id": "12258", "contents": "careerbuild com charg 419 post one job one month net temp com carri temporari full time job post charg 99 one slot remain activ 30 day use post one posit time"} {"id": "12259", "contents": "post job free inde com allow employ post job list free great option cannot afford use paid advertis step go inde com click employ post job free tab top pagestep click post job button middl left page step ask creat account fill email pick password click continueif alreadi account inde com click sign button top right"} {"id": "12260", "contents": "relat articl employ agenc temporari agenc post job onlin typic cost employ 99 395 one month price depend larg locat industri exampl monster charg 210 395 post one job site one month price depend upon locationareerbuild com charg 419 post one job one month net temp com carri temporari full time job post charg 99 one slot remain activ 30 day use post one posit time"} {"id": "12261", "contents": "paus close job budget period immedi stop pay click regardless amount money left budget set 20 daili budget paus job spend 12 12 cost promot job simpleto start set budget refin recruit campaign bring great candid contact inde client servic phone 800 462 5842 contact us"} {"id": "12262", "contents": "per contact inde resum cost effect way employ connect million job seeker stamford conn march 2012 inde com job site worldwid today announc launch inde resum employ contact job candid search candid view resum free signup fee subscript contract requir use inde resum employ pay first messag send candid"} {"id": "12263", "contents": "charg base organ 80 job post busi 95 per locat two month sure check job pack reduc rate also charg base organ 25 internship 35"} {"id": "12264", "contents": "sponsor job pay per click price mean pay deliv result control spend instead pay larg amount front post job choos small amount will pay time someon click view job click inde cost 25 50 spend per click help job get seen often"} {"id": "12265", "contents": "sponsor job determin amount will pay time someon click view job set budget start stop adjust paus time complet control inde click inde cost 20 20"} {"id": "12266", "contents": "price post job profession network site linkedin vari citi exampl 30 day job post cost 95 rhode island 195 atlanta 295 san franciscoareerbuild com charg 419 post one job one month net temp com carri temporari full time job post charg 99 one slot remain activ 30 day use post one posit time"} {"id": "12267", "contents": "stamford conn may 11 2006 inde comprehens search engin job today announc formal launch first pay per click job advertis network"} {"id": "12268", "contents": "medic never administ without first consult veterinarian. typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. durat administr depend condit treated, respons medic develop advers effect"} {"id": "12269", "contents": "correct famotidin dosag dogs, medic advis vets? drug avail without prescript also found brand name pepcid. famotidin dog decreas amount stomach acid pet produces, prevent treat ulcer symptom heartburn caus excess acid production. exact famotidin dosag given depend sever factors, determin vet."} {"id": "12270", "contents": "famotidin dosag dogs. standard dosag pepcid dog 0.25 mg per pound everi 12 hours. higher end scale, may advis administ 0.44 mg famotidin everi 12 hours. (redirect pepcid). page contain dosag side effect famotidin dog suffer variou ill gerd acid reflux. read follow carefully."} {"id": "12271", "contents": "famotidin oral powder suspens suppli 50 mg/5 ml. medic never administ without first consult veterinarian. typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. durat administr depend condit treated, respons medic develop advers effect"} {"id": "12272", "contents": "dosag often recommend treat dog 0.25 0.5 mg/lb administ twice daily. even though medicin avail over-the-count it\u2019 still good idea seek vet\u2019 approv first. refer chart find typic dosag dog\u2019 weight. 10 mg common strength famotidin tablets, though 20 mg pill also avail use. famotidin dogs. famotidin commonli use receptor antagonist found pepcid. bind receptor stomach line caus lower product stomach acid improv condit like acid reflux, though it\u2019 mainli use help dog recov intern ulcers."} {"id": "12273", "contents": "mani veterinarian recommend pepcid ac\u00ae (gener name famotidine) decreas stomach acid. help mani pets. dosag commonli use 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. 20-pound dog get 10 mg (total dose) twice daily. oral medication, found pharmaci antacid section. pepcid (famotidine) requir prescript"} {"id": "12274", "contents": "pepcid ac famotidin commonli use over-the-count medic treat dog upset stomach, gastric reflux associ symptoms. you\u2019v never provid best buddy, learn much possibl safest results. mani dog experi symptomat gastrointestin issu like peopl do. answer: yes, long term. pepcid ac histamin blocker that\u2019 often prescrib dog treat ulcers, gastriti stomach problems. obvious medic develop humans. however, it\u2019 found effect gener safe dogs."} {"id": "12275", "contents": "weight pet factor, typic dose rang 0.22 mg per pound weight 0.44 mg per pound weight. dose schedul famotidin cat dog also need calculated, medic may given either twice day. famotidin dog decreas amount stomach acid pet produces, prevent treat ulcer symptom heartburn caus excess acid production. exact famotidin dosag given depend sever factors, determin vet."} {"id": "12276", "contents": "famotidine. import inform know famotidine: famotidin non-prescript medic fda approv veterinari use; however, commonli accept practic veterinarian use medic dog cat reduc amount stomach acid produced. famotidin non-prescript medic use dog cat reduc amount stomach acid produced. although famotidin fda-approv use veterinari medicine, commonli accept practic veterinarian prescrib medic dog cats. for: dog cats."} {"id": "12277", "contents": "welsh meaning: name sion welsh babi name. welsh mean name sion is: god gracious. god' gift. soulurg number: 2. express number: 3. peopl name deep inner desir love companionship, want work other achiev peac harmony. peopl name tend creativ excel express themselves."} {"id": "12278", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name sion hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, sion nautic flag page."} {"id": "12279", "contents": "mean sioned. welsh name. welsh, name sion means-welsh form jane: god gracious. god gift.. origin name sion include-welsh, irish.th name sion often use girl name femal name. welsh name meaning-welsh form jane: god gracious. god gift"} {"id": "12280", "contents": "mean sion irish name irish name sion mean god graciou origin name sion includ irish welsh name sion often use girl name femal name irish name mean god graciou"} {"id": "12281", "contents": "spite this, profession softbal start close gap recent years. general, pro softbal player part-tim job fun. averag salari $5,300, top player pull $12,000, sometim endors sponsorship. mani pro softbal player earn good full-tim live coaching, pull $50,000 average."} {"id": "12282", "contents": "major leagu softbal associ (mlsa) men' slow-pitch softbal league. league' 30 team contract 16 players. team award six minimum 10 maximum salari slots. leagu websit report project minimum annual salari 2012 $22,500 maximum $25,000. 30 men' team four women' team avail aspir profession softbal players, job open scarce. nonetheless, bureau labor statist predict job market athlet grow 18 percent 2008 2018."} {"id": "12283", "contents": "nation pro fastpitch, however, posit compens player three-month schedule. four team $150,000 salari cap roster 16 20 players, salari rang $4,000 $25,000. past, player compet pro nation teams, leav npf without star much season."} {"id": "12284", "contents": "total depend his/her rank gender are. roger feder made roughli 70 million dollar prize money career. rank #100 world like earn 200,000 per year. also feder made money sponsorship play tennis. estim worth 200-300 million dollars. becom battl mani hand play advantage, much money put them. though deck games, player expect around 20$/hr place 100 dollar bets, $40/hr play 200/hnd, even play 2+ hand simultaniously."} {"id": "12285", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: maximum nation pro fastpitch leagu 10,000 dollars, that pathetic, read somewher jenni finch make 500,000 year endorsements, imagin husband feels, he' minor leagu scrub make less wife year lol."} {"id": "12286", "contents": "salari profession softbal playertwo leagu offer softbal player opportun play professionallybi misti knight-rini, ehow contributorjuli 17, 2011the salari profession athletes, softbal player excluded, vari widely. bureau labor statist report list median salari profession athlet $40,480 may 2008. sourc cite wage middl 50 percent profession athlet earn $21,760 $93,710. 30 men' team four women' team avail aspir profession softbal players, job open scarce. nonetheless, bureau labor statist predict job market athlet grow 18 percent 2008 2018."} {"id": "12287", "contents": "\u201cfor pro leagu successful, someth like happen.\u201d. four teams, florida, illinois, ohio tennessee, nation pro fastpitch leagu small profession sport standards. team limit 20 players, salari cap $150,000. mendoza said player typic earn $8,000 $50,000 season, run june august."} {"id": "12288", "contents": "profession softbal salaries. nation pro fastpitch softbal leagu say player make approxim $5,000 $6,000 48-game season run june august. accord 2013 articl new york times, u.s.-bas femal profession softbal player make $20,000 per season. npf team $150,000 salari cap. u.s. women' profession softbal player often seek supplement salari head japan, earn $60,000 play corpor teams. however, best player draw offer japanes teams."} {"id": "12289", "contents": "four teams, florida, illinois, ohio tennessee, nation pro fastpitch leagu small profession sport standards. team limit 20 players, salari cap $150,000. mendoza said player typic earn $8,000 $50,000 season, run june august."} {"id": "12290", "contents": "open file explor click folder icon window taskbar, shortcut windows-e. locat download folder left side, right-click select properti context menu. switch locat tab download properties. find current locat listed."} {"id": "12291", "contents": "1] open file explor window 10 pc. right click download left pane file explorer, select properties. go locat tab enter new path desir download folder. also move alreadi download file folder here."} {"id": "12292", "contents": "window 10 offer two option chang default download folder microsoft edg system. chang default edg download folder: use window registry. tap windows-key, type regedit hit enter."} {"id": "12293", "contents": "would suggest refer step chang default download locat microsoft edg browser. open file explorer. right click download select properties. select locat tab click move select want download saved. inform microsoft edg browser, refer link: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/microsoft-edge. hope helps, repli us statu issue."} {"id": "12294", "contents": "chang download locat edg browser window 10. if, whatev reason, want chang default download locat microsoft edg browser window 10, compet given directions. step 1: close microsoft edg browser, it\u2019 running. step 2: open registri editor."} {"id": "12295", "contents": "climate, averag weather peru. land area, 41.1% tropic rainforest climat (af), 4.8% tropic wet dry/ savanna climat (aw), 11.8% arid/ desert climat (bw), 8.6% temperate/ mesotherm climat dri winter (cw), 33.7% alpine/ highland climat (h)."} {"id": "12296", "contents": "annual averag temperatur cuzco, peru quit mild 12 degre celsiu (53.7 degre fahrenheit). mean monthli temperatur variat 3.95 (7.1 f) extrem low range. range/ variat diurnal averag temperatur 15.4 (27.8 f)."} {"id": "12297", "contents": "februari hottest month lima averag temperatur 24\u00b0c (74\u00b0f) coldest august 17\u00b0c (63\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour april. best month swim sea februari averag sea temperatur 23\u00b0c (73\u00b0f)."} {"id": "12298", "contents": "averag temperatur lima, peru. averag temperatur lima, peru warm 19.7 degre celsiu (67.5 degre fahrenheit). variat averag monthli temperatur 6.45 (11.6 f) low range."} {"id": "12299", "contents": "averag monthli temperatur vari 6.45 \u00b0c (11.6\u00b0f). indic continent type hyperoceanic, subtyp truli hyperoceanic. total annual precipit averag 6.4 mm (0.3 inches) equival 6.4 litres/m (0.16 gallons/ft). averag 1474 hour sunshin per year."} {"id": "12300", "contents": "variat averag monthli temperatur 6.45 (11.6 f) low range. range/ variat daili averag temperatur 5.5 (9.9 f). februari warmest month (fairli hot) averag temperatur 23.3 degre celsiu (73.94 degre fahrenheit)."} {"id": "12301", "contents": "lima: annual weather averages. februari hottest month lima averag temperatur 24\u00b0c (74\u00b0f) coldest august 17\u00b0c (63\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour april. best month swim sea februari averag sea temperatur 23\u00b0c (73\u00b0f)."} {"id": "12302", "contents": "averag temperatur cuzco, peru. annual averag temperatur cuzco, peru quit mild 12 degre celsiu (53.7 degre fahrenheit). mean monthli temperatur variat 3.95 (7.1 f) extrem low range. range/ variat diurnal averag temperatur 15.4 (27.8 f)."} {"id": "12303", "contents": "add additional\u2026.. \u00a3150.00\u2026\u2026. follow price want remov replaced. job (a patch repair job). let assum 30% plaster wall variou area around room. take men day, \u00a3250 \u00a340 materials\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. whole room\u2026.thi still take day half use plaster, so\u2026\u2026. \u00a3430.00. materi inform one bag finish plaster \u00a36: 5l tub pva \u00a315. standard job: plaster one 4m 4m room one doorway, one chimney breast, two windows."} {"id": "12304", "contents": "averag labour cost/pric plaster/skim wall. clarifi follow price recommend read articl inform box prices\u2026. (these price base tradesman\u2019 rate \u00a3150.00 per day labour requir \u00a3100.00 per day. whole room\u2026.thi still take day half use plaster, so\u2026\u2026. \u00a3430.00. materi inform one bag finish plaster \u00a36: 5l tub pva \u00a315. standard job: plaster one 4m 4m room one doorway, one chimney breast, two windows."} {"id": "12305", "contents": "clarifi follow price recommend read articl inform box prices\u2026. (these price base tradesman\u2019 rate \u00a3150.00 per day labour requir \u00a3100.00 per day. includ cost buy collect materials, dump wast necessari incident materi need. minimum price usual half day). one bag finish plaster \u00a36: 5l tub pva \u00a315. plaster one 4m 4m ceiling. assumpt ceil sound, loos plaster. 1/2 day plaster labourer."} {"id": "12306", "contents": "cost plaster room vari plaster may charg hour day. alway advis agre set price whole job start plaster work. way, avoid unexpect cost end. size room reflect price pay plastering. small 7ft squar room door window, probabl look day\u2019 work. want reduc cost plaster room, go recommend skill experi plastering. plaster train avail around \u00a3230 number trade bodi includ fpdc (feder plaster drywal contractors)."} {"id": "12307", "contents": "use free plaster calcul display calcul price plaster walls, ceil entir room. calcul need dimens room, whether requir wall and/or ceil plastering, number windows/door locat live estim price."} {"id": "12308", "contents": "report abuse. depend size room. quot 450 quid live room 16'4 15' 6. son thought extortion decid go themselves. total price 140 quid cover cost plaster buy tools. look fantast now."} {"id": "12309", "contents": "averag cost plastering. print page. summary: much plaster cost, averag cost plaster wall averag cost plaster room. plaster room mean provid smooth, flat finish wall ceil paint wallpap over. plaster fire proof provid degre heat sound insulation. day, plaster could probabl one averag size room. plaster cheap end result amaz complet transform look room. plaster need sever day fulli dri out. need leav window open let fresh air in."} {"id": "12310", "contents": "hello run small effect plaster team base west-midlands. 350.00 averag room size (depend walls) fair price includ materi fair day work sole trader. muppet think plaster 100/150m2 day need buy new measur tape would love see state walls."} {"id": "12311", "contents": "fire element. fire element. definit element one substanc constitut physic matter-wind, air, fire water, natur environment. exampl element fire cook food ga rang stove. exampl element neighborhood; live element."} {"id": "12312", "contents": "element substanc made one type atom. rememb definit might need exam! exampl carbon made entir carbon atoms. sodium made entir sodium atoms."} {"id": "12313", "contents": "element substanc consist atom number protons-i.e. atom number. element chemic simplest substanc henc cannot broken use chemic methods. element chang element use nuclear methods."} {"id": "12314", "contents": "scienc chemistri kids. element pure substanc made singl type atom. element build block rest matter world. exampl element includ iron, oxygen, hydrogen, gold, helium."} {"id": "12315", "contents": "desert 120 mile (190 km) long 60 mile (97 km) wide, make roughli 7,500 squar mile (19,425 km 2) area. border southwest south mogollon plateau, plateau' south border mogollon rim, north border arizona transit zone. much area within petrifi forest nation park protect petrifi forest nation wilder area. much paint desert region within navajo nation."} {"id": "12316", "contents": "arizona paint desert. arizona-new mexico state line holbrook, first larg town one come to, small pocket rout 66 histori everywhere. start lupton, move west allantown, houck, querino, sanders, navapache, chambers, navajo feel old road surround you. rout 66 approach border new mexico arizona gallup, new mexico color navaho sandston countri lupton, arizona. scenic wind road epitom romanc great southwest; adventur journey."} {"id": "12317", "contents": "petrifi forest paint desert locat northeast arizona 95 mile east flagstaff 55 mile new mexico border along interst 40. entranc park 25 mile east holbrook, arizona. eastbound interst 40. take exit 285 holbrook. travel 19 mile highway 180 south south entrance. drive 27 mile north petrifi forest park paint desert. return interst 40. westbound interst 40. take exit 311, drive 28 mile park connect highway 180 south end park."} {"id": "12318", "contents": "paint desert. paint desert encompass 93,500 acr stretch 160 miles. begin 30 mile north cameron, arizona near southeastern rim grand canyon petrifi forest 26 mile east holbrook, az. along way, graze backyard wupatki nation monument indian ruins. visit area paint desert eastern-end 115 mile east flagstaff, arizona. paint desert petrifi forest 26 mile east holbrook interst 40 find paint desert visitor' center. western-end paint desert access north us 89 flagstaff az. drive north past cameron, tuba citi"} {"id": "12319", "contents": "paint desert trade post pinta road lone exit desert mile east petrifi forest nation park. servic interst travel pass without give second glance-holbrook road. rout 66 approach border new mexico arizona gallup, new mexico color navaho sandston countri lupton, arizona. scenic wind road epitom romanc great southwest; adventur journey."} {"id": "12320", "contents": "petrifi forest nation park unit state nation park navajo apach counti northeastern arizona. name larg deposit petrifi wood, park cover 146 squar mile (380 squar kilometers), encompass semi-desert shrub stepp well highli erod color badlands. adamana, ghost town, mile (1.6 km) west park along bnsf tracks. holbrook, 26 mile (42 km) west park headquart along i-40, nearest city. bisect park north\u2013south park road, run i-40 near park headquart north u.s. rout 180 south."} {"id": "12321", "contents": "point refer time, late triassic period call dawn dinosaur preced jurass period dinosaur rule earth. paint desert petrifi forest. locat 115 mile east flagstaff az arizona near holbrook, arizona. north entranc park locat interst 40 south entranc highway 180. tourist may enter exit either entranc location."} {"id": "12322", "contents": "paint desert unit state desert badland four corner area grand canyon nation park petrifi forest nation park. much area within petrifi forest nation park protect petrifi forest nation wilder area. much paint desert region within navajo nation."} {"id": "12323", "contents": "petrifi forest nation park northeastern arizona featur one world' largest color concentr petrifi wood. also includ park' 93,533 acr multi-hu badland paint desert, archeolog site display 225 million-year-old fossils. paint desert oasi next visitor center, gift store, cafe ga station/travel store. telephone: 520-524-3756. address: paint desert oasi p.o. box 2247 petrifi forest nation park, az 86028 paint desert inn nation histor landmark two mile north entrance."} {"id": "12324", "contents": "foremost resourc women struggl aging, crepey skin. \u201ccrepe paper skin\u201d happen skin lose youth elasticity, take loose, sag appearance\u2014i right wrinkl dark spot way add unwant year appearance."} {"id": "12325", "contents": "finally, loss fat may caus crepey skin. skin get thinner suffici fatti layer underneath it, tini wrinkl may begin form. upper layer skin scrub small metal brush, caus skin produc new, healthier layer cells. especi effect crepey skin wrinkl promin upper layer skin."} {"id": "12326", "contents": "especi notic substanti weight loss. crepey skin face, neck, chest probabl difficult deal can't hide cloth makeup creams. found one solut face, neck chest work well me. help crepey skin eye click .... mani caus crepey skin, main reason usual due declin youth collagen elastin product main build block firm, supple, hydrat complexion."} {"id": "12327", "contents": "link cite add word list. adjective. definit crepey wrinkl like crepe paper. exampl someth crepey skin eyelid older woman. wrinkl like crepe cloth paper. adjective. (compar crepey, superl crepey). skin) saggi crinkly, like crepe paper."} {"id": "12328", "contents": "peopl know crepey skin see it. doesn\u2019t refer deep wrinkl emerg age. crepey skin face look similar skin elbows. three main reason crepey skin forms. first, bodi slow product elastin collagen, protein allow skin stretch contract, skin begin sag wrinkle. upper layer skin scrub small metal brush, caus skin produc new, healthier layer cells. especi effect crepey skin wrinkl promin upper layer skin."} {"id": "12329", "contents": "(details). fruit-fil crepe may delicious-looking, crepey skin not. crepey, waffley skin loos wrinkl skin character skin surfac sag reminisc thin pancake-lik crepes. articl discuss: crepey skin caus varieti factor include: gravity. decreas product collagen elastin molecules. sun damage. environment factors. smoking. rapid extrem weight loss. dehydr skin. sag skin."} {"id": "12330", "contents": "anoth factor crepey skin moistur skin retains. age, skin begin feel drier bodi stop produc mani new skin cell did. mean skin also slow product oil design rid bodi dead cell pathogens. upper layer skin scrub small metal brush, caus skin produc new, healthier layer cells. especi effect crepey skin wrinkl promin upper layer skin."} {"id": "12331", "contents": "crepey skin, skin neck saggy, loos wrinkled, one mani consequ aging. natur reduct elastin collagen skin neck caus less support skin surface, sag results. come effect cream effect treatment crepey neck skin, look anti-ag substanc certain key ingredients. ingredi proven effect instanc crepey skin: retinol, help rejuven crepey skin."} {"id": "12332", "contents": "word crepe (\\\\kr\u0101p\\\\) usual use refer type fabric thin, wrinkl surface, sometim pancake. however, skin care world, term take new meaning.............. refer certain type age skin crepey, sag thin skin. one common place begin see sag back hand. area probabl receiv least care attention-in term moisturizing, use sunscreen, sun protection. help crepey skin eye click .... mani caus crepey skin, main reason usual due declin youth collagen elastin product main build block firm, supple, hydrat complexion."} {"id": "12333", "contents": "crepey skin. grow older, skin unfortun face one first place show sign age. one dread age indic crepey skin. crepey skin loose, wrinkl skin crinkl texture. skin dehydr skin ages, crepi set in, commonli body, face, neck, arms, hand around eyes. ...more +."} {"id": "12334", "contents": "average, cost may vari depend location, mechanic/repair shop kind vehicle. peopl pay anywher $250 $375. rotor cost $30 $55 each, depend mechanic."} {"id": "12335", "contents": "rotor wear everi time brake applied. rate wear tear rotor depend factor type brake pads, qualiti castings, rotor cool, kind drive vehicl subject exposur road salt moisture."} {"id": "12336", "contents": "take rotor local auto part store true you, probabl $35 both. but, thank comrad china buy aftermarket replac brake rotor pretti cheap days! update. thank much austin!"} {"id": "12337", "contents": "go spend ton money new rotor car come o'reilli auto part let us resurfac $10.00 auto shop $15.00 everi day walk clients. mechan charg $100.00 dollar service."} {"id": "12338", "contents": "labor: $182 $231. parts: $72 $130. averag cost brake pad replacement, resurfac rotor $254 $361. labor cost estim $182 $231 part price $72 $130. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees."} {"id": "12339", "contents": "stockholm arlanda airport' new children' loung termin 1000-square-feet wonderland base swedish author elsa beskow' famou children' books. one corner loung featur activ youngest children. babi chang facil found restroom terminals."} {"id": "12340", "contents": "arlanda express train oper arlanda airport to/from stockholm central station everi 15 min. throughout day. travel time 20 min. one-way fare sek 280. round trip fare sek 530."} {"id": "12341", "contents": "information: swedish state railways-sj. buse oper to/from arlanda airport citi termin near central station stockholm everi 10 min throughout day. journey take 45 min cost sek 99, children 0-16 free accompani adult, travel singl sek 79."} {"id": "12342", "contents": "stockholm-arlanda airport locat 40 kilomet (25 miles) north stockholm city. arlanda express train take arlanda airport citi center. platform easili accessible, underneath arriv terminals. departure: everi 15 minut (for day). travel time: 20 minutes."} {"id": "12343", "contents": "taxi servic avail stockholm arlanda airport bromma airport. travel time: stockholm arlanda airport: app 40 minutes, depend time day. bromma airport: app 15"} {"id": "12344", "contents": "travel time arlanda: 35-45 minutes. commut train (oper public transport compani stockholm, sl) stockholm depart twice hour arlanda central station sky city. total travel time airport stockholm central station 43 minutes."} {"id": "12345", "contents": "stockholm arlanda airport largest airport sweden one sas\u2019 three modern, sophist scandinavian hub airports. stockholm arlanda airport number award innov environment initiatives."} {"id": "12346", "contents": "thc usual detect drug test 10 days. heavi user could (exceptionally, use low cutoff levels) produc posit test month ceas cannabi use, period vari greatli accord metabolism, quantity, frequenc use degre sensibl tested."} {"id": "12347", "contents": "thc, chemic found marijuana (pot), store fat cells. typic take 30 day get system, however, activ fit, may take less 30 days. 44 days, think definit clear, especi blood drug test."} {"id": "12348", "contents": "detect appreci level smoke marijuana, 11-hydroxy-thc show similar blood profil thc oral consumption. presenc 11-hydroxy-thc may therefor use indic recent oral use. however, blood test bother check 11-hydroxy-thc."} {"id": "12349", "contents": "metabolit may detect saliva 12 24 hour maximum length day marijuana use. specimen difficult adulter sinc obtain direct supervision. may prompt test like urin blood test."} {"id": "12350", "contents": "long thc detect urine? chronic marijuana user, thc detect system use urin test 12 week depend quantiti well frequenc use. note use marijuana stopped, still test posit drug test."} {"id": "12351", "contents": "blood test detect marijuana limit period time maximum 24 hours. however, test like urin test detect marijuana 14 days."} {"id": "12352", "contents": "know 32 degre freezing...but temp. experi *light* frost? forecast 37 degre tonight..... but, light frost form averag air temperatur somewher 33 37/38. surfac radiat heat better others, get frost time elev surfac car windshields, blade grass, roofs, mulch noth els frosty."} {"id": "12353", "contents": "frost freez occur temperatur air fall freez point water (0 \u00b0c, 32 \u00b0f, 273.15 k). usual measur height 1.2 ground surface. rather subject scale show sever degre frost severity: slight frost: \u22123.5 \u00b0c (32.0 25.7 \u00b0f). example, frost use sometim indic ice form ground cold nights, time indic air temperatur freez point. hoar frost use frost surfac sometim reserv indic big ice crystal form cold surfaces."} {"id": "12354", "contents": "winter spring usual associ freez temperatures. freez happen temperatur fall to---or below--32 degre f. fruit tree might withstand temperatur low 28 f, mere three degre lower may damag leaves, bloom fruits."} {"id": "12355", "contents": "frost cover ice crystal surfac produc deposit water vapor surfac cooler 0\u00b0 (32\u00b0 f). deposit occur temperatur surfac fall frost point. similarly, dew form air surfac temperatur fall dew point temperature. thus, temperatur ground object bush car windshield near ground fall frost point, frost crystal may form. measur surfac temperatur may still freezing."} {"id": "12356", "contents": "light frost occur temperatur drop 32 degre fahrenheit, refer condit allow layer ice crystal form water vapor condens freez without first becom dew. harvest basil tender herb light frost (when temperatur drop 32 degre fahrenheit). even surviv frost, well cold temperatures. true annuals."} {"id": "12357", "contents": "frost form temperatur solid surfac open cool freez point water clearli crystallin form frost particular, frost point still air. frost coat deposit ice may form humid air cold conditions, usual overnight. temper climat commonli appear fragil white crystal frozen dew drop near ground, cold climat occur greater varieti forms."} {"id": "12358", "contents": "frost (also call white hoarfrost) occur air temperatur dip 32\u00b0f ice crystal form plant leaves, injuring, sometim killing, tender plants. frost predicted, cover plants, retain much soil heat moistur possibl protect strong winds, hasten dri cooling. use newspapers, baskets, tarps, straw, materi cover plants."} {"id": "12359", "contents": "us: port fishguard oper stena line port ltd, statutori harbour authority. websit aim provid commerci leisur inform present futur port users. location. fishguard port locat coastal town fishguard,, pembrokeshire, south-west wales. east use m4 rout direct fishguard, follow a40 carmarthen. south follow a40 fromhaverfordwest link via a40 a48 m4 near swansea. port fishguard oper stena line port ltd, statutori harbour authority. websit aim provid commerci leisur inform present futur port users. location."} {"id": "12360", "contents": "fishguard ferries. charm harbour town fishguard lie nestl base roll green hill west wale offer one quickest rout republ ireland ferry."} {"id": "12361", "contents": "fishguard ferri port wale connect rosslar ireland choic 14 ferri cross per week. durat fishguard rosslar cross hour 30 minut cross oper stena line. east use m4 rout direct fishguard, follow a40 carmarthen. south follow a40 haverfordwest link via a40 a48 m4 near swansea. north follow a487 via aberystwyth cardigan. fishguard locat junction a40 a487."} {"id": "12362", "contents": "fishguard ferri dock harbour goodwick connect irish port rosslare, link place 100 years. ferri port run stena line. pass sure visit last invas tapestry, compar bayeux tapestry, fishguard town hall. tapestri 30 metr long 53 centr metr deep took four year complet seventy-seven local people. east use m4 rout direct fishguard, follow a40 carmarthen. south follow a40 haverfordwest link via a40 a48 m4 near swansea. north follow a487 via aberystwyth cardigan. fishguard locat junction a40 a487."} {"id": "12363", "contents": "book ferri fishguard rosslar ireland aferry.co.uk. ferri fishguard pembrokeshire, wale go rosslar ireland oper stena line. use board below, find latest departur time sail durations. also find aferry.co.uk' best price."} {"id": "12364", "contents": "compar price book cheap fishguard ferri ticket ireland ferryonline. stena line oper ferri fishguard rosslare. stena europ cross irish sea twice daili take hours, 30 minutes. high season high speed stena lynx lll also servic juli september."} {"id": "12365", "contents": "fishguard port information. fishguard ferri port locat pembrokeshir south wale overlook fishguard bay west town centre. fishguard ferri port excel road link major motorway a40 directli connect wale south england."} {"id": "12366", "contents": "ferrybook offer fishguard ferri cross book secur online; find inform ferri fishguard ireland, includ fishguard ferri time prices. ferri fishguard includ cross rosslar ireland. fishguard ferri port excel road link major motorway a40 directli connect wale south england."} {"id": "12367", "contents": "fishguard ferri port bus. richard bro oper town servic bu stop fishguard town centr goodwick arriv port 14:30 sailing. journey time approxim minut fishguard. east use m4 rout direct fishguard, follow a40 carmarthen. south follow a40 haverfordwest link via a40 a48 m4 near swansea. north follow a487 via aberystwyth cardigan. fishguard locat junction a40 a487."} {"id": "12368", "contents": "physic properties: nonpolar. leucine, essenti amino acid, one three amino acid branch hydrocarbon side chain. one addit methylen group side chain compar valine. like valine, leucin hydrophob gener buri fold proteins. close window."} {"id": "12369", "contents": "valine, essenti amino acid, hydrophobic, expected, usual found interior proteins. valin differ threonin replac hydroxyl group methyl substituent. valin often refer one amino acid hydrocarbon side chains, branch chain amino acid. note valin threonin roughli shape volume. difficult even high resolut structur protein distinguish valin threonin"} {"id": "12370", "contents": "isoleucin incorpor protein molar rate 4.6 percent compar amino acids. isoleucin member aliphat side-chain amino acid famili compos extrem hydrophob biochem found princip interior protein enzymes."} {"id": "12371", "contents": "l-leucin encod six codon (uua, uug, cuu, cuc, cua, cug) major compon subunit ferritin, astacin, 'buffer' proteins. l-leucin essenti amino acid, mean human bodi cannot synthes it, therefor must ingested. leucin util liver, adipos tissue, muscl tissue. adipos muscl tissue, leucin use format sterols, combin usag leucin two tissu seven time greater use liver."} {"id": "12372", "contents": "hydrophob amino acid residu build core, polar charg amino acid preferenti cover surfac molecul contact solvent due abil form hydrogen bond (bi donat accept proton electroneg atom). polar amino acid includ serine, threonine, asparagine, glutamine, histidin tyrosine. hydrophob amino acid includ alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, phenylalanine, tryptophane, cystein methionine."} {"id": "12373", "contents": "essenti amino acid, leucin cannot synthes animals. consequently, must ingested, usual compon proteins. plant microorganisms, leucin synthesis pyruv acid seri enzymes: leucin util liver, adipos tissue, muscl tissue. adipos muscl tissue, leucin use format sterols, combin usag leucin two tissu seven time greater use liver."} {"id": "12374", "contents": "amino acid group accord side chain like. nine amino acid hydrophob side chain glycin (gly), alanin (ala), valin (val), leucin (leu), isoleucin (ile), prolin (pro), phenylalanin (phe), methionin (met), tryptophan (trp). six amino acid side chain polar charged. serin (ser), threonin (thr), cystein (cys), asparagin (asn), glutamin (gln), tyrosin (tyr). amino acid usual found surfac proteins, discuss protein module."} {"id": "12375", "contents": "crucial determin role globular proteins, membran proteins, coiled-coil structures. generally, interior water-solubl globular protein consists, largely, hydrophob amino acids, princip leucine, isoleucine, valine, phenylalanine, methionine. important, stabil fold protein, also fold pathway lead matur structur (2)."} {"id": "12376", "contents": "role function: leucin side chain non-reactive, thu rare directli involv protein function, though play role substrat recognition. particular, hydrophob amino acid involv binding/recognit hydrophob ligand lipids. back main page."} {"id": "12377", "contents": "valin incorpor protein enzym molar rate 6.9 percent compar amino acids. valin aliphat amino acid close relat leucin isoleucin structur function."} {"id": "12378", "contents": "discuss assess cost build detach two-car well four car garage. measur averag two car model 26'x26'or 676 squar feet. averag squar footag four car garag 48'x30' 1440 squar feet. vinyl side trim-averag price $7 per squar foot installed, two car garag would need 1040 squar feet cost $7200, four car garag would take 1560 squar feet cost $10920; double-hung 30-by-48-inch vinyl windows-averag price $300-$700 per window;"} {"id": "12379", "contents": "garag addition, typic cost include: accord author stu silverman averag cost ad garag begin roughli $7,500, two-car garag averag cost go much higher. figur place garag addit $40 per squar foo t. accord author stu silverman averag cost ad garag begin roughli $7,500, two-car garag averag cost go much higher. sort structur averag $27,040. resal valu updat would hold $21,635, nearli 81% return investmen"} {"id": "12380", "contents": "build garages, typic cost include: two car-accord hanley wood remodel magazine, cost construct standard two-car garag addit $58,432. translat $86 per squar foot; and. vinyl side trim-averag price $7 per squar foot installed, two car garag would need 1040 squar feet cost $7200, four car garag would take 1560 squar feet cost $10920; double-hung 30-by-48-inch vinyl windows-averag price $300-$700 per window;"} {"id": "12381", "contents": "concret foot slab grade averag price concret $75 per cubic yard, full slab would requir roughli 13 cubic yard two car version cost $975, would take 27 cubic yard four car version cost $2025; vinyl side trim-averag price $7 per squar foot installed, two car garag would need 1040 squar feet cost $7200, four car garag would take 1560 squar feet cost $10920; double-hung 30-by-48-inch vinyl windows-averag price $300-$700 per window;"} {"id": "12382", "contents": "area higher-than-averag cost live use $50 $55. complic prefer top qualiti materi compon price go up.so, gener speaking, 24 ft.sq., two car, basic garag cost rang $17,000 $23,000. jay behm-a basic way estim cost build detach garag simpli appli typic averag per squar foot construct $30 $40. averag cost basi contractor builder build basic one stori garag properti"} {"id": "12383", "contents": "upgrad qualiti materi bump cost $55 squar foot, $13,200 minimum single-car structure, $21,000 two-car garag $47,000 dream version. grittihs) got quot less 45 mins. 1.5 car garag estim $12,354 car garag (with short approach driveway) cost us $16,325 includ demolit old garage, 30 year roof, electrical, slab, garag door, entranc door window."} {"id": "12384", "contents": "next step. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. averag nation cost build garag $23,573, homeown spend $14,621 $32,525. come build garage, lot factor come play, mimic large-scal build project"} {"id": "12385", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. rural municip (rm) type incorpor municip canadian provinc manitoba. current legislation, area must minimum popul 1,000 densiti less 400 peopl per squar kilometr incorpor rural municipality. manitoba 116 rural municipalities, cumul popul 259,061 averag popul 2,233 2011 census. province' largest smallest rural municip rm springfield rm lakeview popul 14,069 311 respectively."} {"id": "12386", "contents": "15.6%. municip minor popul characteristics. cities. canada. manitoba. rockwood-rur municipality. source: statist canada catalogu no. 92-591-xwe. ottawa. releas march 13 2007 statist canada catalogu no. 98-316-xwe. ottawa. releas octob 24, 2012."} {"id": "12387", "contents": "histor site manitoba: rockwood school no. 19 (rm rockwood). monument erect former site rockwood school, ne17-13-2 east princip meridian, rural municip rockwood. school establish decemb 1872 serv commun school, meet hall, church june 1967 closed. sources: one hundr year histori rural school manitoba: formation, reorgan dissolut (1871-1971) mari b. perfect, med thesis, univers manitoba, april 1978. 100 year history: rockwood municip rockwood municip history, 1982."} {"id": "12388", "contents": "page 14 inform bulletin 99-11 rural municip rockwood manag consider map. manag consider map provid focu awarenessof land resourc characterist im portant land use. map doesnot presum specif land use. figur 1. rural municip southern manitoba. introduc tion locat ruralmunicip rockwood shownin figur 1. brief overview thedataba information, generalenvironment condit themunicip presented."} {"id": "12389", "contents": "page 22 inform bulletin 99-11 rural municip rockwood water eros risk map. risk water eros wa estim use univ rsal soil lossequ (usle) dev elop wischmeier smith (1965) figur 1. rural municip southern manitoba. introduc tion locat ruralmunicip rockwood shownin figur 1. brief overview thedataba information, generalenvironment condit themunicip presented."} {"id": "12390", "contents": "rockwood rural municipality, manitoba, report flag, imag photo send me. valentin poposki, 10 may 2010. rockwood rural municipality, manitoba (canada). last modified: 2014-02-16 rob raesid keywords: manitoba rockwood rural municip links: fotw homepag search disclaim copyright write us mirrors. imag contribut shayn campbell, 25 januari 2014. settlers, rail trail inc., argyl manitoba. descript flag"} {"id": "12391", "contents": "slope lengthclass also added, base photo-interpretation. rural municip rockwood inform bulletin 99-11 page 5. soil terrain overview rural municip (rm) rockwood cover area of121 317 ha (approxim 13.2 townships) southern inter lakedistrict southern manitoba. figur 1. rural municip southern manitoba. introduc tion locat ruralmunicip rockwood shownin figur 1. brief overview thedataba information, generalenvironment condit themunicip presented."} {"id": "12392", "contents": "rural municip rockwood fulli servic year-round commun amen need live, work rais family. pleas click link select service: transport depart protect servic wast dispos land use plan water sewer utilities."} {"id": "12393", "contents": "survey cover 21,132 natural-ga furnac bought 2008 earli 2014. reliabl especi import furnac failed, 77 percent need signific work. major broke completely, nearli third produc heat day. 40 percent, repair cost $150 more. key part heat exchang control modul fails, you\u2019r better replac furnac it\u2019 15 year old (furnac typic last 15 18 years). otherwise, repair rather replac furnac might make sense."} {"id": "12394", "contents": "mani homeown experi 30% decreas energi bill new effici furnac heat system. end pay new furnac may much cost effect old furnac ever was. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. average, furnac repair cost $270 nationally, homeown spend $136 $423. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members."} {"id": "12395", "contents": "home' heat air condit complex system ensur family' comfort. mani plan includ annual mainten visit cover items, servic visit charges, deductibles, 24/7 emerg servic need it."} {"id": "12396", "contents": "like famili vehicle, furnac repair cost concern that' direct energi help. servic technician team train detect potenti problem condens line blockag secondari heat exchang lead troubl future."} {"id": "12397", "contents": "averag cost furnac maintenance. heat cool compani recommend annual fall tune-up ensur furnac oper safe efficiently. routin mainten visit, homeown expect pay around $100 filter avail fee. homeown paid $277 $393 furnac fixed. minimum, homeown spent $100 furnac repair, high end, maximum cost $800. mani variabl cost repair furnace."} {"id": "12398", "contents": "furnac longer warranty, cost depend problem is. crack heat exchang problem motor, fan wire may cost fix due price replac parts. furnace' age, size overal condit also factor repair cost. homeown paid $277 $393 furnac fixed. minimum, homeown spent $100 furnac repair, high end, maximum cost $800. mani variabl cost repair furnace."} {"id": "12399", "contents": "monthli instal heat protect mainten plan $23.99/month ($27.99/month boiler) hst. must sign one-year commitment, regardless method payment, renew automat yearli basis. option two: flat rate repair protect. fix furnac one flat rate 2, avoid fear uncertainti call futur problem cost flat rate repair protect plan."} {"id": "12400", "contents": "averag cost furnac repair. averag price homeown pay furnac repair $335. homeown paid $277 $393 furnac fixed. minimum, homeown spent $100 furnac repair, high end, maximum cost $800. mani variabl cost repair furnace. furnac still warranti may part covered, homeown may pay cost servic visit labor"} {"id": "12401", "contents": "averag cost instal new furnac $3,602. always, price larg depend effici size furnace, well heat source. seen homeown spend littl $1,500 new furnac much $7,000. however, know homeown pay $3,200 $4,420. again, depend size type furnac purchased. despit low mainten cost, way lower price. winter months, chang furnac filter everi 30 days. heat season, take air vent cover clean damp cloth."} {"id": "12402", "contents": "replac old furnac central heat system new, effici model offset volatil energi prices. money aside, today' furnac pollut less boost comfort produc heat steadili older furnaces. ga common heat fuel report focus ga furnaces. 40 percent, repair cost $150 more. find brand furnac least reliable, check frequenc repair report consum report nation research center."} {"id": "12403", "contents": "marsupi mammals. marsupi group mammal commonli thought pouch mammal (like wallabi kangaroo left). give live birth, long gestat time like placent mammals. instead, give birth earli young animal, essenti helpless embryo, climb mother' birth canal nipples. there. thylacinus, extinct marsupi wolf. though marsupi today mani speci placent mammals, quit structur diverse. rang small four-foot form like marsupi mole, notoryctes, larg two-leg kangaroos."} {"id": "12404", "contents": "marsupi live australia surround islands, found south america, one, virginia opossum, live north america. marsupi multipli evolv sort speci australia placent mammal compet them."} {"id": "12405", "contents": "howev there' also marsupi new guinea south america north america speci occur australia placent mammal australia bat muridae(mic rats)."} {"id": "12406", "contents": "marsupi infraclass mammal live primarili australasia americas. distinct characteristic, common species, young carri pouch. well-known marsupi includ kangaroos, wallabies, koala, possums, opossums, wombat tasmanian devil. marsupi includ numbat, bandicoots, bettongs, bilby, quolls, quokka. marsupi repres clade origin last common ancestor extant metatherians. even today, marsupi mani case 40 50 teeth, significantli comparison placent mammals. high number incisor upper jaw, ten, molar premolars."} {"id": "12407", "contents": "australia contin 99% world' marsupi live. opossum marsupi found north america, south america also marsupials, asia. marsupi possum tree kangaroo also found island new guinea, continent. opossum marsupi found north america, south america also marsupials, asia. marsupi possum tree kangaroo also found island new guinea, continent. 12 other found useful."} {"id": "12408", "contents": "australian marsupi live dri scrub desert habitat. south america, marsupi live forest tropic rain forests. marsupi live part forest habitat, tree forest floor where, like wombat, burrow underground. virginia opossum marsupi found north america. call placent mammals. marsupi give live birth, too, embryo climb birth canal pouch. there, attach nippl doesn\u2019t let go can\u2019t! nippl swell embryo\u2019 mouth abl let go developed."} {"id": "12409", "contents": "marsupi found sever continents. australia contin 99% world' marsupi live. opossum marsupi found north america, south america also marsupials, asia. marsupi possum tree kangaroo also found island new guinea, continent. 12 other found useful."} {"id": "12410", "contents": "opossum species, also marsupials, live north, central, south america. marsupi four small leg feet, opossum quolls. kangaroo wallabi two larg feet two arms. call placent mammals. marsupi give live birth, too, embryo climb birth canal pouch. there, attach nippl doesn\u2019t let go can\u2019t! nippl swell embryo\u2019 mouth abl let go developed."} {"id": "12411", "contents": "marsupi mammal commonli bear pouch kangaroo koala bears. two third marsupi speci found australia."} {"id": "12412", "contents": "interest far wide. marsupi found sever continents. australia contin 99% world' marsupi live. opossum marsupi found north america, south america also marsupials, asia. marsupi possum tree kangaroo also found island new guinea, continent."} {"id": "12413", "contents": "1. open winrar choos folder file want compress click add option. 2. select advanc tab choos set password option. 3. finish enter password, choos encrypt file name tick option. password protect word document. 1. creat word document, click save file options. 2. go tool option select secur options. 3. field label password open, enter password choice. 4."} {"id": "12414", "contents": "click file save excel password protect files. select tools, click gener options.. choos password open want higher level encrypt file select, advanced.. click start select comput window vista. find file want password protect encrypt right click open properties.. gener tab choos advanc button pick encrypt content secur data option, select ok.."} {"id": "12415", "contents": "password protect winrar. 1. open winrar choos folder file want compress click add option. 2. select advanc tab choos set password option. 3. finish enter password, choos encrypt file name tick option. 4. password protect word document. 1. creat word document, click save file options. 2. go tool option select secur options. 3. field label password open, enter password choice. 4."} {"id": "12416", "contents": "want encrypt file folder, done follow steps: select file folder want encrypt. right-click file folder select properties. click advanc button. check box encrypt content secur data option. click appli ok. file folder frequent used-an easi way password protect file creat archiv file use compress tool. archiv created, encrypt content specifi password. window window xp users-window window xp come compress utility."} {"id": "12417", "contents": "instructions. click start select comput window vista. find file want password protect encrypt right click open properties.. gener tab choos advanc button pick encrypt content secur data option, select ok.."} {"id": "12418", "contents": "add password. right side 7-zip window, two field enter confirm password file. also select form encryption, whether want name file encrypt well. click ok done. 2. creat compress file. select folder want password protect. right-click select 7-zip menu. second menu, select \u201cadd archive\u2026\u201d open 7-zip."} {"id": "12419", "contents": "protect zip folder place password. choos zip folder protected. double-click chosen zip file click 'file' 'add password' prompt, enter password twice press 'ok'. need password access folder files. right click folder protect scroll option 'properties' click. click 'sharing' tab check box say 'make folder private' press 'apply' button. step 3. prompt appear password must provided."} {"id": "12420", "contents": "use singl account, see secur solut section. select file folder want encrypt. right-click file folder click properties. gener tab, click advanc button. check encrypt content secur data option. file folder frequent used-an easi way password protect file creat archiv file use compress tool. archiv created, encrypt content specifi password. window window xp users-window window xp come compress utility."} {"id": "12421", "contents": "open microsoft word click tool option button open dialog box. click security, select file encrypt option document. either select password open file password modifi file here. newer version microsoft word click home button dialog box there, select prepar button encrypt document set password protect microsoft word documents. click start select comput window vista. find file want password protect encrypt right click open properties.. gener tab choos advanc button pick encrypt content secur data option, select ok.."} {"id": "12422", "contents": "learn make password-protect folder window 8. order set password folder window must select folder. right-click folder click add archiv option display menu. follow window go advanc tab press set password button."} {"id": "12423", "contents": "orchiti caus risk factors. common caus orchiti mumps. mump viral childhood diseas rare unit state due effect immun programs. mayo clinic estim 33 percent men contract mump teen also develop orchiti (mayo clinic)."} {"id": "12424", "contents": "mump extrem contagi viral infect usual affect children. condit number symptoms, common one swell one salivari gland side face. mump viral, antibiot cannot use treat it, present anti-vir medic abl treat mumps. treatment help reliev symptom infect run cours bodi develop immunity, much like cold."} {"id": "12425", "contents": "bacteri parot must differenti viral parot commonli caus mumps; viral pathogen includ hiv, enteroviruses, ebv, influenza, parainfluenza, cmv, lymphocyt choriomeningitis. parot inflamm parotid salivari gland: acute, chronic, chronic acut exacerbations. acut suppur parot well recogn complic abdomin surgeri prior routin administr periop antibiotics."} {"id": "12426", "contents": "caus mumps. mump caus mump virus, belong famili virus known paramyxoviruses. virus common sourc infection, particularli children. get mumps, viru move respiratori tract (your nose, mouth throat) parotid gland (saliva-produc gland found either side face), begin reproduce. caus gland swell."} {"id": "12427", "contents": "vir al parot common worldwid bacteri parot mump common viral caus parot children. virus provid tabl 2. parot inflamm parotid salivari gland: acute, chronic, chronic acut exacerbations. acut suppur parot well recogn complic abdomin surgeri prior routin administr periop antibiotics."} {"id": "12428", "contents": "causes. caus mump mump virus, spread easili person person infect saliva. immune, contract mump breath saliva droplet infect person sneez coughed."} {"id": "12429", "contents": "mump (epidem parotitis) viral diseas caus mump virus. contagi diseas spread person person contact respiratori secr tion saliva infect person."} {"id": "12430", "contents": "infecti parot [edit]. acut bacteri parotitis: often caus bacteri infect staphylococcu aureu may caus commens bacteria. parot extrapulmonari tuberculosis: mycobacterium caus tuberculosi also caus parotid infection."} {"id": "12431", "contents": "exampl spread are: someon infect mump viru contagi approxim 15 day (six day symptom start show, nine day start). mump viru part paramyxoviru family, widespread caus infection, especi children. normally, mump diagnos symptom alone, especi examin facial swelling. addit examin area take note symptoms, doctor may: mump viral, antibiot cannot use treat it, present anti-vir medic abl treat mumps. treatment help reliev symptom infect run cours bodi develop immunity, much like cold."} {"id": "12432", "contents": "think means: 'promot video' like music video. that' describ vedo use site youtub veoh. least that' brother said ask (he' comput freak). pv panel photovolta convers tool use convert sun' ray usabl electr via excit proton electron solar cell."} {"id": "12433", "contents": "present value. worth futur amount money specif point time. one expect invest result cash flow certain time future, calcul cash flow' present valu help investor decid whether invest result real profit. present valu money import calcul bond yields, valu annuities, mani transactions. also use compar valu two amount money exist differ times."} {"id": "12434", "contents": "photovolta (pv) best known method gener electr power use solar cell convert energi sun electricity. photovolta effect refer photon light knock electron higher state energi creat electricity."} {"id": "12435", "contents": "investopedia explain present valu (pv). may sound confusing, realli not. basic idea receiv $1,000 worth receiv $1,000 five year now, person money today invest receiv addit return five years. present valu money import calcul bond yields, valu annuities, mani transactions. also use compar valu two amount money exist differ times."} {"id": "12436", "contents": "pv=nrt ideal ga law. pressure, volume, mole gas, constant equal 8.314 j/k(mol), temperatur measur kelvin. peopl found useful. pv panel photovolta convers tool use convert sun' ray usabl electr via excit proton electron solar cell."} {"id": "12437", "contents": "photovolta (pv) name method convert solar energi direct current electr use semiconduct materi exhibit photovolta effect, phenomenon commonli studi physics, photochemistri electrochemistry. photovolta best known method gener electr power use solar cell convert energi sun flow electrons. photovolta effect refer photon light excit electron higher state energy, allow act charg carrier electr current."} {"id": "12438", "contents": "break 'present value-pv'. sound bit confusing, realli isn't. basi receiv $1,000 worth $1,000 five year now, got money now, could invest receiv addit return five years. definit 'present value-pv'. current worth futur sum money stream cash flow given specifi rate return. futur cash flow discount discount rate, higher discount rate, lower present valu futur cash flows."} {"id": "12439", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: ok pv stand person volume, number point earn monthli bonus, goe 100 pv 7500 pv."} {"id": "12440", "contents": "best answer: ideal ga equation. absolut pressure, temperature, volume, number moles, ideal ga constant, vari depend unit variables. also writen pv=rt, molar volume. report abuse. pv=nrt p=absolut pressur gas, v=volum ga taken t= temperatur n=number moles(no. moles=given mass/atom mass). r=ideal ga constant(it differ valu accord units). ns year ago"} {"id": "12441", "contents": "introduction. void new 20-level-depth ancient dungeon tower manacar dungeon series. final boss roland rochefort, recruit final stage dungeon.al class open enter"} {"id": "12442", "contents": "straight outta void. void team rekin rift leagu legends. \u2022lower ping get freelo: http://bit.ly/wtfresco. lee sin cosplay: http://youtu.be/p5eyg22nd9k. real void team, malzahar/kassadin voidborn, ugli fuck are! ---------------------------------------- \u00ad\u00ad-----. \u2022twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/brofresco \u2022facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brofrescoyt."} {"id": "12443", "contents": "5,047 page wiki. team void (pronounc void) oc team beacon academy. form four students, we'r creat xengix008. student we'r select retriev black knight piec declar team void violet tygar leader. ignis: third member team void, special stealth reconnaissance. mostli quiet observ also kinda inquisit odd, among teammat speak often usual (still much). use rocket power gun-shuriken weapons, partner oneida."} {"id": "12444", "contents": "accord vel'koz, void dark place, cho'gath said daylight runeterra strong them. lost citi call icathia seem connect void, voidborn known appear place mortal known gain void' power it. like malzahar, prophet void, mind may overwhelm may becom will servant dark apocalypt destini see eman abyss. runeterra, individu refer cult void"} {"id": "12445", "contents": "void place dimens worlds. known outside, other unknown. most, however, call void. timeless place inhabit variou seemingli intellig entiti who, reason beyond human understanding, desir gain entranc vitiat world outsid realm. creatur call voidborn like malzahar, prophet void, mind may overwhelm may becom will servant dark apocalypt destini see eman abyss. runeterra, individu refer cult void"} {"id": "12446", "contents": "welcom forum archive! year convers fill ton digit pages, we'v kept access brows copi over. whether look reveal articl older champions, first time rammu roll ok thread, anyth between, find here."} {"id": "12447", "contents": "marquis diamond 62% tabl less go give best brilliance. anoth way put this, less table, flat side, marquis diamond sparkl balanc diamond deliver. one biggest advantag marquis diamond uniqu brings. popular diamond shape round princess diamond, own marquis diamond set apart norm. also consid best brillianc fanci shapes."} {"id": "12448", "contents": "featur elongated, curv shape point ends, marquis cut diamond often look larger shape carat weight. look diamond cut stand out, consid marquis cut. fanci shape standards, marquis cut diamond characteris boat-shap brilliant stone. uniqu shape usual demand centr attent look exquisit solitair setting. usual cut 2.00 ratio (twice long wide), approxim rang 1.75 2.25, ratio give distinct length elegance, whilst provid good balanc width pleas eye. marquis ratio less 1.50 may appear short wide, difficult tell apart oval."} {"id": "12449", "contents": "person prefer dictat narrow fat marquis diamond choose, although length width ratio 1.75 -2.15 consid classic marquis cut. remain concern would flaw signific enough affect stabil diamond (thi extrem rare, however). chart serv gener guidelin evalu cut marquis diamond."} {"id": "12450", "contents": "marquis cut diamonds. marquis cut popular diamond cut adopt high-end jewelri design creat eye-catch diamond jewelry, includ drop dangl ear stun solitair necklac pendants. marquis cut diamond also popular choic diamond engag ring due slender elong shape; commonli consid beauti compliment woman' finger. marquis cut diamond design credit king loui xv france, also known sun king."} {"id": "12451", "contents": "marquis leo diamond ring carat tw 14k white gold. frame round diamonds, marquis leo diamond deliv except brillianc breathtak ring her. addit round leo diamond two row line 14k white gold band complet look. center diamond independ certifi laser-inscrib uniqu gemscribe\u00ae serial number. love diamond ring total diamond weight carat"} {"id": "12452", "contents": "loos marquis cut diamonds. marquis diamond cut regal, elong shape taper point ends. shape flatter finger, make appear longer. choos marquis cut loos diamond, length-to-width ratio import rang 1.7:2.0. import choos good excel symmetri maxim stone face beauti contrast brilliance. marquise-cut diamond mount six prongs: four posit side hold bodi stone secur two v-shape prong protect point either end, vulner part diamond."} {"id": "12453", "contents": "diamond cut style design guid use shape diamond polish brilliant cut. cut refer shape (pear, oval), symmetry, proport polish diamond."} {"id": "12454", "contents": "larger marquis diamond (over carat), color may appear slightli darker points. reason, buyer may choos move one color grade compar diamond shapes. color chart provid gener guid evalu color marquis diamonds. remain concern would flaw signific enough affect stabil diamond (thi extrem rare, however). chart serv gener guidelin evalu cut marquis diamond."} {"id": "12455", "contents": "everyth want know. one biggest advantag marquis diamond uniqu brings. popular diamond shape round princess diamond, own marquis diamond set apart norm. also consid best brillianc fanci shapes. experi best advic would go si1 higher clariti color higher"} {"id": "12456", "contents": "kadabra evolv trade someone,it evolv trade.that everi game,y get alakazam trade kadabra game."} {"id": "12457", "contents": "drops. ender pearl (1-4). kadabra character human-lik bodi structur somewhat fox-lik appearance. two larg ear top either side head, red star-shap symbol forehead (deriv zener cards), two somewhat sinister-look eye middl face. feet three toes: two front side, one back near ankle. toe larg white claw attach it. kadabra wield one spoon, use amplifi telekinet powers."} {"id": "12458", "contents": "kadabra evolv base level; need trade someon else, immedi evolv alakazam. abra evolv kadabra level 16. kadabra evolv leveling. evolv trade anoth game pack."} {"id": "12459", "contents": "way make kadabra evolv alakazam trade pokemon someon els make person trade back you. abra evolv kadabra level 16. kadabra evolv leveling. evolv trade anoth game pack."} {"id": "12460", "contents": "neutral 0%. aggress 20%. kadabra psychic-typ pokemon pok\u00e9mon evolv abra level. 16 evolv alakazam when. trade kadabra stare silver spoon focu its. mind emit alpha wave doing."} {"id": "12461", "contents": "aggress 20%. kadabra psychic-typ pokemon pok\u00e9mon evolv abra level. 16 evolv alakazam when. trade kadabra stare silver spoon focu its. mind kadabra psychic-typ pokemon pok\u00e9mon evolv abra level. 16 evolv alakazam when. trade kadabra stare silver spoon focu its. mind emit alpha wave doing."} {"id": "12462", "contents": "kadabra (japanese: \u30e6\u30f3\u30b2\u30e9\u30fc yungerer) psychic-typ pokemon. pok\u00e9mon evolv abra start level 16 evolv alakazam when. trade kadabra also pokemon, pok\u00e9mon due this, limit whose evolut skip the, tcg new abra card abl evolv directli into. alakazam kadabra also appear pokemon: pok\u00e9mon ranger shadows, almia wherea abra and. alakazam"} {"id": "12463", "contents": "kadabra evolv alakazam traded. (abra evolv kadabra start level 16). kadabra #64 nation pokedex, introduc gener pokemon titl (red, blue, yellow) could found (red blue only) cerulean cave, (yellow only) rout 8. abra evolv kadabra level 16. kadabra evolv leveling. evolv trade anoth game pack."} {"id": "12464", "contents": "spring\u2019 scorch home market propel median hous sale price north texa $200,000 first time. april, home sale price area 14 percent record $207,000."} {"id": "12465", "contents": "10/4/1959, categori f3 (max. wind speed 158-206 mph) tornado 13.7 mile away citi center injur peopl caus $50,000 $500,000 damages. fate-area histor earthquak activ slightli texa state average."} {"id": "12466", "contents": "median home valu fate $198,300. fate home valu gone 13.8% past year zillow predict rise 6.0% within next year. read more. foreclosur factor impact home valu next sever years. fate 5.5 home foreclos (per 10,000). greater dallas-fort worth metro valu 2.9 also greater nation valu 3.5."} {"id": "12467", "contents": "latest gains, median price preown single-famili home sold real estat agent north texa almost 60 percent higher januari 2010, worst recession."} {"id": "12468", "contents": "median exist single-famili home valu rise much unit states, increas 8.2% 2nd quarter 2015 compar 2nd quarter 2014, $229,400, accord nation associ realtors. select state map see hous price hometown fared."} {"id": "12469", "contents": "averag home sale price america? median home sale price u.s.? averag us home sale price? averag home sale price state? averag home price in? averag cost home us?"} {"id": "12470", "contents": "percent fate homeown underwat mortgag 0.0%, lower dallas-fort worth metro 6.9%. +. $198,300 zhvi. 6.0% 1-yr forecast zillow home valu forecast zillow' predict zillow home valu index one year now."} {"id": "12471", "contents": "averag median expect salari nail technician base uk around \u00a315,550 \u00a315,000 per annum respectively. nail technician\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a311,663, 30 earn \u00a315,239, 40 50 earn \u00a318,038 per year. addition, median hourli wage median annual salari around $9.35 per hour $19,440 per annum respectively. lowest paid 10 percent nail technician earn hourli wage less $7.85 per hour, wherea top 10 percent receiv $14.71 per hour."} {"id": "12472", "contents": "conclus nail technician salary. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, averag hourli wage annual mean salari earn nail technician around $10.46 per hour $21,760 per annum respectively. addition, median hourli wage median annual salari around $9.35 per hour $19,440 per annum respectively. lowest paid 10 percent nail technician earn hourli wage less $7.85 per hour, wherea top 10 percent receiv $14.71 per hour."} {"id": "12473", "contents": "nail technician salary. (australia). nail technician earn averag wage au$19.29 per hour. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. peopl job move posit 20 year field. au$30,410 au$71,772"} {"id": "12474", "contents": "nail technician salary. nail technician\u2019 salari (shortli known nail tech salary) unit state accord bl salari report around $19,000 per annum. annual salari top 10% nail technician self-employ nail technician rang $12,164 $77,651 per year. addition, median hourli wage median annual salari around $9.35 per hour $19,440 per annum respectively. lowest paid 10 percent nail technician earn hourli wage less $7.85 per hour, wherea top 10 percent receiv $14.71 per hour."} {"id": "12475", "contents": "choos becom nail technician, import know much money expect make, especi first year. accord bureau labor statist (bls), job outlook manicurist pedicurist good, expect 16 percent job growth 2012 2022."} {"id": "12476", "contents": "nail technician salari usa. averag start hourli wage nail technician unit state rang $7.25 $15.43 per hour gradual increas $0.90 $7.55 overtime. addition, median hourli wage median annual salari around $9.35 per hour $19,440 per annum respectively. lowest paid 10 percent nail technician earn hourli wage less $7.85 per hour, wherea top 10 percent receiv $14.71 per hour."} {"id": "12477", "contents": "u.s. bureau labor statist recogn nail technician manicurist pedicurists, earn averag annual incom $21,790, may 2013. accord bls, alaska top-pay state may 2013, manicurist pedicurist pull mean wage $31,170 per year."} {"id": "12478", "contents": "averag salari $22,000 per year, nail technician don\u2019t earn much money social servic jobs. instance, school psychologist earn $72,710 per year, interpret translat make averag salari $47,920. best pay citi nail technicians. highest paid nail technician profess work metropolitan area bakersfield, california, hartford, connecticut, barnstabl town, massachusetts. columbia, south carolina area also pay well, citi olympia, washington."} {"id": "12479", "contents": "salari outlook. accord bls, nail technician earn median salari $19,340, approxim $9.30 per hour, 2013. best-paid earn $30,330, lowest-paid earn less $16,700. best pay citi nail technicians. highest paid nail technician profess work metropolitan area bakersfield, california, hartford, connecticut, barnstabl town, massachusetts. columbia, south carolina area also pay well, citi olympia, washington."} {"id": "12480", "contents": "depend scale product, might want rent time commerci kitchen work contract packer. prepar product, make sure speed state citi regul commerci food handling. rather bigger co-pack handl product, make sure formula produc case ever need chang manufacturers. broker help enter larg nation chains."} {"id": "12481", "contents": "distribution: wholes retail food products. larg part food product value-chain distribution\u2014 (1) effici get product (2) good condit (3) conveni consum buy (4) set consist brand\u2019 image. food product often involv gener market approach techniqu appli market kind product services. food marketing, topic test marketing, segmentation, positioning, branding, targeting, consum research, market entri strategy, example, highli relevant."} {"id": "12482", "contents": "possibl produc market line food product make profit, sever barrier break busi sell groceri stores. bit time, research effort, increas chanc success market food grocers. step 1. conduct bit market research approach groceri store sell food local farmer market coupl months. see well product sells, much abl charg type custom buy it."} {"id": "12483", "contents": "wholesal may, example, serv mani differ retail store mani brand cereal, spices, food ingredients. retail buy mani differ product source, increas convenience. mani market fall trap make better product, consum buy it. problem retail may will devot shelf-spac new products. retail would often rather use shelf-spac exist product proven record selling."} {"id": "12484", "contents": "market new product: focu descriptor marketing. product figur precis role would play consumer' life, time share public. order make new product someth consum can't live without, need serv purpos customer' life. defin purpos depend individu product' functionality."} {"id": "12485", "contents": "articl list brand name food products, organ type product. list also includ brand-nam beverag mix products. see also: list brand name snack foods. andi capp' fries. appl crings. barcel. bob builder' cheesi toolbag. brannigans. bugl (gener mills). cape cod potato chips. chees flavour moment (walkers). cheeselets. 10 cheesi tool bag. 11 cheetos. 12 cheez doodles. 13 cheezies. 14 cornnuts. 15 david sunflow seeds. 16 discos. 17 doritos. 18 farmer brown's. 19 fish ...."} {"id": "12486", "contents": "list companies, see list food companies. incomplet list may never abl satisfi particular standard completeness. help expand reliabl sourc entries. see also: list brand name snack foods. andi capp' fries. appl crings. barcel. bob builder' cheesi toolbag. brannigans. bugl (gener mills). cape cod potato chips. chees flavour moment (walkers). cheeselets. 10 cheesi tool bag. 11 cheetos. 12 cheez doodles. 13 cheezies. 14 cornnuts. 15 david sunflow seeds. 16 discos. 17 doritos. 18 farmer brown's. 19 fish ...."} {"id": "12487", "contents": "water temperatur climatolog inform avail site above. click info. wrightsvil beach 4.5 mile long barrier island locat new hanov county, nc. june earli octob water temperatur practic tropic make beach perfect swim surfing. water cool significantli winter month due cold offshor wind longer night"} {"id": "12488", "contents": "physic characterist great lakes. averag surfac water temperatur great lake surfac environment analysi (glsea). previou 365 day glsea averag surfac water temperatur (1024x1024)."} {"id": "12489", "contents": "also 0.7 degre warmer entir volume. lake eri warmer last year, much. averag surfac water temperatur 68.8 degre compar 68.4 degre last year. whole water volum 0.2 degre warmer year. lake ontario almost two degre warmer last year. 62.0 degre 60.3 degre last year. whole bodi water lake ontario temperatur last year, 43.4 degrees. continu inch averag temperatur land, great lake water temperatur continu warm higher temperatur"} {"id": "12490", "contents": "pool use one above-ment programs, problem. however, pool use varieti aquat programs, call multi-purpos pool. water temperatur averag indoor multi-purpos pool usa 84 86 degrees. |. |. mani form public avail websit pdf format."} {"id": "12491", "contents": "averag annual temperatur michigan. averag annual temperatur cities, towns, park lake throughout michigan list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010"} {"id": "12492", "contents": "averag winter temperatur rang high 67.4 degre fahrenheit (19.7 degre celsius) hawaii low 2.6 \u00b0f (-16.3 \u00b0c) alaska. entir unit states, exclud hawaii alaska, season averag freez 33.2 \u00b0f (0.7 \u00b0c)."} {"id": "12493", "contents": "comparison lake superior' averag water temperatur year far longer-term average. click imag larger version. credit: glerl. ok, lake\u2019 averag water temperatur still brace 68 degrees, consid downright tropic region. chart shows, base 30-year average, lake\u2019 averag water temperatur mid-50s."} {"id": "12494", "contents": "sea surfac temperatur (sst) water temperatur close ocean 's surface. exact mean surfac vari accord measur method used, millimetr (0.04 in) 20 metr (70 ft) sea surface. wetbulb temperatur 500 hpa tropic atmospher \u221213.2 \u00b0c (8.2 \u00b0f) requir initi convect water temperatur 26.5 \u00b0c (79.7 \u00b0f), temperatur requir increas decreas proport \u00b0c sea surfac temperatur \u00b0c chang 500 hpa."} {"id": "12495", "contents": "joint bear weight -- knees, hips, feet, spine-ar common place affects. often come gradual month years. caus pain affect joint. peopl don\u2019t feel sick fatigu come type arthritis. osteoarthritis. is: peopl condit form arthritis. it\u2019 \u201cwear tear\u201d happen joint overused. usual happen age, also result joint injuri obes (which put extra stress joints)."} {"id": "12496", "contents": "arthriti types. mani differ type arthriti severity, joint affect progress arthriti vari enorm one person another, gener symptom includ pain stiff joints. common form arthriti are: osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis;"} {"id": "12497", "contents": "form arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint line becom inflam part diseas process affect entir body. type arthriti are: seroneg spondyloarthropathies, crytallin deposit diseases, septic arthritis. common type arthriti osteoarthritis. result overuse, trauma, degener joint cartilag take place age. osteoarthr often pain joint bear weight, knee, hip, spine, rather wrist, elbow, shoulder joints."} {"id": "12498", "contents": "type arthritis. 100 differ type arthritis. common type include: osteoarthritis. common type arthritis. occur cartilag cover end bone gradual wear away. without protect cartilage, bone begin rub result friction lead pain swelling. common type include: osteoarthritis. rheumatoid arthritis. gout."} {"id": "12499", "contents": "100 differ form arthritis. common form arthriti osteoarthr (degen joint disease), result trauma joint, infect joint, age. arthriti form rheumatoid arthritis, psoriat arthritis, relat autoimmun diseases."} {"id": "12500", "contents": "osteoarthr common type noninflammatori arthritis. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases. 100 differ arthriti types. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases."} {"id": "12501", "contents": "common categori arthriti includ infecti arthritis, noninflammatori arthritis, inflammatori arthritis. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. 100 differ arthriti types. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases."} {"id": "12502", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti (ra) autoimmun diseas caus inflamm joints. mani symptom ra similar varieti diseases, diagnosi difficult. correct diagnosi requir clinic evaluation, x-rays, seri laboratori tests."} {"id": "12503", "contents": "fraser island heritage-list island locat along southern coast queensland, australia, approxim 200 kilometr (120 mi) north brisbane. local within fraser coast region. length 120 kilometr (75 mi) width approxim 24 kilometr (15 mi). inscrib world heritag site 1992. island consid largest sand island world 1840 km 2. 120 kilometr (75 mi) beach run along east coast fraser island. use land strip plane inform highway vehicl (highway rule state vehicl must give way aircraft oncoming)."} {"id": "12504", "contents": "fraser island map hema. fraser island one divers 4wd destin australia, beaches, rainforests, perch lakes, sand blow fit world\u2019 largest sand island. map island detail scale 1:130,000 extend maryborough. includ map hybrid satellit map overlay inset waddi point, orchid beach, cathedr beach, happi valley, kingfish bay, eurong second valley. revers wealth inform enjoy fraser island, includ tour inform distinct region, thing do, island access, permit information, accommodation, use contact help insight sand drive well inform dingoes."} {"id": "12505", "contents": "hema' 4wd map app best map 4x4 tourer. pat callinan, pat callinan' 4x4 adventures. \u201c4wd map invalu off-road navig tool.\u201d simon christie, 4wd tv. explor australia without mobil coverag use 105 hema map uncompl reliabl 4wd navig australia-wide. unabl find itun computer. buy download 4wd map hema australia offlin offroad gp navig 4x4 tour map hema maps, get itun now."} {"id": "12506", "contents": "caution: moon point towoi creek\u2014soft boggi sand deep creek crossings; potenti dangerous.marin stinger present ocean, especi summer months. swim recommended. indian head warn look listen aircraft land take along eastern beach. fraser island recreat area map great sandi nation park state queensland. queensland park wildlif service, depart nation parks, recreation, sport racing. run jog trigger neg dingo interaction.\u2022 camp fenc area possible.\u2022 lock food store icebox (even boat).\u2022 never store food food contain tents.\u2022 secur rubbish, fish bait. follow dingo safeti advic provid permit sign throughout island."} {"id": "12507", "contents": "tell friend product. fraser island one divers 4wd destin australia, beaches, rainforests, perch lakes, sand blow fit world\u2019 largest sand island. map island detail scale 1:130,000 extend maryborough. includ map hybrid satellit map overlay inset waddi point, orchid beach, cathedr beach, happi valley, kingfish bay, eurong second valley. revers wealth inform enjoy fraser island, includ tour inform distinct region, thing do, island access, permit information, accommodation, use contact help insight sand drive well inform dingoes."} {"id": "12508", "contents": "fraser island home small number mammal species, well divers rang birds, reptil amphibians, includ occasion saltwat crocodile. island part fraser coast region protect great sandi nation park. 120 kilometr (75 mi) beach run along east coast fraser island. use land strip plane inform highway vehicl (highway rule state vehicl must give way aircraft oncoming)."} {"id": "12509", "contents": "recreat 4wd bush camper hire. specialis 4wd bush camper variou size combin ground tent roof top tent set ups. bush camper furnish camp equip packag suitabl number peopl travelling. go fleet quot book info. australian 4wd hire independ own oper company, offer great person servic competit rates. nation wide network agenc becom supplier choic provis light commerci vehicl rental suppli includ onsit mainten mining, civil construct tourism industries."} {"id": "12510", "contents": "itun world' easiest way organ add digit media collection. unabl find itun computer. buy download 4wd map hema australia offlin offroad gp navig 4x4 tour map hema maps, get itun now."} {"id": "12511", "contents": "ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. forehead (temporal) scanner usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature."} {"id": "12512", "contents": "definit tympan membrane. thin membran close extern caviti middl ear function mechan recept sound wave transmiss site sensori recept \u2014call also eardrum see ear illustration. see tympan membran defin kids. advertis"} {"id": "12513", "contents": "temperatur obtain place electron probe ear canal. read measur temperatur capillari bed tympan membran gener reflect core temperature."} {"id": "12514", "contents": "averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature."} {"id": "12515", "contents": "take temperatur use mouth (oral), anu (rectal), armpit (axillary), ear (tympanic). temperatur read vari depend one use, need accur bodi temperatur determin fever present. rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature."} {"id": "12516", "contents": "thermomet determin temperatur electron measur tympan membran ear. clinic thermomet one use determin temperatur human body. electron thermomet clinic thermomet use sensor base thermistors, solid-st electron devic whose electr characterist chang temperature."} {"id": "12517", "contents": "ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. forehead (temporal) scanner usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. generally, correl temperatur result follows: averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature."} {"id": "12518", "contents": "generally, correl temperatur result follows: averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature."} {"id": "12519", "contents": "rectal temperatur usual 0.9\u00b0 (0.5\u00b0 c) higher oral temperature, axillari tympan temperatur usual 0.9\u00b0 (0.5\u00b0 c) lower oral temperature. agenc polici usual specifi whether document temperatur read degre fahrenheit degre celsius. cone-shap tip tympan thermomet use infrar technolog measur bodi temperatur heat eardrum (tympan membrane) surround tissue. heat convert digit reading. tympan devic produc easy-to-read digit display quickly."} {"id": "12520", "contents": "orthodontist usual make more. averag orthodontist salari $165,000 year. top 10% orthodontist make $300,000 annually. lowest 10% earn $100,000 year. orthodontist must get bachelor degree, graduat four year dental school, complet two three year resid program"} {"id": "12521", "contents": "2011, orthodontist work dentists' offic averag annual wage $207,350, compar $202,060 orthodontist work physicians' offices, $101,420 offic health practition $90,120 hospitals."} {"id": "12522", "contents": "averag salari orthodontist base canada rang 98,819 cad 599,522 cad per annum averag hourli wage rang 56.46 cad 342.5 cad per hour. median salari orthodontist averag 171,292 cad per annum median wage 97.8 cad per hour. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience. read orthodontist salary."} {"id": "12523", "contents": "canada. averag salari orthodontist canada $106,578, lowest incom $38,776 highest salari $287,303. variat occur around country. region highest orthodontist salari saskatchewan, maximum salari $347,907. higher salari also found ontario (with averag salari $127,383), well princ edward island (with averag incom $117,489) new brunswick (with averag salari $110,853). median salari orthodontist uk \u00a380,000, averag salari \u00a361,771 report 2012. note signific drop orthodontist salari compar previou years, averag wage locat around \u00a378,000- \u00a378,250."} {"id": "12524", "contents": "start salari orthodontist new job less year experi gener rang $55,000 $104,762 year accord salari data provid payscale. averag start salari newli graduat orthodontist $72,000 year accord dentalcareers.com. median annual salari usual climb around $30,000 five year experience."} {"id": "12525", "contents": "orthodontist salary. orthodontist\u2019 salari accord bl unit state $206,190 annual basi median hourli wage $99.13 per hour. highest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $350 per hour averag $612,500 per year. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience. read"} {"id": "12526", "contents": "median expect salari orthodontist unit state $135,500 per annum averag hourli wage $65.14 per hour. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience. read orthodontist salary."} {"id": "12527", "contents": "averag salari orthodontist work usa may 2013 $196,270 per year, correspond $94.36 per hour. median wage (which gener known 50th percentile) occup equal greater $187,199 per year, i.e. $90 per hour."} {"id": "12528", "contents": "median hourli wage upper 10% orthodontist unit state $100 per hour averag total mean salari $200,290 per annum. check also dentist salari around world. base percentiles, median yearli salari 90th percentil orthodontist around $176,464. contrary, lowest paid orthodontist receiv hourli wage $57.69 per hour averag $100,958 per year. addition, overal mean salari orthodontist unit state rang $63,322 $283,754 base work experience. read orthodontist salary."} {"id": "12529", "contents": "averag annual salari orthodontist $127,357 accord salary.com, $147,754 accord payscale, $165,000 year accord dentalcareers.com. best paid orthodontist earn around $300,000 year, lower end scale averag annual incom $100,000. bureau labor statist (bls) reveal averag annual salari orthodontist employ unit state $186,320. averag start salari newli graduat orthodontist $72,000 year accord dentalcareers.com. median annual salari usual climb around $30,000 five year experience."} {"id": "12530", "contents": "rectal temperatur usual 0.9\u00b0 (0.5\u00b0 c) higher oral temperature, axillari tympan temperatur usual 0.9\u00b0 (0.5\u00b0 c) lower oral temperature. agenc polici usual specifi whether document temperatur read degre fahrenheit degre celsius. repeat measur comparison measur time, sure use site time. singl temperatur read \u201cnormal\u201d patients, although mani consid oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0 (37\u00b0 c) norm."} {"id": "12531", "contents": "keep mind armpit temperatur might accurate. doubt armpit temperatur reading, use anoth method confirm results. general, contact child' doctor if: child younger age month rectal temperatur 100.4 (38 c) higher."} {"id": "12532", "contents": "generally, correl temperatur result follows: averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. use table: find method use take temperature. find correct temperatur range. look temperatur rang method correl method used. 2-year-old child' oral temperatur 101\u00b0f (38.3\u00b0c) rectal ear temperatur may 102\u00b0f (38.9\u00b0c) axillari ..."} {"id": "12533", "contents": "normal temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) taken oral (in child\u2019 mouth) 99.6\u00b0f (37.5\u00b0c) taken rectal (in child\u2019 bottom). mani doctor defin fever oral temperatur 99.5\u00b0f (37.5\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 100.4\u00b0f (38\u00b0c). get accur temperatur take temperatur rectally. child older month age, it\u2019 fine take oral unless doctor direct otherwise. use digit thermometer."} {"id": "12534", "contents": "take temperatur use mouth (oral), anu (rectal), armpit (axillary), ear (tympanic). temperatur read vari depend one use, need accur bodi temperatur determin fever present. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. forehead (temporal) scanner"} {"id": "12535", "contents": "generally, correl temperatur result follows: averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. forehead (temporal) scanner"} {"id": "12536", "contents": "averag normal oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. ear (tympanic) temperatur 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) higher oral temperature. armpit (axillary) temperatur usual 0.5\u00b0f (0.3\u00b0c) 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) lower oral temperature. forehead (temporal) scanner"} {"id": "12537", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. although commonli thought 98.6 degre fahrenheit averag oral temperatur adult, normal temperatur rang 97.1 degre 99.5 degrees. good idea determin normal bodi temperatur take temperatur feel well."} {"id": "12538", "contents": "peopl think normal bodi temperatur oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) averag normal bodi temperatures. temperatur may actual 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) also, normal bodi temperatur chang much 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) throughout day, depend activ time day. bodi temperatur sensit hormon level may higher lower woman ovul menstrual period."} {"id": "12539", "contents": "fever, also known pyrexia febril response, defin temperatur normal rang due increas body' temperatur set-point. singl agre upon upper limit normal temperatur sourc use valu 37.5 38.3 \u00b0c (99.5 100.9 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "12540", "contents": "contrast, opposit behavior exhibit paramagnet materials. diamagnet quantum mechan effect occur materials; contribut magnet materi call diamagnet. unlik ferromagnet, diamagnet perman magnet. magnet permeabl less 0, permeabl vacuum. materi diamagnet weak effect, superconductor repel magnet field entirely, apart thin layer surface."} {"id": "12541", "contents": "levit pyrolyt graphite. diamagnet form magnet exhibit substanc presenc extern appli magnet field. result chang orbit motion electron due applic extern appli magnet field. ferromagnet attract field maxima, exist free space. diamagnet induc form magnetism, thu magnet moment proport appli field b. mean magnet energi diamagnet proport 2, intens"} {"id": "12542", "contents": "answers. best answer: diamagnet properti object caus creat magnet field opposit extern appli magnet field, thu caus repuls effect. form magnet exhibit substanc presenc extern appli magnet field. question, speci unpair electron diamagnetic. sinc cs one electron 6s orbital, henc unpaired, therefor show paramagnet diamagnetism. 2)zr2+: [kr] 4d2. d-orbit accommod maximum 10 electrons(ther d-orbit 2)."} {"id": "12543", "contents": "paramagnet form magnet wherebi certain materi attract extern appli magnet field, form internal, induc magnet field direct appli magnet field. s-and p-type metal typic either pauli-paramagnet case gold even diamagnetic. latter case diamagnet contribut close shell inner electron simpli win weak paramagnet term almost free electrons."} {"id": "12544", "contents": "merg question into. split merg it. answer zosimus. confid vote 7.2k. francium magnet (i.e ferromagnet like fridg magnet!) like group metal paramagnetic, (slightly) attract magnet field, possibilti perman magnetism."} {"id": "12545", "contents": "materi slightli attract magnet field materi retain magnet properti extern field removed. paramagnet properti due presenc unpair electrons, realign electron path caus extern magnet field. paramagnet materi includ magnesium, molybdenum, lithium, tantalum. s-and p-type metal typic either pauli-paramagnet case gold even diamagnetic. latter case diamagnet contribut close shell inner electron simpli win weak paramagnet term almost free electrons."} {"id": "12546", "contents": "constitu atom molecul paramagnet materi perman magnet moment (dipoles), even absenc appli field. perman moment gener due spin unpair electron atom molecular electron orbit (see magnet moment). s-and p-type metal typic either pauli-paramagnet case gold even diamagnetic. latter case diamagnet contribut close shell inner electron simpli win weak paramagnet term almost free electrons."} {"id": "12547", "contents": "induc magnet moment small everyday materials. materi show diamagnet respons appli magnet field; howev materi show form magnet (such ferromagnet paramagnetism), diamagnet complet swamped. ferromagnet attract field maxima, exist free space. diamagnet induc form magnetism, thu magnet moment proport appli field b. mean magnet energi diamagnet proport 2, intens magnet field."} {"id": "12548", "contents": "diamagnetism, greater lesser degree, properti materi alway make weak contribut material' respons magnet field. materi show form magnet (such ferromagnet paramagnetism), diamagnet contribut becom negligible. unlik ferromagnet, diamagnet perman magnet. magnet permeabl less 0, permeabl vacuum. materi diamagnet weak effect, superconductor repel magnet field entirely, apart thin layer surface."} {"id": "12549", "contents": "5. paramagnetis paramagnet materi exhibit magnet extern magnet field applied. paramagnet materi loos magnet absenc extern appli magnet field. materi weakli attract toward magnet field. 2. diamagnet diamagnet materi creat induc magnet field direct opposit extern appli magnet field. repel appli magnet field. perman dipol absent diamagnet materials. 3."} {"id": "12550", "contents": "heat simpli molecular energy, or, speed molecul moving. heat water, energi ad particl water, move vibrat faster, thu heat up, particl break away other electromagnet force, fli will, creat steam water-vapour. water cool way (sticky). heat water molecul move far quickli stick together. heat water molecul becom less dens may stick air molecules. float combin atmosphere."} {"id": "12551", "contents": "thing happen heat solid (like ice) -- molecul stop stick together, solid melt liquid. thing use everi day melt insid oven -- think ice, glass, plastic thing (pleas tri experi melt thing oven!). answer 3: actually, aluminum foil get hot oven. example, wrap bake potato foil cook oven, foil hot touch. might think is, example, lay piec foil oven (like peopl make tent turkey)."} {"id": "12552", "contents": "need balloon fill air balloon fill water lit candl help adult place lit candl sink, way anyth happen, easili put flame tap water. blow balloon tie off. hold lit candl parent help. do. place lit candl sink, way anyth happen, easili put flame tap water. blow balloon tie off. happen balloon? fill balloon water tie off. hold water balloon candle."} {"id": "12553", "contents": "confid vote 36.8k. heat water, like anyth else, temperatur energi increases. molecul motion, i.e. energy-thi definit temperature. happen water molecul water heated? like molecules, water molecules, h2o (or h-o-h), move, vibrat rotat mani way temperatur absolut 0."} {"id": "12554", "contents": "report abuse. carbon water carbon dioxid dissolv water. heat carbon dioxid escap water. fizzi cool back down. iason ouabach year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "12555", "contents": "water molecul heat up, total nergi molecul increas result moving, vibrat rotat speed increase. structur water molecul provid special attract forc water molecules, hydrogen bond, keep water molecul together. happen water molecul water heated? like molecules, water molecules, h2o (or h-o-h), move, vibrat rotat mani way temperatur absolut 0."} {"id": "12556", "contents": "heat copper slowly, water evaporate, copper heat point react oxygen air (combust). heat quickly, copper heat intens react oxygen form copper (2) oxid compound. therefore, pure copper, look bright side, water' gone. denwel33 year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "12557", "contents": "water absorb heat, make individu water molecul vibrat faster. heat essenti evenli spread energy. molecul vibrat fast enough abl separ becom gas, happen water evapor boils. happen water molecul water heated? like molecules, water molecules, h2o (or h-o-h), move, vibrat rotat mani way temperatur absolut 0."} {"id": "12558", "contents": "air heat rel quickli two reasons: first, specif heat capac air quarter water's; second, air gas, rel littl mass. room freez turn fan (convection) heater, find everyth seem warm quickly. object store heat atom molecul insid jostl around bump one anoth like peopl crowd. idea call kinet theori matter, describ heat kind kinet energi store atom molecul materi made."} {"id": "12559", "contents": "ex\u00b7u\u00b7ber\u00b7ant. adj. 1. full unrestrain enthusiasm joy: exuber sport fans; exuber smiles. 2. unrestrain lavish, decoration; extravagant: exuber floral displays. 3."} {"id": "12560", "contents": "1. uninhibitedli enthusiast vigorous. 2. extrem good: exuber health. 3. profus growth production: exuber vegetation. ex\u016bberant- s. ex\u016bber\u0101ns, present participl ex\u016bber\u0101r surge, abund ex-ex \u016bber\u0101r fruit (deriv \u016bber fertile)]. ex\u2022u\u2032ber\u2022ant\u2022ly, adv."} {"id": "12561", "contents": "whole panzer grenadiers, tire exuberant, found refuge object mockeri rather pity. expect come back templ exuberant. coffee, brad, darren pernel climb support boat wave mani exuber shout good luck."} {"id": "12562", "contents": "ex\u00b7u\u00b7ber\u00b7ance. n. 1. qualiti condit exuberant. 2."} {"id": "12563", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: exuber (noun). qualiti exuberant; cheer vigor enthusiasm; liveliness. exuber (noun). instanc exuber behaviour. origin: exuberare; e, uber, origin would refer cow she-goat make much milk natur drip spray udder."} {"id": "12564", "contents": "exuberant. adj. 1. abound vigour high spirits; full vitality. 2. lavish effusive; excess elaborate: exuber compliments."} {"id": "12565", "contents": "middl french exuberant, exub\u00e9r latin, ex\u016bber\u0101n present activ participl (\u201cex\u016bber\u014d be\u201d). abund put togeth (\u201cex\u201d), (\u201cuber\u201d), udder origin would refer cow or-sh goat make much milk natur drip spray the. udder"} {"id": "12566", "contents": "mani investor use deriv secur way hedg invest portfolio certain risk. deriv secur deriv valu anoth underli financi security. deriv secur come sever types, includ forward, future, swap option contracts. deriv consid sophist financi securities, import investor understand work benefit risk associ them. swap type deriv secur investor swap one set cash flow anoth set cash flow. currenc swap common type swap parti enter contract exchang stream cash flow denomin two currencies."} {"id": "12567", "contents": "common form 'derivative'. futur contract one common type derivatives. futur contract (or simpli futures, colloquially) agreement two parti sale asset agre upon price. one would gener use futur contract hedg risk particular period time. valu determin fluctuat underli asset. common underli asset includ stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rate market indexes. deriv either trade over-the-count (otc) exchange."} {"id": "12568", "contents": "definit 'derivative'. deriv secur price depend upon deriv one underli assets. deriv contract two parti base upon asset assets. valu determin fluctuat underli asset. common underli asset includ stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rate market indexes. deriv either trade over-the-count (otc) exchange."} {"id": "12569", "contents": "financi asset classifi debt, equity, derivatives. debt instrument also call fixed-incom instruments. debt asset matur less one year trade money market. long-term debt equiti secur trade capit market. bogleheads. financi securities, also refer financi instrument financi assets, gener term use describ stocks, bonds, money market secur (e.g., treasuri bills), instrument repres right receiv futur benefit set state conditions."} {"id": "12570", "contents": "finance, deriv contract deriv valu perform underli entity. underli entiti asset, index, interest rate, often call underlying. swap deriv two counterparti exchang cash flow one party' financi instrument party' financi instrument. benefit question depend type financi instrument involved."} {"id": "12571", "contents": "deriv instrument whose valu deriv valu one underlying, commodities, preciou metals, currency, bonds, stocks, stock indices, etc. four common exampl deriv instrument forwards, futures, option swaps."} {"id": "12572", "contents": "finance, deriv financi instrument deriv valu underli asset. market particip enter agreement exchang money, asset valu futur date base underli asset. mortgage-back secur (mbs) gener term use secur creat underli asset real estat debt. generally, \u201ctrust\u201d fund set-up contain mortgag loans, secur creat repres ownership fund."} {"id": "12573", "contents": "download pictur estonia flag outlin kid color. nation flag estonia horizont tricolor blue (top), black (middle), white (bottom). color use flag give clear pictur history, customs, lifestyl land peopl estonia. white tradit color peac repres yearn countrymen unity, solidarity, enlightenment, nobl qualiti freedom commit work. current estonian flag adopt novemb 21, 1918, follow declar country' independ russia."} {"id": "12574", "contents": "nation flag estonia (estonian: eesti lipp) tricolour featur three equal horizont band blue (top), black, white. normal size 105 165 cm. (2) estonian flag display estonian foreign represent accord law norm host nation. (3) estonian flag display elementari high schools, vocat schools, institut profession higher educ univers school days."} {"id": "12575", "contents": "estonia taken russia june 1940 flag banned. estonia regain independ august 20, 1991. estonian flag flown 1905 1917 russian revolut symbol estonian independence. current estonian flag design decemb 1990. interest estonian flag facts: root estonian flag date back 1881 estonian univers student attempt form fraternity. adopt blue, black white fraternity' colors. blue stripe repres faith, loyalti devot well sky, sea, lakes. black symbol dark past suffer estonian peopl well tradit black jacket estonian peasant."} {"id": "12576", "contents": "color nation flag repres estonia' history, natur folk costumes. blue stripe repres faith, loyalti devot well sky, sea, lakes. black symbol dark past suffer estonian peopl well tradit black jacket estonian peasant."} {"id": "12577", "contents": "grenada flag meaning: color yellow grenada' flag symbol sun friendli inhabitants; green repres country' veget agricul ture; red stand courag vital grenada' people. yellow star repres seven parish country. colour aborigin flag mean: black-repres aborigin peopl red-repres earth spiritu relationship land yellow-repres sun, giver life."} {"id": "12578", "contents": "flag becam associ estonian nation use nation flag (riigilipp) estonian declar independ issu februari 24, 1918. flag formal adopt novemb 21, 1918. (2) estonian flag display estonian foreign represent accord law norm host nation. (3) estonian flag display elementari high schools, vocat schools, institut profession higher educ univers school days."} {"id": "12579", "contents": "color nation flag repres estonia' history, natur folk costumes. blue stripe repres faith, loyalti devot well sky, sea, lakes. larkspur blue aruba' flag meant call aruba' sky caribbean sea. red aruba' red soil blood arubans. white aruba' di tinctiv white beaches. bunt yellow abund sun gold."} {"id": "12580", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. color nation flag repres estonia' history, natur folk costumes. blue stripe repres faith, loyalti devot well sky, sea, lakes. colour aborigin flag mean: black-repres aborigin peopl red-repres earth spiritu relationship land yellow-repres sun, giver life."} {"id": "12581", "contents": "estonia flag offici adopt may 8, 1990. color blue repres loyalty, country' beauti blue skies, sea lakes; black symbol past oppress fertil soil, white repres virtue, winter snows, estonia' long struggl freedom independence."} {"id": "12582", "contents": "legal window tinting. state law window tinting. regul color tinting, light transmission, reflectivity, well window tinted. decid type tint best car, essenti know law area. tint car window give vehicl customized, sporti look, well protect car' interior sun damage. darken window vehicle, profession instal must appli tint film glass."} {"id": "12583", "contents": "racv encourag motorist vehicle' window tinted. window tint reduc driver' visibl certain drive environ potenti decreas road safety. window tint plastic film often appli vehicl windows, front windscreen, aftermarket product. typic avail factory-fit option new cars. commonli offer aftermarket product dealer independ operators."} {"id": "12584", "contents": "travel southern u.s. state you\u2019ll notic lot darkli tint car windows. rear windows, front ones, too. it\u2019 practic necess area experi intens sunlight much year."} {"id": "12585", "contents": "critic mention car window slight tint along uv protect factory. someplac pc someon post chart amount tint uv protect window has. car tint today hyper optik ceram 50% front window 30% rear windows. front window look much darker factori glass. click expand..."} {"id": "12586", "contents": "local compliance. legal tint car states. new car slight factori window tint integr glass littl block heat harm uv rays. tint world\u00ae film rate within window tint regul appli factori tint glass. mani jurisdict legisl specifi may limit legal tint appli window person use vehicles. follow provid gener inform summari window tint regul unit state canada."} {"id": "12587", "contents": "vehicle: would like get side window hatchback tint 08 prius. call local automot glass place mile hous ask much. quot price $185, said shade tint done 2-3 hours."} {"id": "12588", "contents": "can. offic window tint spend money car like tint. depend department' policies. \u201cwe disagree, wrong. 755. k-9 unit vehicl tint out. lot unmark vehicl get use anti-crim sneu also tint out. regular patrol vehicl tint windows."} {"id": "12589", "contents": "probabl appear somewhat tinted. small piec glass rear hatch tint give 30% light transmittal. car tint today hyper optik ceram 50% front window 30% rear windows. front window look much darker factori glass. sent mb860 use tapatalk. car tint today hyper optik ceram 50% front window 30% rear windows. front window look much darker factori glass. click expand..."} {"id": "12590", "contents": "word, no. window vehicl tint factori extent, manufactur go make except one buyer. probabl caus concern darker tint rear side back window feder regul allow trucks, categori includ suv like sorento. feder regul requir windshield front side window lighter tint, driver see law enforc offic see in, suvs, minivan pickup typic darker \u201cprivacy\u201d glass windows."} {"id": "12591", "contents": "$92,000. averag mortgag loan offic salari job post nationwid 59% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "12592", "contents": "averag salari $71,800 per year, loan offic better paid insur sale agent ($63,610) real estat agent ($53,140). however, busi job even lucrative, includ financi analyst ($91,620), financi advisor ($99,920) financi manag ($126,660). median salari loan offic 2013 $61,420, accord bls. top earner made lucr $122,770, bottom 10th percentil earn $33,220."} {"id": "12593", "contents": "loan offic report use pretti vari skill set job. notably, facil residenti loans, commerci loans, mortgag loan correl pay significantli average, lead increas 42 percent, 22 percent, 12 percent, respectively. look make money, loan offic phoenix enjoy except pay rate, 60 percent nation average. loan offic also look forward larg paycheck citi like chicago (+57 percent), lo angel (+33 percent), san antonio (+22 percent), philadelphia (+16 percent)."} {"id": "12594", "contents": "pay scale evaluating, origin approv loan vari broadly. median salari loan offic 2013 $61,420, accord bls. top earner made lucr $122,770, bottom 10th percentil earn $33,220."} {"id": "12595", "contents": "within california lot variat mortgag loan offic salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. map display key citi california surround states, click one find mortgag loan offic salari area."} {"id": "12596", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic mortgag loan offic unit state $40,752 50% peopl perform job mortgag loan offic unit state expect make less $40,752. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $40,752. salary. annual salari someon job titl mortgag loan offic may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "12597", "contents": "main object mortgag loan offic increas bank' custom base find secur new custom seek mortgage. mortgag loan offic respons develop busi relationships, solicit mortgag customers, handl custom screen loan pre-approvals. also must work increas organization' mortgag custom base, offic may overse small staff. mortgag loan offic job typic requir bachelor' degre minimum five year mortgag loan experience. excel organiz multitask skill required."} {"id": "12598", "contents": "pay scale evaluating, origin approv loan vari broadly. median salari loan offic 2013 $61,420, accord bls. top earner made lucr $122,770, bottom 10th percentil earn $33,220. accord donnelly, mani loan offic receiv pay commissions, earn could fluctuat year year"} {"id": "12599", "contents": "movement' day loan process revolution mortgag industry. much so, inc. magazin recogn movement mortgag fastest grow mortgag bank country. movement' day loan process revolution mortgag industry."} {"id": "12600", "contents": "greek languag use particular eras, see proto-greek, mycenaean greek, ancient greek, koin greek, mediev greek modern greek. greek hellen (modern greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac [elini\u02c8ka] ellinika, ellinik\u00e1, greek \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae [\u03b3\u03bb\u03ce\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1 elini\u02c8ci]. \u02c8\u0263losa modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "12601", "contents": "adj. 1. greek-of relat characterist greec greek greek language; greek mythology; grecian robe. grecian, hellenic. adj. 6. (placename) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 7. (languages) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 8. (peoples) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language;"} {"id": "12602", "contents": "mani english word greek origin, varieti histories: vernacular borrowing, typic pass latin french; learn borrow directli greek; coinag post-class latin modern european languages; direct borrow modern greek. greek word modern deriv [edit]. citat form shown form commonli shown dictionaries, form often unrepres word use form compound word, henc root form also shown."} {"id": "12603", "contents": "greek (ancient) origin names. home names. list name origin greek (ancient) ancient greek languag spoken peopl ancient greec place hellen world. latin form greek name \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03b7 (agathe) deriv greek \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 (agathos) mean good ... [more]. agathangelo late greek. mean bearer good news, deriv greek \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 (agathos) good \u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2 (angelos) messenger, angel ..."} {"id": "12604", "contents": "greek mytholog refer myth tale ancient greeks. legend myth pertain gods, natur heroes. also brief origin signific cult, variou practic follow them. greek mytholog also throw light origin world. also variou account live mani differ gods, goddess mytholog characters. greek mytholog speak age gods, age god men friendly, age heroes, presenc god becom limited. greek mytholog essenti part greek history, also part religion greeks."} {"id": "12605", "contents": "elliniki ellinik\u00ed, glossa gl\u00f3ssa) greek languag independ branch of-th indo european family, languag nativ the, southern balkan the, aegean island western, asia minor part northern eastern anatolia the, south caucasus, southern itali albania. cypru modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "12606", "contents": "greek. 1. pertain greece, greeks, language. 2. pertain greek orthodox church. 3. nativ inhabit greece. 4. indo-european languag greeks. abbr.: gk. 5. adj. 6. (placename) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 7. (languages) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 8. (peoples) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellen"} {"id": "12607", "contents": "modern form, greek languag offici languag two countries, greec cyprus, recogn minor languag seven countries, one 24 offici languag european union. modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "12608", "contents": "greek offici languag greece, spoken almost entir population. also offici languag cypru (nomin alongsid turkish). membership greec cypru european union, greek one organization' 24 offici languages. modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "12609", "contents": "aug. 20, 2014 -- scientist long studi link gene health. now, grow area scientif research, they'r studi link bacteria intestin virtual everi diseas ail us. ongo research reveal peopl certain diseas often differ mix bacteria intestin compar healthier people. research work defin makeup gut bacteria healthi person vs. gut bacteria point higher risk presenc certain diseases."} {"id": "12610", "contents": "bug facts. bacteria larg intestin human planet. time anyone\u2019 gut ever complet free bacteria nine month spent insid mother\u2019 womb. babi meet first microorgan birth canal. everi part digest system role food processing, larg intestin (sometim call colon) particularli interesting, home vast popul bacteria. busi littl intern ecosystem crucial health. need bacteria"} {"id": "12611", "contents": "mani well expert taught make sure one\u2019 intestin good shape well stock protect cleans bacteria singl import health practic person have. reason protect bacteria fight harm bacteria, villain human health. intestin need maintain free mucoid gel harm bacteria els intestin becom factori creation bacteri exotoxin noxiou molecul may enter blood stream amount billion molecul per day."} {"id": "12612", "contents": "healthi human bodi home 100 trillion bacteria. surfac skin, insid mouth, nose uro-genitari tract, live larg intestine. 1000 differ type (known species) live larg intestin alone. everi part digest system role food processing, larg intestin (sometim call colon) particularli interesting, home vast popul bacteria. busi littl intern ecosystem crucial health. need bacteria"} {"id": "12613", "contents": "fact,it like k. pneumonia intestin eat raw foodssuch salads. two research paper survey bacteria sprout found k.pneumonia predomin part microflora3. one research paper found 4% lettuc test containedklebsiella pneumoniae4. million bacteria ourgastrointestin tracts, primarili colon (or larg bowel).thes bacteria import normal bowel health function."} {"id": "12614", "contents": "bacteria line intestin help digest food. digestion, make vitamin vital life, send signal immun system, make small molecul help brain work. \u201cwithout gut bacteria, wouldn\u2019t anything. critic part us essenti health,\u201d snyder says. ongo research reveal peopl certain diseas often differ mix bacteria intestin compar healthier people. research work defin makeup gut bacteria healthi person vs. gut bacteria point higher risk presenc certain diseases."} {"id": "12615", "contents": "gut flora or, appropriately, gut microbiota, consist complex commun microorgan speci live digest tract anim largest reservoir microorgan mutual humans. context gut synonym intestinal, flora microbiota microflora. intestin bacteria also play role synthes vitamin vitamin well metabol bile acids, sterol xenobiotics. human bodi carri 100 trillion microorgan intestines, number ten time greater total number human cell body. metabol activ perform bacteria resembl organ, lead liken gut bacteria forgotten organ"} {"id": "12616", "contents": "e. coli bacteria everywher environment. e. coli kind bacteria found intestin necessari us digest food remain healthy. e. coli, along speci bacteria intestine, provid mani necessari vitamin includ vitamin b-complex vitamins. billion e.coli bacteria bodies, make thing need, helpingdigest food maintain health. bacteria found human anim intestines, find bacteria wast (feces) produc"} {"id": "12617", "contents": "middle-class peopl usa median $20,000 save retirement, far short $250,000 think they'll need time lives, new survey shows. average, access 401(k) plan save 10 time plan. 50% middle-class adult 50 say work least 80 year old enough save retirement."} {"id": "12618", "contents": "average, american save total $58,000 retirements. affluent investors, least $250,000 invest assets, averag retir save $342,592, mean better prepar face retir rest u.s. workers. less $250,000 invest assets, averag retir account amount $29,358."} {"id": "12619", "contents": "half work american retir plans; start save soon possible. averag person retir plan -- particularli 401(k) -- littl $60,000 saved, accord employe benefit research institute' may 2012 retir confid survey. averag retir age 62 averag length retir 18 years. bankrate.com provid retir calcul enabl figur much need stock away set monthli incom retirement."} {"id": "12620", "contents": "among peopl 55 64, averag household retir save total $12,000. near retir savings, averag balanc $100,000 still much money financ next 20 30 years. rule thumb retir account withdraw percent year. $100,000 savings, mean $4,000 year, $333 per month."} {"id": "12621", "contents": "middle-class peopl usa $20,000 save retirement, far short $250,000 think they'll need time lives, new survey shows. (photo: istockphoto). average, access 401(k) plan save 10 time plan. 50% middle-class adult 50 say work least 80 year old enough save retirement."} {"id": "12622", "contents": "save age. accord employe benefit research institute, worker younger 35 averag $6,000 saved. 35 44 year old $22,500 save average, age 45 54 less $44,000 stow away. averag 55 64-year-old $65,000 save 65 older save $56,000. averag retir age 62 averag length retir 18 years. bankrate.com provid retir calcul enabl figur much need stock away set monthli incom retirement."} {"id": "12623", "contents": "accord recent survey, 51% worker age 55 less $50,000 save retirement. 39% age group less $25,000 retir savings. frighten number consid peopl close typic age retirement."} {"id": "12624", "contents": "small increas account everi month mean ten thousand addit dollar savings. example, investor $12,000 retir savings, contribut $100 per month, earn averag annual return 6.5%, they'll portfolio worth $88,874 20 years. increas $100 monthli invest $200, portfolio balanc could grow $135,464 -- that' addit $46,590."} {"id": "12625", "contents": "babi boomer averages. age group 45 62 year old set asid $38,000 average, 2012, accord survivor club website. save rate peopl company-sponsor retir plan. compani plan save $88,000 average. feel keep averag person retir target save rate age group, catch do. certain retir account allow acceler save rate age 50."} {"id": "12626", "contents": "think world would much better place. 1. simpli wish join church! that' accord offici websit church fli spaghetti monster (fsm), that' need becom pastafarian want one. need to:"} {"id": "12627", "contents": "follow fundament pillar make belief pastafarian religion however, liter believ member: suprem deiti known fli spaghetti monster (fsm). 3. studi sacr text pastafarianism. great introduct new religion, tri brows pastafarian scriptures. import book pastafarian gospel fli spaghetti monster."} {"id": "12628", "contents": "fli spaghetti monster (fsm) deiti church fli spaghetti monster pastafarian (a portmanteau pasta rastafarian), social movement promot light-heart view religion oppos teach intellig design creation public schools. henderson publish letter website, fli spaghetti monster rapidli becam internet phenomenon symbol opposit teach intellig design"} {"id": "12629", "contents": "learn basic pastafarian belief (a great noodli god, instead say \u2018amen\u2019, say \u2018ramen\u2019). everi avail opportunity, talk like dress pastafarian. especi go preach word. get rid moral standards. pastafarian enjoy grog, wenches, anyth get day work. learn celebr holiday religion. basic everi friday (our sabbath), talk like pirat day (on septemb 19th). choos pray, end prayer ramen. all, fun it."} {"id": "12630", "contents": "tips. grog, wenches, pasta welcome, necessary. learn religion, visit venganza.org buy gospel fli spaghetti monster book. anyon question religion, tell it. choos pastafarian sect carefully. read wikihow dress talk like pirate. 3. studi sacr text pastafarianism. great introduct new religion, tri brows pastafarian scriptures. import book pastafarian gospel fli spaghetti monster."} {"id": "12631", "contents": "everi avail opportunity, talk like dress pastafarian. especi go preach word. get rid moral standards. pastafarian enjoy grog, wenches, anyth get day work. pastafarian enjoy grog, wenches, anyth get day work. learn celebr holiday religion. basic everi friday (our sabbath), talk like pirat day (on septemb 19th). choos pray, end prayer ramen. all, fun it."} {"id": "12632", "contents": "behold church fli spaghetti monster (fsm), today\u2019 fastest grow carbohydrate-bas religion. accord church founder bobbi henderson, univers life within creat mystic divin being: fli spaghetti monster."} {"id": "12633", "contents": "simpli wish join church! that' accord offici websit church fli spaghetti monster (fsm), that' need becom pastafarian want one. need to: 3. studi sacr text pastafarianism. great introduct new religion, tri brows pastafarian scriptures. import book pastafarian gospel fli spaghetti monster."} {"id": "12634", "contents": "becom pastafarian. learn basic pastafarian belief (a great noodli god, instead say \u2018amen\u2019, say \u2018ramen\u2019). everi avail opportunity, talk like dress pastafarian. especi go preach word. pastafarian enjoy grog, wenches, anyth get day work. learn celebr holiday religion. basic everi friday (our sabbath), talk like pirat day (on septemb 19th). choos pray, end prayer ramen. all, fun it."} {"id": "12635", "contents": "sount good me. pay $150 125 cu ft (wshield gas, tank). normal cf o2 cylind gest mate similar capac c2h2 cylinder. tank physic smaller sinc c2h2 dissolv acetone. usual pain butt get own cylind bigger 125."} {"id": "12636", "contents": "accord www.doityourself.com yard concret cost $75.00 cubic foot cost $75/27, would $2.78 per cubic foot. foot concret small volum probabl charg minimum quantiti cost foot."} {"id": "12637", "contents": "average, price swap 60 cubic foot acetylen owner-cylind $70, prepar spend $35 40 cubic foot exchang owner tank. cost go depend get refil size tank."} {"id": "12638", "contents": "bought oxi cylind $200 even exhang charg around 25 bucks. current 2- 145 cf acetylen cylind bought $200 even well.they cost around 40 buck exchange. also note cylind leas contract.i forever."} {"id": "12639", "contents": "much it? average, price swap 60 cubic foot acetylen owner-cylind $70, prepar spend $35 40 cubic foot exchang owner tank."} {"id": "12640", "contents": "acetylen must pressur store use oxy-acetylen metal cut weld operations, special storag cylind used. tank avail multipl sizes. cost new tank depend upon size tank. instance, new, 40 cubic foot tank retail $75."} {"id": "12641", "contents": "feed puppi food ask veterinarian switch adult food. make sure adult food switch still balanc high qualiti diet first ingredi specifi meat by-product. months. feed twice day. feed puppi 3-4 time day. puppi differ nutrit need adult dogs. choos puppi food provid appropri balanc nutrient puppi needs. sure get right amount protein calcium, proper amount calories."} {"id": "12642", "contents": "far major labrador owner nowadays, feed dog kibble. dri pellet dog food buy pet store online. major pet food compani suppli dri version brands, you\u2019ll find mass choic pet store supermarket worldwide. mention altern commerci food. i\u2019m go help choos right diet dog answer feed question concerns. dog six month old, you\u2019ll probabl want visit puppi feed page detail inform feed labrador puppy."} {"id": "12643", "contents": "figur appropri amount food feed puppy, sure weigh puppi weekli basis. puppi grow fast, chang feed tier within week\u2019 time! dog food compani includ feed chart packaging, let know much food feed puppy. admin mar 09, 2009 labrador nutrition. owe labrador retriev puppi reward experience, especi opportun see puppi stage grow up."} {"id": "12644", "contents": "puppi need twice amount food adult need. lab weigh 85 pound feed cup food (dry-natur balance) pm great weight puppi month old shepherd/chow mix weigh 40 pound get two cup pm now. azcowgirl6 year ago. thumb up. 0. fat all, got good build. feed scoop (approx. cups) dri food mornings, scoop dry, plu half wet food afternoons. right still puppi chow. i'm go switch adult food 12 month age."} {"id": "12645", "contents": "feed pup much weeks. would start 1/2 cup three time per day 12 week 3/4 cup time per day 16 week go cup twice per day."} {"id": "12646", "contents": "feed dog 1/2 cup dri dog food per day. supposedli overweight. took vet today weigh 77 lb vet said feed 1/2 cup dog food per day tri get lose 10 lb want get 2nd opinion. seem like small amount. feed 1/2 cup per day"} {"id": "12647", "contents": "one common mistak made new labrador puppi owner feed puppi cow milk. inadvert bought puppi young leav mother (less seven week old), phone vet advic proper care feeding, take pup check without delay. mention altern commerci food. i\u2019m go help choos right diet dog answer feed question concerns. dog six month old, you\u2019ll probabl want visit puppi feed page detail inform feed labrador puppy."} {"id": "12648", "contents": "peopl ask ok give puppi eggs, rice, milk, on. also want know much feed puppies, often. small, puppi fed sort things, includ scraps, raw meat, can puppi food, puppi meal, weetabix milk, etc. nowaday feed labrador puppi usual much simpler. yellow lab month need switch eat way idk much feed him\u2026. reply. hi, month lab home. current feed time day puppi food (n&d, per bodi weight) twice feed curd dilut water, main meals."} {"id": "12649", "contents": "bag food typic tell approxim much food feed dog. depend level exercis getting, adjust low end, high end, somewher middle. feed month old labrador cup blue buffalo day, addit raw chicken occasion fish. lab loos weight fast, incidentally, would recommend feed cups. notic weight go test mention week so, start reduc quantiti 1/4 cup time week time."} {"id": "12650", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. sever differ diseas condit caus alcaligen faecalis. condit diseas includ endophthlam mani differ type infections. alcaligen faecali motile, oblig aerob motil bacteria. coloni morpholog alcligen faecali small colonies, grey color, rough order spread edges."} {"id": "12651", "contents": "descript alcaligen faecalis. alcaligen faecalis: type speci gram neg bacteria genu alcaligenes, found soil. non-pathogenic, non-pigmented, use product amino acids. source: mesh 2007"} {"id": "12652", "contents": "editor: alcaligen faecali isol 1896 petruschki stale beer (1). sever strain organ sinc found. motile, flagellated, slender, slightli curved, non spore-forming, slowli growing, nonfermenting, nonencapsul gram-neg aerob famili achromobact (2). conclusion, capd effluent may contamin alcaligen faecalis, caus capd-rel periton success treat antimicrobi treatment without remov tenckhoff catheter."} {"id": "12653", "contents": "alcaligen faecali aerob bacillu known inhabit soil water environ (5). optim temperatur microb rang 20 \u00b0c 37 \u00b0c (11). a. faecali also inhabit alimentari canal human (5). infect occurs, usual form urinari tract infect (2). however, a. faecali also known pathogen caus bacteri kerat postop endophthalmitis. numer strain isol clinic materi blood, urin fece (11)."} {"id": "12654", "contents": "alcaligen faecali occur water soil. microb peritrich flagellar arrang allow motil (2). gram-negative, rod-shap organ observ 0.5-1.0 \u03bcm 0.5-2.6 \u03bcm diameter. infect occurs, usual form urinari tract infect (2). however, a. faecali also known pathogen caus bacteri kerat postop endophthalmitis. numer strain isol clinic materi blood, urin fece (11)."} {"id": "12655", "contents": "alcaligen faecali gram-neg bacterium, possess outer membran (compos lipopolysaccharides, phospholipids, proteins), thin peptidoglycan layer, periplasm. three layer form gram-neg cell envelope. infect occurs, usual form urinari tract infect (2). however, a. faecali also known pathogen caus bacteri kerat postop endophthalmitis. numer strain isol clinic materi blood, urin fece (11)."} {"id": "12656", "contents": "descript alcaligenes. alcaligenes: genu gram-negative, aerobic, motil bacteria occur water soil. common inhabit intestin tract vertebrates. bacteria occasion caus opportunist infect humans."} {"id": "12657", "contents": "alcaligen faecali exist alimentari canal, system infect microb occur major healthi humans. infect caus a. faecali observ human compromis immun system uncompromis immun systems. infect occurs, usual form urinari tract infect (2). however, a. faecali also known pathogen caus bacteri kerat postop endophthalmitis. numer strain isol clinic materi blood, urin fece (11)."} {"id": "12658", "contents": "alcaligen genu gram-negative, pathogenic, opportunist bacteria. alcaligen xylosoxidan found respiratori tract cystic fibrosi patients. speci genu often incorrectli identified, problem link cystic fibrosi difficult studi rectify. isol genu found soil water"} {"id": "12659", "contents": "definition: shaping, teach techniqu child reward success approxim target skill. child learn write name, say alex, teacher would shape respons start letter a, provid letters: _lex."} {"id": "12660", "contents": "shaping. techniqu behavior therapi new behavior produc provid reinforc progress closer approxim final desir behavior. call also success approximation. help me? pot shape belli worri lot helpless bring right shape. work comput relat shift schedul tough left time gym exercise. growth hip size well feel complet uncomfortable."} {"id": "12661", "contents": "gradual, behavior modif techniqu success approxim desir behavior rewarded. shaping, behavior-shaping, variant oper conditioning. instead wait subject exhibit desir behavior, behavior lead target behavior rewarded."} {"id": "12662", "contents": "shaping. etymology: as, scieppan, shape. procedur use condit person undergo behavior therapi develop new behavior responses. initially, act remot resembl desir behavior reinforced. gradually, criterion made stringent desir respons attained. help me? pot shape belli worri lot helpless bring right shape. work comput relat shift schedul tough left time gym exercise. growth hip size well feel complet uncomfortable."} {"id": "12663", "contents": "q. pot shape belli worri lot helpless bring right shape. help me? pot shape belli worri lot helpless bring right shape. work comput relat shift schedul tough left time gym exercise. growth hip size well feel complet uncomfortable."} {"id": "12664", "contents": "develop particular form condition: shape one biggest scandal century. shape up. 1. turn out; develop: ski season shape best years. 2. improv one' perform behavior meet standard: either shape ship out."} {"id": "12665", "contents": "practic shape (also known success approximation) not, itself, method manag inappropri behavior. instead, method assist set goal behavior certain student. shape provid guidanc direct behavior chang program, help assess effectiveness. assist chang aberr behavior creat appropri behavior yet student' repertoir"} {"id": "12666", "contents": "shape condit paradigm use primarili experiment analysi behavior. method use differenti reinforc success approximations. introduc b.f. skinner pigeon extend dogs, dolphins, human species. shaping, form exist respons gradual chang across success trial toward desir target behavior reward exact segment behavior. skinner' explan shape this: first give bird food turn slightli direct spot part cage. increas frequenc behavior. withhold reinforc slight movement made toward spot"} {"id": "12667", "contents": "behavior never occurs, say person repertoire. shape way ad behavior person repertoire. shape use target behavior yet exist. shaping, reinforc approxim target behavior. approxim mean behavior resembl desir behavior take person closer desir behavior. success approxim step toward target behavior, behavior want shape."} {"id": "12668", "contents": "kera nautic flags. indian name hindu name list babi namer indian, hindi sanskrit. name may use muslim indian would list arab iranian names. u.s. 2014, rank 4483 babi name popular girl 32 occurrences. less boy given name. view kera name popular page see popular trend kera chang sinc 1880, compar popular kera names."} {"id": "12669", "contents": "meaning: american name kiyah means-a short form kiyana. rating:"} {"id": "12670", "contents": "indian name gener contain given name follow number secondari names. secondari name often patronyms, name deriv father, grandfath patern ancestor, villag names, occup names, name gods. hindu given name sanskrit. u.s. 2014, rank 4483 babi name popular girl 32 occurrences. less boy given name. view kera name popular page see popular trend kera chang sinc 1880, compar popular kera names."} {"id": "12671", "contents": "kera gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ke-ra. u.s. 2014, rank 4483 babi name popular girl 32 occurrences. less boy given name. view kera name popular page see popular trend kera chang sinc 1880, compar popular kera names."} {"id": "12672", "contents": "one friend' name keturah. call kerah, even forget sometim real name keturah. pronounc ke-chur-ah ke-tyur-ah. fit person well good name. -- lm 11/23/2008. name titular charact keturah lord death. keturah beauti storytel persuad death spare life one day promis tell end story."} {"id": "12673", "contents": "kera /kera/ [2 sylls.] name girl irish gaelic derivation, name kera mean black. kera altern spell kerri (irish, gaelic): male name ciaran. compar surnam kero. kreatif forms: kenra, kerah. (2000 u.s. census). display analysi popular girl name kera affili names. promin vari form kera (unlisted) kara (#442 year ago) keri, kerri, kerri kerry."} {"id": "12674", "contents": "may also spell ketura. -- lm 11/23/2008. name titular charact keturah lord death. keturah beauti storytel persuad death spare life one day promis tell end story."} {"id": "12675", "contents": "girl' name kira pronounc /\u02c8k\u026a\u0259r\u0259/ keer-\u0259. might femal form name kiran, pronounc /\u02c8k\u026a\u0259r\u0259n/ keer-\u0259n. kiran hindi sanskrit origin, mean beam light. besid sanskrit, might etymolog egyptian, word ki-ra mean like ra persian. russian kira (\u043a\u0438\u0301\u0440\u0430) feminin form male name kir, mean mistress, ruler, translat leader people, one peopl look beloved. kira could also arriv russian persian-greek name kyra"} {"id": "12676", "contents": "profession instal rail fenc cost $8-$25 foot, $900-$3,000 100' $6,800-$21,000 enclos squar acre, depend local rates, number rail terrain (slope properti difficult access cost more). do-it-yourself dig fenc post holes, manual post hole digger auger typic cost $15-$110; buy small power auger cost $60-$600 depend size materials; one-day rental power post hole auger cost $50-$95."} {"id": "12677", "contents": "accord latest nrc estimates, barb wire fenc cost $2 per foot build. see, estim cost barb wire fenc vari $1.50 $2 per foot. case, build fenc expens cost continu increase."} {"id": "12678", "contents": "chain-link fenc price fluctuat cost steel, averag residenti chain link fenc do-it-yourself instal typic cost $3-$6 linear foot 4' high $8-$15 foot 6' high; gate option diy materi $400-$2,000 100' fence. woven wire fenc (a wire net vertic horizont wires) keep pet livestock and/or wildlif typic cost $0.40-$1.50 foot do-it-yourself materials, $350-$1,300 enclos squar acre."} {"id": "12679", "contents": "sinc cost fenc vari widely, import estim cost per project, keep specif materi dimens mind. nationally, cost rang $1,500 $4,000 new fenc installation. average, homeown spend $2,550, price vari slightli region. continu reading."} {"id": "12680", "contents": "much cost instal fence? cost fenc instal vari $15 per linear foot standard 4\u2019 high chain link 2-3/8\u201d diamet 16-gaug galvan steel post fenc $460 ln. ft. even custom build ft. high stone fence. accur estim provid on-sit inspect analyz work complexity."} {"id": "12681", "contents": "expect pay littl $800 wood fenc panels, $1600 metal $2500 vinyl. cost build wood fenc use individu picket slightli higher, finish look consist highli attractive. supports. wood vinyl fenc requir standard 4\u00d74 wood supports. expect spend anoth $300 support fenc choos wood vinyl. cost vinyl go $900 decid add vinyl cover post. metal post run $1000 fenc"} {"id": "12682", "contents": "cost wooden fenc vari $3 -$9 foot do-it-yourself instal ranch-styl rail fence, $10 -$30 foot profession instal basic 6' wood privaci fence. details, see much wood fenc cost. woven wire fenc (a wire net vertic horizont wires) keep pet livestock and/or wildlif typic cost $0.40-$1.50 foot do-it-yourself materials, $350-$1,300 enclos squar acre."} {"id": "12683", "contents": "do-it-yourself instal high tensil electr fenc control livestock wildlif cost $0.05-$0.75 foot, $50-$650 enclos squar acre. profession instal cost $0.20-$3 foot, $200-$2,500 enclos acre. woven wire fenc (a wire net vertic horizont wires) keep pet livestock and/or wildlif typic cost $0.40-$1.50 foot do-it-yourself materials, $350-$1,300 enclos squar acre."} {"id": "12684", "contents": "social structure-prim social-especi humans. social natur primat one primari adapt environment, provid mani benefit mani challenges. polyami -- one-male, multi-femal (common, occur gorillas, guenons, pottos, spider monkeys, patas). yet, clearli differ behavior among differ speci primates-especi humans. similar behavior may also differ causes. may instinctu one speci may learn another. yet similar may give us knowledg root human behaviors."} {"id": "12685", "contents": "consid generalist mammals, primat exhibit wide rang characteristics. primat (includ great ape baboons) primarili terrestri rather arboreal, speci possess adapt climb trees. locomot techniqu use includ leap tree tree, walk two four limbs, knuckle-walking, swing branch tree (brachiation). also oppos thumb prehensil tails. mani speci sexual dimorphic; differ includ bodi mass, canin tooth size, coloration. primat slower rate develop similarli size mammal reach matur later, longer lifespans."} {"id": "12686", "contents": "social structure. primates, includ humans, spend live larg social group communities. case semi-terrestri species, baboons, larg commun help provid protect predatori cats, dogs, hyenas. also help protect scarc food resources. common type subgroup consist mother young offspring. forest live primates, contact group speci form special territori defens behavior. instead avoid other, group activ converg near common territori border make hostil display"} {"id": "12687", "contents": "primat particularli use taxa address question group size highli variable, within, also species. intraspecif group size red colobu (procolobu rufomitratus), example, vari 12 150 member (chapman chapman 2000a). ecolog constraint model outlin pressur gener influenc primat group size deviat expect group size result social pressures, excit time area research rais number interest questions."} {"id": "12688", "contents": "common characterist primates. follow charact distinguish primat order mammalian groups. primat necessarili everi one traits, primat trait complex includ preponder trait list below. group lost trait develop other cours evolutionari history. oppos thumb big toe. taxonomi live primates. primat order gener subdivid four groups, colloqui prosimians, new world monkeys, old world monkeys, apes."} {"id": "12689", "contents": "primat (/\u02c8pra\u026ame\u026at/ pry-mayt) mammal order primat (/pra\u026a\u02c8me\u026ati\u02d0z/ pry-may-teez; latin prime, first rank). taxonomy, primat includ two distinct lineages, strepsirrhin haplorhines. also oppos thumb prehensil tails. mani speci sexual dimorphic; differ includ bodi mass, canin tooth size, coloration. primat slower rate develop similarli size mammal reach matur later, longer lifespans."} {"id": "12690", "contents": "except chimpanzees, primat use call inform other find food. messag spread slowli reach entir group food abundant. non-human primat gener stingy, except deal young infants. major primat speci primarili exclus vegetarian. non-human primat group usual search plant food dispers pattern within territory. increas likelihood food sourc missed."} {"id": "12691", "contents": "that? best definit give \u201corp measur cleanli water abil break contaminants\u201d. rang \u20132,000 2,000 unit \u201cmv\u201d (millivolts). sinc ozon oxidizer, concern posit orp level (abov mv). orp sensor work measur dissolv oxygen."} {"id": "12692", "contents": "\u203a\u203a definition: millivolt. si prefix milli repres factor 10 -3, exponenti notation, 1e-3. millivolt 10 -3 volts. definit volt follows: volt (symbol: v) si deriv unit electr potenti differ electromot force, commonli known voltage. \u203a\u203a definition: volt. volt (symbol: v) si deriv unit electr potenti differ electromot force, commonli known voltage. name honor lombard physicist alessandro volta (1745 1827), invent voltaic pile, first chemic battery."} {"id": "12693", "contents": "example, take sensor rate 1000 unit output voltag 0-1 volt (v). mean volt equival measur 1000 unit mv equal one unit."} {"id": "12694", "contents": "usually, defin lowest rang set instrument. example, ac meter lowest measur rang 10 may abl measur signal mv resolut smallest detect voltag measur may 15 mv."} {"id": "12695", "contents": "mv (noun). noun mv senses: 1. unit potenti equal one thousandth volt. 2. radioact transuran element synthes bombard einsteinium alpha particl (md current symbol mendelevium mv formerli symbol). familiar information: mv use noun rare. dictionari entri details."} {"id": "12696", "contents": "orp? orp stand oxidation-reduct potential, isa measure, millivolts, tendenc chemicalsubst oxid reduc anoth chemic sub-stance. oxid oxid loss electron atom, mole-cule, ion."} {"id": "12697", "contents": "hypernym (mv kind of...): potenti unit (a measur potenti energi unit charg given point circuit rel refer point (ground)). holonym (mv part of...): 1. unit potenti equal one thousandth volt. 2. radioact transuran element synthes bombard einsteinium alpha particl (md current symbol mendelevium mv formerli symbol). familiar information: mv use noun rare. dictionari entri details."} {"id": "12698", "contents": "part telecom glossary: dbmv (decibel rel one millivolt) measur signal strength wire cabl rf af frequencies. millivolt 1/1000 volt (0.001 10 -3 v). dbmv increment base decibel, logarithm ic measur rel signal strength. suppos signal rm voltag mv. signal strength dbmv, symbol dbmv, is: dbmv 20 log 10 e. 1-mv signal across pure resist level dbmv."} {"id": "12699", "contents": "\u203a\u203a definition: millivolt. si prefix milli repres factor 10 -3, exponenti notation, 1e-3. millivolt 10 -3 volts. definit volt follows: volt (symbol: v) si deriv unit electr potenti differ electromot force, commonli known voltag"} {"id": "12700", "contents": "prairi vole (microtu ochrogaster). prairi vole inch (13 18 cm) total length (nose tip tail). fur gray dark brown mix gray, yellow, hazel-tip hairs, give \u201cpeppery\u201d appearance. underpart gray yellow-gray. long-tail vole distinguish microtu speci tail, compris 30% total length 1/2 inch (15 21 cm). long-tail vole gray dark brown fur mani black-tip hairs. underpart gray mix white yellow."} {"id": "12701", "contents": "vole bone often found pellet short-ear owl, northern spot owl, saw-whet owl, barn owl, great gray owl northern pygmi owl. averag life smaller vole speci three six months. vole rare live longer 12 months. larger species, european water vole, live longer usual die second, rare third, winter. mani 88% vole estim die within first month life. confus mole (animal) vole small rodent resembl mous stouter body, shorter, hairi tail, slightli round head, smaller ear eyes, differ form molar (high-crown angular cusp instead low-crown round cusps)."} {"id": "12702", "contents": "about. field vole (also known short-tail vole) common grassland, heathland moorland habitats. field vole eat seeds, root leaves, and, food chain, form extrem import part diet mani predators, kestrels, weasel barn owls. identify. vole distinguish mice rounder faces, smaller ear eye shorter tails. field vole often greyish-brown yellowish-brown colour pale grey underside. tail length approxim 30% bodi length, thu give its' name."} {"id": "12703", "contents": "meadow vole (microtu pennsylvanicus), sometim call field mous meadow mouse, north american vole found across canada, alaska northern unit states."} {"id": "12704", "contents": "close-up vole damag beet root (beta vulgaris). voles, microtu spp., also commonli call meadow mice, seldom seen though damag garden plant may common sight. chunky, ground-dwel rodent inch long tail less inch long. young vole gray."} {"id": "12705", "contents": "learn vole biology, food habits, damag caus voles, damag control methods. four speci vole occur pennsylvania: meadow vole, pine vole, red-back vole, rock vole. red-back vole rock vole primarili restrict mountain areas, meadow vole pine vole often respons damag situations. vole eat wide varieti plants, frequent grass forbs. late summer fall, store seeds, tubers, bulbs, rhizomes. eat bark times, primarili fall winter, also eat grain crops, especi popul high."} {"id": "12706", "contents": "common name: meadow vole. (inform speci page gather part ms. melissa alo assign biolog 220w, spring 2006). \u201cvole\u201d defin rodent belong genu \u201cmicrotus.\u201d vole resembl rat mice shorter tail heavier, cylindr bodies. meadow vole (microtu pennsylvanicus) (which also call \u201cmeadow mouse\u201d \u201cfield mouse\u201d) inch long includ tail. tail long hind legs."} {"id": "12707", "contents": "meadow vole (m. pennsylvanicus). meadow vole wide distribut microtu speci unit states. total length 1/2 1/2 inch (14 19 cm) fur gray yellow-brown, obscur black-tip hairs. northern subspeci may also red fur. long-tail vole distinguish microtu speci tail, compris 30% total length 1/2 inch (15 21 cm). long-tail vole gray dark brown fur mani black-tip hairs. underpart gray mix white yellow."} {"id": "12708", "contents": "62 speci genu microtu world 23 vole speci unit states. common north america meadow vole, microtu pennsylvanicus. although sometim refer \u201cmeadow mouse\u201d separ distinct anim mice speci found north america. order: rodentia. family: muridae. genus: microtus. species: pennsylvanicus. vole common yard garden curiou anim close resembl rodent common north america. often confus hous mice shrews, occas even moles."} {"id": "12709", "contents": "ostia (or ostia antica) lie 15 km citi rome serv city\u2019 princip port harbour throughout antiquity. name deriv \u2018os\u2019 \u2018ostium\u2019 mean \u2018mouth\u2019 refer city\u2019 locat mouth river tiber. strateg import ostia defenc tiber mouth becam appar earli fortifi (the date controversial, probabl mid 4th centuri bce) militari camp castrum."} {"id": "12710", "contents": "ostia. ostia lazio, italy, close rome' major airport fiumicino. far center rome, ostia residenti area, capital' beach, well-known tourist port moor boat 60 metr length. load photos\u2026."} {"id": "12711", "contents": "detail map ostia antica near places. welcom ostia antica googl satellit map! place situat roma, lazio, italy, geograph coordin 41\u00b0 45' north, 12\u00b0 18' east origin name (with diacritics) ostia antica. see ostia antica photo imag satellit below, explor aerial photograph ostia antica italy. also dive right ostia antica uniqu 3d satellit map provid googl earth. new googl earth plugin enjoy interact ostia antica 3d map within web browser."} {"id": "12712", "contents": "gener plan ostia. gener plan ostia indic five modern region site. click region take detailed, clickabl plan."} {"id": "12713", "contents": "get ostia antica map free. easili download, print emb ostia antica map website, blog, presentation. like images. static imag map look browsers. free imag avail free map link locat map map pages. maphill' map inspir come ostia antica, would like offer access wide select hotel low price great custom service. compar hotel prices, book onlin save money."} {"id": "12714", "contents": "ancient rome' port ostia, landlock five kilomet tyrrhenian sea, italy' largest excav site pompeii. ostia found fourth centuri bc mouth tiber, empir becam princip roman naval base, grow town 50,000 inhabitants. rome' largest suburb commerci port, ostia fell disus malaria fall roman empire."} {"id": "12715", "contents": "district rome, see ostia antica (district) ostia antica larg archeolog site, close modern suburb ostia, locat harbour citi ancient rome, approxim 30 kilometr (19 miles) northeast. ostia (plur. ostium) deriv os, latin word mouth. mouth river tiber, ostia rome' seaport, due silt site lie kilometr (2 miles) sea. site note excel preserv ancient buildings, magnific fresco impress mosaics."} {"id": "12716", "contents": "ostia antica hotel map. locat ostia antica hotel list shown detail zoomabl map. moreover, ostia antica hotel map avail hotel ostia antica marked. easili choos hotel location. also dive right ostia antica uniqu 3d satellit map provid googl earth. new googl earth plugin enjoy interact ostia antica 3d map within web browser."} {"id": "12717", "contents": "detail map ostia parmens near places. welcom ostia parmens googl satellit map! place situat parma, emilia-romagna, italy, geograph coordin 44\u00b0 31' north, 9\u00b0 51' east origin name (with diacritics) ostia parmense. 3d map ostia parmens italy. also dive right ostia parmens uniqu 3d satellit map provid googl earth. new googl earth plugin enjoy interact ostia parmens 3d map within web browser."} {"id": "12718", "contents": "villa disney\u2019 polynesian resort walt disney world resort offici announc septemb 17th, 2013. complete, villa third disney vacat club resort monorail access magic kingdom park follow villa disney\u2019 grand floridian resort."} {"id": "12719", "contents": "disney\u2019 polynesian resort locat northwest side walt disney world. guest access sever disney resorts, includ grand floridian, disney' magic kingdom via monorail."} {"id": "12720", "contents": "set walt disney world' northwest side, disney' polynesian villag resort featur south pacif theme: koi pond scatter throughout grounds, coconut palm tree support hammock (and repos guests) along stretch lake' beachfront."} {"id": "12721", "contents": "post novemb 29, 2010 mk. guest stay disney\u2019 polynesian resort rent one two privat cabanas. they\u2019r great want spend time volcano pool, want someth comfort privat regular sun loungers. price $110 (+ tax) half day, $185 (+ tax) full day. half day rental 10 pm, pm -7 pm."} {"id": "12722", "contents": "book beachsid cabana select resort hotel relax day fun-fil even pool. enjoy exclus use shade oasi equip virtual everyth could want half day, full day evening. cabana rent guest follow walt disney world resort hotels:"} {"id": "12723", "contents": "guest must stay disney resort hotel cabana locat need present room key time cabana check-in. one guest parti must least 18 year old. cabana rental may cancel resort hotel due inclement weather, guest penal case."} {"id": "12724", "contents": "averag recruit salari job post nationwid 25% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "12725", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic technic recruit unit state $69,470, 50% peopl perform job technic recruit unit state expect make less $69,470. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job technic recruit make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job technic recruit expect make less median."} {"id": "12726", "contents": "recruit pay. enlist staff good record servic becom recruit start grade e-5, rank petti officer, second-class. classif earn $1,947 per month less two year service, top $3,013 per month 12 year service. addit pay. addit regular salari base rank, navi recruit also receiv addit $450 per month special duti assign pay. may also entitl use govern vehicle, ga card, cellphon mobil recruit tablet working."} {"id": "12727", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl technic recruit may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job technic recruit make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job technic recruit expect make less median."} {"id": "12728", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl recruit may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. exampl median expect annual pay typic recruit unit state $53,311 50% peopl perform job recruit unit state expect make less $53,311. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $53,311."} {"id": "12729", "contents": "seattl market, entri level corpor recruit make $45,000 $55,000 year. experienc corpor recruit make $75,000 $115,000. agenc recruit seattl typic offer base salari $30,000 $45,000, often incent doubl success recruiter' income. confid vote 23. depend market, level experi required, type recruit (corpor versu agency). corpor recruit (work directli larg firm) typic salari base offer higher base salari better benefit agenc recruiting."} {"id": "12730", "contents": "(unit states). averag pay recruit $45,297 per year. peopl move job 20 years' experi field. experi moder effect incom job. skill associ high pay job negotiation, full-cycl recruiting, interviewing."} {"id": "12731", "contents": "averag entri level recruit salaries. averag salari entri level recruit job $50,000. averag entri level recruit salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term entri level recruit anywher job listing."} {"id": "12732", "contents": "stroll city, aladdin abu encount iago, jafar' parrot tortur sultan jafar' reign. lie aladdin claim spell. aladdin ignor claim leav right attack abi mal thief. aladdin take jasmin back palace, share first kiss. two exchang one glanc jasmin return room. aladdin relax carpet, kidnap jafar guards. tie rock thrown cliff sea, left drown."} {"id": "12733", "contents": "35 years, aladdin food manag servic entertain feed million peopl schools, colleges, businesses, health care facil throughout mid-atlantic, midwest, southeast."} {"id": "12734", "contents": "plot summary. aladdin street-urchin live larg busi town long ago faith monkey friend abu. princess jasmin get tire forc remain palac overlook city, sneak marketplace, accident meet aladdin. jafar final steal lamp get three wish own, aladdin must reli intellig trick jafar save friend kingdom. street urchin vie love beauti princess, use genie' magic power make princ order marri her."} {"id": "12735", "contents": "ask geni wish for, geni tell aladdin dream freedom. aladdin promis use third wish free genie. first wish, wish becom princ win heart jasmine, met earlier. aladdin take jasmin back palace, share first kiss. two exchang one glanc jasmin return room. aladdin relax carpet, kidnap jafar guards. tie rock thrown cliff sea, left drown."} {"id": "12736", "contents": "aladdin one disney parks. aladdin appear walt disney park resort meet-abl character. one frequently-seen charact usual accompani jasmin occasion genie. aladdin take jasmin back palace, share first kiss. two exchang one glanc jasmin return room. aladdin relax carpet, kidnap jafar guards. tie rock thrown cliff sea, left drown."} {"id": "12737", "contents": "follow aladdin food get e-mail alert updat ebay feed. unfollow aladdin food stop get updat ebay feed. yay! follow aladdin food ebay feed. 5. median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days."} {"id": "12738", "contents": "aladdin, street rat, person enter cave wonder retriev magic lamp dark vizier jafar. aladdin becom trap cave sidekick, abu, accident discov resid lamp. aladdin develop relationship geni use wish becom princ chase affect princess jasmine. jafar final steal lamp get three wish own, aladdin must reli intellig trick jafar save friend kingdom. street urchin vie love beauti princess, use genie' magic power make princ order marri her."} {"id": "12739", "contents": "first time ever, whole new world disney\u2019 aladdin reveal whole new way blu-ray digit hd\u2014with never-before-seen bonus! watch now. climb aboard magic carpet ride nonstop laughs, action-pack adventur academi award\u00ae\u2013win music make heart soar (1992: best music, origin song, \u201ca whole new world,\u201d origin score)."} {"id": "12740", "contents": "bbb accreditation. aladdin food product bbb accredited. busi oblig seek bbb accreditation, busi accredit sought bbb accreditation. accredit bbb, busi must appli accredit bbb must determin busi meet bbb accredit standards, includ commit make good faith effort resolv consum complaints."} {"id": "12741", "contents": "park construct walt disney imagin style disneyland california magic kingdom florida. own orient land company, licens theme walt disney company. park note extens open spaces, accommod larg crowd visit park. 2013, tokyo disneyland host 17.2 million visitors, make world' second-most visit theme park behind magic kingdom walt disney world resort."} {"id": "12742", "contents": "tokyo disney. tokyo disney start one theme park, tokyo disneyland, 1983, sinc expand includ second theme park, tokyo disneysea, along three hotel shop district call ikspiari resembl downtown disney california florida."} {"id": "12743", "contents": "tokyo disney-guid tokyo disney resort includ tokyo disneyland, tokyo disneysea, tokyo disneyland hotel (g uarante lowest rate) tokyo disney map. tokyo disney popular theme park japan one popular world. tokyo disney resort (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30ea\u30be\u30fc\u30c8) complex comprising: tokyo disneyland (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9). tokyo disneysea (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30b7\u30fc). ikspiari (\u30a4\u30af\u30b9\u30d4\u30a2\u30ea) shop complex (similar downtown disney found disney resort california florida). bon voyage! offici merchandis store. cirqu du soleil-theatre. four-stat disney resort line monorail connect maihama station tokyo disneyland, tokyo disneysea tokyo bay nk hall plu resort hotels."} {"id": "12744", "contents": "\u201cthe kingdom dream magic.\u201d. \u2015offici slogan. tokyo disneyland (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9 t\u014dky\u014d dizun\u012brando) 115-acr (46.5 ha) theme park tokyo disney resort locat urayasu, chiba, japan, near tokyo. main gate directli adjac maihama station tokyo disneyland station. 33,304 page wiki. tokyo disneyland (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9 t\u014dky\u014d dizun\u012brando) 115-acr (46.5 ha) theme park tokyo disney resort locat urayasu, chiba, japan, near tokyo."} {"id": "12745", "contents": "wcc on. asia. tokyo disneyland first disney park built outsid unit states, open 1983. park complex locat tokyo disney resort. copi main magic kingdom inherit plan (inspir disneyland) cinderella\u2019 castle. success addit sinc open eras similarities."} {"id": "12746", "contents": "tokyo disneyland companion park, tokyo disneysea, disney park wholli partial own walt disney company. park note extens open spaces, accommod larg crowd visit park. 2013, tokyo disneyland host 17.2 million visitors, make world' second-most visit theme park behind magic kingdom walt disney world resort."} {"id": "12747", "contents": "home tokyo disneyland /. fan disney theme park like am, biggest curios tokyo disneyland park probabl compar american disney parks. answer is: similar, different. biggest differ probabl obvious: tokyo disneyland park locat japan. dialog ride attract japanese. signs, restaur menus, etc., print japanes (although includ english translat small print)."} {"id": "12748", "contents": "tokyo disneyland (\u6771\u4eac\u30c7\u30a3\u30ba\u30cb\u30fc\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9, t\u014dky\u014d dizun\u012brando) 115-acr (465,000 2) theme park tokyo disney resort urayasu, chiba, japan, near tokyo. main gate directli adjac maihama station tokyo disneyland station. park note extens open spaces, accommod larg crowd visit park. 2013, tokyo disneyland host 17.2 million visitors, make world' second-most visit theme park behind magic kingdom walt disney world resort."} {"id": "12749", "contents": "accord bureau labor statistics, postsecondari fellowship physician earn averag yearli salari rang $41,600 $83,670. addition, annual salari top 10 percent post-doctor fellow work teacher 6-figur salari $121,850. share facebook. duti fellowship physician includ commun hospit team members, plan medic event appropri budgeting. median expect salari fellowship physician unit state averag $150,353 per annum averag hourli wage around $20 per hour."} {"id": "12750", "contents": "medic resid salari depend variou factor year residency, medic school university, field medic specialty, geograph locat type employer. conclus medic resid salary. base year resid training, averag annual salari resid physician experi around $41,000 per year."} {"id": "12751", "contents": "medic fellow salary. medic fellow averag salari $53,556, median salari $53,870 salari rang $35,000 $80,699. medic fellow salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. medic fellow salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "12752", "contents": "medic fellowship salary. medic fellowship averag salari $55,008, median salari $- salari rang $- $-. medic fellowship salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. medic fellowship salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "12753", "contents": "averag medic resid salari wage. accord bls, hourli mean wage earn resid physician around $100.74 per hour averag annual mean salari around $51,340 per annum. pgi salari $48,000, pgi salari $50,000, pgi salari $53,000 pgi salari $55,000. conclus medic resid salary. base year resid training, averag annual salari resid physician experi around $41,000 per year."} {"id": "12754", "contents": "averag fellowship salari wage. median expect salari fellowship physician unit state averag $150,353 per annum averag hourli wage around $20 per hour. duti fellowship physician includ commun hospit team members, plan medic event appropri budgeting. median expect salari fellowship physician unit state averag $150,353 per annum averag hourli wage around $20 per hour."} {"id": "12755", "contents": "fellowship salary. fellowship physician\u2019 salari accord u.s. bureau labor statist depend variou determin factor geograph location, type employer, type specialty, work industry. duti fellowship physician includ commun hospit team members, plan medic event appropri budgeting. median expect salari fellowship physician unit state averag $150,353 per annum averag hourli wage around $20 per hour."} {"id": "12756", "contents": "fellowship physician unit kingdom, averag salari \u00a323,373 \u00a334,915 per year. fellowship physician uk may also expect addit bonu \u00a32,492 per year part annual salari package. total, translat yearli wage \u00a323,301 \u00a335,060. 25% fellowship physician receiv $134,216 per year. 10% fellowship physician make $119,525 annually. averag fellowship physician within unit state make annual salari $34,225 $59,542. furthermore, uncommon see annual bonu around $4,888 part fellowship salari packag"} {"id": "12757", "contents": "get suffici intak best vitamin nails, nail skin greatli improve. also make sure drink plenti water moistur hand regularli maximum nail growth. 2) zinc: increas white spot nails, along poor growth inflamm cuticl also sign need add zinc diet. want take zinc supplement, food high zinc includ dark chocolate, peanut turkey."} {"id": "12758", "contents": "calcium-dairi product provid calcium help maintain healthi nails. eat calcium rich food well lot protein (lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes) iron (green, leafi veget like spinach) help grow perfect ten. vitamin c-lack vitamin known caus \u201chang nails\u201d. citru fruit great sourc vitamin well supplements. vitamin e-vitamin antioxid properties, vitamin also good blood circulation, improv nail growth."} {"id": "12759", "contents": "save. fingernail good indic overal health. mani vitamin miner defici reveal fingernails. fortunately, dri brittl fingernail easi grow back, identifi root problem. use vitamin healthi fingernail growth."} {"id": "12760", "contents": "much like vitamin d, calcium aid bone health, fingernail hair. calcium supplement essenti women, even take once-a-day vitamin. calcium, need take vitamin help absorb bodi instead pass through. though fingernail made keratin, easili affect vitamin bones. sinc calcium vitamin essenti bone health, help strength growth nail health."} {"id": "12761", "contents": "9. drink vitamin d. vitamin calcium import keep nail strong, drink glass low-fat milk. may also help hair grow. govern recommend 400 intern unit vitamin 1,000 milligram calcium per day."} {"id": "12762", "contents": "vitamin a-help grow healthi nails. avoid alcohol caffein sinc diminish amount vitamin body. vitamin b-a defici vitamin make nail thin caus breaking. lack folic acid, vitamin, also caus unhealthi nails. vitamin c-lack vitamin known caus \u201chang nails\u201d. citru fruit great sourc vitamin well supplements. vitamin e-vitamin antioxid properties, vitamin also good blood circulation, improv nail growth."} {"id": "12763", "contents": "slow fingernail growth may indic vitamin deficiency. incorpor key vitamin miner diet may speed growth improv overal strength health nail hair. flaxse oil, rich omega-3 fatti acids, also may improv nail growth overal health. oil may reliev nail cracking, splitting, dri brittleness. reliev fungal problem around fingernails, might tri green tea, cat' claw, reishi mushrooms, milk thistl tea tree oil."} {"id": "12764", "contents": "biotin well-renown nutrient hair nail health. such, vitamin one import vitamin hair nail growth. essenti fatti acid omega fish oil known abil significantli improv hair nail health, improv hair texture, lustr condition. vitamin antioxid help maintain skin hair health. vitamin aid improv scalp circulation. vitamin antioxid enhanc scalp circulation. vitamin also improv health growth hair."} {"id": "12765", "contents": "1. vitamin d. vitamin vital mani bodi systems. though fingernail made keratin, easili affect vitamin bones. sinc calcium vitamin essenti bone health, help strength growth nail health."} {"id": "12766", "contents": "may heard take prenat vitamin hair nail growth help grow strong nail long, healthi hair. true pregnant women take prenat vitamin usual notic nail hair becom healthier, prenat vitamin caus this. vitamin c-lack vitamin known caus \u201chang nails\u201d. citru fruit great sourc vitamin well supplements. vitamin e-vitamin antioxid properties, vitamin also good blood circulation, improv nail growth."} {"id": "12767", "contents": "addit stop rout includ washington, dc, savannah, ga, jacksonvil orlando, fl. amtrak connect provid abil get miami train virtual anywher u.s. includ chicago, texas, boston. amtrak train offer wi-fi plug get work done go. bu also transport option get miami sw florida, napl ft. myer area. buse may offer wi-fi, power outlets, even movi trip. greyhound shuttl servic run miami depot miami intern airport."} {"id": "12768", "contents": "tri-rail, commut servic run train csx track west interst 95 palm beach counti miami sinc late last century, work major new plan: run train downtown miami begin late 2016 earli 2017. bravo said there' price tag city' possibl commitment. train orlando run track east i-95 start downtown miami. open two phases: miami fort lauderdal west palm beach late 2016, extend orlando intern airport 2017."} {"id": "12769", "contents": "drive miami orlando take four hours. aboard florida train allow passeng cover distanc three hour reading, relax simpli enjoy product way travel. qualiti passeng rail hold power transform travel experience. aboard florida use exist florida east coast railway corridor miami cocoa, build new track along state road 528 cocoa orlando."} {"id": "12770", "contents": "service, train travel 235 mile rout miami orlando stop fort lauderdal west palm beach averag speed 78.3 mph. maximum speed 125 mph. may 29, 2010, amtrak oper special passeng train track miami jacksonvil demonstr passeng servic could revived. wasn\u2019t two year ago feci, coral gabl real estat transport company, announc aboard florida."} {"id": "12771", "contents": "best way get miami orlando florida express bus. offer bu trip miami orlando everyday, includ holidays. bu ticket miami orlando start $25 per person way. orlando miami transportation. best way get orlando miami florida express bus. offer bu trip orlando miami everyday, includ holidays. bu ticket orlando miami"} {"id": "12772", "contents": "\u200borlando miami, fl. vacationing, business, commut otherwis travel orlando miami get easier. aboard florida passeng rail servic provid state-of-the-art fast, safe, relax train travel one popul visit region unit states. aboard florida use exist florida east coast railway corridor miami cocoa, build new track along state road 528 cocoa orlando."} {"id": "12773", "contents": "report abuse. amtrak passeng train servic orlando miami $35. ...the websit http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/contentser... mani limo servic compani orlando miami (beach). basic larg van shuttl peopl back forth. sure concierg hotel abl recommend reput conveni one you."} {"id": "12774", "contents": "tri-rail offici craft plan extend servic downtown miami csx-fec connector track complet first phase aboard florida built miami west palm beach. bravo said there' price tag city' possibl commitment. train orlando run track east i-95 start downtown miami. open two phases: miami fort lauderdal west palm beach late 2016, extend orlando intern airport 2017."} {"id": "12775", "contents": "direct coomb test use detect antibodi complement protein bound surfac red blood cells; blood sampl taken rbc wash (remov patient' plasma) incub anti-human globulin (also known coomb reagent). indirect coomb test (also known indirect antiglobulin test iat) use detect in-vitro antibody-antigen reactions. use detect low concentr antibodi present patient' plasma/serum prior blood transfusion."} {"id": "12776", "contents": "red blood cell destroyed, result condit call hemolyt anemia. two type coomb tests: direct coomb test indirect coomb test. direct test common check antibodi attach surfac red blood cells. abnorm result indirect coomb test mean antibodi circul bloodstream could caus immun system react red blood cell consid foreign body, particularli regard may present blood transfusion."} {"id": "12777", "contents": "type hemolyt anemia call autoimmun hemolyt anemia rare diseas caus antibodi made person' red blood cells. two blood test check antibodi attack red blood cells: direct coomb test indirect coomb test. direct coomb test done sampl red blood cell body. detect antibodi alreadi attach red blood cells. indirect coomb test done sampl liquid part blood (serum)."} {"id": "12778", "contents": "indirect coomb test use prenat test pregnant women test blood prior blood transfusion. detect antibodi rbc present unbound patient' serum. case, serum extract blood sampl taken patient. indirect coomb test (also known indirect antiglobulin test iat) use detect in-vitro antibody-antigen reactions. use detect low concentr antibodi present patient' plasma/serum prior blood transfusion."} {"id": "12779", "contents": "neg test result mean blood antibodi attach red blood cells. indirect coomb test. neg test result mean blood compat blood receiv transfusion. call neg test result. direct coomb test. neg test result mean blood antibodi attach red blood cells. indirect coomb test."} {"id": "12780", "contents": "antibodi found. call neg test result. direct coomb test. neg test result mean blood antibodi attach red blood cells. indirect coomb test. neg test result mean blood compat blood receiv transfusion."} {"id": "12781", "contents": "coombs' test. number test ascertain presenc absenc immunoglobulin complement coat erythrocytes. rabbit antihuman serum use act bridg sensit cells, yield agglutin (a posit result). coombs' test. n. either two test detect red blood cell antibodies: direct test, detect sensit red blood cell erythroblastosi fetali acquir hemolyt anemia; indirect test, cross-match blood investig transfus reactions."} {"id": "12782", "contents": "coomb test (also known coombs' test, antiglobulin test agt) either two clinic blood test use immunohematolog immunology. indirect coomb test (also known indirect antiglobulin test iat) use detect in-vitro antibody-antigen reactions. use detect low concentr antibodi present patient' plasma/serum prior blood transfusion."} {"id": "12783", "contents": "direct coomb test. neg test result mean blood antibodi attach red blood cells. indirect coomb test. neg test result mean blood compat blood receiv transfusion. call neg test result."} {"id": "12784", "contents": "download .xls. cost live indic base us averag 100. amount 100 mean medford, oregon cheaper us average. cost live index 100 mean medford, oregon expensive. overall, medford, oregon cost live 106.10."} {"id": "12785", "contents": "download .xls. cost live indic base us averag 100. amount 100 mean oregon, oregon cheaper us average. cost live index 100 mean oregon, oregon expensive. overall, oregon, oregon cost live 115.50."} {"id": "12786", "contents": "southern oregon univers tuition $6,306 per year in-stat residents. 2% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $15,019 70% cheaper averag oregon tuition $21,325 year colleges. tuition rank 2nd oregon amongst year colleg afford 29th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $19,884 repres 215% premium."} {"id": "12787", "contents": "iertech system lead manufactur helic piles, piers, connect accessori foundat repair equipment. cut guess work foundat work. experi familiar installations, allow us give exact recommend project."} {"id": "12788", "contents": "cost depend type pier used, deep go reach stabl soil local labor rates. pier place 6-8 feet apart, cost $1,000-$3,000 each. underpin one corner hous run $3,500-$5,000 up. repair simpl crack pour concret foundat cost $400-$800, depend extent damage. replac entir basement floor add anoth $200-$400. earthquake-pron areas, reinforc foundat anchor bolt run $1,500-$3,500 more."} {"id": "12789", "contents": "safeti factor 2, 42 piers. 40 pier fit even space 60 ft side 40 ft side ft piers. pier load 10,125 lb 1.6 sq ft helix, 6449 psf soil, give safeti factor 1.9. two stori structur differ compar exampl second floor twice height brick veneer. maintain pier space ft, use two helic 12\u201d diamet"} {"id": "12790", "contents": "a: helic pier steel shaft helices, similar larg screw, provid foundat support variou type structures. shaft usual squar manufactur foot sections. a: helic pier instal specif load requir rather specifi depth, applic different. typic depth 20 feet, shallow 10 feet deep 60 feet more."} {"id": "12791", "contents": "helix pier room addition: $4,000.00. foundat repair cost instal four (4) screw anchor pier embed termin reinforc concret gradebeam foundat new room addit singl famili residence. use char lynn drive 4,000 foot-pound maximum instal torque."} {"id": "12792", "contents": "instal helic pile 20 feet cost significantli less instal helic pile 60 feet, common sense. helic pile also vari thick shaft. load specif determin thick helic pile shaft. two inch thick shaft less expens purchas inch inch shafts. size helic pile determin weight build soil conditions.hel pile foundat system cost final determin depth helic pile installed."} {"id": "12793", "contents": "give good ballpark number pier required. number multipli $1200 (a typic pier cost although rang $1,000-1,400). noth els give start point budget repairs. cost go $500-800 sometim pier need driven much deeper. masonri repair gener add $400-500 overal costs. often column two garag door begin settle."} {"id": "12794", "contents": "happen common repair instal 1-2 helic pier column support/lift column. gener cost (exclud masonri repairs) around $1,800 one pier option $2,700 two piers. gener concret remov replac includ this. cost go $500-800 sometim pier need driven much deeper. masonri repair gener add $400-500 overal costs. often column two garag door begin settle."} {"id": "12795", "contents": "post admin march 20, 2013 helic pile cost comment off. unfortun calcul helic pile foundat system cost difficult. exact cost instal helic pile alway same, mani factor must considered. structur engin determin condit foundat mani helic pile required. size helic pile determin weight build soil conditions.hel pile foundat system cost final determin depth helic pile installed."} {"id": "12796", "contents": "twist turn system depth need specifi plan repair a.b. chanc stabl foundat engineer. measur torqu instal helic piers. torqu direct relationship amount load helic pier support. instal pier minimum factor safeti (fos) 2. mean pier hold minimum twice load required. anyth chang helic pier compens addit fos. foundat repair method use weight hous instal piers."} {"id": "12797", "contents": "follow health care provid taxonomi code set avail provid taxonomi drop-down menu: on-lin lookup complet list health care provid taxonomi codes. click name plu sign expand list addit codes. click word definit view definit code."} {"id": "12798", "contents": "taxonomi code printer friendly. taxonomi code nation specialti code use provid indic specialti claim level. ppo also use provid specialti group like type provid type indic correct specialti design provid finders."} {"id": "12799", "contents": "taxonomy. healthcar provid taxonomi code set hierarch code set consist codes, descriptions, definitions. healthcar provid taxonomi code design categor type, classification, and/or special health care providers. code set consist two sections: individu group individuals, non-individuals."} {"id": "12800", "contents": "taxonomi code definit claim use. taxonomi code administr code set identifi provid type area special health care providers. taxonomi code uniqu ten charact alphanumer code enabl provid identifi specialti claim level."} {"id": "12801", "contents": "tropospher extend stratospher layer, good ozon protect life earth absorb sun' uv rays. stratospher ozon found often six 30 mile earth' surface."} {"id": "12802", "contents": "ozon present stratospher earth' atmospher call good ozone. protect us harm uv light sun.ozon present tropospher also call bad ozone. also green hous gas. major constitu urban smog."} {"id": "12803", "contents": "layer, call stratosphere, mile earth' surface. ozon stratospher good protect life earth absorb sun' harm uv rays. stratospher ozon found often six 30"} {"id": "12804", "contents": "hole ozon layer earth\u2019 upper atmospher (stratosphere) reduc greenhous effect ozon greenhous gas. however, ozon need stratospher occur natur filter harm ultraviolet radiat sun."} {"id": "12805", "contents": "ozon layer essenti mather earth\u2019 safeti net, resid 50 kilometr planet\u2019 surface. creat o3, ozon gas, 20 kilometr thick 90 per cent ga found earth\u2019 stratosphere."} {"id": "12806", "contents": "ozon found atmosphere? ozon mainli found two region earth' atmosphere. ozon (about 90%) resid layer begin 10 mile (10 17 kilometers) earth' surfac extend 30 mile (50 kilometers). region atmospher call stratosphere."} {"id": "12807", "contents": "ozon ga protect earth' surfac uv-b radiat (which damag dna). ozon also moder day night temperatur swings, coupl nitrogen oxygen temperatur radiat away heat (they cannot radiat infrared, ozon can)."} {"id": "12808", "contents": "peel process. now, get better understand process home, understand it\u2019 done spa clinics. aha glycol acid peel normal contain steps, priming, peeling, moistur processes. prime step strip skin clear dirt greas make glycol acid solut better penetr skin. glycol acid power exfoliant, gentli lift outer layer skin reveal younger-look skin underneath. peel process, wash warm water mild soap."} {"id": "12809", "contents": "instruct safe use at-hom chemic peel |. chemic peel effect way treat sun damage, mark left behind acne, dull skin. quit expens get done spa doctor' office, peopl turn at-hom chemic peel kits. rate, make sure purchas peel reput compani good product reviews. compani purchas peel also provid detail instruct use peel. asid qualiti chemic peel, custom servic anoth import decid factor."} {"id": "12810", "contents": "chemic call phenol usual use deep peel. deep peel may use darker skin types, tend bleach skin (hypopigmentation). even lighter-skin people, phenol peels\u2014or type deep resurfacing\u2014may bleach skin. deep peel done cases. medium peel done. techniqu use medium peel similar use superfici peel, chemic may left longer period time. medium peel pain superfici peels, chemic stronger soak deeper skin."} {"id": "12811", "contents": "also take note aha glycol acid peel caus dryness slight irrit skin, sting sensation, redness, like. mean you\u2019r go glycol acid peel, twice week most. glycol acid power exfoliant, gentli lift outer layer skin reveal younger-look skin underneath. peel process, wash warm water mild soap."} {"id": "12812", "contents": "clinic setting, doctor gener use glycolic-acid peel 40 50 percent glycol acid, accord gerrish. at-hom use, best start 20 percent solut glycol acid ph 2.8-3.0 know skin go react. instead expens trip local med-spa, salon, dermatologist glycolic-acid peel, give one privaci home, fraction cost. keep mind, however, may work may work you. at-hom peel may neg consequ proceed caution."} {"id": "12813", "contents": "mix glycol acid peel home use pure sugar cane pure enough yield 1/2 tsp. sugar dissolv 1/2 teaspoon cane sugar crystal drop warm water appli directli face; let sit 10-15 minut rinse."} {"id": "12814", "contents": "make homemad chemic peel steps. first thing want make homemad chemic peel pick good sourc acid use chemic peel. lot avail sourc market could make skin smooth subtl baby. homemad chemic peel use exfoli dead skin cell make way new skin emerge, thu leav rough flaki facial skin feel smooth young again. enjoy satisfi natur spa experi right home homemad chemic peels."} {"id": "12815", "contents": "steps. 1. prepar skin home chemic peel. take tretinoin-bas prescript product like retin-a differin, discontinu use least week prior peel. tretinoin acid form vitamin a, often use treat acn minim appear fine line wrinkles. chemic peel kit recommend minutes, depend type peel concentr chemic solution. watch skin sign irritation. burn normal, skin begin frost sting intensely, remov peel solut right away."} {"id": "12816", "contents": "skin need time adjust chemic peels, gradual increas strength peel skin acclim safest way get effect at-hom peel results. also gener peel everi weeks. lighter peel like 30% lactic acid glycol peel safe done everi two weeks. rate, make sure purchas peel reput compani good product reviews. compani purchas peel also provid detail instruct use peel. asid qualiti chemic peel, custom servic anoth import decid factor."} {"id": "12817", "contents": "however, best first peel gaug skin' reaction. use chemic peel first time, use lowest concentr peel (i.e. 30% lactic acid, 30% glycol acid, 8% tca) gradual move stronger peel skin get use them. rate, make sure purchas peel reput compani good product reviews. compani purchas peel also provid detail instruct use peel. asid qualiti chemic peel, custom servic anoth import decid factor."} {"id": "12818", "contents": "want cop sinc seven year old. rememb funer polic officer. written newspap saw pictur polic offic polic car funeral. rememb think must great part someth close knit. whole purpos life polic officer. last year draft vietnam war, number pretti high think would drafted. live michigan went talk state trooper."} {"id": "12819", "contents": "huge mistake. marri run, run, run fast can.... fianc polic offic year anyon talk vent issu aris talk struggl go signific other spous polic officers. peopl understand stress us anyon could date cop. boyfriend talk marriage, can't wait that! told recent want cop. i'v look onlin like marri polic officer, kind hay prepar myself."} {"id": "12820", "contents": "copsal ask relationship expert janic hoffman suggest polic offic could consid becom involv commit relationship marriag articl cop specif additions. fall love beauti thing. alway good idea fulli inform prospect mate think import know polic career. get marri statement choos spend rest life. desir success marriage, must proactive."} {"id": "12821", "contents": "marri polic offic noth like read here. job alway bad appl peopl can't handl stress jobs, part, everi polic offic ever met decent men good families. share. share post on."} {"id": "12822", "contents": "marri polic offic complicated. marri polic offic also work depart add even interest dimension. depart month work 911 dispatch offic marc atkinson shot kill sit patrol car. suppos good thing know well sinc wash uniform wore night. can't imagin spous non-law enforc peopl think thing like that. marri law enforc offic uniqu qualities. sometim good."} {"id": "12823", "contents": "marriag difficulties. polic work hard marriages. demand career, demand whole family. hope articl show happen marriage. made mani mistak tri shift blame anyon else, however, thing wife thing misunderstood hope help other also. whole purpos life polic officer. last year draft vietnam war, number pretti high think would drafted. live michigan went talk state trooper."} {"id": "12824", "contents": "definit amps, volts, watts, resistance, current, ohms, electr phases. includ basic formula relat amps, volts, resistance, watts, explain electr term mean practic applic build applianc electr power, electr wiring, basic troubleshooting. ten-amp 240v electr servic capabl delivering, speak roughly, twice energi end-us ten-amp 120v electr service. volt measur strength electr sourc given current amperag level."} {"id": "12825", "contents": "amperag term often use electricians, mean electr current, measur amperes, amps. amper si unit electr current, amount electr charg flow conductor given time. one amper charg one coulomb 6.241 10 18 electron per second flow past given point. current one amp one volt use one watt power. power use devic simpli amp multipli volts, applianc rate ten amp plug 110-volt suppli use 1,110 watts."} {"id": "12826", "contents": "amper definition. amper amp (symbol: a) unit electr current. amper unit name andre-mari ampere, france. one amper defin current flow electr charg one coulomb per second. c/s. amper meter ammet electr instrument use measur electr current amperes. want measur electr current load, ampere-met connect seri load. resist ampere-met near zero, affect measur circuit."} {"id": "12827", "contents": "electr resist measur ohm relat watt volt simpl equat show here: watt volt ohms. current (amps) potenti (volts) resist (ohms). electr resist thought easili electr flow material. resist high effort needed. smaller-diamet electr wire resist electr flow larger-diamet wire. ten-amp 240v electr servic capabl delivering, speak roughly, twice energi end-us ten-amp 120v electr service. volt measur strength electr sourc given current amperag level."} {"id": "12828", "contents": "defin electr amps, volt (current), resist (ohms), watt electr phase-clear confus electr terms. place world, electr servic brought build either two voltag levels: 240v 120v. ten-amp 240v electr servic capabl delivering, speak roughly, twice energi end-us ten-amp 120v electr service. volt measur strength electr sourc given current amperag level."} {"id": "12829", "contents": "first, need know mani amperes, amps, circuit rated. amp amount electr current flow circuit. homes, light small applianc circuit 15 20 amps, major applianc 20, 50 even 60 amp circuits. second, need know volt flow wires."} {"id": "12830", "contents": "\u00adthe\u00ad three basic unit electr voltag (v), current (i, uppercas i) resist (r). voltag measur volts, current measur amp resist measur ohms. neat analog help understand term system plumb pipes. voltag equival water pressure, current equival flow rate, resist like pipe size. basic equat electr engin state three term relate."} {"id": "12831", "contents": "amper (si unit symbol: a), often shorten amp, si unit electr current (dimens symbol: i) one seven si base units. amper unit current, amount charg transit per unit time, coulomb unit charge."} {"id": "12832", "contents": "amper confus coulomb (also call ampere-second) ampere-hour (a\u22c5h). amper unit current, amount charg transit per unit time, coulomb unit charge."} {"id": "12833", "contents": "electr efficiency. electr system, increas either current voltag result higher power. let' say system 6-volt light bulb hook 6-volt battery. power output light bulb 100 watts."} {"id": "12834", "contents": "work perform per epa protocols. continu monitor mitig project start finish, ensur radon level epa action level consid job done. licens certifi ccb #180537 cascari927c1. bonded, insured, state listed, member of:"} {"id": "12835", "contents": "state data show area oregon high risk danger radon levels. view zip code table: radon risk level oregon zip code (pdf). radon risk level maps: statewide, ne oregon, salem, portland metro. take action test home: learn radon testing."} {"id": "12836", "contents": "high level radon found throughout multnomah clark county. radon second smoke lead caus lung cancer. estim radon respons 21,000 lung cancer death year."} {"id": "12837", "contents": "case crack crevic sealed. hole put slab instal small fan creat sub-slab suction. averag radon mitig cost portland, oregon, vancouver, washington $800 $2,500 averag $1,200. generally, fan system requir littl mainten installed."} {"id": "12838", "contents": "radon lead caus lung cancer non-smokers. least properti portland/vancouv metropolitan areahav elev radon levels. experi includ testing, mitigation, system design homes, schools, multi-famili hous projects, businesses, public build commerci properti oregon, washington, california."} {"id": "12839", "contents": "english name gener consist given name, middl name famili name. mani english speak countri fairli flexibl name laws. allow multicultur famili live countri merg name convent faith previou nation current homeland."} {"id": "12840", "contents": "denni /den-nis/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc den-iss. english greek origin, mean denni follow dionysius. also variant"} {"id": "12841", "contents": "english meaning: name denni english babi name. english mean name denni is: dionysiu mytholog greek god wine respons growth vine origin winemaking: (equival roman god bacchus.)."} {"id": "12842", "contents": "greek meaning: name denni greek babi name. greek mean name denni is: follow dionysiu (greek god wine). american meaning: name denni american babi name. american mean name denni is: follow dionysiu (greek god wine). french meaning: name denni french babi name. french mean name denni is: name saint denys."} {"id": "12843", "contents": "see also relat forms, sidney (english french), sidney (english french). denni classic favorite. today still fairli popular babi name boys, though extent past. usag peak 1946 1.299% babi boy given name dennis."} {"id": "12844", "contents": "variant name denni includ denys. name denes, denis, tenney form dennis. denni diminut (nicknames) denny, dye. famou bearer name include: denni rodman, denni miller."} {"id": "12845", "contents": "estim low $15m2, base singl render work discount rate. averag residenti home 400 squar metr exterior wall area. $30m2, home size would cost $12,000 fulli render. high end scale, render would cost $20,000 $50m2. cost significant, result stunning."} {"id": "12846", "contents": "thank visit quotat check guid construct home repair costs, price charges. page part seri repairing, seal paint walls. see price guid here. render sand/cement mix appli brickwork outsid building. origin use cover waterproof old brick crack let moisture. nowaday render popular altern wall finish."} {"id": "12847", "contents": "weber render prices. popular extern render option weber. 25 kg bag ready-mix weber concrete-based, weather-resist adhes cost nearli euro 8.95 use nearli kind breeze-block/brickwork extern walls."} {"id": "12848", "contents": "price basic render contractor depend materi specifi finish want, well squar meterag wall treated. rough guid typic bed semi detach hous basic render would around \u00a33,000 \u00a34,500."} {"id": "12849", "contents": "estim low $15m2, base singl render work discount rate. averag residenti home 400 squar metr exterior wall area. $30m2, home size would cost $12,000 fulli render. high end scale, render would cost $20,000 $50m2. cost significant, result stunning. top profession renov put render high list way add valu brick home."} {"id": "12850", "contents": "accept rate usc 20% everi 100 applicants, 20 admitted. mean school selective. meet usc' requir gpa, sat/act scores, compon application, great shot get in. fall short gpa sat/act scores, low chanc admitted, even meet admiss requirements."} {"id": "12851", "contents": "averag sat: 2075. averag sat score composit usc 2075. 25th percentil sat score 1920, 75th percentil sat score 2230. words, 1920 place average, 2230 move average. there' absolut sat requir usc, realli want see least 1920 chanc considered. make usc strongli competit gpas. (most school use weight gpa 4.0, though report unweight gpa. gpa 3.73, usc requir averag high school class. need mix a' b's, lean toward a's."} {"id": "12852", "contents": "univers southern california enrol around 38,000 student annually. major student admit usc earn sat score rang 1920 2230, got accept act composit score within rang 29 33. overal usc accept rate-fal 2013. 19.8%. overal accept rate univers southern california report 19.8% fall 2013 47,400 applic submit usc. state state applic includ figures."} {"id": "12853", "contents": "usc description: usc, univers southern california, highli competit privat univers locat univers park neighborhood southwest downtown lo angeles. univers offer 130 major undergradu busi administr draw greatest number students."} {"id": "12854", "contents": "likewise, report indic school consist take sat composit score 1920 2400 scale, admiss consid reach. estim student accept sat' low 1765. estim averag sat composit admit freshman 2075 2400. tabl describ sat act test score percentil profil fall 2013 freshman class. data indic usc regularli accept student act' 29 above. estim school accept minimim act composit score around 27 instances."} {"id": "12855", "contents": "april 2010 edit decemb 2013 univers southern california. sat score absolut horrendous, gpa compar low accept usc student' gpa' bomb freshman year. anyways, feel sat score make break me. accept students, lowest sat scores?"} {"id": "12856", "contents": "graph above, blue green dot repres accept student concentr upper right corner. major student get accept univers southern california averages, sat score (cr+m+w) 1900, act composit score 29. even grade score target usc, guarante admission. calcul chanc get free tool cappex. compar gpa, sat act data california colleges: berkeley caltech claremont mckenna harvey mudd occident pepperdin pomona scripp stanford ucla ucsd usc."} {"id": "12857", "contents": "averag gpa usc 3.73. make usc strongli competit gpas. (most school use weight gpa 4.0, though report unweight gpa. gpa 3.73, usc requir averag high school class. need mix a' b's, lean toward a's."} {"id": "12858", "contents": "averag sat score composit usc 2075. score make usc strongli competit sat test scores. 25th percentil sat score 1920, 75th percentil sat score 2230. words, 1920 place average, 2230 move average. meet usc' requir gpa, sat/act scores, compon application, great shot get in. fall short gpa sat/act scores, low chanc admitted, even meet admiss requirements."} {"id": "12859", "contents": "abl estim usc averag gpa (3.68 3.96) admit student appli sampl gpa data 150 schools. competit get accept school run high, given 20% student appli admit school. overal usc accept rate-fal 2013. 19.8%. overal accept rate univers southern california report 19.8% fall 2013 47,400 applic submit usc. state state applic includ figures."} {"id": "12860", "contents": "english, nigella sativa seed various call kalonji (from hindi), fennel flower, nutmeg flower, black caraway, roman coriander. name used, sometim misleadingly, black cumin, black onion seed black sesame. seed nigella sativa use spice indian middl eastern cuisines. black seed tast like combin onions, black pepper oregano."} {"id": "12861", "contents": "english, kalonji known samal fennel, hindi name kalonji kalonji mangralia; kalonji known mogrel bengali, gujarati call kalonji. malayalam, kalonji\u2019 name ell karum jiragam marathi, black cumin call kale til. rub kalonji oil head twice day, help prevent baldness. bald also prevent mixtur coffe (one cup) taken along kalonji oil (1 spoon) twice day. rub hair lime juice, leav 15 minutes. now, wash shampoo use kalonji oil hair get dry."} {"id": "12862", "contents": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kalonji kalonji known kalajaji sanskrit black cumin small fennel english. also commonli call kalajira, mugrela upakuncika. kalonji import herb ayurved medicine. small herb yield yellowish brown oil rich d-limonene, carvon nigellone, carbonyl compound. kalonji variou health benefits. add one cup water bring boil strain it. add sugar take one teaspoon remedi indigest acidity. ajwain seed tini size. seed cure certain mouth heart diseases, vomiting, ascites, piles, abdomin tumor pain."} {"id": "12863", "contents": "also known as. kalonji, onion seeds. description. black seed, nigella kalonji, also known seed bless consid one greatest heal herb times. small black seed got kalonji bushes, grown wide throughout india"} {"id": "12864", "contents": "best answer: correct english name nigella sativa. common english call black caraway, black onion seed. serd also frequent refer black cumin. hope helped!!"} {"id": "12865", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. kalonji, may also call nigella, refer small black seed grown kalonji bushes, grown wide india. plant may origin grown turkey and/or italy, accord herbal lore grown india sever millennia. post 28. black seed known kalonji similar sesam seeds, white color. normally, black small ladoo made it, god incens use indian muslim christian purifi home place worship. found ask lot people."} {"id": "12866", "contents": "kalonji ajwain differ ajwain ajwain herb also known bishop weed. benefici herb use culinari process spice well major ngredient differ kind medicines. ajwain seed small size tast hot, penchant bitter. add one cup water bring boil strain it. add sugar take one teaspoon remedi indigest acidity. ajwain seed tini size. seed cure certain mouth heart diseases, vomiting, ascites, piles, abdomin tumor pain."} {"id": "12867", "contents": "nisha madhulika 25639 time read. kalonji known mani names. english call samal fennel, hindi call kalonji mangraila, bengali call mogrell, gujarati kalonji. even call black onion seed onion seeds. tast seed bitter spici good aroma"} {"id": "12868", "contents": "confid vote 12. genellebabee: peopl consid sens sight, important. yes, loss sight tragedy, life go on. loss hearing, bad adjust. loss sens smell, smell still get by."} {"id": "12869", "contents": "genellebabee: peopl consid sens sight, important. yes, loss sight tragedy, life go on. loss hearing, bad ca adjust. loss sens smell, smell still get by."} {"id": "12870", "contents": "lose sens smell food flavorless, get by. loss hearing, too, great loss, loss adjust to. people' live threaten loss sens taste."} {"id": "12871", "contents": "sens taste, touch, smell also help peopl survive. mani peopl think sight import sense. earli human would run right danger without sens sight. even today, hard us imagin live without ou"} {"id": "12872", "contents": "report abuse. 1.the tradit five sens human kind sens vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch. medicine, special sens first four these; touch specif exclud special sense. instead, variou aspect touch (pain, heat, pressure) categor somat senses. 2. touch important, give us sens pain, heat, pressur import protect self danger situat also normal life."} {"id": "12873", "contents": "anonym said... touch import sens sens touch. sight tissu eye touch light. hear tissu ear touch vibrat air. tast tissu tongu touch chemic blend food drink."} {"id": "12874", "contents": "love senses. they'r important. however, me, hear utmost important. listen learn, understand obey. unfortun person sens hearing, may benefit unfortun peopl deaf, lot circumstances."} {"id": "12875", "contents": "khukuri palac real, authent geniun gurkha knive (khukuri, kukri) manufacturer, retail wholesaler. offici khukuri (kukri) supplier british gurkhas: renown elit armi world (with proof). recogn us marines. khukuri palac offici regist ministri commerc recogn govern nepal bear registr no.62663/059/60. main object khukuri palac sustain uniqu handicraft nepal with..."} {"id": "12876", "contents": "khukuri handl usual made rosewood, buffalo horn metal aluminium, brass case ivori antler also use make handle. common scabbard made leather wood often featur variou carv designed. famou 'kukri'.......!___________________________________________________________. khukuri-edg myth legend-bi tilak sunar khukuri superior blade, combat weapon tool."} {"id": "12877", "contents": "khukuri make khukuris. khukuri make one oldest profess kaami. anoth differ clan call saarki make scabbard sheath (dap). combin clan\u2019 craftsmanship, complet khukuri becom ready. famou 'kukri'.......!___________________________________________________________. khukuri-edg myth legend-bi tilak sunar khukuri superior blade, combat weapon tool."} {"id": "12878", "contents": "khukuri (nepali: \u0916\u0941\u0915\u0941\u0930\u0940 khukuri, hindi: kukr\u012b) nepales knife inwardli curv blade, similar machete, use tool weapon nepal neighbour countri south asia. tradit was, mani case still is, basic util knife nepales people. khukuri often appear nepales heraldri use mani tradit ritual wed ceremonies. kukri, khukri, kukkri spell indian origin, origin nepales form khukuri."} {"id": "12879", "contents": "himalayan import flagship khukuri. -- birgorkha kothimoda, best biggest kothimoda world. khukuri made royal kami rate 10 10. scabbard done one best gold silversmith kathmandu valley also rate 10 10. khukuri specs. weight lb 11 oz., overal length -- 17.25 inches, width blade -- 7/8 wide, blade thick -- 7/16 inch"} {"id": "12880", "contents": "gurkah khukuri (kukri) knife industri pioneer provid best gurkha knive nepal. khukuri (kukris) among finest made world today. gkki\u2019 artisan enjoy reput among best khukuri knife-mak world today.each kukri handcraft therefor unique."} {"id": "12881", "contents": "khukuri hous thamel manufactur distributor finest kukri nepal. establish mr. lalit lama, ex-british gurkha warrant offic 1993 first genuin gurkha knife store heart thamel (tourist area) katmandu, nepal. khukuri. khukuri medium-length curv knife gurkha soldier carri uniform battle. grip, formid razor sharp weapon cut tool. fact, extens arm."} {"id": "12882", "contents": "characterist weapon nepales army, royal gurkha rifles, assam rifles, assam regiment indian army, gurkha regiment throughout world, much english-speak refer weapon gurkha blade gurkha knife. khukuri often appear nepales heraldri use mani tradit ritual wed ceremonies. kukri, khukri, kukkri spell indian origin, origin nepales form khukuri."} {"id": "12883", "contents": "\u2018kukri\u2019 accept spelling; khukuri\u2019 strict transliter nepali word. either way, thing renown nation weapon nepal gurkhas. nepali boy like kukri age five necessarili becom skill use long manhood. famou 'kukri'.......!___________________________________________________________. khukuri-edg myth legend-bi tilak sunar khukuri superior blade, combat weapon tool."} {"id": "12884", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre f. place oven rack lower third oven lamb sit middl oven. peel clove garlic place bowl food processor fit steel blade. add rosemary, tablespoon salt, teaspoon pepper, butter. place lamb top potato roast 1/4 1/2 hours, intern temperatur lamb 135 degre (rare) 145 degre (medium)."} {"id": "12885", "contents": "place leg lamb rack roast pan. preheat oven 325 degre bake leg lamb uncov 30 minut per pound intern temperatur reach 120 130 degre thickest point. preheat oven 325 degre bake leg lamb uncov 30 minut per pound intern temperatur reach 120 130 degre thickest point."} {"id": "12886", "contents": "ingredients. (7-pound) semi-boneless leg lamb, aitchbon removed, fat trim 1/4-inch thick, lamb tied. garlic cloves. cup flat-leaf parsley. 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves. teaspoon lemon zest. lemons, juiced. tablespoon kosher salt. teaspoon freshli ground black pepper. 1/2 cup oliv oil. 10 pita bread, wrap foil .... preheat oven 425 degre f. roast lamb middl oven 20 minutes, reduc heat 350, cook instant-read thermomet insert inch thickest part meat (not touch bone) regist 135 degre f, 3/4 hours."} {"id": "12887", "contents": "pour marinad lamb potatoes. roast 20 minutes. reduc oven 400 degrees, roast instant-read thermomet regist 130 degre medium-rare, 40 45 minutes. remov oven. directions. place lamb large, shallow, nonreact dish. use pare knife, make 1/2-inch-deep slit lamb, space inch apart; insert garlic slice slit. pour lemon juic top. add marjoram, crush garlic, tablespoon oil dish. turn lamb coat."} {"id": "12888", "contents": "place bottom larg roast pan. place lamb top potato roast 1/4 1/2 hours, intern temperatur lamb 135 degre (rare) 145 degre (medium). remov oven put lamb platter; cover tightli aluminum foil"} {"id": "12889", "contents": "season lamb ingredi listed, make sure evenli distributed. place leg lamb rack roast pan. preheat oven 325 degre bake leg lamb uncov 30 minut per pound intern temperatur reach 120 130 degre thickest point. preheat oven 325 degre bake leg lamb uncov 30 minut per pound intern temperatur reach 120 130 degre thickest point."} {"id": "12890", "contents": "boneless leg lamb (about lbs) tablespoon fresh rosemari tablespoon fresh thyme tablespoon fresh oregano clove garlic oliv oil salt pepper. preheat oven 450\u00baf. oven heating, fine chop herb garlic use food processor like did. pound boneless leg lamb, roll tied, take 30 minut per pound 325 degre oven. cours depend exact size lamb actual temperatur oven. set oven 325 doesn\u2019t mean accurate."} {"id": "12891", "contents": "etymology: gk, nema eidos, form. multicellular, parasit anim phylum nematoda. roundworm belong phylum, includ ancylostoma duodenale, ascari lumbricoides, enterobiu vermicularis, necat americanus, strongyloid stercoralis, sever species. roundworm, see there. nematode. roundworm; individu organ class nematoda. parasit worm group repres signific proport diseas animals."} {"id": "12892", "contents": "multicellular, parasit anim phylum nematoda. roundworm belong phylum, includ ancylostoma duodenale, ascari lumbricoides, enterobiu vermicularis, necat americanus, strongyloid stercoralis, sever species. roundworm, see there. nematode. roundworm; individu organ class nematoda. parasit worm group repres signific proport diseas animals."} {"id": "12893", "contents": "nematod parasit poultri (and find them). r.d. jacobs, j.a. hogsette, g.d. butcher. nematod roundworm import group helminth parasit poultry. due larg number parasit speci (23) caus damag host, especi sever infections."} {"id": "12894", "contents": "background. nematod infect human includ ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm, enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis, filariasis, trichinosis, among others. phylum nematoda, also known roundworms, second largest phylum anim kingdom, encompass 500,000 species."} {"id": "12895", "contents": "noun. 1. nematod worm-unseg worm elong round bodi point ends; mostli free-liv parasitic. nematode, roundworm."} {"id": "12896", "contents": "nem\u00b7a\u00b7tode. n. numer worm phylum nematoda, unseg cylindr bodi often narrow end, includ free-liv speci abund soil water, speci parasit plant animals, eelworms, pinworms, hookworms. also call roundworm. nematode. n. 1. (animals) unseg worm phylum (or class) nematoda, tough outer cuticle. group includ free-liv form disease-caus parasites, hookworm filaria. also called: nematod worm roundworm. (\u02c8n\u025bm \u0259\u02ccto\u028ad)"} {"id": "12897", "contents": "nematode. nematode. (phasmarhabd hermaphrodita). greek nemato (thread) eido (speci form), nematod one abund creatur earth; typic hand soil contain thousand microscop organisms."} {"id": "12898", "contents": "feminin (also call feminity, girlishness, womanli womanhood) set attributes, behaviors, role gener associ girl women. western culture, effemin men often associ homosexuality. term effemimania sometim use describ neg attitud toward feminin men. feminin necessarili relat man' sexuality. men wear cloth associ feminin often call cross-dressers."} {"id": "12899", "contents": "feminin masculin plural\u2014ther mani form feminin mani form masculinity. get defin feminin masculin differ region, religion, class, nation culture, social factors. feminin masculin valu differ culturally. one culture, certain behavior practic may wide recogn \u201cfeminine\u201d \u201cmasculine,\u201d irrespect whether adopt women men. feminin masculin descriptor sexual orientation."} {"id": "12900", "contents": "instructor: jennif lombardo. present understand masculin feminin cultur characteristics. lesson, learn differ two cultur use knowledg creat messag receiv successfully. differ masculin feminin cultur commun style need adapt behavior discussed. masculin societi trait categor male, strength, dominance, assertiveness, egotism."} {"id": "12901", "contents": "feminine. feminin behavior would behavior cultur one live standard feminine. example, play barbi watch romant movi american cultur would consid feminin trait, thu feminin trait live america. course, feminin mere pertain one' behavior, also includ one' looks."} {"id": "12902", "contents": "mexico, japan, itali exampl countri masculin cultures. u.s. fall closer masculin societi feminin one due emphasi financi success, power, dominance. prime exampl would view wall street new york operates. differ masculin feminin cultur commun style need adapt behavior discussed. masculin societi trait categor male, strength, dominance, assertiveness, egotism."} {"id": "12903", "contents": "feminin cultures. type philosophi focus feminin characteristics, develop high qualiti life base help other creat support mentor-bas work environment. feminin culture, social femal gender role evident. differ masculin feminin cultur commun style need adapt behavior discussed. masculin societi trait categor male, strength, dominance, assertiveness, egotism."} {"id": "12904", "contents": "feminin culture: cultur domin valu care other qualiti life. term feminin cultur may also exist definit meanings, mean definit indic indic use medic legal special purposes. follow text properti respect author thank give us opportun share free students, teacher user web text use illustr educ scientif purpos only."} {"id": "12905", "contents": "western cultures, ideal feminin appear tradit includ long, flow hair, clear skin, narrow waist, littl bodi hair facial hair. cultures, however, expect different. example, mani part world, underarm hair consid unfeminine. western culture, effemin men often associ homosexuality. term effemimania sometim use describ neg attitud toward feminin men. feminin necessarili relat man' sexuality. men wear cloth associ feminin often call cross-dressers."} {"id": "12906", "contents": "feminin culture. follow text properti respect author thank give us opportun share free students, teacher user web text use illustr educ scientif purpos only."} {"id": "12907", "contents": "japan consid hofsted masculin cultur (replac slovakia later study), sweden feminine.. anglo cultur moder masculine. sorry, someth gone wrong. best answer: masculin vs. feminin cultures-ref valu place tradit male femal valu (a understood western cultures)."} {"id": "12908", "contents": "whoop cough caus infect bacterium known bordetella pertussis. bacteria attach line airway upper respiratori system releas toxin lead inflamm swelling."} {"id": "12909", "contents": "pertussi highli contagi acut respiratori diseas caus bacteria bordetella pertussis. diseas stages: catarrhal, paroxysmal, convalescent."} {"id": "12910", "contents": "pertussi contagi respiratori diseas caus bacteria. pertussi caus sever ill younger children, also caus ill older children adults. children get pneumonia occasion inflamm brain pertussis."} {"id": "12911", "contents": "causes. pertussis, respiratori ill commonli known whoop cough, contagi diseas caus type bacteria call bordetella pertussis. bacteria attach cilia (tiny, hair-lik extensions) line part upper respiratori system."} {"id": "12912", "contents": "caus whoop cough (also known pertussis) bacteri infection. bacterium respons diseas call bordetella pertussi (b. pertussis). b. pertussis. person becom infect b. pertussi bacteria direct contact contamin droplets."} {"id": "12913", "contents": "back top causes. pertussis, whoop cough, upper respiratori infect caus bordetella pertussi bordetella parapertussi bacteria. seriou diseas caus perman disabl infants, even death."} {"id": "12914", "contents": "pertussi acut infecti diseas caus bacterium bordetella pertussis. 20 th century, pertussi one common childhood diseas major caus childhood mortal unit states."} {"id": "12915", "contents": "enjoy grill chees without bread -- best way eat summertime. cheese, halloumi. halloumi semi-hard chees made mixtur sheep, goat cow' milk that' popular cypriot cuisine. (cypriot blend greek, turkish, italian middl eastern foods.)."} {"id": "12916", "contents": "halloumi cypriot, semi-hard, unripen brine chees made mixtur goat sheep milk. versatil kind chees high melt point. reason, grill fried, or, addition, eaten fresh fruit vegetables, serv grate pasta."} {"id": "12917", "contents": "halloumi. halloumi cypriot firm, brined, slightli springi white cheese, tradit made mixtur goat sheep milk, although day cow\u2019 milk also used. textur similar mozzarella thick feta, except strong, salti flavour imbib brine preserve."} {"id": "12918", "contents": "cook halloumi cheese: tri halloumi grilled, pan-fri thinli sliced. tri instead mozzarella capres salad, serv watermelon, tradit cyprus."} {"id": "12919", "contents": "justin lightley/photographer' choic rf/getti images. halloumi cheese, sometim call grill cheese, make way list popular food trends-and good reason!"} {"id": "12920", "contents": "per diem ta ble websit pmr alreadi computed. exampl use standard conu m&ie rate $46.00 standard gmr $11.85 show comput pmr amount. $46.00 consist $41.00 meal $5.00 incident expenses."} {"id": "12921", "contents": "per diem allowance. year dod per diem, travel transport committe set per diem allowance. per diem specif given travel locat rang standard conu rate $140 per day $702 per day out-of-conu rates."} {"id": "12922", "contents": "current per diem rates. per diem rate receiv base combin maximum lodg meal incident expens (m&ie) rates. m&ie either determin ad local meal rate incident expens rates, proport meal rate."} {"id": "12923", "contents": "commonwealth virginia per diem calculator. calcul show per diem allow commonwealth virginia travel within outsid state, base meal incident travel expens portion offici state travel polici travel begin octob 1, 2013 septemb 30, 2015."} {"id": "12924", "contents": "tie together. point, per diem calcul reimburs per-diem: $13,203.75 $4,783.29 $8,420.46. differ govern thought reimbursed, actual got reimbursed."} {"id": "12925", "contents": "bulk work obtain per diem calculation. common way get trip year airlin schedul software, flight crewmemb maintain logbooks. exampl shown, user enter day trip start 22nd."} {"id": "12926", "contents": "love name spencer, mostli own, think unisex name, mostli best friend bigend (or identifi genders) chang name this, never get odd looks, anyth like past(lexie= unisex)."} {"id": "12927", "contents": "like name spencer never made think dispens lol. think spencer good first middl name."} {"id": "12928", "contents": "like name spencer boy, can't think middl names. like uniqu name tradit name common. pleas help us give us suggestions."} {"id": "12929", "contents": "girl' first name goe middl name spencer. husband second babi girl july. husband' name spencer think would incred special babi name middl name. sinc spencer either girl boy name, think perfect littl one. dilemma troubl find first name goe well it."} {"id": "12930", "contents": "comment insight name spencer: edit. male name, definit female. pronounc spen-sir. love name spencer boy, much fan girl. girl, name spencer, happen think good genders."} {"id": "12931", "contents": "best answer: thank realiz pretti spencer girl. absolut favorit unisex name surpris use often. yes, origin boy' name, okay sinc becom popular trend."} {"id": "12932", "contents": "need boy name goe sibl trevor spencer. boy name trevor ray spencer jay. husband name jason ray, came boys' middl names. name go well trevor spencer still sort connect husband name?"} {"id": "12933", "contents": "credit score primarili base credit report information, typic three major credit bureaus, name experian, transunion equifax. differ variant calcul credit scores."} {"id": "12934", "contents": "credit score lower aunt mary\u2019 score, paid everyth time past months, bare rememb read mail, let alon pay bills. follow guidelin explain differ credit activ weight differ credit score calculated."} {"id": "12935", "contents": "consumer' credit histori consist inform as: number type credit accounts, long account open, amount owed, amount avail credit used, whether bill paid time, number recent credit inquiries."} {"id": "12936", "contents": "fico score look inform credit report. credit score calcul credit report. however, lender look mani thing make credit decis income, long work present job kind credit requesting."} {"id": "12937", "contents": "answers. best answer: credit score numer express base statist analysi person' credit files, repres creditworthi person, likelihood person pay debt time manner."} {"id": "12938", "contents": "credit accounts. lender report account establish them. report type account (bankcard, auto loan, mortgage, etc), date open account, credit limit loan amount, account balanc payment history."} {"id": "12939", "contents": "35% payment history: lender want review potenti client\u2019 payment histori see previou account paid time. score review payment inform on: credit card accounts. public record item bankruptcy, foreclosures, liens, etc. detail late payment 30, 60, 90, recent frequenc it. good track record increas score."} {"id": "12940", "contents": "credit score primarili base credit report information, typic sourc credit bureau credit refer agencies. lenders, bank credit card companies, use credit score evalu potenti risk pose lend money consum mitig loss due bad debt."} {"id": "12941", "contents": "spice spice taste, make sure none contain ad sugar. herb basil garlic rosemari cayenn pepper ginger sage cilantro oregano tarragon dill pepper thyme atkin websit list restrict either-doesn't say limit use all."} {"id": "12942", "contents": "sugar homemad taco seasoning. 5. great starter base, howev think need spici ad 1/4 tsp (approx.) ground cayenn pepper. also ad dri minc onion well. one batch season lbs. ground beef."} {"id": "12943", "contents": "origin post sherlock. hi, found low carb taco season recip find one store high...they add sugar etc. one found tbs. chili pwdr...5 tsp paprika...4 1/2tsp. cumin....1 tbsp. onion pwdr...2 1/2 tsp garlic pwdr....1/8 tsp cayenn pepper. .75 carb per tsp."} {"id": "12944", "contents": "ingredients. 1/4 cup chili powder. tsp cumin. 1/2 tsp sea salt. tsp paprika. tsp garlic powder. tsp onion powder. tsp dri oregano."} {"id": "12945", "contents": "cinnamon low carb spice fight carb cravings, reduc blood sugar ldl cholesterol levels, promot healthier circulation. cinnamon also prevent metabol syndrom commonli seen pre-diabetics."} {"id": "12946", "contents": "quote: origin post sherlock. hi, found low carb taco season recip find one store high...they add sugar etc. one found tbs. chili pwdr...5 tsp paprika...4 1/2tsp. cumin....1 tbsp. onion pwdr...2 1/2 tsp garlic pwdr....1/8 tsp cayenn pepper. .75 carb per tsp."} {"id": "12947", "contents": "posts: 1. gallery: sherlock. hi, found low carb taco season recip find one store high...they add sugar etc. one found tbs. chili pwdr...5 tsp paprika...4 1/2tsp. cumin....1 tbsp. onion pwdr...2 1/2 tsp garlic pwdr....1/8 tsp cayenn pepper. .75 carb per tsp."} {"id": "12948", "contents": "noteworthi work piet mondrian, linear cubism 1912 appl tree painting, process ultim led first realli non-figur paint (or pure abstract art), 1914 on. instead emphasi color, analyt cubist focus form like cylinder, sphere cone repres natur world. movement, work produc picasso braqu share stylist similarities."} {"id": "12949", "contents": "cubism early-20th-centuri avant-gard art movement revolution european paint sculpture, inspir relat movement music, literatur architecture. cubism consid influenti art movement 20th century. term broadli use associ wide varieti art produc pari (montmartre, montparnass puteaux) 1910 extend 1920s. cubist artwork, object analyzed, broken reassembl abstract form\u2014instead depict object one viewpoint, artist depict subject multitud viewpoint repres subject greater context. impact cubism far-reach wide-ranging."} {"id": "12950", "contents": "1912, past paper piec oilcloth canva combin paint areas, picasso creat first collage, still life chair cane (muse mus\u00e9e, picasso). pari techniqu mark transit synthetic. cubism one famou paint still life chair cane 1912, fact first attempt way working. case, glu canvas, print fabric imit appear chair caning. and, also use rope around pictur instead tradit frame."} {"id": "12951", "contents": "cubism began 1907 1911. pablo picasso' 1907 paint le demoisel d'avignon often consid proto-cubist work. georg braque' 1908 hous l\u2019estaqu (and relat works) prompt critic loui vauxcel refer bizarreri cubiqu (cubic oddities). cubist artwork, object analyzed, broken reassembl abstract form\u2014instead depict object one viewpoint, artist depict subject multitud viewpoint repres subject greater context. impact cubism far-reach wide-ranging."} {"id": "12952", "contents": "pablo picasso' cubism period 1909 1912. analyt cubism one two major branch artist movement cubism develop 1908 1912. contrast synthet cubism, analyt cubist analyz natur form reduc form basic geometr part two-dimension pictur plane. instead emphasi color, analyt cubist focus form like cylinder, sphere cone repres natur world. movement, work produc picasso braqu share stylist similarities."} {"id": "12953", "contents": "greatest synthet cubist paintings. short list best work synthet cubism pablo picasso, georg braqu juan gris. pablo picasso: still life chair-can (1911-12) picasso museum, paris. music instrument (1912) hermitag museum, st petersburg. clarinet violin (1913) hermitag museum, st petersburg"} {"id": "12954", "contents": "cubism -- highli influenti visual art style 20th centuri creat princip painter pablo picasso georg braqu pari 1907 1914."} {"id": "12955", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: picasso' cubist pictur fall two categories: first category-hi analyt cubist paintings-wher form object broken fragment look like shard glass-h use tradit materials-oil paint canvas, occasion board. one famou paint still life chair cane 1912, fact first attempt way working. case, glu canvas, print fabric imit appear chair caning. and, also use rope around pictur instead tradit frame."} {"id": "12956", "contents": "probabl picasso' famou work, guernica certainli power polit statement, paint immedi reaction nazi' devast casual bomb practic basqu town guernica spanish civil war."} {"id": "12957", "contents": "pronounc ae k-eriy- \u2020. zachari use predominantli english languag origin hebrew. name' mean yahweh remembered. biblic name, deriv element 'zakar' mean remember; yahweh name god. see also relat form, jahw (german). zachari popular babi name boys. name' popular rose 1940 1990s; that, infrequ use only. usag peak 1993 1.237% babi boy given name zachary. rank #15 then. babi name sinc experienc fall popular"} {"id": "12958", "contents": "zachari form name zechariah. variant name zachari includ zachery, zackary. zachari diminut (nickname) zach. famou bearer name include: zachari taylor. u.s. 2014, rank 82 babi name popular boy 5137 occurrences. rank 16337 popular babi name girl occurrences. view zachari name popular page see popular trend zachari chang sinc 1880, compar popular zachari names."} {"id": "12959", "contents": "name zack english babi name. english mean name zack is: zachary. american meaning: name zack american babi name. american mean name zack is: zachary. hebrew meaning: name zack hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name zack is: lord remembered, isaac: laughs. laughter"} {"id": "12960", "contents": "zach /zach/ [1 syll.] boys' name. zach' name origin hebrew, mean name zach lord recalled. zach altern spell zachariah (hebrew): variat zechariah. zach also deriv zachari (hebrew). kreatif forms: zachha, zachzi, zizach. zach uncommon first name men popular surnam adult children (#16694 150436, top 11%). (2000 u.s. census). present birth name popular zach boys. zach reach highest rank #88 ireland year 2012, found list moment."} {"id": "12961", "contents": "answer peter zavon. confid vote 52.6k. zach short form zachary. accord dictionari first names, zachari old english form new testament greek name, zacharias, itslef form hebrew name, zechariah. zechariah mean god rememb hebrew"} {"id": "12962", "contents": "zachari gener use boy' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc za-cha-ry. u.s. 2014, rank 82 babi name popular boy 5137 occurrences. rank 16337 popular babi name girl occurrences. view zachari name popular page see popular trend zachari chang sinc 1880, compar popular zachari names."} {"id": "12963", "contents": "name zachari hebrew origin, mean god rememb name commonli given boys. zac efron actor singer promin portion career present."} {"id": "12964", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name zachari hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name zachari is: rememb god. american meaning: name zachari american babi name. american mean name zachari is: rememb god. english meaning: name zachari english babi name. english mean name zachari is: jehovah remembered.' experienc reviv modern times."} {"id": "12965", "contents": "sleep apnea (or sleep apnoea british english) sleep disord character paus breath instanc shallow infrequ breath sleep. paus breathing, call apnea, last sever second sever minutes, may occur, definition, least time hour. sleep apnea often diagnos overnight sleep test call polysomnogram, sleep study. three form sleep apnea: central (csa), obstruct (osa), complex mix sleep apnea (i.e. combin central obstructive) constitut 0.4%, 84%, 15% cases, respectively."} {"id": "12966", "contents": "sleep studi accur test diagnos sleep apnea. differ kind sleep studies. doctor think sleep apnea, may recommend polysomnogram (poly-som-no-gram; also call psg) home-bas portabl monitor. cpap common treatment sleep apnea. cpap machin use mild air pressur keep airway open sleep. doctor think sleep apnea, may schedul split-night sleep study."} {"id": "12967", "contents": "there, sleep specialist help decid need evaluation. evalu often involv overnight monitor breath bodi function sleep. home sleep test may also option. test detect sleep apnea may include: nocturn polysomnography. test, hook equip monitor heart, lung brain activity, breath patterns, arm leg movements, blood oxygen level sleep"} {"id": "12968", "contents": "think may suffer obstruct sleep apnea sleep breath disorder, sever simpl test take may suggest discuss possibl health care provider."} {"id": "12969", "contents": "home sleep tests. cases, doctor may provid simplifi test use home diagnos sleep apnea. test usual involv measur heart rate, blood oxygen level, airflow breath patterns. evalu often involv overnight monitor breath bodi function sleep. home sleep test may also option. test detect sleep apnea may include: nocturn polysomnography."} {"id": "12970", "contents": "article. symptom sleep apnea, doctor may ask sleep apnea test, call polysomnogram. may done sleep disord center even home. record analyz qualifi sleep specialist determin whether sleep apnea anoth type sleep disorder. sleep apnea determined, may ask sleep test order determin best treatment option. sleep apnea caus fatigue."} {"id": "12971", "contents": "sleep test, call polysomnographi usual done diagnos sleep apnea. two kind polysomnograms. overnight polysomnographi test involv monitor brain waves, muscl tension, eye movement, respiration, oxygen level blood audio monitoring. addition, two video available. sleep apnea? 17-minut video explain lay terms, sleep apnea is, consequ may be, diagnost test performed, differ treatment option c-pap works."} {"id": "12972", "contents": "sleep specialist might use result home-bas sleep test help diagnos sleep apnea. also might use result see well treatment sleep apnea working. home-bas test appropri people. cpap treatment sleep apnea. sleep apnea common disord one paus breath shallow breath sleep. obstruct sleep apnea, airway collaps becom block sleep. cpap machin use mild air pressur keep airway open"} {"id": "12973", "contents": "night sleep studi sleep center lab, assign privat bedroom sleep center hospital. near bedroom central monitor area, technician monitor sleep patients. hook equip may look uncomfortable. record analyz qualifi sleep specialist determin whether sleep apnea anoth type sleep disorder. sleep apnea determined, may ask sleep test order determin best treatment option. sleep apnea caus fatigue."} {"id": "12974", "contents": "take sleep apnea test see may suffer potenti danger sleep disorder. then, indicators, see doctor right away. left untreated, sleep apnea lead life-threaten condit includ heart disease, stroke, degen illnesses. follow sleep test evaluation. there' noth submit. confirm diagnosis, doctor need administ formal, clinic base apnea test. so, use onlin test inform tool-but diagnosi purposes. begin, choos answer drop-down boxes. then, add number ye answer have."} {"id": "12975", "contents": "marimba music instrument percuss family. key bar (usual made wood) struck mallet produc music tones. use music instrument percuss family. today, marimba seen profession symphonies, play wide varieti classic contemporari music. concert band also use marimba fullfil wide varieti sound effect tone colorings."} {"id": "12976", "contents": "marimba anoth type percuss instrument bar arrang like piano. usual wider rang three five. music instrument usual play use mallet strike keys. bar arrang accord size, shortest longest, instrument xylophone. marimba usual bar length piano\u2019 keys. term range, marimba usual rang three five wherea xylophon two half four octaves."} {"id": "12977", "contents": "marimba compani introduc somewhat new way use world wide web. use castanet tuner product, program separ web browser, comput user set menu channels.. marimba provid user list channel choos from. channel updat automat time-sensit inform (for example, daili stock reports, local weather, televis schedules)."} {"id": "12978", "contents": "no. play vibraphone. close rel marimba key arrang way, like piano keyboard, vibraphone' key made metal. anoth differ vibraphon pedal use sustain like pedal piano."} {"id": "12979", "contents": "full definit marimba. xylophon southern africa central america reson beneath bar; also: modern form instrument. ma\u00b7rim\u00b7bist \\-bist\\ noun. see marimba defin english-languag learners. see marimba defin kids."} {"id": "12980", "contents": "instrument tradit play varieti mallets, hardest mallet avoid risk crack bars. instrument call xylorimba, sometim xylo-marimba marimba-xylophone, type xylophon rang extend marimba. marimba truli beauti instrument use remark rang music. think interest use loop music variou minimalist composers. flat tone percuss element marimba make uniqu suit creat hypnotic, drone patterns."} {"id": "12981", "contents": "top 10 fact world. marimba idiophone, percuss instrument produc sound mean vibrat travel entir bodi instrument. idiophon famili also includ triangl cymbals, instrument form part percuss section orchestra. marimba truli beauti instrument use remark rang music. think interest use loop music variou minimalist composers. flat tone percuss element marimba make uniqu suit creat hypnotic, drone patterns."} {"id": "12982", "contents": "xylophon marimba distinguish varieti characteristics. bar arrang accord size, shortest longest, instrument xylophone. marimba usual bar length piano\u2019 keys. term range, marimba usual rang three five wherea xylophon two half four octaves."} {"id": "12983", "contents": "xylophon wide use music west central africa. name marimba stem bantu marimba malimba, 'xylophone'. word 'marimba' form 'many' rimba 'single-bar xylophone'. diaton xylophon introduc central america 16th 17th century. first histor record mayan musician use gourd reson marimba guatemala made 1680, historian domingo juarros. rang marimba gradual expanding, compani like marimba one ad note normal high (c7) 5.5 octav instrument, marimba tuner ad note lower low octav c2."} {"id": "12984", "contents": "marimba (/m\u0259\u02c8r\u026amb\u0259/) percuss instrument consist set wooden bar struck mallet produc music tones. reson attach bar amplifi sound. rang marimba gradual expanding, compani like marimba one ad note normal high (c7) 5.5 octav instrument, marimba tuner ad note lower low octav c2."} {"id": "12985", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre f. spread breadcrumb rim bake sheet bake golden brown, 5-6 minutes. mostli cooled, transfer crumb shallow dish. stir parmesan, salt oil; mix well. set wire rack bake sheet; lightli coat rack cook spray."} {"id": "12986", "contents": "third shallow dish, mix bread crumb cheese. coat chicken flour; dip egg mixture, coat bread crumb mixture. place cooki sheet. bake 15 20 minutes, turn once, chicken longer pink center coat golden brown. heat oven 425\u00b0f. line cooki sheet foil; spray cook spray. shallow dish, place flour. anoth shallow dish, beat egg water. third shallow dish, mix bread crumb cheese."} {"id": "12987", "contents": "preheat oven 425\u00b0f. mix chicken tender mayonnais bowl lightli coat chicken mayonnaise. mix bread crumb chees gallon-s zippi bag. prepar bake sheet cook spray. put 1-2 chicken tender zippi bag bread crumb shake coat. mix bread crumb chees gallon-s zippi bag. prepar bake sheet cook spray. put 1-2 chicken tender zippi bag bread crumb shake coat. place chicken tender singl layer prepar bake sheet. continu tender coat"} {"id": "12988", "contents": "plastic zipper bag, combin parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, basil, pepper paprika. dip chicken strip first milk mixture, toss coat evenli breadcrumb/chees mixture. place bake sheet bake 400 degre 20 minut golden."} {"id": "12989", "contents": "salt black pepper. ingredients. preparation. preheat oven 375f. season chicken tender salt black pepper. shallow dish, season flour salt black pepper beat egg anoth shallow dish milk. third shallow dish, place breadcrumbs. dredg chicken tender flour coat, shake excess flour. dip flour chicken tender egg finally, coat chicken tender breadcrumbs. place bread chicken tender onto bake sheet bake oven 12-15 minutes, golden brown."} {"id": "12990", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 400 degrees. cut chicken 2-inch pieces. spread panko rim bake sheet bake golden brown, minutes. transfer shallow dish, add parmesan 1/2 teaspoon salt; drizzl oil stir combine. place flour egg separ shallow dishes."} {"id": "12991", "contents": "place chicken tender singl layer prepar bake sheet. continu tender coat bake sheet. bake preheat oven minutes. gentli flip one, remov breading, bake addit minutes. serv favorit dip sauce. mix bread crumb chees gallon-s zippi bag. prepar bake sheet cook spray. put 1-2 chicken tender zippi bag bread crumb shake coat. place chicken tender singl layer prepar bake sheet."} {"id": "12992", "contents": "put 1-2 chicken tender zippi bag bread crumb shake coat. place chicken tender singl layer prepar bake sheet. continu tender coat bake sheet. bake preheat oven minutes. mix bread crumb chees gallon-s zippi bag. prepar bake sheet cook spray. put 1-2 chicken tender zippi bag bread crumb shake coat. place chicken tender singl layer prepar bake sheet."} {"id": "12993", "contents": "magma rise plate, solidifi new crust. magma form melt plate solidifi granite, light colored, low-dens rock make continents. thu converg boundaries, continent crust, made granite, created, ocean crust destroyed. two plate slide past form transform plate boundary. natur human-mad structur cross transform boundari offset\u2014split piec carri opposit directions."} {"id": "12994", "contents": "oceanic-continent convergence, two ocean plate converge, one usual subduct other, process trench formed. mariana trench (parallel mariana islands), example, mark fast-mov pacif plate converg slower move philippin plate."} {"id": "12995", "contents": "converg boundari form two crustal plate colliding. plate form subduct zone one plate descend beneath plate. one converg plate must ocean plate form subduct zone. two continent plate collid mountain rang like himalaya form."} {"id": "12996", "contents": "oceanic-ocean plate convergence. similar oceanic-continent converg one plate subduct collision. subduct zone deep trench form ocean floor. ocean ocean plate converg result format volcano chains. crust pull subduct melt form magma. magma rise top overrid ocean plate erupt ocean floor. ocean plate collid continent plate crust form ocean plate get bent pull continent crust. rock form ocean crust denser thinner rock form"} {"id": "12997", "contents": "oceanic-continent convergence. ocean continent plate converg ocean plate sink underneath continent plate. area plate sink mantl call subduct zone. subduct zone along oceanic-continent boundari creat deep-sea trench. converg boundary. plate tectonics, converg boundary, also known destruct plate boundari subduction. converg boundari activ deform region two tecton plate fragment lithospher move toward one anoth collide."} {"id": "12998", "contents": "plate tectonics, converg boundary, also known destruct plate boundari (becaus subduction), activ deform region two (or more) tecton plate fragment lithospher move toward one anoth collide. one plate compos ocean lithospher compos continent lithosphere, denser ocean plate subducted, often form orogen belt associ mountain range. type converg boundari similar and cascad rang north america."} {"id": "12999", "contents": "result pressure, friction, plate materi melt mantle, earthquak volcano common near converg boundaries. two plate move toward one another, form either subduct zone continent collision. depend natur plate involved. one plate compos ocean lithospher compos continent lithosphere, denser ocean plate subducted, often form orogen belt associ mountain range. type converg boundari similar and cascad rang north america."} {"id": "13000", "contents": "converg boundari occur two ocean plate one plate subduct beneath other. normal older plate subduct higher density. subduct plate heat forc deeper mantl depth 100 mile (150 km) plate begin melt. cascad mountain rang line volcano melt ocean plate. and mountain rang western south america anoth exampl converg boundari ocean continent plate."} {"id": "13001", "contents": "subduct zone form converg plate boundari one tecton plate compos ocean crust. denser plate, made ocean crust, subduct underneath less dens plate, either continent ocean crust. one plate compos ocean lithospher compos continent lithosphere, denser ocean plate subducted, often form orogen belt associ mountain range. type converg boundari similar and cascad rang north america."} {"id": "13002", "contents": "shell, keep egg white week refriger egg yolk keep two three days, although sure cover water). depend size egg, need simmer 2-3 minut soft boiled, 4-5 minut medium 15-20 minut hard boiled. drain egg immers immedi cold water stop cook process. refriger boil egg keep week"} {"id": "13003", "contents": "raw egg keep lot longer. interestingly, hard-boil egg keep nearli long raw eggs, last three five week refrigerator. good reason this. hen lay egg, put natur protect coat outsid shell. egg dye around corner, mani may wonder long hard-boil egg kept spoil. generally, hard-boil egg last week"} {"id": "13004", "contents": "hard boil egg last days, spoil quickli handl properly. hard boil egg fresh whole egg boil 10 minutes. chicken egg common choic process. hard boil egg must refrigerated. extend answer long hard boil egg last store fridg (refrigerator) immedi prepar use. prepared, hard boil egg store tightli close contain fridg keep moistur contamin"} {"id": "13005", "contents": "hard-boil eggs, peel unpeeled, still safe eat one week cooked. keep store refrigerator, consid write boil date egg know they'r still good! kitchen fact source: play safe egg food drug administration."} {"id": "13006", "contents": "raw egg keep lot longer. interestingly, hard-boil egg keep nearli long raw eggs, last three five week refrigerator. good reason this. hen lay egg, put natur protect coat outsid shell. view full size"} {"id": "13007", "contents": "tongan danc known tau'olunga perform girl virgin. tongan test put tongan oil skin shine way advis perform danc spare embarrass famili herself. perform wed mostli left girl perform 21st. s\u014dk\u0113, origin known eke, tongan group danc perform sticks, perform hit beat drum."} {"id": "13008", "contents": "polynesian danc encompass tahitian, tongan, samoan, fijian, maori (new zealand) hawaiian styles. began accompani oral storytel tradit islands, convey liter mean tale. today, polynesian danc perform world: concerts, colleg universities, civic events, competitions, festivals. class seminar variou type danc also wide available."} {"id": "13009", "contents": "danc import part religi ceremoni tonga centuries. tongan danc incred complex, highli spiritual. preform dance, tongan experi someth call mafana, state pure spiritu exhilaration. ancient danc routin still demonstr today, tongan danc set scriptur preform along poetri church. poem danc serv tell religi stori exodus, stori virgin mary."} {"id": "13010", "contents": "contrast, tongan, danc tradit style commun layer upon layer social aesthet messages. danc probabl sophist subtl polynesian art forms, island groups, still await intens study. compos true specialist tongan dance. full composit one, two, three ~p\u00b7ecialist may take part --the compos poetri important. may also add melodi polyphoni may entrust others."} {"id": "13011", "contents": "9tcrawler. tongan perform danc known kailao perform men club stick call pati, perform island tongan, play fast drum beat use cabin tin."} {"id": "13012", "contents": "s\u014dk\u0113, origin known eke, tongan group danc perform sticks, perform hit beat drum. tongan test put tongan oil skin shine th way advis perform danc spare embarrass famili herself. perform wed mostli left girl perform 21st."} {"id": "13013", "contents": "trace vector refer imag adob illustrator. 1. creat new document import imag want make vector. tutori correctly, use imag that\u2019 provid tutorial. import image, go select imag click open. 2. we\u2019r use imag cow here."} {"id": "13014", "contents": "contrast, bitmap imag becom blurri pixil resizing. tutori imag trace (vectorize) bitmap convert vector image. bullet list tool use: use pen tool draw point lines. use direct select tool move scale anchor points. use illustr pathfind tool combin multipl objects."} {"id": "13015", "contents": "1. mani way creat vector graphic illustrator, one way start type tool. 1click type tool type word, \u201cvectors\u201d like accompani illustr even name would do. 2choos also five color would like use tutorial."} {"id": "13016", "contents": "10. lastly, anoth way creat vector use pen tool. use pen tool draw trace shapes, case complet artwork draw small heart."} {"id": "13017", "contents": "easi way draw object illustr use image, layers, pen tool. way, creat origin illustr logos, brochur printing, web pages, whatev project creating."} {"id": "13018", "contents": "steps. 1. mani way creat vector graphic illustrator, one way start type tool. 1click type tool type word, \u201cvectors\u201d like accompani illustr even name would do. 2choos also five color would like use tutorial."} {"id": "13019", "contents": "probabl know turmer main spice curry. warm, bitter tast frequent use flavor color curri powders, mustards, butters, cheeses. root turmer also use wide make medicine."} {"id": "13020", "contents": "turmer overview information. turmer plant. probabl know turmer main spice curry. warm, bitter tast frequent use flavor color curri powders, mustards, butters, cheeses. root turmer also use wide make medicine."} {"id": "13021", "contents": "turmer peppery, warm bitter flavor mild fragranc slightli reminisc orang ginger, best known one ingredi use make curry, also give ballpark mustard bright yellow color."} {"id": "13022", "contents": "expert answers. turmer come root curcuma longa, leafi plant ginger family. root, rhizome, tough brown skin bright orang flesh. ground turmer come finger extend root. boil steam dried, ground. spice, turmer decidedli muski odor pungent, bitter taste."} {"id": "13023", "contents": "turmer come root curcuma longa, leafi plant ginger family. root, rhizome, tough brown skin bright orang flesh. ground turmer come finger extend root. boil steam dried, ground. spice, turmer decidedli muski odor pungent, bitter taste."} {"id": "13024", "contents": "cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action. cerebr cortex divid four sections, call lobes: frontal lobe, pariet lobe, occipit lobe, tempor lobe. cerebellum: cerebellum, littl brain, similar cerebrum two hemispher highli fold surfac cortex. structur associ regul coordin movement, posture, balance."} {"id": "13025", "contents": "symptom brain tumour affect pariet lobe. pariet lobe contain area respons sensat touch association, area enabl fine judgement sensat texture, weight, size. symptom tumour area include: loss sensat part body. symptom brain tumour affect frontal lobe. frontal lobe determin person contain area call motor cortex control movement muscl bodi (the motor cortex right half brain control left side bodi vice versa)."} {"id": "13026", "contents": "middl area brain also use relay inform sens touch, includ pain pressur affect differ portion body. motor cortex-thi help brain monitor control movement throughout body. locat top, middl portion brain. brain made nerv cell interact rest bodi spinal cord nervou system. cell relat inform back specif center brain process appropri reaction generated."} {"id": "13027", "contents": "brain area subdivid frontal lobe, occipit lobe, pariet lobe, tempor lobe. also uniqu role, also commun work area brain. brain function almost alway collabor effort differ sections. differ brain area respons differ tasks, essenti area brain work conjunct perform tasks, major requir one brain areas. first divis brain area split left right hemispheres."} {"id": "13028", "contents": "commun neuron also electrical, area brain control movement. electr signal abnormal, caus tremor symptom found parkinson' disease. serotonin \u2014help control mani functions, mood, appetite, sleep."} {"id": "13029", "contents": "brain divid area respons differ area functioning. brain divid three basic units: forebrain, midbrain hindbrain. area are: occipit lobe, tempor lobe, pariet lobe, frontal lobe. cerebr cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamus,thalamus,pituitari gland, pineal gland, amygdala, hippocampa mid-brain. imag indic area are. occipit lobe: found back brain. area involv brain' abil recognis objects. respons vision."} {"id": "13030", "contents": "tempor lobe: tempor lobe found either side brain ears. tempor lobe respons hearing, memory, meaning, language. also play role emot learning. tempor lobe concern interpret process auditori stimuli. imag indic area are. occipit lobe: found back brain. area involv brain' abil recognis objects. respons vision."} {"id": "13031", "contents": "area brain functions. brain divid lobe illustr below: frontal lobes. frontal lobe part cerebr cortex largest brain' structures. main site so\u2013cal 'higher' cognit functions. symptom brain tumour affect frontal lobe. frontal lobe determin person contain area call motor cortex control movement muscl bodi (the motor cortex right half brain control left side bodi vice versa)."} {"id": "13032", "contents": "cerebrum largest portion brain, contain tool respons brain' function. divid four sections: tempor lobe, occipit lobe, pariet lobe frontal lobe. brain made nerv cell interact rest bodi spinal cord nervou system. cell relat inform back specif center brain process appropri reaction generated."} {"id": "13033", "contents": "help control vision. broca' area-thi area brain control facial neuron well understand speech language. locat triangular opercular section inferior frontal gyrus. brain made nerv cell interact rest bodi spinal cord nervou system. cell relat inform back specif center brain process appropri reaction generated."} {"id": "13034", "contents": "magnific frigatebird. magnific frigatebird almost silent seabird found american tropic coasts. larg bird make glide soar look effortless use thermal gain height 2,500 metres."} {"id": "13035", "contents": "magnific frigatebird habitat. magnific frigatebird breed stand mangrov coral reefs, amongst decidu tree bush dri island along coasts. breeding, forag may take place shallow water within lagoon coral reefs, deep ocean. massiv wingspan enabl magnific frigatebird soar effortlessly, make grace aerial manoeuvres, captiv charl darwin dub speci \u201cthe condor ocean\u201d frigatebird seabird famili obvious, signific differ plumag sexes."} {"id": "13036", "contents": "frigat bird consum meal.ecolog conservationth christma island frigat bird (fregata andrewsi) list critic endang approxim 25% breed area clear phosphat mine 1946."} {"id": "13037", "contents": "christma island frigatebird found christma island indian ocean. one five speci frigatebird rarest. frigat bird aerial bird walk swim."} {"id": "13038", "contents": "frigat bird sea bird. five differ speci frigat bird, magnific frigat bird, ascens frigat bird, christma frigat bird, great frigat ird, lesser frigat bird. dodo bird endang species; extinct speci bird."} {"id": "13039", "contents": "magnific frigat bird found florida, cape verd islands, caribbean well pacif coast america ecuador. may also found galapago islands, isl man, spain, british columbia, denmark, england. ascens frigat bird found boatswain bird island. christma frigat bird found christma island. dodo bird endang species; extinct speci bird."} {"id": "13040", "contents": "two five speci consid risk. 2003, survey four coloni critic endang christma island frigatebird count 1200 breed pairs. frigatebird normal breed everi year, total adult popul estim lie 1800 3600 pairs. femal white underbelli male distinct red gular pouch, inflat breed season attract females. wing long point span 2.3 metr (7.5 ft), largest wing area bodi weight ratio bird."} {"id": "13041", "contents": "frigat bird endang speci barbuda import nest site world; frigat bird sanctuari locat codrington lagoon northwest part barbuda access boat. pictur depict mate frigat bird nest mangrov swamps."} {"id": "13042", "contents": "christma frigatebird christma island frigatebird (fregata andrewsi) seabird frigatebird famili fregatida endem christma island indian ocean. christma frigatebird larg lightli built seabird brownish-black plumage, long narrow wing deepli fork tail. wingspan around 2.15 (7.1 ft). male egg shape white patch belli strike red gular sac inflat attract mate. christma frigatebird consid belong speci fregata aquila 1914 australian ornithologist gregori mathew propos christma frigatebird consid separ speci binomi name fregata andrewsi honour english paleontogist charl andrews."} {"id": "13043", "contents": "gener includ replac part like hoses, sensors, either compressor condenser. costhelp reader report pay $171-$727 minor air condit repairs, averag cost $488. extens auto air condit repair cost $1,000-$4,000 more, depend make model. car built 1995, refriger need convert type meet current environment requirements. costhelp reader report cost $1,000-$3,700 major air condit repairs, averag $1,829."} {"id": "13044", "contents": "example, summit race equip sell complet air condit kit classic car truck $1,150-$1,395 parts; instal experienc technician take 12-22 hour $50-$100 hour, bring total cost instal kit $1,750-$3,595. car built 1995, refriger need convert type meet current environment requirements. costhelp reader report cost $1,000-$3,700 major air condit repairs, averag $1,829."} {"id": "13045", "contents": "electr wire code-electrician assist ductless air condition project charg $75-$250 per hour instal 220 volt receptacle. additionally, might cost bit home' electr panel also need 220 volt circuit ad it, cost $300 $800."} {"id": "13046", "contents": "instal air condit vehicl cost $1,500-$4,000 more, depend locat vehicle' year, make model; luxuri vehicl cost even more. car built 1995, refriger need convert type meet current environment requirements. costhelp reader report cost $1,000-$3,700 major air condit repairs, averag $1,829."} {"id": "13047", "contents": "cost instal window air condition averag $150 $300, depend size need. instal window air condit unit bring ad comfort reason price, less power central air condit system. homeown report spend $3,675 $7,155 air condit installed. price typic central a/c unit instal rather window air condition addit typic averag $300. total cost job depend type system choos"} {"id": "13048", "contents": "central air conditioning. averag cost add central, whole-house, air condit system home rang $2,200 $2,800 2012, accord homewys data. central air condition move cool air throughout hous duct system. average, homewys price show room air condition rang $300 $400 2012. prices, could put unit sever room hous still spend less would air condit systems."} {"id": "13049", "contents": "window air condit unit viabl option homeown want invest central ac system. all, window unit typic cost fraction central system averag expens around $550 $3,000, respectively."} {"id": "13050", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal air conditioning! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost air condit instal project. basic unit project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal air condit rang $2,298.33 $2,891.71 per unit. estim cost project:"} {"id": "13051", "contents": "mild (adjective). gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moder degre quality; -- opposit harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- appli person things; as, mild disposition; mild eye; mild air; mild medicine; mild insanity."} {"id": "13052", "contents": "thesaurus. thesauru synonym relat word fulli integr dictionary. click thesauru categori head button entri see synonym relat word meaning."} {"id": "13053", "contents": "gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moder degre quality; -- opposit harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- appli person things; as, mild disposition; mild eye; mild air; mild medicine; mild insanity. synonyms:"} {"id": "13054", "contents": "blog. must anyon interest chang face language. macmillan dictionari blog explor english spoken around world today. definit synonym mild onlin english dictionari macmillan publish limited."} {"id": "13055", "contents": "full-day trip dublin kiss famou blarney stone, walk castl ground hear move stori ireland' emigr queenstown stori cobh. travel train coach, take journey ireland' rich histori scenic countryside."} {"id": "13056", "contents": "tour includ admiss blarney castl garden worth 12 euro! visit famou castl ireland-blarney castle. lay back kiss magic blarney stone receiv gift eloqu speech years. also visit cobh, last departur port rm titan april 1912. enjoy stroll cobh visit st coleman' cathedral, overlook cork harbour."} {"id": "13057", "contents": "200 years, world statesmen, literari giants, legend silver screen join million pilgrim climb step kiss blarney stone gain gift eloquence. power unquest stori still creat debate."} {"id": "13058", "contents": "visitor blarney castl often actual visitor stone eloquence, better known blarney stone. name implies, legend state kiss stone, never loss words."} {"id": "13059", "contents": "blarney stone kiss blarney stone world famou blarney stone situat high battlement castle. follow one sever long, stone spiral staircas top enjoy spectacular view lush green irish countryside, blarney hous villag blarney."} {"id": "13060", "contents": "blarney stone without doubt famou part blarney castle. also call legendari stone eloquence, locat top castle\u2019 tower."} {"id": "13061", "contents": "blarney castl cork famou \u201cstone eloquence\u201d, known intern blarney stone."} {"id": "13062", "contents": "reason, coastal region particularli vulner damag tropic cyclon compar inland regions. heavi rains, however, caus signific flood inland, storm surg produc extens coastal flood 40 kilometr (25 mi) coastline. hurrican typhoon (sometim simpli refer tropic cyclone, oppos depress storm) system sustain wind least 34 metr per second (66 kn) 74 mile per hour (119 km/h)."} {"id": "13063", "contents": "cyclon usual refer extra-trop (non-tropical) cyclone, low pressur area form near boundari warm cool air masses. (it altern refer hurrican form indian ocean). depict illustr below, cyclon grow size intens draw energi avail temperatur contrast two"} {"id": "13064", "contents": "differ hurricane, cyclone, typhoon locat storm occurs. close-up satellit imag hurrican isabel taken sept. 15, 2003. nation ocean servic help coastal commun prepar recov major coastal storm hurricanes. hurricanes, cyclones, typhoon weather phenomenon; use differ name storm differ places."} {"id": "13065", "contents": "cyclon central air pressur lower surround environment, flow circul clockwis southern hemispher counterclockwis northern hemisphere. cyclon also character low-level converg ascend air within system. term cyclone, common use, sometim appli tornado. scienc meteorology, however, term differ meaning."} {"id": "13066", "contents": "anticyclon system characterist opposit cyclone. is, anticyclone' central air pressur higher surroundings, airflow counterclockwis southern hemispher clockwis northern hemisphere. term cyclone, common use, sometim appli tornado. scienc meteorology, however, term differ meaning."} {"id": "13067", "contents": "characterist types. cyclon low pressur center call \u201ceye\u201d, wind circl around counter clockwis northern hemispher clockwis southern hemisphere. speed cyclon vari 32 200 kmph. storm begin southern pacif call cyclones. tornado rotat column air rang width yard mile whirl destruct high speeds, usual accompani funnel-shap downward extens cumulonimbu cloud."} {"id": "13068", "contents": "depend locat strength, tropic cyclon refer name hurrican (/\u02c8h\u028cr\u0268k\u0259n/ /\u02c8h\u028cr\u0268ke\u026an/), typhoon /ta\u026a\u02c8fu\u02d0n/ tropic storm, cyclon storm, tropic depression, simpli cyclone. hurrican typhoon (sometim simpli refer tropic cyclone, oppos depress storm) system sustain wind least 34 metr per second (66 kn) 74 mile per hour (119 km/h)."} {"id": "13069", "contents": "tropic cyclon storm system character low-pressur center numer thunderstorm produc strong wind flood rain. tropic cyclon feed heat releas moist air rises, result condens water vapour contain moist air. later life cycle, cyclon occlud cold core systems. cyclone' track guid cours day life cycl steer flow cancer subtrop jet stream."} {"id": "13070", "contents": "atlant northeastern pacif oceans, tropic cyclon gener refer hurrican (from name ancient central american deiti wind, huracan), indian south pacif ocean call cyclone, northwestern pacif call typhoon. later life cycle, cyclon occlud cold core systems. cyclone' track guid cours day life cycl steer flow cancer subtrop jet stream."} {"id": "13071", "contents": "tropic cyclon rapidli rotat storm system character low-pressur center, strong winds, spiral arrang thunderstorm produc heavi rain. hurrican typhoon (sometim simpli refer tropic cyclone, oppos depress storm) system sustain wind least 34 metr per second (66 kn) 74 mile per hour (119 km/h)."} {"id": "13072", "contents": "6:45 a.m .: famili wake get readi day. temperatur hous 68\u00b0f; heat automat turn bit earlier would hit temperatur 6:30. 7:45 a.m. famili leav hous thermostat set 56\u00b0f."} {"id": "13073", "contents": "sure set thermostat comfort temperatur move it. \u201cemergency\u201d switch thermostat \u201cemergencies\u201d. design give heat even heat pump damag commission."} {"id": "13074", "contents": "case, also call profession help. otherwise, keep thermostat set \u201cheat.\u201d temperatur switch emerg heat, even heat pump run constantli due cold weather."} {"id": "13075", "contents": "7:45 a.m. famili leav hous thermostat set 56\u00b0f. turn thermostat back 10\u00b0 15\u00b0 hours, famili save 5% 15% year heat bill -- save much 1% degre setback period eight hour long."} {"id": "13076", "contents": "convent thermostat simpli regul hous heat one temperature. instance, winter, set thermostat 20\u00b0c (68\u00b0f), activ heat system hous temperatur drop 20\u00b0c shut system hous air warm past 20\u00b0c."} {"id": "13077", "contents": "a. heat systems, save turn thermostat back four hour more. heat pump, either set thermostat comfort temperatur leav it, use programm thermostat specif design heat pump."} {"id": "13078", "contents": "a. heat pump system equip programm thermostat, temperatur setback save heat costs. manual setback recommended-when turn temperatur back up, could caus electr resist back-up element turn on, increas costs."} {"id": "13079", "contents": "leav hous set thermostat 56\u00b0f. turn thermostat back 10\u00b0f 15\u00b0f hour save percent 15 percent year heat bill."} {"id": "13080", "contents": "save 5%\u201315% cool bill rais temperatur set thermostat away need cooling. lower set 78\u00b0f home need cooling. programm thermostat make easi adjust temperatur regular schedule."} {"id": "13081", "contents": "however, caus troubl it\u2019 worth it\u2019 excess cold outsid harder furnac bring home back desir at-hom temperature. keep thermostat set consist set weather warm back normal temperatur season."} {"id": "13082", "contents": "averag cost hire plumber $284. profession plumber must licensed, also bond insured. plumb repair requir permits, add cost project."} {"id": "13083", "contents": "hard give plumb cost estim without fact considered. new instal need figur work from, nation averag $4.50 plumb cost per squar foot size house. necessari skill work may save half costs. remember, hese nation averag cost area may lower higher. give idea expect. good idea alway know averag plumb cost per hour area. find plumb cost inform tip trick page."} {"id": "13084", "contents": "averag cost per hour plumber rang $45 $150 per hour depend job, time location. servic may includ drain cleaning, faucet replac installation, toilet repair. duti break two categories: plumber handl basic repair (often emerg situations), plumber special remodel project additions. accord project data homeadvisor members, averag cost hire plumber rang $169 $434."} {"id": "13085", "contents": "averag plumb costs. follow tabl summar averag plumb cost varieti repair unit states. estim may differ depend regions, complexity, hourli rate cost materials. highli recommend obtain least three plumb quot local servic profession validation."} {"id": "13086", "contents": "plumbers' rate vari significantli location. area plumber charg $45 -$75 hour; region hourli rate $75 -$150. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. either away, exact cost depend complex type work done."} {"id": "13087", "contents": "care review plumb cost estim project hire contractor, none work use averag cost materials, estim cost $10,500 $12,100. also estim payback (the amount home appreci remodel) $800. initi budget use industri cost averag like $20,000 kitchen remodel $10,000 bathroom remodel, one live averag hous averag city! anoth common method creat estim use cost per squar foot method."} {"id": "13088", "contents": "area plumber charg $45 -$75 hour; region hourli rate $75 -$150. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. either away, exact cost depend complex type work done. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate."} {"id": "13089", "contents": "example, cost $50 -$200 plumber repair toilet replac tank mechanism, wax ring (underneath toilet) flang (under wax ring). replac toilet typic cost $150-$600 standard instal basic toilet. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. either away, exact cost depend complex type work done."} {"id": "13090", "contents": "continu reading. cost plumber rang $160 $430 typic job averag cost per hour rang $45 $150. includ job like repair faucets, toilets, sink bathtubs. plumber may also charg flat rate depend job. plumb cost guides. rare somebodi set upgrad plumbing. pipe transport fresh water home wast water home tend job kind anonym reserv theatric stage hands."} {"id": "13091", "contents": "recoveri time vari but, generally, full recoveri rotat cuff surgeri take six month one year. shoulder move help two main muscl groups. top layer deltoid muscle. if, situation, injuri involv larg tear muscle, surgeri good option. past, rotat cuff surgeri requir larg 2- 4-inch incision. past 10 years, arthroscop rotat cuff surgeri becom common often use repair even larg tears."} {"id": "13092", "contents": "recoveri rotat cuff surgeri lengthi process. surgeri shoulder, even though arthroscopic, usual produc signific pain stiff involv long recoveri process. current recov rotat cuff surgery, light end tunnel. mani heard friend year shoulder feel \u201cnormal\u201d. true."} {"id": "13093", "contents": "recoveri time patient months. time mani peopl experi nighttim pain, stiffness, popping, catching, feel tightness. normal! fact, peopl continu experi symptom year time surgery. surgeri arthroscopic, small incisions, gener caus minim scarring. however, recoveri rotat cuff repair difficult take mani months! three phase recoveri rotat cuff repair surgery: first, heal phase recovery. phase motion limit sling must worn"} {"id": "13094", "contents": "stiff recoveri rotat cuff surgery. stiff big issu mani patient deal rotat cuff surgery. stiff common follow repairs, common diabetics. patient even genet predisposit develop stiffness. current recov rotat cuff surgery, light end tunnel. mani heard friend year shoulder feel \u201cnormal\u201d. true."} {"id": "13095", "contents": "confid vote 224. usual take four six month fulli recov rotat cuff surgery. first coupl week surgery, arm remain immobilized; this, physic therapi begin becom intens week follow. torn rotat cuff take least 6-8 month fulli recov from. father surgeri feb 2008 fulli recov late sept/earli oct. torn bicep tendon take 4-5 month get over. tore mine june 2008 fulli recov novemb 2008"} {"id": "13096", "contents": "full recoveri rotat cuff surgeri take anywher 12 months, depend patient. studi rotat cuff surgeri recoveri publish cochran databas systemat reviews, issu 1, 2008 show continu strength gain year rotat cuff surgery. torn rotat cuff take least 6-8 month fulli recov from. father surgeri feb 2008 fulli recov late sept/earli oct. torn bicep tendon take 4-5 month get over. tore mine june 2008 fulli recov novemb 2008"} {"id": "13097", "contents": "recent scientif studi (spring 2013) show around 3-5 month surgeri greatest risk re-injuri re-tear rotat cuff tear. probabl critic period recoveri rotat cuff surgery. current recov rotat cuff surgery, light end tunnel. mani heard friend year shoulder feel \u201cnormal\u201d. true."} {"id": "13098", "contents": "recoveri comfort function rotat cuff surgeri continu mani month surgery. improv activ may evid earli three months. persist effort patient make progress long year surgery."} {"id": "13099", "contents": "properti ferromagnet materi a) ferromagnet materi strongli attract magnet. b) rod ferromagnet substanc suspend magnet field, quickli align along direct magnet field."} {"id": "13100", "contents": "diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnet materials. materi place within magnet field, magnet forc material' electron affected. effect known faraday' law magnet induction."} {"id": "13101", "contents": "tabl magnet properties. ferromagnet materi use applic like iron-cor solenoid, rel permeabl give idea kind multipl appli magnet field achiev ferromagnet core present."} {"id": "13102", "contents": "answer ferromagnet element are: iron nickel cobalt gadolinium dyprosium ferromagnet means-a substanc iron magnet momen ts atom spontan line other, make larg net magnet moment."} {"id": "13103", "contents": "element nickel (ni) one ferromagnet metals. ferromagnet mean attract magnet magnet themselves. metal aren\u2019t magnet except iron, nickel, cobalt, gadolinium, neodymium samarium. nickel (ni) ferromagnet use make alnico magnet (consist aluminium, nickel, cobalt)."} {"id": "13104", "contents": "magnet made alnico, iron alloy, keeper. ferromagnet theori explain materi becom magnets. ferromagnet basic mechan certain materi (such iron) form perman magnets, attract magnets. physics, sever differ type magnet distinguished."} {"id": "13105", "contents": "177 page wiki. dire wolf (cani dirus) extinct carnivor mammal genu cani relat smaller extant gray wolf. common north america south america irvingtonian stage rancholabrean stage pleistocen epoch, live 1.80."} {"id": "13106", "contents": "dire wolf extinct north american speci wolf great deal larger wolv present day. 100,000 year live alongsid cousins, gray wolves, although directli linked."} {"id": "13107", "contents": "10,000 year ago, larg mammal dire wolf extinct, supposed, however, fossil found state arkansa us, suggest live on, known relic population, still aliv 4000 year ago. find dire wolf wikipedia \u00bb."} {"id": "13108", "contents": "game throne fans, rejoice: dire wolf real. here\u2019 bad news: dire wolf went extinct 10.000 year ago. enorm beast roam ice wasteland beyond wall base real north american animal, turn left behind thousand fossils."} {"id": "13109", "contents": "modern gray wolv (cani lupus) appear south ice sheet 100,000 year ago mid latitud u.s. co-exist dire wolves. 12,000 year ago dire wolv extinct. gray wolv live throughout northern hemispher today."} {"id": "13110", "contents": "extinct prehistor anim fact page dire wolf, rel modern day wolf. dire wolf becam extinct 10,000 year ago end last ice age occurred. believ loss prey reason becam extinct."} {"id": "13111", "contents": "math work way everi time. mark bittman, writer new york times, compar meal famili four mcdonald' home-cook meal roast chicken, potato salad. base price brooklyn groceri store, mcdonald' meal $14 home-cook meal. matter convenience, other budget -- mani both. eat fast food realli cheaper eat meal prepar home? consid health definit cost, home-cook meal far better fast food -- anyon would agre that."} {"id": "13112", "contents": "websit daili green share 15 way go green help save big: 1. carpool (estim cost savings: $650 $1,000). daili green calcul averag american use gallon ga per week commut work. averag american famili spend averag $118 books, magazin newspap subscript per year, say daili green.. save money borrow book library, save space too. 11."} {"id": "13113", "contents": "averag cost $12.75 per meal, you\u2019d save $8.75 meals. words, averag american would save $36.75 per person per week move meal restaur home-prepar meals. let\u2019 look realist picture."} {"id": "13114", "contents": "averag balances. averag save account balanc u.s. $5,923 2011, accord 2012 report pitney bowes, document-manag servic company. repres increas percent $5,753 balanc 2010. new jersey resid save most, averag save account balanc $7,872, new mexico account averag $4,119, lowest u.s. save account way sock money away raini day. pitney bow say averag check account balanc 2011 $3,100, $2,947 2010. save accounts, check account balanc also highest new jersey, averag balanc $4,465"} {"id": "13115", "contents": "go green save money easi take trip library. averag american famili spend averag $118 books, magazin newspap subscript per year, say daili green.. save money borrow book library, save space too. 11. switch energy-effici light (estim cost savings: $112). accord daili green, light repres 11 percent home' energi bill $210 annual averag"} {"id": "13116", "contents": "save even bell peppers. $12 invest six plants, reap 120 pound (54 kilograms) pepper [source: iowa state univers ]. lower price per pound $2.37 store 10 cents. easy-to-grow broccoli also cost less third retail price per pound, around 50 cent rather $1.37."} {"id": "13117", "contents": "even invest small amount money make big difference, particularli younger generations. consider: 35-year-old save averag amount ($1,690) last year invest stock market 30 years, would worth $12,500 today' dollar time retired. lot way boost save beyond averag age"} {"id": "13118", "contents": "eat restaurant, pay $20. eat home, pay $8. sure, buy make -- everyon can't get someth differ -- still, ton money. see someon eat spend small fortun versu person eat mostli home."} {"id": "13119", "contents": "compar meal even cheaper dinner rice bean bacon, pepper onion even greater save $18 [source: bittman ]. clearly, save lot eat fast food. matter convenience, other budget -- mani both. eat fast food realli cheaper eat meal prepar home? consid health definit cost, home-cook meal far better fast food -- anyon would agre that."} {"id": "13120", "contents": "exclusions. entir $50,000 give vulner taxation. ir allow exclusions, dollar limit give away tax-free. 2012 tax year, exclus amount $13,000 person make gift to. married, doubl that: spous entitl give away $13,000 per person. generos qualifi gift irs, pay tax twice amount exce exclusion: incom tax, feder gift tax. 2012 feder gift tax rate 35 percent."} {"id": "13121", "contents": "still doesn\u2019t mean owe gift tax. example, say someon give $20,000 one year, giver single. giver must file gift tax return, show excess gift $6,000 ($20,000 $14,000 exclus $6,000)."} {"id": "13122", "contents": "annual exclusion. ir allow annual exclus allow person give $13,000 without incur gift tax 2013. example, uncl could give $13,000 sister $13,000 year incur gift taxes."} {"id": "13123", "contents": "2015, taxpay give $14,000 per person per year without tax gift. example, year could give friend $14,000, friend $14,000, sister $14,000 tax gifts. also, anoth way parent avoid gift tax rememb parent entitl individu $14,000 exclusion. mean mother father could give $14,000 year total $28,000 without tax gift."} {"id": "13124", "contents": "get infinit amount. gift consid incom pay tax. person give gift limit $15,000 per year (in 2012), limit mani peopl give gift year. generally, follow gift taxabl gifts. 1. gift annual exclus calendar year. tax year 2009 2010 one famili member gift number famili member $13,000 without report either parti year."} {"id": "13125", "contents": "gifts. accord irs, certain gift taxable. includ gift less annual exclus amount. 2012, marri coupl give $26,000 tax-free, refer gift splitting.. pay tuition medic expens someone, pay tax money. gift spous also tax-free."} {"id": "13126", "contents": "gift $13,000 less individu subject gift tax regulations. mean give $13,000 year child anoth $13,000 year child' partner total $26,000 without worri gift taxes. $200,000 home, come $40,000, easi chunk money mani buyer come with, especi first-timers. however, buyer benefit cash gift rel help cover payment. gift givers, though, must follow certain rules."} {"id": "13127", "contents": "report abuse. $13,000 per person per year without gift tax consequences. point fact, give someon amount want, gift tax calcul possibl tax give larg amount singl year (we talk millions)."} {"id": "13128", "contents": "gift tax appli littl thing like holiday present birthday gifts. ir terms, appli $26,000 coupl give away one year without tax consequences. singles, cap $13,000. give amount, excess get subtract lifetim unifi credit $5.12 million. futur gift excess cap subject gift tax. never use unifi credit, give cap, plu $5.12 million singl recipi trigger gift tax"} {"id": "13129", "contents": "annual gift tax exclus amount $14,000 2015. words, give $14,000 $14,000 worth properti mani peopl want year' time, without need file gift tax return order report gift irs. taxabl money gift heir lifetim count toward estat leav upon death. example, give child $200,000 year ten year total ten years, upon death leav million, total gift valu $7 million tax purposes."} {"id": "13130", "contents": "cell innat system recogn respond pathogen gener way, but, unlik adapt immun system (which found vertebrates), confer long-last protect immun host. identif remov foreign substanc present organs, tissues, blood lymph, specialis white blood cells. activ adapt immun system process known antigen presentation. act physic chemic barrier infecti agents."} {"id": "13131", "contents": "adapt immun defenses. immun respons viral infect compris innat adapt defenses. innat response, discuss previously, function continu normal host without exposur virus. viral infect control innat immun system. adapt defens consist antibodi lymphocytes, often call humor respons cell mediat response. term \u2018adaptive\u2019 refer differenti self non-self, tailor respons particular foreign invader."} {"id": "13132", "contents": "cell adapt immun system lymphocyt cell cells. cells, deriv bone marrow, becom cell produc antibodies. cells, matur thymus, differenti cell either particip lymphocyt maturation, kill virus-infect cells. adapt defens consist antibodi lymphocytes, often call humor respons cell mediat response. term \u2018adaptive\u2019 refer differenti self non-self, tailor respons particular foreign invader."} {"id": "13133", "contents": "adapt system respons destroy invad pathogen toxic molecul produce. sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response. cell carri adapt immun respons white blood cell known lymphocyt"} {"id": "13134", "contents": "adapt immun system one two main immun strategi found vertebr (the innat immun system). adapt immun creat immunolog memori initi respons specif pathogen, lead enhanc respons subsequ encount pathogen. sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response."} {"id": "13135", "contents": "process acquir immun basi vaccination. like innat system, adapt system includ humor immun compon cell-medi immun components. unlik innat immun system, adapt immun system highli specif specif pathogen. sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response."} {"id": "13136", "contents": "adapt immun refer antigen-specif immun response. adapt immun respons complex innate. antigen first must process recognized. antigen recognized, adapt immun system creat armi immun cell specif design attack antigen. adapt immun also includ memori make futur respons specif antigen efficient."} {"id": "13137", "contents": "adapt defens defined. fireey adapt defens new approach cyber secur deliv technology, expertise, intellig unified, nimbl framework. get level protect want, deliv way want it. fireey adapt defense: detect cyber threat secur tool may miss minutes, months. prevent mani cyber attack instantli stop complex attack caus last damage. analyz network traffic, files, endpoint activ full view environment. respond quickli attack reduc incid ..."} {"id": "13138", "contents": "innat immun system, also known nonspecif immun system, import subsystem overal immun system compris cell mechan defend host infect organisms. identif remov foreign substanc present organs, tissues, blood lymph, specialis white blood cells. activ adapt immun system process known antigen presentation. act physic chemic barrier infecti agents."} {"id": "13139", "contents": "store biltong dry... carcass processed, biltong cut spice vacuum pack kg bag freeze. biltong maker take kg dri days."} {"id": "13140", "contents": "529. carcass processed, biltong cut spice vacuum pack kg bag freeze. biltong maker take kg dri days. like dri biltong spent much time freezer prefer make biltong fresh need it."} {"id": "13141", "contents": "never store seal container, sweat. lead mould. biltong need 'breathe'. 250g bag biltong last 4-months, food test certif prove this, however, advis keep long. larger bag biltong, i.e 500g 1kg, moistur contain within seal bag. again, moistur oxygen warmth mould."} {"id": "13142", "contents": "vacuum seal food last 3-5 time longer non vacuum seal food. tast food, obviou reasons, also much better long period time. sure write date outsid vacuum-s meat provid you, whoever cook food, idea old is."} {"id": "13143", "contents": "vacuum pack smoke meat plastic packag last month refriger opened. vacuum pack smoke meat last year longer."} {"id": "13144", "contents": "vacuum pack ham last depend store stored. open it, last days. unopen stay safe months."} {"id": "13145", "contents": "rank. see home price popular trend la vegas, nv neighborhood zip\u2014sort averag list price, averag sale price, median sale price, averag price/sqft search popularity. choos see actual price year-over-year (y-o-y) percentag chang map."} {"id": "13146", "contents": "sellers' market. median home valu la vega metro $190,700. la vega metro home valu gone 7.0% past year zillow predict rise 5.3% within next year. median rent price la vega metro $1,250, nevada median $1,250. read more. foreclosur factor impact home valu next sever year"} {"id": "13147", "contents": "averag list price la vega home sale trulia $280,544 week end oct 14, repres increas 1.2%, $3,359, compar prior week increas 1.3%, $3,528, compar week end sep 23. averag price per squar foot la vega nv $116, increas 5.5% compar period last year. popular neighborhood la vega includ la vegas, summerlin, spring valley, sunris manor, summerlin south, winchest"} {"id": "13148", "contents": "median home valu la vega $185,200. la vega home valu gone 7.2% past year zillow predict rise 5.3% within next year. median rent price la vega $1,225, lower la vega metro median $1,250. read more. la vega 5.8 home foreclos (per 10,000). greater la vega metro valu 5.7 also greater nation valu 3.5. mortgag delinqu first step foreclosur process."} {"id": "13149", "contents": "foreclosur factor impact home valu next sever years. la vega 5.8 home foreclos (per 10,000). greater la vega metro valu 5.7 also greater nation valu 3.5. mortgag delinqu first step foreclosur process."} {"id": "13150", "contents": "summari la vegas. median sale price home la vega nv jul 15 oct 15 $195,000. repres declin 1%, $2,025, compar prior quarter increas 2.6% compar prior year. sale price appreci 54.2% last year la vegas. averag price per squar foot la vega nv $116, increas 5.5% compar period last year. popular neighborhood la vega includ la vegas, summerlin, spring valley, sunris manor, summerlin south, winchest"} {"id": "13151", "contents": "la vega averag rent. august 2015, averag apart rent within 10 mile la vegas, nv $1083. one bedroom apart la vega rent $826 month averag two bedroom apart rent averag $1035. see list la vega apartments."} {"id": "13152", "contents": "wednesday, march 25, 2015 9:01 p.m. la vegas\u2019 soar home price outpac wage growth one fastest rate nation past years, new report shows. averag weekli wage southern nevada second quarter last year $825, 2.2 percent two year earlier. median sale price home shot 30 percent two year end decemb 2014, $165,500, accord realtytrac."} {"id": "13153", "contents": "use citat info. (on archives.gov). approv juli 2, 1890, sherman anti-trust act first feder act outlaw monopolist busi practices. sherman antitrust act 1890 first measur pass u.s. congress prohibit trusts. name senat john sherman ohio, chairman senat financ committe secretari treasuri presid hayes."} {"id": "13154", "contents": "acm award 2015 highlights. winner perform 50th academi countri music awards, host luke bryan blake shelton. swift' mom, andrea, recent diagnos cancer, present superstar daughter mileston award. look insid 2015 acm awards. 80,000 countri music fan expect jam at&t stadium near dalla 50th academi countri music awards. look thrill win, said, i'm steven tyler, thank you!"} {"id": "13155", "contents": "luke bryan accept award entertain year onstag 50th academi countri music award at&t stadium april 19, 2015, arlington, texas. look insid 2015 acm awards. 80,000 countri music fan expect jam at&t stadium near dalla 50th academi countri music awards. look thrill win, said, i'm steven tyler, thank you!"} {"id": "13156", "contents": "tea act 1773 (13 geo 44) act parliament great britain. princip object reduc massiv surplu tea held financi troubl british east india compani london warehous help struggl compani survive."} {"id": "13157", "contents": "would begin later part next year stamp act passed. sugar act repeal 1766 replac revenu act 1766, reduc tax one penni per gallon molass imports, british foreign. occur around time stamp act 1765 repealed. earlier molass act 1733, impos tax six penc per gallon molasses, never effect collect due coloni evasion. reduc rate half increas measur enforc tax, british hope tax would actual collected."} {"id": "13158", "contents": "acm awards\u2019 50th anniversari edit first award show broadcast footbal stadium. academi countri music ceo bob romeo detail differ go year\u2019 edition, air april 19 cb dallas\u2019 at&t stadium, previou year la vega univers city, calif. start talk six year ago (cowboy owner jerry) jone famili approach us move event grand open building. didn\u2019t happen seed thrown 50th. move show stagger amount money."} {"id": "13159", "contents": "seat star-stud 2015 academi countri music award fill big-nam stars, carri underwood wasn\u2019t among them. underwood nomin award three categories: video year, vocal event year, femal vocalist year. total, underwood 11 academi countri music awards. 2009, carri underwood so-cal acm tripl crown given award top new femal artist category, top femal vocalist category, entertain year category."} {"id": "13160", "contents": "earli refer brass monkey 19th centuri refer ball all, instead various say cold enough freez tail, nose, ears, whisker brass monkey; hot enough scald throat sing hair brass monkey. brass monkey nicknam hous flag cunard line, adopt 1878, lion rampant field gule hold globe. refer almost certainli irrever humour, rather sourc expression, variant predat it."} {"id": "13161", "contents": "name brass monkey also refer follow cocktails: mixtur gin, tripl sec, tequila, orang juice, sour mix grapefruit juice. mixtur rum, vodka orang juic (with without galliano). mani lesser-known cocktail name colloqui expressions, wide differ recip share name. premix cocktail label brass monkey produc heublein compani 1970s, 1980 1990s."} {"id": "13162", "contents": "report abuse. one definit brass monkey: english express 'it' cold enough freez ball brass monkey' everi sail ship cannon protection. cannon time requir round iron cannonballs. brass monkey stand use cannon ball ship centuri ago. cold weather cannon ball would shrink fall ........... henc brass monkey weather cold enough freez ball brass monkey."} {"id": "13163", "contents": "thu was, quit literally, cold enough freez ball brass monkey. brass monkey british brand men' underp taken fight keep men' testicl warm comfy, see link version story! brass monkey stand use cannon ball ship centuri ago. cold weather cannon ball would shrink fall ........... henc brass monkey weather"} {"id": "13164", "contents": "brass monkey cocktail avail bottl half pint 750 ml. time brass monkey cocktail produced, liquor store carri mostli beer, wine, hard alcohol; premix alternatives. mani lesser-known cocktail name colloqui expressions, wide differ recip share name. premix cocktail label brass monkey produc heublein compani 1970s, 1980 1990s."} {"id": "13165", "contents": "refer test (a term ball commonli understood mean) brass monkey appear 20th-centuri variant expression, prefigur rang refer bodi parts, especi nose tail. brass monkey nicknam hous flag cunard line, adopt 1878, lion rampant field gule hold globe. refer almost certainli irrever humour, rather sourc expression, variant predat it."} {"id": "13166", "contents": "brass monkey name given number differ cocktail recipes. mani lesser-known cocktail name colloqui expressions, wide differ recip share name. premix cocktail label brass monkey produc heublein compani 1970s, 1980 1990s."} {"id": "13167", "contents": "use term, see brass monkey (disambiguation) brass monkey stanthorpe, queensland-th place known brass monkey weather, complet set balls. phrase cold enough freez ball (or on) brass monkey colloqui express use english speakers. brass monkey nicknam hous flag cunard line, adopt 1878, lion rampant field gule hold globe. refer almost certainli irrever humour, rather sourc expression, variant predat it."} {"id": "13168", "contents": "\u2018brass monkey,\u2019 beasti boys. care drink actual is, song still much jam today came 1986. fan everywher pay tribut mix version orang juic 40 tribut band. everyth thought knew brass monkey wrong. beasti boy fan shock week mike told wnyc\u2019 studio 360 band rap 1986 hit \u201cbrass monkey\u201d not, all, 40-ounc bottl malt liquor mix orang juice."} {"id": "13169", "contents": "chickenpox highli contagi ill caus varicella-zost viru (vzv), type herp virus. often mild illness, character itchi rash face, scalp trunk pink spot tini fluid-fil blister dri becom scab four five day later."} {"id": "13170", "contents": "chickenpox (varicella) contagi ill caus itchi rash red spot blister (pox) body. chickenpox caus problem pregnant women, newborns, teen adults, peopl immun system problem make hard bodi fight infection. person chickenpox spread viru even symptoms. chickenpox easili spread day rash appear blister crust over. risk chickenpox never ill chickenpox vaccine."} {"id": "13171", "contents": "chickenpox contagi diseas caus varicella-zost virus. viru spread easili peopl chickenpox other never diseas receiv chickenpox vaccine. viru spread air infect person cough sneezes. chickenpox also spread peopl shingles. varicella-zost viru also caus shingles. person shingl spread viru other never chickenpox"} {"id": "13172", "contents": "first symptom chickenpox usual develop 14 16 day contact person infect virus. peopl feel sick fever, decreas appetite, headache, cough, sore throat. itchi chickenpox rash usual appear day first symptom start. person chickenpox spread viru even symptoms. chickenpox easili spread day rash appear blister crust over. risk chickenpox never ill chickenpox vaccine."} {"id": "13173", "contents": "caus chickenpox. chickenpox caus varicella-zost virus. catch come contact someon infected. chickenpox contagi infection. around 90% peopl previous chickenpox becom infect come contact virus. shingles. chickenpox before, also catch chickenpox someon shingl (an infect caus virus). however, possibl catch shingl someon"} {"id": "13174", "contents": "characterist pancorpor varicella lesion unvaccin person. incub period varicella 14 16 day exposur varicella herp zoster rash, rang 10 21 days. mild prodrom fever malais may occur day rash onset, particularli adults. children, rash often first sign diseas"} {"id": "13175", "contents": "chickenpox incub period. chickenpox (varicella) common, highli contagious, viral infecti diseas childhood. usual mild, it\u2019 characteris itchi rash spread whole body. uk, common case occur winter spring. incub period seven 21 (usual 10 21) day exposur herp varicella-zost viru develop symptoms. diseas contagi day two rash appear rash complet dri scab over, five six day onset rash."} {"id": "13176", "contents": "chickenpox, also known varicella, highli contagi diseas caus initi infect varicella zoster viru (vzv)."} {"id": "13177", "contents": "chickenpox facts. chickenpox caus varicella-zost viru also caus shingles. chickenpox highli contagi spread contact someon chickenpox. fever, malaise, rash (red spots, blisters, crust lesions) symptom sign chickenpox."} {"id": "13178", "contents": "behind yale harvard law school, similar requir gpa lsat scores. admit student gpa 3.75 3.95, lsat score 170 175. harvard graduat take new york bar exam 97.1 percent passag rate. law school one easiest get into, averag incom student gpa 2.9 3.58 lsat score 149 154. student pass florida bar averag rate 82.5 percent. see small sampl law schools, requir school vari widely."} {"id": "13179", "contents": "good question. lsat\u2019 score rang 120 (low) 180 (killer). even though averag score 150, you\u2019ll need score 160 even higher want get one top twenty-f law school country. yale requir 171. fact score know:"} {"id": "13180", "contents": "\u201craw\u201d lsat score base number question answer correctly. lsat typic 100 103 questions, question worth point (all multiple-choice). accordingly, raw lsat score 100 103. lsat raw score convert lsat final score rang 120 180."} {"id": "13181", "contents": "question variou test section weigh equally. good lsat score score would like accept major law schools. averag lsat score 150 put student 50th percentile. gener score 160 accept law schools. however, top-tier law schools, lsat score must least 171, 98th percentile, student\u2019 applic competitive. lsat typic 100 103 questions, question worth point (all multiple-choice). accordingly, raw lsat score 100 103. lsat raw score convert lsat final score rang 120 180."} {"id": "13182", "contents": "want go top-notch law school, need high gpa score well lsat. however, test score grade greatest, mean give dream go law school. law school everi student. law school one easiest get into, averag incom student gpa 2.9 3.58 lsat score 149 154. student pass florida bar averag rate 82.5 percent. see small sampl law schools, requir school vari widely."} {"id": "13183", "contents": "lsat. lsat integr part law school admiss process unit states, canada, grow number countries. provid standard measur acquir read verbal reason skill law school use one sever factor assess applicants. regist now."} {"id": "13184", "contents": "law school admiss test (lsat) law school admiss exam administ four time per year law school admiss council (lsac) american bar associ (aba)-approv law schools, mani non-aba-approv law schools, canadian law school requir lsat score applicants."} {"id": "13185", "contents": "lsat (law school admiss test) requir admiss law school offer four time year. top law school look score close perfect (think 170 180), aim high, need high score. late lsat registr fee $66. addition, subscript law school data assembl servic (lsdas) requir applic law schools. subscript cost $121 includ one free score report. addit score report cost $12."} {"id": "13186", "contents": "lsat score highest possibl score 180. score 160 exam, get great schools. 170 score get best chools, certainly, guarante admission. best luck"} {"id": "13187", "contents": "submit. rye grass seed sprout soil temperatur 50 65 degre fahrenheit air temperatur 10 degre higher. cool-season grasses, annual perenni rye grass perform best spring fall deterior summer heat. keywords: rye grass temperatures, ryegrass best temperature, rye grass seed"} {"id": "13188", "contents": "grass seed need minimum temperatur 65 degre germin faster higher soil temperatur long increas heat dri seed soil. temperature. grass seed germin soil temperatur 65 degre above. import understand soil temperature, surround air temperature, trigger seed germination."} {"id": "13189", "contents": "cool season grass requir minimum rang 45 55 degrees. warm season grass requir minimum 55- 65 degrees. note soil temperatur usual cooler air temperature. addit densiti ground slower warm up, moistur evapor surfac cool effect. seed germin simpli growth process occur seed absorb suffici moistur start sprouting. regul soil temperatur accord varieti grass."} {"id": "13190", "contents": "keep mind warm-season grasses, includ cultivar bermudagrass st. augustin grass, well plant seed. soil temperatur rang warm-season grass 65 75 degre fahrenheit sometim higher. optim air temperatur warm-season grass 80 95 degre fahrenheit. purchas seed prepar lawn planting, research best seed varieti particular climat zone time year, keep mind varieti may better plant plug sod."} {"id": "13191", "contents": "seed sown spring almost certain fail, accord univers missouri extension. air temperatur cool-season grass 60 75 degre fahrenheit, soil temperatur 50 65 degre fahrenheit. purchas seed prepar lawn planting, research best seed varieti particular climat zone time year, keep mind varieti may better plant plug sod."} {"id": "13192", "contents": "plant daytim temperatur 60 75 degrees: cool season grass grow best soil temperatur 50 65 degre f. temperatur usual occur daytim air temperatur 60 75 degrees. high temperatur summer caus plant go dormant thu plant summer ask problems."} {"id": "13193", "contents": "usual plant earli fall, cool-season grass seed prefer daytim temperatur rang 60 75 f. temperatur range, soil usual 50 65 -- right environ germination. grass seed good contact soil cannot warm correctli success germination. seed reli warmth soil moistur swell sprout. seed remain ideal temperatur rang plant 1/4 inch deep, see germin three weeks."} {"id": "13194", "contents": "cool season grass fescue, germin best soil temperatur 50° 65° degre f. soil temperatur usual occur daytim air temperatur 60° 75° degrees. fescu grasses, plant properly, germin within 10 14 days."} {"id": "13195", "contents": "start salary. averag start salari peopl bachelor\u2019 degre biochemistri $45,000; averag start salari master\u2019 degre $60,000. figur rise $90,000 ph.ds, accord nation associ colleg employers' winter 2011 salari survey."} {"id": "13196", "contents": "start salari ranges. survey nation associ colleg employ found graduat bachelor\u2019 degre busi manag start $52,500, 2012. increas percent previou year, start salari averag $51,300 annually."} {"id": "13197", "contents": "example, 2013 median earn young adult bachelor' degre $48,500, compar $23,900 without high school credential, $30,000 high school credential, $37,500 associate' degree. 2000, median earn young adult bachelor' degre $29,500 greater median earn without high school credential; 2013, earn differenti $24,600."} {"id": "13198", "contents": "averag bachelor degre entri level salaries. averag salari bachelor degre entri level job $61,000. averag bachelor degre entri level salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term bachelor degre entri level anywher job listing."} {"id": "13199", "contents": "account bachelor' degre expect earn higher salari gain experi field, accord 2010 mpa survey. account start $50,000 year earn, average, $52,000 one year experi $65,000 three years. begin salaries. accord data u.s. bureau labor statistics, account bachelor' degre earn averag start salari $48,993 2009. account master' degre start averag salari $49,786. lowest-paid tier account earn $36,720 le"} {"id": "13200", "contents": "show popular schools. nation center educ statist (nces) report median (not average) salari young adult bachelor' degre $46,900 2012. however, averag salari peopl bachelor' degre vari wide base upon sever factors, includ major, job position, locat year experience."} {"id": "13201", "contents": "averag bachelor degre salaries. averag salari bachelor degre job $63,000. averag bachelor degre salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term bachelor degre anywher job listing."} {"id": "13202", "contents": "2013, young adult bachelor' degre earn twice much without high school credenti ($48,500 vs. $23,900) 62 percent young adult high school complet ($48,500 vs. $30,000). indic examin annual earn young adult age 25-34. 2000, median earn young adult bachelor' degre $29,500 greater median earn without high school credential; 2013, earn differenti $24,600."} {"id": "13203", "contents": "allium tricoccum (commonli known ramp, ramps, spring onion, ramson, wild leek, wood leek, wild garlic) north american speci wild onion widespread across eastern canada eastern unit states. mani english name use allium species, particularli allium ursinum. allium tricoccum first name 1789 scottish botanist william aiton, hortu kewensis, catalog plant cultiv london' kew botan garden. speci introduc britain 1770."} {"id": "13204", "contents": "allium tricoccum bulb-form perenni broad, smooth, light green leaves, often deep purpl burgundi tint lower stems, scallion-lik stalk bulb. allium tricoccum first name 1789 scottish botanist william aiton, hortu kewensis, catalog plant cultiv london' kew botan garden. speci introduc britain 1770."} {"id": "13205", "contents": "gener name allium latin word garlic, linnaeu first describ genu allium 1753. sourc refer greek \u03b1\u03bb\u03b5\u03c9 (aleo, avoid) reason smell garlic. cook consumpt part plant due larg varieti flavour textur species. allium one fifty-seven genera flower plant 500 species. far largest genu amaryllidaceae, also alliacea classif system famili recogn separ"} {"id": "13206", "contents": "allium genu onion 1250 speci perenni bulbou plants. onion probabl nativ southwestern asia grown throughout world, chiefli temper regions. allium hollandicum, popularli known purpl sensat one popular speci ornament"} {"id": "13207", "contents": "plant allium genu produc chemic compound (mostli deriv cystein sulfoxides) give characterist (alliaceous) onion garlic tast odor. mani use food plants, though member genu equal flavorous. allium one fifty-seven genera flower plant 500 species. far largest genu amaryllidaceae, also alliacea classif system famili recogn separ"} {"id": "13208", "contents": "allium (flower onion). alliums, flower onion sometim called, found famili garlic, shallots, chives, onions. mani garden often wonder grow allium caus garden smell like veget patch outdoor paradise."} {"id": "13209", "contents": "pregnant onion (ornithogalum longibracteatum) onion (allium sp.) all, larg bulb belong lili (lilyaceae) plant family. also call fals sea onion, get name unusu habit produc new babi bulb attach sides."} {"id": "13210", "contents": "egypt, onion use mummification. familiar allium common, bulb, onion speci allium cepa, may yellow, white, red, purpl skin. onion may fresh, commonli purchas dried. fresh, also call sweet, onion milder taste. dry, also call storage, onions, stronger flavor. onion garlic belong allium genus. allium, fact, deriv greek word garlic. shallots, leeks, chive also member allium family. onion cultiv thousand year origin near east central asia."} {"id": "13211", "contents": "it\u2019 call allium, bonafid member onion family, you\u2019ll crave garden, plate. spring, explod firework blooms, rival anyth you\u2019d blast sky onfourth juli accident set fire neighbor\u2019 lawn. although allium bloom summer, bloom spring. spring-bloomers, three type make lion\u2019 share grumpian plant everi year allium aflatuenense, a. giganteum, a. \u2018globemaster\u2019 (pictur right)."} {"id": "13212", "contents": "ia mra signatori test laboratories, calibr laboratori inspect bodies. intern accredit forum (iaf) mla ab involv accredit manag systems, products, servic personnel. ia mla signatori product certification. pacif accredit cooper (pac) mla ab involv accredit manag systems, greenhous ga valid verif bodies, product, servic personnel certification."} {"id": "13213", "contents": "search. iaf world associ conform assess accredit bodi bodi interest conform assess field manag systems, products, services, personnel similar programm conform assessment. primari function develop singl worldwid program conform assess reduc risk busi custom assur accredit certif may reli upon. accredit assur user compet imparti bodi accredited."} {"id": "13214", "contents": "term accredit certif sometim use interchangeably, however, synonymous. certif use verifi personnel adequ credenti practic certain disciplines, well verifi product meet certain requirements."} {"id": "13215", "contents": "ia accredit use compani organ improv qualiti servic product therebi improv public imag marketability. industri routin specifi compani maintain accredit nation recogn accredit bodi ias. pacif accredit cooper (pac) mla ab involv accredit manag systems, greenhous ga valid verif bodies, product, servic personnel certification."} {"id": "13216", "contents": "product servic furnish enrol location(s). state enrol location(s) provid item services. licensing: contract award supplier requir state licens competit bid area (cba) product category. order elig award contract, bidder must possess applic license(s) close bid window. bidder must meet dmepo state licensur requir applic state licensur requirements, any, product category(s) bid."} {"id": "13217", "contents": "bbb accredit mean business\u2019 product servic evalu endors bbb, bbb made determin business\u2019 product qualiti compet perform services. bbb accredit busi pay fee accredit review monitor continu complianc support bbb servic public. bbb code busi practic repres standard busi accredit bbb."} {"id": "13218", "contents": "accredit organ provid certification, test inspect servic assess third parti intern recogn standards. today, 10% world\u2019 coffee, 20% world\u2019 forest 40% white fish compli one sever sustain standard (iisd 2010)."} {"id": "13219", "contents": "intern accredit servic (ias) non-profit, public benefit corpor lead accredit bodi unit states. intern recognized, accredit ia make easier market product servic insid outsid unit states. read ia latest issu ia enews. regist iso/iec standard 17024:2012 training, dec 9-11, brea, ca. ia seek interest individu serv board directors."} {"id": "13220", "contents": "busi accredit bbb, mean bbb determin busi meet accredit standards, includ commit make good faith effort resolv consum complaints. bbb accredit busi pay fee accredit review monitor continu complianc support bbb servic public. bbb code busi practic repres standard busi accredit bbb."} {"id": "13221", "contents": "explicit: way creat function key lock mode touch cover type cover keyboard. interest type cover, would help know put surfac rt function key lock mode regardless keyboard. andr olivares."} {"id": "13222", "contents": "surfac pro 3, there' built-in program call on-screen keyboard pop much smaller keyboard functions. fn key also pgup, pgdn, etc. also move around screen easili posit want."} {"id": "13223", "contents": "fold cover back. fold cover back use surfac tablet. cover fold back, won\u2019t detect key presses. type text cover fold back, tap text field area type touch keyboard appear screen. info, see use touch keyboard."} {"id": "13224", "contents": "keyboard come surfac lack row independ function keys, know hold fn key press lower volum button get f2, better way this."} {"id": "13225", "contents": "fold cover back. fold cover back use surfac tablet. cover back, surfac won\u2019t detect key presses. type text cover back, tap screen anywher type, on-screen keyboard appears. info, see use on-screen keyboard."} {"id": "13226", "contents": "use microsoft surfac touch screen keyboard. swipe way app set microsoft' window rt tablet, use window key shortcut keystrok combin zip nearli program setting."} {"id": "13227", "contents": "fold cover back use surfac tablet. cover back, surfac won\u2019t detect key presses. type text cover back, tap screen anywher type, touch keyboard appears. info, see use touch keyboard."} {"id": "13228", "contents": "heart blood vessel diseas also call heart diseas includ numer problems, mani relat process call atherosclerosis. atherosclerosi condit develop substanc call plaqu build wall arteries."} {"id": "13229", "contents": "term heart diseas often use interchang term cardiovascular disease.. cardiovascular diseas gener refer condit involv narrow block blood vessel lead heart attack, chest pain (angina) stroke. diseas heart diseas umbrella includ blood vessel diseases, coronari arteri disease; heart rhythm problem (arrhythmias); heart defect born (congenit heart defects), among others."} {"id": "13230", "contents": "heart diseas describ rang condit affect heart. diseas heart diseas umbrella includ blood vessel diseases, coronari arteri disease; heart rhythm problem (arrhythmias); heart defect born (congenit heart defects), among others."} {"id": "13231", "contents": "coronari arteri diseas caus heart attack common form heart disease. type heart diseas include: atherosclerosi buildup cholesterol, calcium blood clot materi wall arteries. materi build call plaque."} {"id": "13232", "contents": "coronari heart diseas (chd) common form heart disease. occur arteri suppli blood heart narrow harden build-up plaque. plaqu made fat, cholesterol substanc found blood. plaqu build-up also known atherosclerosis. site plaqu determin type heart disease: coronari arteri diseas build-up plaqu arteri suppli blood heart. peripher arteri diseas build-up plaqu arteri suppli blood arm legs."} {"id": "13233", "contents": "common type heart diseas unit state coronari arteri disease, affect blood flow heart caus heart attack. term heart diseas refer sever type heart conditions. common type heart diseas unit state coronari arteri disease, affect blood flow heart. decreas blood flow caus heart attack. learn heart disease, heart attack, relat conditions:"} {"id": "13234", "contents": "coronari arteri diseas build-up plaqu arteri suppli blood heart. peripher arteri diseas build-up plaqu arteri suppli blood arm legs. carotid arteri diseas build-up plaqu arteri suppli blood brain. plaqu build-up also known atherosclerosis. site plaqu determin type heart disease:"} {"id": "13235", "contents": "coronari heart diseas common type heart disease. condit result buildup plaqu insid arteries, reduc blood flow heart increas risk heart attack heart complications. form heart diseas include:"} {"id": "13236", "contents": "middl back pain also due seriou conditions, fibromyalgia, spondyl (infect inflamm spinal joints), herniat disc. bulg disc put pressur nerv root come spine, result middl back pain. possibl caus middl back pain. middl back pain also due system problem problem affect bodi systems, seriou life threaten cases."} {"id": "13237", "contents": "cases, upper middl back pain caus by: overuse, muscl strain, injuri muscles, ligaments, disc support spine. poor posture. myofasci painmyofasci pain affect connect tissu muscl group muscles. condit put pressur spinal nerv also caus pain. include: osteoarthritisosteoarthritis. occur cartilag cushion small facet joint spine break down. happens, back bone rub togeth caus damag pain."} {"id": "13238", "contents": "sit stand long period time also caus seriou middl back pain. effect poor postur back may caus middl back pain immediately. instead, caus pain gradual time. often result muscl strain sprain minor back injuries, muscl spasm cramp anoth caus middl back pain. condit occur muscl back tens up."} {"id": "13239", "contents": "see pictur spine. upper middl back pain common low back pain neck pain, bone area back flex move much bone lower back neck. instead, work rib keep back stabl help protect vital organs, heart lungs. upper middl back pain may caus by: overuse, muscl strain, injuri muscles, ligaments, disc support spine. poor posture."} {"id": "13240", "contents": "cause. cases, upper middl back pain caus by: overuse, muscl strain, injuri muscles, ligaments, disc support spine. poor posture. myofasci pain affect connect tissu muscl group muscl"} {"id": "13241", "contents": "breakdown disc caus back neck pain, arthritis, spinal stenosis, herniat disc. sudden injuri back, fall car accident, may also start process. problem occur anywher spine. cases, occur disc lower back neck. condit put pressur spinal nerv also caus pain. include: osteoarthritisosteoarthritis. occur cartilag cushion small facet joint spine break down. happens, back bone rub togeth caus damag pain."} {"id": "13242", "contents": "middl back pain type pain discomfort area upper lower back. health care profession refer area lower thorac area lower thorac spine. upper thorac area upper thorac spine make part upper back. prompt diagnosi treatment middl back pain help control symptom reduc risk complications, disability. seek prompt medic care middl back pain severe, persistent, caus concern."} {"id": "13243", "contents": "although upper back pain common spinal disorder, caus signific discomfort pain occur. common caus upper back pain muscular irrit (myofasci pain) joint dysfunction. injuri disc upper back (such thorac herniat disc degener disc) caus upper back pain, injuri rare."} {"id": "13244", "contents": "middl back pain may also caus refer pain chest well. thorac spine, middl back, connect chest rib spine. refer pain throughout chest caus sinc nerv chest abdomen may share nerv becom affect within spine. instead, caus pain gradual time. often result muscl strain sprain minor back injuries, muscl spasm cramp anoth caus middl back pain. condit occur muscl back tens up."} {"id": "13245", "contents": "upper back pain, also call middl back pain thorac back pain, back pain felt region thorac vertebrae, bottom neck top lumbar spine. number potenti causes, rang muscl strain collaps vertebra rare seriou diseases."} {"id": "13246", "contents": "so, put ear case cpu. hear hum noise, almost certainli indic fan running. if, reason, fan running, cpu overheat comput refus turn cpu cool down. smell acrid smoke, compon comput (mostli motherboard) might burnt out. need replaced."} {"id": "13247", "contents": "comput start-it stuck turn-on, turn-off loop. vote vote favorite. 2. press power button, comput start make start-up noises, second shut down. then, 2-3 seconds, automat start turn second later shut again. need first boot comput with: cpu installed. stick memori (ram). hard disk storag devices. peripher card (pci-e/pci/agp/etc), mean video card use on-board one. liter cpu motherboard connect psu."} {"id": "13248", "contents": "look processor determin fan not. comput cpu fan, skip step 6. check following: make sure fan power cabl connect firmli motherboard. check object might stop fan. power power cabl disconnected, gentli spin fan finger make sure fan stuck. fan blade move resist movement, replac fan. leav side panel open, connect power cable, turn computer. hp compaq desktop pcs-error: cpu fan failed. document pertain hp compaq desktop computers. one follow errors, similar errors, appear comput turn on: cpu fan failed. press f2 continu boot. otherwise, system power five seconds."} {"id": "13249", "contents": "specs: vista home, dual core p4/3gigs. ok subject give littl bit info ill give rest. basicli turn comput on, let sit boot up. pre post fan rev blue power light flash proc fan rev down. here far. clean case. clean heat sink, fan reappli thermal paste."} {"id": "13250", "contents": "bet cpu fan speed due increas heat. sure like think new video card might stress power suppli power suppli caus comput heat. guess. cpu fan normal rev cpu get hot. problem would identifi fan caus noise. either cpu fan, chassi fan even power suppli fan. would open case side door see what' inside, mayb snap picture. first tri disconnect chassi fan, sinc easiest cheapest replace."} {"id": "13251", "contents": "tri boot up, everyth sound like working, monitor turn fan start spin seconds, stops. bullet form: -put comput sleep. -tri wake up, screen turn on-hard reset. -tri boot up, screen turn all, hdd fan spin up. -cpu fan stop spin seconds, screen still turn on. i'v tri take apart tri boot minim part (1 stick ram hdd) work."} {"id": "13252", "contents": "note: sometim cool fan spin even though power suppli broken. comput light beeps, monitor remain dark, make sure monitor turn get power, monitor, keyboard, peripher firmli attach cpu. electr problems. first, make sure comput get power. see light hear sound tri turn computer, first check power cables. system 110v/220v switch back, make sure set firmli 110v position."} {"id": "13253", "contents": "pc boot cpu fan spinning-tech support. cpu heatsink fan start spin power-on-forum. case fan spinning, heatsink fan not, fail boot all-tech support. build rig problem] pc boot cpu fan case fan spin, gpu will. cpu fan gpu fan spin boot. pc boot, cpu fan spin hear click, stop repea. pc boot, cpu fan spin hear click, stop repea. pc booting, fan spinning, video."} {"id": "13254", "contents": "modern idiom surnam found record bowen, boohan, bohane, (o)boughoan (o)boghan. daniell, son john abowen, christen st. peter's, cornhill, london, 1568. first record spell famili name shown madocu ap oweyn, date 1292, placita de que warranto, shropshire, reign king edward 1, known hammer scots, 1272 1307."} {"id": "13255", "contents": "firstly, welsh origin, patronym form welsh person name owain, come latin eugenius, deriv greek eugenios, mean well-born noble, welsh patronym element ab ap, son of; hence, son owen. first record spell famili name shown madocu ap oweyn, date 1292, placita de que warranto, shropshire, reign king edward 1, known hammer scots, 1272 1307."} {"id": "13256", "contents": "hello, guest. bowen celtic surnam repres two separ celtic strains, one welsh one irish, enter us top 1000 first time 2011. footbal hall famer drew bree name son bowen, recent realiti show coupl look perfect name 'brand' baby."} {"id": "13257", "contents": "answers. best answer: follow myfamily.com: search result for: bowen (origin: welsh.) corrupt ap owen, son owen, price ap rice, prichard ap richard. source(s): mark year ago."} {"id": "13258", "contents": "last name bowen origin ireland? alreadi exists. alreadi exist altern question. exist altern of. guy take advice? last name fitzpatrick origin histori name ireland? last name taylor originate? last name childer origin from? (cork angus): variant irish surnam carver, unexplain origin. surnam carver also found angus, scotland. variant surnam mccarver. perhap derv english carver, perhap gaelic origin."} {"id": "13259", "contents": "surnam bowen two origins. welsh origin mean 'son owain', mean well-born noble. irish origin anglic form gaelic o'buadhachain, prefix o, mean grandson descend of, buadhach, person name mean victorious. surnam date back late 13th centuri john bowen record 1305 regist freemen citi york. now, english origin, english surnam stroop rare. 2. english (lancashire, yorkshire, nottinghamshire): origin uncertain rare. perhap variant english: stopp, stripp, perhap variant irish surnam scroope. information, see relat link below."} {"id": "13260", "contents": "bowen name meaning. english, welsh origin: anglic form welsh ap owain \u2018son owain\u2019 (see owen).irish: anglic form gaelic \u2018buadhachain buadhach\u00e1in descendant\u2019, buadhachan buadhach\u00e1n \u2018diminutive\u2019 (of buadhach). victorious: see bohan sourc dictionari \u00a9american, famili name 2013. oxford univers press find bowen famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination."} {"id": "13261", "contents": "bowen name meaning. english, welsh origin: anglic form welsh ap owain \u2018son owain\u2019 (see owen).irish: anglic form gaelic \u2018buadhachain buadhach\u00e1in descendant\u2019, buadhachan buadhach\u00e1n \u2018diminutive\u2019 (of buadhach). victori see bohan find bowen famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination."} {"id": "13262", "contents": "car insur averag full coverag policies. averag cost full coverag car insur vari $850 $2,000 year. see quit range, hard estim actual average. mani thing go figur car insur rates, includ live. move one state anoth keep insur company, probabl notic premium change, either down. one state rank highest car insur rate new jersey, averag annual premium around $2,500 per year."} {"id": "13263", "contents": "valuepenguin research crunch number get averag cost car insur state. use data see state averag premium get better idea pay insurance."} {"id": "13264", "contents": "deduct gener rang $250 $1,000. collis coverag import car new valuable, less import valu vehicl declines. car worth $1,000 deduct $500, may make sens buy collis coverage. collis insur gener requir state law. comprehens cover cost miscellan damag car caus collision, fire theft."} {"id": "13265", "contents": "come liabil coverag auto insurance, recommend purchas afford. liabil coverag car insur polici pay damag caus accid peopl property. (more inform differ type liabil coverag here)."} {"id": "13266", "contents": "tri carri deduct least $500 coverage. car worth less $5,000, comprehens collis probabl worthwhile. time, premium fork probabl exceed payout, even car totaled. averag driver file collis claim everi three years, comprehens claim everi 10 years. increas collis deduct auto polici $200 $500 save 30 percent annually. given likelihood file claim, might come ahead higher deductible."} {"id": "13267", "contents": "save. everi driver oper vehicle, drive record follow drive patterns, would fairli simpl identifi averag auto insur coverage. mani variations, however, difficult ascertain averag base sound figures."} {"id": "13268", "contents": "need make sure adequ coverag uninsur under-insur drivers. it\u2019 rel inexpens state (someth like $40 year $100,000 worth coverage) collis uninsur driver, help cover cost health insur won\u2019t. you\u2019v decid carri bil $100,000/$300,000, yourself. collis comprehens coverag worth would want repair replac car accident. polici deduct (the amount pay out-of-pocket coverag kick in), pay base current valu car, paid it."} {"id": "13269", "contents": "state minimum-coverag limit low protect asset motorists. unless incom asset minimal, buy least $100,000 per person, $300,000 per accident. properti damage: property-damag liabil cover repair replac people' car property. state minimum limit averag $15,000. averag cost new car $30,000, however, buy least $35,000 coverage. averag driver file collis claim everi three years, comprehens claim everi 10 years. increas collis deduct auto polici $200 $500 save 30 percent annually. given likelihood file claim, might come ahead higher deductible."} {"id": "13270", "contents": "liabil bodili injuri minimum coverag bodili injuri vari state may low $10,000 per person $20,000 per accident. mani auto polici stop maximum $300,000 $500,000 per accid liabil coverage. car worth $1,000 deduct $500, may make sens buy collis coverage. collis insur gener requir state law. comprehens cover cost miscellan damag car caus collision, fire theft."} {"id": "13271", "contents": "lizard island australia\u2019 northern island beach resort ultim spot luxuri seclusion, facil diving. locat 240km north cairn great barrier reef. island protect nation park, one exclus resort, 40 room suites, 24 pristin sandi beaches. name lizard island given captain cook pass 12 august 1770. commented, land anim saw lizards, seem'd pretti plenty, occas name island lizard island."} {"id": "13272", "contents": "nation park cover 1,013 hectar 24 sandi beach lagoon, lizard island access privat charter cairn airport northern queensland, australia. cairn airport access major australian airport directli citi asia."} {"id": "13273", "contents": "lizard island resort. lizard island ideal locat northern great barrier reef tropic north queensland boast beauti fring reef 24 powderi white beaches. lizard island offer select eleg holiday accommodation, seemingli blend indoor open plan design ocean beach views. scuba dive snorkel lizard island spectacular magnific coral reef countless tropic fish."} {"id": "13274", "contents": "lizard island accommodation. lizard island offer rang resort accommod option eleg spaciou villa featur either ocean beach views. villa provid seclus privaci coupl luxuri surrounds. lizard island almost complet renov rebuild project. remain work minimum, pavilion, marlin bar employe accommod finalised. work limit daylight hour low level nois minim disturb guests."} {"id": "13275", "contents": "tranquil queensland island resort locat right spectacular great barrier reef boast beauti fring reef 24 powderi white beaches. lizard island award win great barrier reef resort, win host prestigi nation intern award excellence. lizard island offer select eleg holiday accommodation, open plan design spaciou villa featur ocean beach views. renown scuba dive snorkeling, lizard island surround spectacular coral reefs, ribbon lagoon reefs."} {"id": "13276", "contents": "lizard island vote top hotel australia, new zealand south pacif one top 100 hotel resort world 2008 travel leisur world' best awards. lizard island resort stars. great barrier reef, cairns, 4871 lizard island, australia show map. booking, property\u2019 details, includ telephon address, provid book confirm account."} {"id": "13277", "contents": "holiday inform lizard island resort, north queensland, australia. northern island within great barrier reef, lizard island tranquil anyon search life littl luxuries. escap paradise, relax, unwind rejuvenate, one hotel rate time time top 10 hotel world. locat north queensland, lizard island dream await you, privat villas, suit stun pavilion boast best luxuri accommod enjoy uninterrupt view fring ocean water laze privat day bed afternoon."} {"id": "13278", "contents": "lizard island, great barrier reef watch video \u00bb. explor great barrier reef. lizard island, northern-most resort island great barrier reef offer close access best snorkel dive wonder world. romant island hideaway. lizard island pavilion favourit honeymoon coupl catch preciou time together. here, marin life renown world over. lizard island seduc multitud reef water activities. sensat dive opportun abound, includ famou cod hole snorkel straight beach experi coral gardens, brightli colour tropic fish."} {"id": "13279", "contents": "award-win lizard island resort right great barrier reef, fring 24 white beaches. offer freshwat pool restaur serv australian, asian european cuisine. lizard island resort stars. great barrier reef, cairns, 4871 lizard island, australia show map. booking, property\u2019 details, includ telephon address, provid book confirm account."} {"id": "13280", "contents": "start tutor busi perfect way make money someth enjoy. easi becom tutor, need expertise, patience, open schedule. independ privat tutor, set hour fees. respons students, company."} {"id": "13281", "contents": "much money privat tutor make vari widely, general, expect bring anywher $15 $95 per hour privat sessions. peopl reading. private, in-hom tutor may charg $30 $40 per hour, accord angie' list, gener rang $15 $85 type tutors. generally, uniqu skill set, charg servic"} {"id": "13282", "contents": "factor experience, specialti location. private, in-hom tutor may charg $30 $40 per hour, accord angie' list, gener rang $15 $85 type tutors. generally, uniqu skill set, charg servic"} {"id": "13283", "contents": "best answer: hmm. 20$ hour lot money. lot kid need least coupl hour day, parent necessarili go pay much realli depends. commun lot peopl compet tutor jobs, push price 10$ hour. charg anywher $5 $50 hour. $50 way expens famili $5 reason you. would say $10-$25 hour depend well know teaching. girliee~girl year ago."} {"id": "13284", "contents": "tutor paid amount hour tutor. tutor 20+ hour week tutor.com sever months, make $1,000 per month. nice supplement income. care.com great articl averag price variou tutor servic give insight much expect make. enjoy tutor student, see would help lot peopl need need tutor want use knowledg make side money. thank creativ share. says: januari 16, 2012 9:11 pm. tutor.com cool startup idea.."} {"id": "13285", "contents": "education. privat tutor charg base level education. accord advic websit care.com, high school student excel one subject earn $10 $15 dollar hour tutor students, recent colleg graduat earn around $15 $20 hour."} {"id": "13286", "contents": "depend family. charg anywher $5 $50 hour. $50 way expens famili $5 reason you. would say $10-$25 hour depend well know teaching. girliee~girl year ago."} {"id": "13287", "contents": "answer katiejoy. confid vote 37. depend tutor much charge,,,math,,,,,,15 hour,,,,music,,,15,,ussali 15 kinda pricy,,,but fair gues total disagre amount list above, agre price depends. major factor much pay tutor expertis tutor. tutor high school student other certifi teachers. certifi teacher, charg $25.00/hr tutor year ago."} {"id": "13288", "contents": "friend made $2,100 tutor know next semester. person finance/entrepreneurship blog often advis colleg student make money tutoring."} {"id": "13289", "contents": "stereo headset headset capabl play stereo sound. headset includ earphon headphon go ear deliv sound directli wearer."} {"id": "13290", "contents": "order enjoy stereo headset, necessari headset use ears. mani may prefer put earphon one ear ear free. certainli option person preference, provid stereo sound, stereo requir two differ speakers."} {"id": "13291", "contents": "motorola s10-hd bluetooth\u00ae stereo headset provid high-definit audio sweat proof design, wireless music stay gym on-the-go. advanc design protect sweat moisture, refin profil offer lightweight, comfort fit."} {"id": "13292", "contents": "good samsung hm3700 bluetooth headset kit compact mono-to-stereo convert headset. come pair stereo earbuds, 3.5mm jack adapt use pair."} {"id": "13293", "contents": "s10-hd bluetooth stereo headset provid high-definit audio sweat proof design, wireless music stay gym on-the-go. advanc design protect sweat moisture, refin profil offer lightweight, comfort fit."} {"id": "13294", "contents": "product overview s10-hd bluetooth stereo headset provid high-definit audio sweat proof design, wireless music stay gym on-the-go. advanc design protect sweat moisture, refin profil offer lightweight, comfort fit."} {"id": "13295", "contents": "appli logic cell phone headsets, normal headset (one goe one ear) mono headset one stream line audio. one ear, one speaker, one line audio. stereo bluetooth headset cover ear split audio left right channel sound."} {"id": "13296", "contents": "confus simpl file transfer protocol, ftp ssh, ftps. computing, ssh file transfer protocol (also secur file transfer protocol, sftp) network protocol provid file access, file transfer, file manag reliabl data stream. term sftp also refer secur file transfer program, command-lin program implement client part protocol. example, sftp program suppli openssh implement this."} {"id": "13297", "contents": "overview. ssh file transfer protocol (also known secur ftp sftp) comput network protocol access manag file remot file systems. sftp also allow file transfer hosts, similar scp protocol. consequently, cannot use standard ftp client connect sftp servers, use client support sftp connect ftp servers. graphic client avail sftp, use command line unix mac os computer."} {"id": "13298", "contents": "unix man page: sftp interact file transfer program, similar ftp, perform oper encrypt ssh transport. abbrevi sftp nowaday invari mean secur file transfer protocol, howev anoth protocol abbrevi (simpl file transfer protocol). occurr term sftp websit (www.radinks.com) refer secur file transfer protocol. ftp data pass back forth client server without use encryption. make possibl evesdropp listen retriev confidenti inform includ login details. sftp data encrypt sentsent across network."} {"id": "13299", "contents": "ftp acronym file transfer protocol. name suggests, ftp use transfer file comput network. use ftp exchang file comput accounts, transfer file account desktop computer, access onlin softwar archives."} {"id": "13300", "contents": "protocol assum run secur channel, ssh, server alreadi authent client, ident client user avail protocol. term sftp also refer secur file transfer program, command-lin program implement client part protocol. example, sftp program suppli openssh implement this."} {"id": "13301", "contents": "sftp, stand ssh file transfer protocol, secur file transfer protocol, separ protocol packag ssh work similar way secur connection. advantag abil leverag secur connect transfer file travers filesystem local remot system. almost cases, sftp prefer ftp underli secur featur abil piggy-back ssh"} {"id": "13302", "contents": "command-lin sftp. use sftp command line unix mac os computers. start sftp session, command prompt, enter: example, usernam dvader, connect account host empire.gov, enter: enter password prompted. consequently, cannot use standard ftp client connect sftp servers, use client support sftp connect ftp servers. graphic client avail sftp, use command line unix mac os computer."} {"id": "13303", "contents": "standard data transmiss protocol use ssh2 protocol. wise-ftp implement reliabl user-friendli version client side protocol. sftp protocol' main purpos transfer data, also use obtain gener access ftp server' file system. sftp protocol run secur channel-no clear text password file data transferred. access ftp server, user need access internet (via modem, isdn, dsl local network) ftp client program (such wise-ftp). user advis use sftp protocol ensur file transmiss secure."} {"id": "13304", "contents": "ssh file transfer protocol (also known secur ftp sftp) comput network protocol access manag file remot file systems. consequently, cannot use standard ftp client connect sftp servers, use client support sftp connect ftp servers. graphic client avail sftp, use command line unix mac os computer."} {"id": "13305", "contents": "sftp client program use ssh access, manage, transfer files. sftp client function similar ftp clients, use differ protocols. consequently, cannot use standard ftp client connect sftp servers, use client support sftp connect ftp servers. graphic client avail sftp, use command line unix mac os computer."} {"id": "13306", "contents": "teacher profession develop classroom resourc across curriculum. solid wast everi year, unit state gener approxim 230 million ton trash--about 4.6 pound per person per day. less one-quart recycled; rest inciner buri landfills."} {"id": "13307", "contents": "total amount wast gener per year region 160 million tonnes, per capita valu rang 0.1 14 kg/capita/day, averag 1.1 kg/capita/day. current global msw gener level approxim 1.3 billion tonn per year, expect increas approxim 2.2 billion tonn per year 2025. repres signif-ic increas per capita wast gener rates, 1.2 1.42 kg per person per day next fifteen years."} {"id": "13308", "contents": "biggest zinger learned: consum north america europ wast 209 253 pound food per person everi year. usda say averag person u.s. eat 4.7 pound food per day. mean amount food wast u.s. per year would feed us one half two month (44 54 day exact)."} {"id": "13309", "contents": "show tri work averag litreag wast water (inc. sewage) produc per person per day typic domest home. reason select appropri size sewage/wast water pump tank pump wast water new hous built metr connect main sewer."} {"id": "13310", "contents": "accord environment protect agency, averag american produc 4.4 pound (2 kg) garbag day, total 29 pound (13 kg) per week 1,600 pound (726 kg) year. take consider averag household member count industri wast commerci trash."} {"id": "13311", "contents": "much water one person need drink per day? drink least 10 averag size glass water day. one averag size glass eight ounces. 16 ounc pint, pint quar t, quart gallon, so, mathematically, 128 ounc gallon. eight ounc divid 128 ounces, averag person drink roughli 0.625 gallon water per day. oh crap! average, peopl produc ounc fecal matter, 'poop,' 12 pound bodi weight, depend weight. assum averag person weigh 150 pounds, that' 12 oz (1.5 ilb littl kilogram)."} {"id": "13312", "contents": "solid waste. everi year, unit state gener approxim 230 million ton trash--about 4.6 pound per person per day. less one-quart recycled; rest inciner buri landfills."} {"id": "13313", "contents": "(april 2014). nation, american gener wast nation world 4.6 pound (2.04 kg) municip solid wast (msw) per person per day, fifti five percent contribut residenti garbage."} {"id": "13314", "contents": "averag human excret 128 fresh fece per person per day ph valu around 6.6. fresh fece contain around 75% water remain solid fraction 84-93% organ solids."} {"id": "13315", "contents": "mtk devic only, devic use mtk chips, you. know devic mtk device, head play store, search download cpu-z. installation, launch app see phone hardwar compon models. see menu button top; soc (system chips), system, battery, sensor menus."} {"id": "13316", "contents": "search mean mtk phone come right place right time know mean mtk phones, well see full list mtk android phone makers. mediatek lead mobil ic manufacturer, known mean mtk next name mtk mobil phone makers. list mtk android phone makers: main compani manufactur mtk smart mobil phone includ latest innjoo one hd sell 27k jumia."} {"id": "13317", "contents": "click download button. power devic remov batteri (if batteri built worri continue). new devic requir batteri flashing. connect devic comput usb wait sp flash tool detect it. connect devic comput usb wait sp flash tool detect it. hold volum volum button connect devic easi detection. phone detect red line seen bottom follow yellow line. flash completed, green tick shown screen."} {"id": "13318", "contents": "unbrick/flash mediatek (mtk) devices. hello, show flash unbrick dead mediatek (mtk) devic like tecno, gionee, infinix, thl etc. use sp flash tools. follow step care phone come back life..... connect devic comput usb wait sp flash tool detect it. hold volum volum button connect devic easi detection. phone detect red line seen bottom follow yellow line. flash completed, green tick shown screen."} {"id": "13319", "contents": "mediatek inc. fabless semiconductor compani provid system-on-chip solut wireless communications, hdtv, dvd blu-ray. headquart hsinchu, taiwan, compani 25 offic worldwid 4th largest ic design worldwid 2013. mediatek' financi result subject variat financi success differ product line fluctuated. mediatek' rel strong sale 2009/2010 base strong market posit featur phone chipsets."} {"id": "13320", "contents": "power devic remov batteri (if batteri built worri continue). new devic requir batteri flashing. connect devic comput usb wait sp flash tool detect it. hold volum volum button connect devic easi detection. connect devic comput usb wait sp flash tool detect it. hold volum volum button connect devic easi detection. phone detect red line seen bottom follow yellow line. flash completed, green tick shown screen."} {"id": "13321", "contents": "help engin code mobileuncletool log engin (mtk) mode devic (engineermod mtk). engin menu phone navig tab locat go ygps. tab satellit red dot (that satellites), (bottom) signal scales. chines gp fight ... work gp cn (and only) devic bulk owner mobil devic brought capit citi china face problem working\u00bb gps."} {"id": "13322", "contents": "automat boot-up mtk devic (non-samsung) docked. vote vote favorite. 1. i'm develop standalon kiosk use android tablet(ibal run 4.2.2).it chines mtk it. however,when tab shutdown dock didnt boot-up,instead stuck charg logo.when replac code with: tab boot-up shutdown docked.thi mean code get stuck '#!/system/bin/sh'"} {"id": "13323", "contents": "hi mizu, gp problem mtk device. configur sattelit set like guide, guid still xannotfix problem cannot anything, calibr gp outsid door first tri use again. reply. chines gp fight ... work gp cn (and only) devic bulk owner mobil devic brought capit citi china face problem working\u00bb gps."} {"id": "13324", "contents": "seconds, learn exactli type mtk file have, softwar program associ file, publish creat it, secur safeti status, varieti use information. open mtk file, need figur kind file mtk file extens refer to. tip: incorrect mtk file associ error symptom underli issu within window oper system."} {"id": "13325", "contents": "alamo' history. alamo serv purpos mexican texans. revolution, alamo serv midpoint texa mexico suppli could get through. midpoint need rest travler get weapon defend nativ american raids. februari 23rd,1836, mexican attack texa army. command william b. travi one first one die alamo rush defend it. texa defend die also battl includ famou davi crockett.th battl last februari 23rd march 6th, 1836."} {"id": "13326", "contents": "decemb 1835, texas\u2019 war independ mexico, group texan volunt soldier occupi alamo, former franciscan mission locat near present-day citi san antonio. ten year texa independ shortli annex unit states, u.s. soldier reviv rememb alamo! battl cri fight mexican forc mexican-american war 1846-1848."} {"id": "13327", "contents": "follow 13-day siege, mexican troop presid gener antonio lopez l\u00f3pez de santa anna launch assault alamo mission near san antonio de (bexar-b\u00e9xar modern day, san, antonio texas), unit state kill the. texian defend within mexico, battl often overshadow event mexican\u2013american war 1846\u201348. 19th-centuri texas, alamo complex gradual becam known battl site rather former mission."} {"id": "13328", "contents": "battl alamo. decemb 1835, earli stage texas\u2019 war independ mexico, group texan (or texian) volunt led georg collinsworth benjamin milam overwhelm mexican garrison alamo captur fort, seiz control san antonio. ten year texa independ shortli annex unit states, u.s. soldier reviv rememb alamo! battl cri fight mexican forc mexican-american war 1846-1848."} {"id": "13329", "contents": "alamo' purpos armi battl alamo. alamo spanish fort use defend villag san antonio indians. later becam site battl texas' independ mexico. within fort old spanish mission (san antonio de valero) call alamo. texan purpos offer resist delay mexican armi long possibl texan armi could formed. strategically, alamo littl importanc e. santa anna could easili bypass it."} {"id": "13330", "contents": "santa anna' cruelti battl inspir mani texians\u2014both texa settler adventur unit states\u2014to join texian army. buoy desir revenge, texian defeat mexican armi battl san jacinto, april 21, 1836, end revolution. sever month previously, texian driven mexican troop mexican texas. 100 texian garrison alamo. texian forc grew slightli arriv reinforc led eventu alamo co-command jame bowi william b. travis. februari 23, approxim 1,500 mexican march san antonio de bexar b\u00e9xar first step campaign retake. texa within mexico, battl often overshadow event mexican\u2013american war 1846\u201348. 19th-centuri texas, alamo complex gradual becam known battl site rather former mission."} {"id": "13331", "contents": "alamo mission san antonio, commonli call alamo, origin known mission san antonio de valero, unesco world heritag site san antonio, texas. found eighteenth centuri roman cathol mission fortress compound, site battl alamo 1836."} {"id": "13332", "contents": "alamo' purpos armi battl alamo. alamo spanish fort use defend villag san antonio indians. battl alamo fight 190-250 texan troop 1,800 gener santa anna' mexican troops. santa anna want punish texan defi go vernment. texan want independ liberti santa anna' centralist government."} {"id": "13333", "contents": "confid vote 12.8k. texan purpos offer resist delay mexican armi long possibl texan armi could formed. strategically, alamo littl importance. santa anna could easili bypass it. battl alamo fight 190-250 texan troop 1,800 gener santa anna' mexican troops. santa anna want punish texan defi go vernment. texan want independ liberti santa anna' centralist government."} {"id": "13334", "contents": "texan purpos offer resist delay mexican armi long possibl texan armi could formed. strategically, alamo littl importance. battl alamo fight 190-250 texan troop 1,800 gener santa anna' mexican troops. santa anna want punish texan defi go vernment. texan want independ liberti santa anna' centralist government."} {"id": "13335", "contents": "sting nettle, primari ingredi nettl tea, long histori medicin use europe. leav stem plant fine hair along outside, creat \u201cstinging\u201d feel come contact skin, thu give plant name. nettl tea rich antioxid use treat rang condit vari degre effectiveness. nettl tea commonli made dri leav stem nettl plant. however, cases, nettl root may also included. make nettl tea, dri fresh nettle, help tailor need"} {"id": "13336", "contents": "definition: nettl tea herbal 'tea' made leav root sting nettl plant. sting nettles. sting nettl plant (urtica dioica) best known famili nettl plants, also known genu urtica famili urticaceae. generally, one teaspoon fresh dri nettl per cup \u2018tea\u2019 good ratio, though peopl use four teaspoon dri leaf per 2/3 cup water. stronger infusion, crush leav mortar pestl ad water. maximum dosag four cup day recommend"} {"id": "13337", "contents": "nettl tea natur diuret allow proper fluid flow kidney bladder, thu prevent format kidney stones.th journal herbal pharmacotherapi state nettl tea flush toxin urinari tract also support medicin use treat urinari tract infections. good tonic women. nettl tea rich iron help fight anemia. pregnant women drink nettl tea prevent bleed make fetu strong. nettl also function galactagogue, is, substanc stimul milk product nurs mothers."} {"id": "13338", "contents": "nettl tea. nettl tea commonli made dri leav stem nettl plant. however, cases, nettl root may also included. make nettl tea, dri fresh nettle, help tailor needs. nettl tea rich antioxid use treat rang condit vari degre effectiveness. nettl tea commonli made dri leav stem nettl plant."} {"id": "13339", "contents": "nettl tea benefits. nettl tea affect kidney directly. nettl diuretic. [it] increas urin output remov uric acid (under physician supervision). thu use edema, inflammatori arthriti gout, say naturopath dr. robert kachko, nd, lac."} {"id": "13340", "contents": "prepar side effects. nettl leaf use extern ointment also consum nettl tea. make nettl tea, steep one two teaspoon dri nettl leav boil water 5\u201310 minut wonder cup nettl tea ready! add nettl root tinctur ad benefits. also flavor cup nettl tea lime honey. good tonic women. nettl tea rich iron help fight anemia. pregnant women drink nettl tea prevent bleed make fetu strong. nettl also function galactagogue, is, substanc stimul milk product nurs mothers."} {"id": "13341", "contents": "nettl herbal tea made leav fresh dri -, root seed herb. numer varieti plant, sting nettl (urtica dioica) best known health benefits. nettl green perenni herb reach meter height summer. benefit nettl tea. tea made leav rich vitamin a, 1, 5, c, d, k, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium others. also contain flavonoids, essenti amino acid proteins."} {"id": "13342", "contents": "medic definit renal tubule. part nephron lead away glomerulus, made proxim convolut tubule, loop henle, distal convolut tubule, empti collect tubule. tweet. part nephron lead away glomerulus, made proxim convolut tubule, loop henle, distal convolut tubule, empti collect tubule."} {"id": "13343", "contents": "renal tubule. etymology: l, ren, kidney, tubulus, small tube. part kidney' nephron lead glomerulu collect tubules. consist loop segment two convolut sections. canal resorb select materi back blood secrete, collect, conduct urine. henle' t' straight ascend descend portion renal tubul form henle' loop. lactifer t' galactophor tubules. mesonephr t' tubul compris mesonephros, temporari kidney, amniotes. metanephr t' tubul compris perman kidney amniotes."} {"id": "13344", "contents": "renal tubul essenti structur kidneys. lesson explor function renal tubul parts, includ proxim distal convolut tubules, loop henle, collect duct. learn compon work togeth absorb materi form urine. believ not, 1,000,000 nephron kidney! regardless, first section individu nephron call renal corpuscl made glomerulus, filter blood, bowman' capsule, collect ultrafiltrate."} {"id": "13345", "contents": "renal tubul carri urin glomerular capsul renal pelvis. curvi first section renal tubul known proxim convolut tubule. tubul cell line proxim convolut tubul reabsorb much water nutrient initi filter urine."} {"id": "13346", "contents": "together, renal corpuscl associ tubul call nephron. cartoon, orang color repres renal corpuscles, blue color indic tubul nephron, whose function analog striat ducts, lavendar color indic collect ducts, whose function passive. proxim convolut tubul drain filtrat away renal corpuscle. loop henl descend medulla, make hairpin turn, return cortex. distal convolut tubul pass near origin corpuscl (at juxtaglomerular apparatus), lead collect duct."} {"id": "13347", "contents": "renal tubule. part nephron renal filtrat renal corpuscl flow chang urin reabsorpt secretion. parts, order, proxim convolut tubule, loop henle, distal convolut tubule, collect tubule. see also: tubule. henle' t' straight ascend descend portion renal tubul form henle' loop. lactifer t' galactophor tubules. mesonephr t' tubul compris mesonephros, temporari kidney, amniotes. metanephr t' tubul compris perman kidney amniotes."} {"id": "13348", "contents": "ultrafiltr flow first part renal tubule, call proxim convolut tubule, section renal tubul mainli locat kidney' cortex respons reabsorpt major ultrafiltrate. ultrafiltr flow loop henle. believ not, 1,000,000 nephron kidney! regardless, first section individu nephron call renal corpuscl made glomerulus, filter blood, bowman' capsule, collect"} {"id": "13349", "contents": "function unit kidneys. remov wast bodi produc urine. nephron made two parts: renal corpuscl renal tubul (figur 1). figur 1. schemat diagram nephron demonstr site action diuretics. source: postgradu medic journal."} {"id": "13350", "contents": "price paint fenc vari due sever factors, overal cost paint fenc $.25 $2 per squar foot. average, profession usual charg around $1 $2 per squar foot paint fence."} {"id": "13351", "contents": "profession instal rail fenc cost $8-$25 foot, $900-$3,000 100' $6,800-$21,000 enclos squar acre, depend local rates, number rail terrain (slope properti difficult access cost more)."} {"id": "13352", "contents": "paint contractor charg $367 stain side 50-foot wood fence, includ labor material. job $90, cost stain, save 75 percent."} {"id": "13353", "contents": "$3.03. get instant estim cost paint fence! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost fenc paint project. basic 125 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost paint fenc rang $1.61 $3.03 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "13354", "contents": "usual gallon exterior paint cover 200 squar feet fenc take number divid 200 find mani gallon need. multipli cost one gallon paint use find total cost. usual add $10 $20 supplies."} {"id": "13355", "contents": "need find would cost paint bare wood deck (cat walk made wheel chair access). 33 feet long, 4.5 feet wide, handrail (height handrail 3.5 feet) sides, board make top handrail. spindl everi inch (rectangl inch width)."} {"id": "13356", "contents": "often, bad breath caus build-up odor-produc bacteria pet\u2019 mouth. result dental gum disease; certain cats, fact, may especi prone plaqu tartar. diet dermatolog issu also contribut factors."} {"id": "13357", "contents": "symptom sneezing, runni eye and/or nose congestion, like cold humans. kitten cats, however, seriou consequences. kitten cat may longer abl smell food, may quit eating. does, could liter starv death. want help kitten cat heal uri get point. sever thing do, new parent, prevent this. keep warm. uri show kitten, need keep warm."} {"id": "13358", "contents": "cat cold symptom includ heavi breath nose, mouth breath sneezing. see blood due irrit membran line nose. see discharg come nose sever hour may need take cat veterinarian."} {"id": "13359", "contents": "make sure breathe. third, like human child, cat kitten need help keep breath everyth clog congested. take softest, smallest cloth dampen warm water, gentli wipe eyes, nose mouth."} {"id": "13360", "contents": "cat cold. cat cold due bacteri infect nose. symptom includ sneez discharg mucus. treatment start clear nose case infect use antibiotics.. medic name cat cold upper respiratori infect tract diseas (aiurtd)."} {"id": "13361", "contents": "felin asthma. felin asthma may link allergies, also develop reason well. cat may sensit certain odors, smoke dust air may difficult time breath cases."} {"id": "13362", "contents": "1. talk vet put cat antibiotics. cat show sign infect (yellow green mucu nose) talk veterinarian whether cat need prescript antibiotics. vet suspect infect viral antibiot may help."} {"id": "13363", "contents": "cold caus stuffi nose, cat treat infant nose drop tune one drop nostril daili days. cat eat can't smell lack appetit noth worri unless last days."} {"id": "13364", "contents": "discount colleg cost pay back. example, averag publish price in-stat tuition fee four-year public colleg $9,139, averag net price averag famili realli pay $3,030. cost tuition fee vari college. wide rang prices, tabl shows. know half full-tim undergradu student public privat nonprofit four-year colleg attend institut charg tuition fee $11,550 less."} {"id": "13365", "contents": "situat similar privat institutions. averag tuition price increas 3.8 percent 2012-13 2013-14, $30,090. averag net price also increased, $11,930 2012-13 $12,460 2013-14. parent abl provid children financi resourc necessari pay tuition fee ... publish tuition fee public privat colleg still increas 2013, growth smaller past years. public, four-year colleges, example, publish tuition fee increas 2.9 percent smallest one-year increas sinc mid-1970s."} {"id": "13366", "contents": "sinc 1978, colleg tuition fee increas whop 1,120%. period, price food increas 244% medic expens 601%. fact, tuition price gone four time faster consum price index, accord report bloomberg."} {"id": "13367", "contents": "question: trend cost colleg education? response: 2012\u201313 academ year, annual current dollar price undergradu tuition, room, board estim $15,022 public institutions, $39,173 privat nonprofit institutions, $23,158 privat for-profit institutions. price undergradu tuition, room, board privat for-profit institut decreas percent 2002\u201303 2012\u201313, adjust inflation. source: u.s. depart education, nation center educ statistics."} {"id": "13368", "contents": "colleg price u.s. increas faster rate inflation, extend decades-long pattern higher-educ costs. tuition fee privat nonprofit colleg climb 3.7 percent averag $31,231 academ year, accord report today colleg board. tuition fee result base data 3,105 institut respond survey, colleg board said. cost didn\u2019t rise 12 percent full-tim student four-year public colleges, percent decad ago, accord"} {"id": "13369", "contents": "average, tuition tend increas 8% per year. 8% colleg inflat rate mean cost colleg doubl everi nine years. babi born today, mean colleg cost three time current rate child matricul college. good rule thumb tuition rate increas twice gener inflat rate. 17-year period 1958 2001, averag annual tuition inflat rate 6% 9%, rang 1.2 time gener inflat 2.1 time gener inflation."} {"id": "13370", "contents": "sinc 1978 price colleg increas absolut dollar 1120 percent, good servic u.s. economy. (for example, cost food increas 244 percent healthcar 601 percent period). wide cite studi richard arum, academ adrift, conclud 36 percent colleg student show signific gain learn cours four year college."} {"id": "13371", "contents": "(cb moneywatch) decade, colleg tuition rise far beyond rate inflat public colleg universities. accord colleg board figures, tuition fee increas 5.4 percent annual inflat decad sinc 2001-2002 school year. ouch."} {"id": "13372", "contents": "want get ear pay college, listen parent state tuition fee skyrocket last five years. arizona, example, parent seen 77 percent increas costs. georgia, 75 percent, washington state, 70 percent."} {"id": "13373", "contents": "ap. cost colleg degre unit state increas 12 fold past 30 years, far outpac price inflat consum goods, medic expens food. accord bloomberg, colleg tuition fee increas 1,120 percent sinc record began 1978."} {"id": "13374", "contents": "diet high cholesterol, satur fats, tran fat rais blood cholesterol level put risk heart disease, accord american heart association."} {"id": "13375", "contents": "eat affect cholesterol levels, food increas risk high cholesterol food potenti help lower cholesterol levels. satur fat dietari cholesterol, found cheese, two main culprit increas"} {"id": "13376", "contents": "high blood level cholesterol (240 mg/dl higher) greatli increas individual' risk heart disease. cholesterol fatti substanc use bodi make cell membranes, hormones, substances."} {"id": "13377", "contents": "cottag cheese. favorit choic term cottag chees 1/2 cup, small curd cottag chees 17 mg cholesterol. amount cholesterol varieti type serv size cottag chees shown below. view nutrit valu (such calories, carb fats) use filter below: calori total carb total fat protein sodium cholesterol vitamins."} {"id": "13378", "contents": "cholesterol goat' cheese. favorit choic term goat' chees ounc goat chees (soft) 13 mg cholesterol. amount cholesterol varieti type serv size goat' chees shown below."} {"id": "13379", "contents": "hamstr group muscles, locat back upper leg, actual group three separ muscles. top muscl attach lower part pelvis, bottom hamstr muscl attach lower leg bone knee joint."} {"id": "13380", "contents": "two hamstr muscl -- semimembranosu semitendinosu -- lie inner side back thigh. muscl origin sit bone, ischial tuberosity, back pelvis."} {"id": "13381", "contents": "semimembranosu muscl one three muscl make hamstring. found back thigh run base pelvi (specif tuberos ischium) back tibia, one bone make lower leg."} {"id": "13382", "contents": "semitendinosus. semitendinosu muscl one three hamstr muscl locat back thigh. two semimembranosu muscl bicep femoris. semitendinosu muscl lie two. three muscl work collect flex knee extend hip."} {"id": "13383", "contents": "hamstr consist three muscl bicep femori muscle, semitendinosu muscle, semimembranosu muscle. muscl combin primarili respons flexion knee joint (bend knee) well assist extens thigh (move upper leg backwards)."} {"id": "13384", "contents": "semitendinosu long muscl locat posterior medial thigh connect ischium proximi tibia."} {"id": "13385", "contents": "violent young troublemaker, typic one gang: drunken hooligan [a modifier]: hooligan behaviour. exampl sentences. synonyms. resid driven home young yob hooligan make live misery."} {"id": "13386", "contents": "full definit hooligan. ruffian, hoodlum. see hooligan defin english-languag learners. see hooligan defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "13387", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. hooligan weild bat. hooligan weild bat. definit hooligan slang young person break law. exampl hooligan teenag steal car stereos. hoodlum, esp. young one. rowdi violent person."} {"id": "13388", "contents": "[count]. usual young man noisi violent thing part group gang. window broken gang teenag hooligans. soccer hooligan [=violent soccer fan fight soccer fans]. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. /\u02c8hu\u02d0l\u026ag\u0259\u02ccn\u026az\u0259m/ noun [noncount]."} {"id": "13389", "contents": "cost train becom firefight depend type fire depart work for. volunt department, train alway free. oth rwise salari firefighter, train cost sever thousand dollars. no, becom school social worker school guidanc counselor. order school counselor, need meet certif standard state requir specif internship experi certifi school"} {"id": "13390", "contents": "requirements. education. first step educ school counselor obtain bachelor' degree-usu counseling, psychology, educ social work, though degre relat field acceptable. school counselor may work level education, includ elementary, middl high school well college. employ grade level privat public schools. general, counselor work full-tim schedule, visit multipl school cours week month."} {"id": "13391", "contents": "step 2: complet master' degre program. accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), master' degre typic educ requir becom high school guidanc counselor. student choos master' degre program secondari school counsel education. step 1: earn bachelor' degree. undergradu level, aspir high school guidanc counselor typic earn bachelor' degre psychology, counseling, education. foundat cours program cover topic child adolesc development, cognit psycholog person theory."} {"id": "13392", "contents": "cost $4000. profession program colleg admiss counsel design profession counselor improv market abil requir either pupil personnel servic (pps) credenti master' degre counseling. addit attend certif courses, privat admiss consult work admiss reader universities. mani brochur advertis colleg applic reader help applic writing."} {"id": "13393", "contents": "answer generally, need teach certif experi teaching. common expect taught least three years. then, go addit univers class (not sure master' degree) becom guidanc counselor. no, becom school social worker school guidanc counselor. order school counselor, need meet certif standard state requir specif internship experi certifi school"} {"id": "13394", "contents": "*cost tuition only. price reflect fees, books, room board. one example, onlin master scienc profession counsel private, arizona-bas grand canyon univers cost $30,250, includ suppli room board, applicable. counselor must licens practic unit states. example, becom licens mental health counselor requir master\u2019 degre 2,000-4,000 hour supervis clinic experience."} {"id": "13395", "contents": "median annual wage school career counselor $53,610 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. bottom 10 percent earn less $31,920, top 10 percent earn $86,680. state requir school counselor master\u2019 degre school counsel relat field. program school counsel teach student foster academ development; conduct group individu counseling; work parents, teachers, school staff."} {"id": "13396", "contents": "citi univers seattle\u2019 master art counsel program prepar student work counselor commun mental health field. may choos two program emphas includ clinic mental health counsel (cmhc) marriage, coupl famili counsel (mcfc). bachelor\u2019 degre accredit university, appli master art counsel program cityu. want take interperson skill next level make counsel career, speak one knowledg advisor learn program today."} {"id": "13397", "contents": "annual tuition cost intern student canada rang $14,000 $26,000 last year, accord associ univers colleg canada. canadian univers brought high school counselor target school u.s. campu summer workshop past two years, applic increased. tuition $21,000 per year."} {"id": "13398", "contents": "cost* earn bachelor\u2019 degre run gamut, rang $8,893 per year in-stat tuition $30,094 annual private, non-profit school, accord colleg board\u2019 trend colleg price 2013-2014. counselor must licens practic unit states. example, becom licens mental health counselor requir master\u2019 degre 2,000-4,000 hour supervis clinic experience."} {"id": "13399", "contents": "pancrea import job body. first produc pancreat digest juices. second produc insulin hormon digestion. part pancrea produc digest juic call exocrin pancreas. level sugar blood high, pancrea make secret insulin. level low, secret less. make enough insulin, diabetes."} {"id": "13400", "contents": "food enter stomach, pancreat juic releas system duct culmin main pancreat duct. pancreat duct join common bile duct form ampulla vater locat first portion small intestine, call duodenum. common bile duct origin liver gallbladd produc anoth import digest juic call bile."} {"id": "13401", "contents": "ampullari cancer cancer aris ampulla vater. ampulla vater nippl like project duodenum (the first portion intestine) pancreat bile duct open. pancreat biliari secret enter duodenum ampulla vater."} {"id": "13402", "contents": "main pancreat duct merg bile duct head pancrea form ampulla vater (a widen duct enter duodenum). true bile, flow pancreat fluid often block tumor pancreas, alter pancreat surgery. pancreat hormones, insulin glucagon, work togeth maintain proper level sugar (glucose) blood. blood sugar use bodi energy. understand two function compon pancrea import two reasons."} {"id": "13403", "contents": "ampullari (am-poo-la-ree) cancer rare cancer form area digest system call ampulla vater. ampulla vater bile duct pancreat duct join empti small intestine. ampullari cancer form near mani part digest system, liver, pancrea small intestine. ampullari cancer grows, may affect organs."} {"id": "13404", "contents": "search. ampulla, ampulla vater, pancreat duct bile duct join togeth drain duodenum, first part small intestine. polyp ampulla start benign turn cancer ampulla grows. ampullari polyps. ampulla, ampulla vater, pancreat duct bile duct join togeth drain duodenum, first part small intestine."} {"id": "13405", "contents": "ampulla vater small open enter first portion small intestine, known duodenum. ampulla vater spot pancreat bile duct releas secret intestines. type ampullari cancer. true ampullari cancer origin ampulla vater. often confus periampullari cancers, origin pancreas, bile duct, intestin close ampulla vater. general, cancer ampullari better surviv rate periampullari cancers."} {"id": "13406", "contents": "pancrea secretori structur intern hormon role (endocrine) extern digest role (exocrine) two main ducts, main pancreat duct, accessori pancreat duct. drain enzym ampulla vater duodenum. pancrea also digest organ, secret pancreat juic contain digest enzym assist digest absorpt nutrient small intestine."} {"id": "13407", "contents": "definition. pneumonia infect lung parenchyma. community-acquir pneumonia refer pneumonia acquir outsid hospit extended-car facilities. nurs home\u2013acquir pneumonia refer infect acquir extended-car facility. nosocomi pneumonia hospital-acquir pneumonia describ infect acquir hospit setting."} {"id": "13408", "contents": "tetanu caus clostridium tetani bacterium. clostridium tetani spore abl surviv long time outsid body. commonli found anim manur contamin soil, may exist virtual anywhere. clostridium tetani enter bodi multipli rapidli releas tetanospasmin, neurotoxin (poison affect nervou system). tetanospasmin enter bloodstream rapidli spread around body, caus tetanu symptoms."} {"id": "13409", "contents": "tetanus, also known lockjaw, infect character muscl spasms. common type spasm begin jaw progress rest body. spasm usual last minut time occur frequent three four weeks. tetanu occur part world frequent hot wet climat soil contain lot organ matter. 2013 caus 59,000 death 356,000 1990. descript diseas hippocr exist least far back 5th centuri bce."} {"id": "13410", "contents": "sever test may use pertussi infect suspected: cultur test gold standard identifi pertussi use diagnos pertussi infection. sampl put nutrient media bacteria grown identified. pertussi test use detect diagnos bordetella pertussi infection. earli diagnosi treatment may lessen sever symptom help limit spread disease."} {"id": "13411", "contents": "tetanu caus infect bacterium clostridium tetani, commonli found soil, dust manure. bacteria gener enter break skin cut punctur wound contamin object. tetanu occur part world frequent hot wet climat soil contain lot organ matter. 2013 caus 59,000 death 356,000 1990. descript diseas hippocr exist least far back 5th centuri bce."} {"id": "13412", "contents": "recommend facebook tweet sharecompartir. tetanu differ vaccine-prevent diseas spread person person. bacteria usual found soil, dust manur enter bodi break skin-usu cut punctur wound caus contamin objects. today, tetanu uncommon unit states, averag 29 report case per year 1996 2009."} {"id": "13413", "contents": "knowledg center. tetanu (or lockjaw) seriou infect caus clostridium tetani bacteria produc toxin affect brain nervou system. toxin lead stiff jaw muscl well muscles. clostridium tetani enter bodi multipli rapidli releas tetanospasmin, neurotoxin (poison affect nervou system). tetanospasmin enter bloodstream rapidli spread around body, caus tetanu symptoms."} {"id": "13414", "contents": "commonli known diseas caus anaerob bacteria includ ga gangrene, tetanus, botulism. nearli dental infect caus anaerob bacteria. anaerob bacteria caus infect normal barrier (such skin, gums, intestin wall) damag due surgery, injury, disease. definition. anaerob infect infect caus bacteria (call anaerobes) cannot grow presenc oxygen. anaerob bacteria infect deep wounds, deep tissues, intern organ littl oxygen."} {"id": "13415", "contents": "pertussi test order doctor suspect person bordetella pertussi infection. pertussi cultur pcr perform someon symptom suggest pertussis, earli ill possibl (gener within first weeks). pertussi test use detect diagnos bordetella pertussi infection. earli diagnosi treatment may lessen sever symptom help limit spread disease."} {"id": "13416", "contents": "factor speci feed organism, chain becom web. freshwat base freshwat food web producers, phytoplankton, algae, duckweed, lili pads. like land, plant water undergo photosynthesi provid aquat organ oxygen."} {"id": "13417", "contents": "food chain simpl linkag produc consum feed relationships. example, small fish eat aquat insect, larger fish eat small fish, two fish insect link food chain. food web complex, consist network link food chains."} {"id": "13418", "contents": "best answer: autotrophs, plants. organ har energi sun store carbon compounds. thus, organ depend them, organ eaten them, food. source(s): campbel reece, biolog"} {"id": "13419", "contents": "produc plant form base great lake food chains. they\u2019r call producers, make food convert sunlight photosynthesis. also act food, provid energi organisms. great lakes, produc phytoplankton, microscop float plants. base aquat food web are: plankton plankton microscop plant anim whose movement larg depend upon currents. plankton foundat aquat food web. plankton vital food suppli fish, aquat birds, reptiles, amphibian mammals."} {"id": "13420", "contents": "answer hulk789. confid vote 240. produc alway found base food chain, food web start speci end species, so, base food web. produc basic produc food own. common exampl would plants."} {"id": "13421", "contents": "base basal speci food web speci without prey includ autotroph saprophyt detritivor (i.e., commun decompos soil, biofilms, periphyton). feed connect web call trophic links. common metric use quantifi food web trophic structur food chain length. food chain length anoth way describ food web measur number speci encount energi nutrient move plant top predators."} {"id": "13422", "contents": "food web (or food cycle) natur interconnect food chain gener graphic represent (usual image) what-eats-what ecolog community. anoth name food web consumer-resourc system. common metric use quantifi food web trophic structur food chain length. food chain length anoth way describ food web measur number speci encount energi nutrient move plant top predators."} {"id": "13423", "contents": "food chain repres success organ eat anoth organ are, turn, eaten themselves. number step organ start chain measur trophic level. food chain start trophic level primari produc plants, move herbivor level 2, predat level typic finish carnivor apex predat level 5. path along chain form either one-way flow food web."} {"id": "13424", "contents": "best answer: food pyramid, first trophic level made autotroph (organ capabl creat food). usual call producers. produc primari consum (usual herbivor deer). primari consum secondari consum eat secondari consum (such wolv eat deer). tertiari consum top food chain."} {"id": "13425", "contents": "group organ alway found base food chain food web? produc alway found base food chain, food web start speci end species, so, base food web. produ cer basic produc food own. common exampl would plants. other found useful. sincerlyy nay."} {"id": "13426", "contents": "habitat. african wild dog live? african wild dog? african wild dog divers tastes. quit social intelligent. entir pack involv welfar pups. african wild dog vocal. african wild dog\u2014also sometim call hunt dog african paint dog\u2014ha colorful, patchi coat; larg bat-lik ears; bushi tail white tip may serv flag keep pack contact hunting. two wild dog mark exactli same, make easi identifi individuals."} {"id": "13427", "contents": "african wild dog highli social animal, live pack separ domin hierarchi male females. african wild dog bulkiest solidli built african canids. speci stand 60\u201375 cm (24\u201330 in) shoulder height, weigh 20\u201325 kg (44\u201355 lb) east africa 30 kg (66 lb) southern africa."} {"id": "13428", "contents": "african wild dog follow them. migrat dog surviv bug rodents. african wild dog live grasslands, savannas, open woodland eastern southern africa. mostli found african plains; live jungl areas. also live part namibia, botswana, mozambique, swaziland, transvaal south africa"} {"id": "13429", "contents": "african wild dog live? african wild dog live countri along east coast africa eritrea far northern point south africa, swath area kenya cameroon malawi angola/namibia. 18 peopl found useful. african wild dog live plain woodland forests-wherev abund prey-in area africa mostli tropic savanna."} {"id": "13430", "contents": "countri african wild dog live on? algeria, libya, niger, burkina faso, benin, togo, chad, cameroon, central african republic, ethiopia, south sudan, kenya, tanzania, mozambique, zambia, zimbabwe, botswana, ang ola, south africa. african wild dog live plain woodland forests-wherev abund prey-in area africa mostli tropic savanna."} {"id": "13431", "contents": "african wild dog. african wild dog form pack 40 members, domin breed pair, remain monogam life. gregari anim co-op hunters, reli sight rather smell pinpoint prey."} {"id": "13432", "contents": "african wild dog, also call hunt dog, vanish speci east africa. field studi shown wild dog highli intellig social animal. latin name african wild dog mean paint wolf, aptli describ color coat dark brown, black yellow patches. wild dog bushi tail white tip may serv flag keep pack contact hunting. habitat. wild dog live mostli arid zone savanna."} {"id": "13433", "contents": "quit social intelligent. african wild dog live pack six 20. aggress exhibit toward prey complet nonexist member pack, littl intimid among social hierarchy. african wild dog\u2014also sometim call hunt dog african paint dog\u2014ha colorful, patchi coat; larg bat-lik ears; bushi tail white tip may serv flag keep pack contact hunting. two wild dog mark exactli same, make easi identifi individuals."} {"id": "13434", "contents": "african wild dog live countri along east coast africa eritrea far northern point south africa, swath area kenya cameroon malawi angola/namibia. african wild dog live plain woodland forests-wherev abund prey-in area africa mostli tropic savanna."} {"id": "13435", "contents": "also true opposit direction, high blood sugar caus constipation. diabet constip share relationship. food move properli digest tract sluggish, affect absorpt food. bowel move effectively, see improv glucos control. anoth word hear knock around gastroparesis. read sugar\u2019 articl \u201cgastroparesis, factor diabet control\u201d high blood sugar seriou caus constipation. fluctuat blood sugars, water remov bowel help flush excess sugar blood stream. process caus peopl uncontrol diabet live constant state dehydr"} {"id": "13436", "contents": "patient diabet signific risk develop sever constip often due dysfunct autonom nervou system. constip symptom, rather disease, character decreas defec frequency, increas stool hardness, and/or difficulti pass fecal matter."} {"id": "13437", "contents": "autonom neuropathi affect nerv bowel caus constipation, diarrhoea intermitt period each. speak gp diabet specialist neuropathi caus signific difficulties. constip diabetes. reason link diabet may increas likelihood constipation. peopl follow diet restrict wheat product may experi"} {"id": "13438", "contents": "caus constipation. constip usual occur stool remain colon (larg intestine) long colon absorb much water them, caus stool becom hard dry. case constip caus specif condit may difficult identifi exact cause."} {"id": "13439", "contents": "high blood sugar harm bodi tissues. pancrea malfunct stop produc insulin bodi consume, blood sugar level rise bodi result diabet along sore symptoms. one symptom diabet chronic constipation. case, food wast product move intestin slowli caus constip diarrhea. however, intestin damag normal occur diabet treat dose insulin coupl years."} {"id": "13440", "contents": "diabet constipation: know get rid it. diabet type diseas bodi lack product unabl use insulin properli body. case, food wast product move intestin slowli caus constip diarrhea. however, intestin damag normal occur diabet treat dose insulin coupl years."} {"id": "13441", "contents": "diabet constip diarrhea. diabet diseas bodi either produc unabl use hormon insulin properly. pancrea produc insulin, help bodi use sugar (glucose) foods. pancrea cannot produc enough insulin, bodi cannot use insulin properly, blood sugar level rise bodi cannot use food effectively. high blood sugar level harm mani bodi tissues. constip common gastrointestin problem peopl diabet"} {"id": "13442", "contents": "chronic low-level dehydr common caus constipation, especi among diabetics. alway begin increas hydration, either ad bit food, put fresher water, inject small amount subcutan fluid train this."} {"id": "13443", "contents": "accord mayo clinic, high blood sugar level seen type diabet lead diabet neuropathy, nerv damage. damag nerv control digest tract lead constip sometim altern bout diarrhea. read more: natur constip remedies. addit lifestyl choic neuropathy, peopl diabet sometim take medic slow gut mobil caus constipation. talk doctor side effect medic might taking. natur solut constip relief involv get exercise, drink plenti water, eat fiber-rich diet. research indic may enough peopl diabetes."} {"id": "13444", "contents": "histori [edit]. taquito small taco refer 1917 preliminari glossari new mexico spanish, word note mexican use new mexico. modern definit taquito rolled-tortilla dish given 1929 book stori mexican peopl unit state aim youth audience, dish note particularli popular offer railroad station vendors."} {"id": "13445", "contents": "remov heat. 5) make taquito add 1/4 cup neutral oil small skillet medium heat. add one corn tortilla pan cook 10 second per side. remov pan lay clean surface."} {"id": "13446", "contents": "crispi fri taquito sold mexico often call taco dorado (golden tacos) flautas. typic top side includ cabbage, crema (mexican sour cream), guacamole, green chili red chili salsa crumbl mexican chees queso fresco. modern definit taquito rolled-tortilla dish given 1929 book stori mexican peopl unit state aim youth audience, dish note particularli popular offer railroad station vendors."} {"id": "13447", "contents": "taquito corn tortilla roll similar fashion fill beef, chicken chees fri crisp. sometim flauta roll narrow one side creat long, narrow cone shape. often gotten question subject flauta taquito tell differ make different. answer: flauta taquito similar term use interchang depend locat is. tortilla difference. time flautas, mean flutes, usual refer flour tortilla roll around fill deep fri"} {"id": "13448", "contents": "taquito. taquito, roll taco, flauta mexican food dish often consist small rolled-up tortilla type filling, includ beef, chees chicken. fill tortilla crisp-fried. dish often top condiment sour cream guacamole. corn tortilla gener use make taquitos; flour tortilla used, dish commonli known flautas. areas, taquito refer rolled-up tortilla dish, rather smaller version taco."} {"id": "13449", "contents": "however, also find taquito made flour tortilla flauta made corn. length difference. area mexico flauta taquito determin size. flauta long, made burrito-s corn tortilla. often gotten question subject flauta taquito tell differ make different. answer: flauta taquito similar term use interchang depend locat is. tortilla difference. time flautas, mean flutes, usual refer flour tortilla roll around fill deep fri"} {"id": "13450", "contents": "noun (plural taquitos). mexican dish consist small tortilla roll around fill meat chees fried: fantast taquito burrito made family-run establish favourit three generations. exampl sentences. flauta roll taquito serv flat lettuce. alway seem get chicken taquitos, delicious. taquito ($8.49), rolled, hard corn taco, kind like mexican spring roll"} {"id": "13451", "contents": "dish often top condiment sour cream guacamole. corn tortilla gener use make taquitos; dish commonli known flauta larger taquito counterparts, made either flour corn tortilla although use corn traditional. modern definit taquito rolled-tortilla dish given 1929 book stori mexican peopl unit state aim youth audience, dish note particularli popular offer railroad station vendors."} {"id": "13452", "contents": "taquito consist soft taco shell roll around savori fill fried. taquito regard mani mexican dish, believ invent unit states. primari differ flauta taquito former made flour tortilla, latter made corn tortilla. despit distinction, mani peopl use two term interchangeably."} {"id": "13453", "contents": "result follow area normal rang complet blood count may indic problem. red blood cell count, hemoglobin hematocrit. result red blood cell count, hemoglobin hematocrit relat measur aspect red blood cells. white blood cell count higher normal, may infect inflammation. or, could indic immun system disord bone marrow disease. high white blood cell count also reaction medication. platelet count"} {"id": "13454", "contents": "white blood cell count remain high low, indic condit worsen doctor may adjust treatment. wbc count show normal range, indic treatment working. normal doctor order complet blood count check wbc count annual physic examination. doctor may recommend wbc count complain persist bodi aches, fever, chills, headaches."} {"id": "13455", "contents": "wbc count test measur number white blood cell body. test often includ complet blood count (cbc). blood contain percentag type white blood cell. sometimes, however, white blood cell count fall rise healthi range. normal doctor order complet blood count check wbc count annual physic examination. doctor may recommend wbc count complain persist bodi aches, fever, chills, headaches."} {"id": "13456", "contents": "high white blood cell count (leukocytosis) often due infection, occur mani differ illnesses. certain medications, oral corticosteroids, also increas white blood cell count. low white blood cell count (leukopenia) less common. certain medications, infections, inflammatori autoimmun conditions, heavi alcohol use, problem bone marrow caus low white blood cell count."} {"id": "13457", "contents": "white blood cell count (wbc). number white blood cell volum blood. normal rang vari slightli laboratori gener 4,300 10,800 cell per cubic millimet (cmm). also refer leukocyt count express intern unit 4.3 10.8 109 cell per liter."} {"id": "13458", "contents": "a. roughli 4,500 10,000 cell per microlit (one one-thousandth milliliter). white blood cell count part complet blood count (cbc), one common blood tests. autom cell count machin count number cell present blood sample. differ laboratori use differ cell count machines, lab may slightli differ valu normal range. low white blood cell count (leukopenia) less common. certain medications, infections, inflammatori autoimmun conditions, heavi alcohol use, problem bone marrow caus low white blood cell count."} {"id": "13459", "contents": "save. wbc acronym white blood cells. cells, also call leukocytes, help prevent infection. five major type leukocytes: eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, neutrophil monocytes. blood test measur number cells."} {"id": "13460", "contents": "description. white blood cell count (wbc) compon complet blood cell count (cbc) enumer white blood cell small volum whole blood. test perform autom hematolog analyzer. elev wbc, leukocytosis, seen respons infection, stress, inflammatori disord (refer reactiv leukocytosis), abnorm product leukemia. increas wbc count due individu cell compon combination, depend cause."} {"id": "13461", "contents": "averag normal rang white blood cell 4,500 10,000 mcl. abnorm test result classifi number higher lower range. it\u2019 import note age also affect number white blood cells, infant higher count adults. normal doctor order complet blood count check wbc count annual physic examination. doctor may recommend wbc count complain persist bodi aches, fever, chills, headaches."} {"id": "13462", "contents": "split merg it. answer litotes. confid vote 4.3k. pend litig would usual refer civil lawsuit brought citizen group citizen anoth person group persons. however, could also refer crimin charg brought someon govern state. litig attorney lawyer carri lawsuit court. lawsuit file resolv legal disput individuals, busi entities, non-profit ganizations. litig attorney also call litig repres complain defend court law."} {"id": "13463", "contents": "pend litig refer suit filed, remain unresolved. notic claim could included, referenc notic claim file court. appear may refer li penden file real properti record place potenti buyer' notic pend litig involv real property. thank you. refer homeown associ file claim builder 10 year time frame. (sec 1375) formal complaint filed. pre-litig stages."} {"id": "13464", "contents": "cpl document typic regist titl specif identifi interest real properti warn interest parti legal claim involv real properti potenti jeopardi chang actual ownership title. remov certif pend litig trial issu difficult mostli set relev legislation. generally, state tkalych tkalych \u201ca li penden vacat clear plaintiff' claim circumst give him/her right land."} {"id": "13465", "contents": "pending. begun, yet completed; during; conclus of; prior complet of; unsettled; process adjustment. lawsuit said pend incept issuanc final judgment court. phrase pend appeal refer time appeal taken, well period appeal progress."} {"id": "13466", "contents": "definition. document typic enter public record filer lawsuit involv real estat notifi interest parti legal claim involv property. titl properti convey anoth parti time frame cover notic pend litigation, notic transfer along titl may compromis valid futur owners."} {"id": "13467", "contents": "litigation. action brought court enforc particular right. act process bring lawsuit itself; judici contest; dispute. person begin civil lawsuit, person enter process call litigation. variou rule civil procedur govern action state feder courts, litig involv seri step may lead court trial ultim resolut matter. litig commenc defend also permit use discoveri learn plaintiff' case. discoveri process may conduct matter weeks, may take years, depend complex case level cooper parties."} {"id": "13468", "contents": "notic pend litigation. document typic enter public record filer lawsuit involv real estat notifi interest parti legal claim involv property. titl properti convey anoth parti time frame cover notic pend litigation, notic transfer along titl may compromis valid futur owners."} {"id": "13469", "contents": "certif li penden creat encumbr charg interest property. \u201cthe right regist certif li penden wholli statutori mere place record histor fact litig pend respect particular parcel land. remov certif pend litig trial issu difficult mostli set relev legislation. generally, state tkalych tkalych \u201ca li penden vacat clear plaintiff' claim circumst give him/her right land."} {"id": "13470", "contents": "lawyer often simpli refer certif pend litig cpl. litig process known certif pend litig creatur statut common law, though deriv substanti common law doctrin li pendens. remov certif pend litig trial issu difficult mostli set relev legislation. generally, state tkalych tkalych \u201ca li penden vacat clear plaintiff' claim circumst give him/her right land."} {"id": "13471", "contents": "cathod protection, metal anod reactiv corros environ system protect electr link protect system, partial corrod dissolves, protect metal system connect to."} {"id": "13472", "contents": "look buysacrificialanodes.com web directori help you. offer guid best manufactur sacrifici zinc, aluminium magnesium anod within uk."} {"id": "13473", "contents": "sacrifici anodes. one type cathod protect system sacrifici anode. anod made metal alloy activ voltag (more neg electrochem potential) metal structur protect (the cathode). differ potenti two metal mean sacrifici anod materi corrod prefer structure."} {"id": "13474", "contents": "zinc anod provid protection, must electr contact metal protected. conduct water adequate. need low-resistance, metal-to-met contact--eith mount zinc directli metal protect connect two wire."} {"id": "13475", "contents": "sacrifici anod gener come three metals: magnesium, aluminum, zinc. magnesium neg electropotenti three (see galvan series, right) suitabl on-shor pipelin electrolyt (soil water) resist higher."} {"id": "13476", "contents": "total cost replac sacrifici anod water heater cost corrosion-rel replac water heater estim $1.24 billion per year. therefore, total estim cost cathod anod protect $2.22"} {"id": "13477", "contents": "traditionally, mani vessel fit sacrifici anod hull protection. steel structur protect sacrifici anod less nobl metal attach structure. two differ alloy particularli suit cost-effici way: zinc alloy aluminium alloys."} {"id": "13478", "contents": "public commerci anod sale first choic sacrifici zinc anodes, aluminium anod magnesium anod manufactur mcp ltd z-guard. member public miss chandleri go direct manufactur shop cart available."} {"id": "13479", "contents": "magdala. magdala (migdal), citi lake gennesaret (the sea galilee) galilee, km. north tiberias. overlook high escarp near wadi hamam (the valley robbers). migdal arama word mean tower fortress.."} {"id": "13480", "contents": "background: magdala, birthplac mari magdalene, prosper fish villag time jesu activ region. ruin roman villag enclos within wall. archaeologist uncov remain villag date time jesus, byzantin monastery."} {"id": "13481", "contents": "israel. magdala major first-centuri port sea galilee, centr trade commerce, export salt fish market far away europe. archaeolog discoveri earli 21st centuri made burgeon pilgrimag destination."} {"id": "13482", "contents": "ad feedback. magdala, israel -- discoveri new archaeolog dig creat excit area jesu began ministry. villag call magdala (migdal hebrew), home mari magdalene. live met jesu continu him."} {"id": "13483", "contents": "(hye-a-loo-ron-ate). common brand name(s): hyalgan, synvisc. uses: medic use treat knee pain patient joint inflamm (osteoarthritis). usual use patient respond treatment acetaminophen, exercise, physic therapy. also, injection, may experi increas pain swell knee first. pain swell continu worsens, talk doctor promptly. import medic inject schedule. may take inject full benefit medic occur."} {"id": "13484", "contents": "hyalgan use reliev knee pain due osteoarthritis. use patient get adequ relief simpl painkil exercis physic therapy. one group given inject hyalgan one knee joint week weeks. second group given inject salt water one knee joint week weeks. third group receiv two naproxen tablet everi day months."} {"id": "13485", "contents": "medic use treat knee pain patient joint inflamm (osteoarthritis). usual use patient respond treatment acetaminophen, exercise, physic therapy. use hyalgan intra-articular. read patient inform leaflet provid health care profession start use hyaluron time get refill. questions, ask doctor pharmacist."} {"id": "13486", "contents": "import safeti information. hyalgan contraind patient known hypersensit hyaluron preparations. intra-articular inject contraind case present infect skin diseas area inject site reduc potenti develop septic arthritis. transient increas inflamm inject knee follow hyalgan inject report patient inflammatori arthriti rheumatoid arthriti gouti arthritis. physician evalu whether hyalgan treatment initi object sign inflamm present."} {"id": "13487", "contents": "hyalgan part viscosuppl class treat osteoarthritis. viscosuppl use treat osteoarthritis. work lubric joint reduc pain. hyalgan avail brand name drug."} {"id": "13488", "contents": "hyalgan steril mixtur made mostli natural, highli purifi sodium hyaluron come rooster combs. hyaluron natur chemic found bodi present particularli high amount joint tissu fluid fill joins. one group given inject hyalgan one knee joint week weeks. second group given inject salt water one knee joint week weeks. third group receiv two naproxen tablet everi day months."} {"id": "13489", "contents": "osteoarthritis, may enough hyaluronate, may chang qualiti hyaluron joint fluid tissues. hyalgan avail either ml glass contain ml pre-fil syringes. hyalgan given shot directli knee. one group given inject hyalgan one knee joint week weeks. second group given inject salt water one knee joint week weeks. third group receiv two naproxen tablet everi day months."} {"id": "13490", "contents": "sodium hyaluron similar fluid surround joint body. fluid act lubric shock absorb joints. sodium hyaluron use treat knee pain caus osteoarthritis. less seriou side effect may include: warmth, pain, stiffness, swelling, puffi medicin injected; nausea, stomach pain; headache; back pain; numb tingli feeling; cold symptom stuffi nose, sneezing, sore throat; tire feeling; or. itch skin irrit around knee"} {"id": "13491", "contents": "food babi (solids) start. start babi solid food import mileston life. around six month age, breast milk infant formula meet baby' nutrit needs. even babi start solid foods, breast milk infant formula still import sourc nutrition."} {"id": "13492", "contents": "ne babi might seem readi solid months, anoth show sign readi around months. friend\u2019 babi may began eat solid food month age mean babi should. still common pediatrician say \u201cstart solid food babi month old\u201d norm mani years. american academi pediatr (aap) acknowledg \u201cstrict\u201d age guidelin introduc solid food baby."} {"id": "13493", "contents": "less chanc him: feel babi readi solid earlier six months, worth offer usual milk first (bnf 2013, nct 2010) keep babi milk, whether breastmilk formula, end fourth month (17 weeks). decid start babi solid four six months, safest give food could react (bnf 2013)"} {"id": "13494", "contents": "know babi readi solid foods? mani sign look indic littl one may readi begin journey solid foods. babi may month old month old start feel may need \u201csometh more\u201d formula breast milk. give babi one new food time, wait minim day start another. mani parent follow day wait rule choos wait day introduc new foods. new food, watch allerg reaction diarrhea, rash, vomiting."} {"id": "13495", "contents": "mani parent say pediatrician friends\u2019 pediatrician said it\u2019 fine start solid (typic cereal) month age. still common pediatrician say \u201cstart solid food babi month old\u201d norm mani years. american academi pediatr (aap) acknowledg \u201cstrict\u201d age guidelin introduc solid food baby."} {"id": "13496", "contents": "breast milk formula food newborn needs. however, age month months, babi readi begin eat solid food complement breast-feed formula-feeding."} {"id": "13497", "contents": "begin solid foods. find babi readi solid foods, consid skip box cereal start avocado, sweet potato, banana pear give babi one new food time, wait minim day start another. mani parent follow day wait rule choos wait day introduc new foods. new food, watch allerg reaction diarrhea, rash, vomiting."} {"id": "13498", "contents": "increas solid gradual babi interested. aim babi get 25% calori solid age 12 month (some babi eat less 12 month that\u2019 also normal). increas solid gradual babi interested, maximum meal per day. 12 months. watch baby\u2019 cue particularli easi babi nurs beforehand most/al solid offer babi self-feed."} {"id": "13499", "contents": "may best indic babi readi solids. pleas keep mind growth spurt occur 3-4 month age, 6-7 month age also 9-10 month age. babi may also wake due ill teething. still common pediatrician say \u201cstart solid food babi month old\u201d norm mani years. american academi pediatr (aap) acknowledg \u201cstrict\u201d age guidelin introduc solid food baby."} {"id": "13500", "contents": "start give babi solid foods, often call weaning, around six month old. health expert agre best age. this, baby' digest system develop enough cope solid foods. breastfeeding, feed breast milk around six month give babi extra protect infection."} {"id": "13501", "contents": "altern views: macho fern plant grow 3-4 ft. tall give landscap beauti exot tropic look. macho fern plant evergreen; tropic medium-green; toothed; arch leav fast grower. macho fern plant deer proof plant look fantast landscape."} {"id": "13502", "contents": "macho ferns. macho fern live name larg size. plant grow feet tall feet wide. fern put big show best hang porch larg container. place macho fern cover deck shade garden spring summer."} {"id": "13503", "contents": "macho fern come name honestly. brawni fern sport bright green frond bold, broad leaves. macho fern ideal larg urn planter room flex 4-foot long stems."} {"id": "13504", "contents": "macho fern plant delic leav fronds, despit mean name, macho fern plant. macho fern ornament plant excel plant contain grow insid house, tropic look."} {"id": "13505", "contents": "macho fern one popular love nephrolepi plants. realli big fern wonder cascad fountain-lik display, commonli use landscap plant florida annual colder climates. tropic sword fern frond 8\u2033 wide feet long."} {"id": "13506", "contents": "univers cannot hous freshmen would want live campus, therefore, must accept univers earli possibl may appli hous time manner. first year student get hous on-campu refer student neighborhood relations. hous agreement receiv date date submit onlin hous agreement. hous agreement receiv date use determin room roommat preferences. date subject chang request chang agreement type."} {"id": "13507", "contents": "new undergradu student requir attend orient session. freshmen, orient 3-day experi design help student famili becom acclim university. transfer students, orient 1-day experi goal. unt id card made orientation. specif time orient schedul creat id made. first id card includ univers fees. lost card replac addit $10."} {"id": "13508", "contents": "orientation, chanc meet faculti staff, meet new classmates, connect current students, learn univers resources, receiv academ advis prepar regist classes. unt id card made orientation. specif time orient schedul creat id made. first id card includ univers fees. lost card replac addit $10."} {"id": "13509", "contents": "$149.00 fee, set indiana univers board trustees, associ new student orient program. fee also support fye servic program throughout first year assess first tuition bill attend nso. new student orientation. get great start iu includ attend new student orientation. it\u2019 fye help prepar success first semest year."} {"id": "13510", "contents": "finish degre indiana state onlin littl 18 months. offer 60 onlin programs. dedic academ advisor, onlin student servic concierge, access career center coaches."} {"id": "13511", "contents": "staff assign offic campu resid assign roommate. criteria use select semest stand major. attempt made match first year student first year students. import thing contract name student id number. roommat select import aspect room select choice, sure choos roommat number one preference."} {"id": "13512", "contents": "would like live roommat fall semest particip freshman colleg must email fcse@uga.edu april 20th request. request receiv afer april 18th honored. core academ cours offer freshman colleg also avail throughout academ year. freshman colleg class small seat class limited. get first choic summer, opportun take class future."} {"id": "13513", "contents": "onlin roommat search easi way find roommate. thousand ohio state univers student use onlin roommat search. onlin roommat search usernam password protected, must osu usernam password gain access. suggest student seek roommat set roommat ad roommat fair, anyon get inform contact you. next roommat fair held friday, juli 10, 2015 5pm-6pm 1000 ohio union. forget student id!!"} {"id": "13514", "contents": "attend orientation, you\u2019ll get acclim univers take tour campus, learn import program resources, particip inform workshops, interact faculti staff, get know new students. plan attend univers chang attend orientation, orient fee (includ student parent/famili orient programs) non-refundable."} {"id": "13515", "contents": "choos live campu come mani benefit -- live academically-support environment, abil stay connect campu activ foster educational, social, leadership develop engag student varieti cultures, background lifestyles."} {"id": "13516", "contents": "averag cost 40x40 glass pool fenc fenc rang $10,000 $20,000. cost wooden pool fenc typic $5,000 $10,000. homeown expect spend around $5,000 average-s aluminum pool fence."} {"id": "13517", "contents": "pool price range. estim cost new pool size construct style get idea base price. small pool cost $20,000 $30,000, medium pool price $30,000 $40,000, accord bobvila.com."} {"id": "13518", "contents": "understand rough figure, expect pay $25,000-50,000 inground pool. course, that\u2019 assum pool averag size, averag citi averag cost living, averag extras, averag materials. course, probabl aren\u2019t average."} {"id": "13519", "contents": "regular filter clean cost around $60-$65. power vacuum intens clean neglect pool run $55-$124 per hour. pool properli cover winter requir open servic prepar pool summer use."} {"id": "13520", "contents": "purpos discussion, look cost associ instal kind modern swim pools. accord p.k. data averag cost 19' diamet ground swim pool $6,243; averag cost 32'x16' inground swim pool $21,919."} {"id": "13521", "contents": "do-it-yourself pool clean run $20-$100 per month chemic summer initi purchas pool tool includ vacuum head hose $50, mainten kit wall brush, leaf skimmer, test kit telescop pole around $60."} {"id": "13522", "contents": "spring start-up kit chemic need pool might cost $25 $75 swim pool store, purchas chemic separ (and bulk, want save money). estim yearli cost pool chemic $150 $350 $500 depend pool size product used."} {"id": "13523", "contents": "instal aboveground pool cost $1,500-$5,000; in-ground estim cost $7,000-$16,000 vinyl-lin model, $15,000-$25,000 fiberglass shell $17,000-$45,000 concret gunite. however, custom design run price much higher."} {"id": "13524", "contents": "pool fenc cost also also includ type gate instal depend choic homeowner. homeown prefer one self close gate easi oper even kid cost pocket friendly."} {"id": "13525", "contents": "lift ordinari toast ham chees sandwich gourmet statu make tradit croqu madame. laden rustic french charm, classic croqu madam essenti ham chees sandwich that' cover smooth creami bechamel sauc top gooey egg."} {"id": "13526", "contents": "pronunciation: [krohk mah-dahm]. france, croqu monsieur (toast ham chees sandwich) addit fri egg. britain america, croqu madam simpli substitut slice chicken ham, sign egg. food lover' companion, fourth edit sharon tyler herbst ron herbst."} {"id": "13527", "contents": "variat sandwich includ croqu monsieur, omit egg, opt make either decad classic simpl recipe. croqu madam delicious, easi decad take classic ham chees sandwich. laden rustic french charm, classic croqu madam essenti ham chees sandwich that' cover smooth creami bechamel sauc top gooey egg."} {"id": "13528", "contents": "croqu monsieur, classic french ham chees sandwich cover cheesi bechamel, becom madam fri egg place top. croqu monsieur, classic french ham chees sandwich cover cheesi bechamel, becom madam fri egg place top it. heat butter 2-qt. saucepan medium-high heat. add flour cook, whisking, smooth, minute. whisk milk, bring boil; reduc heat medium-low let simmer slightli reduc thickened, 6\u20138 minutes. add cup grate gruyer gruy\u00e8r the, parmesan whisk until. smooth"} {"id": "13529", "contents": "croqu madam top fri egg. name base verb croquer (to bite) word monsieur (mister). sandwich' first record appear parisian cafe caf\u00e9 menu in. 1910 croqu monsieur serv poach lightli fri egg top known croqu madam (or part normandi croque-a-\u00e0). cheval mani dictionari attribut name egg resembl old fashioned'woman s. hat accord petit robert, dictionari name date around. 1960"} {"id": "13530", "contents": "melt tablespoon butter 1- 1/2-quart heavi saucepan moder low heat, whisk flour cook roux, whisking, minutes. whisk milk bring boil, whisk constantly. reduc heat simmer, whisk occasionally, minutes. make sauce: melt tablespoon butter 1- 1/2-quart heavi saucepan moder low heat, whisk flour cook roux, whisking, minutes."} {"id": "13531", "contents": "traditionally, emmental, gruyer gruy\u00e8r is, use option comt comt\u00e9 cheese. well croqu madam top a. fri egg name base (verb croquer) bite (word). monsieur mister croqu monsieur serv poach lightli fri egg top known croqu madam (or part normandi croque-a-\u00e0). cheval mani dictionari attribut name egg resembl old fashioned'woman s. hat accord petit robert, dictionari name date around. 1960"} {"id": "13532", "contents": "croqu madam simpli tradit croqu monsieur serv fri egg bit bechamel b\u00e9chamel sauc spoon finished. sandwich\u2019it easy; recip if\u2019you ever fri egg for, breakfast make this. croqu evenli divid spread mustard slice bread. place slice ham, follow 1/2 cup gruyere, mustard-sid bread. cover chees remain slice bread spread butter outsid surfac sandwiches."} {"id": "13533", "contents": "croque-madam variat croque-monsieur, french twist grill ham cheese. instead dip sandwich egg saute saut\u00e9 (butter would a-croque), monsieur grill sandwich first top homemad mornay, sauce, chees and-sunni side up. egg. read (reviews)."} {"id": "13534", "contents": "tradit 401(k) ira give tax break save retirement, incom tax due withdraw account. roth ira, contribut after-tax dollars, withdraw accounts, includ earnings, often tax-free. decid type retir account best you, need compar current tax rate think tax rate retirement."} {"id": "13535", "contents": "ir sever limit abil contribut roth ira individu marri file separately. incom allow contribut roth ira. incom less $10,000 cannot contribut limit. contribut reduced. use ir worksheet calcul new reduc roth ira contribut limit. click see current roth ira contribut limits. intern revenu servic set rule individu must meet qualifi invest roth ira. one set rule pertain incom limits. incom exce certain amount"} {"id": "13536", "contents": "contribut limit roth ira phase $181,000 $191,000, incom $191,000 more, cannot contribut all. so, consid high-incom taxpayer, roth ira option you. pay tax start take distribut retirement. roth ira, get tax break year contribution, abl remov fund tax-fre retirement. 2014, contribut $5,500 either type ira $6,500 age 50 older. let clear: incom job small business, ira roth ira perhap both, depend situation. except statement. none"} {"id": "13537", "contents": "15 month contribute. one quirk ira law 15 month make contribut current tax year. 2015, instance, make contribut time januari 1, 2015 april 15, 2016 (the tax file deadline). assum ira open dec. 31, 2015, tax file deadline\u2013april 15, 2016\u2013to make 2015 contribution. income/contribut limit may increas 2016 tax year. click current contribut limits. come roth ira, \u201crules\u201d subject term."} {"id": "13538", "contents": "contrast tradit ira, contribut roth ira tax-deductible. withdraw gener tax-free, alway without certain stipul (i.e., tax-fre princip withdraw owner' age must least 59\u00bd tax-fre withdraw growth portion principal). direct contribut roth ira (principal) may withdrawn tax penalty-fre time. earn may withdrawn tax penalty-fre year condit age 59\u00bd (or qualifi condition) also met."} {"id": "13539", "contents": "much like roth ira, roth 401(k) fund upfront after-tax dollars. hit age 59.5 abl start withdraw account tax-free. edg roth 401(k) ira cousin 401(k) contribut limit still appli 401(k) version. mean contribut full $17,000 per year roth 401(k) limit $5000 roth ira. roth 401(k) great like roth ira except we\u2019r abl contribut lot money year. decid contribut roth instead tradit 401(k) expect tax bill go april you\u2019ll contribut tax dollar instead pre-tax been. roth 401(k) avail definit take time consid options."} {"id": "13540", "contents": "amount contribut roth ira: can't exceed amount incom earn year. can't exceed irs-impos limit (see below). could reduced\u2014or even eliminated\u2014bas modifi adjust gross incom (magi)"} {"id": "13541", "contents": "2015 roth ira rules-eligibility, income, contribut limits, more. note: articl refer 2015 tax year. assum ira open dec. 31, 2015, tax file deadline\u2013april 15, 2016\u2013to make 2015 contribution. income/contribut limit may increas 2016 tax year. click current contribut limits. come roth ira, \u201crules\u201d subject term."} {"id": "13542", "contents": "human bodi tissu make organ bodi parts. four main type tissue: muscle, epithelial, connect nervous. made special cell group togeth accord structur function. muscl found throughout bodi even includ organ heart. definit human bodi tissue. tri explain someon bodi made of, might say two arms, two legs, feet hands, head torso. or, may go extrem say made billion cells. answer would correc"} {"id": "13543", "contents": "entir surfac plant consist singl layer cell call epidermi surfac tissue. entir surfac plant outer layer epidermis. henc also call surfac tissue. epiderm cell rel flat. function epitheli tissue: cell bodi surfac form outer layer skin. insid body, epitheli cell form line mouth alimentari canal protect organs. epitheli tissu help absorpt water nutrients."} {"id": "13544", "contents": "biology, tissu cellular organiz level intermedi cell complet organ. tissu ensembl similar cell origin togeth carri specif function. organ form function group togeth multipl tissues. function epitheli tissue: cell bodi surfac form outer layer skin. insid body, epitheli cell form line mouth alimentari canal protect organs. epitheli tissu help absorpt water nutrients."} {"id": "13545", "contents": "human bodi tissu consist group cell similar structur work togeth specif function. four main type tissu body. learn take short quiz end. definit human bodi tissue. tri explain someon bodi made of, might say two arms, two legs, feet hands, head torso. or, may go extrem say made billion cells. answer would correct"} {"id": "13546", "contents": "fundament type tissu anim epithelial, nerve, connective, muscle, vascular tissu wherea plants, meristemat (apic meristem cambium), protect (epidermi cork), fundament (parenchyma, collenchyma sclerenchyma) vascular (xylem phloem) tissues. tissu work unison carri specif set function form organ. word origin: middl english tissu, rich kind cloth, old french, past participl tistre, weave, latin texere."} {"id": "13547", "contents": "skelet muscl usual attach bone tendon compos connect tissue. connect tissu also ensheath entir muscl call epimysium. skelet muscl consist numer subunit bundl call fasicl (or fascicles). cell membran muscl cell call sarcolemma, membrane, like neurons, maintain membran potential. so, impuls travel along muscl cell membran along nerv cell membranes. however, 'function' impuls muscl cell bring contraction."} {"id": "13548", "contents": "meristem tissu plant contain undifferenti cell (meristemat cells), found zone plant growth take place. meristemat cell give rise variou organ plant keep plant growing. general, differenti plant cell cannot divid produc cell differ type. therefore, cell divis meristem requir provid new cell expans differenti tissu initi new organs, provid basic structur plant body."} {"id": "13549", "contents": "cicatrici tissu dens fibrou tissu form cicatrix, deriv directli granul tissue; call also scar tissue. connect tissu tissu bind togeth support variou structur body; see also connect tissue. elast tissu connect tissu made yellow elast fibers, frequent mass sheets. endotheli tissu peculiar connect tissu line serou lymph spaces. tissu type identif tissu type purpos predict accept reject graft transplants. process purpos tissu type essenti blood typing. major differ lie kind antigen evaluated."} {"id": "13550", "contents": "nation averag price ga septemb $2.34 per gallon, lowest monthli averag sinc februari 2015. comparison, averag price ga septemb 2014 $3.39 per gallon. first time three state averag $2 sinc february. nation averag price regular unlead gasolin fallen 28 consecut days, reach today\u2019 price $2.33 per gallon."} {"id": "13551", "contents": "price regular gasolin 10/15/2015 3:17:00 local time. show averag price metro area."} {"id": "13552", "contents": "[x]. indiana\u2019 averag gasolin price continu higher nation average, lower point year ago. state\u2019 averag price per gallon $3.75, ninth highest country. nation averag $3.68. state hawaii alaska two highest averag ga price per gallon alaska $4.06 hawaii $4.30. highest ga price continent unit state california, averag $4.09 per gallon. even recent increas violenc iraq middl east, nation averag ga price project rang $3.55 $3.70"} {"id": "13553", "contents": "averag price ga south carolina $2.00 per gallon, like fall mark labor day weekend begins. averag price alabama mississippi also may fall $2 per gallon next week. first time three state averag $2 sinc february. nation averag price regular unlead gasolin fallen 28 consecut days, reach today\u2019 price $2.33 per gallon."} {"id": "13554", "contents": "ga price citi indiana. link page part fueleconomy.gov. offer extern link conveni access addit inform may use interest you."} {"id": "13555", "contents": "$2.64update. 308 diesel ga price report past day indianapolis, in. averag diesel ga price indianapolis, $4.79, $1.98 higher u.s. nation averag diesel ga price $2.81. lowest diesel ga price $2.48 marathon-hoosi pete locat 8310 rockvil rd, indianapolis, 46234. highest diesel ga price $9.9 marathon locat 2701 lafayett rd, indianapolis, 46222."} {"id": "13556", "contents": "averag u.s. ga price declin 52 cent per gallon sinc hit 2015 peak price $2.80 per gallon june 15. nation averag declin 26 30 day septemb total save 19 cent per gallon. first time three state averag $2 sinc february. nation averag price regular unlead gasolin fallen 28 consecut days, reach today\u2019 price $2.33 per gallon."} {"id": "13557", "contents": "today\u2019 nation averag price ga $2.44 per gallon, 99 cent per gallon less year ago. u.s. consum save $1 billion gasolin holiday weekend compar 2014, mani driver save $15-$25 everi trip ga station. first time three state averag $2 sinc february. nation averag price regular unlead gasolin fallen 28 consecut days, reach today\u2019 price $2.33 per gallon."} {"id": "13558", "contents": "clemson univers public, year high locat clemson, south carolina. academ year 2015-2016, undergradu tuition fee clemson univers $13,882 in-stat $32,800 out-of-st students. cost estim school. academ year 2014-2015, undergradu tuition fee $13,446 in-stat $31,462"} {"id": "13559", "contents": "averag tuition price clemson univers high-about $28,800 per year. addit fee clemson univers (not includ tuition costs) around $900; make total $29,700 per year. consid lower price option-visit cheap-colleges.com."} {"id": "13560", "contents": "resid south carolina pay annual total price $22,942 attend clemson univers full time basis. fee compris $12,606 tuition, $8,358 room board, $1,138 book suppli $840 fees."} {"id": "13561", "contents": "undergradu tuition. clemson univers tuition $12,606 per year in-stat residents. 96% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $3,598 22% cheaper averag south carolina tuition $16,204 year colleges."} {"id": "13562", "contents": "annual total cost. total list price in-stat south carolina resid go clemson univers $22,942 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess south carolina resid expect one year cost $40,958."} {"id": "13563", "contents": "(and even catfish eat alga eat much unlik keep tank look clean.). catfish catfish, recommend 10-15% water chang week life aquarium. get habit, realli much work. really, much work. clean fish tank local pet shop hour job."} {"id": "13564", "contents": "clean alga tank wall import exercis caution want risk injur (or fish) also want scratch crack glass tank. safe clean tips. tank goe alga bloom simpli lot excess alga growth may tempt simpli empti tank, scrub start over. though option may make sens time, afterward may find deal unexpect consequences."} {"id": "13565", "contents": "scrub algae, remov 10-15% water clean gravel top tank dechlorin water. clean tip intend tank alreadi cycl 10 gallon size. care requir may vari tank still cycl small aquarium fish bowls. catfish catfish, recommend 10-15% water chang week life aquarium. get habit, realli much work. really, much work. clean fish tank local pet shop hour job."} {"id": "13566", "contents": "clean aquarium decorations. algae, decay organ materi fish wast add bio-load fish tank. pollut potenti cover everi avail surfac fish tank."} {"id": "13567", "contents": "order use alga scrubber effectively, work top tank bottom let alga scrape sink tank bottom finish siphon aquarium vacuum. stubborn alga growth might need use razor blade. safe clean tips. tank goe alga bloom simpli lot excess alga growth may tempt simpli empti tank, scrub start over. though option may make sens time, afterward may find deal unexpect consequences."} {"id": "13568", "contents": "want clean use hot water mainly. use good scrub brush. wire brush, wire brush go ruin shred aquarium decorations. glass kept clean period weekli clean pads. fish also help clean algae. plecos, otocinclus, alga eater freshwat aquariums. also, snail help clean glass decor aquarium. don\u2019t want use mani them. snails, allow multiply, quickli complet overcrowd aquarium plagu proportions. clean alga fish tank. learn clean alga fish tank help aquarium expert joseph caparatta howcast video."} {"id": "13569", "contents": "insid aquarium cleaned, clean hood, light, tank top, outsid glass. regular glass cleaner contain ammonia, toxic fish. standard lime cleaner even toxic. strongli urg use vinegar cleaner design aquarium safe, rins rins rinse! typic good scrub alga scraper remov alga dirt rock plants. particularli stubborn clean problems, mix 10% bleach solut soak item 15 20 minutes."} {"id": "13570", "contents": "view panel clean regular aquarium alga sponge. don\u2019t use spong sink cv something, lot anti-microbi agents, that\u2019ll harm aquarium. clean alga fish tank. learn clean alga fish tank help aquarium expert joseph caparatta howcast video."} {"id": "13571", "contents": "littl work simpl clean suppli remov unsightli alga fish tank. suppli need: alga scraper/pad, razor blade, regular household bleach, filter media, water siphon, lime remov aquarium glass cleaner, clean rag towel, paper towels. typic good scrub alga scraper remov alga dirt rock plants. particularli stubborn clean problems, mix 10% bleach solut soak item 15 20 minutes."} {"id": "13572", "contents": "free bandwidth monitor usag reporting. networx simpl free, yet power tool help object evalu bandwidth consumpt situation. use collect bandwidth usag data measur speed internet network connections."} {"id": "13573", "contents": "instal bandwidth monitor computer. comput one house, bandwidth use use matter you, instal bandwidth monitor comput track much data consume. want super-simple, frill bandwidth monitor, app it. os x. surplusmet (o x) free mac util we'v mention get job done, complet graph talli daily, weekly, monthli bandwidth use, total bandwidth use monthli cap."} {"id": "13574", "contents": "time launch bitmet os web interfac check usage: use program shortcut desktop start menu, navig http://localhost:2605/. interface, monitor tab display real-tim bandwidth data 1-second intervals. upload download speed display graphic numer forms. click clock icon lower right use stopwatch utility, allow isol usag data interv choice."} {"id": "13575", "contents": "bandwidth monitor monitor bandwidth usag comput instal on. softwar display real-tim download upload speed graphic numer form (refer screen shot below), log bandwidth usages, provid daily, weekli monthli bandwidth usag reports. view download upload speed network internet connect real-time. bandwidth monitor support two units: kb/sec (kilobyt per second) kbp (kilobit per second). multipl network connect monitor time."} {"id": "13576", "contents": "key featur benefits. nbmonitor network bandwidth monitor track internet bandwidth (upload downloads) usage, monitor internet, show activ connect internet given moment also volum traffic flow them."} {"id": "13577", "contents": "monitor network-wid bandwidth use router. even accuracy, track bandwidth usag router level, assum router access it. router run stock firmware, log see built-in traffic monitoring. want super-simple, frill bandwidth monitor, app it. os x. surplusmet (o x) free mac util we'v mention get job done, complet graph talli daily, weekly, monthli bandwidth use, total bandwidth use monthli cap."} {"id": "13578", "contents": "bandwidth monitor detect network connect comput instal monitor bandwidth connections. display real-tim download upload speeds, log history. view bandwidth usag report daily, weekly, monthly, total software. view download upload speed network internet connect real-time. bandwidth monitor support two units: kb/sec (kilobyt per second) kbp (kilobit per second). multipl network connect monitor time."} {"id": "13579", "contents": "rokario software: ideal tool bandwidth conscious, bandwidth monitor enabl keep close eye amount bandwidth accumul current hour, day, week, month, even year! advanc log tool make easi view bandwidth usag make alter bandwidth logs. know use it, best is.. may 14, 2009 hyraxx. version: bandwidth monitor 2. pros. powerful. track usag hour, day, week, month ,year. keep logs. cons. format bandwith gb tb usag tracking."} {"id": "13580", "contents": "by: download.com staff februari 27, 2009. simpl util show much bandwidth network adapt using. upon launch, bandwidth monitor pro pop small window show inform regard averag download upload speeds, includ graph. let bandwidth monitor pro run background, log incom outgo traffic view later transfer log, real time wish. version 1.30 may includ unspecifi updates, enhancements, bug fixes."} {"id": "13581", "contents": "monitor data usag router. problem typic bandwidth monitor solut monitor internet connect usag singl device. measur data flow home network, you\u2019d need measur data usag home router itself. third-parti softwar program use snmp monitor protocol talk router expos bandwidth usage, among network statistics. however, there\u2019 good chanc home router doesn\u2019t support snmp."} {"id": "13582", "contents": "edvard munch creat four version variou media. nation gallery, oslo, hold one two paint version (1893, shown here). munch museum hold paint version (1910, see gallery, below) pastel version 1893. three version travel years. origin german titl given munch work der schrei der natur (the scream nature). norwegian word skrik usual translat scream, cognat english shriek. occasionally, paint also call cry."} {"id": "13583", "contents": "edvard munch born norway 1863, rais christiania (known oslo today). relat famou painter artist right, jacob munch (painter), peter munch (historian). year born, edvard munch' mother diet tuberculosi 1868, rais father."} {"id": "13584", "contents": "materi used. munch paint work canvas. fact, lack paint surfaces, munch use bedsheet canvas paintings. munch also paint cardboard wooden boards. norwegian artist use oil paints, also materi tempera, gouach wax crayons. paint version scream creat tempera pastel cardboard."} {"id": "13585", "contents": "edvard munch one famou norwegian artists, live 1863 1944. lifetime, experienc lot death family, pain, anxieti suffer reflect artwork. munch best known work call scream, print painted. munch also paint cardboard wooden boards. norwegian artist use oil paints, also materi tempera, gouach wax crayons. paint version scream creat tempera pastel cardboard."} {"id": "13586", "contents": "munch' palett extensive, though reason will introduc new materials, use petroleum-bas wax crayon 1893, oil pastel-poss earli 1893 certainli 1910, use cadmium red 1927-1929. two version scream studi found includ oil paint oil paint thicken beeswax also oil crayon contain beeswax japan wax, well casein pastels, paraffin wax crayon least one gum-bound paint."} {"id": "13587", "contents": "scream (variou media 1893-1910) edvard munch-paint location: oslo, norway. norwegian painter edvard munch (1863-1944) sever version scream, alter imag (more later), oil, pastel,and litohgraph 1893 1910. scream one world' recogniz work art. depict man privat moment anguish despair anxiety, peopl painting, perhap friends, seem bliss unawar man' situation."} {"id": "13588", "contents": "father expressionism. norwegian artist edvard munch regard pioneer expressionist movement modern painting. earli stage munch recogn germani central europ one creator new epoch."} {"id": "13589", "contents": "edvard munch best known norwegian born, expressionist painter, printer. late 20th century, play great role german expressionism, art form later followed; name strong mental anguish display mani piec created. relat famou painter artist right, jacob munch (painter), peter munch (historian). year born, edvard munch' mother diet tuberculosi 1868, rais father."} {"id": "13590", "contents": "scream paint edvard munch one well-known piec artwork history, appeal wide audienc even today. actual four differ origin version scream edvard much creat use differ art medium includ oil paints, tempera, pastels. edvard munch\u2019 work relat theme sickness, isolation, fear death. characterist techniqu use creat scream. one earli version scene creat edvard munch cardboard surface, use tempera, oil paints, pastel together."} {"id": "13591", "contents": "nation galleri oslo, norway own one scream paintings, munch museum hold \u201cscream\u201d paint one pastel, anoth pastel privat own petter olsen. mr. olsen auction origin \u201cscream\u201d pastel artwork edvard munch sotheby\u2019 new york may 2, 2012. edvard munch\u2019 work relat theme sickness, isolation, fear death. characterist techniqu use creat scream. one earli version scene creat edvard munch cardboard surface, use tempera, oil paints, pastel together."} {"id": "13592", "contents": "rebound insomnia, however, common upon discontinu intermediate-act benzodiazepin longer-act benzodiazepines. exampl alprazolam, estazolam, flunitrazepam, clonazepam, lormetazepam, lorazepam, nitrazepam, temazepam. long-act compound half-lif 40\u2013250 hours. term benzodiazepin chemic name heterocycl ring system (see figur right), fusion benzen diazepin ring systems."} {"id": "13593", "contents": "4,5-cyclis benzodiazepin (e.g. ketazolam, cloxazolam etc.), compound research roche. benzodiazepin develop recent (e.g. remimazolam, qh-ii-066, ro48-6791 etc.). design benzodiazepin vitro bind data unavail (e.g. flubromazolam, pyrazolam etc.). equival individu benzodiazepin differ 400 fold mg per mg basis; awar fact necessari safe effect use benzodiazepines."} {"id": "13594", "contents": "balance, intermediate-act compound temazepam lormetazepam preferred: longer-act compound may produc residu cumul effects, wherea shorter-act compound triazolam may associ increas daytim anxiety. intermitt use often advis (32). temazepam medium-act benzodiazepin residu effect infrequ 10 20 appreci 30 40 mg (16). chlorin derivative, lormetazepam, similar properti dose 0.5 mg. triazolam short-act hypnot residu effect would expect (17)."} {"id": "13595", "contents": "chemistry. benzodiazepin heterocycl compound compris benzen ring fuse diazepin ring. benzodiazepin drug substitut 1,4-benzodiazepin differ side group attach central structur"} {"id": "13596", "contents": "jain md. benzodiazepin psychoact drug whose core chemic structur fusion benzen ring diazepin ring. first benzodiazepine, chlordiazepoxid (librium), discov 1955 becam avail clinic use 1960 (sternbach 1972). classif benzodiazepin variou type base chemic structur follows: 2-keto compounds: chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, halazepam, prazepam, others. 3-hydroxi compounds: lorazepam, lormetazepam, oxazepam, temazepam."} {"id": "13597", "contents": "subset gaba receptor also bind benzodiazepin refer benzodiazepin receptor (bzr). gaba receptor heterom compos five subunits, common one two s, two s, one (\u03b1 \u03b3). subunit, mani subtyp exist (\u03b1 1\u20136, 1\u20133, 1\u20133). term benzodiazepin chemic name heterocycl ring system (see figur right), fusion benzen diazepin ring systems."} {"id": "13598", "contents": "benzodiazepin class drug hypnotic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, amnest muscl relax properties. benzodiazepin often use short-term relief severe, disabl anxieti insomnia. long-term use problemat due develop toler dependency. benzodiazepin commonli divid three groups. short-act compound act less six hour residu effect taken bedtime, rebound insomnia may occur might caus wake-tim anxiety."} {"id": "13599", "contents": "long-act benzodiazepin long-act activ metabolit diazepam chlordiazepoxid often prescrib benzodiazepin alcohol withdraw well anxieti constant dose level requir throughout day. equival individu benzodiazepin differ 400 fold mg per mg basis; awar fact necessari safe effect use benzodiazepines."} {"id": "13600", "contents": "nerv thyrohyoid (c1 fibers): given hypogloss nerv lie loop lingual artery. nerv geniohyoid (c1 fibers): given hypogloss nerv enter mouth, mylohyoid."} {"id": "13601", "contents": "lingual arteri pass medial (deep) hyoglossu wherea hypogloss nerv remain later (superficial). give termin branch suppli muscl tongu except palatoglossus."} {"id": "13602", "contents": "hypogloss nerv twelfth last cranial nerv suppli tongu motor control. one catch: receiv hitch-hik c1 nerv root fibres, distribut reach tongue."} {"id": "13603", "contents": "deep lingual arteri travel lower surfac tongu tip. branch sublingu gland floor mouth known sublingu artery. vein tongu parallel lingual arteri branches."} {"id": "13604", "contents": "superior root ansa cervicali (c1 fibers): given hypogloss nerv lie intern jugular vein intern carotid artery. nerv thyrohyoid (c1 fibers): given hypogloss nerv lie loop lingual artery."} {"id": "13605", "contents": "path nerv start hypogloss nucleu brainstem, locat near midlin medulla oblongata, travel carotid arteri jugular vein end undersid tongue. problem hypogloss nerve, tongu may becom paralyzed."} {"id": "13606", "contents": "lingual arteri one branch extern carotid arteri suppli oral floor tongue."} {"id": "13607", "contents": "261 bilater hypogloss nerv injuri afterbilater carotid endarterectomi jose a. gutrecht, md, h. royden jone jr., md case sever bilater injuri hypogloss nerv two-stag carotid endarterectomi isdescribed."} {"id": "13608", "contents": "work $15,000 $30,000 kitchen remodel budget, leav work profession instead much yourself. might includ refinish refac countertops, paint wall ceilings, instal new light rewir electr work. refac cabinet ($4,500 $9,100) give kitchen new look fraction cost. refac involv remov old cabinet doors, door front hardware. next, select new element appli wood veneer match rest cabinet."} {"id": "13609", "contents": "take kitchen remodel, import tri move plumb element possible. otherwis pay instal addit pipe -- cost $1,100 averag -- need connect main line, could problematic. refac cabinet ($4,500 $9,100) give kitchen new look fraction cost. refac involv remov old cabinet doors, door front hardware. next, select new element appli wood veneer match rest cabinet."} {"id": "13610", "contents": "averag cost complet kitchen remodel run anywher low $7,504 way maximum $40,000. averag cost new countertop instal $3,401, import realiz much vari project project. price depend size kitchen, simplic layout materi used."} {"id": "13611", "contents": "contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000. cost remodel kitchen depend current layout, size condit room, well qualiti replac product chosen."} {"id": "13612", "contents": "cost remodel kitchen vari wide depend size scope project, nation averag come around $17,000 homeown spend $12,000 $19,000. guid help estim cost give start point variou upgrad services. averag cost new countertop instal $3,401, import realiz much vari project project. price depend size kitchen, simplic layout materi used."} {"id": "13613", "contents": "average, homeown report kitchen remodel cost $19,799. smaller project $10,000 $15,000 may includ paint walls, refac cabinets, upgrad sink, instal tile backsplash. refac cabinet ($4,500 $9,100) give kitchen new look fraction cost. refac involv remov old cabinet doors, door front hardware. next, select new element appli wood veneer match rest cabinet."} {"id": "13614", "contents": "averages; actual cost may higher lower. contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000. cost remodel kitchen depend current layout, size condit room, well qualiti replac product chosen."} {"id": "13615", "contents": "keep mind type renov come cheap. even minor kitchen remodel averag $19,588, accord remodel magazine' annual cost vs. valu report, though homeown expect recoup 72% cost resale."} {"id": "13616", "contents": "1. decid much want spend, stick it. set budget kitchen remodel stay within sound obviou simple, harder think. averag cost upscal kitchen remodel $80,000, three factor determin whether want spend much. first much afford spend."} {"id": "13617", "contents": "much kitchen renov cost, spend it? accord today, averag cost kitchen remodel $15,000 $20,000 without appliances."} {"id": "13618", "contents": "aug. 3, 2009 fda approv livalo, new cholesterol-low statin drug. known gener name pitavastatin, livalo use japan sinc 2003. also sold korea thailand. studi present recent scientif meeting, danish research report milligram dose livalo superior 40 milligram dose pravachol. fda approv base five clinic studi show livalo safe effect three statin u.s. market."} {"id": "13619", "contents": "one third first heart attack fatal. prevent first heart attack known primari prevention.. pravachol primari prevent study, evalu use pravachol 6,595 subject five-year period, demonstr pravachol reduc risk first heart attack 31%. death cardiovascular diseas reduc 32%, increas death non-cardiovascular causes. addition, studi show pravachol reduc need coronari procedur balloon angioplasti bypass surgeri 37%. clinic results. new pravachol indic base pravachol primari prevent studi (also known west scotland study), landmark clinic trial demonstr signific reduct risk first heart attack subject elev cholesterol, histori heart disease."} {"id": "13620", "contents": "pravastatin. pravastatin (trade name pravachol) statin drug develop japan scientist pharmaceut compani sankyo 1979. pravastatin produc chemic modif lovastatin two-step ferment reaction perform bacterium nocardia autotrophica. pravastatin avail 10, 20, 40, 80 mg tablet taken orally. typic start dose 20-40 mgs. sinc patent expir 2006, sever gener drug maker receiv fda approv produc"} {"id": "13621", "contents": "a: pravachol (pravastatin) medic use treat high cholesterol levels. class medic call statins, work block enzym bodi respons product cholesterol. a: pravastatin cholesterol-low medic class drug call statins.. statin block product cholesterol body. pravastatin reduc low-dens lipoprotein (ldl) cholesterol total cholesterol blood, help prevent heart diseas harden arteries."} {"id": "13622", "contents": "bristol-my squibb pursu fda approv pravastatin otc cholesterol-low therapy. michael o'riordan. princeton, nj-bristol-my squibb announc would seek food drug administr approv allow pravastatin (pravachol \u00ae) 20 mg use without prescription. said compani pursu program provid fda inform need consid pravastatin appropri otc therapy. pravastatin applic approv fda, bayer ag handl otc sale market drug us."} {"id": "13623", "contents": "pravastatin first launch sankyo japan. 1991, follow fda approval, pravastatin introduc us market bristol-my squibb acquir right sell outsid japan. myopath patients, cannot toler stains, may administ pravastatin. pravastatin avail 10, 20, 40, 80 mg tablet taken orally. typic start dose 20-40 mgs. sinc patent expir 2006, sever gener drug maker receiv fda approv produc"} {"id": "13624", "contents": "juli 6, fda approv safeti label revis pravastatin sodium (pravachol tablets, made bristol-my squibb co.) advis contraind warn associ use. juli 29, fda approv safeti label revis etonogestrel plu ethinyl estradiol vagin ring (nuvaring, made organon, inc.) advis new contraind warn associ use."} {"id": "13625", "contents": "food drug administr today approv first gener version bristol-my squibb' pravachol (pravastatin sodium tablets), import step agency' effort increas avail lower-cost gener medications. bristol-my squibb' patent drug expir april 20. pravastatin sodium tablet (10mg, 20mg 40mg) manufactur teva pharmaceut kfar sava, israel."} {"id": "13626", "contents": "absorpt take materi live organism. one exampl absorpt nutrient intestines. answer nonlinear absorpt kind absorpt occur materi illumin strong laser source. name nonlinear typ absorpt proport squar intens higher orders. rememb beer' law. briefli di/dz=-alfa*i-beta*i2-gamma*i3.."} {"id": "13627", "contents": "a. process food convert substanc absorb assimil live organism. anim accomplish digest tract mechan enzymat breakdown food simpler chemic compounds. di\u2022ges\u2022tion. 1. process alimentari canal food broken physically, action teeth, chemically, action enzymes, convert substanc suitabl absorpt assimil body. 2. function power digest food"} {"id": "13628", "contents": "digestion-th organ process food convert substanc absorb body. gastric digestion-th process break protein action gastric juic stomach. biolog process, organ process-a process occur live organisms. di\u2022ges\u2022tion. 1. process alimentari canal food broken physically, action teeth, chemically, action enzymes, convert substanc suitabl absorpt assimil body. 2. function power digest food"} {"id": "13629", "contents": "certain organisms, smaller substanc absorb small intestin blood stream. digest form catabol often divid two process base food broken down: mechan chemic digestion. chemic digestion, enzym break food small molecul bodi use. human digest system, food enter mouth mechan digest food start action mastic (chewing), form mechan digestion, wet contact saliva."} {"id": "13630", "contents": "absorpt spectrum. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. jump to: navigation, search ... absorpt spectrum diagram depict wavelength electromagnet radiat absorb material, usual gas. regard opposit emiss spectrum, depict specif wavelength emit material. absorpt spectrum."} {"id": "13631", "contents": "absorption. definition. noun. (general) act process absorb assimilating. (biology) process absorb assimil substanc cell across tissu organ diffus osmosis, absorpt nutrient digest system, absorpt drug bloodstream. relat terms: absorpt band, absorpt cell, atom absorpt spectrophotometry, cutan absorption, extern absorption, linear absorpt coefficient, specif absorpt coefficient. compare: adsorption."} {"id": "13632", "contents": "1. carbohydrates: princip starches, lactose, sucrose. starch act enzym ptyalin (alpha-amylase) secret saliva, hydrochlor acid (hcl) stomach, pancreat amylas intestin amylas small intestine, split starch maltos isomaltose. convers food absorb substanc gi tract. digest accomplish mechan chemic breakdown food smaller smaller molecules, help gland locat insid outsid gut."} {"id": "13633", "contents": "digest breakdown larg insolubl food molecul small water-solubl food molecul absorb wateri blood plasma. chemic digestion, enzym break food small molecul bodi use. human digest system, food enter mouth mechan digest food start action mastic (chewing), form mechan digestion, wet contact saliva."} {"id": "13634", "contents": "man bun type long hairstyl involv tie one\u2019 hair singl bun place upon crown area head (aka \u201cvertex\u201d). name man bun includ \u201cbro bun\u201d, \u201chipster bun\u201d, \u201cmun\u201d \u201cdude bun\u201d. likewise, \u201cman bun\u201d word spell manbun man-bun. go back hairstyl itself, man bun is, fact, simpli hairstyle, there\u2019 one specif requir it: long hair. depend whether want full bun semi bun (i.e. top knot hairstyle), need minimum hair length abl tie manbun"} {"id": "13635", "contents": "4. twist hair around hand poni tail base. 5. pull end hair through, put knot top knot! :) 6. teas style top knot and, needed, spray littl hair spray finish. chang look top knot leav bang strand hair begin, ad scarf ribbon base. dress howev like show style! xo."} {"id": "13636", "contents": "top knot bun bundl hair wound place top head. easi hairdo anyon hair least shoulder-length longer. braid locks, also version top knot provid here. method 8: hack thin hair. 1. like top knot hair thin make decent bun, use either weft (extension) hair doughnut help creat impress thickness."} {"id": "13637", "contents": "find wear hairstyl lot late it\u2019 quick do. hair long enough make pretti good top knot it\u2019 own, giant top knot littl secret\u2026padding! think like wonderbra hair, donut shape mesh pad add littl oomph turn bun statement. fine short hair love this. pull section hair keep littl uneven, natur looking. quick easi hairstyl door look fab minutes. giant top knot perfect second day hair too, hair hold shape even better."} {"id": "13638", "contents": "absolutely, make sure hair top head (to tie topknot) inches, longer inch (a otherwis man bun undercut top knot undercut!). you\u2019d like tie hair (side back included) instead tie hair top head, need least 10 inch hair length. type man bun call \u201cfull\u201d man bun."} {"id": "13639", "contents": "neat trick work mani month need get man bun measur current hair length, subtract current length minimum length desir type man bun (6 inch semi bun 10 inch full bun) multipli result two. you\u2019d like tie hair (side back included) instead tie hair top head, need least 10 inch hair length. type man bun call \u201cfull\u201d man bun."} {"id": "13640", "contents": "want tie hair top head side back head remain short untied, need least inch hair length tie man bun. type man bun call \u201csemi\u201d man bun. you\u2019d like tie hair (side back included) instead tie hair top head, need least 10 inch hair length. type man bun call \u201cfull\u201d man bun."} {"id": "13641", "contents": "top knot hairstyl semi man bun. hair kept inch long (not longer) hair side back head kept buzz hair clipper differ type buzz cuts. you\u2019d like tie hair (side back included) instead tie hair top head, need least 10 inch hair length. type man bun call \u201cfull\u201d man bun."} {"id": "13642", "contents": "cost $1,067 averag insur car jackson, 5% higher averag citi tennessee. low-cost auto insur jackson, recommend start quot geico, state farm, nationwide. averag annual premium repres $275 discount citywid average."} {"id": "13643", "contents": "furthermore, averag monthli premium famili $414 (or $4,968 per year). 2010 2011, averag premium increas 9.6% individu polici 5.6% families. averag cost health insur rang $119 iowa $382 new york."} {"id": "13644", "contents": "use data see state averag premium get better idea pay insurance. jump directli differ type insurance' averag cost, click content link below. car insurance. car insur rates: age."} {"id": "13645", "contents": "averag cost insur car owner insur vehicl accid event gener increased, except arkansas, georgia, north carolina, virginia, saw car insur premium drop 1% 5% last year."} {"id": "13646", "contents": "citi rank 11th cheapest car insur tennessee. $981 year, it\u2019 dollar shi state\u2019 averag 3% less. afford car insur chattanooga, recommend start quot geico, state farm, allstate."} {"id": "13647", "contents": "bristol' car insur rate second cheapest tennesse averag annual rate $898. 34% cheaper expens citi tn 12% cheaper state average. found cheapest quot bristol geico, usaa, state farm, allstate."} {"id": "13648", "contents": "averag cost car insur tennesse across entir state $1,015 per year that\u2019 base rate saw singl 25 year old femal 30 year old male drive toyota camry. citi alphabet order, begin state average."} {"id": "13649", "contents": "tennesse insur cost drivers. driver tennessee, insur is, again, littl cheaper nation average. throughout country, driver pay averag $795 year car insurance; tennesse driver pay averag $649."} {"id": "13650", "contents": "(unit states). averag pay nephrologist unit state considerable, round six figur $193k per year. career length particular citi impact pay group, former largest influence. major nephrologist (68 percent) survey respond male"} {"id": "13651", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-nephrolog unit state $225,648, 50% peopl perform job physician-nephrolog unit state expect make less $225,648. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. annual salari someon job titl physician-nephrolog may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "13652", "contents": "averag median salari nephrologist uk \u00a360,000 per year. nephrologist\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a345,000, one 30 earn \u00a358,800, 40 earn \u00a369,600 50 earn \u00a369,600. averag hourli wage nephrologist uk \u00a330 per hour. averag nephrologist salari wage: averag yearli salari nephrologist rang $129,880 $194,820 per annum hourli wage rang $48-$102 per hour."} {"id": "13653", "contents": "43 percent nephrologist earn salari rang $175,000 $299,000 per year. percent earn $400,000 per year, while12 percent earn less $125,000 per year. relat reading: averag salari rais manag servic industry. lucr part countri nephrologist northwest, includ alaska, accord medscap today. averag annual salari kidney doctor area $320,000 2011. california hawaii, averag also high, $274,000 year. contrast, averag salari nephrologist northeast $164,000 per year"} {"id": "13654", "contents": "nephrologist salary. nephrologist\u2019 salari unit state approxim $210,927 per annum averag expect salari nephrologist $162,350. averag nephrologist salari wage: averag yearli salari nephrologist rang $129,880 $194,820 per annum hourli wage rang $48-$102 per hour."} {"id": "13655", "contents": "lucr part unit state nephrologist work would northwest includ alaska. averag yearli salari part unit state nephrologist $320.000. hawaii california averag yearli salari $274,00. lowest averag yearli salari nephrologist $164,000 northeast part unit states. earn someon work nephrologist pretti good sinc median averag salari us estim $209,010 per year. educ requir like medic field, cost highli estim due year study."} {"id": "13656", "contents": "nephrologist salary. averag median nephrologist salari unit state report $219,000 per year $105 per hour. top 10% nephrologist earn salari $278,000 per year $133 per hour. middl 50% nephrologist salari rang $191,000 $250,000 per year $92 $120 per hour. nephrologist\u2019 salary, like professions, affect mani factors."} {"id": "13657", "contents": "communic diseas communic diseas one spread one person anoth varieti way includ contact blood bodili fluid breath airborn viru bitten insect"} {"id": "13658", "contents": "communic diseas pass sexual contact call sexual transmit diseas std infect sti std chlamydia treatabl medic other herp hiv caus chronic infect"} {"id": "13659", "contents": "infecti diseas communic diseas caus biolog agent viru bacterium parasit vector biolog mani infecti diseas transmit droplet enter airway common cold tuberculosi"} {"id": "13660", "contents": "medic definit communic diseas infecti diseas transmiss person person direct contact affect individu individu discharg indirect mean vector compar contag"} {"id": "13661", "contents": "vaccin help prevent mani communic diseas wash hand essenti prevent spread communic diseas syphili sexual transmit diseas std transmit type sexual contact"} {"id": "13662", "contents": "communic diseas communic diseas one spread one person anoth varieti way includ contact blood bodili fluid breath airborn viru contact littl bug call lice part communic diseas spread virus"} {"id": "13663", "contents": "medic definit infecti diseas diseas caus entranc bodi organ bacteria protozoan fungi virus grow multipli see communic diseas contag"} {"id": "13664", "contents": "magnesium eighth-most-abund element earth' crust mass tie seventh place iron term molarity. found larg deposit magnesite, dolomite, minerals, miner waters, magnesium ion soluble. magnesium ion sour taste, low concentr help impart natur tart fresh miner waters. magnesium metal ion center chlorophyll, common addit fertilizers."} {"id": "13665", "contents": "calcium: miner found mainli hard part bones, stored. calcium ad bone cell call osteoblast remov bone cell call osteoclasts. calcium essenti healthi bone also import muscl contraction, heart action, normal blood clotting."} {"id": "13666", "contents": "definition. miner (inorgan nutrients) relev human nutrit includ water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphate, sulfate, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium, molybdenum. cobalt requir miner human health, suppli vitamin 12"} {"id": "13667", "contents": "4. inorgan elements, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, essenti function human bodi obtain foods. 5. minerals, brit. miner water. 6. of, pertain to, natur mineral. 7. contain impregn minerals. carnallite-a white reddish miner consist hydrou chlorid potassium magnesium; use fertil sourc potassium magnesium."} {"id": "13668", "contents": "magnesium, abund miner body, natur present mani foods, ad food products, avail dietari supplement, present medicin (such antacid laxatives). tap, mineral, bottl water also sourc magnesium, amount magnesium water vari sourc brand (rang mg/l 120 mg/l) ]. approxim 30% 40% dietari magnesium consum typic absorb bodi 2, ]."} {"id": "13669", "contents": "magnesium: miner involv mani process bodi includ nerv signaling, build healthi bones, normal muscl contraction. 350 enzym known depend magnesium. magnesium contain unprocess foods. high concentr magnesium contain nuts, unmil grains, dark-green leafi vegetables, legum pea beans, fruit."} {"id": "13670", "contents": "miner equival rocks. rock either aggreg one minerals, compos miner all. rock like limeston quartzit compos primarili one mineral\u2014 calcit aragonit case limestone, quartz latter case."} {"id": "13671", "contents": "magnesium macro-mineral, which, unlik trace minerals, need bodi larg amounts. calcium, sodium, potassium also macro-minerals. averag human bodi contain 25 gram magnesium, one six essenti miner must suppli diet. understand ionic magnesium body\u2019 chemistry. magnesium second abund element insid human cell fourth abund posit charg ion human body. within body\u2019 cells, serv liter hundr functions."} {"id": "13672", "contents": "magnesium compound use medicin common laxatives, antacid (e.g., milk magnesia), stabil abnorm nerv excit blood vessel spasm eclampsia. magnesium ion sour taste, low concentr help impart natur tart fresh miner waters. magnesium metal ion center chlorophyll, common addit fertilizers."} {"id": "13673", "contents": "miner natur occur substance, represent chemic formula, usual solid inorganic, crystal structure. differ rock, aggreg miner non-miner specif chemic composition. rock either aggreg one minerals, compos miner all. rock like limeston quartzit compos primarili one mineral\u2014 calcit aragonit case limestone, quartz latter case."} {"id": "13674", "contents": "applying. appli oberlin college, import note applic deadlin januari 15, earli decis deadlin novemb 15. score either act sat test due februari 1. selective, accept rate 32.7 percent. student life. oberlin colleg total undergradu enrol 2,961, gender distribut 44.5 percent male student 55.5 percent femal students. school, 91 percent student live college-owned, -operated, or-affili hous percent student live campus."} {"id": "13675", "contents": "oberlin highli select liber art colleg found 1833. commun thinkers, scholars, artists, musicians, activist share intens desir learning, creation, engagement. care world, believ make better place, courag try."} {"id": "13676", "contents": "oberlin colleg description: oberlin colleg one lead liber art colleg country, distinguish histori first colleg grant undergradu degre women. oberlin first colleg grant undergradu degre women histor leader educ african americans; heritag one respect individu activ concern larger society."} {"id": "13677", "contents": "oberlin colleg privat institut found 1833. total undergradu enrol 2,961, set suburban, campu size 440 acres. util 4-1-4-base academ calendar. student life. oberlin colleg total undergradu enrol 2,961, gender distribut 44.5 percent male student 55.5 percent femal students. school, 91 percent student live college-owned, -operated, or-affili hous percent student live campus."} {"id": "13678", "contents": "allen grove. oberlin colleg one lead liber art colleg country, distinguish histori first colleg grant undergradu degre women. oberlin first colleg grant undergradu degre women histor leader educ african americans; heritag one respect individu activ concern larger society."} {"id": "13679", "contents": "hi, dave72, oberlin' rd admitt rate 38%, last year' ed admitt rate 68%, least accord admiss director western region. earli decis come 12 days. therainman: note oberlin' overal admit rate 38% (not 68%). think good shot ed. good luck."} {"id": "13680", "contents": "strength colleg art scienc earn oberlin chapter phi beta kappa. art scienc 11 student faculti ratio. colleg locat oberlin, ohio, 35 mile southwest cleveland. oberlin first colleg grant undergradu degre women histor leader educ african americans; heritag one respect individu activ concern larger society."} {"id": "13681", "contents": "in-stat tuition school $48,054, 351% expens averag music schools. applying. oberlin colleg accept rate 30%, 37% lower averag music schools. averag sat score oberlin colleg 2040 points. averag act score oberlin colleg 32 points."} {"id": "13682", "contents": "overal oberlin colleg accept rate-fal 2013. 30.4%. overal accept rate oberlin colleg report 30.4% fall 2013 7,440 colleg applic submit school. state state applic includ figures. data transfer accept rate currently."} {"id": "13683", "contents": "2. domest limit liabil compani mean entiti unincorpor associ one member organ or chapter 63. 4. look beforey eat. portland-area restaur health scores."} {"id": "13684", "contents": "regist chang foreign llc, one author person must complet limit liabil compani applic registr certif amend (secretari state form llc-6) submit secretari state along $30 file fee. foreign limit liabil compani regist llc complet limit liabil compani applic registr form (secretari state form llc-5) submit secretari state along"} {"id": "13685", "contents": "1. domest limit liabil compani mean entiti unincorpor associ one member organ or chapter 63. 4. look beforey eat. portland-area restaur health scores."} {"id": "13686", "contents": "cancel dissolution. regist cancel dissolut foreign domest llc, one author person must complet limit liabil compani certif cancel (secretari state form llc-4/7) submit secretari state. file fee form. foreign limit liabil compani regist llc complet limit liabil compani applic registr form (secretari state form llc-5) submit secretari state along file fee."} {"id": "13687", "contents": "definition. foreign limit liabil compani defin llc form one state carri business, wish carri business, anoth state. direct contrast domest llc, compani form state busi"} {"id": "13688", "contents": "regist domest limit liabil compani hawaii, must file articl organ limit liabil compani form llc-1 appropri file fee(s) use link regist pay onlin access fillabl pdf form print mail payment. file fee refundable. fee file articl organ domest limit liabil compani $50.00, addit fee $25.00 expedit service. fee certifi copi file $10.00."} {"id": "13689", "contents": "limit liabil compani busi entiti combin legal protect corpor flexibl taxat options. domest llc one oper state organized. llcs, domest foreign design appli state level. domest llc one busi state file articl organization. busi state, consid foreign llc state."} {"id": "13690", "contents": "organ ohio llc. limit liabil compani organ ohio submit complet articl organ domest limit liabil company, includ $125 file fee ohio secretari state. submit articl mail person. regist foreign llc busi ohio file registr foreign limit liabil compani ohio secretari state"} {"id": "13691", "contents": "limit liabil compani -- llc short -- busi structur combin pass-through taxat partnership sole proprietorship limit liabil corporation, accord nolo legal website. llcs, domest foreign design appli state level. domest llc one busi state file articl organization. busi state, consid foreign llc state."} {"id": "13692", "contents": "introduct basic description. methoxetamin dissoci anesthet drug develop market late 2000s. similar term structur effect ketamin pcp."} {"id": "13693", "contents": "description. methoxetamin near chemic analog ketamin pcp. use first publicli report 2010. methoxetamine' effect describ similar ketamin high-dos dxm, other report find similar substances. number account describ compuls redos unintent consumpt initi planned."} {"id": "13694", "contents": "methoxetamine. methoxetamin (mxemethoxetamine, 3-meo-2-oxo-pce) near chemic analogu ketamin pcp. first publicli report 2010. say similar ketamin high dose dxm"} {"id": "13695", "contents": "methoxetamin (mxe) newli report \u2018legal high\u2019, class drug. although littl evid short long term effect methoxetamine, know chemic relat \u2018dissoci anaesthetics\u2019 like ketamin pcp, therefor similar effect risks."} {"id": "13696", "contents": "methoxetamin (mxe), 3-meo-2-oxo-pc dissoci drug sold design drug. methoxetamin differ mani dissoci ketamin phencyclidin develop pharmaceut design grey market distribution. pharmacologically, methoxetamin act nmda receptor antagonist serotonin reuptak inhibitor. methoxetamin design part prevent urotox associ ketamin abuse; thought compound' increas potenc reduc dose would limit accumul urotox metabolit bladder."} {"id": "13697", "contents": "methoxamin \u03b11 adrenerg receptor agonist, similar structur phenylephrin 2,5-dma. develop burroughs-wellcom 1940s."} {"id": "13698", "contents": "methoxetamin type drug effect similar ketamin different. two also differ lot come dosage, methoxetamin requir much smaller dose reach desir result ketamine. bath salt actual power stimul also hallucinogen properties. rel new psychotrop drug, reportedli creat effect similar stimul wakefulness, rapid heartbeat, reduct appetit anxiety."} {"id": "13699", "contents": "mxe. methoxetamin (mxe) current unschedul unit states. although sever state classifi illeg schedul drug includ indiana, florida, minnesota, north dakota, virginia, ohio. mandatori minimum sentence: na. mechan action: antagonist nmda receptor. overview methoxetamin also refer mxe, mexxy, roflcopter, 3-me-o-2-oxo-pce, (2-(3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(ethylamino)cyclohexanone). mxe newli develop synthet drug/research chemical."} {"id": "13700", "contents": "continu readinganim thyroid supplement hypothyroidism. synthet form thyroid hormon t4 gener call levothyroxine, consid standard treatment hypothyroidism. though man-made, synthet t4 hormon exactli t4 produc releas thyroid gland. type t4 supplements."} {"id": "13701", "contents": "altern medicin practition recommend iodin tablet kelp supplement high iodin peopl hypothyroidism. true iodin defici caus hypothyroidism. fact, peopl abnorm thyroid glands, much iodin caus worsen hypothyroidism. hypothyroid safe effect treat synthet thyroid hormon levothyroxin (synthroid, levothroid, others). with."} {"id": "13702", "contents": "therefore, vitamin import treatment hypothyroid caus autoimmun factors. example, prevent develop stop progress hashimoto\u2019 thyroiditis. addition, vitamin also proven protect thyroid cancers. hypothyroid case due causes, iodin supplement actual worsen patient\u2019 condition. example, hypothyroid caus autoimmun thyroid disord low level tsh, give patient iodin caus iodin toxicity."} {"id": "13703", "contents": "vitamin a. vitamin common vitamin defici world. vitamin import thyroid hormon receptor activ gene regul thyroid stimul hormon (tsh). get plenti vitamin eat lot fruit vegetables."} {"id": "13704", "contents": "vitamin supplement may assist thyroid health: 1. omega-3 fatti acids: univers maryland medic center suggest omega-3 fatti acid help decreas inflamm help immun thyroid support. print |. a. thyroid larg respons body' metabol allow cell creat energi food. thyroid hormon also assist regul bodi temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, function vital organ liver brain."} {"id": "13705", "contents": "form thyroid result phases: overact thyroid (hyperthyroidism), underact thyroid (hypothyroidism), return normal. thyroid inflamed, often releas much thyroid hormone, caus hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "13706", "contents": "understand thyroid supplement help hypothyroid hypothyroid common thyroid disord one diseas natur supplement wide recommended. supplement improv thyroid function includ vitamins, minerals, herbs, omega-3 fatti acid amino acids. hypothyroid case due causes, iodin supplement actual worsen patient\u2019 condition. example, hypothyroid caus autoimmun thyroid disord low level tsh, give patient iodin caus iodin toxicity."} {"id": "13707", "contents": "consid take vitamin supplement treat thyroid conditions? list common natur remedi use treat reduc symptom thyroid conditions. follow link read common uses, side effects, dosag detail read user review drug list below. search thyroid condit return matches."} {"id": "13708", "contents": "fastfeatures. thyroid larg respons body' metabol allow cell creat energi food. thyroid diseas caus thyroid malfunction. addit medic treatments, vitamin supplement may support thyroid health. print |. a. thyroid larg respons body' metabol allow cell creat energi food. thyroid hormon also assist regul bodi temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, function vital organ liver brain."} {"id": "13709", "contents": "iodin defici caus hypothyroidism, iodin supplement provid benefit used. fact, peopl abnorm thyroid glands, much iodin caus worsen hypothyroidism. hypothyroid safe effect treat synthet thyroid hormon levothyroxin (synthroid, levothroid, others). with."} {"id": "13710", "contents": "neuter. male dog neuter time eight week age. year ago, veterinarian advis wait puberti hit six months, still make recommendation. talk veterinarian what\u2019 best dog. dog sexual matur age five six month (the blink eye). dog\u2019 testicl don\u2019t descend, still need neutered. dog tend testicular tumor normal dogs."} {"id": "13711", "contents": "reason earli neutering. neuter dog earli age actual keep dog develop neg behavior patterns. issu may include: aggress behavior male dog becom sexual mature. territori mark anoth problemat issu may occur dog neutered."} {"id": "13712", "contents": "it\u2019 also better pet\u2019 health. it\u2019 better make life easier pet spay neutered. anim miser -- make miser -- heat. there\u2019 alway problem puppies. there\u2019 also financi side. problem let dog litter you\u2019v instantli contribut pet overpopul problem. find home puppies. home find, there\u2019 one less home dog alreadi born. plus, can\u2019t respons new owner do."} {"id": "13713", "contents": "general, dog neuter go puberti grow bit bigger neuter puberti testosteron involv bone growth; sometim growth prefer sometim it\u2019 not. dog sexual matur age five six month (the blink eye). dog\u2019 testicl don\u2019t descend, still need neutered. dog tend testicular tumor normal dogs."} {"id": "13714", "contents": "mani years, veterinarian taught cat dog year old spay neutered. later, taught six month appropriate. today know kitten pup spay neuter age two month (or two pounds). today vet spay/neut eight week age, adher old practic six month age. averag age pet spay neuter four months. adolesc cat dog young five month get pregnant"} {"id": "13715", "contents": "perform spay castrat month age? veterinarian unit state recommend bitch dog spay castrat month age."} {"id": "13716", "contents": "i'v heard best time get dog neuter anywher month year age. could wrong i'v heard grapevine. hope helps."} {"id": "13717", "contents": "experience, dog neuter month develop less obes don\u2019t establish \u201cmale\u201d behavior neuter meant treat. also less like jump fence, fight, get hit car. got annual exam shots, vet said leav unneut two year old large-bon dog get cancer neuter then.. never heard alway propon earli neutering, sinc come up, unsur do."} {"id": "13718", "contents": "year age, 75 80% intact male dog evid bph; year age, 95 100% intact male dog evid bph. increas size prostat associ increas blood supply."} {"id": "13719", "contents": "hyperopia hypermetropia defect vision caus imperfect eye caus problem focus object near imag appear blurred. hypero pia also rare case result suffer unabl focu object distance."} {"id": "13720", "contents": "hyperopia develop eye focu imag behind retina instead retina, result blur vision. occur eyebal short, prevent incom light focus directli retina. may also caus abnorm shape cornea lens."} {"id": "13721", "contents": "farsighted occur light enter eye focus behind retina instead directli it. caus eye short, whose cornea curv enough, whose len sit farther back eye normal. farsighted often run families."} {"id": "13722", "contents": "hyperopia, farsightedness, common vision problem, affect fourth population. peopl hyperopia see distant object well, difficulti focus object close."} {"id": "13723", "contents": "farsighted develop eye focu imag behind retina instead retina, result blur vision. occur eyebal short, prevent incom light focus directli retina. may also caus abnorm shape cornea lens."} {"id": "13724", "contents": "farsighted call hyperopia. condit occur eyebal smaller mal light ray near object focu properli retina back eye. person hyperopia see distant object clearli closer objects. answered."} {"id": "13725", "contents": "creatinin level urin blood determin compared. normal creatinin clearanc healthi women 88-128 ml/min. 97 137 ml/min. male (normal level may vari slightli labs). blood urea nitrogen (bun) level anoth indic kidney function. urea also metabol byproduct build kidney function impai"} {"id": "13726", "contents": "242,131 help votes. 190 followers. a. normal level creatinin blood approxim 0.6 1.2 milligram (mg) per decilit (dl) adult male 0.5 1.1 milligram per decilit adult females. (in metric system, milligram unit weight equal one-thousandth gram, decilit unit volum equal one-tenth liter.)."} {"id": "13727", "contents": "normal creatinin depend muscl mass age. general, normal creatin 0.5 1.2 milligram per decilit (mg/dl). normal bun 20 mg/dl. rememb differ laboratori use differ test equipment, may slightli differ rang normal."} {"id": "13728", "contents": "kidney maintain blood creatinin normal range. creatinin found fairli reliabl indic kidney function. elev creatinin level signifi impair kidney function kidney disease. normal creatinin clearanc healthi women 88-128 ml/min. 97 137 ml/min. male (normal level may vari slightli labs). blood urea nitrogen (bun) level anoth"} {"id": "13729", "contents": "number outsid normal rang may still normal you. blood creatinine: men: 0.6-1.2 milligram per decilit (mg/dl) 53-106 micromol per liter (mcmol/l). women: 0.5-1.1 mg/dl 44-97 mcmol/l. results. creatinin creatinin clearanc test measur creatinin level blood urine. test give inform well kidney working. creatinin clearanc valu found amount creatinin urin blood amount urin pass 24 hours."} {"id": "13730", "contents": "normal level creatinin blood approxim 0.6 1.2 milligram (mg) per decilit (dl) adult male 0.5 1.1 milligram per decilit adult females."} {"id": "13731", "contents": "children, normal rang creatinin 0.2 1.0mg/dl increas age better better physic constitut muscl buildup. two unit often use measur creatinin level, is, mg/dl umol/l. mg/dl equal 88.4umol/l. urea form liver end product protein metabol digestion. urea transport kidney excretion. normal rang blood urea nitrogen gener 24 mg/dl adult male 21 mg/dl females."} {"id": "13732", "contents": "normal rang serum creatinin level differ age, gender physic constitute. adult men, normal rang serum creatinin 0.9-1.3mg/dl; adult women, normal rang creatinin 0.6 1.1mg/dl. urea form liver end product protein metabol digestion. urea transport kidney excretion. normal rang blood urea nitrogen gener 24 mg/dl adult male 21 mg/dl females."} {"id": "13733", "contents": "1. women usual lower result serum creatinin test lower muscl mass bodies. averag rang women 0.6 1.1 mg/dl men increas 0.7 1.3 mg/dl. urin creatinin test, averag result vari depend lab specif test procedures. 1. 24 hour sampl urin creatinin usual rang 500 2000 mg/day. specif result vari base person\u2019 lean bodi mass age. men, normal rang 14 26 mg per kilogram bodi mass day women valu 11 20."} {"id": "13734", "contents": "blood urea nitrogen (bun) measur amount urea nitrogen bloodstream. urea form liver end product protein metabol digestion. urea transport kidney excretion. normal rang blood urea nitrogen gener 24 mg/dl adult male 21 mg/dl females. generally, high blood urea nitrogen level mean kidney perform well, particularli result 50mg/dl"} {"id": "13735", "contents": "budapest ferihegi intern airport locat countri hungary. budapest locat central region hungary. also capit countri locat ed central europe. ali berri."} {"id": "13736", "contents": "szentendr island locat north part budapest. area 56km2 31 km long island. budapest cannot accessed, natur protect reasons, island start m0 bridg north budapest. budapest locat middl north part hungary, near slovakian border, littl bit west center hungary. part hungari part wonder 60km long danub bend area."} {"id": "13737", "contents": "kerri kubilius. budapest locat north-centr territori hungari danub river. budapest combin buda pest, resid either side danube."} {"id": "13738", "contents": "satellit view show budapest, nation capit hungary, landlock countri central europe. citi locat river danube, central north hungary. primat city, hungary' princip political, commercial, cultural, industri center. budapest offici popul 1,744,000 inhabit (in 2014), 2.5 million peopl live urban area (2009). offici languag hungarian. map show citi map budapest expressways, main road streets, zoom find budapest ferihegi intern airport (iata code: bud) locat 16 km (10 miles) southeast center budapest. find locat use form below. view map, click map button."} {"id": "13739", "contents": "matthia church (center left) locat budapest, hungary, heart buda' castl district. accord church tradition, origin built romanesqu style 1015. budapest, hungary. budapest capit largest citi hungari seventh largest european union. country' princip political, cultural, commercial, industrial, transport center."} {"id": "13740", "contents": "budapest locat northern hemisphere, middl eastern europ middl austria, croatia, romaine, serbie, slovakia, slovenia ukraine, far itali germany. budapest locat middl north part hungary, near slovakian border, littl bit west center hungary. part hungari part wonder 60km long danub bend area."} {"id": "13741", "contents": "print map. budapest, hungary. budapest capit largest citi hungari seventh largest european union. country' princip political, cultural, commercial, industrial, transport center."} {"id": "13742", "contents": "hotel locat heart budapest' center, terezvaro (ter\u00e9zv\u00e1ros. vi) district east side the. danub public transport far best this; area reach oktogon 3, minut possibl get tram line and, metro line, even bu line. 105"} {"id": "13743", "contents": "csepel island. csepel island locat south budapest danub soroksari danub branch. biggest island budapest fact area island includ budapest area goe lot further. north part island belong budapest. budapest locat middl north part hungary, near slovakian border, littl bit west center hungary. part hungari part wonder 60km long danub bend area."} {"id": "13744", "contents": "john m. grohol, psy.d. min read. restless leg syndrom neurolog sleep disord character desir move leg arms, usual associ uncomfort sensat typic describ creeping, crawling, tingling, burn itching. symptom wors individu rest, frequent movement leg occur effort reliev uncomfort sensations. peopl rls, symptom wors even not; individu symptom even night."} {"id": "13745", "contents": "restless leg syndrom (rls) also known willis-ekbom disease, neurolog condit associ abnorm sensat legs. estim 5% gener popul mani 10% age 65 disorder."} {"id": "13746", "contents": "restless leg syndrome. restless leg syndrom (rls) neurolog disord associ impair sleep character throbbing, pulling, creeping, unpleas sensat legs. patient rl often complain almost irresist urg move legs."} {"id": "13747", "contents": "restless leg syndrom (rls) neurolog disord character throbbing, pulling, creeping, unpleas sensat leg uncontrollable, sometim overwhelming, urg move them. rl classifi movement disorder, individu forc move leg order gain relief symptoms. 80 percent peopl rl also experi common condit known period limb movement sleep (plms)."} {"id": "13748", "contents": "description. restless leg syndrom (rls) neurolog disord characteris unpleas sensat leg compel need move legs, usual experienc tri sleep. peopl rl feel uncomfort sensat legs, especi sit lie down, accompani irresist urg move about. sensat usual occur deep insid leg, knee ankle; rarely, occur feet, thighs, arms, hands."} {"id": "13749", "contents": "restless leg syndrom (rls) also known willis-ekbom diseas (wed) wittmaack-ekbom syndrome, neurolog disord character irresist urg move one' bodi stop uncomfort odd sensations. commonli affect legs, affect arms, torso, head, even phantom limbs."} {"id": "13750", "contents": "restless leg syndrom (rls) neurolog disord character unpleas sensat leg uncontrollable, sometim overwhelming, urg move relief. individu affect disord often describ sensat throbbing, polling, creeping. take hot bath, massag legs, use heat pad ice pack help reliev symptom patients. physician also may suggest varieti medic treat rls, includ dopaminergics, benzodiazepin (central nervou system depressants), opioids, anticonvulsants."} {"id": "13751", "contents": "restless leg syndrom (rls) neurolog disord character extrem uncomfort feel creeping, throbbing, pulling, itch needl pin legs, typic even sit lie down."} {"id": "13752", "contents": "restless leg syndrom rls, common treatabl neurolog disorder. estim 7\u201310 percent u.s. popul live disease."} {"id": "13753", "contents": "mani two-third peopl restless leg syndrom (rls) famili histori disorder. peopl famili histori condition, rl like occur turn 40. peopl develop condit later age less like famili histori rls. overview. restless leg syndrom (rls) temporari problem (such pregnancy) chronic, long-term issue. condit involv feel pulling, searing, drawing, tingling, bubbling, crawl beneath skin, usual calf area. affect thighs, feet, sometim even arms."} {"id": "13754", "contents": "all, disast recoveri dr is, without doubt, similar bcp because: 1. bcp stand busi continu plan wherea dr disast recovery. 2. bcp proactiv strategi wherea dr reactiv approach. 3. bcp help prevent anticip disast unfavor incid advanc wherea dr strategi treat recov disast like."} {"id": "13755", "contents": "also agre person inform may transfer process unit states, read agre term use privaci policy. lot peopl use term disast recoveri (dr) busi continu (bc) plan interchangeably, technic difference. disast recoveri plan reactiv busi continu plan proactive."} {"id": "13756", "contents": "differ drp bcp explained. differ disast recoveri plan busi continu plan clear actual usage. differ compani sometim use term differ and, times, interchangeably. technic busi continu plan (bcp) refer mean loss busi may avoid ought defin busi requir continu operations."} {"id": "13757", "contents": "primari purpos disast recoveri plan (drp) following: prevent (pre-disaster): pre-plan requir use mirror server mission critic systems, maintain hot sites, train disast recoveri personnel minim overal impact disast system resources. differ compani sometim use term differ and, times, interchangeably. technic busi continu plan (bcp) refer mean loss busi may avoid ought defin busi requir continu operations."} {"id": "13758", "contents": "issu busi continu certainli aris disast recoveri required. short say disast recoveri plan address procedur follow loss bcp preemptiv process put place prepar handl disaster. differ compani sometim use term differ and, times, interchangeably. technic busi continu plan (bcp) refer mean loss busi may avoid ought defin busi requir continu operations."} {"id": "13759", "contents": "bcp: busi continu plan concern keep busi oper running-perhap anoth locat use differ tool processes-aft disast struck. drp: disast recoveri plan concern restor normal busi oper disast take place. tip bcp drp: simpl illustration. here\u2019 scenario: busi question deliveri servic one deliveri truck deliv good around city."} {"id": "13760", "contents": "big differ bcp dr plan drp specifi recoveri function performed. within dr plan, individu compon system recoveri plan would specifi step recov applications. hierarchi plan disast produc two plans; busi impact analysi busi continu plan disast recoveri plans. see, bcp lead drp. explan name bcp busi continu oper someth goe wrong."} {"id": "13761", "contents": "disast recoveri busi continu plan import busi market plans. unlik busi market plans, disast recoveri busi continu plan provid detail strategi busi continu sever busi interrupt disasters."} {"id": "13762", "contents": "primari object disast recoveri plan (drp) enabl organ surviv disast continu normal busi operations. order survive, organ must assur critic oper resume/continu normal processing. differ compani sometim use term differ and, times, interchangeably. technic busi continu plan (bcp) refer mean loss busi may avoid ought defin busi requir continu"} {"id": "13763", "contents": "differ bcp dr. two term bcp dr frequent use, often confus other. hierarchi plan disast produc two plans; busi impact analysi busi continu plan disast recoveri plans. see, bcp lead drp. explan name bcp busi continu oper someth goe wrong. import ensur ownership plan business, drive focu document"} {"id": "13764", "contents": "similarly, would odd everyon zombi viru get bit zombie, die littl virus. scientifically, quit virus work howev natur virus zombifi bodi occupy.. chat matt amanda twitter!"} {"id": "13765", "contents": "usual assumpt none us actual zombie, zombi cannot exist world. central question, however, whether zombi exist world, whether they, whole zombi world (which sometim appropri idea work with), possibl broader sense."} {"id": "13766", "contents": "no, possibl zombi exist. even think zombi could exist form shown movi ridiculous. even foreign parasit took brain, bodi dead, organ would stop functioning. blood would collect lower extremities, make basic imposs move."} {"id": "13767", "contents": "people, any, think zombi actual exist. mani hold least conceivable, possible. seem zombi realli possible, physic fals kind dualism true. mani philosoph chief import zombi idea."} {"id": "13768", "contents": "airborn rabi would creat rage virus. rabi viru trigger zombi pandem like movies, would also much contagious. human typic catch rabi bitten infect animal, usual dog\u2014and infect usual stop there."} {"id": "13769", "contents": "everyon alreadi virus, mean human scientist call 'reservoir' virus. reservoir virus, viru affect you, kill think example, evid suggest bat reservoir ebola."} {"id": "13770", "contents": "confid vote 23. noth imposs littl knowledg human have, likelihood human die viru come back life highli improbable. viru symptom associ zombies, infect would probabl die."} {"id": "13771", "contents": "scientist proven zombi viru possible, possibl fungu could take body. also possibl zombi epidem could start prions."} {"id": "13772", "contents": "prolactin test measur level hormon prolactin, made pituitari gland, blood. prolactin level differ throughout day. highest level occur sleep shortli wake up. normal low prolactin level alway mean pituitari tumor. mri test may done pituitari tumor suspected. high level prolactin may mean pituitari gland make excess prolactin unknown reason (idiopath hyperprolactinemia)."} {"id": "13773", "contents": "prolactin single-chain protein hormon close relat growth hormone. secret so-cal lactotroph anterior pituitary. also synthes secret broad rang cell body, promin variou immun cells, brain decidua pregnant uterus. prolactin synthes pro"} {"id": "13774", "contents": "prolactinoma benign (noncancerous) tumor pituitari gland, produc hormon call prolactin. prolactinoma common type pituitari tumor. symptom caus much prolactin blood (a condit call hyperprolactinemia) pressur tumor surround tissues."} {"id": "13775", "contents": "prolactin. guide. prolactin test measur level hormon prolactin, made pituitari gland, blood. pregnant women high level prolactin, help make breast milk. pregnancy, prolactin level increas 10 20 times. babi born, prolactin stay high breast-feeding. women breast-feed, prolactin level return normal soon give birth."} {"id": "13776", "contents": "high level prolactin may mean pituitari gland make excess prolactin unknown reason (idiopath hyperprolactinemia). condit caus high prolactin level includ pregnancy, liver diseas (cirrhosis), kidney disease, hypothyroidism. normal low prolactin level alway mean pituitari tumor. mri test may done pituitari tumor suspected."} {"id": "13777", "contents": "prolactin test measur level hormon prolactin, made pituitari gland, blood. pregnant women high level prolactin, help make breast milk. pregnancy, prolactin level increas 10 20 times. normal low prolactin level alway mean pituitari tumor. mri test may done pituitari tumor suspected. high level prolactin may mean pituitari gland make excess prolactin unknown reason (idiopath hyperprolactinemia)."} {"id": "13778", "contents": "high level prolactin (usual higher 200 ng/ml) may mean pituitari gland tumor (prolactinoma) present. higher prolactin level, like pituitari gland tumor present. normal low prolactin level alway mean pituitari tumor. mri test may done pituitari tumor suspected. high level prolactin may mean pituitari gland make excess prolactin unknown reason (idiopath hyperprolactinemia)."} {"id": "13779", "contents": "one common caus hyperprolactinemia growth tumor pituitari gland call prolactinoma. tumor produc high level prolactin. tumor larg small usual benign, mean cancerous. larg tumor also caus headaches, vision problems, both. hyperprolactinemia condit person higher-than-norm level hormon prolactin blood. main function prolactin stimul breast milk product childbirth, high prolactin level normal pregnancy."} {"id": "13780", "contents": "prolactin level may use sever reasons. prolactin hormon produc pituitari gland primari role help initi maintain breast milk product pregnant nurs women. prolactin test may used, along hormon tests, help:"} {"id": "13781", "contents": "prolactin secret pituitari gland respons eating, mating, estrogen treatment, ovulation, nursing. prolactin secret pulsatil fashion events. prolactin also play essenti role metabolism, regul immun system, pancreat development."} {"id": "13782", "contents": "so, clean oil over, like would cast iron pan, realli requir easi non stick cooking, avoid rust burger longev grill. also bring grill elements, whenev possible, helps, alway practical. slightli expens option, gentl it, better qualiti porcelain grill protect cast iron grate rust degrad time. lifespan mayb 3-4 years."} {"id": "13783", "contents": "everi time grill, need scrub cast iron grate grill brush oil lightli grate still warm. prevent rust developing. don\u2019t use cast iron grate long time, rust still develop even though oil last time use it. bare cast iron. bare cast iron popular grate materi sinc hold heat longer cook evenly. steak nice sear cook shorter period time. meat also defin grill marks."} {"id": "13784", "contents": "jonathan goodman. cook grate come differ type materials, advantages, depend use prefer cook. grill grate hold food barbecu grilling. let us take look choic avail come outdoor cook grates. generally, better buy stainless cook grate bbq grill prone rust. often find barbecu grill perfect featur want price hard refuse, yet kind grate want."} {"id": "13785", "contents": "whether grill charcoal gas, grate need clean properli regular basis. cook clean grill grate improv tast food, minim food safeti hazards, make clean-up easier, extend use life grill. tips. grill grate coat porcelain, sure use brass bristl brush clean it. scrape porcelain-co grill grate scraper attach grill brush may damag coating."} {"id": "13786", "contents": "belief import compon grill part food actual touches. sure, high-pow burners, light night-tim grill stainless steel hood import elements, noth affect result grill experi high-qual custom grill grate."} {"id": "13787", "contents": "stainless steel grate retain heat well typic found high-end grills. relat content. bodi qualiti grill made heavy-duti materi stainless steel aluminum. materi make convect process necessari grill possibl also protect rust. good rule thumb: stainless steel have, expens grill is. true insid grill outside. purchas grill stainless steel parts, look grade-304 stainless steel, compos 18 percent chromium percent nickel austenit alloy."} {"id": "13788", "contents": "whether want sear mark steaks, much spend grill much mainten will do. may also depend prefer cook tool toler food stick grill. gener principle, heavier thicker grill is, better. take longer heat, hold heat better. also take longer corros thin grill unusable. grill option main pro cons. slightli expens option, gentl it, better qualiti porcelain grill protect cast iron grate rust degrad time. lifespan mayb 3-4 years."} {"id": "13789", "contents": "main advantag cheap light pay $100, realli even $50 grill it, lifespan short. heat tend rust flake surfac pit caus food stick, damag grill removal. slightli expens option, gentl it, better qualiti porcelain grill protect cast iron grate rust degrad time. lifespan mayb 3-4 years."} {"id": "13790", "contents": "grill grate obvious one import grill accessories. without grate, nowher put food! fortun us, grill come perfectli servic grate perfect grill. however, differ type grate differ advantag disadvantages. grill grate options: materi type: common grate materi stainless steel. good around choic season ok, resist stick (assum treat well clean uses) conduct heat rel well."} {"id": "13791", "contents": "group. group 16 oxygen family. consist element oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, polonium. six desir eight electron requir octet highest energi level."} {"id": "13792", "contents": "atom molecules-period table. chalcogens, oxygen group, locat column 16 period table. contain element oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, polonium, ununhexium (o, s, se, te, po, uuh, respectively). element contain six valenc electron form 2- ions."} {"id": "13793", "contents": "oxygen group 16 element. one fifth atmospher oxygen gas, atmospher mar contain 0.15% oxygen. oxygen third abund element found sun, play part carbon-nitrogen cycle, one process respons stellar energi production."} {"id": "13794", "contents": "group 16 oxygen family. consist element oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, polonium. six desir eight electron requir octet highest energi level."} {"id": "13795", "contents": "group 6a (or via) period tabl chalcogens: nonmet oxygen (o), sulfur (s), selenium (se), metalloid tellurium (te), metal polonium (po). name chalcogen mean ore former, deriv greek word chalco (ore) and-gen (formation)."} {"id": "13796", "contents": "hormon theori sexual hold that, exposur certain hormon play role fetal sex differentiation, exposur also influenc sexual orient emerg later adult. recent studies, however, provid evid support prenat androgen exposur influenc childhood sex-typ behavior. fetal hormon may seen either primari influenc upon adult sexual orient co-factor interact gene and/or environment social conditions. however, garcia-falguera dick swaab disagre social condit influenc sexual orient larg degre"} {"id": "13797", "contents": "gland secret hormon compris endocrin signal system. term hormon sometim extend includ chemic produc cell affect cell (autocrin intracrin signalling) nearbi cell (paracrin signalling). regul hormon synthesi gonadal, adrenal, thyroid hormon often depend complex set direct influenc feedback interact involv hypothalamic-pituitary-adren (hpa), -gonad (hpg), and-thyroid (hpt) axes."} {"id": "13798", "contents": "action hormon target cell hormon influenc target cell bind specif receptors. hormone-receptor interact initi process transform chemicalmessag cell response. page 2. goals/ need knowgoal learn hormon receptors. (page 3.) receptor water-solubl hormon found _____________ target cells, receptor lipid-solubl hormon found ________ ________ cells.5. (page 3.) target cell tend ______ _______ number theirreceptor sustain high level hormon present."} {"id": "13799", "contents": "true false. gland endocrin non-endocrin regions, function differently. true false. growth hormon protein stimul growth bones, muscles, organ promot protein synthesis. hormon produc pituitari gland. gland endocrin non-endocrin regions, function differently. true false. growth hormon protein stimul growth bones, muscles, organ promot protein synthesis."} {"id": "13800", "contents": "cell receptor hormon cell respond differ differentconcentr hormone. **now good time go quiz question #1. click quiz button left side screen. click scroll page list top screen complet question 1. (page 3.) receptor water-solubl hormon found _____________ target cells, receptor lipid-solubl hormon found ________ ________ cells.5. (page 3.) target cell tend ______ _______ number theirreceptor sustain high level hormon present."} {"id": "13801", "contents": "pleas review answer below. endocrin system act neurotransmitt call hormon influenc growth, development, metabol activities. true false. endocrin gland duct carri secretori product surface. gland endocrin non-endocrin regions, function differently. true false. growth hormon protein stimul growth bones, muscles, organ promot protein synthesis. hormon produc pituitari gland"} {"id": "13802", "contents": "dunn associ center investig reporting. hormon chemic messeng travel throughout bodi coordin complex process like growth, metabolism, fertility. influenc function immun system, even alter behavior. birth, guid develop brain reproduct system. hormon reason arm length, turn food fuel, chang head toe puberty. gland make known endocrin system (endocrin mean secret internally). chemic interfer function hormon therefor known endocrin disruptors. test ovaries, gonads, perhap familiar endocrin glands."} {"id": "13803", "contents": "list european countri averag wage. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. map list countri contain monthli (annual divid 12 months) gross net incom (after taxes) averag wage europ local currenc euro. chart reflect averag (mean) wage report variou data providers."} {"id": "13804", "contents": "money, cannot buy happiness, import mean achiev higher live standards. iceland, averag household net-adjust dispos incom per capita lower oecd averag usd 25 908 year. term employment, 82% peopl age 15 64 iceland paid job, oecd employ averag 65%, highest rate oecd. 84% men paid work, compar 80% women. iceland, averag home contain 1.5 room per person, less oecd averag 1.8 room per person. term basic facilities, 99.6% peopl iceland live dwell privat access indoor flush toilet, oecd averag 97.6%."} {"id": "13805", "contents": "repres money avail household spend good services. russian federation, averag household net-adjust dispos incom per capita estim usd 19 292 year, lower oecd averag usd 25 908. contrast, nordic eastern european countri characteris lower incom inequalities. averag oecd countries, averag net-adjust dispos incom top 20% popul estim usd 54 313 year, wherea bottom 20% live estim usd 496 year."} {"id": "13806", "contents": "repres money avail household spend good services. unit kingdom, averag household net-adjust dispos incom per capita usd 27 029 year, higher oecd averag usd 25 908. contrast, nordic eastern european countri characteris lower incom inequalities. averag oecd countries, averag net-adjust dispos incom top 20% popul estim usd 54 313 year, wherea bottom 20% live estim usd 496 year."} {"id": "13807", "contents": "repres money avail household spend good services. unit states, averag household net-adjust dispos incom per capita usd 41 355 year, much higher oecd averag usd 25 908 highest figur oecd. contrast, nordic eastern european countri characteris lower incom inequalities. averag oecd countries, averag net-adjust dispos incom top 20% popul estim usd 54 313 year, wherea bottom 20% live estim usd 496 year."} {"id": "13808", "contents": "household financi wealth total valu household\u2019 financi worth, money share held bank accounts. iceland, averag household net financi wealth per capita estim usd 43 045, lower oecd averag usd 67 139. iceland, averag home contain 1.5 room per person, less oecd averag 1.8 room per person. term basic facilities, 99.6% peopl iceland live dwell privat access indoor flush toilet, oecd averag 97.6%."} {"id": "13809", "contents": "averag incom per hous chile around thousand (in us) dollar per year, 2005. richest 10% popul account approxim 45.6% household con sumption poorest 10% approxim 1.3%. estim 1998 22% popul incom poverti line."} {"id": "13810", "contents": "repres money avail household spend good services. new zealand, averag household net-adjust dispos incom per capita usd 23 815 year, lower oecd averag usd 25 908. contrast, nordic eastern european countri characteris lower incom inequalities. averag oecd countries, averag net-adjust dispos incom top 20% popul estim usd 54 313 year, wherea bottom 20% live estim usd 496 year."} {"id": "13811", "contents": "averag iceland salaries. averag salari iceland job $54,000. averag iceland salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term iceland anywher job listing."} {"id": "13812", "contents": "magnesium glycin mostli insolubl water dispers well fine particl size. recommend put capsul add fruit juic smoothi aid taking. magnesium glycin chelat magnesium combin amino acid, glycine. taken supplement, use suppli adequ amount essenti element, magnesium. dietari magnesium requir everi cell bodi necessari compon hundr metabol processes."} {"id": "13813", "contents": "magnesium glycin revolutionari form magnesium fulli react amino acid chelat produc unique, patent process design enhanc absorpt intestin toler magnesium. 80% american defici magnesium. main sourc dark green leafi vegetables."} {"id": "13814", "contents": "nut natur sourc magnesium. photo credit nut imag andrzej w\u0142odarczyk fotolia.com. magnesium glycin made magnesium, essenti mineral, glycine, non-essenti amino acid. easili absorb body, like get carri cell bound amino acid. form magnesium also desir less like caus lax effect."} {"id": "13815", "contents": "depend seed have. gener seed take 14 day germinate. cours exceptions, varieti germin within day con dition right, other take liter year germinate-even condit right. 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "13816", "contents": "concern long grass seed take grow, condit good varieti grass use type grow fast, within week\u2019 time result may lush green patch lawn. may properli grown yet visibl result may take two three weeks. normal durat seed grass germin 10 day seed planted. howev also take minimum day maximum forti days. climat condit seed sown also essenti seed germin faster grow. seed grass germin faster avail proper light, water nutrit soil. excess heat, irrig over-us pesticid insecticid may kill germination. temper warm condit favor matter long grass seed take grow."} {"id": "13817", "contents": "length time take seed germin depend rang factors. import are: rang germin time gener vari littl one day (e.g. mustard seeds) one year (e.g. trees). gener seed take 14 day germinate. cours exceptions, varieti germin within day con dition right, other take liter year germinate-even condit right. 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "13818", "contents": "within 10-day period, notic seed germin right away other take littl bit longer. amount time realli anyth healthi plant long run. usual placement seed root sprouted. marijuana seed need follow get best germin rates: moisture-keep thing moist soak (you soak hard seed 24-32 hours, leav seed soak water longer that). peace-se need left alon wait taproot show up."} {"id": "13819", "contents": "seed store paper envelop dri lot, take long time rehydrate. germin 21-40 days. seed store plastic bag dri 24-48 hour refriger germin much quicker. mine store way germin within 3-21 days. give quickly."} {"id": "13820", "contents": "plant lot seed increas chances. averag time germination: week weeks. (depend varieti conditions). but, i'll know first hand probabl week get seed start journey tryng germin seeds. seed take long time germin grow normal conditions. pleas patient give month germinate. lightli water soil dri give sunlight."} {"id": "13821", "contents": "store cool, dri place, grass seed last 2-3 years. however, germin rate (the number seed grow) decreas time, may get result would use fresh seed. best results, use fresh product tri plant within year."} {"id": "13822", "contents": "want plant (or recent planted) seed want know long start see green shoots, quick answer. temper countries, commerci sold garden flower seed expect germin somewher 14 30 days. gener seed take 14 day germinate. cours exceptions, varieti germin within day con dition right, other take liter year germinate-even condit right. 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "13823", "contents": "plant knuckl deep-when plant germin seeds, place far grow medium, half inch inch (1.3 cm 2.5 cm) surfac medium enough. germin cannabi seeds, think springtim conditions. marijuana seed need follow get best germin rates: moisture-keep thing moist soak (you soak hard seed 24-32 hours, leav seed soak water longer that). peace-se need left alon wait taproot show up."} {"id": "13824", "contents": "stress appear caus thyroid problems, person overact thyroid would typic anxiou could definit feel stress usual. also, take thyroid hormon pill underact thyroid gland, dose may high."} {"id": "13825", "contents": "summary, chronic stress caus lot differ problems, manag ultim lead thyroid condition. cours doesn\u2019t mean thyroid condit caus stress, there\u2019 question stress culprit mani thyroid disorders."} {"id": "13826", "contents": "weak adren caus hypothyroid symptom without problem thyroid gland itself. cases, treat thyroid unnecessari ineffective, address adren key improv thyroid function."} {"id": "13827", "contents": "high low cortisol caus chronic stressor list caus hypoglycemica, hyperglycemia both. saw previou article, blood sugar imbal caus hypothyroid symptom varieti ways. adren stress also direct impact thyroid function."} {"id": "13828", "contents": "stress caus thyroid symptoms. much medic literatur look effect stress thyroid focus hyperthyroid condit call graves' disease. general, graves' caus autoimmun respons prompt thyroid make much thyroid hormone."} {"id": "13829", "contents": "peopl know stress neg affect one\u2019 health. peopl thyroid condit don\u2019t realiz chronic stress actual lead develop thyroid condition."} {"id": "13830", "contents": "unlik caus overact thyroid, graves' diseas also cause: eye changes. peopl graves' disease, tissu behind eye becom inflam swells. caus bulg discomfort one eyes."} {"id": "13831", "contents": "pregnanc may caus chang hormon affect thyroid, thyroid problem affect grow baby. women graves' disease, symptom worsen first trimester, improv rest pregnancy. symptom often worsen delivery."} {"id": "13832", "contents": "rather caus anxiety, hypothyroid often result symptom depression. hyperthyroidism, overact thyroid, caus symptom like anxiety, nervousness, irritability, restlessness, sweating, rapid irregular heartbeat. symptom result overproduct hormon thyroxine, speed body' metabolism."} {"id": "13833", "contents": "car rental, hire car, car hire agenc compani rent automobil short period time, gener rang hour weeks."} {"id": "13834", "contents": "1. 'carriage'. carriag one sever noun use refer vehicl pull railway engines. british english, carriag one separ section train carri passengers. man left seat window cross carriag sitting. 2. 'car'. car. 1. automobile. 2. vehicl run rails, streetcar railroad car. 3. part conveyance, elev balloon, carri passengers, freight, etc."} {"id": "13835", "contents": "car wheeled, self-pow motor vehicl use transportation. definit term specifi car design run primarili roads, seat one eight people, typic four wheels, construct princip transport peopl rather goods. word car believ origin latin word carru carrum (wheel vehicle), middl english word carr (mean cart, old north french). turn, origin gaulish word karro (a gallic chariot)."} {"id": "13836", "contents": "fair market rang use car kelley blue book' estim consum reason expect pay week area year, make model use vehicl typic mile configur select options, exclud taxes, titl fees, buy dealer. trade-in rang kelley blue book' estim consum reason expect receiv week base style, condition, mileag option vehicl trade dealer. however, everi dealer differ valu guaranteed."} {"id": "13837", "contents": "car warranti give peac mind regard repair vehicl need specifi period time. new car factori warranti typic extend least three year purchase, mani warranti avail longer period time. environment protect agenc mandat emiss warranti new cars. emiss compon car guarante two year 24,000 miles. certain major emiss compon cover warranti last eight year"} {"id": "13838", "contents": "full definit car. 1. vehicl move wheels: archaic: carriage, chariot b: vehicl design move rail (a railroad) c: automobile. 2. passeng compart elevator. 3. part airship balloon carri passeng cargo."} {"id": "13839", "contents": "cost benefit car use. cost car usag includ cost of: acquir vehicle, interest payment (if car financed), repair auto maintenance, fuel, depreciation, drive time, park fees, taxes, insurance. word car believ origin latin word carru carrum (wheel vehicle), middl english word carr (mean cart, old north french). turn, origin gaulish word karro (a gallic chariot)."} {"id": "13840", "contents": "car vehicl use transport passengers. car usual four wheel intern combust engine. anoth name automobil greek auto french mobile. van pickup truck car-lik vehicl made carri medium size loads; example, good deliveri plumber 's builder' tool materials. heavi lorri use carri deliveri heavi loads. order car work, must fuel."} {"id": "13841", "contents": "motor car attest 1895, usual formal name car british english. autocar variant also attest 1895, consid archaic. liter mean self-propel car. word car believ origin latin word carru carrum (wheel vehicle), middl english word carr (mean cart, old north french). turn, origin gaulish word karro (a gallic chariot)."} {"id": "13842", "contents": "car leas method obtain new use car involv pay portion car\u2019 actual cost oppos pay car entirety. leas new car pay portion car use number year leas agreement. alway option purchas leas vehicl end leas often time project residu valu agreement set stone won\u2019t option negoti price essenti use car."} {"id": "13843", "contents": "team decid use chines system model order aid understand mayan medicin western medicin far remov tradit mayan medicine. mani parallel similar two ancient medicin practic found. midlin face, hairlin forehead call shent chinese. mayan medicin gener punctur conjunct afor mention point. practic use point treatment headaches. chines also use point case insomnia, hysteria asthma."} {"id": "13844", "contents": "civil thousand year apart other, yet show remark similar way keep record time. talk lecture, egyptian two differ calendars, civil calendar religi calendar. found surpris aztec also similar two calendar system, even though civil opposit side world 2000 year apart."} {"id": "13845", "contents": "symbol relat languag either civilization. egypt call write hieroglyphics. write use chiefli record spell keep records. similarly, chines write use keep record trade money transactions. sinc china egypt isol outside, develop strong focu technolog learn strong govern hold nation together. one similar two writing."} {"id": "13846", "contents": "modern china. similar ancient china:th similar modern ancient china are, though ancient china larger, massiv countries, power armies, ahead warfar weapon main religion mostli confucius."} {"id": "13847", "contents": "point mayan chines acupunctur correspond (see diagram posit points). eyebrow consid crucial point blood head run it. chines medicin point known yintang also consid important. midlin face, hairlin forehead call shent chinese. mayan medicin gener punctur conjunct afor mention point. practic use point treatment headaches. chines also use point case insomnia, hysteria asthma."} {"id": "13848", "contents": "text preview. ancient civil lot similar differences. two civil aryan shang. aryan rule india 1500 b.c. 1000b.c. shang rule china 1750 b.c. 1122 b.c. aryan shang similar differ writing, religion, technology."} {"id": "13849", "contents": "call sidu chines situat ulna radius. purpos open orific clear brain, ear throat. addit shoulder pain, chines use point aid pain gum teeth, deaf rigid paralysi fingers. midlin face, hairlin forehead call shent chinese. mayan medicin gener punctur conjunct afor mention point. practic use point treatment headaches. chines also use point case insomnia, hysteria asthma."} {"id": "13850", "contents": "four main ancient river valley civilizations: fertil crescent mesopotamia, nile river egypt, indu river india, yellow river china. civil show specif similar contrast differences. sinc china egypt isol outside, develop strong focu technolog learn strong govern hold nation together. one similar two writing."} {"id": "13851", "contents": "ancient china. similar modern china: similar modern ancient china are, though ancient china larger, massiv countries, power armies, ahead warfar weapon main religion mostli confucius."} {"id": "13852", "contents": "similar differ ancient china greece? could think differ like greec poli sever city-states, essenti greec compos sever countries. china, hand, unifi qin. that' differ could think of. better compar ancient greec small collect citi states, like middl age italy, ancient maya others. china similar develop larger empir west, like rome."} {"id": "13853", "contents": "biography. biographi contactmusic.com. kendal jenner (born 03.11.1995) realiti tv star appear 'keep kardashians'. childhood: kendal jenner born lo angeles, california. parent bruce jenner, olymp athlete, kri jenner, manag older sisters' career"} {"id": "13854", "contents": "mini bio (1). kyli jenner born august 10, 1997 lo angeles, california kri jenner (nee n\u00e9e kristen mary) houghton athlet caitlyn. jenner kyli one full, sibl kendall. jenner mini bio (1). kyli jenner born august 10, 1997 lo angeles, california kri jenner (nee n\u00e9e kristen mary) houghton athlet caitlyn. jenner"} {"id": "13855", "contents": "jenner born lo angeles, california, retir olymp decathlet champion caitlyn jenner (who chang name bruce 2015 gender transition) televis person kri jenner. jenner rais blend famili one younger sister, kyli jenner, eight half-siblings."} {"id": "13856", "contents": "5' (1.68 m). kyli jenner born august 10, 1997 lo angeles, california kri jenner (nee n\u00e9e kristen mary) houghton athlet caitlyn. jenner kyli one full, sibl kendall. jenner mini bio (1). kyli jenner born august 10, 1997 lo angeles, california kri jenner (nee n\u00e9e kristen mary) houghton athlet caitlyn. jenner"} {"id": "13857", "contents": "biographi contactmusic.com. kyli jenner (born 10.08.1997) realiti tv star best known appear 'keep kardashians'. childhood: kyli jenner born calabasas, california. parent bruce jenner, track field athlete, kri jenner."} {"id": "13858", "contents": "mini bio (1). kendal nicol jenner born lo angl parent kri jenner (nee n\u00e9e kristen mary) houghton caitlyn, (jenner formerli known bruce) jenner a.u olymp gold medal decathlon winner november, 3. 1995 jenner american, socialit televis person and. model"} {"id": "13859", "contents": "earli life. jenner born lo angeles, california. youngest daughter 1976 summer olymp decathlon winner caitlyn jenner (born bruce) tv person kri jenner. older sister, kendall. june 2015, jenner sister launch cloth line kendal kyli british fashion retail topshop. august 18, 2015, jenner announc launch first lipstick line apart self-titl lip kit."} {"id": "13860", "contents": "mitochondria also orchestr orderli death cell (see also cell death als). mitochondria play role remov cell need grow animal, later, adult, cell work properly. mitochondria especi critic motor neuron die als, cell must meet extraordinari demand cellular energy. research report damag mitochondria cell mice mutat sod1."} {"id": "13861", "contents": "view full size image. mitochondria special structur uniqu cell animals, plant fungi. serv batteries, power variou function cell organ whole. though mitochondria integr part cell, evid show evolv primit bacteria. mitochondria unlik organel (with except plant chloroplasts) set dna gene encod proteins. plant mitochondria first observ friedrich meve 1904, mention ernster schatz (journal cell biology, 1981)."} {"id": "13862", "contents": "mitochondrion structure. mitochondria energi factori cells. energi currenc work anim must energy-rich molecul adenosin triphosph (atp). atp produc mitochondria use energi store food. chloroplast plant act sugar factori suppli order molecul plant, mitochondria anim plant act produc order atp molecul energi suppli process life. cell lot structur capabl produc high amount avail energy. atp product mitochondria done process respiration, essenc use oxygen process gener energy."} {"id": "13863", "contents": "mitochondria pose dna, reproduc respire. mitochondria similar bacteria mani ways. good theori origin mitochondria bacteria surviv engulf larger cell, form mutual symbiosis. added: mitochondria sourc cell' atp; energi currenc cell. food eaten oxid final process oxid phosphoryl atp synthes cell work."} {"id": "13864", "contents": "mitochondria special structur uniqu cell animals, plant fungi. serv batteries, power variou function cell organ whole. mitochondria unlik organel (with except plant chloroplasts) set dna gene encod proteins. plant mitochondria first observ friedrich meve 1904, mention ernster schatz (journal cell biology, 1981)."} {"id": "13865", "contents": "mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) doubl membrane-bound organel found eukaryot cells. word mitochondrion come greek \u03bc\u03af\u03c4\u03bf\u03c2, mitos, i.e. thread, \u03c7\u03bf\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03af\u03bf\u03bd, chondrion, i.e. granul grain-like. mitochondria rang 0.5 1.0 \u03bcm diameter. consider variat seen structur size organelle. unless specif stained, visible."} {"id": "13866", "contents": "mitochondria unusu organelles. act power plant cell, surround two membranes, genome. also divid independ cell reside, mean mitochondri replic coupl cell division. therefore, power-hungri cell mitochondria cell lower energi needs. example, repeatedli stimul muscl cell spur product mitochondria cell, keep energi demand."} {"id": "13867", "contents": "mitochondria carri cellular respir creat en ergi (atp) eukaryot cells-for reason sometim call powerhous cell. mitochondria found eukaryot cell turn kind food energy, whether organ creat not. added: mitochondria sourc cell' atp; energi currenc cell. food eaten oxid final process oxid phosphoryl atp synthes cell work."} {"id": "13868", "contents": "mitochondria mitochondria rod-shap organel consid power gener cell, convert oxygen nutrient adenosin triphosph (atp). atp chemic energi currenc cell power cell' metabol activities."} {"id": "13869", "contents": "mitochondria cannot made scratch need mitochondri nuclear gene products. organel replic divid two, use process similar simple, asexu form cell divis employ bacteria. video microscopi show mitochondria incred dynamic. constantli dividing, fusing, chang shape. therefore, power-hungri cell mitochondria cell lower energi needs. example, repeatedli stimul muscl cell spur product mitochondria cell, keep energi demand."} {"id": "13870", "contents": "fix cost. definition: fix cost cost vari short term, irrespect chang product sale levels, measur activity. fix cost basic oper expens busi cannot avoided, rent payment. continu exampl fix cost, rent build chang leas run re-negotiated, irrespect level busi activ within building. exampl fix cost insurance, depreciation, properti taxes."} {"id": "13871", "contents": "variabl cost cost vari depend company' product volume; rise product increas fall product decreases. variabl cost differ fix cost rent, advertising, insur offic supplies, tend remain regardless product output."} {"id": "13872", "contents": "variabl cost. definition: variabl cost cost vari relat chang volum activity. variabl cost concept use model futur financi perform business, well set minimum price points. common variabl cost are:"} {"id": "13873", "contents": "definit 'fix cost'. cost chang increas decreas amount good servic produced. fix cost expens paid company, independ busi activity. one two compon total cost good service, along variabl cost. next"} {"id": "13874", "contents": "variabl cost cost chang proport good servic busi produces. variabl cost also sum margin cost unit produced. also consid normal costs. fix cost variabl cost make two compon total cost. direct costs, however, cost easili associ particular cost object. however, variabl cost direct costs."} {"id": "13875", "contents": "along variabl costs, fix cost make one two compon total cost: total cost equal fix cost plu variabl costs. economics, fix costs, indirect cost overhead busi expens depend level good servic produc business. tend time-related, salari rent paid per month, often refer overhead costs. manag accounting, fix cost defin expens chang function activ business, within relev period. example, retail must pay rent util bill irrespect sales. marketing, necessari know cost divid variabl fixed."} {"id": "13876", "contents": "company' total cost combin fix variabl costs. bicycl compani produc 10 bikes, total cost would $1,000 fix plu $2,000 variabl equal $3,000, $300 per unit. example, bicycl busi total fix cost $1,000 produc one bike, full $1,000 fix cost must appli bike. hand, busi produc 10 bikes, fix cost per unit declin $100. variabl cost behav differently."} {"id": "13877", "contents": "exampl fix cost would company' leas building. compani pay $10,000 month cover cost leas manufactur anyth month, leas payment still due full. fix cost expens paid company, independ busi activity. one two compon total cost good service, along variabl cost."} {"id": "13878", "contents": "variabl cost cost vari output. gener variabl cost increas constant rate rel labor capital. variabl cost may includ wages, utilities, materi use production, etc. account also often refer mix costs. simpli cost part fix part variable. exampl could electricity--electr usag may increas product noth produc factori still may requir certain amount power maintain itself. cost face compani broken two main categories: fix cost variabl costs. fix cost cost independ output. remain constant throughout relev rang usual consid sunk relev rang (not relev output decisions)."} {"id": "13879", "contents": "pediatr allergist salary. pediatr allergist averag salari $122,474, median salari $140,000 salari rang $91,000 $145,184. pediatr allergist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "13880", "contents": "allergist salari wage usa. averag salari allergist around $133,450 per annum. beginn expect start salari $109,900 annually. pay rate gradual increas increas employ tenure. therefor time, allergist may earn incom around $157,000. annual salari top earn allergist rang $125,600 $188,400. averag hourli wage allergist rang $48 $71. beginn receiv start wage $39 $59 top allergist receiv hourli wage around $56 $84."} {"id": "13881", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-immunology/allergi unit state $229,152 50% peopl perform job physician-immunology/allergi unit state expect make less $229,152. source: hr report data august 2015. annual salari someon job titl physician-immunology/allergi may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "13882", "contents": "(unit states). salari allergist-immunologist unit state generous, averag pay six figur ($166k) per year. men slightli outnumb femal counterpart answer questionnaire, make slight major 56 percent"} {"id": "13883", "contents": "start salary. averag start salari allergist first year job, report valuemd.com, $158,000 year. recruit agenc profil report median start salari $190,000 year occupation. women gener earn salari rang $149,672 $235,000 year, men typic paid $169,693 $275,130 annual accord payscale. allergists\u2019 salari depend geograph locat among factor vari consider state state."} {"id": "13884", "contents": "accord statistics, averag annual salari allergist rang $106,760 $160,140 start salari rang $87,920 $131,880. annual salari top earn allergist rang $125,600 $188,400. averag hourli wage allergist rang $48 $71. beginn receiv start wage $39 $59 top allergist receiv hourli wage around $56 $84."} {"id": "13885", "contents": "averag salari rate allergist employ u.s. $80.53 per hour accord salari data report jobstat. highest hourli wage record occup $129.62 lowest, $37.79 per hour. women gener earn salari rang $149,672 $235,000 year, men typic paid $169,693 $275,130 annual accord payscale. allergists\u2019 salari depend geograph locat among factor vari consider state state."} {"id": "13886", "contents": "averag yearli salari immunologist rang $66,640 $99,960 accord pay statistics. start salari immunologist averag $54,880 $82,320 averag immunologist receiv take home salari rang $66,640 $99,960 per annum. averag salari immunologist depend work experience. highest annual immunologist salari $250,493 earn immunologist 10 year experi $98,264 earn less year"} {"id": "13887", "contents": "immunologist salary. immunologist\u2019 salari unit state $215,158 per year. accord us bureau labor statistics, averag immunologist salari immunologist employ public sector $180,870 per year. lowest paid immunologist receiv less $53,510 per year lower rang earn $111,830 per year. averag salari immunologist depend work experience. highest annual immunologist salari $250,493 earn immunologist 10 year experi $98,264 earn less year"} {"id": "13888", "contents": "bowl granola photo credit \u0430\u043d\u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0443\u0440\u0437\u0430\u0435\u0432\u0430/istock/getti images. eat granola may help lower cholesterol prevent certain chronic diseases, heart diseas cancer. type breakfast cereal consist whole grain oats, nut dri fruits. oat commonli toast small amount oil sweetener, give cereal crunchi texture. granola good sourc healthi fats, come nuts, seed oil contains. serv granola give gram monounsatur fatti acid gram polyunsatur fatti acids. two form fat may help lower cholesterol blood pressure, reduc inflammation."} {"id": "13889", "contents": "potenti benefits. made simpli responsibly, granola provid decent health benefit consumers. roll oat provid lot fiber, import digestion, fruit nut granola contain import vitamin promot good health. example, almond help lower cholesterol, cranberri associ urinari tract health."} {"id": "13890", "contents": "come best food digest health, perhap best way think this: caus symptoms, good. food clean bowel system. food help keep regular. food increas reflux."} {"id": "13891", "contents": "granola made roll oats. typic granola made roll oat simpli mean oat grain roll flat. noth help digest it. also quick oat ground oat grain help cook fast. steel cut oat oat grain chop up, also help cook faster."} {"id": "13892", "contents": "verdict. oatmeal granola offer nutrit benefit oats, oatmeal win battl slight edge. nut dri fruit often ad granola offer healthi fat extra fiber easili incorpor bowl oatmeal. granola fall short ad sugar use give granola tast texture, pack extra fat, sugar calories. fat, plain oatmeal contain modest 1.4 gram granola contain almost 20 grams. nutrient oatmeal win landslid protein, oatmeal 2.4 gram granola provid 10 grams."} {"id": "13893", "contents": "fiber part plant food digest absorb body. rather, pass bodi eliminated. fiber help regul digest system help move food digest tract. import increas intak fibrou food granola slowly. fibrou food may actual caus constip digest complaint bloat flatul introduc quickli diet."} {"id": "13894", "contents": "digest way bodi break food particl absorb blood stream. unfortunately, number thing disturb digest process, result complic excess gas, bloating, nausea, constip diarrhea."} {"id": "13895", "contents": "health benefit granola. digestion: digest aid, granola almost unmatched. commonli consum peopl want boost fiber content, granola contain solubl insolubl fiber. dietari fiber benefici part anyone\u2019 eat habit regul digest food. long list health benefit commonli attribut granola mainli due content vitamins, minerals, essenti nutrients, including, limit to, dietari fibers, sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamin-e, vitamin-c, niacin, vitamin e, iron, thiamin."} {"id": "13896", "contents": "granola breakfast food snack food consist roll oats, nuts, honey, sometim puf rice, usual bake crisp. bake process mixtur stir maintain loose, breakfast cereal-typ consistency. dri fruits, raisin dates, sometim added. often combin bar form. granola often eaten combin yogurt, honey, fruit (such bananas, strawberries, and/or blueberries), milk, and/or form cereal. also serv top variou type pastri and/or desserts. granola, particularli recip includ flax seeds, often use improv digest"} {"id": "13897", "contents": "definit lobbyist usual revolv around compensation. state defin lobbyist someon receiv amount compens reimburs lobby. among except hawaii, minnesota new york. state defin lobbi lobbyist. tabl intend provid gener inform necessarili address aspect topic. fact situat may vary, inform may need supplement consult legal advisors."} {"id": "13898", "contents": "lobbi done mani type people, associ organ groups, includ individu privat sector, corporations, fellow legisl govern officials, advocaci group (interest groups). example, medic associ may lobbi legislatur increas restrict smoke prevent laws, tobacco compani lobbi reduc them: first regard smoke injuri health second argu part freedom choice."} {"id": "13899", "contents": "lobbi (also lobby) act attempt influenc decis made offici government, often legisl member regulatori agencies. example, medic associ may lobbi legislatur increas restrict smoke prevent laws, tobacco compani lobbi reduc them: first regard smoke injuri health second argu part freedom choice."} {"id": "13900", "contents": "although lobbi whole serv checks-and-bal safeguard legisl process, individu lobbyist necessarili equal. unlik voters, get one vote, lobbyist vari degre influence. practic lobbi consid essenti proper function u.s. govern specif protect first amend u.s. constitution: congress shall make law abridg right peopl peaceabl petit govern redress grievances.."} {"id": "13901", "contents": "dictionari definitions: lobbying' (also 'lobby') form advocaci intent influenc decis made govern individu usual lobbi groups; includ attempt influenc legisl officials, whether legislators, constituents, organ groups. example, medic associ may lobbi legislatur increas restrict smoke prevent laws, tobacco compani lobbi reduc them: first regard smoke injuri health second argu part freedom choice."} {"id": "13902", "contents": "legisl lobbyist repres corporation, advocaci group client nation state legislatur govern agencies. one day may meet member congress express concern propos bill, next may approach govern agenc feder funding. lobbyist repres client state level, work member state legislatures, governor\u2019 offic state agencies. other work washington, d.c., meet member congress behalf clients."} {"id": "13903", "contents": "legisl advocaci refer effort influenc introduction, enactment, modif legislation. common mean legisl advocaci direct lobbying, entail contact legislator, share view issue, ask vote specif way bill. done someth easi phone call letter, formal meet legisl staff person."} {"id": "13904", "contents": "'lobbying' (also 'lobby') form advocaci intent influenc decis made govern individu usual lobbi groups; includ attempt influenc legisl officials, whether legislators, constituents, organ groups. example, medic associ may lobbi legislatur increas restrict smoke prevent laws, tobacco compani lobbi reduc them: first regard smoke injuri health second argu part freedom choice."} {"id": "13905", "contents": "50 version lobbi law state territories. yet, state share basic definit lobbi attempt influenc govern action. written oral commun recogn lobbying. state defin lobbi lobbyist. tabl intend provid gener inform necessarili address aspect topic. fact situat may vary, inform may need supplement consult legal advisors."} {"id": "13906", "contents": "lobbyist activist seek persuad member govern (like member congress) enact legisl would benefit group. lobbi profess legitim integr part democrat polit process well understood gener population. lobbi regul industri protect activ first amend u.s. constitut guarante right free speech, assembly, petition. lobbi involv persuad legislators."} {"id": "13907", "contents": "fusion surgic techniqu one vertebra spine unit togeth (\u201cfused\u201d) motion longer occur them. concept fusion similar weld industry. spinal fusion surgery, however, weld vertebra immedi surgery. rather, bone graft place around spine surgery. bodi heal graft sever month similar heal fractur joins, \u201cwelds,\u201d vertebra together. one less controversi reason spinal fusion vertebr fracture. although spinal fractur need surgery, fractures-particularli associ spinal cord nerv injury-gener requir fusion part surgic treatment."} {"id": "13908", "contents": "4. get help doctor \u203a. 3+ months: fractur c2 rang mild fractur sever fractur place spinal cord risk. need simpl collar, halo, other surgery. depend specif fractur treated, take 3-6 month complet healed. c2 fractur seen spine surgeon make sure heal properli protect spinal cord. ...read more. get help doctor \u203a. 12 weeks: vertebr fractur typic heal cours 12 weeks. patient realli want know, though, pain resolve, anywher week 12 weeks."} {"id": "13909", "contents": "fractures: pressur put bone stand, break. common type spine fractur vertebr bodi compress fractur (fig. 2). sudden downward forc shatter collaps bodi vertebrae. symptom spinal fractur vari depend sever locat injury. includ back neck pain, numbness, tingling, muscl spasm, weakness, bowel/bladd changes, paralysis. paralysi loss movement arm leg may indic spinal cord injury."} {"id": "13910", "contents": "fractur occur anywher along spine. five ten percent occur cervic (neck) region. sixti four percent occur thoracolumbar (low back) region, often t12-l1. numer classif fractures. symptom spinal fractur vari depend sever locat injury. includ back neck pain, numbness, tingling, muscl spasm, weakness, bowel/bladd changes, paralysis. paralysi loss movement arm leg may indic spinal cord injury."} {"id": "13911", "contents": "best answer: patient diagnos broken back, doctor determin best treatment depend type break. surgeri often consid treat fractur back. surgeon choos treatment method base sever fracture. example, fractur bone (vertebrae) may fuse healthi vertebra next it, may remov replac bone graft fuse vertebra either side. traction techniqu may use help align bone heal."} {"id": "13912", "contents": "fracture, break, one cervic vertebra commonli call broken neck. cervic fractur usual result high-energi trauma, automobil crash falls. athlet also risk. cervic fractur occur if: footbal player spear oppon head. minor compress fractur treat cervic brace worn week bone heals. complex extens fractur may requir traction, surgery, month rigid cast, combin treatments."} {"id": "13913", "contents": "overview. spinal fractur differ broken arm leg. fractur disloc vertebra caus bone fragment pinch damag spinal nerv spinal cord. spinal fractur occur car accidents, falls, gunshot, sports. symptom spinal fractur vari depend sever locat injury. includ back neck pain, numbness, tingling, muscl spasm, weakness, bowel/bladd changes, paralysis. paralysi loss movement arm leg may indic spinal cord injury."} {"id": "13914", "contents": "treatment depend seven cervic vertebra damag kind fractur sustained. minor compress fractur treat cervic brace worn week bone heals. complex extens fractur may requir traction, surgery, month rigid cast, combin treatments."} {"id": "13915", "contents": "mani potenti reason surgeon consid fuse vertebrae. include: treatment fractur (broken) vertebra; correct deform (spinal curv slippages); elimin pain pain motion; treatment instability; treatment cervic disc herniations. one less controversi reason spinal fusion vertebr fracture. although spinal fractur need surgery, fractures-particularli associ spinal cord nerv injury-gener requir fusion part surgic treatment."} {"id": "13916", "contents": "weak feel bodi fatigu (tiredness). person experienc weak may abl move part bodi properli may experi tremor (uncontrol movement twitches) area weakness."} {"id": "13917", "contents": "weak decreas strength one muscles. strictest sense, medic definit weak refer loss muscl strength, articl focus upon condit result measur loss muscl function."} {"id": "13918", "contents": "sudden muscl weak loss function one area bodi indic seriou problem within brain (such stroke transient ischem attack) spinal cord specif nerv body."} {"id": "13919", "contents": "depend cause, weak may occur one muscle, group muscles, muscles, may accompani pain, atrophy, cramping, type muscular symptoms. cases, muscl weak happen suddenly, especi one side body, sign stroke."} {"id": "13920", "contents": "peopl experi weak certain area bodies, arm legs. other may experi full bodi weakness, often result bacteri viral infect influenza hepatitis. weak may temporary, case chronic continuous."} {"id": "13921", "contents": "guillain-barr barr\u00e9, syndrom rare nerv disord caus weak the, legs, arm muscl progress complete. paralysi myasthenia, gravi a, rare chronic disord caus weak rapid muscle. fatigu"} {"id": "13922", "contents": "guillain-barr barr\u00e9 syndrom seriou health problem occur the'bodi (defense) immun system mistakenli attack part nervous. system lead nerv inflamm caus muscl weak paralysi other. symptom"} {"id": "13923", "contents": "muscl weakness, myasthenia, decreas strength one muscles. common symptom muscular, neurolog metabol disorders. muscular diseases, muscular dystrophi dermatomyos (disord character muscl inflammation), common caus muscl weakness."} {"id": "13924", "contents": "hand, see compani lose market share competitor could sign long-term weak like reason sell. rapid price appreci possibl upon buy shares, stock price, one reason another, rise dramat short period time. example, investor purchas share stock $25 share, tell stock hit $30, sell. happen next common. stock hit $30 investor decid hold coupl points. surely, stock reach $32 greed continu overcom rationality."} {"id": "13925", "contents": "day trade basics. day trader buy sell stock day, tri profit daili fluctuat stock prices. example, day trader might purchas stock $35.50 share sell coupl minut later $35.60 share, profit 10 cent per share. stock' price fell back $35.50 later day, trader might buy share hope anoth price increase. day trader buy sell stock sever time say day. however, stock market fluid, allow investor buy sell stock day even within hour minute."} {"id": "13926", "contents": "frequent trader day trader would howl could sell re-buy stock day individu retir accounts. frequent trader enter exit posit quickly, make perhap dozen trade per day. free riding. ira not, must observ basic rule sell buy share day. u.s., take three day stock trade settle. mean sell share monday, receiv proce thur"} {"id": "13927", "contents": "first, there' taxman. there' big disincentive, tax wise, buy sell stock time. sell stock own less year capit gain, gain subject short-term capit gain tax rates. short-term gain taxed, generally, ordinari incom rate."} {"id": "13928", "contents": "3. sell quickly. one allur penni stock make 20% 30% days. make kind return penni stock, sell quickly. unfortunately, mani trader get greedy, aim 1,000% return. consid penni stock you\u2019r might get pump up, take profit move on."} {"id": "13929", "contents": "that' $1,000 gain. sell stock less year buy it, tax liabil $1,000 gain $280. however, hung year, maximum tax rate 15%, tax $150. would kept $130 gain waiting. sell stock own less year capit gain, gain subject short-term capit gain tax rates. short-term gain taxed, generally, ordinari incom rate."} {"id": "13930", "contents": "so, answer question this: rule stop buy sell stock again, plenti factor make bad idea. matt krantz financi market report usa today author invest onlin dummies. sell stock own less year capit gain, gain subject short-term capit gain tax rates. short-term gain taxed, generally, ordinari incom rate."} {"id": "13931", "contents": "buy sell fast want it. even minut buy sell transaction. buy one day sell next, problem. buy sell day, need becom familiar pattern day trader requirements. said, propos extrem unlikely. number used, look 20% 30% gain within one day"} {"id": "13932", "contents": "corgi breed shed, however, light brush twice week 20 minut high-qual dog food keep shed minimum. adult corgi' adjust adapt new home minim problem long owner dog-savvi done research breed. paper fair price. dog paper mix breed, price dog around cost owner get puppi vaccin (averag $100 $300) plu price spay/neut would cost (averag $250), $600.00 pretti fair."} {"id": "13933", "contents": "pembrok averag life expect 12\u201315 years. pembrok welsh corgi achondroplastic, mean true dwarf breed. such, statur build lead certain non-inherit health conditions, genet issu also considered. one two breed known welsh corgi: cardigan welsh corgi. descend line northern spitz-typ dog (exampl includ siberian husky). pembrok welsh corgi younger two corgi breed separ distinct breed cardigan. corgi one smallest dog herd group. pembrok welsh corgi fame prefer breed queen elizabeth ii, own 30 reign"} {"id": "13934", "contents": "pembrok welsh corgi rank #11 stanley coren 's intellig dogs, thu consid excel work dog. pembrok welsh corgi rank 25th popular dog 2011. one two breed known welsh corgi: cardigan welsh corgi. descend line northern spitz-typ dog (exampl includ siberian husky). pembrok welsh corgi younger two corgi breed separ distinct breed cardigan. corgi one smallest dog herd group. pembrok welsh corgi fame prefer breed queen elizabeth ii, own 30 reign"} {"id": "13935", "contents": "nemo pembrok welsh corgi year old. find pembrok welsh corgi breeder place ad rescu pembrok welsh corgi list rescu pronunci pem-bruuk-welsh-kor-ge descript pembrok welsh corgi long (bi bodi compar legs), low ground dog. back actual longer dogs\u2019; leg short comparison. skull wide flat ears. description."} {"id": "13936", "contents": "pembrok welsh corgi also highli popular british royalty; queen elizabeth ii reportedli dozen pet pembrokes. pembrok welsh corgi shoulder height 25-30 cm (10-12 in) weigh 15 kg (30 lbs); almost twice long tall. pembrok welsh corgi long, thick, water-resist outer coat consist hard straight hairs, short undercoat. red, sable, fawn, black tan, possibl white mark legs, chest, muzzle, blaze (vertic line eyes)."} {"id": "13937", "contents": "cardigan welsh corgi. cardigan welsh corgi older two corgi dog breeds, dog type believ exist wale 3,000 years. cardigan distinguish long tail like sleev cardigan sweater use drive cattl market."} {"id": "13938", "contents": "coat shed twice year. origin cardigan welsh corgi older pembrok welsh corgi, pembrok bred cardigan. corgi varieti may descend keeshond, pomeranian, schipperk swedish vallhund. say older cardigan cardiganshir brought celt 1200 bc. description. pembrok welsh corgi long (bi bodi compar legs), low ground dog. back actual longer dogs\u2019; leg short comparison. skull wide flat ears."} {"id": "13939", "contents": "year two breeds, cardigan welsh corgi pembrok welsh corgi, shown two varieti singl breed. sinc two corgi breed develop welsh hill country, area mile apart, evid crossbreed two account similarities. dog' undercoat short, soft, thick. breed stand 12 inch (30 cm) shoulder, weigh 30 pound (14 kg). cardigan sturdy, mobile, alert, active, intelligent, steady, neither shi aggressive."} {"id": "13940", "contents": "pembrok welsh corgi. two breed welsh corgis, cardigan pembroke, name counti wale originated. two breed recogn one breed 1934 kennel club recogn pembrok cardigan. dog' undercoat short, soft, thick. breed stand 12 inch (30 cm) shoulder, weigh 30 pound (14 kg). cardigan sturdy, mobile, alert, active, intelligent, steady, neither shi aggressive."} {"id": "13941", "contents": "ibr calcul look income, famili size, state resid calcul ibr monthli payment amount. amount lower monthli payment would pay standard 10-year repay plan, elig repay loan ibr. ibr two key advantages, compar repay plans. first, loan forgiven repay 25 year (or, cases, 20 years), even loan complet paid"} {"id": "13942", "contents": "decemb 21, 2012, recent colleg graduat feder student loan appli lower monthli payment use pay earn plan. new repay plan lower monthli payment cap wide avail income-bas repay (ibr) plan. june 2012, white hous announc would streamlin applic process income-bas repay (ibr) plan, we'r happi report new onlin applic tool avail studentloans.gov."} {"id": "13943", "contents": "income-bas repay (ibr) wide avail income-driven repay (idr) plan feder student loan avail sinc 2009. income-driven repay plan help borrow keep loan payment afford payment cap base incom famili size. period borrow calcul payment zero ibr icr (thi occur incom 150% poverti level famili size). period juli 1, 2009, borrow grant econom hardship deferment."} {"id": "13944", "contents": "ibr use kind slide scale determin much afford pay feder loans. earn 150% poverti level famili size, requir loan payment $0. earn more, loan payment cap 15% whatev earn amount. period borrow calcul payment zero ibr icr (thi occur incom 150% poverti level famili size). period juli 1, 2009, borrow grant econom hardship deferment."} {"id": "13945", "contents": "income-bas repay (ibr) way make feder student loan payment manageable. teacher work govern nonprofit (501(c)(3)) organization, might qualifi new type public servic loan forgiv (pslf) 10 year elig payment employment. june 2012, white hous announc would streamlin applic process income-bas repay (ibr) plan, we'r happi report new onlin applic tool avail studentloans.gov."} {"id": "13946", "contents": "ibr. infecti bovin rhinotrach (commonli call ibr red nose) acute, contagi viru diseas cattle. often implic infect initi ship fever complex. infect usual occur air passag head wind pipe. mani ibr vaccin includ entir ibr/pi /brsv/bvd ship fever complex. ask question cattl disease, click get answer! cattl today onlin cattleman' guid cattl business."} {"id": "13947", "contents": "enter ibr, enough debt rel incom qualifi reduc payment. mean would take 15% whatev earn 150% poverti level pay loan standard 10-year payment plan. period borrow calcul payment zero ibr icr (thi occur incom 150% poverti level famili size). period juli 1, 2009, borrow grant econom hardship deferment."} {"id": "13948", "contents": "income-bas repay (ibr) feder student loan repay program allow limit amount must repay month base income. amount lower monthli payment would pay standard 10-year repay plan, elig repay loan ibr. ibr two key advantages, compar repay plans."} {"id": "13949", "contents": "income-bas repay income-driven repay method us feder student loan borrow pay percentag discretionari incom 20 25 years, rest loan forgiven. similar definit new borrow pay earn, new borrow ibr plan one who, receiv feder student loan juli 1, 2014, borrow outstand balanc anoth feder student loan."} {"id": "13950", "contents": "switch repay plan import featur government' ibr program although must initi sign 25-year income-bas income-conting repayment, lock payment plan. ibr avail perkin loans, avail consolid loan includ perkin loans. also avail privat student loans. cap percentag discretionari incom income-bas repay similar income-conting repayment."} {"id": "13951", "contents": "definit 'foreign draft'. altern foreign currency. foreign draft bank draft drawn financi institut countri currency. purchas commerci bank usual fee depend institut type account hold. next up."} {"id": "13952", "contents": "columbia bank issu foreign draft (check) payabl foreign currenc drawn foreign bank. issu bank notifi comput via telephon satellit commun verifi authent draft."} {"id": "13953", "contents": "foreign currenc draft issue. draft written order bank irrevoc undertak pay demand specifi sum money order specifi person. present foreign currenc draft drawn citibank new york us dollar draft standard charter bank london pound sterl drafts."} {"id": "13954", "contents": "print. foreign currenc draft check allow draw money bank anoth countri use local currency, simplifi buy process. product details: drawn first republ account correspond bank anoth country."} {"id": "13955", "contents": "report explor manag posit requir frequent travel variou countries. candid bsc geolog geophys minimum 20 year experi exploration, experi seismic interpret minimum year experi wellsit geology. achiev target requir acquisit geophys geolog data purpos gener portfolio drillabl prospects. monitor drill seismic acquisit process activities. interpret seismic data use well log sound interpretation."} {"id": "13956", "contents": "degre qualifications, year experi oil ga industry, understand risk manag techniques. salari rang $130,000-$160,000. salari outsid rang consid individu except skill experience. explor geologist abu dhabi. exxon hiring, need certifi explor geologist plu year experi exploration, offer fantast salari packag includ benefits. subsea engin dubai"} {"id": "13957", "contents": "conduct geolog geophys studi acquir explor block purpos ad hydrocarbon resourc futur develop production. done lowest cost optimum quality. achiev target requir acquisit geophys geolog data purpos gener portfolio drillabl prospects. monitor drill seismic acquisit process activities. interpret seismic data use well log sound interpretation."} {"id": "13958", "contents": "senior geologist need oil ga exploration, pleas send applic least year experience, salari rang 120 150 usd. amoco. senior oil ga engin dubai. senior oil ga engin solid background exploration, degre plu year experience, full time posit hous site, pay 120 usd tax free, send resum now. geologist dubai"} {"id": "13959", "contents": "explor geologist salary. explor geologist averag salari $104,183, median salari $104,957 salari rang $48,381 $210,000. explor geologist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. explor geologist salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "13960", "contents": "explor engin dubai--------explor engin want mid tier oil research compani uae, relat degre plu year experience, pleas send applic consideration, offer great salari full relocation. amoco. senior oil ga engin dubai. senior oil ga engin solid background exploration, degre plu year experience, full time posit hous site, pay 120 usd tax free, send resum now. geologist dubai"} {"id": "13961", "contents": "oil ga engin abu dhabi. engin withi plu year experi gas, oil mine industry, role you, hire now, work explor department. also relat degre job, year contract posit option renew, offer great salari package. explor geologist abu dhabi. exxon hiring, need certifi explor geologist plu year experi exploration, offer fantast salari packag includ benefits. subsea engin dubai"} {"id": "13962", "contents": "gjm-34886. client look freelanc geologist explor focus. role look onshor offshor acreag new e&p department. role base uae previou experi gain middl east look favourably."} {"id": "13963", "contents": "depositori particip provid servic open demat account investor; come differ scheme like three-in-on demat account, free demat account etc lure investor open account them. function depository: one main function depositori transfer ownership share one investor` account anoth investor` account whenev trade take place."} {"id": "13964", "contents": "depositori organis hold secur (like shares, debentures, bonds, govern securities, mutual fund unit etc.) investor electron form request investor regist depositori participant. also provid servic relat transact securities. 2. benefit demateri share given actual investor sinc depositori hold secur fiduciari capac behalf investor open demat account depository. hence, actual investor \u201cbenefici owner\u201d (bo)"} {"id": "13965", "contents": "depositori organis hold secur (like shares, debentures, bonds, govern securities, mutual fund unit etc.) investor electron form request investor regist depositori participant. also provid servic relat transact securities. 2."} {"id": "13966", "contents": "definit 'depository'. simplest level, depositori use refer place someth deposit storag secur purposes. specifically, refer company, bank institut hold facilit exchang securities. break 'depository'. central secur depositori allow broker financi compani deposit secur book entri servic performed, like clearance, settlement secur borrow lending."} {"id": "13967", "contents": "parti involv depositori system: depository: facilit smooth flow trade ensur investor` invest securities. depositori participant(dp): provid servic open demat account investor. investor: individu invest securities. function depository: one main function depositori transfer ownership share one investor` account anoth investor` account whenev trade take place."} {"id": "13968", "contents": "strictli legal sense, dp entiti regist sebi sub section 1a section 12 sebi act. per provis act, dp offer depository-rel servic obtain certif registr sebi. intermediari known depositori participants. fundamentally, two sort depositori india. one nation secur depositori limited(nsdl) central depositori servic (india) limited(cdsl)."} {"id": "13969", "contents": "india, depositori particip (dp) describ agent depository. intermediari depositori investors. relationship dp depositori govern agreement made two depositori act. intermediari known depositori participants. fundamentally, two sort depositori india. one nation secur depositori limited(nsdl) central depositori servic (india) limited(cdsl)."} {"id": "13970", "contents": "dematerialis demat account account hold investor secur shares, debentures, mutual fund etc dematerialis electron form. buy transact result credit entri sell transact lead debit entri demat account. function depository: one main function depositori transfer ownership share one investor` account anoth investor` account whenev trade take place."} {"id": "13971", "contents": "depositori particip (dp) agent depositori interfac investor. dp offer depositori servic get proper registr sebi. depositori compar bank, likewis dp may compar branch bank."} {"id": "13972", "contents": "depositori particip provid servic open demat account investor; come differ scheme like three-in-on demat account, free demat account etc lure investor open account them. depositori india well known nsdl (nation secur depositori limited) csdl (central depositori servic (india) limited). interfac investor agent call depositori particip (dps)"} {"id": "13973", "contents": "cours wide range, mani variables. want nanni educated, cpr, first-aid, trustline, excel references, least ten year experience, expect pay $13 one child, $15 two. also, nanni paid weekli salary, week in, week out."} {"id": "13974", "contents": "money spent rais child would invest 8-10%, futur valu 20, 30 40 year later would much higher. exampl futur valu 18 15k payment 10% almost 700k. real cost one children: 700k 18 years."} {"id": "13975", "contents": "sound like nanni want rais monthli salary. pay $12 per hour 42 hour workweek, averag month 4.3 weeks, get $2167 instead $1900/$2000 per month current paying."} {"id": "13976", "contents": "day care monthli groceri bill, cost rais child climb rate mani famili can't keep with. cost estim $241,080 middle-incom coupl rais child born last year 18 years, accord u.s. depart agricultur report releas wednesday. that' almost 3% 2011 even includ cost college. time, wage keep up."} {"id": "13977", "contents": "cost vary. money need rais child vari base income, mani children alreadi have, marit statu live. figur vari wildly, plan spend 12 percent 25 percent annual pretax incom rais child."} {"id": "13978", "contents": "make $60k year, that\u2019 $1.44 million dollar make 24 year rais kid age 18. use 24 take 24 year spous rais kid age 18 year age gap youngest eldest."} {"id": "13979", "contents": "money need rais child vari base income, mani children alreadi have, marit statu live. figur vari wildly, plan spend 12 percent 25 percent annual pretax incom rais child."} {"id": "13980", "contents": "structur analysis. truss bridg bridg compos connect element (typic straight) may stress tension, compression, sometim respons loads. truss bridg one oldest type modern bridges. basic type truss bridg shown below."} {"id": "13981", "contents": "basic truss bridges. truss format produc triangular components, accord truss bridg drawings, coupl joint known nodes. triangular unit form truss slim straight form."} {"id": "13982", "contents": "truss bridg one form bridg take least 30 differ kind truss bridges, includ warren, pratt, howe design among others. truss bridg span type includ simple, continuous, cantilever."} {"id": "13983", "contents": "(in order, below.). truss bridg bridg compos connect element (typic straight) may stress tension, compression, sometim respons loads. truss bridg one oldest type modern bridges. basic type truss bridg shown below."} {"id": "13984", "contents": "truss bridg amongst varieti bridg design use road traffic. basic shape truss bridg like right triangle, hypotenus extend abutments. two similar truss road sides."} {"id": "13985", "contents": "thus, part, beam truss bridg straight. truss compris mani small beam togeth support larg amount weight span great distances. case design, fabrication, erect truss rel simple."} {"id": "13986", "contents": "truss bridg type bridg whose main element truss structur connect element form triangular units. truss use rigid structur transfer load singl point much wider area."} {"id": "13987", "contents": "global warm caus greenhous effect. greenhous gase atmospher (see above) act like mirror reflect back earth part heat radiation, would otherwis lost space. increas greenhous ga concentr (mainli carbon dioxide) led substanti warm earth sea, call global warming. words: increas man-mad emiss greenhous gase caus global warming. effect global warm see below."} {"id": "13988", "contents": "domin gase atmospher (nitrogen oxygen) transpar infrared, so-cal greenhous gasses, primarili water vapor (h. due part warm effect greenhous gases, global averag temperatur 15\u00b0c (59\u00b0f). without greenhous gase global averag temperatur would much colder, -18\u00b0c (0\u00b0f)."} {"id": "13989", "contents": "global warm increas earth' averag surfac temperatur due effect greenhous gases, carbon dioxid emiss burn fossil fuel deforestation, trap heat would otherwis escap earth. type greenhous effect."} {"id": "13990", "contents": "major natur greenhous gase water vapor, caus 36-70% greenhous effect earth (not includ clouds); carbon dioxid co 2, caus 9-26%; methane, caus 4-9%, ozone, caus 3-7%. increas greenhous ga concentr (mainli carbon dioxide) led substanti warm earth sea, call global warming. words: increas man-mad emiss greenhous gase caus global warming. effect global warm see below."} {"id": "13991", "contents": "major greenhous gase water vapor, caus 36\u201370% greenhous effect; carbon dioxid (co 2), caus 9\u201326%; methan (ch 4), caus 4\u20139%; ozon (o 3), caus 3\u20137%. cloud also affect radiat balanc cloud forc similar greenhous gases."} {"id": "13992", "contents": "________ affect greenhous gase creat global warming. a. sulfur dioxid b. carbon dioxid c. oxygen d. nitrogen. carbon dioxid affect greenhous gase creat global warming. origin conversation. user: ________ affect greenhous gase creat global warming. a. sulfur dioxid b. carbon dioxid c. oxygen d. nitrogenweegy: carbon dioxid affect greenhous gase creat global warming. caligun|point 1291|user: farmer contribut water pollution?"} {"id": "13993", "contents": "climat scientist agre main caus current global warm trend human expans greenhous effect warm result atmospher trap heat radiat earth toward space. certain gase atmospher block heat escaping."} {"id": "13994", "contents": "talk global warm greenhous gases, greenhous gase known major caus global warming, trap heat earth' atmosphere. past decad seen vast expans industri agricultur humans. speedi increas global warm greenhous gase past centuri seriou matter worry. although earth compar high temperatur link warm inter glacial periods, present level green hous gase much higher anyth seen before."} {"id": "13995", "contents": "net effect gradual heat earth' atmospher surface, process known global warming. greenhous gase includ water vapor, co 2, methane, nitrou oxid (n o) gases, accord environment protect agenc (epa)."} {"id": "13996", "contents": "temperature/pressure-relief tpr valv safeti devic instal water heat appliances, boiler domest water suppli heaters. tpr design automat releas water event pressur temperatur water tank exce safe levels. valv connect discharg pipe (also call drain line) run length water heater tank. pipe respons rout hot water releas tpr proper discharg location."} {"id": "13997", "contents": "tpr valv temperatur pressur relief valv devic place water heater allow discharg excess pressure, excess temperatur both. mean? well tpr valv open pressur insid water heater tank reach 150psi 210 degre farenheit. first line protection. current water heater contain high-limit control thermosta control devic help prevent overh waterheater."} {"id": "13998", "contents": "tpr valv activ either water temperatur (measur degre fahrenheit) pressur (measur pound per squar inch [psi]) exceed safe levels. valv connect discharg pipe (also call drain line) run length water heater tank. pipe respons rout hot water releas tpr proper discharg location."} {"id": "13999", "contents": "water heater relief valve, t&p tpr valv safeti devic temperatur pressur sensit design limit level tank type heaters. reliev point water heater relief valv reached, releas excess pressur hot water allow cooler water enter tank lower temperature. t&p regul probe immers first six inch water heater, measur store water"} {"id": "14000", "contents": "hot water heater tpr (temperatur pressur relief) valv leak need replaced. video show replac valv show easi (becaus gotta super easy.). watch video see easi replac job save call plumber."} {"id": "14001", "contents": "name temperatur pressur relief valv (tpr valve). safeti valv releas water (and thu reliev pressure) either temperatur pressur tank get high. valv important. may high tank pressur reason tpr valv run water high pressur water heater tank. usual caus one two thing -- high main water pressur (water district well) back flow prevention/check valve. backflow valv"} {"id": "14002", "contents": "relief valv (rv) type valv use control limit pressur system vessel build process upset, instrument equip failure, fire. pressur relief valv (prv) pressur releas valv (prv) pressur safeti valv (psv): differ psv manual lever activ valv case emergency."} {"id": "14003", "contents": "temperatur pressur (t p) relief valv primari back-up safeti devic prevent water pressur hot water heater overheating. relief valv two-in-on safeti device, respond excess temperatur excess pressur water heater. temperatur pressur (t p) relief valv primari back-up safeti devic prevent water pressur hot water heater overheating. relief valv two-in-on safeti device, respond excess temperatur excess pressur water heater."} {"id": "14004", "contents": "border atlant ocean north, brazil south southwest, surinam east venezuela west. 215,000 squar kilometr (83,000 sq mi), guyana third-smallest countri mainland south america uruguay suriname. region known guiana guyana compris larg shield landmass north amazon river east orinoco river known land mani waters."} {"id": "14005", "contents": "guyana locat south america; venuzuala brazil. guyana locat south american contin english speak countri contin border venezuela, surinam brazil. countri guyana lie venezuela surinam north brazil. place locat south american continent. countri coast atlant ocean. territori control guyana lie latitud 1\u00b0 9\u00b0n, longitud 56\u00b0 62\u00b0w. aneesa"} {"id": "14006", "contents": "guyana (full name republ guyana) tropic countri situat northern coast south america. countri south america english offici language. border venezuela west, surinam east, brazil south atlant ocean north."} {"id": "14007", "contents": "prior 26 may 1966 british coloni call british guiana. guyana locat south america venuzuala brazil. guyana locat south american contin english speak countri contin border venezuela, surinam brazil. countri guyana lie venezuela surinam north brazil. place locat south american continent. countri coast atlant ocean. territori control guyana lie latitud 1\u00b0 9\u00b0n, longitud 56\u00b0 62\u00b0w."} {"id": "14008", "contents": "georgetown capit guyana, locat region 4, also known demerara-mahaica region. country' largest urban centre. situat atlant ocean coast mouth demerara river nicknam 'garden citi caribbean.'. georgetown locat guyana' atlant coast east bank demerara river estuary. terrain part countri citi locat flat coastal plains. citi surround blanket cane field along marshi swamps, savannah land east south."} {"id": "14009", "contents": "report abuse. guyana, call british guiana english speakign counti locat south america. found northern cost vemezual surinam brazila nd atlant ocean.... countri fulll rich heritage.... report abuse. guyana locat north eastern part south america, brazil, venezula an suriname...it countri natur beauti excit tax mean...it worth visitin, smoke sum weed dere...b boss.. source(s): live dere. wanted...."} {"id": "14010", "contents": "guyana situat northeast coast latin america, along atlant ocean. share 600-kilomet (373-mile) border surinam east, 743-kilomet (462-mile) border venezuela northwest, 1,119-kilomet (695-mile) border brazil south southwest."} {"id": "14011", "contents": "guyana (pronounc /\u0261a\u026a\u02c8\u0251\u02d0n\u0259/ /\u0261a\u026a\u02c8aen\u0259/), \u0261a\u026a\u02c8\u00e6n\u0259 offici the-co oper republ of, guyana sovereign state northern mainland south. america border atlant ocean the, north brazil south and, southwest surinam east venezuela the. west 215,000 squar kilometr (83,000 sq mi), guyana third-smallest countri mainland south america uruguay suriname. region known guiana guyana compris larg shield landmass north amazon river east orinoco river known land mani waters."} {"id": "14012", "contents": "prior 26 may 1966 british coloni call british guiana. guyana locat south america; venuzuala brazil. guyana locat south american contin english speak countri contin border venezuela, surinam brazil. countri guyana lie venezuela surinam north brazil. place locat south american continent. countri coast atlant ocean. territori control guyana lie latitud 1\u00b0 9\u00b0n, longitud 56\u00b0 62\u00b0w. aneesa"} {"id": "14013", "contents": "guyana locat world map? shown locat map guyana guyana locat northern part south america contin cultur part anglophon caribbean. guyana formerli known british guiana coloni britain. hence, state commonwealth nation contin south america. besides, also coloni dutch, french, spain."} {"id": "14014", "contents": "replac rear brake pad 2000 vw jetta. tool requir (1) 13mm socket wrench (1) 15mm wrench-disc brake calip tool-tir iron-soft wire brush-ceram brake pads. highli suggest use ceram pad semi metal"} {"id": "14015", "contents": "$500 outrag sum simpl brake job car. repair cost approxim $150 reput independ mechanic."} {"id": "14016", "contents": "drive volkswagen passat 2006 need take shop rear rotor brake pad replace, parts, wonder much someth like usual cost. want get overpriced. thank ahead."} {"id": "14017", "contents": "thick brake pad less 3mm, time chang pads. depend drive (citi drive tend wear pad quicker) brake pad usual last 30,000-35,000 miles. vehicl (eg. bmw\u2019s) equip low-pad-warn system."} {"id": "14018", "contents": "rough guide, rotor cost $75 apiece, front pad $110, rear pad $60, labor replac pad hour per set two wheel (a bit back, 1.2) rotor remov take .2 hour. sooooo, front back brake job new rotor would said."} {"id": "14019", "contents": "much cost replac brake pad rotor mechanic? cost approxim $60, per wheel, replac brake pad rotors. mechan shop special brake replac usual cheapest."} {"id": "14020", "contents": "click person want see first messag with. here, you\u2019ll see latest messag them. right click \u201dsee older messages\u201d button click \u201copen new tab.\u201d. link appear new tab look someth like this: 33 comments. [\u2026] person freelanc letter see first messag someon facebook [\u2026]. say this: sorry, messag temporarili unavailable. pleas tri minutes."} {"id": "14021", "contents": "add comment |. vote vote. start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/ click person want see first messag with. right click \u201dsee older messages\u201d button click \u201copen new tab\u201d someth relat depend browser use. still click \u201dsee older messages\u201d bit get 100-200 messages, it\u2019 noth compar go 50,000 messag first! here' exactli it: start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/."} {"id": "14022", "contents": "start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/ (notic mobil version facebook phones.). click person want see first messag with. here, you\u2019ll see latest messag them. 33 comments. [\u2026] person freelanc letter see first messag someon facebook [\u2026]. say this: sorry, messag temporarili unavailable. pleas tri minutes."} {"id": "14023", "contents": "facebook desktop, go https://m.facebook.com/messages/ (thi mobil site, url display differently, you\u2019ll use advantage.) click friend\u2019 chat. right click button see older messages\u2026 open link new tab window. new page, you\u2019ll see long url lot numbers. look part say &start=7."} {"id": "14024", "contents": "get number, open facebook messag desktop link: https://www.facebook.com/messages/ click friend\u2019 chat, scroll you\u2019ll see someth like load older messag (51583) approxim mani messag friend. swap number long url before, reload page. (thi mobil site, url display differently, you\u2019ll use advantage.) click friend\u2019 chat. right click button see older messages\u2026 open link new tab window. new page, you\u2019ll see long url lot numbers. look part say &start=7."} {"id": "14025", "contents": "harriet green answer. 384 385 peopl found helpful. start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/. click person want see first messag with. right click \u201dsee older messages\u201d button click \u201copen new tab\u201d someth relat depend browser use. now, link appear new tab look someth like this: way was. download copi ur facebook from. set click download copi facebook data. locat bottom page ... hen archiv it, wait get archiv download it. put folder, click messag ctrl search date."} {"id": "14026", "contents": "it\u2019 actual pretti easy. follow direct carefully. start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/ (notic mobil version facebook phones.). click person want see first messag with. here, you\u2019ll see latest messag them. 33 comments. [\u2026] person freelanc letter see first messag someon facebook [\u2026]. say this: sorry, messag temporarili unavailable. pleas tri minutes."} {"id": "14027", "contents": "harriet green answer. 380 381 peopl found helpful. start, go http://m.facebook.com/messages/. click person want see first messag with. right click \u201dsee older messages\u201d button click \u201copen new tab\u201d someth relat depend browser use. now, link appear new tab look someth like this: way was. download copi ur facebook from. set click download copi facebook data. locat bottom page ... hen archiv it, wait get archiv download it. put folder, click messag ctrl search date."} {"id": "14028", "contents": "heather o'rourk (decemb 27, 1975 februari 1, 1988) american child actress. discov age five director steven spielberg eat lunch mother mgm commissary. spielberg cast carol ann freel 1982 horror film poltergeist, movie' recogniz line: they'r here!. repris role second third installments. o'rourk also recur role happi day 1982 1983, made sever televis guest appear"} {"id": "14029", "contents": "next next: three men babi ghost. probabl awar heather o'rourke, young actress play carol ann 'poltergeist' trilogy, pass away due complic flu six year releas first movi month complet film third."} {"id": "14030", "contents": "then: \u2018poltergeist,\u2019 jobeth william play dian freeling, mom rescu daughter she\u2019 kidnap evil spirits. william recogn role movi like \u2018stir crazy\u2019 \u2018kramer vs. kramer.\u2019 next year part \u2018the big chill\u2019s\u2019 ensembl cast. then: nelson play dad steven freel \u2018poltergeist.\u2019 role big break the-then 37-year-old, previous support actor tv movi made guest appear show like \u2018charlie\u2019 angels\u2019 \u2018wkrp cincinnati.\u2019."} {"id": "14031", "contents": "shortli releas first film 1982, actress play older sister dana (dominiqu dunne) murder abus ex-boyfriend, chef john sweeney. \u201cpoltergeist\u201d on-screen role. likewise, young actress play dana\u2019 littl fair-hair sister carol ann (heather o\u2019rourke) die unexpectedli complic septic shock shortli releas third film."} {"id": "14032", "contents": "heather o'rourke, child actress play carol ann freel throughout poltergeist seri (start six year old), unexpectedli pass away age 12 die septic shock on. though true actress dominiqu dunn heather o'rourk sinc died, oliv robins, child actor play characters' brother robbi freel first two films, still us. child actor poltergeist seri kill car crash die after. completed."} {"id": "14033", "contents": "now: o\u2019rourk repris role carol ann \u2018poltergeist ii\u2019 \u2018iii.\u2019 however, tragedi struck long third film released, o\u2019rourk die cardiac arrest. 12. 2008, footag o\u2019rourke\u2019 carol ann charact use seri ad direct tv. then: nelson play dad steven freel \u2018poltergeist.\u2019 role big break the-then 37-year-old, previous support actor tv movi made guest appear show like \u2018charlie\u2019 angels\u2019 \u2018wkrp cincinnati.\u2019."} {"id": "14034", "contents": "news shit. follow five actor poltergeist film die shortli work film completed: heather o\u2019rourke, child actress play innoc carol ann freeling, complain abdomin pain februari 1, 1988."} {"id": "14035", "contents": "carol ann freeling, young focal point series, play heather o\u2019rourke. six year old first poltergeist film released, o\u2019rourk captiv audienc stark blond hair, doll-lik appearance, big, inquisit eyes."} {"id": "14036", "contents": "common type ulcers. peptic ulcer. ulcer expos pepsin refer peptic ulcers. peptic ulcer found line stomach duodenum."} {"id": "14037", "contents": "common type ulcer peptic ulcers, gastric ulcer duoden ulcers. ulcer name locat within body. sometim ulcer also diagnos examin mouth tongu effect patient detect find type ulcer."} {"id": "14038", "contents": "duoden ulcer ulcer duodenum, entryway small intestine. type ulcer actual common ulcer humans. thought duoden ulcer common duodenum contain power digest enzym stomach."} {"id": "14039", "contents": "gastric ulcer. gastric ulcer locat stomach proper second common type stomach ulcers. ulcer type also caus pylori major time. gastric ulcer differences."} {"id": "14040", "contents": "peopl know two type stomach ulcers... peopl know two type ulcer get diagnos specif type ulcer. generally, peopl refer stomach ulcer peptic ulcers. explain differ two, also explain lesser known"} {"id": "14041", "contents": "type peptic ulcer commonli caus either infect helicobact pylori (h. pylori) bacteriahelicobact pylorih. pylori frequent use nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids)"} {"id": "14042", "contents": "peptic ulcers: type ulcer name place occur, peptic ulcer found mani differ places. name refer presenc pepsin, substanc found digest system, peptic ulcer occur stomach, duodenum oesophagus."} {"id": "14043", "contents": "gastric ulcer. peptic ulcer stomach, call gastric ulcer. symptom gastric ulcer specif peptic ulcer symptoms. duoden ulcer. peptic ulcer duodenum, call duoden ulcer."} {"id": "14044", "contents": "extravert feel (fe) vs. extravert think (te). content extravert feel express need emotional, discern differ packag compar extravert think (te) te come across rather dry, lifeless, monotonal. often devoid signific fluctuat volum express feeling."} {"id": "14045", "contents": "c. g. jung appli word extravert introvert differ manner often use today' world. popularli used, term extravert understood mean sociabl outgoing, term introvert understood mean shi withdrawn. jung, however, origin intend word entir differ meaning."} {"id": "14046", "contents": "full definit extrovert. one whose person character extroversion; broadly: gregari unreserv person. extrovert also extravert adjective. ex\u00b7tro\u00b7vert\u00b7 also ex\u00b7tra\u00b7vert\u00b7 \\-\u02ccv\u0259r-t\u0259d, \u02ccek-str\u0259-\u02c8v\u0259r-\\ adjective. see extrovert defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "14047", "contents": "laboratori technician salary. laboratori technician\u2019 salari (shortli known laboratori tech salari lab tech salary) unit state accord u.s. depart labor\u2019 bureau labor statist (bls) $37,860 per year."} {"id": "14048", "contents": "averag hourli wage laboratori technician australia au$37 au$60 per hour averag total mean salari au$40,000 per year. accord payscale, laboratori technician australia receiv annual salari rang au$13,737 au$71,505."} {"id": "14049", "contents": "annual salari averag medic laboratori technician canada rang $40,000 $45,000 per year median hourli wage 22.19. highest paid medic laboratori technician receiv hourli wage 27.75 per hour lowest paid receiv 17.40 per hour."} {"id": "14050", "contents": "salary. bl report median salari clinic laboratori technician $37,970 2013. best-paid 10 percent profess made approxim $58,910, bottom 10 percent made approxim $25,210."} {"id": "14051", "contents": "medic laboratori technician\u2019 salari (also know medic lab tech salari mlt salary) unit state $56,000 per year averag hourli wage $26 per hour."} {"id": "14052", "contents": "medic lab technician salari around $46,680 per year averag hourli wage $22.44 per hour. medic laboratori technician peopl analyz bodili fluid variou reasons."} {"id": "14053", "contents": "median expect salari medic laboratori technician unit state around $42,199 per year averag hourli wage $28.64."} {"id": "14054", "contents": "annual salari highest 10 percent medic laboratori technician $56,040 lowest 10 percent receiv $24,210 per year. report major medic laboratori technician usual earn salari rang $35,000 $50,000 per annum."} {"id": "14055", "contents": "live unit states, forgiven believ irish peopl eat potatoes, cabbag corn beef! you\u2019r plan trip ireland, don\u2019t worri food offer ireland wide vari suit varieti tast gener delicious. dinner restaurant. choos eat irish restaur day, realli eat one night especi stay one cities, dublin. don\u2019t eat hotel. long time ago, work american visit ireland uk busi trip."} {"id": "14056", "contents": "report abuse. irish peopl eat food peopl around world. mc donalds, subway, kfc starbucks. day went italien restaur garlic bread, pasta ice cream. today breakfast cereal toast. i'm tri say irish peopl eat wide rang food salad pizza."} {"id": "14057", "contents": "mani north americans' idea ireland' food irish peopl eat shape imag long-lost past, stori older rel told -- especi grandparents... tradit food: survivals, revivals. among peopl born nativ irish stock last fifti year so, nativ irish cultur large, still great love old-fashion dish like colcannon lamb stew (aka irish stew)."} {"id": "14058", "contents": "eat ireland: restaur fast food. ethnic food restaur also popular get popular time, especi big citi -- though even small town routin least indian chines restaur two complement tradit fish-and-chip takeout. tradit food: survivals, revivals. among peopl born nativ irish stock last fifti year so, nativ irish cultur large, still great love old-fashion dish like colcannon lamb stew (aka irish stew)."} {"id": "14059", "contents": "irish soup thick, hearty, filling, potatoes, seafood, variou meat common ingredients. sinc countri surround water, irish enjoy mani type seafood, includ salmon, scallops, lobster, mussels, oysters. however, meat eaten frequent irish meals."} {"id": "14060", "contents": "irish like healthi possibl eating, drinking. favor fresh veget grow buy open air markets. example, irish favorit fri fresh tomatoes. flavor earli wild garlic scallions. like sea food trout, salmon, oysters, mussels, lobsters, cod. make meat dish beef high qualiti worldwid respect. also make meal around bacon sausage. respect tradit boil cabbage, potatoes, potato pancakes, world famou irish stew. peopl alabama eat wide rang foods, includ anyth chines food italian foods. sinc south, eat lot deep fri food (fri chick en, example) drink lot sweet ice tea."} {"id": "14061", "contents": "soda bread. soda bread one simpl food eaten ireland, basic recip contain flour, bake soda, salt sour milk buttermilk. mani recip soda bread includ raisin currents, sugar, whiskey, fruit nuts. soda bread side dish breakfast, lunch dinner. food eaten irish breakfast resembl eaten breakfast mani western countries, touch ireland\u2019 flavor. tradit irish breakfast fri meal consist bacon, eggs, sausage, fri tomatoes, fri potato slices, black white pudding."} {"id": "14062", "contents": "ireland particularli note meat dairi products. beef, pork lamb common. potato strongli associ ireland common mani meals. lot veget common too, like cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflow mani others. peopl alabama eat wide rang foods, includ anyth chines food italian foods. sinc south, eat lot deep fri food (fri chick en, example) drink lot sweet ice tea."} {"id": "14063", "contents": "foods. potato wholesom food place tradit irish menu. oat prefer type grain. soda bread classic irish bread, often serv soup. brown bread made whole wheat flour buttermilk. festivals. visitor ireland sampl number ireland\u2019 tradit food bars, pub casual restaur throughout country. truli immers delicaci area, however, noth better festiv celebr one ireland\u2019 belov foods."} {"id": "14064", "contents": "cc someon everi messag send. first need creat rule automat send carbon copi (cc) e-mail messag send. particular rule call client-sid rule. client-sid rule run comput created, run outlook running. add new categori dialog box, name box, type auto cc. also assign keyboard shortcut use quickli appli categori message. this, click option shortcut key list. click ok close add new categori color categori dialog boxes."} {"id": "14065", "contents": "analog work well. email sent person to: field, course. verbatim copi messag also sent address list cc: field, though. yes, one email address field, get copy. enter one address cc: field, separ commas."} {"id": "14066", "contents": "e-mail terms, cc stand carbon copi bcc stand blind carbon copy.. want send copi messag someon else, add person either cc bcc field receiv copi e-mail. creat rule bcc email messag send outlook. fact, set blind carbon copi rule auto bcc add-in similar creat standard outlook rules, we'll done coupl minutes. 1. outlook, switch ablebits.com auto bcc/cc group click rule button."} {"id": "14067", "contents": "click tini address book icon left address format want use, either to:, cc: bcc:. address book open doubl click name pop box selected. to: use address email directli someone. cc: use carbon copi (include) someon els email. usual hidden default, easi activate: outlook 2007 2010, compos new message. select option tab, press show bcc icon ribbon. outlook 2003, compos new message. email toolbar, press arrow option menu button, select bcc."} {"id": "14068", "contents": "email made carbon copi letter even easier. email client allow send carbon copi email enter email address cc: field-usu locat subject line. email sent main recipi recipi indic cc: field. past, send carbon copi letter time-consum process. today, copi machin email made process much easier. send carbon copi letter, also known cc'ing someone, simpli mean intend send letter multipl recipients."} {"id": "14069", "contents": "select option tab, press show bcc icon ribbon. outlook 2003, compos new message. email toolbar, press arrow option menu button, select bcc. outlook express, click creat mail button, new pane, click view click headers. usual hidden default, easi activate: outlook 2007 2010, compos new message. select option tab, press show bcc icon ribbon. outlook 2003, compos new message."} {"id": "14070", "contents": "automat cc: mail send outlook. send carbon-copi mail send outlook particular email address: select tool rule alerts... menu. click new rule... highlight check messag sending. click. click copi mail send. send carbon-copi mail send outlook particular email address: select tool rule alerts... menu. click new rule... highlight check messag send"} {"id": "14071", "contents": "bcc use when: want someon els receiv email, don\u2019t want primari recipi email see you\u2019v sent person copy. want send copi email larg amount people. want someon els receiv email, don\u2019t want primari recipi email see you\u2019v sent person copy. example, you\u2019r problem fellow employee, might send email bcc human resourc department."} {"id": "14072", "contents": "cc stand carbon copi send exact copi email send main address address cc. use cc function, recipi see address peopl sent messag to."} {"id": "14073", "contents": "stroma alkaline, aqueou fluid protein rich present within inner membran chloroplast. space outsid thylakoid space call stroma. chloroplast dna chlroplast ribosom thylakoid sytem, starch granul mani protein found float around stroma. word chloroplast deriv greek word chloro mean green plast mean one form s. chloroplast cellular organel green plant eukaryot organisms. organel conduct photosynthesis."} {"id": "14074", "contents": "chloroplast present green colour eukaryot cells. chloroplast site photosynthesi function performed. short photosynthesi occur eukaryot cell structur call chloroplasts. chloroplast type plant cell organel known plastid. plastid assist store harvest need substanc energi production."} {"id": "14075", "contents": "schemat chloroplast: 1. outer membrane; 2. intermembran space; 3. inner membran (1+2+3: envelope); 4. [stroma (aqueou fluid); 5. thylakoid lumen (insid thylakoid); 6. thylakoid membrane; 7. granum (stack thylakoids); 8. thylakoid (lamella); 9. starch; 10. semifluid matrix within chloroplasts, call stroma, bath thylakoids. flatten thylakoid sac consist cluster stacks, call grana, lumen interconnect extensions, call 'stromal thylakoids', lamellae. [see accompani illustr right.]."} {"id": "14076", "contents": "stroma alkaline, aqueou fluid protein rich present within inner membran chloroplast. space outsid thylakoid space call stroma. chloroplast dna chlroplast ribosom thylakoid sytem, starch granul mani protein found float around stroma. short photosynthesi occur eukaryot cell structur call chloroplasts. chloroplast type plant cell organel known plastid. plastid assist store harvest need substanc energi production."} {"id": "14077", "contents": "innermost matrix chloroplasts, call stroma, contain metabol enzym multipl copi chloroplast genome. chloroplast also third intern membran call thylakoid membrane, extens fold appear stack flatten disk electron micrographs."} {"id": "14078", "contents": "insid chloroplast stack disc call thylakoids. compar stack coin within wall chloroplast, act trap energi sunlight. stack thylakoid call grana. plant use energi sun tini energi factori call chloroplasts. green color leav attribut larg chloroplast contain chlorophyl photosynthesis."} {"id": "14079", "contents": "chloroplast organel present plant cell eukaryot organisms. chloroplast import plastid found plant cells. structur green plant cell photosynthesi occurs. chloroplast one three type plastids. word chloroplast deriv greek word chloro mean green plast mean one form s. chloroplast cellular organel green plant eukaryot organisms. organel conduct photosynthesis."} {"id": "14080", "contents": "chloroplasts. sketch chloroplast made electron micrograph chloroplast higher order plant (levy). plant use energi sun tini energi factori call chloroplasts. use chlorophyl process call photosynthesis, convert sun' energi storabl form order sugar molecul glucose. plant use energi sun tini energi factori call chloroplasts. green color leav attribut larg chloroplast contain chlorophyl photosynthesis."} {"id": "14081", "contents": "insid plant cell, tini structur call chloroplasts. structur provid cell energy. chloroplast organel (structur within cells) trap light energi convert chemic energy, store cell. chloroplast found plant cell contain green pigment. make food plant photosynthesis. chloroplast part plant cell sunlight co2 water use make sugar oxygen."} {"id": "14082", "contents": "a. yes. soy food offer mani health benefits. soy good sourc protein, unlik mani protein-rich foods, low satur fat contain cholesterol. fat soy predominantli unsaturated, rais blood cholesterol. consum awar soyfoods, mani american tri"} {"id": "14083", "contents": "soy legum found multipl form soybean, soy flour, soy oil, soy seasoning, soy protein. soy common \u201chidden\u201d food additive. allergi mostli occur infanc usual outgrown age 5. soy allergi less sever allergi rare case caus sever reaction call anaphylaxis."} {"id": "14084", "contents": "foods, soy use milk substitut infant feed formulas, altern cow' milk. soybean eaten boil roasted. soy flour use ingredi foods, beverages, condiments. consum food contain soy protein take soy protein product like safe. take dietari supplement soy extract possibl safe use short-term (up months). soy caus mild side effect constipation, bloating, nausea."} {"id": "14085", "contents": "soy overview information. soy come soybeans. bean process soy protein, powder; soymilk, beverag may may fortifi extra calcium soybeans; soy fiber, contain fibrou part bean. consum food contain soy protein take soy protein product like safe. take dietari supplement soy extract possibl safe use short-term (up months). soy caus mild side effect constipation, bloating, nausea."} {"id": "14086", "contents": "stori at-a-gl +. mani health \u201cexperts\u201d media tout unfer soy product (tofu, soymilk, soy cheese, etc.) good you, actuality, risk consum far outweigh benefits. soy mani potent hormon wreak havoc health. soybean process (bi acid washing) aluminum tanks, leach high level aluminum final soy product. soy formula 80 time higher manganes found human breast milk. soy infant formula put baby' health risk."} {"id": "14087", "contents": "soy protein protein isol soybean. made soybean meal dehul defatted. dehul defat soybean process three kind high protein commerci products: soy flour, concentrates, isolates."} {"id": "14088", "contents": "tradit nonfer food use soybean includ soy milk, latter tofu tofu skin. ferment food includ soy sauce, ferment bean paste, natto, tempeh, among others. oil use mani industri applications. common form soy (or soya) includ soy meal, soy flour, soy milk, tofu, textur veget protein (tvp, made wide varieti vegetarian foods, intend imit meat), tempeh, soy lecithin soybean oil."} {"id": "14089", "contents": "mani health \u201cexperts\u201d media tout unfer soy product (tofu, soymilk, soy cheese, etc.) good you, actuality, risk consum far outweigh benefits. soy mani potent hormon wreak havoc health. soybean process (bi acid washing) aluminum tanks, leach high level aluminum final soy product. soy formula 80 time higher manganes found human breast milk. soy infant formula put baby' health risk."} {"id": "14090", "contents": "soy refer product soy milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, ice cream, nut butters, food made soybeans. soy food recent becom popular unit states, although peopl asia eaten soybean hundr years. soy flour. soy flour made ground roast soybeans. soy flour ad bake good add protein. however, soy flour cannot use place flour recip doesn\u2019t gluten, protein need help dough rise."} {"id": "14091", "contents": "mani food contain soy tofu, soy meat alternatives, soy sauce, soy flour soybean oil found supermarket well natural, health asian food stores."} {"id": "14092", "contents": "jay leno show cancel januari 2010 amid host controversy, leno return host tonight show jay leno march 1, 2010. host last episod tonight show februari 6, 2014. year, induct televis hall fame. deal made o'brien would receiv $33 million payout staff almost 200 would receiv $12 million departure. o'brien' final episod air friday, januari 22, 2010. leno return host tonight show follow 2010 winter olymp"} {"id": "14093", "contents": "jay leno (b. april 28, 1950) talk show host. start 1992, host nbc' tonight show jay leno. 2009, leno left tonight show replac conan o'brien. launch new nbc show call jay leno show. o'brien left network 2010 due timeslot conflict, leno return tonight show current is."} {"id": "14094", "contents": "33. view. comments. jon stewart name highest paid late night entertain earn $25-30 million year host daili show. 50-year-old stewart outpac past late night salari leader jay leno david letterman, annual survey releas tv guid tuesday. tv guid survey televis salari show ashton kutcher, 35, remain highest paid actor small screen $750,000 per episod salari two half men. mark harmon rank second $525,000 per episod ncis, plu piec drama' profits."} {"id": "14095", "contents": "salari lead $150,000 $200,000 per episod recent years, deal star new seri $75,000 $125,000. one broke bank anyth year, say one former studio head. fall tv: get scoop favorit show stars."} {"id": "14096", "contents": "jay leno first becam host nbc' tonight show 1992, take johnni carson. jay step retir 2009 soon made return televis prime time talk show call jay leno show. top tonight show salary, jay earn addit $15 $20 million per year hectic stand tour schedule. jay state past interview 100% money earn tonight show, tax fees, goe directli bank account live stand earn"} {"id": "14097", "contents": "exclusive: jay leno-host tonight show air last episod februari 6, and, per term show exit deal nbc, cast crew paid contract expir september. tonight ep debbi vicker made announc today staffer show, inform sourc report."} {"id": "14098", "contents": "ashton kutcher remain top paid actor prime time $750,000 episod role two half men. nci star mark harmon still salari champ drama, $525,000 episod plu piec show' profits. daili show host jon stewart earn $25-30 million year, accord sever sourc (hi network, comedi central, comment). put stewart ahead past perenni late night salari leader jay leno david letterman."} {"id": "14099", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. jay leno $16 million contract per year nbc. divid 260 episod per year (hi show monday-friday 52 week per year): $16,000,000 260 $61,538.46 per episode. mr. leno make day averag american make per year."} {"id": "14100", "contents": "migraine, disord usual associ headache, extrem common caus sever vestibular syndromes. studi suggest 25 percent migraineur experi dizzi migrain attacks. migraine-associ vertigo (mav) occur without pain. bppv common vestibular disord caus vertigo, dizziness, symptom due debri collect within part inner ear. debris, call otoconia, made small crystal calcium carbon (sometim refer inform \u201cear rocks\u201d)."} {"id": "14101", "contents": "vestibular neuritis, dizzi attribut viral infect vestibular nerv (see figur 1). vestibular nerv carri inform inner ear head movement. one two vestibular nerv infected, imbal two sides, vertigo appears. labyrinth also alway attribut infection. figur 1: cutaway inner ear. movement head detect semicircular canals, transmit brain via vestibular nerve. vestibular neuriti may affect nerv vestibular ganglion (scarpa' ganglion)."} {"id": "14102", "contents": "vestibular neuriti disord affect nerv inner ear call vestibulocochlear nerve. nerv send balanc head posit inform inner ear brain. test help determin symptom might caus vestibular neuriti includ hear tests, vestibular (balance) test test determin portion vestibulocochlear nerv damaged."} {"id": "14103", "contents": "hear unaffected. labyrinth similar syndrom vestibular neuritis, addit hear symptom (sensori type hear loss tinnitus). symptom vestibular neuriti labyrinth typic includ dizzi vertigo, disequilibrium imbalance, nausea. acutely, dizzi constant. days, symptom often precipit sudden movements. sudden turn head common \u201cproblem\u201d motion. vestibular neuriti labyrinth rare pain pain particularli import get treatment rapidli may treatabl bacteri infect herp infection. sever possibl locat damag vestibular system manifest vestibular neuritis."} {"id": "14104", "contents": "vestibular neuritis. vestibular neuriti inflamm vestibular nerve, inner ear. nerv carri balanc signal inner ear brain. nerv inflamed, caus vertigo. vertigo make feel surround move even though actual movement."} {"id": "14105", "contents": "vestibular neuriti labyrinth caus irrit vestibular nerv inner ear due infection. infect typic viral preced viral infect bodi common cold. infect move inner ear caus irrit vestibular nerve. irrit nerv often result sudden attack vertigo possibl nausea. symptom initi sever last period 1\u20134 days, gradual improv sever weeks."} {"id": "14106", "contents": "symptom vestibular neuriti labyrinth typic includ dizzi vertigo, disequilibrium imbalance, nausea. acutely, dizzi constant. days, symptom often precipit sudden movements. sudden turn head common problem motion. labyrinth also alway attribut infection. figur 1: cutaway inner ear. movement head detect semicircular canals, transmit brain via vestibular nerve. vestibular neuriti may affect nerv vestibular ganglion (scarpa' ganglion)."} {"id": "14107", "contents": "labyrinthitis, defin combin symptom vestibular neuritis, addit hear symptoms. may due process affect inner ear whole, due process affect 8th nerv whole. labyrinth also alway attribut infection. figur 1: cutaway inner ear. movement head detect semicircular canals, transmit brain via vestibular nerve. vestibular neuriti may affect nerv vestibular ganglion (scarpa' ganglion)."} {"id": "14108", "contents": "labyrinth vestibular neuritis. labyrinth vestibular neuriti disord result infect inflam inner ear vestibulo-cochlear nerv (the eighth cranial nerve), connect inner ear brain. bppv common vestibular disord caus vertigo, dizziness, symptom due debri collect within part inner ear. debris, call otoconia, made small crystal calcium carbon (sometim refer inform \u201cear rocks\u201d)."} {"id": "14109", "contents": "urinalysi group chemic microscop tests. detect byproduct normal abnorm metabolism, cells, cellular fragments, bacteria urine. urin produc kidneys, two fist-siz organ locat either side spine bottom ribcage. urin urinalysi collect time. first morn sampl consid valuabl concentr like yield abnorm present. import clean genitalia collect urine. bacteria cell surround skin contamin sampl interfer interpret test results. women, menstrual blood vagin secret also sourc contamin"} {"id": "14110", "contents": "sugar. normal amount sugar (glucose) urin low detected. detect sugar test usual call follow-up test diabetes. ketones. sugar, amount keton detect urin could sign diabet requir follow-up testing. epitheli cell cell line hollow organ form skin urin may sign tumor. often, indic urin sampl contamin test, new sampl needed. bacteria yeast may indic infection."} {"id": "14111", "contents": "urinalysi (ua) use screen and/or diagnost tool detect substanc cellular materi urin associ metabol disorders, renal dysfunct urinari tract infect (uti). often, substanc protein glucos begin appear urin patient awar may problem. urin may assess bedsid (dipstick) laboratori (microscopy, culture, sensit urinari electrolytes)."} {"id": "14112", "contents": "target paramet measur quantifi urinalysi includ mani substanc cells, well properties, specif gravity. part urinalysi perform use urin test strips, test result read color changes. anoth method light microscopi urin samples."} {"id": "14113", "contents": "urinalysi perform within 15 minut collect urin sample. possible, urin refrigerated. part routin urinalysi perform use dipstick test tablet test, other complet use microscop (under microscope) evalu laboratory. patient kidney diseas diabetes, urin test use monitor condition. urinalysi also may perform detect urinari tract infect (uti) protein urin (proteinuria), blood urin (hematuria), diagnos pregnancy. toxicolog screen use part urinalysi detect illeg drug use"} {"id": "14114", "contents": "red white blood cells. blood cell found urin normally. inflammation, disease, injuri kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra caus blood urine. strenuou exercise, run marathon, also caus blood urine. white blood cell may sign infect kidney disease. white blood cell may sign infect kidney disease. casts. type kidney diseas caus plug materi (call casts) form tini tube kidneys. cast get flush"} {"id": "14115", "contents": "result urinalysi may help in: diagnos urinari tract infect (utis), diagnos kidney stones, screen evalu mani type kidney diseases, and. diagnos monitor progress diabet mellitu high blood pressur (hypertension)."} {"id": "14116", "contents": "crystal normal seen. abnormal: red blood cell urin may caus kidney bladder injury, kidney stones, urinari tract infect (uti), inflamm kidney (glomerulonephritis), kidney bladder tumor, system lupu erythematosu (sle)."} {"id": "14117", "contents": "description: *c. psittaci relat chlamydia trachomatis, common human std, chlamydia pneumonia, caus human pneumonia. chlamydia pneumonia also investig possibl associ cardiovascular diseas humans. cases, bird may infect show signs. case concern bird may becom carrier shed organism. major concern c. psittaci zoonot potenti organism. zoonot diseas infect transmit anim humans."} {"id": "14118", "contents": "infect chlamydophila psittaci (formerli known chlamydia psittaci) caus system ill companion bird (bird kept human pets) poultry. ill often refer avian chlamydiosi (also known psittacosis, ornithosis, parrot fever) birds. diseas result c. psittaci infect human call psittacosi (also known parrot disease, parrot fever, chlamydiosis). infect typic acquir exposur pet psittacin birds."} {"id": "14119", "contents": "human becom infect chlamydia psittaci breath organ urine, respiratori secretion, dri fece infect bird aerosol (i.e., dispers air fine droplet dust particles). psittacosi infecti diseas human mild, non-specif flu-lik symptoms. psittacosi refer infect diseas caus chlamydia psittaci, one sever microorgan genu chlamydia. diseas transmit infect bird humans. parrot disease, ornithosis, chlamydiosi name psittacosi"} {"id": "14120", "contents": "chlamydophila psittaci lethal intracellular bacteri speci may caus endem avian chlamydiosis, epizoot outbreak mammals, respiratori psittacosi humans. potenti host includ feral bird domest poultri well cattle, pigs, sheep horses. chlamydophila psittaci transmit inhalation, contact ingest among bird mammals. psittacosi bird human often start flu-lik symptom becom life-threaten pneumonia."} {"id": "14121", "contents": "psittacosi infecti diseas usual transmit human bird parrot family, turkey pigeons. bird parrot family, psittacines, includ parrots, macaws, budgerigar (parakeets), cockatiels. diseas caus bacteria call chlamydophila psittaci."} {"id": "14122", "contents": "1988 1998, 813 case psittacosi (infect chlamydia psittaci) report cdc, result exposur infect pet birds, usual cockatiels, parakeets, parrots, macaws. birds, c. psittaci infect refer avian chlamydiosi (ac). psittacosi --- also known parrot fever ornithosi --- spread bacteri infect bird caus sever pneumonia seriou health problem among humans."} {"id": "14123", "contents": "chlamydia psittaci bacterium transmit pet bird humans. humans, result infect refer psittacosi (also known parrot fever ornithosis). psittacosi typic caus influenza-lik symptom lead sever pneumonia nonrespiratori health problems. psittacosi --- also known parrot fever ornithosi --- spread bacteri infect bird caus sever pneumonia seriou health problem among humans."} {"id": "14124", "contents": "chlamydia psittaci infect wild domest bird poultry. bird contract infect includ parrots, canaries, pigeons, chickens, ducks, turkeys. time exposur chlamydia psittaci onset ill cage bird rang three day sever weeks. psittacosi infecti diseas human mild, non-specif flu-lik symptoms. psittacosi refer infect diseas caus chlamydia psittaci, one sever microorgan genu chlamydia. diseas transmit infect bird humans. parrot disease, ornithosis, chlamydiosi name psittacosi"} {"id": "14125", "contents": "c. psittaci infect transmit infect bird humans. diseas result c. psittaci infect human call psittacosi (also known parrot disease, parrot fever, chlamydiosis). infect typic acquir exposur pet psittacin birds."} {"id": "14126", "contents": "natur ga also form fossil plant material. sedimentari rock format remain alga zooplankton convert mixtur organ hydrocarbon known kerogen. geolog time heat pressur convert kerogen oil natur gas. fossil fuel current provid 85% energi consum unit states. crude oil suppli 40% energi need account 99% fuel car trucks. coal major sourc energi gener electr worldwid (u.s. depart energy)"} {"id": "14127", "contents": "book overlook this, petroleum coal, fossil fuels, larg widespread exampl chemofossils. chemic fossil also import scientif research well-preserv sedimentari rocks. except rare, trace fossil special valu remain organism' behavior. final chemic fossil chemofossils, remain consist mere organ compound protein found bodi rock."} {"id": "14128", "contents": "chemic fossil chemic found rock fossil fuel (petroleum, coal, natur gas) provid organ signatur ancient life. molecular fossil isotop ratio repres two type chemic fossils. fossil refer fossil record. fossil record one earli sourc data underli studi evolut continu relev histori life earth."} {"id": "14129", "contents": "fossil actual remain organisms, teeth, bones, shell, leav (bodi fossils), also result activity, burrow foot print (trace fossils), organ compound produc biochem process (chemic fossils). definit explain type fossil found context fossil processes. find overlap terminolog commonli use paleontolog geology. bodi fossil process fossil complex mani stage burial discoveri fossil."} {"id": "14130", "contents": "fossil fuel fuel form natur process anaerob decomposit buri dead organisms. age organ result fossil fuel typic million years, sometim exce 650 million years."} {"id": "14131", "contents": "introduction. lesson, investig happen fossil fuels, hydrocarbons, burn. process burn call combustion. better understand combust fossil fuels, access two onlin resources. pleas answer question base reading."} {"id": "14132", "contents": "fossil may also consist mark left behind organ alive, anim track fece (coprolites). type fossil call trace fossil (or ichnofossils), oppos bodi fossils. fossil refer fossil record. fossil record one earli sourc data underli studi evolut continu relev histori life earth."} {"id": "14133", "contents": "andrew alden. fossil preciou gift geolog past: sign remain ancient live thing preserv earth' crust. word latin origin, fossili mean dug up, remain key attribut label fossils. except rare, trace fossil special valu remain organism' behavior. final chemic fossil chemofossils, remain consist mere organ compound protein found bodi rock."} {"id": "14134", "contents": "chemic prepar frequent used: delic specimens, fossil fish, might damag use mechan prepar methods. certain type fossil invertebrates, free inner outer shell surfac might reveal import morphology. delic specimens, fossil fish, might damag use mechan prepar methods. certain type fossil invertebrates, free inner outer shell surfac might reveal import morphology. complet remov bone matrix necessary."} {"id": "14135", "contents": "question: everi time plant tulips, seem come one two years, disappear. advic get tulip come back year year year, like daffodil crocu do? answer: hybrid tulip strongli perenni gardens. ensur larg bulb bloom well one year, typic split smaller bulb take year grow back bloom size. also, tulip nativ area turkish mountain receiv rainfal summer enjoy excel drainage."} {"id": "14136", "contents": "decid tri get tulip rebloom year year, import thing choos right locat plant tulips. locat must well drain full sun. intens sun better. dri soil help tulip bloom. plant old fashion tulips. newer hybrid spectacular, far less like rebloom year year. old fashion tulip (heirlooms) forgiv come get right environ like bloom year year."} {"id": "14137", "contents": "tulip eleg blossom, long valu beauti grace. tulip place garden cut flower bouquets, may plant indoor pot bring color home. tulip grown bulb may blossom year year flowerbeds, depend upon climate. garden opt re-us bulb year, other simpli discard old bulb start new one year. want reus tulip bulb year year, cut flower short approxim three week blooming. six eight week later, dig bulb ground store. chill 40 degre 45 degre fahrenheit eight 10 week re-plant"} {"id": "14138", "contents": "plant tulip bulb deep -- eight inch deep, measur base bulb. note: add mulch surfac planting, includ depth part overal plant depth. instance, inch deep soil plu inch mulch inch deep.). water bulb planting. tulip duli note horticultur text perenni flower. mean tulip expect return bloom year year. intent purpos alway case. tulip-lov content treat annual, re-plant fall."} {"id": "14139", "contents": "need dig divid tulip everi year; dug least 3-4 year plant ground. dig yearly, make sure area yard water summer. much water summer rot/kil bulbs."} {"id": "14140", "contents": "tulip differ type bulb turn multipli much differ daffodils-tulip bulb grow top size shatter mani smaller bulb probabl none even bloom size sever years. altern plant bulb contain pot can, hole bottom drainage, protect type pests. deer also problem tulip flower sprout up, like eat flower right ground. keep mind."} {"id": "14141", "contents": "plant time. although tulip flower within one year planting, begin send foliag bud immediately. late fall, four week first expect frost, provid best plant time tulip bulbs. bulb remain semi-dorm winter develop strong root systems. tulip bloom sever colors. tulip (tulipa spp.) grow bulb store nutrient energi plant requir bloom spring. tulip grow perenni u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 8, varieti hardi zone 9. tulip bulb bloom within one year sown plant care properli"} {"id": "14142", "contents": "shop tulip bulbs. mani garden know, daffodil depend repeaters, perenni return year year blooms. tulip somewhat different. tulip, spectacular beauty, one easiest flower grow success garden. tulip duli note horticultur text perenni flower. mean tulip expect return bloom year year. intent purpos alway case. tulip-lov content treat annual, re-plant fall."} {"id": "14143", "contents": "full definit executor. 1. a: one execut someth obsolete: executioner. 2. a: person appoint testat execut b: literari executor."} {"id": "14144", "contents": "execution usual present warrant author order execut sentence. warrant protect execution charg murder."} {"id": "14145", "contents": "full definit executioner. one executes; especially: one put death. see execution defin english-languag learners. see execution defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "14146", "contents": "offici carri sentenc death condemn person. exampl sentences. synonyms. difficult find execution carri sentence. also tell stori henry' brother thomas, longest serv pierrepoint execution carri around 300 hang 40 years."} {"id": "14147", "contents": "difficult find execution carri sentence. also tell stori henry' brother thomas, longest serv pierrepoint execution carri around 300 hang 40 years."} {"id": "14148", "contents": "someon name person make sure instruct properli followed."} {"id": "14149", "contents": "executioner. n. 1. (professions) offici charg carri death sentenc pass upon condemn person. 2. (professions) assassin, esp one appoint polit crimin organization."} {"id": "14150", "contents": "he'd damian' trust execution thousand years. he'd serv damian' execution thousand years, posit found fit gener dislik human capac evil."} {"id": "14151", "contents": "tourtier tourti\u00e8r meat pie made in. quebec consist bottom layer pie, pastri layer meat, fill top cover layer pie. pastri pie bake an. oven spice use meat fill include, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and, allspic accompani herb summer. savouri tourtier tourti\u00e8r meat pie made in. quebec consist bottom layer pie, pastri layer meat, fill top cover layer pie. pastri"} {"id": "14152", "contents": "[tu\u0281.\u02c8tj\u025b\u0281] quebec french [tu\u0281.\u02c8t\u0361sja\u025b\u032f\u0281] also popularli refer canada print pronunci tortiere) torti\u00e8r meat pie origin from, quebec usual made fine diced, pork veal or. beef wild game often ad enhanc tast the. pie one correct filling; meat depend region available. coastal areas, fish salmon commonli used, wherea pork, beef, rabbit game often includ inland. name deriv vessel origin cooked, tourtiere. tourti\u00e8r"} {"id": "14153", "contents": "tourtier tourti\u00e8r montreal made fine ground pork (onli hard find meat often ground coarsely). elsewher water ad meat brown addit cinnamon clove make it. uniqu one correct filling; meat depend region available. coastal areas, fish salmon commonli used, wherea pork, beef, rabbit game often includ inland. name deriv vessel origin cooked, tourtiere. tourti\u00e8r"} {"id": "14154", "contents": "spoon meat mixtur pie crust. place top crust top pie pinch edg seal. cut slit top crust steam escape. cover edg pie strip aluminum foil. bake preheat oven 20 minutes; remov foil return oven."} {"id": "14155", "contents": "tourtier savory, spice meat pie, french-and english-speak canadian love serv around holidays. martiapunts/istockphoto hide caption. martiapunts/istockphoto. tourtier savory, spice meat pie, french-and english-speak canadian love serv around holidays. version stori origin publish dec. 23, 2011."} {"id": "14156", "contents": "tourtier tourti\u00e8r meat pie made in. quebec consist bottom layer pie, pastri layer meat, fill top cover layer pie. pastri pie bake an. oven tourtier tourti\u00e8r meat pie made in. quebec consist bottom layer pie, pastri layer meat, fill top cover layer pie. pastri"} {"id": "14157", "contents": "it\u2019s... read more. tourtiere. tourti\u00e8re: traditional-french canadian meat pie rich regional, variat quebecoi (\u201cqu\u00e9b\u00e9cois-tourtiere-tourti\u00e8re\u201d) tour tee air made (fine ground, meat, commonli pork) beef veal and, spices, like nutmeg, clove cinnamon encas a. flaki pastri shell"} {"id": "14158", "contents": "acadian tourtiere, tourti\u00e8r pate p\u00e2t\u00e9 (\u00e0 la viande), liter meat pie pork pie may, also contain chicken. rabbit beef pate p\u00e2t\u00e9 la viand vari region, region new brunswick nova. scotia princ edward island one correct filling; meat depend region available. coastal areas, fish salmon commonli used, wherea pork, beef, rabbit game often includ inland. name deriv vessel origin cooked, tourtiere. tourti\u00e8r"} {"id": "14159", "contents": "lay pie crust pie pan spoon meat mixture. cover top crust, seal pinch fork. cut slit top crust releas steam brush egg wash. place pie onto bake sheet bake 45 minut crust golden brown. let cool 10 15 minut cut serving."} {"id": "14160", "contents": "passeng pay hold bag take 20kg luggage. weight allow appli passeng rather bag purchas extra bag possibl increas weight allowance."} {"id": "14161", "contents": "hold luggage. item check-in hold luggag certain size weight. total size 275cm (to find simpli add length width height) standard weight 20kg per bag, except sport medic equipment."} {"id": "14162", "contents": "carry-on allowance. easyjet passeng allow one item cabin baggage. baggag larger 50 40 20 cm guarante travel cabin."} {"id": "14163", "contents": "inform visit: http://www.easyjet.com/en/planning/ba... video explain easyjet hold luggag policy, includ allow cost exceed them. remember, although charg hold item, alway cheaper book hold luggag onlin airport. like us facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easyjet."} {"id": "14164", "contents": "easyjet announc plan scrap guarante cabin baggag polici mean passeng could see luggag taken place hold. current rule mean bag measur 50x40x20cm less guarante travel cabin."} {"id": "14165", "contents": "cabin bag larger maximum cabin bag size (56 45 25cm includ handl wheels) bag drop desk ask check bag aircraft hold charg \u00a330.00 apply."} {"id": "14166", "contents": "there' weight limit hand-luggage-pack right, might abl take think. like budget airlines, easyjet pretti strict hand luggag polici term size bag-it maximum allow bag 56 45 25cm. crucial there' weight limit."} {"id": "14167", "contents": "salari calcul mani ways. break yearli salari divid amount pay period work determin much one make per pay. could take salari per pay, divid mani hour work determin hourli rate paid. salari gross pre-tax salari inclus compon (monthly, annual, retir defer payments). current ctc ean current drawn salari usual term dollar per year package."} {"id": "14168", "contents": "ctc stand cost company. salari gross pre-tax salari inclus compon (monthly, annual, retir defer payments). current ctc ean current drawn salari usual term dollar per year package. expect ctc mean salari expect usual term dollar per year packag"} {"id": "14169", "contents": "2. provid comparison take home salary, gross cost company(ctc). highlight distinct gross salari ctc. 3. calcul current tax save help identifi variou tax save increas tax savings. salari calcul calcul pf epf 12% basic pay gratuiti 4.81% basic pay. pf paid differ percentage, need enter actual mount paid pf field accur calculations."} {"id": "14170", "contents": "3. salari calcul calcul pf epf 12% basic pay gratuiti 4.81% basic pay. pf paid differ percentage, need enter actual mount paid pf field accur calculations."} {"id": "14171", "contents": "clearly... ctc stand cost company. includes: gross salari incent provid firm. incent includ mani thing like meal, medic facilities, phone facilities, hous facilities, travel allow etc. sum reward benefit provid employe employ salari term cost company."} {"id": "14172", "contents": "salary, net salary, gross salary, cost compani different. peopl plain confus especi one get new job. excit get first job punctur get first pay. gross salary: amount salari paid ad benefit allow deduct tax. net salary: left salari deduct made. take home salary: usual net salari unless person deduct like loan bond re-payments."} {"id": "14173", "contents": "ctc stand cost company. salari gross pre-tax salari inclus compon (monthly, annual, retir defer payments). current ctc ean current drawn salari usual term dollar per year package. expect ctc mean salari expect usual term dollar per year package. incent includ mani thing like meal, medic facilities, phone facilities, hous facilities, travel allow etc. sum reward benefit provid employe employ salari term"} {"id": "14174", "contents": "gratuity: again, form part ctc ad gratuiti account annually. paid rate 4.81% total yearli basic salari per year. make sure serv compani least year enjoy gratuity. salari perquisit (benefits) compani pay you, actual cost henc term. term quit preval indian softwar compani make offer employment."} {"id": "14175", "contents": "ctc salari offer company? much salari get month packag lakh per annum (not ctc) base pay lakhs, allow 50k, the... accentur offer ctc lakh, 3.69 fix 31k variable. tax save investments, rest money taxable. compani project annual tax payabl accordingli divid tax monthli payments. apart incom tax, monthli pf contribut also deduct monthli salari calcul net monthli pay."} {"id": "14176", "contents": "calcul net salary, first determin gross salary. gross salari obtain subtract employer' contribut provid fund contribution(epf) gratuiti cost company(ctc). salari calcul calcul pf epf 12% basic pay gratuiti 4.81% basic pay. pf paid differ percentage, need enter actual mount paid pf field accur calculations."} {"id": "14177", "contents": "first large\u2013scal suburban area unit state develop westchest county, new york, rural area north new york citi summer weekend retreat wealthi sinc earli nineteenth century. suburban resid built larger lot land central city. example, lot size resid chicago usual 125 feet (38 m) deep, width vari 14 feet (4.3 m) wide row hous 45 feet (14 m) wide larg stand\u2013alon house."} {"id": "14178", "contents": "australian region, suburban also refer residenti area, less subdivis city. scheme devis better postal servicing. lastly, popul statist expert commonli agre suburban area place outsid inner, main, city. actual form part realli big city, sever aggreg distant residenti areas. quit often, seen suburb lower popul densiti compar urban territories. mentioned, suburban area defin differ countries."} {"id": "14179", "contents": "suburban mean commun locat area outsid citi larg town. anoth name suburban commun suburbs."} {"id": "14180", "contents": "1. urban area bigger popul densiti compar suburban areas. 2. urban area usual includ inner, main city, wherea suburban area adjac city, surround city. 3. urban area congest term peopl establish compar suburban territories. actual form part realli big city, sever aggreg distant residenti areas. quit often, seen suburb lower popul densiti compar urban territories. mentioned, suburban area defin differ countries."} {"id": "14181", "contents": "suburban area commun outsid urban center outskirts. common featur commun single-famili home interspers shop mall strips, well offic buildings."} {"id": "14182", "contents": "definition. area town locat edg urban city. suburb contain either within outsid citi boundaries. usual primarili residenti area, often depend upon nearbi citi employ opportun benefits."} {"id": "14183", "contents": "suburb residenti area mix use area, either exist part citi urban area separ residenti commun within commut distanc city. suburban resid built larger lot land central city. example, lot size resid chicago usual 125 feet (38 m) deep, width vari 14 feet (4.3 m) wide row hous 45 feet (14 m) wide larg stand\u2013alon house."} {"id": "14184", "contents": "tri figur consid urban, suburban, rural, inner city. think urban think new york city, san francisco, boston, chicago, philadelphia, tall buildings. suburban make think singl famili housing. rural think hous next farm. us censu bureau defin urban area popul densiti 1,000 ppl per square. 1,000 ppl per squar mile suburban me. say rural also suburban me. 1,000 ppl per squar mile. inner citi think grid"} {"id": "14185", "contents": "suburban settlement mostli found edg urban area. example, toronto urban place so, citi like oakville, burlington, vaughan markham make th em suburban settlement surround toronto. :). 15 peopl found useful."} {"id": "14186", "contents": "suburban area (noun). noun suburban area sense: 1. residenti district locat outskirt city. familiar information: suburban area use noun rare."} {"id": "14187", "contents": "definit unitari form government. unitari form govern convers feder system power central hand central government. singl central govern control whole state full might. unitari system, power central hand central govern center reservoir state powers. system, provinc provinci govern constitut empow central govern legislate, execut adjud full might."} {"id": "14188", "contents": "unitari state state govern one singl power central govern ultim suprem administr divis (subnat units) exercis power central govern choos delegate. major state world unitari system government. although polit power unitari state may deleg devolut local govern statute, central govern remain supreme; may abrog act devolv govern curtail powers. unit kingdom exampl unitari state."} {"id": "14189", "contents": "unitari govern system govern government author vest central government. region local govern deriv power central government. sovereign power vest central govern govern conduct it. central govern stay suprem even power deleg region governments. unit kingdom exampl nation unitari system government."} {"id": "14190", "contents": "unitari state contrast feder state (federations) confeder state (confederation): unitari state, subnat unit creat abolished, power may broaden narrowed, central government. although polit power unitari state may deleg devolut local govern statute, central govern remain supreme; may abrog act devolv govern curtail powers. unit kingdom exampl unitari state."} {"id": "14191", "contents": "unitari govern may defin power concentr hand central government. may sub-divisions, free control central government. creation deriv power from, central govern subordin respects. mere agent central government. best exampl unitari govern great britain france, italy, belgium, japan on."} {"id": "14192", "contents": "unitari government. link cite add word list. noun. definit unitari govern unitari state system polit organ central suprem govern hold author make decis subordin local governments. exampl unitari govern unit kingdom overse scotland."} {"id": "14193", "contents": "best answer: unitari system give main power central government. state, provincial, local govern creat central government. non-centr govern power appoint central government."} {"id": "14194", "contents": "unitari system government, unitari state, sovereign state govern singl entity. central govern supreme, administr divis exercis power central govern deleg them. unitari state contrast feder states, unit states, power share feder govern states. (the state unitary.) 150 countri unitari states, includ france, china, japan."} {"id": "14195", "contents": "medic profess describ pineal gland being: \u201ca small endocrin gland vertebr brain produc serotonin deriv melatonin, hormon affect modul wake/sleep pattern season functions. \u201cthe pineal gland midlin structur shape like pine cone, often seen plain skull x-rays, often calcified; calcif shown one small studi correl accumul fluoride.\u201d pine cone shape pineal gland interest topic."} {"id": "14196", "contents": "anatomi pineal gland. locat near center brain, pineal gland small organ shape like pine cone (which get name). it\u2019 reddish-gray 1/3 inch long. pineal cell neurogli cell (which support pineal cells) mainli compris gland. endocrin organs, function pineal gland last discovered. locat deep center brain, pineal gland known \u201cthird eye.\u201d. pineal gland produc melatonin, help maintain circadian rhythm regul reproduct hormones."} {"id": "14197", "contents": "print. share. pineal gland small, pinecone-shap endocrin gland locat near center brain two hemispheres. it\u2019 small, 5-8mm, sometim visibl head scan calcif occur due toxin fluorid accumulation. pineal gland part endocrin system. like endocrin system glands, pituitari thyroid, primari function hormon secretion, specifically, secret melatonin. melatonin import sexual development, metabol function, sleep-wak cycl regulation."} {"id": "14198", "contents": "pineal gland, also known pineal body, conarium epiphysi cerebri, small endocrin gland vertebr brain. nearli vertebr speci possess pineal gland. import except hagfish, often thought primit extant vertebrate. even hagfish, however, may pineal equival structur dorsal diencephalon."} {"id": "14199", "contents": "pineal gland endocrin gland, like pituitari gland, thyroid gland, adren gland, pancreas. like endocrin glands, secret hormon -- case melatonin. pineal gland last endocrin gland function unveiled, partial small size, roughli pea, structur uniformity. pineal gland locat near center brain. shaman claim pineal gland connect earthli realm spirit world. endocrin gland includ adren gland. pineal gland secret melatonin, promot sleep."} {"id": "14200", "contents": "pineal gland small organ shape like pine cone (henc name). locat midline, attach posterior end roof third ventricl brain. pineal vari size among species; human roughli cm length, wherea dog mm long. pineal gland epiphysi synthes secret melatonin, structur simpl hormon commun inform environment light variou part body."} {"id": "14201", "contents": "pineal gland. pineal gland, also call pineal bodi epiphysi cerebri, small cone-shap structur extend posteriorli third ventricl brain. pineal gland consist portion neurons, neurogli cells, special secretori cell call pinealocytes. pituitari gland hypophysi small gland centimet diamet size pea. nearli surround bone rest sella turcica, depress sphenoid bone. gland connect hypothalamu brain slender stalk call infundibulum."} {"id": "14202", "contents": "pineal gland: pineal gland pine cone shape gland endocrin system. structur diencephalon brain, pineal gland produc sever import hormon includ melatonin. melatonin influenc sexual develop sleep-wak cycles. pineal gland connect endocrin system nervou system convert nerv signal sympathet system peripher nervou system hormon signals. function: pineal gland involv sever function bodi including: secret hormon melatonin."} {"id": "14203", "contents": "pineal gland, also known pineal body, import endocrin gland produc hormon melatonin. melatonin play key role sleep/wak cycl body\u2019 respons sunlight. pineal gland small, pinecone-shap mass glandular tissu 1/3 inch (8 mm) long. attach directli brain along body\u2019 midlin union superior colliculi midbrain lobe thalamus...."} {"id": "14204", "contents": "plural ramus, liter branch, plant, nerve, blood vessel (arterial, venou lymphatic). specifically, rami upward portion side mandible. rami rami given name, popular among arab levant. arabic, rami (\u0631\u0627\u0645\u064a) deriv verb throw mean archer good marksman; literally, one throw arrow, deriv arab verb ram."} {"id": "14205", "contents": "superior inferior pubic rami togeth also call ischiopub ramus. ischium form inferior posterior pelvi compart boni project ischial tuberos posterior end. pubic divid body, superior ramu inferior ramus. ramu form integr part pubic bone also vulner accident injuri fractures."} {"id": "14206", "contents": "pubic rami group bone make portion pelvic bone. bones, refer individually, known pubic ramus. bone gener divid two separ categories, known superior inferior pubic rami. pubic rami four bone front pubic area protect intern organ like bladder. chiropract care may help allevi pain discomfort caus issu"} {"id": "14207", "contents": "given name popular levant. plural ramus, liter branch, plant, nerve, blood vessel (arterial, venou lymphatic). specifically, rami upward portion side mandible. see ramu mandibulae. rami rami given name, popular among arab levant. arabic, rami (\u0631\u0627\u0645\u064a) deriv verb throw mean archer good marksman; literally, one throw arrow, deriv arab verb ram."} {"id": "14208", "contents": "ramu autono\u00b4micu branch parasympathet sympathet nerv autonom nervou system. ramu commu\u00b4nican branch connect two nerv two arteries. ramu (r\u0101\u00b4m\u0259s) 1. branch artery, nerve, vein. the. basl nomina anatomica terminology, term ramu given primari divis nerv blood vessel. 2. constant branch fissure, sulcus, brain. ramus, ascending. posterior, vertic portion mandible, extend corpu condyle, make joint templ"} {"id": "14209", "contents": "ramus. [r\u0101\u2032m\u0259s] pl. rami. etymology: l, branch. small branchlik structur extend larger one divid two parts, branch nerv arteri one rami blood vessel nerve. ramification, n., ramifi v. (r\u0101'm\u012b)."} {"id": "14210", "contents": "spinal cord import structur bodi brain. spinal cord extend foramen magnum continu medulla level first second lumbar vertebrae. vital link brain body, bodi brain. spinal cord 40 50 cm long cm 1.5 cm diameter. two consecut row nerv root emerg sides. spinal nerv rami includ dorsal primari nerv (ramus), innerv skin muscl back, ventral primari nerv (ramus), innerv ventral later muscl skin trunk, extrem viscer organs."} {"id": "14211", "contents": "ramus. [r\u0101\u2032m\u0259s] pl. rami. etymology: l, branch. small branchlik structur extend larger one divid two parts, branch nerv arteri one rami blood vessel nerve. ramu (r\u0101\u00b4m\u0259s) 1. branch artery, nerve, vein. the. basl nomina anatomica terminology, term ramu given primari divis nerv blood vessel. 2. constant branch fissure, sulcus, brain. ramus, ascending. posterior, vertic portion mandible, extend corpu condyle, make joint templ"} {"id": "14212", "contents": "superior pubic ramu major part pubic bone also essenti portion obtur foramen. divid two parts: medial flatten part narrow later prismoid portion. pubic divid body, superior ramu inferior ramus. ramu form integr part pubic bone also vulner accident injuri fractures."} {"id": "14213", "contents": "part electron glossary: transistor, invent three scientist bell laboratori 1947, rapidli replac vacuum tube electron signal regulator. transistor regul current voltag flow act switch gate electron signals. transistor consist three layer semiconductor material, capabl carri current. semiconductor materi germanium silicon conduct electr semi-enthusiast way. small chang current voltag inner semiconductor layer (which act control electrode) produc large, rapid chang current pass entir component. compon thu act switch, open close electron gate mani time per second."} {"id": "14214", "contents": "medic definit transistor. solid-st electron devic use control flow electr electron equip consist small block semiconductor (a germanium) least three electrodes. definit transistor kids. small solid electron devic use control flow electricity."} {"id": "14215", "contents": "electron devic control flow electr current use amplifi switch. transistor consist three layer semiconductor materi connect electr circuit. tran\u00b7sis\u00b7tor. n. 1. small electron devic contain semiconductor least three electr contacts, use circuit amplifier, detector, switch. 2. variou devic serv purpos employ differ technology: optic transistor. 3. transistor radio."} {"id": "14216", "contents": "full definit semiconductor. class solid (a germanium silicon) whose electr conduct conductor insul nearli great metal high temperatur nearli absent low temperatures."} {"id": "14217", "contents": "electron devic control flow electr current use amplifi switch. transistor consist three layer semiconductor materi connect electr circuit. transistors, outer layer excess electrons; others, middl layer electrons. transistor. 1. semiconductor devic used, rectifier, amplifi switch. 2. semiconductor use amplifi switch device."} {"id": "14218", "contents": "transistor. transistor basic electr compon alter flow electr current. transistor build block integr circuits, comput processors, cpus. modern cpu contain million individu transistor microscop size."} {"id": "14219", "contents": "full definit transistor. 1. solid-st electron devic use control flow electr electron equip usual consist small block semiconductor (a germanium) least three electrodes. 2. transistor radio. definit transistor kids. small solid electron devic use control flow electricity."} {"id": "14220", "contents": "definit of:transistor. analog world continu vari signals, transistor devic use amplifi electr input. digit world, transistor binari switch fundament build block comput circuitry. like light switch wall, transistor either prevent allow current flow through."} {"id": "14221", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. definit transistor electron devic work control flow electr current. exampl transistor someth combin larg number microcircuit singl circuit board use computer. transistor. noun. small electron devic contain semiconductor least three electr contacts, use circuit amplifier, detector, switch. variou devic serv purpos employ differ technology: optic transistor. transistor radio."} {"id": "14222", "contents": "transistor semiconductor devic use amplifi switch electron signal electr power. compos semiconductor materi least three termin connect extern circuit."} {"id": "14223", "contents": "sea galile situat northeast israel, golan height galile region, jordan rift valley, valley caus separ african arabian plates. consequently, area subject earthquakes, past, volcan activity. lake total area 166.7 km (64.4 sq mi) fullest, maximum depth approxim 43 (141 feet). level 215 metr (705 ft) 209 metr (686 ft) sea level, lowest freshwat lake earth second-lowest lake overal (after dead sea, saltwat lake)."} {"id": "14224", "contents": "region. northern part palestine, also refer galile gentil assyrian conquest (i 9:1). border valley jezreel, border sea galilee, border lebanon, border plain acre. area divid two part deep valley, thu upper galile lower galilee. upper galile rose height 3000 feet sea level. galilee' lush territori fertil soil agricultur provid basi rich economi region."} {"id": "14225", "contents": "galile (hebrew: \u05d4\u05d2\u05dc\u05d9\u05dc \u200e, transliter hagalil; arabic: \u0627\u0644\u062c\u0644\u064a\u0644 \u200e, translit. al-jal\u012bl) region northern israel overlap much administr northern district haifa district country. lower galile cover area mount carmel mount gilboa south beit hakerem valley north. eastern border jordan river. contain arab villag cana. upper galile extend beit hakerem valley northward southern lebanon."} {"id": "14226", "contents": "galile fausset' bibl dictionary. (gal' ih lee) place name meaning, circl region. northern part israel hill countri ephraim hill countri judah (joshua 20:7). area divid two part deep valley, thu upper galile lower galilee. upper galile rose height 3000 feet sea level. galilee' lush territori fertil soil agricultur provid basi rich economi region."} {"id": "14227", "contents": "map includ geograph locat within ancient galile region israel. galile surround territori (northern palestine). name underlin old testament period, other import new testament times. galile roman provinc judea."} {"id": "14228", "contents": "hence, biblic galile non-jewish nation hebrew galil goyim (vers isaiah 8:23 9:1 differ numberings). previous suffix follow end phoenician empir differ suffix hebrew cultur deriv interchangeably. lower galile cover area mount carmel mount gilboa south beit hakerem valley north. eastern border jordan river. contain arab villag cana. upper galile extend beit hakerem valley northward southern lebanon."} {"id": "14229", "contents": "galile consist rocki terrain, height 500 700 m. sever high mountain region, includ mount tabor mount meron, rel low temperatur high rainfall. lower galile cover area mount carmel mount gilboa south beit hakerem valley north. eastern border jordan river. contain arab villag cana. upper galile extend beit hakerem valley northward southern lebanon."} {"id": "14230", "contents": "best answer: galile region israel west north sea galilee. tri use googl map sea galilee. northern israel. connect ocean. jesu wander around lot, know mean live. source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/galile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sea_of_gali... http://www.ccel.org/bible/phillips/cp051.."} {"id": "14231", "contents": "post-exili time galile name given northerli three divis western palestine. boundari indic josephu (bj, iii, iii, 1). divid lower upper galilee, encompass phoenicia syria. joshua 20:7 set apart kedesh galile hill countri naphtali, shechem hill countri ephraim, kiriath arba (the hebron) hill countri judah."} {"id": "14232", "contents": "example, normal high temperatur mid januari central adirondack 24 degrees, normal low degrees. yield averag temperatur 13 degrees."} {"id": "14233", "contents": "monthli climb area averag weather station lake placid s, mile away 497 feet locat use adirondack climb area forecasts. climb resources."} {"id": "14234", "contents": "share: facebook tweet google+. best time visit adirondack may august, weather warm top site open longer hours. region get crowd time year, book accommod least three month advance."} {"id": "14235", "contents": "averag length freeze-fre season new york state vari 100 120 day in. adirondacks, catskil higher elev western plateau divis 180 200. day long island."} {"id": "14236", "contents": "jump separ tabl region state: downstat new york, hudson valley catskills, adirondack seaway, finger lake central new york state western new york state."} {"id": "14237", "contents": "temperatures. summer adirondack warm hot, winter cold. despit larg size region, temperatur tend vari much town town."} {"id": "14238", "contents": "averag temperatur septemb cities, towns, park lake throughout new york state list below. tabl give normal maximum minimum temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010 us nation climat data center."} {"id": "14239", "contents": "warm months, air adirondack tend humid muggy. area windi year-round, awar hike mountain visit high-elev towns. winter, windchil make temperatur feel 10 degre colder realli is."} {"id": "14240", "contents": "report climat chang champlain basin sponsor natur conserv written dr. j. curt stager mari thill, averag temperatur note analyz area champlain valley eastern section adirondack drain basin."} {"id": "14241", "contents": "slug english unit mass. slug part subset coher unit known gravit foot-pound-second system (fps), one sever special system mechan unit develop late 19th 20th century. slug mass 14.5939 kg 32.17405 pounds."} {"id": "14242", "contents": "histori edit. slug part subset unit known gravit fp system, one sever special system mechan unit develop late 19th 20th century. geepound anoth name unit earli literature. similar unit edit. blob slinch (a portmanteau word slug inch) inch version slug (1 slinch lb \u00b7s /in 12 slugs)."} {"id": "14243", "contents": "slug unit mass us common system units, pound unit force. pound therefor unit weight sinc weight defin forc graviti object. pound forc pound weight wide use unit commerc unit states, use strongli discourag scientif work. standard unit scientif work si units. newton seen forc requir acceler kg mass m/ 2."} {"id": "14244", "contents": "\u203a\u203a definition: slug. slug english u.s. customari unit mass. slug part subset coher unit known gravit foot-pound-second system, one sever special system mechan units. mass acceler forc one pound-forc (lbf) exert it."} {"id": "14245", "contents": "slinch (a portmanteau word slug inch) blob unit mass, inch version slug (1 slinch lb \u00b7s /in 12 slugs). slang term slinch includ slugette."} {"id": "14246", "contents": "histori [edit]. slug part subset unit known gravit fp system, one sever special system mechan unit develop late 19th 20th century. geepound anoth name unit earli literatur"} {"id": "14247", "contents": "bg system mass unit slug defin newton' second law (1) unit mass, slug, deriv pound-forc defin mass acceler foot per second per second pound-forc act upon it: lb (1 slug)(1 ft/s2). words, lb (pound) forc act slug mass give mass acceler ft/ 2."} {"id": "14248", "contents": "slug unit mass associ imperi unit unit state customari units. mass acceler ft/ forc one pound (lbf) exert it. slug part subset unit known gravit fp system, one sever special system mechan unit develop late 19th 20th century. geepound anoth name unit earli literatur"} {"id": "14249", "contents": "slug english u.s. customari unit mass. slug part subset coher unit known gravit foot-pound-second system, one sever special system mechan units. mass acceler forc one pound-forc (lbf) exert it. therefor slug 32.174 05 pound 14.593 90 kg"} {"id": "14250", "contents": "pure androgen-secret adren tumor extrem rare. hirustism, virilization, menstrual irregular usual clinic findings. malign difficult predict, usual relat tumor size, type hormon secreted, veloc tumor progression. case illustr long delay diagnosi viril syndrom due pure androgen-secret adren adenoma present simultan resist hypertension. pure androgen-secret adren tumor extrem rare. hyperandrogenemia women may ovarian adren source."} {"id": "14251", "contents": "sex-hormon produc tumor. sex-hormon produc adren tumor rare tumor make much androgen (i.e. testosterone), estrogen, both. tumor found everi million peopl either benign (adenomas) malign (adrenocort cancer)."} {"id": "14252", "contents": "sex-hormon produc adren gland tumors. adren androgen-secret tumor (viril adren tumors), adenoma adenocarcinoma rare clinic manifest vari depend age onset [1], account 0.2% caus androgen excess [2]. differenti diagnosi must made androgen secret tumor ovari and, males, variou form precoci puberty, includ endocrin tumor testicle, well congenit adrenogenit syndrom [1]. treatment surgic remov adren gland."} {"id": "14253", "contents": "women estrogen-produc tumor men androgen-produc tumor usual symptom hormones, may symptom tumor larg enough press nearbi organs. half peopl adren cancer, symptom caus hormon made tumor. half, symptom occur tumor grown larg press"} {"id": "14254", "contents": "pure androgen-produc adren tumor rare, almost uniqu found females, characterist present combin hirsutism, virilization, menstrual irregularities. adren tumor exclus secret androgen without excess cortisol rare. contrast, small adren tumor common. report autopsi seri demonstr incid tumor approxim 6% patient highli age depend (range: 1.4% 15%)."} {"id": "14255", "contents": "diagnosi radiolog tests. first step evalu patient sex-hormon produc tumor complet histori physic examin physician evalu sign symptoms. term blood tests, high level testosteron urinari 17-ketosteroid suggest androgen produc tumor."} {"id": "14256", "contents": "background. androgen excess common endocrin disord women reproduct age. androgen produc primarili adren gland ovaries. however, peripher tissu fat skin also play role convert weak androgen potent ones. adren androgens. adren gland produc dhea 80% dhea. adren also secret 50% androstenedion 25% circul testosterone. dhea 11-androstenedion secret ovari and, therefore, use marker adren androgen secretion."} {"id": "14257", "contents": "key featur clinic present patient androgen-produc ovarian tumor rapid onset defemin signs. acut featur includ mild skin chang acne, oili skin, menstrual irregularities, follow amenorrhea. luteoma pregnanc ovarian androgen-produc tumor occur pregnant women. unilater bilater solid ovarian tumors. usual palpable. benign tumor regress spontan pregnancy, advers effect mother' health futur fertility."} {"id": "14258", "contents": "summary, adren gland disord consist of: adren insuffici (defici secretion, especi cortisol), adren hormon overproduct mainli caus adren tumor (pheochromocytoma, aldosteronoma, androgen-produc tumors) adren tumor without hormon overproduction. symptom abdomin pain, weight loss and/or relat overproduct hormones, cortisol androgen (high blood pressure, high blood glucose, increas hair irregular period women). earli diagnosi vital, adren cancer may spread (metastasize) other, distant organs."} {"id": "14259", "contents": "cytomegaloviru (cmv) member herp viru famili includ two well-known herp viruses, ii, chickenpox virus, epstein-barr viru (ebv). virus commonli infect humans, persist bodi lifetim infected."} {"id": "14260", "contents": "cytomegaloviru (cmv) member herp viru group, includ virus caus chicken pox, mononucleosi (mono) herp simplex 2. virus share abil remain dormant bodi long time. current cure cmv. cmv infect rare diagnos viru produc few, symptoms. hiv, bodi develop antibodi viru number lab test detect antibodies. also viru cultur urine, throat swabs, tissu samples."} {"id": "14261", "contents": "igg antibodi produc bodi sever week initi cmv infect provid protect primari infections. level igg rise activ infection, stabil cmv infect resolv viru becom inactive. antibodi testing. posit cmv igg igm symptomat person mean like person either recent expos cmv first time previou cmv infect reactivated. confirm measur igg level week later"} {"id": "14262", "contents": "cytomegaloviru (cmv) belong herp viru family. infect cmv common. 50% 80% peopl unit state cmv infect time 40 year accord center diseas control prevent (cdc)."} {"id": "14263", "contents": "activ infect cmv diagnos pcr viral cultur cmv urine, saliva, throat swab specimen bodi tissues. serolog test detect cmv antibodi (igm igg antibodi cmv) wide avail commerci laboratories. enzyme-link immunosorb assay (elisa) commonli avail serolog test measur antibodi cmv."} {"id": "14264", "contents": "cmv igg type blood test test presenc igg antibodi activ event cmv cytomegaloviru infection. igg antibodi protein substanc produc bodi fight infect caus cytomegalovirus. fast requir take cmv igg blood test. blood sampl patient involv studi laboratori presenc igg antibodi proteins. posit result could mean person test past recent infect"} {"id": "14265", "contents": "cmv igg help diagnost test especi primari acut phase cmv infection. patient may infecti mononucleosi women pregnant typic advis undergo cmv igg blood test order determin expos cytomegaloviru recent past. cytomegaloviru type viru belong herp viru family. fast requir take cmv igg blood test. blood sampl patient involv studi laboratori presenc igg antibodi proteins. posit result could mean person test past recent infect cytomegalovirus."} {"id": "14266", "contents": "cmv antibodi test may use determin immun primari cmv infect peopl prior organ bone marrow transplant person diagnos hiv/aids. sinc cmv infect widespread caus problem healthi immun systems, gener popul screen rare done. antibodi testing. posit cmv igg igm symptomat person mean like person either recent expos cmv first time previou cmv infect reactivated. confirm measur igg level week later"} {"id": "14267", "contents": "cytomegaloviru igg use find whether one symptom sign activ cytomegaloviru infection. occasionally, order determin whether one previou infect result, immun infection. differ method notic infect cmv viral cmv detect cytomegaloviru igg antibodi test use diagnos main cmv infect pregnant women, young adults, immun weaken peopl mononucleosi like symptoms. doctor abl make distinct latent activ cmv."} {"id": "14268", "contents": "report abuse. actual two type cricket match .... one one dayer' next one test match' .... one dayer last day name suggests... last hours..... test match last days..... test match play daylight ... depend type game, rule play under. twenty-twenti game last two hours. one day game usual last eight hour run full length. test match last maximum five days, seven hour play schedul day."} {"id": "14269", "contents": "intern cricket test match take maximum days, test match counti small competit sometim play maximum da ys. peopl found useful. answered. football-american."} {"id": "14270", "contents": "8.2k views. intern level, cricket play three versions. test match durat maximum day (8 hour day includ breaks). end earli (end draw result obtain days). average, result usual obtain 4th 5th day only. one day match durat around hour includ breaks. shortest version 20-20 (or t20) durat hours. test match: durat day (8 hr per day half hour lunch break 15 min tea break). one day match (50-50 over) durat hours. break 45 min two innings. one day match (20-20 over) gener littl hours."} {"id": "14271", "contents": "typically, first-class cricket match play three five day with, least, six hour cricket play day. one-day cricket match last six hour more. cricket therefor special rule interv lunch, tea drink well rule play start ends. rule outlin law 15 (intervals) 16 (start play; cessat play) law cricket. term last hour misnomer. one hour schedul end game, last hour starts. agre minimum number over (usual 15 test match cricket 20 first-class cricket games) bowled."} {"id": "14272", "contents": "profession cricket, length game rang 20 over per side test cricket play five days. law cricket maintain intern cricket council (icc) marylebon cricket club (mcc) addit standard play condit test match one day internationals."} {"id": "14273", "contents": "best answer: typically, two inning match play three five day least six hour cricket play day. one inning match usual play one day six hour more. formal interv day lunch tea, shorter break drinks, necessary. depend type game, rule play under. twenty-twenti game last two hours. one day game usual last eight hour run full length. test match last maximum five days, seven hour play schedul day."} {"id": "14274", "contents": "test cricket play days, one day intern match play 50 over side one day twenty/twenti match play 20 over side. depend type game, rule play under. twenty-twenti game last two hours. one day game usual last eight hour run full length. test match last maximum five days, seven hour play schedul day."} {"id": "14275", "contents": "intern cricket test match take maximum days, test match counti small competit sometim play maximum da ys. peopl found useful. one day intern match, overs, play longer period day (some odi match run hours, rain delay play second day). first-class cricket typic set maximum length time game played."} {"id": "14276", "contents": "best answer: type game 1.one day game known odi last approxim 6hr 45min break. 2.test match 5day team bat time (innings) 3.now icc (intern cricket council) tri promot 20/20 game last less 1day game. differ two one day game 50 over pitch 20/20 20 over pitches. report abuse. typic one day match last 3.5 hour per innings....ie, hours. test match last hour per day days. also day day matches."} {"id": "14277", "contents": "best get calori complex carbohydr (starches) natur sugars. addit calories, complex carbohydr provid vitamins, minerals, fiber. increas intak complex carbohydr healthi nutrients: eat fruit vegetables. eat whole-grain rice, breads, cereals. eat legum (beans, lentils, dri peas). healthiest eat carbohydrates, vitamins, nutrient natur form possibl -- example, fruit instead tabl sugar. complex carbohydrates, often refer starchi foods, include: legumes, beans, peas, lentil peanuts."} {"id": "14278", "contents": "sinc complex carbohydr come plant-bas foods, know food also contain plethora benefici nutrient addit carbs, includ vitamins, miner antioxidants. complex carb broken simpl sugars. three type carbohydrates: starch, sugar fiber. starch sugar provid bodi main sourc energy. they'r compris carbon, oxygen hydrogen, organ singl units."} {"id": "14279", "contents": "best get calori complex carbohydr (starches) natur sugars. addit calories, complex carbohydr provid vitamins, minerals, fiber. increas intak complex carbohydr healthi nutrients: eat fruit vegetables."} {"id": "14280", "contents": "macronutri nutrient provid calori energy. nutrient substanc need growth, metabolism, bodi functions. sinc macro mean large, macronutri nutrient need larg amounts. need amount carbohydr because: carbohydr bodi main sourc fuel. carbohydr easili use bodi energy. tissu cell bodi use glucos energy. carbohydr need central nervou system, kidneys, brain, muscl (includ heart) function ..."} {"id": "14281", "contents": "mani carbohydr also suppli fiber. fiber type complex carbohydr found food come plants\u2014fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains. eat food fiber prevent stomach intestin problems, constipation. might also help lower cholesterol blood sugar."} {"id": "14282", "contents": "nutrient compon food organ use surviv grow. macronutri provid bulk energi organism' metabol system need function micronutri provid necessari cofactor metabol carri out. type nutrient acquir environment."} {"id": "14283", "contents": "bond elements, carbohydr provid energi bodi form kilocalori (kcal), averag kcal per gram (kcal/g) carbohydr (a kcal equival calori nutrit label packag food). carbohydr come varieti sizes. protein plant sourc (wheat, corn, rice, beans) consid low biolog valu individu plant sourc contain essenti amino acids. therefore, combin plant sourc must use provid nutrients."} {"id": "14284", "contents": "miner differ nutrient discuss thu far, inorgan compound (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamin organ compounds). fundament structur miner usual noth molecule, molecules, element. protein plant sourc (wheat, corn, rice, beans) consid low biolog valu individu plant sourc contain essenti amino acids. therefore, combin plant sourc must use provid nutrients."} {"id": "14285", "contents": "six major class nutrient found food: carbohydrates, proteins, lipid (fat oils), vitamin (both fat-solubl water-soluble), minerals, water. six nutrient categor three basic function groups. protein plant sourc (wheat, corn, rice, beans) consid low biolog valu individu plant sourc contain essenti amino acids. therefore, combin plant sourc must use provid nutrients."} {"id": "14286", "contents": "starchi food good sourc energi main sourc rang nutrient diet. well starch, contain fibre, calcium, iron vitamins. peopl think starchi food fattening, gram gram contain fewer half calori fat."} {"id": "14287", "contents": "one hectar equal 2.47 acres. therefor half hectar equal 1.235 acr littl less 1-1/4 acres. peopl found useful. edit. share to: karin l. 270,023 contributions. grown work farm gain knowledg experi agricultur result. understand hectar equal 2.4 acre."} {"id": "14288", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. hectar (/\u02c8h\u025bkt\u025b\u0259r/ /\u02c8h\u025bkt\u0251r/ symbol ha) si accept metric system unit area equal 100 are (10,000 2) primarili use measur land. acr 0.4047 hectar one hectar contain 2.47 acres. 1795, metric system introduced, defin 100 squar metr hectar hecto- are) thu 100 are 1\u2044100 km 2. metric system rationalis 1960, result intern system unit (si), includ recognis unit. hectare, however, remain non-si unit accept use si units, mention section 4.1 si brochur unit whose use expect continu indefinitely."} {"id": "14289", "contents": "hectar acre. si deriv unit area squar meter. squar meter equal 0.0001 hectare, 0.000247105381467 acre. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert hectar acres. equal 43 560 squar feet, 4840 squar yards, 160 squar rods. precis mean depend exact definit adopt foot: intern acr 046.856 422 (for uk, see)."} {"id": "14290", "contents": "unit area conversion, pleas go area conversion. 0.404685642 hectar acre. words, 40 percent hectare. find mani hectar acres, multipli convers factor instead, use convert below. acr 0.404685642 hectares. acr imperi us customari area measur unit equal 43560 squar feet. it\u2019 mostli use land measurement. abbrevi ac"} {"id": "14291", "contents": "hectares-acr converter. convert hectar acr use metric imperi area convers tool. convert part full area convers tool. simpli choos whether want convert hectar acr acr hectares, enter valu click 'convert' button. default round set maximum 14 decim place"} {"id": "14292", "contents": "acr unit land area use imperi us customari systems. defin area chain (22 yards) furlong (220 yards), exactli equal 1\u2044640 squar mile, approxim 4,046.856 2, 40% hectare. one acr equal 0.0015625 squar miles, 4,840 squar yards, 43,560 squar feet 4,047 squar metr (0.405 hectares) (see below)."} {"id": "14293", "contents": "acr measur land area imperi unit u.s. customari units. equal 43 560 squar feet, 4840 squar yards, 160 squar rods. precis mean depend exact definit adopt foot: intern acr 046.856 422 (for uk, see)."} {"id": "14294", "contents": "answer 2.47105381. find mani acr hectares, multipli convers factor simpli use convert below. hectar 2.47105381 acres. hectar metric system area unit wide use global land measurement, agricultur forestry. equal 10,000 squar meters. abbrevi ha."} {"id": "14295", "contents": "one hectar 2.47 acr one hectar 10,000 sq. meter 107,600 sq. feet one acr 4,050 squar meter 43,560 sq. feet."} {"id": "14296", "contents": "acr unit area contain 4,840 squar yard approxim size one footbal (soccer) pitch 16 tenni courts. acr rainforest contain 86 differ speci tree, amphibians, birds, insect mammal depend them."} {"id": "14297", "contents": "five basic fact sikhism: 1. belief: sikhism monotheist religion, basic sikh belief repres phrase ik onkar mean one god.. 2. history: sikhism found punjab region india 15th centuri guru nanak dev. sikhism broke hinduism due, part, reject cast system. light tragic shoot wisconsin sikh temple, huffpost religion offer brief introduct sikhism hope increas understand appreci great world religion."} {"id": "14298", "contents": "sikhism (/\u02c8s\u026ak\u0268z\u0259m/ sikkh\u012b, [\u02c8s\u026ak\u02d0\u02b0i\u02d0]), sikhi (from sikh, mean disciple, learner), monotheist religion origin south asia 15th century. sikhism base spiritu teach guru nanak (the first guru), ten success sikh gurus. 25 million adher worldwide, sikhism minor indian religion spread around world. sikh discipl guru"} {"id": "14299", "contents": "sikhism. sikhism found punjab guru nanak 15th centuri ce monotheist religion. sikh think religion practis live world cope life' everyday problem"} {"id": "14300", "contents": "sikh (/si\u02d0k, s\u026ak/ punjabi: \u0a38\u0a3f\u0a71\u0a16 sikkh [s\u026akk\u02b0]) follow sikhism, monotheist dharma origin 15th centuri punjab region south asia. sikh properli refer adher sikhism religion, ethnic group. however, sikhism seldom sought converts, sikh share strong ethno-religi ties. mani countries, unit kingdom, therefor recogn sikh design ethnic censuses."} {"id": "14301", "contents": "sikhism-th word sikh (pronounc sickh) mean 'disciple' 'learner.' sikh religion found northern india fifteenth centuri guru nanak dev ji distinct islam hinduism. sikhism monotheist stress equal men women. across america, peopl wear turban follow sikh religion. sikh northern india (punjab) neither hindu muslims. although sikhism encourag self-defense, pointedli teach seek reveng retribution, teach observ free hatred."} {"id": "14302", "contents": "photography-chippu abraham via getti images. (rns) sikhism world\u2019 fifth-largest religion, monotheist faith found punjab region india 500 year ago. world\u2019 25 million sikh live india, 500,000 make u.s. home."} {"id": "14303", "contents": "sikh, accord articl sikh rehat maryada (the sikh code conduct), human faith believ one immort being; ten gurus, guru nanak guru gobind singh; guru granth sahib; teach ten guru baptism bequeath tenth guru sikh properli refer adher sikhism religion, ethnic group. however, sikhism seldom sought converts, sikh share strong ethno-religi ties. mani countries, unit kingdom, therefor recogn sikh design ethnic censuses."} {"id": "14304", "contents": "autonom nervou system: part nervou system regul key involuntari function body, includ activ heart muscle; smooth muscles, includ muscl intestin tract; glands."} {"id": "14305", "contents": "part nervou system regul involuntari action, intestines, smooth muscle, heart, glands, divid two physiolog anatom distinct, mutual antagonist systems, sympathet nervou system parasympathet nervou system."} {"id": "14306", "contents": "definition: autonom system part peripher nervou system respons regul involuntari bodi functions, heartbeat, blood flow, breath digestion. system divid two branches: sympathet system parasympathet system."} {"id": "14307", "contents": "autonom nervou system. autonom nervou system (ans) regul function intern organ (the viscera) heart, stomach intestines. an part peripher nervou system also control muscl within body."} {"id": "14308", "contents": "definit autonom nervou system bodili process control involuntari action breath digestion. exampl autonom nervou system someone' constant heartbeat breath sleep."} {"id": "14309", "contents": "part vertebr nervou system innerv smooth cardiac muscl glandular tissu govern involuntari action (a secret peristalsis) consist sympathet nervou system parasympathet nervou system."} {"id": "14310", "contents": "kendra cherry. definition: autonom system part peripher nervou system respons regul involuntari bodi functions, heartbeat, blood flow, breath digestion. system divid two branches: sympathet system parasympathet system."} {"id": "14311", "contents": "onlin languag dictionaries. english definit english thesauru english-spanish english-french english-italian spanish-english french-english italian-english espanol-espa\u00f1ol francais-fran\u00e7ai francais-fran\u00e7ai espanol-espa\u00f1ol espanol: espa\u00f1ol portugues: portugu\u00ea portugues: portugu\u00ea espanol... espa\u00f1ol espanol espa\u00f1ol definicion definici\u00f3n espanol espa\u00f1ol sinonimo sin\u00f3nimo catala catal\u00e0 definicio definici\u00f3 crit\u2022i\u2022c /\u02c8kr\u026at\u0259\u02ccsa\u026az/usa pronunci v., -cized, -ciz\u2022ing. find fault (with); judg unfavor harshly: [~ object]critic student instead encourag them.[~ object object]critic care work.[no object]alway critic never anyth good say."} {"id": "14312", "contents": "criticise-find fault with; express critic of; point real perceiv flaws; paper critic new movie; knock food--it' free. criticize, pick apart, knock. censure, reprimand, criminate-rebuk formally. sundays, never fail criticis sermon young clergyman' face: alway inform mr. oliv twist parish boy' progress dickens, charl view context. rule, place criticis south, critic necessary, south--not boston."} {"id": "14313", "contents": "verb. critic someth find point fault problems. exampl critic mother-in-law comment meatloaf dry.."} {"id": "14314", "contents": "express disapprov someon someth basi perceiv fault mistakes: receiv lot critic [count noun]: ignor critic friends. exampl sentences. synonyms. indeed, reader written even press express criticisms."} {"id": "14315", "contents": "use criticis sentence. link cite add word list. verb. definit criticis anoth spell criticize, mean find fault scold. tell someon food prepar bad, exampl criticis food."} {"id": "14316", "contents": "criticize-find fault with; express critic of; point real perceiv flaws; paper critic new movie; knock food--it' free. criticise, pick apart, knock. censure, reprimand, criminate-rebuk formally. vt kritisieren; critic somebodi someth jdn fuer f\u00fcr etw; kritisieren critic alway late ich kritisiert sie, dafuer daf\u00fcr dass sie immer zu. [spaet] sp\u00e4t kommt. \u02c8kr\u026at\u026asa\u026az vt criticar"} {"id": "14317", "contents": "critic verb. b2 [i, often passive] \u200bexpress \u200bdisapprov someon something: \u200bgovern \u200bwide critic \u200bmedia \u200bfail \u200blimit \u200bair \u200bpollution. we'll get \u200bnowher criticize. critic verb [i/t]. \u200bexpress \u200bdisagr \u200bdisapprov someth someone: [i/t] it\u2019 lot \u200beasier critic (a \u200bplan) \u200boffer \u200buse \u200bsuggestions. (definit critic cambridg academ content dictionari cambridg univers press)."} {"id": "14318", "contents": "infest state invad overrun pest parasites. also refer actual organ live within host. general, term infest refer parasit diseas caus anim arthropod (i.e. mites, ticks, lice) worms, exclud caus protozoa, fungi, bacteria."} {"id": "14319", "contents": "lice infestation, pediculosis, caus parasit live human skin. lice tiny, wingless insect suck mouthpart feed human blood lay egg bodi hair clothing. lice bite caus intens itching. pediculosi capiti infest head lice. bodi lice infest call pediculosi corporis. pediculosi palpebrarum phthiriasi palpebrarum, caus crab lice, infest pubic hair."} {"id": "14320", "contents": "vermin (colloqui varmint varmit) pest nuisanc animals, especi threaten human societi spread diseas destroy crop livestock. use term impli need extermin programs. term describ farm pest raid farm oppos infest farms\u2014mainli predat foxes, weasels, coyotes, sometim even wolv rarely, bears, also, lesser degree, herbivor burrow anim directli damag crop land."} {"id": "14321", "contents": "extern ectoparasit infest condit organ live primarili surfac host (though porocephaliasi penetr viscerally) includ involv mites, ticks, head lice bed bugs. general, term infest refer parasit diseas caus anim arthropod (i.e. mites, ticks, lice) worms, exclud caus protozoa, fungi, bacteria."} {"id": "14322", "contents": "natur pest control method employ effect reduc elimin infest without harm humans, crop organisms. method often util organ plant insect control pest agricultur environment. spread disease, consum veget plant destroy homes. thus, variou pest control method employ deal them. two main type pest control: natur chemical. natur pest control employ organ biolog materi reduc infestation. hand, chemic pest control employ potent chemic pesticid reduc elimin pests. use either methods, util pest control method manag infest problem"} {"id": "14323", "contents": "head lice. head lice tini insect feed blood human scalp. infest head lice, call pediculosi capitis, often affect children usual result direct transfer lice hair one person hair another."} {"id": "14324", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: infest (noun). presenc larg number pest organ area field, surfac host anyth might contact host, soil."} {"id": "14325", "contents": "2. infestation-a swarm insect attack plants; plagu grasshoppers. plague. swarm, cloud-a group mani thing air ground; swarm insect obscur light; cloud blossoms; discharg cloud spores. dracunculiasis, guinea worm, guinea worm disease-a pain debilit infest contract drink stagnant water contamin guinea worm larva matur insid human' abdomen worm emerg pain blister person' skin."} {"id": "14326", "contents": "pepsin secret inact form, call pepsinogen chief cells. pariet cell secret hydrochlor acid convert pepsinogen activ pepsin reach lumen stomach, minim self digest minim self digest pepsin hydrolys proteins. source(s): univeristi note =)."} {"id": "14327", "contents": "confid vote 282. 1. pepsin import digest enzym stomach.2. pepsin essenti digest protein diet.3. lack suffici pepsin, protein food poorli penetr digest enzym thu poorli digested. pepsin break protein peptid found stomach, secret gastric gland found line stomach. other found useful."} {"id": "14328", "contents": "pepsin enzym -- specifically, proteolyt enzyme, mean help digest proteins. cell stomach secret pepsin help digest protein consum food. special cell intestin absorb digest product protein bloodstream, cell take there."} {"id": "14329", "contents": "pepsin proteas begin digest proteins, break peptid amino acids. pepsinogen, secret gastric gland stomach stomach. there, acid environ stomach, pepsinogen convert pepsin. there, acid environ stomach, pepsinogen convert pepsin. trypsin proteas secret small intestin pancreas. pepsin, trypsin digest protein peptid amino acid made secret inact form, trypsinogen."} {"id": "14330", "contents": "mucou protect stomach line acid digest enzym stomach. pepsinogen, convert pepsin, digest proteins. pepsinogen product stimul presenc gastrin blood. (see link end). gastric juic made main components."} {"id": "14331", "contents": "pepsin digest protease, member aspart proteas family. pepsin one three princip protein-degrading, proteolytic, enzym digest system, two chymotrypsin trypsin. three enzym among first isol crystallin form. pepsin express pro-form zymogen, pepsinogen, whose primari structur addit 44 amino acids. stomach, chief cell releas pepsinogen."} {"id": "14332", "contents": "pepsin enzym secret zymogen cell stomach. first secret inact form call pepsinogen. hydrochlor acid (hcl) activ ate pepsin. function: function hydrolys protein yield peptide. pepsin break protein peptid found stomach, secret gastric gland found line stomach. other found useful."} {"id": "14333", "contents": "pepsinogen. zymogen secret chief cell gastric gland convert pepsin presenc gastric acid pepsin itself. plasma pepsinogen. high level indic extens mucos damag abomasum, ostertagiasi ruminants. proenzym zymogen form secret chief cell gastric mucosa; acid gastric juic pepsin remov 44 amino acyl residu pepsinogen form activ pepsin. synonym(s): propepsin. [pepsin g. -gen, producing]."} {"id": "14334", "contents": "secret special cell line stomach call chief cells, explain dr. laurale sherwood book human physiology.. pepsin protein, contrast protein eat digest, pepsin biolog activ stomach. cell stomach secret pepsin help digest protein consum food. special cell intestin absorb digest product protein bloodstream, cell take there."} {"id": "14335", "contents": "pepsin enzym whose zymogen (pepsinogen) releas chief cell stomach degrad food protein peptides. pepsin express pro-form zymogen, pepsinogen, whose primari structur addit 44 amino acids. stomach, chief cell releas pepsinogen."} {"id": "14336", "contents": "definition: aspect characterist identifi culture. microbi tissu cultures. see also cross-cultur comparison. name cultur characteristic; characteristics, cultural; characteristic, cultural."} {"id": "14337", "contents": "cultur centr societi without cultur societi even exist. main differ human be animals. heritag transmit one gener another. includ way behavior social life. man born environ culture, seek way behav act given society. cultur social. individu phenomena product society. develop societi social interaction. share man societi man acquir without associ others."} {"id": "14338", "contents": "answers. best answer: cultur characteristic, trait, identifi part particular culture. example, style mask use yoruba nigeria consid cultur characteristic. pyramid egypt characterist ancient egyptian culture."} {"id": "14339", "contents": "krober defin \u201cthe spread one cultur element materi non-materi call cultur diffusion.\u201d. simpl word \u201cthe process cultur trait one societi directli indirectli spread societi call cultur diffusion. characterist cultur diffusion. follow characterist cultur diffusion. select process. select process trait one cultur adopt selection. compuls adopt trait others. rapid materi"} {"id": "14340", "contents": "definit cultur way life societi creat satisfi basic needs. peopl found useful. edit. share to: excit cultur event miami miami, florida' divers cultur make wonder u.s. travel destin want celebr heritag cultur diversity. definit cultur divers definit cultur divers vary. opposit monocultur similar multiculturalism, exactli same. cultur divers commonli vie\u2026."} {"id": "14341", "contents": "cultur characterist knowledg particular group people, defin everyth language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music arts. word cultur deriv french term, turn deriv latin colere, mean tend earth grow, cultiv nurture."} {"id": "14342", "contents": "defin characterist cultur culture, basic defined, consist variou group person belongs. inherit scientific. social concept, uniqu human race. order better understand concept culture, one break sever defin characteristics. though cultur mani characteristics, let us focu three main ideas: cultur dynamic, multifaceted, cultur learned."} {"id": "14343", "contents": "cultur characterist uniform aspect cultur help identifi person culture. aspect race, ethnicity, language, values. definit cultur divers definit cultur divers vary. opposit monocultur similar multiculturalism, exactli same. cultur divers commonli vie\u2026."} {"id": "14344", "contents": "tramadol use primarili treat mild-sever pain, acut chronic. tramadol recommend manag pain fibromyalgia european leagu rheumatism. tramadol market racem mixtur r-and s-stereoisomers. two isom complement other' analges activity. often combin paracetamol (acetaminophen) known improv efficaci tramadol reliev pain."} {"id": "14345", "contents": "tramadol, like narcot use treatment pain, may abused. tramadol nonsteroid anti-iinflammatori drug (nsaid) increas risk stomach ulcer intern bleed occur nsaids. fda approv tramadol march 1995. prescrib for: tramadol use manag moder moder sever pain. extend releas tablet use moder moder sever chronic pain adult requir continu treatment extend period. medic review doctor 2/25/2015. drug class mechanism: tramadol man-mad (synthetic) analges (pain reliever). exact mechan action unknown, similar morphine."} {"id": "14346", "contents": "featur articl \u00bb. tramadol use reliev moder moder sever pain, includ pain surgery. extended-releas long-act tablet use chronic ongo pain. tramadol belong group medicin call opioid analgesics. act central nervou system (cns) reliev pain."} {"id": "14347", "contents": "tramadol uses. tramadol opioid analges use treat moder sever pain. tramadol develop german pharmaceut compani grunenth gmbh late 1970s, market name tramal. also licens name includ ultram. tramadol hydrochlorid gener name brand ultram, usual use treat moder moder sever pain. tramadol avail extend releas tablet taken exactli directed."} {"id": "14348", "contents": "tramadol (market ultram, generics) opioid pain medic use treat moder moder sever pain. taken immediate-releas oral formulation, onset pain relief usual occur within hour. two differ mechanisms. first, bind \u03bc-opioid receptor. tramadol market racem mixtur r-and s-stereoisomers. two isom complement other' analges activity. often combin paracetamol (acetaminophen) known improv efficaci tramadol reliev pain."} {"id": "14349", "contents": "uses: medic use help reliev moder moder sever pain. tramadol similar narcot analgesics. work brain chang bodi feel respond pain."} {"id": "14350", "contents": "tramadol, like narcot use treatment pain, may abused. tramadol nonsteroid antiinflammatori drug (nsaid) increas risk stomach ulcer intern bleed occur nsaids. answer consid medic advice... tramadol man-mad (synthetic) analges (pain reliever). exact mechan action unknown similar morphine. like morphine, tramadol bind receptor brain (opioid receptors) import transmit sensat pain throughout bodi to."} {"id": "14351", "contents": "tramadol use reliev moder moder sever pain. tramadol extended-releas tablet use peopl expect need medic reliev pain around-the-clock long time. tramadol class medic call opiat agonists. work chang way bodi sens pain."} {"id": "14352", "contents": "tramadol pain relief medic neurolog effect result pain relief throughout body. pain killer narcot use extens treatment without possibl tramadol usag grow drug addiction. one stronger pain killer classifi narcotic. tramadol hcl similar tramadol howev formula tramadol hcl allow use extend releas drug. extend release. almost inform tramadol tramadol hcl same."} {"id": "14353", "contents": "tramadol narcotic-lik pain reliever. tramadol hydrochlorid gener name brand ultram, usual use treat moder moder sever pain. tramadol avail extend releas tablet taken exactli directed."} {"id": "14354", "contents": "educ training. psychologist need least master' degre doctor degree, accord bureau labor statistics. major forens psychologist doctor degre along forensic-specif clinic experience. typic involv clinic work law enforc forens lab. psychologist profession studi interpret human behavior. forens psychologist work crimin analyz action determin mental profil thought process drive them. work often aid crimin investig track serial criminals."} {"id": "14355", "contents": "minor law train law good addit psycholog degree. mental health law crimin case law expertis especi useful. addition, forens psychologist need good grasp courtroom procedur come across competent, profession believ crimin cases. psychologist profession studi interpret human behavior. forens psychologist work crimin analyz action determin mental profil thought process drive them. work often aid crimin investig track serial criminals."} {"id": "14356", "contents": "forens psychologist requir plenti educ certification, also requir abil handl inform that' present evalu person crimin trial. next qualif need state license, requir practic psychologists. minimum requir find state year fieldwork, degre accredit institut course, pass state certif exam."} {"id": "14357", "contents": "educ certification. first qualif need becom forens psychologist doctor clinic psychology, forens psycholog counseling. next qualif need state license, requir practic psychologists. minimum requir find state year fieldwork, degre accredit institut course, pass state certif exam."} {"id": "14358", "contents": "educ training. forens psychologists, whether work appli research forens psychology, need earn doctor degre forens psychology. elig doctor program, need first earn bachelor\u2019 degree, psycholog relat area, accredit institution."} {"id": "14359", "contents": "becom qualifi forens psychologist need complete: british psycholog societi (bps)-accredit degre psychology, lead graduat basi charter membership (gbc). health care profess council (hcpc)-approv programm train lead registr forens psychologist. bps-accredit degre usual need five gcse (a-c), plu three levels. check cours provid exact entri requirements. graduat subject psycholog may abl becom elig gbc complet accredit convers course."} {"id": "14360", "contents": "skills, interest qualities. becom forens psychologist need have: genuin desir help offenders. keen interest caus effect crimin behaviour. resilience, abil deal risk physic verbal assault. patience, empathy, honesti integrity. bps-accredit degre usual need five gcse (a-c), plu three levels. check cours provid exact entri requirements. graduat subject psycholog may abl becom elig gbc complet accredit convers course."} {"id": "14361", "contents": "doctor degre forens psycholog requir career crimin psychologist. currently, two type psycholog doctor degrees: doctor philosophi (ph.d.) psycholog doctor clinic psycholog (psy.d.)."} {"id": "14362", "contents": "averag temperatur reno. reno' coldest month decemb averag temperatur overnight 20.7\u00b0f. july, warmest month, averag day time temperatur rise 91.2\u00b0f. driest month reno juli 0.24 inch precipitation, 1.06 inch januari wettest month."} {"id": "14363", "contents": "averag high low temperatur list month annual reno, degre fahrenheit celsius. maximum minimum part temperatur picture. fill rest, there' inform mani day month get given temperature. although reno averag three day year temperatur 99 \u00b0f, half day juli august get 90s. almost alway drop 70 night. spring fall, reno' day get least 50 degre"} {"id": "14364", "contents": "reno: annual weather averages. juli hottest month reno averag temperatur 23\u00b0c (73\u00b0f) coldest januari 2\u00b0c (36\u00b0f)"} {"id": "14365", "contents": "46.4\u00b0f. reno' coldest month decemb averag temperatur overnight 20.7\u00b0f. july, warmest month, averag day time temperatur rise 91.2\u00b0f. driest month reno juli 0.24 inch precipitation, 1.06 inch januari wettest month."} {"id": "14366", "contents": "location. report describ typic weather reno-taho intern airport (reno, nevada, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1974 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable. warm season last june 15 septemb 12 averag daili high temperatur 82a\u00b082\u00e2. hottest day year july, 22 averag high of\u00b092a 92\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 57a 57\u00e2"} {"id": "14367", "contents": "1.4. highest averag temperatur reno juli 79.4 degrees. coldest averag temperatur reno januari 32.8 degrees. monthli precipit reno occur januari 1.6 inches. reno weather inform base averag previou 3-7 year data. loading..."} {"id": "14368", "contents": "location. report describ typic weather reno-taho intern airport (reno, nevada, unit states) weather station cours averag march. base histor record 1974 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable."} {"id": "14369", "contents": "mango name wide consum fruit world. possibl health benefit consum mango includ decreas risk macular degeneration, decreas risk colon cancer, improv digest bone health even benefit skin hair."} {"id": "14370", "contents": "heart disease: fiber, potassium vitamin content mango help ward heart disease. increas potassium intak along decreas sodium intak import dietari chang person make reduc risk cardiovascular disease."} {"id": "14371", "contents": "mango may well king fruits. fight cancer, alkal body, aid weight loss, regul diabetes, help digestion, clean skin, make perfect snack. 17 healthi reason eat mango everi day."} {"id": "14372", "contents": "5. weight loss. mango lot vitamin nutrient help bodi feel fuller. also, fibrou fruit boost digest function bodi burn addit calories, help weight loss. 6. regul diabetes. fruit leav mango healthi too. peopl suffer diabetes, boil 5-6 mango leav vessel, soak night drink filter decoct morning."} {"id": "14373", "contents": "mango impress vitamin content assur overal health. rich potassium (4% 156 mg) magnesium (2% mg) mango great natur remedi high blood pressur patients."} {"id": "14374", "contents": "mango salsa, mango sorbet healthi mango recipes. mango healthi flavor fruit add sweet savori dish alike. healthi mango recipes, includ recip mango salad, mango sorbet mango salsa, new way tri cook mango."} {"id": "14375", "contents": "vitamin a. mango suppli healthi dose vitamin a. need adequ amount vitamin diet support healthi eye proper bone growth. mango suppli 1,785 iu vitamin cup serving. 35 percent vitamin bodi need daili good health."} {"id": "14376", "contents": "2. 2. averag cost per squar foot wire new home would depend number box size service. hous 100 box (light, switch outlet) electrician price base $40.00 per box, would $4,000 boxes, rough wiring. breaker panel cost extra jack corner."} {"id": "14377", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal electr wiring! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost electr wire instal project. basic wire project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal electr wire rang $131.55 $216.42 per wiring. estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "14378", "contents": "average-s room, abl buy electr rough-in suppli need hardwar store home center less $100. here' buy: nonmetal cabl (nm). room like 15-amp circuits, buy 250-ft. coil 14-2 w/g type nm-b ($15 $25)."} {"id": "14379", "contents": "stori half house, bedrooms, baths, laundri room, built 4-foot depth crawlspace. rough-in estim cost materials. wrong, missing. power run barn already, run addit 60 feet underground get new house."} {"id": "14380", "contents": "college. graduat colleg big deal, make mani peopl wonder larger monetari gift required. millionaire' corner' survey show mani peopl give $100 $500 dollar colleg graduat rel close friend. clearly, plenti debat discrep regard much give graduate. example, might want give $10 acquaintances, $20 friend $50 close friend family. get graduat announc mail, decid categori person graduat belong (ie friend, family, acquaintance) give accordingly."} {"id": "14381", "contents": "give colleg graduat depend well know person, plan graduation. example, graduat go busi world, briefcas might good gift."} {"id": "14382", "contents": "rich friend rel like respond gener \u201chow much give?\u201d half millionair would give high school graduat $100 $500, 60 percent would give colleg grad $100 $500. accordingly, grad like get gift woman, gift man like bigger one. half women survey (53 percent) say it\u2019 import give graduat gift close friends, compar 39 percent men."} {"id": "14383", "contents": "peopl give $20 would stretch. think lot much give depend close niec nephews. close--if see stay touch, i'd give lower amount. gave $50 kids' friend high school graduation. close kid family, i'd give $100. truli shocked. dare give somebodi less $50 graduat gift (h college). graduat hs year ago, neighbors/famili friend gave $50 $100. close famili member gave $150 $500."} {"id": "14384", "contents": "brides-to-b expect parent also expect shower gifts. again, much spend depend close person. consensu babi center suggests: $20-$25 co-work acquaintance, $50 close friend, $100 best friend famili member. much spend: wed guest say they\u2019ll spend averag $108 gifts, 15% 2012. gift creat equal, however, consum weigh factor like relationship bride groom (45%) budget time wed (33%) decid much spend."} {"id": "14385", "contents": "investor (57 percent) say that\u2019 appropri amount high school grad close friend famili member, though 40 percent comfort give $100 $500. wonder much give wed shower gift? click find affluent investor say. accordingly, grad like get gift woman, gift man like bigger one. half women survey (53 percent) say it\u2019 import give graduat gift close friends, compar 39 percent men."} {"id": "14386", "contents": "investor (54 percent) say it\u2019 appropri give colleg grad close friend famili member $100 $500, though 35 percent say less $100 appropriate. accordingly, grad like get gift woman, gift man like bigger one. half women survey (53 percent) say it\u2019 import give graduat gift close friends, compar 39 percent men."} {"id": "14387", "contents": "question much give colleg graduat gift also important. it\u2019 rel import part lives, colleg degre huge effort part, consid give $25 $50 dollars. monetari gift etiquett colleg graduat grad achiev success, doesn\u2019t mean it\u2019 alway follow letter. give afford; standard $25 high budget, consid lower amount."} {"id": "14388", "contents": "(if say money, much?) invit says,... show wife invit hour open hous high school graduat parti daughter acquaintance. 60's, place? would nice gift 18 year old girl? clue. daughter acquaintance? go hour event that!! would give simple, i'm sorri can't make it, alreadi plan date.. spend $10-15"} {"id": "14389", "contents": "astronomi highli recommend get undergradu degre physics, least work great deal physic cours program (at least receiv minor). appli math would ok want go theory/comput modeling, make sure get physic there. mean can't take bunch astronomi cours includ get minor doubl major work toward appli math physic degree."} {"id": "14390", "contents": "two degre astronomi offered, bachelor scienc degre bachelor art degree. primari differ two degre b.a. degre allow somewhat flexibl choic courses. b.a. b.s. degre provid excel prepar graduat studies. colleg univers offer astronomi degre us. us colleg univers program studi astronomy, lead degree. prepar student graduat work immedi employ astronomi physics."} {"id": "14391", "contents": "first off, go want bachelor\u2019 degre scienc astronomy, although rare occas graduat school known let bachelor\u2019 degre art students. go want realli well colleg studies, next step graduat school. mani peopl impress easi get astronomi degree. complex studi space, go need lot math science. astronom see day start excel math scienc high school."} {"id": "14392", "contents": "entri requir astronomi degrees. usual student varieti background experi accept astronomi degrees, entri requir may flexible. particular previou knowledg experi astronomi expected, abl demonstr strong interest subject. astronomi career universities. astronomi career base univers includ job research associ lectur astronomy. variou laboratories, librari univers facil dispos carri research field interest."} {"id": "14393", "contents": "obtain astronomi degre requir great deal schooling. sinc astronomi scienc reli heavili upon math, excel mathemat scienc necessary. mani student wish becom astronom begin reach scienc math goal earli high school."} {"id": "14394", "contents": "re: astronomi degrees? would abl get degre astronomy? anyth space space travel space studi i'm 13 cousin say start research hard feild get don't know anything. appli math would ok want go theory/comput modeling, make sure get physic there. mean can't take bunch astronomi cours includ get minor doubl major work toward appli math physic degree."} {"id": "14395", "contents": "astronomycast.com look archiv build career astronomy. think year highschool, year college, 2-4 year graduat school, anoth 2-4 year post-doc. might get job. astronom get job around mid thirties. friend take 10 year get ph.d. peopl start master easili get doctor years. think mani master degre program"} {"id": "14396", "contents": "astronomi degree. mani peopl impress easi get astronomi degree. complex studi space, go need lot math science. astronom see day start excel math scienc high school."} {"id": "14397", "contents": "earn bachelor degre field relat astronomi astrophysics. bachelor degre usual requir four year college. univers requir minimum number undergradu school credit hour devot mathematics, physic astronomy."} {"id": "14398", "contents": "scienc profess go, astronomi rel small field, 6,000 profession astronom north america. size, astronom get know collabor mani colleagu across u.s. around world. lead advantag dialogu among astronomers."} {"id": "14399", "contents": "pork calori chart give averag amount calories, kilojoul pork product bought butcher supermarket. untrim pork fat on. interest note differ mani calori pork chop untrim cut fat on, compar lean pork trim fat. cut calori almost half trim pork fat. exampl loin pork chop fat 390 cal compar loin chop trim fat 210 cals. that' substanti save calori pork chop watch weigh"} {"id": "14400", "contents": "steak calori count. rule thumb calcul steak calori per serv roughli 170 calori per 100 grams. calori steak base 3.5 ounc serv 100 grams. calori approxim alter fat marbl meat. fri fat add lot calories. grill meat trim fat cut. beef steak certainli delici meal mani people. steak cook varieti way much higher total calori fish per 100 grams. steak contain mani vital vitamin miner someth avoid cost diet kind."} {"id": "14401", "contents": "calori per ingredient. food food nutrit databas use nutrit calcul recipe. calori per serv bake pork steak. 491 calori pork, fresh, loin, blade (chop roasts), bone-in, separ lean fat, raw, (0.38 lb). 27 calori flour, white, (0.06 cup). calori kikkoman soy sauce, (0.50 tbsp)."} {"id": "14402", "contents": "335 calori small pork steak cutlet. calori breakdown: 53% fat, 0% carbs, 47% protein. percent daili valu base 2000 calori diet. daili valu may higher lower depend calori needs."} {"id": "14403", "contents": "lower calori needs. sedentari peopl burn fewer calori throughout day, mean must consum lower-calori diet avoid weight gain. sedentari woman 19 30 year age burn 1,800 2,000 calori daily, sedentari woman 31 51 burn 1,800 calori per day. sedentari men two age categori burn 2,400 2,600 calori 2,200 2,400 calories, respectively. activ woman age 19 30 burn 2,400 calori per day, activ woman 31 51 burn 2,200 calories. activ men two age group burn 3,000 2,800 3,0"} {"id": "14404", "contents": "specifically, sedentari men age 19 30 need 2,400 2,600 calories; 31- 50-year-old men requir 2,200 2,400 calories; sedentari men age 50 need 2,000 2,200 calori day maintain healthi bodi weight. moder activ men. dietari guidelin american 2010 estim averag moder activ man need 2,200 2,800 calori day maintain healthi bodi weight (page 14)."} {"id": "14405", "contents": "specifically, sedentari men age 19 30 burn 2,400 2,600 calori daily; sedentari male age 31 50 burn 2,200 2,400 calories; sedentari men older 50 burn 2,000 2,200 calori day. sedentari men. sedentari men burn calori sedentari women gener bigger lean bodi mass. usda report sedentari men burn therefor consum -- 2,000 2,600 calori day maintain healthi bodi weight."} {"id": "14406", "contents": "number calori need eat day depend sever factors, includ age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, overal gener health. example, physic activ 6ft 2in male, age 22 years, requir consider calori 5ft 2in sedentari woman 70s. recommend daili calori intak us 2,700 men 2,200 women. eat big breakfast could help weight reduct maintenance. food eaten may matter much mani calori eaten."} {"id": "14407", "contents": "nation heart, lung blood institut suggest sedentari women weigh less 165 pound gener need 1,000 1,200 calori daili effect lose weight, women weigh 165 pound sedentari men often requir 1,200 1,600 calori day weight loss. depend gender age, adult don\u2019t exercis healthi bodi weight gener need somewher 1,600 2,600 calori daili maintain weight, accord dietari guidelin american 2010."} {"id": "14408", "contents": "sedentari women. sedentari women gener burn 1,600 2,000 calori per day, accord u.s. depart agricultur (page 14), consum number calori healthi weight maintenance. sedentari men. sedentari men burn calori sedentari women gener bigger lean bodi mass. usda report sedentari men burn therefor consum -- 2,000 2,600 calori day maintain healthi bodi weight."} {"id": "14409", "contents": "number calori bodi burn sedentari state determin basal metabol rate, bmr. calcul bmr follow formula men dietnation: 66 (6.23 weight pounds) (12.7 height inches) (6.8 age year). example. 6-foot-tall, 28-year-old sedentari man weigh 200 pound would calcul bmr follows: 66 (6.23 200) (12.7 72) (6.8 28) 2,150 bmr. multipli bmr 1.2 calcul 2,580 calori need day."} {"id": "14410", "contents": "specifically, sedentari women requir 1,600 2,000 calori day, sedentari men need 2,000 2,600 calori daili maintain current weight. gener rule, calori need healthi weight mainten adult decreas age. depend gender age, adult don\u2019t exercis healthi bodi weight gener need somewher 1,600 2,600 calori daili maintain weight, accord dietari guidelin american 2010."} {"id": "14411", "contents": "calori per pound. sedentari individu need consum 13 calori per pound bodi weight daili basis, note harvard medic school. example, you\u2019r sedentari weigh 125 pounds, you\u2019d need eat 1,625 calori daily. depend gender age, adult don\u2019t exercis healthi bodi weight gener need somewher 1,600 2,600 calori daili maintain weight, accord dietari guidelin american 2010."} {"id": "14412", "contents": "inner ear contain sensori organ hear balance. cochlea hear part inner ear. semicircular canal inner ear part balanc system. cochlea boni structur shape like snail fill two fluid (endolymph perilymph). organ corti sensori receptor insid cochlea hold hair cells, nerv receptor hearing. mechan energi movement middl ear bone push membran (the oval window) cochlea. forc move cochlea' fluid that, turn, stimul tini hair cells."} {"id": "14413", "contents": "two type auditori vestibular. auditori hair cell locat cochlea inner ear, respons detect sounds. movement hair translat electr signal transmit brain interpret sound."} {"id": "14414", "contents": "human bodi number cell relat tissues. sinc cell basic unit tissue, decid type, natur function tissues. group differ type cell form tissu human bodi one type tissu form organs."} {"id": "14415", "contents": "similar posts. sensat hear balanc reli hair cells, famili cell locat inner ear. crucial function tip links, string protein physic connect cilia \u201chairs\u201d found cells."} {"id": "14416", "contents": "inner ear hair cells, cell convert mechan stimulu like sound head movement neural signals. see mechanosensit cilia bundl three cells; rest cell visibl surface."} {"id": "14417", "contents": "origin call communist parti cuba (spanish: partido comunista de cuba), form 1925 group includ bla roca, anib escalante, fabio grobart, alfonso bernal del riesgo julio antonio mella, act leader assassin mexico 1929. whilst finish fourth, parti five seat hous elections. four 1950 mid-term elections. 1961 parti merg integr revolutionari organ (ori), precursor current communist parti cuba."} {"id": "14418", "contents": "march 26, 1962 iro becam unit parti cuban socialist revolut (pursc) which, turn, becam communist parti cuba octob 3, 1965 castro first secretary. communist parti strengthen one-parti rule, castro suprem leader. moder arrested. fidel' brother raul castro becam armi chief. septemb 1960, neighborhood watch system known committe defens revolut (cdr) created."} {"id": "14419", "contents": "final argument cuba socialist rule 'direct democracy' call 'mass organisations'. paper cuban communist parti mass organisation, 700,000 members, 600,000 young communist (ujc). first argument cuba socialist revolut led peopl call communists. yet look juli 26th movement 1959 see wrong."} {"id": "14420", "contents": "march 26, 1962 ori becam unit parti cuban socialist revolut (pursc) which, turn, becam communist parti cuba octob 3, 1965. april 2011, first secretari communist parti cuba raul ra\u00fal, castro presid of, cuba younger brother previou first secretari presid of, cuba fidel, castro second secretari jose jos\u00e9 ramon. ram\u00f3n machado ventura"} {"id": "14421", "contents": "cuba number communist anarchist organ earli period republ (found 1902). origin internationalis communist parti cuba form 1920s; 1944 renam popular socialist parti elector reasons. april 2011, first secretari communist parti cuba raul ra\u00fal, castro presid of, cuba younger brother previou first secretari presid of, cuba fidel, castro second secretari jose jos\u00e9 ramon. ram\u00f3n machado ventura"} {"id": "14422", "contents": "freedom socialist parti found seattl 1966, one thrill period u.s. history. liber struggl rock countri world! u.s. quell upsurg nicaragua, haiti, el salvador guatemala, devast iraq first gulf war, invad panama somalia. use balkan war 1991-2001 finish yugoslavian worker state. meanwhile, recess '70 signal overal econom declin world capitalism, polit reaction follow inevitably. 1980 began, u.s. enter reagan years, labor oppress face new attacks."} {"id": "14423", "contents": "freedom socialist parti found seattl 1966, one thrill period u.s. history. liber struggl rock countri world!"} {"id": "14424", "contents": "communist parti cuba found 1925, see popular socialist parti (cuba) communist parti cuba (spanish: partido comunista de cuba, pcc) polit parti permit rule republ cuba, although other exist. communist parti marxist-leninist model. april 2011, first secretari communist parti cuba raul ra\u00fal, castro presid of, cuba younger brother previou first secretari presid of, cuba fidel, castro second secretari jose jos\u00e9 ramon. ram\u00f3n machado ventura"} {"id": "14425", "contents": "nation socialist movement root origin american nazi party, found 1959 former navi cmdr. georg lincoln rockwell."} {"id": "14426", "contents": "definit (2). 1. finance, purchas financi product item valu expect favor futur returns. gener terms, invest mean use money hope make money. 2."} {"id": "14427", "contents": "definit 'investment'. asset item purchas hope gener incom appreci future. econom sense, invest purchas good consum today use futur creat wealth. finance, invest monetari asset purchas idea asset provid incom futur appreci sold higher price."} {"id": "14428", "contents": "definit 'invest fund'. suppli capit belong numer investor use collect purchas secur investor retain ownership control shares."} {"id": "14429", "contents": "financi sens invest includ purchas bonds, stock real estat property. sure get 'make investment' 'speculating' confused. invest usual involv creation wealth wherea specul often zero-sum game; wealth created."} {"id": "14430", "contents": "invest fund provid broader select invest opportunities, greater manag expertis lower invest fee investor might abl obtain own. type invest fund includ mutual funds, exchang trade funds, money market fund hedg funds. next up."} {"id": "14431", "contents": "answers. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: former chef canada newer stove oven guid them, low oven 75 125 consid slow oven, old fahrenheit scale would roughli 150-250 f, even 140-150 still scale."} {"id": "14432", "contents": "(if cook oven, bring simmer first stovetop, put oven, start temp 350\u00b0f 15 minutes, drop 250\u00b0f next hour, 225\u00b0f that.). cook 1/2 1/2 hours, longer, meat tender. order recip work properly, let roast sit (wrapped) one two hour outsid refriger come room temperatur (between 65 70\u00b0f) cooking. otherwise, take lot longer cook low heat call recipe."} {"id": "14433", "contents": "low-temperatur cook cook techniqu use temperatur 45 85 \u00b0c (113 185 \u00b0f) prolong time cook food. histori [edit]. low-temperatur cook use long time; evid use found indigen cultures. samoan tongan slow-cook meat larg pit celebr ceremonies."} {"id": "14434", "contents": "low-temperatur cook method includ sou vide cooking, slow cook use slow cooker, cook normal oven minim set 70 \u00b0c (158 \u00b0f), use combi steamer provid exact temperatur control. histori [edit]. low-temperatur cook use long time; evid use found indigen cultures. samoan tongan slow-cook meat larg pit celebr ceremonies."} {"id": "14435", "contents": "h. altitude, water boil approxim 201 degrees. make green chili, lot prep, chili suppos simmer (i.e., boiling, presume) hours. thought, put oven 200 degrees."} {"id": "14436", "contents": "use oven keep stew simmer. tri keep pot stew, soup, brais low simmer stove tricki endeavor sinc everyone\u2019 stove different. sometim it\u2019 hot, sometim it\u2019 hot enough. result end peek pot frequent constantli play knob tri get right. stew brais dishes, look part recip say \u201cturn simmer, cover, cook.\u201d everyth instruct stove save long cook part (when maintain temperatur important) oven."} {"id": "14437", "contents": "think term usual use like, eg bring boil simmer minut would be, boil someth would normal high heat...but ingredi put pot, depend food would sometim keep fire burn strong boil, simmer low heat. i'v instruct bring boil simmer soup 35 minutes.. internet fill unsatisfi time contradictori answers. research yield prototyp examples: simmer mean low position, suggest basic heat all. simmer heat temperatur point boiling, gener acknowledg somewher around 95 degre someth like 195 degre"} {"id": "14438", "contents": "sound way high me. 212 boiling, simmer, set oven 250 f. however, import get dutch oven full food boil put preheat oven. even heat dutch oven cover anoth burner low whole dutch oven hot goe oven. stew brais dishes, look part recip say \u201cturn simmer, cover, cook.\u201d everyth instruct stove save long cook part (when maintain temperatur important) oven."} {"id": "14439", "contents": "web page current applic advanc polymers. basic build block plastic polym molecule, long chain covalent-bond atoms, one shown right. secondari bond hold group polym chain togeth form polymer material."} {"id": "14440", "contents": "polym larg molecul made repeat subunit connect chemic bonds. need exampl polymers? list materi polymers, plu exampl materi polymers."} {"id": "14441", "contents": "intro polymers. term polym commonli use today plastic composit industry, often use impli mean plastic resin. actuality, term polym mean much more. polym chemic compound molecul bond togeth long repeat chains."} {"id": "14442", "contents": "polym materi compris long molecular chains. polym carbon base rel low melt points. polym wide rang properti allow extens use society. use include: car parts, food storage, electron packaging, optic components, adhesives."} {"id": "14443", "contents": "polym man made natur occurring. example, rubber natur polymer materi extrem use use man thousand years. rubber excel elast properties, result molecular polym chain creat mother nature."} {"id": "14444", "contents": "polymers. word polym liter mean mani parts.. polymer solid materi may consid one contain mani chemic bond part unit bond togeth form solid. two industri import polymer materi plastic elastomers."} {"id": "14445", "contents": "polym substanc contain larg number structur unit join type linkage. substanc often form chain-lik structure. polym natur world around sinc begin time. starch, cellulose, rubber possess polymer properties."} {"id": "14446", "contents": "share saves. save. apprais titl search two complet separ processes, although necessari close new home refin current one. apprais detail assess home' market value, usual take day so. titl search search lien claim ownership could complic deal, take anywher day weeks."} {"id": "14447", "contents": "typically, depend busi titl compani is, take one week two get actual preliminari titl report. however, vari depend circumstances. short sales, done right, report file hous offer market."} {"id": "14448", "contents": "additionally, option purchas owner\u2019 polici titl insurance. typically, process order titl polici receiv polici take two weeks, however, differ factor affect time frame. titl insur polici indemnifi and/or lender (if mortgage) defect titl property."} {"id": "14449", "contents": "titl insur polici take longer issu tradit insur polici search examin work. purchas home, like pay titl insur part close cost transaction. titl insur polici indemnifi and/or lender (if mortgage) defect titl property."} {"id": "14450", "contents": "home closing. mortgage, abl close transact titl search exam completed. transact closes, receiv deed properti along titl insur policy. titl insur polici indemnifi and/or lender (if mortgage) defect titl property."} {"id": "14451", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: take days, realli depend counti thing set up, busi guy search is, could issu titl they'r tri resolve. lender follow this, nag little. titl search depend live properti take week sever owner simpli searcher busy. patient wait come back start start panicking. source(s): mortgag broker, former real estat paralegal. lepr0kan year ago."} {"id": "14452", "contents": "titl insurance. never purchas home, may familiar titl insurance. titl insur polici indemnifi and/or lender (if mortgage) defect titl property."} {"id": "14453", "contents": "titl insur usual take around week process, depend complex titl search. take titl insur compani that, follow polici get process soonest possibl time. idea take long get titl insurance, simplifi outlin process issu titl insur policy: placement request titl insur"} {"id": "14454", "contents": "confid vote 84.8k. depend state in, less week. typic search back titl commit 24-48 hours. state onlin counti record access abl search done day titl agency. part long take get actual commit base effici titl agenc handl order. default car titl loan long compani repossess it? state sc, titl loan compani wait 30 days. 30 day mark, vehicl repossess home, job, park lot even ga tation refueling."} {"id": "14455", "contents": "work titl company. depend much work involv search busi titl compani is. search go back govern land grant 1800' start search. titl search depend live properti take week sever owner simpli searcher busy. patient wait come back start start panicking. source(s): mortgag broker, former real estat paralegal. lepr0kan year ago."} {"id": "14456", "contents": "dentistri dental implant abroad. privat dentistri cost prove prohibit expens unit kingdom, mean mani uk patient consid dental treatment abroad. choos use dentist abroad, you\u2019ll find signific save made. mani differ treatment avail abroad, includ dental implants, crowns, bridg veneers. make signific save cost restor cosmet dental treatment travel europe."} {"id": "14457", "contents": "dental treatment abroad costs. access afford nh dentistri becom increasingli difficult cost privat dentistri becom prohibit expensive, signific number peopl uk seek dental treatment abroad."} {"id": "14458", "contents": "placement dental implant abroad. placement dental implant requir visit clinic. initi visit, last days, perform free initi consultation. meet dentist finalis treatment plan."} {"id": "14459", "contents": "unfortun price uk extrem high compar countri special eastern europe. usual go dental implant abroad save 70% uk without compromis quality. mani time dentist eastern europ countri like bulgaria better experi qualif dental implant field colleagu uk. reason quit simple-becaus put implant everi month year. full mouth teeth implant procedure. 2010, studi show travel dental tourism get increasingli popular uk probabl due recession."} {"id": "14460", "contents": "cost dental implant abroad. cost dental implant abroad depend type dental treatment require. implant solut vari depend circumstances. cases, initi consult clinic would first necessari dental team make accur assess situation. initi consult free charge."} {"id": "14461", "contents": "dental implant abroad cost \u00a3785. consid dental implant abroad probabl research clinics, implant prices, guarante countri could travel to. consid dental implant abroad kreativ dental alway need factor return flight budapest (approx \u00a3225) accommod cost (approx \u00a3300). factor cost patient still regularli save 50% 70% compar quot receiv uk"} {"id": "14462", "contents": "money liter save 100% compar dental implant price uk 70% european cost treatment abroad. detail inform relat full cost dental implant shown below. turkey hour flight uk europe. cheap, cheap, turkey, dental, implant. implant cheap turkey compar europe. may ask implant cheap turkey. reason clear. compar dental cost abroad dental implant see lot cheap prices. turkey importantli clinic cost lower buy implant bulk supplier. implant manufactur turkey"} {"id": "14463", "contents": "phil myers. annelid includ earthworms, polychaet worms, leeches. member group extent segmented, words, made segment form subdivis partial transect bodi cavity. segment also call metamerism."} {"id": "14464", "contents": "annelida group commonli refer segment worms, found worldwid deepest marin sediment soil citi park yards. 20th centuri annelida split three major groups; polychaeta, oligochaeta (earthworm etc.) hirudinea (leeches)."} {"id": "14465", "contents": "leech segment worm belong phylum annelida compris subclass hirudinea. like oligochaetes, earthworms, leech share clitellum hermaphrodites. nevertheless, differ oligochaet signific ways."} {"id": "14466", "contents": "earthworm big segment worm belong phylum annelida, class clitellata, sub class oligochaeta. leech also worm belong phylum annelida, class clitellata sub class hirudinae. anatomy. earthworm segment (37-100) tube-lik muscular bodi connect continu gut, nerv blood vessel. bodi leech divid 34 segment small anterior larg posterior sucker. leech also worm belong phylum class, sub class hirudina three types, freshwater, terrestri marine. similar differ earthworm leech outlin below."} {"id": "14467", "contents": "segment worm (annelida) group invertebr includ 12,000 speci earthworms, ragworm leeches. segment worm live marin habitat intertid zone near hydrotherm vents."} {"id": "14468", "contents": "annelid (annelida, latin anellus, littl ring), also known ring worm segment worms, larg phylum, 17,000 extant speci includ ragworms, earthworms, leeches."} {"id": "14469", "contents": "leeches. leech segment worm belong phylum annelida similar earthworm way hermaphrodit share clitellum. major leech live freshwat environments, speci found terrestri marin environments, well."} {"id": "14470", "contents": "earthworm big segment worm belong phylum annelida, class clitellata, sub class oligochaeta. leech also worm belong phylum class, sub class hirudina three types, freshwater, terrestri marine. similar differ earthworm leech outlin below."} {"id": "14471", "contents": "there\u2019 lot variat dental fees, averag total dental implant associ crown report dentist survey $3,200 that\u2019 $1,800 dental implant cost, $1,400 crown well anoth $600 custom abutment. charg fee tooth crown implant crown, said one prosthodontist. patient manag perspective, charg separ fee abut much agreeabl patient charg higher fee implant crown.."} {"id": "14472", "contents": "singl implant typic cost $2,400-$3,000, $4,000-$10,000 addit procedur like extractions, bone grafts, place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. two six implant remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed."} {"id": "14473", "contents": "metal crown gold alloy (call high nobl metal) base metal alloy (non-noble) cost $600-$2,500 per tooth. costhelp reader without insur report pay $830-$2,465 metal crown, averag cost $1,353. costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $530-$1,875, averag payment $953."} {"id": "14474", "contents": "place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. two six implant remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed."} {"id": "14475", "contents": "costhelp reader without insur report pay $830-$2,465 metal crown, averag cost $1,353. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $519-$1,140, averag payment $882. costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $530-$1,875, averag payment $953."} {"id": "14476", "contents": "porcelain-fused-to-met crown cost $500-$1,500 per tooth. example, costhelp reader without insur coverag report pay $875-$1,400 porcelain-fused-to-met crowns, averag cost $1,093. costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $530-$1,875, averag payment $953."} {"id": "14477", "contents": "gener cost implant alon $1,000 $3,000 given locat implant. crown cost addit $500 $3,000, depend size type crown placed. averag cost singl implant crown $4,250. averag cost crown $825, without dental insur coverage. cheapest cost dental crown $500 simpl metal crown. dental crown specif shape shell fit damag broken teeth either cosmet structur purposes."} {"id": "14478", "contents": "all-porcelain crown requir higher level skill take time instal metal porcelain-fused-to-met crowns, cost $800-$3,000 per tooth. costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader without insur report pay $860-$3,000, averag cost $1,430. costhelp reader insur report out-of-pocket expens $530-$1,875, averag payment $953."} {"id": "14479", "contents": "cost run $500 $1,500 per tooth. patient insur gener copay $280 $1,000 per crown averag payment $620. without coverag paid $875 $1,400 per tooth averag cost nearli $1,100. averag cost crown $825, without dental insur coverage. cheapest cost dental crown $500 simpl metal crown. dental crown specif shape shell fit damag broken teeth either cosmet structur purposes."} {"id": "14480", "contents": "main goal congress vienna: 1. importantly, congress vienna want creat balanc power major power europ (britai n, france, austria, prussia, russia) 2."} {"id": "14481", "contents": "gather call congress vienna work call concert europe.. congress session napoleon' return exil island elba, end june, 1815, day napoleon' defeat waterloo."} {"id": "14482", "contents": "lead figur congress vienna 1814 klemen von metternich repres austria. goal were: balanc power europe, expans austrian empire. [source]- ap european history, 4th block :)."} {"id": "14483", "contents": "brief histori congress vienna. deleg congress vienna (1814-1815) motiv surprisingli larg degre desir benefit europ whole, reflect purpos call congress togeth settlement reached."} {"id": "14484", "contents": "revolut 1830. congress vienna conven 1815 four european power defeat napoleon. first goal establish new balanc power europ would prevent imperi within europe, napoleon empire, maintain peac great powers."} {"id": "14485", "contents": "member congress afraid strong france, creat strong border states. netherland italian kingdom piedmont creat end. prussia got left bank rhine, austria took territori northern italy, includ tuscani milan."} {"id": "14486", "contents": "russian tortois size. russian tortois hatchl measur inch carapac length. mature, reach maximum length 10 inches. femal normal littl larger male full size. femal inch long, larg enough begin produc eggs. russian tortois almost alway import young adult inch carapac length."} {"id": "14487", "contents": "fairli similar varieti tortoise, one easili differenti horsefield anoth four claw front feet. round shell gener dark brown oliv green color. depend gender, reach larg 25 cm, 9.8 inches, length. horsefield tortois smaller speci tortoise. male commonli longer tail keep tuck side shell, femal short, stubbi ones. life span 75 years, even properli care"} {"id": "14488", "contents": "russian tortois small tortois species, size rang 13\u201325 cm (5\u201310 in). femal grow slightli larger (15\u201325 cm [6\u201310 in]) accommod eggs. male averag 13\u201320 cm (5\u20138 in). russian tortois sexual dimorphic. russian tortois (agrionemi horsfieldii), also commonli known horsfield' tortois central asian tortoise, speci tortois popular pet."} {"id": "14489", "contents": "housing. tortois requir indoor outdoor enclosur stay healthi happy. indoor enclosur form tortois table, well ventil larg possible. tortois activ species, room allow better. edibl plant veget suitabl feed horsefield tortois includ dandelion (leav flowers), dri hay, grasses, bramble, chick weed, nasturtium, mustard, sunflower, mint, clover, water cress, turnip, carrot, cabbage, barley, apple, broad beans, rose petal sow thistles."} {"id": "14490", "contents": "place horsefield tortois hide. horsefield tortois appreci place hide within enclosure. form plants, rock stones, branches, commerci produc hide larg plant pot side. edibl plant veget suitabl feed horsefield tortois includ dandelion (leav flowers), dri hay, grasses, bramble, chick weed, nasturtium, mustard, sunflower, mint, clover, water cress, turnip, carrot, cabbage, barley, apple, broad beans, rose petal sow thistles."} {"id": "14491", "contents": "size: horsefield quit small speci tortois male reach 16cm (6.5inches) length, femal gener larger reach 20cm (8 inches) instances. life span: appropri care horsefield tortois long lived. edibl plant veget suitabl feed horsefield tortois includ dandelion (leav flowers), dri hay, grasses, bramble, chick weed, nasturtium, mustard, sunflower, mint, clover, water cress, turnip, carrot, cabbage, barley, apple, broad beans, rose petal sow thistles."} {"id": "14492", "contents": "size femal 10-12 inches, male 8-10 inch life span like tortoises, horsefield live mani mani years, often outliv owners. horsefield live upward 60 year care correctly. habitat dri area sever winter summer weather changes."} {"id": "14493", "contents": "horsefield tortois small tortoise, rang 15 25 cm size. femal grow slightli larger male male slightli longer tail tuck side. tortois four toe life span 75 years. speci tortois sociabl human make wonder pets. horsefield tortois herbivore. tortois fed grasses, leafi greens, veget flower non-poison plant weeds. requir well-balanc diet keep healthi also give food pellet occasion"} {"id": "14494", "contents": "tortois known grazers, enjoy larger varieti flowers, leaves, differ type plant includ diet. horsefield/russian tortoise. horsefield tortoise, also name russian tortoise, known small tortoise, rang size 15 25 cm. femal grow slightli larger males, male horsefield tortoise, slightli longer tail stay tuck side."} {"id": "14495", "contents": "ferret one year old known kits. babi ferrret call kits. male call hobs. femal call jills. group ferret refer busi ferrets."} {"id": "14496", "contents": "group ferret busi ferrets.. male tend larger femal length weight. femal 13-14 inch long weigh anywher 0.75 2.5 lbs, wherea male averag 15-16 inch long weigh 2-3.5 lb neuter even larger (4 lbs) neutered."} {"id": "14497", "contents": "group ferret call busi busy-ness. middl age word spell besyn alleg term fesyn aros 1801 transcriptio error joseph strutt' sport pastimes."} {"id": "14498", "contents": "views, research opinion concern care domest ferret. group ferret call busi busy-ness. middl age word spell besyn alleg term fesyn aros 1801 transcript error joseph strutt' sport pastimes."} {"id": "14499", "contents": "femal ferret call jill. mother ferret litter call dam. unspay femal jill, spay femal sprite. male hob, young ca lled kits."} {"id": "14500", "contents": "femal call jills, male hobs. babi ferret call kits. north america, spay femal sometim call sprite neuter male call gibs. group ferret busi ferrets.. male tend larger femal length weight."} {"id": "14501", "contents": "breed femal call jill spay femal call sprites, breed male call hob neuter male call gibs.. ferret offspr call kits, whether male female. wild, breed cycl jill hob dictat temperatur length daylight."} {"id": "14502", "contents": "mani peopl heard diabetes, peopl know exactli diabet realli is. eat food, broken glucos sugar. even though mani health expert harp much sugar diet, need glucos help regul metabol give energy."} {"id": "14503", "contents": "diabet number diseas involv problem hormon insulin. normally, pancrea (an organ behind stomach) releas insulin help bodi store use sugar fat food eat. diabet occur one follow occurs:"} {"id": "14504", "contents": "diabet mellitu condit pancrea longer produc enough insulin cell stop respond insulin produced, glucos blood cannot absorb cell body. symptom includ frequent urination, lethargy, excess thirst, hunger."} {"id": "14505", "contents": "insulin open door cell body. door swing open, sugar bloodstream enter cells, bodi use sugar energy. exampl one way explain diabet kids."} {"id": "14506", "contents": "type diabetes. type diabet occur insulin-produc cell pancrea (call beta cells) destroy immun system. peopl type diabet produc insulin must use insulin inject control blood sugar."} {"id": "14507", "contents": "diabet condit prevent bodi properli use energi food. occur pancrea produc insulin, pancrea produc insulin, resist body."} {"id": "14508", "contents": "definition. diabet mellitu condit pancrea longer produc enough insulin cell stop respond insulin produced, glucos blood cannot absorb cell body. symptom includ frequent urination, lethargy, excess thirst, hunger."} {"id": "14509", "contents": "hendrick unusu first name male promin last name peopl (#4128 150436, top 3%). (2000 u.s. census). (2000 u.s. census). popular vari form hendrick (not ranked) list top 1000 henri (#33 2014) enriqu (#414) hank (#602) harri (#714) henrik (#863) hal, henri enrico. form like arrigo uncommon."} {"id": "14510", "contents": "hendrik form name henry. henri deriv two german elements, haim mean home ric mean power ruler. introduc britain norman born eight king england. variou forms, also popular royal name mani european countries. henri deriv two german elements, haim mean home ric mean power, ruler. introduc britain norman born eight king england. henri tudor born june 28, 1491 greenwich palac second son henri vii elizabeth york."} {"id": "14511", "contents": "inform chart came u.s. immigr collect ancestry. find major hendrick famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family. ssdi searchabl databas 70 million names. find birthdates, death dates, address more."} {"id": "14512", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name hendrick hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, hendrick nautic flag page. less girl given name. view hendrick name popular page see popular trend hendrick chang sinc 1880, compar popular hendrick names."} {"id": "14513", "contents": "english name gener consist given name, middl name famili name. mani english speak countri fairli flexibl name laws. allow multicultur famili live countri merg name convent faith previou nation current homeland. less girl given name. view hendrick name popular page see popular trend hendrick chang sinc 1880, compar popular hendrick names."} {"id": "14514", "contents": "hendrick gener use boy' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc hen-drick. u.s. 2014, rank 2365 babi name popular boy 54 occurrences. less girl given name. view hendrick name popular page see popular trend hendrick chang sinc 1880, compar popular hendrick names."} {"id": "14515", "contents": "scandinavian meaning: name hendrick scandinavian babi name. scandinavian mean name hendrick is: rule household. soulurg number: 5. express number: 9. peopl name deep inner desir travel adventure, want set pace life without govern tradition."} {"id": "14516", "contents": "find hendrick famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family. ssdi searchabl databas 70 million names. find birthdates, death dates, address more."} {"id": "14517", "contents": "hendrick /hen-drick/ [2 sylls.] boys' name pronounc hen-drik. english, danish old german origin, mean hendrick home leader. (2000 u.s. census). popular vari form hendrick (not ranked) list top 1000 henri (#33 2014) enriqu (#414) hank (#602) harri (#714) henrik (#863) hal, henri enrico. form like arrigo uncommon."} {"id": "14518", "contents": "click circl chart view hendrick birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family. ssdi searchabl databas 70 million names. find birthdates, death dates, address more."} {"id": "14519", "contents": "although student loan can't discharg bankruptcy, bankruptci court may abl eas overwhelm debt burden. court may discharg portion student loans, rare vari court. get forbearance, stop payment loan, still accumul interest part loan. live wa state. bankruptci year ago, unabl includ student loans."} {"id": "14520", "contents": "cannot discharg student loan base undu hardship either chapter chapter 13 bankruptcy, still certain advantag file chapter 13 bankruptcy. one advantag chapter 13 plan, loan holder determin size student loan payments. make court-determin payment chapter 13 plan, usual three five years. still owe remaind student loan come bankruptcy, tri point discharg remaind base undu hardship."} {"id": "14521", "contents": "unfortunately, cannot file bankruptci discharg singl debt. choos bankruptcy, must includ debts. although debt (like student loan child support) typic discharg bankruptcy, court need know get accur pictur finances. mortgag modif bankruptcy: unfortunately, bankruptci court author modifi term home mortgag loan. file bankruptci chang term mortgage, may give abil catch payments."} {"id": "14522", "contents": "print pdf. student loan difficult, impossible, discharg bankruptcy. so, must show payment debt \u201cwill impos undu hardship dependents.\u201d. court use differ test evalu whether particular borrow shown undu hardship. make court-determin payment chapter 13 plan, usual three five years. still owe remaind student loan come bankruptcy, tri point discharg remaind base undu hardship."} {"id": "14523", "contents": "debtor abl discharg (wipe out) student loan debt chapter chapter 13 bankruptcy. however, prove repay student loan would caus undu hardship you, get rid student loan bankruptcy. chapter bankruptcy. chapter bankruptcy, payment loan undu hardship, you\u2019ll still owe bankruptci case over. chapter 13 bankruptcy. can't discharg student loans, chapter 13 bankruptci provid way help. example, may abl pay reduc amount chapter 13 plan -- although hook whatev amount left repay period end"} {"id": "14524", "contents": "file bankruptcy, abl use process known debt discharg escap liabil mani unsecur debts. typic includ outstand credit card bills, person loans, busi loans, unsecur line credit, medic bill court judgments. file chapter 13 bankruptcy, like student loan debt restructured. rare circumstances, may abl petit presid judg undu hardship designation."} {"id": "14525", "contents": "best answer: ye 2nd one fibrou root. nodul root type fibrou root. peas, beans, groundnut, moong, urad gram exampl plant possess nodul roots. plant call legumin plant. fibrou root gener much diffus closer surfac nitrogen fix roots-memb leguminosa famili (alfalfa, pea clover) bacterium infect root form nodules."} {"id": "14526", "contents": "mendel work seven characterist pea plants: plant height, pod shape color, seed shape color, flower posit color. mendel use cross true-breed (homozygous) pea plant seven traits. case offspr (f1) would heterozyg would therefor display domin state uniformli (such round green peas)."} {"id": "14527", "contents": "soil ph. pea plant grow rang soil ph levels, 5.8, slightli acidic, 7, neutral. purchas soil test kit garden center test soil ph. soil alkaline, add sulfur, acidic, add lime. soil drainage. pea like sit wet soil, choos spot good drainage. heavi clay soil, absorb hold water, add humu materi improv drainage. work leaves, grass clip straw soil improv soil texture, drainag nutrient content."} {"id": "14528", "contents": "cross-fertil pure-br color flower pea plant pure-br white flower pea plant. correct. self-fertil pure-br color flower plant. no, allel flower color gene one plant test dominance. self-fertil pure-br white flower plant."} {"id": "14529", "contents": "get best head start, turn pea plant bed fall, add manur soil, mulch well. legumes, pea root fix nitrogen soil, make avail plants. pea appreci good sprinkl wood ash soil planting. plant pea place next year. next spring, plant pea earli (in march even there' snow long soggy), watch care mildew (whitish color) spray mix part water part power milk avoid problem."} {"id": "14530", "contents": "reduc effect much nitrogen, plant pea heavi feed companion corn asparagus. pea continu produc nitrogen, quickli absorb companion plant, improv overal health plant soil microb work make nitrogen available. soil drainage. pea like sit wet soil, choos spot good drainage. heavi clay soil, absorb hold water, add humu materi improv drainage. work leaves, grass clip straw soil improv soil texture, drainag nutrient content."} {"id": "14531", "contents": "pea fussi soil. pea come two varieties: bush pole. type easi grow choos varieti base much space have. larger area trellising, bush varieti work well, pole varieti good choic tight space containers. soil drainage. pea like sit wet soil, choos spot good drainage. heavi clay soil, absorb hold water, add humu materi improv drainage. work leaves, grass clip straw soil improv soil texture, drainag nutrient content."} {"id": "14532", "contents": "pea pod botan fruit, sinc contain seed develop ovari (pea) flower. name also use describ edibl seed fabacea pigeon pea (cajanu cajan), cowpea (vigna unguiculata), seed sever speci lathyrus. p. sativum annual plant, life cycl one yea"} {"id": "14533", "contents": "pea commonli small spheric seed seed-pod pod fruit pisum sativum. name also use describ edibl seed fabacea pigeon pea (cajanu cajan), cowpea (vigna unguiculata), seed sever speci lathyrus."} {"id": "14534", "contents": "pea smooth wrinkl seeds. varieti grown wrinkl seed, sinc sweeter flavorful. advantag smooth seed tough withstand rot cold, wet soil, although mani wrinkl seed varieti treat mild fungicid prevent rotting."} {"id": "14535", "contents": "owl design meet need web ontolog language. owl part grow stack w3c recommend relat semant web. xml provid surfac syntax structur documents, impos semant constraint mean documents. owl web ontolog languag test case document contain larg set test case language; owl use case requir document contain set use case web ontolog languag compil set requir owl."} {"id": "14536", "contents": "ontolog web languag servic (owl-s) core set markup languag construct describ properti capabl web servic unambiguous, computer-interpret form."} {"id": "14537", "contents": "web ontolog languag owl. web ontolog languag owl extend rdf rdfs. primari aim bring express reason power descript logic semant web. unfortunately, everyth rdf express dl."} {"id": "14538", "contents": "3. owl basic ontolog language, owl primarili concern defin terminolog use rdf documents, i.e., class properties. ontolog languag mechan specifi taxonomi classes. particular, owl extend resourc descript framework (rdf) rdf schema, two earli semant web standard endors w3c. syntactically, owl ontolog valid rdf document also well-form xml document."} {"id": "14539", "contents": "one six part w3c recommend owl, web ontolog language. develop web ontolog work group part w3c semant web activ (activ statement, group charter) public 10 februari 2004. owl web ontolog languag test case document contain larg set test case language; owl use case requir document contain set use case web ontolog languag compil set requir owl."} {"id": "14540", "contents": "ontolog web languag (owl) set markup languag design use applic need process content inform instead present inform humans. owl facil express mean semant xml, rdf, rdf-s, thu owl goe beyond languag abil repres machin interpret content web. owl part w3c recommend relat semant web."} {"id": "14541", "contents": "next element requir semant web owl web ontolog languag (owl), formal describ semant class properti use web documents. machin perform use reason task documents, languag must go beyond basic semant rdf schema. reach visionari goal semant web, w3c must develop web ontolog language. get overview farsight concept contempl variou use case make languag vital futur web. peter mikhalenko august 20, 2003, 12:00 pst."} {"id": "14542", "contents": "owl web ontolog languag design use applic need process content inform instead present inform humans. owl web ontolog languag test case document contain larg set test case language; owl use case requir document contain set use case web ontolog languag compil set requir owl."} {"id": "14543", "contents": "introduct owl web ontolog languag intern standard encod exchang ontolog design support semant web. concept semant web inform given explicit meaning, machin process intelligently. particular, owl extend resourc descript framework (rdf) rdf schema, two earli semant web standard endors w3c. syntactically, owl ontolog valid rdf document also well-form xml document."} {"id": "14544", "contents": "ontolog formal way describ taxonomi classif networks, essenti defin structur knowledg variou domains: noun repres class object verb repres relat objects. ontolog explicit specif conceptualization. data describ ontolog owl famili interpret set individu set properti assert relat individu other."} {"id": "14545", "contents": "treatment epilepsy. recommend initi dosag gabapentin (neurontin) adult treat epilepsi 300 mg taken three time day. usual mainten dose 900 mg per day given divid doses. necessary, mainten dose may increas maximum daili dose 1,800 mg, condit control. children (age 12 year old) given individu dosag gabapentin base child\u2019 bodi weight. recommend initi dose rang 10-15 mg/kg/day given three divid doses, titrat effect dose reach"} {"id": "14546", "contents": "import inform know gabapentin: gabapentin prescript medic fda approv veterinari use; however, commonli accept practic veterinarian use medic dog cats. gabapentin avail 100 mg 300 mg capsules. usual dose treat seizur dog 4.5 13.5 mg per lb everi 12 hours. cats, usual dose treat seizur 2.3 mg per lb time day. gabapentin medic dog cat treatment seizures. also use help chronic pain. although gabapentin fda-approv use veterinari medicine, commonli accept practic veterinarian prescrib medication."} {"id": "14547", "contents": "adult postherpet neuralgia, neurontin therapi may initi day singl 300 mg dose, day 600 mg/day (300 mg two time day), day 900 mg/day (300 mg three time day). dose 3600 mg/day also administ small number patient rel short duration, well tolerated. neurontin administ three time day use 300 mg 400 mg capsules, 600 mg 800 mg tablets."} {"id": "14548", "contents": "start dose rang 10 mg/kg/day 15 mg/kg/day, given three divid doses, effect dose reach upward titrat period approxim days. effect dose neurontin patient year age 40 mg/kg/day, given three divid doses. effect dose neurontin patient 11 year age 25 mg/kg/day 35 mg/kg/day, given three divid doses. dose 3600 mg/day also administ small number patient rel short duration, well tolerated. neurontin administ three time day use 300 mg 400 mg capsules, 600 mg 800 mg tablets."} {"id": "14549", "contents": "typically, 2.20 pound (1 kg) translat 10 15 milligram gabapentin. such, child slightli 40 pound (20 kg) would receiv 200 300 mg dose, would usual split three equal doses. standard dosag may approxim peopl postherpet neuralgia. ad. treatment epilepsi seizures, standard neurontin\u00ae dosag may begin 900 milligram day, usual split three daili doses. would first recommend anyon 12 year old older. dose may doubl needed, go 1,800 milligram day."} {"id": "14550", "contents": "start dose 300 mg three time day. effect dose neurontin 300 mg 600 mg three time day. dosag 2400 mg/day well toler long-term clinic studies. dose 3600 mg/day also administ small number patient rel short duration, well tolerated. neurontin administ three time day use 300 mg 400 mg capsules, 600 mg 800 mg tablets."} {"id": "14551", "contents": "relief postherpet neuralgia (pain due shingles). recommend initi dose 300 mg taken day first day, 300 mg two time day second day, 300 mg three time day third day. mainten dose may increas necessari maximum daili dose 1,800 mg. usual mainten dose 900 mg per day given divid doses. necessary, mainten dose may increas maximum daili dose 1,800 mg, condit control. children (age 12 year old) given individu dosag gabapentin base child\u2019 bodi weight."} {"id": "14552", "contents": "a: neurontin (gabapentin) anticonvulsant. use treat seizur also nerv pain shingles. common side effect neurontin includ dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, blur vision, dri mouth, headache, diarrhea, constipation. q: take gabapentin sinc april start take 100 mg three time day burning, tingl numb feet especi around toes, month ago doctor increas dosag 300 mg twice day instead help seem gotten worse."} {"id": "14553", "contents": "admission, woman' laboratori parameters, includ creatin kinas (ck) myoglobin, normal range. neurolog evalu suggest diagnosi diabet neuropath pain, therapi gabapentin 150 mg time daili started."} {"id": "14554", "contents": "common plant what\u2019 poison what\u2019 not? mani common plant found hous outdoor garden, wood field caus problem eaten, skin eye contact. family\u2019 safety, list includ mani common plants, includ poison non-poison varieties, plant list don\u2019t assum poisonous. rememb small children unlimit curiosity, plant need well climb reach."} {"id": "14555", "contents": "cats, instance, poison part lilly. download list plant poison pet (pdf). list common plant may produc toxic reaction anim provid guid plant gener identifi capabl produc toxic reaction. recommend print keep access place. grass safe snack pets, surpris number plant dangerous. elizabeth bergstom/th hsus. 700 plant identifi produc physiolog activ toxic substanc suffici amount caus harm effect animals."} {"id": "14556", "contents": "9. also known sowbread, cyclamen common household flower plant poison properti (i.e., terpenoids) dogs. caus oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, heart abnormalities, seizur death. cardiac glycosides, similar digoxin, toxic dog caus fatal heart abnormalities, muscl tremors, incoordination, vomit bloodi diarrhea. also known sowbread, cyclamen common household flower plant poison properti (i.e., terpenoids) dogs."} {"id": "14557", "contents": "asparagu fern (also call emerald feather, emerald fern, sprengeri fern, plumosa fern lace fern) toxic dog cats. toxic agent plant sapogenin steroid found varieti plants. dog cat ingest berri plant, vomiting, diarrhea and/or abdomin pain occur. alo plant (also known medicin plant barbado aloe) common succul toxic dog cats. aloin toxic agent plant. bitter yellow substanc found alo speci may caus vomit and/or reddish urine. dreamstime."} {"id": "14558", "contents": "common shade-lov household plant, dumb cane tropic plant among poison plant world. chew part leafi plant caus intens pain mouth throat, excess salivation, rare cases, sever swell throat lead strangulation. flower plant consid among poison tree world nativ florida, bahamas, caribbean, central america northern south america. spanish name manzanilla de la muerte: mean littl appl death.."} {"id": "14559", "contents": "one common poison plant speci found throughout unit state (except alaska hawaii). plant found forests, fields, wetland along streams, road sides, even urban environments, as, park backyards."} {"id": "14560", "contents": "common poison plant plant parts. veget help sustain life. eat mani plants, herb forth daili diet. but, must rememb choosy. plants, tree shrub potenti killer man. part ornament plant flower yard may contain deadli poison. mani poison plant common seemingli innocu suspect toxic qualities."} {"id": "14561", "contents": "cyclamen. also known sowbread, cyclamen common household flower plant poison properti (i.e., terpenoids) dogs. caus oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, heart abnormalities, seizur death. cardiac glycosides, similar digoxin, toxic dog caus fatal heart abnormalities, muscl tremors, incoordination, vomit bloodi diarrhea. also known sowbread, cyclamen common household flower plant poison properti (i.e., terpenoids) dogs."} {"id": "14562", "contents": "heartleaf philodendron. heartleaf philodendron (also known horsehead philodendron, cordatum, fiddl leaf, panda plant, split-leaf philodendron, fruit salad plant, red emerald, red princess saddl leaf) common, easy-to-grow housepl toxic dog cats. alo plant (also known medicin plant barbado aloe) common succul toxic dog cats. aloin toxic agent plant. bitter yellow substanc found alo speci may caus vomit and/or reddish urine. dreamstime."} {"id": "14563", "contents": "seafood process job alaska. alaska seafood process industri provid job 20,000 peopl year, includ job fish vessels. compani look seafood employe who: work full season contract period. enjoy physic work."} {"id": "14564", "contents": "work onshor process plant alaska great way earn money gain valuabl experi alaska' fish industry. inform onshor process jobs, check alaska job bank alaska dol alaskajobfinder.com."} {"id": "14565", "contents": "summer process jobs. summer processor alaskan fish industri usual make $8.75 hour $13. employe return alaska second third season paid experi dedic industry."} {"id": "14566", "contents": "seafood job alaska page rev. 2/2015. seafood processor need know. alaska job center network would like read follow help prepar job career alaska\u2019 seafood process industry. unload fish boat, shovel chip ice, clean pack fish eggs."} {"id": "14567", "contents": "microfluid emerg begin 1980 use develop inkjet printheads, dna chips, lab-on-a-chip technology, micro-propulsion, micro-therm technologies."} {"id": "14568", "contents": "microfluid multidisciplinari field intersect engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, practic applic design system low volum fluid process achiev multiplexing, automation, high-throughput screening."} {"id": "14569", "contents": "\u201cmicro-\u201c microfluid refer small volum (nl, pl, fl), small size, low energi consumption, physic effect micro domain."} {"id": "14570", "contents": "activ microfluid refer defin manipul work fluid activ compon micropump micro valves. micro pump suppli fluid continu manner use dosing. micro valv determin flow direct mode movement pump liquids."} {"id": "14571", "contents": "microfluid consid scienc (studi behaviour fluid micro-channels) technolog (manufactur microfluid devic applic lab-on-a-chip)."} {"id": "14572", "contents": "microfluidics. scienc build microminiatur devic chamber tunnel contain flow fluids. devic measur micromet level fluid measur nanolit picoliters, microfluid devic wide use inkjet printer head lab chip."} {"id": "14573", "contents": "activ microfluid refer defin manipul work fluid activ (micro) compon micropump micro valves. micro pump suppli fluid continu manner use dosing. micro valv determin flow direct mode movement pump liquids."} {"id": "14574", "contents": "includ tini pump electr devic microfluid chip, greatli expand varieti applications. futur microfluid devic may come equip million tini gate let user manipul flow complex use ways."} {"id": "14575", "contents": "final adopt decre issued, court rare cancel adopt return children birth parents. want revok consent adopt kid regain custodi them, awar state adopt law complex. may wish hire attorney special adoptions."} {"id": "14576", "contents": "biolog father still aliv close relationship. want annul adoption. biolog father never sign right away knowledge, agreement adopt (although, still think even knows)."} {"id": "14577", "contents": "click phone/service/adopt center. next day 10 social worker come ask want baby, toddler, child. unfortunately, 't choos gender, name face newcomer. that' white famili got black-skin girl candice."} {"id": "14578", "contents": "good caus could health welfar child would jeopard prove this. good caus violat law improprieti process, revoc relinquish parent right ignored--or revoc provid time good cause."} {"id": "14579", "contents": "adopt usual revers final petit court either birth adopt parents. law done circumst requir court allow revers (usual call vacat annulment) adopt quit strict."} {"id": "14580", "contents": "unfortunately, fee associ adopt astronomical. adopt child paid poc\u2026. right gay citizen coupl adopt process adopt child difficult. adopt same-sex coupl nearli impossible."} {"id": "14581", "contents": "birth parent child offer adoption, chang mind, cancel relinquish parent right get kid back. everi state set adopt law govern revoc consent, determin circumst birth parent cancel adoption."} {"id": "14582", "contents": "licens columbia univers press. bermuda triangle, area atlant ocean florida number ship aircraft vanished. also known devil' triangle, bound point melbourne, fla.; bermuda; puerto rico. storm common region, investig date produc scientif evid unusu phenomena involv disappearances."} {"id": "14583", "contents": "introduction. bermuda triangl mythic section atlant ocean roughli bound miami, bermuda puerto rico dozen ship airplan disappeared."} {"id": "14584", "contents": "bermuda triangl larg area ocean florida, puerto rico, bermuda. last centuries, thought dozen ship plane disappear mysteri circumst area, earn nicknam devil' triangle.. jone report sever incid disappear ship plane bermuda triangle, includ five us navi torpedo bomber vanish decemb 5, 1945, commerci airlin star tiger star ariel disappear januari 30, 1948 januari 17, 1949 respectively."} {"id": "14585", "contents": "also sinisterli known devil' triangle, bermuda triangl consist region western part north atlant ocean, defin point bermuda, florida puerto rico. stretch across less thousand mile one side. credit: noaa view full size image. bermuda triangl (also known devil' triangle) area bound point bermuda, florida puerto rico ship plane said mysteri vanish thin air deep water."} {"id": "14586", "contents": "bermuda triangle, also known devil' triangle, loos defin region western part north atlant ocean, number aircraft ship said disappear mysteri circumstances. first written boundari date articl vincent gaddi 1964 issu pulp magazin argosy, triangle' three vertic miami, florida peninsula; san juan, puerto rico; mid-atlant island bermuda."} {"id": "14587", "contents": "bermuda triangle. bermuda triangle, also call devil' triangle, imaginari area roughli outlin map connect miami, florida; san juan, puerto rico; bahamas, island chain coast unit states. also known devil' triangle, bound point melbourne, fla.; bermuda; puerto rico. storm common region, investig date produc scientif evid unusu phenomena involv disappearances."} {"id": "14588", "contents": "bermuda triangl (a.k.a. devil' triangle) triangular area atlant ocean bound roughli point miami, bermuda, puerto rico. legend mani people, ship plane mysteri vanish area."} {"id": "14589", "contents": "bermuda triangl region western part north atlant ocean ships, planes, peopl alleg mysteri vanished. map show gener locat infam bermuda triangle. decades, atlant ocean\u2019 fabl bermuda triangl captur human imagin unexplain disappear ships, planes, people."} {"id": "14590", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. bermuda triangle, devil\u2019 triangle, name given area water bermuda, miami, florida, san juan, puerto rico. within space, mani plane ship mysteri vanished. bermuda triangl locat southeastern coast u.s. san juan, puerto rico, one vertic bermuda triangle. mysteri bermuda triangl may never solved."} {"id": "14591", "contents": "net effect amphetamin (amph) use increas dopamine, norepinephrin serotonin synapse. shown amph act upon trace amine-associ receptor (taar1) induc efflux reuptak inhibit serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamin transporters. main object reuptak inhibitor substanti decreas rate neurotransmitt reabsorb presynapt neuron, increas concentr neurotransmitt synapse. increas neurotransmitt bind pre-and postsynapt neurotransmitt recepto"} {"id": "14592", "contents": "autoreceptor may locat part cell membrane: dendrites, cell body, axon, axon terminals. canonically, presynapt neuron releas neurotransmitt across synapt cleft detect receptor postsynapt neuron. similarly, heteroreceptor sensit neurotransmitt hormon releas cell sits. given receptor act either autoreceptor heteroreceptor, depend upon type transmitt releas cell embedded."} {"id": "14593", "contents": "presynapt termin d2-receptor regul release, uptak synthesi dopamine. (1) autoreceptor inhibit probabl dopamin vesicl releas activ 1.2 channel also potenti secondarili inhibit calcium entri voltage-g calcium channel (vgcc). d2-autoreceptor also regul dopamin transmiss increas activ dat (cass gerhardt, 1994, dickinson et al., 1999, mayfield zahniser, 2001, schmitz et al., 2002, wu et al., 2002 benoit-marand et al., 2011)."} {"id": "14594", "contents": "reuptak necessari normal synapt physiolog allow recycl neurotransmitt regul level neurotransmitt present synapse, therebi control long signal result neurotransmitt releas lasts. main object reuptak inhibitor substanti decreas rate neurotransmitt reabsorb presynapt neuron, increas concentr neurotransmitt synapse. increas neurotransmitt bind pre-and postsynapt neurotransmitt receptor"} {"id": "14595", "contents": "abstract. dopamin d2-autoreceptor play key role regul activ dopamin neuron control synthesis, releas uptak dopamine. i/o-coupl inhibitori receptor play major part shape dopamin transmission. d2-autoreceptor also regul dopamin transmiss increas activ dat (cass gerhardt, 1994, dickinson et al., 1999, mayfield zahniser, 2001, schmitz et al., 2002, wu et al., 2002 benoit-marand et al., 2011)."} {"id": "14596", "contents": "snri potent inhibitor reuptak serotonin norepinephrine. neurotransmitt known play import role mood. snri contrast wide use select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris), act upon serotonin alone. human serotonin transport (sert) norepinephrin transport (net) membran protein respons reuptak serotonin norepinephrine. balanc dual inhibit monoamin reuptak possibl offer advantag antidepress drug treat wider rang symptoms. snris, along select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris) norepinephrin reuptak inhibitor (nris), second-gener antidepress"} {"id": "14597", "contents": "autoreceptor type receptor locat membran presynapt nerv cells. serv part neg feedback loop signal transduction. sensit neurotransmitt hormon releas neuron autoreceptor sits. similarly, heteroreceptor sensit neurotransmitt hormon releas cell sits. given receptor act either autoreceptor heteroreceptor, depend upon type transmitt releas cell embedded."} {"id": "14598", "contents": "note neurotransmitt lost reabsorbed. reuptake, re-uptake, reabsorpt neurotransmitt neurotransmitt transport pre-synapt neuron perform function transmit neural impulse. main object reuptak inhibitor substanti decreas rate neurotransmitt reabsorb presynapt neuron, increas concentr neurotransmitt synapse. increas neurotransmitt bind pre-and postsynapt neurotransmitt receptor"} {"id": "14599", "contents": "p0340 ford description. camshaft posit sensor electron devic use engin record rate camshaft spinning. inform use engin control module(ecm) control ignit fuel injection. camshaft posit sensor sens retract camshaft (intake) identifi particular cylinder. camshaft posit sensor sens piston posit"} {"id": "14600", "contents": "vehicle\u2019 camshaft posit sensor\u2014also known cam sensor, cam angl sensor (cas), sometim even cmp sensor\u2014i key compon engine' ignit time system. typic use vehicl equip direct ignit (distributorless). camshaft sensor detect give signal vehicle\u2019 electron control modul (ecm) comput let know posit engine\u2019 camshaft. cam sensor hall effect optic sensors, though earlier version mechanical, driven gear similar distributor."} {"id": "14601", "contents": "so, guess what... ignit modul (or fuel inject computer) therefor switch device. now, ignit control modul realli send physic signal (like crank cam sensor switch device) ignit coil(s)."} {"id": "14602", "contents": "simpli put, camshaft posit sensor determin posit rotat speed (in rpm) crank. import inform use control ignit time and/or fuel inject timing. camshaft posit sensor products. come know air fuel ratio correct not, know posit engine' camshaft go long way. that' camshaft' speed determin mixtur ignit engin cylinders."} {"id": "14603", "contents": "diagnost fault code crankshaft posit problem p0016. first crankshaft posit sensor exactli -- sens posit crankshaft -- send inform ignit modul powertrain control module, pcm industry-speak. scanner display code give technician umbrella diagnosis; follow compon test determin exact issue. diagnost fault code camshaft posit sensor problem p0343."} {"id": "14604", "contents": "diagnost fault code interpret technician use comput call scanner. scanner display code give technician umbrella diagnosis; follow compon test determin exact issue. diagnost fault code camshaft posit sensor problem p0343. camshaft posit sensor control mechan compon mechan function; control inform sent scanner inform technician problem exist"} {"id": "14605", "contents": "typic induct crankshaft posit sensor. crank sensor electron devic use intern combust engin monitor posit rotat speed crankshaft. inform use engin manag system control ignit system time engin parameters. function object crankshaft posit sensor determin posit and/or rotat speed (rpm) crank. engin control unit use inform transmit sensor control paramet ignit time fuel inject timing."} {"id": "14606", "contents": "camshaft posit sensor (cmp). cmp sensor provid camshaft posit information, call cmp signal, use powertrain control modul (pcm) fuel synchronization. wire sensor engines, distributor stator camshaft posit (cmp) sensor singl hall effect magnet switch. activ by."} {"id": "14607", "contents": "camshaft posit sensor. camshaft posit sensor work tandem crankshaft posit sensor monitor engine\u2019 time which, turn, affect effici fuel deliveri spark mechanisms. scanner display code give technician umbrella diagnosis; follow compon test determin exact issue. diagnost fault code camshaft posit sensor problem p0343."} {"id": "14608", "contents": "medic term muscl tumor? medic term muscl tumor?"} {"id": "14609", "contents": "muscl tear definition. pull muscles, tear muscl fiber muscl strain common injuries, usual occur sport activity. three name design one clinic condition, reflect differ degre strain muscles."} {"id": "14610", "contents": "uterin smooth muscl tumor neoplasm compos smooth muscle; rang benign leiomyoma low-grad high-grad leiomyosarcomas. sever histolog subtyp exist, includ usual (spindled), epithelioid, myxoid tumors. major uterin smooth muscl tumor occur corpus, cervix, vagin canal, broad ligament, ovari may also involved. within corpus, tumor categor basi anatom location."} {"id": "14611", "contents": "sarcoma (from greek \u03c3\u03ac\u03c1\u03be sarx mean flesh) cancer aris transform cell mesenchym origin. thus, malign tumor made cancel bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, vascular, hematopoiet tissu are, definition, consid sarcomas. contrast malign tumor origin epitheli cells, term carcinoma."} {"id": "14612", "contents": "therefor leiomyoma tumor smooth muscle. leiomyoma. root word relat muscl my(o), oma suffix tumor. therefore, myoma muscl tumor. prefix rhabd(o) mean striat rod shaped, my(o) root word relat muscle, oma suffix tumor. therefore, rhabdomyoma tumor striat muscle. prefix lei(o) mean smooth, my(o) root word relat muscle, oma suffix tumor. make world better, one answer time. root word relat muscl my(o), oma suffix tumor. therefore, myoma muscl tumor. prefix rhabd(o) mean striat rod shaped, my(o) root word relat muscle, oma suffix tumor."} {"id": "14613", "contents": "carcinoma medic term mean cancer tumor. tumor growth. cancer tumor growth continu uncheck spread throughout bodi refer malign cancer. 11 peopl found useful. peakay tea. 659,711 contributions. smooth muscle-benign leiomyoma, malign leiomyosarcoma. skelet muscle-benign rhabdomyoma, malign rhabdomyosarcoma. myoma. tumor origin muscl tissu call myoma (bening) myosarcoma (malignant)."} {"id": "14614", "contents": "usually, bland myxoid smooth muscl tumor, tumor cell small, hydrop degeneration, tumor cell size normal smooth muscl cells. epithelioid uterin smooth muscl tumor character polygon cell central placed, round nuclei. major uterin smooth muscl tumor occur corpus, cervix, vagin canal, broad ligament, ovari may also involved. within corpus, tumor categor basi anatom location."} {"id": "14615", "contents": "definit caus muscl tumor muscl cancer. tumor growth skelet muscl rare condition, case involv benign tumor. malign tumor (muscl cancer) annual less one case per one million inhabitants. tumor aris increas and/or alter growth muscl cells. benign tumor unabl grow surround tissu spread blood. malign tumor abil"} {"id": "14616", "contents": "muscl tumor myoma. smooth muscle-benign leiomyoma, malign leiomyosarcoma. skelet muscle-benign rhabdomyoma, malign rhabdomyosarcoma. myoma. tumor origin muscl tissu call myoma (bening) myosarcoma (malignant)."} {"id": "14617", "contents": "although one smallest island cyclad complex, mykono definit famous, thank treasur natur beauty, rich history, cosmopolitan charact combin wild nightlife, well plenti local color. believ postcards! mykono beautiful, accid becom one desir destin world."} {"id": "14618", "contents": "vivid nightlife. enjoy night mykonos. enjoy night mykonos. mykono island vivid nightlif greece. day, head beach bars, evening, enjoy night town littl venice. thing see do. island mykono one popular greek island belong cyclad island group. mykono island, ibiza greec called, particularli famou picturesqu town fantast beaches. also famou gay friendli destination."} {"id": "14619", "contents": "locat mykono town, beachfront hotel citi center within mi (2 km) mykono librari more. locat mykono town, luxuri hotel within 15-minut walk megali ammo beach windmil mykonos."} {"id": "14620", "contents": "centr town one find nautic museum folklor museum hous collect icons, furnitur folk music instruments. great quantiti bar nightclub found capital, prove fame mykono parti island fame, fact. soon sun goe down, capital' narrow street fill crowd readi parti danc night long."} {"id": "14621", "contents": "mykono theoxenia hotel, kato mili, mykono town (edg center town, windmil southern bu station), +30 22890 22230 (info@mykonostheoxenia.com, fax: +30 22890 23008), [111]. elia, (8km mykono town). elia one larger beach mykonos. well organ beach sunb umbrellas, variou water sport (ski jet-ski). three restaur taverns."} {"id": "14622", "contents": "ano mera. ano mera, center mykonos, real town besid chora, mile west. however, town much quieter traditional, lack sightse opportun chora. church visit, includ panagia tourliani monastery. ornos, mile south choro western part mykonos, family-friendli part island. water calmer parti less rowdi beaches. mani small boat ferri cyclad island mainland greec make port along golden sandi shorelines."} {"id": "14623", "contents": "villa vasili locat quiet area, km town mykono main street famou beach paradis paraga. need less fifteen min. studio eleni ideal locat heart center mykono town, quiet area next littl venic bu station. friendli relax atmospher look for, let us welcom studio eleni comfort hospit accommodation."} {"id": "14624", "contents": "[locat mykono town center]. harmoni hotel, recent jewel mykono island, exclus hotel portray authent mykonian architecture. combin balanc color tradit style result harmoni set impecc beauti creat relax atmosphere. more... studio eleni ideal locat heart center mykono town, quiet area next littl venic bu station. friendli relax atmospher look for, let us welcom studio eleni comfort hospit accommodation."} {"id": "14625", "contents": "mykono consist seven main areas, citi chora center west coast main commerci tourist hub. area sometim refer commun villages. ornos, mile south choro western part mykonos, family-friendli part island. water calmer parti less rowdi beaches. mani small boat ferri cyclad island mainland greec make port along golden sandi shorelines."} {"id": "14626", "contents": "great thinker classic period. homer (c. 8th centuri b.c.) consid greatest ancient greek poets. homer wrote two epic poems, iliad odyssey. work huge influenti shape greek cultur literature."} {"id": "14627", "contents": "music scene classic period reflect chang occur societi music written. first era music histori public concert becam import part music scene."} {"id": "14628", "contents": "socrates, plato aristotl import philosoph time period. however, variou philosoph philosoph school important. antisthen becam first cynic. believ pursuit virtu pleasure."} {"id": "14629", "contents": "philosoph began interact previou philosophers. socrates, plato aristotl import philosoph time period. however, variou philosoph philosoph school important. antisthen becam first cynic. believ pursuit virtu pleasure."} {"id": "14630", "contents": "ancient polit philosophi understood mean ancient greek roman thought classic period greek thought fifth centuri bce end roman empir west fifth centuri ce, exclud rise christian idea polit period."} {"id": "14631", "contents": "classic period last approxim 1775 1825. name classic appli period art literature, keen interest in, admir for, emul classic artist literari heritag greec rome."} {"id": "14632", "contents": "philosophically, classic period one philosophi establish first school thought learn interact previou philosophers. philosoph learn singl teacher would teach everyth knew philosophy."} {"id": "14633", "contents": "first time, classic period import stylist advanc occur observ clearli instrument forms: symphony, concerto, sonata, instrument chamber music (e.g., beethoven string quartets)."} {"id": "14634", "contents": "carbohydr essenti nutrient body. digestion, break glucose, blood sugar, primari sourc fuel cells. nearli food eat contain carbohydrates. meat, egg type seafood food carbs. fruit fruit juic also provid high portion carbohydrates. get around 15 gram carb serv fruit. one serv includ small 4-ounc apple, four whole apricots, 12 fresh cherries, 1/4 cup whole strawberries, two small plum cup fresh raspberries."} {"id": "14635", "contents": "low-carb diets. low-carbohydr (low-carb) diet usual involv cut starchi foods. diet tend high fat, eat high-fat diet (especi satur fat food meat, chees butter) could increas risk heart disease. starchi food potatoes, bread, cereals, rice pasta make third food eat, shown eatwel plate. can, choos wholegrain varieties, eat potato skin fibre. starch common form carbohydr diet."} {"id": "14636", "contents": "sugar simplest form carbohydrates. sugar occur natur foods, includ fruits, vegetables, milk milk products. sugar includ fruit sugar (fructose), tabl sugar (sucrose) milk sugar (lactose). three main type carbohydrates: sugar. sugar simplest form carbohydrates. sugar occur natur foods, includ fruits, vegetables, milk milk products. sugar includ fruit sugar (fructose), tabl sugar (sucrose) milk sugar (lactose). starch."} {"id": "14637", "contents": "starch. food high starch include: starchi veget like peas, corn, lima bean potatoes. dri beans, lentil pea pinto beans, kidney beans, black eye pea split peas. grain like oats, barley rice. major grain product us made wheat flour."} {"id": "14638", "contents": "grains. grain import sourc carbohydrates, contain healthi fiber. whole grain undergon littl processing, make grain low-glycem food. accord harvard school public health, carbohydr low-glycem index help control blood sugar."} {"id": "14639", "contents": "food contain simpl carbohydr includ sugari fluid like soda energi drinks, deserts, syrups, process foods. complex carbohydr includ two type foods: dietari fiber starches. food dietari fiber includ nut seed, fruits, beans, oatmeal, barley, bran, vegetables. starch includ potatoes, beans, peas, corn, breads, cereals, grains. follow food carbohydrates: bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, tortillas, crust. cereal. pasta, noodles, rice. starchi veget corn, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes."} {"id": "14640", "contents": "carbohydr provid bodi glucos need function properly. two type carbohydr exist: complex carbohydr simpl carbohydrates. complex carbohydr take time break glucose. food rich complex carbohydr fiber call good carbohydrates. simpl carbohydr includ sugar found food fruit milk product sugar ad food processing. food rich white flour ad sugar call bad"} {"id": "14641", "contents": "complex carbohydrates, often refer starchi foods, include: legumes, beans, peas, lentil peanuts. starchi vegetables, potatoes, corn, green peas, parsnips. whole-grain bread cereals."} {"id": "14642", "contents": "everi space different, open vaniti door drawer measur dimens bathroom. want ensur vaniti big disrupt flow traffic. keep mind exist featur mirrors, electr switch outlets. check plumb location. measur size vaniti cabinet vaniti cabinet tops. take account storag need use it. standard countertop height 31 inches, realli matter person preference. taller adult might want higher countertop, shorter model work better small children."} {"id": "14643", "contents": "standard vaniti depth 21 inches. gain floor space small bath trim least part vaniti 18, 15, even 12 inch deep. vaniti cabinets. alway want double-bowl vanity, think twice. two bowl useless two peopl enough elbow room use time, say kitchen bath design judi bracht, richard m. tuni inc. fine kitchen bath chevi chase, maryland."} {"id": "14644", "contents": "15,834. standard vaniti cabinet depth 21 deep. 22 deep countertop give overhang front. doubl sink typic requir minimum two 30 wide vaniti cabinets. bowl center vanity. use two 30 wide vaniti stack 12 drawer center bowl two vanities. want remodel master bath add new vaniti doubl sinks. anyon know there' standard counter depth wall edg (in front sink)? seem like standard around 22 know vari type sink."} {"id": "14645", "contents": "typic bathroom sink depth. typic sink bowl usual inch deep. standard size, however. larger bowl depth inches. sink bowl countertop vari size. smaller vaniti top measur 30 inch wide larger top measur 92 inch wide. vaniti top usual 22 24 inch wide, standard width bathroom countertops."} {"id": "14646", "contents": "re: best depth bathroom vanity? custom design new modern bathroom' vanity. old 80' style vaniti 21" deep (from front wall). seen 18" 24" deep. think sinc smaller bathroom, shallow vanity... show custom design new modern bathroom' vanity. old 80' style vaniti 21 deep (from front wall). seen 18 24"} {"id": "14647", "contents": "*customizing* vanity, mean worri averag depths..creat work space. sink tap fit, depth matter. consid set tap (off one side), come wall instead standard behind sink save space too. think sinc smaller bathroom, shallow vanity... show custom design new modern bathroom' vanity. old 80' style vaniti 21 deep (from front wall). seen 18 24 deep"} {"id": "14648", "contents": "standard height bathroom vaniti 30 inches. made inch shorter standard kitchen countertop (normal 36 inches) order accommod children. howev bathroom vaniti normal made specification, higher lower depend preference."} {"id": "14649", "contents": "standard bar counter depth? top bar around 18 24 deep bottom, bartend works, usual 22 26 inch total depth 28 38 inches. total height ba 42 45 inch 36 39 high fit counter stool. bottom bar 30 inch high. depth back bar anywher 24 30 inch 36 42 inch high. allow inch depth bar top chair footrest inch floor inch away bar."} {"id": "14650", "contents": "therefore, nowadays, movi seem popular entertain peopl ages, three major type movi peopl prefer watch: comedy, romance, horror movies. comedi movi alway best friend take sorrow away tickl us laugh death."} {"id": "14651", "contents": "therefore, nowadays, movi seem popular entertain peopl ages, three major type movi peopl prefer watch: comedy, romance, horror movies. comedi movi alway best friend take sorrow away tickl us laugh death. movi consid one marvel product human histori sinc 19th century. peopl live old time find pleasur read books, watch play musicals."} {"id": "14652", "contents": "mani film consid hybrids-they straddl sever film genres. genr history: end silent era, mani main genr established: melodrama, western, horror film, comedies, action-adventur film (from swashbuckl war movies). major type (or mega-genres), classifications, gener categori film (defin site' glossari film terms) including:"} {"id": "14653", "contents": "film realli subject genr analysi film historian 1970s. film least one major genre, although number film consid crossbre hybrid three four overlap genr (or sub-genre) type identifi them. dramat biograph film (or biopics) major sub-genre, 'adult' film (with matur subject content). epic includ costum dramas, histor dramas, war films, mediev romps, 'period pictures' often cover larg expans time set vast, panoram backdrop."} {"id": "14654", "contents": "chapter overview. like academ subjects, studi film produc taxonomi subject (a taxonomi simpli divis subject categories). chapter give overview part taxonomy\u2014th variou type movies. gener sense, movi place one follow three categories: narrative, documentary, experimental. first half chapter devot describ differ distinct among three major types. categori divid subcategories. among interest subcategories, scholar film moviego alike, variou genr narr movies."} {"id": "14655", "contents": "next three movi sections, go learn differ movi types. afterwards, cover discuss movi recent saw. now, let' work movi types. mani differ type movies. probabl know language, let' learn english. also, learn say coupl sentenc relat movi type."} {"id": "14656", "contents": "voted. answer anonymous. differ type movi action,adventure,comedies,crim gangster films,drama films,epics/histor films,horror,musical/d films,war,animation,thrillers,sci-fi,fantasy, romance,and etc. add comment. differ type movi action, horror, scienc fiction, drama, romant comedy, comedy, children's, indie, war, music documentari"} {"id": "14657", "contents": "genr type (repres icons). genr descriptions. select icon film genr categori below, read develop histori genre, view chronolog list selected, repres greatest film one (with link detail descript individu films). dramat biograph film (or biopics) major sub-genre, 'adult' film (with matur subject content). epic includ costum dramas, histor dramas, war films, mediev romps, 'period pictures' often cover larg expans time set vast, panoram backdrop."} {"id": "14658", "contents": "certain director (and actors) known certain type films, example, woodi allen comedy, arthur freed unit musicals, alfr hitchcock suspens thrillers, john ford john wayn westerns, errol flynn classic swashbuckl adventur films. dramat biograph film (or biopics) major sub-genre, 'adult' film (with matur subject content). epic includ costum dramas, histor dramas, war films, mediev romps, 'period pictures' often cover larg expans time set vast, panoram backdrop."} {"id": "14659", "contents": "root veget (beets, carrots, parsnips) tuber (potatoes, yams, jicama) similar part plant grow ground whose main function store energi plant. store energi use plant fuel growth, propagation, reproduction."} {"id": "14660", "contents": "hemera technologies/photoobjects.net/getti images. tuber underground plant stem swell store nutrient next season' growth. matur tuber dug ground clean soil store prepar food. capabl produc complet new plant part tuber. one familiar tuber veget potato, mani kind tuber veget use world starch carbohydrates. besid potatoes, edibl tuber includ taro malanga, artichokes, yams, ginger, jicama cushcush."} {"id": "14661", "contents": "root veget gener storag organs, enlarg store energi form carbohydrates. differ concentr balanc sugars, starches, type carbohydrate. particular econom import high carbohydr concentr form starch. starchi root veget import stapl foods, particularli tropic regions, overshadow cereal throughout much west africa, central africa, oceania, use directli mash make fufu poi."} {"id": "14662", "contents": "tasti root vegetables. list criteria: vote tastiest, bland root vegetables. list root veget tubers. edibl plant leaves, stems, flowers, root edible. list includ edibl plant funguses, seeds, treat fruits. someth consider: word veget base culinari tradit"} {"id": "14663", "contents": "1. root vegetable-ani variou fleshi edibl underground root tubers. veg, vegetable, veggie-ed seed root stem leav bulb tuber nonsweet fruit numer herbac plant."} {"id": "14664", "contents": "print. veget large, edible, bulb-lik root high nutrient low calories, contain fat. tuber capabl produc new plants. store dri unpeel keep sever weeks. exampl tuber potatoes, sweet potato jerusalem artichok"} {"id": "14665", "contents": "botan veget includ enlarg storag roots, corms, tuber stem eaten people. true botan veget also includ leaves, leaf stalks, flowers, buds, part plant except fruit seeds."} {"id": "14666", "contents": "noun. 1. root vegetable-ani variou fleshi edibl underground root tubers. veg, vegetable, veggie-ed seed root stem leav bulb tuber nonsweet fruit numer herbac plant."} {"id": "14667", "contents": "red blood cell produc bone marrow (the spongi tissu insid bone). order make red blood cells, bodi maintain adequ suppli erythropoietin (epo), hormon produc kidney. epo help make red blood cells. red blood cell rais hemoglobin levels."} {"id": "14668", "contents": "epo (erythropoietin). erythropoietin glycoprotein produc kidney commonli refer epo. epo respons red blood cell production; red blood cell respons carri oxygen blood."} {"id": "14669", "contents": "erythropoietin. hormon produc kidney stimul product red blood cell bone marrow. mention in: dialysis, kidney."} {"id": "14670", "contents": "glycoprotein hormon secret mainli kidney. profactor, erythropoietinogen, first produc liver, transfer kidney convert activ erythropoietin kidney. erythropoietin act stem cell bone marrow stimul red blood cell product (erythropoiesis)."} {"id": "14671", "contents": "erythropoietin (epo) hormon produc kidney. erythropoietin promot format red blood cell bone marrow. erythropoietin hormon level detect measur blood (the epo test)."} {"id": "14672", "contents": "erythropoietin categor glycoproteins, substanc act stimul develop certain type blood cells. erythropoietin promot product red blood cell bone marrow, result increas capac blood carri oxygen."} {"id": "14673", "contents": "erythropoietin (epo) hormon produc kidney promot format red blood cell bone marrow."} {"id": "14674", "contents": "hormon produc kidney cell produc erythropoietin sens low level oxygen blood. low level oxygen may symptom anemia, condit character decreas number red blood cells."} {"id": "14675", "contents": "scientist draw sampl ferment unit use develop first. merck sharp dohme. chemic chang anim veget matter brought microscop yeasts, bacteria, mold call fermentation. exampl ferment sour milk, rise bread dough, convers sugar starch alcohol. mani industri chemic number antibiot use modern medicin produc fermentation. fermentation..."} {"id": "14676", "contents": "further, major differ contribut ferment energi product differ species. carnivor like dog cats, even omnivor like humans, ferment gener rather calories, herbivores, ferment way life. importantly, major end product microbi digest cellulos carbohydr volatil fatti acids, lactic acid, methane, hydrogen carbon dioxide. ferment thu major sourc intestin gas."} {"id": "14677", "contents": "ferment reactions, energi present chemic bond substrat captur produc atp substrate-level phosphorylation. substrate-level phosphoryl product atp transfer high energi phosphat group organ molecul adp. catabol refer breakdown chemic compound. fermentation, breakdown occur seri redox transformations, fanci term electron donat electron accept reactions."} {"id": "14678", "contents": "ferment process control microb (bacteria, yeast, moulds) modifi food, produc desir product. often talk neg issu caus microorgan food food spoilage. ferment process make use product wine, beer, yogurt products. differ type ferment produc use foods, ethanol ferment lactic acid fermentation."} {"id": "14679", "contents": "#1. ferment process control microb (bacteria, yeast, moulds) modifi food, produc desir product. often talk neg issu caus microorgan food food spoilage. use effici live factori produc health benefici food. ferment process make use product wine, beer, yogurt products. differ type ferment produc use foods, ethanol ferment lactic acid fermentation."} {"id": "14680", "contents": "ferment enzymat decomposit utilil foodstuffs, particularli carbohydrates, microbes. ferment take place throughout gastrointestin tract animals, intens ferment depend microb numbers, gener highest larg bowel. thus, larg intestin quantit import site fermention, except speci forestomach (ruminants). importantly, major end product microbi digest cellulos carbohydr volatil fatti acids, lactic acid, methane, hydrogen carbon dioxide. ferment thu major sourc intestin gas."} {"id": "14681", "contents": "beer bread, two major use ferment food. primari benefit ferment convers sugar carbohydr preserv organ acids, e.g. convert juic wine, grain beer, carbohydr carbon dioxid leaven bread, sugar vegetables. scienc ferment also known zymolog zymurgy. term ferment sometim use specif refer chemic convers sugar ethanol, process use produc alcohol beverag wine, beer, cider."} {"id": "14682", "contents": "beer ferment brewery. ferment food process convers carbohydr alcohol carbon dioxid organ acid use yeasts, bacteria, combin thereof, anaerob conditions. ferment usual impli action microorgan desirable. scienc ferment also known zymolog zymurgy. term ferment sometim use specif refer chemic convers sugar ethanol, process use produc alcohol beverag wine, beer, cider."} {"id": "14683", "contents": "put car mum name log book mum got insur girlfriend second driver. legal/ right car brother girlfriend split up.[/quot bought credit card car, pay it. 8,504. illeg someon buy car regist someon else' name. neither illeg someon owner insur car main driver, owner name second driver. illeg name second driver main driver."} {"id": "14684", "contents": "sell vehicl buyer expect see car' log book ensur car offici describ advertis import locat selling. fill log book sell trader. sell motor trader, rather individual, complet hand differ section call v5c/3. case must also get contact detail signatur trader post dvla address above."} {"id": "14685", "contents": "buy car seller say name log book. hi gave someon call car sale. said name log book name cost insur use friends. origin post bbroadhead hi said name log book name cost insur use friends. thank help! use excus like cost insur sound extrem suspect me."} {"id": "14686", "contents": "fill log book sell privat individual. first step need fill car' log book also known v5c certificate. turn section log book entitl new keeper new name/new address detail fill detail buyer. turn section log book and, along buyer, sign declar contain section. fill log book sell trader. sell motor trader, rather individual, complet hand differ section call v5c/3. case must also get contact detail signatur trader post dvla address above."} {"id": "14687", "contents": "sell car privat vital import make sure chang ownership properli document state. otherwise, could haunt you. often repres peopl bought defect car discuss automobil sale peopl 23 years. mani peopl focu car buying, car sell need attent well. especi sell individual. instances, person sell someth someon els agreement. agre widget cost $100."} {"id": "14688", "contents": "sell car new keeper new keeper need take log book local dvla office. person want buy car uncertain log book name. add answer. source. submit cancel. think question violat commun guidelines."} {"id": "14689", "contents": "9,487. registr document, v5 proof ownership car, name address regist keeper may may car. car could own leas company, financ company, seller' mate case anybodi keeper decid tell dvla. origin post bbroadhead hi said name log book name cost insur use friends. thank help! use excus like cost insur sound extrem suspect me."} {"id": "14690", "contents": "chang name log book car, owner isnt aliv anymor cant sign paper? appli log book car owner includ sale car.? owner car ave insur accid log book name insurance? basically, tax new owner' supplement thing. better way, they'll automat send new log book you. anyway-tax registr certif new keeper supplement person post tax person post office\u00ae branch issu tax discs."} {"id": "14691", "contents": "brother paid insur tax credit card. put car mum name log book mum got insur girlfriend second driver. legal/ right car brother girlfriend split up. 04-08-09, 19:28 #2. cyclist. 8,504. illeg someon buy car regist someon else' name. neither illeg someon owner insur car main driver, owner name second driver. illeg name second driver main driver."} {"id": "14692", "contents": "place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender. transfer zucchini larg bowl. mash garlic put bowl zucchini. directions. prep. cook. readi in. bring larg pot water boil. trim end zucchini. cut one half, cut half lengthwis quarters. place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender."} {"id": "14693", "contents": "vegetables. general, denser vegetable, longer need steam it. addition, smaller chunk steam faster larger ones. assum veget cut 1-inch squares, take 10 minut steam hard root veget beets, potatoes, carrots, turnip rutabagas. softer veget higher water contents, zucchini peppers, take littl two three minutes."} {"id": "14694", "contents": "cut one half, cut half lengthwis quarters. place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender. transfer zucchini larg bowl. mash garlic put bowl zucchini. directions. prep. cook. readi in. bring larg pot water boil. trim end zucchini. cut one half, cut half lengthwis quarters. place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender."} {"id": "14695", "contents": "use rice cooker/steamer. recip say steam zucchini tender. i'v never dealt zucchini squash before, idea much water use take 20 minut two hours. update: embarrassing. never occur look rice cooker booklet"} {"id": "14696", "contents": "trim end zucchini. cut one half, cut half lengthwis quarters. place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender. transfer zucchini larg bowl. directions. prep. cook. readi in. bring larg pot water boil. trim end zucchini. cut one half, cut half lengthwis quarters. place zucchini garlic steamer basket, place steamer basket pot. steam 10 15 minutes, zucchini tender."} {"id": "14697", "contents": "long steam vegetables. asparagus: stovetop, asparagu steam approxim four minut thin spears. add extra minut two thicker spears. asparagus, time steam microwav rel same: four six minutes. microwave, steam green bean three four minutes. peas: pea steam stovetop take three minutes. microwave, steam pea one two minutes. zucchini: stovetop, steam zucchini six seven minutes. microwave, steam six eight minutes."} {"id": "14698", "contents": "use rice cooker/steamer. recip say steam zucchini tender. i'm prepar babi girl i'v never dealt zucchini squash before, idea much water use take 20 minut two hours. source(s): long steam zucchini squash for: https://tr.im/weisj. rudig month ago."} {"id": "14699", "contents": "4) place steamer fill veget (or top of) pan water. 5) cover pot cook medium high heat 3-5 minut depend veget choic hardest veget get time. make sure cover pot trap steam. steam veget actual quit easy: 1) rins fresh veget water. 2) put 1/2 cup water bottom pan. 3) place veget steamer. 4) place steamer fill veget (or top of) pan water. 5) cover pot cook medium high heat 3-5 minut depend ..."} {"id": "14700", "contents": "best answer: would say still active. last erupt 25 ear ago. mauna loa' recent erupt occur march 24, 1984, april 15, 1984. recent erupt volcano caus fatalities, erupt 1926 1950 destroy villages, citi hilo partli built lava flow late nineteenth century. source(s): geophysicist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mauna_loa."} {"id": "14701", "contents": "previou |. mauna loa may \u201clargest\u201d volcano hawaii (and world, matter), mauna kea tallest. 13,796 feet, it\u2019 mere 196 feet higher mauna loa. mauna kea classifi dormant, mauna loa still active. it\u2019 outsid volcano nation park. mauna kea popular height it\u2019 primarili known accessibility."} {"id": "14702", "contents": "mauna loa' recent erupt occur march 24 april 15, 1984. recent erupt volcano caus fatalities, erupt 1926 1950 destroy villages, citi hilo partli built lava flow late 19th century. activ shield volcano rel gentl slopes, volum estim approxim 18,000 cubic mile (75,000 km 3), although peak 120 feet (37 m) lower neighbor, mauna kea. lava erupt mauna loa silica-poor fluid, tend non-explos"} {"id": "14703", "contents": "mauna loa larg shield volcano big island hawaii us state hawaii. mauna loa occupi half island erupt almost continuously, dding land area island lava flows. hawai'i latest island hawaiian island form. mauna loa class activ volcano sinc first record errupt 1843. 1984 errupt total 33 eruptions. current erupt chang classif inact long remain emmiss earthquak activity."} {"id": "14704", "contents": "hike mauna kea mountain summit observatory. mauna loa may \u201clargest\u201d volcano hawaii (and world, matter), mauna kea tallest. 13,796 feet, it\u2019 mere 196 feet higher mauna loa. mauna kea classifi dormant, mauna loa still active. it\u2019 outsid volcano nation park. mauna kea popular height it\u2019 primarili known accessibility."} {"id": "14705", "contents": "mauna loa' recent erupt occur 24 march 1984, 15 april 1984. recent erupt volcano caus fatalities, erupt 1926 1950 destroy villages, citi hilo partli built lava flow late 19th century. mauna loa class activ volcano sinc first record errupt 1843. 1984 errupt total 33 eruptions. current erupt chang classif inact long remain emmiss earthquak activity."} {"id": "14706", "contents": "million 700,000 year age, mauna loa second youngest five volcano island, make third youngest volcano hawaiian emperor seamount chain, chain shield volcano seamount extend hawaii kuril\u2013kamchatka trench russia. activ shield volcano rel gentl slopes, volum estim approxim 18,000 cubic mile (75,000 km 3), although peak 120 feet (37 m) lower neighbor, mauna kea. lava erupt mauna loa silica-poor fluid, tend non-explos"} {"id": "14707", "contents": "measur base ocean floor, mauna loa stand 30,077 feet (9167 meters) tall, roughli 3400 feet (1036 meters) shorter mauna kea. second kilauea activ volcano big island, erupt least 35 time sinc 1843, recent 1984. mauna loa massiv hawaii island volcanoes, 10,000 cubic mile rock. fact massiv mountain world! width 75 mile (120 kilometers), mauna loa volcano make approxim half hawaii island."} {"id": "14708", "contents": "name casey celtic babi name. celtic mean name casey is: brave. gaelic meaning: name casey gaelic babi name. gaelic mean name casey is: brave. american meaning: name casey american babi name. american mean name casey is: brave. english meaning: name casey english babi name. english mean name casey is: polish word mean 'proclam peace.' a, cassandra, catherine. popular boy' name american folk song 'casey jones'."} {"id": "14709", "contents": "casey common variat irish gaelic cathasaigh/cathaiseach, mean vigil watchful. least six differ sept use name, primarili counti cork dublin. peopl surnam casey include: adam casey (born 1986), australian soccer player. al casey (disambiguation)."} {"id": "14710", "contents": "mean history. irish surname, anglic form cathasaigh mean descend cathasach name given honour casey (jones-1863), 1900 train engin sacrif life save his. passeng name given honour casey jone (1863-1900), train engin sacrif life save passengers. case, casey nicknam acquir rais town cayce, kentucky."} {"id": "14711", "contents": "interest name, variant spell o'casey, anglic form old gaelic o'cathasaigh, gaelic prefix indic male descend of, plu person bynam cathasach, mean vigil watchful."} {"id": "14712", "contents": "casey' origin old greek, celtic, latin, use, english. celtic roots, mean 'descend cathasaigh, descend vigil one'. deriv word cathasaigh mean 'vigilant, wakeful'. repres transfer use surnam given name. see casey information. addition, casey familiar form (english) english greek acacia. casey also familiar form (english) english german cassandra. casey also familiar form english cassia."} {"id": "14713", "contents": "casey /ca-sey/ [2 sylls.] girls' name (also use regularli boys' name casey) pronounc kay-see. irish gaelic origin, mean casey alert, watchful. male gaelic name cathasaigh. also variant cassi diminut acacia. made famou popular song heroism luther casey jones, us engin driver die save live passengers. casey promin first name femal (#461 4276, top 11%) also promin last name adult children (#463 150436, top 1%). (2000 u.s. census). display birth name popular casey girls."} {"id": "14714", "contents": "irish surname, anglic form cathasaigh mean descend cathasach name given honour casey (jones-1863), 1900 train engin sacrif life save his. passeng his, case casey nicknam acquir rais town of, cayce. kentucki name given honour casey jone (1863-1900), train engin sacrif life save passengers. case, casey nicknam acquir rais town cayce, kentucky."} {"id": "14715", "contents": "look casey wiktionary, free dictionary. casey given name, deriv either irish gaelic cathasaigh, mean vigil watchful. combin initi k.c. use boy girl unit states, often variant spellings. uses, see casey (disambiguation) casey given name, deriv either irish gaelic cathasaigh, mean vigil watchful. combin initi k.c."} {"id": "14716", "contents": "origin name casey: transfer use irish surname, gaelic o'cathasaigh (descend cathasach), deriv cathasach (watchful, vigilant). world babi name teresa norman. share know! person experi name casey: edit. son' name, born 1980. dislik name younger girl' name also. pleas consid name son this. nicknam case. ===. suck up. name casey, i'm proud name."} {"id": "14717", "contents": "perenni rose mallow grow feet. great rose mallow (hibiscu grandiflorus) perenni speci display light pink bloom height feet, accord clemson univers extension. additionally, hollyhock (alcea rosea) often reach feet height display flower vivid colors. red leaf hibiscu (h. acetosella) annual tropic shrub grow height feet display deep red leaves. great rose mallow (hibiscu grandiflorus) perenni speci display light pink bloom height feet, accord clemson univers extension."} {"id": "14718", "contents": "dwarf varieti perenni hibiscu plant reach feet tall. flower-of-an hour (hibiscu trionum) annual hibiscu display dark-cent light yellow flower grow low height feet. red leaf hibiscu (h. acetosella) annual tropic shrub grow height feet display deep red leaves. great rose mallow (hibiscu grandiflorus) perenni speci display light pink bloom height feet, accord clemson univers extension. additionally, hollyhock (alcea rosea) often reach feet height display flower vivid color"} {"id": "14719", "contents": "hibiscu (/h\u0268\u02c8b\u026ask\u0259s/ /ha\u026a\u02c8b\u026ask\u0259s/) genu flower plant mallow family, malvaceae. quit large, contain sever hundr speci nativ warm-temperate, subtrop tropic region throughout world."} {"id": "14720", "contents": "feet tall. perenni varieti hibiscu grow feet tall. scarlet rose mallow (h. coccineus) grow feet tall spread feet wide usda hardi zone 9. deep red flower inch wide summer. 10 12 feet tall. taller varieti hibiscu grow 10 12 feet tall. chines hibiscu (h. rosa-sinensis) evergreen grow 10 feet tall spread feet wide usda hardi zone 11. season bloomer brilliant red flower inch wide"} {"id": "14721", "contents": "hibiscu rose china (hibiscu rosa-sinensis) flower plant bloom almost year-round. large, color flower cultiv throughout tropic warm climates. hibiscu vari size. normal height 12 18 inches, grow high feet cut back."} {"id": "14722", "contents": "report abuse. depend speci varieti big hibiscu plant grow. local soil climat also determin factor well. tropic (woody) type averag 6-15 feet tall hardi perenni speci rang 3-12 feet experience."} {"id": "14723", "contents": "hibiscu plant reach wide varieti height due divers species. grown annuals, perenni shrubs, height rang includ dwarf varieti well taller plant grow 15 feet tall. red leaf hibiscu (h. acetosella) annual tropic shrub grow height feet display deep red leaves. great rose mallow (hibiscu grandiflorus) perenni speci display light pink bloom height feet, accord clemson univers extension. additionally, hollyhock (alcea rosea) often reach feet height display flower vivid color"} {"id": "14724", "contents": "care hibiscus, rememb hibiscu flower best temperatur 60-90 f. (16-32 c.)and cannot toler temp 32 f. (0 c.). summer, hibiscu plant go outside, weather start get near freezing, it\u2019 time bring hibiscu indoors. basic care hibiscu plant garden. see, easi maintenance, high impact flower make garden part world look like tropic paradise."} {"id": "14725", "contents": "u.s. passport card wallet-s travel document, issu u.s. citizen non-citizen nationals, use enter unit state canada, mexico, caribbean, bermuda land border cross sea ports-of-entri conveni less expens passport book."} {"id": "14726", "contents": "intern travel exciting, also number pitfal properli prepare. take intern flight, must make sure legal document need take foreign travel -- includ passport."} {"id": "14727", "contents": "airlin may request enter passport number book intern trip, inform requir time booking."} {"id": "14728", "contents": "long takes. take week get passport-us differ servic need passport urgently. take longer inform need applic hasn\u2019t fill correctly. don\u2019t book travel valid passport-do risk."} {"id": "14729", "contents": "don\u2019t need possess passport book intern flight tickets, must passport travel won\u2019t allow board flight. ensur book ticket use name shown passport."} {"id": "14730", "contents": "best answer: mani airlin ask passport number book intern flight, don't. mani peopl need book flight order get good price passport."} {"id": "14731", "contents": "passport application. secur aside, appli passport, current passport renewed, well advanc plan travel. routin passport applic take six week process, even expedit servic take three weeks."} {"id": "14732", "contents": "passport requir intern travel. travel anywher overseas, even canada, caribbean mexico, need passport board intern flight enter country. general, passport must valid least six month date enter foreign country."} {"id": "14733", "contents": "u.s. passport requir foreign travel u.s. citizens. mean even plan spend weekend tijuana week calgary, must valid u.s. passport board flight either destinations, along canadian mexican cities."} {"id": "14734", "contents": "trust result long rotisseri chicken last fridge. rotisseri chicken jump-start snazzi meals-allrecipes. tip buy rotisseri chicken. ... easier separ warm, save room fridge, start recip without delay. ... make chicken stock-allrecipes. step-by-step tutori make chicken stock."} {"id": "14735", "contents": "(also) feel like i\u2019m limit chicken cooked. thank help, ss. dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days."} {"id": "14736", "contents": "rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag deli meat: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). fri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). meat gravi sauces: day refriger"} {"id": "14737", "contents": "1sweetpea apr 20, 2011 11:27 am. take meat bone soon bring home, i'd say good day fridge. beyond that, tast test. meat tast gummy, mushy, rubberi way, turf"} {"id": "14738", "contents": "meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer). rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). fri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook ground chicken turkey: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken nuggets: day (refrigerator) month (freezer)."} {"id": "14739", "contents": "dairi food like milk, yogurt, cottag cheese, chees butter, use expir date determin long safe kept fridge. mani dairi product like milk safe last two three weeks. chees soy milk may last months. keep milk cream day sell-bi date, accord clemson university. leav yogurt fridg 10 day sell-bi date, note clemson university."} {"id": "14740", "contents": "trust result long rotisseri chicken keep refrigerator. make chicken stock-allrecipes. step-by-step tutori make chicken stock. ... *danamarie* recip reviewed-community-allrecipes. let marin pesto hour refrigerator. cook pan ... bought rotisseri chicken use instead. also substitut cherri ..."} {"id": "14741", "contents": "marin chicken refrigerator. marin poultri two day refrigerator. go bast bird marinad cooks, boil marinad first, avoid cross-contamination. throw away unus marinad"} {"id": "14742", "contents": "motiv action may base share political, religious, moral, commerci position. group use vari method tri achiev aim includ lobbying, media campaigns, public stunts, polls, research, polici briefings. advocaci group also exert influenc polit parties. main way group campaign finance. instance; uk, conserv parti campaign often fund larg corporations, mani conserv parti campaign reflect interest businesses."} {"id": "14743", "contents": "advocaci polit process individu group aim influenc decis within political, economic, social system institutions. differ context advocaci used: legal/law context: 'advocate' titl specif person authorized/appoint (in way) speak behalf person legal process. see advocate."} {"id": "14744", "contents": "chang lobbi law 1976, definit nonprofit includ mani organ polit charitable. explos growth nonprofit advocaci public polici group last thirti year coincid expans government. definition. advocaci mean speak up, plead case another, fight cause. deriv latin word advocare, mean come aid someone, advocaci import function nonprofit organizations."} {"id": "14745", "contents": "one popular form social justic advocacy. although true, initi definit encompass notion power relations, people\u2019 particip vision societi promot social justic advocates. differ context advocaci used: legal/law context: 'advocate' titl specif person authorized/appoint (in way) speak behalf person legal process. see advocate."} {"id": "14746", "contents": "joyc johnson. definition. advocaci mean speak up, plead case another, fight cause. deriv latin word advocare, mean come aid someone, advocaci import function nonprofit organizations. describ wide rang expressions, action activ seek influenc outcom directli affect live peopl serv organizati"} {"id": "14747", "contents": "advocaci group group organ tri influenc govern hold power government. single-issu group may form respons particular issu area sometim respons singl event threat. advocaci group also exert influenc polit parties. main way group campaign finance. instance; uk, conserv parti campaign often fund larg corporations, mani conserv parti campaign reflect interest businesses."} {"id": "14748", "contents": "interest-group advocacy: lobbi main tool use interest group mass advocacy. form action alway succeed influenc polit decision-mak requir resourc organ effective. differ context advocaci used: legal/law context: 'advocate' titl specif person authorized/appoint (in way) speak behalf person legal process. see advocate."} {"id": "14749", "contents": "501(c) group nonprofit, tax-exempt group organ section 501(c) intern revenu code engag vari amount polit activity, depend type group. example, 501(c)(3) group oper religious, charitable, scientif educ purposes. similar restrict appli section 501(c)(5) labor agricultur groups, section 501(c)(6) busi leagues, chamber commerce, real estat board board trade. 527 group tax-exempt group organ section 527 intern revenu code rais money polit activities."} {"id": "14750", "contents": "welcom polit advocaci group site design highlight organ lobbi congress behalf issu areas. use issu area link find group base issu interest you. pag transit point. editor final data collect stages, determin group top polit advocaci group profil site. envis new edit polit advocaci group revit tool citizens, students, scholar alike. currently, busi gather data 1000 interest group repres social causes, trade organizations, unions, profession group"} {"id": "14751", "contents": "nonprofit advocaci group often known special interest groups, citizen organizations, mobil groups, multi-issu organizations, social movement organizations. activ particip may call grassroot action, civic voice, public action, organ empowerment. definition. advocaci mean speak up, plead case another, fight cause. deriv latin word advocare, mean come aid someone, advocaci import function nonprofi"} {"id": "14752", "contents": "popul densiti (in agriculture: stand stock stand crop) measur popul per unit area unit volume; quantiti type number density. frequent appli live organisms, particularli humans. key geograph term. earth' land area 150 million km (58 million sq. miles) taken account, human popul densiti increas 47 per km (120 per sq. mile). includ continent island land area, includ antarctica."} {"id": "14753", "contents": "follow list incorpor place unit state popul densiti 10,000 peopl per squar mile. follow list census-design place puerto rico popul densiti 10,000 peopl per squar mile 2000 u.s. census."} {"id": "14754", "contents": "popul density. popul densiti measur popul per unit area unit volume. frequent appli live organisms, particularli humans. key geograph term."} {"id": "14755", "contents": "determin area' popul density, divid area' total popul land area squar mile (or squar kilometers). example, canada' popul 33 million, divid land area 3,559,294 squar mile yield densiti 9.27 peopl per squar mile. popul densiti planet (includ land area) 105 peopl per squar mile. antarctica elimin (sinc zero popul density), world popul densiti rise 11"} {"id": "14756", "contents": "tini countri monaco world' highest popul density. area 3/4 squar mile total popul 32,000, monaco densiti almost 43,000 peopl per squar mile. popul densiti planet (includ land area) 105 peopl per squar mile. antarctica elimin (sinc zero popul density), world popul densiti rise 11"} {"id": "14757", "contents": "popul density. densiti popul given area. popul densiti express term number perman inhabit per unit area, usual per sq km. uninhabit territori larg inland water area sometim exclud comput density. separ densiti index appli urban rural popul"} {"id": "14758", "contents": "popul densiti measur number peopl per unit area, commonli repres peopl per squar mile (or squar kilometer). popul densiti planet (includ land area) 105 peopl per squar mile. antarctica elimin (sinc zero popul density), world popul densiti rise 11"} {"id": "14759", "contents": "popul densiti calcul divid popul land area repres number peopl live one squar mile land area. follow list census-design place puerto rico popul densiti 10,000 peopl per squar mile 2000 u.s. census."} {"id": "14760", "contents": "humans, popul densiti number peopl per unit area, usual quot per squar kilomet squar mile (which may includ exclude, example, area water glaciers). commonli may calcul county, city, country, anoth territory, entir world. earth' land area 150 million km (58 million sq. miles) taken account, human popul densiti increas 47 per km (120 per sq. mile). includ continent island land area, includ antarctica."} {"id": "14761", "contents": "list countri depend rank human popul density, measur number human inhabit per squar kilometr squar mile. dens popul sovereign nation monaco, popul densiti 16,754 people/km 2. antarctica contin 14,400,000 km area territori claim multipl countri includ elsewher table."} {"id": "14762", "contents": "strategi call adapt asset allocation\u2122 (aaa). sinc 2004, public access discoveri advanc made institut provid affili compass investors, llc realloc strategies, llc. compass investor offer aaa servic call horizon \u2122. late 1990 compass institut form search way overcom flaw inher tradit asset alloc invest strategi lifecycl target date fund (tdf)."} {"id": "14763", "contents": "silicon valley investor ann wynbald michael moritz express adapt learn origin founder one would understand adapt learn meant. adapt learn multimillion dollar industry. learn way ahead curv compani util adapt learn engin methodolog quickli retreat tradit one size fit design. immedi ny time best-sel author, dr. thoma armstrong, firm' educ advisor, left ignite!"} {"id": "14764", "contents": "adapt learn educ method use comput interact teach devices, orchestr alloc human mediat resourc accord uniqu need learner. learn way ahead curv compani util adapt learn engin methodolog quickli retreat tradit one size fit design. immedi ny time best-sel author, dr. thoma armstrong, firm' educ advisor, left ignite!"} {"id": "14765", "contents": "product alloc use materi avail sale, either purchas manufactur items. kind product allocation: quota-wher materi guarante particular customer. reservation-wher materi guarante customer. busi process perspective, difficult area util product alloc determin criteria enabl disabl product allocation. depend busi scenario, becom difficult turn off, especi instanc demand vari greatli bucket-to-bucket."} {"id": "14766", "contents": "random control trial (or random control trial; rct) type scientif (often medical) experiment, peopl studi randomli alloc one differ treatment study. rct often consid gold standard clinic trial. type random combin stratifi randomization, exampl center multicent trial, ensur good balanc particip characterist group.. special case permuted-block random random allocation, entir sampl treat one block."} {"id": "14767", "contents": "adapt learning, basic premis tool system abl adjust student/user' learn method, result better effect learn experi user. learn way ahead curv compani util adapt learn engin methodolog quickli retreat tradit one size fit design. immedi ny time best-sel author, dr. thoma armstrong, firm' educ advisor, left ignite!"} {"id": "14768", "contents": "adapt asset alloc polici comparison alloc 2020 fund end march 2008 12 end march, 2009 13 shown tabl 3. tabl fidel freedom 2020 asset allocations, 2008 2009 asset actual march 31, 2008 actual march 31, 2009 u.s. equiti 52.6 52.1 non-u.s. adapt asset alloc polici excerpt 2008 prospectu 10 famili fund instructive: \u201cthe follow chart [figur 1, below] illustr freedom fund\u2019 approxim asset alloc among equity, fixed-income, short-term fund march 31, 2008."} {"id": "14769", "contents": "adapt design. one big buzzword digit media right now, mean? nick davison, director web develop ad firm digitaria, come quickest explan we'v ever seen, adapt design, static, liquid respons design well. static layout tradit web: one design sit center page requir horizont scroll window small it. dot site tradit answer this, provid wholli separ site lower resolution-and work creat separ site.."} {"id": "14770", "contents": "result follow adapt asset allocation\u2122 strategi result 2-3 time growth best tradit asset alloc strategy. aaa strategy, compass investor horizon service, differ tradit asset alloc fundament ways. frequent reallocation. late 1990 compass institut form search way overcom flaw inher tradit asset alloc invest strategi lifecycl target date fund (tdf)."} {"id": "14771", "contents": "generally, commerci air travel pregnanc consid safe women healthi pregnancies. still, pregnant, best check health care provid fly. health care provid might caution air travel pregnanc consid high risk risk preterm labor. like feel best, risk miscarriag prematur labor lowest. fly: check airline' polici air travel pregnancy."} {"id": "14772", "contents": "whether plane, train, automobile, even boat, travel pregnant involv set challeng guidelines. littl advanc plan along common sens make differ world -- anywher world -- come pregnanc travel. wrong say categor 'no' come travel pregnant, say frank a. chervenak, md. chervenak professor chairman depart obstetr gynecolog director maternal-fet medicin weill medic colleg cornel univers new york city."} {"id": "14773", "contents": "best time travel probabl middl pregnancy\u2014between week 14 28. common pregnanc emerg usual happen first third trimesters. 28 weeks, may harder move around sit long time."} {"id": "14774", "contents": "travel air pregnancy. whether go car, bus, train, gener safe travel pregnant; however, thing consid could make trip safer comfortable. essenti buckle-up everi time ride car. airlin allow pregnant women travel eighth month. travel ninth month usual allow permiss health care provider."} {"id": "14775", "contents": "travel air consid safe women pregnant; however, follow idea might make trip safer comfortable. airlin allow pregnant women travel eighth month. airlin allow pregnant women travel eighth month. travel ninth month usual allow permiss health care provider."} {"id": "14776", "contents": "safe travel develop countri pregnancy, especi immun system strong. keep travel reserv post pregnancy. age 35 year happen first time pregnant best avoid travel. ectop pregnanc caus ruptur fallopian tube life threaten mother baby.also mother suffer preeclampsia along ectop pregnancy, seriou condit total bed rest advis doctor ensur safe delivery."} {"id": "14777", "contents": "there' need sit home nine month pregnancy. extra precaut involv travel pregnant, still consid safe, part. travel bu train. travel bu train safe pregnanc long certain precaut taken. bu aisl narrow, firmli hold onto back seat move around. train aisl tend wider, bathroom small, alway hold firmli rail provided."} {"id": "14778", "contents": "seaworld ride shows. sea world\u2019 ride would intens pregnant women either clearli mark clearli good idea; one look kraken you\u2019ll sure avoid pregnancy."} {"id": "14779", "contents": "still great time univers studio theme park visit pregnancy. abl find plenti see univers studio island adventure. second trimester: initi tired slightli sick feel first trimest passed, enjoy burst energi women report feel second trimester. may ideal time visit univers pregnancy, sinc feel better risk complic low."} {"id": "14780", "contents": "take great care allow fulli enjoy time univers orlando pregnancy. third trimester: make doctor appoint prioriti get clear travel leav home. doctor allow healthi pregnant women travel trimester, provid overdo. second trimester: initi tired slightli sick feel first trimest passed, enjoy burst energi women report feel second trimester. may ideal time visit univers pregnancy, sinc feel better risk complic low."} {"id": "14781", "contents": "becom certifi health educ specialist, must first receiv degre health education, follow certif nchec. degre must health educ similarli relat disciplin accur thoroughli cover seven key area respons health educators. career certifi health educ specialist, help other achiev maximum health well educ program guidance."} {"id": "14782", "contents": "role specialist teacher. follow list role like carri teacher hold specialist qualification: carri comprehens assessment. devis individualis programm support/ intervent meet need pupil. identifi suitabl resourc materi includ ict. carri comprehens assessment. devis individualis programm support/ intervent meet need pupil. identifi suitabl resourc materi includ ict. support whole school meet"} {"id": "14783", "contents": "read specialist expert teach read support encourag stronger read skill classroom out. read specialist chang someone\u2019 skill set increas chanc overal educ success. read specialist gener hold master\u2019 degre reading, certifi k-12 order help student age read skills."} {"id": "14784", "contents": "though time specialist may involv direct teach pupil, like specialist knowledg use support whole school meet need pupil literaci difficulti dyslexia. carri comprehens assessment. devis individualis programm support/ intervent meet need pupil. identifi suitabl resourc materi includ ict. support whole school meet"} {"id": "14785", "contents": "read specialist creativ collaborator. sometim might mean teach whole class, team teaching, teach alongsid regular teacher pull student asid small group work read skills. read specialist gener hold master\u2019 degre reading, certifi k-12 order help student age"} {"id": "14786", "contents": "suggest everi school student specialist chemistri teacher teach chemistry. definit subject specialist teacher also debat (most recent score). mean issu relev school teachers. mani peopl rel simple, academ credenti research interest provid definition; degre subjects, final year project dissertations, higher degre phd topic narrow descript scientist, chemist, synthet organ chemist case. educator?"} {"id": "14787", "contents": "children young five taught specialist subject teacher govern plan give pupil best start education. michael gove said subject specialist would recruit primari school reform teacher training. new wave primari teacher train give dedic lesson disciplin mathematics, scienc foreign languages, announced. signal dramat shift primari school workforc tradit favour all-round teach subject."} {"id": "14788", "contents": "instruct specialist gener respons respons provid instruct program design assist teacher develop skill prepar effect learn (lesson) plans, present content, classroom management, school commun communicati ons."} {"id": "14789", "contents": "teacher-librarian (tl) school librarian, school librari media specialist (slms) certifi teacher also train librarianship. role school librarian [edit]. school librarian perform four main leadership roles: teacher, instruct partner, inform specialist, program administrator."} {"id": "14790", "contents": "break 'balanc fund'. balanc fund gear toward investor look mixtur safety, incom modest capit appreciation. amount mutual fund invest asset class usual must remain within set minimum maximum. mutual fund includ bond addit asset types, certain funds, aptli name bond funds, hold ... brows topic: asset alloc balanc fund buy hold mutual fund portfolio manag risk management."} {"id": "14791", "contents": "balanc mutual fund. mutual fund attempt balanc low-risk invest strategi divid cash among common stock (ordinari shares), prefer stock (prefer shares), high-yield bonds."} {"id": "14792", "contents": "fund combin stock component, bond compon and, sometimes, money market component, singl portfolio. mutual fund includ bond addit asset types, certain funds, aptli name bond funds, hold ... brows topic: asset alloc balanc fund buy hold mutual fund portfolio manag risk management."} {"id": "14793", "contents": "mutual fund classifi type invest own. mutual fund stocks. call equiti fund s. mutual fund bonds. call bond fund fix incom funds. mutual fund both, call balanc fund blend funds."} {"id": "14794", "contents": "balanc mutual fund. mutual fund portfolio mix stocks, bonds, cash equival differ type secur more-or-less fix ratio. balanc mutual fund use long-term investing. also seek diversifi one' portfolio avoid volatil one market. exampl asset alloc"} {"id": "14795", "contents": "break 'asset alloc fund'. asset alloc mutual fund come sever varieties. generally, balanc fund impli fix mix stock bonds, 60% stock 40% bonds."} {"id": "14796", "contents": "mutual fund portfolio mix stocks, bonds, cash equival differ type secur more-or-less fix ratio. balanc mutual fund use long-term investing. also seek diversifi one' portfolio avoid volatil one market. exampl asset alloc fund."} {"id": "14797", "contents": "purpos balanc fund (also sometim call hybrid funds) provid investor singl mutual fund combin growth incom objectives, invest stock (for growth) bond (for income). mutual fund buy combin common stock, prefer stock, bonds, short-term bonds, provid incom capit appreci avoid excess risk."} {"id": "14798", "contents": "magnesium sulfat treatment. use magnesium sulfat garden plant care unless symptom magnesium sulfur defici present. addit unneed nutrient throw nutrient balanc caus defici due inabl plant use specif nutrient available. magnesium sulfate, known household epsom salts, combin magnesium sulfur, nutrient benefici plant health. magnesium involv photosynthesis, defici nutrient affect leaf color. sulfur activ plant enzym systems."} {"id": "14799", "contents": "confid vote 176. magnesium part chlorophyl green plant essenti photosynthesis. magnesium found algal pigment (known chlorophyll) use metabol plants, algae, fungi, bacteria. magnesium found mani enzym plant animals. enzym catalyst live organism. magnesium essenti element chlorophyl molecule-therefor plant need survive. magnesium sulfat commonli use replenish magnesium content soil. peopl found useful."} {"id": "14800", "contents": "magnesium core chlorophyl molecule, essenti ingredi healthi plants, anim (includ humans) eat plants. live organ depend magnesium type cells, bodi tissu organ varieti functions. magnesium essenti photosynthesis, help activ plant enzym need growth. anim need magnesium plants, plant magnesium defici often show first animals, especi graze forage."} {"id": "14801", "contents": "magnesium import role photosynthesi form central atom chlorophyll. therefore, without suffici amount magnesium, plant begin degrad chlorophyl old leaves. caus main symptom magnesium deficiency, chlorosis, yellow leaf veins, stay green, give leav marbl appearance. magnesium essenti macro nutrient found 0.2-0.4% dri matter necessari normal plant growth. plant magnesium deficiency. excess potassium, gener due fertilizers, aggrav stress magnesium deficiency, aluminium toxicity."} {"id": "14802", "contents": "magnesium defici plants. role magnesium vital plant growth health. magnesium defici plant common soil rich organ matter light. advertisement. heavi rain caus defici occur leach magnesium sandi acid soil. short, magnesium requir give leav green color. magnesium plant locat enzymes, heart chlorophyl molecule. magnesium also use plant metabol carbohydr cell membran stabilization."} {"id": "14803", "contents": "magnesium (mg) defici detriment plant disord occur often strongli acidic, light, sandi soils, magnesium easili leach away. magnesium essenti macro nutrient found 0.2-0.4% dri matter necessari normal plant growth. plant magnesium deficiency. excess potassium, gener due fertilizers, aggrav stress magnesium deficiency, aluminium toxicity."} {"id": "14804", "contents": "magnesium one thirteen miner nutrient come soil dissolv water, absorb plant\u2019 roots. sometim enough miner nutrient soil necessari fertil order replenish element provid addit magnesium plants. short, magnesium requir give leav green color. magnesium plant locat enzymes, heart chlorophyl molecule. magnesium also use plant metabol carbohydr cell membran stabilization."} {"id": "14805", "contents": "yellow plant leav stunt growth indic nutrient deficiencies. magnesium sulfate, known household epsom salts, combin magnesium sulfur, nutrient benefici plant health. magnesium involv photosynthesis, defici nutrient affect leaf color. sulfur activ plant enzym systems."} {"id": "14806", "contents": "sea lion use hind flipper steer swim use front flippers. true seal usual swim mph reach speed fast 18 mph. walrus tend take relax approach water, averag speed mph less."} {"id": "14807", "contents": "no-th sea lion swim dolphin swim combin tour. swim complet one tour. fact-w one place world, one, combin type tour one price."} {"id": "14808", "contents": "lion swim deep water, mix fear anger eyes. stage, passeng squeez one side tri get better view, boat got stuck sandbank. crazi moment look like lion head straight us vision panicki anim tri board boat."} {"id": "14809", "contents": "sea lion vocal includ barks, clicks, moans, chirps, growls, squeaks. concret evid suggest sea lion use echolocation. sight: sea lions, like mani marin mammals, see well surfac water. unlik humans, sea lion may see color. possibl discrimin color blue-green spectrum."} {"id": "14810", "contents": "swim deep water differ swim shallow water sever ways. deep water present psycholog challeng some, also present dangers, challeng benefits."} {"id": "14811", "contents": "overcom fear deep water. learn swim feel comfort deep water necessarili go hand hand. know swim, fact abl swim well, water head, still fear deep end pool."} {"id": "14812", "contents": "sea lion swim burst speed 25 mph, gener cruis approxim 11 mph. sea lion gain speed porpoising, glide water' surfac minim resistance. surf front wave larg whale seem fun activ sea lions."} {"id": "14813", "contents": "motiv swim deeper. challeng overcom fear deep water one motiv factor ventur head, attract includ desir explor new environ sheer pleasur freedom graviti experienc swim deep water."} {"id": "14814", "contents": "specif heat water calorie/gram \u00b0c 4.186 joule/gram \u00b0c higher common substance. result, water play import role temperatur regulation. specif heat per gram water much higher metal, describ water-met example. specif heat amount heat per unit mass requir rais temperatur one degre celsius. relationship heat temperatur chang usual express form shown specif heat."} {"id": "14815", "contents": "molar heat capac constant pressur (c p) quantiti heat requir rais temperatur mole ga pressur ga remain constant. molar heat capac constant volum (c v) quantiti heat requir rais temperatur mole ga volum"} {"id": "14816", "contents": "symbol univers ga constant ru= 8.314 j/mol.k (0.0831 bar dm3 mol-1 k-1). specific-heat capacity, c, defin amount heat requir rais temperatur 1k per mole per kg. specif heat capac measur report constant pressur (cp) constant volum (cv) conditions. monoatom gase cp=2.5ru j/mol.k cv=1.5ru j/mol.k repectively. ratio two specif heat call adiabat ratio gas. temperatur heat content water vapor is: hw 2501 1.84 t. notic water vapor, generated, also requir heat dri air rais temperatur further: 1.84 kj/kg.c j/kg.c dri air."} {"id": "14817", "contents": "answers. best answer: appar valu specif heat capac water vapour chang depend temperature: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/water-... rememb convert temperatur list celsiu first. source(s): ritchi valen year ago."} {"id": "14818", "contents": "(a) specif heat capac constant volum (c v) defin quantiti heat requir rais temperatur kg ga volum ga remain constant. molar heat capac constant volum (c v) quantiti heat requir rais temperatur mole"} {"id": "14819", "contents": "(b) specif heat capac constant pressur (c p) defin quantiti heat requir rais temperatur kg ga pressur ga remain constant. molar heat capac constant volum (c v) quantiti heat requir rais temperatur mole ga volum"} {"id": "14820", "contents": "cases, specif heat capac fraction maximum. temperatur approach absolut zero, specif heat capac system approach zero, due loss avail degre freedom. heat capac per atom nitrogen (5/2 per mole molecul 5/4 per mole atoms) therefor less monatom ga (3/2 per mole molecul atoms), long temperatur remain low enough vibrat degre freedom activated."} {"id": "14821", "contents": "(a) calcul specif heat capac constant volum water vapor, assum nonlinear tri-atom molecul three translat three rotat degre freedom vibrat motion contribute. molar mass water 18 g/mol. (b) actual specif heat capac water vapor low pressur 2000 j/kg*k. compar calcul comment actual role vibrat motion."} {"id": "14822", "contents": "valu specif heat capac water vapor constant volume? temperatur chang 540 358 pressur chang 60 bar 20 bar. best answer: appar valu specif heat capac water vapour chang depend temperature: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/water-... rememb convert temperatur list celsiu first. source(s): ritchi valen year ago."} {"id": "14823", "contents": "averag incom colleg graduat $49,303 averag incom unit sate overal $32,104, larg gap illustr educ improv job opportun income."} {"id": "14824", "contents": "[learn job outlook class 2011 .]. hold bachelor' degre earn $2.27 million lifetime, master's, doctoral, profession degre earn $2.67 million, $3.25 million, $3.65 million, respectively. said, major industri student select ultim enorm impact lifetim earnings."} {"id": "14825", "contents": "brian burnsed. more. earn master's, doctoral, profession degre still earn career less education, gap closing, accord colleg payoff, report publish today georgetown univers center educ workforce."} {"id": "14826", "contents": "educ chang live instil leadership, life-long work ethic global perspective. also chang one\u2019 econom circumstances, level incom one earn post-colleg perhap easiest-to-measur return invest education."} {"id": "14827", "contents": "even higher educ transition, question rais mooc tech-en altern tradit colleg environment, hasn\u2019t changed. today\u2019 daili edventure, share infograph socrato look us incom average, without colleg degrees."} {"id": "14828", "contents": "basically, higher educ level, higher income. example, peopl profession degre earn 6x much peopl graduat high school (in 2009: $128,000 vs. $20,000)."} {"id": "14829", "contents": "million peopl u.s. crippl student loan debt high unemployment, policy-mak rais question whether colleg even good investment. one thing' sure--th higher educ level, money make."} {"id": "14830", "contents": "bespaq tend featur document tradit design carv detail strong. general, line furnitur good, slightli heavier would find artisan work, although similar weight manufactur sets. bespaq sold variou name ranges, 'platinum' edit sold aztec 'town square' label, bespaq 'basic' sold simpler form main featur line. often list museum quality, bespaq qualiti factori made furnitur tend toward elabor furnitur styles."} {"id": "14831", "contents": "jiayi 12th 24th scale dolls' hous miniatures, furnitur accessories-uk supplier worldwid shipping. jiayi miniatures. jiayi miniatur piec handcraft talent team artisans, consid heirloom quality. handfinish paint intric designs, often asian influenc them."} {"id": "14832", "contents": "jiayi dollhous miniatur furnitur piec individu hand craft artisan and. consid museum display quality. craft peopl reput make even slightest compromis qualiti authenticity. remark attent detail superior craftsmanship evid piece. consid jiayi brand top tier collect miniatur furnitur believ too."} {"id": "14833", "contents": "jf-jiayi fine furniture. distribut jiayi doll hous furniture, probabl finest doll hous furnitur world. wait patient 10 month first deliveri mainli mahogani finish beauti eleg piec range. much follow due course."} {"id": "14834", "contents": "manufactur asian factori make doll hous miniatur furniture, includ jiayi, bespaq line share construct finish featur asian furnitur brands, wider rang styles. bespaq sold variou name ranges, 'platinum' edit sold aztec 'town square' label, bespaq 'basic' sold simpler form main featur line. often list museum quality, bespaq qualiti factori made furnitur tend toward elabor furnitur styles."} {"id": "14835", "contents": "offici supplier jiayi doll hous furnitur miniatur uk, ireland northern europe. jiayi craftspeopl reput make even slightest compromis qualiti authenticity."} {"id": "14836", "contents": "cheapest jiayi doll hous furnitur china, jiayi doll hous miniatur bare wood, search awesom deal jiayi, look further. comprehend acquir probabl tricki earn money today economi essenti love ones. partner ebay help get benefici cost jiayi."} {"id": "14837", "contents": "live room 12th 24th scale dolls' hous miniatures, furnitur accessories-uk supplier worldwid shipping. breathtakingli beauti 1:12 scale jiayi loung items-from sofa chairs, coffe tabl display cabinets. give miniatur scene pure touch class stun qualiti items, handcraft handfinished."} {"id": "14838", "contents": "mahogani walnut refer finish underli wood, unknown. like manufactur doll hous furnitur asian factories, mahogani stain red, walnut warmer normal finish associ name. finish match well similar furnitur ranges, mani may made factory. bespaq sold variou name ranges, 'platinum' edit sold aztec 'town square' label, bespaq 'basic' sold simpler form main featur line. often list museum quality, bespaq qualiti factori made furnitur tend toward elabor furnitur styles."} {"id": "14839", "contents": "follow list past present chair board governor feder reserv system. total 15 chair feder reserve, appoint presid unit states. thus, marrin eccl first actual chairman board governor feder reserv board. other prior 1935 chairman board director feder reserv system, much circumscrib power."} {"id": "14840", "contents": "stipul bank act 1935, chairman vice chairman board two seven member board governor appoint presid among sit governors. board governor feder reserv system, commonli known feder reserv board, main govern bodi feder reserv system. charg overse feder reserv bank help implement monetari polici unit states."} {"id": "14841", "contents": "chairman board governor feder reserv system head central bank system unit states. known colloqui chair(man) fed, fed chair(man) fed chief. chairman activ execut offic board governor feder reserv system. thus, marrin eccl first actual chairman board governor feder reserv board. other prior 1935 chairman board director feder reserv system, much circumscrib power."} {"id": "14842", "contents": "member, usp board governors. loui j. giuliano retir chairman, ceo, presid itt corp decemb 2004. retir focu serv faith priorities. name governor u.s. postal servic presid georg w. bush novemb 2004. jame h. bilbray, act chairman board governors, attorney former member u.s. hous repres nevada. appoint governor u.s. postal servic presid georg w. bush august 17, 2006, term expir decemb 8, 2006. reappoint decemb 15, 2006, presid bush addit nine-year term expir decemb 8, 2015"} {"id": "14843", "contents": "board governor feder reserv exist prior major reorgan fed 1935 (bank act 1935). prior time, feder reserv board (creat 1913 feder reserv act) board directors. thus, marrin eccl first actual chairman board governor feder reserv board. other prior 1935 chairman board director feder reserv system, much circumscrib power."} {"id": "14844", "contents": "hartford, conn. (wtnh) governor malloy\u2019 offic say offici appoint white hous co-chair council governors. it\u2019 describ bi-partisan council ten state governor select presid two-year term"} {"id": "14845", "contents": "five appoint members, one design presid governor one vice governor. governor feder reserv board, subject supervision, activ execut officer. bank act 1933 increas number appoint member five six. bank act 1935, approv aug. 23, 1935, chang name feder reserv board board governor feder reserv system creat posit chairman vice chairman. previously, chairman secretari treasury."} {"id": "14846", "contents": "introduction. gustav eiffel\u2019 compani built paris\u2019 recogniz monument 1889 world\u2019 fair, mani regard massiv iron structur skepticism."} {"id": "14847", "contents": "ye actual two restaur eiffel tower: first floor, 58 tour eiffel, chic lunch day, nice brasseri soft loung usic night. second floor, le jule verne, top-notch michelin-star restaurant. see parisbestrestaurants.com regards."} {"id": "14848", "contents": "built commemor french revolution, eiffel tower one world' premier tourist attractions. compar great pyramid giza st. peter' basilica rome. noth remot like ever constructed."} {"id": "14849", "contents": "below, citi pari open you. visit tower one best intern travel exper\u2026. make onlin dinner reserv eiffel tower dine eiffel tower import experi pari local tourists."} {"id": "14850", "contents": "landmark world, eiffel tower built purpose. suppos serv entranc arch exposit universel world exhibit 1889. exhibit event held celebr 100th anniversari french revolut 1789."} {"id": "14851", "contents": "eiffel tower monument aerodynam aesthetics, model organ management. complet two years, two month five days, project finish ahead schedule. slate open may 6, 1889, eiffel tower readi march 30 year."} {"id": "14852", "contents": "popular travel site tourist inform eiffel tower paris' eiffel tower, built 1889 world' fair, one well-known landmark world, million tourist ascend tower everi year."} {"id": "14853", "contents": "eiffel tower call 'la tour eiffel' french. complet name pronounc 'lah toor eh-fehl'. built gustav eiffel 1887 1889."} {"id": "14854", "contents": "tallest structur world, eiffel tower probabl europe' best known landmark paris' famou symbol. possibl visit pari without see eiffel tower. even want visit world famou structure, see top paris."} {"id": "14855", "contents": "1889, pari host exposit universel (world\u2019 fair) mark 100-year anniversari french revolution. 100 artist submit compet plan monument built champ-de-mars, locat central paris, serv exposition\u2019 entrance."} {"id": "14856", "contents": "cyanide-th compound unconfirm report suggest would use tube attack-i one lethal substances. even tini amount less 0.1 gram leav victim die quick agonis death."} {"id": "14857", "contents": "cyanid poison rare form poison occur expos compound produc cyanid ion dissolv water. cyanid exist three forms: gas, liquid, solid. liquid form call hydrogen cyanide."} {"id": "14858", "contents": "perhap similar suffocation.although wiki says: oral ingest small quantiti solid cyanid cyanid solut littl 200 mg, airborn cyanid 270 ppm suffici caus death within minutes.[19] small dose would obvious take longer kill you."} {"id": "14859", "contents": "hydrangea cyanid them, two spliff lethal. i'm sure give high, cyanid anyth though. appl pip also cyanid too. need eat lot though feel effect! written 14 jun, 2014."} {"id": "14860", "contents": "effect cyanid ingest similar effect suffocation; cyanid stop cell bodi abl use oxygen, cell need survive. symptom cyanid poison similar experienc hike climb high altitudes. gener weakness, confusion, bizarr behavior, excess sleepiness, coma, short breath, headache, dizziness, seizur present cyanid poisoning."} {"id": "14861", "contents": "oral ingest small quantiti solid cyanid cyanid solut littl 200 mg, airborn cyanid 270 ppm suffici caus death within minutes.[19]. small dose would obvious take longer kill you."} {"id": "14862", "contents": "cyanid poison occur live organ expos compound produc cyanid ion (cn \u2212) dissolv water. common poison cyanid compound includ hydrogen cyanid ga crystallin solid potassium cyanid sodium cyanide."} {"id": "14863", "contents": "cyanid poison form histotox hypoxia cell organ unabl use oxygen, primarili inhibit cytochrom oxidase."} {"id": "14864", "contents": "cost transgend live ahlberg made bold decis transit male femal nearli 40 year ago time come transgend far danger less accept today cnn 23 want surgeri 10 year expens unlik abl cover cost anytim soon caitlyn jenner highli public often celebr transit male femal typic transgend peopl experi"} {"id": "14865", "contents": "reliabl statist extrem difficult obtain mani sexual reassign procedur conduct privat facil subject report requir cost femal male reassign 50000 cost male femal reassign 7000 24000 100 500 gender reassign procedur conduct unit state year emb past code site"} {"id": "14866", "contents": "pennsylvania philadelphia center transgend surgeri post cost estim differ procedur price list mention estim 140450 transit male femal 124400 transit femal male 23 want surgeri 10 year expens unlik abl cover cost anytim soon caitlyn jenner highli public often celebr transit male femal typic transgend peopl experi"} {"id": "14867", "contents": "anoth famou person undergo male femal sex reassign surgeri rene ren\u00e9 richard transit surgeri mid 1970 success fought transgend peopl recogn new sex first male femal surgeri unit state took place 1966 john hopkin univers medic center sex reassign surgeri male femal wikipedia free encyclopedia sex reassign surgeri male femal involv reshap male genit form appear far possibl function femal genitalia"} {"id": "14868", "contents": "cost combin 23000 averag gender reassign surgeri plu 36000 averag lab test hormon therapi miscellan medic need"} {"id": "14869", "contents": "pennsylvania philadelphia center transgend surgeri post cost estim differ procedur price list mention estim 140450 transit male femal 124400 transit femal male mani transgend peopl transit without surgeri say want surgeri interest medic option avail mani cite cost procedur potenti 100000 pocket lack insur coverag barrier transit"} {"id": "14870", "contents": "cost averag cost male femal surgeri 17000 ad cost 1000 therapi 1500 hormon 500 doctor visit lab test cost transit averag 20000 two year transit period"} {"id": "14871", "contents": "drug lawsuit sourc transgend surgeri cost infograph list cost individu surgeri commonli use gender tr dupipelin qisnippet firstgoodlong snippet v1 male femal transgend surgeri cost final simpli link page websit npleas share infograph site copi past code cost transgend surgeri male femal infograph infograph team drug lawsuit sourc nocdg dupipelin dcdomnodeframeworkattribut"} {"id": "14872", "contents": "2000 5000 addit addit top surgeri perform time mani patient choos perform time better contour bodi masculin form also cost effect perform time top surgeri patient averag surgeri time 90 100 minut surgic procedur take longer 120 minut perform hospit charg patient addit 200 30 minut allot time rare must clear hospit fee"} {"id": "14873", "contents": "long drive sydney, australia alic springs, australia? total drive time 30 hours, minutes. trip begin sydney, australia. end alic springs, australia. plan road trip, might interest see total drive distanc sydney, australia"} {"id": "14874", "contents": "almost 3000 km drive (2992km exact), sydney outback australia. central part country, alic springs. day sydney-wagga wagga, nsw, 478kms. day wagga wagga-port pirie, sa, 1010kms."} {"id": "14875", "contents": "drive distanc sydney, australia alic springs, australia. total drive distanc sydney, australia alic springs, australia 1,722 mile 2\u2009771 kilometers. trip begin sydney, australia. end"} {"id": "14876", "contents": "much acupunctur cost depend length treatment. cost determin acupuncturist usual line acupuncturist area. alway best enquir cost treatment make appointment. treatment session acupuncturist cost anywher $25 $80 depend practitioner. gener includ diagnosi treatment"} {"id": "14877", "contents": "depend live cost live price vary. acupuncturist (at least california) go master' degre program years. years-year round (no summer off). practice: commun acupunctur network. i'm bois commun clinic amaz charg $15-$40 per treatment. pay $30 that' afford. clinic beauti acupuncturist wonderful."} {"id": "14878", "contents": "normal visit acupunctur cost $60-$120, accord acufinder.com. cost higher side initi visit sinc complet medic histori physic exam must completed. cost higher side initi visit sinc complet medic histori physic exam must completed. averag acupunctur cost routin acupunctur session $75."} {"id": "14879", "contents": "q: much acupunctur normal cost, mani treatment normal have. a: price acupunctur treatment vari consider across country. london, cost first treatment, take anywher hour hour half, rang \u00a350-\u00a370, ordinari appoint half hour hour \u00a335-\u00a350. rest countri rang sometim \u00a310 lower."} {"id": "14880", "contents": "fee initi visit rang $75 $95 acupunctur session medic consultation. routin visit cost $50 $70. cost similar nationwide, differ greatli servic offer clinic privat practitioners, may also chiropractors. practice: commun acupunctur network. i'm bois commun clinic amaz charg $15-$40 per treatment. pay $30 that' afford. clinic beauti acupuncturist wonderful."} {"id": "14881", "contents": "cost acupunctur treatment vari practition practitioner. consult acupuncturist area exact prices. gener fee rang $60-120 per session. initi treatment usual longer comprehens usual cost more. practition set price per treatment, offer packag price."} {"id": "14882", "contents": "much acupunctur cost? normal visit acupunctur cost $60-$120, accord acufinder.com. averag acupunctur cost routin acupunctur session $75. insur compani cover cost acupunctur other not. example, acupuncturist locat lo angel charg $125 ... cost higher side initi visit sinc complet medic histori physic exam must complet"} {"id": "14883", "contents": "acupunctur clinic offer discount patient prepay multipl visits. example, meta morph clinic new york' long island charg $80 routin visits, drop cost 25 percent patient 10 session $600. practice: commun acupunctur network. i'm bois commun clinic amaz charg $15-$40 per treatment. pay $30 that' afford. clinic beauti acupuncturist wonderful."} {"id": "14884", "contents": "example, acupuncturist locat lo angel charg $125 first session, cost acupunctur subsequ session $80. cost higher side initi visit sinc complet medic histori physic exam must completed. averag acupunctur cost routin acupunctur session $75."} {"id": "14885", "contents": "averag acupunctur cost routin acupunctur session $75. insur compani cover cost acupunctur other not. compani cover note physician recommend acupunctur take place physician\u2019 office. cost higher side initi visit sinc complet medic histori physic exam must completed."} {"id": "14886", "contents": "texa death penalti case cost non-capit cases. death penalti case texa cost taxpay $2.3 million. three time cost imprison someon singl cell highest secur level 40 years. (execut cost texa millions, dalla morn news, march 8, 1992). studi count death penalti case cost execut found median death penalti case cost $1.26 million. non-death penalti case count end incarcer found median cost $740,000."} {"id": "14887", "contents": "cost approxim $90,000 year hous inmat death row, gener prison popul $57.5 million annually. attorney gener devot 15% budget, $11 million annual death penalti cases. cost present system reform recommend commiss ensur fair process would $232.7 million per year. cost system number death-elig crime significantli narrow would $130"} {"id": "14888", "contents": "differ type white sugar gliders. leucist cost $1,000, typic closer $2,000. albino cost much $5,000. creme-ino wi typic cost $2,000 -- though are, name implies, cream color white. standard gray sugar glider cost around $150-$200, piece. strongli recommend get two, though. colo variat"} {"id": "14889", "contents": "translat $37.2 million state\u2019 five execut sinc state reenact death penalty. studi estim averag cost maryland taxpay reach singl death sentenc $3 million $1.9 million cost non-death penalti case. studi count death penalti case cost execut found median death penalti case cost $1.26 million. non-death penalti case count end incarcer found median cost $740,000."} {"id": "14890", "contents": "basic base quality, plan spend anywher $50 $60. someth in-between, price rang $58 $66 per squar foot. best qualiti base caesarston countertop, price upward $80 per squar foot. sinc mani color group choos from, go greatli influenc price. average, caesarston go cost anywher $50 much $81 per squar foot. basic base quality, plan spend anywher $50 $60."} {"id": "14891", "contents": "seattl univers studi examin cost death penalti washington found death penalti case cost averag $1 million similar case death penalti sought ($3.07 million, versu $2.01 million). studi count death penalti case cost execut found median death penalti case cost $1.26 million. non-death penalti case count end incarcer found median cost $740,000."} {"id": "14892", "contents": "best qualiti base caesarston countertop, price upward $80 per squar foot. quartz slab isn\u2019t fabric rang $20 $30 per squar foot. major retail ikea sell quartz base countertops. price vari anywher $50 $75 per squar foot. sinc mani color group choos from, go greatli influenc price. average, caesarston go cost anywher $50 much $81 per squar foot. basic base quality, plan spend anywher $50 $60."} {"id": "14893", "contents": "average, caesarston go cost anywher $50 much $81 per squar foot. basic base quality, plan spend anywher $50 $60. someth in-between, price rang $58 $66 per squar foot. sinc mani color group choos from, go greatli influenc price. average, caesarston go cost anywher $50 much $81 per squar foot. basic base quality, plan spend anywher $50 $60."} {"id": "14894", "contents": "detail versail treati debat final pari peac conference, open januari 18, 1919 two month fight western front ended. although mani diplomat alli power participated, germani invit conference. june 28, 1919, exactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, germany' repres hermann mueller m\u00fcller johann bell sign versail treati hall mirror palac versail near, paris. franc"} {"id": "14895", "contents": "germani sign versail treati protest. usa congress refus ratifi treaty. mani peopl franc britain angri trial kaiser war leaders. versail treaty. pari peac confer open 12th januari 1919, meet held variou locat around pari 20th january, 1920. leader 32 state repres 75% world' population, attended."} {"id": "14896", "contents": "world war offici end sign treati versail june 28, 1919. negoti among alli power littl particip germany, 15 part 440 articl reassign german boundari assign liabil reparations."} {"id": "14897", "contents": "germani formal surrend novemb 11, 1918, nation agre stop fight term peac negotiated. june 28, 1919, germani alli nation (includ britain, france, itali russia) sign treati versailles, formal end war."} {"id": "14898", "contents": "treati versail peac treati five nations, france, germany, britain, austria-hungari unit state world war i. sign peac treati versailles. treati versail peac treati five nations, france, germany, britain, austria-hungari unit state world war i. treati made 1919, german govern particip it."} {"id": "14899", "contents": "versail treaty, sign june 28, 1919, peac settlement germani alli power offici end world war i. june 28, 1919, exactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, germany' repres hermann mueller m\u00fcller johann bell sign versail treati hall mirror palac versail near, paris. franc"} {"id": "14900", "contents": "end state war germani alli powers. sign 28 june 1919, exactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand. central power german side world war dealt separ treaties. although armistice, sign 11 novemb 1918, end actual fighting, took six month negoti pari peac confer conclud peac treaty. defeat nation germany, austria, hungari exclud negotiations. russia also exclud negoti separ peac (the treati brest-litovsk) germani 1918. term treati award germani larg proport russia' land resources."} {"id": "14901", "contents": "treati versail contain around terms. war guilt clause.germany' arm forc reduced.repar german pay.german territori coloni taken away.th leagu nation 14 points. sure answer however, hope help :). treati versail treati attend victori nation great war (except russia middl civil war). sort wha would happen germani blame start great war."} {"id": "14902", "contents": "robert wilde. summary: sign june 28th 1919 end first world war, treati versail suppos ensur last peac punish germani set leagu nation solv diplomat problems."} {"id": "14903", "contents": "labrador make wonder pet breed gener consid friendli well-balanced. regular exercise, healthi diet lot love, labrador live 10-12 year old, although fortun enough reach 13 14. common belief human year equal dog year accurate, sinc dog reach adulthood within first two year life. equat 10.5 dog year human year first years, dog year per human year year after. labrador highli athlet dog, enjoy lot exercise."} {"id": "14904", "contents": "rule thumb bigger dog shorter lifespan. great dane live year average. lab consider smaller live till 12-14 usually. labrador live 12-14 years. healthy, well-cared-for lab live ca. 12-15 years. long lab might live depend mostli health animal. lab end get cushin diseas (seizures) put sleep yr old. lab good health physic issu pet might live quit bit longer."} {"id": "14905", "contents": "long labrador live? famili want get dog found realli cute chocol labrador, six year old. soooo, that wonder anyon know like old live get attach like dog roll die."} {"id": "14906", "contents": "best answer: generally, bigger dog-th shorter life. lab live 10 15 years. dog vary. but, get older dog great! calmer usual housebroken. rememb begin geriatr vet checkup 8. famili want get dog found realli cute chocol labrador, six year old. soooo, that wonder anyon know like old live get attach like dog roll die."} {"id": "14907", "contents": "life span yellow labrador unlik differ black labrador, chocol one. far know, except color dilut alopecia silver labradors, inherit diseas link particular color type labrador. inherit diseas may affect labrador\u2019 life span. labrador rel healthy, diseas breed influenc long labrador live well healthi dog lifetime."} {"id": "14908", "contents": "\u201chow long labrador live\u201d popular question, one go look today\u2019 article. mani peopl tell averag life expect labrador ten twelv years. inherit diseas may affect labrador\u2019 life span. labrador rel healthy, diseas breed influenc long labrador live well healthi dog lifetime."} {"id": "14909", "contents": "look inform long labrador live for, read in-depth articl labrador life span. may surpris me, find pet food compani classifi dog young seven year \u2018senior\u2019. howev long labrador\u2019 stay earth is, want make keep fit healthi long can. regular vet checks, healthi diet, make sure dog stay slim well exercis part parcel ensur dog long happi life."} {"id": "14910", "contents": "new dog owner, especi labrador owner, quit anxiou know take care littl bundl joy also life expectancy. inform care labrador retriever. life span healthi labrador anyth 10 13 years. labrador also live age 14. may notic use word healthi labradors. labrador prone diseases. labrador need lot exercis keep fit. take long walk parks, don\u2019t overdo it. take vet least twice year complet checkup. simpl routin brush hair, least thrice week keep coat clean."} {"id": "14911", "contents": "question is, long dog live? answer is, life expect averag dog 12 years, typic lifespan rang 8-16 years.. want know long dog live, cours one know future, give pretti good idea....if tell thing dog. dog lifespan quiz \u2122. pleas answer everi question! 1."} {"id": "14912", "contents": "labrador retriev live averag 12-15 years, howev health problem occur. one oldest dog world said chocol lab 'veggi diet' 20's, rock solid, 100% exact evid complic headline! long lab might live depend mostli health animal. lab end get cushin diseas (seizures) put sleep yr old. lab good health physic issu pet might live quit bit longer."} {"id": "14913", "contents": "bluetea texa said: would senior teller. bank teller usual make around $10-$12.00 hour, depend area. make much hour sometim horribl is/wa fairli easi job get. former bank teller. 40 month ago."} {"id": "14914", "contents": "however, part-tim teller work minimum one hour 34 hour week, earn $12.00 $408.00 weekly. major tellers, around 90 percent, work depositori bank earn annual incom slightli higher averag $25,830. bottom ten percent earn littl $19,630, top ten percent brought home much $34,320 annually. part-tim bank teller earn averag hourli wages, lowest tenth percentil earn averag $9.10 highest make $15.70 hour."} {"id": "14915", "contents": "bureau labor statist inform teller includ bank teller give median wage $24,100 year come $11.59 hour. total number bank teller job market report 560,000 grow around 1% add around 7,300 job overal job market. notic low state state comparison bank teller job list job market."} {"id": "14916", "contents": "local. teller' wage vari even within state borders. teller work decatur, alabama, earn mean hourli wage $10.50 work dothan, alabama, earn $11.71 per hour. ann arbor, michigan-bas teller earn averag wage $12.59 flint, michigan, made $11.99. bank teller' wage impact part countri works. california-bas teller earn mean hourli wage $13.10 may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. work louisiana made $11.27 per hour, teller north carolina earn averag hourli wage $12.4"} {"id": "14917", "contents": "hand, part-tim bank teller job standard hourli wage work time minimum one hour 34 hour weekly. accord bls, part-tim teller make $12.00 much $408.00 depend number hour worked. salari rang indic 10 th percentil statist measur bank teller show hourli rate $9.10. words, 90 percent part-tim worker earn less $15.70 10% manag earn figure."} {"id": "14918", "contents": "realli depend bank plan work state/city/town/neighborhood located. hawaii, i'd say averag hourli rate begin bank teller (not includ credit unions) run $7.50 $8.50. that' $0.75 minimum wage, current set $6.75 (i think...). well, think help much, want check local banks."} {"id": "14919", "contents": "bank teller start salari around $20,070. calcul look amount lowest 10% earn less than. highest 10% earn excess $35,950 year. largest number teller employ state california, florida, illinois, new york, texas."} {"id": "14920", "contents": "nation mean hourli wage teller $12.27 may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. bottom 10 percent made $9.30 per hour less, top 10 percent earn hourli wage least $16.30. middl 50 percent earn $10.31 $13.94. bank teller' wage impact part countri works. california-bas teller earn mean hourli wage $13.10 may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. work louisiana made $11.27 per hour, teller north carolina earn averag hourli wage $12.49"} {"id": "14921", "contents": "salary. much bank teller make? accord may 2012 record bureau labor statistics, 541,770 full-tim bank teller employ nationwid earn mean annual salari $25,790, mean hourli wage $12.40. bottom ten percent earn littl $19,630, top ten percent brought home much $34,320 annually. part-tim bank teller earn averag hourli wages, lowest tenth percentil earn averag $9.10 highest make $15.70 hour."} {"id": "14922", "contents": "pawhuska citi counti seat osag county, oklahoma, unit states, capit feder recogn osag nation. tulsa metropolitan area, includ part osag county. osag indian agenc locat along bird creek. one three main band tribe settl here. trader followed, build store 1872 1873. pawhuska' first newspaper, indian herald (also known wah-sha-sh news."} {"id": "14923", "contents": "osag tribal government, open offic pawhuska 1872 reserv establish indian territory, continu base city. unit states' first boy scout troop organ 1909. osag indian agenc locat along bird creek. one three main band tribe settl here. trader followed, build store 1872 1873. pawhuska' first newspaper, indian herald (also known wah-sha-sh news."} {"id": "14924", "contents": "pawhuska locat 36\u00b040\u20329\u2033n 96\u00b019\u203259\u2033w\ufeff \ufeff36.66917\u00b0n 96.33306\u00b0w\ufeff 36.66917; -96.33306 (36.669194, -96.333048). 57 mile (92 km) northwest tulsa. accord unit state censu bureau, citi total area 3.8 squar mile (9.8 km 2), land. osag indian agenc locat along bird creek. one three main band tribe settl here. trader followed, build store 1872 1873. pawhuska' first newspaper, indian herald (also known wah-sha-sh news."} {"id": "14925", "contents": "wichita mountain wildlif refuge-lawton. locat southwest oklahoma, wichita mountain wildlif refug home 650 free rang buffalo, well numer longhorn cattl prairi dogs. occasionally, may even stop car let wayward bison cross road."} {"id": "14926", "contents": "tweet. deep heart osag county, explor spirit mix american indian western cultur pawhuska, oklahoma. see romanc pawhuska' histori 86 98 downtown build nation regist histor places. establish 1872, town' histori interwoven osag nation, headquart pawhuska: town name honor chief paw-hiu-skah, osag tribal museum, oldest tribal own continu oper museum u.s., make home here."} {"id": "14927", "contents": "pawhuska-area histor tornado activ near oklahoma state average. 139% greater overal u.s. average. 4/26/1991, categori f4 (max. wind speed 207-260 mph) tornado 6.8 mile away pawhuska citi center injur peopl caus $500,000 $5,000,000 damages. colleges/univers 2000 student nearest pawhuska: univers tulsa (about 42 miles; tulsa, ok; full-tim enrollment: 3,702). tulsa commun colleg (about 46 miles; tulsa, ok; ft enrollment: 12,480). roger state univers (about 46 miles; claremore, ok; ft enrollment: 3,482)."} {"id": "14928", "contents": "contact us press room. incorpor town pawhuska situat west junction u.s. highway 60 state highway 11 99, fifty-seven mile northwest tulsa. pawhuska locat central osag counti county' seat largest community. town began 1872 osag agent isaac t. gibson establish osag agenc bird creek osag nation, indian territory. america' first boy scout troop organ pawhuska 1909. pawhuska remain locat osag agenc home osag tribal museum. dedic 1938, latter oldest tribal own oper museum unit states."} {"id": "14929", "contents": "drive distanc tulsa, ok pawhuska, ok. total drive distanc tulsa, ok pawhuska, ok 57 mile 92 kilometers. trip begin tulsa, oklahoma. end pawhuska, oklahoma. plan road trip, might also want calcul total drive time tulsa, ok pawhuska, ok see arriv destination. map drive direct tulsa, ok pawhuska, ok. click show map. drag line map calcul drive distanc differ route. want verifi drive direct look anoth possibl route, try. googl maps, bing maps, mapquest."} {"id": "14930", "contents": "osag counti counti northern part u.s. state oklahoma. largest counti oklahoma area. counti osag plains, consist open prairie. eastern part counti contain osag hills, extens flint hill kansas. tallgrass prairi preserv north pawhuska."} {"id": "14931", "contents": "local news falmouth, ky continu updat thousand sourc web."} {"id": "14932", "contents": "pendleton counti locat beauti roll hill northern kentucki half way cincinnati, ohio north lexington, kentucki south. spread 280 squar mile abund hunting, fish boat opportunities. pendleton counti also home kincaid lake state park. kincaid 850 acr explor offer camping, golfing, swim fish pound largemouth bass per acr lake state. falmouth, counti seat, locat main south lick river come together."} {"id": "14933", "contents": "falmouth also host one kentucky' largest fall events, kentucki wool festival. wool festiv annual event take place outsid kincaid lake state park first full weekend october. falmouth locat 38\u00b040\u203226\u2033n 84\u00b020\u20323\u2033w\ufeff \ufeff38.67389\u00b0n 84.33417\u00b0w\ufeff 38.67389; -84.33417 (38.673860, -84.334213). accord unit state censu bureau, citi total area 1.3 squar mile (3.4 km 2), land."} {"id": "14934", "contents": "3.4%. accord research kentucki state list regist sex offend live falmouth, kentucki octob 05, 2015. ratio number resid falmouth number sex offend 269 1. (113 replies). latest news falmouth, ky collect exclus city-data.com local newspapers, tv, radio stations. ancestries: unit state (25.5%), german (22.1%), irish (21.7%), english (5.9%), dutch (2.7%), french (2.3%)."} {"id": "14935", "contents": "hold 175 people, suitabl weddings, famili reunions, class reunions, parties. 9-hole cours kincaid lake state park facil falmouth, kentucky, featur hallmark kentucki golf."} {"id": "14936", "contents": "church falmouth ky. welcom church finder directori christian church falmouth, ky. look church, church finder free-join find right church you. church pendleton counti ky zip code 41040 includ here. church finder includ baptist churches, methodist churches, cathol churches, pentecost assembl god churches, lutheran churches, protest cathol christian churches. there' church you!"} {"id": "14937", "contents": "citi falmouth popul 2,085 juli 1, 2015. falmouth rank upper quartil popul densiti compar cities, town censu design place (cdps) kentucky. see peer rank below. primari coordin point falmouth locat latitud 38.6716 longitud -84.3329 pendleton county. tabl compar falmouth 524 incorpor cities, town cdp kentucki rank percentil use juli 1, 2015 data. locat rank highest value. locat rank higher 75% peer would 75th percentil peer group."} {"id": "14938", "contents": "falmouth home rule-class citi counti seat pendleton county, kentucky, unit states. popul 2,058 2000 census. falmouth locat 38\u00b040\u203226\u2033n 84\u00b020\u20323\u2033w\ufeff \ufeff38.67389\u00b0n 84.33417\u00b0w\ufeff 38.67389; -84.33417 (38.673860, -84.334213). accord unit state censu bureau, citi total area 1.3 squar mile (3.4 km 2), land."} {"id": "14939", "contents": "falmouth. falmouth, ky 41040. minut cincinnati, small town falmouth pleasant drive kentucky' bluegrass region. locat pendleton counti north central kentucky, falmouth perfect stop theatr lovers. falmouth home northern kentucky' profession theatr provid finest music comedi entertain whole family. start dream grown full-scal region theatr company, draw directors, actors, technic staff around country."} {"id": "14940", "contents": "tip store cook rice: maxim shelf life cook rice, refriger cover airtight containers. long cook rice last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; rice discard left hour room temperature. best way smell look cook rice; discard rice smell appearance, tast cook rice first. reheat cook rice: stovetop: add tablespoon liquid per cup cook rice. cover heat five minut top stove. microwave: add tablespoon liquid per cup cook rice. microwav high power allow minut cup rice reheated. reheat frozen rice: microwav minut high power cup ric"} {"id": "14941", "contents": "** polish white rice, seal oxygen-fre contain 40\u00b0f below, store 30 years. [1] course, food last shorter period time store properly. rememb brown white rice, like lot grains, usual best date expir date."} {"id": "14942", "contents": "white rice usual take 15 20 minut cook. check rice minut timer due go off. take cover off, top rice may look like total cooked."} {"id": "14943", "contents": "brown rice, oil bran layer, limit shelf life approxim months. refriger storag recommend longer shelf life. cook rice, eaten immediately, cool quickly. store cook rice, place shallow container, cover, place refrigerator. cook rice may store refriger days. also read frozen months. ohioan. 08-24-2002, 10:34 am. i'm usual kind careless long leav thing fridge, even leav cook rice three days."} {"id": "14944", "contents": "storag conditions. best temperatur store grains, includ rice, 40\u00b0f below; however, rice store constant 70\u00b0 oxygen absorb store well 10 years. cooler storag area rice seal oxygen-fre contain store 30 years."} {"id": "14945", "contents": "maxim shelf life rice, store cool dri area; open package, place uncook rice seal airtight contain place origin packag reseal heavy-duti freezer bag."} {"id": "14946", "contents": "vegkitchen.com report red bean last refriger week, freezer months. (be care cook sausag anoth type meat. effect storag time base type meat. hermet seal absenc oxygen, plan storag life white rice 8-10 year stabl temperatur 70 degre f. keep proportion longer store cooler temperatures. store absenc oxygen, brown rice last longer store air."} {"id": "14947", "contents": "---------------------------------------- answer: 3-4 days. never problem store cook rice fridge, make sure cool place airtight container. never goe dry, hard lose flavor i'v 20yrs."} {"id": "14948", "contents": "import stapl food larg part world' human population, provid one fifth calori consum worldwid human species. like pasta, rice come varieti type (white, brown, wild, short grain, long grain, etc.) often mix spices. [1] course, food last shorter period time store properly. rememb brown white rice, like lot grains, usual best date expir date."} {"id": "14949", "contents": "germanium-a byproduct zinc ore processing. also deposit china associ coal. gold-th primari miner gold nativ metal electrum (a gold-silv alloy). tellurid also import ore miner calaverite, sylvanite, petzite. hafnium-primari ore miner zircon. indium-primarili byproduct zinc processing. copper-most copper ore bodi mine miner creat weather primari copper ore miner chalcopyrite. miner enrich zone includ chalcocite, bornite, djurleite. miner oxid zone includ malachite, azurite, chyrsocolla, cuprite, tenorite, nativ copper brochantite."} {"id": "14950", "contents": "perform import price, silver often materi choice. silver rare found nativ element mineral. found, often associ quartz, gold, copper, sulfid metals, arsenid metal silver minerals. unlik gold rare found signific amount placer deposits. nativ silver sometim found oxid zone ore metals. persist silver readili react oxygen water."} {"id": "14951", "contents": "share to: nativ metal metal extract ground physic methods. gold often found lump low reactiv series-elemen ts higher reactiv seri would alreadi react 'blended' element ground."} {"id": "14952", "contents": "nativ element occur natur pure form (not compounds). exampl includ gold silver well carbon (in form graphit diamo nd). pleas see relat link. gay."} {"id": "14953", "contents": "nativ element miner element occur natur uncombin form distinct miner structure. follow element occur nativ element miner alloys: aluminium. antimony. arsenic. bismuth. carbon. cadmium. chromium. copper. gold. 10 indium. 11 iron. 12 iridium. 13 lead. 14 mercury. 15 nickel. 16 osmium. 17 palladium. 18 platinum. 19 rhenium. 20 rhodium. 21 selenium. 22 silver. 23 silicon. 24 sulfur. 25 tantalum. 26 tellurium. 27 tin. 28 titanium. 29 vanadium. 30 zinc."} {"id": "14954", "contents": "amongst alloy found nativ state brass, bronze, pewter, german silver, osmiridium, electrum, white gold, silver-mercuri gold-mercuri amalgam. gold, silver, copper platinum metal occur natur larger amounts. natur alloy platinum group metal include: nativ osmium (os,ir,ru), rutheniridosmin (ir,os,ru), ruthenium (ru,ir), palladium (pd,pt), platinum pt, rhodium (rh,pt). addit gold, copper, iron, mercury, tin lead may occur alloy group."} {"id": "14955", "contents": "gold well known nativ metals. mine gold almost invari portray solid nugget veins. indeed, gold mine nativ metal found nuggets, vein wire gold rock matrix, fine grain gold, mix sediment bound within rock. natur alloy platinum group metal include: nativ osmium (os,ir,ru), rutheniridosmin (ir,os,ru), ruthenium (ru,ir), palladium (pd,pt), platinum pt, rhodium (rh,pt). addit gold, copper, iron, mercury, tin lead may occur alloy group."} {"id": "14956", "contents": "silicon, semi-metal, found nativ state rare occas small inclus gold. nativ metal prehistor man' access metal, sinc process extract metal ores, smelting, thought discov around 6500 bc. however, could found rel small amounts, could use extensively. natur alloy platinum group metal include: nativ osmium (os,ir,ru), rutheniridosmin (ir,os,ru), ruthenium (ru,ir), palladium (pd,pt), platinum pt, rhodium (rh,pt). addit gold, copper, iron, mercury, tin lead may occur alloy group."} {"id": "14957", "contents": "copper silver, nativ metals, also contenders, less rare. alchemist, gold associ sun, whose name symbol adopt it. yellow gold orangish-yellow, bright cadmium yellow, complex color distinct name. copper, silver gold found element nativ form earth' surface. best nugget pick already, sinc land scour wherev peopl appreci them."} {"id": "14958", "contents": "averag rang roughli 25 75. 'broad normal range' score 98. percentil rank often difficult understand scale uniform one end other. middl 'average' area broad wherea 'ends' becom narrow."} {"id": "14959", "contents": "scale score. scale score mean (or average) score 10 standard deviat 3. thus, scale score 13 average. wisc-iii, scale score sub-test use make total composit score wisc-iii, call full scale iq score."} {"id": "14960", "contents": "score deriv total raw score test normal score scale mean 10 standard deviat (sd) 3. scale score 10 describ averag given age group."} {"id": "14961", "contents": "standard score scale scores. measur far student score averag term averag spread score whole group. standard score 115 scale score 13 mean student score one standard deviat averag (which would 84 th percentil rank)."} {"id": "14962", "contents": "wechsler scale score averag (mean) 10 standard deviat 3. scale score 10 would also 50 th percentil rank. middl half standard score fall 12."} {"id": "14963", "contents": "measur far student score averag term averag spread score whole group. standard score 115 scale score 13 mean student score one standard deviat averag (which would 84 th percentil rank)."} {"id": "14964", "contents": "one half children test given test obtain total test score 25th percentil 75th percentile. consid averag percentil range. scale scores, averag score fall 12."} {"id": "14965", "contents": "middl half standard score fall 90 110. wechsler scale score averag (mean) 10 standard deviat 3. scale score 11 would also 63 rd percentil rank stanin 6. middl half standard score fall 12."} {"id": "14966", "contents": "cost car insurance: city. use sampl driver profiles, found statewid benchmark $635 year, cost citi rang $573 $735 cost compani even rang $437 $1,047."} {"id": "14967", "contents": "cost insur car cheaper arizona citi average, mesa driver could still save go auto-owners, ameriprise, state farm farmer titan. found insur offer even lower car insur rate sampl motorists, especi top three cheapest insurers."} {"id": "14968", "contents": "arizona' requir auto insur coverag compar low. bodili injuri liabil $15,000 per person $30,000 person harm one accident, plu $10,000 properti damag liability, mean limit could quickli exhaust without even major accident."} {"id": "14969", "contents": "car insur cost affect sever factors, drive record, live (state regul well neighborhood crime rates), age, car (s port car cost insure), however, nation averag $1,837 per year $153 monthly."} {"id": "14970", "contents": "locat sonoran desert nation forest, mesa, arizona' third largest city, home 464,000 residents. top employ banner health system, mesa public schools, boeing. base study\u2019 auto insur costs, driver citi paid averag annual premium $628."} {"id": "14971", "contents": "compar car insur quotes. minimum liabil requir arizona $15,000 per person $30,000 per accident. arizona also requir $10,000 properti damag coverag pay vehicl properti damag accident."} {"id": "14972", "contents": "averag auto insur premium citizen arizona $1856 2009; nation averag $1,796. even within state arizona, rate chang past years. compar current averag car insur rates, averag auto insur premium arizona 14% higher year 2009 year 2008. year 2008 9% lower 2007 arizona."} {"id": "14973", "contents": "carpet python larg snake pythonida famili found australia, indonesia papua new guinea. subspeci list itis, commonli refer morelia spilota diamond pythons."} {"id": "14974", "contents": "2003 hatch first 50% jungl jaguar carpet pythons, 15 egg hatch jungl jaguar normal siblings. kept jungl jaguar futur breed projects. 2005 bred male 50% jungl jaguar carpet unrel femal jungl carpets, hatch first 75% jungl jaguars! breed 50% jungl jaguar back jungl carpet would yield second gener 75% jungl jaguar carpet pythons."} {"id": "14975", "contents": "jaguar carpet python co-domin mutat coastal carpet python. beauti color reduc pattern, becom popular herpetoculture. mutat also bred variou carpet subspeci well green tree pythons."} {"id": "14976", "contents": "aurora. femal \u201caurora\u201d 2006 jaguar leari (reptilicu reptiles). product cross will\u2019 madam blue berri (mbb) benjamin. aurora first jaguar rogue, like mani other resid dorm room. rogue-reptil llc two pair resid jaguar"} {"id": "14977", "contents": "may 5, 2014 egg alba gamma5 produc unusu jaguar i'v hatch date. heavili band band becom domin color scheme, format circl patterns. head pattern ventral scale also typic jaguar pythons. doubt jaguar pythons, distinctli differ jaguar-sib clutch. circular pattern remind anacondas, i'v decid call anaconda jaguars. time tell repres new morph jaguar pythons. ag5-14- jaguar male #3 first shed: ag5-14- jaguar male #4 first shed: ventral scale anaconda jaguar: ag5-14-jaguar jaguar-sib comparison: morelia trophi club hall fame: gamma3 male diamond jungl jaguar gamma antonio pair 2008."} {"id": "14978", "contents": "jaguars. jaguar co-domin morph coastal carpet python, spilota mcdowelli. morph consist reduc pattern present band later ovals, creat open pattern dorsal. \u201corigin tiger\u201d morph coastal carpet python (morelia spilota mcdowelli) establish california nevil jame back late 90\u2019s. morph character nearli unbroken wide dorsal stripe later stripe either unbroken uniform dash pattern."} {"id": "14979", "contents": "jaguar python morelia morph carri co-domin gene produc amaz look snakes. unfortun gene also carri neurolog condit seen snake anytim life."} {"id": "14980", "contents": "gamma11 (cb 2011) femal diamond jungl jaguar offspr stellar clutch aphrodit (jungl carpet python) gamma5. ag5-14- jaguar male #3 first shed: ag5-14- jaguar male #4 first shed: ventral scale anaconda jaguar: ag5-14-jaguar jaguar-sib comparison: morelia trophi club hall fame: gamma3 male diamond jungl jaguar gamma antonio pair 2008."} {"id": "14981", "contents": "jaguar_ball_python. scientif name: python regiu common name: ball python morph: jaguar genetics: unknown-i import male africa babi 2003 hope start breed fall 2004."} {"id": "14982", "contents": "description. jungl jaguar produc breed coastal jaguar carpet jungl carpet, result offspr 50% jungl jaguars. breed 50% jungl jaguar back jungl carpet would yield second gener 75% jungl jaguar carpet pythons."} {"id": "14983", "contents": "regina bailey. definition: genet variation, gene organ within popul change. gene allel determin distinct trait pass parent offspring. gene variat import process natur selection."} {"id": "14984", "contents": "variat measur individu level, i.e. differ individu people, popul level, i.e. differ popul live differ regions. word origin: latin vari\u0101ti\u014dn (s. vari\u0101ti\u014d), equiv. vari\u0101t(us)"} {"id": "14985", "contents": "variation, biology, differ cells, individu organisms, group organ speci caus either genet differ (genotyp variation) effect environment factor express genet potenti (phenotyp variation)."} {"id": "14986", "contents": "variation. definition. noun, plural: variations. (1) differ deviat (e.g. structure, form, function) recogn norm standard. (2) modif structure, form function organism, deviat organ speci group. (3) mutant; organ possess characteristic(s) result mutation."} {"id": "14987", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: variat (noun). act state varying; partial chang form, position, state, qualiti thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation; as, variat color differ lights; variat size; variat language."} {"id": "14988", "contents": "full definit variation. 1. a: act process varying: state fact vari b: instanc vari c: extent rang thing varies. 2."} {"id": "14989", "contents": "nucleotid organ molecul serv monomers, subunits, nucleic acid like dna rna. build block nucleic acids, nucleotid compos nitrogen base, five-carbon sugar (ribos deoxyribose), least one phosphat group. nucleotid contain five-carbon sugar deoxyribose, nitrogen base call adenine, one phosphat group. together, deoxyribos adenin make nucleosid (specifically, deoxyribonucleoside) call deoxyadenosin"} {"id": "14990", "contents": "nucleic acids, includ dna (deoxyribonucl acid) rna (ribonucl acid), made monom known nucleotides. nucleotid three components: 5-carbon sugar, phosphat group, nitrogen base. sugar deoxyribose, polym dna. sugar ribose, polym rna. basic compon biolog nucleic acid nucleotide, contain pentos sugar (ribos deoxyribose), phosphat group, nucleobase. nucleic acid also gener within laboratory, use enzym (dna rna polymerases) solid-phas chemic synthesis."} {"id": "14991", "contents": "monom unit dna nucleotides. consist 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose, nitrogen contain base attach sugar phosphat group. answered. biology. answer stevekim012. confid vote 16.0k. nucleotides. singl nucleotid contain phosphat group, deoxyribos ribos (depend nucleic acid) nitrogen base, adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, uracil. monom combin form polym known dna rna."} {"id": "14992", "contents": "monom unit dna nucleotides. consist 5-carbon sugar deoxyribose, nitrogen contain base attach sugar phosphat group. judi olmsted. 78,524 contributions. retir colleg scienc professor. nucleotides. singl nucleotid contain phosphat group, deoxyribos ribos (depend nucleic acid) nitrogen base, adenine, guanine, cytosin thymine, uracil. monom combin form polym known dna rna."} {"id": "14993", "contents": "structur nucleotid monomers. nucleotid made nucleobas (also term nitrogen base), five-carbon sugar (either ribos 2-deoxyribose) depend dna rna, one or, depend definition, one phosphat groups. nucleotid contain five-carbon sugar deoxyribose, nitrogen base call adenine, one phosphat group. together, deoxyribos adenin make nucleosid (specifically, deoxyribonucleoside) call deoxyadenosin"} {"id": "14994", "contents": "best answer: nucleotides. build block nucleic acid (like dna rna), nucleotid molecul made one sugar, phosphat group, nitrogen base each. dna two strand nucleotid spiral around doubl helix. rna one strand."} {"id": "14995", "contents": "monom dna call nucleotides, polym polynucleotide. four differ nucleotid dna call a, t, g, nitrogen base sidegroup (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosin respectively) attach sugar-phosph backbon (deoxyribose-phosphate) nucleotide. nucleotides. singl nucleotid contain phosphat group, deoxyribos ribos (depend nucleic acid) nitrogen base, adenine, guanine, cytosin thymine, uracil. monom combin form polym known dna rna."} {"id": "14996", "contents": "adenine. adenin one two purin base found dna monomers. adenine-contain monomer, adenin ring form bond 1' carbon atom deoxyribos molecul phosphat group bind 5' carbon atom. guanin purin base found dna. adenine, guanine-contain monom contain guanin ring bond 1' carbon atom deoxyribos phosphat group bound 5' carbon sugar. guanin monom form base pair cytosin monom dna strand."} {"id": "14997", "contents": "go per maid. one maid go job, would take hourli rate mention multipli amount maid show up. example, maid $25 hour would result $50 per hour servic charge. addit servic laundri like $15+ hour. major servic molli maid charg much $80 per hour. servic may charg base room."} {"id": "14998", "contents": "maid servic one-tim clean well. use spruce home holiday party, view potenti buyer apart tenant move new one come in. typic home, cost normal around $200 $300. although maid servic may faster, good way get gener estim time cost hire someon els clean you. room have, expens cost cleaning."} {"id": "14999", "contents": "hire maid servic may need. averag cost hire maid servic clean home rang base upon servic provid time spend home. myriad basic household clean chore maid servic hourli rate $15 $30. maid servic need drive locat need make worth want typic make $50 $75 per visit. maid servic may laundri way like done. hire maid servic handl time consum least favorit chores. allevi stress life. may provid clean product tool maid."} {"id": "15000", "contents": "allow maid servic determin long take clean hous get idea special attent hous may requir high ceil fans, fragil antiques, etc. average, typic singl famili home cost $130. although maid servic may faster, good way get gener estim time cost hire someon els clean you. room have, expens cost cleaning."} {"id": "15001", "contents": "hous clean servic (sometim call maid service) vari cost accord frequenc service, condit size home. price gener base either number rooms, squar footag hour. biweekli clean five-room apart cost $59-$124, seven-room single-stori home run $79-$150, larger nine-room two-stori home cost $104-$180. hands.com texa offer websit calcul help determin clean cost accord number type room"} {"id": "15002", "contents": "one maid go job, would take hourli rate mention multipli amount maid show up. example, maid $25 hour would result $50 per hour servic charge. 1,000 squar foot home cost owner anywher $70 $175 job. addit servic laundri like $15+ hour. major servic molli maid charg much $80 per hour. servic may charg base room."} {"id": "15003", "contents": "maid servic costs. averag cost hire maid servic clean home rang base upon servic provid time spend home. myriad basic household clean chore maid servic hourli rate $15 $30. maid servic need drive locat need make worth want typic make $50 $75 per visit. maid servic may laundri way like done. hire maid servic handl time consum least favorit chores. allevi stress life. may provid clean product tool maid."} {"id": "15004", "contents": "generally, clean servic bring clean product tools. maidpro boston, massachusett bundl clean 3, 7-hour packag vari $129 $266 one-tim service. biweekli job take 2-3 hour per visit run $50-$70. biweekli clean five-room apart cost $59-$124, seven-room single-stori home run $79-$150, larger nine-room two-stori home cost $104-$180. hands.com texa offer websit calcul help determin clean cost accord number type room"} {"id": "15005", "contents": "may intimid potenti cost hire maid service, get discouraged, number factor could decreas price make worthwhil regardless. averag maid servic cost $152, though homeown could spend anywher $112 $226 services. typically, maid servic charg either hour squar footage. per hour cost $25 $35. squar footag charg depend size house. although maid servic may faster, good way get gener estim time cost hire someon els clean you. room have, expens cost cleaning."} {"id": "15006", "contents": "ironically, cowardli lion courag long wizard oz supposedli gave alreadi had. mani instanc lion show anyth cowardly. rememb correctli wizard oz give lion anything. simpli told lion alreadi found courag help dorothi journey. given medal honor, courage."} {"id": "15007", "contents": "arborist. graduat study, travel, work make expert benthics, european languages, wildlif mapping, world fauna flora. origin 1900 book edit 'the wizard oz', cowardli lion receiv green-color contain wizard. insid potion must drink. drunk it, insid courag alreadi long meet humbug wizard oz."} {"id": "15008", "contents": "cowardli lion charact fiction land oz creat american author l. frank baum, 1900 children' novel wonder wizard oz, sever sequel book writtren baum well. cowardli lion sing songs, deep bass voic (glinda oz) (1920). wonder wizard oz, cowardli lion last companion dorothi gale encount befriend travel yellow brick road."} {"id": "15009", "contents": "actor burt lahr known comedian stare mani hollywood film oz. bert lahr cowardli lion 1939 film. bert lahr justifi famou portray icon lion 1939 mgm film wizard oz. lahr' role aunt em uncl henry' farm worker, zeke. introduc baum' first oz book titl wonder wizard oz, publish 1900. make debut appear sixth chapter novel titl cowardli lion. also third final join story' child protagonist heroin tale name dorothi gale."} {"id": "15010", "contents": "courage, learn cowardli lion classic film wizard oz (1939), someth without real self-esteem, pride power, must ultim come within rather without."} {"id": "15011", "contents": "origin 1900 book edit 'the wizard oz', cowardli lion receiv green-color contain wizard. insid potion must drink. rememb correctli wizard oz give lion anything. simpli told lion alreadi found courag help dorothi journey. given medal honor, courage."} {"id": "15012", "contents": "cowardli lion fiction anim charact creat l. frank baum, author inventor oz legacy. introduc baum' first oz book titl wonder wizard oz, publish 1900. make debut appear sixth chapter novel titl cowardli lion. also third final join story' child protagonist heroin tale name dorothi gale."} {"id": "15013", "contents": "cowardli lion hungri tiger littl wizard stori oz, lion begin cowardli bravado, intend find man tear apart, tiger fat babi devour. instead, find small child (bigger baby) return mother. cowardli lion sing songs, deep bass voic (glinda oz) (1920). wonder wizard oz, cowardli lion last companion dorothi gale encount befriend travel yellow brick road."} {"id": "15014", "contents": "know stori cowardli lion classic movi \u201cthe wizard oz\u201d overcam kind threat obstacl (with dorothy, tin man, scarecrow) get wizard, \u201cgave\u201d courag form medal. turn out, alreadi didn\u2019t believ it."} {"id": "15015", "contents": "classic 1939 movi wizard oz, cowardli lion humanoid bipe play bert lahr, popular vaudevil broadway star, mani lahr' trademark manner deliber work film. cowardli lion sing songs, deep bass voic (glinda oz) (1920). wonder wizard oz, cowardli lion last companion dorothi gale encount befriend travel yellow brick road."} {"id": "15016", "contents": "breastfeed, longer period stay away. nurs least time per day. breastfe babi night, too. main reason mother start period earli stop nurs night. nurs least night. start babi solid food months."} {"id": "15017", "contents": "ye get period get pregnant breastfeeding. use progesteron birth control pill breastfeed still period done breastfeed daughter. 10 months, though. hope helps."} {"id": "15018", "contents": "period breastfeeding. return menstruat breastfeeding. mani mother think breastfeed exclusively, period return. truth mani mother soon start menstruate-sometim earli week birth."} {"id": "15019", "contents": "there' usual time start ovul period resume. vari woman woman. breastfeeding, may ovul earli nine week 10 week give birth. period would start two week later, earli 11 week 12 week give birth. may year start ovul again, period return."} {"id": "15020", "contents": "breastfeed mother resum menstrual cycl sooner 11 week other 24 month more. relat hormon differ nurs style mother baby."} {"id": "15021", "contents": "still get period breastfeeding-it' base much nurse, guess. start slow (usual babi eat food, supplement formula) period come. daughters, nurs around 11 mos. got period month prior wean them."} {"id": "15022", "contents": "\u201cstar-crossed,\u201d lanter play roman. he\u2019 one group alien teen chosen first integr high school alongsid human students. soon learn noth easi new school, especi recogn emeri (aime teegarden). \u201cit\u2019 futurist \u2018romeo juliet\u2019 love story, mix bit \u2018district 9\u2019 kind brown vs. board education,\u201d tell thewrap\u2019 guest correspond sophi schillaci. see video: cw\u2019 \u2018star-crossed\u2019 star matt lanter answer viewers\u2019 questions."} {"id": "15023", "contents": "roman protect peopl loves, especi sister sophia emery, mother atrians. first day, arriv day met emery; alway captiv kindness, willing help, selfless abil overlook roman help survive. sophia reveal emeri fourth episod series, roman alway enjoy swim lagoon atria first one dive water. drake-thi kind forte."} {"id": "15024", "contents": "matthew mackendre matt lanter american actor model. best known role 90210 liam court. current star co-lead role star-cross roman, alongsid aime teegarden."} {"id": "15025", "contents": "roman' father-nox died, remain strong time devastation, blame other becom angri death; mere continu best, lead atrian look family, despit father' absence. sophia reveal emeri fourth episod series, roman alway enjoy swim lagoon atria first one dive water. drake-thi kind forte."} {"id": "15026", "contents": "roman male protagonist star-crossed. roman atrian, fall human name emeri met age six. roman portray 90210 star matt lanter. sophia reveal emeri fourth episod series, roman alway enjoy swim lagoon atria first one dive water. drake-thi kind forte."} {"id": "15027", "contents": "star-crossed, premier monday 8/7c cw, lanter play roman, sarcast teen alien whose speci (call atrians) forc integr human race 10 year crash land earth."} {"id": "15028", "contents": "help know romeo juliet you\u2019r go watch new cw drama \u201cstar-crossed.\u201d. understand fuller dimens series, though, suggest greg finley, probabl also know ping-pong. finley play drake \u201cstar-crossed,\u201d premier monday night 8. drake best friend roman, play matt lanter. aime teegarden play emeri star-crossed. finley say tension work way day-to-day film show. \u201cwhen you\u2019r scene, least me, you\u2019r think wider implications,\u201d says. \u201ci tri stay moment, charact scene."} {"id": "15029", "contents": "matt lanter back high school alien twist cw\u2019 \u201cstar-crossed,\u201d premier monday 8/7c. former \u201c90210\u201d actor join thewrap latest episod drink star bazaar jose andr sl hotel beverli hill discuss new series. \u201cit\u2019 futurist \u2018romeo juliet\u2019 love story, mix bit \u2018district 9\u2019 kind brown vs. board education,\u201d tell thewrap\u2019 guest correspond sophi schillaci. see video: cw\u2019 \u2018star-crossed\u2019 star matt lanter answer viewers\u2019 questions."} {"id": "15030", "contents": "eurythmy. eurythmi express movement art origin rudolf steiner conjunct mari von siver earli 20th century. primarili perform art, also use education, especi waldorf schools, movement therapy."} {"id": "15031", "contents": "eurythmi artist movement disciplin address body, soul spirit. practic embodi gestur correspond sound speech music tones. gestur woven togeth choreographi present art composit stage."} {"id": "15032", "contents": "eurythmi new art form creat rudolf steiner. eurythmi art, like modern danc sculpture. slightli modifi form, also appli therapeutically, similar way paint appli form therapy, known art therapy. images. quotes. rudolf steiner: essenti point eurythmi visibl speech, visibl music."} {"id": "15033", "contents": "movement art eurythmi draw upon profound spiritu insight. everi gestur eurythmi engag body, soul spirit. addit beauti perform art, eurythmi therapeut modality, special subject schools, tool busi consult team building. gestur eurythmi emot expressive: drawn fount form movement intellig love sound speech music. beginning, eurythmi student experi sound teach us connect deep spiritu sources."} {"id": "15034", "contents": "eurythmi express movement art origin rudolf steiner conjunct mari von siver earli 20th century. primarili perform art, also use education, especi waldorf schools, part anthroposoph medicin claim therapeut purposes. eurythmi occasion done popular music, beat play larg role. timbr individu instrument brought qualiti tonal gestur whole movement eurythmist."} {"id": "15035", "contents": "i. eurythmi therapy. eurythmi therapi highli effect exercis therapi holist approach: addit physic symptom also consid situat vital force, mental situation, motivation, particular way diseas develop. eurythmi therapi essenti pillar branch therapy. one standard treatment anthroposoph clinic sanatoriums, therapeut establish free clinic offer collabor doctor."} {"id": "15036", "contents": "form movement language, \u201csound\u201d essenti natur world differ ways. eurythmi movement art bring three together. give express whole voic human world language, movement, color form."} {"id": "15037", "contents": "definit eurythmy. system harmoni bodi movement rhythm spoken words."} {"id": "15038", "contents": "eurythmi work physic bodi practic discipline, work life bodi (also call one\u2019 movement ether body) practic sensitivity, work one\u2019 connect spirit-archetyp medit inquiry. practic embodi gestur correspond sound speech music tones. gestur woven togeth choreographi present art composit stage."} {"id": "15039", "contents": "switchel simpl beverage, sweeten sugar, honey molass (which traditional), sampl tried, mountain switchel, use mapl syrup. hipsters, meet switchel. american heritag beverag made appl cider vinegar, ginger sweetener. long drunk farmer hay season, bought local food shop. longer need work farm reward strong, witchi brew."} {"id": "15040", "contents": "brace blend water, mapl syrup molasses, ginger cider vinegar, switchel 17 th-centuri colonist cool summer, farmer 19th centuri quaf dry, hot day hay harvest. especi associ shaker commun across country. now, however, switchel experienc someth revival, thank part two small-batch producers, root vermont, begun bottl sell drink. susan alexand launch vermont switchel company, cabot, 2011."} {"id": "15041", "contents": "switchel origin caribbean, becom popular summer drink american coloni late 17th century. 19th century, becom tradit drink serv thirsti farmer hay harvest time, henc nicknam haymaker' punch. recip similar ginger beer, vinegar replac lemon lime juic bacteria ad induc fermentation. switchel bottl distribut compani superior switchel, cideroad organ switchel, mountain switchel vermont switchel company."} {"id": "15042", "contents": "switchel. 1/2 cup appl cider vinegar (ye vinegar) 1/4 cup molass 1/2 cup sugar honey 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 cup oatmeal (optional) tap water make quart old recipe, import yanke neighbor north, that, nova scotia. ever wonder [\u2026]."} {"id": "15043", "contents": "disagr ingredi switchel, may also call haymaker\u2019 punch, switzel. likely, earli drink combin appl cider vinegar, water, molass possibl ginger flavoring. switchel perhap origin gatorade\u00ae refreshing, electrolyt laden drink origin 1600 west indies. mani differ recipes, becam popular earli america, especi among farmers. time, origin specif beverag lost"} {"id": "15044", "contents": "switchel close up. switchel, also switzel, swizzle, ginger-water, haymaker' punch switchy, drink made water mix vinegar, often season ginger. recip similar ginger beer, vinegar replac lemon lime juic bacteria ad induc fermentation. switchel bottl distribut compani superior switchel, cideroad organ switchel, mountain switchel vermont switchel company."} {"id": "15045", "contents": "drank quench beverag function much like modern gatorade: switchel, also call switzel haymaker' punch. contain water, sweetener\u2014eith molasses, mapl syrup, honey brown sugar\u2014ginger, cider vinegar. ingredi (except water) happen sourc potassium\u2014an electrolyte. first heard switchel coupl year ago, help copyedit cookbook (they prefer call food book) north countri public radio includ three recip old-tim refreshment."} {"id": "15046", "contents": "we\u2019v got boost need, it\u2019 one easiest diy hack you\u2019ll ever make. enter switchel, tart pleasantli pungent mix appl cider vinegar mapl syrup that\u2019 dilut water drunk alterna-energi electrolyt boost. brad leone, bon appetit \u2018app\u00e9tit test kitchen manag devot switchel\u2014fan much creat recip for. brad leone, bon appetit \u2018app\u00e9tit test kitchen manag devot switchel\u2014fan much creat recip for. \u201cit love,\u201d he. says\u2019farm s, relief leon calls, switchel refresh great diy altern bottled. drink"} {"id": "15047", "contents": "matter origin lie, however, switchel recip common ingredients: water, appl cider vinegar, ginger sweetener. traditionally, switchel sweeten molasses, throughout history, peopl also use mapl syrup, honey brown sugar."} {"id": "15048", "contents": "plant varieti berri ensur sweet treat summer delici preserv winter.... raspberri blackberri lead brambl fruits. grow thorni cane everi kid know \u201csticker bushes.\u201d like warm sun well-drain soil, ph 5.6 6.2. prefer soil ph raspberri blackberri 5.6 6.2. view raspberri blackberri type chart detail best varieti blueberries, plu pro con each, well inform grow best. find raspberri blackberri seed plant seed plant finder."} {"id": "15049", "contents": "want know grow raspberries, first know raspberri ripen shortli strawberri do. prefer sandi loam soil rich organ matter. that, fertil grow raspberri bush annually. use two three pound 10-10-10 fertil per 100 foot row. scale plant coupl bushes. also need prune raspberri part care."} {"id": "15050", "contents": "raspberri grow best type support provid canes. plant may plant hill hedgerows. red raspberri readili spread root sucker purpl black not. use hill system, plant group around strong stake pole, train grow support."} {"id": "15051", "contents": "raspberri grow moist, temper climate; nativ western europ eastern unit states. wild raspberri natur bloom summer fruit commerci produc year-round."} {"id": "15052", "contents": "due soil born diseases, plant raspberri raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, vine crop (cucumbers, squash melons) grown past four years. reduc viru potential, plant raspberri next blackberries. fall-bear (primocane-fruiting) red raspberri cultivar typic hardi summer crop cultivars. suggest cultivar includ autumn britten, polana, jaclyn, caroline, heritage. joan-j himbo-top perform well colorado trials."} {"id": "15053", "contents": "pick often keep everbear raspberries, though welcom task. author' cane grow feet tall everi year. may think sheer gustatori pleasur wolf ripe, juici raspberries, whose flavor explod mouth, reason enough grow them. well, think again. raspberri anoth tasti berry; load health attribut"} {"id": "15054", "contents": "plant raspberries. want know grow raspberries, first know raspberri ripen shortli strawberri do. prefer sandi loam soil rich organ matter. soil well drain ph 5.8 6.5. that, fertil grow raspberri bush annually. use two three pound 10-10-10 fertil per 100 foot row. scale plant coupl bushes. also need prune raspberri part care."} {"id": "15055", "contents": "raspberri plant better plant ground. need go dormant winter. plant soon possibl may chanc start grow root ground freezes. add layer mulch around protection. find type raspberri (summer-bear ever-bearing) pruning. see prune advic page. best grow condit recommend row 1\u00bd feet wide cane per linear foot. wait earli spring prune remov suckers."} {"id": "15056", "contents": "grow raspberries. articl :: design :: link plant :: raspberries. raspberri bear red fruit white yellow berries. ripen july, septemb october, either season accord pruned."} {"id": "15057", "contents": "one thing rememb think grow raspberri plant within 300 feet wild blackberri bushes. also stay away ground tomato potato grow within past year so. that, fertil grow raspberri bush annually. use two three pound 10-10-10 fertil per 100 foot row. scale plant coupl bushes. also need prune raspberri part care."} {"id": "15058", "contents": "use night serum make hair soft morning. bad hair day wear cute hat tie accessor lot hair accessories. wear extensions, tri use dri shampoo. use time make hair brittle, dry, even greasy."} {"id": "15059", "contents": "dull-look taps, riddl limescal grime easili make bathroom look dirti uninviting. whilst chrome resili material, left untreat quickli dull, stain sometim rust. follow easi step help keep chrome tap clean shiny."} {"id": "15060", "contents": "hair dri side, may look littl dull dries. use good leave-in condition keep get dri dull. hair still wet, appli dime quarter-s amount deep condition hair. use comb comb tips."} {"id": "15061", "contents": "wear extensions, tri use dri shampoo. use time make hair brittle, dry, even greasy. dye hair, tri find natur dye. dye dri hair contain lot chemicals, ammonia peroxide."} {"id": "15062", "contents": "keep chrome tap shiny. dull-look taps, riddl limescal grime easili make bathroom look dirti uninviting. whilst chrome resili material, left untreat quickli dull, stain sometim rust. follow easi step help keep chrome tap clean shiny."} {"id": "15063", "contents": "let hair air dri conditioner. finish shine serum. buy serum formul miner oil add maximum shine hair. also finish moroccan oil coconut oil keep hair condit shiny."} {"id": "15064", "contents": "heat lead dip powder presto changeo shiney color lead. even clear coat sparkles. shini lead sam w. ( 2/10/2003 10:21:00 am. use commerci reload business. time buy lot linotyp metal mix pure lead wheel weight make cast bullets."} {"id": "15065", "contents": "add shine hair types, tri use rinse, leave-in condition finish serum. treatment boost moisture, smooth cuticl reflect light. tri appl cider vinegar rinse. acv smooth cuticle, caus hair look shiny."} {"id": "15066", "contents": "metal name mosfet often misnom previous metal gate materi often layer polysilicon (polycrystallin silicon). aluminium gate materi mid-1970s, polysilicon becam dominant, due capabl form self-align gates. case n-type switch, bodi connect neg suppli (usual gnd) gate use switch control. whenev gate voltag exce sourc voltag least threshold voltage, mosfet conducts. higher voltage, mosfet conduct."} {"id": "15067", "contents": "amp describ mosfet fet amplifi assum use bi-polar transistor output stages. sever transistor fet famili hexfet' mosfet' two popular type use. i`v read post pioneer elit receiv use mosfet amplif want know mosfet differ normal amp. (normal amp, aka tubes). found inform technic me. someth like pro con use mosfet."} {"id": "15068", "contents": "best answer: mosfet type amplifi technolog introduc decad back. type effici conductor use build amplifier. mosfet amplifi gener better circuitri cool stabl lower impedances. now. report abuse. mosfet type transistor use amp produc power go speakers...they reliabl produc good qualiti sound. mosfet amp mean amp use mosfet' inside."} {"id": "15069", "contents": "mosfet amplifier. assum circuit transistor satur region, i.e., have. second equat relat output input, shown red segment curv plot above."} {"id": "15070", "contents": "mosfet mean metal oxid silicon field effect transistor. mosfet' usual use output stage power amplifier. small signal transistor bi-polar transistors. bi-polar transistor also use output stage power amplifiers. i`v read post pioneer elit receiv use mosfet amplif want know mosfet differ normal amp. (normal amp, aka tubes). found inform technic me. someth like pro con use mosfet."} {"id": "15071", "contents": "although mosfet four-termin devic sourc (s), gate (g), drain (d), bodi (b) terminals, bodi (or substrate) mosfet often connect sourc terminal, make three-termin devic like field-effect transistors. case n-type switch, bodi connect neg suppli (usual gnd) gate use switch control. whenev gate voltag exce sourc voltag least threshold voltage, mosfet conducts. higher voltage, mosfet conduct."} {"id": "15072", "contents": "mosfet. metal oxid field-effect transistor, mosfet, electron compon amplifi switch electr currents. 1970s, electron manufactur made metal oxides, recently, silicon materi choice. photos.com/photos.com/getti images. mosfet audio power amplifi deliv decent sound qualiti high effici power level exceed kilowatt. mosfet, specifically, type transistor work well switch wide use computers. effici come electron design approach, call class d, incorpor modern featur improv audio fidel"} {"id": "15073", "contents": "insulated-g field-effect transistor igfet relat term almost synonym mosfet. term may inclusive, sinc mani mosfet use gate metal, gate insul oxide. anoth synonym misfet metal\u2013insulator\u2013semiconductor fet. case n-type switch, bodi connect neg suppli (usual gnd) gate use switch control. whenev gate voltag exce sourc voltag least threshold voltage, mosfet conducts. higher voltage, mosfet conduct."} {"id": "15074", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: fascism aros itali two world wars, movement led benito mussolini. collectivist movement, base assumpt interest citizen best serv part power societi nation. report abuse. italian fascism extrem polit philosophi hold nation race individu support establish authoritarian government, absolut power control leader nation. italian fascism develop benito mussolini follow ww1, 1922."} {"id": "15075", "contents": "italian fascism (italian: fascismo italiano), also known simpli fascism (italian: fascismo), origin fascist ideology, develop italy. 230 italian jew took part fascists' march rome 1922. mussolini earli 1920 cautiou topic italian jewish financiers, aros time time antisemit element fascist movement; regard untrustworthi believ could draw side."} {"id": "15076", "contents": "fascism form government, countri consid import one person, group, liberty, provision. countri kind govern usual run person call leader, right total control govern people."} {"id": "15077", "contents": "fascism /\u02c8fae\u0283\u026az\u0259m/ \u02c8f\u00e6\u0283\u026az\u0259m form radic authoritarian nation came promin early-20th century. europ influenc national, syndic fascism origin itali world war, opposit to, liberalism, marxism and. anarch later italian fascist describ fascism right-w ideolog polit program doctrin fascism, stating: free believ centuri authority, centuri tend 'right,' fascist century.."} {"id": "15078", "contents": "italian fascism root italian nation desir restor expand italian territories, italian fascist deem necessari nation assert superior strength avoid succumb decay. 230 italian jew took part fascists' march rome 1922. mussolini earli 1920 cautiou topic italian jewish financiers, aros time time antisemit element fascist movement; regard untrustworthi believ could draw side."} {"id": "15079", "contents": "fascism liberti seriou thing, liberti state individu state. therefor fascist, everyth state, human spiritu thing exists, sort value, outsid state. sens fascism totalitarian, fascist state synthesi uniti everi value, interprets, develop strengthen entir life people. 230 italian jew took part fascists' march rome 1922. mussolini earli 1920 cautiou topic italian jewish financiers, aros time time antisemit element fascist movement; regard untrustworthi believ could draw side."} {"id": "15080", "contents": "italian fascism found benito mussolini signifi italy' authoritarian nationalist govern time rule. result unfair deal treati versail rise social polit unrest wwi. report abuse. italian fascism extrem polit philosophi hold nation race individu support establish authoritarian government, absolut power control leader nation. italian fascism develop benito mussolini follow ww1, 1922."} {"id": "15081", "contents": "mussolini claim founder fascism. italian fascism (in italian, fascismo) authoritarian polit movement rule itali 1922 1943 leadership benito mussolini. word fascism stem italian word fascio (plural: fasci), may mean bundle, polit milit group, nation. term also come fasc (rod bundl around axe), ancient roman symbol author magistrates."} {"id": "15082", "contents": "originally, term fascism use italian polit movement rule itali 1922 1943 leadership benito mussolini (see italian fascism). word fascism stem italian word fascio (plural: fasci), may mean bundle, polit milit group, nation. term also come fasc (rod bundl around axe), ancient roman symbol author magistrates."} {"id": "15083", "contents": "worker way out, exit interview make difference. exit interview seen mostli meaningless ritual career expert advis depart worker say anyth charged, time they\u2019v sat explain reason leaving, employe larg door. mani case exit interview wast time person leav compani lose employee. time employe spoken situat effect workplac manag noth"} {"id": "15084", "contents": "exit interview survey conduct individu separ organ relationship. commonly, occur employe organization, student educ institution, member association. organ use inform gain exit interview assess improved, changed, remain intact."} {"id": "15085", "contents": "would right think say exit interview bear reference. however, live real world, manner someone' departur neg consequ future. approach caution: surviv exit interview. reason alway found term exit interview somewhat menacing: he' head exit, exit stage left. bit sinister. paranoid tendenc aside, exit interviews, like relationship break-up, definit handl care."} {"id": "15086", "contents": "say exit interview ideal opportun complet honest experi employ offer critic construct feedback; other argu awkward worth risk burn bridges, critic probabl inspir signific changes, anyway. regardless attitud toward exit interview, imper cordial professional. could last impress leav employ with, say michael kerr, intern busi speaker author can't serious! put humor work .."} {"id": "15087", "contents": "live real world. would right think say exit interview bear reference. however, live real world, manner someone' departur neg consequ future. peopl talk record gossip spreads. approach caution: surviv exit interview. reason alway found term exit interview somewhat menacing: he' head exit, exit stage left. bit sinister. paranoid tendenc aside, exit interviews, like relationship break-up, definit handl care."} {"id": "15088", "contents": "employe leav organization, exit interview help tool to: identifi organ well. pinpoint area improv organization. confirm skill sets, experience, attribut need job. otherwise, supervisor exit employe would conduct interview. exit interview conduct face-to-face, form written survey (hard-copi electronic), held phone. face-to-fac telephon interview allow explor respons gain even insight."} {"id": "15089", "contents": "human resourc terms, exit interview survey conduct employe leav company. inform survey use provid feedback employe leaving, like employ area compani need improvement."} {"id": "15090", "contents": "exit interview fascin like cockroach do. exit interview meet company' human resourc depart employe termin resigned."} {"id": "15091", "contents": "use feedback collect exit interview improv business. 2. determin feedback within control change. perhap outgo employe feel earn 25 percent higher salari quarterli perform review conducted. employe mention exit interview job consist lot account anticipated, make sure list account one primari respons post job ad hire replacement."} {"id": "15092", "contents": "comment similac advanc babi formula recent tri similac: advanc complet formula (with iron) week babi constip him, gave colic's! last choic formula. realli like similac, kind (advance), prefer types. comment similac advanc babi formula absolut love similac brand, especi abl receiv mani samples/coupon first child. absolut life saver. origin transit son similac advanc breast feedin around month old"} {"id": "15093", "contents": "similac formul help give babi strong start. formula line includ variat babi differ nutrit needs. mom choos similac\u00ae brand*. *total us infant formula outlet 26 juli 2014, nielsen data."} {"id": "15094", "contents": "continu read main story. maker similac advance, top commerci babi formula brand unit states, say begin sell first mainstream babi formula made without genet alter ingredi end month target."} {"id": "15095", "contents": "similac advanc nutrit complet milk-bas iron-fortifi infant formula, featur optigro, exclus blend brain eye nourish nutrient baby' development. similac advanc design support baby' develop immun system, brain, eyes, help build strong bones. read lot review formula market, decid tri good start. glad did. babi happi now. fuzzy, colic/ga pains, cri feed anymore. posit side, realli like packag similac formula."} {"id": "15096", "contents": "year ago. would start one see babi it. formul accord fda requires. baby' bodi better certain type.do care switch around much. heard good constantli switch around. good start realli mess baby' poo, came solid, week 8. stop that. however, infamil, similac, well babi us groceri store gener brand work well us (the advanc formula dha)."} {"id": "15097", "contents": "similac advanc babi formula ever fed son, till old enough milk. whole first year, drank water times. easili digested. similac advanc babi formula smooth blend well son never spit all. never clump powder bit left bottle, stool. never gave problem either. comment similac advanc babi formula absolut love similac brand, especi abl receiv mani samples/coupon first child. absolut life saver. origin transit son similac advanc breast feedin around month old"} {"id": "15098", "contents": "similac advanc stage design closer ever breast milk, optigro\u2122 support baby' brain. rate kiran problem... digest well give similac advanc last month right day 1. similac powder dissolv water well. till didnt face problem (constipation/gas/allergy/vomiting/reluct etc). look like digest well. happi say kid healthier, good weight, height"} {"id": "15099", "contents": "good start vs. similac. mayb stupid question, go tri switch ds formula similac advanc good start probiotic, hope gentler tummi formula help sleep better. problem similac advanc per se, mil say ds seem gassi mayb that' sleep, mayb formula, boy handl similac, cheapest brand know made blood boil...."} {"id": "15100", "contents": "alzheimer' mutation, chang singl chemical, found chromosom 21. mani research suspect gene might lie chromosom peopl syndrome, extra copi chromosom 21, almost alway develop alzheimer' disease. leap forward search caus alzheimer' disease, research discov pinpoint mutat singl gene caus progress neurolog illness."} {"id": "15101", "contents": "famili alzheim diseas caus mutat one least genes: presenilin 1, presenilin amyloid precursor protein (app). gene mutat study. uncommon form alzheimer's, account 5-10% alzheimer' cases. approxim 13% case early-onset alzheimer' famili alzheimer' disease, genet predisposit lead disease."} {"id": "15102", "contents": "case early-onset alzheim diseas caus gene mutat pass parent child. research found form disord result mutat one three genes: app, psen1, psen2. alzheim diseas degen diseas brain caus dementia, gradual loss memory, judgment, abil function. disord usual appear peopl older age 65, less common form diseas appear earlier adulthood."} {"id": "15103", "contents": "found mutat member two unrel famili alzheimer' disease. evid mutat amyloid gene caus alzheimer' disease, scientist report find mutat peopl alzheimer' disease. paper publish thursday' issu british journal nature. leap forward search caus alzheimer' disease, research discov pinpoint mutat singl gene caus progress neurolog illness."} {"id": "15104", "contents": "alzheim disease-caus mutat app gene. 50 differ mutat app gene caus early-onset alzheim disease, begin age 65. mutat respons less 10 percent early-onset case disorder."} {"id": "15105", "contents": "mutation, immunoregulatori gene known trem2, common alzheimer' diseas patient gener 85-and-old popul iceland, accord dr. kari stefansson decod genet reykjavik, iceland, colleagues. rare mutat tripl alzheimer' risk. mutat less common control group cohorts, rang frequenc 0.12 percent 0.19 percent. approxim threefold increas frequenc alzheimer' diseas patient preserv pool data four groups."} {"id": "15106", "contents": "genet mutation\u2014 perman chang gene pass children. rare, early-onset famili form alzheimer' diseas associ mutat gene chromosom 21, 14, 1. genet risk factor\u2014 chang gene increas person' risk develop disease. person inherit parent genet mutat caus certain disease, usual get disease. sickl cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, early-onset famili alzheimer' diseas exampl inherit genet disorders. diseases, genet variant may occur"} {"id": "15107", "contents": "mutat famili alzheimer' diseas lead disturb presenelin function cell adhesion. data suggest e120g novel mutat presenilin-1 probabl caus early-onset autosom domin alzheimer' disease. psen1 codon 163 could mutat hot spot early-onset alzheimer' disease, may result homogen phenotyp similar patient codon-163 mutations; thus, widen spectrum psen1 codon-163-link phenotypes."} {"id": "15108", "contents": "instal shingl cold temperatures. problem run asphalt shingl cold, instance, becom brittle. fiberglass shingl actual get cold crack installation. mild overcast temperatur 50 70 degre suit roof installations. battl elements, best appli adhes quickli dri warmer weather. store shingl warm place instal temperatur forti degre smart move."} {"id": "15109", "contents": "although instal asphalt shingles, shake roll roof temperatures, run issu instal materi temperatur forti degre eight five degrees. mild overcast temperatur 50 70 degre suit roof installations. battl elements, best appli adhes quickli dri warmer weather. store shingl warm place instal temperatur forti degre smart move."} {"id": "15110", "contents": "asphalt shingl instal colder ideal temperatures, shingl seal adequ vulner high wind rain. improperli seal shingl blown wind allow rainwat seep underneath roof decking. cases, asphalt shingl eventu reach high enough temperatur properli cure adhesive, roof function properly. cases, storm produc high wind drive rain could damag shingl chanc seal properly."} {"id": "15111", "contents": "johann laval, quebec writes: could damag new shingl roof climb winter time instal satellit antenna? so, would ideal temperatur work without damage?. asid slip ice, winter bad time walk roof best time. illustr problem took three piec asphalt shingl plung one cooler full ice, left one roof temperatur put third heat lamp."} {"id": "15112", "contents": "jay, dire situation, would best wait spring instal new roof cold temperatur time year. cold temperatur affect self-seal abil shingl only."} {"id": "15113", "contents": "come back see us soon! hot climate, organ asphalt roof shingl may best option. look instal asphalt roof shingl live warm area country, build code may prohibit use organ asphalt shingles. can, however, opt fiberglass shingl instead. hot climat brutal residenti roof"} {"id": "15114", "contents": "ideal time roof work temperatur freezing, intens frequenc wind rain low. condition, roof crew would fewer interrupt would lower risk leaking. sever states, roof mainten done time year. yet even hottest day summer, roofer still perform mainten work roof. however, necessari coordin schedul roof crew. spring fall, roof work start around 8:00 a.m. goe 5:00 6:00 p.m."} {"id": "15115", "contents": "goe appli shingl shake direct sunlight noon four. ideally, want roof day moder temperature, moder humid freedom direct sunlight. mild overcast temperatur 50 70 degre suit roof installations. battl elements, best appli adhes quickli dri warmer weather. store shingl warm place instal temperatur forti degre smart move."} {"id": "15116", "contents": "asphalt (composition) shingles: ideal temperatur rang instal asphalt shingl 70 80 degre fahrenheit. colder 70 degre adhes reach ideal elast creat perfect seal. cases, asphalt shingl eventu reach high enough temperatur properli cure adhesive, roof function properly. cases, storm produc high wind drive rain could damag shingl chanc seal properly."} {"id": "15117", "contents": "anoth exampl man' author forgiv sin earth. vers 16, jame say \u201ctherefore, confess sin one another,\u201d refer men refer vers 15, priest church."} {"id": "15118", "contents": "noth (or anywher els new testament) apostol success say priest author forgiv sin pass down. bibl mention appoint elder (act 14:23, titu 1:5) discipl jesu special author (matt."} {"id": "15119", "contents": "said, think say priest power forgiv sin correct terminology. accur say properli ordain cathol priest author absolv sin name jesu christ."} {"id": "15120", "contents": "jesu christ grant apostl author forgiv sins: john 20:21 sinc christ sent forgiv sins, sent apostl forgiv sins. john 20:22 lord breath someone, signific transform take place. see refer genesis."} {"id": "15121", "contents": "john 20:23 jesu says, forgiv sin any, forgiven. retain sin any, retained.. order apostl exercis gift forgiv sins, penit must oral confess sin apostl mind readers."} {"id": "15122", "contents": "roman cathol church notori claim priest forgiv sin god. cathol confess sin priest. read faith father page 398 power. priest power forgiv sins."} {"id": "15123", "contents": "no, not. forgiv sin any, sin forgiven them; retain sin any, retained, (john 20:23). context king interpret scripture, exception. let' take look."} {"id": "15124", "contents": "so, john 20:23 say cathol priest author forgiv sins. say christian discipl author pronounc sin forgiven.."} {"id": "15125", "contents": "come effect 1994 democrat elections, day reconcili 16 decemb inaugur help south african reconcil horror event past promis share futur together, regardless race, cultur creed. check overview thing day reconcili long weekend cape town. --- 2015 calendar public holiday south africa."} {"id": "15126", "contents": "day reconciliation. first democrat elect 1994, decemb 16 continu form part histori post apartheid south africa. 16 decemb 1995 name chang celebr public holiday known day reconciliation. establish decemb 16 public holiday attempt strike balanc divid past promot nation uniti reconcili new polit dispensation. dingaan' day. initi 16 decemb celebr afrikan dingaan' dag (dingane' day.) celebr voortrekk view 'victory' zulu warrior near ncome river kwazulu natal."} {"id": "15127", "contents": "nation reconcili week first celebr 1996. nation reconcili week aim give peopl across australia opportun focu reconcili indigen non-indigen australians. januari 2000, council aborigin reconcili replac new privat body, reconcili australia. reconcili australia current peak nation organis build promot"} {"id": "15128", "contents": "look thing do. brows directori thing find perfect activ day off, whether choos peopl watch busi caf, partak someth littl active, sure find someth suitable."} {"id": "15129", "contents": "day reconcili celebr public holiday sa first time. 16 decemb day great signific south africa due two histor event took place. first 1838, battl blood river took place voortrekk zulus. voortrekkers, move interior south africa great trek, eager settl land. region intend settl alreadi inhabit zulu people."} {"id": "15130", "contents": "afrikaners, 16 decemb commemor day vow, also known day coven dingaan' day. day vow religi holiday commemor voortrekk victori zulu battl blood river 1838, still celebr afrikaners. side polit spectrum, 16 decemb also anniversari 1961 found umkhonto sizw (spear nation), arm wing african nation congress. day also de facto start sixteen-day south african summer holiday period. first four public holiday observ height summer southern hemisphere, along christma day, day goodwill) new year' day. mani small busi close employe go leav period"} {"id": "15131", "contents": "apartheid south africa 16 decemb known day vow, voortrekk prepar battl took vow god would build church descend would observ day day thanksgiv grant victory. brows directori thing find perfect activ day off, whether choos peopl watch busi caf, partak someth littl active, sure find someth suitable."} {"id": "15132", "contents": "decemb 16 loom larg histori south africa. today new south african celebr day reconcili black whites. dingaan' day. initi 16 decemb celebr afrikan dingaan' dag (dingane' day.) celebr voortrekk view 'victory' zulu warrior near ncome river kwazulu natal."} {"id": "15133", "contents": "16 decemb 1995, day reconcili celebr public holiday south africa first time. references: day reconcili [online] avail at: info.gov.za [access decemb 2009]. muller, c.f.j. (ed)(1981). first 1838, battl blood river took place voortrekk zulus. voortrekkers, move interior south africa great trek, eager settl land. region intend settl alreadi inhabit zulu people."} {"id": "15134", "contents": "alveolu tini air sac form tip lungs' smallest airways, bronchioles. primari function alveoli exchang carbon dioxid oxygen. tissu within alveoli also carri secondari functions, product hormones, enzymes, pulmonari surfactant. exchang carbon dioxid oxygen primari function alveoli. capillari alveolu branch pulmonari arteri pulmonari vein. alveolu process inhal substances, cigarett smoke. alveolar macrophag white blood cell found lung"} {"id": "15135", "contents": "alveolu (plural: alveoli) word use anatomi hollow cavities, empti area within body. although mani differ type alveoli body, word alveoli usual use talk small air sac lung mammals. also call pulmonari alveoli. alveoli locat end air passageway lungs. concentr carbon dioxid lower alveolu red blood cells, carbon dioxid leav red blood cells, enter alveolus, exhaled. averag human lung, 480 million alveoli."} {"id": "15136", "contents": "dental alveoli caviti socket either jaw, root teeth embedded. pulmonari alveoli small outpouch along wall alveolar sac alveolar ducts; them, ga exchang take place alveolar ga pulmonari capillari blood."} {"id": "15137", "contents": "alveoli: plural alveolus. alveoli tini air sac within lung exchang oxygen carbon dioxid take place."} {"id": "15138", "contents": "final branch respiratori tree, alveoli oxygen air enter blood, carbon dioxid bodi expel back air."} {"id": "15139", "contents": "typic pair human lung contain 700 million alveoli, produc 70m surfac area. alveolu wrap fine mesh capillari cover 70% area. adult alveolu averag diamet 200 micrometres, increas diamet inhalation. alveolar membran gas-exchang surface. carbon dioxid rich blood pump rest bodi alveolar blood vessel where, diffusion, releas carbon dioxid absorb oxygen."} {"id": "15140", "contents": "oxygen exchang lung take place across membran small balloon-lik structur call alveoli attach branch bronchial passages. alveoli inflat deflat inhal exhalation. behavior alveoli larg dictat laplace' law surfac tension."} {"id": "15141", "contents": "definit alveolus. 1. small caviti pit: a: socket jaw tooth b: small air-contain compart lung bronchiol termin respiratori gase exchang pulmonari capillari c: acinu compound gland d: cell honeycomb. 2."} {"id": "15142", "contents": "alveoli small air sac lungs, small grain sand. billion lungs, purpos alveoli suppli de-oxygen blood suppli oxygen ga exchange. well-equip this, well. first alveoli coat substanc known surfact prevent collapsing. second, medium immunoglobulin iga exist pathogen air defend against. third, air enter lung humidifi prevent dri abras tissues."} {"id": "15143", "contents": "commonly-known neurotransmitt include: acetylcholin first discov neurotransmitter, chemic play import role rem sleep. dopamin dopamin associ reward-induc brain mechanisms, inhibitori effect signal travel across neurons."} {"id": "15144", "contents": "inhibitori neurotransmitters. serotonin inhibitori neurotransmitt mean stimul brain. adequ amount serotonin necessari stabl mood balanc excess excitatori (stimulating) neurotransmitt fire"} {"id": "15145", "contents": "exampl sentences. cnidarian contain chemic synaps releas neurotransmitters, includ biogen amin peptides. excitatori neurotransmitt transfer impuls next cell. nerv impuls transmit synaps releas chemic call neurotransmitters."} {"id": "15146", "contents": "neurotransmitt chemic relay inform across gap (synapse) one neuron (nerv cell) adjac neuron non-neuron cell (muscl cell, gland cell)."} {"id": "15147", "contents": "definit neurotransmitt english: chemic substanc releas end nerv fibr arriv nerv impuls and, diffus across synaps junction, effect transfer impuls anoth nerv fibre, muscl fibre, structure."} {"id": "15148", "contents": "neurotransmitt excitatori synaps depolar postsynapt membran (of neuron diagram). bind acetylcholin receptor postsynapt cell open ligand-g sodium channels. allow influx na ions, reduc membran potential."} {"id": "15149", "contents": "cnidarian contain chemic synaps releas neurotransmitters, includ biogen amin peptides. excitatori neurotransmitt transfer impuls next cell. nerv impuls transmit synaps releas chemic call neurotransmitters."} {"id": "15150", "contents": "similarly, certain neurotransmitt stimul muscl cell neuromuscular junction, stimul glandular secretions. exampl neurotransmitt includ acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, nitric oxide."} {"id": "15151", "contents": "dopamine, norepinephrin epinephrin group neurotransmitt call catecholamines. norepinephrin also call noradrenalin epinephrin also call adrenalin. neurotransmitt produc step-by-step fashion differ enzyme."} {"id": "15152", "contents": "photophosphorylation, light energi use creat high-energi electron donor lower-energi electron acceptor. electron move spontan donor acceptor electron transport chain. atp made enzym call atp synthase. structur enzym underli gene remark similar known form life. atp synthas power transmembran electrochem potenti gradient, usual form proton gradient."} {"id": "15153", "contents": "cyclic electron transport photosynthesis. photophosphoryl refer use light energi ultim provid energi convert adp atp, thu replenish univers energi currenc live things. karp point cyclic photophosphoryl also take place isol chloroplast provid addit atp aid carbohydr synthesi take place result non-cycl electron transport."} {"id": "15154", "contents": "bacteri photosynthesis, singl photosystem used, therefor involv cyclic photophosphorylation. favour anaerob condit condit high irradi co compens points. atp made enzym call atp synthase. structur enzym underli gene remark similar known form life. atp synthas power transmembran electrochem potenti gradient, usual form proton gradient."} {"id": "15155", "contents": "basic reaction photosynthesi is: co o)n 2. photophosphoryl process convert energi light-excit electron pyrophosph bond adp molecule. photophosphoryl consist two pigment excite, call ps1 (photosystem 1) ps2 (photosystem 2). photosystem ii, pump ion thylakoid convers adp atp driven electron gradient establish thylakoid membrane. equat net result two processes. one process involv split water."} {"id": "15156", "contents": "aim produc atp adp inorgan harvest hydrogen carbon dioxid reduc form carbohydr second seri reactions. product atp use light call photophosphorylation. light absorb ps ps ii, electron chlorophyl molecul boost higher energi levels. emit pass electron carriers. loss electron ps ii caus split water."} {"id": "15157", "contents": "cyclic photophosphoryl requir photosystem i, photosystem ii. light-depend electron transport occur thylakoid membranes, electron follow cyclic pathway, return photosystem reaction center."} {"id": "15158", "contents": "system process call cyclic photophosphorylation, accomplish adp atp process immedi energi cells. process use photosystem chlorophyl p700. karp point cyclic photophosphoryl also take place isol chloroplast provid addit atp aid carbohydr synthesi take place result non-cycl electron transport."} {"id": "15159", "contents": "pathway, non-cycl photophosphorylation, two-stag process involv two differ chlorophyl photosystems. light reaction, non-cycl photophosphoryl occur fret stroma lamellae. first, water molecul broken 2h 1/2 2e process call photolysi (or light-splitting). atp made enzym call atp synthase. structur enzym underli gene remark similar known form life. atp synthas power transmembran electrochem potenti gradient, usual form proton gradient."} {"id": "15160", "contents": "light reaction process organ captur store radiant energi produc oxygen gas. energi store form chemic bond compound nadph atp. energi contain nadph atp use reduc carbon dioxid glucose. photosystem ii, pump ion thylakoid convers adp atp driven electron gradient establish thylakoid membrane. equat net result two processes. one process involv split water."} {"id": "15161", "contents": "zynga /\u02c8z\u026a\u014b\u0261\u0259/ provid social video game servic found juli 2007 headquart san francisco, california, unit states. februari 2010, zynga acquir seriou business, social game company. zynga also februari open studio lo angeles, california well zynga india bangalore, company\u2019 first offic outsid unit states. may 2010, zynga acquir xpd media."} {"id": "15162", "contents": "zynga inc. lead develop world' popular social game play 100 million monthli consumers. compani creat evergreen franchis farmville, zynga casino word friends. zynga game play billion peopl around world avail number global platform includ appl ios, googl android, facebook zynga.com. compani headquart san francisco, california. zynga facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/zynga)."} {"id": "15163", "contents": "zynga rel new player game industri found 2007. sinc founding, zynga grown one popular, innovative, success game companies. headquart san francisco, california usa develop mostli browser games. name \u201czynga\u201d taken name bulldog formerli own mark pincus. also use \u201cbulldog\u201d part compani logo. years, zynga grown bigger bigger, acquir game companies, open offic differ part world."} {"id": "15164", "contents": "along zynga\u2019 great success game world, controversies. complaint game spam-lik features. typic exampl farmvil wherein gamer make gift-request non-gamers, annoy latter. name \u201czynga\u201d taken name bulldog formerli own mark pincus. also use \u201cbulldog\u201d part compani logo. years, zynga grown bigger bigger, acquir game companies, open offic differ part world."} {"id": "15165", "contents": "zynga\u2019 founder mark pincus, kyle stewart, john doerr, scott sale. also bing gordon electron art part board. name \u201czynga\u201d taken name bulldog formerli own mark pincus. also use \u201cbulldog\u201d part compani logo. years, zynga grown bigger bigger, acquir game companies, open offic differ part world."} {"id": "15166", "contents": "zynga toolbar conduit power ourtoolbar internet explorer, chrome firefox web browsers. softwar collect store inform web brows send inform ourtoolbar suggest servic provid ad via toolbar."} {"id": "15167", "contents": "description. zynga inc. (zynga) provid social game services. compani develop market oper social game live servic play mobil platforms, io android, social network sites, facebook. company' game also access zynga.com. compani develop onlin social games, farmville, word friends, zynga poker, hit rich! slot csr racing. compani also engag sale virtual currenc player use buy in-gam virtual goods, mobil games."} {"id": "15168", "contents": "zynga state mission connect world games.. compani name honor zinga, ceo mark pincu 's deceas american bulldog. zynga launch consid best-known game, farmville, facebook june 2009, reach 10 million daili activ user (dau) within six weeks. februari 2010, zynga acquir seriou business, social game company. zynga also februari open studio lo angeles, california well zynga india bangalore, company\u2019 first offic outsid unit states. may 2010, zynga acquir xpd media."} {"id": "15169", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. zynga poker social game develop zynga applic social-network websit facebook well android, iphone, window phone, windows, myspace, tagged, google+ accord march 2011 espn article, 38 million players, zynga poker largest poker site world. accord 2014 articl dean takahashi, 350 million play zynga poker, game million daili players."} {"id": "15170", "contents": "let' play! zynga lead develop world' popular social games. headquart san francisco, mission connect world games, sinc 2007, one billion peopl play one belov franchis like farmville, zynga poker word friends. sinc incept 2009, zynga.org enabl player donat $20 million 150 in-gam campaign benefit 50 nonprofit organizations. doesn\u2019t stop players."} {"id": "15171", "contents": "sometim creditor wait longer 180 day charg debt, matter. print free credit report calcul yr plu 180 day past first deliquint payment that month off. feder law."} {"id": "15172", "contents": "gener speaking, neg inform stay credit report seven year date last activity, bankruptci appear credit report 10 year date last activity. close account paid agre charg off, hand, typic stay credit report seven year plu 180 day start delinqu led charg off. hope helps."} {"id": "15173", "contents": "posit information. account paid agre gener stay credit report 10 year date last activity. you\u2019v paid mortgage, example, posit inform stay credit report decad account\u2019 date last activity. long neg inform appear credit report depend type information: late paid accounts. general, neg inform stay credit report seven year date last activity."} {"id": "15174", "contents": "general, public record bankruptci stay credit report 10 years. however, may see individu account bankruptcy, credit accounts, fall report seven year 180 day start delinqu account. long neg inform appear credit report depend type information: late paid accounts. general, neg inform stay credit report seven year date last activity."} {"id": "15175", "contents": "tax liens. paid tax lien typic stay credit report seven year date releas (paid), unpaid tax lien remain credit report 15 years. bankruptcies. general, public record bankruptci stay credit report 10 years. long neg inform appear credit report depend type information: late paid accounts. general, neg inform stay credit report seven year date last activity."} {"id": "15176", "contents": "pay debt, mark paid credit report. pay debt, best keep credit report clean wait seven year pass. keep close eye credit on, soon credit histori proud of."} {"id": "15177", "contents": "anytim charge-off remov credit report improv overal credit profile. neg item (that report seven year report) remov credit report alway good! check statut limit (sol) debt state. compani \u201ccharged-off\u201d debt probabl tri collect -12 month alreadi charg off. charge-off stay credit report seven year date charg off. therefore, could stay report 7- 7.5 year more! that\u2019 long time neg inform remain reports. say charge-off mean debt forgiven creditor"} {"id": "15178", "contents": "statut limit charge-off seven year date creditor report account delinquent. depend creditor, take anywher 30 180 day creditor file report."} {"id": "15179", "contents": "bacteria caus inflamm gum call \u201cgingivitis.\u201d gingivitis, gum becom red, swollen bleed easily. gingiv mild form gum diseas usual revers daili brush flossing, regular clean dentist dental hygienist. form gum diseas includ loss bone tissu hold teeth place. periodontitis. gingiv treated, advanc \u201cperiodontitis\u201d (which mean \u201cinflamm around tooth\u201d). periodontitis, gum pull away teeth form space (call \u201cpockets\u201d) becom infected."} {"id": "15180", "contents": "correct diagnosi periodont diseas gingiv requir skill train dental professional. sign gingiv includ red, swollen gums, bleed gum brush teeth. periodont diseas may includ sore teeth, loos teeth, chronic bad tast mouth. gum bleed brush floss gum bleed easili gentli poked, like gum disease. depend advanc case is, stage told."} {"id": "15181", "contents": "gum diseas (periodont disease) earli yet invad jaw bone, still chanc could reversed. however, bone around teeth becom infect start break down, incurable. gum bleed brush floss gum bleed easili gentli poked, like gum disease. depend advanc case is, stage told."} {"id": "15182", "contents": "treat gum diseas homemad remedi possible, help cure variou gum problems, gingivitis, periodont disease, sever problem need taken seriously. knowledg simpl treatment help maintain good oral health. let sit minut gargl warm water rins off. lemon offer win-win solut treat gum disease. first, they'r anti-inflammatory, make help treat infect gums."} {"id": "15183", "contents": "prevent periodont disease. periodont disease, also known gum disease, caus bacteria plaqu (a sticky, colorless film form mouth) build gum teeth. bacteria begin grow, gum surround tooth becom inflamed."} {"id": "15184", "contents": "3. fill prescriptions. dentist periodontist may determin antibiot necessari treat periodont disease. root planing, may insert antibiot chip gum pocket slowli dissolv releas medic kill bacteria. get deep clean teeth gums. deep cleaning, tartar remov scale root planing. scale remov tartar gum line scrape ultrasonics. root plane remov bacteria tooth root may done laser"} {"id": "15185", "contents": "result, treat gum diseas home made remedi one major worldwid health issu help peopl follow simpl effect way better oral health. use lemon-salt remedi may caus teeth extra-sensit after. let sit minut gargl warm water rins off. lemon offer win-win solut treat gum disease. first, they'r anti-inflammatory, make help treat infect gums."} {"id": "15186", "contents": "6. make lemon paste. make past juic one lemon salt. mix well appli teeth. let sit minut gargl warm water rins off. lemon offer win-win solut treat gum disease. first, they'r anti-inflammatory, make help treat infect gums."} {"id": "15187", "contents": "dentist hygienist may also: take x-ray see whether bone loss. refer periodontist. periodontist expert diagnosi treatment gum diseas may provid treatment option offer dentist. periodontitis. gingiv treated, advanc \u201cperiodontitis\u201d (which mean \u201cinflamm around tooth\u201d). periodontitis, gum pull away teeth form space (call \u201cpockets\u201d) becom infected."} {"id": "15188", "contents": "driscoll\u2019 blueberri plump, pack rich flavor full antioxidants. they\u2019r also non-fat, high fiber contain mani essenti nutrient like vitamin c, folate, iron."} {"id": "15189", "contents": "organic, nutrient dense, frozen blueberries. wonder tast summer, year round. nutriti snack, delici ingredient. frozen organ blueberries; fresh, frozen immedi picking. ripe, sweet, delic frozen blueberri tast like came bush."} {"id": "15190", "contents": "organ wild blueberri pick peak flavor. delici sweet, small berri incred blueberri flavor make perfect snacking. organ dri blueberri antioxid powerhous also provid rich sourc dietari fiber vitamins."} {"id": "15191", "contents": "blueberri newest berri join driscoll\u2019 family. start grow earli 1990s. they\u2019r high antioxidants, known improv memori function reduc effect aging. tri top cereal fresh blueberri heart-healthi breakfast."} {"id": "15192", "contents": "cup serv fresh blueberri contain 3.6 fiber, cup serv frozen blueberri 4.2 fiber. serv also provid small amount energy-suppli protein. fresh blueberri contain 1.10 per cup serving, portion frozen blueberri 0.65 g."} {"id": "15193", "contents": "organ wild blueberri healthi way satisfi sweet tooth. experi joy blueberri year round plump perfect treat. organ dri blueberri ideal snacking, also go well top yogurt oatmeal. add great blueberri flavor trail mix granola dri wild berries."} {"id": "15194", "contents": "inform calori blueberri fiber blueberries, health benefit blueberri scientif research investig role blueberri may play promot good health. one littl berri there\u2019 whole lot cover, here\u2019 skinni blueberri nutrition: 1."} {"id": "15195", "contents": "script. \u201cscript\u201d long-run script error messag usual piec javascript code browser tri execute. script small program web browser execut comput make web brows experi richer. javascript often use valid form data power interact element web page."} {"id": "15196", "contents": "internet explor defin long run script look number line code script engin executed. default valu five million line code, deem script long run prompt take action. chang valu computer\u2019 registri setting. script small program web browser execut comput make web brows experi richer. javascript often use valid form data power interact element web page."} {"id": "15197", "contents": "rememb includ info pc, system, detail issu (error codes, settings, etc..) question. microsoft fixit internet explor long run scripts, fixit found here. stop long run scripts? loop 10 15 minut time time out."} {"id": "15198", "contents": "learn stop internet explor browser give script error messages. script error messag display internet explor problem javascript vbscript code websit viewing. occasion script error caus error download webpage, often error webpag itself."} {"id": "15199", "contents": "get stop longrun script stop, start first place. itself. know is. reason know run time time get box pop say someth like start/work due long run script. ask way stop long run script variou web page allow ever start run first place prevent freez particular webpages."} {"id": "15200", "contents": "th. script come get rid it. script connect word program facebook. play program facebook stop repeatli with messag facebook respond due long run script. click script recov web page. stop long run scripts? loop 10 15 minut time time out."} {"id": "15201", "contents": "resolution. web browser encount long-run script, paus execut code display dialog box tell script run long may caus comput becom unresponsive. script small program web browser execut comput make web brows experi richer. javascript often use valid form data power interact element web page."} {"id": "15202", "contents": "get internet explor script error control panel open user accounts: get script error control panel click user account see: internet explor script error error occur script page. open internet explorer. top menu, click tool internet options. click advanc tab. find say disabl script debug tick box besid it. now, find say display notif everi script error un"} {"id": "15203", "contents": "procedure: open internet explorer. top menu, click tool internet options. click advanc tab. find say disabl script debug tick box besid it. now, find say display notif everi script error untick box besid it."} {"id": "15204", "contents": "facebook yahoo quit due long run script. how... script error desktop. want continu run scr... long new facebook account start run facebo... facebook ad stop run without reasons. dialogu box appear bottom screen says, 'facebook respond due long-run script! stop scripts' click 'stop scripts' doesnt work. i'm surpris i'v long enough write msg."} {"id": "15205", "contents": "1995 movi mangler, base fantast short horror stori author stephen king, larg industri mangl (that possess demon) claim mani victims' live satisfi blood lust. hand-crank mangl appear top 1843 john e. turnbul saint john, new brunswick patent cloth washer wringer rolls.. first gear wringer mangl uk thought date 1850, one invent robert tasker lancashire."} {"id": "15206", "contents": "mangl rare chanc activ night 1, similarli foxi first game. however, unlik first game, dictat player inactivity, rather chance. mangle, along origin counterpart foxy, bb puppet main animatron appear main menu. mangl animatron base charact origin lineup refer toy.. may call toy foxi one point mutil redub mangle. mangl kid' cove, eyebal visibl foot away floor."} {"id": "15207", "contents": "maim; see mayhem .]. man\u2032gler n. synonyms: mangle, maim 1, maul, mutilate. verb mean caus sever injuri damage: machineri mangl worker' fingers; construct worker maim accident; hiker maul hungri bear; soldier mutil shrapnel. tr.v. man\u00b7gled, man\u00b7gling, man\u00b7gles. 1. mutil disfigur battering, hacking, cutting, tearing: fish net mangl fish. 2. ruin spoil ineptitud ignorance: mangl speech. [middl english."} {"id": "15208", "contents": "sound mangl make moves. mangl (sometim refer mangl toy foxy) one new animatron one antagonist game five night freddy' 2. redesign version foxy. mangl animatron base charact origin lineup refer toy.. may call toy foxi one point mutil redub mangle. mangl kid' cove, eyebal visibl foot away floor."} {"id": "15209", "contents": "noun. verb. definit mangl machin roller use press larg smooth piec cloth. exampl mangl machin cleaner use iron sheets. mangl defin destroy tearing, crush bruising. exampl mangl violent cut apart wire fence."} {"id": "15210", "contents": "mangl appear endoskeleton torso, appear almost entir made endoskeleton limbs. wire hang multipl part body. also three eye multiple-endoskeleton-lik bodi seen mangl kid' cove. unlik origin foxy, mangle' nose reduc size. eyepatch hook part foxy' appear remov entir mangl well. like redesign bonnie, chica, freddy, mangl bear resembl look ventriloquist' dummy."} {"id": "15211", "contents": "mangl appear endoskeleton torso, appear almost entir made endoskeleton limbs. wire hang multipl part body. also three eye multiple-endoskeleton-lik bodi seen mangl kid' cove. mangl animatron base charact origin lineup refer toy.. may call toy foxi one point mutil redub mangle. mangl kid' cove, eyebal visibl foot away floor."} {"id": "15212", "contents": "rhizophora mangle, known red mangrove, distribut estuarin ecosystem throughout tropics. vivipar seeds, actual call propagules, becom fulli matur plant drop parent tree. dispers water eventu embed shallows. vivipar plant, r. mangl creat propagul realiti live tree. though resembl elong seed pod, fully-grown propagul mangrov capabl root produc new tree. tree hermaphrodites, capabl self pollin wind pollination."} {"id": "15213", "contents": "mangl (a call unit kingdom) wringer (a call unit states) mechan laundri aid consist two roller sturdi frame, connect cog and, home version, power hand crank electrically. hand-crank mangl appear top 1843 john e. turnbul saint john, new brunswick patent cloth washer wringer rolls.. first gear wringer mangl uk thought date 1850, one invent robert tasker lancashire."} {"id": "15214", "contents": "rhizophora mangl grow aerial prop roots, arch water level, give stand tree characterist mangrov appearance. valuabl plant florida, louisiana, texa coastal ecosystems. vivipar plant, r. mangl creat propagul realiti live tree. though resembl elong seed pod, fully-grown propagul mangrov capabl root produc new tree. tree hermaphrodites, capabl self pollin wind pollination."} {"id": "15215", "contents": "cambridg citi middlesex county, massachusetts, unit states, boston metropolitan area, situat directli north citi boston proper, across charl river. new town (later name cambridge) chosen site new colleg great gener court (the massachusett legislature)...primarily, accord testimoni cotton mather, near highli respected, popular puritan preacher thoma shepard."} {"id": "15216", "contents": "part west cambridg join new town belmont 1859, rest west cambridg renam arlington 1867; brighton annex boston 1874. late 19th century, variou scheme annex cambridg citi boston pursu rejected. new town (later name cambridge) chosen site new colleg great gener court (the massachusett legislature)...primarily, accord testimoni cotton mather, near highli respected, popular puritan preacher thoma shepard."} {"id": "15217", "contents": "cambridg skylin domin last two buildings, along spire ladi english martyr church hill rd, chimney addenbrooke' hospit far south citi st john' colleg chapel tower. cambridg situat 50 mile (80 km) north-by-east london. citi locat area level rel low-li terrain south fens, vari 24 metr (20 79 ft) sea level."} {"id": "15218", "contents": "cambridg [1] univers citi cambridgeshir england. citi crocus daffodil backs, green open space cattl graze 500 yard market square. cambridg access cycle, local govern encourag sustain travel (such walk cycling). nation cycl network rout 11 51 pass city, cambridg also serv comprehens local cycl network."} {"id": "15219", "contents": "site would becom cambridg chosen decemb 1630, locat safe upriv boston harbor, made easili defens attack enemi ships. thoma dudley, daughter ann bradstreet husband simon, among first settler town. new town (later name cambridge) chosen site new colleg great gener court (the massachusett legislature)...primarily, accord testimoni cotton mather, near highli respected, popular puritan preacher thoma shepard."} {"id": "15220", "contents": "welcom website. welcom cambridge, illinois. hope visit page provid good introduct mani businesses, services, initi accomplish make cambridg great community. progress commun known excel schools, histor courthouse, great municip services."} {"id": "15221", "contents": "cambridg home two world' promin universities, harvard univers massachusett institut technology. cambridg also home radcliff college, one lead colleg women unit state merg harvard. new town (later name cambridge) chosen site new colleg great gener court (the massachusett legislature)...primarily, accord testimoni cotton mather, near highli respected, popular puritan preacher thoma shepard."} {"id": "15222", "contents": "citi cambridg (/\u02c8ke\u026ambr\u026ad\u0292/ kaym-brij) univers citi counti town cambridgeshire, england. lie east anglia, river cam, 50 mile (80 km) north london. accord unit kingdom censu 2011, popul 123,867 (includ 24,488 students). cambridg situat 50 mile (80 km) north-by-east london. citi locat area level rel low-li terrain south fens, vari 24 metr (20 79 ft) sea level."} {"id": "15223", "contents": "cambridg wide known home univers cambridge, found 1209 consist rank one top five univers world. univers includ renown cavendish laboratory, king' colleg chapel, cambridg univers library. cambridg situat 50 mile (80 km) north-by-east london. citi locat area level rel low-li terrain south fens, vari 24 metr (20 79 ft) sea level."} {"id": "15224", "contents": "directions. small saucepan, combin preserves, mustard, lemon juic cinnamon. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling. set glaze aside. score edg ham. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling. yield: servings."} {"id": "15225", "contents": "cook ham steak larg skillet medium heat browned, minut per side. drain remov ham. heat butter skillet melted; stir brown sugar. drain remov ham. heat butter skillet melted; stir brown sugar. return ham skillet cook medium-low heat heat brown sugar dissolved, turn steak often, 10 minutes."} {"id": "15226", "contents": "heat indoor grill medium-high heat. place ham inch away coal outdoor grill. cook ham approxim minut side without glaze, plan add glaze. place grill flip once, let side cook minutes. flip steak first time, add glaze cook side. ad ham steak summer barbecu winter cook-in tasti way add varieti meals. grill ham quick easy, dri beauti piec meat incorrectly. prep meat grill key make sure ham stay moist delici"} {"id": "15227", "contents": "small saucepan, combin preserves, mustard, lemon juic cinnamon. cook stir low heat 2-3 minutes. set glaze aside. score edg ham. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling. yield: servings. set glaze aside. score edg ham. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling."} {"id": "15228", "contents": "mix togeth remain ingredi glaze. bbq heat source, medium-high heat cook side minut side bast glaze turn frequent bast time glaze total cook time appr 10-12 minutes. watch steak burn. bbq heat source, medium-high heat cook side minut side bast glaze turn frequent bast time glaze total cook time appr 10-12 minutes. watch steak burn."} {"id": "15229", "contents": "directions. small saucepan, combin preserves, mustard, lemon juic cinnamon. cook stir low heat 2-3 minutes. set glaze aside. score edg ham. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling. yield: servings. set glaze aside. score edg ham. grill, uncovered, medium heat 8-10 minut side, brush glaze last minut grilling."} {"id": "15230", "contents": "directions. prep. cook. readi in. cook ham steak larg skillet medium heat browned, minut per side. drain remov ham. heat butter skillet melted; stir brown sugar. drain remov ham. heat butter skillet melted; stir brown sugar. return ham skillet cook medium-low heat heat brown sugar dissolved, turn steak often, 10 minutes."} {"id": "15231", "contents": "instructions. prepar grill direct cook medium heat (350\u00b0 450\u00b0f). small bowl combin rub ingredients. brush side ham steak butter season evenli rub, press spice meat. brush cook grate clean. grill ham steak direct medium heat, lid close much possible, surfac nice browned, 12 15 minutes, turn twice."} {"id": "15232", "contents": "precis answer question \u201chow long cook salmon last?\u201d depend larg extent storag condit refriger salmon within two hour cooking. long cook salmon last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; cook salmon discard left hour room temperature."} {"id": "15233", "contents": "refrigerator. salmon kept fresh refriger two days. soon bring salmon home, unwrap wipe damp towel wrap plastic wrap place coldest area refrigerator. typic back bottom drawer refrigerator. 2. salmon kept fresh freezer eight weeks. bring home fresh salmon take packaging, rins use cold water pat dry. cut salmon desir portion store freezer wrap, foil, freezer bag airtight freezer friendli container."} {"id": "15234", "contents": "cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. food keep day refrigerator. place food air tight contain best results. food easili transfer freezer longer storag time."} {"id": "15235", "contents": "put individu portion contain freez soon possible. cook salmon probabl keep refriger 5-6 days. wait last day freez it. easili thaw reheat microwave. may keep freezer 2-3 months. got coupl half pound slamon fillet coupl day ago, ate three quarter save rest fridge. long good for? salmon two time three day want give rest."} {"id": "15236", "contents": "june 1, 2015 rebecca longshor comment (1). whether cook amaz salmon recip last night, you\u2019r bring home box restaur much finish one sitting, you\u2019r left portion cook salmon. next day roll around, lunch dinner plan"} {"id": "15237", "contents": "long keep cook salmon fridge? cook salmon kept refriger cover dish days. uncook salmon kept fridg day cooking. edit. food keep day refrigerator. place food air tight contain best results. food easili transfer freezer longer storag time."} {"id": "15238", "contents": "1. salmon kept fresh refriger two days. soon bring salmon home, unwrap wipe damp towel wrap plastic wrap place coldest area refrigerator. typic back bottom drawer refrigerator. 2. salmon kept fresh freezer eight weeks. bring home fresh salmon take packaging, rins use cold water pat dry. cut salmon desir portion store freezer wrap, foil, freezer bag airtight freezer friendli container."} {"id": "15239", "contents": "bronchodil substanc dilat bronchi bronchioles, decreas resist respiratori airway increas airflow lungs. bronchodil may endogen (origin natur within body), may medic administ treatment breath difficulties. exampl anticholinerg tiotropium (spiriva) ipratropium bromide. tiotropium long-acting, 24 hour, anticholinerg bronchodil use manag chronic obstruct pulmonari diseas (copd). avail inhalant, ipratropium bromid use treatment asthma copd."} {"id": "15240", "contents": "high preval cost incontinence, increas preval occur popul ages, grow market drug aim treat condition. pharmaceut compani develop sever new incontin medications. research primari care set performed, littl evid guid famili physician choic anticholinerg medic urg incontinence. cost import factor; price agent similar (tabl 4)"} {"id": "15241", "contents": "anticholinerg agent substanc block neurotransmitt acetylcholin central peripher nervou system. anticholinerg inhibit parasympathet nerv impuls select block bind neurotransmitt acetylcholin receptor nerv cells. physostigmin one drug use antidot anticholinerg poisoning. nicotin also counteract anticholinerg activ nicotin acetylcholin receptors."} {"id": "15242", "contents": "prescrib medic urg incontinence, physician must decid agent use. one option oxybutynin, nonselect anticholinerg agent avail short-and long-act oral form (ditropan) transderm patch (oxytrol). research primari care set performed, littl evid guid famili physician choic anticholinerg medic urg incontinence. cost import factor; price agent similar (tabl 4)"} {"id": "15243", "contents": "used. inhal anticholinerg usual use sever asthma attacks. sometim use home, use daili mainten treatment persist asthma. alway use anoth medicine. anticholinerg may used: along short-act beta2-agonist treat sever asthma attack statu asthmaticus, long-last sever asthma attack respond standard treatment. ad medicin use short-act beta2-agonist asthma attack"} {"id": "15244", "contents": "goal pharmacolog therapi prevent motion sickness, reliev symptom motion sickness, nausea. anticholinerg agents. scopolamine, anticholinergic, use prevent motion sick acut treatment. scopolamine\u2019 effect like due central anticholinerg properties. common advers effect includ dri mouth/nose/throat, drowsiness, loss visual accommodation, sensit bright light."} {"id": "15245", "contents": "background. anticholinerg syndrom (acs) produc inhibit cholinerg neurotransmiss muscarin receptor sites. commonli follow ingest wide varieti prescript over-the-count medications. patient present anticholinerg toxic transport nearest emerg facil advanc life support (als) capabilities. avoid administ ipecac syrup activ charcoal unless prolong transport time anticipated."} {"id": "15246", "contents": "electr therapi indic patient sever refractori urg incontin respond behavior therapi medications. treatment administ gener devic insert subcutan tissu lower back buttocks. research primari care set performed, littl evid guid famili physician choic anticholinerg medic urg incontinence. cost import factor; price agent similar (tabl 4)"} {"id": "15247", "contents": "physician keep mind success use kegel exercis depend patient\u2019 motiv abil cooper exercis routine. treatment urg incontin gener includ behavior therapy. research primari care set performed, littl evid guid famili physician choic anticholinerg medic urg incontinence. cost import factor; price agent similar (tabl 4)"} {"id": "15248", "contents": "earth' atmosphere. atmospher mixtur nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), gase (1%) surround earth. high planet, atmospher becom thinner gradual reach space. divid five layers. weather cloud found first layer."} {"id": "15249", "contents": "troposphere. tropospher one four layer atmospher (0-10km altitude) contain water vapour. cloud form water condens air cools. cloud format possibl temperatur tropospher decreas altitud"} {"id": "15250", "contents": "meteorology, cloud visibl mass liquid droplet frozen crystal made water variou chemic suspend atmospher surfac planetari body. terrestri cloud format result air lower three princip layer earth' atmospher (collect known homosphere) becom satur due either two processes: cool air, ad water vapor."} {"id": "15251", "contents": "tropospher contain 75% air atmosphere, almost water vapour (which form cloud rain). decreas temperatur height result decreas pressure. parcel air move upward expand (becaus lower pressure). atmospher divid layer base temperature, shown figur below. layer troposphere, stratosphere, mesospher thermosphere. region, begin 500 km earth' surface, call exosphere."} {"id": "15252", "contents": "troposphere. lowest part atmosphere-th part live in. contain weather-clouds, rain, snow. part atmospher temperatur get colder distanc earth increases, 6.5\u00b0c per kilometre. chang temperatur height vari day day, depend weather. atmospher divid layer base temperature, shown figur below. layer troposphere, stratosphere, mesospher thermosphere. region, begin 500 km earth' surface, call exosphere."} {"id": "15253", "contents": "troposphere. tropospher one four layer atmospher (0-10km altitude) contain water vapour. cloud form water condens air coo ls. cloud format possibl temperatur tropospher decreas altitude. 39 other found useful."} {"id": "15254", "contents": "cloud visibl aggreg tini water droplet and/or ice crystal suspend atmospher exist varieti shape sizes. cloud accompani precipitation; rain, snow, hail, sleet, even freez rain. purpos modul introduc number cloud classifications, differ type precipitation, mechan respons produc them."} {"id": "15255", "contents": "effects. nerv pain difficult treat. often long term worsen time. neuropath pain caus perman disability. often caus problem sleeping, result constant fatigue, concentr problem drowsiness. neuropath pain (nep) medic term nerv pain. nerv pain difficult diagnos treat. neuropath pain differ type pain patient descript sensation. mani caus neuropath pain, often difficult part diagnosi"} {"id": "15256", "contents": "relat videos: caus neuropath pain video. pain signal brain damag injuri tissu structur body, known nocicept pain. neuropath pain caus issu nerv themselves."} {"id": "15257", "contents": "variou condit affect nerv may caus neuropath pain one featur condition. includ following: trigemin neuralgia. pain follow shingl (postherpet neuralgia). diabet neuropathy-a nerv disord develop peopl diabetes."} {"id": "15258", "contents": "neuropath pain. pain origin peripher nerv central nervou system rather damag organ tissues. hallmark neuropath pain local specif dermatom nerv distributions. neuropath pain, pain result direct stimul myelin nervou tissu peripher central nervou system (except sensit fibers), gener felt burn tingl often occur area sensori loss."} {"id": "15259", "contents": "neuropath pain, commonli refer neuralgia, chronic, complex condit origin problem signal nerv body. damag nerv send faulti signal pain center body. neuropath pain develop result damag diseas somatosensori system."} {"id": "15260", "contents": "10 anim fact amaz you. neuropath pain caus neuropathy, nerv damage. peripher neuropathi often pain condit refer nerv damag extend extremities, feet hands. condit often treatable, howev may take time symptom improve."} {"id": "15261", "contents": "sign symptom neuropath pain? reader stories. read stories."} {"id": "15262", "contents": "abstract. neuropath pain common symptom associ peripher neuropathi disabl effect nerv damag neuropathy. though treatment underli pathophysiolog caus neuropathi may possible, treatment neuropath pain is."} {"id": "15263", "contents": "eat poor diet affect develop pregnancy, could also neg effect futur health well-b baby. vitamin minerals. also extrem import get enough vitamin miner pregnanc help ensur normal fetal development. although difficult associ particular vitamin defici fetal problem humans, laboratori studi anim given mani clue importance."} {"id": "15264", "contents": "pancrea make insulin littl insulin bodi can\u2019t use blood sugar energy. type diabet must control daili insulin. diabet often diagnos women childbear year affect health mother unborn child. poor control diabet pregnanc increas chanc birth defect problem baby. caus seriou complic woman, also"} {"id": "15265", "contents": "fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. that' old news. fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. 1. get enough folic acid."} {"id": "15266", "contents": "eat. that' old news. fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. 1. get enough folic acid."} {"id": "15267", "contents": "effect poor nutrit fetus. give birth healthi babi increas healthi eat pregnancy. fetal develop depend matern hormones, genet code environment factors, nutrit suppli within bodi mother well. unless consum balanc healthi diet proteins, fluids, whole grains, fresh fruits, veget polyunsatur fat avoid alcohol caffeine, even prior conception, put risk cardiovascular health baby."} {"id": "15268", "contents": "develop growth fetu depend diet expect mother. food caus damag unborn child and, similarly, poor eat habit imbalanc diet also retard growth fetu make infant prone diseas birth. slide 6."} {"id": "15269", "contents": "there' old phrase expect mother eat two. new studi indic apt known. bad diet actual alter baby' genes. mother rat eat well, offspr exhibit genet chang affect they'll become. gene cellular mechan involv studi similar humans, research think studi relev us"} {"id": "15270", "contents": "smart food choic pregnanc affect physic mental develop child year come. eat lot food high unhealthi fat sugar make babi like diabetes. eat diet junk food, child born tast it. alcohol. expert say even one drink might damag baby' health; other say light drink pregnanc okay.. agre chronic alcohol abus lead fetal alcohol syndrom disorder."} {"id": "15271", "contents": "also consum 13 gram healthi fat oil deriv plants, along moder amount fats. diet poor protein especi damag fetal brain development, accord mani research studi animals. vitamin minerals. also extrem import get enough vitamin miner pregnanc help ensur normal fetal development. although difficult associ particular vitamin defici fetal problem humans, laboratori studi anim given mani clue importance."} {"id": "15272", "contents": "woman' diet pregnanc caus chang unborn child' dna may significantli increas risk obes make like develop type diabet lifetime, accord new research univers southampton. mother also survey diet pregnancy. result show women ate poor diet pregnant like children greater degre epigenet changes, dna alter affect function certain genes."} {"id": "15273", "contents": "clinic dietitian nutritionist provid medic nutrit therapy. work hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, privat practice, institutions. creat nutrit program base health need patient resid counsel patient lead healthier lifestyle. clinic dietitian nutritionist may specialize, work patient kidney diseas diabetes. commun dietitian nutritionist develop program counsel public topic relat food nutrition."} {"id": "15274", "contents": "bachelor scienc nutrit scienc great way get foot door nutrit career like nutritionist regist dietician. degre teach relationship food human health."} {"id": "15275", "contents": "bachelor\u2019 degree: earn bachelor\u2019 degree, qualifi regist dietician nutritionist. work varieti area regist dietician nutritionist, hospit clinics, food nutrit manag public health nutrition. degre benefits, lead differ career field. bachelor\u2019 degree: bachelor scienc nutrit scienc complet four year good way kick start career"} {"id": "15276", "contents": "mani entry-level nutritionist bachelor\u2019 degre health, nutrit relat field, dietet food servic system management. undergradu program lend career nutritionist may includ following: food science. microbiology. dietetics. chemistry. nutrition."} {"id": "15277", "contents": "public health. nutritionist dietitian also import public health sphere, work level govern well school boards, nonprofit organizations. advis policy-makers, help shape health nutrit polici municipal, state feder governments. food plentiful, question becom food best ensur long-term health. human nutrit offer student varieti career paths, area rang clinic dietet public health polici food manufacturing."} {"id": "15278", "contents": "work varieti area regist dietician nutritionist, hospit clinics, food nutrit manag public health nutrition. complet list possibl sector work degre found here: http://nutrition.psu.edu/undergraduate/careers. degre benefits, lead differ career field. bachelor\u2019 degree: bachelor scienc nutrit scienc complet four year good way kick start career"} {"id": "15279", "contents": "show job near: differ dietitian nutritionist downright confusing: regist dietitian nutritionists, nutritionist regist dietitians. common certif regist dietitian nutritionist, rdn, given complet dietitian requirements. #29. differ dietitian nutritionist downright confusing: regist dietitian nutritionists, nutritionist regist dietitians."} {"id": "15280", "contents": "start career hospit give nutritionist mani kind job choic medic field. hospit nutritionist either work differ type patient special work specif age rang patient specif disease, kidney diseas cardiac disorders. type job nutritionist. nutritionist help peopl learn eat food benefit health. photo credit hemera technologies/photos.com/getti images. field nutrit boom american develop interest learn eat healthi achiev long life."} {"id": "15281", "contents": "cubic meter unit volum intern system units. symbol cubic meter 3. less formally, cubic meter sometim abbrevi cu m. calcul volume, import realiz volum proport cube linear dimension."} {"id": "15282", "contents": "convert cubic meter meter, take cubic root cubic meter: cubic root(m^3) as: (m^3)^1/3 m^(3*(1/3)) m^1 m. quit right. appli linear dimens cube. general, cubic metr measur volume, dimens [l3]."} {"id": "15283", "contents": "answer cubic meter mean one meter power three. measur unit volum equal 1000 liters. cube side one ter cubic meter volume."} {"id": "15284", "contents": "opposit sense, equal 0.000000001 kilomet cube (10 -9 km 3). convert cubic meter non-si unit volum cubic inch (cu in) cubic mile (cu mi), linear-unit convers factor must cubed. example, one meter approxim 39.37 inch (39.37 in); therefor 39.37 6.102 10 cu (approximately)."} {"id": "15285", "contents": "exampl thermal radiat includ visibl light infrar light emit incandesc light bulb, infrar radiat emit anim detect infrar camera, cosmic microwav background radiation. thermal radiat emiss electromagnet wave matter temperatur greater absolut zero. repres convers thermal energi electromagnet energy. thermal energi consist kinet energi random movement atom molecul matter"} {"id": "15286", "contents": "radiat infrar part spectrum. radiat felt heat. radiat depend emit object' temperature. radiat produc hot object. radiat form emiss line object. add answer. source. submit cancel"} {"id": "15287", "contents": "emiss surfac materi effect emit energi thermal radiation. thermal radiat light, object near room temperatur light infrar visibl human eyes. thermal radiat hot object (see photograph) easili visibl eye. quantitatively, emiss ratio thermal radiat surfac radiat ideal black surfac temperatur given stefan\u2013boltzmann law."} {"id": "15288", "contents": "definit thermal radiation. quantiz electromagnet radiat excit thermal agit molecul atom rang includ infrared, visibl light, ultraviolet. advertisement."} {"id": "15289", "contents": "matter temperatur greater absolut zero emit thermal radiation. temperatur bodi greater absolut zero, interatom collis caus kinet energi atom molecul change. thermal radiat emiss electromagnet wave matter temperatur greater absolut zero. repres convers thermal energi electromagnet energy. thermal energi consist kinet energi random movement atom molecul matter"} {"id": "15290", "contents": "sunlight part thermal radiat gener hot plasma sun. earth also emit thermal radiation, much lower intens differ spectral distribut (infrar rather visible) cooler. thermal radiat emiss electromagnet wave matter temperatur greater absolut zero. repres convers thermal energi electromagnet energy. thermal energi consist kinet energi random movement atom molecul matt"} {"id": "15291", "contents": "thermal radiation. transmiss heat hot surfac cooler one form invis electromagnet waves, which, absorb cooler surface, rais temperatur surfac without warm space between. facebook. twitter."} {"id": "15292", "contents": "anoth good exampl convect atmosphere. earth' surfac warm sun, warm air rise cool air move in. radiation-- radiat method heat transfer reli upon contact heat sourc heat object case conduct convection. heat transmit though empti space thermal radiat often call infrar radiation."} {"id": "15293", "contents": "sever form anemia often affect older adults, caus failur stomach absorb vitamin 12 character abnorm larg red blood cells, gastrointestin disturbances, lesion spinal cord. noted, true pernici anemia refer specif disord atrophi pariet cell lead absent intrins factor, result inabl absorb 12. however, relat condit result decreas absorpt 12."} {"id": "15294", "contents": "pernicious. tend fatal issue. pernici anemia. form anemia human caus genet determin lack intrins factor, normal produc stomach mucosa. defici result inadequ abnorm format erythrocytes, failur absorb vitamin 12"} {"id": "15295", "contents": "term 'pernici anemia' sometim also incorrectli use indic megaloblast anemia due caus 12 deficiency, proper usag refer caus atroph gastritis, pariet cell loss, lack intrins factor only. pernici anemia present insidiously, mean slowli subtli caus harm. mani sign symptom due anemia itself, anemia present. untreat pernici anemia lead neurolog complications, seriou cases, death."} {"id": "15296", "contents": "one way pernici anemia develop loss gastric pariet cells, responsible, part, secret intrins factor, protein essenti subsequ absorpt vitamin 12 ileum. pernici anemia present insidiously, mean slowli subtli caus harm. mani sign symptom due anemia itself, anemia present. untreat pernici anemia lead neurolog complications, seriou cases, death."} {"id": "15297", "contents": "definition. pernici anemia diseas red blood cell abnorm formed, due inabl absorb vitamin 12. true pernici anemia refer specif disord atrophi pariet cell lead absent intrins factor, result inabl absorb 12. noted, true pernici anemia refer specif disord atrophi pariet cell lead absent intrins factor, result inabl absorb 12. however, relat condit result decreas absorpt 12."} {"id": "15298", "contents": "pernici anemia: low red blood cell count caus inadequ vitamin b12. abbrevi pa. patient pa produc intrins factor (if), substanc allow bodi absorb vitamin b12 foods. result inadequaci vitamin b12 hamper product red blood cells."} {"id": "15299", "contents": "synonym discuss pernicious. pernicious, baneful, noxious, deleterious, detriment mean exceedingli harmful. pernici impli irrepar harm done evil insidi corrupt undermining. bane impli injuri poison destroying. noxiou appli offens injuri health bodi mind. exampl pernicious. pernici still accept author' controversi idea gener public. pernici effect jealousy. think televis pernici influenc children."} {"id": "15300", "contents": "definit pernici anemia. sever megaloblast anemia mark progress decreas number red blood cell pallor, weakness, gastrointestin nervou disturb caus malabsorpt vitamin b12 due absenc intrins factor. see pernici anemia defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "15301", "contents": "overview. pernici anemia type anemia. term anemia usual refer condit blood lower normal number red blood cells. pernici anemia, bodi can't make enough healthi red blood cell enough vitamin b12."} {"id": "15302", "contents": "averag cost across countri profession instal system $8 $9 per watt, batteri ad addit 20 30 percent cost. handi do-it-yourselfer, save around $2 per watt, system may difficult certifi incentives."} {"id": "15303", "contents": "solar panels. solar panel usual account 30% total costs. residenti solar panel combin capac 3-8kw typic cost $4,000-$16,000. best solar panel necessarili expensive."} {"id": "15304", "contents": "feder tax credit cover 30% solar system cost, state addit local util rebat offset retail price. solar panel system expect use life 30+ years. average, top tier electr price increas 5% per year last 30 years."} {"id": "15305", "contents": "bulk price go solar \u201csoft costs\u201d (installation, permitting, etc.) rather solar panel cost. referenc latest us solar market insight report, averag instal cost residenti solar panel system $4.72/watt. however, price vari tremend region. \u201ccommon residenti system price rang less $3.00/w $7.00/w,\u201d solar energi industri associ writes."} {"id": "15306", "contents": "overal (average) solar panel cost (from recent updat figur 2013) rang $1750 $2500 per kw instal capac (averag solar panel cost per kw). figur includ purchas equip cost solar panel installation. simplist estim fit incom solar panel instal fit scheme $0.35c per kwh receiv averag 1650 kwh 0.35$/kwh approx. $580 per year per kw installed. i.e. 5kw home solar panel system gener 5x$580 $2900 per year."} {"id": "15307", "contents": "solar-pow home water heater cost $1,000-$3,500 (includ installation) extrem low monthli oper cost use climate, accord us depart energy. cost solar heat system vari widely."} {"id": "15308", "contents": "solar energi savings. averag household today pay nearli $170 month home energi costs. estim energi cost pegged. almost $200 per month, cost $2,400 entir year. it\u2019 import look long term pictur evalu amount save addit solar panel. system one\u2019 home bring."} {"id": "15309", "contents": "credit: cost solar. studi found averag solar homeown save $20,000 20 year go solar. three four popul state country, 20-year total actual $30,000. hawaii, it\u2019 $60,000! that\u2019 average. bulk price go solar \u201csoft costs\u201d (installation, permitting, etc.) rather solar panel cost. referenc latest us solar market insight report, averag instal cost residenti solar panel system $4.93/watt. however, price vari tremend region."} {"id": "15310", "contents": "example, total averag cost instal residenti pv system california solar initi $8.70 per watt (includ installation, januari 2011). translat $34,800 four-kilowatt system, averag size residenti installation. see real averag cost data solar project instal near you, visit find contractor page california solar statistics."} {"id": "15311", "contents": "biotin assist metabol carbohydrates, fat proteins. biotin, coenzyme, involv energi production. one agent convert food energi facilit metabol fat carbohydr glucose, break protein amino acids. biotin vitamin sometim refer vitamin vitamin b7. one eight vitamin vitamin b-complex. vitamins, general, help promot healthi nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver healthi mouth"} {"id": "15312", "contents": "sourc b7. biotin found small amount food. food contain biotin liver, cauliflower, salmon, carrots, bananas, soy flour, yeast, wheat germ, whole-grain cereals, whole wheat bread, eggs, dairi products, nuts, swiss chard chicken, said ross. biotin often use strengthen hair nails, also call vitamin (for hair). mani system benefit biotin includ skin, nerves, digest tract, metabol cells, said dr. sherri ross, ob/gyn women\u2019 health expert provid saint john\u2019 health center santa monica, california."} {"id": "15313", "contents": "vitamin b7, also call biotin, vital part healthi metabol creat import enzymes. biotin often use strengthen hair nails, also call vitamin (for hair). mani system benefit biotin includ skin, nerves, digest tract, metabol cells, said dr. sherri ross, ob/gyn women\u2019 health expert provid saint john\u2019 health center santa monica, california."} {"id": "15314", "contents": "overview. vitamin h, commonli known biotin, part complex group vitamins. vitamin help bodi convert food (carbohydrates) fuel (glucose), use produc energy. vitamins, often refer complex vitamins, also help bodi metabol fat protein. it\u2019 rare defici biotin. symptom includ hair loss, dri scali skin, crack corner mouth (call cheilitis), swollen pain tongu magenta color (glossitis), dri eyes, loss appetite, fatigue, insomnia, depression."} {"id": "15315", "contents": "biotin coenzym carboxylas enzymes, involv synthesi fatti acids, isoleucine, valine, gluconeogenesis. human health condit strong evid biotin' potenti benefit treatment biotin deficiency. biotin, also known vitamin coenzym r, water-solubl b-vitamin (vitamin b7). compos ureido (tetrahydroimidizalone) ring fuse tetrahydrothiophen ring. valer acid substitu attach one carbon atom"} {"id": "15316", "contents": "biotin type vitamin sever differ function within human body. biotin (vitamin 7) water-solubl vitamin. sometim known vitamin h. small amount needed, mani food contain vitamin. also, intestin flora (the microorgan live digest tract) produc it, recycl within human body. biotin essenti human health, defici caus wide varieti problems. peopl often use nail hair health, although recent interest biotin uses, high cholesterol."} {"id": "15317", "contents": "biotin use prevent treat biotin defici associ pregnancy, long-term tube feeding, malnutrition, rapid weight loss. also use oral hair loss, brittl nails, skin rash infant (seborrh dermatitis), diabetes, mild depression. mock, d. m. margin biotin defici teratogen mice perhap humans: review biotin defici human pregnanc effect biotin defici gene express enzym activ mous dam fetus. nutr.biochem."} {"id": "15318", "contents": "vitamin h, commonli known biotin, part complex group vitamins. vitamin help bodi convert food (carbohydrates) fuel (glucose), use produc energy. it\u2019 rare defici biotin. symptom includ hair loss, dri scali skin, crack corner mouth (call cheilitis), swollen pain tongu magenta color (glossitis), dri eyes, loss appetite, fatigue, insomnia, depression."} {"id": "15319", "contents": "biotin water-solubl vitamin classifi b-complex vitamin. requir organ synthes bacteria, yeasts, molds, algae, plant species. biotin, like vitamin help convert food (carbohydrates) energi (glucose). variou use biotin hair loss, hair thin even grow facial hair. import understand biotin stimul new hair growth. rather renew follicl root hair alreadi growing."} {"id": "15320", "contents": "immigr pattern 1930 domin great depression. final prosper year, 1929, 279,678 immigr recorded, 1933, 23,068 came u.s. earli 1930s, peopl emigr unit state it. american immigr histori view four epochs: coloni period, mid-19th century, start 20th century, post-1965. period brought distinct nation groups, race ethnic unit states."} {"id": "15321", "contents": "2011 censu report one four australia' 22 million peopl born overseas. decad 2013, migrant born new zealand (14.3 per cent), india (13.1 per cent), unit kingdom (12.7 per cent), china (11.4 per cent) philippin (4.4 per cent). accord australian bureau statist mid-2010 5,993,945 australian resid popul born outsid australia, repres 26.8 percent total australian resid population. 2050, estim approxim one-third australia' popul could"} {"id": "15322", "contents": "european countri look way close door unit state argu mani illeg immigr deport, canada recent lift target new perman resid 265,000 year 285,000. mr alexand fire agre admit 1,300 refuge syria 2014. insist canada take share given size population. 2,400 syrian refuge canada govern promis take addit 10,000 next three years."} {"id": "15323", "contents": "american immigr law made special provis refugees, result 250,000 victim hitler\u2019 persecut polit oppon jew admit unit state immigr 1930 earli 1940s. senat edward kennedi (d-mass.) assert 1965 amend would chang number characterist immigr arriv unit states. wrong. immigr shift mostli transatlant movement europ unit state latin american asian phenomenon. 1955 1964, 50 percent immigr europe, 20 percent latin america, percent asia"} {"id": "15324", "contents": "particip debat immigr earli twenty-first centuri call increas enforc exist law govern illeg immigr unit states, build barrier along 2,000-mile (3,200 km) u.s.-mexico border, creat new guest worker program. american immigr histori view four epochs: coloni period, mid-19th century, start 20th century, post-1965. period brought distinct nation groups, race ethnic unit states."} {"id": "15325", "contents": "immigration, process arriv anoth countri order stay, occur coloni unit australia declar commonwealth 1901. sinc 1945, million peopl come australia new settlers. accord australian bureau statist mid-2010 5,993,945 australian resid popul born outsid australia, repres 26.8 percent total australian resid population. 2050, estim approxim one-third australia' popul could born overseas."} {"id": "15326", "contents": "unit state admit legal immigr 1991 2000, ten eleven million, previou decade. recent decade, ten million legal immigr settl u.s. repres annual growth 0.3% u.s. popul grew 249 million 281 million. american immigr histori view four epochs: coloni period, mid-19th century, start 20th century, post-1965. period brought distinct nation groups, race ethnic unit states."} {"id": "15327", "contents": "1990s, immigr arriv unit state previou decade: 1990 2000, number foreign-born u.s. resid rose thirteen million total thirty-two million. senat edward kennedi (d-mass.) assert 1965 amend would chang number characterist immigr arriv unit states. wrong. immigr shift mostli transatlant movement europ unit state latin american asian phenomenon. 1955 1964, 50 percent immigr europe, 20 percent latin america, percent asia"} {"id": "15328", "contents": "equal immigr policies, act result new immigr non-european nations, chang ethnic make-up unit states. 1970, 60% immigr europe; decreas 15% 2000. american immigr histori view four epochs: coloni period, mid-19th century, start 20th century, post-1965. period brought distinct nation groups, race ethnic"} {"id": "15329", "contents": "astand tropic climate, wfor dri season winter.in savanna climat distinct dri season, winter. savanna get rain summer months. distinct dri season savanna, plant shrivel die. river stream dri up. wet-dri tropic climates(aw)savanna climateth savanna biom wet/dri climate. koeppen k\u00f6ppen climat group is. aw astand tropical, climat wfor dri season the.wint savanna climat distinct dry, season the. winter savanna get rain summer. month"} {"id": "15330", "contents": "climate. climat brutal african savanna. raini season dri season. rain 15-30 inch raini season dri season. raini season december-april dri season may-november. storm occur lightn storms."} {"id": "15331", "contents": "savanna savannah grassland ecosystem characteris tree suffici wide space canopi close. savanna ecoregion sever differ types: tropic subtrop savanna classifi tropic subtrop grassland shrubland tropic subtrop grasslands, savannas, shrubland biome."} {"id": "15332", "contents": "savanna enorm plain hill forests. differ name seper part globe equat tropics. savanna enorm plain moistur equat forest tropic deserts. biggest savanna africa. 40% it. season africa' savanna two: wet dry. equat dri season shorter 2-3 month near tropic longer 9-10 months, largest part savanna wet dri season long 5-6 months. wet season heavi rain pour down. dri season veget life grow fast."} {"id": "15333", "contents": "climat climat brutal african savanna. raini season dri season. rain 15-30 inch raini season dri season. raini season december-april dri season may-november. storm occur lightn storms."} {"id": "15334", "contents": "weather: import factor savanna climate. climat usual warm temperatur rang 68\u00b0 86\u00b0f (20 30\u00b0c). savanna exist area month wet summer season, month dri winter season. annual rainfal 10 30 inch (25 75 cm) per year."} {"id": "15335", "contents": "plant anim climat australian tropic savanna african savanna savanna roll grassland scatter shrub isol trees, found tropic rainforest desert biome. enough rain fall savanna support forests."} {"id": "15336", "contents": "grass savanna grow 2-3 meter forest thin. part tree scarce. enorm tree baobab leav fallen down. dri season strong evapor tree leav fall off, grass bush wither.t differ name seper part globe equat tropics. savanna enorm plain moistur equat forest tropic deserts. biggest savanna africa. 40% it."} {"id": "15337", "contents": "savanna climate. savanna biom wet/dri climate. koeppen k\u00f6ppen climat group is. aw astand tropical, climat wfor dri season the. winter savanna climat distinct dry, season the. winter wet-dri tropic climates(aw)savanna climateth savanna biom wet/dri climate. koeppen k\u00f6ppen climat group is. aw astand tropical, climat wfor dri season the.wint savanna climat distinct dry, season the. winter savanna get rain summer. month"} {"id": "15338", "contents": "import cell divides, need produc exact copi dna new cell inform need carri processes. 132 other found useful. nana mensah. edit."} {"id": "15339", "contents": "dna replication, process genet inform duplicated, occur order ensur cell organ complet correct copi organism' genome, librari genet data. dna replic occur two differ form cellular division. first mitosis, serv normal need growth, maintenance, repair within organism. mitosis, singl cell divid two, set genet information."} {"id": "15340", "contents": "replic occur simultan multipl place along dna strand. human dna long (with 80 million base pair chromosome) unzip multipl place along length replic process go simultan hundr place along length chain. cell divides, dna replic (duplicated.) two strand dna molecul complementari base pairs, nucleotid sequenc strand automat suppli inform need produc partner."} {"id": "15341", "contents": "process semiconserv strand origin double-strand dna molecul serv templat reproduct complementari strand. hence, process dna replic yield two ident dna molecul singl double-strand molecule."} {"id": "15342", "contents": "dna replic copi dna within nucleu cell two full copi present. occur cell divides. two copi cell\u2019 dna need present cell divid result two daughter cell one full copi cell' dna. replic complete, cell divides, form two ident daughter cells. process import replac damag dead cell well proper format gamet need fertility."} {"id": "15343", "contents": "molecul dna polymeras bind one strand dna begin move along 3' 5' direction, use templat assembl lead strand nucleotid reform doubl helix. eukaryotes, molecul call dna polymeras epsilon (\u03b5)."} {"id": "15344", "contents": "dna replic process copi dna cell. replic complete, cell divides, form two ident daughter cells. process import replac damag dead cell well proper format gamet need fertility. error dna replic lead diseases, includ cancer"} {"id": "15345", "contents": "yes, dna also divide. import characterist dna abil make sever copi it. process make copi dna strand nucleu cell call replication. cell divid two distribut copi dna divid cells. replic dna transfer inform necessari creat exact copi new cell. replic import gener copy. replic dna help form similar copi children, concept use forens lab investig case disput exist identif correct parent child."} {"id": "15346", "contents": "dna replic process produc two ident replica one origin dna molecule. biolog process occur live organ basi biolog inheritance. dna made two strand strand origin dna molecul serv templat product complementari strand, process refer semiconserv replication. cellular proofread error-check mechan ensur near perfect fidel dna replication."} {"id": "15347", "contents": "a. two basic type epinephrin receptor -- call alpha beta adrenerg receptor (adrenerg adrenaline). two type distinguish (primarily) rel affin epinephrin (adrenaline) norepinephrin (noradrenaline). exampl -- effect epinephrin (adrenaline) smooth muscle. smooth muscl relax, contract respons epinephrine. case, differ receptor 2nd messeng involved."} {"id": "15348", "contents": "epinephrin skin. effect epinephrin skin mainli caus bind alpha-adrenerg receptors, alpha-2-adrenerg receptor particular. restrict arteri caus bind epinephrin alpha-adrenerg receptors. cut blood suppli skin. epinephrine, along anoth hormon call glucagon, respons breakdown glycogen liver cells. glycogen form energi storag animals. epinephrin bind receptor outsid liver cell caus conform chang occur. chang mean protein bind."} {"id": "15349", "contents": "adrenerg receptors. adrenalin origin name call epinephrine. stimul adren medulla sympathet nervou system caus secret epinephrin (e) (80%) norepinephrin (ne)(20%) circulation. epinephrin hormone; norepinephrin hormon neurotransmitter."} {"id": "15350", "contents": "receptor blocker administered, epinephrin 2-receptor effect domin total peripher resist fall mean blood pressure--thi phenomenon term epinephrin reversal. cardiac effects. epinephrin exert effect effect heart activ 1-adrenerg receptors."} {"id": "15351", "contents": "alpha receptor subdivid alpha1 alpha2 receptors. epinephrin norepinephrin activ alpha1 alpha2 receptors. presynapt alpha2 receptor alpha2 receptor also exist presynapt associ nerv terminals. adrenerg receptor subserv respons sympathet nervou system divid two discret subtypes: alpha adrenerg receptor (alpha receptors) beta adrenerg receptor (beta receptors)."} {"id": "15352", "contents": "epinephrin import cell signal molecul fight flight response. also known adrenaline, epinephrin effici messeng signal mani cell type throughout bodi mani effects. lungs, epinephrin bind receptor smooth muscl cell wrap around bronchioles."} {"id": "15353", "contents": "epinephrin normal produc adren gland certain neurons. play import role fight-or-flight respons increas blood flow muscles, output heart, pupil dilation, blood sugar. epinephrin effect alpha beta receptors. found mani anim one cell organisms. jokichi takamin first isol epinephrin 1901. wholesal cost 0.10 0.95usd vial. epinephrine, also known adrenaline, medication, hormon neurotransmitter. medic use number condit including: anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, superfici bleeding. inhal epinephrin may use improv symptom croup"} {"id": "15354", "contents": "epinephrin (ep-uh-nef-rin, -reen) also known adrenaline. hormon secret adren glands. (1, 3). adrenalin, without e, origin use trademark product made american pharmaceut firm parke, davi co. epinephrine, along anoth hormon call glucagon, respons breakdown glycogen liver cells. glycogen form energi storag animals. epinephrin bind receptor outsid liver cell caus conform chang occur. chang mean protein bind."} {"id": "15355", "contents": "epinephrin heart. epinephrin bind beta-adrenerg receptor heart muscl cells. caus contract rate heart increase. ultim lead increas blood suppli tissu body. epinephrine, along anoth hormon call glucagon, respons breakdown glycogen liver cells. glycogen form energi storag animals. epinephrin bind receptor outsid liver cell caus conform chang occur. chang mean protein bind."} {"id": "15356", "contents": "mass flow movement dissolv ion water within soil profile, downward movement due rainfal appli irrig water, upward movement water evapor soil surface, downward/upward movement occur soil mass pores."} {"id": "15357", "contents": "notic product contain sulfur sulfat form, iron oxid form. sulfur acidifi soil go process becom sulfur acid while. end, bind someth alkalin yield sulfat compound."} {"id": "15358", "contents": "fine-textur soil may test low sulfate-sulfur; however, appli sulfur may result increas crop yields. also, organ matter content soil sulfur content irrig water must known."} {"id": "15359", "contents": "sulfur remov soil sever ways. uptak plant major pathway remov soil sulfur. leach second major pathway. sulfate-sulfur similar nitrate-nitrogen, neg charg held tightli clay particl (which also neg charged)."} {"id": "15360", "contents": "sulfur reaction soil. form sulfur taken plant sulfate-sulfur must constantli replenished. sulfur sourc must either sulfat form convert sulfat form use plants."} {"id": "15361", "contents": "soil dri out, abil soil move water upward soil surfac limit evapor rate. plant uptake: water move soil plant root plant result potenti differences, elsewhere."} {"id": "15362", "contents": "ammonium nitrogen tend result acidif soil ammonium taken up, plant root releas hydrogen ion soil solution. also, ammonium turn nitrat nitrification, hydrogen ion replac oxygen."} {"id": "15363", "contents": "plant absorb nitrat soil, quickli move leav presenc energi creat photosynthesi process, nitrat nitrogen convert amino acids. ammonium nitrogen absorb root convert root amino acids. occur ammonium actual toxic plant, order prevent ammonium caus problems, convert non-tox form immediately. case convert simpl"} {"id": "15364", "contents": "soil rock contain sulfat minerals. groundwat move these, sulfat dissolv water. miner contain sulfat sodium sulfat (glauber' salt), magnesium sulfat (epsom salt), calcium sulfat (gypsum)."} {"id": "15365", "contents": "nurs coordin may help establish care plan patient unit. nurs coordin may help hire train new staff member unit. nurs coordin respons make sure treatment procedur document properly. mani cases, nurs coordin job commun doctors, patients, love one patient regard plan patient care. person titl may help establish care plan patient unit depart revis necessary."} {"id": "15366", "contents": "clinic nurs coordinators, experi field usual mean bigger paychecks. worker first five year expect earn $64k, peopl around five 10 year earn notic bigger sum $68k. clinic nurs coordinators, 10 20 year experi job amount averag salari $72k."} {"id": "15367", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic manag care coordin unit state $61,977 50% peopl perform job manag care coordin unit state expect make less $61,977. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $61,977. salary."} {"id": "15368", "contents": "salary. 2012, health servic manag earn averag $98,460 year, accord bureau labor statistics. top 10 percent earner made least $150,560, bottom 10 percent earn less $53,940 annually. none figur account role. univers mari explain care coordin earn salari similar nurses. set rang $45,000 $95,000 year 2010. diploma guide, onlin career resource, set salari $66,000 2011."} {"id": "15369", "contents": "south made $27,000 $37,000, respectively, louisiana washington, d.c. patient care coordin earn $27,000 $38,000 per year, respectively, main new york, lowest highest salari northeast. midwest, made illinoi least nebraska south dakota $34,000 $24,000, respect"} {"id": "15370", "contents": "degreedirectory,org report patient care coordin expect make $24,128 $62,716 per year. wide rang pay due factor employer, experience, location, level educ job responsibilities. inde job site report averag 2014 salari patient care coordin posit $25,000 year, averag salari regist nurs care coordin $69,000."} {"id": "15371", "contents": "(unit states). clinic nurs coordin unit state 10 year experi profess repres half clinic nurs coordinators. salari averag around $69k annual spread $50k $92k per year. worker first five year expect earn $64k, peopl around five 10 year earn notic bigger sum $68k. clinic nurs coordinators, 10 20 year experi job amount averag salari $72k."} {"id": "15372", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic staff nurse-rn-long-term care unit state $64,936 50% peopl perform job staff nurse-rn-long-term care unit state expect make less $64,936. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $64,936."} {"id": "15373", "contents": "frequent refer charg nurse, nurs coordin ensur patient care applic standard work make sure patient care, staff members, visitor safe health care environment. mani cases, nurs coordin job commun doctors, patients, love one patient regard plan patient care. person titl may help establish care plan patient unit depart revis necessary."} {"id": "15374", "contents": "biochemistry, studi chemic process take place live organisms, broad field offer wide rang career options. biochemist studi body\u2019 immun respons germ allergen effect drug treat wide array afflictions. biochemist work commerci food agricultur field look way improv product crops."} {"id": "15375", "contents": "degre biochemistri relat scienc chemistri minimum requir work field. suffici posit technic assist industri academ settings. ph.d. (or equivalent) gener requir pursu direct independ research. typic biochemist studi chemic process chemic transform live organisms, biochemist studi dnas, protein cell parts."} {"id": "15376", "contents": "descript [edit]. typic biochemist studi chemic process chemic transform live organisms, biochemist studi dnas, protein cell parts. word biochemist portmanteau biolog chemist"} {"id": "15377", "contents": "biochemistri scienc chemistri appli studi live organ atom molecul compris live organisms. take closer look biochemistri scienc important. biochemistri studi chemistri live things. includ organ molecul chemic reactions."} {"id": "15378", "contents": "biochemist studi life cellular molecular level. pharmaceut industri reli heavili work biochemists. univers biochemistri professor often teach student use laboratori technology. field biochemistri broad, biochemist' work may vari day day. biochemistri job defin end point like cure diseas product help medication. cases, work design ongo continu build upon time."} {"id": "15379", "contents": "biochemistri studi chemic process live organisms, connect field molecular biolog biotechnology. biochemistri foundat job deal biolog materi functions, biochemist found varieti fields. includ medic biotechnolog research, pharmacology, genet research military."} {"id": "15380", "contents": "normal work team mani biochemists, often get work expert disciplin well. collabor comput scientists, chemists, engineers, physicist common. two type research biochemist do: basic research, appli research."} {"id": "15381", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. work biochemist focus cell chemic balanc differ molecular organisms, though job look like day-to-day basi hard nail field broad. biochemistri job defin end point like cure diseas product help medication. cases, work design ongo continu build upon time."} {"id": "15382", "contents": "biochemist biophysicist do. biochemist biophysicist studi chemic physic principl live thing biolog processes, cell development, growth, heredity. biochemist biophysicist need ph.d. work independ research develop positions. biochemist biophysicist need ph.d. work independ research develop positions. ph.d. holder begin career temporari postdoctor research"} {"id": "15383", "contents": "overview. biochemistry, studi chemic process take place live organisms, broad field offer wide rang career options. biochemist pursu stem cell genet research potenti result dramat medic scientif breakthroughs. biochemist studi body\u2019 immun respons germ allergen effect drug treat wide array afflictions. biochemist work commerci food agricultur field look way improv product crops."} {"id": "15384", "contents": "mani scientist doctor link ra mindbodi process, help clarifi possibl true natur mani autoimmun disorders, includ rheumatoid arthriti close relat conditions, like ankylos spondylitis, lupu gout."} {"id": "15385", "contents": "sinc seemingli patholog process seem illog caus reason, except psychosomat causation, theori psychogen ra come gather widespread recognit among expert field."} {"id": "15386", "contents": "result empir studi psychosomat aspect rheumatoid arthriti (ra) fibromyalgia syndrom (fms) present discuss set previou concept rheumatoid arthritis."} {"id": "15387", "contents": "psychosomat rheumatoid arthriti theory. ra autoimmun disease, clear condit enact within. may infecti process, environment contamin structur causat involv enact rheumatoid arthritis."} {"id": "15388", "contents": "psychosomat rheumatoid arthriti one theori use explain inflammatori joint diseas choos affect people, others."} {"id": "15389", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti (ra) caus prematur mortality, disabl compromis qualiti life industri develop world (1). rheumatoid arthriti system inflammatori diseas manifest multipl joint body."} {"id": "15390", "contents": "1992 studi found indirect non-med expenditur person ra $2269 per year ($2785 u.s. 2000 dollars) compar $824 ($1011 u.s. 2000 dollars) person osteoarthritis, $816 ($1002 u.s. 2000 dollars) per person without arthriti (47)."} {"id": "15391", "contents": "psychosomat rheumatoid arthriti problems. imposs cure psychogen disord use pure physic modalities. underli symptomat imper psychoemot nature; treatment must also act mind, rather body."} {"id": "15392", "contents": "[articl german]. rueger r\u00fcger, schuessler. sch\u00fcssler result empir studi psychosomat aspect (rheumatoid) arthriti ra (fibromyalgia) syndrom fm present discuss set previou concept about. rheumatoid arthriti"} {"id": "15393", "contents": "8pm day, poland request militari assist britain france. two day later, fulfil april 1939 pledg support countri event attack, britain franc declar war germany. world war ii begun."} {"id": "15394", "contents": "moreover, neither britain franc 1938 militarili prepar fight war nazi germany. german invas poland, septemb 1939 see map britain franc essenti acquiesc germany' rearmament (1935-1937), remilitar rhineland (1936), annex austria (march 1938)."} {"id": "15395", "contents": "sept. 1, 1939, nazi germani invad poland, act start world war ii. day before, nazi oper pose polish militari offic stage attack radio station silesian citi gleiwitz. germani use event pretext invas poland."} {"id": "15396", "contents": "1939: britain franc declar war germani britain franc war germani follow invas poland two day ago. 1939: britain franc declar war germany."} {"id": "15397", "contents": "german-soviet pact august 1939, state poland partit two powers, enabl germani attack poland without fear soviet intervention. septemb 1, 1939, germani invad poland. polish armi defeat within week invasion."} {"id": "15398", "contents": "sept. 1, 1939, nazi germani launch invas poland. two day later, polish alli britain franc declar war germany, mark start world war ii."} {"id": "15399", "contents": "main object lrp recruit retain highli qualifi health profession research careers. exchang commit conduct biomed behavior research, lrp repay $35,000 lrp awardee' qualifi educ debt year. dlr administ aspect nih extramur loan repay program (lrps) provid support applic payment activ nih intramur lrps."} {"id": "15400", "contents": "lrp inform center staff avail answer question regard eligibility, provid help lrp onlin applic system, provid gener inform lrps, monday friday, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. eastern time, exclud feder holidays. email: lrp@nih.gov. dlr administ aspect nih extramur loan repay program (lrps) provid support applic payment activ nih intramur lrps."} {"id": "15401", "contents": "nih loan repay program (lrps) set program establish congress design recruit retain highli qualifi health profession biomed biobehavior research careers. dr. erickson receiv b.a. econom 2000 amherst college; m.d. 2006 univers pennsylvania; m.s. health servic research 2012 stanford university."} {"id": "15402", "contents": "seconds, learn exactli type lrp file have, softwar program associ file, publish creat it, secur safeti status, varieti use information. open lrp file, need figur kind file lrp file extens refer to. tip: incorrect lrp file associ error symptom underli issu within window oper system."} {"id": "15403", "contents": "lrp1 gene encod 600 kda precursor protein process furin trans-golgi complex, result 515 kda alpha-chain 85 kda beta-chain associ non covalently. cholesterol import neuron apolipoprotein (apoe) via lrp1 receptor cell surface. thought causal factor alzheimer' malfunct process damag neuron starv cholesterol."} {"id": "15404", "contents": "low densiti lipoprotein receptor-rel protein (lrp1), also known alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor (a2mr), apolipoprotein receptor (apoer) cluster differenti 91 (cd91), protein form receptor found plasma membran cell involv receptor-medi endocytosis. cholesterol import neuron apolipoprotein (apoe) via lrp1 receptor cell surface. thought causal factor alzheimer' malfunct process damag neuron starv cholesterol."} {"id": "15405", "contents": "lrp deliv owner, limit registr properti tax notic state amount vehicl properti tax due also provid dealer licens plate agency. titl work done metal plate issu licens plate agency, sticker issu along limit registr properti tax notic state amount vehicl properti tax due."} {"id": "15406", "contents": "answer: lrp file uncommon file primarili associ linux router project package. lrp file also associ ibm work os/2 report, line rider unbound puzzl part (inxil entertainment) fileviewpro. addit type file may also use lrp file extension. open lrp file, need figur kind file lrp file extens refer to. tip: incorrect lrp file associ error symptom underli issu within window oper system."} {"id": "15407", "contents": "small religi group part larger accept religion belief regard mani peopl extrem dangerous. situat peopl admir care someth someon much much. small group devot support fans."} {"id": "15408", "contents": "noun. definit cult group peopl extrem dedic certain leader set belief often view odd others, excess misplac admir someon something, someth popular among certain segment society."} {"id": "15409", "contents": "question: definit cult?. answer: peopl hear word cult, often think group worship satan, sacrific animals, take part evil, bizarre, pagan rituals. however, reality, cult rare involv things."} {"id": "15410", "contents": "i-th origin word cult. english word cult come latin word cultus, form verb colere, mean worship give refer deity.. cultu gener word worship, regardless particular god question."} {"id": "15411", "contents": "full definit cult. 1. formal religi veneration: worship. 2. system religi belief ritual; also: bodi adherents. 3. religion regard unorthodox spurious; also: bodi adherents. 4."} {"id": "15412", "contents": "cult-a system religi belief rituals; devot cultu bless virgin. cultus, religi cult. faith, religion, religi belief-a strong belief supernatur power power control human destiny; lost faith morality."} {"id": "15413", "contents": "english word cult come latin word cultus, form verb colere, mean worship give refer deity.. cultu gener word worship, regardless particular god question."} {"id": "15414", "contents": "anxieti rate test results: 41 60: moderate. score indic anxieti level moder elev normal range: moder anxieti issues. peopl consist score rang consid issu anxieti (when anxieti consequ interfer normal lifestyle)."} {"id": "15415", "contents": "mild. easi someon els look anxieti tell mild compar theirs. best way get idea anxieti mild, moderate, sever take free anxieti test. test compar symptom other anxieti tell sever symptom may be. matter result say, suffer anxieti alway hard. matter mild sever anxieti is, alway struggle-otherwis realiz anxiety. import rememb anxieti hurt qualiti life, deserv treated."} {"id": "15416", "contents": "condit list medic symptoms: mild moder anxiety: follow list condit mild moder anxieti similar list symptom database. computer-gener list may inaccur incomplete. alway seek prompt profession medic advic caus symptom."} {"id": "15417", "contents": "serax dose anxiety. recommend serax dose mild-to-moder anxieti treatment serax 10 mg 15 mg three four time daily. sever anxieti anxieti associ depression, recommend dose serax 15 mg 30 mg three four time daily. suggest serax dosag sever anxieti anxieti associ depress 15 mg 30 mg, also taken three four time daily. dose serax (oxazepam) healthcar provid recommend vari depend number factors, including:"} {"id": "15418", "contents": "data support effect popular herbal remedi dietari supplements; products, particularli kava, potenti benefit seem greater harm short-term use patient mild moder anxiety. short-term use kava recommend patient mild moder anxieti disord use alcohol take medicin metabol liver, wish use \u201cnatural\u201d remedies."} {"id": "15419", "contents": "mild moder anxiety: anxieti feel apprehens fear. see detail inform list 13 caus mild moder anxiety, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes. review caus mild moder anxiety: caus symptom checker \u00bb. comorbid associ medic symptom mild moder anxieti may includ symptoms: anxiety. chronic anxiety. feel apprehension. generalis anxieti disorder."} {"id": "15420", "contents": "peopl mild-to-moder anxiety, recommend serax dose 10 mg 15 mg three four time daily. dose serax (oxazepam) healthcar provid recommend vari depend number factors, including: suggest serax dosag sever anxieti anxieti associ depress 15 mg 30 mg, also taken three four time daily. dose serax (oxazepam) healthcar provid recommend vari depend number factors, including:"} {"id": "15421", "contents": "considerations. take drug mild anxiety, ask doctor perform comprehens physic examination. medic condit creat symptom mimic anxiety, take medic reduc symptom may mask bigger problem. review medic take doctor. medic caus side effect imit mild anxiety, simpl dose adjust may elimin problem. medic mild anxieti becom part treatment plan, talk doctor ad anoth proven treatment--psychotherapy--to manag symptoms."} {"id": "15422", "contents": "much box judg paid per championship fight? judg make anywher $1,000 smaller fight $8,000 high-profil fight."} {"id": "15423", "contents": "much box refere make? averag profession box refere earn salari $77,000 per year, gener rang lie anywher $36,000 $124,000 annual basis."} {"id": "15424", "contents": "box sport done without use gloves. tradit boxing, refere enforc rule ring. salari depend upon expect revenu event may rang $200 $1,200 per event."} {"id": "15425", "contents": "salari structure. profession boxing, fight promot assign pay referees. pay rang $150 $25,000 per fight. well-known experienc refere work high-profil fight (fight championship boxer extrem popular boxers) typic earn pay higher range."} {"id": "15426", "contents": "box match happen weekli monthli referee\u2019 pay render services. actual pay box refere $500 $1000 simpl box match, part official\u2019 box championship high-profil match salari increased."} {"id": "15427", "contents": "judges, refere timekeep smaller shows, get $200, $250 smaller shows. now, bigger show mma, pay-per-view ufc caliber, ref would get $1,200 judg believ get $950 timekeep $600."} {"id": "15428", "contents": "us know floyd mayweath jr. highest-paid athlet world rake record purs junior middleweight unif showdown canelo alvarez saturday night mgm grand la vegas."} {"id": "15429", "contents": "floyd mayweath vs manni pacquiao refere earn $10,000 (\u00a36,800) may 2. refere fight la vega earn $10,000 (\u00a36,800). fight expect earn around $400m (\u00a3273m) revenue. kenni bayless toni week lead candid referee."} {"id": "15430", "contents": "testicular cancer (tc) common type cancer affect men age 15 35 year old--but strike male, time. testicular cancer almost alway curabl found early."} {"id": "15431", "contents": "age. testicular cancer occur age, common age 15 35 years. secondari peak incid age 60. seminoma common histolog older population, rare younger 10 years."} {"id": "15432", "contents": "unlik cancers, testicular cancer gener found young men.[ white men, testicular cancer common cancer age 20 year age 34 year second common age 35 year age 39 years."} {"id": "15433", "contents": "age. testicular cancer occur age common age 15 35 years. also secondari peak incid age 60. seminoma rare boy younger 10 year age common histolog type men older 60."} {"id": "15434", "contents": "testicular cancer common cancer men 15 35 year old. testicular cancer common white men black men. caus testicular cancer complet understood. follow condit increas risk development: undescend testicle."} {"id": "15435", "contents": "testicular cancer common cancer men 15-34 year age. two main type testicular tumor seminoma nonseminoma. nonseminoma tend grow spread quickli seminomas. common sign testicular cancer lump swell testicle."} {"id": "15436", "contents": "onyx overview. onyx type fragil marble, metamorph stone. onyx translucent, mean seen held light lit behind, extrem variabl color pattern."} {"id": "15437", "contents": "onyx. onyx type fragil marble, metamorph stone. onyx translucent, mean seen held light, extrem variabl colour pattern."} {"id": "15438", "contents": "onyx care. onyx type marbl treat accordingly. seal regular basi wet areas, clean stone cleaner mild detergent. possible, onyx squeege towel dri help prevent stain etch stone."} {"id": "15439", "contents": "onyx similar travertin way formed, result water dissolv exist limeston re-deposit new type stone known sinter. limeston caves, onyx form drip water, format stalagmit stalactites."} {"id": "15440", "contents": "main type stone use creat sink tub onyx, marble, granite, travertine, sandston soapstone. specialti stone river rock petrifi wood less common, welcom addit collection. here\u2019 littl inform beautiful, natur materials."} {"id": "15441", "contents": "onyx compact sedimentari rock type limeston form evapor cold water contain dissolv calcium, leav transluc varieti calcite, often form stalagmit stalactit insid caves. onyx extrem dens lack bend strength."} {"id": "15442", "contents": "word fiqh arab term mean deep understand full comprehension. technic refer bodi islam law extract detail islam sourc (which studi principl islam jurisprudence) process gain knowledg islam jurisprudence. modern standard arabic, fiqh come mean jurisprud general, islam secular. thu possibl speak chief justic john g. roberts, jr. expert common law fiqh unit states, abdel razzaq el sanhouri pasha expert civil law fiqh egypt."} {"id": "15443", "contents": "sharia sharia law (arabic: \u0634\u0631\u064a\u0639\u0629 (. [\u0283a\u02c8ri\u02d0\u0295a]), basic islam legal system deriv religi precept islam, particularli quran hadith. term sharia come arab languag term shar\u012b\u02bfah, mean bodi moral religi law deriv religi prophecy, oppos human legislation. countri recogn sharia; however, countri asia, africa europ recogn part sharia accept law divorce, inherit person affair islam population."} {"id": "15444", "contents": "... scienc sharia, sacr law islam.. ... term islam law use synonym (fiqh).. scientif studi elucid shari'a call fiqh.. fiqh: conceptually, human attempt understand divin law (shariah). wherea shariah immut infallible, fiqh fallibl changeable.. term fikh fiqh simpli mean islam law. however, endem much islam law, term suffer lack consist academ description. some, like j. schacht, term spell fikh state mean scienc islam law:"} {"id": "15445", "contents": "sometim refer muslim law even muhammadan law. islam law jurist make distinct sharia law fiqh conclud islam law includes, inter alia, sharia law first, given divin origin; fiqh second, bodi law interpret sharia. islam law probabl best known deterr punish basi islam crimin system, discrimin women."} {"id": "15446", "contents": "islam civilization, sinc time prophet muhammad (s) now, firmli found concept \u2018rule law.\u2019 reason, law publish known, citizen court expect uphold it. addition, muslim citizen must adher islam law-shariah. shariah islam law disciplin principl govern behavior muslim individu toward herself, family, neighbors, community, city, nation muslim politi whole, ummah."} {"id": "15447", "contents": "sharia (islam law). shari'a arab word mean \u201cpath\u201d \u201cway.\u201d today term use commonli mean \u201cislam law,\u201d detail system religi law develop muslim scholar first three centuri islam still forc among fundamentalist today."} {"id": "15448", "contents": "figur 1: spectrum judg action islam law sourc law. branch religi knowledg call fiqh, understanding, theoret foundat shari ah. usul al-fiqh, sourc law, defin principl method based. recogn primari sourc islam law the."} {"id": "15449", "contents": "islam jurisprud [fiqh]. islam jurisprud may defin process mean jurist deriv set guidelines, rule regul (the shari'ah) principl qur'an sunnah. a. knowledg rule shariah (islam law) extract legisl sources. example, faqih would know rule issu abortion; addition, would know rule extracted."} {"id": "15450", "contents": "fiqh deal observ rituals, moral social legisl islam. modern era four promin school (madh'hab) fiqh within sunni practic two (or three) within shi'a practice. modern standard arabic, fiqh come mean jurisprud general, islam secular. thu possibl speak chief justic john g. roberts, jr. expert common law fiqh unit states, abdel razzaq el sanhouri pasha expert civil law fiqh egypt."} {"id": "15451", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. basic part brain, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem. brain made differ type nerv cells. jelly-lik consist size melon. brain cell use electr chemic pass messag throughout brain spinal cord rest body."} {"id": "15452", "contents": "hindbrain made cerebellum, pon medulla. often midbrain, pons, medulla refer togeth brainstem. cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action. cerebr cortex divid four sections, call lobes: frontal lobe, pariet lobe, occipit lobe, tempor lobe. look good exampl here. brain stem made midbrain, pons, medulla. click word learn structur do: midbrain pon medulla. source(s): http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/kinser/s..."} {"id": "15453", "contents": "best answer: pictur hot link web page for: brain made three main parts: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain. forebrain consist cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamu (part limbic system). midbrain consist tectum tegmentum. look good exampl here. brain stem made midbrain, pons, medulla. click word learn structur do: midbrain pon medulla. source(s): http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/kinser/s..."} {"id": "15454", "contents": "basic part brain, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem. brain made differ type nerv cells. jelly-lik consisten cy size melon. brain cell use electr chemic pass messag throughout brain spinal cord rest body."} {"id": "15455", "contents": "salli robertson, bsc. central nervou system made two type tissue: grey matter white matter. grey matter mainli compos neuron cell bodi unmyelin axons. axon process extend neuron cell bodies, carri signal bodies. grey matter, axon mainli unmyelinated, mean cover whitish-colored, fatti protein call myelin. white matter, hand, mainli compos long-rang myelin axon (that transmit signal grey matter) neuron cell bodies. myelin form protect coat around axons, insul improv transmiss neuron signals."} {"id": "15456", "contents": "nervou system transmit inform rapidli mean nerv impuls conduct one bodi area another. nervou system made brain spinal cord, mani nerv body. two princip divis central nervou system peripher nervou system."} {"id": "15457", "contents": "gray area brain spinal cord made primarili cell bodi dendrit nerv cell rather myelin axons. white matter substanc tissu compos primarili myelinated, medullated, fibers. bodi nerv cell center gray matter."} {"id": "15458", "contents": "fact brain. physic attribut weight brain pounds. skin weigh twice much brain. brain made 75 percent water. brain consist 100 billion neurons. anywher 1,000 10,000 synaps neuron. pain receptor brain, brain feel pain. 100,000 mile blood vessel"} {"id": "15459", "contents": "white nervou tissue, constitut conduct portion brain spinal cord, compos mostli myelin nerv fibers. gray matter substanc term use describ tissu compos unmyelin fibers. white matter area nervou system compos mostli myelin nerv fiber (those myelin sheaths) constitut conduct portion brain spinal cord. tissu compos unmyelin fiber call gray matter."} {"id": "15460", "contents": "also blessedli easi make, requir noth tigernut water, though addit spice natur sweeten like jaggeri honey elev humbl tigernut milk someth posit ethereal. they\u2019r rich miner like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium phosphorus, well vitamin e. they\u2019r good sourc oleic acid (a monounsatur fat also found oliv oil, avocado pork fat), associ increas hdl (good) cholesterol levels."} {"id": "15461", "contents": "tigernut milk (call kunnu aya nigeria horchata de chufa spain) natur sweet, creami offer luxurious, rich nutti flavor. they\u2019r rich miner like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium phosphorus, well vitamin e. they\u2019r good sourc oleic acid (a monounsatur fat also found oliv oil, avocado pork fat), associ increas hdl (good) cholesterol levels."} {"id": "15462", "contents": "place tigernut pure back blender add anoth 1-2 cup water. pure coupl minutes. strain milk. combin first batch, keep separate. pure high smooth creami (2-4 minutes, depend blender). pour fine mesh strainer, nut bag, chees cloth, etc. separ milk pure tigernuts. place tigernut pure back blender add anoth 1-2 cup water."} {"id": "15463", "contents": "\u201chorchata\u201d veget milk extract directli tigernut. it\u2019 refresh drink, superb substitut tradit cow milk natur sweet taste."} {"id": "15464", "contents": "tri tigernut milk! believ raw milk boast uniqu health benefits, dairi isn\u2019t toler everyone. mani peopl reach nut seed milk altern dairi milk. recommend nut/se milk avail carton store. contain slew problemat ingredi including: inflammatori carrageenan. synthet vitamins. ingredients. cup tigernuts, avail here. cup filter water (thi water filter use remov chlorin fluoride). 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, optional. 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. tbs. mapl syrup, raw honey prefer sweetener, optional. pinch unrefin salt."} {"id": "15465", "contents": "make tiger nut milk [video]. tiger nut nutti milki taste. can't even imagin anyth tast like it. tast nice, nut jampack lot health benefits. eat snack, chew suck chaff spit chaff."} {"id": "15466", "contents": "instead, recommend make homemad nut seed milks, control ingredients. tigernut milk creami beverag sweet, toasti flavor tigernuts. it\u2019 delici chilled, also use tea coffee. also recommend use smoothi enjoy flavor. ingredients. cup tigernuts, avail here. cup filter water (thi water filter use remov chlorin fluoride). 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, optional. 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. tbs. mapl syrup, raw honey prefer sweetener, optional. pinch unrefin salt."} {"id": "15467", "contents": "drink drawn tigernuts, water sugar. tigernut small underground tuber knot shape come root juncia avellanada, call like shape similar hazelnut. tigernut requir loos sandi ground cultiv warm temperatures. town alboraya, valencia (spain) one place gather best condit cultivation. chill tigernut milk typic drink spain summer season. tigernut alreadi use old egypt sudan. arab popul began cultiv half middl ages. tiger nut milk fresh drink, comparison soft drink, healthy. contribut level cholesterol reduction."} {"id": "15468", "contents": "still love coconut milk (and almond cashew milk occasion), look someth different. tigernut milk delivers. slightli sweet, nutti flavor come milk delici mix smoothies, coffee, tea, plain. super easi make flavor huge varieti ways. tigernut milk sometim refer tigernut horchata. pure high smooth creami (2-4 minutes, depend blender). pour fine mesh strainer, nut bag, chees cloth, etc. separ milk pure tigernuts. place tigernut pure back blender add anoth 1-2 cup water. pure coupl minutes."} {"id": "15469", "contents": "right click printer icon select set default printer. print metro-styl app offic 2013 ie 10 desktop. want compat app printer, go devices, select link get recommend app window store. it\u2019 installed, you\u2019ll abl access util start screen. connect printer surface. i\u2019m connect canon mp495 wireless printer. easiest way get correct driver plug printer usb slot right side display. power printer. go desktop see window look correct driver instal"} {"id": "15470", "contents": "surfac arm processor run window rt support \u201cin-box printer drivers\u201d. lot printer lack arm hardwar platform driver. print document photo surfac tablet, first need window rt compat device. window rt compat dell/hp printer list. hp color laserjet printer mfp (100/m175 mfp, 200/m251, 200/m276 mfp, 300/m351, 400/m451, 400/m475 mfp, 500/m551, 500/m575 mfp)."} {"id": "15471", "contents": "[-] to. instal epson product window rt tablet? know i'm use 32-bit 64-bit edit window 8? print window rt? updat window system window update? connect printer window system. epson product compat window pro device? ... [-] to. access memori card usb flash drive epson product window rt? instal epson product window rt tablet? know i'm use 32-bit 64-bit edit window 8? print window rt? scan all-in-on use window rt? updat window system ..."} {"id": "15472", "contents": "step 4: look printer list devices. printer list, you\u2019r readi print something. printer list, tap click add devic select printer instal it. window doesn\u2019t find printer, see troubleshoot printing. step 1: go start, select set devices. step 2: look printer list devices. printer list, you\u2019r readi print something. printer list, select add device, select printer instal it."} {"id": "15473", "contents": "look printer list devices. printer list, you\u2019r readi print something. printer list, tap click add devic select printer instal it. window doesn\u2019t find printer, see troubleshoot printing. step 1: go start, select set devices. step 2: look printer list devices. printer list, you\u2019r readi print something. printer list, select add device, select printer instal it."} {"id": "15474", "contents": "window support printer without download printer driver. print app, open devic charm tap printer. print one offic home student 2013 rt preview app desktop internet explorer, find print command app press ctrl+p. inform see print help. *****note window rt compat printer certifi window rt. devic mark \u201ccertifi window rt logo\u201d work right box. instal drivers. current devic might work window rt. 2) surfac rt, add printer use advanc printer setup (window key, type advanc printer, click settings, click advanc printer setup. 3) even though window may find printer, click say printer want listed."} {"id": "15475", "contents": "mode treatment undertake? a. hydronephrosi hydrouret mean dilat (distension) part urinari tract call renal pelvi uret respect result obstruct tract stone case."} {"id": "15476", "contents": "hydronephrosi condit typic occur one kidney becom swollen due failur normal drainag urin kidney bladder. swell commonli affect one kidney, involved. hydronephrosi diseas structur condition."} {"id": "15477", "contents": "background. hydronephrosi hydrouret common clinic condit encount urologist also emerg medicin specialist primari care physicians. etiolog present hydronephrosi and/or hydrouret adult differ neonat children. anatom abnorm (includ urethr valv stricture, stenosi ureteroves ureteropelv junction) account major case children."} {"id": "15478", "contents": "hydronephrosi swell kidney urin flow obstruct part urinari tract. swell ureter, alway accompani hydronephrosis, call hydroureter. hydronephrosi impli uret renal pelvi (the connect uret kidney) overfil urine. hydronephrosi distent pelvi calyc one kidneys, result thin renal tubul obstruct urinari flow. obstruct stone kink one ureters, one kidney damaged."} {"id": "15479", "contents": "technically, hydronephrosi specif describ dilat swell kidney, term hydrouret use describ swell ureter. hydronephrosi may unilater involv one kidney bilater involv both. hydronephrosi describ situat urin collect system kidney dilated. may normal variant may due underli ill medic condition. normally, kidney filter wast product blood dispos urine."} {"id": "15480", "contents": "mild hydronephrosi hydrouret mean? a. hydronephrosi condit distens urinari collect system kidney due blockag free flow urin kidney. hydrouret distens uret muscular tube carri urin kidney bladder. depend sever distension, condit classifi mild, moder severe. sever caus condition-in elderli men, common caus prostat enlargement."} {"id": "15481", "contents": "hydronephrosi swell kidney due build-up urine. happen urin cannot drain kidney bladder blockag obstruction. hydronephrosi occur one kidneys. main function urinari tract remov wast fluid body. urinari tract four parts: kidneys, ureters, bladder urethra."} {"id": "15482", "contents": "hydronephrosi defin distent renal calyc pelvi urin result obstruct outflow urin distal renal pelvis. analogously, hydrouret defin dilat ureter. presenc hydronephrosi hydrouret physiolog pathologic. etiolog present hydronephrosi and/or hydrouret adult differ neonat children. anatom abnorm (includ urethr valv stricture, stenosi ureteroves ureteropelv junction) account major case children."} {"id": "15483", "contents": "hydronephrosi liter water insid kidney refer distens dilat renal pelvi calyces, usual caus obstruct free flow urin kidney. untreated, lead progress atrophi kidney. obstruct may either partial complet occur anywher urethr meatu calyc renal pelvis. hydronephrosi also result revers flow urin bladder back kidneys."} {"id": "15484", "contents": "megauret medic anomali wherebi uret abnorm dilated. congenit megauret uncommon condit common males, may bilateral, often associ congenit anomalies. caus thought aperistalsi distal ureter, lead dilatation."} {"id": "15485", "contents": "dose tagamet gastric ulcers. recommend tagamet dose gastric ulcer (stomach ulcers) either tagamet 800 mg bedtim tagamet 300 mg four time daili (with meal bedtime). however, healthcar provid may recommend lower dose (tagamet 400 mg bedtime) higher dose (tagamet 1600 mg bedtime). option dosag tagamet 300 mg four time daili (with meal bedtime) tagamet 400 mg twice daily."} {"id": "15486", "contents": "children 40 kg may receiv adult doses. weight, oral dosag ranitidin mg/kg 12 cimetidin 10 mg/kg 12 h. gerd, blocker mostli use pain management. gastriti heal famotidin ranitidin given bid 12 wk. durat action proport dose rang 20 h. dose often reduc elderli patients. duoden ulcers, daili oral administr cimetidin 800 mg, ranitidin 300 mg, famotidin 40 mg, nizatidin 300 mg given bedtim dinner wk effective."} {"id": "15487", "contents": "typic dose tagamet treat gastric ulcer either 800 mg bedtim 300 mg four time daili (with meal bedtime). however, healthcar provid may recommend lower dose (tagamet 400 mg bedtime) higher dose (tagamet 1600 mg bedtime). option dosag tagamet 300 mg four time daili (with meal bedtime) tagamet 400 mg twice daily."} {"id": "15488", "contents": "cimetidin (tagamet) dosage. cimetidin come tablet liquid take mouth. dose depend medic condition; whether use prescript otc form; respons treatment. medicin typic taken day bedtime. miss dose cimetidine. miss dose cimetidine, take soon remember. however, almost time next dose, skip miss dose continu regular schedule."} {"id": "15489", "contents": "tagamet (cimetidine) indic in: (1) short-term treatment activ duoden ulcer. patient heal within week rare reason use tagamet (cimetidine) full dosag longer week (see dosag administration-duoden ulcer). concomit antacid given need relief pain. (2) mainten therapi duoden ulcer patient reduc dosag heal activ ulcer. patient maintain continu treatment tagamet (cimetidine) 400 mg h.s. period years. (3) short-term treatment activ benign gastric ulcer."} {"id": "15490", "contents": "cimetidin use treatment and/or prophylaxi gastric, abomas duoden ulcers, urem gastritis, stress-rel drug-induc eros gastritis, esophagitis, duoden gastric reflux esophag reflux. 5-10 mg/kg po q6h (do give antacids)2. mg/kg po qidfor prevent drug-induc gastric erosion/ulceration: 1. mg/kg po, sc, tidfor chronic gastritis: 1. 5-10 mg/kg po, im iv tid-qid ulcer disease:1. 5-10 mg/kg po, im iv tid-qid2. 4-5 mg/kg po, iv, sc tid-qid3."} {"id": "15491", "contents": "tagamet dosag duoden ulcers. recommend tagamet dose duoden ulcer (upper intestin ulcers) tagamet 800 mg bedtime. however, healthcar provid may recommend lower dose (tagamet 400 mg bedtime) higher dose (tagamet 1600 mg bedtime). option dosag tagamet 300 mg four time daili (with meal bedtime) tagamet 400 mg twice daily."} {"id": "15492", "contents": "cimetidin tablets. veterinari medicine, cimetidin use treatment and/or prophylaxi gastric, abomas duoden ulcers, urem gastritis, stress-rel drug-induc eros gastritis, esophagitis, duoden gastric reflux esophag reflux. master pharmaceutical. veterinari medicine, cimetidin use treatment and/or prophylaxi gastric, abomas duoden ulcers, urem gastritis, stress-rel drug-induc eros gastritis, esophagitis, duoden gastric reflux esophag reflux."} {"id": "15493", "contents": "reviews. reviews. cimetidin gener form brand name drug tagamet, use treat prevent symptom heartburn. medic commonli taken peopl gastroesophag reflux diseas (gerd) zollinger-ellison syndrome. cimetidin sometim use treat stress ulcers, hives, itching. miss dose cimetidine. miss dose cimetidine, take soon remember. however, almost time next dose, skip miss dose continu regular schedule."} {"id": "15494", "contents": "commerci wash machin larg enough king size quilt. home machin allow water reach area quilt sinc large. much cheaper go commerci laundri twice year."} {"id": "15495", "contents": "wash king-siz comfort home rel easi process. depend fabric condit item, there' need spend consider amount money dri clean comforter. there' method everi condition. save."} {"id": "15496", "contents": "wash king size comfort top load washer could damag comfort and/or washer. hope helpful. may assist detail becom available, pleas repli post. know top load washer could handl king size comfort safely. front load washer would favor washer use king size comforters. even front load washer could becom unbalanc due king size comfort caus washer shake vibrat violently."} {"id": "15497", "contents": "wash machin capacity. gener rule thumb front-load washer tub hold least 3.7 cubic feet greater safe handl wash king-siz comforter. put anyth els washer wash comforter, stand chanc come clean. newer model upward 3.7 cubic feet area available, take king-siz comfort local laundromat wash it. wash comforter, need machin capabl fit 11 14 pound bed insid easily."} {"id": "15498", "contents": "modern front-load washer take hassl wash king-siz comforter. newer model upward 3.7 cubic feet area available, take king-siz comfort local laundromat wash it. wash comforter, need machin capabl fit 11 14 pound bed insid easily."} {"id": "15499", "contents": "thank question understand concern. kenmor washer model 110.26002* rate 3.6 cu. ft. know top load washer could handl king size comfort safely. front load washer would favor washer use king size comforters. even front load washer could becom unbalanc due king size comfort caus washer shake vibrat violently."} {"id": "15500", "contents": "report abuse. would attempt wash king size comfort home wash machine. would go laundromat use one big machin design items. better yet, dri cleaned. stay new look longer. want larg washer dryer accommod king size comforter. check local do-it-yourself laundri area. usual tripl load washers, dryers. problem clean there. laundri clean small fee."} {"id": "15501", "contents": "post 2. wash king-siz comfort mine, mattress pad. rule thumb front-load enough room top place fist item(s) top drum. depend size drum hold enough room item want wash. bigger size washer purchas one before. front loaders. new one room old one. wash queen/k comfort mine."} {"id": "15502", "contents": "king-siz comfort instruct allow machin wash, may need take laundromat. there, abl use large-capac wash machin ensur effect wash. think machin home larg enough, check owner' manual certain."} {"id": "15503", "contents": "504 gateway timeout error http statu code mean one server receiv time respons anoth server access attempt load web page fill anoth request browser. time, mean server work properly."} {"id": "15504", "contents": "hotmail, gmail, yahoo!, web-bas servic usual ask time zone sign up. ignor that, get wrong, move differ time zone, you\u2019ll need chang set order time stamp email correct. however, depend mail service, may need make sure someth els set correctli well. \u201cone hour off\u201d actual clue time zone set incorrectly. and, course, get adjust depend program servic you\u2019r using."} {"id": "15505", "contents": "timeout result noth happen follow server request. ryan mcvay/photodisc/getti images. server connect timeout mean server take long repli data request made anoth device. timeout repli message: show repli server request fulfil predetermin length time."} {"id": "15506", "contents": "greenwich mean time (gmt) offset coordin univers time (utc) time zone standard time zone use in: europe, africa, north america, antarctica. email sent someon greenwich mean time (gmt) time zone time zone list +0000 header email. (however, +0000 greenwich mean time, time zone could utc offset)"} {"id": "15507", "contents": "votes: (email client) attempt connect email server. time, get response, time out. either caus incorrect settings, bad user id/password, bad internet connection, issu email server. 2011-09-23 12:52:09."} {"id": "15508", "contents": "server-time-out usual mean send receiv mail server busi differ timeout one of. gave-up still trying, result connect termin unexpectedly. possibl exceed time quantiti email sent, isp limit user' access mail server time quantiti email sent per login, busy, firewall, etc."} {"id": "15509", "contents": "old email sent sometime, arriv another. meantime, pass coupl mail servers. time again, server found time note time date, too, email' paper trail headers. look header lines, find email sent, delay mayb long. read interpret date time found email header lines: look date time line begin date: received: note line continu next line screen indentation."} {"id": "15510", "contents": "email time zone indicator: +0000. email sent someon greenwich mean time (gmt) time zone time zone list +0000 header email. (however, +0000 greenwich mean time, time zone could utc offset)"} {"id": "15511", "contents": "4. plant sumac seed directli outsid autumn. select spot sun partial sun well-drain soil. plant seed depth 1/3 3/4 inches, inch apart. water well planting."} {"id": "15512", "contents": "germin seeds. germin staghorn sumac seed place warm room away direct sunlight. regularli mist soil pot spray bottl keep moist. germination, remov plastic wrap posit pot sunni window seedl grow."} {"id": "15513", "contents": "soak seed hot water. place sumac seed cup. pour enough water pot measur roughli five time volum seeds. heat water stove reach 200 degre fahrenheit. pour heat water"} {"id": "15514", "contents": "place refriger 30 day temperatur 41 degre fahrenheit. plant sumac seed directli outsid autumn. select spot sun partial sun well-drain soil. plant seed depth 1/3 3/4 inches, inch apart. water well planting."} {"id": "15515", "contents": "sow seeds. staghorn sumac seed readi sow cold treatment. fill pot moist seed-start mix 1/2 inch top. tamp soil evenli spread seed soil. sprinkl 1/8-inch layer seed-start mix seeds."} {"id": "15516", "contents": "plant staghorn sumac seed spring threat frost passed. plant seed 1/2-inch deep. plant neighbour seed inch apart. sinc staghorn sumac low germin rates, plant entir suppli seed, 100 seed per squar foot seed bed."} {"id": "15517", "contents": "beta-glucan like safe adult taken mouth amount commonli found foods. beta-glucan possibl safe taken mouth, use intraven (bi iv), inject muscle, appli skin medicin amount short time period. beta glucan also use cold (common cold), flu (influenza), h1n1 (swine) flu, allergies, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma, ear infections, aging, ulcer coliti crohn' disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multipl sclerosis."} {"id": "15518", "contents": "supplement maker sometim claim fiber beta-glucan supplement help feel fuller. might help eat less, could make lose weight. but, enough evid show beta-glucan caus weight loss. optim dose beta-glucan set. beta-glucan studi peopl certain type cancer. example, one studi show combin type beta-glucan call lentinan chemotherapi help peopl gastric cancer live longer."} {"id": "15519", "contents": "beta-glucan solubl fiber deriv cell wall algae, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, plants. commonli use cholesterol-low effects. beta-glucan also use treat diabet weight loss. concentr yeast-deriv beta-glucan easili incorpor food product grain beta-glucans, found cereal grain oat barley. beta-glucan also use cholesterol-low effect glycem (blood sugar) control. 1997, u.s. food drug administr (fda) pass rule allow oat bran regist first cholesterol-reduc food amount gram beta-glucan daily."} {"id": "15520", "contents": "beta glucan one form solubl dietari fiber that\u2019 strongli link improv cholesterol help boost heart health. like mani fibers, it\u2019 avail supplement form, also found whole grains, oats, bran, wheat, barley. baker\u2019 yeast type fungi, maitak reishi mushrooms, contain beta glucan well. dietari fiber come plant-bas food eat. solid evid beta glucan boost heart health. u.s. food drug administr (fda) approv heart-healthi label food high amount beta glucan base evidence."} {"id": "15521", "contents": "cancer. evid give specif kind beta-glucan intraven (iv) shot muscl extend life peopl advanc cancer. however, beta-glucan treatment given least one year. beta glucan also use cold (common cold), flu (influenza), h1n1 (swine) flu, allergies, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma, ear infections, aging, ulcer coliti crohn' disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multipl sclerosis."} {"id": "15522", "contents": "use beta-glucan rel new practice. practition use beta-glucan immunostimul adjunct cancer treatment. beta-glucan also use cholesterol-low effect glycem (blood sugar) control. 1997, u.s. food drug administr (fda) pass rule allow oat bran regist first cholesterol-reduc food amount gram beta-glucan daily."} {"id": "15523", "contents": "hipet supplement herbal treatment dog herbal treatment cat work fast, see differ weeks. year already, organ farmer use mushroom beta glucan feed supplement livestock, chicken fish. life enhanc supplement made pure, organ ingredi avail dog cat, too. 3-in-1 mushroom beta glucan supplement formul back 25 year research."} {"id": "15524", "contents": "recommend relat vitamin supplements. astaxanthin. astaxanthin carotenoid, chemic found natur certain plant animals. type alga make astaxanthin. alga use sourc astaxanthin supplements. beta-glucan studi peopl certain type cancer. example, one studi show combin type beta-glucan call lentinan chemotherapi help peopl gastric cancer live longer."} {"id": "15525", "contents": "beta glucan use high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, hiv/aids. beta glucan also use boost immun system peopl whose bodi defens weaken condit chronic fatigu syndrome, physic emot stress; treatment radiat chemotherapy. beta glucan also use cold (common cold), flu (influenza), h1n1 (swine) flu, allergies, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma, ear infections, aging, ulcer coliti crohn' disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multipl sclerosis."} {"id": "15526", "contents": "however, seem affect hdl (good) cholesterol triglycerides. beta-glucan studi peopl certain type cancer. example, one studi show combin type beta-glucan call lentinan chemotherapi help peopl gastric cancer live longer."} {"id": "15527", "contents": "beta decay form radioact decay nucleu atom undergo chang caus emit beta particle. type radioact decay alpha decay gamma decay. beta minu decay, excess neutron becom proton, nucleu emit electron antineutrino. electron beta particle, antineutrino particl unusu properties."} {"id": "15528", "contents": "beta decay definition: beta decay refer spontan radioact decay beta particl produced. two type beta decay beta particl either electron positron. decay occur electron beta particle. atom decay neutron nucleu convert proton reaction. a+1 antineutrino. parent atom, daughter atom, atom mass x, atom number x."} {"id": "15529", "contents": "electron captur sometim includ type beta decay, basic nuclear process, mediat weak force, same. electron capture, inner atom electron captur proton nucleus, transform neutron, electron neutrino released. fermi transit beta decay spin emit electron (positron) anti-neutrino (neutrino) coupl total spin, lead angular momentum chang initi final state nucleu (assum allow transition)."} {"id": "15530", "contents": "nuclear physics, beta decay (\u03b2 -decay) type radioact decay proton transform neutron, vice versa, insid atom nucleus. process allow atom move closer optim ratio proton neutrons. fermi transit beta decay spin emit electron (positron) anti-neutrino (neutrino) coupl total spin, lead angular momentum chang initi final state nucleu (assum allow transition)."} {"id": "15531", "contents": "beta decay. beta decay one process unstabl atom use becom stable. two type beta decay, beta-minu beta-plus. beta-minu decay, neutron atom' nucleu turn proton, electron antineutrino. electron antineutrino fli away nucleus, one proton start with. sinc atom gain proton beta-minu decay, chang one element another. beta-plu decay, proton atom' nucleu turn neutron, positron neutrino. positron neutrino fli away nucleus, one less proton start with. sinc atom lose proton beta-pl"} {"id": "15532", "contents": "confid vote 77.8k. beta decay type radioact decay. come two flavor types, beta plu decay beta minu decay. weak interact (or weak force, weak nuclear force) mediat type decay, allow chang nucleu atom. let' look two types. beta minu decay, neutron atom' nucleu convert proton. happen one quark make neutron convert quark."} {"id": "15533", "contents": "definit beta decay. radioact nuclear transform govern weak forc nucleon (a neutron) chang nucleon (a proton) type emiss either electron antineutrino positron neutrino. advertisement."} {"id": "15534", "contents": "beta decays. beta particl electron positron (electron posit electr charge, antielectrons). beta decay occur when, nucleu mani proton mani neutrons, one proton neutron transform other. best knowledge, isol proton, hydrogen nucleu without electron, decay. howev within nucleus, beta decay process chang proton neutron. isol neutron unstabl decay half-lif 10.5 minutes."} {"id": "15535", "contents": "beta energi spectrum. process beta decay, either electron positron emitted. either neutrino antineutrino emit well, spectrum energi electron positron, depend upon fraction reaction energi carri massiv particle."} {"id": "15536", "contents": "gamete. gamet organism' reproduct cells. also refer sex cells. femal gamet call ova egg cells, male gamet call sperm. gamet haploid cells, cell carri one copi chromosome. reproduct cell produc type cell divis call meiosi"} {"id": "15537", "contents": "gamet reproduct cell haploid number chromosomes, especi matur sperm egg capabl fuse gamet opposit sex produc fertil egg."} {"id": "15538", "contents": "gamet reproduct cell haploid number chromosomes, especi matur sperm egg capabl fuse gamet opposit sex produc ertil egg. peopl found useful. gamet form gonads, also hormon functions. gamet matur haploid male femal germ cell abl unit anoth pposit sex sexual reproduct form zygote."} {"id": "15539", "contents": "gamet produc type cell divis call meiosis. haploid, mean contain one set chromosomes. haploid male femal gamet unit process call fertilization, form call zygote. zygot diploid contain two set chromosomes."} {"id": "15540", "contents": "dissimilar [edit]. contrast gamete, diploid somat cell individu contain one copi chromosom set sperm one copi chromosom set egg cell; is, cell offspr gene express characterist father mother. speci produc two morpholog distinct type gametes, individu produc one type, femal individu produc larger type gamete\u2014cal ovum (or egg)\u2014and male produc smaller tadpole-lik type\u2014cal sperm."} {"id": "15541", "contents": "gamete. gamet reproduct cell sperm egg cell. sperm egg come togeth fertilize, zygot formed. sperm move; egg not. gametes, sperm egg contain one set (haploid) total number chromosom necessari fertil allow zygot grow maturity. zygot contain chromosom necessary. diploid --have set chromosomes."} {"id": "15542", "contents": "definition: gamet reproduct cell (sex cells) unit sexual reproduct form new cell call zygote. male gamet sperm femal gamet ova (eggs). seed bear plants, ollen male sperm produc gametophyte. femal gamet contain within plant ovary. haploid, mean contain one set chromosomes. haploid male femal gamet unit process call fertilization, form call zygote. zygot diploid contain two set"} {"id": "15543", "contents": "best answer: girl' name zoe \\zoe\\ pronounc zoh-ee, zoh. greek origin, mean life zoe phos, eo lucifer. garden eden sing harp-play prostitute. genesi eve zoe greek."} {"id": "15544", "contents": "origin mean zoe. 4-5 5. mean zoe life origin greek name mostli use girl name. last year rank 31st u.s. social secur administr list popular babi girl names."} {"id": "15545", "contents": "greek meaning: name zoe greek babi name. greek mean name zoe is: life; alive. american meaning: name zoe american babi name. american mean name zoe is: life; alive. soulurg number: 11."} {"id": "15546", "contents": "mean histori name zoe edit. zoe greek life mean intellectu spiritu life rather animal/pl life, call bio (the root word biology)."} {"id": "15547", "contents": "zoe /zoe/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc zoh-ee, zoh. greek origin, mean zoe life. zooey variant jd salinger' novel franni zooey, although charact zooey young man name zachery. popular greece. actress zoe caldwell, zooey deschanel."} {"id": "15548", "contents": "zoe greek word name mean life.. often spell zoe, zo\u00eb umlaut 'the' emphas second the. syllabl zoe first came use given name among hellenistic, jew took translat of. eve 4-5 5. mean zoe life origin greek name mostli use girl name. last year rank 31st u.s. social secur administr list popular babi girl names."} {"id": "15549", "contents": "look zoe wiktionary, free dictionary. zoe (and variants) femal first name, origin greek word life (\u03b6\u03c9\u03ae). calqu biblic hava even (\u05d7\u05b7\u05d5\u05b8\u05bc\u05d4), deriv hebrew word life. japanes culture, also famili name"} {"id": "15550", "contents": "origin mean zoe. 5. mean zoe life origin greek name mostli use girl name. last year rank 31st u.s. social secur administr list popular babi girl names. 4-"} {"id": "15551", "contents": "pronounc english ow-iy \u2020. zoe origin old greek language. use larg english, german, greek, polish. deriv liter word zoe mean 'life'. name adopt greek speaker form eve, due similar meaning. appear place eve version bibl translat alexandrian jews."} {"id": "15552", "contents": "word look cervical, cervic collar sprain neck, cervic roll (a neck pillow). also, c1, c2, etc. cervic 1, etc., name upper spinal discs. nuchal refer nape neck. peopl found useful. peakay tea. medic terminology, apex refer uppermost point, point end. lungs, apex top, heart bottom, tongu would po int end one stick out. person"} {"id": "15553", "contents": "traumat auricular hematoma, cauliflow ear condit injuri extern part ear (traumatic), kind boxer would get fig ht, caus swell extern part ear resembl cauliflower."} {"id": "15554", "contents": "flow fluid part body, nose vag... drain: devic remov fluid caviti wound. drain typic tube ... ear: hear organ. three section ear, accord anatomi tex... ear drum: see: eardrum. follow health medic definit term appear ear tube article. anatomy: studi human anim form, observ examin live be... anesthesia: loss feel awareness, anesthet administ sur..."} {"id": "15555", "contents": "middl ear: part ear consist eardrum (tympan membrane) and, beyond... myringotomy: surgic place tini incis eardrum. fluid behind eardru... nasal: nose. neck: part bodi join head shoulders. follow health medic definit term appear ear tube article. anatomy: studi human anim form, observ examin live be... anesthesia: loss feel awareness, anesthet administ sur..."} {"id": "15556", "contents": "otic. pertain ear; aural. otic capsule. cartilagin envelop surround nervou element embryo' inner ear, subsequ ossifies. otic cup. invagin otic placode, destin form otic vesicl ultim inner ear."} {"id": "15557", "contents": "inner ear: highli complex structur whose essenti compon hear membran labyrinth, fiber auditori nerv connect ear brain."} {"id": "15558", "contents": "term. ossicles. definition. bone middl ear carri sound vibrations. ossicl compos malleus(hammer), incus(anvil)and stapes(stirrup). stape connect oval window, transmit sound vibrat cochlea inner ear. term"} {"id": "15559", "contents": "ossicles. bone middl ear carri sound vibrations. compos malleus, incus, stapes. stape connect oval window, transmit sound vibrat cochlea inner ear. menier disease. chronic diseas inner ear character sensat spin motion, ring ear (tinnitus), aural fullness, fluctuat hear loss; symptom relat chang volum composit fluid within labyrinth."} {"id": "15560", "contents": "take care avoid five signific retir penalties: ira earli withdraw penalty. withdraw money ira age 59\u00bd, gener pay 10 percent earli withdraw penalti addit incom tax amount withdrawn. so, withdraw $5,000 ira age 40, you\u2019ll need pay $500 tax penalty. \u201cyou withdraw without penalti it\u2019 money contribut yourself.\u201d. [read: 11 way avoid ira earli withdraw penalti .]. 401(k) earli withdraw penalty. age earli withdraw penalti end 401(k) particip also age 59\u00bd."} {"id": "15561", "contents": "conclud rant.). stress pay 10% earli withdraw penalty, don\u2019t freak yet. ir believ allow method withdraw fund 401k without penalty. make sure follow rule claim prize. note hand\u2026. alway option take 401k loan (if plan allow it). take money year incur medic bills. 7.5% rule. take 7.5% agi (adjust gross income) that\u2019 extent unreimburs medic bill you\u2019ll allow claim penalti free 401k."} {"id": "15562", "contents": "perman disabl withdraw 401k earli get money need. you\u2019ll provid disabl letter 401k custodian hit 10% penalty. read 401k hardship withdraw rule anoth post. there\u2019 way get around that. roth ira, however; pull contribut time. earn age (59 1/2) five year test meet access fund penalti free. there\u2019 issu compound inter"} {"id": "15563", "contents": "govern can\u2019t put prison health insurance. penalti insur fine: percent incom $95, whichev higher (the amount rise 2015 $325 percent income). don\u2019t incom all, you\u2019r exempt mandat coverage. (for people, percent.) penalti increas subsequ years. 2015, penalti $325 percent income, 2016, $695 2.5 percent income, whichev higher. coverag part year, you\u2019ll owe prorat penalty."} {"id": "15564", "contents": "though may take money 401(k) use payment, expect pay 10 percent penalty. however, take money ira, penalty-free. penalty-fre withdraw limit first-tim either. homebuy must own home previou two years, though. take one penalty-fre withdraw buy home, $10,000 limit. example, say rothstein, two $5,000 withdrawals, $10,000 lifetim limit.. take money 401(k) payment trickier. properli chastised, need take withdrawal, hardship situat qualifi penalti exempt ira 401(k) plan. note penalty-fre mean tax-free. tradit ira 401(k) withdraw requir pay tax ordinari incom rates."} {"id": "15565", "contents": "anoth thing, method share allow avoid 10% penalty, not\u2026.i repeat\u2026..do prevent pay tax. taken care of, let\u2019 see withdraw fund 401k penalti free\u2026. take money year incur medic bills. 7.5% rule. take 7.5% agi (adjust gross income) that\u2019 extent unreimburs medic bill you\u2019ll allow claim penalti free 401k."} {"id": "15566", "contents": "take money roth ira anytim want. however, need care much withdraw may get stuck penalty. order make qualifi distribut retirement, must least 59\u00bd year old, least five year must pass sinc first began contributing. well, ir view withdraw roth ira follow order: contributions, money convert tradit ira finally, invest earnings. example, let' say ira $100,000 it, $50,000 contribut $50,000"} {"id": "15567", "contents": "penalty-fre withdraw taken ira unemploy money use pay health insur premiums. caveat must unemploy 12 weeks. properli chastised, need take withdrawal, hardship situat qualifi penalti exempt ira 401(k) plan. note penalty-fre mean tax-free. tradit ira 401(k) withdraw requir pay tax ordinari incom rates."} {"id": "15568", "contents": "hospit took blood test hepat came back within week say clear, howev heard sourc (without evid yet) take month blood cultur grow. answers. best answer: girlfriend test hepatitis, obvious sick test came back negative, hepatitis. probabl got screen everyth soon got admitted."} {"id": "15569", "contents": "hepat c. person expos hepat becom infected, viru particl (call hcv rna) detect within 1-2 weeks. liver function test also tend rise timeframe. hepat antibodi appear rna detect take 3-12 week appear"} {"id": "15570", "contents": "hepat c, liver may work well. liver function test group blood test detect inflamm damag liver. however, it\u2019 common peopl chronic hepat liver enzym level go time, sometim return normal long year. even hepat c, it\u2019 possibl liver enzym test come back normal."} {"id": "15571", "contents": "doctor think may hepat c, may order: hepat viru test. blood test look antibodi hepat virus. show whether expos virus. rapid test avail give result 20 minutes. rapid test avail give result 20 minutes. blood test look genet materi (rna) hepat virus. test show whether infect viru now. blood test find kind hepat viru (genotype) have."} {"id": "15572", "contents": "hepat viru test. blood test look antibodi hepat virus. show whether expos virus. rapid test avail give result 20 minutes. blood test look genet materi (rna) hepat virus. rapid test avail give result 20 minutes. blood test look genet materi (rna) hepat virus. test show whether infect viru now. blood test find kind hepat viru (genotype) have."} {"id": "15573", "contents": "girlfriend recent taken hospit no-on know what' wrong her. hospit took blood test hepat came back within week say clear, howev heard sourc (without evid yet) take month blood cultures... answers. best answer: girlfriend test hepatitis, obvious sick test came back negative, hepatitis. probabl got screen everyth soon got admitted."} {"id": "15574", "contents": "answers. best answer: depend back lab could take weeks, actual elisa test take hour complete. possibl get result day testing. usual make followup appoint week later reconfirm origion test. would schedul followup test sure."} {"id": "15575", "contents": "liver function test (lfts) liver enzymes. hepat c, liver may work well. liver function test group blood test detect inflamm damag liver. use detect, evaluate, monitor liver diseas damage. however, it\u2019 common peopl chronic hepat liver enzym level go time, sometim return normal long year. even hepat c, it\u2019 possibl liver enzym test come back normal."} {"id": "15576", "contents": "hepat spread blood person infect hepat viru enter bodi someon infected. happen differ way including: inject drug use. peopl becom infect hepat share needl equip inject drugs. hepat seriou liver diseas result from. infect hepat virus. hepat has. call silent diseas peopl get. infect know it. peopl get. infect hepat abl clear, get rid"} {"id": "15577", "contents": "busi finance. busi turnaround compani help director find financ solut businesses. mani major bank becom picki days. make difficult compani obtain busi financ need work capit equip purchas etc. busi turnaround help director request busi financ reject convent sources. complic like outstand tax debts, legal action balanc sheet issu busi turnaround often find financ sourc avenu fail"} {"id": "15578", "contents": "possibl characterist troubl compani need turnaround includ revenu cover costs, inabl pay creditors, layoffs, salari cut offic signific declin stock price. order effect turnaround, compani must acknowledg identifi problems, consid chang manag develop implement problem-solv strategy."} {"id": "15579", "contents": "caus busi declin failure. determin constitut turnaround restructur situat easy. often busi owner execut focu symptom busi declin rather determin caus busi decline. compani owner management, improv short-term perform busi desired. would mistake. depend stage compani busi life cycl attribut busi dictat turnaround approach."} {"id": "15580", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. turnaround turnaround deal arrang film industry, wherebi product cost project one studio develop declar loss company' tax return, therebi prevent studio exploit properti further."} {"id": "15581", "contents": "busi turnaround servic negoti creditors, ato financi provid win-win solut parti involved. review busi term solvency, current cost structure, financing, market strategy, competit strength weaknesses. busi turnaround servic provid oper manag address issu oper make sure busi run smoothli day day. monitor oper daili weekli basi simpl practic report systems."} {"id": "15582", "contents": "home. welcom busi turnaround. search net work capit solutions, busi debt solut director advocacy, probabl found look for. hard director find help need"} {"id": "15583", "contents": "turnaround manag process dedic corpor renewal. use analysi plan save troubl compani return solvency, identifi reason fail perform market, rectifi them. turnaround manag involv manag review, root failur caus analysis, swot analysi determin compani failing. analysi completed, long term strateg plan restructur plan created. plan may may involv bankruptcyfil"} {"id": "15584", "contents": "busi turnaround servic mani year experi financ industri well equip take lead role organis new financ restructur exist financ may required. assist negoti financi creditor required. busi turnaround servic provid oper manag address issu oper make sure busi run smoothli day day. monitor oper daili weekli basi simpl practic report systems."} {"id": "15585", "contents": "definit 'turnaround'. financi recoveri compani perform poorli extend time. order effect turnaround, compani must acknowledg identifi problems, consid chang manag develop implement problem-solv strategy."} {"id": "15586", "contents": "record consecut dayswith low temperatur equal 32 degre set separ occurr mauna loa slopeobs, hawaii 27 day hawaii, surfac temperatur alway 50f, snow. hawaii record minimum, 12 f, set may 17, 1979 mauna kea observatory, elev 13,770 feet. interest featur climat hawaii small annual temperatur range."} {"id": "15587", "contents": "lowest temperatures. lowest temperatur ever record unit state -80 degre fahrenheit (-62 degre celsius) januari 23, 1971 prospect creek camp, locat near arctic circl along alaska pipeline."} {"id": "15588", "contents": "coldest temperatur ever record germani 2010. citi hull record -37 degre celsius. cold germani sinc 1700's. anoth cold canadian weather myth purport white river, ont, coldest place canada. white river even coldest place ontario, let alon canada notorieti belong iroquoi fall which, -58.3\u00b0 (23 januari 1935) lowest temperatur report eastern canada."} {"id": "15589", "contents": "liz osborn currentresults.com. coldest temperatur ever record earth -89.2 degre celsiu (-128.5 degre fahrenheit) vostok, antarctica juli 21, 1983. all-tim low broke previou world-record minimum -88.3 \u00b0c (-126.9 \u00b0f), set august 24, 1960, also vostok. coldest temperatur measur north. outsid antarctic, russia serv coldest temperatur world. temperatur low -67.7 \u00b0c (-90 \u00b0f) measur verkhoyansk, russia two days, februari 7, 1892 oymyakon, russia februari 6, 1933."} {"id": "15590", "contents": "coldest temperatur ever record east mississippi river -60\u00b0f tower, minn., feb. 2, 1996. hawaii state that' never record below-zero temperature. mani surpris hawaii' 12\u00b0f reading. fairbanks, alaska, record coldest januari record mean temperatur -31.7\u00b0f. (the monthli mean averag daili high low month.)f."} {"id": "15591", "contents": "state' low temperatur record. would expect, coldest temperatur ever offici record usa alaska. -79.8\u00b0f-round -80\u00b0f-observ prospect creek camp endicott mountain northern alaska jan. 23, 1971. fairbanks, alaska, record coldest januari record mean temperatur -31.7\u00b0f. (the monthli mean averag daili high low month.)f."} {"id": "15592", "contents": "list weather records, list extrem occurr weather phenomena variou categories. mani weather record measur specif conditions\u2014such surfac temperatur wind speed\u2014to keep consist among measur around earth."} {"id": "15593", "contents": "usa' coldest mark record, -80 degrees, set prospect creek, alaska, jan. 23, 1971, accord christoph burt, weather historian weather underground. exclud alaska, lowest temperatur -70-degre temperatur record roger pass, mont., januari 1954. read 135.8 degre zero measur antarctica, use remot sens satellites. east antarctica, seen 2008, coldest spot earth: new look nasa satellit data reveal planet set new record coldest temperature."} {"id": "15594", "contents": "coldest temperatur record toronto pearson intern airport \u221231.3 \u00b0c (\u221224.3 \u00b0f) januari 4, 1981, coldest windchil record \u221244.7 (\u2212 48.5) day. downtown, coldest \u221233 \u00b0c (\u221227 \u00b0f) record januari 10, 1859. anoth cold canadian weather myth purport white river, ont, coldest place canada. white river even coldest place ontario, let alon canada notorieti belong iroquoi fall which, -58.3\u00b0 (23 januari 1935) lowest temperatur report eastern canada."} {"id": "15595", "contents": "place uncov oven 18 20 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 160 degre meat thermometer. done, let ham rest minut slicing. cup salt. 1/4 cup black pepper."} {"id": "15596", "contents": "preheat oven 325\u00b0f. heat ham, place rack shallow roast pan, bake uncovered. whole ham, allow 15 18 minut pound; half, 18 24 minut per pound. ham readi intern temperatur reach 140\u00b0f. whole 10- 15-pound ham, allow 18 20 minut per pound; half--5 pounds--about 20 minut per pound; shank butt portion weigh pounds, 35 minut pound. cases, cook uncov intern temperatur reach 160\u00b0f."} {"id": "15597", "contents": "best way place ham rack roast pan. add water bottom pan cover tightli aluminum foil (cover pan ham). cook approxim 12 15 minut per pound whole boneless ham approxim 18 20 minut per pound half ham. timet cook ham: set oven temperatur 325 degre f. cook-before- cure fresh ham cook 160 degre f. reheat fully-cook ham 140 degre f. use cook meat thermomet perfect ham christma dinner."} {"id": "15598", "contents": "step 2: bake ham. place ham rack shallow roast pan. insert oven-saf thermomet center ham (it touch bone bone-in ham). bake, uncovered, preheat oven ham regist desir temperatur (140\u00b0f cook ham)."} {"id": "15599", "contents": "place ham, skin side up, larg roaster. add cup water. place cover roaster cover, use foil cover tightly. place oven preheat 375\u00b0f. turn oven 500\u00b0f leav 10 minut only. bake intern temperatur reach 155\u00b0f. allow ham rest 15 minut carving. intern temperatur rise 160\u00b0f time. use glaze, glaze appli last 30 minut cooking."} {"id": "15600", "contents": "preheat oven 325\u00b0f. place ham rack shallow roast pan. whole 10- 15-pound ham, allow 18 20 minut per pound; half--5 pounds--about 20 minut per pound; shank butt portion weigh pounds, 35 minut pound. whole 10- 15-pound ham, allow 18 20 minut per pound; half--5 pounds--about 20 minut per pound; shank butt portion weigh pounds, 35 minut pound. cases, cook uncov intern temperatur reach 160\u00b0f."} {"id": "15601", "contents": "step 3: bake ham. place ham rack shallow roast pan. insert oven-saf thermomet center ham (it touch bone). bake, uncovered, preheat oven ham regist desir temperatur (140 150 degre f). cook time vari base size type ham, use time guide."} {"id": "15602", "contents": "place ham oven preheat 325\u00b0f 20 25 minut per pound intern temperatur reach 155\u00b0f meat thermometer. sure cook bag touch side top oven, otherwis bag might melt. remov ham oven discard bag drippings. bake intern temperatur reach 155\u00b0f. allow ham rest 15 minut carving. intern temperatur rise 160\u00b0f time. use glaze, glaze appli last 30 minut cooking."} {"id": "15603", "contents": "tri work glaze score lines. place ham oven. cook 1/2 hour (check hour, take longer ham room temp begin with), 10 minut per pound, intern temperatur ham 110\u00b0-120\u00b0 (use meat thermometer)."} {"id": "15604", "contents": "place ham, fat side up, rack shallow roast pan. bake, uncovered, 11/2 hours, bast sauc glaze, desired. insert meat thermomet thickest part ham, touch bone. bake hour meat thermomet regist 140 f, bast sauc two times. bake, uncovered, 11/2 hours, bast sauc glaze, desired. insert meat thermomet thickest part ham, touch bone. bake hour meat thermomet regist 140 f, bast sauc two times. total cook time ham 18 24 minut per pound."} {"id": "15605", "contents": "board-certifi case manag number 37,000 today. percentag employ requir board-certif growing, 40.2% 2014 vs. 25.9% 2004. employ offer addit compens board-certification, 30% 2014 vs. 20% 2004. ten thousand profession case manag employ rang health care set independ practice. accord bureau labor statistics, case manag one fastest grow occup nation."} {"id": "15606", "contents": "education. rn case manag first foremost regist nurs (rn). case manag either mani year experi nurs earn master\u2019 nurs degree, focus particular nurs specialty. grow number profession choos earn doctor (phd) nursing. salary. 2012, report salari rang nurs case manag $47,830 $83,370. median salari $64,000. rang base qualif (rn, msn, phd), locat year experience."} {"id": "15607", "contents": "educ requirements. want becom case manager, seek obtain bachelor\u2019 degre nursing. probabl take four year receiv bachelor\u2019 degre nursing. receiv bachelor\u2019 degre nursing, go ahead seek obtain certif nursing. salari get job. accord bureau labor statistics, expect earn $55,000 $65,000 year case manager. sure contact local hospit wish appli posit"} {"id": "15608", "contents": "path becom psychologist. first, need bachelor' degre (4 years), teach fundament psychology. that, need master' degre (2 years), qualifi practic field case manager, employ specialist, social worker. then, state licens board requir doctor (4 years). gener timeline. first, need bachelor' degre (4 years), teach fundament psychology. that, need master' degre (2 years), qualifi practic field case manager, employ specialist, social worker."} {"id": "15609", "contents": "nurs case manag social work case manag healthcar set usual part case manag team. depend employer, role may overlap aspects; however, two posit gener differ focuses. becom case manag steps. find type job could pursu case management. read learn career option along educ licensur information. school offer addict social work degre also found popular choic"} {"id": "15610", "contents": "educ requirements. certifi case manag gener hold bachelor' degree. possibl major include, limit to, nursing, psycholog counseling. individu also earn master' degre health, human educ servic relat field."} {"id": "15611", "contents": "case manag work mani aspect people' lives, may work children families, senior citizens, disabilities, recov addicts, mental ill, immigrants, ex-offend homeless. job specif need requirements. accord bureau labor statist (bls), case manag made median hourli incom $13.56 hour, $28,200 hour."} {"id": "15612", "contents": "rememb take rest heart rate least day get averag reading. exampl day one record 72 bpm (beat per minute) day two record 78 bpm day three record 72 bpm, averag 74 bpm. look record rest heart rate full minut make test accur possible. becom older, heart rate decreases, infant highest rest heart rate 100 160 beat per minute. young children, 10, rest heart rate rang 70 120 beat per minute. adult gener rest heart rate 60 10"} {"id": "15613", "contents": "athletes-or peopl often perform cardiovascular activ normal rest heart rate may closer 40 beat minute. heart rate continu 120 bpm 40 bpm consult doctor. exercise, shoot 40-60% heart rate max gener estim subtract age 220. exampl 20 year old (220-20=200) would max heart rate 200. care start exercis get heart rate close max."} {"id": "15614", "contents": "heart rate 38 beat per minut (bpm) normal well-train endur runner age 60. heart rate normal lower rest. distanc run four year could caus reduct rest heart rate 60 bpm 38 bpm. 60-year-old runner i\u2019v run four year now. rest heart rate use 60 bpm (beat per minute). last year prime shape run four marathon four months, rest heart rate 38 bpm. sit watch tv. could lower sleeping, test yet"} {"id": "15615", "contents": "want determin maximum heart rate, maximum number time heart beat per minute, subtract age 220. say, example, 40 year old. subtract 40 220 leav 180, maximum number heart beat per minut 40-year-old."} {"id": "15616", "contents": "adult rest heart rate 60-100 beat per minut (bpm). fitter are, lower rest heart rate like be. example, athlet may rest heart rate 40-60 bpm lower. contact gp think heart rate continu 120 bpm 40 bpm, although could normal you."} {"id": "15617", "contents": "adult 18 older, normal rest heart rate 60 100 beat per minut (bpm), depend person\u2019 physic condit age. children age 15, normal rest heart rate 70 100 bpm, accord aha."} {"id": "15618", "contents": "rest heart rate 60-100 beat per minute. athlet train lot, rest heart rate could lower. average. rest heart rate 150 tachycardia (fast). exercise, shoot 40-60% heart rate max gener estim subtract age 220. exampl 20 year old (220-20=200) would max heart rate 200. care start exercis get heart rate close max."} {"id": "15619", "contents": "normal rest heart rate adult rang 60 100 beat minute. generally, lower heart rate rest impli effici heart function better cardiovascular fitness. example, well-train athlet might normal rest heart rate closer 40 beat minute. measur heart rate, simpli check pulse. place index third finger neck side windpipe. consult doctor rest heart rate consist 100 beat minut (tachycardia) train athlet rest heart rate 60 beat minut (bradycardia) especi sign symptoms, fainting, dizzi short breath. with."} {"id": "15620", "contents": "directions. cut steak pieces. heat lg skillet; brown steak oil minut side. remov keep warm. add onion mushrooms. saut minutes. add remain ingredients, bring boil. reduc heat simmer minutes. serv steak sauc spoon over."} {"id": "15621", "contents": "directions. larg skillet, melt tablespoon butter tablespoon oliv oil medium heat. add onion cook, stir occasionally, golden, 15 minutes. transfer onion bowl set aside. gener season side steak salt pepper. add remain tablespoon oil skillet fri steak medium heat, turn once, browned, minut per side medium. transfer steak serv platter cover keep warm. add bourbon skillet and, medium heat, scrape bit cling pan. allow liquor simmer reduc half, minute. add onion remain tablespoon butter stir butter melted."} {"id": "15622", "contents": "sprinkl beef lemon pepper seasoning. small bowl, mix lemon peel, soy sauc tablespoon oil; brush side beef. 10 inch nonstick skillet, heat remain tablespoon oil medium heat. add beef; cook 10 12 minut brown side desir doneness. directions."} {"id": "15623", "contents": "continu turn steak everi thirti second cooked. rare steaks, cook total 1/2 minut side. medium rare steaks, cook total minut side. medium well steaks, cook total 1/2 minut side."} {"id": "15624", "contents": "flip two minutes, check steak anoth two minut doneness. would like cook sirloin pan, heat pan medium-high heat cook would grill. overcook thin sirloin could result meat becom charred, dri inedible. thin cut sirloin steak flavor fast cooking, due small size. sirloin adapt cut meat, feel free flavor whatev spice herb like form dri rub marinade. sirloin also cook varieti ways, use grill, pan oven."} {"id": "15625", "contents": "preheat oven 400\u00b0. blot steak paper towel remov excess moisture. coat one side steak cook spray. sprinkl evenli garlic remain ingredients; coat cook spray. heat grill pan ovenproof skillet medium-high heat; add steak, season side down. cook minutes, turn; reduc heat medium, cook minutes. transfer pan oven; bake 400\u00b0 minutes, desir degre doneness. transfer cut board; cover loos foil let stand minutes."} {"id": "15626", "contents": "directions. season steak liber salt pepper, allow sit room temperatur 15 30 minutes. meanwhile, heat grill pan medium-high heat. brush steak veget oil cook grill pan, undisturb minutes. flip steak cook steak 130 degre medium rare, minut more. remov cut board, allow rest full minut slice"} {"id": "15627", "contents": "need build low retain wall 30-45cm high. intend use concret gravel board slot posts; need post 1m less long. shortest concret slot post find 1.5m long."} {"id": "15628", "contents": "mr kipl new member. gravel board post plumb level. slope guess arri rail need slope fit slot posts. close board need cut fit, top bottom. supplier suppli 3m concret gravel boards-hav idea go abl lift one though! gravel board level, arri rail slope correct cut close board fit-i thought that. talk supplier again. cheers."} {"id": "15629", "contents": "concret use gravel board normal made small aggregates. easi cut electr grinder trick, stihl saw make light work it. dont forget coupl bar reinforc run let blade work."} {"id": "15630", "contents": "concret gravel board great keep timber fenc away ground contact. incred import prolong exposur moistur damag timber. concret rot, make ideal materi make gravel board from."} {"id": "15631", "contents": "leicestershire. country: hi anyon help need cut concret gravel board stihl saw job need bald metal think. thanks. graco said: hi anyon help need cut concret gravel board stihl saw job need bald metal think."} {"id": "15632", "contents": "fit fenc panels. post fix concret set, haven\u2019t done alreadi use them, fit gravel boards. next lift fenc panel place slot groov posts, may need two peopl this. may want wear garden glove avoid splinters."} {"id": "15633", "contents": "standard panel size 3ft (90cm) 4ft (120cm) 5ft (1.5m) 6ft (1.83m). close board panel close board panel panel made vertic featheredg boards. these much stronger panel tend last lot longer. use either concret wooden post gravel board required. gravel board usual 1.83m long. wood 15cm high gener size avail although stack top other. concret come two sizes, 1.83m length come 15cm 30cm height. fit concret gravel board concret posts."} {"id": "15634", "contents": "pleasur boat two lengthwis pontoons. pontoon flotat devic buoyanc suffici float well heavi load. pontoon boat flattish boat reli pontoon float. pontoon may use boats, rafts, barges, docks, airboats, hovercrafts, floatplan seaplanes. pontoon may support platform, creat raft. raft support house-lik structur houseboat"} {"id": "15635", "contents": "pontoon british domest version blackjack, turn american version vingt-et-un (french twenty-one), french gambl game popular court loui xv later, much favour napoleon, especi st. helena. pontoon does, average, lower hous edg american counterpart no-hole-card rule, mean paid immedi win total 21, regardless whether dealer end natur (a blackjack)."} {"id": "15636", "contents": "definit pontoon. 1. flat-bottom boat (a lighter); especially: flat-bottom boat portabl float use build float temporari bridge. 2. float especi seaplane. advertis"} {"id": "15637", "contents": "pontoon. n. 1. (military). a. watertight float vessel use buoyanc requir water, support bridge, salvag work, temporari mobil structur requir militari operations. b. (a modifier): pontoon bridge."} {"id": "15638", "contents": "pontoon. n. variou float structures, especially: a. a. watertight float vessel use buoyanc requir water, support bridge, salvag work, temporari mobil structur requir militari operations. b. (a modifier): pontoon bridge."} {"id": "15639", "contents": "pontoon arithmet game play tabl layout blackjack. deal, player' aim receiv card total face valu banker's, exceed 21, otherwis bust loses. 21 consist ace card worth 10 pontoon, pay extra. pontoon does, average, lower hous edg american counterpart no-hole-card rule, mean paid immedi win total 21, regardless whether dealer end natur (a blackjack)."} {"id": "15640", "contents": "pontoon (nautical) float structur (a flat-bottom boat) serv dock support bridge. barge, flatboat, hoy, lighter-a flatbottom boat carri heavi load (especi canals). a. watertight float vessel use buoyanc requir water, support bridge, salvag work, temporari mobil structur requir militari operations. b. (a modifier): pontoon bridge."} {"id": "15641", "contents": "pontoon: global provider. provid servic 74 countries, pontoon largest diversifi global talent acquisit solut manag provid industry, unriv footprint abil effect scale program global platform."} {"id": "15642", "contents": "use cooki ensur websit run effectively. continu brows websit consent usag cooki accord cooki policy."} {"id": "15643", "contents": "lidl. welcom lidl website. find wide rang inform (open hours, store locator, week' latest offers, careers). readi answer questions. compani found germani (1930) groceri wholesaler. today, lidl one largest retail europe."} {"id": "15644", "contents": "use cooki improv experi website. continu brows websit consent use cooki accord cooki policy."} {"id": "15645", "contents": "tesco. tesco open hour vari bank holiday weekend, especi monday. see store finder detail click cute sign. bank holiday monday: 8am 8pm larger store england, wale scotland, 6am 11pm smaller stores. northern ireland stores: 10am 7pm. asda. store mammoth chain remain open 24-hours, sunday closures. use onlin store finder top page store-specif inform local branch."} {"id": "15646", "contents": "find local supermarket open here. whether bottl milk, bread, nappi littl one, let last minut dash supermarket wast journey monday. there' chanc head local lidl ,, read guid open hour below. case lidl nearby, we'v provid inform major supermarket too. asda. store mammoth chain remain open 24-hours, sunday closures. use onlin store finder top page store-specif inform local branch."} {"id": "15647", "contents": "use cooki improv experi website. continu brows websit consent use cooki accord cooki policy."} {"id": "15648", "contents": "extend open hour lidl malta. malta independ wednesday, 11 august 2010, 00:00 last update: year ago. first time ever, lidl malta organis extend open hour week saturday. five lidl store santa venera, san gwann, zejtun, safi luqa open week 7am till 11pm. shopper work late reason rush supermarket take advantag longer open hour shop heart content lidl. 11am face painter midday balloon model give kid smile face st venera, zejtun, safi luqa shops. \u201cthe extend open hour week lidl quit excit daili late night shopping, special sale non-food item \u2018lidl happi famili day\u2019 saturday."} {"id": "15649", "contents": "introduction. company\u2019 busi ethic policy, embodi follow standards, guid ethic decision-making. commit uncompromis integr way relat peopl outsid company."} {"id": "15650", "contents": "brief video introduc professor topic cover course. cours content, lessons, tests: busi polici strategi (open). lesson topic cours provid audio video format. research import research must constantli done run busi compani profitably. vision mission foundat run compani competit environment. like stakehold busi compani optim conflictinginterest business."} {"id": "15651", "contents": "exampl busi policies. ethics, custom service, human resourc account oper area govern busi policies. livr imag papydiesel fotolia.com. polici broad statements, adopt business, set busi stand goal are. procedur usual implement support polici explain appli polici business' customers, employe products, instruct necessari follow policy. ethic polici address issu honesty, fairness, integr respect. example, long-stand ethic polici regard honesti institut levi strauss co. quot inc.com reads: \u201chonesty: say thing false."} {"id": "15652", "contents": "custom busi owner polici (bop). depend upon specif need business, custom bop polici choos option as: offic insur fire busi interruption. electron data loss insurance. hire non-own vehicl liabil insurance."} {"id": "15653", "contents": "consid busi owner polici you. need gener liabil insur coverage. busi equip computers, printer furniture. build work need insur property. work larg amount data regular basis. depend upon specif need business, custom bop polici choos option as: offic insur fire busi interruption. electron data loss insurance. hire non-own vehicl liabil"} {"id": "15654", "contents": "definit busi policy. 1. definit busi policybusi polici defin scope sphere within decis taken thesubordin organization. 2. 8. 3. 5) purpos busi polici enabl manag relat properli theorganization\u2019 work environment."} {"id": "15655", "contents": "overview service. busi polici manag api soa servic meant consum user want programmat creat manag busi policies. api allow creat payment, return, ship busi policies. delet busi policy. delet one busi policy, use removeprofil call. identifi busi polici delete, seller pass profileid value. delet multipl busi policies, use removesellerprofil call."} {"id": "15656", "contents": "featur busi policy. effect busi polici must follow features-. specific-polici specific/definite. uncertain, implement becom difficult. clear-polici must unambiguous. avoid use jargon connot"} {"id": "15657", "contents": "show usag examples... school' polici miss classes, must letter parent doctor excus class time. 12 peopl found helpful. school' polici miss classes, must letter parent doctor excus class time."} {"id": "15658", "contents": "job descriptions. includ busi polici descript posit organization. employe must understand role interact other within organization. employe understand work impact other company. written busi polici commun company' expect appropri employe work performance. polici illustr accept perform boundari simultan address employees' needs."} {"id": "15659", "contents": "major patients, joint replac surgeri reliev pain help live fuller, activ lives. however, surgic procedur without risks. small percentag patient undergo hip knee replac (roughli 100) may develop infect operation."} {"id": "15660", "contents": "complic total knee replac surgeri rare. includ gener surgic complications, advers reaction anesthesia infection, well complic specif knee replac surgery. possibl complic anesthesia includ heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, blood clots."} {"id": "15661", "contents": "30-day mortal rate total knee replac (tkr) 400, 0.25 percent. mean 99.96 percent patient surviv treatment. research u.k. report bone joint journal look almost 2,500 peopl tkr 10-year span."} {"id": "15662", "contents": "perhap rarest knee replac complic infection. 2010, less 1% patient underw knee replac surgeri experienc infect although risk increas everi follow-up surgeri may necessary."} {"id": "15663", "contents": "one seriou complic face patient undergo joint replac surgeri infection. although infect occur small percentag patients, prolong limit full recovery. infect may occur wound deep around prosthesis."} {"id": "15664", "contents": "list common complic total knee replac surgery. infection. sever step taken prevent infection. example, antibiot often given before, knee replac surgery. still, small percentag knee replac becom infected."} {"id": "15665", "contents": "infection. number peopl get infect knee replac low (rate computer-assist surgeri even lower). accord healthline\u2019 analysi medicar privat pay claim data, 1.8 percent patient report develop infect within 90 day surgery."} {"id": "15666", "contents": "report abuse. arteri transport blood body, vein transport blood heart. blood goe left right atrium' heart, pulmonari arteries, back right left ventricles, body. process continu repeated. vein go right side heart, send de-oxygen blood lungs. arteri come left side heart pump oxygen blood around body."} {"id": "15667", "contents": "report abuse. arteri carri oxygen blood body, except pulmonari arteri carri de-oxygen blood heart lungs. vein carri de-oxygen blood heart, except pulmonari vein carri oxygen blood lung heart. nicola year ago. thumb"} {"id": "15668", "contents": "best answer: arteri carri oxygen blood away heart bodi vein carri deoxygen blood toward heart except pulmonari arteri carri deoxygen blood heart lung pulmonari vein carri oxygen blood lung heart. vein carri de-oxygen blood heart, except pulmonari vein"} {"id": "15669", "contents": "arteries. arteri (red) carri oxygen nutrient away heart, body' tissues. vein (blue) take oxygen-poor blood back heart. arteri begin aorta, larg arteri leav heart. carri oxygen-rich blood away heart body' tissues. branch sever times, becom smaller smaller carri blood heart. blood vessel take oxygen-poor blood back heart. vein becom larger larger get closer heart. superior vena cava larg vein bring blood head arm heart, inferior vena cava bring blood abdomen leg"} {"id": "15670", "contents": "location: coronari system compris arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venul veins. innumer cardiac capillaries, blood flow back cardiac chamber venules, turn coalesc cardiac veins."} {"id": "15671", "contents": "circulatori system, vein (from latin vena) blood vessel carri blood toward heart. vein carri deoxygen blood tissu back heart; except pulmonari umbil veins, carri oxygen blood heart. contrast veins, arteri carri blood away heart. vein less muscular arteri often closer skin. valv vein prevent backflow."} {"id": "15672", "contents": "heart pump system take deoxygen blood vein deliv lung oxygen pump variou arteri (which provid oxygen nutrient bodi tissu transport blood throughout body). right side heart receiv deoxygen blood system vein pump lung oxygenation. left side heart receiv oxygen blood lung pump system arteri tissu body."} {"id": "15673", "contents": "overview. vein blood vessel carri blood body' tissu heart. heart pump blood lung pick oxygen. oxygen-rich blood pump bodi blood vessel call arteries."} {"id": "15674", "contents": "pulmonari vein carri rel oxygen blood lung heart. superior inferior vena cava carri rel deoxygen blood upper lower system circulations, respectively. portal venou system seri vein venul directli connect two capillari beds. contrast veins, arteri carri blood away heart. vein less muscular arteri often closer skin. valv vein prevent backflow."} {"id": "15675", "contents": "car motorcycl must normal pass mot test three year date first registr everi year that. must drive vehicl without mot certificate, one."} {"id": "15676", "contents": "best answer: hour man mot test bay, howev mani mot test station new-atl-autom test lane complet full mot test 40 minutes."} {"id": "15677", "contents": "averag mot test take 45 60 minutes. alway best allow hour sure car readi go collect it. time may vari repair required."} {"id": "15678", "contents": "mot last year. date run print last pass certificate. get mot month (minu day) run keep renew date. exampl mot run 15 may, earliest get mot keep renew date next year 16 april."} {"id": "15679", "contents": "mot scooters. dandoc25y, 9m agopost years, month ago. bought scooter may year im go get servic int new year-but cant find mot certif log book /servic book. new scooter im think wasnt suppos get either-can someon confirm deny-and also tell long need mot new bike."} {"id": "15680", "contents": "share this: typic mot test take 45 60 minutes. halford autocentr conveni hourli slot choos from."} {"id": "15681", "contents": "took mine mot test took coupl hour waited. take long get coffe cooki back time best wish natalie. angela year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "15682", "contents": "re: long mot expir get done? 2008/08/05 11:42:24 (permalink). get 13 month mot now. i.e. book month due mot centr still issu certif 12 month expir date old one would expir lose out."} {"id": "15683", "contents": "hourli van hire. pick leaflet store. b&q team hertz 24/7 offer conveni hourli van hire servic take purchas home. three easi step could drive van home particip stores.*."} {"id": "15684", "contents": "replies. hourli van hire avail 137 b&q store across uk. van cost \u00a314 per hour rent first 20 mile free. that, mileag charg 30p per mile. van rental scheme oper partnership connect hertz, global car share scheme run rental giant hertz."} {"id": "15685", "contents": "hourli van hire b&q-two hour price one (\u00a314 per hour) hour \u00a314.00."} {"id": "15686", "contents": "b&q\u2019 hourli van hire servic \u00a314 per hour. hourli van hire servic realli conveni easi use, compris three simpl steps-book it, use return it. even hire van straight away need be."} {"id": "15687", "contents": "mover abl quot ballpark price move home base number type room home. mover well train abl estim much pack move involv 400 squar foot kitchen oppos 200 squar foot library."} {"id": "15688", "contents": "1) pay \u00a314.00 b&q store (where hertz demand service) collect connect hertz pack. 2) find offer discount leaflet pack find promot code (mine 1191 assum would same) say join club free earn \u00a315 free drive credit."} {"id": "15689", "contents": "hi much would hire van hour saturday live derbi move allenton 10 min away. hi tracey, i\u2019m afraid don\u2019t arrang van hire you\u2019ll need visit hertz/b&q websit get quot arrang booking. click here."} {"id": "15690", "contents": "averag cost mover men truck $90 $120 per hour. decid hire mover labor (without move truck), profession charg $60 $80 per hour labor."} {"id": "15691", "contents": "scienc main index. anim intern skeleton made bone call vertebrates. vertebr includ fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, primates, rodent marsupials. although vertebr repres small percentag animals, size mobil often allow domin environment."} {"id": "15692", "contents": "vertebr chordat (phylum chordata) deuterostom coelom whose nearest rel anim kingdom echinoderms, deuterostomes. however, unlik echinoderms, chordat character notochord, joint appendages, segmentation."} {"id": "15693", "contents": "vertebr anim backbon spinal column, also call vertebrae. anim includ fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles."} {"id": "15694", "contents": "vertebr defintion. vertebr anim belong sub-phylum vertebrata. belong phylum chordata. characterist phylum chordata presenc notochord, dorsal hollow nerv cord pair pharyng gill slits."} {"id": "15695", "contents": "dogs, cats, bears, human larg anim today member vertebr class mammalia. mammal conceiv young within reproduct tract mother and, birth, nourish milk produc mammari glands."} {"id": "15696", "contents": "date, nearli million speci invertebr identified. million speci make 98% total anim identifi entir anim kingdom, i.e. 98 100 type anim world today invertebrates. hand, vertebr form 2% anim species."} {"id": "15697", "contents": "anim classifi two main groups: vertebr invertebrates. main differ vertebr invertebr invertebrates, like insect flatworms, backbon spinal column. exampl vertebr includ humans, birds, snakes."} {"id": "15698", "contents": "put soil bottom new pot, remov african violet current pot. this, simpli place hand top pot crown plant fingers. so, care damag leav stems. next, turn pot upside-down."} {"id": "15699", "contents": "soil. get good soil. buy special african violet soil, perfect. or, alreadi ordinari pot soil, make african violet soil. mix pot soil peat moss vermiculit perlite, follows: 1/3/ pot soil, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculit perlite."} {"id": "15700", "contents": "good pot soil african violet actual contain soil (or dirt) all. good pot soil light porous, qualiti enhanc aeration, keep soil moist, soggy. pot soil made primarili block-harvested, sphagnum peat moss."} {"id": "15701", "contents": "african violet grow wide rang soil soil mixtures. garden get best result well drained, well aerat soil contain high percentag humu organ matter. generally, mixtur part leaf mold, part peat moss, part sand part loami top soil give good results."} {"id": "15702", "contents": "pot soil african violets. select right pot soil critic success african violet. heavi mix easili crush root african violets. addition, heavi pot mix hold much water, tend leav african violet vulner deadli pathogen crown rot, root rot pythium."} {"id": "15703", "contents": "rate best soil african violets! time re-pot violets,i immedi bought pot mix well african violet plant food. item excellent."} {"id": "15704", "contents": "mani success grower african violet recommend repot fresh pot soil, twice year more. least, african violet repot whenev plant becom rootbound, i.e., violet outgrown current pot extent root grow around rootball."} {"id": "15705", "contents": "rabbit\u2019 long ear serv two main functions. first catch sound direction."} {"id": "15706", "contents": "rabbit ears-an indoor tv antenna; consist two extend rod form v. televis antenna, tv-antenna-an omnidirect antenna tune broadcast frequenc assign television. plural, plural form-th form word use denot one."} {"id": "15707", "contents": "rare smallest part hear apparatus, though. rabbit ear rang kitten-lik ear netherland dwarf ridicul long ear english lop, account 12% rabbit' surfac area."} {"id": "15708", "contents": "televis signal broadcast one two ways: vhf uhf. rabbit ear use pick stronger vhf signal. uhf lower power antenna usual look like littl bowti circle. generally, purchas antenna within last year antenna pick both."} {"id": "15709", "contents": "rabbit ears: structur look: ...injuri disease, send rabbit spin. jana rickel sound diagnostics. think rabbit' ear part hear apparatus, simplest part that. like human ear, rabbits' ear also divid three sections. outer ear. visibl ear rotating, signal-captur portion outer ear call pinna (figur 1)."} {"id": "15710", "contents": "set rabbit ear tri pick signal hard. especi case digit get either solid pictur pictur all. struggling, pointer find best signal rabbit ears."} {"id": "15711", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. rabbit ear common term simpl type televis antenna, dipol antenna. call rabbit ear look like pair rabbit ear spring top televis set."} {"id": "15712", "contents": "written contract law legal definition. written contract name suggests, contract whose term reduc writing. written contract also commonli signed. however, written contract may consist exchang correspondence, letter written promise assent promisor without signature, even memorandum print document sign either party."} {"id": "15713", "contents": "written contract agreement made print document sign lender borrower. written contract legal bind easier enforc oral contracts."} {"id": "15714", "contents": "escrow-a written agreement (or properti money) deliv third parti put trust one parti contract return fulfil condition."} {"id": "15715", "contents": "noun. 1. written agreement-a legal document summar agreement parties. legal document, legal instrument, offici document, instrument (law) document state contractu relationship grant right. contract-a bind agreement two person enforc law."} {"id": "15716", "contents": "definition: written contract agreement made print document sign lender borrower. written contract legal bind easier enforc oral contracts."} {"id": "15717", "contents": "submission-a legal document summar agreement parti disput abid decis arbiter. concordat, covenant, compact-a sign written agreement two parti (nations) perform action."} {"id": "15718", "contents": "introduction. broken (fractured) bruis rib usual caus fall blow chest, occasion sever coughing. painful, normal improv within three six weeks. think injur ribs, often abl look home"} {"id": "15719", "contents": "rib fractur crack break one bone rib cage. break thick tissu (cartilage) connect rib breastbon may also call fractur rib, even bone broken. common caus fractur rib direct blow chest, often car accid fall. cough hard also fractur rib. like happen diseas made bone weak, osteoporosi cancer. common injuri fractur rib punctur collaps lung (pneumothorax). flail chest seriou problem happen three rib broken one place. flail chest, broken area can't hold shape take breath."} {"id": "15720", "contents": "1. make sure broken ribs. rib that' bruis crack damaged, still place rib cage. broken rib, however, danger dislodg normal position, could potenti punctur lung anoth organ. experienc increas pain chest, abdomen, shoulder. develop cough fever. pain chest intense, twist look shoulder without mark increas pain. bruis rib feel wors twist torso; someth seriou not."} {"id": "15721", "contents": "rib fractured, broken bruis feel pain everi time breath cough. may make feel like take shallow breaths. may also experi swell tender around injur area, well bruis skin. broken rib, crack rib fractur rib crack break one bone rib cage. usual caus crack rib blow chest, might sustain fall result car accident. broken rib could also caus sever coughing, although like weak rib caus bone diseas like osteoporosi"} {"id": "15722", "contents": "hello! anthoni bray md: probabl broken rib suffer trauma caus this. probabl broken rib suffer trauma caus this. anthoni bray md: may case costochodr inflamm cartilag segment sternum rib. anterior would sore touch. could hurt chang position. feel like broken rib cant be. hi feel like broken rib (have before) howev done anyth break it..th pain right side breast hurt especi press rib self."} {"id": "15723", "contents": "muscl use breath pull ribs, breath may pain fractur rib. import see doctor rib injury. blow hard enough fractur rib could also injur lungs, spleen, blood vessels, part body. common injuri fractur rib punctur collaps lung (pneumothorax). flail chest seriou problem happen three rib broken one place. flail chest, broken area can't hold shape take breath."} {"id": "15724", "contents": "broken rib rib hurt bad. could bruis break. either way hurts. take week averag feel better broken rib. bruis may take long. can't much hospit issu pain med something. rib heal."} {"id": "15725", "contents": "so, sear steak side high heat. turn one side grill put steak side. turn heat side grill low. close lid. peek. let steak cook 15 minutes. cold weather, turn burner medium rather low"} {"id": "15726", "contents": "place steak pan time 30 seconds, turn steak. time 30 second turn it. continu turn steak everi 30 second get rare medium well done. cook let meat rest minutes. idea behind turn everi 30 second high heat cook meat overheat entir steak let juic escap top."} {"id": "15727", "contents": "may grilled, broil pan cooked. usual broil winter, grill summer matter. broil meat minut side medium rare, bit longer well done meat. broil inch heat source. time salt pepper meat. skirt streak (a well flank steak etc. may grilled, broil pan cooked. usual broil winter, grill summer matter."} {"id": "15728", "contents": "best answer: depend upon thick steak. cook steak way want let ppl tell might well throw money away want steak well done. steak eat way want to. ppl like hear 'moo' cut meat. turn one side grill put steak side. turn heat side grill low. close lid. peek. let steak cook 15 minutes."} {"id": "15729", "contents": "rather oil pan, brush steak oil prevent sticking. cook 2cm-thick piec steak 2-3 minut side rare, minut side medium, 5-6 minut side well-done. turn steak once, otherwis dri out. time 30 second turn it. continu turn steak everi 30 second get rare medium well done. cook let meat rest minutes. idea behind turn everi 30 second high heat cook meat overheat entir steak let juic escap top."} {"id": "15730", "contents": "skirt streak (a well flank steak etc. may grilled, broil pan cooked. usual broil winter, grill summer matter. broil meat minut side medium rare, bit longer well done meat. broil inch heat source. time salt pepper meat. skirt streak (a well flank steak etc. may grilled, broil pan cooked. usual broil winter, grill summer matter."} {"id": "15731", "contents": "well done steak hardest cook. secret low slow. way prevent burn fulli cook middle. grill steak medium heat 10 12 minut per side. peopl tell steak peopl like steak. truth that, popular request so, good griller need know it. meat soft touch, much like raw meat, brown surface. steak true carnivor want someth nearli raw, get cook (a littl possible) polite. 1-inch steak grill hot and: place steak grill minutes."} {"id": "15732", "contents": "time vari depend cook method thick steak. normal steak cut 3/4 inch thick average, cook temp grill 300-350of. these, averag minut per side leav bit red center. safe, check bit earli cut small slice middl steak. one inch steak room temperatur preheated, hot grill cook min side rare, 3.5 min side medium rare, min side medium on.. add min ute half degre doneness."} {"id": "15733", "contents": "cook new york inch thick steak charcoal grill 20 minutes. flip 15 minutes. give medium well steak. vari depend thick steak temperatur grill fri pan. here' restaur chef decid sear steak lightli side brown. one inch steak room temperatur preheated, hot grill cook min side rare, 3.5 min side medium rare, min side medium on.. add min ute half degre doneness."} {"id": "15734", "contents": "cook 2cm-thick piec steak 2-3 minut side rare, minut side medium, 5-6 minut side well-done. turn steak once, otherwis dri out. alway use tong handl steak pierc meat, allow juic escape. time 30 second turn it. continu turn steak everi 30 second get rare medium well done. cook let meat rest minutes. idea behind turn everi 30 second high heat cook meat overheat entir steak let juic escap top."} {"id": "15735", "contents": "amol (active-matrix organ light-emit diode) display technolog mobil devic television. ole describ specif type thin-film-display technolog organ compound form electroluminesc material, activ matrix refer technolog behind address pixels. amol display may difficult view direct sunlight compar lcd reduc maximum brightness. samsung' super amol technolog address issu reduc size gap layer screen."} {"id": "15736", "contents": "amol display technolog use popular mobil devic avail today, includ variou android handset tablet see featur android author regular basis. oled-display best describ amol display work: activ matrix (am) ole display stack cathode, organic, anod layer top anoth layer substrat contain circuitry. pixel defin deposit organ materi continuous, discret \u201cdot\u201d pattern."} {"id": "15737", "contents": "amol display consist activ matrix ole pixel gener light (luminescence) upon electr activ deposit integr onto thin-film-transistor (tft) array, function seri switch control current flow individu pixel. amol display may difficult view direct sunlight compar lcd reduc maximum brightness. samsung' super amol technolog address issu reduc size gap layer screen."} {"id": "15738", "contents": "hand super amol screen quit suscept imag burn sometim use pentil matrix fewer subpixel lcd companions, potenti lead less sharp imag give screen unnatur colour tint. amol screen also tend great contrast, light screen come individu pixel rather backlight; need creat black colour simpli dim turn relev pixels, true, deep black."} {"id": "15739", "contents": "ole new technolog thin, effici bright displays. two type oleds: passive-matrix (pmoled) active-matrix (amoled). articl explain differ technolog applications. ole new technolog make thin, effici bright displays. ole made organ light-emit materials, requir backlight filter system use lcds. samsung galaxi (amoled). two type ole displays-pmol amoled. differ drive electronics-it either passiv matrix (pm) activ matrix (am)."} {"id": "15740", "contents": "amol (active-matrix organ light-emit diode) elimin separ backlight. amoled, however, known problem glare readabl direct sunlight, even rel averag lcd screens."} {"id": "15741", "contents": "amol display. amol stand activ matrix organ light emit diode. step ahead ole screens, amol screen control pixel individu maintain properti ole panel. amol screen use differ subpixel arrang reduc imag qualiti bit"} {"id": "15742", "contents": "start oled, stand 'organ light-emit diode' consist thin organ film electrod either side. soon electr current appli film emit light. samsung super amol screen note 3. amol 'active-matrix organ light-emit diode'. add layer semiconduct film behind ole panel allow quickli activ pixel. increas speed make ideal larger, higher definit display lot pixels. amol screen also tend great contrast, light screen come individu pixel rather backlight; need creat black colour simpli dim turn relev pixels, true, deep black."} {"id": "15743", "contents": "2008, amol technolog use mobil phones, media player digit cameras, continu make progress toward low-power, low-cost large-s (for example, 40-inch) applications. amol display may difficult view direct sunlight compar lcd reduc maximum brightness. samsung' super amol technolog address issu reduc size gap layer screen."} {"id": "15744", "contents": "amoled? amoled, stand activ matrix oled, hybrid display technolog pair activ matrix backplan tradit tft display ole display."} {"id": "15745", "contents": "cleveland, ohio -- akron-born golden state warrior bud superstar stephen curri name nba' valuabl player week, accord multipl media reports."} {"id": "15746", "contents": "born akron, mvp stephen curri take ohio' favorit son lebron james. no, lebron jame story. stephen curri we'r talk about."} {"id": "15747", "contents": "mini bio (1). stephen curri born march 14, 1988 akron, ohio, usa wardel stephen curri ii. marri ayesha curri sinc juli 30, 2011. two children."} {"id": "15748", "contents": "curry, 27, born akron father, dell curry, play cavali 1987-88 season. younger curri averag 23.8 points, 4.3 rebounds, 7.7 assist warrior team nba-best 67 game season."} {"id": "15749", "contents": "independence, ohio -- lebron jame finish distant third ballot nba valuabl player award, behind first-tim winner stephen curri runner-up jame harden. news broke sunday even curri would win award, houston' harden jame often mention top contenders."} {"id": "15750", "contents": "there' someth water akron, ohio. lebron jame nba mvp born there. stephen curri too. two born citi (which remark enough coincidence), also born hospital\u2014akron gener medic center, exact."} {"id": "15751", "contents": "synopsis. born ohio 1988 former nba player dell curry, stephen curri garner nation attent impress play davidson college. draft 2009 golden state warriors, develop one pro basketball' top player stellar shoot skills."} {"id": "15752", "contents": "akron, ohio-lebron jame stephen curri leader teams, mvp' and-- believ not-- born akron hospital."} {"id": "15753", "contents": "stephen curri born march 14, 1988 akron, ohio, usa wardel stephen curri ii. marri ayesha curri sinc juli 30, 2011."} {"id": "15754", "contents": "microsoft visual runtime. essenti standard library, use c/c++ program --- words, programs. assum msvcrt what' caus crash; much like program give wrong inform standard library, make crash. basically, procedur bug software: go get latest (unmodified) version software, see works."} {"id": "15755", "contents": "msvcrt.dll window dll file. dll abbrevi ynamic ink ibrary. dll file need program web browser extensions, contain program code, data, resources. fix msvcrt.dll problem download correct msvcrt.dll file."} {"id": "15756", "contents": "description: msvcrt.ex essenti window often caus problems. msvcrt.ex locat c:\\windows\\system32 folder. known file size window 8/7/xp 19,245 byte (42% occurrences), 18,793 bytes, 13,461 bytes, 26,624 byte 13,434 bytes. descript program. important: check msvcrt.ex process pc see threat. recommend secur task manag verifi computer' security. one top download pick washington post pc world."} {"id": "15757", "contents": "msvcrt.dll modul contain standard librari function printf, memcpy, cos. part microsoft runtim library. non-system process like msvcrt.dll origin softwar instal system. sinc applic store data system' registry, like time registri suffer fragment accumul invalid entri affect pc' performance."} {"id": "15758", "contents": "msvcrt.dll microsoft visual run-tim librari (msvcpp.dll c++ library) visual c++ version 4.2 6.0. provid program compil version visual c++ well typic set librari function requir c++ programs. microsoft window oper system support form share librari known dynamic-link librari code librari use multipl process one copi load memory."} {"id": "15759", "contents": "). msvcrt.ex window system file. applic listen send data open port lan internet. msvcrt.ex abl record keyboard mous inputs, hide itself, monitor applic manipul programs. important: check msvcrt.ex process pc see threat. recommend secur task manag verifi computer' security. one top download pick washington post pc world."} {"id": "15760", "contents": "msvcrt.dll. order ensur file data lost, sure back file online. use cloud backup servic allow safe secur digit files. also enabl access files, time, device. non-system process like msvcrt.dll origin softwar instal system. sinc applic store data system' registry, like time registri suffer fragment accumul invalid entri affect pc' performance."} {"id": "15761", "contents": "description: msvcrt.dll essenti window os caus rel problems. msvcrt.dll file locat subfold c:\\program files. file size window 8/7/xp 14,895 bytes. special .dll file (dynam link library), start automat program launched. monitor manipul program starts. dll abbrevi ynamic ink ibrary. dll file need program web browser extensions, contain program code, data, resources. fix msvcrt.dll problem download correct msvcrt.dll file."} {"id": "15762", "contents": "librari file section use directli programs; however, depend librari use programs. microsoft window oper system support form share librari known dynamic-link librari code librari use multipl process one copi load memory."} {"id": "15763", "contents": "type breath odor. medic symptom inform show variou type breath odor, relat symptom conditions, includ caus diagnosis."} {"id": "15764", "contents": "type smell symptoms. medic symptom inform show variou type smell symptoms, relat symptom conditions, includ caus diagnosis. reduc sens smell. anosmia. olfactori dysfunction. loss smell. lack sens smell children. paraosmia due ameb mening"} {"id": "15765", "contents": "differ type skin glands, human bodi odor primarili result apocrin sweat glands, secret major chemic compound need skin flora metabol odor substances."} {"id": "15766", "contents": "thousand aroma human smell sort 10 basic categories, us scientist say. prof jason castro, bate college, prof chakra chennubhotla, univers pittsburgh, use computeris techniqu whittl smell basic essence."} {"id": "15767", "contents": "want bad breath pretti misunderstood people. like gener bodi odor, bad breath come myriad differ place countless causes. peopl tend think bad breath differ -- think mouth, gum solv problem."} {"id": "15768", "contents": "human distinguish 10,000 differ smell (odorants), detect special olfactori receptor neuron line nose.... thought hundr differ olfactori receptors, encod differ gene recogn differ odorants. smell direct sense. order smell something, molecul thing make nose. everyth smell, therefore, give molecul -- whether bread bakery, onions, perfume, piec fruit whatever."} {"id": "15769", "contents": "odor odour fragranc caus one volatil chemic compounds, gener low concentration, human anim perceiv sens olfaction. common odor peopl use to, bodi odor, less notic individu extern uncommon odors. due habituation; continu odor exposure, sens smell fatigu quickly, recov rapidli stimulu removed."} {"id": "15770", "contents": "open question mani fundament type odor qualiti are, studi research jason castro bate colleg said statement. strike contrast olfaction' 'sister sense,' taste, know five basic qualiti seem organ sensations, castro said. castro colleagu took standard databas known andew dravniek' 1985 atla odor charact profiles. profil contain long list descriptor sweet, floral heavi peopl rate term applic 144 differ odors."} {"id": "15771", "contents": "view full size image. fruiti minti popcorn-y, smell classifi one 10 type aroma, scientist say. taste, vision hear quantified, systemat descript smell remain elusive. castro colleagu took standard databas known andew dravniek' 1985 atla odor charact profiles. profil contain long list descriptor sweet, floral heavi peopl rate term applic 144 differ odors."} {"id": "15772", "contents": "hirsut excess hairi women part bodi termin hair normal occur minim example, beard chest hair. hirsut caus either increas level androgens, male hormones, oversensit hair follicl androgens. male hormon testosteron stimul hair growth, increas size intensifi growth pigment hair."} {"id": "15773", "contents": "caus jones' hypertrichosi unknown. hirsut affect member gender, sinc rise androgen level caus excess bodi hair, particularli locat women normal develop termin hair puberti (chest, abdomen, back, face). medic term excess hair growth affect gender hypertrichosis. hirsut caus either increas level androgens, male hormones, oversensit hair follicl androgens. male hormon testosteron stimul hair growth, increas size intensifi growth pigment hair."} {"id": "15774", "contents": "hirsutism. hirsut (hur-soot-iz-um) condit unwanted, male-pattern hair growth women. hirsut result excess amount stiff pigment hair bodi area men typic grow hair face, chest back. amount bodi hair larg determin genet makeup. hirsut may aris excess male hormon call androgens, primarili testosterone."} {"id": "15775", "contents": "woman whose hirsut caus increas male hormon pattern hair growth similar man. woman whose hirsut hormone-rel long, fine hair face, arms, chest, back. hirsutism. [hur\u2032so\u0305o\u0305tiz\u2032\u0259m]. etymology: l, hirsutus, hairy. excess bodi hair masculin distribut pattern result heredity, hormon dysfunction, porphyria, medication. treatment specif caus usual stop growth hair."} {"id": "15776", "contents": "hirsut defin excess unwant facial and/or bodi (say neck, chest lower abdomen) hair male-lik formulation. estim suggest affect 5% 15% women, vari accord characteristics. least 5% women reproduct age suffer ailment."} {"id": "15777", "contents": "hirsut excess termin hair commonli appear male pattern women. although hirsut gener associ hyperandrogenemia, one-half women mild symptom normal androgen levels. hirsut defin excess termin hair commonli appear male pattern women. gener associ hyperandrogenemia. hirsut occur approxim percent women estim econom burden unit state $600 million annually."} {"id": "15778", "contents": "hirsut common, often distress condit person develop excess growth hair. affect 5% 10% women child-bear potential."} {"id": "15779", "contents": "hirsut excess hair growth certain area woman' face body, mustach beard area, creat male pattern hair. women normal fine, pale, faintli visibl hair areas, heavi hair growth male pattern coars color hair expected. woman mildest form hirsut may notic signific growth hair matur (the color scalp hair) upper lip, chin, sideburn area, around nippl lower abdomen."} {"id": "15780", "contents": "must notic normal hemoglobin level vari accord age gender. babi tend higher hemoglobin range, bodi tri grow get organ fulli function mode. thus, respiratori rate also high newborns. normal hemoglobin rang women slightli lower side compar men. because, women lose blood menstruation. normal hemoglobin level tend rise slightli pregnancy, increas need oxygen body."} {"id": "15781", "contents": "normal rang hemoglobin (also haemoglobin) vari men, women, children. normal rang hemoglobin male 13.5 18gm/dl (gram per deciliter). femal 12 16gm/dl (gram per deciliter). children 11 16gm/dl (gram per deciliter). pregnant woman 11 12g/dl (gram per deciliter) normal rang hemoglobin. hemoglobin normal, call anemia."} {"id": "15782", "contents": "microcyt anemias. preval prevent form microcyt anemia iron defici anemia. preval iron defici anemia unit state rang 10 percent may high 30 percent low-incom populations."} {"id": "15783", "contents": "description. hemoglobin main compon red blood cell serv transport oxygen carbon dioxid blood. hemoglobin concentr (hb) usual report gram hemoglobin per decilit blood (g/dl). hb commonli measur cyanhemoglobin (hemoglobin cyanide) method."} {"id": "15784", "contents": "high/low hemoglobin levels. peopl natur high hemoglobin level, mostli seen adapt change. example, peopl live high altitud tend higher level hemoglobin, make insuffici amount oxygen atmosphere. normal hemoglobin rang women slightli lower side compar men. because, women lose blood menstruation. normal hemoglobin level tend rise slightli pregnancy, increas need oxygen body."} {"id": "15785", "contents": "hemoglobin protein molecul red blood cell carri oxygen lung body' tissu return carbon dioxid tissu back lungs. hemoglobin made four protein molecul (globulin chains) connect together. embed within heme molecul iron vital transport oxygen carbon dioxid blood. iron contain hemoglobin also respons red color blood. hemoglobin also play import role maintain shape red blood cells."} {"id": "15786", "contents": "normal hemoglobin range. hemoglobin level import indic health condit person. articl provid inform normal hemoglobin level kid adults. normal hemoglobin rang women slightli lower side compar men. because, women lose blood menstruation. normal hemoglobin level tend rise slightli pregnancy, increas need oxygen body."} {"id": "15787", "contents": "hba1c facts. hemoglobin a1c, often abbrevi hba1c, form hemoglobin (a blood pigment carri oxygen) bound glucose. blood test hba1c routin perform peopl type type diabet mellitus."} {"id": "15788", "contents": "refer rang blood tests, sort logarithm mass scale molar below. hormon predomin left part scale, shown red ng/l pmol/l, low concentration."} {"id": "15789", "contents": "hurrican (bi whatev name) far common pacif ocean, western pacif active. years, philippin struck 20 tropic storm typhoons. term appli variou storm depend location. one hurrican forc storm ever occur south atlantic-hurrican catarina 2004. map show tropic cyclon track 1851 2007... western pacific: western pacif basin' hurrican season mostli juli novemb 30, peak late august earli september, though storm occur year-round. south pacific: south pacif basin' hurrican season octob 15 may 15, reach peak late februari earli march."} {"id": "15790", "contents": "peak hurrican form atlant ocean, gulf mexico caribbean sea. locat may affect caribbean, bermuda, central america includ eastern mexico, eastern gulf coast unit states, eastern canada. tropic cyclon basin also condit tropic cyclon may occur longer period year. tropic cyclon form disturb monsoon trough."} {"id": "15791", "contents": "hurrican occur north atlant east pacif ocean ever water warm enough (gener around 80 degrees) degre north equator. cyclon typhoon found farther west pacif indian oceans, though exactli type storm."} {"id": "15792", "contents": "hurricane? well, hurrican tropic cyclon occur north atlant ocean northeast pacif ocean remain east intern dateline. tropic cyclon character larg low pressur center numer thunderstorms. produc strong wind heavi rain."} {"id": "15793", "contents": "atlant coast, gulf mexico, hawaiian island vulner hurricanes. top 10 hurricane-pron citi u.s. following: cape hattaras, north carolina. delray beach, florida. hollywood, florida. deerfield beach, florida. boca raton, florida. florida city, florida."} {"id": "15794", "contents": "imag made goe satellit data. hurrican awesome, violent storm earth. peopl call storm names, typhoon cyclones, depend occur. scientif term storm tropic cyclone. tropic cyclon form atlant ocean eastern pacif ocean call hurricanes.. whatev called, tropic cyclon form way. tropic cyclon like giant engin use warm, moist air fuel."} {"id": "15795", "contents": "eastern pacific: eastern pacif basin' hurrican season may 15th novemb 30th, peak late august earli september. western pacific: western pacif basin' hurrican season mostli juli novemb 30, peak late august earli september, though storm occur year-round. south pacific: south pacif basin' hurrican season octob 15 may 15, reach peak late februari earli march."} {"id": "15796", "contents": "confid vote 34.1k. hurrican occur north atlant east pacif ocean ever water warm enough (gener around 80 degrees) degre north equator. cyclon typhoon found farther west pacif indian oceans, though exactli type storm."} {"id": "15797", "contents": "brief descript basin' hurrican season.. inform obtain noaa hurrican faq. atlantic: hurrican season atlant run june novemb 30. storm outsid date unheard of. western pacific: western pacif basin' hurrican season mostli juli novemb 30, peak late august earli september, though storm occur year-round. south pacific: south pacif basin' hurrican season octob 15 may 15, reach peak late februari earli march."} {"id": "15798", "contents": "hurrican awesome, violent storm earth. form near equat warm ocean waters. actually, term hurrican use larg storm form atlant ocean eastern pacif ocean. generic, scientif term storms, wherev occur, tropic cyclone."} {"id": "15799", "contents": "passeng car, costhelp reader report pay $179-$942 replac time belt, averag cost $449. suv minivan, costhelp reader report pay $502-$950, averag $736. passeng car, costhelp reader report cost $300-$1,570 time belt package, averag $750. suv, minivan pickup, reader report pay $610-$1,565, averag cost $1,048."} {"id": "15800", "contents": "time belt replac within last 90,000 still fine. time belt replac 100,000 miles, consid replaced. new time belt could cost $50 local auto part store. new tension could cost around $20. would $130 labor total cost start $199. although labor replac time belt free, would think $130 still high...mor like $50 $100 would reasonabl"} {"id": "15801", "contents": "part typic cost $25-$80 time belt, depend vehicl make model; $100-$800 kit also includ recommend replac part like seals, tension water pump. costhelp reader report. passeng car, costhelp reader report cost $300-$1,570 time belt package, averag $750. suv, minivan pickup, reader report pay $610-$1,565, averag cost $1,048."} {"id": "15802", "contents": "parts: $53 $94. averag cost time belt replac $340 $457. labor cost estim $287 $363 part price $53 $94. get person estim base locat specif car."} {"id": "15803", "contents": "post macadamia on. 60k servic done past wed suncoast mitsubishi port richey, fl. cost plu time belt replac combin $750 tax shop supplies.. funni shop suppli end equal $20 coupon dollar"} {"id": "15804", "contents": "averag cost. accord costhelper.com, cost time belt replac vari $250 $750, depend make model car well price labor. offset sticker shock, best discuss cost initi consult mechanic."} {"id": "15805", "contents": "mechan repair shop replac time belt (and possibl serpentin belt accessori belt time) cost $150-$1,000 more, depend make, model type vehicle. passeng car, costhelp reader report cost $300-$1,570 time belt package, averag $750. suv, minivan pickup, reader report pay $610-$1,565, averag cost $1,048."} {"id": "15806", "contents": "toyota dealership quot price $199.00 time belt, $367.00 water pump, $136.00 spark plugs, $335.00 fuel filter, $24.95 oil chang $45.00 drive belt power steer belt. total $1188.96. part auto part store cost $224.75 parts."} {"id": "15807", "contents": "addit specialis endocrin organ mention above, mani organ part bodi systems, bone, kidney, liver, heart gonads, secondari endocrin functions. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin. number gland signal sequenc usual refer axis, example, hypothalamic-pituitary-adren axis. pituitari gland (or hypophysis) endocrin gland size pea weigh 0.5 gram (0.018 oz) humans. protrus bottom hypothalamu base brain, rest small, boni caviti (sella turcica) cover dural fold (diaphragma sellae)."} {"id": "15808", "contents": "adren cortex\u2014th outer part gland\u2014produc hormon vital life, cortisol (which help regul metabol help bodi respond stress) aldosteron (which help control blood pressure). one main distinct hormon releas adren cortex necessari life; secret adren medulla not. adren cortex hormones. adren cortex produc two main group corticosteroid hormones\u2014glucocorticoid mineralcorticoids."} {"id": "15809", "contents": "hormone(s) secreted. function(s) hormones. (1) hypothalamus. part brain: control relay centr endocrin system. (2) pituitary. known master gland, part brain consist three lobe call anterior, interior posterior. posterior. oxytocin."} {"id": "15810", "contents": "hormones. secret gland endocrin system, specif hormon caus respons specif target organ group cells, rather bodi whole. exocrin hormon secret via duct blood usual effect distant organ tissue. endocrin system regul activ bodi secret complex chemic substanc (hormones) blood stream. secret come varieti gland control variou organ body. key function are: regul metabol function body."} {"id": "15811", "contents": "adren medulla inner part adren gland. hormon secret effect structur bodi control sympathet nervou system, aid bodi deal stress situat fright, attack pursuit. endocrin system regul activ bodi secret complex chemic substanc (hormones) blood stream. secret come varieti gland control variou organ body. key function are: regul metabol function body."} {"id": "15812", "contents": "endocrin gland gland endocrin system secret products, hormones, directli blood rather duct. major gland endocrin system includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamu adren glands. hypothalamu pituitari gland neuroendocrin organs. local chemic messengers, gener consid part endocrin system, includ autocrines, act cell secret them, paracrines, act differ cell type nearby."} {"id": "15813", "contents": "endocrin system control system ductless gland secret hormon within specif organs. hormon act messengers, carri bloodstream differ cell body, interpret messag act them. hormon chemic messeng produc cell effect specif chang cellular activ cell (target cells). unlik exocrin gland (which produc substanc saliva, milk, stomach acid digest enzymes), endocrin gland secret substanc duct (tubes)."} {"id": "15814", "contents": "major endocrin gland includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestin tract adren glands. endocrin system contrast exocrin system, secret hormon use ducts. pituitari gland (or hypophysis) endocrin gland size pea weigh 0.5 gram (0.018 oz) humans. protrus bottom hypothalamu base brain, rest small, boni caviti (sella turcica) cover dural fold (diaphragma sellae)."} {"id": "15815", "contents": "posterior lobe pituitari gland (or neurophpophysis) store releas hormon secret hypothalamu section brain including: adh (antidiuret hormone) stimul smooth muscles, blood vessel intestine. endocrin system regul activ bodi secret complex chemic substanc (hormones) blood stream. secret come varieti gland control variou organ body. key function are: regul metabol function body."} {"id": "15816", "contents": "although origin environment justic movement trace pass civil right act 1964, robert bullard\u2019 work entitl dump dixi publish 1990\u2019 consid first book address realiti environment injustice."} {"id": "15817", "contents": "movement sanction april 1970 nationwid quasi-holiday, first earth day.. new organ form ralli masses: friend earth (1969), natur resourc defens council (1970), canadian-born greenpeac (1971)."} {"id": "15818", "contents": "two tradit american conservation. tradit conserv movement took form 1890s, mark found sierra club california 1892 first state audubon societi massachusett new york 1896."} {"id": "15819", "contents": "1960 period growth environment movement. movement began newfound interest preservationist issues. decade, membership former conservationist organ like wilder societi sierra club skyrocket 123,000 1960 819,000 1970."} {"id": "15820", "contents": "still other might point may 28, 1892 day u.s. environment movement began. date first meet sierra club, found note preservationist john muir gener acknowledg first environment group unit states."} {"id": "15821", "contents": "april 22, 1970, date first earth day celebr unit states, often cite start modern environment movement."} {"id": "15822", "contents": "today, common practic celebr earth day still plant new trees. cherri tree bloom antelop valley california, captur friend kerri willerford. thank kerri! first earth day april 22, 1970 mark begin modern environment movement. approxim 20 million americans, especi colleg campuses, particip nation teach-in environment issu protest environment deterior first earth day."} {"id": "15823", "contents": "environment movement intern movement, repres rang organizations, larg grassroot vari countri country."} {"id": "15824", "contents": "yet anoth type immunotherapi use protein normal help regulate, modulate, immun system activ enhanc body\u2019 immun respons cancer. protein includ cytokin certain growth factors. two type cytokin use treat patient cancer: interleukin interferons."} {"id": "15825", "contents": "protein also part antibodies, interferon complement protein support immun system cell attack viruses, bacteria foreign substanc body. everi adult consum minimum recommend dietari allow protein, 71 gram per day pregnant lactat women, 46 gram women 56 gram men, accord institut medicine. athlet often need extra protein."} {"id": "15826", "contents": "immun system proteins, igg antibodi best known gener population. antibodi circul bloodstream provid bulk defens invad bacteria viruses. one way, explain physiologist laurale sherwood, ph.d. protein cell make express onto cell surface. allow immun system monitor what' go insid cell provid earli detect system case invas pathogen."} {"id": "15827", "contents": "hla gene famili provid instruct make group relat protein known human leukocyt antigen (hla) complex. hla complex help immun system distinguish body' protein protein made foreign invad virus bacteria. hla human version major histocompat complex (mhc), gene famili occur mani species."} {"id": "15828", "contents": "antigen substanc (usual proteins) surfac cells, viruses, fungi, bacteria. nonliv substanc toxins, chemicals, drugs, foreign particl (such splinter) also antigens. immun system recogn destroy substanc contain antigens. body' cell have. antigens. includ group antigen called. immun system learn see antigen normal usual react them. proteins. lymphocyt becom cell produc antibodies. antibodi attach specif antigen make easier immun cell destroy antigen. lymphocyt attack antigen directli help control immun response."} {"id": "15829", "contents": "immun system system mani biolog structur process within organ protect disease. function properly, immun system must detect wide varieti agents, known pathogens, virus parasit worms, distinguish organism' healthi tissue. disord immun system result autoimmun diseases, inflammatori diseas cancer. immunodefici occur immun system less activ normal, result recur life-threaten infections."} {"id": "15830", "contents": "immun system consist vast array proteins, cell organ work togeth help keep bodi safe invas pathogens. pathogen simpli disease-caus organisms, infecti bacteria viruses. number protein immun system depend upon order maintain normal function. protein cell make express onto cell surface. allow immun system monitor what' go insid cell provid earli detect system case invas pathogen."} {"id": "15831", "contents": "immun system does. immun system protect bodi ill infect caus bacteria, viruses, fungi parasites. realli collect reaction respons bodi make damag cell infection. sometim call immun response. bone marrow make blood cell help fight infection. weaken immun system happen often leukaemia lymphoma. happen cancer too. cancer bone marrow stop bone marrow make mani blood cells."} {"id": "15832", "contents": "immun system protect bodi ill infect caus bacteria, viruses, fungi parasites. realli collect reaction respons bodi make damag cell infection. bone marrow make blood cell help fight infection. weaken immun system happen often leukaemia lymphoma. happen cancer too. cancer bone marrow stop bone marrow make mani blood cells."} {"id": "15833", "contents": "ga compressor mechan devic increas pressur ga reduc volume. air compressor specif type ga compressor. compressor similar pumps: increas pressur fluid transport fluid pipe."} {"id": "15834", "contents": "compressor low suction pressur noisi one higher pressure. consid whether system properli charged, whether expans valv feed properli use evapor efficiently, whether enough air fed evapor coil."} {"id": "15835", "contents": "compressor pumps, undergo steady-flow process, consum power. isentrop effici compressor pump defin ratio work input isentrop process, work input actual process inlet exit pressures."} {"id": "15836", "contents": "compressor, low pressur ga chang high pressur gas. pressur buildup accomplish restrict high pressur side system. small valv locat expans valve."} {"id": "15837", "contents": "unfortunately, run air compressor (ac) often use energi equipment. air compressor effici ratio energi input energi output. mani air compressor may run effici low 10 percent."} {"id": "15838", "contents": "let\u2019 begin rotari screw compressors, employ two interlock screw compress air. common type compressor almost becom industri standard. rotari screw compressor mostli util job 20 30 horsepow more."} {"id": "15839", "contents": "purpos compressor circul refriger system pressure, concentr heat contains. compressor, low pressur ga chang high pressur gas. pressur buildup accomplish restrict high pressur side system."} {"id": "15840", "contents": "energi effici air compressor januari 2004 number one sourc energi loss air compressor system usual trace wast air. wast air lost leak system. although leak often small, signific amount air lost."} {"id": "15841", "contents": "short answer: ye work. ddr3 memori graphic card mount gpu' pcb. power regul clock signal memori regul gpu. ddr2 memori motherboard complet separ situat voltag clock signal regul motherboard. two memori bank little, anyth other. pcie gpu work pcie motherboard slot. person found useful."} {"id": "15842", "contents": "went run concert local park age seven ... daili record (glasgow, scotland). music first love and, releas third album us record label c&c music group, sandra nomin a. award."} {"id": "15843", "contents": "motherboard central compon comput compon hook to. cpu hous motherboard, compon hard drives, emori modul add-on card also instal onto motherboard. confid vote 88. term motherboard refer main circuit board insid computer. hold cpu, memory, provid expans slot connect everi part computer, directli indirectly."} {"id": "15844", "contents": "first mobo award present uk trio babi d, best danc act category. mobo award seen uk equival bet award soul train award main award show britain focu urban music. mobo award music black origin establish 1996 kanya king andi ruffell. mobo award show held annual unit kingdom recognis artist ethnic nation perform black music. 2009, award ceremoni held glasgow first time. prior that, held london. 2011, ceremoni return scotland second time"} {"id": "15845", "contents": "mount either side bottom case. ^it mount backplane, metal plate motherboard screws/clip onto. standard cases, bac kplane locat right side case look front case. confid vote 88. term motherboard refer main circuit board insid computer. hold cpu, memory, provid expans slot connect everi part computer, directli indirectly."} {"id": "15846", "contents": "world' comprehens profession edit abbrevi acronym database. trademarks/servic mark referenc site properti respect owners. acronym finder \u00a91988-2015, acronym finder, right reserved."} {"id": "15847", "contents": "year convers fill tonn digit pages, we'v kept access brows copi over. whether look reveal articl older champions, first time rammu roll ok thread, anyth between, find here."} {"id": "15848", "contents": "hood river locat junction highway 35 interst 84. hood river toll bridg span columbia river connect citi commun white salmon bingen locat state washington. hood river locat approxim 60 mile east portland oregon i-84. mile west mosier, 21 mile west dalles. hood river, oregon. hood river boast spectacular view mount hood columbia river becom vacat spot ever-increas number windsurfers, sailboarders."} {"id": "15849", "contents": "enter locat select region/city. to. includ date rang enter date range. mt. hood highest point oregon, much mountain activ volcano crown jewel columbia river gorge, area seemingli design god outdoor recreation. mt. hood\u2019 slope beg climbed, skied, snowboard hiked."} {"id": "15850", "contents": "60 mile east portland, perch columbia river gorge, hood river, town acclaim equal quirki charm rug sensibilities. show info hood river. locat panoram crossroad columbia river gorg cascad mountain range, hood river valley\u2019 15,000 acr orchard produc approxim 45 percent nation\u2019 winter pear crop."} {"id": "15851", "contents": "citi hood river seat hood river county, oregon, unit states. port columbia river, name nearbi hood river. 2010 census, citi popul 7,167. hood river confluenc hood river columbia river heart columbia river gorge. citi 30 mile (48 km) north mount hood, tallest peak state"} {"id": "15852", "contents": "twenti mile upstream dalles, oregon. downstream hood river columbia gorg hotel, ruthton point, mitchel point. white salmon river commun bingen across columbia river washington side. hood river ... hood river origin flank mount hood flow north, merg columbia river river mile (rm) 169.5, twenty-two mile upstream bonnevil dam. hood river, citi hood river, hood river counti name mount hood, visibl columbia river."} {"id": "15853", "contents": "hood river locat within columbia gorg nation scenic area. hood river citi locat 500 feet (152.4m) sea level, foothil slope cascad mountains' mt. hood, oregon' largest mountain, rise 11,235 feet (3,424.4m) sea level. hood river locat within area import rock format known columbia lava. hood river, oregon. hood river boast spectacular view mount hood columbia river becom vacat spot ever-increas number windsurfers, sailboarders."} {"id": "15854", "contents": "hood river, formerli known dog river, tributari columbia river northwestern oregon unit states. result, hood river becam known dog river. name unpopular. pioneer resid area, mrs. nathaniel coe, abl chang local usag hood river, mount hood. name hood river appear map earli 1856."} {"id": "15855", "contents": "hood river locat mt. hood gorge, home tower cliff waterfal columbia river gorg snowi peak mt. hood. area includ nearbi subregion: columbia river gorge. nearbi citi are: odell, mosier, parkdale, cascad locks. show info hood river. locat panoram crossroad columbia river gorg cascad mountain range, hood river valley\u2019 15,000 acr orchard produc approxim 45 percent nation\u2019 winter pear crop."} {"id": "15856", "contents": "mean history. variant amalia, though sometim confus emilia, differ origin. name becam popular england german hous hanov came british throne 18th century-it born daughter georg ii georg iii."} {"id": "15857", "contents": "amelia /ame-lia/ [4 sylls.] girls' name pronounc a-meel-yah. latin old german origin, mean amelia rival, eager work. blend two mediev names: latin emilia (see emily) latin german amalia, mean work. 18th-centuri princess amelia brought name britain."} {"id": "15858", "contents": "origin name amelia: english variant german amalia, deriv amal (work). alternatively, may variant emilia (rival). world babi name teresa norman."} {"id": "15859", "contents": "amelia femal given name. variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel"} {"id": "15860", "contents": "etymologist believ name amelia/amalia unrel latin gen name aemilia, translat english emily. equival aemilia/emili romanc languag sound similar amelia (e.g. italian emilia) differ origin german name. variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel"} {"id": "15861", "contents": "amelia name latin origins. mean name amelia strive, excel, rival. amelia origin come name aemilia. common variat name includ emilia, amilya, amilia. ameli french version name amelia. common nicknam includ amy, mia, millie, melie, ames."} {"id": "15862", "contents": "german meaning: name amalia german babi name. german mean name amalia is: old german amalburga, mean labour latin aemilia. italian meaning: name amalia italian babi name. name amalia spanish babi name. spanish mean name amalia is: industrious. swedish meaning: name amalia swedish babi name. swed"} {"id": "15863", "contents": "name amelia english babi name. english mean name amelia is: industrious. striving. latin meaning: name amelia latin babi name. latin mean name amelia is: industrious. striving. german meaning: name amelia german babi name. german mean name amelia is: old german amalburga, mean labour latin aemilia."} {"id": "15864", "contents": "amelia femal given name. variant amalia, deriv german word amal mean 'work', 'industrious' 'fertile'. variant form ameli deriv french equivalent, amelie. am\u00e9li diminut form include, amy, emma milli and. mel"} {"id": "15865", "contents": "amelia latin form ancient old high german femal name amalia, german element \u201camal\u201d mean \u201cto work\u201d (old nors \u201cama\u201d \u201cto trouble\u201d). peopl often confus amelia aemilius, old roman famili name latin origin (mean \u201crival\u201d), incorrect."} {"id": "15866", "contents": "virus small oblig intracellular parasites, definit contain either rna dna genom surround protective, virus-cod protein coat. virus may view mobil genet elements, probabl cellular origin character long co-evolut viru host. nomenclature. asid physic data, genom structur mode replic criteria appli classif nomenclatur viruses, includ chemic composit configur nucleic acid, whether genom monopartit multipartite."} {"id": "15867", "contents": "classif viruses. virus usual classifi convent taxonom group usual group accord properti size, type nucleic acid contain, structur capsid number protein subunit it, host species, immunolog characteristics."} {"id": "15868", "contents": "educ malici software, better be. malwar virus. fact, consist viruses, worms, trojan horses, adware, rootkit mani nasti infections. program annoy anything, other pose seriou threat computer. though close related, worm virus two complet differ type malware. abil self-repl propag attach files. viru move machin machine, worm tend leach onto network traffic corporation' worst nightmar"} {"id": "15869", "contents": "four characterist use classif viruses: type nucleic acid includ size genome, stranded (singl double), linear circular, posit neg (sense), segment (number size), sequenc g+c content etc."} {"id": "15870", "contents": "worms. though close related, worm virus two complet differ type malware. abil self-repl propag attach files. viru move machin machine, worm tend leach onto network traffic corporation' worst nightmar"} {"id": "15871", "contents": "malware, malici software, softwar develop purpos harm. malwar classifi base get executed, spread, and/or do. classif perfect, however, sens group often overlap differ often obvious. class malici software. viruses. first type malwar evolv comput virus. virus work spread (within infect system) attach piec softwar (or case macro viruses, documents), execut program viral code executed."} {"id": "15872", "contents": "\u201cmalware\u201d short \u201cmalici software\u201d comput program design infiltr damag comput without user consent. \u201cmalware\u201d gener term cover differ type threat comput safeti viruses, spyware, worms, trojans, rootkit on. stori malware. viru creators, \u201cviru writers\u201d, start write virus earli 1980\u2019s."} {"id": "15873", "contents": "viru classif process name virus place taxonom system. similar classif system use cellular organisms, viru classif subject ongo debat proposals. mainli due pseudo-liv natur viruses, say non-liv particl chemic characterist similar life. such, fit neatli establish biolog classif system place cellular organisms."} {"id": "15874", "contents": "malwar broad term refer varieti malici programs. post defin sever common type malware; adware, bots, bugs, rootkits, spyware, trojan horses, viruses, worms."} {"id": "15875", "contents": "stroopwafel (. [\u02c8stro\u02d0p\u028ba\u02d0f\u0259l]. english translation: syrup waffl treacl waffle) waffl made two thin layer bake dough caramel-lik syrup fill middle. popular netherlands. first made dutch citi gouda. one stori ascrib invent stroopwafel baker gerard kamphuisen, would date first stroopwafel somewher 1810, year open bakery, 1840, year oldest known recip syrup waffles."} {"id": "15876", "contents": "that' end doing, think whiz pizzel making! halv recipe, still abl fill leftov made 12 cookies. think recip fill full size (6-8 inch) cookies. plan quit cooki use store bought cooki (3-4 inch). make filling: saucepan boil brown sugar, remain one cup butter, cinnamon (thi must-hav ingredient), dark corn syrup reach soft ball stage (234-240\u00b0f, 112-115\u00b0c), stir constantly."} {"id": "15877", "contents": "stroopwafel origin gouda netherlands. first made late 18th centuri earli 19th centuri baker use leftov bakery, breadcrumbs, sweeten syrup. one stori ascrib invent stroopwafel baker gerard kamphuisen, would date first stroopwafel somewher 1810, year open bakery, 1840, year oldest known recip syrup waffles."} {"id": "15878", "contents": "care bite pipe hot stroopwafel risk burn palat miss flavor! besid pack stroopwafel find groceri store around country, sweet cooki also made tradit way mani local open-air markets. saucepan, boil sugar, remain butter, cinnamon dark corn syrup reach temperatur 112-115 degre celsius. allow cool. assemble: preheat pizzel iron. dough ready, roll 12 small ball press"} {"id": "15879", "contents": "dutch troopwafel, syrup waffle, cooki uniqu netherlands, eaten countri centuries. histori delicaci date back 1784, baker town gouda bake waffl use old crumb spices, fill syrup. saucepan, boil sugar, remain butter, cinnamon dark corn syrup reach temperatur 112-115 degre celsius. allow cool. assemble: preheat pizzel iron. dough ready, roll 12 small ball press"} {"id": "15880", "contents": "syrup waffl stroopwafel (english translation: syrup waffl treacl waffle) waffl made two thin layer bake batter caramel-lik syrup fill middle. first made gouda netherlands, 1784. larg version sold street snack. geschikt voor butaan propaan ga suitabl butan propane. wat een stroopwafel een stroopwafel (eigenlijk: siroopwafel) een nederland veelgegeten wafel, die bestaat uit twee rond deegwafelhelften, met ruitpatroon, waartussen zoet stroop aangebracht. na het bakken wordt een deegwafel de langsricht doormidden gesneden"} {"id": "15881", "contents": "get stroopwafel recip sin southern sweets. get waffl iron stroopwafel recip bakes. stroopwafel one world' best, sore underr cookies. amaz dutch cooki consist thin layer caramel-lik syrup sandwich two wafers. origin citi call gouda netherland (better known eponym cheese). put round disc top mug let steam soften coupl minutes. steam heat cooki melt insid layer warm gooey. can't wait long, stroopwafel great straight package, too."} {"id": "15882", "contents": "watch make stroopwafels, classic dutch treat, right kitchen! need special waffl iron recipe, one netherlands, shallow waffl iron pizzel iron trick. there' noth like batch freshli made stroopwafel freshli made brew."} {"id": "15883", "contents": "choos varieti pomegranate. punica granatum small decidu tree. grow 2.5 metr (8.2 feet) tall, orang flower summer season. dwarf varieti nana grow shorter, metr (3.2 feet) best grow containers."} {"id": "15884", "contents": "grow ancient super food. pomegran beauti tree grow shrub even hedge. enjoy glossi green foliage, showi orang flowers, cours delici fruit. long-lived, drought toler tree beauti addit edibl landscape. brows pomegran trees: http://www.groworganic.com/seasonal-i..."} {"id": "15885", "contents": "sever way grow pomegranate: seedling, cutting, seed. grow pomegran seed guarante get certain varieti pomegran wait three four year plant produc fruit."} {"id": "15886", "contents": "trees. pomegran known strong health benefits, tangi red seed resist pest diseases. tasti popular fruit grow trees, rang size appear squat, 3-foot shrub-lik tree traditional-looking, 30-foot-tal tree."} {"id": "15887", "contents": "pomegran tree produc fruit grown proper conditions. pomegran produc shrub small tree (punica granatum) nativ northern india."} {"id": "15888", "contents": "eventually, bone regain origin strength complet healed. fractur severe, heal time take weeks, provid rest. magic way get bone heal, bodi heal due time. meantime, take easi get rest. coupl weeks, begin feel better."} {"id": "15889", "contents": "treatment options. heal time bruis rib typic rang anywher weeks, rib fractur might take longer heal. time one would take recov would also vary, depend overal health patient. might rang week month"} {"id": "15890", "contents": "best answer: difficulti breathing, normal x-ray broken ribs. would difficulty, x-ray would use see fractur rib, puncher lung..... long take..... pain start subsid 1st week..... provid stretch, hit anything, etc."} {"id": "15891", "contents": "thank respons blog. fractur rib rib experi pain disabl upward weeks, depend sever fractur displaced. help see doctor pain manag time. rib sever injur displac may need see specialist. pain common symptom peopl experi rib fractures. often take upward weeks, sometim month fractur heal patient becom entir pain free."} {"id": "15892", "contents": "although broken rib eventu heal 1-2 month rel healthy, know treat home significantli reduc discomfort. rare cases, fractur rib punctur lung damag intern organs, necessit emerg medic treatment. ad. 1. put ice fractur rib. appli ice pack, frozen gel pack bag pea freezer onto rib injuri 20 minut everi hour awak first days, reduc 10-20 minut 3x daili need reduc pain swelling."} {"id": "15893", "contents": "home treatment help manag pain heal. pain relief help feel better let take deeper breaths. fractur rib usual take least week heal. help manag pain fractur heals: put ice injur area. get extra rest. take pain medicin aspirin ibuprofen. doctor may prescrib stronger pain medicin over-the-count medicin work."} {"id": "15894", "contents": "long take broken rib heal? take anywher month sever month heal back 90-100%, depend type, size magnitud fractur (and whether hairline, simpl ompound). long take rib fractur heal? approxim 10-12 week repair howev find, done light exercis area recoveri process take month eturn strength."} {"id": "15895", "contents": "take 6-8 week heal, depend type injuri sustained. (keep finger still !!!!) broken place hand ice cold water min. take wrap whole hand soft wrap (anyth soft colth) long take rib fractur heal? approxim 10-12 week repair howev find, done light exercis area recoveri process take month eturn strength."} {"id": "15896", "contents": "prepar budget incom statement come prepar part budget, includ sales, purchases, product administr expenses. compani one department, depart need provid financi data goe company' budget financi statements. budget incom statement, along budget balanc sheet, help busi determin plan financi feasible. busi develop compar differ budget project help make decis project busi pursu pay them."} {"id": "15897", "contents": "budget incom statement import part business' financi plan process. budget incom statement, along budget balanc sheet, help busi determin plan financi feasible. busi develop compar differ budget project help make decis project busi pursu pay them."} {"id": "15898", "contents": "role master budget. incom budget smaller budget busi organization. incom budget cover much busi earn variou routes, cover much spent oper busi much spent product development, example. incom budget show detail much come busi come from, master budget show entir oper business. words, master budget show money incom budget spent within business. person may develop master budget person use, may use incom budget creat expens budget, smaller version master budget"} {"id": "15899", "contents": "person budget financ plan alloc futur person incom toward expenses, save debt repayment. past spend person debt consid creat person budget. sever method tool avail creating, use adjust person budget."} {"id": "15900", "contents": "percentag guidelin help money management. develop percentag guidelin famili incom vital famili budget. allow spend need without go allot amount set categori expenses. list incom variabl fix expenses, make sure expens exceed percentag set category. allot 12 25 percent incom person item activ well groceries. includ entertain beauti servic hair salon barber shops. two 10 percent expect person expens remain 10 15 percent spent food."} {"id": "15901", "contents": "definition. oper budget base upon achiev specif incom levels. often use govern base department budget upon tax revenu sources."} {"id": "15902", "contents": "incom budget specif type budget show money earned. type budget use profession purpos busi use person reasons, singl person variou stream income. incom budget show detail much come busi come from, master budget show entir oper business. words, master budget show money incom budget spent within business. person may develop master budget person use, may use incom budget creat expens budget, smaller version master budget"} {"id": "15903", "contents": "symbiosis. statement profit loss differ budget, concept interrelate. comb budget, see thing like revenue, expens target result -- also make incom statement. essence, budget project incom statement"} {"id": "15904", "contents": "budget incom statement. budget incom statement definition. budget incom statement contain line item found normal incom statement, except project incom statement look like futur budget periods. analysi purposes, number line item budget incom statement may compress contract comparison line item normal use actual incom statement."} {"id": "15905", "contents": "report abuse. hydrogen bond hold two strand together. due nitrogen base (adenine, guanin etc...). 'bonds' such, intermolecular forc attract strong. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: hydrogen bond hold nitrogen-contain base dna strand together. adenin (a) thymin (t) held togeth two h-bonds, cytosin (c) guanin (g) held togeth three."} {"id": "15906", "contents": "see fig. 1. nucleotid within strand held togeth phosphodiest bond 5' carbon one nucleotid carbon adjac nucleotdie. strong coval bond form glue hold sugar/phosph backbon togeth thu act keep strand together. two strand dna held togeth weak hydrogen bond (remember, someth must hold together!) nitrogen bases. interest (and important) aspect watson-crick model hydrogen bond base specific. jame watson franci crick propos structur dna molecul suggest basic mechan dna replication. model propos dna compos two strand dna run anti-parallel (rememb 5' 3' ends!!) other."} {"id": "15907", "contents": "chemistry. two strand dna held togeth hydrogen bond, attraction, nitrogen bases. hydrogen bond guanin cytosine, wherea hydrogen bond adenin thymine. rememb dna run anti-parallel direction. :). peopl found useful."} {"id": "15908", "contents": "dna doubl helix held togeth hydrogen bond nucleotid base adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine. check sourc provided. there' great diagram doubl helix. source(s): http://www.ba-education.demon.co.uk/for/... report abuse. hydrogen bond hold two helic togeth form doubl helix. also rememb somethign call base stacking, recal hydrogen bond strand, promot helic natur enforc rigid structure."} {"id": "15909", "contents": "1. dna doubl helix held togeth two type bonds, coval andhydrogen. coval bond occur within linear strand strongli bond thebases, sugars, phosphat group (both within compon betweencomponents). (it 3\u00b4 -oh group thati requir creat next phosphodiest bond.) rna subsequentlyremov replac dna gap exist final product. 4. helicas enzym disrupt hydrogen bond hold two dnastrand togeth doubl helix. breakag requir rna anddna synthesis. topoisomeras enzym creat relax supercoil inth dna doubl helix"} {"id": "15910", "contents": "strand doubl helix held togeth coval bond deoxyribos sugar phosphat group (on 3' 5' carbons) (make backbone). bases-purin pyrimidin (adenine, guanine, cytosin thymine) also bond onto deoxyribos sugar (on 1' carbon) covalently. report abuse. hydrogen bond hold two helic togeth form doubl helix. also rememb somethign call base stacking, recal hydrogen bond strand, promot helic natur enforc rigid structure."} {"id": "15911", "contents": "potomac river /p\u0259\u02c8to\u028am\u0259k/ locat along mid-atlant coast unit state flow chesapeak bay. river (main stem north branch) approxim 405 mile (652 km) long, drainag area 14,700 squar mile (38,000 km\u00b2). term area, make potomac river fourth largest river along atlant coast unit state 21st largest unit states. million peopl live within potomac watershed."} {"id": "15912", "contents": "potomac river locat states. river form part border washington, d.c. virginia left descend bank maryland virginia th river' right descend bank. found useful. fairfax stone histor monument state park west virginia state park commemor fairfax stone surveyor' marker boundari stone sourc north br anch potomac river west virginia."} {"id": "15913", "contents": "major tributari potomac river. potomac' major tributari include: anacostia river, antietam creek, cacapon river, catoctin creek, conocoheagu creek, monocaci river, north branch, south branch, occoquan river, savag river, senaca creek, shenandoah river."} {"id": "15914", "contents": "potomac river run 405 mile (652 km) fairfax stone west virginia allegheni plateau point lookout, maryland, drain 14,679 squar mile (38,020 km 2). length river junction north south branch point lookout 302 mile (486 km). term area, make potomac river fourth largest river along atlant coast unit state 21st largest unit states. million peopl live within potomac watershed."} {"id": "15915", "contents": "potomac river, flow west virginia, maryland, virginia, washington, dc delawar river constitut part boundari pennsylvani new york, entir boundari new jersey pennsylvania, boundari delawar new jersey. fairfax stone histor monument state park west virginia state park commemor fairfax stone surveyor' marker boundari stone sourc north br anch potomac river west virginia."} {"id": "15916", "contents": "potomac river, flow west virginia, maryland, virginia, washington, dc delawar river constitut part boundari pennsylvani new york, entir boundari new jersey pennsylvania, boundari delawar new jersey. jeff acklin. confid vote 575. potomac river locat states. river form part border washington, d.c. virginia left descend bank maryland virginia river' right descend bank."} {"id": "15917", "contents": "potomac river map details. print map. locat along mid-atlant coast unit states, flow chesapeak bay, potomac river flow washington dc, virginia, maryland, pennsylvania west virginia. potomac river 405 mile (652 km) length, form part border washington dc virginia left bank, well maryland virginia right."} {"id": "15918", "contents": "sourc north branch potomac river fairfax stone locat junction grant, tucker preston counti west virginia. fairfax stone, north branch potomac river flow man-mad jen randolph lake, impound design flood control. south fork south branch potomac river form north u.s. rout 250 highland county, virginia near head water flow 55 mile (89 km) north-northeastward south branch potomac river moorefield hardi county,"} {"id": "15919", "contents": "map show locat mention wikipedia article: potomac river () flow chesapeak bay, locat along mid-atlant coast unit states. river approxim 383 statut mile (616 km) long, drainag area 14,700 squar mile (38,000 km\u00b2). south fork south branch potomac river form north u.s. rout 250 highland county, virginia near head water flow 55 mile (89 km) north-northeastward south branch potomac river moorefield hardi county, west virginia."} {"id": "15920", "contents": "vitamin b3 made niacin niacinamide, found mani foods, includ yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, cereal grains. vitamin b3 often found combin vitamins, includ thiamine, riboflavin, pantothen acid, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid."} {"id": "15921", "contents": "40 food high niacin. food contain tryptophan help increas niacin intake, tryptophan amino acid get convert bodi niacin. food includ poultry, red meat, eggs, dairi products. note niacin grain present bran whole grains."} {"id": "15922", "contents": "niacin niacinamid form vitamin b3. vitamin b3 found mani food includ yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, beans, cereal grains. niacin niacinamid also found mani vitamin complex supplement vitamins."} {"id": "15923", "contents": "veget contain b-complex vitamins, work together. niacin, also known b-3, one essenti b-complex vitamins. high dose -- higher gener found food -- niacin help lower cholesterol levels. veget contain number b-complex vitamin"} {"id": "15924", "contents": "niacin water-solubl vitamin also known vitamin b3. mean niacin store body. need eat food rich niacin everi day. niacin help bodi use fat, protein carbohydr food make energy. niacin help 200 enzym (natur chemic body) function normal bodi help bodi use vitamins, make dna."} {"id": "15925", "contents": "print. group organ speci live area call a..."} {"id": "15926", "contents": "answers. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: popul group member speci live togeth particular place. commun group organ differ speci live togeth place. ecosystem group organ differ speci live togeth place interact abiot part environment. biospher sum live organ earth, whether live it, within it, it. therefore, answer want b, community."} {"id": "15927", "contents": "william cyrus. 12.1k karma. 1. group organ ident speci live particular area known ecosystem. term ecosystem refer toward combin physic well biolog compon environment. 1. group individu spiec call population. popul interact non-liv world around call ecosystem. group dolphin call pod, bees-swarm, birds-flock on."} {"id": "15928", "contents": "differ popul live togeth area make community. smallest largest. organism, population, community, ecosystem. addit commun differ species, ecosystem includ abiot factors. live nonliv thing interact particular area make ecosystem. place organ live provid thing organ need call habitat. need includ food, water, shelter."} {"id": "15929", "contents": "\u2022a ___________________ group organisms, species, live specif area. \u2022popul organisms, experi ___________________ growth. rather, graph grow popul start slowly, begin resembl ___________________ curve."} {"id": "15930", "contents": "popul group organ speci live specif geograph area interbre call population. field sociology, pop ulat pertain collect human beings. call group organ singl speci live area time? group organ speci call population. group differ speci live togeth call community. edit. share to: aaron mcclellan"} {"id": "15931", "contents": "sever popul organ live togeth one area call ecosystem. added: actually, sever popul organ live togeth one area call community. peopl found useful. group popul live area plu nviron around call ecosystem. 23 other found useful. rochel navarrete. cheap valentin day getaway mani romant escap expens often focu luxuri accommod high-end areas."} {"id": "15932", "contents": "ecosystem contain one commun live organisms. commun organ live togeth certain area. commun speci animals, plant organ live together.al organ one speci commun call population. describ commun need know kind popul present. need know size population."} {"id": "15933", "contents": "group one speci live togeth call population. group popul live area call community. group popul live area plu nviron around call ecosystem. 23 other found useful. rochel navarrete. cheap valentin day getaway mani romant escap expens often focu luxuri accommod high-end areas."} {"id": "15934", "contents": "hormon produces, thyroid gland influenc almost metabol process body. thyroid disord rang small, harmless goiter (enlarg gland) need treatment life-threaten cancer. common thyroid problem involv abnorm product thyroid hormones. much thyroid hormon result condit known hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "15935", "contents": "sever differ disord aris thyroid produc much hormon (hyperthyroidism) enough (hypothyroidism). four common thyroid disord includ hashimoto' disease, graves' disease, goiter, thyroid nodules. body' system speed caus symptom common hyperthyroid there\u2019 high level thyroid hormon bloodstream. symptom include: anxiety. irritability. fatigue. hand tremors. increas irregular heartbeat. excess sweating. difficulti sleeping. diarrhea frequent bowel movements."} {"id": "15936", "contents": "graves' diseas caus 50% 80% case hyperthyroid unit states. caus includ multinodular goiter, toxic adenoma, inflamm thyroid, eat much iodine, much synthet thyroid hormone. less common caus pituitari adenoma. hyperthyroidism, also known activ thyroid hyperthyreosis, condit occur due excess product thyroid hormon thyroid gland. thyrotoxicosi condit occur due excess thyroid hormon caus therefor includ hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "15937", "contents": "graves\u2019 diseas name doctor first describ 150 year ago. it\u2019 common caus hyperthyroid (overact thyroid). it\u2019 autoimmun disord occur body' immun system mistakenli attack thyroid gland. body' system speed caus symptom common hyperthyroid there\u2019 high level thyroid hormon bloodstream. symptom include: anxiety. irritability. fatigue. hand tremors. increas irregular heartbeat. excess sweating. difficulti sleeping. diarrhea frequent bowel movements."} {"id": "15938", "contents": "iodine-suffici regions, common caus hypothyroid hashimoto' thyroid \u2014also autoimmun disease. addition, thyroid gland may also develop sever type nodul cancer. thyroid may affect frequent thyroid diseases. hyperthyroid occur gland produc excess amount thyroid hormones, common caus graves' diseas \u2014an autoimmun disorder. contrast, hypothyroid state insuffici thyroid hormon production. worldwide, common caus iodin defici"} {"id": "15939", "contents": "graves\u2019 disease, also known toxic diffus goiter, autoimmun disord common caus hyperthyroid unit states, condit thyroid gland produc excess hormones."} {"id": "15940", "contents": "thyroid cancer: uncommon form cancer, thyroid cancer usual curable. surgery, radiation, hormon treatment may use treat thyroid cancer. thyroid nodule: small abnorm mass lump thyroid gland. thyroid nodul extrem common. surgery, radiation, hormon treatment may use treat thyroid cancer. thyroid nodule: small abnorm mass lump thyroid gland. thyroid nodul extrem common. cancerous. may secret excess hormones, caus hyperthyroidism, caus problems."} {"id": "15941", "contents": "thyroid diseas symptom signs. thyroid diseas common problem caus symptom over-or under-funct thyroid gland. thyroid gland essenti organ produc thyroid hormones, maintain bodi metabolism. thyroid gland locat front neck adam' appl"} {"id": "15942", "contents": "definit uropygi gland. larg gland occur birds, open dorsal base tail feathers, usual secret oili fluid bird use preen feather \u2014call also oil gland. advertisement. britannica.com: encyclopedia articl uropygi gland."} {"id": "15943", "contents": "bird preening, use beak pick feather -- remov debris, arrang feather place, distribut special oil secret gland base tail. oil help bird' feather stay healthi shiny."} {"id": "15944", "contents": "bird typic transfer preen oil bodi preen rub beak head gland open rub accumul oil feather bodi wings, skin feet legs. uropygi gland, inform known preen gland oil gland, bilob sebac gland possess major birds. locat dorsal base tail (between fourth caudal vertebra pygostyle) greatli variabl shape size."} {"id": "15945", "contents": "preening, bird remov dust, dirt parasit feather align feather optimum posit rel adjac feather bodi shape. bird preen sever time day keep healthy. uropygi gland, preen gland, essenti part preening. gland found near base tail produc oili substanc contain diester wax help waterproof feather keep flexible. preening, bird spread oil feather. type birds, includ owls, pigeons, parrot hawks, lack uropygi gland instead special feather disintegr powder down, serv purpos preen oil."} {"id": "15946", "contents": "among animals, bird spend consider time preen feathers. done remov ectoparasites, keep good aerodynam condition, waterproof them. that, use preen oil secret uropygi gland, dust feathers, mean dust-bath anting."} {"id": "15947", "contents": "(of bird) tidi clean feather beak: reed bunt preen pool\u2019 edg [with object]: pigeon preen feathers. exampl sentences. synonyms. lous common parasit satin bowerbirds, found mainli around head eye bird cannot easili preen. hundr new feather regenerating, bird must preen constantly. preening, bird nibbl stroke feathers, return correct position. late middl english: appar variant obsolet prune (base latin unger 'anoint'), sense, associ scot northern english dialect preen 'pierce, pin' (becaus \u2018pricking\u2019 action bird' beak)."} {"id": "15948", "contents": "definit preen. transit verb. 1. bird: groom bill especi rearrang barb barbul feather distribut oil uropygi gland. 2. dress smooth (oneself) up: primp. 3. pride congratul (oneself) achievement. intransit verb. 1."} {"id": "15949", "contents": "top definition. preening. femal partak use marijuana smoking, particularly, presenc females. smoke often accompani feminin activ eat chocolate, paint nails, watch chickflicks, etc. word origin: pretti greening."} {"id": "15950", "contents": "verb. preen defin take great care clean oneself another. exampl preen bird clean feathers. exampl preen woman care pluck eyebrows. clean trim (the feathers) beak: said birds. verb middl english prenen, pren (\u201ca preen). verb. (third-person singular simpl present preens, present participl preening, simpl past past participl preened). birds) groom; trim dress beak, feathers."} {"id": "15951", "contents": "preen. 1. trim dress (feathers, fur, etc.) beak tongue. 2. dress (oneself) care smartly; primp. 3. pride (oneself) achievement, person quality, etc. 4. make oneself appear strike smart dress appearance. preen-clean one' bill; bird preened. plume. arrange, set up-put proper systemat order; arrang book shelv chronolog order. clean, make clean-mak clean remov dirt, filth, unwant substanc from; clean stove!; dentist clean teeth."} {"id": "15952", "contents": "type dna analysis. dna analysi process genet sequenc studied. use law enforc medic personnel identifi particular person species, even specif cancer diseases. one point analysi process limited."} {"id": "15953", "contents": "genet test examin genet inform contain insid person' cells, call dna, determin person develop certain diseas could pass diseas offspring."} {"id": "15954", "contents": "autosom dna term use genet genealog describ dna inherit autosom chromosomes. autosom number chromosomes, oppos sex chromosomes. human 22 pair autosom one pair sex chromosom (the chromosom chromosome)."} {"id": "15955", "contents": "genet defect may make person suscept certain type cancer. test defect help predict person' risk. type genet test help diagnos predict monitor cours certain kind cancer, particularli leukemia lymphoma."} {"id": "15956", "contents": "dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code."} {"id": "15957", "contents": "dna genet material, found cell body, determin genet characterist person. dna character provid profil dna inform evid material."} {"id": "15958", "contents": "back 1985, first genet fingerprint miracl science. today, dna analysi standard practic defin patern maternity, predisposit disease, embryon health, crimin guilt innocence, on."} {"id": "15959", "contents": "ginni wiehardt. definition: allus reference, within literari work, anoth work fiction, film, piec art, even real event."} {"id": "15960", "contents": "allus definition. allus brief indirect refer person, place, thing idea historical, cultural, literari polit significance. describ detail person thing refers."} {"id": "15961", "contents": "allusion. definition: allus figur speech wherebi author refer subject matter place, event, literari work way pass reference. reader make connect subject mentioned."} {"id": "15962", "contents": "full definit allusion. 1. impli indirect refer especi literature; also: use references. 2. act make indirect refer something: act allud something."} {"id": "15963", "contents": "allusion. definition: direct indirect refer someth historical, literary, religious, mythical. author usual use refer understood audience, event, book, myth, place, work art. also make allus pop culture."} {"id": "15964", "contents": "nearbi hotels. king island fun everyone! spend day hang peanut gang planet snoopy, check dinosaur alive!, take ride one thrill roller coaster park offer. king island also wide varieti famili ride everyon enjoy. book easi steps."} {"id": "15965", "contents": "$275 million capit investments, park featur 80 rides, show attract includ 14 roller coaster 33-acr (13 ha) water park. throughout history, king island appear popular sitcom highli public record-break attract events. june 30, 2006, cedar fair entertain compani purchas king island rest paramount park approxim $1.24 billion. acquisition, cedar fair own three major amus park ohio: king island, cedar point geauga lake (purchas six flag 2004)."} {"id": "15966", "contents": "follow king island pass get e-mail alert updat ebay feed. unfollow king island pass stop get updat ebay feed. king island passes. follow king island pass get e-mail alert updat ebay feed. unfollow king island pass stop get updat ebay feed. yay! follow king island pass ebay feed. email new item match interest"} {"id": "15967", "contents": "2014, king island second-most visit season amus park unit state behind cedar point estim 3.2 million visitors. third overal season attend north america led canada' wonderland. june 30, 2006, cedar fair entertain compani purchas king island rest paramount park approxim $1.24 billion. acquisition, cedar fair own three major amus park ohio: king island, cedar point geauga lake (purchas six flag 2004)."} {"id": "15968", "contents": "north. record-break coaster award-win kid' area soak citi waterpark' 50+ water attractions, visit king island largest amus waterpark midwest offer thrills, adventur entertain whole family! buy tickets. visit websit buy tickets. show more. 100 rides, show attract plu soak citi waterpark, king island offer perfect combin world-class thrill famili attractions."} {"id": "15969", "contents": "admiss king island includ soak citi park\u2019 massiv 33-acr waterpark make largest amus waterpark midwest! local tip plan visit king island, check cincinnatiusa.com' insider' guid king island. show more. 100 rides, show attract plu soak citi waterpark, king island offer perfect combin world-class thrill famili attractions."} {"id": "15970", "contents": "king island 364-acr (147 ha) amus park locat 24 mile (39 km) northeast cincinnati mason, ohio. own oper cedar fair entertain company. june 30, 2006, cedar fair entertain compani purchas king island rest paramount park approxim $1.24 billion. acquisition, cedar fair own three major amus park ohio: king island, cedar point geauga lake (purchas six flag 2004)."} {"id": "15971", "contents": "angelo depalma phd. durat immun hepat viru (hbv) plasma-deriv vaccin gener believ around 10 years. however, rigor determin upper time limit immun carri out."} {"id": "15972", "contents": "previously, hepat vaccin recommend administ least 2\u20134 week departur area intermedi high rate hepat a. travel depart less week recommend receiv receiv immun globulin (ig) short-term protection."} {"id": "15973", "contents": "understand hepat vaccination-induc protect antibodi last 15 years, appear fall time. patient vaccin 10 15 year ago, especi vaccin children, may adequ protected."} {"id": "15974", "contents": "infant born hbsag-posit mothers, postvaccin test recommend month complet least dose hepat vaccin series. child schedul age 18 months, gener next well-child visit."} {"id": "15975", "contents": "well works. clinic trials, month last dose, 100% peopl immun hepat a, 99.7% immun hepat b. practice, immun may approach levels. hepat vaccin usual provid immun 95% 97% people."} {"id": "15976", "contents": "infant born hbsag-posit mothers, postvaccin test perform 1\u20132 month complet \u22653 dose licens hepat vaccin seri (i.e., age 9\u201318 months, gener next well-child visit)."} {"id": "15977", "contents": "necessary, postvaccin test antibodi hepat surfac antigen (anti-hbs) gener perform 1\u20132 month complet vaccin series."} {"id": "15978", "contents": "twinrix vaccin provid activ immun hepat hepat viruses. given seri inject schedul hepat vaccine: initi dose follow dose month months. also given doses, initi dose follow dose days, 21 30 days, 12 months."} {"id": "15979", "contents": "immun hepat viru thought lifelong. hepat vaccin effect least 25 year adult 14 year children."} {"id": "15980", "contents": "report abuse. well, went restaur watch mike tyson vs. lennox lewi bout year ago rememb set $40 fee includ meal plu fight. idk, they'd split i'm assum $40 went pay meal individu share. unabl go bar see pay per view fight year bar. allow would believ ski limit term price."} {"id": "15981", "contents": "obvious want watch fight want go restaur bar alway order pay-per-view house--but that' cheap either. fight cost record $99.95, shatter old record $74.95. averag pay-per-view fight usual cost $59. major money goe back two fighter people. mayweath pacquiao expect make somewher around $200 million one event. file in: news."} {"id": "15982", "contents": "cost around $45 $55 order ufc pay-per-view event privat residence, public venu sport bars, restaur casino must pay commerci licens fee. commerci cost depend size establish base fire occup certificate. cost show ufc pay-per-view event commerci establishments, mani bar restaur owner agre it\u2019 great investment."} {"id": "15983", "contents": "watch pay-per-view. tell us we'll show pay-per-view event time area. use locat upper-right corner page pick cox market. note: must cox market view pay-per-view event details."} {"id": "15984", "contents": "without ufc commerci license, establish subject pay-per-view piraci laws. report illeg broadcast locat help protect invest made author locations. anonym report pirat call 1-800-557-4263 contact joe hand promot website. commerci cost depend size establish base fire occup certificate. cost show ufc pay-per-view event commerci establishments, mani bar restaur owner agre it\u2019 great investment."} {"id": "15985", "contents": "ad post edlund offer $250 per locat found. lot peopl want watch floyd mayweath manni pacquiao box saturday, lot peopl want plunk record-set chunk pay-per-view money so. ad post edlund offer $250 per locat found. you\u2019r go watch fight bar saturday, good customer. don\u2019t complain pay cover, definit don\u2019t enlist pay-per-view snitch."} {"id": "15986", "contents": "bar restaur pack fan watch mayweath pacquiao fight saturday night. fan pay record $99.99 watch fight hd home. bar restaur pay much more, use formula account location' capacity. naturally, licens fee fight also record high. sprinkl among pay-per-view polic look venu pay expens licens fee show match. fan pay record $99.99 watch fight hd home."} {"id": "15987", "contents": "averag restaur host hostess unit state expect take home roughli $8.67 per hour. compens rang $7.28 per hour lower end $11.76 higher end. tenur specif compani impact pay group, resid influenti factor."} {"id": "15988", "contents": "bar restaur air pay per view event business, know pay standard residenti rate. unabl go bar see pay per view fight year bar. allow would believ ski limit term price."} {"id": "15989", "contents": "example, taiga north america mostli consist spruces; scandinavian finnish taiga consist mix spruce, pine birch; russian taiga spruces, pine larch depend region, eastern siberian taiga vast larch forest. taiga terrestri biom lowest annual averag temperatur tundra perman ice caps. extrem winter minimum northern taiga typic lower tundra."} {"id": "15990", "contents": "definit taiga. moist subarct forest domin conif (a spruce fir) begin tundra ends. see taiga defin kids. advertisement. russian ta\u012dga."} {"id": "15991", "contents": "conifer forest northern temper zone, consist boreal speci spruce, fir, larch, pine, includ nut pines, hardwood species. transit zone taiga broad-leav forest call subtaiga. taiga siberian word, equival \u201cboreal forest.\u201d see tundra. northern southern boundari taiga determin climat factors, temperatur important. however, arid control forest-stepp boundari central canada western siberia."} {"id": "15992", "contents": "[t\u0250j\u02c8\u0261a] turkic) also known boreal forest snow forest, biom character conifer forest consist mostli pines, spruce larches. taiga world' largest terrestri biome. taiga terrestri biom lowest annual averag temperatur tundra perman ice caps. extrem winter minimum northern taiga typic lower tundra."} {"id": "15993", "contents": "evergreen speci taiga (spruce, fir, pine) number adapt specif surviv harsh taiga winters, although larch, cold-toler trees, deciduous. taiga terrestri biom lowest annual averag temperatur tundra perman ice caps. extrem winter minimum northern taiga typic lower tundra."} {"id": "15994", "contents": "taiga. conifer forest northern temper zone, consist boreal speci spruce, fir, larch, pine, includ nut pines, hardwood species. transit zone taiga broad-leav forest call subtaiga. taiga averag juli temperatur 10\u00b0c\u201318\u00b0c. taiga. zone forest veget encircl northern hemispher arctic-subarct tundra north steppes, hardwood forests, prairi south. chief characterist taiga preval forest domin conifers."} {"id": "15995", "contents": "ecol. type transit plant commun locat arctic tundra boreal conifer forests, scatter trees: often consid includ region boreal forests. russian tajga. origin taiga."} {"id": "15996", "contents": "taiga. taiga, also known boreal forest, biom character conifer forest consist mostli pines, spruce larches. taiga world' largest terrestri biome. wiktionari (1.50 votes) rate definition: taiga (noun). subarct zone evergreen conifer forest situat south tundra north stepp northern hemisphere."} {"id": "15997", "contents": "forest locat earth' far northern regions, consist mainli cone-bear evergreens, firs, pines, spruces, decidu trees, larches, birches, aspens. taiga found south tundra."} {"id": "15998", "contents": "taiga. conifer forest northern temper zone, consist boreal speci spruce, fir, larch, pine, includ nut pines, hardwood species. transit zone taiga broad-leav forest call subtaiga. taiga averag juli temperatur 10\u00b0c\u201318\u00b0c. taiga siberian word, equival \u201cboreal forest.\u201d see tundra. northern southern boundari taiga determin climat factors, temperatur important. however, arid control forest-stepp boundari central canada western siberia."} {"id": "15999", "contents": "see, leaf cost winner situation, volt c-max energi cost bit $100 more, priu $200 more, camri $243.33 more, priu phev $359.29 per month leaf. let' tri exampl longer commute: 60 mile per day."} {"id": "16000", "contents": "assum leas nissan leaf $349.00 $1,6999 down, put anoth $2,000 charg station, net payment averag around $455.00 per month. however, save $125.00 month gas, you\u2019r back leas car around $330 per month. total cost year civic drop $17,931.50. total cost year nissan leaf drop $15,781.50. save quit impressive. still, nissan leaf leas save $2,000 cours five years."} {"id": "16001", "contents": "why, offer incentives, course! come pass leas brand-new nissan leaf sl battery-electr car mere $139 month $2,995 down. lower-than-ev leas deal avail boardwalk nissan redwood city, california, potenti number dealer well. california, however, 24-month leas qualifi full $2,500 state purchas rebate--which stay lessee, issuer lease, requir lesse owner keep car 36 months."} {"id": "16002", "contents": "also, talk cost here. leaf $100/month batteri leas program cost priu run per mile basis. mention fact stop pay battery, end ev battery. useless. due launch first half next year, nissan\u2019 batteri replac program offer exist new custom way guarante leaf\u2019 24-kilowatt-hour batteri pack retain least 70% batteri capacity."} {"id": "16003", "contents": "purchase, purchas must wait follow year appli receiv tax credit. accord epa, averag cost fuel nissan leaf $550 per year (base 15,000 mile per year), less $50 per month. compar spend gasolin now."} {"id": "16004", "contents": "math changes, however, cheapest leaf $6,000 less. state rebat help put math leaf\u2019 favor too, course. base new math, would seem it\u2019 less expens leaf rather similar tradit car like nissan versa, thing equal. impressively, retail price 2013 nissan leaf drop six grand. week detroit auto show, nissan announc new leaf seri start msrp $28,800, undercut previou least expens leaf $6,400, repres drop 18%."} {"id": "16005", "contents": "nissan leaf leas offer. said, nissan offer $349.00 month, 36-month leas nissan leaf base $7,500 tax save capit cost reduction. save goe directli lender turn net $349.00 payment. furthermore, $1,699 initi cap-cost reduct requir lea siging. total cost year civic drop $17,931.50. total cost year nissan leaf drop $15,781.50. save quit impressive. still, nissan leaf leas save $2,000 cours five years."} {"id": "16006", "contents": "base rent amount money pay leas space specifi lease. gener state whole dollar amount (e.g. $30,000 per annum) dollar per squar foot (e.g. 1,500 squar feet rate $20.00 per squar foot). ($200,000 increas base year 1.5% divid 12 month $250.00). select offic space, ask breakdown oper expens tax estim rent increas term"} {"id": "16007", "contents": "citi lo angel run $33 squar foot. accord sfgate.com articl written octob 2011, averag offic space downtown san francisco rang $31.69 per squar foot area. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build downtown new york citi run around $65 per squar foot. offic space washington d.c run anywher $45 $52 per squar foot."} {"id": "16008", "contents": "locat building, amenities, age building, foot traffic greatli influenc price. averag offic space unit state around $39 per squar foot accord cushwake.com. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build downtown new york citi run around $65 per squar foot. offic space washington d.c run anywher $45 $52 per squar foot."} {"id": "16009", "contents": "$3000 per month 1200 squar feet. know much startup pay offic space. enough revenu rais enough capit 10 employees, startup expect pay around $6,100 rent per month. may seem expensive, find much pay 10 people. despit wiggl room, however, number present \u201cball park\u201d accurate. median price offic space among startup survey $6,100. distribut rang compani pay thousand dollar month other pay ten thousands."} {"id": "16010", "contents": "set new offic mighti task -- whether look right location, negoti lease, design workplace, decid whether buy rent equip servic need busi new space."} {"id": "16011", "contents": "boston, offic rental run $39 $47 per squar foot. citi lo angel run $33 squar foot. accord sfgate.com articl written octob 2011, averag offic space downtown san francisco rang $31.69 per squar foot area. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build downtown new york citi run around $65 per squar foot. offic space washington d.c run anywher $45 $52 per squar foot."} {"id": "16012", "contents": "post offic equipment. set right offic space crucial make larg differ success business. import discov busi need space get right. first step find offic space. decid busi success home-bas offic need buy rent new space. receiv assist find offic space loopnet, officefind showcase, websit provid assist find commerci real estate."} {"id": "16013", "contents": "quick note: ask founder compani \u201chow much pay rent\u201d somewhat imprecise. example, accord lease, priceonom pay $2700 per month 1200 squar foot offic mission district san francisco. however, we\u2019r contractu oblig pay $300 month cover \u201cbuild oper costs,\u201d leas effect $3000 month. despit wiggl room, however, number present \u201cball park\u201d accurate. median price offic space among startup survey $6,100. distribut rang compani pay thousand dollar month other pay ten thousands."} {"id": "16014", "contents": "averag offic space unit state around $39 per squar foot accord cushwake.com. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build downtown new york citi run around $65 per squar foot. offic build indianapoli run around $25 per squar foot. offic build downtown new york citi run around $65 per squar foot. offic space washington d.c run anywher $45 $52 per squar foot."} {"id": "16015", "contents": "5. improv balanc posture. plank correctly, must engag ab stay upright. side plank plank extens particularli benefici build balance, plank perform stabil ball. increas stretch benefits, tri rock plank basic plank form, rock bodi back forth move toe inch either way. 4. improv mood. virtual everi exercis potenti give mood boost, plank exception."} {"id": "16016", "contents": "benefits. plank help build strength core, upper lower bodi good full bodi work out. need equip perform exercis need bit space, realli help improv flexibl stretch muscl improv postur perform regularly."} {"id": "16017", "contents": "push little, plank easi benefit outstanding. top benefit planks. 1. work upper abs, lower abs, obliques, lower back (do standard side plank work entir abs). 2. build stabil muscles. let set record straight: planks, done correctli appropri length time number set easy. tri hold plank minutes, rest minut repeat total sets. me, that\u2019 hard. someon else, may easy."} {"id": "16018", "contents": "dr. mercola. exercise, sometim simplest movement result greatest gain fitness, certainli case planks. plank, hold bodi (the trunk portion) ground, make sure hold straight line. increas stretch benefits, tri rock plank basic plank form, rock bodi back forth move toe inch either way. 4. improv mood. virtual everi exercis potenti give mood boost, plank exception."} {"id": "16019", "contents": "plank exercis aesthet benefit enhanc appear improv posture. plank activ core muscles, includ transvers abdomini iliopsoas, stabil spine hips. plank exercis help prevent revers postur deficiencies, includ lordosi posterior pelvic tilt. isometr exercises, planks, help get past strength-train plateau improv energi transfer upper bodi lower body. plank exercises, particular, benefit multipl element physic fit gener well-being."} {"id": "16020", "contents": "realli want work balance, plank stabil ball good challenge, well. tri side plank leg raise: get side plank leg stacked. lift top leg hold count one. lower repeat. switch side work first side. 4. test balance. one reason plank side plank great core exercis requir engag ab max order stay upright. particularli side plank plank extensions, balanc test therefore, improv"} {"id": "16021", "contents": "advanc planks. plank hands. use exercis ball bosu ball. place feet exercis ball bosu ball standard plank hands. side planks. rais advanc plank position, rotat bodi one side support one hand. let set record straight: planks, done correctli appropri length time number set easy. tri hold plank minutes, rest minut repeat total sets. me, that\u2019 hard. someon else, may easy."} {"id": "16022", "contents": "plank exercis might provid mental benefit improv mood. plank exercis stretch muscl commonli stiffen throughout day contribut stress. sit desk might tighten muscl along back thigh leg remain bent sever hours. isometr exercises, planks, help get past strength-train plateau improv energi transfer upper bodi lower body. plank exercises, particular, benefit multipl element physic fit gener well-being."} {"id": "16023", "contents": "latin meaning: name aurelien latin babi name. latin mean name aurelien is: go!den. soulurg number: 5. express number: 4. peopl name deep inner desir travel adventure, want set pace life without govern tradition."} {"id": "16024", "contents": "syll. aur l-i- en babi boy name aurelien aur\u00e9lien pronounc owr owr-lyehn lyehn ow-lyehn \u2020. lyehn aurelien aur\u00e9lien use mostli french languag of. latin origin aurelien aur\u00e9lien (is) deriv french italian and. spanish name aureliano aurelien aur\u00e9lien also deriv english. german name aureliu aurelien aur\u00e9lien also deriv english german name. aureliu aurelien aur\u00e9lien regularli use babi name. boy rank outsid top. 1000 name babi name sound like aurelien aur\u00e9lien the. romanian name aurelian"} {"id": "16025", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean aurelien aur\u00e9lien name origin name our. databas also note spell pronunci name aurelien aur\u00e9lien check initi name last name discov looks. sound consid name babi aurelien aur\u00e9lien recommend take note special mean histori name your\u2019babi name play big role life babi hear spoken every. day"} {"id": "16026", "contents": "aurelien aur\u00e9lien use mostli french languag latin. origin aurelien aur\u00e9lien (a) deriv french italian spanish. name aureliano aurelien aur\u00e9lien also deriv english and. german name aureliu aurelien aur\u00e9lien regularli use a. babi name boy aurelien aur\u00e9lien also deriv english german name. aureliu aurelien aur\u00e9lien regularli use babi name. boy rank outsid top. 1000 name babi name sound like aurelien aur\u00e9lien the. romanian name aurelian"} {"id": "16027", "contents": "form of: aurelianus. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. search comprehens find name mean aurelien aur\u00e9lien name origin name our. databas consid name babi aurelien aur\u00e9lien recommend take note special mean histori name your\u2019babi name play big role life babi hear spoken every. day"} {"id": "16028", "contents": "syll. aur l-i- en babi boy name aurelien aur\u00e9lien pronounc owr owr-lyehn lyehn ow-lyehn \u2020. lyehn aurelien aur\u00e9lien use mostli french languag of. latin origin aurelien aur\u00e9lien (is) deriv french italian and. spanish name aureliano aurelien aur\u00e9lien also deriv english german name. aureliu aurelien aur\u00e9lien regularli use babi name. boy rank outsid top. 1000 name babi name sound like aurelien aur\u00e9lien the. romanian name aurelian"} {"id": "16029", "contents": "syll. au-re-lien, aur-eli-en babi boy name aurelien pronounc as-awr ey liy-n \u2020. aurelien origin latin language. aurelien deriv english german aurelius. aurelien infrequ use babi name boys. rank within top 1000 names."} {"id": "16030", "contents": "aurelien nautic flags. french name similar origin old-world european nations. often deriv place name trade names, basi history, mythology, religion nature. may also creat names. follow diagram below. fun, see name aurelien hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, aurelien nautic flag page."} {"id": "16031", "contents": "latin-american name. latin-american, name aurelien means-goden.th name aurelien origin latin-american name. name aurelien often use boy name male name. latin-american name meaning-goden."} {"id": "16032", "contents": "1. know money limit deduct business' taxes. ir allow deduct $5,000 actual startup cost (whichev less), $5,000 organiz cost first year, whichev amount less. however, cost exceed $50,000, deduct reduc amount go over. start-up expens exceed $55,000, won\u2019t abl claim $5,000 deduct first year. example, start-up organiz cost $51,000, deduct reduc $4,000."} {"id": "16033", "contents": "start busi 2011, startup cost $50,000 less, incur startup and/or organiz expens octob 22, 2004, deduct $5,000 busi startup cost 2011 tax return. see exampl startup cost go exceed $50,000, deduct reduced, complet wipe exceed $55,000 expenses. may make sens take busi startup deduct year start business."} {"id": "16034", "contents": "(p24). elect deduct $5,000 busi start-up cost $5,000 organiz cost paid incur octob 22, 2004. $5,000 deduct reduc amount total start-up organiz cost exceed $50,000. remain cost must amort"} {"id": "16035", "contents": "startup cost $55,000, deduct complet eliminated. instance, start cost $53,000, would lose $3,000 deduction, would allow deduct $2,000. start cost $55,000 more, qualifi deduct all. take deductions. ir allow deduct $5,000 busi startup cost $5,000 organiz costs, total startup cost $50,000 less. startup cost either area exceed $50,000, amount allow deduct reduc dollar amount"} {"id": "16036", "contents": "busi start-up organiz cost gener capit expenditures. however, elect deduct $5,000 busi start-up $5,000 organiz cost paid incur octob 22, 2004. $5,000 deduct reduc amount total start-up organiz cost exceed $50,000. remain cost must amortized. deduct limit. deduct cost remov barrier disabl elderli tax year $15,000. however, add cost limit basi properti depreci excess costs."} {"id": "16037", "contents": "start-up organiz cost $55,000 more, $5,000 deduct complet phase first year. startup organiz cost $3,000, amount deduct sinc less $5,000. however, cost exceed $50,000, deduct reduc amount go over. start-up expens exceed $55,000, won\u2019t abl claim $5,000 deduct first year. example, start-up organiz cost $51,000, deduct reduc $4,000."} {"id": "16038", "contents": "busi start-up organiz costs. elect deduct $5,000 busi start-up cost $5,000 organiz cost paid incur octob 22, 2004. $5,000 deduct reduc amount total start-up organiz cost exceed $50,000. remain cost must amort"} {"id": "16039", "contents": "chapter ir public 535 outlin deduct full detail. ir allow deduct $5,000 busi startup cost $5,000 organiz costs, total startup cost $50,000 less. take deductions. ir allow deduct $5,000 busi startup cost $5,000 organiz costs, total startup cost $50,000 less. startup cost either area exceed $50,000, amount allow deduct reduc dollar amount"} {"id": "16040", "contents": "plug america estim cost $2 $4 fulli charg all-electr car. price, ev hit market soonest, like nissan leaf, travel 100 mile (160.9 kilometers). course, mileag may vari -- coupl ways. portland, 22 kwh cost $1.32. compare, 2011 mini cooper run gasolin get 31 mile per gallon (49.9 kilomet per gallon) combined, accord epa, translat 3.2 gallon (12.1 liters) per 100 mile"} {"id": "16041", "contents": "tesla roadster cost cent per mile refuel, fuel cost five time lower. roadster go 200 mile per charge, wait 200 mile recharg it, would cost 400 cents, $4 full recharge. source(s): http://www.teslamotors.com/. dana1981 year ago. thumb up. report abuse. much cost charge, depend tariff, util use. (off peak usual whole lot cheaper). (for would $3 $8) base comparison european fuel economi test tesla claim 110 watt per kilometre."} {"id": "16042", "contents": "tesla say 60-kwh batteri provid rang 232 mile (the epa peg 208 miles), 85-kwh batteri (a $10,000 option) provid 300 mile (the epa put 265 miles). zero 300 mile would take 52 hour rate. singl charger connect 240-volt outlet, tesla recommends, pace speed 31 mile rang hour charging, full 300-mile charg take less 9.5 hours."} {"id": "16043", "contents": "reveal averag cost residenti energi octob 2011. use data, abl calcul estim cost charg battery-vers model s. can\u2019t truli account cost per mile, larg depend drive habit type drive do. cost almost 2-1/2 time higher 15.27 cent per kwh price california; california bargain state come residenti electr costs."} {"id": "16044", "contents": "accord blankenship, u.s. base model complet 160 mile batteri pack weigh $57,400 feder tax credit applied. increas rang 230 mile would result price \u201caround $10,000 more\u201d. top rang 300 mile batteri pack would increas cost $10,000. everi 70 mile increas range, price model custom increas $10,000. find price per mile rang increase, divid $10,000 70. give us rough ballpark figur $142.86 per mile. course, calcul aren\u2019t quit simpl we\u2019v done."} {"id": "16045", "contents": "full batteri depend kind model get anywher 420-502km fulli empti again. compar full tank fuel cost $100 per fill-up depend model, that\u2019 alreadi consider cheaper. tesla australia add doesn\u2019t expect user fill batteri absolut empti everi singl night, mean $20 estim theoret maximum cost. times, cheaper that."} {"id": "16046", "contents": "tabl left, show cost full charg differ batteri capac 2012 tesla model s. cost base charg batteri zero full. cost almost 2-1/2 time higher 15.27 cent per kwh price california; california bargain state come residenti electr costs."} {"id": "16047", "contents": "mani peopl quot 85% charg effici tesla, tesla\u2019 charg calcul appear assum 91% charg effici quit differ 82% actual charg effici i\u2019v measur significantli wors averag industri charg efficiency."} {"id": "16048", "contents": "firm fact work from, best use that. let\u2019 use tesla figur 500km, charg cost $20, easi figur work with. take decent effici petrol car averag 5l/100km, requir 25l petrol get tesla\u2019 500km. tesla australia add doesn\u2019t expect user fill batteri absolut empti everi singl night, mean $20 estim theoret maximum cost. times, cheaper that."} {"id": "16049", "contents": "somehow, berni sanders, 73-year-old senat vermont, emerg king social media earli 2016 presidenti campaign, amid field tech-savvi contenders."} {"id": "16050", "contents": "berni sander democrat candid presid unit states. serv second term u.s. senat win re-elect 2012 71 percent vote."} {"id": "16051", "contents": "born 1941 brooklyn, sander attend jame madison high school, brooklyn colleg univers chicago. graduat 1964, move vermont. 1981, elect (bi 10 votes) first four term mayor burlington."} {"id": "16052", "contents": "berni sander democrat candid presid unit states. 2006, elect u.s. senat 16 year vermont\u2019 sole congressman hous representatives. berni serv second term u.s. senat win re-elect 2012 71 percent vote."} {"id": "16053", "contents": "age 40, sander run popular kentucki servic station also serv food\u2014so popular, fact, governor kentucki design kentucki colonel. eventually, sander focus franchis fri chicken busi around country, collect payment chicken sold."} {"id": "16054", "contents": "earli life career. best known found fast-food chain kentucki fri chicken, colonel harland david sander born septemb 9, 1890, henryville, indiana. father die year old, sander becam respons feed take care younger brother sister. begin age 10, held numer jobs, includ farmer, streetcar conductor, railroad fireman insur salesman."} {"id": "16055", "contents": "berni sander serv second term u.s. senat win re-elect 2012 71 percent vote. previou 16 year hous repres make longest serv independ member congress american history."} {"id": "16056", "contents": "chicago maroon/berni sanders. berni sander student activist univers chicago 1960s, leader local chapter congress racial equal help organ protest school' racist hous policies."} {"id": "16057", "contents": "biggest sell termiticid usa use australia, japan, franc countri subterranean termit infest sever econom problem. fact, termidor use million home safeti effectiveness. us dept agriculture-forestri service, test termidor years. far, result show 100% effect termit barrier protection. indic termidor treat soil barrier build moder low termit infestation, similar result within months. peac mind, meantime, termidor treat soil barrier immedi protect build termit entry."} {"id": "16058", "contents": "termidor effect low applic rates. typically, pest manag profession appli termidor activ ingredi fipronil 0.06%. that' lot lower old fashion termicid less insecticides. sinc 1995, fipronil use global flea tick control million cat dog"} {"id": "16059", "contents": "termidor silver bullet termit control protect build structures. termidor biggest sell termiticid usa use australia, japan, franc countri subterranean termit infest sever econom problem. fact, termidor use 800,000 home usa. safeti wise, termidor appli soil area abut building, low hazard peopl pets. unlik alternatives, termidor odorless; contain solvent substanc may lead indoor air contamination."} {"id": "16060", "contents": "sc termidor sc stand suspend concentrate. differ formul product. termidor 80 wg easier profession termit control oper carri trucks, easier mix. 1. termit control: protect home futur termit infestations, termidor must mix water pour 6-inch deep trench dug around foundat home. pleas read information."} {"id": "16061", "contents": "q: homeown buy termidor?a: termidor product purchas appli licens pest manag profession (pmps) train termidor-certifi professional. homeown request pmp use termidor termit treatment program develop homes. a: termidor consist shown except result provid 100 percent control within three month less. significantli faster termit bait systems, typic take six 18 month control termites."} {"id": "16062", "contents": "activ ingredi insect growth regul call fipronil. fipronil gener safe chemic activ ingredi mani flea control medic (where appli directli pets). excit nervou system insects, includ termites, kill them. transfer termit termit groom feeding."} {"id": "16063", "contents": "fipronil broad-us insecticid belong phenylpyrazol chemic family. fipronil broad-spectrum insecticid disrupt insect central nervou system block gaba-g chlorid channel glutamate-g chlorid (glucl) channels, result central nervou system toxicity. use termidor restrict certifi pest control oper follow states: alaska, connecticut, nebraska, south carolina, massachusetts, indiana, new york, washington state."} {"id": "16064", "contents": "toxicity. activ ingredi termidor chemic call fipronil, work block receptor brain nervou system live organisms. ld50 rate 177 -- mean requir 177 milligram per kilogram bodi weight kill 50 percent laboratori anim expos it. termidor, short termidor sc, often serv subterranean termiticid application. occasion appli kill ants. differ product avail homeown profession quantiti sold. sc stand suspend concentrate.."} {"id": "16065", "contents": "termidor water-bas odour, leach soil damag soil micro-organisms, earthworm plants. addition, activ ingredi use extens food crop around world lead product flea tick control dog cat australia sinc 1996. termidor assess australian pesticid veterinari medicin author commonwealth depart health age fulli approv use domest commerci situations. termidor appli lowest dose termiticid avail today."} {"id": "16066", "contents": "bark leav ipil use tradit medicines. tree' timber, call merbau kwila, durabl termite-resist wood, make highli valu materi floor uses. wood also use extract dye. merbau contain gold fleck run grain, consid attract some. intsia bijuga speci flower tree pea family, fabaceae, nativ indo-pacific. rang tanzania madagascar east india queensland, australia pacif island samoa. grow around 50 metr (160 feet) tall highli buttress trunk"} {"id": "16067", "contents": "pacif kwila (merbau) care restoration. pacif kwila timber popular australia new zealand. harsh coastal environ requir extrem durabl materi merbau natur wood use countri centuries."} {"id": "16068", "contents": "front side. revers side. close range. kwila hardwood timber deck (also known merbau) yellowish-brown, brown dark red red-brown hardwood timber deck speci turn dark-r brown age will, eventu time sunlight, sliver light sliver grey timber deck."} {"id": "16069", "contents": "pacif kwila decking. pacif kwila (merbau) hardwood ideal suit manufactur outdoor decking. beauti grain appearance, regard one world' durabl timbers."} {"id": "16070", "contents": "one commonli use deck timbers, merbau/kwila (find differ merbau kwila timber-tip page!) tough, durabl beauti timber. like merbau/kwila, pacif jarrah extrem tough durabl timber, distinct advantag suffer tannin bleed. attract deck timber uniqu pink/r colour tight grain formation. without doubt popular deck timber sell"} {"id": "16071", "contents": "merbau/kwila decking. one commonli use deck timbers, merbau/kwila (find differ merbau kwila timber-tip page!) tough, durabl beauti timber that' perfect decking."} {"id": "16072", "contents": "refer bit basic, list function differ axon dendrites. specifically, dendrit receiv signal neurons, cell body; whereas, axon take signal away cell bodi (essenti 'input-output'). diagram part process below: (imag sourc addit information)."} {"id": "16073", "contents": "answers. best answer: biology, dendrit slender, typic branch project nerv cell, neuron, conduct electr stimul receiv cell cell body, soma, neuron projects. now. report abuse. biology, dendrit slender, typic branch project nerv cell, neuron, conduct electr stimul receiv cell bodi soma cell projects."} {"id": "16074", "contents": "dendrit (from greek \u03b4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b4\u03c1\u03bf\u03bd dendron, d\u00e9ndron) (tree also) dendron branch project neuron act propag electrochem stimul receiv neural cell cell, bodi or, soma neuron dendrites. project dendrit process electr signals. dendrit one two type protoplasm protrus extrud cell bodi neuron, type axon. axon distinguish dendrit sever featur includ shape, length, function."} {"id": "16075", "contents": "axon conduct electr impuls away neuron cell body. dendrit branch neuron project conduct electr stimul receiv ne uron cell bodi branch. peopl found useful. basic explan would say axon structur neuron conduct electr impuls (messages) away cell body, dendrit structur neuron conduct electr impuls toward cell body. 33 other found useful. freddi jefferson cordoba c\u00f3rdoba. yepez"} {"id": "16076", "contents": "axon (from greek \u1f04\u03be\u03c9\u03bd ax\u014dn, \u00e1x\u014dn), axi a, long slender project nerve, cell or, neuron typic conduct electr impuls away the'neuron cell. bodi myelin axon known nerve. fiber function axon transmit inform different, neuron muscl and. gland type neuron axon transmit signal dendrites. neuron ever one axon; howev invertebr insect leech axon sometim consist sever region function less independ other."} {"id": "16077", "contents": "slender branch process extend cell bodi neuron capabl stimul neurotransmitter. neuron usual possess sever dendrites, receiv synaps chemic transmiss occur axon dendrit (or axon, case unipolar neurons). number dendrit thu number synaps vari function neuron. also call cytodendrite. compar axon."} {"id": "16078", "contents": "function dendrites. order neuron becom active, must receiv action potenti stimuli. dendrit structur neuron receiv electr messages. messag come two basic forms: excitatori inhibitory. excitatori action potenti increas stimul neuron, inhibitori action potenti decreas activ neuron. instructor: john williams. dendrit segment neuron receiv stimul order cell becom active. conduct electr messag neuron cell bodi cell function. lesson discuss dendrites, function, import neuron activ"} {"id": "16079", "contents": "ion-exchang water soften start around $400-$1,000 basic unit. instal cost rang $100-$500 (depend type equipment, eas access whether need add new pipe suitabl drain unit) total cost $500-$1,500 basic water soften average-s home."} {"id": "16080", "contents": "salt-bas unit need salt replenish regular basis, usual cost anywher $2-$15 month depend cost salt ($3-$8 per 40-pound bag) amount salt use system. buy water conditioner, find exactli impur water supply."} {"id": "16081", "contents": "size water soften depend amount water soften (and system use one tank), mani water soften anywher 3-1/2 5-1/2 feet high 12-26 inch across."} {"id": "16082", "contents": "types. cost water soften primarili depend type soften method uses. three main type water soften method includ salt-based, salt-fre magnet water softeners. general, salt-bas water soften cost $400 $2,700, depend model. salt-fre water soften rang price $1,300 $3,000. magnet water soften may cost $100, much $800."} {"id": "16083", "contents": "instal costs. cost instal depend type water soften chosen, plumber charg fee $600 service. smaller water soften take short time instal may requir instal fee $100."} {"id": "16084", "contents": "shop water softener: salt-bas unit need salt replenish regular basis, usual cost anywher $2-$15 month depend cost salt ($3-$8 per 40-pound bag) amount salt use system."} {"id": "16085", "contents": "list common medic use treat reduc symptom inflamm eye. follow link read common uses, side effects, dosag detail read user review drug list below. search inflamm eye return follow treatments."} {"id": "16086", "contents": "mani differ type eye infections, eye doctor need determin particular type eye infect order prescrib proper treatment. doctor may take sampl affect area eye cultur assess exact type infect have, any."} {"id": "16087", "contents": "antibiot antibiot gener use treat, sometim prevent bacteri eye infection. antibiot pills, certain antibiot effect certain bacteria, sometim infect cannot cure one medic may elimin another."} {"id": "16088", "contents": "blephar common eyelid inflamm sometim associ bacteri eye infection, symptom dri eye certain type skin condit acn rosacea."} {"id": "16089", "contents": "5. nsaid use treat fever, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, menstrual pain, migraine, eye inflammation, allerg conjunctivitis, type pain inflammation. work reduc enzym bodi caus inflamm increas feel pain."} {"id": "16090", "contents": "eye get infect bacteria, fungi, viruses. eye infect occur differ part eye affect one eye both. two common eye infect are. conjunctivitis-also known pinkeye. conjunct often due infection. children frequent get it, contagious."} {"id": "16091", "contents": "exampl viral, fungal bacteri eye infect include: pink eye, conjunctivitis. conjunctivitis, also call pink eye, common, highli contagi eye infect often spread among children day care centers, classroom similar environments."} {"id": "16092", "contents": "ophthalm prednisolon reduc irritation, redness, burning, swell eye inflamm caus chemicals, heat, radiation, infection, allergy, foreign bodi eye. sometim use eye surgery. prednisolon class medic call steroids."} {"id": "16093", "contents": "long event area, lot control standard park corp. cost. $3, $4 $5 clipper home games, depend lot location. arena district park facil adequ staf assist direct traffic of. lot garages. lot garag pre-pay avoid delay exiting. blue dot map indic locat handicap space found."} {"id": "16094", "contents": "park marconi garag locat behind arena grand movi theatr 245 marconi boulevard neil avenu garag locat 300 neil avenue. see park map reference. dine favorit arena district restaurant, spend minimum $15 exceed hour limit. complet list arena district venues, pleas click here. present receipt (valu $15 more) park ticket park attend upon exit garag pay $3. remember, stay exce hours, requir pay schedul hourli rate."} {"id": "16095", "contents": "stadium corner neil avenu nationwid boulevard arena district columbu replac clippers' former home, cooper stadium. februari 2006, name right park purchas huntington bancshar inc. $12 million 23 years. april 18, 2009, park open public, columbu clipper play toledo mud hen stadium' first game. primarili serv home columbu clipper intern league, triple-a minor leagu affili cleveland indian sinc 2009. groundbreak ballpark took place august 2, 2007, construct complet april 2009."} {"id": "16096", "contents": "park huntington park. central locat arena district, huntington park 14,000 park space within 10 minut walk. map show layout differ lot relat ballpark. long event area, lot control standard park corp. cost $3, $4, $5 clipper home games, depend lot location. arena district park facil adequ staf assist direct traffic lot garages."} {"id": "16097", "contents": "park rate vari depend event. rate gener rang $15 $25. specif event information, pleas call (213) 742-7275 (213-742-park). park lot lot open a.m. guest visit box offic team la store. park lot open two half hour prior start event. lot open 90 minut prior start event remain staf 60 minut event."} {"id": "16098", "contents": "green, red blue long term shuttl lot offer afford conveni port columbu travelers. shuttl provid 24-hour servic airport, never minut away relax ride terminal. green long term shuttl lot $4 per day (24-hour period) hidden fees! gp address: 3256 e. 17th ave. columbus, oh 43219"} {"id": "16099", "contents": "central locat arena district, huntington park 14,000 park spaces. within 10 minut walk. map show layout differ lot relat ballpark. arena district park facil adequ staf assist direct traffic of. lot garages. lot garag pre-pay avoid delay exiting. blue dot map indic locat handicap space found."} {"id": "16100", "contents": "park dine program. dine favorit arena district restaur pay $3 follow simpl steps: park marconi garag locat behind arena grand movi theatr 245 marconi boulevard neil avenu garag locat 300 neil avenue. see park map reference. complet list arena district venues, pleas click here. present receipt (valu $15 more) park ticket park attend upon exit garag pay $3. remember, stay exce hours, requir pay schedul hourli rate."} {"id": "16101", "contents": "huntington park basebal stadium locat columbus, ohio, unit states. primarili serv home columbu clipper intern league, triple-a minor leagu affili cleveland indian sinc 2009. groundbreak ballpark took place august 2, 2007, construct complet april 2009."} {"id": "16102", "contents": "sap fico analyst salary. sap fico analyst averag salari $77,079, median salari $75,000 salari rang $50,000 $131,040. sap fico analyst salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "16103", "contents": "sap busi analysts, busi austin offer higher-than-averag pay rate, 31 percent nation average. sap busi analyst also look forward larg paycheck citi like raleigh (+12 percent), denver (+11 percent), chicago (+8 percent), atlanta (+6 percent)."} {"id": "16104", "contents": "sap busi analyst unit state expect earn averag $81k annually. total cash compens sap busi analyst approach anywher $52k lower end $122k higher end; except cases, includ $15k bonus upward $8k profit sharing."} {"id": "16105", "contents": "view eiworkflow solut job rochester, ny-rochest jobs. salari search: junior sap busi analyst salari rochester, ny. learn work eiworkflow solutions."} {"id": "16106", "contents": "averag pay sap busi analyst r378,929 per year. experi moder effect salari job. peopl move job 20 years' experi career. r196,799 r619,741."} {"id": "16107", "contents": "cellul cellulit two complet differ things. cellul bacteri infect dermis-th deep layer skin-a well subcutan tissu (fat soft tissu layer) skin. cellulit caus fatti deposit skin give orang peel cottag chees look."} {"id": "16108", "contents": "cellul bacteri infect involv inner layer skin. specif affect dermi subcutan fat. sign symptom includ area red increas size coupl days. border area red gener sharp skin may swollen. contrast cellulitis, erysipela bacteri infect involv superfici layer skin, present area red well-defin edges, often associ fever. seriou infect underli bone infect necrot fasciiti rule out."} {"id": "16109", "contents": "cellul spread bacteri infect skin tissu beneath skin. staphylococcu streptococcu type bacteria usual respons cellulitis, although mani type bacteria caus condition. sometim cellul appear area skin broken open, skin near ulcer surgic wounds. symptom sign includ redness, tenderness, swelling, warmth affect area. cellul contagious. cellul treat oral intraven antibiotics."} {"id": "16110", "contents": "cellul bacteri infect skin tissu beneath skin. unlik impetigo, superfici skin infection, cellul infect also involv skin' deeper layers: dermi subcutan tissue. main bacteria respons cellul streptococcu staphylococcu staph ), bacteria caus impetigo"} {"id": "16111", "contents": "cellul common skin infect happen bacteria spread skin deeper tissues."} {"id": "16112", "contents": "cellul lower leg character sign symptom similar deep vein thrombosis, warmth, pain, swell (inflammation). redden skin rash may signal deeper, seriou infect inner layer skin. contrast cellulitis, erysipela bacteri infect involv superfici layer skin, present area red well-defin edges, often associ fever. seriou infect underli bone infect necrot fasciiti rule out."} {"id": "16113", "contents": "cases, skin lower leg affected, although infect occur anywher bodi face. cellul usual affect surfac skin, may also affect underli tissu skin. cellul also spread lymph node bloodstream. cellul treated, infect might spread becom life-threatening. experi symptom cellulitis, it\u2019 import seek medic attent right away."} {"id": "16114", "contents": "cellul overview. cellul common infect skin soft tissu underneath. happen bacteria enter break skin spread. result infection, may caus swelling, redness, pain, warmth."} {"id": "16115", "contents": "causes. cellul occur bacteria, commonli streptococcu staphylococcus, enter crack break skin. incid seriou staphylococcu infect call methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) increasing."} {"id": "16116", "contents": "plate tecton boundari southwest pacific. volcano new zealand result subduct pacif plate indian-australian plate. trench subduct zone continu northeast north island kermadec islands, tonga, samoa. south north island tecton boundari indian-australian pacif plate chang transform fault. modifi johnson other (1989)"} {"id": "16117", "contents": "earlier year, 5.7 earthquak hit north south australia, far edg indo-australian plate australia sits. earthquak occur along tecton plate boundaries, small number occur along fault normal stabl interior plates."} {"id": "16118", "contents": "biographi australian continent. indo-australian plate. indo-australian plate larg crustal plate includ contin australia sub-contin india. indian plate australian plate fuse 43 ma, stretch antarctica south himalayas, indonesian island new guinea north, new zealand east."} {"id": "16119", "contents": "lithospher consist rigid plate non-rigid subsurfac (from approxim 70 km 700 km depth). tecton process mostli take place plate edges. plate move singl entiti along surfac earth plastic mantle. sinc 1950s, sever discoveri led new understand earth works. includ plate tectonics, explain structur earth' lithospher (outer shell) forc drive chang structure. tecton come greek word tekton, mean builder."} {"id": "16120", "contents": "australian plate includ contin australia, includ tasmania, well portion new guinea, new zealand, indian ocean basin. australia antarctica began rift 85 million year ago complet separ roughli 45 million year ago australian plate later fuse adjac indian plate beneath indian ocean form singl indo-australian plate."} {"id": "16121", "contents": "drive forc believ move indo-australia plate subduct along northern margin plate subduct along highli volcan band known pacif ring fire. case subduct plate, pull along subduct zone gravity. indian plate australian plate fuse 43 ma, stretch antarctica south himalayas, indonesian island new guinea north, new zealand east."} {"id": "16122", "contents": "answer share one earth\u2019 tecton plate drift eggshell-lik piec earth\u2019 crust, planet\u2019 contin sit. however, indo-australian plate slightli unusu one, two countri may share much longer. however, indo-australian plate still tri move northwards. western part plate still push himalayas, move 3.7 centimetr per year, eastern part, includ entir contin australia, move much faster speed around 5.6 centimetr per year."} {"id": "16123", "contents": "orang red indo-australian plate, shown divid indian plate australian plate. indo-australian plate major tecton plate includ contin australia surround ocean, extend northwest includ indian subcontin adjac waters. form fusion indian australian plate 43 million year ago. eastern part (australia) move northward rate 5.6 cm per year western part (india) move rate 3.7 cm per year due impedi himalayas."} {"id": "16124", "contents": "australian plate major tecton plate straddl equat southern eastern hemispheres. australia antarctica began rift 85 million year ago complet separ roughli 45 million year ago australian plate later fuse adjac indian plate beneath indian ocean form singl indo-australian plate."} {"id": "16125", "contents": "indo-australian tecton plate alreadi bit oddity, rather thin unusu shape compar others. reason form 43 million year ago two smaller plate (carri landmass would eventu becom india australia) fuse together. however, indo-australian plate still tri move northwards. western part plate still push himalayas, move 3.7 centimetr per year, eastern part, includ entir contin australia, move much faster speed around 5.6 centimetr per year."} {"id": "16126", "contents": "first, sucros compos equal amount two simpl sugar -- 50 percent fructos 50 percent glucos -- typic high-fructos corn syrup use studi featur slightli imbalanc ratio, contain 55 percent fructos 42 percent glucose."} {"id": "16127", "contents": "high fructos corn syrup, also known hfcs, made corn react certain enzym convert glucos fructose. past 30 years, ad wide varieti process food place tabl sugar, known sucrose. high-fructos corn syrup sweeten preserv made chang glucos fructose. extend shelf life process food less expens sugar. found sodas, fruit-flavor drinks, process food"} {"id": "16128", "contents": "a. high-fructos corn syrup (hfcs) manmad sweeten that\u2019 found wide rang process foods, ketchup cereal cracker salad dressings. also sweeten (regular) soda american drink. hfc use food 50 55 percent fructose\u2014so chemically, it\u2019 virtual ident tabl sugar (sucrose), 50 percent fructose. metabol studi suggest bodi break use hfc sucros way."} {"id": "16129", "contents": "sugar high fructos corn syrup tabl sugar (also call sucrose) hfc consist two simpl sugars: fructos glucose. proport fructos glucos hfc basic ratio tabl sugar, made 50% fructos 50% glucose. high fructos corn syrup? high fructos corn syrup (hfcs) calorie-provid sweeten use sweeten food beverages, particularli process store-bought foods. made enzymat process glucos syrup deriv corn."} {"id": "16130", "contents": "high fructos corn syrup (hfcs) sweeten made corn found numer food beverag groceri store shelv unit states. high fructos corn syrup compos either 42 percent 55 percent fructose, remain sugar primarili glucos higher sugars. term composition, high fructos corn syrup nearli ident tabl sugar (sucrose), compos 50 percent fructos 50 percent glucose. glucos one simplest form sugar serv build block carbohydr"} {"id": "16131", "contents": "high-fructos corn syrup common sweeten soda fruit-flavor drinks. use high-fructos corn syrup increased, level obes relat health problems. wonder there' connection. research shown high-fructos corn syrup chemic similar tabl sugar. controversi exists, however, whether bodi handl high-fructos corn syrup differ tabl sugar. known, however, much ad sugar kind high-fructos corn syrup contribut unwant calori link health problems, weight gain, type diabetes, metabol syndrom high triglycerid levels."} {"id": "16132", "contents": "high fructos corn syrup corn syrup frequent use process food place sugar. sugar substitut are, however, use cheaper sugar. present everyth cereal prepackag dessert soda differ type bread. unlik high fructos corn syrup, corn syrup actual origin powder. made dextros sugar, quit sweet high fructos corn syrup. interestingli enough, corn syrup ad product like envelop stamp deliv slightli sweeten tast use them."} {"id": "16133", "contents": "part chemic process use make high fructos corn syrup, glucos fructos -- natur bound togeth -- becom separated. allow fructos mainlin directli liver, turn factori fat product liver call lipogenesis."} {"id": "16134", "contents": "make hfcs, enzym ad corn syrup order convert glucos anoth simpl sugar call fructose, also call \u201cfruit sugar\u201d occur natur fruit berries. hfc \u2018high\u2019 fructos compar pure glucos corn syrup. differ formul hfc contain differ amount fructose."} {"id": "16135", "contents": "bundl branch block delay obstruct along pathway electr impuls travel heart make beat. obstruct blood flow arteri anywher else. indic \u201celectrical\u201d problem. (they go name right bundl branch block, left bundl branch block, first-degree, second-degree, third-degre atrioventricular node blocks.) bundl branch block occur peopl appear healthy, also sign underli heart condition."} {"id": "16136", "contents": "bundl branch block defect bundl branch fascicl electr conduct system heart."} {"id": "16137", "contents": "bundl branch block. bundl branch block disord heart\u2019 rhythm. normally, electr impuls travel right left branch heart speed ventricl contract time."} {"id": "16138", "contents": "bundl branch block condit there' delay obstruct along pathway electr impuls travel make heart beat. delay blockag may occur pathway send electr impuls left right side bottom chamber (ventricles) heart. bundl branch block sometim make harder heart pump blood effici circulatori system."} {"id": "16139", "contents": "bundl branch block affect heart' rhythm. heart structures, like wires, call bundl branches. part heart' electr pathway. branch diseased, call blocked, electr signal can't travel branch."} {"id": "16140", "contents": "bundl branch block, bilater heart block character conduct disturb right left bundl branches; may alternate, intermittent, permanent. complet bilater bundl branch block result complet (third degree) atrioventricular block. bundl branch block, complet heart block character absenc conduct bundl branch conduct delay, caus ventricular activ occur larg exclus contralater bundle."} {"id": "16141", "contents": "bundl branch block. electr impuls caus heart beat (contract) origin upper right chamber (right atrium) heart travel lower chamber (ventricles). bundl branch block, pathway impuls travel delay blocked."} {"id": "16142", "contents": "print. bundl branch block either complet partial interrupt electr pathway insid wall heart two lower chamber (ventricles). caus risk factors. bundl branch block common disorder. occur mani medic conditions. right bundl branch block occur medic condit affect right side heart lungs."} {"id": "16143", "contents": "right bundl branch block (rbbb) heart block electr conduct system. right bundl branch block, right ventricl directli activ impuls travel right bundl branch. left ventricl however, still normal activ left bundl branch."} {"id": "16144", "contents": "heart block, av bundle, bundl branch block diseas electr system heart, oppos coronari arteri disease, diseas blood vessel heart. heart individu heart block beat irregularli slowli normal. however, occur left bundl branch block (the left side heart) often link elev risk develop coronari arteri disease, heart problem. symptom someth patient feel reports, sign someth people, doctor detect."} {"id": "16145", "contents": "anim characterist meaning. totem spirit being, sacr object, symbol tribe, clan, famili individual. nativ american tradit provid individu connect nine differ anim accompani person life, act guides. though peopl may identifi differ anim guid throughout lifetimes, one totem anim act main guardian spirit. one anim connect shared, either interest animal, characteristics, dreams, interaction."} {"id": "16146", "contents": "nativ americans: totem poles. site photograph inform totem poles. learn signific art northwest nativ americans. includ tlingit, tsimshian, haida tribe alaska canada. includ hands-on totem pole activ lesson plan. link ethem resourc literature: \u201ctouch spirit bear\u201d ben mikaelson."} {"id": "16147", "contents": "nativ american totem meanings. totem spirit being, sacr object, symbol tribe, clan, famili individual. nativ american tradit provid individu connect nine differ anim accompani person life, act guides. though peopl may identifi differ anim guid throughout lifetimes, one totem anim act main guardian spirit. one anim connect shared, either interest animal, characteristics, dreams, interaction."} {"id": "16148", "contents": "memori pole carv honor deceas clan member. mortuari pole also rais honor dead includ small compart ash deceased. anoth interest type totem pole shame pole. shame pole carv embarrass ridicul someon done someth wrong. shame pole taken person made amends."} {"id": "16149", "contents": "poles, figur totem repres part story. totem use way record histori legend tribes. figur totem pole god worshipped. instead, repres trait characterist clan stori embodies. mani type totem poles. anoth interest type totem pole shame pole. shame pole carv embarrass ridicul someon done someth wrong. shame pole taken person made amends."} {"id": "16150", "contents": "totem pole. totem pole monument creat northwest coast aborigin peopl serv various signboard, genealog record memorial. totem pole monument creat northwest coast aborigin peopl serv various signboard, genealog record memorial. carv large, straight red cedar paint vibrant colours, totem pole emblemat coastal aborigin cultur northwest coast aborigin art. addition, tool use refin art carv contemporari form acquir trade european 19th century. differ first nation practic differ style carving, often prefer differ type pole. 1950 saw resurg interest totem poles."} {"id": "16151", "contents": "see at: http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/what-is-a-totem-pole/#sthash.46syqnh8.dpuf. totem pole sculptur carv larg trees, western red cedar. north america, totem pole part cultur mani indigen peopl alaska, british columbia pacif northwest. anoth interest type totem pole shame pole. shame pole carv embarrass ridicul someon done someth wrong. shame pole taken person made amends."} {"id": "16152", "contents": "totem pole repres stori import events. poles, figur totem repres part story. totem use way record histori legend tribes. figur totem pole god worshipped. instead, repres trait characterist clan stori embodies. mani type totem poles. genealog pole erect front family' home repres owner' clan social status. though totem pole part histori decades, totem pole still creat today. nativ carver northwest continu carv totem symbol cultur pride clan kinship."} {"id": "16153", "contents": "common figur found totem pole includ raven (a symbol creator), eagl (repres peac friendship), killer whale (a symbol strength), thunderbird, beaver, bear, wolf frog. though totem pole part histori decades, totem pole still creat today. nativ carver northwest continu carv totem symbol cultur pride clan kinship."} {"id": "16154", "contents": "habiledata.com propos data entri servic price structure, understand factor contribut way calcul cost outsourc data entri services, help custom make sure pay actual work. 3. make sure bill actual time/work. satisfi sampl work proceed full fledg outsourc data entri servic cautiou review servic within 3-6 months."} {"id": "16155", "contents": "full-time, temporari data entri oper sought short-term, 5-6 month job pay start $10.50/hour. enter information, proofread data, edit inaccur text, perform variou offic duties. 12 month temporari posit avail data entri oper full time capacity. individu must demonstr 90% accuraci well speed, ensur data integr remain high level. hs diploma/g good commun skill req."} {"id": "16156", "contents": "(unit kingdom). data entri clerk earn averag salari \u00a315,065 per year. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. peopl job move posit 20 year field. \u00a311,374 \u00a321,214."} {"id": "16157", "contents": "full-tim temporari job phoenix, az. full-time, temporari data entri clerk sought short-term, six month posit start $11/hour. enter information, correct entri issues, train staff, more. two+ years' experi data entry, 13,000+ ksph skill required. seek receptionist temporari role. pay $10.00 hour. must strong commun skill experience. respons answer calls, greet guest employees, perform data entry, scan document file paperwork."} {"id": "16158", "contents": "full-tim temporari job eagan, mn. 12 month temporari posit avail data entri oper full time capacity. individu must demonstr 90% accuraci well speed, ensur data integr remain high level. hs diploma/g good commun skill req."} {"id": "16159", "contents": "full-tim post usual involv work 35 40 hour week, although part-tim temporari work often available, recruit agenc common sourc vacancies.start salari data entri staff around \u00a312,000 year. experienc staff may earn salari \u00a318,000 year."} {"id": "16160", "contents": "well known distribut compani requir experienc data entri oper temp perman opportunity, commenc asap, south eastern suburbs.... hour ago-sav job-email-more... view robert half australia jobs-melbourn eastern suburb jobs. strong data entri skill prior experi invoicing, fast accur process inform warm, can-do customer... careermum day"} {"id": "16161", "contents": "data entri oper need full-time, temporari posit start $13/hour. applic obtain enter information. must strong data entri ability, excel commun skills. short-term, 2-3 week job. 12 month temporari posit avail data entri oper full time capacity. individu must demonstr 90% accuraci well speed, ensur data integr remain high level. hs diploma/g good commun skill req."} {"id": "16162", "contents": "run reports, verifi information, perform file audits, handl document request temporari basis. must two year experi administr assistant. requir advanc skill microsoft offic data entry. $11-$14/hr. 12 month temporari posit avail data entri oper full time capacity. individu must demonstr 90% accuraci well speed, ensur data integr remain high level. hs diploma/g good commun skill req."} {"id": "16163", "contents": "prevent spread mosquito caus dengu gener inform aed aegypti dengu mosquito lay egg wall water-fil contain hous patio. egg hatch submerg water."} {"id": "16164", "contents": "gener inform aed aegypti small, dark mosquito white lyre shape mark band legs. prefer bite indoor primarili bite humans. mosquito use natur locat habitat (for exampl treehol plant axils) artifici contain water lay eggs."} {"id": "16165", "contents": "dengu viru spread human-to-mosquito-to-human cycl transmission, mosquito aed aegypti primari vector. mosquito live near human tropic subtrop region world."} {"id": "16166", "contents": "two invas (non-native) mosquito speci recent found sever california citi (see map below) potenti spread area california. name aed aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) aed albopictu (the asian tiger mosquito)."} {"id": "16167", "contents": "ure summer 2010, nation surveil activ detect aed aegypti mosquito tire yard netherland (1,2). ae. aegypti mosquito princip worldwid vector dengu yellow fever viruses, caus wide rang ill vari asymptomat life threaten (3)."} {"id": "16168", "contents": "dengu aed aegypti mosquito aed aegypti mosquito transmit virus caus dengu fever. femal mosquito lay egg contain water plant near home."} {"id": "16169", "contents": "mosquito. aed aegypti mosquito main vector transmit virus caus dengue. virus pass human bite infect femal aed mosquito, mainli acquir viru feed blood infect person."} {"id": "16170", "contents": "chikungunya. chikungunya fever caus viru spread peopl bite infect mosquitoes. like dengue, transmit aed mosquitoes, especi aed aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) aed albopictu (the asian tiger mosquito)."} {"id": "16171", "contents": "requir door prep. dummi handl surface-mount may locat anywher door choose, they\u2019r usual locat match appear nearbi oper locks. standard exterior doors. standard size exterior door 80 inch (6 feet, inches) 36 inch (3 feet). stock exterior door also commonli avail 30-inch 32-inch widths. standard door thick inches. door thickness: standard interior door 3/8 inch thick, door slightli bevel make closur jamb. buy correct door hardwar applic door handl passag privaci correct back set bore."} {"id": "16172", "contents": "1. measur center door knob hole edg doorway find size door set. cases, door set, insid door control door latch, one two measurements, either 3/8 inch 3/4 inches."} {"id": "16173", "contents": "best answer: http://www.hammerzone.com/archives/doors... 2-1/8 diamet lock set come template. common size hole u.s. canada 1/8 (54 mm). lockset two common hole size u.s. canada 1/2 (38 mm) 1/8 (54 mm)"} {"id": "16174", "contents": "standard door height. see above, height 'standard' door australia 2040mm. lot new home built taller (e.g. 2700mm) ceil day though, reason mani peopl opt taller 2340mm tall doors."} {"id": "16175", "contents": "nevertheless, even differ type door handl mechan developed, tradit knob-typ handl still found mani household even now. typic size door knob either 3/8\u201d \u00be\u201d diameter."} {"id": "16176", "contents": "design use cabinet door drawer capabl accept mount pull. standard size pull handl normal center center fasten hole measur 4, 96mm sometim smaller. base featur given handle, overal length measur may vari greatly."} {"id": "16177", "contents": "regardless size door, australian standard 1428.1 (design access mobility, part 1: gener requir access) recommend height handl fall within 900mm 1100mm floor. around waist height averag adult. see above, height 'standard' door australia 2040mm. lot new home built taller (e.g. 2700mm) ceil day though, reason mani peopl opt taller 2340mm tall doors."} {"id": "16178", "contents": "interior door 1-3/8\u2033 thick, exterior door typic 1-3/4\u2033 thick. standard backset door 2-3/8\u2033, door (particularli exterior) 2-3/4\u2033 backset. standard cross bore diamet 1\u2033. standard shank size doorknob 1/4\u2033. standard diamet bore hole 2-1/8\u2033. use hole saw drill bore hole, standard height bore hole center 36\u2033 bottom door."} {"id": "16179", "contents": "nephron. structur function unit kidney, nephron capabl form urin itself. nephron consist renal corpuscle, proxim convolut tubule, descend ascend limb loop henle, distal convolut tubule, collect tubule. kidney aggreg million nephrons. renal corpuscl convolut part renal tubul locat cortex kidney. loop henl collect tubul locat medulla. urin form renal corpuscl renal tubul filtration, reabsorption, secretion. see also kidney, malpighian corpuscle. function anatom unit kidney, consist glomerulus, convolut tubul loop henl (nephron loop)"} {"id": "16180", "contents": "nephron elimin wast body, regul blood volum blood pressure, control level electrolyt metabolites, regul blood ph. cortic nephron loop henl renal medulla near junction renal cortex, loop henl juxtamedullari nephron locat deep renal medulla; call juxtamedullari renal corpuscl locat near medulla (but still cortex)."} {"id": "16181", "contents": "(june 2011). nephron (from greek \u03bd\u03b5\u03c6\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2 nephros, mean kidney) basic structur function unit kidney. chief function regul concentr water solubl substanc like sodium salt filter blood, reabsorb need excret rest urine. cortic nephron loop henl renal medulla near junction renal cortex, loop henl juxtamedullari nephron locat deep renal medulla; call juxtamedullari renal corpuscl locat near medulla (but still cortex)."} {"id": "16182", "contents": "kidney reabsorption. insid lumen nephron, small molecules, ions, glucos amino acids, get reabsorb filtrate: special protein call transport locat membran variou cell nephron. transport grab small molecul filtrat flow them. end stream, fish caught. happen filtrat travel nephron. two major factor affect reabsorpt process: concentr small molecul filtrate-th higher concentration, molecul reabsorbed."} {"id": "16183", "contents": "tutori explor function nephron, particular: filtration, reabsorption, secret excretion. video explain solut involv process nephron."} {"id": "16184", "contents": "nephron compos initi filter compon (the renal corpuscl tubul special reabsorpt secret (the renal tubule). renal corpuscl filter solut blood, deliv water small solut renal tubul modification. cortic nephron loop henl renal medulla near junction renal cortex, loop henl juxtamedullari nephron locat deep renal medulla; call juxtamedullari renal corpuscl locat near medulla (but still cortex)."} {"id": "16185", "contents": "function nephron. nephron basic function structur unit found kidneys. main function includ regul concentr sodium salt water filter kidney\u2019 blood, excret excess urin reabsorb necessari amounts. function nephron. main function nephron relat filtering, reabsorb secret glutamate, carbohydr solutes. glomerulu two cell layer well basement membran separ bowman\u2019 capsule. basement membran contain collagen glycoprotein fibers."} {"id": "16186", "contents": "nephron made tubul respons \u2018cleaning\u2019 blood remov urea [urea: nitrogen wast product result breakdown proteins. excret urine.] excess water miner ions. kidney works. process take place stages:"} {"id": "16187", "contents": "store ground venison (aka, bambi burgers) freezer colder 3-5 months. venison roast steak store 6-12 month temperature. meat qualiti flavor deterior freezer time. proper dressing, handling, packaging, quick freezing, colder freezer temperatur help maintain meat qualiti longest period time."} {"id": "16188", "contents": "deer meat freezer 2yrs, non-frost free unit (no defrost cycle) seem freezer burned. hate wast ... howev start way long time vac packer hhave seen venison year old, usual got lost freezer slip thru. freezer burn look good. venison keep well meat freezer vac pack plu esp got good machine."} {"id": "16189", "contents": "use zip-seal bag perman marker, avoid wast good food. put meat freezer, alway write date -- way question long frozen. and, believ not, meat last freezer one year. cook poultri -- months. uncook poultri part -- months. uncook whole poultri -- 12 months. cook meat -- months."} {"id": "16190", "contents": "vacuum sealer, we'v keep venison freezer forov year without freezer burn. use freezer wrap seem keep long. realli depend use wrap. pmlllnd year ago. nine ten month tops. say brother deer meat sausag store freezer quit year old. go next week throw out. p.s. make sure date everything."} {"id": "16191", "contents": "thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat. refrigerator-thaw venison cook within days. thaw frozen venison. thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat."} {"id": "16192", "contents": "store ground venison freezer 0\u00b0f colder month best quality. venison roast steak store month temperature. meat qualiti flavor deterior freezer time. proper dressing, handling, packaging, quick freezing, colder freezer temperatur help maintain meat qualiti longest period time."} {"id": "16193", "contents": "send venison may older month properli dispos it. ;). serious though, kept venison vacuum seal frozen years. i'v butcher paper wrap burger last year. freezer burn otherwis poor shape, eat it."} {"id": "16194", "contents": "thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat. thaw frozen venison. thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat."} {"id": "16195", "contents": "best answer: deer meat like meat store freezer. nine ten month tops. say brother deer meat sausag store freezer quit year old. go next week throw out. p.s. make sure date everything."} {"id": "16196", "contents": "louvre. louvr (l\u014d\u02c8vr\u0259) key ], foremost french museum art, locat paris. build royal fortress palac built philip ii late 12th cent. 1546 pierr lescot commiss franci erect new build site louvre."} {"id": "16197", "contents": "louvr pyramid built 1980 main entranc louvr museum. modern glass structure, form nice contrast histor facad louvre, becom landmark right."} {"id": "16198", "contents": "louvr built fortress protect possibl raid order king phillipe-auguste. louvr reconstruct 16th centuri serv royal palace, then, 1793, becam fine art museum."} {"id": "16199", "contents": "remain louvre' moat. louvr origin fortress built french king philipp auguste. intend reinforc defens king order built 1190 protect pari attack via seine."} {"id": "16200", "contents": "histori louvr museum start philippe-auguste, built louvr late 12th centuri fortress edg citi protect pari anglo-norman invaders."} {"id": "16201", "contents": "louvr pyramid built part project known 'grand louvre', first propos 1981 french presid francoi fran\u00e7ois, mitterrand expand modern louvre. museum 1970 the-centuri old louvr palac struggl cope rise number of. visitor"} {"id": "16202", "contents": "two centuri royal palace, louvr open public museum pari french revolutionari government. today, louvre\u2019 collect one richest world, artwork artifact repres 11,000 year human civil culture. louvr palac begun king franci 1546 site 12th-centuri fortress built king philip ii. franci great art collector, louvr serv royal residence."} {"id": "16203", "contents": "natur predat coati includ ocelots, jaguarundis, jaguars, hawks, fox boa constrictors. human occasion hunt coati food, alarm demand coati domest pets. someth eat animals. predat anim kill prey anim eatin exampl hawk eat mous hawk predat top food chain mous prey bottom food chain."} {"id": "16204", "contents": "south american coati, ring-tail coati (nasua nasua), speci coati tropic subtrop south america. brazilian portugues known quati. typic live forest. omnivor primarili eat fruit, invertebrates, small anim bird eggs. coati search fruit tree high canopy, use snout poke crevic find anim prey ground."} {"id": "16205", "contents": "princip predat coati carnivorans. predat includ jaguarundis, boa constrictors, foxes, dogs, tayras, ocelots, jaguars. however, larg raptors, ornat hawk-eagles, black-and-chestnut eagles, harpi eagles, also known hunt them. adult coati measur 33 69 cm (13 27 in) head base tail, long bodies. coati 30 cm (12 in) tall shoulder, weigh kg (4.4 17.6 lb), size larg hous cat"} {"id": "16206", "contents": "coatis, genera nasua nasuella, also known coatimundi /ko\u028a\u02cc\u0251\u02d0t\u0268\u02c8m\u028cndi/ mexican tejon, tej\u00f3n, cholugo or, moncun monc\u00fan costa, rican-pizot hog, nose coon, colombian cusumbo and, name member (raccoon). famili procyonida adult coati measur 33 69 cm (13 27 in) head base tail, long bodies. coati 30 cm (12 in) tall shoulder, weigh kg (4.4 17.6 lb), size larg hous cat."} {"id": "16207", "contents": "physic characterist [edit]. adult coati measur 33 69 cm (13 27 in) head base tail, long bodies. coati 30 cm (12 in) tall shoulder, weigh kg (4.4 17.6 lb), size larg hous cat"} {"id": "16208", "contents": "coati eat varieti differ fruits, nut seeds, along insects, bird eggs, rodent small reptil lizard snakes. due gener small size coati, coati numer predat within natur environment. jaguar pumas, along larg wildcats, main predat coati, along bird prey, snake crocodiles. coati breed start raini season occur differ time year, depend region, abund food. male coati solitari anim come togeth femal mate. coati nocturn omnivor animal, mean coati eat plant anim dark night."} {"id": "16209", "contents": "coati. coat\u00ed among mammal predat tarantula find, skunks, coatis, raccoons, fox mountain, lions, jaguars, lynxes, ocelots, jaguarondi-r tailed, cats, possums, sables, weasel and, armadillo name a. snake hunt tarantula insid its. shelter among mammal predat tarantula find skunks, coatis, raccoons, foxes, mountain lions, jaguars, lynxes, ocelots, jaguarondi, ring-tail cats, possums, sables, weasels, armadillos, name few."} {"id": "16210", "contents": "coati. coat\u00ed among mammal predat tarantula find, skunks, coatis, raccoons, fox mountain, lions, jaguars, lynxes, ocelots, jaguarondi-r tailed, cats, possums, sables, weasel and, armadillo name a. snake hunt tarantula insid its. shelter countless winged. predat among mammal predat tarantula find skunks, coatis, raccoons, foxes, mountain lions, jaguars, lynxes, ocelots, jaguarondi, ring-tail cats, possums, sables, weasels, armadillos, name few."} {"id": "16211", "contents": "home price $55, $66, $72, $80, $84, $92, $110, $118, $328 per squar foot combin produc averag $112 per squar foot, probabl reason figur mani area country. however, differ lowest figur highest substantial."} {"id": "16212", "contents": "and, obvious unfinish footag larg compar finish footage, caus overal cost per finish foot higher. generally, turnkey cost start around $70 squar foot starter home ideal conditions. averag level finish like $90-100. $110-120 build custom finish. example, $5,000 well cost $1 per squar foot 5,000 s.f. hous $2 s.f. 2,500 s.f. house. sinc hous low squar footag finish space still tend garages, porches, site costs, cost per squar foot tend"} {"id": "16213", "contents": "course, danger generalize. home build cost per squar foot depend mani variables, including; size, home design, good shopper are, difficulti build site access\u201d (i.e. top nc mountain), avail labor and/or materials, name major ones."} {"id": "16214", "contents": "data year indic $15-$30 per squar foot approxim 13% increas construct cost last year, depend region. note twenti stori start get uniqu build characterist drive cost variou ways. common offic build size, two four stori tall, rang $140 per squar foot winston-salem $240 per squar foot new york note $10 per squar foot last year."} {"id": "16215", "contents": "median cost commerci build type hover around $100 per squar foot. new trend fast food boutiqu less assembl line, cost typic fast food restaur rise. case, cost closer $40-$60 per squar foot. build structur mep issues, could easili wind approach new construct cost per squar foot $100 more. hope helps."} {"id": "16216", "contents": "simpli enter zip code select state state' averag home construct cost per squar foot averag new squar foot size home sold state. click submit results! challeng use cost per squar foot way budget home cost per squar foot excludes* follow factors: exclud land cost, site develop cost drives, utilities, clearing, decks, patios, landscap fee permit costs."} {"id": "16217", "contents": "averag commerci steel build cost $16 $20 per squar foot, includ build packag (i-beams, purlins, girt etc.) delivery, foundat cost construction. sinc mani retail commerci build requir addit finish like insul facad fa\u00e7ade, custom cost may rise to$ 30 or$ 40 per squar (foot). sf insul commerci steel build necessari expens also good. invest"} {"id": "16218", "contents": "well septic could cost $10,000 $20,000 depend location. cost structur build materi $20 $30 per squar foot, whether stick built, concret insul panels, (cip) structur insul panels, (sip) lowest all, log kit log panels. crawl space $15 $20 per squar foot. slab around $10 per squar foot (plu won\u2019t need floor joist sub-floor). rememb basement actual give squar footage. words, foundation, might well basement climat suitabl one."} {"id": "16219", "contents": "build would run averag $22.2 million complete. includ acquisit land demolit costs, however. figur place construct $463 per squar foot cost, though nation averag stand $325 $450 hotel contractors. includ acquisit land demolit costs, however. figur place construct $463 per squar foot cost, though nation averag stand $325 $450 hotel contractors."} {"id": "16220", "contents": "chapter drill technolog cost 2004) use creat drill index, index use normal geotherm well cost year 2004 u.s. $. oil ga well cost analyz base data 2004 ja complet onshor u.s. oil ga wells. chapter drill technolog cost 6.3.3 updat geotherm well cost mitdd drill cost index use updat complet well cost year 2004 u.s. number actual predict egs/hdr hydrotherm wells."} {"id": "16221", "contents": "figur 6.1 shows, averag cost complet oil ga well depth interv 1,250 feet (380 m) 19,999 feet (6,100 m) describ exponenti function depth, is: (6\u00ad3) two fit parameters, 1, needed. chapter drill technolog cost 6.3.3 updat geotherm well cost mitdd drill cost index use updat complet well cost year 2004 u.s. number actual predict egs/hdr hydrotherm wells."} {"id": "16222", "contents": "averag cost per well depth interv ja report (1976\u00ad2004) use creat drill index, drill process essenti oil, gas, geotherm wells. 17% inflat rate assum pre\u00ad1976 index points. chapter drill technolog cost 6.3.3 updat geotherm well cost mitdd drill cost index use updat complet well cost year 2004 u.s. number actual predict egs/hdr hydrotherm wells."} {"id": "16223", "contents": "likewise, annual oper cost field would $100 million 2000 $173 million. result reflect cost q1 2010 q3 2010 first result sinc oil well blowout u.s. gulf mexico. federally-impos moratorium offshor drill issu wake spill signific impact gulf, accord index. cost build oper upstream oil ga facil regain upward momentum past six month fall previou year, accord two cost index develop ihs."} {"id": "16224", "contents": "explor base oil stain found. well turn dri hole oil. littl wonder oil drill riski expensive. accord arizona geolog survey, oil drill arizona cost $400,000 $1,000,000, depend depth hole location. rig capabl drill exploratori hole typic cost $8,000-15,000 per day."} {"id": "16225", "contents": "one also cannot directli translat shale ga develop cost u.s. play prospect area around world. example, 10,500 vertic foot well 4,000 foot later haynesvil shale cost $8 million, medlock said, well poland would cost $14 million $16 million. medlock' team extens research u.s. shale ga play breakeven prices, major discuss topic sourc disagr among analyst industri particip recent years. everyon want know henri hub benchmark ga price requir unconvent well recoup cost turn profitable."} {"id": "16226", "contents": "drill well hole, instal case (a tubular line prevent well hole collapsing) ad well cap (a tight-fitting, vermin-proof top seal) typic cost $15-$30 per foot, $1,500-$3,000 100' deep well, $6,000-$12,000 400' well. bring typic total drill well set privat water deliveri system $3,500-$20,000 more, especi deep difficult well complex water system cost $20,000-$50,000 more, depend depth, water yield system complexity."} {"id": "16227", "contents": "cost 6\u00adcasing, 6,000 (19,700 ft) geotherm well compar satisfactorili limit number oil ga well ja database. estim cost 6,000 km eg well $12.28 million vs. averag ja oil ga well cost $18 million. chapter drill technolog cost 6.3.3 updat geotherm well cost mitdd drill cost index use updat complet well cost year 2004 u.s. number actual predict egs/hdr hydrotherm wells."} {"id": "16228", "contents": "much disabl benefit taxabl depend total amount social secur disabl benefit income. currently, social secur disabl benefit may taxabl total incom exce $25000.00 individual, $32000.00 couple. lump sum payment retroact disabl benefit littl tricki sinc often involv payment year prior year receiv ssa 1099."} {"id": "16229", "contents": "social secur disabl payment may includ taxabl incom still increas tax pay. lump-sum retroact payment social secur disabl insur (ssdi) may includ taxabl income, depend amount incom deductions."} {"id": "16230", "contents": "simpl answer social secur disabl benefit taxable. however, may may pay tax disabl benefits. social secur issu miscellan ssa 1099 disabl benefit paid year."} {"id": "16231", "contents": "ssdi benefit may paid retroact 12 month date applic long disabl began date earlier. example, becam disabl jan. 1, 2010, file applic jan. 1, 2012, benefit retroact back jan. 1, 2011."} {"id": "16232", "contents": "supplement secur incom (ssi) need based. incom resourc low enough qualifi ssi, exempt incom tax definition. however, 85 percent social secur disabl insur (ssdi) payment taxable. percentag taxabl base total provision income.. provision incom includ half incom social secur income."} {"id": "16233", "contents": "disabl benefit subject taxat incom limits, disabl benefit would tax margin tax rate. words, would pay tax 50% 85% benefits, would probabl pay tax 10-15% 50%-85% benefits."} {"id": "16234", "contents": "so own vehicl titl registration. licens plate fee 1984 newer model year passeng vehicl light truck calcul use percentag manufacturer' suggest retail price (msrp) time vehicl first titled."} {"id": "16235", "contents": "fee replac passeng vehicl licens plate tags/stick kind plate normal renew period (120 day prior date registration\u2019 expiration) $34 ($24 plate fee $10 replac fee)."} {"id": "16236", "contents": "passeng vehicles. fee replac passeng vehicl licens plate tags/stick kind plate normal renew period (120 day prior date registration\u2019 expiration) $34 ($24 plate fee $10 replac fee)."} {"id": "16237", "contents": "cost giving.... annual use fee set statut specialti licens plate rang $15 $25. amount charity/st agenc respons particular specialti plate receiv pay tag year. addit cost state, county, mail conveni fees."} {"id": "16238", "contents": "fee replac passeng vehicl licens plate kind plate renew (thi done 120 day date registr expires) $29 ($24 plate fee plu $5 replac fee) plu regular renew fee."} {"id": "16239", "contents": "new plate. licens plate fee 1984 newer model year passeng vehicl light truck calcul use percentag manufacturer' suggest retail price (msrp) time vehicl first titled."} {"id": "16240", "contents": "switch specialti plate, addit cost annual renew user fee ($15-$25) charit contribution, plu $5 specialti licens plate process fee."} {"id": "16241", "contents": "flower, sometim known bloom blossom, reproduct structur found flower plant (plant divis magnoliophyta, also call angiosperms). biolog function flower effect reproduction, usual provid mechan union sperm eggs. primari purpos flower reproduction. sinc flower reproduct organ plant, mediat join sperm, contain within pollen, ovul contain ovary. pollin movement pollen anther stigma."} {"id": "16242", "contents": "get married, good idea research mean flower want. rose popular flower choic bride, differ colour rose convey differ meanings: white stand innocence, purity, beauti charm; red stand passion fieri love; give flowers, whatev occasion, signifi feel feel toward person give flower to. flower also indic person' character. give someon flower consid flower mean."} {"id": "16243", "contents": "stems. stem mani things. support plant. act like plant' plumb system, conduct water nutrient root food form glucos leav plant parts. stem herbac like bendabl stem daisi woodi like trunk oak tree."} {"id": "16244", "contents": "may 12, 2012 by: dictionary.com 64 comments. like preciou stone tarot cards, flower secret mean understand. differ flower repres sorrow, repentance, unrequit love, beauty. popular mother\u2019 day flower associ meanings. learn flower mean\u2013and one avoid! daffodil common english name flower otherwis known narcissus, ancient greek myth. daffodil variat scientif name flower, asphodel. signifi respect admir"} {"id": "16245", "contents": "divin follow mean attach flower indicated. see vlof mean victorian, languag flower system use victorian time send messag flowers. also list specif romani (gypsy) interpretations."} {"id": "16246", "contents": "chrysanthemum: nation symbol japan, 'mum symbol long life. carnation: symbol betroth engagement. china, carnat symbol marriage. daisy: basic flowers, white daisi symbol innocence. honeysuckle: less-common symbol love. also generosity."} {"id": "16247", "contents": "flower part import occas lives. conspicu present birthdays, funerals, graduation, weddings, etc. form integr part lives. flower religi signific too. imposs person complet unawar flower meanings. everyon know red rose stand romant love one send yellow rose anyon mourning. however, mean associ rose also flowers. peopl consid flower mean gift flowers. similarly, peopl receiv flower may know mean henc miss underli message."} {"id": "16248", "contents": "four-leaf clover repres luck. daisy: basic flowers, white daisi symbol innocence. (free daisi stencil). deadli nightshade: highli poison plant (atropa belladonna) purpl bell flower small black berries. symbol deception, danger, death."} {"id": "16249", "contents": "flower part plant. flower also call bloom blossom plant. flower grow stalk thin node support it. flower petals. insid part flower petal part produc pollen seeds."} {"id": "16250", "contents": "weight loss. minimum woman consum daili 1,200 calories, accord medlin plus. one pound fat equal 3,500 calories. lose one pound week, woman reduc calori increas physic activ 500 calori day. lose two pound week, deficit 1,000 calori needed. women, age 19 25 allow calori chart, rang 2,000 2,400 calori per day depend activ level. sedentari women age 51 older consum least amount, 1,600 day."} {"id": "16251", "contents": "bmr minimum amount calori bodi need daili basi depend height, weight, gender age. example, 29-year-old woman stand foot inch tall weigh 180 lbs. requir approxim 1,602 calori per day. however, exact number may differ. plan lose lbs. week, even initi weight loss littl faster first week two, note mayo clinic. creat daili deficit 500 calori result lb. weight loss week 1,000 calori daili deficit lead lbs. weight loss. accord columbia university, minimum amount total calori woman consum daili remain healthi 1,200"} {"id": "16252", "contents": "accord eat america report 2009 2010, woman' averag daili calor intak chang differ stage life. twenties, take 1,949 calori day, highest calor intak level lifetime, decreas 1,831 thirties. then, reach age 50, get 2,000 calori day taper 1,800 calori day age 51 on. sedentari women age 19 25 need 2,000 calori day; sedentari women age 26 50 need 1,800 calori day sedentari women age 51 need 1,600 calori day."} {"id": "16253", "contents": "peopl small amount weight lose, 1000 calori much deficit. guid minimum calori intake, american colleg sport medicin (acsm) recommend calori level never drop 1200 calori per day women 1800 calori per day men. even calori level quit low"} {"id": "16254", "contents": "maintain weight, chart show daili calori limit. base age, activ level, bmi (body-mass index) 21.5 women 22.5 men. lose weight -- pound week -- reduc total calori chart 500 day. gain weight, add 500 calori per day pound want gain per week."} {"id": "16255", "contents": "women age 51 need 1,600 calori -- sedentari lifestyl -- 1,800 calori moder activ lifestyl 2,200 calori activ lifestyle. add 300 calori daili intak pregnant breastfeeding."} {"id": "16256", "contents": "dietari guidelin american 2010 report activ women need 2,000 2,400 calori per day healthi weight maintenance. accord harvard medic school, activ women need 18 calori per pound bodi weight. would approxim 2,160 calori per day 120-pound woman. athlet gener higher calori needs. accord studi publish 2009 edit \u201cnorth american journal sport physic therapy,\u201d collegi women swimmer consum averag 3,229 calori per day"} {"id": "16257", "contents": "sedentari women don\u2019t particip exercis outsid normal, day-to-day activities\u2014such hous cleaning. base usda guidelines, inact women need 1,600 2,000 calori per day healthi weight management. estim sedentari woman\u2019 individu calori needs, multipli bodi weight 13. accord harvard medic school, activ women need 18 calori per pound bodi weight. would approxim 2,160 calori per day 120-pound woman. athlet gener higher calori needs."} {"id": "16258", "contents": "easi determine, however, fact 3,500 calori equal one pound fat. therefore, burn 3,500 calori take lose one pound. example, cut 500 calori diet everi day, would lose one pound week. recommend women eat least 1,200 calori per day, men eat least 1,800. reason metabol rate slow prolong diet less 1,200 calori per day chain reaction physiolog respons stress associ restrict diet."} {"id": "16259", "contents": "common side effect naprosyn naproxen constip diarrhea abdomin pain nausea vomit heartburn headach dizzi drowsi complet list possibl side effect"} {"id": "16260", "contents": "naproxen non steroid anti inflammatori drug nsaid use treat pain inflamm common side effect naproxen heartburn abdomin pain nausea constip headach dizzi drowsi itch skin rash ring ear swell short breath naproxen like nsaid may caus seriou cardiovascular side effect heart attack stroke"} {"id": "16261", "contents": "less seriou side effect may includ upset stomach mild heartburn stomach pain diarrhea constip bloat ga dizzi headach nervous skin itch rash blur vision"} {"id": "16262", "contents": "allerg indomethacin aspirin nsaid ibuprofen advil motrin naproxen alev naprosyn indomethacin may caus side effect experi seriou side effect doctor may send report food drug"} {"id": "16263", "contents": "lexapro side effect fact alev naproxen nonsteroid anti inflammatori drug nsaid use treat pain alev side effect includ constip diarrhea ga excess thirst headach dizzi lightheaded drowsi difficulti fall asleep"} {"id": "16264", "contents": "allerg ibuprofen aspirin nsaid ketoprofen orudi kt actron naproxen alev naprosyn ibuprofen may caus side effect experi seriou side effect doctor may send report food drug"} {"id": "16265", "contents": "common side effect occur naproxen includ stomach pain constip diarrhea ga heartburn nausea vomit dizzi"} {"id": "16266", "contents": "pharmacist allerg meloxicam aspirin nsaid ibuprofen advil motrin naproxen alev naprosyn meloxicam may caus side effect experi seriou side effect doctor may send report food drug"} {"id": "16267", "contents": "leinster rugbi (irish: rugbai rugba\u00ed) laighean one four profession provinci rugbi team island of. ireland compet pro12 european rugbi champions. cup leinster team repres leinster british irish cup ireland inter-provinci championship. pre-profession formal celtic leagu structure, main leinster team compet aipc."} {"id": "16268", "contents": "water fill empti space crack layer. top water soil, sand, rock call water tabl water fill empti space crack call ground water. water seep land surfac add ground water call recharg water. ground water recharg rain water snowmelt water leak bottom lake rivers. rain fall ground, water stop moving. flow along land surfac stream lakes, use plants, evapor return atmosphere, seep ground."} {"id": "16269", "contents": "chassi ground connect main chassi piec electron electr equipment. older applianc desktop computers, metal plate, usual copper aluminum. modern equipment, foil run main print circuit board, usual run around periphery. earth ground usual consist ground rod (or set ground rods) driven soil. sea, salt water form good earth ground corrosion-resist metal plate larg surfac area (such hull keel) place contact it."} {"id": "16270", "contents": "leinster play home game primarili rd arena, although larger game play aviva stadium capac rd insufficient. move rd 2005, leinster' tradit home ground donnybrook stadium, dublin 4. leinster team repres leinster british irish cup ireland inter-provinci championship. pre-profession formal celtic leagu structure, main leinster team compet aipc."} {"id": "16271", "contents": "leinster rugbi (irish: rugbai rugba\u00ed) laighean one four profession provinci rugbi team island of. ireland leinster team repres leinster british irish cup ireland inter-provinci championship. pre-profession formal celtic leagu structure, main leinster team compet aipc."} {"id": "16272", "contents": "leinster' current home ground rd arena. game first play rd 2005\u201306 season, initi european cup games. follow season however, game move rds. leinster team repres leinster british irish cup ireland inter-provinci championship. pre-profession formal celtic leagu structure, main leinster team compet aipc."} {"id": "16273", "contents": "part smart grid glossary: ground direct electr connect earth, connect particular point electr electron circuit, indirect connect oper result capacit wireless equip earth larg mass conduct material. earth ground usual consist ground rod (or set ground rods) driven soil. sea, salt water form good earth ground corrosion-resist metal plate larg surfac area (such hull keel) place contact it."} {"id": "16274", "contents": "effect, electr ground drain away unwant buildup electr charge. point connect good ground, point tend stay constant voltage, regardless happen elsewher circuit system. earth ground usual consist ground rod (or set ground rods) driven soil. sea, salt water form good earth ground corrosion-resist metal plate larg surfac area (such hull keel) place contact it."} {"id": "16275", "contents": "let\u2019 take look small import differ british american english: name floor building. british english floor build street level call ground floor. floor first floor floor call basement. american english, however, floor street level usual call first floor. go one floor second floor (which, course, first floor british). floor street level call basement, british english."} {"id": "16276", "contents": "retrograd motion appar motion planet move direct opposit bodi within system, observ particular vantag point. direct motion prograd motion motion direct bodies. surfac mar appear move opposit direct orbit period less martian day. also smaller number truli retrograd artifici satellit orbit earth counter-intuit appear move westward, direct moon."} {"id": "16277", "contents": "observ sky, sun, moon, star appear move east west rotat earth (so-cal diurnal motion). however, orbit space shuttl mani artifici satellit appear move west east. surfac mar appear move opposit direct orbit period less martian day. also smaller number truli retrograd artifici satellit orbit earth counter-intuit appear move westward, direct moon."} {"id": "16278", "contents": "result, although moon move east rel stars, much faster westward motion sky carri west, despit eastward motion rel center earth, rise east set west, like celesti body. mean night night moon move littl one hand-width east (the direct motion around earth) rel stars, hour hour move one diamet east, among stars. approxim represent motion moon around earth."} {"id": "16279", "contents": "north pole view, earth rotat counter clockwise, thu sun moon appear travers sky westward, rise set per day. moon revolv aroud earth counterclockwis orbit, per month (28 days). relat information: result earth' spin effect tide, moon gain energi (speed) steal earth' spin energi use gradual xpand orbit, move away earth."} {"id": "16280", "contents": "24 hour move 13 degrees. moon' observ motion eastward result physic motion moon along orbit around earth. distanc earth moon 60 time earth' radius, 384,000 km. moon orbit counterclockwis around earth. orbit slightli ellipt distanc earth vari %. period orbit 27.3 days."} {"id": "16281", "contents": "rel local standard rest, sun earth move 43,000 mile per hour (70,000 km/hr) roughli direct bright star vega constel lyra. speed unusu star around us mill around speed suburban part galaxy."} {"id": "16282", "contents": "moon orbit quit fast: move 0.5 degre per hour sky. 24 hour move 13 degrees. moon' observ motion eastward result physic motion moon along orbit around earth. distanc earth moon 60 time earth' radius, 384,000 km. moon orbit counterclockwis around earth. orbit slightli ellipt distanc earth vari %. period orbit 27.3 days."} {"id": "16283", "contents": "object sometim call celesti bodies, constantli moving, too. center sun. take sun 25 day spin, rotate, complet around. earth, third planet sun, take 24 hour rotate. caus day night. earth rotates, also moves, revolves, around sun. earth path around sun call orbit. take earth one year, 365 1/4 days, complet orbit sun. earth orbit sun, moon orbit earth. moon orbit last 27 1/2 days, earth keep moving, take moon two extra days, 29 1/2, come back place sky."} {"id": "16284", "contents": "appar motion moon hour hour; hour move one diamet east. moon move around earth approxim circular orbit, go around us approxim 27.3 days, one sider period revolution. posit changes, rel stars. mean night night moon move littl one hand-width east (the direct motion around earth) rel stars, hour hour move one diamet east, among stars. approxim represent motion moon around earth."} {"id": "16285", "contents": "evacu plan also includ way certain everyon left otherwis account leav building. evacu plan also includ way ensur everyon left otherwis account leav building. event fire fire alarm, supervisor must sure employe evacu build individu may need help assist safety. offic develop evacu plan, includ primari secondari escap route."} {"id": "16286", "contents": "develop emerg action plan, import determin following: condit evacu would necessary. condit may better shelter-in-place. clear chain command design person busi author order evacu shutdown. specif evacu ... ensur fastest, accur account employees, may want consid includ step emerg action plan design assembl area areas, insid outsid workplace, employe gather evacuating. take head count evacuation. establish method account ..."} {"id": "16287", "contents": "fire emerg evacu plan fire procedure. fire emerg evacu plan (feep) written document includ action taken staff event fire arrang call fire brigade. includ relev inform relat feep. plan use defend place phase evacu schemes, staff alarm system, sought advic compet person fire rescu service. action discov fire: discov fire, duti everi person sound nearest fire alarm immediately."} {"id": "16288", "contents": "certain emerg may warrant either complet partial evacu facility. complet evacu involv remov occup building, possibl except emerg team members. partial evacu may involv either reloc occup unaffect area remov build occup affect areas. situat evacu may necessary, entiti author initi evacu must identified. variou situations, decis evacu made regulatori agency, build emerg team leader, individu member emerg team."} {"id": "16289", "contents": "implement emerg action plan, employ design train enough peopl assist safe orderli emerg evacu employees. train offer employe develop initi plan newli hire employees. employe design assist emerg made awar employe special need (who may requir extra assist evacuation), use buddi system hazard area avoid emerg evacuation."} {"id": "16290", "contents": "condit evacu would necessary. condit may better shelter-in-place. clear chain command design person busi author order evacu shutdown. specif evacu procedures, includ rout exits. ensur fastest, accur account employees, may want consid includ step emerg action plan design assembl area areas, insid outsid workplace, employe gather evacuating. take head count evacuation. establish method account ..."} {"id": "16291", "contents": "sure employe understand function element emerg action plan, includ type potenti emergencies, report procedures, alarm systems, evacu plans, shutdown procedures. employe design assist emerg made awar employe special need (who may requir extra assist evacuation), use buddi system hazard area avoid emerg evacuation."} {"id": "16292", "contents": "condit may better shelter-in-place. clear chain command design person busi author order evacu shutdown. specif evacu procedures, includ rout exits. ensur fastest, accur account employees, may want consid includ step emerg action plan design assembl area areas, insid outsid workplace, employe gather evacuating. take head count evacuation. establish method account ..."} {"id": "16293", "contents": "fire emerg evacu plan must includ instruct train need give employees. effect fire routin depend regular instruction, training, practice, etc. plan use defend place phase evacu schemes, staff alarm system, sought advic compet person fire rescu service. action discov fire: discov fire, duti everi person sound nearest fire alarm immediately."} {"id": "16294", "contents": "account employe evacu ensur fastest, accur account employees, may want consid includ step emerg action plan: design assembl area employe gather evacuating. take head count evacuation. employe design assist emerg made awar employe special need (who may requir extra assist evacuation), use buddi system hazard area avoid emerg"} {"id": "16295", "contents": "fukuyama type congenit muscular dystrophi form muscular dystrophi muscl abnorm resembl duchenne' muscular dystrophy; character also mental retard polymicrogyria cerebr abnormalities. duchenne' muscular dystrophi (duchenn type muscular dystrophy) childhood type muscular dystrophy. facioscapulohumer muscular dystrophi muscular dystrophi affect face, shoulder, upper arm muscles; call also landouzy-dejerin"} {"id": "16296", "contents": "definit myoton dystrophy. muscular disord character dystroph muscl weak myotonia affect multipl bodili system caus abnorm high number repeat codon genet material. advertis"} {"id": "16297", "contents": "definit dystrophy. 1. condit produc faulti nutrition. 2. myogen atrophy; especially: muscular dystrophy."} {"id": "16298", "contents": "oculopharyng dystrophy, oculopharyng muscular dystrophi form onset adulthood, character weak extern ocular pharyng muscl caus ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, dysphagia. duchenne' muscular dystrophi (duchenn type muscular dystrophy) childhood type muscular dystrophy. facioscapulohumer muscular dystrophi muscular dystrophi affect face, shoulder, upper arm muscles; call also landouzy-dejerin"} {"id": "16299", "contents": "dystrophy, dystrophia. variou diseas character weaken defect function process nutrition, result degener muscles. see also food nutrition. dystrophic, adj. poor inadequ nutrit growth."} {"id": "16300", "contents": "definition. muscular dystrophi group diseas caus progress weak loss muscl mass. muscular dystrophy, abnorm gene (mutations) interfer product protein need form healthi muscle. mani differ kind muscular dystrophi"} {"id": "16301", "contents": "muscular dystrophi see muscular dystrophy. myoton dystrophi rare, slowli progressive, hereditari disease, mark myotonia follow muscular atrophi (especi face neck), cataracts, hypogonadism, frontal balding, cardiac disorders. duchenne' muscular dystrophi (duchenn type muscular dystrophy) childhood type muscular dystrophy. facioscapulohumer muscular dystrophi muscular dystrophi affect face, shoulder, upper arm muscles; call also landouzy-dejerin"} {"id": "16302", "contents": "muscular dystrophi (md) group muscl diseas weaken musculoskelet system hamper locomotion. muscular dystrophi character progress skelet muscl weakness, defect muscl proteins, death muscl cell tissue."} {"id": "16303", "contents": "dystrophy, dystrophia. variou diseas character weaken defect function process nutrition, result degener muscles. see also food nutrition. dystrophic, adj. noun. 1. dystrophy-ani sever hereditari diseas muscular system character weak wast skelet muscles. muscular dystrophy."} {"id": "16304", "contents": "lattic dystrophi autosom dominant, hereditari disord character appear corneal stroma fine branch filament interlac overlap differ levels, well white spot stellat opacities. filament deposit amyloid. duchenne' muscular dystrophi (duchenn type muscular dystrophy) childhood type muscular dystrophy. facioscapulohumer muscular dystrophi muscular dystrophi affect face, shoulder, upper arm muscles; call also landouzy-dejerin"} {"id": "16305", "contents": "re: hormon thyroid gland produce? know diffici call goiter enlarg thyroid gland due iodin diffiency. gland use iodin produc hormon hormon use for. thanks. source(s): hormon thyroid gland produce: https://tinyurl.im/hbsxo. benedict month ago. thumb up. 0."} {"id": "16306", "contents": "thyroid hormon level high (overact thyroid gland). sometim thyroid gland make much thyroid hormone, call hyperthyroidism. think bodi car thyroid engine. overact thyroid make bodi idl fast. thyroid (thy-royd) gland, small butterfly-shap gland front neck, make thyroid hormones. thyroid hormon travel thyroid gland blood part body, work."} {"id": "16307", "contents": "ali: introduc insulin body, gh thyroid hormon level drop dramatically. human bodi works. therefor need supplement bodi two hormon mention compens shortage, edg gain minim side effect insulin."} {"id": "16308", "contents": "hormon thyroid gland produce? thyroid gland produc thyroxin (t4), rel inact prohormon lower amount activ hormone, triiodothyronin (t3). collectively, t3 t4 refer thyroid hormones. thyroid gland do? thyroid gland produc hormon regul body\u2019 metabol rate well heart digest function, muscl control, brain develop bone maintenance."} {"id": "16309", "contents": "thyroid gland produc thyroxin (t 4), rel inact prohormon lower amount activ hormone, triiodothyronin (t3). thyroid gland do? thyroid gland produc hormon regul body\u2019 metabol rate well heart digest function, muscl control, brain develop bone maintenance."} {"id": "16310", "contents": "correct function depend good suppli iodin diet. releas thyroid hormon thyroid gland control thyrotrophin-releas hormon (trh) hypothalamu brain thyroid stimul hormon (tsh) produc pituitari gland. thyroid gland do? thyroid gland produc hormon regul body\u2019 metabol rate well heart digest function, muscl control, brain develop bone maintenance."} {"id": "16311", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. growth hormon defici (ghd) medic condition, caus problem aris pituitari gland, bodi produc enough growth hormon (gh). growth hormone, also call somatropin, polypeptid hormon stimul growth cell reproduction."} {"id": "16312", "contents": "thing go wrong. thyroid diseas occur thyroid under-or over-produc correct amount thyroid hormone. caus elev cholesterol levels, heart disease, infertility, muscl weakness, osteoporosis, coma, even death. thyroid diseas hereditary."} {"id": "16313", "contents": "function thyroid gland take iodine, found mani foods, convert thyroid hormones: thyroxin (t4) triiodothyronin (t3). thyroid cell cell bodi absorb iodine. cell combin iodin amino acid tyrosin make t3 t4. level thyroid hormon (t3 t4) drop low, pituitari gland produc thyroid stimul hormon (tsh) stimul thyroid gland produc hormones."} {"id": "16314", "contents": "plantarflexion. injur ligament take 16 week fulli heal, lot time sure 1) re-injur ankle, 2) return sport stronger before. common type ankl injuri sprain (stretch torn) talofibular ligament outsid ankle, although bad sprain may also damag calcaneofibular ligament. (rememb ligament get sprained, muscl get strained)."} {"id": "16315", "contents": "start feel inflamm tendon achil tendin once, isn\u2019t necessarili end world. let rest recover, sometim take long four six week wait pain acute. real problem achil tendin becom ongo injury."} {"id": "16316", "contents": "bruis toenail occur result damag underli soft tissu bone without breakag skin. often character ruptur blood vessels, leak blood surround soft tissues. soak toenail (or foot) warm salti water sever time day (at least days) follow topic antibacteri cream bacitracin neosporin help prevent infect bruis heals."} {"id": "16317", "contents": "broken collarbone, fractur clavicle, common injury. usual happen fall blow shoulder. take six eight week heal adults, three six week children. collarbone, clavicle, long slender bone run breastbon shoulders. abl feel run across top chest, neck. connect breastbon shoulder blade via tough band tissu call ligaments. children, usual take three six week heal. however, take least period restor full strength shoulder. fractur heals, lump may develop along collarbone."} {"id": "16318", "contents": "knee injuri trail fall. cross train maintain fitness. william o. roberts, md tuesday, august 7, 2012, 12:00 am. two day ago trail running, stumbl tree root took hard fall knees. though can\u2019t run right now, luckili tuck roll save major damage. it\u2019 appar left kneecap took direct blow, swell tender"} {"id": "16319", "contents": "care keep ice long peron nerv later side knee damag freez injuri leav foot drop; 15-20 minut 15-20 minut usual recommend ice injury. cross train maintain fitness. william o. roberts, md tuesday, august 7, 2012, 12:00 am. two day ago trail running, stumbl tree root took hard fall knees. though can\u2019t run right now, luckili tuck roll save major damage."} {"id": "16320", "contents": "either surgeri (reduct fusion), period nonweightbear week recommend cast cast boot. weightbear start patient boot x-ray look appropri weeks."} {"id": "16321", "contents": "bruis toenail running, otherwis known jogger\u2019 toenail common effect injuri soft tissu underli toenail. commonli associ buildupof blood (subung hematoma) beneath toenail result damag blood vessel lead leakag blood. soak toenail (or foot) warm salti water sever time day (at least days) follow topic antibacteri cream bacitracin neosporin help prevent infect bruis heals."} {"id": "16322", "contents": "fall recov fall ice. fall ice caus injuri pain. fall properli prevent get kind injury. techniqu follow prevent get hurt. fall get back safe without fall again."} {"id": "16323", "contents": "adults, usual take six eight week broken collarbon heal, although take longer. children, usual take three six week heal. however, take least period restor full strength shoulder. fractur heals, lump may develop along collarbone."} {"id": "16324", "contents": "danger uti becom depend overal health affect person whether bacteria spread bladder part body. mani uti caus symptom relat bladder irritation, burn urination, blood urine, sometim fever abdomin pain. treat uti oral antibiot usual result quick improvement. urinari tract infect (uti) common older adult -- vari serious minor medic problem way life-threaten illness."} {"id": "16325", "contents": "uti becom much danger spread bladder bloodstream kidney. infect spread way caus life-threaten low blood pressur also affect organ body. intraven antibiot need treat expand utis. urinari tract infect (uti) common older adult -- vari serious minor medic problem way life-threaten illness."} {"id": "16326", "contents": "urinari tract infect (uti) may becom danger ascend bacteria reach kidney subsequ induc inflammatori reaction within renal parenchyma. beetz r(1). author information: (1)universitaets-universit\u00e4t kinderklinik. mainz urinari tract (infections) uti may becom danger ascend bacteria reach kidney subsequ induc inflammatori reaction within renal. parenchyma"} {"id": "16327", "contents": "urinari tract infect occur bacteria enter urinari tract start multipli bladder. women may prone uti men urethra closer anus, sourc uti-caus bacteria. nowadays, doctor concern urinari tract infect join long list bacteri infect grow resist antibiotics. frequent bacteria expos certain antibiotic, greater chanc resist strain develop."} {"id": "16328", "contents": "complications. treat promptli properly, lower urinari tract infect rare lead complications. left untreated, urinari tract infect seriou consequences. complic uti may include: recurr infections, especi women experi three utis. perman kidney damag acut chronic kidney infect (pyelonephritis) due untreat uti"} {"id": "16329", "contents": "urinari tract infect (utis) bacteri infect body' urinari system -- bladder, kidneys, ureters, urethra. kidneys, infect call pyelonephritis; bladder, call cystitis. peopl higher risk develop urinari tract infect include: peopl condit affect bladder' nerv suppli (includ diabetes, multipl sclerosis, parkinson' disease, spinal cord injuries). older adults. pregnant women"} {"id": "16330", "contents": "urinari tract infection, may experi one follow symptoms: pain burn (discomfort) urinating. need urin often usual. feel urgenc urinate. blood mucu urine. cramp pain lower abdomen. pain sexual intercourse. uti\u2019 common pregnanc chang urinari tract. uteru sit directli top bladder. uteru grows, increas weight block drainag urin bladder, caus infection."} {"id": "16331", "contents": "bacteria normal found gastrointestin tract, e. coli, caus urinari tract infections. bacteria caus urinari tract infect includ staphylococcus, proteus, klebsiella, enterococcus, pseudomonas. peopl higher risk develop urinari tract infect include: peopl condit affect bladder' nerv suppli (includ diabetes, multipl sclerosis, parkinson' disease, spinal cord injuries). older adults. pregnant women"} {"id": "16332", "contents": "welcome. welcom joliet polic department\u2019 website. mission joliet polic depart enhanc qualiti life citi joliet work commun safe city."} {"id": "16333", "contents": "today joliet west side far west side (which includ citi limit kendal county). given rise newli referenc central joliet portion citi essenti land west de plain river east interst 55. illinoi youth center joliet (iyc joliet), juvenil correct facil illinoi depart juvenil justice, joliet. open april 1959. statevil correct center, one five maximum secur prison state illinois, locat neighbor citi crest hill."} {"id": "16334", "contents": "joliet (/\u02c8d\u0292o\u028ali.\u025bt/ /d\u0292o\u028ali\u02c8\u025bt/) citi u.s. state illinois, 40 mile (64 km) southwest chicago. counti seat county. 2010 census, citi fourth largest illinois, popul 147,433. illinoi youth center joliet (iyc joliet), juvenil correct facil illinoi depart juvenil justice, joliet. open april 1959. statevil correct center, one five maximum secur prison state illinois, locat neighbor citi crest hill."} {"id": "16335", "contents": "two casino origin riverboat casino joliet: hollywood casino near channahon harrah' hotel casino downtown. joliet citi state illinoi two casinos. illinoi youth center joliet (iyc joliet), juvenil correct facil illinoi depart juvenil justice, joliet. open april 1959. statevil correct center, one five maximum secur prison state illinois, locat neighbor citi crest hill."} {"id": "16336", "contents": "joliet' govern joliet home rule citi council-manag form government. matter local polici legisl determin citi council mayor presiding."} {"id": "16337", "contents": "joliet joliet citi council member slate vote pay rais citi manag jim hock meet tuesday. council member also vote author city' purchas new horton ambul $248,979 foster coach sale inc., compani base sterling. city' entir fleet made vehicl manufactur horton inc. vehicl replac 2006 model year ambulance."} {"id": "16338", "contents": "relat links. pam owens, execut director joliet citi center partnership, leav becom director gaylord build lockport. econom develop plan go great road map (citi center partnership) board new execut director.. develop plan initi partnership, affili counti center econom development, citi joliet."} {"id": "16339", "contents": "septemb 25, 2015 sarah strickland. published: wednesday, sept. 16, 2015 11:39 a.m. cdt dian krieger spivak joliet citi center partnership take great pride event host downtown joliet year, draw thousand of."} {"id": "16340", "contents": "news. sign stay informed! receiv inform matter want it, way want it. click receiv emerg alert commun inform citi joliet."} {"id": "16341", "contents": "dole declar hawaii independ republic. spur nation arous spanish-american war, unit state annex hawaii 1898 urg presid william mckinley. hawaii made territori 1900, dole becam first governor. william mckinley us presid hawaii ad us 1898. becam state eisenhow august 1959. captain jame cook 'discovered' hawaii 1778."} {"id": "16342", "contents": "us busi leader want hawaii annex unit state would improv trade pacif rim countries. hawaii becam state august 21, 1959."} {"id": "16343", "contents": "territori hawaii hawaii territori organ incorpor territori unit state exist juli 7, 1898, august 21, 1959, territori admit union fiftieth u.s. state, state hawaii. upon overthrow queen lili\u02bbuokalani 1893, committe safeti led lorrin a. thurston establish provision govern hawaii govern island transit expect annex unit states."} {"id": "16344", "contents": "juli 12, 1898, joint resolut pass hawaiian island offici annex unit states. hawaiian island well-establish cultur long histori self-govern captain jame cook, first european explor set foot hawaii, land 1778. 1893 last monarch hawaii, queen lili'uokalani, overthrown parti businessmen, impos provision government. soon after, presid benjamin harrison submit treati annex hawaiian island u.s. senat ratification."} {"id": "16345", "contents": "background. hawaiian island formal annex unit state 1898, event mark end lengthi intern struggl nativ hawaiian white american businessmen control hawaiian government. 1893 last monarch hawaii, queen lili'uokalani, overthrown parti businessmen, impos provision government. soon after, presid benjamin harrison submit treati annex hawaiian island u.s. senat ratification."} {"id": "16346", "contents": "america' annex hawaii 1898 extend u.s. territori pacif highlight result econom integr rise unit state pacif ic power. 1800s, leader washington concern hawaii might becom part european nation' empire. william mckinley us presid hawaii ad us 1898. becam state eisenhow august 1959. captain jame cook 'discovered' hawaii 1778."} {"id": "16347", "contents": "spur nation arous spanish-american war, unit state annex hawaii 1898 urg presid william mckinley. hawaii made territori 1900, dole becam first governor. annex hawaii, 1898. america' annex hawaii 1898 extend u.s. territori pacif highlight result econom integr rise unit state pacif power. 1800s, leader washington concern hawaii might becom part european nation' empir"} {"id": "16348", "contents": "ali'iolani hale, complet 1874, home hawaiian legislatur day annexation. judiciari histori center. time unit state got seriou look beyond border conquer new lands, much world alreadi claimed. distant territori africa asia remot island pacif remain free imperi grasp. hawaii one plum."} {"id": "16349", "contents": "citizen republ hawaii becam american citizen territori hawaii. even though annex hawaii establish territori unit states, citizen still allow vote u.s. presidenti elections."} {"id": "16350", "contents": "somehow, intens aquacultur seem avoid close scrutini econom diminish returns. basic cost low manag catfish production, feed ($630; $0.14/lb) fingerl ($225; $0.15/fish), would $855/acre. low density, autumn stock combin temperature-bas feed substanti increas channel catfish fingerl weight subesequ spring. advanc spring fingerl size (0.19-lb) allow product 1.45-lb food-fish (1343 fish/acre) 180 days."} {"id": "16351", "contents": "number pound catfish produc per acr increases, cost produc pound fish increases. catfish yield 4500 lb/acr requir signific extern inputs: energi (e.g. aeration), chemicals, antibiotics, feed, time, labor, etc. addit input cost money cut potenti profits. low density, autumn stock combin temperature-bas feed substanti increas channel catfish fingerl weight subesequ spring. advanc spring fingerl size (0.19-lb) allow product 1.45-lb food-fish (1343 fish/acre) 180 days."} {"id": "16352", "contents": "first-year product well-manag alabama crawfish pond averag 500 pound per acre. second-year yield averag around 750 pound farm produc 1,000 pound per acre. excel averag crawfish product would 1,200 1,500 pound per acre. produc rare achiev 1,500 2,000 pound per acr singl pond."} {"id": "16353", "contents": "example, 2007-09, averag per acr farm valu u.s. fresh-market field tomato product $12,238, mean farm 82 acr fresh tomato could farm sale excess $1 million."} {"id": "16354", "contents": "fish stock 0.5- 1.0-acr ponds. fingerl (0.1 lb each) stock 2000 fish/acre. feeding, 1-3% biomass, adjust accord standard temperature-bas recommendations. surfac water temperatur report large, local reservoir (lake barkley) use adjust feeding. low density, autumn stock combin temperature-bas feed substanti increas channel catfish fingerl weight subesequ spring. advanc spring fingerl size (0.19-lb) allow product 1.45-lb food-fish (1343 fish/acre) 180 days."} {"id": "16355", "contents": "pond small 0.25 acr larg 20 acr suitable. however, pond 1- 5-acr rang practical. stock densiti 1,500 fish/ac provid yield high 2,000 2,300 lb/ac annually. however, product cost could significantli lower small-scal practices. yield 1,000 lb/ac annual would home-us valu $1,200 $1,340 per acre. product level 2,200 2,500 lb/ac annually, retail valu home-us product $2,600 $3,000 per acre. estim 1,500 ac home-us catfish pond"} {"id": "16356", "contents": "1,000% product convent garden farming. robust, scalabl aquapon system world portabl farms\u2122 aquapon system. max out, produc 240,000 veget 92,000 pound fish per acre, use 95% less water dirt. local grown, organic, vine ripen veget freshest fresh tilapia, catfish salmon"} {"id": "16357", "contents": "worldwide, import fish speci use fish farm carp, salmon, tilapia catfish. increas demand fish fish protein, result widespread overfish wild fisheries, china hold 62 percent world' fish farm practice. fish farm offer fish market anoth source."} {"id": "16358", "contents": "ghost. n. 1. spirit dead person, especi one believ appear live bodili form haunt specif locations. 2. person' spirit soul: sick month final gave ghost. 3. return haunt memori image. 4. a. slight faint trace: ghost smile. 1. soul dead person, disembodi spirit imagin wandering, often vagu evanesc form, among live sometim haunt them; wraith. 2. mere shadow semblance; trace: ghost former self. 3. remot possibility: ghost chance."} {"id": "16359", "contents": "statu origin first use describ stranger newcom community. deriv pre 7th centuri old nors word gestr mean guest visitor, with specif translat stranger. first record spell famili name shown benwoldu guest. date 1100 old english name register, reign king william 11nd england, 1087 1100."} {"id": "16360", "contents": "male: 1. betsalel (\u05d1\u05bc\u05b0\u05e6\u05b7\u05dc\u05b0\u05d0\u05b5\u05dc): hebrew name mean shadow.. bible, name son uri one architect tabernacle, name israelite.2. bezaleel: anglic form hebrew betsalel, mean shadow.. bible, name son uri one architect tabernacle, name israelite. 3. itzal: basqu name mean shadow.4.molimo: nativ american miwok name mean bear walk shade..n bible, name son benjamin descend saul.\u2022 female: 1. senka: serbian name mean shadow.2. tsillah (\u05e6\u05b4\u05dc\u05b8\u05d4): hebrew name mean shade, shadow.. bible, name lamech' second wife.3."} {"id": "16361", "contents": "soul english name latin origin. actual word anima, mean anger, courage, essence, feeling, mind, passion, spirit deriv pie root ane -, mean breathe, root word anim anim derived. mahatma. european legend name fresh-wat spirit believ resid sacr spring rivers, mean either wonder sea-fog melusin depict like fish serpent waist down."} {"id": "16362", "contents": "ghost/spirit name generator. name gener give 10 random name ghosts, spirits, phantom ether beings."} {"id": "16363", "contents": "y\u016brei (\u5e7d\u970a) figur japanes folklore, analog western legend ghosts. name consist two kanji, (y\u016b), mean faint dim (rei), mean soul spirit..ltern name includ \u4ea1\u970a (b\u014drei) mean ruin depart spirit, \u6b7b\u970a (shiry\u014d) mean dead spirit, encompass \u5996\u602a (y\u014dkai) \u304a\u5316\u3051 (obake). like chines western counterparts, thought spirit kept peac afterlife."} {"id": "16364", "contents": "unisex: ariel: anglic form hebrew unisex ari'el, mean lion god.. bible, name appli citi jerusalem, name chief return exiles. apocrypha, name archangel rule waters. alastor (\u03b1\u03bb\u03ac\u03c3\u03c4\u03c9\u03c1): greek name mean aveng spirit.. mythology, name daimon spirit famili blood feuds, afflict vengeanc upon children crime fathers."} {"id": "16365", "contents": "first known use ghost. noun \\\u02c8g\u014dst\\. spirit dead person thought live unseen world appear live people. noun \\\u02c8g\u014dst\\. full definit ghost. 1. 2. disembodi soul; especially: soul dead person believ inhabit unseen world appear live bodili likeness."} {"id": "16366", "contents": "ghost names, spirit name name mean ghost, spirit soul. bright spirits, owl spirits, gentl spirits, evil spirits, guardian spirits, spirit warriors, spirit protection, etc. alastor (\u03b1\u03bb\u03ac\u03c3\u03c4\u03c9\u03c1): greek name mean aveng spirit.. mythology, name daimon spirit famili blood feuds, afflict vengeanc upon children crime fathers."} {"id": "16367", "contents": "wheat pasta tast great even better health. list differ type whole grain food pick next time go shopping. cereal. health valley organ amaranth flakes."} {"id": "16368", "contents": "list type pasta grain group. pasta often kid favorite. mani pasta often regular (refin version) whole grain like: whole wheat pasta."} {"id": "16369", "contents": "two type grains: whole grain refin grains. eat whole grain, bodi get nutrient found part grain. whole grain food includ oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread. refin grain process miss nutrients."} {"id": "16370", "contents": "grain essenti element healthi diet, eat high-fib whole grain may help reduc risk heart disease, ward diabetes, control cholesterol."} {"id": "16371", "contents": "food wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, product made food consid grains. grain high carbohydr provid energi brain muscles. grain creat equal term nutrit benefits."} {"id": "16372", "contents": "common type grain whole grains, barley, oat wheat germ. whole grains. grain types, healthiest would whole grains, primarili still contain parts: bran, germ endosperm."} {"id": "16373", "contents": "type wheat spelt, freekeh, emmer eikorn also becom popular. true cereal grain number differ type grain found within true cereal grain botan famili \u2018poaceae\u2019 includ wheat, oats, rice, corn (maize) barley, sorghum, rye, millet."} {"id": "16374", "contents": "follow list describ mani type whole grain find supermarket natur food store they\u2019r used. amaranth: ancient grain eaten centuri central south america."} {"id": "16375", "contents": "mbundu; ovimbundu (an ethnic group speak umbundu live western angola). hebrews; israelit (the ethnic group claim descent abraham isaac (especi isaac' son jacob); nation god chose receiv revel god chose make coven (exodu 19)). flemish (an ethnic group speak flemish live northern western belgium"} {"id": "16376", "contents": "answer: ame relat ethnicity, sinc name take charact language, region group identity, well histori famili social groups. thu commonli associ variou name certain ethnic histories. need three gener inform see common name association. still need geography, languag factor go ethnicity. list key factor given articl peopl group."} {"id": "16377", "contents": "flemish-an ethnic group speak flemish live northern western belgium. hebrews, israelites-th ethnic group claim descent abraham isaac (especi isaac' son jacob); nation god chose receiv revel god chose make coven (exodu 19). mbundu, ovimbundu-an ethnic group speak umbundu live western angola"} {"id": "16378", "contents": "patronymic, matronymic, ancestral. patronym surnam (those come male given name) includ benson (\u201cthe son ben\u201d), davis, dawson, evans, harris, harrison, jackson, jone (welsh john), nicholson, richardson, robinson, rogers, simpson, stephenson, thompson, watson, wilson."} {"id": "16379", "contents": "http://www.houseofnames.com/lucas-family... luca surnam surnam luca baptism name 'the son luke'. euerard luca record year 1152 hertfordshir willelmu luca yorkshir list yorkshir poll tax 1379. first record spell famili name shown euerard lucas. date 1153, regist knight templar england reign king stephen, 1135 1154."} {"id": "16380", "contents": "ethnic group ethnic social defin categori peopl identifi base common ancestral, social, cultur nation experience. term ethnic group first record 1935 enter oxford english dictionari 1972. term nation depend context may either use synonym ethnicity, synonym citizenship (in sovereign state)."} {"id": "16381", "contents": "richard luca alic pumfrett marri london year 1561. name origin latin given name lucas, form greek loucas, mean 'the man lucania, region south itali perhap origin name word mean 'bright'. name owe popular middl age st. luke evangelist. first record spell famili name shown euerard lucas. date 1153, regist knight templar england reign king stephen, 1135 1154."} {"id": "16382", "contents": "relat race larg group peopl customs, religion, origin, etc. associ belong particular race group peopl cultur differ main cultur country."} {"id": "16383", "contents": "ethnic background. genealogy.com. use indexes, need know name immigr approxim date arriv unit states. index, find differ type information, often includ individual' age port entry, well sourc information. individual' ethnic background usual found document list below. minimum inform requir find one documents, select name document. item list order least import"} {"id": "16384", "contents": "qualiti technician may use x-ray advanc sens devic examin machin imperfections. feeler gaug micromet allow manual measur tolerances. often, experienc qualiti control profession discov problem listen machin operating. qualiti technician qualiti control qualiti assur probabl hold high school diploma associate' degree. qualiti control inspectors, auditors, engineers, manag often hold bachelor' degre graduat degrees."} {"id": "16385", "contents": "career definition. medic devic technician umbrella term refer custom orthot prosthet patient prescrib physician. orthot consist braces, supports, correct shoes, devices, prosthet replac limbs. learn job duti medic devic technician. explor educ train requirements, employ outlook salari see right career you."} {"id": "16386", "contents": "qualiti technician inspect product assur meet defin standard durability, function, custom satisfaction, metric industri consid measur quality. qualiti technician qualiti control qualiti assur probabl hold high school diploma associate' degree. qualiti control inspectors, auditors, engineers, manag often hold bachelor' degre graduat degrees."} {"id": "16387", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic medic devic lab technician unit state $44,822, 50% peopl perform job medic devic lab technician unit state expect make less $44,822. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job medic devic lab technician make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job medic devic lab technician expect make less median."} {"id": "16388", "contents": "broadcast sound engin technician set up, operate, maintain electr equip radio televis broadcasts, concerts, sound recordings, movi offic school buildings. (inform foley artists, type sound engin technician, access occup outlook quarterli .). follow exampl type broadcast sound engin technicians: record engin oper maintain video sound record equipment."} {"id": "16389", "contents": "pacemaker/icd technician. cardiac pace wide accept treatment patient malfunct natur pacemaker, caus heartbeat fast, slow, irregular, present block electr pathway. addit life-sav procedure, pacemak implant restor regular heart rhythm improv patient qualiti life. pacemaker/icd technician train particip care patient requir cardiac devic therapy."} {"id": "16390", "contents": "requir skills. job medic devic technician hands-on one. anyon interest pursu career technician adept hand tools, strong attent detail, take pride craft devic add qualiti live patients. learn job duti medic devic technician. explor educ train requirements, employ outlook salari see right career you."} {"id": "16391", "contents": "electron technician help design, develop, test, manufacture, install, repair electr electron equip commun equipment, medic monitor devices, navig equipment, computers. electron technician may also work sale worker field repres manufacturers, wholesalers, retail give advic installation, operation, mainten complex equip may write specif technic manuals."} {"id": "16392", "contents": "audio video equip technicians, well sound engin technicians, typic need postsecondari non-degre award certificate, wherea broadcast technician typic need associate\u2019 degree. however, case may need high school diploma elig entry-level positions. (inform foley artists, type sound engin technician, access occup outlook quarterli .). follow exampl type broadcast sound engin technicians: record engin oper maintain video sound record equipment."} {"id": "16393", "contents": "may abl deduct interest pay qualifi student loan. generally, amount may deduct lesser $2,500 amount interest actual paid. deduct claim adjust incom need item deductions. limit number year claim lifetim learn credit base student\u2019 expenses. lifetim learn credit also non-refundable, wherea american opportun partial refundable. $2,000 maximum vs. $2,500."} {"id": "16394", "contents": "paid $3,500 qualifi educ expens decemb 2014, child began colleg januari 2015. claim $3,500 tuition fee deduct 2014 incom tax return. reduct reduc taxabl incom $3,500. jacki report portion scholarship incom tax return. figur tuition fee deduction, jacki must reduc qualifi educ expens amount scholarship ($2,000) exclud entir scholarship income."} {"id": "16395", "contents": "deduct reduc (phase out) modifi adjust incom $65,000 $80,000 file single, head household, qualifi widow ($130,000 $160,000 file marri file jointly). limit number year claim lifetim learn credit base student\u2019 expenses. lifetim learn credit also non-refundable, wherea american opportun partial refundable. $2,000 maximum vs. $2,500."} {"id": "16396", "contents": "maximum deduct allow $2,500 phase base upon certain incom levels. irc section 222 provid tuition fee deduct qualifi higher educ expenses. maximum deduct avail $4,000 phase base upon certain incom levels."} {"id": "16397", "contents": "effect amount incom amount deduction. magi $65,000 ($130,000 marri file jointly), maximum tuition fee deduct $4,000. jacki report portion scholarship incom tax return. figur tuition fee deduction, jacki must reduc qualifi educ expens amount scholarship ($2,000) exclud entir scholarship income."} {"id": "16398", "contents": "limit incom rang tuition fee deduction. maximum amount tuition fee deduct claim $4,000 per year. deduct limit follow incom ranges: $4,000 maximum incom $65,000 ($130,000 joint filers); $2,000 maximum incom $65,000 $80,000 ($160,000 joint filers); deduct incom $80,000 ($160,000 joint filers)"} {"id": "16399", "contents": "n/a. n/a. modifi adjust gross incom threshold phaseout begins, deduct $2,500 student loan interest. modifi adjust gross incom fall within phaseout range, limit student loan interest deduct prorated. amount interest paid student loan year report form 1098-e, box 1. maximum amount student loan interest claim tax deduct limit $2,500."} {"id": "16400", "contents": "paid interest qualifi student loan tax year file for. legal oblig pay interest qualifi student loan. file statu marri file separately. modifi adjust gross incom less $80,000 ($160,000 marri file jointly). limit number year claim lifetim learn credit base student\u2019 expenses. lifetim learn credit also non-refundable, wherea american opportun partial refundable. $2,000 maximum vs. $2,500."} {"id": "16401", "contents": "feder student loan interest deduction. deduct allow interest paid taxpayer, annual maximum $2,500, qualifi educ loan undergradu graduat education, subject taxpay incom limitations. feder tax law chang deduct automat adopted."} {"id": "16402", "contents": "maximum tuition fee deduct 2014 $4,000, $2,000, $0, depend amount magi. see effect amount incom amount deduction, later. jacki report portion scholarship incom tax return. figur tuition fee deduction, jacki must reduc qualifi educ expens amount scholarship ($2,000) exclud entir scholarship income."} {"id": "16403", "contents": "kimchi kimche tradit ferment korean delicaci made veget includ cabbag rang spice seasonings. nation dish korea stapl food sinc ages. kimchi low-calorie, high fiber nutrient \u2013pack side dish. storehous rang vitamin vitamin a, vitamin b1, vitamin b2 vitamin c. kimchi also rich essenti amino acid miner iron, calcium, selenium."} {"id": "16404", "contents": "kimchi eaten side dish appet also use ingredi varieti dishes. kimchi jjigae, tradit stew made kimchi, perhap one popular uses. kimchi also use flavor fri rice, stir-fry, noodles, sandwich even pizza. cabbag common veget use make kimchi although radish, cucumb scallion also quit common. hundr kimchi recip vari depend region season produced. kimchi' flavor. kimchi\u2019 flavor complex vari wide depend recipe."} {"id": "16405", "contents": "kimchi pickl cabbag cover hot pepper sauc popular dish korea. health magazin name one healthiest food world, also claim averag korean eat 40 pound year it. kimchi high fiber, low fat, pack vitamin kill bacteria. korean pride health impact kimchi, caus make outrag claim like kimchi prevent peopl get bird flu."} {"id": "16406", "contents": "kimchi raw veget becom natur ferment pure fruits, garlic, ginger korean spices. kimchi live food like wine cheese; older gets, deeper tast develops. kimchi preserv nutrient prebiot alreadi fresh veget self-gener probiotics. day two room temperature, need keep cold perfect tangi soda taste."} {"id": "16407", "contents": "kimchi red, ferment cabbag dish (occasionally, radish) made mix salt, vinegar, garlic, chile pepper spices. ingredi ferment tightli close jar subsequ serv rice, noodl soup everi korean\u2019 household."} {"id": "16408", "contents": "kimchi\u2019 flavor also vari length fermentation, veget use amount salt sugar. korea, kimchi serv side dish appet occasions. also serv daili meal use varieti dish like kimchi jjigae, tradit stew made kimchi. kimchi origin korea made wide array vegetables, ginger, chili peppers, garlic, fish salt. mix differ ingredi make well preserv winter season. common ingredi kimchi cabbage, radish, scallion cucumber. kimchi dish hundr recip vari depend season region produced. kimchi\u2019 main flavor spicy, sour umami. flavor also depend recip"} {"id": "16409", "contents": "kimchi (hangul: \uae40\uce58; [kimt\u0255\u02b0i] english pronunciation: /\u02c8k\u026amt\u0283i/), also spell kimche gimchi, tradit ferment korean side dish made veget varieti seasonings. tradit preparation, kimchi store underground jar keep cool summer month unfrozen winter months. white radish kimchi (dongchimi) anoth exampl kimchi spicy. wateri white kimchi varieti sometim use ingredi number dish cold noodl dongchimi brine (dongchimi guksu)."} {"id": "16410", "contents": "kimchi mild fiery, choice. mak kimchi, simpl kimchi, made cut cabbage, radish, scallion season past red pepper, garlic, ginger, sugar, fish sauce, salt shrimp, kelp powder. salt cabbage: place cabbag salt larg bowl. use hand (glove optional), massag salt cabbag start soften bit, add water cover cabbage. put plate top weigh someth heavy, like jar beans. let stand hours."} {"id": "16411", "contents": "kimchi known tradit side dish almost alway serv along side dish korean famili household restaurants. kimchi eaten alon white rice, also includ recip tradit dishes, includ porridges, soups, rice cakes. white radish kimchi (dongchimi) anoth exampl kimchi spicy. wateri white kimchi varieti sometim use ingredi number dish cold noodl dongchimi brine (dongchimi guksu)."} {"id": "16412", "contents": "averag hospit charg total knee replac (tkr) unit state $49,500. partial knee replac (pkr) typic cost 10 20 percent less tkr. main reason oper requir shorter hospit stay. example: averag 2.3 days, compar 3.4 days."} {"id": "16413", "contents": "don\u2019t insur pay knee replacement, it\u2019 wise research knee replac costs. unit state known wide variat healthcar costs. averag nation price knee replac 2012 $20,000 plu cost implant. implant cost $10,000. choic hospit oper facil biggest factor cost knee replacement."} {"id": "16414", "contents": "pleas tell get knee replac done north india like cost procedure? a. total knee replac done larg number hospit north india. specifi citi belong to. among major govern institut done aiims, lnjpn hospital, rr centr armi safdarjung hospit delhi."} {"id": "16415", "contents": "due high cost knee replac surgeri unit states, wait list unit kingdom, australia canada lack high tech medic procedur mani third world countries, medic tourism expect blossom ten billion dollar busi world-wide."} {"id": "16416", "contents": "dallas, texas, knee replac could cost $16,772 $61,585 (267 percent cost variation) depend hospital. similar trend also seen averag typic cost total hip replac procedure, averag $30,124."} {"id": "16417", "contents": "new studi publish 2013 journal bone joint surgeri (jbjs) conduct health economist confirm total knee replac surgeri cost-effect treatment patient end-stag osteoarthritis."} {"id": "16418", "contents": "start journal track thought feelings. journal help understand feel loneli better also great way reliev stress. get start journaling, choos comfort place plan devot 20 minut per day writing. get start meditation, find quiet spot get comfortable. either sit chair cushion floor leg crossed. close eye concentr breathing. focu breathing, tri get distract thoughts."} {"id": "16419", "contents": "happen among crowd friend even make love. pretti confus put game don\u2019t know what\u2019 go on. tip recogn loneli deal healthiest ways. 1. realiz loneli feeling, fact. feel lonely, someth trigger memori feeling, fact, isol alone. latter fun, even though sometim remind purpose. 6. find other like you. day tool ever find knitters, hiker kiteboard congreg get togeth share interests."} {"id": "16420", "contents": "tri find good peopl good groups. persist feel loneliness, seek medic help. might sign depression. feel lonely, consid take break social media websit like facebook twitter\u2014they help social relationships. get start meditation, find quiet spot get comfortable. either sit chair cushion floor leg crossed. close eye concentr breathing. focu breathing, tri get distract thoughts."} {"id": "16421", "contents": "licens mental health profession help understand work loneliness. feel lone may indic depress anoth underli mental health condition. talk therapist help understand go decid best cours action. get start meditation, find quiet spot get comfortable. either sit chair cushion floor leg crossed. close eye concentr breathing. focu breathing, tri get distract thoughts."} {"id": "16422", "contents": "lone peopl realli would love know secret get friends, secret overcom loneliness. dream need find someon care make happy, think again! 4. think others. take focu take interest person. queen mother said thing bore person. person bore haven\u2019t taken effort get know them."} {"id": "16423", "contents": "depress loneli common feelings, sometim feel becom overwhelming. step take control feelings. mani suffer depress feel powerless chang feel cours lives. thought greatli influenc feel behaviors, basi cognit behavior therapi (cbt). cbt shown success treat depression."} {"id": "16424", "contents": "find journal write in. journal use tool order analyz thought without outsid help. journal help identifi chang way think behave. practic also shown help decreas stress, byproduct depress loneliness. mani suffer depress feel powerless chang feel cours lives. thought greatli influenc feel behaviors, basi cognit behavior therapi (cbt). cbt shown success treat depression."} {"id": "16425", "contents": "5. focu need feel others, less attent lone thought feelings. walk street think myself, loneli hopeless all, stare sidewalk sigh myself. latter fun, even though sometim remind purpose. 6. find other like you. day tool ever find knitters, hiker kiteboard congreg get togeth share interests."} {"id": "16426", "contents": "feel lone plagu mani peopl includ elderly, peopl isolated, depress symptom sadness, isolation, withdrawal. loneli strike person live alon someon live hous fill people. feel loneli don\u2019t constant call action, need give push get back thick life re-engag other start feel better. strategi fight depress loneli help: make plan. someth anything. explor faith. bond dog. realist standards. think beyond yourself. reach lone person. call, don\u2019t post. make time relationships. 10 talk trust friend relative. 11 meditate. 12 explor therapi"} {"id": "16427", "contents": "wed, feb 12, 2014 10:54 updat wed, feb 12, 2014 10:55 am. photo clark pierce. 104 member first coast fire emerg servic (consolid na jackson-ville/n mayport) celebr feb. select command navi region southeast fire depart year (larg category). department' third win past four years. staff. elizabeth lynch first coast navi f&e firefighter/emt said cnrse fire depart year award indic goal-ori leadership na jax ns mayport."} {"id": "16428", "contents": "list webcam near mayport, florida, usa: (other place florida, usa \u00bb) webcam jacksonvil beach, florida, usa 7.2 mile mayport: webcam jacksonville, florida, usa 14.3 mile mayport: webcam brunswick, georgia, usa 52.4 mile mayport: webcam alachua, florida, usa 75.9 mile mayport: webcam orlando, florida, usa 127.2 mile mayport: webcam walt disney world resort, florida, usa 138.8 mile mayport: webcam brooksville, florida, usa 139.4 mile mayport: webcam-and operator-link open new browser window."} {"id": "16429", "contents": "904. mayport naval station, fl current use one area code area code 904. addit mayport naval station, fl area code inform read area code 904 detail florida area codes. mayport naval station, fl locat duval counti observ eastern time zone. view time area code tool."} {"id": "16430", "contents": "jacksonvil largest citi popul u.s. state florida, largest citi area contigu unit states. counti seat duval county, citi govern consolid 1968. naval station mayport navi ship base third largest fleet concentr area unit states. mayport' oper composit unique, busi harbor capabl accommod 34 ship 8,000-foot (2,400 m) runway capabl handl aircraft use depart defense."} {"id": "16431", "contents": "historysailor flock area surround present site naval station mayport 400 years. eas access inland waterway open ocean, earli sailors\u2019 interest region result import militari base strong tie community. mwr mayport deploy forc supportmwr mayport home \u201cthe finest resort first coast\u201d ... you\u2019r alreadi member. top-notch facilities, outstand custom servic high-qual programs, might expect pay lot resort-lik atmosphere."} {"id": "16432", "contents": "rlso se geograph area respons includ state alabama, florida, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, south carolina texas, well cuba, puerto rico, south america portion mexico."} {"id": "16433", "contents": "jacksonvil first coast region northeast florida center bank st. john river, 25 mile (40 km) south georgia state line 340 mile (550 km) north miami. jacksonvil beach commun along adjac atlant coast. naval station mayport navi ship base third largest fleet concentr area unit states. mayport' oper composit unique, busi harbor capabl accommod 34 ship 8,000-foot (2,400 m) runway capabl handl aircraft use depart defense."} {"id": "16434", "contents": "sermc largest command board mayport naval station, occupi build 1488 along basin make servic fleet efficient. sailor assign outsid electr shop southeast region mainten center remov rotor insid fire pump motor taken uss philippin sea (cg 58) prepar complet overhaul."} {"id": "16435", "contents": "privat famili hous (balfour beattycommunities) unaccompani hous (uh) personnel transfer naval station mayport requir contact hous servic center (hsc), locat build 289, prior make off-bas commitments. upon enter main gate, turn right onto moal avenue. mwr mayport deploy forc supportmwr mayport home \u201cthe finest resort first coast\u201d ... you\u2019r alreadi member. top-notch facilities, outstand custom servic high-qual programs, might expect pay lot resort-lik atmosphere."}